#like I am not kidding I watched the clip five minutes ago and my head is still spinning
turbourbo · 2 years
Between Sloane and Christopher’s spin tricks I might actually blow chunks tomorrow.
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sweetnsour1 · 2 years
Angst to fluff, Gojo x female reader
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“Fuckkkk yes. I missed you so much, baby. Right fucking there.”
His long fingers froze on the door handle. He looked up and stared at the room number like it would change if he glared long enough. Yet…even if it was the wrong room, that was your sweet voice. The same voice that vowed to be his...only his. Fuck, he’d know these moans anywhere. Noises he thought were only for his ears. His fingers were itching to rip the handle off the door. Should he go in and fucking murder the definitely embarrassingly weak piece of shit that probably wasn’t even good enough to be fucking you?
No. He knew he couldn’t control himself. He might hurt you. Fuck, he still couldn’t bring himself to even risk harming you. He released the handle and shut his eyes.
When he opened them, he was standing in front of your bed. The ridiculous Extra Large California King that you bet him would never fit into his penthouse…so, of course he had teleported it here himself just to piss you off. He pushed back the rising memory of the first time he teleported you back to this mattress. He glared at it, wondering if anyone else had been in this bed.
He grabbed his phone and redialed as he entered the closet, grabbed a duffel, and started ripping items from the hangers.
“No. I am off the clock, so I am not getting paid to deal with you until tomorrow morning.”
“…” He dumped a drawer of underwear and socks into the bag.
“You won the bet. Looks like divorce.” He looked at the mess he had packed. Everything was going to wrinkle. He really should just buy new shit anyway. All he currently owned had been touched by you…touched by this failure of a promise. He zipped up the bag and took it with him into the living room.
“What did you do?”
“Don’t know. Finished my mission early like a good boy and I don’t-” He froze in the dining room. The usually barren table was covered with bags from his favorite shops. Was that fucker fucking spoiling you while he was out exorcising curses? Or was this you covering your guilt from an affair?
“You sound unwell.”
“I’m the strongest sorcerer. I’m always well.”
He grabbed the note taped to the biggest bag. The phone vibrated on his ear. He looked down and saw a notification with your name.
“Guess they’re finished.”
“I said, ‘I’m finished.’ Won't need the extra days off. I’ll grace you with my presence tomorrow.”
“I see. Itadori will be glad you’re back early. Goodbye.”
He opened your message.
Leaving the school now. Hurry up and get your annoying ass back to me.
Are you reallllly the strongest sorcerer if it takes you forever to come back home?
His chest felt tight. The universe was cruel and you were still typing.
Actually, I kinda wish you had been in my office a few minutes ago.
He pulled up his blindfold to reread that one. You messaged again…this time it was a video. He was almost afraid to open it, but pressed play anyway.
“Fuckkkk yes. I missed you so much, baby. Right fucking there.”
There you were, leaning back in the chair behind your desk. Your own fingers between your legs. You threw your head back and were moaning. Fuck you were beautiful...and he was a fucking idiot. The emotions of the last five minutes evaporated as he felt himself getting harder at the sight of you cumming and moaning his name. The clip ended. He heard a crumple and realized he had clenched your note in his fist as he watched you. He opened it.
"Bought provisions! You're not leaving again until I'm sick of you...so maybe 24 hours ;) "
He was smiling this time when he hit redial.
"Are you trying to make me retire again?"
"Naanaamiiii, I was just kidding about coming in tomorrow. Turns out I am swamped for the next three days."
"I am blocking you."
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Really toed the line of my no cheating rule. Thanks for sending in a request @weebotaku21
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cdelphiki · 4 years
Jason’s spoon clanked into his bowl, as he dropped it and fumbled for the remote. He’d been watching Jeopardy! with the volume low. Half the fun of the game was answering the questions himself, and really, the idiots on the show were often just distracting.
But Jeopardy! wasn’t on the screen anymore.
The Joker was.
The Joker and the current Robin.
“—play a game, shall we?” Joker said, and Jason just cursed louder as he tossed his cereal on the coffee table and jumped up.
“Hrnn,” Robin groaned, when the camera panned to him, “Who’d want to play with you?”
Fucking brat.
The poor kid looked in rough shape. His mask was slightly ripped, showing off a massive bruise right under one of his eyes. His fat lip and the blood trickling down his chin didn’t help much, either.
Oh, yeah. And the fact he was tied up and inside a tiny little cage.
How the hell had Joker got his hands on Robin?
Never mind, Jason thought, as he kicked around the shit on his floor, freeing the various pieces of his Red Hood uniform, he knew exactly how Robin got himself captured.
Batman was out of town.
And he’d left Robin in charge of Gotham.
Like a fucking moron.
“Uh, uh uh,” Joker said, “That’s no way to behave. Be a good little birdy.”
Robin groaned, when Joker stuck a stick inside Robin’s cage, and jabbed him in the side. He pressed a button, and Tim’s groan turned to a scream as he was electrocuted.
Jason grimaced.
“Now,” Joker continued, through a laugh, “The answer is ‘Topeka.’”
Joker’s stupid fucking laugh.
Jason should not be helping the bats.
He did not help the bats. The bats hated him. And, sure, they had good reason to, but it just meant Jason shouldn’t be helping them out of principle!
Why help people who hate your guts and wish you were still dead?
The bats are out of town, his mind helpfully reminded him, they can’t save Robin. And like hell was Jason going to let Joker kill another Robin.
“Shit,” he mumbled, as he grabbed his helmet and shoved it on his head. All he needed was his guns, now.
“Come now, Robin,” Joker said, “You’re disappointing the viewers at home.”
“No, you’re disappointing the viewers,” Jason snapped, as he placed three guns into his holsters, and grabbed his spare magazines, checking to make sure each was full. “No one wants to watch the fucking Joker fuck with a little kid.”
Even if that little kid was Tim Drake. And annoying as fuck.
The camera zoomed back on Robin’s face, and Robin finally mumbled out, “Capital of Kansas.”
Robin screamed, again, when Joker jabbed him with the shock stick, and Jason growled.
He grabbed his tablet and hacked into the batcomputer in record time. He wasn’t sure if Bruce knew he could still do that, but at the moment he was fucking glad he hadn’t been caught yet.
“You didn’t phrase your answer in the form of a question! Haven’t you ever watched Jeopardy!? That’s what the good folks want right now.”
“Fuck, kid,” Jason mumbled, as he triangulated a location on Robin’s tracker, “Where are you?”
Only Robin’s tracker was listed in Gotham, too. No one else was around. Not Alfred. Not Batgirl. No one.
Why the fuck did Bruce keep leaving Robin all alone?
Hadn’t he learned his lesson the first time?
Tim groaned on screen again, making Jason draw his gun and unload the full clip on the screen.
His neighbors probably hated him.
“Where are you,” he growled at the tablet, just as Robin’s location finished loading.
Warehouse in Crime Alley.
Not even five blocks from Jason’s safe house.
- - -
The Joker had almost no henchmen guarding his warehouse.
Usually Joker’s operations were more thought through. Right?
This time it was just pathetic.
How in the ever-loving-fuck had he got his hands on Robin, anyway?
It took Jason not even ten minutes to reach the warehouse, break in, and incapacitate all ten of his thugs. It took only another fifteen seconds to climb up into the rafters, into the main area where Joker was ‘filming’ with Robin.
“Now, Robin,” Joker said, his his annoying high pitched drawl, “You are down in the negatives. You need to get this next answer correct or—”
Jason didn’t let him finish the thought.
Because he shot the Joker in the ass.
“Shut the fuck up,” Red Hood snarled, as he dropped down from the rafters, right on top of Joker, “No one cares as much as you think.”
“Hood,” Joker said, grinning wide, despite all the blood leaking out of him.
Or, well. Not much. Jason should shoot him again.
Robin would get all high and mighty, if Jason actually killed Joker.
Fucking hell.
“How nice of you to drop by!” Joker said, laughing, “We could use a second contestant.”
Yeah. Sure.
Jason brought his elbow down into Joker’s face. Hard. Breaking his nose and knocking him flat out.
“How disappointing,” Jason said, as he stood up and turned toward Robin, “That wasn’t nearly as satisfying as shooting him in the face would have been.”
Robin stayed laying there, where he was, curled up in his cage, clutching his stomach tight.
Whistling, Jason crossed the room and tried to get Tim’s attention. “Yo. Half-pint, you all right there?”
Tim didn’t react, other than to curl up tighter when Jason approached the cage and put a hand on one of the bars.
“Shit,” he mumbled, “Okay, kid. I’ll get you out.”
Ridiculously, it took longer to figure out a way to get Tim out of the cage.
He tried to pry the fucking lock open with a crowbar he found laying around…
Joker and his fucking crowbars.
But the lock wouldn’t budge, and the stupid replacement Robin kept flinching every time Jason got too near. Which, should have probably made Jason feel bad.
If he were, like, a good person.
Instead it just pissed him off enough that he grabbed the crowbar and started bashing it against the lock, until the damn thing fell off.
“Okay,” Jason said as he opened the cage door, “Tell me what the damage is, kid.”
Robin didn’t respond, so Jason reached in and placed one gloved hand on his shoulder. All he was going to do was shake it, a little. Just to make sure the kid was alive. And like, just out of it.
But apparently Robin was super out of it, because instead of growl at him or snap some dumbass quip, he jumped up and punched Jason right in the stomach.
“Fuck,” he huffed. The little sucker packed a mean one, but he was too damn out of it for it to do more than make Jason wince. “The fuck, kid? Knock it off.”
Tim jumped up, however, on top of the cage, then wobbled there as he tried to right his balance. The second Jason tried to reach out to him, to catch him before he toppled over, or some shit, Tim pulled out a couple of his stupid R shaped throwing stars and started throwing them.
“Shit,” Jason growled, as he dodged, “Kid, knock it off.”
“What do you want?” Robin asked, and with that, apparently reached the end of his spike of adrenaline.
Because the next thing Jason knew, Robin was falling off the cage bars he’d been perched on, and Jason had barely enough time to dive the few feet between them and catch the stupid runt before he landed on the concrete ground, head first.
“Get off me,” Robin demanded, thrashing about in Jason’s hold.
All it made Jason do was squeeze his arms around Tim tighter.
“Stop,” Tim said, his voice getting a little more desperate, “Get off.”
“Ow,” Jason complained, when Tim kicked him in the knee, “Would you knock it off. Am I hurting you?”
Tim stilled, for a second, and seemed to evaluate the situation. Jason was still holding onto him, but he loosed his arms a little.
“No?” Tim asked, like he wasn’t sure if that were the correct answer, or something.
Stupid brat. And they accused Jason of shooting first, asking questions later.
“Then why the fuck are you fighting me?” Jason demanded.
“You’re…” Tim said, then paused as he put a hand up to his head. Shit. Jason needed to get him back to a safe house and checked out.
Letting go of Tim completely, Jason set him down and maneuvered, so he was kneeling in front of the stupid runt. He put a hand on Tim’s head and forced his head back, a little, so Jason could get a good look at it. He could see one of Tim’s eyes, due to his mask having so much damage on it, and it looked like Tim was at least making eye contact.
Or, at least. As much eye contact as he could when Jason was wearing a helmet.
“You’re the Red Hood?” Tim finally answered.
Jason merely huffed. “Yeah. And you’re the boy hostage. Where are you hurt?”
“What?” Tim demanded, “Why do you care?” and Jason rolled his eyes.
“Like I’m gonna let Joker kill you. That’s my job.”
Wrong thing to say.
Because Tim’s eye grew wide, and he shuffled backward, out of Jason’s reach, kicking his feet.
Jason tried to grab his feet, to make him stop, but Tim kept kicking, and got Jason right in the ribs.
“Ouch, stop it. I was kidding.” Tim got him on the chin, and Jason snapped, “Just stop. I’m trying to help you.”
“Why,” Tim demanded, as Jason finally caught one of his legs and held it up high enough that Tim lost his balance.
It was kind of amusing, how Tim landed on his back, and just groaned.
“Why’s there gotta be a reason?” he asked, “Maybe I don’t want to see another Robin die!”
“You beat me near to death like two minutes ago,” Tim shouted, pulling at his foot, and not succeeding in freeing himself.
Because Jason was standing, and Tim was short. It would be no trouble at all for Jason to just lift Tim right up off the ground entirely by his leg.
“It’s been four months, stop being dramatic.”
“You expect me to believe you’ve changed enough since then that it matters?” Tim demanded, just as he pulled another throwing star out and threw it at Jason.
Too bad for Tim, Jason saw it coming a mile away. And just caught it.
“Yep!” he cheered, “You done now? You’re, like, super out if it and your fight sucks. If you couldn’t tell.”
Robin mumbled something Jason didn’t catch, so Jason dropped his foot, and tried not to grin too wide when Tim groaned when his body hit the ground.
He didn’t fall too far.
And Jason was sure his head and upper back had been on the ground, already, before he let go.
“Can you walk on your own?” he asked.
Once Tim stopped being all dramatic about everything, he grumbled out a, “No,” so Jason knelt down next to him and offered a hand, to help Tim sit up.
Tim glared at him with so much derision, it risked making Jason laugh.
Instead, all he said was, “Then stop fucking fighting me and let me help.”
“Fine,” Tim snapped, lifting an arm up so Jason could wrap it around Jason’s shoulders, “But if you try anything, I’m calling for Superman.”
“Whatever,” Jason said, as he hefted Tim to his feet, and started making toward the warehouse exit, “Just shut up and let me get you out of here.”
Tim was in pretty rough shape.
Jason already knew that, of course, but it became even more obvious as they made their way back to Jason’s safe house.
Mostly because Jason did all the fucking work.
Tim’s left leg was obviously fucked up. Jason was a little glad he hadn’t held that leg up in the air, because then he’d feel guilty.
And that wasn’t it. He kept clutching at his stomach, and Jason was willing to bet there was at least some pretty bad burns there from all the zapping.
Dragging Tim’s ass up the side of Jason’s building was easy, of course. But annoying. Because Jason had to hold onto Tim tight, because the stupid brat’s grip kept loosening whenever Jason jostled him too much.
“Shit kid,” Jason mumbled, as he pushed Tim through the window to his safe house, “I can’t believe Bruce leaves his fucking kid all alone to protect Gotham when he’s out of town.”
Because, seriously.
This was ridiculous.
Tim was fucked up. And it was all Bruce’s fault.
“M’not his kid,” Tim mumbled, as he stumbled a few feet inside Jason’s safe house, over to the couch. He collapsed down with an oof.
Jason rolled his eyes and closed the window behind him, after he jumped inside. “You are too a kid,” he said, unsnapping his helmet and tossing it down on the ground, “You’re like, thirteen.”
Tim followed Jason with his eyes, even as he sank into the couch a little more, and said, “I’m fifteen. And I said I’m not his kid.”
“Fifteen!” Jason shouted, tossing his gloves on the ground. His safe house was pretty small, so his kitchen was his living room. And he, thankfully, had a pretty good first aid kit sitting in the cabinet under his sink. “That’s how old I was. And obviously I meant his son, you idiot.”
“I’m not his son either,” Tim said.
Jason paused, as he was pulling his kit out, and looked up over the counter at the little brat.
“He didn’t adopt you?”
Hadn’t Talia said….?
How the fuck was he even Robin?
“No,” Tim exclaimed, “I have a dad.”
Is that why Bruce was more lenient on Tim? Because he wasn’t his son?
Bruce never let Jason out of his fucking sight as Robin.
He’d thought that was because he didn’t trust Jason, and clearly he trusted Tim.
But was it maybe because he’d adopted….
Nope. Not thinking about this.
“And he lets you run around with the bats?” Jason asked, finally crossing back over to Tim and slamming the first aid kit down on the coffee table.
Tim jumped, but then scowled at Jason and said, “It’s not like he can stop me.”
“Seriously, kid?”
“Look. It’s none of your business. Are you gonna let me go?”
In that state? Not bloody likely.
But instead of say that, and get Robin all fighty again, Jason said, “I’m not keeping you prisoner, but let me look at your injuries.”
Tim rolled his eyes, but sank back down into the couch and mumbled, “I’m fine.”
“Uh huh,” Jason said, pointing toward the stomach Tim was still clutching, “lemme see.”
It took a second of Tim glaring, but he finally relented and lifted his shirt, and Jason could only wince in sympathy.
“Damn, Timbo,” he said, looking at the criss crossing scorch marks littering his abdomen, “Those look fun. I’ve got some burn cream that should help.”
Jason worked on Tim’s injuries in silence for a good ten minutes. He had so many burns, Jason kind of wanted to go back and shoot Joker in the ass again, just for inflicting them.
And maybe go find Bruce and shoot him in the ass, for leaving Tim all alone for this to happen in the first place.
“That one needs stitches,” Jason said, after he’d pulled Tim’s sleeves up, inspecting his arms for any more burns to treat. Instead, he found a jagged knife wound, that was still oozing a little. “Did you think you could hide it from me?”
Tim pulled his arm closer to himself, and mumbled, “S’not that bad.”
Jason rolled his eyes, and pulled out his suture kit. “You’re a terrible liar.”
Amazingly, Tim didn’t fight him at all, when he took his arm back and started cleaning the wound enough so he could apply the local anesthetic and start stitching it up.
Instead, all Tim did was stare at him, a little blankly.
It was actually unnerving.
“What?” he snapped.
“Why are you doing this?”
“I told you,” Jason scoffed, readjusting his hold on Tim’s arm so he could get the last few stitches in straight, “I’m not letting Joker kill another Robin.”
And, sure. Stitching the kid up and treating all his burns was going a little above and beyond.
But Jason would feel a little bad if he, like, bled to death or whatever.
“Yeah,” Tim said, blinking hard as he ran his free hand through his hair, “But like, you coulda just took him out and left. Why’re you— ow.”
“Whoops,” Jason said, bearing his teeth a little as he grinned at the accidental needle prick he gave Tim outside the numbed area, “Are you seriously complaining? Don’t you know better than to look a gift horse in the mouth?”
Tim was rich, wasn’t he? Weren’t they taught that shit, too?
Jason was pretty sure Bruce never let him be ungrateful about gifts. Not that Jason would, of course. But even Bruce Wayne taught his kids to be thankful for what they had…
Then again. Tim apparently wasn’t Bruce’s kid…
“When that gift horse tries to kill us every other week, no,” Tim said.
“Shut up,” Jason scoffed, “I haven’t messed with you idiots in months.”
Which was, absolutely, completely, 89% true.
He hadn’t attempted anything fatal on them in months. Fucked with their cases for the laughs? Maybe.
Mostly just Bruce’s. When it didn’t get anyone hurt, of course.
Just because it was fun to fuck with Bruce.
Because fuck Bruce.
“Yeah, but— ow.”
Jason might have stabbed him again.
“All done,” he said, before Tim could get out whatever it was he was going to protest, “Congratulations, you’ll survive. You can sleep here. I’m burning the safe house tomorrow, though.”
He’d shot the TV. So it was pretty useless now, anyway.
“Next time you get captured by the Joker, I’m shooting you in the ass, got it?”
“Yeah,” Tim said, rolling his eyes as he settled back on the couch a little more comfortably, “Whatever.”
Jason watched as Tim pulled his legs up and clearly just… collapsed there. To sleep. And rolled his eyes even harder.
Like that would be comfortable.
On his way to the window, after he’d put his helmet back on, Jason grabbed the blanket and pillow from under the coffee table and threw it right at Tim’s head.
Tim scowled, but did readjust himself so he looked at least slightly more comfortable.
Satisfied, Jason nodded and said, “Kay. Tell Bats I said fuck him. Later, squirt.”
“Thanks, Jason,” Tim mumbled, just as Jason was slipping out of the window.
Heh. The runt wasn’t so bad, after all.
But Jason was not going to make a habit of this. No way.
If he did, he’d have to go shoot Batman in the ass, for letting his stupid little Robin get hurt.
That would be fun, actually.
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missmitchieg · 3 years
Golden Retrievers Are Particularly Good Finders
"Where is it? Come on! Where is it!" Alex huffed as he scoured his entire closet, trying to find his comfort hoodie.
"What you looking for?" Reggie asked as he stood by the doorway to Alex's room.
"My pink hoodie."
Reggie turned to check a few dressers, careful not to ruin the organization of his best friend's clothes.
"It's not there, bro. I-"
"Checked. How..." Alex stared incredulously at Reggie, who was holding the treasured pink hoodie out to him with a smug smile.
"I'm good at finding things." Reggie shrugged.
Alex shook his head, pulling on the hoodie. "You should start asking people to pay you to find things." He huffed.
"Nah. Feels wrong." Reggie scrunched his face up. "Ready to go?" He asked, bag slung over his shoulder.
"Yeah." Alex nodded, walking out to go to band rehearsal.
"Babe?" Reggie groaned softly and rubbed his eyes as he woke up in his boyfriend's bed to said boyfriend unsuccessfully trying to quietly sift through his drawer.
Bobby looked up from rifling through his pants, giving Reggie a guilty frown. "Did I wake you? Sorry." He said softly and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Go back to sleep. I'll wake you in a few minutes to get breakfast."
Reggie yawned, cracking his neck. "Looking for something?" He asked, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"My suspenders."
"The red ones?" Reggie asked, getting out of bed.
"Yeah." Bobby nodded. "You don't have to."
"Nonsense. I wanna help my boyfriend." Reggie smiled, eventually finding the suspenders in the corner of his bedroom. "Here they are!" He smiled, handing them to his boyfriend.
Bobby smiled and pressed another kiss to Reggie's lips, laughing when Reggie helped him clip the suspenders onto his pants. "Thank you, love."
"Anything for you." Reggie smiled and grabbed his extra clothes from his backpack to get dressed and eat breakfast.
"Oh, man! That talent show yesterday was awesome!" Luke grinned as he sat on the kitchen counter, still a little high off the energy of yesterday's talent show win.
"Yeah, it was! Your guitar solo was so rad!" Reggie cheered, giving him a high five.
"I bet the guitar solo is what won it for us." Julie nodded, squeezing Luke's shoulder. "You were amazing, Luke."
Luke blushed and shook his head, giving Julie a smile. "Nah. It's your voice that won." He told her, placing his hand over hers and squeezing gently.
Reggie snickered and placed a hand over his mouth, laughing into Alex's shoulder. "These two, am I right."
Alex chuckled and nodded, stopping and clasping his hands behind his back as Luke and Julie turned to glare at them. "W-we said nothing."
Julie snorted and shook her head. "Sure." She perked up when Ray walked in, fully dressed and almost ready for work. "Morning, dad."
"Hey, Julie." Ray grinned kissing her forehead. "Seen my keys?"
"Oh, I'll find them!" Reggie raised a hand and promptly turned to start looking, rummaging around the counters.
"Reggie's looking." Julie told him with a smile.
"Found them!" Reggie said triumphantly as he plucked the keys from under some unopened mail. "Here you go, Ray!"
"Thank you, Reggie." Ray smiled as he grabbed the "floating" keys.
Reggie grinned even though Ray couldn't see him, giving him a salute. "Anytime, Ray!"
Ray smiled and waved as he walked out. "Bye, kids!" He called and was met with five goodbyes from the kids.
Optimus Prime
Reggie plucked the strings of his bass as he watched Luke scribble lyrics into his songbook, giving the occasional suggestion of a rhyme or a bass riff. He looked up when the door of the garage opened and Luke scurried toward Julie, book in hand.
"Julie! Glad you came out here! We've been working on thi-"
"Woah, woah. Hold that thought for, like, five seconds, Luke." Julie held her hands in the air, Carlos appearing next to her. "Reggie, Carlos needs you to do your Golden Retriever thing." She smiled at Reggie. "Says he thinks he left a Transformers figure out here a couple years back?"
"It's not just any Transformer. It's Optimus Prime, Jules!"
"Gotcha." Reggie nodded, heading up to the loft. He shuffled a few things around, eventually finding what he thought was the right toy. "I found something! This one, Little Dude?" He asked, dangling the Transformer down the side of the railing.
"That's it!" Carlos cheered, bouncing in place.
Reggie smiled and poofed back down, handing him the toy.
"Thank you, Reggie! Later, boy band!" Carlos waved and walked out.
"Who's he calling boy band?"
"He calls anything with more than one guy a boy band." Julie shrugged. "So what was it you wanted to show me?"
Camera Memory Card
"Where did I leave that card?" Ray muttered to himself as he walked around, basically tearing the living room apart to find that damn memory card that he had in his hand just ten minutes ago. He groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face, shaking his head. "Dios, dame paciencia, por favor." He prayed before a thought came to him. "Um, Reggie?" He called, not knowing if Reggie was in the garage or hanging out with him.
Reggie walked out to the living room from hanging out in the kitchen with Julie, hands in his pockets. "Yeah, Ray?"
"Reggie, I don't know if you're in here, but I need to find my camera memory card. It's about this big," Ray held out his fingers in the shape of a small square. "And dark blue."
"Yeah, got it." Reggie nodded and began helping Ray in the search for the missing memory card. He checked under the table, finding nothing. He hummed, looking under the sofa. "Oh, I think I found it!" He grinned, picking up a blue square and holding it in front of Ray's face, who was knelt by the coffee table to double check he didn't miss it.
"Oh!" Ray grinned, taking the memory card from Reggie. "Gracias, mijo." He nodded, putting the memory card into the slot in the laptop.
"Anytime, papa!" He grinned, walking back to the kitchen. "You were saying, hermanita?"
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Nights in the OR
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A/N: This is called “I watch too much Grey’s Anatomy” so if you’re a fellow Grey’s fan in addition to a fellow Ashton ho, hi!
Word Count: 1.9k
And away, and away we go!
Nights on the peds floor we’re, in a word, uneventful. Low hums and beeps from machines doing their jobs while kids and parents alike snoozed between nurses prodding them awake to do their routine checks. You went through the charts of your patients, delegating a duo of an intern and older resident to each case with strict orders to page you only if something was seriously wrong, and a bright “Keep the tiny humans alive,” before making your way to the emergency room.
The trauma team usually ran the emergency room, a sea of green scrubs moving effectively and efficiently, assessing situations before paging the right departments, or diving headfirst into the work themselves. You caught sight of one of the doctors, a tall man in a shade of green scrubs darker than the rest in the room, and rolled your eyes. Attending trauma surgeon Ashton Irwin was about as arrogant as he was skilled, with an annoying habit of assessing quickly, albeit correctly, and working even faster on patients before shipping them off to the correct departments to deal with the fallout. You weren’t sure if that man had ever spent more than an hour, two tops, with a patient from start to finish. True to his arrogance and almost zero tolerance for sloppy mistakes, he was talking in hushed tones to a second year, his arms crossed tightly over his chest, jaw set, as the resident nodded frantically before running off.
Dr. Irwin took a moment to compose himself, giving the slightest shake of his head and relaxing his jaw, before turning to wherever he was needed next. His hazel eyes scanned the room, and even from where you were you could tell that they were more on the green side tonight as they met yours. He offered forth the smallest of nods and smiles in your direction, dimples indenting both sides of the smile.
You returned the gesture, before twirling your index finger about the room. Extra attending on hand.
He waved his hand. No need. Got it covered, thanks.
You smiled your best, I don’t give a damn smile, striding across the room to take a seat behind a computer, crossing your hands behind your head. And with little else to do on your part, you settled in for a long night of researching the pros and cons of artificial bones versus prosthetics in cases for patients with osteosarcoma, a joint effort you were working on with the orthopedic surgeon.
Around 2 in the morning, you took a break from your research to grab a cup of coffee and a small bite to eat. On your way back, you spotted the orthopedic surgeon with a patient. “Oh! Dr. Hood,” you said as you approached. “Come find me when you’re done. I have some ideas.”
The man swiveled on his chair to glance up at you, eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “You’re not in OR 2 with Ash?”
“Nnnnoooo…” you said slowly, taking a sip from your coffee. “Why?” you followed up in a clipped tone. What had Dr. Arrogant done now?
Dr. Hood smiled politely at his patient, and got the attention of his resident. “Ma’am, we’re going to take you up for X-rays now, and then we’ll see about setting your arm for you, okay?”
The woman nodded, clearly shaken up. Then, “What about my husband and son?”
“I’ll get word, and update you as soon as I can,” he promised, before the resident escorted the patient up to X-rays. Finally he turned his attention to you. “Car accident just came in. Parents are a little banged up. Mike and Luke are working up the dad. You know how Luke gets about stitches.”
The both of you shared a chuckle. Luke Hemmings, the plastic surgeon, had very high standards for even the most basic of stitches, and if he was on hand and free, it was an easy bet he’d do the work himself. “So, what’s Mike doing with him then, if it’s just stitches?” you asked, referring to the general surgeon.
He shrugged. “General work up and clearance, I suppose. But the mom and the son’s side took the impact the hardest. Specifically the son. Ash didn’t page you?”
You scoffed. “Why on Earth would Ash page me, Cal? It’s trauma,” you raised your hands and voice in a mocking manner.
“Uh, probably cuz the kid is like seven.”
You growled low in your throat, hands going to tie up your hair. “OR 2, you said? How long ago?”
“Not too long. They gotta still be prepping. So if you hurry…”
“Thanks, Cal,” you patted the man on the shoulder before taking off at a run towards the OR rooms, briefly mourning your discarded coffee and potato chips in the process.
When you shouldered your way into the room, Ashton was in the process of scrubbing in, while nurses finished prep. “What the hell are you doing?” you demanded, arms crossing instinctively over your chest as you made your presence known.
Ashton shut off the water with his elbow, turning slightly to face you. “My job,” was the reply in a tone that questioned your intelligence.
“Bullshit,” you spat. “That,” you pointed out the window towards the child on the table, “is a peds case, and you know it.”
“It will be once it stops being a trauma case, yes.”
“Why didn’t you page me?”
“Because I don’t need you. It’s a trauma case. I’m a trauma surgeon. Now, you want to stop asking inane questions, and let me do my job, or you wanna stand here and fight with me all night?”
“It’s a peds trauma case, and in case you forgot, I’m the peds attending who happens to be trauma certified. And I’ll be damned if you do some hacksaw job on my patient that I have to fix later when I can scrub in and do the correct job now. So, are you going to ask me to scrub in, or do you wanna stand here questioning my credentials all night when you know I’m right? Do not make me go above your head to the Chief, Ash, because you know I will.”
His jaw ticked underneath his mask, his eyes hard as he thought over your threat. “Well?” he snapped after a beat of silence. “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to scrub in?”
It was a grueling surgery, working in tandem with Ashton. For all the shit the two of you gave each other outside of the OR, inside you were one of the best teams, each of you knowing each other’s moves before you made them, and knowing what the other was thinking in the subtlest of changes. Even with both of your focuses solely on the patient in front of you, you were both vigilant in sending Ashton’s intern out every hour on the hour with updates, in which you two were also informed of the parents’ recovery.
Just before the four hour mark, Ashton let out a small hum of approval and you nodded. “Close and get him a room on the peds floor,” you told the intern.
“You don’t want me to update the family?”
“No,” Ashton cut in, already discarding his gloves, mask, and removing his scrub cap, shocks of curly brown hair falling forward and plastering to his sweaty forehead. “I will. Give Dr. Y/L/N any trouble and you won’t see the inside of an OR for a month.”
The intern gulped, knowing their boss meant what he said and nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Good. Y/N, I’ll meet you after I update the family to make sure we’re on the same page for how to proceed from here?”
“If you can remember how to page me, that is,” you smiled sweetly.
Ashton chuckled as he left the OR, while you stayed to oversee the intern closing, providing probably much gentler instruction than they were used to.
