#the cherry on top would be taking up sh again
humbleanger · 1 year
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hungharrington · 11 months
you already know i’m way too soft… so i give you: [ CLOSE ]  sender wrapping their arms around receiver who is on top after they’ve finished,  holding them close against their chest with their face hidden in their neck while they recover. 
special bonus if you somehow can make this the softest thing ever (the reward is a fat kiss)
you know what auttie u were the only one who picked this one but bcos it's you, imma do it anyways <3 MDNI this entire blog is 18+
One thing you can't say about Steve Harrington is that he is not a determined person.
Other people might use the word competitive but you know better; within him is burning determination that drives him to do better in everything he does. Loving you is one of those things. Loving you in bed... is another.
You're particular. You used to hate it — that you like this but not that, but you like this sometimes and that if you do it a certain way. It feels overly picky and for a long time, before you had Steve, you weren't sure if you allowed to be that picky.
But Steve meets your particularness head on.
So, if it means you need a little longer to cum? Well, it's simply of a challenge of stamina and working a little harder for it. Steve always rises to the challenge.
Tonight, you're wound extra tight— frustrated that it's taking you so long to get near your peak even with Steve doing all the right things. But he's more than pleased with letting you take what you need, giving breathy little groans just at the sight before him.
He's beneath you, one hand helping your hips rock forward and back, his throbbing cock buried deep in your wet cunt. You've been at it awhile, a slow ride on his cock, bringing both of you closer and closer— but Steve's focus is all on you.
"Fuck, you're so—" His words get swallowed up in his moan as you rise up on your thighs an inch and drop back down, the roll of his hips still so gentle. The sex is never too rough when you're on top. Steve doesn't care in the least, he likes it, he loves it. Adores when it's soft and slow and you take what you need from him.
"Oh f-fuck, honey," He whines, his hips bucking up and pressing his cock up into you. A flame of white hot pleasure licks up your spine as Steve's fucked out rambling continues. "So pretty—y'so fucking gorgeous."
It's a time where you have no choice to believe him completely — with the reverent expression on his face, flushed cheeks and cherry red lips, gazing up at you atop him like you're everything. The knot in your tummy burns hotter. A desperate whimper tumbles out your throat and your hips move a little faster.
"You getting close? Y'need my help, mm?" He asks. Normally, there would be that slight condescending lilt that makes you gush but tonight, it's just love. You nod, whimpering again as you do. You're close, so close— but not close enough.
"Yes," you gasp. "Please, Steve- more, I need— can you—"
"Hey, sh sh," Steve shushes you, hearing how you're getting worked up just trying to ask him for more. His hand slides from your hip across your belly, palm flat and warm, til his thumb finds your clit. He rubs fast circles, just the way you've taught him you like, and he's rewarded with a long whiney moan. "There we go, that's what you need, yeah?"
You're nodding, chest beginning to heave as the edges of your orgasm trickle in. Your hips move desperately, fucking yourself on his cock as his thumb gives the extra stimulation on your clit you need.
"S-Steve," you pant, a whimpery warning. "Steve, fuck, I'm— you're gonna make me cum, you're gonna—"
You cut yourself off with a loud whine, all high pitched and breathy, as your orgasm finally washes over you. You flutter around his cock and feel the grip of his hands tighten, Steve's own orgasm tipping over after holding off for so long. You can't help how your buckle, leaning forward and onto Steve's chest as you quiver and moan— Steve dutifully milking it as he fucks the both of you through your highs.
It's delirium, it's overwhelming, it's so much — you cum hard enough to see stars and bury your face away in his neck, safe to ride out the waves. You're still panting, cunt still clenching around him and Steve's hands move, dragging up your sides so he can wrap his arms around you in a big hug. One of his big hands strokes down your spine soothingly, his own heavy breathes beginning to slow.
"That was a big one, hm?" He murmurs, soft and low. You can see feel him throbbing inside you, can still feel bursts of pleasure making your thighs tremble. "Mm, I know it was, I know. You did so good, baby, so good."
You try to speak but another muffled pitiful noise escapes you instead and Steve's arms tighten their hug; his hands stroke over your hair this time, fingers drifting through to scrape at your scalp softly.
"Did so good f'me," He continues, finally feeling your body start to relax against him, recovering slowly from the intense high. Faintly, he can feel you press a kiss to his neck and it makes him smile. "So, so good. I love you, y'know?"
"I know," you manage to speak, words muffled against his skin. "I love you too."
Steve's smile transforms to a blinding grin, even though you can't see it — you swear his chest glows a little bit hotter beneath you. You kiss his neck again. God, he loves you well. You should move probably now that you've caught your breath— the sweat is beginning to cool.
One more minute, you think, happier than ever just where you are.
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leighlew3 · 10 months
hey, what do you mean by "Supercorp was effectively endgame but also not technically endgame"? i stopped watching that sh*tshow after season 2. never thought i would be caring about how SG ended but i'm so confused rn help 😭😭
Well first of all the constant Clois parallels from Season 2-6 and all the queerbait throughout every season. But S5 and S6 especially had endless parallels being shown and made openly between Kara/Lena and romantic couples again and again, as well as most of the second half of S6 showing Kara and Lena acting VERY domestic, closer than ever, having dinners alone together at night at the end of the days/episodes while everyone else was paired up, etc. Ultimately though the real kicker was by the end of the show they'd removed any possible love interest options for Kara and Lena. They both ended the show single as a pringle at a lesbian wedding, in which Kara sang "We belong together" for the couple -- while repeatedly looking in the direction of Lena. They killed off William (weird choice though, coulda just had him leave...) and even had Mon-El stop by in the finale for the big final battle, only to afterwards tell Kara he'll literally NEVER be back again in her time. 😂
So they buried all "rival ships" forever by the end, and had Kara and Lena freed up and side-by-side, with them having a beautiful moment and declaring how much they care about and challenge each other, etc at the wedding and ultimately Kara deciding to be herself at the end after a deep talk with Lena that was an obvious metaphor for coming out. Lena even had a conversion therapy metaphor built into her part (a thing about her "magic" being stifled as a kid or whatever).
Anyway, so from her talk with Lena, Kara decided to be open to finally having a relationship with someone as her true self, no more secrets. Lena walks off to go clap and see off the newly married Alex/Kelly leaving in the car for their honeymoon. Kara looks in Lena's direction, takes off her glasses, smiles softly, and walks off towards Lena and the crowd. And in the montage at the end of the show showing everybody's futures shortly after, Kara was on stage at the relaunch of the DEO and smiled warmly to someone off screen. Then Lena was shown launching her Luthor charity organization -- and she looks up towards the sky with a proud smile. Further showing how they were side by side with each other from that moment on, ahem.
And the cherry on top: in some official DC/Arrowverse follow up comics they released for a couple of the shows after SG ended, one comic had Kara saying she had to get home / had something important to do or whatever to be so she couldn't stick around, and the other comic -- written by a Supercorp fan turned staff writer for Batwoman -- had Lena standing in front of a shop with a pride flag in the window behind her as she said to Ryan that she had a first date she had to get home to and didn't want to mess it up (no mention of with whom, nor the gender of the date -- all intentionally vague).
Sooo, yeah.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Ok I know this is a LOT but I’m willing to wait months for this request haha. Can you pretty please with a cherry on top do the entire fluff alphabet for Nanami kento? 🎂
Oh my goodness, anon, I would never make you wait months for something like this lol I absolutely love Nanami with my entire heart and soul he is my favorite character in Jujutsu Kaisen, so thank you so so so so much for this request, lovely! I hope you have an awesome day and enjoy the fluff alphabet!! <333
Fluff Alphabet with Kento Nanami
Pairing - Kento Nanami x reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 3,288
Notes - inspired by this post. anon, i really hope you enjoy this, it took a long while to write, but i loved every second of it! have an amazing day!! <33333
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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A ctivities - what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
Nanami doesn't get a lot of downtime since he just loves to overwork himself [smh], but when he does, it is usually because you force him to. You would have to get this man's day off for him and be like uh-oh, they didn't schedule you in today, that's too bad.
I think he would love a self care day. He would love taking long baths with you and drinking wine and tea and just spending his time at home with you. Lots of holding each other on the couch and eating a lot of food.
But even on a regular work day, I think he would love getting ready with you in the morning. He loves a good morning routine, so to see you there too makes him fall in love all over again. Making breakfast for each other, giving goodbye kisses, he's a sucker for it all.
He also loves cooking and baking with you. It doesn't take super long and he just loves the little room there is in the kitchen so he can be pressed close to you whenever you're cooking with him.
I also think he would like Frisbee golf(???) don't quote me on that, but I think he would really love playing Frisbee with you lol
B eauty - what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
Thighs guy. And back guy. I'm just gonna put that out there.
But other than that, he finds that your kindness is what really makes you shine. He loves that you are willing to love him and finds that to be the true beauty (gosh, i love this man).
I also think he would find it attractive when you cook for him or cook with him. I think he would find that food is a very intimate and loving way to show how much you love him, so he would be obsessed with it.
C omfort - how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack, etc.
This man is your therapist. If you feel yourself getting to a stage where you just need to talk or take a breath, or even get a little panicky, you go straight to Nanami. He would breathe with you, trying to keep a steady rhythm and then he would ask you to talk. He would hold your hand, squeezing it occasionally, making you feel warm inside and eventually, you would feel a sense of calmness again.
If you're crying, on the other hand, you would run up to this man, falling straight into his arms. He would rub the back of your head, making little "sh" noises and holding you close to his chest. He would whisper how much he loves you and press little kisses on your head.
Now if you're feeling down about your body, this is a whole other subject. This man would be so upset if you were upset about your appearance. He would take you straight to a mirror and ask you to point at the places that you aren't liking and then proceed to press little kisses and rub those parts of your body, after getting onto you about it, of course.
D reams - how do they picture a future with their s/o?
He has thought about kids, but knows that maybe, because he works so much, that it probably wouldn't be the greatest idea, but the thought it always in his mind.
Marriage, though, is top priority for him. He purposely peels his eyes away from any jewelry shop because god knows he would just walk up and buy a ring on the spot for you.
He just wants to live together forever and have a cat, no Gojo involved. That's his dream future.
E qual - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Both of you switch around quite a bit. I think that he would be dominant in certain aspects, while you would be in others. But to be honest, I think it is a very equal relationship.
You would be the one to force him on the couch for face masks and cuddles, while he would be the one to help with emotional problems and any money issues and all of that.
But I honestly don't see either you or Nanami being more dominant than the other and he treats you completely equally (with tons of kisses ofc)
F ight - would they be easy to forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
I honestly think, since he is so smart, fights with him wouldn't be fun. He would know what he's talking about and definitely thinks before he says anything. However! Fights with him are very very rare, so nothing to worry about too much.
When fights do happen though, it would feel so separated. You're already separated enough because he's always at work, but it wouldn't even feel like he's around anymore. But he's not avoiding you because he hates you, he's avoiding you because he doesn't want to screw up what you already have. He is thinking about how he is going to apologize, or communicate with you.
I think he would be pretty quick to forgive you if you caused the argument, but there would be a long talk. I think this man thinks that communication is key [amen] and that there needs to be a long talk instead of avoiding the situation or pretending like it didn't happen. He wants to see how he can fix his mistake and he wants to tell you what hurt him. He would be very good at working through it, so it feels like growth is happening instead of the opposite.
G ratitude - how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Nanami can't even believe he is breathing the same air as you sometimes.
This man is so grateful that every time he comes home from a stressful day, you're there with your arms stretched out and food on the counter. He couldn't ask for anything more. He loves you more than anything in the whole world.
He eventually figured out that you were managing to get time off for him, but he didn't tell you that he knew. He loved that you would do this for him just to spend more time with him and get him the self care he needs, he's honestly obsessed with it, and a little pissed when he has a long day and you didn't choose face masks for him instead.
He is very aware of how much you love him and take care of him and it's what makes him love you more than the earth itself. He wouldn't give you up for anything and honestly needs you.
H onesty - do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
Nanami is a very reserved man, I honestly don't think he would be one for secrets, but he isn't chatty either. I mean, I think he would think it's a secret how much he loves you, but you can tell in those gorgeous eyes how hard he's fallen for you lol.
But perhaps if you weren't a sorcerer, he wouldn't tell you about curses or anything like that just because he wants to keep you safe. He doesn't want you to find out how dangerous his life can be sometimes, so he just tells you about his 9-5 rather than he's been fighting curses all day.
I nspiration - did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Since Nanami is like the therapist in your life, your mood and overall mental health has gotten so much better after dating Nanami. You are more willing to talk about your problems than hide them, and more willing to be okay with not being okay, so overall, you have become much healthier after beginning a relationship with Nanami.
Nanami has definitely changed because of you. He has learned how important self care is and how much fun it is to try new things like cooking and baking. He has overall figured out himself and what his life needed, and that was you.
J ealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
Oh yes.
Oh dear lord this man gets so jealous.
If he takes you to a work party and you start talking to one of his coworkers in a cutesy manner, he will scowl like no other, sending said coworker a dirty look.
Now on the off chance you know Gojo/are friends with Gojo, Nanami will hate it. More than anything. Gojo is a naturally flirtatious fella, so when Nanami saw the way he was talking to you, he was about to fight Gojo on the spot.
I don't think he could deal with it. I just honestly think he couldn't. So, to "deal with it", you usually have to walk up and grab his hand, giving him little kisses or hugs as he is still scowling at whoever you were talking to. It would kind of pull him out, but he would just still have this evil look on his face.
He's never mad at you though. He understands how attractive you are and how attractive other people find you, but he doesn't want anyone to look at you like he does. That's his job.
K iss - are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
Omg I've been waiting to write this one.
He is an immaculate kisser. Like so flippin' good. His lips are soft, and he kisses you like you'll just disappear at any moment. His hands caress the back of your head/neck and you pull him closer by the collar of his shirt. It's like literal heaven. This man is just amazing at kissing and no one can change my mind.
Even the first kiss was amazing. It was around your third or forth date with him, you were taking things slow and having a picnic. The sun was setting and it was golden hour. He turned to you with a smile and said, "finally. I've been waiting all evening." And grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger, placing the softest and smallest kiss on your lips as you sat there in complete shock, wondering how the heck you managed to obtain him.
L ove Confession - how would they confess to their s/o?
As said before, Nanami is a very reserved guy. A quiet dude, for sure. It would honestly be hard for him to put it into words for the longest time. He would show it by giving you hugs and kisses and cuddles. It was all in the way he rubbed the small of your back, but he had never actually said the words "I love you".
Until one day. He came home, absolutely exhausted, immediately falling into your small arms. He could feel those tired tears filling his eyes and he took a deep breath in the crook of your neck, a small smile appearing on his tired face. "I love you more than anything, you know that?" That had you melting for weeks.
M arriage - do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would their marriage be like?
I cannot express enough how much this man wants to marry you. He would drop down on his knee on the fourth date if he could lmao.
He does take it slow, however.
But when he does propose, it's private. No one around, just you and him. It would probably be on your porch as the sun is setting. He would talk about how much he appreciates you and how he wants to be with you forever. Then he would pop the question.
The wedding would also be small. Just friends and family. Gojo is the flower girl.
It would be a wonderful wedding though. Flowers everywhere. Nanami would cry seeing you in the tux/dress. That's the first time you see him really cry. He would look so gosh dang handsome too oml.
I think he would also love renewing your vows in new beautiful locations every couple of years.
N icknames - what would they call their s/o?
I don't think he's the type to give out nicknames, so he would stick to small romantic stuff like: love, darling, dear, honey, etc. Short and sweet.
O n Cloud Nine - what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious for others? how do they express their feelings?
I think the only person it is obvious to is you. The way he looks at you isn't like how he looks at anyone else. His gorgeous eyes constantly watching your figure anytime he can.
As said earlier, he would express his love through the way he holds you with kisses and hand holding and cuddling. It would all be very small, but that's his show. He would also love whispering in your ear how much he loves you and cares about you before you go to bed.
It isn't very obvious when he's in love, but you really know he is when he is willing to hold your hand in public or even just do something as small as cook breakfast for you or softly place his hand on your hip.
P DA - are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag about their s/o to others? or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I think that he would do small things in public. Place his hand on your hip softly, hold your hand, give you a kiss on the cheek/neck, but nothing too crazy.
He would mention you to coworkers, but let's be real, the only person he would brag about you to is Gojo.
But typically, when he is jealous, he will straight up start making out with you to show others that you are together. He has a real jealousy problem lol.
Q uirk - some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
I cannot stress this enough, communication, communication, COMMUNICATION!
He thinks it is so important to use communication in a relationship because that effectively builds everything that's important, trust, honesty, etc. Without communication, what good is the relationship.
R omance - how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliche or rather creative?
I think that Nanami is a very very very romantic individual, but nothing super duper cheesy. I mean, he loves picnics and giving you flowers, but nothing like ridiculous valentine's day stuff unless you initiate it.
He would do anything to make you happy. He wants to see you with a smile on your face always, but his go to is buying face masks and food and placing it on the table for you to find as a surprise. That and taking the day off. Nothing lights you up more.
S upport - are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
Nanami is your #1 supporter. He knows that you can achieve whatever and he will even go so far as to help you. If you need him to hold you while you work, he'll do it. If you need him to help figure out something difficult, he is right behind you. He will go to any even for you and will destroy anyone who tries to get in your way.
T hrill - do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
This man is built on routine. He doesn't want anything too crazy or out of the blue. He loves his little morning routine with you and his occasional day off routine. Picnics and self care days are always the go to. he might try new things elsewhere, but this isn't the place for that lol
U nderstanding - how good do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
This man knows you like the back of his hand. If he senses you're off, he will do what he does best and try to calm you down/work with you on certain things. He knows when you need to be left alone, and he knows when you need a hug, and if he does it, he will be super empathetic and just let you do your own thing until you are willing to communicate what was wrong.
V alue - how important is the relationship to them? what is it's worth in comparison to value of other things?
He cannot live without you. It was so hard for him to find something that he could actually enjoy and love and be passionate about, so if he lost you, he literally couldn't go on. He doesn't want to go back to being the loner who overworked himself and he doesn't want to go back to his old routine. He LITERALLY cannot lose you.
W ild Card - random fluff headcanon (im actually gonna do a mini fic thingy, you'll see lol)
"Kento," you reached your arms out to him, pulling him closer. "Kento, come here." "What is it, love?" He giggled as you crawled into his arms, trying not to mess up his face mask. You looked into his eyes with the softest smile, rubbing the dark spots underneath his eyes. "They're lighting up." "Is that so?" You nodded and placed a kiss on his lips. "What would I do without you, dear?" You shrugged, eating whatever snack was closest. "Cry probably." "You were supposed to be romantic, not shoving Cheetos in your mouth." You just giggled, sinking to his touch. To be honest, you didn't know what you would do without him.
X OXO - are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
On his off time, the one thing he is looking forward to is falling into your arms. There literally isn't a time where you his arm isn't around you while you two are sleeping.
Y earning - how will they cope when they're missing they're s/o?
While at work, Nanami get's very stressed. You're usually one to help him out of his stress, but when you're not there, rash emotions will come quicker. But he's used to it, so it't nothing super crazy. Especially since it's only a couple of hours.
Now, let's say you went on a business trip without him. He would HATE that. He would feel alone and have that awful life is meaningless feeling again that would just rip away at him. But it honestly helps him appreciate you 10x more.
Z eal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind?
Nanami would do anything to make you stay. He will help you when you are upset. He will take days off for you. He will take you out to dinner. He would stay awake for a week if it meant he gets to see you all the time with a smile on your face.
I think he would be willing to sacrifice a lot because you helped him so much, and he loves you more than anything in the whole wide world.
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ejunkiet · 1 year
22 with milo/sh? Currently reading your stuff for drawing inspo btw :^)
>:3 okay, this was ridiculously fun (and god, these are all getting longer and longer). (also, HELLO, BLESS YOU, BEST MESSAGE TO COME BACK TO >u<!!!)
redacted audio: milo/sweetheart, 601 wordcount, naps with aggro.
Tonight was all set up to be perfect. Fancy outfits, nice dinner, followed by a cuddle sesh on the couch, some film that neither of them cared much about playing as white noise in the background. The plan was perfect. The food was good. The kisses that followed even better.
