#Internet addiction
american-boyboss · 10 months
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colleendoran · 5 months
If you struggle with addictive behaviors, whether it is overuse of video games or social media, substance abuse, crypto trading, online chat groups that make you feel terrible but you can't seem to let go, then SMART Recovery can help. This is a FREE online service with frequent daily meetings both local and national where you can get advice online.
Meetings are tailored for BIPOC, Family and Friends, Adults, Veterans, and are available in English and in Spanish. Just enter your zip code and available programs will be shown to you. All you need is an internet connection. You may also join from outside the USA.
You do not need to give your name or appear on camera.
Meetings are 90 minutes.
Good health to you.
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Remember, it's okay if you have to distance yourself from the internet from time to time. Stuff on here can be extremely overwhelming, even the things that are meant to be good for us. If you find yourself being triggered by certain content, then it is especially important to find ways to block that content out either by unfollowing certain media sources or by using built-in features that limit what you may be exposed to. No, this does not mean that you are "weak" or that you need to "toughen up". It just means that you are looking to take better care of your mental health, and that is more important than any rude or condescending comments that you may receive.
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your-gay-grandma · 1 year
hello dear one!
do you have something else you could be doing right now?
the internet can be a magical and wonderful place but it’s easier to get trapped here for longer than intended. everything will still be here when you get back if you go and do a little bit of that thing you’ve been putting off (i promise!)
or, if there’s technically nothing to be done but you’d like to step away from your screen — i know it’s very easy to get into a self soothing habit of turning to the internet to rest but it’s not actually all that restful! is there another activity that might feed your soul a little more? there are infinite books and pieces of music to consume, parks to sit in, ceilings to be stared at, old and new friends to converse with…..what if we try one of those!
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histrionicscribbler · 7 months
stop trying to be plugged into everything.
you don't have to know all of the information in the world.
a little ignorance is okay sometimes.
i promise whatever you think you're missing out on will either be there when you return with a clear head, or be gone because it wasn't worth lingering on.
information will always be available, but you do not always have to be available to take it in.
take a break. eat something. drink water.
you are going to be okay.
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Ah yes, childhood internet addiction, also known as:
- Undiagnosed depression or ADHD.
- My child has no IRL friends that share their hobbies, so they made some online.
- I didn’t educate my child about social media enough, and now I am seeing consequences.
- I didn’t ask my child about what they were viewing online, and now its come to bite me in the ass.
- My child is interested in the lucrative field of computer science.
- Instead of buying them age appropriate paid games as gifts (if money permits!), they are now obsessed with free games designed to be addictive and mine their data.
- My child feels more comfortable confiding in google than in me.
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
I am, as I’ve often been, torn about my internet usage. I do love things about tumblr of course, but one thing I’ve been thinking about is this urge to scroll. Even when I’m not really in the mood for tumblr or hardly paying attention, I just physically crave scrolling. This'll continue even when I’m caught up on posts; I’ll go to reddit or the news to keep scrolling somewhere and that’s even worse lol. I know FOMO is a part of it for sure, but I also feel like I’m searching for something... I guess just distraction, entertainment, anything to get that dopamine hit one gets when scrolling upon something that sparks interest in any way (even negatively). But I’m not thinking about that stuff in the moment really, or even if I am, the urge of “well, I’m just going to go check real quick...” seems so harmless and logical, regardless of how recently I’ve checked or other things I need/want to be doing.
I always think about what if the time I spent online each day was spent reading instead; I’d actually be the bookworm I envision myself to be! Or even just life in general - so many things could be different. Hell, even if I just switched my internet time to TV/movie time, I’d be enjoying tons of shows/movies I’ve always wanted to watch that have been on a perennial list. I wish it were that simple though.
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habbohoteldotdk · 24 days
I used to think of online communities as an acceptable substitute for real-life connection but their appeal quickly dwindled once I realized that most people who spend a significant amount of time online (as in, most of their waking hours) are severely maladjusted and any place where they congregate is bound to devolve into really inappropriate discussions, harassment and attempts to break boundaries.
I don't see the appeal in making online 'friends' either, as you cannot truly be friends with somebody you cannot see, hear, smell,... someone who is essentially words on a screen, about as real as a chatbot, unless you meet up. Maybe they could be considered pen pals.
I used to get these strange emotional reactions whenever someone blocked me, or insulted me, or rejected my friend request, but now I'm simply indifferent. None of these things have any bearing in my real life and I understand now that I placed a higher priority on a virtual world over my real life, which can't be turned off by clicking a button.
One of the worst effects of internet addiction (or any addiction for that matter, but this is the only one I have) is making your feelings, actions and life completely revolve around it, 'it' being something that is essentially not real -- curating your online profiles, talking to people you have never met in real life, getting terribly upset over online arguments, losing countless, valuable hours that'll you'll never get back, all because of something that'll never bring you any benefit unless you use it as a tool.
I wish I was better at writing so I could convey what I mean better, but these posts ("living a disembodied life") ("signs you're doing something symbolically rather than authentically") essentially remind me of what I feel or do when I spend prolonged amounts of time browsing the Internet aimlessly, absorbing other people's opinions on how my life ought to be, amassing photos and videos of things I would like to do, or can do, but won't because daydreaming feels better, amassing random screenshots of information that could be useful someday (this site does a good job of talking about information addiction), wasting time while thinking "I could be doing all of those things instead", but there are so many things I could do that it paralyzes me instead, and so on.
