#it's honestly hard to believe he's 59 now
klirk-hammurton · 1 year
December 26, 1963: The World Was Blessed With The Birth of This Danish Bastard. Happy 59th Lars Ulrich
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esta-elavaris · 5 days
5,59,60 for theorington 🌙
5. Describe their cozy night in.
So they're both very focused, disciplined people and I think a lot of the time it would start off with work. They're very much the type of people to just take joy in sorting out different tasks in the same proximity as each other - maybe splitting the paperwork for their company and working on their own stacks in the same room, Theo probably injecting some nonsense here and there, or James making snarky comments about said work just to lighten whatever stress they're feeling.
One of them will call it a day when the other starts to show signs of flagging - which is how they're great for each other, really, because alone they'd push themselves past the limit of what's healthy. Theo knows James is reaching his limit when he starts pinching the bridge of his nose or rubbing at his eyes, and James knows Theo needs to stop when she stops making jokes and either goes silent, or starts getting genuinely annoyed rather than amused at whatever problem she's dealing with.
From there, they'll move from the study to the sitting room. If they have kids by this time, they're long in bed by now - they take the matter of making time just for each other very seriously, they even shut the dogs out of the room - and they might read to each other. That particular habit began with Theo asking James to read to her (because she loves his voice), and then eventually he'd ask her to return the favour in the name of fairness (but also because he loves her accent and the way she pronounces certain words - and it becomes more pronounced when she's reading aloud, her focus on the words rather than making what she's saying easily understandable to whatever people they end up in conversation with across the day), and though they might use the excuse that it saves on candles, they just like it.
They might pause to talk about some aspect of the book and that always ends up with them sidetracked by other things until they're just lounging together, cuddled up on one sofa, the book completely forgotten. It takes them a minimum of a month to get through a two hundred page book. At some point one of them introduces the other to the concept of reading aloud while the other does everything they can to, ahem, distract them - but if they stop reading, the other stops touching them. I was going to say this is originally Theo's idea, but it wouldn't shock me if James comes up with it.
I think mostly it's those moments that give them pause. There might be a comfortable lull in conversation, or maybe they've zoned out from the bit of the book the other is reading aloud, and instead they're just looking around and really acknowledging the fact that this is what they fought so hard for in the beginning, and it's also what they were so scared they'd either never get, or lose before the end. There'd be a real sense of struggling to believe that it's even real, and then just sheer gratitude and contentment.
I'm not crying, you are.
59. Who tops? Who bottoms?
I think they'd switch it up pretty evenly - or have times when it's just like? Neither, really? Honestly I can see them both being into either. On Theo's end, I meeeeaaaan...who wouldn't get a thrill from seeing him go all stern Admiral Norrington? But then on the other side of the coin, the fact that that's all most see, and then he's also capable of being super soft and tender with her, happy to let her to take the reins, would never not mean something to her.
From James' perspective, we already know he likes fiery women, so I think we can reasonably assume he'd be more than okay with letting Theo take the lead *cough*Wicked Game chapter 5*cough* buuuut I also think there'd be a similar thing on his end where like, he knows how fiercely independent she is, and how she'd loathe anything that resembled being controlled, so the fact that she loves it when he does get a bit more dominant and possessive would mean a lot to him, because he knows she trusts him to do that, it's like a mark of trust - he wouldn't take it lightly.
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
In the very early days of their marriage, it would be Theo for the first couple of times. She might be a tiiiny bit shy about it - because this is the sort of thing she's used to having worked out way earlier on in a relationship, in terms of knowing how much proximity the other is cool with, but here it's not even an option 'til marriage, and the times in Tortuga they shared a bed was 98% strictly proper (well, as far as the situation allowed), back-to-back type stuff. But she'd also know him well enough to know that he'd be more shy about it than her, initially. Especially thanks to the Caribbean climate, and how much he knows she's not a fan of the heat.
But I think it would only take two or three times of her doing that (and his face during those times would be absolutely heart melting) before he loses any inhibitions and does it right back.
Thank you!! I had a lot of fun with this one 😭
Ask game.
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 ROUND 2: MATCH 13 🍄
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🍄 Vote for your Favorite Fungi! 🍄
Descriptions Below ⬇️
"Zommoth is an optional/hidden boss in Bug Fables, fought at the end of the Leif's Request side story. It is also a cordyceps fungus inside a moth host and Leif (whom we also submitted) refers to it as their sibling. It was an experiment to see if bugs could be given magic by infecting them with the parasitic fungi, and the result was This Beast (affectionate). There are other cordyceps in the same laboratory it's found in, but Zommoth is the strongest and the most notable by a large margin. Very little is known about it as a person but it's stated to be a "guardian" figure and implied that it was protecting the lab and the other zombies in it. We are emotionally attached to it. Also, its color scheme is the nonbinary flag." - Submission 47
"Oh boy, do we LOVE this fungus! Zommoth is a cordyceps beast and immortality experiment made in search of the power of the Everlasting Sapling, a thing said to bring eternal life. Unfortunately, as it often is with this sort of things, they the fungus and they the moth were both quite displeased with being involuntarily used for the sake of roaches chasing immortality. It killed everything in the lab and proceeded to take it over with their many, many fungal siblings.
Technically speaking, Zommoth is a blend of both the fungus and its moth host, now twisted beyond recognition and unable to separate even if they wanted to, but we do think it still counts. It's at least 50% fungus. Probably more, it doesn't seem to have had much use for most of those moth bits. It is loving sibling to many undead fungal hybrid abominations, and its hobbies include screaming, firing lasers at people who intrude into its lab, and crawling out of the water like a beast from a horror flick. We believe it deserves to compete, and also to win." - Submission 52
"Oh yeah this thing is a fungus isn't it. Positively overflowing with cordyceps. Honestly kinda forgot about it for this but saw my mutual bring it up and I figured it would need the support. It sure is a Phucking Phungus" - Submission 68
"A zombie moth full of Cordyceps fungus, the result of a horrific experiment. "Sibling” to Leif, as in created through the same unethical project, if you read my last submission. - Submission 105
Zommoth Propaganda
Bug Fables Wiki
"He is just the sweetest child and he gives the best hugs! Lookit him! He had 4 arms for extra good hugging! THE BEST BOY DESERVES TO WIN! I love him, he deserves all the good things!" - Submission 7
"A happy whimsical child, but very lonely because they're sick. Will encourage you to make a mess with them." - Submission 41
"He is my favorite boy and is just so pure and adorable. He gives me drawings and gives the best hugs, even if he doesn't win I would be so happy he even got in." - Submission 48
"He's just a lil boye.... - Submission 57
"He's just this young kid, only 8, and he's just so cheerful. He'll draw pictures for the player character, Stella, want to experiment with various things, follow you around just being curious about things. He's such a good kid. Yet the entire time you have him aboard the ship you know that he's dying and you'll have to take him to the Everdoor at some point for Stella is the spiritfarer and ferrying people to the afterlife is what she does. Needless to say I cried especially hard when the time came for me to take him to the Everdoor" - Submission 59
"Y"know I honestly dunno alota details about Stanley cuz I haven't gotten him in spiritfarer yet but I can just tell how funky he is ok" - Submission 64
"You know him. You love him. He's adorable. I couldn't not throw in a vote for him" - Submission 66
"guy!! ever!!" - Submission 84
"Grew him in my garden and he took over my guest room. He's my son who I will personally escort to the afterlife." - Submission 86
"He is such a sweetie!" - Submission 87
"He is my son. you Know" - Submission 89
"He's my bb boy I adore him so so much I wish to give him French fries and let him draw and I'm still distraught over him leaving :((best boy <3» - Submission 99
“I know he was an example but I want him in!!! He's just a little guy!!!! You literally get him from growing him out of a garden and he's just a kid spirit that follows you around and I love him so,,, HE CALLS YOU BIG HAT I-
Also him being in the bracket would be propaganda for people to play spiritfarer in general good game 10/10 - Submission 134
Stanley Propaganda
Stanley Propaganda
Spiritfarer Wiki
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 103. brb x oc
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a/n: oh boy fluff.....are you guys ready for next chapter's angst?
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none,everything is all good............. :3c
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
Nicole was getting bigger every day, and with December finally on the corner, Beatrice had to buy more clothes for their now six months old baby. And Nicole, ever since she started talking, was much more active than she thought she’d ever be, all the more alert too.
“Thanks for joining me,Ev.” she says as she holds up a tiny shirt in front of her eyes, “With Roos working and Shells asleep I didn’t want to be here alone.”
Evelyn just smiles as she leans over the edge of the shopping cart, “It’s no problem, you were with me when I chose mine.” she explained, grinning down at Nicole who just stared back with her big eyes, “She’s so cute,Bea.”
“She is.” Beatrice says proudly, “Sometimes I can’t believe she’s mine and Rooster’s. We created this adorable little being.” as if on cue Nicole gurgles a laugh, shaking her monkey toy so its tinkle echoed all over the aisle they were currently at, “Anyway, how are you feeling though? It’s been…two months now,right?”
Evelyn looks down at her stomach, just a tiny bump that protruded against the lycra pants, “Everything is fine, ultrasounds have been doing great. Jake is…excited, he already told his mom and his sister and we decided we don’t wanna find the gender out. Unless we accidentally do, but everything is fine.”
“That’s good Ev!” Beatrice grins, “Are you coming to Marcus’ launch party next week?”
“You bet I am.” Evelyn chuckles, following Beatrice as she picked more clothes to plop in the cart, “Marcus is very excited about it, you did a wonderful job.”
Beatrice was still nervous when getting compliments about her art but she accepted it with a smile and a light red blush. She was just nervous about what others would think about it, which she shouldn’t, she should just accept she did a good job and Marcus liked it, “Thank you. I hope the photoshoot was good too.”
“Are you kidding? You know you are Marcus’ favorite.” cue to another blush, “And he didn’t want to show anyone them yet because he wanted to see Rooster’s reaction firsthand.”
‘He finds you two absolutely adorable, he told me.” Evelyn smiles, no malice or contempt in her voice when she says so, “You two are the modern love story everyone should go for. Honestly.”
Beatrice’s blush darkens because she does feel like she and Rooster were a modern love story like that. Sometimes it feels too unreal and it was crazy how happy she was with him - well, maybe not that crazy.
“You know…ever since I started dating Rooster my life just…changed.” she murmurs, looking at the tiny shoes she had in her hands, “I…I am so happy at the Hard Deck but I also can work with Marcus because Penny is an amazing boss…and I got married, and I had a baby and–”
“You never thought you’d have that.’
“No.” Bea admits sheepishly, “But I’m reminding myself I’m worthy of good things and I’m worthy of Rooster. I’m worthy of his love and his presence.”
“And I’m sure he feels the same way.”
Beatrice just grins more, partially covering her face with her hands because she still felt so giddy talking about him. It was such a magical feeling, like the fairy tales she read when she was child, she had her very own prince and treasure, “He does, he makes sure to let me know every time.” she giggles, placing the outfits inside the cart, “Do you feel like having lunch? I can pay for all this and we can figure something else to do later.”
Evelyn agrees and they go for the cashier, Beatrice removing Nicole from the cart and holding her close to her chest as she placed everything on the counter. It doesn’t take too long for them to leave the store, thanking the ladies inside and marching to the food court, chatting amongst themselves.
Beatrice however does a double take when she notices a new store with dark purples and blues and a large sign on top. The sign had hands hovering above a crystal ball, the words ‘The Crystal Hut’ were below the figures, “Huh, that’s new,right?”
“Wha?” Evelyn turns towards the shop as well, “Huh, it is,I’ve never seen it before.” she takes a look on the shelves that weren’t hidden by the dark curtains on the storefront, “Nice candles, maybe we can take a look after?”
“Yeah, sure,I don’t see why not.” Beatrice wonders if her aunt knew about this shop, it really seemed like something she’d love to visit one day. She gives the store one final look before the two walk away towards the food court, furrowing her brows because something about that store made her wonder why she had never seen it before.
Okay, it was new, but the mall wasn’t the type to have these sort of esoteric shops hanging around.
She blinked a bit, then shrugged, choosing to ignore that for now.
“I’m going to send Roos a message, what do you wanna eat,Ev?”
“Uh…I don’t know, probably some burgers.” her friend muttered, “With bacon fries. A lot of bacon fries.”
Ah,the urges were starting early. Beatrice suggested a random fast food restaurant as she pulled out her phone, smiling when Nicole tapped the screen the second she saw Rooster’s picture, “Yes,honey,it’s daddy. It is daddy.”
“Hmhm,it’s dada!”
Nicole vocalizes more, giggling when her mother moves the cell phone around her and Nicole tries her hardest to grab it just so she could see her father again, “Come on, help me text daddy,” she moves the phone closer, her daughter stares for a second so Beatrice has to gently press her small finger on the screen so a letter showed up.
Nicole gasps, now extremely excited about it and ready to see more of what this strange thing had in store.
Beatrice just allowed her daughter to keysmash for a few seconds, biting her lip to hold back her smile as she noticed that Nicole found emojis and was now sending Rooster the prettiest ones she could.
Bea (12:12)
Bottlebottlecar@@@@aswww11111boat?Orang.y89yh2y98hedyq229010111🤡👽 👑🚣🏻222211vrewewwcarcarcardogpool
Beatrice waited with her smile still present. Rooster’s bubble appeared, then disappeared, then appeared again a few times and she was sure her husband was having a hard time understanding what was going on.
Roos (12:15)
Roos (12:15)
What…is happening? Is your phone okay?
Beatrice giggled alongside Nicole who was just amused by her mother’s face, babbling happily before she brought the phone to her lips for text to speech.
Bea (12:19)
Oh,Roos.I’m sorry! That was just Nikki discovering the wonders of technology yes honey I’m talking to daddy right now. We are just sending you a message to say we love you a lot and miss you.How’s your day going? Good?
Roos (12:20)
Oh my god, that’s so precious. Holy shit she’s so smart. And my day is doing well, mentally preparing for the…classes I’ll join Mav in a few. But I’m fine.Are you two having fun?
Bea (12:21)
Absolutely. Nikki is a great companion and Evelyn is enjoying herself too. I bought new clothes for Nikki and she’s been having a blast. And I’m glad you are okay! :) You’ll do great,babe!
Roos (12:22)
Thank you gorgeous.I hope so…I don’t know why I’m so nervous.
Bea (12:22)
Well, I think it’s mainly because you didn’t do this in a long while,Roos.
Bea (12:23)
And well, because of Mav too. Did you talk to him at all?
Roos (12:23)
No. Should I even do that? Idk if he’s going to get it. Maybe after the instruction we can talk.
Bea (12:23)
Well if you are sure, handsome. I just want you to be okay…but on brighter news! We got the confirmation for Virginia! :) I just checked your email this morning and saw it.
Roos (12:25)
Oh sweet! Great, thanks for doing that, gorgeous. Really appreciate it.
Bea (12:26)
You don’t have to thank me Roos. By the way, I already got your Christmas gift! It’s all wrapped up and nicely hidden so you won’t ever find it.
Roos (12:26)
Aw :( not even a hint?
Bea (12:27)
She was still smiling when the waitress places their food in front of them one of her hands already holding on Nicole when her daughter tried to reach the french fries much for Evelyn’s amusement.
Roos (12:28)
Can I get it out of you?;) You know I’m good with that. 
Bea (12:28)
You can try but you’ll achieve nothing,Lieutenant Bradshaw.
Roos (12:29)
Babe I’m in the middle of the cafeteria. That’s cruel.
Bea (12:29)
I can be and you love it.
Roos (12:30)
That I do…I gotta finish things up here though, talk to you later gorgeous?
Bea (12:30)
Of course Roos :) We love you!
Roos (12:31)
Oh I love you guys too &lt;3
She was still smiling when she put the phone in her bag and then placed the bag between her legs. Beatrice did a little shimmy out of pure elation before she took a bite of her fries, looking up only to see Evelyn’s knowing smirk,”You two are so gross.” her friend chuckles, “It’s adorable.”
“Well,” Beatrice swallows and then adjusts Nikki in her arm, “He does that to me…plus you and Jake are pretty cute too.”
Of course the level of PDA Evelyn and Jake shared was anything but alike to what Bea and Rooster had, Jake still liked touching Evelyn and loved to have her close by but he was a lot…calmer than her husband was. And honestly, it worked for her friend,” So, when is the wedding again?” Beatrice asks, “February?”
“That’s the plan, we want Jake’s whole family to come and both sides of mine want to be here, we’d need time to schedule everything because it’s a lot of people.” Evelyn explains, sipping her Sprite, “It’s not like your wedding, we wouldn’t need to rent a stadium in any case, but it’s a lot of people.”
Beatrice just smiles sweetly at her friend, “Well,I know it’ll be amazing. Anything planned for our bachelorette party?”
“I want to stay home,” Evelyn begins, gesturing to Beatrice with a nugget, “I want to sleep and I want to eat red velvet cake. That’s all I want. There’s not a lot i want to do now that I have a little bean inside of me.” she explains, “Plus, you know I prefer to chill than party most of the time, your wedding was the only time I actually had fun.”
“Well,I’m really happy to know that.” Nicole’s ‘mama’ only made Beatrice lift the soda cup to her lips when the little baby tried to grab the straw, “I know it’ll be amazing. And…how’s your dad now? Is he okay with you and Jake?”
“He was already better then but…I think now he finally gets it.” she smiles a bit, an almost thankful shadow passing over her face, “I…I’m just happy he’ll walk me down the aisle, that’s all…and my grandpa will be there too, so yeah.”
“I’m really happy for you Ev.”
Evelyn smiles more, wiping her fingers on her napkin and then sighing, “I feel at peace.” she murmured, “And now we just have to wait when will Shells and Bob tie the knot.”
“I don’t think they will so soon.”
“Oh please, really?”
