#tysm for bringing this to my attention anon !!
crimsonbubble · 1 year
hi! i wasnt sure if you knew but most of the links on your master list are broken! only 2 worked for me and they were the most recent ones posted
that's odd because they work on mobile but not desktop on my end..
I'll see if I can reenter the links and maybe then it'll work properly
edit: all links should be fixed !! if not then oh well 💀💀
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nulltune · 2 years
The last person you promo'ed is proship. Do you know what that means?
hi nonnie! ty for checking up on me thru this ask qwq and to answer your question-- i did see the term being used here and there but i honestly didn't know its proper definition (all i knew abt it was from a source linked by a proshipper ex-mutual so,,, as you can imagine, it's a lot that's biased to their favor). a friend contacted me abt it privately just now to tell me what it Actually means and iiii am still processing things on my end ngl because this is all news to me. need to make it abundantly clear right now though that i absolutely do not support morally wrong pairings like incest and pedophilia!! i didn't think that needed to be said tbh augh
EDIT: also needed to make it clear that i'm not accusing proshippers of committing actual crimes! proshipping as a term has varying definitions for everyone, i think, but the one i had in mind as i was typing it are the ones who romanticize/glorify said dark topics and don't handle it with the sensitivity that it should be handled with. regardless, i don't support nor do i want to see people writing topics like r*pe, inc*st, age gaps, etc. and that's just how i want to curate my dash from now on. i do know that some proshippers are proshippers to cope, and as i wrote in my tags, that's understandable! i can't judge how one copes/deal with trauma and i hope nothing but the best for them. i just hope it's understandable from my end that i still won't interact for my own comfort :,) i'm honestly really green to a lot of these things so i apologise for that and i am extremely sorry if i hurt anyone. the promo has since been deleted, i'm no longer interacting with said blog and i'll do better to educate myself from now on
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qtkoshi · 1 year
Maybe gn!Reader and Hobie adopt a kitten and the other three (Pavitr, Gwen, and Miles) come to see the kitten? Maybe a orange kitten gn!Reader wanted to name Spunk or Spike while Hobie gave them a spike collar? Would be cute lol
i luv ur brain anon
"you got....a kitten?"
- ok ok idk if this is what u meant, but u can feel free to run this with the bubblegum reader + hobie bc i think it fits alright :-) - also get a little deep with describing relationship,, but it’s necessary for the plot ! (...) - also!!! tysm for the requests; i am very excited to get into them, but will prob wait till tmrw to release bc it is my birthday today <3 much love to you all
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──★ ˙ ̟ to the stars !
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general headcannons
alright first of all: hobie with a kitten? i’m in tears. 
i love the hc that hobie has a soft spot for cats and the fact that y’all got one together? bye.
this cat is gonna be SPOILED in attention i tell u rn
hobie isn’t as obvious ab it as u, but the amount of times u see him chilling with the cat just perched on his shoulder?? (why are u taking the baby swinging across the city hobie; wait a min now–)
how u got him
imagine this: ur walking past an alley and hear this small little meow; after further investigation you find this tuft of orange fur crying outside the dumpster and
now u gotta take it in what r u talking about!!
bringing him home immediately ; hobie's spidey senses prob picked up the cat's presence before you got in the door.
'baby what's that.' 'c'mon spiderman we got saving to do'
man can't even argue with you
hobie not naming the cat himself bc he doesn’t wanna enforce socio-constructed labels on an unsuspecting creature that can’t consent
u can tho.
and while you very much want to, you tell hobie you gotta think on it for a bit – it has to fit just right!! (tbh he rlly doesn’t mind the cat being nameless, but he’s kinda whipped and will kinda go with what u want if it helps give that pretty lil smile to him again)
spider-squad finding out ab him
the besties r wrapping up something with a fight and hobie’s all k gotta leave and check on the cat and the rest are like ????? 
pav absolutely floored bc how dare did u not mention this sooner hobie
'so you lot wanna come see him?' (inter-dimensional travel ensues) – also never gonna complain ab coming to hobie’s house they all think his place is dope
i’m sure we all know orange cats are fucking crazy and that does not exclude the little gremlin jumping off the walls of your flat rn
hobie ofc is smirking bc his son the cat is a little agent of chaos and he couldn’t be more proud 
you, on the other hand, are just a little tired trying to get the fucker to stay still for a second so u can put on the damn flea medicine
everybody loves him are u kidding (miles a little hesitant tho, he still has beef with the last spiderman-variant cat he met :/ ) 
“so whats its name?” miles was watching with wary eyes as the little ball of fur darted around. with a heavy (and definitely not dramatic) sigh, you walk over to the group “still haven’t picked. we just found him yesterday.”
luv the idea of hobie looking at u anytime ur in the room (stay with me now) — can’t help it u just grab all his attention, maybe stop being so lovely idk
speaking of your relationship: he has spent years battering against everything life throws at him that having your love in the palm of his hands? something to protect not in the way he does as a hero, but in the way to cherish as a person?? give the man a break, he deserves to admire you whenever he can.
anyways hobie’s looking at you before going ‘oh yea’, just grunts and pulls out this little collar with little spikes and their matching and oh my that is so cute
says he found it in some garbage, most def made the collar with some scraps like he did his own (gotta keep it cool yk)
you giddy and putting the collar on the little heathen and just all ‘omg wait a min’
promptly lifting the cat up and “THIS IS SPIKE.”
cue golf claps from the squad with some ooo’s and aah’s
more gen headcannons
remember when hobie and the cat were swinging around the city? yea he's taking that mf everywhere. puts him in his pocket like a little surprise
hobie loves to play fight with the cat
spike is the perfect mix; got hobie’s energy and your brightness it’s a win-win
i could write more but i'll stop here for now 🕸️
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stsgooo · 4 months
moonlit goddess.... maybe jinshi is wondering why his dear maid continues to pull away from him... and maybe gao shun lets it slip that "they shouldn't have been close that day anyway".... and jinshi pesters him until he folds n explains.... IDK I JUST WANT A HAPPY ENDING FOR THOSE TWO :((((( (not forced ofc!! i jus love ur writing!)
Bridge the Gap.
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✩࿐ summary: life and death really makes a girl wonder.
warning(s): idiots in love, chapters 61-65 manga spoilers, master/servant like relationship, description of near drowning, suggestive content, ambiguous ending. wc; 9.3k
pairing(s): jinshi/fem!reader.
a/n: tysm for reading my fics means the world to hear ppl actually enjoy them, anon!!! ;') i wasn't really going to make a 2nd part of moonlight goddess as i thought it was okay to leave off there, but i love jinshi sooo i'll take any excuse to write him. this was initially going to be a part 2 of clumsiness, but i figured my plans worked better with what you were envisioning! im not entirely sure how to feel about this, but i hope this lives up to the standards! i apologize for any mistakes, this was written mostly in the early mornings when i had time!
part i. m.list
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"Are you sure I'm not hurting you?"
"Y/N, please, stop asking me that."
"Oh, yes. My apologies, Jinshi-sama. Sorry."
This were, admittedly, not going well. Both of you soaked, hair dripping, and standing in the cave behind a rapid waterfall, and a dull ache in your chest as you recovered. Partly your fault, partly the fault of some crazed marksman that was hiding in the forest, trying to slaughter Jinshi and, by proxy, you.
To understand how you two ended up in this situation, we would have to back up a bit.
"Oh? Y/N, I didn't know you'd be attending this as well?"
"It was a last minute switch with Suiren and I."
"You... enjoy these hunts?"
"I've done everything I could to avoid them in the years past."
Your lack of excitement was apparent and clear. It appeared to bring no ease of mind to Maomao who dragged her rather disgusted eyes from you towards Gaoshun. The older man just kept his attention on the moving scenery outside, a distant glaze over his eyes.
Maomao obviously wasn't optimistic. Just like you. You were almost proud that she had caught on so easily.
The sweltering heat outside seemed to seep into the carriage, cooking you alive in your rather formal wear. Something that you were spotted in far and few, having been years that you truly cleaned yourself prim and proper. You had been on the edge of declining even going when Jinshi, with a grin and a certain glitter in his eyes, had too happily informed you that it was a direct invitation from Shishou.
Your fate had been sealed.
Maomao peeked at you from the corner of her eye, head tilted, "Do you mind me asking why you avoided these events?"
You don't even spare her a glance, "I fear if I spoke my honest opinion, I'd stain Jinshi-sama's reputable name with my foul mouth." You reply flatly in return.
"Please don't." Gaoshun said softly from his seat, looking particularly tired.
You decided to ignore the slump of Maomao's shoulders as if disappointed by the swift interruption and decline on Gaoshun's part. Turning your eyes towards the shifting world outside.
It'd been exactly five months since Jinshi had danced under the moon and you came to the conclusion that any impure thoughts you held for your master would be safely tucked away in the back of your mind (and heart). Forever your secret. Only to be heard in your dreams and upon your death, when you repent for any ill thoughts to the Great Man above.
Everything had returned to its normal routine. You would get up in the morning, prepare breakfast alongside Suiren, eat, then proceed with any chores the woman gave you for the rest of the day, then repeat. Equally, your relationship (or lack thereof) with Jinshi had remained the same. Conversations filled with pleasantries. Simple things that had always lingered between the two of you since you were children. Pleasant and simple. As the world shall ever be.
It got a bit ruffled with Jinshi had cornered you and practically ordered that you come to the hunt instead of Suiren.
In the middle of scrubbing away at the floors, he had found you. Stood above you with that grin, “Y/N, you’re one of my most loyal servants, hm?” He’d begun with an inflection in his tone that made you horribly hesitant.
You had faltered in your scrubbing to stare up at him with confusion, “Uh…well, I suppose, Jinshi-sam’s.”
“Why don’t you join me for the Hunt this up coming week?”
Your had heart dropped. And, by the look Gaoshun had dawned, his had too. The Hunt, in your humble opinion, was a glorified weekend for the men in high positions to rub one off while killing animals. It wasn’t something you found interesting in or much grace. That’s why you had declined Suiren’s question on whether or not you’d like to take her place only three days prior. You had no interest in watching anyone, even Jinshi, size each other up while a defenseless animal bled.
“Jinshi-sama, I believe Suiren—“
Ever the gentleman, he had cut you off, “No worries, Suiren agreed to take over matters while you’re gone! She’s the sweetest, right?” He had appeared all to eager and all too himself for you to ignore.
So, with a heavy heart, you’d sighed, accepting defeat and his invitation.
Now, you would find your torture for a multiple day retreat with a bunch of men with their c—
The carriage came to an abrupt halt, bringing an unruly end to your thoughts as you all carefully exited and were greeted by the sunshine. The humid air heavy with the condensation of the area and already making a sweat appear on your brow. But, ever the lady, you pleasantly tuck your hands into your sleeves and follow behind Gaoshun and Basen.
You were a little surprised as Maomao stuck closely to your side; but not all too surprised to find her attention on your surroundings, vague surprise in her eyes. The area was as equally as beautiful as it was a burden to you.
The buildings weren't anything for you to revel at. Spending an entire lifetime within palaces and in buildings as equally or above standard to those, it just wasn't anything special. The nature surrounding the area, however, was something to stare in awe at. Lucious trees, beautiful grass, and beautiful array of plants and flowers. It almost made you regret all the time you had spent away from this place.
But it wasn't like you had the chance to truly return since the last time you were here. Nothing could bring back that little girl.
You deterred your thoughts away as Gaoshun slid the door open. Immediately, you were hit with a wave of heat that you made you tense up. It was apparent that you wouldn't find your much needed cool down you were desperate to find since you were confined in the carriage days prior.
You were the last to enter and when you did, you faltered at the sight before you.
Jinshi was sprawled across the couch, wisps of his dark hair framed his sweat glistened face, eyes closed in contempt. A small dent appeared between his eyebrows and a frown adorned his face. However, your attention was caught on a drop of sweat that made its way from his hairline, down his cheek, his jaw, his long slender neck, and past his— his collar.
His modesty was of no worry, apparently, as he laid with his robes parted open to reveal his chest. Itself was glistening with sweat. Delicate skin on showcase for all to see. It brought a soft blush to your cheeks, as you blatantly ogled him. Pressing your lips together to contain whatever thoughts you had about him from burst from your seams.
"Y/N," Jinshi's voice hit your ears, tender and smooth. You're suddenly hyperaware that he's staring at you with raised brows, lids peeked open to stare at you.
You straighten your back and offer a bow, "Jinshi-sama. Do you require anything?" You had to get it together. It was inappropriate to behave in such a scandalous way. "Request for ice? Tea?"
Jinshi shook his head, sitting up, "No, rather I'd like for you to rest after such a long journey."
You falter, your arms wavering from their position in front of your face, "Uh.... Wouldn't the room be more tolerable with some ice?" You spare a glance around the room and grimace. The windows are shut tight, only bits of sun peeking through the cracks. Basen looks rather miserable, but trying to appear his usual stern self. While Gaoshun and Maomao seem rather okay with showcasing their small discontent with the heat. A nice cube would help at least cool down a bit.
You also couldn't stand another second seeing Jinshi like that. As if he were some type of nymph testing your faith.
"Really, it's fine—" Jinshi attempted, but you were already turning on your heel.
"I will return with ice." You didn't miss the way Jinshi's face fell and his eyes cut to Gaoshun who shook his head in return.
Your fast paced adventure led you to the main hall, where people were moving in and out. Various officers and servants filled the area, finding their rooms or helping their masters and fellow officers to their own rooms. Everyone appeared to be feeling the heat as they wiped their brows. Much like you, they appeared to be attempting to defeat the heat.
You found your way towards an attendant who helped you get something situated for Kousen. Something that brought you both distaste and irritation. Something to be addressed at a later time.
Joy filled you as you turned around, ice would soon be in the room and you could crowd around it like it was a new lover.
As you were about to make your way back to the room, you ran into someone.
You were about to apologize when they whirled around and you let out an audibly sigh that conveyed your unwavering exhaustion for them.
"Hey, watch where— Oh, hey, " Lihaku blinked, kind face twisted up in vague recognition. “You’re that lady-in-waiting. What are you doing out here?”
“I’m on loan from Jinshi-sama,” you answered rather flatly, not missing the small frown accompanying the man’s face.
You were vaguely familiar with Lihaku. What with Maomao getting involved in the problems within the inner and rear palace, you were bound to make new acquaintances when she was dragging you around. Lihaku was the first one you had ran into. On orders to accompany the girl from Suiren, you had gotten to see her investigative skills firsthand. You were impressed, surely, when she had made the discovery about the potatoes. But the impression was overshadowed by Lihaku, who had spent the entire time chatting your ear off.
He was kind, handsome, and smart when it called for it. But you could tell that, like most officers, he had an airheaded vibe to him. One that deterred you from making things too complicated with him.
