#kardashian gif
cwwl · 10 months
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makeagif · 1 year
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Kendall Jenner
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kkingkyliejenner · 2 years
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iminloveweveryone · 10 months
How I’m feeling after finding my old dracotok fanfic on wattpad 😇
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iamhowiseeit · 8 months
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Kim Kardashian says she blacked out partying with Beyoncé
▶️ https://youtu.be/GMT_42U2W6w
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marzhsposts · 1 year
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Going to get myself a Kardashian salad tonight🥗
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el-ladron · 21 days
Tara Reid
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celeb-8008s · 17 days
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Jessica Biel
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lezkissgifs · 2 months
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American Horror Story: Delcate S12E08 (2024)
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d4rkpluto · 2 months
𝔰𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔲𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢
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♇ people with sagittarius ascendants are seen as people with charisma, humour and wit, they're usually seen with a smile on their face, even if they could have a planet like saturn, pluto or an asteroid like lilith in their first house, there is still a smug essemce they carry. sagittarius ascendant people are seen as those who are generous, noble and understanding, but they can also be people who are arrogant, mean and too straight-forward.
♇ their self-identity involves them being explorers, people who have devotion to something they think is higher than them, and being people who are moralistic. even if there could be other sag ascendants with low morals, the one with the high morals sometimes have a moral high horse. they sometimes see themselves as judgement, looking upon and over people and critiquing other people's behaviours. their self-identity includes them being people who learn what the world is trying to teach them, they usually see themselves students of the world.
♇ the impression they make on others is being people who move with the wind, even if they can be people who question what life is supposed to give them, at the end they usually have the status of "it is what it is" and continue moving on with life. the impression they make on others is that they are individuals who are enthusiastic, expansive and philosophical.
♇ on one hand, their personality includes them being people who are intelligent, comical and being individuals who are spontaneous, though they could have the characteristics of being mean, pretentious and having high stands for everyone around them.
♇ the planetary ruler of sagittarius being jupiter shows that you would sometimes be deemed as a lucky person, even if you might not feel lucky, to people who do not know you, they might think the world works truly for you. you being someone who is able to get whatever you want, this can attract jealousy from other people. with jupiter being the ruling planet of your First House, you are someone who might have something big about you? could be a body party or a personality trait.
♇ when it comes to the appearance, i have described in the ascendants and their beauty post, that those with sagittarius in the first house have fairy/elf essence, being people who "might" have a horse face structure, but it could also be deemed as a chiselled face structure, especially if they pucker their face, it is a motion they do a lot. those with sagittarius ascendants have darty eyes and majority of the time arent that tall, but their figure seems tall. they usually do have really nice legs, and sometimes it is toned, i have noticed that much sag ascendant women have big chests.
♇ their personal ambition involves them wanting to become a better version of themselves, or see themselves in a rank that is better or different than the one they live in now. they might devote themselves to a belief, or could be the type of people who want to move from where they current live, as stereotypical as it sounds, sagittarius ascendants do like to travel and do hope to travel the world and learn about cultures that are different than theirs. some of them also could have the personal ambition of becoming known to the point of worship.
♇ as it comes to strengths and weakness, people with a sagittarius ascendant tend to have the strength that means them being people who are aspiring, cheerful and wise, could be people who strive for personal-growth. on the other hand, when it comes to their weaknesses, they can be people who are rude, lazy, and might think they're better than other people around them.
♇ moving on, they project their personalities to be people who are helpful and fun, even though they dont care that much about what other people think, they still like to have the feeling that other people do like them. so like libra placements, they sometimes do tend to people please, especially if they have a libra midheaven. on the other hand, they could project their personalities to be people who are all knowing, could sometimes behave like they're a guru.
♇ when it comes to how they view the world, they view the world as something to conquer, they're like pirates with how they want to explore the world and seas. and they can be people who usually view the world as half full than half empty, even if they can get into depressive states, with the scorpio in 12h, the jupiterian essence aids them to come back to their feet and move on.
♇ the first house rules the idea of self-image, sagittarius ascendants think themselves to be people who are above others, especially when it comes to under-developed sagittarius ascendants, and this could sometimes lead them into being people who are offensive than others. seeing themselves as people who can do anything without any consequences. yet on the more good side, they have the self-image of being people who are cheerful, and could think of themselves to be people who are future-oriented, seeing nothing but what could be for them. being individuals who are enterprising and influential, another indicator to why they could sometimes think they're better than others. but people do usually tend to be inspired by everything they do.
♇ lastly, the first house converses about the impact they have on other people, and as i have mentioned in the paragraph before this one, sagittarius ascendants are influential people, example, adriana lima, paris hilton, kim kardashian and princess diana. the impact they have on other people is to want to live their life or want to conquer the goals and ambitions they have set for themselves. another way they could inspire people is because they live life to the fullest and appear as free. people would want to follow the steps they have done to live the same life.
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pluto's masterlist
sagittarius in the houses masterlist
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cyb0rs · 11 months
Astrology Observations
♡ Aries / 1st house placements individuals can barely hold a grudge esp when it comes to the people they love it breaks my heart how pure they are they can hurt you or be hurt by you and may get riled up in the heat of the moment but will forget it immediately esp once they’ve been able to communicate it with whomever they had such encounter with
♡ Also aries placements after any minor inconvenience:
♡people with gemini + 1st house or aries placements i’m praying for you and your restless asses rn. Everything about those people who have those placements in their chart at the same time is restless mind body heart and soul. Truly exhausting.
♡one thing that i personally find negative about 8th house synastry and it’s something that i don’t see anybody really talking about is how much you can forgive those who have their planets in you 8th house no matter what especially if it’s a platonic/familial relationship. Especially if it’s their moon.
