#i still don't love this version but i'll accept the L
m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 days
Okay I've settled on my head canon which is that Eddie is bi (or some version of "likes women and men"), too... I need to ramble about it because this popular idea that Eddie is gay just bothers me tbh it just feels ignorant, bi erasurery. And sure, maybe I'll be proven wrong, but in the mean time...
I think the reason why Eddie just can't be happy with the women he's pushing himself to date is because he's only really ever been drawn, and loved, two people: Shannon and Buck.
And these women he's since dated... are neither of those people. So the other relationships are just... fake, unhappy. Not because of sexual incompatibility, but because they're loveless, on Eddie's part.
The romance with Shannon started as a teen-age romance. They were childhood friends and lovers, but they were too young and immature to really handle the stress of parenthood, and despite that, pushed into a marriage.
It was too much for this young, immature, love to survive. Them freaking out and not being a team.... That just started to hack away at their mutual trust, and that eventually killed the romance, and the marriage. This immature love just could not handle all this pressure, and co-exist with that dying trust.
And then, Eddie meets Buck when his and Shannon's marriage is on a break. She's runs, is away for a long time, Eddie is raising Chris alone... And Buck steps in.
And Buck is insanely helpful, a major stress relief -letting Bobby know that Eddie is struggling to find a caretaker for Chris. Researching for ways to help Eddie... He finds Carla to help them. Buck takes one look at Christopher and melts, wants to spend time with them... Eddie thinks "Woah. This guy is amazing. This is someone I can count on, who has my back."
So Eddie just moved on from Shannon. He did love her once... but then they killed their love and marriage, together. Mutual destruction.
Eddie didn't trust her anymore, she didn't trust him after he'd enlisted in a panic to run from the parenthood, from Christopher's diagnosis... they were fighting all the time... and then she just left him alone with Chris.
And I refuse to demonize her for leaving btw, she was young, under a lot of stress, and Eddie was running from his parenthood. Eddie needed that push, to take responsibility, and connect with Chris!!
But still.. She left, Eddie was hurt and alone, and really doesn't trust her anymore, and then he meets Buck.
So Eddie moves on. His and Shannon's romantic love just... dies. And when she finally tries to re-connect. Yes, he still finds her desirable, and the human bond is still an important one. But where's the love?
They've known each other since they were children, they're friends, Shannon is Christopher's mother. But Eddie no longer really loves her like he once did. He tries. He forgives her, for everything, and really tries to mend their marriage, even proposes again after finding out she may be pregnant...
But it's just too late for both of them, they don't really work as a couple, and she realises she is tired of this battle, she is done.
Shannon leaving.... this made Eddie move on from her, even though he tried to deny it, even to himself. By leaving, Shannon gave the final killing blow to their already fractured mutual trust. Then she was gone for a long time, and when she finally came back, Eddie had already moved on, connected with someone else. She even says this - I was away for too long.
She realises that their marriage dead. She is shocked when Eddie keeps pushing her away from Chris, realises their mutual lack of trust. And she finally admits to herself that she doesn't really want to get back together with Eddie.
Eddie is dragging his feet, not really accepting her back, keeps looking for a "sign" that would say they should have another serious go as partners. Only proposes after there's another pregnancy scare.
Shannon thinks, this marriage is too broken, I want out. We both deserve something better than this. So it is a story of falling in love, and falling out of love.
And then she dies, and Eddie grieves, deeply. He did love Shannon, even though their marriage was a failure. He'd loved her in so many ways. She was his friend, she was his wife, she was Christopher's mother.
However, I do feel like the reason why he struggles to date after Shannon's death is a combination of grief - being afraid to try again with anyone... and it's denial of his feelings for Buck, and also fear that what if... This happens again, what if he loves and they leave. I think the key problem here really is Buck.
Eddie has already fallen for someone, and tries to deny it, ignore it. He thinks this is a road that would take him nowhere, so why try. He thinks Buck is straight!
So he starts pushing Buck away because this odd family unit they have...? Where is it going really, he thinks, Buck doesn't want him.
This line, said to Buck:
"Somehow we became a ready-made family and I... I don't know if I'm ready for that."
It's grief for Shannon, and it's unrequited love for Buck, and it's about being unable to love Ana because of those both massive things stopping Eddie from being able to connect with her.
Remember.... that Buck starts dating Taylor before Eddie starts dating Ana?
Eddie, looking like a zombie, hosting Buck and Taylor, telling Buck that he needs to move on, Eddie has. (Yeah it's a lie.)
And remember all these talks about Eddie needing to move on, before he goes on dates?
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This is Eddie, trying to move on, and find his third family unit.
The scene with Eddie and Buck when they've just met, Buck bragging that "some of us don't need good lighting to look good..."
And then Eddie at the fire station, looking at Buck, forgetting to introduce Ana to everyone, realising his mistake and saying to Ana;
"Oh, you've never been here!"...
Because she wasn't, Buck's presence just erases her from Eddie's mind, it's like she isn't even in the same room.
It's true, Eddie realises. Buck really doesn't need good lighting to look good, not to Eddie.
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"Even in the dark, this place is amazing."
It's terrible, but disturbingly true for Eddie. This feeling, of existing in the darkness, alone, and watching someone who just doesn't need good lighting to look amazing. They just glow anyway, overwhelmingly, they just erase everyone else from your mind.
I feel like this symbolizes deep, unrequited love really well. Even in the dark this place is amazing.
So Eddie keeps struggling. He won't let Buck close because that's killing him, but he also can't let go of him. He's just ...always dying.
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And then Buck comes out to him? It's a shock. It's a brief moment of dumb, wide-eyed hope.
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But then Eddie immediately realizes... This changes nothing. Buck is dating someone else. Buck is falling for someone else. Buck is still... Just a friend.
Nothing has changed for Buck, and therefore not for Eddie either. Eddie is still alone in this. And keeps dying.
So... The point I'm trying to make here.
I feel like this struggle we're seeing, it's not about Eddie being gay. He fell for Shannon, they agreed the sex was never the problem.
Even this new relationship with Marisol. He does feel sexual desire for her... Their sex life is great... Until he learns that she was almost a nun? Imagine being in the closet, bi, and realising your girlfriend was almost a nun?
It's truly "eyes on the ground". Would she still want her, if she really knew who, or what, Eddie is? Would she be disgusted if she learned about all of Eddie's fantasies?
How can Eddie trust her?
So... That's what making him run from Marisol. I do think he's making a genuine effort to move on from his old flames - Shannon and Buck.
I mean... Remember Eddie's talk with his tia? Learning that she had been married before, and refusing to even try dating someone else, until her friends dragged her out?
And ultimately this made her move on, meeting someone else. And soon she didn't regret trying again.
So Eddie is trying to move on from Shannon, and Buck.
But can he? Is he?
One thing about Buck's coming out, and the following scene, the talk with Eddie...
Noticed the buddie subtext, and the bisexual subtext of the lines when he talks about Marisol there? About needing to go home.
The "menu" is not the issue. The issue is that he doesn't want to go home, to Marisol. (Lol, there's btw that bicycle again, hanging on the wall behind Eddie's back. Bi subtext!!)
Eddie does desire her. ... He just doesn't love her. And that keeps happening... Because his heart is already taken.
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elgascreamslikehell · 3 months
So, WIP Wednesday guys!
Surprisingly enough I'm not late! Surprisingly enough I found energy to write a little more.
In general there's really not much left but now i see the details I also need (and probably one more scene I hate to write cause it's hard and I scream every time but you know your characters decide on your behalf? They decided! You'll see) and till i still have some energy??? - I have no idea where this energy came from but i think it could be @pirrusstuff sweet aura - I proceed.
‘So…’, - Eddie starts the engine after Maddie went into the building: ‘What do you have in mind?’, - Eddie himself thinks about lunch. Then picking up Chris from school. Then…  His mind is still a little foggy from the idea that he finally got a chance but hey. Buck needed him while he was blind and vulnerable. What if something changed? That's stupid and paranoid but it's kinda hard to fight. And Buck, as always, has absolutely no idea of this: ‘I… well. I think we need to go to a TJ cause I remember vividly that you have nothing in the fridge, I'm sick of frozen pizza and I want to cook something. Also I think we should go to my place to collect my clothes and some of the kitchen stuff. So we need to go there before coming home, then I'll cook, then we pick up Chris and maybe finally watch something before the shift, oh, also we need to call Carla to check if she's fine working today, I know it's in her schedule but she needs to know that she has only one person to watch over and…’ Eddie kisses him all of the sudden and no, it's impossible to get used to that. And that's the first time Buck actually sees him. His crooked smile and his eyes full of…something ‘Fuck, Evan. I love you’. Buck shivers a little and tries to speak calmly but fails drastically: ‘I… let's start from the loft because I have one emergency thing to do’ ‘And it would be?’ - Eddie has a very mischievous grin ‘You. It would be you. And If you don't want to give LA a very inappropriate show right here - let's speed up’ And Eddie just laughs.
And updated taglist (thanks, guys, love and hugs in any acceptable by you form)
@pirrusstuff @steadfastsaturnsrings @idealuk @blackberry-l @littleblackraincloudofcourse @embarrassingggggg @bestbuddie @kaseysgirl86-blog @angryangeldreamsalad @almurg @coatedpanda16 @charleyk
To be added/removed interact please with this snippet cause I take updated version from there
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eliasmendoza · 10 months
Prompt: Answer this with five tracks you think represent your character best! If you don't have an OC, do it for a character you love!
Thank you to @shiinzhon for the tag! Lemme tag @unhingedravenclawstuff @wrenegade-accio @sallowslytherin @parselmouthedmelinae @holisticpearliegeek @catohphm and whoever else wants to do this!
Without further ado, here we go. Each song has a particular meaning in Elias' life. I'll break down each one as best as I can and perhaps provide some bonus tracks.
1. "Happy & Sad" by Kacey Musgraves
Kacey Musgraves explained that "Sometimes I find myself not being able to enjoy the height of a good moment because I start thinking about the fact that it’s about to be over." Since the trauma of the Philippine revolution affected him so deeply to the point that he lost so many people he cared about, Elias became a very cautious person, feeling like the highs he feels now will become lows very soon.
2. "Eyes Shut" by Years & Years
Y&Y frontman and songwriter Olly Alexander said, "The song is about self preservation and wanting to hide from disaster." This song is like a sort of follow-up to "Happy & Sad" for Elias, wherein he convinces himself that by detaching himself, he won't feel any hurt or loss. He feels the need to be stronger for his mom and himself. This is essentially the reason why he genuinely cannot bring himself indulge in the idea that he could be happy.
3. "Screaming" by CHVRCHES
The past five years Elias experienced since the attack on his home village has swept Elias into a tornado of unpredictable events. It feels as if misfortune has control of his life. He is both victim and witness to all that unfolds in his life and is forced to go with the flow of it all. He is frustrated over the trauma that holds his life. But towards the end of the song, Elias decides he cannot give up and keeps fighting for a better future.
4. "A Song to Come Home To" by Jinkx Monsoon
The song is a dedication to Elias' mother and his chosen family (his dear friends at Hogwarts). It's clear and simple a message: he will love them all no matter what. They never left him when the going got rough for Elias in so many ways, and he will reciprocate that for them as well because of the love that connects them all.
5. "panorama" by Hayley Kiyoko
"Wait, have you seen the view?"
This is Elias finally becoming in touch with himself and the world around him, finally being able to process all that has happened to him, l making peace with it all, and moving forward and accepting wholeheartedly the love and happiness he deserves. He can finally stop and look at all the good that has happened to him and enjoy it all. Sure, the feeling of the storm coming after the sunshine is still there, but learns to manage that feeling as well.
Author's note: If you all want a full Spotify playlist for Elias (and Sebastian as a couple), please do let me know. I'm willing to share it hehehe.
Bonus tracks under the cut!
6. Three Versions of Ave Maria
Okay, now hear me out before you think this is a weird thing to add to a playlist. Remember Elias was born during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, which means Catholicism was rampant then. As a magical practitioner, Elias never felt a real connection with the religion but for some reason felt one with the Virgin Mary. Maybe it was that she reminded him of his mother, Ma. Aurora: kind, caring, and loving.
Now, why do I have three versions of Ave Maria listed? Let's explore them!
A. Franz Schubert/Josh Groban
Josh Groban, who is my voiceclaim for Elias, sings this version passionately as if he's pleading for help. In a way, it harkens to "Ellens Gesang III", a derivation of Sir Walter Scott's poem, "The Lady of the Lake". In the poem, the heroine, Ellen Douglas, is praying to the Virgin Mary for help, anxious over the fate of her father on the eve of an important battle. The same way, Elias secretly "prays" for safety as he and his mother leave the Philippines and will lead new lives in a foreign country.
B. Charles Gonoud & Johann Sebastian Bach/Amira Willighagen
This version by Bach and Gonoud and performed by Willighagen has a more angelic and heavenly approach to it. I used this iteration to represent Elias at his calmest and happiest. It is in this moment that he finds something good in his situation like a strongly-lit lighthouse in a stormy midnight. In a way, he begins to find this light when he learns to let his own guard down and open his heart, starting with Sebastian (to Anne's delight, that little schemer). This is Elias "praying" that this joy will last forever.
C. Franz Schubert/Beyoncé
The conclusion to Elias' Ave Maria trilogy is a wedding song by Beyoncé. This is that point in Elias' life where there is calm, joy, and the sense of stability that he's longed for since he and his mother were displaced. Elias is finally happy with his life. He has everything a boy like him could need: his mother, his best friends, and a loving husband. (Yes, Elias and Seb get married who wants to attend the wedding yaaaas)
It also makes sense to have this as the end to the trilogy as it is a rewrite of Franz Schubert's original Ave Maria, as performed earlier by Josh Groban.
More songs will be added at some point so stay tuned, I guess?
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
I have another fanfic for you.
A letter from Angie to Pops (03 raph)
Hey Pops,l
I've been missing you a lot lately, and it's been hard knowing the fact that I will probably never see you again. I want to have hope that I will but, just because I caused a portal once, doesn't mean I can do it again. Or that I can control where I end up, and who knows if I could get back.
No, much safer to just accept that we may never see each other again.
Even still, I want to tell you about everything I've been doing, and just how amazing this place is!
The bad guys we fight are in a different league then the ones from home... your home.