Friendly enough, and one of the few people that didn't seem to disinterest Maomao, you accepted his very vague and shadowed feature in your life.
"Well, that's nice of him." He said, clearly disinterested in where this conversation was going. "I'm glad to see a friendly face, though."
You offered a small smile, "As am I. Not many kind faces around here often."
"You can say that again." You hear a loud inhuman snort and a tug on your gown, taking a large step back, you look down. A large dog with drool leaking out from the sides of its mouth stared back at you. "Oh, hey, boy, no!"
"O-Oh my." You uttered, slightly breathless as you looked at the large beast.
Lihaku glanced at you, offering a withering smile, "Eh, sorry, he gets excited around new people— not a great trait in a dog like this, you would think, but he's a real gem. Just has his moments. Hey, now—"
Lihaku pulled out something metal and brought it to his lips, then blew. It emitted little to no sound, at least, any you could truly hear, making your perk up when the dog tilted his head and sat respectfully before the officer. He blew again and the dog laid. Again, and the dog stood on all fours.
You smiled softly, watching in wonder as it obeyed whatever silent orders it was getting from Lihaku.
"He's very smart." You observed as the dog sat down again.
"Right?" Lihaku beamed, "I can get him to come running from kilometers away if need be."
"Useful when you're in a bind."
"For sure!" Lihaku's demeanor reminded you of a proud father as he puffed his chest and looked distastefully towards the cages lined up outside. "He's real smart, yet they still want to use those birds in the end."
You didn't want to point out the various problems that could come with using a dog; as there were probably another list of various pros to actually use the dog. The hawks had been used for years and you doubt that some dogs would be taking their place any time soon. It'd probably be a long time before these arrogant men came to their senses and found better means. Despite dogs being loyal and determined to their cause, the hawk would always be chosen.
Or, the better alternative, they didn't do this hunt anymore.
But you knew that was a longshot.
It wasn't long after that you bid Lihaku a farewell and good luck on his duties, making your way back to the room. You exchanged pleasant smiles and greetings with familiar faces, but nothing that kept you from relaxing much longer.
When you returned to the room, everyone had found their own areas and activities to occupy themselves. Gaoshun and Basen were playing Go near the windows, Maomao was reclining on the floor where a sliver or air was flowing through (from where, you weren't completely sure). Jinshi was back to sitting on the couch, a book in his hands. Something that was quickly disregarded as you gently closed the door behind you.
"The ice should be up soon." You informed the room with a respectful bow.
Jinshi didn't look at all interested, "What took you so long?" It sounded like contempt. Irritation if you had to really dig. Something that made you falter.
You look up and see the pout on his lips— childish, as always. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jinshi-sama. I happened to run into a friend and got caught up in conversation." You apologized softly. The last thing you wanted to do was bring him more annoyance and disturbance.
He straightened considerably, "A friend?"
You didn't like the way it was spoken. A touch of disbelief was enough for you to eye him with your own distaste. Even if you and Lihaku were nothing more than strangers with vague familiarity with one another.
"Yes, a friend." You confirmed with thin lips. Despite your inner voice telling you to reign in your attitude, you upturn your nose and decide to join Maomao— whose eyes were shooting between the both of you with trepidation and vague sympathy. "He was being kind."
Jinshi huffed, "I didn't know you had any secret friends."
"Not a secret. Just don't find any time to speak about it with you, Jinshi-sama."
That made the man falter, a darkened shadow over his face. "I suppose." He frowned heavily now, squinting at you with something unreadable. "Who is this friend of yours?"
You, finding no reason to lie, continued on, "Officer Lihaku."
In an instant, three heads snapped to you with varying degrees of emotions. Maomao looked shocked, but welcomed the information with a shrug. Gaoshun looked pale and overwrought, for whatever reason you weren't entirely sure, but you had an itching feeling it had to do with Jinshi.
The same Jinshi that was now face down on the couch, letting out a miserable sound. Speaking into the fabric of it all, unintelligiable. But you swore you heard something along the lines of— "that second rate, again?!" As he continued to rant and cry.
With that, you decided it best to not involve yourself with whatever Jinshi was battling. You wouldn't win anyway.
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You'd always hated Kousen-sama.
He almost always seemed to loom in the shadows. An masked man who held no personality or words of his own. Pleasantries offered out of necessity and not because that was simply the right thing to do. He was mysterious. He hardly appeared, but he was always there. A reminder for what things would return to one odd day. A symbol for exactly where your loyalties and master lied.
Kousen-sama was to always appear before others with his mask on. To avoid them seeing the ghastly sight of scars and blemishes that adorned his skin because of his sickness (whatever that may be) and spare him the indecency of stares. He was unmoving. Stone amongst he lively environment that ate away at their lunches and softly conversed with one another.
Prince. The respectable Kousen-sama. The great son of the empire. The brave prince against all odds.
Oh, how much you hate Kousen-sama.
But you still had woken up early to help him pin his hair back. To slip his robes on. To delicately place the mask on, fingering the bangs out through the slits to allow some type of familiarity. You were his confidant. His reliable and kind servant.
As always, you and Basen stood behind Kousen-sama with your backs straight and eyes ahead. A pleasant servant on loan and stern guard, you both were familiar faces against the unrecognizable figure in front of you. It reminded the people exactly who was before them. Exactly who had decided to grace their presence.
Still, it brought you discomfort.
You still eyed Gaoshun in the corner of you eye. The older man sat at the other end of the table. Maomao standing behind him with a distant look in her eyes, obviously not paying attention to the things happening around her. Not entirely surprising, but you felt the overwhelming urge to scold her for her lack in etiquette.
Oh, you're starting to think like Suiren, aren't you?
Suddenly, Basen is tensing up beside you and Kousen-sama is turning his head away from a scowling Shishou. Your eyes snap between the two with a scowl of your own. Whatever that man had said—
Kousen-sama's hand clenches. So tightly that his knuckles turn white and he shakes. You know something isn't right. You had missed something. Something so obvious and you were too concerned about Gaoshun.
The man stands from his chair, the legs loudly clattering against the tiled and stone floor. You watch uneasily as Kousen-sama raises, takes a moment to collect himself, then practically speeds away from the room. You don't waste a moment to bring your sleeve covered hands to your mouth and make your own exit.
As you pass a concerned Maomao and Gaoshun, you hear a barely uttered whisper from the girl— heat. Food.
You try to hide your confusion and worry as you follow behind your master.
It doesn't take you long to find him.
Down the path, up against a tree, the masked figure was hunched and obviously breathing heavily. You draw closer, outstretching a hand to gently press it against the large expanse of his back.
"Kousen-sama, are you quite alright?" You ask softly, hunching slightly to capture a glimpse of his eyes from that slit in the fabric.
When you do, you're almost breathless. His violet eyes are alight with something distant and scornful. Eyebrows furrowed as he meets your own gaze.
"Y/N...?" He sounded vaguely surprised under it all, breathless himself. As if he couldn't quite believe that you were here in front of him.
You nod once, reaching out and grabbing ahold of one of the ties keeping the mask all together. "I'm going to remove this. No one is around."
His hand is suddenly wrapped around your wrist. Not tight or unrelenting, but enough to make you freeze. Warm and clammy skin against your own to make you feel scorched. You don't need to see his entire face to know that his jaw was clenched now.
"I can't," he said in all his self-assuredness, "Someone might still come."
What a pain. You thought to yourself as you draw in a heavy breath.
You don't waste a second to slip under his arm, wrapping it around your shoulders and allowing him to lean most of his weight against you. "No worries, sir, I'll just find us some place where no one else is around."
You gently guide Kousen-sama from the line of trees and deep within it. Finding an oddly familiar path created within your mind to follow that takes you towards an overflowing waterfall. A loud crash of water hitting the rocks and body of water below that brought you a distant sense of comfort. The refreshing smell of the water hits your nostrils and you take a deep breath.
With Kousen-sama against you, you felt the sweltering heat hit you tenfold. But the mist from the waterfall brushed against your skin like a gently caress from an old lover.
This is it.
You stumble over to one of the few trees next to the waterfall and gently guide Kousen-sama to sit up against it. The man took a heavy breath and you finally felt a little at ease. Reaching forward, you moved to take the cloth off once again and then—
A loud thud and chunks of dirt hit your cheek.
You frowned, looking to the ground only a could feet away and saw a small crater. A sharp smell filled your senses and you stiffened. It was an unkind and almost putrid scent. The smoke from the small crater was the main cause.
You were suddenly cut off as Kousen-sama wrapped his arms around you, jerking you upwards and away from the tree. You would've basked in the way his body was pressed against your back or the way his fingers seemed to mold into your abdomen— you would've if it weren't for the loud crack in the air then the pieces of bark that flew through the air around you.
The tree that he had been pressed up against only moments ago was now split open with a piece of metal imbedded into the wood. It looked eerily similar to the same that had been in the ground moments ago.
"Is that a feifa?!" His voice pierced through your thoughts, oddly frantic and uneasy as he moved quickly from the tree and towards the river.
You glanced up at him and found him already staring down at you. Eyes narrowed and, if it weren't for the mask, his entire face would be scrunched up in that familiar distaste and panic. Yet he seemed eerily calm as he dragged you through the trees and into the water.
"Sorry, but this is gonna get a bit dramatic." His voice was soft against your head, warm breath caressing your hair as he wraps a protective arm around your head.
Your eyebrows raise, "Dramatic— WHAT?" You should've known his tone and choice of his words were a warning for what was to come, but you were still caught off guard.
He gave no indication that he was going to jump off the cliff.
"Jinshi, you goddamn idiot!"
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You mustn't get ideas above your station.
The water was oddly clear. Even with the mix of the overflowing waterfall, under it all was peaceful and calm. Fishes and water like insects lived in harmony.
Cool and calm. Always.
You are there to serve your master.
The little boy's head burst from the water with a big grin, short hair flat against his head and dripping. The sun reflecting off his violet eyes and almost blinded the little girl curled up on the side shore. Her face set into a scowl, clothes drenched, and a looming unimpressed older man behind her.
"It's so nice out, why don't you come in!" Beckoned the boy from the water.
The little girl shot him a nasty look, "You know why, you jerk!"
The boy's grin faltered, tilting his head at his friend, "Eh? Why are you being mean?" His voice wavered on the ends, still just floating in the middle of the basin.
"I'm not mean! You're mean! You're the biggest meanie!" The little girl stood up to throw an accusatory finger at the boy, her sleeve heavy and uncomfortable as she moved.
The boy's face reddened, eyebrows scrunched together, "I'm not mean! You're mean!" He repeated.
"No, you are! You're the biggest meanie in the whole wide world!"
"No, you are!"
"You are! You pushed me into the water!"
"You are! You should swim!"
"I hope you drown, meanie!"
The boy's expression fell completely. A heartbroken glint in his eyes flooding them. His lips trembled. But, before he could do something like cry, he was already swimming deeper
Nothing less, nothing more.
"Now, now," a large hand rested on the little girl's shoulder and gently tugged her back, turning her around to face the man. He seemed to be trying to appear as tender as he could to try calm down the girl's high nerves. "No need to get angry."
"But, Gaoshun—" The little girl whined.
Gaoshun shook his head, patting her shoulder, "No, we don't argue. Try to forgive and forget, yeah?" He reminded the lessons that he'd attempted multiple times to teach the two children. "No reason to walk around with resentment for others, right?"
The little girl scoffed her shoe against the ground, a pout on her lips, "Do I have to, Gaoshun?" She knew what this would call for. Exactly how this would end for her.
The man heaved a sigh, nodding, "Yes, you do. Now, go reconcile. I'll wait here."
The girl faltered as the man raised to his full height, cupping his hands behind his back. She dragged her feet through the soft soil and found her way towards the boy once more. He was grasping onto the edge of the bank, sniffling and snorting. His shoulders shook and his face was stuffed into his arms.
The little girl frowned. "Um... Are you okay?"
The boy stiffened, not turning around as he answered, "No."
"I'm sorry, I said something real mean." The little girl uttered, stepping closer as she clutched her wet clothes. "I just... You pushed me into the water, I can't..."
"I thought you were my friend!" The little boy whirled around on her, face red and eyes filled with big tears. He looked enraged but incredibly disheartened. The girl blinks in return as the boy glares. "You say such mean things to me. Friends aren't supposed to be mean!"
The girl clenched her jaw, "You were mean to me first!" She accused.
The boy sniffled, wiping under his nose with his forearm. "You're my friend." He repeated as if that cleared up any anger.
Nothing more, nothing less.
The little girl slowly sat beside him, her feet dipping under the water. "It is nice." She whispered.
The little boy dragged his eyes upwards, looking hurt but hopeful. "Right?" he asked, equally as quiet.
"You're my friend too, Jinshi." The little girl nudge him with her leg.
Jinshi's eyes twinkled, wide and all too bright, "Really?"
"Really." The little girl confirmed with a toothless grin. "My friend forever and ever!"
Jinshi positively beamed, the water sloshing as he jumped happily. "Forever and ever, and ever!"
"And ever!"
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"It's no longer... appropriate for you and Jinshi-sama to be friends."
"I don't... I don't understand. He's my friend."
"His mother no longer finds it appropriate for you to concern yourself with Jinshi."
"But, Gaoshun—"
"No, Y/N. It's over. Come along. Suiren has a present for you."
"He's.... He's my friend...."
"I'm so sorry."
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You are to give your life to your master.
The woman paused, back pin straight, as she entered her master's office, finding him curled up in the corner, muttering nonsensically to himself. The guard of said master was watching on with a pitiful expression of his own, only breaking his eyes away when the woman entered the room. His expression only seemed to deepen.
She didn't need to ask. There was an unspoken understanding as to what their master's breakdown was regarding. The Apothecary. The one that had gotten the attention of everyone in the palace as of late. The one that had been causing her great grief as of late— and was about to create more.
"Jinshi-sama?" The woman called softly, stepping closer.
Jinshi's lifeless eyes continued to stare at the floor below him. A gentle rocking seeming to soothe himself from the rages of his mind. "I don't need anything, Y/N. Thank you, kindly." He uttered just as lifelessly.
The devoted servant's chest clenched. Her face flushed as she reached out a wavering hand. To place it delicately against his hunched back. To offer her best comforting words that she could. To distract him away from her.
Any inappropriate behavior will be punished, severely.
She faltered. This wasn't her place. This wasn't a part of her duties unless Jinshi said so. Inappropriate behavior wasn't called for. It will be punished severly.
Retracting her hand, she stands, and offers a respectful bow. "Please call me if you need anything, Jinshi-sama." And left him in his dark corner.
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"Gaoshun, may I ask you something?"
"Of course, Jinshi-sama."
"You have been in my life for as long as I can remember. You remember more than I possibly could about my younger years. Whatever happened to cause me and Y/N to fall apart?"
