#Ups And Downs
serenityquest · 2 months
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olsenmyolsen · 3 months
Ups and Downs The Final Part
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dark master list
Slight MCU AU (Female Reader X Natasha Romanoff)
Be sure to read part one! . And Part Two!
Summary: You finally take Natasha on a date!
Word Count: 4.6K
TW: None, Pure Fluff with some mentions of Yelena. <3
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You stood in front of Natasha's door with a bouquet of roses in your hands.
It was officially the first Friday since being discharged from the Avengers medical wing, and you wanted to be Natasha's woman in shining armor.
Even though she literally saved your life after being shot when mercenaries busted their way into her safe house apartment, so there was no way you'd ever outshine The Black Widow- ya know what, that doesn't matter!
Here you stood in front of Natasha's door! At Avengers Campus! Feet firmly planted! Flowy red sundress flowing! A fist raised to the door, and just as it was about to make contact, it flung open.
Your right hand flew through the open air before falling by your side. "Huh?" Your eyes went from your hand to the woman who opened the door.
Natasha smirked with painted red lips as her green eyes looked you up and down. The bruising was no longer visible on your exposed skin, but that's not why Natasha was looking at the way your sundress stopped just 4 inches above the knee.
You watched the way her green eyes lifted to you. Making eye contact before they lowered back down. "Are these for me?" Natasha stepped forward and grabbed the bouquet of flowers from your hand. The contact your fingertips made was electric for you both.
Your brain immediately flat-lined.
"I-uh- yeah!" You let Natasha take the bouquet as she smiled at how you fumbled with your words. "I figured we've already lived through a couple of cliches, so what's one more?!" You moved back and forth on your feet as Natasha examined the flowers. "I hope you like them." Natasha looked at you. "Captain- Steve- uh, mentioned how you like Roses." Natasha looked down at her hands, and a quizzical look turned into a smile that broke into laughter.
You smiled and laughed, too, but you weren't sure why. But if Natasha was smiling because of something you did, you'd count that as a win.
"These are Carnations." Natasha finally said.
"What is that now?" You asked as you took a step forward into Natasha's space. Tip-toeing around the flirty line, you two have been playing since waking up here.
"These aren't Roses. They're Carnations. They look very similar." You took a closer look, but flowers looked like flowers, so you just nodded and took the Up (Going on a date with Natasha) with the Down (Getting her the wrong type of flowers).
"Don't worry," Natasha said as she bumped your shoulder and smiled. "I love them." You smiled and rolled your eyes. "Who said I was worried, Natasha?" The redhead threw an eyebrow and looked at you as she closed her bedroom door. "Hmm." She hummed. "Tell that to the corners of your mouth." Natasha then mocked you as she made a pouty face before laughing as you tried to look away. But you wore a big smile.
"Come on," Natasha said with glee as her hand wrapped around yours. Not letting go until the two of you reached the kitchen.
"I'll put these in a vase, and then we'll go." You nodded to her words and watched the way Natasha filled out her black jeans as she walked away with an extra oomph on her step.
This date was something the two of you wanted, and Natasha couldn't wait.
She was going to tease you all night.
"Take a picture. It'll last longer." You jumped to the sound of a man in your ear. Turning to your left to see Clint Barton smiling from catching you in the act. You swung your arm down and made contact with his. "Don't you have anything better to do?" You yelled at the older man in a hushed tone.
He shrugged.
"Not a lot at the moment. So where are you taking her?" Clint held his fork up to his mouth and blew on his noodles to cool them down.
"That information is for Natasha only." You whispered to Clint as if Natasha couldn't hear you.
But she could. If there's one thing Natasha has learned about you since moving in. You think you know how to whisper, and you definitely don't realize how loud your footsteps are. Twice now, Natasha has woken up to the sounds of you getting a late-night snack.
To your knowledge, it had been one time that Natasha woke up. That was when she joined you in your room to watch re-runs of The Nanny.
You fell asleep with your head on her shoulder.
