#she was probably on the verge of a panic attack I had to reassure her like EVERY five minutes like a child
collophora · 23 days
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TBB cadets ideas
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unityblair · 2 years
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham (Eddissy)
Word Count: 3.1K
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), smut, slight fluff, panic attacks, penetration pnv, creampie, aftercare
Summary: Shameless fix it fic. Modern world requires modern fairytales. Fixed it all for the sake of humanity.
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“Are you freaking kidding me?” Chrissy mused, watching Eddie unload his band's gear from the back of the van. 
“Just a freaking sec, Cutie” he exclaimed mimicking her speaking style, walking off into some garage with something that looked to her like some mic amplifier. 
“First and foremost, you need to stop calling me that” she crossed the yard to throw a cable that fell off of the equipment.
“Chill, Cunningham. I’m messing wit’ ya'' The boy smiled, baring his teeth, adding much needed warmth into his tired attire. “Thanks for help, though” 
He walked into the garage, disappearing for a few minutes. In this span of time, Chrissy felt like a true loner. She was somewhere she’s never been before with a guy that her boyfriend truly hated. To a point that he couldn’t shut up about The Freak. But to her Eddie wasn’t even half of what Jason Carver made him to be. He definitely didn’t deserve the things they made him endure. Chrissy felt sorry for him, but at the same time she knew that he probably didn’t want her to apologize. 
He deserved something better than some half-assed apology from Jason’s girlfriend. She sat at the curb, crossing her legs together to keep some warmth. Summer night started to give goosebumps all over her skin. She started to feel scared and she didn’t know why. She felt like something was there, something that knew her. It felt so irrational, yet it was a threat. 
She knew she had to persuade Eddie to leave immediately. She was there with him just for him to drive to his trailer, give her the drug she ordered and politely leave to go home. 
The problem was that she didn’t want to go home. Home didn’t feel safe enough. She usually spent the time at the Carver’s or at some friends’ house. This time around felt totally different. She was at the verge of total breakdown. Nowhere felt safe, no person felt friendly… Except Eddie Munson. 
Some crazy part of her yearned for him to keep her close and not let her go. In reality she didn’t want the drugs, she wanted HIM. 
But he didn’t need to know that. Crush on him was a secret she never ever revealed to anyone. It was kind of a guilty pleasure to her. She was in a relationship with a perfect guy that everyone loved. People were in awe of their relationship, yet she didn’t feel right with it. Chrissy wasn’t committed emotionally. She was polite because that’s what she’d been taught. She couldn’t shake the feeling that everything she did… that it was all a well crafted lie. She, deep down, wanted someone else. 
This someone that just emerged from a small bungalow’s garage, pulling his pants up as he approached her. 
“Sorry, got caught up with guys” He explained quickly, rubbing the dirt of his hands “They needed my help, sorry for keeping you waiting”
“That’s-...” She paused, getting distracted by the way he slammed the back door of the van shut. His numerous rings shone in the moonlight just like her pageant trophies right after her mom dusted them off. “That’s cool”
“You don’t mind it or you just dig my ringies?” He waved his hand before her face, as he proceeded to walk towards the driver's side door. 
“Maybe both,” She shyly admitted, feeling her cheeks go tomatto red. 
“You’re the real one Chrissy” Shaggy head laughed, opening the door for her from the inside. “Hop in, milady”
And that she did. She slowly started getting antsy and slightly anxious as she looked outside the window. 
“You’re shakin” Eddie observed, giving her cold shoulder a reassuring rub. “Do you want some tea or anything when we go inside?”
“No, I… I don’t want to cause trouble or anything” 
“You’re not, Cutie. You could never” He couldn’t resist squeezing her knee. 
She flinched through the sudden warmth of his touch. It felt like a lightning bolt spreading through her freezing cold body. It weirdly felt like hope. Salvation.
“Sorry, I might’ve gone too far” he retracted his hand as if it burned him to the bone. 
They couldn’t deny the electricity they felt when they touched. To their despair, they felt the hunger spread, making their bodies like magnets ready to push and pull. 
“No, don’t be sorry” She shook her head sending a reassuring smile his way “You’re hot” 
Eddie continued to stare in front of the car lights stunned, wandering if he heard things right. Chrissy, taking in her own words bursted out laughing nervously. 
“I’m sorry, if I went too far. I only meant that your body is hot…” Once again it looked bad so she desperately tried to correct herself “Your hand was warm that’s what… What I wanted to say, yeah” She gulped, feeling the sweat dripping down her forehead. 
She fucked it up royally. 
“Oh, did I make The Queen of Hawkins high blush?” Eddie tried to play it off as nothing to probably make her comfortable again. 
“I think she did it herself” She muttered, looking away to gather herself. 
“Okay, listen I want you to feel good in my presence. I’m not gonna touch you, unless you want me to” 
His words made her shiver. Even Jason’s touch couldn’t compare to the way Eddie made her belly flutter with joy. But she didn’t say anything, because she didn’t know what to say. 
As soon as they arrived in Forest Hills Trailer Park she almost didn’t feel the cold. 
“So, this is my castle” He swung the trailer’s door open, showing her a way in. 
“It’s cozy” She complimented, awkwardly looking around. 
“My uncle’s at work. We’re alone, don’t worry no one’ll see the deal go down” He laughed, disappearing in the back room.
“Eddie!” She shouted, feeling her consciousness slowly drifting away. 
“Yeah?!” he screamed back, slightly concerned about her tone of voice. 
“Eddie, touch me right now” she managed to gasp out, losing the ground under her feet. 
The desperation in her voice alone made him oblige. He was so relieved to hear her say these words. He fantasized about it, as he rummaged through these dirty Playboy mags looking at girls in these slutty cheer outfits, covering their faces in order to better imagine HER.  
The way she screamed for him felt so odd, yet so amazing to him that he ignored the oddity in its entirety.
“Chrissy?” He looked her deep in the eyes, noticing the white fogging her eyes “Chrissy wake up!” He started to shake her. He suspected she had a panic attack or worse, she found a random drug on the counter and took it and had an allergic reaction to it. “Chrissy wake up, I don’t like this!” He started growing desperate, waving his hands in front of her face “Hey?! Hello?!”
He didn’t know what was going on but he deducted that she maybe needed CPR, because she wasn’t breathing. She was stone cold, standing still. It was weird but Eddie was no doctor, and he was too scared to question bizzare events. 
He in his desperation suddenly had a stupid idea. He cupped her face in both of his hands smashing his lips onto hers. Nothing seemed to change in the first two seconds, but then he felt her body falling down into his arms. She curled her weak arms around his neck, bringing his mouth closer to his as she cried. 
“You saved me” She cried into his neck “I always knew you would” 
“Chrissy, what happened?” Eddie slowly put her down “What the hell was that?” 
“I don’t know, but you saved me” She stared into his puppy eyes, feeling herself crumble without his touch.
“Okay, you need to sit” He ordered, guiding her to the sofa. 
She flopped down on her butt, Eddie right before her on his knees on the floor. He looked concerned, so she let him take her legs by the ankles and pull them up against the headboard. Her skirt has ridden up, uncovering her panties. She tried to pull it over, but his ringed hand stopped her. 
“You don’t have to worry about me looking.” He stormed off to some kitchen cabinet and rummaged through it. “Keep them up, it’s supposed to help you keep your blood flow or some shit. I don’t know, Jesus” 
“Eddie, it’s cool. Don’t…” She tried to say, her voice faint.
“It’s not cool, Chrissy. You almost died and I can’t call the ambulance because I have the full arsenal of drugs in here and I’d be dead if I did call, but I sure as fuck wanna call because I don’t want the girl of my dreams to die on me”
She froze, not believing anything he said. 
“G-girl of your dreams?” She quizzed, feeling herself grow a little tall.
“I loved you ever since I saw you that day at the talent show” He sighed, feeling defeated as he spoke the truth to her. “But you’re too good for a dirtbag like me”
“You’re not a dirtbag” 
“I am. Chrissy are you dying again?” 
“I’m not dying, I just felt funny” She shook off her legs, sitting on the sofa. 
“Don’t get up, darling” he came up with a hot cup and some pills. 
“Are you hurt?” He plopped down before her, like a knight before his lady. 
“Are you feverish?” He crooked his brow deep in thought. 
“I just felt cold and unsafe” she explained “Until you came along” 
She felt herself smile, finally nothing she did was forced. She wanted this. 
“Chrissy, please stop joking around. Do you want to go to the hospital? I can drive you.”
“No, no” She gently touched his hand, taking the cup from him.
She relaxed her back against the cushions, taking a gulp of her hot drink, which happened to be tea and she smiled at the shaggy haired boy, sitting on the floor, beginning to massage her feet. 
“Eddie, can I sleep over?” The question left her mouth without even realizing it. 
“No question. Anything you need,  my Dear” 
“My head hurts” She finally admitted, as she gave his back the cup “Careful, it’s still hot” 
“Chrissy” He chuckled, setting it on a coffee table next to him. “You almost died and you’re telling me to be careful? Are you kidding me?”
“Sorry, I just…” She nervously toyed with the hem of her skirt as he proceeded to massage her feet. 
“There are points in you that are supposed to relieve all different kinds of pressures in your body” he gestured to his doings. “By massaging your feet I think I might manage to make your head hurt less”
“You’re so lovely for this” 
“Nah, I’m just preventing you from dying in my house” 
They both laughed at that remark. 
“Yeah, that would be troubling” She said, feeling the sudden flood of guilt washing over her.
“No, Chrissy, listen” Eddie popped himself up with his shoulder next to her thigh, in order to make her look at him. “I don’t hold it against you, I’m not some asshole jock. I’m me”
“I know you’re you” She chuckled, cupping his cheek. She did not know what devil had gotten into her but she bent over and brought her cherry lips to his. 
His were chapped, and uneven, probably from him biting them nervously. She knew something about how that must’ve felt. 
“Eddie, can you tell me if that’s okay?” She asked under her breath. She swore she’d crumble all over again if he’d say no. 
“More than okay” He whispered against her lips, not moving away. 
She felt him kiss her back with such force that had her pull back to settle her back against the headboard. He pulled his ass onto the sofa, hovering over her as he settled his hand on her breast, his finger circling an already hardened nipple through the material of her uniform blouse. 
“I can’t believe you want me” He admitted, smiling against her neck, his nose nudging the soft skin between her chin and ear. 
“I can’t believe you want me too” She giggled, getting ticklish from the sensation of his breath against sensitive skin. 
“So there’s the two of us. Crazy, yeah?” He kissed down the column of her neck, his hands finding the zipper on the side of her skirt. “Can I?”
She swallowed, nodding anxiously. She wanted it, but she felt scared because she never got naked before anyone. Not with the light on. 
“Promise, I’ll be gentle” 
She felt herself letting go of her worries. She trusted he’d be just that, because he was Eddie. Eddie always spoke the truth, even if it was something you didn’t want to hear. He was that kind of guy.
He gently helped her out of her clothes, encouraging her to do the same with his garments. They stayed in their underwear when he took her hand and said “Let’s go and see where the magic happens” 
And they both giggled. She got before him, he wrapped his arms over her tiny figure muttering sweet nothings into her ear. She couldn’t help but laugh. Her face hurt from the amount of smiling, but she wasn’t keen on bringing it to an end. He made her walk to the back room, which turned out to be his bedroom, and then he pushed her onto the mattress. 
“Eddie, don’t you dare scaring me like tha-...” Her words sinked in his throat, just as he kissed her feverously. 
She felt him getting his hand into her panties, rubbing against her bundle of nerves. 
“Eddie, I…” She gasped, looking in his hungry dark eyes. “I…”
“Don’t overthink it, Chrissy” He took her chin, pulled it up and kissed it.
She knew he was right, so she pulled at his belt, signaling to him that she’s ready to dance. She scrunched her nose at the name she gave it. That’s what her mum used to call it when she once told her where the kids come from. 
“So fussy already?” Curly head laughed, kissing down her stomach. “What should I eat first, breakfast or dinner?”
“Oh my god, just do it” 
“Do what?” Eddie smiled, popping his head up on his elbow as he watched her stutter. 
“Fuck me”
“Such dirty words, from such an angel?” He tsked with his tongue, going down to pull her panties aside and kiss the wetness between her thighs. “So ready for me, hm?”
She didn’t know what to say to that, so she just nodded. She felt the heat spread as he started to lick her and swirl his tongue and violently suck, the most perv thing she ever endured. She felt like he was drinking her like she was some kind of ambrosia. 
“Eddie, oh” She whispered, tangling her hands into his long hair. They covered all her bottom and almost caged his face, suffocating him on the spot. “Eddie, you’ll…”
“It’s okay, baby. I’m used to that” he assured, giving her pussy a few more licks, before he got up and kissed her on the mouth, setting the butterflies in her stomach free with one idle thrust of his still clothed cock. 
“I’ve never felt like this before” She told him, smoothing the hair down his naked back. “I never wanted to do this before, not like this” 
“Do you want to see me as we do it?” he asked, not understanding what she truly meant. 
“Of course I wanna see you, Dummy” She gently pinched his nose, pulling up to kiss him hard. 
He didn’t need another word, he kicked down his boxers and relaxed against the touch of her hand on his already hard cock. 
“You’re heaven made, Chrissy” he whispered into her ear, feeling himself go heavier and heavier with lust. 
“I’m yours” She started pumping him with little to no knowledge, hurting him slightly with each movement. 
“Darling, stop for a second” He took her hand into his “Have you ever pleasured a man before?” 
She felt ashamed, but the truth was out so she shook her head no. 
“Oh poor baby, you should’ve told me sooner” He littered kisses all over her face and shoulders. “You don’t need to do it if you don’t want to” 
“I… I wanna make you happy” She sobbed, feeling exposed and miserable. 
“But you already make me happy, Chrissy” He took her face in, licking the tears from her face, making her giggle. “We’ll do it step by step, I’ll teach you one day” 
She nodded, feeling surprised as he got his finger into her mouth. 
“Now, suck” 
She obliged, closing her eyes. 
“Good girl, now look. Imma make myself at home” He retracted his finger from her mouth, pulling it down into her. “Oh, you’re tight, let’s stretch you out a bit, shall we?”
Before she could think about anything, she felt him growl lowly as he rubbed his tip at her entrance. She was pulsing for the lack of him, yearning for him to get in. And he finally did. In one thrust reducing the space in between them to only their sweaty skin and bones. 
“Oh sweet baby Jesus, you are heaven on earth Chrissy” 
He took her slowly, strokes shallow, making her use to the size of him. He was hard to accommodate, much bigger than Jason, for sure. He made her go to the stretches she’d never find herself in as he hooked her legs up his shoulders in order to fill her up to the hilt. The pain was exquisite, and she felt herself drift away as she moaned in ecstasy with each stroke, milking him and squeezing. 
“Fuck, sweetheart I’m so sorry, I’m close” He moaned into her mouth. 
“Don’t be sorry” She breathed, sloppily kissing the corner of his mouth. “Come for me, Eddie”
“You’re coming with me” He spat on his hand, getting it down between them to rub her clit. 
New sensations came over her, as she tightly squeezed his cock, vibrating with pleasure he so generously gave her. 
“Oh baby” he came, falling onto her, spilling himself right before he could pull out. He quickly rolled to his back, right next to her, careful not to crush her with his weight. 
She felt his cum leaking from her cunt, something she never dared to do before. But she felt it was all worth it as he scooped her into his arms and kissed her forehead. 
“You’re a freak Chrissy, you know that?”
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vanderlustwords · 3 years
What if Steve leaves and she finds out she’s pregnant? I really love your alternate ending where he leaves for Peggy and wondering if you could write more about it. Doesn’t have to be him leaving a child behind that was just a question that popped into my head
Pairing: (past) Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Please do not repost/translate anywhere. Reblogs/Comments are much welcomed ♥
Continuation of: This Dress is Karma || Alternate Ending
Warnings: unbeta'd. Angst ending for Steeb.
Note: I don't know how you roped me into writing a 2.3k continuation but here I am LOL
Count: ~2.3k
You shut the door with a soft click, waiting until you hear the quiet footsteps fade away. The lump in your throat gets harder to swallow as you turn around, leaning back against the door and let out a shaky sigh.
You can't help but think those were some brave words you said to Steve. You desperately wanted them to be true. You did want to be so happy that it would physically pain Steve if he were to ever witness it.
You wanted it to be true that you were never going to see him again because he had hurt you so much, and he needed to stay away from you.
But when you lift your trembling hand to your stomach, you wonder if everything you said had been nothing more than a brave front.
"You alright?"
You immediately look up and see Bucky stepping out of the guest room, fully dressed with towel-dried hair.
You swallow and force a smile as you drop your hand.
"Yeah, you ready to head out?" You ask him as you stand up straight.
Bucky nods with a grumble before he grabs a strand of his hair. "I need a haircut first, though. Do you think we could find a barber first?"
"Sure," you say, turning around and opening the door with Bucky following you behind.
"You sure everything is okay?" Bucky asks you again.
The way your throat feels raw, the hysterical words that want to escape your mouth make you feel dizzy. You want to put your hand against your stomach again as if to see if you could suddenly feel a bump.
But you refrain because Bucky would get suspicious. Well, he'd probably think you had a stomachache first, but if you didn't stop acting strange, he would pry.
"Everything's fine," you mumble.
As the weeks pass, more and more things begin to slip from you.
There is a layer of never-ending panic that sits right beneath your skin, crawling and setting your nerves on fire.
When you began to get morning sickness and threw up into the toilet, you began to shake.
The reality of your situation began to hit you.
You were pregnant.
With Steve's child.
Steve, who had abandoned you and was grey and old and probably would pass away soon.
The notion of it all had you throwing up in the toilet again.
You were alone, and you were scared.
What were you going to do? You couldn't rely on Steve anymore.
You looked down at your relatively flat stomach still, placing your hand against it.
There was a life growing inside you. What were you going to do?
It was harder to hide when Bucky came over almost every other day, even though he didn't live with you. He had stayed for a week after the confrontation with Steve but quickly found his own place.
Initially, that had made you feel more alone, like everyone couldn't wait to escape from you. But it had worked out when you needed alone time.
Bucky was currently in your kitchen, cooking up steaks for lunch for the two of you.
The smell of it made you deathly pale.
"What's going on with you?" Bucky asked with a frown as he set the steaks aside to rest.
You had to swallow hard before you could answer. "Nothing," you said weakly. "I'm—I'm sorry. I know you came all the way here to cook but I'm not really hungry."
"You've been saying that for days now, doll," Bucky pursed his lip. "I feel like I haven't seen you eat a proper meal lately. What's going on? I know things have been...hard. Especially since you last saw Steve, but this isn't okay. I need you to eat something in front of me that isn't pretzels, bananas, or bread."
The idea of sliding a piece of steak basted in butter had your stomach knot itself painfully.
You shook your head, but when Bucky insisted, slicing the steak and you watched the juices run, you couldn't hold it in anymore.
You took off to the bathroom in haste.
"Hey—" Bucky called out and took off after you, but you were quick to shut the door before you fell to your knees over the toilet and hurled.
"What's wrong?" Bucky yelled through the door, trying to jiggle it open but found you had locked it. "Open the door, doll. I just want to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine," you said shakily as you grabbed some toilet paper and wiped your mouth, eyes hot with tears. "I just—I just haven't been feeling well."
The silence on the other side of the door only lingered for a moment before Bucky used his metal arm to turn the doorknob so hard, it broke open.
He found you sitting on the floor, over the toilets, eyes rimmed red and your face pale.
Bucky carefully walks in and kneels slowly before you.
He thinks back the couple of weeks and how you've been going to the bathroom a lot more, and how you don't like going to restaurants to eat. You've been eating at home and the strangest things and wearing more flowy shirts.
He looks at your face, and the way you're trying to hold back your tears makes Bucky feel dread.
"Doll..." he calls you softly. "Are you—Are you pregnant?"
You let out a choked sob in response, face dropping as you close your eyes.
Bucky's quick to hold you in his arms as he strokes your back, his heart dropping.
There was only one person who could've gotten you pregnant.
There had been some dumb shit Steve's done the entire time Bucky's known him. Always getting into scraps he couldn't finish, always prideful when Bucky wanted to help him.
But it had been the first time Bucky's ever been so fucking pissed at Steve. It was the first time Bucky couldn't defend or make an excuse for his friend.
"Bucky, what am I going to do?" You trembled in his arms. "I can't—Steve isn't—I want to keep it but I'm alone."
Bucky swallowed so hard it was painful.
There was no fucking way he was ready to be a dad or step up in any kind of way—that is, if you even let him.
Fuck, you two didn't even have feelings for each other or anything. There was something, maybe, Bucky thought for the future. But now?
"You're not alone," Bucky reassured, keeping his voice still for your sake. "I'm here. I'm here all the way and I'm not gonna leave you, doll. Ever."
You manage to keep the fact that you're pregnant under the wraps easily. It helps that since saving the world, no one really meets up anymore. A part of you worries because you can't find Wanda anywhere, but you know she can find you if she wanted to.
Sam might be the only other person who knows, and Bucky was begrudging when accepting his help.
Months pass, and you're surprised how dedicated Bucky is. You're pretty sure you're on the verge of a mental breakdown constantly. A part of you worries Steve will show up, but Bucky reassures you that there's nothing Steve could do even if he did show up.
"Fuck..." you swore as Bucky was in the middle of figuring out how to build the crib the two of you got from Ikea. He looks up at you alarmingly. "I think my water just broke."
"Oh, shit, okay, okay!" Bucky jumps up right away and starts running around to grab the prepared bag as he helps you out into the car. "Don't panic!"
"Bucky, I'm literally about to push a baby out of my body. I'm going to fucking panic if I want to," you snap, and Bucky bites his lip to refrain from speaking as he zips through traffic.
"Oh, god," you say under your breath. You were having a baby. You were actually going to have a baby.
"Bucky, you can't just carry her everywhere," you grumbled as you pushed the stroller through the park. "You're spoiling her."
"Yes, I can. She wants me to carry her and whatever my princess wants, she gets." Bucky declared indignantly at you while sticking his tongue out.
You sighed with a smile.
You couldn't believe a year has passed. Despite the time passing, you never really felt fully prepared as a mother. You were scared you were fucking it up all the time if you're honest.
Bucky holds your hand, and you give him a shy smile. That was new too. Slow and steady, as Bucky has always been, and you think you were falling for him because of that.
When you look up, your heart stops.
"Oh," Steve blinked.
Another year has passed, but you find Steve doesn't look too different. A little more tired perhaps, but still...Steve.
You feel panic creep up in your chest that threatens to become a panic attack before Bucky squeezes your hand.
"Breathe, doll," he whispers encouragingly to you, but it's loud enough for Steve to catch.
You do as he says, taking a few calming breaths. You want to keep walking, but it seems Steve can't stop staring at the child in Bucky's arms.
"Why don't you take Hazel to the pond? She really likes looking at the ducks," you tell Bucky, and he nods, warily looking at you and Steve. He sends Steve a curt nod before he takes the stroller with him and walks off.
Steve's eyes trail after Bucky.
You know then that he knows. It's not hard after all. Hazel looks like a spitting image of Steve, something that had been hard for you to deal with at first. Her blonde hair and blue eyes—the blue eyes were easier since Bucky's eyes were blue too, even if a darker shade.
But Hazel was so lovely; you loved her so easily.
"When did you know?" Steve asked.
You shrugged. "The day before we all saved the world."
"Why didn't you say anything?" Steve's voice was pained and betrayed, and you cocked your brow at him.
"Why? So you would stay?"
"Yes, I would have!" Steve insisted.
The sheer stupidity of the situation had you give a humourless laugh.
"The last thing I want is for you to stay because of a baby, Steve. You wanted to leave, despite everything, you chose to leave. We would only hate each other in the long run."
"That's not true," Steve denied. "When I made that choice, it wasn't because I didn't love you anymore."
"No, you just didn't love me enough."
The words rang clear, almost throwing Steve off-kilter.
The silence fell, and the two of you could hear Hazel laughing with Bucky in the distance as she shrieked.
