#teleportation spells and magic circles
owlbear33 · 1 year
unless you have the logistics to set up a chain of horses, in a "medieval" setting travelling long distance by horse is no faster than walking on your own feet, having horses and maybe a cart allows you to take more stuff with you
if you want actual speed you use a boat, but the rivers and seas don't go everywhere
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powdermelonkeg · 10 months
Cheat Code #3 for accommodating disabled characters in sci-fi/fantasy:
If you want your setting to be accommodating, change the environment more than the person.
i.e.: On a worldbuilding level, if you want to portray a society that keeps disabled people in mind, then that needs to be reflected more broadly, even without your disabled character on screen. Because this means that your society was considering disabled people as part of itself when it was figuring out what's necessary.
If your computer takes voice commands, it should also have an optional keyboard in case someone can't speak.
If your magic school has multiple floors, it should have a teleporting rune circle for those that can't take the ever-changing stairs.
Whenever you have a feature you're adding, ask yourself—"If my character couldn't use this, what would they do instead?" And if the answer is "they'd have to wait until they could" or "they need someone else to use it for them," then your setting isn't accommodating. An accommodating setting always has an actionable answer to that question.
And as a bonus, if you follow through with it, oftentimes you'll end up with a more interesting world and story overall. Spells most people can speak can be written in ancient elven instead? That means you can have a character sneak a spell into a magic-banned city by writing it on their hair ribbon, and that it's possible that a book might be a self-generating spell on its own. Your spaceship has textured lines on the walls to let blind people navigate without guidance? Not only can you make it look artistic (different colored paints, glowing patterns), but now your engineer can make it to the warp core when the power's out and oxygen's finite.
Don't limit yourself just to what's needed in the moment. Figure out interesting alternatives to your setting's features, and your world will automatically feel more alive.
Cheat Code 1: How to avoid eliminating disability in your setting
Cheat Code 2: What kinds of aid to use to accommodate disability
Cheat Code 4: How to personalize your character's disability aid
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
So, due to a villainous plot, basically the entirety of the Justice League and all affiliated Heroes are stuck on the Watchtower when it is forcibly transported to a different Universe.
My idea is that an army of different Supervillains tricked every Hero they could onto the Watchtower, before using experimental technology to transport them to another Universe.
While the JL is stuck in another Universe, the Villains take this chance to take over as much of the world as possible
Meanwhile, the JL is stuck.
All of their Teleportation tech was sabotaged and/or destroyed (not that it would have been capable of transporting them across universes either way), and any magical ways of Universal Travel strong enough to transport the Entire Watchtower would require weeks of Preparation and Set-Up.
They consider sending just a few of their Heavy Hitters back alone, since the smaller level spells could be done fairly quickly, but they also know that there is a very real possibility that there is a trap waiting on the other side. They deem it too risky to try
Eventually, Constantine pipes up, “How about asking The King of the Infinite Realms?”
Zatanna replies, “Phantom? Well it could work, but we don’t have much information on him, we don’t know if he is trustworthy”
“Who is Phantom?” asks Batman
“Phantom is the King of the Infinite Realms, basically the space between Dimensions. He is also the God of Space, so he could definitely transport the entire Watchtower across Universes.”
“The Infinite Realms are also called the Ghost Zone, because it is technically one of the Afterlives you could end up in. All Souls traverse the Realms while heading to their respective Afterlives, but some stay behind and become Ectoplasmic Entities, or Ghosts”
“Why hesitate to ask him then?”
“We don’t know if he is trustworthy. The last King was named Pariah Dark, and he took advantage of his power of traversing Universes to try and conquer all of Reality.”
Eventually, they decide to summon Phantom, and he appears in the center of the Summoning Circle. He looks majestic, and his eyes are closed.
He shifts a bit, tilts forward, and falls flat on his face while snoring.
They summoned him while he was asleep.
Eventually after Danny  wakes up, they manage to make a deal with him to send them back in return for letting him live on the watchtower for his annual vacation
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cerinslair · 10 months
Oath of the Courier
A paladin subclass for 5e
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Liberty. Reason. Justice. Civility. Edification. Perfection.
Tenets of the Courier
The Tenets of the Courier embody a paladin's commitment to delivering the mail with utmost integrity and professionalism.
Handle with Care: Treat anything entrusted to you as preciously as you would your own possessions.
Discrete Delivery: When others confide in you, do not betray their trust. Let none but the intended recipient pry upon what you carry.
Swift Postage: Do your best to fulfill your promises as promptly as possible. Punctuality is a virtue.
To the Letter: Strive to fulfill your oaths exactly as you pledged them. Your word is your promise.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
3rd Level: Expeditious Retreat, Illusory Script 5th Level: Animal Messenger, Arcane Lock 9th Level: Sending, Tongues 13th Level: Legally Distinct Secret Chest, Freedom of Movement 17th Level: Dream, Teleportation Circle
Channel Divinity
When you choose this Oath at 3rd-level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options:
Postage Stamp: As an action, you mark an object with a magical postage stamp. When creating this stamp, you choose a creature you or an adjacent ally are familiar with to be the object's recipient. This stamp persists for a number of hours equal to twice your paladin level, until the stamped object is delivered to its chosen recipient, or it is dismissed as a bonus action. While holding the stamped object, you can spend an action to magically detect what direction its recipient is in, and approximately how far away they are from you. If the recipient does not want to be located by you, it can make a Wisdom Saving Throw to elude this detection. If you are relying on an ally's familiarity, they get Advantage on this save. If they succeed, they are immune to this effect for 24 hours. You may only have one magical stamp at a time. If you place another, the previous one is immediately dismissed.
This Side Up: As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to ward a creature or object against toppling. One creature or object within 10 feet becomes immune to the Prone condition. If the target is an object, it must be light enough for you to carry. If the target is an object, it gains Resistance to bludgeoning, force, and thunder damage. If the warded creature or object falls, it may ignore the first 10' of the fall when determining fall damage. These effects last for a number of minutes equal to your Charisma score, minimum 3.
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Aura of Determination
Neither rain nor sleet nor hail will stop your delivery of the mail. Starting at 7th level, you emit an Aura of Determination. You and allies within 10' cannot have their speed reduced to less than their base speed when walking, crawling, jumping, or flying. This includes anything that would halve movement, such as Difficult Terrain or Exhaustion; or impose any other fraction-based penalty to speed. You cannot grant any of these effects while you are unconscious.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Return to Sender
Starting at 15th level, if you are targeted by a spell that targets only you, you may use your Reaction to instead have the spell target its caster. Use the original caster's Spell Save DC, Spell Attack Bonus, and Spellcasting Ability where applicable. If the spell required a Spell Attack Roll, re-roll the attack versus the caster. Once you use this ability, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Pen Pal
At 20th level, you can assume the form of a celestial courier. Using your action, you undergo a transformation that grants you the following benefits for 1 hour:
Wings sprout from your back and grant you a flying speed of 60 feet.
Allies who begin their turn within 30' of you gain a 10' bonus to their speed that turn.
Add your Charisma bonus to your Initiative Rolls.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
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Go forth, swift and trustworthy courier! You are the glue that holds society together!
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Lesson 37 spoilers below - it's screenshot heavy again because OH BOY we had a lot going on this time too. I took almost 100 screenshots lol. But don't worry, I narrowed it down... uh but there are still a lot so I apologize for that.
I do believe I said in my last post that if they were going to go full Dante, they would bury Lucifer in ice.
Now listen, it's been a long time since I've read the Divine Comedy, so there may be a lot more references that I am missing. I can tell you that the four circles or sections or whatever that Simeon named for us are from Dante. That right there is straight from Dante's Inferno, along with their names and who they're supposed to punish. I don't really feel like any of this has much relevance except that they used it as a backdrop and to create reasons for us to lose most of the people who came to help us as we went.
And truly the lore was fascinating in general, but there are a couple of specific pieces about this that made me go EXCUSE YOU.
It's the Celestial Realm again, guys. Cocytus is part of their domain. And the last area is for those who betrayed "him" as they so eloquently put it lol. Both Mammon and Lucifer are considered traitors in this regard, but I kind of suspect that if the rest of the bros made it to that level, they would've had a similar experience.
Anyway, I was pissed. I was like Diavolo in the hard lesson.
Right, so let's talk Mephistopheles. I'm not familiar enough with the legend of Faust or its variations to know if the way they described his special power is based on that. However, I highly suspect it is at least somewhat inspired by it. Considering making a deal with the devil is what that story is all about.
But aside from all that - I LOVE HIM OH NO.
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WHAT. This guy... all this time I thought he was really stuck up. And like I kinda get it, considering how he was supposed to be Diavolo's right hand man and everything. But he's straight up saying that he underestimated them. He seems to have no problem saying yeah, turns out I was wrong and you guys impressed me. So don't go around giving up now. AND he says they learned it from Lucifer? Like... he gets them. He understands them. And I was not expecting that at all. He keeps surprising me and I'm loving it.
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Welcome to my life, Mephi.
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It's pointless to resist.
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I'm telling you, this is just how it always goes.
