#i already go to bed early 🤣
godshideouscreation · 4 months
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muthaz-rapapa · 2 years
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DeliPa Pre ~ Ep 37 Food Shots
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binart · 11 months
Space Ranger Partner's Adventures Chapter 2
(content warning for non-explicit but VERY thirsty Lance this chapter 🤣🥰✨)
(First) (Next)
Lance was awake well before Keith knocked on their connected door.
Pulled from a dreamless night of sleep, thankfully. Somewhere in between agonizing over everything he said and did around Keith the previous day to pouring over the details from their mission, he eventually slipped into peaceful darkness. He'd also gone to bed without doing his usual skincare routine, or even having his nighttime juniberry tea, so Lance woke up feeling like a desert in every sense of the word.
There was discomfort, laying there. His tongue felt like a gross carpet in his mouth, and he could practically feel the wrinkles pulling at the sides of his mouth. His muscles no longer ached, of course, since even though being part Altean was a curse, it was a curse with plenty of benefits. And yet Lance struggled to find the motivation to lift himself up. He turned his head to look over at the closed bathroom door. Toothbrush. Cleanser. Toner. Moisturizer. Everything felt so far away despite how much he needed them.
A knock from behind him, a pause, then a gentle set of taps. “..Lance..? You awake?”
Keith. Lance managed to pull himself up into a sitting position. “..Uh-huh. Come in?” The door beeped quietly, slid open and without making a sound Keith walked in.
He looked.. as tired as Lance felt. “Sorry, did I wake you?” Lance stretched as he shook his head, then shifted his legs so he was facing Keith.
“Nah, I was just getting ready to get up. What's up?” Keith fidgeted for a moment with a quiet 'um' before he took a seat beside him.
“..Last night, I had to go to processing to—well.” The fidgeting resumed. “..Torat's off the team.” Oh. He wasn't expecting to be told so soon, let alone to be woken up for it. He sniffled to clear the congestion from his nose and blinked blearily.
“For trying to—to sacrifice himself? On the mission?” Keith's expression turned sour as he looked away and nodded. “..Sorry, man. Must've been hard to make that call. He seemed like he liked being on board.” The crack of Torat's torso being slammed against the base's wall last night echoed in his mind.
“He was a good part of the team, yeah. But—what he did, went against everything I'm trying to do here with the Blades.” Keith's hands bunched in Lance's blankets in frustration. He paused for a moment to think, then faced Lance with a sort of earnest vulnerability he'd rarely seen from the other guy in the years they'd known each other; a struggle Keith had always had. “I want the Blades to be a place where everyone who fights to see the war end can actually see it end.” Naxzela once again arose from his memories, but Lance shooed it away.
“I mean, that's a pretty ambitious goal given their motto's basically—uh. The opposite of that.” Keith deflated, and Lance continued with a hurried tone as he reached out to him with panicked hands. “B-But that's a really cool goal to have! Really honorable, and junk.”
“Yeah..?” God, he wasn't ready for Keith's puppy-dog eyes this early in the day. Not at all.
“Yeah! I think it's a really great thing you're doing. We've—And everyone else, too—we've all lost a lot already. So.. trying to keep more loss to a minimum, yeah. Definitely a good thing.” Was his face getting red? He felt sweaty, but Keith didn't seem to notice. Or didn't care, if he did.
“..Thanks, Lance.” The moment between them slowed, and Lance took the time to appreciate Keith's handsome smile, but then Keith's eyes widened. “A-anyway—I didn't wanna wake you up to tell you about Torat, I wanted to say sorry for not checking in last night. It was a pretty intense mission and uh—I thought we could talk about it over breakfast?”
Lance's stomach awoke to remind him he was, in fact, starving.He nodded then shifted to get up. “I'm down. Cafeteria busy this time of.. day?” Quickly he shoved himself into a clean hoodie and slipped his Blue Lion™ socks on.
“Not really. A lot of blades eat in their room for the first meal of the day. We could too, if you want.” Lance thought about sitting close to Keith as he did the day before, knees leaning against each other; a conversation between just the two of them. The intimacy of such a mundane moment slapped him across the face with a shock of deep wanting.
“Cafeteria's good! I uh, gotta stretch my legs.”
As Keith predicted, it was relatively quiet. The two sauntered through a short line that reminded him of his days back at the Garrison, and before long they found a dark bench to sit. Lance slid in first, with Keith to follow directly beside him.
Keith didn't hesitate to dig into the odd assortment of goos and strange looking alien plants—or, meats, maybe? Lance leaned forward and inhaled in hopes the smell of his breakfast would clue him in to how it tasted, but instead a pleasant cologne he didn't recognize drifted into his senses.
Keith took a drink from a strange space pouch at the same moment Lance realized he had just inadvertently sniffed him, then cleared his throat. “Anyway, like I was saying. I don't wanna rush into finding Torat's replacement. There's not much to do on our end while the intel division monitors the base we bugged, so..”  A rosy hue bloomed on Keith's cheeks. “I thought we could take it easy for a bit. Maybe.. train like we used to.. and get better acquainted with the rest of the team.”
While Lance wasn't thrilled with the idea of having to spend more time with En, the idea of training with Keith introduced an entirely different set of butterflies into his stomach. “Take it easy and hang out with a bunch of cool alien super spies? Sounds good to me.” Keith grinned in the way he always did; lopsided and ridiculously handsome, made all the worse now by how the locks that slipped free from his loose braid framed his face.
Keith breathed a small laugh through his nose. “Good to have you on board, Lance.” He leaned forward and regarded him with a slight tilt of his head. “I mean it. It was a pretty close call yesterday, and we wouldn't have managed without you there.”
Lance outwardly preened despite the nagging voice at the forefront of his mind whispering otherwise. “Uh, yeah! That is why they call me the sharpshooter, y'know.” Keith rolled his eyes, still bemused.
The next few days were downright serene. It took daily hour-long calls with his family to soften the ache of homesickness in his chest, but once that was more manageable Lance was able to start truly taking in the wonders the base had on offer.
He sunk into the plush seats of the rec room's circular sofa in the early afternoon after a morning run and trip to the pool with Keith. Thankfully after they rinsed off, Keith changed into his regular full body uniform instead of the intensely distracting red shorts he'd been sporting all morning. He'd asked Lance to meet him in the rec room after Lance grabbed his own clothes from his room to spend time with the others, and as Lance stretched his legs far out in front of him and settled in, Hedrox tapped away on his oddly familiar looking tablet. Was that the new model Pidge had been going on about during their last video call?
“Hey Lieutenant,” Hedrox greeted, elongating the 'hey' in a very slow and casual manner despite the speed of his fingers tapping away. En, about fifteen feet away from the couch area, gave him a salute before returning to his push-ups on the floor. Kestin was nowhere to be seen, along with Keith. He hadn't exactly rushed to get here, so Lance wondered why he was the first to arrive. He lifted the small towel from across his shoulders and patted his face of residual moisture.
“Yo. You seen Keith around?”
“The Commander? Mhm, said he wanted to get some snacks for yo—for everyone. For the team. We.. like snacks.” En snorted from behind them, but said nothing.
“O...kay. Cool.. Uh, so.. You guys been here all morning?” He still wasn't entirely sure what to talk about with his new teammates, since he knew next to nothing about any of them. He learned Kestin was another human, surprisingly, and he'd joined the blades during an exchange program Kolivan and the Garrison had created two years ago. That was about it.
“Uh-huh, I pretty much live here when I'm not with the Intel crew,” Hedrox explained, then shifted and leaned heavily over the couch to point at their currently unmasked teammate. “En used to spend entire quintants holed up in his room working out, but now he does it here. Really stinks up the place.” The other blade halted their push-ups, and whipped up into an incredulous stance.
“Wh—Only because it was something you insisted upon! Had the Commander not agreed on your behest, I would not have done so. Would you prefer I leave?!”
“Noo, I like your stink! And I can never drag you all the way from your room to play Monsters and Mana with us here.”
“Hmph, the most simple and undemanding of tactical simulations. Can you truly blame me for not seeing the worth of such things?”
“Hold on, you guys play Monsters and Mana?!” Lance hadn't played that in years! Hedrox whipped back around.
“Absolutely! Although—” they faltered. “We were playing a campaign where um. Torat was kind of the main character. His people don't tend to live all that long so—“ Hedrox quietly settled back into his seat, and sighed. “We wanted to.. make sure he could make some nice memories with the Commander.” Despite the mask, it was obvious he was upset. En resumed exercising.
“Anyway, I'll have to scrap the campaign and start a new one. Once it's ready, could I convince you to—or, that is to say—Do you want to be a part of it?!”
“Yeah, man! No one in my family likes playing anything but the Earth version of it. I think I still have my character data on my phone..” Hedrox leapt up to stand on the top of the sofa as Keith and Kestin strode in together.
“Sir Pike?! Lieutenant are you talking about the famed Sir Pike?! I'm gonna die right now.”
“What are we dying about?” Keith quirked a brow as he made a bee-line for Lance with a platter full of snacks. He then set it in the small round table curled within the sofa. Hedrox gestured emphatically at Lance, and Kestin sauntered over to a nearby mounted screen and pulled out some kind of console.
“The Lieutenant agreed to join us in a new Monsters and Mana campaign! And so I insist you join us once again, Commander.” Keith grabbed a handful of glowing pretzel looking snacks and tossed them in his mouth as he plunked next to Lance.
“..You handle making the character like before and I'll do it.”
“Deal!” At the same time, an overly loud voice from fifteen feet away boomed.
“I shall join as well!!”
Everyone looked over at En, now standing upright and rigid. They were breathing heavily and did not take their eyes off of Keith. Hedrox laughed in a way that was distinctly human, then gave En a thumbs up.
“Alrighty, I'm gonna whip up a campaign the M&M community'll lose their minds over.”
Lance looked over at Keith with his eyes wide, surprised by how lively this bunch of aliens were over a tabletop game. Keith shrugged. He offered some snacks from the platter which Lance gratefully obliged.
The strangeness his life had taken on soon settled into comfortable routine. In the simulated mornings in days that spanned approximately twenty-six and a half Earth hours to mimic the average day cycle of most inhabitants on the base, Lance would awake around the same time he used to in New Altea.
Instead of his solitary jog through the rolling country hills followed by the rest of the morning in the greenhouse, Lance now spent that time together with Keith. And the others, of course. Mobility and agility were highly important skills as super-spy space ninjas, so a large portion of their training regimens included plenty of cardio. They'd run the tracks in the training sector as a team, then branch off to their respective combat training zones. Close quarters combat was one of Lance's weakest areas, and after mentioning that offhandedly to Keith one night in the lounge, when Lance wasn't working on his aim, Keith would whisk him away for some practice. Together. Usually pretty sweaty all throughout, too (though En always followed and watched).
Quiznack,was Keith hot. In the weeks since his arrival, Lance had been thinking about how best to approach the asking-out-Keith conundrum. When was a good time? Anytime? When he was younger, and even now, Lance was never afraid to flirt. If someone wasn't interested, it was easy enough to move on, since how often would he really be seeing a random cute alien on some distant planet they saved? But with Keith..
Lance lifted up a tiny maintenance tool from the set for his blade issued pistol and examined the deconstructed gun on his desk in front of him. He'd already cleaned every part twice, and reassembled it in record time. It was a suitable distraction for his hands while he thought about what to do.
Lance considered the facts: Keith wasn't seeing anyone. But in the entire time Lance knew him, he'd never seen Keith directly express interest in any kind of person, so it was hard to say if he was into guys. Or anyone, for that matter. Was there a non-awkward way of trying to gauge that? Keith, buddy, hey man, just wondering if you'd hypothetically be interested in banging dudes? No reason for wondering, just curious. Totally not because I'd be devastated if I ruined our friendship by trying to get with you!
Lance clicked the final piece of the pistol back into place and groaned. He was so attractive though, it was almost infuriating! How did the cute and rough-around-the-edges Keith he'd saved the universe with manage to turn into one of the most handsome, charming, competent, and weirdly thoughtful guys he'd ever met?! It was bad enough he'd always been Lance's type. But now he had broad shoulders and a really nice ass on top of that. He wanted to.. well, he wanted to do a lot of things with Keith, obviously. But there was also the romantic part of Lance that longed for the sort of connection he hadn't had with anyone in years.
In the wake of the lions taking Allura's place in saving the universe from Honerva, Lance realized he would never be able to give her the life she deserved. He was just some guy from Cuba, some rebound,and neither of them would benefit from that kind of relationship. It was a quiet break-up. A mutual understanding, an awkward hug at the end of it, and the promise that they would still stay close friends.
But the Princess was a Princess, and the center of the newest push to unite the universe against the remnants of the empire. There was no room for Lance in that, not really, and it had been months since they spoke, let alone seen each other in person.
Lance was still kind of heartbroken over the whole thing. And the idea of pushing away Keith in the same way.. It.. scared him.
Never mind the mortifying idea of having to stick around in their tight-knit group after being rejected. Never mind the fact that Keith might even ask him to leave to avoid dealing with that whole awkward situation. Never mind how much he didn't want to go back to a life where nothing he did mattered. He loved his family, and he tried to tell himself it was fine to leave the universe saving to the rest of his old team because he was already too ruined by the war, but he was terrified he was going to spend the rest of his life doing nothing.
He wasn't talented, he wasn't special; he couldn't do anything worthwhile other than pilot a lion that didn't even technically exist anymore. And when his family and friends started aging, he'd be helpless to do anything but watch as everyone around him died because Allura thought it would be a gift to make him live six times as long as everyone else!
Oh. Lance was going to have to do something right away to stop thinking. He put his pistol back in its case and stiffly walked out the door of his room. He didn't want to be around anyone, but also hypocritically wanted desperately to be comforted. He wanted to call his mom, but then thought about having to eventually bury her. No, no, nope. Maybe he could just distract himself with training, or swimming, or something. He made his way down the now familiar hallways towards the training center,
then turned back around and went straight to Keith's door. He pressed the keypad, hoping both at once that he was busy, and that he wasn't.
“Hello?” His low and soothing voice drifted from under his fingertips.
“H-Hey! Keith, hey. You busy?”
“Hey Lance. I'm free, door's open.” Lance shuffled in with too much nervous energy that he tried to hide.
