#But sending me an ask where my only option is to respond openly i will treat it as a public statement and form my opinion accordingly
gaymelie · 8 months
Dni-archive made most annoying tumblr user poll and made tonysopranobignaturals delete from paranoia from harassment and now the zoophilia accusations against someone who defends kinksters because of what I can tell are thought crimes used against them by a vengeful ex and supported by the circle of people who follows dni-archive to harass people. Nothing they've boosted in their "bonus post" tag has been great. They are looking to harass people to death for their own amusement and thrive off of drama.
Ok first off what exactly is your point? I have absolutely no clue what that first drama is on about and frankly am not gonna get into it, the second point you presumably found me because i commented on that post so you know my opinion on the matter. (in case you or someone else doesn't i dont particularly trust or value any accusation that basically goes "i found this post suspicious" when the post only said hey don't be rude about kinks even if you find them weird, and i think regardless of the accusation that person shows clearly how they view any kink as a sign of immorality) plus yes you are right the accusation is flimsy at best.
If however you mean to tell me i should idk not follow dni-archives? Then i regret to tell you that i don't particularly care all that much for the topic of following on tumblr if they are a bad person or not and neither am i qualified or required to even make that judgement. They don't post things that annoy me frequently enough to warrant unfollowing because they have a strong blog theme.
I will also add that "they are looking to harass people to death" is about as much of a reach as the accusations you have for Dni-archives here, by which i mean you provided flimsy evidence and only someone who was willing to do the most uncharitable possible interpretation or someone willing to blindly believe any anon (lol) would think thats a reasonable way to sum that up. Thrive off drama sure I'll believe that, welcome to the internet people here suck they're not that special unfortunately but if you genuinely care about people not being harassed then i would suggest you invest the effort into figuring out how to have reasonable conversations about these matters.
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fluffghostrp · 1 year
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Name / Alias: Sats
Pronouns: she/her
Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: sexual nsfw of any capacity - including blatant or intense shows of sfw intimacy, medical needles
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's up to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practice it | I practice it sometimes | I don't practice it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | anxiety is a bitch and forcing me to send an ask before i’m ready to approach you on my own terms is a good way to make me avoid you outright if sending passwords is required
I am roughly 30 years old as of writing this and thus my life is mostly taken up by offline matters. I will be online and replying to threads when i am absolutely sure i can spare that energy.
I am very solidly taking care of my own self and thus I roleplay purely for my own enjoyment, with this space i’ve carved out for myself being for myself first and foremost. I openly allowed for others to play in this space if they so feel like it, since i plain find it more enjoyable to play in a group with others and let everyone around me have a chance to put their own spin on the things i’ve created, or take them down their own rabbit holes. But this is still my space. If you are interacting with me, you are consenting to play nicely in this sandbox i’ve built, as well as consenting to play nicely with others who have also decided they want to chill in my general area.
I am low energy and tend to burn out quickly in private conversation. I am always willing to talk to folks, but please keep in mind that i have a limited amount of energy to spare and once that container is empty, it needs time to refill.
Be mindful of my limitations ooc and preferably only contact me when you have a specific topic to throw my way. I can’t keep up with small talk since it wears me out really easily - but i can talk for ages about a topic that’s hyperfocused on our muses/settings/etc, or an interest which we both share. Asking how i’m doing or talking about the weather are not good ice breakers to get to know me. Ask me for information regarding how i’ve built something regarding my characters or settings instead.
This one’s more at tumblr that at any of you guys, but i legitimately cannot keep track of who is in a mutual follow with me, since i’m working out of side blogs and most of you do not follow this hub blog. If you like what you see from me and want me to make sure to throw my muses at you, like my content or hit up my ims on an infrequent basis, to remind me that you do infact follow me and that it’s not a one-sided follow on my part.
Roleplay is a two-way street - for it to be enjoyable for the both of us, then what we write needs to benefit the both of us. Give and take, respond and reply. Folks who focus mainly on their own character’s benefit without giving their partner something to respond to makes a roleplay difficult to keep going. Even if it’s a tea party situation where nothing is supposed to be occurring, or the thread is purely fluff, then there needs to be a goal which both characters are working towards. If one of us is roleplaying without a goal, or are unclear of the other’s intended goal, then we’re going to struggle with the thread.
Untagged nsfw content - even if it isn’t blatantly showing anything or even if it’s vague or written content only - is viable grounds for me to at least block your url as a tag, so i can choose whether or not i want to see your content at any moment in time.
Lack of respect or lack of necessary social skills which prove to me that you can get along with other people, even if you do not necessarily like them.
I am open about the source of my nsfw trigger, i just don’t post it openly since it’s the type of information that i’m not about to drop on folks unprepared to shoulder that knowledge on a dime. This source also lends towards my stance about being tolerant of everyone who comes my way and my willingness to touch upon uncomfortable or taboo topics - so long as you are clear with your stances and also have a respectable/academic/level-headed way of handling them. If you still decide to be pushy about your intent towards my characters (sexual/romantic/uncomfortable/etc) regardless of the knowledge of why i have the stance that i do, i will block and not look back.
Lack of content focused on your character or roleplay. Musings posts or aesthetics relating to your character are fine, it’s stuff leaning into ooc content. Personal related ooc content is fine. It is reblogging of content unrelated to your wellbeing or your muses that i’m less tolerant of.
I have attempted to interact with you, usually multiple times by this hypothesized point, and most likely through headcanon/setting/musing-related memes which you have reblogged - and you have shown a continued, violent lack of interest in actual response. This isn’t a case of ‘the ask never went through’. this is a case of ‘i have tried to be polite multiple times, and what i received was either a lack of interest or downright rude in comparison to what i gave’. now that’s not a problem, if you aren’t interested in interacting with me, then i’ll go elsewhere. I don’t stick around where I’m not wanted. But I follow folks primarily because I want to pick your brain on your muse/headcanons/setting etc, and help you build what you’re working on. So if you’re outright rude or passive aggressive towards me because i showed interest in what you’ve created, then i will block regardless of whether or not i enjoy your content or your writing.
If i don’t follow back, chances are it’s because i can’t see your writing style being compatible with my own - especially if you do one-line replies or similar. I’m pretty tolerant, especially to newer rpers, but i need content to respond to, and whatever we write together nees to be mutually beneficial for both of us. If I can’t see a mutual benefit from interacting with you, I am less likely to follow you back.
Active in-fighting without any attempt to peacefully remedy the situation, with other people in your community or general vicinity. Allowing others into my sandbox also includes potentially putting those in my vicinity at risk of hostile intentions, especially when the majority of them just want a low energy area and some hope of trust in those around them to tell them nicely if they’re being a pain, and probably give them a helping hand to improve their own behavior. If you show active detrimental behavior or a lack of an ability to try to understand, then i am less likely to be interested in interacting with you.
tagged by: steal tagging: steal
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perpetually-v · 1 year
Thank you @veshialles for sending me an ask about this post! Rare is it that I share anything about my OCs though that's mostly out of negligence than anything else, lmao, so I'm glad to have the opportunity to!
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So.... where do I even start with favorite former Cog in the Corporate Machine... Nick's an enigma to me in the sense that I originally created him to do be a snarky asshole and do the Devil Ending and have that be, well, that. He was intended to be an unforgiving, immutable force that I wouldn't have felt bad about putting through the proverbial meat grinder that is Night City as he was one of the bastards, however small of a cog he actually was in the grand scheme of things, who directly contributed to NC and the rest of the Corporate America being the way it was after the Time of the Red.
Then something strange happened... As he, Johnny, and I forged our own path through NC we all found something in each other, as pretentious as that may sound. Nick found himself sympathizing more-and-more with Johnny as an individual, a person with a soul who despite his deep-set misogyny and extreme self-aggrandizement cared at some level about other people, Johnny found himself in a position where one of his only remaining friends was (formerly) a walking, talking personification of everything he opposed and I found myself, albeit unintentionally, having Nick soften over the span of the story. He started out as clinically ruthless as you'd expect from your average Corpo Rat, ever paranoid and willing to do almost anything for anyone who asked so long as it put scop on the table and eddies in his bank account as long as it didn't sound too sketchy - he wasn't used to living in such squalor and he'd be damned if he had to keep living in it. In spite of that, and he'd never admit it openly, he loved his time at Mama Welles'. Those 7 months felt more like a home than he than the one he spent his childhood in did.
To emphasize the point, the most touching thing I noted on the playthrough was how his relationship to Joss, and by extension, River formed. If she was a genuine romance option, or at the very least if one could respond to her flirting, I would've leapt at the opportunity as by that point in the story he was a completely different person than the one he'd started off as. He was kind. He'd donate money to folks he'd pass on the streets. He indulged was happy to indulge the River's nephew and niece and, in all, let them win at their VR game. He would've loved both her and kids unconditionally, but by this point he'd acquired enough self-awareness and humility to recognize that it wouldn't have been fair to dive into an endeavor like that when he wasn't sure what the future held. He wouldn't be responsible for depriving the family of another father figure.
Up until the day he leaves Night City with the Aldecaldos he makes sure to check up on the Ward family, bring them care packages of a sort while Randy recovers. A far cry from the man he started off as.
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kirain · 3 years
I started playing rdr2 but stopped because like idk but I can't seem to get over the fact that all the women are prostitutes and they don't really have any important roles. Like what's Abigail do? Ooh she's a mother who's always mad? What do the other women do? Oooh they sleep with the gang. What's Sadie do? Oooh she becomes a badly written femme fetale who suddenly becomes a flawless killer. The women are just so badly represented.
I get the feeling you didn't play the game naturally or see any random encounters, because none of what you said is true. There's a lot to unpack here, so let's start with the "all the women are prostitutes" comment.
First of all, none of the women are prostitutes, a fact that deeply irritates Micah. During a coach robbery where he rides with Arthur and Bill, he even says, “Why the hell do we need a gaggle of girls who won’t even fuck you if you put a gun to their head? Is it too much to ask considering they get a piece of every damn dollar I bring in?” Poor baby. He even tries to proposition all of the women (Grimshaw included), but they all insult him and send him running with his tail between his legs. It’s hilarious and I love it. Arthur also responds to Micah with, “Everyone does their share. I don’t see you lifting a finger around camp.”
Now a bit about the girls:
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Mary-Beth was a skilled pickpocket, but she ended up being caught by a group of her victims. She mentions this during a conversation with Arthur, where she points out how hard it was for women who came from nothing, and the inequality of it all. RDR2 actually regularly highlights how difficult frontier/outlaw life was for women back then, often pulling zero punches. While fleeing her pursuers, Mary-Beth luckily ran into Hosea, who helped her escape and welcomed her to the gang. You can see Dutch lusting after her a few times, because he's an old pervert, but she always shuns his advances. She was never a prostitute and she was actually underage when she joined.
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Tilly was a child outlaw and a member of the Forman gang from the age of twelve. She ended up killing the leader's cousin because he [as is heavily implied] tried to rape her. She was around sixteen at the time and tried to return to her mother after the ordeal, but she unfortunately passed away while Tilly was running with the Formans. Out of options, she eventually joined the van der Linde gang after Dutch saved her from some unspecified trouble. You can find most of this out during one of my favourite side missions, where she gets kidnapped by Anthony Foreman in retaliation for killing his cousin. With Grimshaw’s help, you can rescue Tilly and put an end to it once and for all. She was never a prostitute and was also underage when taken in.
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Susan Grimshaw was one of the original members of the gang and one of Dutch's first lovers. They parted amicably and both fell in love with other people (Dutch with Annabelle, and Susan with a doctor who sadly ended up dying), but she stayed with the gang because of their mutual respect for each other. She later became the arbiter of the camp and a kind of surrogate mother to Arthur, John, and the other girls. She was never a prostitute, but rather a rough-and-tumble outlaw.
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Karen is a little more complicated. Overall, she was a scam artist (Hosea even called her an “actress”) who sometimes lured men into brothels, then stole from them or picked their brains for leads. That doesn't necessarily mean she was a prostitute; however, it just means she used sex as a manipulation tactic. Out of all the women in the group, she was the freest and most unconventional. She also stood on guard duty and participated in heists. The only man she ever slept with in game was Sean, and his death absolutely devastated her. If you talk to her or observe her interactions, you also discover she’s a raging alcoholic suffering from some very deep-seated issues. She likely did have to do things she wasn’t proud of in order to survive, but in my opinion that makes her one of the most realistic members of the group. She was never described as a prostitute.
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Molly was an aristocrat who left her family to be with Dutch. His abusive treatment eventually led her to suffer an identity crisis, where she ended up hysterical and heartbroken. Her story is sad, but she was never a prostitute. If anything, Molly is the best example we have that Dutch views people as items, not human beings.
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Abigail is the only prostitute in the game, but by the events of RDR2 she's an ex-prostitute. To say she's nothing more than "a mother who's always mad", I feel, does her character a great disservice. First of all, she left that profession behind to raise her son, to give him a decent chance in life. Unlike John, she stepped up immediately to become a responsible adult. I don't think people realise how impressive that is because, one, she could've easily abandoned Jack at the roadside (which was common back then), two, she could've induced an abortion, and three, she was quite young when she had him; around nineteen years old.
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You say the women are "poorly represented", but they're stronger, smarter, and more mature than most of the men. A few of them even become self-sufficient in the turn of the century, something dear old Dutch couldn't even do/accept. Abigail in particular helps Sadie mourn her husband and the two grow very close. Their interactions are both grounded and heartwarming, with Abigail telling Sadie she’ll suffer the loss of her husband, but that it’ll get better if she keeps on living. She takes care of her, and Sadie later returns that kindness. These women are so full of quirks and humour and personality, I don’t know how you missed it.
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As for Sadie ... where do I even begin? Badly written? Femme fatale? Flawless killer? Sadie is one of the best written characters. She's not flawless, she's exceptionally flawed, temperamental, and traumatised. It's never expressly stated, but it's implied at several points throughout the game that she was repeatedly assaulted while the O'Driscolls kept her captive. At first, she's petrified and miserable, to the point that all she does is cry and express suicidal ideation. Then, she gets angry. Very angry. Having nothing left to live for, her home and husband torn from her grasp, she throws herself headfirst into danger, which almost gets her killed on a number of occasions.
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She's not a "flawless killer", she's a messy killer. She's not an expert death-dealer, and that's made evident from the start -- but she was a hunter who shared the workload with her husband, so it's not as if her skills just magically appeared. You do see how much it weighs on her, however, near the end of chapter six. If you help her kill the rest of the O'Driscolls, she laments what she's become because she thinks her husband would be horrified. She’s extremely complex and struggles between mourning and moving on.
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I also can't help but laugh at the "femme fatale" accusation, because Sadie actually defeminises herself, which is understandable considering the hell she’s suffered. She even wears men's clothing, which wasn't illegal [anymore] back then, but it was openly frowned upon. Femme fatales use their beauty and sexuality to their advantage, ensnaring men with their feminine wiles. Sadie never does that and fights side-by-side with the boys. Interestingly enough, that's partially why Calamity Jane, an actual historical figure, garnered so much attention, because of how she behaved/dressed. It’s pretty clear to me that Rockstar might’ve used her as inspiration for Sadie. This was a real woman who lived from 1852 to 1903.
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In addition, Sadie plays one of the most important roles, yet she does so without falling into the category of a Mary-Sue. She saves the gang and moves them to a new location when the Pinkertons attack Shady Belle. She hatches the plan that frees John from prison. She helps Arthur rescue Abigail after she gets kidnapped. She tracks down Micah and puts an end to his reign of terror. But most of what she does she accomplishes with a partner--Arthur or John--both of whom she respects immensely. No one, not even Arthur, does everything alone, and when they do there’s usually negative consequences. It's the camaraderie and shared experiences that make these characters successful, and aside from Charles and Hosea, I’d even argue that the women are more well-rounded and fleshed out than the men.
I gather from for comments that you didn't finish the game, so I hate to spoil it, but I kind of have to if you walked away with this mindset. The women of RDR2 are a force to be reckoned with.
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝that's a little dark.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Class 1-A ]
「 Class 1-A with an emotionless reader who gets hit with a quirk that make them turn back into a child along with the mentality of a child. In the end, Class 1-A and then fluff ensues with them basically fawning over a cute shy and easily flustered reader. But, they discover something about you.」
You couldn't remember what you did yesterday but it felt like you had the greatest sleep in your entire life. As your eyes adjusted to the surprisingly bright light, you slowly got up and looked at your surroundings. The place was unfamiliar and for a second, you found yourself rubbing your eyes and yawning. It seemed that you were in an infirmary of some sort but you don't recall going to school or anything. There were bandages around your arms and neck but it wasn't anything new.
"Oh, you're finally awake, my child." an old lady you didn't recognize swivelled around her office chair and hopped off.
"Who are you and where am I?" you asked, voice coming out a bit weaker than you had expected.
She identified herself as Recovery Girl — the nurse of the school and explained what had happened to you. It seemed like you got hit by a quirk in an unfortunate accident which caused you to turn back into a child with no memory of yourself in the future. You didn't believe it until you saw the different technologies and the date on the calendar. Never in your life you had felt so out of place in your entire life.
While the friendly old lady was trying her best to fill you in, the door to infirmary opened and a brown haired girl stepped in. She had has shoulder length, brown hair that's bobbed and curved inwards at the end. The girl looked at you for a moment, her eyes lit up and you could sense the relief in her eyes. She dropped her belongings and rushed towards the bed you had been sitting on. You backed away on instinct, slightly intimidated by how aggressive she was being.
”Where did you get those injuries from!? I thought you just got hit by a quirk on accident!” she exclaimed, looking at the gauze wrapped around your wrists and neck.
”Calm down. You’re scaring the poor girl.” Recovery Girl stepped in before this brown haired stranger did anything to you.
Recovery Girl explained your situation to the girl who quickly understood the situation. She then approached you but this time, she did it cautiously and ensured that you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable nor intimidated by her. After a quick introduction, you leaned that she was Uraraka Ochaco and supposedly one of your classmates. She got down to your eye level and attempted to befriend you. She tried asking a few questions about yourself. You could answer the simplest questions like ones about yourself. However when it came to questions about the times you spend in UA, you shook your head to everything, none of them sounded familiar to you.
Uraraka spoke in a gentle manner that you were not used to and it didn't take long for you to get comfortable around her. She entertained you by telling stories about her life in UA and heroes. The brunette managed to make you smile a bit with her way of storytelling which included a bit of exaggeration here and there along with the occasional hand gestures.
"Uraraka-san? Are you ready to go back to the dorms?" another unfamiliar voice was heard from the entrance of the infirmary. You saw a few heads peek into the infirmary, those you did not recognize at all.
With the help of Uraraka, your situation was explained to the new people that just arrived. It didn't take long for your classmates to gather around you and pointing out how cute you were. Though it was a bit embarrassing to be put under the spotlight, you quite liked the feeling of having so many people care about you. It made you think about how bright the future seemed for you.
You were brought back to the dorms where you met up with your other classmates. Those who knew about your current situation quickly explained what was going on with you to avoid any misunderstanding and confusion. You stood awkwardly at the entrance, fiddling with the hem of your dress and looking down to avoid eye contact. Suddenly, you were pushed forward by an unknown force, falling on your knees.
“Who left their fucking child here?” a scary looking guy glared down at you as you tried recovering from the small fall you had.
”Hey, Bakugou! Mind your language!” his friend whispered at the ash blonde who just clicked his tongue in response.
Their loud voices startled you which resulted in you to hide behind Uraraka's legs as if it was the safest place in the world. You gripped tightly on her skirt, hiding yourself from the people you didn't recognize. Loud voices always made you nervous and scared, it reminded you of your mother whenever she was unsatisfied with your performance. Uraraka let her hand stroke your hair to soothe your nerves a little. Ashido stood in front of the two of you with her hands on her hips, looking like a mother reprimanding their child.
"Bakugou, you're scaring [First Name]!" the pink haired girl scolded Bakugou who seemed a bit confused.
"You're telling me this brat is [Nickname]?" he closed the distance between the two of you with a few large strides. He stared at your for a few seconds to study your face a bit. It didn't take him that long to actually recognize a few familiar features and eventually he walked off, muttering something under his breath.
"I've never seen her like this before!" Uraraka cooed as you continued to hide behind her legs. You were never the type to be in the center of attention and didn't have any friends in when you were young because of how shy and awkward you were. Ashido crouched down and offered you a small jar of cookies that she had found in the kitchen.
"Should we send her home? She might be more comfortable staying with her parents." Yaoyorozu suggested, watching you munching on the cookie that you've been handed to.
"I think its best we tell her family about it this." Iida took it upon himself to pull out his phone and prepare to dial your home.
”Are we all having a sleepover?” you spoke up after being silent almost the entire time you arrived at the dorms.
"I don't want to go home." Everyone stopped to stare at you for a while, some surprised because it was the first time they've heard you since you came back. The girls looked at each other for a while as if they were silently communicating with one another. Midoriya who seemed to be the first one to notice that you seemed a bit uncomfortable, crouched down in front of you.
"You can stay here with us if you want. I'm sure everyone is okay with that." the viridian haired male gave you a gentle smile that made you feel a bit relaxed.
"Do you like having sleepovers, [First Name]-chan?" Ashido plopped down right next to you.
"I don't have friends and mommy doesn't like having me around." you mumbled.
"That's silly. I'm sure your mother is worried about you." Iida replies.
"Nu uh, mommy strangles me like this every night.” you shook your head lightly and wrapped your hands around your neck to imitate someone strangling you. The room immediately grew silent at your comment, clearly unsure of how to respond to your oddly specific comparison.
