#Mint is quite fun to mess with honestly
britcision · 3 months
Hey, you know what turned out to be super a lot of fun? Writing Mithrun from other peoples’ perspectives.
You know what else is a huge amount of fun? Badass evil ladies 👀 I fucking love Cithis she’s the worst
Will be posting this and other lil ficlets over on AO3! Link is at the bottom, I’m just… drastically failing at “short” so far 😅
(I just have a lot of feelings okay?)
Warnings: some mild dehumanization, because this is Cithis’ POV, and Cithis doesn’t think of others as people
Summary: Dramatic gestures are all well and good, but four in the morning is another matter entirely. Mithrun’s used to one particular person tending to his needs; unfortunately, Cithis values her sleep.
Maybe not quite as much as a chance to finally mess with her captain though. Budding Kabumisu
After Dinner Mints - Afterthoughts
Brows furrowing in irritation, Cithis rolled over, tugging the absolutely tragic excuse for a blanket that the Canaries allowed around her tighter and burrowed in.
Her name, again, and she considered folding the pillow over her ears, still hazy with sleep.
She was going to kill Fleki. Maybe make Lycion do it. Or Otta, or anyone really, honestly, she just wanted to sleep…
But the captain would just stand there all night, saying her name in that damn monotone. Probably had been for a while, before it woke her up. Honestly, she counted herself lucky when he respected her request not to just shake her.
It was inconsiderate, honestly. He’d have to have passed all three of the others to reach her, and casting spells always woke her up. It ruined her chances of getting back to sleep, where as Fleki could pop off any number of minor spells and, as Cithis was painfully aware, be snoring again in moments.
Yes, this was Fleki’s fault. And Cithis’s rest would be avenged.
Stifling a sigh, she reached for her bells and rolled over, not surprised to see the captain’s shadowy figure looming over her cot. The soft smile came to her lips without effort; that part had always been easy.
“Do you need another sleeping spell, Captain? Lie down now,” she only half asked, the chant already spilling out before her.
Honestly, she didn’t care if he dropped where he stood. So long as he didn’t fall on her.
The magic died before it could form, and Cithis bit back a sharp hiss of irritation.
She hated that limitation, the shackle around her power that put her at the beck and call of these pathetic little wardens. The ones not loved enough by their wealthy and powerful families to keep them from a life of pain and drudgery.
And they still dared think they were better than her. When they hadn’t even earned their place.
Resigning herself to whatever the hell the captain wanted now, she forced herself to sit up, and give him her best “obedient servant” smile. Well, the best she could manage at this ungodly hour.
It wasn’t like the captain cared.
“What, then, Captain?” She asked, taking the time to actually look at him.
He looked… her brows dipped down again, frown crumpling the smile almost at once.
He looked… bad. Captain Mithrun usually did, especially on the days where she or Lycion couldn’t be bothered to make him presentable. But even dishevelled, exhausted, covered in blood, she’d never seen him look like this. It set her on edge.
And it gradually dawned on her that even though by his standards Mithrun was practically well dressed in a sleeping tunic and absolutely no filth… he looked worried.
She’d never seen him worry before.
The petulant pouting, that was nothing new, and frankly quite adorable. Annoyed, bored, satisfied, apathetic, she’d seen a lot on what most insisted was a blank face because they couldn’t be bothered to actually look.
But never this, uncertainty, worry, perhaps even fear writ large on his features and in the twisting of the tunic between his hands.
That couldn’t possibly bode well for her.
Setting her legs off the side of the cot to make a space, she pointed to it firmly, letting a little more command slip into her tone. A soft voice often worked for Mithrun, but when he was recalcitrant sometimes he needed authority.
He folded immediately, dropping gracelessly to sit beside her on the creaky little cot. He didn’t seem to be injured at least, although he rarely bothered acknowledging it if he was. Better to be sure.
“Do you need a healing spell?” She asked, not bothering to prepare the magic this time. If he did, he could wait. If he didn’t, the less she had to deal with the damn leash the better.
The Captain shook his head, hesitated, and then… sunk in on himself.
Also not good.
Reaching out, Cithis gripped his chin firmly and turned his head to face her.
He looked lost, and while he was usually unfocused if they weren’t on a mission, it was never with this much vulnerability. And while she’d once thought she’d like to see that from him, see him actually begin to care about something, it was unsettling.
Not least because she couldn’t imagine what had caused it.
Humming a short note, she released him and nodded.
“Tell me what you need, Captain,” she urged him gently.
Captain Mithrun opened his mouth. Closed it again. Just as she was beginning to wonder if she’d need to enchant him just to get a fucking answer, he sucked in a sharp breath and spoke.
“I don’t feel anything.”
Taking a breath, Cithis consciously smoothed her frown away this time. Impatience had never moved the captain before, except to raise his own. And she just plain didn’t have the patience to deal with that right now.
“And that’s a problem?” It had never been before, so she was expecting maybe a sharp look, and then some more information.
She wasn’t expecting him to turn to her, his eye wide and empty.
“Yes. I…” he hesitated, looking out past her and to the rest of the tent. Cithis waited about as patiently as she felt capable of for him to find the thought.
Or give up and let her knock him out again.
“I don’t… you said there would be new desires. But there haven’t been in forty years. It takes… so much to keep moving. To eat, to sleep, and I don’t feel anything. I don’t even want to. I don’t even want to lie down and die. There’s just nothing.” He sounded almost calm, with the same lack of inflection, except… he actually sounded tired.
Another new not-improvement.
Cithis was surprised to find she was actually almost sad. In as much as she felt anything for anyone, she rather liked the captain.
He was certainly the best warden she’d ever had, even if she couldn’t just twist him to her needs and leave. Most of the spoiled rich brats the Canaries were saddled with made her sick; born into money and privilege, half of them having the first cold meal of their lives with the force.
Mithrun was… well, at the very least always entertaining, even if it wasn’t the kind of entertainment she preferred. You couldn’t humiliate someone who didn’t feel shame, and she’d only ever had one whim he hadn’t indulged, even though he’d apparently been able to resist any of them at any time.
He was… a broken, damaged thing. Usually Cithis very much enjoyed the act of breaking things herself, but she did know how to take care of what belonged to her.
Captain Mithrun had been given to her, body and soul, and while he wasn’t fit to be a proper plaything he was still very useful. Seeing him fall apart had hurt her more than she’d admit even to herself.
Or maybe it was just knowing that she hadn’t been the one to cause it, or been able to do a damn thing about it. She hated other people taking her things.
She hadn’t been able to pull him out of it, either; hadn’t been able to think of a way to try. Not before that little… ah.
Cithis had always had a gift for spotting a person’s weakness.
Reaching out, she covered the hands still twisting through his sleeping tunic to still them. The question was, if he even knew it.
“I’m sorry, Captain, but I don’t see where this is different,” she said carefully, keeping her voice light. By all accounts, the captain couldn’t read other people for shit to spot a lie on his own, but why take the risk? “What has changed to make this a problem?”
And if she was just a little relieved to see a far more familiar look of annoyance flash across his face, he didn’t need to know that either.
“There is nothing I want now. The demon is gone, and I’m not,” he said sharply, and she didn’t bother curbing her smile.
“That was true two days ago, Captain. Yet you got up. What has changed?” She repeated a little more firmly, searching his face intently for any kind of recognition.
Sullenness pulled across his features and he slumped back, folding his arms across his chest.
“Nothing. That is the problem.”
Hiding from her? He’d never hidden before.
Maybe there was something good at the root of this after all, if the captain was going to become more… interesting. She’d not had a new plaything of her own since she’d been given him, or more accurately since she’d realized just how little he actually cared for himself.
And if this surge of passion turned out to be the temporary reprieve and he sank back into motionless, well, she’d just have to enjoy him while she could.
Of course, just giving him the answers wouldn’t be nearly as fun.
Her tiredness wasn’t even feigned as she sighed, slotting her legs back onto the cot behind him and lying down again.
“I’m sorry, Captain, I’m afraid I’m just not sure what you want. Perhaps I’m just too tired… shall we talk more in the morning? When you’ve had more time to gather your thoughts?” She asked sweetly, and yes, there was that irritation again.
That little flash of petulance that only the proximity of a dungeon had dragged out of him before. Honestly, him even taking the initiative to come find her at all was beginning to look like part of a lovely new pattern.
Maybe there was a new desire already forming… at least the desire to have a desire, which she supposed would be a new feeling to almost anyone. Yes, this next part was going to be very entertaining.
A fun little thought occurred to her, and she held the blanket open for him.
“Why don’t you sleep here, Captain? I can cast you another sleeping spell, and then if things are clearer in the morning you can tell me immediately,” she offered with her most innocent, sunny smile.
And if she cast a strong enough spell, he would certainly be asleep past the time his little tallman would come looking for him. And she’d have a lovely front row seat for the show.
The look Captain Mithrun gave her was… honestly, as sceptical as it always was when she put in the effort to be charming with him. He wasn’t a stupid little thing, just incredibly unbothered.
“I don’t always need sleeping spells,” he grumbled to himself, and oh Cithis knew this was going to be fun. He’d never cared about the method of his sleep before.
Still, he obediently lay down beside her, tucked in on his side until they were touching from shoulder to ankles to both fit on the narrow cot. Cithis considered curling a leg around his waist, both for her own comfort and to see what his… Kabru would do.
That could wait for morning.
She did wrap the arm holding her staff around him though, partially for easier spell casting and partially so neither of them fell off the cot. A rare moment of mercy moved her, and she let her lips press gently against the back of his head for a moment, her voice low.
“After all, Captain… tallmen hardly live for any time at all. Even if you never have another desire for as long as he lives, that isn’t so long to wait.”
The captain stiffened in her arms, but didn’t stop her from murmuring the incantantion this time, and with a gentle jingle of her bells he slumped back into sleep.
Making a mental note to find out just how old Kabru was (and how long tallmen actually did live anyway), Cithis settled down and relaxed as much as she could, waiting to join him.
Casting spells always did wake her up, but at least now she had something interesting to occupy her while she settled.
Perhaps Fleki had had a point, and it might be worth being released on the captain’s recognizance, even if he was planning to stay in this backwater country. After all, she was his caretaker. And she’d need a front row seat to whatever disaster Captain Mithrun’s attempts at flirtation were going to be.
She’d have to make sure that Fleki was also released to stay with them, of course. That would be the start of a fitting punishment for her lost sleep.
Watch this space or follow me home via
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bruciemilf · 1 year
No, but Battinson and Simon "Ghost" Riley? Copy and paste. Emo in italics vs Emo in Bold.
For my " Alfred trained Ghost at some point and of course Bruce grows up with an annoying ass older brother" agenda.
I'm sorry, but I simply can't help but drool and cry and scream over Clark visiting the manor because Bruce demanded to keep traction of his powers, -
(translation: Bruce is worried and wants to offer healthcare to the indestructible Kryptonian in the best way he knows how)
-, and look. He can't exactly HELP peeking through privacy. But, honestly? A part of him feels like it's better.
He hasn't felt an ounce of awkwardness around Damian ever since he heard that " how to make friends" tutorial from his room. It's easier to make eye contact with Jason when Clark knows he cries at Little Women. (He gets it. He does, too.)
And Tim can't really intimidate him like he used to now that Clark knows he needs a tutorial on how to grill cheese.
He likes it. Its not a bridge, not quite yet, but it IS a foundation.
One thing IS curious, thought. Alfred.
Alfred, whose warm voice is very comforting, like a spoon of sugar In a cup of mint tea,
" I don't suppose you'll be visiting soon, love?"
There's one detail that actually MAKES Clark want to listen. He didn't know Alfred's accent had a twang of Manchester to it.
But it's the voice on the other line, - gruff, grainy but pleasant, deep and whispery, - that stirs his curiosity,
" Don't tell me Bambi's dyin' to see me?"
" He specifically instructed me not to invite you again, actually. He's never quite recovered from that tea bag incident."
Faint gun sounds. Then a deep, chilling silence, " Ain't my fault no one thought 'em street combat. Soap says hi, by the way. Price still waitin' on that dinner date."
" Tell him to come here and get it. If he dares. And bring John at once! This silent pining of yours won't get you anywhere."
A pause, in which Clark feels an invisible pressure settle over him. He feels cornered. It's foreign, and nasty, on the wrong side of admiration.
" ...I'll see you in a blink, Pop."
" See you then, love."
When Bruce comes back, elegant, dainty, violence stained hands full with sweet treats Clark has no taste for, entirely for him only, he burns to ask about this mystery son.
But then again, it's really funny seeing Bruce on the receiving end of being investigated. He has no clue how Clark finds these things out, putting Superman above petty things like eavesdropping.
Clark Kent, however, won't bother. It's way too much fun.
If he had half a mind to ask, then maybe future Clark would know how to prepare for Simon "Ghost - AKA Bruce Wayne's Tank Older Brother " Riley better.
Why Am I looking up why am I looking up why am I looking, -
"You're hard to kill."
" ...Thank you."
" It's not a compliment. "
Bruce pouts, - and a fragment of Clark, who's currently doing his best not to hide behind his cape like an overfed 6 year old (because good lord, that mask), is endeared.
It's nice to see Bruce like this, - grumpy but relaxed and filled with loving annoyance. " This could've been a Facebook message."
Ghost shrugs, big hand messing up Bruce's hair, all bored and affectionate, " We celebratin' Jay's 9th birthday, don't we? Can't do that over call."
" Jay is 23."
Ghost shrugs, " I stopped counting after Dick, Bambi."
That...Was adorable. In a messed up, way too accurate manner.
"Besides," And Jason clearly learned " stabs you with a single stare" from the right person, " I heard it's open season in Gotham."
Clark gulps behind his smile.
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askroahmmythril · 11 months
Wall o’ Text : The Nintendo Direct
Figured I may as well type up my thoughts on everything from the Direct.  I have it going in the background to remember everything that was shown.  So yeah, if you care about trailer spoilers, now’s your chance to bail, yo.
So let’s get to it, and hopefully not get interrupted by another powerout.
1) Pokemon ScVi DLC - I’m looking forward to these.  ScVi can be a buggy mess, but I still overall enjoyed the games.  Since I’m not super competitive, I don’t look at a bunch of new legendaries as “OH GOD WHAT WILL THIS DO TO THE META QUICK BAN EVERYTHING,” I just see them as “Oh, cool, new things to collect and train, yay!” I do however hope there are still some things they might be hiding.  I’d like to see some new Paradox forms show up.
2) Sonic Superstars - Honestly looks pretty good.  I do wonder if we might get more characters as DLC.  I’d especially love to see what a Classic style Cream would look like.
3) Palia - ...... (checks “cozy farm sim off the bingo sheet”)  Nothing really stood out to me here, other than the phrase “free to play,” meaning microtransaction heck.  No thanks.
4) Persona 5 Tactica - Tactics games usually aren’t a go to for me, though this looks maybe more like the kind of tactics used in things like Mario + Rabbids, which I enjoyed, so I might be interested in this one?  Not super high priority, but on the radar.
5) Mythforce - This honestly might be on the “I’ll want to see more” list.  The artstyle is actually pretty dang nice, it definitely captures that He-Man style saturday morning cartoon look.
6) New Splatfest - Well, I can’t play online, don’t even HAVE Splatoon 3, but as far as choice, I’m torn between Strawberry or Mint Chip, love both of those.  But hey, Vanilla is good too.  Honestly hard to pick on this one.
7) Detective Pikachu Returns - Okay, was NOT expecting that.  I enjoyed the original, so definitely happy for it.
8) Super Mario RPG Remaster - Oh gods it looks beautiful.  It’s one of the rare RPGs that I really did enjoy, so I’ll likely be interested in this one.
9) Untitled Peach Game - Intrigued, but we know like, nothing.
10) Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon Port - I have the 3DS game, but never actually played it, so this might spur me to do so.
11) Batman : Arkham Trilogy - I might actually want this.  I loved Assylum and City, never got to play Knight, but I quite enjoyed the ones I did play.  A case of “wouldn’t mind an excuse to play them again.”
12) Gloomhaven - No real strong thoughts on this one admittedly.
13) Just Dance 2024 Edition - (checks the year)  Hey, you can’t do that!  Anyway, no real strong feeling here either,
14) Silent Hope - I’m not sure anything really drew me in on this one.  The concept of no one being able to talk, I at first wondered what that would do for storytelling, like, how they’d work with that concept.  I figured it could be interesting, but also would run the risk of if everything’s just pantomimed, it could get tiring.  But then we just get an NPC that talks for everyone anyway, so... (shrug).
15) Fae Farm - Oy, I already got the “cozy farming sim” checkmark.  No strong feelings here.
16) Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged - I never played that previous Hot Wheels game that came up, but it looked like it could be interesting.  Was the original any good?
17) Manic Mechanics - Basically Undercooked but with car fixing?  I’ve played Undercooked solo which, uh....  Oof.  It’s a lot to keep track of, haha.  Definitely something that would be more fun with other players.
18) Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC - I still need to finish the first game, but it is enjoyable.  So happy for this, and already have the pass so got it downloaded.
19) Dragon Quest Monsters : The Dark Prince - Heck yeah new DQM, I did enjoy those games, so might want this.
20) Pikmin 4 - (hype intensifies)  Super looking forward to this.  I’m happy to see Pikmin 2 style dungeons return, I enjoyed those.  Wonder if we have a time limit this time or not, I can enjoy with or without, but I do wonder if this might be more PIkmin 2 style “take your time,” which I can appreciate.
21) Pikmin 1 + 2 - Heck yeah, all four Pikmin games on one system?  Well, no Hey Pikmin, but the mainline ones, which heck yeah.  I’ll probably wait for the physical version though.
22) Metal Gear Solid : Master Collection Vol. 1 - I’ve never been too into the Metal Gear series, buuuuuut I might be thinking of getting it as a holiday gift for my uncle.
23) Vampire Survivors - Already got it on Steam.  And still haven’t figured out how to survive a full minute past Death’s appearance which is like, a requirement on every stage.
24) Headbangers Rhythm Royale - My only real thought here is Team 17 made a pigeon game, so they will explode violently and not where you told them to.
25) Penny’s Big Breakaway - This looks super fun, I hope it turns out good.
