0m0-0m0 · 7 months
What's wrong with stranger?
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newestmusic · 10 months
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coffee-cait · 3 months
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To you, my dear audience, I dedicate my performance... I wonder,
гРł ฿Ɽł₦₲ ₳ Ⱡł₮₮ⱠɆ ₥ØⱤɆ JØɎ ł₦₮Ø ɎØɄⱤ ⱠłVɆ₴?
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rapunzelbro · 4 months
I've been reading your fabulous Lucifer and tall reader. I found a tiktok for a Lucifer scenario. I thought it was perfect just hiding little duckies all over the castle and hotel for Lucifer to find and to also piss Alastor off. 🙂
The Great Duck Hunt of The Century! Ft. Lucifer & Alastor!
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This title is so so so fucking specific. Remember my hiatus? Yeah I don’t remember either. I feel like I like writing for Lucifer and Angel more ngl and silly prompts like these give me inspiration. Idk why anywho enjoy~ Angel , Reader, Lucifer, Alastor Husk
Masterlist Taglist
Throughout your relationship with Lucifer you always found new ways to spice it up in the bed room
If you thought sex well, that too
But you meant something else, and that was The Great Duck Hunt of The Century!
What is it you may ask?
Well let’s just say Lucifer made a bunch of mini ducks out of pure boredom one day with you. So you snagged them all when you two were done with them
And spent the next 7 hours placing 500 in the castle and 500 in the Hazbin Hotel
Why? Because why the fuck not
Lucifer was excited and was happily looking around but when you got a text from Angel you knew you were fucked, screwed, in trouble
“Girl what tf did you do”
“Whatever do you mean?”
Why is Smiles yelling about finding ducks all over the hotel”
“Husk is literally finding them in the liquor bottles and choked on one of them and not the good kinda choke if you know what I mean” “🍆💦”
“I made a scavenger hunt for Lucifer that’s all 🫢”
“You didn’t hide any in my room did you”
“Hell no you’re my friend”
“Aw thank you sweetie💗 might wanna avoid the hotel for a while he is pissed I’ll keep rehiding them though. Ttyl babe~”
“Thanks for the warning”
Yeah uh let’s just say, after Lucifer did find a majority of them. Him being short Didn’t give him an advantage and you mentioned to him there’s a ton left so out comes Lucifer in bird mode
Dude is flying throughout his castle knocking so much shit over in the process to find these ducks and he is so fucking happy? Dude is so glad you did this.
It went on for hours
When you finish counting what he found you announce he found 500/1000
He didn’t know how you had so much dedication but he did and was ready to go to the hotel to find the rest
You texting Angel
“How many did he find?”
“I wanna say 100? This radio demons is ripping this hotel apart for them, Charlie thinks her dad did it but I let her in on it and told Vag. They think it’s funny as fuck. Well Charlie not as much but Vag is dying over here”
“omg did I tell you there’s bets being placed on this shit on if he burns the building down or not? Get your ass over here “
Lucifer makes a portal for you two because stepping into the hotel
It was a mess?? There were spots you didn’t even put any that were destroyed
“What the actual fuck?”
Everyone is just at the bar watching shit go down as Alastor is ripping the hotel apart for the ducks.
Lucifer is no where to be seen. This man’s instantly looking for the ducks and fixing up the building as he goes for his daughters sake
Alastor noticing you just appeared and him going up to you with his demon form practically almost fully out from his pissed this man is
“I’m hoping it wasn’t you who did this, or I’m afraid ł’ⱠⱠ ₱ɆⱤ₴Ø₦₳ⱠⱠɎ Ⱨ₳VɆ ₮Ø Ɽł₱ ɎØɄ Ⱡł₥฿ ฿Ɏ Ⱡł₥฿ Ʉ₦₮łⱠ ɎØɄ ⱤɆ₥ØVɆ ɆVɆⱤɎ ₴ł₦₲ⱠɆ Ø₦Ɇ Ø₣ ₮ⱧɆ₴Ɇ ₣Ʉ₵₭ł₦₲ ĐɄ₵₭₴”
His voice getting so fucking loud and static holy shit it was scary but you just back away as quickly as possible before Lucifer comes out with a fuck ton of the mini ducks before running infront of you.
Lucifer and Alastor stare at each other before Lucifer almost fucking launches at his ass for yelling at you
You instantly having to hold him back
“Listen you find these fuckers easily right? Help me find them and I won’t have to kill your little girlfriend”
“Haha fuck you. I’d love to see you try. I’m looking on my own terms “
Yeah he highkey didn’t want to take that chance regardless but he wasn’t lying when he said he was looking on his terms. Him bringing the ducks back to you as he found them
You counting them but Angel distracting you so much you had to double count everything like four times.
When he found them all the hotel surprisingly didn’t burn down, which caused almost everyone to give Husk money
“Hah.. old cats still got it”
Yeah Husk knew it wouldn’t be that dramatic considering if it had any involvement with you, or Lucifer, Lucifer could’ve easily fixed the building before it got to the point of that
He is fucking good
Alastor making the ducks dissolve in thin air once you counted them all and confirmed they were all found and Lucifer mourning the loss of his ducks while you and Charlie awkwardly comfort him.
Alastor instantly going back to his room with the worlds most irritating smile
“Please when you have this.. duck hunting again..you have it NOT HERE”
“Well that went better than I thought..”
And that was the end of the Great Duck Hunt of the century
It was the most fun Lucifer ever had.
And to see Alastor in that state was the icing on the cake.
He loved you so much and was 100% going to make himself a trophy since he found them all
It’s just the little things you do or even in this case the big things that make him appreciate you even more
Especially if it involves pissing off Alastor my god you got hella bonus points for that shit
Lucifer Taglist: @vendetta-ari @brithedemonspawn @katshyperfixations @aphestina @satansmanager @irethepotato @storydays @saturnhas82moons @zamadness
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neon-nick · 11 days
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COLLAB REDO: @endomentendo
Kaine decided to come back with a fresh new look. As well as bring a few players from the festival.
