#vision and pietro and magneto can all come too
ladysansalannister · 6 months
Hear me out: Re-launch the MCU, but make it all about Wanda. Maximoff Cinematic Universe
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Ngl, I kind of like it when they argue just because they're great character moments. Only siblings can push your buttons like this and honestly, say some really cruel stuff at times. Wanda and Pietro have a really, really complicated family history with Magneto, Vision, the twins, Natalya, and Magda, and like Wanda says—getting over things is all but their family pastime.
This moment also reminded me of the time Wanda and Pietro argued in Scarlet Witch (2016), also about House of M and Magneto. I get why House of M keeps getting brought up because it was such a significant moment for both of them, but it's been nearly twenty years 😭 Move on.
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Scarlet Witch (2016) #9
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Lmao this is me when I argue with my sibling too.
The little Tommy cameo made me giggle. Poor guy must be so confused.
All in all, an absolutely wonderful first issue! Hopefully with all this Magneto talk, we'll actually see him with Wanda and Pietro soon after he comes back to life. I can't wait until the next issue when Vision will arrive! Can I PLEASE see Wanda, Vision, Billy, Tommy, and Viv together?
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) #1
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xkeyon · 2 years
Quicksilver’s origin.. kind of?
Ok with the recent talks of Mutant and Inhuman differences an idea for Quicksilver came up, that would set some stories straight, and answer some questions. 1) Would this make him and Wanda Magneto kid's again? No though it would set the course for how they view each other. 2) Would this make him and Wanda Mutants, no.... just him. So the overall idea is Pietro, Emily, and Luna are hanging out with Marya Maximoff as to hang out for a vaction for their superhero activites. They are greeted suddenly by a never before seen individual who is part of a group called Order. Their mission is to strike at Chaos most specifically its highest thing C'thon, and those like him. When Pietro asks would this include his sister they say no, but Luna and Emily both pick up they aren't being completely truthful. The Order member attacks and is in a second taken down by Pietro, who then tells Luna to get Lockjaw(maybe Puppy) to bring her and Emily to Wanda and to inform her what is going on. They find Wanda with Magneto just talking (she teleported to him using magic) they explain what is going on. Meanwhile Pietro with the Order member begin to talk when they are attacked by what looks to be other Order members along with others who llok like New Men. Out numbered and with the Order members putting up a shield keeping him there Quicksilver can only play on defense until the group of M (Wanda, Luna, Emily, and Magneto) arrive. Wanda's powers are not working right but the Order members can't use theirs as if the cancel each other out. The remaning members of M defeat the New Men working with order. Pietro is glad they didn't get to wanda and says kind of coldly hi to Magneto, who then wants to speak with him, but Luna sees using her powers too many mixed emotions that they should focus on the mission on what is going on before a fight in the group happens and if Wanda their most powerful powers can be negated they will need Magneto. M each question Order and New Men members there for answers each in their own way Luna and Synapse more heroic just asking questions and saying when they lie, Scarlet Witch a bit sketchy a truth Spell, Magneto and Quicksilver real force of power Magneto lifting so much metal and threatning to put it down on him while Quicksilver shows he can go so fast that not even colour fully settles. Their combind efforts shows the location of where they need to go, Pietro asks Luna if she wants to still come that it is dangerous and all that has happened so far has been to fast to see if she is ready for this. She says yes both her parents were Avengers, and she is an Inhuman Royal of the House of Agon no matter the paths taken a dangerous life was coming to her infact it already has come and she wants to be ready for it and others. Pietro smiles and she continues her Inhuman body makes her more suited here for this. Emily questions what that means which they explain how the Kingdom born Inhumans have advanced bodies they are stronger, and live longer then average humans it is what lets them to truly handle Terrigen. Humans exposed to the Crystals are given great strength but will die in a few days time, while Mutant's powers can not only be restored but also increased in power but are not able to be controlled. A wonder how this is Pietro reveals what he did, how he wanted to help Mutants but using on them hurt everyone but him and Luna. The Luna part makes sense to her but why wasn't he affected. No one has an answer. Magneto says they have to go. They teleport there and begin the attack, eventually they meet a master of Order who claims he is Pietro and Wanda's uncle. His little brother was sent to find and judge Natalya Maximoff fearing she may be working with C'thon which is proven wrong, but their father and her grew to love each other and had kids when she has a vision of what Wanda would do. Their father feared if Order found out they would kill her at the least if not them all, as well if the vision is real it would bring them into an even worse fate. But he knew Order had dealings with someone, high evolutinary, that he could make her stronger at least physically. Their mother didn't like giving Wanda to this man she knew nothing about and wouldn't let him. Their father in a second kills her revealing great speed he was born with, and brings both kids with him to the High Evolutinary who was at the time speaking with the brother. Not able to get through this without revealing the truth he just prayed his brother would be merciful, which he was to a point. He does see Wanda as a way to fight C'thon but afterwards they would kill her, their father battle his brother but he knows his tricks and kills him. Wanda is given and he is about to take Pietro to be trained in Order when High Evolutinary asks to study him first incase their is anything that was passed down and behold he had the same unique gene as his father the X gene. Pietro is a Mutant. High Evolutinary preformed experiments and surgeries to bring even more out of him that this is the step to develop the body stronger even before a great power would come, wondering the resault which at the time nothing. Still Order was happy but a disagreement happened and High Evolutinary sent the twins to somewhere they couldn't find (Django and Marya). Story done M fights Order and win. Pietro begins to think on all his parents if this a curse that he has fallen to a few times but Magneto apraoches him and says it is a parents mistakes that do more damage due to what a parent is meant to be, however when one realizes this they can start to think how it went wrong with them and learn from that. He knows deep down Pietro knows this when he talked with Luna he could have just sent her away or just brought her but knew what was best was seeing her grow by her choices of her family and this was going to be a big turn from it. Pietro thanks him, but if he was thinking that this means he will start calling Mangneto father he can forget it, he remembers how he treated them even before they were told they were related. But he could see a bond of true equals with him and they handshake. M all go to Marya and asks is it ok if this vacation could have a couple more added which she says yes. Thoughts?
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scarletwitching · 3 years
Hello! Do you have any "real world" timeline of Wanda's backstories (particularly her origins). I know she was created in the 60s, and her first origin seems to have her as the biological daughter of two golden age American heroes. However most wiki pages only describe her latest "in-universe" history. Im curious to know how many actual real-world years she spent as a White American, German Jew, Serbian Romani, Mutant, Witch, Avenger, etc. Thanks!
I’m choosing to do this as a chronicling of backstory retcons (plus a couple of important firsts) because it would be too much to do the whole thing, and I’m going to include the various changes to Magneto’s backstory because they’re kind of necessary. The dates listed are release date, not cover date.
March 1964 (X-Men vol. 1 #4) -- It’s Wanda, no last name. She’s a mutant, part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. She’s from Central Europe. She has an older brother named Pietro, and he promised their parents that he would take care of her.
March 1965 (Avengers vol. 1 #16) -- Wanda’s an Avenger now.
November 1966 (Thor vol. 1 #134) -- We learn that Wanda and Pietro, who are now twins, are connected to Wundagore Mountain and that there was a massive “blinding light” on the night they were born. This was maybe an aborted attempt to retcon them into not being mutants (their powers are referred to as “mutant-type” for some reason), but it goes nowhere.
May 1974 (Giant Size Avengers #1) -- Wanda and Pietro finally have a backstory. They are the children of US-American superheroes Madeline and Robert Frank (aka Miss America and The Whizzer). They were born on Wundagore Mountain, but their mother died and their father abandoned them. They were subsequently raised in the High Evolutionary’s citadel, but they ran away because it was weird being around all those talking animals.
June 1974 - February 1975 (Avengers vol. 1 #127-134; Giant Size Avengers #2 & 4) -- Agatha’s here, and she’s teaching Wanda magic. Wanda is now a mutant AND a witch.
December 1977 - September 1979 (Avengers vol. 1 #166 & 181-187; X-Men vol. 1 #125) -- Origin Story: The Good One. Wanda and Pietro are not the Franks’ kids and were not raised in the High Evolutionary’s citadel. They were raised by Django and Marya Maximoff, a Roma couple from Bulgaria (Transia, the town they’re from, will later become a country of its own), and it is implied that they don’t remember this because they suppressed their own memories. However, Django and Marya are not their birth parents. Their birth mother came to Wundagore Mountain, heavily pregnant, fleeing their father. She gave birth in the citadel, then left because she did not want to be alive anymore.
Meanwhile, Chris Claremont comes up with the idea for Magda, Magneto’s mysterious dead wife, but before the issue introducing her can even come out, John Byrne and some other guys go behind Claremont’s back and make Magda Wanda and Pietro’s mother. Which makes Magneto the husband their mother was running from and thus... None of the living characters know they are related, and it is editorial’s intention that they will never find out, though the connection is acknowledged openly in the letters column.
August 1981 (Uncanny X-Men vol. 1 #150) -- Claremont begins the long process of turning Magneto into a hero, and with that, we learn Magneto’s backstory as a Holocaust survivor. Claremont continues to add to this for the rest of his initial X-Men tenure (through 1991), but crucially, he never has him say that he’s Jewish. You’re supposed to understand that he is, and most of the audience does understand. It is very, very obvious (we even get a trip to Israel), BUT he does not say the exact words, “I am Jewish.”
November 1982 (Vision & the Scarlet Witch vol. 1 #4) -- The characters aren’t supposed to find out they’re related? Forget that. They all know now. I would argue that this issue also makes it obvious that Magneto is Jewish, but whatever, he doesn’t say, “I am Jewish.”
October 1985 (Vision & the Scarlet Witch vol. 2 #5) -- This is the earliest reference I can find to Magda being Romani. It feels like that can’t be the first time that was confirmed, but this post needs to get done some time.
October 1987 (New Mutants vol. 1 #61) -- Another “earliest reference I can find” scenario. I think this is the first time Magneto mentions being from Poland. At any rate, it is a time he mentions being from Poland, and it gets retconned anyway.
July 1993 (X-Men Unlimited vol. 1 #2) -- Due to editorial meddling, Magneto became a villain again in 1991, and according to comic book legend, editor-in-chief Bob Harras thought that Magneto being Jewish and a supervillain was proooooooblemaaaaaaatic. And if he can’t be both at the same time, one’s gotta go. Enter Gabrielle Haller, who is here to give a Ted Talk explaining Magneto’s new backstory. He’s Sinti Romani. That’s the change.
December 1997 (X-Men vol. 2 #72) -- It is revealed that the Erik Lensherr identity was an alias created by document forger Georg Odekirk in order to help Magneto hide from the authorities and find Magda... by pretending to be Sinti. Which, to me, implies that Magda herself was Sinti specifically, not Roma. Either way, Magneto says he’s not Romani, but once again does not say he’s Jewish.
September 2008 - January 2009 (X-Men: Magneto Testament #1-5) -- Magneto is officially, definitely Jewish. For real this time. No more ambiguity. He’s also German now, instead of Polish, and his name is Max Eisenhardt.
December 2014 (Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #7) -- Rick Remender, who is clearly invested in Wanda and Magneto’s relationship, is forced, possibly at gunpoint, to make them not related. This is revealed via a spell going wrong and not affecting Magneto when it’s supposed to affect Wanda’s family, which is the dictionary definition of “plausible deniability.”
January 2015 - June 2015 (Uncanny Avengers vol. 2 #1-5) -- Wanda and Pietro go to the High Evolutionary to figure out what their brand new backstory is. Turns out that, according to the High Evolutionary, they are not mutants and got their powers from being experimented on by him as babies. Their birth parents were their adoptive parents Django and Marya all along, which would make them Roma (not Sinti)... but something is weird about this reveal because Vision finds out there is more to the story and refuses to tell Wanda what it is or that he discovered any information at all.
March 2016 - January 2017 (Scarlet Witch vol. 2 #4-14) -- Nevermind, Django and Marya weren’t Wanda’s biological parents. Django is her uncle. His sister Natalya is her birth mother and a witch, and “the Scarlet Witch” is now a legacy title. Wanda was born in Serbia, but how that intersects with the Chthon thing is not explained. And Wanda’s dad is... the guy who murdered her mother. Who? Doesn’t say.
December 2017 - July 2019 -- A bonus! Marvel gives up on pretending Wanda and Magneto are not related... but mostly outside of comics. The official Marvel website runs articles just... saying they’re related. Official merchandise says they’re related. The mainline comics don’t touch it, but things are very suspicious.
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w-k-smith · 3 years
WandaVision Episodes Based on Sitcoms They Didn’t Cover
I realize most of these sitcoms are too recent for WandaVision, because the point was the homages were to shows that Wanda watched growing up, but......I wanna talk about the shows I wanna talk about.
The Addams Family: Extra appropriate because, hey, New Jersey. Wanda, Vision, the kids, Magneto, and Pietro all live in the same house. Wanda and Vision and Magneto have a mild argument about how best to homeschool the children, because Grandfather wants to mentor them in mutant supremacy and Wanda and Vision are leaning toward an un-schooling approach. Agatha is openly an evil witch in this episode and everything’s fine. (Also, don’t even try to tell me Elizabeth Olsen couldn’t rock the Morticia Addams look, because she so could.)
Arrested Development: “This is the story of a powerful witch who lost everything, and the desperate spell she cast to keep it all together. It’s Wanda Maximoff’s grief-induced Arrested Development.”
The Big Bang Theory: Wanda and Vision debate why he was able to pick up Thor’s hammer as they climb the four elevator-less flights of stairs their home has suddenly sprouted. Vision has loud arguments with Ultron, who yells at him from offscreen but is never seen. Billy and Tommy definitely exist but they’re never visible in any of the shots. Every other scene, the characters are eating takeout. Agatha owns the comic book store.
Community: As I was trying to come up with an episode idea, I thought, “Hey, that’s a good idea for a show, a bunch of C-list superheroes becoming found family as they try to get their lives in order in the face of constant difficulties and distractions.” And then I thought, isn’t that just Marvel Netflix but better? Also: co-MUTANT-ty. Thank you for your time.
Parks and Rec: Wanda is trying to get into Dottie’s good graces. Dottie is spearheading a volunteer event where people pick up trash in the park. Before reporters from the Westview Gazette show up to cover the event, Wanda’s magic accidentally makes every single piece of trash disappear. Not wanting Dottie to be embarrassed, Wanda tries to “re-litter” the park...and a photo ends up in the newspaper of Wanda Maximoff overturning a trash can on the playground. Meanwhile, Peter Quill crashes his spaceship into a pit.
What We Do in the Shadows: Lighting round: What We Do in the Suburbs. What We Do in the Hexagon. What We Do in the Avengers. What We Do in Westview. What We Do in the Nervous Breakdown. What We Do in Agatha’s Basement of Chaos Magic and Nightmares. What We Do in the -
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marvelyningreen · 3 years
Into Tomorrow
(My hurried little contribution to the “what if Fietro really had been Peter Maximoff?” pile, because it was stuck in my head at work all day. In which Magneto and Professor Xavier had appeared through a portal to rescue Peter - just in time to miss the battle - and though Hex Vision had to say goodbye to Wanda once again, the twins were real enough to survive.)
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“Listen, Wanda,” Peter began hesitantly, “I wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
Wanda shook her head, and her voice sounded hollow as she answered. “It wasn’t your fault.”
It was still strange to hear her speaking in that accent, and strange to see her without a film of memories and magical control clouding his mind.
“I mean, it kinda feels like it was. Those words were coming out of my mouth, after all.” Peter laughed awkwardly. Man, that wasn’t even a joke. He cleared his throat. “But that’s not what I mean. I’m sorry about your brother, Wanda.”
Wanda gave an acknowledging nod, but said nothing. Peter forged ahead.
“I don’t have a twin,” he said, “But I do have a little sister. If anything happened to her, I don’t... I don’t know what I’d do. So I can’t imagine what it was like to lose somebody like that. But if the memories of him that were floating around my head are any indication, I know that he loved you a whole lot.”
She wasn’t his sister, and he wasn’t her fake brother anymore, but Peter wished like everything that he could give her a hug on Pietro’s behalf. Probably a bad idea, though.
“Thank you,” was all Wanda said.
Ducking his head, Peter turned to go - only to find the twins blocking his way.
“So… you really aren’t our uncle, are you?” said Tommy.
“I’m not. I’m sorry.” Looking down at those two disappointed little faces damn near broke Peter’s heart. “But, hey! I could still be your honorary uncle, if you want. And if your mom’s okay with it?”
In the face of those three hopeful expressions, Wanda nodded, still not trusting that her voice was steady enough to speak.
“Alright! High-fives, honorary nephews!” Peter flashed Erik a grin over his shoulder. “Guess that means you got grandkids now.”
“Whoa, that guy’s your dad? Awesome!” Tommy exclaimed.
Erik, who’d been watching Peter with something like fond exasperation, finally cracked a genuine smile.
“But you have to go back home now, don’t you?” said Billy.
Peter’s cheerfulness faded. Crazy witch or no crazy witch, the twins were good kids. He was really gonna miss being their Uncle P.
