#i get like so worried and anxious whenever someone I know is hurt or very ill ><
cali-kabi · 28 days
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~ Birds 🦢🍬💫
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primofate · 2 years
Protective Lover Series Part 2 - His reaction to seeing you cry (and it’s not because of him) [Genshin Impact]
Characters: Aether, Albedo, Ayato, Bennett, Chongyun, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Razor, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, gn!reader
Warnings: slight angst, more comfort and fluff than anything, not proofread, i appreciate people telling me that i missed to tag a character but the truth is i dont tag all the chars cause i think i have limited tags, no? some protective genshin guys
Personal Favourites: Tartaglia, Xiao, Zhongli
Other works in this series: (Part 1 - When someone badmouths you)
his heart breaks the same way as yours, if not even more
doesn’t say anything at first but will take you in his arms silently and make comforting sounds, rubbing your back up and down
his priority is making you feel better first, instead of bombarding you with questions about what happened.
When you’ve calmed down a little he’ll start wiping your tears and will give you a gentle smile
“You can talk about it whenever you’re ready, Y/N. In this world and the next, I’ll always be here by your side,”
Offers you a handkerchief and stays by you until you’re ready to talk about it.
When he sees that you’re clumsily wiping your tears he takes the handkerchief back and does it for you, patting your cheeks dry while he has a hand cradling your cheek.
The look on his face is sullen and downcast, as if he’s guilty he wasn’t able to protect you from whatever it was that made you feel this way. 
He squeezes your hand and urges you to tell him what’s wrong.
“Strange. Tears are a normal human reaction to emotions...yet when I see yours, I can’t help but feel that they don’t belong on your features...”
doesn’t look like he’s too bothered but is actually quite anxious inside. What happened? Did something transpire while he was away? Were you somehow affected by his status?
It comes with being busy all the time, he’s worried that he might not be taking care of you enough and seeing you cry hits hard for him.
hugs you protectively. One arm round your middle and the other gently pressing on the back of your head as you rest your face on his chest or the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry, love. Never in your time with me do I wish to see tears of despair in your eyes... Please, if there’s something I can do, tell me,”
flounders and doesn’t know what to do. The let-me-check-my-pockets-if-i-have-any-tissue-welp-no-I-don’t-so-I’ll-wave-my-hands-around-to-try-and-make-them-feel-better character.
Ends up awkwardly putting both his hands on your shoulders and giving you a forced smile.
“I-It’s alright. Everything will be fine. I promise! We’ll fix it together, okay?”
is stunned by your tears. This may sound weird but he thinks that something about them is beautiful, despite it being sad. Kind of reminds him of snow crystals.
Holds your hand and lets you cry, being careful of if your mood is getting worse or better
is worried, but is patient and will never rush you to ‘stop crying’
is not very confident that he can make you feel better but will definitely try his best
“...Y/N? If it’s okay...Can you tell me what happened? I... I just don’t like seeing you sad...”
Your tears are literally precious to him. Doesn’t matter if it’s happy or sad tears, both makes him feel a bit of sadness. 
will let you curl up in his arms as he soothes you gently, occasionally wiping away tears that cascade down your cheeks.
will press some kisses on your forehead while waiting for you to mellow down.
Will look at you while wiping your tears and
“No one should ever make you feel this way, not me, nor anyone else... Tell me what happened, my star, and I assure you I’ll take the hurt away,”
panic but on the inside. The instant ‘what happened?’ is written all over his face but doesn’t say it out loud immediately.
thinks you’re physically hurt, when he finds out you’re not, he’s even angrier cause something has upset you to the point of making you cry and he definitely wants to know what or who it is
cups your face in his hands and has a worried expression while watching your tears fall, trying to pat them dry gently.
is ready to go to war
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did something happen? *sighs* I’m here, it’s alright. I’m not leaving...You’re my everything, do you understand that? If anything happens to you...”
startled but is incredibly downcast when he realizes you’re crying and it shows with his ears flattened down and his tail unmoving.
Something about his instincts makes him press his forehead against yours and he closes his eyes while holding the two of you in position like that. He thinks it comforts him more than it comforts you, but he hopes it helps you too.
doesn’t quite know what to say, but will ask politely about your feelings.
“...Is everything okay? I-I’m not sure how to make things better but I’m always here to listen. I promise,”
Wordlessly pulls you into a hug and rubs your back, hums a little tune or song to hopefully ease your crying.
already thinking about what could have happened while trying to comfort you. 
pulls away and gives exactly two kisses on your cheek. one on the right and one on the left then proceeds to pat your face dry.
“My charming Y/N, I’ve got a good idea of what might’ve happened...Hm? How did I figure it out so fast? *chuckles* You underestimate me, dear. Your utmost happiness is easily the most important job on my list,”
Freezes. Kind of doesn’t know what to do when he sees someone crying (though he has made a lot of kids cry before >_> it’s different when it’s you)
Will offer you material things to try and make you feel better. Candy. Lollipop. His onikabuto. 
When you tell him all you want is a hug he kind of melts on the inside but is also ridiculously proud.
Is still kind of concerned and is convinced someone has bullied you and will throw hands if that’s the case
“Well you’re in luck! I give the best hugs around here! Err... Only for you though. You sure you’re okay? Want me to go and teach ‘em a lesson?”
crestfallen. His usual grin has turned weak and he takes you by the hand, drags you over to the nearest chair or bed and pulls you onto his lap, cradling you in his arms as you cry.
validates your feelings and doesn’t make you feel stupid or weak for shedding tears. 
let’s you cry for as long as you want and lets you rest your head on his shoulder, no matter how damp it gets.
Mostly talks to himself, but kind of talks to you as well during your process of calming down.
“...What exactly has upset my snowflake, I wonder? Someone I have to talk to? Something I have to take care of? Anything to bring the smile back on your face, love,” 
takes you somewhere private or quiet. Comforts you first by sitting somewhere with you and letting you drape your legs over his lap while he cradles your upper half and shushes you gently.
Thinks you’re still incredibly attractive even when crying, but is also worried about your emotions.
Will talk to you about it and won’t push too much if you don’t feel like it yet.
While wiping your tears...
“Nothing will make me think any less of you, Y/N. This will pass, but whatever it might be, please let me do the honor of sharing your burdens with you.”
Instant hug and curls his body around you, literally in protection mode and not letting anyone else near you. 
Conceals you from the rest of the world until you’ve calmed down in his arms. 
He doesn’t look at your face because he’s on the lookout for anything or anyone who tries to approach you during a vulnerable time, but he knows you’ve calmed down when your breathing evens out
“...Y/N...will be okay...I will...protect,”
freezes, but out of anger, not concern. Probably trying not to stomp out of there and demand his subordinates to tell him who made you cry. 
Silently goes towards you and remarks/mumbles about how ugly you look when you cry, but he’s also wiping your tears.
Then tilts your still damp face up to look him straight in his murderous eyes. immediately goes to worst case scenario.
“Stop crying already and tell me who I have to kill,”
cold. but not towards you. Cold because he’s thinking about how he’s going to make the offender suffer.
Towards you, he’s gentle and whispers comfort in your ear. Telling you that he’s here now and he’ll make it all better, but only if you tell him what happened, and only if you point out the specific people who made you unhappy.
Showers you with kisses down your jaw and up again, then presses two last ones on both your eyelids.
“Now which unfortunate soul do I have to talk to and take care of to make things better, my love? Don’t be shy now, I’ll take care of it real quick,”
concerned. the type to approach you, hug you, rest his head on top of yours and gently or softly cradle/sway you side by side
it’s like a little slow dance but with less movements, hoping that it gives you more comfort, like a rocking chair type of thing.
it hurts him to see you cry and you can tell from his scrunched up brows and heavy facial expression.
Looks as if he’s about to cry as well.
“Whatever you feel, I feel it deeply too. When you’re happy and when your face lights up, my heart is at ease. But...seeing you this way...I didn’t think it would hurt me this much,”
still has a positive streak to him, but is mindful of your feelings. 
The type to say things like you look better with a smile or that tears don’t suit you, or that he misses your smiling face but will also tell you that you still look charming, tears or not. That’s just how he sees you.
the type to squish your cheeks together and try to get a smile out of you
“Awe there it is. See? That smile’s much better!”
After he has cheered you up will ask you what it is that upset you and will tackle the problem with you.
“Hm... I see. In that case, you can’t do it alone! This is a job for the two of us. Let’s go and make things better, shall we?”
shocked, then angry. He’s never seen you cry and you’re usually happy go lucky so when he sees you cry he thinks it’s a gravely serious thing.
despite that he still somehow doesn’t quite understand the purpose of tears. He knows what despair is but has the mindset that tears are not necessary, though he tries to understand how fragile humans are.
Will awkwardly stand in front of you while you cry, and later on will attempt to use one curled finger to brush away your cascading tears.
“...You humans...your resolves are too weak...too fragile, and yet...” 
will pause for a seconds to continue to observe you cry. He acknowledges the twisting feeling in his chest.
“...and yet why does it make me feel this way, watching you weep?”
surprised. will ask you to sit down and go through it calmly, will offer to do something for you: brew you tea, read your favourite book aloud.
Will ask you what he can do to make you more comfortable because he’d rather ask than do the wrong thing.
Will sit by you and rub your head and silently observe your mood.
will clear his schedule if there was anything on it.
“...Are you feeling better, Y/N? Would you like to stay here or go somewhere else? Take as long as you want, I have all the time in the world for you,”
calm but concerned. You can tell that he’s thinking about what might have gone wrong. At the same time, he’s trying to comfort you. 
Ideally he’ll take you to bed and let you curl up against him while he rubs your back, letting you get all your emotions out before he starts asking you questions, though he already as a lot on his mind. 
He lets you play with his hair, cause he knows that’s a kind of comfort for you. 
Will lay with you in bed for a while, even after you’ve calmed down, just to give you time to think.
“...Beloved, whether or not it’s a joyous occasion or a sorrowful one, for as long as I live, my promise is to love you and to always be the pillar you can rely on. Today is no different. Would you like to talk about what happened?”
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lazycats-stuff · 4 months
(Kind of self projecting sorry lol) SO! BabyBat has an upset stomach but Bruce's too anxious about giving him medicine because can his baby stomach handle those chemicals? Insert Alfred rolling up his sleeves "give him here master Bruce" a tired Bruce just hands him over without question and watches as alfred and baby head to the kitchen and suddenly...baby stopped crying? Bruce walks into the kitchen seeing flower stems on the counter and Alfred standing there with a sleeping baby "...How?" "Rosewater master Bruce, i made and fed him Rosewater" Not sure how to end this but basically BabyBat would only drink Rosewater from now on and Bruce has to upgrade his gardening game ,Alfred always has already-made Rosewater so his Grandson is always hydrated and the rest of batbros are just like "hell yeah my brother's too fancy for regular water" I hope you except my request and thank u! I love u
Oh no, I hope you are doing better now. Either way, this is an Alfred thing to do. Thank you for the love too.❤️
Summary: Alfred knows what to do.
