#and yes I know the version of them that I love the most exist within my own perception
kikizoshi · 2 months
can we form a coup against asagiri and make you the writer instead? genuinely... I am not taking the Fyodor immortal information well.. please help............................ ( ´,_ゝ` )
Oh, I would absolutely not do BSD well either. I just wish Asagiri had stuck to his roots more. He was a great comedy writer, and the beginning of the story was great for it. It's the action and Death Note stuff he can't seem to get mastery of. But for the immortal part: I'm not entirely sold that Fyodor's immortal, yet. It seems like yet another twists that will twist to reveal oh, shocker, he faked his memories to confuse Sigma/the ADA... or something. Could very well be immortal, but not 100% guaranteed.
#bsd#anon#I still support his right to write his story however he wants#and a lot of people seem to enjoy this sort of shock-value shounen writing he's doing now#I just happen to hate that sort of story#so when BSD pivoted to that I was dragged along into it because of Fyodor and Nikolai#and get salty whenever characters who own a part of my heart and soul are subjected to bad shock writing#and yes I know the version of them that I love the most exist within my own perception#and are a product of the years I've spent working on and developing them for my own stories#but I still love and adore the originals too#and so it's painful and irritating#because the characters are no longer the main focus of the story#it's all about the shock... the next biggest thing#Nikolai's doesn't have a motive to be the ferryman I need to get all the characters in the same place/start the next arc? No problem!#he just wants to kill Fyodor now. problem solved.#how did he use his Ability to get Sigma to France when his Ability only travels 30m at a time?#eh don't worry about it. I made an omake about it so you know I know it's an absolute joke#Nikolai's whole character and Ability practically changed just for convenience... for the story and shock#so as a fan of character-based stories it hurts that sometimes characters just aren't respected at all#with Fyodor I know it's more a case of Asagiri's vision of him seems to have changed as the story progressed#in that realm I'm so happy that BSD is serialised because it means I still have the initial version of Fyodor that I loved with all my hear#when I really can't stand Meursault!Fyodor at all and wish he would just die already so I could be fully free
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yazthebookish · 3 months
I loved all of what Sarah highlighted in her interview today and I'll elaborate a bit especially on the romance part:
In Maas’ fantasy worlds, love interests often exist as fated “mates,” with invisible strings between them that are powerful and often poetic. Readers can see the literary metaphors, like complementary powers between two characters. But other times, there are no metaphors, with their connection initially seeming random.
She's too attached to the mate trope and I like that she gives us different cases and scenarios for it, otherwise it'll be boring.
“Sometimes, I will write a scene with two characters that I’ve planned for them to get together, and then they have no …” She shakes her head slightly at me. “It’s like holding two dolls and being like, now kiss! And they won’t. … And then sometimes a different character will walk in and they will just” — she snaps.
I yelled at this part because it's as if she plucked the scene from Azriel's bonus chapter and used it as an example. Those parallels between Elain and Gwyn are intentional. It doesn't mean Elain is bad it's just their dynamic doesn't work as a couple and it was obvious to the author. I know she didn't specify who this was about but like, come on, who tried to kiss and which character showed up in a bonus chapter after that depressing scene and gave a glimmer of hope?
“It feels like magic in a way where, as much as I tried to plot out things years in advance, I let my characters guide a story. And they usually wind up with the people that they need to be with and who offer them the most growth and joy.”
I love this so much and allow me to speak about my favorite ship and its because the snippets we saw of Az and Gwyn together especially in the bonus chapter brought out a lighter version of Az. His scenes with Gwyn were light-hearted and the bonus chapter ends on a hopeful note for them. It's hard to deny that connection between them whether you theorize she's luring him or they're mates, those theories wouldn't exist if she had no ties to him (she's in his own chapter like come on).
I go the philosophical route with my next question: We’re talking about fate here, but at what point is a character the agent of their own fate? What happens if someone rejects their mate? (Listen, if I were Fae and I didn’t like my mate, whatever God chose for me is not my business.)
People are jumping the gun and assume this example is set to be Elucien but... we have Helion and Lady of Autumn likely being an example of a tragic rejected mates story (if you read ACOWAR and their history it's obvious they're mates). Maybe it's Mor and Eris and that's the secret that ties them to each other. We have other characters from other series too.
For a convincing mate rejection story in my opinion, it needs more than one book or it's a case that we see with side characters where we can see their history and the long-term implications of a rejected bond.
It's too easy of a story to have one person's central conflict be the words "no I reject you" and they're done. Again, this is not exclusive to ACOTAR but also her other series.
“That’s something I find to be very interesting,” she replies. “What if the forces that be put you with the wrong person? Or what if you just decide, eh, I’m not interested. … There’s a lot to explore within the concept of mates and your agency about it.
The concept of agency is something many readers in the fandom discussed especially when it comes to mating bonds and there were arguments on (would Rhys fell for Feyre if she wasn't his mate or would have Cassian fell for Nesta if she wasn't his mate). We know that some mates don't work out but stay together because their dynamic is unhealthy (Rhys's and Tamlin's parents). We got examples of a loveless mating bond already.
We also saw that Nesta didn't immediately accept the term "mate" because it would mean cutting off her last tether with humanity. It's not a matter of "you're my mate" "yes I'll be with you", the dynamic between the mated couple is important to explore.
“I’m not going to say if I am exploring it in future books or not,” she continues, “but it definitely offers a wealth of things to explore with this concept of freewill and what is true love. Is it something that’s destined? Or is it something that you make? Is it both?”
This part aligns with what I think about Elucien. We never had a mated pairing who knew they were mates but are not in love with each other. Every mated couple found out they're mates when they were already in love.
Can a destined love turn into true love? Or do you settle for a destined love without love being in the equation. Love wasn't in the equation for Rhys's parents, but love was the equation for Feysand and Nessian. Elucien was left unexplored for a reason and both Elain and Lucien view each other by label "mate", they didn't have a chance to get to know each other. So it's going to be very interesting to see them navigate their feelings for each other despite the mating bond.
I didn't expect her to elaborate a lot on this but I love that she did and I hope in future interviews she gives us more good bits about her writing and examples of the decisions she took for some characters and couples.
Didn't expect this post to be long but happy reading! I'm still reeling from HOFAS 🥲
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reverieaa · 1 year
The self, fufilled.
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It might have taken me a while, but as I promised in my last poll, I will deliver what you all were most interested in hearing, my explanation of the self fufilled. Consider this a pt.2 of "a change of clothes".
Yes, I say the self fufilled. I thought this play of words is not only interesting to do but would bring light to a new perspective that may help you come to your own understanding.
Many don't sit to really understand what " no other cause to your thoughts other than you" really means to them, we know, but we don't understand.
How do I stop my doubtful thoughts? How do I manifest quickly? how do I feel my wish fufilled? How do I change my state? How do I feel free? How do I stop punishing myself?
Well for the last one, you can start by putting an end to all previous questions, searching with the intention of finding an outside answer.
The opposite of love is hate, as the opposite of to hurt is to heal.
And the opposite of attention is indifference. As Edward art himself said that indifference is truly the answer to all your doubts.
I don't want you to go through your day and force yourself to imagine, affirm, and re-read every post you've ever read again and again until it finally clicks, I don't want you to fight every thought and scold your mind for "going out of place" either.
All that I want you to do is all that is required for you to do, change the inner. We truly are fortunate when I tell you this good news because change is all we do, all we've ever done.
I'll tell you honestly, not to give you hope and neither to shatter it or delude you when I tell you that majority of your problems that sound so complicated as the universe itself, could be solved just through self identification and a rearrangement of the mind.
I don't say this to give comforting lies, false hope, and support because I don't want people with hopes and dreams in tough situations to feel bad and be a moral person, but because the truth is far more comforting than any of it.
I won't tell you to "keep going" when you feel like nothing is working and breaking down. If you feel the need to change something, then change should happen, and it shall as your word is logic to your world.
I want you to understand that you're not meant to fufill the thing itself, but yourself instead. It's not about your desired face, it's about you, it's not about your ideal relationship and sp, it's about you, it's not about imagining the perfect life, it's about you.
It's not about using yourself to fulfill the scenario/desire. It's about it fulfilling and changing YOU.
Right now, you have a bed, you are not imagining that you do, you're not checking to see if you have a bed, you probably didn't even look to see if you have one, it is a CLAIM within yourself. With the same conviction, you use it for your desires. Take this example with things you have in your life.
I don't think people realize that the whole reason why trying changing the outer reality does not work because there is no outer reality to begin with, I mean that literally.
It is crucial to understand when you imagine that you are not creating the desire or a new reality, but you can only conceptualize that version of you to begin with because it already exists.
Let the ego mind go, let the need for outer change go, both its worries and time-frame of your life so far and just sit there with what I'm trying to say when I tell you to feel the wish fulfilled. It is a CLAIM, not a process, a change of identification.
Once you identify yourself with who you actually are, the awareness/ pure consciousness and believe that you is all there is , you won't want to "manifest a df" just to decorate the outer man, but you'll want to manifest it bc it genuinely makes u happy for yourself, same for every manifestation.
It all comes down to a satisfying claim, a claim of your observation that you see as TRUTH and are currently seeing in your mind.
For those who are wondering what knowingness I'm talking abt, it's the same knowingness when someone asks your name, you know you are (name), you know you're (nr) years old.
And so the same way you know your name, you know you have your desired body, the same way you know how old you are, you know you have your dream car.
We identify as body and outer when the outer world itself is WITHIN us, you are the answer to everything as everything has it's root to you, and at the same, everything cam only live through ypir awareness, nothing greater and nothing to "get".
If i view myself as pure consciousness, then I do not care for the 5 senses to show me anything because I don't view myself as just body, and this doesn't mean you can't deal with things in the 3D, because working in the 3D and identifying with it are different things. Therefore, don't feel the need to commit all your 5 senses to your imaginal act.
This isn't a for you to tell yourself: " ok, I have to know I am pure consciousness/ the creator and work with it from there" this post is telling you that you ALREADY are it, skip emotions here, we have established that you are it right now and youvare becoming aware that you are in imagination.
All we do in life is make claims within ourselves about things we are aware of having in the mind. Say you have a red car, and you think about it in your head, you know it's yours, you don't need to check your own drivers license, you know you have a certain hair color, it is a aware claim, you aren't trying to get it, there is no rush to do so, you are at ease knowing it IS so and are just observing your life through that state on consciousness.