But what he hadn’t banked on was a furry little interloper getting all up in their space, stealing his spot on the couch to cuddle up with his mate the minute his back was turned. 
“Aggro- buddy, look. You gotta give me an inch here.”
He’d only been gone for a few moments, just long enough to take dessert out of the freezer. It was meant to be a surprise - he’d gone down to the fancy patisserie earlier in the week and picked up one of their favourite treats, the cherry on the top of an otherwise perfect evening.
But now here he was, thrown to the wind, watching as his little man got all cosy with his sweetheart. The little bastard even had the gall to act pleased about it, purring like a motor engine and already halfway to sleepy town, as if he’d been there the whole time. 
“You know, Milo.” Their voice is soft and drowsy too, as if they’re also on the edge of sleep, their hand running softly through Aggro’s fur. “I get the impression that he isn’t listening.”
He snorts, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of it all. “Thank you, peanut gallery.” 
He crouches beside the couch, reluctantly offering his hand to sniff before he scratches his little idiot’s head, right behind the ears. The purrs get louder, before aggro rolls onto his back, asking for belly rubs, and really, Milo would have thought he was part dog with the way he acts sometimes.
“You’re lucky you’re so goddamn cute, or we’d be having words, little man. You’re killing the mood here. Some sort of wingman you are.”
He shivers as cool fingers settle against the nape of his neck, tracing the skin there. Christ, but if they weren’t talented with their fingers. “And what mood would that be, hmm?”
“What do you think, sweetheart?” He groans as they work their fingers into his hair, massaging at the base of his skull, and fuck. He tilts his head so they can reach further, shifting until he’s leaning against the back of the couch. “Mmm, keep going.”
They oblige him with a smile. “Seems like we’re all on our way to a nap.”
He snorts again, letting his head drop back until he can catch their gaze. “Is that so?”
“At least until your dessert is ready.” Their eyes twinkle at him, their lips curved into a pleased smile as their fingers scratch along his scalp, and if it didn’t feel so good, he’d be more annoyed at the fact that they’d already sussed him out. But he knew better than to try to keep a secret from them.
“You’re a snoop, sweetheart.”
“I know. But you love me for it.” They duck down until they can press a soft kiss against the top of his head, carefully manoeuvring around the cat, who still refuses to move his furry ass. 
He hums into it, reaching up until he can cup their cheek, running his thumb along the soft heat of their skin. “More than anything in the world, sweetheart.”
They all get a bit of shut-eye before his timer goes off, timed with the release of Aggro’s dinner, and after they’ve all been fed, he gets his private ‘cuddle’ time with his sweetheart after all.
cheeky tag for @romirola because everytime I write these two, I think of you!! <33
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dunnswrld · 2 years
hey hey hey!! i love your writing and just wanted to request something cute and sweet with my love, chris pontius <333 I’ll give you creative freedom, because I’m not good at ideas haha. she/her pronouns please, and just make it fluffy! i’m not picky lol
i love your work and hope you’re doing well!! :))
Bad Day
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a/n: Thank you! I'm so sorry that this is so short and not the best..
prompt: You haven't had the best day on the set of Wildboyz, and when something happens that causes you to finally snap Chris is the first to try and help you feel better!
warnings: Just fluff, fem!reader
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Today just didn't seem to be your day on the set of Wildboyz. Firstly your camera settings were fucked up which was something you didn't realize till after the boys shot their whole opener, earning a rather mean talk from Rick.
Secondly you dropped your morning coffee and were already to far out in the forest to go back and grab another which meant zero energy due to your lack of sleep last night.
Thirdly Jeff thought it would be funny to dump a bucket of water on you, on any other day you probably would've laugh but today it was the last thing you needed.
And for the cherry on top your landlord is evicting you because he said it's "suspicious" that your never home, even after you explained your job to him he didn't budge.
You didn't know why you were having such a bad day today, maybe you were about to start your period? Or you simply just woke up on the wrong side of the bed?
But either way you couldn't wait till your watch hit 6:30pm so you could return back to your hotel room and order room service cause you thought you deserved it.
You walked in the crew that followed Jeff, Chris, and Steve-o going to lead everyone god knows where. Usually you might've been right up front talking to the three boys but today just didn't feel like the day.
As you walked you checked the buttons on your camera, making sure all the settings were right so you didn't get called a "fucking amateur" by Rick again.
But while you focused on the many buttons on your camera your left foot hit something hard causing the left side of your body to freeze as the right kept moving causing your body to fall forward. Your camera seemed to fly out of your own hands as your body hit the ground hard.
The whole crew in front of you stopped walking when they heard the sound of something hitting the ground, when they turned they saw you pushing yourself up off the ground. The whole front of your body covered in mud as you sat on your knees.
You looked at everyone looking at you then down at your body and saw yourself covered in mud. It was silent as you looked down at yourself covered in mud until various crew members began to laugh.
"Please tell me someone got that!" Jeff laughed. You looked up at the crew seeing them all laughing. Tears built up in your eyes as you tried looking away from the crew to focus on something else but what you happened to focus on was your camera that was sat almost too perfectly in a puddle of mud.
Your eyes widened as you reached over and snagged it off the ground, the mic at the top of your camera completely falling off when you did so.
As you held the now broken camera in your hands as you and the camera were covered in mud you couldn't help but finally burst into tears after holding them in all day.
The laughing of your crew members seemed to go silent as they all realized you were now sobbing. None of them moved, no one until Chris pushed through them and placed a hand out for you to grab as he gently placed a hand on your back. You took his hand, holding your broken camera in the other as you rose to your feet.
"Don't cry it's ok, lets go back to the van and clean you up ok?" Chris said gently. "Bu-but you have to sh-shoot." You said while crying. "It's fine Steve can do it on his own." Chris said as he wrapped an arm around you. Chris turned his head and looked at Jeff.
"I'm gonna take her back to the van, Steve-o can do this on his own right?" Chris spoke. "Yeah dude I can do this on my own it's fine." Steve-o said as he waved Chris and you off seeing how upset you were. Chris mouthed a thank you to his best friend and began walking you in the direction of the van, trying his best to avoid any possible tripping hazards.
"I'm sorry." You said while you still cried. "Hey don't apologize we all trip, you're ok no one's mad." "But I broke my camera." Your own sentence made you cry even harder as you said allowed what you did, it was like pouring salt in an open wound. "Like MTV can't buy a new one for you, don't stress about it." "But Rick-"
"Who gives a flying fuck what Rick has to say?" Chris spoke quickly. You looked up at Chris who was looking head on down the trail. You didn't reply to him instead just kept walking with his arm around your shoulders.
You two completed the walk back to the van in silence, nothing uncomfortable though. Once you two hit the van Chris unwrapped his arm from your shoulders and walked towards the back of the van where he opened the two back doors.
"Take a seat here yeah?" Chris said as he tapped the edge of the van. You nodded as you walked to the edge of the van and sat down, your legs dangling off the edge. Chris jumped into the van once you sat down and began digging through bags.
Chris found some water, a towel and one of his clean shirts so you didn't have to sit in a muddy shirt for the rest of the time you were here. Chris held everything in his arms as he took a seat next to you, setting everything in his lap.
"Here let me see that camera." You handed your now broken camera to him and watched as he turned and threw it in the van. "Chris!" You said as you turned your back to try and find your camera he just threw. "What? It's already broken." Chris said with a light laugh. You smiled and chuckled at his joke before turning forward again.
"Ok so I got you a towel, some water and one of my shirts so you don't have to be muddy anymore." Chris handed you the towel and shirt and set the water down next to you. You took the towel and the shirt with a soft smile. "Thanks Chris." All Chris did was nod at your words.
You set the shirt he gave you on your lap and used the towel and wiped your face off of any mud that might've been on your face still. Once you were done with the towel you threw it behind you in the van, you turned around and lift your shirt above half your stomach to only pause and turn your head towards Chris.
"Cover those eyes Pontius." You said with a small laughed. Chris's eyes widened as he placed his hands over his eyes, "Sorry." You only chuckled at his response and lifted your shirt fully over your head, dropping it to the side of you and picking up the new shirt Chris gave you and throwing it over your body.
"You can look now." Chris took his hands off his eyes and looked at you. "No more mud." He chuckled. "Oh shut up. I really hope no one got me falling." You nervously chuckled. "If they did I'll break their camera." Chris smiled, causing you to laugh.
As your laughter died down you and Chris sat next to one another in silence. Chris's head filled with possible things that could be effecting your mood, he wanted to help you but he just didn't know how to help you.
"You know you can talk to me, right?" You turned your head towards Chris bring your full attention to the boy. "Well of course I do." You responded. "Then talk to me, what's been bugging you?" You sighed as you rubbed your hand down your face. "Well today just isn't my day and it doesn't help that when I get back home I'm going to be evicted from my apartment." "Evicted? You out of everyone here is getting evicted?"
"Yep. My landlord said it's suspicious how I'm never home even though I told him I film for a TV show." "Isn't that a good thing? Like you won't be causing problems like Steve-o if you aren't there. See this is exactly why I just live in my car." You laughed at Chris's words. "Yeah maybe I should just live in my car." You chuckled.
"How about you just try and not think of that till you get home? I'll help you figure it out when we get back and even help you pack your stuff and whatever but for now just enjoy being on basically a vacation you didn't have to pay for."
"Thanks Chris." You smiled softly. Chris nodded at you with a smile, both of you gently looking at one another in silence until you quickly leaned forward and pecked his cheek. Chris's cheeks began to heat up with a shade of pink.
"Are you blushing Pontius?" You teased with a smile. "No I don't know what you're talking about." He laughed. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder, Chris hesitantly wrapped a arm around your waist to pull you closer.
You two both looked at the sky that was changing color from the sun that was only just beginning to set, and for the first time today you felt calm and relaxed. Not worried about anything even getting evicted.
"Thanks again, Chris."
"It's what I'm here for."
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mbb-project-entity · 1 year
Chapter 31
“Ah, the Baxter ladies! Well, how wonderful to see you again! Sit down and make yourselves comfortable.”
Dent watched with barely suppressed glee as Cody delicately seated herself, her small hands straightening her short denim skirt underneath her thighs and then folding themselves in her lap. Today she didn’t wear a sweater, but instead a figure-forming white knit and surprisingly low-cut blouse, giving her blooming bosoms a bit of cleavage. Not much. The girl’s earlier insolent manner was gone. Her gray eyes avoided his and her mouth remained neutral and closed, lips sparkling with pink gloss. Idly he peeked in and felt the burning shameful concentration on behaving…of not giving Uncle Vito a reason to punish her any more than he already did. She must be respectful of the Doctor. If she displayed any hint of a poor attitude, her bitch of a mother would tell on her. Dent smiled. She hated her mother as much as she feared her Uncle Vito.
Janice seated her herself. She was different too. The conservative housewife attire was gone. Evidently Vito liked spandex, because that was what she was wearing from head to toe. The thin red and white striped top and black stretch pants looked more appropriate in a club than in a doctor’s office. Ditto on the red high heels, the teased auburn hair and the theatrical hoop earrings. Her face had that “just been fucked” look that he was sure she wore so often now. He poked around, reviewing her thoughts and Cody’s. A lot had happened since their last visit and Dent was pleased. Sort of.
Janice, instilled with her new-found need for Vito, had carried out the Doctor’s mental commands. She had begged him to move in and virtually take over her life—surprising him with a cashier’s check for her entire bank account and the deed to her home. Dent could see Vito’s barely suppressed glee, suspicious at first, then increasingly excited at his new-found wealth and power over the widowed wife. And her teasing young daughter.
Vito had moved in and gladly taken over administration of the household. He had especially enjoyed his new duties in disciplining Cody. He could feel Cody’s shame as Uncle Vito complimented her on her pretty panties. Then the shameful confessions over various little misdemeanors and eventually her naughty thoughts about boys. Uncle Vito demanded she give him more and more details about these thoughts. Dent could tell that the little minx desperately wanted to masturbate—she was at that age. But if she did, she would have to confess it to Uncle Vito. Even then she couldn’t avoid admitting that she thought about playing with herself. And Uncle Vito loved these confessions most of all.
At first the spankings had been with the panties on. Then he hand begun pulling them down and emboldened by Janice’s silence—who was certainly too scared to cross her man’s wishes in anything, let alone the punishment of Cody—he had begun to use his other hand to cup Cody’s little breast through her top, kneading the small hard cherry-tip. Janice pretended not to see this and Cody dared not complain, but all three knew just the same.
In any case, Vito had made it clear that any objections Janice had to the way he handled young Cody would be ignored and she herself punished for misbehavior. Vito was, he had told Janice, an old-fashioned man and very ready to take the housewife over his knee and institute a spanking time for HER as well as her daughter if necessary. The result was a perfectly submissive girlfriend who not only stood by idly while Vito fondled her teenage daughter while spanking her, but also spied on her own daughter to prove to her man what a good girl she herself was.
Emboldened, Uncle Vito had introduced new rules in HIS house. Apparently feeling secure in his position, he had begun to set things up the way he wanted them. Janice’s new wardrobe was just the beginning. Spandex during the day was complimented by lace and silk at night. He required her to go by her maiden name and that she should NEVER bring up the memory of her dead husband—that HE was her man from now own—even going so far as to make her toss out each and every photo ever taken of them, including their wedding portrait.
Dent pushed farther into Cody’s thoughts, finding an especially scary encounter just the other day with Uncle Vito. He had opened her door as she dressed for school, refusing to take his eyes off the half nude girl. She had continued to dress, trembling and trying to hide her body. Dent tasted the fear that swirled around her curiosity. Would he…was he going to…do something to her? Then relief as her “uncle” finally moved off.
Damn! The old adage was true—you really could lead a horse to water but not make him drink! He had put the little minx on a silver platter for him and Vito still hadn’t bit! This was getting downright boring. Maybe he had wasted his time trying to do this Vito a favor!
“So, how’s she doing in school, Mrs. Baxter?”
Janice shook her head violently. “I’m just Miss Janice Honnicut again—Vito prefers I go by my maiden name. Uh, well…Cody’s not doing great, but then Vito thinks school is a bit of a waste of time. He’s decided that Cody will be taking general courses, not college prep, so grades really aren’t important any more, Doctor.”
The teen couldn’t keep the disappointment out of her eyes. Poor thing—she had been a solid B student. Now she was pointed toward a life without college. Oh well.
“Cute shirt Cody.” It read BOYTOY across the chest. She mumbled an inarticulate thanks.
“Her Uncle Vito picked it out for her,” her mother chimed in.
Dent nodded, pleased. Maybe Vito just needed a push. “What a pretty young thing she is. Quite the Lolita. Got a boyfriend you wear that for, Cody?”
Janice shook her head. “Oh no Doctor! Vito doesn’t think Cody is old enough for a steady boyfriend.”
The Doctor smiled. He shut Janice off for the time being and she sat immobile. He turned to focus on Cody. “Oh, maybe she is at that. She’s what…fourteen? Bet you think about boys a lot. Have you had your first period? Got any pubic hair? I bet you have both, don’t you?”
“Yes Doctor,” she responded in the affirmative.
“Then it is time for the little teen boytoy to be played with. Janice,” she snapped her head up, alert again. “I think your daughter is a horny little thing—she needs to be broken in. And as the man of the house, I think Vito ought to have the honor of taking Cody’s virginity. I think you ought to offer up the little bitch tonight.”
Cody’s eyes widened and she heaved with tears. Dent permitted it—she ought to be scared of her worst nightmare come true. He continued speaking to the immobile, shocked face of the girl’s mother. “Vito’s too much of a gentleman to force himself on the naughty temptress there who is always teasing him with her tight body. But you know damn well that if you don’t offer her up, he may leave you for greener pastures. You do know that?”
Janice jerked in panic. Yes, oh yes, she knew!
“Then I suggest you make him feel quite comfortable in popping the minx there. This afternoon take her shopping—pick out something cute for her to wear and when he comes home…well, you know what to do.”
Janice did know and she pursed her lips in thought. “Yes, that’s the only way,” she declared, turning to the horrified Cody. “It is going to happen sooner or later…and it may as well be Uncle Vito, Cody. We’ll go buy a pretty something for you to wear for him tonight. And after tonight,” she promised cheerfully, “we’ll have something else in common! Uncle Vito!”
Well, that was all he could do. If Vito couldn’t take advantage of the situation, Dent didn’t know what he could do. When he arrived home, he’d find mother waiting to take him to daughter, who by that time would be waiting in the master bedroom in ‘something pretty.’ Janice begging him to use young Cody. Dent had faith in Vito—that the thug would fully assert his rights as Master of the House and cruelly use the teen daughter of his bimbo girlfriend. Hell, if he had any kind of imagination…Dent daydreamed of scenarios in the household—mother and daughter in matching lingerie ready to service him…both lapping at him…sharing his cum…playing together for him. Now he was getting excited!
“Uh, Janice. I think you ought to video tape the big event—and drop by with a copy of the tape with Betsy.”
The housewife nodded. “Of course Doctor. I’ll set up the video camera that Vito uses to film us with when we make love.”
“Good—now you two get out of here before I lose control.” He watched the two nervously skitter out, their minds already cleared of the conscious memory of the visit. For once he actually envied another man as he watched the daughter and mother’s firm hips swing out of his office.
0 notes
Congrats on the milestone my love❤️ ok hope I’m doing this right
Party bag 🛍 — Bucky and balloons 🦾🎈
Hey Hanna, thanks for this - it just wanted to be cute and fluffy.
Un-beta'd drabble, approx 1k
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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The squeal of children playing, the squeaking of balloons rubbing against each other, should have been sweet and heart-warming, but unfortunately you found it grating. It was your nephew’s fifth birthday and your sister had begged you to come and help kiddy-wrangle.
Luckily it was a nice day and the party was outside in your sister and brother-in-law’s garden. The kids had a bouncy castle, there was a buffet loaded with food, other parents mingling,a face-painter and the cherry on top? The balloon artist. Okay, he might be the source of the creations that were currently getting on your nerves, but at least he was nice to look at. You were standing by the bouncy castle, your turn to enforce the no shoes and no shoving policy, which most of the little darlings here were quite happily disobeying. As long as no-one broke anything it would be alright. 
A group of boys, who’d all picked balloon swords in blue and green came running past you, hitting at each other.  When would this torture end? At least your current spot allowed you to unobtrusively checkout the balloon modeller. He was not what you’d expected at all. Tall, broad, brunet, young, with a smile that could light up the room. He’d arrived here with the face-painter, a petite, slim red-headed, who he obviously knew very well, but their body language didn’t seem to show an intimate relationship between the two. Not that anything was going to happen. He was a total stranger, but sometimes it’s nice to indulge in fantasy now and again.
Your gaze was constantly drawn to his deft fingers, as he manipulated the brightly coloured latex for the enjoyment of the children. Would they be just as impressive gliding over your skin, between your folds, into your pus…
You were pulled out of your daydream by your sister calling your name. It was time to coral the children so they could eat and then play some sit down games. You hustled 6 or so small humans off the bouncy castle, and towards the main part of the lawn near the buffet table. Having had your responsibilities lifted, at least for the time being, you nipped inside so you could get yourself a drink. As you filled a glass with lemonade, you decided it would be a nice gesture to get one for the entertainers too. Placing the three glasses on the tray you went back outside and walked over to where the face painter and balloon artist were set up.
The red-headed lady took one from you with a smile.
“Thanks, it’s hot out today. I take it you’re related to the birthday boy?”
“Yeah, I’m his aunt.” You gave your name and held out your hand.
“I’m Nat,” she replied, although she refused your offer of a handshake with a chuckle, holding up her hand so you could see the smears of face paint all over it. Instead, she jerked her thumb over her shoulder and pointed at the man you’d spent most of the afternoon fantasising over.
“And this is my friend, Bucky.”
He did shake your hand. It was warm, and fairly smooth although there were a few callouses.
“Bucky…” You tested his name out on your tongue subconsciously, and then felt heat flow to your cheeks. He smiled at you, a teasing glint in his eye.
“That’s the name, doll. Don’t wear it out.”  Then he actually winked and the cheesiness of it broke the tension and you laughed.
“It’s just an unusual name, that’s all.”
“It’s from my middle name, Buchanan. First name’s James and there were loads of other James’ at school and I wanted to stand out. You managed to bite your tongue, but your thought sounded loud and clear in your head.