"Haha, good joke [First Name]-chan!" Kaminari patted your head gently, his laugh clearly a forced one.
"Mommy used to pull my hair too."
You never the friendly type of person to begin with anyways. From the very first day you got into UA, you were quite anti-social, never initiating any conversations or made effort to befriend anyone. However, it was quite surprising to know that you've been abused when you were younger. Almost everyone seemed shocked by the revelation and had no idea how to react.
"My mom gave me this scar." Todoroki crouched down next to you and gestured to the scar over his eye.
”I can’t believe that the only thing closed off people have in common is the fact that they’ve been abused.” Jirou muttered out loud.
"Okay, don't worry! We're all having a sleepover tonight!" Uraraka beamed brightly which made your eyes light up like a Christmas tree. A small smile made its way to your features and you couldn't help but sway excitedly.
"Everyone is joining right?"
There was no way they could refuse those hopeful eyes of yours, not when you have been through so much at such an age. They all seemed eager, suggesting a movie, snacks and games.One particular ash blonde looked indifferent, hands shoved into his pockets as he began to slowly walk away from the crowd of people. The first person to notice that he was making his way back to his own room was Iida.
"Where are you going Bakugou-kun?" the class president had asked as if it was a natural that Bakugou was also supposed to be a part of this so called 'sleepover'. Bakugou glanced over his shoulder, eyes narrowing at Iida as if he had gone insane.
"What makes you think that I will join this stupid—" the ash blonde gestured at whatever was going on.
"But a sleepover is not one without everyone." your quiet voice interrupted, your small hands tugging at his pants. He held his tongue after seeing Iida wildly gesture at him not to be so mean to you. The entirety of the class seemed to be really hell bent on giving you what you wanted.Bakugou felt his eyebrows twitching and began weighing his options.
Sero, Ashido, Kaminari and Kirishima were openly pleading him to stay while some others seem to believe that Bakugou would never want to sit down for a stupid sleepover. The ash blonde gave in, realizing that no matter what he chose, it won't be any different. If he chose to not participate, he probably won't be able to fall asleep from all the noise. And the possibly of witnessing these extras embarrass themselves didn't sound too bad.
"Fine! You guys are so annoying....." Bakugou grumbled. Your eyes lit up at his change of heart and began tugging him enthusiastically towards the common area’s couch.
Why does he agree to the stupidest things?
Total: 1717 words Published: 05.06.2021
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Thank you for requesting it! Tumblr has changed how the asks look and it looks very different. Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
Requests are open! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding XXI
Part I - - - - - - - - Part XVIII - - - - Part XIX - - - - Part XX
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27
“This is Master Kit Fisto, requesting permission to land.”
“Hold on one moment please, General Fisto.”
A crackling sound filled the air while Ahsoka bounced her leg anxiously up and down in the copilot’s seat.
“I’ve been told to redirect your shuttlecraft to auxiliary seven. Sending coordinates now.”
“Aux Seven?” Kit frowned at the comm. “Are you certain? That’s a deployment pad.”
“Affirmative, High Council Orders. You and Commander Tano are to land on aux seven. Have you received the coordinates?”
“Yes, yes- I know where I’m going. Thank you. Over.”
Ahsoka shot the Nautolan Master an anxious look.
“Maybe they realized Obi-Wan’s injuries were actually an attack and they’re redeploying me and Skyguy to go after the jerk responsible?” the Padawan asked hopefully.
Master Fisto grimaced. “I would hope they’re not sending you out into the field so soon but I suppose the Ghost Nebula crisis has been escalating. Ahsoka...if they are assigning you a mission and you’d rather stay at the temple-”
“I should be with Master Skywalker and the 501st,” Ahsoka said resolutely. “I shouldn’t have left them in the first place. Skyguy said I could help the war and see Lee Char and I just-” Ahsoka cut herself off with a slight snarl.
Kit sighed. “You’re a remarkable padawan and commander. I simply wanted to let you know I’m happy to support you if you wish to rest.”
The young tortugan bounced her leg a little more. “Thank you Master Fisto, but I’m fine.”
They spent the rest of the short flight in silence. When they finally reached the landing pad, they were met by a small contingent from the 501st, as well as Master Windu himself, who greeted them with a short bow and a placid expression.
“Master Fisto, Padawan Tano, I trust your flight went smoothly?”
“Yes, Master Windu,” Kit and Ahsoka said in unison.
“Padawan Tano- is there any thing I should be aware of that would prevent you from shipping off with the 501st? I regret that you won’t have time at the temple but...situations are escalating rapidly and it’s been agreed that the best place for you is onboard the Dauntless.”
Ahsoka straightened her spine. “I’m ready for my next mission Master Windu.”
“Sir-” Captain Rex interjected, “Does this mean that General Skywalker isn’t stepping down from command anymore? Surely you’re not shipping Ahsoka off alone?”
A muscle throbbed in Master Windu’s forehead. “General Skywalker’s status is classified.”
Captain Rex opened his mouth.
“As is General Kenobi’s. You will simply have to trust in the High Council’s decision. Padawan, follow the Captain to his transport shuttle. Master Fisto, you’re with me.”
Ahsoka started to move in a daze but Kit stopped her with a gentle hand to her shoulder.
“Mace- surely you can tell young Tano more than that before sending her out- she’s already partially informed regarding the situation with Master Kenobi. I realize time is of the essence but a Padawan’s place is with their Master, correct?”
The troops shifted and Captain Rex openly scrutinized General Windu. The Jedi looked calm. Too calm. He was hiding something. Obviously. 
“I’m afraid it’s all classified, including what you’ve already been told. All I can tell you right now is... to trust in your General.”
Rex, already close to his breaking point, snapped at Windu. “Are you talking about Krell?! That demagolka is-”
“Watch your language, Captain.”
“Yes, sir.”
Master Fisto frowned heavily “Mace, I’m not comfortable with this. As a fellow council member, I ask we delay sending Ahsoka until we’ve had a chance to discuss things further- I’m happy to fly her to a rendezvous with the 501st if that’s what we decide.”
Windu shook his head firmly. “I’m afraid that time of the essence and the matter isn’t open to discussion. You have your assignments. Padawan Tano will be technically placed under Master Krell’s watch, though I’m explicitly assigning her to focus on her duties with the 501st. Padawan, you’re to focus on your military responsibilities with Captain Rex, not training with Krell; he’s received a copy of my orders in the regard. Everyone needs to trust that the council has- a bigger picture than any one campaign, or any one person.”
A hint of frustration crept in Master WIndu’s tone and Ahsoka swallowed down her bitter thoughts.
“Yes, Sir,” she said, saluting the Master of the Order with military precision. Rex snapped off a salute as well, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder before guiding her away.
“Mace, what the-”
“Not here.”
“I’m not-”
“Not. Here.”
Master Fisto cast one last look at the retreating 501st before chasing after the Human Jedi Master, the force too turbulent to tell him if it was the right decision.
To Kit’s continuing dismay, he was led not inside the temple, but to a nearby speeder. Mace was dead silent for the short walk, gesturing silently to enter. Kit’s lips tightened but he climbed in, a temple guard starting to fly the moment the doors shut.
“Read this,” Master Windu said brusquely, pushing a datapad into the Nautolan Master’s hands.
Master Fisto scanned the screen, large eyes growing wider the longer he read. 
“No!” Kit gasped, floundering in the force for reassurance, but Mace’s shields were like durasteel. Kit softened slightly.
“Master Kenobi...you really don’t know where he is?” 
Mace stared out the window.
“Keep reading,” he said hollowly.
“...You think he might attempt to assassinate Dooku? AND the Chancellor? By himself?”
“He was...disconnected from reality at points,” Mace said carefully. “He was aware of that fact, but seemed to blame the Sith and the Politicians for the war. His...trust in the Order is severely shaken.”
Kit continued to scroll through the pad, pausing and reeling in horror. “He stabbed Skywalker?!”
Mace nodded tersely. “And now Skywalker’s AWOL as well. He handled Obi-Wan’s initial...breakdown as well as can be expected, given the circumstances, but his continued shocking behavior after waking up...Skywalker was already severely shaken before Kenobi got to the worst of his ramblings.”
“Force,” Kit said heavily, rubbing his forehead.
“I know I wasn’t fair to Padawan Tano, but the council felt the need to get her off planet and away from specifically dangerous elements.”
Master Fisto groaned, leaning back. “I can’t believe the expansion region is considered a safer option than the temple.”
Kit looked out the window. “Mace...why are we heading to the Senate Rotunda?” 
Windu seemed, impossibly, to tense up even further. “I need you to brief the Chancellor on Kenobi.”
Kit’s head whipped around, tentacles flailing behind. “I just landed on planet,” he responded in disbelief. “Wouldn’t it be better for someone was actually there to do that?”
“I can’t,” Mace said, a hint of anguish breaking through his shields and voice, before his jaw clenched shut.
Kit drew back, alarmed by the falter in stoicism.
Master Windu’s collected himself with a shaky breath. “I have to ready the 187th; with Kenobi and Skywalker out of the picture we need every General on the front lines now. I’m sure the Chancellor will agree, once you brief him on how dire the situation is.”
There was a short pause as the two collected their thoughts.
“...The last few days have been hell, haven’t they?” Kit asked quietly.
The Harrun Kal Jedi chuckled darkly at that. “They’re nothing compared to the shit-show that’s about to unfold.” 
Master Fisto bent over, dropping his face to his hands. 
Windu steeled himself before continuing on. “I need you to organize the Chancellor’s defense. Try to stress to him that he should be guarded by a Jedi at all times- tell him- tell him whatever you have to about Kenobi, so far he only knows that he was ill, but you’re authorized to give more details than I previously disclosed- his medical file is attached. Tell him our worst suspicions if need be. The fact that you’ve been off-world...makes you...above suspicion in some respects. I’m...sorry Kit. I know I’m throwing you in without proper support but...it’s the best I can do. You’re going to have to explain to the Chancellor how stretched thin we are.”
The Nautolan smiled weakly. “You don’t have to apologize, Mace, you’re the one heading to the front.”
Mace didn’t reply.
The speeder arrived at the Senate Entrance.
Kit steadied himself, grabbing the datapad and holding it like a shield as he marched inside. The speeder peeled away, heading back to the temple. Master Gallia pulled off the temple guard mask, frowning even as she navigated back the way they came.
“I don’t like this plan,” she protested again.
“Neither do I,” Mace agreed. “Do you have a better one?”
“We don’t know that Sidious’s mental abilities are that strong,” she said desperately.
“We don’t,” Mace agreed again. “All we know is that he’s subtle enough to conceal himself from us for over a decade while gradually steering us towards destruction, and also powerful enough to defeat us all in combat.”
Adi Gallia took a long meditative breath, desperately seeking calm as the force roiled, massive waves of upheaval rippling across the galaxy.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Spilled Pearls
- Chapter 10 - ao3 -
Lan Qiren was only made aware that Wen Ruohan had fixed things when he realized that two weeks had gone by without anyone saying anything about him personally and had, out of a sense of morbid curiosity, asked one of his teachers about it.
“Oh, didn’t you hear?” his teacher asked, nose deep in one of the musical scores they’d put together for the array project, hunting for the flaws. “The sworn brother business was just part of one of his schemes to gain additional power amongst the Great Sects.”
Having been involved in it, Lan Qiren wasn’t so sure about that. “What do you mean, honored teacher?”
“He’s been finding ways to form new ties with all the Great Sects, not just ours,” his teacher explained. “It’s all come out; some very clever people figured it out. There’s a new trade agreement with the Jiang sect that both sides were keeping hushed up, something going on with the head of the Nie sect that the Nie sect disciples are being especially close-mouthed about, and, of course, his new connection with the Jin sect…it’s really not that surprising that he decided to find a way into our Lan sect by trickery.”
His teacher said it casually, as if of course Lan Qiren's sworn brotherhood had been formed by a slightly underhanded maneuver rather than torture or rape or anything like that, and while of course that was in fact true, Lan Qiren was stunned by the fact that what passed for common knowledge in the cultivation world had been flipped on its head in such a short time.
Truly, Wen Ruohan’s cunning was boundless. It was a little frightening.
“Say,” his teacher added. “As his sworn brother, you’ll be attending the wedding, won’t you? You should bring back some stories!”
Lan Qiren stared blankly. “…what wedding?”
It turned out that Wen Ruohan’s new connection with the Jin sect was through a marriage. The bride wasn't surnamed Jin, that would be too much for most people to tolerate without some sort of excuse; she was instead from a powerful subsidiary sect that swore allegiance to the Wen sect, in keeping with Wen Ruohan’s preference for his own people above anyone else, but her mother was a branch cousin of the Jin sect and everyone said that it was obviously meant as a way to bind the sects together. They said Wen Ruohan had spoken openly of his desire for sons – as usual, no one mentioned the names of those of his descendants already in his sect’s memorial hall – and that there were high hopes associated with the union on both sides. The Jin sect was said to be already parading around the marriage as their newest political victory, trying to use the connection to their best advantage.
“How long has this been planned, do you think?” Lan Qiren asked Lan Yueheng, mostly out of lack of other people to ask; unsurprisingly, Lan Yueheng shrugged.
“It’s an engagement,” he said disinterestedly. “My cousin says the negotiations for an engagement can be as long or as short as everyone wants it. But surely no one would make a lifetime decision like that lightly? Not to mention an alliance between sects, however implicit. It must have been planned a long time ago.”
Lan Qiren wasn’t so sure. There was always the ambiguous situation between Wen Ruohan and Lao Nie to consider, and given the way Lao Nie had spoken during his visit, it sounded as if he had encouraged Wen Ruohan to come up with some clever way out of the situation, rather than suggesting that one already existed.
Moreover, he wasn’t sure that Wen Ruohan considered a marriage to be a lifetime decision. Hadn’t he been married before, had sons before? It was only that they had all died…
“Lan-er-gongzi!” A runner came up to him, saluting. “The Sect Leader asks that you report to the hanshi at once.”
“That’s probably your invitation,” Lan Yueheng said, sounding mildly disapproving – undoubtedly he thought weddings were a waste of time compared with doing experiments. Taking inspiration from his work with Lan Qiren in merging math and music, he’d recently expanded his interests from mathematics to alchemy, and Lan Qiren grimly foresaw many exploding furnaces in the Lan sect’s immediate future. At least they had some out-of-the-way places for him to work, or else there'd also be a lot of punishments for violating the rules about too much noise in Lan Yueheng's personal future. “It’ll probably make you miss the first week of this season’s classes, too…well, try not to be too bored.”
Sadly, Lan Qiren did not think being bored would be an option.
Sure enough, when he arrived at the hanshi where his father and brother were waiting alongside several sect elders, the subject of discussion was the invitation he had received to attend the wedding.
“As Sect Leader Wen’s sworn brother, naturally you must attend,” his brother told him. “We will also be sending a delegation from the Lan sect to attend on our behalf officially, but your position is different. You must be careful not to offend anyone.”
Lan Qiren saluted. “I will do my best.”
“Sect Leader Wen will not be kind if you lose face for him, especially at his wedding, even if it is inadvertent - or even if what you do is perfectly correct by our standards,” one of the other elders, one of the older teachers, the well-respected if sleepy one, said. He sounded concerned on Lan Qiren's behalf, which Lan Qiren appreciated. “You must especially take care not to offend his new bride. Even where the marriage is made for the purpose of power and there is no expectation of love, a man does not like to have disturbances in his back courtyard.”
“Especially if the stories are true and Sect Leader Wen hopes for sons,” the teacher in swordsmanship responded, his voice a little acidic. He was still unhappy with Lan Qiren over what had happened during their visit to the Nightless City; Lan Qiren did his best to avoid him whenever possible. “I doubt Sect Leader Wen will persist in trying to raise one of our children once he has one of his own.”
That explained the sour expressions on the faces of his brother and some of the elders, Lan Qiren thought. They had hoped to use him to manipulate Wen Ruohan, though the exact method of how they would have done so escaped him no matter how he analyzed the words he had overheard that night in the hanshi, and Wen Ruohan had neatly evaded their snare with a countermove of his own – as with weiqi, so with politics, he assumed. A disappointment, as always.
“A brotherhood is for life,” Lan Qiren’s father said, voice distant as always, neutral as always. “There are ten months at minimum before any son is born, and all the years after; even if Sect Leader Wen forgets about his obligations, that does not mean that we must. There will be other opportunities.”
“Provided Qiren does not provide grounds for Sect Leader Wen to abjure the relationship,” his brother interjected.
“I will try my best not to do so,” Lan Qiren said again, stiff as always, though he suspected his brother was simply stating a fact rather than casting doubt on him. “When should I prepare myself to depart?”
“The delegation leaves tomorrow morning,” his brother said. “You will need to give a personal gift to your sworn brother in addition to the sect’s gift. I have selected several options; come with me to pick the one you prefer.”
Lan Qiren saluted the elders and wordlessly followed his brother to the treasury. He liked none of the gifts his brother had selected, thinking that they all seemed a bit too gaudy even for a recipient whose tastes tended toward the luxurious – a bit more Lanling Jin than Qishan Wen, and not at all something he would select for himself – but eventually he chose a heavy golden crown that seemed to be not too far from the ones that he’d seen Wen Ruohan wear in the past.
“Not the dagger?” his brother asked, his voice thick with irony that Lan Qiren did not understand, nodding towards another of the options, a golden-hilt blade so purely polished that one could see their reflection in it.
“Sect Leader Wen has a rich collection which we cannot hope to match,” Lan Qiren said, thinking of those peerless treasure swords rusting away as wall decorations in Wen Ruohan’s bedroom. “Moreover, it’s a wedding, which represents two parts joining together into a single whole, while a gift of a knife implies severing. It is therefore inappropriate for such an occasion.”
“Brothers who have shared blood cannot be separated. It is a suitable gift from a sworn brother.”
Lan Qiren looked down at the options, feeling a little helpless. “If you would like me to change my selection…”
“The guan is fine,” his brother said, and shook his head, seeming almost a little pitying. “You are very good to be concerned with your sworn brother’s feelings, no matter how your relationship came about. Too much goodness can be seen as weakness, you know.”
I thought I wasn’t supposed to be making trouble? Lan Qiren thought to himself. Still, since his brother did not seem inclined to elaborate, he handed the gift to one of the servants to be put into an appropriate box.
In actuality, he had already selected a personal gift of his own, shortly after he had first heard about the impending wedding – it had seemed reasonable that he would need to send a gift, even if he didn't expect to actually be invited, and it had not occurred to him that he would be allowed to utilize the sect treasury for such a thing. He’d gone to Caiyi Town and purchased a small set of drinking bowls, applying the glaze himself as the artisan spun the pots; they had gone into the kiln immediately thereafter, and he was expecting the delivery today – in fact, it was probably already waiting in his room.
He would pack the set up with his personal items and give it to Wen Ruohan anyway, he decided. After all, he’d opted to do the design in Wen sect red rather than Lan sect blue, rendering it useless for his own purposes, and it would be worse to simply throw it away or to let it sit and gather dust. Being frugal is a virtue, after all.
Of course, if he were truly being frugal, he would have told his brother that he did not need an additional gift and left the guan alone, but he didn’t want to reject his brother’s kindness, either, rare as it was. Better to just eat the loss of the funds and have Wen Ruohan think him a spendthrift…
“Sect Leader Wen will undoubtedly have you stay in the Sun Palace during your visit,” his brother said abruptly, and Lan Qiren looked at him: his brother wasn’t looking at him, but into the distance, and his fingers twitched at his side in an uncharacteristic display of nervousness. “As his sworn brother, it would be inappropriate for him to put you in the guest quarters, or to fail to allow you free mobility through the Nightless City.”
“That seems likely,” Lan Qiren agreed hesitantly, not sure why his brother was mentioning it.
“He is fortunate that you are not naturally observant,” his brother said. “Otherwise one might fear that you would use the opportunity to learn more about how the Wen sect works – its treasures, its secrets. Its plans for the future.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that,” Lan Qiren said quickly. “Have courtesy and integrity, after all. Even if I were to discover something incidentally, naturally I would be honor-bound not to share it without informing Sect Leader Wen that I had done so.”
His brother sighed, his fingers abruptly unclenching. “Of course you would. How could anyone doubt it…I don’t suppose you’ve ever given any thought to Do not forget the grace of your forefathers?”
“Of course I have. That’s one of the fundamental rules,” Lan Qiren said, now absolutely bewildered. “That we should live up to the expectations of our ancestors, both in our good conduct and discipline, and in supporting our sect so that our descendants may honor them equally.”
His brother shook his head. “Sometimes I really don’t understand you. You were tricked into an oath like a virgin maiden into a sweet-talker’s bed, weren't you?” he said. Lan Qiren really didn’t understand how his brother’s mind worked that he kept changing subjects like this. “I just wonder that you aren’t more resentful of the one that did it, the way anyone else would be. The way you act, you’d think Sect Leader Wen had done you a favor; you’re so considerate of him.”
Lan Qiren thought his brother might be being sarcastic, but he wasn’t very good at determining such things. “Even if the manner in which we became sworn brothers was unorthodox, the oaths have still been sworn,” he said, a little haltingly. “I cannot control his actions, only my own. Just because he might not be a good brother doesn’t mean I can’t be – isn’t that right?”
His brother glared at him. “If you have something to say, Qiren, you can say it directly.”
Lan Qiren was at an utter loss. “I – was?”
“Your teachers say that you’re brilliant,” his brother said, voice suddenly very cold. “I often wonder whether they’re not growing too old for their work.”
