#but I had to go to my dads house while my husband went to see his grandma with his mom out of town
Anna please tell me more about Madhouse Joel 🥰😚👀
Honestly he’s my fave 😍😍
Okay so this actually came from an ask @toxicanonymity had gotten, like months ago 🫢
I was gonna do a one shot but honestly it was becoming a monster so I’m breaking it up into different parts. A lil snippet under the cut
Madhouse Joel
Growing up, all the adults around you always pushed you to go to college. You were forever being told that you had to go get a higher education to get a good job and then you had to find a good husband and pop out a few children and be a housewife but also work and make money. Your future was planned out for you without anyone ever even asking what you wanted. That was until the summer you turned sixteen. You still aren’t even sure exactly what happened that day. It was mid July in your small southern town in the middle of Texas. You had ventured out to the big oak tree in your backyard, swinging on the old wooden swing your dad had put up for you when you were five. Lost in your own thoughts as your legs swung back and forth when you heard bloodcurdling screams and shouts before two gun shots went off. You lost both your parents that day. During the trial, your mothers lawyer claimed she lost her mind and went insane to explain why she shot your father in the chest. The judge sent her off to spend the rest of her life in a mental institution while your daddy rest in peace up on the hill about a few miles out from your house.
After being orphaned, your dads sister, Aunt Millie, came to live with you at your house. You always loved her, she was only ten years older than you, making her a guardian at only twenty six. She was the one who supported you when you decided to become a nurse.
It’s been a few years since you graduated college, earning your bachelor’s in nursing with a concentration in psychiatric mental health. You had hoped to work in the psych ward, after seeing how your mom was treated in the hospital, it made you want to make a change. You wanted to improve mental hospitals, so many of them are still very medieval in the practices they continue to do. You knew it would be hard to really make any kind of change but you could at least make life a little better for the patients you worked with.
It had actually been a struggle to find work in any healthcare position after graduation which is why you find yourself in Elmwood now. Elmwood is a small town located down in Texas, a few hours south from where you had gone to school. They aren’t joking when they say it’s a small town, it’s home to a little over 3,000 residents. A majority of those residents come from the patients who live in the Elmwood Sanitarium. The most violent, criminally insane people get sent here. And this is where you find yourself pulling up too on a sunny Monday morning. At least it was sunny before you took a left turn down a dirt road a couple miles back. The sanitarium is hidden back, deep in the woods. As you get closer, the old hospital looks daunting and ominous. It leaves the feeling of a deep pit in your stomach, an uncertainty that something bad is gonna happen that you just can’t shake. Making your way into the parking lot that sits to the side of the hospital, you’re able to find a spot close to the front. Putting your car in park, you grab your purse and take a deep breath in,
“You got this. They reached out to you. They offered you a job because you’re good at what you do,” breathe out, “let’s do this.”
You give yourself a little pep talk to try to help subside this horrible gut feeling you have
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sweetcreaturetm · 1 year
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sukunas-wife · 5 months
you could do something where sukuna and yuji team up to protect their mom/wife when a person is bothering or harassing her, they love her so much that they won't let someone hurt her 🥹💗
Leave Mama Kuna alone 😔
Old Day, because no one was brave enough to confront Sukuna for murder.
Warnings? Murder, in red text a man attempted to force himself on reader, Gore, Blood
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It didn't take much to upset Sukuna, he was always looking for a reason to snap at someone and end a life. Sadly his son Yuji was a cock block for murder, and it irked him that he basically had to shake and rile his son up to get angry and then he’d just flat line and “but why don’t we-“ They didn’t agree to often on why a man should die- but in this case they were all agreeing. “Get him daddy!” Yuji yelled, pointing his chubby finger at a man maybe in his early Twenties who had been talking to you while you were trying to pick out Snacks for Yuji. He had wandered off after passing a candy stand and usually you’d send a maid or help to get the necessities but today you wanted to take Yuji out to walk and play and hopefully learn some self preservation, Sukuna, well he was feared and he just wanted to come along to make sure no idiot would try to disrespect you. “Listen, I’m just trying to get some things for my son. Leave while you still can and maybe my husband will let you live.” You smiled nodding at the man who scoffed “Your husband? What is he? a Mercenary? What’s he gonna do to kill me? That’s probably a lie you probably don’t even have a so-” you sighed turning away when Sukuna lifted the man by the neck with one hand twisting him around to face him, “No, I’m your God,” his stare darkened “but I’m not so merciful.” There stood Yuji by his dads leg, “Yeah! You deserve no mercy! That’s my mom you were disrespecting!… Idiot!” You tried not to laugh at Yuji’s extra words and went back to paying the scared vendor for the snacks you had picked out. By the time you looked back the guy was laid out on the floor bloody and probably just barely clinging to life, head being pressed into the dirt being grinded on by Sukuna’s large foot. Yuji was swinging away on his ribs and stomach, for a 7 year old his hits were surprisingly solid.
As the day progressed you had managed to convince Sukuna to have lunch despite the fact he didn’t eat human food. But he watched as Yuji sat beside him slurping away at noodles and his rice topped with diced meat, “Boy’s more human than curse.” Was all Sukuna said when Yuji looked up at him, noodles hanging out his mouth before he slurped them up smiling. “Daddy I gotta Pee.” Sukuna sighed standing up out of the booth, “then go.” “…go with me?” Yuji looked up at his dead with pleading eyes before Sukuna groaned and motioned for him to go, “Fine.” Sukuna was waiting outside the bathroom when he heard a trio, two men and one woman. “That's her isn’t it? She’s the Deity at the Shrine house isn’t she?” One man asked the girl. She just shrugged, “Yeah but I don’t see what’s so special about her? So she had some big curses kid, her body’s probably trashed or something.” “Shut up Kaguya, you're probably just jealous, any man would give anything to lay that woman in their bed. If I had a chance I’d get her pregnant too, look at her, I’d do anything to pull her robes off.” The second guy spoke up, “That’s sick man, she has a husband and kid, Yeah she’s pretty but she’s literally a deity, have some respect.” Kaguya interrupted “She’s probably a slut and maid who just had sex with him and got lucky she got pregnant, she’d probably spread her legs for anyone if they offered a comfortable lif-“ Sukuna’s hands were bloody, in a matter of seconds he had ripped th hearts out of the first man and the girls chest. It hadn't been processed as they managed to look up his blood covered hands. The smirk on his face was sinister and became worse when the second man looked up at him in fear, struggling to scream. He shoved the man’s friend's heart into his mouth like a gag, leaning down with a threatening voice “You’d do best to keep your mouth shut.”
Yuji and you had wandered off from Sukuna when he became surrounded by people bearing gifts to honour him. He was annoyed and even more when he turned to realise both you and Yuji had left his side. You were taking Yuji with you to the shrine house the people had built for you. The eunuchs at the entrance greeted you, stopping to ask if Yuji would be entering with you, which caused him to hold onto the side of your robes and sleeve, you put your hand on his shoulder comforting him, “Yes, this is my son after all.” Entering the shrine, you made your way all the way to the back where you would sit and wait before the doors would open to the public. Yuji was walking around the room looking around until he stopped. You had a wall where all the drawings he’d ever given you while leaving the palace had been framed because “I don wan you to forget me” A young girl came into the room shocked that Yuji was there until you cleared your throat, “oh! Forgive me Lady Y/n, I didn’t know you would be here today.” You waved a hand of dismissal. “I didn’t expect to be here either, but I thought Yuji,” you looked at him, he was staring at the girl in the door, slowly walking to you, his eyes never left her face. He looked serious, a face his dad often wore when something was wrong and he was watching it play out or when he was lost in thought. He turned away from you leaning against your lap standing between you and the girl. “Who the hell is she?” He sounded like a younger version of his dad with his demanding tone and dead stare, his curse word caught you off guard. You tried to form words stopping when you couldn’t, “she’s a servant who works here Yu, what’s wrong?” You leaned trying to get a look at his face, but he wouldn’t turn to look at you, he had his target. The girl became uncomfortable under his stare, “well, him Lady y/n there was an expecting mother who came by begging for a miracle.. the details shouldn’t be explained in front of such a young boy or boy at all really but-“ you held up your hand silencing her. “Bring her into the main room. I'll be out in a minute. I just need to make sure Yuji will be okay here for a few minutes.” She bowed, closing the door, Yuji turned to look at you and he seemed visibly at ease, “Yu.. what’s wrong?” He looked at the door, “She’s funny.. in a bad way..” you didn’t know how to answer. “Alright, I’ll remember that then.” You stood up, setting him on your chair and kneeling in front of him, “Will you be okay here? Alone for a short bit?” He shook his head no while kicking his feet, “Don’t leave me.”
That’s how you ended up with Yuji following quietly behind you when you made your way through the hallways to the main room. He got distracted stopping for a moment to look at a picture, the end of the hallway split two ways. There was a painting of Sukuna holding newborn Yuji, he looked so serious in the painting, when you told Sukuna you wanted it for your shrine he refused to smile saying it wouldn’t look good in the public eye or something along those words. Yuji was pulled out of his day dream when he heard you scream, he ran trying to find you. He froze seeing a man cornering you in the hallway, you were fighting him off the best you could but you couldn’t only do so much against a half curse half man that was attempting to measure up to Sukuna. He was far off from even touching the hem of Ryomen’s robes, but he was an entitled arrogant bastard. When the servant girl came, Yuji saw how she smiled at the scene. Yuji ran in blind, jumping and climbing the man’s back, wrapping his arms around his neck and biting into his shoulder. The man screamed and tried to pull Yuji free. He couldn’t do it alone so the servant girl tried, you fought harder when you saw how she was shaking him around. You broke free from the man's grip pulling Yuji free from her before rushing screaming for Sukuna, all the eunuchs wouldn’t be able to help you. The man grabbed your robes and Yuji fell from your arms, he watched his man lift you by the front of your robes and your hands, nails were digging into his wrist.
Why don’t you use your technique mom!? DO SOMETHING! dads not he- “Domain Expansion” the room went black, there was the sound of a drip and everything was dark, it felt hard to breathe, “Cleave.” Your eyes widened before you shoved the man off of you. You heard the squelch and thud of a body, and the crashing and cracking of the walls to your shrine being torn apart. Turning to look you saw Yuji, his hand sign was opposite his fathers, but he looked livid. His face was covered in markings mirroring his fathers more human form. You wanted to say something, but you turned to the gaping wall. The Cursed man was laying in the dusty street, he was sliced deeply but not fatally. The servant didn’t stand a chance. She was sliced finely for betrayal. Watching a crowd gather you pulled Yuji with you to see if the cursed man was alive. He was laying there, unfocused, he saw you and yelled “ILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND YOUR DAMN CHILD I AM THE ONE DESTINED FOR GREAT I WILL BE THE KING OF CURSES YOU BOTH WILL DIE AT MY HANDS,” before forcing himself up, chest, arms, and waist crossed with deep gashes.
He tried to lift his hands only to realise they weren’t there, his arms were gone. Yuji was mad that a man would try to take advantage of his mother, but as long as his father wasn’t there he would be there, but for now, a low chuckled rumbled behind the man, “You’ll need your hands to even think about laying them on my wife and son.” Sukuna wrapped his arm around the man from behind, large hand squeezing his neck, a low grumble, “You aren’t strong, you’re a fool and your brain is a pile of shit. You deserve only the worst death, but I’m having a little fun here so I’ll make this slow and painful.” Uraume approached Sukuna holding out his staff. Sukuna stabbed it into the ground piercing the man on the pointed edges, letting him sink down until it pierced through his chest. There the cursed man screamed and no matter how much he squirmed and begged for mercy Sukuna would push him down further. The man begged for mercy, for him to stop, “Did you listen to my wife when she asked you to stop?” He took the man’s jaw in his hand forcing him to look up at him, the pressure slowly fracturing his jaw as he shook his head no trying to profusely apologise. Sukunas nails dug into his face before he let go, “Did you have mercy on my wife when you grabbed her like this?” His large hand crushed the man's throat, nails digging into his skin, blood flowing, “WHEN MY WIFE TRIED TO PUSH YOU AWAY DID YOU WALK AWAY? NO YOU TRIED TO TOUCH HER LIKE THIS.” Sukuna placed his hand on the man’s chest, “dishonourable actions will be paid for with blood.” The crowd was watching when Sukuna drove his hand into the man’s chest squeezing his heart in his chest, the man screamed and gurgled as he spat up blood. Sukuna ripped out his heart throwing it on the ground and ripping off his head crushing his skull in his head, “Let this be a warning to every human in the vicinity, in this city in the existence of this time, that any man or woman who would act to lift a hand against my child or wife, your blood will be spilled to atone your sins.”
The crowd quickly cleared out and Sukuna turned to you, Yuji still had the markings on his face, his eyes were red. Sukuna nodded, holding an arm out to you. Pushing Yuji ahead of you, you started to tear up, hugging your husband’s side. Yuji was hugging your side. “Ryo-“ he shushed you using a hand to press your face against his chest. Burying your face against his hot skin your body wanted to tremble while you cried into the comforting of your husband but his presence was reassuring as surprising as it might sound. He rubbed his warm hand up and down your back “I’m here now.” He rested his chin on top of your head, he looked down at Yuji pulling him into his other side ruffling his hair. “You did good kid.” Yuji still looked serious before he leaned into his dads side with a slight smile. He went over to hug you, you took hold of him and he didn’t let go until you stopped sniffling. He smiled up at you, puffy eyes and red cheeks, Sukuna snickered, pinching your cheek making a joke, Yuji’s bright smile didn’t falter, “I still think you’re pretty.” Your sudden laugh made your husband and son laugh. Kneeling down you pinched both of Yuji’s cheeks lightly as he laughed, before cupping his face in both hands bringing him close to kiss both of cheeks and forehead calling him “My Little Protector.” He smiled with pride before you got up smiling at Sukuna, he sides eyed you before sighing leaning to the side giving you his face, “and my big hero.” Cupping his face you brought him into a kiss and he smirked against your lips when Yuji let out a loud “eeeewwww”
“Cmon Yu,” you held your hand out to him and he took it happily walking while holding your hand, “I’ll be stronger next time!”