You rubbed at your eyes and stifled a yawn as you made your way to the cafeteria, still waiting for Ashton to page you. As you walked in, you realized why Ashton still hadn’t paged, spotting the man chatting with a few other attendings.
“Heard Y/N chewed your ear off,” Michael snickered.
“Yeah, she was pissed. Thanks for that, Cal,” Ashton said with a small giggle before changing his voice to do his best impersonation of you, “ ‘It’s a peds trauma case, and in case you forgot, I’m the peds attending who also happens to be trauma certified. Do not make me go over your head.’ Like yes, darling, I know. I’m the one who gave you your trauma certification.”
As the men started to laugh, you set your tray down in an empty seat at their table. “Morning, gentlemen!”
There was a cough as they tried to stifle their laughter, each of them getting out a choked, “Morning.”
“What were we talking about?” you asked innocently.
“Uh… just how Luke needs to learn to loosen up on the stitches,” Michael thought quickly. “Turns a five minute procedure into a half hour ordeal, it’s insane.”
“Sorry that I care how my patients look after a trauma,” Luke said with an eye roll.
“I’m sure, psych would call that mentality projection,” Calum teased.
“Paging Dr. Pretty Boy!” Ashton cackled.
“Hey! Rather be Dr. Pretty Boy than Dr. Arrogant,” Luke rounded on Ashton playfully.
“Who calls me that?”
“Uh… everybody. Y/N’s pretty accurate with her nicknaming,” Calum grinned.
Ashton let out a breath of disbelief as you smiled sheepishly at him, shrugging your shoulders. “Have you considered being less arrogant?”
“I am not arrogant!”
“Yeah, you are,” you all chorused, while Ashton crossed his arms and pouted. “Oh, whatever, the best surgeons usually are” you continued, turning your attention to Calum. “Before I got stuck in surgery, I meant to talk to you about artificial bones. Found some promising stuff.”
Calum paused in his sip of coffee. “Mmm, shit, awesome. Uh…” he checked his watch, “I got a half hour before rounds. You got time now?”
You checked your own watch. “Yeah, I got t-”
“Actually,” Ashton interrupted. “Y/N, I was wondering if we could talk real quick first. About the kid.”
“Oh! Yeah. We should probably do that. Cal, I’m off after rounds, if you’re free then.”
“Sounds good,” he nodded as he went back to his coffee while you and Ashton rose from the table, bidding the other three goodbye.
“So, his chart’s all up to date. I have one of my fourth years monitoring the situation, but I’m not expecting any complications to arise. Should be good to discharge probably later today or early tomorrow at the latest,” you brought him up to speed as you walked.
“Yeah, that’s great,” Ashton rushed, eyes darting around as he pushed open an on-call room and locked the door behind the two of you. “How long we got til rounds?”
“A little under a half hour, why?”
Ashton smirked as his hands landed hot on your waist, his lips finding yours. “Wanna boss me around some more?” he murmured against your lips, before he was trailing kisses down the column of your neck, before sucking into the sweet spot just before your collarbone, his hands jerking you to be flush against him. “Or, do you want my sincerest apology for being Dr. Arrogant, and forgetting to page you earlier?”
“Mmmm,” you moaned softly, tilting your head back, eyes shutting. “Little bit of both?”
“Yes ma’am,” he winked before scrubs went flying and your back hit the mattress.
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fific7 · 3 years
Dangerous and Divine - Part 5
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo is an itch you don’t want to scratch. But he’s all over you like a rash.
A/N: This does not follow canon except for a few random points mentioned this time. It’s mainly fluff, lemon zest 🍋 and a bit of angst. There’s also some Billy POV in there. The GIF is from Exposed, unreleased pilot show in case you’re wondering 😌... Billy vibes.
Warnings: Some drinking & swearing.
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(My GIF)
A grin curved his lips upwards, “How d’you like your eggs in the mornin’, ma’am?”
“Over easy,” you grinned back. He tapped his shoulder a couple of times with the kitchen spoon, “Ummm.. how about scrambled? And then I’ll give you the “over easy” version afterwards.”
That damn smirk of his, you thought, it’s downright dangerous.
The two of you were sitting at your kitchen island, eating breakfast. The scrambled eggs were really tasty, you complimented him. He’d preened a little, “I’m quite a good cook, sweetheart,” he said, “learned how to look after myself quite early on in life.”
Suddenly he put his fork down, and looked over at you. His face was serious, and you saw some sadness in his eyes. “My mother abandoned me when I was a really young kid. She was a junkie, and couldn’t look after herself never mind me, so I suppose I should thank her. I’d probably be dead otherwise. Got put in a group home, stayed there until I aged out and went straight into the Marines. And got my degree on the government’s dime.”
Your hand moved to cover his, “Billy, you’ve done so well, and you’ve achieved it all on your own. I’m proud of you, and I hope you’re proud of yourself too.” He beamed at you, eyes crinkling at the corners, “Yeah... yeah, I am. Thanks, angel, I appreciate you sayin’ that. I wanted to tell you about it, wanted to be honest with you. In case when you saw the suits, the car, the penthouse and all, you thought I was some kind of privileged trust fund kid.”
He looked down, “There’s a stigma about growin’ up in the system, y’know? I wanted to get it out on the table so you know who I really am and where I came from.”
“I don’t care about that, Billy.” He nodded, thumb stroking your hand which was still on top of his. “I really hoped that you wouldn’t ... but I wanted to be sure, and I’m really glad you feel like that. Also I needed you to know that I’m bein’ honest with you.”
You thought you saw a closed-off look on his face for a moment, but then it was gone and he smiled over at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You had spent the rest of Sunday together, lazing around, watching various shows on Netflix before venturing out for a late lunch to a local diner. Billy had eventually headed home after another steamy session in the bedroom, regretful about not spending the night, sighing that he had a really early start in the morning, a ‘job’ he couldn’t tell you anything about.
He’d explained a bit more about his work earlier in the day while you were eating in the diner. How a lot of it was classified as it was military or political in nature, so he couldn’t go into detail. You’d nodded, and said you understood. But you’d asked some questions nevertheless; how many of the assignments did he go on himself, just how dangerous they were, had he or his men ever been injured.
You got the impression that, although he couldn’t tell you much about who was involved or why they needed protection details, he was pleased you were showing an interest in his work.
The two of you agreed that you’d meet up during the week, Billy saying he’d text you to confirm when and where as he wasn’t sure how long this job would last, maybe at least a couple of days.
He’d insisted on putting his numbers into your phone himself, so you’d unlocked it and handed it to him, wandering back to your bedroom to put some more clothes on. Shortly afterwards he’d kissed you long and hard and made his way downstairs to his car, and you’d watched from your balcony as he drove away. Then you’d laughed at yourself - you were acting like some medieval damsel watching her knight disappear off to war or something.
Sliding the glass door closed, you went to the fridge to pull out a bottle of wine. The apartment suddenly felt very empty without Billy in it. How quickly you’d got used to him being there.
You wandered across to the sofa with your newly-poured glass of wine, noticing your phone on the coffee table. Oh yeah, Billy had added his numbers. A sudden twinge of insecurity hit you. What if he hadn’t actually put his direct numbers in there, and just pretended to? You sat down, looking at it lying there. I mean, it wasn’t like you couldn’t track him down at Anvil, but you would no doubt have to go through a receptionist and you could be endlessly stone-walled.
You eventually picked up the phone and unlocked it. Scrolling to your contacts, you suddenly burst out laughing. Billy had put his numbers in there and had also taken a selfie, him smouldering into the camera. He’d attached it to the contact details with a description.
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»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy drove away from her apartment, truly wishing he could’ve stayed over again.
But then he’d shaken his head slightly, laughing to himself; she’d definitely got one thing right - he was a big sap. Since when did he find himself almost playing house with a woman? Telling her she was his girlfriend - as she’d put it - after five minutes? He was a one-and-done kinda guy!
But then Billy Russo admitted to himself that something had hit him smack in the heart when he’d first seen her, sitting there looking stunning and somehow fragile with that creep trying to come onto her. Well turns out she wasn’t fragile in the least! However when those beautiful eyes had met his... well, he was a goner. Solid gone. And then he’d pursued her like a lovestruck idiot.
He hadn’t ever seriously thought about love. Or believed in it, for that matter. Certainly not when he’d been bedding all those women when he’d been on leave or since he’d left the Marines. All that shit just wasn’t for him. And now? Yeah, not so sure.
Billy almost felt like he was under some kind of spell, it had hit him so quickly. Yeah, like she’d enchanted him or something ridiculous, straight out of a Disney or Harry Potter movie. Was this love, then? His stomach clenched every time he saw her, he just couldn’t stop thinking about her, wanted to be with her all the time, hell he was even jealous of Jake though he wasn’t a threat. Was he? No, surely not. And what about Steve, the other one? Yeah, there he was doing it again - unreasonable jealousy.
And when they’d first slept together, he felt like he’d finally understood what making love meant.
Billy Russo, who until a few days ago had spent most of his leisure time in life actively fucking women - how he’d always described it to himself and others - was now a confirmed big sap. He chuckled to himself.
He suddenly remembered ripping the shit out of a young Marine in his squad who’d come back off leave totally besotted with some girl. The kid had confessed (stupid move) to all the guys that they’d made love, a distant and dreamy look in his eyes. At the time, Billy had scoffed at him and endlessly humiliated him about it. In an affectionate way of course, he told himself.
But he felt guilty about that. Who’s the one with the distant and dreamy gaze now, Russo?
In all truth, Billy felt like he was having some kind of out of body experience. As if Previous Billy Russo was looking down in horror at his new self, yelling at him to get his fucking head back on straight. But New Billy Russo wasn’t listening because, well because he realised he liked feeling this way.
And he thought that she felt the same. He knew she was fighting it and wouldn’t admit anything to him, but there were little tells that had given her away. He decided he’d stay on his best behaviour, just keep trying to win her over, and he felt in his bones that they would be together.
But he did feel a sting of guilt. He had been honest with her, but he’d also been selective with what he’d told her about Anvil, how it all started, and this ongoing shit he and Frank were still embroiled in. One day... one day, and hopefully soon, he could tell her absolutely everything.
His phone, clipped to the dash, vibrated.
He rolled his eyes when he saw the caller ID, hit the button and answered it.
“Dinah... what can I do for you?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You, meanwhile, had just finished your second glass of wine and were admitting to yourself that you were really missing Billy. Oh this is bad, your brain yelled at you, very bad. You’d only known this guy for a few days and you were falling for him. Or - okay - had already fallen for him. It scared you, quite honestly.
He was charming, funny, handsome, sexy. An amazing lover. He’d been disarmingly honest with you about his past, but... but what? Why was there a ‘but’? Because there was something niggling at the back of your mind. Just a couple of expressions you’d seen on his face, quickly gone. An indication of more happening just underneath the surface than you knew about. Billy had a distinct air of danger about him, and you wondered what else was going on inside that dark head of his.
You’d fallen for him, yes... but you were also going to remain wary of him, until you were certain you knew everything you could about him.
Reaching over and pulling your laptop towards you across the coffee table, you typed Billy’s name into Google.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The next morning, Billy parked his car and walked into Anvil. His reception staff wished him a respectful Good Morning, he nodded to them and headed upstairs to his office. Frank was already there, reading a newspaper.
“Mornin’ Bill,” he said, looking up. “Frankie,” nodded Billy, “want a coffee?” and kept on walking towards the coffee machine in the corner. “Nah, just had one, thanks.”
He poured out an Americano for himself, then chuckled loudly. Frank quirked an eyebrow at him, and Billy shrugged back. “I met someone last week. She owns two cafés, and she’s a coffee snob. Gonna refine my palate, she said.”
Frank looked back down to his paper before commenting, “I’m impressed you know that much about her, Bill. Didn’t think you bothered cos you usually cut & run.” Billy smirked, knowing he couldn’t dispute what Frank had just said, but he was going to enjoy the next slice of the conversation. Even just to see the expression on Frank’s face.
“I....like her. A lot. I want something with her.” “Something?” Frank chortled, “...you mean, like a relationship, Bill?” He looked closely at Billy, saw the shit-eating grin he had on his face and his jaw dropped. “You do, don’t you?! Fuckin’ hell! Never thought I’d see the day, Russo.” Billy burst out laughing.
“Well, that makes two of us, Frankie. But...” he spread his hands out to either side of him, “...it is what it is. And I’ll fill you in on all the details later. Now, this thing with Madani and Homeland - let’s get it nailed down.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
That same morning, you sat at your desk and slowly twirled from side to side in your chair. You sipped your cappuccino, and thought about Billy.
Little cousin had done you a favour this time and earlier on had delved into her company’s database, digging out some further information on Billy and Anvil which Google couldn’t provide you with. All it had given you was the bare minimum of the company’s founding date and numerous photos of Billy looking hot in his designer suits.
She told you she’d heard of him, and had also seen him at several events similar to the one you’d attended. You’d admitted you were seeing him, and she’d firstly screeched down the phone at you, nearly bursting your eardrum, before saying, “Now see, if you hadn’t gone in my place you wouldn’t have met him!” “Yeah, yeah, alright. Tell me what you’ve got for me.”
In a more serious tone, she said, “Just be careful though, his company seems a little... well, shady let’s just say. I mean, in the security business,” her voice lowered, “there’s usually some dodgy dealings or other going on. But him and his colleagues seem to have got themselves in some deep water with two federal agencies. I’ll email this stuff to you now and you’ll see what I mean.” You thanked her and hung up before she could tell you that now you owed her another favour.
You’d read through the attachments she’d sent you, and your eyes had got wide as you read that Billy and Anvil had originally been funded by a shadowy CIA guy, who’d then been killed in a gun battle between un-named protagonists. You sussed out that Anvil must’ve been one of those involved, as Billy and his friend Frank had been arrested and interrogated by Homeland Security before being released without charge. That struck you as a bit odd, but there were no more details available.
Your phone had chosen that moment to buzz with a FaceTime call from the man himself. You’d hesitated then accepted the call, and Billy’s handsome face popped up in front of you, with a wide smile plastered on it. You could see he was in his car. “Mornin’, sweetheart,” he said in a low sexy voice, and you felt your stomach tighten with excitement. This guy... the effect he had on you....!
You’d smiled and replied, “Morning, Billy.” He tilted his head towards you, dark eyes drawing you in, “Missin’ me? Because I’m missing you.” Shaking your head, smirking, you said, “We only saw each other a few hours ago so no, I’m not.” A cheeky grin from him this time, “Don’t believe you, angel, I think you can’t wait to see me again.” “You’re such a cocky bastard, Billy,” you laughed, “Why are you calling, exactly?”
His smile was a genuine one as he said, “I just wanted to see you before I head off to this job. Not sure when I’ll be able to call next. Remember - I’ll let you know as soon as I can when we can meet up this week.” You nodded, “Yeah, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten.” He blew you a kiss, saying “Bye, angel,” before he rang off.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
One of your friends had called shortly afterwards to ask if you wanted to meet up for lunch, as you hadn’t seen each other in quite a while. Deciding that you could do with some girl time, you arranged to meet her in a steak house near the Chrysler Building, and then decided you’d better get some work done before you headed out for your long lunch hour.
The two of you had met up just outside the restaurant and had gone in chatting away to each other. Being shown to your table, you sat down only to spot Billy Russo walking in behind a small dark-haired woman. Your mouth dropped open, and your eyes took in every detail of her. She was pretty, with big dark eyes, olive skin and wavy hair in a shoulder-length bob. Billy, you noted, had his hand on her lower back, guiding her to their table, just as he had with you when you went for your first drink with him.
You leant forward to your friend, “I’m so sorry about this but we’re gonna have to go somewhere else.” She looked concerned, “What’s wrong?” “Someone I need to avoid just came in,” you explained, “c’mon, I’ll tell them I’ve had an emergency at work or something.” You both stood up, and you fled from the restaurant before you repeated your actions at that house party, which had got you arrested. You didn’t want to end up in jail this time just because of that jerk and his little lady.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy looked up as two women who’d been sitting near him stood up and started rushing towards the door. Weird, he thought, they hadn’t even been served judging by the menus still laying on their place settings. He looked back at them, and one of them turned back briefly to her friend behind her as they exited the premises.
His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. It was her. His angel. Oh fuck! Did she..? Yes, she must’ve seen him and... he glanced at Madani across the table from him, reading through the menu choices. She glanced up, smirking at Billy but it quickly dropped off her face, when she saw the expression on his.
“Billy?” she said, but he’d dumped his napkin onto his plate by now and was standing up.
“Sorry, Dinah... I gotta go.” An annoyed look on her face, she growled, “You’re kidding, right?”
“No, I’m not. I... there’s someone I gotta catch up with, and I just saw them leaving.” He walked away from their table, and towards the door of the restaurant. As he did so he heard Madani say in a harsh voice, “Is it a woman, Russo?” but ignored her.
He made it out onto the street, looking around him in all directions, heart sinking as he couldn’t see her anywhere.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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lostonehero · 2 years
It started really good but whatever here's that short thing
May add if people like it
Serial killer Emmet and Volo
Ingo was always keeping Emmet in check, drayden never told him too, but he never wanted to see his twin in jail or worse. Ingo knew from the start Emmet and him were quite different, Emmet brought him a dead pokemon he found and smiled covering his hands in blood. Even before their parents passed Emmet was different; he never hurt him, but other kids weren't lucky. It didn't help that Emmet couldn't talk, or chose not talk till they were 10.
Ingo caught a trubbish early on, he had a sinking suspicion that he would need her in the future. Ingo has only ever caught Emmet once, and warned him to never leave evidence, but then he got the idea to help his brother and they started to battle together against trainers. This helped Emmet, and he seemed normal. Ingo just had to keep him focused on battling and staying together. Uncle Drayden always told him that he should be separate from Emmet, and try to get a life for himself rather than keep supporting his brother. Ingo never wanted to leave Emmet alone.
Ingo taught Emmet to only hurt bad people, if he really had to get out those feelings. He knew Emmet was dangerous but it never really bothered him, because Emmet was his twin brother and he loved him. He has learned to lie really well to protect him, and uncle Drayden thinks Emmet is doing great because of Ingo, so Emmet is safe, and that's what matters.
Ingo never felt bitter about being Emmet's protector, and keeper, he was happy that he was close with his brother. He sighs, pulling himself away from his thoughts as he sighs watching the cameras. "Something keeps messing with the camera, Emmet. I will investigate this time."
Emmet looks back smiling. "Very well I will finish all the safety checks here, while I wait for your return." Emmet waves at Ingo, even if this was a quick five minute check he always waved goodbye.
Ingo nods and heads down the tracks.
Emmet hums as he begins to clean the blood off his knife. That was five years ago, the last time he saw his brother. He really missed him, and all the time they shared together. He looks down at the man bleeding out, shaking at his feet, and his smile never leaves his lips. "Don't get blood on my shoes. I rather like this pair." He ignores the pleas for mercy as he watches the man start to choke on his own blood and the life leaves his eyes.
Emmet sighs and pulls out a plastic tarp. "Time to move you. You'll make great food for the wild pokemon. Just have to grind you up first." He starts to whistle a happy tune as he drags the body to a heavy duty machine.
Elsa sighs. "Emmet are you even listening?"
"I am Emmet. I am listening." He takes a sip of his water. "I will not go."
"Emmet, it's Ingo's funeral." Elesa frowns clutching her cup.
"I know, but there is no body, and no evidence he is dead." His voice is clipped and monotone. "I don't see the need to go watch an empty coffin be put in the ground." He sighs. "He can still be out there."
Elesa holds onto Emmet's hand. "Alright I won't force you to go, but please don't go on that crazy search again." She squeezes around Emmet's own hand with hers. "Be careful, another person went missing too. I don't know what's going on with that, but it's happening all over the region."
Emmet smiles and nods. "Of course I will be careful, Elesa." He knows he is the reason so he doesn't mind. He gets up from his chair. "I have to go now Elesa, but I will be safe."
Elesa nods and watches Emmet leave.
"Oh hey wait up, Ingo." A blonde-haired man runs up to meet Emmet, his smile is plastered on his face.
Emmet freezes, but then sighs. "I am Emmet, my brother is Ingo. We are identical twins so it is understandable you would mix us up."
The man laughs, he shares a likeness to Cynthia. "Oh right, my apologies."
Emmet pauses. "You did it on purpose."
The man doesn't even flinch. "Ah you got me." He smiles again. "You can call me Volo, and you do look remarkably like your brother, but I heard he went missing. I can help you find him."
Emmet narrows his eyes. "Ingo never mentioned you. How can you help?"
"Well I've been seeing his name come up in a few books." Volo hands over a history book with a few pages marked and his number. "Go look through that, and call me when you actually want to find your brother." He turns away a wicked grin across his face out of Emmet's view as he hears Emmet open the book and gasp. This was going to be easy to trick Emmet into helping him by 'helping' him find his brother.
Emmet couldn't argue with this, and he had to bite his tongue when Volo paraded around his apartment, going on about how Ingo was sent back through time and space and how Arecus was the one who had done it. Emmet couldn't argue with him either when he decided to stay to go over Emmet's own notes on the issue.
However it's been a week, and all Volo is talking about is the plates, and how he already has six of them, and the flute, but needed the rest of them in order to summon Arecus. The fact they needed to head to Sinnoh as well made Emmet annoyed. Volo was knowledgeable on many things, but he has told Emmet all of this so Emmet can do it himself, he didn't need Volo in this plan.
Once Emmet knew what was needed and how to do it, he started to bake. Simple stuff with extra ingredients to take care of Volo. This is the sixth thing he is baking and the filling is just pure arsenic mixed with jam. Volo still hasn't died or even got a little sick from the amount of poison Emmet has given him. He's done everything from poisoning his drink to food, and even hygiene products in the guise of being helpful and kind, but nothing is working.
Volo looks up from his notes and is met with a cake packed with jam as filling. "Oh thank you Emmet, you've been very kind." Emmet watches him polish off the plate and hand it back to him.
Nothing happened. Volo was still sitting in his chair doing whatever he was doing without even an upset stomach. Emmet sighs and cleans up again. At least he could put sleeping pills in his water and that would knock him out. He can keep doing his late nights without him noticing. Volo even saw his kit, but he just said it's nice to have hobbies, he thinks Emmet is a cook, and a wood carver.
Volo wakes up in the middle of the night and he hears the front of the apartment door shut. This is odd because ever since he started to stay with Emmet and work on his plan he's been getting the best sleep of his life. He blinks and gets up looking out his door to spot Emmet, weird his clothes looked wet and red. "What are you doing… up….so…oh." As he got closer he could tell immediately that the red was blood and he was splattered with it.
Emmet sighs. "Must have given you too much. I guess you can't build up a tolerance." He blinks and yawns. "Well what are you going to do Volo?"
Volo swallows, stepping back. He learned a few things Emmet was not like his brother at all. Ingo worried about the man with his face for a reason even if he couldn't recall why. He was in way over his head, well it was bound to happen 400 years and no murderer had to be broken somehow. "Emmet what the fuck."
Emmet smirks. "What's wrong Volo, never seen a man covered in blood before?" He chuckles and gets closer to Volo. "You know I've been trying to kill you for weeks, and you haven't died. So I decided to learn more about you, and I did."
Volo runs to his room to pull out his phone. "Emmet, I'm warning you."
"What, call the police? Volo you're a drifter who has been staying with me. You have no evidence of birth or life. Why would they believe you?" Emmet smiles, continuing. "All you are is a Cynthia wannabe, who keeps moving from region to region. Doesn't that make you more suspicious?"
Volo bit his lip as Emmet took his phone from his hand knowing he was right. "You've been drugging me?"
"You've been using me to fulfill your little plan to capture Arecus." Emmet smiles watching Volo frown crossing his arms. "I'm not an idiot, I am quite good at doing my research Volo, and you're in quite a few history books."
Volo scowls and holds his hands up. "What are you going to do now, you can't kill me. I can't even kill me."
"You're rude, obnoxious, and self centered, but I do hate having a quiet apartment, so you'll stay. You also have information about my brother. " Emmet smiles again. "And if you tell anyone about this I will cement your legs and drag you to the bottom of the sea. You won't die but you'll be trapped for a verrrry long time."
"Alright, fine. One condition: keep up with the sleeping pills." Volo watches Emmet's brow raise in confusion. "Look I've been alive for over 400 years that was the best sleep I've gotten, so just keep it up and we'll have a deal."
Emmet nods. "Very well I accept." He leans in close to whisper in Volo's ear. "I'll know if you try anything."
Volo shudders and nods a slight blush over his face.
"Besides we aren't so different your little plan would wipe out humanity wouldn't it, so really if you think about it you're worse than me." Emmet chuckles. "Don't make that face Volo we both know it's true. Besides I only kill bad people, you want to destroy everything and everyone for your own benefit."
Volo swallows, he never did think of it that way, but Emmet was right. Was he really thinking about making humanity extinct just to get his own world? He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Just clean up Emmet."
Emmet nods and leaves his room, leaving Volo alone to come to terms with what he really wanted. His entire life he met really good people, and cared about a lot, but does he want to destroy that? He can't get his curse removed, maybe that's what he wanted to be able to die. Maybe he just wanted peace.
Volo sighs watching Emmet sleep on the couch. Ok so maybe it was his fault Ingo was sent to the past, and maybe he did deserve his throat being slashed after confessing, but that doesn't mean he likes the silent treatment Emmet is giving him. He's been alive for ages and he has seen empires fall so he can handle the quiet. That's what he keeps telling himself as he watches Emmet sleep.
Volo started to poke the sleeping bear metaphorically, and literally as he tried to wake Emmet up. "Come on, you can't be mad at me forever, train boy. Just yell at me and we can keep going like nothing happened." Volo huffs watching Emmet turn over not waking up. Volo gets up with a huff and starts to pace.
"Why am I even asking for forgiveness? Emmet is the one who kills people. If anything he should be thanking him for keeping that a secret. Why am I even staying here? I have other places I can be." Volo sighs and keeps pacing. "Who am I kidding? Sure I can go to the distortion world to talk at Giratina, but they just treat me like a pet. Dialga just gives him pity looks and so does Palkia. The lake trio like to mess with his memories and emotions. He could see his great great whatever grandchildren but they don't know him." He sighs not noticing Emmet is now awake listening to him ramble.
Emmet watches Volo go back and forth keeping his eyes locked on the moving form. Finally breaking Volo out of the trance he speaks up. "I'm happy I couldn't kill you, Volo. My life has been pretty lonely without Ingo, and you make me feel things I've never felt. I don't know if you're making me sick, but I like the feeling." He hums getting up leaving a stunned Volo in the silence before he returns.
Volo watches Emmet return carrying a large bag. "Is that for me?"
"Well yes it's been a year Volo since you came here to stay, and I wanted to give you this." Emmet smiles and yawns handing over the bag.
Volo freezes, it's all the plates he was missing. "How did you find them?" Je was honestly stunned this was the nicest thing anyone has done for him.
"Well so the bad guys I went after were collecting them, and well I just took them." Emmet smiles. "Besides, I want to see my brother again. Even if he doesn't remember me or even wants to go back I still want to see him once more."
Volo can't hold back a blush that develops all over his face. "Thank you Emmet, and I want to do this."
Emmet furrowed his brows. "Do what-" Emmet is cut off by a kiss to his lips. He blushes and is stunned into silence only able to pull Volo back once he pulls away into another heavy kiss till they are fighting for air.
"Fuck Emmet I have wanted to do that for ages." Volo smiles.
"Well after we fight Arecus, we can do much more than that." Emmet smiles and holds up two tickets to Sinnoh. "We're going together."
Volo nods and smiles. "Yes we'll fight God together then."
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Love Hurts - pt. 6
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A/N: I wrote the first version of this like days ago but I hated it so much that I felt like I needed to re-write it and I did so here yall go. Hope you like it. 
Fred woke up with a massive headache. He tried to pull his sleep further on but the headache was too strong to fall back asleep. He groaned into the pillow and kept his head buried in it, weirdly finding something unfamiliar going up his nostrils. It wasn’t the usual smell of the fabric softener his pillow case has but it was different and didn’t take a lot of time and contemplating to figure out to who it belong to. 
Memories rushed into his head without any warning. He cringed as he remembered his pathetic-self, throwing up over the bathroom seat and feeling you rubbing his back. 
It was all so foggy to him. He couldn’t remember more than you and him hugging. For him begging you to wait until he fell asleep. 
“You bloody git.” he mumbled into the pillow case before dragging himself to the bathroom and taking a showed. 
Oddly enough, he did make to breakfast in last minutes and odder than that, you were seated next to Angelina and his friends. Your hair was a bit messy from last night’s hairstyle and some traces of makeup were still there. Nevertheless, you were extremely happy and your eyes- your gorgeous eyes were sparkling like never before when they locked with his. 
“Moooorning.” George said as he saw his brother approaching, grinning at him. 
“Morning.” Fred rubbed his eyes and sat down, reaching for his breakfast. 
“You slept well? Because I surely did not, hearing you pull in massive snores like a piglet on crack.” his eyes narrowed but everybody else laughed.
Fred took a bite in his toast, glanced at you with a smile, then turned to George. “I was itty bitty tired.”
“You left early.” Angelina interrupted and everybody looked at her. “And George said you were already fast asleep when he came back.”
“And when did George come back?” you leaned forward, looking at George. 
“When did you?” he narrowed your eyes back at you. 
‘--- Fred fell asleep and you were tiptoeing back to your dorm. The image of him still lingering in your mind, you had a lovely smile plastered on your lips but when you came down from the boys dormitories, George came down from the girls dormitories. 
The two of you stood like stones, staring at each other as both of you were caught. 
It was three in the morning. 
“I won’t tell if you won’t tell.” he said and you smiled.
“Deal.” the two of you shook hands and walked by as nobody ever saw anything. ---’ 
“Not telling.” you grinned cheekily and George did the same, both mirroring each others body language; crossing your arms over your chest and looking away. 
“How about you, (y/n)?” Angelina nudged you a bit and smiled. 
“What about me?” 
“I mean- I saw what happened between you and your fit date. He ran after you and never came back. I assumed he apologised and made it work?” she grinned with a wink but you only gave a quick glance to Fred’s confused expression and laughed.
“He only apologised to me this morning, before I came over here.” you smiled. “I forgave him, of course. I do know him since I was a kid, baby even.” 
“Oh, so you didn’t spend the night with him?” her face was a bit flushed and you couldn’t analyze fast enough to figure out why.
“No.” was all you replied with before Fred cut the silence and asked.
“Why would he apologise?” he tried to play it cool but his eyes were soley focused on you. 
“Nothing big really. He got a bit too grabby and I just slapped him and stormed off.” 
“Grabby?” Fred stopped chewing, swallowing hard and clenching his jaw. 
“I thought you fancied him?” Angelina said more sternly, angrily too. 
“I’ve known him since we were five. He was my cousin’s best friend. We used to drag each other through the mud for my cousin’s attention.” you laughed. “Cute fella but I just- no.” you shook your head, blushing.
“But aren’t you Muggleborn?” George asked.
“Yeah, ironic that we both are.” you looked over your shoulder to find him laughing with his friends. “He’s a good guy.” 
“But he’s... grabby.” Fred’s eyes were staring into yours with jealous flames and he couldn’t help himself but to feel anger bubble in his stomach. 
“Yeah...” you trailed off and grabbed your books. “I- uh- I need to get these books to the library before it closes. It’s Sunday after all.” you smiled at everybody and waved them a goodbye.
“But it closes in an hour.” Fred said all of a sudden, taking his glare away from your date on the other side and to you. 
“I know, Freddie. That’s why I’m going now.” you smiled and wandered off. 