“You’re right, Billy. I guess I do.”
The boy looked down sadly.
“The world you’re from,” he said, “What’s it like?”
“Well,” Peter glanced around, taking in the faded, ordinary town of Westview. “It’s a lot like this, honestly. Except-”
At that moment, something occurred to Peter. He turned to the professor, fully expecting to have the idea shot down before he could even say it out loud. But the professor said nothing, smiling faintly at Peter and his train of thought.
Encouraged, Peter took a knee to be on eye-level with the twins.
“Listen. In my home world, I live at a school. It’s his school, actually,” he said, hooking a thumb in the professor’s direction, “And it’s full of kids with special powers, just like you two.”
“There are people like us?” asked Billy, and Tommy asked, “What kind of powers?”
“Sure, there are!” said Peter. “There’s somebody who can shapeshift to look like anybody she wants to, and there’s one guy who can shoot lazerbeams out of his eyes, and one who can control ice… And I bet you two Mini-moffs would love it there. Right, Professor?”
The professor nodded. “My school is open to anyone who wishes to learn, but I believe that decision is up to their mother.”
“Mom, can we go? Please?” Tommy pleaded.
All eyes turned to Wanda, and Peter’s heart went out to her. She looked so tired, and so resigned. Her gaze darted between her twins and the professor.
“This school of yours,” she said, “Would my children be safe there?”
“Wait!” Billy interrupted before the professor could answer. “You’d come with us, right, Mom?”
Wanda stepped closer, reaching out to caress the boys’ heads gently. “Of course I want to stay with you, but I…”
The twins’ protests drowned her out. Wanda shook her head, her smile wavering as she tried to calm them down. This was definitely not the reaction Peter was hoping for. He stood up, ready to interject, but the professor beat him to it.
“Wanda, if I may,” he said, “You remind me very much of a dear friend of mine – a man named Logan. He, too, was once used and manipulated because of his powers. He spent a great many years consumed by his loss and loneliness. And do you know what happened to him? He found friends. He found a home and a family of his own choosing, and he began to heal. Wanda, you have suffered a great deal in your life, and the way to healing can be a long road, but you needn’t walk it alone.”
Wanda was visibly struggling to keep her composure now. She hastily wiped at her eyes.
“I can’t,” she said shakily. “I can’t. My powers are too dangerous. I don’t know how to fully control them.”
To everyone’s surprise, it was Erik who answered her.
“All the more reason to learn. I can assure you, we aren’t afraid to have you among us.”
The twins watched their mother hopefully, but Wanda was silent. Erik moved closer.
“Ms. Maximoff, I know I cannot truly understand what you’ve been through. But I, too, have done things that I regret, and I, too, know what it is to grieve. I lost my parents when I was a child. I lost my wife. I lost my daughter. But I also gained a brother, and I gained a son.” Erik met the professor’s gaze and Peter’s in turn, before turning back to Wanda. “Life can be cruel. You may struggle, and you may grieve, but if you come with us, you will never lack friends.”
“Now that we know the way, you can return to this world whenever you like,” said the professor, answering Wanda’s unasked question.
Billy wrapped his arms around Wanda. “Please, Mom? Dad would’ve wanted us to stay together.”
“He would, baby,” Wanda said softly. “He would.”
“Wanda?” said Monica, “Are you sure this is what you want?”
She seemed to know what Wanda’s answer would be, because she smiled as she asked the question. Wanda met her gaze, and nodded confidently.
“Yes. Yes, I’m sure.”
Monica laughed quietly. “Alright. But before you go, I think a couple friends of mine want to say goodbye.”
She gestured to Darcy and Jimmy, who’d been hovering near the edge of the conversation, trying to look like they weren’t overhearing it all. Darcy waved.
“Hey, Wanda,” she said. “You don’t know me or anything, but I guess you could say I’m a big fan and, well… I hope you find someplace that makes you happy for real.”
“Best of luck to you, Wanda,” said Jimmy, “You, too, kids!”
“Thank you. All of you,” said Wanda.
As Darcy and Jimmy tried to make themselves inconspicuous again, Monica turned back to Wanda.
“Well, goodbye, Wanda,” she said, a little sadly. “I hope I’ll see you again someday.”
Wanda smiled. “I hope so, too.”
Monica stepped back to join the others, and Wanda hesitated a moment, looking at the three of them and the faded town of Westview. Her fingertips brushed her left hand, absent the wedding band she’d conjured. With one last wistful smile, she turned away.
“Are you ready to go?” asked Peter, “Need me to run and get anything you wanna bring along?”
Wanda shook her head, putting her arms around her sons and pulling them close. “The only things I wish to bring are already with me.”
“Alright,” said Peter, “Professor, lead the way!”
Billy and Tommy took Wanda’s hands, pulling her along as they followed these strangers – these new friends – into tomorrow.
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brw · 2 years
Send a ship: Scarletvision ❤️
Gives nose/forehead kisses
VISION similarly wanda is too short to really reach alas. i do think wanda likes to give nose kisses to them when possible however <3
Gets jealous the most
according to mr englehart APPARENTLY wanda however generally i think neither of them are terribly jealous people? like they're VERY comfortable in their relationship and i always imagine very open about the people they find attractive to each other. however i do think vision is more likely to Loom Threateningly behind wanda if someone is being irritating and wanda seems displeased, but i wouldn't call that jealousy perse.
Picks the other up from the bar when they're too drunk to drive
i don't think vision can get drunk and if they could i can't see them drinking at a bar so. vision would pick up wanda <3 wanda gers drunk v rarely and i imagine is very responsible with driving so she's happy to let vision take her back <3
Takes care of on sick days
vision doesn't get sick either so vision is taking care of wanda, and very good at it! provided they don't get freaked out by webmd telling them that it's probably cancer or something when they search her symptoms but <3 wanda gets out of bed to tell vision how to cook the chicken broth but other than that vision is very on their a-game when it comes to sick wanda.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
WANDA it's something that i really like abt their relationship that despite generally being considered an introvert and being most content by herself, wanda is a lot more outgoing around vision, i think bc vision is SO reclusive when left to themself and is a New Slate when it comes to experiences that it kinda gives wanda an energy to experience things with vision. so yeah wanda is dragging vision out to go into the water, and teaches them how to tred!
Gives unprompted massages
VISION they are Very Aware of wanda's physical levels and if her muscles seem particularly tense or posture is Wrong they are there to fix it <3 hellcat probably taught them a thing or to
Drives/rides shotgun
that one v&sw panel tells us wanda is shotgun vision drives which is SO funny bc the idea of vision applying for a drivers license is so funny. although they probably just stared driving and nobody said anything because????? wanda meanwhile is an Avud Enjoyer of daydreaming while looking out the window so.
Brings the other lunch at work
VISION canonically they are a VERY good cook defenders #123 my beloved they are very meticulous about getting wanda's dietary needs correct they are always experimenting with nice vegetarian recipes for her & simon
Has the better parental relationship
IF we are talking theyre generally accepted parents (magneto & ultron) they're both? pretty bad? part of why i think they worked so well is that they were both essentially abused children used by others to further their cause with no concern for the trauma it caused them so they're both. Fucked Up™ however if it's the people i consider their parents (django & mayra and hank pym) than wanda, django and mayra were VERY good parents to wanda & pietro they kept them happy healthy and as safe as they could despite how unsafe the world was for them. hank meanwhile Cannot Accept his relation to vision really so. <3 he's not BAD but they need to sit down and Talk.
Tries to start role-playing in bed
my first instinct is wanda bc i imagine given that vision's first sexual experience is going to be wanda i don't think they really considered doing it any other way than how they do with wanda? however i can also see vision curiously searching things & reading up and suggesting to wanda that they try some things to various degrees of success. kinda could go either way basically <3
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
logic says wanda. heart says vision. they didn't need to pirouette for namor in that one panel but they did anyway <3
Still cries watching Titanic
VISION vision is a crybaby we all know it we've all seen it. it got her the first time but vision without fail every time is borderline inconsolable.
Firmly believes in couple costumes
they're so iconic they ARE a couple costume but seriously probably wanda at first and once vision gets exposed to the concept they are a converted truther they get one of those ridiculous split avacado couples costumes online for them to wear.
Breaks the expensive gift rule
WANDA listen wanda didn't have a lot of money growing up and she was certainly happy but i think once she gets used to the reality of having money she really likes buying vision nice things. her excuse is that vision doesn't have a lot of things and SOMEONE has to get them nice shit and she will. vision meanwhile is a freak who finds nice gifts EXACTLY in their limit it is uncanny.
Makes the other eat breakfast
wanda, vision thinks eating is disgusting most of the time but wanda loves the communal aspect of it so for her they will <3 they'll complain but by gd they'll do it!
Remembers anniversaries
both of them tbh! vision Does Not Forget Things Around Wanda and wanda is also not a forgetful person she has her google calendar mapped out perfectly.
Brings up having kids
canonically it seems it is vision however i do imagine wanda made one or two lighthearted jokes that put the initial idea into vision's head <3 vision prior to that had never been around children so i don't think wanda would have ever seriously considered kids with vision outside of like, fantasies, because it just seemed something that just wouldn't conceivably happen. surprise tho (w)bitch!
send a ship and i'll tell you who...
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kainetestament · 3 years
Deciphering Peter’s conversation with Wanda
1. Wanda tried to test Peter by asking him about the name of the boy that has a skin problem who always steal his shoes to which Peter counter “You’re testing me.” And has successfully divert the conversation by telling her “I know I look different.” Wanda do feel his brother is not the same brother she remembers. That even us viewers wonder why Peter and not Pietro is present? Though I do have a theory about that and talk about below.
2.  “I'm just trying to do my part, okay? Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the brother-in-law, stir up trouble with the rugrats, and ultimately give you grief. I mean, that's what you wanted, isn't it?” For these sentences, it kind of look like someone is speaking for him (like he’s possessed). Peter gave off the ‘mischievous elder brother’ or possibly has a sister complex as seen X-Men Days of Future Past. If this is really him, giving Wanda a grief will definitely be the last thing he’ll do, pranking her? Maybe, like what he did when Vision left the house and sneak up on her back on Episode 6.
3. Peter said “Details are fuzzy, man. I got shot like a chump on the street for no reason at all and the next thing I know, I heard you calling me. I knew you needed me.” And Wanda has a confused look on her face. Also, If we go on FANDOM, Wanda’s profile has been updated and one of the updates the user add was “He told her that he heard her calling him after he was shot by Ultron, and that he knew she needed him.” First of all, whoever made an update, none of Peter’s words mentioned Ultron, and didn’t imply Ultron as well, second Pietro was not shot for no reason at all, Ultron was firing bullets from Quinjet and Pietro have to save Hawkeye and the kid he’s holding, Peter on the other hand phrase it as “no reason at all”, so I don’t believe it’s anything related to Ultron.
Let’s translate what Peter just said, “I got shot like a chump on the street” – if we are to simplify this sentence, he could meant he’s running (as usual) on the street and got knocked down because he’s an easy target (after all, chump means a foolish or easily deceived person), or someone stopped him from running then he was hit by something, then when he’s trying to understand what happened, he can hear in his head his sister calling him, in probably mournful voice because he claimed “I knew you needed me.” Because before he appeared, when Wanda mentions Pietro (in past tense), she was still smiling, almost indicating she was able to move on from his passing, then when was asked by Tommy if Wanda have a brother, she now spoke of him in present tense “He’s far away from here, and that makes me sad sometimes.” – this could probably be what he meant when he say “I heard you calling me. I knew you needed me.” Because Wanda is now reminiscing the Pietro, and could possibly be now in denial with him and she wants to see him. We don’t know what’s going on in X-Men Universe and hell Earth-616 is one confusing world. Retelling it here in MCU that X-Men could probably be from different multiverse will make it less confusing as well.
Also Wanda was not officially introduced in X-Men Universe, but on the delete scene of Days of Future Past, Ms Maximoff (their mom) said to her youngest “Go upstairs and bug your sister”, implying (and confirmed by the director) that the “sister” is Wanda and she does exists in X-Men world, Peter being the eldest of the siblings, have a big brotherly love for his younger siblings so he easily got brainwashed and was summoned to Earth 616, we can only theorize that Mephisto discovered him as he was travelling thru the multiverse (as per his comics abilities), discovered Wanda and Pietro. Who knows if Wanda of X-Men Universe is alive or dead, but we can try and think, why this Wanda? If Mephisto has the ability to travel to the multiverse, he can chose Wanda of other multiverse too. Is it because of her involvement with the Infinity Stone? So this Wanda is so special because she is able to mother twins without a man’s help? We just have to wait for 2 more episodes for answers.
Also on top of Wanda not being introduce X-Men Universe, FOX changed Pietro’s name to Peter because MCU is also introducing another Pietro, but in MCU, they killed Pietro, this is probably due to copyrights restrictions (between Disney and FOX) because both Pietro and Wanda can appear on both franchise with some restrictions, which makes sense why there’s only Wanda in MCU and only Peter in X-Men World to avoid referencing the restrictions due to legal rights. Now that the Multiverse is being introduced, they can now cross Peter from X-Men World to MCU as a mutant (vice versa) and can also be referred to as Magneto’s children since the restrictions have been lifted. Although another possibility that the MCU killed Pietro is because MCU and FOX already planned ahead for a possible future Multiverse since way back, once the First Generation of Avengers retires (Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, etc.), that is possibly the time they can introduce the mutants. Because if the First Generation is still present when the Mutants arrive, it could destroy the balance of the super heroes line up and the MCU might become a trash of super hero franchise, which of course they won’t want that to happen. By killing Pietro on the other hand, can actually be both a risk and advantage. MCU’s researchers have definitely done their job well and study other products that involved alternate dimension/reality/timeline. In my point of view (as an otaku), when I watched these type of anime with alternate dimensions/reality/timeline, it does feel weird especially if the character meets her/her counterpart, like in Dual!! Parallel Trouble Adventure where both Mitsuki have actually met (I only remember parts of the story, so I won’t go deeper into this), the awkwardness is kind of hard to watch… So killing Pietro might’ve been the best decision, because keeping both characters and later meets up will not only cause awkwardness but the viewers might also find it weird. With no offense to ATJ but unlike his, Evan Peters’ QS have more cool scenes, his running in the kitchen is definitely a big wow, Age of Ultron didn’t showcase much any cool moves, we do see the slow motions around him and his afterimage, but the kitchen scene looks way more cooler, and personally for me, I find his break in Magneto scene (the glass shattering and escaping the guards) much more satisfying than anything...
Evan Peters could’ve also been given instructions by FOX of him possibly appearing/joining the MCU in the future because in an interview with the X-Men Apocalypse cast on MTV After Hours, Peter (Evan Peters) comment to Cyclops (Tye Sheridan) “Just because you wear shades, doesn’t make you cool.” In which Cyclops responded with “Just because your name is Quicksilver, doesn’t make you an Avenger.” And Peter responded back with “You know, legally I’m not able to respond to that.” Also during Dark Phoenix interviews, Evan Peters was nervous yet silently freaking out, almost like Tom Holland trying to  avoid telling anything. In the interview with New Trailer Buzz, Evan Peters was ask  to say the first thing that come to his mind like Wolverine = claws, Marvel = X-Men, Magneto = metal, Charles Xavier = wheelchair, then when as SCARLET WITCH – he pause and almost choke and said nervously “okay” and started to laugh, then was asked about cross-over and he responded with sweet, although compared to his previous answers where it only took less than 1sec to respond, the word SCARLET WITCH and CROSS-OVER definitely gave him a scare as he was probably be in talks but is of course not allowed to disclose.
If we think about it back then, we can probably just dismissed it as part of the restrictions between Disney and FOX, but Kevin Feige did mention before that everything is plan even up to 5 years, and X-Men to be in talks for the future multiverse is not impossible and of course they will not disclose that information (to actors let alone media), and what are the odds of killing Pietro in MCU and not introducing Wanda in X-Men.
 I will wait for Episode 8 for the next WandaVision update ‘cause it really hard to assume.
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers Annual #12: MOONRISE
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September, 1983
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes battle -- the Moon’s Mightiest Heroes... The Uncanny Inhumans!
With the population of the Moon being just the Inhumans plus Uatu, that’s kind of an overly narrow superlative.
But I do love this cover! The Avengers all forming a big A? Good stuff!
So the timeline of this annual is all kinds of screwed up.
It was released in September and published in November (whatever that means) but its supposed to pre-date Fantastic Four #254.
FF #254 and Avengers #232 overlap. In fact, FF #254 coming out in May and Avengers #232 share the scene where She-Hulk bonks off an invisible wall with what seems to be the same dialogue.
But despite meeting Reed in this Annual, he doesn’t recognize new Captain Marvel in Fantastic Four #256.
But this has to happen before Avengers #233 and FF #254-256. Due to changes that are going to take place in and after that story but also has the FF show up in costume changes that will take place during the listed period.
Its also weird from the Avengers standpoint because Starfox is part of the Avengers in this annual but he just joined in #232 and got sent on his first mission which happens at the same time as She-Hulk is bonking off that invisible wall.