And I bet you did!
Now you were closer to him you could make out more details. He had stormy grey-blue eyes, and a few freckles down the side of his face. And he wasn’t just broad, he was built! You could see the outline of his muscles under his t-shirt. God, you wanted to rip it off him and trace them with your tongue.
Get a grip, it’s not like you haven’t seen attractive men before…
He took the lemonade off the tray and gulped it down. You were entranced by the column of this throat as he swallowed.
“So, you said Aunt. Is the kid’s Uncle around here somewhere?”
Oh, he’s smooth.
You raised your eyebrow in amusement. He took a step forward, and everything else around you faded away.
“There’s no Uncle.”
“Another Aunt?”
“Only our other sister who couldn’t make it.”
A ruckus coming from across the garden snapped you out of it and you turned just in time to begin singing ‘Happy Birthday.’ You kept throwing Bucky glances from under your eyelashes and nibbling your lower lip. He smiled back at you, hands in his pockets and rocking on his heels.
After the candles were blown out, you took the cake from your sister to carry out the boring job of slicing it up and wrapping a piece for each child to take home with them. Then you had to help supervise pass-the-parcel and pin the tail on the donkey. You were worn out, and by the time you managed to catch your breath, you realised that Nat and Bucky had packed up and gone home. You tried to stifle a flash of disappointment. You’d hoped to speak to the handsome entertainer some more; there had definitely been something there that wasn’t entirely one-sided. As you moved over to tidy up where they’d had their tables you noticed a balloon crown tied to the chair. You picked it up, wondering which child had left it, when you realised something. On the inside of the crown was the name Bucky, followed by a phone number. You popped the crown on your head with a smile and continued cleaning.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Revolt Of The Akuma [Commission for @miner249er]
As the title says, this is a commission for @miner249er
Summary: There’s only so much a person can take and Marinette is almost certain she has reached that point. What with Lila and her seemingly never-ending lies, Adrien and his nonexistent spine, Chat and his stubbornness, Hawkmoth and his akumas, Paris and their expectations, it’s all too much. She’s going to snap sooner or later. At least she has Luka and Kagami on her side, right? Right?
[Contains: Class Salt, Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir Salt, Lila Rossi Salt, Angst, Misunderstandings, Slight Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng Salt, Slight Tikki Salt, Akumanette]
It was rare for her to be surrounded by quiet, even more so to need that blanket of security that quietness can give, and yet here she was. The pink of her room had never seemed more faded or dull even with the lights on. Realistically she knew it was not quiet, her home was never quiet, there was always the bustle of business from the bakery downstairs, the sound of traffic outside, usually the sound of music coming from her phone or computer, and as always the chatter from her Kwami. Though Tikki’s words at the moment sounded like they were being spoken from above water whereas Marinette was under said water, deep under. Her eyes glanced at the mess she had made around her, the pictures of past friends as she’s come to understand all too well these past couple of months, to the torn and destroyed gifts she had given them returned to her solely for the sake of making her heart wrench painfully beneath her skin, from there to the piles of used tissues thrown about during her silent cries, and finally to the thing that had hurt the most and had been sitting in her lap, limp, shredded, basically lifeless, her sketchbook. The sight caused Marinette’s heart to clench in pain once more and she could feel tears pool her eyes yet again, but she forced them to stay, she was tired of crying. 
Noise flooded back to her almost making her flinch. There was the soft ding of the bell from the bakery’s door downstairs signaling a customer’s arrival or departure, there were the car engines and the horns beeping, peoples soft voices floating in, and of course Tikki’s worried voice. Everything in her yearned for the quietness but she knew she had to deal with everything eventually and eventually meant now, so she didn’t worry her parents if they came to check on her at any point. If they even noticed her mood change from lunch, she thought bitterly and felt immediate guilt at the thought. 
“Were you listening to me?” Tikki asked, and even though she knew Tikki wasn’t saying it in an admonishing tone, the girl couldn’t help the tiny wince she gave in return as she finally stood up and picked up the tissue piles. Truthfully she hadn’t but she could guess what the kwami had been saying. It was the same thing every time something happened between her and her class. That, they would come around, they were just acting out of misplaced trust and love, they would realize their mistakes and come back to Marinette and everything would go back to normal, but she had to get a handle on her feelings in the meantime so she wouldn’t be akumatized. No that wasn’t right. So that Ladybug wouldn’t be akumatized, but how could she after the day she had?
Lila made good on her promise. Marinette didn’t have a friend left in her class, maybe not all of them thought her the awful bully that Lila painted her out to be, but they  didn’t stand up for her, they didn’t talk to her in or out of class, and they wouldn’t meet her eye when she desperately looked around for at least one supportive pair of eyes. It had never been this bad with Chloe. At least with Chloe she knew what she was getting into, she knew the brand of teasing and insults that Chloe Bourgeois used, and she knew that people were scared to stand up to her, but even then they would still flash each other a look of comfort, a look of strength. Those looks let all of them know they weren’t alone, that others saw them struggling, saw them hurting, and were offering comfort.  Things truly were simpler then. Lila was something more than Chloe, more than any other bully she had ever seen or encountered. She had a silver-tongue that just seemed to gain more power the more she used it. Her lies were outlandish at this point and yet, no one saw it, no one but Marinette and maybe others outside her class but she wasn’t. The awful truth of it all was that Marinette had no one.
Sure Adrien had said he would be there for her, but that had been the biggest lie Marinette had ever been told, even with Lila spouting nonsense like knowing Jagged Stone because she saved his ‘kitten.’ She was always prepared for Lila to lie, could count on it, and she had become accustomed to her friends falling for the lies, but she had thought she had at least one person by her side. That had quickly been disproven again and again, and it felt like parts of her heart chipped away every time it happened. Adrien, once considered the love of her life, did nothing to ease her aching heart. There were no comforting hugs or even a hand on her shoulder to let her know that she wasn’t alone in the class of sheep. There were no glances shared between the two to let her know that he was just as fed up with Lila’s lies as she. Most importantly, and the one that hurt the most, there were no texts or calls or even letters that offered her any amount of support. That’s not to say he never texted her, but when he did it was never about anything important, it was always mundane and dare she say superficial, and sometimes, sometimes he texted her about her situation but it was never anything helpful, if anything they made her feel worse. They were always about how she was “provoking” Lila and, “what happened to taking the high road Marinette?” At first they had made her cry, she wasn’t provoking Lila, Lila was provoking her, how had Adrien not seen that? Sadness grew into anger, blinding anger, anger that caused her to rip every poster down, change her computer background with such force she nearly broke the mouse, and gave away every planned gift for every occasion, and afterwards all she felt was numb. In the beginning the numbness scared her, but it grew on her like a second skin, it protected her sometimes so she welcomed it. 
“Marinette!” Again she was wrenched from her thoughts by the yell of her kwami’s voice. 
It took her a couple of seconds to focus, “Yes, Tikki?”
“I lost you again. Where were you?” Tikki asked softly as she flew closer to Marinette’s face. 
“Sorry. Nowhere,” Everywhere, ”just thinking.” An apology and a half answer, when was the last time she actually told someone how she was feeling without holding back? Too long, her mind supplied. 
“...About today?”
“In a way.”
“Oh Marinette, things will start to get better, don’t let today get to you.” Don’t let it get to Ladybug.
“I know Tikki.” Hollow words, but they were expected, she even threw in a small smile, it was the most she could manage. It was the response of habit she gave, even to her parents, though she had the feeling they wouldn’t notice even if she did show some of her real feelings, some of her hurt. They were just so busy with the bakery sometimes that Marinette couldn’t help but feel that their attention to her was more obligation than anything else, and wow, wasn’t that just the cherry on top of everything? They had even forgotten to ask how her day was today, and though she wasn’t going to tell them, it still would have brought her some comfort to know they cared or pretended to care. At this point she would take what she could get. Today had been another rough one, but it had started out like her new normal, she would go to school and be ignored by her classmates or get glares and sneers that she in turn would ignore. Then she would go to her locker and put the bare minimum of her belongings in, that she prayed would not be destroyed (“improved”) or stolen, she did her best to boobytrap anything of importance like she did her diary since having a lock on her locker was supposedly unheard of at this school. After that was class itself where she expected her seat to be sticky or wet with something but she took to bringing wet cloths and paper towels with her since this was so common. ‘Just harmless pranks.’ Mme Bustier claimed when she first went to talk with her about the behavior. Honestly she didn’t know what she had been expecting when she went to her teacher for help, but she was not going to make that useless of a mistake again. What followed though was weird, she still found rude little notes but none of her classmates went out of their way to glare at her, or make snide comments about her, she wasn’t even tripped if they walked too close to her. To some people it would mean a break, but it only put her more on edge, like something bigger was coming, because Lila was acting strange. 
She hadn’t spouted one lie about Marinette, she still lied, just nothing about Marinette, which was odd. Though Marinette pushed it from her mind in order to get some help from Mme Mendeleiev for her homework packet that was due tomorrow. Some problems were proving difficult and she knew the teacher was more than willing to help students out if they went to her, so that’s exactly what Marinette did for lunch time. She even brought a packed lunch so she could eat and work with the teacher so they had more time, it was actually rather nice. Mme Mendeleiev, though stern and strict, was a real teacher. She wanted her students to learn and Marinette yearned for that, she yearned to be one of her pupils. There was a part of her that thought that maybe the teacher wanted that as well. It was an impossible thought, she tried to transfer once, it hadn’t ended well for her. Lila spun it around when she had heard, claimed Marinette was doing it to abandon them and leave them without a class president. Oh how she spun her web of deceit and claimed Marinette was doing it for attention, to get back at the class for not believing her ‘lies.’ Of course the class and Mme Bustier believed her, because why wouldn’t they? Then Mme Bustier went behind her back and spoke to Principal Damocles and whatever they spoke about resulted in her staying in the class no matter what she tried or whatever papers she managed to get her parents to sign that would allow her a class transfer. She was stuck in the class. In her prison.
After lunch is when everything had blown up, and some twisted part of Marinette was thankful it happened sooner rather than later. Lila had made a show of holding something, some papers that looked destroyed, to her chest and “crying.” If you could call over the top whimpering crying. Marinette didn’t have to prepare herself since she had been prepared all day for something to happen when Lila and her herd of sheep came to her and yelled at her for ruining Lila’s homework and something about writing something on her locker too? She just didn’t care anymore, she still claimed her innocence and that there was no way she could have done it, but no one was listening and Adrien was just standing there frowning at her in disappointment and all she could think was, right back at you boy. Mme Bustier joined in and Marinette just stood there as the teacher of course fell for whatever scheme Lila cooked up and then held back a sigh when said teacher started to lecture her there in the hallway for everyone to see. Of course they had to make a spectacle of it, of course they did. Damocles decided to join in and Marinette thought it was for sure going to be another expulsion, some part of her hoped for it. She knew that was bad but she was just so freaking tired of dealing with it all, but to her surprise Mme Mendeleiev was her knight in shining lab coat so to say.
“Marinette didn’t do it. She was with me the entire lunch period so unless she managed to defy all laws of physics and was in two or three places at once I would say she’s being framed.” Mme Mendeleiev’s voice had commanded attention and even Lila couldn’t spin it around to keep Marinette in trouble. Even her classmates had stopped their incessant murmuring. 
“But Lila said she saw her running away from her locker!” Kim had yelled in return. It spoke of Mme Bustier’s character and control of her class that she hadn’t even attempted to reprimand Kim for raising his voice to another teacher. 
Marinette saw Mme Mendeleiev give Mme Bustier a look that had the younger teacher trying to reign in her rowdy class after they had all been yelling their own affirmations that yes, that was what Lila had said. “Then either Mlle Rossi needs to get her eyes checked or she saw someone else, or she’s lying.”
“Demeter! I’m sure Lila didn’t mean for this...little misunderstanding to happen. I'm sure she saw someone who looked like Marinette.” Mme Bustier had tried to reason. 
“If I’m not mistaken Caline, this is not the first time this has happened to Marinette. Her being accused of something in this school and getting punished unjustly with no proof. Forgive me, or not, but I’m not going to overlook this like you. Those are serious accusations to throw at someone. It would be wrong not to investigate. Right, Damocles?” No one spoke throughout Mme Medeleiev’s little speech but Marinette saw the glare Lila was giving the teacher and Marinette was tempted to tell Mendeleiev to just drop it.
“Er, yes, of course.” Principal Damocles had stuttered out. How he had managed to be a principal Marinette would never know. Once upon a time she had thought him an awkward but good guy all around, but that was not the case anymore.
“I suspect we call Mlle Rossi’s mother to speak about this. I’m sure she would love to know that her daughter is being...if not bullied then the start of being bullied. Then we will gather students who match Marinette’s description. It’s not much but it’s the best we got. I’ll go take pictures of the locker in question.”
“Oh-Oh we really don’t have to do that. I’m sure it really is all a misunderstanding! I wouldn’t want to bother my mother!” Lila had desperately claimed. 
“How is this a misunderstanding Mlle Rossi? Please explain. Because from where we teachers stand this is clearly bullying and we will not tolerate that at this school.” Mme Mendeleiev said with such authority, one would think she was the principal. 
Somehow, Marinette didn’t know how, but Lila had talked her way out of having to have her mother called to the school even though Mme Mendeleiev had strongly insisted to Principal Damocles that they call her and have a sit down with her over her daughter’s wellbeing and school life. Though she honestly shouldn’t have been surprised that nothing had been done. It was Damocles after all. Lila probably said it would be best not to disturb her very busy, very important, diplomat mother and Damocles with his nonexistent spine folded. Though with all the wrong type of attention the incident had brought for the lying vixen Marinette had a relatively “relaxed” rest of her day. No one outright apologized for just blaming her for destroying another person’s work and defacing public property with no proof but at least they didn’t glare at her or make snide remarks for the rest of the day. Adrien even managed not to give her one of his lectures at the end of the day which was a big welcome on Marinette’s end. She could only deal with him being on his high-horse and looking down on her for so long and more often than not she wouldn’t even argue back she would just end the conversation with,*“Il n’y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre.” 
The day had started to look up for her and she was going to strike the iron while it was hot so to say. Her steps felt lighter. It’s like Mme Mendeleiv’s belief in her gave her invincibility for the day and she found herself actually looking forward to seeing Luka and Kagami at the end of the school day since she would finally have something good to share rather than her usual bouquet of gloom. The sun seemed brighter when she remembered that fencing practice was cancelled that day due to M D’Argencourt having some appointment to go to and a substitute couldn’t be found so the fencing club students had the day off. Marinette had excitedly texted Kagami that they should meet up after school and hang out earlier than the trio had planned since the girl had more free time. Kagami had agreed but said she would meet Marinette at her house as she had some things to take care of there at the school that she wanted to finish up before they met up. Of course Marinette had agreed without question, Kagami liked things to be in order before she had her free time and Marinette understood that. Now, Marinette didn’t remember what she had forgotten, but she knew she had forgotten something in her locker and had rushed from her home to grab it, not wanting her luck to run out for the day. She didn’t know why but since she was back at the school she felt the need to go talk with Mme Medeleiev and thank her once more for what she had done that day for Marinette. Whether the teacher knew it or not, she had given Marinette some hope back.
So she was going to do just that when she had heard familiar voices. Luka and Kagami? Kagami she could understand but why had Luka been there? He was supposed to meet them at Marinette’s house so she was immensely confused to hear his soft voice echo the halls. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her then and she had followed its call. She had not expected to find the scene she had stumbled upon, and the way her heart lurched with such pain. You would think I’d be used to it by now. Her eyes watered as she watched Kagami and Luka, her closest and only friends sitting with Lila and looking at her with such concern and half hugging her to give her comfort. She couldn’t hear what was being said but she would wager it was about her, she saw the disapproving frowns both Luka and Kagami gave in response to whatever Lila had said and all Marinette could think was, I’ve lost them too. She took them from me too. Before she knew it she had ran back home, to her room and had, well, she wasn’t too sure to be completely honest. It all went by in a blur, but she did remember texting Kagami and Luka and saying she wasn’t feeling well and maybe they could hang out together tomorrow, despite knowing Luka would have band practice and Kagami would have fencing practice. Then threw her phone onto her chaise and looked at her pictures of her friends she still had on her walls, she thought of the gifts she had given and all she had felt was this white hot rage and sadness that consumed her. 
She heard, more than felt the ripping and smashing of the things that reminded her of a past she could never get back. Marinette was done listening to Tikki in that moment, and she was done believing she had anyone on her side like she thought she did. Kagami and Luka, they both held little pieces of what was left of her heart and she could feel those pieces breaking with every thing she destroyed. Now here she sat in the aftermath of her destruction and she didn’t even feel satisfied. A small part of her still felt hurt, she was sure she had to have made noise, quite a bit of it, and yet neither of her parents had checked on her. It was just another drop added to her already too-full cup. 
“I’m sure it wasn’t what it looked like, Marinette.” Tikki chirped as she flew to Marinette’s sink and back with a wet cloth in her hand to help Marinette clean her face.
“Luka and Kagami.” Tikki said their names so simply, “I’m sure it wasn’t what you’re thinking. You’ll see! We have to see them for patrol tonight. I’m sure you can ask them subtly about it as a concerned hero of Paris.”
The only concerned hero. Her mind bitterly spat out without warning. The thought almost made her wince in shock at the venom that came from it. Though she found herself not apologetic in the least, Chat had been proving himself to be unreliable. At first she had brushed off his behavior as his usual antics and she had been beating herself over the head about it everyday it seemed like. He became more aggressive in his flirting and really that’s what it was, it wasn’t passionate, it wasn’t some misguided persistence, it wasn’t just him being a “boy”, he became aggressive in his affection for her. He started asking her on more and more dates, bringing her more and more gifts and each time she rejected him, reminding him they had work to do, or she had plans, or that his timing was not the best, or of course that she had feelings for someone else, he started “punishing” her and Paris as a result. He would refuse to help, sometimes he wouldn’t show up to a battle at all, he would only call to ask her if she had come to her senses and realized she loved him and when she wouldn’t give him the answer he wanted he would hang up and the battle would be a lonely one. She had tried to get Master Fu to do something about it but he had brushed it off much like she had in the beginning. Seemed like he still had faith in the cat, Marinette wished she could say the same but it would be a lie, besides she had kind of announced she no longer trusted Chat to help her since she gave Luka and Kagami their individual Miraculous back but to permanently use to help her defend the city. So instead of Ladybug and Chat Noir defending Paris, it was Ladybug, Viperion and Ryuuko. 
“I think I want to go out a little early Tikki. Maybe the fresh air and time out will do me some good.” Marinette said with forced cheer as she stood and stretched her arms high above her head. 
“I think that’s a good idea Marinette!” Tikki chirped as she zipped through the air to hover at Marinette’s shoulder and she couldn’t help but chuckle. With a quick saying of the magic words and one transformation later, Marinette was out slinging from rooftop to rooftop. There was no destination in mind just yet, she just wanted to simply be for a while. Everything finally felt okay and she was ready to actually head to the top of the Eiffel Tower to wait for Luka and Kagami as their hero forms so they could start actual patrol when she heard their voices. It sounded like they were trying to keep quiet about something. She didn’t want to pry but it was late and if they were out this late as their civilian selves she had a duty to them to make sure they were okay. With a quick swing she was at the Château Edmond de Rothschild where the voices seemed to come from, it was supposed to be not accessible to the public, so why were they there? 
A quick peek was all it took to understand why and Marinette had to stop herself from making any noise, whether it be a sob or a scream or a gasp. She couldn’t risk it if what she was seeing was real, but there it was right in front of her. Luka and Kagami were sitting in their hero forms holding a charm of some kind between them and they both had the sickening violet glow of Hawkmoth around their eyes. They didn’t seem angry or sad, or even like they were being akumatized so she wasn’t really sure what was going on but she was going to put an end to it. Now.
“Yes Hawkmoth. Ladybug trusts us completely, we are doing our part.” Kagami said.
“But...Chat Noir has yet to show up. That has helped us get closer to Ladybug yes, but it means we don’t know where the Black Cat Miraculous is for you.” Luka had added on and it was another stab to Marinette’s heart. They, her most trusted allies, her friends, her maybe something more’s, were working with...oh god she was going to be sick. She had to get out of there. She didn’t know how long she had swung but at some point she hadn’t been thinking about where her yoyo should attach itself and she fell down into a garden. No, she couldn’t identify the garden because she couldn’t see past the tears. Marinette didn’t know how long she laid there crying but she quickly took off her earrings and just as soon as she did Tikki zipped out.
