#dmsp au
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I’ve decided to post some stuff from my other tumblr account, since im no longer going to be using that account for art anymore.
So if any of you recognize and of the pictures im going to be posting for the next week, do not fret. they are not stolen, i just am using a different account.
More versions of the same picture under the cut! plus also versions without shadow, and a picture of just the background without ranboo, plus also some wip screenshots of while i was working on the picture
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secretsandwriting · 1 year
Comfort Streamer
Part One: Lime Green Slander Stream
When a sick Dream goes searching for a stream to watch. He stumbles across a viewerless stream and decides to join, finding a new comfort streamer for himself and others and maybe play a little matchmaker in the process.
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Dream sighed as he adjusted his pillow for what felt like the millionth time. He was sick and to top it off, he was bored. Sam was doing his subathon but he had been watching it for a few hours already and needed something new. 
Scrolling through all the minecraft streams, he ended up down at the tiny streams. One of them went from 1 down to 0 before his eyes. It looked like they were just building something. It looked calm and that's really all he wanted at the moment, Hopefully they don’t get too crazy with him being famous and all. 
He joined and soft music playing with the sounds of blocks being placed filled his room. It was calming. After a few seconds Lemon glanced to her side and smiled. 
“Welcome! I’m building my base before I go mining.” She didn’t talk too loud, keeping the atmosphere just as calm as when she wasn’t speaking. 
Dream: What type of base are you building?
He could see the recognition in her eyes and the back button was looking really nice. 
“Just a little cottage with lots of flowers and leaves. Maybe candles when I get some beeswax and string. Either that or lanterns… or both. I haven’t decided yet. I’m going solely off vibes and what limited items I hav-” She cut herself off and looked down. “Hey, you want to see my cat?”
Dream: Yes!
“This is Murder.” She held up a black cat. “He poses no threat, he is however the sweetest little man with no thoughts in this little head and he’s probably inbred.” Murder just seemed pleased with the attention he was getting. “He’ll probably stick around for a little bit.” She set him back in her lap and went back to minecraft.
“I’ll be right back!” Smiling at the camera before turning it off and muting. Once everything was doubled checked to be off and silenced you sagged into your chair. Dreamwastaken was in your stream.
Dreamwastaken had been in your stream for over an hour.
As much as you would love to freaking out, you didn’t want to do that to him. He seemed to be enjoying the stream as it was and you didn’t want to take that from him. It probably wasn’t often he could join a stream and be treated as a normal person. Getting out of your chair to go refill your water bottle and use the bathroom before you continue the stream. 
It wasn’t long before you were turning your camera and mic on.
“I’m back.”
Dream: Welcome back :) 
Dream was still watching. Smiling at the sweet response you went back to figuring out how you wanted to build your base. 
Dream: You should put the enchantment setup over in the corner near the potions area
“That was the plan, the only problem is the doors are too close so it would disrupt the flow of the house so I’ll probably have to move the potion area upstairs and then maybe the enchanting table could go near it but I’m not sure yet…”
Dream: You should make the beds lime green
“Eww no. Not everyone likes the obnoxious bright green Dream.”
Dream: What? You don’t like the lime green??
“I like little bits of lime green. Like the candles. Just enough for splashes of color. Not too much or it will burn my eyes because it’s so bright. This is a lime green slander stream.”
Dream: :(
“You know what. I’ll compromise. I’ll go with the green bed. It's still green but not obnoxious. Deal?”
Dream: Deal
“Ok… Um, I think that's all for my house..” Running through it you double checked everything was done. “… I guess it’s time to go mining.”
Dream: You won’t be poor anymore!
“I’m getting really tempted to ban you.”
Dream: I’m sorry, that was really uncalled for and I’m truly sorry I said such horrible things.
You kept streaming and chatting with Dream for another hour before deciding to end the stream. Once everything was double checked to be off you shot out of your spot and to your roommates room. Slamming the door open and startling her. 
“Ry! Dreamwastaken was in my stream for three hours!”
“He was?!” Taking the unsaid invitation, you threw yourself onto the bed and started telling her all about your stream, everything from the first viewer who had stayed for 30 minutes (A record before Dream) and how he just randomly joined and stayed for the rest of the stream just chilling and actively chatting.
“Damn. Are you going to do anything with it or just leave it? If you really wanted you could probably get some serious clout.”
“I know, but it seems like he just wanted to chill and I really don’t want to take that away from him.” 
“That’s really nice of you. Maybe you’ll just end up being the streamer all the famous people like because you treat them like normal.”
“Don’t worry, If i ever become friends with Punz I’ll put in a good word for you!” Dodging the kick sent your way you went to find something to eat. 
Once the stream ended, Dream had gone back and watched all the vods on twitch and then the ones posted to your youtube, After that he went through all your youtube videos and tiktok. Three days later he had watched all the content you had put out.
One thing he didn’t find was any mentions of him in your stream. Most people would use it to try and get more people on their stream but you hadn’t. 
In fact, when he checked the vod, you had disabled chat so while you were saying his name, there was nothing to back up that it was him. It was like you were hiding the fact he was the one in your chat. 
In your next stream he had asked why you disabled chat and didn’t know how to respond when you told him it was because you wanted him to feel normal in your chat. After that stream had ended he started a group chat on discord with all the CCs he knew, sending her twitch link along with the clip from the stream.