So it makes no sense anywhere but I’ll cover it here to get it out of the way so I can cover Avengers #233 and FF #254-256 in one post, heavily summarizing down on the FF as its not as relevant.
So long story short: this issue fits weirdly in the timeline but lets get it over with.
The issue starts with the Avengers being secretly escorted before the UN Security Council FOR THE TRIAL INFORMAL HEARING OF THE FANTASTIC FOUR!
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Inhuman-related reasons.
In an area usually masked with lunar dust, the SHIELD space platform discovered a whole ass city on the Moon, distinct from the whole ass city that already existed on the Moon.
A city full of all kinds of fantastical life.
Guy who is not Gyrich: “Clearly, the region heretofore known only as the Blue Area, is not only habitable -- it is inhabited by a race of beings possessed of incredible science, technology, and, it appears, superhuman powers! Beings, honored ambassadors, who are not human!”
Ambassador Gregorovich: “Da! Inhabiting Earth’s Moon in a strategic orbital position -- but not human!”
Mr Fantastic: “No, Ambassador Gregorovich, the occupants of the city of Attilan are not human. They are... the INHUMANS!”
Reed... why do you think this is helpful?
He then decides to give their entire ass backstory. Explaining how they were humans once but then aliens came and did some experiments on early human and created a genetic offshoot who became known as the Inhumans.
How the Inhumans kept their numbers low and avoided contact with humans by hiding in various places, including the Himalayas.
The Chinese ambassador complains that the Fantastic Four knew about this entire ass city in China’s backyard but didn’t report it.
Reed defends the decision because the Inhumans just wanted to be left alone. And also that for a long while the city was stuck under a dome and incapable of posing a threat to the outside world.
How when the dome was broken by Black Bolt’s mighty voice, the Inhumans continued to want to be left alone but were eventually attacked by a group called the Enclave while at the same time being struck weak to a mysterious illness called POLLUTION.
And how to escape POLLUTION, the Inhumans just fuckin’ moved their entire ass city to the Moon.
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Cap: “The perfect solution!”
Wasp: “Was it, Cap?”
She-Hulk: “If it were, I have a hunch we wouldn’t be here today!”
Heh. Love the peanut gallerying.
The Security Council objects too because the FF enabled a secret super human race to live on the Moon, which is a great strategic location for attacking the Earth. Just look at any number of sci-fi.
Of course, this argument is slightly undermined by the Inhumans and their ridiculously long track record of minding their own business.
It’s pretty notable that when modern human pollution threatened their entire race, they just shrugged and moved to the Moon.
But despite that, the Security Council needs reassurance that the Inhumans pose no threat to Earth.
The Fantastic Four offer to go to the Moon and talk to the Inhumans but the Security Council says no on the basis of ‘you’ve done enough already’ and says that the Avengers will go instead.
I was wondering what any of this had to do with the Avengers!
I’m actually surprised that the entire Security Council agrees to send the Avengers. Earlier, Ambassador Gregorovich was complaining that Security Council had called American Superhero Team Avengers to the hearing of American Superhero Team the Fantastic Four.
You’d expect him to at least insist that some Russian superheroes be sent too.
Which would be cool, honestly.
The Soviet Super-Soldiers had been introduced a couple years before. Coulda done a combination Soviet Super-Soldiers and Avengers mission. Or heck, superheroes from each member of the  Security Council.
I understand why Mantlo didn’t do that since this is pretty much a done in one Avengers vs Inhumans slugfest and what I”m proposing really complicates things. But he also created the Super-Soldiers so it just feels like it works.
Anyway, the Security Council sends the Avengers on a fact finding mission to determine whether the UN will enter into a treaty with the Inhumans on the Moon.
As ya do.
The Avengers travel to the MOON in one of the space quinjets that they have for flying to the Moon.
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Also, at some point they picked up Scarlet Witch and Vision. I guess for the former’s ties to the Inhumans through Quicksilver.
The Avengers are met on the MOON by the Inhumans Royal Family, aka the only important ones. I know that there’s an entire city of these dinguses but whenever anyone says “the Inhumans” they usually just mean the royal family.
Anyway, its been a while since the Avengers and Inhumans had a get together, so Cap introduces the Inhumans to the Newest Avengers: She-Hulk, Captain Marvel (2.0), and Starfox.
We get some New To This Sort of Thing from Monica as she marvels, captainly, that she’s actually on the Moon!
Then Crystal shows off her new baby Luna. Named for the Moon. Like how sometimes people name babies Gaia, no doubt. Or Tara.
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She-Hulk: “Quicksilver and Crystal’s baby? Oh, gee! She’s so... cute!”
Wasp: “You sound almost envious, She-Hulk!”
Wasp, pls. Just let Jen compliment someone’s baby without ascribing motives.
Quicksilver also has an awkward greeting with Scarlet Wanda and Vision.
Because actually they were on the Moon recently. Where they learned that Magneto Is Secretly Wanda and Pietro’s Father.
And Wanda is not really ready to come to terms with that.
If she waits long enough, she’ll never have to because the retcon pendulum swung the other way eventually and now he’s not their father. And since he was an albatross hanging around their necks, necks that weren’t unburdened by albatrosses already, I can’t say I’m upset about it.
And Also: he never did any parenting of them. He swooped in when they were full ass grown adults and tried to act like their relationship meant anything aside from the whole coercing into terrorism and making Wanda sexy dance for him parts.
Most of the people that are big upset that Magneto was retconned away from being their dad never gave a shit about the man who actually raised them.
Poor Django Maximoff.
Anyway, that’s a long rant to establish that now is when John Byrne’s masterplan to have Magneto and Quicksilver related because they have the same haircut finally came to fruition.
His plan to make Sandman and Norman Osborn related is still pending at the time of this issue.
And the impact of that (Magneto reveal) is a recent bombshell to Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Vision.
It doesn’t really affect anything in this issue though.
Medusa asks whether the Avengers really popped up to the Moon for a social call but Cap says sadly no.
That they’re here because the various Earth governments aren’t happy that the Inhumans are looking down on them from space.
Gorgon and Karnak are a bit upset about this because they had to flee Earth because of all the human pollutions humans were polluting and now humans have sent people to hassle them at their change of address.
Wanda and Wasp smooth things over by saying that they’re just here to assure each other that humans (and mutants and etc) and peacefully coexist with Inhumans across the small vastness of space.
Black Bolt steps forward to react to this offer by doing a shrug which is interpreted as the open hands of peace and friendship.
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Wasp: “The open hands of peace and friendship? We’ll tell the nations of Earth they’ve nothing to fear, Black Bolt!”
Cool beans.
Although, I’m pretty sure that the UN expected more than a... uh... ‘we cool?’ exchange.
I believe the term used was “fact-finding mission.” But whatever.
Lets instead talk about fashion, briefly.
Most of the Avengers and Inhumans are wearing the sort of thing that they always wear. But Wasp is wearing an outfit I’ll call ‘the Magneto variant of her ripoff Molecule Man costume.’
The one usually in green and purple except its in red and purple. It looks good on her. But her new (80s?) haircut looks good too. Its maybe a lady’s mullet? But whatever it is, Janet is rocking it.
On the other hand we have She-Hulk who is wearing an aerobics-chic type costume complete with legwarmers. She also was interested in an aerobics instructor job several issues ago. I do not know what’s going on with her lately.
The 80s, maybes.
The Inhumans take the Avengers on a tour of Moon Attilan wherein Lockjaw becomes very enamored with Starfox and would, if this were a modern comic where sensibilities have shifted more crass, probably try humping his leg.
He is very fond of Eros.
Anyway, the Inhumans decide to take the Avengers to the Royal Crypt because I don’t know.
Its kind of morbid for a tour of the city to show the Avengers the crystal coffin that contains the dead, deceased body corpse of Maximus (the Mad). Like, what the heck, the Inhumans.
I guess its important for plot reasons to establish that its here.
But what the heck, the Inhumans??
Medusa exposits that Maximus is the one who initiated the Enclave attack on Attilan that preceded moving to the Moon! But while all of the Inhumans were stricken with pollution sickness, Maximus seemingly had a change of heart and turned against the Enclave, saving Attilan at the cost of his own life.
Maximus is very like a dumber, less charismatic Loki in a lot of most of the ways.
Having doomed and then saved the Inhumans, they honor him by putting him in a crystal box right at the front of the crypt so everyone can look at it.
When the Inhumans and Avengers are leaving the crypt, Lockjaw becomes confused and intrigued by a familiar scent from the crystal box and then doggy glares suspiciously at Black Bolt.
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Then, as the doors to the crypt are shut, Maximus’ eyes open as he screams internally forever.
So that’s a thing.
A kind of easy to unravel the mystery of thing.
Because, just saying, the Inhumans have the same plots over and over. And I mean narrative plots and scheme plots.
With everything be settled forever by one tour where they looked at a dead body and the Inhumans definitely being no threat to Earth at all ever no way, She-Hulk vows that she’ll use all of her legal experience to present a brief to the UN defending the Inhumans’ right to inhabit the Moon.
In fairness, I don’t think they signed the treaty saying not to weaponize space so...
Now: its time to party down.
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Annnnnd its kind of a half-hearted affair.
Half the people are standing around moodily instead of partying. Like Quicksilver and Medusa are glaring at each other. Black Bolt is doing what Black Bolt do and just sitting on his throne.
I know he can’t talk but he can dance, right? Or does that shatter mountains too?
In fact, only She-Hulk and Triton are dancing and Triton is ruining it by making fish puns.
Wait, this side of the party looks a lot cooler!
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What the heck, was there an option to have this sweet butterfly lady as a recurring Inhuman all along and they never took it? What the heck!
Anyway, a few of the background Inhumans including sweet butterfly lady are all over Starfox and his come-hither psychic powers.
Meanwhile, Cap takes some time to stare at Black Bolt not enjoying himself.
Scarlet Witch goes over to Medusa and verbally notices she looks bummed. She confesses that Black Bolt has become aloof and distant since they came to the... Moon...
Anyway. Wanda tells Vision she’s concerned for those two crazy kids but Vision wants nothing to do with anyone else’s drama.
Scarlet Witch: “Vision, I’m concerned for Medusa and Black Bolt.”
Vision: “As am I... But it is their affair... For them to resolve. We are here simply as ambassadors of peace, my wife, nothing more.”
Scarlet Witch: “But...”
Vision: “Nothing more.”
She-Hulk decides that the thing to do at a party is obviously to go pet the host’s dog. I mean, that’s why people socialize, right? To pet dogs?
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But Lockjaw is upset over something and teleports next to Black Bolt so he can growl in his general direction.
The narration says “But what Lockjaw knows... he dares not tell... yet.”
I hope this isn’t during the period where it was canon that Lockjaw wasn’t an Inhuman dog, he was an Inhuman that looked like a dog that everyone treated as a pet despite being as intelligent as any of them.
That was a weird time.
Thankfully retconned to be just a prank that Karnak and Gorgon were pulling on the Thing.
Weird prank but sure.
Later, after the party, Medusa wakes from a fitful sleep to stare dramatically into the night and drama fret over the rift growing between her and Black Bolt.
But Black Bolt has gone to the crypt where he leans in to speak to Maximus’ crystal coffin.
Weirdly, him speaking doesn’t break everything like it usually is known to do.
Perhaps a cluuuue.
Black Bolt (?) asks Maximus (?) if he’s sleeping well and then tells him he must be off to the secret staircase hidden under the crystal coffin.
As ya do.
Elsewhere, Scarlet Witch wakes with a start because her vaguely magically mutant powers have given her a DREAM VISION OF EARTH UNDER ATTACK
Also: I’m always amused when the comic remembers that Vision’s costume is a costume that he can take off. Enjoy some Vision fanservice.
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Vision tries to tell Wanda that it was just a dream and that she shouldn’t be afraid of dreams because Logic but then Captain America runs by the room shouting AVENGERS ASSEMBLE because a distress call came from SHIELD about the EARTH being UNDER ATTACK.
Just like Wanda’s dream.
Maybe try not to invalidate Wanda, Vizh.
Anyway, moon rocks are being flung at Earth and you’ll never guess from where!
From the Moon!
The Avengers are obviously not really but kinda implying that the Inhumans might know something about it
But before pointing fingers, Wasp tells Thor to go intercept the moon rocks since he’s the only one fast and buff enough to do it. Also he can hold his breath like a real long time.
Because, yeah, he explicitly has to take a deep breath of Moon air before launching into space.
Out in space, Thor sees where the moon rocks are being launched from (doesn’t look like from Attilan so that’s something) but he’s too busy launching Mjolnir to pulverize some rocks and punching other rocks to follow them to their source.
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Also, onslought.
That’s possibly a typo but I like to believe that onslought is just how its spelled in Marvel so that Onslaught is an even stupider name.
But the onslought of rocks is too rapid for Thor to make any headway. For every rock he shatters, there’s two more behind it.
So he’s out of the plot and punching rocks for a while.
Meanwhile, now its the time to point fingers.
The Inhumans are getting pretty defensive at the suggestion that the moon rocks that are being launched from the moon might be from the moon and therefore that the Inhumans might possibly be involved as they are the only ones who live on the Moon except Uatu. And Uatu wouldn’t launch a moon rock unless he could find a way that it wouldn’t be counting as interfering.
Like maybe if it landed on Frank Castle’s family.
Gorgon: “I do not like being accused of betrayal, Karnak!”
Quicksilver: “Nor do I like hearing my adopted home slandered!”
She-Hulk: “Yeah, well, names won’t hurt you -- but those moonstones are gonna break Earth’s bones!”
Unlikely! Definitely be an extinction event but Earth has strong bones.
Also, what a weird thing to say, She-Hulk!
So in quick defense of the Inhumans who are probably obviously not behind this: if they were going to throw rocks at Earth, they’re definitely smart enough to wait until the Avengers are home instead of doing it while they’re within range to punch.
They’re slightly too smart for that.
Crystal asks Scarlet Witch and Vision to mediate since they have ties on both sides but Black Bolt arrives before any mediation can happen.
And Black Bolt clears everything right up!
By declaring war on Earth and ordering the execution of the Avengers!
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Yup, no ambiguity there!
But surely, the Inhumans won’t just jump to obey an unjust order, right? Surely, they will object and demand an explanation for this new course of action that’s practically a 180 from his previous position?
Hahah, of course they don’t. These fucking idiots.
Gorgon: “If Black Bolt commands undying enmity between our races, it must be with reason!”
So while the Avengers are still trying to be like ‘lets use our words, people’ the Inhumans just leap right into attacking.
Even Lockjaw jumps forward and locks his jaws on Cap’s shield.
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Pietro frets, not knowing where he fits in.
Quicksilver: “Where do I stand? I am not an Inhuman, but a mutant! My child is human, tied to Earth!”
Crystal: “But Attilan is your home, my husband!”
Unspoken: ‘And what the fuck, I’m your wife!’
Quicksilver is convinced though and runs into the fray. Wanda protests so obviously Crystal starts attacking her.
Wow, the Inhumans come off as dicks in this.
So some pointless fight scene summarization.
Starfox ends up rolling around on the ground with Triton where Starfox gives Triton an orgasm. I assume. He pleasure blasts his brain making the guy laugh uncontrollably and collapse into a fountain. And then Triton gets Starfox all wet. By splashing him with the fountain water.
Quicksilver tries to punch Captain Marvel but she’s faster than him.
Because she can go lightspeed.
In fact, she makes him look like a dumb joke just dodging around and then punching him in the back of the head. And also, like, he’s the resident speedster of Marvel and he looks like a slow joke next to Monica Rambeau and Silver Surfer. And they had him flight Flash once and that was like Flash was challenging a baby to a fist fight, just remarkably mismatched.
But since there’s kind of a back and forth dealie going on, he spins her right round like a record round round round by running around her real fast when she makes the mistake of standing still.
Meanwhilelsewhere, Vision goes up against Karnak. And trash talks Karnak about how dumb it is trying to punch an intangible or diamond man. And then he fists Karnak with that fist thing he does sometimes. But Karnak vibrates his hand so he can smack intangible Vision.
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But nearby, Cap is still trying to wrestle his shield out of Lockjaw’s mouth and the dog flings him into Karnak, knocking the guy down.
The fight turns for the Avengers. She-Hulk punches out Gorgon quipping “steel toes can’t compensate for a glass jaw!”
Captain Marvel blasts out some of her energy, which knocks Quicksilver on his ass.
Annnnnd. Wasp never bothered to fight Medusa. Because designated girl fights are passe. But mostly because eh fuck it.
Wasp: “What of us, Medusa? Are we to fight, too? Will you blindly obey Black Bolt -- though you know some force upon the Moon is attacking Earth? Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out who -- and why... rather than accept the rash dictate of your leader that this battle must go on?!”
Medusa: “Though we have chosen Black Bolt as our king, Wasp, every Inhuman of the Royal Family is of equal rank. That status gives us the right to question Black Bolt’s decrees should we come to doubt their vision! Thus, I choose to exercise my right, Black Bolt, and pose the question... WHY??!”
