mastercontrol · 1 year
"Obsess about the most amazing things that could happen in your life!" ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
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stepsofmotivation · 2 years
Easy And The Fastest Way To Attract Abundance"They Kept This Secret From The Public" Dr.JoeDispenza
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Renovando Nuestra Realidad: La Revolución de Pensar, Sentir y Actuar
El renombrado conferencista Joe Dispenza nos regala una perla de sabiduría que resuena en lo más profundo de nuestro ser: "Si queremos cambiar algún aspecto de nuestra realidad, tenemos que pensar, sentir y actuar de nuevas formas, tenemos que ser distintos en cuanto a cómo respondemos a las experiencias". Estas palabras capturan la esencia de la transformación personal, un proceso emocionalmente poderoso y profundamente humano. En este artículo, exploraremos cómo este enunciado puede revolucionar nuestra vida, brindándonos las herramientas para forjar un nuevo camino.
En el vasto y misterioso lienzo de la existencia, cada uno de nosotros lleva el pincel en la mano, y con cada trazo, creamos nuestra propia realidad. No somos meros espectadores en esta vida, sino artistas consumados, forjando nuestra historia día a día. Joe Dispenza, un maestro de la transformación personal, nos ofrece un recordatorio esencial de nuestro poder inherente para cambiar y moldear la realidad a nuestro antojo.
El mensaje de Dispenza es simple pero profundamente profundo: si deseamos que nuestra vida se transforme, debemos comenzar por transformarnos nosotros mismos. Nuestra realidad es una extensión directa de nuestra forma de pensar, sentir y actuar. No podemos esperar ver un cambio significativo en el mundo que nos rodea si no estamos dispuestos a cambiar la forma en que respondemos a las experiencias.
Pensar de nuevas formas
La mente es la clave maestra de esta transformación. En nuestro mundo acelerado y lleno de distracciones, a menudo seguimos patrones de pensamiento rutinarios que perpetúan nuestras realidades actuales. Pero, ¿qué sucede si desafiamos esos patrones y comenzamos a pensar de manera diferente?
La revolución comienza en la mente, donde podemos rechazar las creencias limitantes que nos han retenido durante demasiado tiempo. Cuando elegimos conscientemente pensar en posibilidades en lugar de limitaciones, abrimos puertas antes inexploradas en nuestra existencia. La mente es un creador poderoso, y al cambiar la forma en que pensamos, podemos dar vida a realidades completamente nuevas.
Sentir de nuevas formas
Las emociones son la paleta de colores con la que pintamos nuestra realidad. Cada emoción que experimentamos se traduce en la vibración que emitimos al universo. Si queremos cambiar nuestro mundo, debemos aprender a sentir de manera diferente.
¿Qué emociones alimentan tus acciones y decisiones? La ira, el miedo y la tristeza pueden atarnos a patrones destructivos, mientras que el amor, la gratitud y la alegría nos elevan y nos conectan con la belleza que nos rodea. Al aprender a enfocar nuestras emociones en la dirección deseada, abrimos la puerta a un flujo de energía positiva que nos lleva hacia nuestras metas.
Actuar de nuevas formas
Nuestras acciones son los trazos finales en nuestro cuadro. Si deseamos ver cambios reales en nuestra vida, debemos estar dispuestos a actuar de manera diferente. Los viejos patrones de comportamiento nos mantienen atrapados en ciclos repetitivos, mientras que la acción consciente y enfocada nos lleva hacia la transformación.
Para cambiar nuestra realidad, debemos ser valientes y dar pasos audaces hacia lo desconocido. Cada acción que tomamos debe estar alineada con nuestras nuevas formas de pensar y sentir. La coherencia entre nuestro ser interior y nuestras acciones externas es el camino hacia la realización de nuestros deseos más profundos.
La transformación comienza desde adentro
La revolución personal que Joe Dispenza nos insta a emprender es un viaje interno. En lugar de buscar la felicidad en cambios externos, debemos mirar hacia adentro y descubrir el poder que reside en nosotros mismos. Al cambiar la forma en que pensamos, sentimos y actuamos, creamos una nueva realidad a nuestro alrededor.