Keith's room was similar in design to his own, but sported a lot of interesting decorations. There were several boards on the walls with intel related to ongoing missions, assembled in a way that looked a bit like those conspiracy boards Keith made in his old cabin. There was a mounted case full of extremely alien-looking knives (a new hobby of his, Lance learned last week), and Kosmo was curled up in his bed, even tinier than usual. Keith turned from his desk to face Lance as he shambled in. “What's up?”
“Uhh, nothing much! Just—wondering what you were doing!” Instead of standing around strangely, Lance moved to sit on the bed and pulled the puppy-sized Kosmo onto his lap. Kosmo wiggled a bit in annoyance, realized Lance was there, and immediately settled back down into snoozing with an adorable huff. Keith leaned back in his chair and let his neck tilt back to face the ceiling.
“Not a ton. Just, so much—paperwork.” The desk was covered with small stacks of light blue paper-adjacent material, and what looked to be hundreds of space-y thumb-drives. Keith always seemed to have piles of them to plug into his personal blade-tablet thing, and apparently that was how they relayed top-secret info they didn't want to risk sending through any kind of network. It seemed weirdly inefficient, but Lance never felt like questioning it. “And most of it's another wave of applications for the team, even though I said I'm not rushing to find a replacement.” He swayed into an upright position, then turned to face him. “At this point I'm thinking about having the application say something like, 'are you willing to die to see the mission succeed?' just so I can toss the ones that say yes automatically.” Lance laughed nervously and gently scratched at Kosmo's small puppy mane.
“C'mon dude, imagine how desperate you'd be if not just one but two world-famous celebrities came to your job and had an opening on their team. Especially if they saved your life at some point, which we definitely did.”
“I guess. If you're not suited to working with them though, trying to push your way in anyway would probably just piss them off. Why even bother?”
“Ohh, buddy.. Never make a social media account.” Keith snorted.
“Wasn't planning on it. Anyway, your leg's doing that thing again.” Lance froze and looked down at his left leg jack-hammering against the floor. He'd picked up Kosmo into his arms at some point to not jostle him. “Something up?”
“No! Uh, no. I'm just—yeah, kinda antsy. You feel like doing something?” Keith studied him for a moment, then softened.
“Sure. If you wanna blow off some steam, we could—” Keith thought for a second. “Go work on CQC maybe? I used to do that all the time with the drones in the castle and it usually helped.” He stood up and walked over to Lance as he spoke, and gently picked up Kosmo from his arms. Then, he lifted his blanket up, rested the puppy against his pillow, and tucked him in. Lance instantly felt near ready to explode from fondness. He cleared his throat.
“Alright, let's go.” Surprisingly, Keith reached down to pull at the draping fabric part of his uniform that hung around his waist, then tossed it over his chair. When Lance looked at him questioningly, he smirked.
“Not giving you an advantage like last time.”
This was a bad idea.
High enough ranking members of the Blade of Marmora, Lance learned, were given access to a lot of amenities on base, including access to private training chambers. They'd only ever sparred with other teammates watching, which helped distract Lance enough to avoid thinking about how close he was to Keith, but this felt completely different now that they were alone.
“Masks on or off?” Keith asked as he finished inputting info into the room's door console. Recently, a time limit had been implemented to encourage blades not to overexert themselves, but no one on their team usually went for more than two or so hours except for En.
“On, I guess?” Lance then accidentally conjured an image in his mind of Keith pinned under him, hair tussled and face red, and immediately pressed the button on his suit to activate the mask. Keith nodded and did the same, but not to hide like Lance.
Lance gave a precursory quick stretch of his keyed up limbs, all electricity and jitters, and for a moment considered how uncomfortable it would be for Keith in a situation like this if he had to reject Lance, and quietly decided to put asking him out on the back-burner. At least for a while. He was still kind of a mess, anyway. “You ready?”
“Uh-huh.” He was feeling a little distracted, honestly. Keith was probably even better at CQC than Shiro at this point, so Lance knew he'd have to stay on the defensive. Keith leaned heavily on his right leg for a moment, then shot at him.
Sharp, brutal, efficient. Keith was a whirlwind of limbs and jabs. He wasn't one for grappling much, and instead whipped around Lance with a flurry of surprisingly easy to block punches.
Oh, he was warming him up and going easy on him. Lance's pride prickled a bit, and he took a moment to switch off the defensive to sweep a leg under the other man. But Keith leapt up in an instant, gripped the front of Lance's uniform, then tossed him. Lance needed only a second to recover before righting himself back onto his feet, and launched back over at Keith.
This time he was on the offensive, and though he lacked the same amount of raw Galran strength that Keith had, compensated by redirecting Keith's punches away from himself with rigid strikes of his forearms and elbows. Blue taught him, years ago, that in all ways he was best suited to be like water. Their comms were open, and he heard Keith give a satisfied laugh.
“Pretty good, Lance.”
“Hmph! You gonna go easy on me all day, dude? 'Cause I can just as easily head down to the pool if you're gonna—” Keith vanished from his view. What?
The slight breeze from his left was the only indication Lance got before he whipped around and braced. Keith's kick made a crack as it brutally connected to his crossed forearms shielding his chest, and Lance once again went careening backwards. Pain, bright and stinging flashed through his arms, and the air was knocked from his lungs as he hit the ground. He gasped and shuddered through it with his jaw clenched hard and tried to right himself. His armored arms were suddenly a sturdier white with blue bracers.
The inside of his mask lit up strangely, and in the same moment Lance noticed that, his fist was already connecting to Keith's masked cheek. Keith stumbled backwards. Lance took the opportunity to sweep his legs out from under him; this time it worked. He stomped on his ribs and Keith let out a pained gasp, but grabbed his ankle before Lance could retract it. In what felt like slow motion, his leg was twisted and pulled, and his balance was stolen from him. The ground slowly crept up to meet him, and with strength Lance couldn't match, Keith pinned his arms on either side against the smooth floor. He struggled for a moment before realizing the futility of it, then loosened the wires pulling his screaming muscles taut.
They both heaved deep breaths, masked faces only inches apart.
“Quiznack. You've been—” Keith wheezed and shook his head. “—holding out on me, Lance! Didn't know you had moves like that.”
It wasn't as bright anymore, and Lance was hit with the sudden realization that Keith was, in fact, very close right now. He bit back an embarrassed shriek and wiggled around until Keith released his hold. He blurted out the first stray thought that floated through his currently flat-lining brain. “Farming'll do that!” Lance squeaked.
“Farming—What?!” Keith wheezed again, and before long started to laugh. “That makes no sense!” He flopped down next to Lance, and relaxed with a chuckling sigh.
Lance felt a little like he wanted to die from embarrassment. But as he defended his nonsense claim, mostly found himself wanting to see Keith without his mask in that moment.
🥺 i wanted more BONDING SCENES!!! action and sad can wait!! Lance has to wax poetic about Keith's ass NOW!!
& BTW! I've already got up to chapter 5 on my patreon if u feel like supporting me and getting access to it early.... 👀
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Hey there lovely human being! For the candy hearts events I was wondering if I could have a dabble of romantic Gojo X Reader with the Cupid, XOXO and cutie? If that’s okay with you of course.
I hope you have a wonderful day and that this event is going to go well for you!! 🥰
Also if I’m early then ignore me till the time comes 🤣
AHH YESH! Heyo lovely human being! :D I love Gojo so much ajraekjrjkaejk it's beyond okay with me! Thank you for the kind words, and I hope you have a wonderful day aswell! :D
Cupid- “I’m gonna get you!”, XOXO- “Hey, do you like raspberries?”, Cutie- “You can’t hide from me, I can hear you laughing!”
“There you are!” Gojo’s cry startled you, making you squeal and twist to face him. “Come here, (Y/N)~”
“Nohoho! Stay away!” You giggled, running for the bedroom as your boyfriend chased after you. “Sahhahtoru!”
“Try as you like, but you can’t hide from me! I can hear you laughing!” Gojo called after you, his voice muffled as you slammed the door shut, giving you a few seconds to hide. “I’m gonna get you~”
Panicked, you dived into the blankets, pressing your face into the pillow to hide your giggles as you heard the door slowly open, your boyfriend making his great entrance.
“(Y/N)...where are you~” He called out, beginning his search. You heard him check the usual spots- opening the closet and poking his head in the nearby bathroom. He even checked drawers and slippers- a ridiculous sight that made you snort.
Gojo perked up like a prairie dog. Damn.
“GOTCHA!” He cried, tackling you into the bed as you shrieked. The blanket was ripped away, leaving you gasping through squeaks as he grinned down at you, blue eyes dancing. “There you are, love. Now that I gotcha, I have a question for you..”
“Sahhahatoru, Sahahahatoru wahahahhait!” You were already laughing, your voice getting higher in pitch as he leaned down so you were nose to nose. With a wink, he asked the devastating question.
“Do you like raspberries?”
“Sato-ROOOHUHUHUUHUHU!” You all but screamed when he attacked your neck with kisses, blowing a massive raspberry against sensitive skin while his fingers skittered along your side. “STAHHAHAP IT TIIHIHIHIHICKLES!”
“Does it now? I couldn’t tell!” Gojo grinned against your neck, biting your pulsepoint gently and making you scream again. In a desperate attempt to get away, you grabbed his waist and squeezed.
“AH!” He yelped, spasming back with a look of shock. “The audacity!”
“Thahahake thahahhat!” You cried back, grabbing his waist again as you quickly turned the tables, filling the room with his loud cackly laugh. “Now you get to laugh for me! Here I come!”
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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e-dubbc11 · 6 months
Hot neighbor Rumlow that you see in his yard like this one day. That's it. That's the ask 🥵💦
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My lovely Lily,
You have so many great ideas roaming around inside that brain of yours and I love that you share those ideas with me and trust me to bring those ideas to life. So you wanted neighbor Rumlow? Here he is! I really hope you like it and thank you for always sending things/ideas to my inbox and for just being such a good friend ♥️♥️♥️
Hey, Neighbor
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: None, really. A couple of swear words, fluff, some smooches, mentions of infidelity and divorce.
Word Count: 3.7K-ish
Summary: You’re newly single and start looking at your neighbor differently.
A/N: I don’t really have much else to say that I didn’t say above. Brock is fun to write for and even though she hasn’t read it yet, Lily said she’s already game for a part 2 🤣 I hope you like it!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The early morning sun peeked through the very small opening in between your bedroom curtains. The warm rays beamed into your room, directly onto the foot of your bed where your dog, Beast, was sleeping peacefully.
It was Saturday and he seemed quite content that he also did not have to wake up early this morning however your internal clock never let you sleep in too much. Waking up with the sun was a lot better than being jolted awake by an alarm while it was still dark outside though so you reveled in the restful sleep you had last night.
You rolled over to look at your clock. It was 7:00 AM, birds were happily chirping outside your window, and you couldn’t wait to get up to do…nothing. It had been over a month since you had a free weekend and all you wanted to do today was relax, maybe start the new book you just bought, or just do whatever you felt like doing.
The house was quiet.
Since you finalized your divorce eight months ago, it had been very quiet but most of the time you didn’t mind. You thought maybe there was something wrong with you because you didn’t really have a problem being alone, sure there were times where you were lonely but you still didn’t mind being alone…maybe you actually preferred it.
You didn’t have any children so the divorce was quick and easy, he let you keep the house because he was moving in with his girlfriend, the one he was seeing while still married to you.
Yeah, that felt like a punch to the stomach. How could you not see it coming? Were you that blind? You thought you were happy together but it was all a lie, a lie that had dragged on for the past two years. It was humiliating and you felt like everyone knew he had been cheating on you except for you.
Even though they weren’t, you felt like everywhere you went people were looking at you, talking about you, and feeling sorry for you. But you were better off without him and you had everything you wanted right now.
You lived in a nice house, had a good job, friends, family, and your dog. What else did you need right now?
Coffee…coffee is what you needed.
“C’mon Beast…time to go outside, buddy. Let’s go.” You said, patting him on the head as he blinked his eyes and yawned, showing you all of his teeth.
After your divorce, you went to a local shelter because you wanted a dog for protection and companionship as you were now alone in your house.
When you walked in to where all of the kennels were, at first none of them felt like “the one” but as you moved toward the end of the rows of kennels, a young gray and white pitbull pushed his nose through the hole in the cage door and started wagging his tail, aggressively. Whimpering, he licked your fingers when you held them up to the kennel, he was such a sweet boy.
“What’s his story?” You had asked the employee.
“Not much to tell really, this guy has had a couple of homes but each owner said they didn’t really have the space for bigger dog like him and couldn’t give him the attention he needs.” They replied.
You had a decent size home and nice big yard for him to run around in so the decision was made that he was coming home with you and Beast smiled for the entire ride to his new home.
He did his little happy dance with his front paws before you opened the door and as soon as you opened it, he took off running for the very back of the yard where he did his business. As he sprinted back toward you, he stopped quickly in the middle of the yard to bring you his ball that he loved for you to throw for him.
The air was still slightly chilly as it brushed against your exposed skin. Your sleep clothes left little to the imagination, maybe you were still not fully awake yet, but you looked down and realized you were out in the middle of the yard in a thin strap tank top and shorts, with no bra on which of course is when your neighbor stepped outside to get onto his motorcycle.
You didn’t know what he did for a living but he was always out until crazy hours of the night or going in on weekends. You didn’t think he was a doctor; his wardrobe didn’t exactly scream “healthcare professional” but anything is possible. Dressed in all black wearing combat boots, he walked out of his side door with a scowl on his face and a furrowed brow.
His side door faced your yard and he actually did a double take when he saw you standing in the yard, half naked, playing with Beast so you gave him a little wave and a slight smile. He seemed a little flustered and quickly waved back but in an awkward manner.
His name was Brock Rumlow and had just come home from work the day you were moving into your house so he introduced himself to you and your then husband.
At the time, you didn’t really pay that much attention to what he looked like but now that you were single, you had noticed that Brock was quite handsome in a grouchy, angry sort of way.
Brock had dark brown hair, days old stubble on his face, and his eyes were a warm golden brown like the color of amber or whiskey. It was one of the first things you noticed about him when he introduced himself.
But you’ve had little interaction since besides the occasional “good morning” or a wave here and there. You felt yourself staring as he climbed on his bike and sped off down the street. You probably wouldn’t see him again today.