Freddie. You said Freddie. Not Fredrick, not Fred and for Merlin’s sake not George or Ron but Freddie. 
And that was all it was needed for him to get his giddy smile back. 
“So you’re not cross with me anymore, are you?” he poked his head through the other side of the shelf and grinned. 
“What makes you think that?” you smiled back, pushing his head on the other side and walking down the aisle. 
“You called me Freddie.” he said as he walked along side you, until the two of you reached the end and he was backing you against the bookshelves. “You call me Fredrick, when you are pissed at me, George when you want to push my buttons and piss me off and Ron when you’re feeling pretty vindictive.” he kept smiling, looking down on you as you rolled your eyes. “ But you only call me Freddie when you are utterly, ubelievably in love with me.” he spoke low, in a seductive manner. 
“Then why ask the question when you already know the answer.” you replied, narrowing your eyes. “And I think that is an exaggeration. Utterly, unbelievably in love with you?” you scoffed, pushing him away and walking to Madam Pince. “Like you said, Fred-”
“Freddie.” he corrected you, lifting up his finger and keeping his cocky grin on. 
“- I am not a mean person.” you laughed, looking at him before turning to Madam Pince and giving her the books to check out. “And holding on to anger is pointless.” 
“But I never apologised.” Fred’s grin fell and his eyes saddened. 
You were already at the door when you heard his voice and turned around. “What?”
“For... you know... saying what I said.”he lowered his head in shame but you only smiled.
“Oh, you apologised alright.” you continued smiling at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind you. 
“When?” he furrowed his eyebrows in perplexion but kept looking at your hands holding each other. 
“Last night.” you pulled him to the bench and plopped down. 
He followed. “Well, darling, last night is a bit foggy to me if you must know.”
“Oh, I believe so.” your eyes sparkled. “You asked me to be with you until you fell asleep-”
“Oh Merlin-” he sunk in his seat and blushed but you only giggled and nudged his shoulder a bit. 
“It’s okay for a guy to be vulnerable, Freddie.” you laughed again and just that laugh unlocked a little memory in his head; you were laying in front of him with your eyes watching his and your hand on his cheek, caressing it gently. You wore his sweater over your dress and you weren’t covered like he was. He mumbled something and you let out the same laugh as you did right now. 
‘--- The glitter from your eyeshadow was all over your cheeks and your mascara was a bit smudged from rubbing your eyes when you were tired. 
“You called me Freddie.” he said, smiling and finding your smile grow as well. “I missed that.” 
“You missed me calling your name?” you laughed, tucking your hands under your pillow. 
“It’s special when you say it.” he mumbled sleepily. 
“I’ll pin that down.” you spoke softly as he closed his eyes and pulled in a light snore. 
“I’m really sorry.” he said just before he opened his eyes again and put his hand on your cheek, tucking behind one of the curls that fell from your bun. “For calling you a word I promised myself I would never use... and for calling you barmy in the head.” 
You laughed and put your hand on top of his, rubbing your thumb across the back of his. “It’s okay.”
“Is it?” he asked, staring into your eyes. “Will you forgive me?” 
“Of course, I forgive you Freddie.” you said and he smiled again at that word. 
“I missed that.” he repeated himself and you laughed again.
“Me calling you Freddie? You said.”
“It’s special when you say it.” he repeated again and closed his eyes, trying to keep them open for you. 
His hand fell from your cheek as he dozed off and slowly you reached for his cheek, rubbing it gently. “Goodnight, Freddie.” you slowly got up and made your way to the door. “Sleep well.” ---’
Fred watched you tell the story as if you hadn’t felt any emotions in it but he felt you feeling them just as much as he did. And you may have finished quickly but he knew what happened. He remembered. 
His heart was fluttering and he knew what that meant. It meant he was the one utterly, unbelievable in love with you. 
He fell in love the day of the second practice, not the first but the second, when the two of you danced together. His hands would lock with yours, his feet move alongside your tip toes because he was extremely taller than you... and in that moment, exactly that moment when he spun you around, your hair clip fell down your hair and got stuck on the edges, letting those front hair fall in front of your face. He twirled you back to him and you were panting with your cheeks red and your eyes scared... and bright. They were so bright and looking up at his like a full moon on a cloudy night. He had you in his hands, in his hold and it was all so magical until the two of you parted ways and he knew he didn’t want to.
That day. That moment. He knew but he did not want to admit it.
“Thank you for staying.” he put his hand on top of yours and you turned your eyes to him, smiling.
“Of course.” you nodded with a smile, then pulled your hand away and stood up. “It’s what friends are for.” you continued and his smile immediately fell. 
“A what?”
“Friends?” you smiled with a quirk of your eyebrow. “I’m not that dense, Freddie. I know you have the hots for Angelina and I say go for it. I’ll survive. I’m a big girl.”
But Fred felt as if his brain was scrambled by that one word. He wanted to speak but his mouth were sown shut. 
“See you tomorrow in class.” you put your hand on his cheek and left- left him behind, confused and dazed, both from your words and your touch. 
“Friends?” he leaned forward, feeling frustration kick in. “Bloody friends-?!” he stood up and watch you turn around the corner and disappear. He put his hands on the back of his head and ran them through his hair. “I’ll show you friends.”
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baepop · 4 years
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You’re the newest hire at a local café and head barista Jeon Jungkook takes you under his wing.
Word Count: 16.2k
Pairing: You x Jungkook
Genre: Slight Fluff, Smut, Angst
A/N:  What’s next? maybe a Taehyung fic to quench my secret thirst?
Part 2 | Part 3
Working at J’aime Café had taught you a valuable lesson: Where there’s high risk, there’s high reward, and in the absence of said reward, there would be unbelievable loss too.
It all started when you finally got around to checking your voicemails one March afternoon and you realized the job you applied to months ago had finally reached out to you for an interview. Since you weren’t always the best at keeping track of these things, and noticing the voicemail was now a week old, you quickly paused your show and checked the time. Two o’ clock, still during business hours.
The phone rang twice before a courteous voice responded to your call. “J’aime Café, how can I help you?”
“Yes, hello! My name is Y/N and I applied for the barista position. The manager reached out to me for an interview last week. I was wondering if it was possible to come by sometime soon for an interview?” You held your breath and crossed your fingers, hoping they wouldn’t turn you away because you were so late on responding.
“Ahh, Y/N! Yes of course, can you come by this afternoon? If not, then we can do your interview maybe… Wednesday morning?”
“Today’s perfect! Thank you so much!” You couldn’t hide your excitement and gratitude but made a mental note to be more professional in person.
The manager chuckled at your glee and ended the phone call with a simple “See you soon.”
The café was only a 15-minute walk away, so you weren’t in a rush to get ready. You spent the next half hour or so trying to decide what to wear. Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have. That’s what you’d always heard growing up, but if that was actually the case, you’d be walking over there dressed in a cop uniform. You sighed and placed your hands on your hips. What was that other piece of advice about job interviews? Oh yeah, dress as if you already work there so they can better picture you as an employee. Since the coffee shop was small, you had only ever seen three people working there total including the manager and they always had on jeans and knitted sweaters or some variation of that, so you ultimately decided to trade your pencil skirt for black jeans and your heels for boots. You kept your pretty pink blouse on though. Good first impressions are always important. If there was anything that worried you in these situations, it was being forgettable.
You checked your ponytail for any fly away hairs then headed off towards the café. As you walked past the park near your house, you rehearsed your replies to general interview questions. So why do you want to work here? I have plenty of experience in customer service and feel I could bring great things to the table as an employee here. Do you have experience handling money? Yes, yes, I do. I have worked with countless POS systems as well so I’m sure I can learn yours very quickly.
You were so busy interrogating yourself that you didn’t notice or thank the person holding the door open for you once you arrived at the coffee shop. You stood in the lobby, searching for the manager. When you realized you were accidentally standing in line, you rushed to get out of the way. You clutched your handbag with clammy hands as you observed your surroundings anxiously. It’s just an interview, most likely informal, given the setting. You got this. Don’t sweat it.
You’d never realized how busy it could get here, seeing the huge line of customers that had accumulated. When you looked behind the bar, you realized there was only one employee back there. You didn’t want to bother him inquiring about the manager, since they were already so busy, so you found a stool to sit on and wait patiently.
As you watched the cashier ring customers up, you were impressed by his cheery disposition and professionalism despite having so many drinks lined up and no barista. Thankfully for you and the cashier, only about 2 minutes had passed by before two employees came out of the back room. They seemed to be in a heated discussion, but upon closer look, it was more playful than anything. The one with earrings and hand tattoos was tying on his apron while smirking and nodding at the older one holding a clip board. In an incredible show of annoyance, the barista walked away mid conversation and began making all the drinks that were backed up, making sure to slam the doors and cups obnoxiously. However, he was able to do so many things at once that it was no time at all before he cleared the crowd of people waiting on their orders.
You were in such awe at the barista’s sheer talent that you almost forgot why you were there in the first place. It wasn’t until the man with the clip board stood in the way of your eyesight that you realized you had a mission. As you stared up at the stranger, you had to think for a second what it was that he had just asked you.
“Are you Y/N by any chance?”
“Oh uh, yeah! Hi, are you the manager?” You wiped your hand on your thigh and went in for a handshake.
“Yes, I am,” he shook your hand firmly, “Thank you for coming in so soon. As you can see, we really need some new employees around here!” The manager, whom you presumed to be Mr. Kim noted on his nametag, raised his voice towards the end of his sentence so that the barista could hear from behind the bar. Seeing the guy with tattoos chuckle at his boss’ cheeky behavior had a calming effect on you.
The interview went extremely well, so well that it only lasted 10 minutes before you got a job offer. You accepted it right away of course, considering there was only $3.79 in your bank account, so you showed up to the coffee shop first thing in the morning the very next day.
You were excited and confident yet nervous. You had worked plenty of jobs to put you at ease with customer interaction, but never at a coffee shop. You didn’t know the first thing about making specialty drinks or brewing coffee for that matter. You’d simply always been a tea person.
The manager asked you to come in once the café opened, so you were there just as the cashier was unlocking the front door. He held it open for you just as you entered and offered you a dazzling smile.
“Hey, you’re the new hire, right? My name’s Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi! You’re going to be shadowing me today.”
“Yes, hi,” you weren’t sure why you were blushing, maybe because he already knew who you were, “um where can I put my stuff?”
“Oh, we have cubbies in the back office. Just find an empty one then come meet me out here when you’re ready. Oh, and grab an apron and a hat while you’re back there.” You hurried to do exactly as he said, determined to do a good job on your first day. Everyone seemed so capable and diligent, you didn’t want to come off as a newbie at all.
You noticed the cubbies immediately as you stepped into the back. You put your sweater and satchel in one of the cubes next to one that housed a leather jacket and an iPhone. Since you saw another cube filled, you wondered if the handsome barista would be working today too. You forced yourself not to think about that for now, you didn’t want to be distracted on your first day. Once you found the extra aprons and hats, you headed to the front of the shop where customers had already begun ordering. You rushed to the cashier’s side to observe him as he took orders and wrung them into the touch screen accordingly. The same scenario played out from the day before: Customers began crowding the end of the bar, checking their watches impatiently and wondering where the hell their drinks were. You began getting nervous, hoping no one would complain to you. You had no idea what to say to them.
As if sensing your anxiety, Hobi finished wringing up the last customer in line before turning to you and saying, “Don’t worry, he always does this. Why? No idea, but Jungkook’ll be in any second now to make these. He has to anyway, because neither of us have been trained on making drinks!” Hobi laughed and patted you on the back before turning towards the crowd of people that had just walked in. You laughed along nervously, checking the door for the boy with the tattoos.
Thankfully, thirty seconds later, the infamous barista barged in through the door and b-lined it to the back to grab an apron. “Oh, shit! Here’s my phone! I thought I lost it! Thank god!” Jungkook yelled at no one in particular and you giggled at the theatrics that could be heard from the entire shop. On his way to the bar, he eyed you briefly but didn’t say anything, choosing instead to greet the regulars.
“Ahh, there he is! The resident rockstar is gracing us with his presence! We’re finally gonna get some coffee everyone!” An older man with grey hair and a hoarse voice bellowed out. Jungkook laughed and high fived him over the counter.
“Jerry! You old bastard, still haven’t croaked in your sleep, I see! Vanilla latte with three shots coming right up!” Jungkook began making everyone’s drinks with the same ease as you witnessed the day before. His banter with the older man seemed incredibly inappropriate, but clearly it was okay since his customer replied with booming laughter.
“Nope, not yet son! Still healthy as an ox.”
“Not if you keep having all this caffeine. But it’s not like I’d stop you. I’d miss your wise crackin’ around here.” Jungkook handed him his latte and the older gentleman took a sip.
“Don’t you worry about that, son, even if I did croak, I’d still come back and haunt your ass for making me some god-awful drinks!” Him and Jungkook laughed heartily at his jabs, even gaining chuckles from a few customers as well as from Hobi. “Alright, I’m heading out. See you kids tomorrow morning.” The older man waved at everyone including you and sauntered out of the door.
As you watched Jungkook make the rest of the drinks that were lined up, you noticed he interacted with each and every customer. None of them were as acquainted with him as Jerry was, but they remembered each other’s names at the very least.
You noticed the kind of morning regulars at the cafe were more of the same than anything else. Many of them dawned suits and work uniforms, most likely residents from the area stopping in on their way to work in the neighboring metropolis.
After 9 o’ clock, business severely died down. It was only then that Hobi was able to give you a tour of the café and answer questions you already had.
“Have you ever made coffee before?” Hobi inquired while slapping the top of the brewing machine.
“Uhh…to be honest, no I haven’t,” You noticed Jungkook ‘tsk’ with a side smirk as he wiped down the counter, no doubt listening in on Hobi training you, “I’m more of a tea kind of person.”
The older guy smiled, “That’s okay, it’s pretty easy to learn.” His patience with you made you happy.
“This,” he pointed to the pots with handles, “is where you put the grounded coffee into, then you press the ‘brew’ button, and the coffee begins dripping into these containers that keep the coffee hot. Some people don’t like the fancy shmancy drinks that hot shot over here serves and prefer regular cups of coffee. If you’re on the cash register, then it’ll be your responsibility to serve the regular coffee.” You nodded along with everything he was saying but couldn’t help your small smile at his jab to Jungkook. He moved you two further down and pointed to a contraption you’d never seen before. “This is for ‘pour-over’ coffees. Some people order special coffee blends that we don’t brew in the machine, so whenever that happens you just come over here and put the grounded up coffee in this cone, get some hot water, slowly pour it over the grinds and watch it drip into their cup. Just make sure you don’t forget about it or it’ll overflow.” Hobi mimed all the actions out as he explained the process. It was endearing. You tried your best to retain all the information. After explaining where to find the coffee filters and the cup sleeves from, he decided to give you a break from the information overload. “Here,” Hobi handed you a rag and a bottle of Windex, “why don’t you wipe down the windows outside and then come back and we’ll pick up where we left off.”
You gladly took the cleaning supplies from his hands and went out to the small tables that lined the front of the shop. The entire front was made of glass, so you could still see Hobi and Jungkook from where you were. As you sprayed down the windows, you noticed Jungkook leaning over the bar resting his cheek on his palm and shamelessly staring at you. You swallowed and tried to focus on the task, pretending you didn’t notice him even though the blush on your face told a different story. What’s his freaking deal? Given his demeanor with the employees here and the customers, you wondered if he would start picking on you too, or if he was just straight up flirting. Either way, you didn’t have time for either since you desperately needed to keep this job. When you entered the shop again, you noticed Hobi left to use the bathroom, so you took the chance to make polite conversation with Jungkook.
He had been watching you the entire time that you came in, but still you tried not to acknowledge it and look busy, which was hard because you didn’t know enough to pull that off. You fiddled with the coffee filters before clearing your throat to speak.
“So…your name’s Jungkook, right? How long have you been working here?” You looked over at him innocently. He was leaning on the counter propped up on one elbow with a smile playing at his lips.
After a second, he replied, “Couple months.”
“Oh…but you seem really good at what you do. Did you catch on quickly?”
“Not my first coffee shop, babe.” Your heart skipped a beat at the pet name. Jungkook was eyeing you, probably waiting for your next question, but you weren’t sure what to say. Yep, definitely shameless flirting.
“That’s because he got canned from his last gig for showing up late every day.” Hobi’s voice came from behind you and startled you, but you were grateful for it since you had the perfect exit to this charged moment between you and the bad boy barista.
Jungkook chuckled and responded, “What can I say, your mom just can’t get enough of me in the morning.” Hobi chucked an empty cup at Jungkook’s head but the younger boy ducked down slightly and dodged it.
With laughter in his voice, Hobi turned to you. “Come on, Y/N, let’s get you away from this terrible influence.” He stopped at an odd machine with a large hole at the top and a simple lever. “Okay, so now let’s go over how to grind up coffee beans…”
Their banter and the overall atmosphere was infectious, and it had you smiling from ear to ear for no particular reason.
With thirty minutes left to the end of your shift, the café got busy again. When you checked the time, you realized schools in the area had already let students out which would logically explain all the uniformed teenagers in line ordering drinks full of whipped cream and fruit. This time, Hobi let you stay back and fetch any coffee orders that had come in, but hardly any of them wanted regular coffee. During the few times that Hobi handed you empty cups to be filled, you’d hold the lever that allowed coffee to trickle into cups then glance over towards the end of the bar. The scene that unfolded before your eyes had you smiling as if enjoying a private joke. It seemed Jungkook was a hit amongst the local teenage girls. As he handed out fruity drink after fruity drink, they all giggled and thanked him personally. One even took her phone out innocently, but you could tell she was recording him, probably for her Snapchat.
The cafe filled up with students who were in no rush to go home, changing the sleepy ambience of the shop into a rowdy, hip one. Once Hobi wrung up the last person in line, he turned to the barista and said, “Don’t catch a case out here Jungkook. These girls have their hopes up.”
The three of you laughed in unison, but Jungkook looked over at you with a look of offense on his face. “Y/N! Don’t laugh at his jokes! And here I thought you were cool.”
You couldn’t help but giggle like one of the girls on the other side of the counter. “I guess you judged me too quickly, huh.” Hobi gave you a fist bump and chimed in about how you were his new favorite.
As you untied your apron in the backroom, you recapped the day in your head. You were overall satisfied with your first day at your new job. The job seemed easy enough to do, your coworkers were cool, and the customers were more bearable than at some of the other jobs you worked in the past. Sure, there were people here and there that seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, intent on giving service workers a hard time for things out of their control, but other than that it was a great day. And it absolutely had nothing to do with the head barista flirting with you. Not a single thing.
A whole month had passed before you got your first action on the bar. You had been feeling nervous and hesitant about starting that part of your training, especially seeing the sheer volume of people that order drinks during rush times. You feared you’d only be in Jungkook’s way if you tried to help, so you settled for observing as much as you could. Hobi had been getting his feet wet in that area this past month, so when you learned enough of the register, he’d leave you alone and help Jungkook with backed up drink orders.
Jungkook had taken the time to train Hobi while it was slow, especially since the older boy had already learned everything he could about cashiering. You, on the other hand, were content with wringing up customers and cleaning up after them. However, on this one particular day, Hobi called out of work and Mr. Kim had stepped out to run some errands for the day, so it was just you and Jungkook working at the cafe. Jin had felt confident enough to leave the shop in yours and Jungkook’s hands, and although you were fully capable, you still wished he hadn’t left. If you were being honest with yourself, Jungkook made you nervous. Cute guys made you nervous, and the ones that were both cute and shameless made your hands clammy. He was always respectful with you though, and kept his distance when Hobi wasn’t around, which is why you still hadn’t established a close relationship with Jungkook like you had with Hobi. You knew the older guy’s last name, where he was studying at, what shows he was watching at the moment, what his favorite super villain was; but when it came to Jungkook, he was simply still a beautiful mystery.
After the morning rush, when the café emptied and there was nothing left for the two of you to busy yourselves with, you started to feel awkward again. You weren’t sure how to talk to someone like Jungkook, who was always so blunt and boisterous. You, on the other hand, were reserved and polite. You weren’t exactly shy, you just weren’t sure how to navigate a friendship with him, but you wanted to learn so that there wouldn’t be so much silence between you two. Not to mention, his shameless staring, which persisted just as it did from day one, confounded you. He never ever tried to make a move on you, almost as if he was waiting for you to say something to him. If you were being honest, the staring flustered you because it was coming from such an attractive confident person. You were definitely attracted to him too, but you’d never start anything romantic with a coworker. Those kinds of things always got too messy, especially with such a small staff.
As you wiped down the windows outside, your eyes automatically found Jungkook’s on the other side. You smirked and waved at him, acknowledging him for once. He flashed a crooked smile at you and nodded a ‘sup’ at you in return. You couldn’t get the stupid smirk off your face as you finished cleaning the windows, realizing you probably looked like a happy idiot from inside the shop. You thought about what to say to him when you’d have to go back inside, ultimately deciding on just coming out and asking him what his deal was. So, when you put away the cleaning materials and met Jungkook’s lingering eyes, you cleared your throat and asked the burning month-old question at the tip of your tongue.
“So…what’s with the staring?” You put your hand on your hip but then second guessed yourself and placed it on the counter. Jungkook watched your movements carefully and chuckled, observing your false bravado.
“Easy, you’re very beautiful.” Jungkook watched your eyes widen before continuing, “I can restrain myself though, if it makes you uncomfortable.”
You smiled and looked at anywhere but at his face. “Ah…well, that answers that. I was just asking, thought maybe I had something on my face.”
Jungkook laughed, “No, nothing like that. Is that why you don’t really talk to me, because I make you uncomfortable?” Jungkook kept his gaze directly on your burning face which made you feel like you were on the hot seat.
“What do you mean? I totally talk to you.” You crossed your arms, giving up on willing your blushing cheeks to cool off.
“Psh, not like you do with Hobi. You guys are like best friends now. I’m third wheeling it over here.” Jungkook mirrored your arms crossed over your chest. You giggled and rolled your eyes, playing along to his false offense.
“Well, I don’t know… Hobi’s easy to talk to I guess.”
“And I’m not?” It was evident that Jungkook took pleasure in grilling you with that teasing smile playing at his lips, but you refused to backtrack now.
You took a minute to think before responding, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but not exactly. You’re really…how should I put this…out there. And I’m more of an…in there…kind of person.” After a beat, you both laughed at how much you weren’t making sense, you with embarrassment and him at how cute you seemed when you were flustered.
“Well maybe if you got to know me you wouldn’t be so shy.” Jungkook challenged you with a wicked glint in his eye and a sexy side smirk.
“Point taken. So, tell me about yourself then, Mr. Third Wheel.” Jungkook laughed at his new nickname.
“What do you want to know, babe?” You rolled your tongue around on the inside of your cheek and tried to think of a good question for him while ignoring the thrill that his pet name for you inflicted.
“Umm, okay, are you a student anywhere?”
This time it was Jungkook’s turn to roll his eyes at you. “BORING. Seriously, that’s what you want to know about me? Let me guess, your next question is about my favorite color.” His teasing flustered you further, proving your point about how hard it’d be to have a conversation with him.
“Okay fine! Have you ever killed anyone?” You looked Jungkook in the eye in an attempt to intimidate him.
“If I told you the truth then I’d have to kill you too, and I don’t really feel like doing that, so, pass.” You smirked at each other until it turned into a stare down, conceding after a while and rolling your eyes at him. Just then, you noticed a customer making their way to the register and just like that, your brief albeit silly conversation with Jungkook was effectively over for the time being.
Once you two were done wringing and serving the random group of people that interrupted your conversation, Jungkook immediately turned back to you and asked a follow up question. “So, what about you? Have you ever killed anyone?”
You smiled and responded, “Oh, tons! My favorite victims happen to be flirtatious coffee shop baristas. You know any?”
Jungkook’s laugh was disarming. The more you talked the more at ease you felt with him. He was definitely charming, which is probably why he got along with strangers so easily, and probably why he could get away with coming in late all the time. What he lacked in professionalism and punctuality he more than made up for in expertise and people skills.
Before you knew it, 3 o’clock rolled around and tons of school kids flooded the café. You were able to wring everyone in a timely manner, so there was nothing left to do but watch Jungkook make drinks. You felt bad at how slammed he seemed, so you asked if he needed any help, secretly hoping he’d say no.
Jungkook smiled down at the drinks he was making and responded, “Sure, if you’re feeling up for it!” Why don’t you come over here and top these bad boys with whipped cream then hand them out.”
You immediately grew nervous but rushed over to help. There was a different kind of pressure when it came to making drinks, you quickly realized. Not only did you have to worry about making everyone’s orders correctly, you had to do it quickly with no mistakes since all the customers would crowd the bar and watch your every move. Your hands slightly shook as you took hold of the whipped cream dispensers. The café made their own, so it wasn’t the cans of cool whip you were expecting.
Jungkook noticed your confusion and answered your thoughts. “All you have to do is shake it a bit, hold it upside down and swirl it on top of the ice so that it makes a nice cone shape. Go on.”
You did as he instructed, but when you squeezed the handle, the trapped air inside of the tin released into the cup and sent an ice cube sliding across the counter. Your face was blazing with embarrassment, but Jungkook didn’t seem to think it was embarrassing it at all. Instead, he offered you some more help.
“Here, do it like this.” Jungkook stood close behind you and took hold of your hand that held the contraption. He squeezed your hand so you could get an idea of how firm to hold it, tilting your hand completely upside down, and helped your finger pull the trigger. Slowly and smoothly, cream circled the top of the drink nicely. With his head almost resting on your shoulder and his mouth so close to your ear, his instructions sent shivers down your spine. “You have to turn it all the way and ease up on the trigger or else you’ll make a mess.” You nodded tightly, pretending to understand what he said only because your brain wouldn’t stop obsessing at the way his chest felt pressed up against your back and his hands on yours.
Your fingers shook while fitting a lid on the drink. When you finally handed it out to the customer, you caught a dirty look from the girl who it belonged to. You figured she was one of Jungkook’s many admirers. The thought had you alight with humor. As you continued to top the drinks and hand them out, you realized how easy it was to work with Jungkook. The hard part was trying to keep your cool.
“Look at you go! It’s almost as if you’re an actual barista!” You chuckled at Jungkook’s comment as you handed out the last drink.
“Oh, didn’t you hear? I’m your replacement.” Jungkook looked at you for a moment without saying anything.
“Shy my ass. You’ve got a mouth on you. I like it.”
“I never said I was shy.”
Just then, Jin came in through the front door.
“Thanks for holding down the fort you two. Y/N you can go, you did a great job today.” Jin rounded the corner of the stand and you handed him your apron.
“Same time tomorrow?” You looked at your manager who was busy checking the sales on the register.
“Yep, see you in the morning!” Jin answered you absentmindedly so you took that as your queue to go, but not before saying something to Jungkook.
“Do you think you can manage the bar without me?” You asked him cheekily as you removed your hat.
He smiled at you with narrowed eyes. “I don’t know how I’ll go on, but I think I might just barely make it.”
And just like that, you headed home with butterflies in your stomach for the first time in ages.
Three months into working at the café, a new horror movie came out, and since Hobi knew you were a horror fan, he invited you to come see it with himself and Jungkook.
“If we go tomorrow night, the tickets are half off for students. You in?” Hobi was busying himself counting the change in the drawer while you contemplated going out with them. They didn’t want to go until late, so you’d definitely lose out on sleep, which you weren’t a fan of, but you didn’t want to turn down your first invitation out from your coworkers. You knew Hobi and Jungkook regularly hung out together outside of work, and it made you feel a tad left out whenever they talked about things you weren’t a part of.
You also couldn’t lie and say you weren’t excited to hang out with Jungkook off the clock. Over the last two months, you two had taken any and all chances to flirt when left alone but you both knew how to behave yourselves while in the presence of Hobi and Mr.Kim. It sort of became like a game of who could make the other blush the most. You couldn’t lie and say you weren’t enjoying Jungkook’s dirty looks, because what had started off as glances turned into full blown body checks, winks, lip biting and cheeky facial expressions. You also couldn’t lie and say that you didn’t take extra time in the mornings to get ready for work for this exact reason.
You knew it was probably a bad idea, what started developing between you and Jungkook over the last couple months. You wouldn’t accept responsibility for how it started, but you did acknowledge that your shameless entertaining his advances wasn’t innocent in the slightest. You knew this was a slippery slope to go down, but it made your harmless fling all the more exciting.
That’s why when you looked at Jungkook after Hobi’s invitation and caught his subtle wink at you, you accepted right away. You hadn’t been out in so long, especially not with the opposite gender.
You pondered what to wear when you weren’t busy tending to customers. If you tried too hard and dressed in the sexiest outfit you could find, you might seem desperate. You might also give Hobi the wrong idea. If you wore something casual that you might wear to the coffee shop, then it might be embarrassing if they show up dressed to the nine.
When the time finally came for your movie date with the boys, you settled on the best of both worlds. You let your hair down, which would be a nice change from the ponytails and buns you wore to work. You still kept your usual look of denim and a nice shirt, but you traded your comfy work shoes for heeled boots. Trying without trying. You decided against putting on a full face of makeup since you didn’t want your coworkers looking at you differently at work without it on. You called an uber once you were satisfied with your looks, feeling butterflies the entire way there. You weren’t just excited to see Jungkook either, your relationship with Hobi had evolved into genuine friendship outside of being coworkers, so you couldn’t wait to hang out with him either.
Once the car pulled into the movie theatre, you immediately noticed the boys waiting out front. They were dressed impeccably, and you instantly regretted changing outfits. Hobi was sporting sweats and a denim jacket with trendy sneakers and a beanie. The outfit was sporty but sexy at the same time, given it seemed he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath the jacket.
Jungkook, on the other hand, was wearing something akin to what you pictured he might look like after hours. He was wearing the leather jacket you noticed was always in his work cubby paired with ripped blue jeans, a bucket hat, combat boots, and a plaid button up tied around his waist. You almost didn’t want to get out of the car, but you knew you’d keep getting charged for the ride if you didn’t, so you exited with a sigh and waved to get their attention. They were in the middle of a conversation, but it was Hobi who saw you first. He smiled and did a silly dance to show how happy he was to see you and it made you crack up.
“Why did I agree to go out with you?” You teased Hobi.
“Because you have nothing better to do anyway.” You feigned pain at his words, no doubt a minor habit you had picked up from Jungkook. When you turned towards Jungkook, you instantly noticed how he wasn’t laughing along with you guys. Probably in one of those moods again.
It happened very rarely, because Jungkook was always a cheery person, but once in a while he wouldn’t be in the mood to socialize and those were the most boring days at work.
When all three of you headed inside, Jungkook went ahead of you two so you gave Hobi an inquisitive look while pointing at your grumpy third wheel to which he responded with a shrug. You sighed, a gloomy mood setting in at the thought of not having as much fun as you thought you would.
You offered to hold seats for everyone while they waited in line at the concession stand. You wanted to give Jungkook time to get over his bad mood, and you also wanted to avoid craning your neck from getting stuck with bad seats. You busied yourself on your phone in the meantime, but you weren’t scrolling for long before you felt someone take a seat next to you.
Jungkook sat down with a large popcorn and tossed a few pieces in his mouth, “Hey work wife, I missed you.”
You smiled and put your phone away. “Oh yeah? How much did you miss me exactly?
Jungkook took hold of your hand that was resting on the arm rest in between you two. “This much.” He laced your fingers together and wiggled his eyebrows. You couldn’t help but laugh, since it all felt elementary. It brought you back to your first date ever when holding hands, and any skin ship for that matter, was a huge deal.