There's this one guy, we call him Meat Sweats and hoooooo boy is he amazing! Before he was a mutant (by the way pretty much all of our bad guys are mutants, and that's because here we have beings called Yokai who are mystical beings (there's a lot of magic) and one wanted to turn all humans into mutants because he thought that humans would be the end to all Yokai (boy was he wrong) so he created these oozequitos to turn humans into mutants.)
Anyways, Meat Sweats used to be this famous chef named Rupert Swaggart and he was so mean but man what a chef! I've made some of his recipes, and even tried some of the food he's cooked and it is amazing!
Then there is Hypno. He's a hippo magician and even though Leon won't admit it, I know he likes him. Leon has this obsession with magic. Hypno has also been hanging around with this weird worm guy but not I'm not totally sure what that is about.
Oh! The sheep guy I mentioned is named Baron Draxum. Totally awesome name but he isn't actually all that bad. Actually he's kinda like a third dad because without him me and my family over here would have never been mutated. And I know that feels like a mixed bag but honestly, I wouldn't change it for the world. After all, I met you...
I really miss you pops. I think you would like it here.
love, Angie.
P.S. I've been talking to my version of Donny, and we think there might be a way to create a portal back to your dimension. It's not a promise, but maybe... just maybe we can attempt it. We plan on brainstorming later and I'm excited.
[written extremely messy on the back of the page]
Pops, things are really bad right now. Raph is gone, there are beings called the Krang and they are really really bad. I don't know if we can make it past this. I am putting everything into believing we will be okay. Leon says hope is a ninjas secret weapon. I hope he is right. If anything does happen I just have to say this: I love you Pops. When we see each other again, I'll tell you all about it.
AH! This is amazing! that last part wrecked me! Poor angie!
Thank you!!
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sucktacular · 8 months
Let me give you an ask I know you'll love. Top 5 moments from death note, any version including light novels is 👌🏼
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OKay this is SO late because I wasn't using my desktop for a hot second and mobile doesn't like to tell me about inbox messages, but I also didn't check so that's my bad! <3 But both of y'all asking about top 5 death note momence has me so <3 <3 <3 ; w ;
Okay so I will preface this with: it has been a very hot minute since I read LABB so as much as I'm obsessed with it entirely, I probably forgot some very good moments. u_u These are gonna be silly moments cuz I like the funnies.
Starting at number 5 and going to my favorite moment:
5. The entire time Light is under house surveillance. From the weirdly conservative and leisurely skimming of lingerie mags to look like an average, regular teen (not believable). To the famous "I'll take a potato chip... heh... AND EAT IT!" scene. Classic.
4. I think it's like 1 week max since Light had got the Death Note. Lind L. Taylor shows up on tv and Light is like ??. He introduces himself as "L", says I have a pretty good idea of why you're doing this, but "what you are doing... is evil!". And Light IMMEDIATELY is like oh FUCK this guys ENTIRE life. DIE! Which also outs his location like entirely, LOL. Idk it's just very funny to me. Anti-kira? CANCELLED... LIVE!!!
3. Light and L's fist fight(s). Love watching these homophobic gays fight each other with their bare hands and get knocked around because they're chained together. They clearly love it too and I wish they'd get their hands dirty a bit more often instead of just always using their massive brains to have dirty brain sex.
2. From the LABB Murder Cases, Chapter 5, Page 117-119: A very close second favorite part of mine is when Naomi comes up from the kitchen at a crime scene with some coffee on a tray for her and Rue Ryuzaki (private detective and Freak). She opens the door and askes if he found any more clues and then notices he's just laying in the middle of the room, flat on his back, arms and legs sprawled out like a star fish. She's frozen looking at this dude and then repeats the question and is kinda worried he's gonna start crawling around with his back arched like in some horror movie (ps. For context: she found this guy at a crime scene when she looked under the bed and he crawled out from under it (hes a seasoned on-all-fours crawler), and ate a jar of jam with his bare hands for lunch. amongst... other things. so she's already going THROUGH it with this dude). He doesn't respond and shes like uhm? and he says "I'm a corpse." "Hunh??" "I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead." She's bewildered but just accepts it and ponders how to get around this dude so she can put the coffee tray down. She eventually goes to jump over him but completely fucks it and steps, in boots, right on his gut. In an attempt to catch her balance and not spill the hot coffee on him and everywhere she puts her entire weight on him." "Gah!" said the corpse." "S-sorry!" she remarks and then they carry on. I'd give anything to be a fly on the wall with these two.
From the LABB Murder Cases, Chapter 2, Page 55-56: My favorite part of the book (tho honestly there are so many so don't quote me on that lol) is when Naomi goes into the bathroom to speak to L on the phone about the case at hand. She reports that a strange private detective is there helping her. To which L asks point blank: "Is he cool?" and shes like.... what? and he repeats the question and she's still unsure how to answer such a question, but lays it on THICK. She's dead honest and is like this guy SUCKS, he's quite honestly a PATHETIC FREAK and a WEIRDO "and I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself yet". I'm crying! She said that!! There is silence and L changes the subject back to the case. BUT the best part is she leaves the bathroom to go back to investigating and the "freak" in question (Rue Ryuzaki) is standing right there and was most likely eaves dropping on the whole conversation she just had. The whole scene has me hollering entirely and I think about this art done by @/ekmeko everyday. Link
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alfrcdodiaz · 3 years
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minyare2906 · 2 years
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Title: Futsu ni koishite | Ordinary Romance | 普通に恋して
Author/Artist: Terashima Rating: +18
Summary: Even when he was in school, everyone told Fukawa how banal and ordinary he was. As a temporary employee, he’s been working hard to obtain a full-time post. Suddenly one day, the most prominent employee of the company, Subada, urges him to come work for a new business he’s going to launch. It surprises Fukawa, but, in the end, he decides to accept the offer hoping to change himself. Only after that, Fukawa learns Subada is in fact an “exceptional” man who somehow gets an unusual quantity of affection from anyone around him.
An ordinary life…  It was what Fukawa was supposed to have.  But as he knows more about Subada, Fukawa’s life, and eventually his feelings, begin to change…
Chapter 01A Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 01B Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 02 Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 03 Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 04 Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 05 Read online: Gdrive
Chapter extra Read online: Gdrive
Volume 1 Download: Mega
Note: Hi there? Good morning! How are you? I really hope you’re all well in those difficult times.
First,I wanna thank each and every one of you for the diffusion of the “ask” I did regarding Hanakoi. Thanks to that (and the bunch of messages I sent looking desperately for chapter 50), we have 3 chapters that I’ll have cleaned as soon as I can and I can gladly leave my anxiety aside for a while.
Okay, on to the project that we have for you today. I was surprised when I saw that this cute project was not taken by any group, considering how cute it is. Well, surprised and happy because that meant that we could do it. I love clueless dorks, and this manga has quite a bit of that. It’s in our usual cute line, no big dramas, nice drawing… I hope you’ll like it as much as we do!!
I have to create a button to gather all of our projects, like we have with Hanakoi, to make it easier for all of you to find them. Plus, I've decided what to do about Mangadex, chapters will be available there a month after our official release, to try and stop having the chapters uploaded to aggregator sites the day after I upload the link here. Keep in mind that if it brings trouble, I'll stop uploading to Mangadex again, sorry. So please, don't upload to aggregator sites, that may bring us legal problems and may lead to us going private or stop scanlating completely.
Idiot as I am, I had a countdown downloaded from the mangaka’s twitter (@terashima_), but I forgot to do it… So you’ll have it as an extra page at the end of the volume, as curiosity ;)
I’d like to say that I won’t take requests for the time being. I have loads to clean and will have loads to typeset so I won’t have time to take another project sorry T_T
I’d like to thank @gwarp for letting us use her raws, really easy to work with them, thanks so much. To Adamay for her wonderful translation, let’s send her lots of energy and love, she needs it all this days. And to Toshirodragon for her patience when dealing with me, for dealing with my pushiness, and for reading every chapter over and over to make it the best version possible.
And to all of you for your continued support!
Enjoy, see you soon ;)
EDIT: There was a problem with chapter 1, so I've changed the drive link and updated the mega link, because I noticed that the presentation page was in Japanese, I didn't do it right. I still don't know what was the problem with chapter 1, all the files were in the drive but when I opened it without being logged in, not all the pages were showing. I've checked again and they're all there, but if any of you still have problems, please contact me ;)
EDIT 2: Okay, the problem with chapter 1 still persisted in mobile devices, so I've deleted the folder and divided chapter 1 in 2 folders, to see if by putting the pages that didn't show up in another folder, the problem is solved for everyone (fingers crossed). Again, I checked and the pages are all there, both in my tablet and my laptop, but if you can't read there, contact me, I'll try and find another solution ;)
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You are my world. you three are my world now - h.h
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hello there! I'm back ! Sorry if it tooks so long, i have a lot of work during these holiday. I hope you like this little request. I didn't have time to be proofread (but a big thank you to@petersasteria who is always there to support me!). Remember that my native language is French, so don't be so mean if i made mistakes!
Feel free to like, share, comment and tell me what you think. Send me a message if you want to be added to the taglist for my next work!
Word count: 2300 Warning: angst, mention of pregnancy, small mention of blood, mention of placental abruption Pairing : harry holland Request: yes!
You didn't expect to be pregnant with twins at your age. The announcement of your pregnancy had also surprised more than one. Despite her support, Nikki Holland had still given the discourse on the importance of safe sex to her son. But Harry had given a more than mature speech in defense of both of you. He was able to prove to his family and to yours that you were ready and that the decision to continue the pregnancy was not rash.
You were now at the half of your eighth month and nothing could stand in the way of your happiness.
Nothing except maybe this.
Nikki had offered to have lunch with her this afternoon. Despite his work as a photographer, no longer having the company of his four children - since three of them left the family cocoon to live their own life as grown-up adults- weighed heavily on her. You accepted with pleasure. Harry, who was editing his third short film, had left you this morning to go to the edit suite, not without checking that you were okay. So, you joined Nikki at the restaurant. You shine in your long floral maternity dress. In the middle of the meal, you felt a violent contraction.
At almost eight months pregnant, it was no surprise that you could feel twins’ movements. You winced a little at the pain and your mother-in-law put a reassuring hand on your arm.
"Are you alright, darling?" she asking, a little bit worried.
"Yeah, yeah. They've just been in great shape for a few days now."
You apologized and went to the bathroom, struggling to cope with the pain of your contractions. When you noticed that your underwear was soaked with blood, your heart rate increased. You suddenly realized that a series of symptoms corresponded to what you had dreaded early in your pregnancy: the nausea that had occurred last night, the violent contractions since this morning and now the blood. Rather alerting signals that suggested a placental abruption. The obstetrician told you that this was a possible risk since you were having a twin pregnancy. You started to cry and panic for several minutes that Nikki ended up knocking on the bathroom door.
"Darling, is everything good in there?" she asked you with her sweet and worried voice.
"Could you come in please" you sobbed.
"Sure, darling. Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
She stepped carefully into the disabled cabin that you had used for space reasons. Nikki immediately noticed your state of stress. And you just told her everything in strangled sobs. She put a hand behind your back and gave you a very serious look.
"We have to go to the ER. We're going right away."
"I want Harry"
"Don't worry, I'll call him on the way"
And you haven't wasted a minute. Nikki simply left her phone number and table number at the counter before you got into your car. Dom will retrieve Nikki one's later. Holland family been known from the restaurant, the staff were comprehensive about your leaving without paid the bill. When you arrived at the hospital, the nurses greeted you directly and wasted no time either. You were taken to the operating room without being able to get your boyfriend's support.
Harry arrived within fifteen minutes of receiving the call from his mother. No doubt he would receive a speeding penalty ticket later. He looked like a madman, mortified by worry. He was a bundle of nerves and sarcasm. Her mother was standing by the reception desk, waiting for her. She looked anxious. Tom was there too, trying to contact their father on his phone. When Dom finally picked up, the oldest Holland brother announced the urgency. Harry was shaking with worry.
"What happened mom?"
"I don't really know, baby. We were at the restaurant and the babies kicked. She went to the bathroom and when she didn't come back, I went after her. That's where she asked me to come into the bathroom and you know the rest. I called you straight after that. " Nikki explained, trying to get the stress out of her.
"Oh my god… where is she now?"
"The medical staff took her for surgery. I had to wait here. I couldn't go with her, baby. I’m so sorry."
"Ok ... Ok, I guess I have to wait here. Hope she's okay. God, please make her be alright."
They all made their way to the operating theater hallway for the public to wait for more information. Tom was still on the phone with his father, explaining that it would be better if he stayed at home with Paddy so as not to overcrowd the waiting room. He promised his father that they would all give news as soon as possible. A nurse in a surgical gown entered ten minutes later.
“Who's the father of miss y/l/n's babies?”
“I am. Harry Holland, I’m the father!” he almost screamed and cried at the same time.
“Come with me”
Nikki stood up cautiously and walked over to the nurse. Harry was ready to follow the nurse without giving any further information to his family.
"Excuse me. Can you give us more information on her condition?" Nikki asked
"Sure. We had an emergency caesarean. The babies are fine but there seem to be some complications with the mother. The surgeon is taking care of her."
"Is she going to be okay?" Harry asked hastily.
"She's losing a lot of blood but we're doing our best. Now please follow me." She said to curly one.
Harry followed her to the nursery. His heart was pounding in mixed emotions. He was so impatient to meet his babies but at the same time he was worried about you. What if you don't survive from the complications? What was to become of him? Would he be able to live without you? Would he be a good father?
His last question vanished when he saw his two little babies in the incubator. Your twins had arrived about fifteen, almost a month earlier than expected, it was normal that they were in an incubator. Harry was going to have to make sure they put on weight. After filling out a few papers, one of the nurses offered to do some skin-to-skin contact with the twins so that they could get to know the three of them. Harry could not but be impatient with this and once prepared he settled into a seat. He was overcome with emotion, understanding how his parents had felt when Sam and him were born. He completely forgets the time, spending several minutes with his sons, one after the other. Harry knew he would place all his love in the two little beings he had taken turns holding in his arms. He was ready to lift mountains, cross the tides. Part of his mind was on you and he truly hoped he could go through life's trials with you. May your family experience all the times they deserve.
The nurse who had brought him to the nursery go up to him with a half-smile. She was sorry to disturb him during this privileged father-son moment.
"Your ... hm ... miss (y/l/n) is in the recovery room. You can go see her now"
Harry's heart burst with relief. He let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding back. The very new father nodded before placing his son in the nurse's arms so that she could put him back in the incubator. He decided to go find his family who had been waiting too long now. When he entered the waiting room, his mother and brother were still seated. Tom had his elbows on his knees, the phone in his hand. He seemed to be talking to someone. When the actor noticed his brother's presence, he spoke to him.