Festival Kaine "₩ɆⱠⱠ, ł ⱧØ₱Ɇ ɎØɄ ĐØ₦'₮ ₥ł₦Đ ₥Ɇ ฿Ɽł₦₲ł₦₲ ₴Ø₥Ɇ ₣ⱤłɆ₦Đ₴ Ø₣ ₥ł₦Ɇ ₮Ø ₮Ⱨł₴ ₱₳Ɽ₮Ɏy"
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SIDENOTE: I decided to redo my original collab, also thank you for the advice so I did some redesigning and practice with Kaine's design and came up with this new one. TRANSCRIPT:
Festival Kaine "Well, I hope you don't mind me bringing some friends of mine to this party"
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raginglesbian2006 · 3 months
I was wondering if I could request Alastor and a hunter reader and the reader hunted deer when they were alive so meeting a deer demon would be interesting! Only if you want! Congrats on your followers- Remember to drink water and eat a snack!
Can I be ✨ anon?
of course! and thank you so much for the congratulations! Please remember to take care of yourself as well!
Time for some deer puns! >:)
Oh, Deer!
A/N: look at my baby girl :)
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Your first meeting with the famed radio demon had been... interesting, to say the least.
You had stumbled upon a swamp-like area while on your daily strolls through hell. Being a hunter when you were alive naturally kicked in your curiosity and you made the decision to wander through the place. Perhaps, you had hoped, you'd get some fresh kill.
As you made your way around the tall trees- their canopies hanging over your head- your ears picked up a sound.
"Radio static? Why is there a radio around here?" you wondered.
Your curiosity grew even further. You took another step.
And another.
And another-
Your eyes widened slightly.
"Is that...a deer...demon?"
From where you stood, you could see the demon, happily munching on raw venison. He was seated quite elegantly at a lovely little table. He took small bites with the help of his fork, the static growing with each satisfying bite.
You moved back slightly, your mind telling you to walk away when suddenly, you heard a crunch.
A lone dry twig lay smashed against the sole of your shoe.
There was an eerie silence following this. You looked back at where the demon was...but you found no one, save for the lifeless deer who lay sprawled on the table, guts out for everyone to see.
Without a warning, something grabbed you by the neck and shoved you against a tree. You let out a startled scream.
Your eyes found the demon-his form looking so much more...terrifying than what you'd seen before. His eyes were wide and his pupils resembled that of radio dials. His mouth was stretched in a frightening grin as blood poured through his sharp teeth. His antlers grew larger by the second. Tentacles arose from around him menacingly as one held you against the tree.
Sure you could die right now but all you could think of at the moment was that he looked...majestic.
"₩Ⱨ₳₮ ł₴ ₳ ₱₳₮ⱧɆ₮ł₵ ₴ł₦₦ɆⱤ Ⱡł₭Ɇ ɎØɄ ĐØł₦₲ ł₦ ₥Ɏ ₣ØⱤɆ₴₮?" His voice came out distorted. You winced as the static grew louder than ever.
"I-I s-swear, I was just passing through!" you wheezed out.
You felt the pressure around your neck increase. Tears started pooling around your eyes.
"₳₦Đ ⱧØ₩ ĐØ ł ₭₦Ø₩ ɎØɄ ₳ⱤɆ ₮Ø ฿Ɇ ₮ⱤɄ₴₮ɆĐ?"
Your free hands scrambled to reach your pocket. You pulled out your hunting license- something you had died with back when you were alive, showing it to him.
"I-I'm a hunter! I stumbled upon this f-forest and I-I wanted to s-see if I'd get some f-fresh kill!" you managed to voice out, despite your breath being restricted.
You fell to the ground suddenly, as the static around you returned to its normal range. You started breathing in short gasps, your body adjusting to the release of force from around your neck.
"Well, why did you not say so?" the demon said, jovially, "I am always delighted to meet another hunter like myself!"
You felt yourself be pulled up, your arms clutched around his claws. You managed to find your balance and stood on your shaking limbs.
The demon then grabbed your hand and shook it, fervently, "My name is Alastor. It's a pleasure meeting you,dear! Quite the pleasure!"
His eyes caught onto the reprehensive look on your face as he continued, "I do apologize for my behavior. It's just that when you're a powerful overlord like myself," he gloated, "It becomes hard differentiating friend from foe. One can never be too careful!"
You nodded hesitantly, "I do not mean to pose any harm to you, Alastor. As I said, I truly did not know this," you gestured to your surroundings, "belonged to you."
Alastor hummed in reply and then patted the top of your head, "Do not worry, my dear. We are in hell after all. Errors are a common thing."
He then looked at you with a curious eye, "You said you were a hunter. Oh, do tell me more."
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
And that was how you become acquainted with the radio demon himself. As mentioned previously, you were a hunter back when you were alive but what you loved hunting the most, was deer. In fact, it was the deer-hunting shenanigans that led to you dying in the first place.
Alastor and you bonded over your shared love for venison, albeit you liked it a bit more...cooked. On one of his many meetings with you, he showcased his wide array of guns, perfectly polished and ready to be used. Safe to say, you were starstruck.
You never questioned his deer-like features. You assumed it had something to do with his death so you never pestered him about it. You valued your afterlife a whole lot more.
(Although you did want to touch his ears so badly. They looked so incredibly fluffy.)
You remember you managed to take a glimpse of his little tail when he took off his overcoat. He found you ogling at his rear which prompted him to threaten you to keep your lips sealed. You did, of course.
And my god, did the two of you love deer puns... (Brace yourselves, folks)
"What did the deer say after he finished eating?"
You looked at Alastor, eyeing him from above your cup of coffee, "What?"
"That was deer-licious!"
You choked on your drink, as you laughed.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
"Hey Al!" you called out to him.
Alastor turned to you, his head turning 360 without his body turning the same way, "Yes, dear?"
"What’s a buck’s least favorite sandwich bread?"
Alastor hummed, "No-eye-deer!"
