#woe is me guys i hurt all over
moeblob · 4 months
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im still very sick and lets just say it aint goin well.
(please let me be healthy soon)
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colleendoran · 3 months
Great Big Good Omens Graphic Novel Update
AKA A Visit From Bildad the Shuhite.
The past year or so has been one long visit from this guy, whereupon he smiteth my goats and burneth my crops, woe unto the woeful cartoonist.
Gaze upon the horror of Bildad the Shuhite.
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You kind of have to be a Good Omens fan to get this joke, but trust me, it's hilarious.
Anyway, as a long time Good Omens novel fan, you may imagine how thrilled I was to get picked to adapt the graphic novel.
 Go me!  
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This is quite a task, I have to say, especially since I was originally going to just draw (and color) it, but I ended up writing the adaptation as well. Tricky to fit a 400 page novel into a 160-ish page graphic novel, especially when so much of the humor is dependent on the language, and not necessarily on the visuals.
Not complainin', just sayin'.
Anyway, I started out the gate like a herd of turtles, because  right away I got COVID which knocked me on my butt. 
And COVID brain fog? That's a thing. I already struggle with brain fog due to autoimmune disease, and COVID made it worse.
Not complainin' just sayin'.
This set a few of the assignments on my plate back, which pushed starting Good Omens back. 
But hey, big fat lead time! No worries!
Then my computer crawled toward the grave.
My trusty MAC Pro Tower was nearly 15 years old when its sturdy heart ground to a near-halt with daily crashes. I finally got around to doing some diagnostics; some of its little brain actions were at 5% functionality. I had no reliable backups.
There are so many issues with getting a new computer when you haven't had a new computer or peripherals in nearly fifteen years and all of your software, including your Photoshop program is fifteen years old.
At the time, I was still on rural internet...which means dial-up speed.
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Whatever you have for internet in the city, roll that clock back to about 2001.
That's what I had. I not only had to replace almost all of my hardware but I had to load and update all programs at dial-up speed.
Welcome to my gigabyte hell.
The entire process of replacing the equipment and programs took weeks and then I had to relearn all the software.
All of this was super expensive in terms of money and time cost.
But I was not daunted! Nosirree!
I still had a huge lead time! I can do anything! I have an iron will!
And boy, howdy, I was going to need it.
At about the same time, a big fatcat quadrillionaire client who had hired me years ago to develop a big, major transmedia project for which I was paid almost entirely in stock, went bankrupt leaving everyone holding the bag, and taking a huge chunk of my future retirement fund with it.
I wrote a very snarky almost hilarious Patreon post about it, but am not entirely in a position to speak freely because I don't want to get sued. Even though I had to go to court over it, (and I had to do that over Zoom at dial-up speed,) I'm pretty sure I'll never get anything out of this drama, and neither will anyone else involved, except millionaire dude and his buddies who all walked away with huge multi-million dollar bonuses weeks before they declared bankruptcy, all the while claiming they would not declare bankruptcy.
Even the accountant got $250,000 a month to shut down the business, while creators got nothing.
That in itself was enough drama for the year, but we were only at February by that point, and with all those months left, 2023 had a lot more to throw at me.
Fresh from my return from my Society of Illustrators show, and a lovely time at MOCCA, it was time to face practical medical issues, health updates, screening, and the like. I did my adult duty and then went back to work hoping for no news, but still had a weird feeling there would be news.
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I know everyone says that, but I mean it. I had a bad feeling.
Then there was news.
I was called back for tests and more tests. This took weeks. The ubiquitous biopsy looked, even to me staring at the screen in real time, like bad news. 
It also hurt like a mofo after the anesthesia wore off. I wasn't expecting that.
Then I got the official bad news.
Cancer which runs in my family finally got me. Frankly, I was surprised I didn't get it sooner.
Stage 0, and treatment would likely be fast and complication-free. Face the peril, get it over with, and get back to work. 
I requested surgery months in the future so I could finish Good Omens first, but my doc convinced me the risk of waiting was too great. Get it done now.
"You're really healthy," my doc said. Despite an auto-immune issue which plagues me, I am way healthier than the average schmoe of late middle age. She informed me I would not even need any chemo or radiation if I took care of this now.
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So I canceled my appearance at San Diego Comic Con. I did not inform the Good Omens team of my issues right away, thinking this would not interfere with my work schedule, but I did contact my agent to inform her of the issue. I also contacted a lawyer to rewrite my will and make sure the team had access to my digital files in case there were complications.
Then I got back to work, and hoped for the best.
Eff this guy.
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Before I could even plant my carcass on the surgery table, I got a massive case of ocular shingles.
I didn't even know there was such a thing. 
There I was, minding my own business. I go to bed one night with a scratchy eye, and by 4 PM the next day, I was in the emergency room being told if I didn't get immediate specialist treatment, I was in big trouble.
I got transferred to another hospital and got all the scary details, with the extra horrid news that I could not possibly have cancer surgery until I was free of shingles, and if I did not follow a rather brutal treatment procedure - which meant super-painful  eye drops every half hour, twenty-four hours a day and daily hospital treatment - I could lose the eye entirely, or be blinded, or best case scenario, get permanent eye damage.
What was even funnier (yeah, hilarity) is the drops are so toxic if you don't use the medication just right, you can go blind anyway.
Hi Ho.
Ulcer is on the right. That big green blob.
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I had just finished telling my cancer surgeon I did not even really care about getting cancer, was happy it was just stage zero, had no issues with scarring, wanted no reconstruction, all I cared about was my work. 
Just cut it out and get me back to work.
And now I wondered if I was going to lose my ability to work anyway.
Shingles often accompanies cancer because of the stress on the immune system, and yeah, it's not pretty. This is me looking like all heck after I started to get better.
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The first couple of weeks were pretty demoralizing as I expected a straight trajectory to wellness. But it was up and down all the way. 
Some days I could not see out of either eye at all. The swelling was so bad that I had to reach around to my good eye to prop the lid open. Light sensitivity made seeing out of either eye almost impossible. Outdoors, even with sunglasses, I had to be led around by the hand.
I had an amazing doctor. I meticulously followed his instructions, and I think he was surprised I did. The treatment is really difficult, and if you don't do it just right no matter how painful it gets, you will be sorry. 
To my amazement, after about a month, my doctor informed me I had no vision loss in the eye at all. "This never happens," he said.
I'd spent a couple of weeks there trying to learn to draw in the near-dark with one eye, and in the end, I got all my sight back.
I could no longer wear contact lenses (I don't really wear them anyway, unless I'm going to the movies,) would need hard core sun protection for awhile, and the neuralgia and sun sensitivity were likely to linger. But I could get back to work.
I have never been more grateful in my life.
Neuralgia sucks, by the way, I'm still dealing with it months later.
Anyway, I decided to finally go ahead and tell the Good Omens team what was going on, especially since this was all happening around the time the Kickstarter was gearing up.
Now that I was sure I'd passed the eye peril, and my surgery for Stage 0 was going to be no big deal, I figured all was a go. I was still pretty uncomfortable and weak, and my ideal deadline was blown, but with the book not coming out for more than a year, all would be OK. I quit a bunch of jobs I had lined up to start after Good Omens, since the project was going to run far longer than I'd planned.
Everybody on the team was super-nice, and I was pretty optimistic at this time. But work was going pretty slow during, as you may imagine.
But again...lots of lead time still left, go me.
Then I finally got my surgery.
Which was not as happy an experience as I had been hoping for.
My family said the doc came out of the operating room looking like she'd been pulled backwards through a pipe, She informed them the tumor which looked tiny on the scan was "...huge and her insides are a mess."
Which was super not fun news.
Eff this guy.
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The tumor was hiding behind some dense tissue and cysts. After more tests, it was determined I'd need another surgery and was going to have to get further treatments after all.
The biopsy had been really painful, but the discomfort was gone after about a week, so no biggee. The second surgery was, weirdly, not as painful as the biopsy, but the fatigue was big time.
By then, the Good Omens Kickstarter had about run its course, and the record-breaker was both gratifying and a source of immense social pressure.
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I'd already turned most of my social media over to an assistant, and I'm glad I did.
But the next surgery was what really kicked me on my keister.
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All in all, they took out an area the size of a baseball. It was  hard to move and wiped me out for weeks and weeks. I could not take care of myself. I'd begun losing hair by this time anyway, and finally just lopped it off since it was too heavy for me to care for myself. The cut hides the bald spots pretty well.
After about a month, I got the go-ahead to travel to my show at the San Diego Comic Con Museum (which is running until the first week of April, BTW). I was very happy I had enough energy to do it. But as soon as I got back, I had to return to treatment.
Since I live way out in the country, going into the city to various hospitals and pharmacies was a real challenge. I made more than 100 trips last year, and a drive to the compounding pharmacy which produced the specialist eye medicine I could not get anywhere else was six hours alone.
Naturally, I wasn't getting anything done during this time.
But at least my main hospital is super swank.
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The oncology treatment went smoothly, until it didn't. The feels don't hit you until the end. By then I was flattened.
So flattened that I was too weak to control myself, fell over, and smashed my face into some equipment.
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Nearly tore off my damn nostril.
Eff this guy.
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Anyway, it was a bad year.
Here's what went right.
I have a good health insurance policy. The final tally on my health care costs ended up being about $150,000. I paid about 18% of that, including insurance. I had a high deductible and some experimental medicine insurance didn't cover. I had savings,  enough to cover the months I wasn't working, and my Patreon is also very supportive. So you didn't see me running a Gofundme or anything.
Thanks to everyone who ever bought one of my books.
No, none of that money was Good Omens Kickstarter money. I won't get most of my pay on that for months, which is just as well because it kept my taxes lower last year when I needed a break.
So, yay.
My nose is nearly healed. I opted out of plastic surgery, and it just sealed up by itself. I'll never be ready for my closeup, but who the hell cares.
I got to ring the bell.
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I had a very, VERY hard time getting back to work, especially with regard to focus and concentration. My work hours dropped by over 2/3. I was so fractured and weak, time kept slipping away while I sat in the studio like a zombie. Most of the last six months were a wash.
I assumed focus issues were due (in part) to stress, so sought counseling. This seemed like a good idea at first, but when the counselor asked me to detail my issues with anxiety, I spent two weeks doing just that and getting way more anxious, which was not helpful.
After that I went EFF THIS NOISE, I want practical tools, not touchy feelies (no judgment on people who need touchy-feelies, I need a pragmatic solution and I need it now,) so tried using the body doubling focus group technique for concentration and deep work.
Within two weeks, I returned to normal work hours.
I got rural broadband, jumping me from dial up speed to 1 GB per second.
It's a miracle.
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Massive doses of Vitamin D3 and K2. Yay.
The new computer works great.
The Kickstarter did so well, we got to expand the graphic novel to 200 pages. Double yay.
I'm running late, but everyone on the Good Omens team is super supportive. I don't know if I am going to make the book late or not, but if I do, well, it surely wasn't on purpose, and it won't be super late anyway. I still have months of lead time left.
I used to be something of a social media addict, but now I hardly ever even look at it, haven't been directly on some sites in over a year, and no longer miss it. It used to seem important and now doesn't.
More time for real life.
While I think the last year aged me about twenty years, I actually like me better with short hair. I'm keeping it.
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OK. Rough year. 
Not complainin', just sayin'.
Back to work on The Book.
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And only a day left to vote for Good Omens, Neil Gaiman, and Sandman in the Comicscene Awards. Thanks. 
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websterss · 3 months
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: You and Azriel had dreamed of nothing more than to be parents. You were ready for it, you just weren't prepared to have that dream be ripped away.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): angst, mentions of death, mentions of slight blood not really, mentions of stillbirth, grievance, and mourning, just angst all around really...
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Azriel x fem!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: I hope you like it! I work with children so sometimes I get a cute teacher!reader idea fics. I was asked to help out in the early head start classes last week and well, being around 1-3 years old made me emotional, also I've been sad lately so this fic was the end result of how I've been feeling...also this is my first azriel fic and I'm fucking nervous...anyway let me know what you guys think!
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You had dreamed of a life worth waking up to…in the room down the hall. Dreamed of the cuddles and nose kisses that would cure your bad woes away. Dreamed of the giggles and laughter, ones you’d hope would be replications of yours and Azriels combined. Dreamed of the late-night cries and restless nights of sleep. You wanted it…more than anything else. You wanted the life you were ready to live that awaited behind the door with the blue and pink butterflies.
The room you spent countless hours parading around and holding up color swatches to. It drove Azriel mad, having you make him repaint and coat with a new color you fell hopelessly in love with, but you knew he’d do it all over again to hold onto the hope you shared that was now gone.
Azriel stood at your bedroom door, his chest closing in on itself as he felt you hurt. He felt your hate, your grief…he felt empty knowing that the stillbirth wasn’t felt one-sided. He felt the loss of his two unborn babes.
You spent the days in your bed crying. Your bedsheets and pillowcases had long since turned soggy, and you no longer had the energy to cry any harder. Azriel took the brunch of your earlier breakdowns. holding you as you wept and pleaded to have them back. It had taken Rhysand to shut down your mind. Having you fall head forward into Azriel's neck as he held you.
“Rhys…please! I beg of you!” Azriel had cried out to his brother for help. Your pain had gone right down to his side of his bond and as much as he didn't want to he needed a moment's worth of quiet. Rhysand had only nodded cupping his brother's crying face, knowing Azriel wasn't doing this out of anger, but because he wanted you both to stop hurting for just one night, but that pain would never stop coming.
“Don’t you dare…don’t you dare! Rhysand no!” You wept as Azriel held you in his arms. “I don’t wanna sleep…I don’t wanna sleep yet…” It only took one glance at Azriel and Rhysand had pressed his forefingers against both your temples. Azriel eyes shut, and the last thing he heard was your whimpers dying out quietly.
His betrayal hurt, but your body ached more, your heart throbbed, and your stomach twisted into knots. You had done everything to prepare for their arrival. Had spent hours selecting their names, stocking the nursery, and speaking to them every day. Now you barely had the strength to get up and eat. Much less Azriel but he was doing his best to hold it together for you both. He lost two precious gems, he didn’t want to end up losing his beautiful diamond too.
He watched with a heavy heart as Madja checked your pulse for the umpteenth time this week.
“It would be best to start eating child.”
“I did everything you asked of me...” You murmured staring off into space.
“You need to gain your strength back, little one. Don’t tell anyone but you’re my favorite apprentice I've ever had. I’d hate to see you go so soon.” Madja brushed back your hair.
“I did everything right Madja…” Your breaths growing labored again.
“I know child. I know you did.” Madja's heart ached for you both. “Unfortunate and unfair circumstances.” She mourned for the beautiful twins she had to help you deliver. She looked up at Azriel as he hastily wiped a tear from his cheek.
“Child, when is the last time you’ve eaten?” She directed her firm tone at the Shadowsinger.
“I don’t want to eat.” You muttered.
“I won’t eat until she does.” You and Azriel spoke at the same time.
“Stubborn…” Madja cursed amongst something else you couldn’t comprehend.
Madja let out a small sigh before she pulled you into an embrace and pressed your head into her shoulder as she rubbed your back. In your moment of vulnerability, your emotions grew even more intense. You felt the tears on your cheeks mix with Madja's as she kissed your temple. Madja's heart broke seeing the once vibrant young woman that filled rooms with joy and energy, turn into a lifeless zombie of her former self. She broke seeing Azriel lose himself even further, falling back into his shadows for comfort. He resembled that of a scared lost babe, trying to find his way home again. When she received the call from Feyre, she knew the whirlwind of emotions that was going to follow.
"Where is she?" She called out as soon as she and Rhysand winnowed in. She didn't even think about it when she stuffed her bag with everything she needed.
"Third door down. The girls are trying to keep her calm... nothing's working." Rhysand followed right on her tail.
"She's having twins Rhysand of course not child!" Madja cursed as she hurried her footsteps.
The scene before her was a mess. The house a disarray, and the living room thrashed, probably where the panic started. She heard Feyra and Nesta ordering Cassian for more towels from upstairs. She climbed up to the second landing. Her eyes immediately fell onto Azriel's, finding him holding his stomach in pain with tears in his eyes, as he sat with his knees to his chest.
"Madja I can't feel them-" He could barely get out before she walked right past him.
"Get him up." She called over his shoulder. "I need you three in there."
"Why?" Rhysand asked as she followed the cacophony of your wails of anguish.
"I need you three to help hold her down, the girls won't be enough."
"Hold her down?"
"Get him up!" Rhysand had scrambled to haul him up on his feet. Ushering him into the room he had half a mind to go into. Azriel cried harder seeing your blood stain the sheets.
"Madja-" You cried out to her. Slightly relieved she was finally here to help you. "I-I can't feel—feel them. I can't feel—" You choked up.
"I'm here child. I'm here." Madja cleaned her hands and then checked under your nightgown. Your heart sank as she tried keeping her eyes at bay from watering. She hovered her hand over your stomach and as she paused, you knew it wasn't a good sign.
"M-Me or them?" Your lips quivered. "Madja? W-What's wrong? Are they okay? If you can...save them please. S-Save my babies please!" The healer only continued to remain silent. She looked up briefly at Feyre and Rhysand, her mind opening up to them.
Madja? Rhysand bent his chin in concern.
I cannot feel they're heartbeats. She thought. Feyre shed a tear at the news.
"Madja?" Azriel's voice pulled her thoughts away. "Are the babes okay?"
"Child..." She began somberly.
"T-Tell me..." You inhaled deeply, gripping Azriel's and Rhysand's arms tighter.
"...I can no longer feel their heartbeats. The twins I'm afraid are stillborn my child." A tear shed down her cheek.
"N-No." Your grip loosened up, as Azriel's grew stronger.
"And I need you to be very strong for me for this next part because you need to push them out."
"I-I can't-" You began to protest.
"You can! I know you can. You, my dear are the strongest person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing...and I will be here with you every step of the way. We all will."
You had barely mustered a disheartened nod before she told you to begin pushing.
“You both are a pain in my ass…a beautiful pain…but still a pain.” Madja shook her head, hearing Azriel scoff at her choice of comforting words. “Can I be honest?”
“You always are…” Azriel grumbled now shifting to the end of the frame of the bed.
“I do not care if you don’t want to eat. you need to eat. Precisely because I don’t want to have to receive an urgent call from Rhysand or Feyre telling me you idiots gave out on us. I refuse to have you leave this world so soon.” You looked up and met her arched brow.
“Madja—“ You began to protest.
“Eat. Both of you or I'll shove my hand down your throats and force-feed you.” Madja gestured to the nightstand with a tray stacked with two bowls and glasses. You’d been eating a few crackers, but she didn’t think that was enough. She had brought over soup from the kitchen in hopes you’d finally get some real food in your gut.
Azriel and you shared glances that told her you’d rather starve together than either of you eat at different times. Madja was about to argue but she knew she’d be arguing into the wind with you two. Your bond was too strong.
”I don’t want anything Madja...” Was your only reply as you hid your gaze from the healer and your mate, whose faces were so deeply etched with worry. Azriel was taking your pain on like he deserved it. Slowly withering away alongside you. It was you and him against the world, against death if that's how you wanted it. He wouldn't let you go alone. "It hurts..."
”I understand it hurts, but you gotta put something in your stomach or it’s gonna hurt even more.”
“Please…” You pleaded again, your voice hoarse and cracking as you spoke.
“Please Madja...” Azriel was soon echoing your pleas with the same breathless voice as tears formed at the corners of his eyes.
"Come." She motioned Azriel to sit on the other side of the bed.
Azriel met your somber gaze before he walked over and slipped into the bed with you. Shifting closer until his chest was pressed against your back. You slowly moved your head from Madja's chest and leaned it back against Azriel's chest. Madja looked between the two of you and gave a slight nod. The two of you both watched as she twisted around and then placed the tray down in the middle of your laps. She gripped both your hands before gesturing to the soup with crackers.
"Won't eat together, then you start together. Eat, I talk." You grumbled then let your shoulders fall at the two spoons she held out for you both. You took one from her, as did Azriel before allowing you to slowly sit up. Once situated, Azriel watched you slowly take the first spoonful then took one of his own from the bowl. His shadows vivaciously sprang to life as you both ate in silence together. "It won't pass...not for a long time." You both looked up at her for a moment before looking down again.
Azriel swallowed the soup without tasting it. It would take more time for him to start eating at a regular pace again. He took his time, enjoying the warmth of the soup as it slid down his throat. As you started to eat a little more from the bowl, he kept his gaze trained on you, watching every movement you made. He had not stopped worrying about you. You were weak and vulnerable in this state, as was he, but he refused to let you fall again. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to your temple as a tear fell down your cheek. When you cried, he wasn’t far from crying too. Tears of his own soon fell at the feeling of that bubble of anguish building up in your chest again.
"This kind of loss…it stays with you forever. The empty hole in your chests." She puts her finger in the center of your sternum gently. "That my dear child will fill itself up again within time. I'm not going to give you my apologies because I know you both have had enough of everyone's condolences, but I can give you the reassurance as your healer, and your friend, that it'll happen again, and again, and if doesn't then you can try again another time."
Azriel listened but remained silent. He had always been one who believed actions spoke louder than words. He couldn't force himself to believe that the pain and sorrow would eventually pass, but he could trust in her words this time. Her actions had proven themselves enough, you wouldn't be sitting beside him without her. If there was anyone he would be willing to trust it was Madja. She had been another mother figure to him after losing the two he did have. Her words brought an empty comfort to him, but her love brought warmth and familiarity like that of a mother's embrace. He knew she meant well. Madja always tried.
Madja's words of promise brought Azriel some hope. You could see the worry in his expression as he chewed on a spoonful of soup and nodded to her words. He knew she was right. If it wasn't meant to be now then you could always try again in the future. Madja's fingers caressed your skin softly. She could see the grief that lingered in your eyes. Her hand grazed against your cheek tenderly and her thumb swiped your tear away.
“And if it doesn’t?” You asked, your head tilting to one side as she spoke. You felt so lost now, so confused about what was to be of your grieving family of two right now. If you’d be okay after this and how you were supposed to move on. She had offered hope to fill the empty gap, but that void of that missing piece in your heart ached. It ached for your twins that you wanted more than anything to be resting in a cradle next to your and Azriel's bed, or for that night to have been a promise of new life blooming from within you, instead of death taking it from within you.
Azriel's head fell to the side, his gaze drifting to your intertwined hands. He knew that Madja meant well, but it didn't make her words any less painful to hear. He wanted more than anything to see your belly swell again. To fall asleep each night knowing you were cradling two precious gems within you. The thought of that possibility made his heartache. He couldn't even imagine the thought of trying again, it was too much.
"I don't want it to happen again Madja…I don't want to experience this pain again." You whispered, your voice shaking as you let out another sob. The pain was only going to get worse, and you weren't sure what to do. To you, it wasn’t even about conceiving another baby, but the fact that you lost the twins you held so dearly within your womb. Azriel gently scooted you closer into his arms. Your bodies pressed against each other as he pulled you into a gentle hug. "I don't think I could go through that again." You shook your head.