You wriggled your hand out of his grasp, since you weren’t comfortable flirting around Hobi. You didn’t want your friend to feel like a third wheel at all. “Seriously though, you okay? You seemed kind of down earlier.”
Jungkook looked embarrassed at your worrying. He shifted in his seat and, could it be, a light blush forming on his cheeks? He smiled to himself, looking down at his thighs, “What, are you worrying about me now?”
This time it was your turn to look at Jungkook and wonder how he could be so cute while being flustered. “Of course I do, can’t have my work husband being sad.” You pinched his cheek and Jungkook smiled his most dazzling smile yet. He swatted your hand but held onto it for a while, caressing your palm and turning your hand over in his as if never having ever held a hand before, then letting go. It was a tender moment unlike your usual flirtation with aim at getting a rise out of the other. It was so sweet yet fleeting that you spent the rest of the two-hour movie thinking about it. Jungkook glanced over at you many times during the movie, but you refused to look at him, fearing he might catch on at exactly how much he was having an effect on you. It was starting to feel all too real, and you couldn’t be your usual cool and playful self if what was going on between the two of you was aactually real. You’d never thought of Jungkook as a boyfriend, although you did think of him under the covers late at night. You willed the sinful thoughts out of your head for the next two hours, so you didn’t seem weird later when it was time to say goodbye.
It wasn’t hard to put it out of your mind eventually, especially when you saw how much of a weenie Hobi was when it came to horror movies. You keeled over with laughter at the sight of his pale face while exiting the theatre. “Why did you want to see this movie if you were going to be so afraid?” You spoke in between laughs.
“Because! I don’t know! I didn’t think it was going to be that scary! Besides, I wanted you to come and I know it’s your favorite, so…”
“Awwwww, Hobi! I’d have come even if it was a Disney movie.” You pinched your friend’s cheek and his answering crescent eyes of happiness had you giggling. You looked over at Jungkook, and it seemed his bad mood had returned, so you continued only speaking to Hobi. “Seriously, thanks for the invite. It was fun! We should do it again.”
But now, all three of you had reached the outside of the theater and the night had brought a chill with it that had all of you hugging your torsos. You hurried to pull out your phone and order an uber home, but Jungkook had other ideas.
“Put that away, you’re coming with us.” You looked up at the boy who was barely looking at you in the eye.
“You sure? I live close to the shop, are you going in that direction?”
Jungkook took hold of your arm and started walking to his car impatiently. “Okay, okay!” You looked back at Hobi who was observing everything from the back. As if knowing exactly what your look meant, he answered with a shrug yet again that said I have no idea why he’s acting this way.
You called shotgun once you got to the car and Hobi playfully kicked the back wheel of Jungkook’s car in theatrical anger. Once the three of you pulled off in the direction of Hobi’s house, you got into light conversation about the scariest parts of the movie and the faulty plot. Jungkook didn’t say a single word the entire time. He stared straight ahead at the road and kept both hands on the wheel. You glanced at him periodically, looking for reactions that might tip you off for the cause of his change in mood, but nothing made sense. By the time you said your goodbyes to Hobi through the window, you had given up on talking to Jungkook and settled for looking at the small-town scenery passing you by.
However, the longer you sat in silence, the more annoyed you became at the situation. You couldn’t help feeling like you did something wrong and you wanted answers, so you lowered the music playing on the radio and fully turned towards Jungkook. He looked at you sideways then kept his focus on the road. When you didn’t say anything, he offered a simple, “Yes?”
“Did I do something? Why are you being weird again?”
“I’m being weird?” Although Jungkook kept his serious demeanor, you could hear a smile in his voice, so you pressed further.
“Yes! You seem grumpy and It feels personal.”
After a thoughtful minute, Jungkook released the steering wheel with his right hand and took hold of your left hand.
“Sorry.” Jungkook offered a simple apology in a voice so small you weren’t sure if you actually heard it. He didn’t look at you again for the rest of the ride, but you were content with the silence and holding his hand in the darkness of his car. You welcomed the way your heartbeat quickened at the romantic contact, preferring this over his cold demeanor from earlier anyday.
It dawned on you after a while that you hadn’t told Jungkook your actual address. “Do you know where you’re going?”
“Yes,” Jungkook looked over at you and smiled at your puzzled reaction. “Because I’m not taking you home, I hope you don’t mind.”
“…You’re kidnapping me?” You smiled at him, wondering what was going through his mind.
“Is that what you normally call dating?”
“Oh, so this is a date now?”
“Yeah, didn’t you get my rolled-up proposal sent through carrier pigeon?”
You giggled, feeling relieved that things were back to normal, and also excited at the turn of events. “What’s the plan then?”
After thinking for a moment, Jungkook simply replied, “I hope you like darts.”
He ended up taking you to a hole-in-the-wall bar in town. He explained that it was his absolute favorite place to go because of the ambience and the cheap beer prices. You were content for a few reasons. For one, not many people were here, so you didn’t have to worry about talking loudly. You also enjoyed places with good beers on draft, and this was one of those places. Lastly, Jungkook seemed to be at ease here, so it made hanging out, playing games and talking casually way more fun.
Although it felt just like any other day at the café with Jungkook, you were a little on edge now since your suspicions at the theatre seemed to be proving themselves true. Did Jungkook want to date you seriously? Or did he simply want to hang out a little extra? Since the flirtation had become so normal, you weren’t sure what to make of the situation. Neither of you were the mushy type, so you feared you wouldn’t really know what was going through his head unless you asked him directly, but you didn’t want to risk seeming clingy or making him feel weird. While playing pool, you decided where you would draw the line, for your own sanity. The smell of his body wash, the way his shirt clung to his chest, and the cocky look on his face after sinking balls on the table was making your head swim. You knew it was only a matter of time before the light touching, hugging, and hand holding evolved into something more intimate, so you resolved to not let things go further unless you outlined the parameters of your relationship with him in clear bold lines. You were the type of person to fall hard for someone you had a crush on, and you could already tell that Jungkook had the potential to devastate you. You needed to be careful.
Normally, you were so much better at pool, but you were so deep in your thoughts that you were missing every shot and not realizing it. Jungkook got down to his last ball before putting his stick down and making his way over to you. You watched him approach you, put his hands on your hips and lift you onto the table so you were seated and meeting him eye to eye. The gesture took you by surprise, and you weren’t sure how to react, so you held onto his arms and looked up at him questioningly. He settled his body in between your legs while his hands rested on your thighs.
“What’s up with you?” He looked into your eyes getting straight to the point.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re sucking right now. And you were talking big game earlier, which is something you don’t do unless you can walk the walk. So, what’s on your mind?”
“Here’s a little advice, if you’re taking a girl out on a date, you might not want to insult her pool skills.” You jutted your chin out at him in a petulant pout.
“Oh yeah? Or else what?”
“Or else you’ll probably never hear from her again.” You flicked his nose playfully.
“Well it’s a good thing I work with you then. There’s no avoiding me.”
Your smile faded. Although you were both joking and talking in hypotheticals, he was absolutely right. You were having fun, but you still weren’t sure if you wanted to risk starting something with a coworker that might end badly.
Jungkook noticed your change in demeanor and backed up a few inches. “Sorry, did that one hit too close to home?”
You laughed weekly while running your fingers through your hair nervously, “Yeah…”
Jungkook sighed and extended his hand to you so you could get down from the table. “It’s late and we have work tomorrow, let’s get you home.”
As Jungkook closed the tab out at the bar, you couldn’t help but feel like a total idiot. Here was this extremely sexy and extremely cool guy who was interested in you, and you shot any chance you might’ve had with him down due to fears of something that might never even occur anyway. You felt so stupid and mentally kicked yourself all the way back to the car.
When he didn’t take hold of your hand again during the car ride to your house, you began panicking, realizing your fling with Jungkook might’ve truly ended before even starting. That’s when you realized how whipped you were for him, and how much you’d rather take the risk with him than to have nothing with him at all. It took all your nerves and then some to try and turn the night around by the time you reached your house. You decided you’d kiss him if he consented, and if he wasn’t interested then you’d deal with it and hope the earth might swallow you whole.
Jungkook parked the car along your block and took the keys out of the ignition. Good sign. He turned to you and said nothing, the ball was in your court.
“So…thanks again for tonight. It was fun.“
“Yeah it was.”
When Jungkook didn’t offer anything else, you cleared your throat. “Um…sorry if I made you feel some type of way back there. I liked where things were going before I got all weird.”
Jungkook smirked and leaned his head back on his car seat, reveling in your struggle to convey something that was clearly embarrassing for you. “What do you mean where things were going?”
You blushed at the thought of saying the things that were actually running through your mind. “Yeah, you know, with you being so close to me.”
Without missing a beat, Jungkook placed his hand on your upper thigh and squeezed, looking at your eyes and then your lips. You looked at his veiny hands on you, then up at his face and decided to throw caution to the wind. You leaned into him and planted a soft kiss on his lips, to which he responded by knotting his hands in your hair and kissing you back deeply.
As your lips went to town on each other, you thanked the heavens above that the night wasn’t a lost cause after all. You relished in the kiss as long as you could and took in every detail as if it was your first kiss ever. His lips felt incredibly soft despite the passion he was putting into the make out session. He tasted like wheat beer and buttered popcorn, and you couldn’t get enough. It didn’t take long before your tongues were introduced into the equation. Even as the kiss ignited and the movements of your heads became more exaggerated, you still wanted more. It was almost as if you two had been holding back your lust for each other for so long and now the flood gates were open.
You reached for his head and took his bucket hat off, running your fingers through his slightly damp hair that smelled like Irish Spring. You tugged lightly on his strands, eliciting a groan from his unrelentless mouth on yours. You were both leaning towards the middle with your hands on each other, but it was a bit uncomfortable, so you took your seat belt off and climbed into his lap carefully. The moment excited him and took him by surprise at the same time. He disconnected your lips from each other briefly to look up at you and smile. You blushed, wondering if it was too much, but the negative thought left your head as fast as it entered when he held your head on both sides and brought you in for another kiss. You rested your hands on his chest and tugged on his shirt slightly.
Jungkook’s hands roamed your body with restraint. It was obvious he wanted to be a gentleman and not rush things, since his hands deliberately avoided your more intimate areas. You could tell he was hungry for more, so you appreciated his show of respect. As his hands rested on your waist, two of his fingers dipped under your top and dug in, creating dimples on your flesh. You’d have enjoyed that more if his hands weren’t so cold. You flinched at the contact, moaning into the kiss to show discomfort. His hands immediately retreated, but you two laughed at the comical moment.
You sighed and sat back on his lap, looping your hands around his neck. “I should get inside.”
Jungkook’s head fell back onto the seat with a thud, his hair bouncing along. “Yeah…I should get home too.”
You both sat in silence for a few seconds, neither of you wanting to move. After taking in his fucked out appearance, you grew satisfied with yourself and exited through the driver’s side. You closed the door, waved and then headed in. From your window, you watched Jungkook adjust his pants, start the car and drive off. The whole scene had you smiling to yourself, and you were floating on cloud nine until the moment you fell asleep.
You and Jungkook hadn’t been found out about until a month after your first kiss. You both still lived with your parents, so it was almost impossible to find alone time with each other that didn’t involve heavy petting in the backseat of his car. Needless to say, you were both extremely pent up, which is why when he invited you to come to the store extra early one day, you knew he was up to something.
“Jeon Jungkook? Coming in EARLY?! Something’s gone awry.” Jungkook rolled up his cleaning towel and whipped you with it for teasing him. You yelped at the stinging feeling on your bottom.
“Say you’ll come.”
“I don’t know Jungkook, what if Mr. Kim comes in early?”
“Don’t be so paranoid. Do you want to learn how to make fancy lattes or not?”
You rolled your eyes as you wiped down the counter, knowing he was full of it. “Fuck it, why not. What time exactly?”
“Hmmm…you need a lot of help, better make it 6:00am.” If it wasn’t for the fact that a customer had approached the register at that moment, you would’ve whipped him back for making fun of you.
Bright and early the next day, you and Jungkook met up at the front of the café as planned. Mr. Kim gave him a copy of the store keys for days where he would be too busy to open himself, and it seemed Jungkook was planning on making good use of it.
Normally you’d look like death coming into work this early but knowing who was waiting for you here in private put a spring in your step and a good mood that was unlike you in the morning. Jungkook was a morning person, so he was never afflicted with such issues.
As you watched Jungkook turn on the espresso machines and check the stock for all the necessary ingredients, it was only just now occurring to you that you’d have to make fancy drinks, which was intimidating because the shop’s regular customers were used to Jungkook’s expertise, flare and efficiency.
Jungkook lined up several cups along with clean pitchers and milk on the counter before turning to you with a quirked brow. “You ready?”
“Uh, yeah I guess,” you answered nervously.
Jungkook smiled warmly and patted your shoulder. With his other hand he tipped your chin forward and stared into the depths of your eyes. “You’ve got this. I believe in you, relax.” You melted just a tiny bit.
Turning your attention to the counter, he explained what the training consisted of. “Each of these cups is a different order. I’m going to show you step by step how to make each one, and then I’m going to time you on how fast you do them.” Lifting up one cup at a time, he explained, “These are the different ways someone can order an espresso drink here: a latte, a cappuccino, a flat white, a macchiato, and an americano.” Jungkook handed you an empty pitcher. “This is where you put milk for steaming. If you look inside, there are different measurement lines to fill the milk to depending on what size they order.”
You filled the pitcher with milk to the second line, nodding along. Suddenly, Jungkook stood behind and reached around you, holding your hand with the pitcher and taking hold of the other. He led your free hand over to the nozzle on the espresso machine and very carefully showed you how to steam the milk properly. You flinched at the piercing sound of the steam aerating the milk, causing Jungkook to chuckle softly behind you.
“Hey, don’t laugh at me, I’m new at this!” You pouted with false offense.
“Sorry sorry, you’re just so cute I can’t help it.” Your face beamed in the dim morning light streaming into the café. There was absolutely no denying that you were whipped for this man.
Jungkook led your free hand around the buttons on the machine, showing you how to queue espresso shots. You watched in wonderment as the thin streams of chalky brown liquid shot out and filled tiny shot glasses. The overpowering aroma of coffee quickly filled the air.
He had you prepare 3 pitchers of steamed milk, eventually letting go of you so you could do it on your own, much to your disappointment. “Let’s start with one of the easiest drinks to make, a latte. Pour the shot into the cup and the milk over top.” You did as he instructed, watching the milk turn light brown inside of the cup and eventually foam at the very top.
Jungkook inspected your drink then took a sip. “Not bad. Okay Ms. Fancy Pants, make me a macchiato this time.”
You hesitated with the shot in one hand and the milk in the other. You knew this particular drink was the reverse of a latte…or was it? You poured the hot milk into the cup and swirled the espresso over top. Looking at Jungkook for approval, you pursed your lips at his flat stare. He tsked, shook his head and leaned off the counter to get you a new cup.
“Macchiato means ‘through the middle’. Pour the shot directly through the center and don’t deviate.” You nodded wordlessly at his stern expression. As you remade the drink, you couldn’t find an explanation as to why you found him so sexy even when he was peeved.
“Okay, do you remember how to make the flat white?” You did, but you wanted him to touch you again, so you shook your head. Jungkook smiled and lead your hand holding the pitcher of milk to create the perfect flat white latte. You both held the pitcher close to the cup after pouring the espresso in first, then brought it up a few inches, then back down until a small while dot of milk formed at the center of the brown froth. Your hand felt electrically charged from the skin to skin contact, making it hard to focus on what you were doing.
“Now for the cappuccino, I’ll give you a few tries to get it right since it’s hard to nail down at first. Hold the steam above the milk for 9 seconds instead of 4 to create a lighter, foamier pitcher of milk.”
You followed his instructions and poured the shot along with the milk into the cup. Jungkook lifted the cup and instantly put it back down. “Not light enough. Again.”
Your eyebrows knotted in concentration as you began steaming a fresh cup of milk. You didn’t get the cappuccino down until the 5th pitcher of milk which slightly embarrassed you, but Jungkook was patient and tentative throughout the process. You felt gratitude at his willingness to train you so well.
“All that’s left is the americano, and that’s the easiest one of all. It’s simply shots and hot water to the top of the cup.”
“Psh, this is cake work.” You retorted cheekily, squeezing a lid onto the coffee cup and handing it to Jungkook for a taste.
“Oh yeah, hot shot?” Jungkook brought the cup to his mouth briefly and nodded in approval.
“Yeah! Where’s the real challenge? I want to make the cool drinks you do with the artwork at the top.” You decided to reward yourself with a little whipped cream for getting through the training smoothly.
Jungkook laughed heartily. “Ah, you’re a fan of my handiwork I see. Well unfortunately,” Jungkook grabbed you by the hips suddenly and sat you on top of the counter in between the espresso machines, ”That’s not something I can teach you in one day. It takes a lot of practice and patience.” Jungkook took your wrist in his hand and led your finger topped with whipped cream to his lips. Maintaining eye contact, he parted his mouth and sucked lightly on the tip of your finger, leading with his tongue. You inhaled sharply at the view; all things coffee related instantly fleeing your mind. You slid your finger out of his mouth slowly. He opened up as you ran your finger along his bottom lip. You’d never wanted a taste of whipped cream more in your life than you had at that very moment.
It seemed Jungkook was on the same page because it only took a split second before you two were all over each other. Your legs molded themselves around his midsection and your hands held his face to yours. Your heads moved together in rhythm while your lips ravaged each other. Tongue was immediately introduced, both of you having wanted to kiss each other again for so long. You couldn’t get enough, needing more and more every passing second. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smashing his body against yours as your tongues swirled together in harmonized motion. Jungkook’s hands greedily surveyed the lay of the land, first starting off on your thighs, then your mid back, and now the top of your ass. He squeezed and groped which only encouraged your need for him. You writhed against the kiss, rubbing your breasts against his chest. Jungkook pressed you into him then took you off the counter completely. You were vaguely aware of being transported as you bit and dragged out his lip. Jungkook let out a soft groan as he placed you on top of what you assumed to be Mr. Kim’s desk. Jungkook’s fingers ran up into your hair and tugged, forcing your head to the side and exposing your neck. He began trailing wet sloppy kisses down from your ear which had you shivering in excitement. You let out a low moan when he reached the base of your neck, letting him know it was a soft spot for you. You arched your back and pushed your chest in the air to which Jungkook responded by roughly groping your breasts through your button up shirt. You hissed through your teeth at the faint pleasure his movements brought you, but you still wanted more. You’d been eyeing him for months, and when you both finally took the next step, it felt like you were stuck there for far too long. If you were this addicted to his lips, there was no telling how addictive the rest of him could be, and you so badly wanted to find out.
Jungkook reattached his mouth to yours as his hands found the fleshy feel of your bra under your shirt. You moaned into his mouth, reveling in the miniscule pleasure it brought you. You reached your hands under Jungkook’s shirt, feeling his abs on the way down to his belt and pulled on it to bring him closer to you. You began unbuckling it impatiently, struggling to work the metal latch. It took Jungkook a second to respond, realizing things were moving along in full gear. He started unbuttoning your shirt with a quickness the likes of which you’d never seen before.
However, your shirt only made it just past your shoulders before you heard the familiar bell of the shop door opening. You and Jungkook froze as Hobi sauntered into the backroom. He was fully engrossed in his phone with his airpods in, but the quick movements of you and Jungkook getting redressed attracted his attention. His face morphed from surprise to sheer horror as he realized what was going on in Mr. Kim’s office in the early hours of the morning. Hobi yelped dramatically and threw his hands over his eyes, fleeing out of the office and out of the shop altogether.
Jungkook found his reaction amusing as he tucked his shirt into his pants. You, on the other hand, were so mortified and embarrassed that you couldn’t move. Your face was tomato red and you were paralyzed in horror.
Jungkook continued chuckling as he redid the buttons of your shirt. “I guess the training took longer than we thought, huh?”
You lowered your face into your hands. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Poor Hobi! He probably thinks we were in here fucking!”
“I mean…things were kind of heading in that direction…” You began beating Jungkook on the chest with your limp balled up fists which only made him laugh harder.
You didn’t feel shame about being sexually active, or being attracted to Jungkook, but rather being seen in a negative light for getting it on in an inappropriate place. Who knows what was going through Hobi’s mind at that moment? You had to do damage control, and quickly.
You hopped off the desk and exited the back room, immediately spotting your work buddy squatting on the other side of the glass. You approached him with caution, your face still blushing furiously. Hobi looked up at you with a straight face but busted out into laughter, at which point you began beating him too. You could hear Jungkook laughing harder at the spectacle going on outside, which only made your embarrassment find permanent footing.
For the rest of the day, Hobi would hand you cups with a smirk on his face and exchange meaningful glances with Jungkook here and there, reigniting your embarassment every time. You hated them so much for the rest of that entire week.
At the end of the workday on a Friday, weeks after your hookup with Jungkook in the office, you noticed a folded-up note placed on top of your belongings. You quirked your eyebrow at it then looked back out to the floor, but none of the boys were even looking in your direction. You opened it up and read Jungkook’s scrawl: Let’s chill at my house this weekend. My parents are away 😉.
Your heart instantly began beating furiously in your chest, and you quickly stuffed the receipt paper into your back pocket. You blushed as you gathered your things. The store was busy, so you weren’t able to say goodbye to Jungkook or Hobi as you exited the shop.
You contemplated what to text Jungkook when you got home. Of course, you wanted to go, but you were nervous about the entire thing. You were again reminded about how your fling was never supposed to get this far, despite your carelessness in the early morning all those weeks ago. After Hobi had caught you two in Mr.Kim’s office that day, you slowly began pulling away from Jungkook. It was so easy to get caught up in his cologne and the way his eye contact made you feel, so you needed to reign in your emotions and get a clear head before you rushed into something you couldn’t backtrack from. If you took that next step with him, there would be serious repercussions, and it seemed as though you two were headed in that direction, so you needed time to adjust. You were never able to muster up the courage to be frank with him about everything you’re feeling, so you felt as though you had no footing when it came to your relationship with him. Because of that, you weren’t sure if this meant you two would be officially dating or not, and you felt way too awkward to bring it up at this point, especially if this was all just fun and games in his head.
Your after-work routine had become second nature to you by now. As soon as your bedroom door closed behind you, the events went exactly as follows: Run the bath water as hot as possible, strip your work clothes into the laundry bin, light the vanilla candle that barely had any wax left in it, loosen the bun on your head, slowly and carefully submerge yourself in the steaming water without splashing any out of the tub.
As you laid on the porcelain, you closed your eyes and rested your head back onto the edge, contemplating Jungkook’s note. You wondered if Jungkook really hadn’t noticed you ignoring his advances this entire time. Maybe you weren’t being obvious enough? You sighed heavily and sank deeper into the tub, because that meant you would have to go over and explain why you couldn’t hook up with him despite having the perfect opportunity to do so, and you were not looking forward to that.
You remembered that Jungkook was off tomorrow, but you weren’t, and you were thankful for that. He might back you into a corner, and you needed to find the resolve somewhere inside of yourself to turn down this amazing boy. You texted him back a simple sentence: What’s your address?
Your morning Saturday shift went by way too quickly, not giving you enough time to settle your nerves. You tried to focus on work, but every once in a while, your mind would drift to what was to happen later that night. It didn’t help that there were barely any customers to keep you busy, so you were in your head the entire time. You’d never worked a Saturday before, so you didn’t know what to expect. Normally Jungkook would work Saturdays on his own. You idly wondered why today was any different.
Thankfully, Mr. Kim had opened the store with you and had tasks lined up to keep you at least a little busy. You quickly surmised that Saturdays at the coffee shop were dedicated to deep cleaning.
As you soaked the coffee pots in cleaning fluid and scrubbed the calcium buildup from the steaming nozzles, you practiced what you would say to Jungkook when he’d try to make a move. I don’t think we should keep doing this. No…that’s too serious, I don’t want to make things awkward. Listen, this is fun and all, and I appreciate you inviting me over, but I’ve given it some thought since our last hookup and I don’t want to have sex with you!
You blushed and chuckled at yourself for getting worked up at imaginary scenarios. It all felt quite silly considering you were putty in his hands anyway. Would you even have the resolve to refuse him? You knew a big part of you didn’t want to, but you knew if you didn’t then someone would end up getting hurt and you knew that person would most likely be you. You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself if you had to quit this super convenient job because of relationship drama. You shook your head at the thought.
As soon as your shift at the café was done, Jungkook pulled up in his car out front and beeped the horn to get your attention. He didn’t tell you he’d be picking you up, so you were caught by surprise. It also warmed you a little that he went out of his way to get you when you could’ve easily driven to him. You smiled and waved at him as you approached the car. He leaned across and pushed the door open for you.
You had planned to go home and doll yourself up a little, but this scenario was probably for the best, although you couldn’t help the relief you felt at having decided to shave the night before. You beat back the unhelpful cheeky thoughts.
“Hey you.” Jungkook took off towards his house, whistling an upbeat tune.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were picking me up, thanks!” You buckled your seat belt and sat back, but then realized this scenario was not for the best, since you wouldn’t be able to drive yourself home if things got awkward at his house. You clenched and unclenched your hands in nervousness, but Jungkook grabbed it and brought it to his mouth, gently brushing his lips on your knuckles then holding onto it for the rest of the ride. The sweet gesture calmed your nerves.
Only 15 minutes had passed by before Jungkook was pulling into a driveway that lead to the back of a big beautiful house. As you exited the car, you could already hear loud barking coming from the back door. Jungkook headed inside first, holding an overly excited golden retriever back so you could enter. The dog barked excitedly then calmed down enough to sniff your shoes. His tail wagged with an intensity that you swore was creating a draft. You extended your hand uncertainty and the dog licked it eagerly.
You giggled as you petted the animal, “I didn’t know you had a dog!”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Jungkook smiled and leaned on one of the counters in his kitchen as he watched you squat to rub the dog’s neck.
“Touché.” You took a break to look around. The back door had led into a giant kitchen adorned with stainless steal appliances. You whistled at how beautiful and grand it all was. “Nice house!”
“Thanks, my parents work hard.” Jungkook busied himself on the stove. It seemed he had prepared something for you two to eat. Your stomach rumbled at the smell of peppers and onions sizzling on a pan.
“Ah, so you don’t take after them I see.”
Jungkook chuckled at your jab, “Keep talking like that and you won’t get any of this delicious food I slaved over!”
“Oh, you slaved over this meal!? I gotta see what it is then” You giggled as you uncovered each pot sitting on the stove. Your mouth watered at the assortment of noodles, meats and vegetables that smelled amazingly. “I will say, I’m impressed. I guess making drinks isn’t your only forte.”
“Oh babe, you have no idea.” Jungkook smiled cheekily, enjoying his not so private joke as he grabbed two ceramic plates from the overhead cabinet. You swallowed thickly.
Jungkook served you a hearty plate and then did the same for himself. You waited for him to finish, unsure of where to sit and eat. He led you past a dining room, down a hallway and into a big living room with large sectionals that faced a mounted television on the wall. An episode of an anime played on the screen as Jungkook plopped himself on the far end of the couch and began digging in. You were happy at how normal this all felt, almost as if you had been coming here to hang out with him for years.
You took a seat on the couch an arm’s length away from him and began eating as you focused on the show. It was an episode of One Piece that you had already seen, but it still engrossed you enough to forget about being all alone with your crush.
After a while, you looked over at Jungkook who had been observing you for who knows how long.
“You inhale your food, you know that?” He beamed his signature crooked smile at you, and you were too caught up in it to retort.
Instead, you rolled your eyes and took his empty plate and yours to the kitchen to wash, yelling over your shoulder, “I like to eat, OK?! Sue me!”
You didn’t hear Jungkook’s footsteps following you as you washed the plates in the sink. His arms snaked around your midsection and his chin rested on your shoulder which startled you enough to drop the plate you were scrubbing. Thankfully it didn’t break, so you kept doing the dishes as you willed your heart to stop drumming in your ears.
“Thanks, but you don’t have to do all that. You’re my guest.” Jungkook spoke softly next to your ear as he watched you rinse his plate.
“I don’t mind, you cooked after all. It was delicious by the way.” Your voice was small in the quiet of the kitchen.
After a while, Jungkook brought his hand up to your chest and rested it there. “Why are you so nervous? Your heart is beating really fast.”
You blushed and took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. Jungkook gently turned you around as soon as you put the plate on the dish rack. You looked up at him, but his eyes were focused on your mouth. He leaned into you, but instead of kissing you, he brushed his nose against the tip of yours.
“You have nothing to be nervous about. I just wanted to hang out with you. There’s no pressure here, OK?” You nodded at him, unable to meet his eyes but instead wishing he had kissed you. “Want a tour?” Jungkook smiled widely and it was infectious because you found yourself grinning back at him while nodding.
The curly haired brunette took you through each room of his spacious house. He led you around the first floor, explaining which family member was in each framed picture that lined the walls. You giggled at a cute picture of him as a baby hung just past the bathroom and you could swear Jungkook blushed just a little at your reaction. Once you had seen everything on the first floor, the boy took you by the hand and led you up the stairs. The second floor had 3 bedrooms in it and another bathroom. Taped up cardboard boxes lined the walls to which Jungkook apologized for. You rolled your eyes at him because his house was impeccable. If he thinks this is messy, I’m never taking him to my house.
The last room Jungkook showed you was his own. He waited at the entrance of it as you bounded past him and into the room. It heavily contrasted the other rooms you had seen since it was smaller in size and had dark blue painted walls instead of the usual ivory. Sports trophies and metals sat perched atop floating shelves along with manga books and video games. You took your time going through everything as he watched you carefully from afar. Once you reached his desk, you noticed his high-tech gaming setup complete with a back-support chair. You plopped on it and spun around. Reaching out to touch a button on the keyboard, it made a loud click noise. Mechanical keyboard.
You looked back at Jungkook. His expression was wary, having no idea what was going through your head as you studied the most personal things about him.
“Mechanical keyboard hooked up to a Corsair desktop with liquid coolant? Jungkook, you’re such a nerd!!” He let out the breath he was holding and laughed as he came in to sit on his bed.
“I won’t deny it.” Jungkook watched as you surfed his computer, checking what games he had downloaded. This setup cost a couple thousand dollars easily, so you took the opportunity to play a game of Overwatch while you could. Jungkook tisked after every time you died, but it was hard to focus on the game when he was sitting 2 feet away from you on a bed. You wondered if he was going to make a move on you or not. What if he doesn’t? You contemplated having the conversation with him anyway.
“Okay, get up. You just put my gamer tag to shame. I have to show you how a true master does it.” You giggled as he replaced you on the chair and instantly queued up for another game. You sat cross legged on the bed watching him play for a while. He was really good, you couldn’t deny it, but as your eyes took in the rest of his room, an alien feeling came over you. You gazed at the polaroids of a younger Jungkook smiling amongst his friends hanging along a large mirror, at his worn-out baseball glove that sat on top of his dresser, at the mess of clothes at the corner of the room that looked like he had changed outfits 6 times. Your heart was full in that moment, and you realized just how much you really liked Jungkook. You were so happy to be there with him, so content in his presence even as he was engrossed in his game. No, you more than liked him. And you knew this for months, but you didn’t want to admit it to yourself until now. You smiled down at your lap, realizing you were never going to have that conversation with him after all, there was no way you could part ways with someone that made you feel the way that he did, risk or no risk.