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BUT OH! I'm not gonna lie, this made me feel something. All the brothers usually say such nice things to me, but this guy is basically like ARE YOU STUPID? And I love it?!?!? Augh I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance before, sir.
Okay, now let's talk Solomon being the hot old grandpa that he is. I SWEAR every time he shows up lately it's been making me more insane about him.
WE SUMMONED HIM. We needed him in Cocytus and he wasn't there, so we straight up SUMMONED HIM. We couldn't do it without Mammon giving us his power 'cause our magic is weak, but STILL!?!?
I think Simeon referred to it as teleporting, but really it was the same as summoning him. I think the words were even the summoning spell words.
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If this was actually me we were talking about, I would start doing it ALL THE TIME. Consider yourself on call, old man.
And then we got this excellent exchange:
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Not only am I always here for big bro Mammon getting protective, but Solomon bringing it right back was also great.
Okay, now let's talk about Raphael and Simeon.
Do you think we're dealing with Michael disguised as Raphael again? For some reason I don't think so, but... at this point, it's like how do you tell? I'm going to talk about it with the assumption that it's actually Raphael and not Michael.
Simeon during this part gave me chills. Because when Raphael showed up and spoke the punishment or whatever and Luke was about to protest, Simeon silenced him. Simeon wouldn't let Luke protest because he knew that wouldn't be good for our baby boy. Simeon was prepared to take the fall instead. And he wasn't about to just let things stand.
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I can't accept it. I swear, Simeon's character is far more complex than anyone gives him credit for. He doesn't get anywhere near the amount of appreciation he deserves. I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT IT.
Right, but back to Raphael.
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Baby. He's crying. He was just delivering the ultimatum, the decision about the brothers' punishment, and he was crying. I was so surprised, it was so soft and sad and I wanted to hug him. And look at Simeon's frown. AND THEN
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EVEN LUCIFER. This man is chained up in some ice and he still sees how Raphael is struggling and feels sorry for him. (Like maybe he's been there before himself...)
This is why I think it really is Raphael. Because this feels like such a significant revelation of his character, I think it'd be a disservice to him if we found out later it wasn't him at all. So I'm hoping it's still him.
Now. Let's talk about Diavolo. I'm pretty sure this was in the hard lesson, so be aware of that!
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He is so pissed. I don't think I've ever seen Diavolo quite like this. Worried, sometimes serious, but angry? Like to the point where he thinks he might lose control? I don't think that's happened, has it?
AND BARB. His reaction is so interesting! At first he has this look of surprise, but then LOOK AT THAT SMILE. Here's Dia being like, I need you to stop me, but you can't tell me that smile on Barb's face belongs to anyone who's going to stop anyone. He looks like he's looking forward to it. I love him so much it's stupid. (Also I think Barbatos is just as much of a menace as Solomon is, he's just better at hiding it. Where do you think Sol gets it from??)
And of course the lesson ended with Lucifer BREAKING THROUGH HIS CHAINS. Ugh another cliffhanger.
In general, I really loved the brotherly affection that was running amok in this chapter. They were annoying each other and protecting each other and sacrificing for each other and it was all amazing. They banded together because they care so much about Lucifer, there's no way they would leave him to his fate.
And once again, the Celestial Realm is to blame. I think it makes sense that they're doing this. Before, they said that the seven brothers assuming positions of power in the Devildom meant that the power balance between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm was out of whack. That's why they wanted the brothers back. But the brothers wouldn't come back.
And while the Celestial Realm threatened war, they didn't do that, either.
Do you think perhaps the Celestial Realm collaborated with the House of Lords to get Lucifer trapped in Cocytus? The House of Lords controlled the train where everything went down. The Celestial Realm controls Cocytus. They probably knew that Lucifer's brothers would try to rescue him and counted on them getting trapped in the ice, too.
But perhaps they weren't expecting any interference from Mephisto or Simeon. They had to be expecting MC, I would think. Maybe they underestimated MC because they're human? And maybe they thought Diavolo would just accept it? (If so they are duuuuumb lol.)
Okay just a couple more screenshots because they made me laugh.
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PLEASE. I love their dynamic SO MUCH.
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Hmm. Is that a threat, Barb? 'Cause uh... you can casually threaten me with that slight smile any time I MEAN yeah, you tell 'em.
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I cackled about what do you mean "ahaha" like I can't believe Levi actually said that out loud lol.
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Cheer up, Belphie. Let Asmo live the otome dream, won't you?
Okay, okay, I'm done. Overall, I quite enjoyed this chapter, but I'm still sensing more drama, probably until the end of the season, honestly.
You think Nightbringer will make an appearance before it's over? It's almost like I forgot this whole new app was made to tell a story about him. He's just been mostly MIA. UNLESS someone else has been him in disguise all along...
Nope. No. I refuse to get into theorizing, this post is already too long.
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the-gnomish-bastard · 10 months
It seems there are a lot of questions I need to answer regarding gnomes and magic.
The hat is not a condom. You fucking weirdo.
We do not crawl inside of an owlbear’s ass.
We eat meat. Rabbit is one of our favorites.
Though we are natural artificers, we will not imbue a wood carved penis with runes of movement or power. That’s disgusting.
Yes, each of us have a garden. The gardens act as our true domain. No harm can be done to us in our own gardens.
Shut the fuck up about Gnomeo.
You cannot cast a spell to make people TRULY fall in love with you. No such magic exists.
Do not stick a wand up someone’s nose and cast Water Jet. It’s not a pretty sight.
Yes, you can learn spells by studying ancient tomes. Yes, you can also learn by being an apprentice. And yes, winging it is also an option.
Do not use enchantment and charm spells to make people do anything sexual. That’s rape.
There is a difference between Black Magic and Dark Magic.
Yes, you need to replenish your mana. Most do it by resting. I stole the moon, so I have an infinite mana generator.
Teleportation circles exist for a reason. Use them.
If you make a deal with a more powerful being to gain magical power, you are a warlock.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
So, we know now that the Apogee Solstice is perpetual. To no one's surprise, I've got thoughts.
First, I don't think this was an intentional effect of the Malleus Key. It's a massively wide-reaching effect. We know that the destruction of Domunas was a large effect, and more active, but it only took a single moment of power. Actually holding the leylines and planar boundaries in alignment seemingly across Exandria (which we can infer is happening, on a meta level) for this long is well beyond that single moment of power.
My guess is that Ludinus intended to shatter the prison in one massive blast, like destroying Domunas to destroy the primordials, and he didn't quite get it right due to the sabotage from the Hells and Beau and Caleb.
That being said, we know also that a number of magical effects aren't working. Anything that travels across a distance or among planes fails, including, as we've learned, the retrieval of souls. Spells that are working are ones that happen instantly and locally, and ones with ongoing effects have been failing over time.
Teleportation circles were suggested to have been destroyed pretty rapidly, whereas long-term wards and transmutations are eroding over time. (Has anyone checked on Lionel of the Darrington Brigade recently?) These longer-term passive magical effects may get some amount of phantom power from the weave/leylines, enough to maintain the effect once the effect is in place.
We also know that the gods are still there, but they feel more distant, less present. However, we know that the leylines are stuck in their aligned state, that the planes should be in fact more easily accessible, because we know what great workings of planar magic can be achieved during an Apogee Solstice.
And, to return to the beacon, we know that there was spatiotemporal magic involved in whatever effect presumably both scattered the Hells (and possibly everyone else in that cavern) and froze the leylines in their aligned state, which is in essence all that an Apogee Solstice is. And the beacon is an artifact that has a great deal of magical power, which is often beyond the capabilities to control of even the mages of the Age of Arcanum, if the notes from the T-Dock in Aeor were any indication.
My thought, then, is that perhaps the Material Plane is out of sync temporally with the rest of the universe. Whether this is a semi-conscious action of whatever the entity of the Luxon is, or a passive effect of the beacon, it's possible that magic is fizzling out into static not because there is no magic to be had, but because any magic that has to travel across the leylines to create an effect, or draw magic from the leylines, finds itself in a temporal morass.
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thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
follow up to my previous thoughts about the Aguefort Adventuring Academy:
i got more right than i expected, though there's definitely a lot that's being filled in around what we knew from freshman year.
Faculty Updates:
Introduced/Mentioned during the Episode:
Interim Principal: Emergency Backup Principal Arcturus Grix
This is definitely a construct of Aguefort's that's been reprogrammed to focus on an exact impression of "adventuring order".
Interim Vice Principal: Jace Stardiamond, the sorcery professor
Artificer Professor: Henry Something? The original name on payroll was Grunding Tomblast. (mentioned only, since Porter wouldn't recommend Gorgug)
Barbarian Professor: Porter Cliffbreaker. Suspicious and rude.
Bard Professor: Lucilla Lullaby (changed from music professor). Fey/Eladrin
Bardic Dance Teacher: Terpsichore Skullcleaver. Tiniest half-orc you've ever seen, always says what you need to hear even if it isn't what you'd expect.
Cleric/Religious Studies: Yolanda Badgood. Air genasi who broke up with a deity to pursue faith.