"It had to be around the time I was eight that I noticed we were growing apart. Even now, I see it so clearly."
"It's been a long time, Jinshi-sama. You're no longer children."
"All the more reason to know, isn't it?"
"I don't know...."
"Gaoshun, nothing will come of it. I'm simply curious."
"I'm sorry to put you in this position. Please return to what you were doing."
"Jinshi-sama.... you might not like the truth..."
"I usually don't."
"Where to begin.... Before her eighth birthday—"
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Everything felt so muffled. Faraway. Featherlight.
Was that a pressure against your chest? A thump that came into quick successions, then stopped. For something soft and ever so delicate to press against your lips?
Everything was distant. So far away from your grasp. From your state of being. As if you were already long gone from whatever reality you were in moments ago.
It was almost like floating. A gentle sway and a crack.
A joyful gliding against the sky that soothed you away from worries and woes.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Repeating endlessly. Happily. Wetly?
Thump. Thump. Lips.
You welcomed it. Whatever it was. Whatever kept the rhythm. The wonderful rhythm.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
You shot up with a cough.
Your throat burned and head ached terribly. Your eyes almost felt like they were about to pop out of your head and roll away. You felt horrible.
It didn't help that you were drenched from head to toe either.
Beside you, there was a heavy and loud sigh of relief as he fell to his backside. He let a silence fall over you both as you recovered, hand pressed against your throat and heaving.
Jesus. Had you almost...
The thought alone almost made you sick.
"I'm sorry. I thought.... I didn't think you still couldn't swim." His voice was soft, barely heard over the waterfall. Kind and cautious, worried and terrified. Things that seeped from his tone as if it were bleeding out and bearing all its insides to you.
Exposing him to you.
You peeked over your loose strands of hair to glare viciously at him. "When would I have the time to learn to swim?" You shot back ruthlessly, not entirely caring from etiquette in this moment. "You've lost your mind."
"Right." Jinshi immediately agreed, almost looking fearful as he watched you.
You push yourself up and take in a deep breath, coughing slightly at the burn of your throat. Taking in your surroundings, you swore that this was that—
"Are you really alright?"
You glanced back at the man and found him still sat on the damp ground. His eyebrows are furrowed and a small frown on his lips as he stared up at you. It made you uncomfortable. To see such a glittering violet staring back at you earnestly. Honestly.
You instead clutch onto your dress, "Suiren is gonna kill me." You scoff, tugging the garments apart.
You could hear Jinshi sputter behind you. The gravel and dirt below him crunching as he probably scrambled up from his spot.
You spared a feeble look over your shoulder to find him with his eyes clenched slowed, hand covering your body from his gaze. You snap your gaze back around and tug the fabric a little too hard as you scoff.
You wouldn't deny the pang of hurt that clenched your chest.
"Don't worry, Jinshi-sama, you won't have to see my unruly body of mine for long. I just want to make sure Suiren doesn't slaughter me when we return."
"I— No, I'm just— okay." He finally muttered.
You are stripped down to your underthings, placing the dress and various pieces on the ground as delicately as you can to avoid too much dirt being stained into the fabric.
As you place the last bit of clothing down, you hear the flutter of fabric behind you.
Jinshi is a bright red, gently tossing his robe down behind him. His back is facing you and you know its for whatever mock sense of modesty he wants to give the both of you. You instinctively reach out and take his robe in your grasp, twisting it and squeezing it to watch out a fair amount of water drip out.
"You worry about mine later. Take care of your things first."
Yeah, right, You think as you twist it with an unrelenting grip. You are there to serve your master. It's one of the first things you learn. His needs came before your own. His needs were your needs.
Jinshi snatched the robe away and squeezed the fabric tight, an overflowing amount of water released from the cloth and into the ground.
Okay, so maybe he was better at it than you.
You nod, turning your attention towards your own garments and try to ignore the overwhelming feeling that you had eyes on your rear.
"So, um—" Jinshi cleared his throat when his eyes dragged away from you, cheeks a bright red. "What now?"
"Well, we could attempt at trying to swim back—"
"You can't swim."
"I was going to say that."
"Oh, sorry."
There's a soft silence between the both of you as you finish up. Gently redressing, you make your way towards the entrance of the cave, where the waterfall is blocking it from any negative eyes. You press your lips into a thin line and regard it bitterly. You remember this waterfall.... you could recall the times you whimsical pondered what it'd be like to ride down it like in those stories.
Jinshi had promised such when you both were too young and too dumb to realize how naïve dreams like that were.
You couldn't really judge that mini-you, for you had your own dreams of—
"Remember when Gaoshun first brought us here?"
You hadn't realized that Jinshi made his way over until he was standing beside you. Robes lose over his shoulders and tugging on his top layer. Violet eyes were watching the water as if it were a canvas of memories in the long distant past. Something to be admired and viewed with daisies and smiles. Not to be addressed as anything but good or amazing. Not to see the truth of it all.
You press your lips together, drawing in a heavy breath, "I remember you pushing me in the water and Gaoshun having to pull me out."
Jinshi's face screws up slightly, a faint blush on his features as he almost looks around with shame. "Right...." He straightens, "I'm sorry."
You blink, "Huh?"
Jinshi glances at you with a small smile, "I, uh, never really apologized back then. Made you apologize like you did something wrong." He explains weakly.
You raise an amused brow, "I told you I wished you would drown."
"I kinda deserved it!" Jinshi counters, his lips cracking into a grin. That charming grin he gets that makes your heart flutter. Make you hopeful for terrible and wistful. "I'm real sorry."
You smile softly, eyes kind and soft as you regard him, "I forgave you a long time, Jinshi-sama."
Jinshi's expression faltered, "Don't call me...." He trailed off awkwardly, turning his attention back to the unrelenting waterfall. You watched him for that moment. That split second where it looked like he was actually going to say something that would make you lightheaded. His jaw working and the muscle jumping as he seems to contemplate his next words.
Say anything and I'll cling to it, You think, watching his lips part, I always have. I always will.
"I'm surprised you were the one that followed me out. I thought the Apothecary might've done it."
You tense. That was certainly not what you expected him to say. Of all the things he could say? The Apothecary.
The waterfall in front of you is suddenly much too loud and violent. The cave seems to darken and your eyes drag from Jinshi to stare at your bare feet. Of course. Of course. Why wouldn't he want Maomao? Why had you even came here? Who were you to get between whatever silent signal he was trying to send to the other girl.
Him and Maomao. It was nicer than him and you. Jinshi and Y/n.
You straighten, pushing down any ill thoughts and heavy feelings into the dark pits of your chest and mind. "I apologize for the intrusion. I thought it'd make more sense for me to accompany you, Jinshi-sama."
"Why are you apologizing....?" He trailed off and then made a noise that sounded eerily similar to that of a caught man. "No, wait, I'm really glad that you're the one who came! Like really glad!"
"You don't have to spare me, Jinshi-sama. I'm a woman now, not a little girl."
"I'm not—" He visibly slumps, closing his eyes and trying to collect whatever thoughts he has and place them appropriately. He draws in a breath and faces you, looking oddly serious compared to his usual self. "I'm not trying to spare your feelings. I was just trying to say that— Well, it's not— I want you here, Y/n."
He's sparing your feelings. He's being kind. He doesn't actually want you there. You can't be friends.
You don't spare him a response. Instead, walking further into the cave. You raise your eyebrows, looking at the gaping hole above you where light and the sounds of nature filtered in. What could possibly get you both out of there...?
Whistle. Sit.
Of course. Him.
Jinshi sighs, "I spoke to Gaoshun before we—"
You place your fingers in the corner of your mouth and blow. A loud whistle bounces off the cave walls and out of the hole. You wait and hope to hear a bark or see the familiar tall man, but there's nothing.
"What are you doing?" Jinshi asks slowly, glancing between you and the hole above.
"Hello?" You cup your hands over your mouth and shout as loudly as you can. "Is anyone out there?"
Jinshi frowns, staring at you uneasily, "Y/n, please, we don't want to attract them this direction."
In the mess of almost drowning and seeing peeps of Jinshi's bare skin, you'd almost forgotten that you both had been chased down here by some violent assassin. Rather foolish, if you were honest.
You place the tips of your fingers against your lips and try to force the blush spreading across your cheeks off. "Sorry." You offer a bow of your head, despite the position you both find yourselves in.
You receive no response which causes you to peek at him. The stare that he's leveling you with doesn't bring you any type of comfort. It usually meant he was about to say something that—
"Hop on my back and see if you can reach up there."
—you wouldn't like.
Your eyebrows shot upwards and you stared at him with wide eyes. If Suiren was here and knew what he just proposed, she'd positively lose her mind. No matter how long she had known you— she'd think it improper. He was your boss and you were his lowly servant. To be in an position above him or treating him like a mat, it was...
It was simply ridiculous.
"If you're the one below, you'll get crushed." He jabs a thumb over his shoulder. "Do it."
And that's how you ended up here. Legs wrapped around Jinshi's shoulders and heads, hand reaching out for the dirt above. You dig your fingers in and glance down at the man below you.
"Are you sure I'm not hurting you?"
Jinshi sighed for what seemed the hundredth time that day, his hand on your thigh squeezing gently. "Y/N, please stop asking me that."
You grimace, "My apologies, Jinshi-sama. Sorry." You shakily raise from your place, ignoring the soft and deep grunt Jinshi gives as you stand on his shoulders.
You dig your nails into the damp dirt and begin to tug yourself up.
This is it. Finally, you could get into the open forest once again. You're not going to be suffocated by his presence. Everything will return back to its rightful places—
You froze when it smacked you in the forehead.
You tried to keep calm as you felt the slimy breathing thing rest on your skin. Body tensed up and eyes staring widely at the bright sky above.
"Y/N?" Jinshi softly called, noticing the way you tensed.
"F—Frog." You utter, jaw clenched tight and you felt it shift as you take a deep breath. "A frog."
Jinshi blinked, looking up at you with his own wide eyes, "Hey, don't-don't freak out! Just shake your head and it'll hop off."
You shake a little, but follow his instructions. However, you may have overestimated the shake as you lose your grip on the dirt and begin to fall back.
The tumble down is short and not all that hurtful, like you had been expecting. You had closed your eyes in anticipation, fear of having to watch the ground quickly approach too much for your tiny heart. You expected to feel the damp mud to be seeping into your clothes and little bits of stone and bark digging into your skin. However—
There was nothing except the soft silk under your fingers. The scent that resembled a sweet fruit, one that you had smelt quite often in the mornings. In the noons, the evenings, the nights, repeat. You knew that smell and that familiar beat against your own chest.
Peeking your eyes open, you find that Jinshi is already staring back at you. The first thing you notice is that you both are extremely close to one another. His breath fans against your dewy face, making goosebumps raise off your skin and a shiver sent down your spin. Next is his tender expression, Eyes gentle and twinkling. His expression isn't filled with pain or anything that would indicate that he was uncomfortable with the very short distance between you both. The last thing you notice is the fact that your body is pressed against his.
Your complexion flushes and you blink down at him.
He's warm. Incredibly warm. A sharp contrast to his damp clothes, which are open and pooling under his shoulder blades, revealing his bare chest to you. Your breath is ripped from you as you stare at the plump skin. You've seen it a million times. Every day as you help him get ready for the day. It should be normal. Should be something that doesn't make you lightheaded.
But it does.
He's right there. Right against you. You can feel his heartbeat ramming against his chest and into yours. You can feel every small breath he takes—as if hanging onto this moment with, what? Trepidation? Unease? You weren't entirely sure but you knew that you felt light.
Was it so bad that you felt nice in this moment? That this warmth was wrong? Was it so out of your reach that you simply couldn't imagine a man wanting to embrace you in a way?
You are to give your life to your master. Any inappropriate behavior will be punished, severely.
Yes. It was.
You clenched your jaw, ignoring the tender look in Jinshi's eyes as you try to bring your mind into the present.
The frog.
It wasn't anything that you wanted to touch, but Jinshi was your master. Your discomforts and fears must be pushed away for his sake and needs.
Reaching down, you feel for any signs of the frog. It wasn't large, but it wasn't entirely small either. It wouldn't be hard to find in all it's slimy and— There it is.
Your hand brushed it and you feel almost elated to find it. Your hand cupped around the bulge from Jinshi's robes. It feels much bigger than the average frog that'd been on your forehead. It was unmoving to, except for the small twitch it gives as you rest your palm down. You gripped it.
"Hng," Jinshi grunts, his eyes close. You're a little shocked as his hips shift, his hands at your hips dig into your flesh, almost too eager. You snap your eyes upward to his suddenly sweating and flushed face. "I-I'm sorry, but... but could you move your hand? It's making things, um, rather difficult."
You grip onto the twitching frog below you—
"U-Uh—" Jinshi moans in a deep and guttural way that would make anyone, especially you, malfunction. It doesn't help that his hands latch onto you harder, pressing you closer and releasing a stuttering breath against your ear.
Why was he squirming so much? Why was his face so red and dripping with sweat? Why was his chest heaving and his hands flexing around your skin? And why was this thing twitching and getting bigger in your hold....
You are to give your life to your master. Any inappropriate behavior will be punished, severely.
You felt a little sick at your intrusion. At the gall. You couldn't believe yourself. You had violated one of the single rules you were ever given. You violated Jinshi's space. His entire being. You were to be punished and hated— ousted from your position.
Disgusted with yourself, you slowly stand up. Jinshi's softly panting from his position on the ground, running a hand through his mused hair.
"S-Sorry, I haven't— I'm a bit—" Jinshi's obviously embarassed and uncomfortable. Look what you've done. You've ruined it all. "Hey, where are you going?"
Before you could think much more as his hands grip your hips once again and pull you down.
You're sat on his his lap and you could feel it.
"J-Jinshi-sama, I'm so-I'm so sorry!" You tucked your head down, shaking with trembling lips.
Jinshi's hands fall to your thighs, limp, "Eh...?"
"What I did was truly inappropriate and-and I will take any and all punishment!"
"Punishment...?" He sounded terribly confused, still a bit breathless. You keep your head ducked and he remains unmoved. "Why would I... you're not getting punished."
"I give my life to you. Any inappropriate behavior will be punished." You repeated softly under your breath, tucking your hands against your face to hide away from his gaze. From the judgement and hatred. "It's only just."
There's a longstanding silence between the both of you and you're hopeful that he's coming to his senses. That you'd be released and freed. That you would finally accept the gap and space between them. To fall away, finally, to the shadows.
It was tarnished the moment Jinshi wraps your hands around your own, gently prying your hands away from your face.
He doesn't look vengeful or angered. No. No, he looks kind. As he always has been. Kind and considerate. Honest and open. He'd always been so...
