#rather be wet and cold than interacting with people
smol-soop-spoon · 4 months
channeling my inner richard papen as i hide from people using the surrounding architecture
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ma1dita · 9 months
to chase the sun
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words: little over 1k
summary: grumpy!remus hates the rain but loves his sunshine!reader
warnings: none! gender neutral reader but a quick fem mention in the poem at the end, allusions to lycanthropy causing chronic pain, soft!comfy remus
a/n: when will it be my turn. side note, first fic out in YEARS lmfao please feel free to interact and comment! hope yall enjoy xx
(edited/reposted on 9/7/23)
Remus Lupin hated the rain. People in the streets rush to get away from it, always wanting to run from the cold. It’s lonely, running is. And that is a feeling he is all too familiar with. Loneliness is a friend of his, and it sits with him often when the sky is dark and bleak, nothing unlike how he feels around the time of the full moon. He’s sat at the window of the Gryffindor common room, gazing outside instead of finishing his Herbology homework. It was raining, the kind where big fat drops are hitting the window and dragging their way down the glass. A fire crackled in the corner of the room, the warmth spreading across his scarred skin.
Analyze the benefits and disadvantages of using Muggle practices and methods in herbology, and discuss whether the magical world should adopt more of these innovations.
Remus rubs his forehead and looks out into the darkness of the Forbidden Forest, tired eyes seeing the world as so cold and gray in contrast to the comforting heat in the dim light. Warmth. A feeling he’s been chasing for as long as he’s known. Remus is someone who sits in the sunlight to feel it through his bones. He always has a bite of chocolate ready in hopes of taking some of the cold away. The sweaters that drape over his broad shoulders are a constant reminder of an embrace and what it feels like to be held. And well, there’s you.
You. A direct contradiction to every vow of self-deprecation and isolation he’s made to himself since he was bitten, quickly forgotten with every earth-shattering smile you point in his direction. You, his darling angel who’s laughter sounds like orchestral music, the perfect quell to the silence in his head. He wonders what Icarus must have felt like, flying too close to the sun. But as you walk down the dormitory steps with rosy cheeks and an umbrella big enough for two, he understands what it means to take that risk. It was easy to fall. Sunlight is hard to catch, after all.
“Rem? You wanna go for a walk outside? You need a break baby.” You’re smiling at him, rain boots squeaking against the tile in anticipation of his next move.
“It’s raining pretty hard. You really want to go out in the downpour, my sweet?” His brow furrowed as he thought of the rain falling on the streets, and wished he could take it all away. His lover is made of sunshine, and he’d fistfight the sky if it meant he could keep you shining.
“We could dance in the rain like in those muggle movies your mom likes to watch!”
You’re grinning mischievously, looking like getting swept by the wind and rain is the ultimate dream, stumbling over to perch on his lap. His arm wraps around your waist, tickling your stomach as you lay your head on his shoulder.
“Just wanna spend time with you, Rem.” Your smile is imprinted on his jaw, and he’s convinced that if someone opened him up to take a peek inside they’d see your kisses gently marked along his heart.
He sighs softly, stroking your back as he bounces his leg lightly. Who wants to sit here and mope writing about plants anyway if you’re sitting there so pretty and beaming at him.
“Only for you.” he gruffs, as you let out a squeal. He never used to give in so easily before, but with you indulgence feels like an unconscious reprieve rather than an intentional choice he might later regret.
“ —But, I’ll just hold the umbrella so you won’t get wet.” Remus interjects, tracing his name into your thigh. You make a noise that resembles a laugh, and it makes it all the more easier to get up and put a jacket on, despite the comfort of his position in holding you pleading for him not to.
Your hands are intertwined as you both briskly walk down the cobblestone path. Remus, taking slower, larger steps and you, hopping into every small puddle that presents as an obstacle to your grand destination of nowhere, just to pass the time.
Remus stays quiet, one hand firmly on the umbrella and the other in yours. His entire being aches in the cold like this, another consequence of his unwanted ailment, but he grazes his thumb against your hand like someone rubbing themself warm in the presence of fire. You’re both standing in the field now and the way you gaze at him makes it feel like he could stay here forever if you asked him to.
The look in your eyes confirms that you’re itching to rush out from under the umbrella, to feel the wetness pelt against your skin. Instead, you lean against his chest, tapping your fingers along his spine as you both listen to the pitter patter of the rain. As you hum a love song you heard on the radio, he notices you close your eyes, safe in his arms and under the protection of shade. Peace is a feeling hard to find at the age of 17, but in the solace of your company, it makes one wonder what else could be defined as this.
He drops the umbrella.
“Baby! The rain…” you shriek, moving impossibly closer to him. He’d let you crawl into his skin if you could ever want to.
A laugh bubbles to the surface as he looks at you, hanging off of him.
“Wanna dance?”
Remus hopes you don’t mind the red in his cheeks as he holds his hand out. The rain washes away any doubt he had about loving you.
“But you’re getting all wet. You don’t like the rain.”
Raindrops are glistening as they fall off your eyelashes, dripping down your cheeks. Your hair is drenched now, and Remus can’t help but smile at you, shaking his head into your face like a wet dog.
“I don’t mind it. I love you.”
He continues to hum where you left off, spinning and dipping you before pulling you back into his chest as you giggle. He looks up at the sky, then looks at you. You’re still so warm, and he then realizes he has sunlight in his grasp.
“I could stay here all night!” You yell with glee, skipping circles around him, arms stretched towards the heavens.
“Dunno about that, baby, but we can try.”
Remus contemplates it, noticing a chill in the air as he crosses his arms, watching you dance with the raindrops. He accidentally steps into a puddle as he shifts his foot.
Yup. Remus Lupin still dislikes the rain. His sock is wet and the feeling seeps through him slowly, as you splash him. Warmth.
Remus Lupin never thought recovering from a full moon could feel worse, until of course it did.
“100.4! Sheesh, Moony you really did a number on yourself frolicking in the rain before your time of the month, huh?” Sirius says, tossing the thermometer to the bedside drawer. He’s tucked into his bed sniffing loudly as he burrows his head deeper into the pillow.
“Beat you. I got 100.6.” A head pops out from under the covers wrapping arms around him, giggling and then sneezing. Daylight is spilling across his sheets. Warmth.
“Was worth it.” he mumbles, snuggling closer in his twin bed.
“I love her as she is,
doing her thing,
I would never want
to control her fire;
All I need is
to be near it.”
Marc Anthony
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lafleshlumpeater · 5 months
can you do an ethan nakamura x reader pls 🥺
If you can't it's okay ❤️
i hope you werent looking for anything specific but this is what i came up with<3
(i tried to make this as gn as possible- lmk if theres anything wrong w it)
Warnings: ethan is a bit (a lot) in love, unbelievably cheesy plot, gn reader
(im sorry for tsitp reference i had to okay- also for the plot we’ll just pretend ethan is the only nemesis child)
ethan nakamura masterlist
To say Ethan was infatuated was an understatement.
The few who knew him well had never seen him like this before. Jaw slack, eyes wide and blind to the rest of the world every time you walked past.
He wanted to talk to you. If only his voice didn’t fail him every time you offered him a courteous smile, asking how he was and if his day was going okay.
He was torn- between wanting to be bold, asking you out with an air of confidence he didn’t care to admit his lack of, and admiring you from a safe distance, sighing wistfully with want.
And one day, the opportunity to be bold was granted to him, although seemingly insignificant-  teasing him, forcing him to make the decision between taking his chance or letting it fly past him.
“Ethan,” you greet, awfully chirpily, Ethan thinks, for a cold Sunday afternoon. He can’t help but love it, though.
“Hey,” he responds, feigning at indifference. Really, his heart rate sped up a notch and he could feel his face grow warmer, and just knowing that fact painted his cheeks a more prominent red. You don’t seem to notice, and he thanks all the gods (bitterly) for your oblivion to his adoration.
Kicking the cabin door shut behind you, you hold a clipboard and a pen in your hands. “Cabin inspection,” you smile smugly, eyes honing in on every detail of the room which made it an utter mess. Ethan cringed.
“That was today?”
“Unfortunately for you.” You smirk. With a facade of innocence, you bat your eyelashes and Ethan’s stomach flips. “I assume someone… forgot?”
He bites his lip, indiscreetly kicking rubbish under the bed. “Uhh…”
You shrug, scribbling on your clipboard. “Cabin Sixteen… stable duties.”
“No!” he exclaims in protest, louder than he meant to. You look up at him through your lashes.
“Can- can we forget about this, just for once? For one, there’s no- one else to help me clean, and this is the first time I’ve…” Ethan falters once he realises you’re teasing, lips quirked up into a playful smirk.
“What’ll you give me if I do?”
His racing mind slows.
Was this you flirting with him?
With him? Of all people?
After a tense pause, he slowly rises to his feet, taking a small step towards you, letting out a highly intelligent, well- deliberated: “Huh?”
You giggle coyishly. “I said, ‘what’ll you give me if I do’?”
Ethan swallows.
He’s never been the most outgoing of people.
Taking another step towards you, pauses for a second. His decision could mess everything up, but better to mess everything up rather than to have the regret eating away at him for ages to come, right?
Wetting his lips, Ethan walks slowly to stand in front of you- leaning in slightly. When you don’t pull away, he takes it as encouragement.
With a deep breath, he reaches out, gently tilting your chin to face him and presses his warm, soft lips to yours.
This wasn’t proofread at all so… please lmk if it doesn’t make sense anywhere before i re read it one day and cry <3
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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mayumiiyuu · 1 year
Love!!!! I've 🍃🍃 and I just had the best idea for a Bokuto story! Imagine you are dating sweet himbo bokuto and after about 6 months you confess to him that you're a masochist (like Hori in Horimiya). You ask him to degrade you in public and he just can't because of how much he loves you and respects you. You keep encouraging him and eventually when you're being extra bratty during his MSBY practice, he calls you an attention craving slut or something infront of the team and drags you off home "you're going to regret asking me to degrade you". 😍😍😍😍😍
I LOVE YOUR MIND SO MUCH!!!!! I will give u a consensual smooch in the brain if you’d let me!!!
18+ content!!! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT (pls)
timeskip! bokuto x reader
warnings: degradation, jealousy, spit kink
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Bokuto loves you so much, more than anything or anyone else in the world, so when you told him that you wanted to be degraded by him in public, it through him for a loop. This boy does nothing but praise you so he’s lowkey questioning whether or not you actually liked it when he praised you in bed huhuhu poor baby boy just doesn’t know what to do with himself.
He’s so shy whenever you mention it, too, always so timid and blushy whenever you bring it up, especially when you beg for him to do it while you guys are in public.
but bokuto has his limits, and you were going to make sure to push every single one of his buttons until you got your way<33
usually you’d be a little quiet during his practices, giving him a little whoop here and there for motivation. but this time? you wanted to be an absolute menace. you’d say hi to him and his teammates, but this time you went so far as to giving them all a big hug, except for bokuto who only got a kiss on the cheek from you >:0 mans is fuming silently as you pay more attention to the other MSBY jackals rather than him, despite his silence, his serves and spikes are hard enough to take out someone’s hand as he slowly gets more frustrated.
he finally hit the tipping point when all of them were finally done with practice, you approached sakusa with such an innocent smile on your face, the man totally unaware of your devious plan to make your significant other jealous.
“hi kiyoomi!” you beamed, holding up your hand ina small wave, to which he responded with a wave back, only for you to take his hand and measure it out against yours. “wow, your hands are so big! good job on your serves today, I see you’ve really improved—“
“is that how it is, (name)? you wanna act like an attention seeking slut while your boyfriend’s around? hm?” bokuto all but yells out, causing the rest of the people within the vicinity to jump, and you take your hand away from sakusa’s almost immediately.
bokuto grabs you by your wrist as he drags you towards the locker room. kiyoomi winces as he sees the death glare bokuto gives you.
as soon as you’re inside, he basically slams you against one of the lockers, wrists held tightly in his hands as he pins them above your head, leaving you a cowering, vulnerable mess. in spite of his rough treatment, you feel your legs quiver in anticipation, a wet spot forming in your panties as you feel his hot breath against your cheek as he leans in closer to whisper in your ear.
“you’re gonna fucking regret asking me to degrade you, because from now on, you only get to respond to names like slut, whore, and cumdump? are we clear?”
you couldn’t have nodded your head faster at his words, he presses closer to you, grabbing you by your thighs which tell you one thing: jump. and you do, wrapping your legs around his torso as he ruts into you, mouth on yours in a heated kiss, you can’t help but moan as he bites your lower lip. feeling how hard he is through his shorts, you pull him to you closer, wrap your legs around his waist tighter, wanting nothing more but friction between your aching cunt and his thick cock.
suddenly, you feel yourself being dropped onto the floor, wincing as you feel the cold tile hit your knees. bokuto pulls out his cock from his shorts, slapping up against his abdomen, already leaking beads of precum along his tip. you can’t help but drool at the sight of him. noticing your stare, he smirks, grabbing you by your hair, using his other hand to open your mouth with his thumb pressed upon your lower lip.
“fucking cock hungry slut,” he spits into your mouth, and your swallow it happily. “‘m gonna make such a fucking mess of this pretty face.”
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tloubrainrot · 7 months
She Knows
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Summary: You and Ellie both live in Jackson, with a past “altercation” that’s hard to ignore. Ellie has a new girlfriend, and tries to ignore her feelings for you but since getting paired with you for patrol, she’s having some issues.
As always thank you for taking the time to read our collaborative fan fic!
We ask that minors do not read or interact! VERY NSFW CONTENT AHEAD!
We have prepared a playlist that we highly suggest listening to while reading:
Figure you out - DJO
Wet Dream - Wet Leg
Partition - Beyonce
I Wanna be your dog - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Let it Happen - Tame Impala
Waking up early really pissed you off, but being paired with Ellie for patrol just pissed you off more. She always had the worst attitude, you never knew why but you felt like she always had it out for you. Maybe it was something that you did, but she should come to you directly rather than being a raging cunt.
You started your morning getting ready for patrol, still unaware of your pairing with Ellie. You didn’t enjoy patrolling, but it was nice to stay familiar with your combat skills. You threw on your usual pair of jeans and a jacket to protect yourself from the cold of Jackson. You sigh as you walk out of the comfort of your home, wishing like hell that you could turn around and ditch all responsibilities.
You walk down the streets of Jackson, watching as the community starts to wake up. You always loved the atmosphere around you, everyone was so sweet. Everyone knew each other, and everyone cared about each other. Well, most people.
You walked into the dining hall, making your way over to the line to grab your usual breakfast before patrol. In front of you was Ellie and her friend group. She had her arm wrapped around her girlfriend, and two other friends surrounded them. Ellie glanced at your direction, looking you up and down and narrowing her brows. The day barely began and she was already pissing you off. You look away, crossing your arms.
The line finally moves along and you grab your food and take a seat at your table. Every morning you bring a book with you, reading it while eating always gives you a much needed brain break before patrol. Several minutes pass, getting lost into your book until a group of people start getting loud. You look across the room, seeing Ellie’s group laughing obnoxiously. You notice Ellie and her girlfriend tangled into each other, Ellie’s arms still wrapped around her.
You manage to look away, looking back down at your book before your friend, Dina approaches you. “Hey babe,” she says sitting down next to you with her own plate. “Hey D,” you reply before you look back over at Ellie’s group. Dina catches you looking at glances at the direction with you.
Ellie looks up for a moment, catching your eye. She maintains eye contact for a few seconds, then smirks at you. She leans over to her girlfriend, whispering in her ear while looking at you. She looks back over at her girlfriend, grabbing her jaw and turning her face towards her own. She pulls her in slowly kissing her on the lips. She pulls away slowly, pecking her a few more times on the jaw. Ellie looks at you again, taking a bite of her food and then smiling at her girlfriend. You roll your eyes and turn your head to face Dina.
“She’s such a fucking whore,” you state. “I’m so sick of her attitude.” Dina laughs, taking another bite of her food.
“Why don’t you two get along anyway?”
You shrug, “I don’t know, she’s just so snobby, we’ve just never got along.”
Dina nods, looking over at Ellie for a second then back over to you, “She's pretty hot though right? Didn’t you two like almost hook up?”
You look up from your plate and glare at Dina. “I mean, almost. But we didn’t.”
Dina nods and smiles, “but almost is still a pretty big deal, what happened?” You roll your eyes contemplating whether you actually want to talk about it or not. You set your fork down on your plate, putting your hands in your lap for comfort.
“We were at a party,” you state, picking at the skin around your finger. “We were drunk, but nothing actually happened.”
Dina looks at you and furrows her brows, “That’s it? I don’t get any more details?”
“I told you, nothing happened. So there’s no details to give,” you say defensively.
Dina shrugs, looking down at her food and eating again. You both start eating in silence, leaving yourself to relive the night you experienced. That night always seemed to linger in the back of your mind. You remember being at the party that night, wasted out of your mind. You left Dina and Jesse to go to the bathroom. You waited patiently for the bathroom to free up, and when it did you walked to the door just as Ellie walked out. She shook the water off her hands. She looked at you, eyeing you slowly from head to toe then walking past you. You rolled your eyes, walking past her and into the bathroom. You look at yourself into the mirror, and look down to wash your hands. You notice a few pairs of rings next to the sink, realizing they are Ellie’s.
You opened the door, to see Ellie looking at you. She looks behind you and puts a hand on your waist, moving you to the side to grab the rings and slide them on her fingers. She goes to leave the room, “Hello to you too”, you say. She turns around to look at you, “Hm? Need something?” she says, still adjusting the rings on her fingers. “I don’t know you’ve been real distant lately and I'm sick of trying to figure out why,” you say.
Ellie reaches over, shutting the door then faces you again. “Who said I have a problem with you?”
“Then why do you have an attitude?”
She takes a step towards you, and seems how the bathroom was entirely too small, she was basically inches away from you. You could now smell the alcohol radiating off her body, she runs a hand through your hair. “You’ve been on my mind lately.”
“What do you mean by that?” you ask. She steps toward you again, pressing your back towards a wall. She puts her arms on each side of you against the wall, blocking you in. “Needed to step away before I did something bad.” She dips her face into your neck, placing a soft kiss right below your ear. You gulp, “Bad?”. She kisses your neck again. You let out a breathy groan, “Bad..” She lifts her head up to meet your eyes, she puts her thumb against your lip. “Pretty mouth.” she says pushing you closer by your belt loops. You squirm, trying your best not to look flustered, knowing well this is turning you on, too much.