“You said things would get better Tikki. How? How is this supposed to get better? Luka and Kagami...they are...they’re working for HIM!” She screamed and she didn’t care who heard, she was tired of suffering in silence. 
“I’m sure it wasn't-”
“What? What, it looked like?....I’m done. I’m done sacrificing everything for this city. Sacrificing my feelings. I need to feel Tikki!” Without waiting for a response, Marinette threw the earrings and ran further into the park. She sobbed as loud and she had wanted to, needed to, and she couldn’t stop. She collapsed yet again, this time in a patch of butterfly bushes, though she hadn’t noticed. It wasn’t the only thing she hadn’t noticed, there was an akuma flying her way, but by the time she heard the tell-tale sign of the flap of its wings it was too late. The thing had already morphed with something on her person and all she could do was gasp.
Gabriel Agreste couldn’t help the tiny shout of joy he let out because finally, finally he had managed to snag his masterpiece. She had evaded him for so long, her will over her emotions had always seemed so iron strong but finally, Marinette Dupain Cheng was akumatized, and she was going to be the one to get him the Miraculi he craved. He could feel it. He turned to brag to his swarm of butterflies seeing how Nathalie wasn’t in the lair but when he did so he paused. All his butterflies were gone. Honestly he had to just stand and stare because where could they have gone? And why hadn’t he noticed or heard them leave? 
No matter. The important thing was that he had Marinette Dupain Cheng under his control and it was going to be glorious. She would make quite the spectacle for Ladybug and, well, the heroes and Chat Noir when she appeared tomorrow. Victory was close, he could practically taste it.
Wang Fu had made many mistakes in his life and he regretted every single one, but this one, this one was causing him the most pain. Marinette, the girl he had chosen to be Paris’s pillar of hope, the girl he had seen as a granddaughter, the girl he had failed to protect when she needed him, was in danger. He had been sleeping when Tikki had come flying into his shop wailing about Marinette. At first he and Wayzz couldn’t understand her, when she managed to calm down some she gave him some of the most devastating news he had ever received. Marinette Dupain Cheng had given up the mantle of Ladybug and had been akumatized. He had been desperate to know why and know why Tikki looked so guilty because surely it could not be her fault. Then the kwami had spilled everything, she told of the situation at school, the situation with Chat Noir, with Adrien that he himself had thought was nothing more than him being a stubborn boy, and she had told him how even she believed her user was somehow something more than human and would be able to handle it all. She had been angry at Marinette for throwing her away but had realized that it wasn’t her fault and had tried to find the girl to talk to her but by the time she had found her...it had been too late. So here he sat after calling Chat Noir to his shop and hoping the young hero...no, the young boy, would show.
“Master Fu?” Adrien asked softly as he entered the shop, it was almost easy to believe that the young boy wasn’t wayward and that Fu hadn’t made yet another mistake.
“In here Adrien.”
“Uh, what’s the matter Master Fu? You never call me Adrien. You said this was about Ladybug. Did she...Did she say something to you?” Near the end it was easy to see now the hidden anger the boy held, why hadn’t he seen it?
“No. This is something...far worse I’m afraid. Ladybug has been…”
“Ladybug has been defeated.” Tikki finished for him. 
He watched as Adrien’s eyes widened and he gaped at Tikki, he looked as though he didn’t want to believe it. Fu wanted to yell at the boy. He had no right to stand there and act like he cared about Marinette. “That is not all. A young girl has been akumatized and I fear she may be the strongest akuma Hawkmoth has ever made.”
“What do you mean Ladybug has been defeated!? Defeated by who!?” 
“By the akuma,” Fu lied, though was it really a lie?
“What akuma?”
“Not what. Who. The akuma is Marinette Dupain Cheng and from what Tikki and Ladybug have told me...Hawkmoth has been wanting to akumatize her for a long time. Whatever sent her to his side...I’ve met the girl. She is a kind soul and to know that he has her under his control...Adrien. You have to stop her. After that...after that is when you and I will sit down and have another talk, but in the meantime find Mlle Dupain Cheng and help her.” Fu pleaded, and he couldn’t help the tear that escaped. 
The emotion seemed to hit Adrien, though it didn’t seem to be the only thing. “Marinette is the akuma? How?”
“I think you know the answer to that Agreste.” Tikki answered with a glare from where she was being held by Plagg who honestly looked like he wanted to scratch his owner's eyes out.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“We don’t have time for this. Adrien, just please, go and find her. Help her.” Fu watched as Adrien had left, it was almost morning now and he had work to do as well. He had to retrieve the Snake and Dragon Miraculi before their current users handed them off to Hawkmoth, as he doubted they would help in the fight to save Marinette, and he didn’t trust them enough to let them try.
“We’ll get her back Tikki. We will.”
Adrien was not having a good morning, he had spent the early hours of it searching for his friend and coming up empty, and the more he came out with nothing the easier it was to be frustrated. Though it seemed like frustration was something to be shared in the Agreste home since his father also seemed to be irritable that morning. More than that, he and Nathalie seemed off and they were the most put together people he knew. Them being off, threw him off, thankfully he was still at school on time, which is too say he wasn’t his usual early self, but he was there a couple minutes before the bell would ring which gave him a very small window of time to search for Marinette before class began. Though he’s not entirely sure she would even show up at school if she was an akuma but where else would she go? She had a problem with Lila and Lila was at school so the answer had to be there right? God he hoped so.
The bell was about to ring though so he ran back to class after searching the locker rooms and barely made it to his seat when the bell did ring. Marinette wasn’t there. But she was going to show up, he just knew it. She had to. Lila was the source of her anger probably, even if it was childish, she would come to settle the score and that’s when he would swoop in and save the day. Then maybe just maybe, Ladybug would finally see that they were meant to be and realize how amazing he was. The thought had made him smile, almost losing himself in the daydream, that is until he saw a familiar pair of pink pants enter the room. He was at immediate attention and was alert because Marinette...didn’t look like an akuma. She looked like normal herself, but she was an akuma right? So why didn’t she look like one?
“Marinette. Late again?” Mme Bustier asked even though it was obvious.
“I won’t be long Caline.” Marinette replied and her voice...it was just off. Yes it was Marinette but at the same time it wasn’t.
“Marinette! You will speak to me respectfully or I will have no choice but to-”
“To what? Tell me to be a better example? I’m tired Caline, I’m tired of being your doll that you dress up and play pretend with. I’m not a doll, and I’m not a teacher’s assistant, though it seems like that’s what you believe me to be seeing as you push me to do your job. Constantly, so don’t even try to deny it. It’s the teacher’s job to placate their students and make sure that their classroom environment is a healthy one. You allow bullies to reign free from punishment and in turn punish the victims. Do you ever get tired of being the indirect cause of akumas? Because really how many of your students have been akumatized and you have the gall to say you’re a great teacher, everyone’s favorite teacher no less.” Everyone in the room was dead silent. This wasn’t Marinette at all, but before anyone could say anything the akuma continued, though they didn’t know she was an akuma and Adrien so badly wanted to shout it out to warn everybody.
“Then there is all of you sheep. I had the absolute displeasure of once being your friend, but I realized you were never my friends to begin with. If you were you wouldn’t have believed lies over me.”
“Is this really what this is about Girl?” Alya shouted.
“Alya, it seems like you want me to start with you. You claim to be a journalist, a seeker of the truth, but that is the biggest lie you have ever sold yourself beside Ladybug’s best friend over there. You are a hypocrite. You say you are a defender against bullies and villains. Well you Alya Cesaire are one of the biggest bullies by association I know. You turned your back on me. On the truth. You refused to open your eyes and see what was truly there. You became a bully and enjoyed it. You took pleasure in everything you did to make me miserable alongside Lila. Well congratulations Rena Rouge you have been outfoxed and it isn’t because of some sapotis or illusions. I was wrong to ever trust you.”
Everyone watched as Alya grew pale and just sat there with her mouth agape. “Nino, Kim, Alix, Ivan. You became destroyers rather than the protectors of the weak you boasted about to make yourselves feel better. Well guess what Nino? There’s no shell to protect you from the truth! You are a bully, bigger than Chloe! Because instead of not doing anything like you had last time I was bullied for years on end, this time you partook in the “merriment.” Kim. How I ever trusted you with anything is beyond me. You know in China to call a child a monkey is a great compliment, to call you anything similar would be a great disrespect. How you held the title of the monkey king...I’ll never understand it. Alix, you always liked to believe you were as fast as a rabbit both in mind and body, well the rabbit is dead. Your time will never come again I’ll see to it. Your most prized possession, your watch, I helped you restore it after it had been broken and I even gave it back to you but that was a mistake on my part as you never deserved it in the first place. Ivan, who helped you during Stoneheart? Who? Oh that’s right it was me? I helped you see you weren’t that monster but I was wrong. I was very wrong.” The words were cruel and Adrien didn’t know where all this anger was coming from. Lila was the target right? Shouldn’t she only be going after her, not their friends? He had to sneak out and transform, he didn’t know where her item was but he would find it and put an end to all this unnecessary hurt.
“Oh Adrien, where do you think you’re going? You’re at the top of my list.”
“Your list?” He asked as though he hadn’t been caught trying to get out of his seat.
“Yes. The list of people who have wronged me. The list of people who have turned me into the current me. The list of people I hate. Sorry, but not sorry If you can’t handle hearing how imperfect you are but you will listen to what I have to say.”
Adrien didn’t understand why everyone gasped but he was hurt to hear that Marinette hated him. No it had to be the akuma’s influence, it just had to be. “I’m sorry you feel that way Marinette.”
Marinette walked up to him and took both his hands in hers, it would have been a sweet gesture if it weren’t for the added pressure. “Save it. I don’t want your superficial pity. You Adrien Agreste are the biggest liar I know next to Lila. You knew she was lying. You knew she was lying from the start seeing how Ladybug told you herself that Lila and her were not friends. Oh yeah I know about that, in the park, or how about when Lila was akumatized to be the Chameleon, which by the way Lila very unoriginal and I’m fairly certain you were akumatized on purpose but hey what proof do I have right? And she pretended to be you because she didn’t like what you had to say about her lying. Yet you still didn’t tell your so called friends about her, because you don’t care about anyone but yourself! I learned that the hard way. I believed you when you said we were in this together and that if we both knew then that was enough and that we should take the moral highroad. What a joke! I am truly disgusted with myself for ever thinking I was in love with you.”
Luka couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he and Kagami had rushed to Marinette’s class after they had each gotten a call from her mother asking if either one of them had seen Marinette. Apparently they went up to her room and realized she was missing but thought maybe she had told them she was spending the night at Alya’s and they maybe just hadn’t heard but when they had called her and texted her with no response they had gotten worried. More so when she hadn’t shown up that morning. Luka had immediately felt his heart drop. Marinette was, well, she was his melody and to think that something could have happened to her, it made him get on his bike and search as many places as he could think of. It seemed like Kagami had the same idea because he ran into her and her car before they decided it would be better to search together. He felt awful about her cancelling their plans yesterday but figured she just genuinely wasn’t feeling well. Luka was beating himself over the head because obviously that wasn’t the case. 
Maybe if him and Kagami hadn’t been so focused on helping get evidence that Lila was a liar and who Hawkmoth could be they wouldn’t be in this mess, but they had done all that for Marinette. They had seen what Lila had done to her and Kagami had been the one to say she didn’t trust Lila and proposed they help Marinette expose her for the lying weasel she was. Luka had been all for it, even if they had to pretend to be nice. When they found out that Lila actually didn’t like Ladybug well, that had been a shock but they had played into it. Both he and Kagami had acted like they too despised the superheroine and finally they saw Lila, the real Lila, or at least a small glimpse of her. She believed they really didn’t like Marinette and Ladybug, she believed they were her spies on Marinette, and then she admitted something that genuinely made Luka sick to his stomach.
Lila was working with Hawkmoth. And she wanted them to help them and join their “team.”
It had seemed like a good idea at the time. It was more evidence against Lila Ross and it was a way to help Ladybug who had seemed like she was being spread thin thanks to that no good Chat. So him and Kagami agreed to help. Then Ladybug asked them to be permanent heroes. They told Hawkmoth in order to gain trust from him and he had seemed pleased. Fake working with him was disgusting but him and Kagami felt like they were getting close to figuring out who he could be or what his ultimate goal was, but one thing was for certain and that was, for some odd unexplainable reason, Hawkmoth wanted to akumatize Marinette. He wanted Luka and Kagami to help, they had been hoping to unmask him before it came to that, but hearing Marinette now and seeing her...that was not Marinette. Hawkmoth succeeded somehow. Because that in there was an akuma and it was breaking Luka’s heart, more so when he realized it had way more information about people and the Miraculi than anyone would other than Ladybug herself. 
“Luka...that’s.” Kagami had never sounded so lost.
“I know. Marinette was, is, Ladybug.”
“What do we do?”
“We save her. And...and we tell her the truth.”
They were ready, they were opening their mouths to say their separate transformation phrases when a window in the classroom broke. They turned to look inside to see if it was Marinette running out and finally showing an akuma form, but all they saw was a green blur and Marinette leisurely following after the blur out of the school to the park outside. Of course they followed, but when they went to transform they both realized, their respective Miraculous was gone. What did they do now?
Fu had done it. He had retrieved the Dragon and Snake Miraculous, with help from Tikki as she took them from their holders as he caused a distraction as Jade Turtle. It was never easy to hold his transformation but he had done it for the short while he had to. That was one, kind of two, problems out of the way, now all he had to do was wait for Adrien to save Marinette. “He will do it”
“He will, Master.” Tikki muttered from his shoulder as Wayzz nodded his agreement from Fu’s other shoulder.
“I doubt it.” Fu nearly fell with how he stumbled back at what had landed in front of him. It was Marinette but also not. He didn’t want to call her an akuma because even that felt like a wrong description. She felt like something else entirely, looked it too. She wore some armor like that of a knight over what appeared to be a black body suit, but one made of light. Her freckles seemed more like stars and if he looked closer each star was unique, and almost seemed to resemble every past akuma
“Marinette...what...what are you?”
“A protector, the Protector.” Marinette answered as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
As soon as Marinette felt the akuma merge with her, because truly it felt like it merged with her and not an object, she felt so much. She could feel the butterfly feel her pain, her anger, could feel it soak up her negativity. She in turn could feel its pain and anger, its sadness too. Her heart filled with so much empathy. Then it was like the voice of the butterfly doubled, then tripled, then there were too many voices to be heard but Marinette understood. She felt their pain because it was the same as hers. All of them had been used, all of them together had put their trust in people they shouldn’t have. Though she had no way to see it, Marinette just knew she was covered in butterflies because she refused to call them akumas, they were victims just as she was, just as Paris was too, to Hawkmoth.
They told her they wouldn’t let him harm her. That they would protect her. That was the moment that Marinette felt that she and them were one and she vowed to protect them just as they vowed to protect her. She accepted them, she let them and her truly become one, because at that moment they were her only friends, her only family, and she was going to protect them from their abuser. They sung her praises, they gave her strength, they whispered a name and place. Their former owner. She listened and she heard and Marinette followed where they led. The closer they got to the Agreste Mansion, the louder the cries of Nooroo she could hear, could feel. She vowed she would protect him as well. He was her family, her friend too, just like the butterflies. A part of her felt like she should have been surprised that Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth and that so, Nathaniel Sancoeur was most likely Mayura, but really she just felt anger. Gabriel and Nathalie were to face justice. Her justice.
They would pay for their crimes against Paris, and their abuse of the Miraculi, kwami, and butterflies. She was the Protector and nothing would stand in her way.
“I don’t wish to fight you, but I see you believe me to be an akuma. I’m not. I don’t expect you to believe me but it’s the truth. I am merely the Protector now. As a sign of good faith,” Marinette, or Protector held out a hand to Fu, one he was reluctant to reach out for. “Here.”
It seemed like she caught on to his hesitation because Marinette threw whatever had been in her hand to him. Tikki and Wayzz had quickly helped catch them and when he saw what Marinette had tossed him he felt faint. Whether it was from relief or fear he didn’t know. Marinette had given him the Peacock and Cat Miraculi. “And what of the Butterfly Miraculous?”
“I’m keeping it. You couldn't protect it, so I will in your place. Nooroo and I decided it is what is best.” At the mention of the kwami, said kwami fly out into the open to sit in Marinette’s open palm.
“Marinette I can’t let you do that.”
“We’re not asking permission.” Nooroo stated as he nuzzled Marinette’s thumb that was caressing his head. “Marinette and I have suffered at the hands of Paris long enough.”
“This was merely me wanting to say goodbye face to face. Don’t come looking for me Fu.” 
Fu could only watch at Marinette, Nooroo, and a swarm of white akumas jumped away from him and his kwami. He didn’t know what else he could do. He was too old to run after her, and he didn’t have anyone he could trust with a Miraculous with to send after her. So he just watched as Marinette continued to get smaller and smaller in his vision, until she was gone. Though she asked not to be looked for, he would do it, because Marinette deserved to be found and talked some sense into. When he found her, an apology didn’t feel good enough, but he would give her the biggest most heartfelt apology. She was a kind soul, and truly deserved none of this.
It was chaos. Tom and Sabine had closed the bakery but it was still filled with people, only it was Marinette’s class and Luka and Kagami. They didn’t dare call this class their daughter’s friends after they finally learned what had really been happening at the school. Luka and Kagami had told them everything and Sabine, Sabine sobbed and had called out for her baby girl till her voice was hoarse. What had they done to her baby girl? But they apologized to them, they said they were tricked. It felt more like they were trying to trick them, but nonetheless they needed help figuring out where Marinette could be and they were offering to help. Tom said it was out of guilt and had wanted to kick them out but Sabine convinced him it would be more manpower to help with the search. Truth was, they were just as guilty, they hadn’t realized something was wrong with their daughter until she was missing. 
Adrien had come in with his arm in a cast, when they asked what happened, the class claimed it was Marinette when she was an akuma. Adrien hadn’t denied it, in fact he looked angry, every time Marinette was mentioned he would frown, and Tom had been so so close to just tossing the boy out, but they heard the kids gossiping and saying that someone had broken into the Agreste Mansion and had beaten Gabriel and his assistant pretty badly. When asked about it Adrien would get really quiet but would confirm that his father and Nathalie were in the hospital due to injuries. He looked a mess.
Luka and Kagami though,...those two looked worse. They looked as though someone had ripped out their hearts. They were there physically, helping wherever they could and however they could, but one glance and you could tell they weren’t there in spirit. It was awful. Paris was celebrating the supposed defeat and disappearance of Hawkmoth and Mayura, but how could Tom and Sabine join in the merriment when they couldn’t share that joy with their pride and joy? The guilt of being so busy had never hit them so hard, but they vowed that once they found Marinette, they would do everything in their power to make it up to her.
It was quiet, actually it was more like her ears were ringing so loud that it was impossible to hear anything. Her body collapsed from exhaustion, she couldn’t travel any further but she felt the distance. It felt safe. She felt safe and maybe that’s why her body just kind of shut itself down, maybe that’s why when the butterflies and Nooroo prodded at her mind if she was willing to give up the akuma and drop the transformation and which she did, that didn’t mean that Marinette wasn’t going to fight to stay conscious even if it was a losing battle. But she was so tired and she could feel Nooroo reassuring her that they were safe and that? That was enough for her. She quickly slipped into unconsciousness and for once didn’t fear the possibility of nightmares, because she knew when she woke up she wouldn’t be back in Paris anymore. Though with falling unconscious she did fail to introduce herself to those who found her, right away.
“I’m telling you guys I saw something wash up on the beach from my house!” A boy said as he and his friends made their way down the beach.
“Yeah? Last time you said that and dragged us here it was just a piece of driftwood.” Another boy piped in with a point of his finger.
“And you claimed it was a real mermaid this time.” His twin sister added.
“Guys be nice I’m sure it’s an actual real mermaid this time.” A girl laughed as she walked ahead to walk side by side with the first boy. 
“Actually there are many documents of mermaids you know.” The third boy of the group said matter-of-factly.