He'd never really been angry with you. Not without sadness being overbearing. Always so quick to forgive you. To push everything away with a smile and crinkle of his eyes.
"Y/N..." His words are as soft as his expression.
Your hands shake, "Please... Please hate me." You pleaded quietly, pressing your forehead against his hands as if he were a monk to be begged to.
"I'm not going to punish you or... or anything of the sort. Why would you want that?"
You draw in a watery breath, shoulders shaking, "It's easier to let go that way." You admitted.
"Let go of what?"
"Of my love for you."
His shout echoed off the cave walls. Your humiliation and embarrassment was quick to follow once it bounced back at you. Made you flinch back and try to push yourself back from his lap. Why did you say anything? Fool. Disgusting fool.
"Hey, hey, hey," Jinshi's hands wrap around your wrists and tug you forward a bit. You refuse to meet his eye. You refuse to be humiliated and demeaned— "Don't do that. Don't close off."
You clench your jaw and try to push the humilation deep within you, taking a deep calming breath as you stared at his bare collar. "You're so kind and so... you. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable or disgusted, but I need to tell you. And then I would hope that you would let me go."
Jinshi's eyebrows shot up. "Let you go?"
You've been thinking about this for some time. That it all would be better if, in the end, you were to serve someone else. That you were pawned off for some soldier instead of this slow torture. This uncomfortable, unbearable tiptoeing.
"I would like for you to offer me to a soldier or anywhere else."
The reaction is instant. The way Jinshi's complexion darkens and he stares at you with wide eyes. He slumps into the damp ground and almost turns into putty. His hold on you slackens and gives you ample opportunity to move away. But you're frozen in your spot.
"Why would I do that?" Jinshi's voice is quiet, slow, "You're... You're mine."
A blush takes over your cheeks, "Jinshi-sama, It's not appropriate! I shouldn't be like this with you."
"What if I like it?"
You blink at him. "Huh?"
Jinshi leans forward, his thumb gently skirting against your skin. "What if I have some love for you too? What if I don't care about what's appropriate or follows the rules."
I would ask who you are. You were tempted to say but your mouth was clamped shut in shock. Following the rules had been completely him. He was put in his current position now to ensure the rules in the rear palace were being followed diligently. The thought that he would love someone like you when there were people like Maomao or princesses out there. People much more deserving of his devotion. It wasn't right.
As if sensing you're not believing him, he pulls away and presses his lips thin. "Okay, I'll convince you." He straightens up and takes a breath. "I spoke to Gaoshun not too long ago. Before we came here and I know everything now."
A pause. Everything. He knew everything now? Everything is so much. Everything is... well, everything. What exactly had Gaoshun told him?
"What's everything?"
"That my mother didn't want you around anymore. That Gaoshun told you that you weren't allowed around me anymore. That you stopped being my friend and became my employee."
Your stare up at Jinshi with wide eyes. "That's not...Us being friends wasn't right anymore."
Jinshi frowned, shaking his head and his hands slide up to your arms. "If I had my way, I would've had you by my side all that time. Not as some lady-in-waiting, but as my equal."
You shake your head, ignoring the erratic beating of your heart against your chest. "Don't say that. Don't say things you don't mean, Jinshi." You beg softly.
Jinshi reaches out, wrapping his hands around your own, pressing it against his chest. "I mean it with everything in me. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have ever been separated from you. Forget what my mother said." His words were sweet, tempting. They made you lightheaded. So did the sudden brightness and tender smile on his face. "That's the first time you've called me Jinshi since we were kids."
"What? I've always called you Jinshi."
"No, you've always called me Jinshi-sama."
You suppose you had.
"Jinshi," You utter, unsure of what else you both could say.
Jinshi's expression, if possible, softens further, leaning forward an inch. "Yes?" He whispers back just as softly.
Your eyes trail between his eyes before moving to his lips, parted and glistening, "Jinshi..."
Jinshi's hand slides up your thigh and his lips are ghosting against yours, "I'm here. I promise." He whispers before pressing your lips together delicately.
Your heart soars. Your hands shakily press against his cheeks, drawing closer as his own press your hips together. He's soft. He's tender. He's cautious and all encompassing. Filling your senses and making you lightheaded.
As you both part for a breath, he flips you onto your back. His hand grips the underside of your thigh and presses you close enough that he lets out a soft and broken sound.
His eyes are heavily lidded as he gazes down at you, lips pink. "I just want you. No one else. I promise." He utters.
You twist your hands into his hair, eyes fluttering. "You're it." You pass back.
His lips are back on yours. Wet and eager. This is sudden. Fast. But you've been waiting for so long. Had been clinging onto the smallest of things. Desperate to have this closeness that you had now. To feel his skin against yours. His breath mixing with your own. Everything him and everything you intertwined.
You just wanted to cherish this—
You and Jinshi both tense up, jumping. Looking over his shoulder, your eyes widen upon finding a familiar dog staring down at you both, wagging tail eager and happy to see you.
Jinshi's eyebrows furrow, "Huh...?"
There's not much warning before the dog is jumping down. Landing straight on Jinshi's back, causing the poor man to let out a pained sound. He's squishing you against the ground as the dog stands on his back, happily lapping his tongue against your cheek.
Vague disgust and disappointment wash over you, but you smile all the same. "Oh, boy!"
He barks again. A greeting you're sure.
Above, Lihaku and, surprisingly, Maomao appear. Both of them stare down at you with varying degrees of emotions. Lihaku looked excited and kinda like his dog, while Maomao.
Well, Maomao looked all too knowing.
"Well, you look rough!" Lihaku called down with a grin, "Glad to see you're not dead."
"As am I!" You huff out a laugh, then look to Maomao. "Hello, Xiaomao!"
"Hello." Maomao said flatly, she looked lower and her face screwed up distastefully. "Is Jinshi-sama okay?"
Lihaku then he spots his dog and slightly pales, letting out a sharp whistle. "C'mon, boy!"
The dog eagerly jumps off Jinshi, going to sit by your head and wag his tail. The man above you sighs in relief, pushing up off you. He sits up and you try not to focus on the bright blush on his face.
"Why did he do that?" The royal asks.
"Must've thought something was wrong." Lihaku rubs the back of his neck, frowning down at you both. "What... exactly where you two doing?"
You and Jinshi glance at one another, furious blushes flushing over you both. Despite anything that Jinshi said, there were things that you weren't allowed to do. Rules and laws that forbid something like this form happening the public eye. For a man like himself from being with a woman like you. A servant with a beautiful prince.
Protecting him was the priority.
"Nothing!" You shout back, ignoring the eyebrow raise that garnered from both Jinshi and Maomao.
Everything was better left alone. A secret between the both of you. To cherish and hold for however long it may need. You could deal with the anger and longing later.
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svltzmans · 11 months
hello, can you do one where hope takes her gf to meet klaus and hayley (you can add any of the other mikaelson if you want!). headcanon, story, or any other format is fine with me!
hope mikaelson bringing her gf home to her parents headcanons <3
a/n: hi anon!! this is my first request that's so exciting!! (am i pathetic idk) but i'm really glad you requested for hope bc i love her sm and i hope i do her justice <3 tysm for submitting this! i hope you like it!!
warnings: i don't think any?? just not proofread as always!!!
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hope would bring up the idea after you guys had been together for a while
and you were just sitting on the couch or something when she asked if you wanted to
and you would be SO NERVOUS because you know how much hope respects her parents and values their opinions
and we all know hope is headstrong and comes across as brave constantly, but she is secretly nervous too
even though she knows klaus and hayley will like you
and despite how much hope reassures you klaus and hayley both intimidate you a lot
but nonetheless y'all hop in the car for a long ass road trip to new orleans
i just know hope has an incredible road trip playlist
but anyway the drive feels like forever and a half because of the nerves
i feel like klaus and hayley would just be waiting outside for you guys to arrive
and seeing them in person completely freaks you out so you instinctively take hope's hand
"they are going to love you. i know i told you that a billion times and you won't believe me until you see it, but i swear it's true."
you guys get out of the car together, but hope steps out slightly ahead of you so you have a second to breathe
it's also insanely hot in new orleans and it's not helping your anxiety
but once you step out of the car and start walking toward the (massive ass) house, you start to feel a little better seeing hope embrace both of her parents
and then eventually their attention turns to you
i feel like hayley would say something along the lines of "hope, you didn't tell me she was this stunning!" and hope would be like "actually i did???" 😭😭😭
and you'd just be standing there blushing profusely thinking about the things hope told her parents about you
klaus honestly doesn't know how to respond to this situation
he kinda just gives an awkward handshake and hello
but he warms up to you so fast
soon enough he's telling you stories hope hasn't even heard
and she's like "who even is the favorite here?"
you guys would be staying for the weekend before returning to mystic falls
and during that time klaus and hayley grew to love you even more
hope would probably have a few things planned like dinners and stuff
but it would overall be a relaxed weekend getting to know hope's family
they're actually sad when you have to go
i feel like rebekah would show up like sunday night and be like wtf i missed it :(
but she would have a cute introductory conversation with you too!
and you'd turn to hope and be like "she is actually MY aunt"
in the car on the way home hope would be a total smartass and be like "i told you they would like you!!!"
and you'd kinda just smile because she was right
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
hiii could i request a fic/headcannon thingy with the OM brothers and the dateables trying to impress the mc's older sibling? tysm have a great day :))))))
obey me characters meeting and trying to impress your older sibling
hi anon! i hope this request is what you were looking for! i tried to keep it in character for who would actually try to impress your sibling vs. who would just roll with the punches and see what happens. i hope you enjoy!
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prompt: you're hanging out alone one night with your partner. a knot twists in your gut. you know he can tell something is wrong, but it seems he's waiting for you to say something first. eventually, you crack, sitting him down in preparation for what you've got to say. he watches you nervously twist your fingers together for a moment before finally speaking your mind.
"do you think you could... meet my older sibling?"
you fill him in on all the details, explaining how your sibling has grown more and more insistent the longer you've been together. he laughs and asks why you were so nervous. well, you see, your sibling isn't exactly the most friendly with anyone you've dated in the past, and you're a little nervous they might, y'know... hate your boyfriend?
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well, it's not like he's going to worry about it. lucifer has been alive for millennia, met more people than he can count. he is absolutely certain that your sibling will like him. he'll be on his best behavior, bring a gift for good measure, show them just how committed you are to each other. it'll be easy.
at least, that's what he tells himself to stop the incoming stress migraine.
this proud demon needs your older sibling to like him. it's not like they have any say in the relationship, sure, but what if their opinion sways yours? what if your sibling disapproves of him, and you yourself slowly start to grow tired the flaws your sibling finds in him?
he swings from cocky to stress-addled every day until he finally meets your sibling. behind his stoic face, his nerves are starting to get the better of them-- mammon catches him before you both depart and gives him a quiet pep talk to soothe his anxieties. somehow, it works.
but lucifer didn't need any help either way. at the end of the day, the morningstar is a perfect gentleman. he's amazing with your sibling-- attentive, polite, even a bit funny when the mood strikes-- and by the end of the night, your sibling praises your choice in partner. there's a massive weight gone from both of your shoulders as you return to the devildom hand-in-hand.
... not that he was nervous or anything in the first place.
he's the great mammon! of course they'll like him! no, his hands aren't shaking, he's just... cold! yeah! it's freezing over here! look over there-- he's totally not distracting you from that terrified look on his face, because the great mammon is not scared of anything!
lies. he's terrified.
he knows that he's a scumbag. as much as he denies it when his brothers toss around insults, he knows there's a long list of flaws written for him and him alone. you, in your infinite kindness and love, might have grown to overlook them. but your sibling? nah, he couldn't sell himself twice. your sibling is going to see right through him.
but the great mammon is not going to give up without trying, hell no! cue an absurd training montage as mammon tries to prepare himself for this meeting. he won't let you see what he's doing-- shoo! shoo! you'll throw him off! you're gonna be so impressed, babe, you'll swoon when you see how cool he is!
the loud music and louder crashing noises coming from behind his locked door do not make you feel any better.
mammon's saving grace is this strange charisma he has. it's what got you interested in him from the beginning, despite his bad attitude and mixed signals. it's honestly what's kept him alive thus far-- if he wasn't charming in his odd, mammon-ish sort of way, there's no way lucifer wouldn't have chopped him up and sold his bones to make furniture by now.
he spends the night trying to impress your sibling in grand, over-the-top ways. this, in and of itself, is charming. it's like watching an enthusiastic puppy wipe out on the hardwood and get up to try again over and over, never once losing the childish optimism behind its big, dumb eyes. at least, that's how your sibling described it.
they ultimately develop a pitying fondness of mammon. he's trying so hard that you can't help but find it endearing, y'know?
this man is scared. shitless.
levi tries to get out of it, then gets mad at himself for being a bad partner, then spirals and thinks they won't like him anyways, then worries that you're going to break up with him because his sibling will hate you and think you're too good for him-- he agrees, but still, he can't bear to see you go--
you're going to have to talk him off the ledge of an impending panic attack at this point. remind him that regardless of what your sibling thinks, you love him. it calms him just enough to get through the rest of the conversation.
honestly, it would be wise of you to wait until closer to the meeting to invite levi, because every single day since your conversation is a unique form of emotional hell for him. he's grieving a relationship that hasn't even ended yet-- he's just certain he's going to screw things up with your sibling.
lucifer has to step in at some point and have a talk with him to make sure he doesn't, y'know... explode into a million pieces in the hallway at RAD or something. he gives him some advice on how to make a good first impression and sends him on his way. that poor guy is so anxious that it's starting to wear off on other members of the house.
when the day finally comes, levi makes absolutely certain that he is as presentable as possible. freshly showered, surprisingly well-dressed (well, by levi standards), and ready to get this over with.
he's... stiff at first, no doubt. he's honestly starting to give your sibling the wrong impression...
somehow, some way, an interest of levi's comes up. maybe it's an anime he likes, or some obscure sea creature he knows a lot about, or something else entirely. but a switch flips in him. leviathan lights up the room as he passionately rambles about whatever interest of his is the current topic.
your sibling, with their initial negative impression of him, ultimately approves after he stops being so damn awkward. it's not like they bite, y'know?
satan takes your worries in stride and assures you that everything will work out in the end. he feels an unfamiliar hum of what must be anxiety in his chest, but he puts it aside to keep the conversation going.
he addresses a lot of his anxieties with logic. he is smart, well-spoken, attractive... there shouldn't be much about him that puts your family off. yet why does he still feel on edge?
poor thing has yet to learn that many emotions, like love and anxiety, are at times completely and utterly irrational.
he goes to his safe space-- books-- for help. he revisits his favorite "meeting the family" moments in his library and uses those for inspiration. these scenes in the books are never awkward. the protagonist is always suave and perfect, walking through every social situation with practiced grace. that's the energy he aims to channel into meeting your sibling for the first time.