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@sakuxxi @mercymccann @simpforyoubitch @certainduckanchor @domainofmarie @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @sad-darksoul @cyder-puff @satorisgirl l @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 7
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1-800-kami · 6 months
4:23 pm | the adventures of dad!gojo
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content: 0.9k words, fem!reader, dad gojo, megumi is your son, silly crack fic
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gojo satoru is a man with very little fears.
in actuality, people are afraid of him. a mere gaze from those cerulean blue eyes of his sends people running off to the opposite direction, so the adjective “intimidating” was quite the understatement to describe him. some might even say that he’s the strongest, so he possesses no fear at all.
despite that, gojo has one thing he’s deathly afraid of: you–his wife, when you’re angry.
“suguru, help me out here!” geto can physically feel his bestfriend’s panic through the phone. gojo explained the situation in a fast ramble–geto could barely understand what he was saying, but he thinks he got the gist of it: you went out to run some errands and entrusted gojo to take care of your two year old child, megumi, while you were out. gojo conjured up the genius idea of keeping megumi entertained by handing him a paper and markers–so that they could surprise you with megumi’s amazing artistic abilities once you came back home.
it had gone “so well”, gojo said earlier, picking up the paper and studying it. “i think this is a drawing of a cat? or a dog, i don’t really know.. still, it’s made by my son, and it’s the peak of art and i think everyone should see it!”
gojo was so busy trying to decipher what megumi had drawn that he didn’t realize that his son still had the markers in his hands. when he peers over to look at megumi again, he just about screamed.
“gumi- no- GUMI!” he shrieks, snatching the markers away from his son’s hold. megumi, not having a paper to draw on anymore, decided to use the wall as his canvas instead—sketching a poorly drawn house with a bright red marker. “you’re not supposed to draw on the wall! aw fuc-ahem, freak… your mom’s gonna kill me…”
“gosh suguru, some advice would help!” satoru’s never been so afraid in all his years of living. you’re coming home pretty soon, and he has no idea what to do. he’s already imagining the look on your face–and it’s pushing satoru to the brink of passing out. gojo satoru–the renowned sorcerer who’s fought the king of curses, been sealed away in a box and has had multiple near death experiences–all of these things have happened to him yet none can compare to the fear of facing his wife when she’s angry.
“hmm? what is it, nanako?” satoru can hear his bestfriend trying not to laugh over the phone. suguru knows an easy solution to his problem, but he thinks that leaving satoru in the dark is funnier. it’s rare to see the strongest sorcerer like this, so geto revels in it with pure amusement. “you’re hungry? okay… let’s see what i can make for you, yeah?”
“you heard her, satoru~ one of the twins are hungry. i’m afraid i have to go… good luck about the markers, yeah?” suguru hangs up before satoru could say a word. he curses under his breath, but feels his heart stop when he hears the door unlock.
you’re home.
“mama!” megumi yells, clapping his hands and slowly crawling over to the front door. you happily greet your son, placing the grocery bags on the table.
you walk over to your husband, kissing him on the cheek before noticing the piece of paper that he’s holding. “oh? what’s this?”
you grab the paper from his hands and satoru regains a little bit of his composure once he hears you coo at your son’s drawing. “thought it would be nice for me and megumi to surprise you while you were gone… it’s a drawing of a cat-”
“...a horse. yup, that’s what i said!” he sheepishly ignores his son’s glare, mentally preparing himself to tell you about the wall.
“i love it! oh my gosh, megumi, aren’t you just a little artist?” you say, ruffling your son’s hair with a big smile. “this is definitely going on the fridge.”
“...there’s one small problem, though…” satoru refuses to meet your gaze.
“what did you do this time, satoru?”
“hey, it technically wasn’t me!” he says, this time being the one to shoot the glare at his son. “so hypothetically…what if i told you that gumi thought it would be a nicer idea to use the wall as a canvas instead of the paper?”
satoru perceives your silence as his death sentence. “look, i’m sorry! i was trying to figure out what he drew and i forgot that he still had the markers in his hands-”
“and the next thing i know, he drew on the wall before i was able to take the markers from him-”
“and suguru wasn’t giving me advice either, but then-”
“satoru!” your final yell finally breaks him from his ramble. he’s surprised to see that no, you don’t have a look of murder on your face. in fact, you’re actually smiling—looking more amused than anything.
“satoru, they’re washable markers.” you take a baby wipe from your purse and walk over to the wall, wiping away the bright red marker strokes easily with a few swipes. you’re trying not to laugh at his dumbfounded expression. “did you not know that?”
now he’s the one stunned into silence. “...”
“no, no… i definitely knew that…!”
“yeah, sure you did.”
being a father is so difficult.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 3 months
Can you write a one shot where Bucky and reader have a daughter. One day when reader and their little daughter are at home and Bucky is at the compound or on a mission, reader accidentally hurts herself. She says something like this to the daughter :"Don't tell daddy." But later when Bucky comes home she says something to Bucky and he immediately gets worried. And then maybe some cuddle time with the Barnes Family.
Thank you in advance 💗
Mommy Hurt » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Husband/Dad/Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Mom!Reader with daughter Daisy
Summary: Bucky gets worried when he finds out from his daughter that Y/N got hurt while he was on a mission.
Warnings: Fluff, language, small injury, brief mention of blood, hugs and kisses, cuddling, uses of nicknames/pet names
A/N: Thank you for requesting @lives-in-midgard 🩵 I had fun writing this🥰
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found this one on Pinterest.
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“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” Yours and Bucky’s 3 year old daughter Daisy comes running in the kitchen with a piece of paper in her hands. “Look what I draw!” She says, holding the picture up for you to see.
“It’s beautiful, sweetie. Tell me about.” You say, looking down at her.
“This is daddy. This is mommy. This is Pine Pine. This is me.” She says, point to each stick figure in the picture.
You were trying your best to do the dishes and pay attention to what Daisy was saying which probably wasn’t the best idea, because the next thing you know, you felt a sharp pain in your hand. You gasped and dropped the knife you had in your other hand in the sink, clutching your hand in your other one.
“Mommy?” Daisy tapping on your leg. “What happened?” She asks, looking up at you.
“I-I’m fine, baby.” You tried your best to not cry in front of your daughter. “Mommy cut herself.” You tell her.
You slowly opened your hand to see a small cut on the palm of your hand with a little bit of blood coming out of it. You grabbed a kitchen towel that was next to the sink and put it on your hand, applying pressure.
“Mommy have a boo boo?” Daisy asks.
“Just a little one.” You say.
You crouched down to her height and gave her a hug.
“Don’t tell daddy.” You tell her.
“No tell daddy.” She says.
“Good girl.” You smiled and kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you go watch cartoons in the living room and I’ll be there in a few minutes.” You tell her.
“Ok, mommy!” Daisy says, running off to the living room.
You went to the bathroom and got the first aid kit out from underneath the sink. You cleaned out the cut with alcohol and wrapped some gauze around it and taped it with medical tape. You put the first aid kit away and went to the living room to see that Daisy put on Barbie. You took a seat next to her and watched it with her.
A couple days later, Bucky came home from a week long mission. Bucky frowns in confusion when he didn’t see you and Daisy greet him immediately like the two of you normally do.
“Where are my girls?” Bucky’s voice echos through the house.
Bucky heard Daisy’s little footsteps running towards him.
“Daddy!” Daisy says excitedly.
“There’s my baby girl!” Bucky says happily as he picked up Daisy.
Bucky gave her a bunch of hugs and kisses, making her giggle.
“Mommy hurt.” She tells him.
“What?” Bucky felt his heart drop, thinking that something bad happened to you while he was on the mission. “Where is mommy?” He asks her.
“Kitchen.” Daisy says, pointing towards the kitchen.
Bucky walks in the kitchen with Daisy in his arms to see you putting groceries away.
“Bucky, you’re home!” You smile widely and hugged him.
“Are you ok?” Bucky asks with worry in his voice.
“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” You asked.
“Daisy told me you got hurt.” He says.
“I told her not to tell you.” You say, looking at your daughter.
“Sowwy, mommy.” Daisy says, feeling bad.
“It’s ok, sweetie.” You say, moving a piece of hair from her face.
Daisy tapped on Bucky’s shoulder, telling him that she wants down. When Bucky put her down, she ran to her play room.
“Show me.” He says.
“Babe, it’s nothing.” You say.
“Doll…” He says.
You sighed and took the gauze off of your left hand and showed him the cut on the palm of your hand that was starting to scab up. Bucky gently took your hand in his and inspected it.
“How did you cut yourself?” Bucky asks.
“I was doing the dishes while looking at a picture Daisy drew and I cut myself with a knife.” You explained.
Bucky felt relieved, knowing that you’re fine. He brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it softly, making you smile. Then he kissed you passionately.
“How about I properly patch up your hand.” Bucky says.
Bucky led you upstairs to yours and his bedroom. You took a seat on the bed while Bucky got the first aid kit from the bathroom. He came out of the bathroom and sat down next to you. He cleaned it with alcohol and wrapped it with gauze, also making sure it wasn’t too tight and tapped it with medical tape. He brought your hand up to his lips again and kissed it softly.
“Better?” Bucky asks.
“All better.” You say, leaning forward to kiss him.
“I’m taking you to the Compound tomorrow so Bruce can take a look at it.” He says.
“Fine.” You say with a playful pout.
Bucky kisses your lips once more, but the kiss was interrupted when Daisy came running in the bedroom.
“Hey!” Daisy shouts, getting yours and Bucky’s attention. “Up!” She says, doing grabby hands at her daddy.
You and Bucky smiled at her cuteness. Bucky picked her up and placed her in between the two of you.
“I draw something!” Daisy shows you and Bucky a picture. “This is daddy. This is mommy. This is Pine Pine. This is me. Me and Pine Pine are superheros like daddy in this one.” She tells you guys.
“It’s beautiful, princess.” Bucky says, kissing the top of her head.
You guys heard Alpine meow loudly as she jumped up on the bed. You guys gave Alpine some lovings before laying down with Daisy in between you and Bucky and Alpine on the pillow next to Bucky’s head.
“I wuv you, daddy. I wuv you, mommy.” Daisy says, kissing yours and Bucky’s cheeks.
“We love you too, baby.” You and Bucky say, kissing her cheeks.
Bucky turned on Barbie for Daisy while you guys cuddled for the rest of the night. Bucky couldn’t ask for anything better than this.
-Bucky’s Doll
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moremaybank · 1 year
GREEDY — j.m
pairing jj maybank x wife!reader
summary an ode to breeding kink!jj
warnings 18+, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, praise kink, dad!jj dirty-talking reader's ear off, language
author’s note this is supposed to be a blurb, so let's see if i get carried away (basically 1.4k words, definitely not a blurb but i'm not surprised). side note — i'm going back to capitalizing.
jj masterlist
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One weekend.
One whole weekend away from your happy and healthy son.
Your parents had volunteered to babysit their grandson, allowing you and JJ to abandon ship and spend some much-needed time together. As first-time parents, the two of you had been running yourselves ragged. Every day seemed longer than the last as you navigated through the ups and downs of parenting. It was a challenge, but it was one that the two of you were grateful for. You both adored your son more than either of you could ever fathom, and you were overjoyed that your family of two had expanded into a family of three.
Still, you and JJ needed time to reconnect. Not as mother and father, but instead as husband and wife. Your romantic getaway was long overdue, and you'd be damned if you two were going to let those precious seventy-two hours go to waste.
In typical Y/N and JJ fashion, the two of you hadn't left the bed since you'd arrived at your family's lake house. It took JJ exactly ten seconds to shut the door, rip your clothes off and throw your body on the mattress before he went to town.
You'd always been insatiable, both refusing to keep your hands off each other. This time, though, it was different. The sneaky quickies you two partook in while your son was sleeping weren't cutting it anymore. Not that you'd ever get enough of each other, but not having the opportunity to go at it for hours like you used to was quickly beginning to frustrate you both — in every sense of the term.
"Shit, J. You're so deep," you cried out, your nails clawing jagged cuts into the skin of JJ's back. He thrusted into you hard and deep, and each stuffing of his thick cock made your toes curl and your head spin. "Hurts so fucking good."
"Christ, this pretty pussy's all stretched out around my cock. You feel how tight you're squeezing me, baby?" He gritted, pushing down on the backs of your thighs and bending you in half. He fucked you harder, each thrust knocking the wind out of your lungs as your body shook from the force. "You're taking this cock so fucking well. Love you so much, babygirl."
Curling your legs around his upper back and helping him keep your legs out of the way, you mewled loudly. Your arms slid around JJ's neck as you held him close. "Love you, J," you whined, your tongue tangling with his when your lips met in a searing kiss.
"Your pussy's so good for me, holding so much of my cum. There's no goddamn way you aren't pregnant again by the time we leave here."
"Was that your plan, Maybank?" You questioned through your panting.
"Can you blame me? I fucking loved when you were pregnant. You were taking this cock all the time, weren't you?" JJ taunted. He slowed the pace of his hips, slamming his cock into you with focus and precision. His head dropped to the crook of your neck, pressing kisses on your tingling skin before his lips found your ear. "Remember our anniversary?"
"God, yes," you called, both in response to his question and how his cock massaged every aching inch of your walls.