26) Mario Kart 8 DLC - I’m kind of surprised Kamek got in as the Tour rep over Pauline.
27) Star Ocean The Second Story R - I have no real nostalgia for this one, never played the original, don’t know much about the series.
28) WarioWare : Move It! - My only concern is how responsive will the motion controls be.  I usually find motion controls frustrating.
29) Nintendo Live - No way I’d be able to attend, so no real thoughts.
30) Tears of the Kingdom amiibos - These look cool, definitely want them.
31) Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Honestly, yes please.  This looks super fun.
So yeah, all in all, very strong Direct.
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As Freyja just emptied one for us... RGOL fuck your enemy spin the bottle!!!
Obviously this is Cupid's idea.
Freyja thinks it'll be fun despite feeling shy. Aengus is up for anything and sits cross-legged on the floor, looking eager. Valentine slurs something about about this being his annual community service. Aphrodite just smiles her signature smile.
Freyja is so enthusiastic she throws her empty beer bottle into the middle of the circle with a great clatter.
Cupid makes a great song and dance about seductively crawling towards his partner across the circle, booty popping, biting his lip.
"Are we using tongues?" Aengus queries. "I've got mints..."
Aengus' bottle lands on Freyja, who immediately blushes crimson and starts babbling that he doesn't have to kiss her if he doesn't want to (Dite punches her on the arm). He smiles, leans over and places the gentlest, slow peck on her lips and she melts into him. Dite and Val give each other knowing looks over their heads.
Freyja is a giggling mess. Aengus has her lipstick smeared across his chin.
Cupid lands on Valentine first and he practically leaps through the air and onto his lap, wrapping his legs around him.
Valentine gets a semi when Aengus kisses him and pulls his hair a little bit.
Dite and Freyja are sat next to each other so when it's their turn to kiss Dite tilts her chin upwards to get a good angle. She kisses her on the nose afterwards too. As the game goes on Freyja gets bolder and ends up straddling her fellow goddess.
When Valentine gets Dite he groans. Aengus frowns.
"I thought you two were... y'know..."
"We're fucking, we're not kissing."
"It's like licking a department store mannequin."
They do kiss, obviously, and both of them get a bit heated. Cupid is practically levitating from the drama.
Dite makes a big show about kissing Cupid, pushing him down on the floor and climbing on top of him whilst he gasps, her velvet-clad butt sticking in Val's face.
Cupid gives Aengus a heart shaped hickey which Aengus thinks is nice.
Valentine is actually quite sweet when he kisses Freyja, pushing her orange mane away from her face and stroking her cheek. She flutters her eyes and practically purrs.
Drinks are flowing and honestly, this is probably going to end in a fuck pile. But when doesn't it with these guys?
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thecommoncurator · 4 months
Top 10 2023
cuz I’m a nerd
10. Skinamarink
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Ultralowbudget horror that really stuck w me. Architecture as horror.
Hallways that change size. Doors that disappear. Walls that inch closer. A disembodied voice coaxing you to horrific acts. Excited to see where Kyle Edward Ball goes from here!
9. The Holdovers
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Newly minted winter holiday classic.
The core trio of Sessa, Giamatti, and Randolph kill it. Lots of faux 70s cinematic flair (complete w grainy mono audio) and a script that plays the familiar coming of age beats with enough cynical bite to keep it from falling into saccharine cliche, & a warmth for its characters that keeps it from falling into despairing melodrama. Just damn good all around!
8. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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What hasn’t already been said? Gorgeous animation, a fantastic ensemble of characters, and better action than any superhero movie I’ve seen in quite some time (kinetic, emotionally charged, and LEGIBLE!), w a soundtrack to match. this film takes so much care w its characters - Miles talking to his Mom/Dad, Gwen confronting her Father, Miguel bickering w peter, the downtime w everyone is just as compellingly crafted as the action. 💕
7. Anatomy of a Fall
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Juicy French courtroom drama that is ostensibly about whether or not a renown novelist (a perfectly calculated Sandra Hüller) killed her husband, Justine Triet turns her camera’s gaze to a number of intriguing themes - the malleability of memory, the gender politics of the French court system, the existential dread of having the minutiae of one’s most private moments picked apart before a ravenous public’s eyes.
best dog performance in a film ever✨
6. Poor Things
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Yorgos, my love, back with his gnarled, prickly sense of sadistic humor & a fully-activated Emma Stone (goddamn!) and THE Mark Ruffalo performance - what a fun prick he is here. The physicality of the absolutely bonkers sets and costuming, coupled with its maximalist approach to untangling the Born-Sexy-Yesterday trope by way of Frankenstein (or Frankenhooker, honestly), this film was an absolute riot and KILLED in a theater. A fascinating aesthetic leap for Lanthimos and a real treat.
5. All Of Us Strangers
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A film that, like its protagonist (an achingly tender Andrew Scott) devastatingly grasps for the universal by drilling down into the specifics. Adam spends his time writing, channeling the dead, communing with the grief of his past, searching for an escape hatch from the isolating pits of depression and a lifetime of self-doubts, if only for a fleeting moment,which, once found in the form of a hot mess of a neighbor (a superb Paul Mescal), only reinforces that underlying dread w the all too relatable need to capture it in amber, like plucking a star from the sky and feeding its radiance with your tears, hoping that maybe this time…maybe this time it’ll stick.
Like so many great queer films, this will ruin your day 💕
4. Oppenheimer
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Nolan finally cracked the code. I’m not sure how he managed to turn a 3 hour epic about the pettiness, vindictiveness, utter disregard for humanity that the movers and shakers of the U.S. imperialist machine have for us all into a blockbuster event…until I hit play again, and Göransson’s score starts up, and Cillian Murphy’s haunting eyes appear…and it all just, makes sense. A rare film that never lets up and doesn’t suffer for it. It doesn’t hurt that every actor under the sun shows up.
Robert Downey Jr. plays catty soooo well lol.
3. The Zone of Interest
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There’s a long-running dialogue in film history revolving around the aesthetics of war films, and whether or not there can ever be a truly “Anti-War” film because, by virtue of being a film with purposeful framing/pacing/blocking, it aestheticizes it, rendering the message moot. I don’t know that Zone of Interest is an ‘Answer’ to that conversation, but it is the most compelling entry in the conversation i’ve yet to see. A horrific film with no violence shown. A building nightmare without catharsis. No aesthetic flourish. Just soul-numbing inhumanity.
What death cries are we tuning out as we go about our day?
2. Killers of the Flower Moon
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Martin Scorsese, with rewrites and input from the Osage Nation, takes what was supposed to be a bog standard whodunnit about the founding of the FBI and turns it into a spiritual treatise on the rot at the heart of the American mythos. DiCaprio is at his slimiest here, a fantastic, thankless turn, De Niro is at his most diabolical, but Lily Gladstone steals the show with her radiant aura of a screen presence. This is a 3.5hr film w lots of talking, lots of loud moments, guns and bombs and screeching….but its most powerful moments come from stillness, silence. A glance from afar. The sound of rainfall. The pregnant silence of a confession left unspoken: complicity.
One of Scorsese’s best. 💕
1. Asteroid City
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Asteroid City is the best film Wes Anderson has made, and feels almost like a confession, an introspective dive into the why’s of his aesthetic distance from his characters. A 50s television dramatization of a production of a fictional play, the levels of artifice that wrap around these characters keep revealing new facets of their souls to us, their grief, their joy, their quests for meaning.
It’s also got UFOs, atom bombs, laser guns, a fantastic Jason Schwartzman in hot-depressed-dad mode, and folksy musical numbers about aliens! It’s a ton of fun, and a damn fine picture, one that is wrapped in layers of cinematic thrills it slowly unravels to reveal a tender, heart-melting center.💕
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alostdemonangel · 3 years
Lucidia Oc bois
It took me 1 year to post it, cuz reasons, more information about them in read more + extra shit, and shit english alert
Edit: Lucidia is made by @loverofpiggies, i forgot to put it because i'm stupid-
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He's a healer, or a doctor if you prefer, he usually help reapers with broken skeletons or soul problems, but he also help other beings.
Aki always carry a big bag, but it's just a bag to carry Aid kit for emergencies.
Oh, this fluffy thing is not a cape, is a scarf.
He's formal and calm in the most of time, and at first you can also call him "cold", but he's really not, when you know him better, he is very sweet and understandable.
And no, Aki is not shy at all, he just don't express himself very well.
Good with actions and words, but with feelings...not so well :')
But of course sometimes you can see him sad ou a bit angry with reapers, i mean-Sometimes they do dumb shit and end up all fucked up, who wouldn't be angry or worried?
Aki may look like a lonely type, but he's really not, he likes to talk, but i guess he got used to be lonely.
Like, yeah, Aki is not so lonely, he takes cares of Malyn and in work Mint visits him...well sometimes with a broken arm but who cares?(Aki probably-)
He enjoys karaoke, in job you can hear him sing very quietly.
Also plays violin, and he's REALLY good playing it!
Want a secret? Aki have a little hobby with...collections of mini bombs, it's not dangerous or anything, but just in case he hides it.
Is not a secret what happened with his face, is not a epic battle or anything, it was from a drunk who threw a whole bottle of vodka in a bar where Aki was passing by, that's why he hate bars.
Why he doesn't cover the crack in his face? Like, he do it all the time, but he thinks is unnecessary...and reminds him of not getting near of a bar ever again.
Funny thing, many reapers calls him "Doctor Fluffy" because of his scarf, or "Crazy (movie) doctor" for his pupils.
Ah-His pupils were a gift from Malyn.
Wants a strange fact? He can remember all reapers name, like...if you give him a paper and tell him to write all reapers name, with 3 or more hours he would end up actually writing all reapers names.
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He's a reaper, not the best, but really talented with heavy weapons.
If you try to use his hammer for the first time, you will be surprised of how heavy it is, work out enough and you will be able to use it.
Even with a heavy weapon, he is actually very fast, but oh man...without his hammer you wouldn't even be able to see him.
He doesn't show many worries about others when he works with others reapers saying something like " What? Can't i trust them enough to do their job properly themselves?" and you can't tell if he's joking or talking serious.
Oh yeah, he doesn't talk too much, but he ask TOO MUCH, no one can remember when he didn't ask or talked normally, he just...ask.
Mint just talk properly with Aki or Malyn, like- Aki is his best friend(big brother lol) and Malyn is like a younger sister to him.
Many reapers find him annoying or creepy, but not just for asking too much and refusing to actually talk...
There's many times where he could tell when someone is lying, it's like he can fucking read your face or something, it's kinda scary.
He is very curious.
Poor memory.
He doesn't hide what he thinks or about himself, so many times you will laugh or getting angry at him.
Oh but theres one thing he refuses to talk about, his sister, he had a sister, but he just says that he forgot about her, and even if it's true- Mint doesn't want to remember her at all.
Also, Mint have 3 plants, he named them Noir, Violette and Rouge, yes, this bitch name his plants.
In the dark, is you, darkness and him with his FUCKING LIGHT COLOR IN HIS FACE WTF DUDE-
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Yes, that's the extra shit, enjoy :]
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Future reaper? Maybe.
Malyn can be very energetic child or she can be very chill, but don't expect her to stop joking around.
P A R K O U R, she's good at it, but is funny when she fails at it.
Malyn lives with Aki.
Yeaaah...Aki and Malyn are not related at all, Aki doesn't refers her as his child, but you can say he adopted Malyn.
Malyn doesn't call Aki his father, more because she still remembers who are her parents, Aki promised that when she gets older, he will say what happened with them.
But hey! Those two spend most of their free time together(Sometimes with Mint too) playing video games, wacthing weird shit in tv, going outside or whatever.
Also, Malyn in the only one who can tell if Aki is happy even when he doesn't show it.
She loves when Mint visits them, like- Mint just talk shit and tell some reapers stories to her, but the "talking shit" is just when Aki is not around.
She's not a aggressive child, but oh man...her pranks are brilliant, like Malyn can spend weeks working in a complex thing just for a prank and when she tells you the process you sometimes get lost in of what shes talking about, like- DID AKI TEACH HER THOSE THINGS?? AND HOW DID SHE UNDERSTOOD IT??
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
trouble (matthew gray gubler/fem!reader)
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Title: trouble
Request: requested by anon
Couple: matthew gray gubler/fem!reader
Category: smut (*gasp* i know...) w/ a side of fluff
Content Warning: sexual content (penetrative sex, unprotected sex (be safe buddies), fingering, car sex, choking kink, daddy kink (But as a joke), masturbation, slight edging (i guess that’s what it’s called)), kinda sub!reader, kinda dom!mgg, swearing, sexual innuendos, teasing, pissed off matthew
Word Count: 4369
Summary: Reader and Matthew are going out to a dinner party with the cast of Criminal Minds. After some suggestive comments and innuendos and actions (done by reader). Matthew teaches Reader a lesson in the back seat of his station wagon.
A/N: in celebration of hitting 200 followers, i decided to pus my first smut here :) although it was a request and i was going to post it either way. this was the request i got and when i saw it i got more than excited and my mind ran wild with it! matthew 10/10 calls his partner princess in this one-shot. it’s a little bit rougher than i was expecting, but i kinda lost track of my thoughts and just went for it. thank you so much to that anon that sent this in! if you have a request or an idea, send it in! and check out my masterlist!
6/1/2021 Edit: I no longer write rpf smut. this was written before I made that change. 
Oh boy, it was just one of those days… I could just feel it in my body that I was going to be an asshole today and nothing anyone could do could stop me from that. My sassy mood would be the one thing that gets me in trouble today, and I think I’m honestly okay with that.
I walked into the bedroom, wearing nothing but my undergarments (which consisted of my personal favorite black/mint lingerie), and tan stockings. Matthew was sitting on the edge of the bed, tying his shoes. I walked over to the closet, right past him. We should and are getting ready for a dinner party with his friends from Criminal Minds. Should being the key-word there. I loved messing with him like that.
“Woah,” he spoke ever so softly. I stayed facing the closet, but a smile grew on my lips. I gently swayed my hips as I went through the dresses I had hanging. He was staring, I knew he had to be staring. I pulled one dress out, not really thinking it’d be the one. 
“What should I wear,” I asked out to the room. The sounds of his shoes hitting the wood flooring was the answer I got instead of his voice. I pouted as I dropped my head to my shoulder, my hair hitting my arm. I jumped as his icy cold hands and arms wrapped around my middle. His face was pressed into my neck. He exhaled deeply before kissing the base of my throat. I smiled as he swayed with my movements.
“I think you should go like this. Show you off to all my friends,” Matthew hummed as he dragged his hands to the front of my hips. My hands stopped on two separate dresses and clenched the fabric in my fingers. “I think they’d enjoy that… I know I would,” he added, his thumbs playing with the lacy edges of my panties. I took a deep breath and stepped back, so I was flush against his body. 
“Matthew, obviously I can’t just go in my underwear.” I scoffed as he pushed me so there was a small space between us. I sighed deeply as he stepped away from me. “I’ll figure it out,” I rolled my eyes as he retreated to the bed. I filed through my dresses again before pulling out a black cocktail dress that I knew would drive Matthew crazy during the night. I dashed off to the bathroom to finish getting ready. “Zip me up?” I asked as I stepped back into the bedroom and stood behind Matthew. Shuffling came from behind me before he zipped my dress up.
“Ready to go?” he whispered. His breath hit the shell of my ear, causing me to swallow roughly. 
“Almost. Let me get my things together and I should be ready,” I sighed deeply. It’s going to be one of those nights, I just know it. Matthew pressed his lips to my cheek before walking away from me, again.
And that was my cue. I was quick. I’ve never been so fast to get ready for an event. He was probably getting out into the car as we speak. I grabbed a tube of lip gloss from the bathroom and tossed it into my bag before slipping a pair of plain black heels on. And then, I left the house.
And, as per my guess, Matthew was already sitting in his station wagon, waiting for me. I shuffled to the passenger’s side of the car and pulled the door open.
I looked over at Matthew as I slipped into the car. He was looking at himself in the mirror of the visor. I swallowed roughly as my eyes trailed from his perfectly sculpted face (lingering for a moment on his lips), down to his neck (where I would love to leave love bites), down his chest (and even though he was wearing a suit, I wanted to push off his dress shirt), and finally, down to his lap (a lap I would just love to sit on). And he was just there… Sitting there, doing his thing like I wasn’t imagining wanting to rip his clothes off to have sex with him right now. 
He dropped his hands from his face and rested them on his legs. I stared for a moment at his hands and their placement on his legs. I could feel my heart pick up and my head getting mildly dizzy. I took a deep breath and shook my head as I looked up at his face.
“Mm, now that’s a lap I could sit on,” I grinned at Matthew as I buckled my seatbelt in. The thought of grinding my ass into his crotch made me giggle lightly as I stared at him.
Matthew gawked as he looked over at me, his hands resting low on the steering wheel. I smiled as I folded my hands over my lap. I could feel Matthew’s eyes still on me as I looked out the window. 
“What did you just say?” he asked as he slowly started the car. I hummed before looking over at him. He was still staring at me with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
“Hm? Oh! I said are you ready? I can’t wait to see Kirsten and AJ.” I smiled as I looked at him. He raised an eyebrow, but his expression was now amused instead of shocked. At least he’s amused now… 
“Oh, yeah, I’m sure that’s exactly what you said, Princess,” Matthew glanced at me as he started his car and pulled out of the driveway. I couldn’t tell if he actually meant to call me that pet name, or if he was just teasing. Either way, he knows it gets me going. 
“And, Aisha! Oh! I miss her!” I clapped my hands together. Matthew seemed to enjoy my excitement at seeing his friends and co-workers. It’s been a while since the wrap party for the show, so it’s been a while since either of us had seen them. “I still owe her $10 for that prank she helped me play when I visited the set that one day,” I grinned at Matthew.
“Yeah, sure, because stealing and hiding my fruit roll-ups is a prank,” he rolled his eyes as he glanced at me. I smiled and nodded. “Finding them a month later though was quite a pleasant surprise. I will admit that,” he laughed lightly.