Fighter Professor: Corsica Jones (mentioned only, though we met her in the Seven)
Wizard Professor: Tiberia Runestaff. Originated in the Mountains of Chaos, very traditional old wizard now teaching the wizards of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. Adaine desperately wants to impress her, and she gets called out for predictions.
We've gotten more information about the other professors though we already knew their names. Eugenia Shadow is the supposed rogue professor that must be found in order to get an A for the year.
Class Content:
For the Barbarians, Porter is an asshole that focuses on the destructive parts of rage rather than the protective elements.
We had a reference to Fighter classes and learning different fighting styles with Ms. Jones, though we didn't see it in this episode.
Cleric classes center around individual connection with a deity, as well as some discussion of spreading faith and proselytizing. Kristen is a very talented cleric who doesn't do homework and is struggling on her faith journey.
Rogue classes are more independent study; finding the professor is the win condition. If the class is based on self-motivated investigative work and research, I can understand why all of the rogues we've seen at Aguefort (Riz Gukgak, Penny Luckstone, Kipperlilly Copperkettle) are the way they are.
Bard Classes can come in a couple of different types: obviously there's the traditional class that Fig attended for the first time, as well as smaller concentrations like Fabian's dance class. The dance course seems to be a smaller track, with fewer students but a more intensive schedule. Granted, we're getting Fabian's multiclassed view of it, so it's not entirely accurate to the experience of a typical bardic dance student.
Wizard classes revolve around studying and practicing spells, as expected, but aren't taught with school endowed material components as I would have expected. Aguefort cares about a robust Wizard's education, but doesn't have classroom material components? He's making it a class of only privileged students. We can't have a poor wizard around here, can we.
Sidenote to that: we know now that Hudol places a focus on theoretical magic while Aguefort focuses on practical workings--actually practicing the skills needed to bind, conjure, enchant, etc.
Sidenote to the sidenote: I started looking into higher level wizard spells with high cost items as material components:
5th level:
create spelljamming helm (5000 gp crystal rod, consumed)
dawn (100 gp sunburst pendant)
legend lore (250 gp of incense, 200 gp of ivory strips)
infernal calling (999 gp ruby)
planar binding (minimum 1000 gp jewel, consumed)
scrying (1000 gp focus, such as a crystal ball, silver mirror, or font of holy water)
summon draconic spirit (500 gp object with engraved dragon iconography)
teleportation circle (inks infused with gems worth 50 gp)
6th level:
circle of death (500 gp black pearl)
contingency (1500 gp gem encrusted statuette)
create homunculus (1000 gp jeweled dagger)
create undead (150 gp black onyx stone per corpse)
drawmij's instant summons (1000 gp sapphire)
magic jar (500 gp gem/crystal/reliquary)
7th level:
create magen (500 gp quicksilver and human sized doll)
draconic transformation (500 gp dragon statuette)
forcecage (1500 gp ruby dust)
mordenkainen's sword (250 gp platinum sword)
plane shift (250 gp rod attuned to plane of choice)
sequester (5000 gp of diamond, emerald, ruby & sapphire dust)
simulacrum (1500 gp ruby dust)
symbol (1000 gp of mercury, phosphorus, diamond dust and opal)
8th level:
clone (1000 gp diamond, 2000 gp coffin/urn, cubic inch of flesh)
mighty fortress (500 gp diamond)
9th level:
astral projection (1000 gp jacinth + 100 gp carved bar of silver, per person affected)
gate (5000 gp diamond)
imprisonment (500 gp component per hit die of the target, changes depending on spell type: mithral orb for burial, precious metal chain for chaining, miniature jade prison for hedged prison, gemstone of corundum or diamond for minimus containment)
invulnerability (500 gp adamantine)
shapechange (1500 gp jade circlet)
so the request for 10 barrels of diamonds tracks; they need enough material components to be able to repeat the spells and practice them and that doesn't run cheap.
personal theory: when aguefort went to war with fallinel he pulled on the school's supplies of material components in order to cast on that scale, and he couldn't maintain it, so even stuff that wouldn't be consumed by the casting probably got dumped somewhere in fallinel or given away as reparations.
I'm also going to guess that in the lower grades, the students wouldn't be paying for everything, but rather paying something like a lab fee that took care of material components on a smaller scale.
There's a few things that have that this episode clarified:
If a student wants to multiclass on their transcript, they must fill out a request to their current class' professor in order to request a change to their courseload. The student may be prevented from attending their secondary or tertiary courses if their current professor believes that they cannot keep up with the increase in rigor, or if the student is underperforming in their current class. As shown with Porter, a teacher can technically refuse for other reasons (thinking the student isn't suited to the new class, or determining a lack of class compatibility). This recommendation is easier for some classes than others; it is simple to combine most martial classes, especially those that have compatible traits such as fighters and barbarians. However, it is difficult to combine classes that are prohibitive of each other; the example we have is Gorgug, since his barbarian rage prevents him from casting and holding concentration spells from his artificer levels in battle.
If they get approval, they must take the MCAT, or Multiclass Achievement Test, in order to prove competency in their secondary class. This functions as a way of proving that the student can enter the class at their current level and keep up with their peers.
Upon passing the MCAT, the student's courseload changes; rather than taking 4 semesters of one class, they will take 3 semesters of each class, presumably with some leveling to fit their particular split in multiclass. This results in a 150% courseload as opposed to single-classed students, with a high level of rigor, especially heading into the upperclassmen years
Quest Theory:
We got tacit confirmation from Brennan that the Bad Kids, and even the Seven are unusual for saving the world, when most Aguefort students are doing local dungeon crawls and going to school. This fits with my overleveling theory, especially if they're going to be going back to a major progression cycle as they did during freshman year. I highly doubt it, given the content and themes of this season, but I think the overall structure fits.
This also fits with my theory about D-F class quests; students may only need to complete one or more of these to pass the yearly quest. Technically, retrieving the Crown of the Nightmare King could have been considered a fetch quest, but there ended up being more to it than that. The Bad Kids haven't done traditional dungeon crawls, at least not from what we've seen. There are qualified adventuring parties in Spyre, but the Aguefort Adventuring Academy produces the 'premier parties of teen heroes' that go around addressing world-class threats.
The examples that we have of Solisian adventurers come from the Bad Kids' parents, and the Seven's parents. Sandra Lynn works with the Solisian rangers; the Applebees' (ew) work as paladins, guarding against threats from the Mountains of Chaos, presumably in tandem with the rangers. Karl Cleaver stayed with his party for decades--they went on a dungeon crawl in the 888th and 889th layers of the Abyss during the events of the Seven. There are adult adventurers, but it's made clear that they are dealing with everyday threats, while the teen heroes are out in the world causing problems and solving them.
To add to my previous theory: the Seven were given two weeks to investigate the disappearance of Tectonya Karkovnya and go on their GED quest. The Bad Kids got an extra week of spring break. This allowed them to get their world-saving done, but may have led to the accusations of special treatment.
Theories on the Season:
I'd wager that Kipperlilly and the Ratgrinders are trying to make Aguefort more egalitarian by getting rid of the Bad Kids' quest progress i.e. the reason they're overleveled and getting special treatment. The Rogue Professor seekign Kipperlilly out as opposed to her actually doing the work? Sounds like funny business to me.
Next episode is probably going to be the rest of the day of classes and the start of extracurriculars, based on the mentions of the bloodrush team and student government candidacy.
Riz looks like he's going to be in the driver's seat for seeking out the Bad Kids' academic and greater interests, though Fig is leaning in on the investigation of the Ratgrinders, and they're all full force on the presidential campaign. I think Gorgug's work as an artificer is going to come into play with the main plot if they're facing down the reprogrammed Arcturus Grix.
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becausesure · 1 month
Sophomore year thing but not a spoiler
Adaine can now cast Magic Jar which she asked about in season two
(As well as spells like finger of death, power word pain, circle of death, simulacrum, irresistible dance, a few summon spells, teleport, and a bunch others)
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rollforimagination · 5 months
Magic Item
Sandwich of Chaotic Layers
Description: A sandwich made of suspicious ingredients and a curious amount of cheese, when eaten it gives random effects to character. If it is kept in the inventory long enough it might attract mice and other rodents, if it is kept for even longer at every rest of the character with the Sandwich of Chaotic Layers in their inventory loses 2d12 of HP while those near a radius of 10 ft lose 2d6 of HP after the rest, due to the radiations that the Sandwich of Chaotic Layers emits.
Functionality: Use a bonus action to eat the sandwich, a normal action if you’re size is smaller than Medium, then roll d for the effects.
You get teleported inside a radius of 5-20 ft not occupied by another creature, you can decide exactly where
The scent of warm bread surrounds the player and up to 5 allies, they heal 2d10 HP and gain 20 Temporary hit points
You get two charges of a garlic scented breath attack that causes confusion and disadvantage to all roles against you and saving throws to all your enemies in a 15 ft cone, but also repel your allies to at least 5 ft from you
A bread wall circles around your enemy and it blocks their vision and movement. To escape your enemy has to deal at least 10 x S of damage, where S is the size of the enemy (1 is Tiny, Medium is 3, Gargantuan 6…), to make a hole big enough to escape
From the mouth of the player comes out a steam of water that deals 4d6 of water damage to those in a line of 20ft in front of the player, with a roll of Athletics higher than 12 the player can move while spitting water to aim to other enemies, this however will deal 2d6 to all enemies hurt instead of 4d6.