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solsdraws · 1 year
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hanahaki-disease · 2 years
Hermit! Tommy fic I'm working on
Okay, so I've decided to share my hermit! Tommy fic here. I need feed back from people that aren't my sister (who doesn't give a shit about what I'm doing.)
I'm only posting the first chapter because the prologue doesn't make sense by itself and so far that might be the most completed chapter I have. If this does good, I might post the second chapter, but no promises cause I'm nowhere near ready to post the rest.
So here you go!
It was strange to be sixteen, Tommy thought. Nothing changed much. He didn’t wake up feeling any different than the day before, if anything dread sunk deeper into his stomach than the realization of aging a year. But none of that mattered anymore, not from where he sat. Below him was his little campsite of logdeshire. He could see his shack and the pit where his items would go when Dream visited.  He could see the horizon line. Where the blue sky meets the blue of the sea surrounding him, where the sun disappeared and onto the other side of the world. The side where the rest of his friends and those he considered family lived, far from his misery and the corruption he causes (as Dream would say.) 
It was easy to get lost in one’s head from that height. The air was thinner and the clouds passed around you with a soft touch that left your clothes damp and cold. It was refreshing. When everything below was suffocating and hot with everyone breathing down his neck for every action he did, the open sky was a nice reprieve that Tommy sorely needed.
Tommy wondered how his mother faired over the years. Having not seen her since he was seven years old, his mind often daydreamed and thought of all the different ways her life could’ve gone without him. He wondered if she was still alive, ten years have passed and he wouldn’t know how she passed or why. He wondered if she moved on and began a new family, one without him. Was she happier with them? Did she love her other children more than him? Probably not. Tommy doesn’t remember much of his childhood before Philza, he does remember her bright smile and laughing. He remembers the warmth of her hugs and the taste of the sweet buns she would get for the holidays. 
He remembers feeling happy back then, an emotion that seems to never stay with Tommy long these days.
But as he stared at the setting sun on the horizon, Tommy stood on his oak pillar. The one-block-wide pillar swayed in the wind, threatening to topple at any moment. Looking down at Logdesire below and the short shore between his shack and the sea, Tommy contemplated the pros and cons of walking off the edge and plummeting to the ground. 
On the one hand, he’d be dead as soon as he hit the ground. For a fleeting second, he would feel at peace in the goddess of Death’s dimension. The warmth of the void could remind him of his mother’s hugs and Mumza would be there–his second mother. So he wouldn’t entirely be alone. However, Dream can revive him with ease, having memorized the revive book. He’d also be stuck with Shlatt, Wilbur, and Mexican Dream in limbo for all eternity.  (He doesn’t mind Mexican Dream that much, it’s the other two he has problems with.)
Sighing, Tommy turned away from the sun, letting the last few rays hit his back. It was peaceful, warm, and calm where he stood, but Tommy took one last look at the world. He looked at the world he reluctantly called home these past few years and knew that no matter what he does, Tommy would always return. He will resurface from the water below and Dream will be standing in front of him, wondering what the younger blond was doing. If by some miracle he hits the grass along the shore and the world blinked to black, Dream would just resurrect him wherever he landed, expecting everything to return to normal as if nothing ever happened. 
So, with nothing left to lose, Tommy leaned back and fell off the edge of the pillar. 
The sound of the wind rushed past his ears and left him deaf to the world. The view of the changing sky was the only thing he could see as the ground rushed to meet him. The night slowly overtook the bright day just moments before, Tommy wondered if that was some sort of symbolism for something in his life, the last little bit that was left the closer he got to the ground. But instead of landing flat on the shore, the water of the sea engulfed the teen, enveloping him in a cold rush of bubbles. 
Air bubbles escaped his mouth the further down the water he sunk. Tommy thought he was dead, yet the pain in his chest from a lack of air forced him to open his eyes and swim up. He didn't think the water was so deep so close to the shore, he was certain that it was only a block deep. 
By the time he resurfaced his arms ached and his legs were cramping. The tightness in his chest didn’t loosen when he broke the surface of the water it made him worse. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. The air was different, it was thinner, mossier–there was something in the air around him that wouldn’t let him breathe.
“Oh my god!” Tommy heard someone say as he struggled for a breath in the water. “Don’t worry, I’m coming!” He heard splashing from behind him and shortly after the splashing, two arms wrapped around his chest and dragged him toward what he assumed was the shore. “I got you, don’t worry, I got you!.”
When he felt the ground under him, the mysterious person broke a potion above him, and almost instantly Tommy gasped for air. The world was bright around him, Tommy noticed when he was able to breathe, that the sky was at its midday blue and the leaves above him were too green to be natural. As well as the blurry image of the person trying to save him, though, in Tommy’s defense, his growing unconscious mind made everything a tad bit off. 
With the start of the rush of a new season still coursing in her veins, Stress happily worked on the walls of her megabase in the Dark Oak forest just outside of spawn. Despite the sun blaring down on her, the canopy of leaves around her kept her cool while working. The wind flowing through the trees was fresh enough for her to keep her signature pink cardigan on (it also let Iskall know where she was, just in case he wanted to mess with her.) Having planned her megabase meticulously this season, Stress wanted to return to her roots. She decided to make a fairytale-like, forest kingdom; something to let the fae-magic within her settle and quit being so restless.
