#your honor they’re gorgeous
irndad · 3 months
won't you be my sunshine-a.h.
a/n: runner!hotch x sunshine!reader !! sooooo fluffy, first hotch fic of mine so be gentle with me! lots of pining and happy end <3 happy to continue with these two in an au!
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Aaron Hotchner is not a particularly emotive man. 
This is a skill he has honed, a cherished quality that was not born of luck or of natural ability, but a skill that he has honed down to a fine tip point. He needs to be, in this job. It’s cost him things, of course, but for the most part, Aaron is happy with his choices. He takes a firm line with people he works with, and does not always let up in his personal life.
The only time this sometimes causes a hitch, is in his romantic life.
Which isn’t to say that he has one. 
There is a woman who reads in the park every morning. Aaron affectionately thinks of this bench as her bench, as it is marked by wisterias and hyacinths on either end of it. It’s something of a ritual, after his runs, that they talk. 
It’s fun. He doesn’t have a lot of space for fun. He’d collapsed on the bench one day after siphoning his anger at a particular case into a difficult run. He’d crashed onto the bench, sweaty and exhausted and hadn’t even seen her there. Which is a bit impressive, as she’s hard to miss the sight of. It is also in equal measure embarrassing. It’s not every day you collapse in front of a gorgeous woman, disturbing her from what is likely a lovely afternoon in the park.
That’s how it started, anyway. She doesn’t run, so each break is punctuated by her company. He’s actually not sure if they’re flirting. He’s not very good at that- the last time he has to he was 17 and so full of unearned confidence, he lucked into a partnership. 
Now, he’s a bit older and a lot more scarred. She’s younger than him, not by much. She laughs with her whole chest at his dry, glib humor- and this is something Aaron had forgotten. The joy of a beautiful, wonderful woman’s company beside you. 
He feels a little out of place next to her. Romance is not something he does. Ever thought he’d do again, really. That’s not to say that this is romance. Their romance is almost entirely hypothetical. He thinks of her at work, which is a monumental development in and of itself. 
“So, how was the paperwork? I know you’ve been taking a little more on since your colleague had a baby. It’s so kind of you to do it.” She asks him on a beautiful August morning. 
He fights off a blush that she remembers what he’s done for JJ. He’s not big on mentioning his own good deeds. Aaron believes that this would cancel it out. Still, her praise is a warm balm to the exhaustion that plagues him. It’s hedonistic, the way he wants her to say more about him. He wonders absentmindedly if she knew everything about him that’s hard to love, she’d still paint him with such a light and warm glance. She’s bright enough, he’s tempted to tell her everything about him just because she asks. 
“It was…alright. My team is excellent. I’m lucky to work with people like them, it makes the process better. I couldn’t ask for more.”
She giggles a little at this, and there’s that roar of affection. 
He feels a sense of ease around her, one that is suspicious for him. He tries not to romanticize, but this connection is hard not to. She’s beautiful- this is obvious to anyone who meets her, a simple truth of her. But Aaron is trained to notice things little factors that show the truth of someone. 
He likes to watch her- it’s a pleasant thing, getting to be in her presence. It’s a little addicting, the way she looks at him. It makes him feel like all of the things he knows to be true of himself- his relative failures, the closed-off nature of his demeanor- are things that not only can be overlooked, but don’t seem to be in her line of sight at all. It’s an honor, to have her doe eyes rake over the sight of him, to meet him with gentle conversation. 
He tries not to notice that she is gorgeous. Aaron has been around beautiful women, of course- this is not something that should surprise him. But there’s something effervescent about her, something that his him wondering if it’s possible that she might feel the same way about him. He knows that he used to be a more attractive man, but now. Well, he’s a bit bruised, both metaphorically and physically. 
It feels odd to even think of this happening. She’s just got a warm, sweet tone and he replays what it’s like when she greets him. She smiles her brilliant grin and sometimes hugs him. It’s embarrassing how much he likes the feeling of it- soft curves against hard muscle and scarred skin. She always smells wonderful, and he wonders how nice it would be to have more of this. 
“I like your new shirt, by the way.” She smiles at him, and his heart jumps. It feels juvenile, but- she’s wearing a new lipstick, it seems. Her beautiful pout looks awfully tempting. 
“I like the lip color,” he tries to compliment back amenably, but that doesn’t stick. Instead, it comes out too earnest. He’s hyper aware of the fact that she’s right by him. She flushes, and Aaron feels a surge of pride. 
“Thank you,” she says, voice softer and flattered, and isn’t that a pretty sound? He’d love to do that for her, make her feel seen, make her feel like she’s as beautiful as she is, “I thought you might like it.”
It’s her directiveness that breaks the seal, he supposes looking back. Because she wore the lipstick for him. That’s just about the only thing it can mean, and he is struck with a particularly sensory fantasy of what it would be like to slot his mouth against hers- he gets the feeling it might be worth it even if he gets the color on his mouth. 
He’s a gentleman, though, he decides after a decidedly ungentlemanly amount of time spend staring at the gorgeous curve of her lips. 
“Would you want to get dinner with me?” He hears himself say it before he’s processed it, and then it’s out into the world. His heart is hammering and he’s blaming on the run, when god, it’s absolutely about how breathtaking she looks, the sunlight reflecting off her hair like a halo. When she beams back at him, she looks particularly angelic. 
It’s then, she leans over and kisses him on the cheek. 
“I thought you’d never ask.”
(Months later, when she is sitting on his kitchen counter and he is standing between her legs, gazing down at her with unabated fondness because he is entitled to that, he reflects on this moment and thinks god, how lucky am I, that I ran past that bench?) 
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Daniel Ricciardo x Queen of Genovia!Reader - Social Media AU
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voguemagazine posted a story
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Liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 842,153 others
danielricciardo life update
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f1wagupdates he really just said “life update” as if this isn’t the most chaotic thing to happen since abu dhabi in 2021
maxverstappen1 finally! i was constantly worried that lando would accidentally say something while streaming
landonorris that was uncalled for
maxverstappen1 mate, you literally leaked your own launch date once
metgalaofficial why do we feel like proud parents?
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Liked by danielricciardo, genovianroyalupdates, and 1,853,746 others
genovianroyalfamily Thank you for all the birthday wishes! To mark the occasion, Her Majesty Queen Y/N has shared a collection of photos taken by Mr. Daniel Ricciardo at the royal residence
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lightsoutric daniel3.jpg 🤝 genovianroyalfamily
dr3lvr the fact that daniel took these photos and they’re the ones queen y/n chose to post for the world to see is making me emotional
f1wagupdates she really is the most gorgeous woman on earth 😍
genovianroyalupdates and the kindest and an amazing leader ❤️
danielricciardo posted a story
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Liked by ricciardoupdates, f1, and 1,794,625 others
genovianroyalfamily Her Majesty Queen Y/N would like to wish her partner, Mr. Daniel Ricciardo, a very happy birthday. In honor of the celebration, Queen Y/N has released a series of photos taken by her during the couple’s visit to Australia earlier this year
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ricciardoupdates we are getting fed 🙏
f1wagupdates imagine daniel passing on his love for photography to queen y/n
f1wagupdates wait this means they probably visited his family in australia together 🥹
queeny/nfan their relationship is so pure
f1 happy birthday, danny ric 🦡
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Liked by metgalaofficial, redbullracing, and 3,187,564 others
genovianroyalfamily Her Majesty Queen Y/N and His Royal Highness Prince Daniel, Duke of Pyrus are overwhelmed by the love shown for their marriage. They are so incredibly grateful for the warm wishes and support they have received from everyone around the world throughout their relationship and during their wedding. Each of you made this joyful day even more meaningful
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metgalaofficial just call us the royal matchmaker
royalfashion the tiara, the veil, the dress … absolutely magnificent
formulastyle do you know why daniel is wearing an uniform?
royalfashion as prince consort, he has an honorary standing in the genovian military
dreamdriver i just realized that daniel is one of the hosts of the genovian grand prix now and he’s definitely going to be at the race as a full on prince which means that zak brown will have to bow to him 😈
ricciardoupdates karma is wonderful thing
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wonysugar · 2 months
close the door | hanni pham
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synopsis : you had no idea what you were doing, and neither did she.
genre : fluffy smut!
pairing : non-idol!hanni x gf!femreader
tags : they’re in love your honor, lots of kissing and making out, cuddling, l-bombs, top!femreader, bottom!hanni, they’re both virgins, fingering, clit play, nipple play, neck kissing, hanni’s dogs are mentioned twice lawl, lots of comfort, lots of consent! they’re literally just lovey dovey girlfriends having sex for the first time aheheh
warnings : none :]
word count : 2.5k
a/n : if you’re rereading this and thinking “hey the synopsis changed and there wasn’t an author’s note before!!” well you’d be right I POSTED THIS IN A RUSH I’M SO SORRYYFKEJF
anyways!! this is just to say that this fic is inspired by the lovely writer that is sorry for tagging you twice ahh @facefullofsadness’s fic right over here :] sooo GO READ THAT FIRST! it’s truly lovely and i really enjoyed reading it, hence why i wrote thisskfke. thank you for readingg<33
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oh how you loved your girlfriend.
you would die for your girlfriend, actually, even if you only started dating barely a few months ago. who could blame you? that’s what happens when you’ve been best friends prior to your relationship for so, so, so long. it simply started with a ‘hi! my name’s hanni! what’s yours?’ from her part at the innocent age of seven and just like that, years later, you guys were still inseparable. 
so really, your life-long friendship and months-long relationship were both with the same gorgeous and outgoing girl, and the only thing distinguishing those two was the label you used to describe them.
“bro i genuinely don’t understand why he doesn’t just… run away. cause— get this, there’s obviously a murderer in his house right? and what does he decide to do about that? just stay in there. like, okay.. like i’m aware they needed plot but lord, i don’t know at least make it somewhat realistic you know what i mean—“ was what your girlfriend said, on her bed as she sat down in between your legs and leaned her back against you, her head facing forward and resting on your shoulder.
you simply nodded along to her words as you played with her hair, trying your hardest to stay focused on the piece of media before you whilst also paying your utmost attention to her, despite her constant ranting and criticizing of the entire movie. you, having originally liked the film, were now conflicted about your opinion on it. it’s not like she was wrong, her very heavy criticism had to have come from somewhere, after all, but you couldn’t help but slightly appreciate the storyline. so, you weren’t really sure what you felt about it anymore.
one thing you were certain of, however, 
was that your girlfriend looked really good while passionately rambling. like, way too good. she had tied her dark hair into a high ponytail, it also looked wavy due to the rain that was pouring on you guys earlier, her messy bangs fell perfectly onto her forehead. and her smile? it always looked perfect. she always looked perfect. 
and since you apparently weren’t hiding your admiration well enough, she very quickly noticed it.
she giggled teasingly. her voice sweet like honey, her australian accent more prominent than usual, she spoke up, “hello?” before full-on laughing, “were you even listening to me?”
you could only kiss her, that seemed like the only appropriate response in the heat of the moment. she, of course, kissed back just as lovingly before pulling away moments after, a curious and confused look on her face. 
“no seriously, what is up with you?” she kept teasing, smiling stupidly as she kept her gaze lingering on yours for the following seconds, her eyes unconsciously drifting to your lips. “you look stupid.”
“and you look really pretty.” was what you whispered back to her, earning a shy smile and an exaggerated eye roll from her. immediately, you made your lips come into contact with hers again. it felt as if the world would stop spinning if you didn’t, like a slowly growing urge to keep touching her suddenly came over you and you needed to fill it.
“so.. so pretty.” you mumbled, so quietly that it was almost to yourself, before going back in. you allowed yourself to make the kiss deeper and slid her tongue across her soft lips as you demanded entrance. you could hear her let out slight noises, she clearly was not expecting you to do anything of the sorts, at least not right now. she was a tad bit confused, but let you in, who in their right mind would pass up the opportunity to kiss their girlfriend? immediately, your hands wrapped around her waist whilst you continued kissing her lovingly, your tongue roaming every part of her mouth.
it didn’t take long before your hands started naturally reaching under her top, caressing on her tummy and progressively going higher with each sound she let out.
you pulled away, slightly worried of going too far, “c-can.. can i continue, hanni?”
you were scared, terrified, even! despite knowing each other for years, you’d only been dating for a few months; those are two completely different things! it’s not like you see your completely platonic best friend’s naked body every tuesday. even then, despite dating, you still haven’t gotten that stage of the relationship. and on top of that,
the two of you were a proper pair of virgins. you had no idea what you were doing, and neither did she. you didn’t want to seem like an inexperienced loser to her, you wanted to take care of her and make her feel good. what if that didn’t happen? what if you made it awkward between the two of you?? it was nerve-racking.
as if barging into your mind and reading your thoughts, wanting to reassure you, she grabbed your hand in a gentle manner before nodding. then, she spoke up, “can you close the door?”