You burst out laughing, "No! Let me finish my pun!" You took a deep breath to sound out your answer.
"Sour doe!"
A boisterous laugh from the radio demon ensued.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
If you were told years ago that you would befriend a fearsome cannibalistic overlord, you would have laughed at their face.
Welp, how the turn tables.
A/N: Well this turned out a bit different from what I'd planned but I do hope you enjoy it! Also, I do apologize for not answering this request for so long T-T. I procrastinate a lot.
Also, I must say I truly resisted getting Alastor to say, "Get out of mah swamp!" XD
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nymphapunkcake · 4 months
ⱧØ฿łɆ ฿ⱤØ₩₦ ⱠɆ₳₦ł₦₲ Ø₦ ₮Ⱨł₦₲₴:
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The first one is my favorite because please, look at him.
I may be short but he can lean on my shoulder as long as he wants...
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ninetypercentspoon · 21 days
Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳Ⱨ₳ ₦ł₵Ɇ ₮ⱤɎ, ฿Ʉ₮ ɎØɄ ₳ⱤɆ₦’₮ ₲Ɇ₮₮ł₦₲ ØɄ₮ Ø₣ ⱧɆⱤɆ ₴Ø Ɇ₳₴łⱠɎ!
- Whew I finally got this done after vastly underestimating how long it’d take for me to complete it. But it was a fun challenge and I’m happy with the final result. The next animation I make will be nowhere near as big in scope as this one. 🥴
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barelylivingscholar · 1 month
Arlecchino with a daughter prt. 3
Arlecchino with a daughter prt. 3
And before I knew it, a month had passed. Under the banner of “Regrator,” I had been learning a lot under his guidance. I started to look like him as well. Everything about my appearance had been designed to match his… It wasn’t something that I had decided right away, but it was more of a branding for me. To better match his image as his “disciple,” rather than to feel like I still am a part of the House… I discard the clothing that I wore before and burned it. It was a clothing that was too similar to the outfit of “Knave.” The color… And the designs… It’s too much of a coincidence… She continues to haunt me in my dreams, that I wake up in the middle of the night… Sweating profusely at the prospect of returning at the House and to meet her once again inevitably.
Pantalone had decided that I should not return to Fontaine as a safety measure for me since the “Knave” had been informed of my return that day… He told me about her sending letters to him about my wellbeing and demanded that he return me back to her house… In which, I had been assured again and again that I won’t be returning back to the House at all… Pantalone plans to keep me as his disciple. Although I am still shaken up by her now and then, I grew to resent her more as days would pass…
I began to see Pantalone as the closest familial figure that I have as it was only natural, I felt that way due to how well he has taken care of me. I used to think that I am more or less just a servant to him. He had trained well to see him as his “business partner.” More or less, we do indeed have a transactional relationship. But I know there is more to it. H̴̴e̴ ̴j̴̴u̴̴s̴̴t̴ ̴w̴̴o̴̴u̴̴l̴̴d̴̴n̴’̴t̴ a̴̴d̴̴m̴̴i̴̴t̴ ̴t̴̴h̴a̴̴t̴ ̴I̴ ̴i̴̴n̴̴f̴̴l̴̴u̴̴e̴̴n̴̴c̴̴e̴̴d̴ ̴h̴̴i̴̴m̴ ̴j̴̴u̴̴s̴̴t̴ a̴̴s̴ ̴h̴̴e̴ ̴i̴̴n̴̴f̴̴l̴̴u̴̴e̴̴n̴̴c̴̴e̴̴d̴ ̴m̴̴e̴ a̴̴s̴ ̴w̴̴e̴̴l̴̴l̴…̴ He had introduced me to Pulcinella, who in return, mentored me during my visits in the other branches of the Northland Bank with Pantalone. He mentors me exceptionally well that I grew to respect him in the same manner as Pantalone. When I am unable to accompany Pantalone, I am with Pulcinella. He takes care of me well. Too well that there is something more to it.
Pulcinella would come to tell me stories about the “Knave,” that made me despise her even more. He warns me about her madness. Pulcinella had successfully managed to deter me from ever seeing the “Knave” in a positive light. The remnants of her teachings still remain. It is not easy to break free from it. Somehow, I still felt guilty for leaving the House. But I will never admit to it at all. I was led to believe that she cared for me, and had loved me the best out of the many children from the House, so how was I supposed to hate her, right? If only that was how I felt. ̶I̶ ̶b̶̶a̶̶r̶̶e̶̶l̶̶y̶ ̶f̶̶e̶̶l̶̶t̶ ̶i̶̶t̶ ̶a̶̶t̶ ̶a̶̶l̶̶l̶. She was a liar. ₴₮Ø₱ ₮ⱤɎł₦₲ ₮Ø ₲Ɇ₮ ₥Ɇ ฿₳₵₭. ł ₩łⱠⱠ ₦Ø₮ ⱤɆ₮ɄⱤ₦ ₮Ø ɎØɄ. ł Ⱨ₳₮Ɇ ɎØɄ.
Pantalone informs me that we will be arriving soon at the House of the Hearth. I mentally prepared myself as we make a trip to the House… I kept my hood up and my head down during the duration of the trip. Pantalone informs me of the project in collaboration with Pulcinella, one that involve the members of the Hearth… He plans to give them a great deal of funding, to make them the “key members” of the project… Project Stuzha; A project that supposedly sets the Fatui’s future. I have yet to meet “Tartaglia” or Childe as he is frequently mentioned in this conversation. I couldn’t care less how the project would turn out. I only care about the amount of Mora that is put on this project. Pantalone really is a generous man. Too generous.