Though a Dark Oak forest wasn’t what she planned on having her base in, it fit the theme pretty well and looked pretty in candlelight. If she had built her base last season in a Dark Oak forest, she would be the target for multiple mobs right now. Skeletons would’ve shot her from her mossy-cobble wall, zombies chasing her, and creepers–well, not much changed with the creepers, they still followed her. This season, however, with the new update mobs only spawn in light-level 0, this means the rude geezers won’t attack her as she works.
It was a blessing, but she can’t let her guard down so easily. The mobs that took shelter under the canopy during the night were safe and could still attack her. 
So when the sound of splashing caught her attention, the first thing Stress did was pull out her sword and run to the pond she had built a few days ago. Maybe a Skeleton fell in and was trying to get out, or a local cow tripped in? Reasonable guesses came to mind when she approached the source of the splashing. Not one of those was a young teen boy slowly drowning in the shallow water. 
“Oh! Oh my god!” Stress unequipped her sword and dove into the pond. Arms wrapped around the boy’s chest, tugging him up and to the grassy shore a few blocks away. “I got you, don’t worry, kid! I got you!” Try as she might, it felt like something was pulling him down into the water, magic of some kind that Stress didn’t quite know all that well. But it had a visceral grip on him and clawed at her arms, trying to pry her off.
“Iskall! Iskall!!” Stress screamed, hoping he would hear her. His base wasn’t too far from hers, just within the mountain cave a chunk away, but she begged to whatever deity listening that Iskall could hear her yells. “Iskall get over here!”
A second later the familiar bright green of his shirt flew overhead, “Stress! Wha-what's going on?!”
“Get over ‘ere and help!” 
Together they were able to free the kid from the water. Iskall’s arms were decorated with new scrapes and cuts that would take a while to heal, Stress was no better off. The magic claws dug deeper into her than it had on him, and Stress knew that she would have scars for a few years. But when they looked at the kid, their injuries seemed like mere bruises in comparison.
Despite being in the water only a few seconds ago, the kid was covered from head to toe in grime and scorch marks. His shirt which was once white had holes and hastily sewn seams as if it was the only shirt he ever owned, patches of different colors decorated a large portion on his side and back as if it was ripped away or burned off. 
“C’mon,” Stress stood up, wrapping one of the kid’s arms around her shoulders. “We’ve got to take him inside, he doesn’t look too good.”
Iskall grabbed ahold of the kid's other arm and dragged him towards the incomplete castle. Don’t get him wrong, Iskall was a strong guy, he was one of the strongest on the server and it should’ve been at least a little bit of a struggle to take the kid inside. But it was like the kid hardly weighed anything. He was nothing but skin and bones and a shirt that hung very loose on his body
“I got a bed over here,” Stress lead them to a magenta bed tucked away in a secluded corner of the castle. “Easy, easy, easy Iskall! You’re going to hurt him!”
“I barely put him on the bed!” He shot back. “How’d he even get here?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “But we need to get Xisuma over here because there’s no chat message saying that he joined the server.”
“You think he glitched here?”
“Only X would know.”
“I’ll go get him.” Iskall launched a rocket and flew off, the admin’s base in mind.
Stress took this opportunity to heal as much of the boy as she could. Step one, clean the injured person. Taking the first aid sponges out of her ender chest, she began to wipe off as much of the dried blood and dirt that covered his body. The bucket of water next to her grew more and more murky and brown as she wiped him down, and it was only from the exposed skin on his legs, arms, and face. She would hate to see what would be under his shirt. 
Thankfully Stress still had clean bandages, especially the health and regen-soaked ones, void knows those will come in handy. Carefully, Stress wrapped his injuries with the bandages hoping the potion would do its magic and heal his injuries. She tried to be gentle with him but moving a dead-to-the-world body was difficult. His limp body would sway against her and his hand almost smacked her at least twice. 
“Stress, who is this?” Her admin’s voice shook Stress out of her thoughts. 
“I don’t know,” She said and placed a damp towel on his forehead, hoping it would cool him off. “I was building the roof of my castle when I heard splashing in the pond., I thought it was a mob or something that got stuck, but when I went to see what it was, it was just him.”
Xisuma walked up to the kid, crouching to see if he was awake, but was only met with slow breaths and barely audible murmurs. The admin couldn’t make out his mumbling, but whatever he was dreaming about wasn’t pleasant. Now and then his eyebrows would furrow and Xisuma wondered what was going on in his head.
“My guess is that he came from a hardcore server where a magical deity took pity on him and gave him a portal here but the other deity of his server said “no” and tried to keep him there,” Iskall joked. “And that’s why we were struggling to save him.”
The other two hermits in the room gave a pointed look to the swede. “It was supposed to be a joke.”
Xisuma searched his pockets, hoping that a certain device was with him. “Stress, did you guys know if the kid had a Comm with him?”
“You’re not gonna search through his code are you?” Stress stood up. “You know that’s an invasion of player privacy! He has to be awake for you to access that, and you know it!”
The admin looked from the boy to his hermit, she was right. A player’s code was their entire being, it was what allowed them to be them, and it was only accessible to an admin if a player allowed it. Trespassing into someone’s code without consent went against the first rule of the Admin Ordinance–rules and restrictions that must be followed precisely to be an admin. Xisuma had never gone against the rules, never wanting to see what would happen if he didn't follow them, but he had heard stories. Stories of Admins being ripped apart by their code for disobeying the laws, admins locked away in abandoned worlds for their crimes to wither away and die. He remembers learning about the first admin who broke the rules, the code that made them human was stripped from them, leaving them a husk of their former selves in a world to rot away. 