Suddenly overcome with emotion, you looked back at Jungkook who was hunched over the screen, furiously clicking away at the keys on the keyboard. In one swift motion, you pulled your shirt over your head and threw it on the floor. You took your hair out of the bun it had been in and let your strands fall over your shoulders. Jungkook looked over his shoulder at you briefly but did a double-take, realizing you were suddenly sitting on his bed with no shirt on. His mouth fell open in shock, but he didn’t miss a beat, instantly standing up to turn off his desktop and joining you on the bed. He placed a knee on the mattress next to you and leaned over you, attaching his lips to yours. You leaned back until you were laying on the bed with Jungkook on top of you. He held his weight on his elbows, careful not to be overbearing, but you didn’t care about that. You wanted to feel him on you, so you wrapped your legs around his waist and brought him to you. His arms rested on either side of your head as his lips worked gently and tentatively on your mouth. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, but after a while your hands began roaming and exploring. Your fingers took turns entwining themselves in his shiny brown locks, then caressing his face as you made out. Eventually, they reached for the bottom of his shirt, but he was already ahead of you as he kneeled briefly to take it off then reattached himself to your lips right after.
Your fingers began kneading the muscles on his shoulders and his arms, feeling how taught they were. Your fingertips lightly slid down his chest and onto the flat expanse of his stomach. You felt his abs twitch as he smiled into the kiss, “Sorry, your hands are cold.”
You giggled an I’m sorry as he took hold of both of your hands in his and held them above your head on the bed, pinning you down. You wanted to keep touching him, so you writhed against his hold on you, pushing your chest into his. You could feel Jungkook’s boner where it lay stiffly on your thigh just past your sex. You circled your hips trying to get it to hit the spot that needed attention. Jungkook understood what you were after and began bucking his hips sensually into yours. You moaned into the kiss, feeling his clothed shaft press harshly against the apex of your thighs. Jungkook lifted his face away from yours, dragging your bottom lip out as he did. He held both of your hands with his right, freeing his left to begin groping your breasts. His hands worked their magic over the lacey fabric of your bra, your nipples hardening just under the material. When he didn’t unhook your bra, you sat up and did it yourself. You realized he was probably letting you take the wheel after what he had said in the kitchen, so you decided to do just that. You got up on your knees and pushed Jungkook onto the bed, mounting him and putting your hands on his chest.
A wild glint shown in his eyes, to which you smiled and bit your lip, returning to his face to continue making out. You began circling your hips, grinding your clit against his boner and earning some groans from the boy. You sat up so you could watch his face as you continued grinding on him. His hands came up to your hips and held onto them roughly with his head thrown back in pleasure.
Your hands found the rim of his pants and began tugging. Jungkook lifted his hips so you could pull them down. You slid his pants to his ankles and he kicked them off. Your mouth watered as you stared down at the view beneath you. Jungkook’s chest heaved as he regained his breath from making out nonstop. His tan abs dipped below the waistband of his black boxer briefs that stretched tautly over his muscular thighs. Jungkook sat up on his elbows, looking up at you expectantly. You looked back at him and maintained eye contact as you slowly slid your jeans off of your body. Jungkook bit his lip as he watched you undressed for him. His dick twitched in his boxers, begging for attention. You quickly obliged, squeezing his boner with your hand over his boxers. He hissed and laid back down, draping his arm over his eyes. You wondered if he was shy when it came to sex, and the thought had your heart bursting at the seams.
You leaned down and licked a stripe over his clothed shaft, earning a gasp from the boy. You drenched the fabric in your saliva as you stared intently at Jungkook who had sat back up to look at you in surprise. You curled your fingers over the waistband and watched him for approval. He lifted his hips with permission as you slid the material off of him. His boner sprang free, leaking and angry. You licked your lips, gently taking hold of it. You swept your hair to the side and tucked a few loose strands behind your ear as you leaned in to get close to his penis. You gave it a few lazy strokes as you gently kissed the tip. Again, you watched for his reaction, and he assured you he wanted this just as much as you did when he bucked his hips at your mouth’s proximity to his member. You smiled at how excited he seemed, licking another strip up his shaft and leaving a wet streak from bottom to top. Jungkook hissed again, wearing his bottom lip out with his teeth. Once your tongue reached the top, you took his head into your mouth, curling your lips over your teeth and letting it rest on your circling tongue. Inch by inch, you took him into you keeping your mouth tight around him. Jungkook gaped as your nose furrowed itself in his pubic hair. You came up slowly, sucked the top a bit then went down again. Jungkook laid back down, enveloped in absolute pleasure. His hands found themselves in your hair, eventually holding your head in place so he could buck into you. As Jungkook fucked your mouth, you couldn’t help the drool that spilled from your lips and dripped down his member, further lubricating him and creating sloppy wet sounds each time he entered and exited your mouth. Jungkook’s expression became focused and borderline angry with his eyebrows knit together in pure pleasure and concentration. You noted how deliciously vocal he was with his consistent moaning and groaning filling the air. You could feel yourself getting increasingly wet at the view and the sounds before you.
After a while, Jungkook slowed and then took himself out of your mouth. His penis was dripping wet and even more red than it was before. You wiped your mouth with your thumb as he stroked himself lazily. Jungkook tore his eyes away from you briefly to rummage through his nightstand for a condom. You busied yourself with getting rid of your underwear. Feeling your sex yearning for attention as he struggled to find a condom, you mounted his midsection again and sat directly on top of his penis. Slowly, you began moving your hips back and forth. You slid easily along his shaft with the lubrication of your spit that hadn’t dried yet. You moaned lightly, feeling some pleasure from your movements. Jungkook stilled as he felt your pussy getting so close to enveloping him. He held your hip with one hand and clutched the condom in the other. His eyebrows knit together as he hesitated before leading your hips back and forth once more. Your moans and his groans filled the room in unison. Your wetness coated his dick, further exciting him.
“Fuck Y/N. You’re such a bad influence.” Jungkook’s voice shook and you smiled, realizing how fucked out he was, but you were too, maybe even more. Jungkook watched you excitedly as you took hold of the base of his penis and line him up with your entrance. He tossed the condom to the side and helped guide his penis into you. You both moaned loudly as he slipped inside of you easily. You quivered at the feeling of being so full. When you tried to move, Jungkook held you in place and you realized he was trying not to bust right then and there. You smiled and leaned forward to kiss him, deciding to give him a break so he could calm down. You kissed him passionately as he cupped your face between his large veiny hands. After a while, his hands traveled down to your ass and squeezed them hard. You responded by tightening around him. He began easing himself in and out of you, holding your cheeks apart so he could eventually slam into you repeatedly. You moaned loudly into his mouth at the sudden pleasure that overtook you. Jungkook moved his head back to disconnect your lips and watch your face as you moaned. You sat up and began bouncing on his dick wildly. Jungkook moved his hands to your breasts when he noticed them bouncing with each rough hip thrust. You steadied yourself by placing your hands on his lower stomach and threw your head back in sheer pleasure.
You took the opportunity of Jungkook eventually taking a break to begin circling your hips with him inside. Surely enough, the head of his penis found your g spot and you began moaning carelessly again. He watched as you got yourself off on top of him, reveling in the view of you letting your inhibitions go. Jungkook watched you intently you got closer and closer to reaching your high. Your hips quickened in pace then suddenly stopped as your toes curled and your walls pulsed around him. You keeled over on top of him, feeling every inch of your skin breaking out in goosebumps. You laid your head in the crook of his neck, breathing heavily. Jungkook moved your hair out of the way then kissed your forehead. You chuckled out of breath before speaking, “Fuck, Jungkook.”
Swiftly and effortlessly, Jungkook flipped you so that he was now on top. Jungkook decided to give you a break as he focused his attention on your breasts. He pinched and pulled on your nipples, sending tiny shocks down to your sensitive core each time. He brought his tongue to one and began licking and sucking, then did the same to the other. You scratched his head idly, appreciating the way he took his time with you.
Jungkook began kissing upwards on your chest, all the way up to your mouth and kissed you intimately. The kiss was deep and slow, without tongue this time, and it took your breath away. You had to hold back a moan at how sweet the kiss was. You never wanted it to end, but when his hand traveled down towards your sex, you knew you were ready for more. Jungkook sat back and slapped your clit with his dick before easing himself inside of you once more. You were still slick from your orgasm and it had Jungkook closing his eyes in pleasure. You shivered and pulled Jungkook back onto you again to feel his warmth on you. Slowly yet steadily, he began moving in and out of you as he laid on top of you. His arms caged your head in as he began kissing you sweetly again. This time you did moan, and it seemed to egg Jungkook on, but he didn’t want to ruin the romanticism in that moment, so he continued his slow place and focused on your mouth. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and began circling around yours sloppily. You opened your mouth fully, willing to take anything and everything. It all felt so good and so surreal, you could feel yourself getting impossibly wetter, and you knew he could too with the way he began growling.
“Fuck, Y/N” You could only moan your answer as you both instantly felt the need to fuck hard. Jungkook lifted himself up just enough as he sped up and begin pounding into you roughly, holding your hips in place as he did. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he fucked the living soul out of you. Eventually, he sat back and held your legs wide open as his dick entered and exited you relentlessly. Your moans grew so loud, you were sure it could be heard from outside, but you didn’t care. You wanted him to keep fucking you forever, but your body had other plans. It didn’t take long for the familiar blooming in your lower stomach to begin making your toes curl again and your back arch. With his hair clinging to the sweat on his forehead and a look of concentration, Jungkook looked into your eyes while you stared back at him with your mouth agape. “You gonna come for me again?” Jungkook’s words were tight and stern which only made you moan more.
“Fuck, yes, yes, I-I am. Fuuuuck Jungkook!” Your second orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks. You stared up at the ceiling as the familiar warm feeling spread to your extremities.
“That’s it baby, c’mon.” Jungkook fucked you through your orgasm as your walls spasmed around him. As you lay on the bed exhausted and reeling, he quickly pulled out of you and pumped himself a few times, spurting cum all over your stomach. Jungkook groaned loudly as the ropes of hot white liquid shot out of him. You were too spent to look, instead feeling the burning sensation of each drop landing on your moist skin.
As he milked the last of his cum out of his dick, you looked at your stomach covered in white and laughed breathlessly. “Jesus Jungkook, empty your balls once in a while.”
“Shut the fuck up, I’ve been busy.” Jungkook laughed breathlessly along with you, running his fingers through his sweaty hair. He got up from the bed and returned with baby wipes. You cleaned yourself up and tossed the soiled wipes in a nearby trashcan.
Making space for him on the bed, Jungkook laid down next to you. Neither of you said anything for a while, choosing instead to look up at the ceiling as your breathing evened out. You began breaking out in goosebumps at the feeling of being naked without a blanket over you. As if on cue, Jungkook pulled the covers up over the both of you. You turned to the side in contentment. Jungkook spooned you and wrapped his arm around you, making it easy for the both of you to drift to sleep.
In the middle of the night, you woke him up for another round, but this time it was him who was giving you oral, and just as with all else, he was extremely generous.
Monday came and went without any sign of Jungkook at work. When you showed up on Tuesday morning and he was absent again, you pouted, wondering what was going on. After the morning rush, you decided to mention it to Hobi at the risk of sounding clingy.
You watched your friend wipe down the counters before clearing your throat. “It’s not like Jungkook to miss two days of work in a row. I wonder if he’s okay…”
Hobi stilled his hand on the rag and looked at you in confusion.
“…What?” You quirked an eyebrow at him, wondering why he was starting to look so surprised. It seemed like he was trying to find the right words with which to respond. “Spit it out Hobi! You’re worrying me.” You couldn’t help the bad feeling that fell over you as you watched Hoseok fully turn to you with a worried expression on his face.
“Y/N…didn’t Jungkook tell you?”
“…Tell me what? Ugh Hobi just say it!” You bit your lip anxiously. Hoseok rubbed his neck, mimicking your anxiety.
“Y/N…Jungkook’s last day was Friday. He moved to Connecticut with his family this past Sunday…” You stared at your friend in disbelief, waiting for the punchline that never came.
You chuckled nervously. “Hobi…what are you talking about? I was just with him and-“ The memory of all the boxes around his house flashed in your mind and made the rest of your sentence die in your throat.
Hobi looked at you with pity in his eyes. “I’m sorry, I know you two were close. I figured you already knew. I wonder why he didn’t say anything…” When you didn’t offer him a response, he resumed cleaning the counters and gave you a much needed moment to process everything.
You sagged against the register and stared into the backroom at Jungkook’s deserted cubby, unable to believe the sudden news. Why wouldn’t he say goodbye? Your first instinct was to feel betrayed and used. You opened yourself up to him and took the risk of falling, and he wasn’t going to be there to catch you after all. But you knew you couldn’t blame him entirely, since the ball had been in your court the entire time.
After a couple minutes of silence, a group of customers walked in, so you tore yourself away from the backroom and focused on them, willing your tears not to fall, and they didn’t, at least not until you got into the bathtub later that day. Turns out, you had been Jungkook’s replacement.
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babyflossy · 4 years
ice cream | j.ww
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gif credits to owner
pairing: wonwoo x reader
requested: yes! requests are still open mainly for nct, seventeen and ateez but i can probably write for others!
summary: when wonwoo’s babysitter cancels on him, you offer to look after his daughter despite the fact you have zero experience with children.
genre: single parents au, fluff
warnings: unedited
word count: 1.7k
when wonwoo's babysitter cancels on him at seven am on a thursday, he thinks his week can't get any worse. he's already had to dodge difficult clients and reschedule a whole day’s meetings after his three-year-old daughter, heejin, was sick and he had to stay home. that thought is proved incorrect, however, when he clips heejin into her car seat and he sees her bottom lip start to wobble. sighing loudly seems to only make the little girl more upset and before he can comfort her, the tears are already streaming down her face.
"hey, hey, hey," he soothes, wiping his fingers on the delicate skin under her eyes. "it's okay, sweetheart, daddy's bringing you to work today," wonwoo wracks his brain for something to cheer her up, at least until he gets to his office. "how about we get ice cream for lunch? would that cheer you up?"
he almost amazed at how ice cream seems to always solve heejin's toughest problems. warm relief floods his system as she stops sniffling and beams at him, her large eyes shining up at him.
"there we go, you have to be a good girl, though. can you do that for daddy?" she nods vigorously, clutching her fluffy bunny toy in her hands.
as it turns out, the ice cream promise can only work for so long, and as soon as wonwoo steps into the elevator, heejin clinging to his leg, her tears start falling again. he lifts her up, perching her on his hip as he tries to calm her cries. he wraps his arms tighter around her, pulling her into a comforting hug.
the last thing you expect to see when you're frantically trying to fit another consultation into wonwoo's schedule is a toddler in the office. let alone a toddler clung to your boss, crying into his neck. you freeze momentarily, confused, but are broken out of your stupor when the person on the other end of the phone starts shouting at you.
"i'm very sorry, mr montgomery, but mr jeon's schedule is completely full for the next week," the man in question shoots you an apologetic smile as he passes, trying not to laugh at the bewildered expression on your face. "i can fit you in for early next week, or i can defer you to another lawyer?"
after your borderline traumatic conversation, you decide to find wonwoo and ask him what the hell was going on. unsurprisingly, he's sat in his office, but instead of him in the chair behind his desk the little girl from earlier sits there, her body engulfed by the dark brown leather. she's still crying, her sobs getting louder and louder the longer you stand in his doorway. you're not sure if you should knock, you usually don't bother but the way he's crouched in front of her, offering her a reassuring smile, seems personal.
"i didn't know it was bring your child to work day," you start, walking a few steps inside the office before stopping, unsure how to act. "i would've brought my cat."
wonwoo chuckles and stands, accepting the slim brown file you hand him, flicking the first page open as you try not to stare at his child. you hadn't even been aware wonwoo had children until this moment. he still hasn't actually said it's his daughter, but the slope of her nose and the sparkle in her wide eyes confirm your suspicions.
"her babysitter cancelled this morning; the replacement is coming here at two." his words are distracted as he frowns at the busy day he has. he had been hoping it would be quick day so he could take heejin home and put a disney movie on for her to watch, maybe cook her favour food as a peace offering.
"ah, i see." you weren't quite sure why it was so jarring to find out wonwoo had kids. perhaps you should've known by the way your heart deflated slightly when you realised the kid must have a mother somewhere.
he looks up at you at your voice, frowning not unkindly. "i know it's inconvenient, but there was nowhere else she could go." the way he says it makes guilt flush through you and you immediately try to change your attitude.
"no, no, it's fine," the bags under his eyes don't do anything to make you feel better. "what's her name?"
"heejin," he smiles at her and you nearly melt, "she's nearly four. but she has a tendency to never stop crying when she starts. i think she's just scared."
walking up the chair, you crouch down and offer her your warmest smile, holding out your hand to her. "hi, heejin, my name's y/n, i work with your daddy." her cries stop, and she stares at you in what looks like confusion, but you were never good with kids. wonwoo holds his breath and waits for her to start screaming like she usually did with strangers, but he's shocked when heejin matches your smile. your eyes widen when her tiny hand clasps the ends of your fingers, an innocent giggle making your smile widen.
when you stand back up, the shock still on wonwoo's face makes you laugh. the file in his hand catches your eye again and you would regret if you didn't offer to help later. "do you want me to watch her for you? i can work in here, you have meetings to get to."
"you know i'm only making you do this because i'm desperate, right? i'm so sorry, i'll make sure you get a bonus for this," are the last words he says before he kisses heejin's forehead and rushes off to his first meeting, shooting you one last grateful smile on the way out.
once heejin had completely calmed down, she was quite easy to deal with. you were typing away on your laptop, replying to emails and starting to sort out the cases you and wonwoo would have to deal with over the next few weeks. heejin was sat on your lap, colouring a tiger you had printed off for her, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. thankfully, no one knocked on wonwoo's office door for the whole morning except mingyu, who apparently heejin already knew and loved.
the surprise on his face wore off quickly when she shouted in glee. "uncle mingyu!" she called, dropping the orange colouring pencil and waving her arms up for him. he shot you a questioning look over her head as he picked her up, throwing her up in and catching her a few times. you mouthed the words babysitter cancelled at him and he nodded in understanding.
"hello heejin-ah, what are you doing here?" mingyu's voice was theatrically positive and you had to stop yourself form laughing at your usually serious co-worker playing with a tiny little girl.
"daddy said i had to come to work with him, but then he promised me ice cream for lunch," you never thought ice cream could make a child so happy.
"well if he promised then i guess you should get excited," he patted her hair down as he sat perched on his waist, "are you having fun with y/n?"
the cold wash of nerves surprised you as you waited for her to answer. "yes!" you breathed a sigh of relief, "she showed me pictures of her kitten! daddy won't let me get a kitten!" mingyu raised an eyebrow at you but you pretended to be busy on your laptop.
after mingyu left, heejin went back to colouring, only raising her head to complain she was hungry every now and then. wonwoo's meeting was supposed to have finished five minutes ago, so you told her he was coming to stop her complaining.
when he finally did turn up his hair was dishevelled from raking his hand through it and his tie was loosened around his neck. heejin jumped from you lap and ran up to him, hugging her arms around the bottom of his leg. "hi, princess, you ready for ice cream?" he asked as he picked her up.
"can y/n come?" your eyes widened at her question and you could feel your cheeks heat up. wonwoo seemed just as surprised, giving her what you thought was a warning look. his eyes softened when she whined his name. "daddy, please?"
his eyebrows were raised to you in question and you stumbled over a response, unsure what you were supposed to say. "i wouldn't want to intrude–"
"nonsense, she's normally shy around strangers, so she must really like you." your cheeks blazed further at the thinly veiled compliment and you nodded.
heejin was distracted on the walk to the ice cream store, watching the people pass by, and you took the opportunity to ask what you had been burning to the whole day. "i didn't know you had kids," you started, thinking on how best to bring up the topic.
luckily you didn't have to explicitly ask. "i don't tell many people, i guess. her mother left as soon as she was born, it's always just been the two of us." nodding in understanding, you hated the way your heart felt that little bit lighter knowing he was still single. the worker asking for your orders saved you from thinking of an appropriate response.
finding a seat was easy as the shop was quite empty for lunchtime. wonwoo had insisted on paying for your ice cream, claiming it was repaying you for looking over heejin, even though you told him again and again you had enjoyed it. heejin was too focused on her ice cream to pay attention to either of you.
"so, uh," wonwoo started and you didn't fail to notice the slight pinking of his cheeks. "do you have anyone special at home?" his words were awkward, and he watched you try not to laugh.
"no, it's kinda difficult to meet people with such long hours."
he nodded in understanding, trying to calm his heartbeat, hating how he felt like a teenager about to ask out his crush. the ice cream on your spoon slipped back into the pot as you swirled it around, waiting with bated breath for his next words.
"did you want to maybe, go for dinner sometime?"
"i'd love that."
a/n: i haven’t written for seventeen since like september so this was really fun! and it made me miss them :(
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Chapter 18 | Caterpillar
CW: fluff :D, slight anxiety and nervousness mentioned, slight angst ! <3
AN: OOOOHHH!! I'm so so so excited for this chapter, you guys!
When you see the asterisks (**) play the song!!! <33
Later on that day, we get dressed in sweaters (me wearing Spencer's of course), and walk to the pumpkin patch, each drinking a cup of apple cider. We laugh at the little children playing in the hay, picking their pumpkins out, and playing with their friends.
Spencer and I haven't talked about kids yet, although we both agree we want them in the future-- obviously, together.
Just daydreaming about the amazing life ahead of us makes my heart and soul happy.
I can't wait for it.
Spencer's POV:
Today's the day.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to ask her.
I'm scared, but very excited.
I'm more than ready.
I can't wait any longer.
Today's the day.
Reader's POV:
The early morning sun beams through the hotel room behind the white curtains, kissing my skin with warmth, my eyes beginning to peel open at the light. I glance at the clock which reads in its red font, 8:53 am.
I reach my hand behind my body to meet my hand with Spence's body but am instead met with an empty, slightly chilly mattress. I turn around, my eyebrows furrowing.
Where did he go?
Sitting up, I take the glass of water from the nightstand and let the cool liquid run down my throat. As I set the glass back down, I see a note from Spencer which reads:
Good morning, my love.
It's currently 8:19 am, and you are still asleep.
I will be gone for a little bit this morning as I have to run some quick errands to run, so if you have just woken up and I am not there, that is why.
I'll be back as soon as possible, but in the meantime, get ready for a relaxed day at the hotel because tonight I have something special planned for you.. Well us.
I love you to the moon and back.
A small smile spreads across my lips, my heart fluttering in my chest as butterflies spread throughout my body. I hold the note to my chest tightly, as if I were a teenage girl again who just received a note from her crush saying that they liked her back.
Which in a sense, was sort of true... kind of.
My smile began to hurt my face as I set the note back down, walking to the bathroom and brushing my teeth, then turning the shower on to wash my body off.
I clipped my hair up and hopped into the shower once the mirrors began to fog and the atmosphere around me began to get thick and steamy. I exfoliated, shaved, and then proceeded to wash my body with the lavender soap the hotel had provided for us.
Hopping out of the shower, I moisturized my body and did my skin-care routine, then fixed my hair for the day, deciding on leaving it clipped up and away from my face, besides the hairs that I manually pulled out of the clip's grasp to frame my face.
Walking out of the bathroom to grab some clothes for the day, I decided on wearing a cotton-brown v-cut shirt that gently hugged my waist, and some white and light-blue vertical striped pajama bottoms.
Slipping on some mismatched socks, I heard a small beeping from the door, then a soft buzz as Spencer opened the door, two coffee cups in hand and three parchment-paper wrapped treats.
His hair was messy, his glasses drooping down on his nose as he set down the coffees and treats, pushing his glasses back up his nose, his gray sweatpants perched low on his hips as his hoodie had been pulled up, exposing a little bit of skin along with some of the curve of his v-line.
My heart still skipped a beat at the mere sight of him.
He adjusted his hoodie and slipped off his converse. I made my way over to him, skipping happily as I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck, Spencer's grin being quickly covered by my lips as he held my waist.
I stood on my tippy-toes as we kissed, Spencer peppering very light kisses on my lips before he kissed me deeper, one of his hands coming up to cup my jaw lightly.
I pulled away slightly, Spencer's lips still chasing after mine, to which I laid a small kiss on his lips again to satiate him.
"Hi," I whispered, a small and genuine smile stretching over my lips that was no-doubt red and slightly swollen.
Spencer opened his eyes to a half-lidded gaze, laying a soft kiss on my lips.
"Hi," he smiled softly, bringing his hands to my face as he used his thumbs to wipe phantom tears from my cheeks. His palms, although slightly calloused, felt like silk against face as he cupped my cheeks.
"I got your note.. What errands did you have to run?" I asked, toying with the hair on the back of his head. Spencer pulled his hands from my face, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"I went to uhm, g-get coffee and ran to the store to get some ibuprofen as I know you get headaches on plane rides." he stuttered.
Why did he seem so nervous?
Spencer pulled away from my grasp hesitantly, and I drew my eyebrows together at his sudden distant-ness.
"Are you okay, Spence?" I walked over to the table where he was as he took a long sip of his coffee, which was unecessarily more drawn out than it needed to be.
He licked his lips, swallowing the hot liquid and nodded his head dismissively, his eyes tracing over my confused features.
Why was he acting so weird?
He cleared his throat after a moment, then sighed softly, walking over to me and kissing me gently.
"I'm okay, I promise," he murmurs against my lips, kissing my nose softly then going back to my lips for a very tender kiss. "Okay?" he asks, pulling away from my lips and holding my hand with his.
I'm still curious, but I won't force him if he doesn't want to talk.
I nod, a small, almost ingenuine- yet puzzled smile plastered across my lips as I kiss him back.
It's quiet for a moment.
Almost tense.. Which is odd to me as it wasn't literally two minutes ago.
I avert my eyes from his as his arm wraps around my waist, his other hand coming up to pick up my chin gently so I look in his eyes.
"I love you, you know that?" he asks softly, kissing my lips gently and I close my eyes to relish in the feeling before nodding.
"I know." I kiss him back as if to say I love you, too.
However, I'm still confused as to why he's acting suspicious and nervous.
He's kind of distant.
It's weird.
4:55 PM
Reader's POV:
The rest of the day passes by at a normal rate, Spencer and I cuddling in bed once we finished eating our chocolate chip cookies, him spouting random facts to me.
Although it was all very fun, I couldn't help but brush off the nervous tension that was omitted from him. It was weird, really... Usually I could read Spencer like he read his books: quickly and effectively-- but this was different. He was all touchy-feely one minute, but nervous and tense the next.. which- don't get me wrong- I loved, but I was hoping that everything was okay.
Around five, we lay in bed, his arms wrapped around me tightly, my head laying on his chest as we finished watching the third Star Trek movie.
Spence draws small patterns on my arm before he runs his fingers gingerly through my hair as I hum in content, kissing his bare chest. He drags his fingers soothingly down the back of my arm, kissing the top of my head.
It's quiet and calm.
"Come here," he whispers down at me, and I sit up, smiling softly as he suddenly pulls me in for a deep and ardent kiss, his lips moving slowly with mine.
My breath hitches in my throat as he cups my face, before pulling away.
"What was that for?" I ask breathlessly, laughing softly.
Spencer shrugs slightly, but his eyes show so much emotion that I can't detect exactly what his brain is thinking at this moment-- in fact, I couldn't say what emotions he's been feeling today.. It's odd... Usually I can.
"Just cause."
He smiles softly, bringing me in for another kiss before resting his forehead on mine, his fingers intertwining with my fingers as he uses his thumb to rub the back of my hand gently.
"I'm sorry for acting kind of weird today.. I'm sort of nervous about what I have planned for you- I mean- us, tonight."
I frown, using my free hand to brush his unruly curls out of his eyes.
"You don't have to worry at all. I'm sure I'm going to love it, Spence." I reassure him, and he nods softly, but I could see that my attempt at relaxing him had somewhat failed.
"I hope so," he replies, averting his eyes from mine and fidgeting with his fingers.
"Spence," I bring my hands to cup his cheeks. "As long as I'm with you, I'm going to love it."
A small blush rises on the apples of Spencer's cheeks as I kiss his lips then his nose, him scrunching it up a bit in response.
I kiss his cheek, then his jaw, sucking on the skin softly as Spencer whimpers softly. I smirked against his skin, kissing it one last time before looking at him in the eyes.
"I love you," I say, straddling his lap and combing my fingers through his brunette locks. He immediately puts his hands on my waist, softly massaging his thumbs into my sides.
Spencer smiles genuinely, and I swear I see some anxiety and tension exit his body and mind. The once anxious fog that clouded his irises slowly leaving.
"I love you too."
6:17 PM
I must've fallen asleep because a few hours later, I feel Spencer gently kissing my jaw then collarbones.
I carefully peel my eyes open, a smile slowly stretching across my features as he kisses the soft skin of my neck.
I giggle, the feeling of his hair tickling my skin making me squirm a bit under his benign grasp.
He pulls his head up from my neck, and I turn over to meet his loving gaze.
"Hi, angel," he whispers, a smile on his face as he brushes some pieces of my fallen hair behind my ear. I kiss him softly, sighing happily.
After a moment, I pull away, fiddling with the rings on Spencer's hands, kissing the pads of his fingers lightly. He laughs softly, looking at me with his golden eyes that make my heart practically melt into putty. "We should start getting ready, okay?"
I nod excitedly, a grin still plastered across my face as I hop up from bed, stretching my arms up in the air as I begin to get ready for the night.
As I fix my messy hair, I feel strong arms gently wrap around my waist, Spencer's head following in pursuit as he nuzzles his head into my neck, kissing the soft tissue tenderly. I smile, my stomach swarming with little butterflies that flutter all the way to my chest, making my face feel warm.
He looks at me in the mirror as I apply chapstick to my lips, curling my eyelashes and proceeding to put on some of my brown eyeliner. Spencer smiles at my reflection, his eyes filling with adoration.
Once I've finished fixing my hair, Spencer reluctantly lets go of my body and fixes his hair, now putting on a cream colored sweater with jeans, pairing the look with his converse and halloween mismatched socks.
Since it's a bit colder in Las Vegas, I decided to wear something that'll keep me warm for the entirety of our date.
Thus, I decided on wearing a white, long sleeve, collared blouse that embraced my upper body, as well as a dark green button-up cardigan that I stole from Spencer's closet, a long and flowy sage green skirt with small lavender flowers on it, and I finished the look with the necklace Spencer had bought me for my birthday (which I always wore), and black, strappy, platform heels that I wore with white mesh socks.
I spritzed perfume on my body and decided that I wanted to wear my hair in a different way than earlier today. So, I put it in a low messy bun, random pieces of hair falling from the rubber band, but it made the look even cuter.
I smiled at my reflection and grabbed my bag as I began to head towards the door where Spencer sat bent over, tying his shoelaces.
"I'm ready." I said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear as I kissed the back of Spencer's neck softly.
Spencer stood up and looked at me, his face overcome with a deep red filter that made my body light into a kindle flame.
"Oh- Aw-Awesome- I-I'm ready too," he spluttered, and I giggled at his reaction. He looked as though this was our first date or something. Nervous and excited butterflies fluttered in my belly. I had this weird, but exciting feeling in my gut, and I was completely flummoxed by it.
I wasn't sure why I was feeling this way.
It wasn't necessarily bad, though.. just weird.
Like my body knew something my brain didn't.
I kissed his lips softly and pulled away. Opening the door, I expected Spencer to follow, but Spencer didn't follow behind me, no, he stayed rooted in his place, his breath hitched in his throat as he watched me in complete awe.