“Beast! Inside, now. Go on, time for your breakfast.” You said, holding the door open for him.
The temperature outside warmed up nicely since this morning and after cleaning for a little while, you decided you were finished with that for the day and were ready to relax with your book and a cup of tea. Part of the reason you bought your house was because it had a reading nook. You had always wanted one and you finally had one, it was your favorite place in the house.
With Beast asleep on the floor next to you and your tea resting on a little table behind your head, you were fully immersed in your book. Since it was such a nice day outside, you had opened the windows to get some fresh air and the curtains swayed as the cool breeze blew in through the screens.
You were so lost in the story, you almost didn’t hear Brock’s motorcycle pull back into his driveway. That’s strange. Usually when he left for the day, he was gone until sometime in the evening but you didn’t think much of it and went back to your book.
The reading nook faced Brock’s house and at one point you looked up from your book to rest your eyes and look out the window. To your surprise, when you looked up, Brock was standing in his driveway…and he was shirtless.
“Holy fuck.” You said out loud.
Oh shit…hopefully he didn’t hear you.
He was quite the specimen, warm tan skin, tight arm muscles and abs you could wash clothes on. How have you not seen this before? It couldn’t be the first time he’s been outside without a shirt but then again, he usually isn’t home during the daylight hours where you could see him clearly.
Beast picked his head up off of the floor as the words escaped your lips and he cocked his head to one side as he looked at you.
“Oh don’t look at me like that.” You said narrowing your eyes at him. “I didn’t know he was hiding that body underneath his clothes. How could I?”
You felt a little crazy talking to your dog like he was a person.
It looked like Brock was doing some stretching. Biting down on your thumb, you continued to stare out the window, hoping he was too far away for him to notice you gawking at him. With your thighs clenched together, you inched closer to the glass but you weren’t paying attention to how close to the glass you were.
Your forehead hit the glass with a slight “thud;” Brock looked up from his stretches and looked in your direction, thankfully you were quick enough to duck away from the window.
The pillow cradled your head as warmth rose to your cheeks and you watched as your book, resting on your chest, rose and fell with your nervous inhales and exhales. Beast had started to bark when he heard the thud against the glass. You tried to get him to stop by whisper yelling at him.
“Hey! Ssshhh, stop it! It’s just me!” You said.
Peeking out from behind the curtain, you saw Brock had gone back to his stretching. It looked like he was getting ready to go for a run. Beast finally stopped barking and Brock took off down the driveway.
You watched him until he was out of sight; finally, you could breathe easy but now you were wondering if he had noticed you watching him. You didn’t think so but it was still a possibility especially after the dog started to bark.
Maybe you were done reading for now.
Since you had the entire day to yourself, you had the time to make your grandmother’s spaghetti sauce. You were the only one she trusted the recipe with and each time you made it, you reminisced about all the times you helped her make that sauce.
It would cook on the stove all day and your reward for helping her was she would give you a small bowl filled with sauce and a couple pieces of Italian bread for you to dip with. You would always get to have some before anyone else did, it was one of your favorite memories of her.
To get even more fresh air inside the house, you had opened the front door and kept the screen door shut plus Beast loved to sit in front of the door and watch people and cars go by.
While stirring the sauce, your back was toward the front door when Beast started to whine and scratch at the door. You figured he just saw another dog walk by; he loved to say hi to every person or animal that walked by the house.
He barked then scratched at the door so hard that he nudged it open and ran outside. You turned to see the screen door ajar and swaying back and forth.
“Shit! Beast! No!!” You shouted after him.
After you ran outside and down the driveway, you looked around for him and finally found him licking Brock’s face just past your mailbox.
“Oh my god, Brock I am so sorry! He just pushed the door open and ran out before I could stop him.” You said apologetically.
Brock was kneeling down next to Beast, gently patting his head.
“Oh that’s alright, doll. He’s a good boy, he just wanted to say hello. Didn’t ya boy?”
The smile on Brock’s face was probably the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen on him which made you smile.
“Well thank you for catching him for me.” You said.
You then did something very out of character. You had always been very shy and quiet but you liked Brock and you definitely couldn’t eat that sauce all by yourself. So even though it made you feel nauseous, you decided to ask him anyway.
“B-brock? W-would you like to come over for dinner tonight? I, well I made my grandmother’s spaghetti sauce and I forgot that it’s enough to feed a small army.” You said, struggling to get the words out.
He looked shocked and didn’t really know what to say, like it was the first time he’s ever been invited to dinner.
“Oh…thank you y/n, but I’m all sweaty from my run just now.” He said, politely.
You noticed the sweat glistening off his body and on his forehead. It was hard not to notice. He really was extremely handsome, especially when he smiled.
“Well you have plenty of time to shower and change. I’m not quite finished cooking yet.” You said.
Brock looked a little uneasy, almost like he didn’t want to hurt your feelings by telling you no. You finally felt ready enough to talk to another man in a way that’s not platonic and you were terrified that he was going to say no. And then to think you would be reminded of that rejection every time you saw him after that.
Glancing down at the ground, you thought maybe it would be easier if you didn’t look at him. Maybe you could keep the tears from stinging the back of your eyes but he surprised you with his answer.
“Well in that case, I’d love to, doll.” He said softly.
Butterflies formed in your stomach and the words that fell from your lips were a little shaky but you managed to get them out without stumbling too much.
“O-ok. Great! I’ll see you in about an hour then.” You said. “Come on, Beast. Let’s go, ya troublemaker.”
Not wanting to look like you were trying too hard but still wanting to look put together, you put on a pair of jeans and changed from a white t-shirt to a black one in case the clumsy version of you decided to show up and get marinara sauce all over yourself. You kept the minimal makeup look you had on from earlier in the day and kept your hair back.
Brock knocked on your door exactly an hour later, Beast helped you greet him at the door by barking and wagging his tail. Brock had brought over a bottle of wine which was very sweet of him.
“Hi Brock…Beast, get down! I’m so sorry…oh, thank you for the wine. That’s very nice of you…BEAST, get down! I know you’re excited that someone else is in the house.” You said.
A slight smiled stretched across his lips as he looked at you with his honey colored eyes.
“I had a grandma once too…she taught me never to show up any place empty handed. I woulda got ya some flowers too but I only had an hour.” He said with a wink.
Brock was dressed almost exactly like you were. Black shirt and jeans but he was wearing black boots; he looked incredibly handsome.
He took one look at the dining room table and admitted to feeling a little underdressed. You had set the table nicely with placemats, cloth napkins, and candles. You didn’t think it was overly romantic but maybe he did and you were afraid you might scare him away but it didn’t.
“Do you need help with anything?” He asked.
You were caught completely off guard by that question. Your ex-husband didn’t help much with the cooking or anything, really.
“Oh! Thank you, I think I’m all set though. Actually, you can open the wine…let me just find the corkscrew.” You said.
Surprisingly, Brock was very easy to talk to. The wine probably helped a little but you had a feeling that maybe he wasn’t as angry as he appeared to be sometimes. Eyebrows pulled together in a straight line, lips pressed together, the gruff raspy tone to his voice when he said “good morning…” maybe he just didn’t want people to know that he’s actually kind of sweet and soft.
“I’ll admit, I was a little surprised when I saw your ex movin’ out. I thought you two had a decent marriage.” Said Brock.
With raised eyebrows, you said, “Yeah well, I wasn’t having sex nearly as often as he was sooooooo.”
Brock looked surprised as you confessed your ex had cheated on you.
“Wait…he cheated on you?” He asked.
“Brock, I feel like everyone else knew except me, like everyone on the street was looking at me differently. I felt really ashamed.” You said with a hitch in your voice as you looked away from him.
Tears welled up in your eyes quicker than you anticipated and before you could prevent one from streaking down your cheek. It was slightly embarrassing because you didn’t know your neighbor all that well and now you were crying in front of him.
“Hey, hey y/n…it’s ok.” He said softly as he gently brushed the top of your hand with his calloused fingers. The rasp in his voice was so sexy. “If it makes you feel any better, I had no idea and I doubt anyone else knew either. Plus…just…well, fuck that guy.”
You weren’t expecting him to say that; it caught you off guard and you let out a little laugh.
“Ya know what? You’re right…fuck that guy!” You exclaimed with a wide smile.
The two of you finished the bottle of wine and Brock insisted on doing the dishes, he actually looked cute with the dish towel draped over his shoulder which, you couldn’t help but notice, was filling out that part of his shirt nicely. Was it the wine that was making you warm or was it him?
You continued to talk for a while longer before Brock got up to leave. You really didn’t want him to go though.
“In my line of work, they don’t really care that it’s Sunday. I have to get up early tomorrow.” He said.
Nodding your head, you replied. “Oh of course. I understand.”
You followed him over to the front door, he turned to face you, and said, “Thank you for this, y/n. It was really nice, haven’t had a home cooked meal in awhile so thank you again.”
Your bodies were close, sharing the same air and you could smell the wine on his lips as he spoke.
“You’re very welcome, Brock. I’m sure I’ll still be eating that sauce for days but thank you for trying to help me make a dent in it.” You said, nervously.
Your heart was beating so fast, you thought it was going to burst out of your chest. You knew your skin would be warm to the touch as your heart beat faster and faster.
“Well…goodnight y/n.” He whispered.
His warm breath brushed against your ear, the air between you felt thick, like you could cut it with a knife and you wanted him to kiss you so badly.
You replied. “Goodnight.”
He walked out and turned back once more to wave and smile at you.
Before you closed the door, Beast whimpered while staring out at the street. He was probably wondering where Brock went.
“He went home, buddy. He doesn’t live here, ya know.” You told him with a slight smile but in a disappointing tone.
As you closed the door, Beast whined again and you whispered, “I know, I wanted him to kiss me too.”
After your shower, you decided to read a little more. The lights in the house were dimmed, the only bright light in the room was your book light and you had only been reading for about 20 minutes when Beast let out a low growl. You looked down at him, his tail started to swish back and forth then started to whine.
“Ya know for a big bad pitbull, you whine a lot like a little baby. What is it?” You asked.
Immediately after you asked that question, there were three loud raps against your front door. Confused, you put your book down, threw the blanket off of your legs, and walked over to the front door. Beast followed you, wagging his tail.
Brock was leaning against the screen when you opened the front door.
“Hey doll, I uh…well, I forgot something.” He said, opening the screen and stepping inside.
You looked up at him, then looked back over at the dining room chair, still a little confused.
“Oh…I don’t remember you bringing a jack—“ You tried to say before he cut you off.
Brock’s lips collided with yours, as he closed the door behind him. Suddenly your back was against the wall, running your fingers through his thick brown hair, while your lips parted, giving his tongue access to your mouth.
He was a really good kisser.
Brock’s chest was pressed firmly against yours, so you were pinned in between him and the wall. He was so strong but it felt amazing to have your body pressed against his. He nipped at your jawline and peppered kisses up and down your neck while soft moans escaped your lips.
Beast stood on his hind legs and lunged toward you and Brock like he was missing out on something. He was whining.
Breathing heavily, you pulled away and smiled at Brock. Your cheeks were warm and you could feel how red they were.
“I think someone else wants a kiss.” You said. “Careful, he has a fast tongue.”
Brock bent down so he was level with Beast and he glanced up at you. “Yeah, he ain’t the only one.” He said with a wink.
You covered your eyes in embarrassment.
After giving Beast gentle pats to his head, Brock stood up and closed the gap between your bodies. He cupped your cheeks, leaned in, and kissed you again. These were gentle kisses, soft and sweet and his stubble lightly brushed against your skin.
It had been awhile since your lips had touched someone else’s, his kisses sent shivers down your spine and gave you butterflies in your stomach. These were feelings you haven’t had in a long time; you were nervous but willing to give it all another chance.
“Dinner at my place next time, doll?” He asked.
A sly smile stretched across your lips as you purred into his ear.
“Only if we can have dessert first…neighbor.”
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Nothing in the way of us | Jaemin
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Idol!Jaemin x Reader Word count: 3405 Genre: smut Warning: Sex but vanilla sex, reader is on pill, slight mention of body fluids. MINORS DON’T INTERACT, THIS IS A +18 STORY Author: Maari Note: This is for my best friend Bia that spend the entire weekend suffering over na jaemin and gave me inspiration. Sorry if there are any mistakes, I didn't have time to proofread. Request: Can i hv a request? Jaemin smut fluff where he just come back from work after 1 month outstation and being apart from his gf and the only thing in his head is he wants his girlfriend sm.jaemin clingy and horny af🤣 plus cuddles!Oh yeah I prefer jm top y/n bottom.
⪢ NCT Masterlist      
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Y/N was staring intently at her boyfriend on the other side of the phone screen while her heart leapt inside her chest. She didn't want to look like a lovestruck fool, but she already missed him.
“So, how was the flight?” she asked, as he sat on the bed after entering the hotel room.
“Long.” he replied and then yawned. “We still have some time to get to the filming location, we won't go until tomorrow morning.”
"At least you'll be able to rest."
“More than I should, actually.” Jaemin lay down on the bed and Y/N frowned.
“The staff informed me as soon as I arrived that the city we are going to has no sign of anything. TV, phone. I think only radio.”
Y/N got up from the bed, sitting up better while her brain processed the information.
Wait a moment…
“Didn't you say you were going to stay there for a month?” She remembered and saw Jaemin nod in agreement, closing his eyes as he did.
“I will be without communication starting tomorrow.”
"Oh." she tried to contain the sad tone but even from miles away, Jaemin noticed.
“I know, I didn't like it either. Especially knowing that I won't see your beautiful face every day.” he spoke quickly, seeing Y/N's face turn to a pout of displeasure.
She didn't want to be selfish, she admired her boyfriend's charitable and helpful side and the pride of who he was didn't fit in her chest, but she was sad. She didn't even know if had that right, but she wasn't going to deny it or pretend she wasn't upset.
“A month without your voice is torture, you know?” she complained and Jaemin laughed out loud.
"There's a good side to that." he smiled mischievously and at the same time frightening, the way only he could do, making her raise an eyebrow waiting for the answer. “When the time comes to make up for lost time…”
Jaemin left the sentence unfinished in the air and she smiled, feeling her cheeks burn.
She had thought about what his return would be like even before Jaemin had gone.
“They say that distance increases love.”