"Hey mate, Sam's here. Wanna talk to him? What's up? Does y/n's alright? And the twins?"
"Too much question. Give me Sam first!"
But the result was exactly the same. Sam asked the same questions as Tom and Harry winced as he tried to answer consensually.
"Hello to you too, brother. The twins are fine. I swear to God Sam, they look like a mini version of us. Two sons by the way ... y/n is fine, she's in the recovery room, I'm going see her right after that. I wanted to talk to mom and Tom first. "
"Glad to know I'm the last to know." Sam informed sarcastically.
"Hey, I was going to call you but I had to, you know ... go meet my sons. Father's job, it seems."
Sam chuckled behind his phone screen as Harry smirked in a mischievous and petty manner. He ended the call with his twin and turned to his mother and Tom. Nikki made her understand that she had heard, she seemed relieved that you were okay.
"Hey, before I go see y/n ... you want to see your grandsons ... and you, your nephew and godson, asshole."
"Harry, language" said Nikki.
"Of course I want to see my godson, stupid"
The two brothers smile at each other. Just because one became a father and the other was a movie star, didn't mean they were going to change their ways. It was also their way, both of them, to decompress events. Nikki sighed in annoyance but kept quiet, too happy to meet, even only through a window, her first grandchildren. After a brief walk in front of the nursery, Harry announced that he was going to find you, leaving his family to admire your twins. They seemed so impatient to meet them in person but knew they were going to have to wait while you woke up.
Harry entered the recovery room and walked over to your bed. You seemed to have already woken up from your artificial sleep. He grabbed your hand to give you the support you needed. A feeling of emptiness was felt in you, your gaze landed on your stomach, flatter than you had seen in recent months. Your eyes widened in panic but the reassuring pressure of Harry's hand drew your attention to him.
"They are fine, my love. They are fine. They are in an incubator in the nursery."
You burst into tears. The emotions being so strong.
"I'm so sorry Harry. I'm sorry ..."
“Hey… hey… you don't have to. You're okay… the twins are okay. And I still love you, I love you more than ever."
"Have you seen them?"
"Yes ... ugly like their father" he joked
You chuckled with a few more tears in your voice. You knew he didn't mean it, but humor was Harry's best way to decompress, and it worked on you too.
"My family is here. You scared the hell out of them. I think Sam was about to order a flight to kick your ass."
You chuckled again. It was so impressive to see the love that reigned in this family. You could never have asked for a better way to build your own family. Harry leaned over to kiss you.
"I love you, y/n. You are my world. you three are my world now"
"I love you more, Harry."
You stayed a few more days before you could get out of the hospital. You had decided to introduce the twins after their own discharge from the hospital. That's why, after almost a month of going back and forth to the nursery, you could finally bring your twins home. So you organized a little visit to Harry's parents.
The sun was shining on London and you squeezed the doorknob of one of the maxi-cozy, Harry carrying your second son as you opened the door to the Holland family home. You were amazed at the ease with which Harry assumed his role as father. He was doing so well that you fell in love with him again.
"Is there anyone here?" He asked
"We're all in the garden, buddy!" Tom said
"You are obviously in the kitchen, dummy"
"For god's sake, Harry. Come into this fucking garden and let us see the twins!"
You let out a frank laugh as you mentally noted that you were going to have to have a conversation with Harry and his brothers about the vocabulary they were using.
You are therefore entering the garden. You noticed right away that Sam had come all the way from Scotland. Harry must have organized this with him too. You smiled, Nikki rushed over to help you with the change bags and you thanked him.
"So where is my godson?" Tom asked in the same way he did at the FFH premiere when he was looking for Jake Gyllenhal.
"Where's mine?" Sam asked too.
You approached Sam, putting the maxycosy on the table to unbuckle the seat belt and take your son in your arms. Harry was doing the same with your second baby.
"I'm happy to introduce you y/s/n"
"And there's y/s/n(2)." Harry added, so proud.
Everyone raved about the twins as you wipe away a tear, happy and proud. You were so moved by the love that reigned. Harry came to kiss you on the forehead, you closed your eyes, appeased by his gesture. The world could only turn better in his company.
"It's family portrait time!" Nikki said, her camera in her hands. "Tom, please get closer to your brother. Sam, stand next to y / n"
You all followed Nikki's instructions, who couldn't be more than happy to capture this important moment, bringing her work and family life together. You all smiled as you and Harry were in the center of the photo, carrying your twins in your arms. And at that moment, you were sure that your life could not be more beautiful than at this moment.
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She makes me happy
Vikki fluff for @commanderspeach
Word Count: 800 +
A/N: sorry for any typos!! I feel like this is horrible but I didn’t really have an idea I just started writing and this happened.
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Time stood still upon first glance, connecting you to those memorizing brown eyes. Accepting a position as a secretary for a woman you never met didn't seem so crazy until you were standing in front of her. She was the most gorgeous creature you have ever laid eyes on. You knew this was going to be the most difficult job you've ever had, not because of the work, but how in the hell would you ever get anything accomplished? At this point, you've probably been staring at your new boss for about five minutes without uttering a word. She probably thinks you're an absolute imbecile.
"Miss L/n? My name is Vikki Hiller! I heard you'll be my new assistant. I can't wait to work with you. I've heard nothing be glowing recommendations from your previous employer," you smile as she speaks. She takes a step closer and whispers, "and between you and me, it's good to see another woman in the workplace. These idiots are absolutely helpless."
You nod in agreement because that was the whole reason you left your previous employment. When you caught wind that a female editor was looking for a secretary, you jumped at the chance and luckily ended up with the job without as much as an interview.
Vikki motions for you to follow her as she spouts off some first of the day tasks, "Once you get settled in your desk. I need you to call back Peter MacMannus and cancel our dinner plans for tonight. Then call back Mr. Banner and let him know that the final version of The Things We Do For Love won't be ready until next Friday, and…," you take notes as she's walking and talking. You can't help but follow every syllable that leaves her lips. Everything she says is so memorizing, and you can feel your attraction growing. You think to yourself, 'You can't fall for your boss, you can't fall for your boss, you can fall for your STRAIGHT boss.'
Everyone in the literary world knew about Vikki and Peter, even if you've never seen theme word spreads. Now that you knew what a gem Vikki was, you immediately hated his guts. Your thoughts were interrupted when Vikki motioned at a desk outside of her office, "and this will be your desk. I look forward to working with you. I'll be in my office reviewing some manuscripts, and don't be shy to come in if you need anything."
"Thank you. Mrs. Hiller," you say. She smiles and comes closer again, "you can call me Vikki." She winks and retreats back into her office.
'This is going to be interesting.'
A couple of weeks pass as you grow more and more comfortable in your new job. Working for Vikki is a dream and even better now that she's broken up with Peter. You could hear the gossip going around, but no one knew the real reason behind the mysterious breakup. All you would do is tell yourself you didn't care to know, but honestly, you wanted to know more than anything. Even though you and Vikki have developed a friendship, you weren't comfortable asking her. Mainly because you weren't sure you were ready to hear an answer. Vikki was absolutely glowing, and you were terrified it was because she met someone else.
Today was a late workday, you both were in the office way past hours. Actually, you two were the only ones still in the office. Vikki had a deadline to meet tomorrow, and she needed some help along with some company, so, of course, you decided to stay.
Both of you are sitting on her office floor, going through and editing an autobiography and chatting about anything and everything. It's always so easy with Vikki, and everything flows so naturally as if it was always supposed to be this way.
"Y/n, what's it like being with a woman?" Vikki asked out of the blue. You had opened up to her about your sexuality not long ago because you trusted her. Vikki would never judge you like most of the world seems to.
"I… well… It's magical. It's the best way I know to explain it. I've never felt the kind of connection with a man that I feel with a woman. Especially a woman I'm attracted to. It's soft and passionate yet fiery and fierce. Being with a woman is an experience unlike any other because women understand you and make you feel worthy," you look down, "But it's more than that, though; it's about finding the right person. Who gives you butterflies… who makes you want to be around them 24/7 because they make you feel so much. Someone who gives you just as much as you give them. It's about never settling for someone who makes you feel lesser, Vikki."
Vikki moves closer to you, and you feel her hand under your chin. She tilts your head up, "I think I've found that person, Y/n."
You close your eyes, "I hope he makes you happy, Vikki."
Her thumb grazes her cheek, making you instantly open your eyes. As your eyes connect with hers, she says, "She makes me happy."
"S-she?" you stutter out. "Yes, you make me incredibly happy, Y/n. May I kiss you?"
You nod your head vigorously. She smiles as her lips connect with yours.
sfw taglist: @orchid-fairy @rainbow-hedgehog @twistedpoeticjustice @kais-rose-garden @peggycarter-steverogers @magnificent-paulsonn @mrsdeanhoward @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @commanderspeach @in-cordelias-coven @lntlmate @sapphicforsarahh
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hot-wiings · 3 years
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The One Where Denki And Mina Think Katsuki Needs To Be A Softer, Nicer Boyfriend, And An Insecure Katsuki Agrees, But [Y/N] [L/N] Doesn't Want A Nicer Boyfriend, She Wants Him.
Requested By: @spicyhokage
Edited: 1-6-2021
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It was late when Katsuki came in through class 2-A's dormitory doors. Being his second year at UA the school was allowing students to go back into student internships. With Best Jeanist still off the streets, Katsuki wound up interning with Fatgum, using the link between Eijirou and him to get in. Katsuki hadn't expected to be out for so long, there had been a bad villain that showed up at a different agency and it was a perfect match for both his and Fatgum's abilities. Fatgum had allowed Katsuki to work on it with him, nevermind the fact that Katsuki had already planned a study date for your upcoming test Monday, he jumped at the chance to work with the heroes.
Katsuki knew, or at least he hoped, that you wouldn't be that mad or upset at him for ditching you at the very last minute. It was a leg up in the hero industry, it was a helping hand, he could make more connections and improve his skills. As a student hero, you should know how important this is. He'd want you to make the same choice if it was reversed.
Despite abandoning your date, Katsuki wasn't heartless. He bought a bouquet of hydrangeas as an apology. Apologies weren't something he was good at, but he hoped you would accept it. Katsuki was hoping you would be up waiting for him in the dormitory lounge when he came back, but he knew that one was a longshot. He'd rather have you in bed resting, or making up for the studying he promised to help with but hadn't. Katsuki was hoping he'd find you in the dormitory lounge waiting for him, but instead, he found two of his peers.
"You were out awfully late, weren't you?"
"Shut it, pink face. I need to go see [Y/N] and then head to bed, like a smart student. You and dunce face do realize that we have a big test Monday, don't you?"
Katsuki marched right past Mina and Denki, who were sitting on the couch, towards the elevator to get up to your dorm. If he was right, Mr. Aizawa would be asleep by this hour, and getting into your dorm would be no issue. Katsuki stopped walking towards the elevator when he hears Minas' voice speak out again.
"Did you really get hydrangeas for her? You ditched her for your internship and you got hydrangeas? Girls like roses Katsuki. If a guy ever brought me hydrangeas, I'd kick his butt to the door. Queens deserve better."
"What the fuck are you implying raccoon eyes?"
Katsuki turned back around to yell at Mina for implying that he wasn't good enough for you. He nearly crumpled the flowers by clenching his hand. Mina didn't know what she was talking about. He had brought you hydrangeas several times before, you never complained about it. Denki spoke up to try and intervene Katsuki from blowing up on Mina.
"I think what Mina meant to say is that we're just worried for you. You really like [Y/N], right? Take it from a guy who gets dumped by girls a lot. Pretty girls like [Y/N] don't need to sit around waiting for guys like us. While you're trying to further your career you're ditching her, not to mention, when is the last time you showed her affection?"
"For starters, dunce face, don't call my girlfriend pretty. Secondly, there are no guys like us and girls like [Y/N], there's me, her, and all of you fucking extras that need to get out of my relationship."
"Fine, don't take our advice. Just so you know, [Y/N] isn't in her dorm, she's in the kitchen."
Mina practically sings her words out, and Katsuki changes his course of route from the elevator to the kitchen. He had a scowl on his face the entire time, courtesy of Mina and Denki. He had to restrain himself from beating them with the bouquet. Katsuki reached the kitchen door and he took a minute to recompose himself from his previous anger to a calmer version of himself. He pushed the door open with a calmer smile on his face but stops after opening it halfway.
"What's the answer to number two?"
"Uhm... 6?"
"That's right! Here's your reward."
Katsuki clenched his fist, practically ruining the flowers. He ditched you and your study date, he shouldn't be getting so mad at seeing you and Deku study together. You can have friends other than him. You can be around members of the male gender other than him. Even if it is shitty Deku. You're allowed to have a life outside of Katsuki, but as Deku broke apart a cookie and threw it right into your mouth, a sweet reward for getting the question right, he was ready to toss hands with the boy.
"We're gonna ace this test Monday. Thanks for studying with me Deku. I hate studying alone and you're great at math. Usually, Katsuki helps me, but he got busy."
"It's no problem, [Y/N]. Seriously, I'm always here if you need me."
Katsuki quietly pulled the door shut instead of going in and interrupting you and dumb Deku. Maybe Mina was right. Katsuki thought about it more as he walked back to Mina and Denki. He didn't really show you affection that much, and he did spend a lot of time in the gym or at his internship. His idea of a date was training together or studying. You probably hated the flowers but chose not to speak on it. If he didn't change, change now and fast he was going to lose you to that shit-munch. He needed to show you he was the better more deserving man. As Katsuki stared at Mina and Denki he uttered the words he never wanted to say to them.
"I want your fuckin' help."
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"Bring [Y/N] roses. Girls love roses. Not a daffodil, not baby's breath, not a tulip. Roses."
Roses were Mina's first piece of advice to Katsuki. According to her, girls only cared about getting roses, and every other flower was inferior. She also said apology flowers must be paired with chocolates. Katsuki personally thought that was bullshit. He had been bringing you different breeds of flowers throughout your entire relationship and never once had you vocalized disdain for it. But Mina is a girl unlike him, so she must have had some kind of special insight. You must have just not wanted to make him feel bad for messing up. Katsuki knew he was inexperienced in the dating area, but he hadn't realized he was screwing up so badly.