A cheese armour surrounds the player, giving them +2 AC but also giving them a -10ft of movement speed
The player’s movement speed doubles but it may randomly oink even after the effect wears off, until they take a rest
Wheel of cheese. For 17 turns. Aka 289 seconds. Aka 4 minutes and 49 seconds. Aka Wheel of cheese for five minutes.
3d4 mice gets teleported in a 5 ft radius from you, you can control them and give them order for 6 turns, after that they’ll become normal mice
A cloud of lint surrounds an enemy, they’ll suffer 2d6 more fire damage if attacked with a fire spell or fire related attacks, the same goes with 1d12 of lightning damage. Until the enemy is surrounded by the lint cloud it gets disadvantage on rolls to hit. The cloud disappear once a fire or lightning attack successfully damage the enemy
A rideable Large cushion of magical focaccia appears in front of the players. The cushion can fly and has 350 HP but no attacks. After receiving 300 HP, reaching a total of 100 ft of movement or after 7 turns the flying focaccia gently lands and then disappear.
3d8 of radiant damage to all creatures in a radius of 35ft from the player (including) the party gets a -10 to the total damage if they have spent at least 2 rests with the Sandwich of Chaos Layers in the inventory of someone.
Inspiration: this silly reblog list ⬇️
Thanks to @garaks-padded-bra @acrowbyanyothername @buglyteeth @imhaley @ronzyponyo @funnywormz @deepestturtlepielover @willowandthesagaofgayyearning @summer-azure @spacetronomyfan @spocktopodes ❤️
106 notes · View notes
tinietaehyun · 3 months
Forsaken [X]
[Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader] [Series] [Chapter Ten]
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Pairing: Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader
Genres: royal!au, romance, fantasy, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, action.
Contains: Profanity, mentions of injury, mentions of forced marriage, angst, unrequited love, manipulation, gaslighting.
Links: Forsaken Masterlist || Masterlist
Summary: With the situation tensing up, you find yourself at a loss. You had to keep Prince Beomgyu distracted whilst Taehyun worked his magic with your escape plan.
While Beomgyu toys with you, you play the reluctant damsel in distress hoping to the gods above he doesn’t find it suspicious. His sly smiles, the way his fingers brush against yours, against your waist as you both dangerously waltz wearing masks of deceit.
Though amongst your stress, you didn’t expect to reunite with your beloved knight.
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“You know, I don’t get why you’ve been searching around? You can ask for my help, I know these cabinets inside out,” Soobin murmurs puzzled as he watches Taehyun whizz around the room rummaging through the drawers and cabinets.
The two sorcerers keep each other company in the Sorcerer’s Chambers in Luna’s Palace. Taehyun peers back at his satchel rummaging through it and brings out a small worn-out book. It was a small notebook that contained the last of his father’s spells that his father wrote down before he passed as well as spells that Taehyun created on his own.
His father had written the spell for teleportation, for emergency use. Who knew he’d be using it for such a situation? His eyes flicker across the scrawled handwriting on the pages as he checks the ingredients and design of the mana circle.
He’d have to double the size of the circle and add a few more nodes, but it should be possible to teleport two people; though it was clear, it was going to take an immense amount of power. He didn’t know whether he’d be okay afterwards.
Taehyun wasn’t exactly keen on revealing his plans to Soobin either, after all, he did work as Beomgyu’s royal sorcerer apprentice. What if he told him either by blurting it out or out of loyalty? Soobin had always been rather genuine and naive from a young age. Though, a tiny hint of guilt permeates Taehyun in deceiving his friend. Perhaps, he’d tell Soobin later on nearer to the time; or he’d let Soobin piece it together himself.
Taehyun ascertains which materials he’s found here and rummages in his satchel once more much to Soobin’s confusion. As he rummages, a glistening ring tumbles out, clinking against the wooden table and bouncing down against the cobbled floor and rolling away. Y/n’s ring!
Taehyun’s eyes widen as a gasp escapes his lips. Fortunately, the ring topples over beside Soobin’s foot as he picks it up admiring the intricate design of the heavy ring. “Pretty expensive ring, heavy too? Where’d you get something like this?”
“None of your business,” Taehyun huffs, walking over and attempting to snatch it. The ring glimmers under the candlelight beautifully. The ring you gave to him before you both got stuck in this mess. Soobin’s eyes teasingly glimmer as he raises the ring above Taehyun’s height. He hums, “Wait, wait…is it from Princess Y/n? It is, isn’t it! Look at your face!”
Soobin cackles as an angry yet flustered expression coats Taehyun’s visage. “No- just give it here, it’s valuable!” Taehyun grumbles. “Goodness! Your expression is priceless, this is the first time I’ve ever seen you caught off guard!” Soobin laughs. Taehyun crosses his arms averting his gaze as a small hue of pink dusts his cheeks.
“The ring is rather small for your hands anyway, very dainty but heavy. Must be real gold. She gave you this? So you guys do have something going on, huh?” Soobin teases.
Taehyun grunts, “She just felt guilty about me helping her with no monetary compensation so she gave it to me.” He attempts to snatch it once more, “Anyway, don’t be delusional, Soobin. Not like anything will happen, I’m just helping her. After all this shit is over, she won’t bat an eyelid at me.”
Soobin pouts, “Oh don’t say that, the princess seems rather fond of you.” Taehyun shrugs and Soobin hands him back the ring much to Taehyun’s relief. “I’d have turned you into a fucking toad, if you dropped this or damaged it,” he snarks making Soobin snort loudly.
“So…what’s with the specific choice of ring?” Soobin grins mischievously. “Don’t read too much into it you fool, she was so insistent on paying me, so she gave me this ring,” Taehyun mutters. “You’ve still kept it, a royal ring could have you set for half of your life. Why didn’t you sell it?” Soobin questions with a playful smirk.
A flicker of hesitation crosses Taehyun’s face and Soobin muses, “Oh? Not planning to sell it at all then?”
Taehyun scoffs, “Shut up, not like I’ll have a chance. I’ll probably be back in the woods after all this. Just…something to keep as a souvenir, I guess.” A knowing look appears on Soobin’s face, “Okay, whatever you say then.” Taehyun merely rolls his eyes at his implicative tone.
Soobin hums in thought, “You’d lose that tiny thing if you’re not careful. Why don’t I get you some yarn or wool. I think I’ve got some-“ He walks off rummaging through some small cabinets. Taehyun’s eyes narrow, “What?”
Soobin walks over holding some black yarn, “Here, you can thread the yarn through the ring and then maybe tie it to something, I don’t know.”
Cutting a long piece off, Taehyun threads the yarn through the ring as he dangles it in front of himself peering at the beautiful accessory. Memories of your face fills his mind, your precious laugh, snarky remarks and glimmering big eyes. The genuineness in your tone when you handed this to him, thinking he’d leave you behind in Luna.
Without thinking, he takes the two ends and loops it around his neck, and ties the ends together forming a necklace with the ring hooped onto it. A spark of surprise flashes on Soobin’s face and he smirks, “You have feelings for her.” Taehyun grunts, “Fuck off. Nothing’s going to happen.”
Soobin shrugs, “You're helping her, it’s a noble pursuit, I'm sure she appreciates that a lot. I don’t know, never say never.” Taehyun deadpans. Soobin gleams, “And you’re in denial, it’s quite clear.”
Taehyun merely groans scavenging back in his satchel for his notebook. He begins placing all the items necessary on the wooden table. “I still don’t get what you’re doing?” Soobin asks. Taehyun snorts, “Good.” Soobin huffs, “Huh?”
Taehyun’s gaze scans across the table of items and flickers back to his notebook, “Seems we need to get some more items. Since I can’t quite go out at the moment, since there guards around, and well, the prince insists on our safety. Do you mind getting the things I write down?”
“Uh…sure? But why are you suddenly doing this?” Soobin questions. Taehyun hesitates, “There’s a spell I want to teach you. But I need your help.”
“What spell is it?” Soobin questions confused. Taehyun muses dryly, “You’ll get it as we go along.” Well, Soobin was never one to turn down helping someone.
“You seem rather discomforted,” Beomgyu muses. You peer down at his arm hooked around yours at your side as you walk together, “I am.” A chuckle escapes his lips, “I appreciate your honesty, you know that?”
“As I was saying, I believe we can skip the usual engagement ball and go straight into the marriage ceremony. Things will be much more efficient and we can then head forth with our plan to take your position back, no?” You nod bored; for the last half an hour the prince insisted you walk with him; all he’s been doing is irritating you with conversation of marriage preparations.
“If you’d like, I can leave the more tedious matters such as invitations, decorations and such to you.” You glance around the grand hallway as you walk and drawl, “How joyous.”
He muses, “I can see you’re brimming with enthusiasm, love.” You grimace, making him chuckle.
As you continue walking, your eyes catch light of a magnificent set of large doors intricately painted and set with architectural flourishes. Beomgyu peers at you with a smirk, “Curious are we? Come.” He guides you through the large doors and your eyes widen recognising the humongous ballroom.