"Don't you think I deserved to know about her?" Steve asked with his lips pursed.
"No," you answered honestly. "What do you, a 90 something-year-old man, have to offer her? You certainly can't step up and be her father. Your time keeps running out and the last thing I need is for Hazel to have instability. Did you want to be her grandfather? She's already met mine, so do you want to pretend to be Bucky's?"
"So, you're just gonna lie to her and let her think Bucky is her dad?"
Your eyes flash angrily.
"Bucky is her dad. He's the only dad that counts in every way. Do you know how hard it was for me? I was scared shitless, Steve. You can delude yourself into thinking otherwise, but you're unreliable. I couldn't come to you for help," you snap at him. "Do you know who was there every time I was puking my guts out, crying or screaming, or wanted pickles with peanut butter at 2AM? Who do you think was there for every appointment. Who bought fifty parenting and baby books to study religiously? It was Bucky. Even though I knew he was scared too, he was there. So, don't fucking try to make me and Bucky look like the bad guy. You have NOTHING to offer to Hazel."
Steve stood there wide-eyed, guilt crowding over his eyes. Steve doesn't want to say he regrets going back because that would mean a lifetime of regrets he can't get back.
"You're right," Steve said slowly, trying to appease your anger. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. It's not my place to say anything."
Even though Steve says it, he looks over to the little girl squealing in Bucky's arms. He looks at her blonde hair that she clearly got from him and your nose.
He and Peggy had children—children he loved more than anything.
But...the idea of his child with you...that was another reality he missed.
It seems to be that way always for him, Steve thought somberly. He was always missing something. Maybe you had been right about him.
Steve listens as you take a deep breath in and exhale.
"Do you want to meet her?" You offer, and Steve can tell it's difficult for you to say those words.
"If you're okay with it," Steve said slowly.
You nod stiffly. "It's fine as long as you respect my wishes and refrain from telling her you're her bio dad. I want to save that conversation for when she's older and able to understand it more."
You don't say it, but Steve is already thinking how he'll most likely be gone by then.
The two of you begin to walk towards Bucky and Hazel.
"What will you tell her?" Steve asked.
"The truth," you shrug. "That you were the world's greatest hero and you loved her and would've loved to get to know her if you stayed, but you didn't and it wasn't her fault."
"Right, it was mine," Steve felt a sting in the back of his throat.
"I don't think it was anyone's fault," you tell him. "It's just karma, Steve. I wasn't enough for you and now you're not enough for Hazel."
Right, Steve thought somberly as he looked at you in your summer dress. It was different from the sexy red one that used to drive him insane.
It was a calm peace, a show of your motherhood and graceful maturity.
This dress is karma, too.
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mazuwii · 3 years
Getting Lost with the AOT characters!
-I think it's fairly obvious he's going to stay silent and tell you to shut up everytime you try saying something because he knows you're clueless
-he's just flipping the map upside down, right side up, to the left to the right
-you will get back and it won't be because of the map, you two agree to stalk a bird out of the forest😭😭😭
-he gets so frustrated. He has no idea how he got it wrong, he's retracing his steps and can't remember crap
-even though you're panicking yourself you have to remain calm because of how this boy sounds. He sounds like he's on the verge of getting electrocuted
-The whole time he's demanding you follow him because his memory is good and you just threaten to knock him out and carry him.
-he's somehow good at it, like he's been in the forest so many times that he knows it like the back of his hand
-since it's getting dark he smiles reassuringly and holds your hand so you don't lose him
-Okay but you two heard russling in the bushes and found two squirrels having seggs 💀that scared you more than the monster you were expecting
-sorry that headcannon was out of NOWHERE
-he's brave and shit until it's dark and gloomy and you two are in the middle of nowhere
-He BAWLS the moment he realises his phone has no signal so calling anyone is not possible
-is clinging onto your hand and denies it when you ask if he's still crying.
-at one point he thought he saw a ghost so he threw you over his shoulder and DARTED aimlessly while you wailed at the top of your lungs
-he carries a compass around with him 100%, is jokingly trying to scare you with myths
-I personally think you guys would get lost for the day and since it's night time you can't see anything so at that point he starts a fire and you both continue your journey in the morning
-turns out the exit was right in front of you but you know our baby horse💀 always a dunce
-he wouldn't cry or panic he would probably stand still and try to come up with a logical plan
-he most likely would help you climb up a tree to see how far away from the entrance of the forest you guys are
-I mean if it begins to get dark he can get very pale and paranoid, like the man kept walking into trees
-reminds you every 2 seconds that he's got you
-He's been keeping track of everything there's no way you could get lost
-he remembers things the old way, like a child. Something like:a red musbroom, then a tree stump, bridge, etc.
-NOTHING scares him, there could be a tiger inside that shit ass forest and he'd just 👁👁 hello
-he insists on climbing somewhere high to see everything beneath him, like you can't climb so you waited for him on the ground
-monkey man- He just needs his hands to climb, nothing else
-you did trip and hurt your knee so you got a piggyback ride on the monke man.
-you get back home faster than expected
-Not good to get lost with him, he gets so frustrated. He's so mad that he crumples the map and you just deadpan because it's the last piece of info that can save you
-Get a load of shit with you if you go hiking with him because there's a 90% chance you'll get lost and he'll either blame it on himself or rage like an animal
-at some point your friends find you because it had been too long and Porco just goes "Fucking finally" with his arms raised completely💀
-She doesn't give a fuck LMAO
-"Hey um, honey... we're lost..." you say, staring at the map as if it were an alien language. She stops her staring contest with the wood pecker and turns to you with an amused look. "Are we now?" She hums, returning her gaze back to the animal hidden within the shadow of the towering trees.
-Like I said, she can survive up to 3 months in the wild by herself
-Let's just say sometimes it's quick, other times you get Erwin and Levi to try and find you
-She sounds like a middle school teacher 💀 "Oh deary me... we're lost." She taps her chin and looks around in thought.
-I imagine you'd be the calmer person in the relationship but you'd lose your shit in this scenario
-She's just stroking your head while you have a full on panic attack, chuckling about how much you're overreacting and how the both of you will find your way back
-She's 100% the best person to get lost with
-Like Hange, strong and intelligent enough to survive in the wild but she'd rather not live like that and find a way out
-Tells you to stay behind her incase anything creeps up
-her words are so reassuring and true. Like if she says 'we'll make it out of here' she ain't playin
-Miss gurl here wouldnt sit her ass still SHES SEARCHIN THE WHOLE DAY
-Is rambling on how he's an expert on hikes and how he would never ever get lost.
-Chill we get it just find a way out😩
-He did make notes on what he saw on the way so that slightly helps but Mike seems like the type of person to move away from the exit by accident without even realising💀
-you could be telling him how the both of you are going to a different location and he just tells you to 'trust the process'
-you're terrified, she'd eat anything she deems edible tbh
-because you don't want that happening you both try to find your way back using the map yet you still fail
-However when she takes control of it, she begins to pull out knowledge that you never knew she had
-she's pretty fast at navigating her way back and protects both you and her surprisingly well
-curses under her breath and begins to try and remember her steps, will probably tell you to shut up even if you aren't saying anything
-like she's even scaring feral animals away from you guys💀
-eventually it's almost night time and she lets it out by wailing 'DAMN IT' at the top of her lungs with birds flying out of trees💀
-her last resort is to just keep walking even if it's almost nightime and thankfully you somehow make it out together
-He's making weird noises as supposed to groaning, realising you're both stuck in this shit ass forest
-I can tell you, he runs so that he can find the way out before night and worst part is he grabs your hand so you're just dying from the amount of sprinting he does
-He assumes everything is there to attack you both, a cat popping out of a bush? He wrapped his arms around you and squealed.
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Just One Day
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Part 11 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS
Summary: Someone from her past comes back
Warnings: Physical abuse, mental abuse, rape, swearing, kidnapping, hostage situation, suicidal thoughts
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @fic-recs-by-moon, @luvtaeha, @aretha170, @xicanacorpse, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711, @channiespup , @lindsayjoy444, @fairygirl18​, @black-rose-29, @bts-ot7-for-life, @meowmeowyoongles​
AN: Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys! Also, happy FESTA!!
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
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Jungkook stretched and hummed in his chair as he saved the last copy of the song he was working on, his shirt riding up, exposing his stomach to the air conditioning that was circulating crisp, cold air around the room. He preferred his studio to be quite cold while he was working late as it would keep him awake, to the point where he would lose track of time and would only go home because one of his hyungs told him to either by calling him incessantly until he picked up or actually dragging him out of his studio.
He grabbed his bag from the couch behind him and began packing everything up quickly, wanting nothing more than to cuddle with Y/N and love her with everything he had. He grabbed her phone and glanced at the time. It was just past midnight. His gorgeous girl had left just under two hours ago and he felt bad because he had promised he would be an hour at the most. He made sure everything was properly turned off and logged out. He pushed his chair back under his desk with his foot before moving out of the studio and locking the door behind him.
He knew that when he got home everyone would be asleep. They normally stayed up until everyone was home, but if Y/N had told the others that he was close behind then they would have gone to bed, knowing that he would be back soon. He said a quick goodbye to the night guards before moving into the parking lot and getting into his car.
He drove quickly but carefully back. The streets of Seoul were quite quiet since it was the middle of the night, but it was something Jungkook found quite relaxing. He loved the glimmering of the streetlights and neon shop lights against the dark sky. There were no stars tonight - it was too cloudy, but Seoul made up for that, the lights on the tips of the skyscrapers becoming artificial stars. He wanted to take Y/N out for a date like this, driving through Seoul and then eating junk food on the hood of his car somewhere secluded while looking at the sky and scenery, enjoying each other’s presence. He would do that with her soon, when his schedule wasn’t as hectic.
He pulled into the underground parking lot of the group’s flat and jogged to their apartment, not being able to keep away from his gorgeous girl any longer. He needed her in his arms. 
He unlocked the door and toed off his shoes, instantly being met with the sight of his hyungs sat together in the living room and no Y/N in sight.
“Where the hell have you been?” Yoongi asked, getting up and embracing the boy before taking hold of his ear and twisting it. Jungkook yelped in pain.
“I was in the Golden Closet. Didn’t Y/N tell you?” Jungkook moved to cup his ear to help with the pain but Yoongi stopped his hand. “Speaking of, where is my gorgeous girl?”
“We thought she was with you, Kook.” Hoseok replied.
“But she left before me, like two hours ago. Sejin-ssi picked her up. She said she would come straight here, hyung.” Jungkook explained, biting at his thumb nervously. His head was instantly filled with negative thoughts. Which if their car had been hijacked by saesangs? What if they had been in an accident?
“Jungkook!” Yoongi yelled, getting his attention. “I asked you a question?”
“I’m sorry, hyung, I didn’t hear you, can you please repeat it?” Jungkook took a shaky breath, feeling himself on the verge of a panic attack.
“I said are you sure Sejin-ssi picked her up?” Yoongi repeated himself.
“I don’t know, I think so. He did text me saying he had got her.” Jungkook collapsed on one of the sofas, holding his head in his hands. “Hyung, what if they got in an accident? What if a saesang intercepted the car?”
“Hey, hey, Yoongi hyung, calm down, you’re scaring him.” Namjoon said, putting his hands on the older’s shoulders and sitting him down. “Okay, now, Kook you need to calm down, okay? Don’t panic.” He noticed the maknae’s breathing speeding up and tears streaming down his face.
“I should have left with her when she said she was tired. I shouldn’t have stayed later. I just wanted to finish the song. It was me who suggested it.” Namjoon sighed and sat down, pulling the younger boy onto his lap.
“How about we call her? It’s most likely that she asked Sejin to stop for ice cream or something like that. You know how much of a sweet tooth she has.” Namjoon suggested, rubbing the maknae’s back to calm him down. He hated seeing him this upset. 
“We can’t call her. She left her phone.” Jungkook said. “I should have followed her. I should have chased after her and given it to her when I realised she had left it. I’m a terrible boyfriend.” More tears poured down his face, his doll-like lips becoming pouted. 
“Hey, no, you aren’t. We’ll just call Sejin, okay.” Namjoon reassured him. “Jungkook, you are not a terrible boyfriend. You are amazing. She loves you so much.” Namjoon looked over to the rest of the members. “One of you call Sejin-ssi. I’m going to get Kookie some comfortable clothes and then try and calm him down, okay?”
“I’ll call him.” Jimin volunteered, pulling out his phone. He tapped a few things on the screen and put the call on speaker. The ringing tone filled the room for a few moments before someone picked up. “Sejin-ssi?”
It was silent before someone spoke. Someone who was definitely not Sejin. “Hmm, no, how about you try again?” The person replied, making Jimin look up at his hyungs with wide eyes. 
“Who is this? Why do you have Sejin’s phone?” Yoongi asked, his voice firm and serious. There was a chuckle from the other end of the phone and a noise that sounded like a whimper of pain.
“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about me. I used to be her one and only and know she walks around acting like a little whore with not one but seven men and I need to correct that.” The man sounded menacing. Jungkook gulped and looked at Yoongi, his doe eyes full of fear. Yoongi looked like he was ready to murder someone, and Jungkook knew that he was going to take the main brunt of his anger.
“Jackson?” Yoongi had no emotion in his voice. This happened when he was really scared or really angry. It was like his body shut down any way he could be seen as weak. 
“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” Jackson said snarkily. “I didn’t think your boyfriends were this dumb, but maybe they were in order to actually fall in love with someone like you.” His voice was quieter like he wasn’t talking into the phone. “Maybe you lured them in like the little slut you are. Desperate for attention and sex.” There was a loud thud and a cry of pain.
“Jackson stop! Please!” They heard you beg. Jungkook bit his lip, not wanting to hear his girlfriend being hurt and not being able to do anything about it. 
“I never said you could speak, stupid bitch.” There was a slap and a stifled shout. “Wish I could speak longer but I have some things to do.”
“Wait, jagiya, we’re coming to find you. We’re not giving up on you. We love you.” Yoongi shouted just before the call was ended. There was a beep. Jimin shouted in frustration and threw his phone across the room.
“This is all my fault.” Jungkook whispered to himself.
“Damn right it is!” Yoongi shouted, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him up. “Why would you not go with her? How could you let her go by herself! What the actual fuck, Jungkook!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think-” 
“You never do! You only do what you want to do! You’re so selfish, Jeon Jungkook!” Yoongi was seething. Jungkook gulped. “Your sorry doesn’t fix anything! She is gone! She is back with that pathetic excuse for a man and is probably not going to make it! You know what she told me? If she was ever with Jackson again, she was going to kill herself! So tell me, Jungkook, what are you going to do? You’ve sent her down the river to her death! Because of you, she’s going to die!”
“Hyung!” Namjoon yelled, making Yoongi drop Jungkook. The maknae skittered away. There was a slam and then silence. “What the hell are you doing? You know how sensitive he is!” Namjoon was angry. 
“Jackson has her, Joon. He intercepted Sejin and kidnapped her. He was beating her on the phone.” Yoongi’s voice was shaky. “And it’s all Jungkook’s fault. He should have left with her. He knows that Jackson is out there!”
“How the hell would Jungkook have known Jackson would have the balls to do something like this?” Namjoon asked with an edge to his voice. “He called Sejin to make sure she wasn’t walking home by herself! If he really didn’t care about her, he would have let her make her own way home.”
“If he cared about her, he would have taken her home himself!” Yoongi wasn’t having any of it. In his eyes, Jungkook was at fault here. 
“Look, you’re angry and scared. We all are. But that does not give us the right to argue with each other. We need to stick together if we want to get her back.” Namjoon said, remaining calm. He had to. If he fell apart, they all fell apart. “You need to go and cool off. Go to your room and calm yourself down, and then you need to apologise to Jungkook. You’re his hyung, Yoon, and he needs you right now.”
Yoongi looked at his younger member and sighed. Namjoon was right. They couldn’t afford to be arguing with each other. It would make everything a whole lot worse.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Yoongi’s voice was quiet. 
“Come on, hyungie. I think you need some Jiminie cuddles.” A small hand took his and pulled him up to his room. “Namjoon hyung, can you call the police, please.” Namjoon pointed to his phone and nodded. 
Jimin lay down on Yoongi’s bed and opened his arms. “I’m the big spoon this time.” He said. Yoongi nodded and climbed onto the bed, settling into Jimin’s arms. It was then he allowed the wall to come down and dissolved into tears.
“She said she was going to kill herself, Min.” Yoongi sobbed. “She said she wouldn’t be able to handle being with him for any longer. I don’t. I can’t deal with losing her. I won’t be able to deal with losing her.”
“It will be okay, hyung. Joonie hyung is on the phone with the police now and since he has Sejin’s phone, they will be able to track it and see where they are. PD-nim had a tracker installed into the phone that can’t be turned off in case Sejin ever got kidnapped or we did. They’ll find her.”
“Yes, but if they find her, will they actually find her, or will she just be the shell of herself?” Yoongi said, resting the side of his head on Jimin’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
Silence. Darkness. Pain. 
The never ending cycle that Y/N was going through. Whatever Jackson had used to knock her out had caused the worse headache. It throbbed, each wave of pain being stronger than the last. She winced as she came around.
Her eyes felt like they were glued together. She tried to open them, but failed. Her eyelids felt too heavy. She also knew that if she opened them she would be faced with the impending doomed reality she was forced to deal with. The reality where she was back with Jackson and had been ripped away from her happy life with her boys.
It was then the most horrible thought flashed through her mind. What if it had all been a dream? What if she had made it all up? Those months where all her fear for Jackson had fizzled out, thinking she was safe? It was a false sense of security. In what world would BTS, the biggest boygroup in the world, be her soulmates? In what world would she deserve seven soulmates? There would only be one way to test if it was real. She had to open her eyes and see if everything was greyscale or full color. 
She tried to open her eyes again, but failed. Had he glued her eyes shut? She reached up and felt along her eyelashes. It was crusty but it wasn’t sticky. She pried open her eyelids, pulling them apart with her fingers. She hissed slightly. 
Her eyelids were unstuck now, but she didn’t want to open her eyes. She didn’t want to open them if the past months had just been a dream. Just open them Y/N, she thought to herself, just open them. You never know. 
“Please don’t be grey. Please don’t be grey.” She whispered to herself, gingerly opening her eyes.
She looked around, realising that she was back in that bedroom. Her mother’s lamp was still on the bedside table, although there was a small dark brown stain on it now. Dark brown. That was a color. She breathed a sigh of relief. At least one thing was going well. 
“Look who’s up.” A voice drawled. She looked over to the door and saw Jackson lounging against the frame, a belt idly swinging between his fingers. She gulped.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” She glared at him, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her head. 
“Because I love you and you love me.” Jackson shrugged. “You belong with me, not with them.”
“I don’t love you, Jackson. I haven’t for a long while.” She spat.
Jackson gasped animatedly. “Someone has some nerve talking to me like that. Where are your manners? Guess I need to teach you again. Kneel and face the bed.”
Y/N ignored him, trying to stand up to him and show him that she wasn’t weak anymore and that she knew her worth and wasn’t scared of him. He slapped the belt across her face. Thankfully he was holding the buckle, but the impact still hurt. She cried out as he pulled her up by her hair and forced her into a kneeling position.
“Listen to me, stupid bitch.” He hit her harshly with the belt. “Just a few months away from me and all your training is gone. Looks like I’ll just have to be harsher with you.” He added a few more hits before throwing his belt somewhere else in the room. “Get on the bed.” He pulled her up by her hair, making her hiss in pain. “Now if you make a sound, I will make this so much worse for you.” He threatened.
Y/N gulped and nodded, allowing him to force her into a position on the bed. Her back and shoulders hurt so much. He forced her onto her hands and knees. He groaned. “Now that is a sight I have missed.” He rubbed his hands over her ass.
Y/N’s heartbeat sped up and her breathing quickened. Was he about to rape her? She tried to move away from him, but he grabbed onto her hips. “Stop!” He shouted, hitting her back over one of the open wounds from his belt. She cried out and crumpled forwards. He pressed his hips against her. “See how much I’ve missed you.” He was hard against her. She didn’t want this.
“Get away from me. Don’t. Please don’t.”
“I said no talking!” A harsh smack to her inner thigh followed before he ripped off her panties. She silently scolded herself for wearing a skirt. If she had been wearing jeans she would have been able to fight against this better. She would have had more time. She sobbed as she heard him push his jeans down. Before he could do anything to her, a phone started ringing.
“Fuck sake.” He groaned, answering it as he stroked over her lower back and thighs.
“Sejin-ssi?” It was Jimin. Y/N felt some relief flood through her body. She knew that Sejin had an unremovable tracker built into his phone that could not be switched off and she knew Jackson had no knowledge of it. Jackson dug his nails into her skin before he spoke.
“Hmm, no, how about you try again?” Jackson smirked, knowing he had full power here. 
“Who is this? Why do you have Sejin’s phone?” Yoongi sounded angry. Y/N knew that he was not going to rest until he found her. 
Jackson set the phone down and whispered into Y/N’s ear. “If you say one thing, I will kill you.” He threatened. “Now, shut up and be good.” He chuckled as he picked up the phone, pushing into the poor girl. She whimpered, the dry friction hurting her.
“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about me. I used to be her one and only and know she walks around acting like a little whore with not one but seven men and I need to correct that.” Jackson rolled his hips against her, making her bury her head and cry. She didn’t know if they could hear her.
“Jackson?” Yoongi figured it out, but Y/N had just switched off. She hated this. She wanted out.
“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” Jackson said snarkily. “I didn’t think your boyfriends were this dumb, but maybe they were in order to actually fall in love with someone like you.” He reached down and grabbed his belt again.  “Maybe you lured them in like the little slut you are. Desperate for attention and sex.” He brought the leather down against her skin, this time not holding the buckle. She felt the metal tear open her skin, leaving fresh wounds that would sometimes go over the ones he had already done. It hurt so much. Y/N just wanted it to be over. She couldn’t do this again. He hit her again, making her scream out in pain.
“Jackson, stop! Please!” She yelled, her hands curling in the sheets to relieve some of the pain.
“I never said you could speak, stupid bitch.” Jackson slapped her before grabbing his belt and wrapping it around her neck tightly. She could feel her air supply being cut off. She released a stifled scream, clawing at the leather around her neck.  “Wish I could speak longer but I have some things to do.” He said into the phone.
Before he could hang up, Y/N heard Yoongi talking directly to her.  “Wait, jagiya, we’re coming to find you. We’re not giving up on you. We love you.”
“Yoongi! I love you all too!” She yelled but Jackson had cut the call.
“Now... where were we?” He sounded menacing. Y/N sobbed as she felt him begin to move.
But now she had that small glimmer of hope that they would be able to find her. One day she would be out of here and she held onto that. For them.
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naralanis · 3 years
little bumps in the road (pt. 10)
Previously on LBitR...
“Calm down,” Lena whispers, even though she’s having trouble doing exactly that at the sight of the empty bench where she had left Kara waiting not even an hour ago.
“Don’t tell me to calm down,” Alex hisses; the muzzle of her gun dis rather painfully on her back, and Lena would really like to step away from it, but the agent has her arm locked in a vice grip. “Where the hell is she, Lena? She was here when I followed you in!”
“Walk with me,” Lena says, quickly scanning the area--they’re standing in a stiff, unnatural way, and the last thing she wants is to draw any attention, especially when they’re both wearing stolen LuthorCorp lab coats right outside the building. She takes one tentative step away, hooking her arm around Alex’s as if they were just friends walking down the street arm-in-arm.
Thankfully, Alex understands Lena’s not-so-subtle hint faster than Kara ever could; her image-induced expression relaxes into a smile that barely looks forced, and her grip of Lena’s arm, though still tight and borderline painful, shifts so that it appears more casual.
“Is there any way you could have been followed?” Lena asks, subtly looking around them, noting that Alex is doing the same.
“That’s always a possibility,” Alex admits, sounding both panicked and defeated at once. “But I was very careful.”
“OK, let’s not panic yet,” Lena tells both Alex and herself. “Kara and I made plans to rendezvous back at the motel if I was gone too long or if anything happened.”
