#i got back from a two day trip both days very busy and i dont do stuff lile this a lot
orxcaboxx · 6 months
I had a dream that Michael Cera abused his Pokemon?
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starillusion13 · 11 months
A Night for Apology
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Pairing: bf! Hongjoong x f! reader x bf! Yunho
Genre: Angst, Smut, Non Idol au, Mature
Warnings: very suggestive things, mature themes, mention of ( brat, bitch), boyfriends being angry with you, controlling and possessiveness (don’t know what more to add, if these all are giving you hints what more can be there so be aware of it please)
W.C: 3.6k
Note: My horny ass for pissed off Yunho and Hongjoong made me write this after watching a reel on the insta so bear with my work.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere
@yeoobin @anyamaris (I know you both are down for mad Yunho and Joong)
*under the cut*
“Where are you now?”, your friend is asking you for the third time this evening. She is calling you for past two hours but you were not picking up as you were not sure whether you can go to your destined place for today. The plan to spend the whole day at your friend’s place for a girls’ sleepover was planned last week when you all four suddenly met at the mall. It was all fine until today when you received a call from your boyfriends telling you they can be possibly home before the date of return. You were tensed after the call but somehow made up your mind to take a final decision and picked up your friend’s call when it was the fourth time for the missed call.
“I will be there in thirty minutes.” You are staring at the mirror while on the call to check your look for the nth time before heading out. With one hand, you hastily packed up all the necessary belongings for the sleepover in your vanity bag and the other hand is still busy pressing the phone to your ears to hear your friend ramblings.
“Are you sure you will be coming today? Our meeting was supposed to be started two hours back but neither we saw any sign of your coming nor you were picking up the call. Are you okay?” The phone got snatched away from your friend. A rather louder voice spoke up now.
“If you have any problem then we can arrange this for another time.” Another time? Oh, not possible. This is the only chance you have until your boyfriends return from the business trip. If your boyfriends get to know about your today’s plan then it would not go well for you.
“Oh! its okay, both of you relax, I will be there soon. Don’t worry too much.” Switching off the lights and locking the door of your grand house, you walked towards the main street. You can’t take your car because they have taken your keys away as you are being disobedient to them for last two months. They have banned you for going out when they found out your sneak outs with your friends with whom they have warned not to meet. It’s not like they don’t want you to meet with others but they don’t trust two of your friends as they think those two don’t have good intentions to you. But you being persistent and still going to meet your best friend where those two friends will also be there.
 It’s okay as far as they are not aware of this.
Getting inside the cab, an uneasy feeling settles down at the pit of your stomach as to what can possibly happen if they ever get to know about today. The ring of a phone call takes you out of your thoughts, without looking at the id you picked up hoping to hear your friend’s voice.
“Y/N where are you?” your eyes go wide on hearing the deep masculine voice for which you double check the id and it shows ‘Yuyu’. Pity you, being always in a hurry leads you to this situation. Not coming with a fast excuse rather you cut the call when the driver made the horn sound indicating your arrival to your friend’s place. You still looking at the screen which went black for getting turn off after thirty seconds of screentime. Dim street lights are still enough to reflect your shocked eyes into the tiny phone screen. Debating in your mind for the 5th time, you made up to go back to your house. Telling the driver to drive you back, you quickly sent a text to your friend telling her about your sudden headache to which she insisted you to take rest and not to think about turning them down like this.
The whole ride back to home was a mental battle for you and your thoughts as to what to tell him after calling him back. Well, you are a bit confused as why neither one of them yet called you back when you without replying a word cut the call back then. You are looking at the phone screen in anticipation to get a call but silence; neither a call nor a single text. Maybe they are busy in any business deals or so, they would might call you back later so you need to prepare some believable excuses before the interaction. You were so lost in thoughts that you didn’t notice the cab pulled in by the main street stop. It was prepaid so you quickly got down and head towards the house. The silence of the night is contrasting the loud thoughts inside your head, the shiny backless short dress making you the brightest star on the street.
Unlocking the door, your senses hit with a familiar smell of a perfume. Why is this smell so strong now? Switching on the lights, you keep your bag on the top of door side cupboard, back still facing the main area of the living room.
“So, you really went there again?” there is someone in my house and this smell all around, so that means he is here.
Turning around you face the reality of the current situation, Hongjoong sitting on the centre sofa with legs spreading wide with elbows placed on the knees and hands joined above with chin on top of it, eyes staring daringly to you.
“Ho-hongjoong?........” you are still shocked to see him at this hour here. They were supposed to return next week but the early return was not expected to be so early.
“What? Why are you like a cat being caught?” giving you his wicked grin.
“You are back so early? I-I didn’t expect you to be here.” He is still wearing his outside clothes; the black leather jacket with funky black jeans and a black tee inside. You looked around to find any trace of other presence when you noticed a bigger size black jacket placed on the handle of the other sofa and now you are sure Yunho might be taking shower in upstairs.
“Are you not happy or are you disappointed as we are interrupting your brat routines of sneaking out to places you are being banned to?” he is not joking, he is dead serious with you even though he is grinning. His eyes are travelling all over your body, under his gaze you are really feeling exposed also your dress is not helping but adding the anger in him. His expression is dark full with anger but lust in his eyes. The cold air of air conditioner is hitting your skin making you realize you need to change the attire and also not to become the prey to the person before you. You hesitantly placed few hairs behind your ears and breaking the eye contact with the eyes which are now focused to your movements, you turned towards the stairs.
 “Where are you going now?” the question made you stop in your tracks in a fast reflex. You have already messed up the situation and also don’t have well prepared explanation and now without giving him a proper reply, you are going to your room. Is it really a good way to escape?
“I will just go to my room. I’m fe-feeling sick right now.” Your stuttering never helped you to act strong in front of them.
“Really? Come here.” Joong signalled you to sit beside him on the sofa.
 “No no its okay. Its just a minor headache, I can take care of myself.”
“Headache? The one suddenly occurred after the call from Yunho?” dang! How does he know about your excuse to your friends?
“I really d-don’t know what you are talking about.” You just want to run away from this house and hide in a place somewhere where they can’t find you until everything about today is forgotten.
“Oh my poor baby. I think your memory is becoming short then . You might be thinking so much about something.” The words are so soft but you know this is him mocking you with a dangerous look on his face which is only caused when he is mad at you. After warning you so many times, you still went to meet those friends even without asking them for once.
“Come here.” He blankly stated while staring at you the way he would jump on you anytime if you try to move in any other direction.
“Look, you are not going to control me or tell me what to do.” Wow. The strong woman is appearing in you. You are really pissing this man to the edge. Edge? The man stood up abruptly and with quick steps came in front of you facing close to you. He glared at you in a way, you can melt down in that place right at that moment. He holds your hand and the grip is way tighter and then pulled you towards the sofa and made you sit with him. The sudden bending made your tight dress to ride up the thigh a bit exposing lot more skin. He glanced there but quickly looked up to glare at you.
You tried to glare at him as well but miserably failing when a hand comes near your forehead to wipe away the hairs and then he pressed four fingers to your forehead. He might be a menace but a softie if you are sick or when you need something. He smirked at you when he caught you staring at him.
“Don’t have a fever so I suppose you don’t have that little headache as well.” Hearing his statement, you scoot backwards to run away from there. You are now leaning to the cushioned handle of the sofa, Joong keeping his one arm over the headrest of the sofa and lifted one leg on the sofa slightly bending the knee joint to sit comfortably facing you.
“I’m sorry……” you whispered.
“What? Speak loudly. I can’t hear you.” Joong is no more smiling but having a pissed off look which is referring to your deeds have surpassed his limits of temper.
“I’m sorry Joong.” You look down feeling guilty and keep on fiddling with your two thumbs. He loves you a lot but why you are still not listening to their warnings. They have always treated you like their princess but still their possessiveness sometimes is way too much. But no matter what you love them the most, they mean your world and the only family.
“I don’t think you are really sorry.” That’s it. You are going to say the world good bye this night. This voice alone can make you fall on your knees and ask for forgiveness. The new guest in between the moments of you and Joong is the real menace. While the other one can be a softie for few moments but this one is a total egotistic. You craned your neck to the direction of the voice.
Standing at the last step of the stairs with wet hairs and a white t-shirt with a casual trouser. The fresh lavender smell filled the atmosphere of the room. The tall frame throwing daggers at your small frame from the distance. He is totally looking like a fresh meal but to your disappointment you are not getting it unless you are sincerely apologizing to them.
“Yuyu, I’m really sorry.”
“Don’t call me that when you are just going to be a disobedient girl later.” You tried to pout at him but his glare made you shut up.
Distracted with Yunho, you didn’t notice how Joong’s eyes travelling longingly over your every exposed skin, literally eye fucking you. You felt tug in your hands and suddenly Joong pulled you on his lap.
You yelped on this sudden act and you can feel a different sensation in your stomach.
“What should we do with you?” Joong whispered.
“Joong…..” you moan out his name when his hands trail upon your thighs and on your back which is exposed because of the backless dress. His warm hands giving the perfect feels in the cold room.
“Don’t give her the satisfaction for anything Hongjoong.” You can hear Yunho speaking behind you. His presence is near to you yet far away to feel his touch.
“I’m not going to give her anything when she is just being a bitch like this.” Joong spoke glaring at you. You are so immersed to feel his touch, your eyes shot open on hearing his words.
“Why?” Titling his head, Joong asked you. You felt a third presence on the sofa just right behind you.
“You are really disappointing Y/N.” Hearing your name from his lips for the first time this night making you feel excited and anticipated of what can happen next. The large hands coming up to your scalp brushing the hairs and then messaging it when you felt a harsh pull to make you face the owner of the voice.
“She is really enjoying this.” Joong spoke up while playing with your fingers.
Yunho leaned his back on the cushion handrest and spread his long legs in front of him reaching to both side of your frame on Joong’s lap. He signalled Joong to make you sit between his long legs with your back resting to his chest, your legs are now spread similarly like him but so tiny compared to him. Joong made himself comfortable and sat facing you both.
“So, as you know this was your last warning.” Yunho’s deep voice near your ear and his vibrating chest in contact with your back is igniting the sensation in you but you know you are helpless in this situation when he is just so mad at you.
“I said am sorry but you both should know that you can’t always control me in every situation.”
“This is too much. You have disobeyed us and now arguing with me.”
Joong chuckled and now your attention is to the opposite male. He moved a bit forward to slightly hover your tiny frame. The hand in your hair is no longer there but tracing over your sides slowly, very slowly.  You tried to move a bit forward but you were held back by Yunho. He is gripping your forearms tightly to make you still. Your thighs rubbed together to feel any sensation to reduce the heat and wetness pooling between your legs. Hongjoong noticed your actions when he placed his knee between your thighs to separate them. You close your eyes in frustration for loosing friction.
Yunho’s big hand slaps your bare thigh to make your eyes water on the burning sensation on the skin. You look back towards him and see him devilishly smirking at you on your helpless state. Again, you move your attention towards Hongjoong. Yunho’s hands travel a bit upwards to lower your thin straps of your dress down exposing your shoulders and the upper chest. Joong eying the actions of his friend. They might be once close friends but their common interest on you and you accepting them made them become closer. Suddenly his eyes met yours.
“If you are thinking, you will be repeating this again and getting treated like this so good then you are wrong baby. We are just preparing you for the punishments later you will be receiving. I might let you slide sometimes but yunho would never.”
“I will never. Why don’t you listen to us?” his fingers intertwined with your one hand and your other hand is playing with Joong’s fingers.
“I really wanted to meet them. They are my friends after all.” You said looking at where Joong’s knees separating your thighs.
“They are not your friends. They always try to distract your mind by telling you that we are not nice people and you should stay away from us. Despite you keep on insisting to meet them. At this point I think you are starting to believe them.”
Yunho’s grip become tighter on hearing Joong. He can’t deal with any of such nuisance when anything is bothering you or his relationship between your or with his friend.
“No!....I don’t  believe them…..”
“When we have already warned you from meeting them, you started to sneak out and lying us that you are going somewhere else.” Hearing the voice laced with anger from behind you made you realize that how disappointed they are with you.
“Look at me.” You glanced up to see Joong’s face is so near to you. He added, “your friends keep telling you that you should find another man for yourself who will be better than us and you without ignoring them, still being friends and even meeting with them often.” His thumb brushing your lips and then gripping the jaw tightly. You tried to move your hands up to hold his hand but got held back when Yunho locked your hands to both of your sides.
“You are not in charge in what to do. We will be controlling this tonight. We will be punishing you in such a way that when your friends meet you next time can know that you are claimed by us for the lifetime and no other man should ever think of coming near to you nor getting a chance with you.”
Joong smirked on his friend’s words. His glanced at yunho and then slowly comes near to your face that you can feel his mint breath and he kissed you. He is not kissing you but totally devouring on you and your lips is his last meal. He moved his knee a bit forward and pressed it to your heat. He paused for a moment before taking off his jacket followed by his black tee. He is only in his jeans now and again he smashed his lips on you. Your fingers are aching to touch those abs in front of you but this is not happening today.
Joong pulled you towards him in between the kisses when he bit your lips to enter your mouth. Meanwhile, yunho takes off his t-shirt and Joong again pushed you back to his friend’s chest. Your bare back coming in contact with the bare chest of Yunho making your back arch a bit and toes curling in the sensation of his abs. You can feel something poking in the lower back. You are closing your eyes to take in this intimate position. You tried to move your body to Joong’s knees but you were restrained.
“Stay in place. You are not getting anything.” Yunho commanded.
Breaking the kiss while gasping for air, you whispered “please……”
“What?” Joong wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth asked you.
“I need you both……”
“No!” Yunho again slapped your thighs and your watery eyes needily look towards Joong.
“I can’t do anything now if you are asking for help as I’m equally pissed off with you.”
Suddenly you felt wet kisses over your shoulder and hands busy removing the hairs from your neck and shoulders and keeping them in a high knot over your head. Yunho is griping your hairs tightly in his big hands. Biting and kissing all over your exposed neck and shoulders with Joong’s knee to your heat is taking to your edge of neediness. You closed your eyes and moaned out loud when Yunho bit just below the ear as he knows your sweet spot where you are most sensitive. 