“Any of them driftwood mermaids?” the fourth boy of the group asked with a laugh.
“Ha ha ha, very funny. But I’m telling you I really saw...someone. Oh my gods.” The first boy had started before he actually did see the slumped form of Marinette just lying there. 
*Il n’y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre Translation: No one is as deaf as the one who does not want to listen.
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destress // jd x stressed!reader
jd helps you destress from studying for midterms 
word count: 1,700 
tw: language, smut, ambiguous gender but was written for a female!reader in mind
requests & questions
Note: Hello! I’m a new writing blog! I am an aspiring writer and thought it would be fun to get in some practice by writing for some of my favorite fandoms. I’ve been wanting to write JD x Reader fics for a while so I’m happy to finally be doing that. Please feel free to send in requests! This is my first-time writing smut so be gentle with me (even if JD isn’t being gentle with you). -Ellie
“Shit, did a fucking tornado hit your room?”
You didn’t acknowledge the intruder that entered through your bedroom window. You didn’t have the time to. With multiple midterms coming up that you weren’t the least bit prepared for, every second from now until then was precious.
“Not even a hello, darling?”
You could tell that a brow of his was quirked, teasing. He very well knew that midterms were next week. Though, compared to you, he couldn’t give less of a shit. How you wish you could do the same.
“JD, not now.” You warned.
He stood, appraising your midterm wrecked room quietly. Notes, textbooks, and wrappers galore decorated various surfaces, from the floor to the bed to your vanity.
He walked, watching each step as he made his way towards you. You were hunched over your desk, nose deep in one of your textbooks. Your highlighter was tapping against the wood of your desk, keeping time with the anxious bounce of your leg.
He was behind you in the next moment, resting his head against yours. He placed his hands on your thighs firmly, slowing your movements. You took a deep breath, setting your book down. Your head titled up, moving his head from yours in order to meet his gaze.
A slight smile tugged at the corner of your lips upon seeing him. God, he was such a better sight than statistics.
“Hello.” You murmured.
He matched your smile, dropping his volume to yours. “See? Now was that so hard?” He pressed his lips against your forehead. “Hello, darling. How are you? Did you miss me?”
You rested your head back against him. Your eyes fluttered closed, enjoying the warmth of his body. “No. Not even a little bit. Statistics has been the best company.”
“Oh, really? I’m going to wager that stats is fucking you pretty hard.” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Maybe even harder than you.”
“Are you challenging me? You know I always win.”
You took a deep breath. The slight smile gone from your face and replaced with a deep frown. Your eyebrows pulled together, your face scrunching to meet the stress headache growing.
“JD, you know on any other day I would want you to win. I can’t.”
“Come on, give me just an hour.”
“Bullshit.” You were quick to reply. Your eyes flew open to stare up at him. “Like we’ve ever gone just an hour. You keep me for multiple hours which I don’t have. I’m already losing sleep as it is. I promise you can keep me up some other night but tonight-“
He stepped back, grabbing the back of your chair, and spinning you to face him. “Darling,” he drawled slowly. “You’re losing it.”
You blinked once, your gaze falling into your lap as you processed his words. Your hands met your head, elbows resting on your knees as you curled up into yourself. “I know.” You spoke into your hands. “God, JD, I’m so fucking stressed. I have so many midterms to study for without enough hours in the day. I can’t fail these. They’re worth so much of my grade. It will ruin my GPA if I get anything less than-”
“Sh, sh…” he crouched, leveling himself with you. “How about we round up your teachers in an abandoned building and blow it up, hm? Would that make this all better?”
You would have laughed if you didn’t know that he was completely serious. This boy would do anything for you. He’s proved that time and time again. “Getting rid of the teachers wouldn’t get rid of the classes themselves. I’d still have to take the midterms eventually.”
“You’d at least get more time.”
“True.” You agreed. Another deep breath and you lifted your head from your hands. “I think it would just be easier for me to study. It would take time and planning to pull it off and anyway, do you want to go through a whole grieve fest at school?”
“It would make for an interesting week.”
“You aren’t funny.”
“No, I’m hilarious.” He took your hands in his, pulling you up from your seat. “Fine, no offing the teachers, but you know the more that you try to cram all that shit in your head, the more it will spill out. Breaks are healthy, recommended even.”
A finger under your chin, a thumb resting below your lip, he brought his face closer to yours. He was close, too close. You smelled his last cigarette and a cherry slushie lingering in his breath.
“Let me help you destress.” He ghosted the words over your lips. How could you ever think that you could deny him? How could you ever think that he wouldn’t get his way?
All it took was a quiet please and his hands were everywhere.
With one swift movement, JD knocked the contents of your desk onto the floor. With another, you were sitting on top of it, legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He caught your lips with his, too slow, too gentle.
You didn’t have the patience for his teasing.
You intertwined your fingers in his hair, tugging him closer. You pressed your lips harder against his, showing him your eagerness to have him, just as he wanted.
You could feel him smirk against your lips, his hands moving to undress you from the waist down.
“Well, would you look at that? For someone who didn’t want to even acknowledge me, you sure are eager to have me inside of you.”
You bit back a moan, his words touching you before he even laid a hand between your legs.
Fucking asshole and his way with dirty talk.
“Jason Dean, you’re a pain in my ass.” You replied breathlessly.
A low chuckle followed as you dragged your lips across his jawline in a sporadic series of kisses. You bucked your hips up towards him, a sign for him to hurry the hell up and take you already.
You would have been surprised if he actually took the sign instead of ignoring it and taking another direction.
“Nu uh, darling. I can’t shove my cock in you and fuck you into the desk until the wood chips just yet. With how stressed you are over midterms, I’m not sure if you can handle it. So let me loosen you up first, hm?”
He didn’t wait to slip a finger inside of you, then two, and then three. You leaned back along the desk, your elbows barely keeping you up and steady. He set a rhythm, relishing the sounds that you made for him and him alone. Whimpers, gasps, and moans alike were all tangled with his name.
He felt you were getting close. He could always tell, sometimes before you even knew. You never quite knew how close you were to falling off the edge until he was pulling away from you, leaving you empty and longing for him to fill you again.
Just like he liked it.
“JD,” you breathed shakily. You didn’t realize that your elbows had failed you early on and you were lying completely flat against the desk. You shifted your weight, lifting yourself back up and onto your elbows once more. Your eyes narrowed when you caught his gaze.
“What? Did you not want to cum on my cock after all?” He asked innocently, a contrast to the words that came from his mouth.
“God, I could kill you.”
“There can be only one killer in this relationship, darling.” He drawled, undoing his jeans. He was hard and so ready to fuck you until you couldn’t remember the population versus the sample. He hesitated, almost expecting another retort, another “you’re not funny”, but no. You weren’t going to drag this out any longer. You wanted him now.
You needed him now.
“JD, please. For the love of god, fuck me.”
He didn’t even have to ask for a please. He knew that meant there was nothing else in your head but wanting him to fuck you.
Would there ever come a time that he wouldn’t get exactly what he wanted?
“Only because you asked so nicely.” It only took a single beat, a single thrust before he was inside of you completely, barely giving you a chance to adjust to him. You let yourself fall back onto the desk, crying out his name.
The rhythm he set was faster, rougher. His fingers curled over your shoulders. His hands pushed you down as his hips pushed you up. Every thrust was met with force. He never let you move. He did the moving for you. He was in full control, using your body for his pleasure which just so happened to cause you pleasure.
A perfect match, that’s what he said, and you believed it. He knew exactly where to hit the tip of his cock to make you-
“JD, I’m getting-”
“Mmm, I can feel that. I didn’t think you could get any tighter.”
His lips caught the rest of your whine. His movements were sloppier now, his hands messily tangling themselves in your hair. He was close too.
As he pulled back ever so slightly, he uttered three words. “Cum for me.”
With that, you came undone and he followed closely behind. Screams and moans of ecstasy were muffled against one another’s lips. It took a few moments for the both of you to catch your breath. He waited until your breathing steadied to pull out.
He pressed his lips against your forehead. “There. That should get you through stats.”
You laughed. “It should, but is it going to get me through French?”
“Finish studying for stats and we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Let’s get you cleaned up and while you finish studying, I’ll go get you some real food. No more of this granola shit.”
He began walking towards the bathroom but stopped halfway across your room. He didn’t turn to look at you when he said:
“You’re one of the smartest people I know. I know it’s not much coming from a town full of slaves and blanks but if there’s anyone who can pass these midterms it’s you.”
He continued walking.
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lipstickbisous · 3 years
𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦
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a/n: this is for @celestialbarnes' 4k writing challenge!! the prompt is "you said you loved me." "i lied." it's funny bc with the character and prompts i actually found this super challenging, but i loved writing it!!
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, former!stucky
summary: when the nightmares come, and the memories return, at least he has you there. and when he doesn't, his ghost appears.
warnings: angst central, mentions of financial struggles, implied suicidal thoughts, reader is a dick, mentions of stucky, sad!bucky, smut; sir!kink, bucky speaking russian, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), choking, creampie, slight cockwarming 18+ MINORS DNI
word count: 3.2k
the following work is my own writing. do not plagairise or copy and paste my works onto another platform. message me about credit.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
his iron hand is covered in a felt glove that hits the hem of his jacket sleeve, entirely concealing the vibranium from prying eyes. metallic fingers lift a gathering of plastic bags filled with groceries almost tearing through the bottom like he's lifting air. the weight on his left arm hangs with a force of gravity as he struggles to push in the key to his front door. the ceiling lights of his apartment hallway would've been considered tasteful in 1945, but now he could see the shadow of cobwebs and dust collecting on the tops. it created a filter over the lighting that made the hallway look haunted and abandoned.
when bucky had been pardoned by the government, he didn't see it as a sign of hope. he knew that without steve, there was no one to assure that he'd be given a safe home, he'd be protected. and without steve, life had been duller and gray. there had been a blossoming love for the blue-eyed man that sat inside of his chest, and then, it had started to plant itself deep in the burrows of his heart. seaweed-colored vines found themselves tracing the outline of his skeleton, and each leaf that bloomed was another aching memory of him. moments in brooklyn that had taken place decades ago were still fresh and he dreamed of them every night. how was bucky to cut them out by himself?
when he looked up, he saw the tufts of blonde hair underneath the hallway lights. his lips were parted in shock as his heart shattered again. "i'm sorry," he had whispered, shoving his hands together nervously, picking at his nails and the sleeve of his navy blue jacket. bucky's mind was racing, heart was soaring as he approached him, and he wanted nothing more than to run into his arms.
"need help?" a voice echoed through the hallway, and suddenly, the walls didn't seem so haunted anymore. he was gone, but that was for the better because here you were and bucky didn't need anything else. you were light and when his eyes looked up at you, he could've sworn an intake of oxygen forced itself into his 100-year old lungs.
it was an easy answer. bucky didn't need to do it by himself, because just in the moment of his thundering darkness, of the smallest thoughts at would it be like to end it right there, you took a pair of shears and slashed away all the vines. the leaves scattering the insides of his body fell, and the suffocating grip the roots of that toxic love had on his heart were released. bucky could breathe again and steve was forgotten. because here you were.
and god, was he thankful. he only lightly chuckled while a deep red hue took over the skin of his cheeks. you approached him delicately, licking your tongue over your lips for repeated moisture and reached out to take the key from his quivering hand. he stepped to the side with a small smile and allowed you to unlock his door. he'd allowed you so many things, opening so many places he didn't know existed...not even steve could do that. "what'd you buy today?" you asked, grabbing several of the bags he had and set them on his kitchen counter.
he followed your actions and shrugged, "not much," and flipped the switch of his kitchen lights. they were a blaring white-light that made his head hurt if he looked at them for too long. damn it, he thought to himself. new light bulbs were the one thing he'd forgotten while at the store. "just enough to get through the week." he would've offered to cook you dinner, but with the assumption that with this late hour you would've already eaten, he shrugged it off. "what're you here for?"
it was an abrupt question but he didn't mean it with harmful intentions. with a sigh, you crossed your arms and looked to the tile floors. the way he looked at you were if he was a small bird, his wings broken and feathers plucked and you were the only one who could heal him. "i didn't know if you were busy," but the healing was over. he could finally soar again without a limp and you were no longer needed--it hurt to think about for too long. "i didn't want you to be alone."
he could feel his heart swelling to a size ten times larger than what it had been before, locked away in its ivory cage. the only one who had held the key had been him, but you tore it from his hands because he did not deserve it. you did. "i don't want to be a bother to you," he smiled poorly and ineffectively. there was still that small part of james buchanan barnes that doubted everything everyone told him, and you were hoping all the moments in the world spent together could fix that.
"jesus," you mutter with a light breath, one that's small but enough to replenish bucky with life. "you're never a bother to me. i love you." those words would be the death of him. he longed to hear them as he fell from the train, whispered into his ear every time his memory was reset because bucky had never gotten a chance to do something for himself. but this--this relationship, this beautiful thing he had with you--he finally had control. you begin to unpack the groceries he'd gotten, seeing that a carton of black cherry ice-cream was already beginning to melt, but before you get the chance to throw it in his freezer, bucky's ionic arm pulls you by the waist.
the other one grabs your cheek and attaches his lips to yours with an aggressive but desperate kiss that ached with need. he was soft and warm, darting his tongue between the opening to your mouth and letting it meet yours. with the sudden though appreciated action, you let the ice cream carton fall to his kitchen floor, the lid popping off so that white cream and cherry chunks create a puddle near your feet. bucky doesn't dare break the connection of you two as he lifts you by your thighs, hoisting your around his waist and carrying you to his bedroom door.
his lock had been broken when he'd moved into the damp and smelly apartment, so he turned himself around and pushed the door open with his broad back as you peeled the fabric that covered his chest. his shirt was dismantled to the side, left to find sometime in the morning. "james-" you whispered through your kiss because, as he'd told you the one night you had shared dinner, you were the only one allowed to say that name. that small part of him that was still james buchanan barnes wanted to hear it from your lips only.
"sh," he quickly silenced you, placing you underneath him on his mattress like you were a delicate feather, and a touch too rough would turn you to dust. his metallic fingers pulled the ragged jeans you'd chosen that morning, leaving your legs bare to the freezing air of his home. he noticed the way your skin prickled with the cold and immediately engulfed your lower half with him. you were soothed with a loving rush of warmth as he peppered wet kisses around your thighs and waist. the bumps on your skin were gone and you felt whole again. his kisses moved to your stomach as he crawled over you with a look in his eyes you'd seen before.
"please, james," you threw your head back once his lips latched themselves to your neck. one arm wrapped around your torso, supporting your back, and the other was tracing the outline of your body with gentle touches. trailing from your shoulder to your waist, to the place between your legs that ached. cotton panties clothed your bottom and front, but they'd have to do more to get in his way.
he looks away for one moment and freezes. there he is, sitting in the chair bucky had placed in the corner of his room. he wore only a tight pair of black boxers and it clung to his skin like a second layer. his hair, dirty blonde and greasy, hung on his forehead. he had his head propped on his hand, watching intently at you both. but when your hands cupped his cheeks, and pressed him closer to you, he disappeared and the anxiety melted into your touch.
the tip of his finger pressed directly on your clothed clit as soon as he began to suck on your jaw, pushing your head back even more than before. "baby," you immediately clenched around nothing, squeezing your hand around the metal limb and he could've sworn you almost bent it.
his chuckle was deep and rumbled from his chest so that it vibrated your entire body underneath him. "what do you want, honey?" his voice dripped with fox-like slyness and his smirk had you flooding into his head.
"make me feel good..." you trailed off, eyes fluttering shut so you never noticed him move lower down your body. he pulled your panties to the side and pressed his tongue flat against your folds, so your warmer and wetter than before. his spit mixes with your fluids when he rips the cotton into shreds and throws it next to your head. "please, sir," you croak and bucky growls into your core between your legs. you wrap them around his neck and his face only reddens a tiny bit when his primary focus becomes exploring the inside of your heat. his tongue darts past your opening, wet as he pushes through the barrier only slightly stretching you. the muscle is tight and clamps down around him, but he lets the tip of his tongue push up, down, to the sides, and up again.
you released the pressure around his neck mostly because the addition of his finger against your bead was more than enough to handle. "i know you love that, doll," he whispers against your cunt, literally dripping juices from his mouth. it trails down his chin where it sticks to the curve of your ass. "love my fingers toying with your little pussy, edging you so you can cum all over my mouth," his words are filth, but then again, he has his face shoved against your wet lips, his nose bumping that sensitive spot so you moaned even louder with every passing second.
your nods are stuttered with a, "yes, sir," before he pulls away, placing both of his hands by your shoulders and meeting your eyes. you whine and groan, letting your hips rub the air for some sort of friction and bucky only smirked. gone was the thought of him and here was the beautiful presence of you. he began to unbuckle his belt, unbuttoning his jeans and sliding over the boxers covering his manhood. he held his weight in his hand, giving small strokes so he grew firmer and heavier, rubbing the head through your folds to gather your slick. you moaned, "no, james, let me help-"
his fingers took your chin so your eyes drew from his length and met him. "i just want you," bucky whispers inches away from you and pressed himself against your hole, stretching open your walls so you suffocated him. "so perfect, doll, so fucking tight."
your moan took control of his heart, leaving a clenched fist squeezing the muscle in his chest. you pressed your head into his hand he'd placed underneath you, curving your back so he rutted into a new angle. "m-more, sir," you whispered breathlessly, and it almost came out with a rasp.
"what was that, little girl?" he sneered, smirking into your ear. you could feel hot breath fanning against the side of your head, an addition to the pleasure in between your legs. his fingers trailed down your stomach with a little tickle to wear your clit dragged against his length as he continued to set a brutal pace. his balls met your ass with every pounding thrust, and his fingers harshly pinched your clit. "this good enough for you, baby doll?"
your nods are rapid and desperate, eyes squeezing shut when he hits that spot inside you. he notices it when he does--your mouth twitches and your hand shoots up to the wrist that holds your clit when he begins to rub it. "yes, sir, t-thank you," your voice cracks, words are staggered, and it's exactly how bucky likes to see you. vulnerable because he made you this way. all undone just for him.
the hand underneath your head manages to wrap around your neck, applying a pressure that cuts off your air supply. "fuck, sweetheart, this cunt's wrapped around me so tight," all of the pain, all of the suffering, and all of the dreams of ending it were nonexistent in moments like these. everything that was remnant of him was gone and for once, bucky was okay that. "so fucking perfect," he cried, eyes watering when you clenched down around him. his ghost no longer haunted him in both the shadows and light. it was like you scared him away, arms defensively shielding bucky from any harm that he could possibly cause. and yet, here you were, unraveling like a thread from a sweater simply because he could do it to you.
the pressure on your pearl, his thumb ensuring you couldn't fully breathe, and the way he continuously rammed into your sensitive spot, you were so close. you could already feel yourself just barely letting go around him, and he could too. "not yet, malen'kiy," he grinned, leaning down so his lips dragged over your chest down to where you bud clung to the cold air of his home. his eyes met yours with a playful glance as soon as he wrapped his lips around your nipple, immediately sucking harshly.
"you're evil," you manage to giggle cutting yourself off with an unexpected, pornographic moan when his teeth nipped down around you. he pulls his hand away from your neck to hear what other noises you have to give.
his chuckle was deep once again and this time, it vibrated your entire body. both of your bodies fluidly moved together, pushing and messing up the sheets he'd tightly fitted against his mattress earlier that day. you knew there'd be a puddle of your juices left on the blankets, and like always, you'd offer to wash them for him and bucky would decline. "just cum, doll," he speaks lowly. he's teasing you and he knows it.
"c-can i please cum, sir?" you batted your eyes, innocently pouting for a release. it was close and painful to hold it back any longer, growing more intense with every moment passing.
the smirk played on his lips was threatening and scary. you couldn't even remember all the times he'd denied you of an organism, pushing you over so that your toes dangled off the edge of the cliff only to pull you back. with his lips still wrapped around your bud, his hips still jutting against yours like he was a rabid dog, grunting and groaning, he spoke clearly, "cum."
if bucky could record your moans, cries, sobs, and screams--and maybe he has...--he'd listen to it until the day he died. your thighs shook around his hips, somehow loosening and tightening yourself. as you flooded around him, he could feel the warmth surrounding his length and just as you finished convulsing, clawing his vibranium arm and pulling at his hair, his tip brushed harshly against your cervix.