I clicked my tongue as we arrived at the destination. There were many children that were staring at my figure, probably shocked that I am alive and well. Dressed in expensive clothing, glasses that are studded with eye-catching jewelries, and with a cloak elegantly placed on my shoulders… I almost looked like the man himself. Pantalone held a closed-eye smile as he greeted the children. Then, the door opened. It was her. The woman that I grew to resent. The knave. I adjust my glasses to hide my growing anxiousness as the memories came back. I stifled a shaky sigh. ̶I̶ ̶f̶̶o̶̶r̶̶c̶̶e̶̶d̶ ̶m̶̶y̶̶s̶̶e̶̶l̶̶f̶ ̶t̶̶o̶ ̶c̶̶a̶̶l̶̶m̶ ̶d̶̶o̶̶w̶̶n̶ ̶u̶̶s̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ ̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶ ̶4̶-̶7̶-̶8̶ ̶t̶̶e̶̶c̶̶h̶̶n̶̶i̶̶q̶̶u̶̶e̶. Pantalone greets the “Knave” politely. While the “Knave” eyes me down, her crossed eyes narrowing at the sight of my appearance. ̶S̶̶u̶̶r̶̶p̶̶r̶̶i̶̶s̶̶e̶̶d̶ ̶t̶̶o̶ ̶s̶̶e̶̶e̶ ̶m̶̶e̶? Her eyes stayed on me, while speaking with Pantalone.
“I see you have brought yourself a new child. A child from the Hearth.” I froze at her words. She continued to stare at me deeply. “What was the reason for not returning the child from my orphanage, Regrator?” She hissed at him. Pantalone paid no mind at the hostile tone aimed at him. “You are mistaken. I did not take an orphan from the Hearth. I offered Anastasia to be my disciple after saving them from an ambush by a cryo abyss mage.” Pantalone countered. I glanced away at the two adults talking, to see Freminet staring at me. I gave him a brief nod, and I was then met with a familiar pair of twins looking in my direction as well… Lyney and I briefly stared each other down for a short while, before my attention went back to the voice of the “Knave.” “Nonsense. She would’ve returned to the house had you not manipulated her to come with… You must’ve threatened my daughter for her to work with you.” The “Knave” accused.
I rose a brow at the comment. Blinking slowly as I take in the words she had said to Pantalone. I decided to speak up before Pantalone could reply, “My mentor had come to visit the orphanage for a proposal. The “Regrator” has other business to attend after the meeting, I suggest to keep the exchange brief, “Knave.”” I didn’t miss the way her eyes widen slightly at the sound of my voice. The children were shocked to hear me interrupt the harbingers heated exchange. I simply brushed off my coat, in an attempt to feign nonchalance at my action. ̶I̶̶f̶ ̶o̶̶n̶̶l̶̶y̶ ̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶y̶ ̶c̶̶o̶̶u̶̶l̶̶d̶ ̶s̶̶e̶̶e̶ ̶m̶̶y̶ ̶h̶̶a̶̶n̶̶d̶̶ ̶s̶̶h̶̶a̶̶k̶̶e̶ ̶a̶̶s̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶̶t̶̶t̶̶e̶̶m̶̶p̶̶t̶ ̶t̶̶o̶ ̶s̶̶t̶̶o̶̶p̶ ̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶ ̶t̶̶r̶̶e̶̶m̶̶o̶̶r̶̶s̶.
The “Knave” went silent for a short while. Before answering in a calm and collected manner. “Very well. We can discuss the matters in my office.” She then went ahead of us. I went to discreetly grip the hilt of my dagger tightly. ̶I̶ ̶a̶̶m̶ ̶r̶̶e̶̶l̶̶i̶̶e̶̶v̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ ̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶ ̶m̶̶e̶̶m̶̶o̶̶r̶̶y̶ ̶o̶̶n̶̶c̶̶e̶ ̶m̶̶o̶̶r̶̶e̶… ̶M̶̶y̶ ̶b̶̶o̶̶d̶̶y̶ ̶h̶̶a̶̶d̶ ̶r̶̶e̶̶f̶̶u̶̶s̶̶e̶̶d̶ ̶t̶̶o̶ ̶m̶̶o̶̶v̶̶e̶. Pantalone snapped me out of it as I hear his voice. “You have the option to stay behind. I’ll make it quick.” I shook my head, clearly uneasy at the thought of being surrounded by children from the Hearth. “No need. I’ll come with. I have so much to learn about socializing with people like her…” My voice had a trace of venom at the last word, luckily no one dared to point it out. Children were still staring at us, as we walked inside the house, on the way to the “Knave’s” office…
The walk to her office felt so short, that it just made me realize of how much dread I felt from before I decided to escape from the orphanage. ̙̥̻̰̻̀͡T̩̙̰̬͙͖̝̙̲̰͚̗͓͝ͅh̢̛̟̲̘̯̙͈̫̹̜͢͠ͅȩ̣̰͓̻͎͡ ̧͈͇̘͎̫͙̰̗̩s͇a͏́͏̧͖͍̞̥̰̣̼̘̱̰̥͟͜m̵̧̛̯͖̺̥̘̯̙͈̫̹̜͢ͅȩ̣̰͓̻͎͡ ̹̖̘ḑ̡̱̥̜̺̘͍͚̻̤́ŗ̸̛̲͙͉͓͚̘̯̙͈̫̹̜͢ͅȩ̣̰͓̻͎͡a͏́͏͖͍̞̥̹̖̘ḑ̱̥̜́ ̨̣͕͉̫̜ͅI̴̞̦̦̗̥ a͏́͏̧͖͍̞̥̰̣̼̘̱̰̥͟͜m̵̧̯͖̺̥ ̝̺̠̖̭́͟͝f̷̛̩̲͈̘̯̙͈̫̹̜͢ͅȩ̛̣̰͓̻͎̘̯̙͈̫̹̜͢͡ͅȩ̣̰͓̻͎̜͔̘̰͇́͡͠l͏̘̜̭̤̱͇͞҉͏̫̼̜͉̭i̙͙̙̥̰̯͎̘̖̹̦̙͝͞n̴̫̘͈͈͈̳̩̳̞͔̭̤̩͍͢g̨̪̣̤͎̟͟͠ ̖̹̦̙͝͞n̴̛̛̫̘͈͈͈̳̩͢ͅớ͈̙̦̗͖̜w͚͈̟̬̩… Pantalone had opened the door. I stepped inside after Pantalone. I forced myself to calm down using the same breathing method I use to alleviate my anxiety. The meeting went well. Too well… The whole time I was being watched by the “Knave”, her eyes were observing me during Pantalone’s breakdown of the project. I didn’t like that. I felt uncomfortable.
