#loki x aura!reader
loki-cees-all · 29 days
Keeping Score {TVA!Loki x Female Reader One-Shot}
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Cee's Loki Fic Masterlist / AO3 Link
Pairing : TVA!Loki x Female Reader
Summary : You’re stressed, you’re exhausted, you’re sick and tired of absolutely everything right now. Loki decides that the best way to distract you from all of that is to make you count how many times he makes you come. 
W/c : 2.2k words
Content / Warnings : Soft Dom!Loki, established relationship, smut, fingering. 
Author's Note : Welp. Since I’ve been just a massive ball of stress and nerves lately, I thought I’d write something about Loki’s lap to help calm me down. (Spoilers: It just made me riled up in a very different way. Oops!) Enjoy! <3
18+ Only - Minors DNI
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“How many times is that now, darling?” 
Loki’s question sounded like it came from dozens of miles away even though he’d murmured it directly against the shell of your ear. His words sloshed in your head as it lolled back against his broad shoulder, and your shaky breath caught in your throat. Sweat coated your brow, your heart thundered in your chest. Your muscles clenched uncontrollably, and your toes felt like they’d been curled into a permanent and formally unnatural position. Your thighs, spread wide and dangling over each armrest of his tufted wingback chair, trembled and shook helplessly. 
Behind you, Loki’s presence was even, firm, solid. You could feel the steady thrum of his heart against your back, his restrained breath ghosting against your neck in a constant rhythm. Despite the cool aura he normally projected, you knew he was just as excited as you were - from the way his thighs tensed underneath yours, to how his rock-hard cock throbbed against your bare ass from underneath his trousers. His voice was low and hoarse, but still measured, still somewhat under his control - but he was absolutely loving this little game. 
“Well, pet? Are you going to answer me or not?” 
A soft little moan was all you could manage to respond with. You desperately wanted to answer, but right now, you simply lacked the brainpower to give a coherent one. Divine and relentless pleasure still radiated up and down your spine with each featherlight stroke of his fingers against your soaked cunt; he hadn’t stopped touching you since the last one, and you felt like you were liquefying in his lap; maintaining a solid form in the presence of all this ecstasy was just too much effort. 
And that was exactly what you had asked for tonight, wasn’t it? 
Specifically, what you had said was that you didn’t want to be capable of thinking for a while. You wanted to be so very drunk and dumb, from both lust and pleasure, to be so thoroughly touched and explored that the stress of TVA case files and incident reports and the perpetual lies over your very own existence were nothing more than a distant memory. 
Due dates, timelines, the anxieties of life itself, and the horrors of the massive problems the TVA currently faced - you wanted it all to mean nothing to you anymore. Just for a moment, you wanted a tiny flicker of peace inside this wretched little cosmos, and your lover was the only one who could give that to you. 
Loki, of course, had then turned that request into a delightful little game: how many times could he make you come before you simply lost count of them all? 
After your quick and enthusiastic agreement to this evening’s activity, you soon found yourself seated comfortably in the God of Mischief’s lap. His nimble fingers had removed your clothing in a flash, leaving you bare and exposed while he remained in his normal TVA uniform - just the way you liked it. You absolutely loved being naked while he remained clothed; for some strange reason, it reminded you that no matter the problem, that no matter how dire the circumstances seemed, Loki still had everything under control - and that made your lack of it so very comforting. 
Once you were ready, he’d started off by cupping your breasts while he kissed your neck. Both thumbs brushed delicately against your quickly stiffening nipples, and you’d squirmed in his lap while your cunt clenched around nothing. Instinctively, you’d moved to squeeze your thighs together and give yourself some kind of pressure to roll against, but Loki had instantaneously put a stop to that. His large hand had gripped the inside of your thigh and separated it from the other, and you could feel his hungry eyes devouring the sight of your rapidly dripping sex from over your shoulder. 
From there, his other hand snaked its way down, over your ribs and down past your belly to graze your clit. He’d moved slowly, taking his time to thoroughly tease and stimulate the area, caressing gently back and forth with just the barest hint of pressure. On the next pass through, he pressed a little bit harder, collecting your ever-growing arousal and spreading it around with his fingertips. He’d let out a groan of appreciation, so deep and so feral, that it had made you come for the first time tonight. 
It wasn’t a big orgasm, but it was enough to stretch and loosen the muscles of your body, leaving you relaxed, comfortably warm and somewhat limp in his lap; a nice little warm-up climax, Loki had always called it. With a devilish grin, he’d calmed and soothed your mind until it passed, whispering sweet nothings and reassurances while you’d trembled. And once it was over, he’d repeat the process again, upping the ante with each cycle, pressing a little bit harder and moving a little bit faster, cranking the intensity of each subsequent climax higher and higher. 
He’d alternate increasing the speed of his fingers, their angle, and then their depth. The filth he’d whisper as he drew each orgasm out would become even dirtier, and the praise he’d murmured afterwards would somehow be way more celestial and glorious than it had any right to be. The ambrosian tones in his voice rolled in waves, from rough to demulcent, shifting in sync with the euphoric fireworks all bursting simultaneously inside your spine, and then simmering patiently together before the next spark set them off again. 
“Come on, love. Don’t tell me the game is over already…” As his lips grazed the cartilage of you ear, you let out a dazed whimper. The hand gripping your thigh slid up to your throat, and his fingers extended to tilt your chin towards him. He knew full well that the game wasn’t over yet, because your safe word was still tucked securely in its bed - and there was no way you were going to utter it now. 
The blurred angles of your beautiful God danced within your heady vision. Your eyelids fluttered open and closed, trying to will his features to become fixed again so you could admire him fully. Eventually his lopsided brow slowly came into view, arched perfectly over his deep green and wandering eyes. A roguish glint had etched itself deep inside his irises, and his lips were curled in a esurient but disciplined manner. He was gorgeous and stoic, sensual and vivacious, and he could easily do this all night if you had wanted him to. 
A heavy breath tumbled from your parted lips, and your answer was both murmured and dreamy. “No…no, it’s not over yet…”
“That’s good. That’s very good…” Loki hummed his approval, softly dragging his knuckles along your cheek. “But I’m still going to need a number, darling…how many times have you come undone on my fingers tonight?” 
He punctuated his question with a slight increase of pressure against your clit, and you shuddered in response. The backs of your thighs pulled against the leathered armrests of his chair as you shifted in his lap, and your fingers clenched tighter around the straps of his sword holster. Your hips writhed uncontrollably with the circular motions of his fingers, and you moaned out something incoherent, hoping that would suffice for the time being. 
“Such a silly little girl…” Loki teased with a chuckle. His fingers shifted tempo, adding speed along with the increased pressure. “We both know that was nonsense…” 
“Jesus Christ, I - ” Your gasp was cut off by another moan, and your lower half arched itself off from his lap to roll harder against his touch. Another orgasm was building quickly, and you craved it like the sea needed the sky. 
“Close, but that’s not quite my name, nor what I asked for…” Loki tsked. His words oozed elegance and charm, in direct contrast to the image of you spread wide in his chair, your slickened and swollen cunt still begging for even more stimulation somehow. 
“Oh, fuck - Loki!” you moaned as he changed tactics and slipped two fingers inside you. This time your eyes shot open to watch as he buried them, and then slowly drew them out. Arousal coated the digits, sparkling in the dim candlelight of your private quarters, and then he was calmly pushing them back in again. You clenched hard around his fingers and felt yourself growing even more impossibly wet as they curled and effortlessly reached all the right places to make the next orgasm that much more powerful. 
“Answer me, girl,” he groaned, becoming more breathless himself as you became more excited. He pressed his lips against your ear and buried his nose against your scalp. “Give me the number…”
“Six! Five! Seventeen!” you cried out, not caring if any of them were the right answer. Your heartbeat was out of control, your lungs were heaving for oxygen as gasoline filled your veins. Every bit of you was tightened, clenched, stiff and sticky. His fingers were relentless, pushing you to your absolute limits, and you wanted to exist in this blissful state for the rest of your life. 
“Oh, you’re such a dirty, filthy girl. You love this, don’t you?” He slipped another finger inside you. Three of them now stroked you from the inside, over and over again, while his thumb continued massaging your clit on the outside. “You love coming, you love being a mess, you love being so lecherous, don’t you?” 
Your eyes rolled back into your head as his other hand curled around your throat again. The words TVA no longer had any meaning to you. You forgot your own name, you forgot his name. There was nothing left inside your brain, and the pleasure was so intense that you couldn’t even remember why you’d wanted this in the first place. “Once! Twice! 87 times!” 
Loki laughed, and suddenly withdrew his fingers to delicately caress your clit with them instead. “Come now, pet. We both know those aren’t the right answers…” 
The lack of pressure was jarring, and your eyes widened in shock. You let out the most pathetic of whimpers, slamming your hand on top of his in a desperate plea for his previous pace to resume, but it was pointless. He wouldn’t acquiesce. 
“What if I don’t let you come again until you answer correctly, hmm? Would you like that?”
You whimpered again, squirming and shifting to get the pressure back. You turned, nuzzling your face against his without caring about how pathetic you looked. “Please? Please let me come again?” 
Loki groaned, and pulled you back down to sitting. Your full weight was back on his legs and hips, and his cock was somehow even harder than it had even been before. “Fine. I’ll give you a hint, love…Not once, not twice, not three times…” 
His breath was heady and hot against your lips. He was dying to make you come again, just as much as you were ready to explode. That was what separated him from everyone else, and just one of the things that had made you forever devoted to this God of Chaos. 
“Four…” you whispered correctly. “Four times…” 
As soon as the last syllable was uttered, Loki was crushing his lips against yours. His fingers slipped back inside you, and he kissed and fucked you until your fifth orgasm reached its precipice. A bolt of lightning shot up your spine, burning and convulsing every muscle you had as you came again, harder than any other time before. 
In your mind, the seas parted and the clouds disappeared. An aurora unleashed itself between the tendrils of your nerves, and your entire body thrashed in sheer and utter pleasure. Loki held you firm as you spasmed in his lap, wrapping one arm around your waist as his fingers pumped for a few more moments, then slowly withdrew to caress you so very gently in a soothing motion. 
You shivered and melted, moaning and whimpering against his lips as they moved to your cheek and then down to your neck. His heart thundered against your back, and his breath was as shaky as yours while you tried to recover. Your thighs were still shaking uncontrollably when he gently guided them off the armrests and pushed them closed. 
“I love you…” you murmured dizzily as he turned you to nestle back against his chest. He was so strong and comfortable and protective like this, and he smelled like stardust and the deepest, greenest forest. 
Could you actually remember what forests smelled like, or were you just dreaming that you could? It didn’t matter; they were all the same thing, after all. 
“I love you too…” Loki answered softly. His lips brushed against your temple, and his secure arms wrapped tightly around you. 
Loki - that was his name. That was the only thing in your head now. Deadlines and existential dread were nothing more than faint nightmares, long since forgotten. A thing of the past, a thing you’d just made up one night when your imagination got away from you. 
Loki was now the only thing that mattered, the only thing worth focusing on. And that was basically what you had asked for, wasn’t it?
⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅ ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
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muddyorbsblr · 20 days
See my full list of works here!
Requested by: Anonymous | view request here
Summary: Loki's interrogation tactics left you curious about his powers, and he's more than happy to give you a little demonstration while you worked on your reports.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warning/s: 18+ | slightly smutty (think limes not lemons…but still, minors & pearl clutchers leave right now); thigh riding; hand necklaces; naughty use of Loki's powers; semi-public [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established relationship
Dick-tionary: nothing explicit but proceed with caution starting from "Quiet, darling"
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"Darling? Are you alright?"
The sound of Loki's voice broke through the hazy thoughts you'd found yourself lost in for the last few minutes, making you realize that your fingers hovered over the keyboard for so long that your computer screen went on Standby. And the text fields of your interrogation report remained blank.
"Sorry what?" you mumbled, realizing too late that the reason you lost yourself in your thoughts in the first place was from recalling the events of the interrogation from earlier. Specifically the way your lover's voice and overall aura darkened as he threatened a variant of reminding them specifically what kind of person he was on the once Sacred Timeline.
Of showing them a sampling of the terrible awful things that he could do, especially now given that the magic barrier had been switched off. You had only the slightest whispers of an idea, given what you'd read from his file and the files of multiple variants of him.
Shadow casting. Duplication casting. An entire pocket dimension filled with who knows what. And then there was the telepathy. The telekinesis. The illusion projection. The mind control.
Which powers did your Loki have, you wondered. And which ones would he utilize in the name of those terrible, awful things?
And why did the prospect of him using those powers on you stir something in you that currently had you struggling not to squirm in your seat from the arousal?
"You look as if you keep drifting off, darling. Are you feeling alright?" Loki reached out to cup the side of your face in his large hand, the contact hitting him with a barrage of the thoughts that had been swimming through your mind since the interrogation. "Oh…" he rasped, moving his hand to weave his fingers through your hair. "I see now what has stolen your ability to focus on this…simple tedious task."
"Hmmm?" you replied absently, soft whimpers escaping you once the god leaned in and started pressing kisses from your temple down to your neck. This wasn't helping your wandering thoughts in the slightest. And then he wrapped his arm around you, lifting you up from your seat and maneuvering you to straddle his thigh. "Loki," you whined, a sharp gasp escaping you when he nipped at the spot between your neck and shoulder.
"Quiet, darling," he told you in a low teasing tone. "You wish to know which powers I possess? I'm more than happy to give you a little demonstration." He brought a hand up to your neck, squeezing ever so slightly at the sides. "I've cast an illusion wherein our colleagues are none the wiser to our…current predicament. All they see is us, sitting side by side, your lover patiently waiting for you to finish your report."
He flexed the muscles of his thigh, the motion causing a delicious friction between your legs. You let out the start of a moan before his fingers tightened around your neck for a fraction of a second.
"Much as I would adore to hear those beautifully filthy sounds from you, my love, I'm going to have to implore you stay silent. See, if you make any noise that could draw people's attention to us, the illusion breaks. And we'll be disciplined." With a wave of his hand, your jacket disappeared and reappeared neatly folded on the table in front of you. He kissed at your now exposed arm. "Can you breathe alright?"
Butterflies fluttered violently at your stomach at the question, choosing to nod instead of voicing your answer.
"Good girl." A rush of arousal pooled between your thighs at his words. You bit your lip to prevent yourself from making a sound when he nipped at your skin. Another wave of his hand and you suddenly felt cool wispy tendrils grasping at your waist and moving you to grind on your boyfriend's thigh. "I must admit, dear Y/N, I rather enjoy finding these more…pleasurable uses of my abilities. Especially with how deliciously responsive your exquisite form is under my touch." He kissed his way up to your ear. "I look forward to using them all with you. Perhaps later tonight, in our home."
The tendrils held you tighter, pressing you down harder against his thigh before proceeding to undulate your hips. The increased friction, along with how he was kissing and nipping away at your earlobe, had you letting out a strangled moan before his hold tightened on you again, your head swimming from the pressure.
"What did I say about breaking the illusion, my darling?" he growled, the gravel in his voice making you even wetter. "Do you wish to give every soul in this library a show of how desperate and wanton I can make you? Is that it?" He flexed his thigh again the same time that the wispy tendons ground your hips harder against it, a barely muted whimper coming out of you before you bit down hard on your lip and shook your head. "Then stay quiet, sweet mortal. Lest you wish for me to find something within my pocket dimension to stuff that beautiful mouth of yours with."
You did what you could to look down at what was moving you, your mouth forming in an 'O' when you saw that it was his shadows. You let out the tiniest whimper of his name, the pressure on the side of your neck lessening when he stroked at your skin with his thumb.
"I'm going to lift this illusion and then you shall finish your report so that I may bring you home and we can move on to a more…thorough demonstration," he rasped, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "With a little help from a few friends of mine." A flash of Loki's green magic from the corner of your eye caught your attention, his shadows grinding you down even harder on his thigh once you caught sight of two duplicates of him waving and smirking at you. One was wearing that ruffled tuxedo that on paper looked unremarkable on the average man.
But Loki was no average man. He was a god. Your god.
And the other duplicate was dressed exactly as such. With the gold horns and the black and green leather, his usual obsidian curls straightened and slicked back with a menacing look in his eyes as his gaze roamed your body.
The feel of his thigh flexing against your slit had you bringing back your attention to the Loki that held you in place. Your Loki. The real one.
"But first, I want you to soak my thigh."
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A/N: Anon, whoever you are, I hope you're having the absolute best day because getting this in my asks had me staring at the ceiling and immediately typing down a lil note in my writing schedule to make this 🫠 Hopefully I did your thot justice
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @herdetectivetheorist
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themissinghand · 8 months
Omniscient Reader Viewpoint Have You Seen My Werepuppy?
Summary: In which our lovely regressor turned into a werewolf and craves your attention. (Or Kim Dokja wants some love too)
Pairing: Yoo Joonghyuk x GN! Reader x Kim Dokja 
Note: Love these two idiots to death. So here is a fluffy short.
Warning: None.
[New Scenario available]
[Only available to incarnation "Yoo Joongyhyuk"]
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ urges incarnation "Yoo Joonghyuk" to accept the scenario]
"What is the reward?" Yoo Joonghyuk says, suspicious of his intentions. 
[10,000 coins]
"What do I have to do?" 
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ tells incarnation "Yoo Joonghyuk" to make a choice quickly before he offers it to other incarnations] 
Yoo Joonghyuk twitched his eyebrow before he glared at the floating blue screen. 
"Don't you dare." Han Sooyoung (who believed she was at the wrong place and wrong time), warned him. 
"If it's something dangerous, I'm not going to take responsibility for your sorry ass." 
"Shut up."
Without another moment of thought, Yoo Joonghyuk accepted the scenario. 
"You idiot-"
A bright light and Yoo Joonghyuk prepared himself for a fight. 
But once the bright light faded away, there was nothing but a blue screen in front of him. 
He heard a dramatic gasp beside him, but his focus was on the blue screen. His eyes widened before he dropped to the ground on one knee and he felt his body change.
He can hear Loki, that bastard, and Han Sooyoung just laughing at him.
“For a scary bastard like you, you have a fluffy ass tail!”
Kim Dokja wasn't sure what he was witnessing. 
Everyone was panicking, to say the least, and you weren’t there. 
A growling Yoo Joonghyuk in werewolf form. His sword was gripped tightly in his hand, and no matter what others were yelling, he wouldn't budge. It was as if he was protecting his territory, and Kim Dokja assumed it was because of his new transformation. 
Kim Dokja curses at whichever constellation that did this.
Kim Dokja felt a chill down his spine when the protagonist met his eyes. It was glaring at him like a mad dog, while grinding his teeth and brandishing his sword.
What did he do now? He didn't even do anything!
What could he even do? When that sunfish is swinging swords at whoever comes close? When that bastard is so angry that he is emitting such a murderous aura? 
Damn you protagonist! 
"What's going on?" Kim Dokja let out a sign of relief when you walked to his side.
You who had just come back from your training with Jung Heewon, and were very much tired to deal with this, but came anyway. 
After all, it is the sunfish bastard that you and Kim Dokja know very well.
As a fellow reader who committed to finishing the longest web novel in history, you bet that you would be here (with Kim Dokja) to make sure the protagonist survives. 
That is what you two swore upon after the world turned upside down. Just an oath between readers, as friends, to survive.
"That idiot turned into a werewolf!"
Thanks Han Sooyoung. 
"Is it Loki again?" You responded immediately and Kim Dokja returned a nod and a sigh.
“God Dammit. Alright, so Dokja, any plans or…” 
Dokja put a hand on your shoulder, “Nope, I got none-”
Holy shit, did Yoo Joonghyuk just growl at him? 
Kim Dokja heard a sigh beside him and something about more work before his best friend walked ahead. 
"(Y/N)! Don't get too close!" 
"That ahjussi went crazy!"
"Stay back! You're not a match for Master!"
The kids yelled and even Kim Dokja wanted to stop you, but after he saw how calm and collected you were, Kim Dokja held back. 
As always, you were confident and quick to adapt in any situation. Perhaps you noticed something about the werewolf state.
Until Kim Dokja saw you unbuttoning the top button and exposing your neck-
"(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Kim Dokja flushes. He would have rushed to your side if Yoo Joonghyuk wasn't ready to pounce on him.
"What a big angry pup." Kim Dokja hopes that his best friend won't be cut in half. 
But it was odd. The closer you went, the less fussy that sunfish seemed. In fact, when you stood in front of the growling wolf, the wolf seem to stop and wonder as well.
On how in the world that this little person wasn't afraid of him, and why they was exposing their neck-
You put up both hands in surrender before you spoke.
"Put down your sword, Joonghyuk-ah." 
Slowly (shockingly), the protagonist lowered his sword. Then, he just stared. 
What the fuck is happening? 
The sunfish hugged you and buried his face deep in the older's shoulder. Wait no, the Yoo Joonghyuk was sniffing your neck like a wolf. 
You and Kim Dokja let out a long sigh.
"Yes?" Kim Dokja flinched when Yoo Joonghyuk growled at him and wrapped both arms around you possessively. 
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" 
"I'm fine. At least for now."
"Shouldn't we try to reverse this?" 
"We could, but we don't know what scenario Joonghyuk-ah got. Whatever it is, I'm assuming he must finish it. Right Loki?"
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ is nodding in agreement]
"Then shouldn't we try to get Master to communicate with us?" 
You rubbed the little wolf’s head and the other responded by rubbing his head back. 
Who would have thought that Yoo Joonghyuk could be tamed? 
Kim Dokja on the other hand, felt like whatever this scenario was, Yoo Joonghyuk was taking full advantage of it, seeing how the wolf kept looking his way in a smug way.