You search her eyes for a moment, feeling your core growing more and more wet by the second. “Fuck.” you whisper. She grins at you, “What’s wrong? Hm?” She slides her hand between your legs.
“Please,” you say eagerly.
“Begging already?” she smirks against your ear.
You spread your legs further apart. “You’re so fucking pathetic”. She doesn’t hesitate as she crashes her lips into yours desperately. She breathes heavily and she tastes like alcohol, but you crave her, she craves you. “Fuck,” she moans against your lips. She moves her kisses to your neck, licking a sucking while you grind on her hand. “Gave yourself up to me so quickly.”
She kept kissing you, and started to rub your soaked core over your pants. You whimper softly, “More.”
She smirked at you, reaching her other hand under your shirt and grasping one of your breasts. She kissed your lips again, “Tell me what you want..” She started to slide her hand down your pants, and returned her lips to your own, smiling as you prop your mouth open into an ‘o’. As Ellie finally reaches your soaked core, the door opens. You both look over at the person standing at the doorway awkwardly.
The stranger closes the door and Ellie pulls her hand out of your pants. She looks at you before sucking her fingers, “Tastes good.” You bite your lip at the view, it’s making you wetter for sure. Ellie wipes the corner of her mouth with her thumb and smirks at you. “Another time.” Ellie exits the room appearing unphased by getting caught. You on the other hand were insanely embarrassed. You adjusted your clothes and went back out to the party. Finding Dina and Jesse just to tell them you were leaving because you felt sick.
It had been eight months since then and you and Ellie barely said more than a few words to each other, and if she did she’d be a complete asshole about it, which you don't get. Besides, Ellie has a girlfriend now. You don’t want anything to do with her, and the feeling is most definitely mutual. Yet here today, you look over at Ellie, kissing her girlfriend and can’t help but think about how good she felt touching you that night. You knew exactly what those kisses felt like. Sometimes you wish you got to go all the way.
“You ready?” You look up at Dina, “Hm?” “To check the patrol list? Have you not been listening?” You nod, “Oh right, sorry. I’m ready.”
You and Dina cleaned up your plates then left to the stables to see where everyone was placed for the day. You and Dina were always paired together, which was nice because you both got along so well. You look ahead and notice Ellie and Jesse were already talking. You get closer and Ellie gives you a dirty look. You walk into the stables with Dina and look down at the schedule. You search the list until you find your name and see Ellie’s name written down next to yours. “What the fuck?” You say looking over at Dina. “That’s hilarious.” Dina laughs. “Oh shut up,” you say, nudging her.
“Why the hell aren't we together?” you questioned. Dina looks at the location Ellie and I were placed at, “because you guys are the only ones out of us four that know that location,” she states. “You’ve been there with Maria, and Ellie went with Joel.” You look down at the paper again, “fuck me,” you whisper under your breath.
“Well, it looks like I’m with Jesse. Don’t kill each other.” You nod at her and she heads off to go talk to Jesse. Once Dina leaves Ellie walks in, checking the paper and finds that you are both paired together.
She scoffs, “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” She looks over at you and rolls her eyes. “Don’t sound so excited, I'm begging you.” you say looking up at her as you strap your knife to your thigh. You both walk over to grab your weapons. You pull your backpack over your shoulder and reach out to grab your favorite pistol, which you always use. You feel Ellies hand hit your own as you both reach for the same one.
“Oh please.” she says looking over at you.
“Dibs.” you reply.
“Like you can aim that thing.” she says, smirking and pulling it off the wall.
“We rarely find any infected anyway.” you say. “Asshole” you mutter under your breath, rolling your eyes. You end up selecting a different pistol, not wanting to fight her any longer over a stupid gun. You both walk out of the stables, straddling up your horses before heading out. You look around and already notice Jesse and Dina have left. It was just you and Ellie, unfortunately. Both horses were finally saddled and Ellie mounted onto hers, Shimmer. Ellie looks over at you, attempting to mount onto your own. Dina usually helped you up but she wasn’t here this time to help. You jumped and struggled attempting to get on your horse.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Ellie says laughing at you.
“Fuck off.”
Ellie watches you struggle for a little while longer before dismounting Shimmer, grumbling about how “This is so pathetic,” something she’s said to you in a different setting. Before you can open your mouth to retort, you feel her cold hands gripping your waist and lifting you onto your horse. You gasp as one of her hands accidentally slips under your shirt, goosebumps erupting on your skin as you try to control the blush spreading across your face.
“Thanks.” you mumble once you finally settle onto your horse.
“Whatever.” she mutters, avoiding your eyes as she clicks her tongue at Shimmer, urging her to move.
It was finally time to leave, and you prayed this wouldn’t take long. The gates opened and you both set off. Ellie didn’t wait for you, she rode off far in front of you almost the entire way to the lookout location. You didn’t mind though, it was peaceful and you didn’t feel like dealing with small talk with Ellie. As you eventually catch up, Ellie begins to speak.
“When did you take this route last?”
“Last month.”
Ellie goes quiet for a few seconds. “With who?” She seems genuine.
“Not Dina?”
You’re confused by the question, why would she even care about you or your friends? “No, only me and you are trained for it in our section. Why?”
“I just thought you would have showed it to her by now, considering how close you are.”
“I mean, she is my best friend.”
“That’s it?”
“Why do you care? Don't you have a girl to worry about?”
“She’s taken care of, don't worry,” she says, looking away from you.
“I’m sure she is.”
She looks back over at you again,“What do you mean by that?”
You pause. “Nothing.”
The rest of the trip there is filled with awkward silence and the constant sounds of the horses hooves hitting the ground. You feel yourself becoming more relieved as you see the old supermarket in the distance, the one you once explored with Maria. You both tie up the horses nearby and make your way to the entrance. Ellie walks ahead of you, you put a hand on her shoulder for a moment, signaling her to look at you.
“Slow down, we have to stick together.” Of course she pissed you off but you really didn’t feel like seeing her get killed. She nods at you, slowing down and sticking with you until you get inside. You both only came across a few infected, Ellie took out a couple and so did you. Before you knew it, the place was clear. You feel your heart rate slowing down and you finally start to look around for any supplies.
You find a few things and shove them into your bag, before setting off to find Ellie somewhere in the store. You see her crouched down behind a counter, “anything good?” She looks up at you, searching through a drawer and shakes her head. “Yeah me either.”
“Ready?” she says, in which you respond with a simple nod. You both head for the door, you look back at Ellie adjusting her backpack straps on her shoulders. You take a peek outside before opening the door. You swing it open feeling the cold air hit your skin. You feel Ellie wrap herself around you, putting a hand over your mouth and dragging you back into the store. You feel yourself starting to panic, Ellie’s hand remains over your mouth as she looks outside. She crouches down next to you, removing her hand slowly from your mouth. “Quiet,” she whispers as she puts her pointer finger over her mouth. You search her eyes, trying to read how serious this situation may be.
“Stalkers,” she whispered. “Four of them.” She starts moving back into the store quietly, motioning for you to follow. You both end up in a small storage closet, you and Ellie are facing each other, the sudden closeness makes you feel tense. “Now what?”
“It’s getting dark, let’s just wait till the sun comes back up to take them out.” You nod, sliding your back against the wall to sit down and get yourself comfortable. An awkward silence fills the room.
“So, how long have you and your girlfriend been together?”
“Why do you never say her name?”
“I say her name.”
“Say it then, what is stopping you?” Ellie leans in, her face now closer to yours “What are you afraid of?”
You glance down at her lips, fidgeting with your fingers anxiously “Accepting it.”
You hear Ellie’s breath catch her throat and she lets out a breathy sigh. She leans back again, pressing her back to the wall. “I shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Doing what?”
“I can't be thinking about you like this.”
“Like what, Ellie?” You part your legs slightly, leaning closer and looking at Ellie seated across from you.
Ellie looks away from you as she takes her jacket off, leaving her in her black tank top. You notice yourself getting hot too, and you can only imagine how she’s feeling. She looks over at you again, with her head tilted slightly to the side watching as you repeat her actions. You take off your jacket, throwing it to the side then looking back over to her direction. You eye her, looking at her as if you were going to devour her as your last meal.
“You drive me crazy, you know that?” she says, leaning her head back against the wall.
“Do I?”
“I am in so much trouble.”
“Come here.”
“I can't sit near you.”
“Why not?”
You part your lips as she leans closer to you. “I want to touch you so bad but I can’t.” she says eagerly.
“Is that why you've been treating me like shit?”
“I needed to push you away.”
“From what exactly?” you chuckle at her flushed face, now it's her turn to be nervous
“Needing you so goddamn bad, always have.”
You lean back again, a moan almost escaping your mouth as you feel the knot in your stomach tighten. You unzip your jacket.
“Do you think about me when you fuck her?”
Ellie’s eyes widen, “I-”
You rest your hands at your waist, “Do you?”
Ellie's eyes follow your hands as you unbutton your pants.
“All the fucking time,” she says watching you remove your pants from your hips and sliding them down until they rest at your ankles. She watches eagerly as you start to play with yourself over your soaked underwear. Ellie fixes her posture, getting more and more flustered by the second. You move your underwear to the side, running two fingers through your slick and gathering it to wetten your clit.
Ellie watches intently, noticing how your breathing gets heavier the longer you circled your sweet spot.
“Fuck.” you whimpered. “Ellie.”
“You are fucking insane.”
“Feels so good, wish it was you.” you said through pants and moans.
“Spread them wider.” Ellie says, lowering her voice. “Now.”
You groan, her stern order sending an immediate sense of arousal to your core. You pull your pants completely off and kick them to the side. You slowly remove your underwear, and spread your legs further apart. You insert two fingers inside of yourself, curling them upward. Wet sounds fill the room, along with your desperate pleads and moans.
“You are so fucking wet, its pathetic, I’m not even touching you”
“I just want you to destroy me. Been wanting it so badly. I think about that night too often.”
“You think about it when you fuck yourself?”
“Every time.”
You continue to curl your fingers and try to desperately fuck yourself and find the right spot to get yourself off.
“You dont even know how to fuck yourself right.”
“You sure about that?” You fix your position so you’re now riding your fingers, bouncing as you finally find a good angle that continuously hits that spot, making your head roll back. Ellie’s fists clench and unclench repeatedly by her sides as she tries to stop herself from giving you what you both so desperately want. Every time she shifts she can feel how uncomfortably wet she is, god she can’t remember the last time she was this turned on. And all she’s doing is watching.
“C’mon, Els, I can see you s-squirming-fuck- I know you wanna-”
“You know I can’t” Ellie interrupts through gritted teeth, pupils blown wide as she watches the way your cunt swallows your fingers, the wet sounds of you fucking yourself filling the small space.
“Please, I’m aching for you, I need you inside me so bad it hurts.” you pout, bouncing faster as you use your free hand to pull your shirt and bra over your tits, exposing yourself to her hungry eyes.
Almost like she's in a trance, Ellie leans forward to get a closer look at you. Her grip bruises your thighs as her warm breath fans over your nipples, which get impossibly harder under her attention. She’s so close her lips are almost touching you, and you feel yourself getting impossibly wetter at just how desperate she looks. Just as you think she’s about to put her mouth to good use, she pulls back at the last second.
“Fuck this.”
Ellie slams herself back against the wall and practically rips her pants and boxers off, tossing them haphazardly to the side as she spreads her legs for you. The sticky sound of her thighs parting makes you gasp, and your jaw drops at the sight of her all soaked and needy for you.
“Do you see what you fucking do to me?” she grunts, her fingers making fast circles on her clit as she bites her lip “oh god- this is so bad”
Her head is pressed back against the wall as her eyes roam your body hungrily. You see her fingers dip down to her entrance to collect more of her slick, and an idea pops into your head.
“Wanna see you fuck yourself” you beg, your free hand trailing up your body to play with your tits “please.”
“Yeah, pretty girl?” Ellie pants, trying to sound cocky but it comes out more desperate than she means it to.
You nod vigorously, earning a low chuckle from her as she leans forward, whispering in your ear “Who knew you were such a filthy fucking slut?”
Ellie gets on her knees and sinks down on her fingers with a groan, eyebrows furrowed as she starts to fuck herself. She uses her free hand to pull her shirt up, toned abs on display as she pushes down on her lower stomach and whines.
“Do you wish you were her? Getting railed by me every night? Filled up with me? Hm?” Ellie pants, the two of you leaning forward like there's a magnet pulling you towards each other. Ellie’s forehead is pressed against yours, your pants and whimpers mixing as you fight every urge to lunge forward and kiss her.
“Come on, just like that.” Ellie encourages you as she notices you slowing down. You’re getting tired and frustrated, your fingers not reaching the spot you know hers would.
“Ellie, please just touch me- ah” you whine, your lips ghosting over hers “I promise I won't tell.”
She moans at that, her movements speeding up as her green eyes pierce yours, her eyes glossy because she’s almost tearing up from wanting to fuck you so bad.
“Don’t say that, I won't be able to stop myself, and you know it.”
You clench around your fingers from her words, and you feel yourself getting closer with each passing second. The way Ellie looks at you isn’t helping, her eyes flicking between your mouth and your tits as she speeds up her movements.
“M’so close Ellie please” you whine into her mouth, her eyes screwed shut at your words as she tries desperately to control herself.
“F-fuck, me too god wanna see you cum so bad, this is all for me, right?” she's rambling now, desperately chasing her release so you can both come undone together
“I'm all yours, this is all for you”
“All for me, all for me” she groans, squeezing her eyes closed in frustration “God I can’t-” Ellie cuts herself off with a strangled moan, pushing you back aggressively and spreading your thighs before you can even realize what's happening.
“Well don’t be shy now, cmon keep going” Ellie says, placing her hand around your neck, spreading your legs further with her knee. “Keep going.”
You let out a strangled moan as the grip on your neck tightens, the pressure making you delirious as you fuck yourself even faster. It feels so good you can barely breathe, your eyes squeezing shut as you chase your high.
“Open your fucking eyes and look at me.” Ellie growls out, her grip on you tightening even more.
You force your eyes open, tears threatening to spill over as your mouth drops open. Ellie’s eyes pierce yours, her pupils are so dilated you can barely see the green anymore. Your vision get foggy from being so turned on.
“I'm gonna come so fucking hard, oh god, I'm gonna c-” you moan, whines increasing in volume as you get closer
Ellie grazes her thumb on your lower lip “You’re driving me crazy looking all fucked out like that”.
You almost let out a sob as you suddenly feel Ellie’s iron grip on your wrist, stopping your movements. You’re so frustrated, and you’re so close. You look up to snap at Ellie for doing that but instead you see a look on her face you haven’t seen before, it almost scares you, but in a good way. She looks like she’s starving and she’s going to put an end to it. “Wouldn’t be polite of me to leave the mess I caused, hm?”
Ellie yanks your wrist, pulling your fingers out before replacing them with her own. You try to squeeze your thighs together at the sudden intrusion, her fingers are so much longer than yours and the pleasure is almost overwhelming, but she forces you to keep them open.
“I dont give a fuck anymore.” She whispers against your lips. “I’ll leave her” and before you can even say anything in return she crashes her lips into yours and puts your lower lip between her teeth, holding on for dear life.
“I don't want to stop kissing you. '' She is out of breath at this point. “Ever.”
You can’t even respond, you can barely even kiss back as you feel your orgasm wash over you. Broken cries of Ellie’s name and the sound of your wetness dripping onto the floor are almost deafening as Ellie whispers praises into your ear.
“Good fucking girl.” You get dizzy at the remark, stumbling to get onto your knees as you push Ellie onto her back, her eyes widening as you smirk down at her.
“Wanna taste.” You spread her legs apart. “Please, can I?”.
Ellie brings you closer to her by wrapping her legs around you, she puts her finger on your chin. “Beg for it” She pushes you even closer, her legs grip around your waist hard.
“Pretty please” you beg, pouting as your eyes flick down to where you know she needs you most. Without another word, Ellie grabs your hair and guides you down between her legs, her eyes tracking your every movement.
You gasp when you’re eye-level with her cunt, she’s so wet it's glistening in the low light of the room as she uses her fingers to spread herself for you.
“Be a good slut for me.”
You wrap your lips around her clit, her grip in your hair tightening as she lets out a relieved sigh. You eat her out like you’re starving, not stopping for a breath as her slick runs down your chin. She tastes so good your eyes roll back into your head as you clean her up the best you can.
“Fuck, doing so good, making me feel so f-fucking good” she moans, her back arching as you flick your tongue over her hole. You push her legs back so you are now fucking her with your tongue.
Her moans and grunts increase in volume as she bucks her hips against your mouth, one of her arms thrown over her eyes while the other one holds your hair as she loses herself in pleasure. You feel lightheaded at the lack of air, but all you can focus is on making her cum. You’d rather die than stop hearing the pretty noises she’s making for you.
“I’m getting close, don’t you dare fucking stop” she groans as she continues slopily fucking herself on your face, your jaw sore from how harsh her thrusts are becoming. You move your mouth back up to her clit, sucking harshly as you remove one of your hands from her thigh, slipping a finger in with almost no resistance.
“Can’t believe you didn’t fuck me sooner.” she lets out.
Her hips stutter on your face as she rides out her orgasm, she clenches around you repeatedly while her thighs clamp around your head. You’re disappointed her moans are muffled, but you don’t stop sucking on her clit until she's practically pushing you off from the overstimulation. You push her arm away from her mouth “I wanna hear you.” You say your cheek pressed against her inner thigh.
Before what you've both done can settle in, Ellie pulls you up by the hair and kisses you harshly, tasting herself on your tongue as she lets out a low moan. You kiss her sloppily, your tongue exploring her mouth as you intertwine your hands in her hair. You kiss until you’re both out of breath, your head falling into the crook of her neck. She puts her hand on your chin and makes you look up at her. “Such a gorgeous girl”
You kiss her deeply, you break the kiss and look at her. She’s one of the most beautiful people you’ve ever seen. Her lips and eyes were addicting to you. You know you aren’t leaving her side anytime soon.
The stalkers listening outside the door:
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animasola86 · 3 months
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4: A Special Need
This is a rather unusual story about a girl (reader) who comes across a special little friend that she likes very, very much. But does she love it more than she loves her boyfriend (Sebastian)?
