#emotional development
k-renae · 3 months
+ let us all adopt this mindset
I edit, transform and reinvent myself ruthlessly. No seeking permission no giving apologies.
I am who I am exactly when and how I'd like her to be.
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wronggalaxy · 7 months
I literally popped out of the womb with symptoms of autistic burnout(OK not literally since I was a c-section baby, but you get the point).
Extreme exhaustion?
Really bad sensory sensitivity?
Bad executive function skills?
Inability to manage emotions?
Bad at adapting to change?
I've never been alive a single day, at least not since I was 2, that I haven't experienced all of those things.
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mirazai · 2 years
seven deadly sins and their causes
pride / low self-confidence, searching for praise
may want to be famous, may be obsessed with being publicly recognized and receiving credit for what they do (and sometimes, what they don't do). generally, such characters are difficult to sympathize with unless the reader is aware of their inner life. fix: develop internal confidence & remain above others' opinions
greed / insecure, feeling unsafe, paranoid
obsessed with what they do not have, to the point of elevating that desire above God or basic morality. often the desire is for wealth, but can be for anything, including friendship or love. depending on the desire, the character may be easier or harder to sympathize with. probably the most common sin i see in myself & others. fix: understand that anything obtained by subverting god/morality carries bad karma and will not bring satisfaction
wrath / obsessive self-hatred, feeling wronged
rage directed towards the innocent or a desire for excessive punishment. justified anger does not count. may manifest as violence, suicide, racial hatred. easy to sympathize with when suicidal or when the reader is aware of their inner life. likely difficult otherwise. fix: understanding the victim of the rage is innocent, or that pursuing excessive punishment/torture only harms oneself
envy / fear of not receiving one's share, scarcity mindset
not only desiring another's possessions, but also the desire that the other loses said possessions. taking joy in another's pain. such characters are often easy to sympathize with, if envious of another who isn't innocent. fix: realizing another's pain does not enhance one's own experience of life
lust / impaired higher faculties
harmful s*xual deviancy (adultery, r*pe, porn use). excessive m*sturbation alone falls under gluttony. often, such a character is animalistic and lacks human faculties for reason, spirituality, or connection. very difficult to sympathize with. fix: must leave behind animalistic nature and see s*x as inherently mundane (not the point of life). must understand s*x as an opportunity to connect with a partner(s), much like cuddling or conversation.
gluttony / using sensation to escape pain
overindulgence and overconsumption of anything. food, m*sturbation, television, music, books, or even indulging in self-pity. such characters use gluttony to escape whatever pain is in their minds. overindulgence fills the mind with sensation and noise so that one is not forced to rest there in silence. very easy to sympathize with, and also very common. fix: must remove the noise and sit with the mind/meditate. must deal with the pain. may spend life afterwards as an ascetic, or on the path of moderation.
sloth / anhedonia, hopelessness
little interest in life itself. such a character is more depressed than one who commits suicide, as they have no desire to even take the actions required to die. the ultimate form of trying to opt out of life. such characters are very easy to sympathize with as well, and often face a complete spiritual void within themselves. fix: only way out is to fix the inherent spiritual void. heartbreak and other momentary pains cannot cause true, permanent anhedonia. must believe in some meaning, either some form of religion, or a personal mission of some kind. any form of this meaning must be oriented around being of service to others, as sloth is caused by not wanting to live for whatever they were living for before (likely some false mission, or for themselves, or for an object of greed etc.)
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responsiveparenting · 2 years
“Mine, mine, mine!!”
When a toddler starts saying this, it can often feel like they are being selfish. But actually, toddlers, by nature are egocentric. Egocentric can look like selfish but selfish is being aware of others needs and choosing to meet your own, without regard for others. Egocentric (in regards to toddlers) is more about being unaware of others needs, not maliciously oblivious. There are stages of brain…
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iamfrankie99 · 1 year
Baby’s First Bloom
by ContraryBee
45k 18ch
Summary: Izuku blooms for Katsuki on an unassuming day in middle school while Katsuki is bullying him as usual. It changes everything. Katsuki can’t believe Izuku is his true mate. He doesn’t deserve him, such a candid, heroic omega but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t give it his all to be the best mate possible. It takes time, therapy, a lot of misunderstandings, patience and baby steps, but at the end of it all, it was always gonna be them.
Frankie’s comment: #Relationship goals. This fic is the very definition of emotional growth. Katsuki goes from being a brat to really truly being the best alpha he can for Izuku and they are so in love🥹
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bookishblueberry · 2 years
The Emotions Museum (born in 2006)
is a place of art, playing and fairytales, dedicated to the emotional cultivation and development of children, teenagers and all those who love inner explorations.
In March 2020 we were forced to close its doors due to the pandemic... And since then we have not managed to reopen them.
The costs that accumulated over the last 2.5 years, in combination with zero income, the non-profit nature of our organization, and the inability of the state to sufficiently cover damaged companies, brought us to a dead end.
The purpose of this campaign is to raise the required amount of money that will allow to the Museum to open again its doors to the public and offer its work.
So the road now brought us to the search for generous elfs, goodhearted giants and other creatures which believe that the Museum's work is worth surviving.