Warnings: Alfred knows what to do, Bruce is tired, boys love their brother, but they want peace, fluff all in all.
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Taking care of a baby is difficult, even for Alfred. Bruce and him had joined forces for (Y/N). The boys have also agreed to help whenever they could. It was exhausting to take care of a little baby. Bruce and Alfred were sleep deprived at this point and the boys took care of their little brother while the two recovered slightly.
It felt nice to have a presence of a baby here, despite the chaos that a baby brings. (Y/N) was an easy baby as long there was a routine for him. Feed him on time, change his diaper regularly, put him down for a nap on time...
All of the basics essentially.
Oh, not to forget, (Y/N) was often held in someone's arms. Whether it be Damian's, Dick's, Jason's or Tim's, (Y/N) was happy to be in their arms. Bruce was (Y/N)'s favorite none the less. Who wouldn't love being held by their father?
But, it seems that (Y/N) had medical problems. Bruce took him to the pediatrician to see what's going on. It seems that it was (Y/N)'s stomach and Bruce got some medication for it, but he was worried. Bruce believed in medicine, don't get me wrong, but... Will (Y/N)'s poor tummy will be able to handle it?
Bruce has tried everything he could to soothe his son, his anxiety preventing him from giving him the meds. How can he know that the chemicals won't make it worst? Again, he believes in modern medicine, but his baby is...
He doesn't want to hurt his son more. Alfred and everyone else tried to help, but (Y/N) was just in too much pain to even think about calming down for a single second. Jason was sure that (Y/N)'s voice will be lost in a few more hours and Damian wanted to die.
Dick and Tim tried, but nothing worked. At all. Nothing. Tim was exhausted and Dick was going to snap soon. Very much soon. Damian and Titus were out of the manor for these couple of hours and Jason went to the Batcave.
Alfred, all of a sudden got an idea. Going to the garden, he got some roses and has decided to make some rosewater for (Y/N). He cleaned the flowers in the kitchen and then put the in a pot before submerging the petals underneath the water. He put it on low heat and let it simmer for now. He put a lid over it and sighed as he heard (Y/N) crying.
He waited and checked on the petals and smiled when he saw that the petals lost color. He turned the heat off and moved the pot away, allowing it to cool down completely. (Y/N) can't drink hot water. And it would be a nice alternative to the medicine that Bruce is so anxious about giving to (Y/N). The worry is understandable, babies are more fragile than toddlers and older kids so giving them harsh medicine is not a good idea.
Alfred turned on the radio and removed the lid from the pot. He could hear Bruce's voice trying to shush his son, but (Y/N) was still crying from the pain. Alfred waited patiently as he poured himself some whiskey.
Did he love his grandson more than life? Yes, but sometimes, alcohol was important to soothe the headache the crying might have caused. He slowly sipped his whiskey as he waited for the water to cool down. Jason and Damian came down to eat something and Alfred pointed at the leftovers in the fridge.
" What's in the pot Alfred? " Damian asked as the took a container of food to heat it up.
" You'll see soon. I'm just waiting for it to cool down. "
" Is it for (Y/N)? " Jason asked as he looked at the food in the fridge. " Please tell me it's for him.
" It is. " Alfred said and took another sip of his whiskey. Damian and Jason sighed in relief.
" Thank God. " Damian said as he started heating up his food. Jason smiled as he waited for his turn.
" What's in the pot though? " Jason asked as he peered over to look at the pot.
" Some rose water. It's great for the stomach. " Alfred explained and Jason nodded as he looked down to look at the water more intently.
" Since when do we have roses in the garden? " Jason asked as he started heating his own food up and Damian sat down and started eating his food.
" Since forever master Jason. " Alfred said as he finished his whiskey.
Jason nodded and took his food out of the microwave and started eating.
After 20 minutes, the water has cooled down and Jason and Damian have left the kitchen. Alfred rolled up his sleeves and went to the living room, with Bruce still soothing his son. Bruce was tired and Alfred was sure that Bruce's ears were going to start bleeding in a few minutes.
" Hand him over master Bruce. " Alfred said and Bruce gladly gave (Y/N) to Alfred and he just closed his eyes and relaxed, the sound of (Y/N) crying moving further away from him. He kept them closed until there was silence.
Why was there silence?
Bruce opened his eyes and went into the kitchen where he found Alfred, with a sleeping (Y/N) in his arms. How the hell was (Y/N) sleeping?
" Alfred? What did you do? " Bruce asked as he looked around. Why were on the counter stems... Were those rose stems? Alfred chuckled at the confusion that Bruce was exhibiting.
" Rosewater master Bruce. " Alfred said, giving him a very short answer.
Bruce was still confused and Alfred chuckled once more. " I fed him some rosewater. " Alfred explained and Bruce nodded. Whatever it was, it helped (Y/N) out and Bruce wasn't going to question it at all.
" Huh. Thank God for the rosewater I guess. "
" Yes, it's a more natural remedy. I know you were anxious about giving the medicine to master (Y/N), so I remembered this recipe. "
" Alfred, did I ever tell you that you are the most important member of the family? " Bruce asked as he walked closer to his beloved son, caressing his little cheek.
" All the time master Bruce. "
" Good. " Bruce said as he leaned down to kiss (Y/N)'s head and the little boy slowly reached for his father. Bruce took him into his arms and allowed him to rest in his arms.
Dick and Tim popped their hands in happy and relieved that their brother was not in pain anymore. And that he wasn't ruining their hearing anymore.
" Is he okay? " Tim asked quietly and Alfred nodded. Dick sighed in relief and put a hand over his heart.
" Thank God. It's nice to have a silent manor for once. " Dick joked and everyone chuckled. That much was true.
" Well, it's great that our brother is not in pain anymore. " Tim said and walked closer to his baby brother, just observing him.
" Thank you Alfred. " Dick said and Alfre laughed. Bruce rolled his eyes with a fond smile.
After the discovery of rose water, (Y/N) refused to drink anything else. Thankfully, Alfred started feeding him some solid foods so he wasn't going to be hungry. But it was funny the first time (Y/N) refused to drink anything that wasn't rosewater.
Bruce was confused, but Alfred already had batches of water prepared for his grandson. (Y/N) needs to be hydrated. Bruce sighed as he drank his coffee, looking at the garden outside. He needed to call a gardener to plant more roses in the garden...
He glanced back at his son who was happily drinking his water, with Alfred holding the bottle.
The four older brothers walked in for breakfast and they all laughed.
" (Y/N) is so fancy. " Tim said laughing as he made his way to the coffee pot and the cereal cabinet.
" More than you B. " Dick joked and Bruce rolled his eyes with a smile.
" Yes, (Y/N) is a true Wayne. All Waynes are fancy in their own right. " Damian confirmed and Bruce just kept smiling at the banter that was going on here.
" You do know that you have up your gardening skills, right old man? " Jason teased and laughed behind his coffee mug. (Y/N) really did bring everyone together.
" I'll call the gardener the moment I'm in office. " Bruce declared and everyone nodded and started eating in peace. This is a very nice and calm morning for their standards.
" Is it just me or (Y/N) brought us all together? " Jason asked and everyone paused for a moment.
" You are right. " Dick said first and everyone followed with either nods or soft murmurs of agreement.
Jason walked up to Alfred and (Y/N) who finished his bottle of rosewater and picked his brother up in his arms. " My little brother is so fancy. " Jason said as he rocked his little brother, who in turn was shrieking with laughter.
Everyone smiled even more. This morning is really nice. And (Y/N) is a glue that keeps this family close and together.
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smutzslxt · 5 months
I WANT YOU TO TOUCH ME THERE| S.Gojo x fem!reader
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ꨄSynopsis:Everyone thought that Satoru Gojo was a good looking man with a flawless personality ,but you knew that wasn’t true.That man hates you and you don’t even know why, but you are about to find out.
ꨄpairing: Bully!Satoru x popular-fem!reader
ꨄWC: 2001
ꨄrated: mature ,18+,mdni
ꨄCW: Heavy smut, dom!fem!reader x sub!gojo, dick riding, characters are 18+,p in v,semi public sex (in a changing room),pet names (Angel,good boy,Whore), getting caught.
ꨄA/N :we all love submissive satoru, right?
Whenever people tell you how great Satoru Gojo is , you just roll your eyes. Nothing was great about this idiot maybe he looked good, but he was an ignorant, eogoistic asshole.
You didn’t like him, but don’t worry, the feeling is mutual. Whenever your eyes meet each other, they shine full of hatred that you had for each other.
Whenever he had the opportunity, he embarrassed you, he ‘accidentally’ spills his drink over your white blouse, he bumps into you whenever he had a chance and the worst…he spreads rumors about you.
These rumors endangered your popularity rank. Every time you enter school there are new rumors about you.” Have you heard it, people say she got fingered by someone in class”
What nonsense, you thought when you walked through the hallway. Every time you walked past people, they started whispering.” People say she has given someone a blowjob in the toilet a week ago”
Your eyes found those of the students who were 1-2 younger than you.So how dare these nobodies to talk about you this way.
“Do you have anything to tell me?” You said when you put yourself in front of the anxious girl. She looked at her friend who seemed just as intimidated as she was. How pathetic.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered and didn’t even dare to look at you. “Who do you think you are to spread rumours about me“Again and again you were in the same situation.
People talk about you ,behind your back, and then they don’t even dare to open their mouths in front you. Your hands clenched into fists as you felt all the looks of other students on you.
“Who told you this stupid rumor?” It was actually already clear who it was. You just wanted to hear it from her mouth. The other rumors were more harmless but to tell around that you were fingered in class or that you have given someone a blowjob in the school toilet simply crosses the line.
“A boy from the upper class he has white hair and blue eyes”Satoru Gojo this stupid jerk. Anger spread in your body and a layer of goose bumps formed on your skin when you imagined what you are going to do with this blue-eyed motherfucker now.
“If I find out again that you’re telling rumors about me again, it gets very unpleasant between us, do you understand?” The hasty nod of the intimidated girl was like a start signal for you.
You sprint along the hallway in search of the boy who called himself the strongest. The anticipation of hurting his big ego caused the corners of your mouth to rise.
A loud ringing sounded through the corridors and then you finally saw something - or rather someone who could help you find your prey.
“Suguru” you shouted loudly through the brightly lit room. Like on command, he turned in your direction, just like other students who looked at you questionably but that didn’t interest you at all right now.
With a quick step, you walked towards your bully’s best friend and stood right in front of him.You skillfully ignored personal space at the moment you stood on your toes to be on an equal footing with him.
“Is there anyone else inside?” You asked and pointed your thumb at the changing room.” Only Satoru, but I had no more nerves to sit in there while he looks at himself in the mirror”
An insidious grin formed on your face. The success of finally standing up to him was so close you could feel it.” I’m going for a smoke and waiting for the idiot, do you want to keep me company for so long?”
In contrast to Gojo, Suguru was always nice to you, sometimes you even spent time together but you were disturbed by Satoru every time.
You don’t really know what happened, but you also got along well, but at some point he just started to hate you and you just couldn’t find out the reason why he did.