“Listen, Matthew, you were the one who invited me to set. It’s not my fault I got bored while you were filming. Someone had to keep me entertained. I’m sorry it was Aisha who took that job. We had fun that day,” I laughed as I turned to face him. I crossed my legs as I looked at him.  I pulled my purse off my body and put it in the backseat, accidentally hitting Matthew in the face. “I’m so sorry.” I looked at him with wide eyes. He looked at me with a playful irritation on his face.
“Accidents happen, just don’t let it happen again,” he glanced at me. I smiled and nodded. 
  “Won’t let it happen again,” I looked out the windshield.
The drive to the restaurant was in a comfortable, yet somehow tense, silent. I couldn’t help myself when it came to making a comment or innuendo of some sort. Matthew didn’t seem too crazy bothered by it, if anything it looked like he enjoyed it. Of course, I knew I needed to stop before we went in. So, I stayed silent when he pulled into a parking spot. 
“You ready?” Matthew asked as he pushed the visor down. I reached back for my purse and pulled it in the front. I “accidentally” hit Matthew in the back of the head with my bag as I pulled it onto my lap. Oh, no, the first time was definitely an accident. The second time was 100% on purpose. No accident this time.
He dropped his shoulders and looked over at me, annoyance on his face. I looked down at my lap and bit my lips to refrain from smiling. Oh boy, I wonder what he’s going to do. Surely he won’t yell at me.
“Choke me, daddy,” I very jokingly teased as I looked at Matthew. He looked at me with shock on his face. I smirked as I began digging around in my purse for lip gloss. When I looked back up, Matthew threw his hand over my neck and pushed my head against the headrest. I widened my eyes and looked at him. I was relieved that he was just holding his hand there, not applying any pressure. But part of me really wanted him to do it. “I was joking,” I stated in a tone that said I wasn’t sure of myself. 
“I’m not so sure you were… Princess,” Matthew smiled at me before removing his hand and turning back to the visor. I pouted at the lack of his touch and looked at him. I moved closer to him and looked up at his face. “Can I help you,” he looked away from the tiny visor mirror and down at me. I smiled and nodded before puckering my lips. 
“Please,” I whispered and batted my eyelashes at him. He laughed before kissing my lips lightly. I pouted as I turned back in my seat. I glanced at Matthew and noticed that he was still fixing his mess of hair in the mirror. I turned back to face him, grabbing his hand again. He glanced at me for a moment before looking back at his reflection. I slowly brought his hand back to my throat and looked at him.
I swallowed roughly as I stared at him, keeping his hand on my throat. Matthew just continued to mess around with his hair. “Are you busy with my hand,” he asked looking at me. I pouted and pushed his hand away from me. 
“No, I’m not,” I muttered before looking down at my phone. I looked at Matthew and pouted. “But I’d like to be,” I glared at him as I placed my hand high on my bare thigh. 
“Hold on, what do you think you’re doing,” Matthew asked as his hand shot out to grasp my wrist. I smirked and looked over at him, pushing his hand off mine. 
“Well, I wanna have fun before we go in and you won’t have fun with me. So, I’m gonna do it myself. Unless you want to change your mind,” I snipped back as I brought my hand to my panties. I honestly should’ve just forgone the underwear tonight. I don’t know why I didn’t. I could feel through the thin fabric that I was wet. He didn’t even do a damn thing to get me as wet as I am. But here I am, nearly sitting in a puddle. I suppose he just has that effect on me.
I looked at Matthew as I slid my hand into my panties and pressed a finger into my center, collecting some wetness on my finger. I gasped and lightly closed my eyes. I slowly moved my finger around my clit as I looked back at Matthew. He was silently watching me for a minute. The way he looked at me told me he was pissed. I've never seen him so mad before. I let out a soft moan as I pressed my head into the headrest.
“Matthew,” I whimpered as I looked at him. He shifted slightly in his seat as he looked back at me. I slowly circled my finger around my clit as I locked eyes with him. My breathing grew labored as I brought my free hand to my breast, kneading it over my shirt and bra. Just as I started to pick up speed, Matthew’s hand grasped my wrist and stilled my movements. I looked at him, alarmed and frustrated. He seriously did not just do that.  
“Get in the backseat, we’ll have to be quick,” he muttered as he yanked my hand from my panties. I looked at him with wide eyes. He was looking at my wet finger before putting it in his mouth. I took a deep breath, feeling more overwhelmed by the second. “Go on,” he half-ordered as he nodded to the back seat. “Don’t make me say it again,” he muttered when I stayed frozen in my seat. I nodded before getting out of the front seat and trying to move fast to the back. 
I sat in the middle of the bench seat and shimmied out of my panties. Matthew was quick to sit beside me in the backseat. He didn’t even give me time to understand what was about to happen. That’s okay, I just know I’ll get what I want.  
He gently pushed me so I was lying across the bench and he hovered over me and in between my legs. One of his knees stayed between my legs, making it so I couldn’t press them together for any sort of pleasure. Part of me hated it when he was like this, but another part loved it. He knew that too. 
“You are being such a bad girl,” he whispered, bringing his hand back to my throat. I gasped and pressed my head into the seat. I looked up at him and nodded, telling him it was more than okay to do this. He gently and carefully put pressure into his grip as he stared down at me. I struggled slightly to breathe as I locked eyes with him again. “Touching yourself in the parking lot before we go into a dinner party… With my friends nonetheless,” he kept his voice low. Matthew brought his other hand down between my legs, resting it at the top of my thighs.
“I’m sorry,” I struggled to speak as I threw a hand over his one on my neck. He cocked his head slightly as he stared at me. 
“You’re sorry, Princess?” he questioned, slowly moving his hand closer to my center. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he moved my panties to the side. I tried to swallow roughly and nodded. “Sorry just isn’t going to do it,” he spoke, causing me to open my eyes. 
 I tapped my fingers on the back of his hand, silently telling him that I really needed air. His eyes flashed slightly with concern as he removed his hand. I took a deep breath like it was my first time breathing. It was like fire in my lungs as I inhaled and felt like I was mildly high as I exhaled.
“I won’t do it again,” I whispered as I looked up at him. We both knew that I was clearly lying when I said that. Any chance I get to act like this, I’ll do it. A small smile twitched on his lips as he inserted a finger into my center. I gasped and closed my eyes as he pumped his finger in and out of me. 
“I don’t believe you,” he whispered, pushing his hand into my hair. I stared at him, shock on my face. “You know you’ll have to be punished for that. Right, Princess,” he asked as he rubbed my clit with his thumb.  I whimpered and bit my lips together before nodding. “Mm-hmm, use your words,” his words were low. I swallowed roughly and stared at him.
“Yes, yes, I know. I know,” I spoke fast like if I didn’t speak fast enough I wouldn’t have words to say. I brought my hands to his belt buckle, going to undo his belt. I yelped when he grabbed both my hands with his one free hand. He held my hands above my head and smiled down at me.
“I’m in charge here, Princess, you know that,” Matthew moved his thumb faster. I wiggled and nodded. He leaned down close to my ear before whispering, “You don’t get to come till I tell you you can. Okay?” his tone was mildly teasing. His breath hit the shell of my ear, causing me to shiver slightly. I took a deep and shaky breath as I stared at him, a certain excitement setting in my belly. I was okay with it, honestly. 
“Matthew,” I whined as I inadvertently bucked my hips to his hand. He pulled his hand away from my center, causing me to whine loudly. I stared at him in protest. “Yes, I understand,” I cried as I stared at him. He smiled before sticking his fingers between my lips. I sucked them clean, free of my arousal, as I stared at him. He smiled at me before pulling his fingers from my mouth and placing his hand on my jawline. 
“Good girl,” he whispered. But the way he said it told me I wasn’t really a good girl. No, I knew I wasn’t a good girl. However, I was getting what I wanted, so who’s really winning and in charge? I just needed to be like this more often.
Matthew removed his hand from my face and down to his belt. Somehow, he managed to get his belt buckle undone with one hand, and managed to undo his pants. I looked down as he pulled himself out of his pants and boxers. I whined and tried to pull my hands. My hips ground into the seat beneath me to get some sort of pleasure. 
“Wanna touch you,” I cried as I pulled my hands from his grip. He laughed as his grip on my wrists got a little tighter. “Please,” I whined looking between his face and down at his length. “Matthew, please,” 
“You should have thought of that before that stunt you pulled,” he whispered before stroking himself a few times. I let out a loud whine and wiggled in my spot. He groaned slowly before lining himself up to my entrance.
 I’ve never wanted to touch this man so badly in my entire life. I wanted to run my hands in his hair, tugging at the hair on the back of his head. I wanted to drag my hands all over his chest, leaving red scratchy marks in their wake. And I wanted to wrap my fingers and hands around his cock. He is killing me right now. 
The head of his cock was pressed against me, causing me to inhale deeply. He smiled before slowly entering me. I struggled to stay still and quiet as he slowly bottomed out. I swallowed roughly as my breathing became ragged. 
“Oh, Princess,” Matthew mocked as he looked down at me as he slowly started moving his hips. I whimpered as I continuously tried to pull my hands from his grip. A smile twitched on his lips again, further frustrating me. Bastard knows how to mess with me and I hated it more than anything in the world. 
Matthew slowly, and carefully, picked up the pace of his hips. The way he brought his lips to mine made me feel dizzy. He knew how to kiss, with lips like his? Of course, he knew how to kiss. He carefully bit my lower lip before kissing his way down my jaw and to my neck. He left a small love bite on the nape of my neck, making it difficult to breathe. This level of excitement would kill me.
“Fuck,” I cried, throwing my head to the side. Matthew laughed and shook his head. A moan so loud, I swear it came from the pit of my stomach, came from my lips. He laughed again as he looked down at me
"You need to be a little quieter," he whispered into my ear. He clamped a hand over my mouth and nose to silence me. I whimpered against his hand and nodded. 
He has to know how close I’m getting. I was about to be in more trouble than I already am. He keeps playing me the way he is. If he did anything else, I would be screwed. No, no wait. I already am screwed, or being screwed. 
“You getting close,” he grunted. I sighed and nodded, trying to hold back a moan. His face twitched as he smiled at me. I closed my eyes, not wanting to look too long at him. I knew if I kept my eyes on him I’d break. I can’t break now. He’s right though, I am getting close. 
I nodded, as if my answer would give me what I wanted. He smiled before pressing his lips to mine in a rough way. When he finally pulled his hand from my wrists, I pushed my hands through his hair and kept them firmly placed on the back of his head. He groaned as I tugged lightly on his hair.
“Mmm,” I looked up at him as he pulled his head away from me. I bit my lips together and nodded. I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer to me. My heels dug into his lower back as I gripped his tie with one hand. 
Matthew hooked his arm under one of my knees and lifted my leg slightly to get a better angle. I cried when a burn started to grow in my hamstring, but also when he pressed deeper into me. I closed my eyes and pressed my head into the seat. I could feel myself getting closer. Maybe he forgot what he said?
And then he stopped his movements. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, feeling anger grow suddenly on my face. Matthew was looking down at me with a smile on his lips. Although, I knew it must’ve been hard for him to stop. He was just happy to see me suffer. 
“I hate you. Please, please,” I pulled on his tie to bring him closer to my face. Matthew smiled at me before pressing his lips to mine. I whined against his lips. He laughed before slowly moving his hips again. “I’m so close,” I managed to get out through pants. 
“Yeah,” he asked the obvious. I screwed my eyes shut and nodded. I’m sure if I had it in me, I would have been more than sarcastic. But I couldn’t even begin to try. I’m sure he would keep teasing me if I was sarcastic, so my best bet was to either stay quiet or let out a grotesque sound. I went with the latter. That seemed to please Matthew. 
“Promise you won’t do that again,” he brought his hand to push my hair away from my face, before resting it on my cheek. I swallowed roughly and nodded. “Uh, use your words, Princess,” 
“I… I promise…” I spoke, my voice was soft and shaky. I pressed both my hands flat on his chest as I looked up at him. He smiled softly and nodded.
“Come on, come for me,” he whispered, keeping his hips moving at a steady pace. After a moment, I felt my body snap and tighten around him. I threw my arms back around his neck as I buried my face into his body. I shouted his name when I reached my high. My body arched up into his, and he held me close.
Matthew’s movements faltered slightly and a groan fell from his lips. I could feel him release inside me as he rode out his orgasm. Oh, that bastard. 
He gently rested me back down on the seat. I looked up at him and laughed, bringing my hands to rest on his cheeks. He looked down at me, smiled before laughing.
“I don’t know what’s so funny,” he mused as he moved away from me and sat at the way opposite end of the seat. I stayed lying down, watching as he tucked himself back in his pants.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” I smiled at him, watching as he went to the front seat. He moved a few things around before coming back to me with a handful of napkins and a pack of wet wipes. “I think I might have to break my promise and do that again,” I laughed at him again. 
“Well, now we’re late, so I hope you’re happy,” he mumbled as he cleaned between my legs. I flinched at the coolness of the wipes. When he finished cleaning me up, as best he could, he grasped my hands and pulled me so I was sitting up. I looked at him and smiled. 
“Yeah, I got my fun,” I kissed his lips. I reached upfront for my bag and pushed Matthew out of the car. I quickly fixed my hair in the reflection of the window before following close behind him. 
Of course, when we entered the restaurant, loud chatter came from the far side. Everything told me that it was Matthew’s friends doing all the talking. 
“There he is!” A familiar and friendly voice shouted as we got closer to the table. I stood beside Matthew and smiled at him. “With his lovely girlfriend,” 
“Kirsten! It’s great to see you,” I smiled at her when I saw who was talking. I walked around to embrace her. Shemar whispered something to Adam before looking over at Matthew, then at me, and then back at me.
"So sorry we're late," Matthew spoke as he pulled a chair out for me. I glanced at him before sitting. He sat beside me and smiled. "I forgot something at home and had to turn back to get it. And then the traffic here was awful." The lie he told was so easy. I'm impressed he told it so easily. 
"And I needed to change. There was a stain on the front of my dress." I looked down at my dress that I’ve been in since we left the house. I did not change... 
“You’re both walking like you just had sex,” Shemar looked between Matthew and I. I looked up at Matthew before looking at the table. I could feel my cheeks warm up. “You didn’t,”
“Yeah, we… we just had sex.” I muttered.
taglist: @boiled-onionrings​ @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​ @spencer-reid-enthusiast​
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seokiie · 4 years
𝙱𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝚂𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚅𝚊𝚗 (𝙼)
+ 𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘶𝘱, 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘢𝘯. 𝘐𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦. 
𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘺𝘦. 
+ 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 3.5𝘬
+ 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘢𝘯/𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘏𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘰𝘬/𝘑𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯, 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨/𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬, 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬/𝘠𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘪
+ 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘦𝘹𝘩𝘪𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘮, 𝘷𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘮, 𝘤𝘢𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪-𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤 𝘴𝘦𝘹??, 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘑𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦
On AO3
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"How long till we get back?" Jungkook groans from where he's sat. Namjoon unlocks his phone and looks at the time. It's already past 12.
"I don't know, maybe another hour." Jungkook lets out another long dramatic groan before slumping back in his seat, mumbled curses slipping past his lips.
It was a particularly long shoot today and everyone was frustrated, to say the least. They couldn't quite capture the concept they were going for and it ended up with them staying later than they needed. On top of that, there was a problem with the car situation, and the person who was supposed to take you back to the agency couldn't show up. One of the managers insisted you squeeze yourself into BTS' van considering you were all going to the same place. They had to go back to the dorms, and you had to upload today's footage to your work computer.
You didn't know how to feel about this. BTS' van was... well, it was made for BTS. It had exactly seven seats. Seven. There was simply no room for you. Not to mention, your job was to record the boys, make sure there was content for their youtube channel. You're not supposed to actually interact with them. That just made this whole car situation even weirder. A little awkward, too.
You tried to decline the manager's proposition as respectfully as you could to a higher-up, but that didn't work. Taehyung walked over, his bag in his hand and his coat thrown over his shoulder.
"What's going on?" You looked up at the tall man. Even after following the boys for so long, you still couldn't tell the difference between Taehyung's resting face and his annoyed face. Either way, you felt bad for wasting everyone's time.
"The car that was supposed to pick up y/n here isn't showing up anytime soon. There was a crash on the highway and the traffic isn't moving at all." The manager turns his attention to the taller man and Taehyung crosses his arms and nods his head, showing he was listening.
"I'm telling her to get in your van since you're both heading to the same place, but she keeps refusing. Perhaps she's embarrassed?" The manager teases and you feel your body heat up. Riding in a van with seven other guys seems like a plot straight out of a porno. You shake that thought out of your head before you can delve deeper into it.
"It's not like we don't know her, she's been recording for us for a while. Don't be embarrassed, you can ride with us!" Taehyung pats the top of your head and smiles down at you. You let out a small laugh and nod okay. If Taehyung said so, there's no way you could refuse. You mentally facepalm at your inability to say no to hot people.
When Taehyung slides open the van door, all the members were already inside.
"Aish, Taehyung-ah, finally. We can finally go... home..." Seokjin's words falter when he notices the person standing beside him. You.
"Why's our camera lady here?" The confusion in Seokjins voice practically alerts everyone else in the van who wasn't paying attention. They all turn to you and Taehyung and god, are you embarrassed. You shift awkwardly on your feet.
"She has a name, numbnuts. Y/n over here doesn't have a car so she'll be riding with us." Taehyung wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into his side. It reminds you of a protective brother. Brother. Just a brother, nothing else.
"Uh, yeah, that sounds great except we literally don't have room for another person." Hoseok takes out one of his AirPods and for a brief second, you two make eye contact before you look away, flustered. You're sure his words sound meaner in your head than they actually were.
"Jimin-ah, can you sit on Hoseokie-hyungs lap so y/n can have a seat?" Jimin looks over at Taehyung like he just kicked his dog. There's a brief silence before Taehyung speaks up again.
"Please? For me?" Taehyung pouts and makes little whining sounds. Honestly, his puppy dog face was extremely effective and you had to stop yourself from cooing at the older man.
"Ugh, I hate you. Fine. You owe me." Jimin hisses before unbuckling his seatbelt and sliding into Hoseok's lap. Hoseok's hands come to rest on the youngers waist almost too easily.
Taehyung nudges you lightly, silently ordering you to take the free seat that Jimin just gave up. You get in and Taehyung follows, closing the sliding door behind him.