“I don’t –”
“Never mind. You’re dismissed.”
Lan Qiren saluted and returned to his quarters, puzzling over the conversation as he packed away his things for the trip. Was his brother trying to warn him against anyone encouraging him to act as a spy? Or was he trying to convince him to act as a spy himself? But if it was the latter, why wouldn’t he just say so? If it were truly necessary for some reason, for the good of the sect…
Was he supposed to volunteer?
But that would be truly breaking the oath of brotherhood – of which he still didn’t know the contents…
Lan Qiren supposed that, at least, was one thing he would be able to fix: very soon, he would be seeing his sworn brother again for the first time since they’d sworn their oaths.
Maybe he’d find a way to ask.
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littlemisspascal · 3 years
Death and an Angel part 3
Death!Din and Cupid F!Reader
Summary: You and Din have an unexpected heart-to-heart about what it means to be Death and a Cupid on route to a planet where Din’s potential soulmate lives.
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,500
Warnings: Pining, smidge of angst, more plot development, Razor Crest (RIP I miss you darling!), a made-up home world for the reader (yes, yes, there’s like a million I could have picked but my brain said NOPE)
Author Note: Ahhhh, the comments are so amazing from you all! Thank you everyone out there sparing time to check out my little universe, it makes me sooo happy you have no idea! As always, I hope you enjoy this new segment as I try to plot this story out and get these two idiots to acknowledge there just might be something between them. 
Also special thanks to @codenamewitcher​​ for including the first two parts on Weekly Fanfic Recs. Be sure to go check out the list for a whole bunch of fantastic stories!
Links to Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4
Photo Inspiration: (What I imagine is beneath the armor in this scene...*dreamy sigh*)
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There is a distinct silence that can only be found in hyperspace when the stars outside resemble sparkling streaks of silver tinsel and your breath is trapped within your lungs as you’re awestruck by the sheer beauty of it all. You experience this silence aboard the Razor Crest, sitting in the cockpit behind Din as he pilots his beloved gunship. It isn’t the first time you’ve been a passenger, having traveled with Din on two previous ventures where your Cupid services were required on planets far away from your home on Umbriel.
Off-world assignments for you were generally rare since your bosses were more inclined to choose Cupids of higher ranking to handle those clients, but sometimes you were the only available option left. Which, come to think of it, is exactly how you became the one roped into meeting with Death every full moon. Your bosses decided someone needed to check up on him to make sure he wasn’t reaping anyone before their fated time and thus messing with the natural order of things. You privately have reached the conclusion it was a decision made during a fit of paranoia as you had yet to find any evidence suggesting Din ever broke a single one of the universe’s rules, let alone even considered the mere possibility.
When you did travel for assignments, you never stopped feeling like a goldfish being dumped out of your familiar little bowl and into a massive ocean full of strange oddities. You would often find yourself wasting time trying to successfully navigate the unknown world when you should have been focused on tracking down your client’s soulmate.
That’s why Din had offered to start traveling with you. Actually, in his own words it was because, “You think about love so much you don’t see trouble until it’s an inch in front of you. Someone’s got to be there to look after you.”
You’d tried to argue, told him you had never experienced trouble and that if you did then you could handle it with your bow. All Cupid’s were required to master archery for self-defense purposes, though Din’s responding snort of derision made you suspect he wasn’t convinced of your skills. You wondered if he thought, just as humans incorrectly did, a Cupid only used their bow to spread love and lust. Or maybe he just thought you weren’t capable of such finesse. It was an insulting assumption, fueling you with the burning desire to prove him wrong. One day, you keep telling yourself, a repetitive chant. One day you’ll show him just how capable you are with your weapon and you imagine his look of shock, whether worn openly on his face or hidden beneath the visor of his helmet, will be utterly priceless.
But in the meantime, you’re in no hurry to encounter trouble. Finding enjoyment in taking these trips with him on his ship instead.
The Razor Crest had actually been a complete surprise to you when Din first welcomed you on it; primarily because the notion of him using such a primitive form of transportation despite the powers he possessed as Death was too outrageous to wrap your head around. However, it took less than ten minutes soaring through space for you to discover just how many details of the universe you were missing by relying on your Cupid abilities to teleport yourself between locations. Never would you have imagined Death to be the one to teach you to love the slowness of travel, to let your eyes linger on all the beautiful wonders along the way. But that’s exactly what happened.
You turn your head away from the window to look at Din. From your angle, all you glimpse is the back of his helmet, reflecting the passing starlight. Soon you’ll be introducing Din to the first immortal on your list of potential soulmates.
Death, you quickly correct yourself. He’s only Din when he’s around you.
You initially thought he elected to wear his armor because you told him he could to ease his comfort, but now you think it’s because this is him meeting his potential soulmate as himself. It is easy to forget sometimes this is the image of Death—a warrior enshrouded in beskar, cunning and ruthless—that is recognized throughout the universe. And feared.
If the handsome face he concealed was known instead, you wonder if mortals would readily choose to embrace the ending of their lifetime, rather than foolishly seek to run from its inevitability.
“What is it?” Din’s baritone voice startles you as it shatters the quietness. The modulator within his helmet gives his tone a low raspiness that never fails to send a chill down your spine when you hear it.
“Huh?” You respond ineloquently.
“You’ve been staring at the back of my head for the last five minutes, angel. I figured you had something worth saying.”
“Oh, no. I was just thinking about you.”
Immediately you wish a meteor would collide with the ship, providing you with the necessary distraction to escape and find somewhere you can hide until the end of time.
“...What about me were you thinking?” Din wonders after a solid thirty seconds of pure silence, voice somehow conveying an equally blended mixture of intrigue and wariness. He flips on the ship’s autopilot and turns in his seat to pin you with his gaze, apparently unwilling to let you try and weasel yourself out of the conversation.
You roll the question around in your mind, wanting to give an answer that satisfies him without it also embarrassing yourself further.
“I was thinking how much of an enigma you are,” you murmur at last, leaning back in the chair with your arms crossing over your stomach. “You wield such incredible powers and yet you choose to wear a human face, to call this man-made ship your home and to also spend your spare time living amongst those you will eventually reap. Why are these your choices?”
He tilts his head, and you just know there is a little crease of bewilderment appearing between his eyebrows right now even if you can’t see it. For as much as he is a puzzle you can’t put together, he is also at times an open book that you will never tire of reading.
“I would think you, more than most beings, would understand the discomfort that stems from loneliness and the lengths one will go to ease it,” he says, not unkindly. He mirrors your position, maneuvering himself until he’s comfortable in his seat and totally oblivious to the dilating of your pupils as you observe every subtle shift of his armor-clad body. “Isn’t that the true purpose of Cupids? To spare individuals the ache of living a life of solitude by introducing them to someone to love so they no longer feel it.”
“That’s a poetic way of putting it,” you answer, smiling softly and shrugging your shoulders. “My superiors would just quote our mantra back at me when I used to ask. Amor vincit omnia.”
“Love conquers all.”
You shouldn’t be surprised he’s able to translate such an ancient and obscure language, but your eyes widen regardless. “That’s right.”
His voice is unusually soft when he asks, “Do you like being a Cupid?”
You stare at him, caught off guard by how easily he’s changed the topic of the conversation from himself to you. You’re used to taking orders and being thanked for your services, but no one has ever asked you if you liked doing any of it.
“I’m good at it,” you finally say, even though it’s not really an answer.
He nods his head still, as if he understands. A part of you thinks he actually does.
You lick your lips, eyeing him hesitantly. “Do you...like being Death?”
“I’m good at it,” he echoes, but your words sound somber coming from his lips.
The cockpit fills with hushed silence again, but there’s a unique tenderness unlike ever before. Minutes seem to stretch on for entire seasons as you watch one another, content to simply coexist and revel in each other’s presences.
It would be so easy to slip off his helmet and kiss him right now.
You stiffen, stunned at your own thought, but you aren’t given the chance to analyze it further as an alarm on the ship’s control panel announces with a resounding beep you’ve reached your destination.
Din spins in his seat, reclaiming control of the steering to begin the ship’s landing process. You look out the front window at the large green-blue planet drawing nearer with every anxious tick of your heartbeat.
“We’re here,” you say needlessly, forcing excitement into your voice. Fake it till you make it, isn’t that the human expression?
“Who is it we’re meeting on this backwater skug hole?” Din asks, pressing a series of buttons above his head.
You kick the back of his seat. “Be nice,” you scold when he shoots you a look. He mutters something unintelligible under his breath as he turns back around, prompting you to roll your eyes. “She’s a goddess of springtime and motherhood. The locals call her Omera.”
Tag List: @leilei-draws​, @theocatkov​, @becauseican2, @vintagesaph​, @stardust-and-starlight​, @kay2304, @odelia-d32, @adrieunor​, @remmyswritings​, @gallowsjoker​, @rhiannon-russo​, @randomness501​, @eleine-t1d​, @nicotinebirds, @sylphene​, @softly-sad​, @maytheglitter​, @melobee​
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
chapter 34 (part I)
Fake Making-It
Social Media AU
previous chapter
sorry part II won’t come until tomorrow (maybe not even then 😅) and it’s not proofread, so sorry for any mistakes
Robbe steps out onto the back porch and curses under his breath, quickly pulling on his brown jacket. The night air is cool and crisp and its wind is biting, and he tucks his hands into his pockets in an attempt to save them. Once he’s safely wrapped up, he looks around and instantly lights on a shock of bleached hair.
Robbe stares at him and swallows. Fuck.
He begins to turn around to head back inside, but then Sander looks over his shoulder. His eyes light up when he catches sight of Robbe, and then he smiles, and Robbe stomps down the flames in his belly and goes to join him.
“Hi,” he says. “Have you been out here long?”
Sander shakes his head. “Maybe about ten minutes?” He flicks his gaze over Robbe. “Everything okay?”
Robbe tries not to squirm. “Yeah, just needed some fresh air. I was starting to sweat in there.”
Sander huffs, looking back out in front of himself. “Shouldn’t take long to cool down out here.”
That’s probably debatable, Robbe thinks. The air had chilled him instantly, but the sweat’s starting up again. His face feels too hot, even as wind whips at his cheeks and nose and numbs them. He hasn’t dragged his eyes off Sander. He can’t. Even as he tells himself this is what he’d been trying to avoid, his body won’t respond to his brain. It’s listening to his heart instead, and his heart’s focus is all on Sander. He wasn’t supposed to be alone with him. That was the one goal, the one deal he agreed on with Jens. Neither of them were to be alone with Sander or Lucas.
But, well, Jens had been tipsy and dancing (badly) with a group of people, and Lucas had been talking to a separate group in a whole other area of the room, so at least Robbe hadn’t left them alone together. Plus, he hadn’t gone looking for Sander, and he’d asked Jens if he wanted to come outside with him, so this is really not his fault.
He’s knocked out of his daze when Sander nudges him. His cheeks flush at the amused tilt to Sander’s lips, the raised brow. It takes him a moment to realise Sander is holding the joint out towards him in offering. He takes it gingerly, with trembly fingers, telling himself he’s only so shaky because of the cold. The long drag he takes warms him up slightly, but it’s less because of the weed and the smoke and more because he’s thinking Sander’s lips were just here. It’s much more intoxicating.
He shoves the thought away, reminding himself why he can’t have any of that, even as he licks his lips and chases the taste. God, he’s a mess. Jens would take this opportunity to remind him that he’s a mess and tell him to get it together. Sander’s fingers brush against his as he takes the joint back and sparks shoot up Robbe’s arm.
He swallows and curls his arms around his stomach, turning to face out along with Sander. There’s a full smoking area out here, a patio with a few tables and stools with people clustered around them, talking and laughing, all in various states of inebriation. It allows Robbe to suck in a breath and steady himself. He isn’t alone with Sander, not really. He should just relax.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sander asks.
Robbe hadn’t even realised the other man was looking at him, but he feels his eyes now, heavy and warm. He shifts his weight and aims for a smile. “Yeah, I’m good. Are you?”
Sander nods, shrugs. “It’s just a lot, in there.”
“You mean Aaron’s a lot?” He raises a brow. Moyo and Aaron had both been a little too excited to meet Sander and Lucas, but Aaron had been the one to go starstruck before Sander even opened his mouth. Robbe doesn’t blame him—he can relate.
Sander laughs. “Nah, Aaron’s cool. Everyone is. There’s just a lot of everyone.”
Robbe purses his lips and nods. That, he understands.
“Jens seems better, though,” Sander adds. “Today went well.”
“Yeah, everything’s great so far,” Robbe agrees. “I think he’s mostly just glad the waiting and secrecy is over, you know? Now it’s out there and he can actually talk about it and not have to be so hidden.”
Sander’s expression shutters, and then flickers right back into a smile as he nods. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
Robbe supposes he imagined the blip. He returns the smile and leans against the railing next to Sander. A riot kicks up in his stomach as their shoulders brush, his heart hitches, his breath flutters, no, that’s not right, everything is backwards and upside down and inside out and it’s insane. He doesn’t know how it works like this. He doesn’t know what cruel twist of the universe decided on this fate, in which he could be brought to his knees by a nonexistent touch by someone he can never have. There’s no explanation for the strength and extent of his feelings for this person he really barely even knows. A month and a half they’ve known each other, and Sander has completely taken over his brain and heart without even trying.
He would probably run if he knew. No, he would let Robbe down gently, but in a mildly bewildered state of well, you know I’m already taken.
Robbe has spent many nights turning this exact fact over and over in his head, hurting and doubting. Jens’s words keep ringing in his head. He doesn’t know Lucas well enough, really, but does Sander seem happy? Robbe can’t be sure. He doesn’t know him well enough, either. He isn’t allowed to.
“It feels weird, being around you without the excuse of work,” Sander mumbles, flicking the end of the joint and watching a sprinkling of ashes fall to the ground. “I didn’t know if it could be like this. If we’d ever be anything more than just work colleagues.”
The admission makes it seem like he’d thought about it quite extensively. Robbe swallows, doesn’t understand, feels something kick in his stomach again anyway. Their shoulders are pressed together now. “I like to at least consider us friends,” he says, even though the word burns up his throat and drips off his tongue like acid. In an attempt to sound lighter, he adds, “I only tell true friends my darkest secrets, after all.”
Sander huffs, turning his head to grin at him. Robbe’s breath leaves him in a rush. “I’d hardly call ‘Romeo and Juliet’ a darkest secret. It’s quite cute, if you ask me,” Sander says, grin gone teasing, and fuck, Robbe is so gone.
“Good thing no one did,” Robbe quips, pointedly, stamping out the flames once more. His attempts are rendered pointless in the face of Sander’s laughter, loud and husky, breath floating out in plumes with the force of it.
“I thought you’d be dancing around in there,” Robbe admits, doesn’t add with Lucas. “I thought I heard a Bowie track earlier.”
“Ah, been studying up have we?” Sander muses, eyes brightening. As if it’s not enough to have them reflecting the moon and the stars, the entire night sky held captive in him, and likely the entire universe by Robbe’s guess.
“A little. Bowie’s really good background music, surprisingly.”
Sander gasps and places his free hand over his heart, mock offended. “Bowie is so much more than background music.”
“Oh please,” Robbe scoffs. “Don’t try to tell me he isn’t the background soundtrack to your whole life.”
Sander laughs, again, and bumps Robbe’s shoulder with his own as he shakes his head. It feels so easy, too easy. It’s too much and Robbe can’t get enough of it.
A silence overtakes them, and he stares openly at Sander as Sander stares pensively at the ground. He watches as Sander flicks the cigarette again and then turns to face him. “I wanted to talk to you about something,” Sander says, at the same time Robbe blurts, “Do you want to get out of here?”
Sander blinks.
Robbe flushes. “I mean, uh, I thought you might want to go for a walk, or something,” he says sheepishly, voice an octave too high. “Instead of going back inside. Just, along the Scheldt, or something. But we can also go back in if you want. Or I mean I can just leave you to it. You came out here for a breather.”
“I think you’re the one who needs to breathe,” Sander points out, and his accompanying laugh is quiet and breathy. Robbe is already swooning, and then Sander smiles at him again. “A walk sounds good. You’re warm enough?”
Robbe nods, biting his lip as he feels his cheeks grow even warmer. He tilts his head back towards the bar. “Walk and talk, then?”
They slip back inside and through the throng, winding around small clusters of people to make their way to the front door. Robbe catches sight of Jens in the crowd, talking animatedly with Moyo, and breathes a small sigh of relief. He isn’t breaking their deal, because he isn’t leaving Jens alone with Lucas.
And, well, Jens didn’t say anything about actively instigating alone time. He’d just said he wouldn’t leave Robbe alone with Sander, but Robbe is leaving alone with Sander, which is different.
The air is chilly when they step outside again—Robbe had stopped noticing while he was so close to Sander. Now, though, walking down the street with the wind whipping at his cheeks, he understands why Sander had asked if he was warm enough. He isn’t anymore. But he’s not going to tell Sander that and risk sending them back, or worse, having to explain.
They’re silent on the short trek towards the Scheldt, where it’s even colder. Robbe curls his hands in his pockets and hugs his jacket tighter around himself. Sander slows as they walk along the water, unsure of what the plan is and letting Robbe take the lead. Robbe knows they’re aren’t many options beyond walking a little further and then turning around. Instead he goes and leans against the wall and smiles when Sander joins him, pressed shoulder to shoulder like before.
Robbe nods at the building across the water. “You know they had like a billboard sign of Jens up there when he first released his music?”
Sander raises his brows. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, it was fucking crazy. I mean you could make it out clearly from here. Not that easily, but still.”
Robbe still remembers it vividly, how gobsmacked Jens had been and how many jokes Moyo had cracked. He remembers people requesting photos with Jens with the billboard in the background. Sander seems to be picturing it, eyes flicking over the now-blank space. Then he turns to Robbe with a somewhat cheeky smile. “You should be on one of these buildings, too.”
Robbe snorts, surprised. “I don’t think I’ll ever have a billboard.”
Sander’s smile widens. “Nah, we could just tape you to it. You’ll hang there easily. Just set you up on a chair, get a few rolls of duct tape…” he trails off, raising his brows suggestively.
“I hate that you’ve seen those vlogs,” Robbe groans, covering his face with his hands as he laughs.
“It’s art, Robbe,” Sander mocks. “You can’t diss art.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
Sander looks back at the building and hums, tilting his head. He turns to Robbe and holds up his hands, thumb and finger outstretched on each to make a frame in the air. “What about some of Antwerp’s famous graffiti for Antwerp’s famous gay…” He pauses, lost.
“Gay?” Robbe prompts.
“What rhymes with graffiti?”
Robbe laughs. “Shut up.”
“No, listen, I’m serious. Picture it,” Sander waves at the building. “A big mural, right there, in all these intense colours.”
“Rainbow colours.”
Sander snaps his fingers, though he’s biting back a laugh. “Rainbow colours!”
Robbe shakes his head and rolls his eyes slightly, and then they’re both letting out quiet laughs. Sander settles on the wall next to him again, and a warmth radiates all along his side where they’re closest. He resists the urge to press closer and lets them settle into a peaceful silence. He only breaks it when he remembers their conversation from before, and then he looks at Sander curiously. “So what did you want to talk about?”
“Oh.” Sander opens his mouth and then closes it again, hesitating. “It’s nothing.”
Robbe squints at him, skeptical. “You sure?” Sander bites his lip, glancing out over the Scheldt, and Robbe knocks their shoulders together. “Hey, whatever it is, you can talk to me about it.”
“No, it’s just,” Sander hesitates, seeming to struggle with finding the words. He looks at Robbe, and his gaze is intense and intent, and it gives Robbe no insight to what this is about. Sander eventually turns away again and simply shakes his head. “I’m just wondering what happens, after the album and everything comes out.”
Sander hesitates again, shooting him a glance. “I mean, I don’t want to stop working with you guys. It’s been a lot of fun, you know? But I guess I’ll have served my purpose by then.”
“It’s not like we’re tired of you,” Robbe protests, smiling slightly, even as he desperately wracks his brain. He can’t voice his heart’s loud protests at the thought of Sander leaving. “Besides, Lucas still has all his stuff to do, and you’re not just going to head off without him, right?”
Sander’s shoulders tuck up to his ears, and his smile seems almost sad. “Right,” he agrees.
Robbe can tell that there’s something off. It’s obvious that something is being withheld, but he has no idea what it is. Sander doesn’t seem to want to say anything else, but the mood has certainly dropped. Robbe feels a frown take over even as he keeps his voice light. “We should probably get back.”
He almost thinks Sander is going to argue, but he simply smiles and nods. “Yeah. I hope Jens didn’t need any bodyguards.”
“I’m sure he’s fine.” At least, Robbe hopes he is. “And it was nice to talk, right?”
Sander’s smile turns a little more genuine. “Always.”
tag list: @allthewayornowayy @wedarkacademia @lockerfivethreefive @yellowballoon @gucciboner @nora-keinwitz @moonskam @painfully-oblivious @zoenneforever @akucecilia @hischbabe @evaksobbe @alittleemo @boring-side-effect @franboos @debussyatmidnight
part II
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kurokoros · 4 years
meet messy | akaashi
Pairing: akaashi x fem!reader
Summary: Request “hear me out: Akaashi Keiji, roommates au! trope: meeting messy & prompt #30″
AN: my first official one-shot for hq is an Akaashi fic. who would have guessed. there’s some language and mildly crude humor in this one. it took me a hot minute to figure out how to do a roommate au + meet messy, but I think it turned out okay! also, I see Akaashi as the quiet teasing type, so I hope the characterization is okay!
also, I tried to post this earlier, but surprise surprise, tumblr didn’t put it in the tags. 