“I wasn’t going to do that, Stress,” Xisuma says. “I know better.” He brings up the admin controls, a screen of jumbled numbers and letters that made no sense to the others in the room. “I was going to inspect the firewall that protected the server and see if there was a hole that let him in. If not that, then maybe there’s a bug somewhere in your base that let him through.”
“What if none of that’s true?” Iskall asks.
“Then we wait till he wakes up so I can sieve through his code–if he lets me,” Xisuma answers. “Hopefully, by then, I’ll be able to figure out how he got here and where he came from. But for now, Stress, make sure he stays alive and wakes up.”
“No guarantees, Xisuma,” she says. “From what I can tell, he’s malnourished and severely dehydrated. His scars are from battles most of us have fought before we came here. This kid has been through some things, and if I’m right, you won’t like it.”
“Just do what you can,” Xisuma says. “I’ll tell Doc to bring some more potions on his way over here.”
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the-final-sif · 2 years
which of your dreams are the most insane. can you rank them?
Insanity is a tough thing to rank, particularly how with with my c!Dream's in particular it can really come down to a matter of perspective. There's an argument to be made that my Eldritch c!Dream is perfectly sane based on what his perspective on life and his experiences. His inhuman nature makes it hard to grade him against any others. At some point, this question is nearly impossible to answer.
Anyways, the ranking goes:
Dreamon Improv c!Dream
Literally all the rest are so far below him that their rankings are functionally identical. You can't tell where they are. You need a fucking log scale to compare the rest of them to him.
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gingerbreadpopsolo · 2 years
RIP to all the fanworks that went unfinished/unpublished because the series threw a curveball in lore and it didn't age well
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round-boys13 · 1 year
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summoner227 · 1 year
I like both of them so lets make them together.
3 things that you’ll need to know : 
   -I wanted to have the fear’s avatars to be closer, the way I have found how to do this without changing to much is to have The End complete the ritual. Everything works like normal.
   - Takes part of a more IRL world (there are more people in the universe) but the characters are based off of their DSMP counterparts.
   - Some avatars are closely related to other fears that they are often mistaken for a different fear than they are. Many avatars don’t state what they are of, and some even choose to look like others.
I will be working on designs for the people if you dear reader have suggestions on what person should have a certain avatar tell me. 
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lildevyl · 2 years
Egotober Day 1: Hoodie
DSMP Superhero AU  Phoenix Rising
Summary:  During one of his shifts Tommy wearing his lucky hoodie winds up having a chance to actually talk to his crush, Roxanne.  A Swan Avian on the Swim Team and in Tommy’s opinion one of the most beautifulest and very smart girls at school!  What can go wrong?  Oh Primes!  Why is his brother here?
TW: NONE! Just some good old Fluff!
A/N: Hi! I'm finally here! Yes, I know I'm late but school's been kicking my butt and I'm trying to stay ahead of the game! So, Egotober might not have as much this year as Whumptober. Actually not all of them will have a lot this year. Hopefully, next year!
(The Craft’s House)
It was Saturday which meant that Tommy due to his shift at the Cloudy Café here in an hour.  It was actually not that bad of a day.  Tommy woke up on time instead of missing his alarm.  Wilbur was home during one of his rare days off.  And Tommy got to have a cooked breakfast from Phil!  Techno was even here, although he had to head on out soon.  He had to “keep up appearances at the bookstore, so no one knew that he was Superhero” (the staff figured it out in a month but never said anything).
Tommy, wanting to keep the good vibes going, decided to take his “Lucky Hoodie” to work today.  Who knows, it might bring him good luck!
“You’re in a good mood Tommy,” Wilbur commented, noticing Tommy’s smile.
“It’s been a good day so far,” Tommy answered.  Then Tommy turned towards Wilbur, a question on the tip of his tongue.  “Hey, Wilbur, can I ask you something?”
“Sure gremlin.  What advice do you need from big brother Wilbur?”  Wilbur teased.
“You know what, I changed my mind!”  Tommy exclaimed.
“No, no, seriously what do you want to ask?”  Wilbur asked a bit more seriously now seeing the nervous look on his younger brother’s face.
“Wilbur, how do - that is - you see there’s someone that I,” Tommy tried to say.  He didn’t know how to ask his brother.  How do you ask your older for advice on how to ask a girl that you like out?
“You like someone, Tommy?”  Wilbur asked with a teasing grin.  Apparently Tommy said the last thing out loud without realizing it.  “Oh, who’s the lucky girl?  Or guy?  Or person?  I won’t judge!”
“It’s - her name’s Roxanne.  She’s on the swim team and she’s an avian.  Um, how do I ask her out?”
“Do you know if she likes you?  Or if she has someone already?”
“I don’t know if she likes me or not, but I know she’s not dating one right now.”
“Well, then, ask her out for a cup of coffee.  That way you can see if you guys like each other and if she likes you.  Worst case scenario she’s not interested and just says no, right?”
“Yeah, right,” Tommy nervously smiles.