You remember coming here as a child! However, it’s been renovated in a more contemporary style - it’s stunning. Beomgyu regards you with an amused expression, “Not as dull as Fortuna’s ballroom, is it?” You scoff, “Oh hush.”
You walk ahead observing the beauty of the ballroom in which the golden light of the sunset filters in through the larger glass panes. Beomgyu’s sparkle with mischief as he suddenly outstretches his hand, “Love, would you care to dance?” You bite your lip in hesitation, you couldn’t be too much of a stickler.
With a huff, you take his hand and he brings the back of your hand to his lips with a teasing gaze, “Thank you, your highness.” He finds you rather endearing, keeping your composure, your dislike for him aside and going along with his little games. He enjoyed seeing your little reactions here and there.
He tugs you forward with a few inches separating you and his other hand slides around your waist; in an almost intimate fashion. The sunset glows against his skin making him look like a deity. Only the echoes of your footsteps resound out eerily as you dance together.
“Are you worried about marrying me? I assure you I will not meddle in your affairs,” he pauses with a smirk, “Well not too much that is.” You scoff as you waltz in the silence, “I find that rather hard to believe, but not like I have much of a choice,” you mutter.
He’s delighted by your answer and hums, spinning the both of you two around, “Come now, you’re painting me to be some sort of villain.”
“Are you not?” You ask, peering into his eyes and he matches your intense gaze, “Am I not your Prince Charming; coming to save you? Save you from a life without a title, from execution?”
You scoff lowly, “You’re manipulative-“ He chides playfully, “I prefer the term, persuasive.”
Beomgyu’s hand slides further down your waist and his grip on your hand tightens, “I don’t see what you’re so anxious about. I won’t be treating you like a slave. No, rather you’ll be spoiled, more than you were in Fortuna. Buy to your heart's desire, make yourself look pretty, roam around or stay inside, do as you please.”
You frown, maybe you’d be tempted if you already liked him. Yet your heart ached. You really hope Taehyun was making progress; Beomgyu was becoming more insufferable by the second.
Beomgyu muses, “Ah yes, I forgot you wish to have love in your marriage. Is that it? Is that why you’re so averse to this?” You scoff peering away. A chuckle escapes his lips, “What a cute notion. Though, I don’t mind humouring you.”
Glaring, you respond, “No love at all is better than a false concept of love.” Beomgyu hums amused by your answer as he leans closer; his breath caresses your face, “Come now, I never said it was impossible. Perhaps you’ll win me over, one day. Try hard enough, and perhaps I’ll willingly give my heart into your hands and shower you with my affections.”
His fingers squeeze yours as he steps forward and you step back accordingly, waltzing, a tension permeates the air between you two. Your eyes locked onto each other in a heated battle of mind and wits.
“Shower you with gifts, as my queen. Parade you around to my heart’s content, isn’t that nice?” He murmurs his breath fanning your ear. “Like a mere prize?” You seethe lowly. “Exactly, are you not my pretty prize? My consolation for Luna’s retreat in battle all those years ago?”
You murmur, “To think I once admired you, how naive. Thought you charming.” Beomgyu muses, spinning the both of you around once more, “Are you hurt by that still? Come now, I’m showing you my truest self now, no?”
Before you can make any remark; your moment is shattered as a guard rushes in, “Sire, a squadron of knights from Fortuna has just arrived. The Royal Commander wishes to meet with you. Would you like to greet them or shall I send them here?”
Your blood runs cold. No, no. They were here to haul you away! This couldn’t be happening! Beomgyu peers over at you with a smirk, “My, you’ve gone pale. Don’t go fainting on me now, I’m here. There’s nothing going to get in the way of me marrying you. Don’t fret.”
Beomgyu replies, “Send just the commander here. Make haste.” The guard nods rushing out instantly. Your thoughts run wild; the commander. Wait…Kai? He’s here?
Beomgyu hums, squeezing your hand, “Let me handle it, I won’t let them take you away from me, alright? They’re here on my territory.” His twisted sense of reassurance sends shivers through you. He moves a strand of hair from your face with a sly gaze and you scoff averting your eyes. “How cold you are to me, love,” Beomgyu muses.
The clatter of armor reverberates and your heart palpitates in anticipation. The grandiose doors open and you spot a painfully familiar visage. His soft eyes meet yours and you pry your hand out of Beomgyu’s as your legs automatically take into a sprint towards him.
Nostalgia and blissful feelings all return at once as you rush to him with your arms outstretched, teary-eyed. Hueningkai opens his arms wide as you run into his arms, embracing him tightly. You missed him, someone who had been by your side for ages.
Despite him following Sehun’s orders, he gave you the key to escape your cell and pointed you towards an escape route. You knew he would never truly betray you. He must have been forced, after all, he was the royal commander.
You peer up at his face and your eyes widen upon spotting a scar that presents itself on his upper cheek. You cup his face with watering eyes, “Kai, what happened?” Your gaze shakes and you splutter, “Was it S-Sehun?” Hueningkai removes your hand off his cheek; it hurts you. His silence tells you everything.
Enraged, you snarl, “That bastard! How dare he lay his blade upon you? What have you done to deserve such a punishment? Goodness, it must have hurt so much. Is it because of me? Because you let me escape?”
Hueningkai murmurs, “He doesn’t know that, otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here alive before you, princess.” You shudder and you frown. He resumes, “It was my mere incompetence. He’s become a tyrant, unstable, arrogant.”
Beomgyu snorts behind you as he walks over, “How predictable.” Hueningkai bows before continuing, “The kingdom and its people are in a restless state. Yeonjun has become Sehun’s most trusted aide, as his personal advisor.”
Dread fills your senses, that was awful news. “The coronation fastly approaches.” Kai reaches into his satchel and brings out an intricate scroll, “Thus, here I am, Prince Beomgyu, to extend an invitation to his majesty’s coronation.”
Beomgyu muses taking the scroll, “How quaint. Stealing the throne off his beloved sibling, how crude. Why should I attend such an event?” You roll your eyes; as if he was morally any better?
You enquire, “What is Sehun like now?” Hueningkai answers, “His demeanor is constantly changing; he’s stable one moment, paranoid the next. Increasingly agitated, sometimes even fearful. Perhaps, it’s the pressure, I’m not sure, princess.” His response befuddles you, what was troubling Sehun? Was Yeonjun up to something?
Unease fills you as your thoughts whirr in your mind. Beomgyu hums, “I’m sure you’re not just here to give me an invite, no?” He gestures to you with a sly smile, “Surely, he’s looking for his sister.” Your heart launches up into your throat.
“Kai…you’re not here to take me back right?” His expression drops as he murmurs, “Sehun told us to negotiate with Prince Beomgyu, to take you back. After all, you have a bounty on you.” You lifelessly peer at him. You couldn’t even be mad at him, he was just following orders. Hueningkai seems to pick up on your distress as he murmurs, “I’m a coward, I know.”
“You’re not,” you softly say.
“I am, I can’t even take your damn side! I’m trapped, I can’t just swing my blade at Sehun, I cannot protect you, my duty was to protect you,” Hueningkai snaps to himself, angered. He felt that he was useless.
His eyes glaze over, “I’m forced to follow his orders, princess. Otherwise, you damn well know, I’d have taken your side in a heartbeat.” He shakily resumes, “But…my family. He’s using my family against me. I can’t let anything happen to them. To my mother, my sisters.”
Your heart drops as your hands shake. Sehun…you will pay for your sins. A tear drips down your face seeing your beloved knight this vulnerable. “I understand, I do not blame you, Kai.”
“The way you looked so broken those nights in your cell, I…I thought you hated me. I wished the earth would swallow me whole,” Kai rasps. You murmur, “You helped me escape, that in itself was a bold move. That told me your loyalty to me still remains.”
You take his hands and peer at him with a determined gaze, “Protect your family, Kai. They come first. Don’t worry about me, I’ve…I’ve enlisted the help I need.” He peers down at your hands, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t be the man you wanted me to be.” His words shake you to your core; all sorts of past feelings and reminiscent memories flood your mind. Your heart aches.
Beomgyu clears his throat loudly peering down at your hands and Hueningkai pulls them away, “Apologies, your highness.”
“No need to fret, I believe I’ve ascertained the nature of your relationship,” Beomgyu snarks as he grasps your hand.
“Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Your ruler wishes to take my betrothed only to execute her? I think not,” Beomgyu hums and you grimace; how flawlessly he could put on an act as if he wasn’t using you.
Hueningkai stiffens, “Sorry, your highness? Betrothed?” You stammer, “Not official-“
“We’ll be getting married, isn’t that right, love?” Beomgyu peers down at you, squeezing your hand like a vice.
You mutter as Kai’s expression becomes appalled, “It’s out of circumstance, don’t think too much into it.” Infuriated, Hueningkai snaps, “You said you wished to marry for love? You already rejected his betrothal proposal years ago!” Beomgyu glares unamused at him.
