#this is especially terrible with the days getting shorter
guinevereslancelot · 7 months
my worst trait is the need to get 12 hours of sleep every night. if i have to get up at 6am well i should be in bed by 6pm. combine this with my natural inclination to stay up really late and you get me waking up past noon because i was up past midnight. if there is no external force like school or a job keeping me on my early bedtime schedule i will revert to sleeping til noon within a few days
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lucalicatteart · 11 months
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 16: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
Yesterday's poll decided that The Adventurer should offer to help the travelers with their broken wagon.....
After much internal deliberation (and some zoning out staring at butterflies), The Adventurer decides it would be best to offer his assistance. Technically, he IS still following his goal of not getting distracted, because theoretically it would make his journey much faster if he were able to catch a ride on a carriage. So really, this is all an ultimate big brain genius strategy for maximizing efficient travel.. Or, at least that sounds like a good enough justification to him.
Gathering up all of his social courage, he approaches one of the travelers fiddling with a broken wheel near the far end of the carriage and meekly asks if there's anything he could do to help.
The man was so focused on his task, he seems initially startled to look up and find someone near him. "OH..! Oh, uhh.. help? With the wagon?", he smiles pleasantly, gesturing towards a few wooden boards that are just out of his reach, "Sure, kid. If you could just hand me th-"
"Apologies, but we actually won't be needing your assistance, stranger." A taller man, surprisingly almost matching the stature of the Adventurer, suddenly slinks out from somewhere behind the carriage, sternly placing himself like a barrier in front of the man working on the wheel. Wheel Guy nervously averts his eyes, making himself smaller, silently resuming his work.
The Adventurer tries his best to maintain composure against the weight of the tall man's bitter gaze, but can't seem to muster much of a response "Aeughh,,, uh… b-but, h- Bu--HHHh,,?.."
"Look, disregard whatever my father told you, he's old, never has any clue what he's talking about. It'd be best for you to simply move along." ('Father'? They don't look alike at all, and seem to be nearly the same age..)
"W-well.. he.. he didn't really tell me anything, I me-hhH,,.. I mean, I literally just got here, s-so...."
"Good. Even more reason to be on your way."
Placing a gloved hand firmly on his shoulder, the tall man begins to motion the Adventurer away from the wagon, but a strange noise interrupts, echoing from inside. Perhaps some sort of animal sound? Or a person faintly yelling about something? Or… both?
"WH-wHggg… whAT was t-that???!!" The Adventurer immediately stops in place, pausing to listen as the tall man keeps trying to push him ahead.
"I didn't hear anything, stranger."
"No, t-there.. was dEFinitely, UHH, a-"
"Likely something in the forest."
"Wh--aah... d.. do you think it was an animal?"
The tall man continues a dramatic struggle to 'subtly' drag him further down the road, whilst the Adventurer mindlessly digs in his heels, too distracted to even notice he's being so strongly prompted to leave.
"Many animals do, indeed, exist within forests. This should not be suprising."
"...It's just.. ..eughh… s… so weird…"
"I assure you, it is not."
"I-it really sounded like.. like it came f-from insid-"
"Yes, from inside the forest. Now, please, if you would.."
The noise interrupts again. It's definitely someone, or something, in some sort of distress.. And definitely from inside of the cart.
"wHoAAGH, aa!!! T-tHat's NOT from the f-forest, that-"
The tall man fully just shoves him now, sending the Adventurer toppling across the dirt, clumsily rolling and landing just past the other side of the carriage. A mother and young child who seem to be part of the traveling group simply stare down at him with empty blank gazes, wholly unconcerned about helping him up.
As the Adventurer fumbles back to his feet (still confused as to why he was even pushed in the first place), the tall man looms by the carriage, diligently watching to ensure that he leaves.
"Travel safe, stranger."
Despite his initial obliviousness, the Adventurer begins to piece the situation together as he stares back at the man, now fully convinced something suspicious might be going on...
…What should he do next??
Additional Information
the adventurer's current main quest: follow his map to reach the abandoned castle ruins and see the rare animal specialist about the mysterious egg he has
#paventure posting#poll#polls#choose your own adventure#ERM.. ... hee hee... yes.. alas.. it has been like two months since the last one lol#IT'S SUMMER!!!! how can anyone function in the summer..? It's literally 83F in my room indoors right now at this moment at NIGHT#I'm about to go to sleep.. who can sleep in an 80+ degree room comfortably?? ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#Really no hope of productivity at all from like June - September basically... EVIL.. and also the spring this year had some heat waves so#AUGhh... my nemesis the Summer.. Or moreso capitalism is my nemesis for worsening climate change and also keeping people in such#economic inequality that cheap apartments with terrible ventilation get made and people cant afford air conditioners and etc. etc.#but ALSO... the summer... grrrr.. 'Heat' you will never be famous.. you will always be lame nasty and so forth..#ANYWAY.. also sorry this is another blurb that's longer. The text is always longer when there's actually spoken interactions lol#I know I'm not very good at this style of writing (especially when rushing with these) so I always feel kind of awkward having really long#sections people will have to slog through or etc ghbjhjh but.. I don't really know how it make it shorter. the interaction#is just the interaction. certain things must be said and conveyed. peace and love on planet orth.#Ough it's been so long I almost forgot to draw his injuries lol.. in-world it's only been what like.. a day? since he got into a fight with#that mysterious cloaked person who was tracking him to steal the egg. I also always just forget how to draw him in between breaks#hopefully his hair and stuff doesn't look too different. They're meant to be really quick sketches anyway but still.. you at least want him#to be recognizable lol#ANYWAY.. another update from the Son.. what is he up to on his little traveles...
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Just a lil something I did
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“But I can’t dance…”
“Oh. Well… Have you ever played Just Dance?”
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forlornmelody · 1 year
Today's List of Nice Things:
Shazam: Fury of the Gods was really good
It was almost 70F today
I get to sleep in tomorrow?
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amberluvsbugs · 4 months
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I've been having a lot of brain rot over @xitsensunmoon vampire AU. One mainly of how Moon would be if Y/n came home one day very weak from the blood they had to give? Knowing that he does not show his tender feelings behind his teasing gestures.
Short Drabble on this idea is down below.
Moon has always been a bit of a teasing, cocky, gremlin most of the time, always pushing you and just being the chaotic character that he is. Despite him being such a tease, he does care about you. Especially when it comes to your health. Knowing that you push yourself so far for giving blood to those in need, including the two vampires that now reside with you in secrecy, it does worry them at times with how tired you are when you finally return home from work.
One particular day, however, you push yourself a little too far. Giving more blood than you should have. But despite your health, you knew it would save so many people in the long run. “I’m home.” You state out begrudgingly before turning and weakly closing the door behind you. Your arms feel like lead and are a struggle to lift. 
Moon made his way over to you, his eyes boring into you as he grinned his sharp fanged teeth at you before stopping short. His features quickly changing into something a bit more of an underlying sense of concern as he studied you with his bright red eyes, brows slightly furrowed. “What? Is there something wrong?” You raised a brow. “You look terrible.” Moon spoke out.
“Well yeah, I just got back from the doctors, you know how the deal is.” You shrug out. “You look worse than the other days.” Moon gives deeply. You let out an annoyed sigh. “Moon I don't have time for your snarky remarks right now. I have shit to do and I don't need-” As you started to make your way around Moon, your balance started to drift and suddenly felt a sudden weakness in your legs. Dark spots started covering your sight as things started to drift lower, and lower and lower. Where you getting shorter than Moon? Your mind fuzzy and not catching up with what was exactly happening. Something moved on the edge of your vision, you saw a flash of blue and your body jerked slightly. You felt something from under your arms. When the dark spots in your sight started to disappear, you could finally see what happened in your daze. Moon’s slender hands were under you before you could fully hit the ground and risk any more damage. His expression was now one of wide-eyed worry as he looked over you. His eyes flit from your face to your chest, then back. His smile was no longer present as it was now in a concerned frown while his stature easily loomed over you in his squatted position. Moon had rushed over to catch you.
You shifted a bit by a means to sit up, looking anywhere but Moon’s face as he still carefully held you. “Sorry, ‘m fine. It’s just a sleep spell that caught me off guard is all.” You mumbled out. There was a beat of stillness before Moon moved one of his hands to drift down your arm. You tensed as he gently pressed your wrist. He was being mindful of his claws as he pressed his thumb to the pulse point on your wrist to feel the thump of your now weak life force. “You pushed yourself too far. You are weak.” Moon softly scolds you. You let out a huff at this, weakly tugging your hand away from his grasp. He was right but this was normal for you. You just went only a touch overboard it’s nothing serious. Moon sighed and moved to bring his hands back under you to pick you off the ground. Your side pressing to Moon as one hand wrapped under your back and the other under your legs, holding you in a signature bridal style as his long cape dragged with him in his movements. “Wh- what are you doing..?” You tensed at the close contact as he moved to walk over to the living room. “Carrying you.” “You know I can walk Moon-” “Do you want to have another sleep spell and fall again?” He looked at you with a sharp expression in his red eyes. “….No.” You grumbled out and begrudgingly looked away. You hated how he had a good point. “But I need to clean n’ finish up some things.” You tried to wiggle out of his grasp but his arms easily held you firm. Your whole body was just so difficult to move. “Later.” Moon flatly stated before moving over to the couch and carefully lowering you down on it. “You need to recover and rest.” You grumbled and your body simply melted to the couch. You were still trying to move to get up but even your body just wasn't listening while you laid down. “You're so stubborn.” Moon chuckled slightly in a tease. He boops you with a clawed finger on your nose as he bends over you with his face cocked to the side. Softly amused by your antics while he sharply grins at you. “And you're a prick.” You deadpan. He smiles cheekily at you before looking over and walking out of your sight. His footsteps and the bells he adorns fading out as he goes to get something. Your eyes already threatening to close in waves of tiredness. God, you had stuff to do, why was your body like this?
The jingle of bells prompts Moon returning back to where you were. He lays a hand on your shoulder to get your attention, being mindful of his claws as he quietly sits in front of your weak form on the side of the couch. Your eyes opened slightly at the contact and seeing him. His head on level with your own in this position while his fluffy cape draped over the back of him. “Here…Drink.” He urges as brings a glass of water over to you. His other hand helps guide you to sit up. You gingerly take the glass and sip the water down while Moon continues to stare at you with his sharp red eyes. Flitting from your face to your chest, and then back again. Concern laced in his features. Once satisfied and swallowing the last of your water, you handed the now empty glass back to him. “Thank you.” You quietly give. He hums in acknowledgment as he sets the glass on the ground beside the couch before you laid back down. Shifting one of the pillows that was on the couch to be under your head. Moon's head now resting on the couch on level and particularly close with your own face, watching you with an unreadable furrowed expression. His clawed hands rested under his faceplate as if pouting or being hesitant over something. It was starting to worry you now. “What's up wit’ you, I don't think I’ve ever seen you like this before.” You questioned sluggishly. Moon looked away slightly as his brows furrowed more, grumbling a bit as his fingers tensed a bit in the cushion. “I didn’t quite catch that.”
He releases a huff in slight embarrassment. “I’m worried…about you.” Concern filling his answer. “You’re… worried about me?” Your sleepy brain was trying to process his answer. He nods once.
“Why? Imma be fine.” You state as if it was nothing but a simple thing. Moon eyes looks back at you for a few beats before moving slightly closer to you. Sliding one of his slender hands to be under the pillow you lay on for more support and brought his other free hand to grasp one of your own that was lying on the couch between you and Moon. His slow and careful grasp engulfing it entirely as he looks back at you once more. One of his fingers pressing to your pulse point once more.
“You need to take better care of yourself….You push yourself too hard.”
You sigh sleepily. “I know Moonie… But every time I do this, I help so many others. You both included. Don’ want you guys to starve.” You mumble as you blink heavily.
“You are just as important, Starlight.” Moon whispers as his concerned eyes flit around your face once more. He gently released his hand that held your own and brought a careful index claw up to tuck a strand of hair away from your face. “Please promise me you won’t push yourself like this again.” He softly asks you.
“Mmmmnnnn..” You mumble out, your brain starting to quickly go into sleep mode.
Moon’s bell on his hat rings softly when he leans his face closer to you, the fluff of his hat brushing up on you with how close he is. “Please.”
“Mmmm okay, okay…” You managed to get out sluggishly.
Moon lets out a huff in relief before looking over and reaching for a blanket that was folded on the other side of the couch. Draping it over your small form before looking over you again.
Letting out another soft sigh he leaned in and nuzzled his faceplate onto your forehead. His arm wrapped around your torso.
“Don’t do it again or you will regret it.” He scolds lightly.
“I woonnnttt.” You drawl out. Defeated in the exhaustion and Moon’s hold on you.
Moon's presence holds you softly and securely as sleep washes over you in seconds. You had seriously pushed yourself too far today as your pulse was just barely thumping under Moon’s touch. He does not have a desire to lose you. You mean too much to both him and Sun.
Moon’s form stays by your side as you sleep deeply, his eyes closed as his faceplate nuzzles you. Whether it be in content or by means of comfort, he lets out quiet deep purrs to try and aid in your recovery. Still paying close attention to your pulse as he rests with you on the couch as if it could stop at any moment.
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y2kuromi · 3 months
⭑ : 呪術廻戦 ❛ 𝗔𝗠𝗕𝗜𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘 : satoru gojo x fem! reader
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࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 synopsis: you can’t shake the mixed feelings you have about satoru, but first impressions don't always reveal what a person is like
contents: crack? sashisu! dynamic. profanities. teen! gojo being cocky (what else is new?) second & third person pov
summer isn’t over yet! collection, can be read as a stand-alone
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your first day at jujutsu tech was anything but insipid. the sun was at its peak, golden rays reflecting off the gray asphalt and dousing the foothills of mount mushiro in pure light. the wind subtly tousled your hair and the crimson torii gate cast shadows on your face.
summer, was indubitably your favourite season. it came with fun. smiles. laughter. adventure. meeting new people. and most importantly freedom.
the days got longer, school got shorter and you were typically free to do whatever you pleased. however, that wasn’t the case this year. the taiyo clan leaders had forced you to accept the offer to attend tokyo jujutsu high and you stood impatiently beside masamichi yaga —your new teacher — while you waited for your classmates in the courtyard
"sorry about this" he says sheepishly, running an exasperated hand over his face "i told them to be here as early as possible, but i can barely keep them in check”
“what are they like?” you asked, smoothing your fingers over your pleated skirt, “do you have a photograph”
“i do oddly enough, shoko’s into photography so she takes these polaroids of everything and everyone” he sifts around in his pockets until his fingers graze the crumpled picture. "these are your classmates — suguru geto, satoru gojo, and shoko ieiri”
your eyes skimmed over the three first years, the first boy had deep violet eyes and long black hair scraped into a bun. he rested his chin in the divot of his palms, his ear smushed against his lithe fingers. his black pearl earrings reflected the fluorescent lights. "suguru" the name checked out. he did look like he was famous
the second boy "satoru" was his polar opposite with fluffy white hair that defied all forms of gravity. he was slumped against the wooden table, blacked out sunglasses propped against his nose.his bright blue eyes peered curiously over the lenses. they were almost startling, something about their intensity felt like he could see everything, everywhere all at once
the girl "shoko", balanced them out with her brown chin length hair and the mole underneath her right eye. an ivory unlit cigarette was nestled between her plush pink
“they seem… nice”
“shoko’s the nicest of the three, she’s a sweetheart so you’ll get along just fine” he muses, “suguru is usually a gentleman compared to satoru. satoru’s too full of himself and he’s a terrible influence, please try to keep on the straight and narrow”
“i will” you said, shifting from one foot to another. you were very nervous about meeting your classmates— especially the esteemed strongest whose birth alone shifted the balance of the jujutsu world. it almost seemed unreal that he went to the same school as you
hell, this whole thing seemed unreal. tokyo jujutsu high was bigger than you’d imagined. it was surrounded by the forests and was spread vastly over the mountain. there was no way you’d learn your way around.
you could see a figure approaching you from the distance. you figured it was ieiri, although her photograph didn’t do her enough justice. shoko was even more beautiful in person, her dark brown hair grazed her shoulders and curled around her ears. her eyes radiated sunlight, the colour of honeyed caramel and she smelled like jasmine and sandalwood. she waved at you, and you smiled in response.
“finally” he sighed, “ieiri what time do you call this? and where are those knuckleheads?”
"sorry i'm late sensei!" she says, bowing slightly, "i couldn't drag satoru and suguru out of bed, they stayed up late playing video games again"
"i'll have to confiscate the wii" yaga sighed, shaking his head before glancing at his watch. he seemed to visibly turn pale as he registered the time, "shoko could you take (y/n) on a tour of the campus?"
"aren't you supposed to be be the one doing that?” she asks, thumbing at the cigarette slotted between her lips, “not that i mind, i just hope you’re not slacking off again”
"kids these days," he mutters under his breath "i would be the one giving you a tour, but i need to head to kyoto for a meeting”
“if you say so” shoko hums, she squeezes your forearm gently before looping her arm through yours, “c’mon (y/n), you’re much better off with me anyways”
“funny” yaga deadpans, “i’m off now, try and introduce (y/n) to the others” with a final glance at his watch, he hastily makes his way down the foothills and out of sight
“i’m so glad we finally have another girl” shoko says, eyes twinkling, “you’re from the taiyo clan right?“
“yeahh i’m from the taiyo clan” you nodded. the two of you walked over the cobbled floors in sync until shoko came to a stop in front of one of the huge buildings
“can i take a photo for my album” she asks, plush pink lips moving around the cigarette slotted between them, “the uniform looks so good on you”
despite being reluctant to come here, you were glad the uniforms were customisable and yaga had perfected your requested alterations.
your asymmetrical navy blue jacket had the sailor suit style and a silky white bow hanging slightly above your chest . your jacket was tucked into a black skirt that hung above your knees, and you wore black knee-high socks and loafers.
“you can” you grinned, without wasting a mere second she angled her camera and attempted to capture your beauty to memory.
“i wish those idiots came with me, it would’ve been so cool to get one of all of us” she pouts, “you’ll meet them later, whenever they crawl out of their rooms”
she trudged nimbly up the cobbled stairs with splatters of fuzzy moss and into the traditionally built building you stood before.
“these are the classrooms” she gestures to the vast corridor lined with wooden sliding doors. some of them are pristine while the others have cracks lining the chipped wood
“there’s so many” you gawk, “y’know i thought jujutsu tech was really small, yaga said there were barely any students”
“it is really small” she laughs, “there are two second years and three first years, four now that you’re here. jujutsu sorcerers are rare so class sizes are really small. we only use two of the classrooms”
she slid the door to her left open, the classroom was filled with wooden desks and had a blackboard behind the podium you assumed was the teaching area
the windows were open and gusts of airy summer breeze wafted through the panes. you trailed in after her and noticed that most of the desks were upturned except three in the front row
“this is our classroom” shoko said, trailing her fingers over the desk in the middle. it had scribbled kanji and cartoony digimon sketches on it. “we come here for homeroom and regular classes”
“like math and science?” you asked, raising a brow. yaga hadn’t mentioned anything about formal education when he’d picked you up from the station that morning
“we do english too” she sighs, “it’s honestly such a pain. anyways, the school has training grounds, courtyards, dormitories, common rooms and a bunch of other stuff, what do you wanna see first?”
“the dorms” you hummed, tucking your hands into your skirt pockets, “they’re probably the closest to us”
essentially, you were right. the dorms were less than a minute away from the classroom block. the hallway was wide and had less doors than the classroom’s corridor. the wood looked freshly polished and cardboard signs hung on the sliding doors.