“there’s.. nobody home, though?”
she giggled, “oh i know, it’s just that i don’t want the dogs to potentially walk in on this.”
you groaned dramatically, laughing and insisting that you were too lazy to get up and that her dogs wouldn’t understand the situation if they even walked in. she, in response, just tapped your knee with a cheeky smile, encouraging you to stand up.
“come on y/n, close the door. think about milly and mia; think about their innocence!” she exaggerated.
after playfully hitting her arm and laughing along with her, you got up, proceeded to close and lock the door like she asked you to and eventually walked back to her bed, sitting back on it and positioning yourself the way you originally were, her back to you again. 
“happy?” you asked in a fake arrogant tone.
she hummed, radiant, “yes, very happy.” before turning her head just right and kissing you again.
eventually back to the original rhythm of the kiss, you placed your hands back on her stomach again, slowly caressing and teasing higher and higher with time. once you reached her bra, you proceeded to impatiently unhook it, immediately taking it off of her.
her breathing got heavier with each second that passed, partially due to nervousness, probably. you’d be lying if you said that wasn’t the case for you too. the more your hands carefully roamed her body, the more self-conscious you got, you truly had no idea what you were doing. 
then, as if something in your mind clicked, you had an idea. what if you just did to her whatever you enjoyed doing to yourself in moments like these? that could work.. right? maybe??
you glided your hand upwards, your finger lightly grazing her nipple. in response to the sudden movement, a lewd sound accidentally escaped from her pretty lips, her breath hitching. that sound was a small moan.
a small one, barely audible, yet it was still enough for you to feel the activation of every single neuron residing in your brain.
then suddenly, it’s like the concept of making love to her wasn’t as nerve-racking as it originally was.
“s-sorry..” she apologized, seeming slightly embarrassed.
you kissed her cheek, reassuring her, “don’t apologize, i wanna hear you.”
despite it being an accident, she seemed to enjoy the sensation of your hand on her chest, so you went back to teasing her tits and gently groping them before you eventually asked, “is it okay if i go further..?”
nodding in a keen manner, she swallowed her saliva, then breathed out her response, “yes. yes keep— keep going. please.”
well shit! even if you wanted to stop, it’s not like you could, not with how good she sounded pleading for you.
not wasting any more time, you proceeded to separate one of your hands from her chest and quickly slid it downwards; to the band of her sweatpants. now, of course, your other hand was still in its original place, working its magic, but you wanted her to feel more. so much more.
you wanted to convey every surge of affection you violently felt for her into pleasure. and, if there was one thing you surely knew how to do, it was kissing her. 
so, you started kissing on her neck, which she didn’t expect whatsoever, and still heavily concentrated on the hand you had on her breast. then, you pulled on the sleeve of her tee just enough to expose her shoulder and moved your mouth towards it, nipping and gently licking it.
your hand now fully slipped into her pants, you teased her entrance through the fabric of her underwear as you kept kissing her naked shoulder. you listened to her attentively and took mental notes of her reactions; so far, her breathing got heavier, her thighs slightly clenched around your hand and she was now frequently biting her lip. 
plus, her panties were wet. 
did all of that mean you were doing good? …perhaps it did!
and did her drenched underwear make you short circuit? perhaps it did as well!
“d-d’you feel okay?” you asked, before going back to slowly kissing her shoulder. she threw you a quick glance, chest heaving up and down. 
“s-so okay.” she giggled.
her smile being contagious, you found yourself doing the exact same thing, content with the answer she gave you.
soon enough, you traced your finger up her clothed slit before eventually sliding it into the undergarment she wore, making her shudder. after what felt like an eternity, you could feel her slick coat your digits from one swipe of the finger. 
it was tantalizing.
growing impatient, you quickly yet carefully settled your middle and ring finger on her swollen clit, making slow circular motions on it, looking at her in the process. full on whimpering, this time, she stared back at you, no longer embarrassed. she wanted to let you know how good you were making her feel, hence why she was getting louder with each movement you made, and it filled you with enough confidence and adrenaline to gently push her head towards you, leaning in for a kiss.
thankfully, she kissed you back, deeply at that, her eyes closed and her quiet moans muffled.
you pulled away after a few moments, “tell me if it hurts, okay?” you reminded her. she simply nodded, brain all fuzzy from arousal.
she grabbed your other hand and intertwined her fingers with yours. “g-go slowly.” she whispered.
“i will.” you affirmed.
slowly and gently, you slid your fingers into her core, making sure not to go too fast or too rough. thankfully, the wetness was making it easier for you, and probably for her as well. every time that your girlfriend’s breath hitched, that her hand gripped harder on yours or, hell, every time that her eyes closed, you stopped in your tracks and double checked to see if you were hurting her, so it took a little while for your digits to fully penetrate her. 
fortunately, she assured you that you weren’t, in fact, hurting her. some moments just felt more comfortable than others, is all.
once they were fully in, you gave her time to get used to the feeling, still double checking on her state every now and then. after a few deep breaths, she nodded.
“i-i’m ready.”
you started to pump your fingers in and out of her, taking in all of her as your speed slowly increased as time went on. naturally, as more time passed, you felt the urge to make her feel good get even stronger.
that’s when you decided to increase the pace, your fingers curling on just the right spot inside her, pumping faster and faster as your thumb played with her clit.
“is this okay baby—” you asked.
“f-fuck— yes y/n that feels good—“ was what she moaned out, cutting you off. a feeling of bliss progressively and clearly overtaking her whole body.
when you tried to look at her despite only being able to see her side profile, you could’ve sworn you saw an angel. her cheeks were slightly tinted with a pinkish color and her eyebrows were upturned, her whole face contorted with pleasure, her skin glistening with sweat. her eyes hooded with lust, hanni looked down at herself and attentively watched as you played with her. your fingers swimming in her slick, navigating in her folds the way a skilled sailor would the vast ocean, it was hypnotizing, and she realized how this was probably the way you got yourself off on a regular day, and she couldn’t help but moan at both the thought and the sensation. 
you made her feel good, you made her feel happy, loved. you always did.
amidst the chaos that was her messy bed, the setting somehow looked better than every piece of artwork you’d ever seen combined. the bed creaked ever so slightly, and she looked and sounded so beautiful, especially with the way the sun set directly on her parted lips at that moment. 
you were certain that your heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“i love you so much, hanni.” you softly said, kissing the back of her ear whilst you kept fingering her. she couldn’t form proper words, so she simply tightened her grip on your hand more, as a way to say it back.
then, once you picked up a stable pace for a few minutes, her back arched against you, her breathing getting heavier, practically panting. her hand’s grip on yours getting tighter, you felt her hot breath hit your neck once she settled her head into the crook of it.
“y/n— baby i think i’m- i’m— mmh—“
that was the moment she reached climax, letting out a long and loud moan as she rode out her orgasm, bucking her hips against your hand before smashing her lips onto yours. quietly, she let a few i love yous slip out of her mouth between kisses, her hand resting on your head, fingers intertwined with your soft hair. 
you particularly made sure to say it back to her every time.
you pulled out your fingers and took your hand out of her pants. still coming down from her high, she smiled at you with tired eyes and kissed your cheek. you smiled back, looking at her lovingly.
“d-did i do okay?” 
she giggled, “..are you seriously asking me that? do you not see me right now?” 
you raised your eyebrows, playful, “for all i know you were faking it.”
“yeah, actually.. i was faking it, especially with how wet i was from the whole thing. aren’t i such a good actor y/n? it’s almost like i legitimately came really hard—”
“shut up.” you elbowed her, laughing. she gave you a cheeky smile before she got up from the bed, grabbed a pair of new underwear from her drawer and opened the bedroom door, heading straight towards the living room to pet her dogs after changing. 
“hey y/n?”
“…wanna bake brownies in a bit?” 
“uhm.. yes? what kind of question is that?? let me just go wash my hands first.” you replied, getting up and walking towards the bathroom before adding on, “unless you wanna eat very unsanitary cum-buttered brownies, of course—“
you heard her contagious laugh from across the hallway, making you smile to yourself, “you’re fucking disgusting— go wash your hands, you weirdo!”
oh how you loved your girlfriend.
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gretavanlace · 1 month
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Feels Like Gold
Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, unprotected sex, language, dirty talk, breeding kink, Jake drives a car (the most dangerous situation of all), extremely mild degradation, etc
Okay, in honor of our collective jakedown, I rooted around in my unreleased work and then did a little revamping. This one is for you, @piratejakesgf thank you for your request ❤️ *loosely edited, fair warning
And kisses to @jake-kiszkas-smirk and her brilliant mind for titling this when I was at a loss 💋 xoxo
“Fuck, these are so uncomfortable!” you hiss with exasperation, tugging at the itchy nylon hell encasing your legs.
“Told you not to wear them.” Jake reminds you, flipping on his turn signal before switching lanes, though the freeway is dark and nearly deserted.
“You know how my family is.” you remind him right back, annoyed with his flippant attitude. “If I’d shown up to that wedding in a dress with bare legs I’d have been labeled the whore of the family tree. My branch weighed down with bad choices; exposed skin and a degenerate rockstar on my arm.”
“I mean, to their credit, I actually am a degenerate so they’re just calling ‘em like they see ‘em.” His eyes are locked on the road, but a tiny smirk tells you he’s pleased with his cleverness. “Plus, your aunt tried to fuck me, so you aren’t the only whore in the family.”
An abrupt laugh trills out of you. “Right. Which aunt?”
“Does it matter?” he shrugs. “She told me she slept with Joe Perry and it left her with a taste for guitarists…I told her Perry could suck my dick because I could stomp his riffs any day, but that only turned her on even more.”
“And then what happened?” you giggle, falling into his little pretend world.
“Well,” he sighs wearily, “Promise you won’t be angry with me?”
You’re solemn and stoic, as if this is very serious business, “Scouts honor.”
“Then, I excused myself and wound up fucking your uncle in the bathroom, instead.” he squints at an upcoming exit sign to be sure you’re headed in the right direction, and then settles back into a more relaxed state, wrist guiding the steering wheel casually.
“Was he any good?” you ask, mock sincerity laced through your tone.
“I’ve had better.” He shrugs.
“You’re so stupid.” you shake your head with a doting roll of your eyes, and reach under your dress to roll the torturous hose down and off.
He watches out of the corner of his eye, stealing glances as safely as he can while driving.
“Jesus, they were thigh highs all this time?” he sounds a little like he’s considering jerking the car over onto the shoulder of the highway to drag you into the backseat.
“All this time.” the garment in question lands in his lap.
“Lemme see.” he orders quietly before you have a chance to remove the second.
Up the hem of your dress travels until he can get a good look at the black lace resting at the top of your thigh. “Fuck, pretty girl.”
“You like that?” you tease in a silken voice.
He nods, tightening his grip on the wheel.
You push a little further with, “Are you hard?”
“I’m gonna kick you out of this car and make you walk home.” he lies, reaching out to snap the elastic lace against your skin. “Take this one off, too…it’s doing unspeakable things to me. Especially since you’re only wearing the one. You look sloppy - like I just rocked your shit in the back of a tour bus.”
“Jacob Thomas..” you gasp lightly, as though scandalized “Someone seems a little worked up.”
“I might be, if only I didn’t have such a firm grasp on the power of will, my darling.”
He’s being untruthful, but he does it so elegantly - in that soft, slightly British lilt of his, you decide to grant him a very gracious pass and drop the second into his lap.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Kiszka.” You wiggle your polished toes, enjoying the freedom. “My baby cousin, the one you let dance on your feet? She asked me if you were a pirate.”
This tugs an honest laugh out of his chest…a gorgeous sound that colors your cheeks pink. “You told her yes, I expect?”
You hum in confirmation, “I did. And I told her that you have a special sword with strings on it and it makes beautiful, dark music that people come from far away lands to hear. Just like the sirens in Peter Pan.”
His face visibly softens in the flickers of light shed by the street lamps whipping by. “You always did know how to paint a lovely picture, pretty girl.”
The low purr of the engine lulls your head against the window, but just as your eyes begin to grow heavy, he pulls you back to him with a quiet, “Hey,”
Turning your head against the seat, you study his profile, charting the map of your favorite face, “Yeah?”