♡i don’t see people talk about familial/platonic 8th house synastry because it’s just?????? It’s very confusing but i will say that it’s very deep it makes you usually love the person so much that you forgive all their mistakes and whatever they did just because you love them that much
♡libra placements can be ridiculously superficial. They’re also the type of people whose feeling are very much fleeting they can be so in love with someone and then when they’re done they can easily get up and move on and in some cases i have seen they’re incapable of having in sort of depth to them and i don’t think that it’s a very bad thing because for someone who has so many cancer placements in their chart i crave that kind of carefreeness so to say.
♡something i have noticed in intercepted charts is that the native can demonstrate all the traits for for both houses it lies in for some reason. Take for example someone that has a 29 degrees cancer rising and cancer is placed in both the 12th and the 1st house or in the 12th house only and the native also has mars in in cancer however the website calculated it in a way where the mars placement is placed in the 12th house in an early cancer degree, here the native can have both the traits of mars in the 12th house and some traits of mars in the 1st house. That’s why i sometime ditch the whole sign system.
♡Neptunian/12th house influence in a chart esp when it’s heavy makes me so sad:( they see the world in a rose tinted glass to the point where they give people the benefit of the doubt way too much even when they don’t deserve it. The world is so hazy to them sooooo so so so hazy. Praying for them fr. No matter what they’ll still be a lil confused and still living in dreamland.
♡pisces placements men except pisces sun men are adorable oh my god. Aries cancer and pisces placements men especially when they’re together in a chart creates the most adorable endearing sweetest men ever when they’re developed. Like i could cry rn:( not to mention that they’re usually soooo easy on the eye. Pretty boys typa thing ♥️
♡if anyone wants to see how an 8th house synastry can play out just watch the movie damage (1992) the guy was literally sick to his stomach and almost lost his mind. their connection was a bit taboo.
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♡leo in your chart shows where you’re envied the most. Example: if you have leo in the 2nd house people may envy you because of your belongings and anything that you own basically be it clothes jewelry properties whatever. Leo in the 4th house people can envy you because of how great your family is or your home or home life in general and so on.
♡been seening so many scorpio girls that are mean girls wannabes. It’s not working babes:( it’s ok that you’re empathetic bc at the end of the day you’re a water sign. It takes lots of nonchalance for it to be a thing for you and you’re anything but nonchalant.
♡venusian risings + cancer risings are the most beautiful in my opinion. cancer is an honorable venus baby bc of how beautiful they can be.
♡forever in love with saturnians’ bone structure esp cap risings and saturn on the asc natives<3
♡aries stellium/1st house stellium natives are not to be fucked with. When they’re developed, they’re warm blooded animals they don’t need validation bc they’re internally stable and their opinion of themselves IS what matters most yet they receive attention like it’s nobody’s business and are intimidating as hell.
♡sometimes I genuinely feel bad for people with virgo placements i can’t imagine how hard they are on themselves. You’re doing better than you think you’re doing cut yourself some slack and breathe. Sometimes it’s totally fine to do nothing and not feel bad for it. It’s also fine if you’re not perfect and yes you will be loved. And also nobody judges you or think less of you than you do to yourself.
♡sagittarius placements people esp suns are just so interesting to me. you know that scene of gina linetti from brooklyn 99 where the psychologists were evaluating her at a party? that’s literally how i feel about sags. Love yall random asses mwah.
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♡also in my perfectly sound opinion i believe that most fire placements have amazing hair not only leos. The same thing applies to water signs’ eyes.
♡pisces suns show that they care more than they actually do lol they’re about just as two faced, changeable, inconsistent as geminis.
♡pisces and sag suns are seriously the two sun signs that i feel like can move on from anything pretty quickly. even if they pretend that they’re sad it’s just for show and attention. They’re like the air signs of their respective elements haha.
♡just saw kim kardashian’s chart and noticed that she has pluto and saturn in the 10th house it could be why the world is so divided on their opinion of her and why everyone has such a strong opinion of her. It’s either they love her or deeply hate her and are annoyed by her. Either way people are talking about her. She’s also a libra with a pisces moon and a sag rising talk about fickle. I will stop here bc i could literally make this whole post about her. I might actually make another celeb birth chart reading about her.
♡idk anyone with an aries moon but i imagine it’s literally like having some sort of an unhinged mother. Literally just typing this made me feel uneasy like the energy changed immediately. Was she angry? Was she loud or domineering in the household? Did that make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells around her? I also think that this applies to ppl who have moon-mars and maybe even moon-pluto as well. Ugh it feels yucky writing this one bc if that’s the case for you the by all means cut her off completely.
♡i also feel like that people who have pisces moon can feel very bad for their mother maybe bc they’ve seen her go through some shit. And it’s bad for pisces moons bc they could sympathize with her to their detriment the way the look at the world from a hazy spectacle bc the mom could be abusive and yall would still feel sorry for her and making excuses for her action towards you. Grow some balls and get the fuck out of there or in your case eyeballs idk.
If you liked this post and want a reading with me you can check my pinned post to book your reading 🐩 I do natal and synastry readings for now <3
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ahfrickenfrick · 2 months
i don’t remember if it was here or a tiktok, but there was a post saying that it’s so possible to not believe that bruce wayne is batman because the equivalent would be kylie jenner running around fighting crime in kevlar
anyways i told my best friend this, and he was like “well with all the kids he has, wouldn’t he be kris”
and i haven’t stopped thinking about the batfamily as keeping up with the kardashians and it won’t leave my mind
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h0ttie2000s · 1 year
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𝒾 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝒸𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂..ꨄ❤︎✭
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luxuriascloset · 2 months
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Sabrina Carpenter for Skims.
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Love amplifying 
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