How you wished to let Kai know this was a mere facade, an orchestrated plan yet you didn’t want to spoil your ruse. With a sigh you respond, “I have no choice, Kai. Beomgyu is the only person who can help me attain my throne back. I’ll have political power once I marry him, and he can officially enter Fortuna on diplomatic grounds,” you grit out, “I trust him.”
A small mocking laugh escapes Beomgyu’s lips. Hueningkai stares at you dumbfounded but says nothing. “Trust me, Kai,” you urge and he sighs, “I…I cannot persuade you. I know how stubborn you are.”
You ponder, his task was to take you back. If he turned up empty-handed to Sehun…oh no! You stammer, “How are you going to return without me? No- actually, stay here Kai. It’s safer for you here. We need all the help-“
Hueningkai murmurs with a pained smile, “I wish I could, but my family, princess. He’ll stop their monthly benefits, slaughter them even, then come for me.” You remain silent. “I have to return, face my punishment. For the sake of my family. Truthfully, I came to deliver the invitation and had no intention of bringing you back. It gave me solace actually that you were far away. Safe. So you could start anew.”
His words touch you deeply; his tone is lifeless, as if he’s given up on everything. “Sehun…who knows what that tyrant will do to you?” You frown.
A moment of tense silence passes as Kai finally replies with a defeated smile, “I’ll handle it. He cannot be so hasty to get rid of his finest commander, no?” His words offer you no reassurance, no, in fact he’s deflecting.
Kai’s eyes meeting Beomgyu’s, “I’m sure the Prince will fervently help you. More than I can.” Oh, if only you knew Kai…
“I admire your honour, your bravery,” Beomgyu hums, peering at Kai. “You are indeed a fine knight. I do hope Sehun does not punish you so severely but rather I hope we meet in better circumstances. Perhaps you can work for me, instead.”
Kai looks down at the floor hesitantly, “Of course, your highness. I wish you both the best of luck in your pursuits.”
Anxiety courses through you, surely Sehun wouldn’t be deranged enough to kill Kai? No…no way. He’d be fine, Kai was capable, persuasive, charming. He would be fine, wounded seriously but fine. Right? Nothing he couldn’t handle?
“Don’t worry about me, Princess. I know what you’re like. Don’t lose sleep over me, you got that?” He chuckles placing a hand atop your head, as he did in the past. Something about his forlorn expression hurt you deeply. It was almost as if he was letting you go. For good.
“A moment, alone, Beomgyu.” You request Beomgyu to leave the two of you be, and with great reluctance, he leaves walking away.
The sunset dimly illuminates his chiselled features. That face once would make your cheeks warm and your gaze lock onto his. However, this time it doesn’t. You don’t know why. Those precious feelings, you once held dear in your heart, seemed like a forlorn memory. Another face flashes in your mind; pale blond locks, sharp eyes and a snarky smile, handsome features. Taehyun.
You shake your head as your heart beats rapidly and you find yourself becoming breathless. A painful realisation comes to fruition, your feelings for your beloved knight were but a thing of the past. Looking at the way, he was gazing at you dully, you sensed it was the same for him.
“Kai, did you ever…see me as more than just your princess, more than just bound by duty?” You ask lowly. He gives you a sad smile peering out at the darkening sky, “I think you know the answer, princess.” You both remain quiet and you shakily murmur, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“What good would it do, I’m your knight. That is all. You are royalty,” Kai responds. “Right. But…what about now?” You ask tentatively.
His eyes glimmer in melancholy as he speaks, “I…I’ve come to realise over the last month or so, I am not worthy of you. You deserve better, your highness. Someone, who can put themselves in harms way, not bound by fear or responsibility. More powerful than I. Someone who can challenge the norms. Not a coward like me.” He breathes out, “I’ve failed my duty as a knight the moment, Sehun shook my hand and requested me to help imprison you at the time of the decree.”
“I wish to dedicate myself in protecting my loved ones. In that, I cannot protect you; I chose my family over you.” Kai murmurs solemnly. You stand there frowning; he had given you up. You wanted to say, you liked him once too. But, you decide, to save him from more misery, to not disclose such information.
“Don’t feel as though you are a failure, Kai. You will forever be my most loyal and heroic knight and above all, my closest friend. March proudly back to Fortuna, stand tall regardless of what Sehun does,” you utter.
You step forward peering into his umber eyes, “Wait for me. To serve me once more, under my rule when I return. Just trust me.” Kai’s eyes water for a moment before he restrains himself. Clearing his throat he steps back, “Of course, I only await good things.” You smile at him as he does to you.
“I’ll be fine,” he whispers under his breath. “I know you will,” you whisper back. With a shared nod, he steps back bellowing out to Beomgyu, “Your highness, thank you for your time. I will be taking my men and promptly leaving your residence. My men and I will reach Fortuna by tomorrow evening.”
Beomgyu walks over pleased, “Safe travels, I do hope to see you next time.” Hueningkai nods, giving you a final glance as he walks out of the ballroom doors. A warm emptiness fills you.
The sun finally melts into the horizon slowly dimming the ballroom into a darkness with you and Beomgyu standing beside each other.
“You seem to just steal everyone’s heart, hm?” Beomgyu muses. You say nothing, still burdened by Kai’s departure. “Oh don’t look too sad, do not tell me you reciprocate that knight’s feelings?”
You snap; “He doesn’t…have feelings for me.” Beomgyu chuckles, “I saw the way he looked at you. Any man can see it clear as day.” You murmur, “Not anymore. It was but a memory.”
Beomgyu hums amused, taking your hand guiding you towards the doors out of the ballroom and into the candle-lit hallway, “Perhaps, you will enlighten me of that memory after our marriage.”
A groan escapes your lips as he chuckles, “Oh how adorable you are in your reluctance.” You both walk together as he hums, “Your kingdom seems to be in quite the shambles.”
“I’m aware,” you grit out. Beomgyu hums, “Once getting into Fortuna, removing your pitiful brother off the throne and crowning your pretty little head with your rightful crown, everything should naturally fall into place.”
His condescension irks you and a scoff escapes your lips. “I can imagine it, the two kingdoms with such turmoiled history uniting, how historic, no?”“I suppose,” you mutter dryly.
You notice his jaw tighten and a squeal escapes your lips as you're suddenly pushed against the wall.
Beomgyu’s hand lands beside your head as he steps forward with a smirk; his dark brown locks fall across his forehead, brushing against his lashes in a manner that makes him look predatory. “As much as I enjoy our back and forth; your little glares; huffs and scoffs, I do hope you can put on an act in front of my people, especially yours.”
“I’d like to find that rather than appearing dry and unromantic is not an ideal way to win over a kingdom of people. Rather…a princess who lost her title, ran to her ally kingdom, where a charming prince whisked her to safety, and they fell in love. How does that story sound? I’m sure the newspapers will love it, no?” He coos.
Your eyes widen, “You’re deranged to think they’ll believe that.” His lips form a twisted smile, “You’re forgetting the kingdoms are full of uneducated peasants.” Your gaze darkens; he truly didn’t care.
“So you can huff and whine, as much as you like, within closed doors. In fact, I rather enjoy it. But I do implore you to put on your prettiest acting face in front of the public and other nobles, hm?”
Beomgyu leans in closer making your breath hitch; your eyes flicker to his lips, a mere few inches away from yours. A shiver runs through you as his eyes spark, “Oh? What’s this?”
“Are you scared or…are you enjoying my proximity, hm? Tell me y/n?” A teasing tone drips from his luscious lips. He leans closer and you snap your head to your right, away from his face.
A husky chuckle resounds from him as his deep voice brushes against your ear, “Do not tell me, you’re afraid of a little close proximity? Your shaky breaths, dilated pupils, trembling body,” he muses, “My, my, what would my maids think if any of them turned the corner into this hallway, hm?”
You scoff shoving him aside, “Have some decorum; your highness. We are not married.”“Yet,” he grins. “I merely tease, your expressions are fascinating,” Beomgyu hums, brushing past you, “Anyway; let me escort you to your chambers. You must be emotionally exhausted, no?”
You mutter, “Oh believe me, I am.”
He asks, “Oh, where’s your little traveling companion of yours? I have not seen him all day. Are you two still squabbling?” You murmur, “I don’t know, he’s not spoken to me,” you feign a frown, “I…I saw him earlier pacing around. I want to apologise to him.”
Beomgyu laughs, “Apologise? Do not be absurd, you are royalty and he is but a sorcerer, an exiled one at that. In fact, I believe now is the best time to send him off. He serves no purpose here.”
You try to contain your angered composure and you murmur most earnestly, “I..I know. But I want to leave things off on a good note. Just let me try to talk to him and send him off on a good note, Beomgyu. Please.”
His eyes meet yours with a flicker of hesitation before he curtly hums, “Do as you wish, however pointless it may be.”
A knowing smile graces your lips as you look ahead. Good. That’s what you wanted to hear. Taehyun, stay strong. Keep trying.
“What is your pretty little head thinking about?” Taehyun. You murmur, “Nothing, I’m just exhausted.”
Beomgyu’s lips form a sly smile, “Let’s keep it that way, hm. Now come, off to your chambers we go.”
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Hi, I saw you did a request for Tim Drake during your kinktober list, but like nothing after that.