Will you be a hero in that fairy tale?
Please share and/or donate (if you can) so we can save the Emotions Museum!
* for more information click here: https://save-the-emotions-museum.causevox.com/ *
Thank you 🤍
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piyarisingsun · 2 years
Sorting of Emotions
Do you find yourself in a brainstrom, thinking of what to say & when to say. All the juggling emtions of a moment which does come with a certain phase of situation but still there is some sort of disturbance which you cannot explain. Well that’s an Issue of Sorting your emotions. We humans have all these different kind of emotions which are distinguished for certain situations & phases of life…
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marigoldcademy · 5 days
Every parent faces the challenge of managing their child’s tantrums. These emotional outbursts can test your patience, but they also offer an opportunity to teach important lessons about managing emotions and resilience. Here are some effective strategies to help you calmly and constructively handle tantrums, ensuring peace and understanding in your home.
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It is common for parents and their children to clash over a seemingly endless list of issues, leading to conflicts. But talking to kids can help change that.
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theconnectiongarden · 2 months
Rediscovering the One You Loved: Simple Ways to Reconnect and Reignite Your Relationship
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Have you ever found yourself looking at your partner, the person you've shared hopes, dreams, and countless memories with, and felt like somewhere along the way, you lost that deep connection? That spark that once set your heart aflutter has dimmed, and you find yourselves drifting through the motions of everyday life, like two ships passing in the night.
It's a feeling that can creep up on even the most devoted couples, the comfort of routine gradually replacing the thrill of discovery. But here's the thing, that connection you once had isn't gone, it's simply been obscured by the demands of life. The good news? With a little intentionality and a willingness to be vulnerable, you can reignite that flame and rediscover the depths of your relationship.
From personal experience, my partner and I found ourselves in that all-too-familiar rut. We were physically present but emotionally distant, our conversations were reduced to logistics and surface-level small talk. It wasn't until we decided to prioritize rediscovering each other that we were able to break free from that cycle.
One of the most powerful tools in our reconnection journey was asking thought-provoking questions. These weren't your typical "how was your day?" inquiries, but rather questions that delved into our hopes, fears, and life experiences. Questions like, "If you could relive any day from our past, which one would it be and why?" or "What's one thing you've always wanted to try, but haven't had the chance to?"
At first, it felt a bit awkward and forced, but as we allowed ourselves to be vulnerable and truly listened to each other's answers, something shifted. We began to uncover new layers of each other, rediscovering the qualities and quirks that had initially drawn us together.
Another game-changer for us was actively seeking out new experiences together. We made a pact to try something new every month, whether it was taking a cooking class, exploring a different part of town, or even just trying a new restaurant outside of our usual spots. These shared adventures brought new excitement and freshness to our relationship, reminding us of the joy we once felt in discovering new things together.
Of course, the journey wasn't always easy. There were moments of frustration, misunderstandings, and the occasional stumble. But by committing to open communication, empathy, and a willingness to grow together, we were able to navigate those challenges and emerge with a deeper appreciation and understanding of one another.
If you're feeling disconnected from your partner, know that you're not alone. Rediscovering that spark is a journey, but one that is well worth the effort. It's about being intentional, vulnerable, and embracing the adventure of rediscovering the person you fell in love with.
And if you need a little extra guidance along the way, consider picking up a resource like the "Couples & Relationship Therapy Workbook." While not a replacement for professional therapy, it offers a wealth of prompts, exercises, and insights designed to enhance communication, foster empathy, and reignite that flame of intimacy.
So, take a chance. Be bold. Ask those thought-provoking questions, seek out new experiences, and prioritize quality time together. The journey of rediscovering your partner is one filled with self-discovery, growth, and the opportunity to fall in love all over again. What could be more rewarding than that?
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k-renae · 2 months
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wronggalaxy · 8 months
If I tried hard enough and did a million therapies(mental, physical, occupational, etc.) then I could be a 'normal' person. I could go more than twelve hours without a meltdown or panic attack, I could order at restaurants, I could defend myself, I could improve my quality of life/life expectancy, I could get rid of some of my disabilities, I could cook and clean and care for myself, etc. But, I don't want to.
I don't want to do therapies, I don't want to use accommodations, I don't want to be physically or emotionally or mentally healthy.
I want someone to cook for me, feed me, change me. I want to be reliant on someone to exist.
Why do I have to waste time and money and energy just to be alone forever?
Will they love me? No. Will they resent me? Yes. But will I have anyone without them? No.
I don't care if they abuse me, starve me, leave me sitting in my own waste for hours, etc. it's nothing I haven't experienced before. As long as they don't leave me I don't care.
Humans are social creatures, I can't be alone. Don't make me be alone.
Independence is a one way ticket to being alone, so I can't be independent.
I'm not social or funny or witty enough to make friends. I don't have any safe family. I expect my boyfriend to break up with me within the next few months.
If I don't have a carer I'll have no one.
I hate being alone. And I'm not developed enough to be alone, but becoming developed enough to be alone will make me alone.