"He can't read, write, or speak, but he can fight like a wolf, and recognize people. Though if there is one thing about the scenario, it most likely has something to do with me." 
“Yea, and against me.” You chuckled at your best friend’s annoyed face, and he rolled his eyes. 
"Alright, alright, give me a day and I’ll see if I can figure it out. I'm gonna spend a day with this baby wolf." 
“Baby wolf? More like a beast.” Han Sooyoung quipped, and many agreed. 
You on the other hand had no issues, even while feeling the wolf’s sharp teeth against your neck. You thought it was cute that the Yoo Joonghyuk wanted your attention.
"If we're talking about taming animals, usually it would be Gilyoung-ah and Yoosung-ah to take care of it. But this one bites. So I'll take care of it." The children nod reluctantly. 
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ is amused by this situation]
While others seem a bit hesitant, after your reassurance, they trusted you to figure this out. Kim Dokja on the other hand, was very worried, and so decided to stay in the vicinity in case anything were to go wrong.
"Now then," You lean back into Yoo Joonghyuk’s chest and his body, feeling his body engulf your smaller one. 
[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ is cooing at how cute you two look]
[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ have sponsored you 1000 coins]
"Let's tame a wolf."
Kim Dokja couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous (just a little), as he watched his best friend invest all of their attention on the protagonist. 
And he knows that the werewolf is happy and smug about it! 
When you feed Yoo Joonghyuk, when you groom him, and when you have to physically entertain him, Kim Dokja knew this was a scenario to mess with him. 
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ hints to Incarnation ‘Kim Dokja’ to steal Incarnation ‘(Y/N)’ away]
[The Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ agrees and urges Incarnation ‘Kim Dokja’ to be a brave man]
[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ is excited for the drama to unfold and is at the edge of her seats]
Kim Dokja sighs and before he could say anything, you called. 
“Dokja! I think I know what it is now!”
Kim Dokja widen his eyes in relief, finally-
“I think he just wants to make you jealous, so you have to kiss him or something. Like Beauty and the Beast!” 
Kim Dokja’s jaw dropped.
[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ squeals]
[The Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ is pulling out his hair]
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ is questioning your IQ but encourages anyway]
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ have sponsored you 1000 coins]
“Haha, just kidding, look at your faces. Ow, Hey!” Yoo Joonghyuk nibs at your neck, leaving another mark. 
“(Y/N)...” Kim Dokja groans in frustration.
“But I do know the solution.” You say while suddenly standing up, knocking the wolf in his chin, and in that swift moment, you flipped your positions, with the wolf under your knee.
“You’re a good boy aren’t you?” 
In the next moment, you kissed the fluttered wolf on his nose and then whispered in his ear, 
“What a good boy.” In the most seductive voice you can mutter. 
“(Y/N)?!” Kim Dokja blushed slightly at how provocative you and Yoo Joonghyuk's position looked. 
One part of him want to be in that position too-
“Alright, you got what you wanted right? Loki?” 
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ is happy]
“What? What did he want?” Kim Dokja was confused in the midst of all the messages from literally every constellation.
Until Kim Dokja saw it.
Yoo Joonghyuk in his human form, blushing.
Under you. 
It didn’t last long before he violently reacted and wanted to murder both of you, but by then, you and Kim Dokja had already ran for your lives, and you with a picture in your hand.
“Worth it!” 
“Bruh, you’re telling me the Yoo Joonghyuk has a praise kink?” 
Han Sooyoung began running too.
“Oh and Dokja,” Kim Dokja looked your way, and suddenly he received a peck on his cheek. 
“Don’t sulk just because you didn’t get a kiss.” 
“Wha-” Kim Dokja flushed and put a hand to cover it.
“Don’t worry, you’re a good boy too.” 
“(Y/N)!” He screeches as he suddenly sprints faster away in embarrassment.
“(Y/N)! Collect your wolf hubby!” 
"I'm going to kill you (Y/N)!"
The chaos lasted for a bit, and in the midst of all that chaos, Loki was able to auction the video and images of every moment in the scenario. 
Needless to say, Uriel and Secretive Plotter was definitely winning the majority of that auction.
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asvterias · 9 months
𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝖡𝗈𝗒 (𝟤)
Part 1 | Part 3
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Warnings: 18+ Content, Explicit Smut, Unprotected Sex, Penetrative Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Choking, Nail Scratching, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Degradation Kink & Dom!Reader x Sub!Jaime
Pairings: (FWB) Jaime Reyes x (FWB) Black!Fem!Reader, Best Friend!Milagro x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: Being friends with benefits with Jamie is hard to keep undercover, in hopes of Milagro never finding out. The number #1 rule is to be strictly sexual and not explore romantic feelings for the other. What happens when that rule is broken?
Word Count: 2.2k+
Tag List: @n7cje @drqcrys @websterss @pxachy-tea @moralesszz @odiesdayoff @allthingsvicf @tinkerbelle05 @alienstardust @lemonyboy97 @alastorhazbin @writing-fanics @gay-dorito-dust @presidentbarbieirl @veronicarose20 @conicoroahre @sodacatz @chaotic-reblogger @horrorluver20 @zipporahsstuff @yutasol @littlekidsteve @illicee @everybody-hates-mills @hoshi4k @violettathewriter @mymanjaimereyes @vampire-grrl @666kpopfan @nutella-directioner-vampeete @ushygushysimp @borhapparker @tessamoreno @stitched-mouth @obrienslove @raebo0421 @loki-is-low-key @tacoreib @staraifos @avitute @dumbperson6 @idyllcy @luvly-writer @june-pop @madnesspea @chaoticbi-cheesecake @daltonshotgf @unreasonablysapphic @skittlesgirl
Author’s Note: I haven’t written smut in such a long time, so it might be a little rusty.
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Spanish Translations
“mi amor.” — “my love.”
“Oh mierda, (Y/N)!” — “Oh shit, (Y/N)!”
“Santo joder, Jaime!” — “Holy fuck, Jaime!”
“Soy todo tuyo y tú eres todo mío.” — “I’m all yours and you’re all mine.”
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“I don’t know..” he shrugs his shoulders, “Maybe…I’m just confused right now.”
“May I remind you that you wanted us to be a casual fuck from time to time, and besides we also agreed on seeing other people.”
“Yeah, but—“
“Yeah, but what? You want to change your mind now?”
“Actually, I do.”
You paused from doing your mascara, making eye contact in the mirror with him. Of course, you weren’t expecting that answer. His statement rendered you speechless, allowing the silence to overtake the room. You gulped silently, intently watching him stalk toward you, almost in a patronizing manner to tease you even further. You were frozen, unaware of what he might do to you and it kind of turned you on. The small thud of the mascara tube dropping on the vanity brought you back to your senses.
“…We shouldn’t do this, Jaime.” you lightly warn the boy. Jaime remains silent, making you consistently aware that he is gorgeously checking you out from behind. He made you so flustered to the point that you were stupidly smitten with him that it was almost ridiculous. It was a miracle that you couldn’t see a black girl’s blush.
“Milagro‘s gonna be back soon.” Your tone was soft.
The air was still tense as he nodded, his eyes still intently focused on your ass. Nervously, you began to play with your braids as your body squirmed under his gaze. The things that Jamie made you feel were out of this world. You held your breath, dilated dark brown eyes studying his every move that he made. It was a gust of his infamous cologne that gave his sudden presence away, noticing his breathing was lingering on you. You shudder, minor goosebumps forming on your arms.
“Then, we just have to be quick, don’t we?” You swear that you could’ve felt his hard dick straining against his pants.
“Listen here Jaime—“ You were cut off by hands roughly wrapped around your throat, raising your head, catching an upside down angle of the 22-year-old. A warm pair of lips was planted onto yours, reclaiming full jealousy as he slipped his tongue in your mouth. In a matter of seconds, the inviting kiss escalated into sexual tension, quickly heating the aura of the bedroom.
He assured you to stand up as you watched yourselves in the mirror. His mouth was attached to your neck, sucking on the exposed skin, creating hickeys. You whimper in response, spurring Jaime to continue as his hands possessively explore your body, grabbing at whatever he can.
Jaime hoists up your dress, fisting the fabric as he rubs your thighs. “You should wear a dress more often,” he breaks away from the heated kiss, “Shows your beautiful curves alongside your stunning brown skin.”
“I never actually agreed to this date..” You grew disappointed at the loss of his swollen lips on yours as he pulled away, panting when he spun you around to face him directly. Gazing into his eyes, there was lust swimming in there but also pure love. “I just wanted to make you jealous.”
It was taking everything in him not to manhandle you and have you in every which way. His thoughts were dirty, unable to be contained in his mind any longer. He needed his release and he needed it now!
“I know....” he whispers, hastily resuming your kiss again in a passionate manner. Not breaking the make out, his hands found themselves on your waist, and your hands became tangled into his curly hair.
You lift one knee to his groin, seeking his hard-on as he lowly grunts at the sensation. You replaced your knees with your hand, grabbing his clothed dick, and a surprised groan escaped his lips as you stared deep into his eyes, completely dilated with lust.
“This is mine…” your words drip with dominance as you feel his cock pulsate upon your slightly tightened grip. “Not some other bitch! It’s all mine…isn’t that right, pretty boy?”
He shakes his head in agreement, controlled by only your words. You lean into his ear, your voice raspy, “I want to hear words, my pretty boy.”
“Yes, I’m all yours…” He stutters out, clarifying your dominance over him. You desperately remove his shirt, revealing his abs and he flexes his muscles. Ever since he became Blue Beetle, he was more active in the gym, gaining a strong build. Let’s just say that you weren’t definitely complaining when you had him all to yourself.
You trail your finger across his abs, lightly teasing his nipples, drinking in his sexy body. You place open-mouthed kisses on his abs, cherishing him like this was your last time doing it.
It finally felt like forever when you two landed on the bed.
You sexily crawl on top of him, straddling his lap as you unbuckle his jeans. It was quick to take off his pants, and you were even quicker to discard his underwear. You chuckle, seeing his hard cock spring up, slapping up against his stomach.
While he was preoccupied with marking you all over, you unhooked your bra, letting him see your chest bare. It was nothing that he wasn’t used to by now.
Squeezing your clothed panty, you gasp as he chuckles looking down at you. “I haven’t even fucked you yet you’re already soaking. You’re a little needy whore for me, and only for me. No one else gets to see you like this one else gets to make you feel like this but me.”
You resisted the temptation to roll your eyes at his cocky behavior, allowing him to have his way with you. God, he was cocky and you embarrassingly praised him for it for doing your body wonders.
His hands wrap around your hips, guiding you to create immense pleasure for the both of you.
“There was no other girl..it was always you..never someone else.” He confessed.
“Oh, trust me—“ You lined Jaime’s erection and lowered yourself on his cock under his watchful eyes. He groaned as he felt your walls slowly wrap around him, witnessing your cunt take every inch of his dick, entirely swallowing him up all warm and snug.
“I knew there was no other girl.” You sucked in your breath, staying completely still. “You’re a horrible liar, Reyes.”
One of his hands trailed down the middle of your back, drifting down to the flesh of your ass, squeezing it. You raised your hips and slowly sunk back down, feeling so full.
“Oh mierda, (Y/N)!” His moans were music to your ears.
His mouth turned up at the corner, his eyes raking over your breasts as they bounced up and down. Your brown nipples were pointed proudly towards him, begging for attention. Jaime took one of the buds between his fingers and pinched lightly, eliciting a moan from you.
Your nails scratch his lower stomach, slowly dragging across his abdomen as you begin to move slowly. Finding a steady rhythm to anchor yourself with struck a new nerve in you.
“Santo joder, Jaime!”
“Soy todo tuyo y tú eres todo mío.”
Your movements were nice and slow, just a decent tempo for Jaime. Slow and passionate sex was more intimate for Jaime. He preferred passionate sex, which gave him unlimited time to worship and analyze your body’s reactions to spur your orgasms into mind-blowing ones.
You hungrily reconnected your swollen lips onto Jaime’s own, desperately muffling your moans, yet wanting to listen to them to edge you on.
To feel him agonizingly stretch you out so deliciously made you feel like you were in heaven. The room echos a mixture of panting, moaning, skin slapping, and various other sounds.
You began to intensify your pace, feeling hands grope your breasts, fondling and squeezing them. Soon enough, your movements became sloppy as the intense orgasm approached.
“Oh fuck,” You stammer out, riding out your high to the brink of ecstasy. Your arms drop from his shoulder, as you tip your head back. The movement became much slower, losing its regular pace.
Jaime ran out of patience and harshly gripped you by the hips, forcing you to endure an inhumane speed. You were sure that Khaji-Da was informing Jaime that his endocrine and testosterone levels were rising at the stake but he blocked out the other voice. He was too engrossed in the moment with you, and he disregarded any interruption.
“Oh fuck, shit! Jaime, go faster!” You encourage him, letting him have complete power over your body. You rest your head into the crook of his neck, exhausted from holding your head up and your braids cascade on his back as he continues to roughly fuck you.
And he listens to your command, increasing his speed, making sure to hit the right spots to have you blabbering out incoherent words and barely keep you sore from your waist down in the next few hours.
“You’re doing so good, mi amor.”
Too fucked out by bliss, Jaime steals your attention by grabbing you in the throat and kissing you roughly, swallowing your high-pitched moan. You bite down on his lower lip, drawing a little blood as he grunts in response. Your shocked gasps broke the heated kiss and Jaime pulled you back in the kiss, demanding not only your body muster with his, but that your lips were on one accord as well. His controlled motions on your hips kept you holstered on his girth as you continued to fuck. Your sweaty bodies mold perfectly in unison, making the sex hotter.
“Oh god, Jaime! S-slow down!”
“Oh..you can take it all, mi amor. I know you can, my gorgeous girl.”
His sudden change in demeanor made you weak in the knees. You always loved it when he took full charge, noting that you were the more dominant one.
You rocked back and forth steadily, this time keeping the pace more effectively and thrilling. Deciding to edge you on more, his hands had glided to your clit and started to play with it, adding to your pleasure every time you were meeting his thrusts. You could feel your orgasm coming around his cock, continually pulsating, greedy for more. Soon enough, a wave of intense pleasure flowed through your body as a loud moan erupted from your mouth.
“Oh shit!” your body falters, jerking up still receiving the delayed reactions.
Jaime followed behind a few seconds later, shooting his cum into your cunt, immediately filling you up to the brim. Your mixed juices trickle down your legs, glistening on your thighs.
You took a few minutes to recover, the both of you heavily panting on the bed.
“How was that?” He breathlessly pants with a half-smirk. “Did it meet your expectations?”
“Still better every time.” A smirk was plastered on your sweaty face.
Pulling you into a passionate kiss, Jaime’s hand roams around, lightly tracing over your skin. All of your kisses so far had been full of lust, too rough bed too desperate. This one of the many shared kiss that was soft and sweet, without urgency. You hum in the kiss at his touch, admiring his gentle nature.
Everything seems to be picture perfect as you and Jaime viewed, all hot and bothered for the other. That was…until shit hit the fan for the both of you.
“Jaime! What the actual fuck are you doing?! And with my best friend?” That voice made your heart stop, instantly breaking out of your bubble. Thoughts of Milagro arriving back and catching you two in the act didn’t cross your mind, not even in the slightest, and you were ashamed.
You and Jaime looked at each other like deers caught in headlights as you both stumbled to cover yourselves up with your duvet.
How were you two gonna explain this to Milagro now?
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likes, comments & reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2023. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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mochie85 · 3 months
A Reunion
One Shots Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: A chance meeting with someone from your past makes you relive the worst moments of high school. Luckily, your best friend, Bucky is there to help you forget. Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes x Female reader. Word Count: Over 4k Warnings: Fluff. Flirtatious Bucky. Use of Y/N (only once) Taglist: Join here Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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“Oh god! No, no, no.” You exclaimed as quietly as you could. You turned around and hid behind your hand, covering your face. Bucky was confused- chuckling as he watched you try to make yourself smaller, unnoticeable. As if that were ever possible, he thought.
“What’s wrong? Wh-why are you hiding?” He asked as he tried to follow your gaze.
“STOP IT! SHH!” You tried to shush him. Trying to make him stop jerking his head around and calling attention to your table.
“Why are you HIDING?!” he yelled louder to annoy you. Your eyes grew big with anger, and you kicked him under the table. He laughed and pretended to be hurt as he rubbed his poor shin.
“Ok. Don’t look now, but the woman to your seven was someone I knew in high school.” You whispered to him. Bucky turned his head to see the lady in question. “I SAID DON’T LOOK!” you whisper-yelled as you kicked him once again.                     
“Doll, if you keep that up, I might need a metal leg to match my arm.” He said rubbing where you kicked him.
“Sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just…she brings out the worst in me. Whatever I got, she got, but better. Always better,” you said with a sneer. “When I got tickets to go see my favorite band, she got premiere passes.” Bucky smiled and shrugged. “She hated The Gorillaz! Said she never got the whole cartoon thing.” His demeanor gave you the impression he didn’t think it was that bad.
“I worked for two years to buy myself a used car. What did she get? A brand-new Lexus with daddy’s credit card. The same weekend I bought my car! She didn’t even know how to drive! Her older brother dropped her off at school every morning. Everyone had a crush on him. They all wanted to be her friend because of Bryce. And she knew it.”
“Everyone…had a crush on him?” Bucky raised his eyebrows at you. You simply narrowed your eyes back at him.
“Not the point, Barnes. When I applied to CalTech for college, she said she wasn’t interested in West Coast schools. A few months later, she showed me an acceptance letter from them! I didn’t even know she had the grades or the extracurriculars to pull it off. Turns out, there was a sizeable donation to the school’s robotics program made so generously from her family.”
“Sounds like she just really wanted to be you,” Bucky said smirking.
“Ya. So much so, that she stole my boyfriend senior year!” you spat out.
“Ouch,” Bucky hissed. “Ok, ya. That one’s a low blow.” He turned his head inconspicuously again to get a better look at your so-called friend. She was beautiful; in the sense that everything was well-manicured and put together. Not a hair out of place. She had an aura of money- evident by the sparkle of her well-placed jewelry.
Bucky turned back to you. You had a more natural beauty. You didn’t try too hard, it just shone out. He’s seen you undercover before in one of the missions where you had to be dolled up. God help him, you knocked everyone out. Even Loki took a break from his brooding to look at you. Bucky has never been the same since.
“Look. It was a long time ago. I tried to go my separate way after high school. I honestly don’t even know if she attended CalTech or not. But what I do know is that I don’t want to see her.”
“Y/N is that you?!” you heard a shrill voice come closer.
You put on your show smile. The smile you reserve for undercover missions. “Rachel! What a lovely surprise.” She went up to you along the iron fence of the café’s patio and tried to hug you.
She kissed you on both sides of your cheek as she said, “I didn’t know you were back in New York. I thought you would’ve stayed in California.” You didn’t miss the way her eyes scanned you up and down, homing in on things to probably critique you with.
Her eyes also kept drifting back between you and Bucky. “Wait, I’ve seen you before.” She said pointing to him. “Aren’t you an Avenger?” she squealed.
“Yes ma’am,” Bucky answered, saluting casually with a smile.
“Rachel, this is James Barnes, the Winter Soldier. Bucky, this is a friend of mine from high school, Rachel,” you introduced.
“Wow,” Rachel said, shaking hands with Bucky. “Bucky, is it?”
“James. Bucky is for close friends only,” he said with a practiced smile.
“I’ve never met a superhero before,” she charmed.
“Of course, you have. Dollface over here.” Bucky said pointing to you. Your smile faltered slightly at having the attention thrown back your way.
“Oh my gosh, that’s right! I’ve seen some of your heroics on TV! Amazing work.” Rachel said to you.
“Thank you.” You said surprised. Maybe this happenstance might not be so bad after all. Maybe she has changed.
“All that training and the time outdoors have done wonders for your body and your complexion. You look so much healthier now!”
Nope! She’s still horrible!
“She’s always been lovely,” Bucky interjected, giving you a half smile.
“Oh. My. Gosh. That’s so cute!” she said in a mock baby voice.  “How romantic. How long have you two been together?” Rachel asked, prying and pointing in between the both of you.
“Oh, we’re just friends.” You were quick to throw in. You didn’t want Bucky to feel uncomfortable around you and have to explain anything he didn’t need to.
Rachel just looked between you and Bucky. Her eyes delaying in his direction. “Well, now that I know you’re in town, you must come to the charity event my dad is hosting next week. I know for a fact that your boss is going to be there!”
“My boss? Fury?”
“Fury, who? Is that what he’s calling himself nowadays? Yes. He and his wife Pepper have already RSVP’d.”
“Oh, you mean Tony?” you asked.
“He’s not our boss,” Bucky corrected with slight irritation.
“Oh, well, sure. Ok, I can send him the invite and let him know to forward it to you,” she smiled sweetly at you. “And maybe a plus one…” she said, her eyes darting to Bucky quickly.
“We might be busy. You know…saving the world and all,” you quickly declined. The last thing you needed was to be stuck in an event with her and some of her uptight friends.
“Already sent!” she said ignoring you and tapping on her phone. “I hope to see you both there!” She smiled at you and gave Bucky a wink. “We’ll be friends in no time, Bucky!” she said to him as a promise. Not if I have anything to do with it, you thought.
“Ugh. If she thinks that Tony can tell us what to do and go to this party, then she’s just as self-absorbed as she was in high school. You can’t just tell people what to do because you have money!”
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“You have to go!” Tony ordered.
“No!” you answered back.
“Pepper and I can’t make it. Morgan’s got a play and Peter is competing at a science fair. You guys are the only other ones invited. You have to go.”