Now, see, Gorgon? If you had bothered to think with your head brains instead of leaping right to “NEVER QUESTION LEADER” maybe you wouldn’t have had your block dented by She-Hulk. Think about that for next time.
Also, good on Wasp for being one of the best Avengers leaders. She’s super good at not jumping in half-assed.
She-Hulk decides Black Bolt is taking too long and grabs him and demands he speak.
Which would be a hilariously ill-thought out in other circumstances.
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Black Bolt: “Unhand me, you -- you savage!”
Everyone is like ‘OH SHIT’ and tries to duck and cover but no mass destruction and loss of life occurs.
Captain America: “Black Bolt spoke -- and we’re all alive!”
Medusa: “IMPOSTER!”
Except its less an imposter and more someone stole Black Bolt’s body, apparently? At least that’s what Medusa figures.
Are... his powers not tied to his body? What??
Anyway, Lockjaw is finally like ‘my moment is here!’ I guess because he leads the AvengersInhumans to the Royal Crypt and Maximus’ cool crystal corpse box.
Captain America: “Of course! That’s the only logical answer!”
Because duh.
Medusa puts together that if Maximus is Black Bolt, Black Bolt must be Maximus so Maximus must not be dead. And then chokes ‘Black Bolt’ until he admits it.
Pretty hardcore, Medusa.
Karnak and Vision combine their respective powers to break the apparently self-healing harder than diamond crystal coffin.
That’s a lot of stuff that this coffin does but I get it. If you’re bearing Maximus and for some reason don’t want to just bury his body in concrete, you do the next best thing and put him in a self-healing diamond crystal coffin to minimize the chances that he’ll inevitably come back from the dead like he did do.
The freed ‘Maximus’ stalks towards ‘Black Bolt’ to real Maximus’ fear and begging that surely Black Bolt wouldn’t harm his own body.
And I’m further confused about how the powers work because Black Bolt in Maximus doesn’t say anything here so maybe the power is with his mind but also as he sternly corners Maximus in Black Bolt, the tuning fork on Black Bolt’s body’s forehead starts crackling with an awesome power.
So is the power still in the body? Or what?
Anyway, ‘Maximus’ lays hands on ‘Black Bolt’ and this causes their minds to swap back. Thankfully, considering how confusing all these qualifiers were beginning to get.
Now with everyone in the right bodies, its time for Maximus to Explain It All.
So back in that story where the Enclave attacked Attilan, Maximus was part of the plan scheming because he wanted to overthrow his brother and become the ruler. As is his repetitive goal.
But the Enclave pressed the advantage over Maximus’ objections when the pollution sickness made the Inhumans to weak to fight back. They were even going to execute Medusa.
So Maximus turned on the Enclave, used an improperly shielded giant laser, and ended up in a coma.
Maximus whines about how the Inhumans should have listened to him and subjugated humanity to stop their evil polluting ways so that the Inhumans wouldn’t have been forced to the Moon.
But ironically, getting forced to the Moon worked out for the dingus because there was a powerful crystal on the Moon which woke Maximus from his coma and gave him the new never before possible power to swap minds with Black Bolt.
And then like a guy that makes good decisions that aren’t bad, Maximus got in contact with the Enclave again.
Gorgon: “You again allied yourself with our human foes?”
Triton: “For good reason is he called Maximus the Mad!”
Or at least Maximus the bad at decisions.
Maximus: “No! Don’t you see? Our strategic location, combined with the Enclave’s tactical expertise, make us invincible!”
In his own defense, Maximus argues that the Enclave is going to bombard Earth with rocks until humanity is mostly dead and then the Inhumans can go back to Earth.
Presumably... I mean... after all that nuclear winter from all the stuff blasted up into the atmosphere?
Maximus is supposedly a genius but ehhhh I don’t see it.
He is squirrely though because he uses his psionic powers that he has to freeze everyone in place and then runs off, all but cackling.
And like a smart person, he flees right to the hidden base where Alpha Primitives have been pressed into the service of the Enclave.
He tells them that they’ve got to flee because the jig is up but the Enclave are less than convinced in their salmon jumpsuits.
An Enclave Guy: “What?! Just run off and abandon our meteoroid launchers?!”
Meteoroid launcher is a fun name for death from above.
Another one points out, hey wait Maximus screwed us over once, maybe he’s lying again.
And summoned by the opportunity to deliver a sweet line, Captain America (and others) are teleported in by Lockjaw.
Captain America: “You can believe him, mister -- this time, Maximus is telling the truth!”
Yeah. Maximus led the Avengers slash Inhumans right to the Enclave.
He’s not smart! Or he has that INT WIS division going on.
The Enclave don’t get a chance to try to fight (and thank god, we’ve had enough fight scene in this book) because Black Bolt just blasts them all in one go, resolving the plot in one panel.
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Meanwhile, out in space, Thor is like oh good people have stopped throwing rocks at me. He was holding his breath this whole time after all and even he would have needed to reenter atmosphere soon.
With the Enclave in varying degrees of sprawled on their asses, the Inhumans can turn their attention back to Maximus for the assholery de jour.
He’s not repentant.
Maximus: “You don’t dare attack me, Gorgon! I am your brother, Black Bolt! I have as much right as you to the throne of Attilan! Like you, I wish only the best for our people! But, fool that you are, you refuse to admit our superiority to the humans! It is our destiny to establish dominion over the Earth! We must not be content with exile on this barren world! We must reoccupy the Earth! To do otherwise would be to deny our heritage! You know I’m right, Black Bolt! Admit it! Admit it!”
Black Bolt just turns his back on Maximus and gestures the others to take him away.
Since he never talks, he’s the master of the non-verbal shut down.
With the shooting meteors at Earth and also Maximus plots tied up, the Avengers get back to why they’re up here in the first place.
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Wasp: “What reassurance does the Earth have that they won’t be attacked again?”
Gorgon: “What reassurance have we that the Earth will not attack us? Humanity is better equipped for war than we! And it was the human scientists of the Enclave that fomented this battle!”
Medusa: “Of our people, none save Maximus have ever waged war against mankind. The Inhumans will ever seek the ways of peace. That is the solemn pledge of Black Bolt and the family royal. Tell that to your leaders... and ask if they can truly pledge the same!”
Okay, fair enough, fair enough. The Enclave were humans but on the other hand, it was Maximus who invited them to the Moon.
So maybe guarantee that you’ll keep Maximus on a leash?
Or do you not want to make promises you know you can’t keep?
Maybe at least promise you all won’t immediately jump to action if Black Bolt suggests that it’s time to destroy humanity. Please. Apply some critical thinking.
Annnnyway, the Avengers promise to deliver this message to the UN and “pray that our fellow man is wise enough to reply in kind!”
But seriously. Maximus causes like. 70% of the Inhumans’ problems. Get a better handle on him, you dipshits.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I’m brave enough to say ‘I don’t always like the Inhumans’ which I can assure you without bothering to google is probably a rare opinion. Also, like and reblog to make me feel appreciated.
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worldspinsmadly · 3 years
OKAY! This is going to be an extreeeemely long post with my various WandaVision theories! SPOILERS ahead for episodes 1-5, so tread carefully if you haven’t seen them yet! Also, buckle in for a lot of reading haha...
- Agnes is Agatha Harkness
This theory is pretty widely accepted but in case you haven’t heard it yet/need a reminder of what the theory is: Agatha Harkness is a witch in the comic books. She is an agent of Mephisto (basically the devil in the MCU, a sorcerer who is super powerful & does trades/grants wishes but in a monkey’s paw kind of way) and also acts as Wanda’s mentor when she is training. She is there to help Wanda realize her full potential. Reasons for this theory being accepted are:
1. Agnes = AGatha HarkNESs
Pretty self explanatory, this one.
2. One piece of evidence everyone likes to point to is that Agnes is ALWAYS wearing a brooch, much like Agatha. 
In a similar vein, Agnes dresses up like a witch in the Halloween episode (which we get tonight!!). The third comic-y reason is that she says her anniversary with Ralph (whom we NEVER see) is June 2nd, which is the start of the Salem Witch Trials. Agatha Harkness was one of the witches at Salem.
3. She (especially in episode 5) keeps showing up at the exact right time to help Wanda however she needs it. Examples include her showing up to welcome Wanda to the neighborhood and plan the dinner with Vision, bringing her along to the neighborhood planning committee, helping Wanda with the boys (showing up when they’re crying, the doghouse). She is always there, basically acting as a guide for Wanda in the town.
3. She knows that this is a fake world and that Wanda has some control over what happens. This is most clearly evidenced in episode 5 when she says “Do you want me to run that again?” She also doesn’t notice/care that Wanda has magic, which anyone else in the town would. Also - anyone else notice how she overacts constantly? (In a good way - I love Kathryn Hahn)
Which brings me to theory two:
Agnes/Agatha Harkness is the one in control, not Wanda - or at the very least, is using her power to try to influence Wanda’s actions.
1. Agatha is an agent of Mephisto. I think that she is acting on his orders to make this town and Wanda’s life in it the way that it is. Multiple reasons for this, but the main one for me is episode 5 (On A Very Special Episode), she clearly has control over/intimate knowledge of what’s happening inside the WandaVis household. How else would she know to show up when the twins are crying, or when they bring in a new dog? Other sketch things:
2. The boys only ever age up (or attempt to age up) when Agnes is there. I think that she is the one who is making them do that. If she can control every single person in town’s actions and speech, who’s to say she can’t control and manipulate the magic twins’ powers as well?
3. She clearly* killed Sparky, likely in order to try to help Wanda realize how powerful she really is and bring in the idea that she can bring people back to life. It may even be possible that Agnes wants to bring back a specific person but can’t without Wanda’s powers. *To me, it’s clear, because when she walked into the kitchen, Sparky almost killed himself with the electricity but didn’t, and then of course she “found him” in her azaleas.
4. Norm never specifies who “she” is that’s in his head.
SWORD and (Acting) Director Hayward are sketchy as fuck, and likely are doing some evil shit and trying to pin it on Wanda.
I don’t mean this to say that SWORD is the organization that put the town in the hex, or is the one that is controlling everything that's happening, but I think it's very clear that there's something going on behind the scenes that they don't want us to know. There are lots of different ways that you can see this, but some of the ones that are most important are as follows:
1. SWORD is clearly developing weapons which Monica highlights when she says, “it also says observation and response on that door not creation.” This is apparently against the mission of SWORD itself, which does not lead to a super trustworthy organization.
2. Director Hayward is clearly trying to place blame on Wanda for things she either didn’t do or didn’t control. The clearest example of this is when he is giving his speech in Episode 5 after Monica comes back, and Jimmy Woo was speaking. Hayward keeps interrupting to explain how Wanda is evil - she joined Hydra (as Jimmy says, it’s more complicated than that), she purposefully hurt people in Lagos (it was an accident), she fought against the Avengers (before gaining their trust and joining them). (Also, side note, I love Jimmy Woo and how kind he is. We need more Jimmy Woo in the MCU). 
3. The video that he shares of Wanda breaking into SWORD...not a single. person. in the SWORD lobby turns, notices, or reacts at all to Wanda walking in, violently throwing open doors, and basically stealing a corpse. I don’t know about you, but if I worked in a secure and secretive government facility, and a rogue Avenger that’s been gone for 5 years just suddenly appeared and was using her powers to break down doors and steal a secret project, I’d probably at LEAST turn and look. 
3a. I’m honestly not even sure that that’s Wanda vs. a body double, like, there’s a reason that the only power they showed was her opening a door, breaking glass, and gently coming down into the room - all things that can be easily faked. You’re telling me that SWORD, in all their advanced tech, space travel, science, money, you’re telling me that the best visuals they have are 1. barely in color 2. blurry and 3. don’t show close-ups of her face? I think that it wasn’t Wanda who took Vision’s body, and I think the footage was fabricated. 
4. CLEARLY - SWORD has been experimenting on Vision. Whether to revive him, recreate his technology, whatever, it is explicitly stated that that is against his living will and the Sokovia Accords. IF (and I think it’s a big if...) Wanda did violently break in to steal his body, it would likely be to protect him and make sure he is being honored, not make him into a weapon. 
VISION IS ALIVE - and no, Wanda is not just puppeteering his corpse (this is one of the worst theories I’ve heard about WandaVision and I hate it and if I never hear it again it’ll be too soon)
1. I have several reasons to think this. First, if he weren’t alive, why would we have so many scenes of just Vision, or scenes where Vision is figuring out that something is wrong?
2. In the trailers, we see Vision leaving the boundaries of the hex (to be fair, I haven’t watched any of the new trailers, because I don’t want any spoilers) - BUT - how could he do that if he weren’t his own being?
3. I genuinely do not think that Marvel is going to make us watch Vision die again. Not a third time.
How is he alive? I think that there’s obviously an extreme amount of Mind Stone energy within Wanda, and I’m sure that there’s a world in which she could transfer some of that energy to Vision and help bring him back. Not entirely sure of the methodology to be fair, but I just have a feeling in my heart.
1. Monica came out of the Hex with powers - my only reasoning being that her brain scan and her blood draws were both inconclusive/blank.
2. Wanda isn’t lying when she says she doesn’t know how this started or what’s happening. I think she has more control than most people in town, but I think that’s more that she is a little tuned in to the frequencies of the town than that she started it all. But I really think that Agnes is in control.
3. OH PIETRO - He’s the Evan Peters Quicksilver instead of ATJ (rip) because Agnes had to search through the multiverse for him - she can’t bring people back to life (Wanda can though...ATJ i’m holding out hope...). So anyway, she just searched through the universes and found the closest thing to Pietro that she could.
4. Aerospace engineer that Monica knows might be Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic. (The Fantastic 4 and the X-Men have a long history with Agatha Harkness, so it would make sense to bring those characters in now that Disney is able to)
5. Dottie is also a witch - she’s not identified on the magnet board with the other townspeople, she’s in control of some things.
6. Hayward might be Mephisto in disguise, who knows.
7. Magneto is going to come back at the end of the series i have no real reason to believe this
8. I don’t trust the post man.
OKAY THAT’S ALL I have to go back to work and this is way too long please send me all your theories :)
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rocinawanda · 3 years
WandaVision - 1x05
This is definitely the week for TV with The Expanse finale and this episode yes I am here for it and so much happened and was hinted I don’t know where to start! Spoilers!
Wanda!! My LOVE! She is so goddamn powerful and hot I cannot take it! I definitely did not expect to see her walk out of the anomaly holy shit I almost screamed. Can I just say, that SWORD director who tried to shoot her with a missile, you are so stupid. This woman has enough power to control an entire town, to hold back Thanos and you think you can stop her with a missile? An idiot. I thought she may attack them when she walked out like “You want a villain, you got one!”
Nonetheless, her showcasing her power by controlling the guards was HOT I watched it like ten times help. Also Monica highlighting how powerful Wanda is and that she would’ve stopped Thanos all by herself is everything I have ever wanted. But that conversation outside the anomaly laid out the question of the show with Monica asking Wanda what she wants. Wanda has what she wants in Westview, a family that wasn’t bombed or killed and she will do anything to keep them that way.
Really sad the reveal from Monica and then Norm that those under mind control in Westview are in pain or sensing Wanda’s grief as she is controlling them but they can’t do anything except recite their scripts.
The deleted scene was shown! I heard that the scene of Wanda stealing Vision’s corpse was supposed to be in Endgame but ooh they showed it here and wow. They took Vision apart so she literally stuck him back together and confirmed, is essentially using his corpse like a puppet. So creepy. I love it.
One thing Jimmy said that stuck with me was “Where did she get the mind stone?” for Visions head. I may be reading too much into it as we saw last episode from the reality slipping a bit that he doesn’t have the mind stone in his head just an empty hole, but it did have me go over the timeline of Endgame again to determine if she could have taken it somehow. (For reference, after the 2012 Loki mishap, Steve would have returned the stone aka the tesseract to Peggy/Howard time).
This is already so long but I have to mention the kids Tommy and Billy having powers makes everything so much funnier with them aging themselves up and I can only tell the mischief may get bigger in future.
Now for the big one. Pietro. The cameo so big that we all hoped would happen but didn’t expect it to. IT HAPPENED. Okay firstly, disclaimer, I was lowkey hoping Aaron Taylor Johnson would show up as Pietro because I fuck with Avengers more than X-Men so whilst I appreciate the recast Quicksilver and have nothing against him, it didn’t have the emotional payoff for me personally that it likely would have had if it was Age of Ultron Pietro.
But I get it! It is literally canon now that this Pietro is in the Avengers universe, whether they will explain it further because the twin boys did begin talking about “Can you bring anything back from the dead” to which Wanda adamantly said no. But we know Pietro died. She can re-animate robot corpses but human one’s I don’t think so, so there will be more exposition coming I am sure. Also if Magneto aka Erik aka Michael Fassbender ever shows up in WandaVision as he is canonically the X-Men Pietro’s father which clearly now means he is also Wanda’s father I will be exploding.
This was so long thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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rainbow-dot · 3 years
I wanna take my time to talk abt this depressing episode.