Summary: Imagine: you have a weird little "hobby" that you don't want anyone to know about, but then things take a turn for the worse! In other words: Sebastian finds out about his girlfriend's little secret! Will he be jealous or will he accept it?
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader Genre: Smut // Words: 6.2k // [READ ON AO3]
WARNINGS: NSFW! Explicit sexual content! "Object" insertion! Tentacles/Teratophilia*! Angst! Vaginal sex! Kink shaming? (Additional tags on AO3!) (Side note: if you find the idea of using a squid as a sex toy weird/uncomfortable, please think of it as a dildo/vibrator/butt plug, maybe that'll make it easier to read!) Read at your own risk!
← CHAPTER 3 - // - CHAPTER 5 →
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Once you accepted the fact that you carried around a tiny squid in your insides that would occasionally hum and throb and poke around in there, you didn't feel as weird about it any more (because you were too busy being aroused by it).
At first it was indeed strange, especially since the small creature seemed to test your boundaries by prodding your walls and keeping you stimulated throughout the whole day – which made basic interactions with other human beings very awkward when you suddenly flinched or winced or let a surprised moan fall from your lips, but the more it teased you, the better you became at ignoring it, or rather it seemed to learn that it couldn't be doing this all the bloody time. Maybe it also slept sometimes, you had no idea.
What you did know, was that it needed constant warmth and wetness, because when you tried putting the squid into a water bowl to keep it safe, it splashed about and crawled out of the bowl immediately, humming angrily as you picked it up off the floor. You started talking to it then, telling it you couldn't have it inside your pussy all day long, but it only hummed more angrily, its tentacles clawing at your fingers, its whole body shaking in what you thought was indignation.
Because the moment you lowered your hand and brought it close to your centre, it calmed down, almost purring now, and so you sighed, went back to the bathroom and let it crawl inside you once more. The more you did that, the less disturbing it became as you watched the creature disappear inside you, but it never stopped being arousing, and that made sitting in classes (or sitting in general) very difficult.
That first day after you found it – or it found you – might have been one of the strangest days of your life, and you'd clearly had your fair share of strange days. Despite being buried deep within your tightness, the little squid reacted differently to different surroundings, different people you talked to, different smells, noises, etc., by either forcefully crawling deeper, pinching your walls as it did so (which hurt) or by rubbing its tentacles against those spots that made your legs weak (which was also bad when you tried to use those legs but at least it felt better).
You knew then that it preferred the damp dungeons to the thin air of any of the towers, the quiet of the library to the bustling of the Great Hall, and weirdly enough the cold echoes of the Undercroft to the warm and bright atmosphere of your personal Room of Requirement, where you used to spent most of your time.
And looking at the data you collected, you realized that tiny squid was a lot like your boyfriend. Though whenever you spent time with Sebastian, the thing inside you was still on the fence if it liked him or not, especially since he couldn't keep his fingers to himself and tried on more than one occasion to invade your nowadays already occupied most personal space.
You managed to keep him away from your folds as best as you could without raising suspicion, mostly by distracting him in returning the favour, but you knew you'd have to find a solution to your little problem if you ever wanted to sleep with him again, which you wanted, every damn minute of the day, especially since you were so highly stimulated all the freaking time.
And as you couldn't (and wouldn't) leave your little friend somewhere it didn't like to be, your only solution was to stuff it somewhere similarly wet and warm and tight, but the first time you even tried to coax it there by pushing two fingers into your bum to ease its passage, it forcefully crawled back into your other hole, raging inside you for the next few minutes, causing you to almost lose your footing as you tried to make it back to your dorm room without your legs giving way under the constant stimulation.
Gasping for air, you could barely close the curtains of your bed before you were on your back, panting heavily as you wrestled your clothes off your body until you were able to press both hands between your legs and ride out the sensations caused by your angry little pet. When you came with a loud moan, it stilled inside you, and you realized then that it was feeding off your juices, calmed by the contractions of your body, and while you were still breathing hard and shivering from your intense orgasm, you pushed a finger between your folds and beckoned it to come out.
Its tentacles wrapped around your finger, and you gently pulled it the rest of the way before you brought the tiny squid – that didn't look as tiny any more now that you thought about it – closer to your face. It was glistening and warm, its scent mixing with yours, and when you pressed your lips to its wide head, it hummed against you. You still didn't exactly know where its eyes were, but you looked at it and it seemed to look back, and suddenly it jumped off your hand and crawled between your sticky thighs again.
You sighed, but then you felt it prodding against the tight ring of muscles curiously, and you inhaled deeply as you spread your legs wider and lifted your hips slightly, then used your own juices as lubricant as you pushed your middle finger into your tight arse, eliciting a quiet moan from your throat. The squid kept poking at your hand, and when you retrieved your finger, it pressed into you instead, its wide head struggling to fit, but its tentacles pushed it further until it was swallowed by your eager body, the rest of its long form sliding in with ease.
You thrashed your head back and groaned at the sensation. Between waves of pleasure and growing doubts about what the hell are you even doing, you slowly came to terms that this was your new normality. A normality you wanted to have, because it would have been easy to bring the squid back to the Lake, but you didn't want to part from it, not when it could give you all these kinds of sensations you had never experienced before. And apparently it liked to be with you too, because why would it crawl into your bum otherwise?
The blush became a constant feature on your cheeks as you traversed the castle with your little friend in either of your holes, switching it up whenever you needed to, and as you became accustomed to shoving it into your body at will, it too became accustomed to your rhythm and always did what you wanted from it.
That was until you were lying on the couch in the Undercroft with Sebastian one late night, kissing and cuddling, arms and legs entangled (because despite having your own little special sex toy friend, you still love being with him, your male human friend, for countless reasons).
As you roll on top of your boyfriend, the squid inside your bum starts stirring, and you gasp into his mouth unexpectedly, wincing slightly as you feel the creature crawling deeper as if to get away from whatever is happening outside its warm, wet den.
The sensation has your muscles clenching as you try to pull it back, really not wanting it to slip into your bowels, and your concentrated face makes Sebastian frown deeply. “Are you alright?” he asks quietly, his hands cupping your flushed face.
You nod distractedly, almost unable to breathe at this point. You've currently realized that every time you have an orgasm with the squid inside you, it would feed off it and grow, being a lot bigger now than it was when you first saw it crawling out of your pussy. Hence whenever it moves inside you now with its thicker tentacles clawing at your muscles, you'd feel it a lot more.
Inhaling deeply, you try to ignore the movement inside you, not sure what to do about it anyway, so you focus back on the freckled face in front of you and smile warmly before you lean in to kiss him, but he stops you, his eyebrows raised. “Are you sure you're alright?” he repeats, and you frown at the question. “You've been slightly off the last weeks. What's wrong?”
There it is, the question you've been dreading to receive. Of course he would notice the change in you, and carrying around a little sea creature in your insides that would occasionally bring you mind-blowing orgasms surely was a change you couldn't easily hide for too long, at least not from him. He is too perceptive for his own good. Yet despite being very open with him about basically anything, you just couldn't bring yourself to admit to the fact that there is something else that brings you great joy now.
Because Sebastian Sallow is still the most jealous boy you've ever met. And usually that isn't a problem because you barely give him reasons to be jealous, if at all, but having this tiny creature giving him a run for his money, so to speak, would make even the most not-jealous person furious, you just know it. And even if you obviously haven't replaced him for the squid living inside you, it might look to him like you have.
He is always sad when he has to say goodnight to you in front of your common room, knowing he would never be able to join you in your bed (and always tells you it's not the same to sleep on the lumpy couch in the Undercroft together), and if he finds out that this small creature can and has for about a whole month occupied the space he so desperately wants to be in, how can he not be absolutely devastated about it? (Also you don't want him to think you're weird for getting aroused by having a phallic-like creature crawling into your holes...)
So you kept it to yourself.
You hate lying to him, but it's for the better. “Nothing,” you answer his question with a smile, quickly leaning in to claim his mouth for another kiss to keep him busy. “It's just all the stress... the exams... the assignments... the fear of the future,” you add with a laugh, accentuating every word with a lingering kiss. “Don't worry about me, I bet all seventh-years feel like this these days.”
He hums against you in response, a deep sound that vibrates through your body, reminding you of the thing pulsing inside your bum. Clearing your throat, you put your hands on Sebastian's face and gently caress his cheeks.
“If you distract me tonight, everything will be better, I'm sure,” you whisper and wink at him, and with another deep hum leaving his throat, he grabs your shoulders and rolls you around until your back is pressed into the lumpy cushions of the couch, and he's hovering over you, his eyes dark and intense, and you shiver deeply upon seeing the hunger within them.
You're both out of your clothes in no time, and all you can think about is being close to him, become one with him, feel his skin on yours, share the sweat and slick, the moans and groans, hear his deep voice issue all these sounds that drive you crazy with lust while his hands grip you tight enough to leave marks, and you need those marks, as a reminder that he is the most important person in your life, and vice versa. And no strange magical sea creature will ever come between you – or so you hope.
Because suddenly your thoughts are back with the pulsing thing lodged inside you, and it's not the first time you wonder how it would be for Sebastian to find the squid there on his exploration of your body. Every possible scenario you've come up with is worse than the last, and you dread the day it will eventually happen. Maybe today isn't that day, you think as he starts moving his hands along your sides whilst kissing you deeply, and you squirm beneath him, hoping he isn't too adventurous today.
You've talked about anal sex before, yet never done it, but you know he wouldn't try something new without asking you first, and as he's busy kissing along your neck and working in more love bites, you assume your arse is safe for tonight, or rather that what is hidden inside. As your body starts reacting to his touches, you feel the squid pulsing even more, adding to the growing tension inside your stomach.
And tense you are, inside and out, and you don't even know why. This isn't the first time you had sex while that tiny creature was inside you, but that's the thing: it used to be much smaller then. You might have overdone it with your alone time recently as it only has become bigger in the last days.
Your mind is spinning as you're caught up in the never-ending cycle of thinking about possible what if scenarios, and you're so distracted that you barely feel Sebastian's preparations, his fingers working swiftly, and only when he pushes his cock into you with one single hard thrust, you come back to your senses and cry out in a mixture of shock and surprise as he buries himself completely inside of you. Your breath hitches in your throat as you stare up at him, propped up on his arms as his dark eyes wander over your face.
You hold onto his wrists as you start bucking your hips against him in an attempt to move along as if you haven't been lost in your own mind for the last minutes or more. He remains bent over you, his thighs pushing your legs upwards as he shifts only slightly against you. When he rests his heavy erection inside your tight walls, you can feel the squid pushing against your muscles from the other side, wanting to join the action apparently, and your eyes widen as you realize that he must feel it too, so you quickly start grinding your hips against him, clenching your walls deliberately, even grabbing the back of his neck to pull his face down to yours.
He obliges and meets your trembling lips, his kiss soft and careful, but you quickly make it messier, needier, as you deepen it with your tongue slipping into his mouth. With a deep grunt he leans down on his elbows and kisses you back with just the same amount of fervour, maybe even more. You wrap your arms around his neck and start pushing your hips upwards against him until he finally moves as well, drawing back and plunging in, over and over again, quickly falling into a steady rhythm that is both fast and deep, and it doesn't take long for you to completely succumb to the sensations.
Moaning against his lips you feel the tension inside your stomach erupting into a wave of pure pleasure as it washes over you with a force that makes your thighs twitch, your toes curl and your muscles contract violently, and in doing so you feel your insides convulsing, moving, and in your haze you barely feel the gentle caresses of these eight little arms you've grown to love so much over the last weeks. Yet once you realize that the squid is about to slip from your bum, it is already too late.
Despite being caught in his own haze as he ruts into your core with reckless abandon, he seems to feel the foreign touch as well, and you see it all unfold in slow motion. You feel too weak to do anything as your orgasm still shudders through your body, as your walls clamp down on his cock, your limbs too twitchy to control, so when his brown eyes widen slowly before he leans back on his knees and stares down at your connection, you don't have to see the tentacles wrapping themselves around his base to know what's going on.
With a deep growl that could also be a yelp or guttural scream, Sebastian jolts off you, slips from your depths as if you've never even been connected, and takes several steps away from the couch, completely ignoring his precum leaking cock, as his shaking hand points at the small creature crawling over your centre. Yet it's not the fact that there is a strange little squid seemingly coming from nowhere that has touched him at the most inappropriate time, it's the fact that you remain so calm and collected as you lie on your back, looking from the squid to your boyfriend and back, and not sharing in his panic.
That's when he explodes.
“What the fuck is that?” he yells with an anger you haven't heard from him in years.
“Sebastian...” you manage to croak out, your voice just a breathy whisper as you lower your hand towards the creature that seems to lean towards your touch, when it's suddenly grabbed by a bigger hand. “No!” you call out and sit up quickly, ignoring the trembling of your own legs, and quickly grab his wrist, keeping him from hurling the poor creature through the entirety of the Undercroft.
The stare he is giving you chills you to your bones. “What are you doing?” he says threateningly quiet, and you know he is more than pissed if he resorts to talking in this low tone.
“Don't hurt it,” you whisper, gently prying his tight fingers open to free the small squid from his crushing hold. To your surprise he lets you, and when he watches you cradle the creature between your hands, his mouth falls open. “It didn't mean any harm...” you add softly.
“You... know that thing?” he says in an even quieter voice, slipping from shock to disappointment to indignation.
You inhale deeply, feeling the squid's little arms coil around your fingers. “I... I do,” you then admit, biting your lip as you look back up at Sebastian, meeting his wide eyes that narrow as he takes in your words.
“You keep a pet squid around?” he asks in a mixture of disbelief and confusion. “Where do you even keep it? Where did it come from?”
That's when your face turns bright red, and you turn away from him, trying to find an answer that wouldn't humiliate you completely. “It... wasn't supposed to crawl out...” you whisper barely audible, your eyes frantically searching the couch and its surroundings for a possible storage place. Before you even consider a different answer than the awful truth, you feel a warm body behind you as Sebastian points past you towards the pile of clothes on the ground.
“You shouldn't keep a squid inside the pocket of your robes,” he comments, and you are tempted to laugh at how innocent and easy it would have been to tell him just that. That you keep the squid in your pocket, instead of where you really keep it.
“Yes...” you breathe, your voice about to break before you clear your throat. “You're right...”
“I suppose it got curious, huh?” he says then, leaning over you to take another, much calmer look at the creature in your hands. “Why is it so... wet?”
His words cause you to gasp and shiver. “Uh... m-magic,” you then stammer the lie that could have been the truth all along. “Keeps it... wet...”
Suddenly you feel very stupid, not just that, disturbingly weird, downright demented and perverted and absolutely disgusting, as you realize you could have kept the squid in a different kind of environment, if you so much as thought about it properly, but your lust for the sensations it invokes in you has been clouding your mind, making you think it is normal and the only way to shove that thing into your holes to keep it safe.
Shaking your head, you bite down hard on your bottom lip to keep the tears of frustration down. The creature in your hands pulses slightly, its tendrils nudging your fingers. Next to you Sebastian is watching you almost the same way the squid seems to look at you. His anger is completely gone from his face. He tilts his head, and out of the corner of your eye you see him examining the elongated body of the squid and its wide head, and you hear it in the way he inhales deeply, that his mind is slowly aligning with yours, despite everything.
“Where do you really keep that?” he whispers into your ear, causing you to shudder deeply. “Because, you know, I've noticed something about that little guy...”
You hold your breath as you stare at your palms and the thing on them.
“It's rather... phallic looking, isn't it?” he keeps whispering, leaning closer to you, his warm body pressing into yours. Your hands start to tremble, and you yelp quietly when he suddenly closes his bigger hands around yours, seemingly supporting the squid on them. “Is that why you've been so distracted lately?”
His question impales you like an icicle, numbing you with a sudden cold rushing down your spine. He knows. He knows exactly where that thing has been and what you've been doing with it these last weeks, and the realization makes your heart stop. But he doesn't sound angry, he sounds... amused. Almost mocking. Definitely teasing.
And you wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole. Preferably you and the squid, so you're not alone in your eternity in hell. Even thinking that makes you want to groan loudly, show your frustration about yourself and the situation and how you've handled it and the fact that your boyfriend knows and doesn't explode in rage and how absolutely embarrassing and mortifying and humiliating it all is and –
When you feel his lips on your burning cheek, you freeze, blinking slowly. “Red suits you, love,” he whispers and walks back to sit down on the couch, crossing his legs slightly as he looks up at you, the smuggest expression on his freckled face you have ever seen.
Swallowing hard, you meet his gaze, but you can only bear it for so long before you look back at the squid lying in your hands, gently humming, seemingly observing the scene around it – and the mayhem it has caused by slipping into your pussy in the first place. For a moment you project your anger and frustration at the stupid phallic looking thing, and it seems to sense the shift in your demeanour as its tendrils tentatively close around your fingers, gripping strongly while it pulses against your skin, trying to remind you of the good times it's given you.
“You two want to be alone then?” Sebastian's voice cuts through the little moment you had with your unusual pet, and when you look up at him, he laughs deeply as your eyes narrow and you throw him the darkest gaze you might have ever thrown him. He laughs even more at that. “Come on, love, don't be so tense... you might squish the little guy.”
“Stop!” you call out in rage as you stare at him. He raises his eyebrows, the laugh frozen on his face. “Stop with the... innuendos and the... the... just stop!” you whine out and turn away as tears start flowing down your cheeks.
You feel horrible, childish and embarrassed and deeply disturbed at your own actions. For a moment you want to hurl the squid through the Undercroft for real. But you don't, you keep it safe between your trembling fingers, as you chew on your lips and let out quiet sobs, your tears dripping from your chin and down onto its long body.
Behind you, you can hear the quiet squeak of the couch and then the tapping of bare feet coming closer. “I'm sorry,” you hear his deep whisper close to you. He still keeps his distance, but you can feel the warmth of his body, and for a moment you are tempted to turn around and throw your arms around him and bury your wet face in his chest, but you don't move, you can't, you don't know how to handle the situation.
Luckily for you, despite taking a piss out of you initially, Sebastian is better at talking than you give him credit for sometimes. “Listen,” he starts quietly, hovering behind you. “I didn't mean to belittle you like that. Or even judge you for it. That's not my place. I'm here to support you, you know that, right?”
You inhale deeply, chewing on the inside of your cheek nervously.
