#in some ways those kids are lucky because they got three parents doting on them
aelsie · 2 years
Love that everyone’s losing their collective minds over Ser Harwin. I just KNOW that he loved his kids as best as he could from a distance because those boys knew in their hearts deep down that he is their actual father by blood. No words needed, he was a father to them through action.
Rhaenyra called that…bitter mother—*cough* dude…(HotD bringing out the worst in me) her white knight once, but we all know that Ser Harwin “best baby daddy” Strong was her true white knight 🥹 😭 Damn you, HBO, you need to pay ME now for all my tissue expenses.
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dirtyvulture · 5 months
😎 Ohhhh yes the image of the usually cold and aloof Sergeant Romanoff , badass extraordinaire freaking the fuck out and having a panic attack at sight of the person whom she loves is all sick because of a headache or migraine and the absolute hated helplessness she feels when she realizes there is no cause nor a way to stop SB from hurting. It’s soooo far from the start where she just left them to fend and care for them selves. Both SB and Nat kneeled on the floor of the bathroom after Nat hung up with Sara and SB grabbing Nat’s face and bringing their foreheads together and trying to calm down Nat. Nat isn’t responding and SB keeps calling her name to get her attention, it starts out with: ( specific rank of Sergeant that Nat is ) Romanoff, Sergeant , Romanoff, Natalia, Natasha , Nat, ( and finally the one that got her attention….. the name only Yelena and occasionally Kate calls her) Natty . It wasn’t her ranking or any name that held any type of authority but one born out of love , admiration and vulnerability . It something that she shares with two of the people she loves, protects and values the most and is very vulnerable with them and they with her …… now there is a third one. After SB got her calm they gently give instructions ( the ones that Sara also gave but Nat wasn’t thinking clearly) and told her where everything was that was needed to take care of SB ( SB is sooo exhausted this poor poor baby throughout this whole time and is about three seconds away from passing out. It’s entirely plain to see on their face) and they both shuffled into bed where SB passed out cuddling Nat .
I think that SB was definitely picked on for being a strain been and I think that one of the coaches for the sports I mentioned or some type of PE teacher took pity on this poor kid and believed in them ( the teacher/ coach was in the army, giving SB added motivation to join later on) . That is when SB blossomed into themselves a bit ( they haven’t made full BEEFY GLORY ) but they are coordinated  …… enough and they had grain a lot more confidence within themselves. They were a bit more subdued and not as outgoing or bubbly as they are now , they weren’t the happy go lucky loveable golden retriever himbo that Nat knows and loves today. The bulling that they received really hurt them deeply ( as it did little Wolverine R in the DK universe) but them being on the team , having an adult believing and being proud of them ( remember they don’t have a good relationship with their father, we have no idea about the relationship with their mother. Maybe it’s a reverse relationship that DK Wolverine R had with her own parents. A loving and doting father but not a good relationship with her mother. SB having a loving relationship with their mother but not their father. It’s hope that it didn’t …… turn out like what happened to DK’s parents in the end but if it did then SB did what they did with a gun and it was a clear cut case of self defense that they weren’t charged with anything. They were able to stuck around…… wait I am going off on a entirely different thought that will talked about later ) it made all the difference and it helped them become the amazing person and Sergeant they are today. It laid the groundwork for it at least and they are still in touch with that coach/ teacher ( that person really stepped up for SB and was their parental fatherly figure) .
I was going to talk about the DK universe but I and on the fence on whether or not I should continue to flush out the idea that I started……. Fuck it I will continue to the DK thoughts but let me know if you would like to hear the full flushed out version of that idea listed above. I feel like MOST OF THE TIME you couldn’t tell if she was Canadian or not ( there are certain words that a Canadian says and there is a accent to those words but most of the time it’s just like a American northern accent. The words are sorry , about, etc. I am not from Canada but I have watched the 2014 web series Carmilla that was made by Canadians , it’s really good and about vampires and female driven ……. And it’s gay !!!!!!!) that is until she straight up states that she is in fact Canadian. I think that while she was young she stopped or tried really hard not to sound Canadian because the jealous group of girls made fun of her so much because of that , then she did it as a part of not being recognized as Jane Howlett after she mutated but besides that she also sent alot of time back and forth between the states and Canada before and after the mutation. So it was easy to pass as a American for R . But Watching Hockey is when the Canadian in her JUMPS OUT ( Canada loves hockey) and she not only curses in English but also French ( remember how I stated that she slips into French when she is upset and her brain shuts off abit but it’s different than her berserker mode , well besides Scott this is the PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THIS HAPPENING) . I think that at one point she yells at the tv at a player that “ My son Peter could do soooo much better than you , you absolute PANSY !!!!!!!” but doesn’t really realize what she said and it’s the first slip up ( for Peter as she was starting to view him as his child) for her actually saying that she views one of the schools kids as her kid(s) .
R would be very good at recognizing and taking care of people who are sick , headaches/migraines etc because not only because she herself was so sickly for the first 13 years of her life and then she was a nurse for many many many years after that. Plus I would think that Scott might be a bit jealous that R is able to take better care of his girl than he EVER COULD in this regard ( and in many others 😉…… because if memory severs me right there was HEAVY TENSION between movie Wolverine and Jean and actually them sleeping together at points in the X- Men movies. Something tells me that Wolverine is the better lover ) and R would be so gentle and caring towards Charles . Softer with Charles in general simply because she’s a woman and there is a very specific and powerful bond between a daughter and a father rather than a son and father relationship. I am not saying one is better than the other, I am just saying that it’s different and it’s softer. I am saying this as a total daddy’s girl and R was 1000 percent a daddy’s girl before John was killed and she Killed Thomas in turn and getting ✨Daddy Issues ✨ from learning that the man she killed was her actual biological Father. My point is she wasn’t born with those issues ( John wasn’t the problem) and didn’t have any for the first 13 years of her life but only got them that night ( Thomas Logan was the problem) . I think Charles Xavier is that father figure that R needs ( obviously as he is and always has been the father figure to not only Wolverine but the whole X-men family in the movies , a part from magneto and  Mystique ) and she isn’t the centuries old bad ass but a softer daddy’s girl . She is definitely insistent on taking care of Charles and him taking it easy when he has theses headaches and migraines.
Before I end this post I DON’T mean or say “ daddy’s girl” in ANY WEIRD or Sexual way , it’s literally just a relationship between ACTUAL daughters and their ACTUAL fathers. I don’t and haven’t called my dad “ daddy” in a really long time , since I was really really really young .
Yes, I think Sergeant Romanoff has seen so much character development in her series.
She really started out caring very little about Sergeant Beef, honestly wanting nothing to do with them after her urges had been satisfied, but now she considers them to be her best friend and partner for life.
I love how Nat started out helping SB and then SB had to help Nat lol.
It took a long time for SB to become the person they are today, and I bet the high school years were the roughest for them. But without that, they probably would've turned into a completely different person and gone down a path that wouldn't have brought them to Nat.
I'm sure Wolvie!R loves reminding everyone about the fact that she's Canadian every time the US government tries getting her to do their bidding lol.
It will forever be a mystery why Jean chose Scott over R, but if I had to guess it was probably because R was too independent and wild for Jean lol. Like, Scott is very predictable and a simple man, while R is extremely complicated due to her age and experience, and is well-known for doing whatever she wants just because she can.
Charles is definitely R's new father figure, even though she gets annoyed with him a lot. 😂
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animeomegas · 3 years
(infertile alpha request) oh, sorry! Preferably Naruto, Death Note or Obey me
(Thank you so much for clarifying! I’ve done Naruto and Death Note 💓 Enjoy!)
Naruto – He is a bit sad when he hears the news. He definitely wanted to adopt at least one child, so he’s not sad about never having children, because he knows he still can easily, but he was kinda really looking forward to being pregnant. He wanted to know what it was like, all the things he’d seen other couples go through (ultrasounds, cravings, birth classes), and it’s a little startling to have that dream suddenly ripped away from him. He’s not comfortable with any other conception methods, so he adopts all his children. But, when he’s cuddled up with his three adopted children, he can’t believe he was ever upset about not having biological children, and the thought that having biological children would have stopped him adopting all of his current children makes him feel sick because he can’t imagine a life without all his precious pups. Where would they be if he didn’t adopt them? Naruto decides that it was better this way, in the end.
Sasuke canon – Sasuke is very conflicted, at first. He had been clinging onto this dream of reviving his clan since he was a child, but now the only person he could ever tolerate having sex with can’t give him that… He’s not getting a donor, no way. There are no orphans from his clan to adopt. He honestly doesn’t know what to do, there seems to be no good answer. In the end, I think he would decide to just never use birth control and see what happens. The chances may be extremely slim, but he’s not comfortable with any other conception method, so it’s this or nothing. It might actually be quite a good experience for Sasuke in the end, because he is finally forced to examine some of the goals he clung to as a child to keep himself from breaking down and see if they are something he ever actually wanted. He might think about what life would have been like with his own pup occasionally, but he’s never been as happy as he is with his alpha and that is more than good enough for him (but not good enough for the council who harass him about having as many children as possible, constantly.)
Sasuke non-massacre AU – He doesn’t think it’s a big deal tbh. He got himself sterilised while he was in his early twenties because he didn’t want to deal with the possibility of getting pregnant, and he had to fight his clan for it! So, he’s glad that you won’t have to do that same, but it’s easier for alphas anyway. If you’re in a relationship with him, then you obviously don’t want pups, so he doesn’t think much about it. He’s like “Oh, okay,” then ends the discussion.
Shikamaru – This might be a problem… His child will be the next clan leader and they have to be of his blood, as is clan tradition. He would probably have to go for a donor to get pregnant, probably some distant clan member he’s never met before, but he feels really weird about it. He doesn’t like it, but he bites his tongue for once and gets on with it. He keeps it a secret from most people. The other biological parent is a clan member, so he just lets people believe that Shikamaru’s Nara genes were super strong, and that’s why there’s none of his alpha in their pup. I don’t think he would ever tell his pup that they weren’t biologically the child of both of their parents, he doesn’t think it matters and he doesn’t want to cause drama or have to involve the other bio parent if his pup asks after them. It’s better left as a family secret.
Shino – His situation is similar to Shikamaru’s. His child will be the next clan leader and in order to have a kikaichu and be trained like his clanmates, they have to be biologically an Aburame. Shino is also not comfortable with other conception methods, but mainly because he’s terrified of his alpha rejecting the pup if they aren’t theirs or reacting badly if Shino is pregnant with someone else. Some alphas have a hard time with those instincts and can’t accept non-biological pups or get violent when their mate is carrying someone else’s offspring. Shino is pretty scared. He also is so humiliated during the invasive insemination procedure. In the end, he had nothing to worry about, as his alpha was the perfect parent to their pup, but for about a year, Shino is constantly stressed that everything is going to change suddenly, and his mate will snap and leave them or something. It’s a tough time for him.
Neji – He’s actually quite relieved. It makes him feel a lot less guilty for his own fertility problems. If you’re both sterile, he’s sad that you’re both lacking something you want, but it makes dealing with his own problems easier. There are many orphans in the clan, so you both adopt from that pool, and Neji couldn’t be happier and prouder of his children.
Kakashi – Thank fuck for that. He got sterilised when he was in ANBU, just in case he had any missions that involved seduction. Kakashi might make a joke about how you’re lucky that you got to avoid the hospital and still be sterile. He wishes lol. Anything that helps him remain childless is good in his book.
Iruka – He makes sure his mate isn’t upset, but Iruka himself is totally fine. He wouldn’t mind not having children at all, and if they both decided to have children, Iruka would want to adopt anyway. He thinks it makes so much more sense to adopt when there are so many pups who need loving homes. He does get a little sad if his mate is sad though, but only out of empathy, not because he himself is sad.
Itachi canon – It is very helpful for him. While Itachi has issues with his heat and his health, he doesn’t have many problems getting pregnant, he just can't carry to term. And birth control is hard as a missing nin, so he’s very glad that he doesn’t have to worry about it. (Miscarriages are not fun, and with a fertile mate he would certainly have suffered through a few). It’s better for him this way, his circumstances prevent him from having children anyway.
Itachi non-massacre AU – He’s devastated. He doesn’t blame his alpha at all, but he’s very upset. His clan will never let him adopt, if they're losing one of their best shinobi to stay at home and raise children, those children better be the new top shinobi, so they have to be his biological children. He using artificial insemination, and he uses the sperm of another Uchiha (one that he's not directly related to). The clan elders are overjoyed that Itachi's pups will be 100% Uchiha blood rather than mixed. But Itachi is very, very firm about making legal protections for his mate as their pups' parent. He doesn't want his clan to pull anything to try and exclude his alpha or claim that his mate doesn't have authority over their own child. He's very firm about those conditions.
Sai – Huh, well, he hadn’t given pups much thought tbh. He’s totally okay with not having children, he genuinely doesn’t care that much. He likes it just being his alpha and him, so why change it?
Gaara – He’s another one who is completely devastated when he hears the news, but he is very stoic about it on the outside because he wants to be a good support for his alpha who might be struggling. He really mourns being able to carry his alpha’s pups. He doesn’t want to adopt because he really wants to carry a pup and breastfeed and everything, but he’s also worried about his alpha feeling betrayed or excluded if he goes for a sperm donor. He’s desperate for his own children, two at least, so he wants to use a sperm donor.
L – He nods and files it away in his brain with all the other information about his beloved, but he doesn’t file it as important. You have already agreed to not have children, so it doesn’t matter either way.
Light – Hmm, this is a problem for his plan. He needs someone to take over the perfect world he’s creating, and he was planning on it being the biological child of him and his mate. Well, it needs to be his child, but it doesn’t matter too much if it’s also his alpha’s biological child. Light isn’t comfortable with artificial insemination, but he’s down for seducing one of his fangirls/fanboys and using them. He wouldn’t tell them that the pup is theirs though because he doesn’t want to be tied down to someone he can’t stand. If they got too suspicious that his pup was theirs, they might find themselves the victims of a mysterious death.
Matsuda – He’s distraught for you and himself. He’s a very traditional person who wants traditional things, a couple of kids, a nice house, a dog, that kind of thing. He would want to try every possible method to conceive naturally, but after two years going back and forth between various fertility clinics, it’s clear that he’s not going to get what he wants. Matsuda goes back and forth between various other methods but eventually decides to adopt an infant. He never really stops hoping that he’ll magically become pregnant, but that doesn’t mean he loves his child any less, because he absolutely dotes on them.
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writhingcreature · 3 years
I LOVE the idea of jock/nerd Mericcup and cheerleader/jock Rapunstrid, do you have any more headcanons for that au?
I tried writing this and got distracted and now O have to start from the beginning so... let’s try this again
- Hiccup keeps trying to ask Merida out but his awkwardness and self Doubt keep tying his tongue and hands and feet and he fails again and again. Merida knows what he’s trying to say but she wants to give him the chance to do it since she knows it might hurt his pride if she asks him. Eventually she does anyway though and Hiccup is so relieved he’s been put out of his misery he kisses her right then and there and everyone’s like OoO
- Hiccup and Astrid are neighbors and they grew up right next door to each other. Like, saw each other through the window and climbed onto each other’s roofs and such. They did that thing where they opened their windows and just... talked if they were too lazy to climb up onto the roof. So they’re like actually really close friends. As kids Astrid always found Hiccup annoying and it was like “your mom is friend with my mom” but eventually he started tutoring her and she thought she was doing fine at school but suddenly she was acing everything and it all made sense and after that she thought Hiccup was cool
- Merida and Rapunzel live quite a bit from each other but Merida skateboards and Rapunzel goes on morning bike rides and walks and jogs and skates (on rollerblades) and really ANYTHING that gets her out in the morning. They end up meeting when Merida falls off her skateboard and busting her knee - Rapunzel took care of it with the med kit she always takes with her everywhere. After that they were best friends and upon hitting middle school, joined sports together to figure out what they liked. Rapunzel was good at cheerleading, being very petite and acrobatic, and Merida was better at the classic sports (soccer, hockey, baseball, football, etc.). They do figure skating together. When Merida had to fight to be on the guys’ team, or just. Create a girls’ sports team, Rapunzel was there to support her every step of the way.
- Astrid and Merida are on a team together. Astrid does either hockey or soccer (or maybe both Idk which seasons they are but it feels like they’d be in different ones) but eventually Merida talks her into joining every one that Merida is in too. They get each other SO much and eventually develop like a secret language. No one knows if that’s true for sure, but these two girls can communicate without moving their body or saying a single word and it’s so effortless and perfect a system that people thought they were dating for the longest time. When someone finally brought it up (it was Snotlout) the two laughed so hard and so long that he blushed, and they NEVER let him live it down. It was just so absurd to them....
- Astrid and Rapunzel actually happened pretty fast. Everyone thought Astrid would take charge, and normally she does. She’s confident and sure of herself and has fingers in SO many pies, and she doesn’t ever shrink from any competition. Everything seems very easy for her and she never falters off fumbles... that is until she tries to talk to Rapunzel. Because Astrid can affectionately bulky Hiccup and Merida already gets her so well that she doesn’t have to try to communicate with her. But Rapunzel is... her opposite in a lot of ways. She’s small and soft spoken and artistic. Her mind is creative and her hands are gentle and her eyes are huge and her smile is warm. Rapunzel is this golden stream in a fairytale and Astrid is.... probably a rock. Of some kind. Anyway, the point is Rapunzel approaches her with that pretty smile and those large eyes and very clearly asks her out and Astrid’s lucky that Merida’s there to say yes for her because her mouth forgets how to move
- Rapunzel cheers SO LOUD for Astrid every game, and they start to sit on the bench together if there’s any free time. During the half time show, Astrid cheers just as loud for Rapunzel and the phrase “THATS MY GIRLFRIEND” gets thrown around a. Lot. They get super competitive all the time and end up having so much fun. Rapunzel is a bit of a softie and let Astrid win a lot in the beginning until Astrid called her out and called her a loser (affectionate) and from then it was ON. No one thought anyone could beat Astrid at anything until Rapunzel came around.
- Hiccup tries to follow what’s happening in the games but he often gets really distracted and confused and ends up analyzing the plays and bombarding everyone with questions afterward. Astrid and Merida eventually directed him to Rapunzel, who actually listened to him and realized how genius his ideas and observations were. They started to talk with the coach about ways to make the team better, and Hiccup eventually starts to just. Help the coaches in general and no one even asks anymore.
- Hiccup has a cat named Toothless and he and Rapunzel are the BEST of friends. Astrid didn’t like him at first but softened upon seeing Rapunzel and Hiccup be so adorable with the little creature. Toothless HATED Merida for the longest time no matter what she tried and it made everyone laugh constantly. Eventually the little thing warmed up to her but for a while there Merida stayed by Astrid “where it’s safe” as she said.
- Rapunzel also has a pet chameleon and she DOTES on that thing. She knows everything about them and anytime anyone asks about Pascal she just wants and rants and rants about fun facts. It’s the only time Astrid will without complaint Listen to someone just talk facts and knowledge. Astrid usually finds it so boring but Rapunzel is so adorable when she goes off about this thing she’s so passionate about that Astrid doesn’t even mind.
- After watching Hiccup with Toothless for a while, Astrid gets her own cat named Stormfly and they are a DYNAMIC duo. Stormfly is almost as well trained as Toothless a lot sooner, and they just have this very clear understanding. Stormfly doesn’t hate Merida, so the red head prefers this cat, and Toothless often glares at her for hours for it. Rapunzel and Stormfly take to each other even faster than Rapunzel and Toothless did. Rapunzel smells like Astrid and Stormfly is HERE for it
- Rapunzel and Merida take riding lessons on the weekends. It was something they looked into when they were really young and when they finally convinced their parents to let them it was the single best thing to ever happen to either of them. Riding Maxmimus and Angus are the best parts of their week in most cases (unless something special happens) and the horses are considered as much their pets as the cats or chameleon. They end up buying them after they get out of college and securing a house for all four of them with a big enough back yard to keep the horses in. It’s a good time.
- Hiccup works as a mechanic, fixing mostly cars but also small stuff like bikes and the such in his free time. Toothless came to him missing a leg, so Hiccup comes up with a lot of really clever contraptions and systems to help Toothless move around the house without Hiccup’s help. He still prefers to be lifted into bed, but anywhere else is free game.
- Rapunzel gets a job at first at a diner, where she spends her highschool and college career working her butt off. It wasn’t the best experience but it achieved the goals Rapunzel needed to so she could go to college and become an art teacher instead. It wasn’t the best paying job, but it allowed her to show others why she valued painting so much, and left plenty time in the year to also go traveling if she wished. She’s very good at saving money so she makes it work.
- Astrid works a lot of fast food at first and even takes a stint at the diner with Rapunzel, but her short temper ends up getting her into a lot of situations where she hates her job and ends up leaving after six to eight months. Nowhere was very good for her until she finally got a job at a gym where she ended up learning a lot of really fun skills like self defense and axe throwing. She did it for so many years and got so good that she was hired on as the instructor, and she’s never been happier than in a position where if a man pushes the limits or a Karen tries her patience, all she has to do is sink an axe into a target and turn to them with a raised eyebrow and ask, “What was that again?” It works every time and unless someone has an actual problem they don’t bother her.
- Merida struggles with work. She gets every job under the sun, taking stints at the diner with Rapunzel and the mechanic’s shop with Hiccup and even eventually at the gym and fun enter with Astrid. She gets bored very easily and doesn’t keep a job more than like four or fives months at Max. Ever. She doesn’t think she’s good at anything and might have peaked in high school... until she discovers archery. In an attempt to help her out, Astrid pitches to the fun center to add archery as an activity, and Merida begins to come to it. Unfortunately they can’t really find a teacher who knows what they’re doing and Merida is the only one who shows up so for a while it’s threatening to shut down. But then Merida teaches herself via the internet and insane amounts of practice, and tries out for the job. They give her the position, but tell her that without customers it’s still going to go down.
- the four gather ALL of their friends and begin mass sharing any and all information they can get out there about the fun center and Merida’s growing skills and how helpful she’ll be as the teacher. They just spread the news and encourage people to at least try it out. Through sheer force of Will and hard work, they get enough people with interests peaked who end up coming. Merida’s classes are full of all kinds of people of all kinds of ages, and she loves it.
- none of them get paid a LOT, but Rapunzel and Hiccup are very good at saving money and slowly, Astrid learns as well and between the three of them they can get things figured out even if Merida doesn’t want to waste energy on budgeting and planning everything out and such. When the fun center is out for winter time, and school is out for Summer, they start taking temporary jobs that pay a lot more money. These jobs end up being labor intensive, but they always try and work together and combined, they can find the fun in even the most annoying jobs. Sometimes Hiccup will join them if he’s having a slow time at work, but he never lasts long and the girls tease him a lot about it.
- Yes the hall live together and yes they have “family nights” where they all go out and do something fun once every month, and they eat dinner and breakfast together as much as they can and they’re all very close and mean a lot to each other god I love them.
There are obviously a ton of other characters in this little world I’ve built so if you have any questions feel free to ask!
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ghostofstudentspast · 4 years
Hide and Seek
#5 “Yes I’m bitter, it’s part of my charm.”
Draco x Reader
Another one for @nebulablakemurphy ‘s 500 celebration!!
This was going to be longer but I don’t have access to my laptop for the next two weeks and wanted to post this 😅
“Draco please,” you begged for the millionth time that day, “you know Pansy won’t go to Hogsmeade when it’s snowing, and I don’t want to go alone.”
“Hogsmeade is for kids Y/N,” the boy sitting next to you on the dining bench rolled his eyes and continued eating his breakfast and ignoring you.
“We are kids you prat,” you elbowed him in the ribs ever so lightly.
You’d been friends with Draco Malfoy for as long as you could remember. Your families had always been close, as pureblood circles usually are. Together you had played hours of hide and seek in the manor gardens before Hogwarts. When it was finally time for the two of you to head to school, you had nervously clung onto Draco’s hand for the entire sorting ceremony, all the way until they called your name.
It was lucky you’d been sorted into Slytherin, most of the people you knew were sorted there and Draco was no different. He wasn’t your best friend, but he was your oldest friend. This was exactly the reason why you could never in a million years tell him outright that you were hopelessly in love with him.
“Fine, if you stop whining I’ll take you,” the blond boy muttered without looking up from the book he had folded open on the table.
“I knew you’d come around,” You grinned and returned to your breakfast.
“You’re lucky I love you,” he teased and lightly kicked your foot under the table with a smirk, never taking his eyes off the pages in front of him. You nearly choked on your toast but managed to hide it with a cough.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to be affectionate towards each other. A hug, an arm around your shoulders, one of you messing with the other’s hair, it still caught you by surprise every time.
Like now, Draco had one arm slung over your shoulders as the two of you walked through light snow to get to Hogsmeade. Even through layers of sweaters and gloves, you swore you could feel the heat radiating off his arm. With the tiny snowflakes sticking to your hair and robes, it was comforting.
“You should really come stay at the mansion for a few days over Christmas break,” Draco squeezed your shoulder with a small smile, “Mum hasn’t stopped talking about you since…well since forever now that I think about it,” he let out a short laugh.
“We’re already coming down for the yearly ball Draco, I can’t just live at your house,” You laughed and shook your head. Narcissa doted on you like you were her own child and Draco never stopped making fun of you for it. He always swore she loved you more than him.
“Yeah but I never get enough of you,” he smirked as your cheeks darkened to a terrible red. At least you could blame it on the chill, usually it was painfully obvious. Sometimes you forgot how flirty your friend could be, and how much it actually affected you.
“I’m sure if you beg hard enough I can find some time,” you bit the inside of your cheek to keep from grinning like a fool every time Draco cast a glance at you.
“Speaking of begging,” he stopped walking, people milling about you, making their way into the small town a few streets down. “I know you really don’t want to and you hate doing me favours but would you be my date for the ball this year?”
The Malfoy Christmas ball, an annual tradition beloved by all Pureblood families. It was a chance for everyone to get together, catch up and let loose a little. You loved those parties, it was a chance to see all of your childhood friends and dressing up was always a guilty pleasure. As a kid, you’d mostly spent the night running through the manor or stuck to your mother skirts. No one expected you to really behave as a kid but after the age of sixteen, everyone’s parents pressured them to bring a date and act ‘adult’. It was just how it had always been done, and even though you were aware how old and stiff Pureblood traditions really were, you couldn’t exactly say no.