"fuck!" he groaned, as a shot of white fluid filled you to brim, leaving a heavy weight that spilled out with a tickle when he finally pulled from you. "oh, honey..." he must've stayed inside you for an hour, collapsing so his chest met yours and his kisses stayed on your jaw. and when the emptiness did return, leaving you to miss his cock already, he watched your eyelids fall heavy with sleep. bucky pulled the blanket over you, falling slump next to your body and wrapping his arms around yours.
your light snores and breaths were music that lulled him to sleep. the white noise he needed because the silence was scary now. he'd stayed awake for two hours after you'd fallen asleep, watching the way your chest rose and fell with an inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale pattern. and when his eyes drifted over to the armchair in the corner of his room, his ghost was no longer there to taunt him.
time flew and morning came, like always. and like always, you left without anything to wear underneath your pants and a kiss on the lips from him.
his feet padded throughout his apartment floor, wearing nothing more than black boxers and a cheap cotton t-shirt he'd gotten that barely protected him. he strolled over to his window that overlooked the street, and chuckled when he noticed you discreetly limp to your car. as you drove away, creating a distance between you, that darkness that overtook his soul returned. your presence drifted and no more could he hold you, and now, the vines began to grow.
they grew lethal thorns, bloomed toxic blossoms around his heart. he began to suffocate again, feeling a pain his chest that only you could alleviate. but now you were gone. it was when bucky wandered into his kitchen with sagging shoulders, he stepped into a wet puddle of melted ice cream and black cherries. it covered the ball of his foot with a sticky, gross layer and he collapsed.
he folded, leaning into his lap and holding his head in his hands. tears leaked into his palm, slipping through the cracks of his fingers and onto the floor. his face turned a bright red, only this time it was due to a rush of blood and an oncoming headache. he cried your name, he cried his name, and on the third body-racking sob of a garbled "steve", it was like he had summoned his arrival.
his phantom presence left a chilling feeling in the air. and without even having to look up, bucky knew that this version of steve wasn't even real. this wasn't his ghost. this wasn't him. this wasn't him returning to see bucky because he cared. this was a part of bucky's imagination, a sick and twisted form of therapy because when bucky didn't have you, he had nothing else. "you said you loved me," he had cried, biting down on his knuckles and wrist. when he met his blue eyes with a heartbroken glance, steve's expression didn't budge.
bucky had created this version of steve--this evil and cruel version of him that only made this heartache worse. he brought this torture on himself and now, he could barely handle it.
he stood, towering above him with his fists clenched. his eyes bore a hot hole in bucky's skull and every passing moment was hell. there were flames beginning to engulf bucky's body, burning his skin and leaving him as a pile of dust. after all, that's what he had been for those past five years, leaving him to learn that he didn't really need bucky. and that tore every part of him apart.
"i lied." he muttered, lips tight against his teeth as if it hurt him to say it. but still, he stood above bucky with an emotionless stare.
his cries filled the walls of his home for the rest of the day, waiting for the next chance he got to hold you again.
mutuals: @balenciagabucky @cloudystevie @honeyloverogers @steebsbabygirl @ronimina @honeychicana @fairytaleseb @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @avengersbau @bvckysmoon @sapphireplums @a-little-counter-esperanto @letters-to-esme @capsiclecevans @babyyhoneyydarling @honeysucklesteve
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k-comfyspace · 3 years
Star: Kim Minji (Dreamcatcher➶)
Idea: Yes
Love: Hi!! Idk If your taking requests but can your write a Dreamcatcher scenario where Jiu has a cute dream with 8th member reader and she can’t stop thinking about it until she realizes her true feeling? Fluff and happy ending plzz
A/n: I took a little but of a different turn, hopefully this is okay for you love, if not you can ask me to remake it, I gladly would!
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Minji found herself washing the dishes, before feeling arms wrap around her waist, a smile already forming on her lips when she inhaled the familiar scent, leaning her head on the person’s own behind her.
She felt a warm pair of lips touch her cheek, followed by resounding giggles, the hand on her waist getting tighter as the person pressed herself closer to Minji,
"Do you need anything?" she asked, hearing the person hum before feeling their head shake,
"Nothing much, love, I just miss you."
‘Love,’ The nickname always made the older girl sigh, a warm sensation fluttering in her stomach as she heard it. Something about it made her happy, content that she was hearing it from the person she loves.
Minji chuckled, finishing the last plate and putting it away, drying her hands on the cloth. Afterwards, she placed her hand on top of the one on her waist, turning to face the culprit of the joyous smile on the leader's face.
"Why are you so cute, Y/n?" She earned a smile at the mention of your name, your eyes locking to her own before you cupped her cheeks. Minji relished the warmth that you spread to her, leaning against your palm, the distance slowly closing.
Minji could feel her heart pounding against her chest as the space gradually closed, and as her eyes closed, she was startled by a loud bang.
Minji jumped up and looked around, confusion written on her face as she tried to adjust to the situation. Rubbing her eyes, she focused on the person standing by the door, recognizing Handong.
"Unnie, time to eat breakfast," the younger called, making the other girl shake her head, nodding as she rubbed her eyes. Still shaken from her apparent dream.
It seemed so real to Minji, actually imagining herself in the same situation with her members.
It could be because you two were usually sweet with each other, oftentimes being shipped together because of your sweet and caring personalities, or it was already a feeling Minji has developed over the past few months.
Most would assume it would be the latter, but the leader knew her feelings well.
At least that’s what she thought.
Joining the others in the kitchen, Minji found her seat, everyone giving thanks before they ate. Normally, Minji would start off the conversation, though this time she kept silent, living in her own world as the rest started to talk.
She shifted her gaze away from the plate to side-eye your form, and seeing you smile and laugh while speaking with Bora made her entire body tingle. Observing your features.
The way your eyes would turn into crescents when you laughed, the dimples that would appear on your cheek while you smiled, the way our laugh made everyone else giggle.
Your energy was so positive it was hard for anyone to not radiate the same energy too. It was a clear representation of what happiness can be like in a physical form.
"Jiu unnie?" You called out for the older girl, seeing the way she flinched when you tapped her shoulder, shaking her head as she looked up and smiled, "Sorry, what was that?"
You clicked your tongue on the roof of your mouth, "Ah unnie, you’re getting too lost in my eyes again," you teased, earning laughs from your members while the older girl lowered her head to hide the blush on her cheeks.
While everyone teased the older, you made sure to place a hand on the lower back of your leader, ensuring she didn't have a bad start to her day.
Though even with the simple action, Minji’s blush worsened, the situation from earlier reflected in her head.
After breakfast, everyone went back to their respective activities, with half of the members sleeping and the other half spending the day off watching TV and using their phones.
Minji was busy in her room, playing with Cherry as the dog barked, enjoying the company of its owner. Which they spent throwing a ball around the room until Minji laid in bed, sighing as she closed her eyes.
She couldn’t stop thinking about it, even though she tried to forget about it, the situation never left her head. The absurdity of her mind creating the situation with the younger member was shocking to her.
She’d never once got into a situation where she dreamed about her members, at least not that type of situation. But deep down she did think about it. The thought of you two being that close appealed to Minji.
She always wanted that feeling, the feeling to be taken care of, the domestic type of feeling where you would feel butterflies in your stomach all the time.
In that dream was everything. In that short amount of time, she felt happy, content, and almost too comfortable seeing you with her. Like her whole body yearned for it.
As the leader kept her eyes closed, the room door opened. Minji paid no mind, knowing it was Siyeon.
However, when she felt the bed dip along with arms wrapping around her waist, she opened her eyes, meeting your smiling face as you pushed your head into the crook of her neck. Minji, as if automatically, wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you closer and closed her eyes.
This was a routine for the two of you; almost every night, or whenever you had a break, you found yourself in the older's bed. Squishing yourself against her neck as you cuddle.
Minji would always let you hug her, whether it was because you needed company while sleeping or because you wanted to cling to the leader. She always thought it was because she took care of you ever since you were added to the group.
Because of the years you've spent together, you've developed a habit of clinging to her.
As Minji closed her eyes, she sighed, cradling your head in her arms, letting her thoughts be empty as she slept, comfortable in the position, while the butterflies fluttered continuously in her stomach.
The leader went down the hall, holding your hand while your group followed your manager, making sure to avoid the staff and bow to the other idols who were heading the opposite way. Your group just finished performing in Inkigayo, now it was back to the dorm for the rest of the afternoon.
You swung your hands together, a smile on your face as you walked down the hall. You resemble somewhat of a child, happily walking down while she held her mother’s hand, smiling brightly while you clung to your leader.
Minji was busy talking to Yoohyeon, though keeping your hand tight on her own. She tried to distract herself because for the past few weeks, there was nothing except you running in her mind.
Day after day, Minji would think about you, still the same dream and situation in her mind. She tried to think about it, force it out of her head, but eventually it became too big to handle, so now she only embraced it, knowing if she held it out any longer she was going to go crazy.
She was so busy talking to Yoohyeon that she didn’t notice your smile fading, failing to get her attention. You tried swinging her arms more, rubbing the back of your thumb on her hand, and even shaking her hand, but the older one was too preoccupied.
So with a huff, you let go of her hand. Walking faster and stopping with Yubin, locking your arm with your roommate who threw you a kind smile.
Minji only noticed when she got to the van, finding you already inside with the rapper, a small pout on her face when you didn’t even look at her. Did she do something wrong?
When they got back to the dorm, Minji still didn’t get a word from you. Watching as you went inside towards your room after announcing that you were gonna take a shower.
The older girl didn’t take it as a big deal at first, only believing that she was overthinking, but it was already late in the night and you still weren’t approaching your leader.
You weren’t as clingy as usual, and when she would call you, Minji only got short responses. During dinner, when you would usually sit beside the older person, you opted to sit next to your roommate this time.
It took Minji a few hours of contemplating, her conscience not feeling the best at the thought of her doing something to upset you.
With her mind thinking of nothing but you, she padded to your shared room, knocking briefly as she entered, seeing the rapper on the top bunk as she read. The older girl heard the shower running, taking the opportunity to get you alone to talk privately,
"Yubin-ah, can I talk to Y/n, alone?" she asked, pulling away from the younger girl, who nodded politely, not questioning the older girl and hopped off her bed.
Bringing her book along before showing the leader a kind smile, as if to say good luck. She took a seat on your bed, waiting as she tried to keep her nerves in check, hands fidgeting because of her nervousness.
When she heard the water stop, followed by the door opening, her breath hitched, waiting until you came out, drying your hair before noticing the older girl on your bed. You didn’t look at Minji, only putting away your clothes as the older girl pouted again,
"Y/n," she called, watching your back as you ignored the older girl, calling you several times yet never once answering or looking at her.
"I'm sorry, if I did something wrong, you know I wouldn't do it on purpose, Y/n," her tone softened, causing you to pause in your actions as you heard her, "Could you tell me what I could do to make it better?" she asked, sighing when she didn't get a reply.
She moved to stand and leave, though your words cut the older from doing anything,
"Am I unlovable, unnie?" The question surprised Minji, given the abrupt topic that she was struggling with as well,
"What do you mean, of course not," she answered simply, making you turn around to face Minji, concern spreading through her eyes when she saw the tears streaming down your face.
"Hey, what’s wrong?" She stood up, quickly cupping your cheeks and wiping away your tears.
You sniffled, pouting before you closed your eyes and breathed in harshly, "If I’m so lovable, then why can’t you love me back?"
You felt her hands stiffen on your face, eyes widening as Minji struggled to comprehend the words that came out of your mouth, "W-what did you say?" She stuttered,
"I kept trying, again and again to make you notice me. I get your attention every day, do sweet things with you, be clingy so you can feel a small amount of my affection for you... that you're more than just an unnie for me. I love you Jiu, "
A hot blush settled against Minji’s face when she absorbed each word of what you said, her insides suddenly celebrating, exploding in a mix of euphoria and excitement, the butterflies going wild as they fluttered in the walls of her stomach.
While Minji was too busy celebrating internally, you were still crying, nervous that Minji would be mad. Scared of losing the friendship that you both had, was it a mistake that you told her too early? What if she left? Ignored you, or started to hate you?
The thoughts of insecurity made you feel heavier, tears streaming down at an alarming rate as sobs started to escape past your lips.
The older girl was only breaking out of her joy induced coma when she felt your tears streaming down her hand, Minji blinked, focusing on your face as she wiped your tears before pulling you closer to her. Pressing your lips together as a gasp escaped your lips.
Minji made sure that she placed all her feelings into the kiss, making you know how much you’ve been inside her head, the countless hours Minji spent awake, thinking about the feelings of you being in her arms, having a relationship, a connection bigger than just friends, something a lot closer than siblings.
Minji will always keep you close, from this day on, until the end.
She’s seen what you could be like together, may it be in her dreams, or a vision of what was to come. She was excited because both of you are going to make it through, together.
"I love you too, Y/n."
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jinx-jade · 3 years
Who will you live for? for Chapter 1
What would you do?
If you could start all over?...
A voice echoed in her head, as a warm red liquid flowed out of her chest. 
If she could start over?
She wouldn’t have fallen in love with a lying, cheating, self-centered, coward.
She wouldn’t have trusted him.
She wouldn’t have trusted at all.
They all used her in the end.
Her friends?
They only stayed with her for the fame, money, and gifts she could give them.
Her family?
They had turned against her as easily as the wind changed direction. Every time they would come crawling back, Marinette would forgive them without a second thought.
As Marinette Dupain-Cheng, she would bend over backward to give her friends pastries, organize parties, and events. She was an up-and-coming designer who could have out-shined Gabriel and Style-Queen.
As Marinette Agreste, she was a housewife who did nothing but love her husband. She helped him rebuild his company from the scraps his father gave him, receiving none of the credit.
Yet here she was now.
Bleeding out in an alleyway, stabbed from behind and through her heart.
It was ironic to the bluenette, her death is the perfect summary of her life, stabbed in the back, watching her own heart bleed out.
Marinette realized something during these last few moments. She would leave nothing behind in her death. She had become nothing and made nothing out of the life she had been given. She had lived to make others happy, no matter what it cost her.
The voice in her head asked what she would do if she could try again.
To live again.
“If… I st… start ov… over… I would… would liv… live for my… myself… and no… no one else.” Marinette stutters out, struggling to breathe.
“But… why… '' Marinette asked the voice, taking in a shuddering breath.
“Why… sh… should I… get a … a second chance… “ Marinette questions coughing up blood. Her consciousness faded into black. The voice said something but to Marinette it felt like she was underwater and couldn’t hear them.
The next thing Marinette knew, she was waking up in her bedroom. Looking around, Marinette saw a calendar, it was July 20th, a week before her fifth birthday.
Getting up out of bed, Marinette got dressed before heading downstairs to see her parents. If today plays out the same as last time, then she will be given some basic sewing supplies and fifty dollars of allowance/birthday money, from her parents before they leave on their catering job somewhere in Italy.
“Oh! You’re up early.” Sabine greets.
Marinette tilts her head to the side and rubs her eyes to feign sleepiness.
“Where are you going?” Marinette asked through a yawn.
“We have an early morning train to catch. Remember?” Tom says with a chuckle, ruffling Marinette’s hair.
It took everything in her not to flinch away, or look at them in disgust.
These were the people who believed a liar over their daughter, who they raised. They had practically kicked her out of the house and disowned her, only to come crawling back when she married rich.
Marinette squinted her eyes in thought before making them go wide.
“OH. You get to bake in that really big kitchen you showed me pictures of! Right?” Marinette pretends to remember, bouncing on the heels of her feet as she used to when she was excited.
“Yup. We might have to miss your birthday though, so we’re going to give you your present now.” Tom says, placing a box and envelope in front of her.
Marinette opens the box to find some old curtains and sheets neatly folded inside. There is a pincushion full of pins and needles, a pair of large scissors, fabric chalk, thread, and rulers.
Pretending to be excited, Marinette bounced up and down, promising to have something pretty made when they got back.
“I’m sure you will. This is your allowance for while we’re gone. Don’t get into any trouble.” Sabine called out before leaving with Tom.
“Don’t worry I won’t,” She calls back as the door closes.
Marinette immediately began sorting through the fabric.
If she’s remembering correctly, there were at least nine practical brand new king-sized bed sheets and some curtains and fabrics in the box. The first time Marinette went through the box, she had decided to never use such sad colors and thrown them away, but now the color seemed just right for what she wished to accomplish.
Due to her small body size, there was more than enough fabric to make her birthday dress. There was even enough fabric to make a few dozen skirts and shirts. Looks like her idea might work after all.
Marinette got to work making as many shirts, skirts, and even stuffed animals as she could. It took a lot longer than she was willing to admit due to making all of it by hand, but once she got the hang of it, the work became easier than walking or counting to ten.
When she took a break from sewing, Marinette would work on building her website to sell her creations.
The fifty dollars were spent on sewing supplies that would make her projects come to life instead of the candy she had wasted the money on last time.
Altogether, the work took till July 26th, even with all the all-nighters she pulled.
For the skirts, Marinette made four pencils, five pleated, four tulips, three wraps, and two mermaids.
For the shirts, Marinette made two peter pan collars, three halters, five crop-tops, and four cold shoulder tops.
Marinette also made seven animal-themed plushies.
She had planned to make more, but ran out of fabric and spending money. All of her creations had her initials MCD with cherry blossoms and a little bird sewn into them, hidden in the design. It was her little signature so no one could steal her work.
Marinette had made herself business cards and asked to place little stacks of them in stores, libraries, and cafes, all of the places agreeing to the little girl’s request.
When Marinette got home from delivering her cards, she passed out immediately. The past few days took up all of her energy.
As she drifted off to sleep, Marinette couldn’t help thinking to herself.
‘This time. I won’t just be known as someone’s wife or lover. This time. I live for me.’
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starfirette · 3 years
maybe for a part two for mother!reader x armin is when armin is like 15 and she visits the scouts to see him and she ends up embarrassing him??
 New Life: a direct sequel to New Start | part three is out!!
| Armin Alert x Mother! Reader | some Levi x Reader hints because I’m a SIMP for the man | masterlist | more snk x reader | no word count only insomina and the procrastination of changing my major |
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The big, round eyes you once swore would be green turned out to be blue. 
And they were so eager to leave you and be a man. 
It was the hardest choice you’d ever made, allowing your son to leave the village and join the cadet corps. It was what he seemed to want, so so desperately. You couldn’t tell if he wanted it as much as he wanted to follow Eren Jaeger and the Mikasa girl. Both were pleasant enough children. They stood up for your Armin more than enough times to be allowed in your household. You didn’t mind if they both showed up unannounced to take Armin on an adventure or even to eat dinner and spend the night. 
Carla was a sweet enough woman who seemed to have the same concerns for Eren that you had for Armin. She wanted them to be friends and be normal children that didn’t have to worry about death and disease. It was a common scene for Carla to walk Eren and the young girl to your house with a freshly baked cherry and butter pie, made from the fresh picked cherries in the shared village orchard. 
Hosting the two children was never an issue. You liked having the house filled. The boys even seemed to get Mikasa on her feet, running around and doing some sort of adventure. 
Armin’s wide, blue eyes always taunted you, taunting the color green you’d imagined they’d be. 
Armin had grown up to be a better young man than you could have ever hoped for. He was a sweet young boy who enjoyed his studies and never forgot his mother’s birthday. He never argued, never disobeyed, (though you like to think he naturally agreed with your set of rules). 
It was one evening that he’d burst into a fit of yelling and crying when he broke the blue, crystal vase that had been your obvious favorite piece of decorum in the house. He was a smart child. He noticed how you doted on your vase. It was always filled with fresh flowers, always dusted and cleaned, and never moved from the spot on the credenza in the center of the living space. 
You felt a strange sadness as you swept the pieces of thin glass up. You did your best not to let it show. Seeing Armin blubber and apologize profusely with bleeding palms from where he’d tried to mend the vase back together was a sore sight. You weren’t angry. You assured your son as much, holding him and assuring him it was only a ‘thing.’ 
But you cried that night in your small cot, when you were sure that he’d fallen fast asleep in his own room. 
Tears were never a stranger to your household. 
You were familiar with them, as you had been all your life. 