I also used to think that using the Internet and wasting hours upon hours consuming content is inevitable because "there is simply nothing else to do and I'm too poor to enjoy anything anyway" but my experience trying to cut it off has proven me wrong, and there is simply nothing preventing me to stop except me and my excuses. I was allergic to taking accountability or responsibility, but it's the only way I can make better choices.
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internet brain rot
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macleod · 10 months
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A 2009 flyer for an internet addiction support group in New York City.
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gougarfem · 3 months
Can I ask what dumbphone you got? What was your average daily screen time before getting one? Did you keep your old smartphone to switch back and forth or completely get rid of it?
Thanks!! I'm considering a switch too.
i have a doro 7030. i chose this specifically because it runs whatsapp in addition to regular calls and texts, so i can stay in contact with friends who live abroad or primarily use wifi (sms messages can get expensive if you don't have a good contract lol).
my average daily screentime was 11-14 hours, depending on how much i slept.
i initially kept my old smartphone for its camera, my banking app and spotify. my social media apps built up again, and i ended up migrating back over to it. i no longer have a smartphone because its battery completely died, but if you need to keep one, install an app that restricts you to the absolutely essential apps you kept it for, and only turn it on for emergencies (not every day/week). do not try to use both. our brains are programmed to get hooked on a smartphone no matter how much we try to limit it. they are deliberately addictive. (also, blue light is bad for you lol)
if i have to take a photo and send it instantly, i use someone else's smartphone. i also have a little digital camera which i take around with me to snap photos of surroundings, friends, etc. i scan college work onto my laptop with a printer (you can use public libraries for this usually if you don't have one). i use online banking on my laptop and do not bring my laptop with me when i leave the house or my room each morning. before i had a laptop i used the PCs at college or the library.
girl do it. make the switch. it genuinely will do a world of good for your mental health and social connections. you got this <33
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american-boyboss · 2 years
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studynxiety · 8 months
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Lately, I have been tired. I am not sure if it's burnout, a random depressive episode or executive dysfunction. All I know is I haven't been really doing as much as I could be. I didn't want to admit it since I was still doing enough to get 80% on most tests and things could be worse.
Looking back, however, I haven't really done much that enjoy lately. I don't remember the last time I turned on some good music and wrote away, burning the midnight candle for something that made me alive. And there has been this constant knot of anxiety at the bottom of my stomach. So, things haven't been vibrant but things aren't exactly bad. It's like waking up on the wrong side of the bad; nothing's horrible but everything's off nonetheless.
All this is to say, I think I need to bounce back and I'm done being passive for this year. I've always been ambitious and I'm going to start pursuing things I want again. I woke up today feeling weirdly motivated so I've decided to start the 100 days of productivity challenge!
Things I hope to achieve from this challenge:
Become good enough in Physics that I can enjoy it again
Finish at least half of the CS50 course
Study for SATS
Make a complete compilation of which Unis to apply to
Finish at least two WIPs
Get better at French
Extra/Less-prioritized goals:
Get abs
learn to cook
Sketch/Draw more often
I think there will be two main obstacles in the way of me accomplishing these things. The first will be finding time. Most of the goals I've mentioned are things I have been putting off for more immediate concerns or just, generally, people needing me for things in the present that need to be dealt with but don't have much of an impact in the future.
The second problem is my undeniable internet addiction. Okay, I feel like internet addiction is too broad; my addiction to constantly consume some form of creative media, be it in the form of books, movies, TV shows, anime, cartoon, comics, or fanfiction. I really need to cut down on that. I think this will be the most difficult part. I'll try cutting out serialized content and instead explore more indie books and movies again. They're usually less addictive but fulfilling in the same.
As always, I'll be ending this post with some talk about the most recent shows that I have been enjoying, which is kind of ironic given the previous paragraph is me just complaining about my inability to stay away from them. Lately, I have been into the ongoing Kdrama "My Lovely Liar." I think the chemistry between the main characters is great and the mystery is alluring. An 8/10 in my books.
Other than that, I've been watching "The Boys." Currently, in season three. It's one heck of a show and it's just so believable and feels like a mirror to reality. The corporate greed of pharmaceutical firms, the corruption among the people who have sworn to protect us, and how hard the world works ... only to maintain the status quo. I think it's very interesting and directly draws parallels to the real world. It's definitely a 10/10 for me. The world building, characters, humour; everything hits just right.
That's all for today. I'll do some chemistry, look over the CS50 course and fill out some forms for some official stuff today and kickstart the productivity challenge tomorrow. I'll try to be more active on tumblr during the 100 days as I need something to keep me accountable. Here is to hoping for better me's and better days and better outcomes.
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Don’t let the internet take away your hopes and dreams for a better life.
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Bitches be having horrid self esteem issues over one (1) person’s post on the interwebs. (I’m bitches)
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beanshape · 5 days
Evil Cellphone
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this evil cellphone won't stop tempting me.
...is it the cellphone or is it me?
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