Katsuki did exactly what Mina said. Saturday afternoon, Katsuki showed up at your dorm with a bouquet of yellow roses and a box of chocolates, the milk chocolate kind. According to Mina, milk chocolate was better than dark chocolate. He knocked on the door after checking his phone for the time. He knew you didn't like getting up early on the weekend, and you had been up late studying the night before. Twelve-thirty seemed like a reasonable time to stop by.
You opened the door, slippers on your feet, eyes barely opened, and a crinkled forehead as you tried to slightly open them to see who you were staring at. You had a pair of shorts on and one of Katsuki's sweatshirts. One you promised you hadn't seen and swore he must've lost in the dorms laundry facility. Katsuki smiled down at your sleepy form, you were adorable. Once you registered who it was you yawned and crossed your arms as you lazily leaned against the door frame and let a small smile cross your face.
"What're you doing here? You were out so late last night, you must be exhausted."
"I could say the same about you, you look like the epitome of tired. How late were you up?"
"No later than two. When did you get in?"
Katsuki didn't want to tell you he came in at midnight. You would've asked him why he didn't come to see you, and he didn't want to say that he saw you and Deku studying together. He didn't want to admit that he felt pained at seeing you together so close. Pained at you needing and using Deku as you would him. Katsuki held up the roses and chocolates and thrust them into your arms.
"I didn't even check the time. I brought you apology flowers and chocolate for ditching you. They're roses!"
"O-Oh, they're yellow."
You took the items he thrust into your arms and moved further into your dorm so he could come in. You set the chocolate down on the bed but kept observing the flowers. Katsuki was quite proud of the flowers he picked out. They were pretty and blooming, and he thought you'd like them. Yellow roses would look good in your dorm room. You, on the other hand, were not ecstatic with the flowers. You bit your lip and tried to make your smile bigger. Did he know what yellow roses symbolized? He had to of known, even Denki would know something this simple. Maybe you were reading into it too much, they're just flowers. It was a gift, not a death sentence to your relationship.
"I'll have to go to the kitchen and see if there's anything I can put them in."
Katsuki could sense you being standoffish. He assumed you were upset at him for ditching you the previous night. He did the flowers right, he would just have to go the extra mile to make you happy with him by serving your needs.
"I can go to the kitchen and find a vase! You just shower or get dressed, or whatever, and I'll even bring you up some lunch."
"You don't have to do that. I can get dressed and do it myself."
"I don't have to do it, I want to do it."
Katsuki cupped your cheeks and pressed a quick kiss against your lips. They were soft and sweet. Katsuki could taste the residue sugar from the cookies you had been eating the night before and he pulled back with a frown, making you frown just as much. He wasn't mad that you didn't brush your teeth, although you should have. He was upset at the reminder that Deku was with you when you were supposed to be having a study date. He was upset that Deku was the one who stayed up with you until two in the morning. He was upset that Deku was acting like a better boyfriend when he was just your friend and nothing more. Katsuki should've been doing more, he should've been doing a better job.
"I really am sorry for ditching you yesterday. If you want, we can redo the date today."
"I really missed you yesterday. I did some cramming with Deku, but I don't think he's as good of a teacher as you are."
"Of course dumb Deku isn't as good as me. I'll grab my books before I come back, we'll have a nice do-over date."
Hearing you say that Izuku wasn't as good as him made him feel good. It was slightly reassuring to Katsuki, yet he couldn't stop this budding feeling every time he thought about you and Izuku studying last night.  
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"Buy her something nice. Something nice like jewelry. I always see you buying her practical stuff, that's boring. Girls like pretty shiny gifts from their boyfriends."
Mina's second piece of advice had been to buy you some jewelry. According to Mina jewelry was an acceptable gift for a boyfriend to buy his girlfriend. Katsuki had been buying you practical and weird gifts throughout your relationship. He thought they were good, he thought they were sweet and enjoyable. He supposed he was wrong. With every piece of advice from Mina, Katsuki was getting punched in the gut. He thought he was treating you right, he thought he was doing this whole relationship thing right, but he wasn't. If he didn't fix things fast then dumb Deku would steal you away from him.  
Katsuki felt inside of his pocket for the necklace he bought you. He had Mina help him pick it out that morning. It had been sitting there in a pretty little black box with a red bow waiting to be opened. He wanted to give it to you when he gave you the flowers, but he didn't want you to view it as an apology gift, he wanted it to be viewed as a sweet, 'I was thinking of you', gift.
By the time Katsuki had gotten back to your dorm room, you were all showered and dressed in fresh clothes. You were wearing comfortable clothes, and Katsuki had to smile again. You looked simply perfect. With your hair pushed back by a headband, sweatpants, and another one of his sweaters which you practically swam in, you looked angelic to him. Katsuki put a bag containing your lunch on the small table you had in your room, he placed the vase containing your new flowers there too before pulling out your lunch. You grabbed his book bag from him with a smile and began to pull his books out and place them alongside yours in a neatly organized fashion to create a nice study space.
"What'd you find for lunch?"
"There wasn't much in the fridge to quickly grab, so I made some curry."
"I love it when you cook. It always tastes good."
You smiled at Katsuki and placed a quick peck against his cheek before taking a seat next to him. His chest swelled with pride as he watched you freely dig into the container of food. You liked his cooking, and as he watched you feast in it he knew you weren't lying. At least he did one thing right on his own. One more wrong thing and he was sure he was going to blow a casket.
"Aren't you gonna eat?"
You stared at him with half-lidded eyes and spoke with your mouth half full, barely pronouncing your words but Katsuki still knew what you were saying. He stopped staring at you and began working on his own dish. Every once and a while Katsuki noticed your eyes go from your food to his face and then to the flowers before diving back to the food. He supposed you really liked them. It felt good knowing he was doing it right. It felt good knowing you were happy and content with him for the moment.
You wiped your face off and just as you were about to clean up your lunch mess Katsuki jumped up and took care of it. He grabbed your lunch containers and closed them before tossing them back into the bag he brought them in. He took a wet wipe and wiped up your table and then proceeded to toss the dirty wipe in the trash bin.
"Ready to study?"
"Yup! You're a really good teacher, I really look forward to our study dates."
You walked over to your bed and took a seat on the ground whereas Katsuki laid across your bed in a position where he could have a book out and also easily look over the edge to see what you were doing. This was how you always did your study dates. Katsuki would work and watch to see if you were slacking off, then you would switch books and quiz each other. Slowly the clock clicked away, each passing second made Katsuki grow antsy. He wanted to give you the stupid neckless he had inside his pocket. Katsuki huffed as he slammed his book shut and pushed it off of the bed. You craned your neck back to see what Kastuki was doing before narrowing your eyes, no way did he think he could stop studying while he made you work.
"What are you doing? Are you studying up there?"
"No, c'mere."
You huffed as you pulled yourself up off of the floor and crawled onto the bed next to Katsuki. A mixture of blankets and skin touched you as he wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you so your back was flush against his chest. He let his head rest inside your neck, and you struggled to pull out of his grip.
"What are you doing? We're supposed to be studying."
"I don't wanna study right now. The test is Monday, we can still study tomorrow."
You bit your lip as you contemplated his offer. He had a point. The test was Monday morning, and it was only Saturday, not to mention that you had studied with Deku yesterday. The offer was just so out of character for Katsuki, part of you wondered if it was a trick and thought he was going to pull out a piece of rolled-up newspaper to hit you with like he did for Eijirou. You let yourself sink into his arms, you had been up to this for a while, you deserved a break.
"Okay, but only a small break. got it?"
"Mm. I got you something."
Katsuki pulled away from your body to dig in his pocket and pull out the small black box. You rolled over so you could face him and your gift with a growing smile on your face. You loved Katsuki's gifts. Whether it was intentional or not, he always got you something you needed. Whether it was you complaining about cold hands or your lack of working pens, the next day you would find gloves and a pack of pens with a note from him saying something stupid, like 'You better use these to take your shitty notes' and 'If you get arthritis in your hands you can't become a hero'. It was always a surprise and a delight. Katsuki handed over the box and you tore the bow off before opening it.
"It's a necklace!"
"Oh, it's very cute."
You tried not to frown as you looked over the necklace. You tried you're best to put a beaming smile on your face. It was still a gift and you needed to show your gratitude. It wasn't as conventional as your other gifts, but it was still pretty. Maybe it had a special meaning? Maybe he saw it and thought of you? It was just so unusual. He never bought you jewelry and the style was obviously not his.
"Did you pick it out yourself?"
You tried not to make it sound like you were fishing for an explanation as you smiled and clasped it around your neck to show how much you 'loved' it. Katsuki contemplated telling you he picked it out himself but seeing as you were friends with Mina he wasn't sure what she'd say and he didn't want to look bad.
"Well, I got a little help. Figured a female's perspective wouldn't hurt."
Suddenly you felt sick to your stomach. Not only had he given you a necklace, an unconventional and unusual gift compared to the ones he usually gave, but he let a girl pick it out. There was no special meaning, it was just pretty. Your mind went back to the flowers. The yellow roses. He bought you yellow roses. Your whole relationship he brought different breeds and types, never roses. Especially not yellow, the color that represented friendship.
"Thank you, I love it!"
You wrapped your arms around Katsuki, bringing him into a big, tight hug. Although you were with him physically, mentally you were in other places. That dark place in the back of your head was telling you why he gave you these offhanded weird gifts. The dark place in the back of your head was filling you with untrue silly thoughts, yet you couldn't help but let your head entertain them and wonder. The more you wondered, the more you wanted to rip your neckless off.
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Pop music could be heard blaring loudly from a BlueTooth speaker connected to Mina's phone as you walked into her dorm room. Without knocking you barged right in, Mina supposed there really was a reason you and Katsuki were together. You were both bluntly rude and sometimes you didn't even realize it. You flopped down at the foot of her bed and looked up at her before greeting your pink friend.
Mina didn't look up from what she was doing, she continued flicking through the pages of some fashion-forward girly magazine as she replied to you. You ran your fingers through her soft duvet as you looked around her dorm room. It looked like Claires threw up on the walls and it gave you a major headache. You and Mina had two different style sets, two sets of style very far apart.
"Did you study for the test tomorrow?"
Unlike her room, that was a subject that would give Mina a headache. Mina roughly flipped another page of the magazine she was holding as she let out an exhausted breath.
"No, and before you scold me neither did Denki. I swear Katsuki is rubbing off on you."
At the sound of his name, your hand went up and touched the necklace he got for you. You only wore it in case you saw Katsuki today, you planned to wear it for the next two weeks, then you'd pretend you lost it. You weren't a necklace kind of person, and it wasn't even sentimental. Mina tossed her magazine down on the bed and a smile played on her face as she saw the necklace between your fingers.
"That's a cute necklace? Did Katsuki get it for you?"
"Yeah, he did."
You answer Mina's questions and inquiries as you let the gem on the necklace slip out of your fingers. You couldn't help but let your face slip into a frown. You couldn't help it, the more you thought about the necklace, the further you fell into dark thoughts. It wasn't even the fact that it wasn't sentimental like all of the other gifts he gave you, it was the fact he let some girl pick it out. You weren't a controlling person, not remotely. If Katsuki wanted female friends he could have them, he did have them. While he wouldn't call Mina a friend, she was. Mina was a girl you felt comfortable with, however, you had already had a girl in mind of who you thought helped him, a girl who wasn't Mina. A girl you didn't feel comfortable with, a girl you knew you shouldn't feel comfortable with.
"Well, it's very pretty, if I had a boyfriend who brought me gifts like that I'd be over the moon. So I take it things between you and Katsuki are good then?"
"I guess, um, I just... I think Katsuki is cheating on me."
You started off in a stutter before you bluntly spoke out your words. The moment your voice hits your ears you cringe at yourself and cross your arms. It was such a ridiculous thought. A horrendous and dark thought that, lately, kept crossing your mind more often than it should be crossing and occurring.
"What? Why?!"
"He's just acting so strange and weird."
You pulled yourself up into a cross-legged sitting position on Mina's bed to talk to her. Mina moved and adjusted her own body, completely immersed in what you were saying. You played with your hand as your next words came out.
"Whenever he's out late he always, and I mean always comes to my dorm before going to bed. He didn't come to my dorm last Friday, instead, he shows up at my dorm Saturday afternoon with flowers."
"Flowers are sweet and romantic though. The fact that he bought them for you means he cares."
"Katsuki always brings me a wide variety of flowers. Hydrangeas, snapdragons, hyacinth. It's out of the ordinary and romantic, but this time he bought roses. Not just any roses, yellow roses. What kind of statement is he trying to make with that one?! Everyone knows yellow roses mean friendship and red means romance. Even Denki knows that."
Mina scratched the back of her head nervously. She supposed she should have explained to Katsuki to get red roses. Katsuki was unaware of things in the romance department. Mina needed to try and dial things back before Katsuki found out what you're thinking.
"Katsuki isn't very romantically smart, you're his first serious romantic relationship."
"Yeah, but we've been dating for nearly a year, and that's not even it. We were studying yesterday, and you know how strict Katsuki is when he's studying, you've seen him with Eijirou. Katsuki was not strict at all, he made me stop studying to cuddle. To cuddle! Can you believe that?"
"Well... Maybe he's trying to be sweeter to you, I mean look at the necklace he got you, it's so romantic."
"Don't even get me started on the necklace! Katsuki always brings me sentimental and meaningful gifts. He buys me pencil led when I'm low, and notebooks when he sees my paper is getting down to the end, he buys me gloves when he notices mine are lost or have holes. They're stupid and meaningful and I love it."
You ran your fingers through your hair distressed and upset. Yanking your hands through a few new forming snarls from laying on the bed, practically pulling some hair strands out.
"The necklace isn't meaningful, it doesn't have sentiment, and he didn't even pick it out himself! Some girl picked it out for him."
"Why, didn't he say who? It doesn't mean anything. The girl is probably a friend."
"I think I already know who the girl is. It's some stupid brunette from Shiketsu High. They met during his supplementary lessons, they met again after their internship heroes started working together regularly. She saw him when we were walking to get coffee and she just had to stop and talk to him, she was obviously flirting with him."
You had never felt more awkward at that moment. She was blatantly flirting with him, whether she knew that you were together or not, you didn't know. You didn't expect Katsuki to talk about his relationship during his internship, he was supposed to be working, but you didn't trust her. You knew from that moment the brunette was going to be trouble. She was interested in your boyfriend and that spelled out trouble to you.
"'had a little help' he says, staking her claim on what's mine I say."
"[Y/N], I don't think katsuki would cheat on you. He wouldn't do that."