“so these are the dorms” shoko said, “they can be reorganized and decorated as you see fit. like the classrooms, there are many empty rooms”
you can hear the faint sound of heavy metal music and the sound of videogames seeping underneath the doors on your right
“the second years are further down the hallway” shoko says, “satoru and suguru are on the right and this is my room,”
she creaks the door open and you see a flash of pinky and earthy tones. it looks nice, although it’s rather messy. there are piles of clothes beside the window and old soda cans littered on her dresser
“i’m not really the neatest person ever” she giggles sheepishly, before sliding her door shut, “this room is yours, yaga put us next to each-other”
your hand rests on the doorknob, just as you’re about to slide it open you hear footsteps coming towards you.
your eyes fall on a girl with long blackish-purple hair in a traditional miko outfit. she seems mildly irritated and a girl with long blue-grey hair scraped into a ponytail trailed languidly behind her.
“shokoooo” utahime squeals, bounding joyfully towards her favourite first year. her long blackish-purple curls hang loosely in ringlets down her back and her brown eyes sparkled “have you seen that nuisance gojo?”
“no he's not out of his room yet” shoko said, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “what has he done now?”
“what hasn’t he done” utahime muttered under her breath, “‘m gonna fucking kill him this time i swear”
“that so?” mei-mei chuckles, “quit swearing in-front of the new first year utahime-san”
“is this the new first year?” utahime asks, snapping out of her angry daze and finally her brown eyes flicker over to you, “sorry about that, that imbecile brings out the worst in me”
“(y/n) this is utahime and this is mei-mei” shoko says, pointing at them respectively, “they’re the second years”
“nice to meet you taiyo” mei-mei hummed, her red painted lips stretched into a lazy smile as she held out her freshly manicured hand. you took it tentatively. “do you mind if we join your tour ieiri?”
“i don’t mind but you should really ask (y/n)” she shrugs
mei-mei shoots you an expectant look, you reciprocate with a nod, “i don’t mind, the more the merrier”
“yes!” mei-mei grins, “i love giving tours, let’s go to the common room and get something to eat”
“can you make us pancakes utahime-san” shoko pleads, batting her eyelashes and clasping her hands together, “or french toast”
“i will, as long as that moron doesn’t get to have any” utahime says, cracking her knuckles, “when i get wind of him i’ll-”
“so the school mainly fronts as a buddhist temple, which is why it has the traditional architectural style and several statues of deities, shrines, and torii gates around campus” mei-mei explained, interrupting utahime who looked very bristled
the quirk in her eyebrow faded into nothing but pure bliss as shoko looped her arm through hers. the pair trailed slowly behind you as mei-mei transversed down the hallway and up the stairs
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the rest of the morning is a slow sugary blur. utahime makes her famous pancakes and mei-mei happily explained jujutsu regulations to you while shoko showed you her photo album.
( it was a quarter full, with pictures of suguru and satoru goofing off or utahime and satoru in the midst of some altercation with a few rare photos of yaga sleeping)
“normies can’t see us because we’re hidden by a protective barrier held by tengen-sama, he lives under the school in the tombs of the star.” mei-mei says, after taking a bite of syrupy pancakes, “that’s pretty much everything you need to know”
“thank you for the pancakes utahime-san” you said between bites of fluffy goodness, “and thank you so much for the tour”
“don’t mention it” utahime grins, “consider this your official welcome to jujutsu tech”
the saccharine serenity shatters as satoru — and suguru — make their way into the kitchen. the blue eyed boy is still in his pyjamas while suguru’s dressed in what seems to be his uniform
“yooo” satoru yawns, “ouu hime you made pancakes? don’t mind if i do”
you peered at him curiously. was this the satoru gojo? the esteemed strongest whose birth alone shifted the balance of the jujutsu world? he seemed like an ordinary teenager. gangly legs, pale veiny hands, white unkempt hair, and blue eyes hidden behind weird sunglasses.
he didn’t look like much, childishly swiping a piece of pancake off utahime’s stack and quickly stuffing the sweet batter into his mouth
“you have some nerve-” she grumbled, throwing her fork at him. it bounces off some sort of invisible wall and falls beside his feet, “be more polite to your elders”
“is this the newbie?" satoru asks waving her off, you notice him take off his round sunglasses and his infinitely blue eyes are fixed on you
“i’m pretty sure she has a name” suguru says, nudging him with his elbow, trying and failing to salvage what was left of a good first impression.
“the rookie from the taiyo clan?” he asks, raising a perfectly arched brow “is this the girl yaga was talking about”
he was trying to make headway of your face, to see what you looked like. he was unsuccessful, your eyes were trained on your pancakes and the syrup pooling on the blue ceramic plate
“it’s (y/n)” shoko sighs, “and you were supposed to meet her earlier but you two refused to get out of bed”
“sorry about that (y/n)” geto offers, his apology seemed genuine and heartfelt, “we were up pretty late last night, otherwise we would’ve been there”
you finally looked up from your plate and shook your head before flashing suguru a heart-stopping smile, “you’re all good don’t worry”
for the first time in all fifteen and a half years of his life, satoru seemed to be at a loss for words. he knew he should probably apologise and try to make you view him in a better light. but he couldn’t find the words.
not that it mattered now. you shot him an icy glare as you stalked past him and dropped your plate in the sink. he feels shivers run down his spine.
"i want to show you the morgue and the cursed warehouse!" mei-mei says, throwing an arm over your shoulder, “we can pick out a tool for you”
satoru’s cerulean eyes snapped to yours, he saw a flicker of something he couldn’t quite place passing through them. it didn’t look positive. he sensed aversion, dislike, maybe even hatred?
"see you in a bit" you wave to your upperclassman, and shoko and suguru as mei-mei led you out of the common room. the friendly gesture doesn't extend to satoru. he blinks. once. twice. and then he finally snaps out of it
"she's beautiful holy shit" he whispers incredulously, shaking suguru by his shoulders. then his infinitely blue eyes are fixed on shoko "i would've gotten up if you told me that"
suguru shrugged him off, “you’ve ruined any chances you had of getting with her, i told you you needed to stop being so rude”
“i can fix this surely” he sounds panicked, “do i go after them? or should i wait until she’s alone-”
"what an imbecile" utahime bursts out laughing , slamming her fist down on the table as she shakes with laughter, “can you believe him?”
“you’re too full of yourself” shoko says, shaking her head, “rookie? newbie? that’s really bad even for you i’m sure she hates you now”
“can you blame her?” utahime quips, “it’s only natural to hate gojo” she pushed her chair back and smoothed a hand over her neatly pressed clothes, intending to start on the dishes.
“hate is a strong word” suguru pipes up, pulling out a seat, “they just got off on the wrong foot, classic satoru”
“not you too suguru” he whines, pooling into a puddle of despair and anguish on the tiled floor
“so dramatic” suguru mutters, scooping an untouched pancake off shoko’s plate. they exchanged glances as they watched satoru have an existential crisis beside the counter. summer was going to be interesting
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© Y2KUROMI 2024. please do not plagiarise, repost, or translate any of my works on here or any other websites.
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tiyawnyana · 8 months
Kinktober : Day 15
Size Difference
A/N: in this fic he is a mountain and you (and me) are ready to climb
Pairing: Ao'nung x (fem) Omiticaya Sully
Warnings: soft, pining, teasing, size difference scenting, fingering, p in v, belly bulge, creampie
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It's been two years since your family departed from the Metkayina clan. Two years since you felt your heart crack. Two years of sadness at leaving your second home.
You had grown accustomed quick, learned quicker of the techniques and styles of the metkayina; and it was all thanks to the Olo'eyktans children.
You missed them terribly and it grew more. Even when the war ended, even after you grew again as a warrior of the Omiticaya, you couldn't seem to stop missing them.
So you decided to visit them, decided to pack your things and strap your bags onto your ikran to be out for a while. Your heart longed to swim along the waves, so with a tearful bye from your family and a tablet shoved into your chest, you took off. Unsurprisingly, your little brother, Lo'ak, decided to join you. So together, you took off and after an 8 hour ikran flight, 2 hour break total in between stops, you grinned with pure happiness at the sight of the mountains and village beneath it, littered across the beaches. You yip loud and clear, alerting your brother, who yells in happiness.
The horn is loud, and the metkayina are immediately bustling towards the clearing along the sand. You two circle around before gently landing, and people are shoved out of the way by a grinning Tsireya. She books it to Lo'ak and tackles him into the sand, smothering him with kisses. His face is flushed as he snickers.
You grin fondly, petting your ikran and disconnecting your bags from his back.
Tonowari and Ronal greet you fondly, happy for you and your brothers safe arrival before dispersing.
Tsireya is lifting your brother from the ground when suddenly, a hand grips your bicep and tugs you into a chest. You gasp in surprise, those arms wrapping tight and completely surrounding your body. A small coil of delight stirs in your gut.
You try to crane your head up but to no avail.
"Nung! Let her go, skxawng!"
You suck in a breath.
This guy surrounding you is Ao'nung? The Ao'nung that you'd spent these last two years longing for? Dear Eywa.
The arms slowly release you, but those hands hold your biceps. You eye those hands with a gulp in surprise. You're finally able to look at him but realize you now have to crane your head back to actually make eye contact.
God. How does an attractive person get even hotter? Holy hell.
His jawline was more prominent, the left half of his face having beautiful jagged tattoos that curled over the top of his browbone. His hair too, had grown a ton, and now sported a half up cornrowed hairstyle, the rest flowing freely down his back it gorgeous silky curls. He had shot up in height, and seemingly was way stockier in muscle too. God.. his biceps alone had to be two, no, three times yours! His chest was more defined as well, and tapered down into his small waist and god you feel your face grow warm. You've been blatantly checking him out!
You lift your gaze to his immediately and inhale sharply as it seems he's done the same.. a small smirk on his face.
Sure, you grew in height but still remained shorter than the metkayina. You were stronger, more defined muscles but it was lean muscle, more agile strength for flight and life in the forest. You knew you had curved slightly as well, around your hips and bottom. Surely the avatar genes you had thanks to your father.
Your hair had grown, pulled back in those neat braids but you insisted on your own twist; braiding about halfway before allowing the rest to curl naturally. You had really grown into yourself, especially your confidence.
His eyes finally lock with yours before a cocky grin grows on his lips.
"Hey, shorty," he teases.
You snort, rolling your eyes,"Didn't expect you to sprout up like a damn tree," you turn, grabbing your bag off of your ikran only for it to get snatched from your grip,"Hey!"
He snorts,"You've had a long travel, come, I'll bring you to your marui."
You roll your eyes before patting your ikran and following after Ao'nung.
He takes up the path, people part to make space for him and you can't help the chuckle bubbling from your throat. He peers back at you, a questioning glint in his eyes before fondly rolling his eyes. Soon enough, he opens the flaps to the marui, the one that you had shared with your family. You had expected it to be vacant and empty, but you're surprised to find flowers draped around, vines drooping from the roof. You grin in delight and surprise, looking around in awe while placing down your bed mat.
"Oh, you won't need that," he snorts, gently placing down your bags.
You raise an eyebrow at him, confused, before he leads you a separated portion of the marui. You become familiar again with the layout, smiling softly, before gasping when he opens the flap.
Your old room had been shared with your sisters, but now is your own. And again, you expected it to be barren, but in it lies a huge nest bed; handmade blankets and pillows piled together. Little lanterns with glowing bugs are by the bed, trinkets placed neatly around the room. You nearly tear up at the realization that they're things that you had made with the people, crafted or caught.
You turn to Ao'nung, who stands by the entry, a small soft smile on his face.
"I- I have no words.." a watery smile takes over your lips.
"That is alright.." He says softly, pacing over to you before wrapping you up into another hug. Only this time, he crouches and wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you off the floor as he stands. One arm cradles the back of your head, the other around your waist and you wrap your arms around his neck while nuzzling your face into the crook there. You relax against him, sagging into his hold and inhale his scent. Thankfully, that didn't change; an earthy underlying musk with a soft layer of sea breeze. You sigh happily.
"Really missed you," you mumble against him, to which he laughs lightly, nodding.
"You've no idea how much we missed you," he inhales,"how much I did."
You blush and you're grateful that he can't see your face.
You both stay there for a moment, just breathing eachother in. Unfortunately the moment is interrupted when Tsireya can be heard giggling in the main room, Lo'ak talking to her.
Ao'nung sighs, gently placing you back on your feet and gives you one last tight squeeze before letting go. He takes a step back, clearing his throat.
"There will be a celebration for you and your brothers return.. I- um, I left you something to wear. I will see you tonight," he bows his head, a small smile on his face before he leaves.
You look around the room, before spotting leaving wrappings on one of the flat surfaces. You quickly unwrap it before a soft gasp leaves you.
Tsireya comes to get you for the celebration and grins as you and Lo'ak follow her.
It seems she had gifted your brother a new tewng along with new jewelry and a specially crafted arm band. He practically beams in delight. Unfortunately he also teases you of your garb.
It seems that someone, or Ao'nung, (you weren't really sure if he had made it, but your hopes were up), had made a special necklace and matching tewng for you too.
The necklace has thinned and dried sea leaves intricately twisted and beaded to drape down your chest. There are leaves too, that creatively cover your breasts, and the best part were the specifically placed pearls. There are many, a few in a bunch surrounded by vibrant beads that almost look like flowers on your skin. At the center lies a beautiful flat shell, inner portion laying perfectly below your collar bones. And the tewng is soft against your thighs, curled sea leaves and entwined threads all braided beautifully together with beads around the waist and surprisingly enough, beads and pearls drape down, clinking as you walk.
You don't recall ever feeling more beautiful.
The drums are boisterous as you arrive. Lo'ak splits off and is swarmed by old friends, and Tsireya leads you to some of yours. You all chat for a bit before Tonowari and Ronal find you and your brother, announcing your great arrival. The celebration commences and you drink fermented oceanic fruits, a warm buzz settling into your bones.
You look around for Ao'nung, a growing want boiling up. A few warriors speak to you, wanting to catch your eye but you've already been caught. For too long now.
You finally find him, and when he spots you, you sweat your heart flies out of your chest. God, he made himself a similar tewng to the one strapped around your waist. You grin, beelining to him through the crowd.
"Ao'nung!" You greet him with glee, hands catching his arm.
"Tiyawn," he grins down at you. His breath smells of the same fermented fruit,"How are you enjoying your evening?"
"It's just beyond wonderful, thank you," and in a moment of feeling bold-ish due to the buzz in your system, you lean to his ear whilst tugging him down to whisper,"Thank you for your gift, it's absolutely beautiful."
He grins, ears perking up adorably,"Beautiful gift for a beautiful woman." Then he tugs you by your waist to lean into his side.
You blush hot when he thumbs at the band of your tewng around your waist. You can't stop the pooling of arousal you feel- God, you'd never craved him more. All those years of being away seems to have boiled up hot and heavy and you shudder. You couldn't be with anyone after realizing your feelings for him. It was impossible to imagine being under- or over another navi and it not be him.
You're interrupted from your thoughts when the music changes, and the Na'vi begin a more sensual dance. Hips rolling together, more touchy against one another.
A tall navi, not as tall as Ao'nung, approaches you with a shy grin.
"Ao'nung, hello," he greets politely, receiving a respectful nod in response. The male returns his gaze to you,"I am Rádyn, we were brief friends before?"
You grin, nodding,"I remember!" And step forward to hug him lightly,"It is so nice to see everyone again, I missed it."
"We all missed having you and your family here as well," he grins,"I was wondering if I could maybe take you to dance?"
Your eyes widen, especially when the hand holding the band of your tewng changes to grip the base of your tail. You release a squeak, sucking in a breath at the jolt of surprising pleasure that rises up your spine.
"She has a partner," Ao'nung gruffly responds.
You look at him in masked surprise before nodding to Rádyn, smiling softly in thanks,"but thank you for the offer! Perhaps next time?"
He had looked down at the refusal, but grins happily and leaves.
You snicker before gasping as he squeezes your tail.
"Wait- hey!" You smack his wrist and he huffs, releasing your tail,"I do believe you owe me a dance?"
You smirk up at him, and he quirks a brow before nodding.
"Seems I do, tiyawn," he walks forward, grasping your hand and leading you into the crowd.
The beat is still sensual, and to your surprise it seems it's basically just young adults and older couples gyrating against eachother.
He grips your waist now, tugging your back into his chest,"Just follow my lead," he whispers to you, then guides your hips to move with his. His hands are so large, covering your hips, circling your stomach and he controls your movements. You lean back against him, trailing one hand up to hold high, wrapping around the back of his neck.
Your body feels like it's on fire. Hot arousal coursing down your body to pool between your legs.
Ao'nung leans his head down, mouth next to your temple,"Perfect, tahni," his voice rasps. You can't stop the shiver racing up your spine.
You turn around in his hold, pressing your chest firm to his, or moreso his abs. He fixes his hold on you, still controlling around your waist but as the beat changes slightly, he wedges a thigh between yours. Because of his height, his thigh presses right into your core and you gasp, clinging onto his biceps weakly.
"Something wrong?" He teases before rocking your hips over the muscle of his thigh. You pant, forehead leaning against his peck.
You whine breathelessly before breathing hard,"Not at all," you lean back to smirk at him. Your gaze trails down to his lips, then back up to his eyes; you can't stop thinking about dragging him off and finally kissing away that smirk.
He still sways you to the beat, but manages to grind you down against his thigh periodically. You can feel your tewng covering your pussy growing wetter and you bite your lip in a poor attempt to stifle your moans.
He again leans down to breathe at your temple,"You look delicious," he grins, then breathes in your scent,"Smell it, too."
You feel a warm blush on your cheeks, shaking your head fondly. You notice his gaze is drifting around your chest, those beads and sea leaves swaying with your movements.
"I want to thank you again for your gift," you start, breathing out softly before feeling more bold,"Perhaps you could help me take it off later?"
He jolts, eyes wide as he gaze down at you.
You immediately think you've gone too far, so you open your mouth, ready to laugh, to make it a joke, but you stop with a choked out gasp when he grinds your hips down against his thigh and leans down to your ear.
"Gladly," he whispers, then kisses your cheek tenderly.
You lean against him completely and just let him sway you to the beat, hot blush on your cheeks and arousal in your gut.
After a while of dancing, he pulls you from the crowd. You almost feel uncomfortable in your tewng now, wetness having cooled there just slightly. He drags you off to the outskirts, deciding to speak with his family as the party goes on. But he keeps a firm grip around your tail, thumb stroking the base.
After a bit, you grow impatient, staring out around the crowd. You don't even hear the conversation he is having, too buzzed and too aroused.
You huff, turning to him with a hungry look in your eyes,"I am retiring early, I do hope to see you soon?"
He smirks, nodding, before watching you leave. He follows soon after, bidding a Goodnight before booking it to your marui.
By the time he throws the flap open, then secures it tight behind him, you're buzzing with nerves. You stand there, waiting, gawking at him in surprise. You didn't expect him to be right behind you.
He takes two big steps towards you to cup your face, leaning down and smothering you with a deep and heavy kiss. You groan into him, surprised, before grabbing at his shoulders. He kisses you hard, invading your mouth wholeheartedly and drifts his hands down your body to grab under your butt, sliding you up his body until he wraps your legs around his waist. He grinds your hips down against his rising cock and you whine into his mouth before he pulls back, kissing down your neck sloppily as he walks you down to your room.
"Great mother- tahni, I have dreamt of you, craved you these last two years." He huffs, peeling the flap open,"Never wanted anything more in my life; you are a gift beyond anything else."
He's quick to press you down into that nest, dropping the weight of his hips into yours and grinding into you.
"Oh- Ao'nung, ah!" You moan, blinking fast as his movements have him grinding against your pulsing clit.
"Yeah, oh- want to make you mine," he nips against your neck,"For everyone to see. You're mine- I'm yours, all those warriors be damned."
You can only gaze at him, stifling your moans badly.
"Help- get this off," you struggle with the top.
"I'd love to fuck you while you wear it sometime.."
"That can be arranged," you giggle.
Finally, he helps peel it from your body and soon enough unties your tewng, tossing it to the side. He groans at the sight before darting down, sucking marks into your chest, sucking over your nipples as well as you whine needily.
He hurries up, seemingly impatient as he yanks off his own tewng. His cock is already out of his sheath and you gawk at it, pure bewilderment.