Natasha turned red when it happened. Because she officially knew what she had been thinking this whole time.
She was falling for you.
"Boring," Clint said as he put a fork full of noodles in his mouth and walked away. The conversation no longer fun to him.
Natasha held in a smile and presented you with the vase full of carnations.
"What do you think?"
You smiled and kept your eyes on Natasha. "I think you look beautiful." Natasha rolled her eyes, which made you laugh. "Come on. I told you that if we started dating, it would only get worse." Natasha nodded and placed the vase in the middle of the table. "Well, don't run before you can walk." Natasha sent you a wink as she stuck out her hand. "And is it dating if it's only the one so far?" You smiled and took hers in yours. "Years from now, you'll laugh about this, Natasha." You said with smug written all over your face.
Your cheesiness makes Natasha think back to the apartment weeks ago.
"So, which car is Stark letting you borrow?"
"Oh, I was supposed to ask?" You said as you and the redhead entered the garage. Natasha turned her head and couldn't tell if you were joking until your lips cracked. "Any of them, he said."
"Generous." She lifted her eyebrows as you two walked past rows of luxury cars.
"Yeah..." You said as Natasha started walking towards the motorcycles. One in particular. "I feel like Tin Man was threatened by a hot spy."
Natasha stopped in front of a black Harley Davidson with a red leather seat and orange accents and details. "Hot spy, huh?" You nodded. "Red hair. You wouldn't know her." Natasha playfully rolled her eyes and turned back to the bike. "What do you think?" She asked as you took a step forward. "I didn't think Tony drove this."
Natasha lifted the pillion seat and pulled out a set of keys. Tossing them to you. "He doesn't." You caught the keys and looked back to Natasha as she leaned against the bike with a tight-lipped smile as her tongue rolled over her teeth.
Fuck, you were starting to get hungry, and it wasn't food calling your name.
"Wanna try it?" She asked as she grabbed a red helmet from behind her, waiting for your answer. "Nat, you can't be serious!" Natasha pulled her body away from the bike and walked towards you before she placed the helmet in your hands. "I mean, you can always say no," Natasha said as she looked at you with a confident smile and glimmer in her eyes.
She had you.
You looked from the helmet back to Natasha. "Promise to help?"
Natasha placed her hands on your hips and leaned closer. You inhaled sharply from her touch. Her perfume worked its way through your nose, making you smile. "I'll make sure we don't crash." Natasha kissed your cheek and left you blushing as she picked up the helmet and placed it on your head. "Ready?" You nodded as Natasha pushed the helmet down onto your face. Only your eyes are the thing Natasha sees.
She grabbed your hand and led you to the bike. Natasha watched how you wrapped your legs around the seat. "I'm starting to think maybe a dress wasn't the best idea." You said as your voice was muffled by the helmet.
Natasha smirked and looked at the way your dress rode up. Revealing more thigh from you. Your soft skin against the leather seat was doing wonders for Natasha. "Trust me." Natasha started as she grabbed a helmet from the bike beside her and put it on. "You'll be fine. I'll keep you warm."
You understood the double entendre and couldn't help but blush once again. Natasha wasn't holding back tonight, and for someone who was usually spouting flirty attempts, it left you worried that your cheeks would always be stuck in a giggly smile.
Natasha sat on the seat and let her black jeans brush against your legs. "Put the key here." Her hands worked down your arms and rested on top of your own hands. You nodded and placed the tiny key in the ignition. "Hit this button to turn it on." Natasha pointed to a red button in the center of the handlebars. "Once you do that. This is the accelerator. This is the brake." Natasha showed you how to use each one while her hands never left your body.
"Okay." You sighed as the idea of driving this without thinking about the vibrations and Natasha gripping your body was going to make you crazy.
"Ready?" Natasha asked as her hand was above the red button. "I.. I think so." You said. "Y/N." You turned your head back. "Don't worry. I'll be here." You could see the way Natasha's cheeks lifted below her green eyes. She was smiling to you and giving you reassurance.