Taehyung, you, Seokjin, Hoseok, and Jimin were the only ones in the back. Everyone else was in the row right before you and in front of them, there was a dark screen that prevented you from seeing the driver. So this is what fancy seven-seat idol cars look like. Everything was so sleek and leathery and black. You'd probably feel like a famous person if you weren't squished between Taehyung, who was violently manspreading, and Seokjin, who had extremely wide shoulders.
"How long till we get back?" Jungkook groans from where he's sat. Namjoon unlocks his phone and looks at the time.
"We probably won't get back to the dorm for another hour. Traffic is shit right now." Namjoon sighs and leans his head back against the headrest. You watch as he runs a hand through his mint hair, only managing to mess it up even further. A few strands fell back on his forehead and you find yourself admiring the way the blueish-green locks look on top of his slightly sweaty, tan skin.
"You must like Namjoon's hair, huh?" You can feel the ghost of Taehyung's arm as he puts it behind your seat.
"Huh? What?" You jump a bit at how loud Taehyung's voice is in the mostly silent car. He basically just outed that you were ogling Namjon's hair.
"I said, you must like Namjoon's hair. You were staring at it." Taehyung repeats himself louder, a smirk gracing his lips when you look up at him with wide eyes. Taehyung loved people like you. So nervous and easily embarrassed. It was that type of innocence that got Taehyung going. He can't help thinking you'd be a fun little plaything.
"It's okay to admit it. I think it looks good on him, too." Taehyung pats your head before letting it rest on the back of your seat again. "It makes him look so sexy, don't you think?"
At that, you literally choke on your spit, coughing loudly as Taehyung laughed beside you. Namjoon laughs a little, too.
"Ah, cmon, Taehyung. We're gonna be in this car for an hour can you at least try not to scare the girl?" Yoongi turns around to roll his eyes at the younger. Taehyung lets out a few more giggles before nodding and apologizing.
After that, the ride continues on rather quietly. Jungkook is trying to take a nap, so is Seokjin. Namjoon and Yoongi are sharing headphones and listening to a track Yoongi is working on. Next to a sleeping Seokjinnie, Hoseok and Jimin are... whispering into each other's ears?
Okay, no one can blame you for eavesdropping. It was almost impossible not to when the two men were literally inches away from you.
You watch from the corner of your eyes as Hoseok whispers something straight into the shell the Jimin's ear, his hand slipping into his shirt nonchalantly. Jimin would've been doing a great job at keeping a straight face if he wasn't struggling to keep his eyes open. Does Seokjin not see this?
You try to divert your attention elsewhere and it actually works for a bit until Jimin starts literally panting.
This time, you turn your head fully to look at them. Jimin's head was thrown back on Hoseok's shoulder as the older boy kissed his shoulder, teasing nips that slowly led up to his neck. You could see the way Hoseok was playing with the boy's nipples through his shirt. You look around the car, wondering if you're the only one seeing this, hearing this. They really weren't trying to be discreet at all.
When you look over again, Jimin is pushing his hips back against Hoseok's. He audibly moans into his dongsaeng's neck and you have to press your thighs together because holy shit, that was hot.
They were getting louder and nobody was saying anything. It was as if the two dancers weren't practically fucking each other with their clothes on. You swallow lightly and try to ignore what's going on next to you like everyone else is. Even if you can feel your hands get sweaty, even if you feel that familiar hint of arousal deep in your belly.
As you're working hard to maintain a normal breathing pattern, Taehyung places a warm hand on your thigh. It sends sparks through your body and his eyes drop to your lips when your breath hitches.
"Are they turning you on?" This time, Taehyung isn't speaking loudly. His tone is low and there's not one hint of a joke in his voice. You swallow hard and nod softly.
"Good, because it turns me on, too." Taehyung exhales as his eyes flicker between you and the men making out beside you.
"They do this all the time and no matter what, it always gets me so hard." Taehyung's hand slides higher up, towards your inner thigh.
"Is... is this okay?"
"Y-yeah... keep- keep going." You whisper loud enough for only Taehyung to hear. He pulls you closer to him by your thigh before letting his fingers slip past the waistband of the shorts you'd worn today. You bite back a moan when you feel two digits rub against your clit. His fingers were so perfect and long and they knew exactly where to go. You can't remember the last time you were with a guy who knew where your clit was.
"God, I've been thinking about this for so long - every time I see you walk over with that camera of yours... You're such a cute little thing, I bet you'd look great coming all over my fingers." Taehyung licks his lips as his hand travels farther, down to your folds that were already dripping wet from the display of affection going on on your left.
You're a little bewildered at Taehyungs confessions. You've been working as Bangtan's camerawoman for so long that it's hard to tell when he started seeing you as more than just a low paid staff member. Regardless, the fact that he admitted to having such dirty thoughts about you has your body reeling.
Somewhere between Jimin's high pitched moans and Taehyung's fingers slipping inside you, you forgot that a world outside of... this existed, that there were other people in the car.
"Ah, you're kidding me right now." Seokjin groans when he turns to look at you. He must've woken up. "I can understand those two but seriously Taehyung? You can't even take her home first?"
You should be embarrassed. You should be humiliated because Taehyung was knuckles deep inside you and Seokjin was looking straight into your eyes. But for some reason, you didn't want to stop, you couldn't stop. You part your lips and let your eyes flutter close as Taehyung curls his fingers into that beautifully sweet spot deep inside you, a moan that might've been a little more obscene than it needed to be slips past your lips. Seokjin watches intently as it all happens.
"You're practically undressing her with your eyes, hyung. If you want her so bad why don't you join us?" It's more of a tease than a proposition but Jin looks like he genuinely thinks about it.
"How cute. My dongsaeng wants to share something so precious with me. Wouldn't it be rude to decline?" Seokin grabs your chin, his fingers digging into your cheeks in a deliciously possessive way. You look up at him with lidded eyes.
"Ah, you were right, Taehyung-ah. What a pretty face. I just know she'd look amazing with her mouth around some dick." Seokjin smiles down at you and Taehyung groans when you clench around his fingers. You'd never expect such dirty words to leave Seokjin's sweet mouth but you can't say you hate it.
"Say, y/n-ah..." He pauses as if he has to think about what he's about to ask. "How many cocks do you think you can take at once?"
You let out a quiet gasp at the sheer thought of being used by all the members. Them treating you like you were their personal toy, their own little plaything.
It didn't take eyes to know you'd drawn the attention of the three guys in the second row. Jungkook was wide awake and Yoongi's new track was long forgotten.
"Hyung, can you take off her shorts?" Jungkook was leaning over his seat to get a better view.
Taehyung pulls two slicked up fingers out from inside you, keening at how wet you were already. They were barely getting started.
"Suck." Taehyung held his soaked fingers out to the maknae who eagerly wrapped his lips around them. You didn't know how else to describe the tension that hung in the air as Jungkook stared up at Taehyung through his eyelashes, greedily lapping up the crystalline liquid on his fingers.
"Fuck, Jungkookie..." Taehyung practically moans before taking the digits out his mouth and pulling the maknae in for a heated kiss. Is this what bts did behind closed doors? Because honestly, you could seriously get used to this.
"Be a good girl and take off your shorts for me," Seokjin instructs and you eagerly follow the order. You lift your hips up and slide your shorts down your thighs along with your panties. Jin basks in how keen and submissive you are. The perfect toy for him and his members.
"What're you gonna do with her?" Yoongi was also peaking over the seat, clearly interested in what was going on if the slight flush to his cheeks was anything to go by.
"She's gonna ride me and if she allows us, we're gonna take her back to the dorm and have our fun." Your eyes follow Jin's movements as he unzips his jeans and pulls his boxers down, just enough for his cock to spring free. It was big. What he didn't have in length he made up in width.
"I bet she'd look so good bouncing on your cock, hyung." Yoongi's tongue darts out to wet his lips as he watched you climb into Seokjin's lap. When you turn your head to the left, you notice you're mirroring the position Hoseok and Jimin are in. The only difference is they've gotten a lot farther than you and Jin.
"She's so wet, too. Ah, I'm not even in her yet and I know she's gonna feel amazing. Joonie, are you looking? I want you to see this." Namjoon hums, telling his hyung that he was watching. The mint haired man slips a hand past the waistband of his sweatpants and palms at the semi he was sporting thanks to Hoseok and Jimin's little show earlier.
Without much warning, Seokjin is lifting you up by your waist and angling his length straight for your weeping hole. It was practically begging to be filled and who was Jin to decline?
Despite how wet you are, Seokjin was still thick as hell and the tip of his cock was painfully stretching you open as he slowly lowered you down on top of him. A loud whine slips past your lips as your fingers dig into his thighs. He was literally splitting you open, there's no other way you could describe the sensation.
Seokjin's breath fans across your cheek as your hips finally connect with his. It was taking every ounce of self-control left in him not to buck into your tight heat. You wrapped around him so perfectly. It takes you a few seconds, but when you finally adjust to the man inside you, the pain slowly dissipates and turns into pleasure.
"Seokjinnie, fuck me." You enunciate the last word by pushing your hips back against him and he bites back a groan. His hands glide down from your waist to your hips, gripping you hard enough that you can't roll them back anymore.
"So needy, huh? Should I give her what she wants, Jungkookie?" You're once again reminded that there were six other guys in the car. Hoseok and Jimin were essentially morphing into one being, Taehyung and Namjoon already had their hands down their pants, and Jungkook and Yoongi seemed far too interested to look away. It was all a mess. A terribly sinful, hot mess that you simply could not get enough of.
"Fuck, yes, hyung. Fuck her hard. I wanna see your dick sliding in and out of her." Jungkook's voice got breathier the more he spoke. Somehow he managed to turn himself on with his own filthy words. Yoongi's hand slides down to palm at the noticeable bulge in Jungkook's pants. The maknae's face twists into one of pleasure and he has to hold onto Yoongi's shoulder so he doesn't fall over.
Seokjin finally starts you bounce you up and down on his cock. He tries to start off slow for your sake, but his resolve quickly evaporates as you rolled your hips down against him, trying to get him to hit that beautiful bundle of nerves inside you. When your eyes flicker up to see Jungkook's face, utterly fucked out and needy, something snaps inside you, something carnal.
Yoongi wrapped his hand around the maknae's cock and started jerking him off. As he did so, you pull Jungkook in by his chin. There's a surprised expression on his face at first before his eyes drop down to your lips and for what feels like a century you're devouring each other with your eyes. Jungkook is the first to break the weird limbo between you two and press his lips against yours. The kiss is sloppy and wet and every time Seokjin fucks into you, your lips slide up against Jungkook's. The maknae pants into your mouth as Yoongi moves his fists faster around his leaking cock.
"Fuck, look at you. I'd never expect our quiet, considerate camerawoman to be such a slut. Mmh." Jin growls before biting the shell of your ear. You clench hard around him and shift your hips back just right so he's fucking into your sweet spot every time he pulls you down on his cock.
"Hyung! Hyung, 'm close. Gonna cum." Jungkook's lips finally separate from yours as he opens his mouth to let out a loud moan.
"Gonna cum all over hyungs hand? Do it, Jungkookie." Yoongi breathes into Jungkook's ear and Jungkook's head immediately falls back, his body writhing in pleasure as he releases into Yoongi's hand. Some of it lands on the white shirt he was wearing and the expensive leather of the car seat.
The way Seokjin's mumbling dirty things into your ear and pounding into that bundle of nerves inside you has you reeling towards your orgasm. Watching Jungkooks eyes flutter close and his mouth falls open in a subtle 'o' only pushes you further.
"Fuck, Jin!" You say through gritted teeth as he fucks you through your orgasm. Your walls tightening around him only pushes him closer and his thrusts start to get sloppier the more he fucks into you.
"So fucking tight, holy shit..." Jin's nails dig into your side as he brings you down around him one more time before pumping you full of his cum.
"Y/n-ah, you felt so good. You wouldn't mind if I took you back to the dorm and let my dongsaengs try you, right?" Seokjin says through labored breaths. You could already feel him starting to soften inside you and you knew as soon as he pulled out, his cum would be leaking out of you like a broken faucet.
Jin rubs his fingers gently over the marks forming on your waist and hips where he gripped a little too hard. Those bruises would definitely stick around for a few days but you were not complaining. It was almost like a friendly reminder of this moment, not that you'd ever forget.
You bask in post-orgasm bliss as Jin finally pulls out of you. You slide off of his lap and as soon as you're in your seat, Taehyung is pulling you into him and leaning your head on his shoulder. You breathe him in, a light mix of perfume and something perfectly Taehyung filling your senses.
"I have to return the footage of today's shooting to BigHit offices but I'm sure that can wait till the morning." A sleepy smile graces your lips and Jin makes a sound of approval.
It simply wasn't fair if Seokjin had all the fun. He just had to share you with the rest of the boys. He was completely content just watching as he let his dongsaengs absolutely ravish you. The thought in general sent a familiar spark of arousal to his groin.
This wasn't how he expected to spend a Thursday night but he definitely wasn't complaining.
[© seokiie]
[I do not allow any translating, editing, reposting, or use of any my work!!]
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Fluff Headcanons
Pocky Day Special
↬ Playing pocky game with them
Pairing: Yamaguchi Tadashi, Akaashi Keiji & Yaku Morisuke
Warning: Tiiny bit of swearing and tooth rotting fluff 🥺🥺
Words: 2.6k
- GN!Reader
Taglist: @ssucrose @laylahoran @whootwhoot @mirakeul @sunacity @hajibee @luv4kiyoomi @tamaguchi @cadenceh2o @yamagucji @ynainnit @tsukisemi [Join my taglist here!]
A/N: i know im 2 days late,, but whatever, better late than never >:( and you bet i did research on the pocky flavours for this 😎😎 and yes, i may say this is pretty self indulgent since theyre all my husbandos but shuuussh 🙄🙄 this got longer as it progressed and idek why--- istg its not bc of favouritism or anything okay 😣😣
↬ Yamaguchi Tadashi
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『Cookies & Cream flavoured Pocky』
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➳ It wasn't such a bad idea to play around once in a while
➳ So you bought a pack of Cookies and Cream pocky to play with Yamaguchi
➳ He wasn't too big on the idea at first, since you two are just FRIENDS after all
➳ Not for long though 
➳ But you managed to convince him, saying that it'll be fun and stuff
➳ He reluctantly gave in eventually
➳ You gave him the advantage of biting his end first, and you scooted closer to bite yours 
➳ When I tell you you could feel the heat radiating from his face
➳ The both of you started the game after you counted to three
➳ You started off pretty slowly, then you sped up after noticing Yamaguchi's pace slowing down
➳ You were nearing the middle of the pocky, when all of a sudden Yamaguchi picked up the pace and reached the middle of the pocky
➳ But he didn't stop there
➳ Instead of moving away and claiming his victory, he continued biting until he reached your lips
➳ You were shocked, obviously, so you just sat there and stared at Yamaguchi's closed eyes as he continued to kiss you
➳ After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled away and looked at you. As soon as he noticed you're a blushing mess, a small smirk formed on his face
➳ “Well, wasn't that fun?”
➳ Your blush darkened and you narrowed your eyes at him
➳ “You sly little….”
➳ “You should've expected that coming though~”
➳ “Well, you sped up all of a sudden!! How was I supposed to see that coming?!”
➳ You grabbed the pocky box and took another stick out
➳ “Let's do it again. I won't lose this time.”
➳ Let's just say that this went on for a pretty long time and at the end of the day, you decided it'd be best to just confess your feelings to him 
➳ (Which was also "coincidentally" the sole reason you wanted to play a pocky game with him)
↬ Akaashi Keiji
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『Matcha flavoured Pocky』
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➳ Unlike the matcha pocky, your first kiss with your boyfriend was, minty 
➳ You and Akaashi just started going out and one day, during a sleepover that was held at Bokuto's house, all of you decided to play pocky game since it was the 11th of November 
➳ Of course, as a new (and also the only) couple in the group, the both of you were targeted as the ones to play the game first 
➳ You felt a bit conflicted about this matter. Of course, it would be a dream come true to get to kiss Akaashi (who would even let that chance slip by) but you're also not sure if you wanted your first kiss to be because of a party game
➳ Akaashi noticed your reluctance and figured that you might not be ready to kiss him yet, since you two just started dating after all 
➳ (Not gonna lie, he was pretty dejected but he valued your feelings first and foremost like the gentleman he is so he won't force you if you don't want to.)
➳ “I'm sorry, but can we pass this one up? I don't think L/N is ready to--”
➳ “We'll do it!! I mean-- I'll do it! I'm totally okay with doing it!”
➳ You quickly interrupted Akaashi and grabbed the Matcha pocky box from the table before taking one pocky stick out
➳ “L-let's do this…”
➳ You bit one end of the pocky and moved closer to Akaashi to make it easier for him to bite his side of the end
➳ Kaori and Bokuto both whistled at your boldness which made you blush even harder. Akaashi sent a silent glare their way in an attempt to make them shut up, to which they did (but not without smirking and grinning like cats at the sight of you and Akaashi)
➳ The game started and you could feel everyone's stares digging a hole inside you
➳ The two of you started at a pretty slow pace, and it felt like the pocky was kilometres long given how long it took for you to reach the middle
➳ As the both of your faces started to get closer, your heart thumped louder and louder, making you worried that Akaashi would hear it
➳ You took a glance at his face, and just as you did, almost as if he noticed your glance, he looked back at you
➳ Seeing Akaashi's beautiful eyes staring back at yours in such close proximity made your brain stopped working for a moment and in a state of panic, you accidentally snapped the pocky in two and stumbled backwards 
➳ Akaashi blinked in confusion at the whole situation, which just made your brain short circuited and steams started to escape from your ears
➳ You became a stuttering mess and you couldn't sit back up until Akaashi held out a hand to help you
➳ As soon as you got to sit up straight again, you immediately buried your face in his chest and murmured “It's my lost….”.