"Yeah? How many times did you take my cum, pretty girl?"
"Nine times, J."
"That's right," JJ cooed, his pace picking up as the memories flashed through his mind, "Nine times. You made me so fucking proud, baby."
You gasped when JJ's hips began to snap into you quicker, and your head sank further into the pillow as JJ worked his magic on you. You were getting close, and your cunt starved for another orgasm. "Want your cum, J. Give me another baby."
Your pleading tone and doe eyes sent a thrill up JJ's spine. He loved hearing you beg for him to fill you up almost as much as he loved actually doing it. "Shit," he rasped, slamming into you faster. His fingers found your clit, and he rubbed it vigorously, trying to push you over the edge. "'M gonna knock you up again so I can stuff you full of my cum as many times as I want. I think we could break our record."
"Yes, right there! Don't stop, J!" You cried. Your legs began to shake as your high raked through you, and you held onto JJ tightly.
"Go ahead, baby. Cream on my cock. I want you all over me." JJ kept his pace up until you came down. He gave you a few shallow thrusts, keeping your releases inside you as best as he could, but his circles on your clit didn't halt. They slowed, but he kept his pressure there.
Your walls continued to flutter around him, and he knew your body yearned for more. His hips snapped into you with more force, with JJ returning to burying his cock inside you as he strived to fill you up again.
"It's too much, baby. I don't think I can do it," you whimpered.
"That's okay," JJ assured you, "You can take it, pretty girl."
JJ's pace picked up, and your eyes sprang with tears in response to the paralyzing pleasure building in your core. His cock was unforgiving, ramming into your entrance with brutal force.
"I don't deserve your cock, J. It's— it's too perfect," you hiccupped.
JJ brought his face closer to yours, the thumb of his free hand stroking your cheek as his eyes locked on yours. He pressed a kiss against your lips, barely pulling away as he spoke, "Yes, you do, baby. You deserve all this fucking cock every day."
You chased his lips hazily as they murmured sweet nothings. Your lips finally connected, and JJ pushed his cock all the way inside you, completely stuffing you full. He stilled, and he felt your walls clamp down on him. You whimpered into his mouth, your hips gyrating as you fucked yourself with his cock.
JJ broke the kiss, wanting to watch the look on your face as you fought for another orgasm. "Take my cum," he spoke, "Good girl. Take my fucking cum."
Your eyes remained shut tightly, and your fingers threaded through his long locks as your high approached you. Your feet planted on his hips, giving you leverage as you fucked him.
"Open your eyes. Look at me while you fuck me, baby," JJ ordered. You opened your eyes, obeying him as you got lost in his blue orbs. The intimacy from this small act still gave you butterflies, no matter how often you and JJ found yourselves in this position (no pun intended). You moved your hips with urgency, feeling yourself on the brink. Knowing your body so well, JJ felt it too. "That's it, princess. Look into my eyes and take my cum from me. Fucking take it. Be as greedy as you want."
"J, I—"
"I know, baby. I'm right there," he said. "Cum with me."
Your moans filled the room, along with JJ's loud grunts when the two of you came. You felt JJ's cock twitch inside you as he unloaded his cum into your pussy yet again. The warmth surged through you, reaching the core of your bones and filling you with immense pride.
"Shit," JJ breathed, pulling out slowly. He watched as his cum oozed out of you, running down your skin. It threatened to soak the sheets, but JJ quickly caught it with his fingers. He pushed his seed back inside, stuffing you full of him again. You inhaled sharply at the sudden intrusion, your hips stuttering. "Can't have you wasting a single drop, baby. Need to see exactly how much of me can fit in there."
Your eyes searched his and found the flashes of lust hiding behind them. "JJ, no. Let me catch my breath," you told him.
JJ smirked, gripping the base of his cock and tapping the head against your swollen clit. Your hips jerked in response, and you could barely register what was happening before you felt JJ's cock inside you.
"J!" You gasped.
"Don't try to act all coy as if you weren't begging for all my cum five minutes ago, babygirl. We both know you'll take this cock as many times as I want."
And you did, without a fuss.
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jj tag list (join here!): @lov3r0fr0ck @adr1an4 @demiioxox @pankowperfection @spideybrina @p4nkowrld @maybank-archives @xngelsau @nerd505 @penny4yourthoughts @rafelover @wotfasked @angel037 @baby-maybank @conniesanchor @obxjjpouge @adoreyouusugar @skydisneylover @elijahssuit @kenzi-woycehoski @alexxavicry @tori-loves1 @princessbetsy123-blog @dudenhaaa27 @qualitybelieverflower @houseofperfecttaste @lyn07 @rafesmuse @pankhoeforlife @hemogloban @fool4him @rafesdior @hobiibobii @v-velvetykisscs @kittyqrt @maybankslover @laineywilsons
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harrysfolklore · 10 months
Can you write a blurb where y/n is pregnant and she and harry are at a family party or something and everyone keeps touching her bump and she’s very uncomfortable, and harry comforts her? Xx
as usual, i hated the ending for this but i hope you guys like it 🥲 let me know your thoughts and thanks for the request <33
GIF BY @whatsthereinthename
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The world was going crazy over Harry Styles becoming a dad.
And the fact that the picture he posted on his Instagram to announce it gathered over 30m likes, making it the 10th most liked picture on the platform’s history proved it.
However, his millions of fans all over the world weren’t the only ones feeling absolutely ecstatic over his wife being pregnant with his first child, his family was also losing their minds over the news.
The Styles family loved YN to pieces, and not only Harry’s nuclear family consisting of his mom and sister, his extended family including aunts, uncles, cousins and even family friends had grown to love the girl over the years. So when Anne called up to invite them over for one of her famous get togethers, they were over the moon because they knew the couple would be there and they would catch a glimpse of a pregnant YN for the first time.
“You ready, love?” Harry said as he entered their shared bathroom where his wife was applying the finishing touches to her makeup.
“I am, just need to spray on some perfume and I’m good to go.” She said as she turned around to face her husband, and when Harry got a proper look at her his breath almost hitched in his throat.
She looked absolutely breathtaking with her navy blue sundress and the brand new bump that adorned her body.
Harry swore that he had never seen someone more beautiful.
“Look at you, darling.” Harry simply said, putting a hand on his chin, looking at her almost in disbelief.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” YN joked for a moment, battling her eyelashes at him.
“No, you’re just the most gorgeous woman on this earth.”
“And you’re a total sap, let’s go, I don’t want us to be late.”
The car ride to Anne’s house was nice, their favorite soft tunes and small talk filled the air until they got there, and before getting off the car, Harry took a moment to reassurance his wife about the evening.
“If you feel uncomfortable or want to rest let me know immediately, okay? I don’t want you or baby to be overwhelmed.”
She pecked his lips softly before speaking, “We’ll be good, don’t worry.”
They got off the car and we’re instantly met with Anne waiting for them by the door, a fond smile on her face at the sight of two of her favorite people.
“I’m so happy you made it,” she said as he hugged Harry first, “Darling! You’re absolutely glowing!” she hugged her daughter-in-law, gently caressing her bump.
“Thank you, Anne. It’s so good to see you.”
The three of them headed to the backyard where the rest of the guests were mingling, and once YN stepped foot all eyes were on her, complimenting how beautiful her bump looked.
“YN darling! Long time no see!” one of Harry’s aunts approached her, hugging her before placing a hand on her bump.
At this, she immediately tensed, not used to anyone aside from Harry touching her bump.
Harry noticed it and he placed a hand on her back protectively before speaking, “We’re going to sit down for a bit, the missus is a bit tired from the drive here.”
Once they were seated next to Gemma and her boyfriend Michal, YN squeezed Harry’s leg gently and gave him a soft smile, as a way to thank him for his previous action.
The evening went on smoothly, they ate Anne’s delicious food and engaged with family they haven’t seen in a while.
However, every time someone came close to YN, trying to touch her bump or just invade her personal space, she grew more and more uncomfortable.
“Your bump is getting so big!”
“Is the baby kicking yet?”
“I miss having a baby bump.”
Were some of the comments YN had heard all day long, and by the time another of Harry’s aunts tried to approach her, she had enough and quickly exited the backyard before she could reach her.
“Love? Are you okay? Saw you running away back there.”
Harry’s voice made its way to her ears, she was leaning on the kitchen counter, her back facing him.
“I’m okay, just needed a breather.” She said, her eyes closed and still not facing him.
“Hey,” Harry slowly approached her, standing next to her but not touching her, “Can you look at me please?”
YN slowly turned around, and once Harry saw her watery eyes with tears threatening to come out, he pulled her to his chest.
“What’s going on, love? What made you upset?”
YN took a few breaths before speaking, “I just, I’m not used to anyone but you touching my bump and being close to me, and your aunts have been all over me all evening and I guess I got overwhelmed,” she sniffed before continuing, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to be rude to your family but these hormones are acting up.”
“It’s okay love, nothing to apologize for,” he pecked her forehead softly, “Do you want to get out of here, we can leave now.”
“No, we don’t have to leave,” YN interrupted him, “Can you just, stay next to me when we go out there? I feel safer when you’re close.”
Harry almost melted at her words, and she grabbed her chin and kissed her lips softly.
“Of course, my love. I’ll always make sure you and baby feel safe and comfortable.”
And with a final shared kiss, they headed out again, Harry staying by YN’s side the entire time, making sure she and his baby were always safe.
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe @drewrry
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
More dad max pls! Binged all of the parts in mini me and I need moooore 😫😫 how about little fabi and his friends having a sleepover and his friends see max and they’re all 🤩🤩
I love dad max and little fabi I swear to god
Mini Me Masterlist
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Fabi had his friends over for school. He'd been over to all of his friends house, but they hadn't yet been to his.
As soon as he'd expressed to his mother that he wanted to have friends over, she moved all of Max's trophies into his office. It was where he kept his sim rig ever since Fabian was born.
Y/N set up the living room with blankets and cushions and movies and snacks. She had the house perfect by the time Fabian and his friends made it home from school.
Max wasn't in at that minute. He was at his trainers gym, readying himself for the coming season.
Ever since Fabian was born, Max had gotten better with his time. He still streamed, but not as often, instead spending time with his family.
Y/N opened for door for Fabian and his friends. "Hallo mijn zoon," Y/N said as she pulled Fabian close.
His friends giggled as he groaned and pulled away. "Mum, c'mon," he groaned and Y/N let go of him.
She took the kids, six of them in total, through to the living room. Immediately they dropped their bags and got comfortable as Y/N set about texting their mothers, letting them know that they got there safe.
As they watched the movie, Y/N set about making dinner. She made sandwiches for the kids, leaving them on the coffee table.
As she made dinner, her husband returned home. As soon as Y/N heard the door go she strode up to him, wrapping her arms around his sweaty frame and kissing his cheek. "Fabi brought some friends round," she said with a grin.
Max looked towards the living room. He could just about see six heads focused on the television, with the cats sleeping on the sofa behind them.
"I'm going to go say hi," Max whispered and kissed his wife.
While she went back to preparing dinner, Max walked into the living room. He grabbed a hold of Jimmy, cradling him in his arms as he stood beside the television. "Hi Fabi, hi kids," he said to them.
But the kids just stared, wide eyes.
Max Verstappen. The Max Verstappen was sitting in front of them. He was either their father's favourite sports person or least favourite.
And, kids being kids, they weren't afraid to express this. "My daddy thinks you're the worst," said one of them.
Max let out a surprised laugh. He hadn't been expecting this.
But then another kid piped up. "My daddy says you're the best racing car driver ever! I want to be a racing driver like you!"
"Nuh uh!" Shouted Fabi. "I'm gonna be a race car driver like him!"
"No me!" The kid shouted.
"He's my daddy and one day I'll be driving for Red Bull!"
It went on and on, all while Max stood there, watching and laughing. His Fabi was stubborn, that was for sure. Like father lies Goddamn Son.
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esmedelacroix · 4 months
Miguel As A "Boy Dad" !
boydad!miguel o'hara who isn't afraid to shower his son with love ♥︎
Miguel And Your Baby Bump ! ← previous part ♥︎
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅🍼𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅🍼𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅🍼𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️
boydad!miguel o'hara who would come home from work late to find his baby boy surprising him by walking up to him for the first time. He felt a little sting in his heart because he couldn’t be there to watch his first steps but seeing Gabriel smiling ear to ear and greeting him made him feel much better. “Come here my love,” Miguel would say he crouched down with his arms spread out he would scoop up Gabriel, and smother him in kisses.
boydad!miguel o'hara who will always be the one to get up whenever Gabriel has a nightmare. “Daddy?… I had a bad dream,” you hear your son’s quiet teary voice call out with your door cracked open a smidge letting in the light from the hallway. Miguel slowly gets up as you sit up as well. “Go back to sleep Cariño[honey] I got it,” Miguel would whisper softly giving your head a soft pat.
boydad!miguel o'hara who would hold his little boy’s hand while walking him back to his room. The next morning you would wake up seeing that Miguel hadn’t come back to your room. You would peep into Gabriel’s room to see him and Miguel cuddled up on his Lightning McQueen bed. Miguel's body being far too big for the bed making you laugh to yourself hearing his soft snores.
boydad!miguel o'hara who would always take note of the things that Gabriel liked. Gabriel liked Hot Wheels? Miguel would come with a whole race track. Gabriel liked Star Wars? He would plan a family costume for Halloween. Gabriel liked Legos? Miguel would randomly come home with a Lego Death Star for them to build.
boydad!miguel o'hara who was always so protective of Gabriel when the two of you found out he was allergic to peanuts. He always checked everything before he ate them. The two of you also wiped all peanut products out of the house. Miguel always has his Epi pen wherever they go.
boydad!miguel o'hara who helped Gabriel make his first crush a Valentine. He went out late at night and got candy and arts and crafts supplies so they could make a handmade card for his crush. “What if she doesn’t like me back?" Gabriel asked worriedly. "How could she not like you back? You’re a nice boy and you look just like your mother, which makes you the most handsome boy in the world because your mom is the most beautiful in the world, he explained giving Gabriel a pat on the back as he left for school.
boydad!miguel o'hara who always went to his son's events and supported him whether it be his baseball games or the musicals that he was in. Miguel took time to practice with him in your front yard and took you Gabriel to see your favorite productions on Broadway. Miguel was convinced Gabriel would be a famous musical theater actor.
boydad!miguel o'hara who would document Gabriel's life from his first "Dada" to his first baseball game, all the way to his first musical, the time he came out to his family, and his wedding where he married his awesome husband.
boydad!miguel o'hara who went all out every Pride Month all throughout Gabriel's high school career after he came out to the family. Nothing made Miguel happier than the fact that Gabriel felt comfortable coming out to the two of you as his parents. He felt the most accomplished as a father knowing that his son felt like he could tell him anything.
boydad!miguel o'hara who loves his son unconditionally.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅🍼𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅🍼𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅🍼𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️
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worldofkuro · 2 months
Painted Smile
Painted Smile I
Pairing: Alastor x Female!Reader
Next Chapter ->
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: It's going to turn dark very quickly, but let's enjoy childhood innocence heh... It's my first time writing for Alastor so I hope I'll do him justice.