“We know how Shells is.” Bea shrugs, “She’d much rather enjoy what they have now than to-” she curls and relaxes her fingers “ ‘settle down to boredom’. Even if Bob is anything but boring to her.” her daughter tries to grab her soda again and Beatrice just kisses the top of her head and laughs, “I think it’ll take a while still.”
“How’s the baby treating you though?”
“Honestly?” Bea nods, “I’ve been having cravings. I ate a whole bag of banana chips in one sitting and I sprayed whipped cream in my mouth at three in the morning…isn’t it too early to have cravings?”
Beatrice shrugs, “I had mine before I even knew I was pregnant with Nicole.” she says,the little girl in question muttering a ‘mama’ that neared annoyance because she kept being moved around in her mother’s lap, only stopping when Beatrice shook the rubber monkey on her face, making the little girl immediately grab and chomp on it, “You remember.”
“Yeah, you stopped drinking.” Evelyn recalls, “And you started hating sushi.”
“A mistake I’ll never forgive myself for.”
Both women shared a laugh and Evelyn lowered her eyes to her stomach, “...I don’t mind, Jake doesn’t mind either…but besides that I’m not having nausea or anything, not yet at least.”
Beatrice was happy to see that Evelyn was coming to terms with her newfound pregnancy, in fact she sounded way happier than she was a few months back. It was just the shock taking over, Beatrice thought.
After their lunch, which was really good and Nikki even had some fresh peach puree while her mother ate that less than healthy but clearly delicious lunch, they went back to the esoteric store. Thankfully the incense smell was less intense than any other store the two been to before, it wasn’t nauseating and it wasn’t irritating Nikki so that was good enough.
A young woman, with long hair to her waist and a dress that resembles something Stevie Nicks would wear, smiled at them, “Hello, welcome,welcome. Do you know what you are looking for?” Evelyn opens her mouth to answer, only for the woman to smile, “You, you like candles…cinnamon and…jasmine. We just got new arrivals this week.”
Evelyn didn’t look amused, nor impressed,”You just saw me looking through the glass…but you are right I do like those.” 
“And you,” the woman turns to Bea, “You…lavender, but you don’t like candles. You prefer oils and lotions and soaps. And you enjoy chamomile too, because it relaxes you.”
While she could understand Evelyn, Beatrice didn’t approach the storefront to check what was inside, she just blinked owlishly at the woman while holding a curious Nikki in her arms, “W-Well,um…y-yeah.”
“And cotton flower.” the woman grins at Nicole, “For your baby.”
Nicole vocalized something while her mother just stared, dumbfounded as the woman spoke to her, Beatrice’s jaw falling open because how did she– maybe she flicked her eyes around quickly and the woman noticed what she was looking at? It had to be, ‘Um…I-I think I’m okay.” she laughs nervously, hugging Nicole closer to herself, “I’m just here with my friend.”
“Ah,of course.” but the woman’s mysterious smile hadn’t changed, in fact her eyes moved to Evelyn, “Congratulations on your pregnancy, it’ll be a very healthy baby.” Evelyn’s tossed ‘thank you’ meant she wasn’t really paying attention, too busy checking the scented candles. Beatrice squirmed a bit, chewing her lower lip as she tried to appear busy, but the woman had other plans, “My name is Opal.” she said with the same grin.
“Um…I’m Beatrice, that’s Evelyn and this is Nicole.”
“Hm…yes, a B showed up in my mind.”
Oh God it’s like talking to her aunt.
“And…your husband, he’s a B too,no?” Beatrice furrowed her brows because how did she know about Brad? “Yes…meant to happen.”
“I’m sorry?”
Opal smiles more, “You two,” she says, “Were meant to happen. Your souls are connected, locked,” she locks her own fingers for emphasis, “You were meant to find one another, always and in every life.” 
Well, that her aunt told her about, in fact she was…always talking about it when she first met Brad. “...that’s…really nice, thank you.”
“You are welcome…now, would you like anything?” Beatrice looks around a bit, then she locks eyes with a specific aftershave lotion that looked really,really nice and perfect for Brad, “Yeah, actually.” she smiles, cheeks flushing, “I think I’ll take something, yes.”
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pink-tuesday · 1 year
(This is a message for the church/body of christ/Christians. There shouldn't be anyone who isn't in this category making noise chile.)
Good day, pray all is well. Well I'm doing this never thought I would have been, considering back then I used to ridicule people for this, but this what God wants so imma do it and obey.
Jeremiah 13:15
"Hear and give ear:
Do not be proud,
For the Lord has spoken."
Jeremiah 13:17
"But if you will not hear it,
My soul will weep in secret for your pride;
My eyes will weep bitterly
And run down with tears,
Because the Lord’s flock has been taken captive."
If you have seen prophets saying don't go to beyonce's upcoming concerts, believe them. I always felt they were judgemental and coming in the way of people having fun but it wasn't until God sent me a dream and interpretation of this concert. (I will mention somewhere down in this post.)
That lady has shown she is a practitioner of spells, witchcraft etc. since lemonade. Now as Christians, we know how God goes about that. Before you run and say "do it in love! pray for her, don't judge!", I prayed yet she's unrepentive and has made her decision and my time is up interfering with her music, music videos, concerts etc. Jeremiah 7: 16-19 " “Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them, nor make intercession to Me; for I will not hear you. 17 Do you not see what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger. 19 Do they provoke Me to anger?” says the Lord. “Do they not provoke themselves, to the shame of their own faces?” When God said Jerusalem, Judah etc. In today's time, He means HIS PEOPLE, THE BODY OF CHRIST! When God got mad because his people were committing idolatry what do you think He meant? Obviously when yall would wake up, not even thank God for the day but check yall favs pages and rush to listen to the album they dropped at 12am that you missed because you were sleeping. Then on top of that, go the rest of the day not uttering a word to God but call yourself His child, well Dad is calling and He would like for you to answer.
At first I was hesitant to let this woman completely go, but the time has passed. (God took the taste out of my mouth for it, can't do nun else bout that 🤧🤷🏽‍♀️). So pray for God to help you because I get it, it's hard, it's a stronghold.
As christians, we need to learn more on agreements/covenants/promises/oaths, portals, gates, etc. How is it people of different practices/religions know these things yet we are behind?
Hosea 4:6 "my people perish for lack of knowledge" which is where I need to get at, this has little to do with "judging" beyonce and more with protecting yourself, your spiritual and mental wellbeing. This concert is served as a portal, a gateway and whoever goes, especially Christians will be affected. If you've been warned and you still go, God is taking His covering off of you. Isaiah 59:2 "But your iniquities have separated you from your God and your sins have hidden His face from you" So whatever happens to you, that's on you and God be with you afterwards. This "concert" is going to negatively influence your life (spiritually especially), finances, mental health (and honestly whatever manifests in the spiritual will eventually manifest in the natural, as yall would say "the 3D"), but for her? She's harvesting more power, wealth and authority for herself hunni. Though, there's a penalty for her for this. Galatians 6:7-9 "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
"But God is a God of love and forgiveness!" Yes, Yes He is, but why keep abusing it? He loves you enough by warning you! He warned me! And He didn't have to because He know how I went about yonce and her work, He knew I loved her and He don't even approve of the things she does, he still overlooked that and warned me. God sees things lot of us don't see, this doesn't have to be so though since He gave us the tools to see (prayer with Him, dreams, visions, the Bible etc.) But are we using them? Are we paying attention?
Before as a Christian you get outraged, ask yourself why? Is it the conviction? Because you don't wanna give it up? Get really honest with yourself before you take your frustration out on this post. Then cry out to God! Be honest, you really love it and it's a struggle to let go, dont worry, He'll help you.
From my memory of the dream, the concert was in a barn and the people there were in the area where the animals be at (but it was set up as a concert, so there were barricades there and stuff), I saw yonce but as her 2013 self or her era of self titled self, with bright red lipstick. She was with her fans and took pics with them, very personal and to me at first..it seemed sweet? She said something along the lines, "I've never did something like this with my fans before." Honestly I thought this was a good thing, I then a saw a man dressed in black standing by the barricade watching her and the fans intensely wondering if everything is gonna go as planned, (the guy was either p. diddy or jayz).
At first I thought hey, this is nice but later God literally kept me home that day, I had somewhere to go important but He wanted to break down exactly what it meant, that's when He led me to lala Jenkins video bout her concert and then I got tuned in. He then after some time, led me to interpretation of the dream by the guide of the Holy Spirit. Genesis 40:8 "They said to him, “We have had dreams, and there is no one to interpret them.” And Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell them to me.”
The people there are herd. She the farmer. Symbolically as the farmer, she wants total control over those there (the herd), she's sowing seeds among them as well (the harvest will be the effects after the concert). Trust this concert will be aesthetically pleasing, people will think not much of it at first. As she said in pretty hurts, "what's glitter is not gold". Folks gon be food (the herd once again) for the entities she contacts and yall better not say she doesn't contact them! Like as if in her latest projects she didn't admit it right in our faces. (Yes and I admit, I brushed it off.) This renaissance era is exactly it is means, a renewed interest, since lemonade, yonce has lost her fans due to racial themes, even some Christians but she has gathered many back with this album and all that is behind it. Don't be surprised when the idolization meter goes sky high during and after the concert period. She's serving as a renewed interest for the public, she literally went number one off one of her albums after how many years? And the song wasn't even all that. (I thought this too when I was a fan so.) It's not a coincidence either this new show "swarm" premiered close by the time for her touring, let's put two and two together children of God! And that show is unhinged!
I've read* the recap of the last episode, how is it the show apparently is supposed to show awareness for mental health and such, but at the end of that episode, the girl is rewarded by going somewhere else with her fav after hurting many people? She wasn't even treated or anything at the end to say, "hey guys this behavior is unhinged here's the actual penalties for it or what can actually happen to you." Nope, just she ended up going home with her fav after slaughtering all those people.
(Lol I remember yall had the same segments about euphoria, just to complain later on that the show is hyper sexualized, lacks plot, glamorized the negative aspects, and how the creator/director...sam levinson? Whatever his name is needs to be on "the watchlist" for predators in the industry and how this shows serves has a wet teen dream to him, I saw yall complaining about his recent show with the weeknd, "idol" too, those two even admitted their minds are sick and twisted at the opening credits!)
For my black sisters and brothers in Christ, don't let anyone bully you out this faith pulling the "white jesus card"! Don't. Know God for yourself and be a testimony!
Trust I thought I would be the last person doing this but hey, God will use you. I really want us all in Christ to read our bibles with the guide of the Holy Spirit and talk with God, He will look out for us and inform us on literally anything in life, anything you're in query of, just ask and wait.
Also try to look at christianity from a spiritual/relationship with God view and not in a religious/routine/traditional sense, maybe that's why many christians got mad at prophetess tiffani and not realized she only a vessel and in reality they were just mad at God unfortunately. Jeremiah 7:13 "And now, because you have done all these works,” says the Lord, “and I spoke to you, rising up early and speaking, but you did not hear, and I called you, but you did not answer," God always sends warnings before penalties, remember that.
If you want more insight on how spirituality is used with these kind of things with artists and their music, here's an example from the comic, "spellbound?" by Jack T. Chick. I want all my brothers and sisters in Christ to read this comic.
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Jeremiah 7:23 "But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you." Take heed, be sober minded and vigilant.
Also this is a video from one of the people who has prophesied on the matter of beyonce and over all what God is saying.
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ficsfromafruittart · 1 year
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I posted 676 times in 2022
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#writing advice - 87 posts
#authors struggles i mean life - 59 posts
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Death and her Secrets
My name is Giulia, and I am a potion master. I can make anything for anyone at the right price. Including poison. I am famous for both in the kingdom of Obsojena. I am Giulia, an independent young woman with a talent for magic, making her way in the world… and a deadly assassin whose bounty grows with every body found. A girl’s gotta have a hobby y’know?
No one knows my identity, of course. They simply call me the Aukera Assassin. I take no part in politics, I work for those who hire me and nothing more. The payment I receive is split among my messengers. Working down the chain of command, there are 4 other messengers:
Codename: Killjoy. The second in command in my illegal business and one of my most trusted partners. We didn’t interact outside work, but seeing Killjoy around the kingdom always made me smile. Whether charming street side vendors into discounted items while snagging (read: stealing) a few extra for the homeless, dancing around a bonfire, or dashing from bookstore to bookstore to find her latest book, she brought such joy to those around her it was hard to believe she had helped kill 3 government officials and counting. I couldn’t ask for a better secret keeper.
Codename: Firewing. Third in command, and the figurative bodyguard of the business. Ruby works with me in my legal business as the cashier. Ruby has a contract with a fire elemental, who loves to play with anyone, even water elementals. Walking through the street was a good way to catch her surrounded by laughing children, begging to see another fire trick or playing hide and seek with her elemental. Ruby has a little sister called Evie, who shares her passion for nature with her. Ruby’s the textbook protective sister, but she knows when to back off. She knows how strong Evie is and wants the best for her.
Codename: Panther. Fourth in command, the daughter of a wood nymph. Their stealth is extremely helpful scouting and lookouts during deals. Elydia’s the best archer in town. Hunters are always trying to learn from them and recruit them. Unsuccessfully of course, seeing as they’re the daughter of a nymph. They’re also ‘secretly’ dating Evie, which is… painfully obvious to literally everyone. They’re not subtle at all, bless their woodsy heart. Elydia is always walking around and laughing with Evie, green blush on their face and bringing Evie small gifts.
Codename:Poltergeist. Poltergeist is really just an alter ego for me, as an extra secret. Just because I work with these people, doesn’t mean I can’t have secrets from them too. I need some measure of security to keep me from tasting my own medicine. Literally.
Codename: Sprout. Fifth in command, the newbie. He really doesn’t like the name, but everyone’s sprout when they join. Sprouts are young, fresh, and easily plucked and killed. Once he works here for long enough, he’ll have the choice to change his name, but for now, he’s Sprout. He’s new in town, but he lives in a secluded cabin and never seems to talk to anyone. When I visited him with the job offer, there was no sign of anyone else living with him. Very few dishes, one bedroom, no recent photos with anyone. Nothing too intriguing honestly.
Of course, there are also my business partners:
Codename: Bronze bird. I don't know his real name, but I’ve seen him working at the blacksmiths. He seems to have a fascination with automatons. He always is fidgeting with some gadget or gear and never seems to be able to stand still. I suppose he works at the blacksmiths because there’s always something to do there. Being a blacksmith requires lots of talent in both brute strength and fine tuning. It’s hard to get him upset, but if he’s mad, everyone better move out of the way. He’s a quiet guy, but past his large frame, he has a sharp mind and a soft spot for small creatures like rabbits and children.
Codename: Saturn. He’s the one who has access to the restricted items I need. He’s the apprentice of the king’s sorcerer with so much sleight of hand he could confuse a magician (The non-magical kind of course). He steals from the backroom storage while doing his ‘monthly supply check’. The items I need are in small amounts, so stealing a fist-sized chunk of whatever material gets him more than enough for him to buy back the materials in the sorcerer’s name and still have plenty left over. I have to make sure I have a list of everything I bring with me when I meet up with him, because at this point he could steal the crown off the king’s head.
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3 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
SUPRISE @wlwdoll ! I’m sorry this took so long but here’s part one of Love is Blind!!!!
After the… incident, I never wanted to love someone again. It was too painful. Besides, everyone exiled me from the kingdom after I was cursed. People call me a monster, heroes are sent to kill me, and I hurt everyone except my dear sisters. While living in a cave wasn’t ideal, it at least made it harder for people to find me. The statues outside always kind of were a dead giveaway though.
Even though everyone hates me, I really do miss them. I used to be beautiful, you know. Men would give me flowers, women would sigh. I even attracted the attention of a god. Not that I wanted it. And for that, I was punished. Anyone who looks at me is horrified and then turns to stone. Stheno and Euryale both keep telling me if the people only care about looks, then they aren’t worth being around, and they’re right. It doesn’t stop it from hurting though.
Waking up in the middle of the night, I groggily opened my eyes to see a broken statue. Knowing what that meant, I looked to see my sisters stir from their rest. Immediately snapping to attention, they looked at each other, making eye contact and springing into action. Stheno immediately got up and stalked towards the entrance and changed her voice to mimic a deep raspy growl. “WHO DARES DISTURB I, THE FEARED MEDUSA’S SLUMBER?” While I snuck as quietly as I could around them to get to our safe room. As I darted through the shadows, my wing glanced off a stone outcropping, causing a scraping sound to echo just loud enough for the newest hero to hear. Instinctively, he turned his head and looked directly into my eyes.
Second part coming soon!! (As I remember to finish it 😅)
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3 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Death and Her Secrets
Entry 2
Today looks like it’s gonna be a good day. I started out my morning as usual, waking up at nine with a glass of angel milk and collecting herbs from my garden. Watching the children run and play made me think back to when I was little.
Sitting up in her bedroll, a young Giulia rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and beamed up at her older brother. “Morning Jamie!” Her brother smiled and ruffled her hair.
“Morning my ass! It’s almost noon! C’mon you lazy bug!”
Calling out from the kitchen, her mom called out, “Language Jameson!” Her brother put on his best dramatic mom impression and mouthed, “LaNgUaGe jAmEsOn!”, causing Giulia to laugh and climb out of bed to brush her hair and eat breakfast. As she was munching on a piece of egg on toast, her friend Karth came in. “Hi Ms. Giulia’s mom!”
Giulia’s mom laughed. “I said call me Samantha, dear.”
“Hi Ms. Samantha dear!” Jamie snorted and tried to look innocent as his mom smacked him upside the head. Just a little hard. Just a little. “Can Gigi play today?”
“Pleeease mom?”Giulia asked with her best puppy eyes.
“Ok, ok.” her mom laughed with a soft smile.
“YAY!” Giulia shoved the rest of her toast on her mouth and ran excitedly out the door.