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“What do you mean you’re running late?” you ask, glaring at your phone as you speed walk down the street. A mumbled curse escapes you as someone walks by and jostles your shoulder, nearly knocking the box you’re carrying right out of your arms. You shoot the man a sour look before turning back to your friend, irritation already softening into a pout. “Kuroo, I’m supposed to be meeting this guy in like ten minutes, what do I do?”
Kuroo’s lips twitch, looking torn between apologetic and amused as he tries to cover up a smile. “You’ll be fine,” he tells you, not for the first time. “And I would have been on time if someone hadn’t—shit!” Kuroo disappears from the frame, hissing what sounds like ‘demon’ under his breath as the camera shifts.
Suddenly, you’re staring at Yaku instead, his tawny eyes narrowed as he hunches over Kuroo’s phone. “Don’t believe his lies,” he says, scoffing when Kuroo grumbles something in response, voice muffled. “The only reason we’re late is because Kuroo—”
“Oi! Yakkun!”
Kuroo grabs at his phone, but Yaku is faster, ducking under his arm and barely managing to evade his former captain’s outstretched hand. The camera is jostled again, giving you a shaky view of the subway that has your eyes rolling. Even now they still act like bickering teenagers half the time. It’s as endearing as it is annoying, but you’ve known them since high school, so you really aren’t surprised.
It takes a few seconds for the camera to stabilize again, and this time you’re faced with the voice of reason among the three of them. He rubs the back of his neck, smile a little embarrassed as Kuroo and Yaku continue to bicker behind him.
“Kai,” you greet him, a smile automatically tugging at your lips in response to his. “I didn’t know you and Yaku were coming with!” You knew that Kuroo asked Kenma to come with—as expected, he declined—but you had no idea the rest of the former Nekoma third years would be making an appearance.
He shrugs with one shoulder, casually ignoring your friends arguing behind him. “We heard you might need help moving boxes later,” is all he tells you.
“Hopefully,” you tell him. “And thanks. The main reason I invited Kuroo was for the muscle anyway.” A muffled sound of protest comes from off to Kai’s left, but you know Kuroo is secretly preening from the pseudo compliment.
Kai only nods, smiling again. “We’ll be there as soon as we can. It shouldn’t take us more than twenty minutes.”
Before you can respond, Yaku shoves himself under Kai’s arm to pin you with a firm look. “If he tries anything, go for his—”
“Give me that!” The phone is plucked out of Kai’s hands and suddenly you’re staring at Kuroo again. He glares down at Yaku, eyes rolling, before he turns his attention to you. “Twenty minutes,” he tells you firmly.
“I’ll hold you to that,” you say, quickening your steps. Pulling your gaze from Kuroo’s, you glance up at a street sign and wrinkle your nose when you realize how close you are to meeting your new potential roommate. “You promise he’s not weird, right?” you ask suddenly, looking at your phone in time to see his brows furrow. “Because so help me, Kuroo, if you’re letting me move in with some creep, I’ll never forgive you.”
The only reason you even agreed to maybe move in with a complete stranger is because he’s a friend of Kuroo’s. Apparently, they’ve known each other since high school during their volleyball days, but you’ve never had a chance to meet before now. With his friend having an empty room and you being in desperate need of a new place to stay, Kuroo’s suggestion only made sense. And you trust his judgement. Usually.
The look Kuroo sends you is nothing short of offended. He presses his hand to his chest like you’ve wounded him, and you roll your eyes at his theatrics. Despite that, Kuroo is serious when he responds. “Do you think I would let you move in with someone I didn’t trust?” When you shake your head, he continues. “Akaashi doesn’t bite. I promise.” He grins. “Unless you’re into that.”
You make a face. “I’m hanging up now.”
He cackles. “We’ll be there soon. Be safe.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you wave him off, glancing up at another sign, “just get your ass over here.” Yaku and Kai call out their own goodbyes before you end the call, your smile lingering as you shove your phone into your back pocket, still struggling with the box you’re carrying.
Of course, that’s the moment your morning goes from bad to worse.
You’re so busy working your phone into your pocket with one hand and juggling a box with the other that you don’t see the man hurrying towards you, also not paying attention to his surroundings.
You shoulder collides with his. You stumble. The box starts to slip from your grasp. “Shit,” you hiss, flinching as hot coffee splashes down the front of your shirt. It isn’t hot enough to hurt, thankfully, but it’s bound to leave a nasty, uncomfortably wet stain on your chest for the rest of the day. Perfect. That’s exactly what you needed five minutes before you’re supposed to meet your new roommate for the first time. So much for a good first impression.
The man who bumped into you grunts in surprise. He stumbles back as your eyes snap up, and you note with the smallest hint of smug satisfaction that there’s an equally dark spot staining his crisp, white button-up.
Dark blue eyes flicker up to meet yours, wide in alarm.
In any other situation, you might have taken a moment to appreciate the sharp angle of his jaw, or his stupidly pretty face, but right now you’re nervous, stressed, and wet, so all you do is glare and snap, “Watch where you’re going.” His lips part, but you’re already storming past him, mumbling “asshole” under your breath.
You’re already halfway down the street before he regains his bearings; you don’t notice his eyes following you until you disappear.
Fuck me, is the first thought that comes to your mind when you find yourself standing in front of your potential roommate’s apartment. There’s a post-it note stuck to the front door, telling you and Kuroo to let yourselves in because your new roommate had an errand to run, but would be back soon. This, of course, wouldn’t be a problem if Kuroo wasn’t late and wasn’t the one with a key to said apartment.
You aren’t sure what’s worse: having to stand here for the next however many minutes like an idiot until Kuroo arrives, or his friend coming home first and having to deal with that conversation without your moral support. Neither option is particularly appealing, but you’re staring to get odd looks from the neighbors and it’s really fucking hot outside, so you’d take the awkward conversation over waiting.
A brief text to Kuroo informs you that they just got off the subway, but should be here soon. You shift your weight from one foot to the next, biting your lip as you continue weighing your options.
Eventually you just say fuck it and slide one of the bobby-pins from your hair. No one has to know.
Unfortunately, picking a lock isn’t nearly as easy as you’ve been led to believe.
“Seriously?” you grumble, jiggling the doorknob and squinting at the pin you have jammed into the lock. Maybe this was a bad idea. Now you definitely look like a creep.
“Need any help with that?”
You lurch away from the door with a yelp. The bobby-pin falls out of your hand and clatters to the floor, only incriminating you further. Whirling around, your expression becomes one of horror when you meet a pair of questioning eyes.
Oh shit, he’s hot, is your first thought, your breath catching when you lock eyes with the most gorgeous man you’ve even seen in your life. Messy dark hair. Deep blue eyes. A sharp jaw. All lean muscle. Oh, yeah. Definitely a former athlete. Your eyes wander down to his chest where the top buttons of his dress-shirt are undone. You glance at his collarbone before moving lower, freezing.
Your second thought is, oh shit, I spilled coffee on this guy and called him an asshole. The stain on his shirt matches yours perfectly, and wow, okay, today really couldn’t have gotten any worse, could it? Not only is your new potential roommate hot as sin, but you’ve already made a complete ass of yourself in front of him, the breaking and entering aside.
He clears his throat, staring at you expectantly; you blush, face burning as you realize you’ve been gaping at him openly.
“This isn’t what it looks like,” you blurt, like an idiot. It’s exactly what it looks like. The way his right eyebrow quirks upwards tells you he isn’t fooled, and you’re surprised when he doesn’t call you out on the lie.
“You must be Kuroo’s friend,” he says instead, observing you carefully. The, admittedly correct, assumption makes you more embarrassed, if possible. You aren’t sure what the assumption says about you, or Kuroo for that matter, but right now you kind of just want to lie down on the floor and die a little bit.
You wet your lips, trying not to squirm under his intense gaze. It’s analytical, but not calculating, and your breathing hitches as he continues to stare. “I… yeah.”
It comes as a surprise when he only nods, eyes snapping away from you as he digs his keys out of his pocket. You step aside quickly as he steps up to the door, his arm brushing up against yours. You stiffen, but he doesn’t shy away from the contact. “Sorry to make you wait,” he says, pulling the post-it note off the door and turning towards the lock.
“It’s fine.” You grab your discarded box off the ground, holding it to your chest as he opens the door and gestures for you to walk inside. Your smile feels forced as you comply. With your head ducked towards your chest and your eyes on the floor, you don’t notice the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You should apologize, right? Yeah, you should totally apologize for spilling coffee on him and yelling at him in the middle of the street.
He follows you inside and shuts the door, meeting your eyes as you spin around to look at him. “I’m really sorry about—”
But he’s already shaking his head. “I wasn’t watching either,” he tells you, ending your apology before it can start. “Akaashi Keiji,” he says, holding out his hand for you to shake, like a normal person.
You tell him your name, trying not to shiver at the way his fingers wrap around yours. Fuck, his hands are big. Like, really big. And warm. You definitely wouldn’t mind having them wrapped around your—moving on.
The corner of Akaashi’s mouth twitches like he knows exactly what you’re thinking. “So,” he starts casually, dark eyes watching you carefully, “when would you like to move in?”
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sevenstarsinning · 4 years
Invasion Ch. 8
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Description:  A planet conquering race of Saiyans invaded Earth and deemed it worthy of habitation. After bringing the humans to their heels, they set up a new society where humans had one role, to serve. You found yourself in the unlucky faction of being bought and sold as a human pet. With absolutely no interest in owning a human but no way out of having one, Kakarot made a bid on you at the urging of his brother. It was only a matter of time before you were either killed or forced into obedience.
Warnings: Smut ahead!! NSFW.
You can find previous chapters in this link: Ch. 7  or you can read it on AO3
You stirred as the sunlight peered in through the windows, moving slightly but freezing at the realization of being pressed against a firm body. You opened your eyes to see Kakarot nuzzled against your chest, snoring softly and his arm draped over you while his tail wrapped around your waist. You looked down at him and the softness of his features while he appeared to be completely relaxed. Your fingers itched to touch him, having uninterrupted access to him in the moment. A noise from down the hall sent a wave of panic through your chest.
“Kakarot-“ You shook him gently.
“Hm-“ He grunted as he squeezed you closer to him.
You kept your voice low as you heard another sound, “wake up, I think your parents are up.” It felt weird saying that and honestly reminded you of your late teens.
His eyes opened immediately as he sat up, unravelling himself from you. He leaned over and looked down the hallway, seeing Gine shuffling to the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
He turned back to you, “start breakfast?”
“Yeah.” You nodded your head.
Kakarot climbed off the couch and headed towards his room but stopped and strode back to you. He leaned down and tilted your chin up as he pressed his lips to yours quickly.
“Morning.” He said with a slight smirk.
Before you could respond he took off down the hall swiftly. You couldn’t explain what had changed in him over night, but he seemed to be more relaxed than before. He was different and it was comforting. You climbed off the couch and headed into the kitchen to start cooking breakfast for the family of saiyans. You cooked every egg you had in the refrigerator, three types of meat, and cooked more pancakes than you’d ever seen in your life.
“Smells great.” Gine said as she walked into the kitchen.
“Thank you, I’m almost finished.” You glanced back at her.
She walked around to where you were finishing up the pancakes and looked over the other piles of food you had already made, “I can see why Kakarot likes you so much.”
“He um… He just likes to eat.” You stammered, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks while you thought about how your morning started with him wrapped around you.
“It’s more than that.” She offered a small smile before Bardock and Kakarot entered the kitchen.
“She cooked us a buffet, boys.” Gine walked around the table and kissed Bardock on the cheek, to which he grunted but didn’t pull away.
It was odd seeing saiyans this way. Your main interaction with them included anger and roughness, besides the time with Kakarot recently. You wondered if all saiyan families were this way, distant but connected on a deeper level that supersedes regular contact.
“Raditz will be here shortly for training. He’s growing soft, as are you.” Bardock said as he took a seat at the table.
You couldn’t help the slight drop you felt in your chest at the thought of seeing him again. You were honestly hoping that you could avoid any contact with him ever again, but that was nothing more than a hopeful wish.
“I’m an Elite Warrior.” Kakarot defended himself, looking a little annoyed.
“An Elite Warrior who is on trial and may be sentenced to death soon, and who has been in several similar situations recently.”
You fought the urge to speak, knowing Bardock would most likely end your life where you stood at the stove. You focused on finishing up the pancakes and tried to ignore their conversation, but it wasn’t possible.
“Only at the request of the Prince. Maybe you should take it up with him as to why I’m on trial yet again.” He snapped.
“Boys-“ Gine tried to intervene, but it was pointless with the two saiyans.
“The Prince gives you an order of where to be and what to do, if you stray from the mission then that’s on you.”
Kakarot let out an annoyed laugh, “you know nothing of the orders he gives me.”
“Enlighten me then, what exactly is the Prince asking of you? Is he asking you to conquer planets or murder your own kind?!” Bardock all but shouted.
You tensed immediately and wished you were anywhere but there in that moment. You refused to turn around or make any movement at all. The food was done but you weren’t about to interrupt them.
“We both follow the orders we’re given. You know that better than anyone else.”
Bardock lowered his voice, “if the Prince is giving you orders to-“
“What? You’d tell the King? Even if it were true, I’d still be the one held accountable. Is the food done?” Kakarot turned all of the tension at the table into a focus on you.
“Y-Yeah. Just finished.” You grabbed the plates and set them out across the table for them.
You kept your gaze away from any of them as you served them. The tension in the room could be felt as you moved around the table and it made you eager to leave the room completely.
“Aren’t you going to eat with us?” Gine asked as you took a step towards the doorway.
“Gine-“ Bardock said with a warning glance.
“Um, no, I’m not really hungry and I need to start on some other chores.”
“No. You’re going to the palace to ask the Prince to buy you today.” Kakarot said without a hitch as he glanced over at his father.
“I didn’t know if I needed to do that today or wait-”
“What’s there to wait for?”
You felt like you were being put on the spot in front of them, if you were alone you could at least talk to him openly about the sudden change in his dimeanor.
“I thought you still needed me- my services?”
He continued to eat without looking back at you, “you’re no longer needed. Go.”
“Yes, of course.” You felt the lump in your throat rising and a heaviness building in your chest.
You could hear Gine trying to defend you as you made your way down the hall, but he’d made up his mind and Bardock was saying nothing to help. It was stupid, idiotic of you to think he wanted to keep you as long as he could. The conversation with Bardock only served to remind him of his fate and how limited his time was, bringing everything from the last few hours to a halt. Your time together the night before and that morning was nothing more than a bliss filled break from the crushing weight of the fact that he would be dead within a week and you’d be serving your new owner.
“Finish your food and meet me outside to spar before your brother arrives.” Bardock pushed his chair out and headed out the backdoor.
“Why did you send her away?” Gine kept her voice low.
“Because I don’t need her here.”
“But you want her here.”
He sat his fork down and pushed his plate away, “it doesn’t matter what I want. She makes one wrong step or says something he doesn’t like then she’ll cease to exist.”
“Have you chosen her as your mate?” Gine asked bluntly.
“What is it with the two of you asking me that?”
She persisted, “answer the question, Kakarot.”
“No, I haven’t. She’s human, I’m saiyan-”
“Regardless of what he thinks, your father isn’t always right. If you want her here with you during your last few days, then have her. We can stay somewhere else.” Gine began clearing the plates from the table.
Kakarot knew how difficult it had been on his mother to even acknowledge the trial and sentencing before, trying to avoid the subject altogether. She had always tried to be the softer presence in their lives, offering a place of comfort as contrast to Bardock’s harshness.
“I’m not choosing a human over my parents.”
Gine placed the dishes in the sink and walked back over to Kakarot, placing her hand on his shoulder, “no matter what your father or I say, the trial is happening and with us here you’re only reminded of that fact. If she can provide a distraction for even a moment, then take it.”
The walk to the palace seemed shorter than usual, most likely because you were stuck in your head, replaying the events that had just transpired and how you were going to beg the prince to purchase you. He didn’t seem super fond of you and it was nerve wracking to think what might happen if he refused, if you’d go to the arena? Or worse, Raditz? The words ‘I’m here to see the prince’ rolled off your tongue without a hitch as you stood at the palace doors. It didn’t occur to you to talk with Bulma beforehand, but it was too late as you were ushered towards the two massive doors that led directly to the prince.
“I’d say I’m surprised to see you here, but that damned woman won’t shut up about you.” Vegeta said as you timidly approached him.
You fidgeted with your fingers as you stood a few feet away from him, “then you know why I’m here?”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m don’t want to hear you say it anyways.” He smirked.
You took a deep breath and prepared yourself, “my current owner has a trial coming up and will have no use for me. I came here today to ask if you would… if you wanted to purchase me from him?”
Vegeta didn’t even try to hide the joy he got from you coming to him, “what can you offer me that I don’t already have?”
“I can cook and clean.”
“I have chefs and maids. Anything else?” He rested his head against his hand, looking completely disinterested.
You didn’t really expect that you’d have to sell yourself all that much, especially with the way Bulma and Kakarot seemed so sure he’d buy you. Vegeta seemed like the type to value not only skill, but the confidence to back it up and you didn’t really have any other options except him.
“I highly doubt your chefs can cook as well as I can.”  
“Arrogant for a human in your position.”
“Add that to my list of skills.” You felt your heart pounding against your chest wildly as you became even more cocky, hoping it wouldn’t backfire on you.
Vegeta stood up from his throne and made his way towards you, regarding you curiously with a slight scowl on his face. You felt even more on edge the closer he got to you, intimidated by him more than you were Bardock. Since the moment you opened your eyes that morning, things were going in a weird direction as the day went on and you weren’t sure you could handle anything else. He strode around you, hands clasped behind his back and the click of his boots on the hard floor fell in sync with the thumping of your heart against your chest. He made his way back around in front of you, grabbing your face and turning your head side to side as if he was inspecting you.
“I’ll consider your request. I’d like to see this cooking skill of yours before I make my decision though.” He released your face.
“The sooner the better, Kakarot no longer needs my services.” You pushed down the sadness that still lingered from the realization that he didn’t want you anymore.
“Noted. You may leave.” He turned away from you and headed back towards his throne.
On the way out of the palace you looked around a little more, paying attention to the vastness of the rooms and the bustling groups of saiyans and humans moving about. There was a possibility that this was going to be your new home and it seemed busier than you’d noticed before. There was a curiosity of what your position would even be with Vegeta, he already had Bulma and they seemed more in love than anyone you’d ever known in your life, though he probably wouldn’t admit it.
“I take it you spoke with Prince Grumpy?” Bulma said, startling you from behind.
“Y-Yeah, he wasn’t nearly as grumpy this time.” You smiled as she pulled you into a quick hug.
“So, did he jump at the chance to buy you?” She asked as she pulled away.
“Not exactly. He said he’d think about it and he wants me to cook for him before he decides.” Which wasn’t an unreasonable request.
Bulma furrowed her brow, “what a dick. He knows the time restraints of your situation. Let me talk to him, I’ll get him to make a move sooner.”
“How do you feel about this whole thing? Like, you’re,” you leaned a little closer and lowered your voice, “his mate, right?”
“I don’t mind it. Plus, it’ll be nice to have someone else take on some of his saiyan stamina.” She smiled.
“Is that- will that be a requirement? Kakarot just has me cook and clean for him.”
Bulma pulled you aside to where you could have a little privacy, “Vegeta wants a saiyan-human hybrid, something about his bloodline and a super saiyan something. He isn’t going to purchase another human just to have them doing housework. He has plenty of chefs and maids for that.”
“Yeah, he mentioned that. So, we both fuck him and hopefully give him an heir? Then what?”
“Then we get to live like queens here in the palace, doing whatever we want. It really isn’t a bad trade off, plus, the sex is ridiculous. So, it’s a win-win.”
Bulma seemed so carefree about the whole situation, even sharing Vegeta with you. It was all so weird to you, but she didn’t seem phased by any of it. You weren’t exactly keen on becoming a breeding sow for an alien, but there weren’t really a plethora of options for you, and Kakarot was doing his best to keep you sexually frustrated. It wasn’t like he really wanted you anymore anyways. Maybe it was best to just lean into the reality of your situation between Vegeta and Bulma and say ‘fuck it’ to everything else. Your realization gave you a momentary reprieve from the anxiety in your stomach as you made your way back to Kakarot’s house, hoping he and the other saiyans were absent so you could start packing your things and have a few hours of peace.
As you approached the door with a newfound sense of purpose, you listened for a moment for any indication of someone inside. There were no signs of loud, bolstering saiyans arguing or bold voices echoing through the walls, so you decided the coast was clear.
“Where have you been?” Kakarot asked the second your foot stepped over the threshold.
“Where do you think?” You shot back, half annoyed and half startled from his sudden presence.
Closing the door behind you, you made a path towards your room and away from him, but he wasn’t one to be ignored. He grabbed your arm and spun you back around to face him.
“Well? Did he agree to buy you?”
“He wants me to cook for him first, but Bulma seems to think it’s a done deal.” You jerked your arm away from him.
He ran his hand through his hair, and if you didn’t know better you’d say he looked almost nervous, “did he say when he was going to make his decision?”
You glanced around, seeing no other saiyans around, a little curious and confused, “where are your parents?”
“Answer my question first.”
“He didn’t say,” you stared up at him, wondering what was going on and getting no answers, “parents?”
“And what about cooking for him?” Kakarot took a step closer to you.
“I answered your question, now answer mine.” You stepped back, feeling a little like prey in his eyes.