“ Do you promise to be a good girl, love?”
You gave your mother a beaming smile while she was doing your hair in front of her vanity. You were trying not to bounce with excitement , your parents have decided to move to New Orleans, in Louisiana,  thanks to your dad's new job. Your mother was born there and she was talking about a friend that she couldn’t wait to meet again! 
You couldn’t help being happy to see your mother so cheerful, even more so when she told you that this particularly cherished friend of hers had a child around your age!  You had to say goodbye to your playfellows in your old country so you were eager to make new friends here.
Once your mother finished styling your hair, you jumped off the chair and gave a little twirl in your new dress, making your mother laugh. She took you in her arms and kissed you on both cheeks as you giggled. You turned your head towards the door as your father came in with a tired smile. He went to kiss your mother then yourself on your forehead.
“ Are the most beautiful ladies in town ready ?”
You blinked as you looked at the trees surrounding the house that you were walking toward. Your mother held your hand while chatting eagerly with your father who had a fond gaze as he was admiring her. She stopped once she saw the door open and a black woman ran toward her, your step on the side as she gave a crushing hug to the lady. 
You tilted your head, watching your mother’s friend. She had a beautiful smile, dark hair held in a bun with a red ribbon and eyes that looked like they were made of chocolate.
“ Oh , I’m so happy to meet you again Marie! Look at you, glowing like the sun! But where are my manners? You already know my husband of course, but let me introduce you to my sweet little girl !” Your mother exclaimed as she pushed you toward the lady who smiled widely as she set her gaze on you. 
She crouched before you and kissed you on both cheeks just after you introduced yourself. You blinked, confused but the lady explained it was a french custom called “ La bise.” 
“ Oh dear, you are just the cutest ! Please do come inside, I’ll call my son so you two can play together !” Marie said as she clapped her hands together, inviting you to enter the house. 
You bounced into the house, excited to finally meet your future friend, what kind of game will you play? Tag? Hide and Seek? You were unbeatable in those games. Nobody could catch you, you were like the wind, untouchable, uncaged… You look around the living room, as the adults did their things, and look at a picture: it was obviously Marie with a man and a little boy. You took the photo carefully and examined it, the boy had a wide smile, similar to Marie’s,he had glasses on. He looked small–
“  Do you not know that it is rather rude to touch others' belongings?”
You squeaked and turned around to find the boy in the picture in front of you, the photo hidden behind your back. His arms were folded in front of his torso, one eyebrow raised up with a closed smile and eyes staring at you, unlike the photo he wasn’t wearing glasses and his skin was almost …caramel like? He was a tad smaller than you…Wait, what did he say?
“And it is rude to come unannounced behind a lady!” you replied making yourself even taller than the boy in front of you. It was embarrassing being catched red handed like that! He tilted his head, never losing his smile.
“ I see no lady.”
“ What-”
“ Alastor, mon coeur, there you are !” Marie came into the living room with your mother, smiling. She kissed the boy's forehead and looked at you. “ This is my son, Alastor, he is nine years old. Bébé, I hope you were polite and said hi.” You saw the boy- Alastor's smile twitched a little as he looked at his mother. You were going to show him that you knew your manners, you were not rude! You kissed him on both cheeks just like his mother did to you a few minutes ago. You took a step back to introduce yourself  but you saw him looking at you, eyes wide open, his smile frozen and… was his cheeks-
“ Oh, excuse my daughter ! Sweetie, you don’t just randomly kiss boys like that!” your mother said as she apologized to Marie who was just laughing, commenting on how cute you were. Dang it, did it make you ruder to Alastor’s eyes ? As both of your mothers went into the kitchen Alastor walked closer to you, his face way too close!
“ It’s rude to look at someone face this close!”
“I need to be close to see when I’m not wearing my glasses, if not, everything is… Blurry. So I'm not rude… ” He said with a polite smile, taking a step back from you. Maybe you judged him too quickly, he didn’t know what you were doing with the photo, when he said that he saw no lady, maybe it was because he couldn't see so–“ But now that I have seen you up close I can clearly say… I see no lady.”
“ You–!”
“ Kids, time to eat !”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 You stared at Alastor as everyone was enjoying the food - which was delicious -, he was smiling as he answered your parents' question or even helped his mother. You were a good girl, no question asked here… But this boy, saying you were rude… You were just curious and bored! You watched as your mother asked Alastor what he liked to do. As he opened his mouth to answer you fake a sneeze and hit him in the shin with your shoes. 
You looked up to see Alastor staring at you with a wide smile. You waved at him, apologizing, smiling sweetly.
“ You have such a polite daughter!” Marie said as she patted your head.You beamed at Alastor, take that! You opened your mouth to say a heartfelt thank you but Alastor kicked you in the same place that you did. Your knee flinched, hitting the table making your glass fall, the water inside it wetting the table. You panicked as you said sorry trying to prevent the water from falling on the floor.
“ Excuses accepted !”
You looked up to Alastor's voice, as he gave you a big smile before drinking from his glass as the adults laughed at his answer to your panicking apologies. You were fuming, it was your moment! The adults were giving you their attention, their compliment, you were making your parents proud but he stole it from you, so easily !  
“ Why don’t you both go play outside ? We will call you when the desert is ready.”
Alastor stood up from his chair, smiling at you. “ I know many games we could play.” You nodded and followed him outside.
As soon as you were out of the house you tried to kick him but he avoided it so smoothly you just stared at him in shock. He looked at you with a beaming smile.
“ So unladylike.” 
“ You know what, we’re going to play games, and you should go wear your glasses because you won’t see my victory coming!” You said, stomping your foot on the floor, your fist clenching.
“ I don’t need to see something that will never come.” he chuckled as you stuck your tongue at him, he couldn’t even see you properly so who cares. You stopped as you saw a swing attached to a big tree. You ran toward it with an excited smile, it’s been so long since you saw one! You sat on it and began to swing, higher and higher. You closed your eyes as you tilted your head backward, bending your back toward the grass.
“ Jump.”
You blinked and dug your feet into the ground, dirtying your shoes in doing so. You looked at Alastor who was in front of you.
“ I beg your pardon?”
“ No need to beg “ what a smartass “ When you reach the highest spot in the air, jump.”
“ And why should I do this ? I could hurt myself and dirty my dress !”
“ Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were scared, my mistake.” he said, looking bored still smiling. You didn’t know why, but you didn’t like this expression on his face, even more that it was destined to you. You squeezed the swing’s ropes.
“ Don’t stay in my way, I’m doing it.” You watched as his face wore an expression of surprise. He stood on the side as you went higher and higher. You had a weird feeling in your stomach as you looked at the ground underneath you as you prepared yourself to let go of the ropes and jump… You looked at Alastor who was watching curiously, you knew he didn’t trust you to actually do it. Well, maybe he saw you as rude, but he will not see you as a coward ! 
You let go of the rope and jumped.
It felt like time had slowed down, you felt like floating for a short moment, you could feel a warm feeling in your body before dropping to the floor on your hands and knees. You didn’t move, even when you heard Alastor’s step stopping next to you. It felt.. good ! You stood up excitedly.
“ Wow! Did you see that Alastor ! I did it ! Haha ! That was super amazing !” you said, jumping around while clapping your hands together. You turned to him, pointing your finger in his direction. “ Now it’s my turn to find a game!” Alastor nodded, still smiling, waiting patiently for your instruction. You looked at the tree and grinned. “ Climb that tree without falling!” He looked up at the tree than at you, shrugged and began climbing. 
You looked at him as he climbed the tree easily, sitting in a branch, smug.
“ I should thank you, now that I’m here, I don’t have to see your face.”
“ My face is pretty !”
“ Pretty ugly.”
“ Alastor !”
You played all afternoon together, laughing and teasing each other. You laid on the grass, trying to catch your breath as Alastor was sitting next to you, out of breath too. You stared at him and grinned 
“ I have another game… Ready?” He nodded as you sat up. “ You need to put your hands on the other person’s face and tell a secret.” He raised one eyebrow, his smile twitching. “ For example!” you placed your hands in front of his eyes, making him more blind than he already was. “ I… I had a great time with you.” You kept your hand on his eyes, smiling. “ And when I take off my hand, it’s like you've never heard anything.” 
You took off your hands as he nodded slowly. He stared at you and looked away “ Do you know another game?” You blinked, a pang of disappointment in your heart, didn’t Alastor have a great time with you..? You looked at him, biting your lips. 
“ We can play.. Hide and Seek..?” Alastor turned his eyes toward you with a glint. “ But without your glasses I don’t know if you would be able to catch me..” you sighed but he stood up, excitedly. 
“ No worry, go hide, I’ll come find you.”
You were hiding behind a tree, not because you didn’t find a better hiding spot, but because you were sure of your skills and Alastor was blind as a bat. If he happened to see you, you would just run out of his… vision perimeter. And furthermore, you wanted to see him look for you and fail to find you. You were still hurt that he didn’t tell you a secret like you did, so you wanted to win this last game before going home. 
You smiled as you saw him walking towards the bushes. You put your hands on your mouth, trying to stifle your giggles. You were going to have so much fun. He wasn’t in much hurry, and you were beginning to be reckless. It was becoming boring… you looked at the orange sky, it was going to be night time soon…You closed your eyes. Should you claim your victory before Alastor lost himself in the dark woods? Yes, it would be the safest–
“ Found you.”
You opened your eyes and saw Alastor face above your face with a big smile. As his hand came toward you to catch you,claiming his victory, you ran. You looked behind you as Alastor gathered himself, he seemed shocked about your reaction, but he was soon running after you. You couldn’t help but laugh as you ran toward the house, you felt free knowing that he could never catch you.You saw your parents outside and stopped once you were near your mother and turned toward Alastor with a beaming grin.
“ I won. You found me, but didn’t catch me.” you said, out of breath.
“ It’s a tie then..” He sighed with a knowing smile as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
“ I’m happy that you both had a grand time. Look at your clothes, sweetie…”Your mother tried to wipe some dirt from your dress but she couldn't do anything about it. “ We have to go sweetie. Say your goodbye.”
 You felt a pang of sadness as you realised your parents were ready to leave. You walked toward Alastor, pouting.
“ Well.. Goodbye…” You looked at the floor, tears in your eyes. You didn't want to go, you had so much fun with Alastor. You flinched when you felt his hands covering your eyes.
“ I had fun and… you are pretty.” You froze as he kept his hands on your eyes. You wanted to see if he was still smiling, or.. was he teasing you… But the rules of the game are clear. You will not talk about it even if you wanted it badly. Maybe you could arrange some other rules?
You opened your eyes once you felt his hands moving from your face. Alastor was already next to his mother. Marie kissed your cheeks, promising that you could come whenever you wanted. You felt a feeling of relief knowing that it wasn’t the last time you could play with Alastor.  You waved goodbye to Alastor and Marie before going home.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After your bath you chatted with your mother about your afternoon with your new friend.
“ He can’t see from up close ! I hope he will wear his glasses next time” you said as your mother put you to bed. She tilted her head, confused.
“ Alastor can see up close perfectly fine darling, he has some problems seeing far away but it’s mostly when he is tired. So, don't worry too much.” she kissed your forehead, wished you goodnight and left.
He can clearly see up close…
He can…
You screamed his name with anger in your pillow. It wasn’t a tie and he knew it. He won the game! You could almost hear his giggles! Next time you see him, you’ll show him!
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zg0nuwa · 1 year
Hey, hope you're fine...and i see that you're another fan for Miguel (we are) can you write the father day with his daughter and the reader as his wife please:(?....(i just hate my daddy issues)
★ best dad ever ! ⎯⎯
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i don't think you understand how much power you just gave me with this (i had like half of this written already but tumblr crashed and i was one step away from going into my joker era)
miguel o'hara x wife!reader
warnings ; angsty fluff, i tried experimenting with the spanish but i feel like i failed miserably, lowercase intended, i'm not a spanish speaker so you're free to correct me on the spanish.
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miguels work schedule was very unstable. there were times when he would be gone for the whole day and then there were times when he could spend most of the day at home. you understood, for the most part, he had the multiverse on his shoulders no matter how hard you wished for him to have a much less dangerous job. of course not everyone knew why he sometimes had to disappear for long periods of time.
and one of them was your daughter. all she knew was that " daddy does very important things and he has to go but he will always come back ".
this year, fathers day rolled up on a sunday which meant not only your daughter was home but also you. for your husband it was a little more complicated. he woke up in the middle of the night to a notification from lyla about another anomaly going nuts in the wrong universe. you loved the ai but in this particular moment you wanted to explode her with your mind.