As if I were some rare flower that he had been searching for on a long and tiring excursion. As if I were the Calypso Borealis to his John Muir. A romantic point of view of nature- sure- but it fit this situation impeccably; so much that it was almost bewildering.
"Spence," I laughed lightly, trying my best to snap him out of his daze. "Are you coming?"
Spencer snapped back into reality, his face overcome with a more intense red as he smiled shyly at me.
"R-right, sorry."
I extended my hand out to him, and he took it in no time.
He seemed tense.
I brushed it off and kissed him on the cheek, the coarseness from the stubble of his beard tickling my lips. Wiping away the chapstick that I left on his skin with my thumb, Spencer and I walked to the elevators.
We fell into a comfortable silence as I leaned my head against his upper arm, using both of my hands to hold his big hand in mine. He smiled down at me, kissing the top of my head before we headed off the elevator and down to the lobby area.
Walking outside, the brisk, cool air filled my lungs and kissed my face as I held onto Spencer, him wrapping his arm around my waist as he rubbed his hand gently on the side of my abdomen.
"Spence?" I asked, looking up at him, and he looked down at me, the sunset illuminating his chiseled features. "Can I ask where we are going?"
"Now, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise.." he said in a sing-song tune. I playfully rolled my eyes, dramatically groaning.
"Please," I begged, walking ahead of him then turning around to face him as I carefully walked backwards. I saw a small smirk play on Spencer's lips as he tried his best to not look at me. He knew that if he even merely cought a glimpse of my eyes, he would surely break.
"Please," I pouted, drawing out the vowels.
Spencer looked at me, a small smirk now visible on his lips as he chuckled.
"No. But don't worry, we're almost there."
"Ugh, fine." I complied, grabbing his hand in mine.
We walked for about fifteen minutes, Spencer dragging me left and right before we began to see open fields of flowers, more specifically, poppy flowers.
Beautiful orange petals covered the grassy hills. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the fleeting colors of dusk began to fade away. The yon orange and dark pink sky swirled together like ice cream on a summer's day. The resplendent sky only made the flowers' orange-color become even more enhanced, and I felt my breath hitch in my throat at the sight.
Spencer wraps his arms around my waist as he kisses my cheek softly.
"Spence, this is beautiful." I exhale, my body warm despite the cool air that flows around me.
"I wanted to take you somewhere where I could show you in nature-form how beautiful I think you are. I thought that this would be a mirror reflection of you, but truthfully, I don't think there is anything in this world more ethereal than you are, Y/n." Spencer whispers, his voice becoming thick.
I turn to him, a small lump in my throat making my lower lip quiver as I relish in his poetic words.
I kiss his lips slowly, murmuring how much I love him between each peck.
My heart feels whole.
8:23 PM
Spencer had surprised me with a small picnic, but without the food part of it.
We sat in the field of poppy flowers on a checkered picnic blanket Spencer brought with him in his satchel.
I snuggled up close to him, laying my head on his chest as he read me a collection of William Wordsworth poems. The vibrations from his voice emanating off of his chest relaxed me into a deep meditative state.
Spencer had just finished reading I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud before he set the poetry book down, wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me close.
"Y/n?" he asked me after a minute of calming silence. I hummed in acknowledgement, placing my chin on his chest to look up at his starry eyes. He brought his hand to my cheek, running his thumb along my cheekbone. (**)
I began to see his eyes get glassy, a small tear running down the side of his face and I quickly wiped it away with my hand.
"Spence, what is it?" My stomach began to flutter once again with nervous butterflies, the tears that slipped down Spencer's cheeks shimmering in the fake-candles he brought with him.
"I've been meaning to talk to you about something all day."
8:10 am: Earlier on that day..
Spencer's POV:
I awoke early this morning before Y/n did, the nervous butterflies already taking place in their rightful spots in my body.
My arm is draped over her waist, my hand intertwining with hers as she holds it against her stomach tightly.
I use my other hand to brush her hair away from her neck, laying a small kiss on her soft skin before gently prying my hand away from her's.
Thankfully, Y/n is a heavy sleeper, so she doesn't wake up as I get up from bed, quietly padding over to the bathroom and beginning to brush my teeth, then put my glasses on.
I throw on some gray sweatpants and a navy blue hoodie, slipping my feet in my converse and grabbing my wallet, before reaching into my satchel to grab the small felt box my mom gave me before Y/n and I left the sanatorium two days ago.
I carefully open the box to see an oval-shaped diamond, a pearl placed in a little baggy that is taped to the top of the interior of the box.
Unfortunately, there is no band, so I have to run to the shop to get that done. It should take about two days, but I'm pretty sure they can ship it out to Quantico when it's finished.
Although, I can't wait two days.
I want it to be today.
I want to claim my love for her forever.
I smile softly, my palms starting to sweat as I slip the diamond back into my pocket and head out of the hotel room.
"I-I just.. I love you so much," Spencer thinks through his words. "My whole life I would strive towards greatness. I memorize facts, catch criminals, and read books-- that's who I am. And as great as that all is, it also can be dreadful and lonely. As great as I am, I've been moving forwards in this world alone for as long as I can remember. I felt as though I've been drifting in and out of nothingness for so long-- l-like I was moving towards something but I didn't exactly know what." Spencer swallows thickly, brushing his thumb along my lips and holding my jaw gently.
"It didn't matter how many books I read or facts I memorized, because nothing- and I mean nothing would prepare me for the way that I feel about you." I feel tears burn at the corners of my eyes as I look intently in Spencer's.
"Although, I'd like to think that all of those memorization techniques have paid off, because now, all I want to memorize is you. I strive to memorize your laugh, your hugs, your kisses, your touches. I memorize the way your fingers feel against my skin, the way your lips feel pressed against mine." Spencer pulls something small and white out from his pocket, but I can't exactly make out what it is. "You walked into my life like you had always lived there, like my heart was a home built just for you."
Finally, I see what Spencer had been holding.
A small piece of paper that had been cut in the middle to represent an 'O' shape-- or was it..? A ring shape.
I feel tears now flow freely down my face as my heart flutters in my chest, my breath hitching in my throat after I let out a short and breathy laugh, Spencer doing the same.
"It has been two hundred, seventy three days, forty-six hours, and thirty seven point six seconds since I first proclaimed how much I loved you..and one thousand, four hundred and sixty days, twenty two hours, and fifty five point two seconds since I first met you. I will continue counting the days for the rest of my life." Spencer holds out the paper ring in his shaky hand, his other hand clasped with mine as I sniffle. I stabilize myself on my knees as Spencer does the same.
"Y/n Y/l/n," he begins, and my heart pumps quickly in my chest.
"Will you marry me?"
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keichan · 4 years
Running Through the Night Tsukishima x fem!reader Part 3: His Confession
You and Tsukishima have been friends for as long as you two could remember. With a very unexpected confession, how will this affect you two?
Authors note: I hope this chapter hurts <3 Thank you guys for supporting my work! Ily! Please leave some feedback if you like how everything is going so far!
Word count: 2143
Genre: college au, unrequited love, angst, best friends to lovers, fluff somewhere in there, mutual pining
Warnings: manga time skip!!! swearing!
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You and Yamaguchi centered around your laptop watching the Sendai Frogs’ highlights from the game that happened a few hours previously. The Sendai Frogs obliterated the team that they were up against. Kei wasn’t kidding when he said that they’d take the game in straight sets.
“Wow! Tsukki was on fire tonight!” Yamaguchi leans closer to the laptop to see a clip of Tsukishima stuffing the opposing team’s ace. The highlight reel comes to an end with the teams logo appearing and the screen turning black. 
“That was a really good game! I’m so proud of him!” you smile as you close your laptop. “Is it just me, or was he playing differently than normal?” you glance up at him. “Much more... Aggressive?” 
Yamaguchi let himself sink even further into his seat, “Maybe something gave him even more motivation for blocking. Like in high school when we went up against Ushiwaka-san? With all the extra practices he has been going to,” he suggests. But every word is covered in uncertainty. A frown settles on your face. You know it’s not it. Nothing adds up. He’s been acting far off and hard to reach lately. There’s something else. 
Kei wasn’t necessarily someone who is easy to confront. No matter what he will come off as cold and mocking if you try to intervene in personal feelings. You know all too well with what happened after Kei found out about Akiteru’s secret back all those years ago. The best you can do to support him and be happy. After all it’s seemed to work for all of these years.
“Yama, do you know what’s been wrong with him? He always leaves my house without saying a word. Each time he leaves, it’s like he’s there, but he’s out of my grasp. It’s hard to reach him outside of movie nights. I just don’t get it, we’ve been friends for over 15 years, but it’s just, I don’t know? Fading?” the words pour out. You place your face in your hands, not even bothering to look at Yamaguchi. 
“I think-“
He was cut off by the sound of your phone ringing. 
Matsukawa Issei flashed on your screen. 
“Who is it?”
“Matsukawa-san from Seijoh.”
Yamaguchi shot you a confused expression. You haven’t heard from him in a few months, and it was already dipping late into the evening. You wondered what it could possibly be. 
“Yo! Y/N! Are you busy right now?” He was yelling over the sound of music. He must’ve been out at a bar. After all it was a Saturday night. 
“I’m with Yamaguchi right now. Why what’s up?”
“Errm… Well uh-“ Matsukawa got cut off to a thud in the background. “Goddammit you guys just hold him up!” he yelled. “So uh… basically Hanamaki and I happened to be at the same club as Tsukishima and his teammates. I think they were celebrating their win tonight. But umm, he’s kinda fucked up. Like really fucked up. We’re trying to give him water and sober him up. We’re sober enough, just not good enough to drive. Would you and Yamaguchi come up here and pick him up? You were the first person I could think of.”
“Yeah. Send me the address and I’ll be there.” Yamaguchi already has his car keys in his hand, standing at the door.
“Where are we going?” 
You tilted the phone away from your ear, barely managing a smile. “We’re picking up Kei from the bar. He celebrated a little too hard.”
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The silence in the car was stifling. You and Yamaguchi knew that it was out of character for Kei to get fucked up to the point that someone has to go and get him. The three of you (and other Karasuno alumni) have gone out to casually drink, but everyone knows their limit unless it was the intention to get to that point. Which was just an extreme rarity to begin with.
The tension was getting to you, so you decided to bring up a different topic. “I’m glad that our plans are really coming along nicely, aren’t you?” Yamaguchi looks over his shoulder at you and grins. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
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The bar wasn’t too crowded when you arrived. You and Yamaguchi walk across the dance floor, automatically feeling out of place, dressed in sweats and sneakers. Tsukishima was slumped over a small round table with an arm completely draping off. Matsukawa, Hanamaki, and the captain of Kei’s team sat around him, sipping on their drinks, enjoying each other’s company as if the unconscious man wasn’t at their table.
“Matsukawa! Hanamaki! Nakamura!” You wave at them. They all stand up to give you a hug and say their hellos to Yamaguchi. The five of you glanced over at Tsukishima to the sound of him groaning. He attempted to lift his head just for it to plop back down onto the table. 
“So how did this happen?” Yamaguchi shouted over the music. He rubbed his head nervously before Nakamura placed an arm around his shoulder, “Well Tsukishima was acting pretty strange during warmups and throughout the game. We didn’t really think of anything of it though. He usually goes to all outings with the team regardless. But when he got here, he took every opportunity to down drinks.” Nakamura nodded his head at Tsukishima, “He got to the point where he couldn’t really stand so me and red hair right here managed to get him to where he is now. And Matsugawa-“ “It’s Matsukawa” “Matsukawa, called you, Y/N, and now we’re here!” He stuck his chin up looking satisfied with his answer. 
He reached over and placed a hand on your shoulder, “Plus it’s always nice seeing you! You haven’t come by to watch us practice in a while.” You glanced down at the wooden floor, “Sorry, I’ve just been really overwhelmed with school and work, it’s been hard to make time like I used to.”
He shook both of his hands, “No no! It’s not a big deal! Don’t feel bad!” Before you could say another world Yamaguchi speaks up, “Let go ahead and get Tsukki in the car.”
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You and Yamaguchi were able to wake him up and get him to stand up on his feet. Using you two as his support, Tsukishima slowly walked across the dance floor, tripping over himself every few steps. Mumbling incoherencies about him being able to walk, that it’s ridiculous that you two showed up when he’s fine and sober. His face scrunched up
You managed to lower him into the backseat of Yamaguchi’s car, which was harder than you think, but after all, he is 6’5. You buckled in his seat belt and began to pull away when he lazily grabbed your arm.
“Thanks, Y/N” he quietly mumbled before his hand slid off and slumped his head against the headrest.
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The three of you successfully managed to get to his apartment upstairs and into his bedroom without Tsukishima falling on the floor. 
“Y/N, I’m so sorry, I have to go. I have to be at work really early tomorrow. Do you think that you can handle him?” Yamaguchi sets down a glass of water on Kei’s bedside table with a bottle of aspirin. You nod towards the door, “Go ahead. I can handle Kei. We both know that he’s just a big toddler when he’s like this anyways.”
Yamaguchi laughed in agreement. “See ya! Goodnight, Y/N!”
You heard the front door to the apartment close just to have Kei try to sit up in his bed. 
“Ah Kei! You’re awake! Here drink some water and take this!” you pass him the glass and the medicine he slowly takes it. He almost misses the nightstand when putting the water back on it. He slowly looks at you, “Sowwy,” the simple phrase comes out slurred. “I’m jus kinof drunk,” he lets out a soft chuckle before placing his hands behind him on the comforter to support his weight. You look at him expecting to see the usual smirk, but instead it’s a  playful smile.
“S’okay.” You walk over to his closet to grab him a change of clothes. Knowing him, he’d be pissed if he woke up in jeans the following morning. You place everything folded nicely beside him. “Kei, I’m gonna go use the bathroom real quick, go ahead and change okay,” the blonde nods as you exit the room.
After a few minutes you come in to see him pulling his shirt down over his head. You pick up the rest of his clothes piled at the side of his bed and place them in the laundry basket on the opposite side of his room.
“Hey, Y/N,” you turned around to see him towering over you. His usually stern features are completely softened. There’s a twinge of sadness in his eyes. You furrow your eyebrows in concern.
“Are you o-”
“Why is it that I try so hard for you…” he talks slowly in an attempt to articulate every word, but his words still come out slurred. “And you just don’t notice me.” His voice faltered.
“What are you talking about, Kei? We’ve been best friends for as long as we both can remember. We’re always together, even despite school and your volleyball career. Of course I notice you.”
He shakes his head and grabs your wrist and looks directly into your eyes. “That’s not what I mean.”
“Then what do you m-”
“I love you, Y/N” 
There was a brief silence before you let out a short laugh causing his grip to tighten the slightest bit.
“I love you too, Kei?  What are you going about?” 
His eyes began to water. “Y/N, I have loved you for as long as I can remember. There isn’t a second that goes by that you’re not on my mind. Every time I see you, my heart grows warm. I want you to always be happy. No… I want to be the reason that you can be happy everyday. Trust me, I know that I’m cocky, I know I’m a smartass, but I’d do anything for you. I’ll be better than him for you-”
“Kei, please slow down I-”
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this for so long I just never had the courage. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in my entire life. You’re so kind and compassionate, I don’t get how you manage to put up with me sometimes. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I just want to be there for all of your highs and comfort you in all of your lows. After we both graduate from college when we land our dream jobs we can move in together and go adopt a dog  like you’ve always wanted. I just want to live out my life with you. Y/N, you make every moment of my life so fulfilling. I cherish you with all of my heart.” 
You stood there in awe with your mouth slightly agape trying to comprehend everything that just happened. You didn’t even realize you had tears slowly lining your cheeks until one dropped onto your arm. 
“I-I don’t know what to say…” your voice faltered out.
Kei gently rests his hand on your cheek, wiping the tears away as they flow.
“I’m so in love with you L/N F/N” He looks at you dreamily. Never in your life have you seen Tsukishima Kei like this.
Before you could even think to react, Kei quickly leans down and places his lips softly on yours. He pressed a longing kiss on your lips filled with pent up emotions from years and years of longing. 
But, you didn’t close your eyes. You didn’t kiss him back. You stood there like a statue. You placed both of your hands carefully on his chest and shifted him away from you slowly.
“Kei, let’s just go to sleep okay,” your voice wavered as you walked him over to the bed, trying your best not to lose your composure in front of him. He just nodded in agreeance Every single thought in your head was screaming for you to leave. You couldn’t wrap your mind around what had just happened. You grabbed his glasses from his face and set them on the nightstand.
“We’ll talk about everything tomorrow okay? I’m going to take the couch tonight. Goodnight, Kei.” Without letting him say a word you turned off the lights and swiftly left the room. 
You sat in Tsukishima’s living room staring at the beige wall with tears silently falling down your cheeks. You didn't know what to do. You didn’t fall asleep until the sun came up.
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When Tsukishima woke up the following morning he felt absolutely destroyed.
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Never Too Late For A Leap Of Faith
Part 1
(Part 2)
Five times Taichi only feels the presence of Digimons and one time he actually meets them (again).
Words: 2126 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Tags: 5+1 Pairings: Taichi Yagami/OC, Sorato, Jyoumi
Inspired by this youtube video talking about how the end of Kizuna fits into the narrative of the Epilogue in 02, posted by TheDigiKnow. It’s in my opinion a thorough and yet personal analysis.
   When there was a baby’s cry from the labour room, Taichi broke down in tears. He’d been pacing to and fro in the hall leading to it, but only after his wife Kana had dislodged some knuckles in his hand by holding it too tight during a contraction and he had to be treated for it. Afterwards he hadn’t been allowed in again because, and that was something he didn’t like to admit, he had been on the brink of fainting before Kana’s force had jerked him back to consciousness.
    A nurse stuck her head out the door and smiled. “Congratulations, Yagami-shi, you have a son!”
   Taichi wiped away his tears, smile a little lopsided, and entered the labour room. His wife Kana, whom he had met at a diplomatic meeting three years ago, looked pale and drained, but smiled broadly. She mopped her sweaty brow with a neckerchief, pushed her long black hair that looked a tad greasy after her exertions behind her ear and leaned forward to receive a kiss from Taichi. Then she pulled away the duvet that had been drawn over her to reveal their newborn son. He had chestnut brown hair just like Taichi but his mother’s bulbous nose and when he opened his eyes they were a startling clear blue.
   “Most children have blue eyes when they’re born”, the nurse explained. “They’ll darken over the course of the first year.”
     Taichi hadn’t said a word yet, he was too transfixed on this small bundle of life that he helped to produce and that he was now responsible for. That realization suddenly felt heavy on his shoulders but when he looked into Kana’s soft yet endearing black eyes, the very eyes he’d been mesmerized by from the very beginning, he felt the weight ease.
   “Do you want to hold the little egg?”, Kana asked and lifted the bundle towards Taichi who’d been instinctively forming a cradle with his arms.   Something at the back of his mind stirred to life, something about a green yard full of cribs with colourful eggs, the way it never had before when the word “egg” was mentioned, but Taichi didn’t give it any notice. Tears were running down his face again as he watched the miracle before him. With a scratchy voice he whispered “Hello Hotaro, welcome to the world.”
   The first days were reserved just for them so the three could get to know each other. After the tiredness of being born had worn off, Hotaro was a very awake child. In every sense. He had trouble sleeping through, which caused Taichi, suddenly becoming self-conscious about his appearance, to use Kana’s concealer. She had taken a year off from work while Taichi went back to the office after three days. His colleagues welcomed him with a round of applause, a light blue greeting card, and a big stuffed and, for some reason, snow white teddy bear. As he looked the bear up and down, suddenly a cold breeze swept over him and gave him goosebumps. He immediately knew how he would name the bear.
     “I am Frigimon”, he muttered under his breath.
   Hotaro loved Frigimon. He had accepted the name without hesitation, affectionately calling him Friggi, and never going to sleep without him. Once Frigimon had entered the Yagami household, something had shifted within Taichi. Usually he was highly alert in his meetings but now he started dreaming away. Dreamt of a tram that didn’t need rails, of an island ruled by an evil bat-like looking creature, and vending machines in the middle of nowhere.
     He also started dreaming away at the kitchen table when having dinner with his family. At some point he was so far gone that it needed a gentle slap on the shoulder by his wife. When he looked at her questioningly, she said “Muchomon”.
   He tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
   “Muchomon was my Digimon partner. He vanished when I was 24 and had just finished my degree.”
   “You were a DigiDestined?” Taichi’s eyes went wide as saucers.
   She nodded. “It’s been a while but since you brought Frigimon here the memories have boiled up again. You should talk to your friends again, and more than just at their birthdays and about irrelevances. I thought you’d been so close? To be a DigiDestined, and having fought numerous battles, welds together – for life.”
   Taichi took a deep breath. He kneaded his hands. He hadn’t wanted all this to happen – to let the contact cool down or even freeze. It had just happened. Because. Because of life, he guessed. At some point work and his little family had become more important than his long-term friends. He didn’t even know how many children Sora and Yamato now had!
   He banged his fist on the table.
   “Dad!” Hotaro exclaimed frightened. He had never seen his father so agitated. Immediately, Taichi regretted his outburst. He had never wanted to scare his son, become violent around him. And now he had. Because of his own shortcoming. “I’m sorry, Hota”, he quickly said, tearing at his hair. He got up, walked around the table, and lifted his son in the air.
   “It’s okay”, the four-year-old said, gently touching his father’s face. “Can you let me down, please?”
   Taichi complied, a bit confused.
   Hotaro took his hand and led him to his room. “Sit down, Dad. I’ve found something while playing in the attic a few days ago.” He handed him a box which Taichi instantly recognized, and his heart ached. He didn’t need to lift the dusty lid, sprinkled with little fingerprints from his son, to know what was inside. But he did it anyway. Coming to light was a round pair of goggles and a smouldered Digivice. He only noticed he was crying when the first tears hit the Digivice, just like they had done many years ago when Agumon had to say goodbye.
   For good.
   Or so he had thought. But Digimons were reborn. He had witnessed that many times. Maybe it just hadn’t been the right time until now.
   He lifted his head to look straight into his son’s open, curious, beautiful face. When also Kana had been a DigiDestined, then maybe their child should also supposed to be one. Or no, no he shouldn’t. He should choose if he wanted to become one.
   They had been thrust into this world without having been asked first. They had had to come to terms all on their when they’d been mere children and the forces who had chosen them had never offered much aid. He wanted this to go differently.
   He noticed that Hotaro held up Taichi’s phone. Koushirou’s name was on the display, it was already dialling. “Call him”, Hotaro said. Taichi shook his head. That kid was much smarter than was good for him.
   “Oh!! It’s soo good to see you all again!”, Mimi exclaimed, as excited as ever.
   Taichi had to dial down the volume of his computer as the audio overmodulated. But he smiled, genuinely, because he felt just the same. Before him, the screen was split into five segments, all filled with bright smiling faces.
   “Jou, come over, they’re here now!”, Mimi called, her face turned away from the camera. In the background there suddenly was the sound of glass crashing on a tiled floor, followed by a stream of swear words. “Jou, I told you not to swear in front of the kids!” She turned back to the screen. “I’ll be back in a minute.” With that, her segment got empty.
  Her friends chuckled. “I see you were cleverer”, Taichi pointed out to Sora and Yamato, who were sitting together in front of the camera and holding their two children on their laps. Their son had inherited Sora’s maroon hair while their daughter was as flaxen-haired as Yamato. They were both visibly bored, wriggling about on their parents’ laps trying to grab office supplies that were clearly not toys in their vicinity.
  “I’m not so sure about that”, Yamato remarked, dryly as ever, as he pulled a stapler away from his son’s hands.
  “Dad, have you seen my hockey stick?”, someone called in the background of Koushirou’s screen segment.
  He sighed. “I thought you put it in the cabinet beside the shoe rack. You know, where it’s supposed to go.”
  “I did but it’s not there. And Yui and her mom will be here any minute to pick me up for training.” The voice grew whinier and more urgent.
  Koushirou bowed apologetically to his friends. “I just have to help my daughter.”
  Meanwhile, Mimi had reappeared, Jou and their two sons in tow. “Hiroshi, Sasuke, say hello to Mom and Dad’s friends.” Mimi nudged them a little forward.
  The older one, taking remarkably after Jou with his blueish-black hair and the glasses, hesitated but the younger one, sporting a daring chin-long bob with a middle parting, grinned and brightly said “Hi, I’m Sasuke.”
 The DigiDestined greeted him back with a laugh. “Say Sasuke”, Taichi started, “does your mom and you go to the same hairdresser?”
  Sasuke looked at him in surprise. “Yeah, but how do you know?”
  More friendly laughter.
  “My brother’s good at guessing, is all”, Hikari remarked, absentmindedly fastening her hair-clip. She wore her hair the longest it had ever been but subconsciously she itched for a cut. But her daughter always said that she looked so nice with the long hair even though Rika couldn’t stand long hair herself. Hikari had even caught her once as she had cut her middle brown hair with kids’ scissors.
  “Oh, I see”, Sasuke said, tilting his head. “But you don’t look like siblings at all.”
  “Sasuke!” Jou turned red in second-hand embarrassment. “Sorry, my son can be a bit blunt sometimes.”
 “I wonder whom he has that from”, Takeru mused, hand held on his chin as if he was pondering a very difficult question.
  “I heard you are a writer”, Hiroshi suddenly said, nervously adjusting his glasses.
  Takeru’s expression turned smug. “And a pretty successful one at that.”
  “Yeah, but Dad thinks you’re exaggerating at times.”
 Jou turned even redder. “That’s… that’s not what I’ve been saying!”, he sputtered. “You just sometimes spend a little too much time on one detail.”
  “That’s not what you said, Dad!” Hiroshi turned to his father, affronted. “I’m not a liar!”
  “Of course not, my dear”, Mimi said soothingly. Then she leaned in closer and whispered “Sometimes adults don’t like the truth very much.” Louder did she say “Why don’t you two go and get your guinea pigs to show our friends, mmh?”
  “Oh yeah!” They bounded off out of the frame.
  “And where’s your kid?”, Yamato asked his brother.
  Takeru shrugged. “At band practice. Don’t know where he got the musical talent from but he certainly has some. And no, Yama, he hasn’t gotten it from you. Because he’s better.”
  Yamato dramatically inhaled. “You didn’t say that!”
  “I’ve got a round of witnesses who can confirm that I just did.”
  “Sorry Takeru, my connection was a bit wobbly for a few seconds. You said something?” Taichi asked suspiciously innocent.
  Takeru shook his head. “And you call yourself my friend.”
  Before anyone could reply to that, Koushirou plonked himself down on his chair breathlessly. “I’m back!”
  “Did you find the hockey stick?”, Sora asked, glad about the diversion. She had already feared that the mood could be slipping.
  Koushirou nodded solemnly. “Yes, just in time. And it was actually me who had misplaced it because I had cleaned out the cabinet and didn’t put it back.”
  “Tststs, Kou. I hope your daughter doesn’t have to put with too much.”
  Koushirou shook his head. “Of course not. Being a single parent isn’t easy but we have a cleaning   lady who comes in two days a week and I can bring Koyuki to my parents if need be.”
 Yamato muttered something under his breath which earned him a jab in the ribs by Sora. “In this house we don’t judge”, she breathed into his ear, only audible for him.
  He reluctantly nodded.
  “These are Tom and Jerry”, Hiroshi and Sasuke announced, diverting the tension once again.
  Taichi chuckled. “They don’t look like a mouse and a cat to me.”
  “We weren’t allowed to have a cat and a mouse”, Sasuke replied.
 “You wanted a mouse?” Sora could hardly hide her laughter.
  “Unbelievable, right?” Jou seemed to shiver just at the thought of having a tiny and cunning rodent in the apartment. And a slightly dumb but very persistent cat chasing it.
  Takeru laughed, too. “Most certainly.” Then he leaned forward. “But have we just come together to get to know your pets or is there a more pressing matter?”
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
A story by heroes and vilains
Virgil Anker: a chance at change
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Changes can be thrust upon you, or made by choice. Virgil has to make a few though decisions this year.