You nodded.
"I'm ready." Natasha hit the red button and laid her hands on yours. "Good girl." You heard her yell as she traced a birthmark on your middle finger.
You bit your lip. "Okay." You thought to yourself. "If teasing is what she wants." You could do this.
You kicked the leg stand up, and turned the accelerator, forcing Natasha to grip her body around yours at the sudden acceleration. "Good girl!" You yelled back, making Natasha scoff with surprise as you picked up the speed right before the two of you left the garage and hit the main road.
You felt free with Natasha Romanoff as the noise of the bike engine roared while her hands moved up from yours to around your waist. She was gripping you tighter.
Natasha was in awe of your quick ability to handle the bike due to every clumsy spill of water or untied shoelace you've had since meeting her.
But you surprised her.
Natasha even caught the wink you sent her from the side mirror as you turned the bike onto the exit for the city.
She had no idea where you were taking her, but she couldn't wait to find out. _
The lights of New York City passed over your helmets as you turned the bike down a one-way street and pulled into a side alley. The bike rolled to a stop just before you kicked the leg stand out and turn off the bike.
Natasha kept her arms around you as the volume of the city worked its way into your ears. You smiled at the contact and weren't surprised when the hands moved south to the end of your dress.
You turned and clinked your helmet into Natasha's, making her shoot her eyes your way. She watched you raise an eyebrow. But Natasha ignored your gaze and let her red-painted nails scratch your bare skin before pulling away.
"Did you enjoy it?" She husked as the two of you lifted your helmets. You rested your helmet on the left handlebar and checked your hair before turning back to face the redhead. "Every single bump in the road." You smirked.
Natasha looked you up and down. "I bet." She hummed and got off the bike first before helping you. "Your touch wasn't so bad either." You said as you handed Natasha the keys. "My touch, huh?" She asked. You nodded and walked behind her. Wrapping your arms around her waist. "Your touch." You rested your forehead against her shoulder before pulling away. Pink hue on you both.
Natasha loved this.
She smiled and placed her helmet on the right handlebar before stepping back next to you. "So, where did you take me?"
You pointed around the corner and briefly held Natasha's hand as you approached the entrance. "Sushi?" Natasha questioned at the Japanese signs in the window. "But you don't like sushi," Natasha said as you opened the door. "But you do." Natasha, while flattered, shook her head. "Y/N I-"
"What are you going to eat?!" Natasha questioned as you let go of the door and walked closer to the woman on the sidewalk.
"I'll eat whatever you get. Or I'll order something I can get down. Tonight is my date night for you. Okay?" Natasha looked from the door to you. "Are you sure?" You nodded. "Plus the thought of you speaking Japanese, oh man!" You made your eyebrows jump while Natasha gave you a pity laugh. "But seriously, don't worry. There's more planned for tonight."
Natasha nodded. She believed you. "Okay." You smiled and quickly opened the door for Natasha. "Thank you."
"Of course." You said as your eyes fell to Natasha's jeans. "Eyes up, Y/N." She said with a smirk before sitting herself at the open sushi bar. You following.
"Tsu onegaishimasu," Natasha said to the man who nodded behind the bar as he placed two small ceramic cups for sake. He smiled at you before looking and speaking to Natasha. Natasha laughed and turned to you. "He said my Japanese is excellent." You smiled and looked at the menu before you. "Hot, too." You mumbled with a smile before feeling a soft slap on your knee. "Detka, please." Natasha quietly said.
You closed your legs.
"Russian, too?!" You quietly shouted.
Natasha scanned up your body before smirking and biting her bottom lip. "Da."
Maybe you needed another ride on the bike.
Your menu was taken from you minutes later when Natasha went ahead and ordered enough for the two of you. She made sure to mix enough new things with some things you could keep down.
"So..." You looked to Natasha as she set her drink down. "Next dates gotta be at a Russian restaurant, right?" You smirked and waited for Natasha to answer.
She shook her head with a laugh.