" i'll be back before sunset, i promise " with that and a kiss on your forehead he left through the portal in your bedroom.
the next time you woke up that day was because of your daughter. she climbed onto your bed and started to shake you lightly with her small hands.
" mom? where’s daddy? " you opened your eyes to gabi hovering above you with her favorite plush animal pressed close to her chest. she had this disappointed expression on her small face. you knew it was because of miguel being gone. she planned this whole day for him, you even helped her organize everything.
" i’m sorry sweetheart… daddy had to go to work. " you pulled her in so her head was under your chin. she clung to you like a small koala bear as you played with her thick brown hair. definitely his genes.
" but, he promised he'll be back before your bedtime sooo, we can still make something special. what do you say about that? "
after a small argument about who gets the cooking part of preparations, which obviously ended with you being responsible for it, you and gabi got to work. as you were looking through your old mexican cuisine recipe book [ that you definitely didn’t bought only for miguel to feel more at home during meals ] you saw your dughter holding a box of artsy stuff.
" cariño, ¿qué estás haciendo allí? "
" making daddy a poster! it's going to say 'el mejor papa de todos'! " you couldn't help the big smile from appearing on your face. you knew how much time miguel put into teaching gabi spanish and it always warmed your heart when they sat down at the dining table and simply talked in spanish, your husband making little corrections in pronounciation or grammar from time to time. but no matter what he always looked as if he had hearts in his eyes.
you knew miguels work schedule was unstable and sometimes took him out of the house for a whole day, and you understood. but gabi not so much. so here you are, 10:48 pm on the clock and no sign of your husband. you spent the past two hours comforting her and promising her that it wasn't miguels fault and that he loved her. finally at around 11 pm she fell asleep in her bed. you turned off the cat shaped nightlamp and as quietly as possible closed the door to her room.
with a heavy sigh you went back to the kitchen to start cleaning everything up. while puting away food into the fridge you heard a specific glitching sound and you already knew who showed up home.
" you're late. " you weren't really mad at him , it was just tiring sometimes.
" i know, i'm sorry love... it's just - things got a little out of control. " you didn’t look at him and his first thought was to come behind you and hug your waist hoping it would make you feel even a little bit better. “ was there something that i forgot about today? is that why you’re angry? “
" i’m not angry, but your daughter is. she planned the whole fathers day for you. "
" ay, coño… " he sounded defeated, tired, and disappointed in himself. you pulled yourself away from him and came up to the poster gabi made, its was rolled in a tube to not spoil anything before the big reveal. you handed it to miguel with a tiny smile on your face. he was a bit confused for a second but he got the memo and rolled out the paper to it’s full extent. you could see the tears forming on his waterline as he chuckled. probably because of the spelling mistake made by gabi that you didn’t have the heart to point out.
" me and gabi made a deal for you, you have take us to the zoo tomorrow, and she demands that you let her piggyback the entire time to repay for your sins. "
" i guess there’s no other option. " he said with a smile.
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cariño, ¿qué estás haciendo allí? - honey, what are you doing there?
el mejor papa de todos - the greatest dad ever
ay, coño - oh, fuck
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
face calim- Lily James
Masterlist // Series Masterlist
[Warning- Angst, Cheating, smut but not written, crying, alcohol consumption, more crying, suicidal thoughts, people not knowing meaning of privacy, Hayden being a bitch]
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Liked by Harryfan2, Y/Nfan3, Harryfan1 and 663,989 others
Y/Nupdates Y/N out with kids in London today getting ice cream.
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Harryfan1 Milf fr
Harryfan2 Where are the kids?
Y/Nfan1 They're cropped out. Harry and Y/N didn't want their faces to be public yet.
Y/Nfan3 Is it just me, or have you guys also noticed that Harry has not seen with kids for a long time
Harryfan3 Maybe he's busy with new album and stuff
Y/Nfan1 No me too
Y/Nfan2 @/Harryfan3 he was seen with his friends at pub few days ago
Harryfan5 Aww she bought flowers for Harry
They say that when someone dies, their whole life flashes before their eyes. The good, the bad, all moments move in front of their eyes like a movie, that's how you felt when you opened the door of your bedroom.
A movie of your marriage dying.
You were going through your day like normal. Your shooting had ended early, so you decided to pick up the kids from school and take them out for ice cream. They were now standing in the kitchen. You could hear their muffled giggles while you stood upstairs in front of your room like a mannequin watching your husband scramble and quickly put on clothes.
"Fuck- Baby I can explain-" Harry tried to approach you, but you couldn't look at him or react to his words. Your eyes remained trained on the woman lying on the bed, on your bed. Sheets up to her chest, her head perched up on her arm while she looked straight in your eyes without any shame or remorse. Oh no, she had a smirk on her lips.
"Kids are downstairs," You motioned with your thumb downstairs, "I- I'm going to drop them off, and then we will..." You couldn't complete the sentence. You felt like your body was on autopilot as you went downstairs and ushered the kids back to the car, your and Harry's four years old daughter asking why she couldn't see her dad and what could you say?
"He has some important work to do. Why don't you guys have a sleepover at Elliott's tonight?" You asked them, putting all your acting skills out there to hide the waver in your voice. Elliot was your ex-boyfriend and father of your eldest son Emiel.
"Yayyy" Amie clapped her hands, excited to hang out with her best friend. Meanwhile, Emiel stayed silent and looked at his mom from the passenger seat. You knew he knew something was wrong, considering he was older and much more aware of his surroundings than your little girl.
You just sighed and kept driving to Elliott's house. Soon enough, they arrived at the familiar small cottage-esc house. You got out of the car and then unstrapped Amie from the seat belt. As soon as you put her down, Amie ran towards the door and knocked on it, being too short to reach the doorbell. Emiel laughed and picked her up so she could ring the bell.
Soon enough, Elliot was opening the door with the biggest smile on his face. "If it isn't my two favorite people," He exclaimed and pulled both of them in hugs. Behind him, his Fiancé laughed at his antics, and she smiled a bit, too.
"Mom said we're having a sleepover!" Amie screamed near Em's ear, making him groan. It's then Elliot looked up, his blue eyes met her tired ones, and he knew something was wrong considering they were friends for a long time.
"Em, why don't you take her inside with Bran?" He smiled at his son, and Bran took them inside, talking about something.
"Are you okay?" Elliot immediately asked, and you shook your head. Your brain was still too jummbled to speak or to cry or to be angry or even comprehend what had happened.
"Why don't you come inside for a second and drink some water? I fear you might pass out from the way you're looking so pale." He looked at you concerned, and before you could protest, Elliott pulled you inside.
You sat on the dinner table and looked out to the garden, finding Em holding Amie in his arms, her head on his shoulder. The tiredness of school and excitement finally caughting up to her and knocked her out.
You took your phone out and clicked a picture, them being the only hope she could grasp on at the moment.
Elliot didn't ask any questions. He understood that if you wanted to talk, you would. He just stood there as emotional support staring at their kids as you drank the water.
"I might need them to be here for a few days before I sort things out. I hope you don't mind." You asked Elliott, looking up at him sadly. "You hurt me, sucre. Of course I don't mind." He shook his head and pulled you in a hug.
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Liked by Y/Nfan1, Annetwist, Harryfan4 and 1,987,456 others
Yourinstagram Mon chéri
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User1 Omg babiess
User2 That's Emiel? He has gotten so big
User3 I mean he's 13 now
User2 the small Gucci bag🥺she's soo like harry
annetwist Oh my sweet babies...miss you so much
Yourinstagram miss you too mom🥺
User4 still can't get over that she calls Anne mom😭
User4 Harry didn't comment?
When you arrived at you-Harry's house, the sun was setting. You was dreading the conversation that was bound to happen. Six years went down the drain in a few hours.
Your whole life felt like a lie.
Harry was sitting on the couch when you walked inside. A major part of you hoped he had some explanation, that it wasn't what it looked like or that it was just a mistake. But when you walked more inside and saw her there still after everything, your heart cracked a bit more.
"Y/N," Harry breathed out, his voice coming out in heaves as if he's out of breath, but you knew him. You knew he was just nervous.
He looked so young when he was sad, his eyes droopy yet shining, the mess of curls and clenched jaw reminded you of the early Harry who stole your heart.
Now, he reminded you of the one that broke it.
"Why is she still here?" was asked first thing first you asked. Harry looked behind him, and Hayden just shrugged and plopped down on the kitchen bar stool eating chips while scrolling through her phone.
"Emotional support for him after you leave" She said with a wink pointed at Harry.
"I just thought it would be better to talk with all of us here," he said, fiddling with his fingers, as if searching for a ring on his ring finger, but there wasn't one. Now that you think of it, you hadn't seen him wear it in so long.
You should have seen the signs.
All you could do was nod. You sat down far away from him on the loveseat, which was ironic cause there was no love in the atmosphere.
"I-" Harry started but couldn't. He closed his mouth again and opened it again, gaping like a goldfish. He looked at you, and you looked at him. Your husband, the person you loved the most after your kids, your first love, your everything.
"How long?" You asked, looking at Harry with dead eyes. It had nothing in them, no spark, nothing just lifeless saphire stones to see.
"Five months," Harry said, looking down at the rug, unable to look into your eyes.
Five months...
They were at your parents' house for Thanksgiving six months ago. The first time, he met Hayden after being with you for almost seven years. He never met your sister, and there was a reason for that.
"Thanksgiving," you mumbled out to herself more than to anyone. He fell out of love with you for so long, and you didn't even know.
"Why, Harry?" You finally asked. You still couldn't cry. No, you still had no expression on your face. You felt like a ghost, pale, feelingless, breathing ghost.
"I don't know," He said, his own lips wobbling.
"I'm going upstairs, babe. Come when you sort this out." Hayden said, walking towards the stairs like she owned the house, "See ya, sis!" She yelled from the top of stairs.
Awkward silence sat between them. The lovers who were laughing, kissing, and playing with their kids just this morning are now sitting in a souless house with a dead relationship.
How can things change so fast?
"Y/N" Harry called you softly. You looked up hopefully, thinking he would say it now, say anything to save whatever was left. You could make a home out of ashes, but for that you did need the ashes.
"I think it's better if you stay here. The kids will not be able to adjust somewhere els-" Harry spoke but stopped when he heard a sniffle.
For the first time since you walked in on them, tears flooded down your face. In just a moment, your eyes were blood red, glistening with tears.
"Where will you live?" You asked with your wobbling voice. A frown took over Harry's face watching you cry, but he was to blame for that.
"I didn't mean for it to happen this way Y/N" he said guiltily.
"Then which way did you want Harry?" You shouted at him, "Having one of our kids walk in on you two, or were you thinking of running away with her? or just wake up one day and throw divorce papers on my face?" You asked, your crying increased, making you choke on it and go into coughing fit.
Harry on instinct went to help you, but you raised your hand, stopping him. "Don't." You shook your head and stood up, calming down your coughing fit.
"I just thought I would talk to you," Harry mummbled his head down, looking at floor.
"You thought you would talk to me. Was this thought came before you stick your dick into my sister or after that?" You asked him clearly angry. You were still crying, your knees felt weak, and your head felt dizzy.
"Harry, we still have time. I- we can still be together just throw her out of house and never see her again. I will not go to my parents' house but please." You fell down to your knees sobbing. You wanted to save the only real thing you ever had, the only person you ever loved, who had been through her thick and thin. You needed him. You needed him for the kids.
Harry was looking down at you sympathetically, his own tears falling down. He felt too much shame to look in your eyes when you looked up at up for answers.
"I don't-" He choked a bit, "I love her Y/N" He whispered.
The final nail was in, the corpse was six feet under, there was no ashes to make home from.
You stilled on the ground, then a loud sob broke from you. You cried with your legs tucked to her chest in a fetal position on the floor. Harry came beside you and brought you to his chest. This time, you didn't move away or push him. You clutched onto his shirt, fully sobbing into it.
You digged your nose into his neck, and the shirt smelled like you. Even after everything, he still smelled like you, but it didn't matter now, did it?
The two lovers cried, holding each other, knowing that once they broke away. Everything else would also be broken.
You didn't know how long it had been. You just knew Harry's shirt was fully wet with your tears, and all you could hear was his heartbeat.
You pulled away from him and looked up in his glistening green eyes and after everything for some reason your eyes held hope.
Maybe it was denial after all they do say it's thr first stage of grief.
But you still knew you had to get out of this house. So, you got up and fixed your clothes to best of your knowledge, tears still falling from your eyes.
You didn't say anything just made your way towards the door concerning Harry. "Y/N were are you going?" He asked following behind you.
"Kids are wt Elliot's" Was all you said as you got into the car and drove off. You didn't know where you were going but you just wanted to go far away from all this.
You weren't a mother who knew her daughter didn't go to sleep until she told her a bedtime story or a wife who just got cheated on by her husband. No, you were just a broken soul who got betrayed by a person who vowed never to hurt her.
You drove in autopilot like you have been for the whole day, how you were alive you didn't know. How many cars and trucks you have doged you didn't know, you didn't even know where you were.
It was a bridge of some kind, you would thinking living in this place for so long would grant you the knowledge of where you are but you didn't know shit. Parking on the side of the road you turned off the car and pulled your windows down. The night cold air filled up the car, making your nose and ears red immediately.
You looked around the place, the small city lights twinkling in the diatance, people returning to their homes. Many who will return to a empty space many to someone waiting for them but you? You lost your home.