And since you are consciousness, and you can get/be anything you want just by being aware that you are it, what is it that you can't do or be in this world? You can't be satisfied going after the "object" itself bc the only way we can enjoy things in this world is through the awareness that we have it, it has no life of its own outaide your own consciousness.
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stickthisbig · 11 months
I have no idea what this is but I decided to write down my grand theory of Star Wars and how authorship affects the ways in which stories are good and bad? Come for media critique, stay for the analogy at the very end about how Star Wars is like college, also there's gifs
The original trilogy is a series of derivative works. That's not a pejorative, but a description of their content and structure; they are constructions that use existing pieces to tell a new story. They are samurai movies, they are meditations on Joseph Campbell. They are the work of a film nerd trying to create a story that is Everything. There's nothing novel about the storytelling of the original trilogy; it was just particularly well executed, because they were made with love by a craftsman, surrounded by a team who kept him from giving in to the worst of his narrative excesses (most notably but not limited to Marcia Lucas).
There's a lot of No Reason in the original trilogy. Why's Darth Vader so strong in the Force? No reason. It doesn't have time to delicately explain everything, so it relies on the audience's understanding of the shape of the story to fill in the gaps. It's the time in the story for someone to fall in love, so a romance plotline it shall be. The author is trying to do something, and he successfully does it.
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The prequel trilogy represents an older creator for whom derivative works were not enough, who had been creatively stifled by the very thing he created. (I strongly recommend Patrick H Willems's series about Frances Ford Coppola if you want a really interesting take on George Lucas and the tragedy of his career.) Extremely importantly, they represent a creator with almost unlimited cash and no one to tell him to tone it down.
Everything that is bad about the prequel trilogy is because they were made with a vision by a creator who was trying to do something. George Lucas has six hours and fifty-eight minutes of material prepared about diplomacy, representative democracy, and how all unchecked power is always all bad and by god we are all gonna sit here until he finishes it. The writing is so clunky because it is not there to build character or relationships; it is there to convey information. The sequences with the Gungans are such a mess because they're the injection of (very inadvisable) comic relief into a story that is not supposed to have any relief at all.
One of the worst sins of the prequel trilogy is the rejection of No Reason. It continually poses questions that do not need answers and then takes pains to answer them. Why's Darth Vader so strong in the Force? His mother conceived him as a virgin birth because of the Force, by way of midichlorians, which as we all know are the powerhouse of the cell. It is such a deeply unsatisfying answer, but George Lucas seems incredibly sincere about the fact that this is important. He is trying to position his derivative work within a new fandom context that conceives of his work as wholly original, and the wild thing is, I think George Lucas always thought all of this and just wasn't allowed to put it in. Improbably, the problem is not that he hasn't thought enough about his own lore, as a common charge goes; he appears to have thought about it way too much.
I have to confess to not being a prequel trilogy fan, but probably the single biggest thing to come out of it is Obi-Wan. Ewan McGregor almost instantly became the canonical version of the character. It's because the same thing that made it bad also made it good. It's a story that is trying to do something, and that is opening wide an almost Stendhal-syndrome-esque array of locations and people and stories. Fuck yes I want to hear everything about the person Alec Guinness used to be when he was young and badass, tell me everything about the weird desert guy. Of course I wanna go to Space Italy and see what the galaxy was like before it got dicked up. Sinister rise to power of Darth Vader's master? Check. Seeing the evil enemy built as a series of actions is the shit prequels are made for.
When the prequel trilogy is boring, it's because the pacing is fucking awful, especially in Revenge of the Sith. The dizzying array of new stuff is never boring, and you can all fight me on Kamino being one of the best planets in the whole series. When it's good to be in George Lucas's mind palace, it's extremely good. For better or worse, he did it. He gave his almost seven hour lecture, he said what he had to say, and he left.
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And then we move forwards in time, into an era of Star Wars as a strategy rather than a story.
(I didn't see Solo, so it's not gonna be in here. Neither are any of the TV shows or the EU, because I have other shit to do with my life.)
The Force Awakens was not the first Star Wars film that was made by someone else; the authorship of The Empire Strikes Back is complicated- George Lucas kind of managed to ghostwrite his own movie?- but he definitely didn't direct it. Empire was very much still a Lucas production in which he was intimately involved.
The Force Awakens has a point, but it ultimately doesn't do anything.
It resets everything back to the start: an evil empire represented by British people in suits come to power; three heroes arise; a mentor who's incredibly important apparently despite only knowing the heroes for five minutes is murdered by a cloaked Force user; something is blown up. It is meant to stoke the fires of nostalgia, and it provides nothing substantive in terms of plot. In fact, it represents a retrograde movement. It is a very fun watch and a movie with absolutely nothing to say, at least nothing that wasn't written into the series thirty years beforehand.
It's not a surprise that, since it's just meant to get people hype and then serve them what they already know, the best thing it provided were its new characters. I was so stoked to see a Black person in a Star Wars movie; we got three new main characters and not a white man among them?? But let's fuckin' table that shit, because we all know what's coming.
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[I was gonna put in a Kylo Ren gif but he looked like such a dipshit in all of them, you're welcome]
Actually I lied, I forgot that what came next was Rogue One. The purpose of the film is to make a war movie about Star Wars and like many/most war films, what the movie is trying to do is meditate on the duality created by the futility of war and the value of sacrifice, it fills in a blank in canon but is really a tone piece meant to make you have feelings and reflect, I watched it once and it was so touching and horrible that I've never been able to watch it again, 10/10 no notes
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And then we have The Last Jedi, which is weird.
The Last Jedi represents a step back to a craftsman at the helm, and the exact same shit happened again.
It shouldn't have, because it happened again in a completely different way! The Last Jedi is a singular vision with one creative direction, and that is the cause of everything that is bad and everything that is good about it, but Rian Johnson wanted to do something radically different than George Lucas. He's not interested in giving you his Star Wars lecture; he's interested in breaking Star Wars open, thrusting it bodily in a new direction. The Last Jedi represents at least as much movement as The Empire Strikes Back.
So it's not like a shock that the movie was wildly divisive, and lists of the best and worst things are the same items shuffled around. I honestly think Admiral Holdo's death is the finest moment in the entire trilogy, in terms of visuals and in terms of emotional impact. I fuckin' love that Luke was sitting on PTSD Island sulking, because it's some Luke shit to do. "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to" got me HYPE to see where this would go. I wanted to go on that ride. I've loved Star Wars since I was a tiny child, and I wanted to go on a journey into something that was entirely fresh.
Other people hated all of these things, and honestly in this case, I don't agree but I can't say they're wrong. Wanting Rose to be deleted from the series simply for using oxygen is racist. Wanting Snoke to have had more impact on the story is a difference of opinion. Either you were interested in this ride or you weren't, and you're not a bad person for not wanting that out of your Star Wars.
But on the other hand, it's not a very good movie.
The problems that make it not very good are the result of having one guy at the wheel. It's clumsily made. It feels like it ends three times before it actually does. The Canto Bight sequences are the work of someone who doesn't want them to be in there, and somebody who could play ball would have finessed the story to make them organic. Some of the CGI work represents a lapse in professional judgment. The Force dyad stuff does not make any sense at all, because it plays like somebody who couldn't really explain a thing they were doing but refuses to stop doing it.
It's so good when it's good. I just wish it had had another screenwriter who could have fixed what was bad.
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I didn't care for Rise of Skywalker.
By the time it came out, I was experiencing a kind of numbness surrounding Star Wars; not literally, because I got my tattoos finished up just before it came out. I didn't have any idea what was about to happen. There were a lot of rumors circulating about the extent to which things had gotten rewritten, but it was pretty clear that whatever it was going to be was fully an Abrams/Disney thing.
And indeed, this time, they did make a movie that tried to do something. Extremely unfortunately, what the movie was trying to do was reinforce the status quo. It did this on every level- Holdo's sacrifice was made meaningless, the minuscule amount of queer content was palatably deletable, a woman of color's lines were given to a white man who was buddies with the director, the story reverted from "everyone's a Star Wars" to "there are only four people in the galaxy who matter", Poe's awesome storyline from the comics was thrust aside for a frankly kind of racist replacement, every bit of story development from TLJ was cast aside. There are no consequences for anything, because all that matters is moving to the end of the story; I cannot believe that absolute motherfucker made me watch Chewbacca die with my own eyeballs just to wave it away literally two minutes later in the clumsiest way imaginable. In the prequel trilogy, in Rogue One, in TLJ, everything everyone does matters so much. The minutest actions have huge consequences. In Rise of Skywalker, nothing matters even a little bit. Everybody just waits around for the main characters to get finished dicking around.
I cannot believe that it's a thing I would possibly think ever, but the only thing that got any work put into it was Kylo and Rey's relationship. Trust: I didn't enjoy watching it. There's a piece of Wishful Drinking where Carrie Fisher and Billie Lourd are trying to figure out if Billie is related to the guy she's dating, due to a bunch of Hollywood marriages. Even after the shitstupid reveal of Rey's parentage, it still really, really feels like the same vibe. But by the time they kissed, I was like, "Yeah, I mean I hate it but I see where it happened."
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Star Wars is like the end of a semester in college. The prequel trilogy is the period where you're studying, trying to cram so much stuff into your brain that you're never gonna remember. The original trilogy is exams, exhilarating and rocky but ultimately liberating.
The sequel trilogy is the party you go to afterwards. At 10 PM you're at The Force Awakens, singing along at the top of your lungs to a song that's catchy and doesn't have to be good. At midnight you're at Rogue One, where you break down sobbing in the bathroom. The Last Jedi is 2 AM, weird and full of promise, as if anything could happen.
The Rise of Skywalker is 11 AM the next day, when you've already broken down the details at brunch and are now lying in bed unable to nap, with the horrible certainty that this is all there is, you will never be more than yourself, just a regular person who carries no special importance.
I didn't like it in real life; I sure didn't want it from Star Wars.
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khoipyan · 1 year
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you’ve received a text!
headcanons of octavinelle’s texting styles when texting with you!
warnings; no major ones, hinted to be dating in azul’s and jade’s, can be seen as platonic or romantic
(notes have nothing to do with the fic i am just so in love with floyd)
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azul ashengrotto
formal all the way. Capitalized letters, punctuation in place and even uses BIG BOY WORDS?!
when texting azul, he tries his best to keep formal even with you.
sometimes uses emojis, but very rarely and only with you. i think his favourites are 😊😓🤔 in the most non-joking way possible.