he does his best primping to make sure he feel confident enough to make it through the night. there's a good chance he'll have to shoo asmodeus away, who just adores watching his older brother get all dressed up for a date! satan's just a little embarrassed by the amount of effort he puts in. he's trying to seem effortlessly charming, y'know? anyone knowing just how much work he put in really ruins the effect.
he relaxes a bit when you're by his side. it's a good reminder what this evening is really all about-- you, being proud enough of him as your partner to introduce you to your family. regardless of how things go, you're the most important part of this whole thing.
what can i say, he's charming! satan's very well-spoken and down to earth. your sibling likes him a lot, commenting that you and (the fake name you gave satan, since, y'know, his name is satan) your partner seem like a wonderful pair. he has to agree himself, too.
there's a chance that you might hear them doting over you if you exit the room-- nothing brings people together quite like the things they love.
asmodeus laughs in the face of this challenge. ha! ha ha! silly you, don't you remember how charming he is? no need to worry, mc. he'll win them over in no time.
asmo needs everyone to like him so much, all the time. this is especially true for your older sibling. clearly they mean a lot to you, otherwise you wouldn't be so nervous about this upcoming dinner. he can't imagine a world where he doesn't win your sibling's heart by the end of the night.
he's genuinely not worried about it in the slightest... until someone makes an unassuming little jab at him. he's telling everyone about the dinner he's so looking forward to, boasting about how he'll have your sibling wrapped around his finger by the end of the night for sure.
maybe it's mammon tossing in a snarky "let's hope they don't find you obnoxious", or satan mumbling a "oh yes, because charming a family member to make them like you is totally boyfriend material", or even levi mumbling something about how people don't usually find narcissism very likeable. regardless of who makes the comment or what it actually is, it cuts deep.
now. we know asmo. under that thick, thick layer of narcissism is someone who is deeply vulnerable, scared, and terrified of rejection. doubt starts to creep in. is asmodeus himself all charm, no substance? do people not actually like him? are all of his accomplishments a product of manipulation?
he decides one night, in a quiet, tear-stained panic, that he will not charm your sibling. he will show them the most genuine version of himself he can muster and hope that it's enough for them-- that it's enough for you.
even without his powers, asmodeus passes your sibling's test with flying colors. he genuinely just likes being around people, and they like him too-- even when he's not using his powers, he still has this magnetic charm that makes you fond of him. this is especially true when he's not putting up airs or going the extra mile to make everyone swoon over him like usual.
there's a massive weight lifted off his shoulders as your sibling bids you both farewell and asks to do this sort of thing again sometime soon. that's approval, baby!
when the evening is over, you best believe he is absolutely going home to rub his success in his brothers' faces. serves them right for making him worry!
immediately very nervous about the food situation. in the devildom, he can eat whatever he wants. but on earth?? he can't!! what if he gets you kicked out of somewhere, or his stomach starts growling, or, or--
you have to reassure him that you've got a backup plan in case of emergency, and that you'll make sure he doesn't starve. after all, you don't have the funds to clean up a mess like that on earth. only with your reassurance can he focus on what the meeting actually entails.
family is everything to beelzebub. he's honestly really happy that you love him enough to introduce him to yours. so rest assured that he will do everything in his power to ensure he makes a good first impression.
he spends a lot of time at the gym to work off his nervous energy. this teddy bear just really loves you so much and wants the night to go just how you want it that sometimes it makes his hands shake a little.
there's a good chance that he goes to belphegor to ask for advice. belphegor is famously unhelpful with these kinds of things, but he does pass along a good nugget of wisdom from underneath a thick blanket-- "they love you already, right? just show their sibling why. be yourself or whatever that corny ass saying says."
the execution could use some work, but at the end of the day the sentiment still stands. be yourself, beel, because you're a sweetheart!
and a sweetheart he is the entire meeting. bonus points if your older sibling has a dog or children-- he's fantastic with those. kids love to climb all over him like a jungle gym. a little foot to the stomach or side doesn't phase him one bit.
he's also just very kind and thankful to your sibling for making the time to meet him, as well as thanks them for taking care of you growing up. he's just really happy things turned out this way. of all the millions of different timelines that could have happened, he's glad he's in this one, with you, watching the sun set and enjoying an evening with those you love the most.
belphegor, in all honesty, doesn't really care what your sibling thinks. what're they going to do, march down to the devildom and split you up? demand you break up like a controlling parent? he doesn't have the energy to worry about such inane bullshit.
like a lot of things with belphie, he finds himself caring explicitly because you care.
you want your sibling to like him? fine. he can't promise prince charming or anything, but he'll give it a try for you.
he doesn't really do a whole lot of mental prep. he's lucky in that way-- less strung out and anxious about things he can't control than some of his other brothers. he does, however, physically prepare more than any of the others.
by that, i mean he practically hibernates a few days before meeting your sibling. he knows one of his biggest flaws is how often he sleeps, so he's hoping he can get enough sleep to fend it off for one day.
one major advantage belphegor has is his sense of humor. this man is funny. his jokes are dry and snarky, easy to miss at times; if your sibling has a sarcastic sense of humor, they think he's hilarious. if, for some reason, his jokes don't land, he'll tone them down for the night. you'll get to hear all of them on the way home, though.
the evening ends as belphie's energy truly runs out. he leans into your shoulder and fights hard against his dropping eyelids. if your sibling asks, he mumbles something about being anemic and tries to force himself to wake up. this is your cue to wrap the night up.
your sibling walks away with the impression that belphegor is a bit of a shithead (correct). whether or not they say this with affection is another thing entirely. regardless, though, he's a shithead that loves you and makes you happy, so really, what more can they ask for?
there are two concurrent thoughts happening when you share this information with him.
one part of him is already sure that your sibling will approve of him without a doubt. he's royalty, after all-- he's got amazing manners, he's well-spoken, and very respectful of anyone he meets. these are some of the most essential qualities to making a future king.
the other part of him is very invested in your sibling liking him for one main reason: diavolo absolutely intends to be your family one day and he wants to establish a good relationship with his in-laws from the jump.
he doesn't spend nearly as much time preparing for anything as he does dreaming about how the meeting will go between stacks of the most boring paperwork in all of the three realms. this man craves domesticity because it was so limited as he grew up in the castle. he wants dinner with in-laws, visiting your aging grandparents, waking up early to attend your niece or nephew's soccer games. he's selfish in that way and he knows it. he wants everything with you.
unfortunately for him, diavolo cannot change certain things about himself to blend in better in the human world. most notably, he's massive. it's certainly a bit off-putting to even the most open minded people when you walk in hand-in-hand with goliath. hopefully your sibling doesn't comment on it.
but diavolo's booming laugh and high-beam grin are sure to enchant the most stubborn of older siblings. there's a certain electricity in watching him let his hair down, abandoning the weight of the "future king" title and spending the evening not as a ruler but your partner. he's effortlessly fun and charming. you find yourself enchanted with him again by the end of the night. he's really incredible, huh?
diavolo is already asking to do this again soon as you guys say your goodbyes. with those hopeful eyes staring at them in anticipation, how could your sibling ever refuse such an attractive offer?
... is there any universe in which your sibling wouldn't like barbatos? look at him. he's perfect.
the only issue i could see arising here is if your sibling is very animated and finds your partner quite stiff and humorless. a shame, because barbatos has a sharp wit and sharper tongue-- but i digress.
barbatos is not anxious about this meeting. this is mostly because of who he is as a person. anxieties roll off of him like water off a duck's back. he's comforting in that way. it helps that his hands are always busy.
he spends the night before making the best cake you've ever tasted, along with a few other offerings, to the meeting. he's not worried about making a bad impression, of course, but he's not opposed to greasing the wheels a little either.
he looks wonderful when you go to leave. there's an air of sophistication around him at all times, and yet when he's of-duty, you notice something else about him: a sense of ease as he takes your hand. a small, almost humored smile pulls at his lips. in that moment, you know there's nothing to worry about.
and of course, you're right. barbatos is a true gentleman. he strikes a perfect balance between offering his help and letting your sibling flex their hosting skills. truly a perfect houseguest.
the only dubious moment comes when your sibling, after barbatos once again wows with his effortless perfection, calls him an angel. the demon's lips quirk into a small smile at the irony, just for a moment, before thanking your sibling and continuing the conversation. your sibling seems to notice the strange reaction but thankfully does not press further. he does bring it up on the way home, though-- that smile returns, this time intentional and humored as the corners of his mouth turn upwards. angel. how interesting.
diavolo bypasses the butler immediately and asks you how the meeting went, knowing barbatos won't provide him with the juicy details he wants. you hate to disappoint his highness, but the evening went swimmingly.
simeon is an angel of the lord. hand-crafted by god, built as an ideal specimen, he does not fret over the opinions of many.
then why, pray tell, does he care so much about your older sibling liking him?
there is a supernatural charm about him. even the most irritable of people soon find themselves fond of the angel. in that regard, he's grateful. but he doesn't want to rely on his blessing. he wants your sibling to like him for who he actually is. their approval quickly becomes a symbol of prosperity for your relationship-- if your sibling somehow took issue with him, then that must be a sign from Father that your love wasn't made to be. he trusted in the heavenly plan, after all.
that trust did come with a lot of nausea, though. this angel did not like the idea that someone could think you shouldn't be together.
his mood in the coming days is a little off. he's less quick-witted, a bit more distracted, just generally sort of out of it all. it starts scaring luke and solomon. the vibes in purgatory hall are completely off when simeon's not in a good mood like usual.
he spends the night before baking with luke to make some treats to bring to the meeting. he's hoping that your sibling has a sweet tooth-- if not, he's screwed.
simeon, of course, has nothing to worry about. he's just so damn likeable! he's sweet and polite to everyone, no matter how abrasive your sibling may be. watching him interact with them makes you fall in love with him all over again.
your sibling likes him. of course they do. he's wonderful to them and to you all day. if they particularly like him, they might even mention that he's a keeper-- bonus points if it's in front of him. that'd make his whole month.
solomon doesn't really care much about the whole "meeting the family" dance other couples have to worry about. he's been around your much longer than any other human could hope to live. that sort of existence doesn't foster a family or long-term friendships. he doesn't really have anyone that matters enough to him to gain their approval of your relationship, so, in a sense, he doesn't think about how important meeting your older sibling is to you.
when you explain it, he sort of passively agrees to the meeting. he'll try his best, stay on his best behavior, yadda yadda, but there's no part of him that would be heartbroken if something came up and you had to cancel. he just doesn't have those strong familial attachments that you do.
he doesn't seem very invested in the whole thing-- that is, until you say you're worried your older sibling might not like him, seeing as how they haven't been fond of anyone else you've dated.
oh. oh. so that's a challenge, is it?
solomon will not be losing, in that case. you best believe from this moment onward that he's putting in maximum effort to get your sibling to be his #1 fan. his social skills are a bit rusty at times-- that's why many call him "devious" and "off-putting" and "a menace to the three realms", whatever that's all about-- but he'll brush them off and prepare to charm the shit out of your older sibling.
when the meeting finally comes, he's all smiles. if they knew him better, the kindness would make him seem like a wolf in sheep's clothing, all razor sharp teeth as he lulls you into a false sense of security. it's not that he's trying to be manipulative or anything. solomon just has this way about him that makes everything he does seem at least a little shady. but you can tell that he is actually trying to be friendly and kind, even if it is just for the sense of satisfaction that comes from winning.
he'll tease you on the way home about how you doubted him from the beginning. your sibling likes him, so what were you so worried about, silly? solomon would never let something like that slide.
that night, you catch his expression shift when he thinks you're not looking-- just for a moment, there's a sense of real, genuine relief on his face from knowing that he made a good impression.
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ilwonuu · 2 months
Joshua smut, maybe like a make up smut where y/n and Joshua get into an argument?
yes,,,anon tysm for requesting i hope you enjoy <33
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gimme a chance
-`♡´- hong joshua
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☾ pairing- nonidol!shua x fem!reader, established relationship, softdom!shua x sub!reader
☾ warnings- smut without plot, angst, reader gets jealous, make up sex, reader is slightly mean, big dick shua,,,needy reader, shua leaves hickeys on reader, kissing, dirty talk, pet names(baby, angel) (shua), oral (f receiving), cum eating, shua is a sweetheart and i die, lmk what else<3
☾ a/n- shua is rotting my brain help me,,,happy 800 followers 💖💖
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“could you not walk away from me?” joshua is quick to grab your hand after watching you try to walk away. “let go.” you sigh looking at him annoyed. he looks at you confused. “what did i do?” he looks at you sadly. you two agreed to go to a party jeonghan was throwing. you were excited- well that was until every woman possible was all over joshua. you were trying to ignore it at first but it seemed like he was enjoying the attention. you got upset and walked away from the scene. your boyfriend was quick to follow you.
“where are you going?” you just ignored him grabbing yourself a drink. “why are you ignoring me?” he grabbed your arm to turn you to face him. “tell me what happened. you were excited for this party-“ you cut him off with a scoff. “well that was until you decided to let any girl flirt with you.” you cross your arms looking at him.
“what are you talking about? i was just being nice i wasn’t trying to make you think i was entertaining it.” he sighs at you trying to pull you closer. “can you just take me home?” you take another sip of your drink. “baby- are you really that upset?” his tone comes off annoyed but he doesn’t mean for it to. “yes joshua- i am upset.” you finish your drink throwing the cup away turning around to walk to the car.
“please stop walking away angel.” you shake your head and turn to look at him. “don’t call me that.” you look at him with a sad expression and turn back to walk to the car. his heart hurts at your words. you were being a little mean to him and he isn’t used to it. he doesn’t say another word and trails behind you. he unlocks the car, both of you get in with silence. the drive home was silent as you looked out the window.
you don’t know why this upset you so much. joshua always has attractive women trying to talk to him. he is literally perfect so why wouldn’t they talk to him? you just wish he would just shut them down and not even be nice to them about it. you knew he wouldn’t, joshua is a sweet guy he’s gonna be kind to anyone even if they don’t deserve it. you two get home shortly. you walk into the house with your boyfriend behind you. you sigh as you take off your shoes.
“i’m going to shower.” you don’t even look at your boyfriend before making your way into the bathroom. joshua feels like he could cry. he never wants you to be mad at him like this. after your shower you make your way to your bedroom.
you are welcomed with a teary eyes shua. he looks upset as he looks over at you. “angel can you please come here?” he sighs at you as you walk over to him. he grabs your hand as he looks at you. “baby please talk to me.” he pouts at you.
“joshua- you know why i’m upset. what is there to talk about?” you try to pull away from him but he doesn’t let you. “no- there is definitely something to talk about because you’re still upset with me baby. i don’t want us to fight.” he looks sincere but you can’t help but to think about how one of the girls grabbed his arm.