I guess I could handle it then, but I don't want to.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that if you forced an 8 year old with poor social and emotional regulation skills to learn a lot about how shitty the world is(climate change, racism, etc.), then mixed in some mental health conditions and various disabilities, you'd get me. Except I'm halfway through high school, I'm supposed to be better than this.
I want to be worse.
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Unveiling Excellence: Best ABA Therapist in Miami
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When it comes to ABA therapy in Miami, Florida, selecting the right therapist is crucial for your child’s progress. The first factor to consider is the therapist’s expertise in Behavioral Therapy. An adept therapist understands the unique needs of each child, tailoring interventions to foster positive behaviors effectively.
Learn More: http://www.littlebluebeesbehaviortherapy.com/unveiling-excellence-best-aba-therapist-in-miami
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jaydental · 2 months
Navigating the Turbulent Waters: Understanding Adolescent Psychology
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Adolescence marks a pivotal phase in human development, characterized by significant physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. It's a time of exploration, self-discovery, and sometimes turbulence. Understanding the intricate workings of adolescent psychology is crucial for parents, educators, and mental health professionals alike. In this article, we delve into the complexities of adolescence psychology, exploring its various facets and offering insights into supporting adolescents through this transformative period.
The Journey of Adolescence:
Adolescence typically spans the ages of 10 to 19, encompassing the transition from childhood to adulthood. This period is marked by rapid physical growth, hormonal fluctuations, and the onset of puberty. However, adolescence is not solely defined by biological changes; it's also a time of immense psychological development.
Identity Formation:
One of the central tasks of adolescence is identity formation. Adolescents grapple with questions of who they are, what they believe in, and where they fit into society. This quest for self-definition can lead to experimentation with different roles, values, and peer groups. While this process is essential for individuation, it can also result in identity confusion and internal conflict.
Peer Influence:
Peer relationships play a significant role in adolescent development. Adolescents often turn to their peers for validation, acceptance, and social support. Peer influence can be both positive and negative, shaping attitudes, behaviors, and decision-making. Navigating peer dynamics can be challenging, especially when faced with peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors.
Emotional Rollercoaster:
Adolescence is renowned for its emotional intensity. Fluctuating hormones, increased cognitive abilities, and changing social dynamics contribute to heightened emotional experiences. Adolescents may struggle to regulate their emotions, leading to mood swings, irritability, and conflict with others. Understanding the underlying factors driving these emotional upheavals is essential for providing effective support.
Risk-Taking Behavior:
Adolescents are notorious for engaging in risky behaviors such as substance abuse, reckless driving, and unprotected sex. These behaviors often stem from a combination of factors, including peer influence, sensation-seeking tendencies, and a still-developing prefrontal cortex, which governs decision-making and impulse control. Educating adolescents about the consequences of their actions and promoting healthy coping strategies is crucial for mitigating risk-taking behavior.
Mental Health Concerns:
Adolescence is a vulnerable period for the onset of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Biological, environmental, and psychosocial factors can all contribute to the development of these conditions. Early intervention and access to mental health resources are essential for addressing adolescent mental health concerns and promoting resilience.
Supporting Adolescent Well-being:
Supportive relationships with parents, educators, and mentors are invaluable for adolescent well-being. Open communication, empathy, and validation can help adolescents navigate the challenges of adolescence with greater resilience. Encouraging healthy coping mechanisms, fostering a sense of belonging, and providing opportunities for autonomy and self-expression are also vital components of supporting adolescent development.
Available support for mental health in Geelong, Australia
The Greater Geelong Psychology Clinic stands as a beacon of support for mental health in Geelong, Australia. With a dedicated team of experienced psychologists, the clinic offers a range of therapeutic services tailored to meet the diverse needs of the community. From individual counseling to group therapy sessions, they provide a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can explore their emotions, overcome challenges, and foster resilience. Additionally, the clinic emphasizes the importance of holistic well-being, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying factors contributing to mental health issues. Through evidence-based interventions and compassionate care, the Psychologist in Geelong plays a vital role in promoting mental wellness and enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals in the Geelong region.
Adolescence is a period of immense growth, change, and exploration. By understanding the complexities of adolescent psychology, we can better support adolescents as they navigate the challenges of this transformative phase. Through empathy, guidance, and meaningful connections, we can help adolescents thrive as they journey towards adulthood.
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theadaptableeducator · 2 months
Former des esprits: Les avantages éducatifs de la réintroduction de la menuiserie dans les programmes scolaires
Réintroduire la menuiserie dans le programme scolaire peut offrir de nombreux avantages éducatifs et développementaux pour les étudiants. Voici plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles l’incorporation de la menuiserie est avantageuse : Apprentissage holistique: La menuiserie engage les étudiants dans un apprentissage pratique et expérientiel adapté à différents styles d’apprentissage. Elle favorise le…
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healthyhabitjournal · 2 months
Dive into the world of Charlie Gordon with our latest piece on "Flowers for Algernon" - a compelling journey of intelligence, emotion, and the ethical dilemmas faced in our quest for knowledge. Uncover how this timeless narrative challenges our understanding of what it means to be truly intelligent. Don't miss out on this profound exploration! #FlowersForAlgernon
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