If he's in a rush or just happens to slip up, there may be a time where he forgets to put the proper punctuation endings (.?!,), but he'll be sure to correct himself in that moment.
EXTREMELY RARE but he might use acronyms (unless it's something like ASAP)? only because i can imagine him going:
"Love you, in a rush, TTYL. ❤️"
honestly an average speed texter but much better using a keyboard, probably owns a tablet with some sort of keyboard attachment.
barely uses the texting app on his phone because he's more used to emailing people. not enough for said messaging app to catch dust, but you get the idea.
(also kind of think he doesn't understand tone tags but he'll try if you want him to, not that he'll use them often but if you ask then he shall.)
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jade leech
another formal texter... this time he doesn't slip up at all. sure, he'll make very infrequent typos, but he'll catch himself before he hits send.
bro does NOT use any of those yellow emojis to express how he is feeling over text. he's old fashioned.
generally doesn't use emojis unless with people he considers to be more than clientele (even if you guys are just seatmates or something), but when he does...
your two choices are :) or :(. that's it. maybe even the winking versions if he's feeling a tad bit extra.
regardless, he makes use of the emojis that aren't the people/yellow emojis. his favourite emoji has to be the mushroom one because he thinks it's cute despite the fact it doesn't realistically look like a mushroom at all.
(also yes, i know mushrooms with red caps speckled with white do exist, BUT DO NOT BE TELLING ME THOSE SPOTS ARE THAT BIG. maybe i'm in denial but THERES NO WAY.)
he'll be putting that mushroom emoji with anything.
"Did you have a good day today, dear? 🍄" "May I come over today? I wish to see your face again. 🍄" "Can you perhaps come over to Mostro Lounge today? Floyd wants to play with somebody, and you'll be able to see me while you're at it. 🍄"
literally the most random uses for the mushroom emoji.
it's ok we love jade for that
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floyd leech
his texting habits are so irregular you don't even know WHAT to expect. usually does capitalize his letters at the start of his sentences, but sometimes he'll start capitalizing random words out of NO WHERE.
"Hey shrimpy..... wanna Play With me.... come Over to mostro im bored"
when he's upset he doesn't bother capitalizing anything, why put in the extra amount of work when you're moody?
emoji user REAL. typically anything you'd expect from genZ slang, to be honest. his favourites are 😱😇🤬☹️ and you know what, HE PROBABLY USES THOSE SHARK MEMOJIS BECAUSE HE THINKS IT'S FUNNY (and it is).
the most non-driest texter ever, also if you don’t respond to him within 0.0001 seconds he’ll start exploding your phone with spam messages (unless you’ve told him not to do that, then maybe he’ll only send 2-3 after-messages from then on)
has absolutely no intent of using proper punctuation, the type of guy to use multiple ellipses in one message.
honestly, his texting habits make him less intimidating than he actually is in reality.
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— due to be edited at anytime —
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thrashkink-coven · 26 days
this may seem like a weird question, and if this comes across as disrespectful i apologize. but, could lady aphrodite be - well - a man? could they appear to a devotee of theirs as male instead of female? i know spirits' appearances are fluid and change depending on who, when, where, what, and so on, but, is it possible that they ever change their gender? i've never seen anybody mention it, and, aphrodite doesn't feel female to me, instead they feel as a gender-reversed version of themself.
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Lol I love this topic. Yes! You are not confused in feeling a male or masculine energy in Aphrodite. There’s a LOT of really cool history that goes into the archetype of the God(dess) of Venus and love and war, but to make a very long story short, Aphroditus (or Aphroditos) was the male Aphrodite originating from Amathus on the island of Cyprus and celebrated in Athens. He was later then syncretized with the offspring of Aphrodite and Hermes, Hemaphroditus. Different interpretations may or may not consider them to be the exact same entity. What we do know is that both Aphroditus and Hermaphroditus are always portrayed with an androgynous, intersex, or transsexual body, a mix of female and masculine traits and anatomy.
It’s widely accepted that Aphrodite/ Aphroditus is derived from the Mesopotamian Goddess Inanna/Ishtar. Inanna is a very important deity in regards to gender and sexuality, as she was the Goddess known to transform men into women and women into men. She was the patron of transgendered, intersex, and nonbinary people, and her holy priests and priestesses were very queer! She was portrayed with a beard, breasts, basically whatever she wanted lol, as she was believed to be the origin of queerness itself. All bodies, male, female, or something in between, are capable of exercising the joy of Inanna!
In general, the energy that we receive from Venus has always seemed to be inherently queer, gender bending, and fluid, which makes sense for the planet of love- love for others as well as love for the self! It transcends our traditional understanding of gender and sex and shows us how all of these identities are beautiful and powerful.
People often associate Aphrodite very highly with females vagina power, which she totally does embody to the max of course, but she also very much represents love for the self that transcends the flesh. She has always been the biggest ally to transmascs and femmes. In some interpretations, the God(dess) may be trans and queer themselves.
As a trans man myself, I personally view Lord Lucifer as an Aphroditus, the beautiful son of an Aphrodite. The divine masculine aspect of Venus that exists within the divine feminine. Combined with his values of self love, luxury, freedom, knowledge, and the courage to be your most authentic self, I see Lucifer, Aphroditus and Aphrodite as the pillars of queer divinity.
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nakedbibi333 · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐩 (𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝) . . .
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙
Hi everyone! I have been gone for a while, but I'm back now! I wanted to update my post on how to manifest an SP because I don't think I was very detailed back then and I also changed a few of my beliefs. I wanted my posts to reflect those beliefs so I hope you guys enjoy! As always, send me questions in my ask box if you have anything to add/questions
❥ Fall in love with yourself
The 3D is a reflection of your inner reality. What you change inside yourself (in your 4D) must change in the 3D as a result. Since everything and everyone you experience is a product of your internal reality, that means that people will often see you as you see yourself.
If you consider yourself desirable, irresistible, lovable, beautiful, etc., then so will your SP. Treat yourself as you wish everyone else to treat you. Have patience, understanding, and love for yourself, and so will the rest of the world.
This works hand in hand with having a good self-concept. Self-concept is not only about loving yourself or having high self-esteem, but it's a big part. The other part has to do with your beliefs surrounding manifestation and the law of assumption. Things such as believing that you can manifest the life of your dreams have a huge part to play in having a good self-concept. Your beliefs should surround being confident, having high self-esteem, and being the absolute creator/god of your reality with the ability to change and bring about anything you want.
❥ Focus on the ideal version of them
It's easy to get caught up with the version they showed you in the past or even the present. That's just the 3D reflecting past beliefs. If you simply change these beliefs that you had to be more favorable towards the outcome you desire, then it will have to change.
As I've said before, I don't care if they hated you, if you two ended on bad terms, if they've blocked you, or even if they don't know who you are. None of that matters. If you change your beliefs about them internally so that they are in love with you, care about you, are respectful and loyal towards you, and that they don't want to be with anyone other than you, then it must be reflected onto the 3D. It has to happen whether or not they have negative feelings towards you, because the circumstances of the 3D don't matter in the world of the law of assumption. Anything can change drastically by changing your beliefs around the person/situation/etc.
❥ Remove the possibility of failure from your beliefs
Believe that you cannot possibly fail. Condition yourself to be so confident in your abilities and in the law that you won't even worry about things like limiting beliefs, blockages, or failure. It does not exist for you. The 3D must conform once you decide it will.
Everything that is reflected to you in this world has to stem from your 4D beliefs. So, if you don't believe that failure is possible, or that limiting beliefs or blockages exist, then they won't and you will never have to deal with them. This is one of the most important beliefs to cultivate within yourself when beginning your manifestation/loa journey.
❥ Remember that it’s okay to feel stressed and to react to the 3D
Remember that you are still human. Yes, you are the god of your reality, but we are gods living a human experience. You have emotions for a reason. You are meant to feel and express your emotions. Never try to bottle them up or ignore them for the sake of manifestation.
Feeling your emotions will not keep your manifestation from you, it will not delay it, and it will not cause you to fail.
The point is to feel your emotions and get all of it out of you until you feel better, like the weight has lifted. Once you feel better, get back to the new story. Focus as much as you can on the 4D version of your desired reality in any way you see fit (if you want to use methods such as affirming, visualizing, scripting, vaunting, etc., go for it!)
Remember that methods are not necessary as the power comes from within you, not the methods. All you need to do is live in the end and persist in your new story. If you choose to use methods to help you do so, then that's wonderful, but not necessary.)
~ Summary (⺣◡⺣)♡*
ੈ♡˳ Treat yourself the way you desire to be treated, see yourself the way you desire to be seen, and love yourself the way you desire to be loved. Self-concept is key when manifesting an SP.
ੈ♡˳ Do not allow the circumstances of the 3D world to hold you back. It is only a reflection of your inner world/beliefs/story. It is highly malleable and easily changeable.
ੈ♡˳ FOCUS on your ideal reality in the 4D and persist in that story. Act and feel as though it is already manifested.
ੈ♡˳ You CANNOT fail. Remove the belief that you can fail, that you can have limiting beliefs, or that you can have blockages. They don't exist for you.
ੈ♡˳ Don't bury your emotions. Feel them. They cannot hold you back. Only your dominant thoughts and beliefs manifest. Use this to your advantage.
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utilitycaster · 2 months
ok we are 10 minutes into kollok and i am straight up not having a good time but I am going to commit to this hour of watching. to keep myself from losing it i'm going to do some very irritating stream of consciousness on this post and post it at the end, nonrebloggably so as to not yuck any yums (though feel free to go wild in the replies). also I need to point out: I don't have misophonia. I have openly and repeatedly said I think the Sam Riegel ASMR ad is not just inoffensive, but actively very funny and enjoyable. The sounds on this show are setting my teeth on edge. I hate it. also for the intro the immersion is genuinely WORSE than say, CR or D20 because everyone's just reading prologues that they've written.
speaking of we're done with the prologues to the prologue and into the prologue, as demonstrated by the title screen and horrible noises.