Normally Draco was quick to get a date, he was handsome and smart, and no intelligent Pureblood would turn down a Malfoy. You however, were a little less enthusiastic about the prospect of dragging a random boy along with you all night. Nevertheless, you did (ditching them as soon as your parents had a glass of wine in them).
“Dray you know I would but…I’ve already said I’d go with Theo.” Your mouth tilted into an apologetic smile as you shrugged. Your heart was pounding in your chest, the one-time Draco asked you to go, even just as friends, and you already had a date…Fuck.
“You’re taking Nott? Seriously?” Draco scoffed, giving you a look of disgust.
“What’s wrong with Theo? He’s a nice guy!” You crossed your arms defensively. Draco was never a fan of your dates, he was just protective over you, but it still got on your nerves.
“Yeah he’s nice to you because he wants to get under your skirt,” he sneered and rolled his eyes.
“Oh my god, you’re so bitter!” You said, throwing your hands up in frustration.
“Yes, I’m bitter, it’s part of my charm,” he sighed accepting defeat, “come on.” He grabbed your hand and steered you into Hogsmeade again hoping to get out of there faster, so he could wallow in self-pity.
“You call it charm, I call it having your head up your ass.” You shake your head but let him drag you along anyway. “Listen if it makes you feel better I’ll help find you a date alright? I already know who’s going with who, the girls won’t shut up about it.” You chuckled to yourself at the thought of your dormmates and their late-night gossip sessions.
“Alright fine, but you better not stick me with Bulstrode,” Draco’s tone was snippy, but you knew he wasn’t really annoyed. He only wants to go with you as a favour, not a real date, you couldn’t help but think.
Finding Draco a date was easy. You had barely mentioned it to your dormmates in passing before Daphne had practically pushed her younger sister forward like a sacrificial lamb. Astoria was a shy girl, only a year younger than you. It was her first year taking a date and the poor girl had been wrecked with nerves, so Daphne had been on the lookout in her stead.
The worst part was, Astoria was gorgeous. She was this petite girl with gorgeous long dark hair and the clearest skin you’d ever seen on a teenager. It was awful. Not that you were jealous of course, you just knew she was more Draco’s type than you would ever be.
But with your mum’s help you had been primped into the elegant daughter of a Pureblood family. It really was a once a year occasion. Your dress robes were fitted perfectly to your size and your hair had been curled perfectly by expertly performed magic. Not yours of course, your mum’s.
With a soft pop your family apparated to the front gates of Malfoy Manor. Theo was waiting for you there and gave you a big grin and a wave when he saw you appear. You waved back and met him halfway to the large iron gates barring entrance to the mansion itself. You parents left you with your date and continued up the walkway.
“Hey Y/N,” Theo smiled and roped you in for a hug, “you look really nice!”
“Thanks, you too,” You picked at your dress robes and tucked a bit of hair back into place. Theo was in most of your classes and you were always happy to buddy up with him for projects. He wasn’t exactly the smartest, but you had a lot of fun together and you didn’t mind doing most of the work anyway.
Theo was dressed elegantly in basic black dress robes, he was never one for extravagance and you kind of respected that about him. Taking his arm you made your way through the manor, knowing exactly where to find the huge ballroom it housed. Draco often complained about the house because it felt so gloomy and empty sometimes with only the three of them living there. However, with music pouring through the halls and people laughing and talking over each other it felt very much alive and warm.
The pair of you were careful to avoid the dance floor and make your rounds among old family friends. A friendly chat here, an ‘I haven’t seen you since you were this small’ there and introducing your date to family members. It was a formal start to the night but it was always better to get it over with before the adults had too many glasses of fire whiskey in them.
Draco hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off you since the moment you stepped foot in the ballroom. You were all smiles and laughter as you walked around talking to Theo. His own date had been trying to get him on the dancefloor for the past twenty minutes but Draco refused to let you out of his sight for a whole song.
You looked stunning. To Draco you always did, but sometimes he forgot how much you affected him. He watched Theo whisper something in your ear and you responded by throwing your head back and letting out an obnoxiously loud laugh. Draco thought it was the most amazing sound in the world. Though, he was less pleased by the thought of someone else making you laugh like that.
“Do you think someone put a hex on him when he was younger, so he’d permanently look constipated?” Theo whispered in your ear as the both of you watched Professor Snape sneer at the people on the dance floor.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter as you watched your teacher grimace when someone tried to speak to him. You knew he was close with the Malfoys, but you always wondered why he actually showed up to these things. It was however a great source of entertainment for the evening.
“Nott good to see you,” The blond appeared out of thin air in front of you.
Subconsciously you held your breath as you cast a lingering look over his appearance. Black robes with a dark green lining, hair perfectly gelled back showing off his aristocratic bone structure. You swore you were melting into a puddle in front of his eyes.
“Cat got your tongue Y/L/N?” You hadn’t even noticed him speaking to you. You drew your eyes back up to his and a mischievous smirk rested on his lips as he repeated, “Dance with me.”
“That’s not a question,” you jab Draco’s side but take his outstretched hand anyway. “see you in a bit Theo?” You smiled at him as he nodded and shooed you away with a wink.
“You know I like you in green but if you were going to match me you should’ve just come as my date,” Draco smirked and pulled you closer to him. His hand slid easily to your waist as you rested yours on his shoulder.
“Oh, shut up,” you rolled your eyes with a smile on your face, “you don’t own the colour green.”
“I’m glad I don’t because you’ll always look more stunning in it than I ever could,” he leaned in to murmur in your ear, his hand squeezing your hip ever so lightly. If he hadn’t been holding you, you were convinced your legs would have simply given out under you.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you responded shakily. His slate grey eyes bored into yours and he almost looked like he was searching for the answer to an unspoken question.
“Draco!” a female voice called from a few meters away and the boy in question closed his eyes and groaned.
“If we run now, do you think she’d find me?” he whispered dramatically. The girl stalking towards them was in fact his date.
“Wanna find out?” You whispered back with a cheeky grin and grabbed his hand before pulling him towards the large double doors of the ballroom.
The two of you ran through the hallways of the manor side by side, robes whipping about you and footsteps echoing behind you. The two of you were laughing your heads off by the time you had escaped the house into the gorgeous gardens. Together you ventured farther into the garden, a light frost covering the grass and plants surrounding you.
“Draco?” This time the woman calling out your companion’s name was unmistakeably Narcissa Malfoy. She did not sound pleased at her son’s antics at all.
Draco’s hand found yours again and he pulled you along with him behind a nearby tree. You opened your mouth to complain before he covered it with his hand and shook his head. You could hear Narcissa retreating back into the house, but Draco didn’t move. Instead his fingers lightly touched your cheek, his thumb brushing over your cheekbone.
He was so close you could smell his cologne, it was earthy and warm, and you were back to being in danger of melting. You were nearly chest to chest and his body caged you in against the tree. You felt your breath hitch as his eyes left yours to look at your lips. His cheeks had a light pink flush to them as he swallowed and licked his lips.
“We should really go back.” He said softly without conviction. “I’m sure Theo will be wondering where his date ran off to.” He teased with a quiet laugh.
“Draco?” you said softly and he hummed in response, “shut up.” You breathed and pulled him in by the collar of his dress shirt.
You kissed him with everything you had. It wasn’t slow or tender, it was fiery and passionate just like the both of you. You kissed him for the first time like it could be the last. He kissed back with everything he’d been holding in for years.
He melted into your touch and pressed you against the tree trunk with his body. The bark dug into your back but you could only pay attention to how soft his lips were and how he was a really good kisser. His hands roamed from your waist to your rib cage to your hair as he feverishly kissed you.
He reluctantly pulled back for air and searched your face in the moonlight. The cold air doing nothing to cool down the heat in your cheeks. Draco’s eyes were wide and for the first time in your life he looked unsure of himself. You looked at him in that moment with all the love in the world and couldn’t help but smile. His face was just as flushed as yours and his perfect hair fell into his eyes from you running your fingers through it.
He leaned in to kiss you again but this time softly, so gentle as if he was afraid your break under his touch. As if he wasn’t sure you were real at all. He kissed your nose, peppered little kisses along your jaw and kissed every inch of your face. He leaned his forehead against yours, noses bumping gently.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he sighed, eyes closed. You could hear the smile in his voice and your heart fluttered.
“I can guess,” you giggled lightly and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“I am so incredibly in love with you,” his voice was barely above a whisper and held all of the emotion you couldn’t see on his face.
“I love you Draco, I always have,” you smiled brilliantly and kissed him again, never wanting to leave the hidden spot you had found for yourselves.
“Time to face my mum now I suppose?” He grimaced and buried his face in your neck with a sigh.
“Together,” you chuckled and grabbed his hand, placing a light kiss on his golden hair, “at least you already know your mother loves me.”
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remmushound · 3 years
Mud Dogz Rising, chapter 2: Daniel
The Lotus family were one of the most influential families in the Hidden City, with a bloodline dating back to almost four hundred years B.S (that is, Before Shredder). Though near every rat in the city could be traced back to the first Lotus immigrants five hundred years ago, the only ones with any true power was always the oldest son, whose father was the oldest son, and grandfather was the oldest son, and so forth. The current sire had six daughters and six sons, and the youngest of the brood was a tiny runt of a rat named Daniel.
Though he was constantly surrounded by brothers and sisters and servants, Daniel often preferred to play alone. Being only one of so many, it was easy for Daniel to slip away while his littermates were getting ready for bed, and out into the garden unattended he went. There was a massive fence around the garden to seal it off from the rest of the undignified yokai on the other side of it; at least, that’s what Daniel’s dad always called them, so Daniel would too! The yard was littered with things to do, and it didn't take long before his searching brought him to a discarded soccer ball laying in the flower bed.
Playing by himself meant that there was no chance of his bigger brothers and sisters bullying their way into his game. He could play at his own pace, using his own rules, and there was no one around to tell him otherwise! The game he chose to play was a simple one: bouncing the soccer ball off of the titan-shaped statue at the center of the water fountain! The ball would bounce back to him, and he’d toss it back, and it would bounce back again. The game was simple and stimulating and entertaining! At least, it was until a misthrow sent the ball flying into the sky and over the garden wall.
“Aw…” Daniel’s ears went down and he whimpered, “I liked that ball…”
The rat stared at the wall for several moments longer before looking around. There were no guards that he could see, no servants. No one to snitch on him if he were to, for example, sneak over the wall to retrieve his lost ball. The ivy was certainly high enough for him to climb, and it would be for a few seconds. Just long enough for him to get his toy…
Climbing the wall was a lot harder than he had expected it to be; his body was designed for climbing, but that didn't mean the first time wasn’t difficult. Up and over the ten foot wall he pulled himself, and when he got to the top he strained the length of his neck trying to find any way down. He leaned a little too far and instead of the soft descent he had been trying to achieve, he fell fast and landed hard with an undignified squeak.
The breath was knocked from his chest with the stinging impact, making him cough as he struggled to find his feet. The sidewalk beneath him was incredibly dirty and had left a stain in his new pearly clothes! With a whine of terror, imagining what his parents might do to him if they found the stain, he did his best to wipe it away with his paws. That only seemed to make things worse, and then he saw how icky his paws were. How gross all of him was! He had to get it off somehow! He tried to shake it off, but it clung stubbornly. He tried to groom it next, but every swipe of his tongue was so gross that he couldn’t do more than three, and there was still so much more of him that needed cleaning!
Then he saw his ball, and all thoughts of needing to get clean were quick to fade away! His ball wasn’t very far at all, and without another thought the boy was running across the street to get to it. He didn't notice the speeding cart coming until the rider screamed at him to move out of the way. By then, it was too late for him to do anything but turn and stare with widening eyes as he froze in terror.
The cart struck him hard, his tail caught in the wheels to further drag him along the dirt road with a painful, searing burn until the cart was able to stop. Daniel was screaming by that point, his tail painfully tangled and body battered and bruised, but thankfully not pinned. His ear was bleeding a lot now and throbbing too, and swiping a paw over it felt weird. The rider jumped out of the mystically-imbued cart and, though Daniel reached out to the yokai expecting help, all he got was anger.
“What are you, suicidal?!” The yokai growled, grabbing Daniel by his collar and yanking him out with no care for the wrapped state of his tail. The tail came loose with the force of the grab, but not without significant pain that made Daniel cry out even louder. The yokai shook him hard. “Stay out of the damn street!”
Daniel was crying of both fear and pain. No one had ever spoken to him like that and he couldn’t imagine why they would! He was the one who got hurt and he getting yelled at, and now his clothes were all dirty and he hurt and he still didn't have his ball! His fur stuck up at all ends and now his tail was all bendy and he was missing some of the fur on his side.
“Where are your parents?!”
Daniel, shaking, raised a paw to point at the mansion. The Yokai had to do a double take at the grandeur of the place before his attention turned fully to Daniel with narrowed eyes.
“You live there?”
The Yokai bit his lip. He looked down both sides of the street, making sure he wasn’t being watched, before he picked up Daniel by his clothes.
“Come on.” He shoved the rat into his cart and Daniel was in too much pain to argue, “today’s my lucky day.”
“Doku!” Madam Daishi hurried toward her husband, her expression distorted in fear and her hands quickly as she held the letter tight enough for her knuckles to turn white. Her fur was a pale, snowy white with black patches doted throughout to make her look almost like a Dalmatian, one particular patch on her forehead like a heart, “Doku!”
Her husband turned to her with a confused expression on his face, “Daishi, what is wrong?” He was a simple, dark brown rat with black eyes.
“It is Daniel!” There were tears in her eyes, worry melting through her voice as she appealed to her husband and handed him the letter, “Someone has taken him! They want money for his return.”
Doku looked over the ransom, his face unreadable. “Seven hundred thousand yen…”
“We have the money— we must give it to them!” Daishi insisted, “We must get Daniel back.”
Doku didn't react. He gave a low hum and then crumpled up the paper carelessly. “No.”
“No? What do you mean no?”
“That much money is not worth Daniel. He is not first born.” Doku tried to walk away, but his wife stopped him.
“He is our son!”
“We have five others.” Doku met evenly, “And we’ll have more. The twelfth born is worth nothing.”
Daniel didn't know what was happening. He was still hurting and he was still bleeding. He was supposed to be going home after daddy gave the bad yokai the money— why wasn’t he going home? Why was he still here, in this crowded, heated space with all of these other rats? There were so many of them, all stacked in wire cages that hurt their feet and wouldn’t let them stand. Daniel hated it. He wanted to go home! It had been days, and he was desperately hungry, and the air stunk of ammonia and filth.
The bad yokai was back, and this time he had another yokai with him; a fox yokai. Daniel didn't know what they were talking about because they were whispering, but he didn't like how the fox yokai in the nice suit was looking at him. The next thing he knew, he and several other rats were being carried away in their cages and loaded into a big cart together, their enclosures stacked on top of each other and held down with ropes and tough knots.
The cart started to move. As it rolled down the streets, Daniel saw other yokai and children like him and he tried to call out to them for help, but it was like they couldn’t even see him! Still he tried, and he tried and tried some more.
“Kid.” Said the rat yokai in the cage under him, his pelt a dingy, grayish color. “Don’t waste your energy. They don’t care about us.”
“B-but I gotta go home!” Daniel said, and then he yelped when the cart hit a bump and the rope securing him shifted slightly. “Please, I’m not supposed to be here!”
“None of us are!” The older rat snarled, “You think any of them care?”
“Do you know where we’re going?”
“I have a pretty good idea.” The rat muttered bitterly. His dark eyes turned back to Daniel, and then to the shifting ropes. It looked like they hadn’t been secured properly. If one cage was freed, then… “Hey kid. You got a family, right?”
“Y-yes sir.”
“And you wanna get back to them?”
“Y...yes sir…”
“Then I need you to reach through those bars and move that rope off of your cage. Now!”
Daniel yelped at the sudden demand, but did as he was asked. He reached his arm through the bars as far as it could go and was able to grab the rope, but quickly pulled back when his arm bent the wrong way.
“It hurts!” Daniel whined.
“Keep going!”
And so Daniel did. This time, he shoved his entire arm out up to his shoulders and pushed the rope in spite of the pain. The rope slid off of his cage with a pop.
“Okay… what now—?”
Before he got an answer, the cart hit another bump and Daniel’s cage was flung free. It flew through the air as if the cheers of the other rats propelled it, and then hit hard and then broke apart with several impacts. Daniel’s cage dislodging set off a chain reaction that caused each of the other cages to tumble free, one after the other, until all of the doors were popping free and the caged rats all ran for their freedom, Daniel included.
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valkyrieofsmut · 3 years
How many kids would the boys want? Just curious🤔
I had to think about this for a while, but, this is what I came up with! 
Classic-  Classic isn’t picky, you want kids? Cool. You don’t want kids? Well, he’s still got his amazingly cool bro, who he pretty much raised, and will always kinda be like his kid, so... Still cool. But he’d love to have little mixes of him and you running around. He’d love to have one kid to dote on, to be his accomplice in pranks and jokes, but, he also would want them to have a sibling, because he knows that he works so hard that he won’t always be there next to them, and he knows first hand that growing up is better with a sibling. Any more than three or four, and he’d start to get overwhelmed, though, even at four, he’s relying a little bit on extra help- thank stars for Paps. 
Creampuff-  Kids? He loves kids! This boy would be that parent running around all crazy with his kids in the park or yard, if you have one, and he thinks, the more the merrier! He also is always up to date on their lives and making sure they are having the best lives possible. Though one is absolutely fine, he’d love four or five! And if you do give in, or want a large family also, you will see Cream be the most exhausted he’s ever been, completely wiped and about to fall asleep on the couch after finally getting the kids in bed. He will start to understand how Sans feels, being so tired all the time. You’ll never hear him complain, though! He is always satisfied and happy with his life with you and the kids. And if you don’t want kids, count on basically having an animal rescue at your house because he needs to give this love, and when he sees a box with ‘free x’ and no one around, knowing that they’re not going to have anyone to take care of them, he can’t just leave them there! 
Red-  You don’t want kids? Well... he’d probably be garbage at being a dad, anyway. Probably better all around. You want kids? You’d really be willing to bind yourself to him forever in that way? Be ready, he’s about to grab you and tell you, ‘let’s go make one, then.’ You’re also lucky that it takes intent for monsters to have kids, because he’s never going to be able to keep his hands off of you, and your kids will either constantly be embarrassed and whining ‘ewww!’ or just think that it’s normal for their parents to be so ridiculously in love. Ideally, when planning, he wants two, because it’s always better to have someone who’s got your back, and no one does that better than siblings. But. He’s the kind of parent that loves to just sit back and watch how his kids are doing, what they’re getting up to, and the adventures they have, seeing them learn, and helping along the way, and, once they get past a certain stage, such as both being able to walk and talk, almost able to feed themselves, don’t be surprised to find him back nuzzling you from behind while you’re trying to get something done, murmuring in your ear about having another one. Count on him making jokes about needing a spare, ‘just in case’, for the third kid, and ‘backup spare’ for the fourth, beyond that, though Red, like Classic, will start being overwhelmed, and glad that his bro is so great with kids and loves his niblings so much, always declaring that, as they are related to him, they are better than others! 
Edge-  If you don’t want kids, that’s fine, Edge has you, and that’s enough! He’s not against having kids, though. He’d have one, training them to follow in his footsteps, teaching them the mastery of everything he’s learned, how to stay safe, and also to have honor and pride and protect those who cannot protect themselves. He could see having a second child to trail behind him and their older sibling as they train, taking in what they can and also working to be great, and then joining the training when they’re old enough. However, two is his limit, anything over that and he becomes anxious. He needs to keep his brood small enough to protect effectively, and he’s got you, the kids, his idiot brother, and whatever mess he’s gotten himself into (his family) to count into that mess. He knows he can only stretch so far, and won’t compromise the safety of those he loves. 
Blue-  Blue loves kids! He would be the soccer mom, planning out all the activities, making sure they get there, cheering from the sidelines- he proudly drives that minivan! Though he still drives his motorcycle when he’s not taking the kids out everywhere. He is so energetic that he always gets mistaken for the babysitter or sibling of the kids, and it rubs him the wrong way, but he’s gotten pretty good at just turning and calling for a ‘DOG PILE ON DADDY!’ and enjoying the shocked look on the person’s face as the kids all pile on him. As for how many, he’d love to have four or five, to ‘use the minivan to it’s fullest!’ And despite having all that energy, he tires faster than some of his Papyrus type counterparts, and usually ‘forces’ his brother to come with him on outings, to ‘keep an eye on him and make sure he’s not being lazy’ but he really just needs the help, because he’s stretched so thin. (urgh!) If you didn’t want any, he’s going to be the volunteer coach for many youth sports and events, he’ll still have that minivan to haul around his team, and he’ll still have his brother there to help cart everything around. Stretch takes it all in stride, though, hanging out by the bench with the snacks and equipment holding the clipboard and whistle. 
Stretch-  Stretch likes kids ok. If you don’t want any, he’d be cool with that, he’ll be getting enough interaction with them from always dealing with his bro’s escapades. If you do want them, he won’t be able to handle more than one or two, and he’ll be taking them with him to tag along with his bro’s craziness, though Blue will be a dedicated uncle and take less coaching work to have more time to ‘help’ him with the kids. He’s glad that his bro wants to hang out with them so much, not only because he’s so cool and the kids will grow to be that cool, too, but also because they’re getting their exercise in, and he’s too sedentary to do it with them. 
Black-  Black’s not sure about kids- of course, any children of his would be amazing! It’s the other scum out there trying to corrupt them he’s worried about... So if you don’t want any, he’d be fine with it. However, if you do want them, he does need a successor! Someone to take over for him down the line! Black is going to have a learning curve. First child, everything’s new, and he has no idea what he’s doing! Imagine him awkwardly holding the baby up, uncertain, nervousness radiating from him, demanding, “WHY ARE THEY MAKING THESE NOISES? WHAT DO I DO!? LOVE- YOUR CHILD NEEDS YOU!” and if you’re not home, "MUTT!!” By the second child, he thinks he’ll be able to do this, no problem! He’s no longer an unpracticed first timer who doesn’t know how to change a diaper! However- now he needs to learn how to keep two kids happy via multitasking at different levels, and to keep up with their needs, so he is still calling for help more than he’d like. He’s finally got it on the third one, though! He’s still learning new things with the first, but it’s far enough apart that he can keep up with the multitasking, and he’s already worked with the lower levels and is comfortable enough with them that he looks like a pro. On the fourth child, he’s insanely proud that if any of his children (or other people’s children as well, the deservingly smug bastard) are having the tired tantrums, all he has to do is pick them up and lay them against his chest and they fall asleep. Like Blue, he also gets mistaken for the babysitter or sibling of his children as he proudly marches around with them in line behind him. When someone comments how cute it is that they’re all playing ‘follow the leader’, he will stop, they will all fall into a parade rest, and he will thank the person for the compliment, and- “YES, I AM THE LEADER, AND YOU’D DO BEST TO WATCH YOURSELF, AS MY BROOD IS QUITE THE CAPABLE BUNCH!” 
Mutt-  Mutt always seems so chill- if you don’t want kids, he’s chill with it, he still checks on his brother and any niblings he has, so he’s pretty parentally content. If you do want kids, you’re going to think you’ve somehow missed all the signs that you’re now entangled with the mob. No one bothers his kids. They have friends, happiness, normal childhood things- but if you watch closely, he’s always got his socket on them. If, by chance, some poor ignorant child did bully one of his kids- you won’t hear about it after the first time, and... that child’s family may have had to suddenly move... He doesn’t need a lot to be happy, you and his brother are enough, and if Black plans to have kids it will affect how many Mutt wants, he needs to make sure he’s not spread too thin so he can properly protect and enforce the safety of you all. One or two are preferred, but you might be able to convince him of three. 
Axe-  Unfortunately, due to his injury, he can’t handle as much stimulus as he used to. If you decide that kids aren’t a good idea, or you don’t want them, he’s onboard. If you do want them, he’ll do his best to support you. He could handle only one, possibly two, and even at two, he’s worried he’s gong to mess up and forget he has the kids with him or something when he’s out, and you’ll get panicked calls from him at the store, “did i bring the kids with me-?!” “No, hon, there’re here with me.” Which is why- he wants help. He loves you, and if you want more kids, he wants you to be happy and give you what you want, and he’s not against the idea of more kids, he’ll just need his bro to come live with you, if he doesn’t already. The kids’ childhood will be wonderful, with three caregivers who love them, and they’ll be the most competent kids in any of their classes. Having Axe for a parent and Crooks for an uncle, or possibly co- parent, they’ll learn how to hunt, trap, store, prepare, and keep all sorts of food type things- be it a garden, wild game, or the livestock and chickens at home. Not only that, but they will know how to defend themselves and survive in all sorts of situations, if anything happens. They learn this all as fun family togetherness stuff, of course, but Axe has seen hell, and he wants his kids to be able to survive anything, to be able to go off the grid from anyone that would compromise them and stay safe and well taken care of when shit hits the fan. 
Crooks/ Bun-  Much like Axe, he can’t handle as much stimulus as he used to be able to. He loves kids, but his years underground have worn him down, and he’s not as energetic as he used to be. If you don’t want kids, it will be fine, he still has his brother to take care of, after all. If you do want them, he is still taking care of Axe, and while Axe can help with the kids, the trauma and PTSD they both have can hold them back some times. One or two kids would suit him just fine. They are going to learn all the wonderful things the two have to teach them, too; Papyrus will teach them about preserving and storing food, gardening, gathering, and trapping, while keeping things safe, and Axe will make sure they know how to defend themselves, protect their possessions, and hunt. His lower energy capacity does mean he gets worn out faster, and needs time for resting, usually putting the kids down for a nap at this time. At the end of the day, though, he’s happy with whatever family he’s got, especially when it’s got all the people he loves in it.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 2
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2319
Warnings:  Sex talk and pregnancy, light angst
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 2: Envy and Guilt
“I’m sorry, but I’m what?”  Natasha asked, and all at once, it hit me exactly what Wanda and Natasha being pregnant meant, and I felt my heart sink.