Despite her eyes were on me, I was able to keep a straight face, and was able to maintain my composure from the start till the end… The “Knave” would eventually request my presence after the successful meeting, to which Pantalone had left the decision in my hands, whether I accept or decline her request. To both their surprise, I agreed. Pantalone looks at the “Knave” warily before handing me a tracker before he left.
“You now go by the name Anastasia. Why is that? Was it a name that he picked for you?” That was the first question being asked by her. “No. Pulcinella picked it for me.” Her eyes had narrowed at the mention of the “Rooster.” “Who else did you meet other than the “Rooster?”” She interrogated. I was left confused. Why is she asking me these questions instead of asking why I left? “None. It is only my mentor and him that I met.” Her suspicions didn’t stop from there. “Do you happen to know the “Doctor?” Had you met him before?” I went stiff at the mention of the “Doctor.” “No. I do not want to meet him.” The “Knave” seemed to be pleased by my answer. “The “Doctor” and “Regrator” work closely. I can shield you better than Regrator. You just have to come back to the House… I will not let harm come upon you.” The “Knave” attempts to sweeten the deal. I didn’t fall for it easily.
“I humbly decline the offer. My mentor takes care of me well enough to keep me safe from any possible harm to befall upon myself.” I didn’t like how my voice went a bit shaky… “So, you are saying that Regrator is protecting you better than I did for you. Is that what you imply?” My eyes widened at her tone. I didn’t like when her voice gets like this. “…I am not implying anything. I am saying that, I am in good hands, “Knave.”” I flinched as I hear the sound of wood being scratched. This was not good… “You have changed your identity. From clothing to a new name… Are you sure that he did not force you to change drastically?” My brows were now furrowed. “Pantalone never forced anything on me. It was I who made the decision to change my own identity. I did it for branding.”
Her tone went sharp. “Since when were you ever interested in business? I never strike you the type to be interested in such matters…” My eye twitched. This is getting ridiculous. “What are you trying to say? That I am not suited to be my mentor’s disciple?” I tried to sound calm but my agitation was taking over… “I am saying that you perform best under my guidance.” Her response surprised me.
At this point, I was unable to refrain from making unnecessary commentary anymore. “What makes you think that my performance was better when I was on your side? Did you never notice how miserable I was during my stay here in this house?” I am distressed. I fell into her trap, again. “I knew you were alive. I refused to believe that you were dead. I know my daughter very well that she is able to defend herself well.” The “Knave” was smiling. ̶I̶̶t̶ ̶w̶̶a̶̶s̶ ̶u̶̶n̶̶s̶̶e̶̶t̶̶t̶̶l̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶.
I took a step back as she rose from her chair. “No… Stay back…! She is dead! I am not her!” My voice trembled; I was shaking due to how intense my fear was… “No. My daughter has come back to me. She is alive and well. She is right here in front of me.” The “Knave” went closer… I felt trapped. Unable to move as she stepped closer and closer to me… “Welcome back, dear daughter…” Was what she said before attempting to embrace me. But before I knew it, I was then pulled away by Pantalone. He came just in time to save me from the “Knave’s” attempts to take me back to the house… An: I was supposed to post earlier but ended up posting wayyy late... I'll be having a break writing this to think about the plot more and the alternate routes that I planned to write. Till then! I also appreciate the likes, the reblogs, and follows. Because I cannot believe people actually read this... If there's a new post it's either that it's a new part or a silly short story that I will write about. Idk which fandom I'll be writing for, though!
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
What are the Batfams favorite letters! Mine is L :)
Dick: D
Jason: ƕ
Tim: π
Damian: ب
Duke: @
Cullen: X
Stephanie: $
Cassandra: 🅱️
Barbara: ™
Harper: ñ
Carrie: ㅋ
Kate: Ł
Alfred: Ø
Selina: ß
Bruce: ®
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zibiscusloon · 11 months
₴Ø ₩₳₴ ł.
₩Ⱨ₳₮’₴ ₴₳Ɏ ₩Ɇ ₩ØⱤ₭ ₮Ø₲Ɇ₮ⱧɆⱤ, ₥Ɏ ĐɆ₳Ɽ?
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(Haha so hey what if Cassie was lured down into the Pizzaplex by Will as a test to make her his next follower? And what if he played on her anger with Gregory’s supposed betrayal? Wouldn’t that be crazy man hahah)
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newestmusic · 2 years
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obsessionicons · 7 months
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ł'₥ ₴Ø ₴₵₳ⱤɆĐ ₮Ⱨ₳₮ ₮ⱧɆ ₥Ø₥Ɇ₦₮₴ ₩Ɇ ₴Ⱨ₳ⱤɆĐ WØ₦'₮ Ⱨ₳₱₱Ɇ₦ ₳₲₳ł₦
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ł ĐØ₦'₮ ₩₳₦₮ ₮Ⱨł₴ ₮Ø Ɇ₦Đ
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galaxymagick · 7 months
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VłӾӾ '₳₥₦Ɇ₴ł₳' Ø₣₣ł₵ł₳Ⱡ ₮Ɇ₳₴ɆⱤ ₮Ɽ₳łⱠɆⱤ ♾️
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lovesick-feelings · 2 years
Hello! If you have the time can you write a wandered nightmare Freddy with a dating who is a mother figure to the freddles (the little freddies) it can be headcanons or a one shot your choice :)
Anon i'm so sorry this took so long!! (┳Д┳) This turned out waaaaaaaay longer than I was expecting it to be due to all the scenarios of how i wanted to approach this! I actually didn't make this one yandere focused because I wanted to focus more on reader developing a relationship with the Freddles. I may come back to this since this fanfic made me appreciate Nightmare Freddy so much more! As always thank you for requesting beloved anon!! (´• ω •`) ♡
TW: Female reader, Freddles have rabbies or smth
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“I can watch over them while you're gone!!” You blurted, making all heads turn towards you. The cub's ears perked up in surprise. Even Nightmare Freddy was taken aback by your suggestion.