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I call this filter the "yeah I've got mild astigmatism and have taken mushrooms before, you're not special"
hmmm we're stuck in this fuckery for a while and i'm suffering so anyway folks i've made it so polygon will think CR is good:
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the music is pretty good I will give them that. also this is literally not special though. like Zac just was like uhhhhhh math as any GM would say, he just was weirdly aiming for suaveness instead of like. normal.
All the profanity on this show sounds like a mormon or a ten year old who just learned the word "fuck" and is trying it out. as a woman who swears constantly i'm like what is HAPPENING. also this blonde woman who isn't on the show in the present day is rolling so hilariously badly. is this why she's not on. girl get out.
back to the present day; this actually is a really good industrial music video ruined by some actual play in the background
"zac, I'm going to command attention please"
"who's zac"
"sorry, driver" ah yes yes this is SOOOOOOO much more immersive i'm totally not making the jerk-off motion
i love u danielle radford you deserve better. although the actual RP now that we're in it is like, fine.
really i think a really significant problem is that this is the most 2014 YA-dystopia plot that ever plotted except as a core part of the premise, everyone is 30. I feel, honestly, that this is the other big issue in actual play that people at polygon obsess over that leaves me ice cold, (also? lots of fandom cold takes), but like...I was a HUGE sf nerd pretty much from childhood, and I think a lot of people came to actual play for a number of reasons not tied to the genres in which it typically exists (fantasy, science fiction, horror). This is fine but it means you get people who act like VERY standard genre conventions are either the most brilliant and original creation on earth, or utterly baffling. Anyway my point is that this is giving Divergent by Veronica Roth but it THINKS it's somewhere between Twin Peaks by David Lynch and the adaptation of the Handmaid's Tale and it's like no babe. you're Divergent by Veronica Roth. stop fronting like you're Twin Peaks. You're Divergent. By Veronica Roth. Which I read while stranded at LaGuardia over a decade ago.
lighting effects are fine honestly. reminds me of the Doja Cat 2020 MTV EMA version of Say So. Wish I were just rewatching that. rotating rock i love you. you are the best thing here other than danielle radford. I feel like I'm in a really fancy Spencer's Gifts. by the way I know i'm being pretty bitchy and incoherent here BUT I'm sober; let's hear it for Stupidly Bougie Soda and Nonalcoholic Spirits.
I'm also eating bean dip with a spoon. in my defense I made REALLY good bean dip and I don't have chips.
I just. other than the digital filter in the flashback I genuinely don't see how this is different than D20 except lacking in any charms and OH GOD THAT'S TIME.
but I want to add that like...the thing is Danielle (C-dubbs) was doing some wacky funny stuff and it felt like it was being shut down and to be fair I get wanting to stick WITHIN the genre but this whole thing feels joyless, and not like "oh, survival horror is so grimdark and sad", I am a tragedy enjoyer, but like. it feels...mandated.
Also this is weird and picky but for all of Those High Production Values (repeated direct quote from the Polygon article) they do a weirdly bad job of filming the die rolls? Like, they cut to the dice trays at the wrong time?
Finally, and this is just a pot shot at Polygon but they should stop making it so easy, but the article was like "I watched the 4-ish hour first episode and I didn't have a clue what was going on but it had Those High Production Values" and it's like...I was demonstrably fucking around on tumblr and in GIMP while watching and I have a pretty solid idea of what was going on. Maybe it goes nuts in the remaining 2.5 hours that I may chip away at to be able say I watched a full episode and decided it "wasn't for me" *smiles like I'm a waitress on Hell's Kitchen and Gordon Ramsey just asked me a question* but I think you might be dumb.
CONCLUSION: just watch the Doja Cat 2020 MTV EMA version of Say So, read Divergent (by Veronica Roth) (you don't have to be at LaGuardia) and like, check out Mentopolis or Misfits and Magic if you want to see Danielle Radford in a Kids on Bikes game that is good.
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raythekiller · 11 months
what are your personal headcanons for the pretty ladies? i don't see enough people requesting them 😭
🗒 ❛ General Headcanons ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Kate The Chaser, Clockwork, Jane The Killer, Nina The Killer
#Notes: on god I love women
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Kate The Chaser
She used to be in the track team while in highschool, which is why she's so fast now. Not mute, but basically non-verbal, so like Hoodie she communicates mostly through notes or ASL. When she does talk, her voice is very low and raspy, never above a whisper. Almost never spends any time in the manor, opting instead on sleeping in a tent in the woods around it, even though she has a perfectly good room waiting for her. Speaking of her room, it has basically no decoration or personality in it since she stepped inside of it like, 2 times since joining Slenderman.
Genuinely loves kids. Sally calls her "Aunt Kate" and it's just the cutest damn thing ever. Kinda wishes she could have some of her own, but given her environment that's pretty out of the question. Actually quite good friends with Hoodie and Toby, having a sibling relationship with both of them. Hoodie because she likes the fact he can't speak and they communicate in a similar way, plus he's just pleasant to be around, and Toby because she genuinely finds his shenanigans funny (even if she never laughs). However, doesn't like Masky one bit, and he's one of the main reasons why she works alone instead of with the other proxies. Also, super random, but she listens to Billie Eilish.
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She has a buzzcut and I WILL fight anyone on this. Long hair gets in the way of her killing, also the hoes love bitches with short hair. She's a total womanizer, even though she's technically bisexual, women just hit different for her in general. Toby actually had a thing for her for the longest time and was pretty obvious about it, but in all honesty she finds him... Well, weird, so it was a hard no from her and now they kind of have this bad blood between them and avoid being in the same room together cause it just gets awkward. She loves drawing, mostly tradicional art with no colors, and hands it on her bedroom walls. They're covered head to toe in various different sketches.
Again, speaking of her room, it's the definition of those indie rooms you find on Pinterest. She loves plants as has like, 20 of them just laying around on shelves, windowsills and the floor. Also, she's not super into videogames, but she loves The Last Of Us and got Ellie's tattoo on her arm (y'know, the one with some plants and a moth). She has a guitar, but honestly spent more time decorating it with stickers and such than learning how to play.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jane The Killer
My version of Jane is Jane Richardson, the one who was a government experiment, so she's one of the only creeps (if not the only one) who doesn't live in the manor or talks with any of the others. In fact, she hates almost all of them. Not as much as Jeff, but still. The only person she's okay with is Clockwork because they met before she even knew Natalie was a serial killer and found her flirting funny, so they're kind of friends now despite the probabilities. When she does bump into some of the other creeps, Masky avoids her like the plague (she scares him). She's a trad goth AND listens to the music, mostly Evanescence and Within Temptation.
Definitely knows how to play the piano. Personality speaking, she didn't change much after the tragedies happened - she's still the loving, caring person she was before, even if a bit more cynical. She believes in kindness and how it persists even in the worst of situations, and she's not about to let some emo bitch boy turn her bitter.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Nina The Killer
Has every nail polish color in existence and is the reason why most of the creeps nails are painted (yes, even Jeff. She did it while he was sleeping). Speaking of Jeff, they actually don't get along in a mutual sense. Sure, she was obsessed with him, but that was before meeting the sleazy fuck that he actually is and not the prince she fantasized about. She does, however, get along great with Toby, who's one of the only people who can match her energy and so they hang out all the time. She was also obsessed with true crime and generally any morbid media, like Death Note (Misa was her bisexual awakening). Also, definitely collects Monster High dolls.
As any alt kid, she loves fashion and customizing her own clothes. Has patch skirts and tie-dye shirts and everything in between. Absolutely a scene girl, her favorite bands are Mindless Self Indulgence and Get Scared. May or may not write weird fanfic in the notes app about the singers, who knows. She loves playing Stardew Valley and will go days on end without sleeping, trying to save up enough money to upgrade her barn.
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dnuoh-xof · 3 months
Top five writer pet peeves you have. Hell, artist as well if you have any
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1. Overuse or repetition of tropes or stereotypes in fiction:
This includes, but is most certainly not limited to, tropes you may begrudgingly stumble across on fanfiction-housing websites like AO3, such as: borderline or unapologetically racist depictions of black and brown people. And especially upon the likes of AO3, if you know, you know. As well as fetishized depictions of trans men... of which is sadly common in the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance community, as well, in primary reference to how they write Raiden. And while I'm no stranger to trans headcanons of my own, a lot of the work on AO3 where Raiden is depicted as a trans man seems... tasteless. Seeing how most of these depictions I find myself irked by appear to have been written by people who aren't trans themselves. Or, at least, not to my own knowledge. (Typically, my know-how is whether or not they tag their work as, "Trans [redacted] written by a trans author." But of course, this is but a shallow assumption to be taken with a grain of salt.) Such other, lesser consequential and controversial repetitive (albeit, with a grain of salt) tropes I often see in writing are primarily some nitpicks of mine, such as how some people who clearly aren't Southern try to write or depict a Southern accent, without so much as speaking to, much less interacting with someone who may live in the U.S. South within an inch of their life. Or how Latino men in fiction are often treated as these... promiscuous, dangerous rebels who fruitlessly try to whisk their love interest away from their already-existing, usually white or eurocentric lover. I see this with how people write Jetstream Sam / Samuel Rodrigues in fanfiction, despite his base depiction not at all reflecting the odd fashion which fans always seem to write him within. Though, I wouldn't know, maybe such depictions are equally as controversial, or perhaps they cannot be compared. But these are ones that I notice right away that sort of make my brain itch. Not enough for me to gripe at a writer face-to-face about it, but... just a thought, since we're here. Don't burn me at the stake.