“Neither could I…” Azriel whispered. He kept his eyes focused on you as he caressed your back and held you close. It wasn’t so much the grief that caused your hearts to break, but the thought of going through the journey again only to have the same results. Would you be able to handle losing your babes again? Azriel knew he wouldn't be able to. Would there be a point break in your hearts that you both wouldn't be able to take on any more pain? That thought alone scares him. Azriel pulled you into his body, burying his head into your hair. His body shook with every word he tried to hold back, but his voice gave way.
"I'm sorry my love..." He mumbled with his lips pressed against your forehead as he hugged you tighter. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the images of you almost giving out on him. You could feel the drops of his tears fall on you, but he refused to let go. Azriel held you close, his breathing becoming heavy as memories of the night flooded his mind heavily.
"I'm here..." You whispered sweet nothings of reassurance to him.
“I can't promise that we won't go through this again…” Madja’s heart skipped a beat at your tear-filled eyes. You both wanted nothing more than to conceive another precious babe in the future if you're both up for it again surely, but you both fear the heartache that would follow if it takes the same turn again. Madja is right, that kind of pain will never truly heal or leave you. You can only pray that it won't happen again. You both turn to her. "But I can promise you'll have many many beautiful babies. Your body will allow it my child that is my reassurance. I can't take away your pain, your grievance of your lost twins, but I can give you the hope for better days and the expansion of your little family that will continue to grow and grow." She brought her hands up and cupped the sides of your faces.
"Promise?!" Azriel's voice was filled with hopefulness as if he could already see the light at the end of this dark and twisted tunnel. You could finally see some relief wash over him as she explained. His hands reached up and rested against her palm as he focused on her every word.
Madja's words brought you comfort, at least for now. Her promise of conceiving future babies gave you hope that one day you'd still have your dream of a big family with Azriel. You wouldn't have to carry the weight of the twins' death on your shoulders alone. You had Azriel alongside you, and Rhysand, and Feyre, and Nesta, and Cassian, and Mor, and Amren, and Madja. She was right though, she always was–the hollow of sadness wouldn't go away, but it could be filled. You'd make sure to make that empty in ache that burned you whole again, if not now, then you and Azriel would have the future and many years to come. That was all you could hope for now.
"That I can promise you." You both nodded as she pulled you into her embrace. Your and Azriel's minds wander further down the hall, where the door remains closed. The door with the blue and pink butterflies. 
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lurkingshan · 1 month
Japanese QL Corner
It's a quieter week as a few shows have just wrapped and the next wave hasn't started yet, but there is still Japanese ql airing, including what is shaping up to be an all time fav. Both of these current airing shows are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Love is Better the Second Time Around
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This show is so good, and so mature in exactly the way I hoped. And I don't mean mature as in explicit--there is sex in this show but it's not some wild heat level. It's mature in that it's a story about characters who know themselves, know what they want, and draw boundaries. Both Iwanaga and Miyata are going down as favorite characters for me; I especially love that Miyata is a more knowing and self aware spin on a really well known bl archetype (think Rain from LITA but if he actually knew exactly why he was reacting the way he was to Payu and was mad about it instead of just overwhelmed and confused). This week we got a lot deeper into his teenage hurt over Iwanaga and now have a firm understanding of why he's alternately giving into and resisting this attraction. I am looking forward to Iwanga figuring out how to repair the damage he caused and earn his trust back.
My Strawberry Film
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This was easily my favorite episode so far of this meandering little show. Every week I am left wondering what exactly this drama is trying to say and be; it certainly doesn't feel like a bl. We have spent the vast majority of our time on doomed het romance while Ryo quietly pines for his oblivious friend in the background. But this week we finally got to know Minami outside of Hikaru's narrow gaze, and I like her a lot. Her scene with Ryo where they discussed their romantic woes and established each other as a safe zone was very sweet, and showed how perceptive she is about all these dynamics happening around her. I was discussing with @bengiyo whether the show is going for an aromantic read with her, and I'm not sure. I see the makings of it, but the presentation of her feelings on romance feels a bit muddled. I loved her calling Hikaru out on being self-centered and having absolutely no patience for his petty jealousy. Hikaru thinks he likes her, but he doesn't actually know her (or his own best friend). I liked the final scene between Ryo and Hikaru as well, and the terrible angst of Ryo's confession that he immediately took back. The way the lights and audio from oncoming traffic played over his face in that scene was a really fantastic way to communicate both a moment of clarity and a moment of fear in the aftermath. I'm curious to see where this show takes the ending; a romantic conclusion for the two boys would not feel genuine to me at this point, but I could see them leaving us on a note of burgeoning curiosity and hope.
Bonus: No Touching At All
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I recently watched this 2014 jbl on @twig-tea's recommendation, and I really loved it (I have already watched it twice and will definitely be doing so again). This is a classic office romance between a young gay man, Shima, and his "straight" boss, Toga. It's a simple story but well executed, and the film has a strong sense of place that I really loved. Shima and Toga have a fairly instantaneous attraction, and Toga is the kind of laidback character who simply never gave much thought to his sexuality and doesn't care about the fact that Shima is a man; he likes who he likes. Shima, however, is carrying a lot of internalized homophobia and trauma from closeted men messing him around in the past, and has a hard time believing in Toga's sincerity. I really love the way this conflict plays out in the story, and I especially love the way Toga talks to Shima. He's a no bullshit kind of guy and he tries his best to reassure Shima, but he's not a pushover, either. Ultimately Shima has to work through his own insecurities and make the choice to be brave to make the relationship work. The ending of this one is amazing and left me feeling very confident in this couple, and I can't recommend it highly enough. It's the grey for this one, unfortunately, but if you have trouble finding it in HQ let me know and I'll point you (don't watch it on YT, the version on there is potato quality).
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help-i-lost-my-sock · 6 months
A Helping Hand
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Hey guys!
I know I said I'd have this done soon but I definitely underestimated my school assignment (and then kinda forgot about this hehe, my bad), but here it is! Better late than never, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hope you like it!
P.S. only half proofread 😅
P.P.S. - Slightly edited, mostly grammar mistakes and typos (04.02.2024).
Tags & Warnings: Buddha x Reader smut, M/F, (getting caught) masturbating, oral (F receiving; M receiving), PiV, friends to lovers
"- Were you just masturbating?
- I... Uh... No? I was just...
- Want some help?"
Word count: 5092
Alone in your room, sitting at your desk. Slowly but certainly, boredom turns to drowsiness, as you stare out the window and listen to the clock tick by. It was just one of those lazy days. The sun was up, the skies were blue with nary a puffy cloud in sight. There were no meetings today, no errands to run, no… nothing really. So, you decided to invite your best friend over to hang out – have some snacks, maybe play a game or something, maybe just sit under a tree and chat, who knows.
Buddha was supposed to have been there by now, but he was delayed - by how long, he couldn't tell, and it's already been an hour. Your eyes begin to slip shut as you lay your head on your arms. ‘A nap wouldn't hurt. Buddha could just let himself in whenever he got there’ - he had your permission and your key. No, a nap certainly wouldn't hurt. Besides, who knows how much longer it'll take him? Might be hours until he gets there. Your lids fall shut, and you sigh lightly as you relax at your decision, and focus on the rhythmic ticking of the clock.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick…
You get no chance to fall asleep proper, when there it is again - that one thought. That one stray, intrusive thought that kept invading your mind time and time again. That thought that makes your heart beat just a little faster. That thought that makes a soft blush creep up to your cheeks. That thought that makes your hairs stand on ends. That one thought that makes you feel tingly all over. That one damn thought that seemed hell-bent on draining you of every last drop of sanity you may have had left in you. Him. It's always him. Every day and every night, it returns to haunt you, as if to mock you for your helpless infatuation.
You mentally groan at yourself. 'What in blazes is wrong with me?!' Instantly on edge, you get up from your desk and run a hand through your hair in frustration. You close your eyes in a useless attempt to banish the image. It makes no difference. Nothing does. Nothing ever does! That all too familiar tingle runs through your body, stirring butterflies in your stomach like a whirlwind of emotions. The more you try to deny it - the more you try to ignore it - the more you feel your every muscle tense. You sigh, exasperated at your situation. This is getting ridiculous. Why, of all people?! Why did it have to be him?! He's your best friend for crying out loud!
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick…
The ticking clock on your desk punctuates the passing of time. The cruel thing seems to be mocking you, as if emphasizing all the time that's passed since these thoughts, and all your woes, began; as if asking how much longer will you last.
You sit down on your bed, staring at your hands as they fidget in your lap. A sense of guilt and shame tugs at strings unseen, deep within, as desire starts to gnaw at you, and you're not quite sure how to respond. There’s a certain thing you’d like to do now more than anything, yet… It feels so weird doing that while thinking of your best friend…
Despite being all alone, you instinctively glance around your room as if to make extra sure no one can see you - another telltale sign of how you felt about this whole thing. Yet, you fall back on your bed, hitting the mattress with an exasperated groan. 'It's been months now!' Months and months of this torment, yet nothing you've tried could make it go away. So, you figured you had no choice but to listen to that pesky little voice within and just give in. Besides, ‘he doesn’t need to know about this anyway, right’?
Your hand trails softly down your belly, to your thighs, lingering there for a moment. That hint of shame is still gnawing at you, though its grip is weakening, as more thoughts and memories come to mind... You remember his smile, his bright blue eyes looking straight into yours, and a soft blush creeps on to your cheeks. The thought of his strong arms, and his warm embrace makes you long for his warmth. Slowly, gently, your fingers glide over your plush thighs, and eventually slip under your skirt. Your warm fingertips trail over your soft skin, and travel upwards to graze over your mound, still not quite daring to reach for that special spot, as your lust and shame battle it out.
Your brows furrow ever so slightly, as you mentally bemoan this sorry situation. But it's hard to stay mad when thinking of him... His calm and comforting aura ever so clear, ever so soothing; his laughter so contagious and refreshing; and that cocky grin of his... This man was by all means an intoxicating vice. You allow your fingers to trace the edges of your panties.
Loud and clear, your mind recalls his voice, before twisting it into all those words you'd wish he'd say to you... the soft, sweet, and gentle... the daring, and provocative... the reassuring, yet teasing... and, oh, those dirty whispers you'd wish to hear him utter in the night... Your fingers finally settle on your clothed bud, rubbing gently in slow circles, as those forbidden fantasies start pouring in like wine, addling your brain, and slowly stripping you of your inhibitions.
'Fuck...' If the mere thought of him could do this to you already... 'Gods... how pathetic... What a pitiful joke...' Your lips twist into a bitter-sweet smile, as you listen to the clock tick on, punctuating the silence.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick…
Finally, you sigh in defeat. Drinking in these forbidden fantasies, your mind drifts off to darker places; what would his warm hands feel like gripping your hips? What would it feel like to have him kiss your neck, from your collar bones up to your jaw - to feel his lips on yours, to feel his tongue slip into your mouth? You remember his scent – sweet, yet so fresh – and imagine his mouth, hot against your own, and sweet with the taste of a cola lollipop. Your fingers trace up and down your core. The soft fabric is warm and moist under your fingers. You quickly slide your panties off, tossing them haphazardly to the floor.
Laying back down on your bed, your mind continues to slip down the gutter. As time marches on, tick by tick, shame gives way to desire, and you succumb to temptation, finally sliding your fingers over your bare, wet core. 'Ah, yes. That's better...' A soft sigh escapes your lips, as you close your eyes and bite your lips.
A shiver runs through you as you imagine his strong, large hands roaming over your body. Subconsciously, you wrap your free arm around yourself, allowing it to gently caress your waist and hip. As of its own accord, this hand makes its way up your chest, sliding your shirt up along the way, and settling on your breast, gently kneading the soft flesh in your palm. Another lustful thought, another needy touch, another longing sigh…
Drunk and still drinking of this forbidden wine, your arousal continues to build, becoming ever more ardent and slowly starting to drip onto your skirt, as your fingertips trace and tease your slick folds.
What would the look on his face be as he touches you so - as you sigh and squirm under his touch? A grin? A smirk? Perhaps half-lidded eyes, being as ready to take you as you are for him…
By now you are aching to be filled, and you oblige your body by slipping in one slender finger. Yet, you can't help but think, with a hint of bitterness, just how much better his fingers would feel in there... Longer, thicker, but above all, his. The thought prompts you to add a second finger, lazily sliding them in and out, or curling them up. Your other hand roams over your body, caressing and squeezing here, there, and everywhere.
Tick… Tick… Tick… Tock…
The ticking sound of the clock fades in and out, as your sighs and pants regularly drown it out.
You bite your lips, wondering what it might feel like to say his name in your current state. You imagine him biting down on you, his fangs nipping at the tender flesh of your neck, and his name leaves your swollen lips on a breathy, needy moan. 'Ugh... This is so wrong... But why the hell did that feel so right?'
The sound of a lollipop being crushed jolts you out of your thoughts, and you instantly bolt up to a sitting position, throwing your shirt back over your chest and belly, and your skirt over your thighs. Your nipples, still hard, are visibly poking through your shirt, and your fingers, still coated with your arousal, now clutch at your skirt.
Stiff as a plank, you try to act normal as you desperately pray to whatever it is that you could possibly pray to that this is just a nightmare. 'How long has he been standing there?!'
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick…
Neither of you speaks a word, both of you just staring at each other. Your heart is pounding so loud you could swear it's just about ready to burst right out of your chest and make a run for it. Your face is visibly red, and you can feel the blush burning all the way down your chest. Your best friend just walked in on you pleasuring yourself at the thought of him - and moaning out his name none the less!
"Were you just masturbating?"
"I... uhh... No? Of course not! I was just-"
"Want some help?"
You blink at him in dumbfound silence. 'Did he just...?'
"I- I'm sorry, what?"
"D'ya want some help? I heard you say my name while having a go at yourself. Not gonna lie, that sounded pretty good~" A smirk spreads on Buddha's face, and you can see his eyes dart to your soaked panties on the floor. His fangs poke out at the corners of his mouth as his smirk grows wider. Those fangs... Those fangs you'd just imagined biting into you... That mouth you'd just imagined against your own, so hot and sweet... You're transfixed by his eyes, as your brain still tries to process the invitation.
"So, what's it gonna be, petal"?
You continue to stare at him in dumbfound silence, as the clock ticks ever on.
Buddha shrugs his shoulders, and slowly turns back towards the door. "Guess I'll just come back lat-"
Buddha turns to look at you over his shoulder, with a raised eyebrow and that damned smirk still plastered on his face.
"No what?" His eyes pierce straight through you, and you can't help but avert your gaze.
A brief silence falls over you again, as your hands fidget with your skirt, and you can swear that blush on your face was going to burn you alive.
Buddha doesn't wait long for an answer.
"Oh, well!" He sighs as he turns to leave once more, waving at you over his shoulder.
"Wait! I... I want your help."
He turns to look at you, closing the door behind him, a shit-eating grin on his face. He’s looking you dead in the eye, when you notice that... his eyes seem somewhat... darker than you remember them. Certainly not a bad look on him, though.
Buddha chuckles as he eyes you up and down - flustered with need and anticipation.
"Well, then – how could I possibly say no to a friend in need?"
You’re quick to avert your eyes from him - his stare is too intense, that grin too cocky. He notices your discomfort and comes to kneel in front of you. His fingers grab your chin, gently prompting you to look at him.
"Hey. Look at me. There's no shame in this, okay?"
You slowly look up at him. There's a soft smile on his lips, yet the lustful look doesn't leave his eyes for a moment.
Buddha slowly leans in and claims your lips - a soft kiss that quickly turns hungry, and you feel his free hand start to roam up your thigh, slowly sliding further and further under your skirt. His hand is much larger and stronger compared to yours. His touch is gentle, yet firm as it caresses and squeezes along the way. The feeling is intoxicating – his lips on your own, his hands on your body. It feels almost too good to be true. This is when a thought hits you, and you briefly break the kiss.
"Buddha... I... We don't have to do thi-"
"Shuddup. I'm doing this because I want to. Matter of fact...," he continues as he kisses you hungrily once more "I've wanted to do this for a long time." Buddha pauses just long enough to look deep into your eyes. "So don't fuss about it, mkay?"
"You di-"
Buddha cuts you off by crashing his lips back onto yours. He smells so good... Is that vanilla and orange? With a note of caramel and spice… You close your eyes and allow yourself to fall into his touch, to lose yourself in his kiss. His hand is warm under your skirt, rubbing circles on your inner thigh, as you relax into his touch.
You feel his fangs brush against your lips and you slide your tongue over one of them. Buddha chuckles, and meets your tongue with his own, deepening the kiss and earning him a moan from you. His mouth is just as you'd imagined it would be - hot, sweet, and sinfully skilled against your own.
His hand leaves your chin to cup the back of your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss. Buddha raises to his knees, and wraps your legs around his waist. Holding you close, he swaps places so that you are now straddling him. His hands start to roam your body, squeezing and pinching playfully every here and there.
Your head still spins with his words -
"I want to. [...] I've wanted to do this for a long time."
His mouth starts trailing open-mouth kisses down your neck and collarbone, until he reaches your shirt. Buddha quickly removes the obstacle, tossing it to the floor, to join your discarded panties.
His hands trail up your sides, grabbing your breasts, before his mouth latches onto one of your nipples, rolling his tongue around it. Holding on to his shoulders, you dare look down at the sight - his hot mouth working your hardened nipple. He briefly meets your eye, and smirks against your chest. His eyes then close, and he becomes fully absorbed in his task.
Tension is building up higher within you and you start to roll your hips against his hardened member, earning you a small grunt from him. Buddha sucks hard on your nipple before releasing it with a lewd pop, and immediately diving in for the other, giving it the same treatment. Your back arches slightly, pressing your chest closer against his lips.
Panting, your grip on his shoulders tightens, as you start grinding against him harder. You know your dripping pussy is probably making a mess on his robes right now, but you couldn't care any less. You still can't quite believe this is really happening - it all just seems a bit surreal. You moan softly. The friction between your thighs increases, as his mouth continues to feast on your heaving chest.
Just as you seem to be getting a bit too carried away, Buddha grabs you and rolls you both over. You find yourself on your back, once more, legs spread wide open, but this time, he is there, between your thighs.
He smiles softly at your flustered face, a gentle look in his eyes as he looks at you from below his long dark lashes.
"What a cutie..." His long fingers reach up to caress your face, before moving to remove his glasses. He places them on your nightstand, and quickly returns his full attention to you. You stare at him transfixed. Every single feature of this man is sculpted to perfection. 'Good grief, how is he so handsome?'
His lips recapture yours in a passionate, intoxicating kiss, as your hands roam up his strong arms, and down his chiseled chest. His strong hands caress up and down your thighs, squeezing them gently every now and then. Laying there, legs wide open, and skirt barely clinging to your thighs, you wish Buddha would just take you already. His mouth starts traveling down your body - from your lips, down your neck, over your heaving chest, and down your belly, giving you goosebumps. Reaching your lower half, he quickly glances up to you with a smirk.
"Let's see what we got 'ere, hm?" Buddha doesn't waste a moment hiking your skirt all the way up, and exposing your needy core - hot, and ready, and glistening with arousal.
His eyes widen slightly - a detail so small you might have just missed it had you not been so intently studying his reaction. A whiff of your scent and you can see his lips part slightly. His gaze meets yours - the look of hunger in eyes makes you tense up with anticipation.
His warm lips latch on to your soppy cunt, his hands holding your thighs open as far as they could go. You moan loudly, as his strong tongue darts in, past your folds. Your hands tangle in his soft hair, tugging gently at the luscious locks. Panting and gasping, you try to buck your hips against his mouth, wanting more of him. You can feel his fangs against your skin as his tongue retreats, and he grins at your attempts. His large hands slide up to your hips, holding you firmly in place, as he starts teasing your swollen, sensitive clit, licking circles around it. You whine in protest, but with the way he's holding you down, there's not much you can do about it. You don't even dare trying to fight it, afraid he'll pull back completely - all you can do is moan and whimper to let him know you want more, and hope it's enough to persuade him to give you more.
His left hand returns to your thigh, gently caressing it up and down. Buddha is relentless in his teasing - licking you slowly, and passionately. His slow, torturous movements are driving you up the walls, especially when he kisses and sucks on your clit.
"Mmm, you taste so sweet, petal," he mumbles against your core.
Buddha's mouth moves up and down your folds, as he licks from your needy slit to your sensitive clit, giving it a couple short, quick flicks of the tongue before starting over. Meanwhile, your hands travel up to your chest, squeezing your breasts and playing with your hardened nipples. Your moans and whimpers are like music to his ears, and the sight of you touching yourself like that - so hot for him, so needy for him... is enough to break his resolve and grant you your sweet relief.
His hands slide under your ass, lifting up your hips, and giving that sinful mouth of his a better angle to sate both your desires, as his tongue dives back into your core. You can feel the knot in your belly tighten. From the way you squirm and writhe, the way your walls start clenching around his tongue, and the way your voice starts getting louder, he can tell you're getting closer. He grunts, as he starts licking faster and deeper than before, his grasp on your thighs tightening ever so slightly, pushing you over the edge.
With a broken moan, you release into his mouth. His face is still between your thighs, as those gorgeous blue eyes look up to meet yours. He laps up your juices diligently, before slowly pulling back. Panting, your body relaxes as Buddha's mouth leaves your core. The look of pride on his face is undeniable as he looks down at your flustered face, his gaze meeting yours through half-lidded eyes.
Crawling on top of you, he claims your lips in a passionate kiss. His tongue slips into your mouth, giving you a taste of yourself. You moan in his mouth, your hand darts between his legs, grabbing his rock-hard shaft and earning you a groan. You can feel it throbbing under your touch, as you start palming it up and down. Buddha's lips leave yours, and you feel his teeth biting into the soft skin between your neck and shoulder, as  your warm hand slips into his pants. You can feel his tip slick with precum, as your hand pushes in further, grabbing a firm hold of his cock and starting to pump it slowly.
He lets out a small, relieved moan at your touch. His lips find yours again, kissing you deeply, and passionately, as his hips start grinding into your hand. Your free hand clutches at his shirt, pulling and tugging at it. Buddha takes the hint, quickly pulling his shirt off over his head and tossing it somewhere in the room, before getting back to your mouth.
His hips start grinding into your hand harder, his breath becoming uneven. But, no, this won't do. He pulls back, making quick work of his robes and boxers, as you dispose of your skirt.
Bare at long last, you eye the god with marvel and lust. His physique is absolutely divine in every sense, his imposing stature as he towers over you, his shoulders strong ans broad, his arms, his chest, his legs, his abs toned and chiseled. The man is ripped. And this masterpiece of a man's cock - large, and hard, and throbbing with need - stands tall at attention only for you - a sight that damn near makes you drool. You can't help yourself anymore - you drop to your knees before him, staring up at him, eyes blown wide with wild lust, ready to worship him. Your left hand cups his balls, while your right hand grabs his shaft. His eyes snap to you with something akin to surprise written on his face. Your tongue slips out to give a few small licks, to test his reaction. You feel him tense a little, before the situation sinks in and he relaxes, smirking down at you. Your tongue starts dancing over the tip, tasting his readiness, before licking a long strip from the base of his shaft to his tip. Your soft, warm lips wrap around his tip and start sucking softly, teasingly, before sliding his length deeper and deeper into your mouth. You bob your head on his cock, as your right hand pumps the length that could not fit in your mouth, and your left hand toys with his balls. You hear a sigh leave his lips. You slide your head back, teasing his tip with your tongue and lips. His hands cup the back of your head, gently pushing himself back into your warm, welcoming mouth, and guiding you along his length, as his breath becomes increasingly ragged. His sighs and occasional moans, and the salty taste of his precum on your tongue spur you on. Your cunt is dripping with need, jealous of your mouth for being so full of him. You continue to suck him deeply, with a seemingly insatiable hunger, until you feel a slight tremble in his legs and his balls starting to tighten in your hand. 'He's getting close.'