“Gone. Answer.” He took another step towards you.
“He wasn’t clear on it. Your par-“
“Did he touch you?” He sniffed the air between you as if he was trying to pick up Vegeta’s scent.
“No, he didn’t. Where are your-“
Suddenly he closed the distance between you, arms wrapping around you and his lips pressed to yours. It was abrupt and a slight shock, but you soon fell into a rhythm with him, leaning into his arms and his broad chest, needing to feel him pressed against you again. The incident from that morning was no longer on your mind, the way he pushed you aside had fallen to the back of your mind and you were helpless in his embrace. He walked you back and pressed you against the wall, his lips never breaking away from yours for a second. It was taking all the willpower you had not to wrap yourself around him like a vine and never let go, but he must have picked up on that thought as he lifted you into his arms and wrapped your legs around his waist.
Breathless but curious about time restraints, “your parents… when are they-“
“They’re not. It’s just us.” He said hurriedly as he returned his mouth to yours, his tongue slipping past your lips.
Kakarot slid his hand up your back, gripping the back of your neck and entangling his fist in your hair. He held you there as he kissed you, clearly wanting you as badly as you wanted him. He pulled you away from the wall and headed down the hallway towards his bedroom. Everything about this was confusing and complex, but it was the only thing you were sure you wanted. After pushing his door open he laid you down on the bed, prying your arms and legs off of him. He stood at the end of the bed and pulled his shirt over his head, letting it drop to the floor as he crawled up the bed towards you.
You sat back on your elbows, watching him intensely as he moved, his eyes fixed on yours as if he was starving for another taste of your lips. You reached for the hem of your shirt and tried to mimic him in removing your shirt, but he stopped you. He moved your hands aside as he pushed your shirt up slowly with one of his large hands, skimming it along your stomach and over your breasts. He crawled up closer, his mouth hovering over the soft skin of your exposed stomach. Not once did he break his gaze away from yours, not even when he touched his lips to your skin gently, or when he kissed a trail up your stomach. His hands worked to rid you of your shirt while his mouth remained on you, touching you the entire time he moved upwards towards your breasts that were now exposed to him as well.
“Kakarot-“ Your breath hitched in your throat as you stared down at him, the dark look in his eyes setting a fire within you.
He splayed his hand over your chest and lightly pressed against you, pushing you down flat on the bed. Every move he made was simultaneously tender and forceful, positioning you how he wanted you and bending you to his will. He leaned down over one of your breasts, letting the warmth of his breath blow over your nipple, making you itch for more. He kept his eyes on you, watching your movements and how you responded to him. When his tongue finally flicked over your nipple, you thought you were going to levitate off the bed. He quickly quelled your squirming by sucking your nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it while his hand kneaded your other breast. You arched your back off the bed, spreading your legs and letting him settle between them. You wanted him, needed him, and you were tired of pretending you didn’t. As shameful and guilty as it made you feel, this is what you wanted more than anything. Everything else was meaningless as you melted into him and let him touch you the way you’d been craving for so long. He released your nipple and moved over to the other, repeating his slow, torturous actions until you were tugging at his hair.
“Patience. We have all night.” He leaned up and kissed you swiftly before setting a new trail towards the apex of your thighs.
As he moved down, his hands dipped into the waistband of your pants and panties, slowly peeling them down your legs. It was difficult to stay still, to not throw yourself at him and demand he go faster, but you wanted to enjoy this for as long as you could. After ridding you of your clothing he sat back for a moment, his eyes slowly roaming up your body until they met yours. His tail unraveled from his waist and caressed your outer thigh gently, soft fur prickling against your skin. Kakarot slid off the bed to remove the rest of his clothing before rejoining you and climbing back up your body. This time his tail immediately curled around your thigh and snaked up your body towards your breasts.
“Do you- I mean, is this something you want to do?” He asked, eyes searching yours for any hesitancy as he settled between your legs.
“Little late to ask that, isn’t it?” You smirked and shifted beneath him.
“If it’s not, we can-“
You cupped his face and pulled him down into a soft kiss, silencing him and giving him an answer at the same time. He groaned and leaned into you, lowering himself more, his body pressed against yours. The heat radiating off him was stifling but perfect. As he moved again, spreading your legs wider, you could feel the tip of his cock pressed against your slick cunt.
In the split second between his tail softly moving across your chest and his teeth sinking into your bottom lip, he eased into you slowly. Your breath hitched in your throat at the feeling of his cock sliding into you in a torturously slow manner, inch by inch as you adjusted to him.
“More.” You said breathlessly, begging easier than you thought you would.
He grinned against your lips as he bottomed out inside of you, pushing his cock the rest of the way into you and making you gasp into his mouth. Having him fully seated within you and his perfectly toned body pressed against yours was almost too surreal. You kissed him almost hurriedly, trying to release some of the nervous energy you had pent up. He eased out of you even slower than before and paused for a moment, leaving you waiting until you tried to tilt your hips up to entice him. He thrust into you hard, knocking the breath from your lungs and making you cling to him. He set a slow pace of fucking you, each time driving his cock deeper within you as you dug your nails into his muscular shoulders.
Kakarot gripped your thigh and wrapped one of your legs around him, giving him better access to you as he fucked you harder. His hips snapped against yours as his tail wrapped around your thigh tightly, squeezing you. His mouth trailed down your jaw to your throat, teeth grazing along your skin. Everything he did, every slight touch, kiss, bite, thrust, all of it was perfect and left you panting and whimpering beneath the large saiyan.
“Don’t stop… please…” You begged, so close to letting go.
He fucked you a little faster, his cock slamming into you as the bed beneath you creaked and the headboard banged against the wall. He was still holding back, but it was intense nonetheless. He captured your lips again, slipping his tongue between them and kissing you gently in contrast to the rest of his movements. The noises filling the room were obscene, making your cheeks flush at the sound of his cock driving in and out of your dripping cunt. Your moans and whimpering mixed perfectly with his grunts and groans, along with the light growl he let out against your neck.
Your muscles clenched around him and squeezed his cock as you finally let go. Your mouth hung open against his with a slew of muttered pleas and utterances of his name spewing out. You scratched your nails down his back and clung to him more. He continued to drive into you roughly, until he found his own release, his tail tightening around your thigh. His cock twitched as he came inside of you, his cum filling you as you struggled to regain control over your breathing.
He leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours, sweat glistening and sticking to both of your bodies. Your limbs fell limp beneath him as the intensity of your orgasm waned and sucked the rest of your energy from you. The way the day began, you assumed it was going to end just as roughly, but you were pleasantly surprised at how wrong you were.
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
My Best Friend’s Brother
Jason & Tim, TimKon, Robin!Jason, Stray!Tim, Alternate Universe, Flirting, Humour, Teasing, Blushing, Friendship. 
Summary: Jason thinks they could work together, it would certainly be an interesting dynamic with the way Tim gets all flustered around Kon, especially considering his persona is one of the most flirtatious ones out there. Making a decision he starts making plans on how he’s going to deal the obvious two way attraction that Stray and Superboy clearly have. It’s not going to be easy, but he’s Robin, he can handle it!
A/N: This is an AU where Jason is Robin and Tim is Stray. All you probably need to know is that Jason is with Tim's Titan's team, (he hasn't died), also that Jason and Kon are best friends. This is crossing off 'Villainous Crush' from my Batfam bingo card. 
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
“I don’t think I can do that.” Robin says shaking his head as he stares at the security footage in front of him. “I mean I’m good, don’t get me wrong, but that is beyond my capabilities.”
“What do you propose then?” Wonder Girl questions him with a frown. “Who else is there that has the ability to bypass security as tight as Luthor’s undetected?”
Robin crosses his arms and gets thinking. The security they need to get pass is top level and the most advanced stuff Jason has ever seen. They’ve been able to hack into the cameras but that’s as far as they had manged, beyond that was just a dead end and none of them could do it.
What they need to do is access a hidden vault underneath Lexcorp because it’s storing away some crucial files full of delicate information. What that information is Jason wasn’t sure, however when Superman gave them the mission he made it quite clear that is was to be done asap.
One person soon comes into mind. This particular person could have the skill to get pass the security where they can’t, who would be able to sneak their way around everything without getting caught but was also skilful enough with technology that they could hack into the system if needs be.
He’d rather not ask them for help but really it’s the only option he can think of. With a sigh, Robin turns to Wonder Girl. “I know someone, so leave it to me. As much as I hate to admit it, they probably could get through the security and laugh about it at the end.”
She raises an eyebrow and demands, “Who?”
“My, my little birdie, it’s been a long time! Did you miss me?”
Their voice comes out sounding rather distant from the phone’s speaker, almost like they were outside. Despite how quiet it sounded, there was no mistaking the teasing tone behind their words.
Jason sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, mentally counting down from 5 before responding. “It has been a long time Stray. I hope you’ve been keeping out of trouble.”
“Of course I haven’t! Who do you take me for?” Stray says with a disbelieving snort, like he couldn’t believe Jason just asked that question.
The present Titans were all gathered around the kitchen table with Jason’s phone in the centre of it, currently on speaker to the costumed vigilante called Stray. Jason glances at his team mates to see most of them raising eyebrows at Stray’s words, Cassie’s face was stony cold, like she absolutely loathed this idea. Jason wasn’t a fan either, but it’s all they got.
Jason knows who Stray really is, but his team doesn’t. Stray was Gotham born and bred, they met on the rooftops and bonded (Jason may or may not have become protective of him during that time, not that he could help it). They’ve stayed in touch and occasionally help one another out when needs be, hopefully Stray will be willing to help Jason on this occasion.
Before he could say anything more, Stray’s voice was coming through the speakers again, this time louder like he has stopped and actually put his phone to his ear to talk into. “I’m guessing this isn’t a pleasure call Robin, which is a shame. What do you want?”
“I – we, the Titans – need your help with something if you’re willing. Are you available in the next day or so?”
“Hmmm, it depends. I may be free to help you, that is saying if I even want to help you, however I may not be. What is it?”
Jason rubs a hand across his head feeling frustrated. Stray really isn’t making this easy. “By passing security in Lexcorp to get to a vault. We won’t be able to do it without triggering the alarms, you on the other hand may be able to. If you agree then I’ll meet you and share the deets, if not then it’ll be until next time.”
There’s a moment of silence, as if Stray is thinking through his options. After a few beats his voice comes through the phone again, “If I do agree to help you, what’s in it for me? Jewels or money? Perhaps some of that nice fancy tech Luthor happens to have laying around all the time? A date with my favourite birdie?”
Jason ignores his friend’s wide-eyed looks and focuses only on the phone, “We can discuss that afterwards. Are you in: Yes or no?”
“Fine, I’ll do it,” Stray agrees sounding sort of resigned, “message me where you want to meet and I’ll be there. See you soon birdie!”
Jason doesn’t bother with a good-bye, he simply reaches over to grab the phone and hangs up. Still ignoring his friends expressions he tells them, “I’ll arrange a meeting with Stray for this evening and make a plan from there. I’ll keep all of you updated as I go.”
After that he leaves the kitchen and ignores the questions being fired at his back in favour of retreating to his room. He really hopes it wasn’t a mistake contacting Stray.
It was early next morning when he meets with Stray. They meet down by the San Francisco docks away from any cameras, any prying eyes and in complete privacy.
Jason stands waiting around with the trained patience that’s been drilled into him from his early days as Robin. That’s the only reason on why he wasn’t fidgeting or pacing with restlessness, unlike his companion who’s decided to tag along with him.
To his side Superboy paces a few feet backwards and forwards with boredom, sometimes he walks it and sometimes he floats it. Jason wants to be annoyed at him for it, but it was rather amusing to watch.
When Jason announced his meeting time with Stray, Superboy insisted on coming, stating that someone else should tag along just in case something happens. Jason had wanted to protest but the Kryptonian looked determined to come and he couldn’t remember the last time he and Kon had actually been alone together. Considering they’re supposed to be best friends, they don’t actually hang out a lot.
Kon lets out a huff and comes to stand by his side. The half-Kryptonian crosses his arms and looks around impatiently. “Where is he? He’s supposed to be here by now right?”
Just for his own amusement, Jason doesn’t bother pointing out that Stray has actually been around for the last 10 minutes, simply hiding in the shadows watching them. He’s surprised that Kon didn’t pick Stray up with his enhanced powers.
“You should come over sometime man,” Jason says conversationally instead. “It’s been a while.”
Kon’s scowling expression turns into something softer at the mention of hanging out, he sends Jason a smile, “That’ll be good yeah. I’ll have to kidnap you at some point and take you to the farm, Ma’s been asking about ya.”
Jason shoots him a small smile. He likes the farm and always enjoys visiting the Kent’s, a weekend away doesn’t sound too bad actually.
Deciding he’s had enough, Jason turns to a shadowed covered alley nearby. “Alright Stray, enough is enough, come on out. We have business to deal with.”
He ignores Kon’s squawk of surprise in favour of watching Stray saunter towards them. The vigilante was dressed in his full gear which consisted of a tight dark grey leather suit (which could easily rival Dick’s Nightwing spandex) from the neck to his legs, flexible black boots and gloves, a small black belt tied around his waist with a whip hanging loosely from it, on his head were two cat ears and sliver googles with black lenses covering his eyes.
He has no idea how Stray wears the suit, it contours every muscle he has and seems like its going to rip if he stretches just that little bit too much. It never does and Stray wears it without an inch of discomfort.
Stray walks up to them, and Jason certainly doesn’t miss the way he eyes Kon up and down, until he’s a couple feet away. He smiles widely, showing his teeth. “Hello boys. How’s it going?”
Under his domino mask, Jason rolls his eyes, pointedly ignoring the almost flirtatious tone being used. Next to him Kon was staring wide eyed at Stray, barely moving a muscle.
In that moment he knows something was up, this here was the start of something. With the way Stray had his head tilted just to the side so he could look at Superboy (Jason couldn’t see his eyes but he’s known Stray long enough to know his tell-tales) and the way Kon was openly staring without a care in the world.
Jason very loudly, and obnoxiously, clears his throat to gain their attention. “Matters to attend to thank you very much. Important files we need to steal before they land into the wrong hands. Remember that?”
They both turn and blink at him but otherwise don’t say anything. Rolling his eyes Jason digs through his utility belt and brings out a small electronic tablet which he presents to Stray.
“This is the security we need you to break past.” Robin tells him. “There's a vault at the end, we haven’t yet worked out what kind it is but chances are that you’ll probably know how to break it anyway. What do you think?”
Handing Stray the tablet seems to snap him out of whatever trance he had fallen into while staring at Superboy. He grabs the thing out of Robin’s hand and studies it. Jason patiently waits, knowing he’s studying the black and white security footage, going over what is visible to the eye before looking deeper and finding all the hidden secrets.
“That shouldn’t be a problem.” Stray declares handing the tablet back to him after a moment.
Jason raises an eyebrow in surprise. “Really? So you’ll do it?” He honestly hadn’t expected it to be so easy.
“Send me a copy of that footage and the details of the building, from there I should be able to get in and out. I can have the files you apparently need by sunset tomorrow, or today if you want to get technical.”
“What do you want for it?” Robin questions suspiciously. There’s always a catch somewhere.
There's a pauses as Stray looks Kon up and down once more before turning to him with a wicked smirk, “Keep it open as an IOU. Once I’ve decided I’ll let you know gorgeous.”
Without further words, Stray turns and disappears back into the shadows like he was never there in the first place. Jason takes a deep breath and shakes his head, that kid he swears…
The silence soon catches up to him and he shoots Kon a look. His best friend was still staring at the recently vacated spot. Jason waves a hand in front of his face. “Kon?”
Kon blinks and finally turns to him, as if coming back online. “That was Stray?”
“Yes, that was Stray. The annoying little brat I call my younger brother who I reluctantly asked for help because it boosts his ego like nothing else. Why, didn’t you know who he was?”
“Yeah, I, uh I-” Kon stutters for a moment as if looking for the right words. “I’ve heard of him but never seen him until now. That was him? How old is he? Is he even legal? Did you see those hips, jeeze… wait you said little brother, I didn’t know you had a younger brother!”
Putting the tablet back in his belt, Jason turns and starts walking away, heading back for the Tower since it was late. Kon rushes to meet his stride and together they walk.
“He’s a younger brother I never asked for, not by blood but in every other way that counts. We met on the streets in my early days as Robin, much to my annoyance I came to care for the little brat and here we are years later. We occasionally help one another out when needs be.”
Kon gapes at him for a moment before spluttering out a question. “What’s with the leather? I mean I get you bats and your spandex but leather? There’s no way that’s comfy, and with how much it shows…”
Jason scowls at his friend, feeling a little protective. “Don’t perve on Stray -”
“I’m not perving!”
“- he just likes to flirt. He gets kicks out of everyone around him being a blushing mess.”
What Jason doesn’t mention is that Stray is only that confident in the suit. Outside of being Stray, the kid behind the persona is nothing but shy, sweet and innocent (if a little annoying).
Kon seems to have nothing else to say after that, if he does he keeps any other thoughts to himself so the rest of the journey back to the Tower was quiet and uneventful.
The next day a small box parcel appears on the Tower’s doorstep. After scanning it and triple checking that it wasn’t any kind of bomb, they open it up to find the files they had been after from underneath Lexcorp. All that there was in the box beside the files, was a sticky note with a handwritten message on it saying: Remember birdie, IOU, I’ll let you know what I want gorgeous.
Upon reading that Jason sighs and shakes his head. He mentally curses out Stray for putting him in the awkward position of explaining to his team that no he and Stray were not in any kind of relationship and how Stray just likes to flirt with everyone.
Jason quickly explains why they’ve never met the vigilante before, that reason being because Stray was also a thief and can be unpredictable at times. Despite Jason’s brotherly relationship with the brat it’s still a risk to work with him, he never wanted to get Stray involved with the Titan’s from the beginning.
After some more questioning his teammates seem to eventually accept the explanation and leave the matter be. However, Kon wouldn’t let it go, he kept pestering Jason for more information. Did Jason know who he really was? What was his age? Why was he a thief? Would he want to join the Titan’s anyway? Was he single?
Jason glared at his friend for that question and refused to tell him anything.
It turns out it wasn’t too long until Kon ended up meeting Stray again. A couple weeks after the Lexcorp mission, Kon decided to stop by Gotham to hang out with Jason only for them to come across a battered, bruised and bleeding vigilante later on.
Jason was on patrol when Kon found him, and not having the heart to tell his best friend to go away (who cares about Bruce’s no meta’s rule anyway?) he let Kon tag along for the rest of the night. Once they were finished the plan was to go back to the Manor to chill with some video games and some of Alfred’s delicious snacks.
It had been going well as they had stopped several muggings, a few drug deals, a couple of lurking johns and even a small gang war. It wasn’t until they were about to head home when their plans suddenly changed.
From where they had been in an alleyway, sudden gunshots could be heard from nearby. Not wasting a second, Kon lifts up off the ground, grabs Jason’s outstretched hand and flies them over the building into the alley on the other side.
They get their just in time to see a body fall backwards onto the ground and someone making a run for it at the entrance of the alley. Without even speaking, Jason instantly rushes over towards the fallen body while Kon goes after the runner.
To Jason’s surprise its Stray he finds lying there on the ground groaning with his hand pressed tightly against his shoulder.
Diving into his utility belt for medical resources, Jason hisses. “What the hell did you get yourself into Stray? You idiot.”
His voice seems to get Stray’s attention. The kid gives him a pained smile, “Just y’know, an average night. Fuck.” After a moment he seems to remember something because he’s bolting up into a sitting position and looking around frantically. “Where is he!”
Jason pushes Stray back down and keeps him still with a hand on his chest. Ignoring the weak struggles and protests, Jason examines what he can of Stray’s wound. He could see that the bullet is still in his shoulder but he can’t say if it’s hit anything vital. They’ll have to get him back to the cave for scans and proper treatment. In the meantime, Jason slaps a bandage over the wound and keeps pressure on it.
“Robin to the cave, anyone there?” He says into his comm.
While he waits for a response Superboy appears with an unconscious body in his hands, that being the man who had made a run for it moments ago.
“This is Agent A, Robin. How can I assist you?”
“I’m with Stray, he’s just taken a bullet to the shoulder and it’s still in there. I’m bringing him back to the cave, can you get the medical bay ready? ETA 10 minutes.”
After getting off the comms he turns to Superboy who’s body posture was awkward but his eyes were trained on Stray’s limp body. “Superboy.”
It takes a moment but Kon seems to snap out of the trance. “Huh? Sorry. The police are on their way, what shall I do with…” he gestures to the unconscious man still in his grasp.
Jason huffs as he quickly digs out a pair of handcuff from his belts and tosses them to Kon. “Tie him to the lamp post. I need your help with Stray.”
Kon does just that and reappears at his side seconds later. “We’re taking him to the cave, I want you to carry him there and keep pressure on that wound. The bullet’s still in there. Agent A will be there waiting for you.”
“I don’t wanna go to the cave… I’m fine….” Stray mutters from his position on the ground. His words are beginning to slur and his movements are sloppy.
Kon hesitates. “What about Batman?”
Jason waves his concern off. “Don’t worry, I can deal with him. Now go before anything else happens. I’ll meet you there in a bit.”
Jason makes it to the cave a lot later than what he would have liked. He had to wait around for the police, explain to them what had happened before he could finally start making his way home.