He keeps going. “You know, having... certain desires is something completely normal, or it should be, even if society may think differently. But it doesn't matter what others think, me included, when it comes to your happiness. And if that... thing in your hand makes you happy, then I am happy too. For you. If this is a way for you to decompress, to relieve stress, then that's totally fine. I know I can't be with you every hour of the day to do exactly that, so I am glad that you found a different way to keep your mind... well, not busy, the opposite really, uh, to keep your stress levels low by... uh... doing whatever it is you're doing...”
The more he struggles to find the right words, the more the corners of your mouth twitch. He's trying, and you love him even more for it. Holding the squid in one hand, you lower your other hand and slowly turn around to him. His gaze moves from your hand to your eyes quickly, and seeing the slight blush on his cheeks warms your heart.
But despite his stammering, he doesn't seem to be done. “And you know, I think it's... incredibly sexy to have a girlfriend who knows what she wants...” he whispers softly, giving you a warm smile as he extends his hand and gently grabs your free one. “Even if it's fucking a phallic looking sea creature...”
Your mouth falls open, and you are tempted to slap him if only you had a hand to do so. He chuckles softly and leans in to press his lips to your cheek as you struggle to free your hand from his grip.
“I'm sorry,” he says again, looking deep into your eyes as you stare at him, still indecisive whether to forgive him or not. Then again you should be grateful that he's actually trying to understand your situation instead of just fussing about it. Weirdly enough he doesn't even seem jealous. And why should he? You would never replace him with a little squid. Right?
Then again, a magical little creature like that would never look at you like he does now, saying he doesn't judge you and then still make jokes about it. But maybe that is who he is, always resorting to humour when things get too serious, too tough, too outlandish? Too strange to understand? If you look past your own lust-filled mind, you do realize that it's strange, of course it is, it's abnormal, it's – no. No, it's not. It's what makes you happy, like he said. It's only embarrassing because nobody tries to understand the needs you have.
And if that need is – yeah, we get it.
Sighing deeply, you close your eyes, press your lips into a thin line, and focus on the soft pulsing that thrums through your hand as you hold the little squid. Not as little any more, which makes the whole deal even harder to understand, but maybe it's not about understanding after all. It's about acceptance. Before anyone else, you realize you have to accept your own desires, no matter how twisted and disturbing and wrong they may be, and once you can do that, others will too – as seen by the patient gaze Sebastian is throwing you as you eventually open your eyes again.
He gently squeezes your hand, and you squeeze right back as you try to smile at him. His other hand is at your face then, as he wipes at your wet cheeks. “Come on,” he whispers and pulls you back towards the couch without another word. You follow him without hesitation. He sits down, and you sit beside him, placing the squid on your lap, watching it lie there for a moment in the groove between your closed legs, its tendrils twitching, lazily moving over your thighs towards your hidden centre.
“Eager little guy,” Sebastian comments quietly as he wraps one arm around your shoulder, joining you in watching the creature move on your lap.
“It sometimes reminds me of you, you know?” you whisper then, your voice hoarse.
He laughs. “Really?”
“It's eager, as you said, but also considerate, and seems to be able to read my mind and does everything I want... it's always there for me, it makes me happy, very happy...” you list quietly before turning your head to him, smiling shyly. “Just like you.”
He looks at you silently, his eyes warm.
“It's also, obviously, a great lover, but you knew that already, right?” you add with a smirk that finally breaks his silence as he barks a loud laugh.
“Is it better than me?” he teases, nudging your shoulder.
“Comparing people is really an unhealthy thing to do, you know?” you whisper with a quiet chuckle that makes him raise an eyebrow. “You are both very unique in everything that you do.”
His eyebrow rises even higher at that.
You lean closer and grab his chin to tilt it down before you kiss his lips softly. “Don't be jealous,” you whisper. “You have no reason to be. I love you, Sebastian,” you add, kissing him again.
He keeps staring at you before his eyes wander down to your lap where the squid is trying to press itself between your thighs, eager to get away apparently. “Maybe it is jealous...” he says quietly.
“Oh it most certainly is, it acts weird when I'm with you, it –”
His eyes narrow playfully. “Now, exactly where do you hide it, when you're with me?”
Your face turns bright red all over again. Hitting his chest, you groan. Instead of saying anything, you inhale deeply and shift on the couch, slowly opening your legs as you do so. The squid's tentacles grip your thighs as it sees its chance, and while you know what's about to happen, you look up at Sebastian, who stares at your crotch with his eyes wide and his mouth open and his face just as red as yours as he witnesses how the not so little creature presses his long body between your tight folds and vanishes inside your body in a swift motion that makes you shudder deeply.
“Bloody hell,” he whispers with his voice slightly higher than normal. “That's...” You see his lips moving, but no more sounds come from him. It's almost amusing if it wouldn't be equally mortifying. But then he finishes his sentence, and it's your turn to stare at him. “Hot. That's hot. I don't know what else to say, but you have no idea how much that turned me on just now...”
Your laugh is both surprised and soft, and when your eyes wander over his body, you laugh even louder. “Oh I have some idea...” you whisper, your hand gliding over his thigh before you pull his legs apart slightly, revealing his proudly erect cock.
He meets your gaze and smirks at you before his hands find your face and a second later his lips yours as he smashes his mouth against your own. You gasp into the sudden kiss, but quickly grab the back of his neck and kiss him back almost desperately. Happy to be back on normal terms with him, and not just that, apparently on even better ones.
You had no idea he would react like this. Not once in your many what-if-scenarios was this the outcome. And you're glad that, despite it all, he can still surprise you like that.
Somehow you end up in your original position, back pushed into the cushions of the couch with Sebastian leaning on his elbows and his body weighing down on yours. You can feel his erection pressing against your thigh, while deep inside you, the squid starts thrumming against your walls, mirroring the tension that's building in your stomach.
“So,” he whispers between kisses. “Seeing that my... favourite hole of yours... is currently... occupied... how about I... explore your other one... tonight?”
You laugh against his lips. “You don't like to share a hole?”
He frowns at that. “Would it want that?”
“Would you want that?” you ask back.
“No, no, would you want that? I'd imagine that might be rather... painful?” He watches you closely, shifting slightly on top of you.
“Painful for whom?”
“You!” he exclaims with a surprised chuckle. “Or... it? Or me? Does it bite? What if it gets jealous and strangles me with those... tentacles?”
Your turn to chuckle. “It might get territorial if it's too tight, you're right,” you then agree, smirking at him.
His concern turns into that smug expression you love and hate so much. “Better leave it alone in there. Besides, it did have its chance in your... tight... little... bum,” he then says, accentuating his words by slipping his hand under your body and teasing your puckered hole with careful little prods. “Didn't it?”
You squirm against him, laughing softly. “And you won't be sad that you're not the first to breach my... little bum?” you ask quietly, biting your swollen lip.
He gives you a playful pout before he smiles widely. “Nah, it can have that. I was your first in everything else,” he says proudly, leaning closer to kiss you deeply. “Your first kiss,” he adds and moves his hand around your hip and towards your centre. “Your first love, your first... lover, your first boyfriend, in that order,” he laughs softly, and you feel his fingers teasing your folds.
As he does, the squid inside you starts stirring, humming almost angrily, and soon enough you feel the familiar tickle of its tentacles pushing past your entrance, and when they do, you see Sebastian's eyes widening as he quickly withdraws his hand. He leans back on his knees and stares at the little tendrils protruding like angry little antennas before they slip back into you, vanishing out of sight. He clears his throat and shakes his head, exhaling a laugh.
“I might never get used to that sight...” he whispers, a slight blush spreading over his freckled shoulders. “How does it feel?” he then asks, looking back at you.
You rub your warm cheeks. “Really good,” you admit. “It's humming right now, and it can make its body soft or hard, depending on... well, what I need. And the tentacles... tickle nicely, but they also have a really strong grip, and some can become bigger and –” You stop talking as you notice the smirk on his lips, and you blush an even deeper shade of red.
“You sound happy,” he then whispers and surprises you yet again.
You smile shyly. “I am,” you reply before you reach out your arms to beckon him closer to you. He complies and lies down on top of you, his weight pushing you into the cushions. “And not because I have a... phallic looking thing inside my pussy, okay?” you clarify with a laugh as you press your lips to his warm cheek. “I'm happy because you accept me for what I am... what I do... what I... need...”
He cradles your head between his big hands and kisses you softly. “Of course, love,” he says quietly. “I'm here for you and your needs... even if I'm sometimes an idiot about it...”
You poke his jaw in response and grin at him. He smirks against your lips. “Thank you,” you whisper and close your eyes as he leans closer to plant soft kisses on your forehead, your temple and your eyelid.
“Don't thank me yet, I will ravage that sweet little bum of yours tonight,” he then says and leans back on his arms, smiling down at you despite the dark gleam in his eyes. “Right?” At least he still asks you about it.
You chuckle and nod. “Please do,” you breathe softly, biting your lip.
That's all he needs to hear before he scrambles off you and grabs your waist, almost forcefully flipping you onto your stomach. You let out a surprised yelp-laugh, feeling your insides churning in anticipation, which in turn makes the creature inside your tight walls pulse and thrum almost aggressively, its body hardening as it prods against your soft flesh. You gasp under the sensation and when Sebastian lifts your hips up and starts kneading your bum cheeks eagerly.
Your face is pressed into the cushions of the couch as you try to get into a more comfortable position. Your heart is thundering inside your chest, and you just know this will be a night to remember, all parties involved will make sure of that, you can already feel it in your aching muscles.
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← CHAPTER 3 - // - CHAPTER 5 →
Notes: Originally this is where the "short fic/long oneshot" ends, but I kept writing and writing, and two more chapters came from my fingers... so there'll be more, much more of this filthy little tale!
*Also I'm not too sure I labeled this right. A squid isn't technically a monster (even though it's closest because of its tentacles and magical nature I guess?), so it's not technically Teratophilia (attraction to monsters), but I also don't want to call this Zoophilia (attraction to animals) because even though a squid is more or less an animal, it just gives off a different vibe. Maybe it's more akin to Ophidiophilia (attraction to snakes)... Difficult thing, these niche kinks.
The time I spent worrying about the correct label when this is just a silly little smut fic. Oh well.
Thanks for reading!
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kathaynesart · 1 year
What advice would you give to someone who really wants to get into writing/drawing comics, but doesn't know how or where to start? What would you recommend? Even if/ especially if they already have a decent history in writing and drawing
SHORT ANSWER: Don’t do what I’m doing with Replica haha! I’m breaking all my own rules with this comic but maybe we can use it as a good example of what not to do in my rant below…
LONG ANSWER: (below the cut)
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Hoo boy… there are so many avenues this question could take. I assume you don’t necessarily mean entering the comic industry as a professional (there are far more experienced people you can ask about that). But simply drawing your own comics? I'll try my best to break down some of the basics I've picked up over the years. Note these are just my opinion and there is always room for other methods...
The first thing to consider is what is your intention with this comic? Do you want to tell a story centered around a preexisting fandom or tell a completely new story you came up with? What genre do you want to focus on? I'd recommend finding something that really sparks your interest, because you're going to be working on it for far longer than a regular art piece. Plus if you like it, someone else is bound to like it as well!
This may sound silly... but often times I find people fail to take into consideration whether or not the story they are telling works best with the medium they are considering. Had I done Replica as a fan fiction, I would be much farther along with it... but with comics there comes a wide range of subtle visual cues, parallels, and symbolism I can use that I wouldn't be able to show through writing. The written word also has many strengths that comics lack... it just comes down to what you want to be able to show in your story.
If this is your first time doing a comic, I recommend not overextending yourself with some grand epic that is going to take you forever (like Replica haha.)
Example: Years ago a close friend and I did a webcomic called Perpetual Flux that we were unable to finish. It went for about 2-3 years, was over 110 pages long, and yet we had only managed to get about 3 chapters into what would have probably been a +30 chapter story. We came up with this huge epic we wanted to tell and while it was a story we still wanted to finish, it just became impossible to continue as our lives and availability changed.
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So start small! And take that experience you gain into bigger, future projects. Obviously I have not learned my lesson with Replica, but at least with this project it's something I can do on my own time and is supported by a wonderful community who keep me inspired. Speaking of which...
If it’s a story based off something with an existing fandom then half the work is already done! You just need to start interacting more with people in that fandom, and I mean really interacting. Talk to other artists, join Zines, leave comments, and share other people’s work. It can foster a community and help you be a part of the fandom so that people will be interested in what you have to share.
If it’s a new story you’re going to have to create your own community. Nowadays it’s easier than ever to get your work out there, but the competition for eyes is much steeper. What I find that works is rather than starting the comic cold turkey, draw out some highlights from your future story. Moments that have yet to unfold that might wet a random viewer's appetite for more. Kind of like… a trailer for what’s to come. Keep dropping those little crumbs of interest as you prep your comic to garner some interest and that way when you do start you may already have some followers who might share your work around!
Get into the habit of drawing and writing regularly. I know it can be a hassle and the last thing you want to do is make it a chore, but like exercising I find that the more I do it, the easier it is and the better I feel about it. Nowadays I feel weird if I'm not at least writing some script or drawing a few sketches towards my comic/projects every day.
Also, if you can make sure to update fairly regularly (something I also fail at with Replica haha, but at least I try to post little things here and there when time allows). It's important to let your followers know that you are still there and you care! It also helps keep you at the front of their minds. My fellow Apocalypse AU creators Cass and Tapakah0 are GREAT at this as they post a ton! It helps garner a strong community and a lot of continuous excitement! I wish I had that same energy and time but you'll have to make do with my old-lady pace of things, bless you all haha.
Obviously as a writer and artist you're used to doing both... but with comics there's another aspect that can come into play. Graphic design! Whether it's your title, your font choices, the word bubbles, or the way you break down the panels, these area all things you should take into consideration. For example, every webcomic has panels, but they can vary tremendously in style. Because of Tumblr and the nature of the scroll method I chose to forgo the typical "comic book style" for more of a... loose storyboard feel where I care more about the angle of the shot within each panel rather than how these separated images link up to one another. Where as with Perpetual Flux, it was laid out on actual comic pages so we had to take serious consideration into how they fit together within each page. IngunnSara is also a great example of this more traditional method of paneling and it's gorgeous and difficult and they have my utmost respect for pulling it off with Hamato Wanderers! So I recommend looking to some of your own favorite comics and see what jives with you.
Also failed this with Replica haha, but to be fair I went right into it with the intent on learning the style as I went. But I recommend having some grasp on the style you want to use and whether or not it's a viable to be drawing over and over again for your comic (for example, if you make it too detailed it will take you far longer to draw!)
Perfection is a lie. There is no place for it in art, especially if you're just doing this for your own pleasure. Don't strive for it. Don't worry about it. Don't compare yourself. Just keep doing what you're doing and keep learning from it. You'll get much farther!
Ok... hopefully that helps a bit. I'm sure there's plenty more to talk about but I feel like I've talked enough for now. Thanks for listening to my TED Talk and lemmed know if you manage to get your comic off the ground :)
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hedghost · 1 year
What do you think less would be like after an argument, like really apologetic or a bit stubborn
alessia russo / tipping point
lessi never liked arguments. she couldn’t bear all that came with them; hated the confrontation, hated the negativity, hated the rash words and the flying accusations.
she preferred to talk it out, to be calm and empathetic and logical, but even the most levelheaded, positive people can have bad days.
alessia was tired. training had been rough - she hadn’t been on her game today and she knew she’d played poorly. everything she did seemed to go wrong, everything she touched seemed to break. every person she spoke to seemed to say the exact thing to frustrate her even more. she was cold and miserable and soaked through, her body hurt and her head ached.
all she wanted when she came home was calm, and quiet. so when she came in to find you laughing loudly with your friends, she was far less than pleased. she mumbled a quick hello before heading to the shower. she tried to breathe in, to squash the irritability she felt rising inside her at the noise coming from the kitchen, but even the water didn’t seem to calm her.
not in the mood to navigate yet more social interaction, she remained in the bedroom until she could tell your friends had left. she emerged slowly, hoping to find solace in just curling quietly up beside you, but you were no longer sat down.
not noticing lessi’s low mood, you began to chatter aimlessly at her as you bustled about in the kitchen. alessia gave minimal replies, her tether growing ever shorter. she felt herself begin to snap the more she spoke.
neither of you were even sure what the argument eventually blew up about. maybe she’d made a snappy comment you didn’t like, maybe you’d begun nagging her about leaving her shoes in the middle of the floor again. no matter what it was, it escalated hard and fast, ending in thoughtless comments that were far from the initial cause of the argument.
while alessia avoided arguments at all costs, you had a tendency to be more hot-heated, so when alessia snapped, you didn’t exactly back down from the confrontation. you were confused at why alessia was angry, but rather than dive into the root of the problem, you were quick to defend yourself. despite hating arguments, alessia was stubborn, and too exhausted and miserable to put up a front.
the argument continued for a little while, with you loud, defensive and stumped at why alessia was blowing up. while you anger was dry and loud, alessia’s was wet with unshed tears.
she wasn’t even sure why she was yelling at you, and she hated it, but all the pent up emotion from the day was spilling out and she just couldn’t stop. she hated arguing, she got upset every time, she always cried out of frustration.
once alessia’s voice broke and the tears started falling, you came to your senses a little. you were still annoyed and upset at how she’d blown up at you, but it was clear to see there was something else causing her to act like this.
no matter how stubborn or angry she was, you couldn’t bear to see alessia cry. you reached your hands out in a placating gesture as she continued her latest tirade, wrapping your hands firmly around her biceps.
right less, i know you’re upset and angry, i hear that and i see that, so i’m sorry, but i can tell something else is up, hmm?
your voice was firm, annoyance still clear in your tone, but you hoped it was just calm enough to get her to listen. alessia just looked at you, her conflicting emotions flashing across her face as she breathed hard and heavy.
i’m going to give you some space to cool off, let me know when you’re ready to talk about this more calmly
with that, you squeezed her arm and left her, still angry and annoyed at her for blowing up, but hoping she’d calm down enough to talk it out soon.
you sat on your bed, busying yourself with a book and trying to calm yourself down. even though alessia had started the argument, you had played your fair part in continuing it, and you tried to squash the remaining anger.
after a while, the door creaked open slowly. you looked up to find alessia hesitating on the threshold to the room, eyes downcast as she played with her fingers. it was a tell she had, one you knew well, indicating when she was stressed or, as she was now, nervous.
i’m sorry
she spoke quietly, eyes never leaving her hands as she twisted them back and forth. she sniffled and swallowed, forcing her gaze to meet yours. what little anger you had left faded when you saw her red-rimmed eyes, smudged with mascara and still glistening bright with tears.
i shouldn’t have blown up at you. i had a bad day and i felt like shit, but i took it out on you. it wasn’t fair, and i’m so, so sorry
her voice had started out firm, but as she continued it broke again. your heart melted a little, and you cursed yourself for ever letting it go this far. you patted the bed next to you, and held out your arms with a small smile.
alessia was hesitant to accept the confort, but as soon as she was within touching distance you pulled her down into your arms. you shifted to wrap your arms around her and lean back, so she was nestled into your side.
i’m sorry too less, i shouldn’t have reacted the way i did
i-i’m just, i’m so sorry, i don’t-
alessia’s voice began to waver again, sounding like she was on the verge of tears. you pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled her in tighter.
hey, it’s okay, we’re all good, okay?
she went to protest, to apologise more, but you gave her a firm look and kissed her softly. you pulled back to wipe her tears, cradling her face.
shh, no more now, it’s okay, okay?
alessia nodded, wrapping her hands tightly around you. she always got like this after these kind of arguments, feeling overwhelmingly apologetic and guilty.
why were you having a bad day love? talk to me
alessia sighed and breathed you in, before she rather tearfully recounted her day and aired all her grievances. you slipped back easily into the role of caring girlfriend, nodding and humming in all the right places to reassure her, stroking her hair as she spoke. when she was done, you kissed her forehead gently.
i’m sorry i wasn’t more understanding when you came in love, let me make it up to you?
i’m the one who should be making it up to you, you don’t have t-
too bad less, i want to - let me reheat your dinner and get you a tea, then we can chill in bed with some tv, yeah? do you still have a headache? should i get you some painkillers?
the soft, begrudging smile alessia gave you was enough to make you forget the argument had even happened. you pressed another kiss to her cheek as you got up, then walked out - leaving alessia gazing at the door, wondering what she’d done to deserve a girl like you.