Having so much money and fame couldn't give you back your home.
You cried, you cried until you couldn't. You cried until all the tears were drained and all there wad left was a ragining headache and heartache.
You got out of the car and stood near the bridge. Your hair blew in the cold air and somehow you knew you have caught cold. You hugged your coat closer to you searching for any type of warmth.
Putting your hands on the metal bridge you leaned into it more. The rings you were wearing clinked against the metal making you look down to your hands and there it was the pretty diamond he especially got made for you, the one that once held a promise, a promise of faithfulness, love and family and some how in just couple hours you lost all of that or maybe you lost it six months ago just didn't realize it.
You took it off. It didn't held any meaning now did it?
You started crying again. It felt like once the dam broke, it didn't want to stop, but maybe that was for the best. You had kids to be strong for.
Oh god the kids...
What were you going to tell them? Maybe Harry would come back for the kids? He didn't love you but kids? He would come for them, right?
You were soo consumed in you misery you didn't realize your phone was constantly ringing in car or the texts or that from cross the bridge couple of girls were taking your pics.
Harry was getting scared.
When you left the house, he thought you would go to Elliot's house, but you weren't there, and now both of them were constantly blowing up your phone to get a hold of you.
You were in no shape of driving. He should have stopped you, but like most of his decisions, he had nothing to do but regret on them.
He walked back to the couch and plopped down. Hayden was still in the bedroom upstairs. The bedroom that was once yours and his. It felt wrong cause it was wrong, wasn't it? But he loved Hayden, so it has to be right? right?
He looked up from his lap, and his eyes went straight to the flowers sitting on the coffee table. It was a habit of yours to bring something home whenever you come back home early. Mostly, it was flowers or the sushi from the sushi place you both love and went to on your first date.
His heart grew heavy as he picked up the flowers, which might be the last one he ever receives from you. Before he could examine them more or cry over them, a pair of hands were taking them out of his hold.
"C'mon baby, let go to bed. I'm tired" Hayden pouted just like you used to, her same yet different eyes as yours looking back at him, and he couldn't resist. He gave her a somber nod and stood up, making his way upstairs. Once he was out of eyeshot, Hayden threw away the flowers in dustbin and happily made her way to the bedroom.
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Liked by Y/Nfan2, Y/Nfan4, Harryfan5 and 482,786 others
Y/Nnews Y/N spotted by some fans near the bridge.
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User1 Why she looks so sad?
User2 I met her..it was my friends who took the picture. I tried to tell them not to but they didn't listen.
User3 What happened?
User2 She looked sad and tired. I mean it's hard being mom but she her usual aura was down like she's usually so chirpy and happy but she looked like she didn't want to be disturbed so we didn'task for a picture.
User3 Yet you invaded her privacy and took her pictures
User4 Is it just me or did anyone else seeing that she's not wearing her wedding ring?
User3 Omg yes I didn't realize
You didn't know when you got here. All you know is Elliot somehow found you and brought you back to his house. He left you in the guest room and asked you to call him if you needed something.
You tossed and turned for hours in bed, or maybe it had been a few minutes, time didn't exist for you anymore. You got up to go to the kitchen and get some water when you saw the wine bottle. The temptation was bad, your fingers were itching, and your mouth went dry.
If there was any time to get wasted, it was this. The evil little voice in your head said and you gave in.
You took the bottle out of the cellar and sat down on the floor with your back against the kitchen counter. You brought the bottle to your lips, your hands shaking so badly that you almost dropped it.
The first drop felt like heaven. Like an old friend, you meet after a long time who you cut off cause you knew they were toxic, but the feeling of sweet reconnection and nostalgia still felt like bliss.
You were so in your head thinking about wine that you didn't see Bran coming to the kitchen or watching you from the doorway. He wanted to stop you but knew it wasn't his place, so he went back to his bedroom where his soon to be husband was sleeping.
"Babe," He shook him lightly, "Babe, wake up" He said a bit loudly, making him whine and grumble. He felt bad for a bit cause Bran knew that things have been hard, the school wasn't doing so well so he had to work extra but right now you needed him and Bran knew Elliot will blame himself if something happened to you.
"What happened?" Elliot asked, "I think you should talk to Y/N. She's is in the kitchen.." Bran paused, "Drinking".
That woke Elliot up, "But she hadn't drunk ever since she got cl-" "I know that's why I said go talk to her before things get worse"
You were halfway done with the bottle when Elliot came back to the kitchen. You were hitting the back of your head against the counter, filling the silent kitchen with a thumping noise.
"Y/N" He called out softly and for a second he wished he didn't. You looked like a mess your already ruined makeup was now in shambles, your eyes blood red and your lips were adoring a drunk smile.
"Put the bottle down Y/N you're hurting yourself" Elliot said, sitting next to you. You rolled your eyes and took a big gulp of the wine again.
"My life is already ruined. What's the worst can happen now?" You said laughing, but there was no humor in it. It was hollow like you felt. A hollow shell.
"You want to tell me what happened?" He asked quietly, trying to take the bottle from you by distracting you.
You burst into tears hearing his question. You wanted to tell him, tell him everything that happened, but your brain was not letting you talk. Like keeping it to yourself will make it go away. It was still in denial that it really happened.
"I don't know how to," you said in between sobs. Elliot pulled you to his side, his hand rubbing up and down your back, trying to soothe your crying.
"Harry-" you said and sobbed harder. "You want me to call him?" He asked, but you just shook your head.
"C'mon sucre tell me what's going on." He urged you to tell him. As time went by, Eilliot became more and more concerned. It wasn't like you to cry so much over a fight. You were the one who mostly solved them. So, it had to be something big for you to be here and crying rather than with Harry.
You stared at him for a few seconds, contemplating if you should tell him, but who else would you tell? He was the only friend you had except your little brother who was miles away in Sydney.
So you told him. You told him how your shooting wrapped up early, how you picked up kids, and went home to surpirse your husband only to get your heart broken in the worst way possible. How your husband of five years and almost seven years of love was now in love with someone else and that someone else was none other than your sister.
"I'm going to break his face!" Elliot seethed and scrambled to get up from beside you, but you took his arm and pulled him down back beside you, having no doubt he actually would.
"It will do nothing but harm to you and to him." You sighed, wiping your tears. You started to hate the feeling of being sober after crying, so you took swing of your wine again.
"I just don't understand how and what went wrong." You said staring at the cupboard's golden handle, "We were so happy this morning. I went to shooting, and he dropped kids to school I-" You choked on the lump in your throat.
"Do you think maybe he's doing this to get back at me for leaving him to go to Venice last minute?" You asked Elliot, "Do you think it's just a elaborate prank, I mean you know how Hayden is, she's bitch I won't be surprised if she came up with the idea of this prank."
Elliot looked at you with sad eyes, his hands rubbing your arms affectionately. "If it's a prank then it's one fucked up prank sucre so no I don't think it's a prank" Elliot said sadly looking at your sleepy eyes.
"It has to be. I mean, we were talking about having another baby after my shooting ended. Why would he want to have another baby if he didn't love me?" You asked him, hoping to get any just any answer to soothe the ache in your heart.
"I think you should ask that to him once you get a bit better. For now lets get you to bed" He said, taking the bottle out of your hand amd you let him. The physical and mental exhaustion of day caught up to you, and pairing that with wine had you sleepy.
Elliot carefully placed you on the bed and then put a glass of water and painkillers on the bedside table, knowing you would have a bad hangover since you drank after a very long time.
Sleep engulfed you soon enough, and you dreamt of the time your life wasn't in distress.
Harry woke up in the morning and smiled when he felt soft hands around his torso. It was the part of the relationship he didn't experience with Hayden, but now he could do it as much as he wanted.
He turned around and pulled her in a lazy kiss, which soon turned heated and led to his boxers flying off from bed and his hands trailing around naked her body earing soft sounds from her.
Both of them fell asleep again. Harry woke up around 10 am to a hungry stomach. For a second, he was about to yell for you cause you always brought him breakfast in bed on weekends. Only to realize his mistake, but before he could feel bad, his eyes fell on similar blonde hair, fanning your his pillow, and he forgot everything.
He took a quick shower and got ready to get some coffee and breakfast. He decided to wake up Hayden to ask what she wanted. "Babe, wake up. I'm going to get breakfast. Do you want anything? " He asked her, getting a grumble in reply.
But then Hayden woke up fully alert. "I want to go with you!" She said excitedly, "I can finally have all for me please" She said pleading and how could he resist her?
She went to ready while Harry sat on couch downstairs going through his phone, but when Hayden took too long, he went to look for her.
He heard hushed voices behind the closed door, "Babe, are you ready?" He called her and opened the door. She stood there with a bright smile, her hair side parted with a white t-shirt and blue jeans much like his outfit.
"C'mon, let's go!" She said and took his hand in hers. Harry smiled and went with her. They sat in the car, and Harry brought her hands to his lips and drove off.
They arrived the hidden cafe they went most of the time cause it was in small area where most people didn't recognize him and there were no chances of him getting caught.
He ordered his usual, and so did Hayden, but as soon as they got out of the cafe with their food, the flash of the camera went off and then another. Harry went into full panic mode cause not only this will go back to you but to the whole world and quickly took Hayden's hand running to his car, dodging questions, and camera flash both.
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Liked by Harryfan2, Y/Nfan2, Harryfan4 and 1,002,789 others
StylesNews Harry Styles seen out with mystery woman at secret cafe.
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Y/Nfan2 That's Y/N's sister wtf
Harryfan1 I didn't know she had a sister
Y/Nfan2 they're not that close, Y/N told in an interview.
Harryfan3 He's hanging out with her family aww
Harryfan4 they look a lot closer for my taste🤨
Y/Nfan1 IKR like that hand holding is suspicious
Harryfan4 I hope it's not what I'm thinking it is after seeing Y/N's pictures from yesterday
Meanwhile, you woke up with the worst headache of your life. Thankfully, there were medicines and water beside your bed cause your throat felt dry as a dessert.
You walked out of your room groaning at the amount of light filtering through. "Good morning, sleepyhead." You heard your son say laughing.
"Good morning, mum. We made pancakes!" Your daughter squealed and held up pancakes with both of her hands above her head. You laughed and kissed her cheek.
"It looks delicious, baby and good morning to everyone," you said with a smile, forgetting about your pain for quite some time until your daughter asked you when they would be going home.
"What you got bored of me so fast?!" Bran fake hurt while you stood their staring at her thinking when were you going and where were you going cause you could go anywhere you wanted other than your home.
You were in literal, psychological, and in every sense homeless.
"Let mum have her coffee Amie, you know how she's without it." Elliot joked, and Bran picked Amie up, taking her to the living room to keep her busy, and Em followed them.
You took a mug out of the cupboard to make coffee while Elliot sat there looking at you with pity.
"How did you find me yesterday?" You asked, wanting to change the look in his eyes.
"Oh some girl posted you on twitter" He said biting into his pancake while you made your coffee.
"Someone posted me?" You asked and groaned when he nodded, "My manager is going to kill me"
Great now, top of a cheating husband. You also had to deal with getting your crying pics off the internet and deal with an amgry manager.
You took out your phone out of your jeans, which were getting uncomfortable as time passed.
But nothing matched the uncomfortable and shattering hurt you felt when you saw the trending topic of twitter.
They were already parading out? It had hardly been a day, and he was already over you? Did he not think what will happen when tabloids will find it? which they already had found out making their own stories.
Did he not think what kids will think when they will see it? Em was 14 he knew everything and had a phone of his own. What were you supposed to tell him if he asked you? you didn't even know yourself what was going on.
Your head started pounding more than before, and you could feel the migrain coming in . Even though you knew you had to talk to him, you couldn't today in any shape or form.
Your sadness was slowly subsiding now, and as your headache grew, so did your anger, and you knew it was going to be shit show happening in front of everyone.
Same day in evening-
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Liked by Harryfan2, Harryfan5, Y/Nfan2 and 998,765 others
Duexmoi This fan favorite couple, an A list actress, and popstar are getting divorced according to an insider. Who do you think they are?
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Harryfan1 Harry and Y/N?
Y/Nfan2 Rumor has it one of them cheated
Y/Nfan4 Defo Harry remember the pictures
Harryfan2 Omg with her sister? that's fucked
Harryfan3 don't jump to any conclusion guys maybe it's someone else or maybe it's fake you know how these are.
Y/Nfan1 Fuck Harry and fuck Hayden
Welll...tell me if you guys liked it pleaseeee i need to know!! here♡
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Taglist- @lilsiz @kaverichauhan @thechaoticjoy @samwilsonsgirl @lomlhstyles @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Secret, Secret
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Riccardio!Reader
Rating: PG
Warnings: Pregnancy talks, breastfeeding talks, nothing to bad honest;y, fluff, uncle Daniel, dad Lance, etc.
Words: 2.1K
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Hello. I’m not sure if you take requests for Lance Stroll if you don’t please pick another driver of your choice but please could I request Lance Stroll x Wife fem reader where they were the paddock ‘it’ couple but after the summer break Lance started going to races on his own and everyone thinks they have split up, when the Canada gp arrives they appear in the paddock together married and with twins and everyone finds out ect and the drives meet their baby’s (uncle Danny🥹) 🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank you so much I hope that all makes sense😅
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"Where's Y/n?" Fernando asks, noticing your absence the moment Lance steps into the paddock.
Lance looks over and smiles, wanting to explain why but keeping it to himself.
"Didn't feel like coming." Lance shrugs, but Fernando doesn't buy it yet and chooses not to say anything else.
The media went crazy that weekend. The rumors circled; vultures were trying to pick at the leftovers of what couldn've gone wrong. Lance ignored them, but when asked why you weren't at the races anymore, he couldn't say. People started to say you got a divorce, but Lance's fans refused to accept it. The two of you, together, became the paddocks "it" couple very quickly.