“I still have to do something”Geto nodded and said goodbye to you.” See you tomorrow,” he said and waved one last time before he made his way to the exit.
Your eyes searched through the hallway and when you didn’t see anyone, you opened the door to the changing rooms and huried in.
“What the hell” you heard a very well-known voice whispering behind you when you quietly closed the door behind you. “What are you doing here?” The white-haired egoist asked you as your eyes stared at each other.
To think about standing up to Satoru and then really putting it into action is a very big difference ,you just realised.
“You’re treating me like shit,” you finally said and looked at him bitterly. “I was still okay with you spilling your drink on me or bump into me whenever you had the chance but you crossed the border by spreading these horrible rumors about me” Without really thinking about your words, they flooded out of your mouth in the second you met his pissed look.
“How do you know that was me?” He spoke in a deep voice and drove through his hair with his hand while he rolled his eyes like he was annoyed.” It’s obvious, besides, I was told that you are the one who spread these rumours”
Cristal blue eyes looked down at you as he took a few steps towards you.” Well you are right it was me, what do you want to about it?” He stood right in front of you when he asked you this question.
“Why are you doing this” you felt intimidated by him at the moment and the many feelings that fought in your body did not exactly make it easier for you in this situation.
“Because I hate you” he put his hands on the door behind you right next to your head, which made it impossible to escape now.
“The feeling is mutual” you don’t know what exactly had happened but in the second when the last word rolled over your lips you felt a soft lips pressing hard on yours. You needed time to realize that Satoru Gojo was kissing you.
You don’t return the kiss - no, on the contrary, you push him away from you and you could feel how his ego was hurt, but this only strengthened yours.
Confidently, you took a step towards him and stood on your toes.” You say you hate me and the next moment you kiss me, that confuses me a little” your nose tip touched his and you could feel his deep breath on your lips.
Your hands laid on his shoulders when you pushed him back so that he sat on the bench behind him. You don’t waste a second and immediately sit on his lap.
“How much do you hate me, Satoru?” You whisper against his lips when your hips began to roll against his. The hardness that formed in his pants does not go unnoticed, just like the wetness in your thong.
“Every time I see you I want to embarrass you in front of everyone, I want everyone to hate you so that you don’t have anyone-“ a soft moan escaped his mouth before he could finish talking.
“Except-“ you could feel how he pressed his cock more and more against your clit, which made you lean your head back and moan hardly audibly.
“Me” when you heard that, you stopped moving your hip, which made your clit throb. Your shocked expression made him talk again.
“I don’t want you to need anyone else but me” it could have sounded like a love confession, but for you it didn’t. To you it sounded like he wanted to own you as if you were just an object.
“You are an idiot” you put your hand on his belt and removed it from his pants,you dropped it on the floor next to you and the same happened to his pants until he was only in shorts and a shirt.
When you got up from his lap, he was about to pull you back on it, but you slapped his hands away.” can’t you wait a second,” you said annoyed.
He didn’t know what you were doing until he saw from the corner of his eye how the skirt you had on fell on the floor. When his eyes lingered on your red thong, you began to grin wide.
“I can’t believe it” you laughed out loud as you took off your thong.”I’m about to fuck with you” it felt like you were just given a trophy when you saw Satoru’s needy expression.
Without really thinking about it, Satoru took off his shorts and let them rest with the rest of your clothes. Your eyes were wide when you saw how long his cock was. At least 9 inches and thick, you wondered if your hand would fit completely around it.
“Actually, I thought guy’s with a big ego had a small cock but Satoru you surprised me once again ” you sit on his lap and rub your wet pussy against his hard dick.
When you positioned yourself over his cock, you felt his hands stop you. “I should-“ you knew what he wanted, but you wouldn’t let him.
Your hand laid on Gojo’s cheek when you said your next words.” You tell everyone that I am a slut, then let me show you what kind of slut I am”
His hands stayed on your hip as his tip ,with pre cum over it,entered your pussy. You were on the pill so a condom was not necessary.” If I already had as many cocks in me as you tell everyone, then you don’t have to prepare me.” You let yourself sink more and more until he was half inside you.
The unpleasant burning feeling made you bite your lip hard. It would have been a better idea if he had prepared you beforehand, but you didn’t want to give him this triumph.
Satoru’s fingers kneaded your ass as you took more of his cock into you. His breath became faster and he closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of your tight pussy.
“What a whore you are, you look like you are fighting the urge not to cum right now” Your fingers stroked his cheek which made him open his eyes and look at you.
Like a queen on her throne, you sat on him and after you had finally took all 9 inches of his cock into you, you began to move your hip.
Satoru’s hands helped you ride him.He starts hissing when he felt you get tighter the moment your brought down your hand to rub your thumb against your clit.
You start to move your hips slowly, finding the perfect rhythm and pace. The way your warm walls contract around him and suck him in made him lean his head against the wall behind him and moan out.You weren’t better whenever he reached your g-spot you were screaming- not even caring about the people that could hear you.
“Be a good boy and cum inside me”you said and the second he felt that he was about to cum he connected your mouth with his.Thrusting inside you from below in a fast pace.He’s totally ignoring your rhythm and starts fucking you like you are his right hand.
“Fuck Angel”he whispered in between the kiss and groaned loud.The moment you felt his hot cum covering your walls, it made you cum as well.You two were moaning messes.While Satoru was still thrusting his dick inside you from below ,your pussy milked him dry.
“That’s a shock”the both of you looked towards the door and saw Suguru standing there with a big smile on his face.
“Why didn’t you both ask me to join?”
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cannellee · 8 months
MIKEY! ALPHA! HEADCANONS! WE NEED THEM! i love all your works, please continue to try your best!! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ you’re the only blog that we can count on for amazing cute abo fanfics! ♡ 🍓
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alpha! Mikey x omega! Reader
— tokyo revengers a/b/o headcanons
tw : mikey's a perv, outdoor sex.
my masterlist : ☆
(thank you so much anon!! I'm so happy you like my blog, thank you for keeping me motivated!!🫶🏼 I also included nsfw headcanons here since I had 2 other requests for alpha mikey which included this)
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I think alpha mikey's main trait is that he's extremely protective.
he's protective but not in an overwhelming way, he's way more subtle than baji can be for example. glaring at anyone when you got your back turned, but he's giving you an angel face when you face him.
mikey's a walking warning for everyone and alphas know better than to challenge him.
you might think mikey is a passive type of lover, unbothered and going with the flow. people could think that you're the one leading the relationship but you're not.
as long as you're not hurting yourself or others are not bothering you, it's all good.
but a no from mikey is a no, and a firm one at that. no negotiations or compromises : mikey's your alpha and he knows better.
and that's why you trust him! you listen well and he loves that about you.
you're such a docile omega! mikey's melting everytime you obey him so quickly without questioning any of his words.
but he has to admit there's something about you being bratty that amuses him.
he loves to see you act all big and sassy : it makes him want to show just who is in charge!
but mikey's very soft. don't misinterpret his assertiveness as him being controlling. he cares about you and your opinions more than anything.
he takes your thoughts into account so much that a simple word from you could have him doubt himself.
he's anxious and always stressing over his capabilities of fulfilling his duty as your alpha.
this worry alone pushes him to do his very best at looking after you.
when you first met mikey, he knew you were gonna be his. he couldn't have it any other way. you were just so perfect for him : his complete opposite, a breath of fresh air.
if you had a partner when you met, you should have been ready to say bye to him because mikey was not letting you go around with someone that wasn't him.
one might think mikey's not attentive, reliable or understanding and that he's a bit detached, but that's a misconception.
actually, mikey's really soft and cares for you so freaking much :(
he's a huge fan of skinship, hugs, hand holdies and anything of the sort.
he lives for the attention you give him! if you're ignoring him too much for his liking, especially when you're out with people, he will kindly remind you of his presence and casually spread his pheromones.
mikey can act cute all he wants, but once anyone gets a sniff of his scent, they'll be fleeing far from the both of you.
his scent is literally threatening to anyone that's not you.
of course you don't know that, mikey doesn't want to scare you off. but he can't help but get overly jealous sometimes!
and it works everytime : nobody wants to get on his bad side.
also, don't expect mikey to make you food, he's hopeless when it comes to cooking. but he will be buying you toneless of snacks and sweets though.
but make him food and he falls in love all over again. food is literally mikey's weak spot and there's just something about seeing his omega takes care of her alpha the best she can that is so endearing and cute to him.
asks you to spoon feed him and while you do he'll 100% make a mess purposely & ask you to clean his mouth yourself...
he's down bad and always touching you. there's something primitive in him which highlights his possessive instincts whenever you show yourself a bit vulnerable to him
as your alpha, he feels deeply touched that you're feeling safe enough to show this side of yourself and does everything he can to assure you that you can, in fact, trust him fully.
your small frame and doe eyes looking up at him make you look so delicate, it sparks up his protective instincts and a comfortable sense of purpose. knowing he has someone to come back home to, someone who'll always be waiting for him warms his heart.
mikey is all about staying inside : he's a lazy and cuddly alpha, he could bet he's in heaven when you let him lay his head on your lap while playing with his hair.
your nest is his favourite place. he's inside of it even when you're not, even adds his own little plushies and stuff, scents them and rearrange your nest.
you constantly nag him about it because you hate it when someone is moving your nest, even if it's him.
he apologizes and offers to make up for it by eating you out lol.
he has no shame and is dying for your touch. he loves the way you taste! your slick is filled with your fruity scent and makes his head dizzy.
if you were to let him, mikey would be fucking you 24/7 without a rest. he's just addicted like that<3
don't expect him to be slow and gentle, mikey likes it rough and so do you, luckily.
expect to wake up the next morning covered with bruises and bite marks : he likes it so much when your whole body is a reminder of how much you belong to him!
let him scent you and claim you the way he wants and you have the happiest mikey on earth!
but mikey'll take you out! he loves late night dates and watching sunsets with you <3
always gives you his scent covered coat to keep away both the cold and unwanted attention from you.
during your walks, mikey's body and mind are only focused on you. his senses are alert, he's careful and very observing. nope, you're not getting out of his sight tonight and nobody's getting too close to you.
but it doesn't stop him from being a perv.
you've learned not to wear skirts or dresses when you're out : his hands magically grab the hem of your skirt and flick it just to sneak a peek at your undergarments.
the embarrassment you feel is insane, but what's more insane is the pool that's forming between your legs everytime he does so.
your arousal is so strong it drives mikey mad and you're somehow still surprised when he appears to not be able to control himself.
