#am i boring for it? likely. life has been a wild ride these past few months tho
artbymintcookies · 2 years
I was tagged by @coolthingtragedy a few days ago hehe
Last 6 songs I listened to:
1. Be Sweet (Korean Version) - Japanese Breakfast
2. Drunk Walk Home - Mitski
3. Human - Kim Petras
4. The Ghost of You - My Chemical Romance
5. Breathless - Caroline Polachek
6. The World is Ugly - My Chemical Romance
(I'm cringe)
Tagging uh. Fuck. Do I have friends on here. @inkforhumanhands @whompthatsucker1981 @modernoracleofdelphi
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QOTD: What's your moment embarrassing moment during a time of intimacy?
Mine was today and I've never just wanted to throw myself from a building so bad in my entire life. It was just that bad, we're about to get down to business and we're just chatting because I talk to ease my mind about things, you know? I'm a little new to the sex scene after all... (definitely some details I'll be dishing out later on) and of all things to say, I make a comment about roast beef.
and now I feel terrible because I've accidentally called someone vag!n@ roast beef when I didn't even mean it like that, I just thought that's what you say when it's brown???? I have some regrets about my life, but what more can I do?!?!? I apologized and they went home, it's out of my hands now. But, on the other hand. Let's talk about men (a small disclaimer, I am a nonbinary pansexual who has never had sex with a guy, my first was literally the person I accidentally called roast beef and I can't stop thinking about it... I really want to crawl into a hole and try to will myself outta existence... Like Plankton when he was trying to think too hard)
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Anyway, men. One of my best friends on campus (more info: I am a college student, and the actual drama that goes on is ridiculous. sometimes you can absolutely tell that everyone here just got out of high school because the way that they act is just WILD, but I digress) one of my best friends' boyfriend is being really shitty. I'll never understand why guys act like it's so hard to break up with a girl when they feel they need to instead of stringing her along and making her feel like there's hope for something when he's seemingly already made up his mind! Like come on, so for the past few months now my friend, we'll call her Serena (named after serena from gossip girl because I've been binging it lately teehee), her boyfriend has just been acting really off. I really wish i could go into detail about all of these things (how they met, what's going on, etc etc., it's important lore but all in good time I guess?) because, sometimes it baffles me how much my college life is actually like the movies???? Like I kid you not guys, it's wild. Ever been to a college Halloween house party? Ever seen one in the movies?
My first one was the previous Halloween and in true cliche freshman college student classic, I was a sexy angel and I got absolutely hammered. The person I was talking to at the time (same person, we're not dating and I'm fine with that. I can't handle the heat so I'll stay outta that kitchen), had to be called because there was some guy that kept following me around the party while I was literally on the brink of passing out, that's how drunk I kinda was. But, that's only one of the best things, shortly after I'd had to leave (my friends decided it was time to go because the party was dead and we were all drunk and bored, not me tho I was enamored by my "friend(we'll call them Pepe from now on, like the meme)" like I was happy to have them around. I'd invited my friends from another college to meet up with me at that party, but they didn't get there until I had to go. So, I'm on my way back to campus and a good 15 minutes into the ride, I go on snapchat just to see that the girl who shares the boarding house (idk what it's called, it belongs to the college I think and they live there) with the host of the Halloween party, her boyfriend is posted up trying to fight someone for flirting with his girlfriend!
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There's always so much drama and so much shit going on, so I decided to maybe start blogging as an outlet? Does anyone still read those? Like honestly, I'd like to know. I've been binging gossip girl lately and that's something that made me want to get into it again. My other blog is a book review blog, but no one cares for that one right now.
I am however going to steal gossip girls' thing soooo
After all this you're probably wondering who i am and what in gods name im even talking about, but that's a topic for next time.
Until then, xoxo Myth <3
Alright, future Myth here and i just want to say, I'm literally in the middle of setting up my blog right? and i go to make food and I come back and check my phone to see a missed call from pepe so I call back and it goes to VM >:( I can't be mad because I get it, they're probably not going to come over for another month again but hot damn.
0 notes
celepeace · 3 years
A monster-taming game recommendation list for fans of Pokemon
Whether you're a pokemon fanatic obsessed with all things pokemon past and present, or a veteran fan disillusioned with GameFreak's recent adoption of monetary philosophies and strategies reminiscent of other major game publishers, or looking for a monster-taming fix as you await new Pokemon content...
I'm compiling here a post of little-known games in the genre that Pokemon fans are likely to enjoy!
Under readmore cause long, but some of these games really don’t get the attention they deserve, so if you have the time, please read!
(I am also likely to keep updating and editing this post)
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First up is Temtem!
Temtem is a game made by and for Pokemon fans, from the spanish indie developer Crema. Temtem is currently in early access on Steam and PS5, and is likely to remain in early access until sometime late next year. Full launch will include a Nintendo Switch release, too. Despite this, it has plenty of content to explore before full release. The developers are active, release new content on a semi-regular basis, and are responsive to the community as a whole and individuals if you happen to come across a bug you want to report.
Temtem boasts a wide variety of monsters to collect and train. It takes place in the Airborne Archipelago, a system of floating islands that orbit their star, the Pansun. The monsters inhabiting the archipelago are called Temtem, or tem(s), for short.
As far as game mechanics go, it has many similarities to Pokemon, but also many important distinctions. The biggest one, in my opinion, is that the element of chance has been removed from battle entirely. Moves cannot miss, have the same power constantly, and status afflictions have an obviously displayed countdown to when they will wear off (for instance, sleep lasts as long as it says it will last. Not 2-4 turns). PP does not exist, either. Your tems can battle for as long as their HP holds out. In place of PP, a new system called Stamina exists. Stamina is an individual stat, like HP and Attack. Each move costs a certain amount of stamina. If you go over the amount of stamina your tem has, the deficit is detracted from your health instead, and that tem cannot move next turn. Stamina passively regenerates a certain amount each turn, and items and moves exist that can heal stamina. All battles are also double-battles, you and your opponent will typically have two tems on the field at a time. This is just a few of the differences Temtem has from Pokemon, but they're some of the biggest ones.
Temtem is also a massively multiplayer game. You complete the storyline independently (or with a friend through co-op!), but in the overworld you can see other, real players moving around and interacting with the world. There is also public and area-specific chat you can talk to other players through. Despite this, all multiplayer functions are (currently) completely optional. You do not need to interact with others to complete the game.
Overall, Temtem is suitable for the Pokemon fan who is looking for a more challenging experience. Temtem is not a walk in the park you can blaze through with a single super-strong monster. For one, individual tem strength is more well-balanced than it is in Pokemon. There are very few (if any!) completely useless tems. Even some unevolved tems have their niche in the competitive scene! Aside from that, enemy tamers are scaled quite high, and you typically cannot beat them just from the exp you get from other enemy tamers. You have to do some wild-encounter grinding if you want to progress.
Temtem is a very fun game and I've already gotten over 100 hours out of it, despite only 3/5-ish of the planned content being released!
However, I do feel obligated to warn any prospective players of one thing: the current endgame is quite inaccessible. After you complete what is currently implemented of the main storyline, there is still quite a lot left to explore and do, but much of it is locked behind putting a lot of hours into the game. You kind of have to get perfect temtem to do the current PVE (and this is also somewhat true for the PVP too). By perfect I mean you have to breed a good tem and then train it to get the preferable EVs (called TVs in temtem). This takes... well, for a whole team... tens of hours. Of boring grinding. Some people enjoy it! But I don't. Regardless, the game was still worth buying because the non-endgame content is expansive and fun.
So overall, pros & cons:
Battle system is more friendly towards a competitive scene
Cute monsters
Lots of gay characters, also you can choose pronouns (including they/them) independently from body type and voice
Less difference between the objectively bad tems and good tems than there is in Pokemon
Lots of stuff to do even in early access
Most conversations with dialog choices have the option to be a complete ass for no reason other than it’s fun
Having less type variety in your team is less punishing than in Pokemon due to the synergy system and types overall having less weaknesses and resistances
At least one major character is nonbinary
Falls prey to the issue of MMOs having in-game economies that are only accessible to diehard no-life players
Related to the above point, cosmetics are prohibitively expensive
Endgame CURRENTLY is inaccessible to most players unless you buy good monsters from other players or spend tens of hours making your own. However I must add that the grind is great if you like that kind of thing and is quite easy and painless to do while watching a show or something.
Here is their Steam page and here is their official website.
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Next is Monster Hunter: Stories!
This is a spinoff game of the Monster Hunter franchise released for the 3DS in 2018. If you're anything like me, and you've played the core Monster Hunter games, you've often thought "Man, I wish I could befriend and ride these cool dragon creatures instead of killing or maiming them!"
Well now you can! In Stories, as I will be calling it, you play as a rider rather than a hunter. Riders steal monster eggs from wild nests to raise them among humans as companions and guardians. And yes, egg stealing is a whole mechanic in of itself in this game.
This game works pretty differently from most monster-collecting games. You do battle (usually) against one or two wild monsters using your own, except you fight alongside your monsters too. With swords and stuff. There's armor and weapons you can smelt to make yourself stronger. Type match-ups also kind of don't exist in this game? Except they do? But not in a way you'd expect?
The vast majority of attacking moves you and your monster use fall into categories reminiscent of rock-paper-scissors. Moves can be categorized as power, speed, or technical. Speed beats power, technical beats speed, and power beats technical. The matchup of your move vs your opponent's determines how a turn will go down. If one move beats the other in matchup, then the winner's move will get to go and the loser doesn't get to do anything. If you tie, you both get hit, but for reduced damage. There's also abilities and basic attacks, with abilities basically being the same as pokemon moves, and basic attacks just being "I hit you for normal damage within this category". Also, you don't control what your monster does all the time in battle. You can tell it to use abilities, but what kind basic attacks it carries out is determined by its species' preference. Velicidrome, for instance, prefers speed attacks, but Yian Garuga prefers technical. Stamina also exists in this game in a very similar manner to Temtem.
Overall this game carries over a lot of mechanics Monster Hunter fans will find familiar (how items and statuses work for instance). You don't have to have played a core Monster Hunter game to enjoy Stories though! It's fine and is easy to understand as a stand-alone.
The story has some likable characters and is rather long (it was actually adapted into an anime!), for those of you who enjoy a good story.
I'd really recommend this one especially. If it sounds fun to you and you can drop $30, just do it. I bought it on a whim and I got a few weeks' worth of playing almost nonstop out of it, and I didn't even get to do everything! (I got distracted by Hades, oops)
Stories is also getting a sequel later next year on the nintendo switch! How exciting!
And yes, you do ride the monsters.
Pros & cons:
Large variety of cool monsters to befriend and raise
Pretty lengthy story
Every tamable monster is also rideable
Deceptively simple combat mechanics, easy to be okay at, hard to master
Incorporates some mechanics from early turn-based party rpgs like Final Fantasy for a nice twist on the monster collecting genre
Many monsters are objectively outclassed by other ones, making what can be in an actually good team more limited than you’d expect
3DS graphics inherently means the game looks like it was made 7 years before its time
Here is the Monster Hunter Stories official 3DS product page.
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And here is Monster Sanctuary!
Monster sanctuary is a game that just had its 1.0 launch- meaning it was in early access and no longer is! Although the devs say they still plan to implement a few more things into the game in future updates. It is available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PS4.
Monster sanctuary is a metroidvania twist on the typical monster collecting game, meaning it is also a sidescrolling platformer in which you use abilities you gain throughout the game to explore the world around you. The abilities in this case are the monsters you get! Every monster has an ability that helps you traverse the sanctuary.
Speaking of the sanctuary, the game is set in one. The monster sanctuary is a magically shielded area, cut off from the rest of the world, created by an order of monster keepers, people who befriend and protect the mystical monsters inhabiting the world. Humankind encroached too far on the natural habitat of monsters and were hostile to the native wildlife, so the keepers created an area of varied environments to safely protect and preserve the remaining monsters of the world.
Unlike many other monster collecting games, this game only has 5 types: fire, water, earth, air, and neutral. However, the types themselves do not possess resistances and weaknesses. Instead, each monster has its own assigned weaknesses and resistances. And yes, this can include things like debuffs, physical vs special attacks, and the typical elemental types.
All battles are also 3 vs 3! And unlike in pokemon, where you can only hit the enemies nearest, all monsters have the ability to hit any opponent they want. Turns also work a little differently in that speed doesn't exist, you just use 1 move per monster in your turn and then it goes to your opponent's turn. Your monsters hit in whatever order you want them to.
There is also a quite important combo system in this game, where every hit builds a damage multiplier for the next. Moves often hit multiple times per turn. Healing and buffing actions also build this combo counter. So what monsters you have move in what order really counts!
But the main mechanical difference between this and other games in the genre is how it handles levels and skills. Instead of learning a set move at a certain level, this game incorporates a skill tree, and you get to allocate points into different skills as you grow stronger. And jeez, these skill trees are really extensive. Monster sanctuary is a theorycrafter's dream. Each monster has a unique, specially tailored skill tree, making every monster truly able to have its own niche. You can make use of whatever monster you want if you just put thought into it!
And like Temtem, this game is not made to be beatable by children. I'm sure a child could beat it, but it's not made to be inherently child-friendly like pokemon. It's honestly quite difficult.
On top of that, you are actively encouraged to not just be scraping by each battle. Your performance in battle is rated by an automated system that scores your usage of various mechanics like buffs and debuffs applied, type matchups, and effective usage of combos. The rating system directly influences the rewards you get from each battle, including your likelihood of obtaining an egg from one of the wild monsters you battled (no, you don't catch wild monsters in this game, you get eggs and hatch them). If you're not paying attention to how the game works and making good, effective use of your monsters, you'll have a hard time expanding your team!
The music is also really good, it's made by nature to be able to play over and over and not get old as you explore each area, and the composer(s) really did a good job with this. Some area songs, namely the beach one, I especially enjoy, so much so I've actually played it in the background while I do work.
This is a game I would really recommend. If I made it sound intimidating, it is by no means unbeatable, you're just gonna have to put some thought into how you play. At no point did I actually feel frustrated or like something was impossible. When I hit a wall, I was able to recognize what I did wrong and how I could improve, or I could at least realize something wasn't working and experiment until I found a solution. It's challenging in a genuinely fun, rewarding way.
Pros & cons:
Extremely in-depth combat system
I genuinely don’t know if there’s an objectively bad monster in this game
Evolution exists but is completely optional, as even un-evolved monsters can be great
Entire soundtrack is full of bangers
Large and diverse variety of monsters to tame
Story is a little lackluster, but passable
That’s the only con I can think of
Here’s a link to their Steam page and the game’s website.
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A kind of unorthodox recommendation is the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series!
Likelihood is that everyone reading this has heard of this series already, but just in case anyone hasn't, I thought I'd include it! I would categorize this as a hybrid between the mystery dungeon genre and the monster collecting genre, because you recruit pokemon as you play and can use those pokemon on your team!
If you're unaware, the mystery dungeon genre is a small subset of dungeon crawler games where you progress through randomly generated levels called mystery dungeons. Throughout the dungeons, there will be enemies to fight and items to collect. The challenge of these games is mostly due to the stamina aspect of them, in that you have to manage your resources as you progress through the level. If you go all out in each fight, you will inevitably lose quite quickly. You have to learn to win against enemies while balancing your use of items and PP, so you have enough for the next fight, and the fight after that.
Pokemon mystery dungeon in particular is famous for its stories, the likes of which isn't seen often in Pokemon games. They are hugely story-driven games and are notable for the emotional depth they possess. It's pretty normal for the average player to cry at least once in the span of the game. There's lots of memes about that specifically.
This entry in my list is also unique for being a series. So, which one should you play first? It actually doesn't matter! Each storyline is entirely self-contained and requires no knowledge of prior entries. The quality of each entry varies and is a point of contention among fans. I say you should play all of them, because they all have their merits (though some more than others.... coughgatestoinfinitycough). They're mostly distinct for the generation of Pokemon they take place in. Rescue team is gen 3, Explorers is gen 4, Gates to Infinity is gen 5, Super Mystery Dungeon is gen 6, and Rescue Team DX is a remake of a gen 3 game but has the mechanics and moves of a gen 8 game.
My only real caution is that you play Explorers of Sky, not Darkness or Time. Sky is basically a combination of the two games with added items and content. It's an objective upgrade over its predecessors, and I honestly wouldn't waste money on the other two. 
I’m not going to include a pros and cons list for the PMD series because I’m incredibly biased and it wouldn’t be an honest review.
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Next is Monster Crown!
Monster Crown is a monster collecting game that seems to take heavy inspiration from early-gen Pokemon games in particular. It is currently in early access on Steam and is not expensive. I learned about it through the developers of Monster Sanctuary, when they recommended it on their official Discord.
The game has lots of charm and interesting creature designs, and an entirely new take on monster typings as well. Instead of monster types being based off of natural elements like fire, water, electricity, etc. Monster Crown uses typings that seem to be influenced by the personalities of the monsters. For instance, Brutal, Relentless, and Will are all monster types!
It also captures a lot of the charm many of us look fondly upon in early GameBoy-era games. The music is mostly chiptune, with some more modern backing instruments at times, and the visuals are very reminiscent of games like Pokemon Crystal in particular. Monster Crown is definitely the monster collecting game for fans of the 8-bit era!
The thing that stands out the most to me about this game is the breeding system. Instead of one parent monster passing down its species to its offspring, you can create true hybrids in this game.
However, it is very early access. I would consider the current build as an alpha, not even a beta yet! So temper your expectations here. I have not encountered any major bugs, but visual glitches here and there are quite common. The game also could definitely use some polish and streamlining, and is quite limited in content currently. But the dev(s) seem quite active, so I fully expect these kinks to be worked out in time!
The reviews are rather positive, especially for being in early access. I'm all for expanding the monster collecting genre, so if you're looking to expand your horizons in that sense, I would recommend you at least give this one a look! I personally had quite a bit of fun playing Monster Crown and am going to keep an eye out for updates.
Pros & cons:
Charming artstyle, appealing monster designs
Faithful callback to a bygone era of gaming
Controls are fairly simple and easy to get the hang of (and are completely customizable!)
Cool breeding and hybridization mechanics
There's a starter for each monster type!
You can choose your pronouns, including they/them!
Inherent nature of being very early access means can be clunky and unpolished at times
Also not much content as of right now, see above
User interface could use some redesign in places
Here’s their Steam page and the official website!
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Here’s an oldie but a goodie, Azure Dreams!
This is one I actually haven’t played, mostly because it’s really old and therefore only practically accessible if you play it on an emulator, unless you're one of those old game collectors. Azure Dreams was developed by Konami and released for the PS1 in 1997. My impression of it was that it either didn’t sell well or only took off in Japan, because it’s actually really hard to find any comprehensive information about it on the internet.
Azure Dreams is a monster collecting - dating sim hybrid. You can build relationships with various characters and can pursue some of them romantically, although that isn’t the main draw of the game. There is also a stripped-down version that exists for the GameBoy Color, which forgoes the dating portion of the game entirely.
Azure Dreams is kind of like a mystery dungeon game in that you progress through a randomly generated, ever-changing tower using the help of the familiars you have accrued throughout your adventure. Similarly to Monster Hunter: Stories, you yourself also take part in the fighting alongside your monsters. Each time you enter the tower, your character’s level is lowered to 1, but your familiars keep their experience. Thus, progression is made through strengthening your monsters. To obtain monsters, you collect their eggs, just like in Monster Sanctuary (which, turns out, was at least partially inspired by this game!)
Due to this game being very old and on the PS1, the visuals leave a lot to be desired... but if you can get past that, Azure Dreams has lots of replayability and customization to how you play the game. To this day, it appears it has a somewhat active speedrunning community!
If you don’t mind the effort of using an emulator, and like old games, Azure Dreams just might be that timesink you were looking for in quarantine.
Honorable mentions:
Pokemon Insurgence (or any Pokemon fangame/ROMhack, really!) is a Pokemon fangame that introduces Delta Pokemon, which are really cool type-swapped versions of existing Pokemon. It’s sufficiently challenging and has a lot of variety in what you can catch in the wild, so you can pretty much add whatever you want to your team! The story is quite good, and the main campaign is multiple times longer than a typical Pokemon game’s campaign. Download it here!
ARK: Survival Evolved is NOT a monster collecting game BUT you do get to tame and fight alongside a lot of really cool extinct species, including but not limited to the dinosaurs we all know and love. This game is genuinely fun as hell, especially with friends, but I must warn you: never play on official servers. I highly recommend singleplayer, playing on a casual private server, or making your own server. Here’s the Steam page.
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ficsilike-reblogged · 3 years
Sweetest of Exiles - One
Summary: When Oberyn Martell travels to Essos for exile, he found more than he anticipated when he first lays eyes on Pero Tovar, his brother-in-arms in the Second Sons mercenary company. While Pero is a bit resistant to his Oberyn’s overt charms at first, the Prince always gets what he wants. When the Second Sons are hired to rescue a wealthy merchant’s daughter, Oberyn learns there is much more to the grumpy sellsword. And Oberyn doesn’t mind sharing–especially when the merchant’s daughter smiles at him like that.
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Pero Tovar, (past) Pero Tovar x F!Reader (No Y/N), future--it is a surprise.
Rating for this chapter: T for mentions of blood, guts and gore...magic. My overuse of italics. 
Word Count: 5k
A/N: I wrote most of this drunk (or buzzed). I am still riding my red wine high so I almost apologize for the nonsense. If you have any questions about the ASOIAF lore/geography that I’m mentioning, please send me an ask or a DM! I’m always happy to ramble about this series.
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(thank you to my love, @starlight-starwrites for the absolutely gorgeous banner. I love you.)
Or read on Ao3 here!
CHAPTER ONE: The Mercenary
Oberyn had always wondered what he looked like when fucking someone. He had looking glasses set up in one of his lover’s rooms so he could try to catch a glimpse himself. But his unrelenting need to keep his partners satisfied always won out over his curiosity.
But then the gods seemed to have a sense of humor when they sent him away from Dorne after he might-have-killed Edgar Yronwood. The Citadel and Oldtown had entertained him for a moment but it soon bored him and he set off across the Narrow Sea to Essos. While the Second Sons mercenary company welcomed him and his sword arm, his eyes were firmly trained on the man toward the back of the company with the scar down his face.
His face.
And well, his time away from Dorne just became much more interesting.
It had taken almost an entire year of not-at-all subtle flirting and propositions and nearly losing their lives time and time again before Pero found himself tumbling into the Prince of Dorne’s bed. The Prince was definitely persistent, Pero would never admit that his charms—his annoying charms—had worn him down instead of Pero’s selfish desire for release while the company was too far away from any sort of willing woman and his hand just wasn’t cutting it. But the Prince had been attentive—willing to let Pero wrap his scarred and rough hand around his throat when he was pressing him into the threadbare bedroll in the quiet corner of camp.
The prince felt good—and he knew how to make Pero feel good.
It was infuriating—he wanted to strangle he smug smirk right off the prince’s face but he knew that the Prince was only capable of enjoying when someone’s hand was around his throat. But he had to admit that he had finally found a true friend (and not just release) with the man who looked strangely like him.
It had been nearly two decades since he could speak with someone as openly as he did when he was alone with the prince in their tent.
But his mind still drifted—to years ago. To his life before finding coin in the service of the Second Sons.
“You make the moon shine brighter, Pero.”