Mina felt completely nervous. She hadn't realized you and she had such different opinions on romance and what was wooing and not. Katsuki was romantic, he was doing nothing wrong, she just didn't see it from your point of view. Mina had worried Katsuki for nothing and gave bad romance advice which resulted in you worrying. Katsuki was going to kill her, she needed to fix this.
"[Y/N], Katsuki loves you a lot, don't worry, okay?"
"Okay, you're probably right, I'm thinking too much. I'm going back to my dorm, try to get some studying in before the test tomorrow."
Despite the pink girl's words you still didn't feel good. As you stood up and walked to her door, you still felt a rush of negative thoughts and emotions. You still felt winded and emotional. You still felt hurt and fearful of your relationship. You felt the same as you did when you walked into her dorm.  
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You nervously tapped your leg up and down on the ground repeatedly as Mr. Ectoplasm and his copies passed out the scored math tests to the class. You supposed a quirk like that must be very useful as a teacher. You kept making little glances over at where Katsuki was sat and your heart clenched. You felt so ridiculous for suspecting he was cheating. You felt completely horrible. Mina was right, Katsuki loved you. Katsuki loved you and he would never cheat. The simple thought that he would was wrong, yet, this lingering feeling told you he was. 
Maybe you should talk to him about it. Maybe you should tell him and express your fears and worries. It was better to talk about things like this, it was better to express yourself rather than locking it up and away, where it could fester and damage your relationship. You looked back over at Katsuki, who caught your glace this time and smiled at you. The smile made you feel sick and guilty for feeling this way. You would tell him how you were feeling after class. The sooner it was out in the open the better. 
You turned back to your test sheet and frowned at the result. You got a forty. Forty. After all that studying you had received a forty. You wanted to be mad at Katsuki for not making you study harder, but you had studied with Izuku first hand. Maybe Ectoplasm would let you take a retest. Ectoplasm dismissed you all and you quickly folded up your test paper in half so no one could see your result as you exited. After you packed up your school bag you stood out in the hall and waited for Katsuki. 
The nerves in your stomach churned. You didn't want to tell Katsuki the negative thoughts that were running through you, you didn't want to tell him how you had dark thoughts and worries about him cheating, but you had to tell him. You had to put your thoughts and theories to rest. Katsuki came out in the hall with his own test papers in hand and you both began to walk to your next class. 
"What'd you score?"
"Got a ninety-two. You?"
"A forty."
You sighed as you clenched the paper in your hand. That was a D. Katsuki was on the fritz. He was trying to take Mina's advice. He wanted to be nice and softer to you like Mina told him he had to be, but he couldn't. You should've studied harder, he should've made you study harder. Katsuki gritted his teeth and took a deep breath to calm himself down before responding. 
"You'll do better next time!" 
"What is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean?"
You looked at Katsuki like he grew two heads. This wasn't your boyfriend, and you slightly wondered if Toga had infiltrated UA. He was never kind like this, he wasn't a positive person. He was supposed to yell at you. Tell you to study better. Tell you you needed to get good scores if you were going to become a hero with him. 
"It's just a bad test score, not every score can be a baller."
"I failed my test, you're supposed to yell at me. Tell me I'm stupid, tell me to study more. Tell me anything but that fake positivity shit! You are not acting like yourself, are you cheating on me? Is this guilt? Are you guilty?"
"No! Fuck, no!"
Katsuki dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around you. That wasn't how you meant to tell him about the thoughts you were having. You wanted to tell him calmly and respectfully, you hadn't meant to flat out accuse him, your thoughts just need up tumbling out that way. Katsuki's own reassuring words came stumbling out in your ear as he tightly gripped you against him.  
"You are perfect and beautiful, and so important to me. I would never cheat on you, I would never fuck up what I have with you. Why would you think that? I don't wanna make you feel that fuckin' way."   
"I know that. I know you wouldn't, but you have been acting so weird and different." 
"I need to be nice or else I'm going to lose you. I got insecure, but shit, I should be. You are so perfect, and you deserve roses and jewelry and the world. You deserve someone who cuddles you instead of studying and who doesn't make you feel like they're cheating and fuck-" 
You pull out of Katsuki's tight grip and cup his cheeks. Your fingers skimmed over his skin tenderly as you stared up at his red eyes and noticed how watery they were. Your heart broke, you thought he was unfaithful but he was really just scared of losing you.
"I don't want you to be soft and nice. You already give me the world Katsuki. You make me study because you care about me. I don't want you to get me roses and Jewelry, I hate it, and I love the stupid little gifts you get me. You don't give me affection and cuddles, but you do other things, like waiting to walk me to class and making me food." 
"You don't want me to be nicer?"
"No! Everything you do is already perfect. Everything you do shows me you care about me in your own way. I love the way you are, I don't want you to change."
Katsuki pulled you back into his arms and pressed a rough kiss against your forehead. He was doing everything right. He was better than dumb Deku, and your test score was proof of that. He wasn't going to lose you, Denki and Mina were wrong. 
"Come to my dorm tonight, you need to study better dumbass."
It didn't matter that the whole class watched the exchange between you both. It didn't matter that Mina had screwed with your relationship and felt very relieved to have gotten off scot-free, for now at least. It didn't matter because all Katsuki cared about was the fact that he was a great boyfriend, the best. He didn't have to be softer, nicer. He didn't have to change, you liked it. You loved him, the way he was. That was all that mattered.
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pod95 · 3 years
Pairing: Finn Balor X reader
Word Count: 2152
Warnings: Smutt (implied)
Description: A/n you and your best friend Becky Lynch are sharing a hotel room together, but when her boyfriend Seth Rollins sneaks in, you are left with no choice but to sleep in his room with the guy you hate, Finn Balor.
A/N This is part of a series of one shots I am doing. You can read this and the others on my Wattpad, AO3 and FanFiction pages.
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Room Swap
"Name please," the receptionist asked as you searched through your purse for your ID.
"Y/l/n. It should be a twin room."
"Ah yes, here you are," she turned to the board behind and picked out a key card. You're in room 412."
"Thanks!" you take the key card off of her and return to Becky, who was waiting with your luggage in the lobby.
"Everything all sorted, roomie?" Becky asked, thumbing through a magazine.
"Yeah I can't wait. Ever since you got with Seth we never get to bunk together. It's gonna be like old times!"
"I just hope you're ready for a wild night of stuffing our faces with room service and bingeing bad horror movies," she winked and giggled.
"Ooft sounds like a hot date," you teased her.
"Speaking of hot..." Becky gestured to the lobby entrance where her boyfriend Seth Rollins was bringing in his luggage. He made his way over to you and beamed when he saw Becky.
"Damn, you're beautiful. Can I get your number?" he teased.
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend. He's super buff and macho and could probably kick your ass," she retorted, planting a loving kiss on his cheek. Seth wrapped his arms around her waist as you smiled at how happy you were that your friend found someone who truly loved her.
"Are you sure you wanna spend the night with y/n? I mean I love Finn but we could have a LOT of fun in a room together..." Seth cooed, kissing Beckys neck.
"Hey, Rollins! Stop making moves on my woman. You get every other night with her. Go near her, and I'll chop that dick off!" you threatened playfully.
"Fine, Jeez!" he laughed, "We really need to get you a boyfriend."
You shuddered at the words. You had been secretly seeing someone, but broke it off a couple of weeks ago and you were starting to lose hope of ever finding a decent guy.
"You know, Finn is still single..." Becky prompted.
"Ugh no way!" you retched, "not even if he was the last man on Earth."
"Finn's a great guy! I really don't get why you hate him so much..." Seth shook his head.
"Where do I start? He's cocky and narcissistic, he thinks he's God's gift to women, he's always bragging about how many girls he's been with. Yeah sure, he's hot, but he knows it. Besides, he's a jerk to me whenever we're together."
"Y/n, you haven't even given him a chance. I reckon if you spent some time alone with him, you'd see all the good parts of him!" Seth enthused.
"He wears very tight trunks in the ring, I've already seen WAY more parts of him than I'm comfortable with."
"Aww, y/n, I'm flattered you spend your free time thinking about me in tight trunks!" came an Irish accent from behind you. You groaned internally.
"I wouldn't be... You missed the part where I called you cocky and narcissistic." you jeered, smirking at Finn.
"It's not cocky if you can back it up love," he winked, and you hated yourself for finding him so attractive.
"Right, sure. Guys like you are all talk."
"Oh one night alone with me, and you'd never want to leave," he went to brush a hair from your face, giggling mischievously as you swatted it away. "I could prove it to you tonight if you want."
"Oh my god, why are all the men in my life trying to ruin our night together? Go find some other woman to disappoint, Balor! She's mine tonight," Becky scolded him. "Y/n, we should go to our room before these Jackasses get in the way."
Becky stood up, kissed Seth affectionately and grabbed her luggage. You followed her leave, grabbing your things and saying goodbye to Seth.
"What no goodbye kiss for me?" Finn hollered is you set off towards the elevator, cackling at the middle finger you were now responding with.
When you got to the room, Becky kicked her shoes off and dove onto a bed. You changed into a tank top and some leggings as she looked through the room service menu.
"I'm gonna get some lobster. What do you want?"
"Ooh very fancy. I'll have the same."
You spent the evening pigging out on fancy room service and making fun of terrible movies before eventually feeling too tired to stay awake and nodding off halfway through the second movie.
Just as you'd fallen asleep, you were awoken by a noise. You weren't sure what it was at first, it sounded kind of wet. Then you heard a soft moan coming from the bed next to you and you looked over to see a huge lump under the covers of Beckys bed. Groaning, you turned your bedside lamp on.
"Really guys? I'm trying to sleep here..." you protested.
"Oh shit, sorry y/n. I'll just go." a naked Seth peeked out from under the covers, his hair messy and his voice breathless.
"No, it's fine just... Give me your key card. I'll sleep in your room."
"Really? Sure, it's in my pants. Thanks y/n, you're the best." Seth said, before retreating back under the covers, much to the delight of a giggling Becky.
You hastily retrieved the key card (room 426) from his discarded pants and made your escape.
As you stormed down the hall to where Seth and Finn were staying, you muttered under your breath. You knew that Becky and Seth were a couple, but do they have no boundaries? You arrived at room 426 and knocked on the door. Despite having the key, you didn't want to just barge into the room unannounced.
A shirtless Finn opened the door. He blinked in surprise upon seeing you, before smiling cockily.
"I see you decided to take me up on my offer earlier," he purred, leaning coolly against the doorframe.
"No chance in hell. Seth and Becky are 'getting busy', and as close as we are, I REALLY don't wanna see her O face so... Seth said I could crash here. Sorry to disappoint you," you shoved past, struggling to keep your eyes off of his impressive torso.
"Alright but I should warn you... I sleep naked," Finn beamed at you, amused by the look of horror that crossed your face.
"Whatever just... You stay in your bed, I'll stay in mine and we should get through the night without me beating you to death!" you smiled sweetly back at him.
"Oh come on. I'm just messing with you," he chuckled, grabbing a towel from the wardrobe. "I'm gonna take a shower, TV remote is there. Make yourself at home."
Finn disappeared into the bathroom and shortly after, you heard the gushing of the shower. For a moment, you imagined the water cascading down Finn's abs and trickling down his body. Disgusted with yourself for imagining such things, you shook the thought from your mind and turned on the TV.
Eventually, Finn emerged from the shower, and you were surprised to see him wearing a pair of shorts and a vest. You stared at him for a moment, still confused.
"Is there a problem?" he asks, snapping you out of your stupor.
"No! Not at all... You're just such a playboy, I'm surprised you're wearing actual clothes and not a towel that's far too small for you," you challenged him, secretly disappointed by the reality.
"Contrary to what you might think about me, I'm not a sex pest. I may be cocky and full of myself, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to make you uncomfortable." annoyed, Finn collapsed into his bed, refusing to make eye contact with you.
"Finn... I'm sorry. I'm being a jerk. Honestly, thanks for letting me stay here. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
"Well... You can buy me pizza. I like pepperoni and stuffed crust please!" He grinned cheekily and you couldn't help but smile back at him.
"Pizza, for Mr Abs? What about all those carbs?" you teased him, picking up the menu from the desk.
"Well, you really upset me and now I'm eating my feelings," Finn pouted adorably at you, giggling when you threw a pillow at him.
You and Finn went back and forth teasing each other until the pizza arrived, when Finn jumped up excitedly and rushed to the door to collect it.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Finn asked, sitting at the end of his bed and tucking into his Pizza.
"Sure," you started flicking through the movie channels. "Oooh, Toy Story!"
You lay back, occasionally eyeing up Finns pizza. Your stomach gave you away and let out a thunderous growl, as you held a pillow over it, trying to muffle the sound.
"Do you want some?" Finn tempted you, patting an empty space on the bed next to him. Nodding enthusiastically, you accepted the invitation and grabbed a slice.
The room fell quiet apart from the sound of you and Finn happily tucking in to the pizza.
"So are you feeling any better?" Finn asked, grabbing another slice.
"Better? What do you mean?"
"Well you seemed angry earlier. It must be frustrating never getting to see Becky," Finn prompted, giving you a look of genuine sympathy. You were surprised that he had picked up on it. You usually had a bad attitude around him anyway, so it was impressive that he could tell you were more upset than usual.
"I was at first, but I get it. They're a couple, they wanna spend time together. If I had a boyfriend, I'd be the same, " you confessed.
"So what happened with that guy you were seeing?" Finn asked, the hint of a smile on his lips.
"Oh that didn't go anywhere. Wait, how did you know about that?"
"Oh... I guess... Becky might have mentioned it..." Finn stammered, unusually flustered.
"Becky didn't know..." you eyed him suspiciously. Finn paused, thinking for a moment before sighing.
"OK fine..." he shuffled nervously. "A couple of weeks ago, I was outside your locker room and I heard you on the phone to him."
"And why exactly were you lurking outside my locker room, Mr Balor?" you teased him, amused by this vulnerable version of Finn.
"Well, I was planning on asking you to dinner," he quickly reverted back to his usual, charismatic self.
Speechless and somewhat embarrassed, you grabbed another slice of pizza and continued watching the movie. You're cheeks felt hot, and you could still feel Finns eyes on you. But even so, you couldn't help but feel surprised by how comfortable you were around Finn.
After several minutes, you dared to glance back at him. The glance escalated, and soon you found yourself examining his features in great detail. He really was incredibly attractive. Your attention moved from his dark hair towards his mesmerising blue eyes, twinkling with delight as he watched the movie, down his strong cheekbones to where an adorable, boyish smile perfectly complimented the rest of his face. As he turned towards you and caught you staring, every instinct told you to avert your eyes, but you just couldn't.