“What do you mean, have to? I don’t have to do anything! Especially go to an event where I won’t know anybody except for my mortal enemy!” you argued.
“Mortal enemy?! Aren’t you being a tad overdramatic now? Besides, you go to my parties all the time. I don’t see you ever complaining about going.”
“That’s because I like the people I’m with and you have an open bar for all the Avengers!”
“Not to Asgardians!”
“Only because they can outdrink everyone IN THE STATE!”
“I DON’T KNOW!” You and Tony squared off, looking at each other with your arms crossed.
“Look, her family are big investors in Adamantium. Her mother is in a council to help get in favor with the Wakandans to get Vibranium…” Tony tried to reason.
“Do you even need Vibranium? I’m pretty sure Steve could just call King T’Challa right now.”
“Not the point…” Tony tried again.
“Heck, Bucky over there probably has Shuri’s number!” you quarreled back, pointing to Bucky lounging on the sofa.
“The princess? No. But I do have Okoye’s. She checks in on me from time to time,” Bucky admitted, knocking on his metal arm.
“You’ve been awfully quiet this whole time, Barnes. Don’t you have anything to say about it? Don’t you want to go? You’re invited too.” Tony addressed him.
“I’ll go if dollface over here goes. And only then.” He stretched out and placed his arms behind his head, pulling his baseball cap over his eyes, signaling the end of his input into the subject.
“I’m not going, Tony. You can’t make me!” you yelled petulantly.
“Consider this an undercover mission. Okay?” Tony placated. “Go. Mingle. Charm everyone in the room. Gather some intel on your mortal enemy. Wine and dine them, then come home.” You squinted your eyes at him.
“Do it for Morgan. She would be so upset if mummy and daddy weren’t there to see her debut as apple tree #2…or was it #3? And Peter! He worked for months on his science project! Think of the sad teary eyes he would have when he sees we’re not there to support him. You don’t want Spider-Man to have sad, teary eyes, would you?!”
“Ugh, it’s not fair you’re using the munchkins as your excuse!”
“I don’t play fair. Especially when it comes to the kids, I would do anything to make the munchkins happy. You know this. Even putting you in the hands of your mortal enemy! Mwuahaha” Tony wrung his hands like a classic villain bent on world domination.
“For Morgan!” you pointed to his chest. “And Peter! Not for you. Not for all the Adamantium in the world. Understand?!”
“And you’re paying for my dress!”
“Ugh, fine,” Tony said with a sigh.
“And shoes!”
“What happened to the last pair of Louboutins I got you?!”
“I had to be resourceful,” you said lifting your chin. “I used it to stab a HYDRA agent in the neck,” you smugly admitted. Tony and Bucky winced.
“Fine. Shoes too,” Tony conceded. “And you, Manchurian Candidate? Need anything?” he turned to Bucky.
“Ya. My gun is jamming even after I’ve already cleaned it. Do you think you can get me a different type of lube?” Bucky asked with a straight face. You, on the other hand, couldn’t help but suppress your laughter from behind your hand.
 “I’m dealing with children,” Tony mumbled under his breath as he started to leave.
“Buck!” you chuckled.
“What?! It’s for the gun! I swear!” he shrugged, proudly smiling that he made you laugh.
You sat next to him on the couch. Your whole body turned towards him as he rested his hand on your knee. “Are you really gonna go with me?” you asked timidly.
“Honestly, I thought you’d never listen to Tony and just flat-out refuse. I was counting on it.” You gasped looking him dead in the eye. “I thought you’d put up more of a fight!” he laughed as you grabbed a throw pillow and repeatedly hit him in the chest. “Ow! Dollface. Stop it!” he chuckled. “Jesus, you’re violent.”
“I could’ve used your help! If you didn’t want to go, you should’ve said something! He couldn’t make both of us go! Big help you were!” you huffed as you settled on the sofa.
“I’m sorry,” he said still chuckling. He pulled you in closer to him as you cradled his body towards yours. It was effortless. He wrapped his left arm over your shoulders and you lost count of all the times he would hold you like this, in the safety of his arms. It never made you feel cold or shiver. It made you feel safe. Protected. Like you could take on the world (and your mortal enemy) as long as he was with you. “It can’t be that bad, can it? You, me, all dressed up with a night on the town. All on Tony’s dime,” he answered looking into your eyes.
Whenever you caught his eyes, you always got lost in them. Blue- like a sunny sky on a cloudless beach. So, when Bucky painted this wonderful fantasy, you could vividly picture it. Little flutters in your stomach sprung forth at the thought of Bucky all dressed up. Looking as menacing as ever. “I hate that you’re being dragged into this. I’m sorry, Buck.”
“Why are you sorry? I’d never leave a man down. Especially you.” You suddenly felt the weight of his body pressed next to you.
“Ok. I guess I feel better about going.”
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“Geez, she’s gonna kill me!” Bucky cried as he punched another agent in the face.
“Come now, soldier. What could she genuinely do?” Loki asked, trying to make Bucky feel better.
“You don’t know how resourceful she could be. What she could do with a pair of pointy heels!” Bucky answered.
“Oh, I know. I was there on that mission,” Loki chuckled. “You’re not that late. Besides…” he trailed off as he sunk his dagger into the oncoming HYDRA agent. “This was an emergency: life and death and all that. I’m sure she’ll understand,” Loki said dismissively.
“I don’t even have a suit! I forgot to get one! Oh, man! I can’t show up looking like this! I’m gonna embarrass her in front of her friends!” Bucky spread his arms out, looking down at his leather uniform splattered with ash and blood. His bright metal hand, flexing, as he brought his arm around again to deliver a final blow to the last agent standing.
Loki huffed, cleaving his dagger off some unsuspecting enemy. “Fear not, my friend, for we are finished with our chores, and I think it’s time for Cinderella to go to the ball, yes?”
“What are you saying?”
“I’ll be your proverbial godmother,” Loki spread his arms with a wide grin.
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I’m gonna kill him! NO! First, I’m gonna take his metal arm and bash him over the head with it. THEN, I’m gonna kill him!
Bucky had stood you up. You spent the better part of the afternoon getting dressed and working your hair and make-up to go to this party that you didn’t even want to go to. Only to have Bucky be a no-show.
You thought back to what could’ve gone wrong. Did he forget? Was it your fault? You spent so much time dreading this party that you forgot to set any details with him. You didn’t want to think about it or give it any power over you. So, discussing the particulars with him might’ve slipped from your mind.
When you went to his room to leave together, he wasn’t there. FRIDAY said he had already left. So, you assumed that he took a separate ride to the party. Slightly crestfallen, you had Happy drop you off at the main entrance to the museum where the party was being held. Hoping you would catch him on the way in. But he wasn’t here either.
Now here you were, three canapés down with a flute of tepid Riesling, pretending to look at the portraits and paintings rather than engage with anyone else in conversation. You were seething. Your anger must’ve been evident because people avoided you all night. One look at you and they quickly turned as if you were the plague incarnate. Just like high school all over again.
“Y/N is that you?!” Rachel’s shrill voice echoed in the vast room. You closed your eyes, stilling your already fraying nerves. You turned to face her and were met, not only by her but by a crowd of people following her as well. “I hardly recognized you! You clean up so well.”
“Thank you, Rachel,” you said with sarcasm dripping out from every syllable.
“You remember my brother, Bryce,” she said gesturing to the guy standing next to her. Bryce looked handsome and dashing in his tailored black tuxedo. And he knew it too! He had the air of someone who was used to getting whatever and whomever he wanted. Evident by the not-so-subtle way he looked you up and down and leered.
“Of course. Bryce how are you?” you asked, offering your hand for a shake.
“On-shan-tay,” he said with a haughty fake accent. He took your offered hand and kissed the back of it, feeling the sticky Chapstick from his lips. God, at least you hope it was Chapstick. The whole act made you cringe. It wasn’t as smooth or as charming as Loki would’ve done it. It definitely wasn’t the comforting hug and kiss Bucky would’ve left on your cheek. He would’ve squeezed you tight till you went limp in his arms.
Thinking about Bucky made you miss him. You only hope he had a good reason as to why he stood you up tonight. You tried to hide the snide in your lips as you pried your hand back from Bryce. You wiped it behind you, surreptitiously stepping to the side, giving more space in between you.
“Are you here by yourself? I thought you would’ve brought your handsome friend with you.” Rachel said loudly enough for her crowd to hear. “Oh Y/N, you always were the lone wolf. Never one to have any serious relationships. Even in high school,” she chuckled lightly, prompting her friend group to smile and jeer behind her.
“Yes. It was difficult. Especially when someone stole my boyfriend senior year,” you criticized.
Rachel chuckled with a tight look on her face, “I can’t believe you still remember that?! That was so long ago. We were children! And besides, I did you a favor. He would’ve broken your heart anyway. Like he did mine. All he talked about was school and getting into college. He never had time for me. Ugh, men! You can’t live with them, you can’t live without them,” she laughed, signaling her flunkies behind her to follow suit.
You balled the napkin you had in your hand and clutched it tightly. If your hands are busy, they can’t punch anyone in the face, right?
“There you are! Sorry, I’m late, dollface. I got held up at work.” Bucky’s voice cut through the nightmarish gaggle of taunts and laughs. They parted to let him through and stared as he passed every one of them, leaving them to gawk in wonder.
Including you! You were right. Bucky did clean up really well. His usual disheveled hair was styled. His black tux had satin lapels that shone under the museum spotlights. But what pulled it off even more, and what made him look so dangerously tempting, was the slight cut in his lower lip. Coupled with the faint sheen of his exposed metal hand, made him look menacing and downright sinful.
When he reached you, he pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in your neck. He kissed your cheek as he inhaled your perfume.
“Bucky, what happened? You’re hurt!” you exclaimed wiping his lower lip with your thumb. He winced slightly when you touched his gash, holding your hand to his cheek.
“I’m sorry I was late, but there was an urgent mission I had to take care of. I would’ve gotten word to you sooner, but it was all very hush-hush. You know how these things are,” he apologized, taking the palm of your hand and kissing it.  
You looked him over after hearing the news, making sure he wasn’t injured. He should be at home resting. Not here, pretending to have a good time so you could save face for a bunch of nobodies from high school.
“Don’t fuss over me, sweetheart. I’m fine, really!” he insisted.
“Don’t worry about me…let me look at you!” he said nudging you gently from his embrace. He twirled you around making you smile at his playfulness. “Wow! Gorgeous, dollface! You look good!” his smirk ignited something inside you. A momentary predacious look from his eyes had you feeling shy and flustered. “You look real good!” he said subconsciously licking his lips.
“One question though,” Bucky said, interrupting your sinful thoughts about what he could do with that tongue. “Whose this guy?!” he asked, pointing his thumb to Bryce. Bucky’s tone was serious and possessive. He hadn’t even looked at anyone else since you locked eyes with him. And frankly, you had forgotten anyone else was in the room.
You looked over to Rachel and Bryce, along with her adoring minions, who were now curious as they watched you and Bucky have your own intimate reunion.
“Bucky! You remember my classmate Rachel from the cafe,” you said pointing in her direction. “This is her brother, Bryce.”
“Bucky! It’s so nice to see you again!” Rachel sweetly spoke as she touched his shoulder and let her fingers trail down his arm. Bucky stopped her hand and shook it in greeting.
“It’s James,” he corrected. “Mr. Barnes, if you’re dollface over here,” he winked at you. “Nice to meet you Bryan, but if you will excuse us, I need to make up for my absence by giving this beautiful woman here all my attention.”
“It’s Bryce!” he shouted back, but by then Bucky had gotten you halfway across the floor as you looked back and gave both Rachel and Bryce an exaggerated apology. Bucky twirled you once again and held you close to his chest. Leaving you giggling as you wrapped both your arms around his neck.
“You made it!” you breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that familiar safety and security of being in his arms. “I thought you- never mind. I guess it doesn’t matter now that you’re here.” You looked down straightening his bow tie and fixing his lapels. Embarrassed about what you were about to confess.
“You thought I’d forgotten about you? You of all people?” He hooked your chin as he led your eyes to look at him. “Never!”  The promise in his voice never wavered. And the teasing in his eyes made you lose your inhibitions.
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes,” you whispered as you leaned in and kissed his soft lips. He stood there frozen, wide-eyed, and watching, as you kissed him for the very first time.  
This kiss would change everything between you. He knew that, but did you? He’s imagined kissing you like this for so long. To finally make you his. But he never acted on it, afraid that you would reject his advances. He froze, wondering what this could mean for your relationship. You felt him stiffen. He stood still, letting you kiss him and not reciprocate any affection back.
OMG, I made a huge mistake. “I’m sorry, Buck. I didn’t-” You pulled away as tears welled at the bottom of your eyes. You had taken a chance and it didn’t pay off. He didn’t feel the same way. You were blindsided by his whole entrance. His whole presence, that you mistook it for interest.  The memories of high school came full circle with the feelings of rejection that sprung forth, heating your body in embarrassment.   
He pulled you back into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around you tighter, held you just a bit closer, and kissed you back with the hunger and ferocity you had only fantasized about late at night.
He opened his mouth to moan out your name and you didn’t care who was watching at this point. You were finally kissing Bucky, and just like everything else about him, it was better than you had ever imagined.
He winced slightly at the tug of your mouth, and you quickly stopped to see if he was ok- remembering his cut lip.
“No, do it again. I liked it,” he blushed.
“Well, well, well. I learn something new about you every day, Mr. Barnes.”
“Keep calling me ‘Mr. Barnes’ and you’ll learn a whole new side of me,” he teased.
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A/N: Inspired by a chance meeting I had with my mortal enemy. This has been sitting on my editing notes for FOREVER. And if I don't publish it now, I fear that I will just keep adding onto the story.
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justcressida · 9 months
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"I was granted the death I desperately longed for, only to be caught up in a second life no different than the first. And yet, here I am, doing everything I can to stay alive."
Record Of Ragnarok X Rudbeckia De Borgia! Reader
PS: I'm a foreigner okay? Language problems. Part 2?
A beautiful smile, a radiant gaze, and a gentle aura. No matter what, just smile and pass. You've done just that all your life, and your end hasn't changed yet.
While your desire for death was never ending, when you finally died, you were somehow resurrected with all of humanity. for Ragnarok.
Okay, you were too weird even for someone like him. He was just bored and wanted to mess with mortals, but...
Why are you smiling? He wanted you to be scared or raging, but there you are, with a gentle smile on your face. Yet that master of lies saw your trembling hands no matter how well you played.
Maybe it was meant to be enjoyed, but... Did it really scare you that much?
Okay, he hadn't had the fun he wanted, and the rage of Humanity's first victory was still running through his veins, but somehow you got his attention.
I mean, come to think of it, what mortal would smile at someone who tormented him so much?
Out of sheer curiosity, he chased after you and started spying on you.
And he saw the scars on his back. Whip marks, stab marks.
How did you have so many wounds when even a warrior didn't have that many wounds?
Moreover, Ragnarok had resurrected humanity in its most wonderful period.
Was this your greatest period?
With your pretty face and those horrible scars on your body?
He was obviously extremely intrigued, and Loki's curiosity is obsession.
He will solve the mystery of this beautiful mortal.
Although too busy a man to care for a mortal, Thor was quick to discover Loki's new obsession.
Is it a mortal? Really Loki?
Still, he couldn't help being caught up in this beautiful mortal. The mortal's bright beautiful eyes, shapely face, bright lips, and beautiful hair.
Still, he doesn't understand why this mortal has such a bad reputation. No matter how beautiful mortal she was, everyone looked at this beautiful woman with disgust.
Thor doesn't like to go undercover like Loki, so he'll talk directly to your face.
"Who are you mortal?"
In fact, he said it without expression, too much even for a mortal.
Still, the hammer in his hand, his tall stature and intimidating gaze didn't help at all.
You tried to smile, unable to stop yourself from shaking like a kitten.
"Uh- d-did I do something wrong?"
Your kind words even though you tremble like a kitten, your attempt to smile despite the fear, and most of all your beautiful voice.
He had heard that this beautiful mortal was famous for his voice, but this velvety tone of voice softened his cold heart.
"What's your name, mortal?"
"Well m-my name is Y/N."
A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.
Maybe, Thor thought. Maybe this beautiful mortal isn't as bad as rumors.
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bean-bean2000 · 2 months
The Maid - Part 7
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 6
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The tears in your eyes cloud your vision. Loki stares at you in shock. All he can see is a shell of the woman he met before. The woman with fire and passion, cursing out a king, purely feeding off of bravery and survival instinct. He realizes that it was a defence mechanism created to hide her true pain beneath.
You feel the walls within you building back up, brick by brick around your heart. Closing yourself off from everything. Until you feel nothing again. The tears stop, your heart rate slows, your hands are dry. All you can do is blink and stare out the window. It's like your brain goes into autopilot; shielding you from the trauma and pain you've endured.
You rise from the chair quickly "I apologize, your highness. This has all been an overreaction. I am sorry for bothering you. I will now take my leave." You turn towards the door but you're met with a blank wall.
You feel his hand gently grab your wrist.
"I know what you're doing. You're shielding yourself from the emotional pain. I know that look all too well. I mastered it, myself." He approaches you slightly, closing the gap between you.
"So you're solution is to lock me in here?!"
His eyes glistened as he spoke "Stop. Please, don't push me out, believe me. " Your breath hitches in your throat.
The king is pleading me to believe him?
Before you can answer you feel his thumb gently grasp your chin to lock in your gaze.
"I promise. He will pay for everything he did to you. I will seek it myself. However, I need to know what he did..." Loki softly says to you, his eyes burning with pure sincerity.
You don't know why but the glare in his eyes lit a fire in your heart you thought was extinguished and irreparable. When you looked at him, you could see a green aura surrounding him. You weren't afraid, you were enamoured by it. You felt this gravitational pull...You felt... warmth and tranquility; something you haven't felt in a very long time.
"Okay. I believe you." you breathe out.
The intensity of your words weighed heavy on Loki's heart. He knew a woman like you, trusted nobody but herself.
You don't know why but you feel this urge to tell him everything, from the moment you reached the castle until now. The abuse, the attempted rapes, the whipping, the pain and suffering.
When you finish explaining your truth, living as a maid, all Loki could do was listen to you intently, absorbing everything you say, never faltering. You had his undivided attention.
"Why didn't Banner ever mention it?......" Loki questions aloud.
"I told him not to. He promised he wouldn't. Banner keeps his word."
"Why didn't tell anyone? Why let yourself suffer all this time?" his green eyes are bright with emotion, almost as though he can feel your pain.
"Do you think anyone would believe me? Even if I did, Why would they say anything to oppose him? He is the pure essence of evil. Everybody fears him, nobody defies him without consequence. He says every action is ordered by YOU, the KING, might I remind you! Do you think ANY of us even THOUGHT of questioning that? Do you think anybody would bat and eyelash if I were to suddenly disappear? They would replace me the next day with no further thought. I've been gone for so long by now, they probably have done just that. We are enslaved to the crown. We have no rights. We are treated as objects who are easily replaceable. When you need this job to survive with basic necessities on a daily basis, you become numb to it all."
Loki stares at you, mouth slightly agape. His mind couldn't wrap itself around the fact that he failed you, he failed his people.
The king is speechless. That's a first.
Loki was calm on the outside but raging severely on the inside. He could not fathom how this could be happening within his castle walls without his knowledge.
He suddenly felt this uncontrollable rage bubbling up inside him. His hands began to glow green as he attempted to contain his emotions.
What is happening? I haven't reacted like this since I was a teenager.
Your story was replaying in his head, over and over again as he stared out his window, trying to contain his powers to not scare you away.
How DARE HE touch even one hair on her head. I will make him pay for this.
His hands grew brighter with every thought of you suffering by his hands. He felt this intense urge to protect you, to regain vengeance on the pain he has caused you.
He suddenly spins on his heel and walks towards you, placing a gentle hand your cheek. "Believe me when I say that none of this was my doing. I never ordered any of these commands. They are foolish dogs who managed to loosen their leashes without me noticing. I will make him pay. All of them." he hissed through gritted teeth.
Before you can retort he cuts you off.
"You shall stay in the chambers besides mine. You will be safe." he says before he disappears into the thin air and you appear into chambers you do not recognize.
What did I just do?
Part 8
Let me know what you all think of the story so far! Feedback is welcome!
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anika-ann · 8 months
Seven Minutes (S.R.)
Type: TWO-SHOT, independent, canon-ish
Pairining: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 8700
Summary: You’re not obliged to go to that party, but you go because it’s a rare occasion during which most of your fellow Avengers meet and have some fun together. Until someone suggests a stupid teenage game. Until you and Steve end up locked in a closet together and things take a turn you couldn’t have possibly predicted.
Maybe you should have. Whenever Tony or – god forbid – Loki gets involved, it’s bound to end up in a disaster. Only this time, the victim of the shenanigans might be your heart.
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Warnings: SMUT, 18+, NSFW, (unprotected sex, fingering, glimpses of size kink and praise kink, soft hints of D/s, mirrors, possessiveness;), alcohol, a drop of angst, language (a lot)
A/N: written for @jtargaryen18 Halloween challenge. Prompt in the final notes. I toyed with it so much that it might have been cheating 😅 dividers by @firefly-graphics 💕
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Part 1: Seven Minutes in Hell
“I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out.” ― Ally Carter, Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover
The party had died down; or as Tony said, only the fittest had survived. Banner, drunk on Asgardian liquor, let out a sensible chuckle at the words and fell asleep as he was, sprawled over one of the couches in the communal area, which looked more like a war zone than an aftermath of a giant party.