It was childish of him, stupid, to still think of her all these years later. Surely she had forgotten him. They had just been children—he had just been a third-born son of a disgraced lord from Valysar and she had been… she had been everything.
“You are pensive, Tovar.” The prince’s voice cut through his reverie.
He had thought the prince asleep—spent from a long day’s ride and a quick, near-desperate fuck as soon as their shared tent was erected. “It is dark, princeling. You cannot see me.”
Oberyn chuckled. “I know your brooding silences from your angry quiet.”
“You think a great deal of yourself, don’t you?” He grumbled, rolling his eyes despite the dark.
“I believe you think a great deal of me, as well.”
Pero sighed.
“Tell me what weighs on your mind.”
“Nothing that concerns you. Go to sleep.”
Oberyn laughed. “I will find out what has you brooding.”
“Do not hold your breath, princeling.”
He only laughed.
Pero was not sure when they had both fallen asleep but they were both woken by a frantic yell outside their tent. The prince’s knife glinted in the dimming moonlight and Pero had never let his hand leave the hilt of one of his smaller swords as they charged outside. They expected an ambush—a retaliation from the Tyroshi they had just pushed back on behalf of Lys—but instead, they found a disheveled man, bloodied and bruised and desperately limping toward their camp, frantically waving his hands above his head, shouting something in the Myrish bastard Valyrian dialect.
Pero sheathed his blade as he finally started to realize what the man was babbling. “Calm yourself, man.” Pero said, stepping in front of Oberyn.
The man nearly collapsed as he reached them, big, brown eyes shining in the moonlight. “They took her. They took her—I barely escaped.” He continued to jabber and Pero mostly listened—having heard desperate pleas from hundreds of men and women over the years of his service in the mercenary company—the man’s story consisted of being surrounded on the road to Myr by a group of religious zealots. The story was not an unfamiliar one. The Free Cities were known to erupt with pockets of violence; the causes ranged from trade disputes, claims to land, religion, and everything in between.
Pero had heard it all.
But then the man opened his mouth, blood drying on his chin, and said, “but they took her—they wanted her.” And a name pushed by the man’s bruised lips—a name he hadn’t heard in years.
Before he could stop himself, Pero reached out and grabbed the man by the collar of his tunic and hauled him to his unsteady feet. “Tell me where.”
The captains deliberated for only a few short moments before refusing to take the charge.
The fact that the woman was Qohorik had negated the fact that the Myrish magistrate who had fought his way to their camp had promised a princess’ ransom and promised that her father, a prominent merchant, would double it for her safe return. The Second Sons had been humiliated generations ago at Qohor and had not taken any bounties or contracts from the city or its inhabitants since then.
The Second Sons gave the magistrate—Orestes, his name was—some water and a bit of feed for his exhausted horse and then told him to leave. They would not go.
And Pero was an angry man. He had wrath in his blood since he was a boy, tempered only with bouts of relief and quiet. But this had sent him into a near rage with how flippant they captains had been when they had delivered their decision. Of course, he had not mentioned that the woman Orestes had pleaded to be rescued had been…her. Or how he knew her. Attachments like that were frowned upon, even by mercenaries. Soft hearts made easy targets.
But as the sun set the next day, Pero knew what he had to do. Even if he was alone. He packed his bare essentials, mostly worried about his sack of coin and weapons, and then pushed out of the tent-
-only to be met with the smirking face of the princeling. “Come, I have a surprise for you.”
“I do not have time for this.”
“Yes, you do,” Oberyn said with a broadening smirk as he turned away, leading Pero further away from camp as the moon continued her climb up into the inky sky. And why was Pero following him? He had to leave. He had to find that stupid magistrate. He had to-
There were about two dozen Second Sons, including one of the company’s healers, waiting at the tree line with their packs and mounts. Oberyn’s smirk reached its peak as he winked over his shoulder at Pero who only scowled in return. The Magistrate—Orestes—was standing with them, looking more than a little out of place with his rumpled fine clothes, now stained with dirt and blood. But he offered a tentative tilt of his head when Pero stepped up to the group with Oberyn.
“What did you do?” Pero hissed.
“I formed my own mercenary company,” Oberyn replied with a roll of his shoulders. “I know you are brighter than this, Tovar.”
If possible, his lips formed an even thinner line.
“Do not pout. We are going to save the damsel and get paid.” There was a cheer from the small band of men—both Tovar and Orestes were the only ones who did not seem to enjoy it. But soon they were on their way, each step taking them further away from the strange safety of the Second Sons and into the wilds of Essos.
Orestes, Pero found, was fond of speaking to anyone who would listen. His voice was pleasing but Pero preferred the quiet in most instances. But, he supposed it was necessary to learn just how he had ended up fleeing to the Second Sons in a desperate plea for help.
Orestes and his companion had been traveling from Qohor to Myr—and Pero tried very hard to not grind his teeth every time Orestes referred to her as ‘my lady’—to allow her to see more of Essos and to return Orestes to Myr after his year-long residency to Qohor that had been in the name of strengthening trade routes and agreements.
(“But, of course, I found myself more entranced by the city and its people than my fellow magistrates’ mandates that I was told to quickly solidify.” He sighed, the sound only a lovelorn man could make and Pero could not stop the grinding of his teeth at that.)
But on the road between Volantis and Myr, a group of heavily armed, religious zealots had slaughtered their small band of traveling companions and guards and took her and Orestes captive in a plot to gain the knowledge her father was keeping secret.
Her father, Lord Ollo, had been one of the famed smiths in Qohor who still knew the secrets of re-forging Valyrian Steel. The famed metal had become a treasure since the Doom and those who could work with the fickle and strong metal were regarded as lords and wielded their power like nobility, too. Travelers from all across Essos sought him out for new weapons, armor, and the occasional piece of jewelry from bits of Valyrian Steel and he had gained a reputation for being excessively secretive but the best at his trade. His wife was a noble woman and had raised his status with their marriage while providing her with the lifestyle on par with princesses.
But Pero knew all of this. He had seen it firsthand. He had supped with him and felt his lady-wife’s fingers tug at his boyishly poorly cropped hair with a fond smile. He knew that their home, an imposing fortress deep in the Forest of Qohor, always smelled of fire and metal and drying flowers.
It smelled…like home.
Well, it had. For a time. A long time ago.
And Orestes never needed to know that—never needed to know that the only reason he had a small band of mercenaries at his call was because the Prince knew that the woman, whose name he could not even say aloud, meant something to Pero.
For all his pride and well-earned arrogance, Oberyn was a good man, Pero had to admit. (He would never actually say this to Oberyn, his ego was big enough without the extra fodder.) And he would have to find a way to repay the prince-who-had-everything in some fashion. Pero’s pride would not allow this kindness to be left unpaid.
Orestes went on to explain that the zealots thought attaining the knowledge of Valyrian Steel would allow them the proper way of sacrificing in order to satiate the supposed blood lust of some old, stupidly named god. They hoped to trade her for Lord Ollo’s knowledge.
“But you seem to know my lady,” Orestes said, turning in his saddle to look Pero straight in the face. “Do you?”
“Is she your lady?” Pero asked in return, ignoring Orestes’ question and how his stomach turned at the thought of her being alone with a group of men as delusional as the band of zealots. Thankfully, they were nearing where Orestes said he had been held captive—less than two days’ ride from their camp but they had set their horses upon the trail with haste, cutting time from their journey.
Orestes’ answering smile was small. “No. But I am blessed to know her and I will never forgive myself for leaving her behind.”
“But she told you to, didn’t she? Told you to run and not look back.” The words were out of his mouth before he could bite them back and his ever-present scowl deepened.
“You do know her. Indeed, she told me to run as soon as I was able. But not to Myr—she told me to run west.” He paused and shook his head and Pero barely caught the confusion coloring the Magistrate’s features. “I had thought the prince was jesting when he said you knew her. I am in your debt, it seems.”
“Just pay the fee you promised.”
“Of course! I would not dream of-”
“Good.” Pero dug his heels into his horse’s side and urged the animal into a faster trot. “You will keep your head, then.” Orestes said something else but Pero had already galloped away to Oberyn’s side at the front of the group. “What have you said to the magistrate?”
“Nothing of consequence.”
“Do not lie to me, princeling.” Pero scarcely noticed the men behind them slow their horses’ pace to give them room. Their relationship—if it could even be called that—was an open secret to most in the Second Sons and some of those who followed Oberyn into this new company were also willing to indulge themselves in each other’s bedrolls if the time called for it.
Oberyn only laughed. “I did not know that your obvious reaction to a lady’s name was a secret needing to be kept.”
“What else have you told him?”
“Nothing. Just as you have told me nothing. But I have still called the men who were loyal to me and the promised coin to save this woman you have kept like a secret.” Oberyn arched an eyebrow, a look Pero knew meant Oberyn was daring him to argue. “She will be safe. The Magistrate will be on his way and our pockets will be filled.” Oberyn’s dark eyes sparkled in the growing sunlight. “And I shall meet this lady of yours. She must be a sight to behold to warrant such attention.”
“She…” The words died on his tongue. How would he even try to describe her? How childish would he sound to a prince for harboring such affections for his childhood love after all this time? “She warrants much more than any man could ever give. Including the Magistrate.”
Oberyn huffed but a smile tugged at his lips. “We are nearly there, Tovar. You can make the polite introductions.”
Night had just started to fall, painting the sky a violent shade of orange, when Orestes had announced that the ruined castle was just over the next hill.
Pero felt his chest tighten for a moment, a shot of adrenaline he had not felt as strongly since he was a new recruit to the Second Sons facing a small horde of Dothraki.
They crested the hill and Pero saw the broken remains of a once-grand castle. A single window was lit with the dim light of a candle just as the sun disappeared behind the stone, making it look like it had absorbed the red light and bathed in an inky black.
Defense of the castle was nearly impossible with its location and the small band of mercenaries quickly surrounded it, ready to drive inside when suddenly….the door, large and rusted, opened and a single man rushed out, screaming something in what Pero thought to be Old Ghiscari and covered in…blood.
Pero turned to look at Oberyn who seemed to be waffling between amusement and confusion at the sight. He waved a hand, silently commanding two men to secure the fleeing zealot—quietly, if possible.
“It is too quiet,” Pero said as he turned back to the castle after watching the screaming man be brought to his knees and a dirty rag shoved between his lips.
Oberyn agreed. “Surely a band of zealots would make more noise. I’ve been told they’re fond of chanting.” The prince slid closer to the ruined castle, staying hidden behind the rolling hill and scattered boulders for cover.
Pero watched him move, knowing the prince had an innate talent for hearing the smallest noises—whether it be from a rabbit or a sneaking assassin, and would trust whatever his judgement was.
“If anyone is left, they are not moving.”
Pero nodded, ignoring the umpteenth time his chest clenched, and signaled for the rest of their band of men to press forward. Step by step, they neared the castle and spread out to find different entrances. Orestes stumbled in the loose dirt to stay near Pero and Oberyn and Pero grimaced when Oberyn nudged him in the side, silently telling him to allow it—at least for the time being.
Closer and closer, they crept until they Pero was able to curl his hand around the edge of the door and peel it open just enough for him and Oberyn to slip inside. Orestes tripped over a loose stone as he followed.
And Oberyn had been right.
The castle was quiet. Unnaturally so.
The grip on his swords tightened as the small group pushed further into the dark ruins. Torches were scattered and burning out in their holds on the wall, casting even more shadows against the crumbling stone. He heard the soft footfalls of his fellow mercenaries coming in through the east and west entrances but it gave him little comfort. They were alone.
His next step made a splash and he looked down to see the toe of his boot submerged in a dark puddle. He reached out and grabbed a torch from the wall and let the dying flames shine near the floor.
It was blood.
He raise the torch just enough to light the end of the hall and sighed.
“How interesting,” Oberyn said as he glanced over his shoulder.
Blood pooled between the broken stone and drip-drip-dripped from some unseen source to puddle in the corner. Bodies were crumpled along the path and Pero turned to pin Orestes with a look. “These men were the ones who slaughtered your guards and took you captive?”
Orestes looked down at a body and seemed to bite back a gulp. “Yes.”
“It looks like they put up quite a fight.”
“It looks like they were ripped open,” Pero corrected before pressing forward. “What did this? Did they do this to each other?”
“I’ve never seen a group more cohesive than them,” Orestes said. “They never contradicted each other or spoke out of turn. They had a singular mentality, it seemed. I would not believe they turned on each other.”
“Men turn on each other all the time,” Oberyn said. “Even without cause.”
They continued forward, Pero leading. He was not sure where they were going, but he knew—instinctively—that he needed to keep moving. If another person or creature had found the castle before they did, what hope did she have? Would he find her like this, too? Reduced to a bloody corpse? Would that be the last chance he would have to see her?
But they walked on, further into the dark, catching glimpses of the rising moon in the half-collapsed windows until they turned and saw the outline of a door, lit by a dim, orange light. Without a care, Pero pushed forward, hilt of his sword still in his hand as he pushed the door open and his grip faltered.
For the first time in nearly two decades, Pero let his swords fall from his grasp.
In the corner of the small room, huddled near a solitary candle, was a woman. Not just a woman—her.
Chains wrapped around her ankles and wrists and angry, deep cuts spanned the length of her legs and arms and her fine dress had been reduced to rags. He barely registered Oberyn calling for the healer as he stepped to her side and quickly knelt down. The locks on the chains were easily undone and his roughened hands carefully prodded at the broken skin.
“Pero,” she whispered, the name sliding by her chapped lips. Her head sagged and Pero moved just enough to let her forehead rest against his shoulder. “You’re here…” her voice was rough and raspy, like she had been screaming for hours. And perhaps she had.
“I’m here.”
The healer came in, arms filled with supplies, while more than a few of their company stuck their heads into the room to see their charge. Oberyn quickly moved them back and shut the door—Pero would thank him for it later.
“Look at me. Look at me, Petal,” Pero said as the healer tutted as he looked over her wounds before uncorking a bit of firewine.
Her unfocused eyes slid to him as the healer set to work. A cry broke her chapped lips as the firewine started to spill across her legs.
Pero reached out and kept her head still, gaze on him, as the healer continued. “Just me, Petal. I am here.”
“Pe-Pero.” The name was stilted on her tongue. “Please—it hurts-” a scream tore its way out of her throat but Pero held her steady even as his chest clenched.
“I know. But it will be over soon.”
Tears gathered in her eyes and slid down her dirty cheeks as her hands shot out to grab at his armor; he could feel the heat of her touch sliding and blooming warmth through his thick tunic. But he kept her focused on him even as the healer muttered about needing more wrappings.
“I’m here, Petal. I’m here.”
���This is my fault,” Orestes whispered.
The company had settled into the ruins as a camp for the night, finding the rooms (where there wasn’t blood or any bodies) more comfortable than the outside ground. Pero, Oberyn, and Orestes were the last three to retire from the roaring fire they had made in the remnants of the great hall.
Pero agreed but kept that to himself. “How?”
“We travelled by Myr weeks ago. But I could not bear to part from my lady’s side—I convinced her, selfishly, to let me take her to see Volantis, Lys, Tyrosh. She had marveled at everything Norvos and Braavos had offered—even Lorath had made her wonder like a child. I wanted to give her more of that, to show her all I could.”
“And then you were set upon by zealots. Probably followed you from Dagger Lake.”
Orestes shook his head. “Our party never neared that pirate hive. The closest we came to it was when she insisted on seeing Valysar. That little town of no consequence.”
Oberyn, only briefly, touched Pero’s back and he knew the prince meant it as a comfort at the mention of Pero’s former home. Orestes did not notice it.
“But she was adamant and refused to tell anyone why. But she all but disappeared for an entire day once we arrived and would not speak of her adventures—the little box she had procured never left her side and was never opened.”
Pero almost smiled at that. She had not changed—in that respect, at least.
Orestes yawned and stood from the rickety chair. “I must retire for the night. Please alert me if my lady calls for me.”
Oberyn hummed an agreement while Pero felt his face curl into a sneer as the magistrate left the hall.
“He certainly holds a candle for his lady, does he not?” Oberyn mused as soon as Orestes was out of earshot.
“She did not ask for him once,” Pero said before reaching forward to grab the jug of terrible wine left on the table and took a large gulp.
“But she’s asked for you? Hm?” Oberyn asked, snatching the jug from him. “And you’ve yet to introduce me. I am almost insulted.”
“She needs rest, princeling.” He had made sure she was comfortable in one of the largest rooms and was happy to find that her trunks, filled with her belongings, were still intact and made sure she received them before he had let her rest for the night, making sure to let the rest of the company know that she was not to be disturbed.
“I’m sure she does.” He took a drink. “But she has also been trapped, alone, with men who meant her harm for nearly a week. You were the first friendly face she saw—do not think that I misheard her. She called for you. Pero.”
“You could walk in there now and she would not be able to tell the difference.”
Oberyn tutted and Pero stole the jug back. “I believe she would.”
Pero nearly startled when Oberyn reached out and grasped his wrist, keeping him from draining the rest of the wine. His grip was firm but gentle and a hold Pero knew well. “I thought people in Essos were more willing to indulge themselves in matters of the heart and flesh. Do not be stupid.”
And somehow…that worked. Pero slipped into her room and found her sitting on the small bed, wrapped legs atop the thin blankets and a book on her lap. In the warm candlelight, she looked almost healthy. Like she was not covered in healing salve and he didn’t know there were long, angry cuts hidden by wrappings and her thin nightgown.
She looked…so much like the girl he had left behind decades ago.
Pero remembered Lady Daeryssa smiling down at her daughter, flowers twisted into her braids.
“You are special, my star. Like me.”
“Like you, Mama?”
Daeryssa nodded and grabbed the small, blue rose she had Pero fetch just that morning and pressed her thumb against one of its thorns until blood bloomed on her skin and started to trickle down her skin. Her face was serene and Pero could not look away. Her bloodied fingers pulled the petals from the rose and she carefully pressed them against her daughter’s forehead, sticking them to her skin with blood. Words he didn’t understand slipped by her lips as she pressed another petal and then another to her daughter’s face until she stripped the flower bare.
“You will be magnificent, my star. Your trials will be hard but you will always rise above.”
“Come in,” she said, setting her book aside.
Pero did as he was told and blindly set his hands in hers as she reached out for him, letting her tug him onto the edge of her bed. “How are you?”
“I will heal.” She smiled as if nothing had caused her pain and his chest hurt. “I brought you something.” She leaned back just enough to retrieve a small box from the mess of blankets.
The box was nothing spectacular, made from a polished dark wood with a simple latch and did not weigh more than his dagger. “How did you know we would see each other again?” He asked.
She only smiled and pressed the small box further into his grip. “Open it.”
And he could not tell her no. He unfastened the latch and felt his face crumple as he looked inside. His mother’s handwriting, still beautiful and tilted, drew his eye first. He grabbed the thin bit of parchment and unfurled it.
My dear boy- I love you more than words can say. You have saved us.
The rest of the letter was filled with anecdotes, telling Pero how the coin he had sent back home kept their family afloat and settled his father’s debts, allowing his mother and brothers to stay home and retain their titles and livelihoods. He had saved them. His mother had written it at least three times in her short letter.
But I still wish I witnessed you grow into the man you are today. Come home. You are always welcome.
He quickly let the letter curl in on itself again and shoved it back in the box, knowing she was watching him, face serene and almost unreadable. He reached into the box again and let his fingers brush against something cold and smooth. A shuddering breath pushed its way out of his lung as he pulled out a small, carved wooden wolf that fit in his palm. He raised it up to press the well-worn wood against his lips, just once, before placing it gently back into the box.
“You met my family.”
“I did,” she said. “They were very kind.” She paused. “And they smile so often. I almost didn’t believe you were related to them.”
He huffed. “You never let me have a moments’ peace, Petal.”
“You were the only peace I knew as a child,” she responded.
Pero sat with her for hours under their tree after her mother had disappeared and the petals remained on her face, only falling one by one after the sun had set, leaving little bloody thumbprints across her skin. He tried to press them back onto her skin without success, and she only giggled at his attempts, leaning into each of his touches and letting him try and try again.
She collected all the petals as they fell and Pero had given up on trying to re-stick them.
“What are you doing?”
“Practice.” He watched her reach out and scratch her palm against the broken bark of the tree, slicing open her palm in a single movement.
He squawked and moved to grab her hand but she curled her fingers into a fist, crushing the petals against her bloodied palm. She took a single, long breath through her nose and then unclenched her fist. The petals rose from her bloodied hand and floated up into the air as if pulled by invisible strings. They swirled around the pair before, with another long breath, she let them fly away, disappearing into the thick of the forest.
She laughed then, a light sound that had blood rushing to his cheeks for a reason he could not explain or pinpoint at that moment. All he could mutter as she looked at him, eyes twinkling and a giggle still on her lips was…”petal.”
“Why did you leave?” She asked as he tucked the small box away into his tunic.
Pero froze. “I had to.”
A/N: please let me know what you think! I hope you guys like this! there will be three chapters. 
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Welcome Home | Chapter Eight
Chapter Title: Wild One 8/? Wattpad
"Arthur wants you to what?" Dutch demands as he paces in front of his tent. There's a vein in his forehead that probably makes him self-conscious. You figure it's best not to mention it.
"He wants me to help rescue Sean," you say from where you lounge on a tree stump. A butterfly floats toward your face, and you absently reach out for it. "Sounds like a good time."
The butterfly lands on your finger, tickling your skin as it walks. You watch its wings flutter with the soft breeze. Meanwhile, Dutch is talking, talking, talking. You've come to realize he does that a lot.
"Y/N." He massages his temples. "You're not listening, are you?"
"Hm?" You wiggle your finger so the butterfly does a little dance.
Dutch sighs. If it's one thing you enjoy more than, well, being in the past, it's annoying him. Smiling, you let the butterfly fly away and turn to face Dutch completely. He's watching you, expression stern and undeniably fatherly. It takes all you have not to roll your eyes.
"I can't stay cooped up in camp for forever," you say. "I'm gonna go crazy."
There's a brief moment where Dutch looks like he's considering this, but then he shakes his head.
"These ain't O'Driscoll's you'll be dealing with, Y/N." He gives you another stern look. "They're bounty hunters. They ain't dumb."
Neither am I, you think, but instead blurt out: "I killed an O'Driscoll, ya know. I can handle myself."
Had Dutch been smoking a cigar, it would have dropped from his mouth. He gapes at you, and you mentally kick yourself for letting that slip. Right. Arthur hadn't told him about Six Point Cabin... well, all of it, anyways.
"When did that happen?" Dutch demands.
You chew your lip. "Uh..."
"No no," he holds his hands up. "Don't tell me. I don't want to know."
Dutch goes quiet for a moment, debating with himself. You watch him, hoping you know what's going to come next.
"For rescuing Sean," he eventually says, "you stay right by Arthur. If I find out you so much as left his sight, so help me, I'll shoot you both."
You grin. "Okay."
At that, Dutch seems satisfied. After giving you one long, long look, he sighs and walks off, muttering something under his breath that you don't quite catch. You smile to yourself. Another win in your direction.
Fifteen minutes sees you bored as all hell. As it turns out, you're not going to be rescuing Sean for another day or so, which means you have too much time on your hands. When that happens, you get twitchy. Boredom was awful in your time, and it's awful now.
You heave a sigh and sit down on a tree stump. Everybody else in camp has their own stuff to do. It seems like, once again, you're the odd one out.