I was wondering if you could do one where Tim has a crush on the reader, him (the reader) having a demon like mutation. (Basically a Teifling from DND)
The reader looks all intimidating and aloof, however he is very affectionate towards people how are close to him.
I think it would great if Tim tries flirt, but he's so awkward he fucks it up everytime.
I'm sorry if you don't like writing for Tim, you don't have to if that's the case. I just really love the caffeine addicted anxiety bird.
Tim Drake x “Tiefling” male reader
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I wish I could say I knew more about Tieflings, but I’ve only played DND very few times, and only had one character who was a Tiefling, so I’m just gonna try my best, hehe.
I was also somewhat inspired by nightcrawler from x-men for this reader :)
I also love Tim, I just haven’t gotten any requests for him before, but he is very much on my list of characters I write fore ^^
You had originally not been a part of the justice league, not even close. You had worked alone most of your life, though to had partnered up his magic users in the past, most notably John Constantine, who after having run-ins with your parents became a common figure in your life.
You were what most called a meta, but in reality, you were actually the child of two very powerful hellish beings. You had been born a human but on your 6th birthday you had mutated into a figure that fit your parentage most.
In the beginning you didn’t know your origin and your birth parents had shunned you. Turns out your hell parents couldn’t carry a child of their own, so they had used magic to have you be born by a couple on earth.
Your earth parents had not been kind when you one day turned blue, grew horns, a tail and other non-human features. They had actually tried to get rid of you because they thought you were cursed.
That was your first meeting with Constantine, after your earth parents had sold you to some less than friendly people who wanted nothing but bad things for you and other meta kids they had stolen or bought.
Apparently multiple kids there had been magic or not even human but of otherworldly descent, so Constantine was the ones to find you.
Apparently, he had recognized some of your features, the curve of your horns, the shade of your blue, the yellow of your eyes and the curve of your tail. He had offered to bring you to your hell parents.
You didn’t understand at the time, but when he brought you to hell and to the two people who had been your less than human parents you couldn’t help but feel relief to some point. You weren’t a monster or a curse and had parents who loved you.
Your hell parents wanted you to be cut off from the human world, but you treasured it even though you had only lived in it for 6 years, so Constantine kept coming around to work as some kind of anchor between you and earth.
He taught you magic and called you Tiefling as a nickname. He even taught you spells that could help you change your appearance to be more human, though your eyes stayed yellow, your ears pointed, and you had sharper canines.
Constantine and your hell parents taught you many things you needed to survive, and you had become very interested in seals, runes and anything like it, becoming quite the expert at a young age.
You were able to create large and confusing seals and summoning circles, and read ancient texts even the older demons couldn’t understand. Your hell parents and Constantine had been quite proud when you one-upped a cocky elder demon in reading and deciphering runes.
Along with runes you had pretty much coined teleportation as one of your quirks. You’d always disappear in a cloud of black smoke, even though you could do it without the effects, it was just funnier this way.
It was because of your extreme skill with runes that you were called to help the Justice League. Apparently, their magisters Zatanna and Dr Fate had found a very extreme summoning circle, the world ending kind, but they couldn’t figure it out.
They had even roped Constantine into trying to decipher it, but they all feared that poking at it would end badly and summon whatever it was made to summon.
In the end Constantine admitted to knowing an expert, and though he hated working with the League he knew this kinda seal couldn’t be left alone, so he contacted you.
The League didn’t really know how to react when Constantine’s contact was someone as young as you, you couldn’t be much older than Red Robin, so anywhere between 18 to your early 20s, if they went off human ages.
Some of course wanted to ask you questions immediately, feeling on edge about a meta or if Constantine was to be believed, demon, in front of them.
Most seemed cautious, and nobody noticed how Tim was having a moment. The moment you stepped out of the portal his heart started doing flips, and if he hadn’t mastered a poker face, he knew he would have been bright red and stuttering already.
Most left you alone as you worked, but Tim couldn’t help but make his way over and try to start a conversation. Kon, Bart and Cassie would later tell him it had been a painful sight.
Tim had tried to casually lean up against the table nearby, but his arm had slipped so he ended up leaning up against the wall instead. Normally you would have been annoyed by being bothered when deciphering, but the flustered hero made your tail wriggle.
Tim stayed around as you worked, at some point becoming a bit more comfortable and the two of you fell into conversation. Though, Tim did still seem quite flustered as he tried to “shoot his shot” as Dick called it, and failed miserably each time.
You couldn’t help but find Red Robin quite charming in his own way though, it was pretty cute to watch him try to flirt even though he seemed to have absolutely no talent in doing so.
When you were finished deciphering and destroying the summoning circle you ended up giving red Robin your phone number, don’t question how it was possible for him to contact you in hell, you didn’t know yourself.
It had been so hard to keep yourself from snickering at how the bottom half of his face had gone beet red and he had started stuttering, clutching onto his phone that you had just put your name into.
After this you started hanging with Tim and his friends some more, also working closer to some of the younger heroes around your own age. You never became an official league member, not wanting to be mixed up in all the weird things they did.
Your hell parents also almost had a fit when they found out you were working with superheroes of the human world, not because they had anything against heroes but because it put you in danger.
All the way through this Tim had tried in different ways to flirt or ask you out, you almost pitied him because it never seemed to work out for him. He always got too flustered and would choke on his words and stutter. It was very cute, but you almost wanted him to be able to finish his request to ask you out.
The other friends of your group started placing bets on just how long it would take Tim to successfully ask you out, you even had some money in the pool.
You couldn’t say you didn’t want Tim to ask you out, as you had very quickly developed feelings for the hero, your tail even going as far as you wrap around the man as if it had a mind of its own.
You had been so embarrassed the first time it happened that you just teleported right back to hell, your face going a darker shade of blue as you blushed. It had ended up with you hiding away in your room, too embarrassed to look at anyone.
You almost threw your hands in the air and cheered as Tim finally seemed to have found a method that worked for him, at least in his own way.
Before, he had tried to go above and beyond to make a display or ask you out in romantic ways, like giving you flowers or something just as romantic, but he had always forgotten what he planned on saying or had started stuttering.
One day he just sat down beside you on the couch, and though he was bright red, simply asked if you would like to go on a date. Nothing complicated or extreme like you had a feeling many had told him to be, it just felt very Tim to just be upfront about it like this.
You had blushed but smiled, your tail coming up to wrap around his waist to pull him closer to you. You of course agreed, and you couldn’t keep you smile off your face for the rest of the week as your tail never seemed to stop wagging.
Tim had gone even redder when you pulled him close, but he had seemed almost over the moon when you agreed on the date, he had to use all his bat training to keep himself from jumping up and celebrating.
After months of failing to flirt and ask you out he had finally done it, now the problem was coming up with a date that wouldn’t leave him stuttering and stumbling like a fool, that was gonna be hard.
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hearteyedfeelings · 7 months
(Because apparently I can’t help myself with these two):
After Ludinus took a dive into the lava pit, the tension that was rising like the unbearable heat in the cave was gone in an instant.
Looking over at everybody Laudna takes a small sigh of relief at seeing that her friends are all okay.
But quickly the sigh gets caught in her throat as she realizes the destination they were now headed to…again.
That damned place that she can’t quite seem to get far enough away from.
The de Rolos. The castle. Delilah. The dinner. The pain. The tree. Delilah. The pain. The tree. The pain. The tree. The-
Not now.
Laudna’s hands rise to her hair, twirling fallen strands with a bit more force than normal. She notices Imogen looking to her in a brief moment, and she looks back, giving a slight nod, then all too quickly FCG grasps the staff and off they go.
The pain from the teleportation spell seems almost numbing as familiar thoughts begin to swirl through Laudna’s head again.
After some magical course-correction, she’s face to face with it-
Fucking Whitestone. The Sun Tree.
The group begins to walk towards the castle, Laudna takes a small breath and Imogen whose been slowly making her way towards her quietly leans over,
“Are you alright?”
“I’m, o-kay.” The vowels seem to elongate like she isn’t sure if she believes what she’s saying.
Imogen gently grabs her hand and immediately Laudna feels the warmth, and that ice cold sensation that’s been building dims just the slightest as she feels the familiar raised skin from Imogen’s scars.
As they get closer to the castle Laudna begins to remember- but in confusing ways, seeing the city so bright and warm is clashing with the growing cold she feels in her chest. But Imogen-
Imogen is here. Imogen is next to her. Sweet, capable Imogen.
Imogen, who made her whole again. Imogen, the one who brought her back and kept her safe from Whitestone the second time. She’s here and she’s warm.
She can feel Imogen’s hand start to rub her back in big slow circles as she steps even closer to her on their walk.
The cold starts to melt even further and with one more deep breath Laudna realizes that yes, she’s stepping into this place again,
But she’s not alone, no.
Her tether, her anchor, her reason is next to her every step of the way.
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
Hello again can i request solomon + rain? Tysm! I really enjoy reading your fics <333
Hello, anon! I'm so glad you're enjoying my writing!
Ahh so many Solomon requests and I am loving it lol. I can't help but write all the fluffiness with this guy.
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Solomon with prompt Rain
Warnings: none!