"This one's not even over, and you think you're gonna get a second one?" You nodded with glee. "I know I will." Natasha enjoyed your overconfidence. It was natural as opposed to off-putting.
She had enough of that, thanks to your boss, Tony Stank.
"Besides, we already live together." Natasha moved her head from side to side as she squinted. "Debatable."
"Well, our address is the same. Is it not?" You had the redhead there. Natasha closed her mouth and playfully glared at you. "Not holding back tonight, huh?" You shook your head. "We can start the cliché 20 questions if you're ready?" You said with a laugh that lit up the room in the eyes of The Black Widow.
"Okay," Natasha said as she turned more towards you as rolls of sushi started to be placed between the two of you. "For each question we answer— honestly— we eat a roll. Given by the other person."
Natasha caught how you added the H word.
She swallowed and nodded.
It was known to the both of you that Natasha knew a whole hell of a lot more about you than you did about her.  So this was your way of getting to know the woman you wanted to spend more and more time with.
Natasha picked up a pair of chopsticks. "I'm ready." You did the same. "Me too." You smiled and looked at the rows of sushi. "Just don't make me eat a gross one." Natasha playfully rolled her eyes once again. "Trust me. Whatever I put in your mouth will be good for you."
Your mouth fell open as you drop your chopsticks to the ground.
Two minutes later, with a red face and new chopsticks, the game of questions started. _
"Oh, come on, don't be a baby."
"Natasha, you said it was deadly!"
"I said it's deadly if it's not prepared right!"
You closed your mouth and dodged Natasha's pufferfish sushi before she reached over and grabbed your nose closed. Your eyes went wide and searched the spy's green ones for any sign of giving up. But you saw the same look she had when you were bleeding out. Determination.
"Take it!" Natasha said as the sushi flew into your mouth before she placed her hands over your lips. You wanted to make the first dirty joke that came to your mind, but you were too busy trying to get the pufferfish into your stomach.
"Done?" Natasha asked as she lifted her hand after a minute of chewing.
You swallowed. "It wasn't that bad." You said before reaching for your glass of water.
Natasha shook her head before breaking into a laugh. "You're unbelievable." You perked up and winked. "So I'm told." Natasha looked over your face before lifting her hand up and gently wiped away the smudge lipstick from the corner of your mouth. You sat still and let her fingers linger under your chin before she drug them up and away.
How she looked tonight was etched into your brain.
"I meant what I said before. You're beautiful." You said before Natasha's eyes left your face. She stopped. Her body softened. You saw her eyes look from your eyes to lips and back.
Natasha cleared her throat.
"Thank you, Y/N." Natasha closed her mouth and opened it, but nothing came out. You just smiled and loved the way she looked at you before picking up a California roll. "Okay, my tu-"
"I really like you." Natasha cut you off.
You moved your gaze from the roll to her eyes staring at you. Natasha nervously smiled at you before surprising you by leaning forward, grabbing your chin, and kissing your lips.
She was gentle and tasted like cherries. Well, and sushi, but her red lips were sweet nonetheless.
Like she was.
She was a hot, dangerous spy who spoke a multitude of languages but, at the same time, was profoundly caring for her friends and had a glow deep within her that was good.
Natasha thinks that pain makes her stronger.
But you knew that was naturally Natasha—a strong, gorgeous person inside and out.
Her lips left yours as air came back into the two of you. "I-I like- I really like you too." You fumbled over your words before giving her a quick peck while holding onto the California roll between your chopsticks.
Natasha nodded as she sat back down. "Okay. Good." She said before laughing to herself. Her nerves were calming back down.
You just thought she was being cute.
"We like each other." You said as you laughed, too. "That's good, or else this date wasn't going anywhere." Natasha threw her head back. "Well, I'm glad it's going somewhere," Natasha said.
"Me too." You said as you raised the California roll to Natasha's mouth. She opened up and took it with joy.
You placed the chopsticks down.