"I want to see if you really can handle testing this." she rolled her eyes and Jaemin looked at her offended.
She didn't need to test her feelings for her boyfriend, they were clear enough.
“Are you calling me a pervert?”
She laughed. She hadn't taken the conversation that way.
“Who kept touching me inappropriately under the blanket the day all the dreamies were in the dorm watching a movie with us?” she remembered and Jaemin's smile reappeared.
“Inappropriately? If I remember correctly, you didn't complain, quite the opposite.” he raised an eyebrow quickly and she brought a hand to her mouth to contain an smile.
Nor could she complain, although they could have been caught by the boys who were close to them, Jaemin made her see stars that night.
“And I had missed you.” he justified.
"We just haven't seen each other for two weeks."
“And your point is?
She and Jaemin continued to argue that even though it had been good, it had been very dangerous and they engaged in a long conversation that was only cut short when he yawned once more on the other side of the phone screen, he was visibly tired and still refused to end  the connection. She knew why and had the same feeling, a month would be a lot for both of them but they couldn't put it off any longer.
That's why Y/N decided to end the conversation, he would wake up early the next morning and she wanted him to get enough rest because knew the recordings would be tiring, with his disapproval of course. If he could, he would spend the whole night talking to her.
"I love you." he spoke with conviction, his eyes as sad as hers.
She sighed, feeling like crying. She hated goodbyes.
“I love you too, nana.”
Y/N was bored, needy, a little irritated and anxious.
She was on her last week of vacation and her boyfriend still hadn't returned from his trip, she missed him and still didn't know when he would be back.
Well, she had marked the days on the calendar on top of her desk to get an idea of ​​when he would be coming, but so far she hadn't received any messages or calls, so she figured the filming had gone on longer.
She didn't want to look like a teenager in love who was dying without her lover, but that's exactly how she felt.
It had been more than torture to live without his morning calls, in which Jaemin's husky voice welcomed her, his tight hugs, the silly audios he sent constantly.
Jaemin knew that his voice affected Y/N so any opportunity he took advantage of.
Unwilling to get up and feeling her chest tighten with missing Jaemin, she dropped her phone carelessly on the couch and practically dragged herself to the kitchen when she saw that she wouldn't be able to prolong any longer the fact that she would have to cook.
Too busy finding the pots and ingredients, she didn't hear the apartment door sneak open, turned to fill the pot with water and set it on the stove.
"Hey, angel." Y/N felt every little hair on her body prickling, thinking she was starting to delirious, turned her body around.
Her jaw dropped and her eyes filled with tears when saw the figure of Jaemin standing in the division between the kitchen and the living room, he carried a wide smile and the suitcase was in one hand.
Stammering and not saying anything clear, she studied her boyfriend who had left his suitcase on the floor and placed his hands on his hips.
"What? I don't get a hug?” he complained and she forced her weak legs to carry her towards him.
Y/N ran, even though the apartment wasn't even that big, and threw her arms around his neck hugging him tightly as he staggered backwards from the impact, he managed to stay on his feet and hugged Y/N tightly by the waist, laughing as he buried his face in her neck.
Jaemin lifted her off the floor, wrapping his other arm around her waist and pressing her against his body in a crushing, hot embrace.
She started to plant kisses over his face, still surprised, and felt him put her down, she pulled back enough to face him but still kept their bodies together.
"What are you doing here?" she asked aloud, blinking more than usual. “Why didn't you tell me you were coming back? I would have gone to the airport.”
“I wanted to surprise you.” he smiled widely and proudly, bringing her back closer, their foreheads met and she took a deep breath of her boyfriend's scent, while closing her eyes.
Y/N brought a hand to the back of his head and their noses played softly, making them both laugh and lean over to seal their lips. If Jaemin's stomach hadn't protested so loudly that it echoed through the apartment and made the two of them look at each other seriously and then laugh, accomplices.
"Okay, I guess that's our cue." she spoke before pulling away from him completely. "What do you want to eat?"
Y/N was heading back to the stove when Jaemin hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and spoke softly into her ear.
She swallowed and slowly turned to face her boyfriend, he had a playful smile on his face but his eyes said he was serious, and that made her shiver.
A month without Jaemin's touch and she was already there, totally at his mercy just by the breath in her ear and his deep voice. She slapped Jaemin lightly on the shoulder, who laughed again and returned his attention to the stove, but at no time did the boyfriend move away.
It was very hard to control herself, especially since Jaemin was holding her tightly against his chest and the hands on her waist were warm, making her heart race, but she had another priority at the moment and that was cooking.
So while she cooked for the two of them, he cuddled her with his chin resting in the same place, sometimes placing a few very innocent kisses on her neck or cheek.
It was affective, not suggestive.
When the food was ready, Y/N thought that Jaemin would leave her to get the food but he didn't.
"Aren't you going to let me go?" she asked, laughing. But it wasn't like she was feeling bad.
"No." he replied and buried his face in her neck. Y/N was tickled and laughed again, having nothing to say, she served him.
"Sit on my lap." he asked softly.
She just raised her eyebrow in silence, he was clingy and couldn't even judge him because the way he hugged was everything she wanted in the past weeks. Clinging to him without thinking about anything else, just enjoying the time she would have with him.
Her heart beat faster, she was wearing a sweatshirt and pantyhose, as thick as it was because of the cold, the barrier between the bodies would be smaller. Just imagining the friction between her ass and Jaemin's jeans was starting to make her wet.
Jaemin sat down first on the stool and brought her close, afraid to fall off the stool with him, she just joined her hips feeling a shiver go through the back of her neck, as imagined she felt the heat of Jaemin's body and his jeans felt a little tighter than usual, she tried to occupy herself with eating.
As she chewed, turned to feed Jaemin as if he were a baby and when he opened his mouth eagerly and chewed showing how hungry he was, she smiled proudly.
They stayed like that until the ramen was over, neither of them was really in the mood to talk. Well, actually, she couldn't focus on too many things at once while Jaemin's hips were pressed against her ass.
Feeding him was already quite an arduous task and it got even more so when Jaemin reached under the sweatshirt she was wearing and started making random circular movements on the skin of her waist.
When she walked away to wash off what she had soiled, Jaemin complained and his hand pressed for her to come back.
“Oh no, you stay.” he took the opportunity to put his arms around Y/N's waist and squeezed against his body. Y/N laughed.
"I have to clean this." she pointed to the counter and felt Jaemin shake his head as rested his chin on her shoulder again.
"I'll help you later." he promised and she turned her face to face him, the movement made their noses meet again. “Now we have more important things to do.”
"Oh yes? What?" she asked and in the blink of an eye, Jaemin let go of her and put one arm around her knee and the other behind her back, picking her up and going to the bedroom.
Y/N let out a little yelp of surprise, and grabbed Jaemin's shoulder as she was carried away.
"I've spent a lot of time away from you." he set her on the bed carefully and wrapped his body with hers, propping himself up on his elbows so that all the weight wouldn't crush her.
She raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you said distance made love-" Y/N was interrupted by her boyfriend's hungry, salty lips.
They both sighed and Y/N's hands found the back of Jaemin's neck again as he tasted her lips with desiree, she was so intoxicated that just followed in the same rhythm opening her mouth so that Jaemin's tongue found hers in a way that bordering on despair, she couldn't think of anything but the rhythm their mouths followed evenly and the heat of Jaemin's body that she had missed so much.
How he held her waist, how he sucked her lips, the way she grabbed his hair.
Jaemin ended the kiss with a light bite on Y/N's lower lip and she didn't even have the strength to squeak, she felt her lungs give out from lack of air and her heart was racing so fast that she could feel it against her ribs.
The theory cited by the boyfriend was true but love wasn’t the only thing that increased.
With no patience to wait, not after a month away from him, she pulled him by the back of his neck to start a more intense and warm kiss.
While the tastes mixed, Jaemin hugged her around the waist making the bodies stick together and she took the opportunity to wrap his hips with her own legs and brought him even closer, there wasn't an inch that wasn't being touched by the body from each other.
The room's temperature increased more and more and they didn't want to stop, Y/N's hands found Jaemin's hair and when he forced his hips against hers, no force in the world could control her soft moan.
This seemed to be fuel for Jaemin who kept pushing his hips while devouring her lips and Y/N lost her breath too quickly when she felt her boyfriend's excitement, she couldn't return the kiss anymore which ended up becoming a mess.
He then took the opportunity to focus his attention elsewhere, her neck. He trailed kisses down her cheek, jaw and then sucked the skin off her neck, causing Y/N to squeeze his hair and tug at it, another moan following as his tongue wet her hot skin.
Y/N wanted more friction between their bodies so when her boyfriend eased, she eagerly continued to move her hips against his as Jaemin sucked, bit and kissed her neck.
But as she felt his erection against her flesh pulsing in her panties, she started to get impatient and her hands went to the thin white shirt he wore, pulling it up anyway, she just wanted to get that piece of useless cloth off.
He stopped what he was doing to lift his torso and let Y/N pull the shirt down his arms, throwing it in any corner of the room as she ran her hands over her boyfriend's exposed skin, squeezed his broad shoulders and when went down his back she scratched lightly.
Jaemin squeaked and before he could kiss her skin again, took his hands inside her sweatshirt and his hot palms found her breasts that weren't covered by any bra, he paid due attention and felt his jeans getting wet by the fire coming from Y/N's hips that at this point had her panties and pantyhose soaked.
She got impatient again, brushing her hips against his, Jaemin's fingers left her breasts and went to meet her pantyhose, promptly Y/N moved her legs from his waist and let him take off while she herself took her hands to the hem of the sweatshirt and took it off clumsily and quickly.
Y/N reached for the button on Jaemin's jeans and she hurriedly unzipped, hearing him chuckle hoarsely.
“Someone is eager.”
"I need you." she replied and Jaemin took off his jeans completely.
Y/N wanted to admire her boyfriend's slender body but didn't have the patience for it, her body pulsed in a way that bothered her and only he could make it stop.
But even though Jaemin was just as excited as she was, that didn't stop him from reaching for her wet panties. Y/N held a breath and closed her eyes, moaning his name.
"No..." she bit her lip as her boyfriend started to touch her more precisely. "... teasing."
"I'm not doing anything." Y/N opened her eyes and saw her boyfriend smile with false innocence.
Raising her eyebrow and smiling sideways, she brought her hand to his chest and started down, reaching the waistband of his underwear and feeling him shiver.
"Ok, enough." he sounded impatient and she laughed.
Jaemin removed the two pieces that were in the way between the two and returned to cover his girlfriend's body with his own, he distributed kisses on her collarbone as he adjusted to her entrance but stopped, lifting his head with a frown.
“I forgot the condom.” he spoke, ready to move away but Y/N was faster and hugged him around the waist.
"I'm on the pill, it’s fine." she assured, kissing his forehead to stop him from frowning.
He closed his eyes for a few seconds as he adjusted and when his heat met Y/N's, he went in deep and all at once, he opened his eyes staring at her so hard that Y/N groaned, the combination made her go weak, she didn't have the strength to keep her eyes open.
Leaning on the mattress, he began to move slowly without taking his eyes from Y/N's face who was ecstatic as the bodies met in a sensual rhythm, he seemed to record all the details he had missed in the last month and the face of Y/N contorted with pleasure was too good for him.
"Look at me." he begged low and through clenched teeth, controlling not to groan.
She did so and wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing her hands up to her boyfriend's face and caressing with her thumbs on both sides.
Gently, just as Jaemin thrust into her, she ran her fingers along the length of his face. The texture so well known to her fingertips was caressed from his forehead, through his brows, nose, below his eyes, cheeks.
The devotion with which she gazed only made Jaemin increase his pace and she bit her lower lip, listening to the sound of skin to skin extremely pleasurable, moaning once more.
But she didn't stop this time, she spoke his name as if it were a mantra, to show how much she had missed him and being with him like that, pure and together.
Their noses touched and Y/N gripped the back of his head tightly, wriggling her toes, and he grabbed her waist as if he was holding his whole world there, not tightly but to ensure that he was finally where he wanted and needed to be.
When Jaemin reached a specific point, Y/N felt short of breath and closed her eyes feeling her whole body tremble and heat up quickly, her thighs went rigid and Jaemin brought a hand to her free skin to keep her leg where it was, pressed against his hip as he thrust harder but at the same pace.
She buried her face in his neck feeling her heart practically explode inside her chest and bit her boyfriend's skin as she reached the climax, muffling her scream. She knew he was almost there, her insides squeezing him even tighter and she started talking close to his ear as caressed the back of his neck.
He roared as he peaked and gripped his girlfriend's body even tighter as the hot liquid filled her completely, making her shiver. Jaemin took a deep breath before lying on top of her, who stroked his hair gently.
He pulled out of her and laughed when he saw that a few strands of hair were covering her face, so he brushed them away with his fingers as she closed her eyes at the contact.
Jaemin took the opportunity to hug her around the waist and she settled herself better in his arms, her heart still racing, but she could feel against her back that Jaemin's wasn't that different, he placed a kiss on her shoulder and they stayed like that, cuddled, catching their breath.
“So, do you want to live that month-long incommunicado experience again?” she asked, laughing.
"Never." he was serious, making her laugh. "All I could think about was what I was going to do to you."
Y/N turned her face enough to look at him out of the corner of her eye and raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yes?"
Jaemin nodded and kissed the tip of her nose.
“And I didn’t even accomplish half of it.”
“We have all night, nana.”
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centralperkchenford · 9 months
Chenford + Tim had to stay late to finish paperwork and Lucy decides to hang with him but ends up falling asleep on the couch in his office
Chenford + Tim had to stay late to finish paperwork and Lucy decides to hang with him but ends up falling asleep on the couch in his office
This one definitely could have a part 2 🤣🫣
Say that you wanna be with me too 'Cause I'ma stay through it all
Tim is just starting his paperwork for the day and yesterday, Lucy had convinced him to leave early and come home with her. And while Tim didn’t regret last night one bit, he did kind of hate the pile of paperwork on his desk.
He takes a paper and starts filling it out when there’s a soft tap on the door. He looks up to see Lucy already changed out standing at his door nervously.
“Hi.” He says tilting his head at her curiously usually she would come right in and make herself at home. “What’s wrong?”