“joshua- i just feel a little stupid. like why are you bringing me as your date but let other girls flirt with you? i just wish you would tell them how much you want me! i don’t want you to entertain them.” you tear up half way through your sentence and joshua sighs. “i don’t want to watch it anymore.” you let a couple tears escape your eyes. he is pulling you to sit on his lap. you’re just in your towel but you don’t care.
“angel- no i swear i don’t want them to flirt with me. i only want you always.” you shake your head. “it doesn’t feel like it. you are barely touching me anymore! i feel like i am going crazy joshua.” you are almost sobbing in his arms. “that is far from true baby. i touch you all the time. angel i will show you how much i want you and how much you’re all i think about. i hate to see you cry like this.” he pulls you into a hug.
“let me make it up to you angel. so sorry i made you cry.” his voice is gentle as he lays you back on the bed. “shua- please i just want you to touch me please.” you sigh back onto the bed as you take your towel off. “i will angel- you just be patient okay?” he kisses your cheek as you move a little more getting comfortable.
“i need you so bad- shua please.” you moan out as he spreads your legs. “i need a taste before i fuck you angel. keep these pretty legs open, can you do that?” you nod down at him quickly. he moves in between you thighs kissing them. “i never want to fight with you. just want you like this. i’ll make you feel so good angel. i’ll make it up to you.” his voice is filled with lust. his expression is loving as he looks up at you. your hands tangle in his hair as you watch his next move. he licks a stripe to your clit as he keeps eye contact with you.
“s-shua please don’t tease-“ you whine down at him. “mm not teasing angel i’m just taking my time.” he licks sloppily against your folds. he holds your legs open like his life depends on it. he starts to roughly eat you out as he doesn’t take his eyes off you. “you taste so perfect. fuck i’m gonna cum.” your boyfriend admits through breathes as he sucks on your clit. “oh- shua it feels so good-“ you grip on his hair is tightening as your legs start to squirm.
“i’m coming- fuck!” you moan out as you try to close your legs. your boyfriend roughly pins your hips in place, watching you fall apart on his tongue. he licks up your cum keeping intense eye contact. his gaze is making you feel shy. “you are always so perfect for me.” he kisses your head watching you pull his pants down. your boyfriend is pretty big so you mentally prepare yourself.
“you look absolutely beautiful.” he kisses your skin all over. “i’m so sorry i made you cry. i hate seeing you upset with me.” he sighs as he pulls his dick out of his boxers. you spread your legs wide for him.
“it’s okay shua- i just need you to fuck me right now.” he chuckles at you, giving a cute smile. “you ready angel?” he lines up with you looking at your impatient pout. “shuaaa- hurry.” you sigh at him. “okay okay-“ he smiles before pushing in slowly.
“shit- you’re so fucking wet angel.” he sighs as he pushes in another inch. “s-shua- please m-move.” you’re already sensitive from how much your boyfriend stretches you out. he’s always gentle with you because he knows how much you have to adjust to him.
“baby are you sure? i don’t want to hurt you.” he cups your breast rubbing it softly. “y-yea i’m s-so sure shua!” your moans are loud already as he finally bottoms out. “okay angel anything you want.” he kisses your lips as he starts to fuck you deeply. his dick already hitting the spot that has you squirming. “feels s-so good s-shua-“ his hips are fast as he holds you in place.
“you take it so well a-angel fuck.” he leaves sweet kisses against your neck as he suck’s gently. he leaves hickeys across your chest and neck. “fuck- i hate fighting angel. just want you under me like this.” his thrusts have enough force to rock your body with him. “s-shua- right there! i’m g-gonna f-fuck- i’m g-gonna cum.” tears start to stream down your eyes as he speeds up his hips.
“yea? gonna make a mess on my cock angel? come on baby- i’m so close too.” he groans as he pulls you into a kiss. “i love you- shua- i l-love you so much-“ your body shakes as your body lets go. he rubs your clit roughly as you cum around him. “fuck- angel just like that. you took it so well.” he fucks you through your high as his hips start to stutter against you. “i’m coming baby-“ his cums pants the inside of your cunt as he let’s out a loud groan.
“i love you so much.” he smiles down at you as he pulls out. you sigh at the empty feeling as he grabs a rag to clean you. “i’m sorry my love.” he sighs as he cleans you off. “don’t apologize shua- i’m sorry i was being so mean. i could’ve handled it better.” you sigh as he pulls you into his arms. “no you are perfect. i was in the wrong angel. no girls will even get close to me because i’m all yours.” he smiles kissing your lips.
“good, you better be because i don’t like to share.”
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stvrni0lo · 11 months
𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞
chris sturniolo x reader (fluff)
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summary: you get a puppy for your birthday and chris gets jealous of the amount of attention that you give it
warnings/notes: none! lmk if i missed anything
requested: yes! tysm to the anon who requested. this is so cute :)
> > >
Your birthday was last week and Chris had wanted to surprise you with something that you’ve wanted for a while.
A puppy.
He asked Nick and Matt to come with him to the local shelter to find you a dog. He wanted your special day to be perfect, down to the very last and minute details.
Matt had ordered you a cake weeks before so it would be ready in time for your birthday - his job was to bring it over to your apartment early in the morning. Chris, of course, was granted with the responsibility of settling the dog into his new home. And lastly, but most importantly, Nick was in charge of making sure you were out of the house and distracted while this was all happening.
After using his spare key to your house, Chris made sure everything was in order by the time you and Nick arrived.
To say you were pleasantly surprised would be the understatement of the century.
As you held the newly adopted baby in your arms, you knew you two would be the best of friends. Especially with Chris being away often for work, what with all the travelling and filming, it got lonely around your apartment when he or his brothers weren’t visiting.
It would be nice to have some company - even if it was in the form of a house pet.
And how right you were. Cut to two weeks later and you were bringing the puppy around everywhere. Granted - he wasn’t much of a tiny thing anymore. He had grown immensely in the short time you had him, and you loved him more each and every day.
You named him Barney, per Chris’ suggestion.
Barney cuddled you to sleep each night, you ate breakfast with him next to you, and brought him out on walks every day.
To say Chris was slightly envious of Barney would be putting it lightly. It’s not that he didn’t love the dog - he really did - but sometimes Barney would be possessive of you.
At times when Chris would cuddle on the couch with you during a movie, Barney would squeeze in between you two. Being the loving and caring parent that you were, you let him take the space as he saw fit. You babied the hell out of him.
Once Chris tried to hug you as you were cooking, and Barney - thinking that your giggles were cries for help - began to bark and prod at his legs. He felt as if he could never have you alone for more than five seconds. Yet he also felt stupid for being jealous of a dog.
However, with a tour coming up, Chris decided to set him and Barney’s differences aside. He was glad that you wouldn’t be completely alone during his absence. So, as he left for the airport from your apartment, he threatened Barney with a quiet “you better take care of her” as he kissed you goodbye and bid his farewell.
Weeks had passed and the triplet’s flight back home was tomorrow morning.
You received a face-time call from the eldest brother late into the night. Answering, you were met with an overly smiley Nick.
“What’s got you in such a good mood?” you asked, plopping on top of your bed onto your stomach. Caressing Barney’s soft fur, you waited for Nick’s response.
“Chris is madly jealous of Barney,” he blurted out.
From far into the background you could hear Chris’ voice ring out of your speaker.
“Am not!”
You snorted lightly.
You could tell they were in one of their sleep-deprived, energetic moods. How you missed that.
“Jealous? Of this tiny thing?” you said as you pointed the camera towards the dog. Barney woofed at the camera, wagging his tail upon seeing Nick.
Chris popped into view at the sound of Barney’s soft barks. Sitting next to Nick, he took the phone from his hands.
“Hey you better get away from my girlfriend, young man.”
Nick could be heard laughing in the background, seemingly growing more amused the more Chris bullied your dog.
“He’s my baby don’t speak to him like that,” you joked, also finding the situation humorous.
Chris’ eyes drooped as he continued talking. You could tell they were all tired as you caught a glimpse of Matt fast asleep in the background. It was probably late for them - and they had an early flight.
“Well don’t forget who your baby was first. Me!”
Nick fake gagged as he grabbed his phone back. He coo’d and baby talked Barney through the phone, ignoring Chris’ comments that he was a ‘little demon’. After having enough of Chris half-heartedly sulking at all the attention that Barney was getting from you, Nick decided to call it a night.
“Alright well I’m gonna get this green-eyed monster to bed. See you soon,” said Nick as he bid you goodnight and left you to your own devices.
As excited as you were to see Chris again, you fell into an easy slumber as Barney cuddled on top of you.
When you awoke, a slight shifting feeling shocked you from your peaceful state. Peeking your eyes open, you could see Chris taking Barney from your bed and leading him out of the room.
“Chris?” you mumbled out. “What’re you doing?”
Closing the door, he began slowly taking his jumper off and crawling under the sheets with you.
“I just want my girlfriend all to myself for one morning. No Barney interruptions.”
Stifling a laugh, you turned towards him to cuddle into his side. You kissed his neck as it was all you could reach - and in your half asleep state you didn’t feel like leaning up to greet him with a proper kiss.
“Welcome home,” you said, sighing into the crook of his neck.
Chris groaned.
“Not much of a welcome when your demon child growled at me when I walked into the room.”
“He’s just a baby, he’ll get used to you.”
All that was heard in reply was a scoff. He knew it was unreasonable to judge the dog so hard, but in his tired state he really could not handle sharing your attention. He had missed you while on tour, no way he was going to let an animal distract you from his return.
“I know he’s plotting against me. He wants you all to himself,” Chris joked.
“Don’t worry. ‘m all yours,” you mumbled before drifting off to sleep in his arms.
“All mine,” he whispered back.
Chris finally got what he wanted. A peaceful morning slumber with you in his embrace, and no hyperactive dog to steal your focus off of him.
The last thought he had as he joined you in falling asleep was that Barney’s nickname should be home wrecker.
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slytherinshua · 6 months
genre. lil angsty. fluff. headcanon. warnings. fighting >:( kissing. pairing. woonhak x fem!reader. wc. 1.1k. request. requested by anon: what if y/n and woonhak have an argument and y/n says "you are not my favourite teddy bear anymore" and cuddles her plushie teddy bear instead of him 😭 how do you think he would react a/n. gif by @/mattwooks <3 idk how good this is i haven't written for baby woon in a while skdjs but tysm for requesting!!
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you never meant it to escalate into a proper fight
really, you had never fought with your boyfriend before— not even once
Woonhak was tired and you were on your period, cramping badly and grumpy
all these factors made it so that it didn’t take much to push your buttons when he came home and unfortunately, he did it in the first few minutes
you just wanted to cuddle him as soon as he came through the door
you definitely didn’t want to start fighting over something as stupid as his work schedule
yet you found yourself rambling angrily about how he was always busy and that he didn’t care about anything but his work
he was busy, and you understood that
being an idol was demanding, and you couldn’t possibly expect to get much of his time
especially with preparations for the year end shows, boynextdoor had been busier than ever
but you had really, really missed him
and when he didn’t immediately give you his attention when he came back home, it was like the last straw
you had woken up with a sore neck, gotten your period, had to deal with bad cramps all day, had a stressful school presentation, bombed a test, got yelled at by your teacher, cried on the way home, failed at making the food you wanted, ended up microwaving a tasteless frozen meal instead, and waited for your boyfriend to show up for 2 hours
of course, Woonhak didn’t know any of it
he had been at dance practice all day and his body and mind was tired at this point
when you suddenly brought up how he was never there for you, he was shocked
the fight only escalated, with you bringing up petty insignificant things that Woonhak did that annoyed you but you always brushed off because you loved him
Woonhak responded how anyone would while upset and tired, and decided to be petty back
it was unnecessarily stressful for both of you, and you hated every second of it
your boyfriend could take most of your hurtful words
he knew you didn’t mean half of the things you said, and he clenched his jaw to keep from spitting words back that he also didn’t mean
but there was something you said that made his eyes widen
“you’re not my favourite teddy bear anymore”
you shouted it in the heat of the moment, tears streaming down your face, and ran upstairs to your room
Woonhak stood in the middle of the kitchen, stunned for minutes
this was something he was scared you actually meant
Woonhak had always been your teddy bear— your favourite cute little soft warm teddy bear
from when he started dating you, he had quickly replaced your childhood teddy as your favourite thing to cuddle with
you even called him my teddy bear— and whenever you did, he melted completely, broken down into a puddle of a lovesick mess
he didn’t like you saying that he wasn’t your favourite anymore 
he hated it
his chest tightened up and he could feel the tears that he had worked so hard to hold back begin to build up
he had never really fought with you like this before
there were always little fights, given your and his immaturity
you were still only 17 after all, you couldn’t expect both of you to be the most mature when handling arguments
but it was usually something that he never had to worry about before because arguments never happened
he paced around in the kitchen for a few seconds, sniffling back his tears, running a stressed hand through his hair
he didn’t know what to do
he didn’t know what you wanted either
would you be mad if he tried to reconcile with you? did you want him to come to you or to give you space? why were you so mad at him in the first place?
he frowned, thinking back on the argument like a lost child— he hated feeling unwanted, and right now he felt like you neither needed him nor wanted anything to do with him
it took a while for him to work up the courage to go upstairs to where you were
he found you on your bed, hugging a stuffed teddy tightly to your chest while listening to some music
there were balled up tissues scattered near the trashcan from when you had thrown them and missed the bin, and Woonhak frowned at the sight
you didn’t notice him standing at the doorway until he awkwardly cleared his throat and you looked up
you already had some time to cool off from the heat of the argument, and when you saw your poor boyfriend standing in the doorway, pouting sadly and looking so so small, you broke
your lip trembled and you silently opened up your arms for him, feeling absolutely horrible about everything— you shouldn’t have taken your frustration about the day out on him
he hugged you so so tightly, burying his face in the crook of your neck, some tears slipping down to soak into your t-shirt
he just wouldn’t let you go which made you frown even more
how could you have shouted at this precious boy?
you stroked his hair and back and whispered apologies into his ear
“I didn’t mean what I said” 
“I just had a rough day, I’m sorry”
“I love you so much, I’m sorry baby”
this seemed to only make him cry harder and hug you even closer, squeezing you so tightly but it was exactly what you needed
“am I still your favourite teddy bear? please say yes? please?”
he asked you, truly scared that you had really meant that part
“of course you’re my favourite teddy bear. you’re always my favourite. nothing could replace you, baby bear.”
you kissed his face and wiped his tears and kissed him some more
seeing him sad and seeing him cry and knowing that it was because of you was infinitely worse than the bad day you had had
Woonhak always came first for you— he was impossible to replace
and you made sure he knew that, repeating the ‘I love you’s’ and praises to him without stopping
he returned your kisses and apologies with his own, and eventually got comfortable laying on top of you; his head nestled underneath your chin, arms wrapped around your waist
as much as he was your personal teddy bear, you were also his
he looked so small and cute all curled up on top of you, his warm breath hitting your chest as he relaxed and closed his eyes
and you napped with him like that, both exhausted
but not before swearing that you would never fight unnecessarily like that again
↳ boynextdoor taglist: @rizzshimura,, @captivq,, @icyminghao,, @yeonjuns-redhair,, @metalchick529,, @schmocolateschmchip,, @kpoprhia,, @edensgardenn,, @weird-bookworm,, @cyberpunksunwoo
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myjealouseyes · 1 month
Request from an anon: can you please!! do an argument one pls where the reader ends up crying or Harry’s mad at her its probably like not their first argument but the biggest one tysm 🎀
A/N— hello Nonnie! I’m not sure if this is what you had in mind (if it’s way off please feel free to request again.) but they do argue and reader does cry. The argument is about reader going horcrux hunting even though that’s not directly stated. One singular use of ‘y/n’ (sorry.)