His eyes locked onto yours, holding your gaze as you felt your heart rate increasing. He smirked, pleased with himself for having caught you staring at him. Unblinking, he looked you up and down, licking his lips seductively. Bashful, you turned away, not wanting him to see you blush. Finn reached out a hand to stroke your reddening cheek.
Your skin tingled, as you nuzzled against his hand. Finn let out a low, victorious chuckle and cupped your other cheek in his hand, turning it to face him. You stared at his lips for just a moment before closing the distance between your face and his, stopping just before his lips. You closed your eyes, smiled to yourself, and pressed your lips to his. It was gentle and nervous at first, but as your hunger for him grew, the kiss became more passionate. You let out a small moan when he gently nibbled your lower lip. He pulled away, breathless, eyeing you intensely.
"If this goes much further... I won't be able to stop myself. Are you OK with that?" Finn asked, stroking your cheek. You nodded, never breaking eye contact. Finn smiled roguishly.
"Perfect." Finn grinned, tangling his fingers in your hair and devouring your lips, as you made a silent reminder to thank Seth and Becky
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think, and if you want a part 2 at some point in the future 😊
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
My Hero
Dabi x Reader Warnings: Fluff, angst, very lovely romantic smut, swearing, violence but like punching walls and shit nothing big, Dabis backstory isn't spoiled I don't reveal his last name I swear, when he cries it's not like crying (obvi no tear ducts) but like the kind of crying where you’re crying but no tears come out
to use: input your name as y/n, I don't use your quirk in this. To input your quirk use y/q. To change different things click “change something other than y/n” and follow the directions.
Master List
@issamomma I hope it's tolerable ❤️
“Hey! I see your requests are open. In light of all the recent spoilers, can I ask for something very sappy and self indulgent? Can I get a large fluff angst Dabi combo where he goes off about being the most powerful villain but all he ever wanted to be was a hero and the only time he’s ever truly felt like a good man and like he’s #1 is with y/n? With a side of mild romantic smut but hold the gluten? Thanks. 💕🙏🏻 If not, no worries. I’m gonna stalk your page and read more of your stuff now.”
This story is like compressed if that makes sense for some reason my brain just smashed everything that happens into one day 😃🔫
Honestly, I might write another version? Idk but I CANT START OVER AGAIN
Here's a song I like
“G’morning Dabi, ” you said, rolling over to hold him.
When you were met with a Dabi-free bed, panic immediately set in.
You peeked through the door, “Dabi?” you called
“Right here, babe, ” he said from the kitchen.
The smell of syrup filled your nose, and you realized that Dabi, the number two villain, was making you pancakes. Your bare feet hit the soft carpet as you walked to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and kissed the back of his left shoulder.
“You are amazing, Dabi, ” you mumbled against his shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah whatever, don't get sappy y/n, ” he said.
You ran your hands up and down his stomach, taking a deep breath to smell his cologne.
“Stop distracting me y/n they're gonna burn, ” he grumbled.
“Fine, fine!” You said.
You let go of him to put on a pot of coffee only to see that he had made coffee just the way you like.
“Jeez, did you kill a puppy or something because if so, apology accepted, ” you said.
“No, I didn't kill a fucking puppy. I just wanted to do something nice for you, ” he said, “but if youre gonna make it a big deal everytime-”
“Nope, nevermind, I'll be quiet, ” you interrupted.
Dabi finished making breakfast, and you both sat down at the table. He was quite proud of himself, seeing you smile at him when you first came down, feeling you wrap your arms around him, kissing him. It made his chest feel warm and light. Don't get the wrong idea. He’d never do anything like this for anyone else, no matter what. Only you, he was only soft for you. He even washed the dishes saying that “it was more meaningful if I do them myself, ”
You sat in the living room, talking about anything and everything. It had taken the better part of three years, but Dabi was an open book. He had cried on your shoulder, you had watched him bleed. You had stapled him together, watched him go about all his villainous deeds, and never, ever judged him. You were the best thing to happen to him. y/n y/l/n, or preferably when finally proposed (if you know his last name, please put it into interactive fics) y/n d/l/n. (Dabis last name)
You got up and felt your feet get caught on the rug but before you could hit the floor, Dabi’s arms wrapped around you.
You laughed as you steadied yourself, “my hero, ”
He froze, “your hero?”
“Yeah, that's what I said, ” you responded.
“A hero, ” he spat, “are you fucking kidding?”
“No Dabi that's not what I-” you started.
“Shut the fuck up y/n, I'm not your fucking ‘hero,’” he sneered, “im the greatest fucking villain of all time. That man child is a joke, ”
(ouch 😐)
“No please Dabi just listen, ” you said.
“No, you listen, y/n. I can't be your fucking hero. I fucking kill people. That's my life youre just a delusional little girl who wants someone to save her. That's. Not. Me, ” he said.
“Please baby I just, ” you tried.
His fist hit the wall, and his other knocked over a vase as it shattered, “I told you to listen! I'm not here to save you. I could burn this whole fucking house to the ground with you in it if I wanted to. You shouldn't be around me y/n. I can't do anything right I'll just hurt you I can't keep you safe, ” he started to unravel.
“I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone; I just wanted to be a hero. I just wanted to help. But I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't,” he broke, “please, please, I didn't mean it I just I love you, and I can't lose you. I'm sorry ill get you a new vase; I'll cook your favorite food. We can get that dumb cat you saw in the store anything y/n. I wanted to be a hero y/n I wanted to go to that dumb school and help people, but I can't. It's all ruined, ruined ruined ruined, ” he started to sob, sliding down to the floor.
“I just want it to stop. Please make it stop y/n it hurts everything hurts, ” he ran his hands over the burns and picked at the staples.
“Baby no, don't pick at them, ” you said pulling his hands away.
Was he an asshole? Yeah, yeah, he was. But he always had to get angry before he got sad. He was never taught how to express it. That wasn't any excuse, but he was never violent, and he always always regretted it. So you sat next to him, letting him sob and sob into your chest.
“Please let me make it up to you, ” Dabi begged, leaving sloppy kisses up and down your neck, “please I'm so sorry, let me make it all better y/n let me make you feel good, baby, look just stay here let me make it special, ” he said running upstairs.
Ten minutes later, he picked you up, carrying you up the stairs. He set you down, and you looked around. The room smelled like roses and it was warm from the candles that illuminated the room.
“Dabi, ” you whispered, “this, this is perfect, ”
You turned to him as he pulled his shirt over his head, giving you access to his chest and stomach. You ran your hands up and down his chest rubbing over his nipple gently. He groaned.
“No baby, lemme take care of you, ” he said, “I've got wine and everything; let's make a night out of it yeah?”
You grinned, “mmm yeah, red?”
“You know I hate white wine y/n, ” he said, “I want to ask you while youre sober, are you okay with all of this?”
“Yes, ” you kissed him and mumbled against his lips, “I'm very sure, ”
He opened the bottle, “open up, baby girl, ”
You opened your mouth and he held your chin, pouring the wine into your mouth.
“There we go, ” he said, taking a couple of swigs.
You pulled him to the bed, smiling. You drank some more wine together, getting needier.
“Please please please, ” you begged, “please I need it,”
He kissed you, his tongue entering your mouth. It tangled with yours, exploring your mouth as his pants got tighter. Your hands gripped his hair. You pulled harshly, causing him to groan. He pulled you into his lap, moving your crotch over his clothed erection. He moaned into your mouth as he moved your hips. He wasn't the only one moaning as his hands traveled up your shirt.
He groped your tits through your bra, still frantically moving against you. He moved to your back, rubbing slow circles onto it. His fingers were rough and calloused but so gentle, letting his nails graze your back from time to time, making you shiver. They moved up your back until they reached your bra, trying to take it off.
He pulled away, “this stupid fucking thing, can you turn around?”
You turned, “you want to get my shirt while youre at it?”
“Oh I would love to take off your shirt, ” he smirked.
His hands and the soft fabric brushed your stomach as Dabi lifted your shirt. Next, your chest was set free as your bra fell on the bed. Immediately his hands were on you, pinching and rubbing your nipples, still grinding against you. Your moans mixed, nearly harmonizing, and you were only half-naked. He helped you out of your pants, rubbing your clit through your panties.
You moaned, ”n-not fair you don't even have your pants off, ”
He chuckled, “you want my pants off?”
You nodded, reaching for the zipper. He stopped your hand, moving to stand in front of you, pulling his pants down and stepping out of them. You grabbed his bulge through his boxers, causing him to hiss. You could feel it throbbing and decided to show mercy by getting rid of his underwear. It bobbed briefly touching his stomach. You couldn't help but stare, the head was an angry red with precum oozing out of it.
“Are you fucking drooling?” he laughed.
“N-no, ” you said, still staring.
He moved closer, the tip nudging your lips. You opened them enough to wrap around the head and suck gently. You let your tongue press against the tip, licking up and down slowly. He moaned shamelessly.
“No, no, lemme do it, baby f-fuck, ” he groaned as you pulled away.
He laid you down on your back. He got on top of you.
Pressing his forehead to yours, he whispered, “I love you, ” before easing the first part of himself into you.
“I love you too- f-fuck Dabi, oh my god, ” you moaned, throwing your head back.
He grabbed your chin to make you look him in the eyes as he bottomed out inside of you. Your nails dug into his sides as you moaned for him to ‘just please fucking move Dabi.’ and move he did, thrusting in and out of you slowly. He left your faces a centimeter apart, foreheads still pressed together. He let you feel all of him; his piercing dragged over your soft walls, right over that perfect spot. Your back arched and closed the nonexistent space between you.
He sped up, unable to control himself. Your nails raked over his back as he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, ” he mumbled into your neck.
His thrust became sloppier as the pleasure built up inside of you. It filled you up until it burst, coaxing something close to a scream from you that Dabi muffled with his lips on yours. He left you panting and flushed. Begging him to slow down, but he was too busy chasing his own high as you chanted his name religiously. He cried out as his hips snapped against yours giving you so much pleasure it was nearly painful.
He began to make your favorite sounds. Whimpering and high-pitched whines escaped him. He was so sweet and needy when he was right on the edge, throwing his head back only to press it to yours again. He began to babble about how good it is, so wet, hot, tight, perfect for his cock. He came with a scream like moan as you felt hot liquid fill you. He was left panting and thrusting until he began to soften.
“Apology accepted, ” you whispered.
He chuckled, “thanks babe,”
You pulled him in for a kiss. After you pulled away, he pulled you to his chest. His arms were wrapped around you, covering everything the blanket couldn't, keeping you warm and protected. Dabi kissed your forehead and raked his fingers through your hair scratching your scalp with his nails. You hummed softly, running your fingers over his chest and stomach.
“Night y/n, I love you,”
You smiled and whispered, “i love you too Dabs, ”
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lenfaz · 2 years
Bridgerton S2, E3
Well, that was a rollercoaster and in almost the best way possible!
After episode 2 I was a little hesitant, but I have to say that this is still going as semi-expected. I have not ranted at the screen (that much)
- Aubrey Hall is every bit as beautiful and enchanting as I imagined it, and I loved how Kate is so taken by it while Edwina is... the Edwina we all know and love
- Newton's apperarances gave me life
- The flashbacks! OMG the flashbacks, I can't even with the amazing work both actors brought to show the heartwrenching moment that it was losing Edmund. We know from the books *why* Anthony doesn't want to fall in love and I was wondering how they were going to tell us/show us that. And I think they did a fantastic job translating those words into the flashbacks we see. I think the addition of seeing Violet going through grief and depression is so powerful. We don't want to think of that, bc is Violet and we know she loves her children and we know she'll be there for them, but this is a very plausible outcome of her grieving and having post partum depression and I think showing Anthony dealing with that at such young age is a great way to show why he doesn't want to fall in love. The scene between Anthony and Violet is just so beautiful and so on point. I cried. I did
- PALL MALL! ok, this was not how my mind ever imagined Pall Mall... (it was a lot more ruthless and rusticating in my view) but I loved every minute of it. It's much too short, MUCH TOO SHORT, but it does a great job to show them being *them* and how much he really enjoys her company without him even knowing it. I loved the heart to heart they had and how he starts to really see her. And how much she's starting to realize she wants him for herself. It's subtle, but you can see it in Simone's performance and it's A-class acting.
- I'm not crazy about Edwina crying over Anthony not proposing, but it's clear that while they tried to hide the truth from her, she knows she needs to marry well to ensure her family's future. That is why she's working so hard to please Anthony and it's so sad when he doesn't propose. It's not because she has feelings for him. That is my story and I'm sticking to it.
- I loved how they managed to weave in the "Kate likes strong tea" into the story. It's a small thing, but it does tie well with this version of Kate and I really like that they have it there.
- I loved that they included the tidbit that Anthony doesn't read at all while Edwina loves books. I'm going to pretend that was a friendly brotherly/sisterly conversation, Lady Danbury and Violet be damned.
- Daphne knows. DAPHNE KNOWS and it's so amazing that she went directly to Kate thinking that was the person her brother chose. Because you know, Anthony couldn't spend more than 2 minutes with Edwina before he needed to find Kate.
- Benedict is a fuckboy, Colin is ... Colin and Eloise whining is getting on my nerves. Also, sorry but Eloise never cared about being compared to Daphne
- I'm not sure I'm liking this Penelope thing, but it is true that she had someone helping her in the books, so I'll accept it for now. I'm bumped that we clearly won't see Anthony going to her rescue and that sucks because I loved that scene so much.
- The bee scene, OMG THE BEE SCENE I CANNOT BREATHE PEOPLE. His angst, his absolute terror that he's going to lose her, you see in his eyes that he's terrified and the way she tries to calm him, and comfort him and the panting and the heavy breathing and omg. It was perfection, perfection, except for... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT KISS THE WOMAN ANTHONY? But omg, that pent up frustration, once they finally let go... THINGS WILL BE COMBUSTING.
and this is the ranting part: I'm now even more pissed that I was last season that they stole the "I burn for you" line from this book. Not only because it's Anthony's line, but because they stole it from Kate, who needed that line, that love, that devotion, a lot more than Daphne. Daphne was well regarded by all, and praised by her beauty, whereas Kate was the ugly spinster sister of the Incomparable and we know how much she felt that to the core. So to have Anthony telling her that he burned just for her, was such a powerful moment. They better bring me something on this or I'll be mad
- As usual, the Featheringtons continue to be the most delightful thing in this show. Prudence is the best. The best. I cannot believe they didn't give us Felicity, because I would have loved to have the drawing room scene in its full glory in Colin and Pen's book. Also, if coursin Featherington wants Cressida, by all means he can have that wrecked harpy. We all know Portia can rise to that challenge.