"my sweet omega, be good for me and spread your legs".
he ends up fucking you in a dark alley, your panty pushed on the side and your skirt all the way up with your bare ass out.
you're bend over with your hands on the wall while he's pounding into you from behind just the way you need it!
he's fucking your brains out and you find yourself crying both from pleasure and the exciting fear of being caught.
once you've both cumed, he carries you back to the safe place of your home where he can please you properly. because you and your pleasure matter more than his >:(
(and also because your aroused smell is enough to attract all the alphas of the neighbourhood and mikey doesn't want to fight when he's too busy burying his cock inside your warm pussy).
your presence gives him so much peace, there's not a day he's not grateful to have you. you're the only one who can make him sleep soundly at night and actually appreciate life.
his nightmares and urges are now under control. you keep him composed. just one look at you and your pheromones (his favourite smell) suffice to put his mind at ease.
the first time he introduced you to toman, he made sure they all acted right in front of you. they were a bit surprised by you and how kind you were compared to the invincible mikey, but everyone knew you were the perfect match <3
randomly calls you during the day and comes pick you up after school. he's your personal bodyguard and takes his job rather seriously tbh. asks you what you want to eat and buys everything you ask.
making sure you ate is his priority n.1! he needs to make sure you're well taken care of.
doesn't show it but he's always worried about you.
mikey doesn't let his emotions show, he only lets himself be vulnerable in the comfort of your embrace.
he's always carrying an item with your scent and expects you to do the same.
he's soo loving and affectionate, alpha mikey is the perfect mix between a guard dog and a big teddy bear. it's all about balance!
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trynafindbarbiee · 1 year
TW : Abusive family, bullying, suicide attempts!
Before I go straight into my success story I wanna THANKYOU from the bottom of my heart you are my fairy Angel and I love you more than anyone else bestiee :)
I'm sharing this here so everyone can see this
It's been so long since I've joined loa community but I always failed to manifest Consciously , I would constantly look for the 3D to change and I literally wasted years to learn how to manifest when it's the most easiest thing in the whole universe. Then luckly I came to know about the void state but I kept on failing I was unhealthy obsessed with the void with this my mental health became even worse I started to feel like not living anymore. I felt anxious very often, then one day I decided to end my life because things were getting terrible everyday. I attempted suicide and it failed and then the very first thing someone told me after this was "it failed because you deserve to live, you deserves the best, you deserves the world" And guess who it was! SHE WAS MY FAIRY ANGEL 🥺 YOU! MY BESTIEE <3 I'm very thankful to have a friend like you
What I've learnt over time is that these feelings are definitely not permanent and this too shall pass YES it hurts and survival feels difficult but the hope I got from my bestie (Barbie) throughout my recovery process is just unmatched, unexplainable especially for someone like me who keeps thinking that things will never get better. At the same time I was living in a abusive household I was being hated by my parents, friends, neighbours And one day IT'S nowhere near as bad as what you'll get, but my mom had a small amount of narcissist in her. SHE HELD MY HAND OVER A GAS STOVE because as an 15 year old I wrote something that she disagreed with in my journal. I experienced violence with my mother and father beating each other. Seeing drugs being used and knowing that there was something bad and wrong. I also seen my mother having sex with other men and once heard her having sex and I thought she was being beaten.As I got older, I began questioning her medieval methods. Whenever I brought it up, She would always say that she did it for my own good, or that she was showing me how the real world was like. As a baby, I was ferberized. I was sent to a daycare from the moment I could walk. My mother would often punch and slap me in the face, and so I developed a reflex where I put my hands near my head in defense if anyone raises their hands. I have been bullied and ridiculed.
I have overconsumed info to a point where I even started doubting bloggers and loa but then I met my fairy Angel, my life, my bestieeeee 🥺💗 Everyone, let me tell you all of you one thing that she's a real life Angel I swear! She was there with me when my own family was against me, she helped me through my toughest times, she never let me down, she took care of me like a big sister. I'M BLESSED TO HAVE A FREIND LIKE YOU CUTIE PIE <3! we started journey together and she entered the void but I was still struggling. When she messaged me telling that she did it I literally jumped out of my bed and cried, cried and cried I WAS SO HAPPY FOR HER. I got superrrr motivated after that so I took her advice and tried to enter the void once more but I still failed, I didn't enterbut she kept me motivated . She showed me the things and her mansion that she manifested so that I don't doubt void anymore and I'm so grateful to you for that . She told me to try to wake up in the void instead of entering I again listened her and tried and guess what! SHAMEFULLY I again failed , I was giving my power to a method, I didn't realize how powerful I AM.
After all the failed attempts I called Barbie and talked to her for 4 hours straight I told her all the things that were going on in my life and I cried a lot and even Barbie got emotional too and she cried for me I can't forget that day ever 🙂 she told me "Don't worry honey! It's never too late, I'll enter void for you and after that you will be free of all this bullshit" THIS MADE ME SO HAPPY LIKE I WAS NOT EXPECTING THISSSSSSS :) she already did so much for me and still she wanted to help me out, this is why I call you my Fairy Angel <3
And next day she did enter for me and affirmed that I'll wake up in the void but in the morning nothing happened I realized that I didn't woke up there I GOT SO DISCOURAGED and I told this to her and she said that I have to assume that I'll wake up in the void unless it will not work 🙁 I literally Slapped myself for doing such a stupid thing Not assuming that I'll wake up in the void :( But she again entered for me and again affirmed for me Like? How can someone be so nice?
AND THAT NIGHT I DID WOKE UP IN THE VOID 😩💗 I felt so relaxed there, I was in a whole dark space I manifested everything that I wrote in my journal , I was beyond happy that morning when I woke up in my dream apartment the first thing I did after seeing myself in my dream house was that I messaged barbie that WE DID IT 🥺 !!
Y'all are very lucky to have my bestie here , I love you honey, ily so much <3 God literally sent you for me
Sending you so much love, hugs and wet kisses 🤭
~ your beloved 🎀
The most beautiful SUCCESS STORY I ever saw !
Thankyou bub for sharing your story here too ♡
My eyes got wet while I was reading this :) like you are so sweet and strong! ily too and I always will and no need to thank me..Your life was exactly like mine bef I entered the void , I also experienced all this bullshit so I could understand your situation that's why I helped you so, no need to thank me 💗 You should thank yourself bc everytime u felt like ending ur life , everytime u felt like giving up YOU made it through... so thank youself honey ! <3 I'M SO PROUD YOU MAHH BESTIEEE
You also played a vital role in my journey !
I've been through a lot. I have been through things that I didn't even told u . I have been through things that I haven't told anyone . Because of the things that I've been through, I used have an EXTREMELY hard time trusting people. I used to overthink abt how to talk to you and share my feelings without making you feel bad or you thinking I'm dramatic. I don't know how to talk to you without it being awkward but not only u listened me but motivated me also even when u r going through the toughest time in ur life.... Yes I have so many friends But you r someone special , I love you differently than I love my any other friend. Yes we've been through hell. And it's been insane. But still we are together! ily ♡
Idk how do I put my happiness into words :) I'M JUST SO PROUD OF YOU
Enjoy ur life to the max <3
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Thank youuu, maayybbee a comforting headcanons about your choice of Creepypasta with a reader who is like uh like really really tired in all sort of ways that they won’t cooperate in anything, mind being so nice to give them a whole slideshow of their messed up childhood and
Y’know just a really fucked out reader
Sorry if it’s y’know too much or anything, you can do it whenever you want!
I love writing comfort scenarios <33
Credits to divider goes to saradika-graphics! Go follow them and support their works
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Ticci Toby
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He understands that sometimes, everything is too much and your brain just kind of shuts down
But he is also a very anxious person
So when he sees you laying in bed, the exact same position you were in when he left in the morning, he gets a little concerned
Have you moved at all? Have you eaten? Drank anything? Taken a shower?
But he respects your privacy and doesn't ask you about it, assuming maybe you just wanted a lazy day to yourself
So he brings his dinner up to you that night, sharing just in case this is in fact the first you've eaten all day
And when you continue this behavior the next day, he begins to panic
The other creeps know something's up too, or at least, E.J does, because once Toby gets home E.J approaches him about it
"Hey, I asked y/n to clean the equipment they used in the gym last time and they just said no. They also seemed pretty lethargic, barely moving or breathing at all. Nothing to worry about right now, but it is concerning."
And with that, he walks off, seemingly not even wanting an answer, just wanting to give Toby a heads up
So once again, Toby goes to your room once again, seeing that you still haven't moved
"You haven't moved." He says
"Mhm" you respond absently, scrolling on your phone
"Have you eaten today?" He asks, beginning to get nervous
"Mhm" you respond once more, though it's not a real response it's just one to make him happy
"Um. EJ said you didn't want to clean the gym equipment you used?" He fidgets with his fingers now, picking at the dry skin
"Mhm" Is the only thing you say, and the only thing you're going to say he realizes
So he comes to sit on the bed next to you, moving some of your hair out of your face (if you have any, if you don't he rubs your back) "Are you ok? You can talk to me, you know? I love you"
This seems to trigger something in you, because instantly a flood of tears happens
This startles him, but he continues to comfort you nonetheless
He pulls you up and drapes your arms over his shoulders, while his go around your body, rubbing your back and head
He doesn't talk because he doesn't want to overwhelm you, so he silently rubs you and kisses you until your sobs turn into sniffles
"Let me take care of you tomorrow?" He asks, pulling away to look into your eyes
You pull him back into the hug and nod "please"
Jeff The Killer
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Jeff doesn't really know how to deal with his own emotions, let alone someone else's
So when he sees you in a funk, he decides to just leave you alone and let you deal with it yourself, because he doesn't trust himself enough to actually help instead of hurt
But this of course, it seen as him leaving you in your time of need from your perspective
So this only makes matters worse, causing you to snap at others for small things, like when Toby accidentally bumps into you while you are on the way to get another snack
He of course, apologizes profusely, but it just isn't your day so you yell at him and tell him to be more careful next time
When Jeff gets home, Toby is talking about the incident with another creep
Not in a malicious way, but in a concerned way
This peaks Jeff's interest "What are you saying about my partner over there??"
"I'm just worried is all. They totally blew up after I accidentally bumped into them" Toby says, putting his hands up defensively
Jeff scoffs and rolls his eyes, already tired of the mood you're in
So he goes up to your room and walks in angrily saying "Why are you being such a dick? What'd Toby ever do to you?"
You don't feel like arguing, so you snuggle further into your bed
He laughs at this "Seriously? You're gonna ignore me? Listen dude, I don't know who you think you are but I really don't like this fucking color on you. Fix your attitude before I fix it for you" And with that he slams your door
Next day, you bump into each other in one of the hallways, and he tries to talk to you obviously seeing you still upset, but you push past him
Or at least try to
He quickly catches you and pins you against a wall "Just listen to me, won't you?!" he yells
This is all too much for you, so you begin to cry, bowing your head so maybe he won't see it
He softens at this, loosening his grip and looking at you confusedly "Why....why are you crying?"
"Why are you being so mean to me??" You ask as you sob
He sighs and brings you into a tight hug "Ok.....Ok tell me how long you've been upset"
"A long time!" You say truthfully "It's not even about Toby!"