"What the fuck? You packing a weapon at all times?" You joke.
He snorts, rolling his eyes but refocuses, hand pressing you down soft as his other hand prods at your hole before sinking two fingers in quick, an embarrassing sound making you cover your face. He quickly spreads you open, thrusting just as fast while sucking over your other nipple. He bites over the plushy flesh of your breast and you whimper. His fingers alone fill you deeply, stretching your walls gradually and desperately.
His cock rubs heavy against your inner thigh and you can't help but reach down, taking him in your palm and stroking firm. God, your hand doesn't even wrap around it. He grunts, hips bucking against your small hand.
You smack at the wrist that fingers into you and he pulls out, then you guide the tip to your entrance.
"Please- please, hurry," your voice is shakey but wanting.
He hovers above you, absolutely huge in comparison and he grins, loving how he towers over you now.
Ao'nung presses into you, tip slowly sinking in before popping in.
You both groan. He stretches you wider than you anticipated, hissing in slight discomfort as he continues to press into you. His cock is long, thick and heavy, you've never felt fuller and he still hasn't bottomed out.
Inch after inch, he presses in. Soon but not soon enough, he finally presses his hips flush to yours. Your thighs are trembling and you're breathing heavy, but God do you feel wonderful. You glance down, and an audible gasp turning into a shocked, punched out moan. You can distinctly see the bulge in your lower stomach. He glances down before gritting his teeth hard, grunting. But his hands move up, gripping over your waist and pulling back, then quickly shoving himself back into your pulsing cunt. He begins a steady rhythm and his eyes remain on the bulge in your belly.
"Oh- fuck, fuck, Ao'nung!" You moan out, back arching.
He lifts his hands, wrapping then entirely around your waist, fingers overlapping at your back, and you suck in a gasp, but soon release a strangled moan when his thumbs press over the skin where the bulge forms.
You can't breathe, can't think, too high already on that crest and your hips roll against his. You cling to him desperately, a constant stream of moans tumbling from your lips.
You bring your own hand down to press against the bulge; your fingers press against where you know the tip lays nestled and the groan he releases has you nearly melting into the fabrics beneath you.
He fucks into you harder and faster, groaning and dipping his head down to the crook of your neck. He huffs there.
"Wanted you since forever, yawne, wanted to claim you then. Even moreso now," he grunts, hips slowing to down but heightening in strength.
"Do it, whats stopping you- oh, god!," you challenge, grinning breathlessly and breaking off into a moan as the tip rubs hard into your walls.
He exhales, then lifts you up. You gasp, clinging to his shoulders; he resumes his hard pace, almost using your cunt like a living sex toy, and god you can't enough of it. He grinds your body down, then drags you up, nearly brutal but you love it.
The raw need is evident. You were so thankful that this wasn't one sided- you'd needed him since you suffered your first heat. You remember how desperate you were, humping into your hand on the outskirts of the beach in one of the private maruis. You had wished then just like now that he would just take you, make you his anytime he wanted.
Your pussy leaks profusely, dripping down his thighs with your slick as he grinds you down onto his cock.
"Ao- Ao'nung! Please, please," you babble, head tilted back as you gasp and moan out little sounds.
"Eywa- you're even more perfect than before," he cups the back of your neck, dragging you up slightly to mouth at your throat,"Gonna' fill you up so everyone can smell me on you- in you."
Your cunt tightens around him and you nod dumbly.
He presses you back down against the blankets but then lays his weight on you, elbows coming to brace himself on either side of your head, effectively holding you down as he rolls his hips in short but mind wracking thrusts. You cling around his chest, nails dragging down his back. Your thighs are wrapped around his waist and you tighten them, making his thrusts sloppier.
"I've wanted you since my first heat- since before that," you moan out, gazing up at him.
He smiles breathlessly,"Wanted you since you first came off that ikran all those years ago."
He leans down to kiss you soft, gentle, but keeps his thrusts hard and quick.
You whine against his mouth, that coil tightening up too quick for you to prepare yourself before it snaps.
Your head goes back, disconnecting from his lips as you tighten up around him, cunt pulsing and slick squirting out of you as you cum. The moan you release is long, whiney and embarrassing as it echoes out of your room.
He moans, thrusting a few more times until he presses hard against you, hot cum filling you until it too squirts out around his cock. It creates a white ring around his base and he shudders, head coming to rest next to yours.
You breathe for a moment, still struggling but the feeling is better than anything you could've imagined.
After a few minutes, he grips around your waist, rolling over until you're straddling him. His cockhead rubs hard against your cervix and you release a strangled moan.
You look down again and sigh shakily; his cock bulging from your inner walls is even more prominent now. You really can't believe nor get over how absolutely huge he got.
The hands around your waist lift you only your drop you down his length.
You glare down at him, still breathless but he only grins innocently.
"What, you thought I was done after one round?"
A/N: I wanted a sweet build up and I'm really happy with how this went. I do feel like I could be working on my descriptions better with outside of intimacy moments tho
Also you end up being fucked into next Tuesday and waking up early afternoon the next day, hickeys down your neck, in your inner thighs and still leaking cum from your cunt. When he said he wanted everyone to smell him on you he wasn't kidding.
(Lmk if you want to be added!)
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badasgirl · 8 months
head over heels
bada lee x fem!reader
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a late night studio session turns into something more when bada finally decides it’s time to end whatever tension you both shared.
genre: friends (?) to kinda lovers, smut, slight angst if you kinda like squint, slight fluff
warnings: this specific work is 18+, so ageless blogs/underaged blogs who interact will be blocked, built up tension, reader is shorter than bada, no caps on purpose (booo ik terrible grammar).
word count: ~3.3k
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smut warnings: slight dom!bada x sub!reader, making out, hickies, fingering, scissoring (?), messy lesbian sex, slightttt choking but barely
author’s note: this was not proofread and it’s my first smut in years so be easy on me plz. but yayy another req done, thank you to anon for this request!! reqs are still open, but please be patient 🎀.
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you and bada both dance and teach at the same dance studio, justjerk. you’ve known each other for a couple years now and since the day you’ve met her, there’s been an undeniable tension. you both would throw glances at each other when you passed each other throughout the studio, every time you talked there were flirtatious remarks hinting to both of you wanting the other, there were even lasting touches between the two of you when you did a collab class. this had gone on for so long it became natural for you both to teeter on the line of excessive flirting to more, so who was going to cross it first?
tonight you decided that you wanted to get some extra practice in before your class the following day, especially because it was your first time teaching a heels dance class. you were experienced in dancing in heels, but you had never taught it before. you just wanted everything to be perfect for the first time. however, you were not the only one getting in a late night practice session.
bada was finishing up her usual weekly late night practice and was about to leave the building, when she saw you. she saw you dancing through the studio door and god did you look so alluring. the way you danced had bada in a deep trance. she knew that you danced in heels, but she’s actually never seen it herself. after seeing how you moved plus all the years of built up tension, she knew exactly what she had to do.
you were finishing up one of your best runs of the section you were teaching when you heard the door open. you spot the tall girl you were infatuated with staring at you with her pretty eyes. you knew the effect you had on her, so you could understand how she would just burst into your practice with no good reason if all she did was just you dancing.
“bada, i forgot you were here tonight.” you started off as you began to take off your heels. “what could possibly bring you here?” you finished feigning innocence, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
bada scoffed at your question, you knew exactly why she came into that godforsaken studio. you, you were the reason. you knew that with one simple word bada would do anything you asked and well vice versa.
bada began walking towards you before cornering you against the mirrors. she easily towered over you and she used that to her advantage. she took one of her hands and placed it under your chin gently, lifting your head slightly to directly look her in the eyes.
“y/n, you know exactly why i’m here. i’m tired of these games and finally seeing the way you danced in heels tonight…it’s time we both be honest.” bada says lowly, not breaking eye contact with you.
you could tell her voice was filled with lust, that plus the fact her aura was so strong made you immediately so needy.
“honest about what bada?” you said looking up at her with doe eyes. as bada said, you knew exactly what she was talking about, yet you still wanted to keep the teasing going a bit longer.
“y/n don’t fucking play with me. i want you so bad and you know it. so tell me princess, do you want me?” the taller girl asked as she moved her hand from your chin to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
once you heard the nickname she gave you, you knew it was over. you whined, finally giving into bada. it didn’t take much for you to go weak over the girl. “yes bada i want you, i want you so fucking bad. please i-“ bada cut you off by kissing you softly. it was your first kiss together so she wanted to just taste your lips before going crazy.
“princess you don’t know how long i’ve waited for you to say that so i could kiss you” bada admitted with a smile plastered across her face. you were still recovering from the kiss as she began to place kisses along your jawline and neck, teasing you with her actions like you teased her with your words. between kisses, she whispered her confession to you.
“you know, it’s the way you move, that’s what gets me y/n” she started. “i’ve wanted you since the first week we started whatever stupid game we had going on.”
between your soft sounds you let out, you attempted to respond to bada without sounding too desperate. “me too…i wish we admitted it sooner” you said before pushing bada away from you softly. she was confused and a bit concerned at first, but before she could think too much, you pushed her to sit on the nearby cushioned bench. once she was sat down, you firstly went to lock the door to prevent any possible incidents. then, you straddled her bringing your bodies chest to chest. you wrapped your arms around her neck as she wrapped hers around your waist tightly, as if you were going to magically disappear.
you giggled as you watched bada blush slightly at you sitting on her lap, but that didn’t last for long because immediately you looked at her with lust filled eyes and said “now kiss me like you’ve wanted me for these past couple years baby”.
bada didn’t need to hear anything else as she smashed her lips into yours. her lips moved in sync with yours, she began to bite on your lips letting you know she wanted full access. you immediately complied and opened your mouth for her. bada didn’t even have to put up a fight for dominance with her tongue, you automatically let her win. as you were making out with her, she moved her hands up to be under your shirt, wanting to feel you. the girl then started to move them up and down your waist.
eventually you got very impatient and took your shirt off, then pulling on bada’s hoodie to let her know you wanted her to do the same. the urge to deny your request was so strong, but bada had wanted this for years. so for her own sanity, she listened to you, taking her hoodie off and tossing it with your shirt on the floor. now both of you were left in your sports bras and joggers. still sitting in her lap, you admired how beautiful bada was. her long hair flowing down her back and shoulders, her already plump lips looking raw from all of your kissing, the smirk that rested on her face, and not to mention you almost drowned in her pretty eyes. as you were admiring her, bada lifted you both off the bench and placed you with your back down on the floor. immediately after, she was hovering over you looking as if she was a hungry cheetah waiting to eat her prey.
“can i mark you princess? have to let everyone know who you belong to.” bada begged you breathlessly as she was so worked up, almost as much as you were. you nodded your head so quickly as you whined and reached up to place your hands on her back. you then wrapped your legs around her, trapping her body between yours.
bada giggled at your neediness while shaking her head “needy baby, i’ll give you want you want.” the tall girl then moved herself to have her lips gently graze your skin before immediately kissing and sucking at the skin on your neck, leaving marks. she thought you looked so pretty all marked up for her. bada loved listening to the whimpers you let out as she continued her attack on your neck.
eventually she stopped and smiled down at you, admiring her work. bada couldn’t hold herself back any longer. she reached for the waistband of your pants and looked at you to confirm everything was okay. you immediately nodded you head, helping her get you out of your joggers and panties in one single pull. you whined looking at bada because you felt so exposed while she still had her pants and shows on.
you pointed at her shoes and pants before saying “off, take them off.” bada instantly complied because she was so excited. she now was just in her sports bra like you. she was starstruck if you will, she saw how gorgeous you were everywhere, including your pussy. she adjusted herself to be in-front of you as she pushed your legs apart. she took one hand and pressed it down on your waist to prevent your hips from moving too much with what she was about to do to you. with her dominant hand, she started slowly dragging her fingers through your folds. you were glistening and it was all for her, she couldn’t be more proud.
“all this for me princess? how cute…” bada trailed off as she kept playing with your pussy, not putting her fingers all the way in, just slightly dipping into your hole with the tips and then pulling out.
you whined at her “stop teasing please, i need you baby so so bad”. you were on the verge of tearing up at this point because of how sensitive and needy bada made you. once again, only because of her own impatience, bada complied and was able to slip two fingers into your pulsating heat. she loved how warm you felt, how well you took her long fingers. you moaned out her name as she began fucking you at a steady pace with her fingers. she went from simple pumping in and out to scissoring her fingers to rubbing your clit while curling her fingers up to hit that spongy part of your pussy that made you see stars.
“that’s it y/n take my fingers” bada said between your moans and whimpers. “you’re doing so well for me yeah?” however, you could barely do anything but her cry out her name let alone keep your legs open.
bada immediately slowed her pace as you closed your legs. she took her free hand and pried your thighs open, pushing one down with it to prevent you from closing them again. she simply shook her head as you whined at the pace change.
“be my good girl and keep those legs open” the dominant girl demanded. you nodded your head quickly as you reached for her hand that was still slowly moving inside you to tell her to pick the pace back up.
“bada-ah please i’ll be good please don’t stop please” you begged for your life while staring into the girl’s eyes hoping she will see your sincerity.
“hmmm…” bada fake pondered to mess with you before immediately speeding back up and fucking her fingers back into you at an inhumane speed. you let out a loud moan that you prayed to god no one else would hear. all that was floating in your mind was “bada bada bada” on repeat. at the point bada had fucked you dumb with just her fingers.
you were getting close to your orgasm and bada could tell, but before that happened you screamed at her to stop. bada’s eyes immediately filled with worry as she thought she may have hurt you. you quickly sat yourself up slightly on your elbows before admitting something to her.
“i kinda always wanted you to ride me…” you trailed off breathlessly, voice hoarse from all the moaning. “i wanna feel your pussy on mine, wanna help you come too…” you said looking at her with puppy dog eyes. bada smirked at you before leaning over you to peck your lips. she just thought you were the cutest ever.
“if that’s what you want baby, let’s do it.” bada said excitedly as she got on-top of you, slotting your legs between each other’s. once your pussies both touched, you both let out soft whimpers. it surprised you to hear the cute noises that could leave the tall girl’s mouth, you loved it so much. you became even more infatuated with the beautiful girl who was on top of you.
once bada gripped onto your knees for stability and began moving, it was game over. not a single thought was occurring in your head, you were a babbling mess as bada rode you at a quick pace. she was so desperate to make you come for her as well as her own release. she moaned out your name as you moaned hers back. due to her fast pace and you already being so close to the edge because of her previous actions, you both were about to hit your highs. all you could hear in the studio were the sounds of wetness shared between the two of you and the heavenly sounds you both made.
“baby i’m so close, are you?” she questioned you between her whimpers and cries of your name. you couldn’t even form sentences anymore because of how stimulated you were. all you could do in response is nod your head and scream her name as tears fell down your face. bada was riding you so good that you began to cry out of pleasure.
as bada kept grinding, she took one hand and placed it on your neck, barely adding any pressure. but the simple action of having her hand on your neck immediately made you come. you cried out her name and let out the most beautiful moans she’s ever heard as you hit your peak. almost immediately after, bada’s orgasm hit and all she could do was let out soft whimpers and say your name.
after you both came down from your highs, you made eye contact and giggled. both of you were in a state of blissfulness neither of you ever wanted to leave. unfortunately though, the building was closing in half an hour. so, bada got up and got you both towels and wipes from her bag. once she was all cleaned up, she helped you get cleaned up as well.
once you both eventually got dressed after procrastinating, bada took your hand in hers and offered you a ride home since she drove and she knew you took the bus. she didn’t want you taking the bus this late at night to begin with. therefore, she made a mental note to herself to tell you later that she will from now on take you home if it’s late. you smiled as you agreed to let her give you a ride.
you both gathered your things, made sure the studio was clean, and then headed to bada’s car. once you got to her car, she put both of your bags in her trunk before opening the passenger door for your. you always loved how kind and considerate bada was, it was one of her most admirable traits. bada asked for your address and once she put it in her gps, you were off.
the ride was comfortable, her soft r&b playlist playing on the radio as you both just enjoyed each other’s presence. this honestly felt a little too natural, which scared both of you slightly. neither of you wanted to mess things up, but both of you also wondered if there could be more than just the past tension and now hook up. hell, both of you definitely wanted more. however, neither of you spoke about it and just chose to enjoy the moment at the very least just in case everything goes south after this.
eventually, you had reached your humble home. bada unlocked the door and popped the trunk from inside the car. she unbuckled herself to stretch over to the passenger seat to place a soft peck on your cheek before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and admiring your beauty.
“i’ll stay here until you get inside to make sure you get in safe, text me y/n” bada says sweetly as you both couldn’t help but to smile at each other. you nodded your head in response before unbuckling yourself and getting out the car. you got your stuff from the trunk and headed towards your front door. you unlocked it and before you stepped in, you waved bye to bada while smiling the biggest you possibly could. bada couldn’t help but blush and giggle as she waved back. she felt like she was head over heels for you.
three weeks later and it was the start of the filming for the first episode of street woman fighter season 2. you were asked by 1million to join their crew as you used to take a lot of classes from lia kim and she knew you were always a great dancer and a much needed assest to their team. you of course immediately agreed to join.
however you didn’t know you’d see bada lee herself pop up on the screen when you were asked your thoughts on each crew. you knew she lead the crew bebe, but quite honestly you didn’t pay attention to who else had been invited to the show until now. you and bada exchanged short texts since the night you spent together, but nothing that ever detailed you both would do that again or what you even were. to be honest, frustrated both of you, but both of you were so afraid of what the other would say.
when the crews all came down and sat together, you both couldn’t help but steal glances at each other. you both could tell the other wanted to say something. once it was time for battles, the first pair to go was redy vs. bada. of course you cheered for redy as she was your team member, but you couldn’t help but to also cheer for bada. though, you easily got jealous when she towered over redy like she towered over you three weeks ago and unfortunately for you it showed on your face. bada was able to see your jealousy as the battle continued and she smirked to herself, this made her even more cocky and eager to win. once it was revealed bada had a clean win, she smirked at you before turning to her team as they cheered and clapped for her. you noticed her little smirk before your team went to comfort redy and tell her she did well regardless of the result.
once all of the first round of battles were filmed, everyone had a 20 minute break. you went to go to your group’s personal room. but before you could get there, someone took you by your wrist and pulled you to the side into a more isolated area of the building. you quickly realized it was bada and a smile was plastered across your face.
“what do you need bada?” you asked looking up at her with that smile she loved to see. she couldn’t help but smile back before laughing. you were confused as to why she started laughing, but then she took your face in her hands and placed a soft peck on your lips.
bada kept your face in her hands as she said “i saw how jealous you got earlier princess, how are you jealous when technically we aren’t together?”
you pouted at her before rolling your eyes dramatically and saying “i know but, you’re still mine. you’re still my baby…” you trailed off with a blush adorning your face. bada couldn’t help but to shake her head and smile. she placed her hands on your waist and brought you close to her, she placed a soft kiss atop your head. bada looked into your eyes as she said what she had waited so long to say, she no longer could hold back her feelings.
“then let’s be together, let’s only look at each other. i’ll take you out after filming to really let everyone know who’s girl you are.”
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jo-harrington · 3 months
Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction - Chapter 2: Out of Character
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Previous Chapter: Alternate Universe
Summary: Things are starting to get weird in Hawkins. Weird for Eddie, especially. (AKA Eddie Munson and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week)
Word Count: 9k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!Reader
Warnings/Themes: No-Upside-Down AU, Fluff, Angst, mention of virginity, Smut (male masturbation), sexual fantasies, brief Breeding Kink mention (I SWEAR IT WILL MAKE SENSE bear with me), Isekai, Mentions of FOI-compliant events and characters, Lovesick Eddie, jealousy, satire, a Monkey’s Paw type situation, Cliffhanger, Meta Fiction, Eddie acts a little OOC—it’s in the title
Note: Hey everyone, we're back with hopefully some more regularly posted chapters now that my baby SMVerse is complete. Very sorry for how long this chapter is, the next one is admittedly planned to be shorter. There was just a lot of dough to knead here. Thank you to @dr-aculaaa @powderblueblood and @rosewaterandivy for their contribution to some details of the chapter. IYKYK. And they know. Especially how much it means to me.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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It goes without saying that your newfound independence had led to the most fun you’d ever had.