“Oh! My baby is enjoying this then we should stop here.” Joong spoke in between pushing the dress upward from your thighs exposing more of your wet heat. He bent one of your legs and kissing them from the knees trailing to the inner thigh, still pressing the knee to your heat.
Your eyes shot open, “No please….this is too much…I can’t take this anymore….”
“I’m tired so……I want to go to my room”, You added thinking to get off this frustration off on your own inside your room.
Yunho huffed and harshly made you turn towards him. “You don’t speak here today when the fault is yours. Suffer like this or I have some other ways to make you follow my orders.”
“Well, I know something to make it more fun.” Joong suggested while standing up from the previous position. You lose every contact with him which makes your heat ache more for any friction to the spot. Standing beside the sofa, he takes in your form with Yunho. He smirked to the view in front of him before signalled you both to stand up.
“what’s more fun to you?” yunho questioned his friend.
“Isn’t she tired then we can all take a shower all together.”
“No I- “
“Oh! That.” Yunho made himself and you to stand up from the sofa. Your dress falling down exposing your whole figure only in your underwear in front of the two males. Yunho eyed your whole frame a bit longer before smirking at you and then looked towards Joong who was already halfway through the stairs.
“Let’s resume this game from where we paused in there. Right tiny?”
“That’s going to be a long night to accept your apology baby.”Joong loudly alert you from the stairs.
(Let's be friends if you are in need of any friend. Also, I like to hear from my beautiful readers if they liked about any sudden parts in the fic so please do tell me.)
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roe-and-memory · 3 months
mack is seriously one of my favourite side characters. i literally adore him SO much
- i think mack has like. 5 sisters. and hes the oldest and only boy of all of the siblings. this is a hc roe and i have had for a while, he just has such oldest brother of the family vibes but also like hes so gentle as if he grew up with sisters. i can imagine him, 17, the second oldest being somewhere around 11 or 12, and theyve convinced him to bake cupcakes with him. hes got his mothers pink apron on, hes doing all the work, while his sisters are hanging off of him and playing with their toys all over the kitchen floor. he couldnt bake for shit, but anything for his baby sisters
- adding onto above, i dont think he did too much in school. his mother worked two jobs and his father was away a lot on business trips, so he very willingly and very happily took care of his younger sisters 24/7. and im not saying his parents were neglectful - not at all. i think his parents worked hard to take them on trips and keep them afloat. the did family trips as many times a year as they had the chance to and their parents made sure the kids knew they were loved.
- AMAZING driver. hes been driving since he was young, and he can maneuver his hauler better than most other drivers. both his parents contributed to teaching him how to drive, and they both gave him their separate tips and tricks, so he is quite literally the collective bunch of his parents driving habits all in one.
- he left to work for rusteze as a truck driver when he was around 22/23, when the second oldest sibling was old enough to hold down the fort. a lot of his extra cash went to his family back home, but he stayed on the road.
- not too interested in relationships, he’s always been kind of held down and its nothing against his family but now he likes the freedom of home being on the road
- his truck (1985 mack superliner) was his grandfathers cab. he bought it brand new and never used it much, trucking ran in his family (even his father was a trucker before he met macks mother and settled down), so his grandfather gave him the cab for free as a gift one year and he’s used it and kept it in tip-top shape ever since
- lightning is like that little brother he never had. he found the kid at a truck stop, a distressed fifteen year old looking to get out of town (he was running away from home) and saved him from getting his shit rocked by some pissed off old guy because he’d asked for two dollars for chips and the guy took a personal offence to it. mack literally felt sick at the idea that this kid was out this far from the city alone. lightning had WALKED from henderson to vegas to see the race, and then just decided he wasnt going home. mack was so heartbroken because the thought of one of his sisters ever being in the situation that this kid is in right now made his stomach churn. the kid had begged to go with him, and mack felt so guilty he said yes. he initially tried to take the kid somewhere safe, like a home for kids or something, but lightning was quite content to stay, and it felt like having a little brother around and it was Different (mack checked the news every day for any missing child reports and Nobody reported lightning missing. it literally destroyed mack emotionally because How do u not report ur own child missing when he leaves and doesnt return.)
- his truck has bunk beds since its a sleeper cab and he let lightning decorate his bunk with posters and those glow in the dark stars and literally anything the kid wanted he could plaster on the walls and mack did not care. this also included a bunch of stickers, because oh Lord that boy is obsessed with little stickers
- mack had no idea how to bond with lightning considering he himself had grown up being forced to play barbies with his little sisters (they would try to make him be evil ken but then they’d get mad because he was too nice. he got to play as the dollhouse dog instead) whereas lightning grew up with Nothing. lightning didnt really know how to interact with toys without feeling ridiculous because he’d been conditioned to believe toys were for Babies. mack eventually gave up trying to guess what lightning liked and just took him to a toys r us, where lightning Immediately found a stuffed dinosaur he liked and got like 2 hot wheels cars and then proceeded to profusely apologize for wasting macks money on such stupid stuff. mack did not give af, as long as his little brother was happy he was ok
- he gave lightning his first ever hug. before that not a Single person had ever hugged that child and mack was so sad to learn it because how do parents go 15 years without ever hugging ur own flesh and blood
- he taught lightning how to drive in a field with the truck during break days, and realized the kid’s potential and signed him up for late model stock races after a bit of talking. rusty and dusty also took an interest in racing at this point, and allowed mack to carry the kids late model stock car in the truck (they figured out a way for him to get both product and the car in the truck, and conveniently every delivery was for the city lightnings next race was in)
- hes kept all of lightnings late model stock trophies, the kid was a real good winner even back then and he’s even got photos that photographers had taken of the wins when little 15 year old lightning mcqueen was standing on the roof of his car holding his trophy above his head with the biggest smile in the world plastered on his face (those wins were like the proudest big brother moments ever until he got into the piston cup)
- hes a MASSIVE harv hater but hes too nice to say it. when doc starts expressing his own dislike for harv, mack starts talking to him about it and they bond over the fact they hate that man so fucking much that they end up managing to get him fired
- during the piston cup off season he goes back to delivering product for rusteze
- even though lightnings older now he still sees him as a younger brother
i think this is it.. THANK U FOR THE ASK!!! i love talking about mack :3
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fuck-customers · 6 months
god i love working at local places but sometimes these management teams are way more stupid than corporate.
in this case, i say management team very lightly. the only employees at this job im at is me, my ex, two older ladies, and the boss. we have one helper as well but he’s been out of commission for about a month because he hurt his back really bad.
at first i was scheduled every day during a 5-day labor day sale, and fuck it was so hard. my boss refused to hire anymore help and chewed me out for nearly crying during my shift.
and then i had to call out a few times because i’m chronically ill and i can’t really work more than two days in a row, and even that is pushing it. and of course she got onto me, telling me that i need to grow up and get over it. she then changed my schedule around so instead of getting $1000 a month, i was deducted to $400. this month i’m getting two whole days! yay! that’s $200!
she constantly yells at me for my ex’s mistakes at work. the guy constantly leaves his bag (with weed in it usually) on the counter, leaves his bag on the ground so i trip over it, makes a complete mess of the place, leaves me without telling me when i’m busy at the computer so i can’t tend to customers… so much other stuff.
yesterday, he was the one on the register, and turns out we were short a significant amount of money. so we (most likely he, because when i’m with other people this shit NEVER happens) probably over paid someone. i told both of them that i’m busy today so i can’t call either of them but my boss still spammed me with calls. i asked my ex why and he said “well she called me and i told her to ask you.” like… telling the boss that i’m the one responsible, essentially. as if i fucking know why it’s under, as if i was the one on that stupid register.
i eventually texted my boss and explained that i dont know what happened and she said “well i dont know why this always happens with you two” (gee it’s almost like i never make mistakes when i’m with someone else and he makes mistakes no matter who he’s with!) and “i’ll have to deduct it from your paycheck.” i immediately sent her an article stating that that is VERY illegal and she has not responded.
i’ve been applying to many places already, and i plan on quitting as soon as i secure one. but if she pulls any funny shit again, i’m quitting, i dont care if i have a job or not.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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zstargalaxy · 1 year
I like the Toriko x Pokemon AU, how about Toriko's interactions and reactions to us and our pokemon? Does he meet us during the Gararagator event?
Meeting Toriko
You will meet Toriko after the Garagator events that he and Komatsu had been through, like the Rainbow Fruit Arc or the Puffer Fish Arc.
I will make a separate fic/headcanon that is similar question to this but with all the Heavenly Kings and with specific pokemon for them to meet, like/are similar to but for now, lets focus on Toriko.
I always like to imagine your meeting with him during the two arcs that I had mentioned, specifically one about the adventures they have in getting the Rainbow Fruit.
The hot sun shine warmly upon your outing with your in all but blood brother, Komatsu at the Central Gourmet Wholesale Market where you had decided to give him a suprise visit two days ago and have a fun time together just like old times with your Pokémon. It was the battle for the fittest when you had announce to your hundreds of companions that you are going to visit Komatsu and are bringing some of them along for the trip.
Many are eagered to jump to the chance to meet their short chef friend again!
Which lead with you trying to evade a stampede of pokémon running all over the place to get a spot on the trip.
In the end, you had decided to bring one of your little Milceries along that had gotten very close to Komatsu, Appletun, Meganium, and Mimikyu, since it was left in the dust and you wanted to give it a little more attention.
Komatsu was bewildered two days ago at the news he got from one of the waiters about a someone waiting for them at the dining hall during minutes before closing, with two beasts that they cant recognized. One being a floating cream and the other a turtle-like beast with a crust as a shell.
Those descriptions were familiar to him as he went out to see who was waiting for him, in which it turned out to be you!
You two had chatted from evening until morning, yesterday 'till today, where you had catch up of what you two were doing so far in life as your pokémon enjoyed the food that you had both made for them all. If you two were outing in a outdoor eating establishment with your partners eating away the food in joy, people will stare and be shock at such strange Gourmet beasts. They have never seen something like them before.
One of them even teases about you two buying food for a doll until they realize it is actually alive!
The last day of your staying kinda took a turn when Komatsu was called for work to go to the Gourmet Market with an IGO Chief named Johannes, who came for something involving an ingredient.
Now, you have heard of the IGO, and their work, but you dont exactly put them in the lime light or any sort of light whatsoever. The organization kinda reminded you of some that are similar, but the name alone being spoken through your mouth made you feel like a pit is in your stomach, making you uncomfortable and uneasy. Yet, nonetheless, you just view them neutrally.
The same feeling came back when you look around the market. The place made you quasi whenever you see so many Gourmet beasts being sold and displayed out in the open. Back in your home world of pokemon, it never was like this Gourmet market place since majority of everyone in the planet is vegetarian with very little meat eaten. Even when meat is eaten, it never was sold like...this. Even after years of being here in this strange and unique of the Gourmet age, you will never understand some of it's customs.
"She's spunky" as you and Komatsu watch Tina, a news reporter for the "Gourmet News", switch personalities between on and off camera and being dragged away to prevent any toruble from intervening IGO business, you finally meet the man your brother has been talking about, Toriko.
Toriko didnt exactly felt any different to any of the Gourmet hunters you meet prior today, but his aura...it didnt take a genius to knew that this man is strong, and its not because of how he carried that Underbite Dragon . The Milcery, who was floating beside Komatsu had let out a cry and hid behind his head from the aura she had felt. Appletun, on the other hand, took a few steps back away from Toriko, feeling wary from what he felt in the man. Meganium and Mimikyu, who are in their pokeballs, shook abit.
It seems your Pokémon, too, had felt the aura...
There wasnt much interaction between you and Toriko. Komatsu had introduced the Heavenly King to once he had realize you are there.
Toriko was very curious about the creatures you have. He had never seem them before or recognise them from any data or encounter he had. The smell of Appletun quickly invaded his nose. It smells so good! The Heavenly King already had taken a swipe of pie skin from Appletun and ate it with a delighted moan from the taste, much to you and Komatsu's shock! He later on apologises but...
It took all you could to stop yourself from growling and running away from the man as possible and preventing Appletun from using Dragon Rage on the man upon hearing the comment!
He may be an Apple Pie, and he may let it slide of Toriko taking a bite, but this dragon is one where you should earn it's respect!
This action kinda increase your thoughts subconsciously about Gourmet hunters being nothing but killers and eaters. Yes, we have to kill to eat food and to survive but the amount of animals at the market and how many times Gourmet hunters had come and try to hunt your pokemon back home....
It wasnt pretty.
Gourmet Tamers (atleast, he thinks you are one) are rare. And they dont just come off as genuine or great as they come but Toriko was definetly impressed and interested in hearing and meeting you and these so called "Pokémon" in person.
There were rumours from other Gourmet Hunters that he had heard from have told the same thing over and over again : how bloodthirsty and ruthless you are with your unimaginable beasts that could rivaled the 8 kings of the Gourmet World.
They werent entirely wrong. The way you have strategically ordered your pokemon through the Troll Kongs with Meganium's sun bean and vines, Milcery's attract, and Appletun's bullet seeds. Toriko raised a brow when he saw you releasing Mimikyu, a small rugged clotheds...thing, in front of the Kongs that were shaking and even slightly backing away...
You soon later on, after Toriko decided to use Knocking instead of killing one of the Troll Kongs, had learned that he may not be exactly like those Gourmet hunters you meet. He may eat alot like when he had eaten a thousand dishes at the Gourmet Hotel, is a glutton, loves big juicy beasts but he has his morals in hunting, and that is to kill what he wents to eat, not for the thrill.
You may have gotten a new shine in the Gourmet Hunters....for now.
OMG...this is so long! I might gonna redo this but man, this was long so I hope I have answered tou questions! And sorry for the long wait...i have gotten lazy and busy at the same time due to me being tired from school. But I am back! 😀
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natasha-in-space · 5 months
Hey Matsuda lover anon once again. Im so sorry for getting annoying about matsuda-yoosung dynamic in your asks all the time. I just love love your takes on the two men's dynamic.
I just saw in the tags about Matsuda and Yoosung sharing local snacks from each other's countries (Japan and Korea respectively) i just got this thought in my head
So there are certain snacks which are very popular in both the countries respectively but are known by different names and sometimes produced by different brands like Japan has Pocky sticks from the Glico company and Korea has Pepero sticks from the Lotte company.