"Why didn't you say anything??" He asks, cradling your head against his shoulder
You grip onto his chest and try to catch your breath before talking "Because you left and I thought you didn't want to see me!" You whine in a fast, high pitched voice
Despite this, he seems to catch every word "No, baby, baby....I always wanna see you I just didn't wanna hurt you...." He whispers into your head
"But you did!" You say into his shoulder
"I know....I'm sorry" He rubs your back a bit before kissing your head
"....really?" you sniffle
"Yeah" He pulls away and lifts your head to kiss your forehead, before pulling you back into the hug
You are quiet for a while, standing in the hallway and holding each other before you finally break the silence "it did feel good to cry"
He snorts and pulls away "Well I'm glad you liked it, because now I have snot and spit all over my hoodie"
You smile and kiss his nose "You love it"
Ben Drowned
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Barely moving himself, he probably won't notice for a little bit
But when he does, he just assumes you're in a lazy mood, So he tries to snuggle up with you in bed
You flip over, avoiding his touch which makes him raise an eyebrow "Hey, you ok? It's cool if you just wanna be alone but this isn't like you"
"I'm fine" you say quickly
"....oookay.....do you want me to leave you alone?" He asks, his face changing from confused to concerned
You don't answer for a long while, but when you finally do you say "no"
"ok" he says simply, staying to his own side of the bed while he plays video games
Eventually, you begin to cry softly, and you flip back over to snuggle into his chest, wrapping your arms and legs around him like a koala
He looks at you for a moment before putting the game aside for a second and petting your head "I thought you said you were ok?"
You shake your head and cling harder
"Alright, c'mere" he says, pulling you up into his lap and putting your head in the crook of his neck
You try to hide your face away in his shoulder, but he grabs your chin before you get the chance "Hold still, I wanna kiss you" he says
With this, he kisses anywhere he can reach, eventually letting you drop your head back onto his shoulder while he grabs onto your arm and kisses from your shoulder all the way down to the tips of your fingers
Once he is done, he looks down at you, seeing that you are now only sniffling he uses a knuckle to wipe away any remaining tears "now are you ok?"
You nod and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek "Good. I like seeing you happy"
He then pecks your lips and hands you another controller, so that you can play the previously discarded game together
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 27 days
Javery fight headcanons because we both know those two are going to have a major major fight at some point
averyjameson fight head canons
of course <3. i apologize if this sucks, i haven't really slept in days T-T. this one will be shorter than my other posts cause the topic isn't as broad (and wont just be about one major fight but just a fights in general too), but i hope you still enjoy them <3. @ariscats helped with some of these <3. she's amazing.
i've mentioned this before, but i think that their codeword, tahiti, was created as a result of one of their bigger fights in order to avoid them.
jameson is the one that created the code word.
i think a lot of their fights would be related to each of them keeping secrets. avery's mentioned not liking being vulnerable before which, i think, would cause issues in their relationship. she'd keep secrets in order to keep herself from being vulnerable and jamie would hate it and confront her about it. she'd be very defensive and wouldn't admit to keeping secrets which would make things worse.
i think jamie would also have trouble opening up which is smth that would annoy avery a lot. unlike avery, though, it's not because he doesn't want to talk to her, it's bc he's afraid of what she would think of him/not wanting her to see him differently. she'd confront him about it, but he'd deny it and tell her that he has no reason to want to lie to her (lies).
they're the type of people that, even when they're mad at each other, have to sleep in each others arms bc its the only thing that keeps the nightmares away.
i feel like they're also the type of people who would try their best to not raise their voices bc they know its not healthy but would end up doing it anyways.
most of their fights ends with someone crying (not because they hurt each other's feelings, but bc they end up becoming vulnerable with each other and that makes one (or both of them) cry)
i think that whenever they have a major fight, avery would do smth like not eat. she'd get so mad she'd forget to/she wouldn't head to the kitchen to get smth in order to not see jameson by chance. jameson would make sure to make/get her smth and leave it by the door or give it to oren.
they'd definitely have fights about how careless jamie is with his life. i imagine that whatever happened in prague caused a screaming match between them.
they'd try to resolve their fights before bedtime bc they hate going to bed mad.
jamie would get really afraid whenever avery is mad at him bc he'd get the idea in his head that she was going to leave him. that's why, now, whenever they fight, avery makes sure to tell him that she's not leaving him before hand.
i also think a lot of their fights would be caused by avery overworking herself/not taking care of herself, and jamie would get worried/mad and say smth about it (avery disagrees with him thinking its unhealthy bc she thinks its her duty).
speaking of overworking, avery would work so often she'd start neglecting jamie (there are fics about this). this would obviously also cause fights.
i also think that, near the beginning of their relationship, jamie would have a really hard time expressing his emotions properly and would try to hide them by acting careless/happy, enough to hurt avery's feelings multiple times.
when fighting, avery would get so mad and anxious she'd start digging her nails into her palms really hard (its something i've noticed she does in the books too so this is less of a head canon). even though they're fighting, jamie doesn't like seeing this and will grab onto her hands and hold them or will give her smth to hold if she doesn't want to touch him.
they're the type of people to take breaks from their fights cause they hate having disagreements. they'll have a screaming match and then one will go 'break?' and they'll pretend as if nothing happened and come back to the fight later.
ok so idk if this will make sense but ill try my best to explain it properly. avery reads the hate comments she receives and starts believing them, smth she'd never admit. instead of admitting it to herself, she'd sort of project onto jamie and convince herself that he thinks the same/believes the comments. their fights would revolve a lot around that, i think. avery would go 'so many people call my ugly and unworthy of you, why would you not think the same?'
speaking of those fights that i mentioned in the hc right before this one, these ones tend to not become screaming matches. jamie would try to comfort her calmly bc he knows screaming won't do them any well.
as their relationship moves forward, their fights get rarer, and when they do, they don't scream (if they do, very very rare)
idk if this is even possible but it happens to me so im guessing it is. i mentioned earlier that jamie gets scared when they fight bc he's convinced himself avery will leave him. well when he gets scared, he also gets cold so they always have a blanket on hand for jameson to use if this happens.
avery would get jealous of jamie's ex's at the beginning of their relationship bc she has shown hints of being insecure about her looks in the books. this would also cause issues with jamie.
at the beginning of their relationship, avery, like mentioned earlier, would get really insecure about her looks, enough that she would compare herself to girls online and people jameson followed (he only follows them cause they're family friends/extended family members, etc). the fact that jameson used to see her as a game and her own insecurities really messed with her head, but she never talked about it with jameson because she hated being vulnerable. this would cause fights until jamie realized what was going and then he created the code-word.
whenever they're done fighting, they always have these huge love confessions planned bc, like i said a million times before, they hate fighting and like to end it on a good note.
whenever they're done fighting, they give each other a little kiss and cuddle cause they hate being mad at each other.
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pathetic-sapphic · 8 months
Omg I love your writing!!<33 I was wondering if you could do something with the concept of the Arcane milfs (all four) trying to make it up to fem reader after they accidentally upset reader?? Maybe something along the lines of how they would go about apologizing to them? If not that’s totally fine!!💗
Thank you!!💞
Arcane milfs apologizing to their S/O
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SEVIKA has a short temper and a hard time apologizing. In the heat of the moment, she can come off as cold and harsh so fights between you two happen occasionally. However, Sevika never truly learned how to earnestly apologize to someone, because she never had to. So this will be a good lesson for her and it will mean a lot to you to see her try. She hates seeing you upset and if you're the type of person who gets distant when you're mad, that will eventually lead her to the breaking point. Sevika may be a brute, but she is very physically affectionate and cannot go for long without your touch. She wants to give you space but also realizes that she is the one who must make the first step. Once she finds you, she'll take a seat next to you and hesitantly take your hand in hers. What follows is an extremely endearing attempt to apologize while doing her best to not avoid your gaze. You can see how hard this is for her and how much she is trying to make things right so of course you forgive her. Sevika will pull you into a hug and hold you for a while, to make up for the lost time.
''Look, I-I know what I did was wrong. It's just that I want to keep you safe, you know that right? I know you worry and that you only want to protect me but this is my job and it comes with certain risks. I know, baby, I hate being away from you too, but one day, when all of this is over, I promise I'll make it all up to you. I shouldn't have reacted like that, I know you're only trying to take care of me. So... I-I am sorry, really. I love you so much and I promise that that won't happen again. Come here, let me hold you for a bit, yeah? I missed your touch.''
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GRAYSON is a very calm and patient lover, not to mention thoughtful and caring. Fights between you happen rarely and usually occur when she is under a lot of stress due to her job and you try to express your worries for her well-being. She knows you care and you've always been so supportive, but with her age, it gets harder and harder to shoulder everything and she might take the stress out on you when she doesn't mean to. Grayson feels awful whenever this happens and does her best to make it up to you. She'll take the next day off and use it to pamper and spoil you. Expect a breakfast in bed as well as a relaxing bath and when night falls, she takes you out on a lovely dinner. Once you're both home, she wholeheartedly apologizes for what she did. She explains her reasons and reassures you that she wasn't actually mad at you. The night ends with Grayson making love to you with gentle touches and sweet praise.
''My darling, nothing can excuse the way I acted towards you. My job and co-workers have been stressing me out lately but that is no reason for me to take it all out on you. You've always been by my side to support me and take care of me, I'm sorry that this is how I've repaid you for all of that. I love you so much and you mean more to me than my job ever could. I promise that I'll do my best to ensure that this does not happen again. I love you, sweetheart, you're the only light in my life.''
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At times, CASSANDRA can come off as insensitive and uncaring, as she has always relied more on logic and rationality rather than feelings. So if you feel hurt by her cold demeanor, at first she may brush it off, thinking that you're being too sensitive or overdramatic. It isn't until some time passes, that she realizes just how much she has hurt you. Oh, her heart squeezes at your sunken stare, the way you seem so vulnerable and anxious. She needs to resolve this immediately and the very same night, she meets you in her lounge and sits you down on the sofa. She reluctantly lays her gloved hand on top of yours and takes a deep breath before looking into your eyes and apologizing. She had no idea that she caused you so much hurt and she feels so regretful that it took her this long to realize. From now on she intends to work on showing her feelings towards you and on her communication. You mean the world to her and she hates herself for ever causing you any harm.
''My love, I invited you here in order to say that... I am sorry. It was completely out of line for me to act that way towards you. You're my beloved partner, not some colleague whom I can afford to be rude to. I am so sorry if I hurt you and I'm sorry that it took me this long to realize. I promise to work on myself so that may never happen again. I don't think that you're too sensitive, your reaction was perfectly understandable given the way I acted toward you. I promise to never cause such hurt to your heart ever again, beloved.''
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You know that AMBESSA loves you, and she knows it too, but good God is it sometimes hard for you to believe. Your whole relationship is one big learning lesson for her on how to maintain an earnest romantic relationship. Truthfully, she never had that as all her previous relationships had a sexual connotation behind them. Because of this, Ambessa often struggles with voicing her feelings for you which could lead you to thinking that you are truly nothing more than another pet to her. When you voice these doubts, Ambessa is furious, not realizing that she truly hasn't been treating you much differently than she did her past lovers. Sure, she knows she loves you and that you are so much more to her than that, but do you know it too? It's only after you storm out in tears, that Ambessa realizes her mistake. Of course you can't read her mind, she needs to show you what you mean to her in order for you to believe it. She immediately runs off to search for you and finds you crying your eyes out on a bench in her estate's garden. She feels her once stone-cold heart crack at the sight, and swiftly pulls you into her embrace, shushing you and caressing your hair. Ambessa explains that she now realizes what she did wrong and swears upon her life that she will fix it. You mean so much more to her than all her previous lovers combined and she needs to treat you that way. Holds you as long as you need her to, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and playing with your hair until you fall asleep in her arms.