You’d burst into hysterical tears when, one day, the dishes shook off the counter, clattering and crashing to the floor like an earthquake. You knew like you knew the sky was blue that there were titans. Invasion was on your mind since you’d left the Interior, but you never suspected it would be this way. 
You raced to the city square to find Armin. Your boy was with Eren and Mikasa somewhere. But he was small, and tender, and he could be hurt. Your heart fell at the sight of any blond head in the nearest proximity of danger. When you found your boy, you scooped him into your arms, and you ran like you’d never run before. 
It was only at the safety point when you’d set Armin down and spoke. You examined him for wounds, asking if he was alright in a straight voice while tears streamed down your face. 
It was the beginning of a cruel five years. Eren Jaeger and Mikasa had become your newest children. You cared for them as best as you could. Your discreet funds of money that was stored in banks all across the walled lands did a good job of keeping you all safe and protected. You lived with Armin and the kids for seven months at the new house. It was considerably smaller, but everyone had their own bed, and they never had to worry about food being on the table. 
Eventually, the time came for the children to make their choice. You’d sensed it coming from a mile away. How could you not? They were not slick. Eren spoke loudly in the nights about his plan for vengeance and justifying poor Carla’s death. And where Eren would go, Mikasa would. Then Armin would be following close behind, only stuttering when he had the least bit of hesitation. 
It was easily, without a doubt, the hardest choice you’d made in your entire life to give Armin your blessing. Even after all he’d been through...he still wanted his mother’s approval. 
The time came to leave the children. Their enlistment was eagerly accepted. It wasn’t assuring how quickly they’d been enrolled and cataloged. You knew that the regiments were looking to fill the mass gaps of dead soldiers. 
The days of an empty house passed to months. Those winded into years. 
You made the three beds every week, re~fluffing the pillows and shaking off the dust. If any of them ever wanted to come back home, you’d have to make sure they had a clean, comfy bed. 
It was the motherly part of you that wished for any of them to knock on that door. Where one went, the other two followed, like the stars followed the moon.
Some days you thought of Armin. Armin, the departed husband that is. What a jovial man. You missed him often. He would have approved of the life you’d built. He would have liked Armin, the younger. He might have had better furniture choices. 
Letters weren’t enough to keep you from losing your mind. The years just kept adding on, leaving you to wonder what the future held. But one particular letter caught your attention, signed and sealed with the Scout regiment’s signet. Commander Erwin called for an immediate family reunion at one of the safe castles. It would happen while it still could. 
Oh, what a relief, you’d thought. You practically threw your clothes in a traveler’s case and took all the paths you could to the castle. 
It was clearly a rare occasion. Several wagons and carriages were offering rides to the castle, and every passenger was a parent, aunt, or uncle, with the occasional younger siblings of the other cadets. You hadn’t considered it before, but you’d realized that you weren’t just going to see your son. You were filling the roll as a parent for two others. 
Every passenger had a story to tell about their children. You all bonded on the journey with the shared thought, is their child friends with mine? Did they cry together? Train together? 
One mother expressed how badly she’d hoped it would be an annual event. Soldiers hardly got leaves of absence. Who knows when you could see your child again? 
The last of the wagons rolled up to the castles grandiose pathway. It was quite overgrown with shrubbery, but the look it gave was stupendous. You’d wondered if such a look could be mimicked by growing your own plants at home. 
The thoughts vanished as the soldiers were brought out to the courtyard, lining up to find their family.  You stood patiently. You waited for the familiar trio to appear. They wouldn’t be the exact same. You caught yourself watching for small children. Everyone here were soldiers, the real kind, albeit most being cadets. You anxiously watched. You tried not to think, “What if they’re dead?” 
You’d gotten a letter from all three at least a month ago. And there was no issue of death from the corps. Still, the thought lingered. 
You swayed in the breeze, smoothing your dress as you tried to remain patient. 
Your heart dropped into your stomach when you heard the familiar voice call out to you. You looked around, trying to pinpoint the voice from the crowd. You were hardly able to take a good look when you were rushed by two muscular figures. They both pounced on you, pulling you into a giant hug and delightfully exclaiming something you didn’t understand from your heart beating loudly in your ears. 
“Oh, Mother,” Armin said into your head, kissing the top of your hair. He was tall. 
He held onto you longer than Eren did, who had pulled back and looked down at you with a gleeful smile. 
“You’re both so...tall,” you exclaimed as you pulled away to look at them both. Armin was tall and slender, but his shoulders were broad. His blond hair was clean cut to his chin as it had always been. He was always a neat person. You imagine he would be keeping up with his routine hair trims as usual. 
Eren stood even taller than Armin, if that’s possible. His unruly brown hair was wavy and too long, as if he didn’t care to cut it when it grew to the tops of his ears. His shoulders were twice as broad as Armin’s, and you could see even under the uniform he’d grown quite muscular. It figures. With him being a titan, and all, it makes enough sense that he’s muscular. 
It’s the first time you’d seen Eren in person since learning via letter he was one of the first of what Armin dubbed a ‘shifter.’ You tried not to let the thought show on your face. Besides, no one here seems to be giving him a hard time. 
You couldn’t help but feel the tears form along your eyelashes like dew drops on a spider’s web. You had once held that little blond boy close to your chest, telling him how he had made you the happiest you’d ever been. 
You meant it, and you mean it now. You couldn’t help but sniffle at the thought of your little boy all grown up. 
Eren laughed while Armin smiled bashfully. “Oh, mother, there’s no need to cry,” he said, bringing you close for another hug. 
You wiped your eyes with your thumbs, trying not to embarrass Armin further. “Well, young man, where is that sister of yours?” you asked Eren. 
Eren’s gleeful smile faltered just slightly. “She’s not feeling well. She decided to use the day off and catch up on some rest. But she’ll join us for dinner.” 
You couldn’t imagine the pain she’d be feeling right about now. It’s no surprise that she’d not felt up to the task of greeting a mother that wasn’t even her own. 
Even in Eren’s eyes-who was doing his best to be strong-had a distant sort of grief that lingered in his eyes, especially at the sight of you adjusting Armin’s clothes. 
“Mother, I’ll show you to your room,” Armin said, linking his arm in yours. You fondly accepted Eren’s offer to link your other arm in his own. You asked the boys thousands of questions, intently enjoying their answers. 
The castle towered tall above you, the rooftops that arched up being blushed with the shadows of the bushy tree tops. You were only one of the many mothers being escorted gently through the vast castle built with limestone that was polished down to perfect edges. Parents and siblings were being taken on grandiose tours, all while being hugged and pulled by their solider children. 
“This is where the survey corps lives?” you asked. Armin nodded ambitiously, a smile curved wide on his mouth. “We move around sometimes depending on where we’re being deployed, but this is where we usually are.” 
“It’s huge!” you awe. The castle seemed ancient. Every turn had a piece of character that felt ageless and wiser beyond even your own years. Thought vast, the castle was well kept. You couldn’t find a single cobweb, even if you wanted to. 
“Tell me about it,” Eren groaned as he touched his forehead. “It’s a real bitch to clean.” 
You looked at the boy in shock, your mouth open. “Why, Eren, where have you heard such language?” 
Eren looked to Armin for help as he floundered for an answer. He couldn’t quite form one, so his mouth contorted uneasily. “I-Well I mean...I...I’m sorry.” 
You playfully told him you’d allow it this once. 
You felt so happy to see the two boys grown and healthy. Armin’s soft hands had doubled in size. He once had such chubby, little hands that gripped your finger tightly for comfort. Always sticky, even one thumb tucked in his mouth. 
Though his face was the same, he looked so different in every other aspect. But, this thought was comforted by the matter of Armin being the same in personality as he has always been. He still wore the little timid smile of someone bursting to the seams with words he wants to share. He always has something interesting on his mind. His intelligence had even taken you aback when he was a child. He certainly didn’t get that from you. 
You figured it was a trait inherited by his birth mother or his biological grandfather. Truthfully, those are the only relatives of his that you know. After adopting him, you tried to dig up more information about his family. You would have liked for him to have the answers to the questions he’d one day ask. 
“Walk faster,” Eren said in an urgent voice. 
“Oh, God,” Armin said under his breath. “Let’s go back that way.” 
The two young boys-young men- were now trying to steer you in a jarring direction. “What’s wrong?” you asked, starting to pull your arms away from them. 
“Mom, he’ll see us!” Armin urged you in a loud whisper, attempting to push you into walking. 
“It’s too late, he’s coming,” Eren said in a stiff voice. “We can’t-He’s looking right at me. He’s looking right at me!” 
“Who’s looking at who?” you asked desperately trying to understand.
“At ease, cadets,” a smooth voice said. It came from the figure you finally spotted striding towards you, encased in a not so tall, but lean figure. “I presume this is Mrs. Arlert?” 
The words struck you in the chest. Armin’s face became screwed and red as he looked down at his feet. “That’s not her name, captain,” Armin quickly said. “But yes, she is my mother. Y/n L/n.” 
You didn’t let the hurt bleed into your expression. “I am Armin’s mother. It’s wonderful to meet you. What’s your name?” 
“Levi Ackerman, ma’am,” the man said, holding out a hand to shake yours. You realized why the boys had wanted to run away. The famed captain Ackerman was mentioned in plenty of your letters from all three of the children, even Mikasa’s. Though Mikasa mentioned him only when she asked for favors for you, namely ancestry research. She wanted to know if she could be related to the man at all, since she’d never met any other person with the name. While your efforts proved weak, she’d appreciated the attempt. 
Meanwhile, Eren and Armin mostly wrote about the man to complain. He was mean, you’d heard. Stern and, as Eren put it, “A major jerk.” 
The captain Ackerman doesn’t leave me side; ever. I’d say he’s obsessed with me, but I know it’s because he doesn’t trust me. My power is one that has to be heavily monitored. I wish it didn’t have to be this way. I wish that, at least, my supervisor could be someone nicer. Someone taller, at least, so I don’t have to look down all the time. It’s strange to be chewed out by someone two heads shorter. Note, auntie, this is an estimate. 
You shook the captain’s calloused hand. It was a stark difference from the curtseying and bowing from when you were among the society in the interior. The thought of a woman shaking a man’s hand without wearing a glove was ghastly; it was intimate. This part of etiquette was so deeply engrained in your mind that you blushed at the feeling of the captain’s skin against yours. 
It was enough to keep you from thinking about Armin. 
You’d given him the information about his true name just in case he ever wanted, or needed, to use it. You didn’t expect him to ever go by it. It did hurt, though, to think of your boy being Armin Alert, and not Armin L/n. 
“I can easily see where Armin gets his grace,” the captain said in a smooth, deep voice, looking almost proudly to Armin. 
Eren looked shocked at your left side, and even Armin’s mouth fell agape. “Your son is quite the tactician,” the captain continued.
You chuckle. “He certainly is. Armin’s been impressing me with his brain since he was a baby.” 
Armin laughed nervously. “Mother, we don’t need to share that,” he said in a shy voice. You couldn’t help but continue to gush. You rarely bragged about your child, mostly because your neighbors at home had lost their children and it was a sore subject to speak of. 
“Well, captain, I’ve heard so much about you,” you said, offering the man a warm smile. He was awfully handsome with his dark hair that grazed the edges of his jaw. 
“If I had realized I’d meet the beautiful famed mother, I would have dressed for the occasion,” Levi said with a remarkably steady voice. You felt your cheeks rush with warmth while Eren forced a loud, awkward cough. It sounded as though he was hacking up a piece of his lung. “We’d better get aunt Y/n to her room, ey Armin?” 
“Yeah,” Armin said in a short voice. “I mean yes! Yes, yes, we-yes. She’s tired.” 
“She’s exhausted,” Eren added, holding his hands over your shoulders and massaging them for good measure. You raised your eyebrows. 
“She’s also so hungry,” Armin added loudly. “She’s starving.” 
“There’s a buffet going in the mess hall until mid noon,” Levi suggested. “And then tomorrow there will be a large breakfast party.”
You looked at your son with a teasing look of shame. “Why, you boys never mentioned a party. I would have brought my good dress.” 
“As if you’d need a good dress,” Armin teased. “We can go out to town. There’s going to be available transportation all day for your visit. It’s very exciting. I’ve even been dismissed from my chores!”
Eren sent a small glare to the captain. “I wasn’t dismissed from my chores,” he grumbled. 
“Unfortunately, Jager, you’re one of my favorite cadets. I just can’t spend a minute without you,” the captain said humorously. It made you laugh, to Eren’s horror. “I hope to be seeing you again during your stay, Missus L/n.” 
“Oh, it’s just Miss, captain. I am widowed.” 
Armin took a pause in his breath. “...Widowed?” 
You realized then that you slipped, too. “Unmarried, I meant,” you corrected yourself, albeit too late.
You could see that even Levi knew the well intended flirting was over. Clearly you and your son had things to talk about, and soon. The matter of the surname would likely not compare to Armin’s questions, especially considering that you never spoke of your old life, or your family (this very well may be the reason Armin chose to use his other name in the first place). 
“It was a pleasure, Miss,” the captain said before taking a small bow and walking away. You didn’t have time to notice that the bow was not common for people beyond the interior. “I’m going to go meet Connie’s family,” Eren said calmly, though you felt is was more directed to Armin than you. 
“I’ll be seeing you soon, Eren,” you softly bid the boy as he prepared to walk away, leaving his best friend to the awkwardness that would ensue. 
You looked up at your son with half a smile; he looked uncomfortable. Your boy was doing that thing he did when he was too afraid to say or admit something--he rubbed his palms together nervously, as if he were trying to start a fire. “I’m not angry with you,” you told him before you said anything else. “You don’t have to explain anything to me,” you added. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” Armin explained, sounding shaky as he averted his eyes to the floor. “You haven’t told me anything about your family. Your life couldn’t have started only when I was adopted. I just-I just want to know my history.” 
You took a breath. “My days living in the Interior were not something I enjoyed. It was a vastly different lifestyle that I did not enjoy, and likely couldn’t ever enjoy again. Yes. I was married. To a man also called Armin. The marriage was arranged, and he and I held no romantic feelings for one another.”
“Did you have children with him?” Armin asked, his voice quiet. 
“None, my love,” you assured him, wishing you could just stroke his hair and cuddle him tight like you did during his infancy. “I am so sorry that I haven’t...That I have failed to be more forthright with you.”
Armin failed so say anything. He stood motionless. “May you please not flirt with Captain Ackerman again?” he finally said, looking exasperated. 
Your eyes widened. “O-Oh. I’m so so sorry, honey, I just-You-Of course. I swear to not flirt with anyone. Although, I can’t say that I started that. Rather, you should tell the captain not to flirt with your mother again.” 
Armin went beet red in the cheeks. “You can’t just tell the captain what and what not to do, mother,” he said in a low and eerie voice; it was as if someone had made such a mistake before, and Armin had witnessed the consequences first hand. 
“Armin,” you said quietly. 
“I mean it, mother, he once kicked Eren in the face!” Armin went on to exclaim. 
“My dear, I could care less about the captain,” you tell your son firmly. “I admit that I was surprised to hear that you use your biologicals name. And for a split second, it did hurt. But, you are your own person. You have been through things grown men haven’t seen. I am so proud of you. No matter what name you go by, you will always be my dear son. I will always love you with all my heart.”
Armin’s eyes softened, and the corners of his mouth turned into a dimpled smile. “I love you, too, mother,” he said. He brought you close for a hug. He kissed the top of your head as you had always done to him during his youth. 
Some things were bound to never change. 
Armin would always be your intelligent, kind hearted, good tempered son. When he walked, you could only see his toddling down the hallways of your old home. When he laughed, it reminded you of his gasping giggles as he was fondly amused by something some insignificant.
Armin linked his arm with yours one more time. “Let’s get to your room, now,” he said with a happy grin.  
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catsnkooks · 3 years
sweeter than expected
alpha!boba x (fem) omega!reader
summary: After he saved you, you couldn't help but fall for the stoic alpha. Turns out, loving Boba was sweeter than expected.
word count: 2.1k
rating: e
warnings: a/b/o dynamics, smut, unprotected PIV sex, oral (brief, f receiving), knotting, heat cycles, virgin reader kinda? smut with feels, general discrimination against omegas
a/n: all the fault of @auty-ren for giving me the idea and sorta @maybege too for feeding all of us those good alpha!boba thots
taglist: @girlvader @valkyrieofthehighfae @jadetheaverage @kriffclone @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @thewellofeternalthirst @hayley-the-comet @arkainea @captainrexstan @missinashkin @calamity-queen @banrionsi @xxdisappearwithoutatracexx @lussyyung @silverfish-kingdom @elena-myth @msgrape @auty-ren @cannedsoupsucks @ortizshinkaroff @hornystarwarsbisexual @scorpioxsith @anteatingbitchlizard @groovinomicon @northernpunk @marvgrrl @lothiriel9 @smollpinkgirl @buckysalefty @rawkylove @phoenixhalliwell @writing-with-whiplash @dinbrowneyesdjarin @icelily497133 @ladyjenny19 @equalstrashflavoredtrash @seratoninforyouseratoninforme @blue-writes-a03 @katastrophic04 @bethquinnns @kiwiijuice @katiebits1 @justrae9903 @aeuna1 @immortanholmes999 @iamthepaninpanic @lilriv05 @roamalongwithme @cherry-cokes-world @sporadicshoebailifffish @softmandos @allhailkingboba @foreversfangirl @alittletosalted @two-ships-in-the-night @idobekindadeadinside @bonktime @chickens-r-great @libraryofrecs @lilkermit14 @ezraswife @iceman-ynwa @awkward-katiesaur @ifyoueverwanttobe @pucksart @lavendersb @maiihem @jujublan @pairinglover @blondecity @musubabii @razzlefrazzum @never-no-locomotive @kvwviiju @intj-panacea @onfiretakemehigher @drunkenliterary @mickeymouse-moshpit @darmanfi @anxious1y-waiting @metahigh @silverhowe @coaaster @tacticalsparkles click here to be added to the taglist!
want to see this earlier? subscribe to my patreon!
here it is on ao3!!
"Let her go."
His voice was gruff, containing a hint of alpha dominance. It made your knees buckle, but apparently not for the beta behind you.
"Oh, I will," your captor said, pressing their blaster harder into your head. "For a price. Do you know how valuable omegas are?"
The alpha was silent as he cocked his head, not withdrawing his blaster. "Name it and you'll have it."
The beta rattled off a price, your entire life summed up in numbers. You wanted to sob and you were sure everyone within a mile radius could smell the fear on your scent. Why was life so unfair?
"Deal." The alpha motioned for your captor to give you over, still not withdrawing his blaster.
The beta shoved you forward and you stumbled into the alpha's arms. His free hand wrapped around your back, holding your head to his neck, where you could smell calming pheromones.
"Don't look, little one," he murmured.
You buried your face in his neck, hands scrabbling at the armor covering his chest. Then you heard the sound of his blaster firing and the beta groaning, a body hitting the ground a moment later. The alpha pet your back, a crooning rumble coming from deep within his chest.
“You’re alright now, little ‘mega,” he murmured, petting your head. “You’re safe now.”
As the tear tracks dried on your cheeks, you inhaled his calming scent, your body slowly relaxing with every pass of his hand.
You were safe now.
Boba was unlike any alpha you’d ever met. He was kind and respectful of your space, never throwing around his scent or posturing around like all the alphas you’d known before. He’d explained that it was because in Mandalorian society, omegas were treated with the utmost respect, something he hated about the rest of the Outer Rim.
After that day, he’d given you a place to stay in his palace, saying you could stay for as long as you’d like. You told yourself you’d only trouble him for a week. But then a week turned into a month, and a month turned into three, and half a year later you lived comfortably in Boba’s palace, protected from everything that could harm you.
Everything but yourself apparently.
Your heats hadn’t snuck up on you like this since you’d first gotten them. You either took suppressants that got rid of them completely or, recently, when Boba insisted you didn’t have to take your suppressants anymore while you lived there, taken pills to control your heats so they wouldn’t be as bad. But Boba had left on a hard job a week ago and you were stressed about him and forgot to take your pills. Now, you lay on your bed, writhing in pain and wishing Boba were here with you.
Boba descended the ramp of the Slave I, surprised to see Fennec waiting for him outside.