You weren’t afraid to be by yourself; on the contrary, it was almost like you were by yourself for the first time in your life.
That was the thing about living in a small town, everyone knew everyone else and your friends and neighbors always popped in unannounced, usually to a lot of fanfare and excitement.
There was never a dull moment with your friends.
But every aspect of your life in Port Geneva hinged around them, and now you could really focus on you. Realize that you were worth more than what you did to enrich someone else's life. Now you could enrich your own.
You listened to music you'd never heard before. What music had you even listened to before?
You ate foods you'd never eaten before. If you really thought about it, what had you ever eaten but short stacks with strawberries and sandwiches from the deli and cafeteria pizza?
You saw the world; sketched buildings and landscapes that were so different from the ones you were used to. Had you ever seen a house that didn't look like the ones in your cookie-cutter suburb? Or seen grass that wasn't perfectly manicured?
Who knew that wildflowers existed outside of storybooks?
Sometimes you stayed for a while; got a little room at a motel in a town that reminded you a lot of home and nothing like home at all. Too homesick to keep jumping around but not homesick enough to go back. You'd get a job for a few weeks--always lucking out on an opening for a waitressing or babysitting gig or something--pad your pockets, fall in love with the town and sometimes with the people there.
Then the need to leave simmered in your bones once again and you were forced back onto the road.
There was one town you were almost loath to leave. A midwest town and a goofy guy named Ed who made you laugh and called you sweetheart and kissed you shyly; he really understood you, understood the need to march to the beat of your own drum, because his big dream was to get out of his hometown too and make a name of himself.
Which is why he wasn't mad when it was time for you to go.
You'd always remember Stuckeyville.
But it was no matter; the world was yours for the taking. You'd keep going, on and on to the next destination, until you couldn't anymore.
Then one day, a year-or-so into your trip, it happened.
You'd been driving, thinking of the postcards that were burning a hole in your backpack to be sent back home. It was late, and you were tired and ready to make it to your next destination.
That's when you crashed.
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December 1985
"I've gotta get up."
"Five more minutes."
"You're lying on my arm." He could feel the slight movement of something beneath him. "God, you and your big fat head, my hand is numb!"
Eddie groaned as you pushed at him and before long, your finger--cold and wet with spit--slid into his ear, rendering him fully awake and squirming to get away from you.
"Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed as he hopped off his bed and tried to rid himself of the phantom feeling of your invasion. "Gah, ugh, gross!"
"A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do," you grinned and got up from the bed to stretch. You put your hands on your hips and glared at him playfully. "Especially when she's gonna be late. You should know how Bev is better than anybody."
Violation quickly forgotten, Eddie watched you run back and forth around his room; a satisfied feeling settled in his chest as you picked bits of clothing up to layer back on, fixed your hair, swept the fingers over the corners of your eyes to wipe the sleep from them as you got ready for your shift at the Hideout.
It was a feeling that he was quickly becoming addicted to.
How many weeks had you been dating now?
Not enough to satisfy his rapidly increasing dependence on you.
You even called him your boyfriend. God it still seemed like such a dream to him. One he never wanted to wake up from. But it was real. You had dates and you took naps together and talked on the phone; sure it was just easier to cross Forest Hills and sit on one of your porches to chat until it was past midnight and you were dozing off, but as the cold weather rolled in, the phone was the easier bet.
Racked up a bit of a phone bill but who was he to complain?
He always paid Wayne back.
It was worth it.
More often than not he started the call with the obligatory “what are you wearing” despite having most likely seen you earlier in the night. But you, not one to leave a man hanging, would always come up with a comical response: astronaut suit, Princess Leia’s bikini and a clown nose, pajamas made out of the hide of Big Bird himself.
It was ridiculous and nothing less than Eddie expected from his favorite tv character and the one true love of his life.
Thankfully, the two of you decided that sickeningly sweet was not your style. Not like some couples. There was no you hang up first or schmoopsie pet names. More often than not he just called you sweetheart; it rolled off the tongue. And you? Called him your idiot.
He'd worried with Paige once upon a time that he didn't know how to be someone's boyfriend. Turned out, he just had to find someone to be a friend first, then the rest just...fell into place.
And aside from some of the nerves he'd had when you first showed up in town, and the ever-present question of just how you came to be in Hawkins--
There was a knock on the door to his bedroom.
"'Right Ed, I'm heading off to work," Wayne said through the door.
"Wait up," you called out to him as you hopped to pull your boots on. "I'm about to leave too."
You stopped briefly to give Eddie a tender kiss, and he chased after you when you tried to pull away. His lips refused to part from yours, his hands found your waist to tug you closer, and his heart soared when you sighed and gave into him a little longer.
--Everything was perfect.
You gave him a dreamy smile when you pulled away, one that quickly turned into a feral grin.
"I'm gonna be late," you whispered conspiratorially. "And the old man is gonna question whether your innocence is still intact or not if we take any more time."
Eddie froze.
Well. Almost perfect.
You took the opportunity to stick your tongue out at him and reached up to honk the tip of his nose, before you bolted from the room to leave.
Once the door to the trailer slammed shut and Eddie was alone, he fell back onto the bed with his hands over his face; his head spun as he wondered how the fuck he'd gotten here. To this point. This moment in time.
Because somehow...some way...you thought he was still a virgin.
"Somehow," he grumbled to himself after a second. "You're the one who told her you were, you idiot!"
And he had.
It was a funny story; it always was with Eddie.
Except this was anything but funny.
It has been the third date and there was just…a natural progression of things on your sofa after a day out at StarCourt. Music was playing, hands were wandering; he’d gotten a bit excited and rocked his hips against you creating a delicious crescendo of moans from both of you.
Then for some reason, Eddie thought back to Port Geneva.
Besides a few sweet kisses you shared with douchebag Mark Fisher, you never engaged in any…physical show of affection. No one did, actually. There had never been anything heavier than hand holding and kissing—maybe the occasional make out—shown on screen. Which, in hindsight he should have rationalized as being obvious; it was a family show on television, after all.
Instead he’d opened his big mouth and asked “hang on, are you a virgin?”
Rather than answer, you got bashful all of a sudden; you turned the question back on him, stuttering all the while.
“Eddie…a-are you a-a virgin?”
What could he say looking into your big wide eyes and kiss-bruised lips, thinking you were nervous and wanting to fix his gaff—especially considering all the blood had rushed from his brain to his cock—but yes?
Next thing he knew you were cuddling him, coddling him, and telling him that you could proceed with whatever next step he wanted, whenever he was ready.
In that moment how could he admit that it was all a lie? That he was an idiot and a liar trying to make you feel better? That he was no bumbling, blushing virgin; he was only saying it because he thought you were.
He knew if he tried to backtrack, you’d either believe he was a jerk or that he tried to lie again to feel less embarrassed.
So he let it slide.
Whatever. Virginity was a bullshit concept anyway.
The truth would come out eventually. It just made everything a little more complicated in the mean time.
“As if everything isn’t complicated enough anyway,” Eddie huffed.
Speaking of complicated, between napping in your comfortable embrace, your kiss, and thinking of the events that led up to the unfortunate virginity confession, he was in a bit of a situation.
Stiff and aching in his jeans, he did what he always did: Eddie took care of himself.
He unbuckled his belt and quickly rid himself of the barriers of denim and flannel, then scrambled to find the bottle of lotion that he unceremoniously shoved into the drawer of the bedside table. Just like all of the other things he tried to hide whenever you came over.
Other things...including the poster of you that he'd cut out of the TV Guide.
There was a spark of desire in him—of need—at the sight of it. Of you.
"I shouldn't," he muttered as his fingers hovered at the edge of the drawer, ready to close it. He'd already found what he needed. Best just close the drawer and crank one out and be a happy camper til the next time the need arose.
"It's just...not right...right?" he tried to convince himself as you stared up at him from inside the drawer.
He weighed the pros and cons, tried to convince himself that it was a normal thing. How many other times had he jacked off to pictures in magazines, or crushes from school. Shit, he'd even done it to the fantasy of you.
But now you were real and his girlfriend. Wasn’t that some kind of moral dilemma?
On the other hand, he would just be using a picture of his girlfriend to get off. That was normal, right?
Except...well...it was you, but not you you. Rosemary Glass you. The real you just left for work. The you in real life and the you in the TV Guide were not the same. You were full of life and energy and affection and not an ultra posed picture on a page.
There was another beat of debate before Eddie made a decision.
"Fuck it," he groaned and grabbed the flimsy magazine page and then slammed the back of his hand against the drawer to shut it. If he spent any more time weighing the moral implications here, he'd lose out on the opportunity.
So, poster in one hand, lotion well-coating the other, Eddie immediately sought out his hard cock and groaned with the brief sense of relief.
"Yeah," he sighed. His tongue traced the seam of his lips and he locked eyes with yours in the poster. "That's it."
Internal debate forgotten, he lost himself to his imagination with every stroke and squeeze and twist.
You kissed on him and your hand replaced his. No, your mouth instead of your hand. His mouth on you? He knew what your mouth tasted like; what about the rest of you? It was a delicious fantasy to explore.
His eyes roamed over the dips and curves of your body; he focused on the way your legs looked in that skirt as he squeezed the base of his cock and moaned.
What he wouldn't give to rip that skirt off of you. No, wait. You deserved better than that. He would undress you carefully, show how much you meant to him, then skink into your warmth. How would you feel? Like Heaven, he was sure.
His hand moved faster now, his toes curled, as he imagined this scenario and that one. What if he fucked you in the backseat of your car? Or shit, what about if he bent you over it? Take a drive out to the quarry and have his way with you.
"Fuck, fuck," he groaned and stilled for a second, savoring the intense build of feelings, before he bucked up into his fist repeatedly. "Yeah sweetheart just like that."
He focused on that sly smile, that tilt of your head.
Would you smile up at him like that when he was buried deep inside you, finding all the ways he could make you whine and keen for him. Shit, finding all the ways he would whine for you, just like he was now. Would you ask him for more?
"I'll give it to you baby," he muttered and bit his lip as the wave of his pleasure began to crest. He closed his eyes again to savor it. Savor the fantasy of you there with him, rocking and riding the wave with him. He couldn't wait for the day. "All of it. Whatever you want. Whatever you need."
Would you let him cum inside? You'd beg for it. Beg for his cum.
"Yeah? You'd let me?" he asked breathlessly.
"Please, please," you'd whine.
"Uh-huh? Yeah?"
"Please." You'd scrunch your eyes tightly, pull him in as deep as he could go. "Put a baby inside of me Eddie."
Eddie's eyes shot open and he choked on air. He let go of the now-crumpled magazine and his throbbing cock with a shout.
Panic gripped him.
"W-what the fuck?" he panted, rapidly coming down from his high like a man plummeting to the earth with a parachute that simply wouldn't open. "What the fuck? Why?"
His mind raced.
How had he thought of that? Where did it come from? He wasn't...he didn't...he'd never fantasized about something like that before. With anyone. Ever. Not alone either. Shit, he'd even accidentally checked out a porno from Family Video once that had a pregnant...
"Blagh," he gagged at the memory and fully lost the edge of his erection. The need to come was now gone; in fact, he suddenly never wanted to come again. Not if it meant that he was going to think thoughts like that?
With intense clarity, he tried to retrace his metaphorical steps. Tried to remember what exactly got him to those thoughts, to that...well, he could hardly call it a fantasy now could he? Nightmare. But he simply couldn't fathom how it had cropped up.
"Fuck," he groaned and looked down at himself. At his softening cock slick with lotion, at the crumpled picture of you with the sparkling eyes and smile. And he was reminded of the moral dilemma that he'd encountered a short while ago.
"No," he shook his head. "Not her. Rosemary Glass. That's all it is. I just...fucked myself up fantasizing about Rosemary Glass and my mind punished me. Haha Eddie, jokes on you, got the girl of your dreams and you'd prefer a picture. That's it."
Yeah, that's all it was.
All it had to be.
Otherwise...what the fuck was wrong with him?
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What the fuck was wrong with Eddie Munson?
That seemed to be the question of the day, every day, for the rest of the week.
Well, that was what everyone seemed to ask Eddie; friends, teachers, bullies. To Eddie, though, it seemed like everything else was wrong.
It all started in O'Donnell's history class the following day after the, uh...fantasy incident.
He was excited to show up to class.
No, that wasn't why things were wrong. He'd been passing History, working hard ever since that first study date, excited to show up and succeed and actually graduate. And that day they were due to get a test back, one that he actually studied and prepared for.
So yes, he was excited.
Imagine his surprise when Mrs. O'Donnell placed the packet face-down on his desk and shook her head at him.
"I don't know what went wrong here Edward," she tutted. "You were making some real improvements. Such a disappointment."
Eddie frowned as she walked away, and he quickly flipped his packet over to the oh-so-familiar sea of red pen scribbles and a big fat F at the top of the page.
Not just an F. A zero.
"What the fuck?" he whispered.
He might not have been a star student but he’s never outright tanked a test before. Especially not one he’s studied for.
He went over every question again and every answer, wracked his brain for the responses he knew to be true—he had several B’s and C’s on quizzes to prove it—and then read the wrong answers on the test for all of them. Written in his obvious chicken scratch with doodles in the margins just like he remembered drawing when he took the test. So it's not like someone just wrote his name on their test.
O’Donnell took pity on him at the end of class and said he could sit for the test again during his study hall, especially since he’d been making some improvement. He’d practically kissed her.
Only for him to fail again.
He burned with self-hatred at first, and then simply turned his rage on O'Donnell, because he knew all of the answers. She must have just been a picky grader.
That was it, right? She just had it in for him.
But then other things just got worse.
Jason Carver might have been a tool bag and an antagonistic bully but he’d never been outright hostile before. Not like some of his predecessors.
Not like Tommy…Tommy H.
On an unrelated note, that bothered Eddie too. He couldn’t remember Tommy’s last name. Tommy who bullied him and his friends viciously. Tommy H…Tommy Hayes? Tommy Hagan? Both existed in his mind. And yeah normally he wouldn't give a shit but what the hell? First the History test and now Tommy H?
Regardless, Jason had been especially brutal lately.
Overly antagonistic, even calling Edde a freak in the middle of class. He and the rest of the basketball team had even begun their physical assault on him and his friends openly. The jocks pushed them into lockers, spit on them, and threw things. Gareth even got a black eye when they "ran into" the jocks after gym on Thursday.
Eddie knew he wasn't well-liked, but it burned him deep inside that no one spoke up, students and teachers alike. It was all out in the open, where everyone could see or report to the faculty. Even his friends kept their mouths shut and endured the abuse.
No one seemed to be bothered though; they kept to the status quo. And Eddie wasn’t gonna try his luck with Higgins on his own.
Friday morning, Eddie thought he had the answer; Chrissy Cunningham—Queen of Hawkins High and Jason’s girlfriend—spoke to him in homeroom. Not only spoke to him, but made moon eyes at him in every class they shared and in the hall between the classes that they didn't.
And it was getting annoying.
“Dude, Chrissy keeps looking over here,” Jeff whispered at lunch.
“I know!” Eddie slammed his hands on the table, startling the others. He took a calming breath and repeated himself, softer, to Jeff.
“What’s her deal? Does she wanna join Hellfire or something?”
“I dunno man, something strange is happening,” he shook his head and picked at his food. “I don’t know if she’s in some…argument with Jason and is trying to make him jealous. Or if she’s just bored and is enjoying his torment of the village idiots or something.”
“Maybe she wants to buy some weed,” Gareth piped up. “Slumber party with the rest of the cheer squad. She is the Captain. It’s her job to score.”
“Nah man,” Dave chortled. “I think it’s more likely that she’s trying to score in a different way. Get Eddie to fall in love with her or something and make a fool out of him.”
The guys all started laughing and making kissy noises, much to Eddie’s growing annoyance. Every puckering noise grated something deep within him. And it only pissed him offs more when the freshman started to get in on the fun, with Mike and Lucas singing about Eddie and Chrissy sitting in a tree—
“Shut up!” Eddie slammed his hands on the table and shouted, voice echoing across the cafeteria, practically silencing everyone at the intrusion.
His shoulders heaved as he glared over at the jock’s table, where a certain someone with a bouncing strawberry ponytail waved hello, even as she sat with her boyfriend’s arm comfortably around her. And said boyfriend was glaring knives at him; if looks could kill, Eddie would be done for.
His thoughts spiraled and his ears started to ring.
What the fuck was going on? Why was everyone trying to fuck with him now? Why was everything suddenly out of control in such a short period of time? Was this karma? He got one thing he desperately needed so everything else was going to shit?
Suddenly he had an out of body experience, or at least…that’s what it felt like. He watched it all happen, felt all the movements and the words fly out of his mouth but he wasn’t in control.
One moment he was sitting at the head of his table, hands tented in front of his face as he contemplated life, and the next he was standing. Standing on top of the table, actually, and while that wasn’t an unusual occurrence, it’s what he did up there that was.
“Hey Carver, you have a fucking problem with me?” He shouted, hands cupped around his mouth. “Why don’t you step into my office and file a complaint!”
His arms swept outwards of their own volition and he bowed over to gesture to the table and to his friends.
“Pretty sure my associates have a few choice words for you too.”
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck…
Jason was on his feet immediately, with Patrick and Andy quick to follow.
“What’s your damage freak?” He chuckled sardonically through gritted teeth. “Trying to have your own little David and Goliath moment? Prepare to get toppled.”
“Wait, do you think you’re David right now? You think you’re a hero?”Jeff scoffed and got to his feet, spurning the rest of Corroded Coffin to do the same, sending jeers and taunts across the room. The jocks did much of the same, name calling and shouting vicious threats.
“I’m gonna kick your ass Emerson!”
“Kick? How about kiss! Just like your mom likes to do!”
It kept going until Eddie took a few steps down the table, leant down, and scooped his fingers through Mike’s gloopy mashed potatoes, ready to fling a handful towards the enemies.
He was prepared for the worst as he witnessed it all from inside his own body, as he felt the gravy slip down his hand and into the sleeve of his jacket. An all out war, the need to protect his friends again—worse this time with the Freshman—the dread of listening to Gareth’s fingers breaking once more…it would all start once the first shot was fired.
If there was a God—or some fate writing this in the books of the universe who was just really bad at writing a fight sequence—now would be the time for them to make themselves known.
Eddie inhaled the air greedily as he regained control of himself, and he marveled at Higgins' sudden appearance: standing in the doorway to the cafeteria with Coach Palmer and Nancy Wheeler standing behind him.
He’d never been so happy to see them in his life.
“Munson,” Higgins shouted at him. “Get down from there!”
Jeff, knowing what was good for them all, pulled Eddie down from the table and he stumbled on legs made weak from the rapid loss of adrenaline. Lucas passed a handful of paper napkins for him to clean off his hands as Higgins and Coach crossed the cafeteria, Coach to take care of his little minions, and Higgins to take care of him.
Despite their tenuous truce, Higgins grabbed Eddie by the arm and tugged him towards the cafeteria doors.
“Detention,” he hissed in Eddie’s face.
“My fucking pleasure,” Eddie replied desperately, suddenly a devout believer in whatever deity he had evoked.
Man, this was getting to be a habit.
As he was escorted out of the cafeteria, Eddie vaguely heard Dustin over the din of classmate whispers.
“Guys, that was weird. What’s wrong with Eddie?”
“What do you mean?” Gareth answered blithely. “He’s always like that.”
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"I can't believe you got detention."
"I mean, Higgins could have expelled me. Or tried to get me to drop out again."
"I really fucking hate that guy," you muttered and reached out to grab a box from the shelf. "How about this one?"