''Darling, I... I am so sorry for not realizing it sooner. I thought that I was doing better, that I was showing you my true feelings. But now I realize that that was only in my mind and that, in reality, I haven't been good to you. But that will change, you mean so much to me. For the first time in my life, I have a partner who wants me for more than just my status, wealth, and body. You've seen my ugliest sides and yet you're still here and I failed to show you just how much I appreciate that. I promise to treat you right from now on, you'll never have to doubt my love for you ever again.''
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salty-croissants · 7 months
Reader who performs in musicals x Bullfrog, Rayman and Ramon (all separate) please? Thank you! Have a good day/evening/night!
Thank you for the request ! 
This one was really neat and fun to write :D
Hope this turned out okay !
Details : use of gender neutral reader ;
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
When you first told him that you were a musical performer , Bullfrog was absolutely amazed by it … no matter what role you actually play , for him it’s like you’re the most talented person in the whole world . 
< Oh my dear , c'est incroyable ! I can’t wait to get to see you perform one day ! >
< Aw , thanks love , but are you sure that wouldn’t be dangerous for you ? You know , with your job and many people around someone could recognize you and … I wouldn’t want you to get hurt because of me … > 
< I’m going to be careful don’t you worry , I’ll do anything I can to be there : it’s not just any musical if you’re in it mon amour ~ > 
Yeah , Bullfrog really meant what he said : 
you can often spot him hidden somewhere in the room when you’re on stage , staring at you with those loving eyes that never fail to make you blush …
He’s just so cute , and the fact that he would go to such lengths just to be there to support you makes you all giddy inside … as well as a bit worried for his safety , but you try your best not to think about it too much .
When the performance is done and you get to go backstage to your private room to take a moment to breathe and relax , you already know that you only need to count to three before you hear a knock on the door and find a very enthusiastic Bullfrog on the other side …
< Thank you for coming , sweetheart ! So … what did you think ? > 
< I think you did wonderfully , y/n : I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you during your song , c'était si beau ! >
< Really ? I was honestly afraid I didn’t hit some of the high notes right … god , you wouldn’t believe how anxious that made me the second the song ended , and plus - >
Bullfrog can’t help but smile as he listens to you talk , holding your hand while walking back home …
You’re just so passionate , it’s something that makes you even more beautiful in his eyes if that’s even possible . 
Your songs often get stuck in his head , so it’s not rare to hear Bullfrog humming them to himself while showering you with affection when you’re together , but sometimes also during missions :
it helps him to remain calm , reminding himself that he has you by his side and that he has to stay alive to get back to you …
Bullfrog’s life really wouldn’t be the same without you in it . 
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Rayman 🧡
One of Rayman’s favorite things to do is just sit and listen to you preparing for your current musical’s role , closing his eyes and focusing on your beautiful voice …
You’re always happy to have him there , especially since if you get easily self conscious about something his help will definitely help .
< Man … this sucks , it’s been days and I still can’t get that part right … the performance is ruined , how am I going to - > 
< Hey , hey … slow down y/n , take a deep breath …
There’s plenty of time before the performance , you just gotta keep trying and most importantly not push yourself too hard . > 
< *sigh* … yeah , you’re right … thanks Ray , sorry about that . >
< You don’t need to apologize honey … here , how about we take a break ? 
You’ve been working on it for hours now , I think you’ve earned it . > 
Even tough the Directors are constantly monitoring him , you can bet that Rayman will do everything he can to be there the day of the performance , and whenever you see him cheering for you among the crowd it always fills you with joy … 
He’s just so sweet , you can’t help but love him even more in those occasions ://) 
Rayman actually has lots of recordings of you singing , that way he can listen to them whenever you’re away and he misses you … 
Oh , and you can be sure that he will gush about you to literally everyone , because they all need to know just how wonderful and talented you are . 
< Ahh , you should’ve seen it … 
The way their eyes were shining while singing on that stage was simply magical !
Isn’t my y/n just amazing ? > 
< Mhm … 
Mister Rayman , can I leave now ? It’s been one whole hour … I’m just a janitor , remember ? > 
Since he does have quite a nice singing voice himself , you and Rayman definitely love to sing duets together , sometimes even dancing in the middle of the living room while the sun sets outside the lounge …
It’s a beautiful , precious moment for the both of you , ones that you will carry in your hearts forever .
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Ramon 🖤
Okay , so now that he murdered the Directors and officially became wanted by Eden , Ramon knows that it’s not safe for him to show himself in public anymore … 
However , since you still need to perform in your musicals he can’t help but feel very torn about the whole situation , especially since he’s way more protective of you after all that’s happened . 
< I’m telling you sweetie , I’m going to be just fine ! It’s only a few hours … > 
< But I have to … I need to make sure nobody hurts you . > 
< Ram , I won’t have you risking your life to watch over me . We’ve talked about this . > 
< I can’t lose you , y/n … > 
< You won’t … I promise . 
I’ll be back before you even notice . > 
Remember those recordings of your performances he made when he was still regarded as the Voice of Eden ? 
Well , Ramon definitely listens to them a lot more now to try and keep his head distracted from thinking about what dangers could take you away from him when you’re gone .
It’s not a rare occurrence for you to arrive home and find Ramon asleep with one of the recordings playing in the background , and it’s during those moments that you fully realize that you really are the only thing keeping him together .
Whenever he happens to have a nightmare ( let me tell you , it happens often … this poor man is just so scarred by what he saw and what he did ) , Ramon is really going to appreciate it if you decide to sing him to sleep :
he just holds you tight , all the tension in his body finally leaving him thanks to your voice and your gentle touch caressing his hair …
< Mmm … y/n … > 
< I’m here , darling … I’m right here … >
< I love you so much , y/n … > 
< I love you too Ramon … there , just close your eyes , you should really try to sleep some more . > 
< Mmkay … > 
Sometimes when you’re having a bit of a rough day , Ramon is going surprise you by suddenly hold your hands and start slow dancing with you , singing your favorite duet … 
It’s one of the only moments in which all of his troubles seem so , so far away , leaving just you and him in the comfort of your home , being happy in a place were no one can hurt either of you … not Eden , nor anybody else . 
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elsfairy · 1 year
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SECURITY ⋯ ♡ᵎ (I did say I was going to write about sevika&anxiety so. I'm also adding things i do when im anxious, we're all different so these might be different from someone else.)
☆ Sevika deals with enough stress, every single day she breathes. So to her, it was just another part of her job. Or she thought.
☆ It wasn't exactly hard for you to understand that she wasn't exactly feeling 100% herself. Her answers were short, or more irritable replies.
☆ "Can you just, let it go? I'm perfectly fine"
☆ Easier said than done, she looked anything but fine whenever she would get home. The small voice in your head always told you to leave it. You couldn't, you worried, and you cared.
☆ She's a pro at covering up any emotion she has. The only thing she will show is her anger and hatred though, she was silent even when she was mad about something. That is what worried you. A silent Sevika isn't a good sign.
☆ It was the first time you noticed her behavior was a little different on an early morning. Making coffee was never something Sevika had trouble with, but it was out of the blue when you stumbled into the kitchen, seeing her standing by the window, her hands trembling.
☆ Her breathing got a lot heavier during these times.
☆ "Vika, are you alright?"
☆ In all your months of dating, she's been easy with her emotions, but sometimes she can't help but push you away when it came to them or anything that involved her wellbeing. She loved you so much, but she was scared. So, pushing you away seemed the best option. Because she's 'supposed' to be strong.
☆ "Yeah, I'll be home late tonight. Don't worry about little old me"
☆ That's always the wrong thing to say to you because it makes you worry about her even more. It was unusual but some mornings she's a lot more snarky and rude towards you. Not that she meant to be.
☆ Frankly, she didn't even fucking know what was going on with herself either.
☆ She always got home at weird and random times of the night, but it was one particular night when she somehow managed to wake you up by stumbling through the door, the slamming making you worried, again.
☆ It was the first time in your life that you found Sevika standing in the middle of the living room, breathing heavier again, trembling. Note that she didn't tremble, ever.
☆ "Sev, what's going on? are you alright? did something happen?"
☆ "No, just⎯ go back to sleep, okay?"
☆ You, being you were used to ignoring her snarky attitude and barely gave her a chance to ignore you.
☆ You're also known to be very touchy towards Sevika, and she didn't mind that. Of course though, when she flinched away from you, you panicked.
☆ "Hey, it's just me, I'm not going to hurt you. What's wrong?"
☆ Sevika didn't cry. She never cried, over anything.
☆ But she cried.
☆ She always felt safe whenever you were around, but sometimes she just felt so fucking scared, worried.
☆ "Vika, hey, look at me"
☆ This was different from anything else. It was hard to control and calm down an angry Sevika, but trying to comfort a crying one? she's never cried so you had no idea what to do, but you had an inkling.
☆ You were a lot shorter than she was, but it didn't stop that you needed to be there for her. You needed to calm her down and help her.
☆ "Just breathe. Everything is okay. You're having a panic attack Vika, just focus on me and your breathing"
☆ Even if you've said them, the words still made no sense to her, she's never had one before. Fuck, she's never felt anxious before until the past few weeks.
☆ Out of the two of you, Sevika wasn't as touchy like you were. She loved holding your hand and hugging you but the comfort you give her broke all the walls she had up, down.
☆ "Nothing is wrong with you, it's alright you just need to focus on your breathing"
☆ "Im scared"
☆ Her trembled voice broke your heart.
☆ If she's angry, she just loves to hold you to calm down. She's never hurt you and she wouldn't. But she held tightly onto you, afraid to let go of you. Still trembling in your arms. crying.
☆ "I know, but it's okay. I'm right here, right here to help you"
☆ She worked a lot, so you can only gather it's because of that. Nothing usually makes her this worried, or anxious.
☆ "There you go, just keep focusing on breathing. We can stay here as long as you'd like"
☆ Won't openly admit it, but she didn't mind when you would lay on the blankets and pillows on the floor, making a bed fort just for her to feel safe. Because she loved it. She loved that you would do anything for her. To keep her safe.
☆ You figured out that she really enjoyed it when you would run your fingers through her hair when she felt like this. Resting her head in your lap, fumbling with your fingers on your free hand, keeping her breathing steady.
☆ She panics when her hands start to tremble in yours again, but you're there, reassuring her that's she safe, and that you're here for her.
☆ When she starts to feel like she's having another one, you place her hand on your chest, just so she can feel your heart beating. It calms her down and she focuses. Like you practiced together.