It wasn’t the mess of empty bottles and glasses and cushions having been thrown around at some point. It was the skeletons. The fake blood. The few smashed pumpkins, literally beaten to a pulp. Luckily, the one single torn-off arm which some idiot had smuggled in despite the strict ban on those, based on the fact that at least half of the guests suffered some form of a PTSD, had been kicked under the bar and covered by a cloth as soon as you had found it. Tony, despite already finding himself in a drunken haze, agreed to kick the asshole who had brought it out. Steve had shot you a grateful look when you had asked Tony to do so. Bucky – thankfully – never learned about the tasteless joke ever taking place.
Unlike the space, the Avengers had an aura of comfort around them. Lying around, some chatting sleepily, chuckling every now and then, some talking animatedly with a few friendly nudges under the ribs, they lounged in the area and welcomed the 1 a.m. announcement by Friday with relative grace.
Except for Tony, who booed and proceeded to glare at every single conscious Avenger present, one by one; Natasha and Clint comfortable on one couch, Steve and you on the other, Thor filling out a huge armchair, Rhodey looking a bit small in the other in comparison, Wanda practically lying in a lounge pug with Vision hovering by her like a guard, Helen and Maria crossed legged on tiny tabourets, Sam and Bucky, having been fighting each for their space on the couch, now sitting carelessly with Bucky’s feet against Sam’s thigh. And then there was Loki, spinning slowly in his egg chair he had charmed up and kept up in the air with his magic, Pepper having reluctantly sat down in the other which Loki had graciously made for her with a snap of his fingers.
“Seriously, guys! Just… boooo! This party is dying! We need to shake things up!” he called out theatrically, standing in the middle of the Sleepy Hollow with judgement written all over his face. Then, he lowered his voice, a wicked smile twisting his lips. “Do you wanna play a game? I do.”
At least four distinct snorts sounded around the group at his poor impression.
“Really, Tones?” Natasha questioned, probably referring to both his acting skills and the suggestion.
“I do want to play a game. It’s called let’s go to bed,” Bucky groaned, rolling his shoulders and throwing his feet back to the ground, startling Sam in the process.
“The night is still young, Barnes,” Clint huffed despite his eyelids barely staying open as he kept twisting a rubber imitation of femur between his fingers. “You sound like an old man.”
“Oh? That coming from you really says something,” Sam pointed out, a good-natured smile curling his lips; at the same time, Tony hummed: “Or a kinky one.”
“I must say I agree with Stark this once,” Thor boomed, nodding thoughtfully as several voices groaned at the gleeful grin lighting Tony’s face. “There seems to be a lull to these revels and it is indeed too soon to retire to bed. The sun has not even risen yet!”
A single clap of hands and Tony was gesturing towards Thor. “See! The Asgardian agrees with me. I must be right.”
“I bet he’s already regretting his words,” Steve noted, drawing a small chuckle from you.
In all honesty, you would be inclined to agree with Bucky on this one. Going to bed sounded heavenly, but there was one huge disadvantage to bed compared to the Sleeping Beauty Castle the Halloween party had turned into: the company wasn’t nearly as good. You weren’t greedy – you wouldn’t need all the Avengers present to come cuddle you in bed. Just one would do. The one whose thigh occasionally brushed yours as you talked about anything and everything, all kind smiles and a slightly tipsy spark in his gorgeous blue eyes which were complimented by the treacherous midnight shade of his one-size-too-small shirt.
“Now, now, Captain. The other Asgardian agrees too,” Loki’s voice slowly sneaked in, something in his tone causing your heart to skip a startled and yet excited beat.
Loki was… a friend. After trying hard for redemption, he had begun to join the Avengers business on occasion, his magic always proving to be of enormous help. His humour was a little wicked and twisted, but his heart was not nearly as dark as people had believed – or even he himself had. You sensed Steve’s wariness towards him still and understood his reasons; and secretly, you revelled in the worry Steve expressed whenever you spent time with Loki, which the golden-hearted captain feared you did so with a little too much trust.
The only reason why you wouldn’t throw it back to Steve’s face that he was questioning your judgement was the fact he had admitted he did actually not do that, ever – but simply cared for your safety – and that fact that he attempted to be as respectful about it as possible. That and the heartwarming knowledge that he thought of you, one way or the other. Maybe him being the person who was giving out the gentlest hugs could have played a role as well. Or perhaps even that you had – like a silly, silly girl – fallen for him long time ago and would let him not only get away with murder at this point, but probably also ask him if he needed any help to hide the body. Because you’d either believe him it was for a good reason that he had committed the crime, his moral compass just about perfect, or simply because he deserved the most loyal friends and loved ones he could get.
The sudden heavy thud snapped you back to present, causing you to jump in your seat. Steve’s warm hand covered yours in an instant, gaze trailing to you to make sure you were alright. As he gently squeezed your hand, you glanced at him and shot him a grateful smile.
He let go as soon as your gaze returned to the source of the noise: a large closet now standing a few feet from the seating area.
“How about this?” Loki suggested, calmly beckoning to the piece of furniture having just appeared out of this air.
“Do you… want to play Seven Minutes in Heaven?” Wanda, suddenly wide awake at the stronger present of magic, questioned.
“Why not? I was under the impression Midgardians enjoyed this game during a party.”
“What are we, thirteen?” Sam asked, eyebrows creased sceptically.
“…going on thirty? Good movie,” Clint hummed, his grin showing pride at his reference.
“Ew, no-“
“Do you even know what Seven Minutes in Heaven is about?” Natasha asked, her expression intrigued; you had no doubt her mind had already begun to race as she tried to decipher the trickster’s motivations.
“Yes. I am quite pleased by the concept. If we play, perhaps I will be lucky enough to spend some private time with lovely Lady Speedy.”
Your eyebrows shot up as your gaze found Loki’s, a provocative smirk twisting his mouth. Interesting. Maybe even intriguing. Except it was not; at least not for the reason one might think. Loki was not at all interested in you. If he had, you would have known without a shadow of doubt. He wasn’t one for subtlety; if he had had an eye on someone, he would make sure to court them, persistently so. Or perhaps he would simply take.
No, Loki had not spent time thinking of you, much like you hadn’t spent time thinking about him.
There was only one Avenger whose company and love you longed for and had for the longest time – and you wouldn’t be surprised if Loki knew. What you hoped he had no idea about was the fact that you could have had it, once.
You could have had Steve, but you had mucked it up, too shocked to yes when he had asked. It had felt too fast, too surreal to be even happening – Steve Rogers asking you out for a cup of coffee – too good to be true.
Naturally, in a very Steve Rogers fashion, he had been too polite to disrespect your decision or let it negatively impact your blooming friendship back then; he had not made a single attempt to ask you out again since. In return, you had been too embarrassed to explain yourself – to explain that you felt like the luckiest girl on Earth, if not in the universe, that you would have jumped at the chance if he as much as hinted he was still interested – and in a very mature way, you never mentioned it again.
That was fine. You and Steve had become friends. Perhaps even good enough friends to mention it as an awkward memory; and only that, because you doubted that he was still carrying a torch for you. He had even briefly dated with Sharon Carter after the incident; he clearly moved on, because there was nothing to move on from. You had barely known each other back then. It wasn’t like you broke his heart or something. You just decided mess up what could have been a beautiful relationship.
Instead, you had a comfortable caring friendship. That counted as a win, yes?
And if you ended up in a closet with him for seven minutes now, you would, once again, acted like mature adults and… hug or something, yes? You would not give in into some stupid game and kiss him just because you’d have an excuse to do so. You would not be tempted to--- no. You respected Steve too much for that. You would never make anything to make him uncomfortable; if you had, you would not only not deserve to call yourself his friend, but even a decent human being.
And you were not thirteen anymore. You knew better. The awkwardness would not be worth it; the rejection would not be worth it. Losing the gift of Steve’s friendship would most definitely not be worth a few seconds of Heaven, of testing whether his lips were be as soft and gentle as you thought, if they tasted like you dreamed of. Knowing whether he would respond, whether he would kiss you, whether maybe, just maybe, there could be the faintest traces of seeing you differently than a friend and colleague.
No, the stakes were be too high.
“Hm… I think we should play,” Natasha said, earning at least five shocked stares, including yours.
“We should definitely not,” Steve protested, leaning forward with a very displeased frown, his eyes burning as he glared murderously at Natasha for entertaining the trickster’s whim.
“I mean… why not, after all? Two people in a closet, in cramped space? What is not to enjoy?” Bucky added, clearly changing his mind about going to bed. He was next at the receiving end of Steve’s disapproval.
“Ask a claustrophobic, I’m sure they’d come up with a reason or two,” you hummed, earning a sardonic ha ha from the dark-haired supersoldier.
“I mean… who knows. Could be magical,” Tony wiggles eyebrows.
“Are we back to 13 going to 30?”
Wanda, Pepper, Maria and Sam said NO with impressive coordination.
“I must say I am intrigued as I cannot quite see the appeal. It would be an enriching experience for me to understand. What is the worst that can happen?” Vision questioned.
“You did not just ask that,” Sam complained.
“Please tell me it’s just a closet and not some sort of a portal to Narnia?” Pepper chimed in, Loki’s smile surprisingly pleasant as he turned to her.
“It is simply a closet, my dear Lady Potts.”
“I don’t know, you guys, it still sounds like a pretty bad idea,” you chuckled nervously as you felt the air shift towards agreement to participate in this ridiculous game.
“Seconded,” Steve grunted by your side – but it was too late.
“Too bad, I’m getting an empty bottle,” Tony blurted out as he practically sprang after the nearest bottle indeed.
It was the perfect opportunity to walk away; it was the last chance to get out.
You didn’t.
Perhaps you didn’t want to look like a coward. Maybe you didn’t want to be a party pooper. You guessed you hoped they would scrape the idea after one round, because they would realize the game was lame and boring. Maybe, just maybe, a little part of you wondered if something interesting would come out of it – and you didn’t want to miss it.
Those were the things running through your head when you walked side by side with Steve, cursing the universe or some sort of physics cheat Tony had pulled or maybe Loki’s magic. Because of course it happened. Of course, the bottle pointed at you – and then on Steve.  
Could have been worse, you reasoned with yourself. Could have been… yeah you didn’t know who. Bruce who might turn in to the Hulk while in there was asleep, so he never was an option.But it was too late to back out now.
Steve, ever the gentleman, let you walk in first, offering a hand, a gentle smile on his face as he rolled his eyes at your friends being children. You squeezed his hand and smiled back, grateful – and calm.
Yes, being with Steve in such tight space with the knowledge what the game was about sent a few tempting thoughts into your head – but you’d be fine. You’d just chat, privately; you had done that countless times before, late night talks and maybe even your head resting on his shoulder when you got too sleepy to sit straight. You’d be fine.
Steve climbed up after you so you stood face to face, flashing you one last comforting smile. And then Tony closed the door behind you, leaving you in utter darkness.
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Your first thought was that the inside of the closet was a lot smaller than it had appeared from the outside.
Your second thought was that perhaps that was not the fault of the closet or your eyes; the sheer width of Steve’s shoulders and other proportions of his body which had starred in too many of your dirty dreams and innocent fantasies alike were to blame instead.
Your third thought was that the air was becoming a little too hot and heavy to breathe a little too fast and that you weren’t certain you could last seven full minutes in this space where it felt you might as well already be wrapped in Steve’s arms. The subtle tones of his woodsy cologne, the heat radiating off his skin, the faintest light peeking through the door reflecting in his slightly ruffled hair and in his eyes, caressing his features the very way you always wished.  
Your fourth thought was, incidentally, less of a thought and more of an emotion – a red hot one at that. The flash of anger that ripped through you honestly took you by surprise, and hit you too hard to be ignored.
Because this was stupid.
This game was the stupidest thing possible that your friends could come up with. Steve was entirely stupid with his brilliance and courage and care and morality and outrageous handsomeness and most of all with giving you hope once that you could be good enough for him, that there was a glitch in the universe large enough that would somehow made the two of a potential couple. And you, oh you. You were the most stupidest of it all. To allow yourself to hope as well. To not let go of that fleeting seconds when the light of Steve Rogers was in your reach and you stood there like a dumbass without grabbing it, never speaking of it again then and yet still carrying a torch for him for two idiotic years.
Maybe if one of those things had been different – most likely of all, you – you could have been making out now. Maybe, you would feel his gentle touch in these shadows; or maybe hungry touch even. Maybe, because your friends were nosy assholes and drama queens, they would have banned you from participating in this in fear that they would have to disinfect the closet after you got full seven minutes in here.
Instead, all you had was a tentative brush of Steve’s hand to your elbow and the kind rumble of his voice, laced with worry.
“Hey, Shines. Are you okay?”
Ah yes. Another maddening thing: Steve’s sweet nickname for you. Where others called you Speedy – because of how quickly you had finished the intelligence test and made your way up in the Initiative – Steve had expressed his distaste in the nickname because just around the same time, he had learned about the modern term “speed”. Apparently, he did not like the idea of calling you something that reminded him of amphetamines. So instead, he had once admitted, he converted it in his head to the speed of light. And so Shines had been born.
The affection he sometimes spoke the single word with – the affection you longed for and mostly only imagined – was perhaps even more idiotic than your lack of reaction to his slightly shy advance two years ago.
For someone with your IQ score, you really were surrounded by stupidity and radiated it generously yourself.
The chuckle that escaped you tasted bitter on your tongue. “Why, sure. You?”
Even with the limited amount of light, you could see Steve’s searching gaze clearly. You could practically hear his mind whirling, wondering where the sudden ire had come from.
In an instant, you felt bad for snapping. Your trouble and your insecurities nor your anger at yourself were something he deserved to bear consequences for.
“I’m… fine,” he said after a while, kinder than you would have in his place. “Is there anything I can do to make the ‘sure’ better?”
Yeah, you thought. There were quite a lot of things; either put his mouth on yours – or elsewhere on your body, you weren’t picky – or maybe stop being so damn good of a person and being so damn loveable all the time when he didn’t mean anything beyond friendship by his behaviour.
You swallowed the once again bitter note and charmed a smile, your hand covering the back of his, still softly resting on your elbow.
“No. But thank you. I’m… sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you,” he replied, eyes still searching. And soft. So annoyingly soft and caring.
You lowered your gaze and gulped, not finding it in yourself to respond. What could you even say to that?
The problem with Steve was that even if you weren’t looking at him, you could still feel him looking at you. At rare times, it felt like a punch, if he got truly angry with you – when you did something he considered stupid and dangerous as if you hadn’t been quite inspired by his own bravery – but at other times, like this, it felt like a fluffy blanket and a warm cup of tea pressed to your hands when the blues came knocking on your door.
No words were spoken for a long minute. And then, like you should have known they would, Steve’s arms carefully pulled you to his chest and wrapped you in a hug which felt just like his gaze a moment ago; except this feeling was real. He sucked up all your anger and frustration you into his chest with ease, breathed in once, then twice and unlike you, he simply let it go, allowing you to soak in his affection instead. 
You could cry at the sweet gesture. Sweet, sweet Steve: deadly force, righteous passion, beautiful soul and infinite kindness locked in a body of a gentle giant.
“Thank you,” you muttered into his shirt and you could hear the smile in his voice when he responded, arms tightening just a fraction.
“Any time.”
You felt your lips curl up in a smile too, allowing yourself to bask in the goodness he was. Strong embrace, but kind. Almost too hot to touch, like a sun, but somehow still feeling like sunshine instead. Lips soft as they touched your hairline, fingers gently running through the length of your hair-
You stiffened. It felt too good; it felt like what you wanted but didn’t actually have. Steve Rogers did not kiss you; not your cheek, not your lips, not your forehead or the crown of your head.
Or at least he never had before.
His smile was a little bashful as he retreated, his hand sliding down your hair, holding your chin in gentle hold you could easily escape should you want to. But you didn’t. Why would you when his thumb caressed your cheek, eyes firmly holding your gaze even as his smile was slightly shaky?
You didn’t dare to stop whatever this was; because this was what you wanted. Whether this was Steve giving into the game only or anything else, you’d take it. Because you didn’t start it, you didn’t force him into something you wanted. He initiated it; he held you as if you were something precious all on his own. If this behaviour expired in a few minutes, well. At least you would have a sweet memory to cherish, wouldn’t you?
“I’ve been thinking of you.”
Your eyes must have been wide – even ridiculously so – at the admission, your heart like a thunder in your chest and in your ears. You… certainly you must have misheard. You must have misinterpreted what he was trying to say. That was not right. Was it?
“…you have?”
His smile widened, eyes full of good-natured amusement. “I’m always thinking of you, Shines. I’m honestly surprised I’m keeping it so subtle that you are this shocked by the revelation.”
You licked your suddenly dry lips. You must have breathed in something. You had too much to drink. Tony sneaked some edibles into the refreshments – yes, that had to be it.
But then the even more rational part of your brain chimed in: you could never dream up something as detailed. And Steve would have been immune to the drugs. He hadn’t drunk too much of the Asgardian liquor from Thor’s flask either.
You were both perfectly sober at this moment – as insane and surreal as it felt. Did Steve really…? You swallowed the slightly hysterical giggle trying to claw its way up your throat.
“You wouldn’t… you wouldn’t make fun of this, would you?”
Steve’s eyes grew serious even as they remained kind.
“No. I wouldn’t,” he assured you, the slightest hint of offence in his tone. “You’re just… you’re everywhere. I try to focus on work, but you’re always on my mind. That smile, those pretty eyes. This… this drive and passion you have and turn it into hard and good work and kindness. Those gorgeous, gorgeous lips…”
You licked again them on instinct, not missing the fact that Steve’s gaze flickered down at the motion.
No way. No way.
You had hit your head. This was a fever dream, this… this was all you wanted and needed, it couldn’t possibly become true all of sudden. Right?
But if this was a fever dream, you might as well enjoy it. If it was reality, even the better. Because Steve Rogers was serious in matters of heart – he was most definitely not pranking you. So if he was saying he had been thinking about you, you had no reason to doubt him.
There rarely ever was a reason to doubt Steve Rogers.
“I… I think about you too,” you reluctantly admitted, his lips suddenly so, so close you could feel his breath when he spoke only one word in response.
The first touch to your lips was nothing but tentative; nothing but temptation and yet everything you could ever want. His hand cradled your face like precious porcelain and his kiss was like one of an artist asking his muse to allow him into her favour. Warm and soft; his lips were as soft and gentle as you had always thought they would be. The tender brush of his fingertips to your face however made your first kiss all the sweeter, as did his smile and the sparkle in his eyes when he released your lips. The giddy feeling burst inside your chest with intensity you couldn’t possibly contain.
“Yeah, I’m… I’m gonna have to agree with good,” you whispered; and before you could feel silly, Steve’s low chuckle echoed in the limited space, his thumb tapping your lips.
That was the only warning you received before his mouth were back on yours, letting you taste that smile of his; his arms, still around your waist, pulled you closer against the hard planes of his chest, the sensation reminding you that you could in fact too do more than simply lay your hand on him. He appreciated your initiative with a content hum, the vibration against your lips sending pleasant shivers down your spine and into your belly. When he deepened the kiss, his touch on you growing firmer, angling your head to his liking, you felt like you could melt from the inside, all nerves on the most beautiful fire.
Your startled sound when your back bumped into the wall of the closet drowned in Steve’s mouth, your parted lips but an invitation for him. The sensations were quick to rise into your head like a heady wine and suddenly only seven minutes in whichever alternate reality you felt as if you had entered seemed unfairly short. Your fingers flexed in the material of Steve’s shirt, his large palm sliding to your hip and squeezing. His hips rocked ever so slightly against yours and the semi-hard bulge pressing against your core had you whimper his name just as his lips moved to your jaw.
“Love hearing my name like this from your lips, Shines,” he whispered like a secret into your skin, teeth grazing your sensitive flesh and nearly causing your knees to buckle. I’ll say it as much as you want, you wanted to say, the words stuck in your throat, only a breathy Steve coming out again, much to his apparent delight. “That’s it. Wanna hear it more… but not here.”
The flash of a rationality was brief; before it could take, his lips were back on yours and you felt yourself falling, leaning into his touch, hands wandering over his exquisite body, hips rutting forward at the beautiful, beautiful groan your touch elicited from him.
I did that. He wants me, he wants me like this. I want him. I need him.
The simple thoughts occupied your brain, a last portion of coherency you managed as his palm slid to your ass with purpose and pressed you against his hardness in a promise of what was to come. You decided that you could die a happy woman right there and that you needed his mouth on your more than you needed oxygen; you grabbed onto his face, pulling his lips back to yours, rewarded by a deep kiss and both of his hands grabbing your hips, fingers digging into your flesh with a little too much vigour.
You succumbed to the pleasure of his touch, head spinning, the world passing by in a blur.
It didn’t matter how you got into his room next; it didn’t matter, not when his hands were on you again, an absurdly polite can I? as his dextrous fingers slid the strap of your dress off your shoulder, a kiss to every inch of the newly revealed skin, leaving nothing but hunger for more in their wake.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart,” he praised as he mouthed at your skin, the new endearment causing your heart to tremble, stomach fluttering pleasantly. “The times I imagined this, imagined you… turn around, Shines.”
You’d swear that you would let Steve Rogers get away with murder; but asking you to turn away from his hot lips, that was toeing the line of insanity.
“Shhh… I’ve got you,” he cut of your protests, strong hands simply spinning you around.
He rewarded you for the lack of resistance by placing his hand over your stomach, skin hot even over the thin fabric, pressing you back against his chest and his more than evident arousal, lips attaching to the column of your neck, sliding the other strap of your dress down. Instinctively, you leaned your head back, exposing your throat to him, a small but sharp nip of teeth sending a fresh wave of arousal into your core.