Tying up the herbs and hanging them up to dry, Guilia was getting off the stepstool when she smacked her shin on that same fucking piece of wood like every other day. “gODSDAMMITTTTTTT!” Hopping on one leg, gripping the bruise that was forming on her shin yet again, Giulia let a few other choice curse words before she calmed down.
Nevermind. I hit my shin again and I’m gonna go kill someone. Actually, I’ll go take it out on the dead bugs I need to grind today.
Picking up her coin purse, Giulia headed out to the market to get some bugs. Usually with everything else, Giulia would have got them herself, but she didn’t have the patience. Plus the idea of a bug crawling up her arm gave her chills. As she walked past her neighborhood into the market, she noticed Saturn haggling with a merchant she knew. She’d have to stop by later. Oh well. With time to kill, may as well stop to get a treat for herself. Walking past the ingredient stall, she turned the corner to her second favorite stall, Mina’s baked goods.
“Hey Mina! What do you have today?”
“Well I got assorted cookies, cupcakes, normal cakes, hand pies, normal pies, doughnuts-” Mina paused to take a deep breath. “Cake pops, tarts, bagels, garlic bread, bread rolls, pavlovas, souffles, pound cakes, macaroons, popcorn balls, and flan.”
“Stress baking?”Giulia asked with a slightly worried expression on her face.
“Stress baking.” Mina nodded. “College sucks sometimes.”
“The kingdom’s gonna run out of sugar at this rate; Why don’t you come to my shop sometimes and I’ll brew up something for you? If you want I can make a few small bottles you can open in class.” Giulia smiled
“For sure, that sounds amazing. Thanks Giulia.” Mina visibly relaxed, already calming down. “I can’t bring it into my lectures though. My teacher’s really old fashioned and doesn’t trust ‘This unnatural BS that’ll melt your brains.’ ” At the last part, Mina shifted into an old grouchy man waving his cane into the air. Changing back into her normal self with a chuckle, she started haggling. “Two slices of lemon pound cake and five macarons for five small bottles?”
“Add a cake pop then.”
“I’m already overpaying. Three medium bottles.”
“Make it eight macarons.”
“Large bottle and a medium one.”
“Deal.” Mina shook Giulia’s hand and handed her the bagged items. “See you later Mina! It’ll be done at 10:30.” waving goodbye, she left the market to prepare the potion.
I just made the easiest deal with Mina ever. She must be super tired, she’s usually a better haggler than me. I’m gonna have a word with the college director. There’s no reason Mina, the most energetic and smart person I know, should be tired. Imagine the other poor souls in her class. They must be about to drop dead. I can do that after I make the potions though. The bugs can wait.
Walking home, she couldn’t resist popping a few macarons in her mouth. They were her favorite, after all. Mina outdid herself again. Waving at the Jones sisters, Giulia went into the shop and started working. Pulling a medium sized cauldron out of the closet, Giulia put it on the counter and began murmuring to herself.
“Let’s see… water, lavender, lotus root, powdered butterfly wings…..” Wandering into the storage room, she grabbed a basket and started pulling things off her shelves. “Rose essence, menthol, scorpion stingers, devil’s lettuce, powdered glass, cacao powder…” Having gotten everything she needed, Giulia headed back to the main room. Filling the cauldron with water, she heated it up with magic because she was lazy. The water being the same temperature as a warm bath, she almost wanted to dip her hand in. Not yet though. In the cauldron went the glass, scorpion stingers and powdered wings. Letting those sit for a minute, she turned to mix the other ingredients in a bowl. Mixing it all into a paste would be irritating without gloves, but Giulia couldn’t use any. After stirring the warm water, Giulia unceremoniously dumped the rest of the ingredients in. Chanting a lullaby, she mixed with her right hand in the cauldron and drawing runes on the surface of the water with her left. The potion shimmered with a silvery light before returning to its normal tan color. Perfect. Giulia grabbed the nearest lid and covered it, setting it above a lit stove top for 15 minutes. In the meantime, Giulia cleaned her hands, grabbed the bottles, and set them on the counter next to her ladle. She decided to go for the perfume tops instead of a cork or screw-on so the potion would be easier to disguise but have the same effect.
Picking up her basket again, Giulia headed back into the storage room. “A plastic bottle, sand of an hourglass, saltwater…” Putting the items in her basket, she paused. “Fuck what else was in it.” Consulting her recipe book, she flipped through the worn, stained pages of her older spell book. Turning page after page, Giulia got impatient and just drew a rune on the book. Soon the page turned itself to the right page. Scanning the page, she found the one she was looking for.
Potion to preserve and prolong
See the full post
3 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
Hey everyone! I’m looking to write in a xe/xer character into my story, but I don’t know where to start. Any advice?
4 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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You called @wlwdoll ? I can write you a little blurb and if I like it I might make it a full thing
4 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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voodoopussy · 5 months
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? My beautiful mother yes. My dad.. sadly, no.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? My boyfriend 💙
03: Do you regret anything? Things I never said to certain people.
04: Are you insecure? Some days, yes. Some days, no.
05: What is your relationship status? Happily taken 💐
06: How do you want to die? I don’t, i’m terrified to die.
07: What did you last eat? Hot Cheetos
08: Played any sports? Kind of? Not really
09: Do you bite your nails? Ew, no.
10: When was your last physical fight? Not a fighter.
11: Do you like someone? More like, in love with 🥰
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Yes, I hated it. Momma needs rest 😴
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? No, can’t stand a hater.
14: Do you miss someone? Yes
15: Have any pets? Yes, the love of my life Minky Pie 💕
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Feeling worried to be honest.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? Yes
18: Are you scared of spiders? No
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? No, for what? Been there already.
20: Where was the last place you made love to someone? In our bed ❤️‍🔥
21: What are your plans for this weekend? Celebrate the new year 🥂🍾
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? I would love 3 so much 🙏🏼
23: Do you have piercings? How many? 8
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? Science!
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? I do.. but the version of them from that time period only. I wouldn’t care to know them today.
26: What are you craving right now? A chewy chocolate chip cookie 🍪
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Unfortunatley, I’ve been called a heartbreaker a few times. 💔
28: Have you ever been cheated on? I hope not
29: Have you made a grown man cry? Yes
30: What’s irritating you right now? Any and all noise around me right now
31: Does somebody love you? Yes ❤️ so thankful for everyone who was given the assignment to love and take care of me.
32: What is your favorite color? It changes, right now tan/brown. But always Pink 💗
33: Do you have trust issues? Slightly, yes.
34: Who/what was your last dream about? Fighting my bf’s ex 😂😂 he asked me to do it tho I was just helping out
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? My boyfriend
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? No, you knew what you were doing when you chose to do it.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forget the entire person honestly, I don’t forgive easily i’d rather just cut them off and not have to worry about them doing what they did again.
38: Is this year the best year of your life? I’ve had better.
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? I want to say, 14
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? Yes, at the beach once, at night.
51: Favorite food? Salmon
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Depends on what is happening. Some things are simply just glitches and should never have happened.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Make love ❤️‍🔥
54: Is cheating ever okay? Never.
55: Are you mean? Sometimes.
56: How many people have you fist fought? Not a fighter.
57: Do you believe in true love? Yes, so much ✨
58: Favorite weather? Thundering, storming, pouring rain.
59: Do you like the snow? Visually, yes.
60: Do you wanna get married? So so much 💍
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Yes! My favorite 😘
62: What makes you happy? Financial freedom to do what I want, when I want with who I want.
63: Would you change your name? Never 👸🏻
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? No, want to kiss him forever!
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Avoid it lol not acknowledge it — too awkward for me when people like me and I dont feel the same towards them. Most times i’m oblivious to it anyway
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Yeah I always act like my complete self around men anyway they’re people just like anyone else
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? Lol my boyfriend
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? My boyfriend
69: Do you believe in soulmates? Yes
70: Is there anyone you would die for? My mom, my sisters, my grandparents, my boyfriend, my dog.
0 notes
roboturner87 · 9 months
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
Unfortunately, I have to co-parent with her, so yes
3. Have you taken someones virginity
Quite a few
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
It is now, yes
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
I don't have anyone I like at the current moment
6. What are you excited for?
The possibility of a new position at work
7. What happened tonight?
It's afternoon, so nothing yet
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
9. Is confidence cute?
Most definitely
10. What is the last beverage you had?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Lmao, no
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Probably play Skyrim
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
No, she's coming over to get the last of her stuff
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
The change has begun, and yes.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
He's dead, but a friend of mine that has been there when I had nobody else
18. The last time you felt broken?
19. Have you had sex today?
Haven't had sex since....mid July
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
I'm hard to love
21. Are you in a good mood?
I haven't been in a good mood in quite some time now. I really want that to change
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
No, they're the same as my mom's
24. What do you want right this second?
To be held
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Too late
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Red brown
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
I was married to someone like that. It wasn't all bad until the end
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Chainsaw man
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
With all of my heart, but I know she doesn't miss me
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Yes and no, depends on the situation
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
I think so, but I also think I scared her away
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Pop, but I only really drink Ginger Ale
34. Listening to?
The filter of the fish tank and the ringing in my ears
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Yes, unfortunately
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
38. Who did you last call?
My mom
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
I don't even remember
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
She was my wife, and I loved her with all of my heart
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
An actual cupcake? Years ago.
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Not in a while
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I don't tan...
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
47. Who was the last person to call you?
Spam call
48. Do you sing in the shower?
49. Do you dance in the car?
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Yes, i love Bows
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Not all of them
53. Is Christmas stressful?
It will be this year
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Mmmmm Pierogis
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Oddly enough, a truck driver, then basketball player
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
All the time, it's been a while though
59. Take a vitamin daily?
60. Wear slippers?
Do flip flops count?
61. Wear a bath robe?
62. What do you wear to bed?
63. First concert?
Linkin Park, Static-X, and Stone Temple Piolets
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Target Kmart doesn't exist here
65. Nike or Adidas?
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
69. Ever take dance lessons?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Professional bum is her current occupation
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
74. What is your favorite book?
75. Do you study better with or without music?
Music is my life
76. Regularly burn incense?
Not recently
77. Ever been in love?
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
79. What was the last concert you saw?
Veil of Maya and Vildjarta
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
83. Can you swim well?
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
I've learned be
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
Doesn't matter
87. Ever won a contest?
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
91. Best room for a fireplace?
92. Do you want to get married
Been there, done that. I probably won't again, but time will tell
0 notes
matsbarzal · 3 years
fluff #12 with barzy :)
fluff #12. couldn't imagine my life without you
word count: 1.6k pairing: mat barzal x reader
Mathew Barzal knew how to throw a party. He knew what beer to get, he knew what food to order, the people to invite, Mat knew how to plan a party for his friends. God, he even knew how to plan a party for his family.
But, Mathew Barzal did not know how to plan an anniversary.
He had begged you for a hint, any indication of how you wanted to spend your two-year anniversary. The Islander’s forward would send you Pinterest links daily, Instagram posts when he found them, anything he could find that may encourage you to give him some hint of how you wanted to spend your special day.
You had planned the entire anniversary dinner the year prior, just something for the two of you, nothing serious or dramatic for your first anniversary together as a couple. Mat loved it, loved the privacy and the intimacy of the date you had planned, loved how much effort you put into him and the gift you bought him. It could have been a date to McDonald’s, and he still would’ve loved every second of it.
“Baby… do you like this resort? Tito said the Bahamas are beautiful this time of year, and him and Em stayed in this resort last summer.”
Taking the offered phone from his hand, you scrolled through the page on the screen. It was a gorgeous resort, a popular one from the looks of it, definitely a resort you wouldn’t necessarily mind getting the chance to visit one day.
“It’s gorgeous, but not for our anniversary. I don’t want you having to do anything extreme, Mat, honestly. Dinner and a movie would be perfect, as long as I get to spend the day with you.”
Pouting at you, his only response was a quick press of his lips to the side of your head before making his way back into the living room, mumbling under his breath something that you couldn’t hear.
Hearing your phone ding from beside you, you picked it up to peer at the message that appeared on the screen. Since when did Anthony text you?
Please say yes to something before I lose my mind. Mat can’t plan shit, and I can only replan your anniversary so many times. I’m begging, I have a life pls just say yes
Laughing at the text message on screen, your reply back was a simple shrug emoji. You knew Mat had been utilizing his best friend and his girlfriend, trying to plan the most perfect day for your anniversary, but you wanted Mat to plan something he’d enjoy, something that would make him just as happy as it would make you. And he knew that, but he was always one to put your feelings and your happiness above his own.
anything he plans will be perfect, go back to barking or sum tito
Two weeks had panned out in between Anthony and Mat bothering you for ideas, and the actual date of the anniversary. Since telling Tito that anything planned would be perfect, neither man had pestered you about it, opting to disregard any mention of the anniversary or the event in question.
You knew Mat had something planned, his phone slamming down on the couch whenever you passed behind him, or his laptop screen slamming shut every time you got close enough. You had debated sneaking around, trying to figure out what he had planned, but you didn’t want to ruin the surprise he had obviously worked so hard on.
“I planned everything down to the last little thing. Your outfit is on the bed in our room, we have to be ready to go by exactly 5:59, any earlier and we’ll be too early, any later and we’ll be late… and I can’t be late.”
Laughing at the rush of words ripping out of his mouth, you squeezed his arm gently as you moved past him and towards your shared bedroom, eyeing the outfit he had laid out on the bed for you. It was a cute outfit, completely your style, but you couldn’t determine any indication of what your boyfriend had planned from the outfit alone.
At precisely 5:59, you allowed Mat to usher you out the door and towards his car, mumbling about how ‘Tito was going to kill him if we were late’, which proceeded to confuse you even more.
“Plan on telling me where we’re going anytime soon?” Shaking his head, all Mat did was grin as he looked towards you.
You watched the houses go by the closer and closer you assumed you were getting to the destination, the area getting more and more familiar the further you drove. Pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of Mat putting the car in park, you eyed the familiar house to your left, a curious glint in your eyes.
“You’ll see when we get in the backyard, I promise.”
Expecting to be surprised with a multitude of his teammates and your friends, you were shocked to see an empty backyard when Mat released the latch on the gate, the trees glistening in the wind as the almost-empty backyard stared right back at you. A table was placed in the middle of the patio stones, fairy lights wrapped around the edge, the patio chairs pulled out and awaiting the two of you, a bottle of champagne laid in a bucket of ice on the top of the table.
“Anders said I could use his backyard… ya know, cause like… our balcony doesn’t really have much space.”
Laughing in understanding at his words, you allowed him to guide you towards the table, pulling your chair back and then gently pushing you in once you were completely seated. He immediately jumped to the opposite seat, his chair squealing against the ground when he pushed himself in.
“I can’t believe you made me buy a whole tuxedo for this, I swear to God, I could’ve done this in sweats.”
Swiveling your body around to look at the source of the voice, Anthony Beauvillier stared back at you, a large grin etched on his face. Decked out in full waiter-attire, and two adorning plates in his hand, you couldn’t contain the grin that slowly started to make its way across your face at the sight.
“Oh yeah, laugh it up, ha ha ha. Just wait until my anniversary, you two are going all out.”
A middle finger from Mat, and a polite thank-you on your behalf were the only responses to Anthony as he made his back towards the sliding doors of Anders Lee’s house, a pep in his step the closer he got to the glass.
Focused solely on the man in front of you, the conversation flowed like it always did, Mathew explaining how he had planned out the entire dinner, what food was going to be made, what dessert, the fact that there were still plans for after and that this was just the beginning. You talked about your day, the last year of your relationship, all the positive ways in which you both constantly demonstrated your love for one another.
You didn’t notice Mat’s hand reaching into the pocket of his coat, his utensils disposed of on the tablecloth in front of you, his palms sweaty as he tried to gently wipe them against his pants without alerting you to any movements.
“I… I wanted to talk to you about something,” quirking your eyes at the sound of his voice and the statement he made, you urged him to continue with a slight tilt of your head.
His chair squealed against the patio stones for the second time that night as he clumsily stood up from his chair, moving around the table so he could grab your hand and pull you from your seat.
“Y/N… I… you’ve been my best friend for the last two years. The person I could come to whenever I needed someone, the one who’s always there for me after a good day, or a bad day. The person who I can depend on for everything, there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t fall in love with you a little more. You stole my heart two years ago, and I have no regrets in the world about you, or my love for you.”
Trying to contain the tears that were threatening to fall, you watched as Mat’s knee dropped out below him, the hand that was in his pocket before now laid out in front of you, the closed jewelry box covering his palm.
“I promise you; no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than I will. I’ll be the man you deserve and more, I know that no one will ever hold my heart the way you do, and I never want another person to. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Y/N, will you marry me?”
You couldn’t keep the tears at bay as your hand slapped itself across your mouth, the shock and joy at his words taking over every fiber of your being as you aggressively nodded your head, the words muffled behind your hand as Mat’s eyes glistened with unshed tears in your direction.
“A million times, yes. Yes!”
His lips were pressed to yours in a heartbeat, his hand that wasn’t holding the jewelry box cupping your cheek as the tears fell from both of your eyes. His eyes opened to bore into yours, a look of joy etched across his face as he felt the emotions finally takeover.
note: this ended up being a bit more than a blurb... but oh well! thank you for sending one in, and i hope you like it!! <3
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serenheist · 3 years
What Jungkook is like in a relationship/ Jungkook as a boyfriend Tarot reading
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I was gonna put Jin up first but I finished Jungkook quicker so oops but I’m finally back after 200 years of adulting things
1. How long does it take Jungkook to get into a relationship? 8 of pentacles, 2 of cups, the world Do he prefer long or short term relationships 7 of swords, ace of wands Nelys the alchemist 27 reversed, 5 of swords, 9 of cups reversed 
For an actual relationship and not just dating I think he can take a while if not a long ass time because he’s too much of a perfectionist and will work hard at making sure everything is right before getting into a relationship. I don't know why I’m getting like before things would get “steamy” he would never let them see his body until he worked out enough for his own standards like everything has to be perfected and mastered beforehand. There’s also a reoccurring theme of work getting in the way and even in the beginning stages it’s like he meets up with them does whatever then has to hurry and run back to work and is like “hey I gotta go but I’ll text you later” type of shit. Big focus mostly on career though so it’s hard to tell. But I still think he’s not just sleeping around with just anyone I mean they have to be important if the 2 of cups pops up. I don’t think he’ll get into an actual relationship with someone unless there’s a strong connection. Or at least to him it seems like an important connection.