But then you spy Arthur hauling haybales to the horses. Instantly sitting up straighter, you watch as he lifts them effortlessly, as if they weigh nothing and not a thousand pounds each. You wonder what it would be like for him to life you like that. The thought makes you smile. Arthur Morgan: the man with the strongest arms and the softest heart.
You barely stifle a shriek and leap up from the tree stump. How and when Arthur came to stand by you, you don't know, but he's there now. And he's watching you, clearly waiting for a response.
"Uh," you stammer. "What'd'ya say?"
"I asked if you're okay," he says. "You were staring off into space."
You try not to look guilty. "Guess I was just daydreaming."
Arthur gives you a smile. "Must've been some dream," he tells you.
You think back to him hauling the haybales and find yourself grinning despite everything.
"It was," you eventually murmur. Then, blushing furiously, you amend: "But hey: dreams are dreams."
There's a mortifying moment where you think he's going to press for more, but luckily, Arthur just shrugs and lets it go. You sigh in relief as he walks away. The last thing you need is for him to figure out, well, everything.
Turning around, you head for Pearson's wagon to help out with the dishes, only to mow over Abigail, who's doing the same.
"Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry," you stammer as you help her up from the ground. "I was so distracted. Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry."
"Y/N," she interrupts with a laugh, "I'm fine. You don't gotta apologize so much."
"Sorry." You kick yourself. "I mean... okay?"
Abigail laughs again and steers you toward Pearson's wagon. "What's on your mind? You've been acting funny all day. Well..." she smirks, "funnier than usual, anyway."
You think back to your conversation with Arthur and glance over to where he's saddling Florence for a ride into town. If you're honest with yourself, he's what's on your mind... has been for a while.
You look away. No need to do or say something stupid.
"Nothing," you lie. "Just trying to adjust to the past, I guess."
Abigail raises an eyebrow. "You're a terrible liar, you know."
"I'm not lying."
A grin lights up her face as she apparently connects the dots. Giving you a look to rival all looks, Abigail says: "You fancy Arthur, don't you, Y/N?"
You feel your cheeks heating up again. If Abigail can see through you so easily... can Arthur?
"Your secret's safe with me," she reassures when she sees your expression. "And don't worry: Arthur's pretty oblivious when it comes to this sort of thing."
You try your best not to look over as Arthur leaves camp. There's just something about him... you can't really say for sure what it is. Honestly, don't want to try; the mystery is almost the best part.
"Thanks," you tell Abigail. And you mean it.
She smiles gently at you and guides you toward Pearson's wagon again. "Don't mention it."
With the two of you working together, you manage to finish the dishes in under a half hour. Pearson thanks you, then mentions that the camp could use some more supplies. Thinking back to your last hunting trip, you shrug. There aren't any bears around Horseshoe Overlook, so really, the worst that can happen is you just get lost.
Then again... maybe a fishing trip by the river might be a better idea. Guns still freak you out. Not only that, but you haven't watched enough survival shows to know how to make snare traps and whatnot. Besides: if it's you versus a wild animal, you have a pretty good idea who'll win.
You don't really feel like asking anyone to come with you, so you borrow a fishing pole from Pearson and head down to the river. It's quiet, certainly quieter than the future. As you cast out, you find yourself thinking about your own time. It's been at least a few months since the Van Der Linde gang found you, a few months since you magically appeared in the Grizzlies. You don't remember how you got there. Hell, you don't remember what you were doing in the moments leading up to it, either. One minute, you were in your own time, the next... you weren't.
It's... odd, all things considered. Every problem you had in the future seems so far away. And you suppose they are. Over a century's worth of distance (if time can be measured that way), and here you are, fishing—fishing—at a river you're not even sure exists in your time.
You shake your head. You'll give yourself an existential crisis at this rate, and that won't help anybody. Plopping yourself down in the mud, you settle down to wait however long it takes for a fish to take the bait.
You can't help but wonder who's really in control of whom.
A/N: Short chapter, but I wanted to get this story updated. I know it's been a while, but I want to thank everyone who's stuck with me. Means a lot. I'm hoping I can get back to a weekly update, probably every Sunday.
Inspired Music: Green Day | Wild One
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better with time. Ch 1
a century of hell.
You are a titan shifting 25 year old woman who had been trapped in her titan body wandering Paradis Island for 107 years. Over the decades you finally grew the strength to break free of your weakened titan form, just as Captain Levi happened upon you during an expedition. (AO3)
Words: 1,953
How long has it been?
How many years?
Where am I again?
How did I get here?
These questions racked through your mind every day without fail. You were confused, scared, and tired. There weren’t many things you remembered from your life before, it wasn’t the happiest that’s for sure. The year was 743, you remember a vast body of water, that seemed to continue on infinitely, you got off of a ship, and in the next moment you were falling. Before you hit the sand below you were different, much larger than before, and you couldn’t control your movements.
You ran ahead along with the other titans watching in horror as humans were mauled and eaten whole. You couldn’t stop yourself, your body seemed to be under a sort of spell or compulsion that forced you to act violently. It tasted horrible, you wanted nothing more than to wake up from this nightmarish hell. But you were stuck, stuck for so many years you lost count of how long you’d been trapped and all shreds left of your humanity faded away into the darkness, along with any other precious memories.
60 years passed in this hell before you began to gain control over your new titan body. With this revelation came a wave of determination washing over you. You ran far away from civilization, far away where you came into contact with little to no humans. When you did see any you avoided them like the plague and they avoided you just the same, you were thankful. Little did they know you were a human just like them, fighting to survive.
The remaining years or torture were spent with you hiding away in a dense forest where you gladly starved yourself. Hidden away, safe from harm, your titan form weakened day by day. Every day was the same, you lay face down on the forest floor as the seasons changed above you. Dead leaves fell atop your body, later came the snow but your body stayed warm. When the snow melting flowers bloomed around you, spring time was one of the few things you enjoyed while in hell, daisy’s, wild flowers, and other weeds springing up all around you, blowing in the wind. The summer rains were harsh but soothing never the less, that is until they turned raging storms overhead. The thunder was frightening, but not as frightening as your titanic circumstances.
You counted the seasons as they passed but as the decades drew on you gave up on trying. You felt your body grow thin and frail, your bones shown clearly through the skin, you couldn’t lift your body now if you wanted to. It was summer now; you could tell by the sweltering heat on your nape. The heat was almost too much to bear, and in your efforts to move to the shadows you felt your real body twitch.
Your real body... twitched.
You gasped; your titan body must have become so thin that your human body was free to move. Maybe you could even break free and try to find some help. New found hope bubbled in your chest as you fought to free yourself from the titan’s flesh. Natural light began to filter into the cavity you were confined in for so many years.
Freedom, after so long its within reach.
The 58th Scouting Mission to the Forest of Giant Trees.
Scouts, in their haste to flee the forest in the 57th Scouting Mission left behind many valuable harpoon canons that were used to trap the Female Titan. This mission is to retrieve them. Led by Captain Levi the scouts set out to complete their mission, hopefully without incident. As the Scout Regimen reached the borders of the forest a peculiar sight caught their eye.
“I don’t think that titans moved an inch since the last time we were here.” Eren Jeager, commented. Armin noticed it too, it looked even thinner than it did a few weeks ago.
“Don’t get too close Eren.” Mikasa chided, pulling her horse in between his and the titan before them.
“Oi. Brats.” Levi barked gaining the younger scouts’ attention.
“Stop wasting time staring at that thing. We have a mission to complete.” He said, a bored look in his eyes. He wanted to be in and out of that horrid forest as quickly as possible and the sun was already set high in the sky.
Without another word, the scouts continued their trek into the forest to retrieve anything left from their last expedition. The work was tiresome, hours had passed and the sun was making its descent towards the horizon by the time they left the forest. No one died today, but a few titans did cause a bit of trouble for them. There was never a mission that went completely smooth no matter how much Levi wished for it.
On the way back to base, the Scouts took another look at your titan form. Steam now emanating from the flesh. Levi made sure to keep everyone at a distance, he was sure the titan couldn’t move but whatever was happening he had a bad feeling about it.
Levi drew his blades, sliding off of his stallion to saunter over to your weak titan, he stood atop its head as he watched something move beneath the skin. His eyes widened a fraction as he watched in shock as the flesh at the nape began to split on its own accord. Plumes of steam bellowed from the wound obscuring the scouts’ vision, Levi’s close vicinity aided him. He was the only one to see what happened next.
Something was inside, or rather, something was breaking free from the titan. More hot steam rose from the flesh wound as you lifted your head from the gash. Gasping for breath you opened your eyes and a trembling sigh spilled past your lips. Thick hot tears rolled down your cheeks, a look of pure bliss on your face. A man with onyx hair stood before you, a sharp blade pressed to your throat. Levi pressed forward, his blade causing a small nick on your flesh. The sting of pain made it all the more real for you. You were free at last.
Levi berated you with questions as your vision began to fade. His voice sounded muffled in your mind; you couldn’t quite make out anything he said before you were out cold. You were engulfed in a darkness once again, but this time, it was welcome. You fell limply backwards and as you did, Levi sliced the rest of the titan’s muscular attachments from your face and arms.
Noticing you were unconscious and thus, no longer a threat for the time being Levi came back to his senses. It finally registered to him the worried shouts from Armin on the other side of this wall of fog. Levi picked up your limp body, hoping down from the decaying corpse and walking slowly to the carts brought along for the expedition.
Emerging from the steam came Captain Levi, carrying you with an irritated scowl on his face. He handed you off to Reiner, a tall built man better equipped to carry someone bridal style.
“Put her on the cart, we’re heading back. Full speed.” Levi said and without another word the Captain was on his horse and riding away towards the base. Reiner and Bertolt gave each other confused looks before the remaining scouts hopped aboard their horses after having a look at you. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin caught up with their Captain quickly to bombard the man with questions.
Who are they?
They came out of the titan?
Are they from the walls?
“Oi! All I know is that she’s going straight to the holding cell in the basement when we get back. Erwin will ask questions later.” Levi barked, a headache forming in the back of his head. He wanted nothing more than to not ended up in this predicament today, but you were an unknown titan shifter. Thus, you were extremely dangerous and couldn’t go ignored.
In record time the Scouts arrived back at the base, and luckily just as Commander Erwin happened to be paying a visit, hoping to discuss reports with Hange Zoe.
“Commander. Shitty Glasses. You need to take a look at this.” Levi said, an unusually unnerving stare in his eyes. Without a word the two followed Levi to where you slept peacefully in the cart filled with equipment.
“Who’s this?” Erwin asked, his blue eyes scanning over your face with immense focus. Hange repositioned their glasses as they leaned over the cart to get a closer look.
“Get back. They’re a titan shifter we found in the Forest of Giant Trees.” Levi said as he pulled Hange back from your sleeping form.
“REALLY!?” Hange was just about vibrating with excitement and anticipation. They made quick work of scooping you up into their arms to take you inside, and in their haste, they knocked your head on the door frame. Levi rolled his eyes at Hange’s impatience and followed suite after dismissing the scouts to clean the base.
Erwin led them down to a cell in the basement of the base, handing off the key to Levi.
“She’ll stay here until she wakes up and explains herself. We’ll figure out the rest of the details then. I have business in the capitol, I’ll return as soon as you send word.” With a firm nod, Erwin excused himself from the base and on horseback he made his way to Wall Sina.
Levi explained to Hange your condition, and how he found you. He decided to watch you until you woke up from your sleep. Hange made sure to being drafting up a report on you in the meantime, trying and failing to have patience and wait for you to awaken before discussing any experiments they wished to try.
Three days later, you finally opened your eyes. You made a silent gasp as you sat up abruptly in your hard bed, your overgrown hair messy and falling into your face. You swiped the hair out of your way a felt over your face. You withdrew your hands from your face as you flexed your fingers flipped your hands over and over again, examining them. Normal human hands.
You snatched the rough sheets from your legs as your bent your knees and curled your toes. It’s been so long since you’ve seen yourself like this. You looked around your surroundings in the cell, and noticed a small hand mirror on the desk. You fell out of the bed in your haste to reach the desk and get a look at yourself. With trembling hands, you grabbed the mirror and held it up to your face. Slowly, you opened your eyes to look at yourself. Thick tears of joy rolled down the apples of your cheeks. You looked the same as the last time you saw yourself. You continued to poke and prod at your face, making sure this wasn’t some cruel dream when suddenly a deep grunt rang out in the darkness. A man clearing his throat sat cross legged outside of your cell with a thick book in hand and a small tea cup on the small table next to him. He marked his place in his book and uncrossed his legs before stepping closer to the bars that separated you both.
You gently placed the mirror down onto the desk before standing on your weak legs, backing yourself into the damp corner. You had your guard up, wary of the strange man and his icy stare.
Levi Ackerman finally broke the silence once again.
“Who are you?”
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one-boring-person · 3 years
Hey, what about a fic in which the boys see a girl competing in a motorcycle chicken race, maybe to defend the honor of her friend Star/Maria/Laddie and she really comes a half-inch from dying but wins, and one of the boys, you can choose who you want, becomes interested in her and her courage, and in the end he approaches her and discovers she's not afraid to die because she's a vampire or another supernatural being? Thanks a lot.
Honestly, as soon as I read this request I was super excited to write it 😅 I hope you like it! (I am also very tempted to write a part 2 to this, but we'll have to see 😅😂)
What's It To You?
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: mention of injury
Part Two
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"Hey!" Paul's voice is loud over the bustle of the Boardwalk, the tall vampire slipping through the crowd with ease as he makes his way over to the others, lips pulled into an excited grin.
Passively curious, as always, David turns to face the blonde, taking a drag from his cigarette as he does so, holding the pungent smoke in his lungs longer than necessary simply because he enjoys the slight burning feeling. Marko and Dwayne step up beside him, waiting for their friend to get closer, their previous activities forgotten for the time being.
"Where've you been, Paul?" David crawls as the taller vampire finally comes within earshot, exhaling the smoke as he speaks.
"Around." The blonde responds vaguely, waving a hand at the surroundings, "You'll never guess what I just heard, though."
"What?" Marko questions, curiosity getting the better of him as he bites his thumb, watching Paul collect himself.
"There's some new girl in town, some biker chick. They've been saying she's got a death wish, but she's good at what she does. Apparently she's never lost a chicken race, and will take on anyone." Paul informs them, frowning as the others look unconvinced, "What?"
"How is that supposed to be interesting? People come and go all the time, and they've always got some sort of reputation in tow behind them." Dwayne shrugs, dark eyes boring into his friend.
"Yeah, but this one's different. She's a friend of Star's." Paul tries to convince them, knowing that the dark-haired girl is a certain weakness of David's.
"Star's friend? And she never told us?" Marko interjects, lifting an eyebrow.
"Why would she? She'd have known that we'd be annoyed." Dwayne supplies, running a hand through his hair.
David shoots him a sharp look.
"What's that supposed to mean?" 
"We all know that none of us can stand the idea of someone being a better rider than  us, especially if it's someone we know, at least by extension." 
"Can we at least go check it out? Apparently they hang out at the old skate park." Paul asks, staring hopefully at David.
The platinum blonde frowns for a minute longer, before sighing and throwing his cigarette butt to the floor, grinding it out with the heel of his boot. 
"Fine, let's go." He grudgingly agrees, slightly curious himself, though there's no way he'll show that to them.
Paul whoops in excitement, the four of them mounting their motorcycles and revving the engines, taking off up the road to the abandoned skate park.
Loud music greets them as they pull up at the end of a long line of other motorbikes, cheering and roaring engines coming from a little way away, where a large ring of fire barrels have been set up. A thick crowd of people have gathered around these, screaming in excitement every few minutes, the smell of alcohol and motorcycle fuel incredibly potent, even from the distance between them. 
Dismounting, the boys head over to the crowd, easily falling into the heaving throng, no one's attention on anyone but the two riders in the centre of the long ring. A pair of motorcycles are positioned at each end, one of them an expensive sports bike, the other a more stripped back racer, the two figures sat astride the vehicles each clad in dark riding leathers, one wearing a helmet, the other handing theirs back to someone nearby. David has to bite back a quick frown as he notices the person taking the helmet is Star, blue eyes easily zeroing in on the young girl as she giggles and takes the headwear from the other rider. 
All four of the boys find themselves transfixed by this rider, surprised to see her removing the leather jacket covering her shoulders to reveal bare arms, her gloved hands revving the engine of the racer below her loudly. From this distance, they can only just see her grinning features, voice clear and confident as she calls out to her opponent, apparently very confident. Naturally, there's a heavy scent of motorcycle fuel and sweat clouding the area, but even from here, the boys have noticed the strange reek lingering in the air, the stench somewhat akin to that of a damp animal. Confused they can only assume it's coming from her, though it is not necessarily clear.
Someone steps out into the centre of the ring, an arm raised above their head. 
The two riders lower themselves into their seats, engines roaring again as they get ready to move. The crowd falls silent for a moment, listening to the baying of the motorcycles, breaths held all over the park.
In a second, the arm has dropped and the motorcyclists are off, tyres biting at the ground as they go. Cheers of encouragement and ecstasy roll off of the crowd, the noise a deafening wall of sound as the bikes race towards each other. Enraptured, the boys can only watch as the gap between the riders narrows, neither of them letting up even an inch.
With their enhanced vision, the boys can see the helmetless rider tightening her grip on the handlebars, ramping up the acceleration as the vehicle jumps into a faster gear. Her smirk is still in place, no evidence of fear visible on her admittedly pretty face, her muscles somehow quite loose as she guides the bike ever closer to her opponent, who has gone tense, the grip on the bars tight and uncomfortable. The gap has now decreased to around ten metres, the distance rapidly reducing.
Seven metres goes by with no wavering from either.
Five metres goes by with only a single jerk from the helmeted rider.
At four, the panic starts to set in, the crowd roaring in anticipation, going crazy as they watch the two riders heading into a certain crash.
Three, and the helmeted rider is definitely swerving now.
And finally, at two, they pull to the side completely, the bike skidding on the floor and throwing them to the ground near the other's front tyre. 
The helmetless rider has to jerk their bike to the side to avoid hitting their opponent, the movement harsh and uncontrolled as they do so. As with the other, the tyres don't keep up the traction and give out, the rider going flying as they jump off to get clear of the vehicle, their body crashing roughly to the tarmac. For a moment she remains motionless on the floor, unmoving and almost lifeless, body limp near the stuttering shape of her motorcycle. 
The crowd goes quiet again, unsure of whether or not the winner is actually alright.
After a moment, however, the girl sits up, whooping triumphantly as the crowd goes wild, many of them rushing forwards to embrace her and clap her on the back, congratulating her. Star is amongst them, the girl pulled down to her friend as she wraps her in a tight hug, the two appearing much closer than the boys originally thought.
"Come on, let's get Star." David mutters, gesturing for the boys to follow him, not quite noticing as Dwayne slips past them, moving on into the crowd towards the rider. 
The brunette had found himself mesmerized by her performance, both terrified for her life and sure that she would be fine, her courage and recklessness unrivalled by anyone, bar Paul. Something about the way she had ridden directly at the opponents with no appearance of letting up had struck a chord deep within him. Even now, as he steps into her vicinity (trying to ignore the pungent reek surrounding her) he has to look her over, appreciating her natural beauty as she turns her eyes on him, the crowd having dissipated to watch the next race.
"Can I help you?" She calls out to him, voice clear and confident.
"Oh, I was just wondering where you learnt to ride like that. It's very impressive." Dwayne responds politely, approaching her carefully.
"Grew up doing it." She shrugs, dusting herself down, "But thank you. I had someone's honour to defend. A friend's."
The girl turns to walk away, grabbing her motorcycle as she starts heading over to a nearby group of others, the leader of the group, a tall muscular man with black hair, shot with silver, whose dark eyes bore into him from the guy's position a good few metres away, reaching out to greet her.
"You got a death wish?" Dwayne calls out to her before she can reach them.
"What's it to you?" The girl sends him a look over her shoulder.
"Well, you ride like you don't care whether or not you might get seriously injured or not." 
"That's because I don't care."
"And why is that?" Dwayne frowns curiously.
She chuckles, thinking for a minute.
"Lets just say I heal very quickly." She smirks, looking back at him, making sure she has his attention before suddenly flashing her eyes at him. 
Shocked, Dwayne feels his eyes widen at the amber glow emitting from the bright depths, blinking when it disappears.
Still smirking, the girl gives him a wave and heads off to the others, revving up her bike and falling in line with them.
"Catch you later, Bloodsucker!" She calls out to him, pulling on her jacket as the others around her laugh and whoop in excitement, their bikes swiftly carrying them off into the darkness.
At that moment, the connection is formed, and he realises what exactly he just witnessed. Clenching his jaw, he goes back to Star and the boys, instantly confronting the former.
"Why the hell are you friends with a werewolf?! "
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havenoffandoms · 3 years
Hello and congrats on 800 followers!!! Could I ask for an Eskel x female cat Witcher!reader with prompts 3 or 5? Thanks 😊
Hi anon! Thanks so much and thanks for this really fun combination of prompt. Here’s my little silly take on cat!witcher!reader x Eskel. Hope you like it. 
Send your prompt requests here.
Cat!Witcher!reader x Eskel: “it’s really not that complicated” (prompt 3) and “we could get arrested for this” (prompt 5)
“Would you hurry up, wolf?” you urge your travel companion as he struggles to pick a simple lock, “it’s really not that complicated, for the love of the gods.”
“You try and pick a lock in a tight space with little to no natural light,” you hear the witcher known as Eskel snide back. A guttural groan pushes past his lips as he tugs on the lock in his frustration. “Fucking thing!”
“Oh, get out of my damn way,” you snap at him as you squeeze yourself into said tight space, elbowing Eskel in the ribs as you wriggle up to where the lock is resisting the wolf witcher, “here, watch an expert at work.”
“Why am I not surprised that you Cat witchers know how to pick locks?” Eskel punctuates his words with a pointed eyeroll. 
“At least Guxart taught us some street smarts. What do you bring to the table, your theoretical knowledge of monsters? Your working knowledge of poetry? How’s that gonna help, you gonna bore the guards to death by reciting a couple of verses?” 
“Fuck you.”
“Make me,” you hiss in response, but your mood quickly brightens when you hear the familiar ‘click’ sound as the lock yields under your nimble fingers. You pull on it harshly and manage to open the trap door, your only escape out of these dungeons. “Hah! Where does that take us?”
“Sewers, judging by the stench,” Eskel remarks, his nose scrunching up in distaste. You can’t help but agree with your companion on this one. “Beggars can’t be choosers, I guess.”
“Let’s go, then.”
With the agility worthy of your namesake, you jump down yet another hole tight and land on your feet and hands. You keep this position long enough to assess your surroundings, your yellow-green eyes picking up every movement without needing to use a Cat potion. Unlike Eskel, who is probably downing one as you wait for him to follow you into the sewers. Once you are satisfied that there is no immediate danger, you rise to your full height and silently slip along the humid walls. You hear rats squeaking in the distance and scattering as the sound of Eskel landing next to you spook them. 
“Any idea which direction we should be taking, street-smarts?” 
“Well, the exit was north-west of our cell, so I’m gonna take a wild guess and say we should be heading that way,” you point in the direction you were referring to, “you got your swords?”
“Duh,” is all Eskel offered in response, “do you think so little of me?”