-Let’s start with wanda’s home and experiments.
That shit hurt so much, so fucking much, they were watching TV, a sitcom, funny family comedy so they could learn english and get the fuck out there. Then the next thing she remembers is that her parents are dead and she is hiding under her bed with her brother and waiting for that bomb to explode. but that bomb never explode and we know why, she used a spell. But i’m pretty sure that Wanda did that thing with her hand bc she knew she had the Gene X in her, maybe her father told them.
And i’m deducing that wanda could only move things at that time. She did the same thing magneto does when she wants to move things with his hand. So probably she knew at that time but maybe somehow forgot cause she was still weak and hadn’t have a training until she went to the experiments. With the stones is when she got her powers amplified and she saw herself in the future as the scarlet witch.
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she has the thingy in her head and probs the future costume that she is gonna be using. that scene for me was powerful enough to make jump in happiness.
Also, going back to her father entering the scene. He brings stolen things, we know they are stolen by the look the mom gave him, he was stealing to sell and to escape from the war and at the same time was giving his kids a class in English so they could go to America i guess, following Pietro’s story in X-Men, he immigrated from sokovia to America changing his name to “Peter” to “blend in”. So probably that’s what they were doing. But going back to the father stealing: He couldn’t just do that without powers or help, and at that time i’m pretty sure it was every person for themselves so he didn’t had much help from ppl, but he used his powers (maybe) so this could be a nod to magneto and maybe a hint that he is still alive?? i mean killing magneto is a hard job to do, maybe the soldiers found him and brought him to experiment on him?? just like the x-men magneto but with nazis (this are suppositions, don’t take anything seriously)
And now i’m just gonna take two seconds to talk about how well marvel was able to put the eastern european essence in the ep. That scene made me cry a lot by making me remember my home, the smell, the colors, the patterns, the cultural things we have in our houses, the kitchen and bed integrated room, all of that made me cry so much when i saw it. Marvel just reminded me how much i miss home and the fact that i won’t be able to go back again so this broke me and i’m sure that many eastern europeans that had to immigrate due to war persecutions/poverty/any other thing, they feel the same way when they see it. I’m just gonna say thank you for the very accurate representation of many eastern europeans houses, thank you for literally bringing me the smell of my house, its been many years.
-The Wanda and Vision conversation that had me laughing and crying at the same time.
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Vision gave wanda the speech she needed at that time, the speech that told her that she will be okay, that sorrow is part of our life, sadness help us grow up, but first we need to learn to do so. That’s why when the dog died wanda stop the twins from growing up remembering Vision’s words, sadness is important in our life. we can’t grow up and ignore it, we need time or otherwise we will never learn.
Also let’s talk about the panic robot 😂 the awkward smile he gave to wanda lmao he was like “i wanna kiss you, but i’m super shy” 😂 I swear i don’t like romantic shit, but Wanda and Vision makes me wanna see more. they are perfect for each other. A witch and a robot, perfection.
-Wanda at sword and creating the hex.
If the home thing hurt me that much, this part destroyed me and took the remains of my broken heart after the first thing.
Wanda going to sword with the intention of giving vision a proper burial and finding out that they were ripping his boyfriend apart to make a weapon out of him, that broke me a lot. And the fact that Hayward had NO RESPECT for wanda’s grief makes me thing that he is either a Hydra agent or a Kree, one of those. I saw many Hydra agents trying to empathize and make it worse (Grant Ward) and Kree doesn’t even understand what empathy is lol. The fact that he just broke wanda thinking she was helping her it’s not okay. He said “I can’t let you take 3B of vibranium” so money it’s more important than a woman being in pain, i see you fucking bitch.
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Then he proceeded to let wanda see him up close thinking, once again, that it would help, but in reality it didn’t help and then modification the video to make her look like the villain. Then she goes and touch him and says “I can’t feel you” when they always said to each other “I feel you”. shit.
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The next thing that we see is wanda going to westview, but the town was not figuring and real, Jimmy said it in ep 4, so maybe it’s bc Vision erased it to be able to hide with wanda after all that happened? Wanda wanted to be hide because she was still afraid of the outside world and ppl looking at her bad for what she did in lagos. Was vision planing a retirement with her? cause that hurts bro.
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He even wrote with a heart representing how much he loved her and this just makes me so mad and sad. please just bring him back and make wanda happy , she deserves it.
-Vision coming back
In the post-credits Vision comes back thanks to the drone that has the properties of the hex. I have so many theories about this part, but i wanna start with the future of the new vision.
Ppl are already going with the “wanda will have to kill vision again” and i’m saying that i don’t think so. Vision is a robot, robots can be reconfigured, unless you are ultron, then you have no good future lol, but i believe that vision can be reconfigured to the normal one, to one who was not a weapon but just a sintezoide trying to understand humans and practically evolving into one. And also he had the properties of the hex and the hex is a part of wanda, hence he was a part of wanda and i’m pretty sure Monica has it too that’s why after she goes out she has even more motivation to help her, not only bc she understands her pain but because maybe she felt it and saw it (remember that monica has a flashback with wanda crying and we see that flashback in this do that it’s when she arrived to westview, so monica probably saw that but she doesn’t quite understand what she saw yet, she only knows she has to help wanda).
So maybe Vision is reconfigured as a sword weapon, but i’m pretty sure you can easily change that so Wanda can still have the real vision back.
What i don’t quite comprehend is why is vision blue-ish? shouldn’t he be red? i mean should he get his real color? this assuming that he really came back from the dead, but if he didn’t i understand that he should have that color and not his alive form.
anyways, i have a theory about the hex, it’s gotta be a nexus or how you wanna call it, but it’s gotta be that or maybe a way to the nexus?? i mean she is a nexus being and the hex gives mutant genes and i’m sure it’s more than just genes that it gives. I’m pretty sure Agatha was able to bring pietro from x-men trough the hex and now i’m super sure that Hayward is trying to use that hex too. following my theory of him being a kree, i would say that bc the kree are very into the whole nexus thing and finding all sort of technology to use against humans he would pretty much would want the powers of the hex to travel and get all types of technology for himself. I mean he literally weaponized vision and i’m sure that it’s not only to fight against wanda.
anyways that’s all i got, imma go cry now.
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WandaVision Final Episodes Theories: Cameos, Villains, and the X-Men
With only three confirmed episodes of WandaVision left in this season, there are still so many mysteries and potential plot lines left. What cameos, villains, and even potential franchise mergers could come from these final episodes?
 It’s been teased that there may be a cameo, and based off of the Mandalorian’s style of screenwriting, it will come in the finale. So who is it? A certain aerospace engineer from other franchises? One of the X-Men or Fantastic 4? Boba Fett? (Marvel released a poster with Boba Fett on it, so anything’s possible). However, all evidence points to Captain Marvel. For starters, she has a very strong tie to Monica Rambeau and her family. Captain Marvel is arguably one of the strongest Avengers in sheer power, similar to Wanda, and both of their powers come from Infinity Stones. If anyone knows anything about how to stop this, slow it down, or even enter, it would be Captain Marvel. There’s physical evidence for this, too. The colors of blue, red, and yellow, the Captain Marvel colors chosen by Monica Rambeau, show up incredibly heavily in the sets and costumes. Wanda wears red, Vision wears yellow, and side characters, such as Pietro II and Geraldine wear blue. Billy and Tommy wear a combination of the two. Even in a promo poster for the next episodes, Darcy wears blue. Captain Marvel’s name has also been brought up in multiple episodes, something that hasn’t been done for any other Avenger or Marvel character. I’m pretty sure she’s going to show up. Also of note, going back to the color thing, is the increasing prevalence of the color green. In the last few episodes, green has been showing up. First, one of the twins wore green in with his blue shirt, breaking the coloration pattern. Vision also had a lot of green in his Halloween costume. Either this color symbolizes the ability to not be controlled by Wanda, as the twins and Vision can’t really be, or it hints at another possible tie. The background of the two WandaVision title screens on Disney Plus both use a greenish floral wallpaper almost identical to one showed in the flipthrough of letters on the Loki trailer. (I have a theory with side-by-side images, so go check that out for proof) The color green is used really heavily in the trailer, and is tied to Loki’s character, even going as far back as his childhood. Maybe the shows will intersect at some point. Obviously, any cameos that are tied to the show, aside from Owen Wilson or Tom Hiddleston, are going to have to wait until May to be explained.
There are so many theories over the villain of the show. Wanda. Nightmare. Agatha Harkness. The Grim Reaper. However, the most popular theory is that it’s Mephisto. Assuming the villain is him, as most of the evidence suggests, the question remains how he is controlling Wanda. He’s clearly altering the reality, as children appeared without her creating them, and Pietro II also appeared. He could be using Agnes, but the last episode kind of made her seem innocent. Of course, this could be an act, or she could be mind controlled by Mephisto, too. One option is that Mephisto is using his ability to alter the reality to continually antagonize Wanda to keep her upset. Easter eggs such as the commercials being reminiscent of dark parts of Wanda’s past, images of the Sokovian lab where she grew up, and continual mentions of her dead family could all be ensuring she stays in a state of mental anguish, fueling the Westview Anomaly. One potential perpetrator is Pietro II. He seems harmless enough. He showed up to help keep Wanda company, according to him, and seems to be a good uncle to Billy and Tommy. However, he may have a darker purpose. Pietro II has put pressure on Wanda and Vision’s relationship, the reason for the creation of the Hex. He keeps bringing up their parents. He reminds her of her painful past, and his death. He even causes trouble with Billy and Tommy, which has to be exhausting for Wanda. Pietro II has some suspicious lines, too. He calls Billy and Tommy “demonspawn from hell.” If Pietro II is Mephisto or working for Mephisto, this is a suspicious line, especially if Billy and Tommy were created by Mephisto in the reality for some nefarious purpose. Pietro II’s Halloween costume also had strategically placed tufts of hair that look kind of like devil horns. Obviously, these costumes were throwbacks, but the hair tufts are really suspicious, as it takes some work to get them into the position and shape to look like horns.
                                                   The X-Men 
One of the most talked-about theories is that the X-Men or Fantastic 4 are going to show up. After all, Pietro II actor Evan Peters was in the Fantastic 4 as Quicksilver. It has also been theorized that Wanda and Pietro were mutants, allowing them to survive the Mind Stone. In the comics, they were the children of the one and only Magneto. Obviously, that plot line doesn’t work in this contest-a big part of Wanda’s character is that her parents died. (Although an argument could be made that the reason the bomb did not explode was thanks to Magneto controlling it to protect his children.) But are Wanda and her brother mutants, or are they activating the mutant gene in people? I think that they are creating it. When Monica Rambeau gets her bloodwork back, it shows that her DNA has been completely altered. This could mean that she becomes Photon. But earlier on, Darcy said that the CMBR (cosmic microwave background radiation) was within safe limiets-for now. Obviously, the Hex has now expanded, and so will the radiation. It most likely is no longer within safe limits. So if taking someone inside the Hex changes their DNA, couldn’t the radiation do something similar? My theory is that WandaVision isn’t introducing the X-Men - it’s creating them. It would make sense from a writing standpoint. Now, Marvel has a new, recognizable franchise that they can bring in without having to explain any plot holes or lack of crossovers. They have a clean slate to reboot the franchise into Phase 4. Mutants won’t show up in this generation, but if everyone in and around Westview has the beginnings of the gene that causes mutations, and if they move (they have too, who would want to stay in or near Westview any more?) they will spread the gene to their children all over the world, beginning the race of mutants. Who knows how many people would be affected by the radiation? The Hex is massive, and its effects could spread all across New Jersey, beginning the central conflict of the X-Men. At any rate, it seems that these franchises, now owned by Disney, are going to intersect. Who knows when, or how, it will happen?
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sweetkale · 3 years
all evidence that points towards Magneto being Jewish before it was first explicitly established in 1991
!!None of this is my writing!! It’s a useful but outdated source that I merely revised to replace the G slur. It was written by Rivka Jacobs and the original can be found at http://www.alara.net/opeople/xbooks/magjew.html
The Magneto Is Jewish FAQ (revised 11/9/98)
Rivka Jacobs
(1) In Uncanny #113 (Classic X-Men #19), the added material has Magneto on Asteroid M, talking about the deaths of Magda, Anya, and he mentions Auschwitz for the first time. "I endured one death camp ... in Auschwitz ... I will not see another people fear what they do not understand and destroy what they fear." Uncanny #113 is from 1978. The additional scenes were included in 1988's Classic X-Men #19. So, we know Magnus was at Auschwitz, a death camp, not just a concentration camp. (Many fans [and writers] seem to get the two types of camps confused). There could have been a number of reasons he was at Auschwitz: he was a Polish political prisoner, a Russian prisoner of war, a member of the French underground, a homosexual from Germany, Roma, or, with a high probability, a Jew. (Out of 1.5 million victims of Auschwitz, between 1.1 and 1.2 million were Jews).
(2) In Uncanny #150 (one of my favorites) Magneto mentions, in a fight with Cyclops, "I know something of grief. Search throughout my homeland, you will find NONE who bear my name. Mine was a large family, and it was slaughtered ... without mercy, without remorse." So that eliminates German homosexual and French partisan, because the entire familes of such prisoners were not slaughtered throughout an entire "homeland." After Magneto thinks he has killed Kitty, he says: "I remember my own childhood ... the gas chambers at Auschwitz, the guards joking as they herded my family to their death. As our lives were nothing to them, so human lives became nothing to me." Storm is about to blast him for "killing" Kitty, and she says, "If you have a diety, butcher, pray to it!" Magneto answers, "As a boy, I believed. As a boy, I turned my back on god forever." So now we know that Magnus is not a political prisoner (German political prisoners were sent to camps on German soil, like Dachau, or Bergen-Belsen), he is not Polish, since whole Polish families were not herded to the gas chambers. The Poles were not the target of pre-meditated Nazi genocide. While the Russian people were the target of genocide, only Russian POWs were in Auschwitz, not whole families. So, we are now left with only two groups of people that Magnus could be from, the Roma and the Jews. Uncanny #150 is from Oct. 1981; already Magnus says something very interesting here. He says he "remembers" the gas chambers of Auschwitz, "remembers" his family being herded, he "remembers" the guards joking. Fact: no one remembers the gas chambers of Auschwitz except in two ways (or three if you believe the dead can speak to the living), either you were a Nazi SS guard or doctor or official, or you were a member of the Sonderkommando. The Sonderkommando, Jewish prisoners who were forced by the Nazis -- in all the death camps -- to do the dirty work of killing. It was Nazi official policy. The Jews, the lowest of the low to the Nazis, in Auschwitz hierarchy, followed by the Russians, and then the Roma, the Jews would be the ones to lead the victims to the gas chamber, to haul the bodies from the gas chambers to the ovens, to burn and bury the dead. The Jews would pull the teeth of the corpses, cut the hair, pile the bodies three at a time on the retorts of the ovens in just the right way. The Sonderkommando had a few kapos (overseers) who were German and Polish prisoners, criminals from civil prisons in Germany and Poland. During the summer of 1944, 19 Russian POWs from Mauthausen were sent to augment the Auschwitz Sonderkommando. Totally documented, on paper and by eye witness accounts. All other members of the Auschwitz Sonderkommando were Jews.
(3) In Uncanny #161, Sept. 1982, we have the story of Xavier's trip to Israel. There he meets Magnus for the first time. However, it should be noted that the entire story is a Charlie-dream, while he is with Lilandra. In Uncanny #161 we see for the first and last time Magnus' tattoo from Auschwitz. His number is #214782. Xavier says, "That tattoo, Magnus, were you ...?" Magnus answers, "Auschwitz. I grew up there." So now we know that Magneto was first in Auschwitz as a very young person, but we can't pinpoint the age yet. Also, his number is high for someone who was there from the beginning of the camp. The first Polish prisoners, like author Wieslaw Kielar, had very low numbers, like in the 200s. Sonderkommando survivor Filip Muller's number was in the 20,000s. He arrived in early 1942. Magnus' number is a standard number, however, without the A of the 1944 arrivals, or the Z of the Roma, or the other special classification symbols. Of course the penciller didn't know these details. So a standard Auschwitz number, which is too big, but it doesn't tell us anything.
4) Vision and the Scarlet Witch, Vol. 1, #4. Magneto has just found out Wanda and Pietro are his children. (This is from Feb. 1983). He is on the moon, in the Inhuman city of Attilan, telling VIsion about his youth. "I was born into a time and place ... Android ... where both man and mutant were persecuted for being ... different." Picture of the Auschwitz camp, guards tormenting emaciated prisoners, one of whom displays a very prominent and exaggerated Star of David on his clothing. Remember Jews and Roma were kept apart in the camp. In the next panel, however, Magneto sort-of goes into a fantasy. He says, "But unlike the other victims, I possessed the power to fight back." He imagines he's hurling Nazi tanks away with magnetic energy. What's this? In 1983, the reader doesn't know what to make of this. Keep in mind, he's meeting with Wanda, Pietro, Vision, and Crystal, and has held Luna for the first time. Is he exaggerating? Showing off for them?