"Seen it, fake blood is obviously fake."
"You're such a horror snob."
"Don't deny it," he whispered in your ear and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "That's your favorite thing about me."
You put the movie back on the shelf in a huff and then the two of you shuffled forward down the aisle.
Saturdays were made to be spent together; Saturday mornings specifically. Eddie would take as much time with you as he could, but Hawkins was Hawkins and there was only so much to do. So you designated Saturdays as mornings out before you went to work and Eddie made the rounds to whatever parties he could safely show his face at and make some quick cash.
You traded off on whoever made plans, and today he had pathetically suggested a movie, snacks, and cuddling on the couch, needing to find a respite in your arms after the abject chaos of his week.
He already felt worlds better, more like himself, because you listened and understood.
He ranted and cursed during the drive and you hung onto every word, only interjecting to offer gentle encouragement. You didn't pity him or blame him--well, you blamed him for almost starting a food fight and since he couldn't explain what overcame him in that moment, he accepted it--but you made sure he knew that you had been in his shoes and understood exactly how he felt.
His dependence on you made itself known when you got into the store. As much as you protested his arms latching around you immediately, he knew you secretly enjoyed the proximity and the sweetness that he lavished you with.
Hobbling down the aisles with him practically attached to you; whispered stories, jokes, and terms of endearment; and an occasional raspberry on your neck if and when you had differing opinions about a movie.
Eddie thought The Outsiders was a good movie. You preferred the book. Which was fine. You tried to tell him Rob Lowe was cute, though; that earned you some punishment.
"Oh come on, don't tell me you never had a crush on a celebrity," you snorted and squealed and tried to free yourself from his grasp. Which you did successfully as your words made him freeze. "Or like...a character from a tv show or something."
You didn't know how close to the truth you were.
He felt his world tilt on its axis as you kept browsing and spouting off names and laughing, and with each celebrity or character you named, the more he thought of Port Geneva with intense clarity.
He could hear the theme song, see the neon text of the closing card, and feel his heart skip a beat when you'd show up on screen and greet your friends "Hey guys!"
"Hey guys!" your same voice rang from the other side of the partition of tapes, same emphasis and volume and cheer as you would on tv, as you greeted Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington. "Are those new?"
"Mmhmm," Robin affirmed. "Technically they were supposed to go out yesterday for the weekend, but someone was too busy flirting with Melanie Hartford."
Steve's embarrassed trip-up over a response was overshadowed as you called out.
"Hey Eddie, come here, I think they're putting out some new movies."
Eddie took a breath to compose himself, carefully placed the mask of cool and adoring boyfriend back on, and then rounded the corner to join you.
"If it's Death Wish 3 on tape, it wasn't that goo--" Eddie trailed off as he stopped in his tracks.
He understood why Steve sounded so embarrassed.
Eddie mainly steered clear of Steve Harrington over the years; yeah he was a shithead and a bit of a bully, but especially since the Freshman insisted that Steve was a nice guy, he'd tried to put it all in the past. Best not think of King Steve and all of the opportunities and advantages that he'd gotten, no matter how good of a guy they claimed he was.
Knowing Harrington's reputation and then fall from grace over the past few months though, he wondered if Steve had ever had some unreciprocated crush before.
Because he was certainly acting like he had a crush in front of you.
A crush on you.
Eddie knew what it looked like when someone had a crush; shit, he'd felt that way plenty of times over the years. The shifting eyes, the nervous stuttering. He'd gotten pretty good at hiding it, being able to put on the cool guy front. But Steve was doing it all out in the open.
Steve watched as you and Robin passed tapes back and forth--watched you more than Robin, actually--threw a comment in every now and again. When he cracked a joke, his eyes slid directly to you, and when you laughed, he beamed brightly.
And Eddie didn't know what he was more grateful for: the fact that you seemed oblivious to it all, or that he was there to witness it and put an end to it.
He tamped down the fire that built up inside of him and closed the distance; he threw an arm over your shoulder with a cool greeting to Robin and Steve.
"I've never even heard of some of these movies, have you?" Robin asked with some bewilderment.
"I don't know, this one sounds familiar," you hummed thoughtfully.
"See that's what I told Rob," Steve interjected and Eddie grit his teeth.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Robin scoffed.
"Isn't this the girl from Legend?" You held up a video box to Eddie to show him. He couldn't be bothered to really notice the titles of the movies on display--Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Lost Boys, Lethal Weapon--and instead he chose to press a kiss to the side of your head and continue glaring at Steve.
You turned back to Robin.
"Do you guys have Legend? I saw it when it came out but it'd be nice to see it again."
"I can show you!" Steve jumped at the chance, but Robin rolled her eyes and pushed him away.
"I've got this dingus," she waved at the tapes on the counter. "If you could finish processing these like you should've done yesterday?"
Steve huffed as you and Robin walked away, but Eddie stayed behind. He leaned over the counter, elbows resting against the edge.
"How've things been Harrington?" he asked nonchalantly.
"Uhh," Steve shrugged but pointedly ignored Eddie's eyes. "Good, fine."
"Did I overhear Buckley right? Going on dates? You finally over Nancy Wheeler," Eddie's voice got progressively louder.
"What the--listen keep your voice down, Jesus," Steve laughed nervously, gaze shifting in the direction that you and Robin had disappeared. "A guy's gotta move on. Can't be lovesick over Nance forever."
Eddie plastered a fake smile on his face and laughed heartily.
"Yeah? Gotta find someone else to obsess over?" The smile dropped almost immediately and he became dead-eyed. "Stop making goo-goo eyes at my girlfriend."
"Hey, Munson, I'm sorry--" Steve held his hands out innocently. "She just came in one day and I thought she was cute; I didn't know that you were--"
"I'm sorry," Eddie mimicked Steve, standing stiff and straight with shaking hands. "I didn't know the freak could have a girlfriend."
He reached across the counter and grabbed Steve by the vest and pulled him forward, close enough so he could get in his face.
"Don't look at her again, don't talk to her again," he hissed. "You can have literally any other girl in Hawkins, King Steve. So you better get over your crush fast."
Yeah, it was harsh, and in hindsight he should have been a little nicer about it. But after everything had compounded on him all week, it was nice to just be a raging asshole like everyone expected him to be.
Unfortunately, you had never experienced Eddie The Villain Munson.
"Eddie, what the hell!" you exclaimed as you appeared in his peripheral vision.
Until right that second.
"Let him go, what are you doing?" you rushed forward and slapped at his hands to get him to release Steve. He did, but continued to glare as he backed away and took several calming breaths.
"Hey, in all honesty," Robin laughed nervously as she returned to the counter. "Dudley Do-Right here probably said something dumb and deserved it."
"What's going on?" you ignored her and whispered to Eddie. "I thought we were just gonna have a relaxing day. You were fine two seconds ago. What's wrong?"
"It's nothing," he deflected. "Don't worry about it."
"We can just go home and hang out like you wanted; you said Wayne has some Bonanza reruns on tape. We can laugh at Hoss and Little Joe and--"
His eyes went wide; the Bonanza tapes were by the TV, mixed up with the Port Geneva tapes.
"No!" he shouted aggressively...defensively; it startled you. "No Bonanza!"
Then your whole demeanor changed.
You crossed your arms in front of you and your eyes went cold and distant; you frowned, deep enough to create lines on your forehead and around your mouth. You suddenly looked a lot older than you were, aged by disappointment and...guilt maybe? He didn't know. He'd never seen you like that before, and he suddenly felt bad.
"Let's uhh...let's just go," you offered quickly, then apologized to Steve and Robin for taking their time.
"Hey wait, I'm sorry," he tried to apologize. "We can still get a movie and hang out. I just...I don't know...I fucked up. I'm sorry."
"No, I...I forgot Bev said she might need some extra help today. Making some changes, I don't know. I need to go in. It's my fault. I'm sorry."
"Sweetheart wait!" he called out as you walked out of the store and towards your car. He looked back at Robin and Steve, who pointedly avoided looking at him, and then huffed a sigh and followed you.
The ride back to Forest Hills was tense and silent.
Eddie knew he fucked up, knew he hurt you, but didn't know what to say or how to fix it.
"What the fuck is wrong with Eddie Munson?"
That was the question of the week, and now even Eddie was asking it of himself. Especially since he couldn't even control himself.
"I'm sorry," he whispered to you when you parked in front of his place. "I don't know...I'm just sorry."
"It's ok," you shook your head. "Seriously Eddie, don't worry about it. You just had a bad week. I need to go to work. We'll hang out another time."
"I'll call you tonight," he promised. "After work."
"Sure," you offered a tight-lipped smile. "Just rest today ok? And feel better."
"Everything's gonna be ok."
"I know."
He leaned over and gave you a kiss and there was something about the way that you kissed him...that made his heart ache, and he didn't know why.
Eddie watched as you drove away, off to the Hideout to help Bev, or whatever else you could do if it ended up being a lie so you could just get away from him.
He'd fix it; he had to. He just got his wish, got you; he couldn't lose you. It would be the last straw.
He climbed up the porch steps, lost in his own thoughts, but when he opened the door--
"What the fuck?"
--all of his worries were forgotten, because the trailer was trashed.
Wayne was blissfully asleep on the fold-out bed, but there were piles of laundry on the couch, dirty dishes piled in the sink in the kitchen. Empty, crushed beer and soda cans littered the floor; honestly, there was just trash everywhere.
Eddie had only left an hour or two ago, and the trailer...well it might have had some clutter but at least it was tidy. It looked like an atomic bomb of trash had exploded in here.
If he had just been wondering what was wrong with him, he was suddenly wondering what was wrong with the universe again.
"What the fuck?"
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The rest of the weekend had been spent cleaning.
Not tidying, literally cleaning.
He'd tried to ask Wayne about it all--maybe some weird trash bandit had come or kids trying to pull a prank, it wasn't like they really locked their doors--but what was even more suspicious was that Wayne didn't blink an eye at the mess.
"I work, you have school," he shook his head and tried to go back to sleep. "Chores pile up kid. That's the way it's always been. We'll get ahead of it again eventually."
And that just made Eddie feel bad; had it actually been this bad all along and he never realized it? Had Wayne done all this cleaning and housework on his own and now the weariness and the years just started to catch up? It must've only gotten worse now that Eddie lived with him.
So Eddie kept his head down and his mouth shut and tried to make it all better.
He cleaned and cleaned, and it seemed that no matter how much he cleaned, everything only got worse. The laundry on the sofa had been put away--more laundry than Eddie or Wayne really even had clothes to be honest. The fridge was somehow both empty--even though he'd just remembered to do a little grocery shopping...or had that been the other day--and full of rotten food at the same time. There was plenty of beer though. The dishes were all cleaned and spotless, only for him to come home from school on Monday afternoon to find them all to be right back again. Has they even used real dishes? Not that he could recall.
He complained to you on the phone late Saturday night--
"I don't know how it happened. It's like suddenly out of the blue it all just...appeared."
"Wayne didn't hold a secret party while we were out?" you asked, although your voice seemed stiff...distant.
"He just rolled right over and went back to sleep."
--but aside from some sympathy, you didn't seem to think anything was weird.
Hell, even his friends didn't seem suspicious.
"The trailer is always dirty," Gareth scoffed at practice on Monday night. "Like...no offense man, it's a trailer park, what do you expect."
It took everything in Eddie not to knock his buddy out right then and there; how many times had he told them how awful and stereotypical that kind of idea was. How hurtful people were when they found out he'd moved in with Wayne. Only for Gare to come back and spit it back at him again?
Instead he put that hateful energy into coming up with some kind of way to make you...forgive him...or love him again or something. He'd floated the idea of a ballad or some kind of love song to the guys at practice, ready to wow you on Tuesday night at the Hideout.
They hemmed and hawed but after he promised they'd all roll with advantage during the following Friday's session, they agreed and even suggested songs to get him back in your good graces.
Now it was Tuesday night. Time had passed by in a flash and he was standing at the door to the Hideout, ready to knock your socks off.
The guys were inside already, setting up, but he'd needed a moment to think of what to say to you.
He paced in the gravel, thought about his apology, thought about the song that he'd picked. The last song of the set, one he'd dedicate to you.
It would be perfect.
He mustered up the courage and walked inside, only to be hit by shock once again.
How many times could someone utter the words "what the fuck" in one week? Eddie had to be going for a world record.
When Eddie had suggested the Hideout when you mentioned looking for jobs, he'd warned you that Bev was a curmudgeon but the nicest curmudgeon you'd meet, and that the bar itself was, affectionately, a shithole. A house turned into a bar on the side of the highway, with a bunch of plywood in the corner that doubled as a stage, a makeshift bartop that was probably older than his uncle, and chipped glasses.
Now, it was almost...nice?
With an actual small, raised stage and a few spotlights hanging from the ceiling, neon signs boasting brands like Old Style and Coors--something Bev had always said was just the glitter and not the gold--and a sleek black bar with a marble top and comfortable-looking barstools. And it all had Eddie wondering if he'd stepped into the Twilight Zone.
That was it right? That had to be it. He'd stepped into the Twilight Zone the minute you'd showed up outside of his trailer and he hadn't returned to the real world since.
"Hey, there you are," you approached him from behind the bar with a tense smile. "The guys were wondering when you'd come in. I got them all cherry cokes to shut them up."
"You didn't have to buy them drinks," Eddie shook his head. "They don't deserve it."
"On the house," you reassured him.
"I'm sorry," he choked on air. "On the...on the house? On the house meaning...Bev's treating? Bev who must've secretly won the lottery or something? Look at all of this." He gestured around the bar and then lifted his feet. "The floors aren't even sticky."
"I told you that she was making changes," you shrugged, but refused to meet his eyes.
"Changes, not...a full renovation, wow." He looked around in awe, then squinted when he saw something on one of the tables. "She even sprung for printed napkins too."
"Yeah," you laughed nervously. "Guess she did. It's as much of a shock to me as it is to you. You, uh, better get the guys before they cause too much trouble."
"Yeah I should," he nodded slowly, but grabbed your wrist when you tried to walk away. "I know I've said it a million times sweetheart but I'm sorry I scared you."
"You didn't Ed, I promise," you tried to smile but it didn't quite reach your eyes.
"Can we talk maybe? After the set? Like really talk? I'll even wipe the tables off for you." You hesitated but nodded, and he gave you the briefest peck on the cheek before running down the back hallway to the little smokers exit to find the guys.
Only to find them in a legitimate green room in what he was sure used to be the storage room where Bev kept the kegs. His friends were all laid out along leather couches that sat along the perimeter of the room, sipping their cherry cokes and chatting. There was a coffee table right in the center laden with snacks and magazines.
"Man," he commented with a whistle, alerting the guys to his presence. "Can you guys believe this?"
"I know," Jeff giggled maniacally and then reached out to grab a bag of peanut M&M's. "Brand name snacks, and not the generic kind we usually get."
"Makes me feel like we're about to hit it big," Dave agreed.
Eddie tripped over his words for a second, not entirely sure that they were as astounded by the Hideout's transformation as he was, but he shook off the bewilderment to tell them it was time to go perform.
They raced back down the hall to the stage, and although the bar had just been empty when he walked in--save for you and some of the regulars slumped in their seats--there was definitely a crowd. Or the beginnings of one. A couple canoodling at a table, a few college-aged people ordering beers, and a group for a bachelorette party or something at the large booth that had been installed in the corner by the door.
"Wow," Eddie breathed out, nerves suddenly overtaking him. They'd never played a crowd like this before. "Hope they like metal."
And they did. They were head banging and once they were familiar enough with the lyrics a few people were singing along.
It was invigorating. Refreshing. Aside from the handful of people who'd been involved in the whole...record label fiasco, he'd really never experienced this many people who were excited for his sound. Their sound.
He wasn't gonna betray his friends, his band, like that again.
There were a few songs that Jeff and Gareth suggested that weren't originally on their setlist, and they really weren't metal technically, but they all knew the songs and the crowd was excited for them, so he couldn't complain.
Towards the end of the set, he felt his stomach churn with nerves again. Worse now, because it was time.
"Uh," he stepped up to the microphone, a little too close as it squeaked with feedback. "Hey guys, thanks for uh...thanks for coming out. Make sure you...tip your bartender...and her lovely assistant." He gestured over to you and a grumpy-looking Bev at the bar.
The audience clapped, even the handful of drunk regulars.
"Now uh, speaking of the lovely assistant, I...um..." he cleared his throat and looked down at his guitar. "I might have messed some stuff up with her the other day, and I know she's still a little mad at me. So sweetheart, without further ado, this one's for you. Corroded Coffin's rendition of..."
He paused. Froze.
The words were right on the tip of his tongue: All Through The Night.
They'd practiced it for hours, really making the cover theirs. They added all sorts of guitar riffs and a sick solo that ended with him sending a kiss across the bar to you. It was supposed to be perfect.
He cleared his throat and tried again.
"Corroded Coffin's All..." He shook, struggled to get the words out. "All...All My Only Dreams. Enjoy."
What the fuck? What the fuck?
He felt that out of body experience again, just like he had in the cafeteria, as his fingers plucked at the strings of his guitar and Gareth and Dave set a slow beat.
It felt like some bad knockoff song from the 60's. Maybe something he heard on one of his mom's records. But he couldn't place it.
What was this song? How did the guys know it? Why had he said that? What was All My Only Dreams?
It was certainly not metal. Certainly not music.
"Every night I pray, I'll have you here someday," he felt himself sing. "I'll count the stars tonight, and hope with all my might..."
He stared at you across the bar as the song continued, out of his control; the couple stood from their table and began swaying back and forth and you stood there behind the bar, wide-eyed with a hand covering your mouth. In shock or disbelief or pain he couldn't quite tell.
"Every waking hour it seems, I only have you in my dreams."
All he knew was, this song kept going and going and he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to. Couldn't stop himself from playing or singing, couldn't stop Jeff from harmonizing with him on certain verses.
Until the song was over.
"If I could have just one request, stay with me girl I'll confess, all my only dreams."
He strummed the last few notes, and as soon as the audience started clapping, he felt whatever puppet strings get cut, felt himself in control again.
Eddie panicked. He didn't even wait for the applause to be over, didn't thank the crowd like he usually would. He just swung the guitar over his shoulder and jumped off the stage with the guys hot on his heels.
"What's going on?" Gareth hollered after him.
"Yeah Ed, where are you going?" Jeff caught up to him and tried to put a hand out to stop him, but Eddie just shrugged him away.
"That was our best performance ever," Dave insisted. "And applause on an original song to boot."
Eddie froze as he reached the green room, and then turned on his friends, hackles raised.
"Original song." He parroted. "Original song? That wasn't an original song!"
"Yeah it was," Jeff nodded. "All My Only Dreams. You made us practice it all night last night so it was perfect."
"We practiced All Through the Night," he laughed dryly. "Are you high right now Jeff? Fuck, am I high right now?"
"Are you?" Gareth exclaimed. "Because I didn't just learn that song so you could make it up to your girlfriend just so you could act crazy like this man."
Jeff walked over to the pile of their stuff in the corner of the room, and fished a folded piece of paper out of the pocket of his backpack.
"Here I'll prove it to you," he grumbled and unfolded it. "All My Only Dreams. By Eddie Munson."
He shoved the paper into Eddie's hands and Eddie stared at it in disbelief. His handwriting, again, with words that he didn't remember writing. A little heart in the corner with your name scribbled inside of it, just like he did in his school notebook sometimes.
"What the fuck..." he muttered to himself, and then looked up at his friends, suddenly lightheaded and sick.
He felt angry, he felt like crying, he felt like...like everything in the world was turning upside down on him and it was some kind of cruel joke that everyone was in on but him.
He opened his mouth to start yelling, when your head appeared behind the guys.
"Hey, 'scuse me guys," you announced your presence and Dave, Jeff, and Gareth all parted so Eddie had a full view of you.
You looked just as sick as he felt. Your face was crumpled in a terrible pensive frown, hands wrung together in front of you.