I gotta say too that the 7 of swords usually screams fuckboi to me but in this case I think the lying and trickery aspect of the card can be taken literally to mean of course he has to lie and sneak around when fans would legit doxx and slit his partners throat if they knew they were together. But anyway in a relationship there’s definitely gonna be extremely strong sexual chemistry I don’t know why this keeps popping up but alright. But one annoying thing is that in a relationship jungkook seems to like fighting in a way. He doesn’t like to lose to anything and will want to win an argument even if it’s petty. There’s also a kind of energy of the other person feeling inadequate sometimes with how much praise he gets from the entire world. It makes the other person feel as exposed since they’re not doing as “well” in the grand scheme of things. And will sometimes not want to compliment him on things because he gets compliments from the entire world this is just day to day petty shit. Another thing is getting into a relationship thinking this person is the one but then realizing over time and all the work you put in was useless cause this is emotionally unfulfilling.
2. Past and present love life king of pentacles, wheel of fortune reversed, queen of pentacles 
Past: bruh his love life in the past is similar to the present. He was mostly focused on building his own career and wealth and love was on the back burner tbh. I think since he has huge goals for himself there was really no time to even do other things. But his love life right now seems like it’s a external long term problem affecting it. And I think he’s learning how to balance his love life and work life right now and just letting things happen and trying to take care of his body and mind.
3. What is he like in a relationship Tobaira of the waters 37 reversed, The glanconer 62 reversed, mother of dawn, knight of pentacles, flashover 11, 6 of swords reversed, addiction 11, envious gluttony 9, is this me? 4
When Jungkook is in a relationship he doesn’t fully feel like he can be emotionally vulnerable and instead will act mischievous and play around to hide behind vulnerability. It can tend to make the other person mad because they never know when he’ll actually be serious because he plays too much sometimes. There’s also playing up to peoples ideas of him. It’s not outwardly tricking people but allowing them to believe what they want and project their fantasies on him. It’s like a weird energy of wanting to rebel but also you feel stuck and want to please them so you don’t let them down. I think he overthinks legit everything and makes things a bigger deal in his mind than what it really is.
Another thing is he could have a tendency to stay with someone even if it’s toxic because of a mix of remembering the good times and also insecurities. There are big vibes of being emotionally stunted like I feel that he’s mentally a teenager still and even though he’s physically different and projects something different. When he’s in a relationship; he still feels like that insecure kid in his head and he can’t escape it. It’s like a false bravado thing going on. There’s a hole that leads to darkness and from that another one that leads to even more darkness. That's dramatic but that’s what it’s like for him. It’s like this emotionally starved monster in his head but in reality the monster is this scrawny young boy who wants to let go and open up but is blocked by himself and running away from his shadow aspects. I do see him though slowly moving towards becoming more open, honest allowing his vulnerable and passionate side out in a healthier way but it might take a while (unless he’s already been working on this) since the knight of pentacles is the slowest knight but he’s also the most stable and loyal.
4. What is his "type" the sage 19 reversed, knight of cups reversed, Jeanne the maid, golden empress, the lovers reversed, 3 of cups reversed 
His ideal type is someone who can come across as aloof, cold, excessively critical. Hey I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but when I pulled a clarifier I got the knight of cups reversed lolll. Dude likes toxic people apparently. On the surface they might look “normal” but on the inside their inner world is overflowing and they have an abundance of charisma and sexual energy. Honestly that could be a big reason why he likes that. There’s a big dualistic energy in them and appearing the best on surface level but underneath is really unpredictable and has the energy of unrequited love. I think he likes those types of people who don’t fawn over him like he’s the second coming of Jesus tbh. This person doesn’t give 2 fucks and they don’t tell everything up front they’re mysterious and it’s more of a challenge for him. They’re really good at appearing humble and maybe innocent even but that’s just because they know how to woo people really. They’re confident and can convince people of almost anything especially around those in power they know how to present their best self to get what they want.
At first I was confused why your ideal type would be someone that seems manipulative af but it makes sense when Jungkook has a lot of deep dark shit he needs to work on from the other cards. I think it’s a big codependency thing and excitement that someone toxic can bring also the fact that this person is down for anything in the bedroom they’re not ashamed or shy about it. His idea of love is pretty distorted he thinks he needs someone who is as intense as he is but really it would be a bad combination especially with the lovers reversed. I’m getting especially that as long as he keeps going after these types of people, he’s never going to be with his “true love” for a lack of a better term. Basically not be with someone who is actually good for him. There could be third party bs but I’m getting more of an overindulged and addiction energy between both of them. Even if he knows they’re no good it’s just so intoxicating it’s like a damn drug to him and it feeds into his more animalistic side (I have no idea how to articulate this lmao) it’s like possessive nature. This reminds me a lot of the attachment types since there’s a lot of people like this who love a more avoidant person and I feel that Jungkook is probably avoidant himself so this is like home sweet home to him. It puts him in the cat chasing mouse position instead of the other way around. That emotionally unavailable energy is very appealing to a lot of people I guess especially when you’re used to everyone bending over backwards for you.
5. What is his love language: Ta’Om the poet 29 reversed, the bodacious Bodach 59 reversed 
He likes when someone actually does helpful things for him that is useful and not like the annoying meddling energy of just doing stuff for him that he doesn’t want you to do. He also does this for others. So acts of service mostly but you already knew that.
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“She’s not my girlfriend.”
Are you sure about that, Loki? Are you extra, extra sure about that?
Because you:
1. Joined a task force to look for Sylvie (even though you didn’t know her then) and entered the same tent she had just disappeared from mere seconds before;
2. Thought that she was you (which later she would disagree with and say “if anything, you’re me” but anyway) and therefore pretty darn easy to locate;
3. Wouldn’t at first accept the fact that she was superior to you (well, y’all are equals, and maybe she’s better than you, but we’ll get to that later);
4. Theorized with your new friend Mobius that she was hiding in apocalypses by stealing his salad and then proceeding to absolutely destroy it doing so;
5. Visited freakin’ POMPEII to prove said theory and then actually proved your theory correct;
6. Used a candy from the future as a clue to find out where she might’ve taken her next steps, and cross referenced it with the many apocalypses she might’ve been in;
7. Actually found an apocalypse that she ends up being in (Alabama 2050);
8. Went to said apocalypse to look for her (you seem pretty invested in looking for her at this point);
9. Found her first enchantment victim who then passed the enchantment onto her second victim (B-15, looking at you), whom you still thought was you;
10. Found her third enchantment victim who told you not to call her a Loki (which she’ll do again, don’t worry);
11. Acknowledged through her fourth enchantment victim that she was different than you for the first time (“I would never treat me like this,” you said);
12. Followed her through a Time Door back to the TVA after meeting her for the first time;
13. Somehow allowed her to get the best of you even though you probably didn’t mean for that to happen;
14. Grabbed her stolen TemPad and landed the both of y’all in yet another apocalypse, the worst one yet actually, one that she’s probably been to before;
15. Tried to shield her from a falling meteor, to which she said she didn’t need your help (I mean, did you have a reason to save her then?);
16. Called her weird (I mean, that’s funny as hell, I gotta give you that);
17. Opened a door for her and let her enter the mining shack first before you did;
18. Literally let down your guard around her (yes, you’re tired from all that running, but still);
19. Somehow didn’t even stop her from putting both her hands on your neck in an attempt to enchant you (it looked romantic as hell, dude, and how were you not even opposed to her doing that, given both of y’all’s antagonism toward each other?);
20. Told her mockingly “In my heart” when she asked you where you hid her stolen TemPad (I mean, you could have said literally anything else but you went for “in my heart”, okay, I see where this is going);
21. Kind of agreed with her when she said you needed her to get out of Lamentis, “you need me” being the key phrase;
22. Asked her where she was going, and followed her;
23. Acknowledged that she’s not a Loki (yay!), or at least the fact that she doesn’t want to be referred to as one;
24. Followed her into an abandoned mining town where you thought you could fool a resident who chose to stay (you couldn’t);
25. Let her get away with teasing you about your failed efforts;
26. Playfully grabbed her by the shoulders from behind as you used your magic to conjure up a guard’s outfit for yourself (which you looked absolutely hilarious in, by the way, that helmet did not help one bit);
27. Sat down with her at a booth on the train, just the two of you (I’m not calling this anything else other than a date, at this point, to be honest);
28. Told her a wistful story about your mother and how she taught you magic and how she believed in you;
29. Showed her a miniature version of the fireworks you said your mother once conjured up for you, in an attempt to make her happy (I mean, those are beautiful fireworks, and she likes them too!);
30. Playfully conjured up a feather and quill to tease her about saying “Love is hate” (she finds you funny, she just doesn’t want to admit it);
31. Asked her whether she’s got anyone waiting for her when her mission’s complete (well, she did give a sarcastic answer but that’s not my point);
32. Admitted to her that you courted both princes and princesses in the past as part and parcel of being royalty;
33. Disagreed on love being mischief (what does that even mean?!) and then told her that you might need a bit more of champagne to really get that line of thought going;
34. Sang (I’m sorry, serenaded is a better word) her a song about a fair maiden waiting for her beloved to return home (you’ll find out how prophetic that would be in due time, don’t worry);
35. Decided that a dagger was your best metaphor for love (what, does being inebriated make you better at metaphors now?)
36. Let her get mad at you for getting drunk on the train (tbh, that’s kinda your fault, but there was literally nothing else to do, so) and breaking her TemPad (honestly, how do you even break a TemPad when it’s hidden in one of your magic pockets?! How?!);
37. Asked her if she felt better after that frustration-fueled scream (I mean, that’s kinda the first time you’re looking out for her, because that’s about to get real routine);
38. Went along with her after she sarcastically suggested that y’all both should try to get the Ark off the moon, fully knowing the impossibility of doing so;
39. Bantered teasingly with her about enchantment;
40. Believed her on a dime’s drop when she said that everyone who worked that the TVA were Variants, just like the two of you;
41. Let her grab your hand before the both of you ran around the back of the Ark’s docking station in order to find another boarding point;
42. Asked her if she was okay after the both of you got knocked back by an explosion (aww, you do care for her, how sweet!);
43. Finally called her by her name just before the Ark exploded;
44. Apologized to her for ruining her mission and dooming the both of y’all to die on an exploding moon;
45. Sat and listened to her explain her motives for her mission, before telling her that though people like the both of you may lose in sometimes painful ways, y’all always survive one way or another;
46. Freakin’ COMPLIMENTED her (that’s a first), and while the both of you sat waiting for the explosion to wipe the both of you off the map, you took her hand for the first time after she put her hand on your forearm (lovely, by the way);
47. Looked longingly and sadly at her when the both of y’all were hauled back to the TVA for interrogation and then subsequently separated;
48. Denied, when interrogated (is questioned a better word?) by Mobius, that you and her are partners (ha, you’ll soon be, in more ways than one, if you weren’t already), with a look on your face that absolutely betrays your true feelings for her;
49. Couldn’t even sell your lie about meeting her to Mobius that he had to lie right back to you;
50. Thought she was dead and felt so worried for her (you should’ve seen your face!);
51. Asked if she was alive and then SIGHED IN RELIEF when you were assured that she’s still alive (oh, have you got it bad for her, and you know it);
52. Denied that she’s your girlfriend the first time Mobius teases you with that word;
53. Spilled your emotions and your feelings for her on the table when you told Mobius about how much you believe her about everyone at the TVA being Variants;
54. Didn’t even deny it the second time he called her your girlfriend;
55. When asked by Mobius if you cared about Sylvie, you didn’t know if “care” was the right word;
56. Straight-up told him, “I believe her” with such emotional conviction it’s hard to see it as anything else;
57. Nodded your head at her when the both of y’all were reunited at the very same elevators you met in front of (how poetic) and she asked you if you’re okay;
58. Literally had her back when the both of y’all fought the guards in the Timekeepers’ chambers;
59. Got distracted when she got knocked down to the floor by Judge Renslayer;
60. Were on the brink of telling her how you feel about her, telling her that revealing your emotions was kind of a new experience;
61. Decided the best option was to place your hands just by her shoulders for whatever reason;
62. Let go of her so that she wasn’t pruned like you were;
63. Admitted in a roundabout way in just three words that she was your glorious purpose (priorities shifted, eh?)
64. Proudly proclaimed that her being terrifying was the very thing that made her so brilliant;
65. Literally puffed out your chest when you said, “she needs me” (she will, much later, don’t worry);
66. Revealed that she’s the only one you do trust (oh, the way your voice just softens when you speak about her…);
67. Planned an unwise sneak attack (that would’ve involved stabbing a cloud, I mean…) on freakin’ ALIOTH because you believed that doing so would bring you back to her when you really had no idea whether it would or would not;
68. Ran down the hill you were on to reunite with her (classic reunion move, pity you didn’t complete it by hugging her, but I guess you’re not there yet) when she arrived by car and asked her if she’s okay (looks like it’s becoming a habit);
69. Hilariously tried to unsuccessfully argue, through telling her that you’ve been in the Void longer than she has (maybe for like, an hour or two? IDK) that stabbing a cloud with a dagger was your best line of defense;
70. Sat next to her and had a conversation with her, during which you…;
71. Said it was cold (whether it was or wasn’t, isn’t important), so you…;
72. Conjured up a blanket for yourself before asking if she wanted one as well and proceeded to deny that your budding romantic connection with her was the both of y’all’s nexus event;
73. Followed that up with revealing that your nexus event with her felt great, it was a nice moment (aww);
74. Proceed to deny it as another TVA lie (you really need to work on talking about your feelings!);
75. Reassured her that you don’t know what the both of y’all are doing with regards to this relationship you both have with each other;
76. Playfully wrapped part of your blanket around her shoulders (double aww, that’s the classic “I’m gonna fake yawn and drop my arm around her shoulders, y’all think she’ll notice” kind of move, and yes, she did, and she likes it) and smiled giddily like the lovesick puppy you are;
77. Acknowledged in a roundabout (and maybe not so subtle) way that she loves you;
78. Pledged to not betray her, to not let her down, because you’re not that kind of person anymore;
79. Adorably nudged her when you asked her what her plans were when all was said and done;
80. Suggested that the both of y’all could figure things out… “together”, you said (triple aww!);
81. Handed the TemPad she gave you to Mobius and told her, “You go, I go” (I mean…);
82. Let her take your hand before you went to attempt to enchant ALIOTH;
83. Interlocked both of y’all’s fingers while y’all were at it;
84. Walked hand in hand to the Citadel at the End of Time;
85. Asked her if everything’s okay after she becomes nervous before entering the Citadel;
86. Got really unimpressed when that creepy ghost clock offered the both of you a chance to rule the TVA together;
87. Stated that “We write our own destiny now”, cementing the fact that you and her are an item;
88. Warned her to not listen to He Who Remains;
89. Tried to stop her by warning her about the possible consequences of her actions;
90. Suggested that the best plan of action was to take a minute to think of whether allowing a multiversal war was better than the alternative both of y’all never wanted (unfortunate as it was to be a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t situation);
91. Got upset when she told you she felt like you betrayed her (don’t worry, you didn’t);
92. Clashed blades with her even though you clearly didn’t want to;
93. Told her “No” when she suggested that you kill her and take a throne you never wanted;
94. Let her blade fall to your neck to get her to stop and consider;
95. Said to her that this feeling of revenge, bloodlust isn’t worth it because you’d once been in her shoes;
96. Told her that you didn’t want to hurt her (after acknowledging that she’s been hurt by the TVA for a lifetime) and that all you wanted was for her to be okay;
97. Shared a kiss with her.
98. Deepened that kiss (you know you did…);
99. Grieved the misfortune of not just losing her but also the outcome of recent events, knowing that what she had to do was her life’s mission that you’d previously supported her on;
100. Went up to a changed Mobius and told him by referring to her, “We made a terrible mistake. We freed the Timeline. We found him beyond the storm.”
And if that doesn’t say “she’s become my girlfriend and I’m damn proud of her”, I don’t know what does.
Go get her, Loki. Go get Sylvie back. We’re betting on it.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious. 89 brb x oc
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a/n: I was going to post this ahead but.....I had an anxious day, lol, and this was the only thing that helped me.
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff, are you ready for some tears?
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3a @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes
The months were going by fast, so fast that Beatrice couldn’t even believe it. It was the fifth month already and he was going to come back the very next!! She was so happy, yes there was still a long time for him to return but it’d go by fast, she was sure of it! 
These past months were complicated, at first, but she managed it. She admitted some things to herself too, things she didn’t want to admit before but now couldn’t deny. It was a big step that she was more than ready to take honestly and hopefully so was he. 
They’ve been talking whenever they could, which wasn’t that often but he always replied to her messages when she sent them - especially the ones  with the pictures she took when Michael was gone and she had the house all to herself. But since it was June, he promised her he’d try and video chat on his birthday and Beatrice had something planned. 
It was silly but she bought him a cake, he wouldn’t be able to eat it, obviously, but it’s the gesture that matters. She also decorated the kitchen with a Happy Birthday sign ,bought Jolene a little birthday hat - that the pittie wasn’t sure if she liked, considering she stood still when Beatrice put it on her head - and had some balloons floating around the kitchen just to add to the atmosphere.