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2. "Woobification" of antagonists & the morally ambiguous / exclusion & sanitization of moral ambiguity in fiction:
The same sentiment is equally applicable in the very opposite manner; the manner in which people who write fanfiction for some reason crank the edge factor up to 90, when the canonicity of aforementioned character's moral ambiguity is much more subtle and lesser obnoxious than they believe. Yet another phenomenon I see occur in characters like Raiden, where—while yes, at points, or a point, he is rather... unsavory—this lesser subtle, more violent side of him comes to surface even once, it feels as though fans completely disregard his other personality traits entirely. But if you were to ask these very same people to give the same treatment to the version of Raiden that is present in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, you will hear nothing but crickets, despite his history of being a child soldier being present and stable within both games. Because, with that version of Raiden, the forced feminization—infantalization—he already endures conflicts with his more violent, unapologetic nature that exists within the canon of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. However, the opposite sentiment was not what I wanted to bicker about, my primary focus being how fans have a tendency to not only water down, but entirely disregard a morally-dubious character's behaviors and history, all for the sake of... "making their favorite character easier to digest," so to speak, so that it may leave less of a bad taste in their mouth whenever they faun over them so restlessly. Or, rather, resorting to the quite popular, fandom-intersectional excuse of, "the writing was bad," to void and excuse the fact that they enjoy a morally dubious character, while also simultaneously voiding themselves of the reality that they—as a person who indulges in and digests media—may or may not indulge in a problematic piece of fiction. When, in reality, the fact that we as people are even able to witness this side of fiction—while potentially unsavory, and triggering, in which case one should browse carefully—should serve as a testament to encourage us to broaden our own palette, and to exit our own comfort zone. Because it isn't wrong to read, or even think about, such stories, and it doesn't make us horrible, irredeemable people for doing so. So long as one isn't glorifying or praising the events or actions which may be portrayed through said stories. Because, at the end of the day, simply reading or liking a piece of fiction does not equal endorsement of anything to occur within it. It NEVER has equalled or equated to endorsement, in any sense of the word. Unless you're very outspoken about your own moral ambiguity and problematic views, simply liking a problematic character whose own views do not equate to your own does not make you somehow equal to them on a scale of morality. No one is judging you for enjoying Sundowner from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, I assure you. Sincerely, a person whose current favorite Metal Gear character is, by far, the most unapologetically evil piece of shit in the entire series. And while it is not the hill I will die on, I've made myself clear.
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3. Erasure of key character / ethnic traits of fictional characters in official IP art & fanart:
While this may not necessarily be in regards to how some characters are portrayed within written works or fanfiction, I still believe there is a conversation to be had about how frequently characters—especially characters that are black, brown, indigenous, etc.—are regularly misrepresented through not just artwork created by an IP's fans, but a lot of the time by official works leased by the companies who hold ownership over said IPs. The very same can be said about overweight or fat characters, who may regularly be drawn slimmer or skinnier to better suit the artist's own "comfort level," however even when such artists may be tasked through commission to draw a person's character that may be fat, they somehow still miss the mark. And, truthfully—in both discussing fat erasure and the erasure of POC in fictional media—I find that to be utterly ridiculous, because several black artists across every art or fannish community under the Sun have taken it upon themselves to not only create brushes to better emulate black features in digital art programs, but have—with their God-like patience—taken it upon themselves to create tutorials on how to not only draw black features, but how to color and shade black and brown skin, as well. Unfortunately, official artwork leased by the companies that create these characters aren't all that great about ensuring that all of their customers and fans are well-represented, either, as the most prime examples of companies which come to mind typically have a tendency to either be openly racist, colorist, sexist, homophobic... the whole nine yards. A sort of prejudice that is also very much present in a game like Metal Gear, or more particularly, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, where several of the characters—either Costa Rican or Hispanic—are pasty pale, with very Eurocentric features. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) But, with situations such as these, I find myself feeling grateful for the fans of any IP that create artwork and fanart where these characters are given their proper, adequate features, either to make up for where the parent company of aforementioned IP failed them, or to make up for the already significant lack of representation that marginalized communities receive from aforementioned companies.
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4. Usage of generative AI to create literature / fanfiction & for other intents & purposes:
This, in particular, applies to a more broad area than simply fanfiction alone, given people's tendency to resort to using artificial intelligence to pick up their slack in other areas, as well. Such as college essays—of which is already quite common, and often results in students being ruthlessly flunked from their courses for even considering such a course of action, and rightfully so, because most generative AI programs are trained on both accurate information AND misinformation—and roleplay. Where, at some point, I must beg the question: is this truly helping us? Now, don't get me wrong, artificial intelligence has already existed for decades, and has already helped humanity on a number of fronts; from the creation of the internet and its algorithms, to the aiding in the creation of modern medicine... but as we've seen again and again, generative AI really doesn't help anyone. And as we've seen again and again, those who shill and are the most vocal about this push to include generative AI in every facet of our lives have proven that, actually, they don't give two squats about the integrities or livelihoods of human artists. For instance, what we're seeing occur with the Glaze program, where artists are tainting their own art with cloaks in hopes that it would poison the already-vast dataset that exists within generative programs such as MidJourney and otherwise, likely already acquired by legally dubious means. But seeing the founder of Stability AI's willingness to break the law in order to scrape data, we already knew that. But, even when we put aside the very clear legal hurdles that the likes of generative AI present, there is also the very opaque matter of people using the likes of generative AI to not only generate pieces or the entirety of their fanfiction—of which is already a hot topic and very controversial within fandom and fanfiction spaces, particularly AO3—but also to fill in the gap for a roleplay partner which they might not have. Entirely defeating the purpose of roleplay at all; to make friends, connections, and to bond with those you roleplay with. In a manner no infinite amount of shallow AI could give you. And it pains me to see more and more young people finding themselves talking to an algorithm to get those experiences, or to fill in such an absence within their own online experience. To my roleplayers out there: roleplay forums do exist still, and there are thousands of them! Such examples include Forum Roleplay, RP Nation, RPG Initiative, RPGnet Forums... the list goes on and on forever! One that I personally reccommend from days of yore would be Chicken Smoothie, which doubles as a roleplay / art forum, and an animal adoption and trading game. Hell, there's a covert roleplaying community that is present here, on Tumblr! You don't have to resort to a shoddy AI to have a little bit of fun.
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5. The concept of competitive & "the academic" arts in school settings / educational environments:
This very much applies to high school and / or college courses, the likes of which encourage students to, for some reason, "replicate" famous artists and their staples from the past. For example, Pablo Picasso, whose style was not only abstract, but a landmark at the time... something the likes of which no one has ever seen before. And it was that... new, innovative way of creating art that drew people in, that still draws people in to this day. As do several other famous artists in this world's history; Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo... even pop artist Andy Warhol. But... that's just it. I understand if there is some deeper merit of experience or a notion of, "hey, I tried this," when it comes to the task of replicating—or attempting to replicate—the styles and staples of famous artists in the past... but the one thing that all these artists have in common was that their minds were new, their works innovative... so why shouldn't art students be tasked to reach within the very same depths of their own soul to bring out their inner innovative artist, as well? Instead of simply replicating art from the past, and putting it into a portfolio in the hopes that some lousy liberal arts college finds them interesting. Of course, learning the history of art, and of famous artists, is rivetting, and is very interesting in its own rite. However, I believe curriculums should be encouraging artists to think outside of the box, instead of restricting them to a singular prompt or already-existing art style to simply replicate. And I understand, while restriction can be quite good for innovation at points... it shouldn't be the entirety of the curriculum. Give student artists a sense of importance, embolden them to discover their own identity through their art! Encourage them to do as they please! I've learned my lesson, and never again will I consider the notion of either attending an art school, an art class, nor will I submit porfolios of my art to any sort of institution. For my written works, maybe... but with physical artwork... that is a very different ballpark.
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Anyways, those are my top five artist / writer pet peeves! Sorry, it drones on forever, but I simply had to take advantage of this ask and let it alllll out. So thank you, @miz-orque, for this ask, as it gave me a good opportunity to reflect upon my vices. ^_^
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coffeeandjoon · 1 year
🌓 Nocturnal Prince 🌓 | Chapter I - DPR Ian/Christian Yu x Reader | Werewolf Fic
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Pairing: Christian Yu/DPR Ian x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
Chapter word count: 2k
Status: ongoing
Summary: Sometimes the most powerful of curses can be shattered by the strength of love. Or they turn someone into the cruelest version of themselves. The Prince of Avalon, Christian Yu, stopped believing a long time ago that one day someone would truly love him and break his curse.
He’s a werewolf, roaming the forest close to Ravenswood by night, terrorizing and destroying everything that comes along his path with his pack of fearless werewolf soldiers. Everyone knows to stay out of the woods at night.
Meanwhile, in Ravenswood, Vixen struggles to be accepted as the "new girl" at college. As a fox shifter, that's not so easy, which is why she takes on the daring challenge of entering the forest at night and lasting until dawn.
A night of fear and terror begins and soon Vixen is running for her life from a pack of wolves that hunt her without mercy. Much to Christina's chagrin, the fox shifter survives until dawn and escapes his forest. But not without catching a glimpse of him, which changes everything for both. He can't believe she's made it out alive and begins to feel a stirring within him that he hasn't felt in a long time – hope.
He starts to follow Vixen, watching her from the shadows, and slowly begins to realize that she might be the key to breaking his curse. As he watches her navigate the challenges of being the new girl in town, Christian starts to see that Vixen is not like the other shapeshifters and magical creatures of Ravenswood and breaks one of his most important rules: never seek contact with anyone outside his pack.
Chapter 1
1993 – Christian’s POV
Ravenswood – what an insult this city was. I roamed the outskirts of town, watching the residents with hatred and disgust. They had demanded too much for centuries, understood too little.  
A shadow standing in front of the town hall caught my attention. A glance at the silhouette made me snort with hatred. The mayor. An impostor, hypocrite, and heretic. How naive the citizens of Ravenswood were, not suspecting that the real danger was not my wolf pack, but their dearly beloved mayor himself. Without him, Avalon would never have fallen. Without him––
"Your Highness, we should take this opportunity to attack immediately," Youngwoo interrupted my thoughts.
I shook my head. "No."
"But my king, I––"
"I said no," I hissed, baring my teeth.
Youngwoo submissively bowed his head and slowly retreated into the thicket of the woods. The rest of his pack departed as well, leaving me lingering alone a little longer.
"One day, Uncle ..." I thought to myself before my loud howl rose into the dark night sky.  
2023 – Vixen’s POV
New decade, new college - this time my fox-shifter existence had led me to Ravenswood. The town radiated something ominous, but I was probably just imagining it. This, or it was just the fact that I was surrounded by too many humans. After all, I had never met anyone like me yet. Either there was only me or other shifters could hide their identity better; I certainly didn't belong to them.
With my amber eyes and silver-black hair, I looked more like a freak than a normal college student everywhere I went. No one looked like me. And if that wasn't complicated enough, my lack of aging, now for three decades, was another problem.
Sometimes I wondered if I wasn't more of a vampire, or was I even trapped in the Matrix? Then, however, the annoying little blackouts happened again and again, in which I transformed into a silver fox usually in the most inappropriate situations. The one or other one-night-stand almost had a heart attack because of that.