Another snack both the countries share is...Fish Shaped Cakes. In Japan they are known as Taiyaki and in Korea they are called Bungeoppang. And I just thought of a moment between the two men related to fish shaped cakes around the time they had just began to learn each others languages and are yet to be fluent and occasionally spoke english
I imagined that on one fine day while the two men were walking around the town, talking to each other, yoosung notices a guy selling fish shaped cakes on his cart and exclaims "Oh Bungeoppang! I missed them!" and runs towards the cart. An initially confused Matsuda goes "wait what!" and notices his younger friend near the taiyaki cart and quickly walks towards it. Meanwhile yoosung was struggling to explain the taiyaki guy that he wants two taiyakis cuz the latter couldnt understand him. Matsuda who was standing right behind Yoosung calmly explains the seller to give them two taiyakis.
An embarassed yoosung takes out his wallet to pay the guy to which matsuda responds by gently pushing the younger man's hands as yoosung was trying to take out a few currency notes. Matsuda nods his head and winks at him, gesturing the younger man that he will pay for the taiyakis.
The two men are now sitting near a lake enjoying their taiyakis and talking in between.
"Matsuda hyung you never let me pay for anything!"
"When I go to your place, you will pay for stuff okay"
"When will you come to my place"
"When I get time, my days have been very busy"
"I hope you come soon, you will really like it. I will introduce you to the rest of my friends"
"In the next party I will send you an invitation, please dont decline this time"
"Thank you and sure"
".....so you guys call taiyaki bungeoppang huh?"
AHHH Matsuda being invited to RFA parties from then on is something that hasn't crossed my mind, but you are SO right on that! It's a wonderful opportunity to network, practice your spoken Korean, and do some charity work.
That said, I can't blame Yoosung for being a bit clumsy when it comes to food you thought you knew so well. I know I would react the same way. There is something exciting about seeing familiar treats in a different country! I bet this would encourage a long discussion on all the different snacks and foods between them. They definitely make a small bucket list each on what foods they would like to try. Yoosung is a huge food lover, so that's definitely up his alley, while Matsuda just enjoys trying out new things, especially with good company. Food trips are such a fun activity to plan!
And that little exchange between them that you wrote out? I love it so much. Yoosung calling Matsuda 'hyung', and Matsuda playfully reassuring him on not bothering with payment while he's the one visiting... it's the kind of laid-back friendship that makes me smile. They are buddies your honor!
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day 1 of asking for more blindrry rambles
okay so let’s sorta pick up where I left off
If you aren’t into piss kinks scroll a bit and you’ll probably find something you’re into
I def feel like he’s got a bit of a piss kink??
Like kill me if I’m wrong (even tho I’m not😏) but this man loves being taken care of right?
So even thought of relieve himself inside of his wife does a lot for him
Even wetting himself through his tight briefs while they are just fooling around- watching her pull down his wet briefs and take care of him, sliding him inside of her
And I feel like he actually loves spitting
Most of the time he just opens his mouth and lets her spit in his mouth, but when he wants to fuck him wife, wants to take care of her, he wants to feel his fingers slip in her mouth, let her tongue play around with his long fingers before he yanks her mouth open and spits in it
And like I said before he’s very cheeky, loves some dirty jokes, he loves some little cheeky touches
So when y/n jokingly grabs at his ass or slaps it he whips his head around with a gasp to give her a shocked/angry look but I think they both know that he actually likes it
Moving on
He’s the best daddy
Let be honest
He’s such a good daddy
I think they are only going to have two babies but one might slip in there, we don’t know? 👁👁
But he will drop anything just to go play with Finnley even though he’s distracted by something else five minutes in
He’s on a business call but Storm is fussy and wants his daddy? He’s hanging up, he can always reschedule but he won’t get those moment with storm back
He’s got a meeting but Finnley wants him to stay home- okay, he runs the whole company so he can just reschedule it?
He will stop anything and everything just to be with his babies when they need or want it.
And same with y/n
He can’t help but stay at home when she gets extra cuddly in the mornings so he’s like mm…maybe I’ll just work from home today
So he’s home all day and keeps his office door open so they can all come and go as they please
I also feel like he’s kind of impulsive so y/n would come home after running some errands and walk up to their bedroom to see the boys asleep on their bed but Harry throwing out a bunch of clothes
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m throwing out clothes”
“And why would that be?”
“Okay well this shirt is too scratchy and makes me freak out everytime I wear it, remember I had a panic attack the last time I wore it. And then these jeans- well I need to get more because you said they make my ass look good. Then this shirt- I want to burn it.”
“Okay so…”
“So I need you to take me to donate all of this”
“I knew it”
Idk what to say
I will definitely think of more
Okay I’m back
I also feel like he’s so sleepy all the time
Because most days he’s spending hours and hours at the office
So weekends even when he really wants to do something he’s falling asleep of and on and too tired to do anything
So y/n is like “yeah, you’re taking a break from work.” And Harry decides if he has to take a break from work they are going to go somewhere where he will not stress over it at all
So they take a trip to Italy or something
Because apparently that’s where all rich people go when they take a vacation
I’m drawing a blank
That’s all I can think of
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#sambucky fanfiction - 48 posts
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#and writing from both sam and bucky’s perspective about having kids tell them every day how they’ve affected them in a positive light
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bruh. okay. this isnt like a BIG THING or whatever, but i think its still worth mentioning. sam doesnt look away after bucky goes to follow walker. bruh. how does one explain that. i dont understand why this just happened. why did he just stand there for an extra second watching as bucky goes. for funzies, obviously. also, take note of the line bucky tells him before he runs off. he looks at sam and says “i got it.” 
and he keeps his eyes on sam as he turns the corner, then turning out of frame. and sam watches him leave. i genuinely dont have an explanation for this scene. because it sticks out to me every time, because sam watches him, and bucky tells him, without saying the words, that: “it’ll be fine”. like WHY. 
275 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
i feel this is a general consensus in the fandom but im gonna say it anyway. Sam and Bucky are fucking stupid for each other. like holy shit. Bucky saw Sam smile and walked into a table. Sam saw Bucky in tight jeans and almost fell off the boat. Sam fell asleep on the couch one night when Bucky got home late and Bucky tripped over his feet. Sam passed by Bucky helping AJ and Cass with their homework and dropped whatever he was holding. they are just stupid. and generally, Sam’s a very smart, business, competent person. he’s captain America for gods sake, obviously he is intelligent, but Bucky just makes him fucking dumb. like it’s laughable. like he would stumble over his words and shit, he’d just pause mid debrief because Bucky looked at him in a specific way. and Bucky was supposed to be smooth, and he gets back in his groove eventually, but Sam was living proof Bucky simply could not be smooth. Bucky was just so not smooth with Sam, he stumbled when he danced, and he didn’t have a little flirty smile when he smiled with Sam, he had a giant, eye scrunch grin on his face that physically hurt. they are so stupid for each other it’s funny.
282 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
really think we should let taika have a go at Sam and Bucky. like just to see what he’d do exactly.
340 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
the way Sam is introduced in the mcu is so great because like it wasn’t a post credit scene or anything. the guy was just. jogging. and decided “let’s flirt with Captain America” and now he IS Captain America. that is the best introduction in the mcu because like he’s just a guy but he’s a FUCKING BADASS who has FUCKING WINGS (and ptsd) AND FLIRTS WITH CAPTAIN AMERICA. and like how the falcon is introduced is literally throwing a guy BACK ONTO A BUILDING, IN JEANS AND A TSHIRT, helps interrogate information out of the guy he just tossed like a fucking soccer ball. in conclusion; Sam Wilson is FUCKING AWESOME and i love him and his epic entrances.
415 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
okay but does anyone else just remember that Sam and Bucky just… happened? like these two fuckers with major pstd found each other and just- even if you don’t see them as romantic they are just BEST FRIENDS. they love each other in anyway you want it and it’s nauseating. Now you win even more if you think they’re romantic because they’re best friends who fell in love. someone once said “im in love with their love” AND YEAH. like HOLY FUCK GUYS.
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565 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
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jrpneblog · 2 years
Good week on the pitch for North End
Six points from two home games this week has seen North End ease their way up to eighth in the Championship ahead of this weekends games. We came back from behind against Middlesbrough, to win 2-1, last Saturday afternoon with an injury time winner courtesy of Jordan Storey. and on Tuesday evening we entertained Swansea City at Deepdale in a game that was very much of two halves. North End end looking dominant in the first half in taking the lead only to be pinned back for long parts of the second half by Russell Martin`s team. North End held out to complete the double in four days and to try and wipe out the memory of that defeat at the Seaside a fortnight ago.
On Saturday North End welcomed Michael Carrick and his team to Deepdale as the ex Manchester United star took charge for his first game as Boro manager. He must have thought it was all going well when the visitors took the lead after eight minutes only to be pegged backed ten minutes before the break with an absolute thunderbolt from Emil Riis. In all honesty the game looked like it was heading for a draw until Liam Lindsay headed back across goal for Jordan Storey to steal the points for North End deep into added time. North End just about deserved it and it was a very welcome three points after the previous Saturday outing.
Tuesday evening saw high flying Swansea City make the long midweek journey up to Deepdale, the reverse fixture in South Wales also being on a Wednesday evening in the Spring. North End started off very well in this game and appeared to be making decent chances and playing some good football in the process. North End took the lead after half an hour when a close range effort from Evans was saved by the keeper only for the ball to fall to Potts who gleefully smashed it home with his left foot to score the only goal of the game. The story doesn`t end there though because in the second half the visitors had the vast majority of the play only for Woodman to make a couple of excellent saves and keep the Swans at bay as North End fought an excellent rearguard action to claim all three points under the lights.
On Friday evening North End make the long trip to Reading to play Paul Ince`s team in front of the SKY Cameras 8.00pm ko. Reading current sit eleventh in the table three places behind North End but with a game in hand. Clearly Ryan Lowe would like to win the game but all things being considered I dont think a point in Royal Berkshire would be a bad result. Reading have won only once in their last seven games and their record so far in the Championship reads won eight drawn two lost eight. Ahead of the game Ince has had a real go at the EFL and SKY with regards to fixture congestion and the fact that the Royals are on SKY quite a number of times. Mind you it is not like Ince to be moaning ahead of a game he thinks he might struggle in due to injuries, not much! Hopefully we can take all three points but their are no easy games in this division and North End will have to be at their best to make it a maximum nine points this week.
And finally this week:- I was interested to see that the fans groups had got together and forwarded a letter to the club asking for clarification on a number of items both on and off the field. The club responded in a perfectly reasonable manner and offered the group a meeting at Euxton during the World Cup break with two reps from each group (22 in total). The down side, I suppose, is that all those who think everything is rosy at Deepdale seemed to take offence and I have seen comments such as "self appointed top fans" with regards to group members and that the letter could have a "de-stabilising" effect on the club. What utter nonsense! The fans have a right to be organised and ask questions of the club, they are the customers and a business without customers isn't a business at all. The dont claim to speak for everybody but they do speak for their groups and in any walk of life Unity is Strength. These are uncertain times at Deepdale with regards to the ownership of North End and clarity regarding the strategic plan for ownership of the club going forward would be an excellent place for this meeting to start. The meeting isn't anti Ridsdale or anti Hemmings but it is pro Preston North End and as such I support the groups letter to the club, 100%
QPR to beat West Brom 6/4
A £5 Stake returns £12.50 on bet365
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bbybaku · 3 years
cranky no nut november boyfriend shigaraki
yes i know its july. 
1.8 k words 
slow burn but there is smut 
warnings: angry shig, humiliation, degrading, oral (fem recieving), use of vibrator, shoes on bed, angst, fluff, mentions of masturbtion
your boyfriend, tomura shigaraki, had made a bet with his friends, about who could last the longest during no nut november.
you thought a month wouldn’t be that bad, right? you guys could handle it.
the first few days were nothing. you two were busy and didnt think that much of it. 
but the first weekend shiggy had invited you over to watch a movie. which was usually code for “let’s fuck”
you went over to his apartment, about 20 minutes into the movie you slipped your hand under the blanket, feeling around for his cock.
“hey” he said softly but irritated as he picked up your hand and moved it.
“what? we always-“ you asked
“i’m taking this month seriously, i can eat you out or something but we cant, you cant” he said
 you were not expecting him to take it this seriously.
you knew your boyfriend he never took anything seriously? why did he have to take this stupid month seriously.
“well, do you want?” he asked as he ran his fingers over your clothed clit.
“no let’s just hang out tonight” you said.
“okay” he said then kissed you on the head and pulled you into his lap.
you could feel his erection. but you knew you had to ignore it. 
week 2 was easy because shigaraki was out of town for a work trip.
you didn’t know how he was doing it. no sex was one thing, but not even masturbating?
you had been touching yourself every day to the thought of him, the pictures you had of him and sometimes 
the movies you had made together.
the night he got back he came straight to your apartment.
he looked pale.
you went in for a hug, but he pushed you away.
“no” he snapped “ i just wanted to see you”
you gulped “oh okay”
you cooked dinner and he told you about the trip.
the space between your thighs ached the entire evening.
you asked him to stay the night but he said he no.
and he left. 
it was day 15. you needed him. your hand could only do so much. you couldnt do what he could do. he knew your body better than you did. 
you texted him to hang out. 
the two of you got coffee then made out in the car. 
his mouth tasted so good. your body presses against the console, arms around his neck. the kiss starting equal but he very quickly shoved his tongue in your mouth. he took your jaw in his hand and held your face while his tongue circled yours. you sucked on his bottom lip. his hand found your tit. your hand found his crotch. 
shigaraki instantly pulled away, he was pissed “how many fucking times do i have to tell you no?” 
you sighed “im sorry i just-” 
he pushed his hair out of his face and took your jaw in his hand again. “look at me. i want to be inside of you so bad. i think about you all the time. i love you so much but we just cant right now.”
 his tone made you want him even more. it was embarrassing how hot you got  when he was irritated. and he knew it. 
“i hate this stupid challenge” you said through his grip on your jaw. 
“do you want to be like that?”  he talked down to you with a smirk.