“Do you want an honest answer to that question? C’mon, we’ve wasted enough time waiting for you to drink that stupid Cat potion.”
You ignore Eskel’s grumbled response and take off without another word. You and Eskel have known each other for years. You first met on the path after he saved you from a particularly aggressive female wyvern. The beast was in heat and very territorial, and she did not appreciate anyone interrupting her mating rituals. There had been no contract on her head, you just happened to have the worst of luck. After Eskel saved you, he could hardly believe that he was not only standing face to face with a witcher from the School of the Cat, notoriously responsible for the creation of a famously vicious breed of emotionally-volatile assassins, but face to face with a female witcher no less. Your school often trained women, but very few of those were put through the trials and even fewer survived. You managed to beat the odds. You’re exceptionally good at what you do, which is why you and Eskel got along so well. 
After months of travelling together, and after a boozy night following a successful contract, you and Eskel became lovers. At first, it was purely physical, but as the months bled into years you realised that it was nice to have someone to go back to after an exceedingy shitty year on the Path. You started to miss Eskel after prolonged periods of not seeing each other and that’s when you admitted to yourself that it had stopped being purely physical a long time ago. You couldn’t let Eskel know, though. It would only get to his head. That’s why you settled for the tough love approach instead. It worked fine. Eskel had yet to run away.
Your train of thought is interrupted when you hear the familiar hiss of drowners in the darkness. You and Eskel simultaneously unsheathe your swords and brace yourself for an attack. One drowner sneaks up on Eskel from behind, but you notice it first out of the corner of your eyes and blast Igni in its face. In the meantime, Eskel hacks off the arm of another beast before running his silver sword through its abdomen, killing it with one powerful thrust. In the distance, you hear the echoes of more drowners heading your way. 
“Shit. We need to fucking hurry.” 
You run blindly through the labyrinth of underground tunnels. The truth is that neither of you knows where the exit is, or if there even is an exit. There has to be, you reason, the sewers always lead somewhere. Traditionally to a river, at least. There had to be an exit, or else the underground tunnels would be flooded and you would be swimming in shitwater by now. The fact that you aren’t is a fucking sign right? Right?
“There? You feel that?” Eskel suddenly speaks and instantly every hair on your body bristles in anticipation. 
“Feel what?”
“A draught.” Yes. You do feel it now that Eskel mentioned it. “Follow me. Turn to the left.”
You follow Eskel through the sewers, and to the relief of you both, you’re running away from the nest of drowners rather than towards it. Under any other circumstance neither of you would’ve shied from a group of drowners, but you were trying to escape and not draw more attention to yourself. Some other witcher, one that was preferably not wanted in Temeria, could take care of that one.
“We’re getting closer,” you say when your nose picks up the smell of fish and seawater, “we’ve almost made it.”
You and Eskel reach an opening several frantic minutes later, at once out of breath but also relieved that you managed to find your way out of those dungeons. It’s dark outside, which will help you and Eskel escape without raising too much attention, or so you hope. You both manage to exit the sewers soundlessly. Even Eskel with his impressive size manages to stealth his way past guards and civilians alike. Not as flawlessly as yourself, mind you, but you weren’t one to brag. 
Well, maybe a little bit, but there would be time for boasting later. 
“Hey look, there’s some horses there,” you tell him, your voice too quiet for any mortal ear to pick up but you knew Eskel could hear you loud and clear. 
“No. I need to get back to Scorpion.”
“Oh good gods - really? Eskel, we don’t have time for this. Scorpion is stabled near the city gates… at the other side of fucking town.”
“I’m not leaving Scorpion.”
With that, Eskel takes off in the opposite direction, leaving you to ponder whether you should follow him or go your own way and hope that your paths will cross again eventually. Fuck it, who are you kidding, you wouldn’t let that idiot risk his life for a stupid horse on his own. Well, if he gets caught you might just let him ride it out for a while… you know, just to teach him a lesson. 
You follow Eskel’s trail, making sure to remain unseen. Your hand reaches up and touches your witcher medallion, shaped in the form of a cat’s head, something you’ve done since the trials to ground you, to calm your nerves. After what felt like the longest fucking chase ever, you see Eskel pressed against the wall of the stables that you recognise as the place you two had left your horses in two days ago when you first arrived. Eskel peeks around the corner, checking for guards, and when he’s satisfied that he hasn’t been spotted he climbs up the side of the building at a surprising speed. You curse under your breath, but follow him up onto the roof of the building. 
“You know we could get arrested for this?” you tell him once you reach the top. Eskel raises an eyebrow, a mocking grin tugging at the scarless corner of his lips. Anticipating his smartass remark, you hiss: “I’ve just sneaked out of a dungeon, I don’t fancy another trip through those sewers.”
“Don’t worry, this won’t take you long.”
“Me? Whatever do you mean, me?” Your eyes land on the chimney and its opening, too narrow for Eskel to fit through, but not too narrow to fit… you. Oh, the bastard was going to pay for this. When you turn to glare at your companion, all you can see is the protruding lower lip and the pleading eyes. 
“Please? Scorpion means the world to me.”
“What about me?” you snap, forcing yourself to look away or risk falling for Eskel’s pretty face all over again, “don’t I mean the world to you?”
“Of course,” he says, his tone growing softer, “and I’m sure if the situations were reversed, Scorpion would do the same for you.”
“Urgh, fine!” you eventually relent despite the absurdity of Eskel’s last comment, “but you owe me for this.”
To this day you don’t know how you and Eskel didn’t get caught sneaking a massive war stallion out of the stables, nor how you two managed to escape the guards at the city gates. It certainly made for an interesting story that winter when you and Eskel travelled back to Kaer Morhen.  
Lambert relentlessly teases you for ‘growing too soft’ and ‘being wrapped around Eskel’s little finger’, but when you see the open adoration written plainly on Eskel’s face as soon as he and you retreat back to his room, well, you simply don’t find it in yourself to truly mind all that much. 
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nah-she-didnt · 3 years
In The Closet
Well, folks, here it is: my first ever fanfic! Please be kind, I’ve quite literally never written anything that I’ve shared with people before, but feedback is always appreciated! Happy reading! - Nina 
CW: anti-LGTBQ slurs, alcohol
Or read on AO3
“My life is over,” Mary whined from her spot in the train compartment. 
Lily rolled her eyes. “It’s six weeks on the Welsh coast, it’ll be grand.” 
“You don’t understand,” Mary said, sitting up dramatically, “my granny has barely left the house in years. It’ll be six weeks of tea time and the same three stories about the war over and over again.” 
Dorcas, who was flipping through a fashion magazine in the seat next to Mary, said absentmindedly “Maybe you’ll meet cute boys at the beach.” 
Mary glared at her. “Doubtful, considering the nearest town is miles away, but thank you for filling me with false hope before I’m doomed to the most boring holiday of all time. Now, if there were some spectacular social gathering happening before my social death sentence, that might get me through....” 
"No, Mar.” 
“Oh come on, you’ll have the house to yourself! Dear old Tuney and your mum are in London ‘til Monday for dress fittings. Please oh please Lily save me from having the most boring summer of all time.” 
Lily paused to consider her friend’s plea. It was true, she would have the house to herself for three whole days. Her mother had seemed genuinely sorry that she wouldn’t be at King’s Cross to collect Lily from the school train, but Lily couldn’t help but think that Petunia’s timing was not a coincidence. Lily was sure that Petunia had chosen this weekend to go wedding dress shopping so that she could chose the undoubtedly horrid gown she would walk down the aisle in, get the alterations, and be off back to her fiancee in London, all without Lily’s input or company. 
Lily sighed, “Let me think about it. You know I have the nosiest neighbors, we’d surely never get away with it...” 
“Oh, we know,” replied Dorcas darkly. “How is dear Snivellus?” 
“Don’t call him that,” Lily snapped, albeit with less enthusiasm than she would have used in the past to defend Sev. In fact, with each passing day Lily found she had less and less energy to spend on her former friend. 
Dorcas shrugged. “Fine, how do you propose we keep this party secret from dear Severus?”
“Now, surely the words ‘Severus’ and ‘party’ don’t belong in the same sentence.” 
At that moment, the door to their compartment slid open to reveal two boys standing in the doorway: James Potter, with his messy black hair and arrogant grin, and Sirius Black, who had somehow already changed out of his school uniform into a black suede jacket and bell bottoms. 
Lily grimaced at James, “Funny, I don’t remember inviting you into this conversation, Potter.” 
“You should talk more quietly, then,” replied Sirius, mischief dancing behind his eyes, “or else the whole train will hear about this wild party you girls are planning. Go on then, when will this social event of the season take place?”
“Tomorrow night, Lily’s house!” Mary cried, beaming. Her bad mood had clearly lifted as soon as the boys entered their compartment.
“No, absolutely not,” said Lily sternly. “There is no party. Sorry to disappoint you two, but Mary here doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” 
“Now, Lily, be reasonable!” cried Sirius imploringly, grabbing her hand and sinking down to one knee for dramatic effect. “Think of your poor classmates! Have we not spent the last two weeks preparing for our grueling end of year exams?” 
“You only studied for exams for two weeks?” said Lily, horrorstruck.
“Yes, and a more boring two weeks I cannot recall in my young life!” Sirius draped the back of his hand across his forehead and fully laid down on the compartment floor. “Please, Lily, if you have any care for my emotional, mental, or social wellbeing, please let me plan a rager tomorrow night in your lovely home.” 
“You’ve never been to my home, Sirius,” said Lily, but the corners of her mouth had begun to twitch. 
“Well, I’m sure it’s lovely! Let me put it this way, let me throw a bonkers begining-of-the-holiday party in your house tomorrow, and James and I will leave you girls alone for the rest of the train ride.” 
“Done!” cried Dorcas, “Off you go, gents.” 
“Hang on,” said Lily quickly. Looking around she could see that she was fast losing any hope of finding an ally in the compartment. Finally, her gaze fell on James. “Potter, you know him best, if I let him plan a party in my house can I expect the building to still be standing in the morning?” 
James paused, clearly considering Lily’s question. After a beat, he replied “On my honor, Evans, your childhood home will still exist the morning after this absolutely legendary party.” 
“Right, that answer doesn’t quite soothe me, Potter. But I suppose...” 
“YES!” cried Sirius, who in one fluid movement jumped to his feet and pumped his fist into the air. “Evans, I promise, you won’t be sorry. I’m going to plan the most insane summer kickoff that will make any minimal damage to your property completely worth it.” 
“You have got to stop saying stuff like that,” said Lily through the gaps in her fingers, as she had dropped her face into her hands. “I swear to God Sirius, if you make me regret this I will end you.” 
“Fair enough. Now, we must be off. Must collect the lads to do some party planning. Do we think three kegs will be enough, or should we go for five just in case?” 
“OUT!” shouted Lily, and Sirius scrambled from the compartment, followed closely by James, who paused quickly before leaving to shoot a final grin in Lily’s direction. 
“He is so obvious,” said Dorcas in a bored voice as she watched James leave. 
“God, I know, he’s going to destroy my whole house, isn’t he” said Lily miserably.
Dorcas shot a bemused look in Lily’s direction, “I wasn’t talking about Sirius.” 
Lily stood on the platform at King’s Cross with her school trunk waiting for Mary to collect her things from the train. She felt a pang of sadness in her chest that her mother wasn’t here to collect her for her last summer holiday before graduating from Hogwarts academy. She had been looking forward to a final summer at home with mum before hopefully starting a pre-med program in London next summer after graduation. But, she supposed, Tuney was getting married, and would need her mother’s help in finding a dress. Plus, Lily would get her mum all to herself for eight weeks this summer. No, she shouldn’t worry, and she shouldn’t feel guilty for having a few friends over for an intimate and mature social gathering tomorrow night...
“Hello, uh - are you getting home okay?” said a voice behind her. Lily turned to see a sallow, lanky boy standing just behind her. Severus had grown taller in the last year, but still had the sickly boyish look that he’d had for all the years she’d known him. Lily grimaced. “I’m fine, thank you.” 
“Good, good... Are you sure you don’t need a ride? Mother is coming, for once, you know she usually makes me take the train, but I suppose since it’s the last holiday before school ends she felt sentimental.” 
“No, Mary’s mum is driving me. They’re in Sheffield, it’s not far.” 
“Oh... right. Are you quite sure? It wouldn’t be any trouble. We’re just down the street, you know.” It was clear as he said this that Severus was using a great deal of energy to try and appear aloof, like he couldn’t care less how Lily got home from the station. 
“Severus, please leave it. I have a ride, I’m not a damsel in distress that you need to save, I have plenty of people to rely on, so please leave me alone.” 
Severus looked angry now, brushing the hair out of his eyes so that he could glare at Lily. “I never said you were a damsel, I just thought--”  
“Pardon me, Snivellus,” Sirius said loudly as he pushed past Severus towards Lily. “Evans, I know you seemed touchy about the kegs, so how about just one keg and a few bottles of something stronger, eh? You don’t worry about the guest list, I’ll take care of it, only the best and least responsible Hogwarts students allowed, I promise!” 
“Sirius,” said Lily warningly, as Severus was listening to every word he said. “Not now, okay? Do whatever you think is best. Within reason!” she shouted at him, for at her blessing Sirius had grinned mischievously and darted back into the crowd of students on the platform.
“Why is Black asking you about kegs? Are you letting him bring alcohol to your house?” Snape demanded, eyes full of desperation. 
“How can what goes on in my house possibly concern you, Snape?” Said Lily harshly. She glanced around Severus to see Mary and her mum waving at her from the other side of the platform. “Looks like my ride is ready. Guess I’ll see you next term,” she said as she hurried away from him. Severus stared at her as she left, an unreadable expression on his face. 
“I cannot believe you talked me into this. I cannot believe you talked me into this, Mary.” 
“Calm down,” said Dorcas as she applied more mascara, her eyes and mouth comically wide as she stared into the mirror in concentration. The girls were getting dressed for the party in Lily’s bedroom, which would be locked for the party itself. “You’re hardly the first teenager to throw a party when mum’s out of town.” 
“Yes, but I’m the first teenager stupid enough to let Sirius Black throw a party when my mum’s out of town!” 
“Well, I for one am eternally grateful for the sacrifice you’ve made on behalf of my sanity this summer, Lily,” said Mary, crossing the room to throw her arm across Lily’s shoulders in a one-sided hug. “You’re single handedly saving my will to live.” 
Lily shrugged Mary off and glared at her. “Honestly, watch you guilt me into having this stupid party, then have a magical time in Wales with some chiseled sailor that you meet on the very first day.” 
“It is a distinct possibility” said Mary with a wicked grin, and she flounced back over to her spot in front of the mirror to continue perfecting her bangs. 
Lily dejectedly walked over to her spot between Mary and Dorcas in front of the mirror. She was determined to be in a bad mood for the party, but she couldn’t deny, she and the girls looked hot. Dorcas styled her long braids tied up into two buns on top of her head, added some dramatic eye makeup, and topped off the look with simple silver hoop earrings. Mary had perfected her Linda Ronstadt bangs and dark purple lipstick. And Lily, who had been forced by Mary into a blue eye shadow that she had never dared wear before and a backless halter top (”you can tell I’m not wearing a bra!” “That’s the point, dingus,”) was nearly unrecognizable. 
“I’m going to regret this” Lily sighed. 
“Save it, Lils. No one’s holding a gun to your head. You need this as much as anyone.” 
That was certainly true. Lily had spent the better part of the last five months revising for her exams, and now that they were over she supposed there was nothing wrong with letting off a little steam. She straightened up, looked at herself in the mirror one last time, and determined that she liked what she saw. 
Downstairs, the doorbell rang. 
“Christ,” Lily mumbled, “that’ll be the goons.” 
“Could you get the door, Lil? Mary and I are still preening” said Dorcas distractedly, still glancing in the mirror. 
“I suppose I should let them in before they break down the door.” Lily made her way downstairs to the living room and to the front door. She stopped with her hand on the doorknob, let out a breath, planted a smile on her face, and opened the door. 
James Potter stood in front of her in a fitted Queen t-shirt, fitted blue jeans, and a dumbstruck expression. 
“Erm, hi,” said Lily, not quite sure if James could hear her. James nodded, still looking like he’d been hit very hard over the head. “Hi...” he said, distractedly, then grinned 
“Evening, Evans! Holy shit!” Sirius came striding into the living room past James, who still hadn’t moved. “You look ravishing! Like truly, completely hot! How did this happen!” 
“Fuck off, Black,” said Lily annoyed. She knew the halter top had been a ridiculous idea.
“No, no, I mean, wow. Come on, Evans, don’t be mad, you know if I liked girls you’d be my number one. Oi, James, close your mouth and bring that Keg in here.”
Lily spun around. Sure enough, James was standing in front of a large keg that he began to wheel into her house on a dolly. Lily groaned inwardly. 
“Alright, thank you for supplying the alcohol. Now, as I recall, there are two more of you. Where are Remus and Peter?” 
“They’re bringing in the rest of the libations,” Said Sirius proudly, striding over to the front door and calling out “Lads, that’s the wrong door! We’re in here you morons!” 
Lily sprinted to the front door and, sure enough, Remus and Peter were now awkwardly stepping over Mrs. Nextdoor’s freshly planted hydrangeas and making their way into her front yard instead. They both held large boxes emitting the sounds of clinking glassware every time the boys moved. 
Lily rounded on Sirius. “Black, I swear to god if those boxes are both full of liquor,” 
“Now, Evans, who do you think I am? There’s at least one bottle of chaser in there!” said Sirius, who dodged Lily’s attempt to smack him around the head. “It’ll be right as rain, Lily, I give you my word!” 
“Just set it up on the kitchen table, okay? And for god’s sake put a towel down!” cried Lily as James wheeled the keg past her and into the kitchen. Remus and Peter entered the living room, panting and struggling to keep a hold on the enormous boxes in their hands. 
“Alright, Evans? Where should we put these?” Asked Peter. Peter was shorter than his friends, with a round face and kind eyes. He often gave Lily the impression of an excitable puppy, always bubbly and eager to please. 
“The kitchen counter is fine, thanks,” Lily pointed in the general direction of the kitchen, past Sirius struggling to lift the corner of the keg while James stuffed a towel beneath it. Peter grinned and hobbled off to put the boxes down. 
“Hey, Lily, thanks for agreeing to host the festivities tonight,” said Remus. Lily liked Remus the best of his friend group. They’d been chemistry partners ever since she’d stopped being friends with Severus. Lily had instantly clicked with Remus because while on the surface he was kind and mild, he could be sarcastic as anything once you got to know him. Lily smiled at Remus, “Of course, though I may live to regret it. I’m glad I have you here to help keep the boys in line.” 
“No can do, I’m afraid,” Remus sighed, “I allow myself one night a year to be a reckless teenager, and unfortunately for you I’ve chosen tonight as this year’s night.” 
“You’re dead to me,” Lily pouted, but Remus laughed and slung his arm around her. “Come on, let’s get you a drink. It’s going to be a great night, I promise!” 
The air was suddenly filled with the sound of shattering glass and the overwhelming smell of vodka. “Uh, Lily love,” said Sirius’ voice from the kitchen, “where might we find some paper towels?” 
Lily glared at Remus, who shrugged, adding “I’ll get you that drink now, shall I?” 
Remus was right, the party was going off without a hitch, not including the broken handle of vodka at the beginning of the night. What seemed like half their year at Hogwarts was present. Lily had consumed approximately two and a half beers -- no, on second thought, a whole three beers, she conceded as she chugged the rest of her drink -- and had forgotten all about her hostess anxieties. The music was loud, the keg was half full, and she was basking in the glow of gratitude from her fellow students who were happy to have a reason to celebrate the end of the year. She was even slapped on the back by last year’s soccer captain, Benjy Fenwick, which caused Mary to go into such a fit of giggles that she had to leave the room. 
Remus, much to Sirius’ chagrin, had been put in charge of the music. This proved to be a poor decision on Lily’s part. The house seemed full of nervous energy as her classmates, who were fast becoming more and more intoxicated, grumbled that they could not dance to the slow, melodic rock coming from the speakers.
Sirius was growing more and more antsy at Remus’ music selections. "Moony I am begging you to think about the group at large before you play any more Neil Young.” 
“Neil Young is a god!”
“Yes, but this album is damn depressing! Put on something I can dance to!” 
“This song is hauntingly beautiful, and anyone who can’t appreciate that shouldn’t be here in the first place.” 
“Moony, put on some dancing music, and I promise you I’ll make you glad you did,” Sirius said suggestively, pulling Remus closer to him. Remus grinned and leaned into to Sirius, who grabbed him tight around the torso and yelled “Peter, now!” Swift as can be, Peter swooped in and switched out the Neil Young for an ABBA record, causing the room at large to cheer in celebration. 
“Traitor!” yelled Remus, though he was laughing. “ABBA is an insult to my DJ title.” 
“ABBA is fun and you know it,” said Sirius, grabbing Remus’ hand and pulling him onto the dance floor. Lily smiled as she watched them dance. Sirius and Remus had caused a minor scandal the previous year when they had gone from best mates to an official couple. Not that their new relationship had surprised anyone who really knew them. Lily had been waiting for Remus to tell her he loved Sirius ever since they became chemistry partners. As she watched them dance, Lily felt a warm presence next to her and looked up. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” said Potter, also watching Sirius and Remus dance. 
Lily smiled, gesturing to the dancing couple. “Is it weird for you, navigating a friendship with both of them when they’re so bonkers for each other?” 
“Nah, it’s not bad. We’ve all been through a lot, it was easy to figure out the group’s dynamics once they changed. Anyway, they’ve never been subtle about fancying each other, so when they got together the only thing that changed was the label.” 
“I suppose that’s true,” said Lily. It was odd to speak so honestly with James. Usually James was so arrogant, walking around the school as if he owned the place. James was popular, good looking (she supposed), and well-known by all. He and his friends were also known as charming trouble makers, and could get away with even the most egregious pranks. It annoyed Lily to no end. 
About a year ago, James had taken notice of Lily’s negative attitude towards himself and seemed to make it his personal mission to charm her as he had the rest of her classmates. Their encounters usually consisted of flirtatious sparring from him and cool indifference from her, which only encouraged his competitive nature. It worked, sometimes, but Lily was usually determined not to let him win, for Lily suspected she was even more competitive than James when it came to being right. 
“It’s nice talking to you like this, Potter,” said Lily, emboldened by the three and a half beers she had now imbibed, “you’re far more pleasant when you aren’t trying to flirt with me.”
“What do you mean, ‘trying’? I think I’m pretty successful at flirting with you,” said Potter. God, his stupid handsome -- NO, not handsome, passable -- face wore the most infuriatingly smug expression. Lily quickly reversed course, settling back into her Defensive Potter Mode. 
“No, actually, you’re not. In fact, you’re usually nothing more than an arrogant toerag, in my humble opinion,” she said matter of factly. 
Alright, that might have been too far. Why had she had so much to drink?
They stood in silence for a moment, the smug look on James’ face shifting into one of sour disappointment. He shrugged, “You’re right. I’m sorry Evans, enjoy the party,” and he disappeared into the crowd.
“Christ,” Lily mumbled to herself, rubbing her eye with the hand not clutched around her drink. Potter really was infuriating. He could antagonize her to no end, but the moment she got to him herself, she felt this wave of crushing guilt. No matter. The night was young, and she’d almost finished her fourth beer. Lily sighed, and went into the crowd to find Mary and Dorcas.