Alex gives her a look--it’s weird to have a patented Alex-Danvers-look-of-disapproval coming from a stranger’s face. “You weren’t gone for long, though.” She doesn’t voice the alternative.
Unthinkably, Lena reaches out and gently pats the hand on her arm. She means for it to be reassuring--it’s the kind of thing she would do for Kara--the kind of thing she has been doing for Kara over the last couple of weeks, but Alex looks just as puzzled by the action as Lena is.
She removes her hand and clears her throat. “Still, our best bet is the motel. Did you drive here?”
Alex nods. “Great,” Lena continues, mind already working a mile a minute. “Kara probably took the bus back--we didn’t want the car to be seen downtown,” she explains, and Alex lets out an undignified snort.
“That’s remarkably sensible of you,” she quips sarcastically. Lena ignores her.
“What I’m saying is, if you drove here and we take your vehicle, we may beat Kara to the motel, or get there shortly after her. It’s one hour from LuthorCorp to the motel by bus--she’ll switch routes at least twice on the way.”
Alex looks impressed despite herself. “And if she doesn’t show, what then, genius?” she challenges, lips pursed.
Lena breathes out steadily, calmly. “She will,” she says with as much conviction as she can possibly muster in her tone, because the alternative is simply unthinkable.
Alex smacks her lips, slowing her walk as she considers their limited options. “Fine,” she finally concedes, dragging Lena down an alleyway.
They dispose of their lab coats in a trashcan in that same alley, and Alex practically hauls Lena towards a secluded spot behind down another alley a few blocks away.
“You better hold on,” she says, removing a few strategically placed cardboard boxes to reveal a sleek black motorcycle, discreetly parked behind a dumpster. “I did not bring an extra helmet.”
Lena does hold on, mainly because Alex weaves and cuts through traffic like an absolute manic as she follows the directions Lena has to practically shout in her ear as they go. She knows Alex is desperate to find Kara and make sure she’s OK, but Lena also wishes she would ease off the gas a little; she’s got enough to be afraid of at the moment.
She feels like her heart is about to burst out of her chest when they finally reach the hotel; they’re nowhere close to the room she and Kara had checked into, but she’s already fumbling in her purse for her key card. with Alex hot on her heels.
They stumble into the room together, and Lena has to stop, has to take a second to try to stop the cold dread she immediately feels at finding it empty, exactly as they had left it this morning.
Alex begins pacing like a caged tiger immediately. “She’s not here,” she gasps, tapping at the image inducer at her temple, and then it’s Alex, really Alex, looking worried and panicked and slightly disheveled in this empty room, and now Lena is belatedly realizing it’s up to her, Supergirl’s would-be killer, to try and comfort the hero’s sister while they wait.
As if she is not on the verge of a panic attack herself.
“We knew she wouldn’t be,” she tries to reason, keeping her voice as even as she can, though she can’t stop tugging at her fingers out of sheer nervousness.
She’s doing the math in her head, thinking of the bus schedules, of which one Kara probably had gotten on and when; she’s mapping out the routes in her mind, considering the usual trip times, factoring in the average Metropolis traffic at two in the afternoon on a Thursday.
Alex takes one look at Lena’s fidgeting hands and immediately sighs, sinking into one of the beds. “Take that stupid wig off,” she barks. “Blonde you is freaking me out.”
That lets out a little chuckle, but it feels like some kind of hysteria. She takes a seat on the opposite bed, and Alex regards her quizzically.
“Kara said something similar yesterday,” she explains, carefully removing the wig and setting it on the nightstand. “That’s too bad; I really thought I was pulling it off.”
The attempt at humour falls completely flat--Lena can see it plainly in Alex’s wooden expression. “You definitely weren’t,” she deadpans. Her knee is bouncing up and down, up and down, up and down, boot tapping dully on the carpet.
It’s driving Lena insane.
“Kara will be here soon,” Lena says, still tugging at her fingers. Alex doesn’t look convinced. 
“And if she doesn’t?”
Lena has no answers to that, refuses to consider the possibility.
“She will,” she says again, in an almost silent whisper, for her own comfort. “She will, she will, she will.”
Alex says nothing, only continues with her bouncing knee, keeps her gaze locked onto Lena. And Lena, Lena tries not to squirm under the agent’s scrutiny; she fidgets, she stares at the blinking red numbers of the alarm clock, steals glances at the door--she looks at anything and anywhere to avoid Alex’s gaze.
When Alex does speak again, her voice is low, but it still startles Lena enough for her to jump a little in surprise.
“What do you remember about that day, Lena?”
When Lena turns to face her, Alex’s eyes are as hard as stone. Her scowl has returned, and the way her brows are furrowed is far more telling than the cold tone of her voice. It says, plain and simple, I don’t trust you.
It takes Lena a long time to come up with an answer Alex may find even remotely satisfactory--she knows that ‘I don’t know’ that is on the tip of her tongue simply won’t cut it, even if it is the honest answer. Her memories, the few that she does have from that day, are murky and sparse, and don’t feel altogether hers.
She struggles to recall any details, searches the blurred images interred somewhere in her subconscious and tries to make sense of the tangled mess she has been left with. “Flashes,” she tries, settling for as much truth as she can muster at the moment. She swallows. “I remember... I remember Kara falling--I remember seeing her from the top floor at LuthorCorp.”
Alex raises a brow like she doesn’t fully believe her. “The top floor?” she asks, voice oddly neutral. “Not from the basement labs? You didn’t watch it from the screens?”
Lena furrows her brows, tries to poke at whatever remnants of memory she has latched on to. “No, I don’t...” she closes her eyes, sees Kara falling, riddled with green, her body limp falling past her windows as fast as a bullet. “I-I don’t think so, I was... I think I was at the top floor.”
“You were apprehended in the basement, Lena,” Alex says brusquely.
“N-no, that can’t be right,” Lena chokes out, but all she sees behind her lids is Kara’s body falling, and her mind provides the most horrifying sound effect as it hits the pavement. “That can’t be, I watched her fall, I w-watched from my window.”
Alex shakes her head. “What do you remember before the rockets?”
Lena rattles her brain with difficulty; her lungs can’t quite return to their normal rhythm with the images her mind is supplying. “Before?” she gasps, keeping her eyes shut so she doesn’t have to see, doesn’t have to wither under Alex’s unyielding disappointment and doubt.
“M-myriad, the, um, the Fortress, ah... I was there with K-kara, and--”
She’s close to hyperventilating; she can’t get the image of Kara’s body--her bloody, broken body falling, falling--out of her mind.
“The Fortress? Lena that was two weeks befo--Lena? Lena, are you OK?”
Lena can’t respond--she can’t speak, she can’t even breathe. her brain is giving her the most terrifying flashes of memories, memories that don’t feel like her own, and she’s scrambling to fill that gaps at the same time as the images come, unbidden, to her mind. Her mental boxes are teetering, swaying in their little organized, compartmentalized stacks, unbalanced, and she can’t, she can’t breathe.
“Shit,” she vaguely hears Alex say, marginally registers the agent rushing to her side, but then someone is touching her and there is another flash--it is white hot and painful in her brain, like an electric shock, and she feels someone grabbing at her shoulders, pushing her down hard, pulling, and dragging, and, and--
Lena yelps and recoils, bats away at the hands reaching for her shoulders in uncontrollable, all-consuming panic.
It’s another voice, worried, coming from someone bursting through the door with force, nearly slamming it off its hinges. Lena’s only somewhat aware of Alex yelling--she sounds happy, surprised, worried, and a whole gamut of other things Lena cannot focus on, because suddenly, there’s just warmth all around her.
She’s being held, tight, tight, tight, but it isn’t restrictive--it’s the opposite, warm and comforting and it envelops her almost entirely, like a heavy blanket, muting the sounds of her own frantic heartbeat.
“Sh, Lena, it’s just me. You’re OK. I’m here, I’m here.”
It’s Kara’s voice--low in a soothing murmur, rumbling in her chest as she whispers right at Lena’s ear, and the vibrations are soft, reassuring, and tranquil, almost enough to ease Lena’s trembling.
She’s wrapped tight in Kara’s arms as her awareness returns, slowly and fuzzy. Kara’s hand rubs circles on her back, and Lena instinctively tucks her head under Kara’s chin, seeking more of her warmth. Kara is taking deep, deliberate breaths, and Lena finds herself subconsciously trying to match them at every inhale and exhale, using the pressure of the rise and fall of Kara’s chest against hers as guidance.
When the flashes cease, she dares open her eyes again. Over Kara’s shoulder, her gaze locks with Alex, who’s awkwardly standing to the side, watching them closely.
“OK,” the agent says, gaping a little. “What the fuck?”
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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nnightskiess · 3 years
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‧₊° 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
‧₊° 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘/𝐍 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩. 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐘/𝐍 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧?
To say Y/N had been working hard, would be a real understatement. Even with only a few bites of food in her system, the girl had pushed herself all week to upkeep their little camp and help provide for the rest of the girls. No matter how much the other girls had protested for her to take a break, she had kept going and going and going. Sitting around and doing nothing would only make her feel guilty.
After Leah had lashed out and persisted for her to wear a baseball cap to take the heat out of her face, and thus lessen the severe sunburn she was already sporting, no one else had been able to make the girl listen to them. Thus Leah made sure to stay close, offering the girl water, pushing her to work in the shade or making her splash some seawater in her neck to try and keep her a bit cool. It was all she could do and all that Y/N accepted. 
“Leave it!” 
Y/N’s yell echoed over the sound of the waves, making everyone’s head turn to her and Dot, who was standing next to her— both girls holding onto the axe. 
“You need to take a fucking break or we’ll have to bury you next.” Dot yelled back but there was less hostility in her tone— she mostly worried.
“We’ll have to dig nine graves if I don’t do anything!”
“So you think we’re not doing enough? Low blow, Y/N.” Rachel chimed in.
“Stop putting words in my mouth!” Her exhaustion and the pain everywhere in her body didn’t help to keep calm towards the others.
Fatin stood between the two, quickly trying to divert the attention, “Look, as much as I love me a hard-working, independent woman, I think it’s best if you just come with me and relax a little. Let’s get some shade, come on.” Fatin grabbed the girl by the shoulders but Y/N didn’t really budge to walk away with her.
Rachel rolled her eyes, “You’re her polar opposite. Not doing anything doesn’t help either, Fatin.” 
“Uh- this isn’t about me, but fine, there’s some truth to that.” she shrugged nonchalantly. 
“I’m sure Y/N didn’t mean it like that.” Nora mindlessly trudged towards the girls, the others following her actions.
“Oh, didn’t she? We’re working our asses of in this heat while my body is screaming for food, water and rest and she has the fucking audacity to-”
“Man, leave her the fuck alone.” Toni suddenly appeared next to Y/N and grasped the axe out of Dot’s hands before giving it back to the girl next to her. “She’s working so fucking hard to keep us alive, keep things going, and all you guys fucking do is attack her for it.”
Rachel’s lip curled into a sneer. She was doing her best to swallow back the bitter reply she had prepared and walked off. 
“You good?” Toni grabbed the girl’s forearm to get her attention after the lack of response. 
Y/N mustered up some energy to smile in return, “Yeah, I...I’m going to get us some leaves for the roof.” She gestured to the forest behind her, getting a nod of acknowledgement from Toni.
“You know I meant well, right?” Dot furrowed her eyebrows, still feeling worried. “At least let me go with you then?”
“I know. But I can’t stop, you know that too, right? We need a solid shelter. And no, it’s best if you stay here so you can hold down the fort.”
“But-” Leah finally joined the conversation, having observed from the sidelines until now.
“It’s alright, Leah. I feel alright, I’m fine. I can keep going.” Y/N awkwardly adjusted the cap, trying not to touch her painful sunburned head. Leah decided against trying to change Y/N’s mind, noticing the persistent look in the girl’s eyes. But the way Y/N winced when she brought her hands up to get her hair out of her face, didn’t go unnoticed by her.
Y/N tried to hide how tired she really was and continued, “When the shelter is done, I might take you up on that relaxation offer.” She turned to Fatin, “But right now it doesn’t feel good to rest, knowing that we could be having another sandstorm or rainstorm tonight. I appreciate your effort, though.”
Fatin smiled sympathetically at the girl before watching her walk off towards the forest.
“I don’t... I don’t feel comfortable having her go alone.” Leah bit her lip and faced Dot and Fatin.
“Me neither, man, but you know she gets prickly when she feels like we watch over her like a child.”
“Well, we kind of do watch over her like a child...” Martha added, a guilty expression on her face.
“Yeah, but only because we mean well...” Shelby bit her lip, watching Y/N disappear into the forest.
“Try telling a growling lion that you mean well and just want to pet it... see how that goes.” Fatin snorted but immediately kept quiet when she saw no one laughing along, only Nora gave her a hesitant smile.
Leah had zoned out and suddenly turned to where Y/N had walked off to, realising she needed to leave now if she wanted to catch up to the girl. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Gonna help her.”
Was all she said before abandoning the group.
Y/N tried to ignore the most prominent aching— the one in her head — and tried to zone out all the pain she was feeling with every step. Her throat started to feel like a knife every time she swallowed and her limbs were on fire. But still, she pushed on to take one step after the other. She knew Toni and Dot had cut the bushes closest to camp already, and therefore she trekked further into the heart of the rainforest, scouting for whatever may come in handy. But it got harder with each step. Her vision seemed to blur and the trees started to sway from left to right and as she looked down at her feet, she saw not only two, but four of them. She let out a shaky breath, realising this wasn’t good and what would probably happen next. Dot had been right, she had needed a break after all. Y/N tried to look around as much as she could with her current vision, the headache not helping, but she could no longer make out any depth, let alone find a nice tree to rest her back against. Before she knew it, she had fallen face forward and slid off the path, landing a few meters down into a thick pile of mud. She heard the few items she had managed to find fall after her before they landed harshly on her back. One last look around and her vision went black.
Leah’s worries were already high the moment she stepped into the forest. The slow blinking of Y/N’s eyes and slow, painful movements overall, the split seconds she’d grab her head or stomach and the way she had taken deep breaths had made her worry for the girl. But after forty minutes of walking around trying to find Y/N, to no avail, that worry started to grow. She couldn’t go back now, she needed to find Y/N first.
It might have been the lack of sense of time, but back at camp, the girls were starting to worry where the two girls were at. 
Dot had been drawing with a stick in the sand before pointing with it at the sky, “Sun’s going down in two hours, should we go look for them?”
“No.” The corner of Fatin’s mouth curled up into a smirk. She stifled a laugh, earning confused looks from the rest of the girls who had put their work on hold for the day. “You guys!” She rolled her eyes and sighed, “Let them have their fun.”
Toni snorted, knowing what she was going on about.
“Um-” Shelby rubbed her neck, feeling slightly awkward, “Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”
“Have I seriously been the only one who noticed?”
Rachel shrugged, “Probably. We’re too busy working to even notice stuff like that.”
Fatin made a mocking but playful face and sat up. 
“They both like to retreat and sit alone now and then, right? I’m sure everything’s okay.” Martha tried to lift everyone’s spirits but it was clear that most of them were now starting to worry, not taking Fatin’s remark seriously.
Dot stood up. 
“I say we should start looking for them.”
“Y/N?!” Leah’s voice cracked. If only Y/N could hear her, she could yell back or follow her voice, even if she wasn’t near. “Y/N!” 
Leah frantically looked around and slipped, thick mud now coating her clothes.
“Leah, are you okay!?” The rest of the girls had found her and helped the girl back up. Leah’s breath was laboured and she held her head in panic, not even realising her hands were muddy. She frantically looked around.
“Leah, Leah, hey-” Fatin walked from the back and grabbed the girl’s arms, “Breathe, tell us what happened.”
“I don’t know- I-I don’t know what happened, I don’t-” She looked around again, yelling for the girl. “We have to find her. S-She’s fine… I mean, she has to be, right?“
Toni opened her mouth, “You never caught up with her?”
Leah’s eyes landed on Toni for only a split second before she shook her head and looked around again, hoping to catch a glimpse of the dirty white top Y/N had been wearing that day.
“Hey, I’m sure we’ll find her. Okay?” Fatin tried to reassure her friend.
“Yeah, knowing her she's probably busy cutting down the whole rainforest.” Shelby tried to lighten the mood as well, but it went over Leah’s head.
“Not to piss on anyone’s parade, but it took us a good while to even find Leah, the sun’s going down soon and as much as I would hate leaving without Y/N, I don’t think it’s such a great idea to walk around at night.” Dot twirled the stick in her hand, hating having to break the news. “We should call it. You know, start out fresh in the morning...”
Leah’s voice was harsh from yelling, “We have to keep looking.” It was clear to everyone that she was on the verge of breaking down, “We can’t stop looking.”
“We have to find her...” Her voice now merely above a whisper, the birds of the rainforest filling the silence. “Please...” She stated more than asked. The girls looked at her. They were worried too, but Leah seemed to be panicking even more. She scanned everyone’s faces, but when no one said a word, her heart sank into her stomach.
“S-She went in here for all of you-” She pointed a finger, “She-”
“She’s right.” Toni nodded, “Leaving her alone is a really shitty way of saying thank you for all that she’s done.”
Leah didn’t need to hear more and yelled out the girl’s name again, the others now following her lead. They hiked a good half hour before Martha stopped to pick something off the ground. It was completely covered in mud, but the shape was still inevitably that of an axe.
“Guys...” She held it in the air.
“She had that with her.” Toni nodded, remembering she’d given it to Y/N. 
“Why would she leave it here?” Marty added, “Do you think something happened?”
“Y/N!” They all started yelling, realising the girl couldn’t be far now.
“Wait, wait, wait-” Rachel, who could’ve punched the girl just a few hours before, was just as worried as the rest when she pointed at the evident slip marks in the mud. “Do you think she could have slipped?” 
“Most definitely.” Dot winced and was already making up a plan when she tried to determine how deep it was. 
“That’s her!”
Leah’s panicked yell got their attention. She pointed at something down below. It was hard to see, but if you tried, you could see the messy mop of hair and the clothes dirtied with mud lying sideways. 
“Okay, we need to make a plan-”
Leah shut down every rational thought the moment she saw Y/N’s unconscious body and slowly but clumsily let herself slide down onto her belly. Toni followed her lead immediately, yelling angrily when she got down, “Don’t stand there, fucking do something!” 
“Wait, let’s think this through first before we’re all stuck down there.” Dot stopped them. While the girls above them were trying to figure out what to do, Toni and Leah were tending to Y/N.
Toni scrunched up her face when Leah turned Y/N to lay on her lap. Y/N’s right temple was heavily coated with blood and mud. 
“That doesn’t look too good.”  
The sudden move of her body made Y/N open her eyes, which didn’t go unnoticed by the two girls holding her. 
“Easy, I’ve got you.” Leah grabbed her cheeks to try and get a better look at her eyes, to see how responsive she really was.
Y/N suddenly realised what had happened and wanted to sit up straight until two sets of hands gently pushed her back down. She let out a cry of pain immediately.
“Sssh, just lay down, it looks like you hit your head.” But when Leah squeezed her arm to try and comfort the girl, Y/N let out another yelp.
“I’m not an expert but her elbow looks fucked up.” Leah shot Toni a look, telling her to keep her mouth shut in front of Y/N.
“I don’t feel so good.” Y/N managed to get out.
“I know- Shit, um- J-Just hold my hand.” Leah mumbled curse words under her breath, feeling terribly out of control. She didn’t know what to do or how to help the girl.
“Everything okay down there? We’re sending Rachel to help. Can Y/N stand on her own?”
“No, her arms fucked and something hit her head.” Toni replied, sending an apologetic look Leah’s way when she shot her another look. 
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t pass out on me!” Leah saw Y/N’s hazy eyes slowly open and close.
“Does anyone have water with them?!” Leah panicked. 
A bag of pecan nuts hit Toni in the head, who let out a grunt. 
“Sorry...” Martha gasped.
“It’s fine. Can you give me a heads-up on the bottle of water, though?”
“Watch out!” 
Toni waddled on her knees through the thick mud back to Y/N who was now sitting in between Leah’s legs, leaning back against the girl’s torso.
“When’s the last time you ate? Or drank?” Leah asked softly, trying not to worsen Y/N’s headache. Y/N only shrugged in return.
“Open up,” Leah held back the girl’s head and helped her drink a bit, then splattered the remaining water in her face and neck. Y/N was tired, but tried her best to keep her eyes open, if only to soothe Leah’s worries.
“Here, this’ll help.” Toni watched with a worried smile as Y/N slowly ate a few pieces. 
“Hey, let’s get you out of here, alright?” Rachel appeared with a rope made out of clothes in her hands. “We’re going to tie this around you, push you up from here so the others can pull you up. 
Y/N was too tired to reply or acknowledge the girl.
“Careful with her arm!” Leah panicked when Rachel made a move to grab her. Rachel glared at her, she wasn’t stupid.  
Toni grabbed the other side while Leah slowly pushed the girl up by her back. They tied the made up rope around the girl’s torso.
“Thank you...” Y/N mumbled out. 
“You’re gonna be alright, okay?”
The sun had gone down the minute they returned to camp. They had to tell a worried Nora everything that had happened after she saw a tired and bloody Y/N being supported by the girls. Dot had immediately given the girl some medicine and as she had dozed off, Leah made sure to gently rid the girl’s face and temple from the dried up blood and mud so that Dot could clean the wound and bandage it up.
She dapped the damp cloth onto Y/N’s temple, who furrowed her eyebrows in her sleep in return. Leah smiled softly to herself, the nerves and worries finally washing away now that she knew Y/N would be fine. 
Y/N went to turn around in her sleep but Leah quickly stopped her from putting weight onto her arm. After Dot had examined it, it seemed less severe as they had all initially thought. The wound in her elbow was deep, yes, but it was better than a broken bone. And the gash on her temple would probably leave a nasty scar, but that was all.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly after feeling the resistance. 
“I’m sorry.” Leah whispered out, a sympathetic smile on her face. “You were going to hurt your elbow. Feeling better?”
Y/N mumbled a bit, “Mm, I think...” She rubbed the bridge of her nose, “Don’t know if this is just the after effects of the meds or if it’s still from the exhaustion and dehydration.”
“Or your sunburn.” Nora appeared behind the two, “If you get a bad sunburn, some symptoms might be headache, fever, nausea and fatigue...” She smiled hesitantly when the two stared at her. “Here, this might help.” 
Leah grabbed the bottle of after sun and inspected it suspiciously before eyeing Nora again, “Where did you get this?”
“Oh... it washed up on shore.. when you were all gone.”
“Thanks, Nora.” 
Nora trudged back to the rest sitting around the campfire.
Y/N quickly dodged her head to the side when Leah made a move to smear the after sun on her face.
“What are you doing?!”
Leah sighed, “Let me help you.”
“You know, we could all use a bit of after sun. I don’t really need it.” 
“I’m good, my sunburn isn’t that bad, it doesn’t hurt.”
“Stop being so incredibly stubborn and let me take care of you for once, okay?”
Y/N widened her eyes and after a few seconds of silence she let Leah smear the cool ointment onto her cheeks. A content hum left her lips, she immediately felt her skin calm down.
“Feels better, huh?” Leah playfully smeared some onto the girl’s nose, who only hissed in return.
“I’m good, it doesn’t hurt.” Leah mocked.
“Fuck you.” 
The two chuckled. Y/N quickly found herself staring into Leah’s eyes, who in return, was concentrated on tending to the girl’s face. However, Leah noticed after a while. She stopped her movements when she realised why she had been extra worried today— she cared for Y/N way more than just a friend should. 
She inched closer to Y/N’s face before coming to an abrupt stop, the hesitance taking over for just a split second— what if Y/N didn’t feel the same? But the look in the wounded girl’s eyes spoke differently. 
Leah planted a quick and shy kiss on Y/N’s lips. Leah sat back up immediately and cleared her throat, looking around as if nothing had happened. What the fuck had she done? A sudden tug on the hem of her shirt brought her back just mere inches away from the girl’s face. Y/N pulled her into another kiss, one that lasted longer than a second but was still just as gentle as before. Y/N let out a lighthearted chuckle when Leah pulled back.