Oh, Primes, how was he supposed to get the courage to ask her out for coffee?  Tommy Danger Kraken Innit-Watson, the younger brother and youngest son of the World’s Top Superhero in L’Manburg can’t even find the courage to ask out a girl he likes!  Glancing at the clock on the wall, Tommy quickly grabbed his bag and headed out the door to check the bus so he wasn’t late for work.
(The Cloudy Café)
The Cloudy Café was a Café/Restaurant that was opened by a former Hero, Puffy aka the Captain.  Puffy retired about ten years ago to raise her sons Noah and Clay.  She opened the Café as a way to occupy herself in her free time but at the same time have something to help try to keep her boys out of trouble when they were younger.  And also have a place for people to come to in the lower region in the City.
Tommy liked working here.  He wasn’t just Techno’s or Wilbur’s younger brother.  He wasn’t just Phil’s kid.  He was Tommy.  Just Tommy here, and Tommy loved that!  He was his own person working at the Café.  Tommy couldn’t be more than grateful for that!
Tommy grew up in the Foster System just like Wilbur and Techno.  Hell that’s how they met!  But when the three of them got adopted they found out that Phil was the Crowfather.  Wilbur and Techno soon followed suit but Tommy still felt out of place.  No powers and it’s nearly impossible even with his family’s reputation for him to become a Hero.
But here at the Café it was different.  It was different in a good way.  Tommy was just another employee here.  No one cares if you’re a Hybrid or not.  No one cares if you have powers or not.  All anyone cared about was whether or not their order was made correctly and if you could get it to them in an untimely manner.
That wasn’t to say Tommy enjoyed all of this time at the Café.  There were times where he wondered why he even said yes, to the Help Wanted Sign in the window.  But seeing as he’s making his own money and not relying on his family.  Being his own man while maintaining his grades.  Yeah, if all Tommy had to do was put up with Karens then Tommy was content with his life right now.  Next to helping out his two best friends in the Vigilante area.
The bell rang and Tommy turned his attention to the next customer to plaster on his Customer Service Smile, when his heart stopped.  There coming into the Café was none other than his crush, Roxanne.  Roxanne was a Swan Avian with silver-white wings black tips, gleaming beautifully in the afternoon sunlight.  Blond hair, dark eyes, sliver-white feathers with black tips around her ears and web fingers. 
Roxanne was on the Swim Team and was rumored to be up for the position of Captain of the Swim Team.  She wore a power suppressant during practices and swim meets proving that she was on the team because of how good of a swimmer she is and not because of her being a Swan Avian.
Roxanne was also in a few classes with Tommy.  Tommy had the pleasure of being partnered up with Roxanne and saw just how intelligent she truly is.  She even helped Tommy out a few times, when he was struggling a bit with the assignments.   And both of them got a really good grade on the assignment.
Tommy smiled.  “Welcome to the Cloudy Café.  How may I help you today?”
“Oh hey Tommy,” Roxanne greeted with a polite smile.  “I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Yeah, saving up for a car,” Tommy said.  “Also, trying to save up for college.  Dad said he would pay for tuition and books but everything else I have to pay for.”  
Okay, that was a bit of a lie.  Phil actually said he would pay for everything if Tommy got into college or a career center.  But Tommy just didn’t know what he wanted to do once he graduated high school.  He couldn’t be a Hero because he was powerless, so he was really trying to figure everything out.  But Roxanne didn’t need to know that.
“Well that’s good to hear.  I’ll have a Caramel Frappe please?”  Roxanne ordered.
“Sure, can I get a name for the order?”  Tommy recited putting the total in the register.
Tommy told her the total of the order and gave Roxanne her change.  Then he went over and wrote something on her cup and went to make her drink.  When Tommy was finished he placed the drink on the counter.
“Caramel Frappe for Roxanne?”
“Thanks, Tommy!”  Roxanne grabbed her drink and put a ten in the tip jar.  “Good luck with saving for the car!”  As Roxanne was about to head on out when she noticed the note on her drink.
Roxanne, I know we don’t know each other very well other than being classmates in a few classes.  If you're not doing anything and are interested.  Would you like to get some coffee with me next Sunday? - Tommy  PS here’s my number if you say yes.
Roxanne smiled at that and turned her attention to Tommy before she opened the door.  “I have to check my calendar, but I’ll text you if I’m free.”  Then she headed out the door.
Tommy couldn’t stop grinning.  He did it!  He did it!  He did it!  He asked her out!  He asked Roxanne out!  Oh, could this day get any better?
“So, that's Roxanne?”
“What the fuck are you doing here Wilbur?!”