Ever since the Freddles ignored their father's commands to leave their last victim's house cat alone, they have been grounded for the night. On those occasions, he’d take the Freddles with him. Making them sit in a corner to think about their actions. This time, however, you couldn't let it happen. 
“₳ⱤɆ ɎØɄ ₵ɆⱤ₮₳ł₦ Ø₣ ₮Ⱨł₴ ĐɆ₵ł₴łØ₦?”
If this were last month, you would have slept easily knowing you wouldn't have to deal with them. However, things have changed since you started dating the bear, taking the mother role with it. Lately, you've noticed how agitated the toddlers have been acting since their father's recent work load. Repeatedly throwing tantrums and destroying objects more than usual. Even going as far as disobeying orders from their father leading to now. 
You’ve made attempts at trying to engage with the cubs but you'd always end up holding yourself back from fear. It was a common occurrence for the Freddles to become out of hand. Especially with how scared you were of them, you'd rather have them destroy your furniture than maul you. You knew they wouldn't, but the thought still lingered in your mind. There was a reason Freddy had to be there with you to set boundaries.
“Yeah I'm sure” obviously you weren't and Freddy knew it too. He scanned your face before giving his response.
“VɆⱤɎ ₩ɆⱠⱠ. ł₣ ₮ⱧɆɎ ฿Ɇ₲ł₦ ₮Ø ₥ł₴฿ɆⱧ₳VɆ, ₵₳ⱠⱠ ₥Ɇ” Freddy leans over to kiss your head and walks off, disappearing into the shadows. You look back to seeing the boys. The first one looked at you with a deadpan expression, while the other one was trying to hold back their excitement. The last Freddle, still upset, looked away. 
‘Oh boy…’
“Um… who wants sweets?” 
“I DO!!!”
It’s decided. You start the night making sugar cookies together.
“Okay so… we're gonna need this” you peered over cabinets and the fridge collecting ingredients needed for the cookies. Pouring the contents into a bowl, you allow each of the boys to crack an egg and mix it in.
“Hey, I didn't stir yet!” 
“I know just give your brother another second”
 It was always best to equally split everything between the three as one extra second would easily unleash chaos. After each of their turns, you decide to mix the rest of the batter, in case of any leftover chunky, unmixed cake batter.
“Can we have sprinkles on the cookies?”
“Yeah sure,” It felt strange when the Freddles would refer to you as “mama”. As cute as it was, you never considered yourself to be a proper mother. A proper mother would love their kids unconditionally, go out of their way to help them, and make them feel happy when they're down. The last time you checked you didn't fit much of the criteria. You often wondered if the Freddles really considered you to be their mother as well.
You were suddenly pulled from your thoughts when you heard a loud thud. Your attention snapped towards the boys. One of them climbed the cabinet shelves, knocking over bottles in an attempt to reach the sprinkle bottle.
“Hey don't do that, you're going to get hurt!” You grabbed the bear from behind, putting him down.
“But I wanted to help…” He huffed, hanging his head.
“I’m sorry I didn't mean to yell at you” you reach for the sprinkles and put a few on the cookies 
“I don't want you to get hurt. If you need anything you can always tell me, okay?” You smile at him. He looks up and nods. You clean up the mess and place the cookies in an oven. Leaving it to heat up.
“Okay so what should we do next?-”
“TAG!!!” The cub hits your leg. All of a sudden, the three cubs darted to the other direction, leaving you in confusion. 
‘At least give me time to think ’ 
You run behind them trying to catch up with their speed. If there was one game they were best at, it was tag. They knew it because it was the one they suggested playing the most. Within a couple rounds, you could feel yourself slowing down and you think the cubs noticed too, because they're suddenly going slower when it's their turn to catch you. Curse your lack of stamina. 
Luckily, the boys agreed to change games when you suggested playing hide-and-go-seek (for your legs’ sake). Looking for hiding spots, you decide to hide in one of the many wardrobes in your home. For once, they haven't caught you so quickly. 
‘Am I actually winning-’ You felt your victory diminish when something pounced on your back, wrapping its arms around your neck and letting out an inhumane scream.
“Geez!” You jumped. The little boy giggled from the scare, making you sigh. Thank goodness your flexes didn't throw him back.
“I gotcha mama!!” the cub shouts excitedly, still clinging to your neck.
“Yeah good job!” you chuckle, holding onto him from behind so he wouldn't fall.
“You're getting really good at this” 
“I know hehe!”
“Hey you cheated, I was gonna check there next!” The other two ran into your spot. So much for your most successful hiding spot. 
By the time the little ones were tired, the cookies were already done. You run to the oven and remove the hot cookie tray placing the cookies onto a plate to cool down. You settled each one of them down and put on a Halloween movie to watch. 
“Thank you, mama!” They cheered, grabbing the cookies from the plate. You smiled, settling the cookies on the coffee table. Seeing them be so comfortable around you gives you a sense of warmth that you never thought you'd feel for the nightmares.  
“Can I get some milk?” 
“Me too!” 
“Me three!” 
“Alright, give me a minute to bring them” You stood up and headed to the kitchen. You grabbed some plastic cups and began to pour milk inside. 
“Mama, can I get chocolate with mine?” You jumped from the surprise. He let out a mischievous giggle at your reaction. 
“Sorry, mama!”
“No, don’t worry about it '' You lifted him and placed him on the counter. You were both silent as he watched you bring out chocolate powder and pour some into three different colored cups. 
“Hey mama, why are you so scared of us?” You looked up at him. 
“What do you mean?”
“Yeah, you are! Every time you see us you get scared and run away! I thought you hated us for that” Your eyes widened.
“What?! I’m not afraid of you guys! Well..” you paused for a second.
“Yeah, sometimes I get caught off guard by your surprises, but I would never hate you guys for it. If I was I would not be here right now” you pat his head.