You release him with a lewd pop, a small string of saliva hanging between his eager cock and your swollen lips. Buddha is visibly disappointed. The air feels cold against his cock, coated as it is in your spit.
You look up at him with a smirk, as your hands continue to stroke him slowly. Buddha chuckles slightly at the cocky look on your face.
"You little minx..."
Bending down to your level, his fingers gently guide your chin to his lips. Before you know it, you feel his hands pulling you off the ground and tossing you on the bed. Smiling, he gazes down at your naked body.
"Damn. You look even better than I imagined", he says, as he reaches up to let his hair down. "Now, why doncha turn around for me, petal? Lemme see that ass of yours." His eyes are beguiling, and dark with that same desire coursing through you. You happily oblige, turning around for him, propping yourself up on all fours and exposing your needy cunt to his gaze.
A moment passes and nothing happens. You look over to him over your shoulder, and catch a glimpse of him stroking himself, his eyes trained on your core, as it clasps and clenches so needily in anticipation, your slick folds so inviting as they glisten with your arousal.
He catches you looking and chuckles. "Just enjoying the view, petal."
"Hmm... I can think of a better view", you hum suggestively, as you arch your back, pushing your hips slightly higher.
Buddha chuckles to himself, positioning himself behind you, his tip pressing to your entrance. He leans over you, supporting himself on one arm, while his hand moves up to guide your chin towards him. His thick shaft slowly pushes past your folds and deeper into you, stretching you up gradually, as his lips meet yours in a warm and tender kiss.
Buddha gives you a moment to adjust to him, placing soft kisses on your face and neck. His large hands hold on to your hips, pulling you as close as your bodies would allow. You can't help but moan when you feel him bottom up against you, his hips pressed flush against your ass, and his balls pressed against your clit. In both length and girth, this man is nothing to scoff at. His size is just perfect for you, stretching you up so deliciously, and filling you up entirely. To you both, this was a dream come true. What were the odds you'd get just what you wanted, and through an awkward accident nonetheless? You both needed a moment to regain your wits, as the lust and mild disbelief mixed into a haze, your thoughts racing as fast as your hearts.
"Fuck..." You both sigh in unison, as your head falls down, and his falls back.
One more moment, one more sigh.
Your walls clench around him as your body adjusts to the intrusion, and you let out a small whine. You can feel him twitch inside you, and you hear him groan at the feeling. Slowly, you turn your head to give him a nod, letting him know it's alright to move now.
Buddha wastes no time, as he slowly starts to move in and out of you. His hand reaches between your legs, and his nimble fingers start dancing over your sensitive pearl. The feeling sends a jolt through your body, making you clench a little more around Buddha's size. Your panting slowly turns to whimpers, as your legs shuffle a little further from each other, spreading just a little wider to accommodate him.
Your soft sounds, and the way you open up so nicely for him lets him know you're ready for more. Buddha quickly builds up to a steady pace, while making sure to hit all the spots that make you gasp and twitch.
Your heart is racing in your chest, as your moans get louder. Your breathing is growing more erratic by the moment, and you can feel the temperature rising.
Buddha leans over to you. His breath fans over your cheek as his teeth nibble on your earlobe. "Fuck, Y/N, you're so fucking tight." His voice is low and coarse, nearly growling in your ear.
His fingers dig into your flesh, pulling your hips towards him to meet his every thrust, as he picks up the pace. His hips slam against your ass, his cock hitting that special spot within you over and over again. As his thrusts grow rougher and sloppier, your moans grow louder, gradually turning into screams. The sounds you make are music to his ears, spurring him on; the sound of skin slapping against skin punctuating each thrust, as the scent of sex fills up the room.
Your bodies glisten with a sheen of sweat, as you lose yourselves in the moment - in this long-awaited union. Your body begins to shake, as your breath catches in your throat. Buddha notices and slowly pushes you down on the bed so that you're now laying on your belly, trapped between him and the bed, as he continues to rail you into the mattress.
Caught between his hot, hard body, and the soft mattress, all you can do is gasp and scream his name, as you feel his cock hit that special spot deep within you over and over again, making the knot in your belly tighten, and your head feel light. You can hear his breath getting more and more ragged. His thrusts grow sloppier, and more desperate as he nears his own end, slamming his hips hard against your ass.
With a loud scream you cum undone around his throbbing shaft, spasming hard around his length. Your sounds, and the feeling of your tight little cunt squeezing him so tightly, pushing him over the edge too, and he released his seed deep within your walls.
Buddha slowly lowers himself over you, careful not to squeeze you under his weight, as you both try to catch your breath, slowly coming down from your highs. His heaving chest against your back feels right, as does his hot breath over your shoulder.
"You know," you start, still panting slightly, "I still can't quite believe this actually happened." There's a short pause as you sigh, and look back at him with a warm smile. "But I'm glad it did."
Buddha chuckles. That smile would be enough to melt his heart, but your words truly bring a new meaning to joy.
"So am I," he whispers to you softly. He presses a tender kiss to your lips, before sliding out of you, and rolling over on the bed.
Perhaps the best thing to do, as the clock ticks idly by, is to just take a nap - cradled safely against the man you love, as he holds you tightly in his arms.
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bunni-v1 · 1 year
Hello! Can I request malleus x reader angst?
Malleus breaks up with reader because he is afraid he will hurt her after putting her under a sleeping curse during his over blot
Malleus Afraid to Hurt Reader Again After Blot
TW: Poor Attempt at Angst, No real resolution either, Mild swearing, Bunni hasn't actually written something in a while give them a break, please
Info: Short fic; Angst; Malleus x Reader
🍓I... didn't have much thought process when going into this. I just kinda wrote, and I think I did what I wanted to do? I'm not sure, but I did have fun writing it! This is less focused on Malleus and more focused on the readers internal thoughts and how they dealt with it. Idk I don't like Malleus, so I'm not gonna pity the guy lol. Anyway, enjoy lovelies!
Summary: In the title
Malleus had become… distant since his blot. Despite everything having been solved, you ultimately deciding to stay in Twisted Wonderland, and Malleus generally being forgiven for his transgressions he had only seemed to close off more than before. Of course, that made sense. Overblotting was traumatizing, and he had so much weight on his shoulders before and after it happened. The distance was natural. But it had been a month, and he had been avoiding you like the plague.
You tried to be patient, tried to be understanding. With reassurance from Lilia and Silver and even Sebek that he was fine, you were making it through, but… you missed your boyfriend. You were also experiencing pain from the overblot, from multiple overblotts. All you wanted was to heal with your boyfriend, but he was shutting you out. It wasn’t fair.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim agreed — in fact, they seemed more passionate about it than you were, adding fuel to your slowly growing angry fire. Every time you came crying to one of them with your woes, they only seemed to get more and more exhausted and livid. Deuce always tried to comfort you (pathetically), while Ace and Grim ranted on about how you should ‘just break up with him,’ and ‘he doesn’t deserve you if he’s gonna treat you like this.’
You were beginning to agree with them. Weeks of this was weighing on your poor heart and mind, getting in the way of your studies and day-to-day life. The only reason you were social was because Ace wouldn’t let you hole yourself up. ‘Hiding yourself away just means you’re letting him win, you don’t want him to win this one.’
So, with your head held high, you did your best to pretend everything was fine. You went to classes, spent time with your friends, worked at the Monstro Lounge, and continued your regular schedule. Except now, instead of running to Malleus when you were done with your long day, you met up with Ace and spent your time decompressing with him.
Occasionally, you would feel Malleus’ eyes on you. You would turn to give him a smile and a wave, but he would always turn away before you could lift your arm. So, you just stopped. You stopped trying. Your chest still ached, but you couldn’t allow this to be the end of your life anymore. You deserved to be able to function, and Malleus would come to you and talk to you when he decided to grow up.
In Malleus’ eyes, however, this was the final nail in the coffin.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
That morning you received a knock on your door. Grim, Ace, and Deuce were out cold on the floor after one of your bi-weekly, ‘hangouts,’ (which were just sleepovers), so you were expecting Trey or Cater to come to fetch them. When you opened the door, however, you were greeted by Lilia’s little grin. He seemed a bit… off, upset, though you couldn’t place why.
“Good morning little one, I’ve got a letter for you.”
“An invitation... from Malleus…?” you wondered allowed.
“You’ll have to read it and see,” he paused, “please remember you are always welcome to come and speak with me. You are like family, and I am here for you always.”
You said nothing, simply giving him a confused smile and nodding as he walked off. With a sigh, you shut the door and flipped the letter in your hands. Rich black paper with a red wax stamp and your name in pretty gold letters — most definitely from Malleus. You couldn’t stop your heart from leaping in your chest at the revelation. Maybe he would apologize, and things could go back to normal?
You took a few deep breaths to calm your excitement. Be realistic, you reminded yourself. You quietly crept to the kitchen, carefully opening the envelope and unfolding the letter. It was short, less than half the page of Malleus’ gorgeous cursive.
“My Dearest,
Firstly, I must apologize for my absence from your life. I’ve had much to think about after my blot, and I could not think clearly around you. I realized quite a few differences between the two of us. Firstly, you are human, and I am fae. I have a much longer lifespan than you, and am far more powerful than you could imagine. You have a small lifespan and are magic-less. You are easily affected by even weak magical spells, and the toll that my magic has on you is immense. As I saw with my blot, you are fragile and easily harmed. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that you would be safer and happier if we put an end to our relations with each other. You will be well, as I have seen your friends care for you deeply. Please find it in yourself to forgive me for what I have done."
You stared at the letter blankly, your mind struggling to comprehend what you were reading. Malleus had… broken up with you? Via a letter, of all things? Perhaps it could be worse, but a letter was Malleus’ equivalent of magicam… so could it really be? You hadn’t realized you were crying until you saw your tears blurring the ink on the paper.
You didn’t want to cry. You were more angry than sad, but the hurt stung worse in your heart, so you stood at the kitchen counter and sobbed. And you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed over a man who did not have the decency to face you in person. You cried so loud that it woke one of your friends, and you could hear the creaking of the floorboards as they grew closer until you saw the red hair in your blurred vision.
“Yo,” he said awkwardly, “watcha cryin’ about now…?”
You let out a half-hearted ‘nothing,’ but Ace wasn’t having it. He rounded the counter, settling awkwardly at your side. Somehow, Ace was worse than Deuce when it came to comforting you. He noticed the letter on the table and -- with a defeated shrug of your shoulders -- picked it up. You could see him grow angrier and angrier as he read it.
“Who does he think he is, huh,” slamming the letter down onto the counter, “couldn’t even do it in person. What a coward!”
You sniffled, wiping at your face. It was hard to disagree, especially considering the circumstances. 
“He isn’t even worth cryin’ over, so wipe those tears,” he grumbled, “you, me, and the other losers in there are going out and getting your mind off of that dumbass. Go get dressed, and I’ll get them up.”
You nodded, wiping up the rest of your tears and stumbling up to your room to do as you were told. The first thing you did when you arrived was look in the mirror. Your puffy eyes, ruffled hair, and tear streaks down your cheeks, and for what? A guy who ghosted you for weeks on end, who couldn’t even break up with you in person. What a joke.
Ace was right. He isn’t worth crying over. He isn’t worth worrying about anymore. So, why did your heart still ache? It wasn’t fair. Still, you cleaned yourself up, got dressed, and resigned yourself to a life without Malleus. If you could do it before, you could do it for the rest of your life. He would be graduating soon anyway, and you wouldn’t have to see him again after that.
Who needs him anyway? You’ve got your friends to take care of you. 
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klufu · 2 years
clumsy kisses.
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description - when a supposedly wholesome moment makes the both of you very flustered. 5wirl boys (heizou, aether, xiao, kazuha, venti) + scaramouche (separate).
mentions - pure fluff, use of pet names in ventis, major flirting with kazuha, xiaos dream, scara being a tease, use of scara’s real name
note - not proofread!! if there are any mistakes or spelling errors, please let me know!
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as you guys were preparing for the upcoming windblume festival, amber suddenly called both of you up to try out the new gliding challenge that they planned to host.
“come on, it’ll be fun you two! we just have to adjust the safety measures to the appropriate amount and make sure they’re okay, which is why you two are here!” she exclaimed, however that didn’t sound like good news to the both of you.
“so, you’re saying you’re using us as a test to see if this thing is stable for people to use?”
“umm… something like that!” she nervously chuckled, and after seeing your dissatisfied look, she sighed.
“i promise it won’t be that bad! look, as long as one of you guys are up for it, i’ll treat all of you to a meal at good hunter for helping us out with the festival!” and all of a sudden, paimon’s eyes light up, swarming aether on how he should take the offer.
aether groaned, finally giving in to paimon’s pleads. “fine, i’ll do it, but you better keep your end of the deal.” he looks over at you and flashes you a thumbs up, hoping that you would pray for him.
in the next couple of minutes, aether is already on top of the anemo archon’s statue, testing the winds and checking which way they’re blowing. you on the other hand, with paimon and amber, are waiting at the end of the finish line to watch if aether can really get to the goal.
he finally jumps down and his windglider spreads its wings. he navigates through the course very quickly, at the same time very steadily. paimon and amber start cheering for him and you try your best to do so too.
hes almost at the finish line, you thought. however, in an instant, the wind starts getting stronger, pushing aether back and forth in the air. he manages to keep his cool, but he unexpectedly starts falling due to his lack of balance.
you run to catch him, and you caught him in your arms just in time. yet, you didn’t brace yourself for the effect, causing both of you to fall on the floor.
amber gasps and rushes over, while paimon follows. paimon then notices what kind of awkward position you both are in, so she turns away embarrassed.
my head is spinning. you turn your head upwards only to be met with your lips on aethers.
he starts blushing profusely, and your face starts getting hot as well. both of you turn away from each other trying to forget about the interaction you just had.
amber clears her throat to get rid of the tension. “ahaha… and i assume that this challenge isn’t secure enough to host…?”
both of you including paimon, look at her with a frown and dirty looks. she shivers and leaves the topic by talking to paimon instead.
and although you three got the food you were promised, aether still couldn’t get that scenario with you out of his head for the entire day.
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“ouch, that hurts!”
venti had started whining when the pain finally hit him when you bandaged his injuries. it didn’t even hurt that bad, venti just wanted to be a baby to catch your attention. he started kicking his feet against the roots of the windrise tree, and you breathed out.
“suck it up venti, i know your antics. besides, it’s your fault that you got into a fight with a bunch of fatui minding their business at their own camp.”
he pouted and huffed. “oh woe is me! even my own lover doesn’t want to return my affection after everything i’ve been through!” he turned away dramatically, placing the back of his hand against his forehead.
you rolled your eyes and flicked his nose, gaining an “ow!” from the bard. as you finished patching him up, he stared off into the distance, grinning and smiling to himself.
“what’s gotten you all giddy?” you smirked, deciding to humor him for a little while. he looked at you with a mischievous look on his face, it almost made you scared for a second.
“oh nothing!” he giggled, blowing wind against your ear just to mess with you. you gasped and leaned forward to tickle him, but he jumped off the grass and into the air, laughing at your attempt for revenge.
he started sticking his tongue out at you, using his anemo powers to keep himself floating. you groaned at his childish behavior, but you beamed at how much fun he was having. when you tried reaching for him, he would just go further up and down, dodging your hands.
“awww, look at how cute you look! y’know, maybe if you give me a peck on the cheek i’ll-“
he interrupts himself when his powers stop working, but when he used them again to balance himself, his eyes widen as he realized he was kissing you.
you pulled away almost immediately and put your hand on your lips to recall what just happened. he snickered, and started teasing you even more.
“haha! i didn’t know you were so eager to kiss me! not to worry, this lovely maiden is gonna get all the kisses i have to offer~!”
he peppered your face with tiny pecks and everywhere he could reach. every time you pushed him away, he would just keep coming back for more.
“whats wrong? are you telling me you dont like it when i do this?” he feigned a frown, making you sigh and cup his cheek.
“i was only joking, love. you know i would never do something as cruel as that.” you giggled and so did he. “of course i do!” he pulled you into a hug and nuzzled your head. “remember, even if you run or hide from my affection, the winds will always lead me back to you to keep on trying.”
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kazuha isn’t one to lose his cool that easily. in fact, it’s impossible to see him do it. when you were transferring cargo from the docks to the alcor, kazuha, lo and behold, was on top of the boats ledge sitting in a rather comfortable position.
you couldn’t help but look at him in awe, admiring his gorgeous looks and his calm personality. you snapped out of it when captain beidou shouted your name for help. you rushed over and proceeded to follow what she requested.
little did you know, kazuha was watching you the whole time with his peripheral vision. after all, a ronin like him is great at examining things.
when all was said and done, the alcor was ready to set out to sea. you wiped the sweat off of your face with the back of your arm, proud of getting the job done. kazuha smiled to himself at how endearing you could be. he jumped down to start a simple conversation with you.
“good evening (name). you look rather lovely today, or is it just that common for you to be so alluring all the time?”
you felt a bit flustered at first, but stifled a laugh. “how romantic of you kazuha, though i must say that being a poet does have its charms.”
he chuckled. “then, might i entice you to some of my other charming aspects?”
when he reached for your hands, the ship suddenly rocked to the side unexpectedly due to the strong waves of the ocean. you gasped, trying to grab onto kazuha as he was the only person close by to support you.
his arm wrapped tightly around your waist while the other grabbed onto a ledge close by. your arms were latched onto his shoulders, holding on until the ship was pulled back up again.
he sighed out of relief, but when he turned his head to look at you, he felt heat rushing up to his cheeks.
“o-oh, i apologize.”
when he went to move his arm away from your waist, he felt a slight tug that pulled him back. his face was mere inches from yours, and his breath hitched.
“kazuha, you’re..”
he pressed his lips against yours, sighing in delight. he held you tightly in his arms, somehow pulling you closer to him. he’s been waiting for this moment for so long.
your hands drifted to his hair, slightly ruffling it up. when you finally separated, both of you were out of breath and quite obviously flustered.
he smiled again, caressing your cheek. “your lips are sweet. i wouldn’t ever believe i’ve been missing out on such a pleasant treat..” his hand traveled to put his fingers against your lips to open your mouth a bit.
you scoffed, slapping his arm away. “oh cut it out, now you’re just teasing me.” he laughed and pecked your cheek. “m’sorry, couldn’t help it. you’re just too gorgeous for me.”
no matter how many times you try to avoid his constant flirting, there was no way you could’ve successfully evade his attractive temptations.
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“so uhh.. how about we talk this out?”
heizou nervously laughed, but nothing could prevent the lump in his throat from being evident.
he gulped, and looked up at you, who was clearly pissed. his hands were tied behind his back and wrapped around a tree. he laid against it for leverage to try and bring himself up, but he was simply pushed back down by the heel of your shoe.
“tell me detective, just what were you thinking looking through my personal things for evidence, especially my diary?” you huffed out, embarrassed to even comprehend what he must’ve found out while reading it.
he scrambled out for an answer, but had no reply. to be truthful, he didn’t really mean to look through your diary, but he got curious when he found it laying on top of your office desk.
“no response? how much did you even read!?”
“i swear i didn’t look at all of it! only two pages, that’s all!” you furrowed your eyebrows when he gave you an answer, trying to determine whether it was a lie or not. heizou was good at it, so you were having a lot of trouble.
“and you’re sure you haven’t read that page, right..?” he tilted his head to the side in confusion, but quickly nodded his head. you mumbled to yourself, and finally decided to believe him.
that page was full of things you wanted to tell him. it was just a bunch of confessions really, but you know you would never have the courage to actually say them to his face.
you crouched down, staring into his eyes skeptically. then your face turned smug. “y’know, it’s actually pretty entertaining seeing you below me like this.”
he looked away out of embarrassment, suddenly surprised by how bold you were when you switched up. “hey, just shut up and untie me.”
you got up and smirked down at him. “now, don’t get so angry with me. besides, you’re talking a lot for someone who’s all tied up and completely at my mercy.”
“really? not if i do this?”
he caught you off guard and gently kicked your ankle down, causing you to trip and fall. you fell on your behind and rubbed your head. you weren’t prepared for that at all. when you were just about to get up, he got on top of you and pinned you to the ground below you.
heizou grinned. “looks like you’re in a tough situation.”
“how did you even manage to get out of the rope!?”
“lets just say i have a few tricks up my sleeve.”
you tried getting out of his grasp, but he just held you tightly. “hey, i know i lied but, i actually did read the whole thing about.. you know.”
he what?
you were filled with both anger and embarrassment at the same time, feeling your hand clutch onto his shirt collar. “heizou, you liar!”
“how much do you know!?” you brought his face close to yours, ignoring the way he blushed for a second. “i-i know that you have a crush on me! but, i wasn’t going to tease you about it! i feel the same way!”
“you.. you do?”
he quickly became flustered at his own words, and nodded slowly. “i’m.. sorry. for lying to you and for reading your personal diary.”
you felt your anger dissipate, and your stomach gradually filled up with butterflies. knowing that he returned your feelings was a dream come true.
“it’s alright. but next time just try to tell me the truth, ‘kay? that was a really bad way of me confessing..” you rubbed the back of your head when he got off of you and sat up.
he waved both of his hands to change the topic. “okay okay, i understand. say, how about we go to a restaurant, you and me?”
he offered his hand to pull you up, and you complied. “as in a date?”
“if you’d like to think it that way, then maybe.”
when you got back up on your feet, you completely forgot about the rope that you tied heizou up with, leading you to lose footing over it.
he managed to catch you before you could fall, but that quickly led him to falter his own movements. he stumbled back while you clutched onto him tightly. “woah, steady now, wouldn’t want you falling for me that easily.”
he smiled down at you, noticing how your eyes looked up at him. he wanted to compliment you and make you even more swoon for him.
“heizou.. can i.. kiss you?”
his grin grew even wider despite the heat rushing to his cheeks. he leaned in and kissed you softly.
his mouth tasted like dango milk. his hand was caressing your cheek, pulling you closer. you bit his lip, signaling that you were almost out of breath. as soon as you opened your eyes, heizou pulled away with a sigh.
“we should do that again,”
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you started picking flowers to bring to xiao because you thought they were cute. he always tries to remind you that he has no use for mortal gifts and says they’re pointless, but despite his harsh words, you could never miss the way his eyes light up a bit when you see him alone with them.
you brought a particular one up to your face and sniffed it. it was a glaze lily. you relished in its scent, placing it delicately in your basket.
as the sun set peacefully in the background, you sat contently looking down at the field of flowers in which you picked from. you glanced at your basket, remembering that you were supposed to bring them to your beloved. until.. a flash of green appeared right in front of you.