Tagging: @tracobuttons, @weirdmixofweirdness, @luverofsupernatural, @ashedflower, @lunasnownature
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slimeyliveshere · 1 year
Diner ✨PT. 2✨
Words: 1589
Pronouns: she/her
The street outside of your small apartment was empty for once. Probably because the bright stadium lights bouncing off the clouds showed it was time for racing. It not only was just a simple so and so coming from somewhere tonight was the night of something big. Racers from everywhere were coming here tonight- your little town of Bodeen. Just off the coast of California. Known only for the high-class racers that come from it. Even if it was just 4 NASCAR racers. Tourist attraction? Not at all. Small town? Yes, sir. You currently are walking through the devoided sidewalk to the exact place you never think to find yourself on a date. The closer you got the louder the cheers became. Soon, you were standing out in a parking lot. How did you know your date was here you ask? Because this happened.                            [THREE DAYS EARLIER] Dazed, you sat there by the counter. Mary the fiery senior had a shit-eating grin on her face. "So, (y/n) where are you guys meeting?" Mary cooed, the grin looked like it was burned onto her face. 'Shit' your brain yelled at you to go and try to catch up with Tommy. But, he beat you to it. Just then he pushed through the doors sending the bell into a loud jiggle. "Shit! Sorry, (y/n)! I forgot to tell you!" Tommy shouted. You just sat him down at a table and brought him some orange juice and sat with him as he told you the details of the date. That's how you got into this.                            [PRESENT] "(Y/N)! Over here!" A man shouted over to you. As you got closer you recognized the man leaning on the dark-brown convertible. His messy hair was partly hidden by his burgundy beanie.  He wore a white button-up that was loosely tucked into a pair of tan pants held up by a black belt. "You look lovely," Wilbur tells you as you get within a couple of feet of him. You looked him up and down. Realized he was wearing a lanyard that read something along the lines of 'Bodeen Nationals: Manger'. "You look nice too," you return his compliment. A rosy color decorates your cheeks. "Not nearly as beautiful as you," he retorted, wiggling his eyebrows. Your face probably took on an even darker shade of rose at his laughing. He grasped onto your hand and started pulling you toward the arched entrance of the drag strips. He didn't take the normal way once you were inside he pulled you off to a side door that opened up to a set of stairs leading down. The corridor was dark except for the faint LED lights in the ceiling. Soon, Wilbur pushed into a large room with checkered flooring and cars lined up to exit the garage. The first car to catch your eye was the neon green car at the end of the lineup. It was one of the cars at the diner when you first met Wilbur. After looking around the room and noticed the same motorcycle from a couple of days ago. You lit up at seeing it. Wilbur laughed at your reaction to seeing his brother's motorcycle. The blonde on the other hand was currently sneaking up behind you. "WILBUR'S GIRLFRIEND!" Tommy yelled in your ear as he wrapped his arms around your neck. Wilbur jumped at the loud noise while you just flinched away from Tommy's yelling. Wilbur regained his footing and pulled him off of your shoulders. "TOMMY! What the hell?" Wilbur shouted at his younger brother gripping his shoulders and shaking him. You watch the brothers' interaction from the same spot snickering lightly at the two boys. "What? Is she not your girlfriend?" Tommy cooed, staring straight into Wilbur's eyes grinning. Even if he is an inch or five shorter than Wilbur he can still stare into his eyes. "No Tommy. She is not my girlfriend. Today she is just my date." Wilbur scolds his younger brother. "Yeah, yeah loverboy. Can I take her to the skybox?" Tommy asked puppy eyeing his older brother. "Sure I gues-," Tommy cut him off by grabbing your hand and running toward the same staircase you came down. He continued to pull you up the staircase and back out into the open. People split to let him through. Probably because this was a normal happening at the drag strips but, it was usually with his best friends. After pulling up about four or five flights of stairs Tommy stops in a hallway. It was lined with large oak doors framed with glass. Tommy dragged you to the very end of the hallway and opened the double doors on his left. The room was beautifully decorated with black leather chairs. To the back was a small kitchen with marble counters and black cabinets. The front of the room was a large sheet of glass that opened into a balcony with wicker seating and a fireplace. Beyond that, you could see the ends of the drag strips. It looked like a mansion resembling the apartment you live in. When looking around the room you completely missed the older man standing in the kitchen and the lady sitting in one of the leather chairs. "Tommy. Would you kidnap this time?" the man asked in a firm voice. "Phil, this is Wilbur's woman (y/n)," Tommy waved his hand at you, "(y/n), these are my parents Phil and Kristen Craft. "Hello dear!" Kristen spoke now standing in front of you and Tommy, "You really are just as beautiful as Wilbur said!" her voice was silky just like Wilbur's sometimes. Your face was a bright rosy color as you gave her a shy smile. Before Phil could come to greet you properly Tommy had already dragged out toward the balcony. He pulled you to the edge leaning over and pointing at something on the ground. It took you a second to see it was Wilbur standing next to a navy blue Nova. He was leaning into the open window talking to somebody inside the car. Another male stood outside the car leaning on the hood and looking around. Before you could stop Tommy he cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled. "SCHLATT!" Tommy yelled at the top of his lungs, "YEAH, YOU BITCH!" yelled when the guy standing next to Wilbur looked at the two on the balcony. Tommy stood there waving one of his arms at the male and, the male waved back to the loud teen. "Racers get to your marks!" a rackety teenage voice came over the loudspeaker. Wilbur pulled his head out the window and shook hands with the Schlatt guy and Schlatt got into the Nova. Wilbur jogged over to the tents set to the side of the drag strips and put on a set of headphones. "Welcome everyone to Bodean Nationals! Our first race is about to start so let's meet the racers! In the blue Nova, we have Quackity and Schlatt from down south. Next in the purple Hellcat are Karl and Sapnap from South Carolina and Flordia. Our flagger is Flordia from Gogy...shit...Gogy from Flordia!" the teen quickly fixed his slip-up. "There you go Tubbo!" Tommy said excitement in his voice. The Gogy guy raised his flags. One then the other. Once they were both above his head he dropped them and the cars shot out. They were right in line with each other till Quackity got a little lead. Tommy tugged on your sleeve and pointed to a motorcyclist in line with the cars. "That's Ranboo! My other best friend! Oh... Yeah, Tubbo is my other best friend he's down in one of those tents!" Tommy said pointing to the clump of tents next to the track. The cars kept close in line till the Hellcat leaned a little too far into Quackity and Schlatt's lane. Quackity's car span off the track you circle the Hellcat still going gaining a massive lead. The Nova collided with the wall on one side of the track. You cupped your mouth with both hands and Tommy's jaw fell open. "Please stand by," a robotic voice said as Wilbur and Tubbo came running out of the tents and up to the busted-down car on the other side of the track. Luckily one of the doors was still openable Wilbur forced the door open and pulled Quackity out by the arms. He stood up shakily but Tubbo caught one of his arms and pulled it over his shoulders stabilizing the short male. Wilbur managed to pull Schlatt out of the car and sit him on the ground. Schlatt's arm was bloody right side shoulder down. A white and red pick-up truck pulled up to the side of the road and a lady stepped out and helped pick Schlatt up and bring him to the car. Wilbur was gaping daggers at the Hellcat at the end of the track. He started to run over to the car as the driver and his comrade strode out of the vehicle and to the crowd of interviewers standing a couple of yards away. Wilbur stopped in front of Karl and started to yell something at him. It could be heard if you were standing in front of the TV like Tommy and Wilbur's parents were. Let's just say Wilbur started carding out a punch to Karl's face and it landed. Then he was removed from the drag strips. And then you two went and got milkshakes at the [DINER].