“we can always go back to my apartment, and work on your attitude” he said letting go of your face and grabbing the gear shift. 
you had soaked through your panties a while ago. you were excited but knew you wouldnt be filled up the way you wanted to be. 
the drive to shiggys apartment was agonizing. the sexual tension was higher now than it was on your first date. it felt like you were getting stopped at every red light, the car in front of you was always going slow. and both of you were sweating. 
he had one hand rubbing your thigh and the other on the steering wheel, except at stops when he would run it through his shaggy hair. when he finally got to his apartment complex the two of you practically sprinted inside. 
“elevator?” you asked pressing the up button repeatedly. 
he took his hands out of his pockets and said “stairs” 
the two of you raced up to the fourth floor, you beat him but just barely. once both of you were in the hallway he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder.
once in his apartment he didnt even turn the lights on, he took you to his bed and threw you on it. 
he stood over you and sighed. “its your lucky day” he then pushed you up to the headboard and pulled off your panties. so eager, you were both still wearing shoes and the window was open. 
you shivered at the cold air on your exposed heat. 
shigaraki just stared for a minute. he loved vulnerability. 
he loved having you at his mercy. 
he pushed your skirt up and grabbed onto your thighs. 
“i knew you would be soaked.” he shook his head “such a whore” he said.
and just like that he dove right in.  
he licked up your folds and you bucked your hips to meet him. 
his grip on your thighs tightened and he pushed you into the bed.
“dont move” he met your eyes when he said it.
he started sucking hickies on your inner thighs, his fingers teasing at your clit. 
you held his head in your hands, not directing him, but rubbing his scalp. 
he occasionally hummed into your thighs at the feeling. 
he pulled off of your inner thigh and brought his mouth and nose to your entrance. you whimpered, expecting him to relieve your ache. 
he blew cold air on your exposed heat. 
you cried out. 
and shigaraki crawled up to meet you at eye level. 
he straddled you and leaned down “beg.” he whispered 
“please” you whispered
“i dont get anything for this. why should i be nice if i dont get the reward of your tight little pussy? or getting to fuck your pretty face. make it worth my while. give me this one little thing.  i said to beg like the whore you are.” 
you gulped. “please tomura. i touch myself to the thought of you every day and nothing satisfies me like you do. i just want you. i want you to fill me up and please let me come. please sir.” 
“hmm okay, i guess but its embarrassing that you touch yourself so much, you really are a whore.” he said as he repositioned his mouth at your entrance. 
he once again pinned your hips to the bed and brough his mouth to your entrance.
his long slender fingers ran through your folds a few times before stopping at your clit and rubbing circles. 
you moaned in pleasure, finally. shigaraki was relieving your ache. 
he sucked on your entrance and drank your juice like it was water from the tap. you could feel his tongue at your entrance, he tease then run his tongue through your folds. 
your entire body was shaking and the knot in your stomach was about to release. 
“please i - can i please” you whined. 
shikaraki hummed yes into you, his grip on your thighs tightening 
the hum was what sent your over the edge, your walls tightening and releasing around shigarakis mouth. 
he pulled off for a moment and looked at you “that was fast. youre so easy, y/n, you know that?” 
and at that he went right back to what he was doing, only this time it was his finger. at your entrace and his tongue on your clit. 
his tongue going all around and eventually stopping and making out with your bud. 
you were crying at the pleasure. 
his long fingers going in and out, and in and out. at no particular speed or regularity and occasionally stoping to curl inside you. 
your hands went to shiggys hair, but you couldnt control yourself the way you had earlier. your hands were shaking as the held onto his head.
you came again, it was so fast you didn’t even have the time to ask.
you could feel him smiling on you.
shigaraki pinched your thigh, acknowledging your high, but showed no sign of stopping.
he maneuvered a little bit, grabbing something under the bed while still fingering you. 
if you thought you were a mess before, you were wrong. because you were even more of a mess when shigaraki started rubbing around your clit with a vibrator. 
your back arched and you grabbed onto the sheets, so as not to pull on shiggys hair, “pleASE. m-gonna c--um” you barely got out. 
your lower body convulsing. 
tears started streaming down your face, it hurt so good. “dont cum yet, baby. i want you to wait this time. like i have to wait.” 
“no-oh-oh-o” you sobbed 
shigaraki mustve been getting irritated because his grip on you tightened, and he pinched your inner thigh. 
“please” you whimpered, running your fingers through his hair as gently as you could. 
“no” he said sweetly. 
your vision was starting to blur and you were still crying, “isnt this what you wanted darling?” shigaraki asked. 
you only sobbed in response, you were loosing the ability to form coherent sentences. 
the knot in your stomach released without warning, and you came on shigaraki’s vibrator. 
with that he sighed and stood up, going to the bathroom to help you clean up. 
despite your scattered brain, you knew your boyfriend well enough to know that he was in agony. 
“does it hurt?” you asked him between deep breaths. 
refering to how bad he wanted you, and how hard he was in his pants. 
he waled back in with a towel and said “yes” looking down at the ground. 
“well what if we” you started. 
“no, im tired of having to explain this to you.”
“please, i just want you so bad” you begged as he climbed on top pf you.
“i said no! just fucking shut up” he snapped
“why?" you whinned
he found your wrists and pinned your hands beside your head on the bed. 
“everyone gets a different penalty. do you know what mine is if i fail? huh? do you want to know”
"um i-” 
you went to speak but no words came out. 
shigaraki leaned down “my penalty is to send the group chat a video of us having sex” 
“oh” you said feeling yourself blush
he gulped and looked away “which i really dont want to do because you are mine.”
he released your wrists and fell on top of you, “youre all mine” 
“please just wait 2 more weeks” he whispered into your neck. 
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bush-viper-cutie · 3 years
New Student, New Friend
Pairing: Young Snape x french!reader
Word Count: 2,751
Request: #1 “Hi! Can I request a young!Snape x french!reader where the reader's transferred from beauxbatons and isn't fluent in english/has a thick accent? Love your work!!”
#2 “Hi hi! Love your work! Can I request Young Snape x French reader? Sorry if I dont speak well, english is not my first language <3”
Warnings: none
A/N: Hello everyone again! :D I combined both requests because they are pretty similar so enjoy!
Posted: 9/10/21
~*~*~ = time skip
(Y/n) = first name
(L/n) = last name
~*~*~ = POV change
~*~*~*~*~ *~
There was a strange static in the air this morning, one Severus couldn't quite place. He brushed his long hair back behind his ear and listened in to the hushed whispers of passing classmates.
"...Beauxbaton, can you believe it?"
"Nice to not know someone for a change - "
Beauxbaton? Severus gathered they were talking about a new teacher perhaps? Although it wasn't that odd to get new professors in the middle of the school year. Just last year the Dark Arts professor was promptly replaced when he went mad after a spell backfired on him; In fact, every year there was a new one.
It was strange that the new teacher should be a transfer from another school such as Beauxbaton... Maybe they were fired and no one else wanted them, must be down on their luck. And if that is the case, how very fitting for Hogwarts, home of inadequacy.
Severus, still deep in his bitter thoughts, almost tripped over the shoe that had extended out in front of him. He caught himself and whirled around angrily. "Watch it!" he growled, straightening.
James Potter smirked. "Oh, Snivellus. Didn't see you there.” His Gryffindor friends snickered behind him, bolstering his ego. "I'd get along to class if I were you. Wouldn't want to be late on your first day back."
Severus grit his teeth and did everything he could to not growl his displeasure of being in so close proximity to the pinnacle of mediocrity that was Potter. It had been a week after winter holidays had ended but after another nearly fatal encounter with Black, he’d been forced to stay in the Hospital Wing un-zippering his mouth and a couple of fingers before being allowed back.
The memory of the experience made his knees weak, making keeping his riled demeanor that much harder. He was lucky he'd had the foresight to cover his nose before Black unleashed his hex. It wasn’t a quick run from the lake to the nurse, and he certainly wouldn't have made it with his nostrils zippered together as well.
"Mind your own business, Potter." Severus spat out his name like rotten apples, furrowing his brows in an attempt to seem more threatening however he could not help but notice the hallways getting emptier by the second. He knew better than to get caught alone with Potter.
He laughed and turned to catch up with his friends. Severus watched him go, only relaxing his shoulders after Potter had rounded the corner and disappeared out of sight. The hall was empty.
He turned and continued down the corridor when his hearing perked at the scuff of loud footsteps. He whirled around, hand plunging into his robes, but it was too late.
Severus' head snapped back as his feet whipped out from under him. He hung limp in the air, watching his wand roll away on the stone floor. His hair nearly touched the dirty ground.
James laughed. "Welcome back, Snivellus!"
He closed his eyes as his boiling blood rushed to his head. He was hanging upside down in the air, alone in the empty corridor. He couldn't scream for help, he'd just get yelled at for disturbing lessons, and he couldn't reach his wand - as long as his limbs might be, his wand might as well have rolled down into the dungeons. He'd have to hang there until classes were over or one of the portraits decided to help him out for once.
"Eh... Excuse moi?" A quiet voice wrapped in a thick French accent broke the silence.
His eyes flew open and stared straight into the face of a beautiful but completely unfamiliar student. She bent down low to meet his eyes. She must be the mystery person from Beauxbaton, the new student as it turned out.
This was worse, so much worse than being caught by anyone else in the school - except for a very select few. Severus looked around in search of anything that might make this all less embarrassing.
"You need help, no?" Her voice was more confident this time, laced with a hint of friendly amusement.
"Uhh..." He met her eyes and hoped this new student would excuse his red face to be due to all his blood rushing down.
She straightened and pointed behind him. "This is your wand? I'll give to you?" His wand was in his hand with one quick flick of her own.
His eyebrows automatically shot up at her use of nonverbal spells. "Thanks," he tried swallowing but ended up coughing. He covered his mouth and performed the counter-hex, dropping to the floor with a grunt.
She rushed forward, looping her arm through his and helping him up to his feet. She laughed and dusted the dirt off his back while he stood paralyzed.
"Better, no?" she smiled, facing him a foot from his stiff figure. "I'm new seventh-year transfer... And you?"
For a moment his mouth opened but no words flew out, and then all at once words poured out as fast as if under a curse. "I'm - oh - yes you're from Beauxbaton, right? Yeah - er - yes, seventh-year as well."
Her hands flew up and she waved them in front of herself with a laugh. "Slow please!" she laughed again. "One more time?"
Severus gave an awkward laugh that matched hers and nodded. "I'm also a seventh-year."
"Oh!" she held out a paper and pointed down to the class he was late for. "I am so lost! You help me now? Oui?"
She smiled up at him and his heart nearly leaped out of his mouth. He nodded quickly, "Yes - er - oui, I'll help you... Actually, that's my class too..."
"Oh!" Her smile widened, "I need partner for the class! You have one?"
For once Severus thanked his unlucky past self. His time in the hospital wing all week meant everyone would be already partnered up. "No, I don't..." his face flushed red again and he cleared his throat, looking away. "We could be partners?"
"Bon! Lead the way, partner," she motioned for him to lead, keeping a very close pace next to him as they walked. "I am lucky to find you, did not know anyone yet. You are only third person met!"
He gave her a small smile as they walked together, but he knew it wouldn't take long for her to find out his status at the school. Being a new student, he was sure she’d make all the friends she could ever want by the end of the day. Then she'd reconsider her luck after everyone tells her all about her lab partner, 'Snivellus'.
They made it to class late. The professor looked up and frowned, ready to tell them off when Severus' new ‘friend’ spoke up.
"Excuse us, Professor, I am new and got lost."
The professor sighed and waved his hand, giving her a pass. "And I see you're back Mr. Snape. Get to your seats, you'll both be working together - get moving."
The two back seats were empty and Severus was glad to be away from the front for once. His new partner set down her things, and as she bent to pick up her books Severus caught a glimpse of Sirius Black glaring at him from the front, a seat behind where Severus had been sitting the last term. Black had anticipated his return and was obviously annoyed with the change in seating.
"What may I call you, Mr. Snape?" The new student whispered, giving him her full attention despite the lesson continuing.
"S-Severus." He looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to him. He'd die of embarrassment if they started teasing him in front of her for daring to open his mouth. "And you?"
She smiled. "Severus Snape? That's a beautiful name." She looked back up to make sure their conversation was still private and turned back. She reached up and gripped his tie, pulling him towards her. She leaned and held a hand to his ear, moving her lips inches from his ear. "(Y/n) (L/n)."
Severus’ heart beat faster than it ever had before. The immense drumming in his ears almost made it impossible to hear her whispers. When she released him, he turned to look at her, feeling his face heat up either from proximity or from her warm breath flowing over his face. "(Y/n)... Good to know." He swallowed and realized he had not moved since she had pulled him towards her. He would have felt like an idiot if she wasn’t looking at him so playfully.
"You gonna kiss her, Snivellus?"
Severus pulled back quickly and clenched his jaw at Black.
The professor smacked Sirius' head with a roll of parchment. "Mr. Black, disturb my class again and I'll assign you an essay for every night this week." Severus smirked. "And you, Mr. Snape," the Professor smacked the board, creating a puff of chalk, "- will hand me your notes tomorrow before class - legible notes, might I add."
Severus nodded as the class snickered and turned away from (Y/n). The rest of the lesson went by agonizingly slow. Severus counted the seconds until he could run away to the library, away from taunting eyes. He hated himself for turning so red, but he hated Black even more for making him the fool.
You could tell the boy, 'Mr. Black', had embarrassed Severus greatly. He was hunched over his parchment, focused completely on the professor's words, and never once looking back up at you.
You read the words on the board but soon your eyes ventured down to look at the tall lanky boy currently trying to visibly shrink in his seat. The moment shared between you both still played on your mind. He had beautiful long lashes and deep dark eyes to match. It had been fun to see him so flustered over you, but the guilt of what you'd caused sat heavily on your chest. That boy had noted Severus had been in the perfect position to kiss her, which... did she kind of wish he had?... Just to see - for just a curious taste.
You didn't know what specifically was so alluring about Severus, but you could imagine yourself wrapped in his arms, pulling on his long hair, biting his lips, and hearing that deep voice of his purring for more. Something about him - or maybe everything about him - made you wonder how gentle those hands of his could be.
The bells rang in the distance, marking the end of the lesson. You packed your things and sat waiting for Severus to do the same. He was slow at first and then after a quick flick of his eyes up to you hurried along.
You stood at the same time and motioned for the door, scrambling to translate your thoughts into English. "Lunch now? We can sit together?"