“You’ve got a little...” Y/N smeared out the after sun on Leah’s cheek before looking down, feeling embarrassed.
“Thank you for coming after me. Fatin told me you didn’t want me to go alone. I should really listen to you more often.”
Leah laughed at Y/N’s cheeky smile, “Yeah! You should!” 
Another moment was spent in silence before Leah opened her arms and sat back against the log, “Come here.”
Y/N let out a content sigh as she relaxed in the brunette’s tight hold while the two of them watched the flickering of the fire. 
Life on the island was rough, but having Leah made it so much easier.
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mca-attack21 · 3 years
Shape Shifted - part 2
Hi guys! This is the next part of the Stiles Sis Fic series based loosely (and even that is generous) off of season two episode two. For the rest of this series and more of my writing, click here.  Enjoy!
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You were starting to contemplate how you were going to explain what was about to happen to your father, when by some miracle he got called back into the station. Your relief was short-lived though as with every minute that passed, Isaac was struggling more and more. His senses were on overdrive, he felt every muscle in his body, and both his senses and emotions were heightened. He felt the fear of the hunters, the sadness of losing his dad, the anger at his dad for being in this position in the first place. But he also felt safe being with you and an overwhelming need to protect you, he was trying to channel into that and ignore everything else. What had you called it earlier? Finding an anchor. Maybe for now you could be his anchor. 
“Isaac, you still with me?” you asked after he had zoned out for a minute. 
“Yeah, sorry.” 
“You have nothing to be sorry for, you’re doing great. I just wanted to check in, is there anything you need?”
“Just keep talking, it helps. Keeps me focused.” 
So, you decided to catch him up on everything that had happened in your life since that fated night before school when Scott got bit. Before you could finish though, you were cut off by Isaac’s sudden shift in demeaner. His teeth were clenched, breaths forceful. He tensed up and was on the verge of losing control all together. 
“Isaac,” you said cautiously. 
“You have to go, I don’t want to hurt you!” 
“Listen Isaac, this is the worst of it. Right here, right now, you just have to fight it out a little longer and it will all be over.”
“I can’t! Please go,” he struggled, all but growling. 
“Isaac I’m not leaving, and you aren’t going to hurt me. You are the strongest person I know, you just need to focus on what it is that makes you human. Find an anchor. I believe in you, you can do this,” you reassured him, taking a step towards him. 
Isaac recoiled away from you, afraid of what he might do. Deep down he could feel it, the bloodlust, he could hear your pulse, he could...  what were you doing?
He looked at your hand which had reached for his now clawed one. You gently took it in yours and carefully placed it over your heart. You were grounding him the way you used to do when he had panic attacks. He could feel your heart beat and the calming rise and fall of your chest.
“Hey, look at that,” you spoke. 
Isaac looked up and realized for the first time that his claws and fangs had retracted. His senses were still heightened, but it was more manageable. He glanced at the clock, he had made it. Relieved, he pulled you into a tight hug and you let out a breath that you hadn’t even known you were holding.
“Congratulations on making it through your first full moon.”
The two of you didn’t say much else, electing instead to crawl in your bed and allow the exhaustion to take over.
When Scott and Stiles arrived at Scott’s house, the plan was for a quiet night in. That was at least before Allison called. Apparently, she overheard a conversation between her grandfather and her dad in which it was revealed that Isaac’s dad was killed by something supernatural, but not a werewolf. If that wasn’t bad enough, they were sending hunters to Isaac’s house, with the intention to put him out of his misery if he so much as looked at the full moon. On top of that, they were apparently suspicious of Lydia as well.
“We have to do something, if Isaac’s at his house Y/n’s there too,” Stiles realized.
“You’re right, but with the hunters there we can’t just show up or they’ll expect something,” Scott added.
“I’ll go,” Allison decided, “his father was just killed, so I can say I was just checking in on him as a friend. Besides, nobody knows that I know about him or their plans.”
“You are not going alone, it’s too dangerous,” Scott argued.
“I’m an Argent, they won’t do anything to me, besides, I can handle myself,” she reminded.
“They might not, but if this is Isaac’s first full moon, I’m not taking that risk. I’ll meet you there,” Scott decided, hanging up before she could object.
“I gotta go. See if you can sneak into the morgue or the station or something and get photos of what happened to Isaac’s father. After that maybe swing by and check on Lydia,” Scott instructed as he searched for a hoodie. 
Before Stiles could say anything else, Scott was sprinting out the door and towards Isaac’s house. Careful not to be seen, he made it inside and was soon met by Allison. It was soon revealed that neither you or Isaac were there.
“Where should we check next?” Allison asked, “Scott?”
“I thought I could control this,” Scott struggled.
“It’s okay Scott, what do you need me to do?”
“You have to leave. I can’t - It’s not safe,” Scott said as his breathing began to speed up. 
“I’m not leaving you Scott, there has to be something we can do,” Allison decided bravely.
After some thought, it was decided that Allison would lock him in the freezer. They same way Isaac’s dad had done to him on far too many occasions. She reluctantly tightened the chains around it before locking them. She had originally planned on staying by Scott’s side, but she heard noises coming from upstairs. She thought that maybe it could have been you and Isaac, so she cautiously made her way up.
But instead it was one of her father’s men who had come to take out Isaac. She knew that she had to keep him from going downstairs and discovering Scott at all costs, especially if he wasn’t fully in control.
Upon seeing her, the many questioned why she was here and where Isaac was. Before she could lie though, a lizard-like creature burst through the window. She screamed and raced forward to get a knife before backing herself into the corner. The creature didn’t even glance in her direction, its sole focus on the hunter before it. Before she or the other hunter could react, it swiped the back of the hunter’s neck and then brutally shoved its claws in his stomach and dragged them up through his chest. Allison screamed again at the gruesome sight, not prepared for the horrifying gurgling noises that followed.
In the basement, Scott was doing everything in his power to escape the freezer. He had never heard Allison scream like that and he knew that she was in danger. He could protect her if he could just get out! He furiously pounded at the lid until it finally popped open. Within seconds, he was upstairs standing between Allison and the...what is that thing?
But as soon as he arrived, the creature darted off into the night.
He didn’t even consider following and instead turned to Allison holding her arms as he looked for any sign of injury, “Are you alright? Did it hurt you?”
“No I’m fine. It didn’t touch me,” she said softly trying to ignore the shock of the whole situation. Scott pulled her into a tight hug for a moment before his eyes met the body and pool of blood that were mere feet away.
The scent of the blood was nauseating, and the smell of Allison’s fear was not much better. “We have to get out of here, before more hunters show up” Scott said leading his girlfriend away from it all.
Stiles had completely struck out at the police station. The case photos that he snuck in to get weren’t even in his dad’s office. And as he was trying to sneak out of the office, he was caught by one of the deputies. Lying on his feet was not a strong suit of Stiles’ and he was forced to sit there and wait until his dad came to collect him.
He was agitated as this was supposed to be a quick in and out so that he would still have time to check on Lydia. He pulled out his phone and debated whether or not to call you, he knew you were probably still mad at him, but he was both worried about you being alone with Isaac (especially with the hunters involved) and he knew that you would be far more likely to get a response from Lydia than he would. 
He swallowed his pride and dialed your number only for it to go straight to voicemail. So either your phone was dead, you are ignoring him because your mad, or your in trouble. Great. He decided to call Scott next but once again, there was no answer. Feeling a growing sense of dread, he decided to call Allison, and then he realized that he still didn’t have her number.
Before he could call anyone else, his dad arrived with a disapproving look.
“You know that it is a crime to break in to the police station, in to the sheriff’s office, so do you wanna tell me what the hell you were thinking?”
Luckily for him, Stiles had been provided with enough time to think of a valid excuse, “Honestly, I was trying to figure out what you knew about Isaac’s dad’s case. Y/n and him are close and I wanted to see if there was anything that I could do to help.”
“You can help by being there for him, not by committing a felony and trying to get me fired,” your dad rolled his eyes.
“Do you know where Y/n is?” Stiles tried changing the subject.
“She is at the house with Isaac, where I am supposed to be to keep an eye on him as he is still technically a suspect in a murder investigation,” his dad sighed, Stiles had good intentions, though he always seemed to have a knack for putting his nose where it didn’t belong. “Come on, let’s go home, we’ll talk about this later.”
Stiles felt somewhat relieved, though he still didn’t like the idea of you being alone with Isaac. Then he realized that he needed to distract your guys’ dad so that he wouldn’t accidently find out about Isaac’s secret. However, that wasn’t a problem as he was soon called to a crime scene. Another murder. He told Stiles to go straight home, and then quickly left the station.
It was as Stiles got in Roscoe that Scott called him back. He briefly explained what had happened and what he saw of the creature. After Allison had calmed down, she went to Lydia’s so she would have an excuse for being away from home. At this point it was after midnight, and the power of the moon was starting to dwindle. Scott asked is Stiles had heard from you at all, and Stiles told him that he knew you and Isaac were at your house, to which he was headed now, but that your phone was off. Stiles also told Scott that he should go home and lay low, but he doubted his friend would actually listen. 
When he pulled into the driveway he mentally braced himself for what he was going to find. His thoughts went back to Scott’s first full moon and his bloodthirst and complete lack of control. And that was Scott, he couldn’t even imagine what it would be like for someone like Isaac who had been through everything that he had been through. He made his way upstairs and hesitated momentarily outside your door. He took a deep breath and opened it, allowing the light from the hallway to flood in. He was slightly shocked to see that you Isaac were laying on your bed. There were no signs that anything out of the ordinary had happened.
The light woke you up and you squinted to see who opened your door. It was Stiles, you rolled your eyes debating whether you wanted to deal with him right now. As he started to close your door, you forced yourself out of bed careful not to disturb Isaac.
“Lydia was completely fine tonight,” you say from Stiles’ doorway startling him, “I figured you would want to know,” you turned away.
“Y/n,” he called after you, “I am sorry about earlier.”
“I know you are,” you said sincerely, “and it’s fine. We can talk tomorrow about what happened today and Isaac, and everything else.”  
You decided to grab a glass of water before heading back to bed when you noticed that there was someone pacing outside your front door. You recognized Scott and stood there and watched him for a moment. It was weird, in all the time that the two of you had been friends, you couldn’t remember ever getting into an argument with him. You would be lying if you said his words hadn’t hurt you, but you reminded yourself that they weren’t truly his words. So you turned the lock on the door, “You know, you could have knocked, rung the doorbell, called, text, or even yelled instead of standing out here like a dork. Maybe my brother is starting to wear off on you,” you joke half-heartedly.
“Y/n I-” Scott started.
“You were dealing with the full moon, and said some things that you didn’t mean. But you are a high school student with the weight of the world on his shoulders and you didn’t ask for this. Every time you turn around it seems like there is one more obstacle between you and any chance that you have of living a normal life. It’s okay Scott, even you are allowed to have a bad day every once in a while.”
“That’s not an excuse, and I really am sorry.”
“Well, I accept your apology and later I promise to catch you up to speed on everything that happened. But its late and I’m exhausted.”
“Are you sure we’re okay?” Scott asked, confused at how you could possibly not be mad at him. 
“We’re good, I promise. Now come inside and get some rest, you can have your choice of Stiles’ room or the couch,” you said, grabbing him some blankets.
As Scott laid down on your couch, he started to think. Maybe Isaac being a werewolf would be manageable, after all the two of you were close and Scott knew that would work in your favor later on. Derek had to stop though, with the hunters on high-alert this was the worst possible time to be converting innocent teens into werewolves. His thoughts then drifted to that creature he saw and how scarred Allison was. One thing was for sure, tomorrow was going to be a long day.
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donaidk · 3 years
George Russell - We Don’t Have To Dance I.
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In January I made a half ready au for something really outside Formula racing. Back then I was watching quite a bit of rally races before starting the F1 season off. Now I rewrote it as a George oneshot - which won’t stay a ONEshot - and finished it up. Sadly, this won’t be dripping from fluff just yet. Maybe there’s a chance for a happy end, but I didn’t decide on it yet 😂 Hope everyone will like it 🧡 (I accidentally deleted the previous post, so I’m just reposting it now again🤦‍♀️)
TW: car crash, injuries (not explicit but still, be careful) Title song is by Andy Black
Masterlist | Taglist/Queue | Request
" Welcome, everyone. Today will be quite a busy lobby as we have lots of people playing with us today. " He started his usual intro by describing what they will be doing. People were still arriving, but they had time until the first game would start.
Luckily streams like these were only chaotic in a funny way, making everything hilarious and ten times better. Just as the first notifications started coming in, he had to make sure the race's stream was still visible next to the other page. Then he could finally look at the incoming messages while they were waiting for the others to get ready. The first question made George realise he missed out important info from his intro.
" Hana isn't playing with us today. I almost forgot to tell you guys. I'm sorry in advance, but I will be quite distracted today. She is racing today, and the stream is open on my other screen. " He let out a laugh, already anticipating all the emojis and dripping comments about him and Johanna. " I usually put my off-days around her racing days, but it's a tournament, and I would have missed the whole week if I followed my usual plan for days like this. " He added, so they understood why today is like this. He had just a few streaming days planned every week during their off season, which always collided with Hana’s rally season, but luckily he could always play around with the schedule.
He hated not fully being there for his viewers, but at the same time, he wanted to support his girlfriend even when he couldn't travel there with her. Sometimes he could travel with her during his off-season but usually his training held George back, as he couldn’t miss them. It was the second-best way to get all the info of her racing in just seconds after the real events. Sadly the stream wasn't just about her, but as someone with a known name in the group, fortunately, they were showing her car quite frequently. By the time they went live, she already started and was on the first third of the track, completing that part in the perfect time, as she usually does. For a second, he just stared at the other screen as they were showing their inside cam but then had to focus back as they were starting the round in their game.
Luckily he manages the multitasking, mostly focusing on their game and trying to win, while catching every second they were showing Hana's car or maybe talking about her and how they're doing. He maybe lost a round because of an announcement about her time, but one game won't kill anyone, will it? In the first break, he retweeted a clip that was shared of her speeding down a straight, making him feel proud inside as they were saying no one has a chance against her. It always felt unreal how good she was in her category and how well they always talked about her. It was something that made him feel strangely proud, even though he had nothing to do with her skills. Everything she achieved was hers and no one else's, no matter what the haters would say. Her formula racing career may have ended early, but George was quite sure that she felt a lot more comfortable in the world of rally. After the first few bumps in the road, Hana found her place and style, getting her car onto the top half of the leaderboard every race.
The moment they start another round is when he hears the panicked voices in his headset, although lower than anything else. As soon as he looks at the stream, he sees the playback of a light blue car slipping on the road and flipping up in the air before hitting the ground with full force and starting to flip through the field until it finally comes to a stop as it hits a tree with Hana's door, the car staying on its roof. He waits for a second, hoping they will play the inside cam but as they don't include it, he knows there's probably a lot more to the crash than just a broken car. There are unmissable flames on the underside, but they switch to another driver just before he can see the marshalls getting to them and probably trying to get the team out before the fire consumes the frame of the vehicle and everything else inside of it.
" Fuck... " He doesn't even care about his own stream anymore, getting up and closing everything. As soon as the computer starts shutting off, he shoots out of the room. His phone in his hand already as there is an incoming call from Martha, his girlfriend's mother. " I just saw it, what's going on? " He spoke rushed, wanting to know everything that was said to them.
" They won't show anything, but the boss said they got them out just before it went up in flames. She was conscious but fainted as they took them to the ambulance. " Hana's mother was most likely in a full-fledged panic attack, and George could hear that they were packing in the background.
" I will get a ticket as soon as possible. I don't know when I'm getting there. " George sighed while pulling out a duffle bag to fill it with clothes for several days if needed. He didn't know how dangerous her condition was, and how many days they were spending there.
" It's okay. I will send you all the info when we get it finally. They will probably take them to the hospital. I just don't know which one, yet. Fucking hell. " It was the first time George ever heard her curse, but he didn't have the time to be surprised about it. More like it made him even more panicked as he knew the situation is probably worse than he anticipated.
He couldn't even push the phone into his pocket before another call came in from Alex. He knew they were probably puzzled about his disappearance, but he wanted to finish packing before talking to them. When he was in a taxi finally, on the way to the airport, he pulled it out of his jacket and dialled Alex's number.
" Hey, sorry for not answering. I just had to rush out of the house to the airport. Hana had a horrific crash. " He sighed, feeling as his body finally realised what's happening and started to stiffen up from the stress.
" Jesus Christ. Right. Just go, stay safe. I just wanted to ask if everything is okay, but fuck, didn't think it was this bad. " Alex mumbled out, and all the sounds were audible from the background as the others probably heard George's answer.
" She did a pretty high flip. They said she fainted just as they got to safety, so at least she's still alive. I don't think I would be if I have been the one inside. Man, I don't know what will happen. " The sentence was cut off by a choking sound as his throat tightened up at the idea of anything happening to Johanna.
" Hey, George. You know her. You know how fucking tough she is. Today's event won't be the one that stops her. Not even if she's injured. Don't even think about that as a possibility, because it isn't one. " He tried to reassure his friend, although he felt that it was almost useless. Without any real info about her condition, it's all up in the air and unstable. " The most important thing right now is for you to get there in one piece. You won't be of help if you fall apart. Her parents need you there. " He added with a sigh before saying goodbye and putting down the call so George can make the important ones towards Hana's friends and colleagues. It isn't easy but has to be done, as he knows her parents will be on their way to the hospital to be next to her, and won't be able to call everyone.
When he got to the airport, there was a ticket there already, waiting for him to pick up. It was a surprise, but a lovely one, as it saved him some time and stress before getting on the plane and starting his journey to Germany. He was sure he would have missed the first available flight if he had to buy it himself, but Hana's manager had the authority to get it for him in time. He made a note in his head to thank him for it when they met, as it wasn't something he had to do but decided to help George with it. As he had time on his hands, he tried to relax, although all the images in his head didn't let him sleep or anything. It was strange to see everyone so nonchalant about life while he was fearing for someone so much he was on the verge of throwing up the whole time. But he knew they were not horrible people, just that they didn't know what happened. They didn't have to know about everyone else's pain and life events. It was strange but completely normal.
As he knew he wouldn't be able to rest, he opened up his phone and went onto Twitter to see the news. Although there was nothing new on the tournament's page, Hana's team shared that she's on the way to hospital with injuries but nothing life threatening. It should have made him calm down, but as he thought how many small things can turn into huge problems, it didn't help. There were people, probably viewers and subscribers tweeting at him, sharing photos and thoughts with him, hoping Johanna is okay and healthy even though it was a nasty crash. The pictures of the wreck the car became, made all the good news unbelievable as he just couldn't understand how someone could get out of it without any injuries. He knew that her team wouldn't be lying and that they would have called him if there's anything he needs to know, but it was just all too much for his brain. He thought about putting out a tweet so everyone knew what was happening, but decided against it. Everyone knew already as they probably followed Hana's racing account and her team's one. He didn't need to put out everything and he didn't really feel like receiving even more messages than he already did. He knew they just wanted to let him know they were thinking about them, it wasn't good to see all of this 24/7. It was enough that he knew what was happening, he didn't need others to remind him every minute of the coming days.
' She's in theatre now, fractured leg and two broken ribs. They said she will need some days under anaesthesia to fully heal without the stress of the pain she will feel as soon as she wakes up. If everything goes as it should she will be out in an hour or so. We will get you a hotel room by the time you arrive, as our house is hours away from the hospital and I think we all want to be closer now. I'll send you the address of the hospital in a second. ' Came the awaited text from Martha, making him sigh out and save the address as soon as he got it, so he won't forget where he has to go after he arrives in the country. He remembered to send a message to the group, as they were people who deserved to know all the info. They were great friends of Hana and were probably pretty nervous about her state. They deserved to know.
It took him almost 20 hours to finally arrive and be able to get his baggage back. He first went to the hotel so he can put his stuff down before meeting up with Johanna's parents, so they can go to the hospital together. They had two rooms next to each other, so as soon as he had a shower and changed into fresh clothes, he went outside and knocked on their door.
" Hello! Are you okay? " He asked when the door opened, and he could see the worry on Martha's face.
" As much as you can be after something like this. " Martha let out a sigh, hugging George as he stepped closer. " They just called that she responded quite well to the medication. Her operated leg looks good too, although it was quite hard to fix in the surgeon's opinion. " She let go of him so they could leave for the hospital and finally really talk with the doctors that were part of the team caring for her.
" Is Andrew there already? " George asked while Michael locked up their door so they could head to the elevator.
" Yes. Theo wasn’t in need of medical care. Right after he was checked out by the doctor, they let him home. He and Andrew stayed. They wanted her to have someone while we were travelling here. " She nodded, pushing the first button inside, as it would take them down to the reception. " We got our car, so we won't have to call a taxi all the time. " She added, pulling out the keys from her purse, giving them to George as he was deemed the most put together to drive among the three of them.
" He was quite lucky if he's uninjured. " He let out a huff of air, feeling strange that while Hana was hurt, her co-driver walked away perfectly fine and without a scratch. Life took strange turns sometimes.
" Most of the damage was on Johanna's side. He's got a sore neck and back, but that's all. " She sighed, not saying more. She was probably blaming the navigator for her daughter's pain. In a situation like this no one could fault her for wanting someone to take the blame.
As they got down to the garage George opened up the car, and they all got inside. It was a 10 minutes long drive to the hospital and another 5 to find a parking spot not too far away from the entrance. Inside a nurse helped them find her room, but had to leave before they could ask any questions. She probably wouldn't have been able to answer them anyway, as she wasn't on her case. Although, looking at her and the huge cast on her leg answered most of their questions. She was asleep, as she was under anaesthesia to reduce the stress the pain would give her. At this point, George just hoped there wouldn't be any problems when they woke her up finally. They all knew that everything could change in 2-3 days, even though it looked perfect at the moment. Sitting down in the armchair he took out his phone to quickly text everyone, that they're finally at the hospital and in the room. He wanted to tell them more but could only type out that she looks okay, even though she was quite injured. Somehow the peace on her face made him calm down, even though he knew it was only from the drugs they gave her. It was nothing in connection with her being completely okay and perfectly healthy.
“ Family of Miss Braun, right? ” The german words made George turn towards the door, spotting a doctor who was the one taking care of Hana. Although his German wasn’t even close to perfect, he understood the question and nodded in synch with her parents. The following explanation of Johanna’s state was a bit too complicated for his basic knowledge, but George knew someone would eventually translate for him.
It took a minute or two before they told him that everything looked perfect on her charts, considering what her body went through. Although a relieved sigh left his body, everyone knew this wasn’t the end of the story. She will probably need rehabilitation after her leg heals, even if it’s a simple fracture and will heal easily. It didn’t help their worries that she was kept asleep for four days in the end, delaying the process and making them wait even longer before they got to talk to her. George hoped that with Hana awake they could get a bit more feedback for her treatment and also finally start the next part with physiotherapy. The sooner she got up and started moving around the easier it would be to get back to her previous physical fitness level. Everyone knew that laying around in a bed all day long didn’t help with staying fit and healthy.
George was in the middle of a meeting with the Williams engineers, sitting on his hotel bed, when he got the text that they would wake up Hana that day finally. Although he couldn’t just drop everything and leave for the hospital but made sure that their call finished as soon as possible, so he could get going. When he entered the hospital room she already had a bit more lively color but there was no sign of her being back to full consciousness yet. They were still inside the few hour window of the drugs finally working and didn’t really have to fear that something was going wrong. George was just sitting in the armchair next to the bed, legs pulled up and his fingers scrolling away on his phone while Hana’s mum was out for a coffee. Her dad couldn’t take off more time from work, but he was fine with the two of them looking after his daughter until he could visit in the late afternoons. The half-an-hour-checkups were slowly driving George crazy as the nurses never had answers, just took the data from the little screens and left with an understanding smile. It must have been between the 10th and 11th visit when they finally spotted a few movements, but it took another hour for her to finally open her eyes.