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writer-dreams · 4 years
Colors (Draco Malfoy X Reader)
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I'll be honest, I've had this one fully written since last week. I've just been very nervous to post it because the ending is so bad 😅. I haven't been sure how to fix it and I've re-written it several times. This fic is definitely rushed but hey, it's a one-shot (and I wanted to try writing something short and sweet for once). This is still part of the Cliche Month Challenge by @wreckofawriter (sorry this was so late). I've finally gained enough courage to post it and I hope you enjoy this messy fic.
Prompt: An AU where you can only see the shades of your soulmate's eyes until you first touch.
House: You choose
Blood Status: You choose
Warnings: Possible swearing
Note: Again, very messy. Not sure I like this one too much. The reader in this story is female / uses female pronouns.
Word Count: 1,694 words
3rd Person POV
Y/n opened her eyes to see the world was still the same shade of steel grey. She longed to know what the world truly looked like, to see actual colors other than this grey. When she was younger, she was ecstatic to learn that someone out there was destined to be with her. She used to fantasize about meeting her soulmate, seeing in color and her falling in love. She imagined what her soulmate would look like, what their personality was like, their likes and dislikes.
Now, as she grew older, she began to develop fears. What if they didn't like her? Even if the universe had put them together, there was still a chance they could reject her. What if she didn't like them? She never considered herself to be a picky person, especially when it came to love, but that didn't mean that they couldn't have a horrible personality. All of her friends have already met with their soulmates, and it did seem like they matched each other perfectly. They always talked about how beautiful the world was and how they couldn't wait until she could see the colors too.
She snapped out of her thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she walked off to the courtyard, hoping a good book could distract her from the whole soulmate situation.
Y/n wasn't sure how much time had passed when she finally finished her book. A few hours, at least. She looked around the courtyard, seeing that she was the only one there. She sighed, deciding to go back inside. Y/n looked at the sky, dreaming about the day she could finally see the blue sky her friends talked about. She wondered how beautiful the night sky looked when it was in full color, how pretty a sunset could be. Yet, all she could see was grey. She was almost at the point where she would begin to resent the color. Still, she remained patient, still trying to hold on to the small shred of hope that she would someday meet the one.
On her way in, she bumped into someone rather harshly. The two fell back, Y/n closing her eyes and rubbing her head gently from where it hit the ground. When she opened her eyes, her mind was blown as suddenly, she could see the world in color. Amazed, Y/n slowly took in her surroundings, admiring the green grass and the blue sky. She looked at the bark of the trees, the castle, the white fluffy clouds. Her eyes began to fill with tears as she slowly let it all sink in. She could see, she could finally see! It was all so much more beautiful than she could have ever imagined.
The boy in front of her got up with a groan. In her dazed state, Y/n had almost forgotten about him. She looked back at him to see platinum blonde hair and grey eyes looking back at her. Her face immediately became shocked as she recognized that familiar face, those eyebrows, those thin lips, those sharp cheekbones. Draco Malfoy.
Said boy looked back at her with the same shocked eyes. He glanced quickly around him, an astonished expression on his face. His grey eyes landed back on her, almost in disbelief.
"You're my—" They both whispered.
Y/n couldn't do this. Even when he didn't know they were soulmates, Draco Malfoy was a bigoted twat. How could the universe possibly pair her up with him? Y/n shook her head, before she got up and quickly retreated to her dormitory. She could hear Draco calling after her but she ignored him and simply kept running.
When she arrived, most of her friends were already there, talking amongst each other on their beds. At the sound of the door opening, they all turned their heads and greeted her. Y/n still couldn't believe that she could see in color because of Draco Malfoy. Now, she could see the color or her friend's hairs and their eyes. She turned to a mirror and examined her reflection, playing with her (h/c) hair. She could see that she had (e/c) eyes, which was so surprising, considering that she had only seen a grey version of herself for years.
"Hey, Y/n! I just want you to know that you're beautiful and you better not be saying bad things about yourself to that mirror!" (F/n) said.
"I'm not....I just...."
"You'll find your soulmate eventually, Y/n. Then you can finally see how pretty you are." Another friend reassured.
Y/n smiled back at her, not sure if she should tell her friends that she met them and that it was the worst possible matchup ever. She decided against it, telling herself that the universe had made a mistake. There was no way that Malfoy was her soulmate, she refused to believe it.
Almost a week had passed after that incident and Y/n was still avoiding Draco. She could see him trying to reach out to her but she would quickly lose him in the crowded hallways. Everyday, every hour, she was playing a game of avoidance cat and mouse. She had gotten pretty good at it too, swiftly navigating her way through all the students.
Today was just another one of those days. There she was again, quickly walking through the crowds, afraid that she would see Malfoy and have to talk to him. Luckily for her, she managed to make it to class without running into him. She settled into her seat next to her friends, who were quietly gossiping to each other.
"Malfoy's been pretty quiet lately. Hasn't been taunting Potter or anything. He's not even picking on any first years."
"Maybe Dumbledore's finally had enough of his behaviour. Or maybe his father threatened to ground him or something."
Y/n stayed silent, listening in to their conversation. Great, even if she could physically escape Malfoy, he was still there in conversation. It really seemed like the universe was insistent that it was right with this pairing.
"Could you guys stop talking about Malfoy? He's old news anyway. Who cares if he's not bullying anyone for once? Maybe he's actually become a decent person." Y/n snapped.
Her friends looked at each other. "What's gotten you so riled up? You care about him or something?"
"Nothing. I just don't wanna hear about him. Let's just focus on the class, okay?"
Her friends nodded slowly, looking at her suspiciously before they changed the topic of their conversation. Why did she defend him? Everyone, including her, knew that he was a prat and that wasn't changing. Y/n sighed quietly, feeling frustrated. Another thing she had kept to herself was a feeling of longing for the blonde male. He appeared in her dreams like a prince offering to sweep her off her feet. She'd feel drawn to him when she saw him in the hallways, even when she forced herself to stay away from him. Y/n was afraid as to what it could mean, she couldn't accept the truth.
After classes ended, she continued through her usual route back to her dormitory. Unfortunately for her, Draco Malfoy was waiting for her right at the entrance. She quickly turned to try and make a getaway but he grabbed her arm.
"Wait. L/n, can we please talk?"
"What's there to talk about?" Y/n asked coldly, even when her heart fluttered at his touch.
"Just, come with me." Draco began pulling her away as Y/n rolled her eyes and allowed him to drag her.
He took her to an empty hallway, where he finally let her go. Y/n looked at him expectantly, putting her hands on her hips. She knew this was coming, there was no avoiding it, especially when the universe constantly pushed them together. The universe can rot in hell.
"So...we both know that we're.....soulmates. Why do you avoid it?" He sounded hurt, and Y/n's heart ached at the thought of that.
"Because, you're Draco Malfoy. You bully Potter and practically everyone else in this school. All you care about is blood status, the Slytherin house, and impressing your arsehole daddy. You're a spoiled brat who acts like you're entitled to everything, and I refuse to be one of those things just because I'm your 'soulmate'." Y/n growled at him.
He seemed to take everything she said into consideration, which was extremely out of character for him. "I can change, Y/n. I can change for you. In fact, I already have. Haven't you noticed how silent I've been? It's been the talk of the school this entire week." He said, desperately. Y/n wondered why he was so persistent, why did he continuously chase her, even when she actively ran away?
"You feel it too, don't you? A pull to me, like a bond?" Draco asked, watching her carefully. Y/n didn't answer but her silence gave her away. "I feel it too. I see you in my dreams and Merlin, I feel my heart race when I see you. I know you think this is a mistake, but the universe doesn't make mistakes. I love you, Y/n. Just give me a chance to prove it." Draco took her hand softly.
Y/n felt it. Some sort of invisible bond tying her to him. The universe had her in its clutches and it would not let her go. She felt her heart tighten and she sighed. What could it hurt to try? Clearly, the universe wasn't giving up on this and maybe there was a good reason for that. She remembered that feeling of longing for the Slytherin boy and bit her lip.
Damn it all.
She took Draco's face and smashed her lips against his. It felt like everything clicked into place as he held her face and kissed back. His lips fit perfectly against hers and she could feel the world around them stop. It was as if the universe was satisfied with its work and was allowing them to enjoy their moment. She pulled away and opened her eyes, the colors around her seemingly more vibrant than before. Draco looked at her with the widest smile on his face.
"I'll take that as a yes?" He chuckled.
"Don't make me regret it, soulmate." Y/n smiled back.
Permanent Taglist (if your name is crossed out, I couldn't tag you for some reason):
Thank you so much for reading! This was pretty hard to write (I guess I'm not that good at soulmate AU's yet 😅). I hope it wasn't too horrible to read. Yes, I am still working on requests while I'm writing these things (I promise). Thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Until next time.
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
HEAL ME (part X/X)
Summary: She was a nurse. He was a soldier. They fell in love at first sight. It was beautiful, true love. But something isn’t beautiful because it lasts.
Pairing: 40's!Bucky Barnes x nurse!Reader
Title: I'll be seeing you
Genre: hypocritical fluff
Heal me:
@just-add-butter @mannls @bethanyzed @fandom-addict-aesthetics @kitttysblog @roxytheimmortal @futuremrspeterparkerholland @i-am-a-fandom-slut @mrsbarneswillseeyounow @chook007 @avengersassemblee @littlephoenix-fire @androgynouswolfcookiemug @babyplutoszx2 @calspalkira @unnecessarydelivery @-lilacnialler- @silver-winter-wolf
Permanent taglist:
@notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @almostmellowsalad @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: language, feels, angst shit
A/N: final chapter, but there's a EPILOGUE left, welcome to the peak of angst of these series. Also, I use Roman numbers for my chapters, but my bestfriend commented the other day that most people don't find it easy to understand??? Let me know if you can understand them easily plz <3.
Heal me masterlist
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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Soon I was in an American bus, making my way to Brooklyn, more specifically to the Barnes' house.
All I remembered from the previous days was crying for Bucky, because he was not supposed to die, because I loved him and because he loved me.
I should have gone to the mission with them, I should have argued more, he would eventually have given in ;I should have tell him I loved him, even if I had told him already, even if he knew it; I shouldn't have gotten mad at him for protecting me, at least not in that moment.
It wasn't fair, because now I had to live with the guilt, and not just the one that came with Bucky’s death, but also the one that hit me after Steve's.
I never would get to apologize with any of them, I would never be able to make amends with those two Brooklyn boys.
I pushed back all those thoughts for a moment, and after taking a deep breath, I knocked the Barnes' door and waited for them to open it.
"Y/n? Darlin' so good to see you again!" Mrs. Barnes greeted, slowly opening the door. "what're ya doin' here, hun?" I didn't open my mouth, I couldn't part my lips. "you came to visit ya ma?" her voice had dropped subtly, almost as if she knew.
She knew, but was waiting for me to deny it.
I didn't shake my head no, I didn't speak the dreadful news, I only took one of my hands to my bag and grabbed Bucky’s military hat.
As I handed it to Mrs. Barnes, I saw the color leaving her face, but she didn't cry. "Where's Steve? Why isn't he with ya, hun?" her trembling voice asked in a puddle of nerves.
This time I did shake my head no, and tears were spilled. I didn't notice Rebecca coming to us until she was sobbing too.
"I'm sorry..." I apologized in a broken whisper. "It's my fault" I didn't even realize what I was saying, not even when they turned to look at me. "It's my fault he's dead... I'm- I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. It's my fault" confusion showed up on their faces while they looked at me. I finally broke down to tears, covering my mouth with one hand, trying desperately to hold back the sobs because I didn't deserve to cry with them. "I'm sorry" I repeated, but this time came out too broken to be understood, too muffled to be heard. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see the two women. "I'm so sorry- it's my f-fault I-" the sobs turned worse and my head started to spin. I had to hold onto the door frame because now with my eyes closed, the only thing I could see was Bucky's face. "I should've been there... Oh God I should have been there I'm sorry... I'm so sorry- Oh my God-"
I felt someone's trembling arms hugging me. "it ain't your fault, Y/n." it was Rebecca's voice. "it ain't on you."
A Month Later
"Y/n, love!" Mary, my bestfriend, called my name from the entrance of our house. "There's a man here who wanna see ya!"
After what happened to Bucky and Steve, after all the guilt and the sorrow, I didn't think twice before leaving the Howling Commandos. Some of the boys had tried to talk me out of it, but they couldn't have changed my mind about a decision I had made more than two years ago.
To my surprise, the boy standing in front of Mary, was non other than the one who supported my decision. "Gabe?"
"Hey" he gave me a small smile while I requested Mary to leave us. "How ya doin'?"
"I'm just trynna live" I quietly replied, stepping aside and motioning him to get in. "How come you're here?"
He hesitantly stepped in the living room, looking around. "I... We've been cleaning up" I nodded, closing the door before sitting in the sofa. "and Uh..."
"I took my things when I left." I informed him, figuring he might have mistaken and item in Bucky’s things for something mine.
"yeah, no, but-" he cleared his throat and, after taking his hand to his bag, he handed me an envelope. "this got ya name."
I stared at the envelope for a while. It had my name written over it, not just once, but four times. Three of them were crossed out, like he had been going to give it to me, and then he had regretted it.
"Morita had it between his things... Apparently Bucky gave it to him the day-"
"I don't want it" I muttered, unaware of the tears streaming down my cheeks until one fell over the same envelope.
"I'll leave it here, though." Gabe stated, getting up "in case you change your mind."
I didn't read the letter.
But it sat there, in my tiny wooden nightstand, and I was greeted with that view every morning, when I woke up to go to work in Kew Gardens General Hospital; every evening, when I came back and went to sleep; every singled time I entered.
And it wasn't like I couldn't remove it from the nightstand and put it inside that brass box of photographs an small things I had from War.
I could grab the damn letter and put it in that box that I knew I wouldn't open in several years, but I wasn't able to.
Because it was Bucky’s letter. It was what he had written me God knows when, it was a letter he had planned to give me several times, but something made him change his mind.
It wasn't just a letter.
It was something else, something I was completely sure that if I opened, I would throw away any opportunity of moving on.
But did l want to move on from that witty, kind-hearted brunette that I had fallen for in a crowded Brooklyn bar?