"Can you give me and Eddie a few minutes alone? While you all break down your stuff?" you asked softly, and Eddie felt his heart drop into his stomach as the others left.
You closed the door to the green room behind you and then took a few deep breaths.
This was it.
You were gonna break up with him.
The universe was cruel to let Eddie have you, only to play these games and lose you in such a short amount of time.
He was so caught up in the panic of possibly losing you that he didn't notice you talking until you were right in front of him. Your hands cradled his face and you stared into his eyes, your own full of worry.
"Eddie, Eddie are you ok?" you asked, voice edged with panic.
"Yeah," he cleared his throat. "Yeah, sorry...I was..."
"It's ok, don't worry," you reassured him. "It's...fuck...it's ok."
"Did you like the song?" he questioned, dumbly.
You let out a snort of laughter and then squished his face between your hands for a second.
"We need to talk," you whispered. "It's gonna be a lot. And it's not gonna be easy to hear, and I know you're gonna have a lot of questions, and I don't...I...fuck Ed...I'm so sorry."
"Are you breaking up with me?"
"I..." You looked lost for a second. "Eddie, I don't know how to answer that question. No...not really."
"Not really isn't no."
"Alright smartass," you scoffed. "No, I'm not breaking up with you. But that doesn't mean...doesn't mean that this thing we've got going on now isn't over. It's...what I'm gonna tell you right now is gonna change everything."
You helped him to sit down on one of the leather couches and then you paced back and forth, nervously chewing your thumbnail and looking for a way to start.
"This..." you began tentatively. "This isn't...real."
"So I am dreaming," he looked around for a moment. "Makes sense."
"No...you're not dreaming. It's just...well, ok, Ed. It's gonna be really hard to understand. But I'm gonna need you to tap into that big imagination of yours. Ok? Because God damn, if there was anyone I could get to understand, it's honestly you. Making up all sorts of stories and fantasies for Dungeons and Dragons.
“I’m sure you’ve started noticing things happening? Weird things, uncanny things, impossible things. And it’s making you go a little cross-eyed, a little crazy, makes you feel like you’re losing your mind because the only person who notices the changes…well it’s you. But it isn’t only you.
"This..." you waved around. "It's all real. It's a real world and we live in it. I'm real, you're real. I can touch you, kiss you. But it isn't. Not really."
He suddenly felt like you were talking down to him, and felt that irrational anger start to build again. You’d made sense up to a point. This was real, but it wasn't real, but it was real enough so he could kiss you? But somehow not real enough because you were bringing up stories he created for DnD, like it was all part of his imagination. But somehow he was also crazy?
"What the fuck is going on?" he demanded.
"Eddie," you took a breath and closed your eyes for a second. "This right now? Everything you see? This room, that song, me, and you?"
"We're all fictional. We're all...in a fan fiction."
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Next Chapter: Lore Dump
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444takeomi · 9 months
: ̗̀➛ summary: 1st gen bd taking care of their sick s/o
character(s): shinichiro sano, wakasa imaushi, takeomi akashi, keizo arashi
warnings: none
wc: 0.5k
a/n: i'm sick right now and i wish i had someone to take care of me, so i decided to write this instead💀 also i’m trying out a slightly different format for shorter posts like this one, not sure how i feel about it yet
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: ̗̀➛ shinichiro
shin will literally drop everything to take care of you if he finds out you're sick. it doesn't matter if he's busy at work, he’ll close the bike shop without a second thought — you're always his number one priority, especially when you're not feeling well. he feels terrible when he comes home to find you all wrapped up in blankets, your voice scratchy as you weakly ask him if he can make you something to eat. he tries to make you homemade miso soup but he’s literally hopeless at cooking, so he ends up just making instant ramen instead. shin will cuddle with you and watch your favourite movies and tv shows, not worried about the fact he could get sick himself — he's willing to risk it if it means you start feeling better.
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: ̗̀➛ wakasa
waka is already a clingy boyfriend, but when you're sick he’s extra affectionate with you because he knows you're not feeling well. he makes you something simple to eat like okayu (rice porridge) because it's easy on the stomach, but also because he’s not that great at cooking either. if you're feeling up to it he’ll run you a warm bath and will offer to help you wash your hair. he gets all pouty if you refuse to kiss him in fear of him getting sick, insisting that he’ll be fine and that one kiss won't hurt — however he ends up regretting his choices the following week, whining to you that he doesn't feel good. you have to spend the next few days taking care of him, and good luck because waka is so dramatic when he's sick.
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: ̗̀➛ takeomi
omi was always responsible for taking care of his younger siblings when they got sick, and so he doesn't mind doing the same for you. he might complain about it a little, acting like your sickness is somehow an inconvenience to him, but underneath all that he's actually really worried about you and wants to do whatever he can to help you get better. he hates cooking with a passion, but he will go to the store for you instead and get you whatever you want to eat, as well as some tissues and medicine. omi will roll his eyes whenever you ask him to cuddle with you, but he always gives in because he secretly likes how needy you get when you're sick — he won't admit it out loud but he thinks it's adorable.
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: ̗̀➛ keizo
benkei is so attentive when you're sick, you won't have to lift a finger. he has no problem with taking time off at the gym so that he can take care of you. unlike the others, he's a great cook and will happily make you homemade chicken noodle soup — he insists on feeding it to you even if you're perfectly capable of eating by yourself. he keeps on top of your medicine and checks your temperature throughout the day, just to make sure that your fever isn't getting too high. he also encourages you to drink herbal teas like ginger or peppermint, because they can help you feel less congested and reduce nausea. benkei wants to do everything he can to make sure that you're feeling better as soon as possible.
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please do not translate, repost, or share my writing on any other platforms eg. tiktok
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restinslices · 2 months
Can you write the Lin Kuei boy’s reaction to a surprise spa day by their spouse? Like it’s a rare day off and their partner’s surprised them with a nice day of rest and relaxation?
I’m on meds again and it has me exhausted so this might be short and some may have longer parts than others. I didn’t check. I’m finna go to sleep again
I wouldn't be surprised if he initially turned it down 
He expects things to pop off and for him to be needed so a spa day seems like it'll prevent him from being ready if he's called upon 
You don't take no for an answer tho
Grumpy the entire time but doesn't hate it 
He just doesn't wanna admit he was wrong and a spa day wasn't torture 
I think he'd enjoy things that don't take awhile or something that allows him to still move around 
Like, you know when someone is being waxed and they gotta lay there? I don't think that’d he something he'd enjoy 
Something like a facemask tho (put it on quickly then he can do whatever else while it dries) he'd enjoy more 
Some people get their nails done, and I don't think he's like “absolutely not!” but I don't see him wanting a color. He's a clear gel type of guy 
Now I will go back and contradict what I said earlier and say he'd enjoy a jet bath 
Has a shorter spa day than the others. At some point he's just like “yeah I'm over it”
“That wasn't so bad, now was it?” “It wasn't terrible”
Just say you appreciate it 
Kuai Liang
A spa day? Sure!
I feel like saying he'd enjoy the hot things (sauna, hot bath, them hot ass rocks) is stereotypical because the whole fire thing but imma say it anyway 
Probably enjoys activities that you can do as a team 
Like sitting in a sauna. You're together and you can chat 
Or bathing together 
Appreciates a bit of relaxation because his life? Stressful as fuck 
Especially if this is after Bi-Han's betrayal 
Definitely open to having another spa day. Whether it's a surprise or not 
I see all of them as clear gel guys tbh 
Also enjoys a jet bath, but honestly who dislikes a good bath?
Dislikes the whole face rubbing shit 
Why do I think this? I'm just tryna make them different. I think it's essential to be truthful in our relationship-
Yeah the spa day is for him but he checks in to make sure you're having a good time too
Makes sure to repay the favor. This could mean taking you out to eat after, taking you out another day soon, paying for the next spa day, getting you a gift, ect. Whatever you want. 
“How was it?” “It was great! Thank you”
Him turning down a spa day? Absolutely not. Do you remember when his last day of peace was? He doesn't 
Ignore that this is literally the era of peace-
Enjoys the little vacation and makes sure you know he's appreciative of you thinking of him 
You both wanna cater to the other and do what they wanna do first so you have to compromise and take turns 
You do what Tomas is interested in, then what you're interested in and then it keeps going like that 
Enjoys the steam room because smoke pun obviously 
I don't think he necessarily needs to chat the whole time, but he likes you still being near 
You MIGHT get him to agreeing to a little waxing 
Y'all know how men are. They're all big and strong but squeal when waxing is involved 
Milks the entire day for what it's worth. A jacuzzi? He's in there. Steam room? Yes. Massages? Absolutely. 
There's nothing he misses. You paid for it so he might as well do everything while he can 
Definitely wants to do it again 
“So I'm assuming you enjoyed it?” “You really need me to answer?”
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ifyoucandaniel · 25 days
once again nobody asked, but here is a comprehensive list of my favorite shorter Batman fics. my other list was mostly fics 50k and up, so this will be under 50k and oneshots :) i feel like most people have probably read a majority of these but! i love them all so much so here they are
In Love With Justice and Battling in the Wings by Jedi_olympian, 9k, 10k, T. literally who would i be if i didn't include my day one, my bbg: the justice league recruits nightwing and meets the batfam <3
Two Against the World by carolinaa, 36k, T, completed. i reread this all the time :') this is a "tim joins the batfam a little differently" fic as well as a "tim gets an emotional support dog and dick grayson won't leave the lonely kid next door alone" fic <3
Museum Mishap by prettymisskitty, 38k, T, completed. I love smart little stalker tim joining the fam in fun ways! jason and tim get kidnapped after jason tries to figure out if this scrawny jumpy kid knows batman and robins secret identities. shenanigans ensue
Jason Todd's terrible, horrible, no-good very bad week by slenderboo, 18k, T, completed. this is another one im sure everyone has read but!! it's my bbg!! hurt jason with some big brother nightwing and concerned little brothers AND its a batfam meets the justice league fic? say less.
Say Uncle by megaerakles, 46k, T, complete. this is so fun and i actually laughed so hard at jason having legal custody of tim at 19 by accident. "teen dad(?)" this is basically tim's fake uncle AU but he hires jason to be his uncle until he can figure out how to get him to go home to the bats <3
Doc Harley by starknjarvis, 15k, G, completed. this!! i love harley being friends with the bats sooo much and her slowly therapy-ing them all is so very good and perfect. harley and dick deserve to be best friends
Dangerous and Noble Things by Destiny919, 45k, T, completed. this one reminds me of hand in unloveable hand by britishparty, and in this one tim is abducted by ra's and then years later the batfam finds out and they bring him home :) cass and tim are a package deal, do not separate!! so good and i love robin jason so very much
Savior(s) of the broken by epistemology, 13k, T. this is just some good ol' jason and dick becoming brothers again and jason slowly getting to know his siblings again <3 the end maybe made me cry just a little... right in the brother feels
Living Dead Boy by terranpheum, 22k, T, completed. im actually rereading this right now! this is where tim is there when jason digs his way out of his grave and takes him home to rehabilitate him by making him play scrabble and eat with him :) so cute and very good
Even if I'm Erased by Darkness, I Will Definitely Save You by Kirazalea, 7k, T. okay so i LOVE battison fics especially ones that include dick and this one is from selina's pov so this is my bread and butter. if anyone has more battison fics send them to me i feel like ive been through the whole tag.....
of crime lords and literature by adelfie, 23k, T, completed. everyone loves some jason begrudgingly becoming protective of tim and the two of them bonding over hamlet. whats not to like :p
Juneberries by michaberry, 68k, M, completed. tim gets kidnapped and psychologically tortured while damian wrestles with his own demons and tries to bring his brother home :’) tim and damian learning how to be brothers and realizing they would do anything for their family is just <33
Robin is Magic by flames_dance, 15k, T, completed. the way my heart actually dropped to my ass when jason found out who tim was, you had to be there... very good jason and tim bonding with a side of trauma from titans tower <3
Around Red Hood's Barn by Tori1116, 24k, T, completed. jayroy where roy doesn't realize his crush red hood and his hooligan neighbor jay are one and the same and keeps ranting to his buddy hood about how annoying his neighbor is. single dad roy x jason wanting his brothers to leave him alone and stop causing misunderstandings <3
the butlers neighbor by deargalileo, 16k, G, completed. okay i almost never see fics from alfreds pov and this is even better because its alfred adopting tim into the family while bruce and jason are just in the background accepting they have another kid. 10/10 very cute bonding between alfred and tim
lashed with riot-red and black by lux_et_astra, 16k, T. yet another tim and jason becoming brothers fic <3 they start writing notes through their windows and become friends :) i think i’ve read every fic under the tim drake joins the batfam early tag
Panic Room by envysparkler, 15k, T, completed. jason being locked in a room with his trigger while actively trying not to kill him and then getting locked in a room with TWO of his triggers is insane lmao. i love damian in this actually :’) that boy needs so much love
also i realized again that these are mostly tim & jason centric so i’m very sorry damian, dick, duke, cass, babs, and steph, i do have fics for them i promise i just have so many tim and jason ones…. pls send recs for other batfam member focused fics!! <3 i feel like that tiktok that’s like I GOT LOVE FOR YOU TOO KEVIN but for the entire batfam because i just have 900 jason and tim centric fics 😭
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uravitypng · 9 months
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pairing: denki kaminari x reader, (hanta sero x reader)
word count: 4.5k
content warnings/things in part three: everyone is oblivious to everyone's feelings, jealous/needy denki, shopping at the beginning but i'm not specific on describing exactly what been brought just that it's slightly shorter than what the reader would typically buy, reader's social battery drains quickly, reader has some resentment towards jirou and only ever calls them jirou sfdhhsvjg, written with a chubby reader in mind (smut in later chapters/+18)
a/n: i hope you all enjoy part three, this is the longest part so far and i'm not really sure if i like all of it but i think i do! i'm so excited for the this series to carry on. let me all know what you think about this chapter!
i talk too much summery: it's terrible when you're in love with your best friend. it's terrible that he's in love with someone else.
<< previous | next >> | masterlist / polls for this chapter: 1st & 2nd
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In a weeks time is the charity gala event that's held every year for heroes and if someone doesn't go it certainly looks bad on them. If they're not on patrol or wrapped up in hero work they should be there, especially if they're big names or retired big names. You may not be the number one hero but you're noticeable and you're a big enough name to make it a problem if you didn't turn up which is not the best for you. Every year is the same, spending hours picking and trying on outfits only to wear once, a smile plastered on your face all night that makes your cheeks hurt when you get home, heels so high you feel as tall as Mt Lady and this year is the same problem.
Denki already has a car hired to take you both to the event in case either of you want to drink and because he knows you walking so far in heels would likely be a disaster.
You've been fretting for days now about the gala, you still haven't brought a dress for the night and shopping for clothes really does not bode well for your self esteem. You prefer buying clothes online so you don't have to go to stores and try clothes on but sizes on websites can sometimes be wrong and they look different than advertised.
You know you shouldn't compare yourself to your friends and your colleagues but you can't help stop yourself, they spend so much money and time getting ready in comparison to you it makes you stand out when you think you don't look as good as them or you don't spend hours doing your hair. You care about your appearance at these events but they make your esteem plummet, you always think your friends look better than you, dress better than you and look more desirable than you.
Now you don't want to people to get the wrong idea, you don't really care about desirability, actually you care very little about it but it might make Denki do a double take for once, maybe he might even do a double take and make a flirtatious comment. That's the kind of desirability you want. You don't wish to become on a list of the hottest bachelorette pro heroes, if anything you want to only be considered 'hot' to a few people but to the rest of the world you want to be called something different, something other than desirable. You want to be called a pro hero who's amazing at her job, especially in away missions, a pro hero that if you hear a commotion and see a crime taking place down the road you spring right into action even if you're not on duty. Just referring to you as desirable would be a disservice.
But for some reason, with this gala, you agreed to let Mina help find you a dress and you're already regretting it as she calls you after she's finished work asking if you're ready to go shopping. You had no idea she wanted to go today and you were so close to cancelling. You couldn't help it, it's like being thrown into the deep end but not only can you not swim but you're also allergic to the water. Having no time to prepare to get in the right mindset to go shopping definitely put you on edge but you agree all the same knowing that you've got to get it over and done with and Mina might not accept the decision of you cancelling and drag you out anyway.
"Hey! Ready to go shopping?" Mina calls as she see's you.
"Not particularly."
She laughs at your reply, "that's my girl. Lets go! I have a couple styles in mind."
Mina's already brought what she's going to wear, she brought it months ago but when you asked for help she dropped every plan that she could possibly cancel to help you. You've never asked her or anyone else, for that matter, to help you shop for clothes before so she couldn't help but be excited at the prospect of helping you choose something amazing.
She has a plan in mind, something you're comfortable in, she loves you and she wants you to feel comfortable but she also wants you to feel confident. Luckily Mina still gives you some control of the situation, letting you decide the store. There's only a few shops around that cater to your size so you visit the one you like most.
Two hours later you're still in the dressing room, surrounded by expensive clothes that are mostly in black, because 'everyone looks good in black', as Mina keeps passing you new ones to try. You reluctantly stay until you find one. You like it, in fact you love it but if you said that out loud you might change your mind about it. It's slightly more fitted than the ones you typically go for and it shows slightly more skin. It's out of your comfort zone for sure and something you'd definitely not pick to wear without Mina but you're glad she came along.
Tonight's the night of the gala and Denki's waiting in the living room for you and he's so very close to knocking on your door to see if you're nearly ready but he knows that would not be a good idea, you'd be sour all night and would stay away from him so he waits as patiently as he can.
When you come out the room he's so very glad he didn't rush you. The dress you're wearing is different to what he's used to and what he expected you to wear. Seeing Denki's reaction but not recognising his look on his face you assume the worse and pull your dress down as low as you can. After seeing this Denki rushes out to reassure you, "you look lovely 'doll. You ready to go?" It's rare that Denki compliments specifically your appearance or outfits. Fiddling with your fingers and shifting from side to side you answer, "Thank you, Denks. You look lovely too. I'm ready, are you?"
Denki really does look nice. He's wearing a black notch lapel suit meaning the suit has a triangular shape V because of the sewing of the lapels into the collar of the jacket. He's not wearing a tie but he's wearing cufflinks, if you look close enough you can see that they're the ones you brought him when you all left UA, they're silver circles with a yellow lightning bolt on them.
He holds out his arm for you to take and with a cheeky smile on his face asks, "ready mademoiselle?"
Accepting his arm, "ready monsieur."
Arriving at the gala gives you other reasons why you dreaded it. This year there are more camera's outside than normal and you wonder why. It makes you anxious, you're use to the camera's you just don't like them. Denki places his hand on the small of your back and falls in step beside you, in doing so calming you down and giving you security. You dreaded the noise and how busy it was. You started scouting the hall, looking out for any of your friends, maybe even catch up with your old classmates.
"I found people, let's go." Still holding onto the small of your back he guides you through the crowd. You were already on edge with the surroundings and all those cameras but then your mood drops as you spotted where he was taking you both, right to Jirou. There was more than just Jirou there, but you knew that's why he's going over, not because Hanta's and Ejirou's over there, both of you see them all the time, and it's not because Yaomomo or Katsuki and Ochaco are over there either, it's for Jirou. He complimented you at the beginning of the night and your stomach fluttered with butterflies but now you'll have to watch him flirt all night with someone else, someone who neither of you have seen in so long so it's awful to think about how much he'll be talking to her and about her in the following weeks.
"Heyo," Hanta calls when he see's you, making you grin wide as he holds his hand up for you to high five.
You perk up at his anticts at high five him back, "Heyo."
There's a collection of greetings from everyone. Momo complimenting your dress and you saying back that Mina helped you, Uraraka saying she missed you as you hug her.
Bakugou saying he didn't he sees you all the fucking time, causing you to smack him lightly on the back of his head while grinning. "Don't be like that that Katsuki." He scowls at you and makes a dismissive sound before calling you a dumbass.