Long-term relationships with people were not possible, they all always asked too many questions at some point. So I roamed around like a damn stray, looking for - yes, what for anyway?
The campus of Ravenswood's college was lined with tall pines and dense copper beeches, the old brick building at the end of the gravel path looking almost medieval. Some students ran frantically to the building, a few others lounged peacefully on the wide meadow areas beneath the trees. A typical campus, one might think. But my fox shifter sense told me otherwise. Something was troubling me, piquing my caution and curiosity at the same time.
"Quick, before we miss Mayor Yu’s speech," I heard a student excitedly call out to his companion as he ran past.
A mayoral speech at the beginning of college - strange. I only knew something like that for graduation, but well, different state, different customs. Let's see what this mayor had to say, I had to enroll and choose my courses anyway.
Just before the huge front door, I paused. I was nervous. What if I almost get exposed again? Or worse, what if I got exposed? People haven't shown me much sympathy so far, that's for sure. I took a few deep breaths, focused on the one thought that had always helped me so far: you can always run away again.
I clung to the shoulder straps of my backpack and stepped inside.
The college building smelled moldy and of something I couldn't quite place. Metallic, almost like ... blood? I shuddered and pushed the thought away. Don't be ridiculous, Vixen. I followed the stream of excited students down the corridor to the largest lecture hall, which was already well filled.
I took a seat at the back of the room, right next to a good-looking, broad-shouldered guy. He had pink hair and smiled mischievously at me as I sat down. I gave him a small smile back and quickly looked away.
"Why so shy, beautiful?" he said, chuckling.
I rolled my eyes. What a greaseball. Why were most good-looking guys always so obnoxious?
As if he could read my mind, he muttered an apology, followed by something else.
I looked up. "What?"
He smiled warmly at me. "I said my name is Mingi. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable because of me."
"That's fine. My name is Vixen," I mumbled back, nervously stroking through my strands of hair.
Even after years of experience with guys and jerks, one or another still managed to get under my skin. Annoying. But okay, just ignore it. But apparently this Mingi had other ideas.
"So, do you know what major classes you want to take here yet?" he asked me with open interest. Okay, maybe I should give him another chance, he seemed to just wanting to be nice.
"Psychology and eschatology. What about you?"
He whistled and gave me an appreciative nod. "Interesting combination. Few people are interested in eschatology. I chose that course, too."
That's when my foxish curiosity was piqued. A person who was apparently really interested in eschatology? That was new to me. "What fascinates you about it?" I asked him.
Mingi eyed me closely and pursed his lips before answering. "Death, resurrection and the life that comes after, it's a family thing."
I looked at him in confusion. "In what way? Are you gravediggers, religious, or …?"
He laughed out loud and scratched the back of his neck. "Something like that."
I waited for him to say more, but he looked into the crowd and fixated on a group of other students. They were coming right toward us. I was about to slip away when the group took a seat in the row in front of us and Mingi wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Guys, this is Vixen. She's going to study the same as me," he exclaimed and I earned some strange looks.
The girl in front of me with the black bob haircut tapped her cheek and lowered her voice. "Ah, so you're one of those––"
"Tyra," Mingi interrupted her.
Tyra exchanged a look with him and leaned back. "Didn't say anything."
Okay, that was the last straw. My curiosity was literally bursting and I wanted to know more about whatever she was talking about. "Is it that unusual to be interested in eschatology?"
The other three people of the group, two guys and another girl, looked up. The guy with the blue hair was the first to speak up.
"Let's put it this way. No one who doesn't have to study this," he then squinted at Mingi, who downright growled, "chooses this subject. So, what family are you from?"
Oh, Jesus, this just got more complicated. And more interesting. Damn. So I decided to fib.
"Amos." The ninth chapter of the Book of Twelve Prophets. I hoped to hit the mark with this answer.
The acknowledging nod he gave and the slight sighs confirmed my theory. Bingo. There was nothing better than uncovering mysteries and conspiracies in small towns to pass the time. And to keep my fox-shifting ability in check. Oddly enough, when I was dealing with such things, I had better control over my transformations.
The blue-haired guy spoke again. "I'm Puma. You already know Tyra and Mingi, that one next to me is Yong," he pointed to the little guy next to him, "and the silent beauty next to Tyra is Sora."
I memorized all of their names and was also kind of happy to have made connections so quickly. And about my new task of uncovering another mystery. I was about to say something in response when a deafening chime rang out and made me flinch.
The lecture hall fell into silence, a pale man with only one eye appeared behind the small podium. His gaze swept over the crowd scrutinizingly, no one daring to make a sound. Interesting. After another long pause, he took over.
"Dear students, I welcome you to Ravenswood College. As probably everyone here knows, my name is Arthur Yu, the mayor of this city," whereupon the crowd applauded enthusiastically, "As every year, I would like to share a word of wisdom. God gives every bird its food, but does not throw it into the nest." What kind of strange wisdom was that? "Study hard, learn harder, and above all, stay out of the woods. Thank you."
I barely noticed the thunderous applause, the last words echoing over and over in my head - stay out of the woods. I had barely noticed that Mingi and the others had gotten up to leave until he shook my shoulders.
"Vixen, are you coming?" he asked, and I nodded.
I quickly grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder to follow them wherever. What was it about the woods? I hadn't noticed anything unusual when I arrived here a few days ago. No suspicious smells, noises, nothing.
We were walking down the corridor, out onto campus, when the question blurted out to me. "What about the woods?"
The group stopped abruptly, all turning to look at me. Mingi gave me a slight smile.
"Nothing," he replied.
Puma, however, snorted snidely and took a step forward. "Come on, loverboy. Let her find out. Tonight."
I looked at him, puzzled. "Tonight? What am I supposed to find out, exactly?"
Mingi didn't seem to approve of the idea, but Puma and the others pushed him aside and circled me. My fox instincts jumped and at the same time my curiosity continued to grow. What a load of crap.
"Well, you'll have to figure that out for yourself. Come to the woods tonight. Ten minutes, that's all you need to walk in. Wait a minute and you'll find out," Puma said in a conspiratorial tone.
I narrowed my eyes and took a step back.
"You guys are bullshitting me right now. The mayor––"
Tyra spoke next. "Sweetie, he just said that to avoid nasty headlines about pollution and shit. We've had a few conflicts with the state the years before about students littering the woods too much. There's nothing to be afraid of in there. It's even very beautiful at night." She looked at the others and gestured to everyone. "We regularly sneak into the woods to hang out for a bit. You should come along."
If it was nothing else. I nodded and gave her a small smile. "Alright, I'll see you later then. I'm afraid I have to go now!" And with that, I skipped down the last few stairs and hurried across campus, back to my new apartment. Tonight I would just be a typical student for once. So much for no new friends.
The hours flew by and Tyra had sent me the location of our hangout in the woods. I was getting ready when night fell. Good, that should do it. I quickly grabbed my phone and headed out.
At the edge of town, I took a quick look around before disappearing into the thicket of the forest. Quickly the branches became so dense that I was glad to have put on a jacket. Thanks to my fox traits, I had no trouble seeing ahead of me at night. I glanced at my phone again to make sure I was about to arrive at the meeting point. Just under a quarter of a mile to go.
Another 200 meters, 100, 50, 10, 5 ... I ended up at a clearing. The moon bathed the surrounding trees in a ghostly white. I looked around, but found no one of Mingi's people anywhere. Had I taken a wrong turn? Was there another clearing? I quickly pulled out my phone and checked the location. No, I was in the right place. I just started typing a message to Tyra when I heard it. A howl.
A fucking loud howl. And it was closer than I was comfortable with. I let my eyes wander frantically over the surrounding trees and bushes, and that's when I saw it. Yellow eyes. Not just one pair, but four or five. And they were all focused on me at the far end of the clearing. Wolves.
The bloodcurdling growl made me back up slowly until I reached the edge of the clearing. Then I turned and ran. And all I could hear were the snarls of my pursuers.
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viaviv124 · 9 months
Why is Conan x Kaito even a thing
As someone who has once again found herself inside the hole called KaiShin i've been obsessed with those two since yesterday again. And oh my god i love them so much.
What i don't love, however, is Conan x Kaito and i refuse to even look up their proper ship name. Yes this is another 2am rant.
So lets get this down. People ship a grade schooler, who is somewhere between 6 and 8 years old, with a 17 year old. What? Are you okay? Not only is this creepy and weird but also very illegal. "But it's the same as KaiShin" Then ship KaiShin instead?? No need to drag a child into it? See, i get that Conan is mentally 17. He literally says it at the beginning of every single episode and movie. But that is still the body of a CHILD. You are defiling CHILDREN. And dont act innocent, i know porn of this exists because of course it does. I've been scrolling past a few things that makes me want to bleach my eyes when looking for KaiShin things.
Please for the love of god don't turn Kaito into a pedophile. And don't defend this ship. This has nothing to do with "Don't like don't read" kinda stuff.
See, i don't mind Kaito and Shinichi falling for eachother while Shinichi is still Conan. Kaito has a personality to fall for and he knows Shinichi's appearance well, having disguised himself as him countless times. But PLEASE don't make them act and start a relationship until Shinichi is back in his adult body. I don't mind them being close friends until then and talk about stuff openly but everything from declarations of love to kissing to sex should stay within their adult bodies please. It's not that complicated. If you for the hell of it can't see Shinichi getting his adult body back then please let Conan and Kaito stay in either a close friendship or as a brotherly love kind of thing without making it romantic.
This is the SebaCiel issue all over again where you take a child and make them date a man WAY older and it's creepy and disturbing. Staying with the SebaCiel example, Ciel is a 13/14 year old child, meanwhile Sebastian is a demon god-knows how many thousands of years old who took on an appearance similar to Ciel's father in order to gain his trust quicker and manipulate him more easily. And this is the most popular ship in the entire Black Butler community. See, i don't mind them being close, considering how Sebastian is Ciel's only security, but they don't need to bang and kiss. Come ON.
Please stop shipping children with adults. This is creepy, very illegal and just plain disturbing. If you like KaiShin, please stick with the version where both are the same age. Why ship pedophilia when you have literally the same ship right there just in legal?