”Whose baby was that you were holding? The tiny, tiny one,”
It seems such an odd thing for him to ponder, and you have to mentally sift through the reception a bit, you held a great many babies tonight…it seemed like every cousin and second cousin in attendance was weighed down by a diaper bag stuffed full of diapers and pacifiers.
”The one with the little headband bow-thingy.” He clarifies. “She was so small.”
“My cousin’s. He and his wife’s third in almost as many years. She’s only like a month old and smelled like heaven.” You draw in a breath and wish her silken tufts of hair were still pressed to your cheek, “Why?”
”I don’t know,” you know him well enough to know that’s a damn lie. “I just- I don’t know…do you ever think about it?”
Caught off guard, you opt for a little joke, “Does Jakey have baby fever?”
He smiles, and there is a touch of shyness that lives there, “Shut up. Do you think about it?”
“Do I think about having babies? Well, I-“
He interrupts quickly to set you straight, “Do you think about having babies with me?”
Where is he heading with this? Will a bit of honesty scare him? Will it scare you?
Deciding to take the plunge, this is simply a conversation after all, and a subject that he broached to boot, you choose truth. “Yes, I’ve thought about babies with you. Although that whole twin thing is fucking terrifying.”
Again, you joke. Again, he doesn’t take the bait. “Identical twins aren’t hereditary. We’re just an accidental fuck up. When you think about it, what do you think?”
”A lot of things.”
Smoothly, he guides the car onto the off-ramp that leads to home. “Very informative, darling. A veritable treasure trove of information.”
He hasn’t tipped his hand and you aren’t about to let him off so easily. “”Do you think about it?”
”Honestly, not before. I mean, I think about how you’ll look in your wedding dress and if you’ll wear your hair swept up the way I like, and I suppose that’s sort of the same thing. Or headed in the same direction, anyway. But watching you hold that baby tonight…”
Your chest suddenly feels a little tight. You’re touched by his admission.
And how endearing that he wonders how you’ll wear your hair. You reach out and stroke the back of your hand along the cut of his jaw, “When the day comes, I’ll wear it up for you.”
Later, he’s draped across the bed watching you glide about the room in your bra and panties. Earrings unfastened and placed gently on your jewelry tray, necklace hung carefully, hair let loose and shaken out at long last.
Hands folded behind his head, he speaks up, breaking the spell you have unknowingly cast over him, “You said ‘a lot of things’. Elaborate.”
You turn, eyes drifting over the king lounging about upon the bed you share, in nothing but the dress pants he hasn’t yet bothered to shed. “What?”
He cocks his chin, summoning your attention further ”Babies. You said you think about a lot of things.”
He looks so fucking sinfully delicious…a sickeningly sweet cake sent from the bewitching trenches of hell to rot your teeth. “The normal things. Baby things.”
The heavy wooden frame creeks quietly as he pulls himself into a sitting position to study your expression, “Liar.”
”Oh, I’m sorry,” you dance around the accusation, “I just happen to be looking at a disgustingly attractive little shit waiting for me to climb into bed beside him. Forgive me for looking flustered.”
”Don’t be coy, darling,” he tsks, clicking his tongue against his perfect teeth. “I can see it written all over your pretty face. You’ve got a secret.”
He’s moving towards the edge of the bed now, drawing you in closer with his devilish stare. “Tell me.”
”I don’t have a secret.” Whose voice is that? Surely it’s much too quiet and meek to be your own.
”Tell the truth.” He hums, a knowing twinkle flashing in his gaze. “What do you think about?”
Your eyes refuse to meet his own as your stomach knots, warm and vibrating. “I guess…sometimes I - sometimes I think about the trying part of it all.”
He’s watching you closely, you can feel it like warm fingers dancing across your blushing skin. “So you think about fucking?”
He almost sounds disappointed. He had expected more judging by your hesitancy to share.
”Well,” your fingers are plucking at the comforter now, rooting out a loose thread to spin around your finger, “Yes, but it’s kind of more than that. I think about you… inside me.”
At last, you peek up at him. He looks curious, as if he can’t quite figure you out. “Why are you being such a little mouse about this?” His palms are cupping your face now, calluses soothing you like a song. “I’m inside you all the time, and I think about it all the time, too.”
Shaking your head gently, you find your footing…at least a smidge, “Not like that. I think about you inside me. The way you would have to be if we were trying.”
Your birth control rendered condoms unnecessary ages ago, yet he has always pulled out - ever cautious and responsible. Confusion is still painted across his features…until it isn’t.
“Oh,” a lascivious grin appears and you long to curl your tongue over his lips, “you fucking filthy little thing.”
In a blink, you’re dragged onto the bed and into his arms, tossed down with your back against the sheets. his body heated and flush against yours.
Mouth suckling and nipping at your throat, he rasps into your skin, “Is that what does it for you? Pretty girl wants my cum?”
Your body’s reaction is visceral, primal, and almost embarrassing. You’re arching away from the mattress, desperate to be even closer than you already are.
“Answer me.” He huffs, sinking a bite into your jaw.
”Yes…” your hands are in his hair, thighs around his waist, “I want it.”
”Say it.” He’s rocking against you now, hard and straining against your panties. “Say what it is that you want. What you think about.”
”I think about you fucking me,” once again, whose shaking voice is that? “I think about the way you sound when you finish, and the way your cock throbs and twitches in your hand, and how it might feel inside me.”
”Keep going.” He orders, soft and wavering in your ear.
”I think about how warm your cum would feel inside of me, and maybe I wouldn’t be able to keep it all in. Maybe it might tickle a little when it leaked out.”
”Fuck, baby…” his hands are everywhere, yanking your breasts from the cups of your bra, winding your panties down your thighs, fingers sinking into your soaking, clenching cunt with a groan that sounds pained.
He seeks out your favorite spot and tucks up into it, wrenching a wanton moan from your lungs “You want me to fill this little pussy up? Keep you dripping wet with me all day long? Fuck baby after baby into you?”
”Jake…” you’re clawing at his bare shoulders, fucking yourself hopelessly against his hand. “More.”
He slips a third finger inside you, “Is that why you get a little whiny when I pull out? My girl wants me to do it inside?”
”More,” you urge through gritted teeth, eyes locked in on his face and the lust so evident in the set of his features.
”You want four?”
”Please, Jake…” tears are threatening at your lash line, “more, more, more,”
“You’re having some trouble listening tonight, aren’t you?” he sounds diabolical, and turned on beyond belief. “I asked you a question.”
His thighs prise your legs open wider as he squeezes his pinky into your warmth to join the rest of his drenched fingers, “Do you want my cum inside you? You want me to give it to you? Keep it all safe and warm for me?”
With a mournful wail you’re reduced to a million little pieces beneath him. Rocking frantically into his touch…the heel of his hand grinding quick circles into your clit as his fingers fuck you through it. He’s covered in you, it rolls down his wrist and beads against his stomach like early morning dew, anointing him as you thrash and writhe like a beautiful, fluttering leaf in an autumn wind.
When the hazy fog clears, allowing your sight, it’s his face - stunning and beaming - you find, “Hey, pretty girl.”
Now that you’re coming down, your diffidence returns and you close your eyes in a pathetic attempt to hide.
He’s having none of it, “No, no, darling…you stay with me. Right here, baby. You look so pretty with my cock inside you, imagine how fucking beautiful you’re gonna be when I fuck you full.”
“Please, jake…” it’s pathetic really, and maybe you should care about that, but you don’t. “I need it, I need it so bad.”
“Yeah?” The gravel in his tone makes you shiver with frantic desire. “Pretty girl just wants to bounce on my cock all day? Just using me to get what she wants?”
Rather than answer, you elect to begin wrangling the button on his pants.
“Someone’s eager.” He teases softly, lifting up on one elbow, easing your struggle. “You want it that bad? Are you gonna let me cum wherever I want? Gonna let me put a baby inside you?”
“Fucking do it!” Frustrated and sparking with electric desperation, you give up and tug on his waistband feverishly until he takes over, popping the button with ease and kicking them off.
His cock is fisted in his hand now, with your eyes fiercely focused on it. Hard and beautiful and yours. “You want that inside you?” He whispers, watching you stare. “You want me to fuck you? You want me to fucking breed that pretty pussy? Make you a mama?”
You should be ashamed of yourself, you well and truly should be…but fuck if you don’t want more, “Keep talking while you fuck me,” you breathe, somewhere between imploring and begging, “Dirtier, come on…”
His cock slips inside. Just the cashmere tip teasing at you, “Dirtier?” He nudges in a little deeper, just enough to make you whine, “well what should I say, pretty girl? Should I tell you that you’re my beautiful little cum slut and if I’d known it sooner I’d have been stuffing you full all this time?” Deeper still he glides, “Or that I want to cum inside you and then fall asleep with my fingers buried in your cunt to keep it where it belongs?” He’s fucking you harder, faster…the pillowy head of his cock kissing your cervix in a divine dance between pleasure and pain. “Or should I tell you about how I think about licking it up? Kissing you with my cum on my tongue because I know you’d suck it off like the greedy little baby you are.”
“I-“ a pitiful whimper escapes you, but his fingers are suddenly grasping your chin, grounding you enough to collect your scattered thoughts. “I’m gonna cum, tell me where you’re going to cum. Tell me where you’re going to put it. Please, I want it,”
Hips rolling into a succulent grind against your swollen clit now, he begins “I’m gonna fuck you until you’ve got every last drop, pretty girl. It’s all yours, are you gonna take it for me like a good girl? Are you going to be a good little mama and take it all?”
His name is all you can manage as you shatter. It’s primeval and animalistic, sounds that would make you want to crumple in on yourself if anyone heard them besides your Jacob.
“You’re so fucking tight and wet..” his perfect cock is pounding you through it as he inches closer and closer, “are you ready for me to make a mess of this little beauty right here? Hmm? Ready for me to fuck this cunt all full and dirty? You want it?”
“Jake…” you trail off, eyes fighting to stay open and locked in on his face while you shake against him, twisting and clenching around his perfect cock, “you’re so fucking hard.”
He nods furiously, burying his face in the crook of your neck to lick your pounding pulse “That’s all you, baby. You make me that hard.”
Your hips begin rocking up to meet him even faster, hungry to please. “Good girl, you keep fucking that cock. Are you gonna take what you want? Gonna make me cum? Gonna help me fill this pretty little cunt?”
In response, your nails dig into his skin, raking your mark, claiming him. You’re almost there again, though you can’t imagine how. “I’m so fucking close,” you’re sighing and shaking the words into the room, offering confession.
“Again?” He’s mocking you so sweetly, teasing dirty words into your ear like lullabies, “Already? Is my pretty girl gonna cum on this cock? Squeeze and suck the cum right out of me to steal it away? You want it that badly?”
You let go, with a trembling breath of his name, and feel his body tense against the feverish grip of your orgasm.
”That’s it, baby,” his words are but a sigh skittering across your cheek, “That’s it. Feels so good. Feels like gold. My pretty, pretty girl…”
He fucks you faster even as you melt into a puddle within his arms. “Gonna cum for you,” he promises, “I’m gonna cum so hard for you. Who’s going to take it? Who’s gonna take every fucking drop?”
”I am,” have you even made a sound? You can’t be sure, you’re so lost.
”Yes, you are…” his forehead, slick with exertion and need, nods against your own. “You’re going to take it just like you take this cock. My good fucking girl…pretty pink baby doll just begging for me to wreck her.”
Without warning, he collapses into your arms, moaning and crying out, shuddering as he releases inside you. Warm and perfect, everything you’ve ever imagined and so much more.
His fingers sink into your muscles, clutching and pulling you closer still, “Baby…” he sounds raspy and pained, “Baby, baby, baby, fuck..fuck…”
And when at last, he calms, it is with his cheek pressed to your chest, clocking the wild metronome that is your heart with your hands sweeping through his hair.
Soon, you’ll both crawl out of bed, maybe into the shower…perhaps into the warmth of a bath, but for now it is simply you, and Jake, and this tranquil bliss.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @lvnterninthenight @paintmyhouse @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake @gretavangroupie
416 notes · View notes
lewisvinga · 3 months
medialunas | charles leclerc x fem! argentine! reader
summary; just charles and his love for his girlfriend ( and the wonderful pastry from her country of Argentina , medialunas )
fc; emilia mernes
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
notes; requested ! something abt writing latina! reader is so comforting to me even if its abt a different country🥹
masterlist !