Beatrice knew he’d be online a couple hours before she leaves for the Hard Deck and that he probably wouldn’t be able to talk for too long but it’d be more than fine. She could do that. 
She sat in front of the laptop with her hands on her lap, smiling while waiting for him to show up. Oh she was so excited, she wished he was there to celebrate it with her and their friends, but since he wasn’t she wanted to make it as special as she could. Her leg was bouncing with nerves, waiting for the connection to finally happen, biting her lower lip at the loading screen, shining and dimming the light of her laptop screen.
Beatrice waits a little while longer, getting up to grab some water - it was June already so summer came in full blast- and fixing the spaghetti strap on her top as it rolled down her shoulder to her arm, running her fingers through the strands of hair that framed her face and fell from her high bun, a soft happy gasp breaking past her lips when she saw the connection established.
The transmission was a lot smoother from other times they chatted, his face appeared in high definition almost, “Hi!” she smiles, noticing he was no longer at the little room he used to stay in when they chatted, “Oh, did you change rooms?”
Rooster back over his shoulder then to her, “Yeah, the old room was getting too crowded so we moved here.” he smirks “Hi,gorgeous. How are you today?”
“I’m really okay, kinda stuffy because it hasn’t rained in…I think two weeks so everything is sticky and annoying.” she says, “But what about you? How are you doing?”
“I’m doing fine,I’m going to have a meeting in a couple hours.”
“It’s nothing serious, gorgeous, just something I gotta do.” he replies with a grin, folding his arms over the table, “You look really good though.”
Beatrice laughs softly, looking down at her outfit of spaghetti strap top and soft cotton shorts with her cheeks reddening, “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.” she grins,”Oh! Hold on– Jojo, come here!” she disappears from his view for a second, he hears her grunt offscreen and then return with Jolene in her arms, the pittie’s tail wagging when she sees Bradley’s face.
The pilot notices the birthday hat on her head and laughs, leaning closer to have a better look. Jolene whined happily, her whole body shaking the longer she looked at him, “You gave her a birthday hat. Oh my God, that’s adorable.”
“Isn’t it? I thought it’d be cool, but there’s more!” she leaned out of frame again to show the balloons and the Happy Birthday sign hanging above the cabinets. His smile softened, just like his gaze, his heart fluttering inside his chest the more he looked, “I know you can’t celebrate it here, so I just thought you’d like to see it. I even got you a cake!”
“A cake? Bea, you didn’t have to.”
“I know,I just…thought it’d be nice.” she replies after setting Jolene on the floor, “And I told you we’d celebrate in a different way, so.” she ends her sentence with a shrug, pulling one of her knees up so she could prop her chin on it, holding the leg in that position by crossing her arms in front of it, “How are you holding up?.”
Bradley drops his head with a gentle laugh, “I’m going through it. Can’t wait to get back home.” Home. With her. “But the mission is going well, everything is running smoothly so I can’t really complain.”
“Of course, that’s the most important thing.” Beatrice hears her phone buzzing on the corner of the table but doesn’t reach for it, she just turns it face down. Normally she wouldn’t mind it, but she missed Brad way too much and she knew if it was really important they’d call again. Right now her focus was on Rooster, “I miss you.”
“I miss you too, gorgeous.” he replies softly, his smile widening, “We need to make up for the lost time when I come back.”
Beatrice chuckles, still holding her chin up with her knee, her cheeks turning a light red, “I’m sure we can arrange something, lieutenant.” Bradley’s eyes hardened just enough for her to know it was effective, which always was to be honest, “We’ll have to do a lot of things when you get back.”
His eyes dropped from her face to her cleavage, that appeared fuller because of her knee touching it, licking his lips before she spoke “Kinda wish it was right now, to be honest with you.”
“It’s just a few more days, Brad.” she says, “You’ll be here before you know it.”
There’s a pause on his side and she thinks it’s the connection’s fault, but he smirks and then nods, tilting his head to the side “True.”
Her buzzes again and she frowns, “Sorry Roos,” she picks it up and holds it for him to see, “I need to see who it is.” she wasn’t surprised it was Shells, but she was surprised that they had to clean the bar later that night because the raccoons attacked again and just dragged so much stuff to the beach they’d have to clean everything before tomorrow. Beatrice sighs,typing back a response and putting the phone aside.
“Something wrong, gorgeous?”
“No, just gotta go to the bar later tonight to help clean, the raccoons are going insane. They stopped for a while but every now and again they show up and make a mess…the first time they go to the beach though.”
“Maybe they want to catch some waves.” he jokes and she couldn’t help the soft chortle that makes its way out of her lips. She sees him looking somewhere over his own screen, his brows turning in a frown “Damn, baby,I gotta go.”
Beatrice tries to not be disappointed, putting on a happy face for him, “Okay. I’ll talk to you before you come back?”
“You know it, gorgeous.” he says, winking at her and pushing himself to his feet, but not before he waves to her, “Bye baby,I love you.”
“I love you too.” and the screen goes black. Beatrice stays on the chair for a little while longer, sighing quietly and then looking back at Jolene - whose birthday hat was now under her chin giving her a shiny pink pointy beard. She gently removes the hat from her dog, kissing the top of her head and thanking the pitbull for doing that with her. 
Now that she was once again surrounded by silence, Beatrice just watched her reflection on the dark screen and pouted her lower lip, ‘...he’ll be back soon,I can wait for him.” she tells herself, pushing herself up to her feet so she could put the empty glass on the sink. Seemed crazy but they were going to have their one year anniversary next month.
One whole year, it’s crazy.
She hopes he’ll be here to celebrate it though. She’d like it a whole lot.
When she gets to the Hard Deck, the parking lot is empty saved up by Shells’ car, which was normal since it was a Monday and the bar didn’t open on Mondays. What was strange was how some of the lights were off, Beatrice wondered if the raccoons actually did something with the electricity and it was worse than she thought.
Bea didn’t even manage to open the door before Shells’ yanks it open, “Finally!Oh my God, Bea.” the brunette doesn’t even say hello, blinking in surprise as her friend pushes her inside. “Come on in, come on in. Oh it’s a mess!”
Beatrice’s green eyes move all around the bar, furrowing her brows because…it doesn’t seem that messy in there, “Penny and I already cleaned a good chunk, but oof, the beach? Yeah, it needs three people, here gimme your bag.” she feels the weight leave her shoulder before she could stop it, looking back at Shells’ blonde head disappearing into the employee’s room.
Penny steps back from the beach and once she meets Beatrice’s eyes she sighs in relief, “Oh, Bea, thank God.”
“Is it that bad?”
“It goes down all the way where the guys play football.” she explains, propping her hands on her hips and shaking her head, “Those raccoons,I swear, I need to deal with them soon.” she then looks back to where Shells was, “Tell you what, why don’t you go ahead? We left everything there and we’ll just close the bar’s doors so no one enters while we are away.”
Beatrice nods quickly, “Of course Penny!” she says, glad she wore a clean pair of sneakers that night, pulling her hair up in a ponytail and fixing her Metallica shirt over her shorts, “Will you guys take long?”
“No, no,I just need to make sure we don't forget anything.” Penny offers Beatrice a small smile and then moves her hand for her to go ahead before disappearing back into the employee’s room. Beatrice could be wrong, but she could swear she heard more than the two in there…maybe she was imagining things.
She walks out of the bar, past the seating area and looks up at the sky that was now completely dark blue tinkling with stars, not a single cloud to cover them with the full moon round and illuminating the shore, giving it a light blue color. Beatrice wonders what she’s going to find, honestly it’s a bit hard to imagine the raccoons taking the trash so far away, but something would have scared them.
A bear, maybe? There are bears roaming around San Diego but they’ve never even approached this area before. 
Beatrice was so into her head trying to think of reasons why it happened, she almost missed the tiny light in the sand. She stops, seeing the glowing dot in the distance and analyzes it for a few seconds before she decides to move again, stepping closer and closer until she sees what it was.
It was a tiny candle. Those flat battery powered ones, deep in the sand…that…is weird. She looks back over her shoulder to see if Shells and Penny were coming, but there was no sign of them. When she looks ahead she sees another candle a few feet away, so she gets closer to it only to see a few more forming almost like a line guiding her away from the bar.
“What the hell?” she asks quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear when the wind made it drop from her ponytail before it hits her in the eye. She’s confused…wait was she on the wrong side of the beach? But this was usually the area where the guys would play football, then what was going on? The more she walked, the more tiny candles she could see until she reached an area where the candles no longer formed a line, but a circle.
Now she was extremely confused, furrowing her eyebrows and looking around, trying to find anyone. By the time she looks back ahead, her eyes widen and her mouth parts in a gasp. At first, she thought it was a trick of her eyes, maybe she’s seeing things - she’s hearing things, why wouldn’t she see them? - because she desires it so much.
Because, for all that was Holy, Bradley was right in the center of that light circle. Wearing all white with his hands clasped behind his back. Beatrice doesn’t move, in fact she’s not even sure she’s breathing, “...Brad?” she asks quietly, slowly getting closer. His figure gets sharper and solid, she could see the creases on his white jacket and she could smell his cologne.
If this was just a figment of her imagination, she had to check. Not-So-Sure-He-Was-Real Bradley opens his mouth to speak, but stops when she puts her palm in the middle of his chest, then the other one, then drags them all the way up to his face. The second her hand comes in contact with his cheeks, she pulls them back as if she was electrocuted, giving a few steps back in surprise, “Brad?” She repeats and the Not-So-Sure-He-Was-Real Bradley turns into Oh-My-God-He-Is-Real Bradley in a matter of seconds.
“Hi gorgeous.”
Beatrice screams in surprise, then lunges at him with her arms immediately wrapping around his neck and his own around her waist, keeping her up in the air as her legs kick back and forth. She didn’t know how to react, she was crying and laughing and thanking every deity that existed, pulling back to kiss him over and over, cupping his cheeks with both of her hands and laughing against his mouth, “You are here.” she whispers on his lips, her glassy eyes shining under the moonlight and the tiny candles. “I thought–you said you were coming back next month.”
Bradley smiles, placing her down back on the sand gently and kissing the top of her head, “I might’ve…” he shrugs, “Added a little white lie.”
Rooster sighs, then licks his lips, “I wasn’t going to stay there for six months, baby. I…had to say it because of what I was planning to do.”Oh he was going to surprise her on his birthday! Of course! But when she says that to him he just laughs again, then shakes his head, “Well..sort of. It’s…well…” he clears his throat, rubs his hands together and looks behind her for a second then returns his gaze to her green irises, “It’s…whew this is harder than I thought?”
Beatrice’s smile falters and she furrows her brows, “You…said you had a meeting to go to.”
“I did have one.” he clears his throat again, “As soon as I left the base,I…really didn’t even change it.”he chuckles, gesturing to his white uniform, “It was a very important meeting.”
He was sweating, he was sweating and he was trying really hard to not chicken out before the time. This was immensely risky, but it was Pete who assured him he should try. So, once he reaches the colorful glass door he stops and leans his hands on his knees, inhaling and exhaling quickly before he straightens himself, “Okay.” he bounces on the porch, hearing the dogs’ nails clicking behind the door, “Okay,I can do it.”
He knocks on the door and waits with his cap under his arm, and to him it’s like it takes an eternity for the door to open. He heaves out a sigh of relief once it does reveal Beatrice’s mother, “Bradley! Hello!” the woman immediately hugs him, pulling back to look at him from top to bottom with confusion, “Why, were you just at the base, bambino?”
“Ah yes, is um,” he clears his throat, trying to swallow the nerves, “Is Rafael home?”
“Yes!Yes he is! He’s in his office, come on in, do you want some coffee, bambino?” he just nods because that’s all he can do. The pitbulls greet him at the door, where he gently pets them before he walks into the house. Every sound of his shoes hitting the floor is louder than he thought, Claudia’s voice alongside the pitbulls rushing around just fade into the background when he nears Rafael’s office.
It’s like slow motion.
But worse.
He feels a bit sick.
Bradley stands at the door frame, seeing Rafael’s back as he messes with his piano. The older man looks up from what he was doing and smiles, pulling off his glasses, “Bradley! What a surprise!” Beatrice’s father claps the pilot on the shoulder “What brings you here?”
Rooster licks his dry lips, then sets his cap on one of the many bookshelves her father had in this room, then he…doesn’t know what to do with his hands so he grabs the cap again and returns it to its place under his arm, clenching the black rim, “I…I would like your permission.” Rafael’s posture straightens, “To ask Beatrice’s hand in marriage.”
There’s a loud crash outside the office, followed by the dogs’ startled yelp that makes both men look back at the door, “Amore?” Rafael asks “Are you okay?” 
Claudia doesn’t respond, she just shows up at the door with her eyes glistening with tears and her hands tented in front of her lips, “Dio mio, Bradley, I–” she starts fanning herself, “Dio santissimo oh I need to-to clean this…do not come outside! Th-There’s ceramic and hot coffee all over the floor!”
Her mother wanders off still looking shocked, but they could hear her whispering to herself and gently crying once she walks away. Rooster hoped it was a good reaction. When he faces Rafael again, the older man has a knowing smile on his face under that thick beard of his “So, you want my permission.”
Rafael lips purse when he nods, “And…you have a ring?”
“I do.” It took some time, and a lot of help from Penny, to pull it off. He grabs the velvet box from his pocket and opens it for Rafael to see. His future father in law looks down at the ring, his own eyes widening in recognition and he couldn’t help but look back at Bradley in surprise. Rafael’s own eyes shine with unshed tears, and he tells Bradley he can close the box, “I know you might think it’s too soon but–”
“It does not matter, Bradley.” Rafael’s own voice sounds a bit choked up, wiping under his eye so he can remove the tear that dared to fall, “She loves you and you love her and…time isn’t going to prevent it from happening. Of course you have my permission, ragazzo.” he says, wrapping his arms around Rooster’s shoulders and engulfing him into a hug. The younger pilot clenches his eyes in relief, hugging Rafael just as tightly. The older man claps his upper back twice and pulls back, giving the pilot a teary smile, “When are you proposing?”
“Tonight, actually in–” he looks down at his watch “A few minutes, hopefully.” he felt so much lighter and his stomach was no longer in knots anymore, “...thank you.” 
Rafael just shakes his head with a chuckle, “Do not thank me, I thank you, for making my tesoro so happy.” he was about to say more but Claudia’s crying gets louder when she appears back on the doorway. She has fat tears rolling down her face and is trying so hard to stop them by fanning herself.
“Oooh, my God.” her voice is shaky and cracking, “Ohh Dio Mio.” she doesn’t even stop herself, she just hugs Bradley like her husband did,pulling back to cup his cheeks and kiss his forehead, “You,” a sniffle, “You are a wonderful boy and I…am so honored you are asking us this, Bradley.”
“Thank you ma’am.” he smiles back, “I really want to make Beatrice happy.”
Claudia just tilts her head and smiles, “You already do.”
“...oh.” Beatrice says, he hasn’t elaborated why the meeting was so important, “Well but if that’s the case then why– what are you doing?” she immediately stops talking when she sees him going down on one knee, “Why are you on your knee?”
“Bea.” he reaches for her hand, grabbing with his own as the other comes up to cover her mouth, “Baby.”
“You are joking, what are you doing??!!” 
Bradley just takes in a deep breath, “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he begins, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles, “And I can’t imagine my life without you. Baby, baby look at me.” Beatrice is looking anywhere but at him, “Bea, angel, look at me.” the waterworks are already flowing down her face when she meets his eyes again, “Beatrice Schiavoni–”
“Will you,” her eyes widen, about to pop out of the sockets when she sees him pulling out the red velvet box from inside his pants pocket, “Give me the honor to call you my wife?” When he pops the box open it takes a few minutes for her to see what it was…but once she does she immediately drops to her knees in front of him. It was obviously a ring…but it was very similar to her nonna’s engagement ring. Except the gems were smaller and the band thinner, in white gold instead of the usual yellow.
Beatrice is now on her knees, both of her hands cupping her mouth as she breathes in and out heavily, sobbing quietly as she looks at it. He was proposing, Bradley was proposing to her when she didn’t even talk to him about getting married yet, he was…he wanted to marry her, he wanted to marry her. Beatrice barely sees his face anymore because of the tears in her eyes, he’s a blob of white but she hiccups, “Y-Yes.”
“Yes? Is that a yes?”
“I-It’s always a yes.” she manages to blurt out, holding up her shaky left hand and trying her best to calm herself down. The ring slides down her finger until it reaches the base and Beatrice feels another wave of tears crashing down on her, holding her hand closer to her eyes to have a better look only to give it up because she was still crying too much to see. She whimpers quietly, trying to wipe her eyes the best she could, “I look a-a mess,”
“You look beautiful,” he replies, his voice lighter, “You always do.”
Beatrice couldn’t stop the teary laugh that make its way out of her mouth, sniffling and looking down at her ring one more time before she sees Rooster’s face more clearly. His own eyes are shining and he’s grinning back at her with his position still the same, “You want to marry me.”
“I do.”
She couldn’t help the next sob that comes out, pushing herself to her feet and then launching her body on his so she tackles him to the soft sand, laughing and crying on his shoulder and kissing his lips over and over as they both lay on the sand like that. “I love you.” she whispers on his mouth, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,Bea. I really do.” he says back, the two chuckling like teenagers with their foreheads touching.
“Did she say yes yet?!”
Shells’ voice from the distance breaks the moment, making the two turn their heads to the voice. Beatrice’s mouth drops open when she sees not only Shells but the whole Dagger Squad standing there with their phones up and not so far from them either. “She did!” he shouts back, “We aren’t just rolling on the sand for nothing!”
“Thank God!”
“Wait, what–” Realization hits, “Oh my God!!”
“I’m sorry baby, they were all on it too.” Bradley offers an apologetic shrug that wasn’t apologetic at all, “It was hard keeping some people’s mouths shut, but it was worth it.” Beatrice looks down at him with surprise written all over her face, but she starts laughing, pushing herself off his chest so he could sit up. She gently brushes the sand off his hair and coat, with the hand that had her ring.