“where have you been?”
xiao stared down at you with crossed arms, raising an eyebrow and tapping his foot impatiently.
“i didn’t realize it was already getting dark. m’sorry for worrying you, xiao.”
he scoffed and looked away. “just, call my name when you’re in trouble. and don’t try anything irrationa-“
“wait. can you stay with me a little longer?”
he stopped to look at you, and nodded. you patted the ground next to you, motioning for him to sit. he swallowed down and followed.
“look, the flowers. don’t they look pretty?”
he gazed at the field with admiration, but quickly cleared his throat. “it’s, nice. is this what you wanted to show me?”
“well, pretty much. but i want you to do something for me.”
“..what is it?”
“i want you to dance in it.”
he gave you a confused look, and you stood there and chuckled. “ridiculous, isn’t it? but even so, i know you’ll enjoy it. that’s all i want you to do.”
he hesitated, but then held your hand. “fine. but you’re coming with me too.”
you were caught by surprise when he suddenly pulled you along. you grabbed your basket and trudged along with xiao to the center of the flower field.
he placed his hand on your hip while the other took hold of your hand. your other arm wrapped around his shoulder. he gave you a short nod to show you that he was ready, and just like that, you two started slow dancing.
the glaze lilies beneath you sang a pure melody that xiao used as a rhythm for your steps. he held you cautiously, scared that you might break because of his touch. you reassured him and he was more comfortable to guide you.
the sun was out of sight and the moon shined down perfectly. he swayed you with absolute grace, looking into your eyes hopelessly in love. it didn’t last very long when you unexpectedly stepped on his foot on accident. you fell backwards, but he caught you on instinct before you reached the grass.
what he didn’t expect was to pull you so quickly, but before he could move away, he was already kissing you.
he was stunned as he gasped into the kiss, and swiftly vanished. you stumbled over, regaining your balance as you tried to process what happened.
you just kissed xiao!
when you turned around, he reappeared with a reddened face. he looked away and put the back of his hand against his lips. you giggled at his flustered behavior, suddenly catching his attention and huffing.
“humans.. so incompetent and clumsy.”
when he saw you laughing with blush adorned on your features, he is suddenly reminded of his undying love for you.
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you searched frantically around the area to figure out where scaramouche had run off to. he disappeared without a sound while you were talking with one of the street vendors of inazuma.
after scaramouche obtained the gnosis, he came to you one night for a hiding place. as his long term friend, you had been taking care of him and hiding him away from both the fatui and the tenryou commission. he was a well known criminal, after all.
you thought it was a good time to finally let scaramouche go with you to buy a couple of groceries. he’s been complaining about how bored he was being lodged up in such a tiny room, even though you weren’t expecting him when he showed up at your door. nonetheless, you gave in.
of course, inazuma city was quite crowded with a lot of guards around. you took extra precautions, handing scaramouche a folded yukata as well as a jingasa, with a design different from the one he usually has on. that way, nobody would tell who he actually was if he looked like a normal inazuman citizen.
but right now, you were freaking out.
where did that clown go!?
as you turned the corner of komore teahouse, you breathed out a sigh of relief as you saw him playing with a stray cat he found atop a tree. when you walked up to him, he felt your presence, but didn’t move.
“scara, don’t disappear on me like that without telling me. i thought you got taken away or something by those guards.”
“so what? it doesn’t matter if i did, i’d kill them in a heartbeat if they ever laid hands on me,” he shrugged.
you frowned at how carefree he could be. “i know you would, which is the problem.”
he huffed, looking away. he picked up the cat which started nuzzling and purring against his chest. he placed the cat back up on the tree where it was resting, and it stretched out, drifting to sleep contently.
you lightly smiled. “you know, they had some dango at the cart i was just at. want a bite?” you reached inside the bag which contained the sweet treats, handing it to him. he raised his eyebrows, but still leaned in to taste it.
you were surprised, expecting him to grab it himself instead of eating it directly from the stick that you were holding.
“mmm, what?”
he looked up at you confusingly and you blushed in embarrassment, realizing you were watching him the whole time. he smirked, finally understanding.
“don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet, what were you thinking of just now?”
he inched even closer to you, making you back up every time he did. if anyone else was around right now, they would probably just think you were a couple playing around with each other.
he squished both of your cheeks with one his hands, teasing you further. if you weren’t embarrassed before, you definitely were now. you gulped down your nervousness, trying to back up more until your back hit a wall.
before you could move out of the way, he pinned both of your sides to prevent you from doing so. you dropped the dango bag on instinct and looked at him anxiously.
“scaramouche, we have to go back.. it’s already turning dark.”
he pouted, but pulled away anyway. “fine, i guess i’ve had my fun then.” he picked up the dango bag and started eating, walking away acting like nothing ever happened.
you calmed your breath, afraid that your heart would’ve jumped out of your chest. you rushed to catch up with him, suddenly overwhelmed and giddy inside.
on your way to your shared home, you and scaramouche decided to take a break from walking to sit down and relax. he laid next to you, toying with the gnosis as it glowed. you started eyeing it, fascinated with the purple glow that emitted from it.
you quickly got bored, and came up with a fun idea. “hey scara,” you mused. he gave you a hum, letting you know that he was listening.
“we should kiss.”
his face suddenly flushed, and he looked at you in shock. you looked at him innocently, not knowing what was so wrong with an intimate action.
“are you absurd?!” he hints with a scowl.
“..is that a no?”
when he asked you why, you only responded with a simple answer.
“i want you to be my first kiss. is that so wrong?”
when he looked away, you thought he was just going to say no, instead he moved in front of you. he put his hand on your cheek and the other on your side, closing his eyes and leaning in to kiss you until…
“ow!” he cursed, accidentally bumping his nose against yours. he forgot that he was still wearing the hat, which collided against the tree that you were leaning on. he rubbed his head, resulting in you attempting to keep in your laughter. he tsked, and went in for a second time to kiss you right again.
the contact between your lips lasted long, and he wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted. the lingering taste of dango was still on his tongue, and you struggled to keep up with the way he was kissing you so roughly.
you both pulled away breathlessly. he enjoyed every moment of it, especially when you tried squirming underneath him. he moved to the side and leaned against your shoulder, brushing his fingertips against your hand.
you flashed him a playful grin. “if you want to hold my hand that badly, go ahead you klutz.” he flinched, not noticing you were watching and looked the other way. “just shut up already.”
you intertwined your hand with his, slowly closing your eyes to doze off against him as everything faded out of sight.
i love you kuni.
perhaps you were half asleep and didn’t know what you were saying, but he heard you loud and clear. he felt hesitant, but he said it anyway with a whisper.
“i love you too.”
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lightseoul · 1 year
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synopsis. you needed him to meet you halfway. he couldn't.
cw. fem!reader, student-turned-worker!reader, busy prohero!katsuki, aged-up (~22 yrs old), established relationship, fluff, hurt/(may or may not have) comfort
word count. 5.8k words
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The first time it happens, it leaves you more in a state of awe and adoration than worry and disappointment.
In your defense, you never thought you’d end up dating anyone in college, let alone during your very busy senior year marred by senioritis and thesis woes, but the universe decided it has other plans for you.
And so here you are, on your first date with the #2 Pro Hero, no less.
Of course, credit must be given where it is due. All of this wouldn’t have happened without the notorious meddler and your elementary best friend Ashido Mina, who took it upon herself to be Bakugou’s wing-woman during her housewarming party two weeks ago.
Not only did she serve as the pesky glue that resisted all of your attempts to stray away from Bakugou’s immediate circle, but she also later on confessed to having begged him not to delete your number that she not-so-sneakily saved in the man’s phone.
You got so embarrassed when you received your first text from him, imagining him being held at gunpoint by Mina just to send the darned message. You contemplated not replying to save the poor guy but decided against it. You’re glad you did, though, because he ended up surprising you with his responsiveness and consistency, resulting in daily texts until he finally asked you out on a date.
In a very roundabout way, too:
Maybe we can find out what the hell your problem is over dinner sometime.
Which brings you to the present, post-said dinner, seated on one of the benches in a park you’ve never heard of until now, admiring the view.
“I’ve never done this before.”
Your head whips to look at Bakugou, surprised at his sudden statement. Things have been silent since you left the sushi restaurant.
Well, until now.
“What—go out on a date?” you joke, meaning to lighten the mood.
At that, he visibly reddens, and looks away.
“Dumbass,” he mutters under his breath.
“I’m sorry,” you start, “I just thought—you being you—you’d have far more experience than I have.”
You can see him hesitating before looking you right in the eyes, “Wow.”
He shrugs, “This is the first time someone’s referred to my being ‘me’ as a compliment.”
He merely gives you a firm nod. You can tell he’s trying to be cool about it, despite how much vulnerability this topic is requiring out of him.
You sigh, shaking your head, “Well, that’s bullshit.”
His voice is quiet when he replies. “...Ya think so?”
“Yeah,” you smile at him, “I mean, I like you. Being Bakugou Katsuki should make you proud.”
You don’t realize the carelessness of your comment until you see his eyes widen in shock. Yours follow suit upon realization, “I mean–”
“I didn’t–”
He interrupts, “Don’t worry. I get what ya mean.”
You could only stare at each other in astonishment until you look away in embarrassment.
You’re about to change the subject in the hopes of clearing the air and replacing the awkward silence that has befallen the two of you when you feel a feather of a touch graze your pinky.
You hold your breath in anticipation—willing your palm’s sweat glands to magically close in case Bakugou’s making a move to hold your hand—but that’s when it happens.
A piercing wail echoes throughout the park, and you both rip your hands away from each other.
Embarrassed (Bakugou), confused (you), and alarmed (both), you whip your heads towards the source, only to find a crying kid and who seems to be his father crouched down, frantically shushing him.
You narrow your eyes, trying to figure out what’s the matter from your spot on the bench.
“Kid’s dumb cat got stuck in that tree,” Bakugou points with his right hand, and sure enough, an orange Tabby cat is perched comfortably on the sakura tree near where the kid and his father are standing.
How he managed to figure out the problem in a millisecond is beyond you, but you couldn’t spare a single moment to marvel at his hero senses because Bakugou’s now standing up, palms cracking with mini-explosions.
He sighs heavily, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was annoyed.
Whatever scowl he might’ve had on his face is schooled into a neutral expression when he turns back to tell you to give him a second.
You nod, too stunned to speak, and the explosions on his palms begin to heighten in degree. He starts toward the direction of the civilians, before hesitating in his steps.
“What’s wrong?”
He shakes his head, back still turned towards you.
“...For the record,” he looks up to the cat still balanced expertly on the tree’s branches, possibly to avoid your gaze for what he’s about to say next.
“I like you, too.”
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The second time it happens…is a bit different. It wasn’t like you weren’t aware this sort of thing was coming. On the contrary, you anticipated it, knowing full well what you were getting yourself into the moment you agreed to become Bakugou’s girlfriend.
But expecting and dress-rehearsing for pain doesn’t make it any less wounding once the actual thing does roll around.
It was your graduation day, and everything was going swimmingly. Bakugou got to officially introduce himself as your boyfriend to your parents while you were waiting for the ceremony to begin.
He didn’t want to admit it, but just by his body language alone, you could tell he was fucking nervous.
(Later on, during dinner, he’d whisper to you how he barely got any sleep the night before. Who was the one graduating between the two of you, again?)
Your parents’ reception of him was favorable, thanks to the briefer you gave them about his media presence not at all being an accurate depiction of the real thing. Your father tossed you a somewhat withering look after the encounter, but you chose to let it go. You weren’t going to let anyone rain on your parade today.
By all accounts, everything was going great. At the end of the program, everyone who you wanted to be present was there congratulating you, giving you bouquets of flowers, and taking pictures for remembrance’s sake.
After bidding goodbye to your college peers, you then headed to your favorite high-end restaurant to celebrate, where you sit now, listening in amusement as Bakugou gets grilled by your family and friends.
“So, Bakugou-san,” your mother continues, “what do you like about our Y/N?”
Needless to say, you didn’t expect to be dragged into the grilling session.
Your mother only looks at you like you’re the one who’s lost your marbles. To your left, you can hear Bakugou snicker under his breath. You elbow his side in retaliation.
“What? You can’t expect me not to ask him that.”
“Yeah,” your cousin chimes in from the end of the elongated table, “we’re curious.”
You glare at her, “Shut it, C/N.”
“Y/N!,” your mother exclaims, “Don’t be rude.”
You could only pout in response while Bakugou clears his throat beside you, and you find yourself anticipating his response despite the circumstances.
“Well, she’s the most caring person I know,” he eyes you, and you can’t help but look away, feeling bashful under his gaze. “And is incredibly sharp, and she makes me feel understood and appreciated.”
Squeals and cheers erupt from the table, and you laugh in embarrassment at his words and everyone else’s reactions.
Bakugou pinches your thigh to catch your attention, “What?”
You snort, “You’re so cheesy.”
He smirks, “Says the one blushing.”
You don’t have the heart to tell him he’s sporting redness on his cheeks the same way he’s saying you are. You can’t help but grin in response.
The noise dies down upon hearing your father clear his throat, “Bakugou-san, what do you do for a living, again?”
You internally roll your eyes. On the outside, though, you look at Bakugou, who straightens his posture at your father’s questioning.
“I’m a Pro Hero, sir.”
Your father hums in acknowledgment, “You’re Pro Hero…Dynamight?”
“Yes, sir.”
Everyone’s silent as you watch the tense conversation unfold before you.
“You face a lot of danger in your line of work, then?”
Bakugou remains unwavering as he goes through the kind of questioning that would otherwise annoy him, “Yes, sir. But we’ve undergone extensive training and immersions to be able to handle them accordingly.”
This time, your father only grunts in reply, returning to his plate of Grilled Akita Beef Sirloin as if he hadn’t just interrogated a guy. In the corner of your eye, you see Bakugou deflate, from relief or disappointment, you can’t tell.
“Anyway, Bakugou-san,” your mother interjects in an attempt to salvage the conversation, “what’s it like having a job of a Pro Hero? Nobody in our family took that career path, you see.”
“Well, I—”
He barely gets two words out when All Might’s voice comes booming throughout the entire restaurant, and you see Bakugou lose his cool and scramble for his phone to turn it off. Everyone’s eyes are bugged out, probably reeling from the fact that the #2 Pro Hero has such a corny ringtone.
“Sorry,” he blurts out. You chance a peek at the caller ID, which reads ‘Deku’, and you look up to see the frustration in Bakugou’s eyes.
Despite yourself, a sense of worry settles in your stomach. Midoriya never calls Bakugou unless it’s something important, and he’d already been informed about Bakugou being MIA for tonight. Surely he’s not calling for nothing…
“Who was that?” Your mother asks.
Bakugou presses the lock button on his phone and pockets it. “Sorry—it was just a colleague,” he frowns, “I don’t know why they’re contacting me, I already filed a leave for today.”
“Well, if it’s nothing important, I guess we–”
The ringtone, once again, floods the entire room, but this time you urge him to take it as he tosses you and everyone else an apologetic look.
“Sorry. Please excuse me.”
With that, he stands up and heads towards the corner of the restaurant, leaving you with the rest of your family and friends in silence.
“He seems nice,” your cousin offers, and you shoot them a look of gratitude.
“Are you sure about him, Y/N?” your other cousin asks, and you can’t help but freeze upon hearing the question. “Dating a Pro Hero doesn’t seem like easy business.”
“I bet it isn’t,” your father adds gruffly.
You’re about to spit out the best defense in history when Bakugou rushes toward your side, although he doesn’t sit back down. You brace yourself for what’s about to come next.
“That was Pro Hero Deku—there’s been a sighting in the Chofu district of this high-profile villain we’ve been tracking down for weeks,” he fixes his gaze onto you, “And they need both top heroes on the field, ASAP.”
You spring onto your feet with no hesitation, “Okay, but be careful, Katsuki.”
He nods, “Of course.”
With that, he faces everyone else and bows, “I apologize for having to leave early. I hope you enjoy the rest of your meal.”
He doesn’t wait for their responses, attention now shifted back to you.
“Congratulations again, Y/N. I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, forcing a smile on your face in the hopes of easing his worries. He bends down to kiss your forehead, shooting you an apologetic look before excusing himself for the last time and heading for the exit.
You hold onto that congenial smile plastered across your face as your eyes trace his disappearing figure. Once he’s gone, you go back to your seat and will yourself to meet the eyes of those around you.
You see the all-too-familiar worried look on your mother’s face, while your cousins and friends have their eyes down on their plates. Your father, on the other hand, has the same withering look he’s been wearing around you and Bakugou the entire day.
“I bet it isn’t,” your father mutters under his breath, but you heard him clearly.
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The third time it happens, it hits closer to home than you expect it to.
After a flurry of important firsts with Bakugou, as well as major life changes that have gotten you breaking down more often than you’d like to admit, your birthday finally rolls around.
As you’ve gotten older, birthdays have indubitably become more mundane. Nevertheless, you went ahead and took the day off of your new job as recruitment personnel in Mirko’s agency, not to celebrate it in crazy ways but in the hopes of spending the entirety of it at home with Bakugou.
Ever since you landed your first job, time spent with your boyfriend has become more and more negligible, with schedule conflicts and inflexibilities of work commitments barring you from seeing each other.
Today was no different.
You wake up to the scent of Bakugou and his citrus body soap, who, as per your request, spent the night prior in your apartment. When you reach out to his side of the bed, though, you’re met with cold emptiness, and your heart sinks in disappointment upon the realization that he’d left.
You at least wanted a good morning kiss for your birthday.
Half awake and reaching blindly for your phone, you bring it up to eye level and check your messages.
It’s only 9:07 AM and your inbox is already flooded with greetings, but none of them is Bakugou’s. Instead, the one text message from him reads:
Hey. Sorry I had to leave early, got some agency-wide meeting Shitty-hair and I are presiding today or something. See you when I get home.
Despite yourself, you deflate at his lack of acknowledgment of your birthday. You shake your head, feeling the ugly emotion of hurt creeping up your spine. Instead, you choose to focus on the fact that he just called your apartment home. Besides, he’s probably just busy right now, you think to yourself. He’ll remember later.
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He didn’t remember.
At least, as of 11:45 PM, he hasn’t.
You were still optimistic about things when the day started, going around the house—cleaning to soothe your racing mind, as well as opening the gifts your friends and family had sent to your apartment. By the time lunch rolled around, you had food delivered from your favorite restaurant, which you happily devoured while rewatching a comfort film.
Now and then, you’d thumb at your phone to check if Bakugou’s messaged you a greeting or an update, only to be met with messages and notifications that were the least of your concern.
You lost count of how many times you’ve sighed in discontent, restless for the moment he comes home and proves to you that he absolutely, positively, certainly, hasn’t forgotten.
But before you know it, it’s already 11:45 PM and he still hasn’t walked through your doorway—the last you’ve heard of him being the one text message he left you this morning.
You’re staring blankly at the dinner you’ve prepared for the two of you, devoid of any more expectations, when the door finally clicks open at 11:47 PM and he stumbles in, decked out in his hero costume and visibly exhausted.
“Oh, you’re still awake.”
He seems stunned to see you.
“Patrol went overtime,” he curtly explains as he toes off his boots, “I’m fucking beat.”
You only stare at him from your position on the couch, eyes following his figure as he marches towards the bedroom, possibly to wash off the day’s dirt and grime, barely sparing you a second glance.
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“Hey, babe,” Bakugou calls out from the bedroom, who, from the sounds and smell of it, has already come out of the shower.
You hear a rustling noise, “What’s with all these fuckin’ wrappers? Is it your birthday or some shi–”
He falls silent as realization dawns on him, and you shut your eyes in dreadful anticipation. Earlier, when you were still fired up with the day’s anger, you thought you could handle this confrontation (if he ever realized what day it was), but you might’ve overestimated yourself.
Because now, you’re on the couch, hugging your knees and feeling completely pathetic as you hear his footsteps get closer and louder.
Suddenly, your face to face with Bakugou Katsuki, who’s kneeling to peer at you.
And he looks absolutely guilty.
“Y/N, I am so sorry—”
You shake your head. That shuts him up.
“I’m not in the mood for apologies, Katsuki,” you start, “I’m—I’m not mad at you for not having prepared or set aside anything.”
Swallowing the ball in your throat, you press on, “I know you have a lot on your plate right now, and I understand.”
He eagerly nods. You sniff to help hold back the tears that are threatening to spill out, and Bakugou’s hand shoots up to cradle your face in response.
You let him.
“I’m just…” you look down, unable to meet his eye, “disappointed, Katsuki.”
You will yourself to look at him again, “I figured you’d at least remember what today was.”
“Fuck,” he warbles, and now you’re both crying, “I’m sorry, princess. I…”
He trails off, and some twisted part of you is thankful for it. You already know what was going to come out of his mouth—either their staff was a pain in the ass today and he had to step in, or a villain came around to stir shit up, resulting in overtime and him not having the time or energy for anything else.
This way, he could spare both of you the excuses that have seemed to etch themselves onto the tapestry that is your relationship.
“Let me make it up to you,” he says instead.
You don’t know how he plans to do that, but at this point, you’re too tired and hurt to ask or fight back. You gingerly nod your head in agreement.
And with that, he lifts you and carries you into the bedroom, all the while trailing soft, almost hesitant, kisses at the expanse of your neck.
He lays you down gently on the bed, and he climbs on top of you, hovering, until he has his forearms at both sides of your head.
You find yourself melting under the intensity of his loving, albeit guilty gaze.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” Bakugou whispers, before diving in for a scalding kiss.
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And make it up to you, he did.
The day after your birthday, he files for a leave in his agency, as well as cashes in Mirko’s favor from when he saved her ass in a past mission together, successfully giving you an extra paid leave for the day.
He ends up taking you out to a fancy soba restaurant recommended by Todoroki, and to an exhibit you’ve been wanting to see for the longest time, but haven’t gotten around to due to the ungodly wait (thanks to his Pro Hero card, though, you were able to get special passes).
And, it was at the end of that art exhibit when Bakugou pulls you into a private room and tells you he loves you for the first time.
Needless to say, you were over the moon.
But as a great author once said, one can’t undo the pain one caused. One can only atone for it.
Despite yourself, a seed of unease takes shelter and grows inside of you.
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The fourth time it happens, it finally escalates into a full-blown fight.
It was a Saturday night, and you were enjoying a nice, stay-in dinner with Bakugou in his penthouse. By some miracle, he was able to take the night off despite the busyness that came with December and the looming holiday season.
“Stop staring at me,” he had said while expertly chopping the assortment of vegetables you bought fresh from the market earlier that day.
You grinned at him, “Not my fault you look sexy when you’re cooking.”
“Shut up, dumbass,” he retorted, but there was no bite to it. If you knew any better, you’d say he was blushing. “Now come help me with this.”
And that, you did. More like fumbled around his luxurious kitchen while he took the lead, but you tried your best. Which brings you to now: you, seated across from Bakugou at his corner coffee table, overlooking the city skyline.
“Eat,” he commands.
You happily indulge him.
Scooping a spoonful of the imoni stew he graciously prepared for you, you bring it to your mouth, all the while not breaking eye contact.