"I guess it's my turn for a question, but I feel like it's inappropriate now." You said as Natasha picked up a roll for you. "Inappropriate, huh?" Natasha smirked, making you roll your eyes. "Not like that." Natasha played along. "Okay, sure, Y/N."
You smiled back and opened and closed your mouth before finally placing your arms on the bar top. "You don't have to tell me, but... Who's Yelena?"
Natasha wasn't expecting that question. Her mouth slowly fell as she lowered the roll back onto the plate. Her eyes hardened while a look of guilt flew across her face. "How do you know that name?" Her voice had an edge to it, and it instantly reminded you when she held you down on the floor in Budapest... Budapesht?
Boy, the two of you have been through a lot in such a short time.
You made sure to lock eyes with Natasha. "You said it in your sleep a couple of nights ago." You answered honestly. "It was the night you came and watched The Nanny with me. I woke up around 4 am to see you still there. I'm not going to lie it was sweet, but it looked like you were having a pretty intense dream. You kept murmuring in your sleep about someone named Yelena."
Natasha swallowed and sighed as she turned her body more to you. Her clothed knees brushing against yours. "Yelena is my sister." You pulled your head back in shock. "Oh!"
You wanted to say. "I didn't know you had a sister." But you'd just be stating the obvious. "Did I say anything else?" Natasha cautiously asked. You shook your head. "No. Just her name." You smiled in an effort to try to make Natasha feel better, and it worked a little, but now Natasha felt the need to tell you about Ohio.
But before she could, you said something that would stick.
"I'm sure you'll see her soon." Natasha paused at your words. "You think?" Natasha asked, earning a nod. "If she's anything like her sister, she's out there, and she's strong and caring too. You, too, will find each other again." You sent a big smile to Natasha.
She returned it with watery eyes before blinking them away.
"I'm just happy it's your sister and not an ex. I was about to go hot spy mode." Natasha laughed while she picked up a napkin. "I would've loved to have seen that." You shrugged. "There's still time, Miss. I speak over ten languages."
Natasha picked up a roll and brought it towards you. "You just want me to speak in another language again." You opened your mouth, allowing Natasha to feed you.
"Of course!" You said in a duh-like manner with a mouth full of sushi.
Natasha signaled for the check for you as you swallowed. She turned back to you. "Okay, Y/N." She gave you her full attention, making you close those legs tighter.
"Dove andremo dopo?" (Where are we going next?") _
You parked the bike in front of the cafe Tony helped you rent out for the night.
Once again, Natasha helped you off the bike before the two of you placed your helmets on the handlebars.
"A cafe?" Natasha asked as she took your hand in hers. "Not just any cafe, Nat." You smiled as you walked ahead and grabbed the door for her. Natasha let go of your hand as you two entered the building. Stopping in front of another set of doors that were locked. To the left was a sign in the area where a woman was sitting.
"A cat cafe!" You exclaimed as you turned to the woman waiting. "I take it this is the Y/N Romanoff party?" The woman with the name tag Ana asked. You nodded with glee while Natasha's brain was playing catch up.
How did she figure out my love of cats? Wait, did she say Romanoff party? Y/N Romanoff??
These questions and more swirled around before you turned around and made eye contact with Natasha.
"I may or may not have heard from a man with an eye patch that you have a fondness for cats. Specifically black ones."
When the hell did she meet Fury?
Was the next question Natasha kept inside.
"Y/N, this is so sweet! Thank you!" Natasha smiled as the two of you lathered your hands with hand sanitizer. Gotta be safe and careful with the kitties.
Ana opened the second double doors and waved you and your date inside. "Well, come in, Romanoffs. We have some cuties waiting to meet you."
You blushed at the name, and hoped Natasha wouldn't point it out. But you already knew her well. She bumped your shoulder while Ana left the two of you with menus and a binder full of the cats' names, likes, and dislikes.
"Y/N Romanoff, huh?" Natasha said as she flipped through the binder. Not really looking but giving you the impression as her eyes did not turn to meet yours. "Cool it." Natasha nodded.