The ring he proposed to her with. 
Beatrice just looked down at it again, still trying to wrap her mind around it, then looks up when she sees he’s already on his feet, offering his hand for her to take. She does, he pulls her up and he hugs her to his side, dropping a kiss to her head as the two wander back to the Hard Deck where the cheering was louder than the Fourth of July.
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Prompt List #2
Welcome to my biggest prompt list ever
if you wanna request something from this list, just use the character and ‘ prompt 34 from prompt list #2′ thank u!
Theres like 200 so be wary
“I love you ! Is that what you wanted to hear ?”
“I love him/her, and I know that I shouldn’t.”
“Can you just shut your mouth ?”
“We both know that I should walk away, but I can’t.”
“Wait, he/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend ?"
“I lo—-” “No, please… Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me.”
"Could you just take this pain away ? It hurts, so much… Help me.”
“You’re safe here, I got you.”
“Don’t ask her out again, please… You’re killing me, every single time you ask that.”
“Look, he/she wants you, just make him/her happy.”
“If you go, I’ll know that you never loved me.”
“We never were just friends, and you know it.” “I know it, but you deserve someone better than me.”
“You love me like I’m the person who actually deserves your love.” “But you are the only one who deserves it.”
“I know for a fact that you’re not “fine”.”
“You’re looking at me like.. you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!”
���What happened between us?”
“Nothing has changed!” “Yes it has, and you know it.”
“Love isn’t supposed to hurt this badly.”
“You said you needed space. You were 5,000 miles away for a year, and you’re still unsure. I’m starting to think that an entire universe apart wouldn’t be enough space for you.”
“I remember when he/she/they used to look at me that way”
“I want you to list every lie you ever told me. Then I’ll forgive you.”
“I don’t hate you. I hate that after all of this, you’re still trying to lie to me”
“I can’t keep this secret for you anymore.”
“I’m sorry I’m not what you signed up for.”
“Why she/her/them? It could have been anybody, and you chose to betray me with her/him/them.”
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
“We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
“Your mind must be a horrible place.”
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
“And I thought you loved me."
" And I thought I loved you."
" Aren't you even going to cry?"
“I didn’t expect you to wait forever. I just hoped…”
“Did you always know that you were going to leave?”
“If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
“I’m addicted and at this point I don’t think anything could make me stop.”
”If you wanna know, then ask.”
“You never asked because you knew I wouldn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.”
“We grew apart, and at this point I’m glad.”
“Find somebody else to kiss your ass.”
“When are you going to stop clawing for something that’s never going to happen?”
“What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.”
“It was easier to believe that the you I knew was dead than deal with the fact that I still have to see you every day.”
“What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.”
51. “You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
52. “Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
53. “You smell really nice.”
54. “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
55. “I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.”
56. “If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
57. “Here, let’s share the blanket.”
58. “You’re comfy.”
59.“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
60.“But I want to hear you sing.”
61.“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
62.“Care to give me a back scratch?”
63.“I think I love you.”
64.“Your bed head is really cute.”
65.“How about a kiss?”
66.“You made this for me?”
67.Aw, you’re blushing.”
68. Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?”
69. “Let me help you with that.”
70. “I don’t want to forget this moment.”
71.“Are you really flirting with me right now?”
72.“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
73.“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?”
74.“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
75.“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?”
76.“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.”
77.“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything”
78.“No, it’s fine.  I can wait until you’re done talking to them.”
79.“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
80.“You’re a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
81.“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
82.“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
83.“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about how sometimes.”
84.“No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”
85.“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
86.“ You are so beautiful — So fucking beautiful. “
87.“And just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hands?”
88.“Wow, you look even better in the daylight.”
89.“I don’t remember ever having this many hickeys. But I don’t mind.”
90.“We could order pizza and just stay like this all day.”
91.“It was always you.”
92.I love you in every possible way.”
93.“I didn’t mean to love you so much.”
94.“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.”
95.“Duck, you idiot!”
96.“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a wand and I’m not afraid to use it.”
97.“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.”
98.“It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
99.“Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.”
100.“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..”
101.“Define normal.” 
102.“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?” 
103.“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.” 
104.“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.” 
105.“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.”
106.“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.” 
107.“And you wonder why you’re still single.”
108.“Remind me to kill you. Please.” 
109.“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
110.“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.” 
111.“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.”
112.“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.” 
113.“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.” 
114.“My middle finger salutes you.” 
115.“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.” 
116.Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.” 
117.“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.” 
118.“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” 
119.“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.” 
120.“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
121.“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.” 
122.“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?” 
123.“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!” 
124.“I need therapy after this.” 
125.“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.” 
126.“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.” 
127.“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.” 
128.“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.”
129.“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.” 
130.“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.” 
131.“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” 
132.“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!” 
133.“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.” 
134.“She’s hot, but she’s evil.” 
135.“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.” 
136.“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.” 
137.“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
138.“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.” 
139.“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.” 
140.“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
141.“Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.” 
142.“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.” 
143.“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.” 
144.“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.” 
145.“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
146.“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.” 
147.“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
148.“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.” 
149.“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.” 
150.“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.” 
151.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?”
152.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
153.“Don’t think I forgot about what you did last time.”
154.“I know you lied to me.”
155.“I’m not even sorry.”
156.“You backstabber!” 157.“I never want to see you again.” 158.“You never mattered to me.”
159.“I knew this was a bad idea.”
160.“Rot in hell.”
161.“It was supposed to be a secret!”
162.“No one loves me.” 163.“He/she/they is/are so petty…” 164.“You made me cry.” 165.“I don’t know who you are anymore.” 166.“How DARE you?!” 167.“I know you’re not talking to me…” 168.“I SAW you with him/her/them!”
169.“Just leave me alone.”
170.“What did you do?!” 171.“I told everyone that I didn’t want to talk but I’m actually dying for attention.”
172. “Just admit that was extra…”
173.“I forgive, but I don’t forget.” 174.“Did you see what he/she/they was/were wearing?” 175.“So what if I had sex with your ex?” 176.“There’s something I have to tell you…” 177.“I can’t do this anymore.” 178.“You weren’t there for me when I needed you the most.” 179.“I never loved you.” 180.“It’s too late.”
181.“Quit ignoring me.”
182. “Don’t you get it? It’s because I love you!”
183.“I love you. I’m sorry.”
184.“I don’t want to be friends.”
185.“Can we please pretend I never said that?”
186.“Friendzoned again.”
187.“You should’ve loved me when you had the chance.”
188.“Fuck you for toying with my emotions like that.”
189.“I was there for you when no one else was!”
190.“Alright – I can tell a ‘no’ when I hear it.”
191.“I’m sorry I acted so creepy.”
192.“Fuck. It’s like what they say – nice guys finish last…”
193.“I’m tired of keeping this secret. Even if you don’t love me back.”
194. “I knew that’d be your answer. That’s why I never told you before.”
195.“When I said I loved you, I meant it.”
196.“Is there any part of you, deep down, that might love me back?”
197.“You were the one that left all those notes for me?”
198.“You’re in a relationship with another person – you know this can’t end well.”
199.“We agreed this was just physical!”
200.“I love you. I know you don’t love me, so don’t say it back.”
Ahhh im sorry that was so long, but if you read all the way to here, your a real one.
Again i write for all Hp characters! Feel free to use these prompts as ur own
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rapspud · 3 years
Bittersweet    A/N: Decided to rewrite this one. Please enjoy.
Yoongi looked at your friends as he sneered at your prone form sprawled out on the ground, your fingers scrambling to find your glasses.
“Aw what’s the matter? The poor baby can't see?” He purred as he picked up your glasses and dangled them in front of your face before throwing them into the dumpster. “Have fun diving!” He cackles as he slides past your prone figure, cruelly stepping on your hand as he passes.
You could hear the snickers of his friends behind you. You watched as his best friend, Seokjin clapped Yoongi on the shoulder, and whispered, “Oi, I get the whole I hate “y/n” thing but seriously—that was a bit much don’t you think?”
Yoongi  couldn’t believe what he was hearing, “She ratted us out! So I fixed it-and now she can’t see to snitch! And shouldn’t you be on my side? You’re in just as much trouble as I am!”
Seokjin could only look at Yoongi like he had a third head, “ Yeah I guess, but still...there is-” at Yoongi’s raised eyebrow he swallowed what he wanted to say, instead choosing to leave rather than to help Yoongi’s victim, “Hey I gotta go I’ll catch you later okay?”
Yoongi smiled and waved good-bye before walking away from the group. How could he possibly explain how much he hated Y/N? No one here knew the truth about your families-how he had to share a home with you,  your family serving his. He had no respite from you. Yeah, Y/N deserved everything she got, he thought as he got into his car. Plus it's not like you wouldn’t rat him out when you got home about what happened. This time as he drove past you and saw you hunched in on yourself, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt as he saw you clutching your injured hand, staring resolute at the dumpster, knowing full well that you would go in after the glasses. After all, he knew how hard your mother worked to buy them for you, he knew how you worked 2 jobs and also kept track of your younger brothers. Deep down, he really hoped that maybe this time you would finally explode and tell everyone about all the horrid acts he committed against you. 
Except that you never did tell on him. 
In fact, you avoid Yoongi like the plague.  After finally scrambling into the dumpster and reclaiming your glasses, you clambored back out, hand still screaming in pain. As you stand there wiping the garbage from the lenses and picking off random refuse from your clothes you honestly don’t think you can sink any lower than this. You swipe grimey hands at your cheeks as hot tears run down them, thankful that you are alone. And as you walk away you begin to make plans. You couldn’t keep doing this. And with renewed energy you begin walking home, not didn’t looking back choosing instead to forge ahead, putting one foot in front of another until finally you were in your mid=twenties, and had your own little place. You were happy with your life. But you should have known. All good things must come to an end eventually. You hadn’t thought about him in years, attending school, graduating, opening up a bakery with your best friend. Essentially you were hiding, but not really. 
And then by some ill stroke of luck, he found you.
You awaken to the blaring of your alarm with a groan. Was it really 8 am? The flashing numbers of your clock inform you that it was in fact 8:59. Shit you were late. Cursing your snooze butten, you scrambled out of your bed and grabbed the cleanest clothes you could find off the floor and stumble as you attempt a whole new balancing act: pulling up your pants while holding a hot cup of coffee and a piece of toast dangling precariously from your teeth. As you run down the street towards the bus, slinging your backpack over your shoulder while you scramble to tuck your shirt in you promptly run into a solid wall and fall on your ass. Your hair is covering your face as you look up at  what you had plowed into, an apology already leaving your mouth when you got to the face. “Um…hi, uh…sorry about that.”
“Y/N. From YHSN?”
“Yes?” you become wary, no one around here really knows you as you chose to keep to yourself…“Do I know you?”
The grin that spread across the man’s face could be described as nothing less than cruel and vicious. “Yeah, Y/N L/N right? I am here to inform you that you have 24 hours to vacate the premises. Good luck.” He stated before unceremoniously dropping an envelope onto your lap and turning on her heel to leave you in a stunned heap on the floor.
What the hell had just happened? Maybe you were still dreaming?
You were dazed for a moment as your brain tried to compute the absolute absurdity of what had just happened and then you were on your feet chasing the man, yelling at him to stop but he just kept on walking.
Finally catching up to the man, you grab her arm, “What the fuck man?” you yell, “this is illegal as hell! Thirty days is the minimum!” You shove the notice back at the man, hitting him in her (very solid) chest hard.
“Y/n, Y/n, I see you're still full of venom huh? It’s completely legal actually-you see I” he leaned forward, “own the building now. And to my delight, what do I learn? I find out that Y/N L/N happens to be a tenant! Guess how happy I was to finally find you again after all these years and then get to have you vacate your home.” he laughs as you gape at him like a fish.
“Min fucking Yoongi, I do not have time for your petty ass childish bullshit! ” you hers, voice laced with venom.
“Aw kitten you remembered! I am truly honored! But alas I cant stay and chit-chat, and well, neither can you. Tata chica!” With that he jerks her arm from your grasp, sending you back to the ground in shock for the second time that morning, before climbing into an expensive black car and driving away.
You scream curses to the sky, because after 8 peaceful years, the man you had spent so long  running from and then finally forgetting, had found you. But of course, the sky only decides to rain. And as you trudge back home to call into work, (because seriously fuck this day) you can’t help but wonder how everything came to this moment. After a shower and change of clothes, you fall into your bed, allowing yourself one moment of respite before you begin to tackle this new problem, closing your eyes.
You were back there again, trapped both in a small body and the cave that haunts you as you watch helplessly at the rising water. Your tiny voice is raised, tinted with fear, “I told you we shouldn’t come here! My mama said-“
The boy next to you cut you off, “Crying ain’t gonna fix it, I will save us”
“You can't even swim,” You yell, unable to remain calm. 
“I AM GONNA SAVE US!” the small boy shouted, “so don’t cry Y/N.” He gave you a small smile, one that made you feel slightly safer and he took hold of your hand. “Follow me and don’t let go no matter what.”
“Okay,” you say, for some reason feeling braver after placing your faith along with your hand into the boy’s hand. He said he would, so of course he would save both of you. After all, he was your best friend and you don’t pick losers.
It was a lot harder though, when all was said and done. Yes, the two of you made it out of the cave alive, but not without nearly drowning, and you had slipped and injured your ankle along the way. Luckily, you did make it out, and while the two of you spent a cold wet night huddled together on the beach, you were alive. In the morning, you were rescued further as the search teams found. And while your mother had you wrapped up in her warmth and was crying and thanking the people over and over that had saved you, the same welcoming was not happening to the young boy. You could hear screaming as a woman in a fine dress and her husband yelled at the boy, your tiny hero, before there was a loud smack. You watch as the boy falls, hand clenched to her face, tears streaming down her face as her mother continues to land hard blows upon her body until she is dragged away. You cried out for you friend and as the two of you met eyes, for the first time you saw hatred reflected back at you. That was the day Min Yoongi stopped being your friend and became your tormentor.
He followed you everywhere, taunting you, breaking your things, and ultimately breaking you. Your mother finally quit working for her house the day he’d thrown your glasses into the garbage and you had come home, broken glasses in hand, face streaked with tears and reeking of garbage -you had finally confessed what had happened, what all had been happening. You had moved away, your mom working several jobs and then as well as yourself working, then you working to  pay your way through chef school and finally moving out into your own place. And all of it had just been destroyed because he found you.
You sigh looking up at your ceiling letting your anger consume you as you curse Min Yoongi to a lifetime of diarrhea. And an itchy butt. And you hoped her eyebrows fell out, just for good measure.
You look around your apartment one last time before closing the door with finality. this asshole, you think to yourself. “Just wait” you say as you look down at the address your brother had just texted you.
An hour later you stand before a gated house and ring the doorbell. And ring it. And ring it. And continue ringing it (after all it was nearly 6 am, and as you had learned that morning, if you want to ruin someone's day, do it first thing in the morning) until a sleepy figure stumbles outside and smacks your hand away. You take this opportunity to dart inside the gate and into the house carrying your things with you.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?” Yoongi yells at you from outside, beginning to stomp back to her front door. You could only grin as you take in the pajama bottoms and robe, while you stand there like a goddamn Amazonian queen, “You took my home. this is payback.” and then you dialed the police, “Yes? Officer? There’s a half naked man on my lawn, please send help! I’m so scared”
You couldn’t help the grin that covers your face as you smile at Yoongi, “Good luck asshole.” You say sweetly, before slamming the door in her face. Nothing had ever sounded so sweet as the sound of the lock turning over, followed a second later by desperate pounding at the door. And Yoongi could only pound on the door until the cops showed up and he explained that this was, in fact, her home, as well as that the intruder was actually you. The officers had asked him if he wanted you arrested and for once he let it go, telling them that you were having a lovers quarrel and apologizing that they had to come out over something so silly. As the cops pulled away, he went to the back of the house and slammed the sliding glass door open only to find the house seemingly empty. As he walked from room to room he couldn’t help but get angrier and angrier. But when he found you passed out on her bed, he paused, somehow her anger dissipating instantly. He stood there, looking at your sleeping body and wondered if you would ever know her real feelings for you. If he would ever be able to tell you. And the real question: could you forgive him? He knew it was asking a lot, but he could only hope. He sat and thought about how to express to you the things he needed to say. He wondered how exactly did one explain how guilty he felt about how he treated you, how he didn’t really understand why he went out of her way to make your life miserable back then…and then you had left him. How, when you left he realized just how broken he was inside. When he bought the building he couldn’t believe her luck when he saw your name as one of the tenants, but her old ways came back hard and for some ungodly childish reason he couldn’t control himself. That he should have been apologizing that morning and telling you how thankful he was that it had also brought you back to him. He guessed that it was far too late for him to ever have your forgiveness and he couldn’t help the smile that played on her mouth as he approached the bed. He reached out a hand to smooth back some hair that covered your face when you wherpered, “Yoongi...” he stilled, “…I’m sorry” you mumbled. What could you possibly be sorry for? He couldn’t help it, but it made him angry that you would apologize to him after everything he’d done and especially while in such a vulnerable state that the next thing he knew he was grabbing the blanket and ripping it away from your curled form. It’s momentum  sends you over the edge of the bed to land in a heap on the floor. You sit up cursing her very existence,
 “What the hell Y/N?!” He yells right back, while you could only manage to stare up at him from where you sat on the floor. But this time you weren’t having any of her bullshit. You jump up and get in her face “ What the hell? What do YOU mean what the hell? Who the hell buys a building solely to evict one person?! Are you that rich? Do you hate me that much?”
Yoongi yelled back, “Hell yeah I do!“ 
"You have issues, Min Yoongi! I did nothing to you except be born! Do you know how hard I worked to forget what you did to me? And you come just back,” you pause, swallowing thickly, you would not cry. Not here. Not now, “But not anymore! I won't let you break me again Yoongi. I am worth so much more than that!”