From the moment that she moved her arm for the first time George couldn’t get himself to sit back into the chair, rather opting for a walk down the hallway and then circling the room several times. Martha could only watch him pace but knew there weren’t any words that could help him calm down. They both knew they were finally getting closer to getting her back as much as they could in this moment of time, and it was nerve wracking to not have an exact time limit for it. It wasn’t surprising that he was the first one stepping next to hana’s bed when her eyes finally opened, with her mum arriving second. There were almost immediately several nurses and of course her main doctor stepping into the room, after being called through the installed button. While they tried not to overwhelm her they still had to run a few tests and George’s stomach turned at how scared Hana looked, before settling down at her mum’s gentle touch on her hand. They took their sweet time examining every little corner of her body and asking questions about her pain levels and just general state, leaving all of them tired from the stress and concentration when they finally finished everything up. There was only one nurse staying back to get some medication ready for Hana, when she could finally take a breather and look around the room. Seconds later her eyes finally reached George, and there was an evident smile getting onto her face.
“ Hello. ” Her voice was almost like music to his ears, after so many days of not being able to hear it, and George couldn’t help the relieved sigh that left his body.
“ Welcome back! ” He smiled down at her, squeezing her hand on the bed gently. He was still scared to use full force, after seeing how fragile the human body was actually. These were the few moments that made you realise you have no superpowers and that you’re not indestructible.
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fatefulfaerie · 3 years
Coming Home After Being Away (I’ll Be Home)
Day Seven of the 12 days of Christmas prompts orchestrated by @zelink-prompts
Incarnation: Breath of the Wild 2 a couple years post-caves
It was easy for Link and Zelda to drift off into a sound sleep when enraptured in each other’s arms. They cooed peacefully where they lay, Link’s fingers entangled in Zelda’s shoulder-length blonde hair and his other arm secure around her waist.
Zelda had turned over in her sleep so that her pillow was Link’s warm chest, a habit so common that Link subconsciously wrapped his arms around her. The rising and falling of Link’s chest was a reassurance that, after all these years of being reunited, still relaxed her.
Link was breathing. Link was alive. Link wasn’t passed out in Blatchery Plains with no discernible sign of life. Link, her love, was right here and he was alive.
And thus the couple slept soundly, even as an intruder crept into the house like a dark shadow, careful to make no creak as the mysterious figure snuck up to the loft.
In the larger bed was, of course, Link and Zelda, yet the dark, sinister figure instead focused on the two tiny cribs by the window, the small bundles of life that slept just as soundly as their parents.
With a slither, a vicious sickle was unsheathed from it’s hilt, glimmering in the moonlight. The masked figure showed no mercy as he prepared to cut the newborn’s life short, and consequently move on to his twin sister.
The baby on the right stirred and, somehow sensing the threat to his life, awoke with screaming cries.
Link woke immediately, his eyelids peeling apart with reluctance before he sat up slowly. Yet as soon as he saw the Yiga hovering over his son’s crib, Link’s eyes widened and his heart lurched with panic.
“Hey!” He exclaimed as he lunged towards the Yiga, grabbing the sword by the bed. “Get away from my son!”
The clang of the sword meeting the vicious sickle woke Zelda, and yet she stirred much more gradually.
“Link,” she asked, half-asleep as Link battled the Yiga, crossing blades as Link forced the Yiga foot soldier downstairs and away from laying a hand on his children. 
Zelda opened her eyes slowly, realizing Link’s warmth was in the blankets she clutched and yet he was nowhere to be found, Zelda only seeing her own hand glide along the soft covers.
“Link?” She asked again with a creased brow, sitting up slowly and finally hearing the clamor of weaponry downstairs.
“Link!” She exclaimed as she hurried downstairs, her flowy white nightgown drifting smoothly and elegantly as she did. Link afforded a quick glance at Zelda as she neared the bottom of the stairs.
“Stay back!” He exclaimed, pushing back the Yiga before attempting a horizontal slice, but the Yiga disappeared in a puff of red smoke. Link looked around himself desperately for a reappearance when he heard the window of the loft completely shatter.
Both Link and Zelda were alerted by the troubling noise, rushing up the stairs to see no Yiga Clan member in sight and yet their daughter was nowhere to be found either.
Zelda was on the verge of a panic attack, her chest heaving as she nearly crashed into the desk behind her.
Link in contrast was on the verge of tears, fisting the hilt of his sword until it turned white. He soon realized he didn’t even have the time for his anger.
He quickly strapped on the sheath to his sword, securing the buckle and ties with fingers that moved so fast that they were messing up, but Link didn’t care to do it neatly.
Link picked up his infant son quickly and approached Zelda, whose gaze was a million miles away with panic.
“Zelda,” Link insisted. “Zelda, look at me. We don’t have time for this.”
He placed their son in her arms, Zelda not quite over her shock but holding him securely. Link placed a hand on her cheek.
“Take Elyjah and run as fast as you can to Fort Hateno,” Link said. “The soldiers there will protect you as you head to Kakariko. You will be safer there.”
Link gave her a quick peck on the lips as she nodded.
“I’ll get her back,” he said. “I promise.”
And before Zelda knew it, Link was a cloud of dust, darting out of their Hateno home in pursuit of the Yiga Clan member who meant to harm his daughter for her blood, that shared the blood of the hero and the blood of the goddess incarnate, and would surely reanimate Calamity Ganon with twice the speed.
Or worse, the Yiga Clan meant to avenge their former Master Kohga by killing the daughter of his “murderer”.
Link kept up his frantic run across the width of Hyrule, constantly on the Yiga’s tail at such a distance that the Yiga had only time to run with the infant. By this point, the Yiga Clan knew that crossing blades with Hyrule’s hero meant that they would likely never cross blades with anyone ever again. Over the years, they made innumerable attempts to assassinate Zelda, who carried the blood of the royal family of the former kingdom of Hyrule, or Link, who not only killed Master Kohga but, as increasing evidence suggested, was to marry Zelda and father children who also carried the blood of the royal family. Those attempts, however, failed again and again, Link being too great of a swordsman for the Yiga Clan to get anywhere near either them.
Tired of losing men and frankly at a loss, the Yiga Clan stopped. However, once spies confirmed that the former princess was indeed pregnant with twins, the Yiga Clan decided to wait until they were born. Once that occurred, and once Link and Zelda felt safe enough to let their guard down, the Yiga Clan would assassinate the infants. Only three weeks old, their lives were already in danger. 
And thus Link chased the Yiga who held his daughter all the way to their hideout in Gerudo Desert. He only got to the first circular room before he was surrounded by Yiga archers, arrows drawn and ready to release.
The Yiga foot soldier handed the bundle to a blademaster who stood across the room from Link. Link quelled the jolt of fear in his heart that came from seeing his daughter held by them and instead clenched his fingers tighter around the hilt of his sword.
He moved his arm in order to ready his sword for an attack, but he only heard the creak of bending arrows. 
Link took the auditory sign of threat seriously, sheathing his sword against his better judgement of his capabilities. Taking on all these Yiga was a type of chaos that would be messy, and thus too risky when his daughter was in the same room. Although Hyrule’s hero could take them on any day, creating a massacre and fighting with a sword in one hand and baby in the other arm was probably not the best idea. Link thought perhaps that was not this day, nor any day to come.
“Wait,” Link said as they were about to harm his daughter right in front of him, holding out his hands palm first. The Yiga turned their attention to him. “Hold on,” Link pleaded, as slowly and calmly as he could. “Please. Let’s just talk this out. I’ll give you anything for her safety. I’ll even give you my life.”
“We’re listening.”
“Kill me,” Link implored desparately. “Right here. Right now. I won’t put up a fight. You just have to promise to return her safely to my wife in Kakariko Village.”
“You would trust us to do that?” The blademaster asked, slightly surprised.
“You are still people,” Link reasoned, his arms lowering to hang by his sides. “I don’t see why you couldn’t be reasoned with.” Link gave a nervous chuckle. “I’m honestly depending on it.”
“Enough of this!” Another Yiga said, stepping forward. “Hylians don’t care about us! It’s a trick! He killed our Master and so many others. He saved Hyrule. I bet he’s leading us right into an ambush.”
“It’s not a trick,” Link said with shakes of his head. “It was only ever out of self-defense that I hurt your clan. Perhaps I shouldn’t have gone so far, but please let my wife and children live on. Zelda has already abdicated the throne. The kingdom of Hyrule is no more. Whatever grudge there is between us can be settled with my death at your hands.”
There was a silence that paused the conversation, a tentative silence that Link feared more and more. The chances were very slim that Link would get out of this, and yet he feared more for the tiny bundle in the enemy’s arms.
“You know not of the grudge you wish to settle,” the Yiga Blademaster said. “And yet you would give up your life to settle it. All to save your offspring.”
Link’s brow furrowed. Was this about more than just Master Kohga?
But Link was even more surprised at the Yiga’s first instance of mercy, the Blademaser walking forward slowly and gently returning the baby to Link’s arms. Link breathed a shaky sigh of relief feeling the warmth and yet did not understand the gesture. He looked up at the Blademaster.
“We know you could have taken us even with our archers at the ready,” the Blademaster said. “It is obvious you hold no ill will towards us. You only want your offspring safe and to live on past what was once the kingdom of Hyrule. Is this correct?”
Link nodded, slightly afraid of this odd behavior. 
“Then go and live,” the Blademaster said, Link’s lips parted. “We will not threaten your family any longer.”
But Link didn’t move, although in the back of his mind he thought he perhaps should have, should have gotten out before they changed their mind. The Blademaster had already turned around to head back into the hub of the Yiga Clan hideout.
“I don’t understand,” Link said, the Blademaster stopping in his tracks. “After all these years, you show me mercy in return for mine, but…how does that so suddenly erase your bloodlust? And how can your grudge have nothing to do with me if…if you tried to kill Zelda and I for years?”
“We assumed you were like your ancestors,” the Blademaster answered. “That you would villianize us and see us as a threat. You swore fealty to the kingdom that ruined us. That was enough for us to seek you out. We had to protect ourselves.”
“My ancestors?” Link asked. “What are you talking about?”
Another silence fell and Link started to regret asking the question. Had he pushed too far? Would they be angered?
“There is a tale among Hyruleans,” the Blademaster started. “Of when Sheikah technology was successful in defending the kingdom from Calamity Ganon. I gather you know it well. How did the story end?”
“The princess and the hero sealed away Calamity Ganon,” Link answered. “Because of the protection of the Divine Beasts and the Guardians. The calamity didn’t return for ten thousand years.”
The Blademaster gave a small laugh.
“Easy to write a happy ending when you are the victor,” he said. “But it seems Hyrule was too cowardly to truly detail what happened in the end.”
“Was Calamity Ganon not sealed?” Link asked.
“Calamity Ganon was sealed,” the Blademaster said. “Just as you described. Because of that, Hyrule saw a great era of prosperity. Sheikah technology was blooming and the Sheikah were very proud of their usefulness.”
“One day,” he continued. “Divine Beast Vah Naboris misfired. Because it was aimed at the castle, it devastated a portion of it, and killed the Queen. The King was furious and blamed the Sheikah. He banned all Sheikah technology, ordered everything to be buried and forgotten. The Sheikah were to make do in a small village to the east, in fact, soldiers forced them there. If any Sheikah refused these orders, they were imprisoned, some even put to death. And the Hylians, your ancestors, simply let it happen. Some Sheikah, knowing these dangers and angry against the royal family for their misplaced blame and their foolishness, disbanded completely, flocking to Gerudo Desert. You see, hero, the Yiga Clan are the descendants of those Sheikah, with every generation growing to hate the royal family more and more. For ten thousand years we have been festering, threatening each new member of the Royal Family.”
The Blademaster turned around to face Link.
“It’s easy to find someone new to blame,” the Blademaster said. “It took me until now to realize that we are just like that King and that you just want to move on. I think it’s time we do too.”
The Blademaster walked forward and as he did, he took of his red and white mask, Link’s eyebrows showing his surprise.
The man was likely in his late forties, his eyes sunken with fatigue, shadowed by the mask strapped to him his entire life. Link saw the rest of the Yiga do the same, as if on his command, even the younger ones looking incredibly tired, dulled red eyes and, upon removing their hoods, heads completely shaven.
“To moving on,” Link said offering his hand forward, his baby safe in the nook of his other elbow.
“To moving on,” the Blademaster repeated, shaking Link’s hand.
“What’s his name again?” Paya asked, smiling down at the little baby boy.
“Elyjah,” Zelda answered, and yet she didn’t look away from the hill leading down to the Dueling Peaks stable. Paya often tried to convince her to come in for a break, but Zelda had insisted on being ready for the very moment Link arrived ever since she did.
Paya looked up from the baby she held, concern etching upon her face at the way Zelda looked desperately at the road that lead outside the village.
“He’s going to be okay,” Paya assured her. “They’ll both be back safe and sound.”
Zelda shook her head as she looked over to Paya.
“I should have gone with him,” Zelda said. “I don’t know how much longer I can—”
Zelda’s voice broke as she began to cry, her hand going to her mouth and her eyelids clasping. Paya immediately embraced her with her free arm.
“There there,” Paya said. “It’s going to be okay.”
“Why is he taking so long?” Zelda blubbered. “It’s been days. What if he’s hurt? What if…”
Her words trailed away as she sobbed into Paya’s shoulder more, the Sheikah giving a small smile.
“It’s okay,” she said in a soothing voice. “You can just cry. That’s all you have to do right now. Just stay right here with me and cry.”
And yet the baby boy took the advice instead, starting to wail himself. Zelda’s crying turned into a chuckle as she withdrew, taking her son into her own arms and soothing him with a soft finger on his cheek and tears rolling down hers. Zelda gently bobbed him until he quieted down.
“He’s hungry again,” Zelda said, looking to exterior of Kakariko once more. “Wendie must be starving.”
Paya inhaled to assure Zelda that Link could likely purchase milk on the road, but Zelda interrupted her.
“I’ll feed him inside,” Zelda said as she headed back into Kakariko, Paya nodding before following Zelda’s stride.
“He has your eyes,” Paya said. “Green, as bright as yours.”
“Yes,” Zelda said looking down with a proud smile and a slight laugh. “Wendie got Link’s blue eyes. It really has been quite the miracle. I never thought it would come to this.”
“Come to what?”
Zelda lifted her gaze to Paya.
“Let’s just say that when I was sixteen, I didn’t like my knight attendant very much. If you told me back then that we would end up married with children in a small house in Hateno, I wouldn’t have believed it. I—“
Zelda was suddenly distracted by a skirmish they were approaching in the middle of Kakariko. Upon seeing Link’s horse, she took no hesitation running forward.
Link did the same once he saw her, them surging into a deep and desperate exchange of their lips.
“I’m so glad you are okay,” Zelda whispered as she withdrew. “You were taking so long that…”
Zelda’s gaze moved downward, crying tears of joy seeing her daughter Wendie sleeping in Link’s arms.
“Oh goddesses she’s okay.”
“Of course she is,” Link said with a smile. “If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s rescuing princesses.”
Zelda laughed.
“Link, she’s not a princess. We talked about this.”
“True,” Link said in replied. “But she’ll always be my princess.”
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
A Thin Line
spencer reid x reader 
Best years part 4 | part three | part two | part one
summary: the team takes on a case in California involving home invasions. the reader has a surprise for her when they get back. 
warnings: normal criminal minds things, mentions of racism and sexism (are those warnings idk)
A/N: based on season 7 episode 15; this ones cute ngl 
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“I think you should tell Spencer,” Penelope said turning in her swivel chair to Y/N who was sitting behind her. 
“Tell him what, ‘Hey Spence, guess what, this girl who tormented me through my college life has come back to haunt me.’ Yeah, okay,” she said, shaking her head. She took a sip of the coffee in her mug, “And besides, there’s nothing really to tell him, she could just be trying to scare me, she loves to play mind games.” 
“Well, you should at least tell him what’s going on, you’ve received two more notes from her since the night that you called me, and it’s been almost a month,” Y/N sighed knowing that Penelope was right. “And you guys have been going out for that long now, so I’m sure he’ll understand if you don’t want to tell him all about your past right away.” 
“You’re right,” Y/N said, her finger trailing along the rim of her mug as she thought about when she should tell him. 
“And you should also tell Hotch.” 
“Tell Hotch? Why would I need to tell him?” Y/N asked looking up at Penelope. 
“I think it would just be smart, you know in case something happens,” Penelope responded with a small sigh, remembering back to the whole Emily situation and what happened when she didn’t tell them.
“I’ll tell him if I get another note.” 
“Okay, good,” Penelope said, then she smiled and began to get really excited. “So, you have to tell me, how have you and the good doctor been doing?” 
Y/N giggled as she watched her friend get excited about her relationship. “It’s been going good, we’ve gotten to know each other a lot more on our dates, the other night we went to this museum, and at first I didn’t think that would be a cool place to go on a date, but then it turned out really romantic,” Y/n smiled as she thought back to the night of the date. Spencer’s hand grasping her’s as they roamed the halls of the museum. Her eyes trained on him as he spoke about the parchments in a case or as he explained in depth about the artifact on the wall.
“Oh my gosh, that’s so adorable!” Penelope exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. “Have you two kissed yet?” 
“No, we haven’t, but I’m not rushing this, I don’t want to rush it.” 
“Oh my- that is so mature, look at you, you're all grown up,” Penelope said, taking Y/N’s face in her hands squeezing her cheeks together. “I remember when you first joined the team, your 26-year-old self all antsy and ready to catch some serial killers. Now, look at you! 27 and so grown up I-” 
“I’m 28 actually,” Y/N corrected Penelope with a laugh. 
“Did we miss your birthday?” Penelope asked with a guilt written face. 
“Yeah, but don’t worry about it, birthdays are just days,” Y/N said trying to reassure her friend. 
“Don’t worry about it? You and Spencer both, he did the same thing awhile back on his birthday,” Penelope said referring back to when Spencer had turned 30. “And they’re not ‘just days’, it’s the day that you were born, they are wonderful days! We need to do something for it, when was it?” 
Y/N just shook her head with a laugh before standing, “It was last week, but we really don’t have to do anything.” She tried to explain to the bubbly woman in the chair. 
“No, we do, we are going to have dinner together as a family, and you are going to like it,” she stopped her rant when she saw her case alert go off and a text from Hotch. “Right when you get back from this case.” 
   Y/N walked into the round table room smiling at her co-workers then making eye contact with Spencer. “Hi,” she said with school-girl glee as she took a seat next to him. 
“Hi,” he said back, the light blush on his face growing. 
“Y/N and Spencer, sittin’ in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-,” JJ began to sing the schoolyard rhyme.
“Shut up,” Y/N said giggling looking at the blonde who just laughed at her. 
“Alright let’s get started,” Hotch said, taking his seat Derek and Emily following closely behind him. 
“San Bernardino, California,” Penelope began as everyone opened up their tablets with the case file. “Two home invasions in less than a week, only a block apart, exact same M.O… Both houses were burgled, power and phone lines cut, and they broke in through a back window.” 
“In each case, the entire family was shot and killed?” Spencer asked, eyebrows raised at the thought. 
“Yes, that is right. I present to you the Mitchells and the Lewis family,” Penelope grabbed her remote from beside her, pulling the pictures of the family up on the screen. 
“They took out the power and phone so what, they could feel isolated?” Y/N asked. 
“The alarm system wouldn’t work and they couldn’t call for help,” Rossi explained the probable reasoning for why the power was cut. 
“Most modern alarm systems have a backup generator and a cell phone connection to the security company,” Spencer said wondering why this didn’t happen in this scenario.
“Yeah, but the Mitchells had an older system, and the Lewis’ were behind on their account, so it was inactive,” Penelope explained. 
“An assailant was killed in each case?” JJ asked, looking at Penelope next to her.
“Affirmative, but the sheriff hasn’t I.D.’d them yet.”
“So both families were armed, and fought back and shot one of their attackers,” Emily said looking around the table. 
 “Is that a coincidence or a connection?” Derek asked looking over to Emily. 
“What concerns me is the frequency of the kills,” Hotch said looking up from his tablet. 
“Only four days apart,” Y/N said looking at the dates. 
“Alright, it’s a long flight, we better get going, wheels up in 30.” Everyone stood up and headed out of the room to grab their go-bags. 
“Brian Mitchell was an avid hunter and Matt Lewis was an Iraq war vet, so it doesn’t surprise me that they both owned guns,” Y/N said looking up from her tablet. 
“Last year, southern California’s inland empire ranked fourth in the nation in foreclosure rates. Typically, as the economy falls, the crime rates will rise,” Spencer said. 
“Times are tough, desperate people do desperate things,” Rossi said, agreeing with Spencer’s statement. 
“Greetings all,” Penelope said as she appeared on the screen. “Your herald bears tidings.”
“What you got, Mama?” Derek asked as he turned to the screen. 
“The sheriff I.D.’d both the dead home invaders,” Penelope began to type on her computer pulling up some of the files. “First up is Alex Collison, twenty. Made an impressive list of bad life decisions before he croaked, included but not limited to...possession, a couple of drug charges, a card-carrying member of the Verdugo heights boys.”
“They’re gang members,” JJ realized as she listened to what Penelope was saying. 
“Oh, he was, but slow your roll, home-girl,” Penelope said before she told of the next victim. “Because next up is Ronald Underwood, 19. Zero records, unless you want to count some volunteer work. Straight-A student, putting himself through school.”
“Not exactly the home invasion type,” Emily said. 
“Both from a poor area of town, grew up a mile apart,” Hotch said while he looked down at the tablet in his hands. 
“Hard to actually tell from the crime scene photos of how many assailants there actually were,” Y/N said as she swiped through the photos. 
“Well, if it was gang-related, there could be a lot of them,” Emily said looking at Y/N.
“The homes that got invaded were on the other side of town, a predominantly white area full of middle-class families,” JJ explained the demographics.
“Hey, guys,” Penelope said, bringing the attention to her. “The M.E. report just came in, both of them had high levels of oxycodone in their system.” 
   “That’s strange. Violent crimes like these are normally associated with stimulant drugs,” Spencer said puzzled as to why that was. 
“Like meth?” Y/N asked turning her head to look at Spencer next to her. 
“Yeah, like meth.” 
 “Underwood’s as straight as an arrow,” Derek began. “Collison’s a garden-variety gang-banger. I grew up with knuckleheads like that, high-risk break-ins, and oxy, that’s not their M.O.”
“Regardless, we need to get ahead of it. The press has got a community on the verge of panic,” Hotch explained. “JJ and I will coordinate with the sheriff’s office, I want the rest of you at the crime scene.” 
Y/N walked into the home of the Lewis’, inspecting all the blood on the walls. It almost felt like she could hear them scream for help and she so desperately wanted to go back in time and save them from all this. The shattered family photos and the torn-up house just made her feel so unsettled. 
 Y/N turned as she had finished with the room she was in and headed out meeting Emily in the hallway. 
“You alright?” She asked as she saw Y/N’s sad face.
“Yeah, just family annihilators, they always hit me differently, you know?” She said as they turned and walked down the hall towards the stairs. 
“Ballistics confirmed that the rest of the Lewis family was shot with the same 357,” Spencer said as he turned and watched Y/N and Emily walk down the stairs together.
“So if it was a gang, there was only one shooter,” Rossi stated after processing the information he had just received. 
“The second and third victims were Trisha Lewis and six months old Blake,” Emily said. 
Spencer shook his head at the thought of a six-month-old being killed. 
“The injury patterns suggest that Mrs. Lewis tried to shield the baby with her own body,” Y/N said with a sigh trying not to let herself get worked up. 
 “Matt Lewis was found right here,” Rossi said with his hands pointed to the floor. “Ronald Underwood just over there-” he pointed to the blood spot to his left- “Underwood was shot eleven times in the head and abdomen.”
“But Lewis himself only had a single gunshot wound to the head at almost point-blank range?” Spencer questioned.  
“How did someone get that close?” Y/N asked looking between Rossi and Spencer. 
“He could’ve been subdued first,” Emily proposed. 
“The M.E. didn’t find any signs of a blitz attack or struggle,” responded Spencer. 