No es un proceso fácil, y a menudo enfrentamos resistencia interna y externa. Pero recordemos que somos los arquitectos de nuestra propia vida, los pintores de nuestro propio lienzo. Si queremos vivir una vida plena y significativa, debemos abrazar la revolución de pensar, sentir y actuar de nuevas formas.
Joe Dispenza nos recuerda que la realidad no está fuera de nuestro control, sino que yace en el corazón de nuestra propia transformación. En cada pensamiento, en cada emoción y en cada acción, tenemos el poder de crear una realidad que refleje la belleza y la grandeza que llevamos dentro. Así que, ¿qué estás esperando? ¡Empieza a pintar tu nuevo mundo hoy mismo!
¿Quieres aprender sobre Salud Integral?
Te ofrecemos un programa único, de Sanación Personal y Formación Profesional, con las más modernas técnicas para promover la sanación integral de las personas: Tanto a nivel físico, emocional, mental, espiritual y actitudinal.
Diplomado de formación profesional en Coaching NeuroBiológico, con certificación internacional.
Solicita la información!
#Dispenza #Realidad #transformacion #sentir #actuar #JoeDispenza
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Cambiare ATTEGGIAMENTO Mentale - Riprogrammare l'inconscio scarica ora audio mp3 DCS dal titolo EGO ENTUSIASMO : https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/ego-entusiasmo-dcs/ #educare #programmare #subcosciente 🔴🇮🇹 FAI DA TE A TUO VANTAGGIO E A VANTAGGIO DEI TUOI CARI scarica ora audio mp3 DCS dal titolo EGO ENTUSIASMO : https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/ego-entusiasmo-dcs/ #ipnosi #ipnosi dcs #benessere PERFAVORE SUGGERISCI COSA VUOI APPROFONDIRE (ANCHE NUOVI TEMI ) E GRATIS NEI PROSSIMI VIDEO IL DR SARACINO PARLERA' DI CIO' CHE TI STA PIU' A CUORE E CHE MAGARI NESSUNO TI STA AIUTANDO O TI HA AIUTATO PER IL BENE TUO ED IL BENE DEI TUOI CARI GRAZIE CAMBIA VITA IN 30 NOTTI: Mentre dormi, senza farti rubare tempo ed in pigiama... https://www.amazon.it/dp/B08LNBH5NV/r... via @amazon LA TUA MENTE PUÒ TUTTO SE SAI COME FUNZIONA E SE SEGUI ALLA LETTERA LE ISTRUZIONI FACILI A PROVA DI NONNO A PROVA DI PIGRO A PROVA DI IDIOTA... Centinaia di persone nel mondo con Metodo DCS hanno risolto i loro problemi e aiutato i loro caro in tutto il mondo anche se non volevano aiuto... Ogni volta che ci tuffiamo a mare, c’è’ solo un momento di riflessione poi dopo ci si affida al nostro pilota automatico e si fa il tuffo... Tuffati ora... #ipnosidcs#metododcs#miracolo Agisci ora: https://claudiosaracino.com/vetrina/ Chi ti ha detto impossibile? Era un Dio? Era un guru bla bla? Era un deus ex machina? Nel mondo, migliaia di persone, a cui era stato detto che non c’era nulla da fare, hanno avuto il miracolo della loro mente, persone laiche e non. Dire che secondo la scienza ed il sistema non c’è nulla da fare, che non ci sono rimedi, che non è possibile non significa che non esista la soluzione: il miracolo della tua mente... La tua Mente è potente e può fare tutto se sai come fare... Mai dire Mai... se lo desideri, inizia anche con un solo audio mp3 DCS e capirai il primo potere del Metodo DCS... METODO DCS NON PLUS ULTRA NON È PER TUTTI ⚔🔥⚔ L’Ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale è per chi: 1 non trovato soluzioni altrove 2 per chi non vuole essere aiutato 3 per chi si vergogna di farsi vedere presso un guru 4 per chi ha paura di essere manipolato 5 per chi si rifiuta di essere aiutato 6 per casi impossibili 7 per casi dove i guru ripetono no no no Solo a te la scelta ma a prescindere dal dr Saracino, approfondisci il tema dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale trascurata dai mass media e dai poteri forti anche presso un professionista dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale della tua zona in cui risiedi... Se non hai voglia di girare cappelle, puoi provare un audio mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o di tuo figlio... Puoi partire da un solo audio mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o del tuo caro oppure scaricare più di un audio mp3 DCS per avere un risultato molto più veloce e che abbraccia più angoli del tuo o dei tuoi problemi... Molta gente