Long fingers slid up your throat, turning your head so his lips could meet yours again, demanding and yet so giving, hand inching from your belly down your thigh, toying with the hem of your dress and causing your breath to hitch.
God, you needed him. You wanted him in every way possible, but if this was what came before he’d take you out, you had zero problem with that. You needed to feel him.
The please escaping your newly freed lips sounded almost pathetic to your ears, but Steve clearly disagreed with your assessment.
“Oh sweetheart, you sound so pretty like this… and look at you,” he rasped, nudging you to actually look ahead, only for you to realise you were now facing the tall mirror of his closet, gaze setting on your own face, dominated by the kiss-swollen lips and pupils blown up by lust. “Gorgeous… and you’ll look even more beautiful when you’re coming apart for me. First on my fingers and then…”
You shuddered when his fingers finally slid under your skirt, caressing the lace of your thigh-highs, chest vibrating against your back with an appreciative hum. Your gaze strayed to Steve’s face, only to find his eyes laser focused on your face in the mirror, flashing darkly when his fingertips found the soaked fabric of your panties and pressed.
“So wet for me, Shines. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me. Can’t wait to make you mine… you want that, don’t you?” he whispered, your lips parting wordlessly and at the very moment, he pushed the offending fabric to the side and dipped his index finger in your slick. He stroked a few times, coating his fingers in your essence and entered you with two with laughable ease. You pushed your hips forward on instinct, already needing more.
“Steve, oh god-“
“Fuck, look at you,” he rasped, free hand pressing your back to his front, hardness digging into our ass. “I can’t wait to see you take my cock. You’ll be as pretty as a picture…”
Vainly wriggling against his strong hold because that was exactly what you wanted, you caught his smile in the mirror, his lips pressing softly against your temple as his fingers begun pumping in and out of your tight channel, stealing the breath from your lungs. Resigned and secretly thrilled by his dominance, you leaned against his chest, letting your head fall back against his strong shoulder, praying he’d give you more soon.
Instead, he pulled his fingers out altogether, painting your inner thighs with your slick, stepping back, leaving you cold and empty.
His hand landed gently on your shoulder, his other hand easily sliding the zip of your dress down your back, letting it fall to the ground. Standing in front of the mirror in nothing but your stockings, soaked panties and lace bra, you shuddered under Steve’s hungry gaze; but at the same time, the adoration and admiration shining from his gaze even made your stomach flip and stopped your hands from self-consciously covering yourself at least a bit.
You weren’t shy. You weren’t ashamed of your body; but goodness, Steve’s eyes trailing the length of it, taking in every inch of bare skin and appreciative of how the fabric hugged the parts still covered made you feel like a goddess. A muse.
His gaze was hypnotic as his eyes met yours in the mirror again, his smile soft before it earned a lustful edge.
“You’re a piece of art, Shines…” He stepped back to you, lips attaching back to your neck and his fingers pushed the panties down and let them slide down your legs, hand sprawling over your pubic bone and teasing your core with his fingers again. “And I’m going to appreciate that in every way I know… but you’re gonna watch. I wanna watch you as you fall apart for me, and I want you to see how beautiful you look when I make you mine. Can you do that, sweetheart?”
You didn’t think. You nodded at the promise of pleasure, instantly rewarded by three fingers stretching you, one of your hands landing on his wrist to keep him inside, the other grabbing at his head behind you. You felt his smile against your neck before he sucked on your skin, setting a punishing pace, this time letting you meet his advances. The sight of his large hands over you was insanely erotic; his size and strength captured in a repetitive picture, your muscles contracting as you tried to encourage him to give your more. The pleas seamlessly blending with his name were falling from your lips as the pressure inside you built and built, the wicked curl of his fingers nearly having you reach for the stars.
“Oh my god, oh my god, Steve-“  
“Watch, sweetheart,” he reminded you feverishly, the blue of his irises nearly swallowed by his blown pupils, dark, pleased and unabashedly on you taking his fingers one moment, on your face contorted with pleasure next, the sheer hunger in his gaze aimed at you only adding fuel to the heat in your abdomen.
You tried to keep your eyes on your pair, you truly did, just to please him, just to gain more. It earned you a whispered praise to your ear, a sucking kiss on your throat and circling motions on your clit.
That had you were done for. Your eyes fluttered close as you clenched around Steve’s fingers with a breathless cry, ecstasy exploding inside you and lighting your body on fire.
You could feel Steve’s burning gaze on your still, but he didn’t push you again, didn’t deny you just because you didn’t give him what you couldn’t at the moment, too wrapped in your bliss. Of course, he didn’t. He was still Steve; much filthier than you imagined, but still himself. Warm and safe, holding you close when his motions slowed down, prolonging your pleasure, still supporting your weight when your legs nearly gave out. Chuckling silently with an adoring soft kiss to your jaw when you breathed out a thank you, thinking about the fact he caught you, probably sounding as if you were thanking him for absolutely ruining you with his fingers only, not so subtly showing you that you might not survive when he’d turn it up a notch and actually took you.
“You’re beautiful, doll,” he whispered into your hair, carefully pulling out his fingers as not to hurt you. “Even more beautiful that I imagined.”
You shuddered, unable to respond with words, turning around and chasing his lips instead. He obliged and kissed you sweetly, wrapping his arms around you close, only now having you realize he was still fully clothed himself. And that the way his had cock pressed against his slacks must have been painful at this point. For that reason alone – that he put your pleasure before his, as you knew he would – you would sink to your knees in an instant if your core wasn’t already throbbing for him.
“I want you,” you said against his mouth, revelling in his smile and the playful nip on your lower lip he graced you with upon your admission.
“Good. Because I need you. I need to see those pretty lips parted for me and unable to speak anything but my name when I fill you up so well you’ll never even think about another man again,” he said slowly, letting every heavy syllable sink into your skin and have your already racing heart nearly give out – and letting your lips loose.
“Yes. Please.”
When you suddenly found yourself in the air, held firmly in his arms and carried to the bed, you couldn’t find the shame in you to be bashful about your needs.
Because when he sunk into you and delivered on his promises, you felt like you entered another plane of existence. When his hands grabbed onto you, his body an art piece you could feast your eyes on and touch, you suddenly understood his need for a mirror, for a glimpse from every angle, the absolute beauty of your bodies together as one, of seeing him lose himself to pleasure of his own.
His chants of endearments, praise and mine echoed in your ears, your lips indeed only remembering to speak his name, whisper it and scream it. When he lifted you to your high two more times, filling you with his spent to make you his indeed, you knew that you would be his forever; you had been for a long, long time.
“You’re mine, you’re mine, you’re mine…”
“Yours, I am yours.”
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Blinking your eyes open, you slowly realized you never knew darkness could feel so violent to your eyes. Steve’s deeply concerned gaze was firm on you, frown settled in his brows, both hands on your biceps holding you as if you were about to pass out any second.
His relieved breath brushed over your face, shoulders sagging.
“Thank god, Shines. I was starting to get worried. Are you alright? It’s like you went to a completely different place for a moment there.”
Why were you standing? You had been just lying down, the heat of Steve’s skin seeping into yours from your back and his arm wrapped around your middle as you had fallen asleep.
“What?” you rasped, feeling the ghost of the soreness in your throat as you nearly lost your voice having screamed his name. You blinked again as the image of his beautifully red parted lips trembling with your name flickered in front of you, disappearing just as fast – replaced by him growing worried by the minute.
In a closet. You were in a closet. The sound of idly chat and chuckles dimmed by the walls of the closet reached your ears. The party was still in a sleepy swing; a stupid game was still on.
The realization was like a bucket of icy water dumped on your heated body, all-consuming confusion swallowing all your thoughts.
But… how? You--- that wasn’t- you had been to Steve’s room. He had—- he had kissed you, right here, a dream coming true when he admitted he was still thinking of you and was ready to act on it, his hot soft lips, his hands, deliciously long thick fingers, wickedly dextrous as they sneaked between your legs, opened you up for his--- he had stretched you so good, in every way imaginable, his gaze so dark as he watched you both in the mirror, so sweetly and devilishly delighted at filling you up to the brim, making you his-  
“Okay, that’s it, Shines. We’re out of here-”
“No!” you blurted out, horror seizing you at the mere thought of coming out to the light right now. With you face flushed; with your core painfully empty and slick even as the aftershocks of your orgasms, having felt so real, turned from echo of pleasure to mortifying all-consuming shame. “No, no, it’s fine! I’m fine. I just… I must have had too much to drink and zoned out.”
“You didn’t drink that much,” Steve opposed swiftly, his gaze so unnerving, and could he just stop, stop looking at you like he cared, so sweet and nice and so frustratingly not yours even if the affection in his gestures felt all the same as in whatever fucked-up dream experience you just had just been through. “We should-“
“Please, don’t-- they’re never gonna let us live this down if we bail,” you argued lamely, unconvincing even to your own ears, feeling tears burn in your eyes and desperately trying to stop them from showing.
“Fuck that. It’s just a stupid game.”
‘Fuck, look at you. I can’t wait to see you take my cock. You’ll be as pretty as a picture…’ echoed in your ears, so crystal clear you would have sworn it had happened – but what other evidence did you need that it was just a wild creation of your mind?
Steve didn’t love you. Steve didn’t want you this way. It had never happened. You were still in this closet in the dark, blinded by the light his persona, this time annoyed since the light only hurt your eyes.
And you heart. Your stupid little foolish heart.
“…yeah. Yeah, just a stupid game. Just… so so stupid,” you muttered, no longer talking about the game – and unable to stop the tears from coming anymore.
You laughed bitterly, understanding nothing, but not caring, even more irked at the alarmed expression on Steve’s face when he noticed the few glistening drops rolling down your cheeks.
“Shines… what is it? What can I do to make it better?”
His hands, having been burning a brand onto your biceps, shifted, one caressing your arm, the other rising to your face; and you couldn’t take it. You couldn’t take the touch, not when it meant less than what you wanted and needed, not when his fingertips brushed your cheek as if it was something precious to him – not when you knew it wasn’t.
You stepped back out of his reach hastily, your back hitting the wall; but not without catching the flash of hurt on his face when you rejected the affection and comfort he was offering.
“I’m sor-“ The words died in your throat, the sudden almost electric shift in the air making your hair stand on end.
As fast as if you snapped your fingers, Steve was no longer looking at you.
In fact, he wasn’t looking at anything.
Your stomach dropped.
Your whisper was tentative, but your step forward was not. Heart thundering in your chest, your eyes roamed his suddenly expressionless face. What the hell was happening?
Gulping, you reached out for his hand with yours; but as you squeezed, his hand remained limp by his side.
“Steve, can you hear me?”
Frustration and shame swiftly forgotten, your fingers slid to his wrist, feeling for his pulse. It fluttered under your touch like a hummingbird; but with how fast your own heart was beating, it might have been that you could feel your own.
You went to a completely different place for a moment there, you recalledhis words, real words, right after you found him observing you with concern rather than pulling you to his bare chest after an intense session of fucking.
Whatever had happened to you, be it blamed on alcohol or anything else, was clearly happening to him now. That or you accidentally triggered some kind of a flashback with the way you had reacted. If you had, you’d never forgive it yourself; but you’d have time to feel like an asshole later. Now, Steve needed your help. Fast.
Except you had no idea what was actually taking place in here, let alone how to solve it.
“Yeah, fuck this game.”
You were not going to stay here another second. Not when Steve, sweet kind Steve who deserved the world, was stuck in some strange trance you might have caused.
You were just about to bang on the door of the closet with all your might when a gasp for air had your head snap back to Steve so quickly you almost gave yourself a whiplash.
Your hands were on his arms to steady him before you could think about it twice. Relief flooded your body when his gaze unmistakably found yours, even if he stared at your wide-eyed, clearly rattled by whatever had just happened.
“Shines?” he rasped, blinking a few times as if to adjust his sight to the darkness again, following the lines of your arms to where you were holding onto him with confusion. You swiftly dropped your hands, his frown only deepening at that.
“Sorry. Are you okay?”
“I--- I think so?”
The uncertainty in his voice and the suddenly unreadable emotion in his face made a lump grow in your throat.
“Yeah, the fact that this sounds more like a question than an answer really tells me you were right,” you stated, feeling small as you saw Steve had trouble finding his footing. As his friend, you had the privilege to see him vulnerable more often than the general public, but that didn’t mean the fact he seemed clueless and slightly lost now was still unsettling. “We should get out of here, right now. You were staring blank ahead for at least a minute. You really scared me, Steve.”
His eyebrows shot up as he learned that was what happened.
“I was…? That’s what-- you scared me too. You were staring into space before too... What happened to you in that time?” Steve queried, gently despite obviously being affected himself. “Do you… do you remember any of it?”
You let out a small distressed noise, heat of shame flooding your body all over again.
Yeah, no. You were not going to tell him what exactly happened, regretfully only in your head.
You rarely lied so blatantly, less so to Steve, but these were desperate times. You’d rather keep at last some of your dignity.
You licked your lips. “I… I just zoned out. And then suddenly you were here, asking if I was sure I was okay. You?”
His eyes searched your face for a moment as if he could sense your lie – or at least lack of complete honesty. Yet, he didn’t press, swallowing loudly instead and giving you a shaky smile.
“…yeah. Yeah, same. That was… strange.”
No kidding. You believed him losing consciousness the way he had was strange indeed.
Except when you zoned out, you dreamed of a world where Steve railed you into oblivion while watching you both in a mirror. Until now, you thought that shoving you against a wall and hauling you up in those enormous arms and railing you like that would be more than enough to satisfy your cravings, but apparently you were wrong. But never mind that, right? You could be flexible… flexible enough, in more ways than just one. God knew sex with a man as fit as Steve might require some stretching.
You licked your lips again, mouth feeling dry at the memory. And yet. It wasn’t all a memory. He still was so close, watching so intently. Almost as if… no.
You laughed without a trace of humour.
“Yeah, well, maybe Stark laced the walls with something when he was closing the door-“ your voice trailed off, eyes growing wide as you entertained the wild thought. “Actually, you know what, I wouldn’t even be surprised.”
Honestly, it would be a perfectly plausible explanation. In fact, you wanted that to be the explanation; it shifted the blame. You and Tony could share the blame for the inappropriate images still flashing in your mind at least.
Not to mention that theorizing was the most welcomed distraction you could get in the tiny space growing hotter by the minute, full of Steve’s masculine scent seeping into your skin and making your underwear even damper by the second.
“Hm…” Steve hummed, intrigued, his concern melting into outrage. “Loki suggested the game and made the closet. Whatever happened could be on him.”
You frowned at the implication, instinctively protective of the god of mischief; Tony was the kind of guy who would pull this kind of shenanigans using precisely the fact Loki might end up being blamed while he’d laugh his ass off.
“Tony didn’t exactly protest, maybe he just jumped at the chance.”
“Hold on a second… do you think they would team up? To deliver some sort of an advanced Halloween prank?”
Your first instinct was to say no. The thought was absurd. Loki and Tony tolerated each other at best, Tony being one of the people having the hardest time forgiving Loki for the destruction he had once caused… when it suited him. Other times… well.
“I’m…” you hesitated, “I’m not sure, actually. But I know I’m not laughing.” For sure.
Steve face was serious as he observed you, worry creeping into his expression again – you only hoped he forgot all about your earlier outburst, even as you were aware that was very unlikely.
“Can’t say I do. Once we’re out, this game is over.”
“Yeah, good idea,” you agreed instantly. “Are you sure that you’re okay?”
He seemed a little flushed, a little shell-shocked still. Then again, you imagined you did too. At least you hoped you did; you hoped Steve couldn’t read you like a book… and you hoped Wanda was smart enough not to enter your mind while you were in here.
Oh god, Wanda.
“Yeah… but that’s only cause it’s not a terrible imposition to be here with you of all people,” Steve said lightly, a ghost of a genuine smile curling up his lips, an unvoluntary smirk passing over yours at his choice of words.
“Well, I’m honoured not to be a terrible imposition to you, Captain,” you sassed, unable to stop the warmth spreading in your chest. “I suppose there are worse people to get stuck with.”
“Such a compliment,” he threw back readily, eyes twinkling. Minutely – and you would swear it – his gaze flickered to your lips.
You heart started racing. You only imagined it. There was no way. Was there? Or…?
“Shines, I… there’s something I think I should tell you,” Steve said slowly, voice turning surprisingly soft.
You blinked, the feeling of déjà-vu hitting you like a train. You had to be dreaming again. There was no way he said those words, not so tenderly, not-
The door opened so suddenly you had to squint against the flood of light; light as harsh as the truth, overtaking all of your senses.
You stumbled out of the tight space with a deep breath, the colder air sobering you up fast.  Whatever Steve was about to say, it didn’t matter; it was probably your mind playing tricks on you again and if it wasn’t, it was probably just words of consolidation he came up with at the spot, an attempt to sooth whatever had bothered you before. Nothing more.
Because whatever you had fantasied about in the closet, it was just that: a fantasy. True, one you weren’t aware you had, but a fantasy nonetheless.
Steve had long moved on from asking you out two years ago. Whatever could have been, you had missed your chance then; he was just being friendly. He tried to offer comfort, because that was what he did. Even when you hurt him by your rejection of it, even when he was rattled himself by whatever he had experienced, he tried to comfort you again what could be two minutes later, because that was what good friends did.
Not a terrible imposition – that was what he said, after all. Even as you knew he probably chose the words on purpose to distract you and amuse you, it was not exactly a declaration of love. There was nothing but friendship between you, not from his side and that meant you would keep it that way unless you were ready to risk it all.
Which was going to be never.
As Steve firmly announced that the game was over, contrary to the booing from several Avengers, you wondered what it would take to rename the stupid activity to Seven Minutes in Hell.
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Part 2
Steve Rogers masterlist 
Complete masterlist
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Thank you for reading 🥰 I hope you had fun! Leave feedback if you have the energy and time, we love interaction in this house💕
I suppose this is where you could end it, but you won't find the what the heck actually happened and how - and what will happen next 👀 I hope to post part 2 soon since it's almost done 🎃 If you enjoyed and wish to be tagged, let me know :)
Prompt: 7 Minutes in… Where?: You know the game. Only when you and your significant other are locked in the closet for 7 minutes, you’re transported somewhere else.
Many thanks for Jamie for hosting this challenge and stirring this sleepy fandom to life 🥰
171 notes · View notes
plussizefantasia · 8 months
Cozy Corner
Flufftober Day 5: Book Shop
Loki Laufeyson x f!reader
Word Count: 1.0k
AN: I loved writing this one. I love Austen and you can absolutely tell haha. I feel like I probably should have said this before but I don't have a beta reader, any mistakes are my own. (if you want to be a beta reader for me let me know) Please reblog if you enjoyed it!
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divider credit: @royallaesthetics
Your favorite part of living in New York was the fact that you could find pretty much any kind of store you could ever think of, and it would only be a short walk and a subway ride away. Take your favorite bookstore, Cozy Corner. The owner was an older woman who had introduced herself as Martha to you within the first few minutes of your first visit. Martha had been a librarian at an elementary school in Brooklyn for 45 years before she decided that she wanted to open her store.
You had stumbled upon this place by accident. You had been looking for a new store to buy books from when you had decided that the huge Barnes and Noble in the city was way too hard for you to navigate. So you went for a walk and decided to see if you could find a small one on your path.
You had, and it turned out to be one of the best things to happen to you since you moved into the city. You could spend hours of your day here, lounging in the plush chairs that sit by Martha’s front window, reading whatever new books she had gotten. She keeps bringing you mugs of coffee, and you're not exactly sure where they come from given that she doesn't sell coffee but you’re grateful for it anyway. 
Your favorite way to spend your day had become reading at the store, and the other regular that you have seen come in increasing frequency is just a bonus. At least that is what you tell Martha when she asks you what you think of the handsome man who keeps smiling at you without ever saying anything.
He is nice to look at, you won’t deny that. He’s tall and lithe and has an aura of confidence and power that you can’t seem to forget. Martha tells you he’s a fan of the classics, that he’s bought a copy of every Hemingway that she has in stock and she’s sure that the two of you would get along. You don’t know if she just wants to matchmake or if she genuinely thinks the two of you would get along but you don’t have the heart to tell her that you don’t think it’ll work out. 
He’s gorgeous and intimidating and everything you’d want in a man but is too afraid to go for. Luckily you don’t have to muster up the confidence to speak to him, he speaks to you first.
“Is this seat taken?” He asks gesturing to the only other plush chair in the store. It doesn’t exactly match the one that you’re sat in but it doesn’t take away from the ambiance in the room at all. 
You’re taken aback by his request but still manage to nod your assent. He’s never stayed this long before. Usually, he just comes in and presses the stacks for an hour or so before making a purchase and smiling at you as he leaves. Today he seems inclined to sit and start his newest purchase right away.
“Loki,” he says and reaches his hand out for you to shake. You do and give him your name in response. You don’t try to continue the conversation beyond that, afraid to interrupt Loki’s reading. He however doesn’t seem to have any qualms with conversation.
“Haven’t you read that before?” He references the semi-battered copy of Pride and Prejudice in your hands. You’re stunned by his observational skills and you admit to yourself, also a little flattered.
“It’s my favorite Austen novel. I read it at least three times a year.” You admit, pulling the book closer to your chest. You move it closer to your heart.
“I’m partial to Persuasion myself but I enjoy all of Austen’s work,” he replies and fully closes and puts down his book. It’s a leatherbound copy of Crime and Punishment, you remember reading it for a college literature class and are excited to be able to talk to him about something else.