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe, and others !
yourusername: back home con mis amores🥰 [with my loves]
tagged; charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc: i 🩷 you, luna, y medialunas
yourusername: AWWWHHH i love u , luna, y medialunas too🥰
username: not y/n getting charles hooked on medialunas
username: his french ass probably just thinks they’re croissants
username: uhmmmm aktshually he’s from monaco 🤓☝️
username: omg charles is in argentina? STOP
lilymhe: WOAH hello gorgeous 😏😏😏
yourusername: WOAH hello pretty lady😉😉😉
username:those look so good wtf
username: THE DOG😭
username: charles looks so bf material here
username: mis padres😣 [my parents]
username: charles entering his latina eraaa liked by yourusername !
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
charles_leclerc uploaded to his story !
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[caption 1; 😍😍😍😍] [caption 2; i sincerely apologize to my trainer but i can’t physically stay away from medialunas😇😇]
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yourusername uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; picking up medialunas for the baby🤓] [caption 2; the whiny baby who needed medialunas to make it through the night 🥸🥸]
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and others !
charles_leclerc: so grateful to explore the beauty of argentina with the most beautiful woman by my side. te quiero ❤️ [i love you]
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: ay charles 🥹🥹 te quierooo
yourusername: and those medialunas aren’t even half of what you consumed these past 2 weeks
charles_leclerc: i consumed an embarrassing amount of medialunas, i think even your mother was concerned ….😬😬😬
yourusername: she was concerned that you’d get sick w the amount you were eating every morning 😭
username: tears not y/n getting charles hooked on her medialunas obsession
username: i love them ur honor
username: did u see messi
username: she’s such a beauty
carlossainz55: i’m snitching on you🤣
charles_leclerc: please don’t i’ll bring you medialunas back😞
yourusername: he’s lying he’ll just eat them all😁
username: he’s argentine now no questions abt it
username: my latino king 💆‍♀️💆‍♀️
895 notes · View notes
Michelangelo (NSFW Alphabet)
Michelangelo (NSFW Alphabet) 
Bayverse Mikey x F!Reader
Word Count: 3200. Warnings include: one-night stands, size-kink, hypersexuality, multiple orgasms, lots of explicit descriptions of sexual activities, and additional warnings of angst, flashbacks, and violent trauma.
I have been so, so excited about this one. 
Mikey is so close to my heart, and it might result in him being a bit of my muse. Being sexual in nature isn’t always a bad thing, especially if doubled with discipline, honor, and a sense of personal safety. All of which are Michelangelo's core values. 
Mikey is the most intrepid of his brothers. He loves society and going topside and despite his unfortunate position, it’s easy for him to connect with people. He’s outgoing, adventurous, playful and flirtatious, and is happy to leave his comfort zone.
It wouldn’t take him long to gain worldly, interpersonal, romantic and SEXUAL experience that exceeds all of his family members combined. He’d be an experienced, attentive and loving partner, whether it would be a one-off, third date, or an everyday weekend with your boyfriend. Dominant, submissive, risky, kinky, vanilla, just a goofball here to make you feel good- sex with Mikey leaves you feeling relaxed and recharged. If not completely breathless, sore, and completely blown away. 
I write this from the perspective of Mikey being in his late twenties, with a long-term girlfriend just getting sexual with him. 
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) - Not only does Mikey already have waterproof bed-sheets, but he has the rolled up towels in the bed stand, he’s got the tiny trash can, and your water bottle is already being handed to you. He’s been ready. But he is reluctant to leave the bed, because he likes to keep holding you, and he needs the physical connection to wind himself down. He loves to kiss you and make you smile before you get up to go to the bathroom. He complains to you about leaving him, even though you just got up to pee. If you want to shower he’d beg to go with you and clean you himself. While he’s happy to go to sleep after, he likes pulling you in to watch tiktoks or a movie or chat after. Pillow talk is the best talk. 
B - Body-Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) - On himself, Mikey likes his arms, his abs, and his dick personality. He loves it when you hold his bicep as you walk, or when your eyes train distractedly down his chest and patterns, or your face when he picks you up like you're nothing. On you? Anything he is allowed to kiss and hold. Which is pretty much everything. But like c’mon, breasts are the world's first and best stress toy, and he will fucking show it. Give him them titties. And he loves fleshy bits. He loves tummies and thighs and ass, anything that gives him that jiggle. He loves having you laid back while he leans back and watches your flesh bounce while you take his dick. You're so gorgeous like that. 
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum basically) - It takes Mikey a while to get there, if he gets there at all. It is completely normal for you to have come at least twice before he starts getting close. He tends to zone out, and loses a little bit of control when he starts to get there. He likes to grab and hold you close, force you deep on his dick for a little bit before he starts to ask if he can come, and he does ask. Even if he’s inside wearing a condom, or getting a bj or just rutting against the mattress while he eats you out, it’s his warning. You could even be tied up with a ball gag and he’d still squeeze your knees up to your chest and beg, “Please, baby, please.” It gives you a brief moment to give consent, or direct him to where you want him. 
D - Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) - He has gone on soooo many one-night-stands, all behind his family's back at first. His secret rendezvous soon gets found out though, much to the unimaginable shock to his brothers. He’s had a couple of friends with benefits, but he never really went anywhere with them. He knew what he wanted in a long-term partner. 
E - Experience (How experienced are they?) - Mikey is the complete opposite of his brothers. He’s had one-offs, threesomes, he’s been with guys and girls alike- He knows what he likes and doesn’t like. He knows what makes a good sexual partner and what makes a bad one. He knows tips and tricks and he definitely knows how to give someone a good orgasm. He also knows how to make someone feel safe. Mikey is still good at getting people out of their shell, but he can tell when something is going too fast or if they need a break or if everything should just stop. Consent is his number one, and if you aren't feeling sex, that is completely fine with him because, guess what? He’s here to make you feel good, and that’s not a problem if feeling good just means some cuddles, a movie and some laughs. He’s experienced in that too. 
F - Favorite Position (This goes without saying) - This boy ain’t consistent. He might have a favorite position for like…a week. Then it moves on to something else. Same thing with activities. He might be super into BDSM for a bit, then he’d move on to a cuddly, slow sex phase the next month. Sex is similar to pizza. It is good, no matter how it is served. 
He likes doggy, missionary, standing-sex, maybe a bit of lotus or something goofy like butter churner to make you guys both laugh. But the positions you two find yourselves in the most are the ones that get you to cum, and cum hard. So while crazy positions are fun, he’s their to watch you cum on his dick, fingers or mouth, so if that means y'all are gonna be curled up in missionary for a bit with a vibrator against your pussy and his mouth against your ear, he can be there all day if that's what it takes. 
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous) - Mikey is ALWAYS a goofball. Yes, there are moments when you two are just focused on not hurting one another or being too loud-  but most of the time Mikey is making you laugh and blush. Sex is one of his favorite things in the world but he can’t take it too seriously. Because sex by nature is a silly thing. He knows that sex is sexiest when it’s not pressured to be sexy, you know? It also helps him feel safe with you and you feel safe with him. This ain’t a performance, it’s a request for connection. We don’t have to be perfect. 
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes etc.) - Turtle boy is bald as can be okay, no hair. But, when it comes to you, he’s developed a taste for the natural. He knows that it takes a girl a lot of time and effort to shave, wax, mosterize, all that stuff. It doesn’t sit right with him that his girl would be spending that much time changing her appearance just for him. Besides, he likes the fuzz. He likes the fuzz, your ears, your extra toes and fingers- he likes you. So if it helps you to wax and go bald, he won’t stop you. But he prefers the bush.
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) - Because of Mikey’s easy-going nature, he rarely needs intense sex. It is also easy for him to forget that you might need those sincere love making sessions. Yunno, the eye-contact, pressure, the wordless-ness, the whole nine yards. So it might be something you would have to talk to him about. Mikey loves love-making just as much as the next person. But he has a lot built up inside- you know? 
That kind of intimacy can open up a lot that he might not be all that prepared for, so he would need his own aftercare and recovery afterwards. It easily leaves him feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable in a way he…honestly rarely is, nowadays. He’d need to hold you, and be held back. He wouldn’t want to get up or do anything afterwards. He would need to be there in your arms for a bit. 
J - Jack-Off (Masterbatinon Headcanon) - Depends. In the past, all the time. All the time. Borderline sex-addict when he was first getting sexually active. But now, he can go a very long time without needing relief, and he doesn’t like to go to anything but you for it. It doesn’t hit as hard without a partner, and he likes that he can go to you for help. But those moments when he desperately needs it, he’ll either call you or text you, asking for help. If you are on the phone he’ll have pictures or videos of you that you gave to him while you talked him through it. 
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks) - Through trial and error, he’s learned what he likes and doesn't like, and what he LOVES.  He loves oral sex of any kind. Loves tasting you and getting you to cry and shake from the intensity. Makes him proud. He loves manhandling you and picking you up, especially while fucking you. Loves the look on your face. Loves the size difference, loves how long it takes to get you ready to take his giant cock, and your noises when you take him. 
He also loves to talk. He loves praising you and talking you through your orgasms. If you start to talk to him, it gets him to cum so fast. But his absolute favorite? Watching and listening to you. Watching your body or pussy, or your face when he pushes inside, and your noises will drive him to do anything for you. Your moans live rent free in his head always. 
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do) - He prefers his bedroom. He likes having the freedom to walk naked and have snacks and TV and phone chargers nearby. Helps with the multiple rounds, you know? He likes having a nice mattress and his blankets and pillows. But if your being overly flirtatious, literally anywhere would get anywhere good enough- 
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) - Even if it’s in the middle of a family gathering, if you pull him in and whisper to him you need him ‘Please, baby. Right now.’ he will give you this wide eyed, awe struck look before he makes it happen. But certain dresses and outfits, ones that hug your thighs, ass, belly and tits- he’s a fucking dog.  Skin tight dresses, shoulderless or backless, and certain outfits like crop tops, anything that gives him some skin to touch and kiss. 
N - No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) - Mikey has a few turn-offs that he has learned about himself- and they are not usually even sexual. But one particular turn-off that Mikey possesses- that is actually kind of serious- is that he does not like to choke people. He understands that choking isn’t inherently a bad thing during sex, but it sure does feel like a bad thing. He’s seen and heard a lot of violent things in his life. So having his hand wrapped around your neck is the perfect segue into flashbacks, dissociation and a lot of emotional baggage he’s slowly working through. Thing’s like you getting hurt by someone else, or him hurting you like this. How fragile you are, and how dangerous it is out there. While all the boys struggle with those scary, intrusive images once in a while, Mikey struggles with them the most. It’s horrible and it breaks your heart for him. It can mess him up very quickly. But he’s working on it. He’s good like that. 
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, ect.) - When I tell you that Mikey is the King of Oral Sex, I mean it. First of all, there are some tips and tricks he’s learned throughout the years that give him the magical ability to get you off in seconds. Where to crook his fingers, how much pressure to use, rhythm, and how to not immediately suck on your little clit but around it- he is a master. Not only that, but he is also really, really good at slowing down and getting you to open up and teach him how to get you off. Who knew communication, vulnerability, patience and understanding could result in the best orgasms in your entire life?
P - Pace (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, ect) - While Mikey cares greatly about your comfort levels and how safe you feel in the moment, and he will always stop or slow down the moment you need it, he is a fucking sucker for fast, rough sex. He loves to sit up on his knees, thrusting hard and fast and deep while he gets to watch your eyes find the back of your skull, your tits bounce and your legs shake while they struggle to stay open for him. He often bites his lip hard when he looks down to watch your pussy cum all over his big fat dick, because fuck doens’t that get him going. 
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, ect.) - He loves quickies. He loves the feeling of the rush and excitement and desire, and sometimes he wants a little relief, you know? But the older he gets, the less he initiates those. He prefers to flirt and drag things out. It takes a lot to get under his shell, you know? But something that can get him to easily crack is you. If you are begging for his dick this moment, god knows you will have it. 
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, et.) - He used to be wayyyy more risky. It didn’t matter the time or place, if he wanted sex he would ask. Even if all it did was make you blush; and he’s still like that. The older he got, though, he grew more considerate of other people's comfort levels, especially that of people who he wasn’t having sex with. Friends, family and others of that nature. And of yours. He knows that asking for sex in uncomfortable situations could pressure and terrify one person while it would excite others. Everyone is different, and he is extremely intuitive in that sense. He will learn you in and out very fast in that sense. 
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) - Mikey is an actual superhero who loves sex as much as pizza. He could have you every day for every meal for the rest of his life, no cap. Good or bad times- through thick or thin- sex will always be there for you the moment you want it, lmao. 
T - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) - He LOVES toys. He loves sex products of any and all kinds. He’d kill to walk through a sex shop, he’d spend so much money, and not even just cause he’d use everything. It’s just fun to have everything! But forreal, he owns a few sex card games and dice. He has one of those classic vibrating wands he uses a lot. The kind that plug into the wall. And he has a spreader bar leaned up against the wall in his room. His brothers are completely oblivious to what it is everytime they are in the room. It’s so funny. He has a pair of those cute pink feather hand-cuffs, and he bought a cheetah print blind fold. Mikey is also the type to buy those edible treats like edible body paint or panties- he thinks they are so funny and fun. He has lots of strawberry flavored lube, condoms, and personal wipes just waiting in his nightstand. He’s experimented with rings and fleshlights before with other people, but he was disappointed to find out he is way too large for most sizes. Big enough condoms were a struggle to find, let alone any specialized toys. 
U - Unfair (How much they like to tease) - Mikey is an enormous tease, mostly in the form of flirting and pick up lines, but if the environment allows it, he's a little more handsy and talkative. He’d pull you in close to his chest and trace the edges of your cloths, telling you how fucking beautiful you look right now…
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) - Mikey isn’t as loud as you would first think, but he still moans and makes noise. He can’t go long without trying to talk to you, saying things like “Yeah? You like that? Fuck, babygirl you’re doing so good. So good for me, fuck-” when he gets carried away, he’s less of a whimperer and more of a growler and grunter. He knows that a vocal partner is a happy partner though, so it isn’t often that he wants either of you to be quiet.
W - Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) - Mikey didn’t exactly keep his sexcapades a secret. At first he would brag about it a little, try to give his brothers advice or get them out of their shell. But they did NOT believe a word he said. They’d roll their eyes, whine or tell him to shut up, Mikey, that’s gross. 
While it hurt him, he kinda thought it was funny to see how far it would go. It took a few years until one of his brothers, probably Raph, found himself in a situation that could go sexual. Raph was probably venting about how crazy the girl was to want him like that or something, and Mikey would chime in with some extremely specific advice. “Our turtle junk ain’t the problem dude. Girls like a guy that can take things slow. Go by her pace and listen to her-” And Raph would roll his eyes and go, “Oh, yeah? And how would you know that, wise guy. You’ve never even met a girl-” Then Mikey would probably be making a face at the TV. Raph would freeze and stare at him.
The silence would be DEAFENING. 
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) - I am team cloaca. The cloaca is under where his plastron ends between his hip bones, and it keeps his fucking ENORMOUS size safe and away from harm. He’s dark, dark purple down there, and his tip is wide. His crazy size taught him very quickly that sex doesn’t always have to be penetration, and that patience is extremely important. 
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) - His sex drive is through the roof, and while he didn’t have that much higher of a sex drive than any of his brothers, or any guy his age for that matter- he is far more happy going out of his comfort zone and actually make things happen. He wants you all the time sexually. But he connects extremely deeply with people, and as a long-term relationship, you are far from exempt. He thinks about you all the time, with or without you there. He wants to do good by you. He’s an awesome boyfriend. 
Z - ZZZ (...how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) - He’s a super, super active dude. He’s more often than not doing something active in his free time. Despite this, he could cuddle up with you all day. After sex, he is perfectly capable of doing something else after, but he prefers not to. He likes to be in bed holding you close. Sleep comes very difficult to him, so it takes a long time for him to start drifting off. He prefers to lay here, listening to your breathing, feeling your chest and pulse against his skin. Feeling you alive and here with him. 
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thedarkdisgrace · 2 months
This is all i ever needed in life. They’re the only people to exist ever. They’re absolutely the most stunning, gorgeous, beautiful partners ever. They are married, your honor. They’re definitely holding hands. Cover of June magazine so pride month.
I need to be sedated.
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bruciemilf · 3 months
Now I’m thinking of Alpha Martha scooping in like “is anybody going to love and cherish that omega” and not waiting for an answer. She uses every Wayne gala to flaunt her Omega and later, pup in Carmine’s face. The only reason she hasn’t killed him yet is that seeing his rage and sad plans to get Thomas back is amusing and if it ever comes down to that Thomas deserves the honors.
Gosh, I’m starting to fall in love with that concept. Just imagine stern browed, lethally beautiful Captain Martha Kane, infamously known for her service in the military.
She reeks of bloodied snow, and sweet pomegranate with a note of petrichor. Of gunpowder, grainy and dark and rich, and of something so alluringly nameless Thomas can’t shake off.
The rumors about her hawk like gaze aren’t just rainwater.
Her look is made of storms and winter and Thomas shivers when he sees her for the first time, walking aimlessly around Gotham’s museum. His mother’s museum.
Carmine’s now, legally.
She stops just besides him, — she’s tiny, for an alpha, and he’s big for an omega, and for a moment, Thomas feels vindicated. So they had anomalies, too. Good. They earned it.
She’s referring to the exhibit they’re admiring together. She has to be. Thomas stays quiet.
“What’s your opinion about it? I’ve visited her hundreds of times and I just can’t understand it. Not correctly, I think.”
He scoffs, but otherwise, the silence continues to expand.
Of course no Alpha understands The Good Omega.
Right above them, exposed almost proudly, imprisoned behind a thin layer of glass with rose gold framing, with delicate ivory marbled in, The Good Omega displays an omega women kneeling by her alpha.
It’s not intricate, or complex in composition. It translates well, and it’s just detailed enough.
Her mouth is sewn shut.
It’s a blood painting.
“She used to be an artist, I believe, “ Martha continues, with just the barest twitch of discomfort in her face, but she doesn’t allow her attention to shift. “I thought maybe you’d have a better perspective about it.”
“I’m not allowed to speak to you. As you well know.”
She pauses for a bit. “I apologize. You have no collar on. Your alpha didn’t pick one yet?”
He hums. “He can collar me when I’m in the ground.”
Oddly enough, that answer satisfies her. Pomegranate blossoms on his tongue.
“It’s freedom,” he continues, not really caring about customs. He already defies them daily. “It means freedom.”
Martha listens, but she huffs, half confused, half incredulous. “That doesn’t look like freedom to me. “
“That’s because you’re used to it,” He grits, turning his own gaze on her. He’s been told he smells horrible when he’s angry. He hopes this tiny, beautiful alpha chokes on it.
“Suffering is the only freedom omegas have. It forces you to look, to awknolege. There’s no exits The freedom of existing, that’s all we got.” He scoffs, not even noticing she’s clingy to every little sound.
“ Enjoy it while you can. Its going in the junkyard next week.”
“The junkyard?” She echoes, almost offended by the idea, but the casual insult. “Who’d throw away something like this, omega? It’s too valuable. “
Thomas wants to purr and he rages, almost.
His smile is nasty, and full of teeth, and he’s grown to love how alphas cringe at the sight of it. Not this one, thought. This little beast stares at it like it’s living art.
“The same people you fight for. Thank you for your service, alpha.”
Thomas turns, not bothering to bow, excuse himself, or make a respectful exit. One good thing about being a rich omega is that he follows no rules his alpha doesn’t specify.
Nowhere did Carmine say he wasn’t allowed to ditch gorgeous alphas.
“You’re back rather early, Madame,” Alfred greets her with a kiss on one of her brow, soft as anything, his like tea, blueberry and dark chocolate scent hugging her deeply.
He takes a whiff of her, frowns, both in intrigue and concern. “…Why do you smell like unhappy omega?”
“Alfred,” She says, “I want to retire. Would you be a darling and contact my lawyer?”
“Oh, thank heavens. Anything else?”
Martha’s gaze bleeds blue, her thighs buzzing with the sneer of Thomas’ anger still, “Can you ask him if I can legally kidnap a taken omega?”
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eulaties · 1 year
xiaoven nation can you BELIEVE that we went from being a crackship in dec 2020 to having leaks in the first week of 2021 revealing that venti saved xiao, to having xiao's story teaser drop later that month with the most GORGEOUS shot of xiaoven under the moonlight, to having "it's rare for a yaksha to find repose for their soul" after perilous trail, to "they say that wangshu inn is a haven for lovers' moonlit rendezvous" AND THEN XIAOVEN LITERALLY BEING BATHED IN MOONLIGHT. AT WANGSHU INN. DURING THE ENDLESS SUFFERING PV??????????? THEY'RE SOULMATES YOUR HONOR
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krypticcafe · 4 months
How do you feel about CoD boys in a monster au? Whether they’re the monster or their s/o is the monster, I just think it would be neat. I’m partial towards werewolves but honestly I love anything that goes bump in the night. I LOVE the idea of a monster being afraid of hurting their partner but their partner knows that they could never hurt them. If you’re open to monster requests, I have so many ideas. Just… monsters, man
oooo are we spitballing bc I love throwing around ideas!!
I absolutely love monster AUs, one of my faves is @/bluegiragi's and I'm sure you all know that iconic one. I'm totally open to monster/hybrid requests, and a detailed list of what other things I write can be found in the cafe's Customer Service Policy aka rules :]
And monster-related plots? I'm a sucker for that shit, need more of that and monster!reader.
If I were to make a Monster Hybrid AU with my own specific ideas though, hmm...
Powerful and stoic, Price would make a great minotaur (lower half of a bull). Sure, maybe his back isn't what it used to be, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the strength to send you back to your maker. Every step he takes on base acknowledges his presence, a posture that demands respect from its witnesses. The horns on his head aren't something to mess with either, though it takes him ages to scrape out the dried blood from the cracks and tailor his bucket hats.
On the other hand, the canine hybrid for Soap is oddly charming. Similarly to a werewolf, he would have the senses of one, but as a just hybrid, he's unable to fully transform. Instead, he's equipped with features like ears, tail, fangs, some fur on his arms and legs, and a longer tongue. I can see him being a border collie, the Scottish sheepdog just makes sense. But a kelpie/merfolk would also work with his callsign. Soap, a mischievous water spirit known for "cleaning out" rooms of enemies? A body with slick scales, gills, and a frilled mohawk when in monster form? Yeah, I can definitely see that.
For someone with a Queen's honor, a phoenix feels right for Gaz. Bright and burning wings and tail—a light that feels regal and elegant, yet so youthful and lively at the same time. With him in the sky, you're guaranteed to be safe under his watch. Or maybe a cervitaur with those doe eyes of his, gorgeous as ever. Yet equipped with a kick that's sure to shatter the ribs of those who mock him for being just a faun with a pretty face.
Undeniably, with such a specific callsign, Ghost can't be anything other than a wraith. Maybe mix in a bit of demonic blood, soul-eater tendencies, or even marks of an incubus for a little extra kick. His scars look more like shadowy cracks in his skin, smoke pours from the concerningly realistic skull he wears, he looks more like a reaper than a spirit. Regardless, this man is a shadowy phantom that provokes the fear of gods in whoever he sets his target as.
Roach, sure maybe his energy is fitting of a satyr or something more fitting and urban for our token American, like a roach version of Mothman. Bug wings and scales similar to the structure of an exoskeleton, But Roach came to be for being nearly indestructible, like the bug. In fact, it would be more accurate to call Roach, Roaches, as a bogeyman with a human body that can crumble into a swarm of those insects would explain why gunshots and explosions can hardly stop him.
Like Ghost, we can't deny who Hound is, either. Werewolf. Anything less would be criminal. For fun, mix it in with a bit of hellhound hybrid biology, so that he has to either go as a full hellhound or a human with hellhound features. Eyes that burn like Tartarus and a fanged snarl that even Cerberus would shudder at. Maybe even make him in charge of a hellhound K-9 unit, forced to face the very thing he fears.
As for the Reader? Well, that's up to you. Personally, I'm a little fond of shapeshifters. Might need to draw some of these ideas sometime...
Ah well, just some thoughts I had. Any other spitballs you guys have?
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lana-angel-writes · 2 months
Stucky x reader
You're in love with two super soldier avengers will they make you choose between them or let you have them both?
Note - this is something I wrote for one of my old blogs sorry if it’s bad!❤️
TW- smut below MDNI!!!
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The hardest decision is when you have to choose between 'two'. It's even harder when it's two people you love with your whole heart. And right now your heart and soul were split between Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. The two best friends loved each other truly but they loved one thing more, you.
They would do anything for you, each of them going out of their way to prove the undying love they held so dearly for you.
You don't even know how it happened, you've only been an avenger for a year. Yet somehow you already fell for two of them. You never chose to love them and honestly if you could go back and change the day you fell for each of them maybe you would, keyword being maybe.