☆ "I feel like I'm a child"
☆ "You're not a child, you're just dealing with something new. It's okay though, you're perfect the way you are"
☆ From the start, you've had a habit of humming random songs wherever you are and she really fucking loves when you do it because it makes her aware she's here, and okay.
☆ "Can you sing that song? from a few weeks ago?"
☆ "Of course, Sweetheart"
☆ As cheesy as it sounds, you are her security blanket.
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Sorry, this is so fuckin long. This is more like a fic and a head cannon, idk what happened but :) my computer had a major seizure, so i had to write half this again, im lowkey pissed.
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
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Everything's Alright 💙
Summary: Life has been taking quite the toll on you lately, and your sweet boyfriend has definitely noticed how stressed you are. Luckily, he's got a little trick to help you relax and forget all your worries.
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Thank you to the anon that put in this writing request! This story is SFW fluff. Please enjoy!
WARNINGS: Hypnosis, Dumbification
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Life was getting pretty hectic for you. Actually, no. That wasn't right. Life was hell for you. 
Responsibilities, personal problems, deteriorating mental health. It was all that and much more. It had gotten to a point where it felt like the weight of the world was on your shoulders. Everything was just hitting you all at once with no sign of a break in sight. 
People told you all the time to be grateful for the good things you had. Food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head. Some people don't even have that, they'd remind you. Gratitude was something you had made a habit of practicing often. 
But that didn't take away from the fact that you were completely burned out. You felt anxious and overwhelmed by everything. If someone were to ask you just the smallest question, you’d get frazzled. This really wasn’t like you, and it was insufferable. 
What made it worse was how much you bottled up these feelings. You didn’t want your boys getting worried about you. You spent almost every night with your boyfriend, Paul, and the three other Lost Boys you called your friends. They never had a care in the world. Always feeling adventurous and bold, there was never a dull moment with them.
The last thing you wanted to do was spoil the fun. So you acted like nothing was wrong. Put on a smile and acted as laid back as possible about everything. Meanwhile, your head was full of stress. 
You thought you had fooled the others, but little did you know, Paul was the one who noticed something was off. Along with being a total goofball, he was also an empath. He knew whenever someone in the pack was feeling down, and always did his best to cheer him up. The others compared him to a puppy most of the time because he was loyal and loving and very snuggly when someone needed a bit of extra love.
So while the others went out for their hunt together, Paul decided to stick around the cave. You had been pacing back and forth in one of the corners for a while now, chewing your nail and mentally thinking about all the stuff you still hadn’t taken care of. Some errands here, work stuff there, it all added up and you had no idea how to take your mind off of it. 
Paul could see it clear as day. He pouted from his spot on the broken fountain. No partner of his should have to struggle with all this.
“Hey sugar,” he called over to you. “You feelin’ alright over there?”
For a brief moment, you were able to snap out of the whirlwind of worries swirling in your head. You put on your best smile, masking the tense feelings you were actually experiencing. 
“Y-Yeah, Paulie!” you chirped. “I’m okay! Just taking care of some stuff before we hang out!”
You thought you had done a decent job of hiding your true emotions, but the look on Paul’s face told you the opposite. He frowned back at you, eyebrows turned up and pretty, blue eyes wide with concern as he got up from his spot. Your heart was pounding so hard in your chest that it almost hurt. 
“Baby, that’s not true,” he pouted. “I can hear what’s going on in your head, remember?”
Fuck. You actually hadn’t remembered that. The others had promised to keep out of your head with their mind-reading powers, but if you were truly in a bad mood, they took a peak just to see if there was something they could do to help. You wished they didn’t do that. The last thing you wanted was to concern them. 
“I can’t even hear any clear thoughts. All I get from your head is nonsense and worries overlapping. It’s almost like your brain is screaming”
It wasn’t a pretty image to think of, but if you were being honest, that was the exact thing going on with you at that moment. 
There wasn’t any hiding from a vampire, and as a human with no way to block him out, all you could do was give up. You let your sweet smile fall, the true look of stress painting over your face while your body slumped over. At that point you had been so exhausted, it was starting to affect your physical energy. You were so very tired, and as Paul made his way over to you, he could see that quite easily. 
“I…I’m sorry…” you sighed. “I didn’t want to ruin the mood with how I was feeling…”
The vampire moved from his spot and quickly made his way over to you. Always ready to show affection, he held out his arms to pull you in for a big hug. As much as you didn’t like admitting something was wrong, you could never pass up a loving embrace from Paul. You practically melted into his arms, coming undone as he held you and stroked your hair. 
After some gentle encouragement, you finally admitted what was going on with you. For several minutes you vented about all the things going on in your life and how stressed you were. It had gotten so bad that your mental struggle was taking a toll on your physical health. You felt sick, had headaches, and could barely focus. 
All the while, Paul listened carefully. The others teased him about not being the brightest or being a total goof most of the time, but Paul was a lot wiser than they gave him credit for. He knew to not interrupt your thoughts or disregard your feelings. If anything, he understood them best. You were going through a lot of struggling, and he was going to do whatever he could to help make it better.
“That sounds like a lot to go through, baby,” he cooed, stroking your cheek with his thumb. You hadn’t even realized you started crying during the conversation. “There’s no way I can make all those problems go away…..but I think I know something that’ll help get rid of the stress”
“I appreciate the offer, Paulie, but I’m not in the mood to get high right now,” you smiled softly, leaning into his touch more.
He giggled, amused by your assumption. Rolling up a joint and lounging on the couch was certainly his go-to method for making any stress fade away. But that wasn’t what he had in mind for this particular problem.
“Nah, it’s not that. I have something a little….stronger”
Now you were feeling extra curious. When you tilted your head in confusion, his grin widened. He absolutely adored that look in your eye when something intrigued you.
“Y’know how my brothers and I have the power of hypnosis? Well, we don’t just use it to confuse people or get them to do what we want. We can also use it to relax those we use it on. It kinda…makes them go a bit dumb and woozy, but in like the best way possible”
“Soooo…I’ll just have my brain turned off?” you asked.
“That’s the best way I can describe it. You’ll be totally calm and chill, and it’ll be a really good break for your brain. No more worries freaking you out”
It was quite the offer. On the one hand, you realized how scary it could be to let a vampire have complete control over your mind. In any other situation, you’d be terrified of what could be done to you if you lost control and had no sense of control. But on the other hand, this wasn’t some random monster trying to hurt you. This was Paul. The love of your life. He would do anything to keep you safe. 
Looking in his baby blues allowed you to truly see how much he cared. He was so kind to you. Always a sweetheart who wanted the best. Never once did you see a monster when you looked at him. You only saw a piece of your heart. 
So you trusted him. With a nod, you silently granted him permission to use his powers on you. 
“Okay. Just keep your eyes on me, baby”
Paul placed his hands on either side of your face, carefully holding you as if you were made of glass. So very fragile in his powerful grasp. With your eyes locked on his, you watched as the blue color faded away, the burn of yellow and red taking its place.
It was all so sudden. Your brain did in fact feel like it was turned off. 
Without any hesitation, Paul slowly pulled out any negative thoughts going on in your mind. Everything you had been obsessing over for days and weeks became fuzzier until there was nothing left to think about. The fears and the sadness faded away, leaving an overall sensation of calm. Your body itself was physically relaxing too. Every tense spot in your muscles and bones went loose. 
“That’s it, sugar. Let me take care of you. No more pesky thoughts in that cute head. Just relax and it’ll all be better~”
A smile stretched across your face as you sunk more into Paul’s grip. You couldn’t even remember what you had been so upset about before. The way he returned the expression told you he felt the same way.
Before you knew it, you were a dopey little version of yourself, feeling giggly and light-headed and extra snuggly. You fell into Paul’s arms, as your legs felt too wobbly to hold you up. He was clearly enjoying this version of you. 
“See? Nothing to keep you down anymore, baby. You can just chill and not worry about a thing~”
He scooped you up in his arms, holding you close to his strong chest as he carried you to your room. As long as you were taking the time to get some relaxation, he would make absolutely certain your feet wouldn’t touch the ground.
While he walked, you got a little handsy with him. You giggled playfully as you played with the hair on his chest and nuzzled into the side of his neck, kissing the sensitive spots you knew made him feel frisky. In the hazy cloud of your mind, you still felt the urge to make him feel good too. 
But that wasn’t what Paul had in mind. He tutted softly as he set you down on your bed.
“No no, baby. No sex right now,” he shushed you. “I’m not gonna do that while you’re all loopy. You need rest”
The control he had over your mind made it sound like he was speaking to you from a far distance. You heard it, but it was still faded. Still, you understood and nodded, gazing up at him with big doe eyes as he helped pick out comfier clothes. Once you were ready, he peeled back the massive pile of blankets you had accumulated after moving in with the boys. 
You immediately started nuzzling against the comfy bed and pillows. It was already a cozy spot for you, but now with your mind calmed down, all the nice sensations felt ten times stronger. You couldn’t stop smiling, and that pleased Paul. 
“There we go. All better now. Lemme get in there with you and we can just nap for a while. Sound good, sugar?”
You couldn’t even form words. It was as if you went completely dumb, unable to properly use your voice. All you could do was nod happily, agreeing with the idea of sleeping with Paul by your side. With your arms reaching out to him, he slipped into bed and pulled you close for a hug. 
Warm, fuzzy feelings filled your entire body. You could certainly get used to something like this. Letting Paul care for you and turn your brain off when life got to be too much. The way he held you in his arms and stroked you gently made you feel completely safe. Nothing was going to hurt you or keep you down. Not while he was there.
So while you faded into a deep sleep, he whispered his sweet nothings in your ear.
“It’s okay, baby. My little love. Everything’s alright~”
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eviebyme · 11 months
Hello Evie, I really like your page! Can I request who in Stray Kids is the clingy needy type of boyfriend? Thanks 💖
Hi there! Thank you so much 😊! Thanks for your request!💘
Who is Clingy in Stray Kids
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Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin
Hyunjin values alone time with you and will want to be considered a special person to you. He can definitely give you space when you need it but will need assurance every now and again. When you’re out spending time with your friends he’ll remind you he’s your boyfriend and deserves time too. Jisung cares too much. He will want to solve every problem in your life, no matter how small. If you look like you’ve had a rough day he will want to know EVERYTHING that happened and will think through possible solutions. Even if you just want to unwind and be alone, he will worry. He’ll give you space but will overthink things until you talk about it. Seungmin just likes doing things with you. Whenever he finds something he wants to do he automatically thinks of you and will invite you along. His relationships tend to become very intertwined and he is the type to take on characteristics of his partner. It’s not on purpose but he enjoys sharing parts of his life with you and vice versa.
Not Clingy
Lee know, Jeongin
Lee know trusts you and is off doing his own thing. He understand you have a life of your own and doesn’t mind space in your relationship. Since he is very introverted and skeptical, the fact that he’s even in a relationship with you means he 100% trusts you. So, he is pretty low maintenance - but he also expects his partner to be the same. Jeongin is a very laidback guy. He values his independence and prefers drama free relationships. Sometimes he is too trustworthy and gets hurt, but he is always ready to open his heart to someone.