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candywife333 · 11 months
Limping Seven Days a Week
A quick Drabble inspired by a very unexpected side of Jungkook. 
This is part of an entire Drabble series based on his recent music release. It is rather mortifying how many fics I came up with just in relation to his new song. I had to exorcise the demons out of my head that were inspired by the explicit version. Hope you guys enjoy!
Disclaimer: As usual, everything in  the fic is fictional, and the behavior displayed by the character in the fic is obviously not representative of the real Jungkook. 
2. part 2
3. part 3
4. part 4
5. part 5
6. part 6
7. part 7
I plan to have 7 parts to the series. 
FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Shit, where the fuck am I?
I couldn't recognize this room, it definitely wasn't mine. Only a sheet was on my body. I peeked down to see what was underneath the blanket, and I was met with the grim appearance of my boobs. When the hell did I strip?! In consternation, I looked to my right and saw a veiny arm that encircled my waist. 
That is when all the memories slammed back into my head. That doe-eyed boy who wore glasses had asked me for help walking up to his room since he had recently sprained his ankle. 
He was the same guy that stared at me 5 out of 7 days of the week that we had classes together. His name was Jungkook and we both had the same professor for Economics classes. I had never really noticed him as I myself am pretty much invisible, a true observer. Most people call me quiet, I consider myself an observer of human behavior, a true analyst on the sidelines. The regency might bestow upon me the title of Wallflower, and I would gladly accept the position. 
  I don’t really have a palpable presence except for when I am with extremely close friends. 
With my friends all bets were off, I could be a freak. But with mostly everyone that I considered to be a stranger I don’t tend to interact. I had behaved the same way with this boy who kept staring at me with an unwavering gaze, a seemingly dreamy emotion glazing his eyes . He was cute and so I had thought on multiple occasion--- when I could feel his black eyes burning into my back-- that he could probably have any girl he wanted. The only thing stopping him were his shy mannerisms, and introverted nature. So why was he staring at me?
I’m a realistic person. I am not particularly remarkable. I could be when I put in effort, but most days I just wore black Calvin sweats that I’d snatched on a sale and a long sleeve black crop top which showed a tiny sliver of skin if any. 
Not exactly a fashion icon over here if you catch my drift.
Zooming back to the present situation at hand, I saw his veiny arm making its way towards my right boob. I had noticed on prior occasions that he clearly had a fixation on them. To my utter consternation, he squeezed my breast even now. His face that had buried into the hollow between my neck and shoulder suddenly moved.
 I pretended to still be asleep, this was so freaking awkward. Definitely went down as one of the most strange events that ever happened in my life. The only other incident I had to compare this to in terms of embarrassment  was when I peed my pants in the seventh grade. That was a whole other trauma that I didn't want to delve into. 
He sniffled into my skin and I had to stop myself from jumping as I felt a pair of plush lips wetted by saliva pressing kisses on the column of my neck. Kisses morphed into bites that for some ungodly reason managed to create a tingling feeling between my legs. His teeth caught on my flesh as he suctioned his lips against my damp skin, probably leaving hickeys that wouldn't leave me for a week. 
As soon as I thought he had stopped, I felt a cold draft of air over my chest. Motherfucker had removed my freaking blanket!?! wTF? What the hell was this dude trying to do?!! I had to stop pretending sleep, otherwise this would escalate to a worse extent than just hickeys?! 
My eyes opened to see his doe eyes staring at me as his pink lips closed in around my nipple, gripping it with his teeth before he sucked at it like a baby latching on for milk. I could see his eyes flash with surprise as he didn't expect me to be awake. I gathered all my courage to face this unexpected situation. “Um, excuse me dude? Could you like let go of my nipple? I am not a mother yet, and I would prefer to not practice breast feeding you. I would like to save that privilege for my children. So could you please get your goddamn lips off my tits”?
He let go of my tit as his jaw dropped down in an O. “Now, why don’t you do me the courtesy of getting your big boy self off of me also. I’m not really built to bear heavy weights, so if you could respect my personal space, that would be great”, I continued in a curt tone. 
As soon as I could feel him slide off of me, I got off the bed to collect the clothes I had strewn on the ground right next to it. I usually cared that I was completely naked, baring my cellulite infested ass to the strong daylight. But today I had other priorities. I had to get the fuck out of here. Dude had taken my virginity without me even remembering how he did it. 
As I bent down to pick up the clothes I had located, I could feel two warm hands gripping my ass on either side. “But do you have to go? I thought we could go for round 2 since you agreed to being my wife”, he drawled in a light airy tone, as if we were discussing the menu for lunch. 
My brain was shutting down on me. I had clearly gone insane. I might be in a psychiatric ward as we speak. It was either that, or I was about the commit murder. The fuck did he mean wife?! “EXCUSE ME, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WIFE? WI-I-IFE?! WHO FUCKING AGREED TO BE YOUR WIFE,” I screeched in an exasperated tone. 
“ALSO, GET YOUR FREAKING HANDS OFF OF ME! OTHERWISE I’LL GET A RESTRAINING ORDER ON YOU!” Just as I snatched my clothes from the floor, heading towards the direction of the door, I felt two arms that seemed more like corded chains of steel snaring my plush waist in a trap. 
“Babe, first sit down and we can talk about this. Maybe you have forgotten because of the drinks last night”, he whispered against my ear as his arms guided my naked form onto his lap. Dude didn't even have the decency to cover himself with a blanket before seating me on his thick thighs. I could feel his member slide against my wet slit as he started calmly explaining, “We decided last night that you are the one for me. My one and only. I would do anything for you. I told you about my problem and you agreed to help me and be my wife for life. You are the only one who makes me hard. I’ve been to so many doctors since I was a teen. No matter what they tried, they couldn't cure me of my erectile dysfunction”. 
He paused as he adjusted me on his lap. I could feel a stiff rod, the length of what felt like a freaking ruler pressing into my heat. He stuttered as he continued, “Se-e, this is what you do to me. You arouse me, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 7 days a week. Every minute, every hour, every second. Before you I could never get it up. The minute I first saw you in class, I felt so ridiculously turned on I came in my pants with barely any stimulation.” 
I couldn't help moaning as his member started to swell and pierce my heat. He pushed his length into me slowly. I got startled and tried getting off his lap but he was so ridiculously strong that he had my wrists locked in front of me in his tight hold. I couldn't stop mewling as he fed his member into me as his thighs shifted and contracted to get my pelvis into the right position.He was hitting every sensitive part of my walls as he bottomed out. This man was literally hitting my cervix. I wouldn’t be able to survive this dude. I could feel it in my bones. 
As soon as I bottomed down onto his length, he started rocking me up and down his length with the sheer power of his thighs. “Listen, sweetheart. You are it for me. I am addicted to you. As soon as I saw you in class I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. I love the little laugh you make when you see  the roses in the school courtyard. I love how you helped me off the floor when I tripped onto the tile on my first day here, how you patted me on my head and handed me my books. I love how you dance in the rain, how you kiss the little kitten that walks around campus looking for an owner. I love when you take a sip of coffee and moan in satisfaction. I love how your waist curves into your hips and how I can grasp this pudge right here below your belly button for support. I love how your thighs and legs grip me around my hips as I’m fucking into you, even though you are trying to leave me. I love how your tight pussy wraps around me and gives me life. You can’t leave me, because you are my life.” 
Even as I objected trying to stop him, resisting his movements, he continued undulating his hips as he slid me up and down his length. My hands that were resisting fell slack as I couldn't control my moans and his big hands came to my boobs to massage them, pinching and flicking the taut tips. Before I could catch my breath, I felt warmth climbing up my core as I reached a pinnacle and my pussy convulsed around him . My vision went white as everything became blurry. 
“Let my fuck you right baby. Let me be your man. Please don’t ever leave me. I wouldn’t be able to handle it”, he moaned into my ear as I could feel his length twitch and spill warmth into me. “I know both of us were drunk last night, but please give me a chance.” 
I stared at him, dazed out of my mind at how I ended up with him in the first place. He had only ever been an acquaintance, and now he was professing his love? I was his life? “What do you want me to do though, marry you? Because I am the only one in the entire world who turns you on? You expect me to believe this bullshit. How the hell is that even possible?! ”, I cried out in confusion.
He grinned as his round cheeks shook with glee and his doe eyes glittered with incandescent happiness, as though he had won a million dollars cash prize, “Yes. You are the only person who I want to fuck. Ever. For the rest of my life. Please help me and be my wife. Wait just one minute.” He bent down to retrieve what looked like a little blue velvet box.
  I was so exhausted. Like I had run a freaking marathon. I just wanted to run back to my room to sleep in and take a warm bath. This man took my virginity, fucked me so many times I couldn't even remember, and now wanted to continue fucking me to my early grave for the rest of my life, legally, as I was chained to him in holy fucking matrimony? hELL, TO THE FUCKING NO!
I jumped up with a sudden burst of energy, traumatized by a vision of him fucking me to death. Before he could turn around with the box, I limped out of the door uncaring of my naked state. I HAD TO GET AWAY FROM THIS PSYCHO!! THE HELL DID HE WANT WITH ME? I couldn’t handle 7 days a week, no weekends, no break, no bonuses, no holidays. My poor pussy would shrivel up and die. 
It was already looking like he had disabled me. I could barely walk without wincing in pain. I threw my long shirt over my head as I scurried out of the front door looking behind my back worried that he would follow. As I hobbled out like a hag onto the sidewalk, I heard a shrill scream and what sounded like sobs as he shrieked, “PLEASE COME BACK! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME! I WILL FUCK YOU RIGHT, I WILL DO BETTER! PLEASE JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE”.
He wouldn’t fuck me again, If I could help it. I didn’t want to be a vegetable anytime soon. 
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year
Cowboy Like Me | d.d. | Bonus II
Din Djarin x princess!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: nada
Author’s Note: I just want them to live in that damn cabin on Nevarro okay? We’ll get there. I swear. But also?? Bo Katan yall.
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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The Heiress
Bo Katan Kryze sat on her throne, staring blankly out the window of her once grand palace. Kalevala, the once beautiful and thriving planet of her people, was dreary and wet —both from the oceans and the rains that seemed to never stop. It had been a long time since she’d stepped foot in her childhood home; she had spent the last several years as a mercenary, leading her fleet through the galaxy on odd jobs for hire. 
“Milady,” the footman droid announced suddenly, drawing her attention from the windows. “The Princess of Senex —she has landed on the runway.”
Bo Katan’s brow furrowed as she slowly stood, lifting her helmet into her arms. “Is she alone?”
Rumors had been swirling around the Outer Rim —the death of Leox of Senex, an engagement to a “former” general of the Imperial fleet and a runaway princess. But Bo Katan had not heard much else regarding the Princess of Senex since her fleet —long gone by now, having abandoned her —got the call for the bounty. 
“There is one person on her ship, but she is coming in alone,” the droid confirmed, as footsteps echoed through the grand but empty halls of her home. 
Bo Katan stood tall as the Princess of Senex made her way into the throne room. It had been many years since the once ruler of Mandalore had seen the young woman; long enough for her to almost not recognize the princess as she stopped at the entryway. They were both much younger the last time they had interacted.
“I want to be a warrior,” the young princess exclaimed as Bo Katan removed her helmet. “I want to learn to fight.”
“Princesses do not fight,” Calisto of Senex corrected, giving her daughter a cold, almost callous look. “Lady Bo Katan is not a princess, therefore the rules do not apply to her.”
“Lady Kryze is a queen,” the child corrected, earning a pinch from her mother that caused her to cry out. 
Bo Katan watched Calisto with a wary, distrusting gaze. “Anyone can learn to fight. Princesses especially should learn.”
“Do not –,”
The doors of the meeting room opening interrupted whatever scolding Calisto had planned, however. Leox of Senex stepped into the room finally, holding several holotablets. His presence was a welcome change from his wife’s —warmer, brighter. He had a smile on his face. And as soon as he was in the room, Calisto left without a word —disinterested in what was happening. Leox did not seem bothered by her departure; though neither did their child. 
“I do apologize for keeping you waiting, Lady Kryze. I was finalizing the plans.”
Bo Katan simply nodded, glancing down at the child. “It is no concern, Senator. What you’re doing for me is more than I could ask for.”
Leox simply shook his head though, looking down at his daughter with a soft smile. “I hope you do not mind my daughter being here; she is learning diplomacy and I find the best way of doing so is being involved.”
“Of course; learn by doing. I don’t mind at all.”
The holotablet turned on, showing a map of her fallen planet of Mandalore. Bo Katan stared at it for a long time, noting the crystalized wasteland that had taken over everything. 
“What happened?” The little girl asked, reaching up to point at a rather worse for wear image of the planet.
“The Empire destroyed my home,” Bo Katan explained, eyes not tearing from the images she was seeing. “Your father thinks your scientists here can break through the crystallization and find enough life to bring it back, though.”
“If he can’t, one day, I will,” the child promised, looking up at Bo Katan with a determination that no child her age should show.
“Perhaps we should teach you to fight then.”
Leox had laughed, shaking his head, before they continued their meeting.
“I sent a distress signal to you,” the princess announced when Bo Katan motioned her forward. “So it seems it fell on deaf ears.”
“If you sent it here, then it did,” Bo Katan offered as an explanation. “But it does not seem like you need my help anymore.”
The princess still held herself with that royal posture –one that Bo Katan was certain her mother probably beat into her –but she did not look like the princess she met all those years ago. Instead of a gown, she wore a practical and utilitarian outfit, complete with a blaster one hip and a knife holstered on the other. There was a fierce determination in her eyes, one that told Bo that she had been through much more than any Inner Rim princess would ever see in their lives. Bo Katan couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in seeing how far the young princess had come since they first met.
Gone was the naivety of youth, replaced with a hardened edge that only came from bloodshed and battle; through loss and pain.
“It’s been a long time,” Bo Katan continued, stepping away from the throne to meet the princess in the middle. “What brings you to me now?”
“Can’t a princess come visit a queen without a need?”
“Not you,” Bo Katan countered, giving her a knowing look. “Not when I received an invitation to your engagement celebration. Shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon by now?”
The princess pursed her lips, as if trying to keep herself from smiling. Bo Katan’s brow furrowed in confusion –what could she be smiling about? Was she not married to Silas Credence, a former Imperial general? A man decades older than her?
“I suppose the news has not been spread this far then,” she hummed, looking up at Bo once more. “Who do you think I am married to, Lady Kryze?”
“Imperial scum,” she offered up, narrowing her eyes.
“Then you would be incorrect,” the princess replied, a prideful smile taking over her grin. “My mother wanted that –but the engagement did not take. Marrying a dead man would be a scandal in and of itself.”
“What do you mean –Credence is alive, isn’t he?” 
The two stared at each other for several moments before the princess shook her head. “No, he’s no longer alive.”
“What happened?” Bo Katan demanded, stepping closer to the young woman in front of her.
“I killed him,” she explained simply, meeting Bo’s eyes cautiously. “With the knife given to me by my actual fiance.”
“The more you speak, the more cryptic you’re becoming,” Bo pointed out, frowning deeply. Footsteps suddenly echoed through the hallway, announcing the presence of another being. Bo tore her gaze from the princess, looking past her now. “Tell me you’re lying.”
The princess unsheathed the knife at her side, holding it out to the fallen leader of Mandalore. Bo Katan lifted it into her hands, looking over the signet that was pressed in the blade. 
Clan Mudhorn.
“Bo Katan Kryze, it is me. Din Djarin.”
Bo’s eyes shifted between the princess and Din Djarin, then to the knife. “That is certainly one way to become a Mandalorian. Did you send her in first because you knew I’d prefer speaking to her over you?”
“I did, actually.”
Bo Katan gave him a narrowed eyed glare before turning back to the princess. “Is it too late to tell you shouldn’t marry him?”
“I wouldn’t listen even if it wasn’t,” she replied simply, looking up at Din as he stopped behind her. 
Bo Katan let out a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. After several moments allowing her to process everything, she returned to her throne. Nothing she said would change what had been done, and truthfully, Din Djarin wasn’t the worst person the princess could have found herself married to. Though she was certainly curious as to how they had found themselves together –not that she would ask any time soon.
“What do you want?” Bo Katan finally asked as she sat back down, looking out the window once more.
“I need your help,” Din started, “I must bathe in the Living Waters of Mandalore to be redeemed. If you still intend to reclaim the planet –,”
“There are no intentions to reclaim Mandalore,” she interrupted, looking back at him with a deep frown. “I have no people. My fleet abandoned me when I lost the Darksaber.”