People filed out of the class, which Severus watched closely before turning back to her and answering. "Look, this isn't the only time… I'm not someone to hang out with unless you like hexes and spells to be thrown in your direction."
You could see the hurt in his eyes, the way his brows furrowed, and his down-turned eyes filled with tears that wouldn't fall. Before you could bring yourself to respond, he sighed shakily, giving you pause.
"It's not your fault... I'll show you down and then I suggest you forget about being friends." He pulled open the door and held it open for you without meeting your eyes.
What could you say to him? You stepped out into the corridor, contemplating how to phrase what you were thinking when laughter pulled your focus.
"I see you've met our Snivellus." The stupid boy, Black, came forward talking to you but keeping his attention on Severus. He had long curly hair nearly as long as Severus' and was taller, with proud shoulders held in a loose demeanor that still made him seem important in some way. His eyes shifted to you, "Hope he didn't drip any snot on you while he tried for a kiss."
You scoffed, “You do not understand what you saw. Please leave us alone.”
“Love, maybe you’re not understanding me. For your own safety I insist YOU leave this sniffling slime alone.” Black took a step closer.
Severus pulled out his wand but held it low, at the ready in an instant. "I’m done with your games. Unlike you, you nitwitted tower troll, I have places to be." He finally glanced your way, "Excuse me," and made to leave.
Black blocked his way, laughing at the now pointed wand in Severus’ hand. "Go ahead, I’ll be glad if you finally get expelled for using wands in the corridors. Mine's not even on me."
You eyed the smirk on his face and the tiny shift of his hand towards his trousers pocket. Was that a lie then? Whatever the case, you had enough of this game too. "My friend, Severus, is showing me to lunch. We are going now." You stepped between Severus and Black, giving the taller boy an annoyed look.
"I’m telling you, be careful," Black chuckled. "He might try to kiss you again if you’re too nice."
You paused and stepped back, looking up at Severus, whose eyes were fixed on Black, staring daggers into him. You bit your lip and chuckled the same way Black had, finding a different kind of amusement than him in this situation. "I hope he will."
Severus' head snapped to you, his cheeks slowly going a light shade of pink all over.
Black made a disgusted sound and a show of his fake nausea. “Darling, I don’t think I understood you correctly. Check your dictionary and if that’s not the problem maybe your eyes.”
This boy was really getting on your nerves now. If you’d been back at Beauxbaton you’d’ve already hexed him into a soggy pile of starter yeast, baked him into the perfect Pain au Levain, and chucked him out the tallest tower window. “Move it,” you made sure your French accent coated the word heavily.
Severus’ hand wrapped around your arm, pulling you back. He kept his wand and eyes trained on Black but spoke to you. “Go down to lunch. I’ll stay here to have the chat Black so desperately wants to have with me.” He looked up again, “Let her leave.”
Black smiled, “That’s fine. Been meaning to ask how your winter holiday was after I last saw you.”
You turned to Severus, ready to protest when the door to the classroom opened, cutting Black off. You all stood very still and awkward, hoping to hide the atmospheric hostility that had been created.
The Professor locked the door with a flick of his wand and looked at everyone with concern. "Off to lunch, no need wandering the corridors. Now." He ushered everyone down the stairs, walking close behind in equal silence.
You reached the floor second to last, after Black and then Severus, and pulled on Severus' arm the second your Professor had turned towards the staff room. You kept your hand on him to make sure he didn’t decide to leave before you could talk to him. Before Black could step towards you to continue the ‘conversation’, other Gryffindor students pulled him towards a small crowd gathering across the floor. Whatever it was seemed to be of higher interest and he left with only single backwards glance.
You both watched him go dissolve into the rowdy group and suddenly the air around you shifted. Severus turned instantly, searching your eyes with an intensity you could almost feel. You blushed and slid your hand down his sleeve and lingered on his bare hand. Neither of you said a word but the electricity connecting your eyes and the comfortable silence that enveloped you both spoke volumes. "We could eat together, no?"
His eyes settled on your hand still on his until you let go. "Oui," he whispered with a smile pulling at his lips. “Lunch then.”
As you both walked on, he slowly crept closer with every step, making your shoulders brush against his arm. His pinky tickled the skin on your wrist, making you cough to hide a giggle as you entered the Great Hall. Your eyes flickered up at his and you smiled, seeing a gentle blush and an even gentler smile on his face.
~*~*~*~*~ *~
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Hello! I saw request were open so i was wondering if i could request some headcanons of the Archons and/or the Adepti meeting a God reader who is the God of Chaos and destruction. The reader is not a Archon tho and travels all over Teyvat cuz small bits of destruction were ever they go. They're pretty mischievous and somewhat smug but despite how they act they're actually a good person. They dont mean to cause problems(most of the time anyways) chaos follows them were ever they go. Idk if you have a character limit but if you do please tell me so i wont make a mistake again. And if there is you can just do Zhongli and Xiao. Optionally could you make them a dendro user, there not a lot of dendro content and if not thats fine. I understand. Could you make the reader Gn or Non-binary they/them pronouns please? If not male reader is totally fine. Im so sorry for the long post and I hope you have a good day/night!
Ohmy, it’s my first time just writing headcanons! I’m use to write a lot, so let’s hope I did it right (^ ^' )7
Thanks for the request! ✨
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[HC] God of Chaos! Reader and the Archons + Xiao
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Venti, Shogun Raiden (Ei).
Gn! Reader
I tried doing it with everyone but I’m no still that confident to try writing with some characters _| ̄|○
Sorry for any mistakes!
Request are open!
Genshin Masterlist
Second part ->
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To be honest, he didn't notice your presence at first. He had other concerns on his mind that day to perceive the chaotic (and slightly threatening) aura that Mondstadt was infected with that day.
Barbatos is a person of habit, so he couldn't help but be curious when the crowd in front of him began to look a little agitated instead of seeming to enjoy his lyre and his songs.
But then a series of domino events appeared in front of his very eyes.
The purity of the chaos was such that he felt overwhelmed, even without the white-haired boy around, if it wasn’t Bennett fault, then how was it possible for everything to be ruined in such a short time?
His patience ended when, out of nowhere, the strings of his lyre jumped close to his face as they snapped. Making that awful noise that couldn’t mean nothing good.
Okay, enough, who is messing around in here? No more joking in his nation!
He concentrated a little, a faint but unique presence kept his nerves on edge, as if he was being watched from afar. He moved away from the busy areas and then chased that ephemeral energy to the highest point of the church, where the bells were ringing in an irregular and stressful way.
Then he found you. Snoozing against one of the columns, somewhat tired because the trip you made to reach Mondstadt.
Surprisingly, Barbatos understood you since the first exchange of words. A god of chaos who was also a free spirit, you followed no rules ever written in Teyvat, and you had no plans to apologize for the mess you made.
Both of you were Zhongli’s worst nightmare, but that’s another story.
He managed to through your arrogance and your teasing nature that you, in fact, were a lonely spirit that liked to witness the life from above of everyone.
The difference between teasing someone accidentally and committing a crime was really visible, but he still couldn't help but feel like he should scold you after your mere presence messed up with the guild's baskets full of fish.
But hey! He also enjoy the company! Venti tried to teach you how to enjoy the calm and the whisper of wind, music can also contain chaos, feelings, old stories waiting to be told again, expressions and desire united, in a wonderful piece of-
As you yawned his lyre broke up again. Making clear the message.
Okay, not even God of Freedom and Wind can control chaos. Anyways, what a tragedy, but there’s nothing a simple bard can do, smh.
“Do you like kids, don’t you?” He said once, after a nice day of hearing him sing before your chaos reached his little concert. Again watching everyone from above on the hands of the statue, with your attention caught by some kids playing tag.
“… I don’t know what do you mean.” Once discovered you had no choice but to remain defensive, pretending to be disinterested.
“Heh, you aren’t a good liar.” It may not be the wisest thing to make fun of someone who could destroy the place where you were resting, but Venti was confident that he knew you well enough to know that you were not so explosive. “You know!, I just have some pieces, but I think it’s because they are little walking concentrations of pure and innocent chaos, am I wrong?”
He wasn’t, no at all. But you would never confess something that embarrassing.
This guy wrote a ballad about the days when Mondstadt got immerse with that strike of bad luck. Kind of an apology of not being able to handle the situation.
Now there’s the rumor that says that, every time somebody sings that song, something unlucky will happen in front of you.
The song is cursed.
One night when the moon was shining on the Cider Lake his well tuned ears distinguished a melody that was broken from time to time by the accidents of his performer, distracting him of his way to look for you.
It could be painful to listen to, but Venti could certainly feel the dedication of the one who was playing the imperfect song.
The ballad of the god of chaos, hummed like a lullaby that instead of making you sleep makes you question the events of the day. Wishing for the slightest thing to be different after an exhaustive week of peace and tranquility.
A lonely spirits cursing their existence, sitting in the highest point of a stranger’s palace, where you can reach the sky by only rising your hand.
The next day, Barbatos invited you to drink some wine, this time near Windrise to avoid accidents in the city.
As he almost dropped the bottle when a lot of slimes were attracted by your presence, he confirmed the theory about that the way to spend time with you would not be his personal definition of hanging out.
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Okay, there’s only two scenarios that could happened when you set a foot in Liyue.
Old man has a soft spot for you for being a relative young deity.
Or he’s always lecturing you for not having control of your aura and powers.
How u dare bringing chaos to the nation of order? It’s that a death wish?
Jokes aside, you’re not really a threat. And he could sense that after he saw how you tried to avoid having direct contact with the city. Rex Lapis found your silhouette jumping and crossing through the mountains until reaching the fairest point that allowed you to enjoy the view of the streets that were filled with life and light as the sunsets.
He even noticed how you sighed in frustration when a storm started out of nowhere. A rain dedicated just for the arriving of the God of Chaos. Not even bothering of getting shield, you stayed in your place to look at all the people who were getting back to their places.
The rain seemed to stop over your head, for a second was enough to stop you from being cruelly swamped by the very weather you had created. An elegant umbrella covered you, the long awaited surprise you expected from someone as outdated as Morax.
You looked up, and found his expression calm and attentive, watching you. As if he had made a great discovery that he could not believe
“May I have a moment of your time to keep you company? Letting out your sorrows in the middle of a torrential storm is not what I would recommend as way to spend a good day.”
“… What are you talking about? Get in your own business, old man.”
“Well, you should know that a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.”
Next time you knew was that he was helping you to dry your hair with a towel once you let him guide you to his place.
Zhongli picked you up like a abandoned cat that day. Even if having you near meant to deal with new the roof leaks.
Also kept you away from Hu Tao, if you two ever get along for being partners in crime he would seal himself underground-
For all the time you spend exploring Liyue, there he was. Like a little kid showing his treasures. But also like a worried father looking after his child for them not to stumble making their first steps.
Look at you! Almost crushing those Treasure Hoarders when a bunch of rocks fell down after you jumped at the edge of the cliff.
Wait, no- come back here! You should verify the surroundings and be aware of the weight of your power if you’re going to explore in that bold way. You, chaotic brat.
Another one who believed fervently that your mood was to blame for the constant chaos you caused. He also tried to show you the wonders of peace and calm, teaching you how to prepare tea while listening to the storyteller (also both being a little far away from the rest of them, just in case).
He couldn’t help but sigh when the teapot arm broke as soon as you tried to serve the tea. What a waste, he thought.
You apologized to him, kind of stressed with yourself after you took all the pieces with your bare hands to run away with them. Leaving a confused Zhongli behind.
Next day you were back, with the teapot repaired and just like new.
He let out a lot of thankful words, some flattering and a lot more cheesy things that you never had received before.
With that unexpected affection you couldn’t help but react flustered; then a cat that was chasing a bird jumped through a lot of decorations and merchandise, almost starting a fire as the chained events kept going.
Yeah,, uh, Zhongli got some useful mental notes about you and your chaos that day.
Hey, before you go, want to make a contract? You won’t regret it!
But as the wandering spirit you were you had no problems in reject his offer, but also promising that you would visit Liyue if he wanted you to.
Of course he wanted! But.. maybe next time you should stay in Huaguang Stone Forest instead of roaming near the city,,
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Tried to kill you.
I mean, your aura is threatening and full of a destructive energy, how is possible that you weren’t a demon to eradicate??
Sorry, but he had a point.
Your first met was on your way to reach Huaguang Stone Forest along with Zhongli for introduce you with the Adeptus.
Xiao, in the other side, thought that you were about to attack Morax from behind, so he just struck against you. With his polearm near to go through your chest, just stopped because you felt him before.
Lifting your hand at his direction, summoning chaos, this time, on purpose. The wind gained a wrathful nature and the biggest roots that were hiding under his feet rose to caught him.
And when you were about to hit each other Zhongli’s shield appeared just in time to separate both of you. Preventing a real catastrophic event.
Now stop fighting and introduce to each other.
Nice(n’t) to meet u.
What if you tried to awake Azhdaha to bring chaos and destruction to Liyue? What if you wanted to summoned Osial? What if… ?
Zhongli had to confirm and promise to him that those cruel possibilities won’t be a near future for respecting the real reason of your travel.
No matter if he wasn’t comfortable with your presence, it wasn’t his decision to allow you to roam freely, so he had to get use to it.
He immediately knew after hearing about your nature that was your fault that lately there were a lot more demons and monsters. Even his karma was getting more painful than usual.
(If you ever meet Hu Tao, please think twice before doing Xiao a prank)
You both didn’t interact a lot, and being honest, it was better that way.
He hadn’t a single intention of talking with you again until the day you were practicing the song that your Anemo friend taught you. By the other hand, Xiao noticed that the melody had the same nature as the one he once heard before being consumed by the karma.
It wasn’t a flute, but a worn lyre that was still in one piece after weeks of being repaired again and again.
“That song… ”
“Do you know it?” Xiao just nodded, staying in silence, being your very first audience even if you still have a lot to learn about playing a lyre.
It wasn’t as effective as the original, but was still… nice, kind of nostalgic.
Next morning, the Yaksha called for you. Made you stay still in the middle of a plain and then he disappeared of your sight.
He abandoned y- wait, what’s that? Why those monsters has that weird dark aura?
You were about to defend yourself until Xiao appeared back just in time to defeat them.
That day you became his personal bait for demons and monsters. Naturally you attracted chaos, so anyway you were, there will be also something to fight.