“Well, it had to be an ambush of some kind,” Derek said as he inspected some of the walls with blood spatter. “Probably when he was confronting Underwood.” 
“But that’s almost impossible based on where the body was found,” Spencer said looking over at Derek. 
“It’s right in the middle of the room,” Emily said as she looked at the bloodstains. 
“It’s too out in the open to surprise somebody,” Y/N said agreeing with Emily. 
“Matt Lewis wasn’t shot here,” Rossi said as he pointed to the spot where the body was found. 
“No, but someone moved the body to make it look like he was,” Spencer said. 
“Forensic countermeasure designed to make us think that these guys died in a gunfight that never occurred,” Derek said as he realized what probably happened. 
“Bullet and blood everywhere, too messy for an accurate reconstruction,” Rossi said. 
“Okay, so the unsub gets the drop on Matt Lewis,” Y/N said as she pointed to where Matt Lewis was found. “He then kills the rest of the family, and then leaves behind a drugged-up patsy to cover his tracks?” 
“This wasn’t a burglary at all. There was a higher purpose here, they’re staging the crime scene as some kind of message,” Spencer said. 
“This guy’s trying to make it look like black kids from the hood are killing white families, in white neighborhoods,” Derek said. 
“Pretty powerful message,” Emily said.
“No kidding,” Y/N added as she shook her head. 
The five finished up in the house and decided to head back to the station
“You good?” Spencer asked her as they walked out of the house, noticing how she was looking a bit upset. 
“Yeah, yeah, I just can’t believe what happened in there really, family annihilators you know they just get to me, this one more than the others,” she explained to him. 
“Yeah, this one is sad, I get it,” he said as he looked at her. “But we’ll catch him like we always do, and if you’re lucky you’ll get to put the cuffs on him.” The last statement was a hope to make her smile because he loved her smile so much.   
It worked. 
A smile crept up to Y/N’s face. “I might just do that.”
 Y/N sat in the station the next morning. Head laying on her arms as she looked at the crime board on the wall. Another family had been killed last night, so they had been added to the board.
 She stared at the victims of the first two families, they looked so much like hers. She saw herself in the shoes of the young girls, the memories of her childhood overwhelmed her. She lifted her head up and rubbed her face with her hands lightly, not wanting to rub the makeup on her face off. 
The feeling of a warm hand on her back made her pull her face out of her hands. She looked beside her and saw Spencer as he sat down after taking his bag off, a coffee in his hand. 
“You didn’t bring any for me, I see how it is,” Y/N said with a fake hurt expression on her face as she leaned into the back of her chair. 
“Actually-” he pointed to her right side- “I did think of you.” 
Her heart fluttered, “You sure know the way to my heart Spence.” She grabbed the large coffee cup and took a sip from it. The warm liquid running down her throat soothing her. 
“Hey love birds, we’re about to give the profile,” Derek said leaning into the room they were in. The two stood up and made their way to where the rest of the team was.
 “We believe we’re looking for a white male, in his late twenties to early thirties,” Hotch said, beginning the profile. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” A deputy said quickly. “I’m sorry, I thought we were looking at black gang-bangers?” 
“The unsub has been staging the crime scenes to make it look like black gangs and undocumented immigrants were responsible,” Derek said to the deputy.
“Why would anyone do that?” The deputy asked. 
“We think he’s trying to create some racial conflict,” Y/N said hoping that was the best way to answer. 
 “In 1969, Charles Manson orchestrated the Tate-La Bianca murders, in the hopes of creating a race war between the blacks and whites that he referred to as Helter Skelter,” Spencer explained. 
 “A name he stole from a Beatles song,” Rossi added, the comment only being funny to the team since they knew that Rossi’s friends with Ringo.
“Members of the Manson Family left watermelon rinds at the scene of the crime and also painted panther paws on the wall in blood in the hopes of convincing authorities that the black panther was responsible,” Spencer continued on his explanation. 
 “Hate groups like the Aryan Nation believe that race war is not only inevitable but necessary,” Hotch said looking over the see of officers. 
 “Our unsub may be a member of one of these groups,” Emily added. 
“Aryan gangs have a strong presence in prisons, so he may be an ex-con or even possibly related to a convict,” Y/N said. 
“We think he may also be some kind of zealot,” Rossi began. “He believes his war is already being fought, and these murders are a mission to him.”
“And like a soldier, he is willing to put himself in harm’s way,” JJ added. 
“The unsub may also be vulnerable somehow, weak mind, or even lonely. His cause gives him a sense of power and belonging,” Spencer said giving more depth to who the unsub might be. 
“He’s physically fit enough to move dead bodies, so he’s probably young,” Derek said. 
“But not too young as to be impulsive,” Y/N added quickly.
“These attacks took planning and focus. So, he’s disciplined,” Rossi said. 
“He uses oxycodone to drug his unwilling partners,” Spencer explained. 
“He does this without killing them, which shows that he is knowledgeable about dosages,” Y/N said. 
“And oxy is expensive, so look at medical care professionals and caregivers, anyone with access to prescription drugs,” Emily said. 
“This unsub is dedicated and driven, it makes him especially dangerous. Surrender is not likely part of his strategy,” Hotch said as the profile came to a close. 
“Hey Hotch, Y/N,” Derek said as he walked over to the two that were sitting at a desk going over some geographics to help Spencer with his profile. “There’s a mayoral race in town, and there’s a guy named Clark Preston all over the news.”
“Looks like he’s running a close second,” Y/N said as she looked at the tablet in Derek’s hand. 
 “Yeah, and check this out,” He scrolled down and clicked on the video. 
“These vicious home invasions are a sign of the times,” Clark Preston said in the video. “As demographics change, so do crime rates. Now we may not be able to slow the browning of America, but we can sure as hell take our city back. And if you elect me, I’ll lead that charge.”
“The browning of America?” Y/N asked with astonishment. 
“That’s a damn near hate speech,” Derek said as he looked at Hotch.
 “He’s using the murders to further his campaign and I guess people are rallying behind it,” Hotch said. 
“So what if our unsub is nothing like Manson? Manson never got his hands dirty, what if our unsub is more like his followers?” Derek proposed. 
“You think he’s being manipulated?” Y/n asked pulling her legs up in the seat she was sitting in. 
“Maybe even unintentionally, but either way, rhetoric like this could fuel his fire,” Derek said. 
“We should talk to Preston,” Hotch said, nodding to the tablet. 
“I already sent a car,” Derek told Hotch. 
“Good,” was Hotch’s short response. “Y/N, do you mind talking to him with us, your knowledge in political science might help,” Hotch said turning to the woman in the chair. 
“Sure,” she said with a nod. 
“I can’t tell you how happy I am you’re here gentleman,” Preston said, not even acknowledging Y/N in the room. “Maybe now someone will stop these savages, what can I do to help.” 
Derek looked at Y/N with one raised brow in question, after noticing that the politician in the chair wouldn’t even look at her. She just shook her head while she shrugged her shoulders and listened to what Hotch was saying. 
“We were hoping to talk to you about some of your rhetoric,” Hotch asked as he looked at Preston across from him. 
“My rhetoric,” Preston said, it wasn’t a question just him repeating what Hotch said hoping he heard him right. 
“We believe the recent murders maybe hate crimes,” Derek said walking closer to Preston. 
“Some of the things you say, well they maybe be construed as inflammatory,” Y/N said while she moved spots to stand behind Hotch.
“Agent Y/L/N’s referring to some of your recent campaign speeches and the references to the murders,” Hotch explained.
 “We believe that whoever’s responsible for these crimes is impressionable and may be responding to the vitriol,” Derek said. 
“You think I’m responsible?” Preston asked, turning to look at Derek. 
“Nobody said that,” Y/N said crossing her arms. Preston never even looked at her when she spoke. 
“If this person is motivated by racist sentiments, then what you are saying publicly may be affecting him,” Hotch explained making Preston turn his attention towards him.
“You’re profilers right?” Preston asked. 
“Right,” Hotch responded. 
“You study behavior, not actual facts,” Preston’s comment made Y/N sigh. “And then you come up with theories.” 
“It’s really, not that simple,” Y/N said as she looked at the man. For the first time, he looked at her, and then he rolled his eyes at her statement.
“I’m sorry, who are you a secretary or something?” The blood in Y/N’s body boiled with rage at the question. She then watched Preston turn to Derek, “I’ll bet you had to work extra hard to get in the bureau, didn’t you? Probably still have to prove yourself on a regular basis. I respect that. I wish there were more like you.” He took small pauses in between each statement.
The man stood up from his chair and began to head towards the door. “I’ll cut back my media appearances, for now. But I suggest you start proving some of those theories of yours. And get some of those hard-working men to arrest those punks doing this.” 
The way he said men made Y/N want to punch him so bad that she had to fit the urge to walk over to him and do just that. 
“You gentlemen enjoy your day,” Preston then let himself out, once again not acknowledging Y/N. 
 “We should check out his list of contributors and his staff, it might be somebody in his camp,” Hotch said standing up from his chair.  
“We need to check him out, too,” Derek said. 
“No kidding,” Y/N said stilled enraged by the man. “Did you see what he was doing? Or more like wasn’t, he wouldn’t even acknowledge my presence and than he dared to ask me if I was a secretary.”
“The guy is no doubt a racist and is also very sexist,” Derek said.
“Oh yeah for sure,” Y/N said as she walked over to Derek by the door. 
  “Come on Pretty girl, don’t let him get you all riled up,” Derek said to her as they walked out of the room. 
“I know, I know, it just makes me angry,” Y/N said as she and Derek walked over to the area where the rest of the team sat.
“What makes you angry?” Spencer asked as she sat down beside her. 
“Clark Preston, not only is he a racist, and let that be known when he spoke to Derek, but also he is majorly sexist,” she grabbed a paper cup from the middle of the table and then poured herself some water. “The whole time we were speaking to him, he didn’t even look at me, and the one time he did he rolled his eyes and asked me if i was a secretary.” 
“Are you serious?” Emily asked with disbelief.  
“That’s ridiculous,” Spencer said while he shook his head. 
“Uh-huh, you know Derek if he is a part of this, you know what would make me so happy,” She said as she turned to Derek. 
“What’s that?” He asked her. 
“If we got to arrest him, but I want to put the cuffs on him, just to let him know that a woman has power over him,” she said with authority.
Derek laughed before agreeing and promising her that if Preston was a part, they would do that. 
The team sat scattered at various desks around the station they were at. Y/N stood next to Emily and Spencer as they looked over some maps of the area. Rossi sat at a large desk to left and Derek in a desk behind them towards the right. 
“Hey, talk to me, doll face,” Derek said answering his phone to talk to Penelope, everyone’s attention now drawn to Derek and the woman on the phone. 
  “I got some dirt on your mayoral candidate, Clark Preston,” she spoke. 
“He’s a politician, that shouldn’t be hard,” Rossi said as he walked over to be closer. 
“Yeah, he’s a real estate lawyer who ran for city council last year and lost,” Penelope explained. “And he’s rich, as in if money was dirt he’d be filthy. He quadrupled his net worth in the last ten years, mostly from real estate.”
“So he managed to thrive despite the area’s economic downturn,” Spencer said in realization. 
“What do you mean by mostly?” Y/N asked leaning closer to Derek’s phone so that she could be heard. 
“Well, he is on the board of several financial institutions. Hedge funds, pension funds, oh, he likes to shuffle his money around. Even found some offshore accounts of his, I did,” she said giving what other dirt she could find on Preston.
 “You only do that if you’re trying to hide it,” Emily said.
“What about his staff and contributors?” Spencer asked the woman on the phone.
“Uh-uh. No, they’re clean,” she said.
 “Alright thanks, Garcia,” Derek said before he hung up the phone.“Preston’s a part of this, me and Y/N both think so.”
“Yeah you should have seen him in there,” Y/N said as she turned to Emily. 
“He’s sexist, racist, and a little shady, maybe, but a murderer?” Emily asked as she looked between the two.
“It may be just a feeling, but I know he’s in this, we just need to figure out how,” Derek explained.  
The next morning the team arrived to bad news, as another family was killed earlier that morning. Surprisingly this time, the guy the unsub would have left for the blame got away.
 “His names Ramon Gomez, he’s an undocumented immigrant from Mexico City and he’s pretty freaked out,” JJ said as her, Y/N, Derek, Spencer, and Emily stood in front of the room Ramon was in. 
“That’s pretty understandable,” Y/N said while she folded her arms over herself. 
“Was he able to give a description of the unsub?” Spencer asked as he looked at JJ. 
“Uh, just of the vehicle, his English is not that good,” JJ explained. “We put an APB out.”
 Emily nodded her head, then turned to walk into the room with Ramon in it. “Hole, mi nombre es Emily Prentiss,” she said to Ramon. 
The four others stood outside and watched as she interacted with the man sitting at the table.
“This poor guy,” Y/N said as she looked at the frightened man sitting at the table. 
The three beside her hummed in agreement as the continued to watch and somewhat listen to what Emily was saying to Ramon. He pulled his arm out showing scars on his arm. He then got a look of realization on his face as he remembered more.
Emily then thanked him and walked out of the room to the other four. 
“He remembers hearing a train and then loud music,” she said as she came to the four standing. 
“That’s something, let’s get started,” Y/N said and the five began walking towards the area they had been working in. 
“There are approximately two hours between Ramon’s abduction here-” Spencer pointed to one spot on the map- “and his escape here. He crossed the train tracks here. Now, given the time and distance parameters, there’s no way the unsub could have ventured outside this radius.” 
“Okay, so he said the train was close, and he heard laughter and loud music,” Emily said. 
“I looked at points of interest next to the train tracks and there really isn’t much. There’s a warehouse, a taco stand that would have been closed, and a bar called the drunken dog ” Spencer explained.      
“Why stop there? He need a drink?” Rossi asked. 
 “He doesn’t seem like the drinking type,” JJ said. 
“Yeah, he’s not impulsive or sloppy enough,” Y/N said sticking her hands into the back pockets of her pants. 
“I live to serve you, sir,” Penelope said as she answered Hotch’s call. 
“Garcia, what can you tell us about a bar called The Drunken Dog?” Hotch asked.
“Ooh, I like it already. Let’s see- uh- it’s been around thirty years. It was opened by a warehouse worker named Manny Gresham, upon his death six years ago it was bought by a hedge fund company called First Advantage.”
“Why would a hedge fund company want a bar?” Emily asked. 
“Let’s see. Well, they bought it for a song,” Penelope began. “And, poor man, his medical expenses bankrupted him, I guess that’s why-- shut the front door.” 
“What is it?” Y/N asked. 
“Clark Preston is on the board of First Advantage, which explains why the bar is on a shortlist of local businesses that support Preston for mayor,” Penelope answered.
 “Of course it is,” Y/N said as she sat down on the desk behind her.
“Okay we missed something, we need to go back over his staff and contributors again,” Emily said looking at Spencer beside her. 
“They all came up clean,” JJ said.
“Garcia, look up DMV records and find every registration in the area that matches the description on the unsub’s vehicle,” Derek said to Penelope over the phone. 
 “Okay, 79 names and I’m way ahead of you, none of them match anyone Preston’s team-” she stopped. “What the what? Oh. I’m good at my job. Pamela Mills donates monthly to Preston’s campaign. Her son Trevor, his car matches the description, and it’s registered in his name.”
“Got a photo and an address?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, I do. I also have a place of work for Trevor. He is a part-time messenger, I’m sending it now,” Penelope said pressing ‘enter’ on her keyboard aggressively. 
“Alright JJ, Morgan, and Prentiss take the workplace, we’ll take the house,” Hotch said dismissing everyone to go off. 
“What do you have, Garcia?” Hotch asked as he sped down the road, lights on in case they were stopped. 
“Sir, I found the connection between the Mills family and Clark Preston. Ten years ago, the Mills were the victims of a home invasion. Robert Mills, the father, and 10-year-old Julie were killed. Pamela was raped, and now she has a lot of brain damage, that has left her in a near vegetative state,” Penelope said explaining the sad story of the family. 
“What about Trevor?” Spencer asked. 
 “He hid in the closet and when it was over, he called 911,” Penelope answered. 
“That’s why he stuffed that boy in the closet,” Hotch said referring to the last family that was killed.
“He was reliving his own victimization.” Y/N said in realization.
“He didn’t do that to the other children he murdered because he didn’t relate to them,” Rossi said. 
“Garcia was anybody convicted of the crime?” Hotch asked.
“Yes, a Ronnie Green and Carlos Jackson. Both African American, both serving like in Folsom,” Penelope said before she continued with her story. “And then after the murders, Preston, he financially supported the family almost entirely. “ 
“So they’re close, he’s known the family for years,” Rossi stated. 
“That must be how they’re paying Pamela’s medical expenses,” Spencer said. 
“Yeah, it would be really hard to cover with Trevor’s part-time messenger salary,” Y/N added looking to Spencer beside her. 
‘Yeah, I mean, it’s a top-flight policy,” Penelope said reading the health care bill.
“So Preston is playing the savior,’ Rossi said. 
“And it looks like that monthly donation, that Pamela makes to Preston's campaign, is her disability check,” Penelope added.
“My guess is Trevor authorized that because he feels beholden to Preston,” Rossi said piecing together why that would happen. 
 “He probably Idolizes him,” Y/N added. 
 “So Preston is manipulating the Mills family to further his own agenda, he’s behind everything,” Hotch said coming to the conclusion that Preston was part of it all along.
 “He took advantage of Trevor in a vulnerable state and made him trust and then brainwashed him,” Y/N said. 
“Turned him into a killer,” Spencer added. 
 “Uh, guys,” Penelope interrupted. “There’s something else, Preston bought the Mills home after the invasions.”
The tires came to a screeching halt as Hotch pulled up to the Mills house. The four hoped out of the car, taking out their guns and walked to the front door. 
 Hotch pounded on the door, “FBI!” 
When no answer came, Hotch pushed the door in and entered the threshold of the house. Y/N stood between Rossi and Spencer as they walked into the house. They then split up and looked around the house, Hotch and Rossi downstairs, Spencer and Y/N upstairs. 
  Y/N held her gun out in front of her as she entered a small guest room. She made sure the room was clear before walking out and meeting Spencer in the hall. 
“You find anything?” She asked while she holstered her gun on her hip. 
“Yeah, this note,” Spencer said as he inspected the note in his hand. 
“Come on, let’s go find Hotch and Rossi,” She said before they walked downstairs. 
 “He’s not here,” Y/N said as she walked into the room with Hotch and Rossi. Spencer close behind her. Pamela Mills was seen laying in the bed not moving but looking at the four by her door.  
“I found this in his bedroom,” Spencer said holding out the letter he found. “It’s addressed to her,” he said referring to Pamela.
“ ‘The price of peace is sacrifice, and I’m prepared to pay that price, no matter how high. I hope you’ll still love me.’ This is a goodbye letter,” Rossi said after reading the letter. 
“Or a suicide note,” Hotch countered. 
“He doesn’t profile as suicidal,” Spencer said in a hushed tone not wanting to disturb the woman in the bed. 
“No, but he knows this could be his final mission,” Rossi said. 
“He may want to go out in a blaze of glory,” Y/N said as she glanced at the woman in the bed. 
“It’s all about the election, he’s only got one move left, we need to secure Mayor Wennington, I’ll have the rest of the team find Hilary Ross,” Hotch said pulling out his phone to call Derek. 
They headed back out to the car and got an address for Mayor Wennington heading over to his house. Y/N walked up the front door, the three men with her following behind closely. 
“Mayor Wennington?” She asked when the door opened and a white-haired man in a loose-fitting tie answered.
“Yes,” he responded. 
“Hi, I’m Agent Y/N Y/L/N, this is Agent Hotchner, Rossi, and Dr. Reid, we’re with the FBI,” she said introducing the men behind her. 
“Is this about those recent murders?” The Mayor asked with concern. 
“Yes, sir, we have reason to believe you might be in danger, would you come with us,” she said gesturing to the car in his driveway, 
“Yes, of course, let me grab my coat,” he turned around and walked ten steps to a coat rack to grab his jacket before he headed out the door with them. 
“Yeah, Morgan,” Hotch said answering his phone while they walked to the SUV.
“We’re on our way to Hilary Ross’ house now, she’s still not answering her phone,” Derek said.
 “All right, call local police, he’s not going to go quietly,” Hotch ordered.
“You have Mayor Wennington?”
“Yeah, keep me posted,” Hotch said before hanging up. 
The next day, Y/N pulled into Clark Preston’s campaign office parking lot with Rossi ready to arrest him. 
“You want to do the honors kid?” Rossi asked Y/N as they exited the vehicle they were in.
“Absolutely,” she said with a smile, her wish from the previous day coming true. 
“I hope this is a good enough birthday present,” Rossi said with a smirk looking at Y/N.
“Who told you? Penelope? I thought she would’ve dropped that by now,” she said with a laugh as she opened the door to the office.
The two agents walked back to the room where Preston was sitting. 
“Clark Preston you’re under arrest,” Y/N said as she walked over to the man sitting at his desk. She pulled him out of his seat and placed her handcuffs from her pocket on him. 
“For what?” He asked defensively. 
“For orchestrating the murders of the Mitchells, Lewis’, and others,” Rossi said as he and Y/N began to lead Preston out of his office. 
“What proof do you have?” He asked trying to find a way out of the situation. 
“Voicemails left by Trevor Mills,” Y/N said shoving him when he stopped walking.
“Voicemail messages? That’s ludicrous, that boy is mentally unstable, always has been,” Preston said. 
“Clark Preston you have the right to remain silent,” Y/N said, not only because she had to but because she really didn’t want to hear his pathetic excuses anymore.
“I’m Innocent!” He tried to protest. 
“And please feel free to exercise that right,” Rossi said grabbing Preston’s other arm as he tried to move out of Y/N’s grasp.
“Anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you can’t afford one, one will be appointed to you,” She continued as Rossi opened the door and led them out. 
“Come on, Spence please tell me where we are going,” Y/N asked, her arm linked with Spencer as they walked down the street. 
“I can’t do that Y/N, you know that,” he said as he led her further down the road. 
“Can you tell me if this has to do with my birthday?”
“Oh, come on, I told Penelope that we really didn’t have to do anything,” Y/N said as she shook her head. 
“Well, I learned that you need to let them have their moment with you, cause they’re the closest thing you’ve got to family here until you have your own,” Spencer explained to her as he looked at her with a smile.
Y/N sighed in defeat, knowing Spencer was right. 
“Oh look we’re here, can’t believe you didn’t notice where we were going before,” he said as he turned to Y/N’s favorite dive-bar in the downtown area of D.C. Spencer began to pull her inside but she stopped him before he could walk up the small stairs to go inside. 
“Wait- Spencer, before we go in, I have to do something,” she said pulling on his arm making him turn to her. 
“What is it?” He asked facing her with a curious look. 
She replied by placing her lips on his in a gentle kiss. It was a kiss that made both their stomachs do flips. His hands reaching up to grab her face as hers gripped the front of his coat. A year and a half's worth of bottled up feelings were expressed as Y/N deepend the kiss. 
“I just really wanted to do that,” she said to him after they pulled apart. A smile came on Spencer’s lips and he pulled her in again for a shorter but just as meaningful kiss. 
“I really like you Y/N,” he said face still close to hers. 
“I really like you too, Spencer,” she said back with a smile. “Come one let’s go in.” 
The happy couple walked into the bar seeing their friends standing in a corner to the left of the door. 
“There’s the birthday girl!” Penelope said as she saw Spencer and Y/N walk in. 
“Happy Birthday!” They all said. 
Y/N blushed as she approached the table, “Thanks, guys.” 
The team laughed, drank, and danced till the late hours of the night. Even Hotch laughed and gave Y/N a hug as they all danced to the music. A smile stayed on Y/N’s face the whole night as she danced with all her friends and drank happily. 
Spencer watched the woman he was beginning to fall in love with belt the lyrics to a Coldplay song that played through the speakers and dance with Penelope and JJ. Y/N looked over and saw Spencer staring at her at her and walked over to him. 
“You know it’s rude to stare,” she said with a giggle.