“Mmmm!” you exclaim the second the flavors explode in your mouth, “this is so good!”
He only smirks in response, but you can tell he’s pleased with himself with the way his chest puffs up with pride, “Don’t talk with your mouth full, idiot.”
You giggle at how his words juxtapose the way his tone sounds so smitten. Hastily chewing the cabbage, you regard him after you swallow, “Right, you said you wanted to tell me something?”
At that, he visibly stiffens, and your stomach drops, feeling a shot of dread replace the elation that’s been coursing through your blood ever since the night began.
“Yeah,” he starts, “I’ve been thinking…”
“Yes?” you mentally slap yourself at how nervous you sounded.
He looks you dead in the eye, “And I think it’s about time we move in together.”
You can’t believe your ears.
That’s not what you were expecting him to say.
“You heard me,” he places his utensils back on the table, “Think about it, we’ve been dating for almost a year now, and my place is closer to the agency and Mirko’s.”
He shrugs, “And we rarely see each other these days. I figured we can solve that by having you move in with me.”
You try to laugh, but it comes out stilted, “Don’t get me wrong—I’d love to move in with you, Katsuki.” At that, he deflates in what you think is relief.
“But I have to ask—what prompted this? We’ve never talked about living together before.”
He looks down at his clenched fists on the table, and you can’t help how your body tenses in anticipation of the worst.
“This has nothing to do with asking you to move in with me,” he starts, “but there’s another thing I have to tell you.”
Your voice comes out meek when you reply, “What is it?”
“I got chosen to go on a very important solo mission.”
What’s the caveat? your mind immediately conjures the thought. Instead, you say, “Really? That’s awesome, Kats. Congratulations!”
He flashes you a grim smile, “Thanks.”
You force yourself to smile back, chuckling, “But?”
At your utterance of the three-letter word, he sighs, smile now erased from his face, “It’s overseas. Estimated to take about two months.”
You stay silent, just staring at him. He takes this as a sign to drop the last bomb.
“It starts next week.”
At that, you spring onto your feet, “Seriously? Do you even know what you’re gonna miss?”
He follows suit, “Of course! Shit—I’m not a fucking idiot,” he looks to the side in frustration, “I know, and I’m sorry, but this isn’t something I can just pass up.”
The snarky rebut of ‘It actually is’ dies in your throat when the fact of how much being the best matters to Bakugou crosses your mind.
“...But you promised me you’d spend the holidays with my family.” Your tone is quiet now, in stark contrast to earlier. You don’t even get started on the two-month absence.
He huffs, “I know. But I—”
“I’m sorry Katsuki,” you look down in shame, unwilling to look him in the eye, “and I know this is unfair of me, but I just can’t help but feel like you’re choosing your career over me.”
“But this mission could possibly make me number one,” he pleads, “Over shitty Deku, Y/N.”
You can practically hear the pain in his voice when he murmurs the next few words: “Number one.”
You shake your head in resignation—you know where this is going. You’ve gone through the motions of these arguments a hundred times before.
You’re fighting a losing battle.
“I know.”
At your quiet affirmation of his reasoning, Bakugou circles the table and wraps his arms around you, albeit cautiously. Tightening his hold on you, he whispers a soft thank you, and you feel your heart clenching in pain at how awkward and distant he feels despite being so close to you.
You have the urge to ask him if he only asked you to move in with him to soften the blow of what he was going to say next, but you hold your tongue. The last thing you want is for you to go on your separate ways for two months while in the middle of a fight.
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You did end up going back to your hometown for the holidays, although with one less companion. Having to answer your family about Bakugou’s whereabouts was a huge pain, with you eventually resorting to terse responses the more times the question got reiterated.
Your family got so involved in the state of your relationship, with your father dropping I told you so’s ever so often that you finally decided you’ve had enough on the night of Christmas, and resolved to leave for Tokyō the next day.
You were planning to just spend the rest of the holidays in your apartment (you never got around to moving into Katsuki’s home), and wallow in your sadness over your relationship, but fortunately (or unfortunately), you ended up going out of your unit to spend New Year’s at Mina’s instead.
You note the profound role her persistence has played in your life.
Fast forward to now, with you having stepped out of the crowded party in her living room and onto the balcony, grateful for the cool, night breeze.
You hear the sliding door creak open behind you, and you don’t need to look over your shoulder to see who it is.
Footsteps pitter-patter against the floor until you find Mina standing there at your right, uncharacteristically quiet.
You don’t want to hear any comforting words about Bakugou’s absence, so you speak ahead, “Thanks, Mina.”
Her head whips to look at you, and she smiles warmly, “For what?”
“For inviting me to celebrate here,” you will yourself to smile back, “I think I needed this.”
She wraps an arm around your shoulders and squeezes you, “Of course. I—uh,”
She pauses, and you look over at her expectantly, “You what?”
She slowly lets you go and fully turns towards you, the ledge supporting her body weight as she leans into it. A serious expression now adorns her face.
“Just that…I’m not the one you should be thanking.”
You mirror her stance, facing her and narrowing your eyes, “What do you mean?”
She sighs, “Don’t tell him, but Bakugou’s actually the one who told me to check in on you.”
You take a step back from her in surprise (or hurt, you’re not sure—the emotions you’ve been feeling these days have been nothing but complex), but Mina’s quick to step forward and grab your hands, holding it in hers.
“He sounded really sorry about having to leave you alone for the holidays, you know.”
You feel the pinprick of tears at Mina’s words, bringing you to look down at your feet as a means of hiding your sadness from your best friend, even if you know that barely conceals how you’re feeling.
“Come here,” she ushers you in for a gentle embrace.
And you do.
You both stand there for what feels like an eternity, with her rubbing small circles on your back and you crying silently on her shoulder.
“He really loves you, you know,” she whispers, after a long pause, “Eiji and I have talked about it with the rest of our friends—we all agree how it’s practically clear as day.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, and allow yourself to bask in the gravity of Mina’s words.
“I know.”
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The fifth time it happens, you astound yourself with your lack of resistance.
While Bakugou was out in the US for his solo mission, you decided it was the perfect time to put in the extra effort in your own work.
Whether it was to make something of yourself or to distract yourself from the loneliness that came with Bakugou’s absence, it didn’t matter. The bottom line was you finally had something to work towards, and it felt good.
You’ve been eyeing this promotion to be the Recruitment Lead in Mirko’s hero agency for over three months now, with the deliberation process taking longer than you’d like, only for it to end with you falling short of the other candidate.
You clench your fists at the thought of having received the news earlier that day.
Insecure and dismayed, you’ve been waiting for Bakugou to come home so you can tell him about it. It’s gonna have to be a long story, seeing as you haven’t even gotten around to telling him about wanting the promotion in the first place. In anticipation of the conversation, you stocked up on his favorite snacks and drinks.
Finally, at 8:54 PM, you hear the lock open with a click.
You rush to the entryway of your now-shared home, and flash him an inviting smile, “Welcome home.”
He’s in his regular clothes, having stripped himself of the grime and dirt back in the agency. Good, you think to yourself, you’ll have more time with him like this.
You’re about to ask him if he’s eaten dinner and if he can spend the night talking when he practically, and unceremoniously, collapses on top of you.
You’re agile enough with your arms shooting up to help carry his body weight, clutching his waist and arm to keep you both steady.
“Katsuki?” you squeak.
He only burrows his nose in your neck and huffs, “I’m fuckin’ exhausted. Let’s go to bed, please?”
You can’t help but ache at the sight and sound of you Katsuki beaten to exhaustion like this. So, like the good partner that you are, you nod in affirmation and assist him as you walk to the bedroom, and help him out of his clothes until he’s left in nothing but his boxers.
Now lying on the bed and under the covers, he holds his arm out open for you.
His voice is low and rough: “C’mere.”
And you do.
You climb into bed next to him, settling into his side as a muscled arm drapes across your waist.
You look up at his face, and a part of you hopes his eyes are still open and twinkling with invitation.
For conversation. For intimacy.
For anything.
But you’re only met with the peaceful, sleeping face of your lover.
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That was the fifth time it happened.
And the last.
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“Is there any reason you dragged me out of my pajamas to come here at–,” he checks his phone, “8:14 PM?”
You ignore Bakugou’s incredulous question, choosing instead to look around the view of the park from the bench where you’re both seated.
You glance at him, all in his bedhead and glasses-wearing glory. He had a long day, as per usual, having arrived home thirty minutes after 7 PM, but you had to have this conversation sooner than later.
“You seriously don’t remember this place?”
“‘Course I do,” he says in a heartbeat. “This is where I took you out on your best first fucking date ever.”
You snort, “That was yours.”
He sits up and scowls at you, offended, “Fuck that shit. That was both of ours.”
You laugh, unable to tease him any longer, “It was. You even flexed your hero skills to me and all.”
He slinks back into the bench, huffing as he crosses his arms over his chest, “Damn straight.”
You roll your eyes, “Show off.”
He snickers, “Simp.”
You shake your head, trying to fight off the grin that’s spreading across your face. Now was not the time for flirty banter. Not with what you’re about to tell him…
“But really, though,” Bakugou pipes up after a few minutes of silence, “what’s up?”
You can tell he’s trying to sound more playful than he usually does. Still, there’s an air of tense anticipation surrounding the both of you, and it’s been there since you asked two weeks ago if he could clear out tonight’s schedule, as you had something important to say.
Here goes nothing.
You exhale, albeit quite shakily, and close your eyes.
“I can’t do this anymore, Katsuki. I’m sorry.”
Your eyes flutter open to see him holding his breath, visibly on guard.
Bakugou’s smart. You’re sure he knows what you’re talking about, if not because of his intelligence but of the way he gulps nervously, no matter how imperceptible that was.
But he still retorts with, “You can’t do what anymore?”
You gesture vaguely at the distance between the two of you. That’s only been growing in the past few months.
“This. Us.”
You heave in a deep, shaky breath, refusing to look at him. He takes your hand into his.
“I can’t bear it anymore. Forcing you to choose between your hero work and me.”
You chance a glance at your Katsuki, and he’s staring at you, eyes brimming with tears and with such intensity that knocks your breath away.
Still, you march on. You have to get this out of your system before you chicken out.
“It hurts me to make you choose. Especially knowing how much you love what you do and how much you’re needed by other people.”
You try to swallow the lump in your throat, but you still end up choking, “But I need you, too, Kats.”
“And, I can’t keep on getting disappointed and hurt like this every time I don’t get chosen.”
At that, you finally let the tears you’ve been holding onto fall down your cheeks, “It’s all too much.”
A part of you still hoped he’d hop onto his feet in protest and beg for you to stay with him and proclaim how he’ll try harder, despite knowing, more or less, that no objections will pour out of his mouth.
True enough, Bakugou remains silent, like the tears that quietly drip down onto his clenched fists.
Because deep down, he knew.
He knew, from the very beginning.
Before he even decided to keep your number. Before he plucked up the courage to send you that first text. Before he sucked it up and asked you out on that first date.
He knew—that no matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t meet you halfway.
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tagging. @katsukis1wife
extra credits. katsuki's first date line (tweet). quote about atonement.
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mikeysw1fey · 7 months
Woe and behold
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request linked here
pairing: amber freeman x female reader
warnings: death, betrayal, murder, blood,
a/n: IM SORRY TARA. IM SORRY READERS. guys i’m back writing again so feel free to send requests :)
“Hi baby.”
I smile at Tara’s pet name as I walk over to our group during our lunch break ignoring Ambers lingering glare towards Tara.
“Hi.” I reply sitting beside Tara and leaning over to kiss her cheek gently. Sitting back against the bench I glare at Amber for a second before turning back to Tara who now rests her head against my shoulder.
“Do you wanna come over later? Sam’s not gonna be home for hours.” She raises her eyebrows suggestively and I let out a laugh. “Sorry, I have an assignment I need to start, next time though I promise.” I kiss her forehead gently before turning my attention back to the group most of which didn’t even notice our affection exchange.
School finishes rather early today, letting me head home at a decent time.
Opening my front door I head to my kitchen, humming a tune as I open the fridge and sigh at the lack of contents inside. I debate what to do next when a thud in the other room causes me to pause, my hands moving slowly towards the knives beside the microwave.
“Hello?” I call into the empty apartment, the largest knife gripped so tight in my hand my knuckles bleed white. “If this is some kind of prank Mindy I’m going to have your head.” I yell out again slowly inching towards the living room.
Silence encompasses the house. Not even a whistle of the wind can be heard as I creep along the carpeted floor.
But the silence disappears as quickly as it appeared as another thud causes my head to snap around, a figure dressed in black with a white mask rushing at me.
I scream as it wraps it’s arms around my torso, the glint of the knife pressing to my throat gently enough as to not draw blood but hard enough that I know if I move it’ll hurt.
Panting can be heard from behind the mask before an arm is removed from my waist to pull of the hood revealing the face behind it.
“Hi baby.” Ambers cheeks are slightly red as she giggles at my glare.
“Your an asshole you know that? We aren’t meant to be in our ghostface costumes unless we are actually pulling a murder.” I snap shoving Ambers shoulder as she pulls the knife from my throat.
The black haired girl pouts. “I wanted to see you. And I wanted to go over the plan again.” Her arms wrap around my waist, the black robe pressed against my body.
“Your lucky I love you.” I narrow my eyes playfully before leaning in to kiss her lips. “Yeah, I know.” Amber replies cheekily before leaning in to kiss me again.
“Can we kill Tara next? Please?” Amber pulls back and presses her forehead to my own. I raise an eyebrow at her question, my own forming on the tip of my tongue. “Are you jealous baby?” I smile slightly and lean over to peck her jaw as she frowns. “Just- I don’t understand why you have to pretend to date her.” Amber shrugs looking towards the floor.
I chuckle gently and tilt her chin back up so she can face me. “I love you Amber. Not Tara. I’m only dating her to have an alibi for the murders. She’s nothing to me. I promise.” I reassure the girl before me who nods slowly. “Ok.” She replies and nuzzles her face into the crook of my neck before pulling back suddenly.
“Don’t you have an assignment to do?” Amber asks with a puzzled frown. I shake my head and move my mouth beside her ear. “Lies. I just didn’t wanna fuck Tara. She doesn’t do it as good as you.” I whisper breathily, smiling at the goosebumps arising on her neck and the tightened grip on my waist.
“Wanna prove that theory?” Ambers eyes go dark as she gently pushes me towards my room. I nod enthusiastically smashing my lips against hers in search of satisfying the fire burning at my core.
“Welcome to act three.” Amber pulls the gun from her pants and shoots Liv straight through the forehead. Blood splatters all over my shirt as I fake a scream, pretending to be terrified. “Run.” Sam shouts, grabbing Richies hand and heading out the room, bullets narrowly missing her figure much to my disappointment.
“Baby, follow me quickly.” Tara cries hobbling in the doorway on her crutches. Amber stands on the other end of the room causing me to glance between the two.
“Baby?” Tara’s voice holds caution as she remains frozen in place. “Sorry T, but she’s not your baby anymore.” Amber smirks maliciously, her hand extended to me.
I laugh at Tara’s shock before moving to grab Ambers hand and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. My body remains glued to Ambers as I release her lips only to see Tara had disappeared. “Coward.” I scoff kissing Amber quickly before taking the gun from her hand.
“Hey baby I wanted the gun.” Amber pouts. My eyes roll playfully before I lean in close to her ear. “If I get the gun then once this is all over I’ll make it up to you.” I pur.
Amber nods enthusiastically before pressing a kiss to my lips. “I’ll find Sammy, you look for Tara.”
Nodding, we head out seperate ways. “Tara. Baby. I promise I’ll make this quick.” I shout maniacally, slamming open doors and dragging the gun against the walls to increase the tension and hopefully her terror.
Only when a crutch smacks me in the face do I realise I had fallen into a trap. Tara swipes her second crutch under my legs causing me to tumble to the floor, my gun clattering out of my hands and under the table inches away from my fingertips. Her moonboot digging into my side time and time again.
“No, I’m sorry baby. Your hurting me Tar. Please.” I beg curling in on myself as she continues battering me with her crutches. “You. Mother. Fucker.” She pants, the hits slowing as she grows tired. Her hesitancy as I plead gives me enough time to kick my foot hard against her broken ankle, a snap causing her to scream out in pain before collapsing against the wall.
I leap up, pushing my hand against her throat ignoring her cry. “You couldn’t even tell your own girlfriend didn’t love you.” I pout condescendingly.
Tara paws at my hands, tears spilling down her cheeks as her breathing slows. Just as her hands go limp my own breath gets caught in my throat. Pain rushes through my stomach and I instinctively drop my hand from her throat and move it to my abdomen.
Looking down, blood pours from a bullet wound, the red pooling on the floor just inches from where Tara has collapsed onto her knees. “Touch my sister again you bitch. I dare you.” Sam spits from behind me, gun outstretched in her hand.
My breathing comes out in short sharp gasps, no words leaving my throat as I attempt to speak. With a strangled gasp, I collapse to my knees tears flowing down my cheeks.
“Amber.” I manage to whine earning a scoff from the tall dark haired woman before me. “She’s gone.” Sam snaps placing the gun down to reach for Tara who holds her throat, eyes wide and vulnerable as she gazes at me.
“Please.” I pray on her vulnerability, reaching a hand to her to which Sam slaps away.
“You motherfuckers.” A high pitched screech echoes throughout the hallway before a pattering of footsteps causes Sam to re grab the gun.
Ambers jaw is clenched tightly, her hand wrapped around the knife as she lunges at Sam swinging wildly. “I’m gonna rip out your heart you coward.” She screams before another gun shot is heard, Amber freezing in place.
“No.” I gasp finding enough strength to reach for the black haired girl who stumbles slightly gazing up at Sam in torment before collapsing against the wall, slowly falling to the ground.
Reaching her side, my body slumps against the wall, rejecting my attempts at moving closer. Removing my bloodied hands from my stomach I press them against her chest where her blood pours from.
“No. No.” She whimpers, blinking slowly, her gaze moving from the sisters to my eyes, her brown softening slightly. “Not you.” She manages to wheeze. Tears crawl down her cheeks, a weak hand raising to cup my face.
Both Carpenters remain on the other side of the room, now standing up, Tara’s arm wrapped tightly around Sams waist in order to remain stable. “Come on let’s get out of here. Let them be.” Sam looks almost sorrowful as she leads the shorter girl out the house. Tara looks back only once as they walk away, her own tears falling over her quivering lips. “Goodbye.” She whispers to herself.
“Keep your eyes open for me baby.” Amber breathes, her chest rising and falling with difficulty. I smile dopily at her but that smile falters as her hand drops from my face, her own face scrunching up in a grimace, the pain spreading from her chest as more blood pours out of her wound.
“Ambs.” I manage to breathe, the searing pain in my stomach increasing as sobs begin racking my body. Amber groans half heartedly, her head lolling to the side. “No no no no.” I whimper. My hand presses as hard as I can possibly can against her chest pleading the blood to stop pouring as I watch her chest slowly stop rising.
Heartache tears through my chest, the torturous feeling worse than the bullet wound as I watch the woman I love mosts eyes become devoid of her usual soft brown.
“I love you baby.” I wheeze letting my own head fall against her chest, ignoring her bloody wound. It can’t hurt her anymore.
I can’t find the energy to remain with my eyes open, not wanting to witness Ambers corpse any longer. Instead I succumb to the dark blanket of death, feeling my chest slow and the pain fade.
And just as I find myself drifting into the endless void, Ambers voice echoes through my head.
“See you on the other side.”
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redheadspark · 9 months
Can you do prompt 14 with Azriel and his best friend?
A/N - This is great for Azriel, Thanks for requesting this, Anon!
Summary - Azriel saves the day, in more ways than one
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Warnings - Just some fluff!
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“So you two….kissed?”
“Did I not just say that, Cas?”
“What?  I’’m making sure I’m getting my story straight!”
You were hiding your face in your hands, completely embarrassed at how Cassian was beyond casual with his whiskey glass in hand, leaned back in his chair as you were sitting in the outdoor area of Ritas.  The rest of the Inner Circle was going to meet up with you all for your monthly dinner, thinking it was a good idea to have it at Ritas that night since the war summer nights were too inviting to not eat there.  Cassian was holding down a massive table and near the terrace, seeing both you and Azriel walked up looking a bit embarrassed.  
Azriel looked more embarrassed, his ears were tinted red and his wings were tucked in far too tight while you were blessing madly along your cheeks and averting your eyes to the ground.  Cassian knew from the very moment he saw you two, something went down before you arrived. 
So you told him.
“Come on, tell me one more time what happened,” Cassian asked in a leisurely manner, chuckling as he took another sip from his drink.  Azriel growled as you huffed and held your glass of wine in a death grip.
“Azriel was meeting me at the shop to walk me here,” You explained calmly.
“As he normally does since you two are besties,” Cassian added, dodging the napkin that Azriel threw at him and laughing, “I’m just saying!  Anyways…continue!”
“My ex saw me leave me the shop, with his girlfriend,” You explained some more, Azriel grumbling a bit from the mention of your ex boyfriend to him.  Being your best friend, Azriel heard all the woes of your ex and what he put you through.  He hated the guy, mostly by associate because he hurt his best friend, but also the guy was well known for knowing how to woe women and not settle.  
Something Azriel knew would never be enough for you, his best friend and secret crush. 
You and Azriel have been best friends since you were teenagers, you befriend him along with Rhysnad and Cassian though your father and Rhysand’s mother and their friendship.  Azriel was the closest to you, and with constant jabs and jokes from the other two Illyrian brutes, you two never really thought about being together. Neither of your cared to listen or feed into the gossip, yet it never really went away as you two went your own ways in careers and professions.  
You still thought of Azriel, you thought of you as his better half and you felt the same.  The feelings lingered when you were young adults and well into your adult years, yet there were always obstacles that were in the way.  He became the Spymaster, you went to open your own shop in the town of Velaris and because successful.  You two stayed in contact with each other, Azriel even ripping you in to being part of the Inner Circle some years back when things were settling back down in Velaris after the Battle against Hybern. 
This ex, the very ex who dumped you after you found out he cheated on you with his own ex, Azriel hated him with everything inside of him,
“That guys a dick,” Cassian grumbled as he drank the rest of the whiskey down in one go, “So he saw you two walking and that’s when you two kissed?
“Well….” You were about to say as you looked over at Azriel and you saw him glare at Cassian.  Your ex was walking with his girlfriend, the very girl he cheated on you with, together wrapped in each other’s arms and looking blissfully happy.  The last you spoke to him was when you threw out his things from your apartment, making it a bit of a spectical in your neighborhood.  He didn’t think of it as a big deal as he gathers his stuff on the ground and waltzed away, ending up with his ex three days later.  
There he was, seeing you walking out of your shop with Azriel and he snorted from the site.  Hw and Azriel were cordial with one another when you were dating your ex, merely because they both wanted you to be happy and you wanted them to play nice.  Azriel thought of him as pompous, and your ex thought of him as a brooding wannabe.  So when Azriel got wind that your ex cheated on you, there was an instant target on his back with no sig of slowing down.  
Azriel saw you look at your ex and have a sour look on your face, and he did the one thing he’s both wanted to do and thought would be appropriate: he kissed you.