"Did you two get a divorce and not tell me? Because that's just mean." Daniel whines one day, making Lance laugh at Daniel's whine.
"Daniel, Y/n needed a break, and I agreed with her. So, stop thinking we divorced." Lance snaps slightly, annoyed with the constant questions about it.
"Hey, I'm sorry, she just hasn't been answering my texts, and I'm worried," Daniel admits making Lance sigh and pat his shoulder. "She'll be back for the Canadian GP." Lance walks off, leaving Daniel smiling, missing his sister.
Daniel pulls out his phone and texts you, asking if you've been okay. He hasn't seen you in almost a year, dealing with everything that has happened at Mclaren and you moving to a new house. You both have been so busy, and he wished he knew more about his sister than the media.
Daniel: Please tell me you and Lance are still together? If he did something, I'd ask Max to crash him!
Y/N: Daniel!! DO not HURT my husband!!! I'm fine. We're doing great. Please wait until the Canadian GP. I promise you'll be thrilled with why I've been gone!"
Daniel: Hurry up, Canadian GP. I love you. Text me if you need me.
Y/N: I will. I love you too, Danny!
You sigh, hating that you were lying to your brother. The both of you are so close, and the fact that you haven't seen him in a year has been brutal. When you found out you were pregnant was the most incredible day of your life. Telling Lance was the second best. He had cried while he hugged you and promised to always protect you and your baby. The 3rd best day was finding out you were having twins. Finding that out, you and Lance had a serious conversation that night. Tell the world you were pregnant, or hide it from everyone.
It was the second choice. After research, you found that twin pregnancies were at risk, and you wanted to be safe and keep it quiet to have an easy and relaxed pregnancy. It wasn't, but it was a relatively healthy pregnancy, and 3 months ago, you gave birth to a boy and a girl. It was the 2nd time Lance had cried, and it was holding his babies.
Phone beeping, you pick it up and see it's Lance wanting to video chat with you.
"Hello, my gorgeous wife. Are you okay?" He asks the moment you hit accept.
"Daniel keeps asking me if we're divorced. But I've told him to hold off until the Canadian GP. Hopefully, he doesn't show up to the house." You joke, but you seriously considered that your brother could visit your home.
"Nah, he won't show up unless he really thinks something is wrong." Lance looks around before his end shakes as he moves somewhere else.
"Hey? How are our babies?" He asks, being careful to not say it too loud.
"Perfect. They're napping right now. Want to see?" You ask even though you know what his answer would be.
Moving across the house, you head up to the twins' nursey, slowly open the door, and show them to Lance.
"My sweet babies. Are they doing okay? You know you could always call Mom or Chole, hell, even Scotty, to come and help you." Lance spouts off, making you giggle at his worry.
"Lance, honey. I'm okay, really. We're doing fine. Besides, you'll be home soon." You try to squash his worry, but he just groans, rubbing his head.
"I hate being away from you 3 so soon after. Let me know if you need help. I'm serious." Lance urges as you just smile and nod, walking out of the nursery and letting the twins get some more sleep.
"Lance, I love you. I'll see you soon." You whisper, watching his dazzling smile as he repeats the words and hangs up.
"I'm so glad it's the Canadian GP already." Lance cheers, making your little girl Eleanor gurgle as her father kisses her cheeks.
"Lance, be careful. You're going to scare Casper." Sighing, you pick up your boy.
Casper was a sweet boy who was shy and kept to himself. Eleanor was your outgoing and curious daughter who loved anything and everyone. It always made you laugh watching how they interacted with one another.
"Sorry." Lance laughs, watching as Casper cuddles into you.
"You ready?" You ask Lance as he bounces slightly to keep Eleanor calm for as long as possible.
"Of course, and we're going to be protected, and everyone is going to respect your wishes when you give them out. But Danny can finally give me peace." You laugh, packing up the car with your stroller and diaper bag.
Lance helps put the babies in the car seats and watches you double-check everything.
"Hey, we've got everything." Grabbing your hand, you sigh as you nod in agreement.
"I know." Lance smiles and pulls you over, kissing you gently. "Let's go." You smile before kissing him again as you climb into the passenger side.
Pulling up to the paddock parking, you take a deep breath calming yourself. Grabbing your hand, Lance pulls it up and kisses your wedding ring in a way that comforts you. To always remind you that both of you are in this together.
You don't get the chance to get out before Fernando pops up next to your window, a little scream at him suddenly popping up.
"Damn, Fernando, give her a chance to get out of the car." Lance groans, but the Spaniard laughs as you open the car door.
"Oh, I have missed you!" Fernando laughs, hugging you tightly, hugging him back just as tight.
"Why haven't you been around for almost a year. It hurt us." The man whines as Lance opens the side door, and the Aston Martin driver sees the reason.
"Twins?" He asks in awe, then looks back at you. "Does Daniel know?" You shake your head, giving him your answer.
"Hermana. Why didn't you tell us? You could've supported you." Fernando sighs and hugs you again as you try not to cry already.
"We thought it'd be best, Fernando. The press, fans, everything. We decided not to tell anyone when we found out she was pregnant with twins. Her parents and mine know, but Scotty and Chole found out 2 weeks ago. And today, we tell everyone and you guys." Lance explains, pulling out Casper, who whines and buries himself into his fathers' hold.
"Want to hold Eleanor? She is more welcoming to strangers than Casper." Fernando smiles and holds his arms out as Eleanor is placed gently.
"She's gorgeous." He whispers and automatically starts swaying side to side as she wakes from her little sleep.
Opening her eyes, she stares at Fernando, who smiles, pulling her closer.
"I'll destroy anyone who thinks they can hurt you." He says sweetly, making you laugh and grab Eleanor, who gurgles and shakes her hands before settling down in your hold.
"I'll see you inside, yes? If anyone gives you trouble, let me know." Fernando kisses your temple before patting Lance on the back, whispering something in his ear that has Lance laugh and turn red.
"What did he say?" You ask, grabbing the stroller and placing the diaper bag in the bottom.
"Don't worry about it." Lance shakes his head, but you don't.
"Lance." Your husband sighs and moves closer to you so no one else hears.
"He said I must have magic balls to get you knocked up with twins the first time." You laugh, making Casper jump and whine, having Lance comfort him immediately.
"Shhh, Mommy, that was mean." Lance teases, but you roll your eyes, heading to the entrance.
Scanning in, people notice you two and start taking pictures. Thankfully no one comes up close and in your space. They keep their distance as they take picture after picture.
"Shut the fuck up!" Lance laughs as he gets stopped by Mick and Esteban, who stand there shocked, seeing their best friend and his wife holding two babies.
"Hey, language." You tease, but Esteban waves you off as he approaches Lance.
"Who is this little guy?" Esteban asks, being very careful to not startle the baby.
"This is Casper." Lance turns Casper slightly, who just sleeps peacefully in his father's arms.
"God, Lance, he looks just like you." Esteban laughs as Mick watches Eleanor look around.
"Twins, each just like you." Mick smiles, sticking a finger out. Eleanor grabs it and puts it in he mouth.
"Eleanor, no." Mick laughs as he watches you pull his finger out of her daughter's mouth, telling you his hands are clean.
"I know, but still, she's young." Mick nods in understanding the 4 of you talking as they coo over the babies.
"Lance, we should get going. I'm going to have to feed them soon." Lance nods as Mick and Esteban say bye but tell you they're coming to spend time with the babies after the race.
Getting to the Hospitality suite Lance, gets you settled, everyone being respectful, waving, and not bothering you too much.
"See, we're okay." Lance kisses the side of your head as you bottle-feed the babies.
Breastfeeding was rough initially, and you decided to bottle feed as it would give each twin the nutrients they need rather than running low and worrying about it.
"I know-" You get cut off when Lance's media manager pops up.
"I tried to stop him, but, yeah, sorry." They disappear and are soon replaced with your brother, who stops seeing the four of you.
"Danny." You sigh, but he just holds his hand up and walks closer, taking in the sight of the twins.
"You were pregnant with twins, gave birth, and you didn't tell me?" He asks, sitting down next to you and touching Eleanor's cheek.
"Danny, we wanted the pregnancy to be as easy as possible, I wanted to tell you, but we thought this way was best." You explain, but Daniel laughs, tears in his eyes as he hugs you.
"Oh god, they're gorgeous." He cries as you lean into his hug, crying with him.
"Can I hold them?" He asks Lance smiling as he slowly puts Casper in his Uncle's arms. With breaths held, you waited for Casper to start crying. Instead, he snuggles into Daniel's chest.
"He loves you." You whisper, watching his hands cradle Casper closer as the little boy moves closer, trying to bury a hole for himself.
"Well, duh, I'm his Uncle." He sticks his tongue out at you, but Lance shakes his head no.
"Daniel, he hates being held by anyone but us. This...this is big for him." Lance smiles, wanting to cry at the fact that someone else can hold his son now.
"Hah! Suck on that, Scotty. I really am the favorite Uncle." Snorting at your brother's childish behavior, you watch the two interact.
"I call babysitting duties." "Deal!" Lance and you shout, making Daniel look up, shocked at your sudden acceptance.
"Wow, guess mommy and daddy need some private time," Daniel whispers to Casper, but you don't disagree with the statement.
"Hey? What's their names?" Daniel asks, making you both smile.
"You're holding, Casper Daniel Stroll. And this is Eleanor Claire-Ann Stroll." Lance announces, watching fresh tears fall down Daniel's eyes.
"No wonder he likes me. We have the same name." He chokes out, holding the boy closer, who just whined before closing his eyes.
"I'm keeping him." Daniel nods as you just sigh, but Lance takes it seriously.
"Like hell, you will." Daniel sticks his tongue out and shields Casper from Lance's hands.
"Off, you knocked my sister up. Give me this." Lance rolls his eyes and then smirks.
"Dude, you're holding my sperm. Really want to keep it?" Lance asks, having Daniel look down at his nephew.
"Take him back." You laugh as Daniel shivers at the thought.
Looking around, you smile at your husband and brother fighting over your little boy; looking down at Eleanor, you kiss her little forehead.
"You're both so loved." Smiling at your little family.
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joeys-babe · 2 months
Joey B Blurbs: Boyfriend
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Summary: You prank Joe by calling him your boyfriend instead of your husband.
Warnings: Unserious/funny, pranks!
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Imagine Universe: Into the Mystic
A/N: Part 2 of blurb night!
April 4, 2024
I was cuddled up on the couch, relaxed by the rain hitting the roof, and the twins played in their playroom while I watched TV.
Joe had left early this morning to go workout, and his mood seemed positive since he was able to start throwing again recently. His happy demeanor was infectious because I couldn't be more prouder of him than I was now. He rehabbed like a man on a mission, and he was now seeing benefits from it.
I was still lying in bed when he gave me a quick peck before leaving. Joe then said bye to my bump, and he was off to the gym.
Since then, I have gotten the boys ready for the day, fixed breakfast, did some quick cleaning around the house, made some lunch, and talked to Robin over the phone about Joe’s injury status.
I caught a whiff of Joe’s scent off of the sweatshirt of his that I had on.
A pang of sadness crept up in my mind when I realized just how much I hated being away from Joe.
I always hated being away from Joe for extended periods, but pregnancy hadn't made that any better.
Before I get could too lost in my thoughts, my phone started vibrating on the coffee table.
My heart warmed when I picked up the phone and saw it was Joe calling.
“Hey, babe.” - you
“Hey, Mama. I'm almost home.” - Joe
“Okay… good.” - you
“Good? Everything okay?” - Joe
“Yeah, I just miss you a lot.” - you
“I only went to go work out, baby.” - Joe laughed
“I know, but I don't like being away from you. Neither does your daughter.” - you
Joe felt his heart flutter at that, his daughter. He was so ready to be a girl dad.
“I’ll cuddle with you both when I get home.” - Joe
“Sounds perfect. I'll see you soon, Daddy.” - you
There’s a few seconds of silence until Joe clears his throat and speaks up. I hadn't ever called Joe that, but I still didn't mean it sexually.
“What did you call me?” - Joe
“Daddy, you know, because we were talking about the baby and you're her daddy.” - you
Joe cleared his throat yet again, and when he began talking, I didn't miss how his voice had dropped an octave.
“Oh. I thought you meant it in another way. You've just never called me that unless you were referring to me for the twins.” - Joe
“You liked it, didn't you?” - you
The grin in my voice was evident, and Joe’s dirty chuckle sent a sizzle of heat down my spine.
“Yeah. I’ll admit that I did. Damn, your hormones have been raging lately.” - Joe
“You don't help, Mr. Sexy.” - you
“And you are testing my control, Mrs. Sexy.” - Joe
We continued going back and forth till Joe announced that he was turning onto our road. After quick I love you’s we hung up.
A minute later, Joe walked into the house with a big grin on his face.
“There’s my girl.” - Joe
“Hey, Joey.” - you
Joe went to climb onto the couch next to me, but I quickly stopped him.
“What?” - Joe
“Did you shower at the gym?” - you
“Yes, ma’am.” - Joe
“Okay, continue.” - you
He laughed before plopping down next to me and propping his feet up on the ottoman. I cuddled into Joe’s chest, and he snaked one of his hands under his my sweatshirt to put a big hand on my bump.
“Where are the boys?” - Joe
“They’ve been playing in the playroom. I just checked on them, and they were playing with their Hot Wheels.” - you
“Imma be right back.” - Joe
Joe pressed a kiss to my temple before getting up and heading to the boys' playroom.
A smile found its way onto my face when I heard Tyson and Miles cheering for their dad’s arrival home.