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It was early evening and you were on your way to Cocytus Hall, having left the House of Lamentation for the day. You were thinking about your day, your mind busy going over everything that had happened. So you didn't really notice the gathering clouds.
When it began to rain, you weren't concerned at first. It was barely drizzling. A little sprinkle like this was no big deal. You were a little annoyed that you hadn't thought to bring your umbrella with you, but it was fine.
You were about halfway there when the light drizzle turned into a sudden downpour. Your hair became drenched almost instantly, the raindrops sliding down your skin. Your clothes weren't yet soaked, but you knew if you stayed out here it wouldn't be long before they were.
You considered your options. There wasn't really anything around here, though there was a covered bus stop you could sit in. But did you really want to sit there until this stopped? It could be hours. And you were starting to get cold already.
You really weren't that far away from Cocytus Hall, right?
Having made your decision, you began to run toward home, head down, arm up in an attempt to shield yourself as best you could.
You'd only been running like that for a few moments before you collided with something solid and warm. You cried out, afraid you were going to fall over, but an arm circled around you and pulled you forward.
You took a moment to steady yourself and realized that you were no longer getting rained on.
"Are you all right, MC?"
Now that you had your bearings, you looked around to see that Solomon was standing in front of you, an umbrella in his hand and his arm around you. You had run right into him and he had caught you so you wouldn't fall over. He was frowning, clearly concerned.
"Solomon," you said, letting out a breath of relief. "I'm fine, thanks to you. What are you doing out here?"
"Looking for you," Solomon said. "It's pouring and I saw you left your umbrella at Cocytus Hall. I thought you might need it. Looks like I was right."
He let go of you to reach up and touch a soaking piece of your hair. He was still frowning as he put his arm back around you to tug you close, rubbing your back to help warm you up.
"You came all the way out here just to bring me my umbrella?" you asked. You shook your head.
"I figured you would be too tired to use your magic to teleport home," Solomon said. "And well… I didn't like the idea of you out here getting soaked."
You laughed. "I was going to just run the rest of the way."
Solomon sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"
You were about to come back with a snappy reply when a fierce gust of wind tore the umbrella right out of Solomon's hand. You watched with wide eyes as his silver hair instantly became just as soaked as yours was.
The two of you looked at each other in surprise for a moment before you both went running after the umbrella, which was rolling dramatically away.
While you were both running, Solomon cast a wind spell to blow it back toward you and you finally managed to catch it.
You turned to him and brandished it triumphantly, laughing. "I got it!"
Solomon was laughing too and he caught you as he ran up, twirling you briefly in the rain.
When you had finally stopped laughing and caught your breath, you looked at Solomon who was watching you with a gentle smile. The rain continued to fall down in a heavy sheet, but the umbrella was hanging uselessly in your hand.
You shivered, both from the cold and from the feeling of Solomon's arms still around your waist. Your clothes were clinging to you now and they felt heavy on your body. You couldn't help but notice Solomon's clothes were in a similar state.
Solomon kissed you, rain water slipping between your lips, his hands gripping you as though he just couldn't help it. You laughed a little against his mouth as you brought the umbrella up to shield you both from the rain.
Solomon pulled away from you only to kiss the raindrops that still lingered on your cheeks. He pressed his forehead to yours for a moment before letting you go and taking your hand instead.
"Let's go home," he said. "So I can warm you up properly."
You smiled as many thoughts ran through your mind at this suggestion. You squeezed his hand and the two of you went the rest of the way to Cocytus Hall for the evening.
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the original prompt list
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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cluuny · 3 months
the future just got here
or, the wizard gem's arrival in tumble town
Here’s the thing.
No, no there was no ‘thing.’ This wasn’t a ‘thing.’ This was nothing. This was a temporary bump. Gem had messed up a teleportation spell, and was now in Mezelea instead of Mythland. Oops, but okay, fine, whatever.
And then the… whatever they were- appeared, and it became… a bit more of a thing.
“Where you goin’, missy?” One of them asked, sidling up to her on his horse. “Lookin’ for Tumble Town?”
Gem scowled. She wasn’t sure what that meant but it sounded like either a threat or an innuendo, and either way she wasn’t interested. So she kept marching onward, clutching her staff stubbornly, as the mounted men circled her slowly. She didn’t like this. She really really didn’t like this.
The men didn't stop, didn't leave, just circling around her, jeering her, occasionally letting out a laugh or a whoop, and she just kept walking. She had no idea where she was or whether she was in the right place at all. She didn't know where she was going. She just kept walking.
Suddenly, one of the men leaned down from his horse, grabbed her staff, and yanked. She yelped as a splinter stabbed into her palm, but didn't let go, whirling on the man, raising the staff defensively.
“Get lost,” She barked. “Or I'll turn you and your pathetic friends into desert toads.”
She couldn't, she didn't have the energy, but they paused. “Are you… wait, are you the Great Swamp Witch?”
Thinking fast, she nodded. “I am.”
The six men started murmuring nervously, glancing at each other. “Oh.”
One of them glanced behind her, his back straightening. “Shit, the Sheriff's coming.”
They all turned tail and fled, and she whirled around to watch a new figure approach.
They were tall and lean, their blond hair reaching their shoulders, their sharp brown eyes piercing through her as they slowed their horse to a trot.
“You alright, your highness?” They asked in a hauntingly familiar voice. “Were those ruffians botherin’ you?”
She blinked at him. “Jimmy?”
They frowned, a look of sudden concern flashing over their face. “I'm… where'd you hear that name? And… why are you dressed like that?”
She glanced down. She was wearing her typical green wool dress and purple caplet. She looked how she always did, which, sure, was far from practical in this environment, but she hadn’t exactly known she’d be coming here.
But Jimmy, on the other hand… she'd never seen them without their hood, but this couldn't be what they looked like. Especially since this looked every bit like a human.
What was going on?
“What?” She asked, frowning at them. “What did you just call me?”
“Are you… are you having memory issues?” The Sheriff asked. “Should I call fWhip?”
Finally, a familiar name. She paused, sighed, and shook her head. “I just have to get to Mezalea. If I can do that, I can go home.”
“Mezalea?” They frowned. “Like… the old Porcelain City?”
“Yeah, that's the one,” Her shoulders relaxed. “I need to get there and talk to the King.”
“The King of Mezelea…” The Sheriff's eyes widened. “You aren't Princess Gem.”
“What year is it?”
“382?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Before or after the Rapture?”
“The what?” She asked, glancing around for any excuse to leave this bizarre conversation. “What’s the Rapture?”
“Oh, for Joel’s sake,” The Sheriff groaned, their eyes sliding shut as one gloved hand came up to pinch the bridge of their nose. “Of course, this might as well happen. Can you come with me, Miss?”
“Not until you explain what’s going on.” She said, firmly.
They opened their eyes, narrowing them as they gave her a tired, cold look, before slinging one leg over the saddle, and hopping down to face her properly.
“There’s two things that can be happenin’ here. Either,” They leaned in, pressing a finger to her chest. “You’re a liar, and a con artist, who just happens to look like the Princess of Dawn, or-”
“Well, it’s not that.”
“-Or…There’s strange, strange magic at play. And you just happen to look like the Princess of Dawn.”
“That’s… weird, but it’s not my fault,” Gem said, stubbornly. “I don’t even know who the Princess is.”
“Right,” The Sheriff huffed. “But you somehow knew my name- the name not a single other person knows.”
“I… I knew someone named Jimmy,” Gem said, cautiously. “Who sounded exactly like you.”
The Sheriff tilted their head. They were the same height as her, maybe an inch or two taller, which was a strange experience for someone who was used to being one of the tallest in the room. She subconsciously put her shoulders back and her chin up, and they quirked an eyebrow at her.
“Alright, what’s your name?”
“Just like the princess,” They murmured. “You can call me The Sheriff, or Law. I don’t care which. I’m going to have to take you in for a bit, until I can determine what your intentions are.”
“What?” She frowned, startled. “No, I have to get home, I need to go home to my family-”
“Sorry miss,” Law said, one hand snapping out, wrapping easily around her wrist. “You’re under arrest.”
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fortunesfavours · 1 year
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Teleportation Circle:
As you cast the spell, you draw a 10-foot-diameter circle on the ground inscribed with sigils that link your location to a permanent teleportation circle of your choice whose sigil sequence you know and that is on the same plane of existence as you. A shimmering portal opens within the circle you drew and remains open until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters the portal instantly appears within 5 feet of the destination circle or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
Many major temples, guilds, and other important places have permanent teleportation circles inscribed somewhere within their confines. Each such circle includes a unique sigil sequence--a string of magical runes arranged in a particular pattern. When you first gain the ability to cast this spell, you learn the sigil sequences for two destinations on the Material Plane, determined by the GM. You can learn additional sigil sequences during your adventures. You can commit a new sigil sequence to memory after studying it for 1 minute.
You can create a permanent teleportation circle by casting this spell in the same location every day for one year. You need not use the circle to teleport when you cast the spell in this way.
For the SpellsNStuff project run by @artists-guild-of-exandria. Piece 2 of 3. 🧡🌿
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