Exhausted, you  move to push around him but he grabs your wrists instead and pins you against the wall.
“Let me go you asshole!” you yell at him fighting back for once in your life, all while trying to hide your face and the tears that were no longer just threatening to spill over. “Can't you just hate me from a distance? I’m sorry your mom was a horrid cunt to you! I’m sorry, okay! But please, just let me go! Leave me alone” And then her hands were gone, and you were free. You couldn’t help it, you looked up and stared him in the eyes, for once determined to make him see how he wrecked you.
Yoongi could only stare at you, watching as the tears fell, tears once again caused by him, and then he heard the five words that ripped open her wounds, words he knew he deserved, said in a voice so broken he didn’t know where he should start to even attempt to repair it.
“I hate you Min Yoongi.“
He couldn’t stand it, he knew he deserved them but he just couldn’t stand there and just accept them. Accepting those words would be like giving up, and giving up probably the only pure thing he still had in her life. Had. And so he moved, not thinking about consequences, only a desire to cleanse those words from the air around him. He grabs you again, pushing you against the wall, capturing your face in one hand, forcing you to meet her eyes, while he brushes your hair away with the other, "Good. Never forget it.”
And then he crashes her mouth against yours.
You didn’t know how what was happening was happening and some stupid part of you was excited to have him pressed against you,  mouth was moving against yours and then you were responding and for some reason it felt so good–like coming home. It was like your body suddenly was against everything you wanted-you found yourself wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling him closer, deepening the kiss, a giggle bubbling up when you nipped at her lip and he groaned. and then you both were tearing at each other's clothes in desperation. And then the world stops making sense. You and Min Yoongi, enemy of the state #1 were having sex. And it was good. It felt so right, like you two had been made to fit each other only. When it was over he lay behind you, placing gentle kisses along your neck and down your collar bone. The last thing you remember before falling asleep in your enemy’s arms was Yoongi gently wherpering a muffled “I’m sorry” into your ear over and over.
When you wake, you are surprised to find an arm wrapped around your waist and you freeze as the memories of the night before come rushing back and you begin to mentally beat yourself up as you carefully slide out of the bed and grab your clothes, making a mad dash out of the house, dressing yourself along the way.
No way had you slept with Yoongi and enjoyed it. You were an idiot of the highest order. You slept with the man who wanted you homeless because he hated you.
You let out a deep sigh as you did a very new special walk of shame to your job, where your boss, Mandi greeted you by yelling, “Oi ! What cat pissed in your cheerios?”
Causing the other workers to laugh until you pinned them with your patented Crazy-eye ™, at which point they scurried away except for that moron Seokjin who slung his arm around your shoulders jovially, “So why is my favorite girl doing the walk of shame?”
You glare and shrug his arm off, “None of your business.” 
“Dude its obs-you’re like a whole 4 hours late-and you are never late. So what happened? Anyone I know?”
“You’ll just call me an idiot if I tell you.”
“I swear on cake I won't.”
You raise an eyebrow before saying a name you never thought you’d say just to see him eat his words. “Min Yoongi.”
“Shut the front door! You’re an idiot”
“The cake is ashamed of you and asks that you keep your distance.” You say as you move to the back rooms to put away your belongings.
Not giving up, Seokjin follows you, even going so far as to hand you your apron, “Seriously? Didn’t he like-”
“Terrorize me to the point of moving? Then find me years later and evict me? Yep.”
“You okay?” Seokjin asked worriedly, For the shit talking between the two of you, you smile to know he does really care.
“I have to be.”
“Did you at least use a condom?” He asks.
“Oh my god.”
“You really are an idiot. But don’t worry…you know I’ve got your back right? Well, we’ve got your back.”
You could only stare at Seokjin as your mind whirls through the consequences of last night, “It should be fine right?” you ask.
“Sure, cupcake. Keep telling yourself that”
There is a ding from the door and you see your brother Jungkook shuffles in with your other brother Namjoon, and giving Seokjin a look that clearly says “Keep your mouth shut if you want to live” you take a deep breath and head behind the counter to wash your hands, greeting them as you go.
“COFFEE. COFFEE NOW.” Namjoon grunts demandingly, taking a seat and burying her head in her hands,  while Jungkook adds a half-hearted “Please…and a raspberry jelly for me.”
“Rough night?” You ask as you pour the two men coffee and grab Jungkook her donut and slide it in front of them.
Jungkook grins, “Nah, Joon thought he could out drink me. He thought wrong.”
“Shhhhhhhhh!! You’re so loud,” hersed Namjoon, shoving a hand at Jungkook’s face and missing entirely.
You grin and speak extra loud, “Shouldn’t you know by now to let the kids drink and you go home and sleep?”
Namjoon just glares at you, “I have a gun.”
“I aint scared of you.”
The shop bursts into laughter as Namjoon buries her head in her arms on the counter, “Why do you hate me so much?” He whines.
“Mom likes you more, and I’m a petty bitch.”
Jungkook grins, “But she likes me most!”
Both you and Namjoon glare at him, “Shut up!”
Yoongi wakes up to an empty bed and he frowns, crawling out of bed and pulling on her boxers. He wanders around the house looking for you, hoping that you haven't run away and when he can’t find you, her heart sinks. Was he that awful that you would still run away from him even after what you had shared? And worse, what if he had gone too far this time?
He makes her way back to her room and grabs her phone, calling her secretary.
“Yo.” Answered Hoseok.
“Really that’s how you answer the phone? You do know that I am your boss right?”
“Debatable today.”
Yoongi rolls her eyes, “Anyways, I need you to find someone…”
“Well you know Imma need a little more…”
“Y/N. You remember her right?”
“You mean the girl you tortured in school because you didn’t have the balls to tell her how you lurrrrrrrved her.”
“I see you wish to die today.”
“No, not today. So you wish for me to find your wayward love?”
“Mandi’s shop.” Hoseok cheerfully replied, as if this should be common knowledge. 
“Oh yeah, great idea bring me some coffee please?”
“No, you idiot, Y/N works there. She is actually her partner” Hosoek irritatingly says matter of factly.
“The hell?! Why do you know this but I don’t?”
“Dude, seriously? You do know they were friends growing up and just because you made her run away by being a complete ass doesn’t mean they stopped being friends.”
“My best friend and my sister have been lying to me.” 
“It’s not lying when you never asked. But Yoongi…you should let her go. It’s been a long time and I know you had feelings but with how you treated her–“
"She was here.” Yoongi grunted, running a hand over her face as he stood in her closet trying to think of what to wear. What says “I come in peace”? Maybe he could get Hoseok to dress up as Spock and talk to Y/N before he does. 
“What? And you’re alive?”
“Yeah. We…um…she was gone this morning,” Yoongi sits down on her bed, running a hand through her hair.
"Oh…” and as realization hits, Hoseok intones sagely,” ...oh my god you’re fucking moron.”
“You know I can fire you.”
“Please bitch, I know all your deepest darkest secrets you ain’t gonna fire me.”
“Just…shit…what should I do?” Yoongi asks, finally letting go of her big bad boss act.
“Dude, I don’t know. You slept with her…maybe you should just…”
“I um…fucked up more than that…” He thinks about how you had felt, how he had felt...how absolutely perfect it had been for just one night, A flicker of fear strums through her heart at the thought that this was not salvageable at all. 
“No. no way. Our friendship is over.” Hoseok cracks from the other side of the phone.
“Just help me okay?” 
There was a long pause before he heard a heavy sigh, “Fine, but no games. She has a good thing going on and you-”
“I swear it's different this time!” Yoongi pleads. 
“Whatever. I should warn you though.”
“Warn me about what?”
“Her brothers.”
“Namjoon and Jungkook? We were old friends, what about them?”
“You were old friends until they found out how you treated her. And bonus points-they are both cops now. Partners even, so you should probably pray for your soul.”
With a groan, Yoongi finally gets up and begins to get dressed putting Hoseok on speakerphone. “I’m so dead.”  
“Yep,” affirms Hoseok, “So does that mean I can have your stuff?” 
Rolling her eyes and thinking he really needs a new assistant, Yoongi growls out“See you at the office.” only to hear Hoseok laughing before he hangs up the phone. 
Yoongi finishes getting dressed, and running a hand over her face as he contemplates this new information. You’d been right under her nose the entire time and everyone had kept it a secret. He guessed he deserved it though, he was a complete and utter ass to you. He also guesses it’s time to make it up to you and hopefully, you would forgive him and let him into your heart, where he belonged. After all, you’d always been in his.
2 months later
Yoongi stands outside her (former) sister’s shop watching as you serve your customers, and realizes sadly that it was the first time in a long time that  he’d really ever seen you smile. He wanted that smile for himself and himself alone, but he wasn’t sure how to get it. When he had remodeled your former apartment, expanding it through the two vacant units on either side of you, you just got mad at him for evicting you, when he was just redoing the apartment and you claimed it was far too large for you by yourself now. But that was the point wasn't it? He was hoping that somehow you would just...come back to him on your own and he wouldn’t really have to put any work in. Yoongi realizes then that he is an absolute dumbass.
After all, nothing he’d done so far had managed to make you smile at him or hell just give him the time of day and he was beyond frustrated. Couldn’t you see how hard he was trying for you?
Mandi pokes her head out of the shop interrupting his train of thought,
“What the hell are you doing here?” she snaps at him.
“Wow, do you greet all your customers like this?”
“Yoongi. Listen. Whatever it this is about now isn’t–”
Realization hits for the second time that morning, “Were you ever going to tell me?”
Mandi pauses, looking him up and down, “There’s nothing to tell if you already know.”
He could almost feel the metaphorical walls slamming down around him as Mandi went on guard. “Mandi!”
“No. Not about ther.”
“I’ve known for almost a month.”
“Then you should go know somewhere else.”  Mandi stepped outside, becoming a most effective blockade. If someone was to ever wage war against his sister, his money, hell, his entire fortune would be on Mandi.
“Listen, you’re my brother and I love you and I know you know what you did wrong, and really it's sweet you want to make amends but …Yoongi, sometimes things…”
“I slept with her.”
“Do you want a trophy?” Mandi snapped, her fists clenched, before she  shook her head, “you have five seconds or I’m opening ther door and I’m calling her brothers out here.”
“We didn’t use protection.”
“Well then I guess today you die you little fucking weasel.”
“I love her.”
That’s when he remembered his sister’s left hook and then the lights went out.
Mandi stomps into the store grabbing you by the arm and dragging you upstairs ignoring your protests, shoving you into the bedroom and giving you a look reserved for her son’s Taehyung and Jimin when they are acting up. “Stay.”
Mandi goes back downstairs and motions Namjoon and Kookie over, “Listen, I know you hate Min Yoongi with like the passion of 7 fiery suns but I need you to hold that rage in and help me get his ass inside.”
Namjoon was already up and out the door at the sound of Min Yoongi’s name, and seconds later was dragging a barely conscious Yoongi in by the collar. While Kookie held open the door, Namjoon made sure Yoongi purposely whacked his head on the door frame and when Mandi winced he gave her a look that clearly said “sorry not sorry” before dropping Yoongi on the shop floor like the sorry sack of shit he thought he was.
“I’m sorry folks,” Mandi announces, “due to my crazy family, the shop will be closing early.”
The patrons all scrambled out of the shop while Jungkook handcuffed Yoongi to a chair and dumped a cup of ice water on him.
Yoongi jerked back, fully awake now and met by 3 pairs of eyes. 3 very angry pairs of eyes. He shook his head and tried to move but found himself handcuffed to the chair and he gives Mandi a look that says “Really?”
“Kook uncuff him. Seriously. And you and Joon leave.”
“Did I stutter?”
“Okay, but we get dibs if you decide to kill him.” Jungkook, grumbles as he undoes the handcuffs.
“I’m not going to kill him. Today.”
Jungkook finishes unlocking the cuffs and Yoongi immediately rubs at his wrists and watches warily as Jungkook and Namjoon leaves the shop, rolling his eyes when Jungkook gives him the international sign for “I’m watching you” while Joon drew his thumb across his neck. They were dramatic as fuck, but then again he might just be dramatically fucked.
Mandi pulls up a chair and sits across from Yoongi and stares at him for several long moments until Yoongi breaks the silence, “Just say it.”
“It just happened like that.”
Yoongi sighed, “I’ve grown up since then. I no longer want to pull her hair.”
“Clearly. And you didn’t just pull her hair, you did a lot worse.”
“Shouldn’t you be on my side?”
“I am fucking Switzerland.”
Yoongi couldn’t help the anger that swelled up and choked him, “Clearly not. You knew where she was all these years and you never said anything. This is why you never let me come to the shop then? You knew I was looking for her, that I wanted-”
“Of course,” interrupted Mandi. 
“Because you are an idiot who doesn’t know how to communicate. Look at what happened--when you did find her, your first action was to take her home. Who fucking does that shit?”
“You’re right, I was. I was cruel and spiteful. Keyword: was.”
“Bullshit. Taking away her home wasn’t because you were being spiteful. You wanted what she had. That’s called envy. She left because she wanted to live, and the only way she could was to leave. You made it like this. I almost lost my friend. So of course I kept it a secret.” Mandi sighed, rubbing her hand over her face. “Look I know. I know what y
our mom and dad did. How they treated us. We were mere points on a checklist of creating a picture perfect family. But you had no right-”
“I was stupid. You think I don’t know? That I don’t regret it? I love her. I always have.”
“Speak louder than words I know. I’m trying to fix that now!”
Mandi closes her eyes, debating her next few words  "Can I trust you? That’s the-“ ”
“Yes. I swear I'll spend my life…”
“Doing what?” You interrupt, “Sorry, since you seem to be discussing me I couldn’t stay put,” you say to Mandi. “Yoongi I don’t want your money and if you are worried because we didn’t…,” you swallow before continuing with a brave face, “....I’ll be fine. but you really have to stop sending me presents. I don’t want them. Can’t you just stay…”
“Y/N I’m sorry. I was an ass.”
“Still an ass.” Mandi interrupts, “Look, you two clearly need to talk this out so I’m out. Come on Seokjin, let’s go see a movie.”
With that Seokjin and Mandi beat a hasty retreat leaving the two of you alone.
“Your jaw is swelling.” You say after noticing the blossoming bruise that marred his handsome face. Handsome? What the hell were you even thinking?
“Mandi hit me.”
“I told her what happened. She’s very protective of you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Y/N…that night…I shouldn’t have that.”
“I let you. It wasn’t just you alone.”
“Please, just listen. I’m sorry. For everything. And I’m sorry for not saying that when we met again. It's just…”
“It's just..what?” You questioned, meeting his eyes. 
“I don’t know. When I look at you I want you. You are so good and pure and you deserve the world. I wanted you to myself but I was scared…”
“Scared of?”
“Me?” You scoff at the idea of anyone being afraid of you.
“Yeah,” Yoongi stood and walked over to you. “You had everything even though you had nothing. Brothers who worshiped you, a mother who did everything for you…what if I ruined that? What if my mother-”
“How would you ruin that?” You ask, finding patience from who knows where.
“I was messed up…and the older I got the worse…things got worse. You saw, you can’t pretend you didn’t. I took out my suffering on you because nothing good could possibly exist and you were just hiding your real nature. But you never retaliated. You kept reaching out to me over and over again. ”
“But I did retaliate.”
“By locking me out of my house after I took yours? Not really. I mean…I deserve far worse,” chucked Yoongi. He wanted so badly to touch you, to pull you into his arms and just...feel you. 
You stare at Yoongi. This broken version of Yoongi with tears in his eyes. Could you trust him? You wanted to give him a chance.
“Let’s….go on a date.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened, “What?”
“You like me right?”
“Well–I mean–I did when I was—I do”
“Take me on a date, final offer going in one–two..”
“Fine! I’ll take you on a damn date,” Yoongi smiles.
“No fancy shit tho. $100 limit.”
“I’ll take you on the best damn date of your life!”
Yoongi didn’t know why he was being snippy now, but as he left the shop he couldn’t help but do a little cheer when he got into his car. Hoseok rolled his eyes and politely ignored him.
Yoongi stood at the door of your apartment, and for the first time in his life he hesitated, hand poised to ring the doorbell, and then you swung open the door and suddenly the world stopped. You looked amazing. Your hair was curled, makeup accenting your eyes perfectly, wearing black skinny slacks, a hound’s-tooth patterned sweater over a white button down and pink heels. He took in the perfection that was you and thought, “She was made for me.”
And the fear was gone as he smiled at you and he took your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours, “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah let me grab my purse,” you say as you try to let go of his hand to grab the bag on the chair beside your front door but he wouldn’t let go. You couldn’t help the blush that blossomed over your cheeks as he stepped inside and grabbed the bag for you and waited for you to lock up so you both could leave.
He pulled you along, never letting go, until he reached his car and opened the door. It was only enough time for him to run around and get the car moving before he was locking fingers with you again.
“What’s up with you?” You smirk.
“Just…making up for lost time.”
“I just…I should have been doing this for years now.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “So…are you always this cheesy?”
Yoongi’s eyes went wide, “I mean…I’m not…no…,” Yoongi stuttered and then stopped, “I guess I am cheesy it's just…I can tell you I’m sorry but…”
“Actions speak louder than words?”
“I see you have met my sister,” he joked softly, “And we’re here.”
“A movie? Really?”
“I always had wished to take you…”
Yoongi’s eyes stared into yours, “Yoongi…” you say timidly.
“I’m not her anymore you know? I grew up…you grew up…let’s leave it behind us and start fresh yeah?”
“What do you mean?”
You stick your hand out, “Hi, my name is Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
Yoongi stared at you you’d suddenly sprouted a third eye on your nose before awkwardly taking your hand and shaking it, “Min Yoongi…the pleasure is all mine.”