By the time he got the cave, Stray was already trying to leave and was arguing with Alfred about his condition, while Kon was standing to the side looking awkward and unsure on what to do. Stray was currently only dressed in the bottom half of his suit, leaving his torso and bandaged shoulder for everyone to see. Much to Jason’s surprise, he didn’t even have his ears or goggles on which helped conceal his identity.
As Jason walks from the garage to the medical bay, he observes the scene. It was rather amusing to watch the younger boy try to argue to Alfred why he’s fine and doesn’t have to stay the night to be observed and how he’s continued on with much worse. Stray is fighting a losing battle and they all know it.
Kon, on the other hand, was rather interesting to observe. The meta was standing in the medical bay but to the side, watching the scene before him with wide eyes. While the Kryptonian seemed to be in shock, Jason could also see how Kon’s eyes run over Stray’s body, the way they linger at his chest before moving up to stare at his identifiable face.
Jason is pretty sure Kon doesn’t know who Stray really is. He has made it clear that he’s attracted to Stray and is curious enough to want to know more about the thief but beyond that he’s never done anything about it. On the other side of the coin, he knows Stray is eyeing up Kon in a similar fashion. Behind the flirtiness, he’s a shy boy who wants to get to know Superboy more and secretly gets flustered at the thought of the meta.
Perhaps Jason needs to introduce them on a more solid and neutral ground? Stray is like a brother to Jason and Kon is his best friend, would they even work? Does he want to start something like that between them, or simply help them get their shit together so he doesn’t have to be stuck in the middle anymore?
He’ll have to have a think about it.
“You are staying the night and that is final!” Alfred declares firmly to Stray who was now pouting from his position on the medical bed.
Jason snorts as he enters the room and goes to Stray’s side. Poking the younger boy in the ribs, he says, “Look, it’s just for one night. We can hang out, have a good catch up while we play crappy video games and sleep until noon tomorrow. Then you can go.”
The glare he receives makes Jason cackle. Once he’s calmed down he glances at Alfred, “Thanks for patching him up Al!”
Alfred merely smiles and starts bustling about to get everything cleaned up. He turns to Stray next, pointing a finger at him, “I’ll see you upstairs in a moment. I’m just going to walk Superboy out of here.”
He turns to Kon to find his friend still staring at Stray. Rolling his eyes, Jason clicks his fingers in the meta’s face and grabs his attention. He cocks his head to the side and starts leaving the medical bay, “Let’s go lover boy!”
Kon stutters for a moment before rushing to catch up and he grins when he sees Kon’s flushed face. Jason walks with Kon to the end of the cave, thanking him for his help that night but also apologising that their plans to hang out weren’t happening. He does a rain check for when he’s next at the Tower and promises that they’ll spend time together while he’s there. Looking a little sullen, Kon nods his understanding but doesn’t push the matter. He takes off up in the air and quickly disappears into the night sky.
As he heads back, Jason starts making mental plans on how he’s going to deal the obvious two way attraction that Stray and Superboy clearly have. It’s not going to be easy, but he’s Robin, he can handle it!
“So what was it that you needed to do again?” Kon questions him as they climb a fourth set of stairs.
Jason glances over his shoulder from where he was ahead of Kon, guiding them through the apartment building they were currently in. “I got a message late last night from a friend, asking me to pick something up from his place. Figured I’d stop by while out with you since we were passing through the neighbourhood.”
“Makes sense.” Kon comments a moment later.
They don’t talk again until they were standing outside an old wooden, beaten door after climbing six flights of stairs. Jason knocks on the door and patiently waits for the occupant to open it up.
“This friend of yours,” Kon drawls looking at him, “are you guys close?”
Does he know about your night activities? Jason picks up the double meaning of the question. He smiles at Kon and says, “We’re actually really close, yeah. But sorry about this, it shouldn’t take too long.”
He doesn’t mention to Kon that in fact this was all planned by him. The message to come and collect something from his friend was planned, because Jason in fact purposely left said item here the other night just so he would get the message. Meeting up with Kon and having him come along just out of ‘coincidence’ was all part of it too.
A sound coming from the door opposite them gains their attention. They both turn to it as they hear locks clicking and a chain being rattled. Soon enough it opens up to reveal a small teenager dressed in an oversized hoddie and leggings.
“Hey Tim, how’s it going?” Jason asks with more enthusiasm than necessary.
It was like he was watching it all in slow motion, that moment when the kid opposite him realises exactly what Jason has done. His eyes go wide and his mouth drops open at the realisation of it before his expression becomes dark where his eyebrows drop, his eyes glaring daggers at Jason and his lips pressed into a tight thin line.
While Tim glares at him, and is probably imagining the most painful way he could kill Jason, Jason turns to Kon just in time to see his best friend also click onto what he’s done. Kon’s expression goes to one of shock as his eyes flicker between Tim and Jason.
“Wait, you’re uh, you’re-”
Kon doesn’t get to finish what he’s saying because Tim was suddenly hissing at Jason. “You asshole Jason!”
Tim backs away from the door and promptly goes to slam it shut and it’s only thanks to his quick reactions that Jason catches the door before it hits the doorframe. He barges his way into the apartment and turns to Tim grinning at him. Tim wasn’t paying attention however, the kid was now glaring at Kon who stared back and slowly inched his way into the apartment. Despite Kon being invulnerable and one of the most powerful people on the planet, he seemed rather intimated by Tim.
Once they were both indoors, Tim then slams the door shut with a loud bang. Crossing his arms over his chest he turns to Jason with a scowl. “What is the meaning of this? You of all people know how important identities are!”
Jason hums and starts wondering around the small apartment. He leaves the hallway they had been in and adventures into the joint living room and kitchen area. It was there on the coffee table that he sees the files he purposely left behind the other night.
Tim marches in behind him with Kon following soon after. “What the hell are Selina or Bruce going to say about this?”
That makes Jason blink and pause. He hadn’t thought about that. Oops. He shrugs nonchalantly, “It’s fine. I can work around them.”
“How? How are you going to get around one of the best thief’s and the world’s greatest detective?”
Jason doesn’t answer, mostly because he doesn’t actually know. Thankfully he’s saved from any more scolding from Tim because his best friend speaks up.
“So your name is Tim?” Kon suddenly asks from his spot by a sofa. The meta still had this wide-eyed look on him, like he really couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Yes.” Tim snaps at him. “You better not tell anybody either!”
Jason forces the smirk off his face as he sees the kid blush red. He knows this is about to get interesting and is more than happy to watch how this plays out between them.
“Really though? Tim? Tim is Stray, the cat thief who likes to wear skin-tight leather while on the job and oversized jumpers in his downtime.”
Tim’s glare hardens and it looks like he wants to deck Kon there and then.
“Just because you’re invulnerable doesn’t mean that I still can’t hurt you!” Tim threatens Kon, with a pointed finger to emphasise his point.
For someone who had been intimated by the person now threatening him, Kon now looks completely unperturbed. It was like learning his name was ‘Tim’ made him less terrifying. “Uh huh…” Kon hums looking at Tim with a raised eyebrow.
Tim enters Kon’s space and pokes him in the chest to make a point. “I will throttle you.”
“And I bet you’ll like that, wouldn’t you?” Kon grins, winking at Tim.
Jason couldn’t help but snort at Tim’s face. If his shocked expression in the hallway was golden, his shocked expression now was totally palatium. It’s like Kon flirting with him has made Tim freeze and buffer, like he doesn’t know how to handle it or what he should do next.
Tim was speechless and Jason laughs at the sight. However he does wonder where Kon suddenly found the confidence to flirt with Tim, especially since he seemed so unsure at the start. He knows Kon’s had his time with beach babes in Hawaii, but this is slightly different.
After several beats it seems like Tim finally comes back online because he’s suddenly shouting, “Get out, now. That’s it! Get out, the both of you!”
Jason was still laughing, even more so because Tim is now as bright as a tomato. “What, don’t like the tables being turned Timmy? Receiving the flirting and not giving it for a change?”
He didn’t even see Tim move, so when the kid is suddenly in his space and shoving his files into his hands, Jason stumbles backwards a couple steps to keep his balance. Seconds later hands start shoving him out towards the hallway and towards the front door.
“Get out!”
“Okay, okay,” Jason resigns. He’s had his fun and embarrassed Tim enough for one day. He walks out of the apartment and into the corridor of the building, seconds later Kon joins him. When the door slams shut behind Kon, they share a look and burst out laughing.
They don’t talk as they exit the building, both of them giggling right up until they’re out on the street and back out in public.
Kon takes a breath to control himself and shoots Jason a sideward glance as they walk down the street. “Dude, what was that all about?”
There were so many hidden questions within that one question. Jason picks them all up easily. Why did you blow his secret ID? Why did you take me there? What are you up to? He doesn’t answer any of them. Instead he snorts in disbelief and waves a hand around. “Oh please, I’ve done you both a favour.”
From there he refuses to answer any of Kon’s queries on what just happened. Things were building up between the two of them, Jason’s simply helping to jump start things along. After seeing them in there earlier, he thinks they could work, it would certainly be an interesting dynamic with the way Tim gets all flustered around Kon, especially considering his persona is one of the most flirtatious ones out there.
He’s got his own questions he wants to ask Kon, like where did that confidence suddenly come from? What happened to being intimidated by Tim? Before he starts grilling his best friend however, he figures he’d give Kon some time to mull over what happened today and then he’d pin him down to get some answers.
Jason was done for the day. All he wanted to do in that moment was go to his room, have a long hot shower before changing into some comfy clothes and climbing into bed to sleep for the next three days.
But no, he couldn’t do that. He wasn’t allowed to do that because he had to go and find Kon, who was in the Tower somewhere, and get his report he failed to hand in after the latest mission. Cassie was getting on his back about Kon’s tardiness and it was getting on his nerves. Jason wants to argue that he’s not Kon’s babysitter! Why should it be him who has to chase the half-Kryptonian for reports he’s responsible for?
Either way he’s on his way to Kon’s room in the Tower, figuring that if Kon wasn’t in the kitchen (he wasn’t) then he would most likely be in his bedroom. When Jason reaches the right door, he taps his knuckles against it and lets himself in, he only happens to walk two steps in before he’s freezing on the spot because of what he’s seeing.
There on Kon’s bed were two figures in what seems to be an intimate position. Jason could see Kon on his back on the mattress (thank god he was fully clothed!) with his head propped up by some pillows. Above him with his legs on either side of Kon’s hips, was a familiar smaller figure dressed up in tight leather.
The two of them were currently playing tonsil hockey as hands roamed each other’s bodies. It wasn’t until a low moan comes from one of them that Jason comes back to himself and actually registers what he was seeing.
“What the fuck!”
The two figures startle at his outburst and split apart. Tim sits fully upright and looks his way while Kon blinks owlishly at him from his position on the bed. All three of them stare at one another for several long beats, waiting for someone to break the heavy silence.
In the end it was Jason, repeating his outburst. “What the fuck!”
“Oh hey birdie. Enjoying the show?” Tim smirks at him. He didn’t have his ears or goggles on meaning Jason could see his face. Meaning Jason could see how amusing this all was to him.
Kon on the other hand seemed to be on the other end of the scale. He brings his hands up to cover his face with embarrassment and groans. “This is not how I wanted you to find out!”
“Find out what?” Jason scoffs disbelievingly. “That you and Tim are finally boning?”
“Well technically we haven’t gotten that far, yet.” Tim drawls out, stroking a teasing finger along Kon’s chest.
“Right.” Jason says. Deciding that he’s seen enough, he starts to turn around so he could leave. “Well have fun, use protection and Kon, Cassie wants that report done asap.”
Just as he was about to shut the door, Tim speaks up and Jason shoots him an unimpressed look for making him stay longer than what was necessary. “Why are you acting like that? You wanted to get us together to begin with anyway. Did you want to join in?”
Jason blinks and takes a moment to comprehend what he’s just been asked. “No! What the fuck? That's my best friend there and you’re like my brother you flirtatious asshole! And yes I was trying to set you two up but that doesn’t mean I want to see it!”
Before anything else could happen Jason makes a quick exit. Unfortunately he still wasn’t quick enough because he hears Tim shout “You know where we are if you change your mind!” just before he shuts the door.
He shakes off what he just heard and tries to erase those images from his mind. He blames Cassie. If she didn’t want that stupid report then he would have never walked into Kon’s room and seen that. It could have been worse where they were naked but that’s not the point!
Well, he knew something was going to happen between the two of them and now they’ve finally gotten their shit together. Once Jason’s done getting over it, he’ll interrogate Kon all about it later on. They’re best friends, he deserves to know all the nitty gritty details and how dare he leave Jason in the dark.
Stray on the other hand wouldn’t actually tell him anything, either because of embarrassment or out of spite, it would depend on what mood he was in on the day.
It looks like he’ll be having quite interesting conversations with two people very soon.
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ginkgowritings · 4 years
May I ask for a HC for all Boys, how they plan their own wedding with their MC? Like, would they like a big or small wedding, would they let MC make most of the decisions?
Thank you for the request! This is such a cute request to do as my first request here. Headcanons under the cut.
Gavin doesn’t care much about what the ceremony is like, he mainly just cares about the marriage itself and wants to be married as soon as possible.
However, he’d still want to have some sort of ceremony as it’s the only time in his life he ever plans to get married and he wants to see you walk down the aisle.
Would leave most of the planning to you, mainly only offering his opinion if you ask him for it.
The only thing he’s dead set on is wanting to make your rings. He designed and made your ginkgo bracelet, and he would’ve made your engagement ring as well.
He wants to make the wedding rings perfect so he’ll get the help of a professional jeweller if he needs it. He sees the rings as one of the most important parts of the wedding since you’ll still wear them after the ceremony and he wants to be the one to create them.
He also would want to get an amazing photographer to perfectly document the wedding, he wants to be able to look back on it forever. You’ll end up with a huge wedding album and beautifully shot videos of the ceremony.
You go to several wedding venues together to decide which one you want to book. Internally, he gets super excited at every venue as he’s imagines getting married to you there.
After going to several venues you go to a beautiful outdoor venue together. As you talk with the venue manager you notice the wind picking up unusually and look at Gavin only to see him staring off into the distance with a contented look on his face.
He imagines getting married to you there and gets a bit too excited, unknowingly letting his wind evol rustle through the trees as the site manager stares on in confusion. It’s the biggest reaction you’ve gotten out of Gavin so far so you immediately decide to book that venue. 
He would prefer a small to medium ceremony as he thinks it’s more intimate but would let you have a large ceremony if you wanted to.
Knowing what he wants will be hard sometimes as he is happy with everything you choose.
Ask him about something and he’ll usually reply with some variation of “If that’s what you want” while smiling softly at you.
“Gavin, if I asked to decorate with corpse flowers would you let me?”      “... Would that make you happy?”
You start asking him to choose between multiple things as it’s the best way to actually get his opinion.
As you focus on planning the wedding he will plan the perfect honeymoon. He knows wedding planning is stressful, so he wants to plan a honeymoon where you can both relax and get some much-needed rest.
He just wants everything to be perfect for you.
Kiro will want to plan everything together! However, his schedule makes it hard to come with you sometimes.
If he is unable to make it he’ll ask you to send him pictures of everything and he’ll give you his opinion as soon as he can.
Savin gets annoyed because Kiro is constantly on his phone responding to your wedding planning texts and it’s even harder than usual to get Kiro to listen.
He may miss when you go to pick out some decorations but he’ll make sure he can come to the cake tasting! He can’t experience those delicious cakes through texts and pictures after all.
Both of you feel a bit sick after the cake tasting because you ate way more than one bite of each one.
You end up doing more than one cake tasting because it’s so hard to decide, they all taste amazing.
Both of you continue to make the mistake of eating way too much at the cake tasting. It’s the perfect excuse for Kiro to eat cake without Savin being able to stop him.
He loves his fans but he’s worried about the few jealous misbehaving ones and journalists interfering with the wedding. Due to this, he makes sure to hire the best security, he can’t have anyone ruining the wedding.
Might suggest a destination wedding to make it harder for fans and media to find it, but he wouldn’t push the idea if you were against it.
You both get overly excited and order way more food, decorations, etc. than what’s needed. Your guests will need to eat a lot to get through all the food.
Neither of you could decide between all the amazing options so your wedding lowkey ends up becoming a mini food festival, there’s plenty of variety!
Your wedding won’t be huge but it won’t be small either, he wants everyone important in your lives to be there to witness your marriage.
He wants to sing to you at your wedding, but he wants it to be a surprise so he plans it in secret.
Writes a song just for your wedding day and it encapsulates all his feelings perfectly.
He’s way more nervous about performing at his wedding than any concert he’s done. Having a song displaying his feelings for you so openly in front of everyone important in your lives makes him feel vulnerable, but he’s determined to still do it and do it perfectly.
You’ll end up with a wedding perfect for the both of you.
Lets you take the lead when planning the wedding, but is still involved and overviews everything.
Regularly improves your ideas. When you choose your main flowers he’ll know the perfect way a accentuate them, knows the best place to put the lighting to make everything look beautiful, know the perfect venue, etc.
Writes amazing wedding vows. He’ll write several different versions before settling on one and all of them will be ridiculously poetic.
Small ceremony with only a few guests.
Helps you organise everything so planning will go as smoothly as possible and you don’t stress out too much.
Sometimes subtly hints at things until you suggest them. You’ll think it’s your own idea, but he planted the idea in your mind.
Listens to all your ideas carefully and tries to bring all of them to fruition.
Smooth talks vendors into giving you discounted prices.
Lots of planning together in the evening after you’ve both returned from work. You’ll sit on the couch together with your laptop or tablet as you scroll through countless websites to get inspiration and find everything you need.
You probably have a shared Pinterest account with countless wedding boards. You’re the one who pins things most of the time, but Lucien is the one to carefully organise it so everything is easy to find when needed.
He notices you staring at a particular dress picture even longer than usual and immediately finds a store nearby with a similar one ridiculously fast.
He just finds everything you need with scary precision, you have no idea how he does it.
He can do it because he secretly researched heaps in advance and has basically memorised everything wedding related in the area before he even proposed.
Due to his research and organisation planning goes incredibly smoothly.
Though it isn't big everything will be more than perfect, creating a wedding straight out of a fairytale.
Originally says he’ll let you plan everything but then proceeds to constantly be involved “Just to make sure everything goes smoothly” 
He really just wants to be involved.
He’s way more excited than he lets on, even just watching you pick out decorations makes him excited.
The wedding will be big as he has a lot of people to invite, he’ll handle the seating arrangements to make sure the people who are important to both of you are the most involved though.
He will oversee everything to make sure it’s perfect, no matter how much it adds to his schedule.
“Instead of a cake can we have a giant pudding?” “Don’t you want something special? I always make you pudding” “The giant part makes it special, and your pudding is the best”
Acts like he’s exasperated but is actually super happy you like his pudding so much.
Proceeds to design the entire menu instead of hiring outside chefs to do it. He’ll still other people to cook the food on the day so he can focus on the ceremony, but all the recipes will be his.
Though he’s getting other people to cook the food he insists on making the giant pudding himself. He works hard to make it perfect and has to try a few times before he gets it right.
You get to try all his attempts so you’re definitely not complaining. Everything you both can’t finish yourselves goes to your employees so you’ll have a very happy office.
While Victor lets you make most of the general decisions he can be a bit picky as he only wants the best, so he ends up making the final decision on most of the specifics.
Like you choose what flowers to decorate with and he will choose how they’re arranged, you can choose what type of much you want to be played and he chooses the perfect band for it, etc.
Gets a first dance choreographed and takes dancing lessons with you so you can both learn it perfectly. These lessons end up being one of his favourite parts of the planning process, it’s such a fun activity to do with you.
One of your dress requirements becomes something you can easily dance in. He doesn’t want to risk you tripping over or being too constricted.
He also just wants you to be comfortable and not wear something that will take your focus away from your happiness because you’re too worried about falling over.
Of course, he won’t sacrifice beauty for comfort though and makes sure to help you find a dress that is just as beautiful as it is comfortable
Gets a suit that compliments your dress perfectly.
Together you’ll create the perfect movie-like wedding.
Honestly doesn’t care much about the ceremony. He just wants to be married to you and would be perfectly happy to just go to the courthouse and sign the papers.
But since you want a wedding he starts caring about it to make you happy. He’s certain you’ll only be married once, so he isn’t going to take the chance of a wedding ceremony you want away from you.
Thinks weddings are too expensive and he doesn’t understand why. He’ll regularly think something is extremely overpriced and have to stop himself from being overly snarky with the vendor/manager/etc.
Due to this, you will end up doing most of the planning, and when he is involved in the planning you’re still usually the one to talk to anyone else involved.
Small ceremony with only the most important people in your lives attending. 
You’ll set a budget together and then split it with half of it going to the ceremony while the other half goes to the honeymoon.
You know Shaw cares more about spending time with you than the wedding ceremony, so you let him plan the honeymoon while you plan the wedding.
Just hope he doesn’t plan anything too crazy.
You’ll make sure to stay within budget, but you also won’t tell him what most things costs unless he asks. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Though he isn’t that interested in the ceremony itself he loves watching you get excited while planning everything and finds himself starting to look forward to it.
His favourite part of the planning process was watching you try on dresses. You looked so happy and beautiful doing it.
Tries to get you to buy a dress that shows a lot of skin. 
“When there’s less material the dress is cheaper, plus you look hot” 
It being cheaper is only an excuse it’s really just because you look hot.
Planning a wedding with Shaw will be a bit chaotic, but it'll still be a beautiful wedding.
161 notes · View notes
Should… | Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Emma Masters) | Chapter 1| ... We Go To My Room?