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spyxfamily sbi au where tommy is a telepathic child, Wilbur is spy and Techno and Phil are assassins and they have to get tommy into eden and chaos ensues
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secretsandwriting · 1 year
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When a sick Dream goes searching for a stream to watch. He stumbles across a viewerless stream and decides to join, finding a new comfort streamer for himself and others and maybe play a little matchmaker in the process.
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Part One: Lime Green Slander Stream
Part Two: Gatekeeping
Part Three: Ruinforfun
Part Four: Thrift Shopping
Part Five: Fuck Ohio: Foolish is ok.
Part Six: YLYL
Part Seven: Lemon Is For The People
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lustfullrosez · 1 year
Welcome to my blog ! ! ^^
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Requests : Open
Asks : Open
What I will and will not write
Masterlist (COMING SOON!!)
Rules for requesting
Fandoms I write for
What I WILL write :
Healthy Poly Relationships (specify if you’d like a request to be poly in your ask!!)
Fandoms in our fandom lists
Platonic Relationships
AU’s (my fave)
What I Will NOT write :
Minor x Adult
Teacher x Student
Drugs/Alcohol Use
Characters who are minors
Minors, pls, it's for your own safety/srs
You’re racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.
You’re a TERF
You’re a proshipper (ship minors x adults, incest/psuedocest [step-incest].)
You fakeclaim or dislike DID systems.
You’re a minor who posts smut.
Rules for requesting
I can and will turn down requests if they make me uncomfortable, or any other reasons. I may do it privately.
Read my will and will not write section before requesting! ! ! !
Please elaborate on requests! Don't just put "villain x hero", please elaborate more!
I write a max of 3 characters together at once!
I can write y/n fanfics but prefer to do characters x other characters!!
Fandoms I write for
Jojos Bizarre Adventure
Undertale ♥
Genshin Impact
Feel free to shitpost in my Submissions, just use common sense, please. for the love of all that is bad and unholy don't send me smth bad and use your damn common sense.
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theredcuyo · 2 years
C!SKEPHALO au Old memories
They have never met before that day, but for some reason, they feel like they've known each other all their lives, every little thing, like the way they like their coffee, common phrases... Skeppy even knew he shouldn't swear to Bad before he told him, and something made him just not do it, even if he thought he could have annoyed him with it
Bad... Always felt some kind of injury empathy towards him, it was seeing him injured, even if it was only a cut, and he could... Feel it himself, to a certain level even if he didn't had anything
And neither of them could explain it, but because of it they grew closer and closer every day, and it just felt like meeting someone you haven't seen in a long time, even the love they developed felt familiar, not unreal or anything, but familiar, like it was meant to be there since the begging
WARNING: Angst part of the story
Some days, Bad would woke up out of air, almost crying until he saw Skeppy next to him, just there
Totally fine, breathing, without any kind of injury or scar, in his always blue pajamas, with... Nothing growing in his face, thing he didn't understand why made him feel so relieved
Until he started to remember the nightmares that made him woke up, these blurry spaces, that felt strangely too warm, dizzy memories of a red place where he only felt despair and a bizarre feeling of longing for something he knew, deep down, that would never came
He would cry every time, and every time Skeppy would be there for him, until it was Bad who woke up when he heard Skeppy crying
He was out of himself, and had a stroke of terror in his eyes when those met Bad, getting away from him in instinct, but unable to know why, as all he remembered was pain and loneliness
Being cold, extremely cold and alone, with zero hope left for anything, until he couldn't care anymore
Being so lonely, but waiting for something, longing for something that always scaled thru his fingers and getting his hopes broken after getting it back just for it to disappear again
And, finally, pain. Only pain, the feeling or nothing else than pain thru every inch of his body, and wanting to scream but there was no one who could hear
Back on the fluffy side!