Days passed by, and in a sunny morning, after driving my bestfriend child to school, I decided I didn't want to move on just yet.
I waited until the kid had jumped out the car to open the envelope.
My shaky hands tore it, and something fell to the car's floor.
A ring. A beautiful wedding ring that made me let out the first sob.
If you receive this letter is because something bad happened to me.
I'm sorry doll, I really wanted to tell you how I feel about you, but I chickened out every time you talked to me.
I'm sure it wouldn't have happened if we'd come this close before I was captured.
I want you to know I fell for those fiery eyes and that damn smile the first time you asked me to dance that night back in Brooklyn, and I hope you know how thankful I am to have been able to meet that gal in the blue dress again, to get to know her.
I'm so mad at myself because I lost the opportunity to tell you.
I didn't understand the point of this letter, since he had already told me most of the things written down. Then I realized he had written and crossed my name a few times.
This was the first version.
I'm glad I kissed you again, it felt really nice and gave me hope, but again but I know how is war, and I know you'll end up receiving this letter.
I love you, doll, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you.
I turned the page, tears streaming down my cheeks.
Don't read anything of the other side of the letter, I wrote it before this mission. I wrote it every time I thought I could die, for you to have something mine.
God I'm sorry, I know it sounded stupid, but I want you to remember me. Please, don't forget me.
A couple of nights ago you asked me what would happen if you died. Doll, you're not gonna die while I'm alive, and that's why I know you'll end up receiving this.
I love you Y/n
I knew I was gonna start to read the last version of the letter, and I was not ready. But I couldn't leave it now.
I hope you don't receive this, I wanna come back, I have something really important to do.
I'm 100% 90% sure that I'll get to cross out your name again, and the moment I do, I'm gonna trash this stupid letter and we'll go to Brooklyn.
But in case I'm wrong, in case you receive this, I want you to know that this ring was for you. It still is, it always will, because I'm in love with you and not even death can change that.
I'll be seeing you.
Yours, Bucky.
I couldn't physically move, I was catatonic.
This couldn't be happening to me, I refused to accept his intention was to propose the moment Stark landed in England with Zola, I refused to believe his things were packed because he meant it when he told me we were coming back to Brooklyn.
I convinced myself that it wasn't true for years
6 Years Later
I was picking up the mail when I noticed a particularly odd envelope with my name.
We are recruiting former soldiers and agents for a new unit, born from the ashes of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, and founded by Agent Margaret Elizabeth Carter.
We are in need of an expert in the medical field, and miss Carter assured us there was no better nurse than you.
In case you need more information, come to visit us to the address written in the back of the envelope.
Edwin Jarvis
One single envelope that was about to change my life.
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blueberryrock · 4 years
Here is the next chapter of my little book, enjoy!
"Whhhyyy, must you always liieee" Sierra sings under her breath. She hums some of the song she doesn't know as she packs her backpack for school.
"SIERRA" Sierra's mom calls from the kitchen. But Sierra doesn't notice, she continues to gather her books and sing on the top of her lungs "Something, something, tiiimmmee."
"Sierra! For the love of god. Turn down that music!" Sierra's mom bursts through her bedroom door. Startled, Sierra fumbles with her radio trying to turn it off.
"You done packing?" Sierra's mom asks Sierra. She simply nods and gestures towards her packed bag. Today was the first day of college, well the first day of the last semester.
"Okay, well, hurry up and get dressed then go to the kitchen for some breakfast." Sierra's mom hugs her daughter. As soon as she leaves Sierra throws on her college hoodie and a pair of blue jeans.
She throws on a pair of sneakers and grabs her blue backpack. She runs down the hall, nearly tripping on some of her little sister's toys.
"Karlene" Sierra grumbles under her breath as she pushes away a toy. She quickly walks into the living room and turns left into the kitchen, where Karlene and their mom are eating.
The kitchen is a simple layout, it has bright orange walls with cream-colored tile flooring. The dining table is by the large window on the right, with a bathroom behind it. In the middle of the room is where the fridge lies with tons of magnets and pictures on it.
Stairs leading to the basement are in between the fridge and the door to the pantry. And on the left are all the cabinets and cupboards making an L shape, with the last cabinet by the doorway.
With one black and white oven, with a microwave above it. An assortment of different appliances crowd the white cabinets.
"Good morning!" Sierra's twelve-year-old sister calls from the kitchen table. Sierra takes a seat next to her as their mom hands her a plate of bacon,  toast, and fried potatoes.
"I still don't understand how you don't like eggs" their mom sighs as she walks back to the oven. Sierra just shrugs and picks up the fork and starts eating her food.
"I like 'em, just not alone," Sierra says between bites. After shoveling down her food, she lightly fans her mouth and coughs.
"And I told you to let it cool down" Sierra's mom hands her a water bottle. Sierra takes a swig of it and sighs as her burning mouth gets cooled.
"Technically, you never said that" Sierra smirks and her mom rolls her eyes. "Well, you should know better. Now you need to get going, you'll be late" her mom takes her plate to the sink.
"Pfff, I'll be fine" Sierra throws her bag over her shoulder and stands up. She pushes her chair in and messes up her sister's hair.
Sierra pecks her mom on the cheek and heads to the front door. "Byyyee" Sierra calls out to her mom and sister "I'll be back around three" Sierra calls out again as she opens the front door.
"Okay be safe, remember don't accept rides from strangers" her mom calls out from the kitchen. Sierra snorts and closes the front door behind her.
She shivers slightly from the weather, luckily it hasn't been raining a lot to need boots, but Sierra is careful not to slip. She pulls her hoodie up and stuffs her blonde hair in it.
After ten minutes of splashing in muddy puddles and walking on the wet sidewalk, Sierra finally reaches her school. In big bold letters above the double doors spell out the school's name.
Cowbell community college, it's technically called Iowa community college but everyone calls it Cowbell since the founders of it also sell soup, and the school smells like vegetable soup.
Sierra walks in the double doors with a few other students, trying to keep her head down.  She sighs as the school heating system finally is fixed and she hit with a wave of warm air.
She pulls down her hood and shakes her hair out, her long hair falling neatly on her back. She looks around the familiar large room. The walls are plain white with black tiled flooring. A large chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
As soon as you walk into the building you're met with a sitting area with brown stairs around it leading to the other three floors. Sierra takes an empty seat on of the many chairs. She pulls out her schedule from her backpack and looks for her first class.
She groans, math, the worst subject ever invented. Sierra slowly looks up at a large black clock, it reads eight-fifteen. She glances back at her schedule, her first class starts in fifteen minutes.
'Guess I can kill some time in the library'  Sierra packs her schedule back in her blue backpack. She jumps out of her seat and throws her backpack around her shoulder and starts to climb the long stairs.
Fortunately, the library is right next to Sierra's math class. The library was and always will be Sierra's favorite place in the school, with the science lab in a close second.
Sierra could go on and on about how great a library is, but nobody really cares except for one of her two only friends, Madison.
And like Sierra, Madison likes spending her free time in the library. Sierra grabs a random book about animals and takes a seat next to her.
Madison is very pretty, her long brown hair is in a beautiful French braid, and her brown eyes are glued to the book she was reading.
"Good morning Mads" Sierra greats her friend. Madison looks up at her and gives her a beautiful crooked smile.
"Morning" she says "have you heard anything from Barbs?" She sits up from her hunched over position.
Sierra shakes her head no. Barbra is Sierra's other friend, she doesn't really know how they became friends since she was "popular". But Sierra is grateful for any and all friends she can make.
Sierra never understood why she almost no one liked her, everyone she knew said she wasn't ugly, well except for her eyes. She always hated her mismatched eyes, but her mom always said they were like her dad's and that they mean something important. But Sierra never believed her.
Sierra shakes away that last thought and focuses on her book. Her and Madison read for the remainder of Sierra's time, once her phone goes off she puts the book she was reading away and says goodbye.
The hours tick by painfully slow, and as soon as the professor dismisses the class Sierra jumps up, grabs her bag, and quickly leaves. She pulls out her phone to check the time, thirty minutes till three.
'Ahh, I got some more time to kill' she stuffs her phone in the pocket of her hoodie and heads outside through the back door. In Sierra's opinion, the backside of the school is a lot better than the front side. It's a large field with a huge oak tree, and a small road leading towards a few houses behind it. Underneath the shade is a couple of dry benches.
Sierra pulls up the hoodie again and runs towards the oak tree. She pulls off the hood as soon as she reaches the benches. She wipes off any water that might be on it and sits down.
She closes her eyes and takes a feel breath in, the smell of dirt and rain calms her. After a minute or two she opens her eyes again and looks up at the large branches of the oak.
After five more minutes of listening to the gentle pitter-patter of the rain hitting the leaves and the sound of a few cars going by.  HONK HONK. Sierra whips around searching for whoever made the noise.
She gets up from the bench to look at the road to see a large forest green truck, with its driver waving their hand at her. Sierra smiles at the sight, she quickly grabs her bag and sprints towards the truck, not caring about her hair.
Once she gets to the driver side window, the driver pokes their head out and says " get in loser, I'll drive you home"
Sierra nods and walks around the front of the car to the passenger side. She opens the door, throws her back in the back and hops in. "Thanks, Barbs" she wipes her hair away from her face to look at her friend, her long black hair is up in a tight bun, her gorgeous green eyes are watching her every move, and she is wearing a black t-shirt underneath a red leather jacket with tight black leggings.
Barbra smiles at her, showing her perfectly white teeth. "No prob, just try not to get to much mud in here, it's my brother's truck"  Barb makes sure Sierra buckles up before she starts driving.
"What happened to your car?" Sierra asks as she looks outside the window, watching the rain pour down.
"It's getting fixed, not sure if you heard but I hit a large bird and it cracked the window," Barb says as she gestures to how it hit and how it rolled up onto the roof of the car.
"Do you know what kind of bird it was?" Sierra asks, fully aware that Barbra has no knowledge on animals.
"Of course not" she laughs "if I'd have to guess, I'd say it was a turkey, but I have no idea" she stops at a stop sign and glances around, but before she can put her foot on the gas pedal, someone speeds past her.
"Idjit! Stupid idiots" she smacks the steering wheel in anger "it's like no one knows how to crapping drive!" She growls lowly. She turns left then pulls into Sierra's driveway.
"Thanks for driving me, if I would've walked, I would've been soaked" Sierra smiles at her "did you want to come inside?"
"Sounds good Mel" Barbra says, Sierra smiles at the sound of her nickname being used. Which is just a short version of her middle name.
They both hop out of the car, and Sierra quickly grabs her bag from the back as Barbra runs to the front door. Sierra runs through the spot where her mom's car would be trying not to get too wet.
Sierra quickly unlocks the door and lets Barbra inside. She shakes off any water from her bag as she closes the door behind her. They both kick-off their shoes and jump on the large comfy couch.
"Your house will always, always, impress me" Barbra says as she sinks lower into the couch.
"You're welcome here any time" Sierra says as she looks for the remote to her large tv.
"I know, I know, I just don't want to barge in every single day" Barbra sits up and sighs.
"Nonsense! You're not some pest, you really are welcome here any time. You're also welcome to any and all food" Sierra gets up to check the couch cushions for the lost remote "where the hell is the remote" she mutters to herself.
"Any food?" A wicked smile appears on Barbra's thin face.
"Well, not the pie" Sierra says "oh no." Sierra notices a note on the coffee table left by who she assumes her mom.
"What?" Barbra sits up trying to look over Sierra's shoulder.
"I forgot to clean the kitchen" Sierra says frantically "and this note says mom is at the store and will be home in an hour" Sierra runs a nervous hand through her hair.
"Hey it's okay, I can help" Barbra stands up and stretches out her back.
"Thanks" is all Sierra can mutter.
"I mean, how much will we have to do? Wipe the counters? Do the dishes?" Both girls head for the kitchen.
"Mop and sweep the floors, scrub the sink, wipe down the table, and wipe all counters" Sierra rushes around the kitchen quickly wiping all the counters.
"I'll start sweeping" Barbra heads for where they keep their brooms. Barbra comes back holding the mop, a bucket, and the broom to find Sierra quickly wiping down the table.
"Whoa, Sierra" Barbra puts down everything and rushes to her friend. "Calm down" she gently grabs her shoulders and spins her around "you're going to hurt yourself if you go that fast" she says calmly.
"Sorry" Sierra says quietly.
"It's okay" Barbra let's go of her shoulders and says with a slight smile "Now, take a deep breath and calm down, im here to help. We'll get this done in no time"
"Right" Sierra takes a deep breath and slowly wipes off the table. After thirty minutes of cleaning the kitchen, both girls collapse onto the living room couch with a bunch of snacks.
"See what'd I tell you" Barbra tosses a pretzel in her mouth "we'd get it done, and we have twenty minutes before your mom comes home"
"Mmhmm" Sierra grabs a handful of pretzels and stuffs them in her mouth.
Barbra sits up to face her "you know, a friend of a friend is throwing a party tomorrow, you should come"
Sierra smiles and shakes her head " thanks for the offer, but mom would kill me if I ever went to a party" Sierra sighs sadly.
"C'mon live a little, your mom is too strict with you. It's just a party, what's the worst that can happen" Barbra grabs a bottle of water.
"I can think of a few, and my mom could go on and on" Sierra huffs "it's really not worth the trouble"
Barbra pouts "but...ugh...Sierra, you don't have to listen to her! You're twenty-three! You're an adult, you can make your own decisions" Barbra argues.
"She's just looking out for me" Sierra turns her gaze from her angry friend to the floor "plus, I've got homework to do"
"Well I better go" Barbra quickly grabs her keys and stands up. Sierra nods and watches her friend head for the door "thanks for the help, you should invite Madison, I'm sure she'd love to go, but have fun"
"Ok will do" Barbra says as she slowly closes the door "hey you've got some mail" Barbra calls through the door.
"Toss it inside, it's probably for my mom" Sierra sighs. Barbra puts a letter and a small package on the coffee table in front of her.
Without any words, Barbra leaves and Sierra grabs the letter to inspect it. In big, black, cursive writing, her full name and address in the middle.
She quickly grabs the package to find her name and address in the same writing. She blinks in confusion and looks at who sent it. It says it's from Klexsity, School of Power, in Texas.
"What the hell?" Sierra mutters.
I hope you guys liked that, I am having fun writing this and I'll put up the next chapter as soon as it's done. I have a wattpad where the chapters come out sooner, it's Vegetaforthewin if anyone is interested
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