I guess this is your way to pay for all the troubles you made for him and his duty, so no complaining about it.
If you ask for a unexpected experience to Ganyu she would said that once she found both of you fighting along against the catastrophe, looking after each other’s back and almost having a perfect synchrony.
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Also tried to kill you.
Well, the puppet tried to.
And then Ei tried when you had the opportunity of facing her.
But since killing a god just mean the releasing of a lot, pure, energy she couldn’t afford that risk, much less considering your “speciality”.
Who knows what would happen to Inazuma if your vital energy burst across the nation. Just like that old story about Sal Terrae and their goddess.
She just defeated you. Letting you rest and recovering in the midst of the plane of her reality within her mind. Your inert body in the middle of the battlefield as she kept meditating.
When you woke up she ignored your presence, but also denying your complaints about letting you go out back.
In her words, you were a burden, another enemy of eternity. Something as unpredictable as you and your “accidents” couldn’t get along with her utopia.
Ei could banish you from Inazuma, but she knows your type. Stubborn and not accepting the most simple orders to obey.
She knew that you would found a way to be back.
It’s better like this.
And in the hypothetical case of you being freed when she trapped the traveler (kicking you out) and then having a chance to see her again after the end of the war, then things would be somewhat different.
There’s not that much of civilization on some islands, so she allowed you to explore as much as your heart wanted. But if something serious happen, she promised that would end her work in the middle of the sea so your remains never be found.
Okay, message clear. Just do chaos near monsters and bandits, got it,,
Even if she wanted to spend some time with you and telling you some stories about Inazuma and other gods she couldn’t found the right time to call you at her presence.
As the current ruler of Inazuma she was busier than the rest of Archons you have meet. Maybe just some letters now and then like a way to keep a logbook, but not really a face to face talk.
Until she got the opportunity of a day off, just to found you messing around near some ruins. Trying to solve a puzzle before your speciality strikes in. The structure fell down after your fingertips reached the stone.
When the dust dissipated, you discovered her figure judging you from the other side of the remain ruins.
Give her a good reason for not errase you from the map, I dare u.
You felt the worst was about to come when Ei ordered you to follow her after a long sigh. Crossing her arms and starting to walk away from the bunch of old and worn rock.
Plot Twist, she actually invited you to rest under a tree, asking in her serene voice the reason for your journey and your origin. In such a direct way that it seemed more like a sentence than a talk to get to know each other better.
You answered what you could remember and then the silence stayed like the only way of interaction between you two.
Ohno, you know this pattern. Something’s about to happen-
“There is some strange beauty in the chaos, it may be the calm after the storm, but the catastrophe itself is seen as a necessary evil to appreciate the stillness. How much it would last until the lighting hit the valley?”
“So I arrived to keep order between the humans?”
Well yes, but actually no.
“… You see, if there is nothing but order and a lack of problems, mortals are likely to create them on their own. Their minds feels the need to be tested, to prove their worth, so I guess some of your chaos may be part of the history.”
“… then shall we take a walk in Inazuma?” You did not know if you were right, but you thought you saw a faint smile through his lips in the same way that lightning can be seen in the sky.
“I’ll allow it.” She said.
Her only condition was for you not to approach the huge boxes of fireworks down the street.
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peachbokkie · 3 years
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longer than tomorrow, farther than eternity
title/lyrics from stray kids ‘끝나지 않을 이야기’ (a story that wont end)
━ some of the special moments through yours and hyunjin’s relationship
pairing: hyunjin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, hurt/comfort?
warnings: mentions of feeling unworthy, mentions of headaches
wc: ~2.3k
a/n: i’m sorry this is saur long (for me) i kinda got carried away? anyways this is dedicated to a new but very dear friend of mine, yuri. i worked really hard on it and put a lot of thought into it, so i hope they like it & i hope you all do as well! pls feel free to send in a request or prompt, i’m hoping to get a prompt list soon. enjoy! ((i love u yuri <33333)) (soz for typos)
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❝remember the first day we met❞
the way you and hyunjin had met was one that many people could only dream of. it’s funny actually, how calm you were when you saw him in person for the first time. see you were visiting korea with a friend, having always wanted to visit star avenue at lotte world. you know, where you can see idols hand prints? even compare them to your own. now that wasn’t the seoul, reason that you visited, (see what i did there? sorry i’ll stop.) but it was one of the big attractions you’d wanted to see.
at some point on this trip you and your friend had visited a mall. you’d walked into a store that you truly had no business being in, feeling that you couldn’t even afford to step inside. yet, you guys decided to go in anyways just to look around. while looking around at that expensive pieces of clothing, you spotted two guys standing outside the changing room. they were looking down at their phones, so you couldn’t see their faces. soon enough, a third guy walked out and stood in front of the mirror, checking to see what the other boys thought of the pants he tried on.
his back was turned towards you, so you couldn’t see his face either. you had to admit, though, he did look really good in those pants. “what do you guys think?” he questions his two friends. “i think they’re nice,” one replied. “yeah, me too. you should get them,” said the other. “i don’t know..” he stated wearily. and sure, maybe you shouldn’t have been tuning into their conversation, but you couldn’t help it! you had to let him know that you thought he looked good as well. “i personally think you should keep them,” you announced. “i mean, they look really good. dont they?” you turn to your friend and they nod their head in agreement.
the boys turn to face you and you truly thought that this was another one of your dreams. it had to be, right? because there was absolutely, positively, one hundred percent no chance that stray kids hwang hyunjin was standing in front of you— along with jisung and jeongin. the speed at which your heart fell to the pit of your stomach was insane. “you think so?” hyunjin directed towards you. you prayed you didn’t look like a fish out of water. your friend shoved you a bit, allowing you to come to your senses. “uh, y-yeah! of course! they fit you well i think.” how you managed to keep your cool as well as you did, you aren’t even sure.
“well, thank you.” he smiles at you before turning back towards the mirror. you weren’t going to bring it up, you really weren’t! it just.. slipped out? “you’re hyunjin!” you exclaimed, putting a fist to your mouth. “and han, and i.n, and i think i might just pass out.” ‘not me standing in front of stray kids acting a fool,’ you thought to yourself. “i’m so sorry, please, i love you guys so much.” your friend honestly couldn’t do anything to save you at this point, all they could do was stand back and watch.
the boys laugh, but not in a malicious way. hyunjin found you to be quite cute, actually. “thats really cool!” jisung replies. “its nice to meet you guys.” jeongin agrees, both of them smiling at you. “what’s your name?” hyunjin asks, mainly towards you. after telling him your name, the five of you have a small conversation, you talk about your favorite stray kids songs, why you’re in korea, while the boys exchange things about their lives as well.
“do you mind helping me decide on a few other items?”
“of course not!” you and your friend have a seat on the bench outside the changing stall as hyunjin walks back in to try on another clothing item.
and thats where it all began.
❝even if you lose your way for a moment or get lonely❞
you when you first moved to korea, things were hard to say the least. you had never actually thought about moving there. sure, before you guys actually got together you were telling yourself you were gonna be with hyunjin, only moving to korea to be with him. but like, you didn’t actually believe that would manifest into reality. lets just say the transition was not as easy as it was in your daydreams. the move had been long and stressful, it was difficult to find an affordable place that wasn’t too far from the dorm, as you didn’t want to commute an hour just to forget something there. especially after already moving across the world to be closer to him.
it was quite hard to make friends and acquaintances in the beginning. sure you had the boys (they adored you btw), but they often got busy, what with them being kpop idols. you would often question your decision, wondering if the move was worth it. you wondered if it was worth still not being able to see hyunjin as often as you would like, if it was worth the lifestyle changes, the stares, the whispers.
even after making a couple friends, you felt like your friendships were out of pity. you often felt left out and unwanted. this often led you to overthinking. you didn’t have the best korean speaking skills at the start. you wondered if this is why your new friends rarely invited you out, if they thought that maybe the language barrier wasn’t worth their time. you often felt alone, like you had no one to talk to. even your friends back home didn’t talk to you as much.
you didn’t want to bring any of this up to hyunjin, not because you didn’t think he would care, but because you felt that he was under enough stress as an idol. you didn’t want to dump your what you thought were “irrelevant” problems onto him if you didn’t need to. so you kept it all in. sometimes you would sit in your new living, just staring out the window. you’d watch the passerby’s, friends, and couples giggling and having fun all the same. you’d go days without responding to hyunjin, figuring you weren’t worthy of his presence. you’d constantly push him away. it’s not like you didn’t want him to comfort you, ‘cause you really fucking did, you just felt like.. a burden. you were lost in your thoughts, and you couldn’t find your way back to reality.
eventually hyunjin had gotten fed up with your antics. not fed up in a “i’m done with you goodbye,” way but in a “i’m tired of seeing you hurting and pushing me away i love you and i want you to let me in,” type way. he had come over unexpectedly one night, demanding to know why you had been ignoring him. he wasn’t mad at you, but more mad at himself for not noticing how you felt sooner, and how he let you think that he didn’t love you enough to want to be there for you.
“i want to be here for you, y/n.” he looked at you with pleading eyes, grasping your hands in his, “i want to help you when you need help. i want to listen to you when you want to be heard. i want to answer the phone at 3am after you’ve had a nightmare, or at 5pm when you need help ordering from a korean restaurant.” you let out a watery laugh, tears threatening to spill.
“and if people who are supposed to be your friends don’t invite you out or can’t take a couple minutes out of their day to help you with korean, then you don’t need to be around them.” he says sternly.
“you’re right.”
“aren’t i always?” you both laugh and hyunjin brings his hand up to your face, using the pad of his thumb to wipe away your tears. “i love you, y/n. i won’t ever let you forget it.”
❝i promised that i'll hug you even more warmly and protect you❞
after that night, hyunjin made it his duty to make sure that you knew how much he loved you. how he would always be there for you, physically or not. times when you were sad, hyunjin was there to scoop you up in his arms, holding you until you fell asleep on his lap while your head rested on his shoulder.
like, there was one time you had a really bad headache. you could barely open your eyes, all you could do was lay in your bed, palm gripping your forehead and eye hoping that the pressure would ease the pain. the pain killers just weren’t helping, and neither was the bright sun shining on this particular summer day. hyunjin had texted you a few times, wondering if you wanted to meet up for lunch since he finally had a day off. you couldn’t bring yourself to text him back since you could hardly look at your phone. hyunjin had grown worried since you hadn’t responded, normally you’d jump at any chance to spend one of hyunjins free days with him.
jinnie <3
hi baby, we have the day off today.
i was wondering if u wanted to get lunch with me :))
and we can go back to ur place after
y/n :((
if you dont want to come just say that :(((
he ended up deciding to call you because he was worried that maybe he had done something wrong. with a loud groan, you answered the phone without even looking at the caller id. “yes?”
“y/n?” thats when you realized it was hyunjin. “oh, sorry jinnie. i thought you were someone else.” you told him. “i was scared i did something to make you upset. its been like, fifteen minutes since since i last texted you!” he exclaims, and you can just tell from the way he sounds that he’s pouting, always the dramatics with him. you let out a slight giggle, “i have that effect on you in just fifteen minutes?”
you tell him you hadn’t been on your phone because of your headache- well you try telling him but before you finish he cuts you off with “i’m on my way now!” and hangs up. he lets himself in, having a key to your house since you guys have long since built up that amount of trust. he slips his shoes off and makes his way to your room.
you heard a knock at your bedroom door, “y/nnn, it’s hyunjin,” and he sounded so cute that you wanted to get up to hug him. the only problem was you momentarily forgot you had a massive headache, immense pain gathered behind your right eye.
“woah woah woah,” hyunjin speeds over to help you sit down. “take it easy, baby.” he says with a laugh. “i brought you some food and drinks, but you should lay down for a bit.” just as he was about to sit next to you, he remembered he brought you something else.
he reaches into one of the bags he brought, pulling out a pack of curtains. “i brought you black out curtains! that way the sun won’t keep bothering you.” *insert gun pointing at sun meme* just when you thought you couldn’t love him anymore than you already did. “oh, jinnie, you really didn’t have to,” you watched as he opened the pack and started putting up the curtain.
you were beaming at him. it was almost as if he was the sun, but this was one that you didn’t want covered. “i did, though. it’s my job to protect you and since i can’t just turn off the sun or make your headache go away…” he trailed off as he finished hang up the curtain.
he made his way back to your bed, sitting sort of slanted against the headboard. he pulled you on top of him, your head resting on his chest and his arms around your waist. he held you tight, as if you could slip away at any moment. hyunjin pressed a kiss to your head, and coaxed you to sleep.
and yeah, that might just be the best way to deal with a headache.
❝i care about you more than anything in the world❞
hyunjin loves you so much. you really are the light of his light. sure he loves other things. for instance his job, the boys, kkami, or watermelon. but there was nothing he loved more than, well, you.
yes, he’s ‘talked’ to other people before, and he thought he loved them— maybe he did. but never the way he loved you.
to hyunjin, loving you is knowing each other’s love languages. for him it’s hugs and kisses. that time when felix said hyunjin didn’t like skinship.. you dont know what that was about but that is not the case. hyunjin would hold you forever if he could. he kissed you like nobody ever has. it’s never forced, never a battle. it’s taking part in one breath, one ageless and passionate moment in time. from the moment his soft lips meet yours, till the second they part for air, it’s like feeling like you’re drowning in an ocean of love but realizing you can breathe underwater.
loving you is vulnerability. hyunjin is the type of person who loves easily, therefore gets hurt easily. you showed him that he doesn’t have to be afraid of falling, especially when it’s with you. you showed him that you wont leave him when things get hard. you listen to him when he’s miles away in a different country for tour. he used to tell you how he was afraid that you’d leave him while he’s gone, not because he doesn’t trust you to stay faithful, but because he’s afraid you’d realize he wasn’t worth it.
because love is scary, it’s inherently giving someone your full self. access to everything; your flaws, imperfections, beauty, he was afraid the cons would outweigh the pros. that was then though, he’s not afraid anymore. and it’s beautiful, the hardest thing someone can do is be vulnerable. he knows how much you care about him, how you would do anything for him. and you know that the feeling is mutual.
i mean, how could he not love all that you are.