Wanda wouldn’t be so bad.  She’d worry about her powers, but she had always liked them, and I knew that one day she’d want to carry her own.  She loved being a mother.  She was a mother right down to her core, and while this was an accident, she would never think it was anything but a happy one.
Natasha was a whole other story.  The Red Room had messed with Natasha’s reproductive system.  She could get pregnant naturally; it was just improbable.  However, she could never carry a baby to term.  I could see the faint thread starting to form with the embryo growing inside her, letting me know what this little pseudo-life form would one day be part of our family.  I felt like that must mean something.  Those threads didn’t connect to everyone.  But if I was wrong, there was going to be a day in the next few months where we were all left grieving if there was no way to counteract what they’d done to her.
There was also the dumbfounded look of shock on everyone’s face.  I’d hoped and believed that we were in a different place now.  We had children.  We were parents.  We were good at it.  Having more children would be an exciting thing, and they all looked panicked.  I had visions of this playing out just like it did last time - everyone running and leaving Natasha to just deal with this alone.
I also had this selfish melancholy coming from this place of loss.  Tony had just asked if I’d have his baby, and now I wasn’t going to get that.  I couldn’t get pregnant now that we were expecting other babies.  I had let myself get excited about going through a pregnancy where everyone was there and onboard and taking care of me, and just like that, it was taken away.
“You and Wanda are both expecting,” Thor repeated.  “I’m sorry, did I ruin the surprise again?”
Clint got up and moved to Natasha’s side, wrapping his arms around her protectively.
“Thor?”  Steve asked gently.  “Was this you again?  I mean… did your powers slip?”
Thor shook his head.  “I swear, after the last time, I have been extra careful holding them at bay.  I had assumed you must have planned for this to happen.”
Wanda shook her head quickly and ran her hands over her stomach.  “I was taking the pill.”
“And we’ve all been using the injection,” Bruce added.  “Which with Natasha’s…”  he trailed off and furrowed his brow.  “...condition.  Should have meant no accidents.”
“I’m sorry,” Thor said.  “I didn’t mean to be the bearer of bad news.  I truly thought this was planned.”
“Maybe… maybe there was something about the bonding?”  Sam suggested.  “There were a lot of strange things that happened.  Perhaps there was some magic involving conceiving heirs?”
“Then why aren’t I pregnant too?” I asked in a small voice.
Clint took a seat and pulled Natasha down in his lap as Tony moved beside me and wrapped his arm around me.
“I don’t know,”  Thor said.  “Truly.  I can perhaps work out when it happened and who are the fathers?  If you’ll allow it?”
“Yes,” Natasha said quickly.  “Do that.  Because… because I can’t…  I can’t lose …”
Clint pulled her close, and Natasha melted into him, squeezing her eyes shut like she was trying really hard not to cry.  It broke my heart to see her so fragile.
“I’d like to know too.  Steve, are you alright with knowing who the biological parents are?”  Wanda asked.
Steve nodded.  “With Elise, I was worried it might create friction knowing.  We know now that’s not the case.  If knowing helps get to the bottom of this, then we should know.”
Thor put the kids down on the ground and approached Natasha first.  He knelt on the ground in front of her, putting his head on her stomach and his hand on her side.  There was a slight crackle of light, different to his lightning power but similar.  “It is new,” Thor said in a low rumble.  “Barely the size of a seed.  A month?” He paused and closed his eyes, tilting his head to the side.  “I believe this child was conceived after the bonding ceremony.  The father is Barnes.”
“Me?”  Bucky said softly.  “Really?”
“I’m sorry, James,” Natasha said quietly.  “I didn’t mean…”
Bucky moved quickly to her side and held up his hand like he was going to touch her before dropping his hands again.  “Don’t be sorry, Tasha.  I know we have things to worry about, but I’m here.  So we have a little super-soldier.  We already have a god.  We can handle it.”
Just then, I felt something that I hadn’t felt in a long, long time.  I was jealous.  Natasha was going to get everything I hadn’t, and even if she did end up losing this baby, everyone was going to be here for her.  They were going to dote on her and reassure her and let her know how much they loved her, and despite the fact it was over four years ago since I had gone through my pregnancy, the trauma of it reared its head like an angry snake and bit me.  I felt guilty for it too.  Natasha had been one of three people who had been with me from the very start, and she deserved to have everyone there for her.  I just wanted to have had that too.
As Clint, Natasha, and Bucky sat cuddling on the couch, Thor moved to Wanda and crouched in front of her.  He put his forehead against her stomach and hand on her side, and that soft glow happened again.  “Yes.  At the same time.  After the bonding,” he said.
“So, it was something to do with that?”  Sam asked.
Thor pulled back and looked up at the sky.  “Heimdall, I require the assistance of my brother.”
“Maybe if it was Asgardian magic, you don’t have anything to worry about, Nat?”  Clint suggested, sounding a little hopeful.
“If it was Asgardian magic, why is Elise not pregnant?  She was the one that had sex with Thor,” Natasha asked, almost accusatorily.
“Well,” Bruce reasoned.  “You weren’t on birth control, and Wanda’s was hormonal only.  Elise has an IUD in.  Perhaps she did have an egg fertilized, and it just was unable to implant because of the obstruction.”
The theory added to that upset, guilty, jealous feeling I had.  The thought that I could be where Wanda and Natasha were now, getting the attention and love while expecting, just how Tony wanted, but instead, I was sitting on the outside looking in while the trauma of my past kept bubbling up, made me angry at myself.
“I can’t… I can’t go through another miscarriage,” Natasha said.  “It’ll kill me.”
“We’re all here, Tasha,” Bucky said.  “Last time, you were practically alone.  Now you have all of us.”
Loki shimmered into the room and looked around in distaste; his eyes lit up when he saw the twins, and they ran at him, going straight through the hologram of his body.  He crouched down, chuckling softly. “I’m sorry, my darlings,” he said.  “I’m not really here.  Just a projection.”
“Uncew Woki,” Pietro pouted.  “I wanna hug you.”
“I know,” he soothed.  “I want to hug you both very badly, but I’m needed on Asgard for now.  I promise I’ll visit properly as soon as I can.”
Pietro pouted and folded his arms over his chest, and Loki looked over at Thor.  “You requested my assistance, brother?”
“I was hoping if you could find out whether there was anything to do with the bonding that had to do with … fertility.  Or conceiving an heir,” Thor explained.
Loki turned and looked at me with his eyebrow raised.  “Another accident, Elise?”
“Not me,” I said, and gestured to Wanda and Natasha.
“Well, well, well,” Loki jeered.  “Even more children.  How exciting.  I will see what I can find.”  He crouched back down and looked at the twins.  “New brothers or sisters for you.  Aren’t you lucky?”
“Weely?”  Riley asked.
“Oh, yes.  You’ll be sure to be very kind to them, won’t you?”  Loki said.  “Even if they stab you.”
Pietro’s eyes went large, and Riley started giggling.  “We wiwl,” she said nodding.
“Then I shall see you two soon, my lovelies,” he said and gave them a wave before turning and promptly vanishing.
While they had been talking, I had noticed that while the threads to Natasha split into two, there now seemed to be three connecting me to Wanda.  “Thor?”  I said, quietly.
Thor looked over at me with concern etched on his features.  “Yes, my queen?”
“Is Wanda having twins?”  I asked.
He smiled and ran a large hand over Wand’s tiny waist.  “Oh, yes,” he said.  “Identical twins.”
Wanda blinked at us both.  “I’m having twins?”  She asked.  “Really?”
He smiled and nodded.  “Oh, yes.  Three new lives will be joining us.  It’s good news, isn’t it?”
There was almost a ripple through the room while people decided if they were allowed to be excited or not.  I could feel the mixed emotions.  Fear was there.  I didn’t know whether it was because of being worried about Natasha or just the idea of more kids.  Mostly though, they were excited.
“You never said who was the biological dad with Wanda,” Sam said, sounding a little hopeful.
Thor grinned and patted Sam’s thigh.  “Why, it is you, my bird.”
Sam wrapped his arms around Wanda and peppered kisses on her face.  “You hear that?”  He asked as Wanda started giggling.
“Wow,” Steve said, shaking his head.  “I guess we have some things we need to organize.”
Tony brought up a screen on the coffee table and started typing up a message.  “I’ll call in Doctor Schroeder again.  She’s an expert on the genetics stuff.  Maybe if you do still need help, she can do some kind of gene therapy, Red.  We’ll make sure it all goes okay.  And the new place has more rooms for kids.  I … well we… I had wanted… hoped…”
Steve smiled and rubbed Tony’s shoulder.  “I know what you mean,” he said.  “It’ll be nice having a few more of them around.”
It started to feel like I couldn’t breathe.  The jealousy I was feeling was starting to get oppressive.  The stronger that feeling of envy over not being able to get that from these people who were all so excited right now, the guiltier I felt because Natasha and Wanda had been there for me the whole time when I was pregnant. They deserved to have everyone be there for them.  I started feeling sick to my stomach and hating myself for these thoughts I  was having.
Wanda looked at me and tilted her head, and I knew she had seen it all, which only made it worse.
“Elly, sweetie. Come here,” she said gently.
I shook my head and got up.  “I just… I just need to use the bathroom. I’ll come back and snuggle with you both in a minute, okay?” I said, trying to make myself seem extra cheery.
I walked out of the room, trying not to rush, and as soon as I was in the hall, I ran to the bathroom, closing the door behind me and sinking to the floor sobbing.
A moment later, there was a gentle knock on the door.  “El, sweetheart.  Let me in,” Steve said quietly.
I got up slowly and opened the door, and he stepped inside.  “I just - I didn’t want Nat to feel worse,” I said, the tears streaming down my face.
He pulled me into a hug and held me against his chest. “It’s okay, honey.  You’re allowed to feel your feelings.”
“I want more kids.  I do.  And I’m happy.  I can see the threads to those babies, and I just… I think it’s going to be fine, Steve.  And they deserve that.  Nat deserves that,” I sobbed, burying my face in his chest.
“But you wanted that too,” he said softly.  “I know, sweetheart.  And if I could go back in time and do it all differently, I would.  You did nothing to deserve how we treated you back then.”
I started crying harder, and I clung to him.  “I thought I was over it.  I thought I’d moved past it.  We were happy.  But Bucky just moved to Natasha.  He was so happy.  And… he couldn’t even… look at me…”
“I know.  I know,” he soothed.  “I don’t know if it’s any consolation, but he wouldn’t have been able to do that if it wasn’t for the fact we’d already been through this.  And El, as strong as Nat is, if she were the one that got pregnant first, it probably would have killed her.  She couldn’t do it alone.  Not with everything else.”
“I know.  And that’s why I feel so bad right now,” I sobbed.  “And today… Tony asked me if I’d have another.”
He pulled back and looked down at me, cradling my jaw. “Oh, honey, maybe you still can?”
“No,” I said, shaking my head.  “I can’t take this from them.  And there’s three coming.  I can’t… I can’t.”
He pressed a kiss to my forehead and pulled me back into a hug.  “It’s okay.  It’ll be okay.  You feel as sad as you need to.  We’ll be here for you with that too.  No one thinks you don’t want those babies.”
I relaxed against him and let myself cry myself out.  I knew I’d have to go back in there again, but at least I knew that I wasn’t alone when I did.
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comradekatara · 4 years
any more hcs on sokka and azula’s “rivalry”?
sokka has been the competition since day one. he’s the only person in this godforsaken den of idiots who can remotely keep up with her trenchant mind. she despises him, naturally. 
every week, zuko hears her rehearse debate strategies on the way to school, and he feels that trademark mix of irritation and concern he feels for her whenever she is doing something particularly on-brand. “i’m going to crush sokka today,” she announces to him proudly. “i’m going to destroy him.” zuko sighs, rolls his eyes, and proclaims, “for the last time, azula, i don’t know who that is!” 
sokka is confused as to why a freshman he doesn’t know approaches him in the halls today to say “i see someone doesn’t seem to care about their so-called perfect attendance record.” and sokka’s really tired so he’s just like, “i was at my girlfriend’s funeral. is that okay with you, random child?? is that allowed???” azula just narrows her eyes and says, “hm. lucky save.” this actually gets sokka to laugh for the first time all week. 
sometimes sokka will complain to katara about the young republican in his debate class. oftentimes katara will complain to sokka about the girl on the team who’s always taunting her for no goddamn reason. they get way more excited than they should the day that they realize that they are talking about the same person. sokka suddenly forgives katara for all those times he had to pick her up from detention for getting into fistfights during practice, because yeah, he’s heard her stance on affirmative action, so perhaps she simply got what she deserved :) 
the first time azula sees zuko talking to sokka in the halls, she is shaken to her core. she knew he was ruthless, a master tactician, but what kind of cruel gambit is this??? she demands that zuko tell her everything they were talking about. zuko’s like “you know that cardigans album ‘first band on the moon’???” and azula, who would never wear nor listen to a cardigan, is just like “what kinda 5D chess is he playing..........” 
azula is desperate to know what sokka got on his SATs. he won’t tell her, because why the fuck would he. it keeps her up at night. eventually he gets sick of her incessant texting, so he blocks her number. she hacks into zuko’s phone and writes, “’Sup, bro? Did you get your SAT results back too? How’d you do?” and sokka just responds, “hi zuko! what a normal question!” and then lets zuko know the next day at school that azula stole his phone.
sokka actually raises his voice one time in debate. it is during a resolution that “colonialism has its benefits, actually.” he manages to stay level while explaining his position, but some kid in the back nods thoughtfully while azula is spouting nonsense, and sokka just points a finger at him and yells, “I SEE YOU NODDING, WHITE BOY.” katara oh so desperately wishes she had been there to witness that glorious moment, but since she’s not a nerd, she doesn’t do debate. 
one lovely summer’s day, azula follows zuko all the way from home, waits a reasonable amount of time, and then just walks past them, lowers her sunglasses and goes, oh so casually, “zuzu? zuzu’s friend? can it really be you? why, whatever are you doing in the park?” zuko just responds flatly, “i thought you said that ‘parks are for vagrants and the poor.’” and azula’s like, “nonsense! i’m meeting mai and ty lee here right now.” sokka says, “but suki just sent me a picture of her with ty lee three minutes ago.” and zuko says, “and mai is babysitting tom tom because their au pair came down with tb.” azula mumbles that actually, she’s talking about someone else, and also what the fuck, do people even still get tb??? and zuko just frowns and says, “but azula, you don’t have any other friends.” she laughs and says, “shows what you know,” and saunters off, a confident stride in her step all the way home. at which point she locks herself in her room and screams into a pillow. meanwhile, at the park, sokka is like, “do people still get tb???” and zuko just shrugs and says, “i don’t know; i just felt like calling her bluff.” 
azula thinks it is most outrageous that sokka is valedictorian considering that he has countless absences from his freshman and sophomore years. ty lee just blinks and tilts her head. “azula, how do you even know that?” she asks, at which point azula casually admits that she has copies of his entire record and all his grades. ty lee is very scared, but wisely does not inform sokka. better to let him live in blissful ignorance, she thinks.
her senior year is very dull without sokka. ty lee suggests that she find another hobby to replace it. azula’s just like “what are you implying????” but they both know ty lee chooses her words very deliberately. azula takes up archery. 
she calls zuko once all year, and it is to inform him that she is going to harvard. he wishes her the best of luck, and then promptly hangs up. at harvard, which is in boston, perhaps you’ve heard of it, she does the engineering and the pre-law track, because if zuko’s going to be every immigrant parents’ worst nightmare by majoring in some humanities bullshit, she may as well make her father twice as proud. (lowkey she is kind of ashamed that she’s not pre-med, but she knows she’d make a better lawyer than doctor.) she refuses to admit that the workload is too much for her until people she doesn’t even know start coming up to her to ask her if she’s okay. 
in her senior year at harvard, she has a ...bit of a mental breakdown. finals are approaching, and the pressure has finally gotten too much for her, and she just cracks. she takes some really shitty scissors, like, those kids’ scissors with the zagged edges, and gives herself “bangs.” she cries in the shower until the water gets so cold she screams. she eats nothing but cheetos for three whole days and she doesn’t even bother to wash her hands. she drunk dials zuko to be like “oh i am doing so good you don’t even KNOW.” zuko plays the six voicemails she left him at 3am back to sokka, who’s like “i think we have to go to boston???” 
because azula is very sensitive right now, zuko pretends that he’s there to ask her for money. he takes her to lunch, which she wears sweatpants to, and sokka just happens to run into them. azula’s like “what the fuck are you doing here???” and he’s like “oh....you know......just visiting my cousin......” to which azula’s like “you have a white cousin?” but then zuko invites him to have lunch with them, and azula brags about how great she’s been doing in college and how she’s top of her class and is gonna go to harvard for law school as well, and sokka’s like “that’s so great! i had no doubt you could do it.” and then she openly sobs in the middle of a restaurant and zuko can feel all the other patrons of this boston establishment glare at them and he’s just like “azula do you mind not being so loud?? we are begging to be hatecrimed” and tries to apologize to everyone on her behalf. after she stops crying, she’s like “well, i must be off to cambridge now! don’t know why we went all the way into boston, since i have a lecture in an hour” and sokka’s like “ok cool bye” but then zuko kicks him and he says, very naturally, “you know, i’ve always wanted to know what the harvard campus is like.” (he doesn’t mention that he saw the harvard campus when he toured MIT.) azula’s just like “of course you would.” 
they end up staying with azula until they can persuade her to see a therapist, which takes a really long time because azula believes that therapists are a scam for weak-willed white liberals who love to complain, but sokka manages to organically bring up how he was in therapy intensively for a really long time after yue’s death, and this finally manages to convince her. it takes her a really long time to adjust to therapy because she sees it like a game she refuses to lose, but having completed their mission, sokka and zuko are confident that she’s sprung back enough that at least they don’t have to keep staying in this really creepy motel in boston that zuko is convinced is haunted. she ends up having to repeat the semester, and then takes another semester off, but she goes to harvard law after that. 
she makes partner in record speeds. women hate her, and men fear her. her makeup never smudges, her outfits are always impeccable. she never loses a case. then her father dies. she sees zuko at the funeral, and though she stays completely calm throughout the day, she’s a mess on the way home. zuko hates driving, but he drives her home because she had half a bottle of vodka and it’s evident that she is softly crying because her eyeliner teartracks are running over themselves, black smudges spilling down her face. he sleeps on her couch. he’s still there the next morning, and he’s gotten her fresh pastries for breakfast, which she must admit, is a lot tastier than black coffee and a protein bar. he insists that she take another day off work, and she’s like “um they already let me have one day off for the funeral??? i can’t just miss my job willy-nilly, zuzu. it’s my job.” he is so concerned for her. so he reaches out more after that. eventually, she reaches back. 
after a lot of coaxing from zuko, sokka unblocks her phone number and texts her, “hey, how’ve you been?” she agonizes over this text for two days, at which point she responds, “Fine.” he writes, “i’m gonna be home for the holidays. if you’re around we should hang out!” and azula, who had no such plans of going anywhere for the holidays, especially not back home, where she has no family left, anyway, is like “Yeah okay.” 
seeing sokka for the first time in years, and katara, who she hasn’t seen for even longer, is really jarring for azula. katara’s in a happy relationship. sokka has a fulfilling career. she always told herself she’d get a girlfriend after she got on the supreme court, but that suddenly seems awfully far away as she watches katara’s boyfriend dote on her. aang, this guy who was a few grades below her and insanely popular, throws a new year’s eve party, and invites a whole bunch of people from their highschool because apparently, he was not only friends with everyone, but regularly keeps in touch with all of them. horrid. absolutely horrid. azula goes, out of sheer curiosity. she sees toph, who is having the time of her life at this party that is neither a black tie fundraiser nor a dinner party, and as casually as possible asks her where sokka is, since of course she still remembers that sokka and toph were best friends in high school (though is in fact unaware that they still are). tophs just like “oh, you know how zuko hates parties, so he and sokka just stayed home.” azula gets lightheaded despite having not yet had a drop of alcohol. what exactly did toph say??? toph, yelling this time so that azula may hear her better, yells, “HE AND ZUKO STAYED HOME.” azula’s just like “what the fuck?!??!??!”
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
“a deer in the crosshairs” (1/??)
Welcome! I love pain! That’s why I’m publishing the first two chapters of my long-awaited Grey Deer fic right now. Enjoy, and please give me some feedback through inbox/comments, I really need it so I know what I need to improve. Thanks!
Synopsis: After a traumatic attack, a member of the Grey Deer realizes that someone on her own squad is out to get her. Out of all the people she considers her friends and comrades, two of them committed a brutal crime, leaving her in a paranoid, frightened state. Why would they do this? Why her? What is going to happen now? Among all the fear, she knows there's at least one person she can trust: her very own Vice Captain, Julius.
The Clover Kingdom is known for its balmy summers, temperate falls, and forgiving winters. I just so happened to be born in the dead center of one of those winters, on the coldest, most unforgiving night of that year. It wasn't like that made a difference, though. My mother was warm and well-cared for within our large house, heated by mountains of blankets and a crackling fireplace. She was the daughter of a wealthy landlord, and my father was born into nobility. We had it about as good as it could get.
When I was five years old, my parents took me to visit the castle for the first time. I had no idea what was going on, but it was fun to dress up in a frilly dress and be doted on by servants. We met an important-looking man and his family, which included a boy maybe 4 or 5 years older than I am. He had dark hair slicked back into a little bun, and two cold grey eyes that I could never bring myself to look into very deeply. 
"So, did you like Prince Lawrence?" my mother asked me on the way home, palpable excitement in her voice. I just nodded a little as I sucked on a lollipop my father gave me to keep me occupied. The truth was, I had said maybe 2 words to the boy before avoiding him the entire time. However, my mother was pleased. "Good! It's very important that the two of you get along."
I didn't know it at the time, but as far as nobles went, we were on thin ice. My mother's once-wealthy father went out of business shortly before his death, and my father's family told him he was a disgrace for marrying into an unstable financial situation. I don't blame them for choosing the one viable way out of their situation... even if that solution ended up being none other than little ol' me. 
What was the solution, you ask?
I was to marry into the Kira family.
Lawrence Kira was a distant cousin of the king, but he was close enough to royalty that it would have us set for life. Back then, I didn't really care. It was decided long before I started to care. I was supposed to marry him when I turned 18, but that plan was postponed when I let my friend Alice convince me to take the Magic Knights Exam. I didn't really know what to expect, but my magic is as potent as it gets, despite being a "cut-rate noble," as some people called us. Lucky for me, a few captains raised their hands, and I chose the one I knew was the best.
And so, seven years later, here I am, celebrating the coming of the new year with the Grey Deer.
"Hey, you, refill my mug, will'ya!?"
I quickly push away the empty mug that's shoved into my face. "Ah, no, I'm not your servant, Nigel," I tell the boy. "I'm older than you, anyway!"
Nigel sticks out his tongue but doesn't push the subject, mostly because he's barely conscious right now as it is. Everyone's been drinking all night, but Nigel obviously doesn't hold his beer so well.
"Aww, we got a little baby, don't we!" Two of the older knights, Margery and Wren, walk over to flank the boy, who looks between them a few times. "You're 20 aren't you? I could down 20 beers in a row when I was 16!" Margery cackles cruelly. She's a beautiful woman who's usually nicer than this, but tonight seems to be making her rowdy.
"Margery, be nice," I scold lightly, being careful not to sound impertinent. She's several ranks above me, after all. However, the liquid courage is going straight to my head. "Not everyone was an alcoholic at 16!"
Wren's bloodshot eyes widen while Margery's face contorts into an over-exaggerated expression of rage. "Are you trying to insult me?!" she screeches, grabbing the collar of my cloak. I know better than to resist as she pulls me so close that she practically spits on me. "Another word, and I'll shove a thousand pearls up your little-"
"Ooh, you're gonna fight?" a booming voice calls. We both look over to see none other than Captain Hervey himself addressing us from the head of the table, sipping wine from a goblet. He's a tall man with blonde hair that spirals up in three big spikes, and a goatee that he never stops toying with. He's got a rather boorish personality, and can be accidentally mean without realizing it. It's not his fault; he's just really good an unintentionally hurting people's feelings. "Everyone, the showdown is finally happening!"
A few people hoot and holler at the announcement. We're a squad of sixteen people, yet we make this room feel like it's thronged with a huge crowd. The Grey Deer are known for their efficiency and elegance in battle, but when we're drunk we resemble the Crimson Lion Kings very closely. Sixteen people, yet not everyone is here. My friend Alice is off on patrol by herself tonight and visiting her elderly mother, so she isn't here to join in with the festivities. So, we're fifteen members tonight...
Wait. There's only 14 people here. Who's missing, other than Alice?
"Are you even listening to me?!"
I'm shaken (literally) from my thoughts by Margery and snap back to attention. "I'm your senior, and I'll fight you right now to prove it!"
"Ah! Actually, I'd rather not!" I hold up my hands to plead with her. "I don't want to use my magic inside!"
Margery practically growls like a feral animal. "Then... let's go outside!"
"Are you crazy? It's snowing cats and dogs out there," Giles, a knight who's my age and joined at the same time as me, observes. Out of the trio of me, Alice, and Giles, he's usually the more logical one. "Just settle it some other time."
It's not worth pursuing any longer, so Margery finally lets me go. "You're on thin fucking ice-" she warns me before returning to her seat. I sigh and shake my head. She's not going to remember any of this tomorrow morning anyway.
Giles sighs and takes another bite of his food. There's more than usual tonight, since it's a rare holiday and all. "How much longer until midnight?"
"Another hour." Elia, my roommate, yawns a little, gazing over at me from across the table with tired eyes. "I don't think I'm going to last that long."
"You have to! It's New Years!" Nigel insists, giggling as if he just told us the funniest joke the world has ever heard (news flash: he has not done such a thing). "It's the only time of year we can slack off like this."