You can send a request here.
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“Oh for fucksake, y/n! Why won’t you just listen this one time?!”
If you weren’t so angry, you’d flinch at the harshness in his tone. Harry had never cussed at you before. Harry didn’t even like raising his voice at you usually. As selfish as it is, you want to hold it against him. Even if you’d yelled at him too. Your hands are shaking as you continue stuffing your small-ish bag with things you’re not even paying attention to anymore. “I’m said, I’m going.” You can guess how he’s going to respond before he even gets the chance to speak, and that pisses you off most.
“You’re not! It’s too dangerous, and I have enough to worry about without having to look over my shoulder for you every other second!” He snaps at you hastily. You clutch your bag before tossing it back to the bed and glaring at him. You can’t help but feel like his enemy right now, although that was far from the truth. You know you love him. Usually, it would make you sick to argue with the person you care about more than anything but the determination and frustration festering in your stomach keeps you from backing down.
“You don’t get to tell me what’s ‘too dangerous!’ I’m just as capable as the rest of you!” You know it’s low of you, bringing his friends into it after he’d done the careful work of avoiding the subject for weeks. Harry scoffs, his next words coming out in exasperated and somewhat sarcastic laughter. “This isn’t about being capable! I know you’re capable! It’s just—I don’t want you to come!”
“Why not?!”
“Because I don’t want you hurt!”
Your breath hitches and suddenly you don’t feel so confident in your stance anymore. Your shoulders as a lump forms in your throat. Your glare softens into something of a sympathetic stare. Harry’s losing some of his attitude too.
“The idea of watching you in pain or worse is—it’s the worst thing I can imagine. I can’t lose anyone else.” In a split second all your resolve crumbles between your fingers. You feel tears slide down your face as you pull him into the tightest hug you’ve ever given. You can’t be sure what you can do to make it better, or even if you can. All you know is that he needs you.
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remediesremedy · 9 months
Hello Hello!
so I've been reading your work and I'm obsessed🤩 Could I request foolish reacting to his s/o being a really quiet and shy person but like a total freak in the sheets???(like choking kink, spit kink, stuff like that) If not that's totally okay!
anon you sound so sweet!! ofc i wanna bring your idea to life, and you’re earning some major brownie points by telling me you’re OBSESSED? with my work? i’m smiling rn!! that’s such an appreciated compliment. anyway, enough from me, let’s get into the good stuff :)
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foolish x gn reader
warnings: pure filth, spit kink, rough, choking, biting, breeding
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foolish having a typically shy partner who is a freak in the sheets is so funny to me.
they come onto stream often, sitting content in the background, sometimes quietly humming when foolish speaks to them, and smiling at chat when they say something funny.
their words are soft, so delicate and smooth that even foolish immediately quietens down when he senses they’re about to speak.
the relationship had been pretty slow, the furthest they had gotten was clothed grinding, and that got cut short when foolish got a phone call, relating to a sponsor for his next stream. He wasn’t too thrilled to answer a call with his hard cock straining in his boxers, tip leaking precum and begging for some attention, but he cleared his throat and moved his sight away from his partner’s needy face.
that instance had left foolish absolutely flushed and eager for more, but he didn’t go past kissing. He refused to move at a pace that was too fast for his partner, but his partner was convinced that foolish was the one needing to take it slow.
one night, after a long stream, foolish is exhausted and stumbles into their shared room when he spots his partner bare. They’re stood next to the bed with a towel draping over their thighs as they carefully dry the water on their skin. Foolish’s mouth felt like parchment, and the only thing that would satiate the dryness would be his lover’s attention. With a cough he announced himself and his partner turned around bashfully, and then laughed quietly.
“oh c’mon you’re blushing like a virgin.” they teased, shimmying the towel over their most private areas, “it’s okay, im covered now.” their eyes softened, reaching a hand out to grasp his, “we’ll move at your pace okay?”
Foolish couldn’t contain his disbelief, “my pace? i- i thought you were the one who wanted to take it slow?”
“me?” and with a sultry smile, it was the beginning of their heart racing endeavours.
•their first time being so gentle, foolish’s skin is on fire as his lips capture his lover’s, his heart hammers as his partner reaches up and tugs on his raven hair, the gasp he lets out is delicious. When he aligns his aching cock with their entrance, and slips into their warmth, he swears he sees stars. His high approaches quicker than he would like, and he can’t control the utter filth that leaves his lips as they moan out delightfully, “fuck, you wanna be good for me?”. Foolish wants nothing more than to be perfect for his partner, “yes, yes, what is it?”
“spit in my mouth.”
foolish cums, white blinding his vision as his seed coats his partner’s warm walls. Breathlessly, he collects saliva in his mouth and spits, it lands perfectly on the centre of their tongue, and he can’t help but to keep bucking his hips. He watched in awe as they swallow it in bliss, he ruts into them, until his poor cock is aching and his balls are empty.
They are both satiated, they’re filled with cum, with loving marks all over their skin. and foolish is spent, legs twitching and coursing with electricity.
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seelestia · 2 years
SUMMARY. when the abrupt downpour of rain comes to interrupt, underneath a measly shelter is where the both of you have to reside for now.
CHARACTERS. ayato, diluc, zhongli, kazuha, tighnari + GN!reader.
GENRE. warm blanket fluff, slight crack (tighnari), established relationship.
CW. use of pet names, mentions of mud and puddles, philosophies about the rain (zhongli).
THOUGHTS. i was in a sentimental mood while writing this, so this may have turned out more romantic than i intended. hehe, regardless, enjoy reading!
SPECIAL MENTIONS to @meimeimeirin, @silentmoths, @popkorrn, @duckymcdoorknob, my rix anon and others who helped me pick a chara for this work! your responses are well-received, tysm <3
✰ masterlist.
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"What a shame, truly."
As rain droplets fall from the rooftop, AYATO can't help but let out a little sigh. Oh, dearest rain; as beautiful as it is, this weather only hinders his journey to Inazuma City. Can you imagine all the puddles that would start to gather on the pavement after this shower has passed? His poor and precious clothes are at risk here, it seems he has to put more effort into maneuvering through the road today.
The disappointment on your lover's face is so apparent it manages to invite a smile to your lips. With a chuckle, you utter, "But you look good in white."
Ayato spares you a glance upon hearing your words, mirth oh-so clearly dancing in his lilac eyes. An opportunity to tease and he reaches out to grab it like always. "My, my. If I knew that being stuck in this weather was all it took to receive that compliment, I would've done it sooner."
"Smooth talker," you roll your eyes, albeit the fond manner in which you do so doesn't escape his sight. "Worry not. Your honesty still flatters me greatly," Ayato chuckles as he abandons his previous position to trail his steps towards you.
Just like that, his mind is already taken off the rain, it's only filled with you now.
He finally takes a seat beside you, yet the way he leans into your side seems to suggest a scheme of some sort. But it doesn't take long for you to figure out what is on Ayato's mind when his head settles itself snugly on your shoulder. "Dear, let's stay like this until the rain passes," he sighs quietly.
You raise an eyebrow, trying your hardest to stifle a laugh all the while, "Is that an excuse to leech off of my body warmth or is it for romantic purposes?" But really, there is no need to hold yourself back when even your lover himself is already laughing.
Ayato asks almost rhetorically, "Why can't it be both?" You don't miss that little innocent twinkle he attempts to feign, not even the way he leans in to kiss you — and definitely not that content smile on his face when your lips meet.
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"I wasn't expecting rain today, so I didn't bring an umbrella beforehand. I should've been more prepared."
DILUC examines you carefully, checking for any signs of sickness. He is very worried, no doubt about that; you can already tell by the way he is holding your hands, so gently and so attentively. But you're actually even more worried about him — that harsh frown on his forehead is practically engraved in its place at this point.
He doesn't stop, however, his mind is still thinking of ways to get you home safe. Diluc still has some business he has to attend to, so perhaps, he can ask Elzer to come fetch you? No, he can't send his eagle to deliver a letter in this weather.
What if— his thoughts are interrupted when a source of warmth touches his cheek. Your eyes are mesmerizing when he looks up to meet them; they emit a reassuring aura like a gentle plea to calm down.
"Oh, 'Luc, you worry too much. Look at me, I'm alright, see?" You laugh, a sound that rings melodious bells in his ears amidst the harsh noises of rain hitting the ground. But Diluc remains unconvinced; can you blame him? You are his top priority, it is only natural he wants to see you healthy and safe.
He mutters quietly, "Yes, I can see that. But I don't want you to catch a cold."
"Well then, why don't you keep me warm?"
Your suggestion renders him into a moment of silence. Diluc is stunned, but not at all surprised; you wouldn't stop even if he told you to, right? In truth, he doesn't need an answer when he already knows it.
Defeated, he shakes his head, "...I keep losing to you." Although that expression on his face still houses a few inklings of reluctance, at least, the frown is now gone.
His little statement manages to tickle a fit of chuckles out of you. This isn't a competition of any kind, but your grin still resembles that of a victor's. You announce jokingly, "You love me too much, that's probably why."
"I do," Diluc replies, so smoothly and naturally too. This time, the hesitation on his face has vanished — now, that is a statement he would never be doubtful to admit.
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"...It seems it is finally time for nature to have its fill while humans take shelter."
Always the poetic one, ZHONGLI's words allow your thoughts to wander. Some people enjoy when the rain comes, some people don't because such weather gets in the way of their work — but regardless of how it is viewed, the arrival of rain is almost like a reminder; a reminder, a chance given, an excuse to take a break.
And even though mortals don't have much use for the rain, it still nurtures nature, it still fills the rivers that flow, it still has a use even if it's not for us. Rain may not be a welcomed presence to some, but it might be a saving miracle to others. Truly, does the meaning of something changes in the eyes of each soul that views it, how fascinating.
"Do you like the rain, Zhongli?"
His amber eyes glint almost curiously at the inquisitive tone in your voice. A light-hearted laughter rumbles inside his chest, "Could I be mistaken or do you sound more spirited than usual?"
"We can't move because of this weather, so I might as well ask about it, hehe," you scratch your cheek playfully, leaning closer towards Zhongli when he places a hand on his chin in a thoughtful manner.
"Hm, let's see... the rain is a permanent cycle of the universe. It happens outside of my control, so whether I am fond of it or not barely holds much meaning."
An objective answer, as expected; you are slightly unsatisfied, however. "But what do you think of it? Like, if you were to attach some sort of meaning to it?" You huff as you lay down, sulkily resting your head on his lap as if it is second nature. For Zhongli, too, it is also second nature to thread through your tresses with his fingers and a smile.
"Are you certain? I'm afraid that you'd fall asleep before you even get to hear my full answer in this position," the gentleman above you asks, yet you manage to catch the hint of amusement in his voice. You smile fondly, "It looks like I've set myself up. But that's alright, your answer can easily replace any other bedtime stories."
The smile on Zhongli's lips stretches wider at your words, "Alright then, your wish is my command."
In the end, his words gradually fade into nothing as you begin to be consumed by slumber little by little — but Zhongli's warmth is constant, gentle touches carding through your hair even as you fall asleep.
Such a kind gentleman, and he is all yours.
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"Quick, over there!"
Even as the both of you run to seek shelter in a gazebo nearby, KAZUHA still looks so bewitched by the sight of the rain that you can almost see the pieces of a haiku coming together in his mind. Rain is a familiar friend of an adventurer's and this doesn't exclude him; but still, there is always a spot in Kazuha's heart that finds a type of beauty in the rain, no matter how frequently it comes to visit.
Of course, it is still better to find shelter and take refuge first. Soaked clothes are much more of a hassle than they seem, but there is just something different about today. The ronin feels like he can't place his hands on it, but his heart feels oddly full — until he sees you beside him, laughing as you shake off the excess droplets of rain clinging to your hair strands.
"Goodness, this is going to take some time to dry off," you huff.
Then, realization dawns on him; right, he is not alone this time, not anymore. It comes to him like a flood, a flow that pours into his. very soul and suddenly, all Kazuha can feel is nothing but his love for you.
Before he knows it, his lips have already begun to move, "My dove, forgive me if this sounds out of place but—"
Perhaps, it is this same realization that drives him to do so. No, "impulsive" is not the right word; rather, he is simply following what his heart says in this moment.
"Would you like to dance with me?"
Kazuha holds out his hand to you and you take a few seconds to stare in disbelief.
You blink your eyes owlishly, "Right now? In the rain?" Just a quick question to confirm and when he nods with that gentle smile on his lips, you can't find it in you to deny. This sounds foolish, but how could you say no?
"...If I get sick, I'm so going to blame you and I expect apology kisses," You say that, but you don't sound the least bit threatening. And when you place your hand in his, Kazuha's scarlet eyes light up like rubies.
His voice, too; there is a content air to his tone that makes your heart melt. "Then, I will take full responsibility," he clasps your hands firmly, a promise that he shall keep.
Kaedehara Kazuha has grown used to the life of solitude — but as he brings you close to him, he swears his world has never felt so complete before.
"Now, shall we?"
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This kind of weather turning up abruptly like an uninvited guest barely phases TIGHNARI anymore, at this point. The life of a Forest Watcher not only entails close acquaintance with nature, but also the weather that comes with it.
As long as Tighnari can find shelter and he has his plant-based waterproofing oil wit him, then he'll be alright. You, on the other hand... "Well, you look like you're about to freeze to death," he snorts.
If it weren't for the cold nipping at your spines, then you would've faked a dramatic and offended gasp. All you can manage is a small retort through shivers, "Th-thanks for pointing that out, Mister Obvious."
Tighnari shakes his head, "Your sass loses its edge when you're shaking like that, you know." Ugh, good for him that he got his fur to keep him warm! You turn your face away from him, a form of sulking that the fennec fox is all too familiar with.