Both parties had their pros and cons but it will always be more than that. You loved each and every one of their individual flaws and they loved yours. You held an all-consuming love for each of them so you decided to not decide. Maybe that was a selfish idea but how could you choose without hurting the other. You also knew you'd be hurting yourself. You just wished that there could be a way to have both of them so you could show them that you loved them equally. After all, maybe there was a way.
Unbeknownst to you the two super soldiers already knew you loved the other. When they first started to become infatuated with you they saw how you treated the other.
Steve would watch as you hung off of Bucky's metal arm at another one of Tony's extravagant parties. To him you two looked like a beautiful, happy couple and he backed away because he'd never seen his best friend so happy. He pushed down his love for you for the sake of his best friend's happiness.
Bucky watched as you practically sat on Steve's lap as you showed him movies that he'd missed over time but he saw that Steve wasn't paying any attention to the movie. He was paying attention to the way you clung to him, and the small smile that played perfectly on your beautiful lips. Bucky would never admit it but he was jealous, he was jealous of the way Steve looked at you like you were the most ethereal being he had ever laid eyes on.
Eventually, they brought it up to one another if the two were good at anything they were good at compromising. They'd been doing it since they could remember. Usually, when a compromise arose they agreed to share and that's exactly where the same predicament with you came. They agreed to share you, but of course only if you agreed too.
Once again Tony was throwing a party in honor of another successful mission. Usually, after such an enduring mission both of the super-soldiers would retreat to their personal quarters to call it a night. But not tonight, no tonight they put on their tightest clothes to extenuate their busting muscles and slightly growing bulges. They knew you always came to the extravagant parties, they also knew you put on your shortest dresses.
Every time you walked into these parties you were noticed by most of the men and even some women. Not that you minded you loved the attention and lustful looks but more specifically you loved Steve and Bucky's attention. You were well aware that if you bent down at all, everyone would get a free show of your thong-clad ass. You loved that you could feel their gazes burning into the back of your figure as you strutted to the bar. “You know they look like they’re about to pounce on you.” Natasha who was behind the bar was also well aware of the animalistic gazes on you. So you just smirked and acted to your best ability to be innocent. After sitting at the bar for a while you felt a presence behind you so on instinct you turned around to find a smirking man you didn’t recognize. “ May I help you with something?”, “Well gorgeous you could let me buy you a drink.” You really didn’t feel like having to flirt like an adolescent teen with this man but you could practically feel the jealousy radiating off of the two brooding men. So you put on your best imitation of a shameless flirt.
After talking to the man you realized just how different he was from the two men you were so utterly in love with. Maybe, in another universe when you weren’t so smitten, the guy may have come off as charming or in the least attractive. But all you saw was a guy who wanted to take your dress off and fuck you for his own pleasure. So, to pass the time and the male’s incessant blabbering of himself, you picture all the ways Bucky and Steve could rip your clothes off and ravish you. You were so far gone in your fantasizing that you had yet to notice the presence of the two men behind you. What finally snapped you out of your wildest dreams was Steve wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Well, y/n aren’t you going to introduce us to your company?” Even though you weren’t looking at him you could practically hear the smirk in Buckys deep voice. “This is um...Dylan...yeah, Dylan, this is Steve and Bucky.” You could tell the man was nervous because lets be honest who wouldn’t be, it’s Captain America and the Winter Soldier. If you weren’t just using this guy to make the two soldiers jealous then you probably would have been irritated with them because without another word the poor man scurried off like a frightened mouse.
” Was that necessary, he was rather interesting company.”, “Really because I don’t think you could tell us one thing that guy said. You were too caught up in that beautiful brain of yours, bunny.” There it was ‘bunny’ a nickname Steve had given you but only used a few times since you had known him. Yet each time it’s used it ceases to make your insides stop turning or the bright red blush to fall from the apples of your cheeks. Just like when Bucky calls you ‘doll’ which he used more frequently because it didn’t come off as so sexual, who knew the golden boy of America was so dirty.
“ Doll? You in there, Steve asked you a question and good girls answer when asked.” If you could have, you would have melted into the floor by now. “Oh yeah, what’d ‘ya say steve?”, “Well, Bun I asked if you wanted to go somewhere more private?” Oh god, was this the day you actually get to have both of them? Now that they were actually asking you, you were a lot more nervous than you thought you would be.
“Oh, yeah, how about my room?”, “Perfect Bunny.”
As they were walking down the corridor to her quarters they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. Bucky's metal was around her waist very close to the dip of her ass, Steve’s arm was slung around her shoulders his hand millimeters from groping her breasts. Once they got about two doors from her room Steve took the initiative to lightly push her against the wall and cage her in with his muscled arms. “ Are you sure you wanna do this Bunny?”, “ We won’t make you do anything you don’t want to Doll.”, “ Please, yes, I want you, both of you.” That’s all it took for Steve to throw her over his shoulder while Bucky couldn’t resist the urge to smack her ass that was now almost fully exposed to them. “ You’ve got the nicest ass, peach” She couldn’t help the small moan that escaped her bitten lips from the pleasurable pain that was sent rippling through her.
Once they arrived in her bedroom Steve tossed her on the bed and watched as her tits bounced from the impact. After Bucky closed the door he started to undress, starting with his shirt as Steve did the same. Once they were fully exposed they both looked at her expectantly but all she could do was stare in awe at their erect cocks. “Well, doll are you going to show us what’s under that pretty little dress, or are we going to have to rip it off you?” Immediately she sat up to take the hem of her dress and pull it over her head. “Well look at that Buck no bra it’s like she wanted us to fuck her.” She was getting impatient with them standing there in all their naked glory not doing anything so she decided to take matters into her own hands. She started to trail her hands down her body stopping at her tits to play with them, toying her erect nipples between her fingers. The men in front of her didn’t think it was possible for their dicks to get this hard by watching a girl touch herself but y/n wasn’t just any girl to them.
Once she got to her pussy she started to run her fingers through her wet folds, spreading herself to her clit and rubbing tight circles on it. Bucky couldn’t take the sweet torture any longer so with his flesh hand he tore her hand from in between her own legs. Steve went around the bed so his cock was right above her face, she could have drooled at the sight. She was so focused on Steve she didn’t feel Bucky positioning himself between her legs until he started to tease her folds with his angry red tip. She couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped but that gave Steve the perfect opportunity to slip his hard dick into her warm hole. “M’ God bunny your mouth is better than I thought.” Bucky started to slowly push his large cock into her tight hole, going slowly so she could adjust to his size. “ Shit doll you're so tight, I could fuck this tight pussy all day.” All their praises made her squeeze around bucky, making him let out a loud moan that made her thankful for the soundproof walls.
When Steve looked down at her he could see his dick bulging in her throat, he’d never seen anything more erotic. He couldn’t help but thrust his hips harder and hear her gags and muffled moans. Once he thought she had enough so she could gasp for air through her moans of bucky fucking her like a feral animal. He always thought y/n was beautiful no matter what, but right now choking on his cock while getting fucked by his best friend was by far the most beautiful he’d ever seen her.
“Oh fuck, doll m’ so close. Come on I know you wanna cum on my cock, let go peach.” Bucky’s thrust started to get sloppier and more erratic so he reached down to rub harsh circles on her clit. Once bucky started to thrust deeper, she couldn’t hold back any longer and toppled over the dangerous edge of her high. Once she reached her high her walls started to clamp down on bucky with a vice grip which threw him over the edge. Just before he was about to cum he pulled out and emptied his load on her stomach.
It only took a few more thrusts in the back of her throat for Steve to start cumming. He let go in the back of her throat leaving her no option other than to swallow his seed, not that she minded. Once they both pulled out, they adjusted her on the bed with her back to the pillows. Bucky went to the bathroom to get her water and a cloth to clean her up while Steve stayed behind with her. “You ok bunny? We didn’t go too rough did we?”, “No Steve, it was perfect don’t worry.”
Once she was clean and hydrated Bucky and Steve laid on opposite sides of her. Y/n sighed contentedly because finally, she had her two loves all to herself she knew there’d be problems to be straightened out when the time comes but for right now all she wants- needs is to be in these men’s arms.
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vannies · 1 year
scars of honor ft. BLADE
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synopsis: you’re treating bladie’s wounds but you get lost in his scars instead !
pairing: blade x gender neutral reader
warnings: FLUFF! ; angsty if you squint; mentions of scars and blood ; possible spoilers ; he is shirtless your honor ; ooc at the end
note: i want him. so bad. i need him.
w/c: 300+
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you were treating BLADE’s wounds, this time he was a bit too careless with his body. blood seeps out of his skin, and he winces every time you added ointment and wrapped it with bandages. even though you’re supposed to be treating only his arm, your eyes were locked onto something else.
the scars scattered throughout his chest.
to be honest, there wasn’t a time where he really gave you a full story on them. he just avoided the question, saying they’re ugly, and that he feels guilty to have to bear them on his body.
but the way they painted themselves on his skin looked so gorgeous.
you inhaled deeply, before asking, “c-can i touch your chest..? the scars..?”
blade was taken aback by your question. even though this wasn’t the first time you asked, he was still shocked. just why did you have an interest in something he should be embarrassed about? however, blade was intrigued to find out why, so he said yes.
after receiving his permission, you slowly traced your finger on all of the scars you could find sitting on his abs. you counted them, there were probably about 20. but they were just so beautiful, you couldn’t help but plant kisses on all twenty of his scars.
he looks at you, eyes wide open. what were you doing? do you not think they’re ugly? don’t you think he’s weak for having so many?
“my love.. i.. what are you doing?” he asks. “those scars.. aren’t meant for love. they’re all from my past.. my horrible past.”
you chuckle and plant kisses on the rest of them, “ugly? no.. these scars are beautiful. they’re supposed to be your scars of honor. it really shows how strong you are..? you know? you lived through so much, i’m so deeply proud of you.”
a large blush forms on blade’s face, and he looks away, not daring to let you see his flustered expression. he was surprised, this whole time he thought he hated his scars. but the way you told him he should honor it.. maybe they weren’t so bad after all!
and for the next few days, he’d wake you up early in the morning, saying: “look, my dear! look at my battle scars of honor!”
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so cute.. i love him ^3^
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lewisvinga · 5 months
my american boy! | logan sargeant x fem! reader
summary; despite living in a country halfway across the world and rarely seeing logan, y/n will always love her american boy
fc; ningning
warnings; 1 kinda suggestive comment
notes; requested!
masterlist !
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, and 840,023 others!
yourusername: when you’re out n about & american boy sends u $$$ to buy flowers 🥹🥹
username: ‘american boy’ IMSICH I LOVE THEM
username: i need an american boy too
logansargeant: anything for my girl from the other side of the world ❤️‍🩹
yourusername: getting on my knees for u fr🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
logansargeant: ft??😁
yourusername: ON IT
lilymhe: BARLBARK BARK (louder than logan)
yourusername: BARKBARKBARK (louder than alex)
username: the way he’s in hungary but still manages to buy her flowers 🥹🥹
username: how’d they even meet?
username: she used to be neighbors w him when she lived in miami for a few years! they started dating right before she moved away to her parents’ country!
yourusername uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; when bae lets u rant for an hour about the annoying mcdonald’s worker] [caption 2; goodnight 🩵 ]
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon, and 1,034,837 others!
logansargeant: american boy got hacked from the other side of the world XXD
alex_albon: oh dear
yourusername: i can steal ur gf dont test me albono !!
lilymhe: she’s right she can
alex_albon: logan wouldn’t appreciate that
logansargeant: he’s right i wouldn’t
alex_albon: normal typing! it’s actually logan!
logansargeant: maybe i’m still y/n
alex_albon: no :p :D :3 , i know that’s you logan!
username: SHES SO CUTE
username: i love them your honor
yourusername: woah who is that cutie?? is she single 🤩
logansargeant: no she’s happily taken by her favorite american boy😁
yourusername: i bet her american boy is very very cute 😵‍💫😵‍💫
oscarpiastri: awh you made him blush!
logansargeant: don’t believe him
username: he trusts her enough w his instagram pw???? IM GOING XRAZY
username: logan is the biggest green flag
username: ‘XXD’ how can u hate her?????