"Ooh, that reminds me..." I wince before looking back up at the head of the table. The seven senior knights and the captain reserve that section for themselves, then the intermediate knights like myself get the middle section. At the opposite end is the "kids area," for all the junior knights. We have four of them right now, two of them being brand new recruits. "Captain, do we have to work tomorrow?"
"Ah... I guess you have to." There's a loud groan from all parts of the table at this news, and Hervey slams his goblet on the table loudly. "BUT! You didn't let me finish!" he roars. "You don't have to get up until 10, how's that?!" He smirks to himself as we all agree, of course. 
"Hey... let's do a game..." Nigel slurs, resting his chin on his elbow. "I'm bored."
"Fine. What game?" Giles actually looks pretty excited for once, and catches the attention of me and Elia.
Nigel grins and straightens up, holding up his hand with all five fingers up. "Never have I ever... made eyes at Vice Captain Malota."
"Oh, ewww!" We look over to see Wren wrinkling his nose. "No offense, but she has a stick up her butt all the time." Malota is a little older, but she's still pretty, with long blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Her face is very angular like a vulture, but... a sexy vulture. But Wren is right; she's a very capable woman, but she has a weird personality.
"... you got me." Giles blushes behind his glasses and puts a finger down. Both Nigel and Wren giggle at him. "Stop it! I'm sure you're crushing on someone here!"
"Me? I would never stoop that low," Wren shoots back. "Okay, okay, I got one... never have I ever broken a bone!" 
Everyone whines at the question, because of course that's happened to everyone. Everyone but Wren, apparently. He gloats to himself as we're all forced to lower a finger. "Who's next?"
"I'll go!" Elia pipes up, which is a little surprising because she's never the one to put herself out there. "Never have I ever..." She grins evilly. "Had SEX."
"oh, EW!" All the boys chorus at once, going red in the face at the sheer audacity. "Of ALL the immature things you could have said!" Wren objects, but puts a finger down anyway (not gonna lie... I'm kind of surprised to hear that he isn't still a virgin at 25 years old). Elia just giggles and looks pointedly at the rest of us. Nigel shrugs and puts a finger down, Giles blushes and keeps his up, and I, too, am forced to put it down, which throws Wren into outrage once again. "WHAT?! YOU? Y-You had, you did the-"
"Yes, obviously," I snap, wishing we could just get to the next question already. "What's the big deal?"
"Aren't you engaged?" Giles asks curiously.
"First of all, that's none of your business, second of all..." I cross my arms. "Yes, I'm engaged... who do you think I did it with, dummy?"
A collective "oh" moves through our group. "That makes sense, I guess..." Wren shakes his head and sticks his tongue out at me. "Whore!"
"Shut up."
"OI! I just realized something!" Our attentions are pulled back to the head of the table, where Hervey is scowling at the empty seat to his right. "Julius... he went out for air two hours ago and still hasn't come back!!"
"What, you think he died or something?" Wren asks, shaking his head. "He's probably just got tired of us."
"Unacceptable! It's almost midnight, and my new vice captain isn't even here!?" Hervey growls. "Someone go out and get him... YOU!" I jump with fear as he points a hairy finger right at me. "Go get him! Actually, lure him in with a warm drink! It can't be fun being out in the blizzard all alone!"
I want to ask why me, but when the captain tells you to do something, you do it. So, reluctantly, I stand up and walk off into the kitchen, letting the sounds of the party get muffled by the door. The counters are strewn with empty bottles and kegs, with only a few full ones left. The only warm drink available right now are the dregs of the mulled wine from the pot, so I carefully scoop some out into a mug. It feels good as I clutch it in my hands and steel myself for the trip outside.
Julius was made vice captain just a couple days ago, chosen to serve next to Hervey and Malota. His personality is 100 times more bearable than either of them, but there's no denying that everyone in the squad is just a tad bit... scared of him. He's been around since I first joined, but we never really talked or ended up doing missions together until recently. In terms of ability, he's leaps and bounds ahead of everyone. But at the same time, he's not really close to anyone. Julius is the type of guy who gets along with everyone on the squad, no matter how volatile their personalities seem to be, but his only real friend seems to be the senior knight Elger, who keeps to himself as well. Sometimes, it feels like he just... operates on a completely different plane of reality than the rest of us.
Giles was right, it is snowing like it's never snowed before. I think briefly about the stories my parents told me about my own birth, how the wind rattled the windows and blanketed the earth in snow. I wonder if there's a baby being born somewhere tonight, under those same conditions. 
The wind blows my cape around, and my uniform does little to shelter my body from the freezing fingers of the cold. My teeth are chattering and the only warmth comes from the mug in my hands. If I don't see him in five minutes, I'm drinking this myself! I think bitterly to myself, trudging around the perimeter of our base. It's not even easy to see, with the dim light of the moon shadowed by gales of snow. Maybe Julius didn't even go outside? Maybe he went back to his room because he was tired? That's what I would have done. 
In one last attempt to find him, I call out his name. "Julius! Julius!?"
There's no way he can hear me, I think, shaking my head a little. Admittedly, I'm pretty eager to get back inside. If he's actually out here, he can take care of himself-
"Hello? Who's there?"
Shit. I let out a sigh before turning back around, and finally spot a figure walking towards me in the dark. Tall, blonde, handsome, with a smile that puts everyone around him at ease. Sure enough, it's Julius, who looks largely unaffected by the blizzard around him, albeit confused as to why I ventured out to find him. "What brings you out here on this lovely evening?"
"Ha ha, very funny." I'm not really in the mood for a cheeky joke right now. "We noticed you were gone, so I brought something out to warm you up." I hold out the mug, a look of pleasant surprise crossing his face. "Why're you out here all alone, anyway?"
"Oh? Thank you! I was feeling a bit chilly, anyway," Julius thanks me with a kind smile as he takes the mug. A bit chilly!? It's freezing! "I was... I don't know. I guess I just felt like taking a walk, and forgot about the party." He takes a sip of the drink, his eyes glancing over at the warm light pouring from the base's windows.
"You forgot?" I repeat, wondering what he was really thinking. "Well, I was told to bring you back inside, it's almost midnight, you know. I don't really feel like going back empty-handed."
"Is it?" Julius peers down at me and lets out a soft laugh, which I don't really appreciate. "I'm sorry to disappoint... but I think I'll stay out a bit longer. Don't worry about me..." For the first time, his smile fades, and something pools in his eyes as he looks away into the darkness.
"I have... a lot to think about."
I like to think that I'm a very observant person. My magic is illusion magic, which gives me the power to conjure images and scenes within the minds of others. But to effectively fight an enemy, I have to be able to glean information about them just from the surface. The way they move, the way they fight, the way they talk... but most importantly, I have to look into their eyes. Only then can I see their souls, and then I know how I can beat them. 
Julius, a powerful, dependable man, is still just like everyone else. And the moment I search him for the first time, I can tell that something is wrong. Not only that, but he has the distinct look of someone in mourning. A lot to think about? I wonder if it was a family member... or maybe a friend. Either way, it's probably best to leave him alone. I'm sure he'll find peace somehow.
"You don't have to stay out here, you know." I snap out of my thoughts to see that he's talking to me again, his smile returned. "I'll be okay."
"...are you sure?" I know it's not my place to push the subject, but for some reason I feel a bit worried about him. Me? Worried about him? It was strange, but true. I know I should leave, but part of me feels like I need to stay. "I-I mean, I don't know, I wasn't having much fun anyways," I correct myself, looking away and crossing my arms. "And I told you, I'm not going back empty handed. If you're out here because something's troubling you... then maybe you should get it off your chest, feel better, then come back inside!"
Did those words really just come out of my mouth?! I'm talking to the vice captain! Jeez, and I sounded so demanding too, of all the insensitive things I could have said! What should I do? Run back inside? No... I'll run into the forest. Maybe I'll even freeze to death, or get eaten by a wild animal! It would be better than this embarrassment. Oh god, now what-
"My, you could really tell all that from just looking at me? It's amazing how magic can hone other skills... alright then. If you're fine with the cold, let's walk."
... oh? I'm not in trouble? Miraculously, Julius even looks slightly amused as he gestures at me, frozen in place in the snow. "Come on! I'm not going to bite."
"...alright." I shake my head a little before trudging up to his side. Maybe I should have just gone inside when I had the chance. Now I'm stuck out here... I glance over at Julius to see that he has a more neutral expression as we walk, his eyes fixed on the snowy path ahead. "So... what's been going on?"
Julius lets out one breath, letting it fog in the air in front of him. "A friend of mine died... to put it simply."
That's what I thought, I think to myself. "I'm sorry to hear that. It was recent?"
"Yeah... well, about a month ago." Julius shakes his head a little, the wound obviously still fresh in his heart. "He was a magic knight, too, in the Purple Orcas."
I didn't know anyone from the other squads, so it's surprising to hear that Julius had a friend from the Purple Orcas. "... I'm sure he was a great magic knight, if you were friends with him."
That catches Julius's attention for a split second, and I notice his lips try to twitch back into a smile. "Oh? That's quite the compliment." He gives me a pointed look which I quickly avoid. "But yeah, he was probably the best magic knight I've ever met."
He slows to a stop, letting out another long sigh. "Look, the storm is clearing a little."
Indeed, the snow wasn't swirling around as violently as before, and the wind doesn't sting at my skin. In fact, we could see a couple stars in the sky, their light piercing through. 
"...I guess life is just cruel. It takes away the best people and leaves the rest of us to kill each other."
The sentiment is startling to hear, especially from such a mild-mannered man. It's a sign that, for the past month, Julius has been silently suffering, waiting for his peace to come.
Life is cruel... but our fates aren't absolute. I know that better than anyone. I'm in the process of destroying my fate, after all.
I don't really know what to say to that, and Julius quickly picks up on the growing awkwardness. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as angry at you-" He looks over at me and cuts himself off. "You okay? You're practically turning blue!"
"H-Huh?" To my horror, I barely feel my lips as I talk. I look down to see that the hands I've been hugging close to my body are shaking violently, and going numb as well. Shit! I didn't realize how cold I was getting, maybe I should-
"Here." I look up to see Julius starting to pull his cloak over his head. "Put this on, it's still warm from my body."
Still warm from my body.
I draw in a startled gasp and step away three times quickly, stuttering out something incomprehensible. "Ah- uh- n-no thanks! It's ab-bout time I g-g-go inside anyway!"
At least my face is warm now. Julius realizes his mistake and opens his mouth awkwardly, retracting his offer. "Oh... sorry, I didn't mean-"
"No, no, it's fine!" I manage to compose myself and give him a shaky thumbs up. "Are you coming in or not?"
"I think I'll stay out a little longer." He relaxes and even gives me a smile after he pulls the cloak back on. "You were right... I feel a little better."
Well, at least this trip into the blizzard wasn't all for nothing. "I'm glad to hear it... See you later."
With that, I turn away and head back inside to join the others as they countdown into the new year, while Julius stays out to weather the storm just a little bit longer.
Read chapter two on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26319412/chapters/64089274#workskin
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ohgodwhy151 · 4 years
I’m really happy with how this turned out. It’s a series of short snippets that chronicle Annie’s pregnancy and how she and Eren deal with it! Enjoy! 
Reluctant parents/Expecting parents
Annie pulled her head out of the toilet bowl and groaned loudly. Weakly she reached for her phone and squinted as the light blinded her. “Five. Are you kidding me.” She sighed. 
From the bedroom she heard a familiar voice. “You okay in there?” Eren yawned. 
“Yeah I’m having a great time throwing up at five in the morning.” She snapped. 
“I take it you’re not okay then,” Eren said as he stood in the bathroom doorway. “Any idea what it is?” 
Annie rubbed her temples. “I don’t know. It can’t be food poisoning, we ate the same food last night.” 
Coming to her side Eren sat beside her and rested a hand on her knee. “What can I do?” 
“Kill me.” 
Eren scoffed as Annie let her head fall onto his shoulder. “That bad?” 
“I feel like I’ve been turned upside down and violently shaken.” 
“That bad then,” As he did his best to soothe her Eren kissed her forehead. “It’ll be okay, you’re not going to be sick every morning. Whatever it is, it’ll pass.” 
Annie’s eyes shot open. “What did you say?” 
“It’ll pass.” 
“I’ve been sick in the morning.” 
Eren nodded. “Yeah, it’s okay. Just a bit of nausea.” 
“Morning sickness.” 
With a furrowed brow Eren nodded again. “Yeah, that’s what this is.” 
Pinching her nose Annie sighed. “Could I be… you know… pregnant.” Eren froze in place with wide eyes. “Eren. Did you hear me?” 
Swallowing the lump in his throat Eren took a deep breath. “Y-yeah. I heard you. Is it possible?” 
Annie slowly shrugged. “I mean. Those things are never 100% effective.” 
“Things?” Eren echoed. 
“Oh come on. I know you get embarrassed.” 
As it dawned on him Eren felt his chest tighten. “Those things?” Annie nodded. “I… I guess it’s possible.” 
“I mean it’s probably not.” Annie added. 
Eren nodded. “Yeah you’re right. But just to be sure you should do a test.” 
“Eren,” Annie moaned. “Your kid hates me.”
Eren stifled a laugh. “First of all. Our kid, second of all no they don’t.” 
Lying down on the sofa Annie watched as Eren sat across from her. “Then why do they keep kicking?” 
“They’re probably just excited to see you,” Eren shrugged. 
“Easy for you to say,” Annie pouted. “You’re not being woken up all the time as a little monster kicks you from the inside.” 
With crossed arms Eren leant back in his seat. “Have you ever considered you’re being kicked because you keep calling them a little monster?” 
Annie took a moment to soothe her abdomen. “They know I’m a terrible mother.” 
Hiding his excitement Eren said.  “You’re not a terrible mother,” He huffed as he came to her side. “You’re just tired and cranky. Look, no one said being pregnant was easy. It’s difficult but you don’t have to face it alone and just think at the end of it we’ll have a kid. An actual kid who loves their parents.” 
Taking Eren’s hand in her own Annie did her best to relax but with every kick her patience grew thinner and thinner. “Okay, in that case,” Annie said, taking a deep breath. “Our kid hates me.” 
It struck her in the middle of the night. While she wouldn’t admit it Annie knew it was her growling stomach that had woken her up. She did her best to ignore it, to push the hunger from her mind but it didn’t work. No matter how many times she rolled over, stretched or soothed her growing bump nothing could distract her from her newest hardship. Eventually she reached over to Eren and reluctantly woke him. 
“Ann?” Eren groaned. “What is it?” 
“I… I can’t sleep.” 
Rolling over, Eren rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “Okay. So you’ve woken me up because?” 
Annie bit her lip. “I’m hungry.” 
“For what?” 
“Pie?” Eren echoed. “Is this an Annie thing or a pregnant thing?” 
“Both.” Annie pouted. “Look I’m sorry I woke you up but I really can’t sleep.” 
Throwing the covers off of him Eren stretched as he stood. “Okay. Time to be a hero,” He smirked. “What do you need?” 
“Apple pie, but we don’t have any and it’s three in the morning.” 
Eren double took as he left the bedroom. “Three!?” He gawked. “I’m sure I can figure something out.” Eren sighed. 
Annie wasn’t sure exactly how long Eren was gone for but as time passed she felt increasingly guilty about waking him for something like pie. Laying back Annie looked down at her bump and sighed. “You’re lucky you’ve got someone like him for a dad. He’ll look after you better than I ever could,” There was a slight kick in response. “You could make things easier as well. Why pie? Why not something simple like… anything other than pie.” She groaned.  Ready to give up, Annie pulled the covers back over herself when a particular smell hit her nose. Taking a deep breath her mouth quickly grew wet as the smell of cooking apples and cinnamon floated up from the kitchen. 
Sneaking downstairs Annie did her best to remain silent despite her growling stomach. She followed the smell and peered around the doorway to see Eren standing over the oven tapping his foot impatiently. “Does it have to be caster sugar?” Eren hummed as he looked down at his phone. 
“Are you making apple pie at three in the morning?” 
Doing his best to hide his surprise and the mess he had made Eren turned around. “Y-yeah. We had most of the ingredients so I thought I could improvise.” 
Annie giggled as she looked past him. “And how many ingredients did you get on the floor, wall and ceiling?” 
“The recipe said to thoroughly beat the eggs so that’s what I did!” 
“Well it smells good so you must be doing something right,” She said planting a light kiss on his cheek. “Plus I think it’s calmed our little monster down as well.”  
Annie was dreading this day almost as much as her due date. As she opened the door to a sea of beaming faces she thought she was going to throw up. “Y-you’re early.” She stuttered. 
Hitch stepped forward and threw her arms around her. “Well some of us, totally not me, were just really excited to see you. Also I think Sasha was going to eat your present if we didn’t get here quick enough.” 
Calming the anxiety that pooled in her stomach Annie led Hitch, Sasha, Mikasa, Ymir, Historia and Pieck inside. As she did, Annie sent a text to Eren. 
‘How long do I have to keep this up?” 
She didn’t have to wait long for a reply. 
‘I’ll check up on you and if it gets too much I’ll find a way to get them out.’ 
With all the strength Annie could muster she made her into the living for her baby shower. When Hitch had found out she was pregnant Annie pleaded with her to reign in some of her more outlandish ideas and after weeks of begging it seemed to have worked. “I didn’t think you’d be the first one to get pregnant.” Ymir hummed as Annie walked in. 
“It wasn’t exactly planned. It just happened.” 
Ymir snorted. “So I take it you’re having a great time then?” 
“Judging by the rings under her eyes I’d say pregnancy is just a little difficult.” Mikasa added. 
Historia shook her head. “Don’t be mean. Annie is growing a baby in her. Cut her some slack.” 
“Please don’t remind me,” Annie sighed. “I try not to think about it.” 
“Why not?” Pieck asked. 
“It’s just… weird. Me being a parent. I didn’t think it would happen.” 
Pieck laughed. “True I didn’t think it would either but it looks like you won’t be able to ignore it much longer.” She said gesturing to Annie’s swollen abdomen. 
A lump formed in Annie’s throat. 
“At least you have Eren with you,” Mikasa shrugged. “Knowing him he’ll be doting on you… more than usual.”  
Annie smiled. “He’s been amazing. He’s so excited I think he’s sleeping as much as I am. I wouldn’t be able to do this without him.” 
As Annie talked with Hitch and the others Mikasa’s eyes darted to the door. Standing up she excused herself before leaving and with crossed arms leant against the doorframe in the corridor. “Eavesdropping now?”  
Eren rubbed the back of his head. “I was curious, I’ve never been to a baby shower before.”
“You’re not missing out on much,” She shrugged. “How are you coping?” 
“I’m fine.” 
Mikasa narrowed her eyes. 
“Okay, okay. I’m tired, excited, worried and just really tired.” 
From inside they heard Sasha presenting an apple pie Nicolo made. 
“I didn’t think Annie would have a baby shower. Too many people.” 
Eren laughed. “Yeah but we couldn’t hide it forever.” 
“Were you ever going to tell me or did I have to have Hitch tell me?” 
Feeling his heart sink Eren sighed. “I’m sorry. We only wanted to tell people when Annie was ready.” 
Mikasa offered him a warm smile. “Well if you ever need a babysitter I’ll let in on a secret. Pieck and Ymir are really eager.” 
“Ymir!?” Eren echoed. 
“Bertholdt and Pieck want to have kids so I’m sure they want some practise but Ymir just really loves babies, but don’t let her know you know or your kid will grow up without a dad.” 
Blinking back his confusion Eren nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.” 
“Good, now I gotta get back in there before Hitch starts coming up with names.” 
  “Let’s go over this again,” Eren said as he examined the large duffle bag. “Spare clothes, towels, toothbrush, slippers, pillow… anything else?” 
Annie looked at the bag and felt her chest tighten. “I-is this all really needed?” 
“The book said to pack a lot of things so that’s what we’re going to do.” 
Annie bit her lip. “I’m not ready for this.” 
Putting the bag down Eren came to her side. “I know it doesn’t feel like it but I know you are.” 
“It just feels really real now.” Annie scoffed.
“And it hasn’t for the past seven months?” Eren laughed as he took her in his arms. “Just think, it won’t be long before we can finally spar again.” 
Annie let herself relax in Eren’s embrace. “I’m really looking forward to beating you again.” 
“That’s more like it.” 
Eren winced as Annie gripped his hand with all her strength. “Save some energy for pushing Ann.” He chuckled dryly. 
Between her accelerating contractions Annie looked up at Eren from the hospital bed. “You make one more joke and I’ll throw you out the window.” 
“I’d believe her if I were you,” The midwife laughed.  
Minutes turned into hours as Annie’s cries echoed through the ward but Eren never left her side, never let go of her hand. “When this is all over you’ve got to tell me how you’re so strong?” Eren’s was choked up. 
Annie rolled her eyes. “Because for the past nine months you’ve been telling me that I can do this now I’ve started to believe you and in myself.”  
With tears welling up in his eyes Eren scoffed. “You’re amazing Ann, you’re doing amazing.” 
“Would now be a good time to think of baby names?” Annie asked. 
“You want to do that now?” Eren gawked. “I mean you’re doing all the work, maybe you should choose.” 
“How about Jean?” Annie laughed. 
“So you’re allowed to make jokes?” 
Annie screamed with the contractions. “I’m allowed. I’m giving birth. How about Gabi for a girl, Falco for a boy?” 
“Yeah,” Eren nodded. “I like those names now hurry so we can meet them.” 
It was barely an hour later when Eren finally held his daughter in his arms. He stood speechless looking down at his child with tears now freely streaming down his cheeks. “You did it Ann, you really did it.” 
With a heaving chest Annie lay back in the bed. “H-how is she?” 
Doing his best to steady his voice Eren cleared his throat. “She’s amazing, and loud,” He scoffed over Gabi’s wailing. “Do you want to hold her?” 
“Am I ready?” 
Eren nodded. “I think you already know the answer.” 
Gingerly Annie reached out as Eren passed the screaming baby to her. Annie could hear her heart pounding in her ears as she wrapped Gabi in her arms. “So you’re the little monster that’s been causing me so much trouble. It’s nice to meet you at last.” 
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The Last Equation: Chapter 10 - Recruit Number 2 and 3
Summary:  Grei and Professor Wallace are closely observing recruit #2. Meanwhile, Five and Hazel time-travels to get recruit #3.
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Story is also now available in Wattpad.
Two days have passed after Five requested Hazel’s aid in destroying the Commissions. Within these days, Grei and the professor had been doing nothing but taking turns on watching over their ‘Recruit Number 2’.
From going to school, going to the grocery, dumping the garbage, and playing hero outside the boy’s garden, Grei and Professor Wallace would interchangeably observe him secretly. Fortunately, for the past two days of their observation, the boy has been quite reserved, never looking out for trouble and always positively looking at things.
No matter how much painful words and harrowing treatment he would receive from his father every single day, the boy would still sit contentedly at his room as he reads the comic books he purchased behind his father’s back. Careful not to make suspicious sounds that might lead to his father discovering his little comic stash, he would silently smile and giggle from time to time.
“Hasn’t he been reading that comic book too many times in just a few spans of days now? Wouldn’t it be better if he reads another issue?” asked the old man as he whispers to his daughter beside him.
“Can’t blame him for being a fan now, can we? Besides, it’s not like his father would gladly buy him some stuff.”
“Poor kid. He’s kind deep down inside, it’s no wonder he ended up like that in the future,” the old man replied, sniffing his nose.
“That’s why we’re here, aren’t we? To stop him from going sideways. And besides, what are you still doing here? I thought we already agreed to take turns in observing Harold?” Grei stated while frowning vehemently at her father.
“Oh, come on now! It’s not like we’ll get caught. Is it so wrong for a father to spend some quality moments with his daughter?”
“I wouldn’t call this ‘quality moment’ but, fine. Suit yourself.”
Knowing how stubborn her father is, she decides to sit silently on her seat. Compared to observing Harold alone where she has to find hidden spots so as not to get caught, waiting inside a car is way better and more comfortable. Add the fact that his father likes to dote on her whenever he has the chance to. Besides, once the Hargreeves siblings will be sent back to the current timeline, she as well would have no chance to meet his father more often at all.
“I’d say, this young kid has a strong spirit. Look at him being happy despite everything he’s going through. His mother’s gone and his father, well…” Professor paused for a moment to try to find the right words to describe Harold’s father.
“He’s an a**hole. That’s all he is,” Grei responded. “Look at him, he’s pathetic. He’s not taking care of his only son. It’s not even the boy’s fault that his mother died.
“Can’t be helped. It’s the best word to describe him.”
“You seem to be very angry at his father,” Professor Wallace mentioned as he notices the sudden change in Grei’s expression.
“He’s just too horrible. How can a father do something like that to his son? I’m not even surprised anymore that Harold killed him.”
“It can’t be helped. We’re in a world where we can’t choose our parents.”
“I guess I got lucky then. My biological parents abandoned me but I was chosen by you.”
Professor Wallace gasps in his seat, unable to utter a single word on what he just heard.
“Hello? You still there?”
“I thought for a second that this was all a dream,” Professor responded, still surprised.
“You said you want ‘quality moments’, now I’m giving you one,” Grei said teasingly.
“Yes, I’d really like that.”
The next few hours went by without the two of them noticing. It was already dark when Harold steps outside his house, a trash bag clutched on his hands as he walks slowly towards the nearest dump near an alleyway across their house.
Grei is struggling internally for the past few days that she’s been observing Harold. Not only would his father neglect him, but he would also recklessly hit him on his drunken stupor. At times, observing the kid becomes too painful that she has to close her eyes and listen to his cries at night.
Regardless, at this point, she has to remain an outsider. It is not yet the time to let the boy know that someone’s constantly watching over him. She wanted to hug him, to comfort him, and let him know that he did not deserve any of those bad things to happen. Sadly, for now, all she could do is watch.
Please bear with it for a little longer. In a short while, you’ll get to wake up from this never-ending nightmare.
Meanwhile, at the professor’s mansion house, Five and Hazel are both cooped up. For Hazel, he felt like he luckily got a VIP pass. He’s now sitting right in front of the person idolized by many agents in the temps. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but every time Five would successfully escape him and her partner’s grasp in the past, he would think to himself that he is indeed a legend.