Virgil’s first day of his sophomore year started as a complete disaster. Over the summer his father had started on a ‘project’ he didn’t want to talk about at home. Which was weird. His dad loved talking about work. It was one of the few things that consistently got him excited. Last night he’d worked late, like really late, and Virgil hadn’t been able to bring himself to even go to his room. Instead he sat on the stairs, staring at the front door until his dad came through. After reading that headline that placed the horrible possibility of his father’s secret in his head he’d stopped searching. He’d bolted out of the library and into the park where he curled up under a tree, hid himself with his powers and proceeded to panic for what he later found out was a good hour. He’d always been a worrier and this discovery gave him so much to worry about. What if his father was Brain Storm? What if he was still a bad guy? What if he wasn’t but someone from his past was blackmailing him? What if he’d lose him when people found out? What if this project was something dangerous and something bad had happened? When his dad came home Virgil did something he hadn’t done since he was ten. He jumped into his father’s arms and hugged him tight. The panic he’d been keeping at bay all night rushing over him all at once. It took his dad a while to calm him down. Then he’d put him to bed with the promise of a serious talk after school. Then, of course, Virgil had overslept. His dad always left very early and usually Virgil was very punctual. But today he got up way too late and had to rush out the door. He barely took the time to shower, not even waiting for the water to get warm or to dry his hair properly. For breakfast he shoved a piece of bread in his mouth after which he rushed to the bus stop praying he’d still magically make it to the last buss that would get him to school on time. He had no such luck. When he finally arrived at school he rushed to get his late slip and thanked the heavens that the secretary seemed to feel enough pity for his sorry state to spare him a lecture and just gave him his schedule and told him the quickest way to his first class. “I hope you like where you are sitting…” The teacher’s voice faded out as he finally arrived in class. She looked at him, clearly not happy with his late arrival. “Ah, so glad you could join us Mr. Anker,” she greeted with a clipped voice. Virgil did his best to ignore the fact that everyone was staring at him. Maybe he should try and figure out if he could use his cloak in reverse and make himself blind to the presence of other people. He pulled his hood off as he muttered an apology and tried to avoid looking anyone in the eye. The teacher pointed to the back of the class. “Take your seat and spare me your excuses. I was just telling the class that these are your seats for the rest of the year,” she then continued addressing the class. “So I hope you like your neighbor, they are your new lab partner.” Virgil felt dread fill his stomach. Great a lab partner. And he got stuck with whoever was left sitting alone. He followed the teacher’s gesture and soon spotted the only empty seat in the second to last row in the back. He felt all tension leave his body as he saw that on the spot next to it sat none other than Roman Castile. Maybe today wouldn’t suck as much as he thought it would. The theater kid gave him a playful smirk and a wave. Virgil smiled back and sat down with a relieved sigh. “Man, talk about a lucky break.” “I agree,” Roman grinned. Before Virgil could say anything else, like ‘hi, how was your summer?’, the teacher started class and she was clearly not someone Virgil wanted to get upset at him. Soon they were given their first experiment. He and Roman were laughing, cracking jokes and throwing out nicknames and mild jabs the entire time and still finished early. Virgil couldn’t help the fluttering in his stomach. Roman was cute when he was having a good time. He was so gay for this guy. Trying to look like he was perfectly comfortable with his lack of sleep, breakfast and zero minutes spent with so much as a brush, he leaned back in his chair and looked at Roman curiously. “So how did you end up sitting alone in the back, princey?” There was no way Roman voluntarily hid so far out of sight from everyone else and so far from his usual friend seated in the front row. Roman looked a little awkward at the nickname. “Princey?” he repeated. Virgil rolled his eyes playfully. “Oh come on, you are clearly destined to be prom king senior year. And every king is a prince first,” he teased. Surely he knew that he was the most popular guy of their year? “Fair enough,” Roman allowed with a brief gesture of surrender. “I was last to arrive,” he explained with a shrug. “Simple as that. I didn’t sleep well last night and didn’t get up until my mother kicked me out of bed. She was busy with an order or she would’ve noticed sooner and dad was at the office, so he couldn’t drag me to the breakfast table either.” He made a gesture that seemed to say ‘what can you do?’ “You?” he asked. Virgil couldn’t help but make a face as he thought about the horrible morning he’d had. “Until an hour ago I was convinced the universe just hated me today, let’s leave it at that.” Roman chuckled, but not in a mean way. Then he got this look that Virgil knew meant he was about to be dramatic. “Ah, fate does work in mysterious ways my friend. It must have willed us to team up for this treacherous quest.” ‘How is he this much of a dork? And why do I like that about him?’ Virgil wondered as he laughed at his lab partner’s antics. He just couldn’t help it. Roman just had that effect on him. “Only you can pull of talking like a Shakespeare character,” he told his classmate. A playful light flickered in Roman’s eyes at that. “Well, only you can pull off dressing like a dark knight and still looking like a lost kitten,” he shot back. Virgil forced himself not to show how flustered he felt at being compared to a kitten. Did that mean Roman thought he was cute? And knight? That was a good thing right? Still, he had some kind of reputation he had to uphold. So he gave Roman a playful shove. “You take that back! I am dark and mysterious and intimidating!” Roman didn’t look like he was going to take it back. He looked like he took his protest as a challenge. But then Virgil saw a wad of paper hit his neighbor in the head and Roman’s mood immediately turned sour. Virgil was not far behind. There was only one person he could think of who would provoke the coolest kid in their year like that. Couldn’t Jan let him enjoy himself without him for five minutes? “What gives Bullard?” Roman hissed as they turned around. Virgil hated to see the look on his oldest friend’s face, the sneer, the jealousy. Because it was definitely jealousy that had Janus so worked up about Roman. “You take Smellington next time,” the boy next to Janus flinched in his seat and shot Virgil a pleading look. He recognized him. Virgil had stood up for him to upper classmen several times in the past. “Virgil is sitting with me.” That made Virgil mad like never before. He couldn’t just make decisions about his life like that! “Excuse me?” Roman seethed. “His name is Carlton.” “And you don’t get to say where I sit J,” Virgil added barely keeping his voice down. “I’m fine sitting with Roman. Besides you heard the teacher. No switching seats.” And once again Virgil found himself grateful for something that at first seemed like a bad thing. The teacher might have half a mind to give Virgil detention the second he gave her an excuse, but she also won’t let Janus have his way. Janus was a smooth talker and it got him out of trouble all the time. How Virgil didn’t know for sure, but he was almost certain it wouldn’t work this time around. “We always sit together!” Janus protests, there is a little bit of hurt hidden behind his indignation, but Virgil won’t let it get to him. Not this time. “Exactly. The world won’t end because I’m Roman’s lab partner J.” Really why can’t he have one hour to spend with someone else? “Am I interrupting?” Virgil heard a cold voice from behind him causing him, and the other three students to freeze in shock and turn to face the teacher. She was directing her eyes at Janus. Virgil was right, his friend’s usual tricks would not work this time. “Mr. Bullard, I don’t have you and Mr. Jonson’s assignment yet, which means you can’t be talking with anyone else besides each other right now,” she informed him in a dangerous tone. Two tardy students was clearly already more than she wanted to put up with on the first day of class. Virgil looked back at his friend and watched as Janus gave her his trademark ‘persuasive look’ his voice becoming honey like. Virgil had watched this get him extensions on projects, a better grade on those he had turned in… It was weird, and Virgil almost thought it might be a gift, but Janus would tell him, if no one else. Not to mention it didn’t always work. A gift should be more consistently successful shouldn’t it? “Ma’am, I can’t work with him. Virgil and I never had a problem in projects, can’t we…” “No.” The statement was firm and final and Virgil tried not to show how relieved he felt. “I put Mr. Jonson next to you because you are much too dependent on Mr. Anker’s presence. You won’t always be able to hide behind him Mr. Bullard. You better learn that now. And if I see any more problems here then all that’ll change is that Mr. Castille and Mr. Anker will be moved to the front of the class so you can’t distract them anymore. Is that understood?” Virgil was a bit surprised to hear all this. It seemed like the teacher had forced Janus to let Carlton sit next to him before Virgil or Roman arrived. He wasn’t sure if he agreed with her statement, but he wasn’t going to argue with the result. Virgil shot Carlton a reassuring smile, he’d make sure Janus would behave himself. There was no need for any fallout to affect him.
The teacher left and both he and Roman turned back around in their seats. “Sorry about that.” Virgil had no clue what possessed Roman to say that, but he was not having it. “I should be apologizing. He’s my friend and he was bothering you.” Possibly not for the first time. Why had Roman never mentioned it? “Yeah, but I did something to piss him off… Don’t know what, but he hates me. And if you were my best friend and some dude I hated was being all charming with you, I wouldn’t like it either.” Virgil laughed in relief. He was glad Roman seemed to understand what had Janus so worked up. And while he’d love to protest the ‘he hates me’ bit, he couldn’t. So he focused on getting back to teasing each other and enjoying themselves. “Charming huh? You certainly have a high opinion of yourself.” His jab had the desired effect. All conflict and worry left Roman’s face and he returned to his dramatic self. “Oh, my knight, why must you hurt me so?” Virgil laughed and allowed himself to enjoy the way being called his knight made his heart flutter. “Thanks… I needed that. J isn’t so bad, but he can be…” Virgil bit his lip, unsure what to say. “Yeah, not your fault,” Roman assured him before perking up. “Hey, why don’t you two come sit with us over lunch? Maybe if he feels included, he’ll calm down?” he suggested. Virgil’s eyes widened. That would actually be kind of amazing! Half of Janus’ thing was that he thought they were on the ‘outcast’ side of school hierarchy. If they both got into the ‘cool’ group then he could relax and go back to being the Janus Virgil would gladly do anything for. “You sure?” he asked hopefully. “Of course. My friends all think you are cool and they’ll think Janus is cool too, once he gives them a chance.” Virgil really wanted to accept, but a voice in the back of his head pointed out that this was too good to be true. What if Janus was right and he was unknowingly walking them both in a trap where Janus would end up feeling hurt and betrayed and never want to talk to Virgil again, leaving him with a choice between being all alone or following Roman around like a lovesick puppy for the rest of high school? Another, more rational voice pointed out that Roman had never exhibited any behavior that suggested he’d do that. That voice sounded a lot like his dad, and his dad usually made more sense than the bad voice. Still, why would Roman offer to put up with Janus? “You don’t like him. How do you know they will?” “I don’t like how he talks to me,” Roman admitted. Well, that was only fair. Virgil wasn’t very fond of the way Janus talked to people in general the past year either. “But he’s your friend, so how bad can he be?” His endorsement was that valuable? And had Roman mentioned that his other cool friends thought Virgil was cool too? When did that happen? Maybe, maybe sophomore year could be a new start. “Okay, I’ll suggest it.”
He should’ve known better. “Absolutely not!” Janus had huffed. “Jan, it’s just lunch. If it’s not fun then we can bail on them any time. You are the one who’s so obsessed with our spot on the social ladder. What do we have to lose?” Janus rolled his eyes. “I don’t expect you to understand this Virgil. But the offer wasn’t for us. Roman wants something from you. And he’ll have his friends be nice to me around you to get it.” “I know I’m not exactly mister sunshine, but that’s overly dramatic and pessimistic. Roman is cool. Like genuinely. And if you gave him a chance…” “Oh please Virgil! You are not this naïve! Why do you want his friendship so badly that you blind yourself like this? He can have anything from anyone he wants! Why would he want to be around some awkward outcasts? Except to make himself look good? What end does that serve? Everything anyone ever does serves some selfish end Virgil. Even the most noble of deeds are ultimately out of desire to be seen as good.” “Except for you of course, you only have my best interest at heart!?” Virgil pointed out. Janus hesitated and then he leaned in, too close for Virgil’s comfort, and he spoke in that tone. “You are my only friend Virgil. Of course I want to protect you, even from yourself. Don’t let Roman’s flowery words and cute pet names get to you.” Virgil tried not to flinch. Did Janus know? No, he couldn’t know. Still, Virgil had to remember that he could hear everything he and Roman said to each other. “I give him a week before he gets bored of you. And I don’t want to see you hurt by that.” And Virgil believed him. So he followed Janus to an empty table in the cafeteria. He saw Roman perk up, smile and wave when he spotted them. And he wanted so badly to just turn to him and go sit with Roman, Janus could either join or eat alone if that made him happy. But he didn’t. He smiled apologetically and shrugged, indicating he tried. The way Roman’s face fell in disappointment made his heart break just a little. He was mad at himself for being so weak. The rest of the day he sulked, not talking to Janus at all, not that his friend seemed to care. He apparently was of the opinion that Virgil would come around soon enough. Virgil wasn’t so sure. The sadness and anger he felt about the whole thing didn’t seem to go away like it usually did.
And then there was the talk with his father. “Home!” he called out as he tossed his keys over the hook at the door. “Kitchen!” his dad called back sounding tense. Virgil took a deep breath and joined his father at the kitchen table, gratefully accepting the cup of tea. “Virgil, I want you to know that you are not in trouble. I am not mad or upset with you in any way. Alright?” Clearly he wasn’t as good at hiding his nerves as he’d hoped. He nodded. “Last night… Was that the first time you went through something like that?” Virgil looked down. He knew he had to be honest with his dad right now… But it wasn’t an easy thing to admit. “No… Sometimes I just think too much and I worry and then I freak out and… It always passes, but it’s…” He feels tears spring up in his eyes. He feels so stupid. Who freaks out over some stupid thoughts? Not his dad. He’s rational and calm and in control. “Frightening I’m sure.” Virgil looked up in surprise at his father’s understanding tone. “Virgil,” he began as he pushed a piece of paper and a pen towards him. “I have a list for you, I’d like you to read over it and indicate next to each item how often you experience them on a monthly basis. It’s important to me that you are honest. I have a suspicion of what may be causing this, but I get that talking about it might be hard for you. Therefor I provided you with this as a way to boil it down to simple facts. Can you do this for me?” Virgil nodded and accepted the paper and pen. He started reading and writing. He tried not to think too much about how bad it was that there were so many things he experienced at least once a week if not several times a day. When he finished, he almost didn’t want to return it to his dad. Would he be disappointed? “It’s alright Virgil. I know I’m not always, good, at expressing my emotions, but I do love you. More than I expected to when I first agreed to take care of you. Nothing could prepare me for how much I love you and how proud I am to call you my son. Whatever you wrote down, won’t change that.” Virgil took in a deep breath and shoved the paper forward. There it was gone. Silence lingered for a moment as his father read the paper and nodded to himself. “I’m sorry you’ve been struggling with this on your own Virgil. Can I ask for how long?” Virgil frowned and thought about that. “Um… start of last school year? I didn’t notice it was bad until shortly after Christmas though. I was in the park and started freaking out. After that I was more aware of it I guess,” he explained. His father simply nodded. “Why did you feel like you couldn’t tell me this?” he asked worriedly. Because the first time I freaked out it was because I thought you might be a former super villain and I didn’t know how to even begin explaining that. “I… I wanted to… but then I started freaking out about freaking you out and…” he forced himself to take a slow breath and a sip of his tea. “I just figured I could deal.” Logan nodded thoughtfully. “Virgil, I think you might suffer from heightened levels of anxiety. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you. I would like for you to talk to someone about it though. If only to help you figure out a way to handle these attacks and the thoughts that come with this better so it doesn’t have to interfere too much with your life. Does that sound agreeable?” “A shrink?” Virgil asked nervously. His dad nodded. “I know there is a stigma against it… But my psychiatrist has helped me a great deal with your mother’s death. I hope he, or one of his colleagues can help you with your anxiety.” This came as a surprise. “You… you went to therapy?” He always seemed to be so in control of his life though. “Still do from time to time,” his dad nods simply. Virgil thinks about it for a moment. Well, it couldn’t hurt to see what whoever this doctor was had to say right? If he has his dad’s approval… “Okay… just… can this stay between you and me?” he pleaded. He wasn’t sure how Janus would respond to him having anxiety. Knowing him he’d probably become even more protective and he didn’t need that in his life. His dad nodded in understanding. “If that makes you more comfortable.” “Thanks,” Virgil smiled. Then he finished his tea and excused himself to make homework. His dad got him a first appointment for the start of October.
Things didn’t change much for him in that time honestly. Roman grabbed every opportunity to talk to Virgil and tried to coax him into conversation. And he would love to just throw caution to the wind and enjoy the hour they shared as well as the stolen moments where they ‘ran into each other’ or where they defended the same kid. But, he just couldn’t do it. The doctor was a unique individual. Virgil wasn’t sure how well they’d get along at first. “Now, Virgil, I can call you Virgil right?” Picani asked kindly. He was nice, but also… extra. Even Roman might think he was a bit too intense. “Sure,” he mumbled in response, toeing of his shoes and curling up in a ball on the couch. He didn’t miss the fact that Picani took note of that. “Well, I’ve heard why your father thinks you should be here, but what I’d like to know, Virgil, is why you want to be here. Are you just looking for some medication, some breathing techniques or are there some things you actually want to talk about?” Virgil looked at the doctor long and hard to see what his angle was. He couldn’t find one. And it was a good question. What was he doing here if there was so much he couldn’t share? He shrugged. “Not sure… I know my dad wants to help. But…” Picani made a dismissive gesture. “Your father isn’t my patient right now. You should only come here if it’s something you want. Your dad will just have to learn from Jazz Fenton’s example,” Picani smirked. Virgil chuckled. “Well, he’s a lot like her, he just might.” “Oh?” Picani’s eyes lit up. Virgil didn’t know this but it wasn’t often that his patients saw the show he was referencing and indulged in the analogy. “You know, not as serious as he likes to believe he is. Well-meaning and levelheaded most of the time… supportive of his loved ones… but he could maybe be a bit more accepting and patient I guess.” “I was indeed getting at the patient part. Jazz did a great job waiting for her brother to be ready to ask her for help and offered him aid from the sidelines. Protecting him from their parents’ antics in the process.” “But she still thought she knew better than him and while she accepted his powers she didn’t get him until they actually sat down and talked,” Virgil countered. Picani cocked his head curiously. “I mean… I’m bi, and my dad is very accepting of that. And he tries to encourage me when I do art, even if he doesn’t really get it. But… I feel like he expects me to tell him everything, but he’s hiding so much… this is between you and me right?” He was pretty sure that was a rule, but he preferred to check. “Until you give me the ok, your secrets are locked up in here,” the doctor tapped his head and then his notebook, “Safer than in a secret vault.” Virgil smirked. “Figured you’d be a potterhead too. Huffelpuf I assume?”Picani nodded proudly. “But we’re getting of track. You were saying?” Virgil sighed once more. “Right. You probably know that I’m adopted?” he verified. “That was in your paperwork, but I wasn’t going to bring it up unprompted,” the doctor acknowledged calmly. “Well… I’ve come to terms with that, really, I’m not ashamed or anything. But I know nothing about my birth parents. I ask about them, and Lo… dad,” he hates it, but sometimes his father’s surname slips into his mind, especially when he thinks about his birthparents. Never in front of him, but still, he finds himself thinking it more and more often. And he feel really bad about it. “You can address him however you’re comfortable Virgil. I won’t say a word.” Virgil nodded. “Logan won’t tell me anything. I don’t have any pictures or their names and I know he knew them. I want to understand that it’s hard for him for whatever reason. But I want to know where I come from.” Picani nodded calmly. “And this secrecy… could that be what brings out some of the anxiety you’ve been experiencing?” Virgil nodded. “It’s not the only thing though,” he admitted and before he knew it, he told Picani all about how things had changed between him and Janus and the feelings he was developing for Roman who was completely out of his league. Picani was understanding and careful about how he addressed the Janus situation. He did encourage him to accept Roman’s attempts to reach out to him.
Virgil agreed to make another appointment with the doctor and he really wanted to make an effort with Roman. But he was much too scared of being rejected when Roman inevitably found out he had a crush on him. Picani wasn’t frustrated with him when he admitted he’d chickened out, much to Virgil’s relief. Instead they talked about how the coping tools he’d recommended were working out and then they talked about the fun things he’d experienced that year. “Hold on, you described yourself and Janus as outcasts. But you just said that Roman, the main character of your year, as you described it, thinks you,” he pointed at Virgil with his pen, “are cool. I normally advice against this, but maybe you should pay more attention to the rumor mill in school Virgil, and see if Janus’ view of you two might be different from that of everyone else.”
It was an interesting thought. And Virgil did just that. Over the next week he eavesdropped on conversations where he heard his name drop. And what he heard, boosted his confidence to say the least. People called him brave, and attractive, smart and mysterious. They were hyping each other up to ask him out. Some were questioning why he was wasting his time with someone as ‘sketchy’ as Janus. “Doesn’t he know what that guy is like?” “Wouldn’t surprise me. That snake seems like the type to strangle a kitten with one hand while offering Anker some chocolate with the other.” He didn’t really like that bit. But the rest was pretty good.
Then there was his meeting with Patton Bonnaire. He’d left his third appointment with Dr Picani and decided to catch a ride home with his dad, considering he would be done soon. He was working on his mysterious ‘project’ over the weekend. The university wasn’t far from Picani’s office. Virgil told the receptionist who he was and sat down to mess around a bit on his phone while he waited. “Hello?” Virgil looked up to find a man his father’s age looking at him with a curious smile. He was dressed funny. Light blue cardigan and a grey sweater tied around his neck. Like some sitcom version of a suburban gay dad character. He looked very nice though. Wide bespectacled blue eyes and freckles all over his cheeks. “Um… hi,” Virgil greeted as he got up and offered his hand. “Virgil Anker, I’m waiting for my dad,” he explained. Seeing a random teen at the university on a Saturday afternoon would be rather surprising. “Oh my goodness! You are Logie’s son!” Logie? Virgil felt a smile fight to break free. This was going to be good. “Um… Logan Anker is my dad yeah… he told you about me?” he asked politely. “Oh, you’re the only way anyone can get him to talk about anything other than work. I know all about you, but I still don’t know what kind of cookies to bake for his birthday,” the man pouted. No, that’s not fair! Virgil didn’t know how to deal with disappointed faces like that! Well, considering his dad had told this man all about him already, it was probably fine to tell him this little thing about Logan. “Anything with Crofters Jam and you are his hero,” Virgil divulged, with a mildly devilish smirk, imagining the look on his father’s face when he suddenly received treats with his favorite guilty pleasure. How the man pulled it off, Virgil didn’t know, but he could swear the man’s eyes sparkled. He grabbed his hand in both of his and started jumping up and down excitedly. “Oh kiddo! Thank you so much! My name’s Patton! I teach moral philosophy. I love your cool jacket, and you did your make-up so well!” Then he lifted his sweater sleeve to reveal a heart shaped emblem on the cuff. The heart wore glasses and brandished the pan colors. Patton winked indicating he picked up on Virgil’s color scheme. Virgil smiled. “Thanks, I made it myself,” he informed him. “Wow! Such a talented kid! No wonder your dad is so proud of you!” Patton gasped in awe. Virgil blushed. “I’m alright,” he said dismissively, not very used to that type of praise from an adult. Patton reminded him a little of Roman. “Now, don’t say it like that. The design is good and you’ve sown it so well! Did you teach yourself?” Virgil nodded. “Well that’s amazing. I’m not surprised though. Whit a dad as clever as Logie.” Virgil is so going to tease his dad with that nickname. And maybe set these two up. At least if he isn’t the mysterious ‘project’. Was this dad’s way to hide that he’s trying to date? Patton was clearly interested. Ew… why does he even have to think about this? Scratch that. He knows why, he’s the only wingman his dad has. Technically there is uncle Thomas, his dad’s old college friend, but last time he’d tried to set Logan up, they’d ended up not talking for a month for some reason. As far as Virgil knew he hadn’t dated anyone since he adopted Virgil. The man needed to get out of his office. “For how long have you known my dad?” he asked curiously. “Oh we both started here around the same time. He won’t admit it, but I think I’ve… Crofted my way into his heart.” Virgil, not used to dad jokes, couldn’t help a chuckle. “Oh, you are so precious! Can I keep you?” Patton pleaded, only half joking if Virgil read him right. “Ask my dad out and maybe I’ll end up calling you papton.” That was terrible but Patton seemed to love it anyway. Then the rest of the sentence seemed to register and he blushed. “Um, wait no. I mean…” he sighed and chuckled awkwardly. “I’m that obvious?” “Only a neon sign with ‘date me Dr. Anker’ would be more obvious. And in my dad’s case, you might need that. He’s a bit dense when it comes to matters of the heart. I don’t think he’d notice if you had his all pitter Patton.” This gets him another bout of laughter. “You shouldn’t sell your old man short though kiddo,” Patton manages a few moments later. “He was a tad stiff in the beginning. But recently he’s quite lit, I believe the word is?” Virgil froze when he saw Patton dig through his messenger bag and retrieve copies of familiar cards. “He let you copy his flashcards?” he asked in surprise. “Oh, yes. I walked in one day to borrow a marker and heard him say ‘cobi’? He was tossing something in the trash and the class applauded. So I asked his secret and he showed me his cards. I asked if I could borrow them and…” Patton couldn’t finish his story because Virgil had lost the battle with his composure. He was laughing. Tears streaming down his face and clutching his stomach, barely keeping upright. “He actually said… god, I didn’t expect…” he wheezed.
“Virgil!” At the sound of his dad’s distressed voice he looked up and struggled to signal that it was alright. “Virgil if you can hear me squeeze my hand.” Oh no, dad thinks I’m having an attack. “Fine, fine,” he managed as he squeezed the hand that held his. “Just, can’t… Oh my god, hilarious,” he wheezed. “Virgil, are you having an attack?” He shook his head impatiently and tried the breathing exercise Picani recommended. It worked, surprisingly. Pretty soon he whipped at his eyes though he would have to wash his face in the restroom unless he wanted to look like a horror movie monster. He looked up at the two men in front of him. Patton was absolutely smitten. Seeing his dad in protective parent mode clearly didn’t turn him away. Quite the opposite. “You are using the vocab cards,” he explained. “Of course they were a gift from you, why wouldn’t I use them at any opportunity?” Patton clasped his hands in front of his mouth to stifle a squeal. Virgil rolled his eyes. “Yes, because you were complaining about not understanding some of the things your students were saying. I didn’t expect you to actually start yeeting your trash.” And then his dad readjusted his glasses, looked him dead in the eye and said: “Yeet is for distance. For trash I need accuracy, therefore the term used is ‘cobi’.” Virgil lost it again. His dad just… Gods he can’t wait to tell Roman… Wait, since when was Roman the first person he thought about to tell stuff like this. They weren’t even really talking right now. But telling Janus felt… when was the last time he and J had a proper conversation? Before summer? Yeah some time before art week. These thoughts brought down his mood enough to get him to stop laughing. Picani might not be entirely wrong to suggest that the friendship was in serious danger of becoming toxic. Though he didn’t use the label, Virgil could read between the lines. “Anyway, great meeting you Patton. It’s good to know dad has someone so nice looking out for him.” Then he turned to his dad. “You should invite him over for dinner some time. He’s a lot of fun.” Patton’s face became beet red, but more importantly his dad was getting flushed as well. “Well, you two talk about that, I’m going to wash my face,” he stated as he marched away, feeling rather good about himself. He always felt better about everything after a visit to doctor Picani. In the morning doubts and worries would return in full force. But right now, he was feeling good. When he returned he saw his dad standing alone, staring off in the distance. “Dad?”
“Dr. Bonnaire asked me on a date,” Logan breathed. “I think you can call him by his first name if that’s the case,” Virgil grinned. “I… I suppose…” His dad was in shock… wow. “You did say yes right?” Virgil clarified. “I… yes, I don’t know what came over me… I’ve never…” “Wait… you’ve never been on a date?” God the man who had the talk with him had never been on a date. “Not like this!” Logan exclaimed with a wild gesture, surprising Virgil. If he raised his voice this has to really be bothering him. “Last time, I was an arrogant college student who felt like he had to answer to no one but himself. Now, I am a single father, going out with a coworker. This is an adult outing. I can’t just…” Virgil smiled sympathetically and patted his father on the shoulder. “You really like this guy huh?” Logan sighed and nodded with a blush. “He’s so patient and friendly and… I just never thought he could ever…” “Now stop it right there. Me turning out like a somewhat stable person, proofs you are awesome. And you just showed him all the reasons why he should date you while taking care of me. You’re welcome by the way. Patton is cool. He’s already met your kid and passed the test. The scariest bit is over.” Suddenly his dad turned towards him and grabbed his shoulders. “You’re really fine with me going out with him? With me possibly entering a romantic relationship?” Virgil shrugged. “I mean, I’m not a fan of the change, but I want you to be happy. And if Patton is your pick… I wouldn’t have suggested he come over for dinner if I didn’t like him.” Virgil rolled his eyes, but the gesture lost some edge when his father hugged him. “I am fortunate to have you as a son.” Virgil shoved him away, blushing awkwardly. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever Logie,” he huffed getting a flustered stammering as a reward. “Let’s go home,” he suggested with a smirk before heading to the parking lot. The date was planned for the next weekend, after Halloween. And for Virgil it was a Halloween to remember.
He really wanted to go all out, Halloween was his favorite day of the year. But he didn’t want to ruin his costume or get Janus on his case. So, for school, he went with the bare minimum vampire costume, leaving his more elaborate creation for the trick or treaters to enjoy. He was texting his dad, who was still nervous about his date, and waiting for class to start when his day went from okay to awesome. “Greetings peasants!” the booming voice sounded warm and teasing and drew all eyes to the dark prince who’d just entered. Roman stalked trough he class, ‘scaring’ everyone with grand gestures with his arms and even drawing a fake sword threateningly. Making promises of never ending suffering upon the land. Virgil texted his dad that he’d talk to him later and to focus on his classes for now. Eventually Roman pulled back his chair and climbed on it, planting one of his feet firmly on their desk and raising his sword to the sky. “I! Prince Roman of the damned marshes declare war on all that is good and pure!” he bellowed. Virgil leaned back and enjoyed his front row seat. “And you,” he held out a hand to Virgil as if offering to pull him to stand at his side. “my coldhearted friend, may rule at my side!” he announced dramatically. Virgil felt a rush of adrenaline. Roman had effectively pulled him into his improvisation and Virgil didn’t feel like backing out of this challenge. Even if it involved having all eyes on him. “Is that a fact?” he chuckled amused, but otherwise uninterested. He had to be in character after all. And he didn’t look like a vampire bent on world domination. “Of course!” Roman’s delight at his participation settled warmly in his stomach. “You, dear count, are the only other of noble lineage! No one else is worthy of a throne!” Virgil did his best ‘whiny teen’ voice for his reply. “But ruling sounds like a lot of work.” To his surprise this got him a round of laughter, the good kind. People found him funny. “Then you may feast on my enemies!” Roman offered, not missing a beat. Now they were talking. But just then class started. Roman sat down next to him and shot him a hesitant smile when their eyes met while they got their books ready. Virgil felt kind of bad. Roman must’ve been wondering what he did wrong to go from ‘almost friends’ to ‘barely get two words that are not about class’. He returned the smile warmly, making sure that he knew that he was back. Janus criticized the whole endeavor of course, but Virgil didn’t really care anymore. “Roman and I are lab partners, and we’re going to talk. And sometimes we’re going to have fun doing so. You have zero right to tell me who I can and can’t spend time with. I’m not your pet.” That shut Janus up. Perhaps he finally realized that he was acting the way he’d always said Roman would if Virgil gave him the time of day.
Virgil sat alone during Spanish, Janus had an exemption for his language elective because he was already proven fluent in both offered languages. Virgil had no clue what Jan did with the free hour, and he didn’t really care. “Hey, Virgil?” Virgil looked up and saw that some guy from Roman’s usual group had paused at his desk. He was dressed like a crazy professor. “Hi?” he greeted, not sure what had brought this on. The other boy grinned and offered his hand. “I’m André. I’m friends with…” suddenly he chuckled to himself and changed his posture and voice to fit his character more. “I mean I am a humble servant to Prince Roman. I have heard you have allied yourself with him for the day?” he inquired. Virgil chuckled. “Depending on how it goes the alliance might last past midnight,” he allowed. Then, as if on cue, the doubt started to creep in. “You have a problem with that?” he asked slightly challenging. “No my liege, never!” André assured him. “We have all been eager to meet you. A friend of the prince, after all, is already family to us.” It was exaggerated, but the sentiment was clear. He wasn’t seen as a threat, in fact he was already considered part of the group even if he never hung out with them. Before Virgil could really say anything the class started. André joined him on their way to the cafeteria and asked about how he did his hair and where he got his hoodie. He was halfway asking for a commissioned jacket when they entered the cafeteria and Virgil was pulled towards a table in the middle by an excited Roman. “At last there you are. It’s time to introduce these cryptids to their new rulers!” Virgil looked up at Roman who gave him a questioning look. He could decline, return to his little bubble of anonymity and pretend this never happened. But… Maybe, hiding away all his life wasn’t how he wanted to live it? So, why not? No hiding today. Or not unless he really had to. “With pleasure Princey,” he grinned, feeling satisfaction in being the cause of Roman’s delight once more. He did that. It was worth whatever Jan threw at him later.