The party had certainly reached a new peak. More people had started to turn up, including students from the years above and below James, and people he had never seen in his life. The keg was nearly empty, the music blared, and couples had started disappearing into the upper level of the house. James, however, was not in much of a party mood.
“Cheer up, mate,” slurred Sirius as he dropped into the empty seat next to James on the couch, “ignore Evans, find yourself another nice bird.” 
“Don’t want another bird, and I’m not hung up on Evans, thank you very much,” said James stubbornly. Sirius rolled his eyes. “Sure you’re not. Alright, what about her then? She’s got nice...hair? Andy big, thick -- uh -- knockers, and looks like she’s got two eyes, and-” 
“You have no idea at all what to see in women, do you?” laughed James. Sirius had about as much interest in girls as James had in Snivellus. 
“Haven’t the foggiest idea, but I’m sure someone here could pique your interest.” 
“Well, that’s a nice thought, but I--” 
At that moment, a girl in the crowd towards the front of the house yelled at the top of her lungs, “COPS!” 
It was chaos. Dozens of drunk, crazed teenagers started to run towards the back door, knocking into and running each other over in the process. Sirius and James jumped to their feet, scanning the crowd for Remus and Peter. Peter was nowhere to be seen, but Remus sprinted over to where they stood, grabbing Sirius’ hand. 
“We have to go, now,” said Remus. Sirius paused, looking guilty. “I should stay, this was my idea, I don’t want Lily to take the fall for this,” he said, though he looked nervously at the front of the house where the policemen certainly stood behind the door. James, knowing exactly what Sirius was afraid of, clapped a hand on his shoulder. 
“No, Sirius, you and Remus go. Find somewhere to cool it for a while. I’ll meet you later.” 
“James, I know you’re obsessed with Lily, but you can’t honestly say you want to stay,” said a shocked Remus.
“This isn’t about Lily. I’ll stay behind to help people get out, then I’ll hide somewhere. Go, now!” said James, pushing his friends towards the back door. With a final uncertain look, the two disappeared in the escaping crowd. 
James looked around to see what could be done. Most of the partygoers had escaped out the back, so James turned off the living room lights just as a loud knock sounded at the front door. James froze, listening intently to what was happening behind the front door. 
“Open up in there!” shouted a scary sounding voice, and James bolted. 
He ran to the back door, locked it, and bolted up the stairs. He had absolutely no idea where he was going, but he knew he had to get as far away from the front door as possible. He rounded a corner, then another, into a dark bedroom. He paused, looking around to get his bearings, and then he saw it. He dived head first into the closet, when--
“OUCH! Who is that?!” said a scared, and annoyed, voice.
“Shhh, it’s James Potter, keep it down though, there’s cops downstairs.
“James, it’s me, Lily, and I know there are cops downstairs. Why else would I be hiding in my closet?” 
“I don’t know, Evans, how many more people did you insult tonight? Maybe you’re hiding from them,” said James grumpily. 
There was a moment of silence. James stared into the oppressive darkness at what he assumed was Lily’s dark form. 
“What’s happening downstairs? When everyone started to run I knew I couldn’t leave, it’s my house, so I came up here.” 
“Yeah, that was smart. I locked the back door and I think everyone is out, but it might be smart to hide up here for a bit ‘til they go away.” 
“Right, okay.” Lily let out a long breath she had clearly been holding in since arriving in the closet. The two sat in silence for several long moments, then Lily spoke. 
“I’m sorry for what I said about you. You’re not an obnoxious douchebag.” 
“Actually, it was arrogant toerag, but continue,” said James, with just a hint of his usual flirtatiousness. Silently, he cursed himself for never being able to be mad at Lily. 
“Right, that. Well, as I said, I am sorry. It’s just you can make me so angry sometimes. More mad than anyone else I know.”
“So you’re saying I evoke strong emotions in you?” laughed James, “I suppose I’ll take that as a compliment.” 
“I’m not sure you should,” replied Lily, but her voice sounded much friendlier this time. James regretted not leaving the closet ajar so that he could see her face in the light of the street lamps outside her window. 
“Too late, you said something nice about me! I’m counting it as a victory.” 
Lily scoffed. “Speaking of victories, I notice Sirius is not the one sitting in the dark with me. I’m glad that he got to have a fun night of partying then ditch as soon as things got dicey.” 
“It wasn’t like that!” said James, suddenly defensive. “He was going to stay but I told him to leave with Remus, and that I would help get people out of the house. I didn’t like the idea of he and Remus around the cops. He was reluctant at first but he caved eventually.” 
Silence again. James was starting to enjoy this newfound ability to stump Lily Evans. “Oh... thank you, Potter. I appreciate your help, truly. Why don’t you want Sirius and Remus around cops?” 
This time it was James’ turn for silence. After a pause, he said quietly, “one time, last summer holiday, the four of us were leaving the cinema after dark. We’d snuck in a flask of whiskey and passed it back and forth the whole time, so we were all a little drunk when the film ended. It was before, you know, Sirius and Remus were properly together, but they were tipsy and being really playful with each other. When we got outside they ran down the street ahead of us and were flirting a bunch, being touchy, you know. Anyway, they’d gotten a bit ahead of us down the block, and these two skinheads tried to corner them. Started calling them queers, faggots, pushing them about, you get it. Peter and I ran up, and at that point the blokes knew they were outnumbered and bolted. But the whole thing was really scary. Remus said he couldn’t sleep for a week.” 
James paused his story to rub his eyes at the horrible memory. He’d forgotten just how bad that night had been. “Anyway, I was walking to the store a few days after this, and I saw a cop walking down the street swinging a baton like a cartoon character. It was one of the skinheads. I recognized him from that night, he must have been off duty. This fucking prick spent his night off harassing a couple of kids who weren’t hurting anyone at all. If one of them is like that, I don’t want to know what the rest of them are like.” 
James expected to sit in silence with Lily for a few more moments, but this time she broke the silence quickly. 
“Thank you.” 
“For what?” 
“For looking after them tonight. That was really... well, it was really brave, James.” 
James’ heart soared. She called him brave. He tried desperately to ignore his delight, and instead answered nonchalantly. “They would do the same for me. Not that I’m in the same situation, or that I have as much to worry about with cops, or, well, you know. They look out for me, I look out for them. I love them, and that’s what you do for people you love.” 
“Yes,” breathed Lily, “you’re right, that’s--”
They both froze. They could hear from the hallway the unmistakable sounds of large feet in boots climbing the stairs to the second floor. “Maybe they won’t know we’re here,” James whispered as quietly as he could.
Lily gulped, and covered her own mouth to quiet her breathing. James waited with baited breath. Suddenly, a light flipped on in the room, and someone wrenched open the doors to the closet. 
“Oi, you two, what do you think you’re doing in there?” yelled a large, bald policeman. 
James froze, eyes wide, trying his best to look both sober and innocent. “We’re, uh, we’re just, um--” 
“We’re having a fight,” said Lily confidently. James looked quickly at her, properly seeing her for the first time since entering the closet. Her hair was a mess, her eye makeup was smudged, and her expression was set. She glared up at the policeman, who regarded her confident tone with surprise. 
“Is that right?” said the policeman, regaining his composure and glaring down at Lily. Lily straightened, looking more determined than ever. “Yes. Arnold here broke up with me two days ago, so we came in here to fight. We didn’t want anyone else to know, you see. We’ve been up here for quite a while, so we haven’t the foggiest idea of what’s been going on downstairs.”
“I bet you haven’t,” said the cop nastily. “I’ll have you know, miss, that there were a great number of minors drinking alcohol on the premises tonight. We had a tip off that someone in the neighborhood was hosting an underage party, and it wasn’t hard to figure out which house was the problem. Your front lawn is a right mess, you see.” 
Lily frowned. “I don’t have any knowledge of any drinking on this property. Do you have anyone in custody?”
“No, but,” 
“And how did you get inside? If there’s no one else downstairs, I can’t see how anyone could have let you in.” 
“The tip off said there was a spare key for emergencies. If there was underage drinking happening, we had clear cause to enter the property.” 
“Well, we’ll see about that, but for now, it looks like there’s nothing more for you all to do, is there? It’s a classic case of habeas corpus. And if you don’t have the corpus, you know what they say, ‘no body, no crime,’“ said Lily sweetly. The cop looked at Lily for a moment, clearly dumbfounded. James had never been so enamored with another human being in his young life as he was in this moment. 
“Look, miss, do you live here or not?” said the cop. 
“No, I don’t,” lied Lily. 
“Well, tell whoever does live here that we’ll come round to inquire in the next few days, so they better have everything back in order before we do.” And with that ominous announcement, the cop left the room. 
James and Lily sat in dead silence for a few minutes as they heard the cop collecting his buddy from the kitchen and leaving through the front door, closing it behind them. 
James and Lily looked at one another, then at the exact same time, leapt up and sprinted to the front door. James got there first, locking it quickly, then turned to lean his back up against the door, panting. 
“That - was - so - close,” he wheezed, sliding down the door to sit on the ground. Lily nodded, clutching a stitch in her side, then turned on the table lamp to inspect her living room. 
The room was positively trashed. Empty plastic cups with sticky dried beer littered the floor, the remnants of a drinking game lay strewn about her mother’s antique sitting room table, and something that smelled suspiciously like vomit was wafting over from one of the large potted plants in the corner. 
“James, you need to find a new best friend, because I am going to destroy Sirius Black,” said Lily, covering her face with her hands and sinking onto the couch. 
“I wouldn’t blame you. Hey, how did you come up with that ‘Harper’s corpse’ thing so quickly?” asked James.
“It’s habeas corpus, and I watch a lot of American legal programs,” said Lily proudly, “I have no idea if any of that is right. That cop must have been a bit thick, or I don’t think he would have bought it. Anyway, I’d be surprised if he came back to check up on the place, he probably just said that to scare us a bit. Still, I really should start to clean this mess up...”
“I’ll help!” said James gallantly, springing to his feet. Lily eyed him suspiciously, but James just waved his hand casually, “Evans, I’m not leaving you to this mess. I helped destroy your home, at least let me help set it right again.” 
“Fair enough. Blimey, where do we even start? Wait, do you hear that?” 
James and Lily looked around. There was a slight tap tap tap coming from the direction of the kitchen. Lily walked quickly into the other room and saw three noses pressed up against the window panes on her backdoor; Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Lily shook her head and opened the door. “Well well well, look who decided to show up,” 
“Great party Evans! Are the coppers gone?” Sirius looked anxiously through the door into the house. 
“Yes, but please, get inside before anyone sees you in the yard. The last thing we need is for my neighbors to see you out there.
The boys fell over the landing and into the kitchen. Lily could tell based on their poor coordination that they had not had the same sobering experience that she had that evening. 
“Right, you lot,” Lily said, pointing at Sirius and Peter, “follow me, I’m going to watch you clean the sick out of my mother’s ficus.” Sirius and Peter started to groan, but at a murderous look from Lily, the followed her dutifully into the living room. 
“Sorry about that, mate. Did they give you much trouble?” Remus asked anxiously, surveying the disgusting state of the kitchen and dining room. 
“Surprisingly, no. Lily made up this incredible story for the cops about us fighting in her closet, and--” 
“Hang on,” Remus said, frowning, “what about a closet?”
“Oh, right. Well, when you two left, I stayed downstairs to make sure everyone got out, then I locked the back door and sprinted upstairs. I ran into the first room I saw a closet, and when I went in there to hide Lily was already in there.” 
“Lily in the closet? Sounds like Sirius in fifth year.” 
“My thought exactly. Anyway, We hid up there for a bit, then this big cop came in and found us, but she told him we were in there fighting and didn’t even know there was a party going on downstairs. As there was no one left in the house, he just told us to clean up and left. Mad, eh?” 
“Completely,” agreed Remus, “how did he get in the house in the first place?”
James frowned slightly. He tried to remember what the cop had said about entering the house, but couldn’t. “I have no idea. The front door must have been open after all.” 
“Wild,” said Remus, who had already picked up half the abandoned cups that littered the kitchen. “Lucky she had a story ready for him.”
“Yeah, lucky,” replied James absentmindedly, “she was incredible, really.” 
“I bet she was,” Remus snickered. 
“Shut it, not like that. She was just so calm and collected, you know? I was shitting myself.” 
“Well, we all made it out in one piece. Especially Pete, the prat. We ran into him about a block away from the house, said he was the first one out the door when the cops came.” 
“Of course he was,” James said darkly. Pete had an exceptional knack for being in the right place at the right time. 
At that moment, Peter walked through the doorway from the hall into the kitchen, looking a bit green. “Puke’s cleaned up. I don’t know what that poor soul had for dinner, but whatever it was, it was definitely not something you should eat before drinking.”
“Thanks for the visual, mate.” 
“How’d you lot get out of getting arrested anyway?” asked Pete, who was now helping James wipe down the kitchen counter. 
“Lily and I were in the closet, and--”
“Huh, just like Sirius in fifth year,” 
“That’s what I said!”
“And Lily made up this brilliant story that got them to leave. Honestly, she was so convincing I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to trust her again.” 
“I’m sure that won’t be a problem,” Peter smirked. Remus laughed again.
James eyed them both. “For your information, I think it was a bonding moment! She surely can’t hate me anymore after we went through all that together.”
“Yes, hiding in a closet together can do wonders for a relationship,” said Remus wisely, “believe me, I would know.” 
“What’s this about being in a closet?” 
Sirius and Lily entered the room, Lily holding a mop and bucket and Sirius holding a garbage bag out away from his body like it was a bomb. 
Remus took the garbage bag from Sirius, put it in the trash can, and kissed him on the cheek.
“Never you mind. Let’s say we get some water for that bucket and tackle the living room. Pete, could you take the trash out front?”
“Oh no you don’t,” Lily replied, snatching the trash from Remus’ hands, “I’m not letting any more of my neighbors see you lot in my front yard. You can help me clean up then sleep here tonight, if you want, it’s far too late for you to hitch home or whatever it is that you planned on doing.” 
“Sounds good to me, I make an excellent omelette!” Sirius proclaimed, then followed Remus into the living room with the mop and bucket. Lily grinned at James, who smiled softly back at her, then took the garbage bag through the living room and out the front door. 
She walked across the front threshold into the warm night air, letting herself revel in the quiet of her suburban street at midnight. She stood for a moment taking in large gulps of night air before walking over to the bins and depositing the trash inside. When she was done she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She whirled around and found herself face to face with Severus. 
“Lily, are you alright? I saw police and I was worried, I came to see if you were okay,” said Severus quickly. He was looking past her to the front of her house. Lily could see that Remus and Sirius were visible through the front window, mopping the floor and laughing as they worked. Lily looked back at Severus to see that his eyes had narrowed as he watched them. 
“It’s none of your business, Snape.” Lily said stiffly, crossing her arms against her chest. She was still very aware that she was wearing Mary’s loose fitting halter top. 
Severus looked taken aback at her use of his surname. “Lily, I’m sorry, I just--” 
“Thought you’d call the cops on my party? Thought you’d tell the cops about the spare key we keep in the planter next to the door?”
Severus appeared dumbfounded. “I don’t know what they told you, but it wasn’t -- I didn’t -- I was worried that they would destroy your house!”
“You know what, Snape,” she was becoming more angry by the minute, “butt out of my life, alright? I’m telling you once and for all to leave me alone. I don’t need your assistance or your protection, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Plus, I have friends to look out for me,” and she gestured towards the front window where Sirius had completely forgotten about mopping and was instead trying to convince Remus to waltz with him. 
Severus stared at the window. “You can’t possibly mean them. They don’t have your best interest at heart!”
“They look out for me, I look out for them. That’s what you do for your real friends, Snape.” And with that, Lily turned on her heel and marched back into the house. 
“I said it last night and I’ll say it again, excellent party last night, Evans,” Sirius exclaimed, raising his glass of vodka and tomato juice (”the poor man’s hangover cure!” he insisted earlier that morning), “to Evans!”
“Evans!” shouted the boys, Mary, and Dorcas, who had arrived last night shortly after Lily’s confrontation with Severus. They had hidden in playground equipment for half an hour before daring to make their way back to the house. They had all spent the night cleaning the house, then passed out on blankets and pillows in the living room. That morning they had woken up to feast on bacon sandwiches and coffee. Sirius had been too hung over to follow through on his promise of omelettes. 
“Thank you, thank you, you are all too kind,” Lily laughed. “And, I suppose, I must show a small amount of gratitude towards Sirius for forcing me to have the party in the first place.” 
“I think force is a bit strong. You certainly didn’t need much convincing. I think we all needed a bit of a laugh.” 
“Easy for you to say, you weren’t cowering in a closet from a big beefy copper, were you?” grumbled James, though his eyes were bright with amusement. 
“True enough. Your heroics will go down in Hogwarts legend, my friends,” said Sirius, clapping James on the back. 
Peter checked his watch. “We best be off lads, before our mums realize that we all lied about sleeping over at each other’s houses.”
The boys began to collect their belongings, said their goodbyes to Lily, Mary, and Dorcas, then trudged out the door to catch the bus in town. Lily rose to see them out, but James hung back behind his friends. 
“Hey, thanks again for saving my ass last night. You really are brilliant, you know.” 
“Yes, I do know, thank you,” Lily said cheekily, giving James a playful punch on the arm.
“Look, I’d say we’ve been through a lot now, how about we try and be, I dunno... friends?”
Lily considered this for a moment. He wasn’t so bad after all, James. He’d risked his neck to protect his friends, and he’d stayed up all night helping her clean the house. 
Finally, Lily stuck her hand out, “Friends.” 
James’ face broke into a broad smile as he took her hand and shook. “Blimey, did you ever think you’d see the day?”
“Never,” Lily winked at him. “You best catch up with your mates.” 
“Ah, yes, they’ll leave me behind if I don’t run, they’ve done it before. Have a good summer, Evans,” and with that, he turned and ran after his friends. 
Lily fondly watched the boys meander down the street. Had she really been wrong about James Potter? She shook her head, shot one last glance towards the mess of black hair on the back of his head, then stepped back into her spotless home.  
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ilkkawhat · 3 years
Any tips for first time writers? Specifically any tips and tricks for writing CSI stories and the Nick/Greg ship? Trying to stay in character and make the story interesting like a show episode instead of a boring text procedural is hard.
lmao as someone who is forever insecure about my own writing when it comes to keeping the characters in character, I think something to keep in mind is that you may view a character differently than someone else--and sometimes those views align with others, and most of the time it's better than what's presented in canon, and it can be really difficult to get confident about that, but I think that creating anything, even if it's not just writing--drawing, giffing, photo edits, etc, you do know and love that character enough to bring them to life under your hands and it's something that's just so like, poetic about keeping these characters alive, even if the show offed them or the show is cancelled, in these works (honestly the song "poet" by bastille says this best imo) and you may end up discovering parts of yourself as you explore these characters in depth, you'll learn more about them, too, and the more you write, the more confidence you will gain
but be weary of the validation trap (says someone who falls into it literally every time I post a fic)--do not rely on comments and feedback to let you know you're doing it "right." the fact that you're getting thoughts into words onto paper is good enough, and you are good enough and even if you don't end up sharing it, you still did something special that nobody else has done before, and that, is amazing!
I'm not gonna lie, a huge weakness of mine that I feel I've known ever since I started writing CSI fic is that I really don't do well in making cases for the CSIs to work on--and even when I do, the case is usually forgotten by the end of the fic and I end up just kinda focusing on the emotions between the characters and describing their feelings and actions the best I can and unfortunately the plot sometimes suffers because of that.
I guess it really depends on what you want out of your story--do you want a really intriguing case and basically make an episode of CSI, or do you want to kind of bend out of the procedural drama, and just write something fluffy like Nick/Greg going on a roadtrip or something actiony like them getting into some sort of trouble? (as I often do lmao)
Something that does always help me when I do decide I want an actual like, "plot" to the fic beyond just playing around with the characters and making them do things or experience things is that I'll make myself a very flexible outline--which I will admit, at times, does kinda drain the fun out of the actual writing part but I found that I'll try to write chapters/fics in segments in this way, like I'll have the start of a fic, and then when I feel like I need to break but want to write what I got going next, I'll have something in brackets like: [Self deprecation at home/drinking, evil Nick in the mirror?] (for agony), and sometimes maybe a bigger summary, and sometimes less to just kinda remind myself of what I wanted to accomplish with a fic
BUT know that there are gonna be things that pop up sometimes. twists that come to you halfway through a fic--or if you're lucky, you'll find that your reader friends will kinda give you a twist to add in (my fic Last Breath is the greatest example of this--I originally was gonna do like, 12 chapters but then @dannilea said "HEY MK GIVE NICK AMNESIA" and then the fic got doubled in length lmao) so don't feel confined to any sort of outline. go with the flow, go with what feels right for you.
I know it's a lesson I'm still learning myself, but do not pressure yourself with these sorts of things. there are no deadlines. you're not doing anything wrong. if you don't like something you wrote? don't delete it (i've deleted so many things--fics, my entire blog, old art and gifs I did and it's one of my biggest regrets that I carry with me and god...it just hurts) but don't be afraid to tweak, re-write or rework if you need to--I know ao3 has an option where you can even say something is a "remix" of another work if you write a fic and then somewhere down the line, decide to expand on it or change it up? (I think it's meant for that at least, I haven't done that sort of thing....yet)
and that's another thing--you'll always be learning new things as you keep writing. I've been writing since I was like, twelve years old. Had a long ass depressive gap (though I did still write some things, just not...as intensely as I used to) before I came back to the CSI fandom (which I never felt I contributed to before, when I joined tumblr I posted some caps but that was about it, it really wasn't until 2018 that I started giffing and writing and three years later lmao here we are!) and there are just hard lessons you do learn--like I said, the validation trap and pressure and all of that
but motivation wise, something I've been (trying) to do is write at least 100 words per day. Doesn't have to be a specific fic, doesn't have to be anything I intend to make a fic, but just...getting the words flowing. But again, no pressure, because I recently had another depressive bout and went 33 days without writing and it climaxed to me having another mental breakdown swearing I was never gonna write again and damn near deleting everything and giving up.........only to start writing again the next day (and full disclosure, I did have a friend helping me literally every day with that and if they read this, I hope they know how forever grateful I am that they convinced me to keep going and I would not actually be here without them)
You will need to recharge, you will need to be mindful of outside stresses that may be impacting your creative energies. And sometimes, you can try doing things not relating to writing at all. Make a playlist of songs that make you think about the fic; if you can, draw or make photo edits of the fic. find a friend to bounce ideas off of--so many of my fics were enriched by that, I can't even begin to list them all lol.
But above all, again, just know that what you're writing is unique to you, nobody else will be able to write the way you do, and that is just...so special. writing can be difficult, it's exhausting, it's a thankless job at times but when those words start clicking together and your fingers just keep typing/writing, you'll just kinda get this like, rush like nothing I've ever been able to match.
and lmao I know you said specifically CSI and Nick/Greg and feel like I got sidetracked--but the great thing about CSI is I feel like you'll have excuses to put them in situations given their line of work, but like I said before, you can bend out of the genre a little bit. Have Nick and Greg go on a vacation, or make an AU (even something as wild as a sci-fi AU--honestly Specimen Stokes is the most fun I've had in writing the past three years) or if you do want to stick to canon, and don't want to make a whole new case or elaborate on the details--play with an established episode. If there was a Nick focused episode, what was Greg doing and vice versa? Did they talk about things afterwards, or did something happen leading up to the episode that made them act a certain way around each other?