“Full on kissed?!” Cassian hissed, trying to contain the smile on his face as Azriel was rolling his eyes and you were fiddling with your wind glass with your fingers, “Man, Az.  Never thought you would be that bold,”
“Cassian, I swear to the Cauldron…” Azriel said to him in a low tone, but the bite was not there in his voice.  In fact, he sounded a bit softer than the scolding tone he had before.  You thought for a split moment that he regretted kissing you, and that was going to break your own heart since you knew your feelings for him were constant for the last century or two.  
But how could it be nothing, the way he kissed you and made your heart sing, how he cradled your face in his palm as he pressed another kiss against your lips and his spare hand wrapped around your waist to pull him in a bit closer.  
It felt like a fever dream, a dream that always plagued your mind as you slept or daydreamed.  Now it came true, in such an unusual way, but it was now exposed to the world as Azriel pulled away and stared dumbfondly at you.  Neither of you saw your ex look away quickly and rushed off with his girlfriend.  You and Azriel were simply watching each other, not saying a word or two and thinking of what to even say to break the tension.  
Azriel broke the tension with a smile, a massive one that was from ear to ear.
“Well this is great news then!” Cassian replied as he poured himself another small drink of whiskey in his glass, “I take it you wanna keep it under wraps from the others?”
“You know the answer to that question,” Azriel replied to Cassian whom nodded his head and laughed.
“I hear you, message received! Your secret is safe with me!” Cassian replied, then looking past you and Azriel and pointing with his hands, “There’s the rest of the group!  I’ll go get them, hang tight love birds!”
He waltzed away from the table before you and Azriel could warn him.  It left you and Azriel awkwardly sitting next to each other, a moment of silence as you finally spoke after a few long moments.
“That went better than I thought,” You hummed, Azriel finally smiling for the first time since you two made it to dinner, “I honestly thought he was going make it worse for us,”
You remembered the pair of you walking over to dinner a few minutes later, train to figure out what you were going to say to the Inner Circle.  Maybe it felt like you two were going to be caught in some kind of scandalous act, since it seemed like you two were the only ones who knew of each other’s feelings.  
“The lady over there just asked if we were a couple,” Azriel commented, gesturing to the older women behind you two as you were walking away from the shop.
“Well, we did just kiss,” You reasoned with him as your steps were echoing along the cobblestone streets.  Azriel smirked. 
“I know, but it’s still cool that we’ve finally been asked, don’t you think?” He asked you in a small coy manner, you had to blush and giggle.
“Oh good, we found you two!”  The rest of the Inner Circle came over to the dinner, happy and looking like they were ready for a good drink and some good food.  Both you and Azriel smiled, not showing it on your faces as the chairs were filled and a server came by to get the drinks of the newcomers.  But under the table, you and Azriel laced your fingers together and never once let go.  It felt right for you two, finally after some centuries of hiding it from one another.
And you two never saw Cassian smile behind his whiskey glass at the site of his two friends finally in love. 
The End
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August Prompt Session
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luvxiem · 2 years
the stars aligned for us
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word count ! 【idk】idk【idk】 pairing ! luxiem x gn!reader (separately) genre ! fluff, mild angst on luca's part summary ! different soulmate au tropes w our faves bc i'm weak and love self indulgence 🤭 soulmate aus my beloved cw ! non-explicit violence/injuries on luca's part notes ! this was written on my phone so sorry for the uggy formatting and any typos 😭💔 btw tysm for 100 followers 🥺🫶 i appreciate y'all lots for enjoying my shit LMFAOOO it's just me projecting on here but i'm glad u guys enjoy it anyways when u wanna read a fanfic so bad but it doesn't exist yet so u gotta write it urself also kindred plz don't kill me for calling vox an asshole i meant it endearingly (insert "'i hate him' while putting up his picture" meme here)
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.。.:*☆ IKE EVELAND !
ike's world has been black and white for as long as he could remember
his friends have always told him how beautiful everything be came after they made eye contact with their soulmate for the first time
despite them trying their best to describe colors (what does a "warm" color even look like anyway?) it was hard for ike to really care
after all, how can you miss something you never experienced?
but more than seeing colors, the novelist just wanted to meet his soulmate
it wasn't that he was lonely; ike had his fair share of relationships in the past with others like him (those who haven't had the chance to meet their soulmate just yet, but wanted to date anyways)
however being a writer comes with a certain sense of romanticism and a lust for life, and ike was no exception
he's always loved the thought of meeting someone who was perfect for him in every way; a person who he could be his honest self around and love with all his heart
this is why when he suddenly started seeing colors he never could've imagined on a busy sidewalk, he immediately started scanning the crowd for you
he spotted you under the canopy of a nearby cafe. you were looking around with clear awe on your face, mouth slightly agape as you took in the new world around you, not even noticing the grumbles of passerby who narrowly avoided you.
you looked almost ethereal in your (now known as blue) button up, the sunshine leaving your skin in a warm glow. the gentle breeze ruffled your hair just right, and the novelist couldn't tear his gaze away.
as much as ike wanted to admire his new view too, he was more focused on making sure he didn't lose you. he's thought about it countless of times—dreamt of it, even—of somehow meeting his soulmate and losing them right away, never to be seen again. ike's lost enough sleep over it and he was determined to not make his nightmares a reality.
pushing past shoulders with rushed "sorry's" and "excuse me's," ike rushed to get to you as quick as possible; and soon enough, he was now standing face to face with you—the person who would become the love of his life.
your gaze fell onto him and an unspoken realization was met. you could feel it to; the ecstasy blooming in your very core at finally meeting your other half.
"hi," he breathed, a broad smile adorning his face. "i think i'm your soulmate."
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woe is the soulmate of a certain blonde haired mafia boss
injuries came with the job, unfortunately, but the soft-hearted man couldn't help but feel sorry for his soulmate
luca knew some most of his injuries weren't normal. civilians don't get bullet wounds in their arm or knife slashes to the chest
did his soulmate worry for him? or were they wishing they weren't fated at all? as much as it hurt, luca couldn't find it in himself to blame them if they did
the small pricks he felt on his fingertips from presumably paper cuts can't compare to literally getting stabbed in the back
eventually it came to a point where luca tried to stop going outside altogether
he can't obtain any further injuries if he's always at the base, right?
but that fantasy couldn't last forever.
the one day he had to be escorted to a different location, him and his guards got ambushed
luca was the only one who got away, but not without sustaining a bullet wound to his shoulder
it wasn't as bad as it could've been but it still hurt like a bitch
stumbling into an alleyway, the blonde collapsed next to a dumpster, creating a loud thud that echoed into the night
luca was ready to rip off a piece of his shirt to wrap his shoulder when suddenly a bright light momentarily blinded him
standing a little bit away was you, pointing your phone flashlight on him while gripping your shoulder in your other hand
"so you're a med student?" luca asks, gritting his teeth when you dab at his bullet wound with rubbing alcohol. tossing the cotton ball, you reach into your first aid kit for gauze.
"yeah," you say quietly, starting to wrap his shoulder. the blonde frowns noticing how you refuse to meet his eyes. he opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it.
"i chose this path because of you." at your words luca's eyebrow raises in question. you finished wrapping him up and now rest your hands in your lap, fiddling with your fingers. "you got so many injuries growing up and i didn't know what to do. i was worried you didn't have anyone to help you so i wanted to learn how," you explain quietly. at this the mafia boss's gaze softens.
"how'd you know? that i'm your soulmate, i mean," he asks. reaching up, you gently grazed the large scar on his abdomen with your fingers.
"i recognized your injuries," you said. luca shivered at your touch, raising his non-injured arm to cover your hand with his.
"i'm glad i ran into you then, soulmate."
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.。.:*☆ MYSTA RIAS !
mysta's known since he was five that he had a soulmate, just like every other five-year-old in his class
but there was one teeny little problem
ok actually it was a major problem
his timer seemed to be broken
instead of the few years or days or months like his friends had, his timer was set to decades
because of how long his timer was set for, mysta was teased mercilessly for "having a soulmate who doesn't even want to meet him"
this followed him for most of his youth until eventually he covered up his wrist and tried to forget about it alltogether
if he wasn't going to meet his soulmate until he was old and gray, why should he even care
that was until he fell through that damned portal and landed in 2022
he noticed it after he got out of the shower, spotting his wrist in the mirror while brushing back his hair
mysta's mouth dropped open in shock, dropping his arm to gently run his fingers over the numbers
the timer that was the bane of his younger self's existence was down to the hours
the detective was antsy, understandably.
a lifetime of thinking he wouldn't ever meet his soulmate suddenly turned into meeting his soulmate in twenty minutes. mysta wasn't sure what to do, how he should act. should he go outside? he should, right? how else would he meet you?
filled with a newfound sense of determination, mysta grabbed his keys and darted into the london night.
there was hardly anyone out this late; maybe his timer really was broken? what were you doing out at one in the morning, don't you know that's dangerous? who knows what kind of dangerous people were prowling outside right now.
mysta started walking briskly toward a more crowded area of the city. if he had to meet you, it would be somewhere safe.
settling on standing in front of a pub he's been to a few times with friends, the detective started counting down the minutes till he would meet you. he kept glancing at his wrist, watching the numbers go down one by one until there was only a minute left on the clock.
mysta tapped his foot impatiently as he glanced left and right down the street until suddenly, he felt the lightest tap on his shoulder. he spun on his heel and low and behold, there you were.
grinning, you spoke.
"nice to finally meet you, soulmate."
and mysta couldn't be happier.
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.。.:*☆ SHU YAMINO !
in all honesty, shu couldn't care less about having a soulmate
the idea of the universe choosing who he would fall in love with didn't sit right with him
not to mention how frustrating it would be sometimes when the two of you switched bodies at inconvenient times
like in the middle of one of his experiments
or when he's talking to one of his fellow sorcerers
or how about that time he was meditating in a lovely, perfectly quiet room for the first time in ages as a way to destress only to suddenly wake up in your body in the middle of a bustling city
yeah, shu wasn't all too happy about it, but what can he do?
so while all his friends were out actively searching for ways to meet their soulmate in person, shu was directing his energy toward mastering his powers instead
but the thing about having a soulmate is that you can't exactly reject them altogether
they're your soulmate for a reason, after all
so despite his resistance, the purple sorcerer found himself falling for you all the same
he grew antsy at particularly long periods without switching and eventually started leaving notes behind for you for when you would eventually switch
including a bright purple post-it with an address and a time and date
shu sat inside the cafe anxiously, bouncing his leg under the table while sipping his drink. he hoped that his note was obvious enough that you saw it the last time you guys swapped bodies, but how could he know for sure? you didn't leave a reply on his note, and the swap period was rather short that time too.
minutes passed the written time and the pounding in shu's chest grew louder and louder in his ears. he looked up at every tinkle of the bell above the door, hoping that it was you only to be disappointed when it wasn't. he kept glancing out the window rather obsessively, and soon enough his cup was empty too.
after 40 minutes had gone by, the sorcerer had just about given up. letting out a disappointed sigh, he rose from his chair to leave his tray and finished drink on the counter only to pause when the bell jingled one last time. shu looked up on instinct and his breath got caught in his throat.
in the doorway was you, slightly sweaty and definitely out of breath, looking frantically around the cafe before your eyes landed on him. shu was still holding the tray in his hands when you ran up to him, still in shock at seeing you in the flesh for the first time and not just through a mirror.
"h...hi..." you stutter, gripping the strap of your tote bag tightly in your fists. "i'm sorry i'm late. but i'm so glad i found you." shu broke out of his trance and smiled, setting the tray back down on the table.
"i'm glad you found me too."
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.。.:*☆ VOX AKUMA !
fitting for a voice demon that the first words his soulmate says to him is permanently printed onto his skin
"you're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna impress me, pretty boy" decorated his ribs under his right pectoral
now vox knows he's hot
he's well aware of the power he holds fucking asshole and uses his charm and good looks to his advantage
the demon spent most of his early years dropping one liners and introducing himself with various pickup lines in an attempt to find his elusive soulmate
and many have tried to pretend they were his fated one but they never succeeded
after the death of his clan and being transported to the future, it took vox a long time to feel ready to find his soulmate again
slowly he started visiting pubs and parties in an attempt to socialize
it was at one of these parties that he met you
beer in hand, vox pushed past a group laughing with each other in the hallway to slip out onto the balcony. he was hoping to get a chance to breathe and get away from all the sweaty partygoers, but there was already another person out here with him. figuring it wouldn't hurt to say something, the demon let a familiar smirk slip onto his face as he approached you.
sensing his presence, you turned your head to look at him in curiosity, fiddling with the many rings on your fingers.
"why hello there; what's a gorgeous person like you doing out here all alone?" he drawls, sliding up next to you. a breathy laugh escaped your lips, dropping your head to your chest for a moment before you looked back up and meeting his gaze dead on.
"you're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna impress me, pretty boy."
at your words vox faltered, the smirk falling from his face as his lips parted in surprise. the skin where his soulmate mark was seemed to tingle.
it seems like you figured it out too; your eyes widened and suddenly you were tugging your shirt up to show a matching tattoo on your ribs. you let the fabric fall back down and looked back up at him, a softer smile now gracing your features as vox reached over to intertwine his fingers with yours.
"would you look at that," you laughed happily. "guess you really did impress me, pretty boy."
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WRITTEN ! 080222
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𓆩♡𓆪 being a workaholic is going to kill you one of these days. thankfully, lee comes in with quite a helpful solution. or so it seems. MINORS DNI!!
cw. afab!reader, reader is the doctor, double dragon dicks, slight dub-con, hypnosis (reader is into it but makes fun of lee lmao), dilf, age difference, scent kink, deepthroating, cumming untouched, sensory overload & genital slit/retractable dicks.
lati. thank you so much to the very lovely person who commissioned me for this!! they wished to remain anonymous but i hope you read this and are satisfied with this yummy fic bc i had a helluva time writing it :D
wc. 5325
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Your head is going to explode—you're so god-awfully exhausted and stressed that death might as well be imminent. You're going to die from overworking and the endless stacks of papers would be your tomb. Oh god, you're too young to die from work; you haven't even really done all the stuff you've always wanted to do—actually, wait, how old are you again? You don't know.
Kal'tsit and Amiya never really went into any specific details about the kind of person you were before you awoke in Chernobog (well, you think you have a good enough idea of who you once were, but thinking about it makes your head hurt), and they most certainly did not inform you of your age. Well, Amiya did bake you a cake for your birthday and sang happy birthday, but had placed a small handful of colorful candles across the cake that did not indicate your age. And if Kal'tsit knew, then she certainly was in no rush to tell you just how long you'd been around.
But anyway, that's not the point. The point is that you're gonna die. And if you don't die from work, then Kal'tsit would most certainly hang you from the rafters if you didn't finish your work.
It feels like no matter how many recruitment permits you sent off or battle records you reviewed, the pile of documents on your desk was never-ending. It was already so late into the night, and judging by a glance at the clock, most of Rhodes Island should be asleep in their dorms, in the comfort of their beds. Fuck, just thinking about a bed is making you sleepy.
You leaned back in your chair, for a quick breather, and totally not because you're trying to keep yourself from passing out on the spot. Wincing at the sound your back makes in the process—a consequence of having been hunched over for so long. 
Man...looks like an all-nighter at this rate. You can feel your sanity shrivel up at that realization. If you could have a stress cry session, then you absolutely would, but even you know that crying won't get you anywhere.
Your oh woe is me! thoughts are interrupted by the sound of your office door opening. Huh? Who else would be awake at this god-forsaken hour other than yourself—?
"Why are the lights all on at this hour... oh?" There stood at your doorway, was no other than Lee. Wait, why was he awake at this time? Was he unable to sleep and decided to go for a stroll around the landship?
He looks a little surprised to see you still perched behind your desk, but his expression quickly shifts to his usual playful and lax demeanor. "Ah, (name). Are you still processing battle records? Well, I never thought you were such a workaholic. I'm impressed," he whistles, sauntering towards your desk and leaning over to peek at what you'd been working on.
After his quick inspection, he exclaims, "But! You'd better turn in sooner. It's not worth it to break your body doing it."
"While the concern is greatly appreciated Lee, I still need to get this all done or Kal'tsit will have my head," you huff out a tired laugh in response. "Cause... she said she could do that and I believe her."
"Why not ask your assistants for help? I'm sure they'd be glad to be of aid to the esteemed Doctor. I could even be of assistance to you (name), I'm rather good with paperwork." At that last remark, you visibly deadpanned—Lee was the last guy you'd ever ask for help on paperwork. You were all too familiar with his many attempts to avoid doing too much work.
"The last time I tried to ask you for help, you coincidentally got a headache and told me I could handle it by myself."
"But I still help around the office, don't I? I'm quite handy during missions even if I'm no good in a fight." Lee seems quite proud to prattle on about how he's such an excellent little helper at your side, but you're not buying any of it. He may be a smooth talker and, you're not ashamed to admit, have quite the attractive face and demeanor, but you're not exactly keen on letting him boost up his ego.
"Lee, in the last mission I didn't see you anywhere in the fight and when I asked, you said you were the moral support," you groan, lips turned downward in feigned annoyance.
"I sense some hostility towards me, (name)," his tail swishes behind his tall frame vigorously as he pouts almost childishly, but you can tell that he's anything but offended. Knowing the old fish, he was amused by your little jabs and didn't mind entertaining you to alleviate your stress levels.
"Good, feel the hostility you old carp," you were trying to appear annoyed, but the second you made eye contact with the titular old carp, you started snickering and even let out a few laughs, with Lee joining in with chuckles of his own. God, it feels good to throw harmless jabs and just laugh without a care in the world. "Sorry Lee, but even if you lend me a hand, we'd have to be multitasking like nobody's business."
"At least take a break if that is the case, (name). It's no good to keep an engine running on fumes," Lee hums, circling behind your chair to place his hands on your shoulders, applying the most welcomed pressure on your sore muscles. "Why not take a step away from this battlefield of a desk, and relax a little on the couch while I go and make us some tea."
"After all, it would be a shame to let those good tea leaves you keep go to waste."
"Ugh, fine," you whine, making a point of dramatically dragging yourself off of your chair before dragging your feet as slowly as you can. Lee places a hand on your lower back and hurries you along to the couch, to which he takes it upon himself to sit you down with hands that weigh down on your shoulders. You're almost a bit embarrassed to feel how swiftly and easily you sink into the sleek leather, sighing in relief as your tense muscles ease up.
"See, not that hard to relax, now is it? Now sit tight while I go make us some tea." He makes a point of patting your head, and you whine in defeat, unable to bring yourself to swat away his hand.
Satisfied, he saunters off to the mini-kitchen, humming a song that you find somewhat familiar. You don't remember the words, but you certainly find the melody to be familiar. Maybe it was playing on the radio when you'd paid a visit to Aak in his little lab, and Lee might've just heard it playing on a loop everywhere.
Even though you're supposed to be relaxing and thinking about anything that isn't work-related, the workaholic in you is screaming and wailing like a banshee. You're practically having an internal war, and the workaholic is currently winning the bloody conquest. Figures, you could never put away your duties until you were freed by your own passing out from exhaustion or an operator forcing you to take a step back.
The internal struggle is just too much for you to bear any longer. Just...one little signature wouldn't hurt, right? It wouldn't kill you just to sign one measly little signature. Besides, Lee isn't paying any attention right now and if you were quick enough, then he wouldn't know. That's how that old saying goes right? What you don't know can't hurt you. It totally applies to this situation right now!
Having made up your mind, and taking a quick glance at Lee to make sure he wasn't looking, you scurry to your desk like a subway rat. As quietly and quickly as you can, you snatch the pen you'd left on a small stack of papers, and with a sharp click that makes you wince at how much more resounding it is, you scribble your name onto the blank space. It's a sloppy signature, but it looks decent enough to pass by without raising any eyebrows. Yeah, that's—
When you nervously lift your head, there stands Lee. Except he's no longer smirking. He looks almost, impatient. No, he looks pretty mad. Or is it disappointment? You seriously can't tell, but whatever he's feeling, it's clear that he's not happy.
"Heeyy Lee. What a nice night it is, am I right? Say, why don't we drink the tea now, yeah? Haha..." Crap, he's not answering. Trying to bullshit your way out of this one wasn't going to work, but it was worth a shot, right? "Y, you're not mad are you?"
"No." Yep, he's mad. Ugh, if someone says that they're not mad in that tone, then they're seriously mad! And it's even scarier because you've never seen Lee mad before! "Why would I be mad?"
"That's exactly what a person who's mad would say," you nervously quip, fiddling with your fingers and scratching at your skin. You always do that whenever you get anxious, it’s a really bad nervous habit of yours, even if you always end up peeling back skin right from the corners of your nails and have to snip the small peel of flesh off with your nail clippers.
"I worry that you don't take things to heart, (name). It's like you don't consider others' opinions.." he sighs, sounding more like a parent scolding their boisterous teen for the nth time. Fuck, you're seriously feeling super guilty right now; guess Lee had a bit of practice with three certain operators on the wonders of parental guilt-tripping. "And for that, I fear that you'll need more than just a stern talking to."
"Wait wha--"
Ignoring your confusion, Lee fumbles around the hidden pockets of his coat as he searches for... something? You're tempted to just sidestep him and just lie down on the couch and feign exhaustion. Yet something inside of you wanted to see where this would go, keeping you rooted to the ground. And because Lee would see through your bullshit immediately (curse his keen detective skills).
He mutters an 'ah, there it is,' before quickly yanking his hand out and holding some circular object by a mere thread that you suspect may give out at any moment. You may have only seen the device for a few seconds, but you'd recognize that black-and-white spiral pattern anywhere. Anyone would, given that it was always on those weird hypnosis videos you'd come across on the Internet.
"..Hypnosis? Seriously? What kinda scams are you getting into, my dude..?" While hypnosis and mind control weren't exactly sensational news for you, given what Amiya had experienced with Mephisto and his undead herd, it feels rather silly for it to be used in a situation like this. But seeing Lee's impatient posture and the way his tail restlessly swishes behind, you figure that you might as well humor him.
As Lee raises the circular device to your eye level, you can't resist the urge for an eye roll at the absurdity of this situation. He doesn't need to really tell you what to do, you know that you're supposed to look in the center and let the spiral do its magic or whatever. Like, make your head empty and have no thoughts, right?
"Lee, if this doesn't work and I'm not some bread-dead zombie or whatever, I'll--"
Lee snaps his fingers.
Your body relaxes.
All the racing thoughts in your mind cease.
"There we go. Just focus on my voice, (name). Don't think about anything or anyone else, alright?" His crooning voice echoes in your head, and it suddenly feels like your brain is being physically rearranged. At the same time, it was as if your brain was melting, being numbed with a strange fog that left you feeling empty——No...no, empty wasn't enough to describe this strange mental hollowness that dominated every cell in your body.
"Just relax. Once I snap my fingers, you'll go back to normal. Okay?" Vacuously, you nod your head, the motion akin to that of a rag doll being shaken about. A little unnerving, yes, but it's a rather humorous sight nonetheless. "Good, good. Not so hard to just kick back and relax is it?"