They spent about ten minutes on improv and Roman managed to make Virgil forget about the audience completely. And when he, regretfully, left Roman to sit with Janus he could hear the whispers. But no one was laughing at him. There were so many looks of awe and admiration, it couldn’t not give him a little ego boost. “Talk about putting yourself on blast! What were you thinking?” Janus seethed. “Yolo,” Virgil shrugged, grinning as he imagined his dad saying it. “No one says that anymore,” Janus reprimanded. “It’s what I was thinking,” Virgil shrugged. Already planning his next act of defiance. He felt kind of bad taking advantage of his dad’s first date nerves and his worry for him, but if this was his teen rebel phase then there were worse things he could be doing while his dad was out of the house. “Are you sure…” “Yes! Just have a nice time. Text when you arrive at the restaurant and when you leave. I don’t have school tomorrow so don’t hurry home,” Virgil assured his dad. “Pat, steal his phone if he checks it even once during dinner,” he then instructed his dad’s date. “I will,” Patton winked. “Good, you crazy kids have fun and don’t do anything you wouldn’t want me to do,” he grinned teasingly. “Virgil!” his father chastised. “Love you too!” he shouted as he shut the door in his father’s face. Then he rushed upstairs and took out the vampire cape he’d worn for the trick or treaters this year. He then put on a black long sleeved shirt, black jeans and black converses and a cheap black zoro mask. He wasn’t planning on being seen tonight but if he was, he’d rather not be recognizable… and maybe the cape was more for dramatic flair. Roman’s antics had been kind of fun and he wanted to try it out for himself. No one was going to see it anyway. And if he liked it he might make himself a proper costume for future outings. He walked through some sketchy streets until he found what looked like a gang waiting for a victim. They didn’t see him thanks to his cloak and he hid himself in the shadows not too far from them. He took a deep breath and willed them to forget about their surroundings and instead focus on each other. It was easy when people were either not the sharpest mind or not really paying attention. He’d only gotten past his dad that one time because he’d moved in absolute silence. And that trick had taken a lot of energy. His peers in the hallways were easy because most weren’t even watching where they were going let alone trying to see where he was. This was a large group, but they were kind of preoccupied with their conversation and not very smart. So it was easy making them ignore the hand full of lost people that passed them by in a hurry that night. A buzzing in his pocket caught his attention. He checked who it was. Janus. That could wait. He wondered what other ways he could use his cloak for the greater good. Another buzz in his pocket. He checked. His dad. “Paying now, home in ten minutes.” That was his cue to go home. He’d only seen three would be victims, but those were three people who got home safe to their families and might not have otherwise. That was something. He knew that to him, one person coming home or not was everything. So feeling satisfied with his first attempt at true heroism he moved through the streets and hurried home. He just managed to hide his mask and hang away his cloak before he heard the front door. He threw on his headphones and put on some music while he sat himself on his bed. Hoping he’d look like he’d been distracting himself with music. Maybe it would be better if he wore more casual street clothes next time. There was a knock on the door and he pulled off his headphones. “Come in!” he called. His dad poked his head inside and let out a sigh of relief when he found him on the bed, not having a panic attack. “You should be asleep,” he pointed out gently. “I wanted to make sure I could tell you good night. How was it?” The soft look on his father’s face said it all. “I will brief you in the morning. Now you should get adequate rest. Sleep deprivation is detrimental to both your physical health and creativity.” Virgil thought it was kind of funny how his dad had started to use his artistic ambitions as motivation to take care of himself lately. “Okay, night dad,” he muttered in surrender as he got up to get ready for bed. “Night Virgil… I love you.” Virgil smiled. Dad was never one for saying the words. But ever since the start of this year he seemed to be making an effort to change that. It was nice. Virgil had always known, but hearing it meant more than he’d expected it would. “Love you too dad,” he told him, once more feeling a little guilty about sneaking out, and for planning on doing more of these dangerous things. But he was sick and tired of playing it safe all the time. He had the ability to protect others. He should use it for more than just some bullies. Science class was a lot more fun now that he and Roman were talking. It wasn’t very personal. They just exchanged witty banter and complained about school stuff. If he confided in Roman, Janus would hear and he didn’t want to upset him even more. Turns out Janus would absolutely bully others. Or well… Pick fights with classmates over little inconveniences. Luckily Roman wasn’t afraid of him like everyone else seemed to be. He even kept it somewhat civil, just staring him down until Janus backed off. Virgil wasn’t as patient. He didn’t like fighting in public like this, but he was just so done with this BS. Every confrontation made him wonder if this friendship was still good for either of them. But just because he was considering doing it didn’t mean he was ready to hear others outright say it. The rumors were one thing. People theorized on why Virgil was still friends with Janus now that he clearly showed his ‘true colors’ to him. All involved Janus being some sort of villainous mastermind and Virgil the tragic hero trying to save everyone at the cost of his own freedom, safety, or whatever. They were ridiculous, but he could deal. What hit him hard was when Roman voiced his concerns. Janus had been goading a senior into a fight, which was beyond weird. Janus knew that he couldn’t take him on. He always stayed far away from the arbitrary lines high school hierarchy drew between different years. Virgil wasn’t alone in breaking up the fight. Roman was talking the senior down while Virgil got Janus to follow him to their next class. The principle heard about the almost fight though and Janus was called out of class halfway through. Roman approached Virgil when they crossed paths on their way to their next classes. Still no Janus in sight. “Are you alright?” he asked worriedly. Virgil nodded as he collected his things from his locker, unsure what to say to Roman on this unfamiliar topic. This felt much more vulnerable than their usual chats. “Listen… I’m probably way out of line, but I don’t think I can handle seeing him use you like this any longer…” he started and Virgil, while he knew that Roman was absolutely right and that he probably should take the help he was offering, switched to survival mode. He didn’t want Roman of all people to see what a mess he really was. So he snapped. “You are right. You are way out of line. You don’t have the full picture and you have as much right to tell me what to do with who as Janus. So back off!” he growled before storming off. He regretted every word before he was even around the corner. That night he worked for hours on an apology. The next day he slipped Roman the note. It basically said that he appreciated the worry, but that he had it handled. Along with an apology for being a rude idiot. Roman tucked the note away and gave him a thumbs up to show it was okay. His dad’s date with Patton went well. Not a day went by where Virgil didn’t hear at least one thing about Patton, good or bad. Apparently his father could get a little frustrated with Patton’s humor and his excitement could be overwhelming at times. But even with all that the man made his dad happy with his warm and understanding nature. They’d only had one fight Virgil knew of, and that was resolved quickly. It was good to see his father be excited . It also made Virgil feel bad to realize he’d been so unhappy all this time because of… “Your father’s choices and issues are his to handle Virgil. It’s not fair of you to put the responsibility of his happiness on you.” Virgil looked up and sat back upright in the couch, folding his legs underneath him and studying his nails. He’d gotten a new galaxy polish the day before. He briefly wondered if Roman would notice. He always seemed to see it when Virgil changed something about himself. He forced himself to return his attention to the conversation at hand. Picani probably had a point. Still… “He’s known Patton for years, and I’m pretty sure they’ve both been interested in each other for a long time… if not for me…” “If not for you he might not have taken the job at the university in the first place. It’s like in The Prince of Egypt. When Mozes found himself in the nomad’s camp he felt unworthy of their kindness. But the priest told him that it wasn’t a single man’s place to judge the worth of his life. You’d have to take a step back and oversee all the people you’ve met and the effects you’ve had on their lives and how that ripples throughout the world around them.” “Wow, a movie. Out of cartoon references?” Virgil teased, choosing to table the doctor’s point to think about later. “I like to broaden my repertoire from time to time,” Picani admitted. “So… Have you told your prince yet?” he queries letting go of the subject in favor of another tough discussion. “I… We are barely friends. I don’t want to push him away like that.” He expected Picani to draw a comparison to Kim Possible or something. But the doctor could surprise him sometimes. “Could it be that your father had similar reasons not to pursue a romantic connection until now? Out of fear of upsetting a status quo he felt comfortable with?” Virgil frowned as he considered that. Maybe, maybe he had a point. His dad was one for schedules and predictability. A new addition to their family dynamic would shake that up. So, maybe his dad had needed a shove in the right direction. Should he… No Roman is straight. Nothing good is going to come from this. “You mentioned that he said he hadn’t expected to care so much for you. Sometimes you don’t know what you want or need until it falls into your lap. Your father didn’t know he wanted a son until he had one. And similarly he might not have known he needed a partner until you shoved him and Dr. Bonnaire together.” That…Well he had a point there, maybe. He also made Virgil feel so relaxed at times that he wanted to open up about  his gift, even if just a little. Just mention that sometimes weird things happened. But he wasn’t sure if being gifted was one of those ‘if you might put yourself or others in danger’ exceptions to doctor patient confidentiality. Being a hero in the shadow’s had downsides though. He wasn’t authorized to make arrests. He didn’t have any kind of professional protection or equipment, and the police didn’t know who he is and to let him do his thing. Virgil had decided how he wanted to change the city though. He would listen in on conversations, record them without risk of being caught. And if those recordings ended up with the police and that lead to actual arrests... well that was almost as good then wasn’t it? He had plans for more daring escapades later. When he got better at healing and hiding. Baby steps. But that rule couldn’t apply to everything. After almost two years of dancing around Janus’ jealousy and his own wishes to make some other friends, the straw that broke the camel’s back came in a startling realization that brought everything crashing down. “Sociology would be a good choice.” Virgil hummed absentmindedly as he chewed on his sandwich and looked over the offered elective classes. The past two years he hadn’t been sure what to take and joined Janus in whatever he picked. But after a full year of hearing Roman encouraging his art, he’d spent a few Friday afternoons in the studio. He’d been surprised at how accommodating and understanding the other artists were. They saw him work with his headphones on and left him alone. No one looked at his art if he didn’t want them to and they didn’t care if he looked at theirs when they displayed it. They even asked him his opinions on their pieces. And rumors about his ‘talent’ had joined the whispers in the hallway he listened in on every now and then. “I was thinking to take an art elective,” he told Janus. “Why?” The question surprised Virgil. “Because I’d like to actually learn some techniques? I dunno. They say to pick something that fits our interests. I’m interested in art,” he explained a little annoyed. “But we can’t do anything with that in college,” Janus pointed out with a roll of his eyes. “I suppose it’s a decent extracurricular,” he allowed before going off in a rant: “though something with sports will be better. College’s eat that stuff up…” Janus kept talking but Virgil didn’t really listen anymore. He just realized something. Jan never stopped talking about decisions he made as if they were for the both of them. Even now he talked as if Virgil would even consider joining the football or debate team with him. Virgil who hated public speaking and would have a panic attack at the thought of football practice alone and all the injuries that could happen. “But… I really want to do art. The new teacher is a pretty awesome artist I’ve been kind of following for a while. This might be my only chance to learn from him,” Virgil pointed out. He really hoped that Jan had just not realized he was talking as if Virgil would follow him wherever he went. “Don’t be dramatic V. It’s not like you can make a career out of drawings.” Virgil thought back to every time Roman had praised him and said he had potential. Wasn’t that how friends were supposed to act? His dad, who had the job of keeping his feet on the ground was more supportive of his interest in art than Janus was being. “It makes me happy,” he muttered feeling hurt and rejected in a weird way. “A career isn’t about what makes you happy, it’s about what gets you ahead in life.” And the tone made it clear that Janus wasn’t going to talk about the subject any more. That was fine with Virgil. He too, had made a decision. The next appointment he sat himself on the edge of the couch and looked at Picani with an intense determination. “I’m ready.”
A hard won victory. 
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bitterlikesweets · 3 years
Love Bites Ch 7
This is the seventh chapter of a modern/vampire AU ereri fanfic. You can also read it on Ao3. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
There’s a typo in the first text that Eren sends to Levi. Determined to stop overthinking their interactions, Eren is quick with his fingers, typing out a brief message that only requires a quick glance at the screen.
That’s how ‘Be there in a sec’ became ‘Be there in a sex’. A slip of Eren’s finger ruined a perfectly good message.
Eren doesn’t notice until he’s buckling himself into his car and Levi responds.
'Don’t tell me that shit, kid.'
He spends the next few minutes trying to type out a response that doesn’t make him look like a complete fucking idiot, only to resign himself to the fact that there isn’t one. He explains that his finger slipped, but Levi doesn’t answer his text and Eren wants to chomp his stupid, clumsy fingers off.
When Eren gets to the restaurant, Levi is already waiting for him in the break room. He doesn’t say anything about the text as Eren quickly grabs a seat at the table, and Eren drinks in silence. He’s more than happy to pretend that it never happened.
When he feels Levi’s hands in his hair, he’s quick to pull away.
“I’ve got the night shift at an arcade bar,” he tells Levi, an answer to Levi’s raised eyebrow as he watches Eren hurriedly collect his things. “I’ve got to be there in half an hour.”
“Should we skip the lesson?” Levi asks.
“Unless you’ve got some quick advice, yeah.”
“Hmm,” Levi says, wiping his wrist with a napkin. “Lesson one for this week is proofread your texts.”
Eren splutters and aims a glare at Levi, who just stares at him as impassively as ever.
“Fuck you,” Eren says, and he marches out of the room before Levi has a chance to notice his blush.
Eren’s not sure if being pissed is any better than being embarrassed, but the annoyance does feel a bit closer to normal for him.
Lesson two takes place after Eren’s six o’clock statistics class. His warning text was safer this time—a simple ‘On my way.’ Levi is the one in a rush today; Isabel is off and he can’t leave Furlan being both a waiter and a chef for long. He talks while Eren drinks, and his hand is preemptively resting on the crown of Eren’s head, so Eren has to wait for the tug and pretend that Levi’s hand isn’t distracting him from properly listening to the man’s words.
Lesson two is about myths. Levi tells him not to worry about not appearing in mirrors and photos, but to be wary of any liquid claiming to be holy water.
“Can I turn into a bat?”
Levi scoffs.
“Maybe through reincarnation.”
The third day is more relaxed. Levi’s not rushing, and Eren has at least an hour until he needs to be at work, but Levi’s hand is still on his head from the start, and Eren suspects this is going to be part of their routine now.
The lesson is about partners. How to choose them and when to drink from them.
“Nobody anemic,” Levi says. “And never after they’ve had alcohol or drugs or any of that shit. You’ve got to wait until it’s out of their system, or you’re both going to feel fucked up once you’re done. Especially you, as the vampire, since you’ll already be half drunk with blood.”
The next day’s lesson is also about partners. But it’s also about Eren.
“You both need to know your limits,” Levi says. His voice is stern and his fingers tangle in the strands of Eren’s hair. “You need to be careful not to drink too much.”
There’s that tug at his scalp and Eren pulls back, swiping his tongue across the bite mark on Levi’s wrist.
“How do you always know when to stop me?”
“You slow down once you’ve had your fill,” Levi replies, “so it’s easy to notice. Normally it should take a few tries to figure it out, but you’re consistent.”
“What should I do if not everyone’s as observant as you?”
“They’ll get dizzy or weak and will know then that you’ve had more than necessary. But I’m hoping to have trained you to recognize the right amount on your own by then.”
“Sounds like work,” Eren grumbles, and he thinks Levi gave him a little extra today, because he feels more blood drunk than usual. “Why don’t you just stay my partner?”
Levi’s silence is sobering, and Eren nearly takes the words back.
“I doubt you really want that,” Levi says eventually.
“You don’t know that.”
“And you don’t either.”
Eren feels like he should argue with that statement, but he doesn’t know what to say. So he says nothing, and Levi doesn’t say anything either.
Day five’s lesson is not about partners. Levi is busy and impatient. His hand only falls upon Eren’s head when it’s time for him to stop. The man’s tone is clipped and stiff when he speaks, and Eren has to remind himself that Levi is just in a rush because Furlan isn’t there today, so there’s no substitute chef. It’s not at all because Eren said something stupid the day before.
The lesson is about turning people. A bite to the neck doesn’t automatically turn someone into a vampire, but Levi tells Eren that the blood spills faster there, so it’s easier to take too much. And taking too much from the neck creates new vampires. Something about the vampire healing saliva overcompensating for the blood it takes, enough of it that it overwhelms the human. There was something else too, about proximity to the heart.
Eren lays a hand over his chest. He forgot that there’s a heart in there. A heart that used to beat.
Levi watches him, tells him something else on his way out.
His heart can beat again, at least for a moment, but only at the cost of someone else’s. That’s what turning people is; a brief breath of life, gained by stealing someone else’s.
Eren touches the scar on his neck and feels sick to his stomach.
On day six, they’re both a bit calmer. The restaurant is busy, but Furlan and Isabel are as lively as ever, and they encourage Levi to take his time. They’re both used to Eren by now; they greet him with smiles whenever he arrives, and he feels guilty for not having any full conversations with them yet.
He feels that he is drinking slower than usual, but that doesn’t stop Levi from knowing when to stop him, detecting a change in speed that Eren is always too hazy-brained to notice.
“What am I learning today?” Eren asks, resting his head on the table.
Levi is walking around the room, probably choosing a weapon to reveal. He’s taken to finding them as he teaches, to save them both a bit of time. The weapon is usually a stake, but he’s also pulled out vials of holy water out of the filing cabinet in the corner a few times.
“I want to talk about turning again,” Levi says, and Eren frowns. He doesn’t like this topic.
“It’s not always involuntary. Actually, it’s more likely to be voluntary these days.”
Eren’s frown deepens.
“Who would volunteer to be a vampire?”
“People who want to be immortal, usually. Sometimes they want the strength. Some just want to stay with the vampires they’ve partnered up with.”
Levi stops by a photo on the wall. Eren recognizes it as the one he knocked down when he threw the table over a week ago. The photo of Levi as a child, with the cardboard Kuchel’s Kitchen sign. Levi pulls it off the wall and flips it over, carefully removing a wooden square from the back of the frame.
“Have you ever thought about getting turned?” Eren asks.
Levi scoffs.
“Fuck no. A hunter becoming a vampire? I doubt anyone would even turn me.”
“What makes you say that?”
“No vampire in their right mind would want me to live forever. It’s in everyone’s best interest that I die someday,” Levi says, and his voice is completely calm, like he’s thought about it and accepted it.
Of course, it makes sense that Levi will die eventually. Levi is human. He’s going to grow old, just like everyone else. But the thought still puts a sour taste in Eren’s mouth.
Maybe it’s because Eren’s never going to grow old and die.
The weapon hidden in the picture frame is a knife, small and thin and sharp, but Eren isn’t looking at it. He’s staring at the table, twiddling his thumbs, thinking about how he’s not going to die and Levi is.
“What?” Levi says, coming to sit back down at the table. “You going to miss me, brat?”
“Yeah, maybe I fucking will,” Eren snaps, and he really doesn’t know why he’s so worked up over this because of course Levi’s going to die someday, he’s human—
A hand comes to rest on his head, heavy and familiar and comforting. And when Levi speaks, it’s like a sigh, with something in his exasperated words coming off as almost affectionate.
“You’re so damn honest.”
Eren shifts just enough to look at Levi, not wanting to lose the hand Levi is resting on him.
“Is that a bad thing?”
Levi huffs, but he sounds like he’s on the border of a chuckle.
“No. It’s refreshing. But you need to learn to take a joke.”
“I can take a joke,” Eren insists. “You’re just bad at telling them.”
“Oh, don’t turn your shit sense of humor back on me—”
“Wha—you’re the one who has the shit sense of humor!”
Their conversation devolves into half hearted insults that leave Eren laughing, and he’s so distracted by Levi’s teasing that he almost doesn’t notice the way the man’s hand lingers on his head, fingers combing through his hair.
They only stop when Furlan comes in, begging Levi to get back to work. Eren is still grinning on his way out.
~ ~ ~
The lights are off in Kuchel’s Kitchen on day seven. The day marks a month since Eren first met Levi. A month from the day he mistakenly ate garlic and tasted Levi’s blood.
Eren presses his face against the front windows of the restaurant, trying to see inside. The chairs are all flipped upside down and on the tables like they are after closing. He pulls his phone out of his pocket. It’s only eight. He sends another text to Levi, asking if everything’s alright. Levi simply texts him that he’ll be out in a minute.
Eren huffs a sigh, leaning against the brick wall of the restaurant.
The whole restaurant has a sort of old fashioned, cozy feel. The red bricks on the outside, the heavy wooden door with a literal bell hanging on the inside. The tables inside are all dark wood and thick red tablecloths, and there are black and white photos on the walls, most of people that Eren doesn’t know or recognize, though he has noticed a few of Isabel and Furlan on his trips to the break room. Eren can picture it all in his head fairly clearly, even without having to look through the window.
It’s different from the vibe he gets from Levi. The white and yellow tiled floor, the red walls… It’s colorful and bright, and it feels more like something Eren’s mom had decorated, rather than a no nonsense, practical man like Levi. The wallpaper even has fucking flowers on it.
And then there’s the name. Kuchel’s Kitchen. Who is Kuchel?
Eren thinks of the picture in the break room. The small kitchen, the cardboard sign. Little Levi, and the dark haired woman handing him a plate.
Maybe Levi’s mother helped him with the decor. Either that or Levi’s got a soft spot for flowery wallpaper and pretty colors.
It’s sweet, either way.
Eren hears the sound of the door unlocking, and he’s already looking when Levi steps out, the chime of the bell accompanying him.
“Sorry,” Levi says, beckoning Eren inside. “Isabel and Furlan said they both couldn’t make it to work, so I had to close early.”
“Are they your only employees?”
“They’re the evening shift,” Levi says, “I’ve got a few others that work during the day.”
Eren hums a little, casting a glance around the still darkened room.
“We could’ve met somewhere else if you wanted,” he says, and Levi just shrugs in response.
“I needed extra time to clean up around here anyway.”
They slip into their normal seats in the break room, and Eren leans onto the table, resting his chin in his hands as he watches Levi push up the sleeve of his shirt.
“I’m not busy today,” Levi says. “Are you?”
“No. No work and no school for me today.”
Levi nods, laying his arm across the table.
“Then, today, feel free to ask me anything you’re still not sure about.”
Eren pauses, his hands reaching for Levi’s arm.
“Is Kuchel your mom’s name?”
Levi’s entire body tenses, and Eren stops with his mouth halfway to Levi’s wrist.
“I meant questions about being a vampire, shitty brat.”
Eren tries to apologize, but Levi’s hand is on his head and he practically shoves Eren’s face into his wrist, stifling anything he was trying to say. Eren lets out a little grumble of protest, but he obediently sinks his fangs in. Levi sighs after a moment.
“...Yes, Kuchel is my mother’s name.”
Eren’s mouth is still occupied, so he squeezes Levi’s arm with his hands, hoping the man understands his request for the man to continue.
“You know that vampire hunting was the family business,” Levi says slowly. “My mother… she didn’t enjoy it. She was the one who taught me that vampires are still people. She learned all the tricks because she had to, but she only killed if it was absolutely necessary.”
Levi tightens his grip on Eren’s hair.
“She wanted an Italian restaurant. Went on and on about that shit. We’re not even fucking Italian, but that’s what she wanted. She started collecting shit—decorations and plates for her future restaurant. Started writing down recipes.”
Even in the midst of his explanation, Levi must be observing Eren, because Eren feels that familiar tug, that silent instruction to pull back. Eren does remove his teeth, complies with the obligatory healing lick, but he doesn’t pull all the way back. He keeps his head low, his lips pressed against the man’s pale skin.
“She was killed when I was a kid,” Levi says and the quiet statement hits Eren like a pound of snow dropped on his back. “She… she always tried to talk shit out, even in the midst of a fight. But there was no point to talking to the ferals. She knew that. She was just stalling—stalling so that my uncle could get me out of there. We all lived together. She was letting us escape.”
Levi takes in a shuddering breath, and Eren sits up, tries to look at him, but the man’s head is turned away. His hand falls away from Eren’s head, and Eren takes it, cradles it in his own.
“When you told me about your mom, I—it was too similar,” Levi says. “I looked at you, and I saw myself. That’s why I let you bite me.”
Eren’s stomach is a painful knot as he thinks about his mother, about that day, about how he couldn’t do anything for her. And he imagines Levi, just a little kid, watching it all play out, knowing exactly what was happening. He feels his own helplessness from the day he was turned and knows that Levi has felt the same. And his mother’s face, her scream are too vivid to Eren now. The images, the memories flash in his head and he squeezes his eyes shut, his hand tightening around Levi’s as his chest starts to burn—
“Sorry,” Levi says, and the word only makes Eren ache even more. “I shouldn’t have—it’s still fresh for you.”
“Don’t apologize,” Eren says, and the words are like a growl, far harsher than he meant to say them. Levi doesn’t even flinch at his tone, but Eren still pulls in a rough breath, trying to calm down, to stomp out the burning. “I’m glad you told me.”
Levi is looking back at him again, and in the place of his usual mask of indifference, Eren sees sorrow and guilt, even as he huffs a sigh and tries to change the subject.
“Didn’t mean to tell you my sob story today,” Levi says, and his voice is under more control than his expression is. “Let’s move on. What else do you want to know?”
The fire in Eren’s chest helps him answer.
“Tell me the best way to kill a vampire.”
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Sunflower - Harry Styles AU Series (Volume 8)
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The year is 1977 and it’s officially summertime. Y/N is spending it with her family at the Malibu Breeze Hotel, where she meets, aspiring musician, Harry Styles. The two clash in the beginning, but soon realize they may just need each other in the end. Find out just how life changing one summer can be in Sunflower, a Harry Styles AU.  Here is part 8of Sunflower. Hope you enjoy it! 
Vol. 1 Vol. 2   Vol. 3  Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol. 7 
I stood there, mouth agape, as I watched the random woman press her lips against Harry’s. He quickly pushed her away from him, but it didn’t matter. I needed to get out of there. I had gotten my answer on what I was to Harry and just who he was. I turned on my heel heading out the backdoor not bothering to hear or see what might transpire between those two. I didn’t care.
At least that’s what I kept telling myself. The problem was I did care. I cared a hell of a lot, but I shouldn’t. He never once acted nice to me or acted as if he had feelings for me. Yeah, we shared a kiss, but it’s not like it meant anything. At least, not to him, so it seems. By the time, I made it out to the parking lot of the venue, the air was colder than when I had first arrived.
A rainstorm had blown in, leaving the asphalt dark, wet, and slippery. I had a bit of a long walk back to the hotel and instantly regretted not bringing a sweater. I sighed knowing I better get moving and made my way down the highway.
About a half a mile down the road, I see my first set of headlights shining from behind me. My heartbeat quickened a bit hoping that one, the driver of the car didn’t hit me, and two, they didn’t snatch me off the side of the road either. My last thought triggered my legs to move a little quicker and curse myself for not trying to get a ride with Sarah and Mitch.
I could hear the faint sound of music coming from the oncoming car as they began to slow down. I gulped gripping onto my guitar case, ready to use as a weapon if need be. I highly doubted it would do much of anything, but I’m sure it would buy me some time.
“Y/N!” I heard from inside the car.
I stopped in my tracks, knowing exactly who the voice belonged to.
“I don’t need a ride, Harry,” I told him, not bothering to look in his direction.
“Just get in the fucking car, Y/N,” he said. “You can’t be walking by yourself this late at night.”
“I’m a big girl,” I mumbled.
“Yet, you ran out the door when you saw another chick kiss me instead of confronting me about it?” He asked, raising his eyebrow.
“It’s not like we’re together. We kissed once. You don’t have to answer to me,” I said, turning to face him. “I left because it’s getting late and I need to get back.”
Technically, that last part was not a lie, but it definitely wasn’t the reason why I left so suddenly. Damn him for knowing.
“Look, you’ve got two options,” he sighed. “Either get in the car and I’ll take you back to the hotel myself or I’m gonna follow you the entire way there.”
Rolling my eyes, I reach over opening the door and getting in. I put my guitar in the backseat and looked out the window. Harry puts the car in park.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Before I take you back, we’re going to talk about what happened,” He said.
“I already told you there’s nothing to talk about,” I shrugged.
“So, that’s it, huh?” He asked. “Our kiss meant nothing? You telling me you had feelings for me, was just what? A lie?”
“Fuck you! Why am I being treated like I did something wrong?” I asked.
“So, you admit it. Her kissing me does bother you,” he said.
“Yeah, it does, but it’s fine really. I get it. You’re not a one woman guy. You fuck around with girls all the time beacuse they throw themselves at you, just like I did,” I said. “But I was stupid because I’m going to fuck you. I’m not that type of girl.”
Harry shook his head, “You’re wrong. I’m not gonna lie and say I haven’t fucked myself around, because I have. But it’s not because I’m not a one woman guy. I want that. I want what Mitch and Sarah have, but for some fucking reason I can’t. Because any chick who has ever liked me, likes me for what they think I can give them or that they can brag they’ve fucked me.”
“Then what was that tonight? Huh?” I asked.
“She’s someone from the past. She means nothing,” he answered.
“And me?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
“I-I don’t know,” he whispered. “I can’t-I can’t explain what I feel when I’m around you.”
A smile tugs at my lips, “I know what you mean.”
“I uh, I know we just met and we haven’t exactly been on the best of terms, but…” he started before placing his hand next to mine. “I want to figure out whatever this is… between us… I mean as long as you want to…”
My heart flutters at his words. I’m not sure what I should say to his statement, there’s probably a million reasons why I should turn it down, but what if there’s a million and one on why I should say yes. Instead of taking the advice of my head, I listen to my heart.
“Okay, let’s do this,” I smiled, placing my hand over his.
The next day I woke up with a smile on my face remembering the night before. This was something I noticed I was doing quite a lot lately. Between playing music with the band and spending time with Harry, I was the happiness I had ever been, at least that I can remember.
It had been a while since I spent some time at the pool, so I decided to grab a book and make my way there. Marianne was still sleeping when I left and I’m sure my parents were still doing their own thing. As I made my way down to the pool, someone grabbed my arm, pulling me into a small hallway.
Just as I opened my mouth in protest, I saw green eyes looking into mine.
“What are you doing?” I laughed.
“I’m on break so…” he said innocently.
“So, you thought it was best to pull me into a hallway?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Only so I could do this,” he whispered, taking my face into his hands and pressing a light kiss against my lips.
Smiling into the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, leaning my body into his. This kiss was definitely a lot more tamed than our kiss just a few hours ago when he dropped me off at the hotel. I could have easily ended up in his backseat, but I could tell he didn’t want to pressure me.
“How long’s your break?” I asked in between kisses.
“I’ve got like two minutes left,” he said, pulling me closer to him. “Which leads me to my question.”
“And that is?” I asked.
“Wanna hang out later?” He asked. “I get off at four. I can run back to my place, change, and meet you around 5?”
“You asking me out on a date, Styles?” I asked, playing with the collar of his shirt.
“Depends… you sayin’ yes?” He asked.
“What about rehearsal?” I asked.
“We’d be back before then,” he said.
“Hm.. I guess I can swing it,” I told him.
He smirked pressing one last kiss, “Far out! I’ll see you then.”
Later that afternoon, I got ready for my date with Harry. I had no clue what we were going to do or what a date with Harry actually entailed. I knew Harry wasn’t exactly fancy, so I went with casual. Flared jeans and a cropped ruffle top. I clipped my hair back and put just a bit of makeup on before grabbing my purse and heading down to where Harry told me to meet him.
I only had to wait about five minutes before he pulled up next to me. I smiled hopping into his car, leaning over to kiss him before I even shut the door behind me.
“You look beautiful,” he smiled.
“Thank you,” I blushed.
He smiled turning up the radio and driving away. We drove down the coast in silence nothing but the sound of the radio and the wind blowing through the open windows. But the silence was far from awkward, we were content, just being together. That’s what’s so weird about being with him, as long as I was around him, it didn’t matter what we were doing.
After about a half hour of driving, he pulls over on the side of the road.
“We’re here,” he smiled.
I raised an eyebrow, “And where is here exactly?”
He laughed, “I brought food. I thought we could have a little picnic dinner. I know it isn’t much.. I know it’s not a boat-”
“Hey, it’s perfect,” I smiled squeezing his hand.
He smiled reaching in the backseat for the basket of food before getting out of the car. I smiled following him and jumping onto the hood of the car as we looked out towards the beach.
He hands me a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of coke.
“Thank you,” I smiled, taking off the plastic wrap and taking a bite.
“Oh, I uh… I meant to ask you about this last night, but we had another conversation,” I said. “But I noticed you were talking with a guy after the show last night. You seemed pretty stoked about whatever he had to say.”
“You saw that huh?” He asked. “That’s actually what I was going to talk about during rehearsals tonight.”
“You gonna make me wait me out?” I asked.
“I should,” he laughed.
“Buuut you’re not right?” I smirked
“I can’t exactly say no to you,” he said. “Anyway, he’s a manager at a record label. He said we had potential and he’ll be in touch about bringing in some of his team to hear us at a show in a few weeks.”
“You’re kidding?” I gasped. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“That we have a chance at a real record label, yeah?” He nodded.
“No fucking way,” I smiled. “This is amazing. Wait- why aren’t you more excited about this?”
“Because I don’t want to get my hopes up,” he said. “This is our first real opportunity and it doesn’t feel real.”
I sighed scooting closer to him, “Well, you can be a little excited about it.”
He sighed looking down, “I don’t wanna fail, Y/N. This… making music… It's been my dream since as long as I can remember. I fucking hate working at The Malibu Breeze…but I know if I don’t make it soon, I’ll be stuck there or in some suit for the rest of life. If this doesn’t work-”
I put my hands on his face, making him look at me, “We’re gonna do this. You, me, the band, we’ve got this.”
Harry pressed his lips against mine, bringing me closer to him, as the sun began to set behind us.
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