“I know I don't show it to you guys a lot, but I really care for you a lot” 
“I love you mama!” He jumps off the counter to hug you, making your heart swell. You gave him a quick squeeze before planting him on his feet.
“I love you too, now let's go back to the movie!” You both made your way back with the cups of milk.
You put each of the cups and the table and made a seat between the cubs on the couch. The boys cuddled up to you as if seeking warmth from the cold while downing their cookies and milk. You embraced them kissing each of their foreheads. For a second, you felt someone else was with you but you shook away the thought. When the film finally came to a close, you peered down at your cubs. It was obvious from their closed eyelids and drowsy faces that the time was near. You stood up.
“Alright, time to go to bed!” The kids shot up and their whining filled the room.
“But mama!-” 
“No buts, you guys will take a bath and go to bed” Their ears drooped down again. You honestly had to pat yourself on the back for that. 
“Wait, can we play one more game!?” 
“A game of hide and seek and then we’ll go to bed!” They gave their best impression of puppy eyes. 
‘Your lucky you’re so cute’ You gave out a dramatic sigh
“Alright fine, we’ll play and then you'll have to get ready” they nodded in agreement.
“And if we win we get to stay up extra longer!!” 
“I never said that!” your immediate response was met with giggling. Without a second notice, you turned to the wall and started counting. Realizing the game had already begun, the cubs fled into hiding. Luckily, it didn't take much to grab the first two. One of them hid under the couch and the other in the cabinet of the kitchen.
‘Now for the third one…’
With the two squirming in your arms, you searched around your home. You searched every nook and cranny yet not a single bear showed up. How is he hiding so well?
“Do we have to shower before bed, mama?”
“Yeah, we're not that dirty!” The other one chimed.
“Of course! Unless you want to scare everyone with your smell,” You scrunched up your face. Just as they burst into laughter, you caught a glimpse of someone running. Looking over, there were crumbs near your dresser. You inched closer to notice the small space between the wall and the dresser. Enough space to fit a child. You were proven right when you peeked over the top to see him holding his mouth from giggling.
‘Aha I found you’  You step back to put down the other two Freddles, putting a finger on your lips. They nodded. Curious of what your next move will be. 
Everything felt as if it were happening in slow motion. The moment you reached out to scare the last Freddle hiding, he squealed and bit your hand, leaving tiny, broad bite marks. You pulled away, causing you to stumble back and hit the ground. The boys quickly rush to your side. 
Their words somehow seemed drowned out from the stinging pain on your hand. Luckily there wasn't much blood leaking from your wound, but the wave of pain was almost unbearable. When you look up towards the children you finally realize their anxious faces. 
“Mama are you okay?!” 
“Does it hurt?!” 
“I’m sorry! I didn't mean to!!” They were obviously afraid. Sure, they had their moments where they played a bit rough, but it was never meant to harm you. You can't help but feel bad for making them worry.
“No no don't worry! It was just an accident. I know you didn't mean to hurt me” The bear nodded his head, tears threatening to spill.
“I know you were scared but you have to be more careful dear” You held out your arms for him to embrace you. The three ran into you, hugging you tightly. You can feel your clothes start to dampen from their tears.
“Sorry, mama…” Their cries were muffled from your clothes. You tried to soothe the boys. 
“Here I’m gonna fix my hand first and then we’ll get the bath ready” They followed you into the bathroom where you bandaged up your hand. For a small bite, you have to admit it certainly packed a punch. You ended up using your other hand to get the bath prepared as you didn’t want others to worry the children with discomfort. 
“You guys want extra bubbles?” 
You scrubbed their hair and ears while they played around with the bubbles. It was good seeing them back to their mischievous selves. You don’t think you could handle more gloomy faces tonight. You dried each one of them with a towel and give a fresh pair of clothes. 
“Alright now get into bed!” The boys raced to your bed. Jumping and shifting the once neat covers. Once you appeared, the Freddles settled down and they turned towards you trying to quiet their giggling. The same laughter that once gave you goosebumps now sounds so innocent and adorable. You couldn't help but laugh at it yourself. 
“Are you guys comfortable?” They hummed in unison as you patted down the blankets. All of a sudden, they burst into giggles. 
“What are you laughing about?-” 
“ⱧɆⱠⱠØ~” You jumped.
“PAPA!!” The cubs cheered. Nightmare Freddy let out a chuckle. You could feel his arms wrap around your waist pulling you closer to him.
“ɎØɄ ₳ⱤɆ₦’₮ ₲łVł₦₲ ɎØɄⱤ ₥Ø₮ⱧɆⱤ ₳ Ⱨ₳ⱤĐ ₮ł₥Ɇ ₳ⱤɆ ɎØɄ?”
“Don’t worry they weren’t being difficult, right boys?” They nodded their heads.
“₲ØØĐ, ₦Ø₩ ⱤɆ₴₮, ₩Ɇ Ⱨ₳VɆ ₳₦ ł₥₱ØⱤ₮₳₦₮ ₥ɆɆ₮ł₦₲ ₮Ø₦ł₲Ⱨ₮ ₳₦Đ ₩Ɇ ₩ØɄⱠĐ₦’₮ ₩₳₦₮ ₮Ø ₭ɆɆ₱ ØɄⱤ Vł₵₮ł₥₴ ₩₳ł₮ł₦₲” You tucked each one in. Giving them their good night kisses. Nightmare Freddy couldn't help but admire the little family you've built for yourselves. Who knew you could give his cold, dead heart such a jump-start. 
“₴₩ɆɆ₮ ₦ł₲Ⱨ₮₥₳ⱤɆ₴ ₥Ɏ ₵Ʉ฿₴~”
“Sleep well, dearies” 
“Bye mama, bye papa” The Freddles let out before falling into slumber. You both leave, closing the door behind you.
“₴Ⱨ₳ⱠⱠ ₩Ɇ ₮₳₭Ɇ ØɄⱤ ⱠɆ₳VɆ?” You nod. With his hand still wrapped around your waist, Nightmare Freddy leads you to your room. 