sceglie di base i seguenti audio DCS: NO DEPRESSIONE NO PANICO NO PASSATO NEGATIVO MOLTO CONTROLLO DEI NERVI SALUTE ED ESITO EGO ENTUSIASMO magari sono partiti da un solo audio DCS cone NO ALCOL oppure NO DROGA e poi, vedendo risultati ed effetti spettacolari, hanno voluto accelerare il tutto ... Ascolta , condividi e commenta se ti garba con amici e parentesi... La colpa non è tua La colpa è della TV e della Tv Paura che causa a te e al tuo caro, tutto di più, dall’ansia, alla paura, alla depressione, alla tristezza, all’aia tua, alle dipendenze, alla droga, all’alcol e via discorrendo.... Immagino Non ci credi ma se riflettiamo un attimo, magari, ci sono molto vicino... Tutto è partito dagli anni 60 come spiego in questo video... Seguimi e commenta se ti va.... La bella notizia che con ipnosi DCS e autoipnosi DCS, anche con un solo audio DCS mp3 professionale, che fa per te ed il tuo caro che magari non vuole il tuo aiuto, puoi eliminare e cancellare un problema alla volta... Funziona, fidati, e lo dice un mentore oltre che un guru Non colpevolizzare e non colpevolizzarti perché la colpa è della TV Paura e non tua o di tuo figlio! Solo a te la scelta se cambiare destino... Metodo DCS è l’unico Metodo al mondo a prova di Pigro e pigrizia che non ti fa mettere la tuta, non ruba tempo prezioso a te e ai tuoi cari, che è a prova di pigro e pigrizia... Provalo e ti meraviglierai.. e scarica subito Audio Mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o di tuo figlio cambia con i Fatti e non i bla bla il tuo destino... Assurdo quanta gente si arrende a chi non crede che si possano ottenere i miracoli della propria mente... Parla e sentenzia il guru di turno e la gente ci crede... Mai arrendersi e mai dire mai... Approfondisci il mondo dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale e credi nel tuo potere mentale guidato dall’ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale... clicca ora sul sito e scarica audio mp3 DCS : https://www.ipnologiassociati.com 👉🏿Facebook👇🏿 https://www.facebook.com/ipnologiasso... 👉🏿Instagram 👇🏿 https://www.instagram.com/benessereip... 👉🏿twitter👇🏿 https://twitter.com/drsaracino 👉🏿Tiktok👇🏿 https://vm.tiktok.com/GKxqYj/ 👉🏿sito:👇🏿 https://www.ipnologiassociati.com Cambiare ATTEGGIAMENTO Mentale - Riprogrammare l'inconscio
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sheilamurrey · 6 months
Favorite quotes
I love to meditate on mantras or quotes until I observe thoughts slowing down. Primarily, I meditate on downloads I receive from the Holy Spirit/Ghost, Great Spirit, Creator, Source, or from my higher self, and many from Silver Birch (you have seen I have shared many of his posts before). Then there are quotes from TUT, prayers from various cultures curated by Nick Polizzi (of The Sacred…
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yourmoonie · 3 months
How to live in the end
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Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming photoshoot? Your exams? Sp? Or maybe an event that hasn't occurred yet?
I have got your back
1. Focus on your end goal and not on the "lack/circumstances"
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Our fave stickman wants to go to Barbados, but instead of focusing on Barbados (aka the end goal) he starts focusing on not having the tickets or not having the money to buy the tickets (circumstances)
His entire attention is on the circumstance and not on the end goal
“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” ― Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune
2. Thinking from THE end
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This is based on the timeline jumping method ( the thread, ♡ the visual thread )
So what do we do here?
Tickets are just the bridge of events for your end goal
We mentally go to Barbados and think FROM Barbados and not OF it
(That's how Neville manifested his trip, btw)
"Thinking from the end is the beginning of all miracles" - Neville Goddard
The art of thinking from the end is about internally seeing the world as you would see it if your desire has already been achieved, even if it hasn't physically manifested yet.