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© peachbokkie. Please don’t repost, or share without credit
a/n: fyi the last lyric used was hyunjin’s part of the song,, see what i did there? kinda genius if u ask me lmaoo also i tried to leave some things up to your interpretation, i.e how things went after you first met at the mall. hope thats okay! but i hope you all enjoyed, ik this format is different.
masterlist - recent works - temp. prompt list
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mysmegrace · 3 years
i recently installed mystic messenger again after like a month or more of not playing (was afraid of someone finding the game in my phone) , and it felt good to "see" the characters again , so can i please request headcanons of the rfa seeing mc after a long time ?
hello, that's completely understandable lol. i remember back in 2016 when i played it the first time around (i deleted it after the first bad ending and didn't play again until 2019 lol) and was worried people would look on my phone and see it. oh how times have changed lol. but of course!
RFA Seeing MC After a Long Time
yoosung kim:
you attended the rfa party during the last summer you had before going to college.
life was looking up for you.
you found an amazing boyfriend, started becoming independent, and got a good summer job.
things only got better when you found out you had gotten accepted to college.
only problem was that the college was in the US, and your friends and lover were in South Korea.
as much as you loved your new life here, you reminded yourself of your feelings before meeting the rfa.
how everything you created here would only be temporary.
but now, you didn’t want to stick to that anymore.
your life was going so well, and you knew yoosung wouldn’t be happy about you leaving to go across the globe.
however, it was too good of an opportunity to let it go.
this was what you were to planning to do for the last decade.
if you were to give up now, all your hard work would be for nothing.
you were incredibly conflicted, but eventually choose to follow your passion at college overseas.
and yoosung was frantic about it.
he wouldn’t be able to see you, protect you, help you, feed you, walk with you, the list went on.
however as he’s gotten more mature over the past few days, he knew he didn’t have the power to stop you, nor should he guilt you about it.
besides, he wanted you to pursue something you were passionate in and become successful.
some sacrifices would just have to be made.
that didn’t mean he would let you go either.
the two of you made a promise to call, facetime, and visit each other as often as possible.
you’d make it work.
so with much regret, you left to the states.
and when the holidays approached, you decided to bring yourself to him as a gift.
it had been months since he saw you at this point.
you both could enjoy the holidays together while relaxing.
it was a win win.
and what better way to carry out your surprise than by showing up to his front door at 10pm?
and that’s exactly what you did.
giving the door a good few knocks, you waited until you were greeted by yoosung standing in his unwashed pajamas, staring at you.
it took a few seconds for it to click who you are, yet once that processed, he was overcome with joy.
you thought it was adorable how his hands flew to his face as he began to pull you into a hug shortly after.
you were met with only parts of words as yoosung couldn’t explain his excitement fast enough.
and you were ecstatic as well.
you never realized how much you missed him until you were reunited with him again.
hence why after you two spent the holidays together, you found it incredibly difficult to leave again.
however with his encouragement, you went off to work your hardest so he could meet a successful you the next time you reunited.
hyun ryu / zen:
much like zen, you were an actor too.
you were a much lesser known actress, but you had began building connections.
and those connections all paid off when you were offered a new role in a movie that was predicted to be going big.
you couldn’t be more grateful.
yet as you began reading farther into the offer, your heart slowly sunk.
if you were to take the role, you would have to relocate to germany for the next 9 months.
you wanted this so bad, but you didn’t want to leave zen alone for 9 months.
he if could, he would join you in germany.
but he already had a role to work on in south korea.
as much as you wanted him to join you, you didn’t want him to give up his role he had been working so hard on for the past year.
you were conflicted, and knew it would be best to talk about it to zen.
not only to see what he thinks, but to ease your feelings.
and once you had the discuss about it with you, you came to a conclusion.
you would could, keeping in contact with him everyday.
though zen was heartbroken about it, he knew how much you wanted this and how much this would advance your career.
so with a heavy heart, he sent you off.
the moment you left on the plane, he was already longing for your reunion.
9 months never went by so slow.
when you were with him, there was never enough time to bask in each others love.
but without him, everyday had an extra 8 hours.
even though you were working 24/7, time stayed still for days on end.
yet when the production ended a month early, all your worries and stresses eased as you could finally reunite with your love in person.
without thinking, you packed all your stuff up once you got back to your trailer to get the next plane back to seoul.
you hadn’t even thought to tell zen until you boarded the plane.
too late now though, as you weren’t aloud your phone on the plane.
what an idiotic rule, you thought.
but perhaps it was better this way, as you could surprise zen with your return sooner than expected.
you gave into the tiredness that followed you around for the months prior, awakening to the speaker saying you’ve landed.
in your half awake state, you got off the plane and called for a cab.
it only took an hour to reach your destination, in which you got more sleep on the way there.
you thanked the driver before heading out, practically running to the front door.
you knocked, hoping to make zen believe you were only a door salesman or a mailman.
you heard some footsteps approaching behind the door in a hurried state, before the door opened and you were greeted with your future husband.
his expression changed in the speed of light once he quickly realized who you were.
you were met with a tight embrace, doubting if you could breath for a second.
zen pulled away not too long after, his excitement getting to him as he said “i didn’t think you were supposed to be home so soon!”
to that, you could only giggle as you admitted the reason behind your surprise.
zen was more than happy to see you home earlier than discussed before.
“this day is too important, we have to do something now!” zen said as he got dressed up to go out in the christmas weather.
with a small laugh, you agreed.
the rest of your day was spent going out to cafes and buying presents for the other rfa members.
and to your luck, the movie turned out a huge success.
not only in germany, but in korea as well.
things worked out for the best, you thought.
but one thing was for sure, you weren’t doing that again.
jaehee kang:
jaehee had brought up the idea of opening a cafe, to which you were 100% in on.
however, in korea you had to have a culinary certificate to own a cafe.
i dont know if thats legit or not i completely made that up
but if you had to get a certificate, you were going to get it in the best way you could.
and a college you had come across was perfect for that.
it was a good price and had a great reputation.
there was one problem however, and that was that it was located in france.
which was a 12 hour flight away from seoul.
you knew there was no opportunity like it, but you couldn’t stop yourself from being on the edge about it.
you didn’t want to leave your friends and family here for 2 years while you went off to another country on your own.
plus who knew if something would happen to you while you were aboard?
your concerns were slightly lessened after you brought up your worries to jaehee, and the encouragement she gave you was overwhelming.
she suggested for you to go for it and that she would hold everything down in seoul while helping the rfa in planning future parties.
on the upside, it would give her more time to save up more money for the opening just in cause it was needed.
with hesitation, you decided to go along with her words and study in france for some time.
you would miss each other, but you both knew it was what you two needed to ensure a sucessful future.
while you were aboard, jaehee would attend culinary classes in korea here and there.
you would keep in contact frequently, but never had the money to go back to seoul on holidays to reunite.
so once those two years had passed, you were out as fast as possible.
you loved france, but you loved your girlfriend more.
you hopped on the plane home, eager to see everyone again.
and once you arrived at the airport in seoul, the first thing you saw as you exited the plane was your girlfriend standing there, eyes focused on the doorway waiting for your arrival.
and once your eyes met, you were quick to run up to her while opening your arms to hug her strongly.
two years was such a long time to be apart, but all was well now.
shortly after, the two of you opened the cafe and were met with an incredible amount of support from the community and rfa.
now you were content to settle down in seoul with the love of your life.
jumin han:
you were very business driven, which jumin liked about you.
even having your own fashion company.
you were unlike many other women he had come across before in various ways.
but the downside to your business focused mind were your frequent business trips.
some would last a day while others would last a week.
though this recent one you were expected to take was unlike anything you had ever had to do before for work.
it suggested you stayed in china for a month as you worked out many business issues and proposals.
while your company had began trending recently, you had never expected this.
the first thing that came to your mind once reading the email was your husband.
you felt horrible when you had to leave him alone for a day, but a month?
you couldn’t even imagine how much that would hurt him.
however, this wasn’t something you could just refuse.
if you did, you weren’t sure if your company would continue standing.
and so later that night, you told jumin everything over wine.
how you didn’t want to but knew your company wouldn’t survive without it.
he didn’t know what to make of everything.
this came at the worst timing.
he needed to stay in korea for the time being for business, so he couldn’t join you in china either.
reluctantly, he supported you in your travels.
he understood your situation, but made you promise to call him every night.
which you had no problem with.
and so with a sad smile, you had left a few days later.
things were frustrating in beijing, but you at least had the comfort of your husbands voice to fall asleep to.
everyone at the office noticed jumins shift in mood as soon as your left.
yet without a voice of concern, things carried on as if nothing happened.
the day you were set to come back, jumin cancelled all plans to spend the day with you.
you needed to make up for the time the two of you lost, and you needed to rest in the comfort of your own home again.
thankfully, your company didn’t meet it’s downfall just yet.
in fact, it was now prospering.
saeyoung choi:
your day was going as it normally would.
well, as normal as a day with saeyoung can go.
yet it all changed when you got a call that your brother had gotten into a bad car accident, and the situation wasn’t looking good.
you didn’t know how to react, so many emotions and fears were overwhelming you.
you knew you were your brothers emergency contact, as he had no one else close to him in his life, so it was no question about why they called you while you were in seoul and he was in brazil.
but after learning about the situation, you quickly realized that you needed to get back to brazil as soon as possible.
they didn’t know how long he had left, and the remainder of his days would require for him to get help to do everyday things.
with your eyes barely spilling over, you told saeyoung everything.
you were met with a hug as he comforted you.
when you brought up the fact of needing to leave, he didn’t think twice before giving you his blessing (though he knew you didn’t need it).
it would be hard on him because he wouldn’t be able to join you as he was in an active mission, but he would keep in touch and make sure of your safety from countries away.
after all, he would do the same if saeran were in your brothers position.
the next day, you backed your flight to brazil, packing only what you needed.
your days in brazil passed in pain, as you watched your brother fight for his life daily.
until one day, his body gave up on him and he passed.
you were devastated.
you were on autopilot in public and breaking down in your hotel room when no one was around.
after attending your brothers funeral and a week of mourning, you began to book your ticket back to seoul.
yet in your state of heart ache, you didn’t realize the change in the countries health as the coronavirus started running through every town in the nation.
planes were unavailable and travel was banned.
now you were stuck here for the next 6 months, always hopping the next month would be better and you’d finally be able to go home.
saeyoung was on his toes all the time, not feeling the same without you.
and you missed him more and more as the days went on.
when the time finally came, you rushed to buy a ticket, though most people weren’t flying due to their fears surrounding the situation.
the plane was empty, allowing you to sneak your phone, sending a text to saeyoung.
“i’m on the plane home now” you typed.
saeyoung was overcome with joy to see your message.
though you had to isolate for 14 days, at least you were in the country and close to him.
once you got off the plane, went into isolation, and tested negative for covid, you ran to your shared home.
opening the door to be greeted with the same old smile that teased you every morning was a refreshing sight.
you ran up as he lifted you in a tight embrace, swaying you side to side in a wave of excitement.
after months of stress and anxiety, you could finally breath.
that realization alone was enough to make you burst out into tears of relief.
your feelings were contagious, as you saw saeyoungs eyes starting to water as well.
you were finally safe and sound in his protection, and that was all he could’ve asked for..
01:51 AST - 09/01/21
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incomingalbatross · 3 years
GF Fic: (Insert Time-Related Pun Here)
Having a birthday on the last day of summer was great when you were a kid.
When you were in college and vacation ended somewhere in the last third of August? Not so much.
“Grunkle Ford, I...I don’t think Mabel and I can make it to Gravity Falls,” Dipper confessed, the day before his twenty-second birthday.
“Is it the travel time?” Ford asked from the other end of the phone. “If your usual transportation is too slow, we can call in a favor or two for you kids—I know plenty of entities that would be happy to give you a lift as a birthday present—”
“No, I know, I know,” Dipper said, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “And I really appreciate that, Grunkle Ford, I just...it’s not the travel, it’s being there. The other years we’ve been in college, our birthday was always on a weekend—last year was a Monday, but we spent that year with you guys instead of in school—”
“Thank goodness that seer tipped us off about her vision of 2020!” Ford agreed. “Taking a gap year to sail the Arctic with us was definitely the right decision for you two.”
“Right? Half a semester of online classes was more than enough. But—I mean, maybe it’s being back in school after being gone for a year, maybe it’s just early-semester problems, but...” Dipper sighed. “It’s just, I’m taking five classes, and I’ve got a TA job this year, and I’m getting back into the DD&MD group again and maybe planning to DM a oneshot as a Halloween event, and...” He sighed again. “It all looked much more manageable on my schedule. It was color-coded and everything!”
Grunkle Ford hummed noncommittally.
“Yeah, I know,” Dipper admitted. “Not the first time I’ve overbooked myself.”
“Not quite, perhaps. But it’s very good that you’re learning to recognize it and take steps to take care of yourself—when I was in college, I burned out routinely.”
“Mabel would sic the ‘Self-Care Fairy’ on me again if I didn’t learn.” The “Self-Care Fairy” was a truly terrifying onslaught of Mabelness, complete with costume and character voice, and would not go away until its subject had reached an acceptable level of well-being and had examined their mistakes. “Which is why...I have to cancel. If I came to Gravity Falls, even with instant travel, I’d only be able to get there around like 5:00 PM and I’d be stressed and anxious the whole time. And then I’d get back here exhausted and with no homework done and with class tomorrow, and...I just don’t think I can afford that.” Dipper paused, a knot twisting in his stomach. “I’m really sorry, I wish we could come...”
“Of course, Dipper, we know you do!” Grunkle Ford hastened to assure him. “Don’t feel sorry for us—of course we’d love to see you, but we just had the summer together. I’m just sorry you’re so short on time.” There was a moment’s silence.
“But how is Mabel doing? Is she facing the same challenges?”
“I mean, sort of.” Dipper smiled ruefully. “She kept trying to figure out some solution so that we could have our usual birthday and everything would work out, but...neither of us could come up with anything that would actually work. And she’s really busy too. She jumped back into school full steam ahead, and she’s got her Etsy store, and all her social groups to keep up with—you know she’s better at managing her energy than I am, but it’s still a lot.”
“I understand that,” Ford said. “You both do what you need to to keep up with your responsibilities, okay? We’re very proud of you both, you know.”
Dipper swallowed around the lump in his throat. “I know, Grunkle Ford.”