➳ Akaashi finished biting the leftover pocky and held you closer to him
➳ “That was a good game,” he whispered back
➳ Everyone started to give you two lovebirds teasing grins and laughs 
➳ The game continued with you still buried in Akaashi's chest, with you occasionally giving curious glances to see exactly what was happening
➳ After some time, everyone started to get sleepy and decided that it was time to sleep
➳ After what just happened, you honestly didn't really feel like sleeping
➳ So instead you whispered Akaashi's name and gestured for him to come closer after you two were ready to lay down on the futon
➳ “What is it, L/N?”
➳ He came closer to you but was surprised when you suddenly pulled the collar of his shirt and tiptoed just enough to reach his face before planting a kiss on his lips
➳ The kiss smelled and tasted a bit like mint, since you two just brushed your teeth and all, but you honestly weren't complaining at all. It was refreshing 
➳ Right after you parted your lips, you tried to look at him straight in the eyes (keyword: tried) and explained your actions
➳ “S-sorry I suddenly snapped the pocky….it was an accident...well, kind of. Besides that, I wanted our first kiss to be special so uhm…”
➳ Akaashi understood your intention now and he couldn't help but to give a soft chuckle at your flustered self
➳ “W-what's so funny??”
➳ “Nothing, it's just…..you were too cute so…”
➳ You silently screamed at him and lightly punched his arm as he continued chuckling. The both of you were still careful so as to not make any noise and wake up the others though
➳ (Kind of useless though since they were just pretending to sleep and already witnessed your lovey-dovey couple moments)
↬ Yaku Morisuke
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『Tsubu Tsubu Strawberry flavoured Heart Shaped Pocky』
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➳ It all started with a stupid dare by Kuroo 
➳ Of course, how could you chicken out and refuse if that was the case?
➳ Apparently, Kuroo’s older sister bought too many boxes of pocky and gave him some. He thought of sharing them with the team and brought them to school
➳ After practice was done, however, he got a brilliant idea
➳ He distributed the boxes to everyone but when he got to you, he got a different way to give them
➳ “Here you go, Y/N. A heart shaped pocky, special just for you, the manager. Tsubu tsubu strawberry flavoured.”
➳ “Oh, I’ve seen this type of pocky on the internet before. They look so cute! But I didn’t manage to find them anywhere. Thanks--”
➳ Just as you were about to take the box from him, he retreated back his hand and held the box higher and out of reach from you 
➳ You looked at him with visible confusion, and he smirked down at you
➳ “Well, this is a special type of pocky you know? It feels like a waste to just give it to you like that.”
➳ “Didn’t you say that I got the special one because I’m the manager?”
➳ You’re starting to get annoyed at his attitude but you tried to cover it up with a forced smile
➳ “Still, this is the only heart shaped pocky I got from my sister…..Hmmm what should I do~?”
➳ You tried to grab the box from him, but he only held the box higher and on top of that, used his other hand to push your face away from him
➳ You finally ran out of patience and started to go full on feral mode at him
➳ This is why no one messed with you regarding the subject of candies and sweets
➳ It was quite a scene, and Kai had to step in to ease the fight
➳ Kuroo finally lowered his arms and you took that as an opportunity to snatch the pocky box 
➳ But he used the same trick again and moved his arms away before you could reach it
➳ “I’ll give you the pocky, under one condition.”
➳ You looked at him with extreme irritation. His name’s going to be in your blacklist for sure now
➳ “What?” You said, rather begrudgingly.
➳ Kuroo smirked in victory. He turned away from you and faced the direction Yaku was in.
➳ “Yakkun! Come here for a sec!”
➳ Your heart literally jumped out of your chest at that moment. Kuroo’s planning something, and whatever it was, you’re not gonna like it
➳ “So here’s the thing. I’ll give you the pocky, but only after you complete a pocky game, with Yakkun. How’s that?”
➳ Your face turned dark red at his proposal. 
➳ “Are you crazy?! There’s no way I’ll do that!”
➳ You whisper yelled at him so as to not raise any suspicion from Yaku.
➳ “And why won’t you, hmm?”
➳ Seeing his teasing grin and narrowed eyes, you knew at that moment, that Kuroo knew of your crush on Yaku. 
➳ “W-what-- how do you--? Don’t tell me you knew?” 
➳ “Knew what? Are you hiding something perhaps?”
➳ You gritted your teeth in frustration. Oh, he knew alright. And he’s gonna pretend as if he doesn’t
➳ “Whatever, and why should I even do this?”
➳ “To get your desired special heart shaped tsubu tsubu strawberry flavoured pocky?”
➳ Phew that was a mouthful
➳ He swung the pocky box in front of you, tempting you even more
➳ Just as you were about to agree to play the game, a realization struck you
➳ “Ha! Nice try there, Kuroo. What makes you think Yaku would even want to play this game with me?”
➳ “Play what game?” 
➳ You literally jumped from your position in shock when Yaku’s voice suddenly came up behind you, earning a snicker from Kuroo
➳ “I dared Y/N to play a pocky game with you, and if they did, they’ll receive this special pocky as a prize.”
➳ You internally screamed and tried to keep yourself from murdering this rooster head but Yaku’s unexpected reaction made you forget about the murderous instinct for a moment
➳ “Oh, okay. Sure, let’s play it then.”
➳ “W-wait, are you really, REALLY sure you wanna play it with me??”
➳ “I don’t see anything wrong with that. Besides, you’ve helped us -me especially- a lot by being our manager already. Helping you with something this trivial is the least I can do.”
➳ You tried to hide the blush that was creeping up your face and Kuroo, noticing your heating face immediately nudged your arm while displaying a much wider grin than before
➳ You excused yourself for a moment and took out your phone before googling “Can you stay friends with someone you just kissed?” in the case of you two kissing after the pocky game
➳ “Well then, here you go. I’ll give you mine since I still have some more at home.”
➳ Yaku took the box of pocky from Kuroo after he fished it out from his bag and opened the packaging. He took one out and bit the end without the coating
➳ Noticing that Yaku's ready for the game, you put back your phone inside your uniform pocket. You gulped once and tried to calm your nerves as you moved closer to him to bite your side of the pocky
➳ When you scooted closer to him however, he didn’t notice your presence until you were directly in front of him and biting the pocky with a heavy blush on your face
➳ Yaku stared at you with his wide, brown eyes for a moment before snapping the pocky into two out of reflex and fell on his back
➳ All of the others stared in shock at Yaku who’s now on the floor, covering his face with one hand. It was pretty obvious that he was blushing, even if he tried to hide it. His reddening ears gave it all away
➳ “Yaku, what’s wrong?”
➳ Kai was the first to break the silence. You were still shocked at his overreaction so you were just standing there with the half broken piece of pocky still in your mouth
➳ “Wait--I-- I just--- Uhm--- I thought we were playing a pocky game???”
➳ You had probably never seen Yaku this flustered before in your entire life. It was certainly a sight to see, but it just made your blush grew darker on your face
➳ “And you were….Wait, don’t tell me, you don’t know how a pocky game works?”
➳ Kuroo guessed with a snap of his fingers, as if he just made a great discovery
➳ “Don’t each person just take a pocky for themselves and it’s a game where you compete on who can finish their pocky first?”
➳ Kuroo covered his mouth to prevent any laugh from escaping and your soul had probably left your body at this point. The second-hand embarrassment you were feeling was no joke
➳ Kuroo tried to explain the rules of the game to Yaku, which just ended up making the libero blush even harder than before
➳ “Who even invented this game….”
➳ He whispered underneath his breath after Kuroo’s explanation. He looked at you who were surrounded by the first years poking their fingers at your arms and asking, “Are they dead?” with a troubled sigh
➳ “Okay….let’s do this again.”
➳ He finally got up and took out another pocky stick. Your soul finally returned to your body when he was in front of you and holding out the pocky with his mouth 
➳ “It’s okay if you don’t want to do it, Yaku! I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything….”
➳ Yaku silenced you by grabbing both your shoulders firmly, but not so much with force, as if he’s treating a fragile thing
➳ “It’s okay. I really don’t mind if I’m playing this... with you.”
➳ You bit the other side of the pocky and tried to focus on eating without thinking too much on what he just said, which just ended up in a total failure by the way
➳ The both of you went on a steady pace but when you finally almost reached the middle of the pocky, you both simultaneously stopped and stared down awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact with one another
➳ Many thoughts ran through the both of your heads, and all of it were more or less the same
➳ “What if I accidentally kissed him/them? He/they probably wouldn’t like that….”
➳ “He/they would probably even hate me if that happened…..”
➳ After several seconds had passed, you two finally decided to continue biting on the pocky. And simultaneously once again, might I add
➳ This just resulted in the both of your lips to brush against one another in the end, and you swore your heart just escaped from your chest when you felt the sensation of Yaku’s lips brushing against yours
➳ You and Yaku both moved and turned away from one another, too embarrassed to face the other
➳ “Well, you’ve cleared the dare, so here’s your prize.”
➳ Kuroo casually put the box of pocky on top of your head and left the gym to head back home, followed by the others, intentionally leaving you and Yaku alone in the gym
➳ Okay, maybe you can at least lift Kuroo’s name from your blacklist after this. After all, he did help you get closer to your crush…..kinda
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
Honestly, I feel like we should have a seasonal chat for OUR birthday! We celebrate the characters birthday but I do wonder a lot about what the characters would do for us instead and more.
Seasonal Chats, you are either together with someone or on no one's route (but they all low-key simp for you lmfao) and I know we have fics to imagine what they would do but i think it would be quite fun if we had one ourselves HBAHAHA-
I'm turning 16 in like a month (another step to getting out of my house lol) and I can't stop thinking about this sjdhwh, it would be nice if it showed everyone (and the chats would imply that you are on their route but after everything is over) and even Saeran cuz we haven't seen a seasonal chat where we are with him, it's always Ray or Unknown SODHWJDHAHDGAH
It would be especially fun and chaotic where you are on no one's route- IMAGINE THEY LOW-KEY FIGHTING TO GIVE YOU THE BEST GIFT BAHAHAHAHAH
Jumin or Saeyoung will probably get something expensive and even start competing, Yoosung, Zen and Jaehee would probably do something normal like Yoosung wanting to play LOLOL together or go out somewhere, Zen would let you read his script together and practice together and Jaehee maybe wanting to go out and get coffee with you or even watch Zen's DVDS together or something. You can imagine the others if you want! V logs in, sees the chaotic mess and leaves- (Watch Ray taking the day off to spend it all with you for your birthday, MAYBE we'll even see GE/AE Saeran!! Hell even SE Saeran wanting to give you birthday wishes or even Rika at Mint Eye together with Ray hhhh)
Ideas ideas andgahsjahdhwh-
NO YES IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT it could be either be like you enter your birthday and then you get different ones? or maybe just like how you get the after ends, you can access them any time and have to buy everyones individually or something
jumin probably mentally basically notes everything you even glance at and dumps it all on you in one go, he likes seeing you smile and feels that he can afford to get you it so he will and you will be happy
i can picture saeyoung making things as well! like he makes a little robot or something that leads you to various different smaller gifts and then he gives you whichever he thinks you'll like the most (but of course he's been watching your reactions on cctv the whole time as well)
i thing yoosung and zen will likely get smaller but very thoughtful gifts, neither of them are exactly as rich as mr multi billionaire or mr hacker,, jaehee is similar!! and she makes you a nice hot drink and i definitely agree she'll watch one of zens musicals w you
ge saeran!! flowers!! definitely! he gets a whole little bouquet and breakfast to wake you with, and then gives you something to wear, anything from a jacket to a necklace,, and then i think he dates you on a picnic and then a walk somewhere pretty at night <3 if the rfa want to throw you a party, then he might do this the day before or after
ray also takes breaks to visit you more often, he asks rika to lessen his work,, he wont tell you, but he probably pulls an all nighter and then stays up late to make up for missed time
suit... hm, he probably says he'll be extra mean, you wont get a word or anything from him.
but at the end of the day, you get something. a nice bowl of soup or something with a flower on side. he didnt want to of course, rika told him, or it wasnt even him it was someone else
and of course, you get some texts saying they hope you have a nice day from an unknown number.
se saeran is more silent, he gives you flowers and a small gift, you could go somewhere maybe, he just suggests it softly
v drags you away, he gives you a collection of different photos hes taken. some of dates, some of you, some of friends. small photos you were never even aware of him taking. and a little painting, and then he takes you somewhere quiet and nice
their wording (cheritz) makes me wonder if we might get more stuff!! the main story is done, but maybe we'll get short rika or vanderwood dlcs
maybe we'll get like post game domestic dlcs?? little chats and stuff of events here and there, and they just get a new one every now and then, and mcs birthday is one :o
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lovelyirony · 4 years
fic title: I’m falling and the sun is blinding me to your faults
i wanted to do an au of this one, so presenting: tony and rhodey, but make it villainous. i think it’d be fun! 
James Rhodes is two things, first and foremost being that he is a businessman. 
People call him a villain. He doesn’t really think he’s that villainous. 
After all, he only took over New York. He left all the other states alone, so that has to mean something. He was gracious! 
He also wouldn’t consider himself a villain because everyone who works under him gets health insurance. They don’t complain that much, although he’s gotten some about the quality of the buffet on Fridays. 
Catering companies. Hit-or-miss, you know? 
There have been a couple of companies who try to stop him. Rivals that hate that his products are better and employees are happier, for one. Those are easy to dismiss. 
SHIELD is one company who tries, and fails. Repeatedly. It would be embarrassing, but Rhodes has respect for Agents Romanov and Hill, who have been the closest to breaking into his personal office. 
The player that isn’t registering on the field is Tony Stark. Perhaps because he isn’t so much of a player on the field as an existing person who just happens to be on a field. Or a building. However you would like to imagine it. 
In other universes, he walks like he owns the world because he could buy up everything and still have money left over to get ice cream at the end of the day. 
In this universe, his father kicked him out of his house for various things, the most prominent being that Tony is rather partial to kissing guys and ladies, and that just simply won’t do. 
(Tony also stole enough money out of his bank account to buy a house and also start his own business without his knowledge, but in the grand scheme of things, that’s just a small drop in the ocean.) 
Tony made his own tech start-up business. He’s invented a few new things that hit the market discreetly, and he’s building up more and more clientele. He’s about to open another shop, and in all honesty he’s not worried about getting noticed. 
This is until Rhodes comes across an employee bragging about a new repair guy who makes computers run twice as fast, charges less than most repair shops, and looks mighty fine in a tank top.
The last reason is reason enough to visit. 
But also, to see who’s been fixing up Rhodes tech and can make it faster. He doesn’t know why he wouldn’t have just applied for a job. 
Tony is not expecting Rhodes to enter into his building. He has people who are walk-ins, but usually you would expect a villain to make an appointment. Or not, they are villains. 
“I heard that you’ve been improving my phones,” James says. He leans into Tony’s space. He smells quite nice, has a well-tailored suit, and Tony is trying very hard not to find him attractive. That’s not the sort of thing you could be focusing on. 
“You gonna sue me or something?” 
“No, I want to hire you.” 
Tony blinks. 
“Oh. No thank you.” 
Rhodes pulls back. 
“Why ‘no’?” 
“I like my shop just fine. And you have things well-handled.” 
“Could I consult you?” 
“You can’t afford me.” 
Rhodes grins. 
“Are you sure about that?” 
“Of course I am. Can I get anything for you today, or did you just want to beg me to come work for you?” 
“Most people would never be this bold.” 
"What would they be? Terrified in your presence?” 
“More or less, yes. It’s what I prefer.” 
"I don’t cater to people’s preferences, it’s a character flaw and strength,” Tony quips. 
Rhodes smiles. 
It’s terrifyingly beautiful, really. Tony is at a loss for words. 
“I think I’m liking you, Stark.” 
“Tony. You don’t call me Stark. I don’t do the last name dynamic.” 
“Sweetheart, then. Not your last name.” 
“Pet names, seriously?” 
“Oh you got it, honey.” 
“Then go on, platypus,” Tony throws back. 
“Platypus? Really?” 
"Pet names are on the menu, honey bunch. Just try me.” 
Rhodes smiles, turning to exit. 
“I’ll be in touch, darling.” 
Tony leans against his desk, legs shaking underneath. 
There are two problems that he’s not sure how to solve. Here they are: 
1.) Rhodes now has Tony on his radar, which is probably bad because Tony will absolutely be used for world domination or whatever. 
2.) Tony doesn’t really mind as long as he gets to see Rhodes because goddamn. That man could get so many things, and he probably has. And Tony wouldn’t mind being one of those things if he played his cards right. 
But for now, Tony just wants to fix computers and maybe just buy a new brand of tea, but he’s honestly not sure. 
Rhodes makes an appointment to meet. 
Of Fucking Course. 
Tony is not impressed, and is also not impressed that he comes in with a very expensive custom-made designer suit, whereas Tony is not sure the last time his pair of jeans got washed, and an old t-shirt that’s advertising an ice cream shop that is closed now. 
“You love to make an entrance all the time?” Tony asks. “What can I legally do for you?” 
“You’re assuming I’m making you do illegal things, babe?” 
“Yes, Rhodey.” 
“It’s Rhodes.” 
“Hm, maybe. But not to me. Rhodey. I wanna ruin your business impression.” 
Pepper snorts besides Rhodes, who is suitably impressed that Tony doesn’t give one flying fuck about the fact that he could destroy him at any point. 
“I’m ordering that on your next business card deal.” 
“I’ll fire you.” 
“You can’t find someone as competent as me, don’t even joke.” 
“I came here for an opportunity for you. You’ve managed to get some people’s computers to speed up so much. And I want you to do it with all of my employee’s computers.” 
“What, you couldn’t reverse-engineer it? See what I did for yourself?” 
Rhodey grins. 
“I never question a handsome man’s work, darling.” 
Tony turns red. 
“You’re really bad with professionalism, honeysop.” 
“What the hell is that?” 
“What, never heard about romance in the fifteenth century? Boring.” 
“Will you do the job or not?” 
“What are the terms, the conditions, and how much are you paying?” 
Pepper steps forward, a sizable stack of paperwork in her hands. 
The work would pay off the building. It would pay off his mortgage on his house. Hell, it would help a lot. He’d have extra to mess around and maybe go on a vacation. 
The downside is that he’s helping a villain get faster speed and better battery life with laptops. This could also mean he’d die, but honestly he was kind of expecting an early death. 