I'll honestly find inspiration also just watching the episodes--something I've been doing in these past few months of my rewatch is making little ficlets about the episode, like I wrote one about Nick and Greg post 6x02 elaborating on the breathplay that Greg hinted about earlier in the episode, or I made a revenge fic for 14x12 where that douchey abusive husband went after Nick, etc. So sometimes it helps to dive back into canon and play in that sandbox too
I hope these tips can help get you started and honestly, don't feel obligated to agree or do any of these things I listed above. We all have different ways of going about writing, and it is just one big learning process and something I don't think I'm ever gonna perfect or master in any sort of way--(not to say I think I'm the worst writer in the world but I just...try to humble myself and not believe I'm the best or better than anybody else cause that's part of the validation trap, you get those ideas in your head and then it can destroy you when you realize you're definitely not)--and there will be times you get heavily discouraged, but...you just gotta keep going. keep pushing. find outside encouragement, but don't rely on it. practice a lot of self care and don't pressure yourself to finish or share or write more than you think you can. just...let it come, and enjoy the ride
I honestly feel like I'm one of the least qualified to say all of these things, but I really do hope it helps and hey, you already got one cheerleader, me, who will be excited to read whatever you share!
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“Broken Noses and Bad Ideas” - Glitradora Fanfic Part 7
It has been so much fun getting back into this! Enjoy!
Catra bared her teeth at the lanky blonde. Double Trouble grinned and threw their arms around her. “Oh Kitten, I missed you! We left on such bad terms!”
Muttering curse words, Catra shoved them away. “Yeah, and whose fault was that?”
“Well, usually I’m never one to admit fault, but we can go halfsies on this one.”
“Halfsies?! Are you fucking - you know what, forget it. What are you doing here, DT?”
“I wanted to visit. Am I not allowed to see you anymore?” 
Catra bit her tongue and tasted blood. “Come outside and we’ll talk.”
She stormed out of the house with Double Trouble in tow. She leaned against the van, arms crossed, tapping her foot in the dirt, while they stood before her with a wicked grin. 
“Well?” she snapped. “What do you want?” 
“I told you - I wanted to visit. We haven’t seen each other since-”
Double Trouble snickered. “Not one for reminders today, are we?” 
“I told you to stay away from me!” 
“Oh, come on.” They grabbed her chin and leaned close. “Did you really mean that?”
Catra slapped their hand away. “Yes, I did. I meant it when I told you to stay away from me, I meant it when I said I hate you, and I meant it when I said I never want to see you again!” 
“Ouch. That stings, Kitten.” 
Catra lurched towards them. “Stop calling me that!”
Covering their mouth with their hand, Double Trouble laughed and walked in a slow circle around her, watching her suck her anger back through gritted teeth. “Me-ow! So agitated! I mean no harm, you know.”
“What. Do. You. Want.” 
“I heard you and your little band were playing around here and decided I wanted to visit.” Standing behind Catra, they drummed their fingers along her shoulders. She clenched her teeth and watched them from the corner of her eye. She knew this game. “Well, more than that.”
Of course.
“I have a bit of a proposition. I take it you’re still working for everyone’s favorite edgelord?”
“What makes you think that?”
“Yes, then. I was hoping you and I could go back to our previous arrangement.” 
Catra bristled. “If you think I would ever-”
“Not that arrangement. Our original one. The one where I find the people your boss sends you after and you give me a generous stipend for my efforts. Take some of the stress away so you can focus on your personal ventures.” 
“Personal ventures. Like you.” 
They grinned and wrapped their arms around her shoulders. “I didn’t say it.” 
Catra laughed coldly. “You don’t have a job, do you?”
With a gasp of indignance, Double Trouble jumped back. “I am in between roles, thank you very much! There’s not much in the way of the Etherian theater scene.”
“How long have you been here?”
“A few months now. I found a lovely hotel I’ve been staying at between auditions.”
“You can afford a hotel?”
“They don’t check the cars in the parking lot.”
“There it is.” 
“Which is why you should bring me back onto your team. What do you say?” They dragged their long, sharp nails down Catra’s arm. “Just a few trips down memory lane?”
Catra hesitated. The worst distraction in her life behind Adora was back, right when she needed her focus the most. She had to deal with Hordak, she had to keep up with her work, she had the band to manage. And now with this old case coming back to haunt her, her and Glimmer…
Glimmer. She had to keep all of this away from Glimmer. She only had to keep this up long enough for the heat to blow over, for the cops to move on to another cold case, for Hordak to send her along to another city and away from the mess she fell into. Away from Glimmer. Maybe she could convince Sparkles to come with her. 
No. No, she couldn’t even entertain that thought. There was no way that could even happen, not with Adora hanging around.
Fuck, of course she had to be here! Of course she had to end up being Sparkles’ best friend, too. Why did this shit always happen to Catra? 
She bit her tongue. Dealing with that case was her main objective at this point. It couldn’t hurt to have someone dealing with the other aspects of her work, could it?
“Fine,” she finally said. “You find my targets for me, like you used to, and that’s all.”
“Oh, wonderful! I knew you’d come around, darling!” 
“And you’re sleeping in the driveway in your car.”
Double Trouble forced a smile. “Always a catch with you. I’ll go get my things and be back tonight.”
They started for their car. Just as they grabbed the door handle, Catra called to them. 
“And just so we’re clear, Trouble, this is business.” She narrowed her eyes as they turned back to her. “What happened between us? Never again. Ever.”
They winked. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Kitten.”
“And don’t call me that!” 
Double Trouble took off with a roar of the engine and a cloud of dust. Catra coughed and wiped the dirt out of her eyes. She watched their car until it disappeared down the road. Biting her tongue hard, she spun on her heel and marched back inside. 
She swung the door open, and Scorpia stumbled back from her place pressed against it. The taller woman laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of her neck. “Oh, hey Catra! I wasn’t listening.”
“They’re going to be staying in the driveway for a while. Just while they’re in between roles or whatever.” 
“O-Okay. Um, why are we letting - oh, alright.”
Scorpia stepped aside as Catra swept past her. “Don’t worry about it,” she dismissed.
“Noted.” Scorpia hovered near Catra’s shoulder as she sat at the table. “Didn’t, um… Maybe this is a sensitive subject but, uh, didn’t you two have a, well, a thing?”
“Scorpia,” Catra snapped, “what part of ‘don’t worry about it’ wasn’t clear to you?”
“Yep. You got it. Hear you loud and clear.” She paused. “But just so we’re on the same page-”
“Okay, shutting up now.” 
“Thank you.” 
Catra’s phone rang. She bristled at the name on the screen. 
Scorpia bolted for her and Lonnie’s room without further comment. 
Catra answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Catra,” Hordak growled. “I have another job for you.”
“Already? How extensive is your business in Etheria?”
“That is none of your concern. Your job is to go after who I send you after. Am I understood?”
“Yes sir.” 
“I will send you the details. Take care of it.”
“You had to call me for this?”
“Watch your tongue,” he barked. “We have more business to discuss. The case we discussed - what more have you found out?” 
Did she give him Glimmer’s name? She had to. He would kill her if she didn’t and he found out!
If he found out.
“Nothing. I haven’t heard anything about it.”
“Excellent. I expect regular updates.”
“Of course.”
The line went dead. A text message with addresses and names popped up on screen the next moment. Catra dropped the phone onto the table and took a deep breath. Pushing her fatal lie from her mind, she grabbed the car keys and left, hunting down another poor bastard who crossed the wrong man. 
How long until her name was on that list?
Glimmer called just as Catra stumbled back to the van, covered in blood that was not her own. She sighed and let it ring as she fished a stained rag out of the glove box. She wiped away as much of the blood as she could, taking special care to get it off her face before tossing the cloth somewhere in the back seat. 
The ride home was quick. She was greeted with loud squabbling coming from the kitchen, something to do with Kyle as usual. Only Scorpia greeted her, and she waved her off, retreating to her room. She plopped down on the bed with a heavy sigh. 
She picked up the phone and dialed Glimmer’s number. She needed to have some fun tonight.
The punk princess answered after two quick rings. 
“Hey, Sparkles.” 
“Catra! I was starting to think you weren’t going to call me.” 
“Ah, work stuff. Got pulled away for a little bit. What, did you really miss me that much?”
“You wish.” 
Catra laughed. “Damn, alright then. So does that mean you wouldn’t be interested in joining me at the club tonight? I’m in the mood for dancing.”
“Don’t you have a performance?”
“Not tonight. So Princess, are you in or out?”
“I’m in. What time?” 
“Meet me outside the Seaworthy Tavern at nine tonight.” 
“The Seaworthy? Isn’t that place a little seedy?”
“Oh, the magic princess is bougie now. I found you laying in a pool of blood the second time we met and you’re worried about a place being a little seedy?”
“Okay, I get the point. I’ll be there.” 
“Good. See you then, Princess.” 
Catra tossed her phone aside. She smelled at her shirt and recoiled. Fuck, she needed a shower. Running her hands through her shirt, she headed for the bathroom. 
Double Trouble was standing outside her bedroom door when she opened it. “What’s this I hear about clubbing tonight?”
“Ah! Fuck! How long were you standing there!”
“That’s besides the point. I’ve been waiting to have some fun in this town. Can I come? Oh, pretty please?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever, I don’t care. Just leave me alone.” She shoved them aside and continued. Their eyes bored into her back as she left. 
Glimmer waited for Catra outside the club. Scorpia and the rest of the band tagged along and parted from her with a wave. Double Trouble headed straight inside with them, not noticing Catra slip away to join the pink and purple leather clad girl standing on the edge of the building. Catra wore tight black leather pants and a red corset with a long leather jacket over it. Her wild hair was pushed back from her face. She stood in front of Glimmer, who was focused on her phone, without speaking. She looked up after a moment and immediately went red in the face, violet eyes wide. 
Catra snickered. “How do I look?”
A string of nonsensical noises left Glimmer’s mouth before any real words formed. “You look, um, well, you - wow.”
“That good?”
“Right back at you, Sparkles.” 
Glimmer blushed again and tucked her hair behind her ear. She nodded towards the door. “Want to head in?”
“Sure.” Catra offered an arm that Glimmer accepted, holding onto her as they strolled inside. 
The club was lit with blue and green lights that rippled like water on the walls. The dance floor was packed with people and more crowded around the bar, tossing back shots and chugging cheap beers. Cigarette smoke hung in the air. Glimmer squeezed Catra’s arm and headed for the bar. 
“What are you drinking?” she asked. 
“Vodka cranberry,” Catra said with a nod to the bartender, a tall, built woman with a bandana and a messy white undercut. A fish hook tattoo was inked on her neck. 
“Whiskey on the rocks for me,” Glimmer added. 
The bartender nodded and made their drinks. She passed Catra hers and then slid the other to Glimmer with a coy smirk. “Yours is on me,” she purred. 
Catra growled, nearly cracking her glass in her grip. She swooped in before Glimmer could respond, wrapping an arm around her neck and flashing her fangs with a sneer. She leaned into Glimmer.
“Thanks for the offer, but you can just put it on my tab,” she drawled. 
The bartender scowled at her. She stuck out her tongue and steered Glimmer away. Glimmer laughed as they found an empty spot along the wall. She leaned her shoulder against the wall and sipped her drink. 
“That was a lot,” she remarked, raising an eyebrow. 
Catra grunted. “Didn’t like her face.”
“Are you usually possessive like that?”
“Why? Turn off?” 
Glimmer shrugged. “We’ll find out.”
“Is that a proposition, Princess?”
“Dance with me first and you’ll see.”
Catra grinned and abandoned her drink. She let Glimmer pull her onto the floor, their hands landing on each other as they moved to the music. Catra watched Glimmer, completely enraptured by the way she glowed and sparkled in the dim light, staring at her eyes as they lit up. The bass from the speakers boomed in her chest and amplified her own pulse pounding in her head. She sucked in a sharp breath as Glimmer wrapped her arms around her neck, their bodies pressed together. 
Glimmer sighed, her breath hot on Catra’s ear, and pressed a soft kiss to her neck. Catra tried to hide her shiver. 
“Thank you for showing up in my life,” she murmured, her voice cutting through the music. “You’re the only thing keeping my head on straight lately.” 
“That’s a bad thing to rely on me for.”
“I don’t care.” Glimmer tangled her fingers in Catra’s hair and tilted her head back to look at her. “There’s something about you that I can’t name.”
“My charm? My wit? My dashing good looks?”
“Not that.”
“Ouch, Sparkles.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. It’s something else. Your edge, maybe, or the fact that you can go whatever you want. I wish I had freedom like that.” 
“Mm. I’ve got more responsibilities than you’d think.”
“What responsibilities do you have tonight?”
“Nothing but what you tell me.”
Glimmer giggled, her lips brushing Catra’s. “I like the sound of that.”
Catra pressed her lips together. They spent a brief eternity on the dance floor, squeezed together in the crowd, their hands and lips on each other’s skin. Even with so little liquor in her system, Catra was drunk off the feeling of Glimmer against her. At one point, they pulled apart and pressed their foreheads together, simply swaying as a slower song played. 
“I wish we had more chances to see each other,” Glimmer said. “Besides going to your shows.”
“You know Adora would kill me if this got back to her,” Catra pointed out. 
“I know.” 
“Is the thrill of sneaking around losing its edge?” 
“Life is more entertaining with you.”
“The feeling’s mutual, Sparkles.” She kissed Glimmer’s cheek. “I’m going to go get us another drink. Same thing?”
“Make it a double this time.”
“Got it.” 
Glimmer stepped off the floor and went to stand with Scorpia and Lonnie by the wall while Catra went to the bar. She exchanged a quick glare with the bartender. As she watched the woman make their drinks, she sensed someone standing behind her. 
Double Trouble leaned on her with their arm draped over her shoulder. “Now tell me, Kitten,” they said, “who on earth is that tooth-achingly cute ball of glitter you’ve been dancing with all night?” 
“A girl I know,” Catra said dismissively.
“Oh darling, that is not how you act with ‘a girl you know.’ That’s why you were so angry about me showing up! You didn’t want me butting in on your little romance!”
“I didn’t want you showing up because I hate you.” 
“You and half the theater business. So, give me the details! What’s her name, how did you meet, is she good in bed?” 
“Shut the fuck up. You said you would leave me alone tonight.”
“I lied. Buuuuuuut maybe I will if you give me a little information.” 
“That’s all you care about, isn’t it?”
“Information runs the world, darling. I thought you would have learned that by now.” 
Catra snarled and turned away. “Her name is Glimmer. That’s all you’re getting.” 
“For now.”
Catra grabbed the drinks and stormed off to find Glimmer. The moment she found her, she pulled her into a searing kiss and pushed the drink into her hand. 
“Finish that quick and let’s get out of here,” she growled. 
Glimmer grinned. “Let’s skip it and go straight back to my place.”
“Sounds good to me.” 
Catra couldn’t get back to Glimmer’s apartment fast enough. Glimmer pulled her into a harsh, bruising kiss the moment the door closed. Catra barely locked it before Glimmer pulled them towards the bedroom. Their clothes ended up discarded on the floor. 
Catra stopped them just as they fell onto the bed. “Are you sure you want to do this? I know last time you said-”
“I’m fine. I want this.” 
Glimmer grinned and pulled the covers over them. 
They laid awake in the middle of the night, curled up with each other in the low candlelight. Glimmer’s head rested on Catra’s chest. Her hair was messy and swept back from her face. Catra carded her fingers through it as Glimmer traced the various scars covering her body.
“What’s this one from?” she asked. 
“Adora and I went rock climbing when we were little and she fell so I went jumping after her.” 
“Yeah. Let’s talk about a different one.”
“Okay.” Glimmer reached up and traced a long scar stretching from the back of Catra’s neck down her shoulder. “What about this one?”
“I got into a fight and the guy pulled a knife on me.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m completely serious. I ended up winning, too.”
Glimmer propped herself up and leaned over Catra. “How do you get into so much trouble being in a cover band?”
“Hey, we have original songs, too.” Catra’s mouth continued before she could stop it. “And I have more business than the band.”
“Like what?”
“Just… dealing with people. Fights. Issues people have with us and stuff like that. The music industry is surprisingly cutthroat, you know.” 
“Hm. Weird.” 
“Mm.” Catra yawned and stretched. 
“A little.” 
Glimmer snuggled up to her and closed her eyes. “You can stay the night, you know.”
Catra smiled and laid back. “Whatever you want, Princess.”
She woke up with Glimmer still cuddled under her arm. Late morning light streamed in through the curtains, casting a halo around the sleeping girl. Rubbing her eyes, Catra stretched her arms above her head. Glimmer stirred as Catra untangled herself. Catra smiled.
“Good morning.” Glimmer rolled over and draped herself over Catra’s stomach. “How did you sleep?”
“Good enough. You?”
“Good. What are your plans for today?”
“I’ve got to get back to the house eventually for rehearsal. Scorpia starts getting anxious if I’m gone too long.” Catra brushed Glimmer’s hair out of her eyes. “What about you?”
“I have stuff to get done around the store. It’s the one day I’m closed so I have to get paperwork and cleaning and stocking done.”
“Wow, sounds boring.”
“Is it,” Glimmer whined. 
Catra chuckled and brushed the side of Glimmer’s neck, tracing the purple marks on her throat. “You should probably cover these before you go anywhere.”
“Ugh, who cares? I would rather stay in bed all day.”
“You know, you could always-”
Catra jumped at the sound of Adora’s voice. Glimmer flinched. “Son of a bitch, Adora, what are you doing here?” she hissed. 
“Does she usually just show up unannounced?” Catra growled. 
“Yeah, she does. Coming, Adora!” 
Glimmer hurriedly changed into new clothes, picking a shirt that covered her neck. While she hid their clothes strewn around the apartment, Catra had enough time to pull on pants and crawl beneath the bed. 
Glimmer crouched and frowned at her. “What the hell are you doing?” she whispered. 
“What part of ‘Adora will kill me’ do you not understand?!” 
Glimmer rolled her eyes. Catra made sure she was hidden as Glimmer answered the door, but she maintained a clear line of sight into the living room. She caught a glimpse of Adora’s stupid peppy face over Glimmer’s shoulder. 
“Hey, I haven’t heard from you, I wanted to check on you,” the blonde said. 
“I’m fine, I’ve just been working,” Glimmer dismissed. 
“Are you cold? Why are you wearing a turtleneck?”
Catra bit back a laugh. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I just woke up feeling cold.”
“Are you sick? Here, let me feel your forehead.”
“Adora, Adora, stop. Get off, I’m fine!”
“Okay! Look, we were - wait, is that liquor? Were you drinking again?”
“Adora, you are this close to getting kicked out if you don’t leave me alone.”
Catra raised an eyebrow. Interesting… 
Adora raised her hands. “Alright, I’ll stop. Anyway, Bow and I both have nothing to do today so we were gonna go check out the ice cream shop we used to go to and maybe walk around town. Do you want to come?”
“Adora, I’ve got so much paperwork to do and-”
“Please, Glimmer? I can help you finish when we get back and it’ll get done in five minutes!” 
“Ugh, fine. Wait for me downstairs, okay?”
Adora disappeared downstairs. Catra crawled out from under the bed as Glimmer stepped back into the bedroom. Catra raised an eyebrow. Glimmer cringed and jerked her thumb towards the door. 
“I have to go deal with that,” she said. 
“Yeah. Have fun with that.”
“Look, I had a lot of fun last night. I’ll call you, okay? You can stay as long as you want and eat something before you leave if you want.”
“Thanks, Sparkles. I’ll be out of here once Adora is.”
“I didn’t know she was going to show up.”
“I know.” Catra grabbed Glimmer’s collar and pulled her into a harsh kiss. Glimmer smiled against her lips. “I’ll see you later.”
“See you.” 
Catra collected the rest of her clothes once Glimmer was gone. Slipping on her shirt, she looked around the empty apartment. 
She grinned. Perfect. Now she could find some information.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
daddy jaehyun
iii.xxxiii. (m)
Sex was still important to you. Especially because the feeling was so intense during your pregnancy and Jaehyun has also loved to fuck you lately, which surprised you, because during the last pregnancies he hasn't touched you for the past few weeks. It was different this time. But somehow it always bored you to do the same two positions. Your movement was restricted and you could no longer be in many positions. It was hot between you two that evening too. The kids were already in bed and sleeping and so you watch a movie. But you haven't been paying attention for a long time. You already put your hand in his crotch and he puts his hands under your shirt. Your clothes didn't stay on your bodies for long. You're lying on the side and Jaehyun behind you. His cock felt good, so relaxing. But you were interested in something else. "Wait Jaehyun." You were out of breath because the feeling was still intense. "Am I hurting you? Are you all right?" He was immediately startled and stopped all his movements. "No, everything is fine. But can we do a something different than spooning or doggy style?" You look at him uncertainly, but Jaehyun was relieved that there was nothing with the baby. Then he put his lips back on your shoulder and smiled. "Of course. Do you have an idea?" "Maybe I'll try riding you? Just the other way around?" You can no longer be breast to breast, because your belly would be too disturbing. "Everything you want." He sat you up and you sat on his lap. Your back was facing his chest and you put your arm around his shoulder so you can position yourself better. You could turn a little to the side so you could look at him. "Are you sitting well?" Asked Jaehyun, positioning his longer legs in front of your entrance. He ran the tip along your skin and it drove you crazy. "Yes, that's a good position." You nod and he took that as an okay so he inserted his length into you. You start to move your body up and down. It was tiring, but it felt much better. You were able to find the perfect point because you were in control. "Is it good now?" He asked, looking deep into your eyes. "Yes!" You start to get louder and ride it with all your strength. Jaehyun grinned and watched as you ride on to your climax. But then he took his hand and begins to stimulate your clit with his fingers. "Oh my god! Oh my ..." It felt like a high that you never wanted to get out of. Your body vibrated and everything contracted. "Mm ...you're so beautiful when you cum on my cock." He was starring at you and still massaging your clit that made everything even more intense. "Ah yes!" You slowed down, but the feeling was still in your veins. But Jaehyun wanted exactly that what you were feeling, so he raised his hips and fucked you so well that he reached his climax. In this position you feel much better now how he cum inside you. His body twitched and his grip was tighter now. "Shit," he groaned, dropping back with you. You had to laugh that you're plumping like a sack on the couch. "Was it better for you now?" He asked while bringing some handkerchiefs to you. "Yes, it was good and new." You smile and feel how Jaehyun cleaned you up. "I might also have a new idea." He put everything aside and looked at you. You nod and wait for his answer. "I would like to make a sex video. I love sex with you right now. I would like it to last forever. I mean, you probably won't get pregnant afterwards again." He smiled and began to stroke your body. "But I look so misshapen." You reach for your stomach and look down at your body. A sex tape? Hmm, you don't know. "You look so beautiful. I want to keep what we have right now for the future." His hands caressed your butt, up to your breasts. "Hmm, I'm thinking about it, okay?" You look up at him and he smiled softly. "No problem." He kissed you and he put his hands on your stomach. It was quiet in there, but Jaehyun kept stroking. "The two will make our life pretty wild again." He laughed and kissed your belly button, which was already popped out. "Yeah pretty much. We'll just have twice as many children." You sigh and keep looking at your husband as he tends to your belly. "Yes, it will be different ..." Jaehyun then put his head on you and continued to stroke the tight skin. You have been panicking lately about whether you can do anything, especially before giving birth. You had two children before, but years had passed between the births and now two came at once. How is the pain? How will it work? Are you going to recognize them right away? So many questions have come up in you lately. But somehow you dare not say it. That's why you decide to keep silent and just watch Jaehyun caress your belly.