"Stop sulking. Here, you can put your hands in my tail if you want."
His offer has you gawking with your eyes and mouth blown wide open. Tighnari doesn't seem to be fond of that reaction, though; he raises an impatient eyebrow. If you keep gawking at his tail like that, then he might as well slap you with it (he won't).
"Well? Do you want me to take it back?"
You lurch forward dramatically, clasping your hands in a pleading manner. "No, no! O, Tighnari, my one and only, please lend me your... uh, furry miracle." Yes, just ignore the way you slipped up at the end.
"Pfft," the Forest Ranger muffles a laugh with his hand at your antics. He shakes his head again, but this time, the action has a certain gentleness to it — accompanied by his usual exasperatedly fond sigh.
"Oh, fine, you're lucky I love you. Now, come here."
It's hard to be stern when Tighnari has such a soft spot for you, anyway.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @tsuk4sa-yug1 @hcikazu @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @dearcalis @omgscaramouche @coquettemaiden — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
© SEELESTIA, nov 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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mizu-nights · 6 months
hihiiii!!! can i request like discussing a future with the prsk boys? separate obviously,,,, but like idk. like reader bringing up marriage and kids as a joke at first but the boys take it seriously and then it turns into a whole discussion???? tysm 💕💕 also i really just want akito so if you cant do all of them then mostly just akito and rui aswell but. yeah!!! ☺️☺️
# marriage ..?
★ — chars ; akito , rui
★ — notes ; ANONNNN THIS WAS SO FDHFJFHF I LOVE THIS IDEA??? i decided to just do akito and rui since i couldn't rlly think of any for tsukasa or toya (yet) ... and also a different writing style! i haven't rlly done it like this before, so i hope it's not that bad 😭
★ — notes (2) ; tbh i'm not rlly proud of this but i wanted to get it out anyway ... hope u like it anon, sorry for the wait ^_^
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★ shinonome akito :
now, picture this—you and akito are just enjoying each other's presence, lying down in silence, and scrolling through your phone until you get the idea. you turn to your boyfriend, with the intent of making him blush.
"so, when are you gonna put a ring on my finger, huh?"
your question surprised him, but not in a bad way. akito never really thought about marriage with you before, but... he definitely wouldn't mind it. he looked at you with red cheeks, with the most loving expression you've ever seen, "...god, i hope it's soon."
it was sweet to hear, of course. however, your plan also backfired... the goal was to get him flustered, not the other way around.
"wait, i was joking..."
"yeah? well, i wasn't. what's your ring size?"
you stayed silent, only glaring at him. this time, the tables had turned, and akito asked you a question that caught you off-guard. honestly, you weren't sure if he was actually being serious or if he was just messing with you.
"unless you don't want to marry me?" he grinned, clearly knowing what your answer was going to be. you reacted quickly, shaking your head, "no, no! i want to, of course i want to..."
now, the both of you are silent, finally realizing that the other was, in fact, being serious. akito was the first one to say something, sitting up beside you with a gentle smile on his face.
"...do you... want to talk about it?"
"...yeah, i think i do."
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★ kamishiro rui :
you call his name softly, as he was busy working on another robot for their next show. his passion for creating gadgets was endearing, to you at least. the inventor let out a quiet hum, pausing what he's current to respond to you.
"yes, my dear?"
"what if we got married and started a family one day?"
it's a good thing you got his attention first. otherwise, that poor robot would've malfunctioned during a performance, like what your boyfriend is doing right now.
usually, rui likes teasing you, and he can handle being teased back. but asking a question like that... startled him. in the best way possible, obviously!
there is a burning question he needs to ask, though.
"...me? you want to marry and start a family with me?"
you can't help but laugh. not in a mocking way, but in an sweet way. of course, you needed to reassure him.
"yes, you, rui kamishiro. i want to spend the rest of my life with you, if that's alright."
rui didn't expect you to ask that question or say something like that, but it made him feel so loved. knowing that you, of all people, imagined a future with him? what did he do to deserve an angel like you.
he stands up from his chair, walking over to you to wrap his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek, "of course, it's alright with me..."
"i love you."
"i love you more."
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heartsfourdazai · 8 months
Hii!! How are you?
I'm in love with your blog! <3
Your writing makes me feel like I'm floating on clouds, you are very good at writing, thank you very much!
Could I request one with Dazai, chuuya, atsushi, ranpo and akutagawa with a cute and distracted couple? I'm sorry if this is something very cliché, has been running through my head
๋࣭ ⭑ them with a (cute)distracted partner. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: headcanons
warnings: lowercase writing
characters: dazai, chuuya, atsushi, ranpo, and akutagawa
a/n: i'm good, hbu? tysm for your kind words anon<3 much appreciated! glad you like my work!!
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๋࣭ ⭑ dazai osamu 🩹
"however, that's not the poi- ... belladonna, are you listening?"
"hm, oh yeah, i'll let atsushi know..."
dazai chuckles.
he never gets mad, he thinks it's cute how the littlest of things can distract you.
"dazai, look!" you would point at a rock, "hm~ what exactly am i looking at?"
"that rock has a paint stain!"
dazai: 🙃
"it's a pretty stain indeed, it would catch my eye as well~"
"it was never there before!" you laughed.
he brings you back to reality.
usually when there's a meeting, that he's actually apart of??
all he needs to do is softly take your cheek and pull your face toward his, "i know this topic isn't up to your excitement, but after this we can do out for ice cream! my treat~"
now your shaking in your seat with a huge smile on your face, waiting for this meeting to end.
kunikida doesn't know if he should "thank" or whack dazai for his actions
you zone out a lot when on the job, so dazai was assigned to aid you and help you try to pay more attention,
but come on, he didn't even try and just took in the time he had with you<3
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๋࣭ ⭑ chuuya nakahara 🍷
he walked beside you, eyeing you as you looked to the right and zoned out for a second.
the moment you got to the wall in front of you, he pulled you in his direction and turned in the hall away,
"dumbass, watch where you're going!" he would scold, but sigh in the end, knowing what he'll say will go from one ear and out the other.
so he just tries to keep you undistracted when there's something important going on.
during a meeting and your zoning out, mori would look at your boyfriend and eye you, causing him to look at you and groan.
you were playing with the rim of your coat. smiling at the ends bounce up and down.
chuuya took your hand and pointed at the boss as you followed his finger, "this is for your next mission! if you don't want to get yourself killed because "you forgot" don't expect me to rescue your ass!"
we all know he will anyway if you really needed his help.
he kinds it cute when you zone out when your bored.
your eyes are just glued to anything, the wall, the floor, the tv, a piece of furniture, or even him.
he once caught you starting at him, and he hasn't told you
"you're so cute~" he would kiss your temple as your zoned out, and that would knock you out of your trance, "hm? what did you say chuuya?"
"i said 'i like your boots'"
sometimes he gets annoyed. but he also knows your trying your best to not get distracted by the smallest of things so much, so he's not as annoyed.
"dude, is your partner okay?" tachihara would whisper over to chuuya, who looked up from his book and saw you laid down on the floor staring at the ceiling.
your body in a star position.
"they're fine. don't worry, i'm used to it."
well that just makes it better!!
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๋࣭ ⭑ atsushi nakajima 🐯
"done! babe, have you finished your papers?" atsushi peeks over your shoulder to see nothing but a blank page.
cue his shocked face thingy idk but he makes that face
"y/n! i gave you one page to finish-"
atsushi saw your eyes locked onto the door, watching it open and close each time someone walked through it in and out.
the pen in your hand spun arouns your fingers as your other hand was resting on your chin.
with a sigh, he would take your paper and finish it for you.
moments after just looking at you, not in a weird way but in a way to see when you'll get out of your trance, your boyfriend tickles your sides..
that brought you back.
"AHA! bahahabe?!"
you giggled as you rubbed your sides, looking at atsushi who smiled at you, hands resting above his stomach in a claw form.
"sorry, but you we're zoning out again! you really do get distracted easily."
you felt..flustered. you didn't know why, it just..made you blush each time he catches you zone out.
you look back at your paper to see he's done it for you already
"oh, i'm sorry.."
he would kiss your lips each time you would apologize, "don't be. it's cute. also, you can't help it. that's nothing to be sorry for. all we can do is help you try to get better!"
that took longer then he thought-
"okay, so what we need to get is milk, eggs, and- BABE DON'T WALK INTO THAT FRUIT STAND-"
he pulled you back, causing you to squeak as your back landed into his chest.
atsushi looks to see what you were looking at and it was the window. must've seen something that caught their eye.
never gets angry with you, but gets tired out having to look over you everyday.
but hes grown used to it, and finds you 10x more adorable<3
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๋࣭ ⭑ ranpo edogawa 🔍
"y/n- are you paying attention to a single i'm saying?!" kunikida scolded you, and ranpo answered for you, "nope. they're not!"
your boyfriend was sitting beside you while you had your head resting on your arms, looking out the window that shined bright behind the closed curtain.
the moment you felt him tug on your nose, you rocket upward and sneezed.
"huh- what? i'm here!"
"of course you're here, however your mind is else where~" ranpo teased gently tapping on your forehead.
he knows all the time when your about to zone out, ot get distracted for a long period of time so he plans ahead.
"y/n! there you are- i'm all out of candy! can you run to the store and get me some?" he would ask the moment your about to zone out.
with a smile on your face, you agreed. leaving him feeling successful.
he finds it cute.
he doesn't even get mad at you, he just giggles and pokes your arm, leg, side, cheek, anywhere!
always keeps you on your feet so it's kinda hard for you to get distracted, however he doesn't control you.
when your on break, he sometimes catches you staring into space, or about to fall asleep due to how long you've zoned out for..
he catches you staring at him all the time, and he 100% teases you for it.
"did you know i have the cutest partner in the world~"
you shake your head.
he kisses your lips, "never change, sweetheart~"
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๋࣭ ⭑ akutagawa ryunosuke 🩸
he snaps his fingers in front of your face.
"i asked you once already, pay attention, y/n!"
you blink at him, nodding your head.
2 minutes later he notices you've zoned out again.
he honestly doesn't know what to do other then to snap you back to reality.if yourhe doesn't know how to help, so when this happens more then twice a day he's kinda pissed.
but your his partner, so he can't stay mad at you forever<3
he tries to be softer when you, "y/n, this information's important, you have to-"
"they're not listening man-" chuutya butss in,
"i know that!" he glares at the gravity manipulater, and just lets you be.
when he see's you zoning out but nothing serious is happening, he'll kinda just look at you and try to figure out what's got you so fixated.
won't admit it, but they way your so focused is cute to him.
"what are you looking at?" he asked, standing behind you and tried to look in your direction...that just lead to you screaming, finally realizing he's there and punch him.
"omg- aku, i'm so sorry! are you okay- here let me-"
"i'm perfectly fine! don't touch me!"
it hurts, please hold me-
your zoning out and about to go to sleep- he'll wait to you go to sleep and either wrap a blanket around or kiss your temple whle walking out of the room.
he kinda just lives with the way you are, and would be pretty upset if you changed on him all of a sudden.
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xythlia · 6 months
hey this aot "writer" stole your one levi fic word for word they've been caught for stealing before too
tysm for bringing this to my attention, and im sorry to be putting this on everyones dashes esp on a holiday but it looks like ppl will act mad weird whether it's a holiday or a regular ass day bc why wouldn't they
anyways this writer @hvnlydemon decided to copy word for word a leviathan fic I posted from last year.
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you can see by the dates this is blatantly stolen, she just changed the name to make it fit a character in the aot fandom.
after getting this anon I decided to msg her privately, just to see if we could have a grown up civil convo about it without all this. but turns out we can't
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she had the balls to lie to my face & call her post "similar". similar is something like using the same premise as someone else, or maybe the same title but nothing else is the same. it doesn't mean "I just steal a fic word for word, change the name, and lie when I get caught". I wanted to scream when she blocked me because I HATE doing things like this I don't like it but atp she forced my hand so I really don't have a choice (she also blocked a moot who rb'd the stolen fic calling her out on it).
before being blocked I saw other pieces of writing on her blog & to my fellow writers that follow me you should 100% check to make sure she hasn't stolen from you bc I would bet money every single fic is stolen. also please please please report this fic because I doubt she'll take it down on her own
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mothwingwritings · 10 months
Idk why this got on my mind but what if (yandere baki’s characters of your choice) do if their darling faked an orgasm to get over with that shit ?
This ask makes me SO happy that I quite literally evilly cackled when I received it, so tysm and bless you anon. <3
Here is a list that I have lovingly comprised for your perusal :
Believes you are actually getting off and gets a big head about it. He’s SO good at pleasing his baby, look how quickly he made you turn into a quivering, cumming mess? Stroke game IMMACULATE, tbh. It’s pure skill baby! He knows all the techniques you love and is a literal sex god built for bringing you pleasure. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ : Doppo, Biscuit, Koushou, Katou, Guevara, Musashi.
Can tell you are faking and gets really sad about it. He loves you so much, why is that not translating to his love making??? Why are you pretending, do you really want to get this over with that quickly? He is hurt and distraught and just kind of gives up after he gets off, planning and plotting how to approach this next go around so that you feel as good as he does. (ㅠ﹏ㅠ): Baki,  Retsu, Katsumi, Biscuit, Motobe.
Can tell you are faking but for some fucked up misguided reason thinks that you are doing it to benefit him? Like you are concerned you are taking up too much of his time or something so you are rushing yourself so as not to not bother him. It frustrates him and actively makes him DETERMINED to keep going until he coaxes something REAL out of you, no matter how long that may take. You could never be a burden to him baby, he’s ready to give you all the time in the world.😤😌: Baki, Shibukawa, Retsu, Hanayama, Katsumi, Motobe, Guevara, Musashi.
Realizes you are faking and it PISSES HIM OFF. ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)💢 Because you are being a lying little brat he is going to take EXTRA time and pay you EXTRA attention to you until you are cumming again and again and again. He’s gonna be mean as hell about this, incessantly edging you and teasing you until you are BEGGING for actual release. By the time he’s actually done you are going to be an overstimulated, sore, fucked out mess. : Yujiro, Jack, Koushou, Katou, Kureha.
Realizes you are doing it and doesn’t give a shit, he’s not doing this for your pleasure anyway. He’ll be done when he’s done, he couldn’t give a fuck if you get off or not.💅: Yujiro, Kureha, Doyle, Pickle (in Pickle's case it’s not so much that he doesn’t care so much as he’s just like well, time to mate because I want to! Where’s my partner? Time for them to fulfill their role in this, they’ll take it how they take it. :))
Is too caught up in their own feelings of pleasure to even notice your response. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ: Doppo, Shibukawa, Hanayama, Jack, Doyle, Pickle.
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