Joe would be gone for a few more minutes, and during that period, I realized Joe was due for another prank…
It was later that evening. Miles and Tyson were asleep, and I was in the kitchen, cleaning the rest of the kitchen up from dinner.
Joe was laying on the couch, waiting for me to come cuddle with him when I was done. Let the prank begin.
“Baby, come here.” - you
I heard the floorboards creak and soon, Joe’s tall frame was making an appearance beside me.
“What’s up?” - Joe
Setting my phone up on the counter, Joe side-eyed me when he saw that TikTok was pulled up.
“Why are you videoing?” - Joe
“It’s just an easy TikTok trend.” - you
“K.” - Joe mumbled
I clicked play on the video and Joe instinctively moved closer to me to where his body was pressed against mine.
“Hey, loves! There's a trend going around where you ask your boyfriend to touch his favorite parts of you, so I'm gonna do it with mine.” - you smiled
When I stepped to face Joe, he had a playful smile on his face and an eyebrow raised.
“What?” - you laughed
“I’m not your boyfriend.” - Joe
“Huh?” - you
“You called me your boyfriend. I'm not your boyfriend.” - Joe
I stared at him, trying to act dumbfounded, so Joe forged ahead.
“If I remember correctly, I put a pretty hefty ring on your finger and said vows to you in front of a hundred people. I haven't been just your boyfriend since January 30th, 2021. So… if you have a boyfriend, it isn't me, gotta be another man.” - Joe
“Joe…” - you laughed
“So who's your boyfriend?” - Joe
“I don't have one, it was a prank.” - you
“Yeah, that's what I thought, wifey.” - Joe grinned
“Calm down, hubby.” - you
Authors note: Next fic at 7:45
Request for this fic;
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vourequat · 25 days
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WARNING: Boothill backstory, daughter is alive!, headcanon of Dad!Boothill, fluff/angst, parent!reader.
Inspired by multiple Tiktoks that have plagued my for you page and has left me scarred for days.
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Boothill and you had tried to have a baby ever since you first sealed the deal with the rings that now decorated your ring fingers, it may have been very sad for the both of you with the possibility that you'll never have kids but always reminded you that you were enough.
You and him lived a very peaceful life with you and your farm, it had been fun with your never ending honey moon phase.
You told yourself how lucky you were to be able to manage to convince a man like Boothill to marry you and make you his partner, everyday, you enjoyed watching him till the soil as you watched from afar whilst feeding your farm animals.
It was a beautiful life, until...
"Sugarcube, come see this quick!" You heard Boothill yell from the corn field, you ran as quickly as you could in fear that your husband might be injured but when you reached where he was all you saw was his back turned to you while he seemed to hold something in his hands.
"Love, what's wrong?" You began to question.
That's when he turned around, you gasped.
The most beautiful girl was in his hands, draped in a red cloth as she cooed at your husband.
It was so sad to look at knowing that this baby was most likely abandoned but this was a chance given by the aeons— to finally be parents.
You two cared for the little girl as if she was your very own, you two watched as the little grew so fast. She grew to be a daddy's girl, you had to admit that you were jealous at times but you understand that Boothill wanted this parenthood as much as you did.
Life on the farm with your husband and beloved daughter was like a dream, a dream you never ever wanted to wake up from.
"You guys stay here, a'right?" Boothill was stressed and exasperated, he didn't know why but meteors kept raining and sought havoc amongst the planet.
He couldn't think of anything else but to just do everything for you and your daughter to survive whatever this is.
He ran out with his steed to look for more survivors and possibly answers for this phenomenon, along the way, he found food and other necessities that you can live off for a while.
One of the meteors landed nearby which almost knocked him off of his horse but he managed to keep his balance, curious, he approached the meteor and was shocked at this revelation.
His horse was galloping for its life as he wanted to go back to you and your daughter, you two were probably so scared, his eyes watered at the thought as he kept trying to go beyond natural human speed just to get to you.
Once he arrived, he immediately went inside and snatched the two of you to get going and leave the house.
"What's wrong?" You asked as he mounted you onto his horse, your daughter in your arms before he mounted the horse himself.
"They're not meteors... they're fucking time bombs!" He stressed out, immediately guiding the stallion to get going.
As you were trying to leave however, a large debris landed in front of you that almost reached you all and could've killed you.
It made your heart drop.
The once beautiful planet you had both lived in your entire life was now being torn apart for a reason you don't even know why.
"Boothill..." You were crying, holding onto his arms as you tried to escape the inevitable.
He held your hand back to comfort you, he hated seeing you cry, he would hate himself if you didn't survive this catastrophe.
You soon arrive at a desolate land, the houses that once stood were now burning and turned into nothing into ashes.
"Daddy..." A small hand held onto his jacket that stopped him from doing anything.
He looked at you and at your daughter, clad in the same red cloth you both found her in when you first saw her in your corn field all alone, he tried to smile to hide his fear, he needed to be strong for his baby girl.
"I love you..." The girl uttered, trying to reach her father's eyes to give him a kiss on the cheek.
He just broke down immediately, hugging the two of you as he showered you in kisses as he repeated ‘I love yous’ after every kiss.
His eyes opened and saw one of those meteor bombs hurling towards them, you saw it too but it was all too late as it was getting so close. Boothill hugged the two of you once more, his back to the thing that was about to kill you as your bodies protected your little girl for the very last time.
"I love you, Boothill."
Those memories still felt fresh to him as tried to keep himself from crying when he was told that they will be visiting his planet after years, he had lost his body to the explosion but his head somehow managed to survive which gave way to his chance for another life in a robotic body.
But he hated this.
He hated a life without you, a life without your beloved girl.
His planet looked newer now, there were still traces of the tragedy but the people who managed to survive were now getting onto their feet to start anew.
As his others went to gather intel and try to see if there's anything they could help with, his feet unconsciously brought him to what was once your home.
It was weathered and burned down by whatever landed on it, he went inside and looked for something, just anything for aeon's sake.
There, he found a picture that stood mighty amidst the tragedy. A family picture of you and your daughter, you all looked so happy.
He laughed at the memory of that picture, you were all trying to have a decent photoshoot but then your daughter decided to lick your cheek and then went to bite her father's hand. She was a wild child, a wild child he dreamt of seeing to grow up.
"Boothill..." Acheron came in, just handing over some worn cloth to him.
When he received it, she just left.
He was a bit confused but decided to study the cloth, there was a small tag— the same tag on the cloth that he found his little girl in. Inside the cloth was a hairpin, the same hairpin he gifted you on your first wedding anniversary.
He didn't know how, but he felt something inside him shatter.
His two girls. Gone just like that.
He began to break down like before, holding the two pieces that were all left of the two of you close to where his heart once was.
Every night, those bitter sweet memories haunted him in the nights where he sought for peace.
The way he can never seem to forget how you looked at him with such love and... your daughter's very last words to him that echoes throughout his head.
He missed you so dang much, if he could bring back time he'd do so but there was not much he could do other than to respect and spread your memory.
He missed being your husband, he missed being a dad to your beautiful girl.
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A/N: Do not ask me how the cloth or the hairpin survived a double homicide (impact by meteor bomb and the explosion of the bomb) because I am not a carcass expert, I just like to add more angst.
(eyes wet and heavy from crying to Tiktoks of Boothil and his daughter. Fuck the IPC)
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adriennebarnes · 3 months
Little Bit of Food
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N sees a TikTok video of couple where the women serves her partner more food on his plate than on hers. For research purposes, she just wants to see how he would react.
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammar errors, SHORT
A/N: since I am Mexican and Peruvian, the foods mentioned are typical foods that I grew up eating, I LOVE these foods so much, if any other Latine readers have suggestions of what dishes should be mentioned, comment below and I’ll tag you when I use them in another one shot. Also, sorry if it’s short, I don’t think I can build off a lot of “story material” over a TikTok trend, you know?
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Y/N was watching TikTok and she saw a video that was interesting to her.
It was of a couple and a woman served her husband more food on his plate than on her own. The husband insisted that his wife should have more food and that he could eat something later.
Y/N knew that Henry was going to busy at the gym for a few hours so that gave her plenty of time to make one of Henry’s favorite meals that Y/N introduced him to, and that’s bistec a lo pobre. She bought sliced New York steaks from the Mexican grocery store (there’s always a butcher there), also some tortillas and 2 avocados to make guacamole or a sandwich later. When she went back to Henry’s house, she started cutting up tomatoes and onions so it would give the steak flavor. She put the onions and tomatoes aside in a bowl and got out the white rice in the pantry to wash the rice.
Half an hour later, Henry was came through the door sweaty and with a happy Kal.
“Ay hola, Kal, como te fue con tu papi, hm?” Y/N asked, kneeling to pet Kal.
“You call me papi?” Henry asked, drinking water from his sports bottle.
“When I’m talking about you to Kal, yes. Ain’t no way I’m calling you that though, it’s weird because I call my actual dad, papi. So don’t even think about it.” Y/N warned Henry as she washed her hands in the kitchen sink.
“Too late, I’m already thinking about, my lady.” Henry said, kissing her cheek as he hugged her from behind.
“Stop it. I’m making your favorite so please take a quick shower and then I’ll call you when it’s ready. Do you want one or two eggs?” Y/N asked.
“Two please, thanks love.” Henry said, kissing her lips before heading upstairs for his shower.
Y/N began sautéing the onions and tomatoes in the pan before adding in two pieces of steak for Henry, we’ll, one and a half, she cut a half piece for her plate. She got a plate out of the pantry to serve two ‘scoops’ of rice, adding the cooked steaks with tomatoes and onions on top of it, and preceded to fry two eggs on a different pan.
“Toro, food!” Y/N shouted and Kal calming running. “I said ‘toro’, not ‘oso’, you need to practice your Spanish, Kal.” Y/N said and placed Henry’s plate on his side of the table. Henry came running downstairs with his hair wet but he’s dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt.
“Thanks love, it looks amazing.” Henry said, kissing her.
“That’s good, now eat up, you’ve had a long workout.” Y/N said and that’s when she got a smaller plate, served herself a half scoop of rice, her half steak with 3 pieces of tomatoes and onions, and no eggs. When she sat down and said “let’s eat”, Henry looked at Y/N’s plate, then at his own.
“Darling, were you snacking while you were cooking again?” Henry asked, trying to find a reasonable explanation for the lack of food on his girlfriend’s plate.
“No, no, I didn’t snack at all. Eat before the eggs become cold.” Y/N pointed at him with her fork.
“Are you sick? You didn’t have to cook if you weren’t feeling well, love.” Henry said in a concerned voice.
“I’m fine Henry, I went to Fernando’s market today but the steak was too expensive so I only bought 2.” Y/N lied, she buys like half a pound of steak, there’s still 3 or 4 pieces in the fridge. Henry got up and grabbed his keys. “Where are you going?”
“To the market to buy more steak, what cut do you order a again? Med-ee-ya Libra de what?” Henry asked, opening the door,
“No no no, Henry, there’s no need for that, I can survive without bistec, please sit down and eat.” Y/N said, Henry closed the door, put down his keys, and sat back down.
“What about the eggs or the rice? I’m sure you could fill up on that, you told me you ate that when you were younger when there was nothing to eat.” Henry said.
“The last eggs were used on you, Toro. Now please eat before your food gets cold. You want something to drink? I got chicha (It’s a purple corn drink) if you don’t want soda.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, that’s fine, darling.” Henry said, when Y/N walked into the kitchen, Henry switched his plate for Y/N’s. When Y/N came back with chicha for Henry and soda for her, she saw what Henry did.
“Toro! You weren’t supposed to do that. You had a big workout, you’re bigger than me, you need all the protein you can get from this.” Y/N said, trying to switch the plates back but Henry refused.
“Nope, you cooked all this, you deserve to eat your delicious food. I could find something later.” Henry said,
“But you must be hungry, just eat it, I can make myself some potato quesadillas later.” Y/N said, attempting to get the plate back from Henry but he swatted her hand. “Toro!”
“I’m sorry love, but it’s for your good.” Henry said.
“I Don’t want you to be starving,” Y/N said,
“I won’t starve, my love. Watching you enjoy your food is filling enough for me.” Henry said and Y/N’s heart melted. She got out of her seat to sit on Henry’s lag, placing her hands on his neck to hug him.
“Amor, it’s a prank. There’s more steak in the fridge that I can fry up, there’s a lot of rice on the stove and plenty of eggs. Now please eat while I go serve myself more food.” Y/N said getting off him and grabbing her plate to do exactly that.
“You scared me, love. I was about to head over to the market…where is it by the way?” Henry asked,
“Haha, i can’t even tell you, I just know how to get there.” Y/N said, placing her steak in the pan and she watched Henry eat his meal.
“Delicious! This might even be better than your bistec empanado, did I pronounce that right?” Henry asked,
“Yes you did, Toro, but bistec empanado with sopita aguada is comfort food, along with quesadilla de papas, which I will be making tomorrow, I’ve been craving it,” Y/N said.
“That sounds so good, I have to make sure I work out even more. When I made you my girlfriend, I had no idea you would try to fatten me up.” Henry said and Y/N gasped, flipping the steak.
“I would never, how dare you accuse me. I’m gonna make flan for my friend’s birthday on Saturday so I’m gonna make another one just for us.” Y/N said and that made Henry laugh.
“I love your flan, darling. Your cooking skills put mine to shame.” Henry said. Y/N placed her steak on her place, serving more rice, and began frying an egg.
“I was born with that sazón, Toro.” Y/N said teasingly. She finished frying the egg, served it on her plate, and went to sit down. “Better?” Y/n asked, showing Henry her plate.
“Much better, my lady.” Henry said, kissing her. Kal barked. “Yes bear, you can have some steak too.” Henry said,
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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