“Well, then, I’ll let you go—I imagine you have plenty to do right now! We’ll get in touch with you tomorrow, even if only by text.”
“Thank you, Grunkle Ford! Mabel and I are going to video-call at some point, we think, so there’s that. Say hi to Stan and Soos and Melody and the kids and everyone for me?”
“Of course, my boy. Have a good evening.”
“You too.”
The call disconnected, and Dipper sighed, throwing himself down on his bed. After a minute, he picked up his phone again and texted Mabel.
Just called Ford and canceled plans. He said to take care of ourselves and that he and Stan are proud of us.
Then he pushed himself into the homework for tomorrow until his phone buzzed.
Aww, of course he did. <3 Thanks for calling, brobro. I wish we could go, but you were right--I’ve got WAY too much booked. Why didn’t we check what weekday our birthday was FIRST???
Dipper snorted. Maybe we’re dumb :/
IMPOSSIBLE, Mabel sent back. Clearly an evil College Schedule Gremlin messed with our brains
Is that the same guy who makes it so you can never take the prereqs you need when you need them?
Yep!! And the one who fogs your brain so you THINK you’ve filled all your requirements until it’s too late to patch up the holes in your plan. His phone buzzed a second time after that text. ...Ugh, maybe there ARE gremlins in all the college systems
It would explain Blackboard, Dipper agreed with a frown. Huh, maybe they should look into that...
Anyway, though, u good for Zoom tomorrow?
Dipper huffed, reminded of the fact that they had no time for a paranormal investigation right now. Yeah, he typed, I can do an hour or so anytime after 5:30.
Cool, I will figure out a time and let you know!! Can’t wait to see your 22-year-old face!! :) Even if it sucks that we can’t party :(
Same, same. TTYL :)
Dipper tossed his phone aside again, shutting his eyes for a minute. It wasn’t just the party that had him down—though he would miss the bash that Gravity Falls usually threw on their birthday. It was...everything.
It was having a birthday without Mabel.
Oh, sure, they would talk, but they wouldn’t be in the same place. That was why, really, he’d hung onto their plans until the very last minute. He’d made it work on paper—taking an evening to travel to Gravity Falls, have a party, and be back in time for the next class—and it just felt wrong to admit defeat, to compromise on something this important. Their birthday meant the two of them celebrating together, having a good time, acknowledging that it was important.
This year wasn’t going to feel like a birthday at all, Dipper thought glumly.
But no, that was quitter talk. They were going to do their best anyway, because they were the Mystery Twins! Even if the situation was lame. Even if he was going to spend his time on the call with Mabel tomorrow doing homework and/or bursting with stress.
He opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling. “Why do I always overfill my schedule?” he asked plaintively.
The ceiling didn’t answer.
Dipper dropped his backpack with a thud on his dorm room floor, hastily unzipping it and digging out his laptop. He was late—he’d left his thermos in his last classroom, and been halfway across campus before he realized and turned around to go get it. He blamed his sleep deprivation (a week in, and his body still hadn’t readjusted to the rhythm of morning classes).
Now, though, he could finally pull up Zoom. He plugged in his headphones as he waited for it to connect (stupid dorm wifi), and was rewarded with an ear-splitting squeal.
“Happy birthday, Dipper!”
He grinned at her beaming face. “Happy birthday, Mabel!”
“Did you get a birthday cupcake?” she demanded. “Or at least a birthday cookie?”
He grimaced. “I got ice cream at the cafeteria, but I had to eat it there,” he confessed. “Here, I’ve got...a birthday candy bar?”
“Hmph.” Mabel looked crestfallen, but plastered a smile on anyway. “It’ll have to do! We can sing Happy Birthday, anyway. One, two, thr—”
Before they could launch into an inevitably out-of-sync rendition of “Happy Birthday,” Dipper heard a loud knock. Judging by Mabel’s startled turn towards her door, she heard it too—
Wait, what?
The knocking repeated. On both their doors.
“..Huh,” Mabel said thoughtfully. With a wordless glance between them, they both unplugged their headphones and went to their respective doors.
“Happy birthday, slugger!” Stan said, grinning, the instant he saw Dipper. Over the internet, Ford’s voice was greeting Mabel at the same time.
Dipper’s jaw dropped.
“Ha!” Grunkle Stan shoved past him into the room. Waving to the camera, he added, “Happy birthday, sweetie!”
Ford peered past Mabel into the screen. “Happy birthday, Dipper, my boy!”
“Grunkles!” Mabel cried. “...But wait, why not just video call us? Not that we’re not happy to see your wrinkly faces, but you came such a long way!”
“Yeah, exactly,” Dipper said, waving his arm in confusion. “You guys—you know we can’t really visit, right? Even with you with us? We don’t have time. I dont want you guys to waste a trip—”
“But we didn’t,” Ford said smugly. “We came to bring your birthday presents.”
With a flourish, Stan produced something and handed it to Dipper. It looked like...a piggy bank, but with a clock face set into the side?
Mabel gasped. “It’s so CUTE!”
“But what is it, Grunkle Ford?” Dipper asked.
“Simply put, my boy...it’s time.”
“It’s a Time-Savings Bank,” Stan said proudly. “Got our hands on these babies a few months ago, on a little side trip. See, when you’ve got some extra time—like, at night, or when you’re waiting for a pot to boil, or whatever—you can use these gizmos to store it up instead! Then when you need more time, you use the clock to take it back out. Whammo! You squeeze in a few extra hours between the normal ones.”
“Like Daylight Saving Time without the false advertising,” Ford added. “We know you two are short on time right now, but...if you’d like, there’s enough in here to give you and everyone currently at the Mystery Shack a good few hours of spare time. What do you say, kids? Still up for a party?”
“Are we!” Mabel crowed.
Dipper stared at this miraculous device. “But...that’s a lot of hours,” he said. “Where did you get the time?”
Stan barked out a laugh. “You kiddin’, Dipper? We figured from the start that at least one of you would burn out when you went back to school. We’ve been putting time aside in these things for months.”
“...Really?” Dipper said. Somehow, he found himself blinking rapidly, and swallowing down some obstruction in his throat.
Stan coughed uncomfortably, looking away. “I mean, it’s not like we gave you any time we had a use for. Just some odds and ends here and there...every day... Anyway! You kids wanna get this show on the road?”
“YES!” Mabel shouted.
Dipper beamed. “Definitely,” he said. “Absolutely.”
And a few minutes later, when they all found themselves in the Shack (courtesy of one of those “favors” Ford had mentioned yesterday), and Dipper had piled into the inevitable group hug with his twin and his grunkles—and with hours of birthday celebration in front of them all—he had to add, “Best present ever.”
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
Saturday Sun I
Summary: it’s the beginning of may. mother’s day has come and gone, with your family trip coming up and things are seemingly falling apart even more. you and harry are forced to come head to head with real issues. (harry x fem!reader)
Word Count: 1.3K (second part will be the longer piece) 
Warnings: Angst. Cheating. Find all in depth warnings in the first two parts. 
Notes: hello, part three is divided into two parts, this first one focusing on some conflict & the second part to it will focus more on family dynamic & light resolution. part of this piece has harry’s pov instead of entirely the readers. 
Part One & Two (along with a companion piece) can be found in my h.s masterlist! 
i need to ask her
what’s going on?
are we going strong?
May - Part I
It’s the Monday before your flight.
April had come and April had gone and you were still struggling to focus on anything but your kids and issues with Harry. You suppose that’s okay, your next deadline was months away and with the trip coming up all you could focus on were those things. 
Mother’s Day had slipped your mind completely. You were busy making lists and triple checking flight info to even think of asking the kids and Harry about their plans. 
“How was your weekend? Everything went well?” Dr. Walsh’s voice forces you to look up from the new watch that adorns your wrist. 
You glance at Harry, who waits for you to answer. You shrug. “It was nice… Harry and the kids treated me yesterday.” 
The watch is a beautiful rose gold color and is a thin band compared to the band of your last watch. Your kids initials had been engraved onto the inner band. It was, by all means, a lovely and well thought out gift. Not only replacing the watch you had worn for a decade and had finally snapped, but reminding of the best parts of your life. 
“Tell me about your day!” Dr. Walsh smiles kindly. Her eyes move between you and Harry, polite and u judging, before landing on your wrist.
“I got breakfast, at the table, breakfast in bed is too hectic with three kids and a baby.” You laugh softly, thinking of the kids and their not well hidden excitement for your day. “And they all got me gifts. The twins made clay handprints in school. Seph picked out a new wallet for me and even bought it on her own!” 
It’s impossible to contain your happiness that rolls off of you when you talk about the kids. Bragging about their thoughtfulness and kind gifts makes you almost forget where you are.
“That sounds so lovely.” Dr. Walsh brings you back down. Your eyes move to Harry. His eyes are open and he’s smiling softly as you speak. But his fingers are fidgeting in his lap and you know he had hoped you would be proud of his gift too. 
And you were. But maybe that was the worst part. That it was kind hearted and well thought out and so very Harry that you almost hated it. You hated how one small gift had caused a sliver of hope to crawl into your bloodstream and make your heart race for him again. 
That it made you believe, for one brief moment, all his promises and words about never falling out of love with you and never wanting to let you go. 
“Harry got me a watch too.” You finally say, quiet and full of despair. “Mine snapped a few weeks ago… It has the kids initials in it. It was a good day.” 
Dr. Walsh nods. “It’s a lovely watch.” Her eyes move pointedly from it on your wrist to you. “So what’s wrong?” 
You fiddle with it, twisting it on your wrist and tapping the face anxiously. “It feels tainted.” You steadily avoid looking at Harry as you say the words. Dr. Walsh nods, but doesn’t say anything, silently urging you to continue. “I love it. And that… makes me feel guilty. And it makes me feel dumb because one stupid gift made me forget this bullshit for a second and I just felt that love for him again.”
There’s an intake of breath to your right, but Dr. Walsh doesn’t look at all shocked by your words. “It makes sense. You want to be angry. You have a right to be angry and when something gets in the way of that, you’re unsure of how to feel.” 
You nod. Her words make sense. You did want to be angry and after your brief elation with the gift you found you still were. 
“I am going to feel like this for the rest of my life?” You whisper. 
She shakes her head. “No. One day, this anger will be gone. But… it’s up to you whether or not you can get there with each other. If you can forgive Harry and let go of the anger. Or not. Neither is wrong.” 
You nod. Sometimes these sessions felt like she was strictly talking to you. Harry just listened. Spoke up when you asked him to, or when Dr. Walsh worked on exercises. 
A part of you found that it helped. You were able to say things you may not have ever said to Harry. But sometimes it felt like he was unsure if he should try and that made you angrier. 
Harry’s hopes are built up and shattered. It’s his own fault, he knows it is. Knows that this was an easily fixable marriage before he fucked up. 
You’ve talked about the cheating a little in therapy. Dr. Walsh has mentioned it, you’ve let your anger out, Harry has apologized. It’s a cycle that seems never ending. He doesn’t know what to do. All he wants so desperately is to fucking fix it. 
The drive has been silent. You stare out the window at cars and buildings that pass. There are bags in the truck rustling around, a last minute stop for last minute items needed for the trip. 
You had been silent in the store too. Quietly checking off your list as Harry pushed the cart behind you. Had his gift upset you this much? You still loving him made you this angry? 
“I… I don’t know what to do.” Harry finally says, forcing his voice to cut through the silence. You startle and turn to look at him. “Tell me what to do.” He pleads. 
He knows you can hear the desperation in his voice. Whether or not you were angry at him, you knew him, you knew his tells and his emotions. 
“What do you want me to say, H?” Your voice is a whisper but still harsh. “I don’t know! I don’t know what you can do! Build a time machine. Don’t cheat on me.” 
“It feels like we’re going in circles.” Harry tries to keep his calm. He wants to keep the anxiety and hurt out of his voice. “Like, you’re angry then you see this chance and there’s hope, then there’s anger again.” 
You scoff. “I’m sorry my pain isn’t linear enough for you! I’m sorry that sometimes I see glimpses of you and I’m reminded of us ten years ago, so in love and oblivious to the outside world. Sorry that it all comes crashing down when I remember that you fucking cheated on me!” 
Harry sighs and his grip on the steering wheel tightens. “I fucked up so bad. I know. I know. God, what can I do? Anything.” 
“Why did you do it?” You ask instead of answering. There’s a coldness in your words and Harry’s aware you’re both trapped in the car for another twenty minutes. So are you, apparently. “And don’t give me the same bullshit about being selfish and not knowing why and it being a mistake.” 
Harry feels desperation claw at his throat and tears burning in the corner of his eyes. It’s like he can’t breathe, trapped in a coffin of your anger and his guilt. He tries to keep his eyes focused on the road as he talks. “I… I felt wanted. I liked the attention.” 
There’s a sharp intake of breath, but Harry keeps his face forward and eyes focused. “Tell me what happened.” 
“Y/N…” Harry trails off. “I… I can’t.”
You groan and fall forward with your head in your hands. “I need to know, H. I don’t… I just need to know because all I can think about is these what if situations and scenarios in my head. And I’ll just keep running through them until I hate you.”
Harry bites down on his lip and spares a glance at you. “What if… What if I tell you and you hate me anyways?” The question is unfair. He knows it is. But he can’t fathom a world without you in it. A world where he sees you on drop off days and has to plan separate holidays. 
“I don’t know.” You say quietly. But, it feels like answer enough. There’s no reason for you not to leave. 
And Harry guesses a promise to try was never really a promise to stay. 
notes: thank you for the patience! i understand this piece is short, this part has been a lil tricky and i wanted to get the first part to may out before summer courses begun. i’m hoping i’m able to continue writing through them, but i will warn readers i am enrolled in two of the three week classes that have a lot of work and move quickly. so patience will be appreciated. i hope everyone is safe & healthy and has a wonderful end of school/university/spring! and congratulations to all the grads these next two months. i’m planning on ending this series with a total of five parts (march, april, may, june, july) w/ two endings.
tags (im tagging a couple ppl who messaged me awhile ago (after the last part), if u dont wanna be tagged anymore let me know! sorry!@alwaysclassyeagle @yourgoldengirls
if u wanna be tagged just message me & let me know if u want it for just this series or for all my h writing! ❤️
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