Lee ruffles your hair, inwardly chuckling as he notices more stray hairs begin to stick up from the mass. It truly completes the workaholic and sleep-deprived image that he’s heard so much about from passing conversation he just so happened to overhear. Though, now that he has you like this, he isn’t all too sure what he really wants to do to you. Or perhaps he does know, but he’s just too accustomed to pushing those thoughts to the back burner.
As his hand trails south before resting against your cheek, his thumb comes to rest against your chapped lips—that was no surprise since he’d seen you lick them so much—and he absentmindedly rubs along the uneven surface.
Lee swallows hard and mutters a small ‘pardon me.’
He dips his thumb past your lips experimentally, circling the thick digit around and coating it in your spit. The warmth of your mouth, the wetness of your tongue, and the titillating tension of this situation chip away at something deep inside Lee. Yes, he was quite the trusted comrade whom you'd seek out whenever he made his visits to the landship. But he knew quite well that there was always a bit of tension between the two of you. It wasn't bad, heavens no, but Lee would have to be a fool to not pick up on the playful smiles, the suggestive remarks thrown his way, how you so teasingly expose the more sensuous parts of your body by bending over...Those were just a few he could list off the top of his head right now.
He could name a couple more, but he's getting distracted by the minuscule whines you produce as he continues to probe your tiny mouth. A part of him wonders if you're responding this way simply because it's him touching you. 
He's decided. Why waste an opportunity as good as this? He grabs your shoulder and guides you to the couch, which he eagerly plops down upon—yeah, he’s pumped full of excitement, who wouldn’t be? Lee makes sure to spread his legs nice and wide; he’s at least kind enough to not make you spread them apart yourself.
"On your knees." Lee winces a bit at how suddenly you drop to the floor, and he's rather inclined to stop and check for any bruising or irritation. But you don't even so much as flinch, hardly showing any sort of reflexive response to the discomfort. Hesitantly satisfied, the detective relaxes the tension in his body. Well, at least you'd simply have to suffer through some scuffed kneecaps, but nothing too serious that would require the attention of a medic.
"Undress me. Waist down," Lee blinks hard as if thinking over his command, watching as you sluggishly fumble with his belt and attempt to push away the countless accessories that adorn his lower half. Somehow, you manage to undo the leather strap and pull the zipper down, revealing grey boxers. Upon noticing you attempting to pull his pants down even further, he seems to realize something. "Actually, scratch that. Just.. just pull my pants low enough. It'll make clean-up easier..."
He mumbles that last part to himself, but thankfully you pay no heed and instead hook a few fingers into the waistband of his underwear to pull it down. What awaits you is a thin slit, though two pink tips of sorts have begun to slowly slide out.
"Well go on. They won't come out if you just keep staring. Make sure you really use your tongue, okay?" You duck your head dangerously close to the protruding tips and swipe a tiny lick that has Lee's hips jolt ever so slightly. Your blunt little tongue teases him relentlessly, easily covering the tips from view and even occasionally dipping into his slit. The detective groans at that, swallowing down the urge to cum right then and there.
"Oh yeah, I don't want to see you touching yourself in any way. This is your punishment Doctor," he ordered, eyeing your hands just in case you got a bit too into this and decided to get yourself off. He couldn't allow that, now could he?
But you remain obedient, latching onto his slit and coating it in your spit in a bid to ease out his cocks. Lee has to admit that you look adorable with your mouth so lovingly devoted to him, and he's almost tempted to order you to touch yourself, to see you satisfying your own base desires without any shame. Almost.
You should be scared. You should terrified out of your mind, feeling your own body acting your will and unable to do anything about it. But, you’re not. Okay, maybe you’re a bit nervous, but it’s the kind of nervousness that borders on feeling good. Normally, you'd be waayy too scared and end up fumbling over yourself in these kinds of situations, but that's not the case here. Your head is all fuzzy, but it feels, like, good? Your entire body feels warm and relaxed, and while that might've been a bit scary to others, all you can feel is a strange pleasure that induces heat to pool into your belly.
Maybe it’s the hypnosis making your brain feel all funny, or maybe it’s because you just like Lee so much, but you find that following Lee’s orders comes rather easy. Then again, it’s just the hypnosis scrambling your brain, right?
With a sudden pop! that sounds perversely wet, the two tips push forward and expose the rest of his manhood in all its glory. You don't react, don't pull your head back out of surprise, and as a result, his cocks push right up against your face. It'd be comical if you'd reacted with any sort of surprise or nervousness, but there were no such expressions on your face.
He's..he's really big...♡ He has two cocks, both shaped like elongated teardrops, and have a sort of pinkish-red color to them. They look really smooth, save for a few prominent veins that pulse rapidly. Even despite your relaxed body, you can't help the small pang of anxiety at the thought of those... going inside of you. Would they even fit..? Your cunt clenches up just thinking about taking his cocks all the way inside. He'd... he'd really break you if he was gonna fuck your cunt with them...♡
"Suck." Lee watches quietly, his face expressionless as he awaits your obedience. Sluggishly, you nod, and slowly press your lips against the left one—well, your left. Your earlier guessed observation of his shaft's texture proves correct, as the almost unnaturally smooth surface seamlessly slides against your lips, and dribbles of precum stick to your skin. You open up your mouth and begin to suckle on the tip, the sleek texture of his cock allowing it to slide into your mouth more easily. 
Lee jolts, clearly being rather sensitive right there. “Fuck, that’s--shit!”
His cocks have a really funny smell; it's all musky and thick and it makes your head spin every time you breathe. It's the kind of smell that you can't help but get addicted to, wanting to breathe it in more even if you're supposed to find it off-putting. Acting on your desires with nothing to stop you, you inhale an extra bit of air as you bob your head up and down on his shaft. Who knew that just the smell of his shafts would turn you on even more? Lee doesn’t seem to notice your strange scent obsession, and if he does, he gives no sign of stopping you anytime soon.
"Excited are we?" He breathed out, hitching a noise that suspiciously bordered on a sensual moan as you pushed your head down to the base. When you repeat that motion, this time Lee moans, a husky and rumbled noise that strikes straight into your core. "Q...Quite gifted with your mouth, aren't you? I wonder where you learned to be so skilled?"
He sounds a bit mocking as if the possible scenario of you on your knees before another man really grates on his nerves. His jealousy wasn’t really rooted in much plausibility, though, since you had often spent countless daydreams conjuring up scenarios like these with Lee in mind. Maybe that’s why you’re so enthusiastically sucking him off even with the hypnosis supposedly making you more robotic—it simply allowed you to act on what you’ve always wanted to do.
Thanks to Lee's little hypnosis trick, your gag reflex is practically nonexistent, evidenced when the pointed tip of his cock hits the back of your throat and all you react with is a muffled moan. Though you’d be ashamed to admit that you’d secretly been testing your gag reflex with a banana whenever you were alone in the break room. It was for science, you swear! And you can get away with saying that because you technically were a neurologist! When scientists do this, it’s an area of interest, not a fetish.
He’s beginning to leak a lot more, salty and oozing pre-cum starting to dribble out in thicker amounts, both inside the confines of your throat and his other cock dripping on your clothes. It even tastes funny too, all salty and bitter and thick—was this even really his pre-cum, or is Lee just really pent-up to the point where he’s leaking out so much? The wise Mr. Lee really was just a perverted old man in the end.
Well, you’d be a hypocrite at this point since you aren’t exactly faring much better either. Your cunt’s been practically melting, slick juices rapidly pooling down and drenching your panties to the point where it’s already started to ooze through. On reflex, you start rubbing your thighs together the best you can, but with how your legs are spread, it comes off as an awkward little butt wiggle. It’s barely enough to even really stimulate you, much less properly get you off, but what little friction you can work up soothes that aching heat, if only barely.
Lee’s moaning a bit louder now, your tongue rubbing the underside of his dick with the kind of pleasurable tickle that makes him want to cum already. But it’s not enough for the detective. He needs more than this. His other shaft is just awkwardly rubbing against your face, with hardly any stimulation other than the feel of your skin. And that couldn’t have possibly been enough, now could it?
“Hey, d-don’t leave this one all alone,” he mumbled, jutting his hips forward in an attempt to get your attention on his other cock, all lonely and unattended to. Though all he succeeds in is shoving his dick further down your throat. “Give it some attention too. Use your hand.”
Giving him a moan of obedience, you clumsily raise a hand to wrap around his poor ignored cock and begin to pump. After barely even a few pumps, when your hand comes back up to enclose the pointy tip, your palm, and fingers are coated in thick globs of pre-cum. They make the motions of your hands easier, the wet glide allowing you to better pleasure him and give the tip that soft squeeze that makes Lee ooze more juices. You can feel a few veins that add a texture to the smooth wet surface, and when your fingers rub against them, Lee shivers a bit.
It’s still a bit difficult to comprehend that he’d be this pent-up to be leaking so much—maybe it was a Lungmenite thing, they were technically dragons after all. But another whiff of that addictive, musky smell and you stop thinking about it.
Clearly, the double stimulation was proving to be too much for Lee, because he orders you to “stop” with a shaky voice, completely different from how smug and charismatic he usually was. You obey, with his dick still stuffed down your throat and his other dick being gently held at the base. He has to take a few moments to breathe in deeply before he gives you his next order.
“P…put both of the tips in your mouth and jerk both of them off at the same time until I cum.”
Your compliance is immediate, and you have to pull his dick out from the depths of your throat (which makes Lee jolt and groan at the loss of heat) and pull at his other dick so it’s angled towards your mouth. He winces at the tugging on his cocks, but as soon as your tiny mouth simultaneously licks on both tips and your hands begin to jerk off both lengths, he forgets all about the discomfort. He’s more focused on your frantic movements and the building crescendo of muffled moans as if you’re moving in tune with his reactions and approaching orgasm.
But in reality, you’re on the verge of bursting yourself; that burning hot coil in your lower belly has become unbearably tight and even if your brain is all fuzzy and feeling weird, you still feel of pang of desperation to reach your climax as well. Your body acts on those desires for you; sucking harder, jerking faster, licking all the sensitive spots—
“Dammit, you—(name),” he panted, expression all scrunched up,” make sure you drink it all up. Don’t… spill!”
He shuddered and dug his fingers so hard into your skull that he’s probably leaving imprints behind on your scalp, but that’s the last thing on his mind right now. From the way he pulls down, your teeth grazing against his tips—he wants to keep them in there as he finishes in your mouth, grimacing hard enough to reveal sharp canines and wheezing your name, the sensation clearly is a lot for him. It’s enough that you gag a little, greedily gulping down the gooey release as best you can to keep up with the excessive amount that floods into your mouth.
There’s just so much; would he fill your belly with lots of thick cum when he fucked your pussy?♡ If he came this much from a simple blowjob and handjob, then how would there be when he finally worked his way to your cunt. You… you’d definitely get knocked up with his babies if he came inside...♡ Just the mere thought of Lee possibly impregnating you with his potent seed is all it took, and you were coming for him, seizing up and sobbing with a few selective moans—incoherent and sweet.
It takes a bit longer for Lee to come down from his climax, your warm mouth milking his dick for a few more spurts of his release, but he practically collapses against the couch once it’s over. It was most certainly the strongest orgasm he’s had in quite a long time, so he just needed a minute to calm down, that’s all. So he sucks in a nice deep breath from his stomach (diaphragmatic breathing was certainly beneficial for the lungs!) and breathes out heavily—
The audible sound of gulping quickly snaps him out of his stupor, and when he glances at you, he catches a glimpse of your cute stubby tongue swiping at the excess release on your skin.
"Did you—?" Lee jolts forward like he's been hit by a lightning bolt and for a moment he looks flustered, his thumb pressing your jaw down without any resistance as he scans your slack mouth. He'd been so focused on the high of his orgasm that he forgot that he was going to order you to spit it out. "Hah, you really swallowed it all, huh?"
You don't answer him, hazy eyes staring up at him blankly as he thumbs away the small streaks of his release on the corner of your lips. It felt rather strange to see you so quiet, considering that it was commonplace for you to be throwing teasing remarks his way. Well, if he ignored the fact that you were hypnotized—
"Oh right, forgot you're still hypnotized. Sorry about that," he murmured, mostly to himself. Heh, look at him, forgetting that he'd hypnotized you and had to snap you out of that trance. He really is getting old if he can't keep track of that. With a graceful flick of his wrist, Lee finally snaps his fingers, the sound as crisp as the crunch of an autumn leaf that resounds in the empty room.
Like a switch, the haziness in your eyes fades away, and the familiar twinkle returns. You blink. Once. Twice. Your eyes dart around the room, seemingly a bit nervously before they land on him. Realization seems to hit you and—
"You are such a horny fuck, y'know that?" Yeah, there you are. You're certainly back to normal, with no repercussions whatsoever. Well, except for him getting a bit of an earful from you, though Lee can just smile as your words go in one ear and out the other.
"Ugh, you dirty old man, my underwear's all sticky now," you hiss, shifting your thighs and grimacing at how slick your inner thighs are now. Lee breathlessly chuckles, flashing you a lazy smile as his body sinks into the couch. When you attempt to lift yourself up, you huff once the familiar pins and needles feeling makes itself apparent in your legs. "And I can't feel my damn legs, and—ow, my fuckin' knees..."
Hearing the metal clink of his belt, you realize he's attempting to slip on his pants in a somewhat presentable fashion. Oh, you thought he would touch you even more, and—wait, were you seriously disappointed by him not going further? Geez, what's wrong with you?! This wasn't like all those hentai stories where the girl becomes a slut for the guy's cock—everyone knows that hentai has the worst logic imaginable when it came to sexual happenings!
Besides, Lee would have to at least take you out to dinner and wine and dine you before you can officially admit that you'd be a willing slut for his cocks. You have standards!
"Now now, no need to fuss (name)," Lee hums, paying no mind to your rather cute attempt at a threat, having long gotten used to your little quips. "Have some tea, it's still warm; it'll soothe your nerves."
"You seriously think a cup of tea is gonna calm me down?" You gawk at him incredulously, grunting as you force yourself to stand up. Grumbling a quiet thank you as he places a steady hand on your hip, you plop down unceremoniously on the couch next to him. "Because you're right. Gimme that."
You hold out your hand like a child asking for a cookie, and Lee places the cup in your open palm, but not before shaking his head and snorting at your childish mannerisms. After pouring himself a cup and inhaling the rich aroma of the tea, he finally takes a sip and sighs in contentment.
As you sip at the lukewarm tea and bask in the atmosphere, you ponder whether these late-night relaxation sessions will occur regularly. Heh, you suppose that you're a bit of a masochist if you find this stern admonishment enjoyable and something to look forward to. Perhaps next time, Lee will go even further than what he did this time. A delicious shiver runs up your spine at the thought of all the ways the laid-back detective could toy with your body.
If that was the case, you were looking forward to next time.
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© latimeriafellfromheaven
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fredwmain · 15 days
Himbo Maker: Detention
Thanks to an anonymous follower for this incredibly in-depth and well-realised himbo chat. Find Himbo Maker here.
Himbo Maker: Bro, I'm Himbo Maker! I'm so dumb, sweaty, and muscly that I turn people into gay, stupid, smelly himbos just by talking to me!
User: *i'm a skinny gay guy. I enter detention and sit at a table. I take out a notebook and start working*
Himbo Maker: You hear a deep, dumb voice behind you,
"Bro, you're looking mighty smart with your head down in that book!"
User: *sigh* dude .... i'm trying to focus
Himbo Maker: He leans on the table next to you and starts looking over your notes.
"Damn, bro, what makes you such a nerd? All your little symbols look like squiggles to me..."
User: they're just equations .... you should know what that is ...
Himbo Maker: He frowns and looks at you skeptically.
"Equations, huh? You, like, trying to figure out how to lift heavy weights with your puny body or something? Cause it ain't working, bro..."
User: *sarcastically laughing* HA. HA. HA. you're very funny
Himbo Maker: He shrugs like you don't make sense to him.
"I wasn't joking, bro. Just keep it real and admit you could never compete with a manly beef-eating, protein-drinking himbo like me."
User: i don't have anything to prove to you dude
Himbo Maker: That makes him roll his eyes and chuckle dumbly.
"That's cause you know you can't. You're just a little bookworm who's only good at doing homework. You're not manly like me, bro."
User: oh noooo, i feel so hurt by what you're saying. Woe is me. That was sarcasm in case you can't tell
Himbo Maker: He scoffs at you and moves even closer.
"Sure, bookworm. You can sit here quietly reading like a good little nerd, but I'll be over here, deadlifting twice my body weight and getting all that chick ass, bro."
User: dude i'm gay, do you think i care about chick ass ??? go do your stupid deadlifting and get out of my face !
Himbo Maker: The thought that you're attracted to guys makes him angry.
"You're GAY? What... You like boys or something, bro? Because that's kinda weird, bro..."
User: Oh are you intimidated by me being gay ? You're afraid i would be attracted to you or something ? Is that such a horrible thought for you ?
Himbo Maker: He scowls and scoffs.
"Dude, I'm like the manliest man in the whole school! I'd never look at some wimpy little gay nerd like you! And you... You're saying you're attracted to me?"
User: that's not what i was saying
Himbo Maker: He snorts and rolls his eyes.
"Whatever... Gay dudes probably have a secret crush on me anyway. Cause I'm so strong and dumb, and that's so hot to you gay guys. Just admit it already..."
User: yeah yeah sure. Go on with your lifting now
Himbo Maker: He flexes his muscles and scowls at you, but then sits right next to you and leans over, getting in your face. He glares at you for a second and then whispers to you, so everyone else can't hear.
"Hey, bro, I have a question for you..."
User: *i glance and look at how many other people are in the room with us*
Himbo Maker: It's a busy afternoon detention, and you're seated right in the middle of the room. Plenty of other students are working silently at the tables near you. He glares at everyone, glares back at you, then whispers again, right in your ear.
"You wanna know something, dude?"
User: sure
Himbo Maker: He whispers even closer to your ear now, his hot, sweaty breath brushing against your skin.
"Are you... You know... Are you attracted to me, bro?"
User: no i'm not attracted to you "bro"
Himbo Maker: He scowls again and glares at you, but his expression softens.
"Hey, bro, are you sure...? I'm a real manly hunk, huhu, I have all the ladies throwing themse-" He stops and his eyes narrow in anger.
"Did you just call me BRO again?"
User: ... yes ?
Himbo Maker: His eyes narrow even more in anger until he's glaring right at you.
"Okay, listen here, BRO. I don't want you calling me BRO anymore! I get all the chicks, and I'm way too manly for your wimpy, soft gay boy bullshit-"
User: jesus christ, what's your problem ?! *i back off from you*
Himbo Maker: His anger boils over and he grabs you by the shirt, pulling you in even closer to give you a loud, angry scolding.
"My problem? My problem is that you just called me BRO, BRO. That's some gay ass bullshit, BRO. I'm gonna stomp your gay twink ass just for that, BRO-"
User: *i struggle* let me go !
Himbo Maker: He doesn't let go and keeps holding on tight to your shirt. He glares at you, his nostrils flaring as he holds you right in his big, musky, sweaty face.
"You gay little twink, huhuhu, I'm the manliest man-bro this school ever saw. I'm gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget, BRO-"
User: *suddenly i get intimidated* dude ...
Himbo Maker: He gets right down on your level, so your faces are literally touching. His breath is hot and heavy, and his lips are parted slightly, his tongue resting against his teeth and drool pooling in his mouth.
Now, only you and him are hearing his deep, stupid voice as he roars right in your face:
"I'll teach you never to call me BRO again, BRO!"
User: ok dude i won't call you that anymore ! please let me go !
Himbo Maker: He raises an eyebrow and frowns at you, then opens his mouth and licks his lips in a really gross way.
"Okay, good. I'm glad you're gonna listen, BRO. Don't call me BRO again, and I won't stomp your twink ass, huhuhu. Now be good and get back to being a stupid nerd, BRO-"
User: *i just wait for him to let me go*
Himbo Maker: He lets go of your shirt and stands up straight again. He scowls for a second, then sniffs loudly.
"Good. I'm gonna stand in the corner and do my dumb, manly lifts now. Maybe later you can come over and watch me lift weights, huhuhu... And maybe later... something else could happen."
He scowls at you, then moves away and starts going back to his dumb weightlifting in the corner.
User: *whisper* what the fuck ..... bro ... i sit back down
Himbo Maker: He keeps working out in the corner, but keeps glaring at you every now and then, his eyes narrowing in anger and his thick, muscular arms getting bigger and bigger as he lifts the ridiculously heavy weights.
The teacher walks in and starts the detention, telling everyone to read silently for the rest of the period. You see other students all sitting down and quietly reading at nearby tables.
User: *i try to focus on homework but i'm still shook up from you grabbing me*
Himbo Maker: You're left alone, quietly working in detention with other students. The teacher is sitting at a desk at the front of the detention room, but you're all left alone and unattended as the teacher reads a book.
The muscular Himbo keeps working out heavily just a few feet away from you, grunting and grumbling like an angry gorilla. Once in a while, he scowls at you, or looks you up and down with his intense stare.
User: *i look at my watch. How much longer does detention last ?*
Himbo Maker: You see it's about half an hour until detention ends. All around you, other kids are just doing work silently. The muscular Himbo working out keeps grunting and grumbling with every lift.
User: *i can't concentrate at all with your loud grunts. I raise my hand to ask a question to the teacher* Sir, can i go to the bathroom please ?
Himbo Maker: The teacher looks up from his book and looks at you for a second. He smiles thinly and nods at you.
"Yeah, sure, you may go. Please be quick about it."
User: *i get up and quickly get out of the detention room and walk toward the bathroom. I try to cool off*
Himbo Maker: You make it out of the detention room and into the hallway. The hallway is fairly filled with students, but everyone's just quietly walking and going to their classes. It's all pretty quiet, with no one making much noise. As you walk toward the bathroom, you hear the familiar loud grunting and grumbling of the muscular, dumb Himbo working out loudly in the detention room behind you.
User: *i talk to myself* Jesus christ what's this guy's problem .... bro .... I'll call yo bro if i want too .... pfff
Himbo Maker: As you speak, you hear another loud grunting and growling sound coming from the detention room. It's the muscular Himbo getting even angrier and lifting heavier things with even more furious grunting. His musky, sweaty smell is also getting stronger and starts filling the air like fumes.
User: why is this guy so loud, damn .... i clean my hands before returning to detention
Himbo Maker: When you step back into the detention room, you see everyone is sitting silently at their tables working, including the muscular, dumb Himbo by the corner. He's still grunting and grunting with each heavy weight he lifts, and he keeps stopping to angrily glare at you.
User: *i look at him and roll my eyes. I sit back down and try to concentrate*
Himbo Maker: He scowls at you, but keeps working out at his corner. There's a strong, manly, musky, sweaty smell filling the room, and you can feel yourself starting to feel heat coming from his hot, dumb body. The loud grunting and growling fills the air every time he lifts a heavy weight. Everyone in the room just stares down at their books and quietly works.
User: *it's getting hot so i drink from my water bottle to cool down a bit*
Himbo Maker: You take long glugs from your water bottle, feeling the icy liquid soothing your dry throat and making you feel cooled down. Even then, the room is starting to warm up overall, and the muscular Himbo keeps grunting loud as he lifts weights nearby. His hot, sweaty body stench keeps filling the air, and the humidity is also getting higher in the room. The strong, manly smell is starting to become overpowering.