Edit bc i just thought of it:
Wouldnt Conan just immediately arrest Kaito if he touched him? I doubt a detective, someone very closely working with the POLICE and the LAW would condone pedophilia. 💀💀 Except you go so far as to make Kaito not only a pedophile but also a groomer-
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elizakai · 8 months
More IDOL AU thoughts.
Oops :) I just um, ok.
I’m a spitballer, analyst, conceptualizer, visionary 😞✨whatever the heck. i get so many ideas and have to entertain SOME of those ideas. Legitimate ones and illegitimate ones… this is just for fun don’t take me to seriously.🫠
Uh oh. You looked. What have you done.
There’s a level of intrigue when it comes to the twins (ik, Ik, again.)
BUT THINK about it. If we are assuming that this au tones down some of the more, erm. Mystical elements of these characters. (Like, being basically gods and such) (also it can’t be said yet how far this goes! Does error still have glitches? Is nightmare corrupted? Does ink have a soul? Do the twins sustain some sort of empathetic abilities? Is killers soul thing normal? Who knows!!!) they would have different origins!! The twins are probably the most in depth of a switch, considering their origins are the MOST bizarre💀
assuming they aren’t buddy buddy (which they could be, we won’t know till zuchiyeni spreads forth their hand into the abyss and reveals to us the flames of canon ✨) they may have had some sort of falling out…
so ahem
Is Nim their mother.
if an alternate version of Nim(their mother/creator in dreamtale) is, in fact, their mother, it can be assumed they have been adopted in some way :) maybe not depending on how you would view uh, monster coupling💀 but they aren’t visibly of split heritage, and she isn’t a skeleton. In Dreamtale, Nim never put the effort into KNOWING the twins. If that carried over, it could cause some really interesting dynamics. Is NIM associated with the music or entertainment industry? 👀 imagine a cold, uppity Nim. Maybe she isn’t horrible, maybe she is, but She’s got expectations, and is distant.
in this hypothetical, we could question what path the twins really wanted to live. Did they ORIGINALLY want fame? Or did they feel trapped. Did they have to learn to navigate their own way? Do both of them leave her? One? Neither? Does she die? (within this concept , again.)
if she isn’t at all associated, did the twins have dreams and aspirations of fame? Did they….at some point…have a career together??? How sad would that be.
(maybe she isn’t their mother, maybe she’s someone they contracted under. Also YES she easily might not exist in this world I’m just having fun with potential parallels 🫠👏)
NOW. MY BRAIN DEMANDS TO CONSIDER THE OTHER DREAMTALE DEITIES. I could see Quetzalcoatl and Lanny being big in the music industry, which would be INTERESTING if those two and Nim were all affiliated with that life. It would make sense for them to still have the affiliation and possibly competition?
IT ALSO OPENS AGNST OPPORTUNITY. (And you know we love angst in this fandom.)
again, in dreamtale, let’s mention Lanny. Dreamtale is unfinished so keep in mind we don’t have 100% solid characterization, but the creator HAS discussed character personality and bias, and has carried the information to the making of the story so far.
Lanny …is implied to have…had a thing for her fellow guardian, Nim. Lanny hated Nightmare for what he did, for how he ruined everything with the corruption and destroying what’s left of Nim.
but she…also resented and despised Dream. Blaming them both for what happened, and with nightmare having gone rouge, all of that pressure then falls on dream. Dream, who had lived 6 years of life out of the hundreds he was trapped in stone.
She is, not sure how yet, the reason Dream was able to break free of stone, and she went on to mentor him. Train him. But she’s portrayed as being unnecessarily harsh and disdainful towards Dream. (IF WE INCLUDE Neil, yk the cat/ father figure/friend of dream, that would be interesting cause he really cares about dream and seemingly didn’t appreciate lanny’s treatment.)
(also I realize how deranged this sounds without context, there’s WAY to much of dreamtale lore to actually explain here so if you need more context go check out dreamtale lore💀I promise I’m not bs’ing, just criminally simplifying.)
ANYWAYS this is so unorganized. Adhd brain uh—
LANNY. Imagine Dream and Nightmare split ways for whatever reason. Dream signs a contract with this Lanny person. Lanny already knows who he is ofc, and he probably is familiar with her, as she knows their mother and probably has been keeping an eye on them. It would be interesting for Lanny to be a past ( or even current idk) contractor or something to Dream. I don’t imagine he’d have a lot of freedom in that space. She would have a lot of expectation too, and is rather unsympathetic and overworking. Maybe he pulls a t-swift and manages to escape that with the stars 😌 maybe not. Probably manipulative. Gaslighting even.
She could give “caring“ aunt energy.
“wouldn’t want to disappoint them, do you? Disappoint me? LOVELY! I knew you’d understand!”
IF DREAM GOES TO LANNY. What If Nightmare goes to Quetzalcoatl?
this seems odd. But hear me out. Quetzalcoatl is implied to be the one who ends up getting Nim killed in dreamtale. It’s complicated. Anyways, if he has it out for her, and Nightmare grows to resent his mother and/ or her way of doing things, a young nightmare going to the guy who “understands him” is interesting. It would give creepy uncle energy💀 but like. It also makes sense on some level because, again, in dreamtale, the person who attacks Nim and gets her killed is a human. The human is implied to have been a creation OF Quetzalcoatl. (Guardian of the life tree) said person gets killed and perished on the roots of the feelings tree. His um….consciousness is like. Absorbed into the negative side of the tree. (I am SO sorry if you haven’t read about this.) anyways. That GUYYYYYY. Yk nightmares corruption??? YEAH, THAT’S HIM!!! The voice that manipulates nightmare isn’t ‘just negativity’, dreamtale often highlights that negativity also has positive outcomes,just as positivity has negative outcomes, and that balance is important.. it was the GUY being involved that changed things :,) . I don’t think nightmare knows this actually? ANYWAYS NOT THE POINTTTTT. what I mean is. Quetzalcoatl manipulating nightmare makes sense, as he indirectly did so in dreamtale.
he could give vibes of the “cool” creepy uncle.
“They just don’t understand people like us, do they? They never will.”
I can imagine nightmare getting older and more self sufficient and being like F that. Especially as he makes his own friend (mtt trio? 🌸) and realizes he isn’t codependent. But maybe it changed him in a lot of ways.
maybe the twins were in a normal sort of family, and dreamt of life in the spotlight. Maybe one did and one didn’t. Maybe their entire family has more drama than “just them” does, and that complicated things for them. Maybe they’ve been trapped and manipulated and naive in this world too. And they had to grow up and find their way. Maybe those situations have affected them and their worldview. And…their relationship. maybe they weren’t little kids when they fell out, but young, unknowing adults who don’t know who they are and made messy mistakes that affected more then just themselves.
maybe Nightmare can’t stand being misunderstood, and seeing people taken advantage of. Maybe Nightmare needs to be heard, and he’s learned to translate this to music and such. Maybe Nightmare has an easier time being aloof and angry towards his family because it means his own feelings are valid. He enjoys the ability to connect with a lot of people, an audience, while being distanced. He can’t be hurt. He can flip off the people who have hurt him and make his OWN way. The ability to overcome people opinions of him, to prove his own worth to himself. His voice will be heard.
Maybe he want’s to be seen.
maybe Dream desperately needs to have a mask on, he’s not allowed to express himself openly. Maybe he’s confused and can only take on blame for things that have gone wrong. Maybe he feels indebted to this industry , or people around him. Maybe he enjoys the audience as individuals but feels isolated among them, undeserving. Maybe he’s guilty of the fame. Maybe he wants close connection. But people can only see him for the perfect image he puts foreword. Get too real, and people leave.
Maybe he fears being seen.
….ANYWAYS THATS ENOUGH FOR NOW. *snips off the list of concepts here*
Idol! Au belongs to @zucchiyeni
*runs away*
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officiallralsei · 1 year
ok since you all have been asking for it: here's my ramble/essay on Why Being A Darkner Sucks. also read this post by @tvlandofficial as a sort of starter introduction to my thoughts first since the op lays out most of the basics for me. sorry in advance for this being sorta disorganized and rambly; I slept very little last night so im just gonna blurt out my thoughts now and then maybe type up a neater and prettier version of them later for a more formal essay lol
so we all know that darkners are represented via objects in the light world. seam is a plushie, queen appears to be a specific program in a computer, lancer is a card, etc, etc. they don't appear to be aware that they are literally objects, mind, but they do believe that they exist to serve lightners and that without being useful they lack a reason to exist. a version of the toy story problem, if you will.
this is horrific for multiple reasons.
there's a lot of purely physical considerations. imagine being an object. if you break, do you have a guarantee someone will fix you? do you just have to deal with it if they don't fix you? (yes.) imagine your whole world and existence being represented by objects in a room. what if a higher being can just scoop you up and take you away from everything you've ever known? what if a higher being comes in and decides that, actually, they'd really like to smash you apart and leave you that way? or smash apart the room that is your world? you don't have a way to protest that.
then we get to the psychological. okay, so you, and everyone you know, purportedly get some level of fulfillment/satisfaction from being used. that's horrific on an ethical level (imagine being psychologically engineered to enjoy existing for someone else's benefit!) but also just horrific in general. what if being used burns you out or torments you in some way? is that possible? what if the beings you rely on to give you that satisfaction abandon you? can you even easily find happiness once those beings are gone? what would losing that purpose do to someone?
well, we get our answer, and we get it literally in spades! both the route bosses and the secret bosses deal HEAVILY with the consequences of potentially losing that purpose. spades king raging against the lightners, queen wishing to control them in some ways, jevil claiming that true freedom is found in his prison, spamton desperately and wretchedly trying to claw his way to heaven. and seam, also, with their worn body and extreme nihilism. losing the purpose that gives their lives meaning fucks a darkner up bad.
and losing that meaning... it's kind of inevitable! all objects break someday. this isn't a bad thing in the real world, since objects don't have people attached to them. we can just throw things out if we don't need them anymore. but to a darkner, this represents irreparable psychological suffering. we don't see much evidence that darkners know how to construct meaning for themselves. once the light abandons them, that's it. they're done. they can rage at it or claw at it to get it back, but ultimately, it's pretty futile. there's no escaping that fate.
so they're stuck at the whims of these higher beings. no way out of it, no real agency within it. even objects that are very loved will likely be abandoned or broken someday. look at seam! they appear to be someone's favorite plushie once upon a time! and now they're just a jaded old creature in their shop. being free of the lightners just means fading into despair. a darkner will be used, or it will lose all meaning. these two very terrible options are the only ones they have. they don't even get to pick which one they get.
there's also the level of horror that is the lightners' ignorance to all this! tvlandofficial has a really good take on it with their characterization of tenna: she worships toriel, but toriel is just a lady watching television. she doesn't know there's guys in there! and they don't know she's just an ordinary person! granted, this is a fanon take, but I think it's a really good one. it highlights the fact that the darkners are dependent on beings who are completely unaware of their existence.