You don’t even realize how long the two of you are talking until Martha rounds the corner with a sheepish expression on her face.
“I hate to interrupt you two but it’s time to close.” You take a glance at the clock and are surprised at how late it’s gotten. But what catches your eye is the fact that technically the shop should’ve closed two hours ago.
‘Martha!” you exclaimed “Why on earth did you let us stay for so long?” You quickly stand and go to collect your things grabbing the book on the table in front of you without really looking. Loki moves to the same. Martha tuts at you, “I was going to, but I saw how wonderfully you two were getting along and I didn’t want to stop you.” 
Your chest swells with affection for the older woman and you fondly shake your head at her. “Well next time feel free to interrupt, you don't have to stay open just for us.”
‘Next time?” Loki asks and you turn to him.
“Yeah, unless you don’t want to continue our riveting conversation on philosophy in fiction?” You ask teasingly but with an undercurrent of seriousness. You thought the conversation was going well but now you worry that maybe he didn’t think the same.
“I’d be delighted to.” He tells you “But I also believe that it is much past our dear Martha’s bedtime and we should postpone our discussion for at least a few hours.” He smirks and looks towards the woman. She takes the cue and goes to collect the rest of her belongings so that the three of you can leave and she can lock up the store behind you.
With your jacket on, ready to face the slight fall chill that permeates the late-night New York air you step out of the comfort of the store. You turn to Loki and wish him a good night before making your way down the street and towards your apartment. 
It isn’t until you get back to your palace and unpack your bag that you realize you’ve grabbed the wrong book. You smile without meaning to, it seems you have another reason to see Loki again soon.
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amphitriteswife · 4 months
Too far in to turn Away
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Warnings: Angst, no comfort. Newest chapter incident.
Pairing: Loki x Sigyn reader.
Disclaimer: Sigyn in this story belongs to @miss-seanymph-pani ‘s oc.
Tags:@miss-seanymph-pani @brokensenseofhumor @vilereign @monstertreden @tinyy-tea-cup @viostar2095 @nicasdreamer
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Loki was staring up at the ceiling. His eyes not really holding any emotion besides sadness and perhaps regret. He hates feelings. They bothered him and he had no idea on how to deal with them. They were a nuisance. Odin had forbidden him to do anything. Yet everyone was surprised that he obliged. It was no secret that he was dealing with something and he hated it. He hated that everyone knew. Ironic isn’t it? He’s usually always in other’s business. Yet when it comes to himself he dispises it. He turned and looked at the mirror. His eyes staring directly into his. He hated it. He looked pathetic. He hated looking at the effect this all had on him.
He took a deep breath and sighed before he left his chambers. On his way out he bumped into Sif and Idunn. Loki could already feel their displeased aura. Sif looked at him with masked anger. She was one off the goddesses his wife was close with. He clenched jaw and avoided Sif who scoffed at him. Her gold hair flaring up. He remembered how Sif got her golden hair. He played a prank on her and had to pay the price. He laughed a little. The relaisstation hit him like a ton of bricks. This was just like any other prank he played, he now had to pay the price. But now it was different, because no matter the prank, no matter how bad he fucked up, she would be there for him. But she isn’t here….and its all his fault. Loki felt his eyes sting and swallowed before he excused himself. He still smiled as ever, yet his eyebrows and eyes gave away what he was feeling. Eyes are the mirror of one’s soul after all. He walked past both Sif and Idunn. He hadn’t looked at Idunn once, but already knew she only felt pity for him as if he was a pathetic child.
He walked endlessly in the castle. Why? He couldn’t answer that question either. Perhaps he was unintentionally searching for something. Something that reminded him of her. That’s why he even got up today. For her. He’d do it all just for her. He was too deep in thought to know that he stopped in front of the room he once kept a secret in. His eyes lingering on the handle before you could hear a soft clink of the handle being pushed. He stepped inside the room and scanned it. His eyes falling on the porcelain doll. It looked dusty, as if no one took care of it. Loki closed the door and walked towards the doll. With every step he took he felt his anger flare up. He hated that thing now. He scowled and grabbed the doll by the shoulder before forcefully slamming it to the ground, shattering it in the process. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself before his eyes noticed the wedding dress. It was plain and simple. Why? Was it plain and simple? A wedding dress is usually lavish and stylish right? So why that dress?… that’s because his wife wore a similar wedding dress. Loki picked up the wedding dress and dusted it off and neatly folded it. The dress was a reminder of his wife, how could he not neatly take care of it? He placed the dress on the bed in the room.
He took a step away from the bed and accidentally broke a another piece of the doll. He scoffed and stepped on the doll’e face, breaking it into even more pieces. The whole idea of that thing looking like Brunhilde made him sick. Why did he ever like her in the first place? Why? Brunhilde already had Siegfried, and he had his dear wife. He scoffed. He hated all of this. He wants to take it back. To make it seem as if it’s all a joke. But it wouldn’t help. He clenched his teeth, his body shaking. He himself wasn’t even sure if it wad rage or sadness. He closed his eyes, some tears falling in the process. He quickly put a hand over his mouth to suppress the sobs. He hated this. This wasn’t like him. Loki doesn’t cry. He doesn’t feel anything other than mischief and sadism. He hates humans. So why was he here in crying like one? He was a sobbing mess. He didn’t mean for all this to happen. He never wanted to hurt you. Why did he ever even like Brunhilde?…that’s right, it was because it reminded him of his wife of when she was a Valkyrie before she descended to a goddess. He didn’t love Brunhilde. He just loves what he saw in her, and what he saw was his wife.
Loki started sobbing even harder and buried his face into his hands quietly mumbled something for no one to hear. ‘Please..:i’m so sorry, i’ll do everything to make it right…I’ll cry and beg if thats what you want…. I know i’m a fool who took you for granted….please…I’ll do it all of you ask me too…i’m sorry….i’m so…so sorry….’ He sobbed some more before he took another deep breath to calm the crying. His eyes landed on a painting. A painting of his wife. It was a vivid and beautiful painting. A deep pain came over him as her he remembered that day, the day they had gotten married. He stared at the painting, but soon saw something he didn’t like. In the painting Loki was laying in her lap while he looked up at her, however her head was turned to the side a bit and so were her eyes. ‘Where are you looking at?’ Loki asked her in the painting as if she could respond. His eyes still burning from the tears. It annoyed him that she wasn’t looking at him. He walked closer to the painting ‘Don’t look away. Look at me.’ He said to the painting as if he was having a full conversation, yet there was no response. Loki fell to his knees in front of the painting and said in between sobs ‘please…I miss you…I want to see you…I hope you come back…Sigyn’
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Note: thank yall for Reading this monstrosity. Also english isn’t my first language. So sorry about thay
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riseofamoonycake · 3 months
Then maybe... something for Thor? 👉👈 anything 😚
Arms of the Thunder
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🌩️ Pairing: Thor x Female!reader
🌩️ Warnings: mention of forced and arranged marriage, angst
🌩️ Implied happy ending
🌩️ Thanks @praisethesuuun for the prompt!
You didn't ask for it. For any of it.
And still it happened.
No one paid attention to your tears, to your prayers and implorings, to the desperation that danced in your eyes as soon as you heard the news, to the clothes that were crumpled after having squeezed them between your fingers until they were almost torn; adamant, your family, the same one that you thought had your happiness and well-being in mind, turned its back on you and left you alone, without caring about your broken heart and, indeed, looking at you with a compassion full of mockery.
Nothing but a spoiled child.
«But I… I don’t want to get married. I’m fine like this…» 
The proposal of Great Odin cannot be rejected. Do you understand it? He offers you a marriage with his son and you act like a little girl!
No buts. Thor is strong, young and handsome, he is more than capable of looking after you and in time you will learn to love him. Trust us.
«I don’t think so, and I don’t want it!»
Grow up, Y/N. Grow up and open your mind, or stay in your misery. However, the decision does not change. You will marry The All Father’s son whether you want it or not. Clear?
Grow up… in these months of waiting, of a long suffered winter and missed spring, the only thing that has grown is your agony, your sadness, the silence and the immobility. The Nordic pantheon… why such a choice? Why the cold of the North, the beaches black like liquid ash, the endless nights? Why the deceptions of Loki Silvertongue, the terrible aura of Odin, and… Thor. Thor Lord of Thunder… Thor who never speaks, never smiles, who inspires fear, but not a single idea of ​​love. Thor… he cannot be your husband. He cannot be! Why? Why?
«It’s not fair… it can’t end like this», you keep repeating to yourself throughout the day, every hour and minute, week after week, locked in your room, unable to feel joy for small and big things, the thought of what will happen approaching unstoppable and cruel, all aimed at poisoning your every moment of freedom. The doors of the building where you reside are always closed, but it doesn’t matter, they could also be open and you wouldn’t escape anyway, because you have lost that impulse too; just as you lost and continue to lose weight, and color, and even your voice. If no one wants to listen, what is the point of using it?
Your family observes everything and doesn’t comment, and in the eyes of your siblings you read the annoyance: they consider all this a whim, the trampling of the toes of a woman who acts like a kid and doesn’t understand that things are done for her good, and therefore they persevere. The marriage arrangement that Odin has proposed is too convenient for the entire house, and that is why they flaunt the choice with pride, struggling to contain their anger at your behavior; they don’t even ask you why you have to act like this, so every day you distance yourself more and more from them, coming to hope that this marriage will at least have the benefit of taking you away from a nest that is no longer it.
Unexpectedly, it is Odin who responds to this silent invocation; Odin, who arrives at your house on a summer day and asks for the presence of the entire family, except you. You remain in the garden without a protest, patiently waiting for the meeting to end; nor are you upset when a flock of maids, led by your sisters, comes to take and drag you into the bathrooms to get ready and settled. Something big has just been decided, and it doesn’t take long to become known: «You have been invited to the palace of the Great Odin! Do you think about it? You will spend the summer with them, together with your fiancé! Are you not happy? My, my, how envious I am… I would like to be in your place!»
You breathe deeply and don’t reply, let yourself be washed, prepared and dressed up without a word, and you smile inside when your sisters frown and notice how every dress is too large and doesn’t suit you like before; you even sneer, seeing the spite in their faces, and allow yourself to hope. If Odin doesn’t find you attractive enough for Thor or simply not up to his standards, there is a chance he might break the contract; and that is what you want with all of yourself, every part of you reveals it.
For his part, the All Father does not comment when he sees you appear before him: he remains impassive observing you with his one eye and from the height of his person, and does not reveal either regret, affection, annoyance or satisfaction; he simply looks at you for a few moments, reading your soul like a book, and then turns away without a word. At this point, you know that you have to follow him wherever he wants to lead you. Despite your hopes, for now he hasn’t broken the agreement, so you barely respond to those who greet you, you don’t look anyone in the face, you wish never to return to this place; and you move on, because it can’t get worse. And you move on, because whatever lies ahead is all you still have left.
As you suspected, the first thing that welcomes you is the cold: a chill that puffs on your face and then penetrates you through your nose and mouth, and takes up residence in your body. Odin’s handmaidens offer you cloaks, blankets, everything that can bring warmth; but you are unable to warm up and remain shivering in the middle of a strange building, too tall and too empty, which you already hate. You don’t even give it a glance, not even a chance to enter your heart, and you shut it out of you with resentment. Thus, erected in the center of the room like a statue and surrounded by a group of people whose words and questions you can barely hear, you only realize after some time that someone is observing you discreetly, without wanting to invade the space and take away the last fragment of freedom you have; and when you raise your eyes, you meet those of your betrothed.
Standing on one side of the room, his face half hidden by the white coat he is wearing, his gaze welcomes you without hurting you, it is not full of heat but not as cold as you thought; it is as if he is waiting to see what stirs in yours. His long sunset hair and the marks that pulsate on his skin are the only notes of color together with the golden irises, but they are traces of light that do not dazzle, which he seems to hold back on purpose so as not to scare you; and for some reason, for a few moments, you feel that he understood you, that he really saw you, and that he respects what you feel.
Maybe he also doesn’t want this marriage like I don’t want it?, you ask yourself as you look away, slightly uncomfortable, and close your eyes in sadness; when you reopen them, Thor is gone, and you mentally thank him for it ― as well as asking for his forgiveness. Now you realize: he is not to blame, he didn’t ask to have you as a guest now, nor as a wife later. Probably, if it had been for the god, none of this would have happened, and he had to bow to a higher law; in this, perhaps, he is more like you than anyone else.
However, it doesn’t help you appreciate the environment you find yourself in: the parties that light up the halls of your building, the carefree voices, the moments of joy and pure leisure couldn’t be further away, because here everything seems to be inspired to the severity, rigor and icy calm of winter…  even when it isn’t winter. Fortunately, the god you feared most, Loki, has not yet revealed himself and according to palace rumors he is too busy elsewhere to do so, and Great Odin has never officially requested your presence, although he always notes when you appear; but not even the other gods are great company, as if they don’t trust each other and prefer to keep their distance, without even spreading too many smiles. At another time, or if they were other people, you would consider them boring, pompous and not at all interesting; but the Norse deities are simply different from you, another level, another world. Even the storms that ravage these lands are something unknown to you: not intense and sudden rains scented with grass and rivers, not dry and fast thunder, not shades of green and puddles that fill roads and woods; but blizzards of ice and snow, flashes of white and blue, rumblings near and far that last for days, anguishing darkness that is lost in a sky with a womb so deep that you can’t see its end. That void, that inverted abyss that instead of making you sink swallows you from above, terrifies you and makes you huddle in on yourself while you observe the black clouds from behind the curtains of one of the corridors of the building and wonder when they will go away, if after another day of storm there will finally be the blessing of the sun; and as you blanch for a thunder, this time so close that even the glass and walls shake, you immediately realize the presence of someone next to you and slowly move your gaze to the figure of Thor, who has silently appeared at your side.
The god looks at you for a few moments, then gently takes the curtain from your hands and covers the window, leaving the sky outside the building. «You are very pale. Are you feeling good?»
You remain silent for a moment, intent on listening to the sound of his voice: it is the first time you have heard it. Then, you pass a hand over your face and try with all your being to hold on words that come out anyway. «I don’t want to be here», you murmur, «I don’t want…» I don’t want you.
«You are freezing. You are not used to this cold yet, you need to cover up more.» Not at all hurt or affected by your words, his face impassive, Thor takes off his white coat and in an instant wraps you in it, rolling up your sleeves and arranging the collar so that it can keep your neck and shoulders warm, tightening it a little to make it adhere better to your body.
You let him do it without replying or moving and you watch with curiosity as your person disappears inside the garment, too long and wide for you but actually warm and comfortable, then you stare at the face of your betrothed and frown. «Why are you doing all this? I behave ungratefully, I tell you that I don’t want to stay here and in return you keep me protected from the cold. Why?» This time the tone becomes pleading: you really wonder what pushed him to approach you, what makes him talk, why with you. Does he feel pity? Guilt, or embarrassment?
This time, the God of Thunder doesn’t reply, but only looks at you. You don’t force any other words and remain silent as well, listening to the storm calming down a little and becoming the closest thing to a peaceful night. You hug Thor’s coat tighter and he adjusts it again, then a hand stops on your head and your hair receives a light stroke, a delicate touch that is the kindest you have received in days, which remains despite being so fast that it can seem like an imagination, a dream.
Outside, the rain drips slowly from the roof and slides on the windows, tracing its patterns; and suddenly it smells of grass, of waterfalls, of home. Inside, you find yourself caressing the white coat with your fingertips, closing your eyes and savoring all the warmth and calm that is descending on your body. The cold is no longer there, now, and when Thor looks at you again to check on your condition, you can’t help but smile a bit. «Thank you», you whisper then, letting the words die and no longer disturb you.
Thor nods his head, then his arm remains close to you. You look at him out of the corner of your eye, then lower your eyelids and let the night win over the world and prepare what will follow.
Maybe, tomorrow won’t be so terrible to live through.
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swallowtail-lotus · 2 months
Playful Much? {Michel Nostradamus x Tanjiro!Reader}
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Looking back, I realised I never really wrote anything for him... I'll have to change that hahaha
You walked alongside Brunhilde and Göll, a gentle smile on your face. You knew what the taller valkyrie was thinking. You both knew Buddha's victory against the Demon Lord, Hajun had unnerved the gods, except you, of course.
You weren't really paying much attention to the two valkyries and what they were talking about, but you knew it was about Buddha.
When everything was silent for a moment, you poked your head out to see what the two were staring at.
You didn't expect another Brunhilde in the room.
"There's two of her?? That shouldn't be possible unless it was Loki and his usual shenanigans, but I don't feel his aura at all. So who could it be?" You pondered, staring at the second Brunhilde in shock.
"Huh? What? Huuh?! Th-There's two Hildes??" Göll shrieked, her head looking at the two Brunhildes repeatedly. A tick mark appeared on real Brunhilde's forehead.
"What are doing here... With MY clothes on... Nostradamus?!" Brunhilde asked with anger, pointing her finger at the other Brunhilde. You and Göll looked at the ravenette valkyrie in confusion. More for Göll than you in curiosity.
The other Brunhilde took off the clothes and revealed a male with short hair and pretty eyes. His clothes were certainly interesting to you. He threw the clothes away and cleared his throat.
"Allow me to prophesy!" He said, pointing at you and the two valkyries.
"The ones to win Ragnarok will be the gods!" He exclaimed, now pointing at you specifically. A small gasp left your lips and your eyes widen.
"Y... You mean mankind's gonna lose?!" Göll exclaimed. Brunhilde and Nostradamus stared at each other for a few seconds before the male fell back from laughter.
"Khee hee hee! You bought it!" He laughed, his loud laughter filling the room. You looked at Göll, whose face was heating up, possibly from embarrassment. You held in your giggles, covering your mouth with your hand.
"S-sister Hilde!! What's his problem?! He's really peeving me off!!" Göll snapped, pointing at the male, clearly angry. It was really hard to keep your giggles in because of Göll's reaction. When Brunhilde was about to answer Göll, your laughter rang through the room.
"L-Lady (Y/n)?!" Göll asked.
"See? This lovely lady gets it." The male smiled, leaning back.
"As I was going to say, exactly what you see, Göll. The man before you is the most obnoxious man in all human history." Brunhilde spoke, patting the younger valkyrie.
"And unfortunately, he's really fucking strong." The older valkyrie finished, scratching her head. You already knew from the aura he had. You took some steps closer, scanning the man before you with your shiny eyes.
"Ah, just what do you think you're doing, Ma Chère?" Nostradamus asked, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Apologies. I was just examining your aura. You have a powerful one." You replied, your lips forming a gentle smile.
"Th-this pervert, who tries on your clothes without your permission is strong for real?" Göll inquired, still upset about what happened a few minutes ago.
"Yes. However, continue with your pranks and I will cut you from the roster and send you back to helheim." Brunhilde answered, folding her arms. 
"Huh?! Not thaaaat!!" The male exclaimed. You tilted your head at sudden loudness.
"Those monsters did stuff to me I can't even describe. Truth be told, they left my body and soul in shambles." He shivered. You sniffed the air, the familiar scent of someone's lies reaching your nostrils.
"To be sent back there, after you chose me to represent mankind and called me here, brunie..." He lied again, his hands clasped in a prayer. When the ravenette valkyrie opened her mouth, you stomped your foot.
"Please stop, young one. We both know of your lies." You snapped, you smile long gone and arms folded over your chest.
"If you truly felt like it, you could have come back any time. Even if it took killing the guards." Your eyes widen at the statement. This small male human could've come here without being called here?
"I guess, yeah! There's just a certain Je-ne-sais-quoi about that place the makes it all so appealing!~" Nostradamus chimed, throwing away the white cloth he used to wipe away the fake tears.
"H-hang on a minute! H-he's a human, right? W.. why was he in helheim?" Göll asked the question you wanted to ask.
"He broke the god's taboo and became the only one in all humanity to be cast into helheim." Brunhilde explained. Your eyes expressed shock and worry, mostly shock at that info.
"Ehehehehe! Don't flatter me too much! You're overexaggerating!" Nostradamus laughed, looking all happy.
"B-broke the god's taboo? What the heck did he do??" Göll panicked, her face showing fear.
"He destroyed the bifrost." Brunhilde answered. Both you and Göll held fearful expressions. Why would this human do such a thing?
"Y-you destroyed the bifrost?! Why would you..."
"I didn't destroy the whole thing, though. They got to me eventually!" Nostradamus admitted, poking his tongue out in a childish way. You played with the silk around your arms, not knowing how to respond to such information.
"Is there any reason why you're here?" Brunhilde questioned, staring at the male.
"Ooh yeah. I was just wondering if it's my turn yet." Nostradamus recalled. That perked your interest.
"No. Your turn is still a long way. Because you are our joker." Brunhilde responded. A ring from her device caught all your attention. You took a spot behind her, looking down at the screen display. You sworn your felt all colour drain from your figure at the next fighter for the gods.
"What?! Round seven is H-H-H-Hades?!" You had an idea of how Göll was feeling about that. Hades is one of the strongest Greek gods. Nostradamus and Göll were talking at once, slowly giving you a headache. Second after you moved away from the ravenette valkyrie, she shoved them off her. You moved to catch the human male, his head nearly hitting your chest.
"Are you okay?" You asked the man, standing him up on his feet. The light haired male turned around, giving you his teasing smile.
"I am now~" He sang, his eyes staring into yours. When you wanted to speak to the Valkyries, you didn't see them in the room. They must've took off to go find the next human fighter. You walked to the doors when you felt something grab your silk.
"Aw, don't you wanna stay with me? Am I too much?" Nostradamus teased, sitting back down on the table with his usual self. It was like he was inviting you back to him.