Lowkey Clingy
Chan, Felix, Changbin
Chan is naturally easy going but he has a firm line for certain things. One of those things is the boundaries in his relationship. He has standards which he upholds and finds it very disrespectful if someone goes against them. If his partner receives attention or gives their attention to someone else he would think this goes against the boundaries of a relationship. It will definitely irk him, but he is very easy to talk to and he will give you space if you need it. Felix is sensitive and internalizes his feelings. He does get anxious when he’s away from his partner, but he doesn’t want to burden them with his neediness. From the outside it seems like he is secure enough to give his partner their freedom, but inside he’s battling his insecurities. Changbin wishes he was easygoing. In fact he tries to persuade people he is - but the hard truth is he’s not. His ego won’t allow him to relax. Similar to Felix, he will want to appear calm but will feel threatened.
Requests Open!
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moonypears-blog · 4 months
do you got any hcs for Cedric and Sofia if Sofia was Cedric's bio daughter?
I also heard you're making a story where Sofia sees Cedric as her dad (idk if I got it wrong) and I cannot wait to read it, also don't stress yourself and take breaks whenever you need it! :)
I love your blogs btw 🫶
Thank you! I am working on that, it's going to be a one-shot series, basically Sofia asks Cedric to unofficially adopt her, but they keep it secret because Sofia doesn't want to cause drama, as it would involve explaining how she doesn't see Roland as her father, she doesn't want to upset her mom or change her relationship with Amber and James. I'm currently working on a different fanfic, but the first one-shot in that series should be my next project!
Headcanons ↓
When Sofia was little, she'd always try to wear her father's robe, so much so that Cedric got a smaller copy made just for her.
Cedric calls Sofia his little sorceress.
At the time of Sofia's birth, Cedric was still incredibly bitter towards the to royal family, he had plans to take over the kingdom, make Sofia his little princess and rule together. It was her who made him change, just like in canon. He gave up on his plans because he realised how risky it was, if he got caught the chances are he'd never get to see her grow up. He was determined to be a better father to her than his father was to him, and he couldn't do that if he was locked away in the castle dungeon. So he cleaned his act up. The sweetness of his young baby was enough to warm his heart completely.
When Sofia was a baby and toddler, she often tried to grab Cedric's wand out of his hand, not knowing it was a dangerous beacon of power, just thinking "Pretty stick." Cedric found it so cute he struggled to scold her for it.
Sofia's first word was "worm." She'd said it whilst pointing at Wormwood on his perch, she'd heard her father call his name, but didn't quite have the syllables for the full thing.
For the first 5 years or so, Wormwood wasn't exactly fond of Sofia for two main reasons. One, he didn't like children, two, she'd unintentionally spoiled his plans of taking over the kingdom with Cedric. He went into lots of timeouts for harshly pecking Sofia with his beak. She'd only giggled, but Cedric was a rather anxious parent for the first few years and was terrified of her getting hurt.
When Sofia was a newborn, Cedric didn't like other people touching and holding her. He was very protective, anxious about contamination and worried someone would drop her.
Goodwyn didn't hold back on his criticism like usual. "You're holding her wrong." "That's not how you do it." Cedric almost never let him hold Sofia, not only was his father a somewhat rough parent, but he was worried about him getting too cocky and dropping his sweet baby to the floor.
Winnifred was welcomed to hold Sofia though. Cedric trusted her to be careful, he'd seen her handle other people's babies before, she was beyond gentle, and he could only imagine how she'd be with her grandchild.
The royal twins are a few years older than Sofia. Sofia's scared of some of Amber's friends, mostly Hildegard. She gets along well with James's friends and often gets invited to play with them.
When she was young, Sofia had severe sensory issues regarding food, there wasn't a lot she was capable of eating, much like Cedric at that age. He got told by many castle workers to just make her eat it and she'd be fine. But he completely refused. With time, she branched out to different foods, while there's still a lot she doesn't eat, she has much wider tastes.
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pathetic-sapphic · 11 months
I loved your recent fic. If you are comfortable, would you mind doing a fluffy hurt comfort jinx x fem reader who is on the autistic spectrum. Super smart and one of the few people who can keep up with her but is constantly anxious about everything they do since like her they got insulted and bullied for being "off" the only person they feel totally comfy and safe around is her because she is the only person to treat her like she's not stupid and she utterly adores jinx for that.
Jinx with an autistic S/O
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Tags: Jinx x fem! Reader, authors note at the end
Disclaimer: I am in no way a mental health professional nor am I on the autistic spectrum so if there are any mistakes in what I've written, feel free to let me know.
When she started dating you, Jinx was overjoyed that she found someone so alike her, someone with similar wit and experiences. She felt so safe and comfortable around you, she felt like Powder again and she was over the moon when you told her you feel the same with her.
Is always there to comfort you whenever you have your lows. You're always there for her whenever she has episodes or feelings of self-doubt and although it takes a while, Jinx learns how to be there for you too. She often tries to distract you by making you laugh, but if that doesn't work she will hold you as long as you need her to.
This also goes for your anxiety. If you're feeling anxious about a particular event or something you said or did, she does her best to take your mind off of it. If she notices your fidgeting, Jinx interlocks your fingers with her own and holds onto you tightly so that you know you have her support. Is always there to reassure you that your worries aren't stupid or unwarranted, she understands that you can't help it and makes sure to dispel any remaining doubts or anxieties.
Janna forbid anyone even looks at you wrong, let alone tries to bully or insult you. This will make them into a perfect candidate for Jinx to try out her new weapons and bombs on. After she takes care of you and comforts you, she is after them and no one is going to stop her from taking her revenge. You're her sweetheart, her cute trinket and no one gets to say anything different.
Jinx loves your brain and your thought process. She'll often let you in on the stuff she's working on in hopes you'll have some good advice or ideas. She also encourages you to help her decorate her inventions with some cute doodles of your own! If you help her make a bomb, she jokingly calls it your lovechild.
All in all, Jinx loves you so very much and she is delighted by how well the two of you match and get along. She loves spending time with you, whether you're cuddling, talking or just enjoying each other's presence in silence. You're her beautiful, smart girl and she will protect your fragile heart with her life.
a/n: thank you for the request, dear anon! i hope it's alright that i wrote hcs instead of a fic and that you will enjoy reading them :)
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hxspitalforsxuls · 2 years
Lullabies | E. M
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Anxious! gn! reader
Summary: Whenever you need him, Eddie will be there for you, whether it's because you're bored, lonely, or because anxiety is slowly consuming you. You just need to call him and he will quickly be in your room whispering lullabies to calm you down.
Content warnings: Descriptions of anxiety attack, pet names, swearing, Eddie being a softy, a little hurt/comfort (?, reader is anxious, reader cries, fluff, my bad English and writing (this needs a warning too, clearly).
Notes: The reader is not physically described, and I tried to make this gender neutral. Let me know if some part I messed with the pronouns or something. This was very self-indulgent of me because after watching the news today my anxiety started spiraling in my mind and I didn't know what to do to stop it, so i wrote this to make myself feel better. Also, i really need an Eddie in my life.
You were standing by your phone, waiting for the other person to answer. The sounds of the phone only making you more anxious. It's 2 a.m. and you feel guilty for calling him so late, knowing he probably fell asleep not long ago after his gig at The Hideout.
Just as you were about to hang up, you hear him mumble a small "Hello?" in a sleepy, raspy voice on the other end of the line. You feel guiltier for that, you didn't want to disturb him while he was sleeping, but your anxiety was getting the better of you, and you know that hearing his voice would be one of the only things that could calm you down in this state.
"Is anyone there?" he could probably feel your deep, shaky breathing as you try to form words in your mouth, scared that he'd hang up if you didn't speak. "Listen bro, it's fucking 2 in the morning, please go bother someone else-" he couldn't finish his threat as you finally got the words out of your mouth, a whiny little "Babe" that you know he might be able to hear.
"Sweetheart, is that you? Is something wrong?" His tone of voice changes quickly, now sounding more awake and concerned. You never call him at night, even though he's told you a hundred times that if you need him, you just have to call anytime. But you never call him, and he knows it's because you don't want to bother him, or because you're embarrassed to ask for help when you need it. So, if you called him today at 2 am it's because something happened.
You keep silent with the phone to your ear, trying to calm your breathing to get to talk to him, but you can't, your mind is racing at the moment without giving you time to breathe or concentrate on anything. Your chest hurts from the breaths you are forcing out. Eddie is very worried about you on the other end of the line, and you hear how he's trying to gather his things quickly. "It's okay baby, I'd be there in ten, okay? I'll be there with you, just try to inhale and exhale for me".
You mumble a small "kay" as you try to focus on your breathing, your vision becomes blurry as tears begin to gather in your eyes. You hear a "See ya, love" before Eddie hangs up. Your hands shaking trying to put the phone back in place and failing miserably, just letting it hang up.
You sit on the floor with your head between your knees, waiting for Eddie to arrive. Nothing bad has happened to you, everything was fine one moment, but then you turn on the TV to watch some news and your mind starts spinning in thoughts about all the things that were happening outside, about everything that could happen to your loved ones, about what could happen to you. You really tried to stop the train of your thoughts, trying to concentrate on something else, but nothing really helps the anxiety that starts to run through your body like a creeper. Then, after a while trying to deal with it by yourself, Eddie's name comes to your mind, knowing that he could help you out of that hole you dug yourself.
You don't know how many minutes pass as you sit on the floor hugging your knees and trying to breathe, starting to feel dizzy for the lack of oxygen. But soon you hear your front door close and footsteps running toward your room. You know it's Eddie, because he has a spare key in case of emergencies or times when you feel too lazy to walk to the door to open it for him.
You soon feel his body on the floor next to you as his arms wrap around your body pulling you closer to him while he begins to place small kisses on the top of your head. You don't even know at what point you start sobbing into his chest, it was all getting too much for you. "Shh shh shh baby. It's okay" he coos "I need you to breathe, love, you're going to make you sick" as he says that, he lovingly grabs both sides of your head and arranges them so that your ear is pressed on his chest. The sound of his heartbeat instantly calms you down
He starts breathing deeply, trying to get you to copy him, and after a few tries and some supportive words whispered in your ears, like "you're doing great honey" "keep breathing like that" and "it's going to be okay", he achieves his purpose, getting your breathing to regulate. But even after that, he doesn't let you out of his arms, and you really don't want to let go at all. Feeling safe in his arms as he starts humming songs with his lips pressed to your head. You recognize some of the tunes as songs by metal bands he likes, but the way he hums the melodies and mumbles the words makes them sound like lullabies, soothing you as you start to feel calmer and sleepier.
Eddie never asks too many questions, knowing that you will talk to him when you feel ready to express how you feel. His priority is always to make you feel okay. Even if you wake him up at 2 am in the morning without even knowing what made you feel so anxious in the first place. He always takes the time to understand you and make you feel calm and loved.
There is no doubt that Eddie loves you with all his heart, and you love him as much as he does.
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