Spencer laughed, “I wasn’t staring.” The blush on his cheek told Y/N otherwise.
She quickly grabbed his arm and started to pull him onto the dance floor.  
“Oh no, I don’t dance really-” he tried to protest but Y/N wasn’t having it. 
“You do tonight!” 
She brought him to the dance floor Penelope and JJ yelling ‘Hi!’ over the music as they started to dance again. Y/N tried to help Spencer move less awkwardly and he eventually started to get the hang of it. Taking Y/N’s hand in his he spun her around and danced with her. A smile formed on their faces hoping the moment would never end.
tag list (let me know if you want to be added!!):
@throughparisallthroughrome​ @word-scribbless​ @nintendumbfuck​ @confused-and-really-hungry​ @justine-en​
541 notes · View notes
arrow-guy · 4 years
Broken Flock (7/??)
Summary: It’s been two years since you uprooted your life and left to figure out who you really are, leaving behind Bucky and Clint with little more than a note as a warning. Now, New York is calling your name and it’s time to go home. How will Clint and Bucky react to your return, and how will the time have affected your relationship?
A/N: Again, this chapter is dealing with really heavy themes that could potentially trigger some readers. Please read at your own discretion.
Page dividers by @carryonmyswansong​
Word Count: 2.8k
Pairing: WinterhawkxReader
Warnings: Kidnapping, panic attack, mentions of sedation, needles
Part 6
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Clint and Bucky don’t get home till nearly four in the morning. They stumble up the stairs, exhausted and on the verge of collapsing. They’re determined to make it up to (Y/N)’s apartment before they fall asleep.
They bundle into the apartment and are surprised to find only the stove light on. (Y/N) usually leaves, at least, a couple of lamps left on in the living room and a lamp on in the bedroom. Bucky looks up at Clint, concern evident on his face and Clint squeezes his arm in an attempt to reassure him. Clint moves further into the apartment to check the bedroom, while Bucky investigates the kitchen.
It only takes Clint a moment to flick on the bedroom light before he calls out to Bucky and joins him in the kitchen. He stops short when he sees Bucky hunch in on himself and cover his mouth with his hand.
"What is it?" Clint asks.
Bucky holds up a slip of paper. "Something's wrong."
"What?" Clint turns on the rest of the kitchen lights and takes the paper from him. "She left a note?"
Bucky nods silently and Clint gently pulls him to his chest with one arm. He runs his hand up and down Bucky's back, hoping to keep him calm, while he reads the note.
Hey guys!
I don't know if you'll be back before me, but in case you are, I'm heading out to stretch my wings. After last week I think I need a little break, haha. It's 8:45 right now, but I'll stop by Clint's place to feed Lucky before I head out for the day. I'll have my phone with me if you need to get in contact.
See you when you get home!
P.S.: I'm not running away again. I promise.
The note falls from Clint's hand and he wraps his arms fully around Bucky. It slowly sinks in that (Y/N)'s been gone for well over twelve hours and Clint begins to panic.
"Maybe she decided to camp out for the night," Clint offers. "She hates being cooped up for too long."
"No, she would've texted or called or something." Bucky takes a deep, shaking breath. "Something's wrong, and you don’t want to admit it."
“Of course I don’t wanna admit it, Buck. She’s-” Tears form in his eyes and he wraps Bucky tighter in his arms. “She’s our girl.”
“We gotta get her back.”
“We will.”
Bucky shakes his head and pulls away. “I can’t do this again. I can’t lose her.”
Clint wipes away Bucky’s tears and then his own. “I know. And we’ll find her. I’m gonna call Steve and Nat and Sam. We’re gonna get every single pair of eyes we can on this.”
Bucky covers his face with his hands and Clint tucks him under his chin. They stand silently in the kitchen until they’re able to speak again. Bucky takes a seat on the couch and texts Steve while Clint immediately calls Natasha. He can hear Bucky sniffle and has to force himself to stay where he is.
Natasha is not in a good mood when she picks up.
“It’s four in the morning.”
“I don’t give a shit, (Y/N)’s gone.”
“What do you mean she’s ‘gone’?”
“Bucky ‘n I just got home and she wasn’t here.”
“She probably ran off again. I know you don’t want to hear this, but she’s done it once, she’d probably do it again.”
“The fuck she would, she’s settled here, Nat. She wouldn’t just leave without telling us.”
“You don’t know that.”
Clint’s tempted to break something. “Nat, I’m telling you, she wouldn’t fucking do that. She wouldn’t do that to us. Not again.” His breath catches in his throat and he does his best to hold back his tears. “Please, Nat. We need your help.”
Natasha sighs. “Fine, I’ll be there in a bit.”
Clint sighs, relieved. “Thank you. Would you bring Steve with you? Buck’s getting in contact with him, but we need his help on this.”
“I’ll let him know.” She pauses. “Anyone else you want on this?”
“Sam,” Clint says. “He’s good at this kind of stuff. And I’m gonna call Tony and see if he can help at all. I don’t want him physically looking for her though. We’re already impatient enough as is without adding his stress to the mix.”
“Okay. See you soon.” She hangs up before Clint can say goodbye.
Clint sits on the coffee table in front of Bucky and takes hold of his shaking hands. “Nat’s on her way over with Steve and Sam.”
Bucky nods, but it’s clear that he’s still trying to process what’s happening. “Okay.”
“I’m gonna see if I can get Tony to help us track her phone.”
“We’re gonna find her, Buck,” Clint murmurs. He kisses Bucky’s knuckles. “I promise.”
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“You’re sure she didn’t just leave again?” Natasha asks.
“I’ve already fuckin’ told you, she didn’t just leave,” Clint growls.
“She left a note,” Bucky says. His voice is rough and makes Natasha do a double-take. When she sees his red-rimmed eyes, she realizes how serious this is.
“Can I read it?”
Bucky nods and points to the kitchen counter. Steve picks up the slip of paper and scans over it before handing it to Natasha. Her frown grows deeper the further she reads into the note. She opens her mouth to speak and Clint holds up one hand to stop her.
“We know she’s missing. Her laptop is still here and so is the rest of her stuff.” He wraps his arm around Bucky’s shoulders and sighs. “Like I said. She wouldn’t do this to us.”
“No, Clint I get that. Do you know where she would’ve gone?”
“North,” Bucky croaks out. “We were up there a couple weeks ago. She likes flying up there.”
“Did Stark manage to find her phone?” Steve asks.
Clint shrugs and checks his phone. “I think he’s still working on it. I’ll call him again-”
“No,” Steve says. “It’s alright, I’ll do it.”
Clint absentmindedly rubs circles against Bucky’s shoulder, trying to calm himself more than Bucky at this point. For all of his optimism, Clint knows how much he’s lost throughout his life. He’s lost his brother to the Swordsman, his childhood to abuse and the circus, his mother to his father… Hell, even his shitbrick of a father dying was a loss. But losing (Y/N) a second time overshadows all of that. There’s no time to mourn or process, just an overwhelming need to go, find, rescue. The urge to protect Bucky is there, too, but he knows that Bucky would never fall into his arms like a damsel in distress, even if there’s a tiny part of him that wishes he would. Wishes Bucky would let him take care of him. But he knows that taking care of Bucky means finding (Y/N) first.
Steve interrupts his thoughts, letting them know that Stark’s found the location, and Clint coaxes Bucky to his feet. He grabs his spare bow and quiver from his apartment before they leave the building.
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Dawn breaks and brings even more anxiety with it.
They find her phone in the middle of the field Bucky had taken her to not even a month ago. Bucky's heart drops to his feet and he would walk away from all of this if it weren't for Clint's hand on his shoulder.
Bucky crouches down and picks up the phone. The screen is freshly cracked and the battery is nearly dead. He pockets the device and scans the surrounding area for any other sign of human life. He's about to say something when he notices that the top of a nearby tree has been snapped off. He reaches out to Clint and takes off as soon as he's got a hold of his hand.
"What is it?" Clint asks breathlessly.
Clint knows better than to try and get anything more out of him when he's like this.
Bucky drags Clint to a clearing littered with crushed leaves, broken branches, and feathers that are too big to have come from any kind of bird. Both men freeze at the sight in front of them and Clint feels nauseous when he notices the dark, tar-like substance stuck to the majority of the feathers.
"I-I saw the broken off trees and I…" Bucky trails off and drops to his knees. "Oh, God."
Clint glances up from the carnage to see Sam hovering in front of a particular tree. He grabs something before he drops to the grass and walks over to Steve. Clint sees him say something about a bag and "Caught on a branch." His stomach clenches and he manages to force himself to walk over and investigate.
Sam turns as Clint approaches and holds out a tattered pack.
“I’m sorry, man,” he says. “This is all I could find.”
Clint reaches out with shaking hands and takes the bag. His breathing stutters. “Shit.”
“Is it hers?”
Clint nods. “Yeah. It’s hers.” He looks around the clearing. “The feathers are hers too, and they’re every-fucking-where.”
Clint watches Natasha prod at a clump of feathers. She frowns when she touches the tar-like goop and a string of it pulls away with her fingers. She scowls and walks away, making a note on her phone. Bucky’s wandered over to the one clear space in the middle of the grass and Clint joins him. He takes Bucky’s hand in his and hopes it’s at least a little comforting.
“She fell here,” Bucky murmurs, tracing a vague indentation in the grass. “And then it's like she just disappeared.”
Clint shakes his head. “She didn’t disappear, Buck. She was here. We’ll find her.”
He kisses the side of Bucky’s head and wraps him in a tight hug. Bucky hesitates, but slowly wraps his arms around Clint’s middle and presses his nose to his chest. Clint notices Natasha speaking with Steve and his brows pull together when she glances back at him before talking to Steve again. He sees her say “shot down” and “kidnapped” and the hopelessness starts to settle in again.
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There’s something wrong with my left wrist. Probably a sprain. Both of my wings are sore from tip to shoulder, but I think I twisted my right wing on the way down to the ground. My ribs are probably fractured after snapping so many branches, and it’s hard to breathe. Secondary to all of that, every inch of exposed skin stings with little tiny scrapes and cuts.
I have to take my time in sitting up and wince when my wings stretch a little too far. There’s something that’s stopping my feathers from fanning out to the point that any kind of movement slowly becomes painful. I slowly extend my left wing, hoping to investigate whatever's stuck to my feathers and stare in confusion at the mess of black goo covering the majority of my secondaries. Cautiously, I reach out and try to remove some of it, and I only succeed in pulling a feather loose. I swear and flick the goo that came away on my fingers to the floor.
I sigh and try to fold my legs underneath myself, but my motions are inhibited by a pair of shackles around my ankles. A long length of chain tethers the shackles to the floor. With that, in combination with the crippling soreness that's starting to settle deep into my bones, I realize that I'm not getting out of here any time soon. Wherever here is.
I shuffle back until my back hits the wall and my eyes slowly begin to adjust to the low light in the room. It looks like I’m being held in a small barn. Little slivers of light creep through cracks in the walls and fall across my hands, revealing every little cut and scrape. I sigh and angle myself so that I can reach the goop on my left wing. I lick the pads of my fingers and try to work some of the stuff from my feathers. It’s slow going, but I manage to avoid pulling out any more feathers.
Eventually, I can’t keep up with cleaning myself, and exhaustion settles in every inch of my body. I curl into myself and doze off.
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“An excellent specimen, Doctor.”
I don’t recognize this voice. The sounds of conversation slowly creep in at the edges of my consciousness. I keep my head down and just listen.
“As it should be, I made the serum!”
“When was she made?”
“I can’t be sure. It was not a procedure that I performed. I believe she was an accident.”
“Ah, well, you know what Bob Ross says.”
The second voice laughs. “I think you’re onto something, there, my friend.”
It takes a moment for it to register that these people are the reason I have my wings. And they’re just talking about me like I’m some kind of animal. An experiment.
One of them begins to pace in front of me. “It appears that she’s been sleeping for nearly twelve hours. Should we be concerned?”
“No, the serum imparts a sort of healing factor. The fastest way for her to heal is to sleep.” The shift and their shoes scrape along the concrete floor. “That being said, I don’t know the extend of her injuries. And her breathing has changed since we started speaking.”
The one pacing stops mid-stride. “She’s listening.”
Their footsteps approach and I panic. Fingers sink into my hair and wrench my hair back. I’m forced to look up at the woman who had previously been referred to as the Doctor. Out of the corner of my eye, I can just barely see the wiry young man that holds my head back.
“What should we do with her?” the young man asks. “Do you think she’s ready for tests.”
“Please,” my voice comes out scratchy. “Please, don’t.”
“I’m not sure,” the woman says. She begins to pace. “On the one hand, I’ve been waiting for weeks to capture her. Her strength and speed are unlike any of our previous subjects. I’m curious to see what makes her different from the others.”
“But she’s been very clearly hurt.”
The man’s hold on my hair tightens and I whimper. He just tugs harder and I force my hands to stay where they are in my lap.
“We’ve been very careful in the past,” he says slowly. “We’ll sedate her. Keep her limbs still. She won’t feel a thing.”
“That is true…” I catch the wicked glint on her eyes and my stomach churns.
The young man laughs in my ear. “Excellent.”
“We’ll have to trim the tar from her feathers.” The doctor shakes her head. “Shame. They’re so beautiful.”
“Don’t touch my wings,” I plead. “Please.”
They just carry on as if I’ve said nothing. I watch the man grin, his eyes crazed. The doctor gestures towards the door and several large figures bundle into the barn. They all stalk over, arms outstretched and ready to grab me. I try to shrink away, but the man holding my head is stronger than he looks, and I can’t move an inch.
Hands latch onto my wrists, ankles, and wings, and I cry out in pain. I go limp in an attempt to make myself too heavy to carry, but they just twist my wings back to fold them. I bite down on my tongue to keep every whimper, groan, and sob from surfacing. My wrist and right wing scream out white-hot pain and, each time they jostle me around, a new jolt of pain lances through my body.
The three men dump me face down onto a metal table and roughly strap my arms and legs down. I beg them to leave me. To let me go. To just let me go. Nothing I say seems to reach their ears and tears streak down my cheeks by the time they wench my wings down to the table. Two large clamps descend from the ceiling and pin my wings to the table. I’m stuck and in pain.
The doctor appears at the edge of the room and she slowly approaches me. She seemed hesitant earlier. Maybe there’s some way I can reason with her?
“Please, don’t do this,” I plead. “You don’t have to do this. Please.”
She grabs my face and turns it from side to side. I whimper and pull against my restraints when she twists my head a little too sharply.
“You don’t understand,” she says. She presses my cheek to the table and my entire body seizes up as I feel someone slowly inserting a needle into my neck. “I want to.”
Her manic grin is the last thing I see as the world goes black. The hum of electricity fills my ears and my body goes completely limp.
Part 8
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So that was a ROUGH chapter, but I promise that there will be a happy ending I just need you guys to trust me on this.
If you’d like to yell at me, absolutely comment, reblog, and/or shoot me an ask.
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Tag list:
@ghostlyhamlet, @claws-of-vibranium, @creaturefeatures101, @buckysendoftheline, @imagine-assembling-the-avengers, @ptprocrastination, @1950schick, @amayasymone23, @arfrona-and-marvel, @ek823, @fanaticfangirl001, @furrywerewolfcollector, @kissofvenom922, @dawn-phantomhive, @fangirlwithasweettooth, @mairhof1, @starryeyesbadguys, @trap-house-homiecide, @buckywhitewolfbarnes, @kaepm981, @howdoesoneadult, @pcdmesamidala, @thefandomplace​, @sian22redux​, @skeletoresinthebasement​, @lady-thor-foster​, @jazzcutie​, @gaytonystark​, @geeksareunique​, @nyxveracity​, @breezy1415​, @feelmyroarrrr​, @darling-loki​, @lemonadeorange73​, @tofeartheunknown​, @queenoftheunderdark​
This fic:
@avengerscompound​, @nerdy-bookworm-1998​, @shirukitsune​, @keenmarvellover​
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okayeojin · 4 years
loona reaction to having a chronically ill s/o
➢ 💌/☁️; fluff, angst maybe?
author's note: trigger warning? also, I didn't specify which type of chronic illness the reader might have, so you can make that on your own~
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。• ..・。.・゜✭・. ° • .
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having a s/o who's chronically ill, would mean that she would occasionally get very worried for you, but most of the times she would realize how much you could actually manage to do things on your own. she wouldn't underestimate your health, of course, but she would feel proud that, regarding the way you felt, you could do things by yourself. if you were to have one of your condition episodes with only her around to help, she would genuinely have a panic attack, and i think sometimes, she would call someone to ask what to do (like, an older member).
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this girl, despite the fact that, on the outside, she may look like she doesn't think a lot about your condition, on the inside she's always looking out for you, if you were doing an activity that required too much strength or effort, she would offer her help in no time. she would trust you whenever you told her you could do it, but she would always keep an eye on you for safety. if you ever felt ill, and had one of your condition episodes, she would rush to you and take you to the hospital immediately, just calling one of the members to take you there with her.
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aah haseul she would get as many informations as possible on your illnes to be able to help you anytime you needed her. she would smile warmly at you whenever you told her you could do things without her help, but she would check on you every once in a while nonetheless. she got scared the first time you felt ill and had to rush you to the hospital, nearly breaking down in tears. from then on, she would get herself together and handle the situation with much more calm, as to not scare you and make you feel even worse.
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let's not lie to ourselves, she's a baby. she would often forget about the fact that you had a chronic illnes, and even after you told her, she would feel calm because to her you looked fine all the time. whenever you brought up the topic of your illness to her, she would ask if you felt fine or if she needed to call someone for you. once you had your first condition episodes in front of her, she would legit start crying, not knowing what to do to help and she would probably call haseul in tears. after, you would have to reassure her that you were fine and she would ask you to teach her what to do in case you were in that situation again.
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I don't know why, but I feel like vivi would have noticed you had a condition even before you had told her. she had noticed maybe how sometimes you had problems breathing, but it would be something minor, so even if she wanted to ask you about it, she would prefer to wait until you told her. after you did, she would ask you a lot of questions about your condition, being especially intersted in how she could help you. after one episode, where she had to rush you to the hospital, she would be the one reassuring you. despite how scared she was, she wouldn't show it on the outside, just focusing on helping you.
kim lip
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you know, with her... on one side, I feel like she would have the whole situation under control, but on the other hand I think she would be very anxious whenever it came to your physical health, but even then, she wouldn't want to show it to you. she wanted to be the strong one in the relationship. overall, she would handle your condition pretty well, yes, she would be clumsy from time to time and maybe forget what medicine you needed, but she would always do her best and you were thankful. she would go with you to your regular checkups, and even then she would be so cute, holding your hand and cheering you up.
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100% she would stay positive. she wouldn't want to make you feel like you couldn't do things on your own and maybe make you feel bad because of it. she would be her usual happy self, surrounding you with her positive energy and making your days so much better. you would ask for her help and she would give it to you without a doubt. if you were to have one of your condition episodes, she would try to stay calm as much as possible, she would keep telling you that everything would be fine and take you to the hospital in no time.
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when you first told choerry about your illness, she would be quite surprised because she genuinely didn't notice anything. which might reassure her, because it meant it wasn't that severe of a condition. she would of course still keep an eye on you, and if she couldn't reach you on the phone she would get worried, and maybe sometimes even go over the top by calling her members, worried, on the verge of tears. when you came back with groceries, she would hug you and ask if you were okay, telling you not to do it again without telling her. she would also come to your regular checkups with you, but she would be more anxious than you, making you and your doctor giggle at her cuteness.
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she would take your condition very seriously. she would seach a lot of info, ask you to show her the medicine you had to take, how often you had to go to the hospital for your checkups, ask you what do you feel when you're having one of your condition episodes... she would know it all, to stay safe and make sure she could do anything to help. she would buy your medicine for you, drive you to the hospital, and such. you would find it quite amusing and lowkey funny the way she cared so much, sometimes joking that you weren't so old that you needed that much help. she would tell you that she trusted you and that she knew you could do things on your own, but that she couldn't help but get worried sometimes.
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she would be so worried about you, constantly, and even if you told her you could manage to do things just fine even without other people's help, she would still keep you under control. just in case. of course she trusted you and had a lot of faith in you, she knew you were a really strong person, however she couldn't help but worry for her significant other. if you had a medicine you had to take daily, she would constantly ask you if you had remembered to do that. she would overall be very aware of your condition and she would worry about you 24/7. if you ever had one of your condition episodes, she would probably panic, but calm down pretty quickly and do everything to help you.
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she is so sweet with you but she would also be very worried, and she would prefer to stay by your side and help you out with whatever you had to do, instead of having you do all the work by yourself. she would see you as something fragile and precious she had to protect at all costs, and she would be committed to it. when you had one of your condition episodes in front of her, she would probably overdo because of the panicked state she was in, but she tried to follow your instructions the best she could and everything ended well. she would probably feel bad about what happened and promise you to be more efficient if you ever felt ill again.
olivia hye
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hyejoo would most likely treat you normally, without worrying too much, as to not stress you and make you feel as if you wouldn’t be able to do things on your own. she would want to make sure you knew she trusted you and had faith in you, and that she was confident you were the strongest person she had ever met, despite your illness. of course she would always be aware of you, and occasionally checking on you. she wouldn’t want you to tire yourself out too much. she would also keep you company during your checkups, even if you told her she didn’t have to stay at the hospital with you.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。• ..・。.・゜✭・. ° • .
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dreamingabouttaron · 4 years
The Assistant Part 15
You climbed into an empty lift and looked at yourself in the mirrored wall. You had applied a thin layer of make up and your hair was wavy, hanging neatly down beside your face. You look down at your pink silk dress that delicately hugged your body and sighed. The dress held a mixture of memories for you. You thought about the night you last wore it, when you had been with Taron. The way you thought he was going to kiss you and then left you hanging without a reason. Well, now I know his reason. You thought and rolled your eyes at yourself. How could you have been so stupid? 
You checked your phone to see the time. 7:30. Bang on time. The lift doors opened and you walked out into the busy lobby. You could hear your heels tapping lightly onto the marble floor beneath you as you walked over to Ben who was patiently waiting in the corner for you.
“Good evening.” You gently say, making your presence known.
Ben looked up for his phone and gasped, “Wow. You look… insane.” He bent down and kissed you on the cheek. You felt your cheek blush in response. You could feel your body start to wake up at his touch.
“Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.” He was dressed in a smart grey suit and a crisp white shirt. He had clearly made an effort for you. The thought made you smile. Before you met Taron you had been single for a while. Typical, you thought, nothing and then suddenly two come along at once. You were looking forward to getting to know Ben more. You felt like you couldn’t risk not getting to know him. It wasn’t as if you were tied to Taron, you were a single woman and you could do whatever you wanted. Even if that meant having flirting with two guys. If Bridget Jones could do it, why couldn’t you? For now.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked. You nodded in response and followed him out the hotel and down the road. You were only walking for a couple of minutes before you followed Ben into a local restaurant. The place was small and authentic. The walls were covered in exposed brick, the kitchen was open and you could watch the chefs cooking inside. You were shown over to a booth by the window. Fairy lights were hung neatly over the windows, obstructing the view, but giving a glowing-look to the whole venue. A waitress came over and handed you both menus with a gentle smile which you kindly received and scanned to discover it was an Italian restaurant.
“I hope this is okay for you. I wasn’t sure what you liked so I thought Italian would be a safe bet.” He anxiously scanned your face looking for an answer.
You reached your hand over the table to his. “It’s wonderful thank you. Who doesn’t like pizza?” You wanted to reassure him, especially after he had made such an effort for you. But his nerves were very clear to you. He smiled and lifted your hand up and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles. 
The conversation was flowing with Ben. He made you laugh. It was easy to talk to him. You discovered a lot about his childhood and his family. As much as you loved getting to know him you couldn’t help but allow your mind to wander back to Taron. You thought about the way you both clicked when you went out for dinner, everything seemed to perfectly fall into place. You felt guilty feeling this way whilst sat on a date but you couldn’t help it. He was always at the forefront of your mind. No matter what you did, he was always there. At times it comforted you but at times like this, it was a hinderance.