Back when he’s still working for the Commissions, he would hear rumors about Five and his accomplishments within the organization. Not to brag but Hazel himself thinks he is one of the top agents and to hear someone who started later than he complete so many missions splendidly ticks him off.
“I bet those are just exaggerated rumors. Survivor of the apocalypse? Can time-travel without the briefcase? Must be nice not to be bringing around this heavy briefcase with you all the time,” Hazel grumbled while listening to Cha-Cha’s story about Five.
“I’m telling you, these are not just rumors. They’re written reports I read because I got curious,” Cha-Cha replied at his partner who seems to take her words like total crap.
Hazel could not believe the rest of Cha-Cha’s statements. And just like her, he got curious too. And for the first time since joining the Commissions, he would secretly drop by at the case files room just so he could read every written report there is about Five, an action he has never done before. So, if there is anyone among the organization who knows every detail of Five’s missions, it’s him. Needless to say, he won’t tell Five that he is secretly 'fanboys’ behind his back.
Hazel’s thoughts are completely disrupted when he felt Five’s gaze.
“Are you okay? Do you still have any questions?” Five asked.
“Nope, none at all,” he replied, trying to hide his embarrassment.
Fortunately for Hazel, Five is not good at reading people’s thoughts by simply looking at their expressions. Also, he once told Five that he’s his fan in a lighter tone, which by the way is a lie because he’s not just a fan, he’s a super fan. But knowing the tiny old man’s personality, he’ll probably be creeped out. This is a secret he’ll bury together with him in his grave. For now, assisting Five in stopping the organization and saving the world is enough for him.
“Let’s go. There’s no time to waste,” Five said as he urges Hazel to move closer towards the briefcase he’s holding in his right hand.
A blue light disappears as soon as it appears. On that night, the two men, set on a mission disappeared on that timeline in the blink of an eye.
It’s a feeling very familiar with Hazel, and yet, it’s still nostalgic. It’s been three years since he time-traveled and to be doing it once again left an exhilarating feeling inside him. Not to mention, his partner is now Five and they won’t be killing but saving someone, which is a bonus.
“February 1, 1968. A Shau valley, 3 AM,” Five said to remind the two of them of the time and place where they time-traveled.
“This is one hell of a place to be.”
“I know. But this is better than having no place at all,” Five whispered to himself as he walks towards a nearby encampment.
“Do you know his face? That Recruit number 3 guy?” Hazel asked as he follows Five.
“Nope. All I know is the complete name. Klaus told me,” Five replied. “Which is why we arrived earlier to identify him. There are thousands of soldiers here. We need to know his exact location before the ceasefire ends. We wouldn’t want to be riddled with bullets and dying in the wrong timeline.”
“What shall we do now?”
“We need a place to hide, a meeting place. I’ll be looking for Dave. We could search together but two persons jumping on tents early this morning might cause a raucous.”
As soon as Hazel and Five agreed on an assembly point, Five vanishes instantly. Hazel sits silently in the dark while carefully observing the situation. They chose the assembly point a few meters away from the soldiers’ camp on top of a hill so Hazel could have more or less an idea where Five is going to.
It’s quite a sight. Seeing a tiny flicker from afar blink from tents after tents. In some tents, Five would be spending quite some time and for others, he would be gone in just a few seconds. One might expect that this would be a boring job for Hazel, but it’s not. For the first time in his life, he’s thankful he became part of the Commissions. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been recruited by Five and guarding the briefcase that the professor owns which will play a major role in this mission.
Ugh, should have bought some doughnuts.
After three hours of non-stop searching, Five manages to identify Dave’s location. Additionally, he manages to find food rations and coffee for both of them.
“Finally found him, but I haven’t talked to him yet. Seeing a kid in this place might surprise him,” Five presumed. He sits beside Hazel. “I brought us some food as well.”
“Got it,” Hazel responded.
Hazel and Five have a precise, if not exact, idea of the time in which Dave will die. The mission will be to stop it happening seconds before it happened. In this mission, failure is definitely not an option.
Time goes by while they wait patiently. Surprisingly, Five is telling Hazel instances of his previous missions that are not written in reports. Hazel was all ears, silently wishing that he had brought pen and paper with him. Maybe, due to the atmosphere, Five is reminiscing the good old days back when he’s still working for the organization.
Their conversation was discontinued when they heard gunshots from a distant location.
“It’s time,” Five spoke. “Let’s go.”
Five blinked himself and Hazel in a nearby tent. They remained hidden for a few moments. Gunshots and loud voices coming from every direction can be heard. Being veteran agents in the Commissions, both Five and Hazel are pretty calm while observing the situations unfolding before their eyes. The two of them are well-hidden. Most probably, Five also looked for places where they could conveniently hide.
As expected, this guy's a legend.
Five was silently looking at his wristwatch, precisely calculating the time to execute the mission and calibrating the briefcase while Hazel is covering for him to make sure no one has taken notice of them. In this chaos, being able to think accurately is a must. As mentioned before, failure is not an option.
The situation, however, doesn’t seem to faze him. It’s like Five is in a different dimension right now, surrounded by equations necessary to do what has to be done. And then, he raised his head, gazes towards Hazel signaling him that the time has come. He gently tapped Five’s shoulder and the two of them vanished at the same time.
What Hazel witnessed is a scenery he has never witnessed before. The professor and Five already explained to him what the briefcase can do other than time-travel but seeing it in practice did not stop him from being amazed. Contrary to what is expected, no sounds are being heard. The bullets flying in every direction are suspended mid-air. All the soldiers who are vigorously moving about the field stopped moving completely.
Five, on the other hand, is not even astounded of what has occurred.
“Right on time. I’d say, perfect,” Five said to himself as he saw Dave crouched on the elevated ground.
Hazel followed suit while he commits every detail of this scenery in his memory.
Dave stands slowly, unable to follow what has occurred. However, there is one thing he is sure of, that whatever’s happening in this instant has something to do with the two figures who suddenly appeared behind him.
“Who are you? What have you done? You've caused this, right?” Dave asked, his hands tightly holding his gun.
“I’d like to discuss the actual calculations but you wouldn’t understand it, so let’s just say that we literally stopped time,” Five replied nonchalantly.
“Look around you, everything stopped moving. Well, except for the three of us,” Hazel added.
“What do you want from me, then?”
“While it’s good that we are progressing quickly with the conversation, let’s change locations, shall we? It’s not like we can stop time endlessly.”
“Sorry, pal. Let me touch your shoulder a bit,” Hazel said as he approaches Dave whose still on guard. ”Drop the gun, please. We’re not here to hurt you.”
“Hurry up, we don’t have the time.”
Seeing that Five is already annoyed, Dave decides to drop the gun and let Hazel touch his shoulder. Right about now, agreeing to go with these two people is a better option than dying. As soon as he did, there was a sharp pain delivered across his entire body, like thousand needles punctured onto him all at the same time. And as he opens his eyes, the dark valley turned into a well-lit room, with books all around it, a table and some chairs, and finally, the two figures he met in Vietnam are still with him.
“What just happened?” Dave asked as he endures the discomfort he’s feeling. “Hi, I’m Five. I'm a 52-year old man trapped in a 13-year old body. And this is Hazel,” Five explained while gesturing towards Hazel. “I’m your lover’s brother, by the way.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Hazel, can you do the honor?” Five requested, seeing that this will be a long conversation. “I’m gonna go and get some coffee.”
Five exits the room silently. Dave and Hazel are left in the room as they stare awkwardly at each other.
“Before everything else, why don’t we take a sit? I’ll tell you everything.”
Luckily for Five, Hazel seems to do everything he told him to without questions being asked. Not to mention, he’s really bad at this “explain-the-whole-situation” thing. To make it up to him, Five decides to go outside the mansion house to buy some doughnuts. He noticed how Hazel loves doughnuts, especially at the Griddy’s. Before leaving, he left the pot of coffee and two cups outside the office, knocks gently at the door, and disappears.
Five was gone for two hours. Before he could go back to the mansion, he decides to drop by at the academy without anyone noticing. Vanya is having combat training with Allison and Luther in the basement, an essential training their father didn't bother teaching her because she won't be part of any missions. Klaus, Diego, and Ben are having a conversation at Diego’s room about his knives. Upon seeing that his siblings seem to be doing good, he walks silently towards Klaus’s room and left a note. Without letting anyone notice him, he vanished into thin air.
By the time Five enters the professor’s office once again, Dave and Hazel are still talking. This time though, Dave seems to be more comfortable with his surroundings now.
“You’ve been gone for hours. What took you so long?” Hazel asked as soon as he notices Five entering the room.
“I bought you these,” Five replied while carrying a paper bag on his hand.
When Hazel realizes what Five has brought, he immediately seizes the paper bag and digs his hand inside.
“This guy's pretty easy to talk to. He caught up with everything quickly. As expected of a soldier, I guess. Want some?” Hazel offers to Dave as he pulls a piece of doughnut from the paper bag.
Dave simply nods and accepts the doughnut given by Hazel. The two of them eat silently while Five is drinking his coffee.
“So,” Dave started. “Your name is Five, right? About you being my lover’s brother, is that true? Will she be my girlfriend in the future?”
“Technically, it’s all in the past now. It’s been undone. And I included you in this mission so you and my brother can meet again. His name is Klaus, by the way.”
“Yes, brother. He’s a dude,” Hazel butted in, his voice muffled by the doughnut he’s eating.
It is the only word Dave could utter. Probably, he already had a slight idea of his gender. However, being raised in a family where all men are to be soldiers, he had suppressed all those tiny feelings he’s had in the past.
“Well, can I meet him?” Dave asked.
“Not yet. It’s a bit complicated. Not in this timeline, at least. We are of the same age and meeting your future boyfriend in his 13-year old body is a bit…” Five explained. “You know what I mean.”
“Can you at least tell me something about him?”
Five smiled at Dave’s question. At least, Dave has accepted the fact that he is his brother’s lover. He can’t even imagine how happy Klaus would be when he founds out that Dave is already together with him.
“That, I can do,” Five replied gently.
“Well then, I guess I’ll leave the two of you alone. Sorry, pal, that’s the part of the story that I’m not aware of,” Hazel said while tapping Dave’s shoulder.
“Well, where to begin?”
In a minute or two, Dave is already bursting in laughter. Hazel could faintly hear the lively discussion that the two are having. He missed that kind of atmosphere, with Agnes not being by his side right now. But he has decided to went through with this precisely for her sake.
I’ll endure for now. I’ll meet her again as soon as this mission ends.
And as his thoughts are flooded by memories of Agnes, he sits silently inside a room right across the professor’s office where Five and Dave are talking. Just like any other night, this will probably end up being a long one.
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jasonpng · 4 years
[ jeon jungkook. / male. / he/his. ] i heard han jaesung is going into business with their friends, but the twenty-five year old can’t go wrong with nine other people helping, right? they’re a former sous chef, but will be a chef at joliet bed & breakfast! their insensitive yet dependable personality is pretty fitting for that, i guess. the sight of them gives me the vibe of midnight drive-ins, humming to yourself as you work, a breeze ruffling through a clothesline and that one clip of a deflated dancing pikachu getting hauled off stage, and seeing that running across the sand is pretty sweet.
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fabric softener, that one clip of a deflating dancing pikachu getting hauled off-stage, curling up in freshly warmed sheets, sizzling plates, the slow drag of a bow over a violin, bus rides with your head leaned against the window, earphones at full blast, midnight drive-ins, humming to yourself as you work, singing when you think you're alone, the beach at sunrise, a breeze ruffling through a clothesline
hi i’m miki and i’m excited 2 b here!!! this is m’boy jason (or jae, or jaesung) and he’s fairly new SO!!!! smash that like and i’ll come to u for plotting!
the stats
full name: jaesung “jason” han nicknames: jae, jayjay, jason, son, han solo age: 25 birthday: december 12 languages: english, korean, minimal japanese education: institute of culinary education graduate occupation: chef at joliet bed and breakfast, part-time food blogger hobbies: violin, eating, sleeping, collecting rock records, sketching mbti: entp blood type: b+ zodiac: sagittarius hogwarts house: gryffindor alignment: chaotic ANNOYING! sexuality: bisexual drinking, smoking, drugs: yes, yes, only marijuana faceclaim: jeon jungkook likes: rock music, classical music, herbal tea, garlic bread, any food in general, freshly washed sheets, dogs, astronomy, raccoons, coin laundries, anything vintage, horror films and documentaries, fiction books, wildlife, his motorcycle anubis (a super sexy harley davidson…he’s got that bad boy aesthetic going on but he is FAR from being one), his lil hamster bonnie dislikes: birds, horror films, anything scary, bitchy customers, stale coffee, fizzy drinks, people who are rude to service staff, cats (the film), spiders, korea’s educational system, the loch ness monster, soy milk
the biography
—o1. jason grew up in a modern korean household in maryland; his parents are more open-minded than the traditional korean family, so there’s really no dramatic backstory to write. he’s the eldest of three siblings, and they’re pretty much a tight-knit family. while he was encompassed by a totally western environment, his family never failed to remind them of their roots; they would travel to korea every summer to visit his grandparents in seoul.
—o2.  as a child, jason’s favourite past-time was watching his parents cook. his father is a renowned celebrity chef of a five-star restaurant in la, and his mother was the owner of a quaint bakery in ocean city. soon enough, his father was teaching him the basics of cooking. he was a natural, and by high school, he was on his way into becoming a chef like his father. the path to his dream career had been an easy one; his parents were well-known, and through family connections, jason earned himself a spot in one of the best culinary schools in the world: the institute of culinary education.  
—o3. wherever jason went, he was overshadowed by the family name. he loved his parents, he really did, but being the son of joowon han came with a privilege, of sorts. a privilege that he hated. people were convinced that jason only managed to get in ICE was because of his family background. he’d often hear whispers from peers; he was often criticised for depending on his parents—which was true, in a sense. jason didn’t have to worry about anything. while his fellow classmates were worrying over their career paths, he had a sous chef position waiting for him at his father’s restaurant right after graduation.
—o4. being the youngest sous chef in a five-star restaurant was difficult. twenty-one year olds weren’t taken seriously in the kitchen. especially not the head chef’s son, who was fresh out of culinary school and looked so out of place, with his dark leather jacket and ripped jeans. jason struggled the first few months; while  the people were cordial around his father, he had to endure passive-aggressive comments about his privilege behind the scenes. jason wanted to make a name for himself; he didn’t want to be reduced to a celebrity chef’s son who just got lucky. so he worked—he worked and worked and worked until the jealous muttering stopped and he gained the respect of his subordinates.
—o5. after three years into working with his father, the enthusiasm ebbed and jason felt nothing but dissatisfaction. he didn’t want this—he didn’t want to be clinging on to his father for support his entire life. fearing that his passion for cooking will wither if he kept on working at the restaurant, he quit and moved back to maryland, getting a place for himself and eager to learn to stand on his own two feet.
—a natural-born leader: working as a sous chef enabled jason to have a great command of handling a team. at first, he had been meek, but through determination and his sheer drive to prove the negative people in his life wrong, he was able to cultivate himself into a good leader. in the kitchen, jason is totally in his element, oozing with confidence and assertiveness.
—the dependable one: jason is organised and he’s the type of person who you can rely on for help. he prioritises his friends and family over anything else. need someone to drive you home? jason’s the guy for you. suffering from a bad hangover? he’s got the perfect hangover shake. you lost your house keys and need a place to stay? jason’s got an extra room in his apartment ready. jason is always making sure his friends are well cared for. and probably also giving them lectures whenever they make questionable choices.
—this bitch is impulsive: as much as jason has his shit together, jason can be impulsive—you might catch him splurging on the new yeezy shoes, or planning a spontaneous, overpriced trip to the bahamas. he likes having fun, and sometimes, that energy gets him into tricky situations. he really likes spending money, and unfortunately, his parents never taught him the important value of thriftiness.
—sometimes he can be harsh: jason had been pampered all throughout his life, and sometimes he disregards other people’s feelings because he is simply oblivious—brutal honesty is a double-edged sword. it takes a lot to piss him off, because he’s rather good at handling his emotions, but when you successfully do, it’s not a pretty sight. he tends to say things he doesn’t mean in the heat of the moment. in addition, jason tends to hold grudges; if someone has done him wrong, you bet your ass he’ll never look at you the same way ever again.
+: energetic, headstrong, intuitive, protective
-: argumentative, insensitive, over-analytical, rash
— drives around town with his bike! he has a car but it’s parked in his childhood home… he doesn’t really use it that much unless he needs to go out of the state or something
— has a white lil pet hamster named bonnie...she is his CHILD!!!!!! — he has a food blog that he constantly updates for fun; his following is steadily going up... amazin....
— has always been an artsy kid... if he didn’t like cooking so much he would’ve pursued a career in art — always seems to be snacking on something? raw carrots in particular...... — he is also a gym rat! he eats a damn lot, so he’s gotta burn those calories, right? he usually jogs early in the morning and goes to the gym after work — he’s played the violin ever since he was a child! he wants to learn how to play the guitar but he keeps on procrastinating
the wanted connections (if any of these interest you, hit me up! some are more detailed than others but all of them are open to modifications tbh, we can develop them however we want :) feel free to  choose multiple plots..,.,. go crazy)
— vibe check. - sometimes, he forgets to take care of himself and this person!!!! is his mom friend, the terry to his jake peralta, the person he can count on when he’s crossfaded in the middle of nowhere at 3 in the morning. (ivy)
— bff. - the ride or die. the one person jason would literally murder for. he loves them and  considers them as his family. they are 100% with each other and? both are probably equally chaotic sfjldsdjfhsdlk (minnie)
— the squad. - i really love the idea of jason having three close friends! i can see them going on spontaneous trips and doing really, really dumb shit in general dsjfls (1/3) — the roommate. - PLS! he needs a roommate...imagine the domesticity i’m WEAK (minki)
— buzzfeed unsolved. - jason believes in the supernatural. this person doesn’t. jason spends a lot  of his free time trying to convince this person that ghosts are, in fact, real, often taking them to ‘haunted’ places and attempting to summon spirits through his ouija board. (minnie)
— i’m baby. - basically, jason dotes on this person like a mama bird. he cooks them meals, drives them to places and always keeps an eye out for them. — the confidant. - the person he could say he truly trusts the most; while jason is generally sociable, he finds it hard to open up to people, preferring to be the confidant than to confide in his friends. they’re the first person he runs to when he’s upset or stressed. (sienna)
— friends. - open to multiple of all types (fellow foodie, gym buddies, unlikely, one-sided, frenemies, neighbors, etc.)
— flings, hookups, fwbs. - open to multiple. (can be messy, can be casual)
— exes. - jason has lived in ocean city all his life, so anything is possible! they could’ve been at the same high school, maybe they broke up because jason moved to new york and the relationship fizzled out, they could be on good terms or bad terms………GIVE ‘EM TO ME (sienna; exes on good terms with a tiny bit of unresolved feelings)
— the pianist. - this is a lil specific, but basically i imagine jason having participated in music competitions and performed in galas, and this person is their partner!! their other half!!! the nodame to his chiaki!!!! if ur muse can play the piano pls hmu this is just a really cute relationship that i cant stop thinkin about bc jason is a violin nerd (ivy)
— romance. - i’m a hoe for spicy plots! i don’t really want to give out anything specific, but some suggestions aaaare: opposites, exes w/ feelings, one-sided love, skinny love, a love-hate relationship….. 
feel free to go through my wanted connections tag for inspiration!
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thedistantstorm · 4 years
Dawning Delights 05: Ugly Sweaters
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Summary: Hawthorne invites her newfound family in the Tower to experience a City-Style Dawning with the family that took her in years ago. The holiday is not without it’s charm, or aggravation, and certainly has plenty of surprises in store. A season-inspired, trope-tastic story about a family forged by something greater than blood, finding reasons to enjoy the season - and cherish each other. Main Post
Pairings: Hawthorne/Zavala, Sloane/Amanda, Devrim/Marc
Updated every Tuesday/Friday & both holiday eve and days for Christmas and New Years.
Weeks ago, she'd asked him.
"Do you think you could make me a sweater? Y'know, one of those tacky ones, for the Dawning?"
"Are you insinuating something about my craft?" Blue eyes hold hers, not an ounce of amusement present in their depths.
"No! Not at all!" She frowns and glowers when he shows amusement at her immediate retcon. "Wait, are you pulling my leg? You are!" She hops up off the sofa, scandalized. "I'm hurt. That's low."
He rolls his eyes. "Sit back down, Suraya." Ever reasonable, he informs her, "There's not enough time to make you a sweater."
She tucks herself back against him, making her irritation known. "Look... Don't I get priority? Special treatment?"
"You get plenty of special treatment," He reminds her, eyebrows dipping into something suggestive. "But I only make three sweaters a year. One for Amanda, and then two for whomever else asks me first." 
"And you didn't think that I'd want one?!"
"You have a poncho. I didn't know that you'd participate."
"You're kidding me, right? Me. The person who is throwing all of you a holiday bash?" She pulls back to look at him properly. "Tell me you at least have an old one I can borrow!"
"No. I wear the same one each year."
She sighs. Minimalist bastard, she thinks, but there’s no anger behind it. "Alright, well who else did you make an ugly Sweater for?"
"Jalaal and Eva."
"You're kidding me." She slaps her thighs. "Eva I get. But Jalaal? Really?"
"I've already handed them out. Ask me next year."
Suraya scoffs, but she knows that if he said no, it's not that he doesn't want to, but that he won't commit to something he can't do. "I'm asking you right now. I want one."
"For next year?"
"Yeah. With a bird on it."
He swings his gaze over to the falcon near the window, napping comfortably upon his perch. He nods, pressing his lips to her forehead. "I'll see what I can do."
That, in Zavala speak, is an agreement, and she hums in approval before returning to her initial issue. "I have no idea where to get an ugly sweater."
"You could wear mismatching colors," Zavala suggests, but it’s not as though either of them really pay attention to what colors match versus mismatch, anyway.
She shrugs, burrowing into his side. It isn't often they get to enjoy each other's company during the day when they're not at work. "I don't want to win Amanda's contest, but I'd like to at least have something festive, y'know?"
"I understand. You could try Tess-"
"And pay a million glimmer for something itchy and polyester? No."
Zavala chuckles. "I thought you refused to become a ‘textile snob,’” He airquotes, “As you so kindly told me the last time I expressed my disdain for synthetics."
Blowing a raspberry - that should be enough of a concession, she supposes, she says, "I like being comfortable. I'll leave the specifics to you, but I wouldn’t consider myself a snob." She taps a finger to her lips. "Unless we're talking alpaca. That stuff is amazing and I wish it was waterproof."
"It is water resistant," He points out, to her amusement. Textile snob. "But I do know what you mean."
One thing she notices more and more as the season goes on is that the Guardians really get into the holiday. It's good for them, Suraya thinks. They're all wearing festively patterned cloaks and robes, she's even seen some very tacky and incredibly oversized jazzed-up pauldrons on a Titan. She slips her hands under the billowing flaps of her poncho and continues through the Courtyard. It's been very cold, and she's been spoiled to have relief from the elements a vast majority of the time since moving back to the City.
Her hood blows back and off and she rolls her eyes. The winds up here are far worse than on the ground. Up ahead, she sees a shivering figure and sighs.
When he notices her, she cannot help herself, shouting, "What were you thinking? I told you to wait for me at the bottom of the elevator!"
He holds up his hands placatingly and only then does she see the figure beside him. 
"What're you doing here?"
Zavala smiles, looking first to make sure no one is around, then presses a quick, chaste kiss to her lips. "I was going into the City to get you something, but since ran into Marc. He said you are heading down to do some shopping, so I'll have you pick it up yourself."
The confusion that crosses her face makes Marc laugh. "Come on, darling, we have things to do to prepare." He takes Suraya's hand but looks to Zavala. "You're sure you don't want to join us?"
"I'm sure. You two have fun. I am going to try and get ahead on my work for the evening, when Amanda inevitably rounds us up for judging." He smiles at Suraya. "Perhaps make some reservations for dinner afterward, assuming we can sneak away."
"Psh, just wine and dine a girl, why don't you?" Her tone clashes with the wide grin that lights up her face.
"I know, I know." He nods to Marc, feigning exasperation. It lacks heat. "I will leave you to it."
"See you soon," Marc calls after him, before fixing Suraya with a thrilled look. "Okay. Lunch first or shopping?"
Suraya's stomach answers for her, and they laugh their way into the elevator. The snow flurries about in that magical festive way and Marc coos about how lovely the City looks from above as the lift carries them down. Never once does he let go of her hand. It reminds her of being younger, a child in braids wearing little red mittens, clomping through the snow behind her adoptive parents. It's something both novel and bittersweet to be back here now, to step out into the massive holiday bazaar that sets up at the foot of the new Tower. She might still feel a little bit like a sell out, but the City carries more and more of her heart every day.
After all, it houses so many of the people she's come to love, and is a testament to the people she does her best to lead and represent.
Marc leads her away from the Dawning market the moment they're on the ground, and instead takes her through a shoveled alley and down to the front of food stands that warm the surrounding street. Together they get street tacos and Marc babbles on about his decorations and plans for the main event, their big holiday soiree.
"Everyone is coming," Suraya reports. "Zavala got Saladin on board. Now all we have to do is make sure he and Shaxx play nice."
"Sounds like a family Dawning to me," Marc muses wryly. "It's never a family affair without someone at odds."
"I mean, ours were always pretty tame."
"Yes, dear, because we are a statistical outlier. And a smaller unit. You never got to experience the family gatherings Devrim's mum had. Someone was always out fighting in the garden, even in a blizzard." He laughs. "Hopefully it won’t come to that, though it’s okay to be a little nervous about it."
She thinks on it, munching through a few more bites of her taco. "Honestly?" The look on her face conveys her own surprise, "Crazy as it sounds - for me, anyway - I'm not."
"And here I was worried you'd be embarrassed about me doting on your work family," He smiles all the same, teasing. "Guess I'll have to step up my game. I just wish your father could be here."
"I know," She agrees, trying not to let the mood fall flat. "Zavala tried. And you know him, he's not the kind to do anything in half measures."