“ł ₥Ʉ₴₮ ₮Ⱨ₳₦₭ ɎØɄ ₳₲₳ł₦ ₣ØⱤ ₮₳₭ł₦₲ ₵₳ⱤɆ Ø₣ ØɄⱤ ₵Ʉ฿₴. ɎØɄ ₴₮łⱠⱠ ₳₴₮Ø₦ł₴Ⱨ ₥Ɇ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ɎØɄⱤ ₮ØⱠɆⱤ₳₦₵Ɇ. ₦Ø₮ ɆVɆ₦ ₣ØӾɎ ₵₳₦ ₴₮₳Ɏ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ₮ⱧɆ₥ ₣ØⱤ ₮ØØ ⱠØ₦₲. ł₴ ₮ⱧɆⱤɆ ₳₦Ɏ ₩₳Ɏ ł ₵₳₦ ⱤɆ₩₳ⱤĐ ɎØɄ?~” 
“A break would be nice” He laughs at your comment. 
“ł ₮ⱧØɄ₲Ⱨ₮ ɎØɄ ₴₳łĐ ₮ⱧɆɎ ₩ɆⱤɆ₦’₮ ฿Ɇł₦₲ Đł₣₣ł₵ɄⱠ₮. ɎØɄ ₵ɆⱤ₮₳ł₦ⱠɎ ₴ɆɆ₥ɆĐ ₮Ø ฿Ɇ Ⱨ₳Vł₦₲ ₣Ʉ₦. ₳ ₴Ⱨ₳₥Ɇ ɎØɄ ĐłĐ₦’₮ ₴₳VɆ ₥Ɇ ₳₦Ɏ Ø₣ ₮ⱧØ₴Ɇ ₴₩ɆɆ₮₴ ɎØɄ ₥₳ĐɆ” He faked a sniffle.
“You saw?!” You hissed, trying not to raise your voice.
“₩ⱧɎ, Ø₣ ₵ØɄⱤ₴Ɇ~ ł Ⱨ₳Đ ₮Ø ₥₳₭Ɇ ₴ɄⱤɆ ₮ⱧɆ ⱧØɄ₴Ɇ Ⱨ₳Đ₦’₮ ₵ØⱠⱠ₳₱₴ɆĐ ฿Ʉ₮, ł₮ ₩₳₴ ₩ØⱤ₮Ⱨ ₴ɆɆł₦₲ ₴Ʉ₵Ⱨ ₳ ₱ⱤɆ₵łØɄ₴ ₥Ø₥Ɇ₦₮ ฿Ɇ₮₩ɆɆ₦ ɎØɄ ₳₦Đ ₮ⱧɆ ₵ⱧłⱠĐⱤɆ₦”
He sits on the edge of your bed. Patting his lap while holding out his arms towards you, you sit letting his cold embrace engulf you. You set your head onto his shoulder as he holds you close. While others often search for warmth from their lover, you enjoy his cool body. It was refreshing, like easing your head onto a cold pillow.
“гР₮ⱧɆɎ ⱠɆ₳VɆ ₮ⱧɆ₴Ɇ ₥₳Ɽ₭₴ Ø₦ ɎØɄ?” You look up to notice Freddy scanning the bite marks one of his little ones left. You could hear the sternness of his voice.
“Yeah, but it's fine. He didn't mean anything by it.” He hummed a response.
“ł’ⱠⱠ Ⱨ₳VɆ ₮Ø ₣łӾ ₮Ⱨ₳₮ ₮ⱧɆ₦~” He starts kissing your wounds. Taking his time trailing up your arm and onto your neck. 
“Please try to make more time for the children '' You gave him a solemn look 
“I know that you’re busy but you’ve barely made an effort to give an ounce of attention. They are obviously lashing out at everyone because they miss you and-” You stopped your rant when you noticed the grin spreading on his face. 
“ɎØɄ Ⱨ₳VɆ ₵Ⱨ₳₦₲ɆĐ ₴Ø ₥Ʉ₵Ⱨ ₮ØĐ₳Ɏ ĐɆ₳Ɽ~” 
“₦Ø ₦ɆɆĐ ₮Ø ₣ⱤɆ₮” He strokes your hair “₥Ɏ ₳₱ØⱠØ₲łɆ₴ ₣ØⱤ ₦Ø₮ ₳ĐĐⱤɆ₴₴ł₦₲ ₮ⱧɆ ₴ł₮Ʉ₳₮łØ₦ ₴ØØ₦ɆⱤ. ł ₳Đ₥ł₮ ₩ØⱤ₭ Ⱨ₳₴ ₮₳₭Ɇ₦ ₳ ₮ØⱠⱠ Ø₦ ₥Ɇ ₳₦Đ ł₮ Ⱨ₳₴ ₴Ⱡł₱₱ɆĐ ₥Ɏ ₥ł₦Đ. ł ₱ⱤØ₥ł₴Ɇ ₮Ø ₮₳Ⱡ₭ Ø₣ ł₮ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ØɄⱤ ₴Ø₦₴ ₮Ø₥ØⱤⱤØ₩”
“It's alright. Thank you for listening”, he held your hands in his rugged, tattered ones. Kissing your hand ever so gently left you flustered. It's so strange how someone you once considered dangerous and twisted can now be so charming. You kissed his cheek and laid your head back on his shoulder.
Tonight went well for your first night alone with your cubs. You knew there was no certainty that future nights would be just as easy, but you were still proud of yourself for what you could do. You may not have much experience with children, but that won't stop you from trying your best for your kids.
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4e1st · 1 month
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₴Ø₥Ɇ ₲ⱤłɆ₣ ł₴ ₥ɆĐł₵ł₦₳Ⱡ 「いくつかの悲しみは薬になる」 Tools: Leonardo AI, Lexica AI, Krea AI and GIMP Links: Instagram // Threads // Ko-Fi (Grab Issue 2 of ALT:VISION from the Ko-Fi link!)
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