She shrugs and steps further into the office. “Do you have to stay late again?” She asks. Tim sighs and looks at the pile of paperwork and then at his beautiful girlfriend who he much rather be with tonight.
He nods and motions for her to come over. She does and she steps in between his legs. “That’s too bad. Last night was really fun.” She says chewing on her lip for a minute before smirking at him. He groans and reaches up to kiss her softly.
“That’s just mean.” He says. She shrugs her shoulders again and backs away turning his chair towards the desk.
“You have work to do.” She says. She walks away and sits down on the couch across from his desk. He stares at her.
“What are you doing?” He asks her curiously.
“I don’t like when I can’t see you at night.” She says. “So I will stay here until you are done.” Tim sighs and looks at her. “It’s going to be really boring.” He says. “And I can’t get distracted.” He points his pen at her. She pouts a little bit then shrugs.
“I would be bored at home too.” She says laying down on the couch and taking her phone out. “Really bored.” Her voice has a teasing lilt to it and he glares at her waving his pen around.
“You will not pull me in with you being all charming and sexy.” He says firmly. She laughs a little bit and he has to bite his tongue from smiling.
“So you think I’m charming and sexy?” She asks. He doesn’t answer and she giggles. He watches as she looks at her phone. Every once in a while she shoots him a look. He does his best to ignore her, although he does look up and admires her for a brief second. He hears all the videos she’s watching and her singing along to some of the songs. He shakes his head as he continues to work.
After about an hour though he doesn’t hear anymore songs or videos. He figures Lucy got bored with it and went on to something else but when he looks up he sees Lucy’s head to one side her phone on her chest and one of her arms hanging over the sofa.
He smiles to himself and gets up to see if she’s actually sleeping or just being quiet. When he gets over to the sofa he sees that she’s fast asleep. He smiles softly and grabs the blanket he has over the sofa drapes it over her. He gives her a soft kiss on the forehead and dims the lights a little and gets back to work.
He hears Lucy flip over in her sleep, her phone sliding off her chest on onto the floor. He looks up and sees she’s curled up now. Her feet are sticking out from the blanket, he shakes his head fondly.
He loves her so much.
But he hasn’t exactly said those three words yet. But he feels them more than he ever has before.
He glances at his sleeping girlfriend and then at the shorter pile of paperwork. He sighs and puts his pen down and flexes out his hand.
He just wants to go home climb into bed with Lucy and be all wrapped up in her until morning. He glances at his smaller stack, he knows he needs to get it done but he can always come in early in the morning to finish. He glances Lucy again and smiles. That sounds like a good plan.
Decision made he puts his pen down, and heads over to his girlfriend and kneels down. He kisses Lucy softly and gently shakes her shoulder.
“Baby wake up.” He mutters. “It’s time to go home.” Lucy opens her eyes slowly and blinks at him.
“Are you done?” She asks. He shakes his head and helps her sit up.
“No. I am going to come in early tomorrow morning.” He says quietly. But Lucy shakes her head and reaches out to grab his shirt.
“So you will leave me in the morning?” She asks. “No. Just finish it now Tim.” Tim chuckles and moves himself so he’s sitting next to her.
“Do you want to come with me in the morning?” He asks her. She makes a face but shrugs her shoulder.
“If it means being with you then yes.” She says. “I don’t really care.” Tim kisses her on the cheek and turns to face her.
“Tell you what. We both have Friday off, so I will come in early tomorrow and then on Friday we can sleep in and we can do whatever you want.” He says. Lucy nuzzles her nose into his neck.
“Whatever I want? Breakfast in bed, you joining me in the tub?” She asks. Tim nods.
“Whatever you want baby.” He says. “Is that a deal?”
She nods and stands up pulling him with her. “Yeah it’s a deal.” She says. He grins as he follows her out the door.
The paperwork could wait till tomorrow morning.
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ladymarlin · 5 months
Here’s an idea for a fic!!! I’ve also talked abt it with @not-eli. For like a Christmas special for alheather, Heather could announce that she’s pregnant. Just an idea.
Ok so, it took me a few days and I'm kinda iffy on my writing 😅
But I think the general concept of this is really cute (if anyone wants to rewrite it or anything) And I also had another idea with Heather's family but this just kept coming to me. Also I did all my writing very late at night and I did NOT revise and edit or reread 🤣
Merry Christmas 😁
Heather knew this feeling. Sure it's been a few years, but it was a feeling she could never forget. It did cause her nine months of (mostly) misery, after all.
The pregnancy test only confirmed it. Part of her was excited. She and Alejandro were having another child! But at the same time, she and Alejandro were having another child. She loves her daughter, but she hated being pregnant. What's to like about it? The exhaustion? The cravings? The hormones making every emotion feel ridiculously heavy?
She took a deep breath and shook it off. She needed to tell her fiance. That's important. She needed to tell him. And she had a strong feeling he'd be more than happy. He's so good with their daughter, Heather can't help but smile at the two interacting. And of course the "We should have another one" something Heather would usually reply to with "We'll see what happens."
Yeah, he'll love this.
Maybe she should surprise him. Christmas was only two days away, anyways. It was the perfect opportunity. A perfect gift to her love.
So Heather got a small box. The plan was to put the positive pregnancy test in it, but she ended up standing there for a bit wondering if that was weird and unsanitary. Should she put it in a case or something? What if he grabs it by the wrong end? That's gross.
After some research, she decided to put the stick in the box with some tissue paper. It should be enough. People on the internet were doing way too much, and Heather was not about to do all that.
She wrapped the small rectangular box just as nicely as the other gifts, and slipped it under the tree.
Now it was time to wait.
She spent the two days trying not to raise his suspicions. It wasn't too hard. She really only needed to try and not seem too tired. It was... A little difficult, but she managed. Somehow.
Christmas morning, the couple were woken up earlier than they'd like.
Their daughter entered the room practically squealing with excitement. It's Christmas! Lucky for Heather, the four year old was always quick to go to her father. The girl shook her father, as if he wasn't already woken up by her struggling to open the door, and then the door bursting open, letting in all the light from the living room.
"I'm up, I'm up..." He sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"It's... Presents?" She asked, pointing the general direction their Christmas tree is in.
"How about we sleep a little longer, mi hijita?"
She shook her head with a smile.
He turned to his fiancee and shook her a bit, "Heather..."
She fought back a groan and sat up after a minute or so, her eyes puffy and tired.
"I'll meet you in the living room, mi amor." He kissed her on the cheek before being dragged away by their daughter.
Heather dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom, making herself decent enough for the early morning.
She walked out to the two sitting on the floor by the tree.
"-see, look, 'to, Marisol'" he read with a smile, showing the young girl one of her presents.
Heather sat on the ottoman, watching the two. Alejandro glanced over and was given a gesture towards the presents, letting him know they're free to open their gifts.
Alejandro handed Marisol the gift he was holding and gave her a nod. Of course, she started digging in, as any four year old would.
Alejandro got to work on opening his own presents, Heather getting oddly nervous as he got closer to the small rectangular box.
She didn't understand why. There was no reason. This could only go well... But she was nervous.
Then he picked it up.
Heather could practically hear her heart racing, keeping her eyes on him.
"Something wrong?"
He pulls her out of her head for a second, "just open the gift."
He looks at her with a mix of suspicion and curiosity, unwrapping, opening, and removing the tissue paper.
It takes him a minute to process what he's looking at, but then his face brightens completely.
All is well.
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vbecker10 · 2 years
Hi I saw your requests are open and I am new to your account so if my request is something you already written please forgive me. 🥺 I was wondering if you could do one where the reader is a really sensitive person and Loki has always been so understanding to that. When Loki comes home from a particularly long mission she has food and such waiting for him making him super happy. He planned to spend all week with reader but Tony texts him right as he is about to wake her to tell her he’s home and all hers for a week that his week off will have to start later because there is a lot of paperwork to fill out. Loki is irritated but decides to do the paperwork in their home so he can just be around reader but half way through the week she asks him, like she has everyday, if he would like to take a break and eat lunch with her. And like everyday he says no because he wants to get done to spend even more time with her. But instead of saying it sweetly with a kiss like he has done he snaps at her because the stress is getting to him. He continues working angrily until he hears a sob and the door to their apartment close. With a super duper fluffy ending? Sorry for the super long request I am a very detail oriented person.🤣
Ooooh anon... I love this idea so much!! Never apologize for a long request, it just gives me way more to work with! I hope you don't mind, I added a bit to it before he gets home. Thank you for the request!! I hope you like it 💚💚
Sorry Love, I'm Busy
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: angst, mild smut, some yelling, fluffy end
POV: Y/N pov & Loki pov
Summary: I was going to do a summary but this was a very detailed ask so... there you go lol
Word Count: 4k words
Dividers by: @harlequin-hangout
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"Don't worry love, I'll be back in two weeks," Loki says while he strokes your cheek lightly with his long fingers. His other hand rests on your lower back, holding you close to him. Both of your arms are wrapped around his waist as the two of you stand at the front door of the apartment you share in the Tower.
"You promise you'll text me?" you ask, looking up at him.
He smiles and nods. "You know I will, as often as I can," Loki promises as he always does before he leaves.
He leans down and kisses you one last time. "I love you," he says as he slowly pulls away from you.
"I love you too, Loki. Be safe," you urge him.
"I'll be fine darling, don't worry," he assures you as he opens the door and steps out into the hallway. You close the door behind him and lean against it with your eyes closed. You hated when he left, even on short missions but he had never been gone this long before. Two weeks without him sounded like forever.
(Y/N POV - 6 days gone)
Your phone buzzes on the bed next to you and you pick it up quickly hoping it's Loki, not that anyone else would text you this late. The first two days he was gone, he had texted you on and off for hours. He complained about being bored with his surveillance duties and you rolled your eyes as you texted him back.
The third day he only messaged for a few minutes around lunch. Loki told you that he missed you and he was counting down the days until he was home again. You said you missed him too and you were going to cook his favorite dinner when he got back. Loki joked that he would do his best to leave the mission early if that was the case.
You hadn't heard from him since and you tried your best to keep yourself busy so you wouldn't think about how much you missed him. Putting down your book, you smile at the message from Loki and text him back.
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You shake your head, laughing to yourself at how well Loki knew you. You were always a bit of a night owl but you hated sleeping alone. The bed felt empty when he was on missions and you found it hard to get comfortable without his arms holding you close to him. You had gotten in the habit of reading until you were unable to keep your eyes open any longer but sometimes that meant you were up until almost 2 or 3 in the morning.
After you mentioned how hard it was for you to sleep alone, he had started texting you when possible just to tell you to go to sleep. It always made you smile and you loved how he was always doing little things to show you how much he cared.
You place the book on the nightstand and turn off the light, hoping you'll dream of Loki.
(Y/N POV - 14 days gone)
You curse how stiff you are as you reach for your phone to turn off the alarm. You had fallen asleep on the couch while watching TV and you regretted it immediately. Sitting up slowly, you can't help but feel disappointed when there are no new messages from Loki. You reread the last few texts and smile as you remind yourself that he will be back sometime this afternoon.
Sitting at your desk, you try your best to focus on the reports Fury needs but your mind keeps wandering. All you can think about is seeing Loki tonight, you hope.
You feel the excitement from this morning fade a bit every time you check your phone and Loki still hasn’t texted you. He usually lets you know when he is going to be landing so it didn't feel like a good sign that there was still no word from him.
When there is a knock on your office door at about 4 o'clock, your heart jumps at the thought that he's back.
"Hi, Y/N," Natasha says as she opens the door. You try not to let the disappointment show on your face but you can't fool the spy. "You ok?" she asks, walking over to take a seat across from your desk.
"I'm fine, just thought you might have been Loki," you admit. There was no point in lying to her, you had known her long enough to know that.
She nods and says, "That's why I'm here actually. I just talked to Steve, unfortunately there was another delay with the mission. They are going to need a few more days before they can return."
You sit back in your chair and glance at the photo of the two of you on your desk. You sigh quietly then ask her, "How many days is a few?"
(Y/N POV - 17 days gone)
You step out of your office and make your way down the hallway to the elevator when you hear a voice call your name from behind.
"Hey Natasha, any update?" you ask, trying not to get your hopes up. You hadn't heard anything from Loki and you were worried she was about to tell you they were extending the mission again.
She smiles, "They'll be back tomorrow."
Before you realize what you are doing, you have your arms wrapped around her tightly. "I'm sorry," you laugh and let go of her. "Just kinda excited I guess."
She laughs, "Its ok, I know you must miss him." The two of you talk for a few more minutes and then you head back to your room to get things ready for tomorrow.
(Y/N POV - 18 days gone)
Natasha texted you in the morning to let you know they should be landing around 3 but Loki, Steve and Bucky would need to have their debriefing meeting immediately after. She said he should be done by around 7, 7:30 and you were thrilled. You had spent the whole day getting things ready.
A little after 3, your phone buzzed on the kitchen counter and you rushed to wash your hands before picking it up. Your heart jumped in your chest and you smiled wide as you replied.
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You rub your eyes with one hand, holding the large cardboard box with the other as you finally reach the front of the door to your apartment. You were exhausted but you couldn't wait to see Y/N, you had missed everything about her. You open the door quietly and walk inside, placing the box on the floor.
You walk into the kitchen and turn on the light, feeling a twinge of guilt for being so late when you see the table set for two. Opening the fridge to get some water, you smile a bit when you see your favorite meal neatly packed away in a few containers. The debriefing had taken hours longer than you wanted it to and then Stark refused to push his meeting with you until the next day. It was nearly midnight when you were finally free to leave.
You make your way towards the bedroom and stop when you see Y/N's sleeping form on the couch. She had tried to stay awake for you, a book laid open across her chest, her shoes kicked off under the coffee table. You can't help the smirk that spreads across your lips when you see the dress she picked for your welcome, she knew how much you loved seeing her in it. The soft material hugged her curves perfectly and the emerald green fabric made it clear that she was yours. You had torn the zipper on that dress more than once in your haste to free her from it but a little magic and it was good as new again.
You walk over to her and pick her up carefully so you don't wake her. She wraps her arms around your neck and rests her head on your chest. You kiss her forehead lightly and carry her to your bed. Using your magic, you dress her in shorts and a tank top before tucking her in.
She rolls onto her side and smiles in her sleep as you brush a piece of hair behind her ear. "Loki," she whispers faintly causing you to chuckle.