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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bonsaiiiiiii · 4 years
100 Weird AU's? Yes.
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So, I had these AU prompts on my phone for quite a while, and I was actually thinking about using them. And what better way to do it than using them with the Tracy's?
Reading and reading these prompts again (and under the gentle guidance of @willow-salix ) I thought that these prompts doesn't exactly match the brothers' everyday situation, but what if we push it past its limit? Yes, biting more that you can chew can be a little difficult, but I don't think it will be impossible. And that's where this challenge is born!
Get the Tracy's out of International Rescue's bubble and let them live an everyday situation as normal people! They can also be medieval nobles or even futuristic robots, the choice's up to you! You can choose from soo many things others don't even think about (and not even me, for a while)!
Many thanks to @tag2060 for the cover and @willow-salix for the support (both emotional and 'fic-ical'. I love both of you💚
To participate in this challenge, all you have to do is take one of the AU prompts from the list, one or more (or all) Tracy characters, and post your fic (can be a ficlet, or a series) under the tag #100weirdTracys and #100weirdAUs.
If you don't want to participate, please don't harass/bully me. I made this challenge just for fun, and I don't want for it to feel like something bad. In fact, I don't even regret doing this thing, even if it's strange.
Ah, I almost forgot: this challenge will be over in December, so you have 4 months to choose a prompt and make a fic about it. On December I'll review all the fics, but I'll always be reblogging and reading during these 4 months lol.
If you want to tell me something, hit me up on DM's! I hope you have fun with those prompts and those bois!
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
• Swearing is allowed.
• You can write as many words as you want!
• Oc's and muses can pop in too!
• Make sure to tag your fic(s) under the '#100weirdTracys' and '#100weirdAUs' tags, so that I can find them easily.
• Always tag or contact me if you need help with anything! I'll be more than glad to help you!
• If you decide to do the mature prompts (19, 90, just to state an example) please refrain from using a too mature language and don't go further than making up. I don't like that kind of language, so it would be peachy to just avoid writing so they make wild sex behind a bush. Any kind of very mature fic or language won't be read by me, I'm sorry. You can still use those prompts, but don't work their bed life too much.
• Any dialect or first language apart from english is more than welcome in this yard! I would love even to read snippets of foreign language in fics, as long as there's a translation near it, but you're not forced to write in another language. If you don't feel comfortable doing it just don't do it, even if I'm telling you. (For the record, I love Irish so much I could listen to a person speaking this language for hours and you won't hear me complaining).
• I will accept this challenge in whatever form it takes, be it a fic, a drawing, a song, etc. I’m open to anything and I watch everything that comes before me!
That said, you can find the prompts down here:⬇️
 #1 I saved you from drowning!AU
#2 I broke into your house at two in the morning because I was drunk and I thought it was my house!AU
#3 I am a door-to-door seller please buy something!AU
#4 I grabbed the wrong luggage at the airport!AU
#5 I know we hate each other, but a wedding would be more convenient for both of us!AU
#6 I accidentally poured you a love potion!AU
#7 I sent you 12 messages but you left me on read!AU
#8 I am your secret admirer and I leave you anonymous cards!AU
#9 Sorry, but I was first in line!AU
#10 We don’t know each other but let's pretend to be together because someone is bothering me!AU
#11 We pack up to do a funny trip but we end up in Bolivia without fuel!AU
#12 Locked in quarantine and we're bored! AU
#13 I do everything to find out the identity of this superhero and you try to mislead me because it’s really you!AU
#14 I got into a taxi just to find out it was already occupied!AU
#15 I called the wrong number!AU
#16 I got into the wrong car OMG I'm ashamed, but while you’re there why don’t you give me a ride!AU
#17 I found a wallet and my business is to find the owner and return it!AU
#18 I am a street artist and you complain that I play in front of your house at night!AU
#19 I caught you watching porn!AU
#20 We're two strangers that start chatting while waiting for the bus!AU
#21 Nosy and sloppy roommates!AU
#22 Old childhood friends who come back after years!AU
#23 I got shot to the arm/leg but you're there to save me and OMG ILY!AU
#24 We’re sitting next to each other on a plane and please don’t throw up on me!AU
#25 We accidentally switched phones!AU
#26 We are both contestants in a reality show and let's pretend to be together because the audience will ship us!AU
#27 I am a wedding planner and my ex’s wedding had to happen to me!AU
#28 I learned sign language to communicate with you!AU
#29 Professional model and novice photographer!AU
#30 Sorry I ran you over!AU
#31 We make out and then I find out that you are my roommate’s boyfriend!AU
#32 I’m quoting aloud the last book of a series and I’m spoiling you!AU
#33 It is a universally acknowledged truth that a bachelor with a large fortune must be looking for a wife!AU
#34 I am a Partisan and you are a fascist!AU(Italy during World War II!AU)
#35 I am the blood of the dragon!AU (Iron Throne!AU)
#36 Your dog is hitting on mine!AU
#37 I’m depressed and I decide to call a hotline!AU
#38 You are my soulmate but I am in love with someone else!AU
#39 Strange encounter at tattoo shop!AU
#40 On my mark, unleash hell!AU(Roman Empire!AU)
#41 I am an Elf, don’t look at me for ears I am ashamed of!AU(The Lord of the Rings!AU)
#42 Maybe my life should be more than just survival!AU(The 100!AU)
#43 I am an activist and I am trying to convert you to the cause!AU
#44 We are occupying the school but you are a spoilsport!AU
#45 All our friends are drunk and we're not!AU
#46 We’ve been together for three months and now you’re telling me you’re a werewolf!AU
#47 X has to go into a rocket to the moon and Y has to train X!
#48 Knight in shining armor and damsel in distress!AU
#49 We reluctantly team up against the zombie apocalypse!AU
#50 I’m a vampire and your smell is driving me nuts!AU(Twilight!AU)
#51 Monsters have attacked the Earth and the only way to save humanity is aboard giant robots piloted by two people who must maintain a mental union!AU(Pacific Rim!AU)
#52 My timer stopped as soon as I saw you!AU(Soulmate!AU)
#53 I need a lawyer and you are the best!AU
#54 I’m a Viking and I plundered your ship!AU
#55 I’m a classic dandy from the Regency Age and you’re just a silly girl from the lower middle class!AU
#56 I’m a policeman and you’re an intrusive journalist and I really shouldn’t give you any information about the new murder!AU
#57 You are a wannabe actress and I am a theatrical director who is losing patience and health!AU
#58 Due to a computer error, X and Y become college roommates!AU
#59 X wants to see the world of Y, how he lives and what he usually does, and ends up spending a night in prison!AU
#60 I attend the yoga course just to watch how flexible the instructor is!AU
#61 I am a bounty hunter and you are my prey!AU
#62 I am a secret spy and pretend to be your friend only to get information about your father!AU
#63 I discuss with you about a thing but you have in mind another!AU
#64 We are forced to be best friends just because our moms were best friends too but you're too bossy for me!AU
#65 We broke up but I never changed emergency contacts and now I’m in the hospital and they called you!AU
#66 I am an angel and you are a demon!AU
#67 I hit you on the balls during a game of paintball and oh my god I am so sorry!AU
#68 We live in a dystopian world where your partner is chosen by society!AU(Matched!AU)
#69 I’m a dragon trainer I’ll prove to you that they are peaceful creatures!AU(Dragon Trainer!AU)
#70 Date at japanese restaurant!AU
#71 You’re a cheerleader and I’m a punk and we live in two different worlds!AU
#72 I was a zombie and I was "re-animated" but you treat me like I’m still a monster!AU(In the Flesh!AU)
#73 I am your son’s teacher and I am calling to talk to you about his conduct, would he also come to dinner with me!AU
#74 I am an Achaean warrior and you Trojan and we are fighting the Trojan War!AU
#75 I met my asshole boss at the bar but I found out he’s pretty cool!AU
#76 It was not my intention to touch your ass, it’s just that the bus is crowded, it’s not my fault ok!AU
#77 I went fishing and accidentally fished a mermaid!AU
#78 I just committed a crime and I need to use you as a hostage!AU
#79 You’re the bastard who always parks in front of my door and in spite I’ll scratch your car!AU
#80 I accidentally went back in time and fell in love with you, too bad you’re a barbarian!AU
#81 I urgently need you to fix my computer but please don’t judge me for my chronology!AU
#82 I work on the cruise ship where you are spending your holidays!AU
#83 I'm out in the rainstorm without an umbrella because the weather forecast was sunny!AU
#84 I hugged the wrong person from behind!AU
#85 Celebrity on the run and ordinary citizen confused!AU
#86 Stuck in a ranch cleaning horse poop but it doesn’t matter because that cowboy is a badass!AU
#87 We got married in Vegas, but we’re total strangers!AU
#88 But, officer, I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I was just smoking a joint, want a hit!AU
#89 X is an astronaut and Y is a weird but funny alien that likes to scream, overreact and laugh!AU
#90 I slept with you for a bet but I loved it and I’d like to keep seeing you!AU
#91 I reveal to some friends that you wear boxers/underwear with green aliens on them but you're behind me and oh gosh total shame!AU
#92 Oops I accidentally entered a busy dressing room!AU
#93 You're a stranger but I keep crossing paths with you and I'm kinda confused right now!AU
#94 X is a medium and Y a ghost!AU
#95 X is a guardian angel and Y wants to die!AU
#96 X accidentally enters in a cat and Y has to rescue it from up a tree!AU
#97 X risks losing the house because Y’s company wants to buy the land!AU
#98 I’m an artist and I need a model do you want to pose for me!AU
#99 I’m not really sick but the new doctor is so beautiful that I found out I have a disease with an unpronounceable name!AU
#100 A strange job application!AU
If you find them more practical, I also have some photos down here with all the prompts organized:⬇️
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That said, enjoy! Hope it brings you joy and makes you happy while you do it!💙💚🧡💛❤💜💖🖤
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spectraspecs-writes · 3 years
Korriban - Chapter 95 (Bastila, Carth)
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 94. Chapter 96.
CW: Lime
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma @strangepostmiracle thank you for reading, you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank you for support, you get a tag.
“��� so it’s pitch-black, right, I can’t find my pants anywhere, and there’s something growling outside my tent.” I recount the story to Carth, both of us sitting on containers in the cargo hold. Passing the bottle of Tarisian ale back and forth. Carth laughs, as well he should, it’s a funny story. In hindsight, anyway. “I’ve got my T1 unit’s head in my lap, I was trying to upgrade its sensors so it could get a more nuanced readout to find the exact thing that was outside my tent!” He laughs again, tears starting to come out of his eyes. “My tent mate is closer to the entrance, she’s sitting there in a panic, because she knows this is her fault --”
“Why the hell did she take that egg in the first place?” he says between laughs.
“I told her it was a bad idea, but did she listen to the ecologist? Noooo - God forbid Tania ever admit she was wrong about something. But I was like, you’re a freaking anthropologist, you should have realized how taboo it was in the local culture to take one of those freaking eggs! Screw your breakfast - you’re about to be dinner! And I’m sitting there like, you are not taking me with you. But we are both frozen until we see the tent flap open and this giant nose pokes in.”
“Oh, shit!”
“Right? And I panic, I just chuck the droid head, Tania screams and ducks, but now I’m sure I just pissed this thing off even worse so we’re both screwed. And now Tania’s screams have woken not only the rest of our team, but the Mandalorians who also made a camp in the ravine. You know, the same Mandalorians she had antagonized earlier? And I wasn’t about to save her ass again - if Arus wanted to fight her, at this point, I didn’t give a shit.”
“Man, you’re heartless!” he joked.
“This was the tenth time in half as many days she had threatened my life with her bullshit - even I have my limits! And by the way, this was not the last time we were in life-threatening situations on this mission. But after this time she was far more willing to actually listen to me. But anyway, so the Mandalorians were pissed and Arus was out for blood, but first he had to take out this animal, which was too huge for even a Mandalorian to take out alone. He gathered a few of his men and they took care of it in no time. I finally managed to find my pants so I finally get out of the tent to get a good look at this thing, and it is. Huge. Arus split the meat with us and there was still way too much. Afterwards he was still a bit thrilled by the kill so Tania thought it was fine, but then she got cocky and tried to play it off, got in Arus’ face again, but he was having none of it. He looked her dead in the eye with that Mandalorian intimidation glare and said ‘I should have known you were behind this.’ And her face drops. He’s like ‘Is it your goal in life to challenge as many combatants as foolishly as you can?’ Calling her out big time. ‘And for what, this time?’ So she goes into her bag and pulls out the egg. Arus takes it and smashes it on the ground. And you’ll never guess what happened next.”
“Tell me.”
“The egg? The one that almost got us killed? Was made of WOOD!” Carth breaks down hard, cannot contain his mirth. “A Sith scout team had been there earlier, a bit of a rival of mine, and thought it would be a fun prank on me to swap out one of the eggs with a wooden one. He told me about it later, but he had just planned to frustrate me. When I told him he almost killed me with that shit, he never stopped apologizing.” I take the bottle from Carth. “And that is my worst story. What have you got?” I ask as I take a drink.
“Nothing that good,” he says, “You’ve got me beat.”
“Oh, come on, no war stories where you got screwed over hard? No piloting lessons where you came out of a nebula upside down?”
“My life has been boring compared to yours, if that story is any indication.”
“Hey, I have plenty far more mundane stories - that planet was just a wild ride from start to finish. If Arus was here, he’d tell you the same thing. Albeit, he and I did have different definitions of wild.”
“I thought you had just crossed paths with him - did he hang around for the rest of the scouting trip?”
“That was the first time we met him, but he kept finding excuses to hang around our campsites. The shameless flirt that he was, I’m amazed he never just came out and said he was into me.”
There’s that face of his again. He gets so uncomfortable when I make off-hand mentions of former partners. “You don’t need to be jealous, Carth. The very nature of a scouting fling is that it’s temporary. The few times something has gone on longer than a single mission we quickly got sick of each other.”
“I guess,” he shrugs. Is there… something else on his mind?
But before I can ask, Canderous comes in behind us. “Hey, Rena,” he says. to get my attention.
“Something up?” I ask.
“We’re kind of in the middle of something, Canderous,” Carth says gruffly.
“And ordinarily I wouldn’t interrupt,” he says before looking back at me, “but Bastila wants to talk to you.”
Oh joy and rapture. I scoff. “If she wants to talk to me so bad she can come see me herself.”
“What happened?” Carth asks.
“Long story, I’ll tell you later,” I shake my head. “I’m not going to her, she’ll have to come to me.”
“She won’t,” Canderous says, “not this time, but I can tell if she doesn’t say what she needs to say she’ll never forget it.” Oh yeah? “She regrets that things aren’t working as smoothly as they could between the two of you.”
“Bastila regrets something?” Well there’s a shock. “Jedi princess admits a wrong?”
“Look, I get that you’re upset with her, I understand,” he says, trying not to get angry at me, “and you’re right, she needs to keep her nose out of your business.” At least he’s on my side. “But she’s as proud and as stubborn as you are and admitting something like this is hard for her. Would you just let her say what she has to say?”
I sigh heavily. “Fine,” I say and I stand up. I set the ale down on the container. “I’ll be back.”
“I’ll be here,” Carth says.
I follow Canderous to the port side quarters, where Bastila is sitting and meditating. When we cross the threshold she opens her eyes and sighs. “Canderous, you didn’t need to do that.”
“Like hell, I didn’t,” he says, “You’re not the only one who can read the tension in a room. Now, I don’t care if you two want to talk this out or use your fists, but I’m not letting either of you leave until that happens.”
Oh, for God’s sake. I’m pretty sure I could take Canderous in a fight but that’s the wrong way to go here. I idly look around the room before feeling Canderous’ glare on me and look at Bastila. “If you try talking to me about giving into my emotions again, I’m gonna throw up.”
“Our conversations on that topic have a tendency to end abruptly, so I wouldn’t be surprised,” she says.
“Well, it’s not exactly my fault that happens, is it?”
“No, you’re right. I do share fault for that,” she sighs, “I admit I have questions, and perhaps a Master could have addressed them all with the proper wisdom, but I never should have brought them up here. And not with you.” Canderous shifts behind me, and Bastila must be reading him. “It’s not solely about you, Canderous,” she says, before turning back to me, ”Or even about you and Carth. It’s… “ She stops, orders her thoughts, and starts again. “Part of my purpose on this mission was to guide you in the way of the light; to help you avoid the temptations of the Dark Side. But I fear I've failed in that task.” What makes you say that? I haven’t fallen to the Dark Side. I’ve done nothing but help people for the past two months, even before I knew her. “I don't think I'm the proper Jedi to guide you. I am no Master. You should have remained with the Council.”
“I have no idea where this is coming from,” I say, “Even if you take Carth out of the equation - and that’s an argument we’re not having again, because there is no way you can without being hypocritical and you know it - I haven’t fallen to the Dark Side.”
“The fact of the matter is that I have never possessed much skill at controlling myself,” she says, “With the bond that joins us, it seems I have even less. You have maintained the path of the Light Side, yes, but it has been in spite of my influence, not because of it. It is increasingly obvious I am unable to guide you properly.” She sighs again. She feels very anxious and upset. “I think… I think I may have made a very big mistake. I simply hope that you are not the one who pays the price, ultimately, for the fact that I can't help you enough.”
There was definitely an apology in there somewhere, even if it wasn’t in so many words. But we still disagree on a major point and if she — “This has nothing to do with our respective relationships, I assure you,” she says. Reading me again. “As Jolee is the closest thing either of us have to a Master, he has been kind enough to consult me on these matters, and I have come to the conclusion that we should both let the matter lie.” Hey, I’ve been willing to do that. But that means her concerns make even less sense.
“Honestly, I think you’re being too hard on yourself,” I say, “I mean, I already had impulse issues, so a lot of what you’re feeling might be me influencing you rather than the other way around. This bond works both ways, right?”
She smiles softly. “That’s a kinder response than I deserve,” she says, “And I can see there is wisdom in your words. Perhaps you can help me then.”
“On the impulse front? I’ll do my damnedest - so long as you don’t start building droids in the middle of the night. That’ll be lesson one - don’t do that.”
She laughs a little. “I will leave that in your capable hands,” she says, “Hopefully this will all work out, for the both of us. And for the sake of the mission.”
“Good!” Canderous says suddenly, “And with that settled, you are free to go.” He moves away from the door and lets me leave. Glad that’s over with, Carth and I really were in the middle of something. He seemed more bothered by the interruption than I was but that’s probably because he had something to say and Canderous broke his train of thought.
Carth’s still in the cargo hold, like he said he’d be. He’s taken his jacket off. Hot damn, he’s got some strong arms. It’s a good thing he keeps that jacket on all the time, otherwise I’d never get anything done. He’s also moved so that he can lean against the wall. He looks at me when I come in. “Everything all right with Bastila?”
“Yeah, she‘s agreed to stop being nosy in my personal life,” I say.
“Oh, because you’ve never been nosy in our personal lives,” he says sarcastically.
“Yeah, but I’m also not a hypocrite,” I say, “For weeks she’s been riding me about the Dark Side and my feelings for you, and the whole time she’s got the same thing going on with Canderous. So yeah, naturally I was quite pissed about that.”
“You’ve had feelings about me for weeks and didn’t say anything?”
I shake my head and sit back down next to him. “Somehow I knew that would be the part you heard,” I say, “In my defense, I’m not accustomed to making the first move. Every other time it’s been someone thinking with their crotch sick of beating around the bush with me. And it was different before anyway. This is different.”
“Good different or bad different?”
“At the moment?” I say, “Good different.” He smiles at me. I love his smile. He’s just so soft. When he actually gets soft, that is. “But anyway,” I say, “Before Canderous came in, you wanted to say something.”
“Oh, you could tell, could you?”
I scoff and take the ale from him. “It doesn’t take Jedi powers to read you, Carth, believe me.”
“Oh, yeah?” Oh, excellent, it’s play time. “Well, listen, beautiful, I don’t need to take this abuse. I get enough female Jedi bashing from Bastila, thank you very much.”
“Oh, I get it, there’s something between you and Bastila.”
He sputters, like I’ve caught him completely off-guard. “What? No! I mean… no! Don’t be crazy!”
“So someone would have to be crazy to like Bastila, huh? I’ll have to tell her that!”
“Oh, no, you don’t!”
“Or better yet!” Better idea! “I’ll tell Canderous! Oh, Canderous?”
“Don’t you dare!” he says playfully, “I’d have to shoot you down first, and I’m not kidding!”
“Sure, sure,” I say sarcastically, “You’re all talk, Carth, and you know it.”
“And just what would you do if I wasn’t?” I open my mouth to answer, but he stops me before I can. “No, no, wait, don’t answer that,” he says quite wisely, “I don’t want to know.” He shakes his head and smiles, sighing. “Anyway… as fun, uh, as this is, I do have to talk to you about something serious. Really serious.” It must be if you’re stopping the game.
“What’s wrong?” I ask. What has my Bunny Man in distress?
“I’m uh… I’m concerned about you. I’ve been keeping these thoughts to myself, mostly, but with this… if we… “ Find your words, Carth. “I think it’s time I say something.”
“What’s this about?”
“It’s about you,” he says, “I’m worried about what might happen to you.” Well, this is the second time that’s come up in conversation today, but somehow Carth’s concern feels more genuine than Bastila’s. “You have a lot of courage, and the fact that you’ve remained strong is amazing, but there’s even greater danger ahead. I think you might be setting yourself up for a fall. Maybe at the urging of the Jedi, I don’t know… but you’re definitely going to become a target.” I can feel a lot of pain from him. He tries to block it from me, I’m not sure if that’s an accident or on purpose, but I can feel it, anyway. “If, uh, if I’m going to find some purpose beyond taking revenge on Saul, then it’s going to have to be in protecting you.” Protecting me from what? He’s seen me fight - what does he think is out there that I can’t handle? “I don’t know why, but I think some terrible fate is waiting for you. I think the Jedi Council knows it, too. And I don’t want it to come to pass.”
“You think the Jedi have thrown me to the wolves?”
“Don’t call it up to my paranoia just yet.” I wasn’t. Carth has a good - and attractive - head on his shoulders and I trust his instincts. (Well… most of the time. His instinct to not trust me was obviously wrong.) “Something isn’t right. I blamed it on you, before, but I… I think the Jedi didn’t tell us everything.” Which is hardly out of character for them . “If I’m going to live past Saul, I need you to, as well. Let me protect you… from yourself, from the Sith, from… whatever, you have to let me try.”
“Not that I don’t appreciate it,” I say seriously, “but… you’ve seen me fight, you’ve watched me in action. I don’t need that kind of protection. Why are you doing this?”
“Because…” he says slowly, and with difficulty, “... because I never got the chance to save my wife and son. Because I didn’t stop Saul when I had the chance. Because I finally have the chance to do it right. You are an extraordinary woman… you make me think that maybe I might have some purpose beyond revenge. I don’t know whether it means anything to you… but it does to me.”
Oh, my God, this is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. ”It means a lot to me, Carth,” I say, “Thank you.”