(5) Now for the second most important comic proving Magneto is Jewish, Uncanny #199, Nov. 1985. Magneto with Lee Forrester and Kitty Pryde arrive at the National Holocaust Memorial in Washington, DC. (It's not really Lee, but Mystique, trying to capture Magneto). Magneto has been having an affair with Lee, he loves her. He brings her to the Holocaust Memorial? Why? Fun date, huh? Why, because he has no other family. These people are his family. Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. (The Roma have their own name for the genocide, and their own gatherings, with their own rituals and customs. Magneto has no reason to go to a Jewish gathering if he isn't Jewish). Lee/Mystique says: "Man's inhumanity to man ... how easily the race kills." Magneto answers: "Then, Lee, it was the Jews. My nightmare has ever been that tomorrow it will be Mutants." Why would he say that, why wouldn't he mention another ethnic group, if he weren't Jewish? Next, Magneto tells Kitty EXACTLY how to address the gathering in order to get information about dead or missing family members. How does Magneto know how to do this? Isn't it obvious that he's done this before? Why would he address a Jewish Holocaust gathering looking for information about his family if his family weren't Jewish? (And it is a Jewish gathering, besides the use of the word Holocaust, a speaker says in the background: "... the systematic institutionalized extermination of one people by another."). Kitty asks about her great-aunt Chava, who died at Auschwitz, and Magneto is recognized by two survivors, Ruth and David Shulman, two Jewish survivors. (Shul is another name for synagogue -- Shulman means man of the temple, or man of the synagogue). They remember Magneto as a youth in Auschwitz, and say he helped them survive. And witness him as having been there. (No implanted memories, please). They testify that he " ... Had been at that accursed place from the very start..."
Later, Mystique reveals herself, and arrests Magneto in front of all these people. Magneto says that he recognizes no authority. "My land ...all the countries of the world ... turned their back on me and mine when we were condemned to Hitler's death camps. Therefore, in return, I have sworn to deny them." So let's clear this up ... the Roma were not persecuted in Greece, the Greek Jewish community was decimated. A small number of Roma and Jews in Rumania were exiled to a new border country called "Transnistria" but the remainder of the Roma were left alone. Several hundred thousand of them. 350,000 Rumanian Jews were savagely murdered throughout the country. In Slovakia, the Roma were left alone, the Slovakian Jews were among the first sent to Auschwitz. After the Slovakian uprising was crushed in 1944, several hundred Roma who had courageously helped in the rebellion were murdered, along with the remainder of the Jews of Slovakia. Bulgaria did not persecute its Romani people. Bulgaria, although resisting deportations of its Jews, persecuted them locally. In the Netherlands, only the "wandering" Roma who were captured in camps and wagons were deported, about 500. The remaining who had bought homes or found shelter with neighbors, were left alone. The Netherlands is where Gabrielle Haller comes from -- in under two years 100,000 Dutch Jews were deported, most were killed. I could go on. There is no other people who were hunted everywhere the Nazis went or had influence but the Jews. There is no other people who had the gates of escape cut off after the war started, but the European Jews. Magneto's reasoning is based on this most extreme situation.
(6) Uncanny #211, Nov. 1986. The Mutant Massacre. Page 9 -- Betsy Braddock has just come in from discovering what happened to a wounded Morlock, who has just died. Magneto, Storm, and Wolverine are standing there in Xavier's infirmary. Betsy says, "... I saw a cadre of super-beings ... massacring every living thing in the Morlock tunnels." Magneto reacts immediately, out of pure emotion. "NO! The horrors of my childhood, born again...only this time, Mutants are the victims, instead of Jews." What else does this mean? He's talking about HIS childhood, he's making a parallel. If he weren't Jewish, he wouldn't have said Jews, he would have said Roma. The two groups of people are not interchangeable.
(7) New Mutants #49, March 1987. Magneto is dreaming. It is an entire page representation of the massacre of his family. Here we see for the first time, his family -- father, mother, sister -- as they were gunned down in front of open graves. The family members are dressed in middle class urban clothes. No peasant dress, no Roma clothing. (And it is not a cliche. Roma women always wore, at this time, their flowing skirts and distinctive scarves and clothing, similar to the Bosnian women of today). Being massacred with Magnus' family is a mixed group of people. Men in bowler hats and suits, one old woman in a long skirt. One man in a bowler hat has the side-locks of the devout Jew, but the other people could be anyone. Poles or Jews or Roma. It's Magnus and his family who are out of place. They are well-dressed, Magnus's sister in a proper school uniform with the prim collar. Every picture I've seen of the German Rom show: a people of color, having left India and Armenia five- to six-hundred years ago, the men wearing Fedoras (favorite style of hat) and normal suits and ties, and the women and girls always dressed in the long skirts and distinctive flowered scarves. The boys wear a mixture of urban short pants but scarf belts, some have socks, some don't. New Mutants #49, page 17, could show some Roma in the crowd, but Magnus' family members are definitely not Romani in this picture.
(8) X-Men Classics #12, back-up story, Aug. 1987. The actual scenes of Magneto's escape from Auschwitz. "And with World War II ending... the Third Reich defeated...it's guards wanted no witnesses left...to tell the tale of this horror..." Picture of an SS soldier about to shoot a fallen and stricken Madga. "He had been there from the start ..." Magnus has just slammed a wooden beam into the head of the SS soldier. "Grown to manhood within its electrified barbed wire fence. If he was to die, it would not be in this abattoir ... and not without a fight!" Magnus grabs a terrified Magda by the hand and drags her with him in his escape. (a) The war is almost over, it is winter, it is the winter of 1944-1945. The Roma were gone by 1945. All the Roma women were gone. Only 4 clerks, high-status friends of Nazi officials in Camp I, were left. The Romani camp was murdered in the gas chambers in August 1944. (b) This scene, by Claremont and Bolton, is completely accurate. It takes place on Jan. 20, 1945, two days after thecamp was evacuated and the Death marches began. Some 70 of the Sonderkommando were kept to help destroy the evidence of the death factory, before they were to be killed. Some 200 women from the woman's camp, Jews, were chosen to fill in the huge pits where bodies were burned. They had to haul ashes, break up human bones, all in the coldest part of winter. The SS soldiers sent back on Jan. 20th were sent to kill the women. That is exactly what you see in this comic book, because Claremont and Bolton took the time and cared enough, to do their research. Magneto was saving Magda becasue at that point, he wasn't the target, yet. If they were out by the burial pits to the northwest of the camp, that is a point close to the forest. It just makes sense.
(9) New Mutants #61, March 1988. On page 22, Magneto is alone, kneeling over the dead body of Doug Ramsey, thinking thoughts only the reader can see. This is one moment he would not misrepresent anything, to himself especially. He says, "An ill wind is coming ... they are registering mutants ... like they once registered my people in Poland ...! Who knows what horrors await us." Only the Jews were registered, and forced to wear armbands with the Star of David on them, in Poland (at the end of 1939). Efforts to murder the Polska Roma (the Polish Roma) began in 1942, but they weren't registered first. Young Magnus wouldn't have known about any of that in any case-- he was already at Auschwitz by 1942. He would only have known that "my people" the Jewish people in Poland, including the German Jews who had already been deported there in the first months of the War, were registered.
(10) Classic X-Men #19, March 1988, back-up story. Magneto is apparently working for the CIA hunting Nazis. He is about to be betrayed by them, and his lady love of that time, Isabelle, is about to be murdered. But as he is apprehending a Nazi war criminal he gets one of his massive headaches. "Pain," he thinks, "again indescribable." "Worse than the bite of the kapo's whip. The murder of parents and family, the death of a child ... the loss of a beloved wife!" So here we see that Magneto was the victim of kapos. He could not have been a kapo. He was too young anyway, as we've seen. He grew up in Auschwitz. Here he says the murder of parents, and family. The parents separate, gunned down. The remainder of his family, no doubt sent to the gas chambers later, while he was in the Sonderkommando. Remember what he said in UX #150, his entire family wiped out. So as a Jew in the Sonderkommando he not only watched his family die, he helped kill them. How can any other comic book character ever come close to Magneto for dramatic intensity, but only if he is a Jew.
(11) X-Factor Annual #4, 1989. Doom challenges Magneto to a duel of wills, with a helmet that pulls out unpleasant memories and torments the wearer. Who will crack first? Magneto takes his turn -- Doom describes what he sees, "...after the ignoble defeat of the Nazis in Germany, you and the woman Magda you rescued, fled the prison camp Auschwitz, in Poland."
"Auschwitz, where your family had perished --living skeletons -- and you had grown to manhood amid horrors most men could not conceive." First, Doom confirms that Magnus and Magda "fled" or escaped Auschwitz before liberation and after the Roma camp was murdered. Then he describes some of Magneto's family perishing, as living skeletons, at Auschwitz. They could either have been kept as prisoners, or brought in, starving, from ghettoes in Poland and gassed. They could have been either Roma or Jews. But then it's Doom's turn to wear the helmet. Doom's Romani heritage is discussed at great length. Doom is proud to be a Rom, he knows he is a Rom. Why would he not acknowledge that Magneto is also a Rom? Why did he say your family, implying your people, to Magneto? Not "our" people?
(12) And now the most important evidence, and just about my favorite X-Men comic, Uncanny #274, from March 1991. In the Savage Land, the entire comic is told from the point of view of Magneto. It is a first person narrative, he is talking directly to us, the readers. He is not exaggerating, he is not showing off. The writing is elegant and wonderful ... "My life's ambition has been to safeguard my fellow mutants," Magneto says. "Zaladane has no such compunction. And I hear the echo of Der Fuhrer's voice in the radio of memory, smell the awful stench of the sick and dying as the cattle cars brought the comdemned to Auschwitz. I wear red, the color of blood, in tribute to their lost lives. And the harder I try to cast it aside, to find a gentler path ... the more irresistibly I'm drawn back. I should have died myself with those I loved. Instead, I carted the bodies by the hundreds, by the thousands ... from the death house to the crematorium ... and the ashes to the burial ground. Asking now what I could not then ... why was I spared?!" So there it is. He describes his job at Auschwitz. That is it. This is no vague job description, this is what the Sonderkommando did. This is fundamental to the history of the Holocaust, to the history of Nazi Germany. Making the Jews the ones who had to do all the dirty work in the death camps.
Marvel cannot say they have their own version of Holocaust history. What kind of reasoning is that? Where do the editors and writers of Marvel get off making up their own history of the Holocaust? Where do they draw the line? Has any reader out there ever seen any major publisher or entertainment outfit, outside Neo-Nazi groups and the Militias or Far Right Splinter groups, who just took it upon themselves to change a Jew into a Romany and change Holocaust and Auschwitz history to make it fit? Magneto says it here, he was a member of the Sonderkommando. He was not a kapo. He was not a Russian POW. He was a Jew! On page 14 of UXM #274, Magneto is dreaming again. He again sees his family being gunned down. He again feels what it was like to be buried alive. Rogue wakes him up.
(13) Uncanny X-Men #275, April 1991, which concludes the Savage Land story from UXM #274, referred to above, also contains confirmation as to what happened to young Magnus. Magneto says, directly to the reader, in diary-like narration, as he uses the last strength of his emaciated body to push away his captors, "They think me beaten, finished. A mistake many have made in the past. As I found the strength, as a boy, to survive being machine-gunned and buried alive, and later the unimaginable horror of Auschwitz ... so do I find it in me, here and now, to break free."
(14) X-Men Vol. 2, No. 2, Nov. 1991. The beginning of the end for Magneto. But on page 24 he says to Moira MacTaggart, who has seemingly betrayed him, and enraged him, "Of course not. You worked for the betterment of the world and the race. I heard those same rationales as a boy, in the Auschwitz Death Camp. From Dr. Joseph Mengele himself!" Mengele's first victims were the Roma, he liked the Roma. He brought the children candy and extra food. And in August of 1944, after trying unsuccessfully to save the Romani Family Camp (also for his own experimental purposes) Mengele obeyed his orders and vigorously hunted down and helped exterminate all remaining Roma. He then dissected those of most interest to him, and sent body parts to Berlin. Then he turned his attention to the Jews of Auschwitz. Only his Jewish victims have survived. His Romani victims, those transfered out of the camp in the spring and summer of 1944, have rarely come forward. If Magneto is alive in Auschwitz after the start of 1945, and he personally heard Dr. Mengele, he is a Jew.
Magneto is a Jew especially since Mengele would have been one of his supervisors in the Sonderkommando.
(15) X-Men, Vol. 2, No. 3, Dec. 1991 -- Magneto to Xavier, "You speak to the best in humanity. I have endured the worst. You imagine the reality of the Holocaust, of the Nazi Death Camps. I grew up in one." Magneto says The Holocaust. This is the translation of SHOAH, and was first used after the war, and popularized by Eli Wiesel. It means the Jewish Holocaust. One can say the Romani genocide, and today sometimes you'll hear the Romani holocaust, or the Russian holocaust, or the holocaust perpetrated against the mentally ill and the handicapped. (Nazi pre-meditated genocide was really only carried to the fullest extreme against three groups, the first were the mentally ill and the handicapped, who were the first victims of genocide. The second and third groups were the Jews and the Roma). But the Holocaust is what Jewish people say when they refer to the calculated campaign of Nazi Germany to kill every Jew in the world. (They actually made lists of every country in the Western world, and all the Jewish populations. They made no such list for any other people). Nazi Germany succeeded in killing almost 6 million of their foremost victims, until the Third Reich was defeated.
(16) X-Factor #92, July, 1993. Havok and X-Factor are battling Cortez and the Acolytes, in this opening chapter of Fatal Attractions. Cortez is ranting about the "flatscans" and how mutants have to subjugate them. Havok says, "Out to destroy the "inferior" race ... in Magneto's name? Don't you know what an insult that is to the memory of the very man you claim to worship? Fifty years ago, Magnus barely survived a Holocaust that destroyed almost all of his people: all because some lunatic took it upon himself to decide who deserved to live ... and who didn't. Where's the sense in resurrecting that kind of evil ... in the name of one of its victims?!" Cortez answers, "You've seen this place Havok! You've seen the sentinels! You tell me ... where's the sense in letting the flatscans do to the mutants what Hitler did to the Jews? ..." Cortez has done research on Magneto, he says the Jews, as a parallel metaphor. Why say that, if Magneto isn't Jewish?
(17) Then comes the infamous Unlimited #2. This is a long and involved FAQ I've got going here, so I won't go into detail at the moment. But the bottom line is, everything that Gabrielle Haller says about Magneto's history is false. I don't want to go line by line over it now. Everything! Danzig was not annexed. It was a Free City, under League of Nations protection, that voted itself a Nazi government and welcomed the Nazi troops in like liberators. Gauleiter Forster, the extremely anti-Semitic Nazi leader of Danzig ordered all 10,000 Jews of Danzig to be kicked out of the city in 1939, not the Roma. The Jews. Auschwitz wasn't opened as a Polish political prisoner camp until the summer of 1940, not 1939. The Roma were sent to German municipal camps, in Germany and the Greater Reich, as early as 1933. But they were not sent to Auschwitz from Germany until 1943. The only people who were in a work camp in Auschwitz before it opened were 300 Jews from the town of Auschwitz who were forced to transform a collection of horse stables and army barracks into the Polish prisoner camp. "Genocide, extermination ..." of Poles? No. The Polish people suffered terribly, and were considered "sub-human" by the Nazis. Millions of Polish citizens were killed throughout the course of the war, as soldiers, as slave laborers, as underground fighters, as members of the intelligentsia. But this was Nazi suppression of a conquered country, not planned genocide. Roma, Yes. The homosexuals, no. Not genocide. Persecution and imprisonment. Treated terribly. But people weren't sent to the gas chambers just because they were homosexuals. And "intellectuals" ? (How could Nicieza have written this?) Intellectuals were targets of genocide? Well, I hardly think so, since Goebbels, and Albert Speer, and even Mengele were considered intellectuals.
No one was sent to the gas chambers, or was shot in an open grave, or was tortured and murdered JUST because they happened to be an intellectual. Thousands of Polish citizens who were members of the intelligentsia (the educated class, the vanguard or elite of the educated class), were murdered in the first months of the war. But there was no planned campaign to hunt down every intellectual in Europe and exterminate them. The mentally ill and handicapped, the Jews, and the Roma were the primary targets of Nazi genocide. The Russians came next. Everything Haller says about Magneto in Unlimited #2 contradicts most of Magneto's history as presented in 15 years worth of comics.
(18) Until recently, when, in Road to Onslaught, Marvel once again published that outrageous Gabrielle Haller speech about Magneto like they were proud of it (??) the next references in the Age of Apocalypse comics portrayed Magneto once again as Jewish. In X-Men Vol. 2, No. 40, where David Haller, Legion, pulls Magneto's memories out, you see young Magnus with the men, standing behind and below a high, barred window. This is an accurate portrayal of the quarters of the Sonderkommando at Auschwitz I. At Auschwitz I, only the Sonderkommando (other than prisoners awaiting execution) were kept in isolated basement cells, the windows of which were high, barred, and as seen from the outside, half-below ground level.