Before they were a thing, both called each other pet names on accident, it just felt... Natural and neither of them knew why
Bad one day started to mumble a song, that, strangely Skeppy knew too, even if neither of them could tell from where
Skeppy's first gift to Bad were cornflowers, he couldn't explain why those reminded him so much of Bad
Bar's first gift to Skeppy was, on the other hand, a water bucket "to keep him safe" he couldn't explain from what tho
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nekole-doodles · 25 days
For today's DMSP AU, Imma talk about my Fullmetal Alchemist DSMP AU, one of my many AU mash-ups! Here we go!
Obviously, this is heavily based on Fullmetal Alchemist(The original manga plot and the FMA: Brotherhood series btw) so here are some of the roles the characters have:
Tommy - Edward Elric: They both have similar personalities but one is tall while the other is made fun of for being short which is hilarious in my opinion :) Also, Tommy joined the military when he was 12-14 and he's currently 16.
Ranboo - Alphonse Elric: I had to think about this one a lot since Tommy and Ranboo wouldn't be blood brothers like in the original and Ranboo would not be a suit of armor. Ranboo is the adopted brother of Tommy and they're still really close. Ranboo's soul was transferred into a sort of large organic doll/chimera that was the experiment of Phil(who takes the place of Von Hohenheim, I'll get to him in a bit). It's basically a lot like C! Ranboo's body but it's incredible durable/has tough skin(as in bulletproof), can't digest food(the body will reject and Ranboo would end up having to spit it out), can't sleep, and can't feel anything(he can hear, see, and smell, but not taste, feel pain/feel anything physical). His original body is basically Ranboo in real life but younger. The body Ranboo's soul is in has a lot of complexities to it that will be explained for another time.
Tubbo - Winry: He's an automail mechanic, it suits him. He also won't hesitate to clonk Tommy's head with a wrench if Tommy gets careless with his automail. He's surprisingly strong(as in probably being able to pick Tommy up and throw him) and hates feeling powerless despite always being left powerless.
Phil - Von Hohenheim: Still immortal and still left his family. Tommy doesn't like Phil because he left them but Ranboo feels more neutral about Phil. Basically like in the original FMA. Phil's wife is, of course, Kristin(RIP). He also doesn't have wings. Idk what else to say for Phil, he's really similar to C! Phil and Von Hohenheim.
Wilbur(not related to cc! Wilbur) - Roy Mustang: It just fits so well in my brain. His title is the Dynamite Alchemist and yes, he is sane. He's a lot like L'manberg era Wilbur but much less naive since he's seen what war is. ALSO, his uniform is extremely similar to the L'manberg military uniform in C! DSMP(but without the hat), I just really like that idea :)))) He and Tommy have a similar relationship as Ed and Roy in FMA but if you added more friendship and fondness because I love Crimeboys in AUs and DSMP :]
Techno - Scar: I debated VERY HARD on this one between Techno taking the role of Scar or General Armstrong/Olivier Armstrong because both fit so well for me. In the end, I decided on Scar but with a different backstory. Techno is a piglin hybrid because I added hybrid races to this world. So far, there are Enderians(I'll talk about them more in another post) and Piglins but there might be more. Techno is an anarchist still and he's very strong and good in combat. I still haven't figured out how he'll gain the destructive alchemy ability but I know that at some point, he'll be able to do more reconstruction, even being able to change the physical appearance of a person(that'll be elaborated on later). Techno did not kill Tubbo's parents btw, so Tommy doesn't have as much anger towards him besides the fact he keeps trying to kill state alchemists and succeeding most of the time. When Tommy and Techno had to work together, they had some surprisingly nice joking moments but it still took a while for Tommy to be comfortable around him since, y'know, Techno tried killing him on several occasions. I think he'll still have the voices which will be a major part of his backstory that I'm still piecing together.
Okay, it's late and I'm tired so that's all you're getting right now.
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maid0fv0id · 1 year
imagine and RPF fic with the dsmp set in the world of darkness world
Techno would be a Brujah bc OBVIOUSLY I mean philosopher king, anarchist, superstrength, like ticks all the boxes, 11th or 12th gen been a vampire for a long while more than wilbur know what up and watches after will and tommy, doesn't get into vamp politic but knows the scene
Wilbur would be a scenequeen toreador bc like he's a musician like obv, near-flegling, starting to get his bearings as kindred 12th gen daily newer vamp maybe just less than 5ish years as kindred
tommy would also be brujah but almost thinblooded so he can decently tolerate vlogging and his powers r super sus v unclear if he's thin blooded or nah 13thgen, got turned very recently like after phil joined the dmsp
tubbo is human but tommy told him about his embrace the exact same night
I imagine when they findout abt each other its like the *spiderman pointing meme* "your kindred?! I thought I was breaching the masquerade!" "What your a vampire too?! thank god I haven't had to deal with a breach since that fan caught me feeding at a concert" "Whats a masquerade??"
Philza is actually ex-inquisition - I'l elaborate on this later
Mumza - Lasombra
Dream - Nosferatu- cAUSE ThaTS WHaT ThE MASk Is- tHATs What ThE pOIn Of The Mask iss
Sapnap - Brujah less like techno more street brawler
George - thin blood toreador but doesn't know it - ikr he's so silly
Fundy - grangrel need I say more
Quackity - Corporate gragret crawling up to top
Schlatt - the worlds worst ventrue
Karl - poor poor karl is a malkavnvian
extra - Mr beast is a ventrue lolll
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