Rhodey assures him that he won’t die. 
“If anyone touches you, then they feel my wrath,” he says. His teeth glint underneath the lights. “And honey, no one ever likes feeling that.” 
“What, it isn’t all feather-light tickles?” 
“Touches a bit more than that.” 
There’s an unspoken story there. Rhodey’s grin goes from tight and eyes empty to refocusing on Tony and turning soft, genuine. 
“We can discuss the official plans over dinner.” 
“Dinner won’t work for me, I got plans tonight.” 
“A hot date?” 
"A special movie screening,” Tony says. “Can’t miss it. Maybe next time, or the next three times.” 
Rhodey smiles. 
“Maybe sometime.” 
Holy fuck.
Rhodes International has a local coffee shop on the lobby. A barista is a cheerful girl who has neon yellow hair greets him and asks if he wants a complimentary drink. 
“You...know who I am?” 
“Not in the slightest!” she says cheerily. “I have a memory thing where I remember everyone I ever meet and who I don’t meet. What kind of coffee guy are you?” 
“Um...you guys have mint syrup?” 
“Then I guess a peppermint latte?” 
“Coming right up!” 
So here is this girl humming what sounds suspiciously like the Winnie the Pooh song as she makes a drink, and that drink is amazing. 
Also, people are wearing, it seems, whatever outfit they want. There are some people talking, and two look to be dressed in professional business clothing, but the third guy they’re talking to is wearing ripped jeans and a tank top has the phrase of “I’m Just Existing on a Manifestation of Reality” emblazoned. 
It’s odd. 
“So glad you could make it, Tones,” Rhodey says. 
“What, too much?” 
“Tones sounds like you know me.” 
“And I don’t?” 
“What’s my favorite jam?” 
“Why jam?” 
“If you know someone well, you know their favorite type of jam.” 
“Orange marmalade?” 
“What the fuck do I look like, Paddington?” 
“You’re right, Paddington’s not near as sexy.” 
“This counts as harassment, right? This counts as harassment.” 
“Don’t have him sue us already, he’ll win,” Pepper says, breezing to their sides. God, she’s gorgeous. Casually dressed in a pencil skirt and a blouse and acting like she doesn’t look like a goddess. Must be exhausting. “Tony, great to have you. Let me show you who you’re working with.” 
He has his own fancy office, a team that knows what they’re doing, and catered lunch. 
Catered lunch. It’s not even a Friday. 
“Friday’s are questionable,” Rhodey says. “Weird selection.” 
“You don’t wanna know,” says Intern Joe. 
That’s literally on his ID card. 
Tony starts work. It’s not bad, not at all. He works in the mornings on the weekends and Mondays as well as Thursdays, and then sometimes does work from his own office. 
Rhodey is...nice. 
This is a bit unsettling, because Rhodey literally just threatened the president over an environmental bill not being accepted and currently all employees are only slightly scared. 
“This is just like three months ago,” says Janice The Badass. (Also on her ID card.) “Don’t worry, the government can’t do anything. They rely on us too heavily.” 
“For what?” 
“For safety.” 
“Not asking.” 
“Good, I’m not going to answer.” 
It’s also weird that Rhodey checks in on him. He brings him coffee how he likes it, and he makes him sit down and try new foods with him. 
He’s not bad at conversational topics either. Tony’s used to talking, and he’s used to bad-talking on dates. This doesn’t come close. 
No, they talk about the differences of Star Trek and how much Tony hates specific brands of pens, and how Rhodey is a disaster when it comes to coordination of ties. 
“I don’t like ties,” he scowls. 
“Then why wear one?” 
“Pepper says they look nice.” 
“Why do you need to look nice?” 
“Most things are all about presentation.” 
“Ah, need to be taken seriously.” 
“Only at times when I’m facing government officials or weird corporate bosses.” 
“Aren’t you a corporate boss?” 
“I’m a corporate boss who is also an enemy of fellow corporate bosses. Weird thing.” 
“How so?” 
“Well, how does that work?” Tony asks, popping a couple blueberries into his mouth. “How are you both the same and an enemy?” 
“Watch and learn, sugar. Watch and learn.” 
Tony is allowed on the next business meeting. Which, coincidentally, his old Uncle Obadiah is part of. 
This leads to rather undesired complications. 
“You’re working for a supervillain?” Obie practically yells. 
“Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that,�� Tony says. “I just work with computers.” 
“Besides if he wanted to work for a real supervillain, wouldn’t he be working for you?” Rhodey asks. 
He’s sitting in one of those rolling-chairs, and despite that, he made it his throne. He’s relaxed in it, perfectly at peace with the situation. All eyes are on him. 
“I’m not the one that the government is after.” 
“And yet I’m the one who’s successfully paid taxes. Where have yours gone, hm? Strip club in Vegas? Weapon sales in Afghanistan?” 
Obie freezes. 
Tony knows that when you freeze, it is your worst tell. 
“Does dad know?” 
This time, Rhodey turns towards him. He’s surprised. 
“We’ll discuss that later. But does Howard know, Obadiah?” 
“Howard is none of your concern.” 
“Oh my god, he is,” Rhodey says grinning. “You haven’t told him about your little back-door escapades. I wonder what would happen if I told him.” 
“You don’t want me as an enemy,” Obadiah says, shaking. He looks at Tony. “And you, boy, you just earned yourself a death sentence.” 
“Funny, Howard said the same thing when he kicked me out of the house,” Tony says as he’s checking his nails. Rhodey thinks he is in love. 
“Go ahead and try to get me as an enemy, see how well it works for you,” Rhodey says, pearly whites on display. “I took over the entire state of New York, leaving everyone in power allied with me. Plus, Tony hasn’t pushed his legacy from what I’ve seen, but what would happen if I just...let him talk? At the next press conference, perhaps.” 
Tony grins, and it’s dangerous. 
“Yeah Obie, what if I talked? I’m sure Howard’s disastrous attempt at fatherhood would be a real uptick in stock points.” 
“You wouldn’t.” 
“Just watch. Just fucking watch,” Tony says. “I still know how to smile for the press, and I still remember all of my lessons for how to make sure anything is believable.” 
He shakes. 
Rhodey gets security. 
Tony visibly relaxes as Stane is led out of the building, and Rhodey smiles over at him. 
“You wanna grab dinner with me?” 
“Like as a casual dinner, or a date-dinner?” 
“How about both?” 
“Thank god, I can’t remember where my nice shoes are.” 
Tony supposes it is odd to be out to dinner with one of the most-feared men in all of New York. 
But it was hard to fear him when he was currently trying to lick ice cream off the tip of his nose with no such luck. 
Or when Rhodey kisses him senseless on his doorstep and makes fun of the little gnome that he’s put outside, and Tony giggles and watches him leave in his fancy car, still leaning on his door. 
Oh, he’s got it bad. 
But he doesn’t mind. 
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msmarvelwrites · 4 years
The Winter Ghost - Part 5
Info: A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage was the horrific nightmares which plagued your mind. If you knew what today would entail you would have just stayed in bed. But you didn't and because of that, everything you knew was about to change.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/n
Warning: language, PTSD, anxiety, violence, fluff.
W/c: 3.5K ish
A/n : oooh getting serious. Im having so much fun writing this you guys! Shout out to @cutie1365​ for all her support! Go read her fic A Kid From Queens, but dont say I didnt warn you. Its addicting! 
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Everything happened really fast after that day in the common room with Wanda. Shuri worked tirelessly in the lab trying to develop a softer approach to bringing back your memories. She believed if she could restore them fully, we would have the last piece of the puzzle.
Becoming the perfect war machine seemed like the most obvious use for the serum, but Steve reminded you Hydra always had something up their sleeve.
You really enjoyed living in Wakanda. Most days were spent in the gym training. Trying to harness the team's abilities was not so enjoyable. You worked with Wanda most. It helped that you were only 4 years older than her. She was younger than most of the team and had a dark past that seemed to mirror yours.
Most of your nights consisted of you, Wanda and Nat settling into the couch and cheesy eighties movies on the plasma TV. Bucky would often come out of his room and sit with you.
You really enjoyed Bucky's energy. Something about him just drew you to him. Maybe it was his smile, or the way he smelled like mint and nicotine, or that he read the newspaper and drank black coffee in the mornings. You weren't sure. One thing was for certain, the more time you spent together, the harder it became to leave him. Bucky would tell you about his past and how he used to have to bail little 'Stevie' out of bar fights and ally brawls every other day. He made you laugh like no one really did. When he told you about his time with Hydra and how they would control his mind you would rake your fingers through his hair and whisper to him he wasn't alone anymore.
As the days melted into weeks, the horrific nightmares began to grow legs. It was one of the many side effects from Shuri’s digging. Some days it felt like Hydra knew you would try to remember and this was their fail-safe. Every time you began to drift off you'd see Tommys pale face, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. You swear, right before he stumbled off the edge of the bridge you saw him say something. You could never remember when you woke, nor could you recall any other detail other than Tommy. It felt wrong. You felt wrong. Like he wasn't yours to grieve.
One particular bad night, you remember waking up screaming. Your whole body felt like it was on fire as your tears seared down your cheeks. The only thing that grounded you after that was the small knock that echoed from the other side of your door.
“Hey, doll. Let me in?” His voice was soft and smooth and the only thing that seemed to bring you back to the dimly lit bedroom. You stared at the ceiling for a solid minute before slowly rising and crossing the room. Gently, you opened the door just a crack and looked up. There stood a sleepy-eyed Bucky. He sported a baggy pair of grey sweats and an old beat up tank, his arms on full display. In normal circumstances, you believed that that was enough to knock you out of any state. You wondered if Bucky knew the effect he had on people. Or worse, if he knew the effect he had on you.
“Can't sleep, keep me company?” He spoke, huskily. You could tell he had just woken up. Sleep still clouded his eyes, and the yawn he tried to stifle gave him away. You appreciate what he was trying to do, so instead of calling the man out, you opened the door, and welcomed the Super Soldier in.
You talked for hours that night. He didn't ask about your nightmare, which you appreciated. You had recited the images to Shuri about thirty times in the past week. It was the only memory that seemed to come back. It replayed over and over on a continuous loop through your mind. This moment with Bucky was a welcomed break.
“Can I ask you somethin’?” You finally spoke. Bucky and you had found your way onto your bed at some point. His right arm draped around your shoulder, as you leaned on his chest. He cracked his neck to look down at you.
“Of course.” He offered, shifting onto his side so he could really look at you.
“Does it ever stop? I’m so exhausted, all I want to do is sleep but I- I'm so scared. I don’t want to see it again… What if it never-” Your voice broke off, shutting your eyes tight to stop a tear from escaping.
“Hey, hey. You're not alone anymore. Remember? I went through it and came out the other side. And look how well adjusted I am.” Bucky smirked, sarcasm laced his last remark. You couldn't help but smile at that. You didn't know if anyone but you and Steve really knew how funny he was. Maybe he liked it that way. Maybe he was only that way with you? You knew it had been awhile since Bucky had really been this way around others. It warmed your heart how quickly the two of you got along.
“Listen to me, doll.” He started, seriously, lowering his stare to meet yours.
“I’ll be here. Whenever you need me. I know what it's like, to feel out of control. To feel like a prisoner in your own body. To answer your question, yeah I think it gets better. I mean,” He paused then, looking you up and down in a way that made you blush. He started again, words laced with that old Brooklyn charm the ladies used to love. Granted, that worked back in 1940 - something and he had been out of the game for quite a while.
“I’m in bed with a smart, complicated, frankly beautiful dame. I’d say it gets better, wouldn't you?” He gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. His touch sent shivers down your spine. Bucky's stormy eyes bore into yours making your breath hitch in your throat. There was a moment, so brief that when you recanted the memory you weren't sure it really happened. But you thought maybe for just a second he wanted to-  
“Up and at it, Y/n! Training starts at 0700!” Caps voice droned through your bedroom door suddenly, knocking you out of your thoughts and back to the bed you resided on. Your hand reached out for Bucky, who since that night spent most beside you. He would stay with you until you fell asleep and more often than not, when you woke, he’d be beside you, fast asleep. His side of the bed was cold, however. He had been up for a while.
You looked at your phone on the nightstand. 6:15 am it read. You groaned, rubbing your hands over your face and slinking out of bed. Pain screamed from your muscles as you opened the bathroom door. Carefully, you started the shower, steam quickly filled the room and calmed your aching bones. You stepped in and autobly signed.
Fifteen minutes later you met the rest of the team in the kitchen. You couldn't help but notice Bucky wasn't in attendance. Everyone looked like they had been awake for hours while your wet hair was pulled up in a messy knot on top of your head. Nat was pouring herself a cup of coffee when she noticed you come in. She smirked, instantly grabbing another mug and gesturing to the pot in her hands. You nodded quickly. ‘Coffee fixed most everything’. That's what Your Dad used to tell you before he left for work and you lived by that.
“Look who's finally up…” Cap announced. You had no idea how he was so chipper in the mornings. Even the sound of his booming voice made you cringe. The man must have coffee running through his veins. Maybe that should be Hydra’s next serum idea…
“I have risen. Just for you, Rogers.” You muttered sarcastically, taking the mug of coffee from Nat. You smiled and mouthed thank you, taking a big swig. Ugh, you grimaced, swallowing the brown substance much to your dismay. You didn't know what this brown water was but it definitely wasn't coffee.
Wanda laughed at your disgusted face, "It's decaf, Y/n '' she rolled her eyes, "Cap thinks decaf is better for the team. That coffee will mess with our 'performance' or whatever." She shrugged. What's even the point? You thought.
“Excuse me young lady.” Cap began, scolding Wanda like she was his teenager. Wanda smirked, turning towards his voice.
“Young lady?” Nat mocked her friend, nudging him out of the way as she reached for the piece of toast she had put in the toaster. She took a bite and over chews laughed, “You're really aging yourself, Cap.” She finished, hoisting herself up onto the kitchen island beside you.
You really liked Natasha. You thought she must have been the most beautiful person you'd ever met. Her red hair always curled around her soft features perfectly. You honestly didn't know how a human could look that perfect and be so deadly. Over the past few weeks, Nat had taught you a lot. You mostly trained with Captain Rogers and Wanda, but occasionally Nat would step in. She was small in stature, but she helped you learn how to use that to your advantage.
“What’cha say we go get some real coffee, babe?” Nat nudged you with a small smile. You looked up at her with a wide eye gaze. She truly was a hero.
“God, yes please.” You beamed as she jumped off the island.
“If you're skipping out on training then count me in! I” Wanda chimed.  Rogers looked frustrated as the three of you started towards the door.
“Nat, you heard what Shuri said. Y/n cannot leave the premises until we know what she's fully capable of. She’s dangerous.” Cap stated firmly, but unmoved from the kitchen. You looked at the floor uncomfortably. He was right. You were a ticking time bomb. You all knew it. Shuri explained with the presence of the nightmares it was only a matter of time before something snapped. And no one really knew how that would look when it happened. For the most part, everyone treated you like a normal person. An honorary member of the team. But Rogers often reminded you that you were anything but. Just an experiment and a means to an end.
"Comeon' y/n. I know a place we can get some real coffee."  Nat spoke, louder than Cap. Venom seeped from her words as she glared at the Captain. She shook her head disapprovingly. Wanda took your hand, pulling you gently out of the kitchen. When you touched you felt your skin sizzle, absorbing the power that surged through her body. You made a conscious effort to steady your breathing and push her power to the back of your mind. As you left you heard Natasha’s booming voice coming from behind you but decided to ignore it, as the two of you headed for the garage.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Steve?” Nat snapped at him. Steve opened his mouth and closed it trying to find the right words. “She’s a person, you ass! You can't keep treating her like some unhinged science experiment. She’s just a person. Just like me. Just like Bucky.”
“She’s nothing like Bucky!” He thundered. Nat took a step back, snaking her head disapprovingly. “I can’t keep thinking, what if we had it wrong. I mean, she can’t remember anything. What if her memories come back and she's not really on our side. I don't think we thought this through, Nat.” He huffed, running his hands over his face in frustration.
“I trust her, Steve. Bucky trusts her.” She started, taking a few steps closer to him. He shook his head in annoyance and scoffed.
“Bucky thinks the girl’s a doll. He’s totally smitten, that doesn't count. I think the guy would trust anything she said at this point-”
“Do you trust me?” Nat snapped, a brow arched, hands on her hips. Stever huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You know I do, but-” He began.
“Then it's settled. You gotta’ let the girl out. She's been locked up here for weeks. I promise, I’ll keep her safe. Besides, I’m getting pretty tired of her stealing my clothes. Coffee, and shopping and then we’ll be back, yeah?” Nat offered, voice dripping with sweetness. She knew she had won this battle. She always did.
“Two hours, Romanoff. That's all you get.” Steve grumbled. Nat smirked, rolling her eyes and spinning on her heel to meet you and Wanda in the garage.
“See ya later, Grandpa. Don't wait up.” She offered over her shoulder. Steve only shook his head and chuckled, hoping desperately he hadn't made a huge mistake.
Nat strutted victoriously out of the kitchen, and almost ran right into Bucky's large frame. She stumbled back, regaining her balance quickly. Bucky raised one brow curiously.
“Where ya’ going in such a hurry?” He asked, watching her carefully.
“I’m taking your girl out for a much needed shopping trip. Anything particular you'd like to see her in?” She quipped, sarcastically, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Bucky choked on a cough, clearing his throat and trying to turn it into a laugh. He failed, of course.
“I- ah, I don't know what- uh, what?” He finally got out. Nat smirkled, and patted him on his stiff chest. It was literally too easy. The man was such a ball of stress. Nat thought it was honestly cute. She’s never seen Bucky like this before. Nervous and blushing. She thought you were really good for him. Maybe you’ll finally take that stick out of his ass. She thought with a smirk.
“Have a nice day, Sergeant.” She cooed, pushing past his rigid body leaving Bucky in shock.
“You ready, babies?” Nat grinned, putting the key in the Jeep’s ignition. You sat in the back seat while Wanda sat in the passenger, both nodding vigorously.
“For the love of coffee!” You shouted, pointing forward. Both women laughed and with that you took off.