The princess looked between the two, brow furrowed. “What is the Darksaber?”
Bo glanced at her, frowning. “You haven’t told her?”
“Told me what?”
“By all intents and purposes, Din Djarin is the rightful ruler of Mandalore.”
There was a heavy silence that fell between the three of them. Din’s stance had tensed, and the princess was simply staring up at him with wide, confused eyes. Bo Katan found the scene entirely too entertaining, if she was honest with herself. She did not know Din Djarin especially well; their interactions had been brief and clipped, if anything. But she did know the princess well enough. And she knew that the princess was probably less than thrilled about finding out about the Darksaber through Bo instead of Din himself.
“And without the Darksaber,” Bo pressed on, cocking her head to the side in amusement. “No Mandalorian will follow me.”
“I do not want it,” Din argued, taking it off his belt and holding it out to Bo. “Take it.”
“That’s not how it works and you know that.”
“How does it work?” The princess all but demanded, looking between the two Mandalorians with a deep set frown on her face.
“It must be won through combat. I must beat him in order to possess it once more.”
“But I cannot just yield and hand it over, apparently.”
“So let me..let me understand this entirely,” the princess finally huffed, putting her hands on her head. Her sleeves slipped down over her arms, and Bo Katan caught a glimpse of a scar that traced up her forearm. The once ruler wondered, briefly, where such a scar had come from. The princess turned to Din now, pointing at him. “You have…one, broken your Creed because of me but did not tell me. Two, have a child who is Force sensitive but did not tell me. And three, are in possession of a weapon that makes you the ruler of a planet…but did not tell me.”
“In my defense –,”
“Din, you have none. There is no defense. You failed to tell me very important details –,”
“It sounds like this is a lover’s quarrel. I am going to have to ask you to take it anywhere but my home,” Bo Katan interrupted, looking between the two. “Please leave me alone. I am…not interested in being involved in any of this. Not anymore.”
The two stopped their bickering —well, the princess stopped her bickering —and turned to Bo, who was waving them out of her home. The footman droid started to usher them out, and finally, Bo Katan glanced up as the princess gave Din a weak shove and a dirty look, no doubt scolding him for withholding details from her. 
“I didn’t think it was relevant,” Din pointed out once they boarded the Crest once more. 
She had stopped talking to him once they were out of Bo’s sight. Her arms crossed over her chest in defiance as she ignored his help onto the ship, her gaze anywhere but him. 
Did he omit details? Yes, he did. But did he do it purposely? Not exactly. Truthfully, he hadn’t considered the consequences of not telling her he held the Darksaber. He didn’t want to think of them; he didn’t even want the weapon. It meant nothing to him or his people, therefore it didn’t need to be brought up. 
And regarding Grogu —well, he simply assumed she knew. The kid often used his abilities to get what he wanted. Din just figured the child had used them in front of her before, and she was well educated. She had to know of the Jedi and the Force. There wasn’t a reason for him to assume otherwise. 
Though, in hindsight, he should be telling his wife things. Even if they felt irrelevant. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, sitting in the pilot’s seat. 
Grogu climbed into her lap, reaching up to tug at the scarf that hung loosely around her neck. Even if she was frustrated with Din, she didn’t take it out on the kid; she smiled down at him, poking his belly gently to greet him. She had mentioned earlier that week, when the Armorer exiled him, that she didn’t like it when her parents argued in front of her. She refused to do so in front of Grogu.
“Did your dad forget to tell me that you’re a Jedi in training?” She teased, lifting Grogu into the air. Her gaze remained focused on the child instead of looking at Din. “And that he was technically king of an entire planet?”
He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the grin that was forming under his helmet. Even if she was frustrated with him –and she was; there was no doubt about that –she was trying to make light of it the best she could. 
“He did,” she continued, still ignoring Din. “He did forget to tell me. Isn’t that just silly of him, Grogu?” The child giggled in her arms, babbling in response as if he was trying to talk back to her. “Exactly, little one. He should have told me –we’re already married, what am I going to do? Run away?”
Her teasing tone had flattened some, and she finally looked at Din as she rested Grogu back in her lap. The child cooed some, standing up to move into Din’s lap next. 
“I should have told you,” he conceded, turning to take the child into his arms now. “I didn’t…I wasn’t thinking, truthfully. The Darksaber means nothing to my people, so it didn’t seem important enough to bring up. I am not the ruler of Mandalore and I do not want to be.”
“Then what do you want to be, Din?” She asked, pulling one of her legs into her chest, resting her chin on it. 
“I just…I want to be a Mandalorian once more. I want to take care of my clan. That’s all I want and all I’ll ever want.”
She hummed a bit in response before pushing herself out of her seat to stand over him. Her hands rested on either side of his helmet, holding him in place as he looked up at her.
“You’ve already gotten half of that then,” she reassured, pressing her forehead against his gently. “Now we just need to get you to Mandalore to get the rest.”
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Yandere Alphabet: Haitani Rindou
Listen, he was the last one I needed for a specific ask, and I´m so glad I could finish him. The first part of the ask, was like posted in November last year. Well,... I´m slow....
Haitani Rindou
Always standing in the shadow of his older brother, he is used to being overlooked. Something, like that leaves it´s marks, and when he finds something in you that he wants to keep it, he will be ruthless. With more than one complex concerning his relationship with his brother, he will be a lot to deal with. A pseudo therapist wet dream, but in reality quite literally your nightmare. As he turns from hot to cold again and again.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He rarely does, show affection to his darling. It is never the case, that he doesn´t want to, but more along the lines, that he doesn´t know how he should show them, that he is fond of them. It makes him a confusing mix of overly affectionate, and emotionally distant. He has days, where he just keeps clinging to you, without ever seeming like he wants to let you go. Other days, he will not even look at you for hours, while he frets about how to approach you again. The uncertainty makes it all just so much worse, because you never know in what mood he will be right now.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
While he definitely wouldn´t mind getting his hands dirty for you, he would have it rather so, that you could never be in a position, where it becomes required to for him to kill someone for you. He wants to keep you safe. Desperately so. But that tends to lead him to isolating you. Though, he isn´t against, to get rid of some people to make this happen in the first place. Even afterwards, he would still keep doing it, if it means, that you will stay safe. Your safety. It´s his driving force, when it comes to fighting. Returning to you, seeing you. Simply: You.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He already has a problem, with how he should approach you, or even interact with you. So intentionally taunting you, isn´t even on his mind, when he worries about incidentally insulting you. Your opinion of him matters so much to him. He doesn´t want to purposefully paint himself in a worse light, just because it might get a reaction out of you. He wants you to be in love with him as well. He wants to occupy the first place in your heart. Unchallenged and unparalleled. The one and only. So, he wouldn´t insult you. At least not with the intention of doing so in the first place.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Rindou is quick to back of again, as soon as his darling even suggests so much as wanting that. He will often appear as overbearing, but is quick to back off, when you point it out. Though, it tears something apart in him, when you tell him that he is too close, too overbearing, too much for you to take. It always hurt him, when you remind him of that. But no matter how much it hurts him, he will try to contain himself again. He will back off again, till the urge to be close to you overruns him again. He listens. He tries.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He tries to be vulnerable with his darling, or at least he would like to try. But when he sits down close to you, he never knows what to say. His conversation will quickly evolve into something else. He doesn´t want to put more pressure on you, than he already is. He knows, that he can be too much. Especially, concerning you. Still, sometimes he makes an offhand comment, that will make him stop in mortification, because it was never meant to slip out. He waits with bathed breath, on your reaction. He will only relax later throughout the day, staying tense the whole time, he is with you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
It makes him anxious, if his darling starts to intentionally fight with him. It makes him feel even more insecure than he already did, and doubt comes creeping in. He starts questioning himself, which only makes him more volatile, than he already is. It makes living and interacting with him even more unpleasant than it already was. He will also defend himself with the same aggression, that you show him. So, he won´t you assaulting laying down. Because, he can´t take it to be reduced to something else again. And that is, what will happen, when he simply let´s you do whatever you want to him.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Rindou doesn´t see it as a game. He is already afraid of you invalidating what he feels for you, so why would he make that situation even worse? He doesn´t enjoy seeing you afraid or having to watch how you try to get away from him. It kind of makes him regret everything he has done. He tries to make you as comfortable as he can. Listening to your rules, while also trying to make his own boundaries clear. He will do nearly anything to make you more comfortable. Just please stay. He is afraid of you leaving, and so he does his best, to avoid that.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When he genuinely looses control of himself for the first time. It´s when you call him by his brothers name to get a reaction from him, and he just looses it. There is nothing that can be said or done to calm him back down, as he just rages on and on. More than one thing goes sailing through the air, and just shatters apart. The floor soon enough covered in splinters, as he keeps screaming. He is ugly crying at this point, and there is no chance, that you will actually understand what he is screaming between his sobs. He will calm back down by himself later, though he does avoid you for quite some time afterwards.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants something peaceful with you. Something, that when he talks about it, seems almost picture perfect. He get easily lost in his daydreams of you, where he dreams something up, that just makes him want. Sometimes, he will talk about it, while also making sure, not to pressure you or anything. Because while he does have a vision in mind, that brings him joy. There are thousands of ways, that he would be able to reach it. He happy enough letting you choose the way, as long as the destination gets you somewhere, where the both of you can be happy.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
While he does get jealous, it also paralyzes him into inaction. He doesn´t know how to deal with being jealous. There are too many thoughts running through his head, when he gets like that. He would like to do many things to the idiots, who take your attention away from him. Many things, that are very in line to his more cruel tendencies. You, on the other hand, stay entire clear from his wrath. He doesn´t want to hurt you, and so he only tries to steer you away from others, whenever his jealousy gets stoked again.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Rindou is very careful, when it comes to interacting with his darling. He is very afraid of bothering you, in any way, shape or form. He doesn´t want to annoy you, while still wishing he had your attention all of the time. He is anxious, when it comes to you. His stomach twisting, and he gets always slightly sick, when he thinks about talking to you. It is clear, that he gets anxious over you. Worry making him physically ill. Still, he always wants to hang around you, and keeps bothering you to get that chance in the first place.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He is someone, that has watched you already for a bit. He has a general idea, what you might enjoy from a day to day basis. But, he is still careful when approaching you. Still, nervous to see your response to one of his gifts. He carefully watches for signs, for what you like and what you don´t. It´s part of the fun for him. He likes, slowly getting to know you. Sometimes, he will gift you things, that are rather stuff he wants you to have, than anything you might like. For him, it´s like leaving a piece of himself with you. Otherwise, he will court you through a copious amount of time spent with you. The one thing, he will always after later as well.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He is someone, that acts a lot more confident, than he actually is. Decisive and even somewhat cruel, while also being absolutely unaffected by whatever is happening around him. That is the image he projects for the people in his live. This is, what people think of, when they see him. No one expects him to be this anxious and always attentive mess around you. As if he is always just one wrong move away from loosing you. He becomes a different person around you, as the unaffected mask slips away.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
If Rindou realizes, that he is slowly getting angry, he will start to pull away from you. He will stop interacting with you for a while, because he feels like it will only sour his feelings for you, if he stayed in moments like these. It becomes incredibly important to him in those moments, to distance himself, to separate these ugly feelings from you. As a consequence he will isolate you. Unintentionally. Though, even if he was aware of that, he would still continue on like this.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He is someone, who tries to manipulate his darling into giving up most things, even if he is scared, that his love will start to see through it. He somehow convinces them, to move in with him, to share their location with him where ever they go. He will ask, with whom they are meeting up with, whenever they leave the house. Rindou will slowly make his home, in every corner of their privacy, till there is nothing left in the end, that is truly private from him.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
His anxiety forces him to be patient. There is no way, that he will move quickly, when the thought alone causes him sickness. He waits and learns. That is one of the few ways, how he can feel more secure in interacting with you. It makes no sense to him, to jump into something, when he knows, that he isn´t ready for it. His emotions still in uproar, with no chance of settling. He will wait, because he has to.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He would be heartbroken, if him and his darling would ever need to part ways. Though, he is someone that would let it happen. He won´t chase after them, if they make it so clear, that they can´t stand his presence any longer. He is openly remorseful and will grief their departure for a long time. It will take a few months, before any mention of them causes him pain, and even longer to hope for another love again.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Hilariously enough, he already feels guilty for simply approaching you. This is also why it is extremely unlikely, that he will ever force you into anything, and backs off so quickly, when his darling says so. He already feels so guilty over things, that don´t even matter to anyone, but weigh so heavily on his mind. He just can´t force himself into doing what might be best, and so instead tries to manipulate into moving him. And this also makes him feel guilty. But this time it´s bearable.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He was always in his brothers shadow. No matter what he did. It would always be either the Haitani Brothers or people would only give Ran his own identity. When it would come to Rindou, he would always be reduced to being the younger brother of Ran. Sometimes, it felt like he never had a chance of becoming or being seen as his own person. At  least, till you came around. You saw him first. You looked towards him, like he was real. For once, in his life the shadow of his brother wasn´t hanging over him, and he would make sure, that he could experience that over and over again.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
It invokes mixed feelings inside of him. Because on the one hand he is glad, that they are isolating by themself, and so that is one worry taken care of. But on the other hand, the understandable emotional outburst makes talking to them even more difficult, than it usually already is. So, he doesn´t quite know, what to do with the situation, and is very likely to simply wait it out without interfering in any manner. It will probably be for the best.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
The fact, that he listens to you and respects his darling boundaries is what would separate him from the classic yandere. Also, that he avoids hurting you on any occasion. You are very important to him, and he makes that clear. He also is filled with anxiety, when it comes to talking with you, what actually causes most misunderstandings between the two of you. He genuinely wants something good with you.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Rindou genuinely adores his darling and wants to see them happy and satisfied. This is something, that can be quite easily used against him. Though, you should be careful, because he is also aware of that fact, and will shut down any request, as soon as he becomes suspicious. And while he isn´t likely to hold that against you, he will still be a bit snappish with you afterwards.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not really. Even when angry, his anger turns towards his surroundings, rather targeting stuff, that can be replaced. He even has that habit of avoiding stuff, that his darling has any kind of emotional connection too. The act of destroying things, that are inconsequential to the both of you, calms him down more, than enough. Otherwise, he isn´t inclined to hurt his darling, even outside of fits of emotion, as well. He prides himself on that fact as well. So, it isn´t likely to change at all, no matter what happens.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He definitely is someone, that absolute adores his darling. Would he go as far, as to worship them as well? Absolutely! They become in a manner of days, one of the most important people in his life. Their opinion of him means so much to him, that if they don´t like something, he will aspire to change it. He wants to keep them close to him, while also being careful on how to approach them every time. He is so nervous, when he thinks about how to actually talk to you. Rindou is sure, that his darling simply means everything to him.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
That man dreams about you. He is followed everyhwhere by the hope he has laid within you. He pines so badly, that everyone around him will know. It goes from wistful sighs, to just staring straight ahead, as he daydreams about a possible life with you. He would continue to do so for as long as it takes, even with his anxiety whispering into his ear. It´s important to him, that you recognize him for who he is, instead of just the shadow of his brother. But it just won´t leave him alone. This fear, that he will again take second place to someone else in your life as well. This is, what will make him snap. This fear.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
He doesn´t even know, that it would be possibility with you. Rindou is unsure and his words and actions might come across as incredibly hurtful, but his intentions tend to follow the wish to keep you safe and close to him. He would do it, if he got convinced, that breaking the one he loves with all his heart, is the only possible way to keep them safe. It´s incredible important to him, and so he would do whatever it takes. It wouldn´t be a small decision for him either, but rather something he agonizes over for months, before doing it. It´s for the best. At least, he believes it.
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TW: Smut. Semi-public sex. Language
SUMMARY: You are a reason JJ Maybank is truant from your third period class.
Anonymous asked:
Con you do Jj making reader skip a class to go fuck in the schools bathroom and almost getting caught by other student
It was a rarity that JJ Maybank stepped foot on the grounds of The Kook Academy. But whenever he did, it was because of you. At rest against his rusted truck that was more than a sore thumb among those pristine and extortionate surrounding him, he pulled his phone to view. 
“I’m outside.” These two simple words were enough to send your eyes out of the window of your algebra class, swallowing hard at how your eyes weren’t the only ones that had found his new presence. But even if he had been temping in his sleeveless shirt that accentuated those muscles you craved as a source of a release as your nails drug down as he stationed himself between your thighs, your surname correcting your focus would be enough to redirect your attention. 
But only until that second message. Stealthily, you slipped your screen beneath those heavily mascara clad lashes. 
“Want your panties back?” Your eyes flashed to him once again, this time, finding him holding up those pastel pink panties you’d left in disregard of your former interaction together. 
“Something you care to share with-”
“Can I use the restroom?” You asked quickly as your teacher breathed a sigh of annoyance before motioning to the hallway. Your phone was concealed in your palm as you moved swiftly towards the direction of the parking lot on a mission to berate JJ for his brazen arrival and teasing. But before you could cross from that classroom to even the lockers set between the two exits, you were taken into the bathroom. 
“Get off-” You attempted to fight before being pinned against the closest vanity. 
“Careful…people might know what we’re doing-”
“Nothing, JJ! For one, you shouldn’t even be here! And I have to get back to class. I only came here to tell you-” But he would silence you as he pushed you harder into the cold edge of the sink behind you. 
“Wouldn’t you rather just come, sweetheart?” His words made you bashful as you could only stutter and glare in his direction. 
“You shouldn’t be here…” You spoke again, managing to manipulate your nerves into some echo of confidence, before he scoffed. 
“Tell you what…” His fingers traced the lines of your uniform. “If you aren’t wet for me, I’ll go. Because I know that if you’re soaking those little panties, you want me just as badly…unless algebra has the same effect on you…” His hand pulled that fabric higher until your thigh was exposed. 
“JJ-” You warned. 
“I know how much you love to try and prove me wrong…” Your eyes came to a close as he brushed over your panties, the center saturated through to his touch as he smirked. 
“Oh princess…”
‘Please…” But as you were pleading for him to stop so you were able to return to that clear ambition of responsibility, he would take this as consent to continue-not that he was necessarily incorrect. 
With your skirt in hand, bucnhed at the curve of your back, he postione dhimself at your sex. 
“Oh, you want it…don’t fucking lie to me, sweetheart…”
“Please…just-ahhh…” You moaned to the feeling of his second hand at your breast. 