“Something wrong?” he asked as he walked into his palace, her following him on his heels.
“Yes,” she said simply. “Take off your helmet and you’ll find out.”
Curious, he did as she said, then swore when he smelled your potent scent. His helmet filtered most scents so he didn’t even realize you had come down with your heat--a bad one at that--until he took it off.
“Where is she?” he demanded.
“In her room,” Fennec replied. “I’ve made sure everyone else stays far away.”
He nodded in approval, already making his way to your quarters. “Have someone come by later with some food to last us for a couple of days. And if anyone comes looking for me, tell them I’m busy.”
Fennec nodded and did as he said, not questioning why he would be gone. His heart thudded in his chest from nervousness.
He hoped you would accept him.
Boba found you sleeping fitfully in your bed, a nest of pillows spread out all around you. Almost instantly, you smelled his alpha scent and whined, rubbing your slickened thighs together. He came over to you, shushing you and rubbing his fingers on your scent gland on your neck.
“Sh, little ‘mega, it’s alright,” he murmured.
“A-alpha,” you gasped, clutching onto his arm. “Hurts.”
“I know, I’m here now.” He began shucking off his armor with one hand, continuing to caress your neck with his other. “Alpha will make it better.”
You whined again, but his calming tone and gentle caresses had made your body relax, and you sunk into the pillows of your nest. Once Boba stripped himself of everything except his boxers, he pulled back the thin sheet covering your sweat-sheened body, chuckling when he saw you wearing only one of his shirts.
“Couldn’t wait for me to get back, you had to raid my closet?”
You shivered as the cool air hit your body, nodding and mewling. In your heat-ridden haze, you’d stumbled to his room and stole one of his shirts, just so you could smell his scent.
“My little ‘mega so needy,” he growled, sliding his hands up your body, bringing the shirt up and over your head. It had been too hot with the shirt on, but you needed to have his dominant alpha scent on you, but that was no longer needed with him on top of you.
“Alpha, please,” you begged. You needed his cock in you now.
He shushed you, his hands caressing down your sides and to your thighs, his lips kissing away the desperate tears on your cheeks. “I know. I gotta get you ready first.” Then he sealed your panting lips with his.
Your hands scrabbled at his muscular shoulders, mewling into his kiss as his fingers parted your slick folds, teasing your sensitive nub. You moaned, becoming pliant in his arms when he inserted one of his thick fingers into you. It felt so much better than one of your fingers. He slowly pumped his finger in and out of your hole, teasing your clit with his thumb, swallowing up your mewls and whines with his lips.
“Please, alpha,” you begged again. “N-need your cock, please.”
He kissed you one last time and then removed his fingers from your hole. You almost sobbed from the feeling of emptiness, but stopped when you felt the blunt head of his cock at your entrance.
“Are you ready for me, little ‘mega?” he growled.
You nodded. “Yes, yes, please alpha!”
All the air in your lungs left you when he pushed his cock into your weeping hole. You squeezed your eyes shut, listening to his groan and growl above you as he finally bottomed out in you. You were so full, much fuller than you had ever been before.
Boa called your name and you pried your eyes open to look at him. “Does that feel good little ‘mega?” he crooned, pulling back his hips and thrusting into you, grinning as a cry left your lips.
You cried out his name and wrapped your legs around his waist as he thrust his cock into you. His thrusts steadily became rougher until his hips were slamming into yours. He buried his face in your neck, licking and nipping at your gland, making your whole body quake. The room was filled with the obscene wet noises of your bodies melding together, but you didn’t care as his cock brought you closer and closer to release.
“Are you gonna cum for me, little ‘mega?” he growled against your neck, his fingers finding your clit once again. “I know you are, I can feel it. You’re so tight around me. C’mon I know you can do it.”
A few thrusts later and you did. You screamed out his name, tossing your head back and squeezing your thighs around his hips. He groaned and as you felt his knot begin to inflate, he pulled back, but you tightened your grip on him, holding him against you.
“No, alpha, please, need your knot,” you begged.
“Oh, you want to take my knot?” he growled, pushing it back into you with a curse. Your eyes rolled back into your head and you became boneless in his arms as his knot inflated fully, filling you completely. “Just like that. There’s my good little ‘mega. Just like that.”
Soon after his knot finished inflating, Boba swore again and you felt the hot ropes of his cum paint your walls. Boba murmured your name, kissing your gland, reminding you to breathe. You gulped down huge breaths of air, finally feeling the worst of the fever die down with the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Once his knot had deflated enough, Boba slipped out and off of you. You whimpered, reaching out blindly for him, and he kissed your cheeks, murmuring that he was just going to your ‘fresher to clean up. He returned a moment later with a wet rag and cleaned up the mess of slick and his cum between your thighs. You sighed and settled yourself against him when he finally laid down next to you.
“Feel better?” he asked, rubbing your back with his large hand.
You nodded, yawning. “Yeah, thank you, alpha.”
You fell asleep listening to the deep rumble of his chest.
You awoke again the next day in a pool of sweat and slick, needy and begging for Boba to help. He’d satisfied you with his mouth, obscenely tasting you with his mouth. While you came down from your high, Boba left to get some food that was left out for you. He returned with a pitcher of water and some glasses, some bread, and some cheese.
He gave you a glass of water and set out the bread and cheese, encouraging you to eat, saying you needed your energy for the days to come. Your heart warmed at his gentle displays of affection, and you snuggled up against him when he laid down next to you again.
“Did you forget to take your heat pill?” he asked, holding a piece of cheese up to your mouth for you to take.
You nodded, chewing. “Yeah. I was too worried about you.”
His chest rumbled under your ear as he chuckled. “Worried about me? You know I can handle myself.”
“Boba.” You sat up so you could look at him, placing a hand on his scarred chest. “I care about you.”
He met your eyes, shining with an emotion you couldn’t place. “Why?” he asked, his voice small.
You huffed. “First, you saved me, so you have that going for you.” His lips turned up in a small smirk. “Second, you’ve shown me nothing but kindness here. And third--,” You crawled forward until your face was directly over his, cupping his cheeks, “--it’s hard not to care about you when I love you.”
Boba was silent for a moment, his face searching yours. “Do you mean that?”
You nodded. “With all of my heart.” And then you kissed him.
The kiss was soft and sweet, not rushed by the onset of your heat. He slowly turned you over, until he was once again on top of you, and you were comforted by the feel of his weight. You cupped his head as he kissed down your neck, over your gland, and onto your chest. Slick began to gather between your thighs again and you mewled, grinding your hips into his.
“Don’t worry, little ‘mega,” he murmured, kissing you. “I’ll take care of you. Forever.” 
And you believed him.
Six months later
You walked through the hallway of the palace, making your way to the throne room. Fennec stopped you in the doorway right before it.
“I don’t think you want to go in there,” she said.
“Why not?”
The beta just nodded her head and then you could smell what she meant. Boba must be meeting with an alpha representative from somewhere. The air was thick with domineering alpha pheromones.
You brushed off her hand, appreciative of her concern. “They won’t try anything with Boba around.” Then you stepped through the doorway.
Whatever the other alpha was posturing about--something about how Boba shouldn’t hoard an omega--stopped once you walked through the doorway. They looked up expectantly at you, licking their lips, but froze when you lifted your neck, showing off Boba’s handiwork on your gland. You took a seat on Boba’s lap and he rested a gloved hand protectively over your swollen stomach.
“You were saying?” he practically growled, his voice holding the barest hint of a challenge.
The other alpha cleared their throat, looking down at their feet. You smirked, burying your face in Boba’s neck while he laid claim to you with a hand on your back and a hand on your pregnant belly.
Everyone knew Boba was the top alpha of his realm.
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
S/O Has A Self Harm Relapse - Deku
Original ask here.
A/N: Sorry this took so long! My dms are always open, and I’m always here to talk to if anyone needs it! I also hope this is relatable, because I know SH can be very personal and everyone has their own reasons. Remember that your progress is valid even when slip ups happen, and that you are loved, always, no matter what. 
TW: Self harm relapse, general negative thoughts and emotions, implied cutting, I didn’t go into detail but it’s still descriptive so PLEASE MIND THE WARNINGS.
Izuku Midoriya/Deku:
“I just don’t know what to do, you know? Things are really tough right now, and I feel like you’re the only one taking the time to understand where I’m coming from. I don’t know who else to turn to...” The hurt in your friend’s voice was evident, causing your eyes to crinkle in worry as you gave them a small concerned smile.
“Everything’s going to be okay. I know it doesn’t feel like that right now, but it will be eventually. You just have to trust me.” Your voice held such a confident tone to it, a promise of better times to come in the near future. You sounded like you were sure of it, as if you knew without a shadow of a doubt that things would be okay- and maybe you did. You truly believed it, genuinely felt that your friend would be okay and that things would work out after all.
“You really think so?”
“I know so,” you responded with conviction.
Just this morning, one of your best friends had texted to ask if you could meet up with them later on in the day to talk about something important. Of course, you being the helpful and loyal friend you were, you immediately agreed and set up a time to see them. It had turned out that they were going through some sort of crisis, something that on the surface didn’t seem to be troubling them, but as they went on about their issue, you saw the way it weighed on their shoulders, saw the way it made them doubt themselves.
You knew how it felt to feel like the world was caving in, like there was no hope left for you. Maybe that was the reason you were always so quick to help others; you couldn’t stand the thought of the people you cared for feeling the same way. No matter what they needed and no matter when they needed it, you were there. One of your friends got into a fight with their parents? You were there. One of them was having troubles with their partner? You were there. If someone else just needed to vent about their shitty day, you were there; you always were. You could never turn them away even if you felt overwhelmed at your own expense. And it was frustrating, too, because no matter how many times you came to their rescue, no one seemed to want to be there for you. Well...almost no one.
There was one person, the light of your life, Izuku Midoriya. He checked in with you often, would remind you to take breaks for yourself (even if you often ignored his requests to do so, much to his dismay), and kept you going when you felt you couldn’t go on any longer. And you were going through so much; between school, work, and home life, you felt completely overwhelmed. Lately, it seemed like your grip on things just seemed to be...slipping. It was getting harder to focus between the sheer amount of anxiety you felt over everything, harder to breathe easy and relax. You supposed it didn’t help that Izuku had been away for a few days for some intense type of training, either. 
Maybe that was the cherry on top, or maybe it was just inevitable, but somehow you found yourself feeling lower than dirt as you sent your friend off with a tight hug, their form fading in the distance as you watched them leave with a deep frown. You understood they had things going on, and of course you didn’t expect them to notice you felt a little off, but you wished that maybe they had just asked if you were alright, too. Even a passing, “I hope you’re doing okay,” would have been nice; something, at least, to let you know the feelings were reciprocated on their end as well. Something to let you know they cared. But they weren’t, and they didn’t, and you sighed heavily as you let your facade shatter around you.
You felt selfish for wishing your friend would care when they were clearly preoccupied with other things. But in the same sense, you couldn’t remember the last time someone asked if you were okay. Things were getting bad again, all of your friends and family needed you and were demanding your attention constantly, and now your boyfriend was away for a few days as well. Between the stacking missed calls and texts you needed to respond to and the sheer amount other’s problems added to yours, it felt like too much. Even the noise of the car radio on the drive home was irritating and overwhelming, and no matter what station you picked, the music and occasional static noise bothered you until you finally had to turn it off completely. But driving in silence proved to be a problem as well, and now you were stuck with the intrusive thoughts in your mind and your heartbeat rushing in your ears. 
The silence of your empty home was deafening. Izuku, who would usually be lounging on the couch with his favorite All Might blanket watching a movie by now if he was home, was nowhere to be found. The lights on the dishwasher blinked at you from the darkness of the kitchen signaling an empty rack. There were no dishes to clean, no clothes to wash or dry, and the TV screen remained darkened and still; there was nothing to distract your mind from the chaos inside of it. And although you were surrounded by quiet, it was by no means peaceful. You felt on edge, overwhelmed, and alone. It was all too much too fast, and you knew of only one solution to quiet the thoughts in your head, even if it was only a temporary fix.
Right now, in this moment, you just needed everything to stop. You needed a distraction, a different source of pain to redirect your focus. Still, you hated yourself with every step you took until you came to stand in front of the bathroom sink, the familiar cabinet doors leering at you more maliciously than usual. 
You knew what lied behind those doors in the far left corner on the bottom shelf.
It was two more days before Izuku returned home, the telltale sign of jingling keys ringing through the air as he opened the front door and slipped inside. He tossed his keys to the table and kicked off his shoes. You heard him lock the door behind himself, footsteps heavy on the carpeted floor as he dropped his bags in the living room and took a moment to relax and settle in. In a way, you were grateful he didn't immediately come to see you; you were curled up in bed, anxious and ashamed about what you had been doing while he was gone. He wouldn’t look at you the same way again after this, you were sure of it.
You listened as Izuku trekked to the bathroom across the hall, and if you payed enough attention with your half lidded eyes, you could make out his darkened blurry form passing by the open bedroom door. He shut the bathroom door behind him before he turned on the lights (he was always courteous of you and your need to sleep in the dark), his electric toothbrush vibrating to life. You stayed put in bed and listened to the sound of it while pretending to be asleep. But as soon as it hard started it was just as abruptly stopping, and for reasons you couldn’t place, anxiety bubbled up in your chest as you listened to Izuku go eerily silent for at least a good minute. The light from under the bathroom door shifted as he finally moved, his clothing creating a soft rustling noise while he put his toothbrush back on the counter with a quiet clack.
Sensing that the bathroom door was about to open once more, you turned away from the entryway and faced the wall. You didn’t want him to know you were awake; all you wanted was for him to crawl into bed with you and wrap his arms around you like nothing at all had ever happened, like it was any other normal evening. But as luck would have it, that wasn’t what happened.
Izuku switched the lights off and exited the bathroom, making the short trip to the bed with ease before he stood still at the foot of it for a moment. There was a soft whisper of something, your name maybe? You were too nervous to tell.
Something in his tone caused your heart to race with worry. He was testing you, seeing if you were awake...but for what? He usually knew better than to wake you when he came home any time past midnight, even if it was after a few days of intensive training. If he was trying to get your attention now, then it must be something important. Still, you remained “asleep”, a sinking feeling in your gut and a terrifying thought at the back of your brain. There was no way he knew...right? 
When you gave no indication that you heard him, he carefully crawled onto the bed and lie down behind you, arms encasing you protectively and lovingly while he buried his nose into your neck. “Y/N,” he said again, his voice raising a bit. You involuntarily tensed at the sound, and you shriveled in horror as Izuku propped himself up on one elbow behind you while he used his other arm to shake you gently. There was no way you were getting out of this now; he knew you were awake by your movements. if you weren’t apprehensive before, then you surely were now.
“Izu?” you murmured in your best sleepy voice you could muster.
“Hi, love.” There was something in his normally heartwarming smile, something more complicated than usual behind the forest green of his irises as he looked you over. “I’m home.” The crack in his voice took you by surprise, and you saw tears beginning to form on his long lashes.
“Izu, what’s wrong?” You immediately reached out to him, your insecurities and worries all but forgotten about in the moment. “Did something happen while you were away?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that...” 
He welcomed your touch, grasping your smaller hand in one of his much larger ones as you cupped his cheek. He gave you a small smile before leaning into your hand, and no other words were spoken as the two of you sat together in silence for a moment, Izuku trying to calm his ragged breathing while you stared up at him in concern. Finally, he seemed to find his resolve as he sighed heavily and sniffed, eyes fluttering open just to focus solely on you. Izuku shifted so that he was lying back down, one arm draped over your side as you faced him, both of your bodies comfortably resting against one another while you held his gaze.
“Hey, babe?”
“I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer as honestly as you can, okay?”
Immediately your heart thundered to life in your chest. You tried to reassure yourself that you were just overthinking things, that there was no logical way he could know about what you’d done while he was away. Was there...?
“Okay.” You hoped your voice didn’t seem as shaky as you felt. 
“Are you bottling things up again?” He was so gentle. The tone in which he asked you had been soft, his eyes glossy, his touch tender as he ran a careful hand over your shoulder and down your back to rub small circles against it.
“What do you mean?” 
Maybe if you acted ignorant, he wouldn’t try to press you any further. But then, this was Izuku, wasn’t it? Who we’re you trying to kid?
“You didn’t seem like yourself when I called you last night. And your friend said you seemed a little off the other day during your visit. I’m just worried about you. Is there anything you want to talk about?”
Sure, there were lots of things you wanted to say, but you didn’t have the courage to say any of them out loud. So instead of confiding in Izuku, you chose to pull away emotionally. Luckily for you, however, this did not manage to go unnoticed by your boyfriend.
“No...I’m fine. Promise.”
“Oh, honey...” The amount of care and concern he held for you in his words made you feel vulnerable. Izuku pulled you into the tightest hug you’d ever felt in your life, his strong arms wrapping around you in a comforting way while he continued. “You don’t have to pretend that everything is okay. I know it’s not.”
Shameful tears dripped sorely from your cheeks as his words started to sink in. After so long of keeping all your feelings to yourself, they finally spilled over and flowed out of you in the form of teardrops that soaked the pillow underneath you. Your walls crumbled and caved, and you clung to Izuku for dear life as you let everything out in the safety of his hold. 
“I’m sorry!” you whispered harshly against his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry-!” For what, you weren’t sure- you just felt the need to apologize. Maybe for relapsing, maybe for crying- or maybe for both.
Izuku hushed you and let you soak his dirtied shirt for as long as you needed. When your sniffles had become less frequent and your hiccups much quieter, he brought his hands to your face, cupping it gently and looking you in the eyes. “Y/N. I love you, and nothing you do or say could change that. Alright?” You nodded in understanding. “I know you’re not okay. I don’t think you realized, but when I went into the bathroom, you...” He struggled to finish his sentence, tears welling up in his eyes again. “You left it out.”
Fuzzy memories from earlier played back in your mind as you realized you’d forgotten to put something away that Izuku wasn’t supposed to see. You’d been too busy cleaning the bathroom to remember that you left it sitting on the ledge of the medicine cabinet, right next to the bandages and antiseptic. No wonder he’d stopped brushing his teeth so fast; he must have seen it and put two and two together fairly quickly after that. So then...he knew after all.
“I’m sorry!”
You wanted to say so much more than that. You wanted to tell him you were afraid- afraid that he would leave you, that he would hate you, that he would judge you even though you knew he was the most loving and caring person you could ever ask for. You wanted to tell him you regretted it, that you hated yourself for it, that you wished you could take it back. Of all the things to leave your mouth, those words seemed stuck on repeat. But luckily for you, Izuku always seemed to know how to read you and your words. 
Izuku let go of your face before wrapping you in his arms once more, your head tucked under his chin. “Love, it’s okay. Everything’s alright. I’m not angry, though I am upset that you’re hurting.”
“It was stupid, and I’m sorry, and I wish I never-”
Izuku cut you off. “Oh, Y/N, no. It’s not stupid. You’re in pain, it’s your way of trying to cope. It’s not healthy, and it’s not good, but it’s how you’re trying to survive. And that’s not stupid, Y/N, it’s human. And to be human is to make mistakes.” He gave you a moment to process before carrying on. “Slip ups happen. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, or that your progress is all gone, or even that you’re weak. It’s a normal thing. Recovery isn’t linear.”
“What does that mean?” you asked between sobs.
“It means it’s not a straight line, baby. You can’t just quit something cold turkey like that and expect things to go so smooth. It’s great if it does, but...the reality of it is that everyone is different, and while you’ve made a lot of progress already, there will always be ups and downs. And just because you had a relapse doesn’t mean that everything you’ve done before this doesn’t matter anymore. It just means things aren’t so good right now. But we can make them better, together. Okay?”
“Okay...” you mumbled.
“I love you. I’m proud of you for getting this far. We can make it through this, and I’ll be here every step of the way. I’ll do my part and start checking in with you more often, okay?”
You pressed your face into the dry spot of his shirt and clutched at it with both hands. Izuku was your rock, and he wasn’t going anywhere. He was willing to go through this with you and help support you, and that meant the world to you in a place where you felt alone and not worth the time of day.
“I-Izuku?” you hiccuped.
“I’m here,” came his calm reply.
“Don’t leave me, please...”
“Oh, Y/N, I would never. I’m not going anywhere, I promise. I’m here.” 
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