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, and 893,827 others !
yourusername: weekends in summer ^o^
tagged; lilymhe, logansargeant
lilymhe: i love my boyfriends boyfriends girlfriend 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
yourusername: and i love my boyfriends boyfriends girlfriend !
username: her relationship w lily >>>
username: gorgeous gorgeous girls !
username: williams wags>>>
logansargeant: the prettiest girl to ever exist, thank you for always supporting me❤️❤️‍🩹
yourusername: ur #1 cheerleader from wherever! :p
logansargeant: also, how did you get the last picture? i’ve never???? seen it?????
yourusername: i might have a source that is around u all the time to send me pics of u (alex)
alex_albon: snitch!
username: those cupcakes look so good omgg
username: the way they make long distance relationships work gives me hopes for mine 🥹
username: yall think they’re gonna hang out during summer break??
username: i really hope so:/ it’s been months since they’ve seen each other :/
yourusername uploaded to their story!
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[caption 2; serious girlies before going on girls trip:p ( + stinky alex )]
alex_albon replied to your story!
that’s a lot of shit talking for someone who just bought u an iced oat milk latte
thx lily’s bf
logan used to buy me lattes 💔
what a surprise you’ll have *deleted*
yeah yeah you’re welcome for that croissant too🙄
lilymhe uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1: before boarding the plane;] [caption 2; 5 mins after boarding the plane ( the plane hasn’t even left ) ;]
logansargeant replied to your story!
and she doesn’t have a single clue?
do u know ur gf
she’s as clueless as a ladybug
yeah true , but i love my clueless ladybug
she’s been talking about u a lot more than usual
she’s upset that you had ‘plans in miami’ during the week of your 3 year anniversary
she keeps talking about u logan HSLP ME
i get to cancun tomorrow early morning
keep her stable with iced oat milk lattes and croissants till then
alex and i are already one step ahead of you🫡🫡
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 1,039,826 others!
logansargeant: surprise! happy 3 years, my pretty girl. i love you 💗
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: WAHHH
alex_albon: that’s how u sounded when he surprised you
yourusername: happy 3 years 💓💓 i love you sooooo much , my american boy, i’m gonna kiss u rn
logansargeant: omw to the room 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
username: mother and father are together again for their anniversary 😭😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
username: a relationship like them pls
username: he surprised her in cancun??🥹
lilymhe: cute n all but can i have my gf back ?😕
logansargeant: no. i haven’t seen her in months. you saw her last week. 🤬
alex_albon: lily???🧐
yourusername: tee hee :P
alex_albon: thank you so much alex for making sure y/n didn’t get lost in the airport, plane, or the hotel !
alex_albon: you’re welcome, logan! so nice to be appreciated !
logansargeant: thanks i guess 🙄
alex_albon: … i’ll take it!
username: awh a williams vacay!
oscarpiastri: surprised logan didn’t spoil the surprise sooner, he would’ve told the whole paddock if i didn’t stop him😭
logansargeant: hey! i tried!
yourusername: leave my american boy alone !!😞
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aestas666 · 1 year
The Interview [K. Hammett]
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pairings: kirk hammett/female! reader
warning/s: smut, inappropriate language. MINORS DNI
-request via message of the reader interviewing kirk! (REQUESTS OPEN)
5:00 AM
That’s what the clock read as I blinked my eyes groggily. My body was still numb from sleep. The hours rushed by so fast it was as if I never slept.
“God, I have an interview.”  I thought as I rose from the soft duvet and headed toward the kitchen to make myself some coffee. I glanced at my apartment windows noticing the still dark sky. As the coffee maker softly hummed in the background, I pulled out my papers to look back into the history of the band I would interview later on.
That’s what was written as the headliner of the article I was reading in huge bold text.
Hopping into the shower I was rehearsing my questions, I had none prepared. That was the point of our brand. We intend to make things come up naturally and we invest on making sure we knew who we were talking to flat out.
“Should I look up a photo of them?” ... Shaking my head, I thought an element of surprise would be good.
After the shower I hurriedly rushed to my closet. “Should I dress in black? I mean- they’re a metal band. Am I supposed to look the part?” All these questions rushed in. I really should have prepared more the day before. I pulled out some black button long sleeves and some denim shorts with a black studded belt.
Downing the coffee in one go, I grabbed the keys of my car and rushed to the venue. It was in some room of the arena they were performing in. Call time was at 7:00 and it’s already 6:48.
Parking was easy, the lot was huge. I found myself running to the arena and into a hallway. Stopping at a door with 1507 written at the front.
I took a deep breath in and entered. The crew was in already. 2 guys named Michael and Jim. 
As soon as I walked in Jim (the cameraman) hit record. 
Only one guy was sitting on the chair, I looked back at Michael in confusion as he just nodded at me to go on. 
“Oh, um hi-” I extended my hand over the table as I took a seat down in front of him.
“Kirk. Kirk Hammett. Yeah, it’s just me, the guys are still sleeping.” He laughed softly as he shook my hand.
“Yeah sure, that’ll be fine. We could start the one-on-one interview now if you’d like?”
“Oh for sure yeah, you guys are the Ride or Die people, right? How does this work?” He looked at me with intent as I waved off Jim to stop filming.
“Yup that’s us. Basically, we ask general questions. Some fan questions that could get a liiitle too personal can come up and you have to answer honestly. That’s our whole gig.” He nodded, his mouth making a small “o”. 
“This’ll be interesting for sure. Never expected a cute girl from a name like Ride or Die actually.” His comment made me heat up; I mean. This man was gorgeous, he had such nice curls and an adorable smile. There was so much I wanted to-
“Hey. Are we starting?” Jim interrupted my thoughts as Kirk looked back at me, amused.
“Ah yeah- sorry. Start rolling.” He hit the record button as I once again extended my hand to the guitarist.
“Pretty name, I’m uh. Kirk.” He grinned at the camera almost awkwardly.
“Renowned guitarist of Metallica. Wow it truly is an honor. How are you doing today, Kirk?”
“Haven’t had breakfast, the boys are sleeping, it’s 7:00 AM. I’m pretty good.” We both shared a laugh as we finished up some questions on the album, the band’s touring and his thoughts on the city.
“Now for the fun part. Fan questions. I’ve gathered some questions they are dying to know.” I enunciated the ‘dying’, watching him suddenly turn to stifle a small laugh.
“I’m kinda scared to be honest. They could get a little crazy.”
“You’ll be fine! This one is from Kacey, and she wants to know what your type in groupies are.” I cocked a brow at his furrowed ones.
“Wow. This one’ll need some deep thought.” He looked up as if he was reflecting. 
“Probably someone like her.” He nodded at me as I held my chest in pretend shock.
“I look like a groupie?” 
“You’d look good as one.” It was Michael's turn to chuckle as the camera whipped to him and I shot him a look.
“Who was the last person you had in bed?” I continued.
“Jesus. At least get me some breakfast first, wow.” He rubbed his face in embarrassment as he went on “Come with me and it could be you.” 
“God I would.” 
“What was that?” He shot me a look as if in shock.
“You said you would. You’ve got some honesty there Ms. Interviewer.” He leaned in my direction as I mouthed a “cut that out” to Michael, who just rolled his eyes at me.
“This is the last question.” I stated as he clasped his hands together, awaiting.
“What place do you want to visit most?”
“Back to serious ones huh. Hawaii. It just looks so relaxing y’know.” 
“Well. Thanks Kirk. That’s all.” I glanced back at the 2 men who hurriedly sorted their gear back into place.
“Yeah, the rest of the band probably isn’t going to wake up any sooner.” Kirk called out to me as I rose from my seat to leave.
“Ah yeah that’s fine. I could come back some other time.” I put the notes I had back in my bag.
“I was serious by the way. I think you’re gorgeous.” My heart was suddenly pounding, I looked back to see both Jim and Michael gone. 
“Thanks, Kirk. You look goo..d” I mentally face palmed. I was dead nervous, and it was more than obvious.
“I don’t bite (Y/N). Come here.” He rose from the seat and approached me. He was taller, by some inches. He smelled like tobacco and a few hints of spearmint. 
“I’m sure you don’t.” I backed up toward a couch just at the end of the room.
“Relax. I’ll take care of you. Sit down.” He motioned toward the couch as he knelt on the ground. 
“Tell me. Do you want this?” 
Only a sicko wouldn’t want this. He was knelt before me and I just wanted to scream. “Yes please.” He grabbed my calves from the bottom as he softly trailed them on top of my knees. “Remove your shorts.” Quickly removing my belt, I looked away in embarrassment, I was still wearing my underwear and I was already flustered. Christ. “Pink panties? Thanks for dressing up for the interview I guess.” Kirk grinned, his fingers clasping at both sides and dragging the underwear down.
“Hey. I could stop anytime.” His brown eyes bore into mine as I shook my head with a clear no.
His rough hands caressed my thighs, opening my legs further. “You’re so wet already.” He dragged a finger down my slit and back up. Resting a hand on my stomach he licked a stripe and gave a coy smile at my flustered face. “Do you want me to stop?” His voice was almost a whisper as the pounding in my ears increased. 
He stood up and leaned toward me to give a kiss, his lips were soft and wet and strangely tasted like mint. Grabbing my waist, he sat next to me and pulled me up to his lap as he continued to feather my neck with small kisses. 
I lifted my hips as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, he raised his hand to gather the slick from my cunt and pumped himself, his breath hitching.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, please.” I breathed out as he gently placed both his hands on my hips and lowered my body to his tip. “Fuck.” He moaned out, stretching me as I whined at the foreign feeling. My eyes squeezed shut while he whispered reassuring words, dragging his other hand on the back of my head and pulling me closer. 
“It’s alright sweet girl, move when you’re ready.”
I rested my head on his shoulder as I raised my hips up slightly and started moving at a slow pace. Gaining the courage as I got used to the pressure, he met my bounces with a hard thrust each time. I moved my head up to look at him. His hair stuck at the sweat of his forehead and his blown eyes focused on his cock pounding my cunt. 
He flipped me over and was now on top, still pounding, chasing his high. My legs were over his arms now as I gasped at the new position. Placing his thumb on my clit, he rubbed small circles, his jaw slack. My eyebrows furrow as I feel my orgasm rushing. “C’mon, baby.” He leaned to kiss me again, suppressing my soft moans. 
“Fuck, Kirk. I’m close.” My eyes started to tear up as his pace quickened. He’s hitting my sweet spot over and over as I choked a moan and felt my body tense and slacken at my release. 
“Your pussy feels so fucking good. I’m close, baby.” He rambled as he rammed into me, and I felt him fill me up after his thrusts.
He pulled out as I swallowed at the feeling of loss. He knelt in front of me between my legs and laid his head on my stomach, breathless.
“Wanna interview me again sometime?” He looked up with the same cheeky grin.
“I’ll think about it.”
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
omg a soon-to-be-dad!harry blurb with @/tashimrod as the face claim, i just found out she’s pregnant 🥹
one thing about this blog is that i’m going to write a dad!harry blurb <3 i really hope you like this
if you like what i post please pleaseee consider sending my a tip, i have college bills to cover and i’d appreciate the support 🤍
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by kaiagerber, harrystyles and 2,098,636 others
yourinstagram hi from us 🥹
view all 58,937 comments
ynfan1 the most gorgeous girl ever
bellahadid Love of my life ❤️
harryfan1 she’s absolutely stunning
harrystyles I’m so, very much, in love with you x
↳ ynfan1 AWEEE
↳ harryfan2 somebody sedate me
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 1,984 others
harrysatellite I met Harry today in NYC !!! he was really sweet and he told us he was picking up some food for him and yn 🥺🥺 we love boyfriendrry
view all 659 comments
ynfan1 aweeee
harryfan2 i might cry
harryupdates Congratulations 🥺🥺🤍
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 4,973 others
theharrytea Deuxmoi via instagram stories. what do you think? 😳
view all 1,009 comments
harryfan1 oh god
harryfan2 we’re honestly better than to believe deuxmoi
ynfan1 it is so harmful to assume that she’s pregnant just based on how her body looks
ynfan2 this is disrespectful
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liked by alexademie, harrystyles and 2,346,836 others
yourinstagram maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for two (literally)
view all 59,037 others
ynfan1 prettiest girl
sza lemme kiss your forehead
zendaya ❤️
harrystyles Hash brown, egg yolk. I will always love you two x
↳ ynfan1 the pregnancy rumors and now this suspicious comments 😬
harryfan2 guys i don’t think they’re just quoting his song
ynfan2 is this a soft launch of her pregnancy ??
