#A Kingdom' Fall
backtoaugust-ts · 1 year
I have realized that the perfect form of media must have a delicate balance between absolutely heart wrenching pure emotional devastation and the most ridiculous nonsense you have ever seen in your whole life
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peacefulandcozy · 2 months
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Instagram credit: myphotography_com
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But what happens if my world is falling to their doom?
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melasy · 19 days
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tortilla-of-courage · 1 month
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nintendo just put these up in their japanese online stores im going to scream
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arcane-gold · 1 year
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catch a falling star and put it in your pocket~ ♪
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wylanslcve · 1 year
I'm not leaving 2023 without the knowledge that one day I'll see them fall through a ceiling together.
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peachssodapop · 1 year
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in the dark I found my sight And there your name was written large in letters bright! There my faith was! "Worry not!" declared the night
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puppyeared · 1 year
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What did they do to you
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sandflakedraws · 2 years
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something something icarus
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19burstraat · 3 months
hmmm I know we can surmise that kaz & jordie were the iphigenia of the series, in that, whether it's fair or not, they had to be sacrificed for the benefit of everyone else. jordie had to die and kaz had to suffer it and live with it, because if kaz had lain down and died on the barge, it would have had a crazy knock-on effect. inej likely would never have escaped the menagerie, or matthias from hellgate, jesper would probably have fallen foul of debtors or gangs some way or another (he gets at least one beating from enforcers), nina would have been caught up w the dime lions trying to get matthias out of hellgate, and there's even some more tangential ones, like kuwei probably dying at the ice court and marya being stuck at saint hilde.... but I wonder what would have happened to wylan.
kaz had him under dregs protection, so he never suffered the way he did ("kaz is your luck, merchling."); no beatings, etc. without that... well, it's tempting to think that wylan would have just been killed some way or another. and yeah, maybe, but miggson and prior couldn't get him, could they? wylan has that scary glimmer of the biting-animal, kaz-style survivalist in him, and he had a goal; amass enough money to get the hell out of ketterdam and start anew. but how far would wylan have gone to get that money? van eck's letters pushed him into the arms of dregs munitions building. without the perpetual intervention of kaz-- protection, constant jobs even when there were better people for it, good pay-- how quickly would wylan have turned into someone more like kaz? he has a core of decency, but he gets the privilege of keeping that, because kaz helps him to. alone, would he have surrendered it, or been forced to surrender it, just for a chance to survive? I don't think he would have ever willingly given up. it's not an accident that kaz and wylan's first days in ketterdam are so closely paralleled, or that they have a set of similar skills/traits; it's explicitly said that wylan would also be able to count cards and control decks like kaz can, if he wanted to. and after he finds out about his mother, wylan's comforted by the idea of retribution for van eck, that kaz could destroy his father's life. they're a little bit too similar. but kaz is there to take the moral fall, for the most part; all wylan has to do is help him. but without kaz... well. that's another story, isn't it?
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cynderrfall · 9 months
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This is the closest they get to a bath
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peacefulandcozy · 19 days
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Instagram credit: ichmiles
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hazy-cosmic-skies · 2 months
au where remus grew up with his muggle mum so he has a super deep interest in something like star trek, or like ancient egypt or lord of the rings, and sirius, who had never heard abt these muggle things could listen to him talk for hours
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Highlights from the Owl House reunion panel!
Dana headcanons that the Collector, when traveling between dimensions, came across Bill Cipher a dorito, shrugged, and continued on his way
Zeno said that If Hunter and “his big brother” (Caleb? I assume?) could spend the day together, they would go to the zoo, eat junk food, stay up late, and sleep in
Mela thinks that if Kikimora went to therapy, she would write letters (using her hair claws) of apology to the people she’s wronged
Elizabeth said Camila’s palisman would be a chancleta
Avi thinks that Raine loves making collages and going on nature walks in their spare time
Dana added that King would enjoy helping out with the collages and the consensus became that Raine just hosts collage nights
Alex was adamant that Eda would not be afraid of the IRS (*in the Grunkle Stan voice* “SHE WOULD BE THE ONE TO TAKE THEM DOWN! THE PERFECT WOMAN!”)
Zeno said Hunter's favorite Kingdom Hearts character would be Roxas
Dana can't say whether or not she's working on any new projects
Sarah-Nicole thinks that Hooty would be Luz's chambelan at her quinceañera
Dana said that Lilith's palisman is the one holding the camera for the final shot of the show
According to Dana, the Healing Coven Head would have been "silent, stoic, and scary" if the show had gotten to explore her personality more. Apparently she would have been the only Coven Head Belos wasn't sure he could manipulate
Dana also said that the Oracle Coven Head might have known Kikimora's family (and possibly been the one who got her her job)
Cissy and Sarah-Nicole said that Luz would be the illustrator of Lilith's books on the history of the Isles
Avi thinks that Eda and Raine gromposed to each other silmultaneously
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dragon-tidbits · 10 months
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So humor me here
Pines and Friends go to Ren Fair, Stan having to hear the absolute hype while driving the RV all the way to Portland.
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