You practically skipped through the Wakanda market. Beautiful earthy colours melted into the scenery practically taking your breath away. Wanda and Nat had stopped at a small coffee shop, but you wandered around, looking at the beautiful handmade clothing. The smoky smell of something cooking from a nearby street grill filled your senses. It was complex, sweet and spicy and sour all at once. It made your mouth water. Foreign and delicious. You followed the smell to a small hutch where people gathered around, eating and laughing.
“Beautiful isn't it? How food brings us all together.” A man spoke beside you. You recognized him as T’Challa, Shuri’s older brother and also the man who is letting you and your new friends stay in Wakanda. You had only really met him in passing, but never really spoke. Bucky always describes him as a kind, gracious friend. You smiled up at him.
“It is… Really beautiful.” You repeated.
“How are you liking Wakanda, Y/n?” He asked. His voice was deep and rich. Almost melodic. Just by speaking he had commanded the attention of the people around you. The new eyes on the two of you made you feel uneasy and small, but you took a deep breath and relaxed yourself.
“It's so gorgeous here. Thank you for having me, T’Challa.” You spoke his name and it made him smile. You froze unsure if that was the right thinking to call him. He was the King, sort of, but Bucky had always referred to him by his given name.
“Breath, my friend. You have nothing to fear here. You are with good people. Your friend Bucky speaks very highly of you. And any friend of the Sergeants is a friend of mine.” He voiced, placing a warm hand on your shoulder as you relaxed. From behind him you could see Nat and Wanda walking towards you. Wanda waved chaotically making you smile.
An old beat-up SUV made a loud popping noise as it pulled up somewhere behind you. The noise made you shudder. The familiar sound of gunshots rang through your ears as you grabbed your head, trying to make the noise stop. You looked to T’Challa who seemed only concerned, reaching out a hand to steady you.
“Is everything okay, Y/n?” He spoke, trying to gage what was wrong by your actions. The loud deady blows echoed through your head, unrelenting as a scream erupted through the crowd. You weren't sure if you had made the noise of if it was someone else. Everything seemed to fade away and your vision became blurry.
“Y/n, Y/n! Can you hear me?!” You heard a woman yell over the crowd. You tried to focus on her voice, but it was too late. Everything suddenly went black and you felt your body go numb.
You woke up in the dark cement room that plagued your nightmares. A man's eerie voice echoed off the walls.
“Еще раз!” Again! He shouted. Usually when you relieved these memories you didn't know what the man was saying.  But for some reason, this time your brain was translating for you. You didn’t question it as you looked around the room. You felt your body scream as an excruciating electric shock ripped through you. Tears burned down your face as you begged incoherently for it to stop. As fast as it came on, the shock stopped, and you could breathe again.
“Ты сама во всем виновата, дитя мое.” You brought this on yourself, my child. The man cooed, wiping a bead of sweat that ran down your forehead. You winced at his touch, the feeling of him on you making you nauseous.
“Если бы ты только сделал то, о чем тебя просили. Если бы вы только слушали. Может быть, все было бы по-другому, хотя я сомневаюсь в этом.” If only you had done what you were asked. If only you have listened. Maybe things would be different, though, I doubt it. He spat, chuckling as he motioned for the other outside of view to start again.
“Please, don’t do this, Zemo. Обещаю. Возьми мою память. Заставь меня забыть, только не делай этого.” I promise. Take my memory. Make me forget, just don't do this. You begged. You tried to move your arms but they were secured down. The man only laughed at your feeble attempt, building a rage inside of you.
“Oh, don't you worry, мой ребенок. All in due time. When I’m done with you, you won't remember your own name.” He grinned a crooked smile as the machine you laid in whirled on again, sending a volt of electricity through your body. You clenched your teeth and stifled another scream.
Your eyes burst open, scolded by the sun and the tears that now streamed down your face. Gasping for air you tried to sit up, but your body shrieked with pain. On your left Nat sat beside you, Wanda was on your right holding a phone to her ear yelling something you couldn't quite make out.  Your breath slowly began to return and the sunspots in your vision cleared. You looked around, the market was now almost empty but the small street grill was now billowing with smoke and flame. Nat helped you up, body still aching. You looked around, horrified by the mess that was once the lively market.
“Are you okay, Y/n” Nat started, her hands on either side of your arms. You blinked at her, terrified.
“What happened?” You asked, horrified to actually know the answer. She gave you a nervous look and tucked a loose hair behind her ear.
“It wasn't your fault, Y/n. No one was hurt, everyone got out. It’s going to be okay.”
“It most certainly is not going to be okay!” Captain Rogers' voice boomed from behind the three of you. Wanda spun around startled, while you just hung your head low. Whatever lashing he was going to give you, you deserved. It couldn't be any worse than what Zemo had done…  You paused, eyes a gape.
“Oh my God.” You gasped, alerting the others. Steve looked at her angrily, impatient for your next words.
“I remember something… I think- I think I remember who did this to me.” You choked out, eyes glassy as you remembered for the first time the man who made you a monster.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Hope all have a great weekend! As always, feel free to leave me feedback! My inbox is always open!
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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Toru Oikawa x F!Reader
Song ~ Wedding Dress by Levi Hummon
Warning - Swearing maybe? I can’t remember \(≧▽≦)/
Fluff SFW
Word Count ~ 2.6k
Part 1 <you are here>| Part 2 | Part 3
Posted 09/07/20
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July 16th, 2018. That was the day that Toru Oikawa stood proudly next to his best friend Hajime Iwaizumi as his best man. 
"What if she's changed her mind and ran away? That she thinks marrying me is a huge mistake." Oikawa rolled his eyes at his best friend, in all the years he had known him he has never seen his best friend this anxious, not even in a volleyball game against a powerhouse school back in high school if anything, it was Iwa trying to calm Oikawa. The poor lad was all jittery. 
"I wouldn't worry so much, you know Y/n is there with Emiko, and we both know how much she loves you. Y/n will get her here on time, and the second you see her in that stunning white dress, you will cry." Oikawa stepped forward, smoothing out the white shirt before straightening out his mint blue tie and peach coloured rose corsage. 
"Remember if it weren't for you and Emiko, I would not have met Y/n and fallen for her. Y/n will not let anything happen to Emiko; no a hair will be out of a place or an eyelash on her cheek, we owe the pair of you too much for matching us up so your wedding today will be flawless." Oikawa gave his confident smile and patted his best friend on his shoulder, Iwaizumi slipped his hand in his mint blue slacks as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. 
Fishing his phone out of his pocket, Oikawa spotted that it was only a couple of minutes to one, the ceremony would begin shortly. He spotted the text on his screen from Y/n - on our way see you soon (♡ω♡)
He smiled at the message before; sending back his own kaomoji o(>ω<)o, the pair were obsessed with sending kaomojis back and forth.
Locking his screen again before smiling at the photo, it was one of his favourites taking by Emiko herself. It was taken back last year when the four of them went to the beach to celebrate their engagement. Oikawa was giving Y/n a piggyback, his hands under her thighs, they were both in their swimwear, soak from swimming in the sea. Y/n had one arm wrapped around his shoulder with the other outstretched in from of them as she threw up the peace sign. Her h/c thrown up in a messy beach swept ponytail, her chin resting on his shoulder with a broad playful closed-eyed smile spread across her lips, Oikawa could see his matching grin spread across his face as his head was leant against hers. 
He loved that photo. She was showing off her natural beauty. No makeup or hair done up just right, with the tiny scar above her right eyebrow, he couldn't see it in the photo, but he knew it was there, he knew it was from a childhood accident of that one time she fell out of a tree when she was playing with her brothers. He knew all the scars, and where they were, his fingers had traced them all, knowing all the different childhood stories behind, ranging from messing around with her brothers to the one of her breaking her arm and the bone sticking out when she fell rock climbing. 
"Oi Shittykawa." Iwaizumi hissed bring the love-struck boy out of his memories and back into the church. "She's seriously got you wrapped that tightly around her fingers, huh." He stated as he hit the old Seijoh captain around the back of the head. 
"Ow! Iwa-chan that hurts!" Oikawa grumbled as he slipped his phone back into the pocket of his mint blue slacks, before rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head, but he was glad that Iwaizumi wasn't quite as nervous as before, "You're being vulgar again." 
From behind him, he could hear Matsukawa and Hanamaki stifling there laughs at the pair, he sent a glare over his shoulder to the two groomsmen, who were wearing white shirts with peach coloured slacks with matching ties and corsages. 
Before either of them could comment, the music began to play, the guest stood. All turned towards the door, Oikawa could not help but smile as he watched Takeru walk down the aisle as the ring bearer in his outfit matching the two groomsmen. Next to him was (niece's name) dressed in a tea-length peach coloured ball gown dress. It was so cute to watch them walk along together, (niece's name) throwing little flower petals as she walked, Takeru proudly carrying the wooden box with the glass window in the lid showing the rings sat on the velvet mint coloured pillow. Next, to walk along was Emiko other two bridesmaids, wearing peach coloured a-line asymmetrical chiffon dresses with a sweetheart's neck. Their hair was curled, and a half was styled back, each holding a small bouquet of peach roses in their hands. Oikawa knew who was next, it was his beloved, he knew she would be wearing mint blue to match him, but he had no clue what dress she would be wearing. 
Emiko and Iwaizumi, well mostly Emiko, had decided they wanted a peach and mint summer wedding, the groomsmen and bridesmaids would be in peach while the maid of honour and the best man along with the bride and groom would be in mint. Well, Emiko would be in white, but she would have accents of mint to her hair and in her bouquet.
When Y/n stepped through the door, Oikawa could do nothing but stare. She looked stunning in her floor-length a-line dress. He loved the sweetheart neckline and the way the sleeves were off the shoulder. He loved the way the chiffon fell and made it look like she was gliding along the floor, the peach coloured roses of her bouquet stood out against the mint blue of her dress. Her hair was tied back into an intricate bun, and she donned a light layer of makeup that brought out her sparkling crystal-like e/c eyes.
Their eyes locked with one another's and she gave him a gentle smile, she took her place on the bride's side of the aisle, giving him a wink before Y/n looked down the aisle with a proud look. Oikawa's eye's flickered to the doorway where Emiko was stood in her pure white lace ballgown dress, with a v-neck neckline. Her hair was in an even more intricate way with braids and curls going into a bun, with mint blue gems weaved into her hair before they flickered to Iwaizumi. Oikawa could see the tears welling Iwaizumi's eyes as he saw the love of his life stood there with her father ready to walk down and to give her to him for the rest of lives together. 
The ceremony was beautiful. Oikawa's eyes would continuously flicker to where Y/n was stood and back to the bride wonder what she would look like in a wedding dress. He wanted to see that; he knew he was going to marry her one day. Still, the pair had agreed to take it slow, they didn't want to rush a thing, and with Oikawa being a professional Volleyball player for Argentina it was hard enough for him to have this time off for the wedding. 
The wedding breakfast was great, filled with great food, booze and of course the speeches, Oikawa teasing the newlyweds but also congratulating and thanking them both for setting him up with Y/n. 
He would quite often see Y/n tear up at the speeches and when Iwaizumi and Emiko did there thank you speech and handed out the presents to their parents and the wedding party. Emiko was especially thankful for Y/n, "Honestly Y/n if it wasn't for you I think this wedding would have been a disaster, you kept me grounded through all of this, if I were having a meltdown you would be on a flight from Argentina to me that night, I don't know how many times you did that-"
"She did it thirteen times we had a travel case sat by the front door of our flat ready~" Oikawa interjected with a smirk winking at Niko.
"Don't worry I spent his money on the flights~" Y/n smiled as she leaned into Oikawa's side planting a kiss on his cheek as he fake gasped at the fact she stated. The room laughed at the couple. 
"Toru you a professional volleyball player, get over it! Anyway, if it weren't for you Y/n I would have probably thrown in the towel and cancelled everything on many of occasion, so I must also thank you Toru for letting your girlfriend come and help me at the drop of a hat and fly back here to Japan. Honestly, if it weren't for you two, this wedding wouldn't have been a disaster." Emiko grinned, raising her champagne glass "To Y/n and Toru!" 
"To Y/n and Toru!" The room chorused after her, the toasted pair stood there with there arms wrapped around each other, and there own champagne glasses in hand, Y/n rested her head against his chest as Oikawa planted a kiss on the top of her head as he whispered: "I love you, baby girl."
The first dance was beautiful, just Iwaizumi and Emiko slow dancing across the dance floor to I'll Be by Edwin McCain now and again Iwaizumi would twirl her around. They were whispering to each other. Both grinning, ever now and again kissing, either on the cheek or lips or in Iwaizumi's case her forehead too. Once again, Y/n was cuddled into Oikawa's side, holding her newly filled champagne glass to her chest as she smiled the tears welling up again.
Oikawa was happily chatting away to his old Seijoh teammates. He wasn't sure where Y/n was she said something about catching up with her old high school friends. His ears pricked up at the sound of the music, Oh, Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison was playing. Knowing how much Y/n loved this song from the movie Pretty Women, his eye's drifted to the dance floor, where he instantly found the bridal party and their high school friends dancing together singing along. Y/n and Emiko were doing some kind of ballroom dancing, their hands linked together spinning around and laughing, he loved this side of her, she was just having fun and letting loose not caring what people thought of her and her dancing. The next song to come one was Love is Strange by Mickley and Sylvia. Oikawa sighed he knew the DJ was playing the song from Dirty Dancing and he knew them all seeing as Y/n loved that movie as well. Their eyes lock at a certain point, and they both smirked.
'Sylvia~' Oikawa lip-synced to the song. 
'Yes, Mickey?' Y/n hip swayed to the song as she slowly, swaying her hips as she moved closer to him.
'How ya call your loverboy?' He was leaning against the pillar, knowing that his old teammates and her friends were watching
'Come here, loverboy!' using her head to signal from him to come to her. 
'And if he doesn't answer?' He smirked grew 
'Oh, lover boy?' giving him big doe eyes, her hands linked behind her back trying to look innocent, still quite a bit away from him
'And if he still doesn't answer?' He pushed himself off the pillar
'I smiply say, baaaaby' She couldn't help but giggle at him when he did the air guitar to the song.
'Ooooohhhh, baaaaabbyyy' Now stood toe to toe both laughing at Oikawa as he continued to do the air guitar. 
'My sweet baabbyy, you're the one' Planting a kiss on his lips before returning to the girls on the dance floor. 
"Damn you are whipped, aren't ya!" Yahaba laughed patting his shoulder, he just shrugged, he knew he was and he did not care, he loved her wholeheartedly. He continued to watch her on the dance floor once again thinking back to how he wanted to see her in a wedding dress, maybe it was the champagne going to his head, but he wonders if he just went up to her right now and went down on one knee, would she say yes? 
Y/n continued to dance with Emiko before they disappeared out the door so Emiko could change into her evening dress, something a little lighter and more comfortable to wear. 
Later into the evening, Oikawa's eyes locked onto Iwaizumi walking up to the DJ, he didn't miss the smirk that Iwaizumi sent his way. Not long after Iwaizuki walked away, a song began to play that Oikawa instantly recognised. It was his and Y/n song, I Was Made For Loving you by Tori Kelly began to play, he's eyes darted around the room looking for his beloved, he felt a hand on his arm. He grinned, taking her hand in his placing a kiss on her knuckles. 
"Come dance with me," She asked, placing his drink down on the table next to them. He smiled as and followed after her to the dance floor, her left arm wrapped around his right shoulder, and his left arm was gently wrapped around her waist and their free hands conjoined, Oikawa held them to his chest, her head placed gently against his chest as well. They both had gentle smiles on their face as they slow danced on the floor. They didn't see the looks on Emiko, and Iwaizumi faces as they watched the pair, it was just them on the dance floor. 
"We did a good match with those two." Emiko smiled her head resting on Iwaizumi's shoulder. 
"That we did, I think when you throw the bouquet, aim it at Y/n." Iwaizumi commented.
"I already had that planned." The newly wedded couple smirked at each other. 
It was nearly midnight when the after-party started to wrap up, the couple were heading off on their honeymoon, but first, it was time to throw the bouquet. As Emiko said she was going to aim for her best friend, she wanted to see her married to Oikawa; she wanted their children to grow up together and be best friends, even if they would be in different countries. 
Turning her back to the group of girls, Emiko looked over her shoulder, winking at Y/n before she threw the bouquet over her head.
Oikawa was praying that she would catch it, he wanted to propose to her all night, he already planned to buy a ring when they get back to Argentina.
The peach coloured rose flew through the air and landed perfectly into Y/n outstretched hands. Y/n eyes met Oikawa's as he gave her a look that said well we're going to have to now, the blush flushed Y/n cheeks, as she made her way back towards him, cradling the bouquet in her arms.
Iwaizumi and Emiko smirked to one another, knowing they had worked there magic once again, they knew it wouldn't be long till Oikawa would propose now, knowing he wanted to all day anyway, they could tell by the way he looked at her. 
"I'll gladly be your matron of honour," Emiko said nudging Y/n arm as they joined the blushing couple. 
"Give me a shout when you need a best man." Iwaizumi lightly punched Oikawa shoulder as he smirked. "I've already got bits of the speech planned." Catching the scared look that crossed Oikawa's cause the other three to laugh.
"So, if I asked you, would you say yes?" Oikawa asked as his arms snaked around her waist once again. 
After that, there were lots of goodbyes, and even more congratulations as Emiko and Iwaizumi left on their Italian road trip honeymoon. 
"Blue topaz~" Was all Y/n said as he placed a butterfly kiss against his cheek, waving after the car as it drove away.
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Part 1 <you are here>| Part 2 | Part 3
©️ All content  belongs to lilmissbeanie, do not copy, edit, repost or translate. 
Haikyuu Masterlist
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nc7dr3am · 3 years
“hello my loves!! let’s chat~~”
TAGLIST (lmk if u wanna join! it’s for all of my lily verse content, even the other oc blogs): @aqueenieme​ @moonbeamsung​​ @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12​ @btshook
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“how are you tonight? could we have a tmi?”
i am very sleepy. i’ll be going to bed soon, actually.. for the tmi... i’ve had three coffees today
“lily!! read any good books lately?”