3. Not seeing any movement?
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The stickman has got a photoshoot at MoonMoon studio in 2 weeks
On top of that the stickman is manifesting their desired body
> Out of the blue, the stickman gets anxious about their desired body and how they would look during the photoshoot because they "can't" see the results in the 3D
"The journey is in yourself. You travel along the highways of the inner world. Without inner movement, it is impossible to bring forth anything." - Neville Goddard
4. Think FROM & AFTER your desire
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They become anxious about the photoshoot BUT
How can the stickman get out of that anxious state?
Instead of thinking OF the photoshoot, they will think FROM and AFTER the photoshoot
They will mentally imagine that the event has already occurred
5. How to get into the state
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And they ask themselves this question
"How do I feel now when the photoshoot is done?"
"Wow, I like how the photos have turned out. I look so hot,"
They mentally prepare themselves for the best outcome and it helps them to get out of the anxious state
Inner action is an introverted sensation. If you will construct mentally a drama which implies that you have realised your objective, then close your eyes and drop your thoughts inward, centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and partake in that action, you will become a self-determined being.
6. You are THE observer
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The Timeline jumping method in nutshell:
This is how you think FROM + After your desire
The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy. As a consequence, you affect the material world. - Joe Dispenza
“Imagination is the act of creation. Imagination creates reality." - Neville Goddard
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audrinawf · 24 days
Manifestations and triggers of the ego and old identity.
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Do you ever feel like whenever you try to better yourself that somehow your life just throws some drama at you? If so I’m going to tell you exactly why this happens and what you need to be doing.
When you try to manifest your new life you start to work on your self concept aka your identity. You start to asses what habits and beliefs you have currently that have lead to your current circumstances and life. You might identify which behaviors and beliefs no longer serve you and you start acting differently. The thing that happens is that as soon as you have this form of awakening and you start behaving differently from your current patterns your ego aka current identity starts to freak out.
I also want to note that I do not use the word ego in a negative or positive way it’s just a word to explain your current identity.
So our ego freaks out and tries to stop us from changing our thought patterns and behaviors cause if we change, that effectively means that we are killing the current ego. So in an act of self preservation the ego will attack you with doubts and fears as to why we shouldn’t change.
Let’s say you decide to change your self concept to someone that is in a loving and loyal relationship with a romantic partner. What your ego will do is that it will bombard you with every instance and painful memory in your life where the opposite was true in order to keep you from changing your beliefs.
Your ego will tell you that you can’t date or find the love of your life cause look at your friends, look at this person or that person.
You can’t find love cause the divorce rate is 50%. Romance is dead, dating apps have ruined romance and so on and so forth. The ego will keep feeding you as many negative thoughts and beliefs until you are so consumed by it that you forgot that you were trying to change your self concept.
Our self concept and identity aka our ego creates our reality. So when we try to change our self concept our current identity will fight tooth and nail for us not to kill it. And thus we have to wake up every day and fight ourselves. fight to break the habit of being ourselves (shoutout to Joe Dispenza for that phrase)
So when you start changing your patterns your ego is going to create situations and circumstances where the opposite of what you want is going to present itself and all you have to do is not react.
If we continue with the example of manifesting love. You might find yourself meeting men that are the opposite of what you want or you might hear horrible dating stories from your friends. What you’re not gonna do is internalizing those experiences . That’s not your reality. For every dating horror story there’s a success story as well, you just haven’t heard it yet. And either way you only need to find ONE good man so it doesn’t matter that there’s a hundred shitty men out there. That has nothing to do with you.
You’re gonna ignore anything that doesn’t serve you. The more you ignore the less these attacks happen. The more you focus on the new identity you want the old one will slowly starve itself.
So remember this. When you start to change your beliefs your old beliefs will come up to the surface. You might experience events and meet people that reflect your old beliefs. What you’re gonna do is that you’re not going to react to that. You’re just going to observe it and stay focused on the new reality you are creating. It takes time for the new reality to show up so you have to have faith and patience in the meantime.