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liked by yourinstagram, maggierogers and 2,101,736 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Austin I. September, 2022.
view all 86,726 comments
harryfan1 SO CUTE
annetwist ❤️❤️
harryfan2 when your love language is acts of kindness and you want everyone to know
yourinstagram 🧎💖
↳ ynfan1 getting down in one knee
↳ ynfan2 hi bestie
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liked by adele, yourinstagram and 10,836,736 others
harrystyles Living in a daydream (literally) x
view all 187,266 comments
harryfan1 OHMYLAJSJA
billieeilish CONGRATULATIONS 🥺
yourinstagram Surprise 🫶
harryfan2 harry is going to be a husband ??????? harry is going to be a dad ???????????
niallhoran Congratulations, mate ❤️
florencepugh i love the three of you so much 🥺💘
lukehemmings Delightful news. I’m so happy for you buddy 💖
ynfan2 the fact that they used his lyric to announce it i might cry
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liked by bellahadid, harrystyles and 5,093,736 others
yourinstagram happier than ever 🤍 i can’t wait to start a family with you, h
view all 102,827 comments
kaiagerber i can’t wait to meet my little squish 💘
harrystyles You make me so happy. Happiest I’ve ever been. Thank you, thank you, thank you x
↳ harryfan1 HARRYYYYY STOP
↳ harryfan2 still crying
dualipa Congratulations angels 💓
alexademie that’s my best friend
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,098 others
harryupdates “Some pretty interesting signs tonigh, there’s one that says ‘Congratulations on becoming a dilf’. Well, what can I say, I’m honored to become a dilf, I hope I don’t disappoint my very own favorite dilfs, Mitch Rowland and Nick Kroll” -Harry in Austin tonight !
view all 986 comments
harryfan1 STOOOOOP
ynfan1 girlie got herself a funny man
ynfan2 I LOVE THEM
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 1,680,237 others
alexademie real life maddy perez @yourinstagram
view all 38,936 comments
ynfan1 I LOVE THEM
harrystyles Take care of my missus and baby please
↳ harryfan2 CRYING
yourinstagram we love you ❤️
ynfan2 she’s glowing
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liked by lizzobeeating, yourinstagram and 2,114,723 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Austin V. October, 2022.
view all 95,736 comments
harryfan1 BABYY
annetwist ❤️
harryfan2 can you believe he’s going to be a daddd
yourinstagram we miss you 🥺🥺
↳ ynfan1 the way she says we as in her and the baby MY HEART
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,098 others
harryupdates “‘Wanna hang out after this?’ Well, i bet you are a lot of fun to hang out with, but i have to catch a plane to New York to see my fiancée and baby, yeah, did you know i’m going to be a father? I’m going to be a father next year! - Harry tonight 🥺
view all 396 comments
harryfan1 MY HEARTTTT
ynfan1 they’re both so happy about being parents it’s so sweet
harryfan2 FATHER HARRY
ynfan2 yes go home to your pregnant woman
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liked by yourinstagram, lizzobeeating and 2,098,635 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Austin IV. October, 2022.
view all 85,836 comments
kidharpoon Ready to hop on that plane, aren’t you?
↳ harrystyles Eager x
↳ harryfan2 STOOOP 🥺🥺
yourinstagram hurry home ❤️
↳ ynfan1 this couple makes my heart burst
↳ harryfan3 yes harry hurry home to your woman
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liked by selenagomez, harrystyles and 5,037,725 others
yourinstagram reunited 🤍
view all 97,635 comments
adele ❤️❤️
harryfan1 i’m so happy they share this with us
florencepugh um can we hang out?
jefezoff 🥺🥺
harrystyles Loves of my life x
harryfan2 imagine when the baby is born
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @wobblymug @eviesaurusrex @olivialovesh @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things @juiceboxrry
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ohlawdthebirds · 2 months
Truth or Dare (Vi x Reader)
Euughh, its been a while since I've posted a fic. Enjoy! This is a modern au inspired by those Cut 'truth or drink' videos.
Cw: Mild mention of drinking (swapped out the alc for juice, so hopefully that's not a trigger for anyone). Other than that, slight violence mention.
Also! Thank you to @pixievi for these links!
Gonna tag a few of my mutuals here because I think they'd enjoy this (I hope that's okay! Please let me know if not and I'll remove you from the list!): @sweetercalypso @xthescarletbitch @vvynia @kittyt-hexxed @ellsss
“So, do you know why you’re here?”
You can just barely make out the person standing behind the camera. The build of the camera blocks off most of their face and for a moment it creeps you out; being in this sterile warehouse, sitting at a table with your best friend across from you has you briefly wondering just what Vi is cooking up. The two of you often joked about being put in Saw traps but you weren’t entirely sure you’d be willing to part with your organs and appendages should the occasion call for it.
“Ah, I think so,” you say. Vi turns to you, gently nudging your foot under the table. You recognize the gesture immediately: it was something the two of you did when you were younger and wanted to check in on the other. In this case, the nudge meant Are you okay? We can go if you need to. You nudge her foot back twice, your way of saying I’m okay.
“I’m here to do truth or drink, best friends edition. At least, that’s what she told me,” You reply, gesturing at Vi. She ducks her head, cheeks visibly coloring. The person behind the camera, someone you now suspected was the producer, speaks up once more.
“Okay then, you two can get started with a shot if you want.”
Vi grabs an unlabeled bottle and fills up both shot glasses before nudging yours towards your awaiting fingers. You bring the glass up, clinking it with Vi’s, before bringing it to your mouth. You are surprised when sweet juice instead of alcohol hits your tongue. Vi peeks out at you from under her fringe, a gentle smile gracing her lips. She knew you were trying to cut back on your alcohol intake, so knowing that she asked for an alternative warmed your heart. Vi sets her shot glass down and reaches out to the middle of the table, selecting a card from the stack. She leans back in her seat, huffing out a soft laugh.
“How did we meet?” She places the card down and looks at you expectantly. You grin, sitting up straighter in your seat.
“Okay so we went to the same high school, right? Vi had an…interesting haircut,” Vi barks out a laugh at this while you try (and fail) to suppress your chuckling, “Yeah, it was like…like someone threw scissors at her head and hoped for the best. It was like the unholy merging of a slick back, a pixie cut, and a fuck ass bob.” You barely finish your sentence as laughter wracks your body. Vi’s bark turns into a howl that you soon join. As soon as your laughter dies down, you continue, “This group of boys came up to her during lunch one day and were making fun of her. I stepped in and was telling them to leave her alone when she jumps out of her seat and absolutely socks this guy in his face! He falls, his friends jump in to try and defend his honor, and next thing you know it’s me and her against these dudes. It was brutal I tell you. They lost and ended up transferring schools and Vi and I were sacked with in-school suspension for a week. It was glorious.”
You reach out to grab a card. “What is your favorite feature of mine? Can be physical or personality-wise,” you place the card down and sit back. Vi leans her elbows onto the table, eyes meeting yours. “You have gorgeous eyes,” she says, “They’re so expressive, and I love the way they light up whenever you’re happy or excited. It’s one of the things that drew me to you back in high school. You were so bright and fiery, and the way you jumped in to help me with no hesitation has always amazed me.”
Your hands come up to rest on your heated cheeks. She leans forward once more to select a card off the pile. “Didn’t expect you to do two of them,” you giggle out. Vi feigns shock, replying “Ah, my bad, didn’t even realize it.” But the glint in her eyes tells you she absolutely meant every word.
“What are my green flags?” Vi drops the card back down to the table. You fold your hands under your chin and lean against them.
“You’re one of the toughest people I’ve ever met. And I don’t just mean physically, I mean emotionally as well. You don’t let anyone tell you what to do, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you genuinely scared. And it’s not like you don’t get scared, but you’re usually so on top of things, y’know?”
“Oh yeah, I’m definitely on top of things,” Vi smirks. You don’t bother holding back a grin. “But yeah, you make me want to be stronger. I want you to be able to rely on me the way I’m able to lean on you.” The blush on Vi’s cheeks only deepens. You lean forward once more to grab a card from the table.
“How good are you at kissing?” This time you don’t fully put the card down, instead twiddling and fidgeting with it. Vi chews on her bottom lip for a second before her eyes lock with yours. You expect to see her signature smirk on her face once again, but you’re surprised by the sincerity in her eyes. Vi thinks for a moment before reaching over to the bottles and pouring herself a shot. Your eyes widen with mirth.
“Oh, not going to tell me?” you grin.
Vi pauses for a moment before looking at you over the top of her shot glass. “You can always find out for yourself, you know,” she says before knocking back the drink. You gape at her, astonished, and not for the first time you wonder what Vi’s lips would feel like on yours. It’s been a reoccurring thought ever since high school, one that you’d tried to brush off time and time again. Years of friendship between the two of you had culminated in you developing an intense crush on Vi. There were numerous moments over the years where you thought about confessing to her, but something always stopped you. Whether it was you fearing the potential end of your friendship, or someone literally interrupting you, you were never able to tell Vi how you truly felt.
“Alright, so as you can see, there is only one card left on the table. Vi, that one is yours. Make sure you read it out loud and clear, okay?” The producer chirps out. Vi tenses before reaching out and sliding the card to herself. She pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath before flipping it over.
“I, um…so, this last card is daring me to tell you the real reason you’re here.” You quirk an eyebrow. Vi continues, “I didn’t bring you here just because you’re my best friend.”
Your heartbeat picks up and for a moment you worry it will pound right out of your chest.
“I brought you here to tell you…that I have a crush on you,” Vi said, her lips curving into a sheepish grin. For a moment, the world goes still, and you wonder if you’re dreaming. You cough out a “What?”, eyes fixated on the woman in front of you. “You have a crush on me?”
Vi nods. “Ever since that day in high school you’ve been it for me. I know this has been a long time coming, but I could never find the right time to tell you.”
“I could never find the right time to tell you!” You exclaim. “All this time, all these years, you mean to tell me we were both crushing on each other?”
Your hands cover your face as you let out a groan that soon evaporates into a laugh. Vi joins you with a laugh of her own. The absurdity of it all is hilarious to you: of the woman you’ve been crushing on for years not only reciprocating your feelings but going to the trouble of dragging you into a video to confess said feelings.
Once your laughter has subsided, you and Vi are left gazing at each other. “Well, at least we finally know we’re on the same page,” she says. You nod, attempting (and failing) to hold back a grin.
“Alright, so you guys clearly feel the same for each other!” The producer says. You hear the mischief in their voice and brace yourself for what’s coming. “You guys should definitely seal the deal, y’know?”
“H-how do you suppose we do that?” You stutter out.
“You could always seal things with a kiss!”
The heat on your cheeks only flares hotter. Vi’s own face is searing by this point. There’s no way you could kiss her! And in front of a camera no less! But at the same time you wonder if this is the only chance you have, if the adrenaline coursing through you was enough to propel you forward. Just when you were internally making a pros and cons list (the pro being to kiss your best friend and the con being potential ridicule from internet strangers) Vi nudges your foot under the table. Are you okay with this?
Only a moment later do you nudge back twice: I’m okay with it. I’m really okay with it.
With a surge of courage, you sit up in your seat and lean forward. Vi follows suit, meeting you in the middle of the table. It only takes a moment for your lips to meet.
You grin into the kiss, tilting your head just the slightest to deepen it. Vi’s hand comes up to cup your cheek. Your hand reaches up to rest on it and it’s only when the producer and crew begin clapping and cheering do the two of you separate.
The two of you are beaming harder than you thought possible, and everything feels limitless. Despite having no alcohol in your system, you feel fuzzy and warm. Vi sneaks in one last peck to your lips before you sit down. Once things calm down and you’re seated the producer speaks up one last time.
“We actually have one bonus card for you two.” A crew member steps forward and lays a card down in front of Vi. Her brows furrow in confusion but she picks it up nonetheless and reads it. A tiny smile graces her lips as she sets the card down, reaching across the table to place her hands on yours. “Will you go on a date with me?”
You gently clasp your hands with hers, bringing them up to place a kiss on the backs of them. “I’d love to go on a date with you, Vi.”
A few weeks after filming, you and Vi are notified that your video was live on the channel. You pull it up on your laptop and snuggle next to your girlfriend on her couch. Vi snorts and laughs the whole way through it while you hide behind your hands and join in her laughter. The comments are surprisingly wonderful, everything from people cooing over how cute the two of you are, to others lamenting over being single. Every last one of them brings a smile to your face. And as Vi keeps clicking through and pointing out the funniest ones, you lean into her side, pressing kisses to her skin.
“Hey love?”
“Yeah?” She asks.
“I’m really glad you brought us on a random YouTube video.”
Vi turns and presses a kiss to your lips.
“Me too.”
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