“You know what this uniform does to me…I could tear it apart in seconds…but I know you need to get back and there’s no way in hell you’re doing that with anyone else seeing what I get to…” His lips were at your ear, tracing down your neck, “But they all know now don’t they…because you can’t remember your panties…” He smirked as you tried to turn to face him, but he was quick to push harder into you. 
“It’s okay, though…I understand….” His fingers brought them from your hips. “Because just like you can’t remember them…I can’t forget ‘em…”
“JJ-” His ringed fingers climbed from your breast and to your neck. 
“Better make it quick if you want to make it to your next class-” Your fingers wrapped at the edge of the sink. 
“Open those pretty eyes, baby…Watch how well you take me…” The second your lashes parted to observe the scene, he produced that singular thrust that set him bottoming out within you. But as he remained set, as if to test if you would be the one impatient enough to move first, you only set your touch to the buttons of your uniform. Pulling apart the plastic discs to expose that matching bra to panties ruined and parted at your ankles, he clenched his jaw. A flex of his cock within you made you well aware of his approval, as you bit your bottom lip while his dominant hand came to that exposed skin. 
“Look what you’re doing for me at school, princess…so fucking horny, aren’t you?”
You nodded, lifting his hand from your clavicle and to your lips, sucking the edges of his fingers while keeping his eyes stationed to yours. 
“You want to be a good girl so bad, but this cock makes you-” You silenced him by forcing a thrust in command of your hips thrashing against him. He allowed it for a moment before reclaiming that dominance and directing you to and from that naked bare of his hips. 
“Oh shit…” He groaned into your shoulder. 
“Who’s in there?!” A voice echoed from outside the bathroom as JJ didn’t cease his motions. 
“Bet I could make everyone back in my own school hear you…” Your eyes rolled. “But I want you quiet until you come…” He draped a hand to your clit as the second tightened around your neck. 
“You feel so fucking good squeezing me like this…You WANT to be caught so everyone knows how I can make you come, don’t you? Well sorry to tell you, princess..but nobody gets to hear how you sound when you coat this cock…not until I say-” He groaned into your ear as your eyes pulled into a roll. 
“JJ…” He squeezed your neck tighter. 
“One sound and you-” The door was suddenly tried as JJ pulled you into the stall, slamming the door closed, before taking you up against the wall. A hand wrapped around your mouth kept you silent as he stilled inside of you as he sunk you onto his cock when lifting you over him. 
“One sound and you don’t get to come…no matter how fucking pretty you beg…” He buried himself into your chest as you struggled to remain silent as your peer made their way through the bathroom. Due to the way he held you, it became clear the bathroom was empty, even if his motions quickened and made it nearly impossible to remain undetected, you were able to obey him. 
“Good girl…Now come for me..” He ordered as the bathroom door came closed. 
“JJ-” He pounded ruthlessly between your thighs. 
“Or next time, I’ll fuck you through anyone finding you. Any one of those teachers that think you’re such a good little student…and all your little friends who think they’re better than me…but this pussy was made for me…so it’s gonna come…all…over…this…cock.” He explained, losing himself into his own ecstasy as you built and spilled over that release together, his eyes rolling closed as you cried beneath him. 
“I needed that…” He groaned, kissing you following a grip to your jaw, before your eyes flashed to the door. 
“JJ, you can’t come here like this…”
“I think it’s a little late to make excuses…better to just ask for forgiveness…”
“Nobody is going to believe anything I say-”
“I didn’t mean that to them.” Your eyes narrowed. 
“I meant for not letting me do this sooner…but don’t worry, princess…It WILL happen again and you won’t have to be sorry for anything-” He bet down to retrieve your panties that were somehow left unseen by the curious peer who left in the nick of time. 
“BUT you don’t get these back-”
“Consider it a reason you’ll have to see me again…Even though we both know you don’t need an excuse…” He winked, abandoning you to try and recover from the tryst. 
But as you took stock of yourself in the mirror, you knew there wouldn’t be an amount of concealer or excuses that would counter what was evidential. Your hair, your skin, and your out of breath existence wouldn’t be enough to silence what was clear. But with each instance that became more bold…you were being as careless as he was bold. It was a lethal combination. But what else could you expect from a pogue?
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @drews1love @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection
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diddybok · 1 year
born to die | minho
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all characters depicted in my writing are from my own imagination and do NOT in anyway represent nor reflect the people in real life :)
➩pairing: minho x gn!reader
➩genre(s): ANGST, fluff, smut, non-idol!au, switch!minho
➩warnings: death, smoking, pet names, sexual themes (18+) sex (unprotected- pls use protection!), explicit language, people watching (not sexual!) [anything else i have missed]
➩summary: a story based on the song ‘born to die’ by lana del ray. minho was the chosen victim i’m afraid.
➩wc: 5k (5,046)
➩author’s note: i am so sorry.
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don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry.
Cold, wet, miserable. The transition from autumn to winter makes itself known harsher than it has ever done before. As the wind cries, an acrimonious chill soars through the air looking to communicate with the souls that are derived of their light.
Minho walks down the desolate street playing with his lighter. A custom made lighter; a muted grey with the engraving of a peacock feather on it. A gift he got on his birthday from an old friend. It packs quite a punch he must say.
He takes one last long drag from his cigarette, taking back the nicotine to fill his lungs before freeing the smoke to dance through the smog. It feels familiar, the taste of nicotine on his tongue. It has been a while since he has smoked. He didn’t miss it per-say, but fuck did it have its way of ebbing the pain.
A brown weathered bench comes into his line of view. He sits at this bench so much that he has assessed the best and worst parts of it to sit on. He collapses down, slightly off-centre and releases a long sigh.
Dawn is his favourite time of the day. The route he can walk with his eyes closed allows him to pass by the type of people he finds pleasure in watching. Minho was adroit at reading people. He much preferred to observe rather than enter a conversation in which he would need to cue his laughs and pretend to be sympathetic towards people who, he concluded, deserved nothing but to get castrated.
05:29am, right on time. Paul flits around the corner and continues down the path. Minho monitors the morning runner closely, counting his steps. Usually Paul does four hundred down this path before he is out of sight. His strides are longer today, seems he wants to get his run over and done with.
Minho likes Paul, though he’s never interacted with him. He needs not to, him watching from afar every dawn for the past ten months has made Paul the closest person he can refer to as a friend in his life currently.
Sad? Far worse. Depressing.
Things in his life changed drastically when you left him. You…your name leaves a vexatious taste in his mouth. It ire’s him just how easily you ruined him. He didn’t think he could possibly hate anyone on this planet as much as he does you. All because you broke the promises you made him.
He hates you. He doesn’t think he will ever stop hating you. He can’t, he won’t.
The friends he did have, he casted them aside. Dropped them like a tree ridding itself of its leaves. Every now and then one of his old friends, Chris, checks up on him. Whether it be sending him a letter -Minho had blocked his number- or a care package. He can’t deny the fact that it really pisses him off.
There goes Vanessa, or as people formally call her, Miss Phillips. He discovered that she is a teacher who specialises in helping children with special needs. Minho is quite fond of Vanessa. He usually likes to guess what style her hair will be next. She untucks her hair from her coat, braids. He hisses and shakes his head slightly as he guessed wrong again.
Minho reaches for the cold flip lighter and runs his thumb over the engraving. Never one to believe in superstitions, he thinks about the argument on whether a peacock feather brings good or bad luck.
It attracted the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in this world. For that, he was beyond grateful for this small object. Until the thing that was so beautiful became cold, unknown, and cause him the worst ache of all. Ache from the heart that shattered into many, many minuscule pieces. One that he knows can never be meticulously mended.
He shouldn’t be thinking about that, about you. His therapist strongly advises against such and directs him to remember his two little people he keeps an eye on. ‘Paul and Vanessa, just think about Paul and Vanessa. You have formed some sort of relationship with them in which you have developed a fidelity. They aren’t any the wiser, but they are a reason for you holding on and gravitating your mind to moving forward.’ His therapist had said.
Minho’s hands start to shake and not due to the cold air. He curses to himself as he opens his cigarette box to find it empty. He was perturbed by his thoughts and needed to rid his growing anxiety before he has an attack.
The universe astutely discerns the situation, for a small friendly body rubs against his calf. Purring fills his senses and he looks down to see the stray cat staring up at him.
The cat seems to mimic his every move. He lifts an arm, the cat lifts its paw to touch his leg. He tilts his head, the cat does the same. If Minho clenches his fist tightly in his lap, then the cat rubs on his calf to soothe him.
It doesn’t take long for a decision to be made, for he and the cat coalesce. He gently picks it up and continues his journey home. The cat immediately becoming the third most important thing in his life.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
come and take a walk on the wild side. let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain.
“In here!”
Minho follows the sound of your voice, finding you snuggled up in a blanket snacking on some popcorn and listening to some music. You turn to acknowledge him and he physically feels his heart swell. The way you look at him with such light and love is enough for it to be his main source of oxygen. God he is painfully in love with you.
“Hello my darling, how was work?” You ask with a tilt of your head. His heart skipped a beat.
“It was irritating,” he moves to lay on you, resting his head on your stomach as your hands find their way to his head, “Chris is annoying me again.” He says with a roll of his eyes. You chuckle lightly at that.
“Did he put his lunch in your designated spot in the fridge again? Or was it that he offered you an iced latte instead of an Americano? Oh! Maybe he asked whether you were free this weekend and asked you to hang out? Or-”
You are cut off with a rambunctious groan that makes you erupt in a fit of laughter. Minho goes to roll off you irked by your teasing, but you trap him with your legs and apologise by smothering his face in kisses.
Hearing just some of the things that he relayed to you about his days at work made him sound ridiculous for even being annoyed at such things.
You have an extraordinary way of doing that. Reminding him that he’s being too pessimistic about life without explicitly saying so. He realistically doesn’t need to be pessimistic anymore. Not when he has you in his life, you are warm sun to shine through his cold grey skies.
It’s astounding just how long he was able to survive before you. You have moulded him unknowingly into a man capable of loving someone to an extent which is unearthly. He is your paean to how beautiful love can be and you are his saviour.
“What’s going on in that pretty head?” You ask, rubbing your hands up and down his back. It should not surprise him how well you know him.
“Do you know how much you mean to me? I can’t breathe without you Y/n. That’s frightening. I never thought I could genuinely be so happy. I never knew what love was until you y’know?” Minho says.
He can feel your breath quicken and your heartbeat increase, but you’re silent. So he continues.
“I truly think, no, I know you make me a better man. I don’t know why I am being sentimental right now, I think you have me in a lifelong trance.” He lifts his head up, resting his chin on your chest. He watches a tear fall from your eye. He wishes in that exact moment, that he could read people’s minds. Read your mind.
“Why must you do that to me unprovoked?” You sob. It’s his turn to comfort you as he manoeuvres his way out of the position you both currently hold. He lifts you gently and places you on top of him to which you bury your face in his neck.
The pitter-patter of rain starts to make itself known as the weather mimics your mood. Minho enjoys the rain though, it soothes him. Much like you soothe him. It’s strange, he can see the similarities between you and droplets of rain. Both refresh and cool him down when he’s too hot. Both make sounds that immediately puts him into a tranquil state. Both necessary to the world to make the flowers bloom and the grass look greener.
You are his rain.
He runs his fingers along your spine as you mutter incomprehensible words. If he had to guess you are telling him that he’s a villain for making you feel such a way randomly in the day. You referred to him as such before.
Minho is a prick, albeit a lovable one; a prick nonetheless. He loves the way you react to his spontaneous outbursts of reasons why he loves you. Maybe it’s the way you look so adorable when you cry. Maybe it’s the way you will always cling to him after he does so. Whatever the reason, it only makes his heart grow fonder.
The room is filled with your sniffles here and there, low music, and the sound of heavy rain hitting the window.
Minho lays with you, his eyes closed, swaying you gently.
“Do you want to go and play in the rain?” He says breaking the rhythm of sounds.
“Do I want to go and play in the rain?” You echo, laughing, “No, I don’t want to get my hair wet.”
“You can wear my hoodie and my raincoat?” He suggests. You look up at him, sitting up fully. He just smiles at you, awaiting your response.
“You really are serious…wow.”
“It’ll be fun, come on!” He exclaims picking you up with him as he gets up from the sofa. He goes to grab a hoodie of his, one of your favourite ones to wear. He tucks your hair inside of the hood and pulls the drawstrings to tighten it around your face.
He laces the string with a bow and kisses the tip of your nose. He then runs to get his raincoat and swiftly encloses you inside of it. He laughs at you.
“What?” You say feigning annoyance with a tilt of your head.
“Nothing…” He hums with laughter. “You just remind me of an Ewok” He laughs pinching your cheeks. You scrunch your face up due to the attack of his fingers and try to bat him away.
“You basically just called me a tiny bear.” You groan.
“My cute tiny bear. Come.” He grabs your hand and leads you towards the front door so you can both put on your shoes. He glances you way, shooting you an ‘Are you ready?’ look, to which you just roll your eyes at him.
He doesn’t give you another second to change your mind, him basically lifting you off your feet and into the empty street. You squeal as the rain comes down hard, instantaneously soaking both Minho and you.
Minho closes his eyes and raises his head to the sky, letting the rain trickle down his face. He laughs and then looks down at you. Staring up at him, you look at him like he is the only person ever. He scans your face, taking in your beauty. He is too in awe to speak, instead choosing to try and contain his smile by biting his lip. It doesn’t work.
“I’ll love you forever.” You say loudly over the rain. Minho’s heart stops beating for several moments.
“Promise me that, my love.” He says, cupping your face in both of his hands. His thumbs rest just beneath your eyes and he wipes the water away from them.
“I promise.”
He kisses you deeply, lovingly, passionately. And the both of you stand there in the pouring rain, smiling through your kisses and failing to suppress your laughter.
It was in that moment, that you two were the only people in the world. The two brightest of stars, conjoining to rival the sun.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
choose your last words, this is the last time
Minho paces back and forth in front of your driveway before approaching your door. He messed up big time, so he keeps being told by your friend Jeongin. He has always found your friends tiresome. Why being sent a paragraph long text of middle finger emoji’s is warranted for his jealousy? He will never know.
He isn’t quite sure how to say he is sorry for what he did. He trusts you. Of course he trusts you, it’s you. You would never do anything to hurt him, let alone in spite of his childish moods.
He musters up enough courage to knock on your front door. Yet as he was about to, he retracts his hand. What if this is something you will never forgive him for? That can’t possibly be an outcome of all this. Can’t it?
He backs away from the door, pacing again. To any of your neighbours, he must look like some creep trying to talk himself into breaking into your house. It’s best he just be brave and-
He freezes in his tracks as he sees you in your pyjamas, carrying a trash bag. If your face didn’t hold that nasty scowl directed towards him, he would have thought you looked cute in the set he got you for your birthday. You clear your throat. Right, he is here to plead his case.
“Hey…bin collection day tomorrow?”
An awful start.
You brush past him, throwing the bag into the bin. He watches you awkwardly, placing a hand on the back of his neck.
You walk back inside, but open the door wider. Taking that as his cue to go inside, he scurries in, sure to be quick as to keep the warmth inside.
You immediately head to your room and he sheepishly follows, acting as if he doesn’t know the layout of your house by memory.
As you both enter your room, you go off to the bathroom to wash your hands. He sits and waits for you on the bed. His attention momentarily drawn to the window where he sees drops of rain run down the glass. He smiles softly before returning to his solemn state.
The bed dips beside him and he has to force himself not to stare at the side of your head. The remote control to your television gets thrown into his lap. He looks down, then up at you confused.
“Pick something. Give yourself a couple of minutes to calm down and then say what you have to say.” You speak assertively.
He does as you say without question. Even if you are mad at him, you still know that he can struggle with righting his wrongs. Oh how he loves you.
A few minutes pass and Minho does indeed feel calmer. Enough to start the conversation he is still, slightly, scared to have.
“I am sorry. I had no right to tell you what to wear that night. I also acted like a dick to every single person that approached you, even your friends. That was not cool of me. At all.” He starts.
His eyes meet yours and it takes everything in him to not cower away in embarrassment. The reality of his actions settling in.
“You are beautiful. I know that, everyone else knows that. I think I just got annoyed by people gushing to me about you and how they would love to be with you.” He turns to the window again, watching the rain as it gets heavier.
“It triggered a protective side of me, well, a primal one.” He looks towards you now as you sit against the headboard, waiting for him to continue. “You’re mine and I didn’t want people to think they even had a chance with you.”
“Surely you would only think that if you didn’t completely trust me.” You argue, raising an eyebrow.
Minho starts to fiddle with the remote. Casting his eyes away from yours in embarrassment.
“That, would be a viable response to that yes. But I do trust you! I promise. You haven’t given me any reason not to trust you I just-” He cuts himself off, holding back on what he truly wants to say.
He hears you sigh and you move to place your hand on his forearm. You stroke his arm softly with your thumb, letting him take his time. He really appreciates this side of you.
“I haven’t been feeling like I am enough for you. I don’t feel good in my body as of late and I think those insecurities translated through my actions of how I ministered to our relationship,” Minho takes a long, drawn out breath before continuing. “I think I was trying to drag you down with me into the same state of mind. For that, I am sorry Y/n.” He finishes looking up at you as his eyes shimmer from the fresh tears that threaten to fall.
You two stare at each other for a little while longer, the silence making Minho more panicked. You crawl over to him and straddle his lap, taking him by surprise. Your hands finding their rightful place in his hair, stroking softly.
“Thank you for apologising to me. Make sure to also apologise to the many of my friends you rubbed the wrong way,” You chuckle lightly. “But thank you for opening up to me and telling me what has been troubling you.” You take a deep breath and release with a sigh. “It doesn’t mean that I am completely happy with you, but I do want to show you that you are beautiful. You are everything and more to me Min.” You say smiling softly.
Minho swallows, his eyes blinking rapidly as he listens to you. He places his hands on your hips and strokes them softly. He may not be able to respond right now, the words caught in his throat. So he wants to let you know that he hears you.
“This is a conversation that needs to be finished when emotions aren’t as strong. However, I have failed as your lover to not make you feel like you’re enough. To not make you feel as if you are the sexiest man I have ever laid my eyes on.” You tantalisingly move your hips on his crotch.
The way his body responds to you will never cease to amaze him. All it takes is you sitting on top of him, hell, one look when you stare at him with those eyes and he is ready to go.