You turned away from Natasha as Ana let the cats into the giant space. "Not a bad last name, though." You smirked and saw Natasha look at you with a soft gaze from your peripheral vision before she, too, looked at the cats flooding the room.
Immediately, a tabby cat ran up to your table and jumped closer to you. You laughed as you remembered briefly having a cat before it turned out to be your neighbor's.
You peeked at the name of the tabby. "Majima." You whispered. "He's cute," Natasha said but without much more interest as she looked around at the multiple black cats. Some had white paws. Some had spots. But they were all precious to her, and she wanted to scoop them up and kiss their little heads.
Which she did to a few cats named Kiryu, Geoff, and Mr. Soupwater.
But then a pure black cat walked by Natasha, and it was all over. You practically watched Nat throw herself to the ground in order to get closer. Leaving her cinnamon lavender latte behind.
You watched the cat with hazel eyes stop in its tracks before taking slow steps to the woman who made your stomach flutter with a certain feeling.
You could see the heart eyes Natasha had when she turned to with a wide smile. "Y/N look!"
"I see!" You returned the joy and gently rose from your chair and sat behind Natasha as the cat looked from you back to Natasha before running into her arms.
"He loves you!" You said just as Ana was coming around to check on the kitties.
"She never does this," Ana said. A melting Natasha looked up. "Really!?"
"Maybe she was waiting for you." Ana left it at that. You reached for the collar. "Liho." You said. The cat purred into Natasha's chest.
Slowly, Natasha turned her head. "She's perfect."
You nodded.
Yes, she was.
Safe to say, the rest of your date turned into you being a third wheel as Natasha spent more and more time with Liho. But you couldn't be mad or even remotely upset as you watched the redhead transform before you. All night, you had seen the honest Natasha, and she was breathtaking. So was the spy. But something about seeing someone you watched kill people weeks ago roll around on the floor with a black cat was perfect.
You don't know how you didn't slip up and say the L(ove) word.
I mean, of course, it would've been too soon. But you were you, and it wouldn't have been a shocker to anyone.
Regardless. That night led to you driving very slow on the way back home as Natasha held Liho in her carrier as if her world depended on it.
And yes, Tony made the same joke you're thinking.
Two lesbians who are already living together go on a date and end up adopting a cat.
But three years later, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Except for maybe when Natasha comes home to your shared apartment, she greets you first instead of Liho.
Ups and Downs.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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socialbutterfly19 · 2 months
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Changes make life worth living. I’m gonna live and fuck the ones that judged hurt or used me
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enii · 1 year
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Now that we have each other, we don't have to face everything alone💕
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Nunca hay que dar las cosas por sentado, la vida es una constante ruleta rusa, un día estás arriba y otro abajo. Por eso disfruta de cada instancia cuando eres feliz, disfruta esa emoción, siéntela desde el fondo de tu alma con gratitud y cuando venga el dolor y los días malos y difíciles también siéntelo. No te sientas culpable por sentir e intenta entender cada aprendizaje desde diferentes perspectivas, vive tus emociones, cada una de ellas. Aunque son subidas y bajadas, es necesario..
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tippilo · 2 months
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Underrated Fanfic Friday!
Antinomian by @starsoforionwrites is so good! And such a rollercoaster! Seriously, AMAZING! This Draco is psychotically obsessed ("who did this to you") and Hermione doesn't know what's come over him. I LOVE IT!
The book starts to shift in tone as they enter the war and Draco struggles to grapple with his obsession, keep her safe, and stay alive.
I feel like this fic is severely underrated in my opinion ❤❤❤
Read it on AO3 HERE
XOXO - Tipp
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soulinkpoetry · 10 months
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We’re still standing my love , after all these years.
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m0tiv8me · 11 months
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Don’t call it a comeback…it’s a continuation.
Life’s journey is never a strait continuous line it has its peaks and valleys. Looking forward to finally being capable of climbing another peak after being in a valley for too long.
Oh and btw, Happy Flex Friday!