"I love you, Y/N," you whisper to her before you head back to the living room and take the box to your study.
(Y/N POV - 1 day home)
You wake up the next morning and sit up in bed... wait, how did you get to the bed? You ask yourself. You pull back the covers and see you are wearing your pajamas. That doesn't make sense, you think, the last thing you remember you were all dressed up waiting for Loki.
"Loki," you say out loud as you realize he must have come home. You look over at his side of the bed but it doesn't look slept in.
The living room is empty but you smile when you see the green and white roses set in a vase on the coffee table. He was back, you thought happily, he must be in his study. You reach the door but you feel concerned when you see its closed. Loki never closed it, you were always welcome when he was working. You paused for a moment and knocked softly, unsure what was going on.
A moment later the door swing open wide and Loki greets you with the warm smile you missed so much.
"Good morning love," he says, putting his arms around you to pull you close to him. You hug him back tightly and he picks you up easily, making you giggle. "Norns I missed you so much," he tells you as he sets you back down.
"I missed you too Mischief," you say, smiling so much it hurt a little.
He looks down at you with a smirk you recognize, one hand stays around your waist while the other moves to your cheek. You put your arms around his neck and reach up on your tiptoes. He bends down slightly, his lips meeting yours for the first time in too long. He kisses you softly at first but then he grips your hips tightly in his large hands. He picks you up again and this time you wrap your legs around him, not breaking the kiss as his lips move against yours more desperately. He bites your lower lip and when you open your mouth, his tongue moves forward to taste yours. He takes a few long steps and pins you against the wall, his chest flush with yours. He leaves your lips, slowly kissing down your jaw then to your neck, your fingers run through his long curls as you moan softly in his ear with every kiss.
He groans loudly, resting his head heavily on the wall next to yours as his phone rings. He stays that way for a moment before setting you down gently. "I'm sorry love, I have to get that," he tells you as he picks up his phone.
You stand against the wall and slowly cross your arms around yourself. He turns his back to you and answers the phone in Asgardian. You instantly feel worried, he never spoke like that around you since he knew you couldn't understand more than a few dirty phrases he taught you. He sounds angry as he waves his hand towards his desk, which draws your attention to it for the first time. There is a large empty box under the desk and piled on top are four fairly high stacks of files.
After listening for a few moments you decide it might be better to let him finish talking to his brother in private. You quietly leave the room and close the door behind you.
A few hours later, you close your book and set it in the table next to the flowers Loki brought you. You can see from your seat on the couch that the door to his study is still closed. He hasn't come out since Thor called him and that worried you.
You knock lightly on the door to his study and wait for him to answer. "Come in, darling," he says through the closed door.
"Loki, is everything ok?" you ask, taking a few steps into the room.
He looks up at you from his desk, the files still surrounding him and gives you a small smile but you can see how tired he is. "I'm sorry love. I know we had planned on spending this week together but it seems I'm going to need to work on these for a few days first," he tells you.
He gets up and walks over to you, putting one long arm around your waist. He runs his fingers through your hair slowly and you smile at him as best you can. You know he's upset and you don't want to make him feel worse by letting him see how disappointed you are.
"After the debriefing with the team, I met with Stark. Apparently my idiot brother failed to complete his half of the paperwork from our missions together over the last six months. Since he is spending the summer in New Asgard, Stark tasked me with finishing these as soon as possible," he says.
"I'm sorry," you say quietly as you look down. You now understanding why Loki sounded so angry when he was on the phone.
He sighs and lifts your chin so you are looking up at him. "You know I want to spend every second I can with you but I won't be able to enjoy it if this is hanging over me. Stark has already called to see if I have made any progress," he tells you and you nod. "Just give me a few days and I promise I will be yours completely love." He kisses you softly and says he loves you before he lets go and walks back to his desk.
You spend the rest of the day in the living room, alternating between reading and watching TV although neither is enough to distract you from constantly wishing Loki will come out of his study. When its time for dinner you offer to heat up what you made last night, hoping he would join you. Instead, Loki decides to eat in his study and continue working.
"Thank you darling, I love you," he says, barely looking up when you bring in his food.
"I love you too," you reply as you close the door to his study again.
(Y/N POV - 3 day home)
You knock on the door to Loki's office and wait for him to answer. "Come in love," he responds and you open the door to the now familiar sight of Loki surrounded by paperwork.
"Its almost time for lunch Mischief. Do you think... could you take a break for a bit?" you ask him hopefully.
"Sorry love, I'm busy," he tells you, same as he told you the day before so you offer to bring him something to eat instead.
"Thank you darling," he smiles up at you when you set the food on his desk. He touches your cheek lightly and brings your lips to his. "I love you, Y/N," he says. "I'll be done soon, I promise."
"I love you too," you smile back at him.
(Y/N POV - 4 day home)
It's nearly ten at night so you decide to make yourself a cup of tea and one for Loki as well. You stand outside his study, holding a cup for him and knock lightly. He always answered when you knocked so you wait a few moments and knock again, a little louder this time. You press your ear to the door and hear him talking, from what little you can understand he's on the phone with Tony and he doesn't seem happy. You decide to leave him alone and just as you are about to walk away, you hear him hang up so you knock again.
"What?" he asks, sounding aggravated.
You open the door slowly and say, "I made you some tea, Mischief." He doesn't reply or look up from the paper he is reading. You walk over to his desk and ask, "When do you think you'll come to bed?"
"I don't know. You don't have to try and stay awake," his answer surprises and hurts you. The only time you got to spend with Loki lately was when he would finally come to bed. It was often very late but you you were determined to at least be awake for a few minutes so you could feel his arms around you.
"Its just... I've barely seen you since you got home and the weather is supposed to be beautiful tomorrow. I was hoping we could go to the park or-" you start to ask as you put the cup on his desk.
"Y/N, you know I can't. I'm busy," he tells you, in a harsher tone than he has ever used with you before.
You set the tea down on his desk and he only acknowledges it by moving the cup from where you put it to the other side of him.
You stand next to his desk waiting... Waiting for him to thank you for bringing him tea like he always did. Waiting for him to tell you he's sorry he can't spend time with you but he will be done soon. Waiting for him to kiss you and tell you he loves you but he doesn't. He keeps his attention on the papers in front of him and you can feel tears threatening to escape but you hold them back.
Instead, you decide to try one more time to see if he will put all of this aside for a moment to be with you. "Loki, I know you have a lot of work to do... but you can take one break-" you try to convince him.
"Stop!" he yells, pounding his fist on the desk. "I told you I'm busy, just let me work!"
He's never yelled at you before and at first your almost too stunned to react. You can feel the tears streaming down your cheeks and you put your hand over your mouth to quiet yourself. He doesn't look up or apologize, too focused on what he is working on to notice how his harsh words have affected you.
You hear the door to your study close loudly and your heart sinks. You hadn't meant to be so cruel to Y/N, she didn't deserve to be treated that way. You were angry at Thor for leaving you with all of this work and you were angry at Stark for forcing you to do it now. Instead of showing Y/N how much you loved her and appreciated her patience over the last few days, you took your frustration out on her.
You sigh loudly and put your hands over your eyes as you lean back in your chair. Suddenly you jump when you hear a second door slam. You get up quickly and check your bedroom and then the living room, both are empty but something on the coffee table catches your eye. Next to the flowers you bought Y/N is her phone.
"No..." you say quietly, "Norns, what did I do?"
You open the door and run down the hallway towards the common areas. You quickly check the whole floor but she isn't in any of the rooms. Making your way to the stairwell, you run up the two floors to the library and hope she is in her favorite spot. You open the door to the library and go to the farthest corner in the back, where the couches are.
"Y/N," you say softly when you see her, relieved you found her but heartbroken that you've made her hide from you. She's curled up on the couch, holding a pillow tightly to get chest and you can hear her crying softly as you walk over to her.
You kneel on the floor in front of her and touch her shoulder gently. "Y/N, love, I'm so sorry," you apologize. "I never should have spoken to you in that way and I promise, it will never happen again. Please believe me," you tell her.
She lifts her head from the pillow and looks at you, her eyes red and full of tears. You gently dry her cheeks with your thumb, "I love you Y/N, more than anything in the nine realms. In a thousand years, I've never met anyone who means as much to me as you do."
She sits up slowly, but doesn't say anything. You stay on your knees in front of her and take her hands in yours. "Y/N, please... can you forgive me and come back home?" you ask her, afraid that she might say no.
She lets go of one of your hands and your heart drops, but then you feel her fingers on your cheek. You hadn't realized you were crying until she wipes your tears away. You look up at her hopefully.
"Loki," she says and you can't help but hold your breath. "I know you're under a lot of pressure from Tony and your angry at your brother, but you can't take it out on me," she says and you nod slowly.
"I know... I won't make excuses, I just need you to now how deeply sorry I am. I swear, Y/N, I will never do anything to hurt you ever again. Please love, don't leave me," you can barely look at her, you feel ashamed at how you acted.
She keeps her hand on your cheek and lifts it so you are looking at her. You are about to apologize again when she leans forward and wraps both of her arms around you tightly. Your words get caught in your throat as you hug her back, afraid to let go even for a moment.
"I love you Loki," she whispers. "I wasn't going to leave you, I just... I needed you to know how badly you hurt me," she says when she pulls back a bit.
"Y/N, I'm so-" you start but she puts her hand over your mouth gently.
"I know you're sorry Mischief," she smiles and you feel like you can finally start to breath again.
When she removes her hand you bring it to your lips and kiss the back of it. "Y/N, tomorrow we can do anything you want, paperwork be damned," you tell her and she giggles. You've missed that sound, you barely had time to make her laugh since you got back from your mission.
"Anything I want?" she asks with a smile that you know all too well.
"Anything my love," you promise as you kiss her deeply. You both stand up and you take her hand in yours, interlocking your fingers as you leave the library to go back home. She leans against you in the elevator and doesn't let go of your hand for a moment, even when you get back to your apartment.
As soon as you close the door, she pulls you through the living room and into the bedroom. Without saying a word, she slips into her pajamas and you do the same then you both get into the bed. You've missed being so close to her and you knew she needed this as much as you do. You lay on your side in the dark and wrap your arms around Y/N, pulling her body as close to yours as possible. You kiss the back of her neck and she intertwines her legs with yours.
"I love you so much Y/N," you whisper to her.
"I love you too Loki," she whispers back.
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@michelleleewise @ace-of-gay @high-functioning-lokipath @poetic-fiasco @soubi001 @lokisninerealms @lovingchoices14 @justasecretwriter @theaudacitytowrite @klaushargreeves420 @coffeeorsomething-irl @lokisgoodgirl
Let me know if you want to be taken off or added to this list! 💚
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remuslupinsdaughter · 10 months
Hey love! If this would be possible it would be amazing!
Do you think you could could write a little fic about reader and their experience on antibiotics after being in hospital because oml I feel so unwell after taking them 🤣 but if you could do that with bucky or derek that would be amazing, just some fluff and comfort when she’s about to get discharged whilst she’s in pain meds and her having to sleep them off and derek/ bucky getting worried because she’s basically been knocked out since they got home, it’s just comfort fluff helping her get her appetite back and her meds finished 🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank you
I hope you’re doing well too!
Omg this is such a good idea! Gonna do it with like a pre teen/early teen daughter because we love Dad Derek
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Hospital stays and side effects
Derek Morgan x daughter! Reader
Warnings: mention of hospitals, medication side effects, fluff throughout
Derek stood by his daughters hospital bed as the doctor finished his examination, she’d been admitted three days ago after Derek thought her appendix had burst, the thought of that day made him shudder, seeing his daughter writhe and cry out in pain, clutching her stomach and sobbing, “make it stop dad please” she begged as he drove to the hospital, foot through the floor.
Turns out it was just a nasty kidney infection, and a three day intense course of antibiotics and they were about to be discharged. “Now” the doctor began, “these are the antibiotics, you need to continue taking these for seven days, and make sure you eat before you take them” he said, handing Derek the box of pills. Y/N groaned, the meds had made her feel nauseous and lethargic, “I can’t eat they make me feel so sick” she groaned at the doctor, “we can prescribe you some anti sickness medication, but they will make you sleepy” the doctor replied and Y/N nodded.
After signing lots of paperwork Derek was finally able to take his daughter home, he wheeled her out to the car and helped her into the front seat, draping a purple fluffy Sherpa blanket that Garcia had bought for her. He quickly returned the wheelchair and jumped in the car, “ok all set babygi-“ he looked over at his daughter and she was already asleep, those meds must have kicked in, he thought.
Y/N slept the whole drive home, her soft snores making Derek chuckle, he gently scooped up Y/N and carried her inside, laying her on the couch and pulling the blanket back up to cover her and pulling off her black converse she got for her 11th birthday. He quickly grabbed her bags from the car and set them down in her room for when she woke up.
As he walked back down the hall, he noticed Y/N was still fast asleep, he crouched next to her and was relieved when he saw a piece of hair blowing gently as she exhaled, thank god she was breathing, but Derek still wasn’t happy, he called the doctor, “hey doc I know we’ve only been home a couple hours but Y/Ns been sleeping the whole time and I don’t know if this is normal or if I should bring her back and-“ the doctor cut him off, “it’ll be the medication, she’s fine Mr Morgan, let her rest as long as much as possible, she’s fighting off a nasty infection, her body needs as much rest as it can get” the doctor said, Derek breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the doctor before hanging up.
He looked at his phone and realised it was time for Y/Ns afternoon medication, he walked over and gently shook her awake, “hey kiddo it’s time to take your medicine” he said, Y/N groaned and rubbed her eyes, “you gotta eat first though, I’ll make you a sandwich?” Y/N shook her head, “don’t wanna eat dad” she said and buried her head in the blanket, “come on baby there’s gotta be something you want?” He asked pulling the blanket down and moving some hair out her eyes, “no” she said blankly and pulled the blanket tighter, trying to go back to sleep.