Denki exchanges pleasantries with everyone, you were too wrapped up in your conversation with Kiri and Hanta to even notice that he hadn't flirted or made any kind of comment towards Jirou at all.
"You look beautiful," Kiri says earnestly making your heart warm.
"Yes, you look very hot. I'm liking the dress." Hanta adds on.
You chuckle, "thank you Kiri and when did you become such a creep Han."
"I'm simply making an observation," Hanta replies causing you to try, and fail, at controlling your laughing volume sounding a lot louder than you intended to be.
Hanta looks good too, all your friends do.
Bakugou's wearing his hero costume colours in a suit, his hair slightly more tamed and he has pencilled eyeliner on his lash line like his mask, you'd put money that his publicist from the agency made him wear it all.
Most of your friends have gone with their hero costume colours with Ochaco wearing an all pink flowy dress that goes down to her ankles, Kiri wearing a suit similar to the one he wore at I-Expo, Momo a red fitted dress and Jirou wearing a longer dress catered to her aesthetic, but Hanta, well Hanta looked really good.
Hanta was wearing a cool dark grey tone unstructured blazer his dress shirt had the first button undone. How someone can look this good but keep it simple, classy and somewhat casual in formal wear is beyond you.
Denki watches you make conversation with Hanta and his jaw clenches as he wonders why you're talking to him when there's people you haven't seen in months or close to a year, yet you're choosing to talk to Sero who you saw earlier this week. Is this why you're wearing that dress? For him?
Denki wants your attention, wants you to focus your attention back on him. "I'm going to get us drinks. Do you want to come?"
You were about to decline but you feel him hold your wrist loosely in his hand and you look and see an expression on your face that you know too well, it's the look that he gives you when he wants you to agree with something so desperately. His 'puppy dog eyes' look. You don't speak for a second, all the background noise fades away as you try and understand why he wants you to come with him so bad and that's when you connect that he's standing next to Jirou and something might have happened or someone might have said something insensitive to him.
He pulls your hand a bit and lowers his voice, "please."
"Of course Denki," you nod. "I'll follow you anywhere," you tell him softly and honestly. Your heart starts racing as you realised what you said. You've said stuff like this to him before and you always mean it truthfully, you'll follow him anywhere. You'd follow him to the end of the world and knowing your luck it could happen. He can be so oblivious, like with how you truly feel towards him that he might not even notice he was at the end of the world until you pointed it out to him. You hope that Denki can't feel your pulse racing while he's holding onto you.
He doesn't notice, he's too relieved that you agreed to go with him, that you chose to go with him instead of staying with everyone else, instead of staying with Sero. "We're going to get drinks, we'll see you guys later." Before you can say your goodbyes he's gently but firmly pulling you to the bar. You want to make a joke about his haste to get away from the conversations everyone's having but you don't know if that would be appropriate with whatever he's feeling right now and with whatever happened.
He drags you to one of the stools and orders your favourite drink. "Are you okay Denki?"
"Just peachy," he didn't mean it to sound sarcastic, he didn't mean it to come out at all. He wanted to tell you that he's fine, to assure you that with you next to him he's having a good night but he's vexed and frustrated.
"Did...Did something happen Denks? With Jirou? Or... Um something else?" You wearily question.
He turns his head around to face you so quickly it's a wonder how he didn't get whiplash. "Why would something happen with Jirou?" He looks quizzically at you, having no idea why you're bringing her up.
You became equally confused as you see his expression. "I thought maybe something happened and you wanted to get away from her." You take a sip of your drink, using it as an excuse to look away from him.
"Nothing happened with Jirou or anyone. I just wanted to spend time with you," he says while running his hand through his hair, you look up just in time to see him and cuss him out in your head for looking so attractive.
If you were anyone else you would have asked him further questions but you're use to this by now, his confusing statements that always leave you wondering why he wants something. If you were anyone else you would have wondered why he didn't want to spend time with any of the others or spend time with Jirou, the girl he's mad about. Instead he wants to spend his time with you when he see's you every single day but by this point you're use to it. When he says random things and constantly wants your attention, really living up to the 'puppy dog eyes.'
"Let's live together."
"Are you sure you want to live with me Denki. I mean we've got enough money to buy our own places." he convinced you that living together would be the best decision you would ever make, it was.
You were tidying up the house one day when Denki came up behind you scaring you. "Come shopping with me." you put your hands on your hips and turn to face him.
"Now why on earth would I do that Denks, it's your turn to go shopping."
"It's no fun without you though." you agree but grumble about how it's his turn and you're going to both go together next time. he happily agrees like that was part of his plan all along.
you hear clutter in the living room as Denki's searching for all the takeout menu's. "let's order in tonight."
"I've got a date remember.
"Yeah I do but he's ugly and I'm better. Pizza?"
When you and Denki went to watch a film at the cinema, you run into Eijirou and you stopped to talk for awhile, arranging to all hang out later tonight as you were all free. Denki flicks your hand. "pay attention to me."
Denki casually tells you, "if we're not married by the time we're 40 we should get married," causing you to spit out your tea. "Two pros getting married will boost both our ratings up like crazy, the look on our parents faces when we tell it's a publicity stunt though will be interesting, pretty sure my parents like you better than they like me. Mina and Kirishima are planning to do the same thing."
"Bold of you to assume i'm going to make it 40." You chuckle.
You don't see the angry look on his face as replies, "you better."
You giggle, "you just can't live without someone paying attention to you every hour of every day." In a normal setting your heart would be bursting out of your chest but you knew he didn't mean what he said, it surprised you but after you got over the initial shock it was fine. He's just been listening to Kirishima too much. Plus both of your ratings are good enough as it is and there is already speculation of you both together.
"You'll stay with me right?" Denki takes a sip of his drink and looks hopeful at you.
"All night." You respond before stealing his drink and tasting it, scrunching your nose in disgust, "Denks, this is gross."
You stay together alone for the majority of the night at the bar before you decide it's probably in both your best interests to mingle. The whole time Denki stays attached to you, staying by your side.
It's now getting late and you start wondering if it would be appropriate for you to take your leave. The gala hasn't ended but it could be on all night for all you know. You've seen some heroes leave but Denki's next to you smirking at a joke Mic said and you have a feeling this is going to be a long night.
You're trying to keep up with everyone, with Denki, but it's hard with your social battery draining. You excuse yourself from the conversation to go to the bathroom, although it's just an excuse for you to take a deep breath and be away from all the noise and chatter.
After a couple minutes you head back out of the bathroom and go out to find Denki when you hear Hanta calling your name. Before you can comprehend what you're doing your legs walk and you go to Hanta. He's standing on his own which is surprising, due to the charismatic and social butterfly he is.
"You look tired."
"Gee, thanks Hanta. Did you call me over just to say that?"
"Oh snappy aren't you? I didn't mean it as a bad thing, I promise. I'm just surprised you're still here that's all."
"Well I'm surprised you're here alone." You reply, you know you're being short with him but you're just so drained and it feels like he's teasing you.
He doesn't take any offence to your tone and short replies.
"Actually I was with Midoriya but I left when I saw you to come talk to you."
"Oh." you mumble.
"You look super drained, why haven't you gone home yet?" He questions gently as to try and let you know he's coming from a place of caring and he's not teasing you.
"Denki's having fun." You nod your head to where he is, where he's animatedly telling a story to Hawks.
"Hmmm, do you want me to take you home." Sero leans closer to you. He's so tuned in on your feelings and your needs, he always just knows.
You look up to see him softly smiling at you, "you look really nice tonight Hanta."
He chuckles and pulls you closer so you're leaning against him. "Thank you pretty girl, but that's not what i asked is it?" he strokes your knuckles with his thumb as he mumbles under his breath about how you're too tired.
"You really would take me home Han? You're having a good time though." you ask quietly, not sure if you want to go home but if you were more awake and socially aware you'd be calling Hanta your saviour right now for the offer.
"You're more important. If you want me to take you home I will."
Neither of you are aware but you're being watched, if Denki saw you he'd come marching up and drag you away but he's so invested in the conversation he's having that he doesn't know where you are. The people who do see however are Katsuki, Mina and Kiri and that's not the best people to see because right now Mina is jumping to every possible conclusion.
Mina may be the worst person to see this innocent act other than Denki but at the same time Kirishima is hardly any better as he's thinking about every interaction he's seen you two have together and every word you've spoken about each other. Katsuki is the one telling Mina to 'leave it alone', 'it's not a big deal', 'it's probably nothing' and to 'forget about it'. He makes a quick glance around the room trying to spot Kaminari. He knew you and Sero were close but not this close. He thought that you and Kaminari have been dating for years and have been lying to everyone who asks about it. Dating as a pro was hard so he just assumed you two kept it super under the radar from everyone, including your friends. He never pushed either of you on the subject.
"Bakugou, there's no way there isn't something going between those two! Of course it's a big deal and of course I'm going to talk about it! Do you think they're dating or that they're just into each other?" Mina whispers loudly and excitedly. "Oh my god! She asked me to help her buy a dress, do you think that was because of Sero?" She directs the question to Kirishima knowing that they live close together and he's more likely to entertain her questions.
He doesn't want to get involved in you and Sero's relationship, it wouldn't be manly of him but he does wonder why neither of you have never mentioned anything to him before. He thinks about Kaminari and how it gives him a weird feeling. By the way you're leaning against each other now right now and talking close so that only each other can hear he has to admit it that it does look rather intimate.
"Don't forget guys, they're both always very touchy with people, not just with other." He's trying to rationalise it and you do always touch Kaminari and fall asleep on Sero and hug Mina, but when Sero leans down closer to talk to you it puts Bakugou and Kirishima on edge, Mina is ecstatic for her friends but Bakugou and Kirishima are now hyper-aware that Kaminari is in the room.
You look around the room trying to find Denki. "Want to wait for Denki."
Hanta straightens his posture and takes a deep breath but you're none the wiser. "Are you sure? He might be here for hours. I don't want you to collapse out of exhaustion."
"I'm sure Han," you whisper. "I'll.. I'll, wait for him. He shouldn't be too long. Thank you though, you're the best."
Right on cue, Denki turns around and looks at you, his eyes hardens when he see that you leaning against Hanta but as soon as you see him you beam from ear to ear, softening Denki's gaze. He excuses himself from the conversation he's having and starts to go over to you. Hanta noticed Denki, "I think Kaminari might take you home, he looks pretty displeased right now."
You giggle, "he's been a bit more protective of late. I think it's because our patrol times have been different and we haven't seen each other much. Hopefully soon it will be back to normal."
"Hey 'doll, hey Sero. What are you guys up to?"
You move off of Hanta, "can we go home soon Denki, 'm tired."
Denki's heart nearly breaks as he see's how drained you are and how drained you must have been for ages. "I'm sorry babydoll, I've been so wrapped up talking to everyone. I promise I'll make it up to you, let's go home yeah?" you nod your head and wave bye to Hanta.
Denki knows he should probably say goodbye to everyone individually but right now all he cares about is getting you back home. "Can you tell everyone we left and said bye Hanta," Denki requests.
"Sure thing dude. See you guys later, get home safe."
Denki holds your hand and intertwines your fingers with his before guiding you out.
The three onlookers were still watching the interaction, all with their drinks in their hand with Bakugou and Kirishima breathing a sigh of relief, when, from the distance it looked like everything was okay between Kaminari and Sero.
"Do you think she loves him?" Mina asks as she watches you follow Denki.
"Who?" Kirishima observes you leave.
"Kaminari." Mina responds having not taken her eyes off you since you started making your way to the door.
"Leave it raccoon eyes."
"it's just a question Bakugou." Mina retorts.
Kirishima sighs as he answers, "it's not any of our business Mina."
"They're our friends Kirishima."
"Yes and because of that we're staying out of it." As they were watching they were caught by Sero, making accidental eye contact with him. Everyone quickly looks away.
Denki takes you home and on the way he keeps apologising. "Please don't say sorry Denks." You squeeze his hand that you're still holding.
He turns to you and moves some of your hair out of the way of your face and delicately tucks it behind your ear, "'doll I am so sorry, and I need to apologise. I should have been more aware and have been making sure you're okay. I know how quickly your social battery drains, especially compared to mine, I should of been checking up on you," he's looking you in the eye, you think he must be tired too because his eyes are slightly watery. He presses your foreheads together and says so quietly it's a surprise you even heard him apoligise again, "I'm sorry."
You keep the same energy as he does and keep your foreheads together still touching, "it's okay Denki, I promise. You're here now. Plus Hanta was making sure I was okay."
Denki changes position and turns his head away from you, "yeah, but it should have been me."
Come the following morning Kirishima and Mina have completely forgot the conversation they had the previous, they had too much to drink and their memory of the end of the night is fuzzy only remembering pieces. Bakugou didn't drink at all, he remembers everything. He won't say anything to anyone.
You wake up to Denki entering your room with a tray and a huge gleeful grin on his face, "breakfast in bed! Made just for you." You rub your eyes slowly waking up, "I let you sleep in but I'm off today and so are you, so I thought we could spend the day together."
You groan, "five more minutes."
"I thought you'd say that," Denki chuckles and places the tray on your bedside table, "budge up, if you're going back to bed, I'm waiting here until you do." You groan as you make room for him. If you were more awake you would be internally screaming that Denki Kaminari, your best friend and the man you love is currently sitting next to you in bed but you're already half asleep.
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tag list: @xnorthstar3x @st4r-girl-official @potatoboiasta
(everyone in my tag list that wanted to be tagged disappeared? i think they deleted their accounts or something, if i find them i'll tag them, let me know if you want to added to my tag list! )
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Hiya !! I hope you are doing well this day/night <33 i was hoping to request somthin for hazbin !! Soooo yeah gcbfbhbhbbh my request is for platonic!CharlieAngelvaggie with a newly hellbound young!reader ?? || like 18-|| they seem really skittish & kind like they shouldn't be in hell at all,, apology's if that was 2 specific hvbgbhbh
Platonic Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust x new sinner!sweet!reader
Looooong title sorry if this is all over the place I'm writing this late at night as I got hit with the silly brain waves that make me write a whole load of stuff all at once before promptly passing out LMAO
Didnt bother separating each character into segments since this is a shorter post <\3
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They all kind of adopt an older sibling relationship. Particularly Angel Dust. Between the three Angel and Charlie seem the most hung up on you being stuck in hell despite seeming like a genuinely good person. They show it in different ways, though. Charlie is more open and honest on her believing it's not fair, and it emboldens her to try to change heavens mind. Angel on the other hand is more.. subtle in expressing his.. displeasure.. but hes more.. hmm..
Charlie is working hard to try to either redeem you or get heaven to change their mind, and angel is just trying to show you how things work down in hell. What to do and what not to do, things like that. Giving you a guide, more or less. All of his sexualized comments stop, really the only time they "crop back up" is if you ever happen to mention having a crush on someone.. though it's more innocent teasing. Like how people go "oh..?? You have a friend of the gender you're attracted to?? Are you sure you aren't dating??", stuff like that if that makes sense. Very protective of you, too...
Vaggie is also protective of you. Shes angry too, but her feelings are internalized unless this is after her past of being an angel is revealed. She doesn't want you to have any part in defending the hotel when the extermination comes.. she doesn't think you cant fight she just cant handle the idea of letting someone so young get hurt under her watch. Does teach you self defense so you can put up a fight if something were to happen. Sees you as the "good trustworthy kid".. especially during group exercises because you dont cause any problems or cause friction
As mentioned Charlie starts working overtime to make things right, emboldened by the mere fact that someone like you was sent to hell. Sometimes you feel that shes putting a lot of pressure for you to be redeemed.. shes going to feel so terrible if you let her know how that's making you feel. That kind of pressure can ruin someone, especially if you were already doing everything you could. Charlie is so so apologetic
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daichiduskdrop · 8 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 36
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none :)
Words: 3949
A/N: Hi everyone! So sorry for such a long, unannounced break. I needed to take some time off. The updates will probably be less frequent, but I'll try my best to post.
Also, if there are any mistakes regarding the story line not lining up, please let me know! I might have forgotten about something and not realised! :( (Cupcake reveal is coming soon dw!)
How are you? I hope you well and care.
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashionstyle-blog @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae @plexcaffeinate @strawblueberrys
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Jungkook nor Yoongi could help but gush and coo over you. Not only were their protective and alpha headspaces triggered by your still-dropped form, but just seeing you tightly cuddle up to the packalpha made their hearts flutter.
The youngest alpha held you close, gently fretting over you. Sure, you have cried yourself to sleep, but he couldn't help himself.
You were their courted omega, hopefully one day their own truly, and it really upsets them whenever you would cry or drop in their presence.
Frankly, it broke their hearts, shattered even, knowing that they were meant to be there to calm you down and make sure you were okay.
They didn't have as much experience with omegas as they might have thought they did before they got to meet you and start the courting—gosh, they were so wrong.
Of course, Jungkook's friend Juwon had an omega in his pack, but the youngest alpha never really got around to truly talk to him that often.
When the pack would hold meet and greets and see their fans up close, they got to meet all of the different second genders at once, so they have seen many omegas to be truthful, it was quite usual.
Only when a different K-pop group, not as well known as BTS but having a pretty large fan base, promoted and held their own meet and greet, and a terrible accident happened, did the whole industry shaken.
While crowds were known to unsettle and frighten omegas, as well as the loud noises, many fans just wanted to see the idols and would take the risk.
And it got especially risky when the price of the entrance was too high for the whole pack to get, ending with sometimes just the omega by themselves.
When the meet and greet of the K-pop group happened, it was quite a few years ago. Back then, one of the band members has suffered an injury, making them unable to participate.
Though, as the group felt bad for the short notice, they didn't want to leave any of their fans in dissapointment, and so the injured member came over to quickly wave at everyone and chat for a short while before they were ushered away again—or so was the plan.
As the leader of the group came over to see their sweet fans, the overpacked room was filled with loud shouts of excitement and joy, though quickly turning into cries of distress and worry.
The mass of fans moved over quickly, and so many of the naturally smaller or shorter ones started to get pushed around and would stumble, eventually ending in many of them tripping and falling over.
The giant group of fans of all different scents, which just confused everyone in general, alphas, betas, and omegas all included, was too much for anyone to be able to truly notice the source of fans distress.
The chaos and panic only continued as the idols tried to calm everyone down. The leader, though injured, stayed behind to try and help, but the room was far too full, and there was soon just a mess.
The K-pop group disbanded soon after, ending their contracts after the terrible news of the two fans who were suffocated and stepped over until they had to be taken to a hospital.
Their identities haven't been revealed to protect them, though after a long while, the constant questions and worries regarding their well-being ended with a final message.
While one was on a good path to recovery, the other, a young omega boy, has ended up in a coma and seems not to be about to wake up any time soon. The pack that the omega was with took it the worst, for sure.
And so, after the terrible incident, which ended with many unsettled cries and shouts, a death, and many things to worry about, most of the meet and greets of all groups have been postponed.
Eventually, all that has purchased or won a ticket in some way has been refunded, until about a year or so forward since the accident, when the first meet and greet in the entire industry was held again.
This time, though, the rules applied were so much more strict and harsh, as only about half of the people who usually got to go were allowed, much less tickets sold.
And the biggest difference of all was that the event was only for betas and alphas.
Truthfully, no alpha in the right mind would dare let their omega go to such an event after the terrible news, too worried it could happen to their own too.
Nowadays, events where the idols interact the most with their fans are still usually held for alphas and betas only. A separate event is then held for omegas, but it is required to go with the packalpha of their pack.
The rules have become stricter in order to keep everyone safe.
Jungkook knew very well that he would have to always look out for you and take care of everything for you, but the alpha realised that was, honestly, something he found so fulfilling and rewarding.
And so, the young alpha held you to his chest, his own scent gland carefully close to your nose as he rested your face against the crook of his neck, cradling you close.
Yoongi wasn't much better, constantly combing his fingers through your hair gently, with little soothing pecks left on your forehead and your head.