And why is Magneto in Israel anyway? How could he have come there? Well, why would a Romany go to Israel when at least 30,000 Roma lived in Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s? And many more Rom formed a thriving community in Paris. Why not just go home to his own clan and tribe? Roma have a complex system of extended familes, clans, and tribes. Why go to Israel to "find himself" or find his "soul"? A German Jew had no place to go but somewhere else. A Polish Jew definitely had no place to go back to, since some Polish fanatics continued to murder returning Holocaust survivors well into the late 1940s. Any Jew can emigrate to Israel, under the Law of Return. All Magneto had to do was show them the tattoo on his arm. And he was home. (And in case some of you were wondering, as some of us have discussed, with the exception of the Muslim Bosnians, only the Jews of Europe practiced circumcision. It was a religious rite, not a medical procedure. Only Jewish men and boys were circumcised among the prisoners at Auschwitz. The Nazis already knew what Magneto was. He was chosen for the Sonderkommando, he was Jewish. He was not pretending to be a Jew. He wasn't misidentified as a Jew. He was a circumcised, young Jewish man). Furthermore, Magnus at this time had forged papers, that identified him as "Erik Magnus Lehnsherr." He could have immigrated to any country in the world, including the United States! If he were Roma, and didn't want to self-identify as such, why not go to America? Why go to the one country that represents enormous pain for modern Roma -- i.e., the Rom today deeply resent the focus on Israel, and the support Israel enjoys among nations of the Western world, while the Roma continue to be persecuted and ignored.
(19) In Astonishing X-Men #3, formerly Uncanny, from May 1995, we have the most clear reference to Magneto's being Jewish, written by Scott Lobdell. Magneto has just hit Bishop, and is helping him to his feet. He says, "Long before Xavier died ... before this point of divergence ... I stood by helplessly as millions of my people were led to slaughter in the name of 'genetic purity." Now the AOA is not a what-if story. It is a divergent timeline. Magneto says, before the timeline diverged. What other people were lead by the millions, led to the slaughter, in the name of genetic purity? Many people suffered and died in World War II. 250,000 to 500,000 Roma were murdered. Millions of Russians and Poles during the course of the invasions, and in political violence, and in acts of pure murder, were exterminated. But only the European Jews were "led to the slaughter" in the millions because of one man's racial beliefs. Only the Jews of Europe Persecutionand incarceration are not the same as genocide and extermination.
20) X-Men #72, cover date February 1998, published in mid-December 1997. This comic book makes a significant contribution to Magneto's history. Basically, the book reveals that the name *Erik Lehnsherr* which was revealed by Gabrielle Haller in Unlimited #2 to be Magneto's real name, is fake, and so Haller's assertion that Magneto is a *Sinte* Rom was based on false and forged identity papers.
The scenario begins with Gabrielle Haller, lying on her bed, working on a lap- top computer, writing the American Sen. Kelly, begging him to help find and secure the release of Charles Xavier. Sabra, the Israeli super-hero, a mutant and Mossad agent, suddenly appears floating in the air outside Haller's balcony doors. Haller has just pushed open the doors, saying, "You're too important to lose, Charles. I will see you ... FREE?" And Sabra says, "Sometimes, Ambassador Haller ... freedom, like the truth, is little more than an illusion. Don't you think?"
Sabra has come to Haller with information. She says to Gabrielle Haller: "I"m sure you recall shocking the world when you announced that you had UNDENIABLE proof ofMagneto's identity as Erik Lehnsherr. The undeniable has just been DENIED." Sabra then goes on to show Haller, and the readers, the file on a master forger named George Odekirk. In this file, apparently, is a computer analysis of the identity papers of Erik Lehnsherr, which shows that Odekirk forged those documents. Haller says, "He created Erik Lehnsherr? If this is true ... you must take me to him! He could be our only link to Magneto's true identity ... our last chance to stop him once and for all!"
But just as Sabra is flying Haller to the Transylvanian Alps, to meet with Odekirk, the scene switches to Odekirk, who is working on another forged passport, sitting in bed while his wife sleeps beside him. Suddenly, Odekirk looks up -- he has a visitor. It's Magneto, in full costume.
Magneto is floating in the air. He surrounds Odekirk's bed with his magnetic energy, and uses his power to keep Odekirk's wife unconscious. He says, "You failed me." Odekirk responds, "Please ... please, my wife ..." Magneto answers, "She will sleep the sleep of the innocent. She has done nothing ... but you ... YOU, my friend, have BETRAYED me." Odekirk protests his innocence, and then Magneto makes this remarkable speech: "Do you remember what you promised me the night I came to you, torn and filthy, nearly a quarter century ago? I was searching for my beloved MAGDA, determined not to lose her as I had lost so many others in the fire that engulfed all of Europe during my childhood. The authorities were in pursuit of me for the "crime" of avenging my daughter's murder. I was willing to deny who I was ... everything that my family died for ... so that I could find one woman ... so that I would not be caged AGAIN. The Erik Lehnsherr fabrication was a convenient means of ensuring that. You swore that the forged papers were FLAWLESS, that your skills were unsurpassed... but now, you have proven to be a liability. Your work has been called into queston by my enemies, and they will trace Erik Lehnsherr the Sinte BACK to you." Odekirk protests, "That is impossible! That forgery was impeccable! My work is ... " Magneto answers: "It was not ENOUGH! You gave birth to Erik Lehnsherr, Odekirk. And tonight, you have killed him. My secrets shall die with him. All that remains now ... is MAGNUS."
This scene says, subtly but clearly, that Magnus denied who he was, gave up everything his famly died for, to take the false identity of a Sinte Rom named Erik Lehnsherr. Since this entire FAQ has gone into great detail showing exactly how and why Magnus was born Jewish, it seems there is no doubt now, that Magneto's family and he himself, were Jews. Magnus would not say he denied *everything* his family died for, by taking a Romani identity, if his family were indeed Roma. As I pointed out above, only the Jews and Roms were targeted as entire peoples, and killed for no reason other than they were Jews and Roms. Magnus was either one, or the other. Since in XM #72, it is revealed that he is NOT a Rom, we must conclude he was born a Jew.
There are several continuity problems that arise from the revelations of XM #72. Several unanswered questions:
1) How much of Haller's speech (Unlimited #2) was based information contained in Odekirk's forgery, how much was based on what she personally knew, and how much did she "fabricate" herself? She makes a large number of mistakes, about nearly every aspect of Magneto's history and life. She also gets her Holocaust history and dates wrong. Did she perhaps add her own *facts* to what she found in those old identity papers? Was she perhaps trying to make the story coherent? As in, trying to make what she knew about Magnus and his history fit what she learned about *Erik Lehnsherr*? For example, where she says, on page 19 of Unlimited #2, "...Lehnsherr had taken to calling himself MAGNUS ... as if by choosing his MIDDLE name, he could bring some semblance of BALANCE and SIMPLICITY to his haunted life." This is Haller's supposition -- the reason he was calling himself MAGNUS in Israel. She knew him as Magnus back then, she had just found out, his full name was supposedly *Erik Lehnsherr.* Did she try to splice together the information?
2) While XM #72 makes it clear why Magnus cloaked himself in this false identity and ethnic background initially, what is not so understandable is why he continued to maintain that false identity after his search for Magda was over, and he immigrated to Israel. Did he use the forged *Erik Lehnsherr* passport to enter Israel? Why would he use a false identity and ethnic background to enter Israel, when he was a Jew?
3) Why would Magnus continue to use the Erik Lehnsherr identity during the Age of Apocalypse, especially since he publicly identified with being a Jew? (Astonishing X-Men #3, quoted above.)
4) Magnus worked for at least one intelligence agency, most likely the CIA (Classic X-Men #19). He then hunted dangerous mutants, for his own mysterious purposes, as shown in a brief cameo in Generation X #10 -- which was a memory belonging to Sean Cassidy, telepathically accessed by Emma Frost. During the time he was working for the CIA, his code-name was Magneto. In Classic X-Men #19, he is called only Magneto. In Generaton X #10, Interpol agent Sean Cassidy doesn't know who the man is who is helping him track down Arcady (the future Omega Red). Emma Frost, commenting from the present as a psionic guide to Cassidy's memories, calls the man *Erik Lehnsherr.* But the question is, after he left Israel, did Magnus use the false identity Erik Lehnsherr?
5) During the time that Magneto tried to follow Xavier's path, roughly from UXM #196 through UXM #253, and New Mutants issues #35 through #75, including UXM #188, NM #21, #23, #24, #26, #28, and #29, he referred to himself as Magnus, and others like Storm and Kitty Pryde called him Magnus. Even though he was disguised as Michael Xavier for the outside world, the X-Men and their associates all knew Magneto as Magnus. During this time, Magnus also identified strongly with his Jewish and Jewish Holocaust history. The question now is, what happened to the *Erik Lehnsherr the SInte* identity during this time?
6) Why, now, after so many years, did Magneto find it necessary to kill George Odekirk in order to protect his identity? We know why he took the false name and ethnic background to begin with. But we have no evidence that he continued to use *Erik Lehnhserr*, during each stage of his pre-Magneto career. After he became Magneto, after all the battles with the X-Men, after the events of Fatal Attractions, after the mind-wipe and the appearance of Joseph, after Onslaught, why would Magnus be so concerned with protecting his true identity? Was he trying to protect the memory of his family? Has he maintained contact with pre-Holocaust family grave sites, or places where he once lived? Is he worried that the very bones of his ancestors might be violated by those looking for his genetic material? Then there's Anya, his beloved daughter -- she was never Anya *Lehnsherr*. Her last name is now unknown -- is Magneto trying to protect something concerning her? George Odekirk wouldn't be the only witness to Magneto's true identity, either. What about those Carpathian villagers, who accepted Auschwitz escapees Magnus and Magda in 1945? Did anyone in Vinnitsa who knew Magnus' true last name survive his burst of electromagnetic radiation? What about Ruth and David Shulman, who knew him at Auschwitz, and recognized him, in UXM #199?
These, and other unanswered questions, remain.
By removing the *Erik Lehnsherr the Sinte* identity, fixing that particular retcon from Unlimited #2, and leaving the rest of Magneto's history intact, writer Joe Kelly and editor Bob Harras have not officially stated that Magneto was born Jewish, and was a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz. But, as was the case during the years Chris Claremont wrote the character, the references to Magneto's Jewish identity are there, subtle and at the same time, obvious.
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe: The Fantastic Mutants chapter 5: Never Again (originally posted on November 16, 2020)
AN: Good to see you all again my dear readers! How have things  been? Am I being too intrusive? Well, doesn't matter! It's good to be  back in business after a few weeks, so let's just cut to the chase, shall we?
"So  how much of this show is actual camping?" HYDRA Bob asked Peridot as  they, along with Deadpool & Lapis, watched Camp Pining Hearts  together at the X-Mansion while surrounded by massive amounts of snack  foods and garbage. "A fair bit, but pretty much everyone comes for the  romance," Peridot answered. "Yeah," Wade stated. "like your crippling yaoi addiction."
"What is yah-oy?" Lapis asked while  mispronouncing this new word just as Pearl came in with a broom. "You really should learn how to pick up after yourselves as guests." The Gem  grumbled while sweeping up crumbs off the carpet. "Hey, wise up Pearl,  I'm basically an honorary member!" Deadpool remarked. "Hey, Flat-Top,  gimme a refill on my coke here!"
"And you should also treat the  people housing you like friends, not your servants." Colossus reminded  them, just as disgruntled as Pearl, while he gave the Merc with a Mouth another bottle of pop when suddenly, Xavier came in. "Ah, Professor!  Would you be so kind as to help us teach Wade here some manners?"
"It's alright, Piotr." Xavier calmed the metal mutant down. "Although Mr.  Wilson here can be a bit of a nuisance, we do need all the help we can  get to rescue Steven and Kitty."
"Thanks for the save Cap'n." Wade  grinned at the aged mutant when someone knocked at the window. "Hey,  anyone in there?!" the voice of Spider-Man called from outside, latching  upside down onto the glass. "Peter!" Pearl exclaimed. "Long time no  see. How are the other Avengers doing?"
"The big six are off in  space right now, and the reserves are holding down the fort for now."  The web-slinger answered as he opened the window and leaped through it.  "When your message reached us, I was the first to take it and brought  along a few pals who might be useful."
As Peter finished talking, a  silver and blue blur burst through the front doors, stopping to reveal  itself as Quicksilver. "Pietro, good to see you!" Colossus exclaimed.  "Must mean Wanda isn't too far behind, da?"
"You are correct."  Scarlet Witch answered as she followed her brother. "Hello again Crystal  Gems." She greeted the Gems. "Hello to you and Pietro too, Wanda,"  Garnet replied as she stepped into the room. "It certainly has been a  while since Thanos. I hope you both are well."
"Oh, never better  Garney!" Quicksilver responded as he sat down between Peridot &  Lapis to watch Camp Pining Hearts with them. "Ooh, I love this show! I  always felt Pierre & Percy have really good chemistry."
"Thank  you for agreeing with me good sir." Peridot added pridefully. "Oh, quit with the shit already!" Wade interjected crossly. "No one ever talks about Pierre and Paulette!"
"You take that back, you crimson clod." Peridot snarled threateningly at the mercenary and soon, an  intense shipping debate between the two began. "Oh, this could take a long while." Pearl sighed in exhaustion.
"I just watch for all the crazy shenanigans these campers get up to." Spider-Man gave his opinion while snatching some snicker-doodles from the ottoman.
"Come on, work!" Kitty groaned in frustration as she continuously tried and failed to break her and Steven from their imprisonment without using her mutant powers. "If only I could find a way to break this collar, then  we'd get outta here easier."
"Why don't I give it a shot?" Steven  suggested, deciding to use his shield to cut the bars apart. However, that failed as well. "It's hopeless. If I didn't come, then maybe we wouldn't be stuck here."
"Hey, don't beat yourself up like that  Steven." Kitty comforted her fellow mutant. "I'm sure the Gems are  already on their way to save us, so try and keep your chin up until  then." She implored Steven, but he remained downtrodden. "Let's face it;  we're here because of my mom."
"Oh, mother issues?" Kitty  realized. "I get it. That's perfectly normal. But you can't always let  the sins of the parent bring you down." She assured him. "Yeah, sins  like taking part in universal genocide before realizing that wasn't good  and instead doing things far worse than that." Steven grumbled, much to  her surprise. "Whoa okay, didn't see that coming!" Kitty exclaimed.  "Far worse how? Did she actually murder someone?"
"She  deliberately left tons of Gems and other races to die for her just  because she was bored of being Pink Diamond, let two of my friends to be  imprisoned for thousands of years, forced Gems who cared for her to  suffer from her faked death and who knows what else!" Steven complained.  "And then there was that whole thing with Magneto."
As if on cue,  the aforementioned leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants stepped into  the brig to interrogate them. "I see you've been making yourselves at  home while you could." He declared before grabbing Steven by the shirt  collar through the cell bars. "Tell me boy, why do you have her  gemstone? Was it passed down to you?"
"As a matter of fact, yes."  Steven answered. "When I was born, my mom died to give birth to me, and I  got her gemstone and all her powers as a result. She also left me with  all her baggage from ages ago, including when she was once a member of  the Great Diamond Authority."
"Great Diamond Authority?" Magneto  wondered, and Kitty seemed just as confused. "Yeah, I have to agree.  There are more Diamonds out there?"
"That's not important right  now," Steven said before Magneto set him down. "Still, why go after me in particular? We're both mutants. We should be on the same side!"
"You already know about how Rose abandoned me at Auschwitz, but the Gems only told you half the story," Erik revealed, turning away from Steven  & Kitty in the process. "My part of this tale is far more complex  than you realize. Like many a Jew during the war, I was prosecuted by  the Nazis for my religion and sentenced to death. But I was a special  case."
Heavy rain poured upon  Poland in 1944 as a large group of imprisoned Jews marched sorrowfully  through Auschwitz, their world nothing but drab colors aside from the  bright yellow Star of David on their clothes signifying their religion.  All around them, more of their people were forced to perform possibly  lethal jobs for their superiors and be treated horribly should they fail  to work or try to resist.
One young man in particular named Erik  Lehnsherr watched just as miserably as his fellow Jews and began to  notice that many of the other prisoners had brands on their arms. As  soldiers began coldly leading their prisoners away from the group,  Erik's parents Edie & Jacob were forcefully separated like the rest  from their son, with Edie being particularly hysterical about having to  leave her child.
Erik raced after his parents in an effort to see  them one last time, but the gates closed before he could get a chance,  and another Nazi grabbed the boy to keep him under control. However,  something miraculous happened. When Erik fruitlessly reached out towards  the gate, it began bending towards him. Another Nazi aided his fellow  soldier in detaining the boy, and two more raced towards him as the  fence began twisting more and more.
Erik's mutant powers awakened  that day as the gates were ripped open with a mere stretch of his hand,  but he was quickly stopped with the butt of a gun to his head from a  fifth soldier. "Bring ihn zu Dr. Schmidt." that soldier commanded his  subordinates. The four Nazis nodded and dragged the unconscious boy  away, to where his destiny would soon be realized.