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limitlesssense · 4 months
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Taeyong – Ups & Downs TAP Highlight Medley
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honanger · 9 days
I'm extremely disappointed.
this isn't really a big deal, it's mostly bullshit from my head, but I have a rant to make about slayer's ggst theme
one hour ago Epowga leaked Slayer's theme, Ups and Downs
and the song is pretty good, it's cool, dandy, pretty much all a slayer theme should be
that it's the shortest theme in all of strive
previously, the shortest character theme in strive was May's with 3:55, the shortest DLC theme was Goldlewis' with 4:18, the shortest on season 3 was Johnny's with 4:47
do you see my point and how completely meaningless it most likely is but I'm still mad about it? they put the dandiest, most stylish character in guilty gear history with the shortest theme in the game AS A WHOLE
and after all the other characters in season 3 (mainly elphelt and aba) having some of the best, most well crafted themes EVER they did slayer dirty like that
worst part is, the only difference between the trailer/gameplay edits and the actual thing is the ending and the lack of leftover battle sounds/voicelines, there's almost nothing new
no surprises, no twists, nothing like aba's for example that had the "I just want to make a difference" that wasn't heard EVER until her release
I'm no music expert, no genius composer, no lyrics master but I still enjoy music a lot and guilty gear strive has exactly my taste in music pointed out perfectly, from the instruments to the beats to the lyrics to the fucking time duration and THAT'S WHY I'M SO MAD THAT SLAYER IS THE SHORTEST FUCKING THEME
I've been hyped for this theme
for a WHOLE
and when it releases it's THAT thing
fucking hell
for those who understand portuguese just have this screenshot from another rant I made on discord to some friends of mine, I'm going to play fire emblem or smth idk
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tinchronicles · 2 months
Goodbye LB 🫶🫶 TYSM for the welcoming atmosphere and the lovely, beautiful season. I absolutely adored this as my first season with the NHL and Penguins Hockey 💛💛 With the fullest damn heart, I must say a light good-bye (I certainly will still be around for playoffs, and during the off-season) to everyone here!! Ily all, and wish everyone the best of luck for their teams going into Playoffs!!
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serenityquest · 3 months
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nemo-draco · 9 days
WIP ask game, artist edition! (writing welcome too)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Gonna only do what's currently up on my computer, really, I have too many WIPs. Thanks to @inkabelledesigns for tagging me!
Currently Open WIPs
- A Waking Nightmare for Caged Kraken
- Next chapter of Ups and Downs
- Next bit for Misfit Toons, Weird Together
- Coming Clean, next Friday Night Funkin' short story
- Next chapter for The In-Between Tales, re-editing Crossroads for publishing and working on writing the follow-up story Out Into The World
- Another short story for The In-Between Tales, The Chat Room
- Exposure Therapy, Orion and the Dark short story collection
- Call Them Brothers, a 2d Bendy AU story that I've been plugging away at for the better part of 5 years
As for who to tag, I'm gonna go with @fiddle-dee-dee777 @blottart414 @sstvar @radicalredrasp @kkolg @tippytopdays @lesiasmadness @grape-souffle if you all wanna throw your hats in the ring. Hope you're doing well!
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x-heesy · 2 months
A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for. -John A. Shedd 🚢 🌊
#justanfriendlyreminder 💡
#thelittlethingsarethebigthings 🔎
#autosuggestion #pointofview #codingyourself #programyourself #endlessness #creatingyourself #neverstoplearning
#fantqasy #empathy #equality #respect #love #basics
#textart #artfulquotes #typography #expressyourself #iphoneart #newcontemporary #popart #artsyfartsy #artfuckery
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𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝙰𝚛𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝙰𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗
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gramarobin · 8 months
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discoveringmyself88 · 2 months
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Prayer is powerful.
Honestly, I often try and make my prayers too formal or rigorous. God just wants a relationship with me. He desires for me to share my ups and my downs. I need to treat Him with reverence but also know He’s my loving Father who wants His children to run to Him.
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