(by the way, this has slowly become my favorite headcanon for why kris' side of the room doesn't have more than the bare minimum. I like the idea that kris found out about darkners, was freaked the hell out by the idea of their objects being people who are forced to serve them, and threw it all away in an attempt to liberate them. this is also the reason why the TV keeps getting unplugged - kris feels weird about using it and so unplugs it frequently. now this SUCKS as a method of liberation for reasons I've already outlined, but I quite like the idea that kris is a compassionate kid who doesn't have the best grasp on what they're doing. they canonically have a tendency to project their own struggle for agency re: the player onto other things, if the game's narration is anything to go by. they may have thought that simply stopping their usage of the objects would fix the problem, since the player stopping their possession would certainly help THEM.)
it sucks. there's no way out. ralsei, the character who seems to be the most aware of what his position as a darkner means (he knows about the light world's layout! he knows that darkners are objects! and he knows about the player!) appears to be pretty entrenched in justifying the horror inherent to his own existence, but I think it's a losing battle. being calm about unimaginable cruelty won't help you through it. it'll just blind you to your own suffering and the suffering of others. something's got to give. these characters have got to have agency.
and what will give them that?
well. I think that whatever method kris eventually finds to permanently break free of our control, they won't leave the darkners behind. someday, I'm certain, all of them will be free. what that means exactly is still up to the future of the story, but I'm very sure it'll happen. the implications of this world suck, kris' agency is a struggle that's centered, and it's reflected in the darkners. there's gonna be a payoff somewhere that frees them of their fates.
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 4 months
so, hi. I was just thinking about joker out lyrics in general, and I thought, lemme see which songs were easy to learn and just what my first opinions about each song were (warning: this is long)
Umazane misli:
Gola - I fell in love once I heard the first interlude (before 'neki se dogaja dej me zmer utrip') and I guess it took me around three to four listens to get the hang of the lyrics. This song gives me butterflies in my stomach 🥰
Umazane misli - HA. do I even need to say anything here? It's been almost two years since I first heard this song. I learnt the lyrics on the. first. listen. This is huge considering that, at the time I was still getting used to the fact that ex-yugoslavian languages have major differences between them. These lyrics will be etched in my brain forever.
Vem da greš - oh this used to be a skip for me in the early days of jo brainrot. then boom! clicked on the acoustic version and realised how awesome this song really is. I always thought this song just screams 'pop rock'. it has one of my favorite lyrics ever : "kupim karto do vesolja če zemlja pregori" and jan really did something here with interlude (I am kissing you tenderly on the forehead mr. peteh)
Proti toku - I know people have noticed this, but the starting guitar riff is very similar to the one in Sweet Child O' Mine. Already a green flag. Wasn't really a huge fave of mine but I'm appreciating it a lot since Stožice. Going against social norms? Awesome meaning, awesome lyrics. I still haven't got the hang of the lyrics though (for some reason I just can't grasp it 😅)
Dopamin - Ah yes. This song always sounded a bit different from their sound, with all the synths, you know? But it is a certified dance song (stožice has proved that) and I am so fucking obsessed with kris' backing vocals here like everytime he goes, "razum izgubil je svoj glas" I just agdjspsneksldnsl and also the chorus is so satisfying to hear with bojan's angelic voice. I will stand by the statement that the stožice version surpasses the studio one by a mile.
Barve oceana - woohoo! This song is just so so fun and I've never been able to sit in one place whenever I listen to this. Lyrics are obviously a m a z i n g. and bojan's explanation just made it loads better! Extremely catchy, so obviously that I memorized the lyrics within two listens. Can't forget the stožice version with kris' "aaahhh" at the back.
Metulji - I purposefully avoid listening to this song (sometimes) cause the first time I did, it took me like ten minutes to come back to reality. I'm pretty sure I'll cry if I listen to it even now. And the VIOLIN?!! pls it's so beautiful. "Pleševa zadnji ples, da spet zadihava"??? I am dead on the floor. True masterpiece and I'll always be proud of our five little guys for creating this.
A sem ti povedal - oh god. This song was made to murder all of us. The minute I heard the starting guitar part, I was convinced I was not going to survive those three minutes. First, the lyrics. They are so beautiful, so poetic, so intense, so profound. Sometimes I feel weird singing along just cause of the sheer meaning this song holds and how I'll probably never experience these feelings. Also the last part? when I first listened to it, I didn't just die, I ascended to another plane of existence. Also have to mention kris' backing vocals once again. Especially the "šepetaj mi koliko me hočeš" You know what? Why don't you just kill me instead? And. the. video. They really decided the song wasn't enough and proceeded to pull on our heartstrings with THOSE visuals. Obsessed with the whole idea of jure in the water. I think I know like 80% of the lyrics but I always fumble somewhere.
Bele sanje - similar to most of their songs, the prelude itself was enough for me to hyperfixate on this song. I had like a whole bele sanje phase in april where I didn't listen to any other song. the way bojan sings, "njen utrip se redko umiri"? god. also this song was when I realised I was actually into this whole indie rock vibe of theirs (bele sanje was the third joker out song I listened to) and the whole concept of the badass female protagonist? Love it.
Omamljeno telo - oh omamljeno telo my love 🥰🥰🥰. bojans singing style was evidently different here, but there was a rawness to it that intrigued me. and guitars are the major reason why I love this song! obviously this interlude is one of my favorites from joker out songs. just 100% pure talent. My fave lyric is, " a vetra se ne da ujet tako lahko, nekdo pa je utrgal mojo vrtnico" the lyrics were extremely easy for some reason and I find myself singing along to it completely sometimes.
Well I knew it was going to be long, but I didn't expect this lmaooo. Pls share your opinions! I would love to know your favorite lyrics and what was your favorite part of each song too!
(I'll do demoni later 🥲)
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ellas-journey · 10 months
Time in Japan 🕰️
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   Did you realize something different in the clock that the spider Oni showed Zenitsu? I will let you think. Yes, it does not have numbers. I mean it does, in the tiny clock within the clock. And there is a reason for that, the clock that he is holding is a Japanese clock. So, a clock made in Japan? Ah not really. Let me explain.    People in Japan, like in most of Asia, did not count the time like we do today. There is the conception that ancient people lived according to natural cycles, that for them the daytime was for the living and the nighttime for the dead. Taking a step further, that westerns were concerned with schedules, and non-westerners seem to act like they did not care, they did not have a time-consciousness at all. But that was not true. The way they counted time sure was different but was still a way of counting the time, they used the so called “variable hour system”.    As the name suggests, the length of the hours varied with the seasons. The day was divided in daytime and nighttime, and each divided further in 6 equal periods called koku ou toki [ji]. Each of the twelve hours had the name of an animal of the zodiac. They would know the what time it was thanks to a public time-telling bells or drums, that were installed in high towers (to those that like to read danmeis like me, you must be pretty familiarized with this concept) so that the sound would be carried into the distance.    The mechanical clock arrived in Japan trough the hands of the Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier in the 16th century. It was gifted to the daimyo of Yamaguchi - Ouchi Yoshitaka - for him to allow Christianity in his territory, as soon more of this ticking machines would be asked to the Jesuits. Even Oda Nobunaga asked Louis Frois to see this intriguing machine, and, even tho this was an “useless thing” more and more clocks were brought to Japan to be used as expensive gifts. Even the Tokugawa family loved clocks even if they hated the westerns.    You should expect that since there was a flood of clocks in Japan that they soon would adopt this way of counting the time. That was not the case. The koku system continued in Japan until 1873, were in the 5th year of the Meiji Era the Emperor decided to adopt the Western calendar and way of dividing the time. But before that, western clocks were adapted into the Japanese way of seasonal time.     They were called “Wadokei - 和時計 - Japanese clock”. Why did this happen?  Well because “the clocks were counting the wrong time of hour!” Edo people were not used at not having the distinguishing between long and short hours, so they quickly decided to adapt the various types of western clocks into their system. “The mechanism of these clocks was practically identical to that of Western devices of the sixteenth century, with the only alteration being made to the locking plate of the alarm, which was modified to allow the clock to strike the number of times according to the Edo-period hour count, which consisted of double nine-to-four countdown series” - Frumer, 2012;    While it started as a novelty, by the 18th century clocks were not a rarity anymore. “Most mechanical clocks were only available to the rich and powerful, but the emergence of the economical and less decorative type indicates that there was some demand for mechanical clocks in the general society, possibly by merchants for their practical use in knowing the precise time.” - Hashimito, 2020; While we see the most expensive and decorative ones at museum, we must not forget that is exactly these characteristics that made their owners not throw them away, because in the case of a simple one you wouldn’t even think twice. “Clocks are not different from other museum exemplars suck as pottery or lacquerware - the existence of the state-of-art object does not imply that there were no simpler versions used by people of humbler status the daimyo” - Frumer, 2012;    Japanese clocks soon started to have both the Japanese hours and western hours, like in the clock that the Oni does have! While sure by the Taisho era the Japanese society would be fully adapted to the western way of telling the time, but imagining that the Oni was a human while this was the standard way of telling the time it is understandable why he does have that clock. Plus said clock had an specific time for the sunrise so can you really blame him for sticking to that? Same with the Ubuyashiki girl clock. Since they had to track the sunrise it would be way more easy to keep an old japanese clock that was the best a doing that job!
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   FRUMER, Yulia. 2012. - Clocks and Time in Edo Japan. PhD. Diss. Faculty of Princeton University;    HASHIMITO, Takehiko, 2008 - Japanese Clocks and the History of punctuality in Modern Japan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 2:1, 123-133. <https://doi.org/10.1215/s12280-008-9031-z>    Linfamy. 2022- How christians intruduced the first mechanical clocks to Japan for GOD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQVNxAVlR44    Linfamy. 2023 - Traditional japanese clocks: 1200 years of history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5eJgqSV6eA&t=321s     
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