"Well, not really. I admit, I am surprised about you becoming the first human to be cast to helheim." You admitted, your eyes closed and your gentle smile on full display.
"What can I say, I just wanted to know what'll happen if I destroy that gate." The male beamed.
"By the way, you look really cute. Your slightly feminine features actually suit you very well, oh dear Nostradamus." You complimented the man, bringing his locks of hair in your hands.
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mjolnirswriststrap · 7 months
I Know You Liked It
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Steve x Reader x Loki
Summary: Loki uses his cloaking magic for good. You get the revenge against Steve that you deserve.
Warnings: fuckboy!Steve, gender bending, sexual confusion, ropes, ball gags and butt plugs.
Steve had never seen a woman so captivating. Charcoal hair accompanied by jade green eyes. Her skin was so fair she had a glow about her. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her all night. It prompted Bucky to tease him and make bets that he wouldn’t dare walk up to her. Steve took him up on every bet, he wanted to talk to her even if there was no money involved.
So Steve found himself, tail between his legs, walking up to the mysterious girl. Besides her alluring aura and eyes that seemed to find his no matter where he was in the room. He would call her mysterious because he had never saw her at one of Tony Stark’s infamous parties. He’d been front and center of everyone. Tony’s favorite toys he liked to show off were the vintage ones, like Steve.
The woman must be new to the tower, or else she’d know better than to make eyes at Steve. He had a reputation for chewing women up and spitting them out. You knew that of course. It’s the reason you sent her in there all alone, looking so fuckable.
When you first started working for Tony, you knew certain aspects of the job would be unconventional. You didn’t know how unconventional they would be, but still you accepted. Steve made his intentions known to you, rather quickly.
At first you were flattered. Captain America, the world’s sweetheart, interested in a measly intern. You’re embarrassed by how fast you gave it up. All it took was Steve, walking into the office late one night. Every cubicle desolate except yours.
A bendable desk lamp and the light from your monitor lit up your tired face. He gave you a pitiful look, jutting out his bottom lip. Looking back, it was more than patronizing, he was torturing you, but you were too delusional to notice.
“What’s a pretty girl like you still doing at work on a Saturday night? Don’t you have better things to be doing?” He steps into your personal space, leaning back to sit on the reports you just worked so hard on. “Places to be, people to see?”. You were so nervous of saying the wrong thing, so you took forever to respond. You sat there, looking into his prying eyes, not that they were looking into yours. They were focused on the cleavage your shirt allowed.
“I um, I don’t have any plans.” You said, instantly blushing when he finally looked to your face. He nods, crossing his arms in-front of his chest. “I had such a long day, I couldn’t think of one good reason to go out.” His eyes lights up when you said that. Like it was an instant challenge. Of course you went out with him. You ended up at a club, tucked back in a booth. He had invited all of his friends, But insisted there was no time to call your friends to come.
He didn’t even let you go home to change, he said you looked perfect in what you were wearing. No one else at the club wore business casual, so you’d say it wasn’t perfect. He ignored you most of the night, one of his friends, a man named Sam, you’d never saw him before, he must be new to the team based on how they spoke. He gave you sad looks all night, like he knew your fate, but didn’t have the courage to warn you.
You never drank much, and you didn’t start that night. One fruity drink lasted you the whole time you were there. Steve kept trying to buy you new ones, and offering you shots but you always turned him down. You remember when the famous god of thunder brought out a wooden jug and poured Steve and Bucky mugs full of a golden liquid. He wasn’t the same after he downed it. It’s like all the drinks he had before hit him all at once.
He looked over to you and said “The guys wanna take the party back to my place, are you down?” You didn’t wanna ruin the vibe so you agreed instantly. No protests came from you as you and Steve rose from the table and made you way back to the tower. No alarms raised in your head when you got there and his apartment was dark. He kicked off his shoes haphazardly, not caring where they landed.
“Hey, when are your friends getting here?” You say, sitting on the couch, slipping off your work heels, blisters starting to form after 16 hours of wear. Steve comes and sits awfully close to you. “They should be here soon, they were leaving right after us.” He throws his arm around you shoulder, smiling innocently.
You don’t remember why you ignored the chill that ran down your spine, or your rapid heart beat; screaming at you to get out. You looked into his blue eyes and got lost. Tangled up in the different shades. You leaned in and kissed him, pulling away and coving your face. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” He grabs your hands and pulls them away from your eyes. “It’s okay, I want to try it again.” He kissed you like he needed you. Like he actually wanted you. You were just another girl to him. Just another girl to get fucked and never get called back.
At first, you were hurt, you never saw it coming. Your crush kept you from seeing his red flags. Once you got over it, you easily moved on, if he’s whoring himself around, then the jokes on him. You didn’t find yourself thinking about it again till you overheard the girl in the cubicle beside yours crying to a group of coworkers. “Then he told me he’d call, but when I got home, and tried to text him, my number was blocked.”
“I told you, you weren’t special. He did the same to me when I started here. You didn’t want to listen though.” A blonde girl says, shaking her head. You keep quiet, not wanting to share in the office embarrassment. Of course, you weren’t special either. You didn’t want to know how many of your coworkers shared your experience, but you wanted revenge for all of you. You had no plans curated till the man with the golden liquid brought his brother to work.
You instantly had a connection with Loki. You both seemed to flow so freely with each other. It wasn’t exclusive and you both understood and wanted that. He was too wild to chain down, and you didn’t want to be the reason he lost his spark. But being with him opened you up to a whole new world of dating. You no longer spend your Saturday nights behind a desk in a dark office. You’re at a different club, kissing a different stranger. Loki showed you how beautiful you really are, and beautiful girls don’t deserve guys like Steve.
At first Loki laughed when you told him how naive you were, letting Steve take advantage of you so easily. He didn’t believe that you could let that happen, not the woman he’d grown to love and adore. But when he saw how much hurt the memories caused you, he was furious. His laughs turned into quick pacing, “So I can either kill him or I can kill him.” He said. You faced him, shaking your head “You know how Tony feels about work place drama. I don’t wanna get fired for causing problems.”
Loki watched as your shoulders sagged in defeat. He would do anything to change how you felt in that moment. “I have an idea, but you have to promise not to get jealous sweets” he grins widely. You look at him, worried about what he had planned “What?”.
“If Steve has no repercussions for sleeping with half the building, why would I?” He said, holding his arms out to his sides like he just laid out the most perfect blueprint. “I’m sorry, I’m not following.” You say, utterly confused. “I’m saying, let’s humiliate him like he humiliated you.” He strode over and sat beside you “I wanna do this for you.”
That’s how you ended up in the back of the room, sipping on your second glass of champagne for the night. You watched as Steve tiptoed up to Loki, hands in his pockets. You gag, not because of the alcohol, but because of the way Loki as a woman turned you on more than Steve ever did.
You watched as Loki gripped on the captain’s tie, throwing her head back like what Steve said was the funniest thing in the world. She was throwing herself at him, knowing he wouldn’t be able to resist her. You wouldn’t be able to either, when Loki transformed himself into herself, you instantly felt so many emotions, you didn’t know if you wanted to be her, fuck her, or you were insecure that your boyfriend is prettier than you no matter what gender he is.
You followed behind them as they made their way to Steve’s apartment. Loki pretended to be tipsy, acting like Steve was the only source of gravity in the hall. You stayed back as they tumbled into his door. The plan was, after Loki subdued him, you’d sneak in, take some pictures that would find themselves in the weekly newsletter.
You waited for five minutes and went for the handle but it was locked, you figured Loki hadn’t found the right moment to unlock it. Weird you think, since they’re magic and all. After another 10 minutes you hear the lock click and the door slowly creaks open. You step inside, whispering “Hello?” Loki reveals himself, walking from the bedroom, already transformed back to his usual appearance.
“Is he asleep?” You say, wiping your nervous palms on your pants. Loki just looks at you, “Something like that, just don’t forget, this is what you wanted.” You were unsure after his response. When you walked into the room, Steve was tied to his headboard, a ball gag stuffed into his mouth. “Loki!”
“He deserves it sweets, I could be hurting him, would you rather me hurt him?” Loki looks at you, hurt that you don’t appreciate his efforts. “No, no baby, I just didn’t expect this.” You raise the Polaroid to your face and snap the first picture.
“Did you enchant him?” You ask. “Of course, how else do you think that ropes still holding? I made him think he couldn’t break free, and he can’t scream.” You look into Loki’s eyes and you’re amazed at his attention to detail. He’s absolutely insane, but it’s for all the right reasons.
You look down at the crying super soldier, “Do you wanna say something, hmm?” Steve nods vigorously. You unbuckle the strap, letting the ball fall to his chest. “Let me go, I won’t tell anyone about what happened if you guys just let me go now.” You hear Loki stifle a laugh behind you.
You grin at his giggles. “And why would we do that?” You bat your eyelashes at Steve’s pleading eyes. “You’re getting what you deserve.” And you snap another picture of his tear stained face. You reattach the strap to the gag and walk over to Loki. “What did you have in mind?” “I was thinking about getting him on his knees, plugging him.”
You lean down, making eye contact with Steve, “You like it when girls are on their knees, don’t you captain?”. Loki raises his hand, causing Steve to flip over, with his other hand he conjures a large silicone plug. “Oh, we can’t hurt him.” You laugh as Loki changes models.
You snap picture after picture, eventually you started to feel like a snuff director. Steve found himself in many compromising positions. Loki used his magic one more time before you left, Steve wouldn’t remember a second of what happened, but his body would. Just like your body remembers being used by him.
As you’re looking through the collage of photos, spread out on your bed, Loki walks into the room. “I’ve been wondering something. What took so long?” You say, questions your boyfriend. “What do you mean?” He says. “You said it would take a few moments once you got him inside. It took 15 minutes.” You blink at him.
“It took more than I thought to get him to the bed. He wanted to sit on the couch. I had to persuade him to move it to the bedroom.” Loki says, scratching the back of his head. “Plus you agreed not to get jealous.”
“What did you do exactly?” You say, putting away the photos you plan on digitally scanning later. You move back till you’re pressed against the headboard, watching Loki. He transforms back into the beautiful woman from the night before. “I walked up to him, and sat on his lap.” Loki mirrored her spoken actions on you. Sitting on your lap, wrapping her arms around your neck. “I may have kissed him, like this.”. You gasp when her full lips press against yours. She straddles your legs and grinds herself on your lap. “Then I leaned back and let him touch me, like this.” Loki grabs your hands, running them up and down her sides, feeling the curve of her breasts. You feel yourself get turned on by the sight of her.
“Okay, I’m starting to feel like I didn’t experiment enough in college, I get the idea Lok’.” You say, tapping her thigh to signal to move. “He was practically drooling when he climbed into that bed.” Loki says, shifting back to being male. “I really hope this works and I didn’t pimp my boyfriend out for nothing.”. He cracks up, falling pack into the pillow beside you.
“The look on his face was enough revenge for me. That felt better than fighting him.” Loki says, proud that he chose plan b. “I think you messed him up pretty good. If you hadn’t enchanted him, I know he would have scars from seeing you turn into a dude after sticking his tongue down you throat.” You both burst out into a fit of laughter. Loki was quite literally the god of mischief and you had no qualms about indulging him.
You turn over to look at the guy who changed everything for you, “Gosh, I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” You say, petting his long locks. He reaches up and holds your hand, placing a kiss to the palm. “You’re perfect all on your own.”
The next morning, the newsletter made its way to everyone’s inbox. A staff meeting was scheduled instantly. You and Loki strolled in, knowing smiles on your faces. Everyone was smiling, especially Sam, like he was seeing justice in action. Tony started by saying Friday will be working to find the person who sent the newsletter out, even going as far as saying Friday would find the exact copier the photos were scanned on. You knew your home setup was untraceable, there’s a reason you got the internship with Tony. Not only did you pull the god of mischief, but you were a tech guru too.
As you all filed your way out of the room, Loki walked behind Steve, whispering in his ear “I know you liked it.” Steve jerked his head to look at Loki, “What did you say to me?”. You could see his rage emitting from his face. “Oh don’t be coy, everyone saw the photographs, you looked like you were enjoying yourself, that’s all I’m saying.” Loki slithers his way into manipulating Steve. He stomps his way past the group of people trying to exit, looking like a pouting toddler. You and Loki, hold in your laughter as you wait your turn to leave.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 months
With Friends Like You, Who Needs Enemies
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Reader is a mutant with the ability to turn sound into light who was 'adopted' aka stolen as a child by Baron Von Strucker to use for experimentation. She was given a form of the Super soldier serum so in addition to her mutant abilities she also has super strength, enhanced senses and healing. When he starts experimenting on his volunteers, the Maximoff twins, she tries to convince them to escape with her but they tell the Baron that she's planning to escape so he doubles her cell security. Steve and reader met when the team recovered Loki's scepter from Strucker.
She falls in love with Steve and becomes good friends with Nat but they aren't the friends she thinks they are.
This story is canon adjacent except that Thanos never happened.
NOTES: I'm in the middle of reading Unwanted by @scoonsalicious and am really pissed at that Bucky which made writing fluff a challenge so I hope this came out alright.
LMK if y'all want smut
Chapter 13
Warnings: little angst but mostly fluff
Bucky kissed Rainbow on the cheek as he dropped her off in her room to get ready for their date. Before Bucky even took two steps away from her door, Steve hurried up and started knocking. Rainbow opened the door smiling, thinking Bucky had forgotten something but her face fell when she saw Steve looking at her expectantly.
She sighed "What do you want, Steve?"
Steve smiled at her "I was wondering if you had plans tonight? Maybe we could go for dinner?"
Rainbow shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose "I don't think so Steve. I have plans tonight but even if I didn't, I still wouldn't spend any time with you even if the world was on fire and you owned all the water. Go find yourself a new girl to control and cheat on." She slammed the door in his face.
Steve heard something behind him and glared at Bucky who was leaning up against the wall chuckling at him. "I waited to see if she needed any help dealing with you but it seems like she can handle herself just fine.
And damn pal, the attitude she gave you was hot as fuck."
He slapped Steve on the shoulder "Well, man, I've got a date to get ready for with my sweet Rainbow and I do not want to be late. Catch you later, punk."
Steve just stood in the hallway, seething, until an idea to interfere with their date started forming and he walked away to develop it.
Wanda went to Rainbows room to help her get ready for her date. Rainbow was already anxious.
"I don't know what to wear, I don't have much."
Wanda looked at her "It's just a date, not like you two don't already finish each others sentences all the time. Bucky is crazy about you, he'd love you in a potato sack so stop worrying about it."
Wanda hummed looking through Rainbows closet before grabbing a hanger. "How about this?" She waved a baby blue sun dress "and.......this?" Putting her black leather biker jacket over it. "And some sandals? Light make up and relaxed hair?"
Rainbow laughed and nodded "Yes!" Before sitting down so Wanda could work on her hair.
Rainbow hummed without even realizing and her aura glowed so Wanda giggled "You must not be too nervous because your lights are so light and soft"
Rainbow felt her face heat up and her lights went pink "Why would I be nervous? Bucky and I are already know each other so well. I feel like all the other stuff, you know Strucker, Nat all that bad was there to make sure I appreciate right now. I mean do you think there's something I should be nervous about? Did you see something in Bucky's head? Tell me Wanda please!" She felt her heart racing.
Wanda rubbed her back "No there's nothing,  I didn't read anything it was just your lights were so pretty."
Rainbow sighed and tried to soothe herself. "I'm more worried about Steve trying to cause trouble. He knocked on my door after the meeting and asked me to go out with him. I don't think he's going to back down."
Wanda consoled her "We aren't going to let Steve mess things up for you. I'll keep an eye on him to make sure."
Wanda finished her work and stood back. "Stand up and take a look."
Rainbow stood and looked at herself in the mirror, gasped, then twirled to make sure it was really her. "Wanda, what did you do? You made me beautiful."
Wanda scoffed playfully "No love, you are beautiful. I just helped highlight what you already have."
Rainbow felt her emotions welling up and her eyes felt teary. She fanned her face with her hands "Oh no Wanda, you're gonna make me cry and ruin my face. I just, I don't, I'm, no I can't do this it's too much."
Wanda handed her some tissues "No, stop it. You're just nervous but it's going to be perfect. Trust me."
Rainbow hugged her friend and sat on her couch to wait for Bucky.
Bucky looked himself over in his mirror, black jeans, button up and leather jacket. Simple and very him. He left his room to pick up the flowers he had ordered at reception and back upstairs to pick up his Rainbow.
He passed his own door to see Steve leaned up against it.
Bucky shook his head "No time for your BS Rogers, find a new hobby."
Steve scoffed "I don't think so. You're nuts if you think I'm just going to stand back and watch you take my girl. I'm not that skinny weakling you used to protect."
Bucky nodded "I agree, that weakling wouldn't have treated Rainbow the way you have."
Steve snapped "Not Rainbow, her fucking name is Y/N and I will get her back." he shoved Bucky into the wall.
Bucky stared at the man he used to consider his brother before setting the flowers aside and cracked his neck calmly. He moved so quickly after that, that Steve couldn't follow his movements and found himself against the wall with Bucky's vibranium hand around his neck. Again.
Bucky held him a moment, breathing heavily before looking Steve in the eyes "This is the LAST time I'm gonna say this. You fucked up and RAINBOW isn't yours, doesn't want to be yours and I'm honestly baffled trying to understand why she won't let me kill you. She's with me now and I'm not gonna fuck up like you did. Now I'm taking her on a date and you are gonna stay here, in the building, and leave us the fuck alone. Got it?"
Steve tried to speak and nod but he couldn't. Bucky chuckled and let up on Steve's neck "Sorry, I guess I'm a little overzealous. Are we clear?"
Steve nodded wordlessly while looking past Bucky's shoulder, seeing Y/N beckoning him and followed her into his own room.
Bucky saw Wanda down the hall, red magic reaching from her hands to follow Steve into his room. She smiled at Bucky and nodded her head towards Rainbows room.
Bucky smiled back, dusted himself off, picked up his flowers and hurried to Rainbows door, knocking quickly. When she opened her door his jaw dropped, making her giggle.
"Hi Jamie." She took the flowers he held out for her.
"Damn doll, you get prettier every time I see you."
She smiled and felt her face heat up, hoping he wouldn't notice. "You look very handsome too. Let me put these flowers in some water and we can go."
Bucky took her hand after she took care of the flowers and led her to the entrance of the building.
When he opened the door for her, Rainbow gasped to see a horse drawn carriage waiting for them.
She looked over at Bucky who shrugged "It's incredible what you can do when you have Tony Stark backing you up." He held his hand up to help her step into the carriage.
They rode all the way around the lake and came back around to the end of the property stopping at a spot with soft outdoor lights and a blanket spread out topped by an assortment of pillows. Soft jazz music seemed to come out of nowhere.
The driver stopped the horse and Bucky helped Rainbow out of the carriage which went far enough away to give them privacy but close enough to be there when they were ready to go home.
Rainbow looked at the setting in awe "It's so pretty Jamie, I love this!"
Bucky stared at her with a smile on his face "Absolutely beautiful"
Rainbow looked at him, realized he was looking at her then felt the butterflies explode and leave a tingle in her core.
Bucky smirked and kissed her cheek before offering a hand to help her sit and get comfortable on the blanket. She giggled playing with them until she was comfortable.
Bucky poured wine and put out a dish of fruit, veggies, cheese and crackers for them to snack on. They talked and laughed, quietly watched the sun set in each others arms, then talked more until Bucky leaned over and kissed her. He was soft and slow to start, gently nibbling her lower lip until she opened up for him and their tongues danced together. He pulled her closer and ran his hands all over her body until they both needed to come up for air.
Bucky caressed her cheek with his flesh hand and smiled when she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. He gently grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into another kiss. She kissed him back with all the love and passion she felt. She felt his vibranium hand tighten around her waist until she could feel his erection pushing into her center and moaned into his mouth.
He smiled into the kiss and moved his hand down to grab her ass and grind into her.
He pulled back to check on her, looking into her beautiful eyes "Are you ok doll you let me know if I'm going too fast, yeah?"
Rainbow nodded "I will but you aren't. I want you Jamie. I need you."
She reached down to barely run her hand over his straining cock. Even through his clothes she made him feel like nothing he remembered.
He grunted, his voice husky "If you keep that up I'm gonna make a mess in my pants like a teenager."
He pulled away a little "Maybe we should cool off? Maybe a walk along the lake shore?"
Rainbow pouted and shook her head before rubbing him a little harder, nibbling on his earlobe and whispering in his ear "Maybe, we should get back to my room so I can show you what I meant when I said I need you."
Bucky kissed her one more time before grabbing his phone and texting the coachman to pick them up.
He looked at Rainbow and winked as he pulled her up to stand "Then let's get out of here, doll."
Smut? Or no smut?
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bean-bean2000 · 1 month
The Maid - Part 11
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 10
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You wake to the sun shining in from the small square window and the caws of a raven.
Sitting up slowly, you head directly to the bathroom to bathe. No thoughts have crossed your mind as you’re functioning on autopilot.
You look at your reflection and see nothing. In the deepest parts of your mind you can hear the locked chest rattling and moving to get out, much like Pandora's box, but you push it further.
Not anymore. Just focus on your job. I can’t do this anymore. For your own sanity, push them out.
You get ready for the day and head out to your first destination: the King’s bedroom.
As you perform your duties, it feels as though you’re floating. The world around you seems hazy, almost as if somebody else is controlling your body as you watch through your eyes.
You’re cleaning the room robotically, as you move around sweeping and dusting. You hear nothing besides this constant deep buzzing.