"And  that's where you first met his mom, right?" Kitty asked her captor.  "Yeah, I don't think we need to hear how she ditched you again."
"As I stated, the story is much deeper than that," Magneto said. "Allow me to continue."
Soon,  HYDRA had come to assist the Nazis in stopping the Howling Commandos  and the Crystal Gems from instigating the Auschwitz breakout. As Rose  began fighting off soldiers, she began counting off the fleeing Jews.  "Let me see how many we got," Rose muttered while trying to do a  headcount. "Agh, there's too many of them! I can barely keep count when  I'm surrounded like this!"
"Less than a million!" Garnet counted  for her leader with her future vision. "However, there are still a few  that we were too late to save, namely the Lehnsherr family. Klaus  Schmidt is holding their son Erik."
"Klaus?" Rose soon came to a  realization. "That was the boy in the office! I have to go ba-" Before  Rose could finish, a HYDRA enforcer took advantage of her letting her  guard down and fired with an anti-Gem weapon, poofing her form.
"Rose!"  Pearl exclaimed while rushing to the deactivated gem lying on the  ground. While Captain America covered for them with his shield, the Gems  made a hasty retreat. "But what about those other Jews?!" Amethyst  exclaimed. "A few prisoners should take this from here." Garnet  answered, just as the Sonderkommando charged at their captors with guns,  knives, axes, and grenades.
Inside the building where Klaus  Schmidt was stationed, the mutant Jew slithered around the hall to avoid  being caught again. Nazis raced outside to combat without once taking  notice of the boy making his escape. Taking a moment to peek outside the  window, he noticed the Gems escaping the concentration camp and  furrowed his brow angrily. "Sie haben mich verlassen."
As the  warfare continued, Erik quietly made his getaway with his newly awakened  mutant powers and used a wrecked chain fence to fly himself away from  Auschwitz.
Many years later in  1963, Magneto was holding a demonstration in New York to make a speech  about the superiority of mutants when she showed up again. Rose Quartz  had decided to show her face to him again after leaving him to rot all  those years ago in Auschwitz, and only now, she shows up with an excuse  to try and make peace.
"You can try to rope yourself into my good  graces all you want Gems," he growled, preparing to fight the Crystal  Gems. "But nothing can ever change the past!"
Ripping a nearby  water tower off its supports, Erik prepared to smash it on top of Rose,  Garnet & Pearl, but then came a loud shriek coming from the Irish  mutant Sean Cassidy, aka Banshee. "Top o' the mornin' to you ladies!"  Banshee exclaimed and let out another scream that brought the master of  magnetism to the ground. "Now Neal!"
"I got you!" the Indian  pyrokinetic Neal Shaara, or Thunderbird to his teammates, boomed while  turning his body into plasma and landing a few hits on Magneto, but the  German fought back by expanding a force-field that pushed him back.  "Longshot, Angel, Mimic, it's all you now!"
"You got it!" Longshot  replied while standing on a rooftop with Mimic and Angel Salvadore and  preparing to throw a large knife at Magneto. "Just got one shot at  this." He muttered to himself just as Amethyst hopped up behind him.  "Hey, what you guys doing?" she asked the three mutants, catching  Longshot off-guard. "Do you mind squirt?!" Longshot barked, but then he  noticed her gem. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know those three, right?"
"We  can discuss it later!" Angel said while sprouting fly-like wings and  flying off. "Hey, wait for me!" Mimic exclaimed, copying his teammate's  power by growing insect wings of his own and soaring after her.
"You  guys wouldn't happen to be like ol' Maggy over there?" Amethyst  continued asking Longshot, who harshly shushed her while trying to keep  his concentration. "Okay, sheesh!"
"Now Longshot!" Banshee  exclaimed as he let out a loud shriek at Magneto to knock him  off-balance, allowing Longshot to fling his knife at the evil mutant.  But Erik stopped the blade before it could reach his face with his  powers and threw it right at Pearl with a wicked grin.
"Pearl,  no!" Rose cried out as she dove in front of her confidant, letting the  knife stab her instead, causing her to ultimately poof and retreat into her gem.
"Rose!" the remaining Gems shouted, racing to protect  their leader's inactive gemstone from Magneto. "Well, that should do  nicely for now." He snidely muttered. "But know this Crystal Gems, we  shall meet again someday soon. Even if we have to wait years to do so!"
With  that, Magneto zoomed off into the sky and left the Crystal Gems &  the X-Men below. "So, sorry about letting your boss end up like this."  Longshot nervously apologized. "That was my knife he threw at her after  all."
"It's alright. Rose will recover soon." Garnet assured the mutant. "By the way, I didn't get your name."
"Call  me Longshot, leader of the X-Men!" Longshot proudly replied. "These are  my teammates; Banshee, Mimic, Angel Salvadore, and Thunderbird. We're  all mutants."
"It is a pleasure to meet you." Thunderbird greeted,  extending a hand to Pearl. "Mutants? I think I remember meeting one, centuries ago." Pearl replied, shaking Neal's hand. "You wouldn't happen  to know anyone named En Sabah Nur?"
This revelation caused the  X-Men to gasp in shock. "Wait, you met Apocalypse?!" Mimic cried. "Let  me guess, you guys know him as a real bad guy?" Amethyst quipped. "Yeah,  he's about yay tall, superiority complex, total Darwinist." Angel  replied. "Come along. We can tell you more about him."
"And maybe  we'll introduce you to the professor too." Banshee added happily. "We'd  be glad to meet your professor." Pearl agreed, and Garnet & Amethyst  nodded as well.
"So that's how the  Gems met Xavier!" Steven realized. "But how come you remember that last  bit happening? You left after poofing Rose."
"Don't think about  it." Magneto assured him. "And now that I have you in our clutches,  watching Doctor Doom experiment on you will be so satisfying."
"But still, you can't just vent your vengeance on a kid!" Kitty exclaimed.
"Yeah,  this isn't what Xavier would want!" Steven replied, forcing Magneto to  drop his stoic façade. "He knows you can be better than this, barring  the terrorism. You're both on the same wavelength when it comes to  protecting mutants, but kidnapping one of your own for your own sake is  just wrong!"
"Y'know, that does seem like something Charles would  say. Though he would've said it better." Magneto relented, pressing a button on the cell to let Steven and Kitty out. "Fight them off while  you still can children. I shall take the blame myself."
"Okay Steven, let's get outta here!" Kitty declared excitedly. "And no matter what happens, I got your back!"
"Actually  Kit, I think I got yours." Steven replied, just as another door opened,  and Mystique stepped into the brig. "Erik! Why have you let the  prisoners out?" she asked Magneto. "It was the boy who convinced me."  Erik revealed. "As it turns out, he's quite good at turning people to  his side."
"Well, you're too late child." Mystique said to Steven. "We have finally landed in Latveria."
The  Crystal Gems, X-Men, Fantastic Four, X-Force, Spider-Man, Scarlet  Witch, and Quicksilver all marched to the Blackbird, ready to go out to  Latveria and save Steven & Kitty. Human Torch and Cyclops were in  charge of piloting the plane while Xavier planted his wheelchair in the  back.
"So tell us what we're in for Reed." Garnet asked Mister  Fantastic, who gave a sharp sigh of regret. "You should know by now that  Doctor Doom is our family's greatest adversary. Intelligence on par  with my own, mastery of the mystic arts, psionic abilities, the works."  Reed explained. "But what I'm sure you probably don't know yet was that  we knew Doom long before he turned out like this."
"Victor,  have you gone mad?!" a younger Reed yelled at his college classmate  Victor, who was standing in front of a large machine generating an  unstable portal. "This machine is highly unstable and could explode at  any moment!"
"I do not care what it takes, Richards!" the man who  would be king of Latveria cried as the machine was on the verge of  self-destructing. "This is the only way I can see my mother again!"
"Hey  Stretch, we got everyone outta here!" Ben Grimm, back then a normal  human being instead of a large rock creature, called for his classmate  while he, Johnny and Sue burst into the laboratory. "You gotta come with  us!"
"No Reed, we can see our mothers again, together!" Doom  tried convincing his rival. Reed hesitated for a moment, weighing his  options between escaping with his friends or getting to see his late  mother Evelyn again. But as he made his decision, he turned away from  Victor. "I'm sorry Vic. But I've moved on."
"How dare you?!"  Victor screeched, while his four contemporaries fled the scene. "Don't  you dare run away! We could've been something more!" Just then, the  portal machine has just about reached its boiling point, and caused the  lab to explode with Doom inside. The last thing he said before the room  collapsed on him was a scream of "RIIIIIIIIICHAAAAAAAARDS!"
"Never  saw him again after that incident. Ol' Iron Mask got expelled, then he  just vanished offa the face of the planet." Ben regaled in the present  day. "That is until he re-emerged as some young upstart billionaire  named Victor Domashev, who funded the space flight that made us into the  Four we are today."
"Hey guys, less backstory, more blasting  off!" Amethyst snapped her fingers. "Pretty sure Steven might be on his  way to being dissected by now!"
"Yeah, and a certain author friend  of ours wants to get this out as quickly as possible." Deadpool agreed,  his medium-aware comment inciting odd stares from the others. "Can we  move onto the next scene already?!"
As  Mystique had declared, Steven was now in the European country of  Latveria, famously ruled by the Fantastic Four's arch-nemesis Victor von  Doom. He and Kitty were led through the aesthetically medieval capital  city Doomstadt, where its citizens whispered in German, Hungarian and an  unknown third language reminiscent of the latter dialect.
"Victor, we have brought the child. And an unwanted guest." Mystique announced  in front of Doom's castle as they crossed the drawbridge. The castle was  guarded by numerous robot soldiers that bore Doom's face, all of them  giving Steven cold and unfeeling glares as he was finally brought before the man who's face the robots bore.
"Steven Universe." Doctor  Doom boomed, resting on his throne while the boy was handcuffed in front of him. "I have heard much about you these past few months child. Erik,  I must commend you for getting the job done, although I've heard of  your possible betrayal and won't tolerate it." Then Doom turned to  Mystique. "Thank you Ms. Darkholme for alerting me of this before you  arrived.
"You are most kind Doctor." Mystique thanked him with a bow. "We hope you return your end of the bargain and grant us mutants  sanctuary in Latveria."
"Raven, you must listen!" Magneto cried to  his second in command. "This boy calls himself a mutant, just like us!  We can't just let Victor experiment on him like this. What if he has  something else planned?!"
"SILENCE!" the king of Latveria roared.  "It seems this child has made you soft Mr. Lehnsherr. No matter." He  rose from his throne and stepped towards Steven & Kitty to give them  a good look. "He shall become useful to me soon. And as for the girl, take her away."
"Yes your Highness." Mystique complied, snapping her fingers to have Juggernaut take Kitty away.
"Hey,  put me down!" Kitty hissed, struggling to break free from the massive  mutant's hands, which was easier said than done since her powers were  still restrained. "Don't worry Steven, I'll find a way to save you!"
"Ah  shaddup!" Juggernaut groaned loudly, stuffing a big finger inside the  smaller girl's mouth to keep her quiet when Mystique put a hand on his  bicep. "And what do you want Bluey?"
"It's about Erik. We may  resort to terrorism to fight for mutant rights, but I think allowing a  child to be experimented on may be going a bit too far." Raven whispered  to Cain while they moved farther away from Doom. "Besides, he is a  mutant much like us."
"So I've heard." The Juggernaut muttered. "But shouldn't he count more as an alien because his momma was one?"
When  the Brotherhood mutants left the throne room, Steven was left all alone  with Magneto and Doom. "What do you want with me Doom?" Steven asked the king. "Was it really necessary to have the Brotherhood kidnap me  when you could've had your robots do it?"
"Why I couldn't have  just sent my Doombots doesn't matter." Doom declared. "But what does  matter is what I want to do to you. You see, you're special Steven, as  you probably know. A being who's a mixture of human and alien DNA, and  that alien DNA might prove very important to me." He explained to  Steven. "I wish to use those genes for my own ends. Perhaps make an army  of similar beings, or perhaps become part-Gem myself to gain ultimate  power! Which is why I chose you in particular."
"Doctor, an  invading ship is approaching Doomstadt." A Doombot announced as it  walked into the throne room. "Shall we send out the reinforcements you  selected?"
"You may, #1961." Doom replied, pressing a few buttons on his arms that opened a door, and behind it were four supervillains.
Trapster, a man in goggles with a container of glue-like substance on his back, attached to a hose with a gun at the end.
Mole Man, a deformed midget in a green suit with a blue visor who was holding a staff in his hand.
The  Puppet Master, a bald, dark-skinned man accompanied by a pair of  human-sized marionettes in the shape of the Human Torch and the Thing,  that he controlled with a special remote.
And the Wizard, a purple armor-wearing supergenius who floated in the air with special anti-gravity discs.
"Frightful  Four, it seems we have some uninvited guests." Doom revealed to the  four villains. "I insist you deal with them at once, while I make my  little guest here at home."
"Yes Doctor." The Frightful Four said  in unison, then the marched out of the throne room to battle. Once again  Steven was alone in the throne room with Victor & Erik, and the  former was all too eager to get things started.
"Now then, shall we begin testing?" Doom asked Steven maliciously, and Steven replied with a very nervous gulp.
After  three months of work, it's finally done! We're getting close to the end  of this guys, and I couldn't be more excited. But for now, I think I'm  gonna take a little break to focus on college stuff for a bit, and I'll  be back soon with not just a new chapter, but also a brand spankin' new  Steven Universe tale I've had on the brain for a while. It's an AU  rewrite of Steven Universe Future aptly named Steven Universe: Alternate  Future. If you want to know more about this upcoming series, I've  already got an entire episode list on my DeviantArt page along with  drawings of some original characters created for it. Until we meet  again, toodle-oo!
In Loving Memory of Sean Connery
& Alex Trebek
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porplepebblegator · 4 years
How to introduce the X-Men into the MCU!!!
-first, total reset and major recast ( some actors are just too perfect for the role, looking at you McKellen and Jackman)
-before Hydra infiltrated shield, they knew about Mutants due to Magneto
-then they kept mutants under wraps, violently.
-So that hydra hidden within sheild can run experiments on mutants to try and create super soldiers. Including Weapon X
-this kinda explains Wanda and Pietro. Their mutations were forced out a-la Deadpool. They don’t know their dad is Magneto, yet.
-Hydra totally sent Weapon X (Wolverine) after the hulk in between AoU and Thor Ragnarok or pre avengers. In that encounter, hulk smashed the gadget controlling Wolverine and Logan found himself stumbling around the Canadian Rockies.
-after Cap goes back in time, he interacts with wolverine pre Weapon X
-Since hydra has been (mostly) disassembled by the Cap and the Avengers, there is a significant uptick in unexplained events centered around the mutants we know and love. Hydra isn’t around to kidnap and disappear
- pre fall of shield, we see the original X-men recruited by professor exavier, Angel, Iceman, Cyclops, Beast, Jean Gray. We see the version of their origins that comes strait out of the comic books
-fun montage of Storm, Colossus, Kitty, Jubilee, hopefully Wolverine, Rouge, Gambit and Night Crawler joining the Xaviar Academy for the gifted. along with an evolution of the teams costumes while fighting in the Danger room.
-flash forward to when they are adaults, post fall of sheild. Mutants are comeing into the spotlight since hydra doesn’t have the resources to keep it all under wraps.
-the Xaviar Acedemy is filling it’s halls while mageneto’s brotherhood is gaining membership.
-After Socovia, magneto steals quicksilver’s body, he is his kid after all. He finds a mutant to heal him, and it takes a lot of time
-people are talking about mutant incidents but they don’t know that they are mutants yet.
-a senator named Robert Kelly is spouting hate for the many newly powered people. He is advocating for a new version of the Sokovia accords and is working with businessman Bolivar trask to create government robots to suposibly “help maintain peace”.
-Trask’s high tech weapon business is super successful after Tony Starks death left a hole in the market.
-the existence of mutants is revealed in a battle between the X-men and the brotherhood, with Sentinals getting in the middle.
-Anti-mutant sentiment rises and Sen Kelly gains popularity.
-Magneto and his brotherhood, Mystique, Sabertooth, Toad, Blob, Pyro, Avalanche, and healed Quicksilver decide it is time to make a big public statement. They break into avengers tower to recruit Wanda. After seeing Pietro alive, meeting her father, and while mourning the loss of vision, she joins them.
-the X-Men want to defeat the brotherhood, the avengers want Wanda back.
-the big plot is a team up between the avengers and the x-men to help Wanda and Pietro break away from their toxic father and do some healing from all their trauma.
- all future plot lines are taken out of the comic books, with very little change.
-iceman is gay from the getgo.
-we get an Xavier school TV show where members of the x-men rescue mutant kids a-la early X-force, with help from members of the avengers
- The Phenoix plot is avoided for al long as humanly possible, and when it does happen, it’s straight from the comic books
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