YES!! i am reading ‘to live’ by yu hua and it’s very .. thought-provoking, i suppose. i’m reading it in chinese, as well, to practice. mila and evie help me occasionally if i need it. please read it!!
“nct siren!!! i’m so excited- can you tell us about hyeyoung and evie?”
i’m excited too~~!! hyeyoungie unnie is very talented at dance and singing. she is a kind and caring unnie, and she calls me her baby. she is one of my very best friends, and i rely on her a lot. evie is also extremely talented, and her voice is very unique. she is a really cool unnie and plays with me a lot. she is also one of my best friends. i love them so much🥺
i know you all will love them- support them, okay? they deserves the world.
“how is the dorm these days? honey and mr. darcy are PRECIOUS... but isn’t jeno allergic?”
yes, jeno is allergic, but you all know that won’t stop him from cuddling them .. dummie. but at least mr. darcy is hypoallergenic! honey sheds quite a bit, though .. also, i’ve actually recently moved out of the dream dorms
LMAOO I NEEDED THIS BABE HAH jimin na is too much of a lil wimp for the streets. but! i live with my nct siren members now! i love it!! it was hard to say goodbye to my dreamies, but i literally see them constantly anyway
“have you been resting enough? i love your solo and your promotions but i hope you’re eating and sleeping well :((“
thank you for caring, babe!! don’t worry though, i’m okay. i appreciate your kindness more than you know.
“lily babe what smells do you associate with the dreamies? and siren?”
*answered on ten different instagram story posts, one for each member*
oh my god there’s so many of them .. mila is definitely oranges and green tea. she uses green tea lotion, but the smells just remind me of her as a person since this is what we’re basing it on
i know we’re not really doing LITERAL scents, but hyeyoung unnie uses this givenchy perfume, l’interdit. it smells floral, but with spice. she reminds me of clean laundry and roses.
evie unnie is like paint. she’s an artist, so when i smell paint, i think of her. and champagne!! floral scents remind me of her as well, but bright floral scents, not the soft ones like hyeyoung. and rain. mixed bag
jaemin oppa reminds me of clean but slightly floral smells. i think if i had to pick a smell for him, it’d be this one aloe and rose toning spray i have. lavender is also a good one for him. calming smells
jeno oppa is like a soap? yknow just the regular body soap with no added scent? it still smells good and it’s just nice and familiar. also, like when something is baking in the oven on an early morning.
fullsun is like if you’re walking somewhere nice and catch a scent of some nearby flowers and freshy cut grass. the way summer days smelled when i was a child. i also would choose honeysuckle for him
renjun oppa is like a forest? he also reminds me of the smell of books, or paper. i’d also pick a beach, but on a cloudy day and there aren’t many people around and the air. he’s like nature
jisung reminds me of the summer nights smell where you have a bonfire. do you all know what i mean? i dunno, it just fits him! and he’s like a nice fresh smell. maybe like when the air smells colder.
chenle reminds me of a pool and i don’t know how to explain that. on another note, mint. he always has a bit of a minty smell in person, too, so that’s probably why. also cologne because he has a lot of it
mark oppa really reminds me of just... that comfortable home smell? and candles? i think amber and cashmere too... those warm, comfy scents. laundry and clean hair. nice smells. he doesn’t wear cologne btw but he always smells nice
“if you can’t talk right now and are doing hot girl shit, what are you doing?”
deadass just rewatching the twilight saga
“should i get a sugar daddy”
i feel like i will get in trouble for answering this
“me love you long tim”
who’s long tim
“do you also still use l’interdit for your perfume?”
OKAY so i use it every now and then!! it’s hyeyoung’s signature smell, and i liked it so sometimes i switch it up and use that. my regular perfume is amazing grace bu philosophy. i’ve used it every day for years
“do you watch crack videos? ily”
ily too!! +yes and i ENJOY THEM it’s very much my sense of humor. johnny irritated me when he only laughed a little. i also watch edits you all make of me >:) i see a lot of czennies posts.
and yes that should scare you
“do the kitties get along with beetle? and are there any other pets in the siren dorms?”
our pets get along pretty well. honey was very hostile at first, but she got used to mr. darcy pretty quickly and they’re best friends. the cats are indifferent to beetle but sometimes they cuddle. and there’s not anymore pets yet!! well, mila has a goldfish too- she just got him and his name is bird.
“bestie i would drink your spit”
i KNOW you didn’t think i would see/respond but i’m built different
“jimin my love what should i do if my ex is trying to get back with me? he kinda broke my heart nd cheated but i still have feelings :(”
um babe he is a FLOP for breaking your heart nd a FLOP for cheating. please don’t get back with his bum ass. idc if it’s harsh- no excuse for cheating. if you trust someone with your heart and they cheat, you know they’re not to be trusted with them again. stay strong bub- i believe in you!
“lily babe your solo was beautiful shskdhs can we expect more solo/lily-written things soon?”
okay i. cannot maybe should not say anything but uh .. LOL
“jimin may i please have your hand in marriage”
okay so i definitely scrolled your account, i definitely think you are beautiful, and i am definitely in love now. also i accidentally liked an old photo gosh i seem creepy i am so sorry
but basically she said yes
“who have you texted most recently?”
*the photo for this story is the cats*
i feel like you wanted to hear a member or one of my friends but i was texting in a group chat with me and my parents. i sent them this picture of my cats, and i also told them i miss them
“ma’am what are your favorite shows”
favorite show of all time is euphoria! i also love the end of the fucking world, joe pera talks with you, the office, seinfeld, i’m now very into steven universe!!!”
“cat girl?”
maid costume is better
“what did u get johnny and jisung for their birthdays!!?”
OO yes!! he loves hats a lot so i got him a balenciaga cap. he really loved it. i also made a decorated corkboard with pictures of our members having fun. i put string lights around the frame and put pretty things on it with evie’s help
johhny is hard to get presents for because he buys whatever he wants. i ended up getting him a pair of vetements slides and a bottle of wine i know he likes. 
also!! i got seulgi unnie and i matching bracelets <3
“why is no one talking about the fact that her favorite show is euphoria oh my GOD”
hhhhhh it’s literally art. the best show i have ever seen in my entire life. a few of the other members have watched it, as well, but evie is also really into it. it made hyeyoung cry the whole time.
“favorite food and song right now? i love you you’re so precious”
i love you more, darling!! food is gyoza, but i really love all dumplings right now. my favorite song at the moment is lovely day by bill withers
“STEVEN UNIVERSE OMG tag siren as the crystal gems”
OKAY hyeyoung is def pearl, shes our mom. mila is garnet, for obvious reasons. i’m steven :D
and evie is amethyst but my mind also is saying greg universe so do with that what you will
“answer 100% honestly there’s a gun to your head who is your favorite member”
“will you flirt with me queen”
no problem baby :) your recent is fine as hell i’ll be in your dm’s waiting
“are you in love”
how can i not be when i am living on the same planet as you
“girl don’t be shy send us hand pics”
“do you have any western artists you’d like to collab with?”
it’s britney, bitch
“i really hope the dating rumors with renjun didn’t but strain on your friendship :(”
okay i actually really wanna address this because a lot of y’all have been saying this stuff, but it didn’t mess up anything. we’re adults now, we’ve known each other for years, and none of us are stupid- including the other guys. we know there will be rumors about us, it’s fairly obvious, but nothing will ever change the fact that we are all best friends, and nothing more. i’m so, so grateful for all of you that were kind, and believed me us when we told the truth. renjun and i, once again, for the people in my dm’s and asks, are not, and never were, dating. our friendship is as strong as ever, babes. 
it’s time for me to goooo, i’m sleepy! goodnight, petals! see you soon~~
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This was requested by @thenewnio
This is a talk about the episode Lost and Found from season 10 episode 8.
Sorry this took a while! I was busy and had a hard tine finding the episode. I wanted to rewatch it since it's been a long while since I last seen it. Surprisingly this episode was hard to find. Most sites have spongebob episode listings scrambled so I kept getting the wrong episode. At last I got frustrated and was about to rent it but I found it on my last try so here it is!
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The episode Lost and Found is about spongebob going through the krusty krab's lost and found to find a child's lost teddy. The lost and found itself is so large that it's almost a place of its own, even with lost children inhabiting it whom all grew elderly living there and found the teddy and want to keep it.
Personally I like the episode, there's a lot of fun easter eggs in it and it's just a really silly contained story. Though it does definitely start off a bit weak.
A strange gag about an unusual customer bugging squidward gave off abelist vibes
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And squidward overall getting mistreated for no real gag. It just happens which is unfortunate. As well as the kid crying for his teddy. I mean it makes sense but it drags out really long and a particular thing a lot of modern episodes have gags about annoying little children which doesn't really make sense since the audience of this show is those children and they're too young to really get it. Idk that's more of a nitpick. It's not really a funny gag, it just kinda exists and kinda annoying. I think that's just me.
After we get into the actual lost and found part of the episode, it really picks up the pace and becomes more entertaining. Lots of fun visual gags of Spongebob messing around in the lost and found.
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My favorite being him playing with the cool guy sunglasses because it gives us this picture. There is also this moment!
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Do you see anything there 👀 the magical bag of winds, a goofy goober peanut costume, a goofy goober hat, king Neptune's crown, Squidward's souffle from season 1 episode naughty nautical neighbors 👀 the goofy goober guitar, a map of Finland referencing the season 2 episode frankendoodle, the imagination box from season 3 episode idiot box. There are more references throughout the episode but these ones mentioned are all visible in this screenshot from the episode! Which is quite a lot.
In the episode we also get introduced to the lost children who live in the lost and found who grew elderly and survived off of mints!
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I think they look cute! Their leader being Ginger! The gal with the Ginger hair. I think they were fun characters. I am curious though since they look much older than Mr. Krabs but they got lost at the Krusty Krab while they were children. The Krusty Krab was a retirement home before Mr. Krabs bought it which makes it stranger.
It doesn't really make sense timeline wise unless the lost and found is it's own time pocket where time flows differently hence why they aged so much. Which is possible seeing there's a dinosaur dimension in there. People complained of the continuity issues with the episode but like Patrick's home is a continuity error on it's own so it's okay.
Anyways Ginger wanted to keep the kid's teddy and spongebob throughout the episode attempted to get it back from her and during their chases I actually noticed something
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This gag in particular! Its a reference to the disney show the 7D which was running around the time this episode was out. I actually liked that show
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It doesn't look exact because copyright but the color palette is the same and you can hear the theme song being whistled as spongebob passes by here!
There is also Squidward revealing his love for the kazoo!
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I actually thought it was super cute!
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Look at bby squidward with his round lookin headback. He still couldn't play
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One child tried to kermit Sudoku off the school building.
Meanwhile Mr. Krabs is sobbing with the child and honestly a lot harder. Now its funny. It would be even more so if they made the child stop crying and comfort Mr. Krabs just to mske this extra.
There are more moments with the chase scene but in the end they manage to return, the children got reunited with their parents, squidward is screaming while playing the kazoo, the child who lost their teddy ended up getting a prehistoric eel as a pet and everyone lives happily.
Indeed what a strange episode but it's fun! I have more pictures to add to this however I'm at tumblr's picture limit so perhaps in another post. I hope you enjoyed this!💙 thank you so so much for the request!😁
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dreamdropxoxo · 4 years
Lock-down Story, Part III
Part I, Part II
"How about you start your own home workout stream?" When Laurent had asked this question the day before, Damen had really asked himself why he hadn't thought about it sooner. He had all the equipment, was a trained chiropractor and fitness instructor and had enough time to just do it.
He sat down and started drafting his first set of training with alternatively easier method for people who were not as sporty, muscled or simply motivated as he was. It occupied him for half a day and that was much better than to just stare at the windows and asking himself if he should clean them once again.
When he went outside to install the camera, he saw, to his surprise, his boyfriend kneeling in the dirt in their backyard.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing there?"
"Gardening, Damianos, don't ask stupid questions." Laurent didn't even look up while he was weeding their former flowerbed which was overgrown und messy.
"And why are you doing that?"
Laurent sighed, as if he didn't have the patience to explain every miniscule detail to Damen, but contrary to what one could think, Damen knew his boyfriend had all the patience in the world for him. "Because it looks horrible and I have nothing better to do. I can't stand for our backyard to look like a battlefield."
Damen nodded, it made perfect sense. Laurent was a perfectionist and his nature didn't allow him to let this state of disorder go on like that. "Am I disturbing you, if I start my workout recording now?"
"No, as long as I am not in your video I am perfectly fine." Laurent finally looked up and then his eyebrow climbed up his forehead. "Are you sure you want to wear that while you start with whatever you intend to do?"
"A live stream, Laurent. Don't talk as if you are 100 years old and slept through the last decades of technological progress. And what is wrong with it? I always wear that while training."
"You always wear that? Not only here?" The corner of Laurent's mouth twitched. Damen was honestly confused. "Yes?"
"No wonder they offered you a discount on your gym subscription. Well, then good luck. I will be over here, keeping myself away from your video camera." Laurent turned back around and continued with his task. Damen still couldn't understand what was wrong with his outfit. He wore long pants, for God's sake.
Although he was confused, he started with his training, while he trained he explained the easier execution of the routine and what advantages the different exercises had. He realized while drafting the training plan that he could include quite a bit of his chiropractor knowledge. It was fun and very satisfying.
After two hours of grueling training, he stopped the stream and posted the video on YouTube too. Nik promised to watch it and give feedback as soon as he finished with work. Then he went to shower and finally helped Laurent with his gardening. Which meant that he could help him move the bigger stones and pots full of dirt and weed.
Laurent was a mess, his face full of smutches, his hair messy with the occasional twig and leaf stuck in it, his clothes dirty, and yet, he looked very satisfied after all the work. Damen drew him closer and kissed him. He was sweaty again and decided to join Laurent for another shower.
This continued for some days more and suddenly Damen's account on YouTube exploded, his live stream had thousands of followers and Damen didn't know what had happened. He did what every responsible boyfriend would do in that situation; he ran to Laurent, a bit hysterical and demanded an explanation.
Laurent, calm as one can be took his laptop from him and made a quick google search. Then he said, dead-pan, "well, it looks as if I am dating the next internet sensation. Some important guy found your videos and shared them, people love you and now you have a lot of followers."
Damen gaped. "What?"
"Yes, congratulation, Damen. I bet half of the followers just stare at your arms while you do all those push-ups." Laurent laughed when he gave him his laptop back. Damen sat down, absolutely shocked and did a quick google search. It was true, the singer of a very famous band, Lazar Lafeu had mentioned in a telephone interview that he killed his new found free time with Damen's training video. He had said, "If we can't go on our tour I can at least look at all these nice Akielon muscles. And even better, the guy has a fully functional brain, very sexy."
Damen seriously didn't know what to do with his new found internet fame. He decided to ignore it and just continued with his videos like before. The only difference was, that after every video he took ten minutes to answer questions of his followers. What startled him the most was that people started to notice everything about him.
They complimented the color of his façade, which was a very very pale mint, picked by Laurent. They asked where he had purchased his yoga mat. They discussed the circumference of his bicep. He even understood why Laurent had been so amused by the choice his outfit. It was because his loose fitting tank top gaped open whenever he didn't stand and provided a deep look to his chest and stomach.
His follower called it the sweetest tease ever, they begged him to keep wearing them and Damen, who never had a problem with being ogled did exactly that. The question if he would do a training without a shirt however, was firmly answered in the negative.
Laurent had finished weeding their whole backyard and even started planning new flowers. Their local gardener had started to deliver the plants directly to one's doorstep and Laurent took full advantage.
Damen had been overjoyed to realize that Laurent truly enjoyed his new hobby. He could kneel in the dirt for hours and didn't care even one bit how messy the work could be sometimes. Right now he planted rose bushes while Damen was in the last two minutes of his live stream.
"Fuck! Damn it." Laurent's voice was muffled but still very clearly audible. Damen's head shot up, "Sweetheart?"
"I'm alright. Just ignore me." Laurent smiled pained and hurried inside. Damen didn't even look at the stream when he shut it down and ran behind his boyfriend. Laurent had his hand under the water in their kitchen. The stream tinted red. Damen felt the nausea grow, not because of the blood in general, but because it was LAURENT's blood.
"What happened?"
Laurent sighed. "My hand slipped."
"Show me." Damen took his hand carefully in his own. There was a very long gash in the palm of Laurent's left hand. It looked horrible and would need stiches. He was once again glad that as chiropractor he had studied together with the physicians for four years. He could do the stiches at home.
"Stay here. I will go get my medical kit."
The next day, Laurent lounged on his bench in the shade because he had decided to take a break from gardening for a day when Damen started his stream. He apologized for the abrupt ending of the stream but his followers were so over the moon that Damen had a boyfriend that they didn't care at all.
It was no surprise that the whole ten minutes after the training were filled with questions about his relationship and Laurent in general. He informed them that the mysterious boyfriend preferred to stay mysterious but that he was fine and only needed four stiches.
The fans were somewhat disappointed that they didn't get to know Laurent but accepted the decision with grace. However, they didn't give up completely. Over the course of the next day Damen was asked random questions concerning Laurent. They varied from, "Is he younger, older or the same age as you", over "Is he beautiful?", to "What is his job?". Damen answered them with permission from Laurent with, "younger", "yes", "He's a lawyer".
Then a day came when Damen didn't install the camera the same way as always because he did a later training and the sun would otherwise be too bright. He had told Laurent about it the day before and even on the same morning but Laurent was not very attentive to details that didn't concern him directly. Thus it came that he walked right through Damen's stream. It was not so bad because only his lower half was recorded, but it caused an uproar.
Damen could understand it, because Laurent's ass looked damn hot, even in the video and everybody was curious before. His fans asked about Laurent even more often and the blond man finally seemed to give in, at least in typical Laurent fashion. He answered some of the questions about himself from the off.
It was hilarious, because Laurent had a wicked kind of humor. When one guy asked if he could see him just once, Laurent answered, "Sorry, I think I am too much to handle for you, so no. There were people who actually crashed their car because of my face."
The fans asked Damen if it was true and he had to confirm it. He told them that he almost fell down a staircase when he saw Laurent for the first time. And in his humble opinion Laurent only grew more beautiful with the years.
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