"That's for sure." Marc claps his hands, holding them in front of his face lest she see his smile. "Okay. No moping. Zavala said the shop he'd picked out some sweaters from is near here, and if his taste in wool is anything to go by, I'm going to need to do some shopping, too."
"For the contest. He said he didn't have time to make you one, and that you'd want some nice things to wear for the holiday anyway." He elbows her. "You really lucked out with him, you know."
Suraya rolls her eyes promptly. "Shouldn't you be saying he's the lucky one?"
Marc hums, but pats her arm. "Oh, Suraya, he knows."
"You're sure."
"It's taken care of." Zavala meets his eyes through the screen in front of him. "You'll be covered for the last week of the Dawning. Everyone knows not to speak to Suraya about it, and I've kept the Guardians in the dark on the matter."
Devrim's forehead crinkles when his eyebrows knit closer. "I thought it from the day of the get together through the end of the celebration? Did I miss something?"
"I didn't think it would be fair to usher you home and then force you to host right away. I hadn't told Marc, that was the only piece I was not sure I'd be able to make happen."
"I appreciate it, Commander." His eyes are softer than usual. He clears his throat. "More than you know. This is going to be quite the holiday." He smirks, though it's lessened by the gratefulness in his gaze. "Marc has bought at least four cases of champagne since last we spoke. His letter was especially manic." 
"Well, hopefully for good reason," Zavala trails off. Devrim hums, knowingly. Marc didn’t give him enough credit. He knew some things about some things.
"You've already gotten her to agree to the hard question." Zavala frowns. "She's there, isn't she?" Devrim fixes him with a confident, intent gaze through the screen. "This one is merely a formality, Zavala. She won't refuse you."
"I hope you're right."
"That's the nerves talking." Devrim crosses his arms, looks away for a moment, pensive. "When I asked Marc, I swore my mind went blank. I had a speech, you see, and it didn't matter how many times I'd practiced. It's a big moment." Zavala swallows hard, well aware. "But, you'll look up at her and none of it will matter." Devrim's cold-water eyes brighten. "There's no perfect proposal. It won't all go to plan. The best advice I can give you is to go with your gut."
"You don't think it'll overwhelm her?"
"It will. You'll likely put her to tears," Devrim nods, unable to help the optimistic twist to his lips, "But she won't say no." He pauses. "That won't stop you from worrying, I'm sure. I was a wreck, too."
Zavala can't help but agree. "I don't think I know how not to worry."
"We'll be drinking champagne and celebrating before you know it." An explosion somewhere off in the distance makes the feed shake and fuzz in static. "That sounds like my cue."
"It would seem so. We'll talk soon."
"We will. And, ah, don't... tell Marc yet, about those extra days. Suraya isn't the only one who could stand to be surprised."
"Understood." Zavala taps the end toggle.
Marc waves the bag in front of her face. "He literally picked out everything you'd like so you didn't have to browse. If that's not love, Suraya-"
"I know," She looks down into the second bag, the one she's carrying. The snow-white sweater on top has a smattering of tinsel-like silver woven throughout the bottom half. "He gets me," She tells him. 
"Yeah, clearly. And he called them back to make sure I got this scarf." Marc runs his free hand down the front of it. "It's a really nice scarf."
"Alpaca is amazing, right? I got him some skeins of yarn from a place that raises their own herd of 'em so he can make us a blanket." She reaches out and touches the end. "Oh, wait. Not alpaca. That's cashmere. Fancier than alpaca and really, really soft."
Marc smirks. "You're so knowledgeable."
"He's very… informative?" She waves the word away. "Easy to listen to." She shrugs. "That's all it is."
"So," He loops his arm with hers. "Is he it?"
"It?" She pulls a face. "What does that mean?"
"You know." He smirks. "The one."
She looks away. "I-not all Guardians are into that," She admits, tone dipping lower. 
They come into the holiday market once more and Marc stops, their entwined arms keeping her with him. "Huh. I don't know enough about Guardian culture. Have you talked about it?"
"Not really. We're," She taps her foot and whether it's from nervousness or impatience to get past the conversation, Marc isn't sure. "We just work well together. Simple as that. I'm obviously not going to live as long, but he says he doesn't care about. He wants to be with me as long as he can be and I believe him." She holds her father's gaze. "It's enough."
"Still, I mean, he could ask you. Then what?"
She rolls her eyes. "If he ever asks, I'll let you and Eva fight to the death over stationary and color schemes," She deadpans, tugging his arm. It's as close to a yes as she'll give him. "Can we please get moving?
Marc ducks his head to hide his grin. There won't be much arguing about stationary. Traditionally the bride's family makes the call, but Marc supposes he'll consider Eva's opinion as a courtesy.
Everyone is gathered in the Hangar. Amanda is literally dragging some Warlock in by the arm, one she knows from the very unofficial SRL league that's started up since the war. At no point - according to what Hawthorne's heard - has this "contest" ever had reasonably fair judging. Amanda brings in anyone she can find to judge the upper echelon's holiday sweater choices.
Suraya slips in late, managing to creep around Amanda to sit on a sparrow frame that's unoccupied near her workspace. It's as close as she'll get to one of those death traps without the fate of humanity at stake. Her shopping, set beside her on the ground, shimmers away. She barely catches the culprit, but manages to murmur a kind word of gratitude before meeting Zavala's gaze across the open space. His gaze dips for just a second, refocusing on her face a blink later.
His Ghost appears beside her for a moment once more, quick, like a dragonfly. Her shell spins, nearly silent.
"He says you look good."
Suraya hums. "Thanks. I'd say the same for him but I can't even see his sweater for everyone crowded in front of him."
The white-shelled droid chitters with a small laugh. "He planned it that way," She says, positioned just beside her partner's significant other's ear. The Shipwright prattles on, judging everyone herself, in addition to those she's rustled up to help her. "He'll ask me next if you found everything shopping."
"I did," Suraya whispers back. "New Monarchy charged me five times market value for Hideo's secret santa present. That was the bottle you transmatted."
Zavala's Ghost scoffs. "That's ridiculous. The Executor will only dump it out-"
"I had them wrap it and confirm the seal before I took it out of the store. I figured I'd try. Even if it's going to blow up in my face."
She hums, pensive. "If nothing else, he'll appreciate your attempt." The Ghost isn't referring to the Executor.
"Yeah. The hatchet will probably never get buried, and that's fine, I don't think he particularly deserves it." She crosses her arms and the Ghost rests on her shoulder, delicate, tentative. "But, maybe we can survive the rest of the winter without warfare at the roundtable."
"I think it'll last for as long as the wine does," She drones, "But you've always surpassed expectations."
Suraya covers the laugh with her hand. "Have I? I think I've come in with the bar set so low-"
"Nonsense." She clicks in a synthesized tone that conveys her annoyance. "You don't give yourself enough credit."
"I think you're biased," Hawthorne states, soft and even.
"And I think I've told you that I've tried very hard to think of every reason why my Guardian shouldn't be with you," She hisses, irritated. It fades quickly. The little bot has had plenty of experience with this; Both her charge and his intended are more similar than they realize. "Why you aren't good enough. And I can't."
They fall silent, watching Amanda fuss over Jalaal's very monotone and very personalized holiday threads. Figures he'd somehow win. They'll never hear the end of it, that's for sure. He'll be asking Eva for depressing decorations in black and gray next.
Barely audible, the Ghost whispers, "No one knows him like I do."
Like clockwork that blue gaze falls over them. Though there's no smile, the spark in those luminous eyes is obvious. Something about the two of them finding common ground, even if it's just over him (it isn't) brings him joy.
Hoarsely, Suraya replies, "I know."
The Ghost shivers. "But I could say the same for you," She imparts, honest. Where many Ghosts seem cute or shy by nature, Zavala's is regal and confident, a counterbalance for the hidden doubt and anxiety lurking beneath the Commander’s stoic facade. "I'm grateful."
"Me, too."
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 109: The Summons, Pt. 1
One Day Ago
The tan colored Sedan drove through the backwoods of Maine. The man in the driver's seat was known in his home city of Boston as Detective Landon Griffin, or he was, before he took early retirement due to a botched investigation a few years ago. But something very intriguing had brought him back into the game, unofficially, of course.
He had received an e-mail from an old friend; a reporter by the name of Derek Jefferies. He had distanced himself from Derek over the years, as his friend had his own career missteps, but they maintained casual contact. So when he received a suspicious e-mail that stated if he didn't hear from his friend within three days to suspect foul play, Landon had naturally wondered what trouble his friend had found himself in this time.
He decided to investigate himself first by coming to the longitude and latitude coordinates provided to him by his friend to check things out. He wasn't sure the e-mail alone was enough evidence to get the authorities involved yet, especially since his friend had a history of erratic behavior. He also had no family or ties to any communities, so he needed actual evidence to present a missing person's case. So here he was, literally in the middle of nowhere, and cursing Derek to high heaven. It seemed that his supposed friend had either provided the wrong location or had sent him on a wild goose chase. He sighed and parked the car on the side of the road before getting out and casually looking around.
"Should have known...damn fool always was a bit off," the retired detective cursed, as he got back into the car. Then suddenly, right before his eyes, the trees and woods began to move and recede. He blinked, wondering if he was hallucinating and his mouth dropped ajar, as a town popped up literally out of no where. And if he didn't know any better, he would have thought he was high or drunk. He stumbled out of the car and stared up at a clock tower, which his car was now parked in front of. He scarcely could believe his eyes, as people appeared around him and more fantastically, castles popped up amid the trees in the distance. He turned in circles, examining his new surroundings and truly wondered if he had somehow stumbled into the freaking Twilight Zone. He swallowed thickly and stared at everything that was now before him.
"What the hell is going on?"
As they appeared back in the shop, Belle and Rumple looked around in confusion.
"Weren't we just on the beach?" she asked.
"Yes…" Rumple replied, as he searched his memories and realized the gap.
"Then how...I don't even remember coming back here," she said.
"Pan…" Rumple growled.
"But we didn't even see him," Belle admonished.
"Oh yes we did...and he wiped our memories, I'm certain of it," Rumple hissed.
"He's...he's that powerful?" Belle asked with trepidation.
"Oh yes...which means if he did that, then there is something he doesn't want us to know," Rumple replied.
"Then we should go back there and confront him," Belle stated.
"No...he'll just wipe our memories again and send us back here. This is his game...he loves to play games," he responded.
"What are we going to do?" she asked.
"We play along with his game. He obviously wants to make some grand entrance and will probably do it tonight at the summons," he replied.
"You can't keep this from the others though," she warned.
"And I'm still waiting for you to tell me how you know so much about Pan," she added. He cursed inwardly. He didn't want anyone to know about his connection to that demon...but telling them would probably take some wind out of Pan's sails so to speak.
"I'll tell you...everyone. Let's convene with them at the hospital," he agreed.
"Oh, Snow texted me and they're home already. Persephone healed her so she'd be able to attend tonight. We can go to the loft," Belle replied. He nodded.
"Why on Earth are they still living at the loft? They have a castle now," he mentioned. She smirked.
"So do you...but we still stayed at the mansion last night. Storybrooke is truly home...for all of us," she reminded. He couldn't refute that.
"Agreed," he relented, as they locked the shop up and began the short trek to the loft.
Snow stretched sleepily and heard the baby whimper from his bassinet beside their bed. It had only been a couple hours since he had last been up, but she didn't care. Neither of them could get enough of him and even though she told him he didn't have to, David had gotten up with her each time.
"I'll bring him to you, my love," he whispered, as he kissed her cheek and she smiled warmly at him. It was never lost on her how lucky she was to have a man like him. David's face lit up, as he peered down at their newborn, whom they still had to name.
"Come on little man...let's go see Mommy," he cooed, as he carried him over to her and then helped Snow shrug out of her nightgown. She took him in her arms with a giddy smile and put him to her breast. He showed no trouble in latching at the hospital and with Artemis' ability to be there instantly, they felt comfortable in taking him home.
Though they weren't sure how much longer the loft was going to be home. They loved their little loft and would be sad to leave it behind. But they knew they needed more room and Snow's father had insisted they come live in his palace now that it was an option. Snow had one set of very fond memories of growing up there, even if there were times her former step-mother Ravenna and her father's court made it difficult. But no matter what any of them had ever said, she had very fond memories of Eli always being there and with him doting on her. And not in the creepy way that she realized Leopold did. She still had that set of memories, but could no longer look upon them with much fondness. She still recalled fondness for the memories she had of Eva as her mother, but ultimately, growing up with her real mother, real father, and step-father were the memories that were now dominate. She also still had many memories of growing up with Regina as her step-mother and could still think about those fondly, even though she now knew that Regina had secretly loathed her. Still...Regina was clearly changing before their eyes. It was slow, but she was seeing glimpses of the woman she used to be coming through and she hoped with all her heart that she could become that woman again.
Snow gazed down at him, as he nursed and she looked at her husband fondly, who was just as mesmerized by their baby as she was.
"We still need to give him a name," she mentioned.
"I know...I was looking through this name book that Belle gave us earlier. I'm just not sure any of them are right for him," he replied.
"We'll find the one," she assured.
"Are you ready for this? I mean tonight?" he asked curiously. She scoffed.
"I'm not sure how all this is even happening. I mean...all the realms are here now...and just as they are," she replied. He sighed.
"I know...it's a bit hard to wrap my head around too," he said, as he looked around.
"And as much as I know we'll enjoy having a bedroom door again, I'll miss this little place," he added. She smiled.
"Me too...it's where I fell in love and my new husband moved in with me," she said fondly.
"You know, when I was just Mary Margaret," she added. He smiled and kissed her hair.
"I love that you have your memories back, but I'll admit, those seem like such simple times now," he admitted.
"Mmm...I think I'll miss Storybrooke just being Storybrooke," she agreed.
"Snow...if you want to live in Storybrooke, I'm sure your father will understand. I mean, obviously we need to look for a bigger place, but if a castle isn't what you want...then we don't have to go," he said. She nodded.
"I know...I know Daddy would understand, but I actually do. Despite Ravenna and the horrible people in my father's court, I have a set of memories that is very good living there and when we took back the Kingdom, I dreamed of living there with my husband and raising our baby," she replied. He smiled fondly.
"We may not be raising Emma there, but we can raise this little one there," she said. He smiled.
"Then I guess this family is moving, after we get through tonight, that is," he said. She sighed.
"Like things weren't complicated enough before," she replied and he couldn't disagree.
"We have a lot to figure out for sure, but we have a lot of family there to do it with us," he reminded. She smiled and nodded, as he kissed her tenderly again. The baby was asleep again, so after they put him down, they too went back to sleep, hoping for a few more hours before it was time to attend that evening's summons.
Henry looked around his mother's castle with wonder later that day, as he walked beside her. Emma and Neal followed them and shared a smile at the look on his face. Even Regina smiled back at them, enjoying his mirth as much as they were. Slowly but surely, they were figuring out this co-parent thing and calmer tempers were prevailing over all the hurt and pain there had been. And it was all because one little boy had brought them together.
"So...is this where I'm gonna live now?" Henry asked.
"Well...that's up to you, sweetheart," Regina answered, though there was a catch in her throat. It was her worst fear that he was going to decide that he wouldn't want to live with her anymore.
"What about Mom Emma and Dad?" he asked. They exchanged a glance.
"Uh well...we'll be as close by as you want us, kid," Neal replied.
"They'll be here...if they want to be," Regina responded, as she looked at them and they smiled.
"Yeah...a room in a palace is probably better than Granny's" Neal agreed.
"Yeah and I will probably split my time between here and Mom and Dad's new castle. I'm sure we'll all have rooms there too," Emma said, looking at Regina when she said it. And Regina couldn't be unhappy about that now. As she was slowly letting go of her hate and idea of revenge, she was finding that family was replacing that and filling the void. And though she was loathe to admit it at times, she liked it. Which was about to become very important, as she learned upon stepping into her Throne room and finding Leopold sitting upon it.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Emma asked, the first to voice her disgust at him.
"This is my castle...I am alive, which means I am still King. Alas, it appears that my wife Cora is still deceased and my other ex-wife has no claim to this Throne any longer," Leopold replied.
"That is my Throne...I earned it," Regina hissed.
"No...you murdered me to get it," he corrected.
"So...you're going to play King again? Maybe find another child bride to ruin?" Emma growled.
"I am a King...and without an heir. The one I had really isn't mine, now is she?" he questioned.
"No...and she'll never be anything to you. Even you're smart enough to know that if you come near my mother...you'll get a one way trip straight back to the Underworld," Emma warned.
"Duly noted...now get out of my castle," he snapped, as a few guards closed in on them. Neal pulled Henry back and held his hand up.
"We'll go peacefully…" Neal assured.
"The hell we will…" Regina hissed.
"For now...we will. This isn't the time to discuss any kind of action," Neal insisted, as she glanced at their son and relaxed. They turned and left peacefully, but it was clear that this was far from over.
Evening came and carriages began to arrive at King Eli's palace. Persephone looked down into the night and then turned back to her husband. She was garbed in an elaborate lavender gown that was sleeveless and a diamond necklace, earrings, and tiara completed her ensemble.
"You look beautiful…" Hades mentioned, as he looked very smart and dashing in his formal black velvet tunic, which had light blue embroidery and black formal pants and boots to complete his dress wear.
"Hmm?" she asked, obviously too nervous to hear his compliment and he gently put his hands on her bare shoulders.
"It's going to be fine," he assured.
"You don't know that. This entire night could be a complete nightmare. We really have no idea what attitudes everyone is walking in here with. And need I remind you that Cronus' ball was not a smashing success at all," she replied. He chuckled.
"Cronus couldn't throw a good party if his life depended upon it. I mean, he didn't even have a chocolate fountain and we do. It's going to make the party," he joked, but she was too worked up to appreciate his usual quips.
"Listen...I have a contingency plan. I am ready at a moment's notice to snap my fingers and get our family out of here if it comes to that. And Hephaestus is now waiting in the wings, at your command, with a completed supply of forged lightning bolts on full display," he reminded. She relaxed slightly at that. Even Frollo would be careful about making any rash moves tonight with her so directly ready to smite him down. Even the Chernabog had limits and her powers were definitely among those limits. She took a deep breath and he put his arm around her waist.
"After tonight, everyone will know why they are now here and how they can move forward. Most will adapt and we will be ready for the troublemakers," he assured.
"I hope you're right, my love," she lamented, as they exited their chambers and readied themselves for this summons to commence.
David stood by the window in their new chambers in Eli's palace. Their chambers was twice the size of the loft's lower level and there was a large adjoining room that Persephone and Demeter had somehow found time to magical turn into a warm, inviting nursery. He held their son and gazed out from the balcony. It would be the same balcony that they would present their son from to all the Kingdoms. It would have been what they had done with Emma had it been an option. And they were still wrapping their minds around the fact that it actually was an option. They thought they would be introducing their son at a low key event held at Granny's. And to be honest, they would have probably preferred that to this, for they could have never predicted this turn of events. It was surreal looking out at the landscape before him now. From this vantage point, they could see the clock tower. Their palace was probably the closest to Storybrooke, which they liked. Regina's palace was fairly close as well. He looked out toward the Harbor and saw the glimmering Emerald City in the distance, as well as the island of Neverland, which they had been warned about. Castles of all the other Kingdoms now dotted the landscape in their hidden bubble of Maine. They were still waiting on word on whether or not there was a barrier again, but even if there was, they still had a problem with Circe's outsiders in town. In a way, it was amazing, but he knew it opened up a whole new host of dangers as well.
"Well, little man, this may be a very new world, but I promise you're not going to be in alone. I couldn't promise that to your sister...but I'm going to keep that promise to you," he whispered.
"And we'll keep that promise together," he heard Snow say and he turned to find her in a gorgeous, shimmering silver gown. It was sleeveless and she wore elbow length satin silver gloves. The entire ensemble was completed with her tiara.
"Wow…" he uttered. It never ceased to amaze him how she could always take his breath away, no matter what she was wearing. But this particular gown was spectacular.
"It's a bit showy, isn't it?" she asked uncertainly.
"No...you look incredible," he answered, still in awe of her.
"Mom said that in an event like this that elaborate is better and I must say I'll never get tired of seeing you in this," she replied, as she admired his outfit. It was his formal red coat and the same ensemble he had been wearing when he awakened her with true love's kiss. In both realities.
"That's definitely something we'll have to get used to," she mentioned, as she looked out at their new view.
"I know...as incredible as it is, it comes with a lot of unknowns that we don't need," he said wearily, as she cuddled against him and peered down at their tiny son.
"But...like you said, we'll do it together," he added, as he pressed a kiss to her hair, which was back to being short, but not as short as it once was. When the original curse had broken, she had started to grow it out again and it was currently styled in a short bob that was just below her ears. They heard a knock at their door and turned, as Persephone came in.
"It's time," she told them. They nodded and followed her and Hades, as they began the short trek to the winding stairway that would lead them down into the atrium.
"We have a problem...and I haven't been able to find you," Regina said immediately, as they reached the bottom of the stairs.
"We were getting ready and I had to nurse the baby," Snow replied. The former Queen sighed.
"I know and that's why I was looking for you and your husband," Regina said, directing her attention to Persephone.
"What's going on?" the Goddess asked.
"We went to Regina's castle earlier with Henry to show him around and apparently, Leopold has decided that it's his Throne again," Emma replied.
"That makes sense. He is technically alive again," Hades stated, receiving a glare from Regina.
"I didn't say I agree with it. He's not fit for the Throne, but technically, it's his. There's not really rules for coming back from the head since it shouldn't be possible, but here we are," he added.
"He's right...there are no rules for that. He's alive again and can take the Throne. He can choose to keep you as his Queen or absolve your marriage. I'm guessing he'll do the latter," Persephone agreed.
"He can't do that! I married into that Throne and I suffered through being married to him, at least in one reality, and I earned my place on that Throne," Regina growled.
"And technically he did die, at least in one reality. Right there, that invalidates your marriage and knowing his crooked court, they'll choose to go that route so he can remarry some poor child to produce a viable heir," Hades added.
"He's right, but we will sort this out. Perhaps a different Throne is right for you," Persephone proposed.
"A different Throne?" Emma asked.
"In one reality, you were step-mother to my daughter. That technically makes you Queen Mother to her," Persephone replied.
"No...that would be you. You're her real mother," Regina corrected. Persephone nodded.
"I am...but I already have another Throne to rule from," she reminded. Hades smirked.
"The highest Throne, my wife...Goddess of the heavens," Hades boasted.
"Stop," she chided.
"So Leopold is coming here tonight?" Snow asked. Emma nodded.
"Yeah...but don't worry, I think I put the fear in him if he tries anything," she replied.
"Oh he won't be that bold. Slinking like a snake in the grass is more his style. He knows if he were to make a move tonight, he'd be ash like that," Hades said, snapping his fingers for effect.
"He's sneaky...he used to impart his "wisdom" to me all the time, until Persephone's mother finally clued me in on what he was really after. He may come here tonight, but then he will be explicitly banned from my castle," Eli added.
"Seeing you two agree on anything is still uber weird," Emma commented, making Hades chuckle.
"We don't always see eye to eye, but we both love our family and want them protected," he said.
"And for that reason, I can tolerate you, but don't get the idea that I actually like you," Eli retorted.
"Perish the thought," Hades quipped in return.
"Sweetie...are you okay?" Persephone asked her daughter, as she noticed the pensive look on her face. Snow forced a smile.
"I'm fine," she assured, as she held her newborn close.
"Honey...if this is too much too soon, say the word. I know we can handle all of this if you want a quiet evening," Persephone soothed.
"A quiet evening sounds nice, but no, I want to do this. I need to be here. We're ushering in a brand new era with a lot of unknowns and I am going to be here to see it," Snow assured. Eli smiled and put his hands on her shoulders.
"You are my heir, sweet pea, but more importantly, the greatest thing in my life," he said, making Snow start to tear up.
"I know that there is a version of me that you didn't know and that was a very angry man," he began.
"But you were changing, even before all this. And then I got the chance for you to be my Daddy," she said. He smiled.
"And despite the fact that it was a spell that probably shouldn't have happened, I have never been so grateful for it," he replied. Snow smiled at that.
"Me either. There were a lot of great things during that spell," she agreed.
"I just wish that I had been stronger and had the courage I needed to dismiss that horrible court and have my marriage to Ravenna absolved. I'm sorry for the way you were treated," he said.
"Daddy...that's not your fault and you were in a terrible position. You were trying to keep the peace and prevent war. And despite how they treated me, I never doubted how much you love me," Snow assured, as she hugged him and Eli nearly began sobbing at that.
"Do you want to hold your grandson again?" she asked.
"You know I do," he replied, as he cradled him. With that, they began to receive the arriving Kingdoms, just as Rumple and Belle arrived.
"Snow…" Belle said, as they shared a hug.
"You look beautiful," Snow said, admiring her golden dress.
"So do you...I love this color on you," she agreed. Rumple rolled his eyes impatiently.
"Belle…" he said.
"Oh right, we have something to tell all of you," she said.
"What is it?" Persephone asked.
"It's Pan…" Rumple answered.
"You mean dear old dad?" Hades asked.
"Dammit…" Rumple cursed.
"Say what now?!" Neal exclaimed.
"Never mind that for now...I planned to explain all that. But I think I've already run into him," Rumple admonished.
"Well, you're still alive so it couldn't have gone that bad," Hades quipped.
"Except that we don't remember and Rumple thinks he wiped our memories," Belle corrected.
"Which means he's up to something," Rumple added.
"Whatever it is...he'll get a lightning bolt thrown at him if he comes near this family," Persephone assured, as the processional began. Thomas, Ella, and Thomas' father Mitchell were first in, having also regained their Kingdom. Midas, Frederick, and Abigail were next as well. Eric and Ariel arrived, since the Maritime Kingdom was among the realms united. Next, they saw a blonde woman garbed in a pinkish silver gown, with a wand walk down the aisle next. She bowed respectfully.
"I am Glinda...the good witch of the North and ruler of the Emerald City. And this is my apprentice...Dorothy," she introduced.
"Welcome Glinda," Persephone greeted, as the two women moved off to the side and the next guests approached. An older man in golden robes and a tall hat approached, with a man in blue robes flanking him on one side and a person garbed in armor on the other side. They bowed to Persephone.