You were sat talking with your drinks waiting for you food to arrive when you felt a breeze come through the main doors as a couple entered the restaurant. You felt a shiver run down your spine. You narrowed your forehead and watched the couples from behind. You watched the guy turn around to look into the restaurant. He looked over in your direction and caught eye contact with you. Taron. He looked pleased with himself. Smug. You watched him turn his attention back to Emily and the waitress before walking directly over to you and Ben. It was very clear to you that there was tension between him and Emily. He was walking steps in front of her leaving her trailing behind. She looked as if she had been crying. You frown in question at the sight.
“Well this looks cosy.” He stated and looked directly at you. You felt like a naughty child being caught doing something they shouldn’t. Taron signalled for you to budge up and sat on the bench next to you as Emily apologised to Ben and sat next to him. You looked at Ben and smiled apologetically. He nodded back at you, showing his understanding.
“What are you guys doing here?” You questioned the pair as you got comfortable in your new seat.
“Who doesn’t like pizza, eh?” Taron answered bluntly in response. You internally rolled your eyes.
“That’s funny. That’s exactly what Megan said earlier.” Ben recalled and looked between you and Taron.
“Oh really? Great minds think alike.” Taron confidently placed his arm on the top of the booth behind you making himself comfortable and winked in your direction. You knew what he was doing. “Nice dress. Looks good on you.” Taron said with a hint of risk in his voice, as he looked you up and down with raised eyebrows.
“Thank you.” You said through gritted teeth. You watched Taron call over a waitress who provided them with menus. You watched as Emily and Ben sparked up conversation. You momentarily closed your eyes and took in a deep breath trying to calm yourself down. He was suffocating you with his jealously. Your dress felt tight and you felt like you couldn’t breath.
“What’s the matter?” Taron asked quietly in your ear so that nobody else heard.
“Are you really asking me that?” You snapped quietly back as you calmed yourself down. You felt like you were on the verge of a panic attack.
“I told you I didn’t think going out with him would be a good idea.”
You scoffed. “Are you serious? You have no right to comment on this. How dare you ruin this for me?” You stopped when you noticed the waitress coming back over to take Emily and Taron’s order.
Once Taron and Emily’s drinks arrived, you all clinked glasses together and said a cheers for the evening to come. You mouthed an “I’m Sorry” to Ben from across the table when Emily and Taron both took a sip of their drinks. He reached his hand over the table to take yours and smiled. His touch was warm and it made you feel safe, you couldn’t hide the smile that appeared on your face. You instantly felt calmer. You watched Emily clock your entwined hands. Obviously, so did Taron. He readjusted the way he was sat and relaxed the arm that was on the back of the seat placing it on your leg under the table so that nobody else could see. You jumped at his touch. How dare he?!
“I’m going to pop to the bathroom. I’ll be back in a moment.” You announced whilst brushing Taron’s hand off and pulling yourself up. You looked at Taron asking him to set you free from the booth so that you could leave. You gave him a look of warning before you walked off.
In the bathroom you stood over the wash basins and contained your frustration. You couldn’t believe this situation that you were in. You felt trapped. You didn’t know how to get out. You needed some air. Space to breath. Everything felt like it was tumbling out from your control.
Emily slowly opened the bathroom door and walked over to you. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry that we have interrupted your evening. I, somehow, managed to let it slip that you were going out with Ben tonight. And then Taron was suddenly insistent on going out for dinner for my last night. I didn’t know this was where you were going to be.” You looked at her and smiled sympathetically. You knew this wasn’t her fault. She hasn’t done anything wrong, you just wished she hadn’t said anything to Taron but she didn’t know he was being protective over you. “Should I say I don’t feel well and then get Taron to take me home?” Emily asked.
“No, please don’t do that. It’s fine. We can just... double date.” You insisted, you watched a twinge of pain strike across Emily’s face. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying.”
Emily looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes looked puffy and red. She couldn’t hide the sadness that hid behind her eyes. “I’m fine, we just had an argument before we left. Anyway, come on we should probably get back to them, shouldn’t we?” Emily took your hand and led you back out to the restaurant without any hesitation. You knew something was up and she was clearly avoiding the subject but you didn’t want to pry. You knew this evening wasn’t going to be fun but you had to get through it.
When you arrived back at the table; yours and Ben’s food had arrived. You squeezed back into the booth and looked at your food. You had ordered a Mediterranean pizza which was covered in roasted vegetables. It smelt and looked incredible. You felt your mouth water at the smell.
“This looks wonderful. Ben, yours looks great too.” You tried to focus your attention on him as you started to eat your food.
“I wish I’d ordered that now.” Taron announced. You looked at him as you took your first bite. “Can I have a bit?” Unbelievable. Just as you were about to reply, Taron took the slice of pizza out your hand and took a large bite.
“Do you mind?” You felt slightly annoyed. “This is my food. Yours is coming!”
“Joey doesn’t share food.” Taron joked creating a laugh from Emily and Ben. “Oh, you know I’m only winding you up.” He placed a quick kiss on your cheek in a playful tone but you knew deep down it had more meaning. He was warning Ben off again. Marking his territory. Not that you were his to claim.
You were half way through eating your food when the other couples food arrived. The conversation kept flowing. You were glad there weren’t any awkward silences. You couldn’t deal with that right now. You just wanted this evening to be over.
“Did you want a slice of mine?” Taron asked, you raised your eyebrow at him. “As an apology for being a dick and taking your food.” You giggled and took a slice of his without hesitation.
“Thank you.” You said as you took a bite of his pizza.
“What’s mine is yours.” He offered and happily continued to eat.
As you all finished your food you felt Taron’s hand place itself back on your leg. Edging further and further up your thigh, slightly raising your dress up. It send sparks through your body. It felt naughty, risky and wrong but you liked having it there. You looked up at Taron. He had an eyelash sat on his cheek. You brushed his hand off our leg and then raised your hand and collected the eyelash.
“Make a wish…” You held your finger out for him to blow the eyelash away. He closed his eyes and blew it away leaving a tiny bit of spit on your finger.
“Urgh, Gross!” You wiped your finger on his shoulder in disgust; creating a laugh from Ben and Taron. You looked up to see Emily watching you both with a questioning look on her face, you pulled yourself away from Taron and smacked yourself internally for your actions.
“Right, anyone for dessert?” Ben asked. Of course Taron jumped at the opportunity. He jumped up and collected menus for you all. 
As a group you decided to get a chocolate fondue with fresh fruit to share. You all talked and laughed as your faces all got covered in chocolate. You were glad the energy of the evening had shifted. As you ate, you couldn’t help but steal glances at Taron, and it was easy to feel the glances that Taron was stealing in return.
Once you finished, Ben and Taron decided to split the bill before leading you and Emily out of the restaurant. You walked with your arm linked with Ben’s. He was being a gentleman. Ben insisted on walking you back to your room. As you approached your room, Ben was surprised to see how close yours and Taron room were. You could see that Ben was lingering around wanting to speak to you alone, but you didn’t want to invite him inside incase he got the wrong idea. You wished Emily would open the door quicker so that you didn’t have Taron breathing down your neck watching your every move. Once she finally opened the door, you released an inaudible sigh.
“Goodnight Megan. I’ll text you tomorrow about shopping arrangements. Nice to meet you Ben.” Emily called as she entered the room. You watched Taron’s intense eyes as he slowly walked towards his room.
“See you soon mate.” Taron said as he patted Ben on the back a little too hard, causing Ben’s body to jut forward. “Goodnight Megan.” Taron said as he brushed his hand past your shoulder before closing the door behind him. You just knew that he was still standing watching from behind the door. A constant presence.
“I’m sorry about this evening. I’m really sorry it got interrupted.” You made sure that your voice was low so that only Ben could hear.
“Hey, it’s not your fault. I’ve enjoyed it. It’s nice to see how close you are with Taron. You guys get along really well. It must be great working for someone like him.”
“Well…” You looked at Taron’s bedroom door. “It’s been an adventure.”
You felt Ben’s body get closer to your as you spoke causing your breath to hitch. His arms wrapped delicately around your waist. You felt yourself panic slightly, adrenaline souring around your body. You could tell he was going in for a kiss but you weren’t sure if it was the right thing to do. Especially with Taron watching on. Ben’s face got closer to yours, you felt his breath on your lips. You both paused in this position for a while, eyes closed, foreheads touching, hearts beating fast. Just as he was about to kiss your lips, you decided the best thing to do was to lean up and kiss Ben’s cheek.
“Thank you. I’ll see you soon.” The words stumbled quickly out of your mouth as you pulled yourself away and brushed your dress back down.
Ben nodded and kissed your cheek in return. “I’ll see you soon Megan.”
You watched him as he walked back down the corridor. You felt guilty for not allowing him to kiss you but you knew it wasn’t the right thing to do especially when your head was all over the place. 
You smiled and waved at him when he turned back around to look at you once last time. You let yourself in your room and fell onto the bed in exhaustion just as you received a text from Taron. You picked up your phone and read the message.
You’ve been a very naughty girl. T x
Tag list - 
@hitmeonmytspot @primaba11erina @fuseburner @autumnslovex @huathmoon94 
If anyone else would love to be added to the tag list, let me know. 
Thank you! xx
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lyssismagical · 4 years
Hey, here’s my request! If you feel like it! Peter breaks his leg (compound fracture if possible) tony find him and has to keep him awake/set his leg while they wait on help. Whump and fluff basically 😂 also yo ur whumptober makes me SO HAPPY
Thank you so much!! Hope you enjoy :)
What Tony wanted for his Saturday night was simple. So very simple.
All he wanted was a quiet night in his lab, preferably with Peter, preferably with way too much pizza. All he wanted was an easygoing Saturday night with Peter. Like they normally have. Nothing special.
But apparently the world, the cruel world, was never going to let him have what he wanted.
So when the alarm went off, blaringly loud and bright red in the lab after Tony was already verging on panic because Peter was two hours late to lab night, he honestly wasn’t too surprised.
The alarm meant the kid was hurt. So hurt that he wasn’t able to call for help.
The suit closes around before he even has to call for it, part of the protocol to get Tony to Peter as soon as humanely possible, and he flies out of the lab as fast as his suit can manage.
“Give me stats,” Tony demands, letting FRIDAY take over with flying.
Immediately, Peter’s vitals drop down on his screen, courtesy of Karen. Blood-oxygen levels dropping steadily, blood pressure dropping, heartrate racing.
“He isn’t responding to basic questions,” Karen informs him when she connects to the suit. “He’s risking losing consciousness, and he’s currently experiencing a panic attack.”
“Let me see the Baby Monitor Protocol. What happened to him?” Tony says. It’s taking everything in him not to fall into a panic attack. He can’t risk not being able to help Peter, though.
The video starts playing in the corner of his screen, depicting Peter saving people from a burning building. Something’s very wrong already, he’s stumbling and coughing and his left arm is cradled against his stomach.
As the video continues, Peter saves another six or seven people from the building and he seems to be about to call it quits when a girl cries out.
Peter, forever the big-hearted selfless kid he is, heads in her direction as fast as he can manage with his coughing and all the smoke clouding his vision. He reaches the girl and lifts her into his arms, cradling her despite his left arm shaking badly in pain.
But the floor is crumbling underneath him, the building above about to trap them inside, and Peter needs to think fast.
Without a second thought, he jumps out the window, keeping a tight grip on the girl. When he hits the ground, he hits bad. There’s an awful crunching noise and Peter falls forward onto the ground, crying out in pain as he lets the girl go. She takes off, racing towards the crowd of people, screaming for her mom.
Peter manages to drag himself away from the people into the alleyway beside the building, hoarsely sobbing in pain.
And then the video cuts off.
“Fucking hell, what happened?” Tony demands desperately. He’s nearing Peter’s location, thank god, but he needs to know how bad it is.
“Compound fracture,” Karen replies with too much worry and concern for an AI. “Both legs. His web shooters jammed about halfway through rescuing the people in the building and his left arm sustained a minor fracture. He didn’t have time to prepare for the fall.”
Before Tony has the chance to respond or try to figure out what the fuck he’s supposed to do, he lands in the alleyway. He can hear the people Peter rescued all chattering not far from them and he can vaguely make out the sound of sirens coming towards them.
But most importantly, he can see Peter.
The suit dissolves away from him, standing guard, as Tony stumbles forward until he reaches Peter.
He can see Peter’s tibia, sticking through his leg, blood spilling across the dark concrete. The poor kid is sobbing and whining, glazed eyes not recognizing Tony in the darkness.
His mask is off, hair sticking up in every direction and blood soaked hands leaving streaks of red behind on his neck and cheeks as he desperately tries to breathe through the pain.
“Fri!” Tony shouts, unable to pry his eyes away from Peter. “Get Cho and Banner in the Medbay. Prepped for Peter. Send them all the information they’ll need. Get an ambulance out this way immediately. One of the ones for the people Peter saved, reroute it this way for us.”
“Of course, Boss,” FRIDAY responds.
“I’d like to recommend setting Peter’s tibias,” Karen speaks up. “With Peter’s accelerated healing, the breaks are already trying to mend themselves. If this were to happen, the bones would need to be rebroken which could cause more damage to the nerves and muscles.”
First things first, Tony thinks, trying to keep his brain in order. He slowly reaches out and cups Peter’s cheek, lifting his chin. The kid whines in pain, hands grabbing onto Tony’s sleeve. His pupils are blown and confusion clouds his eyes.
“Kid? It’s me. It’s Tony. I’m here, okay? I’m here. Everything’s going to be just fine, you hear me?” His hands are shaking against Peter’s cheek and tears are filling his eyes because fuck, there’s so much blood.
So much blood and Peter might die. In an alleyway, scared and in pain.
“Hurts,” Peter whines, hands curled into Tony’s sleeve, shaking and getting blood everywhere. “Hurts, please.”
“You’re running out of time to set the bones before they’re too healed to do without rebreaking,” Karen informs him.
He closes his eyes, pressing a quick kiss to Peter’s forehead. “Stay awake for me, buddy. Please.”
Moving as fast as he can while trying to gag on the smell of blood and how it’s already all over his jeans and sleeves and hands, he grabs Peter’s mask and pushes it into Peter’s mouth, not wanting the kid to break his own teeth.
He remembers getting Banner, Cho, and May to teach him this kind of thing if he has to help Peter or any of the Avengers, and this was one of the things they went over. It was meant to be just in case.
Taking a deep breath, he gets his hands into position and tries his best to separate Peter from the equation. It’s just a leg. It’s fine. He’s not hurting, he’s helping.
And then he does it.
The awful crunching noise of Peter’s bone fragments sliding back into place, has him gagging and throwing up to the side, keeping a steady grip on Peter’s leg.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever forget Peter’s muffled scream either, pained and child-like, echoing in the dark alleyway.
“Good,” Karen says. “You did a good job. But you have to hurry and set the right leg, as well.”
He hates it. He hates everything. But he focuses on breathing through his mouth as he switches sides and repeats the actions.
As soon as it’s done, as soon as he can stop looking at Peter’s bloody and broken legs, he moves quickly back up to Peter’s head, cradling the boy against his chest.
“It’s okay,” he breathes. “It’s okay. I’ve got you. Stay awake, bubba. Stay awake, please. God, please.”
Peter’s bloodstained, shaking fingers curl into the front of his shirt, desperately clinging onto the fabric.
“Hurts,” he sobs, mask falling out of his mouth. “T’ny- I- I- can’t. T’ny, hur’s.”
Tony’s almost positive he’s crying into Peter’s curls, holding his kid against him like he can hold it all together.
And then, like a miracle, the ambulance pulls up at the end of the alleyway. Medics and a stretcher and- and the world blurs.
Tony can’t focus, can’t breathe, can’t think beyond Peter’s fingers curled into his shirt.
And before he knows it, they’re in the back of the ambulance, Peter’s wild, desperate eyes struggling to keep focused on Tony.
“It’s okay, bubba. It’s okay. You’re going to be alright,” he says. He turns to the medics. “Take us to the Avengers Compound. I’ve got doctors up there ready for him.”
Surprisingly, nobody argues. Nobody tries anything. One of them, a young woman, works away at Peter’s legs, tying fabric around his legs to help stop some of the bleeding. Another is coaxing Peter’s arm into a brace. A third is swiping a soft cloth, dipped in warm water, across Peter’s face, removing all of the blood.
“I’m here, buddy,” he continues, trying to keep Peter awake. “Focus up. We’re almost there, okay? And we’ll pump you full of the good drugs, huh? I’ll let you miss school for the rest of the week. That’ll be fun, won’t it?”
Peter just squeezes Tony’s shirt a little tighter, tears leaking out the corners of his eyes into his hairline.
“You can have your nerdy friend over, Ted? Fred? And you two can have as much Lego as you want to work on while you heal. Because you’re going to heal. And you’re going to be just fine. I promise and I don’t break my promises.”
Peter whimpers, bottom lip trembling. “T’ny- T’ny-”
Smoothing back Peter’s curls gently, Tony offers him a reassuring smile, hoping it doesn’t come out as shaky as he feels.
“It’s gonna be okay, Underoos. I promise. You’ll be just fine. Just breathe. It’ll be over soon.”
*When they reach the compound, Peter’s taken away from him almost instantly.
He’s not particularly surprised, but he needs to keep busy. He needs to do something to keep his mind off the awful noises echoing in his head. Peter’s screams and the sound of his bones-
So he gets the suit and flies back to the building that had burned down.
By now, everyone’s been treated and a good portion of the people are gone, finding new places to stay for the night.
“Tony Stark?” somebody asks. He turns to find a family standing there. A father, a mother, two children, and a cat. “What are you doing here?”
He swallows thickly, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
“Came to make sure everyone was alright for Spider-Man,” he says.
The little girl looks up, and Tony recognizes her from the video. She grins, two front teeth missing, and little purple overalls stained in ash.
“S’ider-Man saved me!” she exclaims. He can’t help but notice the blood on her knees, probably Peter’s from the crash landing.
The older boy, probably eight or nine, hugging the chubby orange cat, is frowning. “I didn’t get to see Spider-Man.”
“When’s your birthday?” he asks instead. “I’ll pull a few strings and get Spider-Man to swing by for your parties.”
“If you see him, can you tell him thank you?” The mom says, voice hoarse from crying. “We all got out when we heard the alarm, but my daughter ran back inside for our cat and we thought- we thought she-”
Tony smiles. “Of course, ma’am. I’ll let him know. I’m just glad you’re all okay.”
“He’s a hero,” the dad says. “We owe him everything.”
*Tony’s sitting at Peter’s bedside when he comes to, a collection of cards and gifts sitting around them. The paramedics had given the kids sheets of paper and crayons for stress relief and while waiting for the parents to find them a new place to spend the night. They’d all drawn adorable cards for Spider-Man that Tony took back with him.
“Welcome back,” Tony says, setting down his coffee mug. “Never, ever do that to me again. Ever. You hear me?”
Peter smiles dopily, slowly blinking his eyes open. “No promises.”
Tony rolls his eyes, gently carding his fingers through his kid’s hair and working through the knots. “Everyone’s very grateful that you saved them. I don’t know where you’ll have room for all the cards.”
“I have a box.”
“Of course you do.” He rolls his eyes again. “But I can’t- I can’t take the stress of you pulling stunts like that.
Peter pushes himself up a little bit, tipping his head against Tony’s hand. “Had to save everyone.”
“Okay. But, and hear me out, you made sure all those kids got back safe to their parents, but what about you getting home safe to me and your Aunt. You mean just as much to us as they do to their parents.”
Instead of looking guilty or apologetic, Peter grins. “Kay, Dad.”
“You’re the worst, you know that?”
“You love me anyway.”
Tony smiles fondly, pushing Peter’s head back against the pillow. “Go to sleep.”
Peter laughs quietly, eyes already drooping shut. “Night, Mister Stark.”
“You called me Tony before.”
“I’m sleeping, Mis’er S’ark.”
Tony presses a kiss to Peter’s forehead, pulling the blankets up to his chin. “Night, bubba.”
“Love you,” Peter slurs, body finally relaxing.
“Yeah, love you too, kid.”
It might not be the way he wanted to spend his night, but he wouldn’t trade having Peter in his life, even with his reckless behavior and stress-inducing adventures, for anything.
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harostar · 4 years
An emotionally intense episode on multiple fronts, of course.
Robyn’s story about Joanna is probably a reference to how Little John joined the Merry Men after losing a duel to Robin. (If I recall, it involved Robin Hood knocking him into the creek after he refused to let them pass over a bridge.)
Qrow has apparently rubbed the badge enough to clean it completely. He confirms as we suspected, that he’d honestly hoped Clover might be immune to his Semblance and that their friendship could therefore not be “complicated” by it. And addressing the elephant in the room, concerning both his feelings that he made the wrong choice in a panic and that he felt like Clover wouldn’t even consider facing Tyrian together. 
Harriet confirms that things are being taken at face value, but also that they know he has the badge. I guess they aren’t willing to risk trying to take it from him, so he’s been allowed to hang on to it. Robyn lays down more bombs, between hinting how her own Semblance has kept people at a distance and challenging Harriet’s aggression as an excuse to not actually think about what she’s doing. She nails it -- Harriet just wants to hurt people, so she won’t have to think for herself.
Marrow is not a happy boy. The tension between him and Harriet is thick, even before he calls her out and she shoulder-checks him. The Ace-Ops are on the verge of falling apart, and Marrow probably won’t be able to take much more of this bullshit. 
Man, the chase sequence is a great scene. Between their desperate attempts to catch up, and the Hound continuing to display new abilities it just continues to get more frightening. It can summon other Grimm to defend it, which definitely adds another layer of danger to it. Ren’s forced to give up pursuing Oscar to save Yang and Jaune, with two bikes wrecked and them stranded in the middle of nowhere. The team’s morale is at a new low, and Ren is slowly spiraling further into whatever dark place he’s going. 
Those three are Not having a good day, suffice to say. Ren lays out his feelings that they are in over their head, making the wrong choices and suggesting they should have just gone along with Ironwood. I think above all else, Ren still craves the security and structure of having an authority figure telling him what to do. He’s scared shitless, and lashing out at everyone else in the process. 
Jaune reassures Yang that Ruby doesn’t think less of her for her decision, but of course it wasn’t a question about Ruby. Bees having sad feelings, between Yang wondering if she’s disappointed Blake and Blake trying to reassure Ruby that things are going to be okay. 
Schnee Manor hide out! On the one hand, obvious, but also not as obvious? Whitley has a ton of snark, blaming Weiss for hurting their family but I think it’s clear he’s simply feeling lost and lashing out at her because what little stability he had is gone now. Jacques is no longer there to harm them directly, but in that void Whitley is a child that is alone and being forced to deal with things on his own. (All their staff have left, huh?) 
And last but certainly not least, the villains side.
Ozpin it probably isn’t good to start things off with “Don’t panic”. But I guess the situation really is about as bad as it could be. 
Their interaction was........interesting on so many levels. Salem is Peak Abuser, seamlessly switching between modes in a very terrifying manner. Sweet words and soft expressions one moment, vicious cruelty the next. Switching between hurting him, and then gently caressing his face. Always referring to him as her “dear Ozma”, while also interestingly throwing out the bait of acknowledging Oscar as his own person (for now). 
So she wants Jinn to reveal the location of the Relic of Choice. 
When simply lying about the Lamp doesn’t work, we head straight into the Torture Sequence. Magical torture, and then simply letting Hazel in to do as he pleases. It’s not going to be an easy ride going forward for poor Oscar this volume.
And Cinder, CINDER girl. Salem is approaching her last nerve, and I have a feeling that she’s going to learn the hard way that these continued rebellions are going to go horribly for her. Neo sees what a horrible idea this is, even without saying a single word. But Emerald of course wants in on this little Amity adventure.
Also interesting how Cinder is horrified by the Hound, which is apparently a new “experiment”. One that no one knows what to make of and seems to be Salem’s new favorite. The dog form seems to be its Default, that it returns to once it’s task is accomplished. What will she use it for next, unless it gets to spend some time lounging at her feet like a proper attack dog? 
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