Derek sighed, suddenly he had an idea, he ruffled Y/Ns hair lightly and walked back to the kitchen, pulling out his phone he looked for Rossi’s phone number and dialled it, “hello?” “Hey Rossi it’s Derek” “oh hi! How’s the kid doing?” He asked, “she’s ok but I can’t get her to eat, she needs to eat so she can take her medication but It’s having some side effects that make her sick and I can’t get her to touch anything, I thought you might have an idea?” He said, his voice laced with desperation, Rossi chuckled, “have you tried something simple? When my wife was undergoing chemotherapy the only thing she would eat was spaghetti with butter and Parmesan cheese” Rossi said, Derek thanked him and got to work boiling some pasta, he decided to make some tea as well, tea makes everyone feel better.
Once the food was ready he put it on a tray and brought it to Y/N who was sat up, the blanket wrapped around her as she watched the tv, “so your uncle Rossi gave me an idea” Derek said as he placed the tray down, Y/N peered over at the food, it did smell kind of good, she picked up the fork and twirled a small forkful of spaghetti, she ate it slowly, ok she didn’t puke, that’s a good start, little by little she ate the bowl of pasta, and felt a little better for it. “Attagirl” Derek said kissing her forehead and passing her her medication with a glass of water, Y/N grimaced but took the medication. “I just gotta do some paperwork ok? I’ll be in the office if you need me” Derek said turning to leave, “wait dad” Y/N said, “ can you stay with me? We could watch a movie maybe?” She said giving him puppy dog eyes, Derek sighed and smiled, “of course I can babygirl” he said and sat next to her on the couch, Y/N lay her head in his lap and his hands went straight to her scalp, massaging it gently as she scrolled through Netflix picking out a movie to watch.
Maybe being sick wasn’t so bad
Sorry I kinda ran with this and went slightly off track but it’s fine
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midwestmade29 · 6 months
Christmas Morning Proposal 💍
Christmas writing prompt: #6 Word count: 1,344 Divider by: @saradika-graphics Be sure to check out @madhatterbri's [full list] of Christmas/New Year writing prompts!
Just a cute little fluff story! No disclaimers 🥰
I laughed so hard when I found the GIF of Christian coming out of the present! I thought it was fitting for this story 🤣
Waking up super early on Christmas morning wasn't as bad as you thought it would be after all...
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You watched as Christian put a bow on top of the very last present you wrapped before he slid it under the tree. “I think that’s everything.” You said relieved. Christian scooted over to where you were sitting on the floor and pulled you into his arms. Wrapping all the gifts took a little longer than either of you had anticipated, but you still had fun doing it. “How early do you think she’ll be up?” you asked Christian about his daughter. “As soon as there’s any sign of light outside, she’ll be up. Maybe earlier.” He chuckled. The clock on the wall caused you to sigh when you saw that it was already after midnight and the reality of a short night’s sleep started settling in. However, the look on his daughter’s face when she would see what Santa had brought her would be worth every minute of sleep lost. Still relaxing in Christian’s embrace, the two of you watched the classic Christmas movie that was playing on tv. The warmth from the fireplace glowing underneath calmed you further, making your eyelids feel heavy. The snow continued to fall outside ensuring that it would be a white Christmas after all, adding to the magic of the night even more.
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“Baby, why don’t you head upstairs to bed, and I’ll take care of everything down here. I’ll turn the tree off and lock up and then I’ll come up.” Christian whispered in your ear. You nodded and gave him a squeeze before standing. “You sure you don’t need help with anything?” you asked, fighting off a yawn. “Yes, I’m sure. Now off you go.” he shooed. With a hug and kiss, you made your way upstairs. Teeth were brushed, pajamas were now on, and it was finally time to crawl into bed! Your head hit the pillow, but your to-do list for the day ahead was still running through your mind. “Check. Check. I think that’s done. Check…” you rambled quietly to yourself. As you went through all the ingredients you needed for the Christmas dinner you were making, you remembered you might’ve forgotten to get a couple! In your mild panic, you jumped out of bed and tiptoed down the hallway and down the first few steps. You stopped when you heard Christian rustling around with something.
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You didn’t want to startle him since he thought you were in bed asleep by now, so you stood on the stairs not making your presence known just yet. You watched as he put away the wrapping paper in a nearby closet and then as he walked over to the tree. He looked around as if he was checking to make sure the coast was clear before slipping something into the branches. You had no idea what it was, and your concern about the possible missing ingredients caused you to brush it off. You explained everything to Christian when you finally approached him, and he reassured you that you had everything you needed. He noticed your eyes shifting from his over to the tree, so he quickly suggested for you to get back in bed and that he would be up there in just a minute. You waited on him to unplug the tree and double check the locks on the doors before going back upstairs hand in hand. It took no time at all for you to fall asleep once you were in bed laying in Christian’s arms.
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Your eyes felt like they had only just closed when you were awakened by the sound of footsteps thumping down the hallway and your bedroom door swinging open. “Dad! Y/N! Wake up!! It’s Christmas!!” Christian’s daughter shrieked as she jumped onto the bed. Christian pulled his pillow over his head which caused you to laugh as his daughter tried to pull it back off. “Okay, okay! We’re up!” he groaned from underneath. His daughter clapped her hands in delight before bouncing her way off the bed and darting out the door. “What time is it?” Christian asked in his groggy morning voice. “Too early. Merry Christmas, baby.” You whispered against his lips. He pulled the covers back over both of you and held you tightly before kissing you and wishing you a Merry Christmas too. Neither of you moved until his daughter’s excited cheers drifted up the stairs. You had no idea that your own excited cheers would soon fill the house too.
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Wrapping paper and bows covered the floor making the living room look like a tornado had just swept through it. You and Christian sat on the couch and watched in amusement as his daughter tore through the colorful paper and gasped when it was something she was really excited about. When the last present had been opened, you went to the kitchen so you could get started on some meal prep. You noticed Christian and his daughter whispering back and forth, so you asked, “What are you two being so hush hush about?” “Nothing!” the little girl answered immediately. “That’s not suspicious at all…” you laughed. “Y/N! Daddy needs you in the living room…right now!” You smiled and sat the items you were carrying down on the kitchen counter and walked back into the living room where Christian and his daughter stood side by side. You could tell his daughter had something she was hiding behind her back, but you didn’t say anything in fear of ruining whatever she was up to. Christian looked down at her and nodded seemingly giving her a green light for something. The little girl revealed the beautiful roses she had behind her back and held them out to you. “Merry Christmas, Y/N! These are from me and Daddy. He says he loves you a lot, and I do too!”
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She jumped into your arms, hugging you tightly. Your eyes welled with happy tears as you thanked her for the beautiful flowers. “It’s my turn to give Y/N a gift. Can you get it for me please?” Christian asked his daughter. Sure enough, she hopped over to the tree and pulled out a small square box right from the spot Christian had put something earlier this morning. She placed it in his hands, and he thanked her before approaching you. Taking your hands in his, he cleared his throat nervously and started to speak. “Y/N, we have something we want to ask you, but first I have some things I want to say. Loving you has changed me in ways I never thought were possible. You bring out the best in me and I’m forever grateful for your unwavering love and support in all that I do. No matter where we are, you make it feel like home. You are a living, breathing angel, I’m sure of it. My heart is yours forever if you’ll have it…” he trailed off while getting down on one knee. You gasped as he pulled the top off the box revealing the most beautiful diamond ring you had ever seen!
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His daughter came and kneeled right beside him, smiling from ear to ear. You melted into a pile of mush when she asked you in her sweetest voice if you would be her bonus mom. “Yes! Of course I will!” you replied gleefully. She clapped her hands as she stood up and did a happy dance. While laughing through your tears, Christian spoke up once again. “I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you Y/N. Waking up next to you every day for the rest of my life is the only gift I want this Christmas. Will you marry me?” It was the 2nd time that morning you said the most important (and easiest) word you had ever said before, “YES!” Christian slid the ring on your finger, and you immediately threw your arms around his neck, almost knocking the both of you over. His daughter joined in on the embrace while you cried softly on Christian’s shoulder. This was one Christmas morning none of you were ever going to forget ❤️
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Does me writing all this fluff lately mean I’m in my soft girl era now? 😱 Nahhhh I’ll be back to writing smut again soon 😂 Thanks for reading!
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
Early mornings with Hobie HEAR MY VISION….
hobies so tired and barely awake and he’s regretting not waking up the same time as you because you’re already in the kitchen and he feels guilty for not giving you morning kisses and cuddles or you come back from the toilet and Hobie fakes being asleep so he can grab you back into the bed. Hobie hates mornings but with r by his side they aren’t that bad
- 💗
I saw a headcanon that Hobie's really good at faking being asleep and i stand by that hc
If you're already in the kitchen making breakfast then this dude would lumber his way towards you, calling your name in increasing volumes, dragging his sleepy self to get his mandatory morning hugs while you hum and make his favourite blend to wake him up
Also imagine going to the bathroom still groggy and with your eyes barely open, sparing a glance at Hobie's sleeping form to get back in bed then suddenly there's arms around you, bringing you down so he could use you as his personal weighted blanket, you swear your soul just about left your body 🤣
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justwritedreams · 1 year
I want to read dad baekhyun and his 3 little daughters. 😭 What will be the fourth one 👀
Ok so why not take advantage of exo as dads series to talk about baekhyun, right? RIGHT!
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Xiumin Ver. | Chen Ver. | Yixing Ver. | Jongin Ver. | Chanyeol Ver. | Kyungsoo Ver. | Suho Ver. | Sehun Ver.
Word count:  Author: Maari Summary: A series of what exo would be like as a parent, from discovery to growth
First of all, good luck to the future s/o because you will be a rabbit!
I can clearly see Baekhyun as a girl's father but trying at all costs to have a boy
And that's how he got to the 4th daughter 🤣
And of course he already knew because after all, they had been trying for another baby for a long time.
In fact, I'm pretty sure he'd be like "Are you sure that you're not pregnant yet?"
"Honey, I already took two pregnancy tests."
"One more reason to make a third."
And then all of a sudden one night his s/o would be throwing up and he would already know it's the baby!
I don't think the daughters would have a big age difference because
I really think he likes having a baby at home
There's something about seeing that tiny baby sleeping soundly in his arms that is 😍
And I think he's the kind of playful father who takes things seriously when he has to much like my father is
But he's the best friend of his little girls!
Seriously, there is nothing they wouldn't say or ask him for
Helping with a school homework he has no idea what it's like? He will learn just to teach them properly.
Daughters want a different hairstyle to go out? He will do it.
Watch Barbie movies and sing along? It's his favorite part of the day!
Talking about where babies come from? … Oh, well, that he probably won't be able to say without laughing from sheer nervousness 🤣
But you got my point, right? Ok
So when he and his wife found out that another baby is on the way, he was ready to tell his little daughters.
And I think it would be the best and cutest conversation ever 🥺
He would do it in a natural way that wouldn't make the girls jealous of the attention the baby will receive but rather excited that another baby is coming soon.
And he'll probably have to hear every day when the baby is coming
Because his enthusiasm rubbed off on his daughters 🤣
But I imagine him together with his daughters making drawings for the new baby 😫
They wanting to help the father set up the baby's room
And probably making him give up in the next 15 minutes because they are making him more tired than the crib he has to put together.
And if you thought of them helping to paint the room, then you thought right because so did I!
In the end, everyone knows it would be a paint war and his wife would probably have to arrive to end the game and tell everyone to take a shower because there's even paint in their hair
Family shopping!!!
Him choosing clothes for the baby together with the girls oh my god I'm going to die of cuteness
"Dad, I think this one is prettier."
"But I liked that one, dad"
"Only this one will suit better!"
"You know what, let's take them all!" and that's how he came home with more bags of clothes than he had planned 🤣
But most importantly, he would make sure he was paying attention to all the women in his life.
He would take all the daughters to their beds in one night, when everyone else was already asleep in the living room.
And his s/o too!!
Because there is no more important woman in the world than her 🥺
"Love, I don't think you're going to be able to carry me to the bedroom."
"What kind of husband would I be if I let my tired pregnant wife walk around with those swollen legs?" he would say, while trying to arrange the best position to hold her in his lap… But her belly wouldn't let him. "Yeah, I think that it's better if we just sleep here!"
Would wake up early to prepare breakfast for everyone!
He'd take the girls to school, and he'd probably cry in the car when he realized how big the little girls actually are.
The priority would be his family!
Even though he was working, recording new songs, during breaks he would call his wife or turn on the home camera on his phone to see if everything was alright
Even tired, I'm sure he would make his daughters help put away the toys they spread around the living room or bedroom.
He would teach his daughters to sing to the baby in their mother's belly why am i doing this to myself? 😫
But make no mistake, even though experienced with sudden baby arrivals and births
He would be a nervous wreck for the birth of his fourth daughter!
I would be so nervous that I wouldn't know who to call first, the parents, the in-laws or the members 🤣
He would definitely pass on the view that he is a first-time father
But not fainting during childbirth, as happened with the first daughter
I think he would cry holding his newborn daughter in his arms!
And the wife seeing this would be like "are you crying for real?"
"She's just so beautiful! She has my nose."
But I think the most exciting moment for him would be when his daughters go to the hospital to meet their new sister.
He would probably be able to hold back the tears and look with a twinkle in his eyes with so much pride for the family he has 🥺
Will fight and die for his family!
He will be the attentive, helpful father who will talk to his daughters about how they need to keep their voices down when the baby is sleeping
He will let the daughters help change the diaper, bathe and rock the baby because he also wants to capture these moments with good photos!
I really think he would be an extraordinary father, devoted to his daughters and only thinking about what's best for them.
For example, I'm sure he wouldn't expose any of them to the media or anything like that.
Because he wants to preserve all of them as much as possible and if one day they want to be artists like him, there will be no one who will support more than him!
But deep down he hopes they follow other careers 🤣
One day, when all the daughters are napping together in the afternoon, he would hug his wife and look at her as if she were the most special jewel in the world.
"We are very lucky parents, aren't we?"
"Yes, we are!"but the wife would know that he was going to say something, because that little smile of someone who is going to do something is there "We are not having another baby!"
"How about a dog then?"
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
Hey sky! I know I made the post but I’ll request anyway 🥰🤣
How about #4??? :)
Hi hi!! Gonna be honest, I went through the 5 stages of grief trying to come up with an idea for this one, and what I came up with was not my first plan. I didn't intend for it to come out like this, I'm so sorry! Shckshdkjd, I hope it's okay regardless. MDNI.