Suddenly you feel a hand wrap around your forearm and makes you turn around. You show no reaction as you’re turned to face Loki, staring at you with squinted eyes.
He’s saying something but you can’t hear until you shake your head out of the haze and focus again. You curtsy low and address him “Hello, my king. How may I be of assistance?”
He stares at you, searching your eyes. “Are you well?” he asks.
“How do you mean, my king?” you reply stoically.
He can’t find that fire behind your eyes that used to burn with defiance, nor that snarkiness he loves to see when you challenge him. He only sees empty eyes staring back at him.
“What happened?” he demands rather than asking.
“I'm unsure what you are referring to, my king. I am simply doing my job, as your maid. I’m doing as you said, your highness. I know my place.” Your eyes look sunken and void of anything.
He frowns at your reply when you turn around and continue your work as he stares at you in confusion and worry.
He steps in front of you “Stop.”
You immediately obey “Yes, my king.” and you stand there waiting for his next order.
He continues to search your eyes, not understanding how a woman with such strong character, the woman he met a few days prior who would rather be beaten than to obey an order, suddenly accept a command so easily.
He sits you down on a chair and analyzes you. He can’t sense any foreign or dark magic on you. There is no curse he can identify. He’s bewildered by your drastic change in character, until he notices this dark purple aura surrounding your body. He doesn’t understand how he hadn’t felt the presence of this magic before, but he quickly realizes that it isn’t foreign. It’s coming from within you.
Thinking out loud he says "You're not supposed to have magic. How is this possible?"
Then, he remembers something his mother had told him years ago when he was a boy:
"Mother, what do the colours I see around people mean? Everybody has a different one. Why is that?" Young Loki asks.
"My son, those colours are called auras. Everybody has a different aura depending on their type of magic that they have and use. Sometimes, people may have dormant magic, subdued from years of being unused. Those auras, are much different, however. They are usually a deep orange, which can eventually turn into another colour when and if they start using their magic again." The Allmother explains to her eldest child.
"But what about dark purple? I was reading a book in the library that mentioned dark purple auras but I wasn't able to find any details about it." the curious boy questions.
"Dark purple? That is a very rare aura... one I have not seen since our last Great War, centuries ago. A dark purple aura happens when somebody born with magic, has suffered greatly. As a result, their magic is naturally subdued, because the most dangerous and volatile person is one who uses and grows their magic through hate and pain. The dark purple aura reflects the pain and trauma they've endured and almost acts as a warning to others. It is well known by all experts of magic that a dark purple aura cannot be cleared without the affected person healing themselves fully from their trauma." she explains.
"How do you heal them?"
"That is where the issue lays, my sweet boy. Over the years we have learned that this can only happen one way: True love and complete trust. It has been noted that the only thing that can break such pain, sadness and anguish, is unconditional love. Very few cases have been recorded where one with a dark purple aura has found such love and managed to free themselves and accept their true aura, stemming from their true, healed, self." she grabs ahold of her sons hand and guides him through her garden.
"This type of magic is the most powerful and the most difficult to attain as it is not really magic at all. Nobody can simply enchant another to fall in love. The love must be true. This means, it cannot be influenced by any unnatural forces. It cannot be forced or tricked, which is why it is the most difficult ailment to cure, unfortunately. Even more so as times passes because true love has lost its meaning over the years. No book or magical spell can tell you what true love is because there is no singular definition. For a mother, it may be the love she has for her child, for another it may be their significant other, or their sibling...It differs from person to person. Sometimes, an act of true love by the affected person themselves or the one that they love, can break the dark purple aura. Unfortunately, at times, those acts of unconditional love, are fatal; sacrificing yourself for another. True love is a very fragile and fickle thing. Extremely difficult to attain but very easy to break." she sighs sadly as she walks through the mazes of her garden.
Young Loki remained silent the rest of their walk, mind reeling trying to understand what true love really means.
At that moment he decides to do the one thing he promised himself he would never do without one’s consent.
He places two fingers on your forehead, and you feel a tingle as he begins to read your mind and replay your memories. He starts from last night, with the intention of going back as far as possible to understand who you really are.
When he begins, he can see the box of emotions hidden deep within your subconscious, locked with chains and kept hidden well beyond. He replays your memories in your room and the bathroom.
He pulls back in surprise. “How did you do that?” he asks you.
You do not reply to him and stare blankly through him.
"But... if your magic is supposedly dormant, how are you able to dissociate yourself and psychologically lock your emotions away?... Can I reverse it?" he asks himself, thinking out loud.
He taps once again into your memories and chases after the locked chest hidden in the furthest part of your mind. As he begins to approach it, it moves again, further away every time. Finally, Loki decides to try halting it in its spot with his magic. When he tries to do so, a sudden intense wave of fire scorches around him. Confused, he touches it and to his surprise, he can feel the heat from the fire within your mind. As he tries to step through, a phoenix emerges and screams as it flies at him. He feels the power of the phoenix throw him backwards and he inhales deeply as he staggers back on the table in his room. He's breathing heavily, heart racing as stares at you in disbelief.
What just happened? Did she throw me out of her mind? How is that possible... that has never happened... Who are you?
"May I resume my work, my king?" you asks monotonously.
Loki shakes his head incredulously and waves his hand in the air "Yes, yes, continue. I must take my leave."
He quickly walks to the door and looks behind his shoulder before leaving, watching you broom the floor as if nothing happened.
Please let me know your opinions on the story so far and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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hiddlesbummmm · 1 month
Wow! It has been ages since i have posted a fic. I hope you all enjoy! It feels so wonderful and refreshing to write again❤️❤️
Tumblr media
Warnings: SFW tickle fic. Some profanity and brief mention of sexual harassment. (Nothing explicit)
Words: 3655 Ler Loki X Lee Female reader.
Be A Man
You absolutely hated him.
You could not stand his attitude, his mischievous, his self-righteous aura. All you could think about right now was strangling this man. Maybe kicking his ass a time or two as well.
Okay, okay. You were being a little dramatic. You didn’t actually hate him. In fact, he was your best friend, who sometimes got on your nerves, but you still cared for him and loved him.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, noticing your face was red with frustration. You reached down and turned on the sink, splashing some ice water on your face to help cool your jets a little. Making eye contact with yourself again, you rubbed the sore spot on your cheekbone that was starting to bruise. It was not completely his fault, missions don’t always go to plan. You knew it was unfair to place all the blame on his shoulders, but you were still a little pissed that your partner didn’t know how to shut his mouth sometimes.
You and Loki were an interesting pair. Loki was known to be sneaky, mysterious, a little high and mighty, and sometimes a stubborn brat. Now, you knew him deeper than that and knew he was more complex and actually a caring being, but to the outside world this is how he was viewed.
You, on the other hand, were known to be bubbly, kind, outgoing, and maybe a little stubborn, but only on very specific topics. This was why you were completely shocked to hear you and Loki would be partners.
Before your partnership began, you knew very little about who this demigod was. Of course, you knew his history and where he was from, but you did not have the chance to converse with him besides polite greetings when in the kitchen or passing each other in the hallway.
One day, you received an email from SHIELD informing you that Loki was to be your assigned field partner for an extended period. You were used to working solo, but apparently, the higher-ups decided you needed someone to work alongside you, probably some new OSHA requirement or a bureaucratic policy.
Surprisingly enough, you and Loki were an amazing team. You both were stealthy, intelligent, and perceptive.That is why you were so pissed about your current mission and why you “hated” your partner.
Stationed in Greece, you and Loki were surveilling an art museum. Rumor had it that the owner was producing counterfeit artwork and selling it. Of course, this wasn’t a typical thing for SHIELD to address, but it was a critical mission because your intel mentioned the counterfeit artwork had nanotechnology hidden in the canvas backs. This particular type of nanotech in the wrong hands would be detrimental.
The mission went by flawlessly. You and Loki were disguised as a rich couple from Italy, and together you perused the art studio pretending to admire the artwork. The plan was for you to cause a diversion so Loki could scan some of the artwork with a piece of technology Tony Stark curated. The scanner was not easily hidden, so it was best if the security personnel were distracted.
Loki removed his arm from around your waist, chastely kissing you on your temple.
“I will be right across the room love. There is some fine artwork I wish to analyze, although none of this is as fine as you dear”. Loki purred, but loud enough for those around to hear.
Oh, he was good. To others in the room, you looked like hopeless romantics. Little did they know the truth.
You nodded and fought off a blush as you confirmed this was your cue to distract the security guards. Loki headed toward the back of the room while you walked over to the floor host. You had clocked it earlier that anyone who approached the host, immediately gained the attention of all the security guards, at least for a couple minutes until they deemed it safe.
“Oh excuse me, kind sir, I was wondering if you could explain the history behind this item. My husband and I are very interested in this piece”.
The host looked at you skeptically, probably because of your youthful look.
“Oh, did I mention we will be paying cash?” You opened up your purse so the man could see you weren’t bluffing.
Immediately after eyeing the cash, the man changed his demeanor.
“Of course Miss. I would be delighted to discuss this with you.” You flashed the man a dainty smile and slowly walked over to a painting in the far corner of the room.
Pretending to be highly interested in what the man was saying, you nodded and smiled intently at his every word. After what felt like a lifetime, you felt Loki snake his hands around your waist again.
“Now darling. I thought we discussed this before. The color of this painting will clash with our interior design. Perhaps we should return tomorrow and think this over before we make any decisions?”
You pretended to look upset, pouting slightly as you begrudgingly answered him.
“Yes dear. You are quite right, like always”.
Loki smiled and nonchalantly squeezed your side. You were not expecting the ticklish sensation, so you jumped back slightly and coughed to suppress your giggle.
Loki raised his eyebrows and smirked at you. Great, just what you needed! The God of Mischief knowing your little ticklish secret.
You glared back at Loki as to say “Don’t you dare think about it”. The host, who was still standing by you two, chuckled nervously and thanked you for your time. Taking that as your cue to exit the studio, you and Loki headed out.
This is when things went wrong. As you left the building, Loki still had his arm wrapped around your waist, unmoving, but you could sense the threat that loomed over you.
“Loki I swear, you even think about it and I will—“
“DAMN! Now that is a fine-looking ass if I ever saw one. Got to get me some of dat!”
You and Loki immediately turned to see a very drunk individual giving your body a look. You rolled your eyes.
You knew you had a nice body, and had been catcalled before. If you hadn’t been on a busy street trying to blend in, you would have ripped his tongue out, but you and Loki needed to get back to the safe house.
“Come on Loki, just ignore it”. You yanked on Loki’s bicep, only to find he was not moving.
“Loki, I said ignore it! We have to go!” You said through your teeth. The inebriated man was still making foul comments, but you just ignored them. Loki stepped towards the man.
“Listen here you impotent, conniving little shit. That is not how you talk to a woman”.
You yanked on his arm again as you noticed the man was getting extremely agitated.
“Loki we got to go NOW!” You urged but still, your partner did not move. You noticed his hand started to glow a faint green as Loki summoned some of his magic.
Oh boy.
You jumped in front of Loki to stop him right at the same time the drunk man was about to take a swing at Loki. He socked you solidly in the face and you stumbled a little trying to regain your footing.
“Oh, you have done it now you-“ Loki was seething more now and you had to get out of here. You yanked with all your might on Loki’s arm again and finally, he followed suit. You could hear the man yelling profanities as you walked away.
You continued down the road in silence for a few moments.
“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks for asking”. You spat a little harshly. You rubbed your sore face and shot Loki a glare. Loki jumped a little at your harshness.
“I know you can take a little heat Agent. I am more concerned about why you didn’t let me demolish that cretin for slewing hateful words your way”.
You sighed. “Because Loki, I am used to being cat-called and missions always come first. I thought you of all people would understand that”.
Loki huffed and rolled his eyes. “Well, sorry agent that I tried to protect you. Won’t happen again!”
Loki continued to mumble under his breath but you couldn’t quite make out what he said.
Still upset but wanting to change topics you decided to discuss the mission.
“So, what did the scanner find in the paintings? Anything good?”
Loki shook his head. With no emotion he said “The scanner found absolutely nothing”.
You stopped in your tracks. Turning to look at Loki, his face etched with frustration and disappointment.
“Well, that’s just great! We wasted our time, found no evidence to shut this operation down, and I got punched in the face for NOTHING!”
Loki opened his mouth to speak, but you held up a hand motioning for him to shut it. You were overreacting, but you didn’t want to admit it quite yet. You needed to calm down first.
Now that you were a few blocks away from the studio, you clicked a button on your watch signaling your ride to pick you up. Took only a few moments before a car pulled over and you and Loki crawled in. You were both silent for the duration of the car ride.
You splashed your face with cold water one more time before deciding it was time to exit the bathroom. Loki probably wanted to take a shower and it would be rude to not allow him that.
You headed into the main room of the quaint little cabin you were staying at and made yourself some dinner. It was nearly dark outside already and your stomach was grumbling from the lack of food.
Loki entered the kitchen and made his way to the bathroom. Before entering, he paused, looking over his shoulder.
“I am sorry for not listening to you earlier. I should never have let that buffoon put his hands on you”.
Loki’s voice was soft, gentle even. You could tell he was being sincere.
“It’s okay Loki. I am sorry for overreacting. You still love me right?” You joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Loki chuckled and gave you a wink.
“Well of course. Dat ass is something to admire isn’t it”.
You let out a snort and gave Loki the finger as he walked into the bathroom. You two were most definitely friends, but sometimes you wondered if there was a spark of something else underneath. You blushed and felt your heart twinge at the thought.
You were falling for him.
But you couldn’t think about that right now. He was your best friend, partner, and teammate. You couldn’t risk losing him if he didn’t feel the same way.
You decided to play it safe. You were going to bottle up your feelings and wait for Loki to make his move first.
Feeling bored and needing to pass the time, you grabbed the TV remote and scrolled through the channels to see if something piqued your interest.
“No way!” You stated to yourself out loud. “I haven’t seen this movie in forever!”
You giggled and jumped onto the couch. You had not seen Disney’s “Mulan” in ages. This movie brought back many memories of your childhood, as you watched it ample times and knew each song by heart.
Loki was still in the shower, so you had no shame in quoting the movie and singing along. As frustrated and angry as you were this morning, this movie was exactly what you needed to cheer you up.
The drums in the movie started to intensify, and you knew your favorite part was coming up. You cranked up the TV a little bit louder, grabbed your hairbrush that was sitting on the coffee table, and prepared for your solo.
Not caring if Loki heard you or not you yelled along with the movie.
You must be swift as the coursing river.
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the MOOOOOON!”
You continued to sing along until a deep voice startled you from behind.
“What in Odin’s name is going on!? Is a cat being skinned alive out here??”
You threw a pillow at Loki.
“Oh shut up! I have a wonderful singing voice thank you very much. You giggled and went to grab another pillow to toss at Loki.
You knew your singing voice was horrendous, but hey at least you were in a better mood now!
Loki quickly threw his pillow back at you as you dove onto the couch to avoid being hit.
“Have you ever seen this movie Loki? It’s pretty funny I think”.
Loki walked over to where you were sitting and sat beside you. He eyed the TV suspiciously as you explained the movie was called “Mulan”.
“You really think I had time to watch a silly movie while on Asgard on a flashing electronic box? Partner, I met the real Mulan, and she was nothing like this cartoon depicts her. She was a much more intimidating woman”.
You looked at Loki with a shocked expression.
“You actually got to meet her?? That is so awesome. I bet she could kick your ass”.
Loki rolled his eyes and ignored the insult.
“So explain to me, what about that song made you scream at the top of your lungs?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Well besides it being hella catchy, it’s also kinda ironic. Back in those days, warriors had to live up to a higher standard to prove their manhood. But nowadays, men can act like wild dogs sometimes without repercussions.”
Loki mocked gasped.
“Ouch love, and to think that you are my friend when I to you am merely a wild dog!”
You punched Loki on the shoulder.
“Oh come on, you know I don’t think of you that way! But to be fair, you aren’t as swift as a river or have the force of a typhoon. God or not, that’s just not realistic.”
Loki’s demeanor changed after you spoke about this. His eyes narrowed and you saw a slight twinkle of mischievous. You weren’t intending to offend him. You were teasing him like you always did.
“Loki, I didn’t mean to offend you! I was just sayi—HEY!”
Without warning Loki had leapt from his spot and tackled you down on the couch. He was much stronger than you so it didn’t take long for you to be pinned and not able to wiggle very much. He was sitting on your hips with your hands under your back. You kicked your feet in a futile attempt to dislodge him.
“What were you saying dear? I am not swift like a coursing river. I feel me pinning you was awful fast.”
So this is what it was about. Loki felt you were bashing his manhood.
“Loki, this is not what I meant! I was teasing you! You are very much a man! I was referring to men like the guy who punched me today!”
You tried to buck your hips, but Loki was heavy enough that you barely moved. Starting to get nervous, you thought maybe threatening Loki would help you.
“Loki, if you don’t get off me, I will start to sing again. I know how much you love my voice”.
You opened your mouth to belt out a random tune, but instead of lyrics coming out, you squeaked. Loki had poked you on the stomach.
Shit. You forgot about your ticklish incident this morning.
“Loki, let’s talk about thIS.” Your breath hitched as Loki poked you again but on your ribs this time.
“Oh, agent! Did you think I would be forgetting this little secret you tried to hide from me? I was going to leave you alone today since you did get punched and all, but then you threatened me! And questioned my manhood.
So, yes you will sing Little Dove. You will sing for me as I show you how swift I can be. You will witness yourself being forced to giggle, shriek, laugh, and wiggle underneath me. And you will soon find out I do have the strength of a raging fire, and you will have no choice but to submit to my touch”.
Your face turned red and you turned your head away from Loki, trying to hide from him. Best friend or not, Loki’s playfulness was very attractive. Being tickled by him couldn’t be that bad, could it?
“Sing for me little birdie”
Loki wasted no time and was soon scratching his fingers very methodically in between your ribs. He was gauging which set was the most sensitive, not lingering for too long before switching to another pair.
You could not even attempt to suppress your laughter. The ticklish sensation was too much and you were soon bubbling with laughter. Your lower ribs made you giggle laugh while your upper ribs were far more sensitive causing you to squirm and squeak loudly.
In search of a more ticklish spot, Loki quickly changed tactics and was now pinching your sides and belly. You wiggled harder now and were full-on laughing. Occasionally having a snort sneak out of your mouth.
“Is this swift enough for you dear? Or should I increase my pace even more?”
Loki’s teasing was making things so much worse. He also was true to his word and his tickling fingers were spidering all over your very exposed torso, finding all your weak points. He managed to find a spot right above your hip that was super sensitive, and you thrashed as hard as you could trying to throw your partner off of you.
“LOKI STAHAHAHP IT”! You tried to sound intimidating, but the amount of laughter you were spewing along with your red face made that impossible.
“No thank you, I found a spot and I am enjoying the sweet sounds I am forcing out of you”.
Loki booped you on the nose and you reacted by trying to bite his finger.
“Well, that's rude! You should play nice silly girl, or this will only get worse for you” Loki tutted at you and wiggled his finger as if he was scolding a young child.
“This is me being nice-ehehe NO!”
You tried to snap back at him, but he used the same finger he booped you with to swipe under your chin and down your neck. You let out a very high-pitched squeal and shook your head frantically.
Loki tutted at you again and gently held your head in place by putting his hand firmly on your forehead.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach explode as you quickly realized you could not move your head even an inch. You giggled uncontrollably as you anticipated what was going to happen.
Loki gave you a smirk. “Oh, what a pity. If you are giggling this madly already, I can only imagine what will happen to you when I do THIS”.
Loki shot his hand towards your neck and your laughter was riddled with insults, threats, and begging. Loki belted out a deep laugh as you opened your eyes and realized his fingers had stopped just short of their intended target.
Your eyes widened.
“No Loki- hehe please!!”
“No what dear? Please stop? Or please don’t stop?”
You felt your cheeks heat up again as you fell right into another trap.
“I- I uh plead the fifth!”
Loki smirked. “Not for long you won’t little birdie”.
Loki followed through this time and fluttered his fingers oh so gently on your neck and you soon lost your marbles.
Giggling, screeching, squealing. Your laughter echoed throughout the safe house whilst Loki had the largest smile on his face, seeing you wriggling and trying so desperately to move your head and protect the delicate skin he was torturing.
You caved after a couple of minutes and you felt a tear or two leak from your eyes.
Loki stopped his hands and looked at you quizzically. Realizing you had inexplicably spilled the beans, you tried to backpedal.
“I uh I mean I -“
Loki cut you off as he leaned down to give you a light kiss. You kissed him back, hard. Both of your eyes gleamed as you broke apart.
“You think I didn’t already know that dear? You made it rather obvious when you blushed at the Art Studio. You can’t fake a blush”.
You blushed again. “I was too nervous to admit it, I didn’t know if you felt the same”.
Loki chucked. “Why else would I be tickling you to tears darling? Why would I have been so upset at that cretin earlier today? It’s because I care for you, deeper than a friendship goes”.
You hugged Loki and he helped you from your spot. Now sitting up and facing him, you felt the need to be cheeky once more.
“Well since you know I’m ticklish now, it’s only fair if you admit if you are ticklish as well.”
Loki scoffed. “You even think about revenge and next time I won’t go so easy on your sensitive little neck. I’ve heard that is a great spot to plant some raspberries.”
You involuntarily flinched at the thought.
“Well, at least I did learn something about you during this whole ordeal”.
Loki looked at you skeptically.
“You might be swift as a river, be strong as a raging fire, and have the force of a typhoon. BUT you most definitely are as mysterious as the dark side of the moon”.
Loki kissed you on the forehead.
“Now that is the most honest thing you have said all day”.
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