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Emma Masters
Summary: Five years ago, Emma Masters just landed her first big acting gig on a soap opera. While it is not much, it is an opportunity to grow. While out celebrating, she meets up with a fellow actor, Tom Hiddleston. While she doesn’t recognize any of his work, the two hit it off. Before they know, they are getting hot and heavy in the elevator up to Tom’s room. Like ships passing in the night, the two never manage to meet again.Now five years later, Emma is a heavy hitter in the prime time drama world and Tom is a Golden Globe winning movie star. Their paths cross again but things have changed. Will they do what they should or fall to their deepest desires?
Warnings: smut, vaginal sex, fingering, drunk sex, oral sex, cheating, unhealthly relationships
Five Years Earlier
“Yes, I accept!”
Emma hung up the phone and ducked into a nearby hotel where she knew the bar served half-off appetizers and cheap drinks. A packed bar in the early evening did not bode well. Emma waded through the sea of ill-fitting suits and too-tight shift dresses to reach the bar. She motioned to the bartender who came over to take her order.
“Jack and Seven, please.”
The bartender slid the drink over and she searched for a place to sit. She found a small table in the corner with two chairs. She collapsed into the nearest one and took a big swig of her drink. Emma pulled her phone out and started on a text to her mother with the good news.
“Excuse me, but I believe you took my seat.” a smooth voice with a British accent commented.
She turned to see a tall man smiling behind her. His curly blonde hair gelled in place. She stood to move.
“It’s all right. I’ll take the empty one.”
“Sorry...” Emma paused looking at the man.
“…Thomas, Tom. And you are…?”
“Em…Emma. Nice to meet you. Mind if I share the table with you? There are only limited options around.”
She nodded. Tom sat down, scooting the chair over to give Emma plenty of room.
“You aren’t from around here, are you?” Emma asked, rolling her eyes at the obvious question.
Tom chuckled.
“What gave it away? The accent?”
“The suit.” Emma said, deadpan and Tom broke out into a full laughter.
“So, what brings you to America, Thomas?” Emma asked as she took a long drink of her whiskey, finishing up what was in the glass. It burned down her throat.
Tom sipped his drink while contemplating the question.
“I’m here to do some interviews on a recent project I did.”
“Oh, what line of work are you in?”
“I’m an actor.”
Emma’s ears perked up.
“Would I have seen you in something?”
Tom almost choked on his drink, not used to having to explain his burgeoning celebrity status.
“I played Loki in the Thor movies and The Avengers.”
Emma stared back, unmoved.
“I don’t watch superhero movies.” Emma’s nose crinkled up at the word “superhero.”
Tom continued, digging into his filmography, stunned that she didn’t know about Loki.
“Only Lovers Left Alive? War Horse? Midnight in Paris?”
Tom frowned.
“I just finished a run of Coriolanus at the Donmar.”
Emma leaned in.
“Ooh. Shakespeare.”
“You know Coriolanus? I’m impressed.”
“Oh, the Bard and I are on intimate terms. He was the subject of my senior thesis.”
Tom’s eyebrows drew up, and he pulled back.
“Oh! I studied Classics at Cambridge.”
Emma sipped the rest of her drink, already getting tipsy on her empty stomach.
“So Cambridge, can you say something in Latin?”
Tom gulped down the rest of his whiskey for some liquid courage. He unbuttoned his jacket and swooped it back with dramatic flair before leaning close to Emma. Heat radiated off of him like a furnace. She fought the urge to just melt against his broad shoulders. Tom cleared his throat before continuing.
“Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori.”
Emma raised her glass.
“May we all yield to love.”
Tom raised his now empty glass.
“To love,” they clinked their glasses together. Tom went to drink and realized he finished his drink.
“I think we need more drinks. What was yours?”
“Jack and Seven .”
Tom’s eyes crinkled as he smiled.
“Whiskey. My kind of girl.”
Emma blushed as Tom headed off to the bar. Emma’s stomach flipped. God, he was handsome. After several minutes, he returned two glasses in hand.
“So, are we celebrating or drowning our sorrows?” Tom asked as he handed over the drink.
“Celebrating. I just booked my first big job.”
Tom beamed and brought the glass to his lips.
“Congratulations! What kind of job?”
Tom spit his drink back into this glass.
“You could have led with that.”
“And miss that spit take? Not a chance.” Emma quipped, openly flirting now.
“What kind of acting job?”
“A minor part on a soap, but there is an opportunity to grow.”
“I wish you well.”
They clinked glasses once again. Two drinks turned to three, which turned to four. Emma and Tom talked about everything from horror stories from the acting trenches to family to hopes and dreams for the future. After the fourth drink, the bartender started giving them the eye.
“I think he wants us to leave.” Emma giggled from both alcohol and giddiness running through her veins. Her smile faded and she let out a breathy sigh as she had to leave.
“We should take this upstairs.”
Emma narrowed her eyes at him.
“Excuse me?”
“You know, take the conversation some place private. Like my hotel room.”
She gulped. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe her good mood, but going up to Tom’s room sounded enticing.
“You know what?” Emma slammed her hands on the table, rattling the glasses, “That is a brilliant idea.”
Tom laughed and the two of them rose to leave the hotel bar. They giggled the entire way through the lobby. Tom rocked back and forth on his feet, waiting for the elevator. Emma sidled up to Tom, fingers brushing up against his. The skin on skin contact sent electricity through Emma’s body. There was more than just alcohol coursing through her veins as she drank in the sight of Tom.
He glanced over and smiled at Emma. Tom marveled at the sight of this woman next to him. Her dark brown hair pulled into a simple ponytail and her casual clothes failed to convey the complex personality underneath. He was drunk and not on whiskey. He wanted to know everything about Emma.
The elevator dinged. Emma stepped in first, pressing herself against the back wall. Tom followed suit, leaning on the wall next to her. The tension in the air was palpable and Tom noticed his collar getting tighter and his palms sweating. As the doors slid closed, Tom leaned in towards Emma.
“Hold the door!” a small voice called out. Startled and flustered, Tom reached out to hit the button and straighten himself up. Emma smiled as she turned her head away. An elderly woman entered the elevator, ladened with shopping bags.
“Hit floor 6 for me, please?” she asked Tom, smiling up at him.
“Certainly, my dear.”
“Are you from England?”
Emma hid her face as she worked to contain her laughter. Tom responded with a smile.
“I am. Wimbledon, in fact.”
“Isn’t that where they play tennis?”
“It is.”
The ding of the elevator interrupted the exchange, and the lady stepped out.
“You two youngsters have a nice evening.”
“Thank you,” Emma added, giving her a little wave.
Once the doors shut door, the two of them burst into laughter. Tom swung around, leaning over Emma’s small frame. He rubbed Emma’s arm, again sending electricity straight to her core. She swallowed hard before gazing up at Tom’s blue eyes.
“Now, where were we?” Tom asked as he pushed even closer.
“You were flirting with that old lady there?” Emma cracked a joke to distract from the butterflies in her stomach.
“Oh, that was not flirting,” Tom smirked, moving his face within inches of Emma’s.
Tom swore he heard her heart beating faster with each passing second.
“It wasn’t?” she squeaked, becoming more anxious.
Emma looked to see there was a way to escape but Tom’s arm caged her against the elevator wall.
“No, flirting requires the interplay of two peoples wants and desires…”
“Desires...” Emma repeated after Tom becoming lost in his words.
“Yes. As they say, it takes two to tango.”
Emma blushed at the thought and Tom took this opportunity to close any remaining distance between them. His lips crashed against hers with a sense of want and lust. Emma’s body softened against him and reciprocated the affection.
Tom sighed against Emma’s lips and she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deeper. Tom, overcome with lust, pushed his hips into Emma. She moaned as his hardness brushed against her. Tom lost control as he slid his hand down Emma’s side, grazing over her waist, hips, and thighs before hooking his hand behind her knee and lifting it up.
The elevator interrupted their interlude by reaching Tom’s floor. Tom released Emma, and they were both flushed and panting. Emma attempted to straighten herself as the doors opened. Tom grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her down the corridor. Once they reached Tom’s room, he fumbled in his pockets for the key card. After what seemed like an eternity but was mere moments, Tom got the door opened and ushered Emma into the room. The door slammed behind them and Tom wasted no time.
“At last, you are mine,” Tom growled as he attacked Emma’s lips again.
His tongue was insistent and Emma moaned, granting it access. Their tongues explored each other’s mouths. With each passing moment, Emma’s arousal grew more and more. She threw her arms around Tom’s neck, holding on for dear life. Tom placed his hands on both of Emma’s thighs. He lifted her and shoved Emma’s back into the wall.
“Ahh!” she yelped.
“You are intoxicating, love,” Tom growled into Emma’s ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
His words spurred Emma on and she pulled on his jacket, ripping it off his shoulders. Her hands then turned to unbuttoning his shirt. Tom pulled her top off in one motion, exposing her skin to the cold air of the hotel room. Tom moaned in appreciation at Emma’s curves before devouring that sweet spot in the crook of her neck. It was as though that spot connected to her core.
“Tom?” she breathed.
“Fuck me.”
Tom’s lips curved into a devious smile.
“With pleasure.”
Tom pulled Emma across the room until her back landed onto the soft sheets of the bed. She propped herself on her elbows to watch Tom undress at the end of the bed. He undid the buttons of his shirt and peeled the shirt off, dropping it on the floor. He undid his belt and fly next. Emma licked her lips in anticipation.
“Is someone enjoying the show?” Tom asked as he pulled the belt from the loops at a painstakingly slow pace.
Emma could only nod, not trusting her voice to cooperate. Tom took this as an opportunity to torture her. He lowered his pants, kicking them off behind him. Emma could see the sizable bulge in his boxer briefs. Emma gulped at the thought of him filling her to the hilt. She was gushing. Tom moved to hover over her on the bed. He moved like a jungle cat stalking his prey. He started kissing Emma on her collarbone. She arched her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the side. Tom turned his attention to Emma’s now heaving chest.
He took one of her nipples and sucked with fervor.
“Oh, God!” Emma groaned, and she tangled her hands in his blond curls. This only spurred on Tom as he drew his attention to the other breast, giving it the same treatment, eliciting the same reaction from Emma. She struggled to undo her jeans, when Tom grabbed her hands.
“Allow me.”
With deft hands, Tom made short work on the button and fly of Emma’s jeans. She bucked her hips up to allow Tom to pull them down, taking her underwear with him. She laid there naked as Tom drank in the sight. His eyes hooded with lust, he pressed his chest into hers as he crushed against her lips.
“Perfection,” Tom muttered as his hands raked across her body. As his hands grazed her pubic bone, Emma shifted her legs apart, granting him access to her glistening sex. Tom’s fingers slid up and down her slit, collecting juices along the way.
“So wet for me. So ready,” Tom moaned into Emma’s ear.
With no warning, Tom pushed one long digit into Emma’s pussy and she gasped, digging her nails into his shoulders. Tom chuckled as her walls gripped onto his finger.
“You are so eager to please.”
He pumped his finger in and out at a languid pace, drawing out Emma’s pleasure. Soon, he added a second finger and quickened his pace. His other hand found her clit, drawing tight circles. There was a tightening in her core.
“Oh, yes!” She gasped as Tom curled his fingers inside.
“Come on darling, cum for me,” Tom urged on as he continued to fuck Emma with his fingers.
“Don’t stop!”
Tom continued to finger Emma, curling his fingers while stimulating her clit. Before long, the coil snapped and Emma orgasmed.
“Fuck. Me!” Emma screamed as waves of pleasure washed over her. Tom pulled off his underwear and lined up with her entrance, pushing in to the hilt.
Emma never felt so full in her life. Tom filled every inch of her.
“Oh God, you feel amazing,” Tom exclaimed, and he began to thrust, pushing in balls deep each time.
A second orgasm fast approached and Tom’s hip thrusts grew more and more erratic. Tom cried out as he spilled into her and moments later, she came. The two of them collapsed onto the bed and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Emma woke to find the bed empty. She rolled over and found the spot still warm. As she still detected him on the pillow, spices and woods. Emma heard the bathroom door open and Tom stepped out, wearing only a towel around his waist.
“Morning.” he said with a smile.
“Morning.” she responded, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
“Um… I guess we should talk.”
Emma blushed.
“Might be a good idea after last night.”
“Yeah, I don’t do that sort of thing. You know… last night… with girls… I mean ladies… I’m a nice guy, I swear.” Tom blabbered about, the last few words squeaking out.
Emma couldn’t help but giggle.
“Nervous much?” It’s fine. I never sleep with someone the first time I meet them either.”
Tom smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I would like to see you again.” Tom ran his hand up and down Emma’s arm.
There are those shivers again.
“Me too.”
“But I am leaving New York today for London.”
Emma noticed the packed bag by the door. In the heat of passion last night, she had missed it. Emma’s face dropped.
“But I should be back in three weeks’ time. Can I take you out on a proper date?”
Emma nodded.
“Until then, how about some room service breakfast?” Tom stood to head over to the phone.
Emma’s stomach growled in response.
“I will take that as a yes.” Tom smiled.
He ordered breakfast for two and got dressed while Emma took a shower. She washed her hair before slipping back into the clothes from last night.
“Here.” Tom shoved a shirt in Emma’s face. “In case you don’t want to wear the same shirt again.”
Emma took the shirt and switched out. The shirt smelled of Tom.
By this time the food arrived. The two of them ate in a hurry, chatting and exchanging numbers, Tom’s car set to arrive soon. As Emma shoved the last piece into her mouth, Tom’s phone rang.
“I’ll be right down.”
Emma walked out with him. Tom leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.
“Three weeks. It’s a date.”
“It’s a date.”
It wasn’t a date. Emma got busy with her new role, and then sick and they canceled plans. Tom and she her exchanged phone calls, emails, even a few video chats. But never met in person again.
As the weeks turned to months, the texts became more scarce. Both their careers continued to prosper, Tom with a Golden Globe performance as Jonathan Pine and Emma translated a few Daytime Emmy wins into starring in a prime time drama. After 18 months, the texts stopped altogether. Emma forgot about the one-night stand.
Present Day
“Em?” a familiar voice rang out across the L.A. restaurant.
Emma looked around for the source. It couldn’t be a fan, no one called her “Em” anymore. She saw a man with unruly ginger curls wearing a tailored suit, making a beeline towards her. Her eyes widened and her heart jumped into her throat. All the memories of that night rushed back to her like a tidal wave.
“Is that who I think it is?” Corrine, Emma’s friend asked, tugging on her arm.
The man reached her table and Emma rose to her feet, gripping the table for support.
“I can’t believe it is you, Em!” he pulled her into a big bear hug. He still smelled of spices and woods.
“Tom!” Emma pulled from the embrace, looking him over. “Nice beard.”
Tom chuckled as he rubbed his hand through the whiskers. The two of them stared at one another for what seemed an eternity. Corrine cleared her throat and Emma jumped at the sound.
“So sorry! Corrine, Tom Hiddleston. Tom, Corrine Saunders, my friend and former publicist.”
“Charmed.“ Corrine cooed as she extended her hand palm down.
Tom gave a nervous chuckle before giving it an anemic shake.
“So Tom,” Corrine started in. “How in the hell do you know our little Emma over here? She’s never mentioned you before.”
Emma’s face flushed as the color drained from Tom’s. They exchanged knowing looks before Tom cleared his throat.
“Well, it is a funny story.” Tom started as he pulled on his collar.
Emma wasn’t laughing.
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deliasbabe · 4 years
Because I Could Never Hold a Perfect Thing & Not Demolish It- Venable x Reader
A fight  at your apartment forces Venable to reveal her true feelings about you, whether she wants to or not. Based on the song “Forever...(is a long time) by Halsey.
Words: 3,676
Warnings: Strong Language, Implied Sexual Content
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When you heard a knock on the door one early Sunday morning, you almost didn’t answer. You weren’t expecting anyone, and considering you were only wearing an oversized white t-shirt, you weren’t exactly dressed for company. But something told you that you knew who was on the other side of that door. After all, you had turned down Venable’s request for your presence at her house Friday night, and ignored her numerous phone calls the next day. It wasn’t like it was unwarranted, she had spent the majority of the work day berating you, even going so far as to call you “daft” and “a waste of space”. What you two had wasn’t exactly serious, but it wasn’t casual either, and you had spent many nights trying to figure out exactly what this was. It wasn’t unlike your lover to borderline abuse her staff, but up until that point, you had been the exception, mostly because she knew there was no way in hell you would stand for it. At least, you thought she knew that, but her actions that day very much said otherwise.
It wasn’t like you didn’t expect her to show up. You had learned very quickly that a request from Wilhelmina wasn’t actually a request, more like a not-so-polite demand, and you refused her, of course she would show up to set you straight. But avoiding your boss had given you a strength you didn’t know you needed, the upper hand in a situation where it seemed like saying yes was the only acceptable option. You could face her, tell her off, and send her on her way. You could do this, and with a gust of courage, you opened the door.
Venable, as cold as ever, didn’t even bother with a proper greeting before she stepped into your apartment, her heels clicking along the wooden floor as she took a regal stance in your kitchen, like she had the right to do with your home as she saw fit, and you rolled your eyes as you shut the door. She always was far too arrogant, but you did have to admire her confidence. Still, her impoliteness didn’t make you falter, if anything it fueled you.
There was an eerie silence as you walked toward her, firmly planting your feet in front of your counter. This was your home after all, she wasn’t going to get the high ground. She flicked her steely gaze over you briefly, before deciding she couldn’t even be bothered to look at you, her face impassive as she set her sights just over your shoulder, as if you were beneath her. “You haven’t been returning my calls.” She stated flatly, like you were total strangers, like you hadn’t spent countless nights in her bed, in her home.
“I know.” You responded coldly, her eyes quickly darting to you and boring into your brain, outraged that you would dare challenge her.
“Care to tell me the reason?” Venable spit out between gritted teeth, and you wondered how she was able to look so angry yet keep her tone so emotionless, a black void threatening to swallow you whole. You had played her games long enough to know she was waiting for you to buckle, but you wouldn’t, not today, and you clenched your jaw as your stared her down, openly defying her seemingly endless willpower.
“I really don’t think I should have to explain it to you.” You spit in the most condescending tone you could muster. You wouldn’t fall, not today, not ever again.
Her face was hard as stone, a concrete wall, but you could see in her eyes that she faltered, just a bit, and it gave you a sick sense of victory. “Y/n,” Venable bit, “Let’s not be childish.”
“This isn’t me being childish. This is me being pissed off.” You fired back, silently cursing yourself for letting your cool demeanor slip. You were supposed to be short, calculated, cruel, just like her. But you weren’t like her, not one bit. Still, this seemed to grab her attention, and she raised her eyebrows, silently demanding an explanation, like she didn’t have the slightest idea as to why you were upset. You shook your head dismissively, “You know what? Whatever this is that we’re doing? It’s done. I’ll hand in my resignation tomorrow.”
There it was, that sickening smirk your lover always gave when she got a rise out of someone, almost as if hurting you was a victory in itself, “Don’t you think you’re being a little rash?”
You scoffed, “No. Believe me, this is a long time coming.”
Your boss took a moment to right herself, like she was talking to a petulant child, “I don’t accept your resignation. You are a valuable assistant.”
“I thought I was daft and a waste of space?” You bit, watching her physically recoil, but only slightly, “And you really don’t get to call the shots on this one.”
Venable gave a condescending laugh as she leaned forward on her cane, “You can’t expect me to give you special treatment.”
“I’m not asking for special treatment, Wilhelmina. I’m just asking to be treated like a human being.” You vented, hoping just once, just this once, that she would see her horrendous ways, that she would see reason.
But still, your attempt was futile, you could see it in her face, “I treat you the same way I treat any other employee.”
“And you don’t think there’s something wrong with that?” You bit, beyond frustrated, “You can’t expect me to be treated like shit and then hop in your bed at your beck and call.”
Venable let out an amused, breathy laugh, “You think I’m using you for sex?”
You dropped your shoulders, utterly defeated. It just wasn’t worth it, and you hated yourself for thinking it would be any different. She was stubborn, an impenetrable force. You couldn’t change that. Still, you mustered up the strength to finish, “I don’t know what you are doing, but I’m not doing it anymore. If I wanted a hookup I wouldn’t do it with someone I work with, and certainly not someone who doesn’t appreciate me in the slightest.”
Again, she smirked, “You think I don’t appreciate you?” Just like that, you were done, rolling your eyes and moving towards the door, only for your soon-to-be ex to bang her cane on the floor, “Y/n! Talk to me.”
You whipped around and stomped back to your previous position, utterly pissed off. “Why should I?” You yelled, suddenly not caring about how emotional you seemed, “You never talk to me! You say we’re exclusive, but you won’t tell anyone about us! All we ever do is fuck and I’m sick of everything being on your terms! I’m not spending the next few years being in a one-sided relationship! I’m done trying to earn your approval. I’m just…done.” You broke your gaze, feeling completely drained, like all your life force was just sucked out of you. You didn’t have it in you to fight for her, to make her see you. You just couldn’t do it anymore.
“What makes you think you haven’t already gotten my approval?” Venable asked, calm as ever, acting as if you didn’t just emotionally implode all over her expensive purple suit.
You let out a scoff, not even bothering to look her in the eye, “Because no one will ever be good enough for you, and certainly not me.”
You didn’t look at her, waiting for whatever insult she had decided to throw your way, but all you heard was silence. You weren’t used to silence, not from her, and you glanced up to make sure she actually heard you, only to see tears in your lover’s eyes, and your heart dropped. Your boss was always stoic, so much so that you wondered if she was psychopathic. She always was this force, and you sure as shit had never seen her even come close to shedding a tear, and it took the fight right out of you, your stomach twisting into knots.