Gyrating slowly and pressing down on his now evident erection, a small whine escapes his lips. You smile at that and lift your shirt up off your body. Grabbing his hands, you lift them up to your chest for him to pay attention to your nipples.
He immediately began pinching and rolling them between his fingers. Your moans elicits a thrust of his hips up into your heat. Wanting more, you grab his head and he understands what you want of him. His eyes flutter closed and he attaches his soft lips to the bud, sucking and swirling his tongue. Releasing beautiful moans, he gets off to the salacious image of you using him at any given time to make him suck your nipples.
“I love the way you love my nipples Min. Love the little sounds you make.” You throw your head back in pleasure. “All reasons why you are the sexiest man I know.” You mewl softly.
He switches nipples frantically. Always eager to please you. Only you. He craves every little thing about you. The way your lips taste, the way you taste. The way your body shudders around him as he takes you whenever you let him.
He is love drunk off of you. You are like a drug to him and he wishes to consume you ‘til his dying breath.
The way you grind your hips down on him is unholy, it is like you are trying to make him cum in his pants. He is close, so close. His moans turning into desperate high pitched whimpers.
You halt your movements and hover above his lap. Swallowing the noise of disappointment with your mouth on his. Your tongue claiming the entirety of his mouth. You are so filthy and he loves it.
You catch his bottom lip between your teeth, dragging it slightly before gazing up at him with those eyes. You run your hands from his shoulders down his body, painfully slowly.
His head falls back into the pillow as he looks up at the ceiling, fighting the urge to just pull his pants down enough for him to free himself and fuck you senselessly until he is a shaking mess.
He knows better than to do that though. He wants to be good for you. Your good boy.
You pull down his joggers and his underwear and he shivers slightly. You hum in approval and kitten lick the head of his cock.
“Y/n, bunny, please don’t tease me!” He squalls. He thinks maybe he is being punished for his behaviour. It’s the only way to explain the way you stroke him at a leisurely pace.
“Hush, let me appreciate you. M’gonna make you feel good love” You mumble more to yourself than to him.
Before he could protest anymore, he sharply intakes a breath. The way your lips mould around him so deliciously. Taking him down your pretty little throat. How did he get so lucky to find someone that riles him up as much as you do?
His hands reach down to lightly tug your hair, using it as a handle as he guides your head up and down. Your mouth felt so good. It always feels so good.
He simply can’t control the needy whimpers and whines that are released from his throat. The sound doing so much as to turn him on even more. He has to be careful, he doesn’t want to finish like this, not before you anyways. That is just selfish, what man doesn’t let his gorgeous little pet finish before him?
He pulls you off of him, catching you by surprise. His eyes are dark now, as if a switch was flipped. He comes to his senses, his mission to grab back the reigns and take control. He inhibits you wiping the drool from your mouth as he pulls you into him and crashes his lips into yours.
You moan into his mouth and he is sure to swallow every one. He flips you onto your back, lightly pinning your arms in place. You are breathtaking. Just looking at the way your body glistens with sweat in the moonlight. Looks so tempting, so inviting. Like he wants to create a masterpiece with your empty canvas.
He kisses every part of your body, painting a picture with the little marks he leaves in his wake. His mouth hovers over your heat, breathing softly before planting a chaste kiss.
“Oh kitten…you are dripping.” He says with a devilish grin. “Is this all for me?” He asks tilting his head as he now looks up at you. He concludes that your mewling won’t satisfy him with the answer he wants to hear.
He squeezes your thighs roughly, causing you to look down at him. He just looks up at you with those gorgeous black eyes, his smile charming.
“I believe I asked you a question. Is my darling already too fucked out? I haven’t even touched you in the place you so desperately need me yet. Did you have your fun, having the control hm?”
“Yes, yes it’s all for you Min.” You whine attempting to squeeze your thighs together, but he is quicker than you. Spreading them wide his kisses litter just around your centre. His teasing merciless as you writhe beneath him.
“Min please, no more teasing. Need your mouth on me.” You beg, pushing your hips up to meet his face. He moves back, amused by your neediness.
“Well if that’s what my little kitten wants, then it’s what my little kitten should get hm?”
Your body shudders as he goes down on you. Lapping up your juices like a man who has been starved for weeks. He feels your hands in his hair and it turns him on. He can’t help but to rut against the bed to relieve some of the tension. The sounds, the sight, it is all truly so vulgar. Yet he loves nothing more than to please you.
After all, his name does sound prettiest when it is you moaning it in frantic desperation.
He makes you come undone three times and before he could get to four, you had pushed him away. Catching your breath as he knelt beside you and admires you. Admires the way the sweat trickles down the valley of your chest. The marks that colour your skin so deliciously. The way your eyes are closed tightly and your mouth open, no doubt getting a little dry.
He places an open mouthed kiss to your lips, his tongue providing the moisture that was being lost due to your heavy intake of air. He releases your lips and you make a noise of surprise as he opens your legs and situates himself between them, pushing into you slowly.
He has to still himself or else he will quite literally combust. You feel so good wrapped around him. You always feel so good. He opens his eyes to you already staring up at him Your eyes are overflowing with desire and he has to take a mental picture.
“You intoxicate me. How is it I feel such burning passion whenever I am around you?” He starts to move within you, slowly, intimately, as he takes a deep breath. “I belong to you Y/n. I promise that I will never live a day without telling you that.” His strokes get deeper.
You are a babbling mess. He can’t decipher anything you say, so he swallows your attempt with his mouth on yours. It isn’t until he can taste salt that he realises he is crying. So much for keeping the control. He pulls away and places his arms beside your head, his pace still slow and deep.
“Look at me my darling,” He says with a shaky voice. He watches you flutter your eyes open. “Promise, mmh, promise me you will never leave my side.”
“I promise you.” You say, your own voice faltering no doubt being consumed by a ray of emotions. He drops his head into the crook of your neck, his tears now flowing down your neck. He feels your arms tighten around him. One hand on his back, one hand in his hair, stroking softly as you mutter ‘I love you’ over and over again.
He made love to you that night until the sun graced the sky. Never falling short of telling you just how much he adores you.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
we were born to die.
It’s been a year now. A year of watching Paul and Vanessa, two months since he brought Dori home. Other than those three main factors in his life now, Minho is still miserable.
Much like the weather this morning as it downpours. He’s learnt to hate the rain since the end of his relationship with you. There isn’t much to like, not anymore.
He walks the same route he always does. His shoes are getting muddy, the path littered in grass clippings collated by the water. It proves to be extremely bothersome to see the grass stick to his shoes. Especially on a day like today, if grass is the thing that sets Minho off into a fit of rage; so help anyone who pisses him off on his way home.
Life is cruel. It will give you one thing you wish to cherish forever, to love until you can’t love no more. Makes you feel found when you were lost for so long. Gives you happiness, makes you feel alive like you can accomplish anything the world throws in your direction.
Then it takes it away. Just like that. The thing you had wished to cherish, perishes. Strips you of your ability to love. When you were finally found, you become lost again. Takes your happiness, makes you feel as if you’re rotting inside like you can’t will yourself to try and overcome the obstacles the world throws in your direction.
Living a life like that is revolting. A life in which you feel your only purpose of being born was to die. Minho laughs bitterly to himself. Born to die. Ironic because no matter what people tell you, that is always going to be the outcome of all life.
As he stands with the flowers in his hand, he isn’t sure whether it’s his tears or the rain. Perhaps both as they start to trickle down the petals and collate in the pistil.
He kneels, unbothered about the grass and mud stains he is to get on the knee caps of his trousers.
Resting the flowers against the polished marble, his fingers journey over the name etched in the stone.
Your name.
His hand falls from the gravestone and situates themselves next to his head that has now pressed itself firmly into the ground. He sobs as he bows over you.
He loves you. He doesn’t think he will ever stop loving you. He can’t, he won’t.
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ʚ hope you enjoyed ^.^ you can support me by liking, commenting and reblogging! it is heavily appreciated ᵕ̈ ɞ
i do not permit my work to be translated or reposted in any way, thank you.
© 2023 diddybok
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theundeadsnake · 1 year
I agree on romanticizing Ben is weird. I seen a lot of people complaining about that. But I won’t stop people write love fanfics of him. I wouldn’t mind headcanons about him anyways. C:
I won't complain about it either. I find that fandom members and creators view the human like-characters as being their age. As a long-time member, I have always viewed them as my peers.
Ben is a being with no body, no flesh, and no senses other than hearing and sight. Instead, he exists within the online world and visits the offline realm as a hard-light hologram. He can affect the physical world, move things, and play tricks on others.
However, he is unable to sense anything other than cold and wetness. The softness of a blanket, the warmth of a cup of tea, or the delicious flavor of a meal are all experiences he remembers yet cannot have. Not anymore. Never ever again.
Instead, he feels the discomfort, it is like buzzing at the back of his head. Always there but never strong enough to fully identify.
Most of his time is spent in the online world. He is akin to an online spy, a hacker that faces no limits.
On one hand, he feels lucky, thankfully that he didn’t die. On the other, he hates what has been done to him and what he has lost. He longs for those human comforts he has memories of. But he doubts he will ever get that back.
How he ended up being an electronic spirit baffles him to no end.
The human online world does not have any answers for him. Ben has read countless documents, everything from the most classified document files to the hidden secret of the overly long blog recipes, and yet no real answers have been found.
Those countless hours of data processing have only led him to one creature. The Slenderman. An entity as old as time. A being feared by many and yet surrounded by a mist of mystery. That’s how, or rather why he ended up working for that horrid creature despite their opposing nature. Slender and his connections are Ben's only hope for answers and possibly a physical flesh entity to possess.
Now that we are on the topic of that pair, there is something that must be acknowledged. Ben and Slender do not mix. Ben’s existence relies on technology, while Slenderman by nature renders all nearby devices unusable. So how do the beings reside in the same area?
The answer or rather answers are simple. Both beings remain as far away from each other. Slenderman, the Master of the mansion has his own wing others are not permitted to enter. While Ben has been allocated a basement room.
When Ben wants to socialize with others, he will visit as a hologram and spend time with them all. Though that happens on very rare occasions. Seeing others enjoy what he can no longer sense brings feelings of jealousy and resentment.
Ben mostly keeps to himself because he does not want to lose the friendships he has - he will only interact with others when he is in the right state to do so. Ben lacks what most others have and yet has endless knowledge and understanding. He knows that the people he holds dear are fragile emotionally and deeply traumatized, and so is he.
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celestesparlour · 9 months
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lore: AU where cwilbur stayed in limbo, believing to have been seduced by the abyss; i have this personal hc that cwilburs limbo was created as a testament to his heritage as the goddess of death (mumza)'s son; mumza has been trying to reach out to her son throughout his entire time at limbo but limbo's power strengthened overtime, due to cwilbur's need of "punishment".
in this AU however, cwilbur never got out of that mindset. he now aimlessly traverses throughout what's outside the train station, as he subconsciously expands on the labyrinth of limbo.
i refer to them as limbobur, but i like to think her human name to separate her from the other burs would be pandora ^-^ !!
i also like to think she eventually gets out of her limbo- just now exploring the depths by mumza's side after her attempts at reaching out to him had finally reached him though, but her experiences in limbo would leave him scarred for life.
personality wise- limbobur's more cut and dry, always and straight forward because he doesn't have much space for words; years of limbo torn his ability to speak properly, so they speak either simply or make shortcuts through their echolalia. their knowledge on social interactions and social etiquette in general has long since faded, so they often come off as a bit too blunt on other people, and it's also hard to tell when they're joking since he speaks in a flat voice. they're usually quiet, their eyes searching left to right for what's ahead.
he, most of the time, smiles and laughs- though it's usually never out of genuine mirth, but rather to express fear, stress and nervousness. they often smile and laugh inappropriate situations. with this in mind asides from just their behavior in general, they're easily judged as the heartless type- though that isn't the case. i think he's a very quite emotional person deep down, just has very little to express despite it however. he hardly does, unless he is slightly on edge- their frantic nature becomes incredibly well known,
he has outbursts where he rambles on and on about things until his words just begins to slur in with one another. they also have a bit of a tendency to shake a lot, and get easily overwhelmed by sensory stimulation. whenever this does happen, they have a bad habit of pulling their own hair or clenching their fists so tight. they tend to be quite skittish, and full of anxiety as well as intense self loathing. just a sopping wet cat that isn't very obvious due to the seemingly cold exterior that they never really meant to put upon
he forgets to eat and sleep very often. but whenever they do eat, they're very picky about what they eat. whenever they do sleep, they don't mind sleeping anywhere- even in the most unconventional places like in the bathtub or on top of the lamp. they're very gullible, prone to deception as he would trust anyone but their own instincts. they hate staying around idly, preferring to do something like cleaning even if the room is already clean.
they're bad at functioning as a person in general, but they don't mean harm; they often try their best to be as helpful as they could; they want to be helpful. they despise being useless or not moving around, they fear being an inconvenience more than anything, they chase around for projects and for a purpose to serve; that's the reason why they fell "in love" with limbo in the first place, he had nothing else but limbo, so even when limbo was his personal hell, he clung onto it as its designer and architect.
but they have forgotten how people act, it gets very frustrating for them to understand how people work nowadays. it's one of their main goals to understand people again, in such a way, but he fears that they have already sensed he's far too disconnected; perhaps this is why he's weak to being deceived- it's so easy to, when he doesn't know much about anything, but if you nudge him into "helping you" then he will.
i like to imagine they would get along best with ghostbur who would be the most patient, though i feel like they have multiple instances where they both don't understand each other's tendencies very well, and that creates a lot of situations where they fuck up a lot; l'manbur likes them but whenever they try to help him with things, they end up messing it up really badly. limbobur feels immense guilt over those things, and l'manbur doesn't have the heart to tell them "no" even though he knows limbobur's very job at doing jobs. revivebur is scared of them, because he can immediately see that's who he would have been. they're more prone to doing dirty work for pogbur, who can easily convince them of anything. so does 100pbur. i don't know what their relationship with the others will be, but this is all i thought so far!
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dreamii-krybaby · 5 months
Hey so this might be a weird ask but this is something that's been plaguing me for a while.
I was wondering if you could give any writing tips for Yeva to me?
I'm currently writing a fic and it's at the prequel phase which obviously means I gotta include Yeva in it, already have, but I'm not really sure how to write her.
I'd also love to go more in depth with her husband and how she interacts with, both pre and post planet explosion.
Sorry if you can't really answer this ask, just figured I'd ask the #1 Yeva fan for ideas about it.
Also while I'm here, thank you for discovering that site 48 paper. I saw some stuff on that bulletin board I wanted to check out but I just couldn't read it so in a theory video I made I asked if anyone could look at it, obviously with only like 200 views no one did but I'm glad you checked it out. Super intriguing to me and something I def want to expand on in my fic.
Anyways, thanks for checking this out and keep doing what you're doing, someone's gotta be the #1 fan of my second favorite traumatized Russian robot and I'd say you're doing a damn good job.
*cracks necks and knuckles*
You came to the right place buddy.
Also, nice! Great seeing someone who likes Yeva a lot :3
Anyways now you gotta keep in mind this what I’ve gathered from Yeva, is a mix of my interpretation of what is shown off her in canon and my HCs
Yeva is also a character that can have many different interpretations which most of them IMO are valid and make sense
Now I assume you want me to help you developing her personality wise, correct?
I think Yeva is definitely someone that is the opposite of Nori, perhaps even a reflection of Nori.
Just like Uzi is a reflection of Doll, I’ve mentioned in one of my posts that each member of the Doorman’s and each member of Doll’s family could actually mirror to eachother!
So i think it’s pretty obvious that Yeva is a rather perhaps, a cold person. Doesn’t express much or isn’t the one to usually smile or be happy go lucky or interact with people all the time, that’s Nori’s thing
Doll could actually show off some characteristics she inherited from her mom apart from the looks and the AS
Probably she is aloof, brooding, speaks very little and only necessarily, her voice rarely showing much emotion. She isn’t the kind to approach or make the first move unless it is absolutely necessary, she is the kind of person to hang out by someone’s side, rather than taking the spotlight.
Of course that doesn’t mean she is devoid of emotion, she is just isn’t a very expressive and open person, normally.
Or maybe she does likes to sometimes show off some skills she has, maybe to make some of her colleagues to back off during her time at the labs/camps used her AS.
Her EP7 teaser appearance tbh screams to me “Idgaf about ur annoying ass” energy, like she will stare at you and judge everything wrong with you, I can see her definitely being snarky when she has too
Of EP4 and EP6 show that she is still able to feel intense emotions and express them even if it isn’t her thing. After all she is going through very traumatic situations in both EPs.
Maybe you could play with then idea of her showing different sides of her depending on who she interacts. Maybe she more emotional and slightly more open towards her husband and doll, and with nori (pre-core collapse) she is a bit more reserved but still somewhat sassy and snarky, like in a bestie way.
Now some people see her basically as an anxious wet cat and a bit paranoid. Which I can also see that, mostly due to the AS and after witnessing the horrors after the core collapse, I personally think she is aware on how dangerous the AS is, mostly by possibility witnessing Nori’s possession and she herself getting momentarily possessed causing the site-48 incident
She is clearly a traumatized woman who knows how badly the AS can be, and has probably developed certain coping mechanisms like other characters, maybe some of her stand-off-ish characteristics are a way for her to “shield” herself or to not feel so much pain.
She may be someone who is stuck in the past, or is having a hard time to moving on, which tbh I cannot blame her. This is mostly an inference from the fact she kept the exact same outfit she had at CFL, unlike Nori possibly.
I can also see her having a progressive change of character/personality the more shit she has to deal with, going from a cold, snarky, resting bitch face girlboss to an anxious, traumatized, low socializing woman.
Or again, these are different sides she shows in different moments or characters, maybe she sometimes “cracks” and shows how truly she subconsciously feels sometimes.
Its also worth mentioning that my theory, her dying outside possibly looking for answers or a cure for the AS or something that could stop the AS’s plans by going back to the labs truly shows she was willing to take the risk of death for the sake of her family and maybe the other WD’s.
I feel like she wanted to give Doll everything that she never had, giving her the best life, she could also be a sort of slightly reserved mom but like still cares for her kid.
I can also see her teaching her early on how to handle herself on her own and survive. Definitely see her as someone who taught Doll to keep herself as 1st priority.
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