You can’t help but laugh at his stunned expression, not knowing he was just in shock from receiving your smile. To him, your smile in that moment could have powered a thousand suns. 
Yoongi was quiet but still took your hand and you entered the theater with a smile on your face, happy that things were getting better, that you could almost believe you had your first love back.
2 hours later.
“Yoongi,  why are you pouting?” You ask as you take his hand.
“Look no matter how I look at it, it's just not fair.”
“What’s not?”
“Mandi. Seokjin. They have spent years with you…years that should have been with me.”
“I thought we were moving forward.”
You sighed. “Look. You want to know the truth?”
Yoongi stopped and stared at you, “yes.”
“Okay then.” You face him, “You crushed me in every way possible. You were my world. I followed you everywhere. I trusted you, and you were always there and then you weren’t. The night we got stuck in the cave I gave you my faith—but it also is and was the moment I gave my whole heart to you, willingly, without any doubt. And the next day when we were found…you stomped on it. And you continued to stomp on it. I cried so many tears everyday because I hoped that one day my hero would come back. But he never did. He became a villain.” You couldn’t help the tears that fell down your cheeks, “And even through all that I still…” you sighed. “I can't do this Yoongi. I can't. I’m sorry,  I was wrong to try.” You turned on your heel and ran away, ignoring him yelling after you, you just ran until you couldn’t hear him anymore. 
And then you found the alcohol.
You sat at the outside bar drinking as you thought about the past two months. All the things you had done with Yoongi , and how disgusted you were with yourself for letting your old feelings come back so easily. You knew it wasn’t the right choice, but it was the one you wanted. You had decided to drown yourself in alcohol,  and you were on your third bottle when the object of your conflicting emotions, sat down across from you.
“What are you doing?”
“Drinking!” Your giggle turns to a frown when you hear the heavy sigh come across from you, “Are you judging me? It’s not nice to judge you know! “
“Why are you drinking Y/N?”
“Because,” you leaned forward, whispering conspiratively, “I’ve been bad.”
“Bad? How so?”
You sigh dreamily, a wistful smile playing upon your lips, “There’s this guy…”
“There always is.”
“Shhh! This is my story!” You shout.
“Where was I?” 
“Something about a guy…”
“SHHHHHH! So rude interrupting me! Anyways…I’m supposed to hate him but…” you thump your chest hard as tears prick your eyes, “But…”
“But what?”
“I can't…I remember him before…and the him that I remember…he’s still there…and all the warning alarms are going off and I’m so scared to love him but I…I think…”
“You think?”
You lay your head on the table, mumbling, “Think it’s too late…think I love him. Think it has always been too late for me. Even after all the bullshit…you see…he’s still here” You thump your chest hard and sigh as you feel the tears slide down your cheek to land on the table, “ I love him and I don’t want to…I didn’t mean too…”
“Mean to what?” 
“To love him, but…”
“You do.”
“Yeah” you whisper softly.
“Yoongi…” you can feel the man smile, you don’t know how you know but you do, “why do I have to love you?”
“You love me?” He asks, the hope wrapped in fear in his voice twisting your heart even more than all the past crap that had happened. You wanted to let it go. You wanted to love him. You can only nod your head as your eyes slide close, and you struggle against the darkness when you hear him whisper, “I love you too Y/N…I’m just scared…I’m not good enough…I was such an ass…and I know you said to let it go…but God Y/N…I should have treated you like a princess…because the truth is…”
Those words cause you to sit up, eyes squinting hard as you try to make out his face, “Yoongi?”
You lean forward and his face comes into focus, a smile spreads on your face and you lean forward to press your lips to his, softly at first, and then he responds, a hand sliding up your arm to cup your neck as you express to him what you can’t say in words. This was so much better than petty arguments and revenge pranks.  
You pull away, breathing heavy as you rest your forehead against his, “Yoongi,” you whimper, keeping your eyes firmly on the buttons of his shirt, scared to look up, scared to see the fear in his eyes. Does he not know?  “Can I…can I be yours?“ You ask in a voice so quiet it is almost lost in the noise of the world that surrounds you. 
"Can you forgive me?” The pain in his voice was sharp. “I forgive you.” You whisper into his mouth as you make promises with your lips.
He pulls away for a moment, and you lock eyes finally. “Then believe me when I say, I was always yours, and you were always mine.” 
“I was?”
The amount of disbelief in your voice causes Yoongi to tear up as he pulls you into his arms, “Kitten?”
“Yeah,” you say as you rest your head into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent.
This time it was his turn to ask, “Am I yours?”
“You always were Yoongi. I was just waiting for you to remember where home was.”
Yoongi places the softest of kisses on each of your eyelids, and then he kisses away your tears and finally his mouth was on yours, and the kiss was full of yearning. “Y/N.”
“Yes?” You ask, sad he had pulled away. 
“Don’t leave me again…I love you too.”
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musical-shit-show · 3 years
prompt list 2: the sequel
more prompts for your own inspiration or to submit for requests! like my first list, this is a compilation of favorite prompts that i’ve seen and my own. if you want to send in a request, shoot me a message in my inbox with the prompt list number and the number(s) on that list. and here is a link to my full prompt master post, my about me page, my ask box and my writing masterlist!
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100 More Writing Prompts
1.  “did...did you just kiss me?”
2. "i didn't mean to say that but yeah, i love you."
3. “you remembered?” “of course i did.”
4. “can i play with your hair?”
5. “you might just have the most beautiful smile i’ve ever seen.”
6. “you ramble a lot. it’s adorable.”
7. “you’re an idiot.” “yes, but i’m your idiot.”
8. “please. stay. i need you here.”
9. “it’s two in the morning, what do you want?” “i have to tell you something.”
10. “i’ve loved you all my life.”
11. “sometimes i can’t help but get lost in your eyes.”
12. “don’t move, i’ll be right there.”
13. “i was just calling to check on you.”
14. “you don’t have to apologize, not to me.”
15. “would you ever consider going on a date with me?”
16. “is that my shirt?”
17. “you’re the only person i want to be with tonight.”
18. “it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways.”
19. “it always reminds me of you.”
20. “wanna dance?”
21. “i wish i was good enough for you.”
22. “i knew this was too good to be true.”
23. “why didn’t you fight for us?”
24. “move out of my way before i make you.”
25. “is it that hard to believe that i love you?”
26. “you have to let me go.”
27. “it’s been years, can’t you just give me a chance?”
28. “why do we have to keep hiding? i’m tired of being kept a secret.” 
29. “you know this means nothing right?”
30. “it’s not my fault you believe(d) everything i (say/said).”
31. “(he’s/she’s/they’re) just a friend.” “yeah. we used to be ‘just friends’ too.”
32. “why didn’t you say something sooner?”
33. “i didn’t mean to hurt you.”
34. “i fucked up, okay?”
35. “i’d be lying if i said i didn’t miss you.”
36. “stop pushing me away.”
37. “i’m starting to worry about you.”
38. “this song always reminds me of you.”
39. “don’t blame me. you know what you signed up for.”
40. “give me one reason why i should stay.”
41. “you come here often?” “well, i work here, so...yeah.”
42. “have you been sleeping?”
43. “i don’t know if i want to punch you or kiss you.”
44. “you’re a bad liar, you know?
45. “you’re sick, so you have to listen to me today.”
46. “you’re really beautiful.” “thank you, i’m aware.”
47. “i need a date for a wedding, you in?”
48. “how long have you been standing there?”
49. “life is not a fairytale. if you lose your shoe at midnight, you're drunk.”
50. “that’s a horrible idea. i’m in.”
51. “you honestly think i give a shit?”
52. “please just let me listen to taylor swift and cry.”
53. “i’m sleeping on the floor. no way in hell am i sharing a bed with you.”
54. “you’re so cute when you’re angry.”
55. “have i ever told you how much i hate you?”
56. “that was fun. i’m never doing it again.”
57. “i’m not drunk!” “you’re very drunk.”
58. “wait, did you just agree with me?”
59. “you know i can’t say it, but surely you know how i feel.”
60. “please don’t say you love me.”
61. "after that little stunt? you're not getting off that easy."
62. “enjoying the view?”
63. "i didn't like the way they were looking at you."
64. “aren’t you afraid of getting caught?”
65. “leave the heels on.”
66. “i wouldn’t mind tying you to my bed.”
67. “sounds kinky.”
68. “that shirt is awful. it would look much better on the floor.”
69. “try not to fall again, sweetheart.”
70. “are you actually trying to seduce me right now?”
71. “i’m gonna make you forget that asshole.”
72. “what, don’t think you can control yourself?”
73. “i had a dream about you.”
74. “in the kitchen? really?”
75. “what? i like it rough.”
76. “can’t get enough of me, can you?”
77. “having fun without me?”
78. “oh, i’m gonna fucking ruin you.”
79. “someone has an attitude today, huh?”
80. “oh, the things i’d do to that pretty mouth.”
five word prompts:
81. “can i stay here tonight?”
82. “you’re really warm. it’s nice.”
83. “how did you find out?”
84. “i can’t keep playing pretend.”
85. “come back to bed. please.”
86. “they don’t need to know.”
87. “do you not remember me?”
88. “are you afraid of me?”
89. “how have you been doing?”
90. “this is all my fault.”
91. “well that was certainly...unexpected.”
92. “your lips are really chapped.”
93. “let’s go for a walk.”
94. “i never really loved you.”
95. “are you smiling? for real?”
96. “good morning. want some breakfast?”
97. i wanna hold your hand.”
98. “i need you to breathe.”
99. “will you sing with me?”
100. “let it out, it’s okay.”
please feel free to send a request in my inbox or use for your own writing!
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nitannichionne · 3 years
If He Was Your Fan, Chapter 59: Prerogatives (A Henry Cavill Fanfic)
Chapter 59: Prerogatives (Henry POV)
CHAPTER 59: Prerogatives
NOTE: Thanks for your support and input, especially last chapter!
(Henry POV)
I lay in bed, looking at her. I made it priority to wear her out last night:
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“Aaahhhhh!” she screamed as I drove her hips up and down an my cock. She gripped my shoulders, her head falling back riding out the previous orgasm. “I can’t—”
“You can,” I growled, turning her under me. My tongue snaked to her mouth, moistening her dried lips and the insides of her mouth. I went down on her again and she let out a whimper. We both moaned as we felt her passion flow again. “Ah, that’s it.” Her hips raised off the bed and I crawled between her legs, nibbling her torso on the way back up, and aligned my hips with hers again. I rubbed my meatus against her slit, kissing her neck.
She gave a kitten cry as my tongue surged inside her mouth, my cock thrusting into her at the same time. The sound struck the base of my neck and lit a path down my spine, making me ache to pound her again. How I loved hearing that sound, feeling her body become pliant in my arms but feeling her fingertips rake my back deliciously as her sex pulsed and pulled me, her eyes half open as if under a spell…my spell. Doesn’t she know what that does to me?
I sigh, blinking back to present. I am trying get it. She wants to establish her own identity in this new life here in the U.K. She didn’t see it coming, and she wants to try to start anew, get her bearings, as it were. I understand.
But I DON’T understand why she has to do it this way. I am being selfish, and I know it, but I barely care, I think as I lick my lips watching her. Yet I do care about her and how she feels, and I am going along with this. Did I sweep her off her feet? I must have not done a good job. She seemed stable the whole time we were together in all three film sites.
I hate games. Is that what this is? It’s hard for me to believe that. Our relationship started so differently from most. Our whole history is different from most. And I have never ever had a woman be so understanding of my quirks, like my gaming and such. She seemed fine when I went to work, didn’t even show a bit of insecurity until…until I put it there…damn, am I still paying for that?
And I gave her my ring! How can she question everything when she is wearing my crest on her finger? She had to know I was working up to popping the question. I looked down at the one she gave me. She thought it wasn’t good enough. How can she think that?
I look at her. I’d been quiet too long.
She looks dejected. “Can we just…go outside awhile?”
I swallow hard. “Yeah, in a bit.”
“Oh, okay,” she nods, but she looks like she’s going to cry. “I’ll take Luna out. You bring Kal, alright?”
She gets Luna’s harness, and she, thinking she is part dog, trots over to be leashed. I can’t help but smile at that. “Okay, then.”
The second she’s alone, I get on my phone. I see all these numbers I’d conveniently blocked out—actresses and such, women I could call up. I slowed at Emma’s.
I call up my brother. I can’t believe I’m calling him. As the line rings, I realize how serious I am about her and how much I want to truly understand and not lose her.
“Hold on,” he says. “Let me get this right. She wants to not move in with you yet?”
“Oh, she might be a proper lady, Henry.”
I roll my eyes at that. “She is.”
“No, you know what I mean,” he chastises. “She wants to establish her own status.”
“She wears my ring.”
“A ring, or the ring?”
“The ring.”
“Well, Good Lord, Henry, the horse is out of the barn!” he is quiet for a moment. “Did you ask her? Does she know what that ring means?”
“Good Lord, you sound like Mum.”
“No, she’d probably hit you in the back of the head with a paper,” he mutters.
“You’re not helping.”
“She loves you, and she wants to make a name for herself before you change it. She wants to be sure it isn’t proximity but really a desire to be together. She wants other people to at least have reason to feel that way too. Good enough?”
I sigh. “Good enough.”
“I kind of like her already.”
“She’s American.”
He lets out a low whistle. “Told Mum?”
“Met Mum online.”
“Well, well, well,” he teases. “When are the rest of us going to meet her?”
“Good man,” he encourages. “Remember, it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind—”
“--And a man’s prerogative to change it back,” I finish with my brother. We have a laugh. Mum always hated that quote.
“Good luck.”
“Thanks.” I hang up and look at Kal. “Well, I guess that’s that, Kal. Let’s go.”
We join her and Luna outside. She looks worried. I can’t help but soften. She wants my understanding.
“So, tell me about this place at Stella’s,” I exhale.
“It’s in Brixton, not far from you,” she says hopefully, her eyes widening. “It’s a studio.”
“I don’t know, but it’s furnished and I can still afford it even with the pet fees.”
I look at the stars in the sky, the Northern Lights beginning to fade. For the first time I hold to the fact that they are still there. I take a deep breath. “I can help you settle in.”
“You will?” Painful relief crosses her features as she leans into me.
I drag her to my side. “If this is what you need, pet, but I want you to know that ring means something to certain parts of society.”
She is quiet for a moment, and swallows hard, looking at the ring on her finger. “Should I give this back—”
“No,” I say flatly. “And you can take my ring off my cold dead hand!” I earn a laugh from her. I gather her close. “I don’t fully agree, my love, but if this is what you need—” I was cut off by her pulling me down for a kiss. It was tender and vulnerable, tasting of tears.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
We look at the skies. “They are fading.”
“They’re still there,” she whispers with a shrug. “They’ll be back. We’ll be back.”
“We should camp next time.”
“No plumbing?” Her eyes widen. “No thank you.”
i couldn't help but laugh at that, and honestly I couldn't agree more. We finished our playtime with Luna and Kal and head inside. We ate all of our leftovers and curled in bed that night, warming each other. Snow and rain had fallen in the time we were here, only to melt and warm again. “Brixton.”
“Yes, Brixton,” she whispers. “It’s not Group A, but I can afford it and Stella says it’s nice. I know it’s not the most desirable area.”
It dawns on me that she is afraid of London, really afraid of it-the society.
may be in middle middle and you are upper, and I know that I think your line was Baronet but now Gentry, and that I am…well, essentially, no one to that, but…”
“I assure you, it’s not as strict as you think.” I look into her eyes and see real fear.
“Well, your father is in finance, so he still has the status, your brothers are in professions that adheres to the same—”
“And I’m an actor, love.”
“Line and wealth, Henry.”
I chilled at her words. She was truly afraid of not being considered good enough. And what’s more, she really thought I cared. “I love you.”
“I love you,” she whispers, framing my face in her hands. “but what of James Bond? What of the Knighthood?”
I laugh, albeit nervously. “Knighthood?” I pull her on top of me. “Stop it.”
“Do you really care about all that?”
“I guess the real question is, do you?”
The question hung in the air. “If it comes, it comes, darling.”
“And if the door is closed without consideration?”
“If I do great works that improve or enrich over time, I can be considered.” I tell her.
“Like Durrell?”
“Among other things.”
“I want to be an asset to you—”
“You already are,” I pull her down and squeeze her for a hug. “Good God, woman.” I pull her back, looking at her. “You are beautiful and brilliant with a heart bigger than the skies we’re under. That’s why I love you.” I slap her arse. “This bum doesn’t hurt, either.”
“You’re so bad!” she playfully slaps my chest, making me laugh.
I take a deep breath. “I will back you, whatever you do, pet. I see you need this now.” But in my eyes it was far from necessary.
“Thank you,” she whispers in my ear, hugging me. “thank you for understanding this.”
I hug her close. I hug her as if she is all I have. I hate that she feels this way, though there may be some truth to it, but it will be so subtle that she shouldn’t notice. Smart as she is, I should have known she would. But I have never felt like this before. I get the feeling she hasn’t either. It means something-we mean something…
@mistress-of-ward @nuggsmum @messyinsomnimaniac @jencanbeyouryengeralt @sweetdreamsofgelato @mary-ann84 @omgkatinka @the-soot-sprite @viking-raider @keanureevesisbae @henryobsessed @summersong69 @sunshine96love @michelehansel @thelastsock @tumblnewby @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocks @daydreamin83 @ruthoakenshield @musicartmayheminmyheart @kaatelyynn-blog-blog@forallthebrokenheartedthings @alphacancrii @liquorlaughslove @designerwriterchic @tamychm @nikkilynn303 @circesgirl1 @xoxohannahlee @pixie88@fckdeusername @maan24 @kaatelyyynn​ @october505​ @absentmindr​ @introvertedmouse​ @sassy-pelican @griscka75
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