☾ word count ➼ 573
☾ content/warning ➼ modernAU, gn!Reader, implied sexual content, established relationship
Edit: inspired by these songs:
Levi awoke on his stomach to the rustling of sheets next to him. He lazily cracks an eye open to the sight of you stretching your arms above your head with a grunt, his shirt from the night before pulling up ever so slightly so that the little dimples on your back peeked through. The early morning sun rays flit through the curtains, signifying yet another start of the work week. And he hated it.
His gaze follows your movements as you stand up from the side of the bed. At full height, the cloth that already hugged your torso rises up even more so that your ass is on full display, covered just barely by your very provocative underwear. The sight of a bite mark on one of your cheeks results in a smirk from Levi.
Memories of last night's adventures come flooding back to him and he has to shift his hips slightly due to oncoming discomfort between his body and the bed that came with those thoughts. He can't keep his eyes from traveling over your curves, visualizing where his hands and mouth were just hours before. Every part of you intoxicated his brain so much that it made him stupid.
"Hey." Levi calls out softly, voice husky from sleep. The sudden break in silence makes you jump. When you turn to face him, his heart does a somersault as you give him what he considered the best smile in the world. It's one of those smiles that reaches your eyes and lights up your whole face. One that seems like you save specifically for him.
"Hi." You whisper back with a playful lilt.
"Where are you going?" Levi asks. If you didn't know better, his voice almost sounded whiney. He twists his body so that he is on his side facing you, propped up on one arm. He doesn't miss how your eyes trail down his muscular body, kept fit from his regular gym sessions.
"It's Monday, silly. I need to get ready for work." You chuckle at the pout that you're given in return. He doesn't respond with anything else so you turn back around and head for the door to the rest of the apartment, planning to start the kettle for a morning tea. The cold floor against your bare feet sends a shiver up your spine. The door is already half open, hand on the knob, when you hear your fiancé pipe up from behind you finally.
"Or... you could call out and come back to bed with me." When you spin back around, he's sitting up and staring at you. You notice a soft pink flush across his cheeks.
"I don’t know, Levi... With this deadline coming up, it’s all hands on deck at the office." You mutter as you rock on the balls of your feet anxiously. His transfixed gaze on your chest as you speak goes unnoticed.
"They can survive one day without you. I can’t."
"Levi, I can't ju-"
"Please… come back to bed with me." There's a slight shift in his tone that you hadn't noticed before. You suddenly realize that the huskiness isn't from sleep, it's neediness. You can't keep your eyes from flicking down to his lap currently covered by the comforter and no doubt still devoid of any boxers.
"Just close the door."
His shirt barely hits the floor by the time you're on top of him.
@humanitys-strongest-bamf thanks for supporting me through my struggles of attempting to write smut lmao
Drabble challenge
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bubble4u · 1 year
Hiiiii I'm back 👉👈 I wanna ask about the polyship on what type of parent they are??
Hello uhh hands anon??? We'll work on that lol
Idk if you want HC or short drabbles..... soooo por que no los dos!! (why not both). Also side note when I say their kids I'm meaning ALL the kids taijus,souths, mitsuyas combined.
Taiju: pure definition of a somewhat busy parent everytime you see him he's taking a call, he's answering a message or he looking over stuff. Now he's by no means neglectful so anytime there's a parent teacher conference he's going, every good grade he'll praise every bad grade he'll go over stuff so that way next time itll come easy, he wants to be a proactive parent cause his father sure as hell wasnt.
Just.... not the open houses cause by God if he's gotta meet another teacher who is either scared of him or trying to get something out of him hes staying home.
"Taiju shiba! You cannot make me go alone to the open house again!" you were trying to get your foot in your sneaker, frustrated at the blue haired male lack of somewhat decent clothing for the open house that was in the next hour. Taiju looked up from a packet he was reading seeing the piles of papers on his desk you knew it was gonna be a late night "you seemed to have forgotten the other two who share a bed with us love" "you know what i mean shiba every year you stay home and every year I get a call from the office cause of the tall man wandering off with our kids" he sighs rubbing his temple's "yeah and half the time it's cause tereno is trying to get the children to leave school early". You crossed your arms glaring dagger into his resting face, he sighed "please love I don't wanna go ok? Every year it's the same thing and last year I was close to pulling our kids out of the school" you bit your bottom lip remembering how one of the parents from the PTA mother kept pestering mitsuya for a "favor" in exchange they'd helped your child get into being their clubs president. You put your hands up in surrender "ok tai I hear ya but please don't forget to submit your ID into the front office so they know who you are" "so am I dad one or dad two?? Or am i bumped to three" he smirks watching you roll your eyes heading out of his home office.
South: he not like a regular dad he's a cool dad 🤣 he tries so hard to be a cool dad wanna be with the hip kids (his son cringes). Even though he wants to not only be his kids friend he knows there's a line, he will attend the meetings and the open houses but do not call him if say his kid was in a fight ESPECIALLY if it's one they didn't start and finished victorious he'll be too proud to not show it "that's my future heavy weight champion carrying on the name already" let's just say gave major side eye.
You turned the page, situating yourself again while trying your best to not annoying mitsuya as you laid your head in his lap. His cell phone started to buzz and not caring to look he answered "this is takashi" you turned your attention to the one sided conversation, mitsuya face turned from concerned to trying his best to keep in a laugh "yes ma'am that is their father". Book now forgotten yiu couldn't help but muffle in your laugh as well "yes ma'am I understand the form says I and Mr shiba are a parent as well" "yes well if you want we can go into detail on HOW we know the child tereno is picking up is his child" you covered your face you're not gonna survive if this keeps up "well I assure you ma'am my partners will be made more aware next time we fill out the forms granted we never had problem before" "Alright thank you". After he hung up he could see your shaking figure, you both looked at each other and just laughed "be prepared south may call to tell you about today they must've hired some new staff" you nodded.
Mitsuya: I don't wan a call him a helicopter parent.... but he's a helicopter/gentle parent he's gonna be there when he can and when he can't he's always reassures them that even though he's not there for the plays or sports games he knows that you did your best and that he's proud of them. He's another who LOATHES open houses on that particular day he's like a monk and will take a vow of silence and just ignore anyone who isn't important, he's dealt with his fair share of moms and dads either trying to get something out of him or wanting something from his partners. He is another who would wanna pick up the kids early just to go somewhere fun.
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tokoyamisstuff · 11 months
Sugar Shock Ch. 1
Hotaru Haganezuka x GN! Reader
Based on this comic by @yuki2sksksk. I hope I did it justice! 💌
Might do more chapters as the comic continues. 🙃
Summary: No one - including Haganezuka himself - believed that he would ever get married, let alone be interested in it at all...
...that was until he met you, at least.
Warnings: None.
Words: 1763
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A/N: I wrote this on my phone while my baby was dozing on me and I couldn't move. 🤣Added a bit of extra plot just for fun.
Also I know the title is cheesy, leave me alone.
There was nothing special about today, he thought.
It was a day like so man others before, and still he decided it'd be the day of his proposal to you.
The peculiar swordsmith had been pining on you for a year and a half. Well, one year five months and twenty-three days to be precize. He was a man to whom details mattered, after all.
So why today, after such a long time of inaction? There was no answer to that question he asked himself.
Maybe it'd be safer for his heart to keep on admiring you from afar, occasionally stilling this irresistible urge to seek your presence by visiting your shop.
Hotaru sat up in his bed, groaning as he shook his head desperately to become clear again. But you were always there, in the corner of his mind.
The sun had yet to rise, but every single time he would try to fall asleep again was a fruitless attempt. His thoughts would always wander off to you, about how you were probably awake right now as well, already preparing the shop for your daily work.
You had a kind of dedication to your craft Haganezuka only ever saw in himself. Maybe you weren't all that different, he and you. Lonely in your passion for the only thing which in another way connected you to other people.
There it was again, this annoying pound in his chest he couldn't quite decipher. Sometimes it was a narrowing feeling however, as if he couldn't breathe and his whole body went numb.
Back then he even visited the doctor of the village, certain that it was a sign of a serious illness. It was the first time he had ever felt this way for anyone, after all, and deciphering those complex emotions sure took him a while...
...and when he realized this was what love must feel like, he became afraid. Scared of what this would make of him, that his emotions would hinder his work and the perfect concentration needed for it.
So afraid that he thought suppressing them would be easier than to find out what kind of life could await him if only he had the courage to confess.
But he was literally drawn to you like a firefly would be to the light.
Even if his love for you was no sickness, it sure felt like it - and would worsen with every day that he did not act.
Haganezuka felt like he would burst if he wouldn't finally vocalize those feelings. But if he'd make himself vulnerable like that, he'll at least go all out and instantly ask you to join him in marriage.
"Might as well get this over with."
His way to your shop led straight through the main Swordsmith Village, a crowded place he would usually go out of his way to avoid. Luckily, since it was still early, no one would bother him on his quest.
While he was strolling through the empty road, he reminisced about when exactly he began harboring those irritating emotions for you. His crush had developed slowly but steadily, just like the process of forging a sword.
Fighting it was a battle he was doomed to lose.
You on the other hand had probably forgotten already, since those acts of kindness just come natural to you. Many times before he had seen you handing out samples of candy to children or drinks to people working outside in the sun.
About two years ago you had coincidentally encountered him in the forrest.
You were collecting herbs and other ingredients needed for your work, stumbling across a sulking Haganezuka in the middle of nowhere. He had a habit of running off after he had one of his infamous tantrums, sometimes disappearing for days nowhere to be found.
Opposite to the other townsfolk which would usually scold or make fun about his behavior, you simply nodded with a smile on your face, greeting him in the silence he most likely needed.
When he failed to react you'd dare sitting down next to him, and even though his face was hidden you felt an intense stare observing you sinking onto the slightly damp grass. Your nervousness was pathetically obvious, yet not a surprising reaction.
Hotaru was used to nothing less from people that knew of his violent tendencies, so over time he had mastered the art of making it seem as if he did not care. Still, he shuffled a bit further away from you, his arms crossed in front of his chest to make him seem less of a threat.
After what felt like an eternity of silence, you took a deep breath of fresh air and rummaged into your bag, with Haganezuka eyeing you warily yet not less interested. "Here" you offered as you pulled out a single piece of mitarashi dango - his favourite. "To calm the nerves."
He snatched it out of your hand without thinking first, making you chuckle as you heared him munch quite aggressively from beneath the Hyottoko mask.
In return you had gotten a long rant about some kid that had apparently broken his sword, as well as more details about the topic of forging a Nichirin Sword than you were willing to listen to. Still, it was rather pleasant to see him so expressive for a change.
And yet: After that event Haganezuka never spoke to you again.
You'd even go so far as to say the man was actively avoiding you, always changing sides of the road or doing a quick turn whenever you'd meet in the village. Even when visited your shop, Kanamori would always accompany him and do all the talking.
And yet he would come every single day, though you deduced it was due to his weakness for sweets in general that he'd endure your presence.
When Tecchikawahara got wind of it however, he insisted that his foster son had never opened up to anyone so easily, but you brushed it off as nothing special.
Why force someone so obviously asocial into an interaction? Things were fine as they are now.
You yawned, stretching in front of the great display window as you took in the first rays of sunlight this morning. The daylight would scatter across the treetops, showing the colorful beauty of autumn.
It sure was nice living out here, in safety.
Sometimes you couldn't believe it was three years already since Kanamori had taken you with him.
Like many others that ended up affiliated with Demon Slayers, your previous life had been obliterated by one of those monsters.
Kanamori had taken sympathy in your situation back then, and offered to take you in as an apprentice. Sadly it turned out you lacked any talent for swordcrafting, so you stuck to the labor that had been passed down in your family for generations: Creating different kinds of desserts and beverages.
This way you could still be useful to the hardworking craftsmen, repaying their generosity of taking you in at your lowest point with your eternal gratitude.
And now that you had accustomed to this life, you felt a sense of normalcry. Not a home, not yet, but maybe someday.
A loud bang startled you straight out of your pondering. It was the front door that had forcefull, swung open, accented with the little bell attached to it.
This was certainly the last person you had expected to enter your shop before it had even properly opened. And alone for a change, since Kanamori was out of town for this day.
There was no trying to hide both the bewilderment and concern in your features when he approached you with firm steps, wordlessly towering over your much smaller form.
Quite taken aback by the sudden proximity, you gulped before reminding yourself he is still a customer. And it would be impolite to just remain like this - since as far as you knew him, he wasn't going to initiate a conversation anyway.
"Good morning!" you cheered as you put up your most welcoming smile, "What can I help you with?"
And just like that, everything he had come up with in his mind had vanished into thin air.
Good for him that he was wearing his mask like he always would, otherwise his intentions would be as clear as daylight. He could only guess, but from the heat that was radiating off of his face, it was most likely bright red at this point.
"C'mon, say something...remember what you came here to do!"
Hotaru's words had now completely failed him, and he could see the gears in your head turn the longer he would remain staring at you without making a single sound.
Every single time he saw you it was comparable to the ecstasis of having finished yet another masterpiece of a sword.
And just like those blades, you were immaculate.
He flinched at the inevitable rejection that awaited him, only now wondering why he would even consider asking for your hand when he knew he could consider himself lucky if you'd even hear him out.
All of this seemed way easier when he went through it in his head.
You rose an eyebrow at the strange man, but quickly regained your composure. "If you want to buy sweets, you have to wait until I can open the store properly..."
The only answer was a shake of his head. Alright then.
"No?" Oh, now you got it. "Did you come to see Kanamori? He's still spending time with his wife, but he told me they'll be back before noon."
Another frantic head-shake.
What then?!
It's alright that he doesn't like smalltalk, or you, or both. But how should you know why he's here when he is making this way harder than it has to be?
"Stay polite, Y/N, pick your fights wisely..." this man has quite a temper and poor anger management skills, you wouldn't wanna provoke him.
"Haha" you chuckled halfheartedly, more fake than anything. "Are you here to see me? Oh my, I feel like I'm about to be court."
You snorted, this time for real as you imagined this hilarious scenario. Haganezuka, liking you? To be perfectly honest, while he's certainly loyal to the village and it's inhabitants, he seemed rather neutral about anything besides his craft. "Just kidding-"
You thought to have misunderstand, but instead of correcting your joke Haganezuka balled his fists, as if bracing himself before repeating his declaration. It was now or never.
"Yes, Y/N, I am courting you."
[Next chapter]
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