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young-goddessx · 2 months
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shisasan · 2 years
Ten minutes of gratitude every day could heal you.
— Dr Joe Dispenza
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mothicbeauty · 4 months
Say these to yourself every day, all day. Remember you are not the voice in your head, you are what listens!
I am already rich and famous.
I am already loved and adored.
I am already unstoppable and powerful.
I am already overflowing with abundance.
I am already who I desire to be.
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princesssascha · 1 month
Most of y'all are always asking the same question:
"Can I manifest _ because I feel like I already have it but it's not here".
Just because you put a different reason in _ doesn't mean that it changes anything. It's all the same thing. You are not a victim and ONLY you can't manifest that one single specific thing in the world. No. That thing you want is not even real, you made it. You're the center of the universe and you decide what your life looks like. You can manifest everything. Get over it.
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funeral · 2 years
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The neurochemical relationship between the brain and the body. As you think certain thoughts, the brain produces chemicals that cause you to feel exactly the way you were thinking. Once you feel the way you think, you begin to think the way you feel. This continuous cycle creates a feedback loop called a “state of being.”
Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
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do not disturb🧘🏽‍♀️🤍🎧🎀
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sirenesolace · 3 days
‧₊˚ʚ the siren’s songs ꒷꒦ 🐅 ✷
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🍒 playlist with songs to boost your confidence/improve self-concept
🍒great for self-concept, sp/love, money, traveling and luxurious lifestyle, fame, beauty, and higher vibration
🍒my personal favorite way of manifesting with this playlist is have it run through the background as I’m visualizing (similar to day dreaming) in my head or on Pinterest! I also use it while scripting my affirmations.
🍒i wanted to share this playlist to facilitate and help people manifest their desires while using their emotions. i find myself listening to this playlist whenever i’m feeling a little depressed or wavering really bad. AUTOMATIC MOOD BOOSTER!!
🍒OFC!! i cant wait to expand this playlist and i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do!
LINK (spotify)
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godlytransurfer · 6 days
Hello my babies I am here to feed u after a long time after going missing mostly to X/Twitter lol and just living life. Today I bring you a set of affirmations u can record or turn into a text to speech, for ur sp to relocate to you with success so you can live together! I personally record affirmation with my voice these days and put them on a 10m loop. As I am extra dramatic, I used airplane cabin white noise as the background of my recording LOL. Anyways without any further due, here's the magic list:
I am accepting that anytime I fall in love with someone, they start living near me.
I am accepting that my person will gladly drop anything and anyone to be with me, and build a life with me.
I am accepting that my person is always open and eager to relocate to live closer to me, and to move in with me.
I am accepting that it’s an easy, effortless, quick, happy decision and process for my person to leave their old life behind in order to be with me.
I am accepting that my person knows this is the best decision we ever made. They are never wanting to go, and never will go, back to their old life.
I am accepting that our families and friends quickly and easily accept this change in our lives. They have nothing against it and are supportive of it.
I am accepting that it’s always easy and effortless for me and my person to build a life together, and we are always successful at it.
I am accepting that everything is easy, effortless and quick for my person to adapt and rebuild their life around me.
I am accepting that my person easily, effortlessly and quickly handles everything that is needed to stay living with me for the long term.
I am accepting that my person gets an even better life, friendships, job offers and salary when they live near me, cohabit with me and rebuild their life around me.
I am accepting that my person and I easily live an amazing and comfortable lifestyle together, everything goes well and we always have more than enough.
I am accepting that my person does all of this because they love me, I make them the happiest and this is what they truly desire.
I am accepting that my person is the happiest living near me and cohabiting with me.
I am accepting that my person loves to live where I live.
I am accepting that my person and I feel happy, safe and comfortable when cohabiting with each other and spending long periods of time together.
I am accepting that my person and I always have the necessary documents and responsibilities in check to successfully and happily live together.
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‘Hold a clear intention of what you want, but leave the “how” details to the unpredictable quantum field. Let it orchestrate an event in your life in a way that is just right for you. If you’re going to expect anything, expect the unexpected. Surrender, trust, and let go of how a desired event will unfold. This is the biggest hurdle for most to overcome, because we human beings always want to control a future reality by trying to recreate how it occurred in a past reality.’
- Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
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