He smiles softly. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ll do my best.”
I just… can’t stop looking at him. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. How much I love him. Ever since Taris. Ever since I woke up in that mangy apartment. He’s always been there for me. And it was only a couple days ago that I really realized that I love him. Maybe I just didn’t want to think about it. As a scout you get used to being part of a tight-knit group of people for a few months, a year tops, and then you split and never see each other again. The few times I stuck with someone for longer than one mission, we were dating, and like I said before we would always and very quickly get sick of each other. You start to notice little things that didn’t bother you before but suddenly they’re all you notice. Chewing with their mouth open. Feet that smell like death. A grating voice. And for whatever reason you just can’t live with it anymore.
I’m going to miss this group a lot when we split. Oh, they’ll say we won’t. I know one of them will say, “no, we’re a family, we’ll always be together.” But I also know from experience that it doesn’t work like that. Bastila will go back to the Council. Juhani has a lot to work through on her own. Mission is still a kid with her whole life ahead of her. Zaalbar has a government to lead. Canderous will go wherever Bastila goes. It’s anyone’s guess what Jolee will do. Leaving me and my droids. The way it’s always been. The way I’m used to.
But with Carth… Loving him means I’ll want him to stick around. And maybe he will, maybe he won’t. Maybe he’ll want to, but he’s still a Republic soldier, he may not have a say in where he goes. And if he doesn’t want to stick around, it’ll hurt, sure, but it would hurt worse if he stays. Because I know what will happen then. We’ll get sick of each other. That’s how it always happens. We’ll have a few months of passionate sex and casual flirting before we each drive the other crazy. I don’t want that, I don’t want to get sick of him. But we have nothing in common beyond this mission. We‘re close due to circumstances. It’s happened to me at least a dozen times before. And I don’t want it to happen again.
But I love him. And as much as it could hurt me, I wouldn’t stop loving him even if I could. This feels so different than anything I’ve felt before. Like it’s… right somehow. And I don’t want to mess up a good thing. It makes me nervous but it’s a good nervous.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks me softly, taking another drink of ale.
“I’m… “ I start to say slowly, “… really glad I met you.”
He smiles at me. “I’m glad I met you, too,” he says in that same soft voice. He gets close to my face, just like before. His eyes close. And it doesn’t take a Jedi to know what’s going on, I’ve seen it all before. And I want it. He kisses me gently.
And he doesn’t stop kissing me.
One. Another. Another, pressing his lips into mine. Continuing what we started in the cantina. But no one will bother us this time - I reach out with the Force and close the door to the cargo hold. Carth notices but doesn’t stop or say anything. And I don’t want him to. I want this. He takes my head into his hand and I lean into it. His other hand brushes mine and I take it, our fingers locking together. And between kisses he whispers softly, “I love you.”
“I love you,” I whisper back. And he kisses me again, And again. And again. I unfasten my belt and my lightsabers clatter on the floor. He pulls me closer and I loosen my tunic a little. I can feel this. I want this. More than anything I want this.
Somehow, I know this is a bad idea. If this goes bad it could ruin our entire relationship, either as friends or more than friends. This is the point of no return. And hoping for shit has gotten me in trouble when things don’t work out. But this also feels so, so right, more right than anything has this whole time. He’s right, things have been a little off somehow since Taris. The Jedi adding me to the Endar Spire at the last minute. I’m an ecologist, why did they need me? The Jedi accepting me for training - Master Vandar said I was a special case? What did that mean? The Star Map on Kashyyyk seemed to recognize me, when I’ve never been to Kashyyyk in my life, much less down on the surface. There have just been so many little things that seem to add up to a great big something, but I’ll be damned if I know what it is. But as crazy as things have been, and as crazy as they might get, Carth will still be here. Carth will still be Carth.
I come close, wrapping my legs around him, and he holds me. Which is a great feeling and we haven’t even done anything yet. As he runs his fingers through my hair, I feel loved, so loved, more than I’ve ever felt before. Even if this doesn’t last, and I hope to God it does, it will still be the best I’ve felt my whole life.
He holds me close after. Which is not only sweet, it’s also great because the cargo hold is a lot colder than you’d expect. I wrap myself up in his jacket and cuddle closer. “Have I mentioned how much I love this jacket?” I say.
“You’ve mentioned it once or twice,” he says, smiling. And then he sighs. “We should probably go to bed,” he says. 
“You mean sleep here or go back to our bunks?” I ask, “Because that would be a horrible idea.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“For one thing,” I say, trying to look at his face, “I can guarantee you Bastila already knows about this because of that damned Force bond. If she’s spending the night with Canderous, she’ll hem and haw and stew about this despite her promise to shut up about it. But she won’t need to say anything because Juhani will also be there. She’ll be disappointed in me and go on and on about the Dark Side and Jedi attachments so Bastila won’t have to. Mission will try to be my girlfriend and goad me into telling her what happened like we’re two teenage girls at a slumber party. And she really doesn’t want to know.” I know these girls. I know all of that is exactly what would happen the minute I walk into the starboard quarters. “When you go back, Canderous will --”
“You’re right, that is a horrible idea,” he says before I can even finish, because he knows as well as I do that Canderous is going to be insufferable, as a man, as a Mandalorian, and especially as a matchmaker. He’s been trying to put us together since Dantooine. “But we can’t exactly sleep in here, can we? They’re going to come looking for us in the morning. Besides the fact that it’s cold as hell in here.”
“We can grab some blankets from the emergency supplies,” I suggest, “Or we could get dressed again.”
“Let’s grab the blankets,” he says quickly, and he starts to get up to grab them from the plasteel cylinder.
“You slut,” I tease, “If you wanted to see me naked you could have asked sooner.”
He comes back to me with the blankets and drapes one around my shoulders, over the jacket. “It’s not just that,” he says, “Or the fact that you look damn good in my jacket.” He spreads one blanket on the floor, sits down on it and pulls me close again, lying down. He kisses me, and runs his fingers through my hair, sending goosebumps rippling through my body. “I just…” he starts to say softly, sweetly, “…like how this feels. And I don’t want it to end.”
I curl in closer. “Me neither.”  
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As the Hero fell upwards through the sands of time, the days rewinding like the gears of a clock, he landed calmly on the cobblestones of Clock Town Square, at the dawn of the first day. He had been through this many times before, and had grown accustomed to reliving the same 3 days, helping the same people with the same schedules, slowly making more and more progress each time. At least he didn't feel an enormous time crunch, even with the threat of the moon hanging above him, he was always able to rewind the days, and could take days to rest, to sleep or ride Epona or play with the inhabitants.
He rarely did, but it was nice that the option was there.
He was pulled from his thoughts by Tatl getting his attention with a soft tinkling sound, looking over at the stand near the Deku flower, and the note pinned to it.
"That's certainly new…" she said cautiously as they approached, Tatl reading aloud to Link.
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The pair exchanged a confused and frightened look. It wasn't signed, but they knew exactly who left the note for them.
BEN sat on the edge of the field, their boots hanging over the barrier where the grass turned into sand, looking out at the canyon leading to the beach. It had been so long since they had entered their game, only playing it from the outside. Perhaps they had been showing too much love to Breath of the Wild lately and not enough to the dark masterpiece of their former prison, or perhaps it was the only world they could enter that felt truly real, where the sun was warm and the wind blew. They HAD become a bit spoiled, learning that adding weather effects and random wind blowing did wonders to immersion when they entered a game.
They closed their eyes, speaking up before looking behind them.
"You didn't have to rush over here. "as possible" doesn't mean "instantly", you know…" BEN said gently, lowering their ears with a guilty smile.
Link frowned softly, keeping his distance from the elf. He couldn't draw his sword AND sign, after all, so he would have to make due. "You didn't specify. I've learned better than to provoke you."
BEN couldn't exactly blame his caution. It's why they were here, after all. "My bad. I'll be more specific next time. But I suppose it's neither here nor there now…"
"...is there something you want, BEN? " Link asked, clearly a bit anxious by being asked to meet.
"...a few things. I won't lie and say there isn't a favor I'd like to ask the both of you-"
"Like you have any right to ask Link for anything, at this point!" Tatl quickly interjected, turning red in anger. "You've terrorized us for no good reason, revealed truths we didn't need to know, and then just left us alone one day!"
"-BUT," BEN continued, "that isn't my main reason for being here. First and foremost... You're long overdue for an apology from me."
Link and Tatl looked at each other in confusion. "...pardon? " Link questioned.
"...I've been doing a lot of thinking and self reflecting lately. Especially because I finally have reason to want to improve myself. And I think I've gotten pretty far in trying to right the wrongs of my past, and try to change as a person. But I still never gave the both of you a proper apology, or even an explanation for how I treated you…" BEN sheepishly said.
Link looked down at the seated person, absolutely dumbfounded. All the times he had been attacked by BEN came instantly into his mind, only to not even be able to so much as scratch them in return, even the might of a Goron doing nothing to them. All the times he had been followed and told he was insignificant, worthless, a joke of a hero, told he was nothing more than a bland, boring conduit for the player of a game in a world far grander than his own. Only for BEN to just... Disappear one day. Gone. Vanish into thin air, and only return occasionally, seemingly at their leisure. Something... Didn't add up to him, and he wasn't sure what on Earth made them suddenly stop tormenting him, and now want to make things right.
"...I'll hear you out, at least," Link finally said, stepping forward to sit next to him. If nothing else, were he going to harm Link, BEN would have done it by now.
"Not that it makes us all hunky-dory yet," Tatl offered, settling on Link's shoulder.
BEN smiled softly, letting out a relieved breath. They stayed quiet for a moment, deciding their words carefully. "I'm not... Sure where to start. So much has happened to me. I guess I should start when we first met. When I first entered this game. It was my favorite game, and with me when I died," they started.
Tatl interrupted, jingling softly. "...when you died?"
BEN nodded softly. "When I died. I was just about your age, Link, about 12. More specifically, when I was murdered. Father simply... Got tired of me, I suppose. He tricked my religion's leader- we refer to him as The Father- into thinking it was my time to Ascend when it wasn't. The whole explanation of my belief system isn't important in this, just that I was robbed of something very important and sacred to me because of it."
"That sounds horrible," Link signed.
"It was... And I was only 12, and not the greatest at understanding or expressing my emotions... I was so angry, absolutely furious at losing that chance, as what had been done to me. I've always had a strong sense of justice, if you can believe it. I don't easily stand for people wronging me. But when I died, my spirit was trapped in this game. All that rage bottled up, with nowhere to release it... Until I started releasing it on you. Very unfairly."
"I'll say," Tatl said, though there wasn't much bite behind her words.
"Eventually, someone played the game, and I was able to break free, find someone else to torment. And after that, start lashing out at everyone who had hurt me, making them
BEN continued, their voice glitching out just a bit at the final word.
"...i moved on to more innocent people after that. I was out of control. To the point where my goddess, Luna, intervened. She stopped me herself, gave me a new body, made me into a young adult so I wouldn't be trapped as a child forever, and I carry the souls of everyone I hurt in my blind sadism, until I join her again one day. And I've worked hard to be a better person now. I've found so much to make my life wonderful, and to make the most of my second chance…" BEN trailed off.
"...but you still want to make amends to everyone you've hurt," Link finished for them.
"...I don't expect you to forgive me. I don't think I can be forgiven. But I really AM sorry for how I treated you. Both of you. Of everyone I've lashed out at, you're the least deserving of it. No matter WHAT'S happened to me, it's NO excuse for how much I've hurt you. And even if you never forgive me, I would love the opportunity to make it up to you…" they finished softly.
"...would you excuse us for a moment?" Tatl asked, flying a slight distance away. Link glanced over at BEN before rising to his feet to follow, and speak with the fairy alone. BEN politely stayed looking forward, allowing them the privacy.
"...do you believe them?" Tatl asked.
"...yeah. They seem genuine," Link admitted.
Tatl nodded softly. "I do, too. There's much simpler ways to trick us or convince us if that was their intention. Even if they said they wanted a favor, this is a lot of lengths to go to for just that…"
"I wonder what they want," the hero mused, glancing over at BEN.
"...maybe ask? Perhaps you can also ask a favor of him, test his sincerity," she said.
"What would that be? " he asked.
"Well, you've said you're curious about his world, whatever it is that our entire world is only a game in, a small part of. Maybe you can ask to explore his world. It'd give you the opportunity to spend more time with him and let him earn your trust, anyway," she offered.
Link nodded softly, then whistled to get BEN's attention. "Alright, BEN, we've talked it over. First, I want to know what favor it is you want…"
"Actually, it's a favor specifically from Tatl," they explained.
"Wait, me?" she questioned.
"...my daughter has watched me play this game a lot. And she's absolutely fallen in LOVE with you, she ADORES seeing you on screen. Her first birthday is in a few months, and there's... Circumstances about my life, and now hers, that will make her very different from other children, with so many secrets to keep. She could really use having a companion by her side, a friend to offer wisdom and company and help when she needs it. A copy of you, like how I copied Epona, to watch over her and make her feel less alone…" BEN said.
"...you have a daughter?" Link asked.
"And a boyfriend. Soon to be husband," BEN explained, holding up their hand to show off their ring.
Tatl let out a soft chime at this. "Well... I'm certainly flattered you think I'd make a good companion to her…"
BEN smiled softly. "I don't expect an answer today, don't worry. There's still a few months before her birthday. And I understand if it's not something you're comfortable with…"
"...we have a proposal for you, in that case," Link began. "You want to make amends to us. We're admittedly curious about this world outside of our own. So, let us explore. Show us your life, and what lies outside this "game", and earn our trust. Then we'll consider it."
BEN thought this over. They'd have to be careful, but this wasn't impossible… "...I can't completely remove you from the game. I'd have to copy you, then merge the copy and your true self after. It's basically the same thing, though, you'd keep the memories and everything. And you'd have to do EXACTLY as I say, I... REALLY can't have attention drawn to myself or the people I live with. If there's something that catches your attention, you can't gawk, just stay calm and ask me. And there's going to be a LOT, the real world is nothing like this one. Hylian sign doesn't match up with any sign language in my world, so you'll at least be able to speak freely. But if you can do that, and trust that I'm keeping us both safe when I tell you to do something... I'll happily show you around."
Link considers this, then nods. He holds out his hand to BEN, who shakes it.
"Then we have a deal."
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halfusek · 4 years
Still Life (Batim Portal AU)
Chapter One – “An old man walks into an abandoned studio” sounds like a beginning of a bad joke. It is.
Summary: We here at Joey Drew Studios are very, very happy to inform you about a special upcoming event. What shall the event be? Now that’s a surprise, but we can promise plenty of old faces, reunions, party and some real entertainment. And cake!
First chapter: [you’re here]
Next chapter: [coming soon]
✪ ✪ ✪
The taxi driver kept looking at him in the rear view.
And not like looking looking. Not with a bored nor curious peeks every now and then, no, no.
Cautiously glaring. Interested but suspicious.
Weird. Sure, the destination was rather special but here’s the thing. A special destination in a small not-so-special town that’s been there for a very long time? Nothing special about that.
The animation studio surely used to wake some sensation thirty years back (alongside many complaints) but these days… it shouldn’t be anything more than a part of the local ecosystem. It even “grew out” a bit on the outskirts. Never integrated to the rest of the place, as if the streets tried to reach there before but, like roots hitting a stone, changed their directions to literally anywhere else.
To be fair, he too did hit that rock.
Being outside of the cab, Henry Stein took a deep breath of fresh air. Don’t get it wrong, the location was nice. All this nature around.
Still. Anywhere else.
He was glad to have gotten out. The atmosphere started to lay heavily on his shoulders. Even the lack of usual small-talk was off-putting and he wasn’t the most talkative person!
Something clicked and his attention snapped back to the vehicle he just exited. It was the trunk. Seems like the other man won’t be that kind to help him with the suitcase. Not that he would ever demand such a thing but maybe he’s gotten a bit used to it. Especially nowadays, with so many years on his back.
Besides, he knew it wasn’t an act of unkindness.
The driver didn’t want to get out, Henry figured while paying him through the window.
“I’m sorry, am I misunderstanding something or did the price for the ride go up compared to what it was before?” he furrowed his eyebrows. It’s been years but he remembered the road from the town’s center to here well. Oh, very well, “It’s as if… the price has doubled?”
The driver had an unlit cigarette in his mouth. He was moving it around with his mouth. Probably wanted to lit it for a while now.
“No, the price’s the same. I already counted for your way back.”
“Ah,” Henry smiled politely, “But you see, I don’t know when I’ll need to get back, so-“
“When I finish my Pall Mall, that’s when,” there was a slight impatient growl behind his voice, “Look, pal, I don’t know what you’re expecting to find there, but this gold ore has been mined to death. You are going to kiss that beautiful door handle goodbye and wait for me to finish my smoke.”
Old animator stared at him, flabbergasted.
Then he stood straight with the polite smile back on his face.
“And I thought I couldn’t believe I’m really going to be back there. Still, I do have a very believable invitation and therefore my request to pay for just one ride stands.”
Loud sigh, shuffle of papers, flicker of a lighter, and Henry, followed by the sound of his suitcase’s wheels, was on his way to the building.
Meanwhile, the man in the cab kept followed him with his eyes, turning away only to let the smoke out of his car.
Had it not been the money, he would have already left the place. But gas had its costs and he didn’t want to waste it on turning around when this crazy old man finally realizes there’s nothing grand there waiting for him and calls for a ride back. Calls him that is, as he was the only ride around here.
Knocking ashes from his cigarette, he looked around. It really was a wild place. Abandoned. The town hall wasn’t even bothering to keep the road in a good condition. It was getting a bit bumpy but not like anyone would care anyway.
Then his gaze went back to the traveler, or more precisely, it landed on the parking lot that the said traveler was walking across.
There weren’t any cars save for rusty few parked close to the entry to the workshop.
Weeds managed to crack through the concrete in many places. No one wiped off the leaves.
In years.
He turned the engine back on.
✪ ✪ ✪
Maybe it was because he was even older, but the old man didn’t seem bothered by those sights. To Henry, what mattered was how different the building looked like in the terms of its size. Just look at that thing! More floors, wings on both sides, surely there were some additions on the other side too.
His hand was on the handle. He took a deep breath.
Not out of fear nor worry.
Excitement. He was back.
Slightly chapped lips formed a big grin.
The driver’s jaw dropped and his cigarette quickly followed through.
✪ ✪ ✪
The door opened.
✪ ✪ ✪
Had Henry turned back, he would notice the terrified expression on the other man’s face. Maybe it would have changed something.
Who knows.
But in this story, Henry has entered Joey Drew Studios once again.
✪ ✪ ✪
What is he seeing? The actual surroundings? All the memories playing in his head that happened around them? Both past and present trying to fit in together in his sight?
What is he feeling? Is it nostalgia? Is it happiness? Is it anxiety? Some kind of blend?
Oh… so familiar and yet so different. He found himself looking with shiny eyes at every little detail he remembered, no matter if it was as important as the logo with wheels still turning around the exact same way they used to when he helped to install them, or if it was as mundane as skirting-boards. And then, such a weird thing, how intimidating the different things were. Again, simple changes, like the new chairs, or something popping the eye right away, like the prizes, the decorations, the reception, the-
And just like that the balance pan favored the side of what’s been making him uneasy.
No one was present at the reception.
Actually, there was nobody at all.
Henry wrinkled his nose and adjusted his glasses, turning around.
Surely someone had to be there. The electricity was on. The wheels were turning. The lights were on.
And the door wasn’t locked.
And the letter-
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper that looked… a bit less neat now that it spent a few hours under his butt.
But what it said remained just as clear.
And then addresses and all that stuff. He didn’t make it up. The building looking as if it was working wasn’t made up. None of it was made up!
Then… where were the people that sent him this letter?
He left the suitcase behind the reception’s desk. Just now he realized that he really was (was he?) alone – while he was rereading the invitation, the taxi driver finally took his leave.
Right. The taxi driver. His words. His… behavior…
Henry shook his head. No. Come on. You can’t make this up.
The old man took a few courageous steps towards the corridor. Again, full of new wonders just as of the old grind.
He stopped. There were words written at the end of the hall. In large letters.
In ink.
Blue eyes squinted to read them from this distance.
Oh, it was a banner.
He beamed.
Suddenly his steps became a lot more energetic.
At the end of the banner’s message there was an arrow pointing to the right. He followed it.
It read: Surprise this way.
Of course. Ominous but, goddamnit, that was it. It had this energy.
His energy.
He hurried through the next corridor. There were balloons on the sides. Arrows pointing at a door at the very end.
What people are going to be there too? Oh, he would love to see Norman again. Or Sammy, or Wally- actually, why has he not seen them all this time?
Another door handle. He opened them without a care in the world.
And there was no world behind those doors. Or, maybe, a completely new one.
As in – it was really dark in here.
To be honest, now, that he stood there, seemingly all alone, in front of pitch black darkness, he wasn’t feeling so brave no more.
Nonetheless, he took that step forward. He searched for switch.
And there was the light.
Not from the bulb.
There were candles around a circular symbol that he seemed to have stepped into-
All balloons popped. The noise altogether was like a loud crack.
And then it was dark again.
✪ ✪ ✪
His alarm was going off.
Henry groaned as he turned under the sheets. He felt really tired. Why was an alarm set anyway? He wasn’t getting anywhere, must have set that by accident.
His arm lazily reached out of the bed in search for that devilish device. Where is it, where is it…
It was hard to reach with his suit limiting his moves and his glasses knocked askew because of the pressure between his head and the pillow.
He fell asleep in his glasses? And clothes?
His hand didn’t reach anything. There was a worrying sense of… nothing.
When you sleep at the same house for years and years without moving the furniture around too much, you get used to things being in their place.
And they weren’t.
Blue eyes snapped right open.
What he saw was a wide room with multiple beds. Each had a cabinet on the side and there were a few shelves with products that looked like medicine, screens, speakers.
There was a camera high up.
Oh, shit. He was at a hospital.
Wait, no.
He slowly got up, massaging one temple with his hand.
No, no, no.
This layout…
He sat on the bed.
…he was still in the studio.
Or rather… he was at the studio. He actually was there. Could have been a dream.
But no.
Finally, his attention went back to the sound of the alarm. It was coming out of a device that resembled a radio more than a clock. He took it into his hands and turned off. Strange technology but wasn’t too hard.
As he was putting it back, the speakers screeched, almost causing him to drop the darn thing.
Then he froze.
“Hello! Joey Drew here! Welcome to the Joey Drew Studios Infirmary! I hope your brief detention there was a pleasant one…”
No. No way.
“If you’re hearing this message, that means all the damage you may have been experienced has been noted/taken care of, and that we can continue on with the work. There’s sure a lot of it to do!”
Henry frantically looked around the room.
Was it some sort of a cruel joke?
“However, before we get back to it, please, keep in mind, that although fun, those activities are your work, alright? And here, at Joey Drew Studios, we work hard. But happy, so to keep that spirit up do follow the guidelines and refrain from-“
The old man jumped in bed as the voice became incomprehensible.
“As always, thank you for participating. You are contributing to this wonderful bosom of creation we call art. Remember, dreams do come true! Now, let’s bring this thing to life!”
Minutes passed as Henry sat in silence after the end of what he realized was a prerecorded message.
He didn’t know what kind of person would make him listen to it but it had to be prerecorded.
Joey died fifteen years ago.
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