"I am the Emperor of China. This is my adviser, Chi-Fu, and my most valiant warrior...Mulan," he said, as the warrior removed her helmet.
"Cool...Mulan is real too…" Henry whispered to his father and Neal couldn't help but chuckle. Following them, was an older man in white robes, with a white turban and a young woman, with long dark hair, dressed in a blue cropped top and harem pants.
"I am the Sultan of Agrabah and this is my daughter, Princess Jasmine," he announced.
"This is so cool…" Henry gushed, as Emma and Regina smiled at him. Next, it was David's turn to be surprised, as he saw people that he knew.
"Your Majesties...I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle. This is my sister Princess Anna and my brother-in-law, Kristoff, Prince Consort," the blonde introduced.
"Kristoff…" David said in surprise.
"David…" Kristoff called, also in surprise.
"You know him?" Snow asked.
"Old friend...but I also know her, but obviously not who she really was. Princess Anna," he said slyly. Anna smiled.
"Nice to see you too, just a shepherd, David," she teased, as they moved along, but he was certain they would be able to catch up later.
Next, another couple approached and bowed respectfully.
"Your Majesties, I am King Arthur of Camelot and this is my Queen, Guinevere," he introduced, as Persephone nodded curtly and the man caught Hades' stare boring into him, which made him suddenly very nervous, as they moved off to the side.
Cronus was next, along with Deimos and Phobos.
"Why is he here?" Hades growled.
"At ease, son...Deimos will be on his best behavior this evening," Cronus assured, as he turned his attention to Snow and David.
"Congratulations to you both on the arrival of your tiny Prince," he offered, as they acknowledged his pleasantries.
"If he steps even an inch toward Snow…" Hades warned.
"Don't get your panties in a twist, Your Highness. I would not betray the orders of my Lord Cronus," Deimos quipped, as they dispersed with the others that had arrived. But if Cronus wasn't bad enough already, Leopold waltzed into the castle, followed by Frollo.
"Neither of you are welcome here. Get out," Eli spat.
"I am once again King of my Kingdom and I believe all the heads of state were summoned," Leopold countered, as he made his way to join the other royals.
"And I have taken over as head of my state as well. The Cathedral is mine now," Frollo announced.
"One wrong move, Chernabog and you'll see a test of my full power," Persephone warned. Frollo smirked.
"Do not worry, Your Majesty...I, too, am on my best behavior this evening," he replied, as his eyes rested on Snow.
"Congratulations on your new arrival," he said, as she held the baby close to her chest. They received a few more Kingdoms and soon, everyone was decidedly present.
"Now that everyone is here...I can explain everything and answer all the questions anyone may have," Persephone announced. But, as she prepared to go on, the castle doors slammed open again and there were gasps of surprise. Rumple was expecting Pan...but it wasn't him.
"It can't be…" Eli uttered, as he stared at the person that had interrupted.
"But she's dead…" Snow said.
"Apparently not," Hades replied, as Queen Ravenna strolled into the castle, her beautiful face marred with an evil smirk.
"Sorry I'm late…" she announced, as shock rippled through the entire chamber...
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cajun-werewolf · 5 years
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The Beaumont Family
A very well known pure were family in Louisiana. They are among those who are jokingly called “were royalty”. There are five living Beaumonts: Benjamin, James, Rene, Grace, & Willow. 
The youngest of The Beaumont Brothers & father of Rene and Grace died in an unfortunate accident, and not long after, the patriarch of the family died as well.
August & Marigold Beaumont
Christopher Lee & Blythe Donner
The deceased leaders of the Beaumont pack. August was an only child, so he inherited the Beaumont pack from his parents. August and Marigold were both very loving parents, though August could be very stern with his sons, while Marigold had a tendency to go very easy on them. They lived long enough to meet Rene and Grace, forming some memories with them. August passed away when Rene was 7 years old from a severe stroke. Marigold died peacefully in her sleep when Rene was 10.
~Notable relationships~
Benjamin, Max, and James: The sons of August and Marigold. Both Benjamin and James moved away to form packs of their own. Max “inherifted” his parents’ pack, which fully disbanded after Max’s death.
Kaya & Kele Turner: Friends of Marigold and August. They’ve known each other since high school, and Kaya and Kele’s son was a good friend of Max and Benjamin’s.
Kaya and Kele Turner Tantoo Cardinal & Graham Greene
The grandparents of Kaili. They adopted him sometime before his first shift, after his parents were killed in a car accident on their way to Baton Rogue. Kaya and Kele were very affectionate with their grandson and adored the relationship that he had with Grace Beaumont. They passed away, leaving their boat and house to Kaili and Grace.
~Notable relationships~
Max & Benjamin Beaumont: The sons of their packs alpha. Max and Benjamin were good friends of Kaya and Kele’s son.
August & Marigold Beaumont: Friends of the pair since high school.
Grace Beaumont: Kaili’s girlfriend. Kaya and Kele loved her just as much as they loved their grandson, and were always happy to see her. They even had a room for her at their house.
James Austin Beaumont Hugh Jackman
The youngest of the Beaumont boys. James takes after his father in many ways, and is often teased by his older brother that he’s a carbon copy of the man. He has very traditional views of weres and their relationships with other species, though that’s come into question since he met and started dating Esme Taylor. He is divorced from Nina, the mother of his daughter, Willow.
~Notable relationships~
Benny, Rene, Grace: Brother, nephew, & niece. He and Benny do not get along, but he adores his niece and nephew.
Nina Beaumont: Exwife. Mother of James’ daughter, Willow. Nina and James don’t have a very good relationship
Willow Beaumont: Daughter. Light of his fucking life. James would literally kill someone for Willow.
Esme Taylor: A witch that James has recently started dating. She;s caused him to call his previous views into question.
Benjamin William Beaumont Jeffrey Dean Morgan
The oldest child of August & Marigold Beaumont and twin of Max Beaumont. Benjamin was always the most reckless of the three of the boys. He often got himself and Max in trouble, including once getting his leg stuck in a bear trap in the woods, where he stayed with his twin for three hours while he tried to free himself, because he didn’t want Max to go tell their parents. Benny is a notorious flirt and is in a very committed relationship with Luca Barnaby and Althea Dixon. When Max died, Benny retreated in on himself and shut almost everyone out except for his nephew and niece. Marigold believed that the two shared a link that was severed the day he died, destroying something in Benny. Benny suffered from a mild depression after losing his brother, and still bears some scars from it. In a way, Benny blames himself for their deaths.
~Notable relationships~
James, Rene, & Grace Brother, nephew, & niece. He and James do not get along, but he adores his niece and nephew.
Max: Benny’s built in best friend and younger twin brother. Had a bizarre “connection” that was severed when Max died.
Beau Moreau: Best friend since...forever. Second in command.
Luca & Althea: The loves of Benny’s life. He never knew how much he could love anyone before they came along.
Aspen Devlin: Benny’s ex. Aspen was instrumental in Benny getting over the death of his brother, and he’s always been grateful for her for that. Unforunately the broke up, because she wanted more and he just wasn’t ready to give it. The two are still friends.
Maximus Lee Beaumont Clive Owen
The middle child of Marigold & August Beaumont and twin of Benjamin Beaumont. Max was beloved by everyone in and out of school. He, like his two brothers, was very popular and had many friends. He was often the voice of reason for Benny, though he wasn’t able to stop him from fucking around with a bear trap and getting stuck in it. Max married Claire Chambers after she got pregnant with their first child when they were 16. They were very happy and even had a second child. Max and Claire became a very well known and respected couple among the Louisiana were community. Max had a strange connection with his brother Benny, which was severed the night he and his wife were mysteriously killed.
~Notable relationships~
Claire Beaumont (Chambers): Max’s wife and the mother of his children. Their first child was an accident, conceived on a drunken night after the full moon. They were ridiculously in love until they day they died.
Benjamin Beaumont: Max’s best friend. Their mother used to say that they had a stronger connection to each other than anyone else could ever have with any other person.
Rene & Grace Beaumont: Max’s children. He loved them both very much, though he doted on Grace a bit more than Rene.
Esme Taylor Christina Hendricks
A local witch. She met James Beaumont during a full moon during a run through the woods. She was performing a mundane ritual when she noticed the large wolf, standing in the clearing watching her. The two got to know each other slowly, and began dating. Esme and Willow Beaumont get along very well, often laughing together when James isn’t around.
~Notable relationships~
James Beaumont: Esme’s boyfriend. They met a lucky full moon night. She’s working on making him a more open person.
Nina Beaumont Morena Baccarin
James Beaumont’s ex wife. They married only because he got her pregnant on accident. They didn’t have a good relationship to start with, and Nina believed that having the baby would save the relationship. If anything, it only made it worse. James divorced Nina and got full custody of their daughter, Willow.
~Notable relationships~
James Beaumont: Nina’s exhusband and the father of her child. They don’t get along.
Willow Beaumont: Nina’s daughter. She thinks they’re close, but they actually have a very strained relationship, due to not seeing much of each other during Willow’s childhood.
Claire Beaumont (Chambers) Rosario Dawson
Wife of Max Beaumont and mother to his children, Rene & Grace Beaumont. She and Max dated in high school. They unintentionally got pregnant and at 16, Claire gave birth to their first child, Rene, and Max proposed. Officially, they didn’t get married until they graduated, which Claire was only able to do with the help of Marigold Beaumont. Claire helped Max run their pack and they eventually had Grace. Claire an Max died one day. Rene has never told his sister the truth about how they died.
~Notable relationships~
Mr. & Mrs. Chambers: Claire’s parents. Claire never spoke about them after she married Max. Mr. & Mrs. Chambers abandoned their daughter after she got pregnant with their first grandchild, Rene. Claire made it a point not to talk about them more than absolutely necessary. To this day, Rene and Grace do not know where they are or if they’re even alive.
Max Beaumont: Claire’s husband and the father of her children. Their first child was an accident, conceived on a drunken night after the full moon. They were ridiculously in love until they day they died.
Marigold Beaumont: Max’s mother and the only one who was willing to take in Claire after her parents disowned her for getting pregnant before marriage. Marigold helped her take care of Rene while she finished high school, and then helped her care for Grace as well.
Rene & Grace Beaumont: Claire’s two kids, who she loved with all her heart. She took great pride in teaching them how to cook and sew so they could fix their own clothes.
Luca Barnaby Ian Bohen
Luca started in the same pack as Althea Dixon. He’d been a bit of a longer and had lost his parents when he was in his twenties. He stayed in Michael’s pack simply because they had been. He was present the day that Michael died. Luca stayed to help Althea through her mourning period, and the two eventually entered a sexual relationship. They found Benny Beaumont together.
~Notable relationships~
Althea Dixon: A member of Luca’s original pack. The two had a mostly open sexual relationship for a time. They’re both now seeing Benny Beaumont.
Benny Beaumont: An alpha that Luca met in a bar with Althea. Benny took an instant liking to them.
Alice Barnaby: Luca’s little sister. She’s very distant.
Althea Dixon Natalie Dormer
Althea was originally the member of a pack run by the alpha Michael. The two had a romantic relationship for quite some time. She had been weary the day he went out for a run in the woods, and after many hours, began to worry. When he finally came back, he’d been severely injured. Althea held Michael as he died, and went into a prolonged mourning period for many years. She became involved, after a time, with her fellow pack member, Luca Barnaby. The two found Benny Beaumont together.
~Notable relationships~
Michael: Althea’s original alpha. The two were in a romantic relationship and Althea was completely in love with him. Unfortunately, Michael was killed by poachers.  Althea mourned him for many years and, deep in her heart, still has some lingering feelings for him.
Luca Barnaby: A member of Althea’s original pack. The two had a mostly open sexual relationship for a time. They’re both now seeing Benny Beaumont.
Benny Beaumont: An alpha that Althea met in a local were bar with Luca. Benny took an instant liking to them. She still feels guilt for being attracted to him.
Lee Bouchard Kate Beckinsale
The exgirlfriend of Rene Beaumont. The two had been together since high school, and Rene’s grandparents thought they’d get married after graduation. They did not. Lee didn’t like that Rene became more concerned with the good of the pack when the murders started. Rene found her in their bed with another member of their pack. They broke up then and there, and, luckily, Rene did not banish her from the pack, though she spent a night alone in their room. She did not move with the rest of the pack to New Orleans, though she still checks in with Nathan Mason from time to time, for security reasons.
~Notable relationships~ 
Rene Beaumont: Lee’s ex and her alpha. She dated him since high school and was sure she was crazy in love with him. She was wrong.
Grace Beaumont: Lee’s good friend, despite the age difference. Their friendship was destroyed after Rene told her Lee had cheated. Lee insists there’s more to the story, but Grace knows better.
Rene Beaumont Joe Manganiello
The current Alpha of the Baton Rogue (New Orleans) pack. He was the son of Max & Claire Beaumont and Grace Beaumont’s older brother. Rene is a fiercly loyal man, becoming the alpha after the death of his parents.He only ever cared about keeping his pack safe. He was the one to discover the first murdered were, on a worksite. Rene moved his pack immediately to New Orleans in an attempt to protect him. Here, he met Magnolia Winifred, who he fell head over heels in love with. Rene can have a rough exterior, but he’s really a big softy deep down.
~Notable relationships~
Magnolia Winifred: Rene’s girlfriend and the absolute love of is life. Sometimes, Rene gets freaked out, because he never thought he’d love someone as much as he loves her.
Max & Claire Beaumont: Rene’s parents. He loved them very much and was absolutely destroyed when they died. He knows how they died, but tells everyone it was just a car wreck.
Grace Beaumont: Rene’s little sister. He’d give up anything to keep her safe, not matter what that meant.
Benny & James Beaumont: Rene’s uncles. He’s closer with Benny than he is to James, as James refuses to acknowledge that his father did, in fact, exist. James sort of just acts like Max and Claire disappeared into the universe.
Nathan Mason: Rene’s best friend since they were kids, and Rene’s second in charge (other than Zane...)
Zane Donovan: A member of Rene’s pack. Rene sees him as both his child and a brother. He became Zane’s guardian after his parents passed away.
Lee Bouchard: Rene’s ex. She slept with another pack member. Lee still live in Baton Rogue, though she is still a part of Rene’s pack, officially. He never had the heart to remove her.
Magnolia Winifred Alexandra Daddario
The only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Winifred. Magnolia, more commonly known as Mags, has lived in New Orleans her entire life. Born and raised. Her parents had been known by about everyone in town, due to owning one of the most popular bar/restaurant’s in town. Her parents had brought her and her brother in when they were little, letting them sit at the bar and color. She eventually began helping out when she got older, becoming well known by all the regulars. Magnolia was always been a little off. Weird. It was when she was six that her reading minds had surfaced. Her parents took her to doctors, but all they wanted to do was pump her full of drugs, which her parents would not agree to. She was picked on in school often, and as she grew, got herself into trouble with her ability. She met Rene Beaumont at the bar on his first night in New Orleans.
~Notable relationships~
Mr. & Mrs. Winifred: Mags’ parents. They owned a popular bar in New Orleans right on Bourbon Street. They cared for their children very much, and though they found her ability to “read” people odd, they never let anyone do anything to her that could be harmful. They died in a wreck not long before her 23rd birthday.
Ethan Winifred: Mags’ older brother. He works at the bar with her. They were each others’ comfort after the death of their parents, heavily relying on each other. Ethan technically owns the bar, but insists it’s both of their’s.
Rene Beaumont: A were Mags met at the bar. He’s been absolutely enamored by her since their first meeting. Rene loves Mags more than anyone else in the world. She can’t read him at all.
Niklaus Driscoll: The only other non-were in the pack. They bonded over a full moon night spent together waiting for Rene and Zane to get home. They’ve been the very best of friends ever since. Just like with Zane, Nik would literally kill someone for her.
Grace Beamont Gal Gadot
The second child of Claire and Max Beaumont. Max loved Rene, but there was no question that Grace was special to him. Max spoiled her rotten, and so did Rene. Grace was always headstrong, and she met Kaili Kawena just after the death of his parents, and the two were fast enemies. The two became real friends after their first shift and eventually dated on and off. Grace was well loved by Kaili’s grandparents, and in their will, they left her half of everything. Grace left for nearly 3 years to help other packs who couldn’t handle getting their young ones through their first changes on their own. She returned to Louisiana not long after her brother started dating Mags Winifred.
~Notable relationships~
Rene Beaumont: Grace’s big brother. He’d do anything for her because he love her so much.Rene’s always talked to his sister like she was his best friend. She was the only one he actually talked to about his breakup.
Kaili Kawena: The only man Grace has ever loved. They’ve had an on and off relationship for years, but all that matters to her is that they’re together again.
Lee Bouchard: Rene’s exgirlfriend. Their friendship was destroyed after Rene told Grace Lee had cheated. Lee insists there’s more to the story, but Grace knows better.
Kaili Kawena Jason Momoa
The grandson of Kaya and Kele Turner. Kaili has his mother’s last name, as his parents never married. Kaili was adopted by them at a young age and went through his first shift with Grace Beaumont and Max Beaumont, due to his grandparents being a bit too old to help him through it. They died when Kaili was 26, causing himself to put a wall up between him and many others, including, regrettably, Grace. Kaili and Grace were both named in Kaya and Kele’s will as having inherited the boat and the house, a fact which Kaili has yet to bring to Grace’s attention. Kaili would never admit it, but he fell in love with Grace the first moment he saw her when they were kids, despite being too stubborn to admit it.
~Notable relationships~
Kaya & Kele Turner: Kaili’s grandparents on his father’s side. They’re full blooded native american and made sure Kaili had knowledge of that part of his heritage as well as educating him on the Hawaiian aspect. They loved him very much and made sure, when they got old, that they had everything set up so he’d be taken care of when they passed away.
Grace Beaumont: The only woman Kaili’s ever loved. They’ve had an on and off relationship for years, but all that matters to him is that they’re together.
Zane Donovan Kit Harrington
A very important member of Rene’s pack. He is the older brother of Riley Donovan and Niklaus Driscoll’s boyfriend. Zane’s parents passed away when he was 16, leaving him alone with his sister. They were passed to a then 19 year old Rene Beaumont. He did his best to take care of them, and Zane and Riley even spent some time overseas in London, where he met Niklaus. Zane was very helpful, raising his sister and helping her through her first shift. He now lives with the rest of the pack and his boyfriend in New Orleans. The whole pack, with the exception of Nate, know that if anything happened to Rene, Zane would take over.
~Notable relationships~
Rene Beaumont: Zane’s alpha. Only three years older than him, Rene’s worked hard to make secure a good relationship with Zane. He’s sort of the unspoken second in command, despite what Nate thinks, due solely on how much Rene trusts Zane.
Riley Donovan: Zane’s little sister. Riley’s always looked up to Zane. He helped her through her first shift, and they’re very close.
Niklaus Driscoll: Zane’s boyfriend. They met in London while Niklaus was in medical school. He’s loved Nik since the second they locked eyes in a shopping mall. He’d literally kill for him.
Niklaus Driscoll Kristofer Hivju
The boyfriend of Zane Donovan and son of Nikolai and Alessa Driscoll. Niklaus was born in Oslo, Norway. He and his parents were never close, though they were more than happy to help him pay for medical school, in addition to his scholarships. Niklaus attended one of the top medical schools in England. He’d always been somewhat of a disappointment to his parents, due to his disinterest in women, which they had never taken to mean anything. At almost 40 years old, Niklaus has still not formally come out to his parents. He met Zane by chance at a mall, and instant fell in love with him. He wasn’t too welcome by Rene at first, but eventually became a formal member of the pack, and the pack doctor. Despite having some general practice experience, Niklaus is primarily a surgeon and works in the OR, though he does sometimes find himself in the ER to help out when they’re short handed. Niklaus is very good with a firearm, and isn’t afraid to show it when it comes to someone hurting his family.
~Notable relationships~
Zane Donovan: Nik’s boyfriend. Nik has loved Zane ever since he first laid eyes on him in a mall in London. Nik moved to the states so they could be together.
Riley Donovan: The sister of Zane. Nik loves her, despite how nosy and childish she can be.
Nikolai & Alessa Driscoll: Niklaus’ parents. They don’t get on well. Nik hardly speaks to his father, though his mother often calls him. They don’t know that he’s gay, though his mother has her suspicions.
Magnolia Winifred: The only two non-weres in the pack. They bonded over a full moon night spent together waiting for Rene and Zane to get home. They’ve been the very best of friends ever since. Just like with Zane, Nik would literally kill someone for her.
Riley Donovan Bex Taylor-Klaus
The younger sister of Zane Donovan. Riley struggles through life. Her parents died at the age of six, leaving her with Rene Beaumont and her big brother Zane. Rene has always attributed the stress of her parents’ death as being the cause for her delayed shift, but Riley was terrified that she just wouldn’t go through the shift and be normal human. She finally shifted and is still learning to control herself.
~Notable relationships~
Zane Donovan: Riley’s older brother. She looks up to him and loves him very much. She worries that he’ll spend his whole life worrying about her, though.
Niklaus Driscoll: Riley’s older brother’s boyfriend. She looks at him like a brother. He’s great and all, but sometimes she just wants to shove him out the door and take her brother for herself for a few hours.
Hannah Creed: A girl Riley fell head over heels for. She accidentally turned her after she scratched her during a full moon.
Nathan Mason Charlie Hunnam
Nathan was a stray. He was adopted by two people who had wanted a child. Until they got one. Mr. & Mrs. DuBois were a somewhat older couple, and became very abusive towards Nate. They hit him in private and talked down to him in public. He had his first change early at the age of ten, alone in his backyard, screaming and sobbing. Mr. Dubois had tried to carry him to the car, dropping him as soon as he changed fully. He was seen on his first run, alone in the woods, by Max Beaumont. When Nate returned to an empty house, Max came and took him home, practically adopting the boy. He grew up beside Rene and Grace and fell in love with Adeline Levy, who he has had an off and on relationship with for many years until he accidentally killed her father in an act of self defense. Nate is considered to be the second in charge of Rene’s pack. Despite his alpha knowing the alpha of his biological family’s pack, he still has yet to meet them, and doesn’t even know of their existence.
~Notable relationships~
Mr. & Mrs. DuBois: Nate’s adopted parents. They were physically abusive towards him in private, which he doesn’t often talk about. They abandoned him after his first shift, due to being human and having no idea what was happening.
Adeline Levy: A were from Nate’s pack. He fell in love with her and the two have had a rocky relationship. Nate accidentally killed her dad. They’ve gotten back together since.
Rene Beaumont: Nate’s best friend since they were kids. He’s Rene’s acting second.
The Masons (Aleaha, Frank, Ray, & Morgan): Nate’s biological family. He doesn’t know any of them, despite the fact that their alpha is his alpha’s uncle.
Adeline Levy Amber Heard
A beautiful young lady from Rene Beaumont’s pack. She had a rough childhood, living in a house with barely any food. Her mother died when she was three, leaving Adeline alone with her father, who began sexually abusing her when she was seven years old. Her first shift was at 13. Unsure what was happening, her father beat her until she fled the house and suffered her first change on her own. She lived on the street for a few months before she met Rene. He took her in as one of his own in his pack, where she met Nathan Mason. The two started a rather toxic relationship, and he later killed her father on accident.
~Notable relationships~
Nathan Mason: Adeline’s on and off boyfriend. He accidentally killed her father, but they’ve been trying to have a real relationship again, despite their past.
Mrs. Levy: Adeline’s dear departed mother.
Hannah Creed Carlson Young
Hannah moved to New Orleans when she was 16. She was originally from Florida, and had considered moving back after she’d turned 18. Hannah stayed in New Orleans, however, and with the help of her parents, was able to get a nice apartment. She is currently dating Riley Donovan, who she met purely by chance one day.
~Notable relationships~
Riley Donovan: Hannah’s girlfriend. The two are a cute couple and get along absurdly well. Riley accidentally turned her.
Aspen Devlin Ashley Greene
Aspen started out a member of Benjamin Beaumont’s pack, and as actually a sort of girlfriend of his. She had actually only joined Rene’s pack to get some space, but ended up staying due to problems between her and Benny. Aspen is a successful woman and works for a lawyer. She was paired up with Mags’ brother by Rene and Mags in an effort to help her forget about Benny.
~Notable relationships~
Benny Beaumont: Aspen’s old alpha and her on-again-off-again boyfriend. Aspen helped Benny through a major depression. They tried dating, but it didn’t work out, since Aspen wanted a monogamous relationship, and Benny wasn’t ready for that. He’s still very supportive of her, though.
Ethan Winifred: Mags’ older brother. Aspen met Ethan by chance when she went to the bar with Rene to meet Mags.
Nikolai & Alessa Driscoll Charles Dance & Julie Waters
Niklaus’ parents. They never really had a good relationship with their son. He was always a bit of a disappointment to them, due to his disinterest in the many women they’ve thrown at him over the years. He’s never formally come out to them, but when he finished med school and moved to the states, they found out about Zane on their own. Niklaus’ father has refused to talk to him since, and his mother chooses not to let him know that they know, just suggesting he come visit and meet the new girl of the week.
~Notable relationships~
Niklaus Driscoll: Nikolai and Alessa’s only son. He’s a disappointment.
Avery Pryce: The son of Alessa’s sister. He’s less of a disappointment.
Mrs. Levy Stevie Nicks
Adeline’s mother. She was a nice enough woman who died when Adeline was seven. The pack doesn't know much about her, as they’ve all agreed not to pry too much and let Adeline tell them what she feels they should know.
~Notable relationships~
Adeline Levy: Daughter that she loved very much. When she died, Adeline was, unfortunately, left with Mr. levy.
Ethan Winifred Jared Leto
Mags’ older brother. He was sort of a normal teenager, running around and goofing off until his parents died and he had to really get serious. Ethan had an interest in music and had a little band before they died. He gave up his music for a time until Mags encouraged him to take it up again. Ethan is still new to this whole were thing, and struggles to understand it sometimes. He can be impatient but tries really hard to understand his sister and her new life.
~Notable relationships~
Magnolia Winifred: Ethan’s little sister. He won’t admit it, but he loves her more than anyone else in the whole world. If someone fucks with Mags,he’ll fuck with them right back.