The older alpha held your palm in his, his thumb softly rubbing over your knuckles in hopes of calming you and keeping you reminded of his presence, even if you weren't too aware at the moment.
Soon, Jungkook sighed out. After you truly smelled like all three of them, he stood up with you in his arms.
„Let's go home, Hyung; I want to take babybun home.” The youngest didn't look over to the packalpha, too caught up with watching over you.
Namjoon sighed. Truly, there wasn't anything more he wished for more than to have you safe and sound in their packhouse right now.
The packalpha wished they would have the den to have you nest and calm down in, but they didn't, and so they would have to deal with it.
Sharing quick goodbyes with Yuki and Moonsik, which both understood well and promised to not be bothered or upset, the three alphas went on to leave.
They made quick work, shuffling through the lightly busy mall, both Namjoon and Yoongi watchful and protective over you in Jungkook's arms.
Whoever seemed to just glance over for a second too long received a harsh glare back or a sudden release of very agitated pheromones, scaring them off.
And so, the pack went up the small stairs to the underground parking lot, with Yoongi's car in view soon enough when the oldest alpha led them over.
He wanted to keep you in his arms for a while longer, but seeing how the youngest quickly shuffled to the backseat the moment he unlocked the Hyundai, he would just have to wait.
Since Namjoon didn't drive, Yoongi would, and so he sighed again, turning on the engine as he waited for everyone to buckle in.
„Kook, you can't sit with your pup on your lap. That's not safe for either of you."
The packalpha said, his voice gentle and calm. Joon understood the youngest very well and knew he was in a headspace that was too hard for him to leave for now.
Jungkook needed to keep you close; he needed to feel you against his chest, your heartbeat, your scent—to know you were safe and sound.
And so he let a light growl leave him the moment the packalpha turned around to try and pry off his strong hold onto you. The youngest didn't realise it was his hyung, and even that wouldn't matter that much now.
„Yah! Jungkook, stop this.” A much rougher Yoongi called out, just wanting to leave. He wanted you to be in their packhouse now, safe, with only them around, not all of these strangers in the mall to oogle at.
„No, we really need to go now. 'Mega will be next to you the whole drive.” And so Namjoon gently took you from the youngest arms, sliding you over so you would sit next to the alpha, your thighs touching.
As he buckled you in, he tugged on your seatbelt carefully, knowing you would be safe this way.
Namjoon closed the doors again, and as he took a seat at the front once more, he could see your head now resting against the alpha's shoulder, the youngest watchful eyes set on your form.
And so, the small group left the mall and started driving the short way to their packhouse.
The soft, omega headspace playlist was turned on, the alphas hoping you might calm down further even when you were asleep, your cheeks rosy and a bit puffy from crying your eyes out earlier.
"...what happened, Namjoon?” Yoongi asked calmly, his eyes set on the road. The snow was still around and pretty to look at. The alpha wished you would look at yourself and smile at how nice it was...
The packalpha wasn't sure himself, and so he only shook his head lightly, lost in thought. Surely, you would have to talk to them about everything later; this was important.
„...Have you called the others yet?” He asked his elder, and the said alpha was shaking his head likewise. „No, we rushed here...but we should probably call ahead."
And so Namjoon made quick work with the touchscreen, calling the eldest alpha of their pack, whom he hoped stayed home.
„Hyung, we are on our way home now.”
The packalpha said, unsure as to how to really describe what went down without the eldest freaking out fully.
„Y/N dropped, could you maybe set some stuff up?"
And so Namjoon ripped off the bandage, hoping Seokjin would understand—he knew he would.
„I- What? Is she okay? What happened?” With each question, the urgency in his voice doubled, and in the background of the call, there could be some shuffling heard.
„I don't know Hyung. She is with us now; we will be home soon.” Namjoon said calmly, rethinking every single step he and you took earlier.
You seemed so joyful too, telling him about this and that as you skipped along with him, happy and seemingly carefree.
The packalpha took a short look behind himself, seeing Jungkook carefully caress your hair and leave soft pecks everywhere now and then.
If it weren't for your still distressed scent, you might look peaceful and relaxed, but the alphas knew better.
And so Jin said his goodbyes, telling them to give you a peck for him and to have you stay strong.
They weren't much further from home; the Hyundai was just entering the expensive neighborhood, so it didn't take much longer before they arrived.
The snow crumbled and cracked under the tyres as Yoongi carefully parked, very watchful since he was driving the most precious cargo of his.
As soon as the engine turned off, the alphas went to shuffle out—not before the front doors of their packhouse were thrown open, though, with the rest of the alphas rushing over.
„Babycheeks?” The second youngest called out his eyes wide in worry as he came over. Jungkook was just about to climb out with you tightly held to his chest.
„Oh my gosh, princess-!” The other alpha gasped, seeing your still puffy cheeks and the pout you sported even during your sleep.
The youngest reluctantly let the oldest take you into his arms instead, Seokjins eyes roaming over your figure to see any possible damage, but to find none.
„Aigoo, babycub, come to alpha...” He whispered softly, pulling you even closer if that was possible.
With you safely tucked away in his arms, the alpha was quick to start the short walk back inside, with the rest of the men following trying to get at least a bit of their scent onto you.
Yea, you had them wrapped around your little finger, but they didn't put up a fight.
The moment Jimin and Jin started to untie your shoelaces, you stirred, your vision slightly blurry. Your head pounded, and a soft sniffle left you.
Immediately, both of the alphas and all the others which were currently discarding their own coats and jackets looked over, worry and care swimming in everyone's eyes.
Jimin was the quickest out of his daze, putting the pretty snow boot they got for you away, going from crouching before your sitting position to standing up a bit taller.
The alpha took you into his arms, picking you up to hold to his chest, his chin tucking your head away into the crook of his neck.
„Sh-sh-shhh princess, alpha is here now...” He whispered softly, your arms wrapped around his shoulders as Jin helped put away the other boot.
The packmembers stayed mostly quiet, watchful and worried, sad eyes set on you. They knew more than well, that something was wrong, but they could feel that this was not the right time to ask about it.
„How about a nap little pup?” The packalpha said gently, coming over to brush some of your hair behind your ear, his motions gentle and calm.
It wasn't truly a question, more of an advice he, and all of the rest, hoped you would follow. The tiny nod you gave in answer, before your cheek rested against Jimin's collarbone was more than enough.
And so, the young alpha trotted over to the living room, where in a quick haste Jin and Hobi brought over blankets and pillows of all kind, the two scent plushies and even a few of each hoodies.
To be truthful, the large couch was covered in all of their scents and so when Jimin gently placed you down in middle of the blankets, he was slightly surprised that you wouldn't let go.
His scent was quite literally all around you, he has scented you well too, just a short while earlier, so what was it?
„...stay, oppa...” You whispered, your voice laced with sadness and timidness, having the alpha immediately do whatever you wished for with no such worry.
And so, he crawled in behind you, his back against the backrest with you tightly pulled to his warm chest.
The rest of the packmembers eventually all walked over, each of the alphas making sure to give you as many sweet pecks as they saw fit, their eyes sweet and careful.
„Rest for a little while sunny-bub, alpha will be in his studio okay?” Hoseok whispered sweetly, his nose rubbing up against yours in a cute bunny-like kiss.
Truly, he was worried about you, deeply. Whatever set you off today was surely a bigger issue they would have to go over eventually, but for now, you just needed to have a nice rest of the day.
The alpha didn't feel comfortable having you out of sight for after your sudden drop, but he felt a bit better with Jimin staying with you. He would keep you safe.
And so, he left a soft peck on your forehead, hoping that your still bleary eyes would soon shut and you would enter a calmer dreamland.
Jungkook planned to go work out this afternoon, together with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin, but the plans seemed to have changed, and for a great reason.
The youngest couldn't help but worry for you so much, like possibly never before, constantly smothering and cooing over your tightly cuddled up form.
Somehow, he couldn't leave you right now, the moment he wanted to get up from the crouched up form, he felt a pang right against his heart and could swear he heard just the tiniest whine come from your direction - and he was right back down next to you to scent you.
„Rest with them for a while Kook, you'll feel better.” Namjoon said knowingly, patting the young alpha's shoulder in understanding.
The packalpha wasn't much better, as he took a seat to the side of you, making sure you were safely tucked away underneath the blankets with both of those scent lambs in your arms.
And so, Jungkook layed down next to you, making sure your ear would rest right against his heartbeat in hopes of it to settle you down better.
Whenever anyone would come closer, the youngest alpha was wide awake, his arms tightly wrapped around you as you napped with Jimin too asleep behind you.
It was Jin this time, the eldest coming over with two coffee mugs in hand, handing one to the packalpha who thanked him quietly.
The oldest alpha took a seat next to Namjoon who was currently typing away on his notebook, though while Jungkook believed it was work related, turned out to be a scent-keychain website.
„Oh, that one is really cute, how about it?” Seokjin mused softly, careful so that his voice wouldn't wake you up. You needed to rest, for at least a little while.
The alpha pointed to the screen where a little teddy bear keychain with a cute, pink tie-up snow hat showed. Surely you would like one like this one?
Namjoon hummed softly, clicking onto the listing to see a specific description.
Introducing our luxurious Scent Plushie Keychain, the perfect accessory for omegas in search of a comforting connection to their pack members. Crafted from an incredibly soft and comfortable luxury material, this keychain is designed to provide a sensory experience unlike any other.
Measuring at approximately 10 cm in size, our Scent Plushie Keychain is small enough to be conveniently carried with you wherever you go. Whether it's attached to your keys, backpack, or stored in your pocket, this keychain ensures that you'll always have a piece of your pack member's scent close at hand.
Created specifically for omegas, the Scent Plushie Keychain allows you to hold onto not just one, but up to five different scents. This means you can carry the comforting aromas of multiple pack members, strengthening the bond between you and your pack.
Each of these scents is carefully preserved, allowing you to experience a rush of familiar emotions whenever you need it most. Whether you're feeling anxious, lonely, or simply need a moment of comfort, a quick sniff of your Scent Plushie Keychain can transport you back to a place of safety and security.
With its exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail, this Scent Plushie Keychain is designed to be a cherished item, passed down through generations. It not only serves as a physical reminder of your pack members but also as an emblem of your unique place within your pack.
So why wait? Indulge yourself in the ultimate luxury for omegas with our Scent Plushie Keychain. Carry the scents of your pack members with you at all times, and let their comforting aroma surround you, even when they're physically far away. Experience the power of scent as you immerse yourself in the warmth and love of your pack, no matter where life takes you.
„That sounds perfect.” Jin whispered satisfied, it sounded really nice. It looked cute and surely you would like it. All that was left for them to choose their own ones to carry and you would be much safer in the future.
„Yea but look...” The packalpha said softly, opening a cleverly designed to conceal link, which unrolled another further information.
Product Warning:
Before purchasing our Plushie Keychain, we want to ensure that you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision. While our Plushie Keychain is designed with the intention of providing comfort and connection to omegas, it's important to exercise caution and consider the specific needs of your omega partner or self.
This Plushie Keychain has the capacity to hold up to five scents, allowing you to incorporate the comforting aromas of your pack members. However, it is crucial to first consult with your omega to determine if this is the right approach for them. Each omega has unique needs and preferences when it comes to emotional support, and the use of scents may not be suitable or effective for everyone.
We recommend engaging in open and honest communication with your omega partner to understand their specific desires and boundaries. Discussing their comfort level with scent-based items is essential before incorporating our Plushie Keychain into your dynamic.
While our Plushie Keychain can be a wonderful tool for fostering a sense of connection and comfort, it is crucial to respect the boundaries and preferences of your omega. If your omega expresses any discomfort or hesitation regarding the use of scents or this product specifically, we encourage you to explore alternative methods of support that align with their needs.
Remember, the well-being and emotional health of your omega should always be prioritized. Understanding and respecting their preferences is key to maintaining a healthy and thriving bond within the omegaverse.
Please exercise caution, engage in open dialogue, and ensure that the use of our Plushie Keychain aligns with the needs and desires of your omega partner or self. Together, you can navigate the omegaverse and nurture a strong and fulfilling connection.
„See? It only holds 5 scents, we need more...but everything else checks the list.” He said, slight dissapointment lacing his voice. Jin frowned, watching Namjoon exit the tab again, going back to the photo listings.
The eldest alpha stayed by for a while longer, the two together narrowing down the search using the filter to show only the 7+ scents options.
Much less options showed then, but still, the alphas eventually agreed on a MIFFY keychain, the packalpha adding it to the cart.
Soon after, Namjoon chose his own keychain he would keep around in case you would need to help get settled. Jin chose one himself, but they waited for the others to make their choice.
Just as the eldest went to ask Yoongi and Hoseok with Taehyung to take a look, the second oldest and youngest preparing spring rolls, you stirred.
Your eyes fluttered open, a soft yawn leaving you. You went to rub your eye with a loosely closed fist, only to have the packalpha lean over immediately.
„Sh-sh-shh, go back to sleep little pup, alpha is right here. I'm not going anywhere sweetheart...”
He said gently, placing your hand back beside the scent-toy, noticing Jungkook's half asleep eyes set on your form.
You whined softly, having the youngest lean over the right very moment, his nose and chin rubbing vigorously over your cheeks and face.
„It's okay babybun, oppa is here...” He whispered, his sweet eyes set on your form.
„B-But oppa...” You whispered, your voice a bit shallow and raspy from all the sobs and crying you did earlier.
At the sound of your voice, all the attention was onto you, Namjoon stopped the carefully tucking of the many blankets around you, his eyes gentle on your form.
„How about alpha reads for you for a bit then, hm? Come here my littlest pup, alpha will keep you safe...” He said softly, caressing your hair.
You whined out but still, nodded in agreement, letting the packalpha gently lift up your head to set onto his lap as he got comfortable.
With a pillow underneath you he so carefully set up for you, Namjoon sighed in content, relief clouding his mind. You were talking and you told them what you needed, even when not fully and completely.
You would be okay.
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peachymilkandcream · 6 months
My Husband, My Monster|Part 3|William Afton x Wife!Reader
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(A/N: We're getting a bit more into the Yandere-ish side of things now, I think it's obvious this is going to be a shorter series than something like Break Me Slowly but I still hope you all enjoy! This will be the first smutty chapter so please please please read the warnings before continuing! Also if you're not listening to FNAF songs while reading what are you doing? I'm listening to Stuck Inside while writing this. But hey if anyone wants I'll make my FNAF playlist for this fic. Comment below to be added to the taglist <3)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, power imbalance, age difference, manipulation, mind breaking, yandere themes, yandere behaviours, domestic violence, misogyny, violence, William’s a warning himself, etc.
So far everything had been going well, an independence had been suiting her well clearly. It had only been a week since William had found her an apartment of her own but she was thriving. The parents had apparently chewed her out, disowned her, and then left without any more of a fuss. Their move had gone on as planned, but just without their precious daughter. Just as well, the last thing he needed was them poking around, especially since she was college age and didn't need her parents bossing her around like a child. That was his job.
This work really suited her, she was great with kids, a quality that was extremely important to him. However William was more interested with how she would interact with their own children. Something he should probably get started on.
Originally his goal had only been to sleep with the newest employee, but if he was honest, he longed for a family of his own. Everything about Henry made him incredibly jealous, he wanted everything he had, and that included a wife and kids. Although he was realistic and knew he didn't have the time, with a business to run, how could he spend the time trying to find someone, and then dating, followed by the messiness of in-laws, weddings, and legality. The whole affair was a waste of money, surely shortcuts could be made.
Which is what brought her into his office that day.
"You needed me sir?" She peeks her head in the crack of the door, it was later in the day, it was the just the two of them left in the restaurant.
"Yes yes I did, come in and have a seat why don't you?"
She does as instructed, staring at him curiously.
"I'll cut right to the chase." He leans back in his chair, making his posture seem nonchalant and relaxed. "If I'm being brutally honest, while you're a great worker and an asset to the team your regular hours just don't cover the cost of your pay and your rent."
Worry flashes across her face. "What can I do to make up the rest? I can take on more hours-" She offers.
"No no, don't worry about that. I have better idea for you to make up for the extra."
"Oh right, just tell me and I'll do it."
She was too easy, all of this was too easy. Her friend wasn't kidding when she said she wasn't the smartest person. Better he was the one pushing her around rather than someone else he reasoned.
"Come here and I'll show you.."
Convincing her to suck his dick had been easy, all it took was telling her that this was common and that she shouldn't question it but also shouldn't tell anyone else about this. The little nymph took the no questions seriously and knelt in front of him, her eyes growing big at the size of him. William figured this was undoubtedly her first encounter with the opposite sex, which benefitted him greatly, the idea of teaching her how to please him and only him made his dick twitch in her eager mouth.
Her gag reflex was terrible, but that could be trained out of her. In his experience, just forcing her down to the base was the easiest way. She'd force her throat to relax or choke, he didn't care much either way. What mattered for him was his own satisfaction, how long it had been since had been with someone he couldn't remember, time was never on his side.
"Watch the teeth." He hissed, grabbing a fistful of hair and dragged her off of him. "Can't you open your jaw any wider?"
"I could try- it's just starting to get sore-"
William bit back a sarcastic retort, the last thing he wanted was to scare her off now after all the effort and money he had put into molding her into a perfect woman. "Don't worry about it, there will be time enough for that in the future." He forced a smile to his face, helping her to her feet. "Just bend over my desk for now."
Nervousness seeps into her expression. "What for-?"
"You don't think just that was enough to pay for your rent do you? Prices have gone up, everything's more expensive. Besides, I'll make it feel good for you."
She bends over the desk, her uniform pants unbuttoned and hastily pushed to the floor. Her panties were lacy, predictable, and pink like her perfect pussy.
A large grin spreads ear to ear on William's face, when was the last time he'd taken a woman's virginity? It had been too long. Way too long. This girl was fresh out of college and naïve to the world, any respectable man would think her consent was too dubious to proceed.
But William wasn't a respectable man.
His fingers slid up and down her folds, making her whole body twitch when he brushed over the clit. Her body was reacting to him, becoming wet with each touch, soon making everything glisten with arousal. Despite everything William was a nice enough man, and didn't want to hurt her too much that she'd refuse to do this again with him, so her comfort was important. He slowly stuck a finger inside her to see how wet she had become. The gasp was audible when he initially pushed it in, no doubt his fingers were bigger and thicker than hers so just this felt better than and pleasure she'd tried to give herself in the past.
A second finger was added, making her writhe and grasp the desk more firmly. She clamped down on his fingers hard, eager and hungry for something more than just his digits.
Who was he to deny her?
The initial contact made him shiver, it had been too long, how he had missed this feeling.
He made sure to take it slow, it would be painful at first, but she would get over it. Besides, even as he broke through her barrier her body continued to suck him in eagerly. She wanted this, all of her screamed with how much she wanted this.
William never really cared about protection, he always figured if a girl ended up pregnant it was their own fault, it couldn't be his, which is why he took no precautions before pounding into her. The pause between the initial stretch and his soon set pace was small, this was about urgency, in case that nosy prick Henry came snooping back around for anything. The last thing he needed was Henry warning the girl to stay away from him, all of this would have been for nothing.
His speedy pace made him climax quicker than normal, however he didn't bother to pull out, merely painting her insides with a smug smile of pride. She hadn't cum, but there was time for that, from the way she had moaned and gripped onto the wood for dear life he knew she enjoyed it.
When he was through with her he straightened his pants and tossed her the key. "When you're through be sure to lock up." With that he left her there, shutting the door behind him after taking another look at her ruined state.
Their little arrangement went on for a few months, whispered moments of passion, hiding behind Henry's gaze so nothing would come in to question.
She was getting better at following what he wanted, catering to his whims and desires. Every day he looked forward to being with her, bringing her into his office and leaving the day fucked out of her mind and dripping. He was flying higher than he had ever been, everything was going his way and nothing could bring him down.
"William...? I don't know how to say this...I...I'm late-"
And things were just going to keep going up.
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============ @fandomreader
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