“Is that really what you think of me?” Venable said, shifting her gaze to the floor and praying you didn’t hear her voice waiver, but you did, and suddenly you weren’t sure exactly who you were dealing with.
You softened, but only slightly, “I don’t know what to think, Mina. I’ve tried, but I can’t figure you out. It’s like you are a completely different person with me than you are at work, and they don’t line up.” You waited for her to speak, but she didn’t, so you continued, “I get that you can’t be the same at work with me because you, for whatever reason, don’t want anyone to know about us. You’re ashamed or… whatever, and I get it, I do. But this game we’re playing? I just can’t play it anymore.”
That got the woman’s attention, and you quickly glanced away from her. As she started to move toward you, you ducked your head in response, preparing for her to be angry with you, but she gently lifted your chin, forcing you to look into her soft brown eyes. “I’m not ashamed of you, little one.” Mina said carefully, “Not one bit, and I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I’m proud of you, so, so proud.” You looked utterly confused, and it pained the woman, because she knew it was all her doing. Hearing her praise is the very last thing you expected, and she hated herself for doing this to you.
Wilhelmina Venable had never been very good at expressing her feelings. She hated feeling vulnerable, but somehow you managed to slip past her iron gates, worming your way into her heart and cracking her wide open. She had never been in love before, truthfully she thought it didn’t actually exist, but there you were, and suddenly her world started spinning a little faster, too fast for her to keep up, to stay ahead, and that scared her. So, she did what she did best, she shut down, and she pushed. She pushed and pushed until she broke you, and she understood why you wanted to leave, but she couldn’t forgive herself if she didn’t at least try to put you back together again.
Still, this was uncomfortable for her, uncharted territory, and she hesitantly took a step back, “The reason I…” She began calmly, before you watched her face contort as she choked on her words, not even able to repeat the atrocities she had carelessly fired your way previously. The woman cleared her throat awkwardly, ducking her head, “Jeff and Mutt, they noticed that I wasn’t as harsh with you as I was with the others. They suspected I was interested in you, romantically interested.”
You sat silent for a moment, analyzing her words as you leaned back on the counter, raising your leg and bracing your foot on the cupboards as you crossed your arms. The gesture was innocent, but it was enough to make the woman’s head spin, desperately trying to not give into her own selfish desires and averting her focus from how good you looked. “And you aren’t?” You asked, slightly defensive, reading between the lines and coming to the conclusion that she really was just in this to fuck.
Venable tried to focus, tried to formulate an answer that didn’t include how delicious your exposed thigh looked, but she couldn’t, and she bit her lip. You took her silence as a yes, after all, what else could it mean? “Ok.” You said with a sadistic laugh, moving to show the woman out, “I guess it’s settled then.”
“Y/n, wait!” Venable yelled, lurching toward you and throwing herself off balance, barely catching herself on your arm. The shock was clear on your features, and before she could get too much inside her head about it, she blurted, “I am interested.” Your gaze was unwavering, unnerving, so she hesitantly continued, “Very Interested. I just… I didn’t want them to know.”
You stare at her for a few moments, desperately wishing you could fish inside her brain and find some sort of clarity. She looked so scared, her hand grasping yours tightly, but you weren’t sure if it was because she almost fell or something more, “Would it be such a bad thing if they knew?”
Venable shook her head, but her words didn’t match. “Yes…no… I don’t know.” She fumbled, “I’m not very good at this.”
You furrowed your brow, “Good at what?”
You had never seen your ever-confident boss so unsure of herself, “Talking about… this.”
You paused, trying to figure out exactly what she was getting at, but then it dawned on you, “Talking about your feelings?”
Your lover quickly glanced at the floor, nodding slightly, and you nodded in return. This, you could work with. You let out a sigh, drawing her attention back to you, “Why don’t you sit? I can make us some tea?”
That gave the woman a moment to compose herself, and she silently thanked you for not making this any more painful than it had to be, “Tea would be lovely.”
You gestured toward the couch, and Venable moved to take a seat, studying your apartment as you worked. It was the first time she had been in there, and as she looked around she noticed just how much it fit you. It was a little messy, just like you were, a mishmash of flea market finds and old furniture, but something about it felt cozy, warm, and she couldn’t stop herself from running her finger along the soft flannel blanket you had strewn over the loveseat. That was a fitting word, loveseat, because in your apartment, staring at you as you silently moved around the kitchen, Venable was finding it incredibly hard to deny that she was hopelessly in love with you, and that terrified her.
“You have a lovely home.” Venable said politely, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling she got when you bit your lip and threw her a smirk.
“Sorry it’s a mess. I wasn’t exactly expecting company.” You teased, meeting the woman’s gaze.
“It’s quaint.” Your lover said quietly, and you were so focused on making the tea, you didn’t even bother to look up as you laughed.
“That’s a nice way of saying tiny and cluttered.” You joked, not noticing your girlfriend studying you like you were her favorite piece of art, and boy, did you look heavenly with your nimble movements and messy bun, barely held together by a set of chopsticks. You hated having your hair in your face, that was the first thing Venable noticed about you. Every morning, you would come into work with your long hair down, and by the end of every night, it was being held back by pens. You never could get it to all stay back, however, and the few wispy strands always framed your face in a way that could only be described as angelic.
You finally finished your task of making tea, glancing up only to catch the woman staring, and you threw her a lopsided, soft smile that made her so dizzy she had to look away. It was just too perfect, you were perfect, and she didn’t deserve perfect things.
You handed her a warm mug, and she quietly thanked you as you sat on the couch, leaning back on the arm and tucking your legs beneath you as you sank into the cushion. It was strange to see you so comfortable, but then again, this was your house, and this time it was Venable who felt out of her depth, making sure to sit as straight as she possibly could as she murmured out a thank you for the tea. She sipped it tentatively, but was pleasantly surprised to find that you had made it exactly to her tastes, sickeningly sweet, despite it not being her usual order that you brought her every morning. It made her insides warm, realizing just how well you knew her, how much you paid attention, and she couldn’t help but look at you in admiration.
“What?” You asked after noticing her staring, throwing her a smirk.
Mina tried to pry her eyes away from your form, tried to look anywhere else, but she couldn’t, and she found herself speaking before she could even formulate a coherent thought, “Nothing. You’re…uh, you’re just so… beautiful.” And boy, Wilhelmina didn’t think she could possibly love anything more than the way your cheeks blushed as you were caught off guard.
“Well, thank you. But I should let you know that flattery won’t get you out of this conversation.” You joked, watching her gaze fall as she nodded. “Mina?” You asked softly, waiting for her to bring her eyes back to yours, studying her delicate features for a moment, “Why don’t you want anyone to know?”
Out of reflex, Venable snapped, “Because I prefer to keep my private life, private.” It wasn’t the answer you were looking for, and she knew it, but you didn’t push like she was expecting. You just sipped your tea, patiently waiting for her to gather herself and give you a real answer, and she hated it. She hated the silence, and she hated how gentle you were being with her, like she was something soft, breakable, but then again, maybe she was. “I didn’t want them to ruin it.” She finally spits out after a moment, the truth leaving a bitter taste on her tongue.
“How would they ruin it?” You asked softly, causing her to scoff. But once again, you waited, and she wished you would just pry the answer out of her like so many before had tried to do. At least then she would have a reason to be hostile.
Venable clenched her jaw, “Because right now it’s just us, and I like just us. I want it to stay just us.” It wasn’t exactly a coherent response, but you knew immediately what she meant, because you felt it as well. You two had somehow managed to create your own little world together, except you didn’t mind sharing it.
“Even if they know, it can still stay just us.” You offered, getting another scoff in return.
“That’s not how Jeff and Mutt operate.” Venable bit, expecting your gaze to harden, but it still was just as soft.
“But it’s how I do.” You said confidently, “They can tease us as much as their little coked out heart’s desire. It’s not going to change how I feel about you, nothing will.” You watched your lover’s eyes go wide as she glanced away, panicked, and you tried to soothe her, “Hey, look at me.” You said gently as you cupped her chin, “I’m not trying to overwhelm you. We can slow things down if you want.”
“I don’t want to.” Venable said quickly, and you cocked your head to the side.
“Then what is it?” You asked, giving her a reassuring smile. She didn’t answer, but she didn’t really need to, you already knew. You knew how she felt about you, you had known for a while, she just couldn’t say it, and you got it, you really did. So you left it alone, at least for the time being, and changed the subject, “Stay with me today, here. We can order take out, or I can cook if you want. Just us.”
Venable looked at you doubtfully, but there was a glint of adoration in her eye, “You can cook?”
“I’ll try for you. No promises that it will be edible, though.” You joked, throwing her that lopsided smile that made her absolutely melt, and she couldn’t help but offer a small smile and nod back at you. You grinned, jumping off the couch and grabbing the now empty mug in her hand, “More tea?” She gave another nod, and you quickly pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose before disappearing back into your kitchen.
You spent the day drinking tea and watching terrible movies, ordering Chinese for dinner and eating it out of the paper cartons with chopsticks. You even managed to find a pair of purple pajamas for Mina to change into so that she was more comfortable. “I’ll put the food away. Do you want some wine?” You asked, grabbing the cartons from the coffee table and pressing a kiss to the woman’s forehead, smiling when she nodded.
You danced around the kitchen with light steps as she watched, and as you poured the wine she felt like if she held it in any longer she would burst. “Y/n?” She asked, you humming in response, not taking your eyes off the glasses you were filling, “I love you.”
You glanced up at your girlfriend with a small smile on your lips, grabbing the now full glasses and making your way to her, softly planting your lips on hers. “I love you, too.” You said once you broke apart, handing her the glass as you got a teasing look on your face.
“What?” She asked carefully, thinking there was something she was missing.
“Nothing.” You said, still smirking as your voice dropped, “You know, you still haven’t seen all of my apartment.”
Mina furrowed her brow, “You just poured wine.”
You gave her a shrug, “I don’t have any pets. We can leave it.”
“Or we can wait.” Venable said, still not catching onto the suggestive undertones. That was until you pulled off your shirt, leaving you in a black lingerie set that made the woman’s mouth water.
“Or we cannot.” You said, motioning her forward with your index finger as you stepped back towards your bedroom, laughing when your lover shook her head in mock disapproval. You had her wrapped around your finger and you knew it, and it was only confirmed as she followed behind you the very second you disappeared from her view. Boy, was she smitten for you.
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lavenderek · 4 years
I love when you fix twilight. It's obviously not fix-able completely, but you make it way better. What do you think about how she calls her parents by their first names?.
i think bella’s relationships with her parents are super weird and sometimes even unhealthy. 
some of the things i’m gonna say, i’ve already said before, and they are VERY VERY LONG, but i’m gonna say them again anyway and i’ve watched jenny nicholson videos for like three days straight, so i’m gonna do it in.... a numbered list!!!! 
seriously it’s super long don’t open the readmore unless you want to look at a super long post
1. bella calls them by their first names, but only in internal narration. 
most teenagers don’t call their parents by their first names, so this is odd and distances the reader from her. i’m not sure if it’s supposed to humanize her parents?
her parents would be humanized if they were acknowledged by the role they’re supposed to be playing in bella’s life; most of her readers would be seeing her as The Typical Teenage Girl, so having her parents be seen as entities separate from her who operate as peers instead of parents is bizarre. 
furthermore, she never does this in dialogue. she only does it in internal narration. 
so is this supposed to make her seem more mature and independent? bella isn’t independent; she’s provided with all her needs by her father, including emotional needs. when edward leaves her in the second book, her father takes care of her and ultimately considers having her go back to live with her mother again, because clearly bella is in need of some parental support. put a pin in maturity, i’ll get back to that in a second. 
if it’s not to make her seem more mature, then it’s just a weird stylistic choice so that the reader knows her parents’ names, which - why? i’m sure when chief swan is talking to his friend and his friend calls him charlie, we will understand through context clues that his name is charlie. also, us knowing her parents’ names doesn’t add anything to the story. bella treats every side character as an obstacle in her life, so we gain nothing from knowing her dad’s name. 
it makes sense for her to call her stepfather phil, but she should call her parents mom and dad. 
2. bella is “super mature” 
ouch! i pricked my finger on the pin i put in maturity. yowie!
we hear a lot about how mature bella is. she condescendingly tells us that her mother is stupid and describes her father’s inability to feed himself. is this true? 
her mother got married and has begun a life with her new husband. her father is a grown-ass man who has kept himself alive for what, forty years? they never do anything particularly immature except one time stephenie meyer has her dad accidentally microwave a can of soup at some point (has he never had soup? in the whole decade since he and renee got divorced, has he been soupless the entire time?). i don’t know that fucking up a can of soup is immature so much as a mistake, but go off i guess. 
so maybe she’s not more mature than her parents, but surely she is just mature in her own right. let’s see all the mature decisions bella makes just in the two years we are present for. 
bella gets a head injury in a car accident. she resists the advice she receives from a medical professional to rest, and plans on not telling her mother about it. she’s even pissed at her dad when he tells her mom. 
bella meets edward and senses from the jump that he’s lying to her. he gives her mixed signals that make her uncomfortable. he and many people in his life talk often about how he could kill her, how much he wants to kill her, but that he is holding back. she decides that she is safe based on her own feelings (she is objectively incorrect about this, by the way, regardless of how her story ends) and chooses to date him anyway.
bella catches the attention of a man who wants to kill her specifically. she does not tell her father. instead, she insults him and runs away from home. she then runs away from the people who are assigned to protect her, because she believes she knows better than they do. 
edward breaks up with bella. i think most people after the ending of a relationship would go to their room and cry and process those feelings of sadness and abandonment. but bella’s not like other girls. she’s mature and has deep emotions. she refuses to accept the breakup and spends hours wandering around in the woods, forcing everyone in her town to go around in the night looking for her. okay. 
she gets a part-time job at some point. but so does her classmate mike, and also 55% of teenagers in her age range (when the book is set, which is in the mid-to-late 90′s). 
oh, but wait, then she withdraws all her savings and uses them to purchase and fix up a motorcycle - a thing she is specifically not allowed to do - in order to spite her ex boyfriend. at this point she has abandoned her plans to become a vampire, so there’s no reason to assume she won’t be going to college in a couple years. with what savings will she be paying the tuition? i’m sure her school counselor will understand when she explains that she spent it all on a motorcycle. 
we are told bella is very mature and stephenie meyer clearly expects us to draw this conclusion based on how bella does her chores without being asked; but when it comes to major decisions about her safety, her future, and the effect she has on others, she repeatedly makes selfish and childish decisions. she hurts her parents, her friends, and herself, a lot. she does all of this based on her own intuition.
and actually, a lot of it tracks with her being a teenager. teenagers are not adults. they biologically do not yet have the full capacity for decision-making. that’s why they’re not adults. bella is not more mature than her parents and her belief that she is is demonstrably dangerous. she really needs more discipline in her life. 
3. bella and her mom
bella is very sad in the beginning of the book. she loves her mom and sees her mom as her best friend. 
she demonstrates her closeness by: 
lying to her mom that she wants to live with her dad, because she believes renee will be happier without bella, her supposed best friend. renee does not notice that bella has lied or question this decision. 
putting off emailing or calling her mom for several days, which makes renee angry. when she finally does, she basically just lists the things she’s done and logs off. 
refusing to share information with her, including that she was injured in a car accident, because she believes renee will be upset. her dad calls renee anyway, and bella is angry and is incredibly reluctant to call her back and talk to her. 
ignoring her emails for months when she’s sad over her breakup. 
visiting her exactly one time in the whole two years spanned in the books. her mom is also never invited to come visit bella in forks. 
renee’s absence from bella’s life actually works for the plot, as she can’t interfere with bella’s duplicity, while leaving the option to add an element of guilt from afar. but it doesn’t make sense as a character decision. 
i think it would make way more sense if bella and her mother aren’t close. bella wants her mom to show interest in her life. she suggested moving in with her dad in the hopes that her mom would be like, “no, honey, stay, i’ll miss you if you go,” but renee doesn’t even question it, she just books her a ticket. 
bella checks her email immediately when she arrives, and hasn’t heard from her mom, so she sends her an email herself, to which she gets a response like, two days later. 
bella calls her mom and gets her answering machine. renee is on her honeymoon and she and her new husband are in the process of moving to another state, so bella reasons that her mom is just busy; but she is also dealing with the knowledge that she’s just not a priority for her mom. 
yeah, this is very sad and makes renee seem like an asshole, but maybe she is an asshole in this version. it would neatly remove renee from the plot, it would explain why bella is so bummed about living with her dad, and it would lay the groundwork for why bella is so gutted when she perceives edward breaking up with her as being abandoned. bella believes she is not worth staying for. 
4. bella and her dad
i don’t even know where to start with bella and her dad. he seems great to me. 
he is the chief of police.
he knows and is respected by everyone in town.
he has friends and hobbies. 
as i said before, he has fed and clothed himself his whole life - at the very least in the decade since his divorce.
...so he seems like a reasonable person and member of the community. 
he treats bella with respect and offers her privacy, but he is always available when she needs help.
he notices and tries to intervene when she’s struggling. 
he has an amicable relationship with his ex-wife and they communicate about their daughter regularly. 
he bought bella a truck and put chains on the tires so that it would be safe for her even when it’s cold and wet out. 
...so he’s clearly an involved and caring father. 
bella goes through a serious depressive episode in new moon after her breakup with edward, and her dad responds to every bit of it. 
he wants to find out why she is upset. 
he is aware of how she’s doing in school and whether or not she’s seeing her friends. 
when bella has night terrors, he jumps out of bed to comfort her. 
when jacob deliberately lashes out at her and triggers another depressive episode, he immediately steps in and calls jake’s dad. 
he is told bella is at fault, but he takes bella’s side and chooses to believe her side of the story. 
throughout her depression, he never once judges her for it. 
after what he perceives to be edward hurting bella and being a bad boyfriend (which - he is observably not wrong about that), bella’s dad is openly against bella dating him again. 
...so he cares for and advocates for bella’s emotional state. 
if bella expresses gratitude or appreciation for any of these things, it’s sort of bitter and backhanded, like “at least charlie leaves me alone.” he fucked up trying to make dinner one time, to which she responds by refusing to let him cook ever again. bella dates edward twice before eclipse, and both times she went missing and then came back injured; so chief swan tells her he doesn’t think she should be dating edward again, at which point she puts down ultimatums and threatens to leave. bella ignores his rules and requests, keeps secrets from him, and runs away from home a few times because she believes she knows better than he does. 
no matter how many times charlie proves himself, it never changes bella’s opinion of him. there’s no arc there. bella arrives thinking her father is incompetent, and she leaves thinking her father is incompetent. 
making bella disrespect her father does benefit the narrative by enabling her to be secretive and makes her feel even more isolated in her experiences. it also makes stephanie have to write about less characters. but bella being secretive and isolated just results in her being stuck in the same situation for like 75% of each book. i think it would make sense for her to want to fix things, even just a little bit. 
there’s no reason for her to disrespect charlie, so her unfounded feelings of disdain toward him are confusing and just make her look like a dick; and furthermore, not giving him a character arc just makes him a boring obstacle. he might as well just be a door that gets stuck shut whenever it rains. 
i think it would be a better idea, for character development, for bella to grow closer to her father over the course of her stay with him. i would like, at least two of the times bella disobeys him, for her to ultimately conclude that he was right and she shouldn’t have done the thing. i would like her to eventually open up to him about some things. 
she doesn’t have to share that the cullens are vampires, but of all the people in her life, who has experience with having a romantic partner with whom he envisioned a future break up with and leave them? it would make sense for her to confide in him - or at the very least, seek comfort from him. 
bella trusting her father’s judgment and showing caution dating edward again after the events of new moon would also be better for the story, and i have more thoughts about that but that’s for another post. 
and probably biggest of all, your only tenuous link to emotional acceptance and fulfillment should not be your romantic partner. that’s so weird and unhealthy. bella is a teenager who, in general throughout the books, feels unmoored and stressed out. she needs someone sturdy and reliable who she can trust to protect her, even if it’s only emotionally. this would also give bella someone to bounce her thoughts and feelings off of and reduce the monotony of the narration a little bit. 
her father is an excellent choice for that. he repeatedly demonstrates that he is in her corner, and her corner alone. (i also think vampires should be just a little bit easier to kill, so that chief swan can protect her just a tiny bit.) 
5. why
stephenie meyer has children herself and it’s so weird to me that she would write a teenager deliberately disobeying and lying to her parents and consequently placing herself and many other people in grave danger, and framing it as a good thing. she makes it clear that bella was correct in doing this. 
bella’s not the only one, either. edward allegedly sees carlisle as his father figure, but A. this was not consensual, and he is frequently unhappy that carlisle bit him and made him a vampire; and B. he often disregards or gets angry about carlisle’s advice. 
wouldn’t stephenie meyer want to know if her son was hurting, or in danger? wouldn’t she want her son to respect her? wouldn’t she want to be able to share her wisdom and help her son make safe choices?
she does make it clear in interviews that this is pretend and she doesn’t believe readers should be seeing her characters as role models; but she made her characters teenagers on purpose, and it strikes me as kind of irresponsible to act as if she assumes her young readers won’t try to identify with them. 
bella’s relationships with her parents are boring and unusual, and the older i get the more frustrating they are. they stifle the characters and make the plot repetitive and tiresome. these are relatively small changes that i think would benefit the story overall. and that’s my opinion, thanks guys
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