Aspen Devlin: A beautiful young were he met through Mags and her boyfriend. He was kind of a dick at their first meeting, but he’s pretty sure he might love her.
Charles & Isolde LeRoux Ewan McGregor & Liv Tyler
Camille’s parents. Charles and Isolde were good friends of Benjamin Beaumont in high school. They were more than happy to join his pack when he split from his father’s. Charlies and Isolde had their first child, Remy LeRoux, when Isolde was 18. They married two years later, happily raising their son with the help of Benny and Beau. Isolde gave birth to their second child, Camille LeRoux, when she was 23. Isolde and Charles were very happy together for years until Charles got sick. At 40 years old, Charles was diagnosed with Advanced Alzheimer’s. The family struggled with the disease for many years, and by the time Charles died of Aspiration pneumonia, he could barely recognize either of his children. Isolde died a year later from a complication after surgery.
~Notable relationships~
Remy LeRoux: The eldest of the LeRoux siblings. He loved his parents very much. By the time Charles died, he couldn’t even recognize his son, which was horrifying to Remy. Unfortunately, Remy was stuck at work, unable to get away no matter how much he told his boss it was an emergency, when his mother died in the hospital. 
Camille LeRoux: Busy with school, cheer, and drama club, Camille wasn’t home much to see the way her father deteriorated, which was exactly what Remy, Isolde, and Charles wanted. Luckily, she mostly saw him on his good days. She vividly remembers the day he died, though, and the three of them sitting with him and the way he looked at her brother like he was a stranger and asked who he was. Camille was alone with her mother in her hospital room when she died, since her brother was stuck trying to get to them from work. Camille held her hand until she was forced from the room by the doctors.
Beau Moreau Luke Evans
The best friend of Benjamin Beaumont. Beau was originally in Benny’s parents’ pack before Benny grew up and left. He left with Benny and became his second in command. The two have been inseparable for years. Beau knows a few things other pack members don’t, due to the long friendship. He may be the only person in the pack other than Althea and Luca that Benny really trusts completely. No one really knows what happened to Beau’s family, as he’s been alone as long as Benny’s known him. Beau has always just told people that his grandparents paid for his apartment when he was in school. He is a doctor at one of the local mental hospitals, though he also had some training in general practice. For a brief time, he and Camille LeRoux had a mostly sexual relationship after the death of her boyfriend. Benny has suspected that he still has feelings for the girl and is also having less-than-legal relationships with a couple patients at the hospital.
~Notable relationships~
Benjamin Beaumont: Beau’s alpha and his best friend since he was a child, despite their age difference. Beau’s a very private person, but Benjamin can always get him to talk, be it with beer or just a bit of ribbing. Beau and Benjamin get along so well simply because they don’t judge each other and they keep each others’ secrets.
Camille LeRoux: A young were in the pack that had a brief sexual relationship with Beau. It’s suspected that he still has feelings for her, though it’d be hard since they never had a real relationship from the beginning, and they really don’t get along very well.
Haley Watson Vajen van den Bosch
A member of Benny’s pack. Haley had run away from her physically abusive boyfriend and was hiding out under Benny’s protection. They became good friends. Haley liked to hang out with Camille LeRoux and gained herself a little bit of a reputation among the pack. She was only with the pack for a month or so before she was brutally murdered. Benny suspected that it might have been the same person who killed two other weres in Baton Rouge and later killed Jonah Romero.
~Notable relationships~
Benjamin Beaumont: Her alpha. Haley had a little crush on him when she first arrived, though Benny has always treated her as a little sister. He made sure that when she was killed, they could retrieve her body from the morgue.
Remy LeRoux & Beau Moreau: Two pack members Haley bonded with. They both had brief sexual relationships with her in the short time she was in the pack.
Camille LeRoux: Haley considered Camille to be her best friend. She helped her sneak out to meet Jonah a lot and the two were often yelled at on school nights for stayed up so late, laughing together. Camille was destroyed to lose her.
Althea Dixon: Haley arrived in the pack just after Benny started seeing Althea and Luca. She secretly looked up to the woman.
Hazel Gryffon Darya Lebedeva
A beautiful young were that’s become a part of Benny’s pack. She and her sister, Iris Gryffon, ran away from home when she was ten years old, her sister only a couple years older. They’d been taken in by Benny, who treated them like they were his own kids, until they were old enough to not need him anymore. She grew up to be an amazing woman, and met Christian Graves at the club that he owned.
~Notable relationships~
Iris Gryffon: Hazel’s big sister. Iris is very protective of her sister, and took her away from their parents when she could smell Hazel’s first change coming up.
Christian Graves: A vampire that Hazel’s currently dating. He can be a bit abrasive or cold from time to time, but he does love her.
Clove Wright Lily Collins
A young were that belongs to Benny’s pack. She was originally part of James Beaumont’s pack, with her parents. She just didn’t fit in with the pack. Clove was a bit spirited, so James suggested sending her to his brother’s pack. her parents agreed a little too fast for Clove’s liking. But, she fit in great with Benny’s pack. The only thing he asked of her was to keep her grades up, which is easy enough for her. Clove was introduced to Cullen Bennett, a vampire, through Hazel Gryffon.
~Notable relationships~
Cullen Bennett: A vampire that Clove met via Hazel. He’s nice and took her to the fair for their first date. Cullen and Clove have fun together.
Remy LeRoux Greyston Holt
The hard ass brother of Camille LeRoux (who he lovingly calls Cam) and the other youngest member of Benjamin Beaumont’s pack. Remy was a wild child, running around wreaking havoc. He was a good student, though. Remy played Lacrosse and did Cross Country for Caddo Parish Magnet High School. When he was 18, Remy’s dad got sick and instead of leaving for college, Remy stayed home to help take care of his family. He helped his mother care for his father, who was deteriorating quickly, and helped to keep his sister from seeing it. Remy got a job and worked hard to help his mother provide for Camille. His dad died two weeks before Remy’s 24th birthday. A year later, Remy found himself stuck at work, unable to escape, as his mother died in the hospital with his little sister. Remy’s become a rather closed off person to everyone but Camille, and is fiercely protective of her. He didn’t mind Jonah much until things started getting too serious for his liking.
~Notable relationships~
Camille LeRoux: Remy’s little sister. They’ve always been close. Even when Remy started closing himself off to other people, he never closed himself off to Camille. He wakes her up at 6 am every year on her birthday with a little cupcake and makes plans with her for what they’ll do to celebrate.
Haley Watson: A were who was only with the pack for about a month. Remy and her had a brief sexual relationship.
Camille LeRoux Dove Cameron
Camille is one of the youngest members of Benny’s pack. She is a very good looking and intelligent young lady who’s not above using her looks to get her way. She was close to her father, who died of Aspiration pneumonia . Camille was busy with school, cheer, and drama club, so she didn’t get to see him on his bad days. She was the only one there with her mother when she passed away due to complications after a surgery. Benjamin Beaumont has treated her like family ever since. Camille was dating Jonah Romero before his death. They had planned to get married and he would join Benny’s pack after Camille had finished college. Camille convinced Jonah to come early and waited for him for hours the day they’d planned for him to join before calling his fellow pack member and her friend, Morgan Mason. She was informed that Jonah had been missing since the night before. It was Morgan who broke the news to her two days later that Jonah had been killed. Camille went into a brief depression before becoming a somewhat bitter person. She briefly had a fling with Beau Moreau, as a way to try and cope with her loss. Benny accompanied Camille to the funeral, as he believed she had a right to be there.
~Notable relationships~
Remy LeRoux: Camille’s older brother and all the family she has left in the world. Remy and her don’t have the best relationship, but he’s always been supportive of her. 
Jonah Romero: Camille’s boyfriend. He was killed not long after he proposed to her. Jonah loved Camille more than anyone in the world and often wrote her songs that he sent her over Snapchat.
Benjamin Beaumont: Camille’s pack leader. He’s always been nice to Camille, and there’s even pictures someplace of the two of them hanging out when she was a little kid. Benny seemed to be indifferent to her relationship with Jonah, which she appreciated.
Alice Barnaby Crystal Reed
The younger sister of Luca Barnaby. She was, originally, a member of Michael's pack just like her brother and parents had been. Alice had always been an independent person, and when her alpha died, she left with many of the other pack members. Alice spent time traveling and exploring until she finally returned, finding that her brother had joined a new pack. She joined it as well and met Iris Gryffon.
~Notable relationships~
Luca Barnaby: Alice’s older brother. She’s always loved him, despite his loner attitude.
Iris Gryffon: A were that was part of Benny’s pack before Alice came. Their relationship started after Iris found her reading a smutty novel.
Iris Gryffon
Holland Roden
Hazel’s sister and a member of Benjamin Beaumont's pack . She and her sister, Hazel Gryffon, ran away from home when her sister was ten years old. When she was 16, they’d been taken in by Benny, who treated them like they were his own kids, until they were old enough to not need him anymore.
~Notable relationships~ 
Hazel Gryffon: Iris’ little sister. Iris is very protective of her and took her away from their parents when she could smell Hazel’s first change coming up.
Alice Barnaby:  A were joined Benny’s pack not too long before Benny met Althea and Luca. Their relationship started after Iris found her reading a smutty novel.
Ian Bordeaux Aaron Johnson
A part of Benny’s pack, but just barely. Ian’s in and out so much that Benny often forgets he’s even there, though once the murders started, he went into lock down along with the rest of the pack. Ian writes a travel blog where he studies the “supernatural” legends of different areas. Since he’s gone under lock down, he writes about his pack, though names and locations are changed to keep the anonymity. 
~Notable relationships~
Avery Pryce: A young man that Ian met while traveling Europe. They’ve got a weird relationship going on, but Ian’s pretty sure they’re dating.
Avery Pryce Thomas Brodie Sangster
A young man from England. He is the cousin of Niklaus Driscoll on his mother’s side. Avery is a bit soft spoken, but very intelligent and polite. He met Ian Bordeaux while he was visiting Europe for his job. Avery and Ian maintain a relationship over Skype, though Ian’s been working on helping Avery move to the United States on a student Visa. Ian’s fascinated by Avery, as he’s not a were, but displays some otherworldly qualities.
~Notable relationships~
Niklaus Driscoll: Avery’s cousin on his mother’s side. Niklaus and he were close when he was living in London, but since he moved to the states, Nik hasn’t been in touch with him much.
Ian Bordeaux: Avery’s boyfriend. They met when Ian was in Europe for his work. Ian’s absolutely fascinated by Avery, due to him not being were, but displaying otherworldly qualities. Ian’s theory is that Avery is a fae, medium, or witch.
Sam Woods Chris Hemsworth
A member of James Beaumont’s pack. He was part of his pack with his parents until he enlisted in the military. He’d met Josette Archer before he’d been deployed, and had a relationship with her. The two got in a car wreck together after a party, which caused Josie to go blind. He had his hair buzzed off so that Josie wouldn’t feel out of pace with her short hair. 
~Notable relationships~
Josette Archer: Sam’s girlfriend. He’s been devoted to her since before he shipped out, and has been by her side constantly since the accident. When shifted, the two are always together, Sam helping her navigate.
Josette Archer Ashley Benton
A member of James Beaumont’s pack that was blinded during a car accident. She was a happy young girl with loving parents. She met Sam Woods, and the two became very close. Luckily, her parents liked him. Josette got in a wreck with him on a rainy night after a party, which caused her to be put in a medically induced coma. She was heartbroken by her loss of sight, but Sam has tried his best to help her, and so have her parents, making sure that she could learn to read braille and navigate on her own.
~Notable relationships~
Sam Woods: Josie’s boyfriend. He’s been devoted to her since before he shipped out, and has been by her side constantly since the accident. When shifted, the two are always together, Sam helping her navigate.
Willow Beaumont Zoey Deutch
James Beaumont’s daughter. She is a bit of a rebel in her father’s eyes, as she doesn’t like to do what he tells her to, often having to do it after being commanded by him. Willow barely knows her mother, but she knows her dad’s girlfriend. She’s been glad that he’s starting to be a little bit more open, but is still hiding from him that she’s dating a vampire named Eve and that she’s planning to move to Shreveport to get away from him.
~Notable relationships~
James Beaumont: Willow’s dad. She knows he loves her, but she can’t stand the fact that he uses his “alpha authority” to make her do things she doesn’t want to.
Eve: Willow’s girlfriend. She’s terrified to bring Eve home, knowing her father is still pretty strict on the whole “weres and vampires don’t intermingle” thing.
Elena Julius Anne Hathaway
James Beaumont’s ex girlfriend. She is a good woman and very sweet. Elena works at an antique shop in Monroe. She and James were dating for a while, but broke up because Elena didn’t agree with his parenting methods, and he believed she had no right to criticize him, since Willow wasn’t her’s. Elena still lives with the pack, though.
~Notable relationships~
James Beaumont: Elena’s ex. The two disagreed on parenting techniques. Elena didn’t think he should have been commanding Willow to do things, and James believed that Elena wasn’t entitled to an opinion.
Frank Romero Josh Brolin
A close friend of James Beaumont and the father of Jonah. He is a reverend at the local church and is well loved by the community. Frank lost his wife during childbirth and became fiercely protective of his boy. He became very bitter when Jonah was killed, and when he discovered that Jonah was seeing Camille LeRoux, he became enraged. After the funeral, he yelled at her, telling her it was her fault that Jonah was killed, because he must have been on his way to see her instead of safe at home. Frank rarely talks to anyone besides James and Aleaha Mason now, and holds nothing but a burning hatred for Camille and the person who killed his son.
~Notable relationships~
Jonah Romero: Frank’s son and all he had left of his late wife. Frank never agreed with his son playing music and wanted him to become a reverend like him. He went mad with grief when Jonah was killed, and has his guitar in a case under his bed now.
Aleaha Mason: A good friend of Frank. The two had a brief relationship after the death of her husband, but broke up after realizing that the relationship just wasn’t sustainable. Aleaha has been a good friend to him for many years.
Jonah Romero Josh Upshaw
Jonah was the son of Reverend Frank Romero. He lost his mother in childbirth, never getting a chance to know her. He was a smart boy with a knack for music. He met and fell in love with Camille LeRoux from Benny’s pack. The two met up secretly, due to how much their alphas disliked each other. He often wrote her songs that he’d play for her when they were together or send her on snapchat. Jonah gave Camille an engagement ring and told her he was going to marry her no matter what their alphas thought. They had hatched a plan that he’d run off with her to live as part of Benjamin Beaumont’s pack and be with her. He had met a couple members of the pack when they caught him sneaking out after random visits to Camille. He was killed by an unknown murderer before they could put their plan into action.
~Notable relationships~
Frank Romero: Father. Didn’t know about Joanh and Camille’s relationship until after Jonah died. They were always close, though.
Camille LeRoux: Jonah’s girlfriend. They were head over heels and planned to run away together before his murder. Jonah liked to write songs for her.
Morgan Mason: A close friend of both Camille and Jonah. She’s always been in favor of their relationship, and has been close to Jonah since she was very small.
Benjamin Beaumont: Camille’s alpha. He literally ran into him one day after sneaking in to see her. Benny’s always had a little bit of a soft spot for Jonah.
Aleaha Mason Sigourney Weaver
The mother of Ray Mason, Morgan Mason, and Nathan Mason, and the wife of Frank Mason.  She’s a nice woman, but was unprepared to have a child when she gave birth to her first son, Nathan. She put him up for adoption so he could have a better life. A couple years later, she felt she was finally ready for children, and tried to get in contact with the people who had adopted Nate, to see if maybe they would be willing to reverse the adoption. They refused, telling her never to contact them again. So, Aleaha and her husband had another child, Ray, and then eventually had a third, Morgan. Aleaha wasn’t exactly happy in her marriage, but she was loyal. Her husband died of a heart attack, and not long after, she took up with Frank Romero. They broke up and are still friends. Aleaha has not tried to contact Nate.
~Notable relationships~
Frank Mason: Aleaha’s late husband. He was nice enough, but never really good enough for Aleaha. He died when Morgan was 2.
Morgan, Ray, and Nathan Mason: Aleaha’s children. She loves them all very much, despite giving Nathan up for adoption.
Frank Romero: A brief fling that Aleaha had. He’s a fellow pack member and still a good friend. Their relationship just wasn’t sustainable.
Frank Mason Thomas Kretschmann
Aleaha’s late husband. He was nice enough, but really didn’t make her happy. Frank was happy, though, with his wife and children. He made sure they were never wanting for anything, but really didn’t have an opinion in many things involving them, including when Aleaha put their oldest up for adoption. He died when his daughter was 2 of a heart attack.
~Notable relationships~
Aleaha Mason: Frank’s wife. She was sweet and he loved her very much, despite the fact that she wasn’t exactly IN LOVE with him.
Morgan, Ray, and Nathan Mason: Frank’s children. He loves them, but had very little to do in decisions concerning them.  Not because he didn’t care, but because it was, in his eyes, just not his responsibility.
Ray Mason Travis Fimmel
Ray is the second oldest child of Aleaha and Frank Mason. He knows he has an older brother, but has never met him. He is very protective of his younger sister Morgan. Despite coming from a pure blooded were family, Ray did not experience the shift until a little bit later than usual, which was unusual. However, he learned to control himself fast, and now assists new young ones with their first shifts. He doesn’t exactly fit in with James’ pack, but he can’t bring himself to leave.
~Notable relationships~
Morgan and Nathan Mason: Ray’s two siblings. Nathan was given up before Ray was even thought of, but he grew up with Morgan, and even spent her first shift with her, since their father was gone.
Aleaha and Frank Mason: Ray’s parents. They loved him and his sister, but their hands off parenting method can sometimes make people think otherwise.
Morgan Mason Joey King
The younger sister of Ray and Nathan Mason. Morgan is a very bright girl, and graduated from school a year early. She’s good friends with Jonah Romero, who’s a few years older than he, but has always gone out of his way to spend time with her. She always looked at Jonah like an older brother, and then when he started dating Camille LeRoux, she got attached to her as well. Morgan depends on her friends to help her feel normal, as she still gets teased sometimes about being a “genius kid”.
~Notable relationships~
Ray and Nathan Mason: Morgan’solder brothers. Though Morgan doesn’t know Nathan, she loves him very much. She and Ray are very close, though.
Aleaha and Frank Mason: Morgan’s parents. They love her and her brother,  but their hands off parenting method can sometimes make people think otherwise.
Jonah Romero: A man from James’ pack. He’s always made time for her, and the two hang out a lot, despite the age difference.  She was one of the first people Jonah told about Camille.
Camille LeRoux: A were from Benjamin Beaumont’s pack. She’s always been nice to Morgan and Morgan has become good friends with her, luckily.
Remy LeRoux: Camille’s older brother. She’s only met him a couple of times, but Jonah teased her because she had a little school girl crush on him.
Fawn Daria Sidorchuk
A beautiful ethereal woman that Ray Mason just took up with one day. She’s fae, and powerful at that. Fawn is accepted in the pack, despite James’ feelings, simply because of Aleaha standing up for her. More than once, though, she’s heard talk of Ray moving to Shreveport. Ray always equates her to a hippy.
~Notable relationships~
Ray Mason: Fawn’s boyfriend. He loves how free she seems. He’s head over heels for her. They’ve been dating quite a few years now. He’s always been willing to move if James wanted to try to break them up.
Greyson Kent Timothy Omundson
A fae who teaches at a college. He doesn’t really tell anyone his sexuality, as it’s not exactly a big deal to him. Greyson has a younger “sister”, a young fae named Andi, he found and adopted. He met his boyfriend, Noah Hudson, at a gay were bar.
~Notable relationships~
Andi Kent: A young Fae that Greyson found one day in the woods, huddled in a small ball and frightened. He took her home and cared for her and no pays for her college.
Noah Hudson: A handsome were that Grey met at a gay bar. He’s very jealous of Noah’s cam show, but knows that he doesn't have to worry.
Noah Hudson Jack Falahee
Noah doesn’t really belong to a pack. He runs a cam show that he absolutely loves doing (Come on. His job is cumming). He and Greyson met at a were bar that faes didn’t typically come to. Noah is a young man who’s very sexual and attractive, lucky for him.
~Notable relationships~
Greyson Kent: A fae that Noah met at a gay were bar. Grey really loves Noah, despite being a little jealous of his job.
Andi Kent Nina Dobrev
A fae that is cared for by Greyson Kent. She was abandoned by a sort of cult of fae at a very young age and was taken in by Greyson. He raised and cared for her, and Andi grew up looking at Grey like an older brother. She worked very hard in high school. She knows plenty about Fae lore thanks to Grey and tries hard to learn more about herself and who she was before Grey found her. She lives in an apartment that Greyson pays for with a friend.
~Notable relationships~
Greyson Kent: A grown fae who found and cared for Andi. He pays for her to live in an apartment near the college he works at, which she attends on a full scholarship.
Wyatt Montgomery: A vampire who Andi met on accident on her way home. He gets on her nerves sometimes, but deep down she’s pretty sure she has feelings for him.
Vanya Eliades Eva Green
A beautiful vampire who was turned many centuries ago. Vanya was mysterious and beautiful and often was thought of as some sort of spirit by those who saw her in the woods in passing. She changed Christian Graves several thousand years ago, and lived with him for a time to teach him. She was “killed” at one point by an angry mob. She never told Christian how she survived, but she found him about ten years after. She then met Lydia Rousset and changed her. Vanya disappeared somewhere around 1900, leaving Christian and Lydia with no one but each other and Lydia’s progeny.
~Notable relationships~
Christian Graves: Vanya’s first progeny. She changed him out of pity and loneliness. The to actually had a relationship for a brief period, until she was “killed” by a mob.
Lydia Rousset: Changed after Vanya “returned from the dead”. Vanya has always treated Lydia like her child, doting on her. 
Christian Graves Alexander Skarsgard
The first progeny of Vanya Eliades. Christian shows his age by how reserved he is with everyone but those he trusts completely. He is a quiet man of over 1,000 years old. He enjoys his life as a vampire and is well known among the community as being a fountain of knowledge. He is well respected due to his age and his maker, and is the “king” of Louisiana. He has two progenies of his own, Eve and Cullen. He is rougher on Cullen than Eve, but is still affectionate towards them both, treating them as his own children. He doesn’t dwell on his human life. Vanya was the only one who knew anything about it. He’d once been a prince, married to a woman he really didn’t care for, with children.
~Notable relationships~
Vanya Eliades: Christian’s maker. She turned him after finding him dying on the battlefield. The two lived together for some time while she taught him how to control himself. 
Lydia Roussett: Christian’s “sister”. He has always had a soft spot for her ever since she was changed.
Eve: Christian’s first Progeny. He treats her similar to how he treats Lydia.
Cullen Bennett: Christian’s second progeny. He can be a little short with him from time to time
Lydia Rousset Holliday Grainger
The second progeny of Vanya Eliades. She is close with Christian, despite them not visiting each other often. Lydia was turned during the renaissance and was the most beloved by her “brother”. To this day, Christian still holds a soft spot for her. Lydia had two progenies. The first was a boy she had fallen in love with who was dying for a mortal wound. She turned him in the hopes they would be together forever. He instead was angry with her, feeling she cheated him of his death, and lamented his new life until he met the sun and perished, leaving Lydia heartbroken. Her second progeny was Wyatt Montgomery, who she changed during the Civil War. He absolutely adores her. Lydia is very clever and knows exactly how to get what she wants when she wants it.
~Notable relationships~
Christian Graves: Lydia’s “brother”. Christian has a very soft spot for Lydia and is known to give her exactly what she wants when she wants it from him.
Wyatt Montgomery: Lydia’s progeny. She turned him after finding him mortally wounded on the battle field.
Eve Lucy Fry
A young and very polite vampire. Not much is known about her as she, like her maker, is a very private and reserved person. She often keeps to herself and is very loyal.
~Notable relationships~
Christian Graves: Eve’s maker. She is,perhaps, one of the few living vampires who knows anything about his human life, as he told her part of the reason he turned her was due to the fact that she looked like how he imagined his daughter would have looked as an adult, and because she shared names with her. He is much softer on her than he is on Cullen sometimes.
Cullen Bennett: Eve’s “brother”. He was turned by Christian with Eve’s help. The two clash, due to their conflicting personalities, but are still loyal to each other.
Willow Beaumont: A were that’s attending college in Shreveport. The two have an odd relationship, as they’re dating but Willow often worries she likes Eve more than Eve likes her.
Cullen Bennett Zac Efron
Cullen is one of Christian Graves’ progenies. He is the younger of the two, having been born in the late 60′s and turned in the late 90′s. He was a smart man who enjoyed his life until an unfortunate and very accidental overdose ended his mortal life. He was found by Christian and Eve, who took him back to their place. Christian changed him and he now works at his club and is seeing Clove Gryffon.
~Notable relationships~
Christian Graves: Cullen’s maker. Christian can be a little short with him from time to time
Eve: Cullen’s “sister” and Christian’s first Progeny. The two tend o leave each other alone.
Clove Gryffon: A beautiful young were that Cullen’s been seeing. He Was actually surprised that he liked her as much as he does.
Wyatt Montgomery Ian Somerhalder
Lydia Rousset’s second progieny. Wyatt was found by Lydia on the battlefield during the Civil War. He was a southern gentleman who was a part of a rather well known and rich family. He met Lydia not long before leaving for the war. He was mortally wounded during a battle, and thought that, as he was dying, he was looking at an angel. He awoke two days later under the ground and dug himself out, only to be grabbed by Lydia, who helped him the rest of the way out of the dirt, explaining to him that she’d changed him. He’s polite, if not a little sarcastic, and loves being alive to see things change in Louisiana.
~Notable relationships~
Lydia Rousset: Wyatt’s maker. She changed him due to romantic interest, but the relationship didn’t flourish. Lydia and Wyatt are still very close, though, and he is at her beck and call.
Christian Graves: Wyatt’s “uncle”. The two get along very well due to the way Wyatt was raised. Wyatt has made jokes before that Lydia and Christian should swap him and Cullen.
Andi Kent: A young fae that Wyatt met on accident while she was on her way home from college. Andi has mixed feelings about Wyatt.
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