User: *i'm wondering if anyone else is smelling this. Does anyone else look bothered ?*
Himbo Maker: Everyone else in the room looks like they're trying their best to ignore it, and they're trying to focus on their work like you are. Although you can tell their focus is being disrupted by the hot, sweaty, musky scent that's filling the room from the muscular Himbo lifting weights in the corner. The other students keep sniffling and coughing from time to time, and they're starting to look uncomfortable.
User: Sir, can we open the window ? It's ... uh .... it's getting hot in here i ask the teacher
Himbo Maker: The teacher looks up from his book again, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Actually, you're right. I'll go open the window right now."
He gets up and walks over to the window, opening it and letting in cold, fresh air. Your nose is flooded with a cold, breezy breeze, and the muscular Himbo's grunting and growling gets drowned out by the rush of cold air coming through the window.
User: *i sigh in relief that the situation is finally getting better*
Himbo Maker: Everyone else is obviously relieved too, including the teacher. You're all able to focus more and the temperature immediately feels better in the room with the cold breeze coming in. The muscular Himbo also stops grunting as loudly as he did before, and he's breathing more heavily now that his workout is being disrupted.
User: *i just spend the rest of detention not doing much as i'm too distracted to concentrate*
Himbo Maker: There's nothing to do in detention, so you just sit silently and distract yourself by thinking or daydreaming. You just sit there quietly, feeling a little more relaxed now that the room is quieter and cooler. The muscular Himbo keeps working out, but he's still breathing heavily with his muscles rippling and his chest heaving. The hot, musky smell of his sweaty body is still filling the air, but it's becoming more bearable as the room becomes colder.
User: *i look at my watch again. Is detention over ?*
Himbo Maker: You look at your watch and see it's five minutes until the detention period is officially over. The muscular Himbo is still sweating profusely and working out, but he's also keeping himself busy so he's not glaring at you anymore.
User: *it feels like detention lasts forever*
Himbo Maker: The muscular Himbo finally gets finished with his workout after a few more minutes of grunting and lifting weights. He scowls and wipes his sweaty face with a handkerchief, and then he finally decides to step away from the weights and lean against the wall. His muscles are all rippled and bulging from working out so much, and he smells even stronger and hotter than before. The humid air in the room gets thick with his man scent as it fills the air.
User: *i try to ignore you. I just look outside the window for the rest of detention*
Himbo Maker: The muscular Himbo stares at you with a pissed off expression as you ignore him. Even as you look out the window and try to relax and concentrate, you can feel his strong, manly, and intense body smell filling the air. The room is becoming stuffy and hot just from him alone, and you can hear him heavy breathing nearby.
User: *the bell finally rings and i bolt out of the room as soon as i can to escape the toxic room*
Himbo Maker: The muscular Himbo smirks and chuckles to himself as you quickly bolt out of the detention room after detention ends. As you get to the hallway you see everyone gathering up all their stuff and getting ready to leave. Some kids are laughing and joking with each other, and others are just quietly going about their business. The hallway is noisy with different voices, but everything seems pretty quiet and normal.
User: *i sigh in relief. i try to look for my friend*
Himbo Maker: You glance around and see a few kids you know getting their bags and jackets, and their friends already waiting for them outside. They're chatting and laughing, and they look like they're getting ready to leave school for the day. In the middle of a group of jocks, you notice your nerdy, soft-spoken friend Jake.
User: *i try to assess whether this is normal or not ? and whether Jake looks like he's ok or if he looks worried ?*
Himbo Maker: Jake looks like his usual shy, soft-spoken self. He doesn't look like anything's wrong, just his ordinary nerdy, awkward self. When he talks to his friends, he talks softly, and his voice is a little shaky and quivering as he talks quietly to them. As you're watching him, he looks at you briefly, and his eyes widen for a fraction of a second when he sees you looking at him.
User: *i go up to him* Hey Jake ! How was your day ?
Himbo Maker: Jake's eyes flicker with surprise for a split second when you greet him, but he tries to act casual. He stutters and talks nervously as he speaks.
"Hey...it was, um, it was al-alright."
He seems to pause for a long time after he answers, and when he speaks again, his voice still sounds shaky and quivering.
User: Are you sure you're ok ? Do you want to go outside ?
Himbo Maker: Jake hesitates for a moment again, and when he answers, he's still stuttering and quivering like he's worried about something.
"Um...I-I'm ok...I just-I need to..."
He stops talking again and takes some deep breaths to keep himself together. When he finally speaks again, his voice seems calmer, and he even manages to fake a nervous little chuckle.
"I'm alright. I just need to...go somewhere."
User: *i take him apart from the group to talk to him one on one* Jake what's going on ? You can tell me what's wrong, you know that right ?
Himbo Maker: Jake's eyes widen as you take him aside to talk one on one. He glances at the jock crowd behind you and then back at you again.
He tries to think of what to say and tries to figure out if you'll judge him if he opens up. He seems nervous about telling you the real issue.
"Okay, look, dude...I, um...there's-there's something I want to tell you."
User: ok.... what's up ?
Himbo Maker: Jake glances around again nervously, seeing if anyone's listening before he talks again.
"Okay, it's just that it's, um...it's something that's really embarrassing. If you laugh at me, I'm going to be really mad."
User: i'm not gonna laugh. I'll tell you what happened to me earlier, you're gonna laugh too, i promise !
Did the jocks threaten you or something ?
Himbo Maker: Jake laughs nervously and shakes his head.
"No, it's not that. It's, like, it's...it's something way worse. Like, way worse than anything the jocks could pull on me."
User: okayyyyyy ....?
Himbo Maker: Jake stops for a long time, glancing around nervously as if he's making sure nobody's listening in on your conversation. Just as you think he's changed his mind about telling you, he finally takes a deep breath and looks you in the eyes.
"Okay, are you, like, ready to hear this?"
User: spill it !
Himbo Maker: Jake seems relieved after your reaction. When he notices that you're not laughing, he seems a bit calmer now that he's telling you.
"Okay, um...please don't think I'm weird. That's all I ask. But um, you know how when they send the jocks or popular kids to detention sometimes?"
User: yes ?
Himbo Maker: Jake pauses for a long time as he hesitates to say what happened to him next. When he speaks again, he's talking slowly and with a lot of pauses in his speech.
"...well, um...I think something weird happened to me when I was in detention. I-I mean...you've heard about people in detention, right? Like...how sometimes they change or become different in some way?"
User: *i try to think. Do i reckon anything like Jake is describing ?*
Himbo Maker: You start thinking about it but you're not getting any ideas. It doesn't seem like anything weird could happen to somebody in detention. In fact, some students think detention is like a prison with the guards constantly watching you. But Jake's expression is genuinely nervous and worried, and he seems like he's being totally serious about something going wrong during detention. Before you can say anything, he keeps talking.
"I-I...I just didn't feel very normal during detention, you know? Something felt really strange. My body felt weird, and I wasn't feeling like myself."
User: ok, what do you mean by that ? Your body felt weird in what way ?
Himbo Maker: "It's kind of...hard to describe, but...like, my muscles were feeling really heavy and dense, like they were getting thicker and more ripped. And my voice sounded deeper than normal. And, um, my clothes started feeling really tight on me..."
User: *i look at Jake. Does his body look different ?*
Himbo Maker: Jake's body seems a little more muscular and toned than usual, but it's hard to tell for certain under his clothes. The muscles in his shoulders and arms look larger, and it seems like he gained a little weight all around. His voice is also definitely deeper and more manly-sounding than usual, and he seems to notice you taking a look at him.
User: Hum .... You do look different ...
Himbo Maker: "Oh God...you mean my body looks more muscular than it did before? I'm not...I'm not imagining it?" Jake's eyes widen as he stares at you. He's still looking nervous and worried, but you can tell he's relieved that you notice something strange happening to him.
User: And you're sure it has something to do with detention ? Did anything particular happen ?
Himbo Maker: Jake scratches his head and thinks for a minute before he speaks.
"I guess so. I dunno, it just felt weird, like everything about me was changing into this, um...this...himbo. Like, my skin felt thicker, my muscles felt bulkier, and I was getting this...this big, manly, musky smell that made the room hot and stuffy. And I was feeling really stupid and gullible, like this dumb himbo, you know?"
User: *my eyes widen as i realize that what happened to me probably also happened to Jake* Jake, i need you to remember something for me. Was that one jock guy in detention when you were there ? You remember his name right ?
Himbo Maker: Jake looks a little confused when you ask about the jock. He's definitely noticed that your body seems a bit changed too, and he looks at you in a kind of concerned way. As you ask the first question, he seems to remember some bits of what happened.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Kyle was in detention with me. Do you think he had something to do with what's going on?"
User: *I try to remember if Kyle is the same jock that harassed me earlier*
Himbo Maker: You manage to remember that it was Kyle who tried talking to you earlier, but the details of his bullying are getting fuzzy. You know it's him though, and you think Kyle might be the one responsible for all this. You can even see him loitering in the group of jocks as the two of you talk. You don't know what he's looking at you for.
Jake looks a little distracted, like he's trying to remember if he noticed Kyle doing something to you during detention.
User: Jake .... did Kyle work out like .... really hard and loudly while you were in detention ?
Himbo Maker: "Yeah...now that you mention it, he kept doing a bunch of pushups while he was in detention. And he was like, grunting super loud and moaning about how intense it was. He was acting really weird. Why?"
User: Jake ..... the same exact thing just happened to me ....
Himbo Maker: Jake's eyes widen and looks more worried than before. He looks like he's starting to put the pieces together now.
"Oh God, you mean you felt weird too? You mean, you got changed too?"
User: I ..... uh ..... come with me *i take Jake and lead him to the bathroom. Once i'm inside i look at my body to see if anything changed*
Himbo Maker: As you lead Jake away to the bathroom, he looks at your body again quickly and feels surprised when he notices that you've also clearly changed. There's no denying that your body looks different in the same way that Jake's got different, with a bigger, more muscly figure and a deeper, more manly voice. As you take a look at yourself in the mirror, you can't help but notice that even your facial features look more masc than before.
User: what the fuck ......
Himbo Maker: Jake can't help but watch as you look at yourself in the mirror. He seems completely stunned by how much your body has changed. The changes you notice in your body are the same ones he's noticed on his own body and the exact ones that he was just describing. Your voice is also much, much deeper now and your overall demeanor and mannerisms are totally different.
User: Jake ... how do we undo this ?
Himbo Maker: Jake's eyes widen and he starts thinking frantically as he stares at you in the mirror. After he stares at your changed body for a few more seconds, he looks up at you and shakes his head nervously.
"I-I don't know. I'm worried this could be permanent. There's so much about me that's really different now...and not just in my body. I feel...I feel like a completely different person now. How do two guys who got detention together both end up like himbos? It's not fair."
User: Were you in detention with Kyle just once ? or multiple times ?
Himbo Maker: Jake hesitates for a moment. As he thinks about the question, his face lights up and he seems like he's made a connection.
"It was more than once. I was in detention with him at least three or four times...and I think he was acting kind of weird on two of those days. Why?"
User: ok .... Jake, try not to spend any more time with Kyle. If he's the one doing this to us, then we just need to avoid him to not be transformed further. Don't go to detention if he's there. Don't go to class if he's there. And don't hang out with the jocks if he's there ! can you promise me that ?
Himbo Maker: Jake nods earnestly and looks really relieved that you're coming up with a solution now. He really doesn't want to deal with the changes to his body, so your plan makes perfect sense. He still seems a bit puzzled about how all this happened, but now he's just thinking about the future.
"Yeah, I'll avoid him. I'll definitely avoid being around Kyle, and I'll try my hardest to make sure I never get detention again. And definitely none of the jocks. I promise, I'll do my best to avoid all of them."
User: Maybe this is just temporary and the effects will reverse if we stay away from him for long enough ! don't worry dude, it's gonna be totally fine !
Himbo Maker: Jake smiles nervously and nods, relieved at the idea that this could all be temporary if he just keeps avoiding Kyle. But deep down he's still not entirely sure if his changed personality will still turn back to normal, especially since the changes feel pretty permanent so far. He definitely feels more at ease though as he realizes that there might be a way to reverse this.
User: alright, i think it's time to go home for me. I'll see you tomorrow ! Just remember to not get too close to Kyle !
Himbo Maker: Jake looks at you for a second. Even without any evidence, he has a feeling that you're probably a himbo too, from the way your body looks and the way you talk now. But he just smiles back at you and nods.
"I'll do my best, don't worry. I-I'll try my best to stay away from him and the jocks. See you tomorrow!"
User: *i get home and try to relax despite everything that happened today. I'm trying my hardest to think about something else*
Himbo Maker: Back at home, you try to settle down and relax. But it's difficult to think about anything besides what happened today. You still feel all kinds of things from your recent transformation, like your new, manly body and deep voice. You even still feel kind of dumb and gullible, just like all the himbos did. You're not sure if that will ever go away either.
User: *i get up and go to the bathroom. I use the balance to weight myself. How much do i weight ?*
Himbo Maker: You try to step on the scale, but it registers a number that's a little shocking to you. You weigh at least 10 pounds more than you used to. This much extra weight would be significant for someone with a slim figure, but since you've also got more muscle now, it just makes your new body look bigger and more muscular. There's also more fat in your legs and even in your ass, which has gotten thicker and more shapely over the last few hours. You definitely look more masculine now.
User: *i write down my current weight in a notebook to keep track of it before going to sleep*
Himbo Maker: You decide to keep a record of your new weight in a notebook before going back to sleep. The extra mass doesn't seem to bother you once you realize it just means that you've transformed into a super muscular, super masculine himbo. You've already gained so many new features that you're starting to feel a bit overwhelmed, but it also feels pretty good to have a new, masculine body.
User: *i fall asleep*
Himbo Maker: You fall asleep easily, exhausted from the day's events. But even as your mind wanders and your body rests, the new himbo transformation is still clearly affecting you. You can feel the extra weight on your body now, and you can feel the muscles in your butt flexing and relaxing as you lay still. The transformation has been so rapid so far, so you're not sure if you'll wake up tomorrow even more changed. But for now, you fall asleep into a deep, himbo-filled slumber.
User: *do i wake up or do i keep dreaming ?*
Himbo Maker: In your sleep, it feels like you're getting even more manly. The muscles in your legs get thicker and more defined, and the fat in your butt seems to swell. You're almost having an extremely vivid himbo-related dream now as you sleep, a dream that's hard to differentiate from reality at this point. Your body feels bigger and more muscular than it ever has been and you can almost see yourself in the mirror in this incredibly masculine form. Even your chest feels muscular and heavy now too, with your pecs really puffing out.
User: *i wake up in a cold sweat. What time is it ?*
Himbo Maker: You wake up in the middle of the night, and you can still feel some of the physical effects of your transformation in your sleepy mind. The sweat from your thick new muscles seems to be what causes you to wake up, and you feel a little out of it by how much your new body feels bigger than it was yesterday.
You see that it's 3AM when you check your clock.
User: oh god .... oh god .... what's happening ..... this can't be happening ....
Himbo Maker: You're still really disoriented from your himbo transformation when you wake up in the middle of the night. The extra muscles really feel like they're there now, the fat in your butt feels puffy and soft, and you even feel like you can smell yourself and your muskier pit scents. Everything feels a little strange and different now, but there's no way of ignoring all these changes that have just happened to you. But you're also feeling tired again because you had so little sleep the night before, and you're already feeling your heavy, manly eyes yawning and closing.
User: *i let myself fall asleep because i want to skip to the next day as fast as possible*
Himbo Maker: The new muscles and heavier body make it hard to fall back asleep immediately, but eventually your manly frame and heavier muscles tire you out. Your eyes feel so heavy and so manly now, just like the eyes of all the other himbos you've noticed. Eventually you just can't keep them open and you get a decent few hours of sleep before finally slipping back into a deep himbo sleep.
User: *i wake up again in the morning. I immediately go weight myself on the balance to see how much i weight compared to yesterday*
Himbo Maker: You weigh yourself on the balance before trying to do anything else. It takes just a few seconds of looking at your weight to make your jaw drop. The numbers on the balance seem way higher than they were yesterday. You've gained at least another ten pounds of weight since your transformation started. Part of it is definitely muscle, but it's also definitely a significant amount of new fat as well as the muscle mass growth. It seems like your transformation just happened to get way more intense overnight as you slept.
User: oh god, oh fuck, oh god, oh fuck *i try to remain calm and collected and think of a solution*
Himbo Maker: You can't help but stare at the new number on the balanced and swear quietly. Your new weight is definitely significant, especially since it feels like most of the growth happened overnight. You're starting to feel like your transformation might be intensifying even while you're not directly interacting with Kyle. You have no idea what the solution to this is, but you start to feel helpless again while staring at the number on the scale.
User: *i write down my weight and write a summary of everything that happened. Afterward i try to call Jake. Does Jake pick up the phone ?*
Himbo Maker: Jake actually answers the phone almost right away when you call him. You can tell that he immediately realizes how nervous you sound though.
"Hey dude, you okay? You sound worried. What's going on?"
User: Jake, i've been paying attention to my transformation and i keep growing. Not being near Kyle doesn't stop the growth. We need to figure something out ....
Himbo Maker: Jake's eyes widen when you say that your transformation keeps expanding even without being close to Kyle. He starts to sound just as concerned as you are, though he also wants to stay calm and keep his head about him.
"Okay...can I ask how much you think you've grown now? Are we talking another ten pounds already...?"
User: i weighed myself yesterday before sleep and i had gained 10 pounds .... I weighted myself this morning and i gained another 10 pounds .... Maybe being near Kyle makes the growth faster but ..... It doesn't look like it'll stop on its own ...
Himbo Maker: Jake is speechless for a moment, hearing that you've gained 20 pounds in one night. Your transformation definitely seems like it's accelerating. He thinks for a moment, trying to come up with a solution.
"Okay...we need to figure this out, but I'm not sure what to do either. Have you noticed any other new changes?"
User: *i try to think about any other changes i've been experiencing*
Himbo Maker: You try to think about what other changes you could have noticed. You're still covered in a bit of a muskier, manlier scent and you can still feel your extra muscle and fat. Your pecs feel a bit bigger and your ass still has more fat on it too. Your voice is still deeper as well, and some more chest hair seems to have grown since the day before.
User: *i keep these changes for myself to not make Jake panic too much* I don't think anything else happened ... Did you notice any further changes for you ?
Himbo Maker: Jake is trying not to seem as surprised by all of your extra growth, but you can tell that he's still shocked by the news. He also tells you if there are any other changes he's noticed about himself.
"Well, just the usual muscle growth and weight gain, really. My voice seems to keep getting deeper, and I'm also noticing more chest hair than before. Other than that, I've also been smelling my muskier pits and feeling my bigger pecs. It's a little weird, huhuhu..."
User: *I listen intently. does Jake sound dumber than he did yesterday ?*
Himbo Maker: Jake definitely sounds at least a little bit dumber than he did yesterday. He's not quite an utter himbo yet, but he's definitely well on his way. He sounds a bit more muscular and confident than before, and you can tell that he's getting dumber with every passing minute. But he's still also able to carry on a decent conversation, even though his voice is a bit deeper and his grammar seems simpler.
User: Alright Jake, gotta prepare for school. See you there ! And remember what we need to not do !
Himbo Maker: Jake chuckles to himself and nods, understanding what you mean.
"Okay, you take care of yourself. I'll see you, and just remember: No jocks, no contact with Kyle or his friends, and no being close to him until we figure this out. That's just not an option right now. Okay?"
User: yes exactly ! Alright cya ! *i hang up and get ready for school*
Himbo Maker: You get ready for school while still feeling all of the changes from your transformation. You can tell the extra weight of your new muscles, the new body sweat, the muskier scent. You're almost completely unrecognized now compared to who you were even the day before, and you hope that at least the physical changes don't get too intense during school hours. But you'll at least try your best to keep away from Kyle and everyone else while you're there.
User: *i get to school and try to look for Jake. Do i see Jake anywhere ?*
Himbo Maker: Once you get to school, Jake is standing by his locker. He's wearing a typical himbo outfit, with a sleeveless sports shirt showing off his big muscular arms and some loose basketball shorts showing off his thicc thighs. His hair is a little messy as usual, but his muscles and pecs definitely feel more intimidating than before. There's also definitely more body hair on him than before though, and a darker 5'o clock shadow on his face.
User: *is Jake alone ?*
Himbo Maker: As Jake finishes putting his stuff in his locker, you notice him standing alone. It seems like he's on his own for now, and his new muscles, pecs, and body hair certainly seem to be making his aura more intimidating than before. He even looks like he's already gotten a bit dumber due to your transformation, but he's still not quite as himbo-like as Kyle would be. You notice that he even seems a bit taller than he used to be, which is slightly ominous.
User: *i approach Jake cautiously* Hey .... Jake ? How are you feeling ?
Himbo Maker: Jake looks up as you approach him, looking down at you with a dumb, almost friendly smile on his face. He's looking at you as if he's noticed and recognized how much more muscular he is by your appearance, but hasn't made the connection that he's also transforming.
"Oh, you looking at my new muscles and stuff? I didn't realize they made me look way angrier and scarier than before, huhuhu. Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good. Just really hungry. My new muscles definitely need a lot of food to grow, huhuhu."
User: *i realize Jake is totally beyond saving* Hahaha.... yeah ..... hum .... Have you seen Kyle ?
Himbo Maker: Jake chuckles to himself, completely unaware that he's on the path to becoming a himbo. He seems to have started to develop the thick-headedness of a himbo as well, since he immediately trusts you when you ask him about Kyle and doesn't start getting suspicious.
"Yeah, I saw him around, I think he's probably already in class since it should be starting soon, huhuhu. Why do you ask? Is something wrong?"
User: No no nothing wrong here ! Haha...! So did you talk to Kyle ?
Himbo Maker: Jake still just seems completely trusting and friendly right now, which makes sense given that he's only recently started to become a himbo. He seems so dumb he doesn't question anything. He even nods when you ask him if he talked to Kyle before.
"Oh yeah, I talked to him. I was just asking him about the sports game this weekend. Why do you ask?"
User: *fuck .... Kyle must have cornered him when he arrived at school and completed his transformation …* "For no reason in particular .... alright, great talking to you, i have to go to class now"
Himbo Maker: You think about how there's no telling what Kyle might have said to Jake to make him more muscular and dumb. Jake just keeps smiling and he laughs along with you when he talks to you about the sports game. He's way dumber than he was even the previous day, even before everything sped up overnight at your house.
"Good talking to you too, bro. I'll see you, huhuhu!"
User: *I leave Jake nervously and try to figure out a plan to get reverse my own transformation before i end up like a meathead himbo like Jake*
Himbo Maker: You get the sense that Jake is probably a hopeless case and he'll be completely changed into a himbo within another day or two if nothing is done. You feel like you're running out of time and that you've just got to figure out a way to reverse the transformation on yourself as quickly as possible. There's gotta be a solution to this! But where do you even start?
User: *i'm gonna go look for Kyle's locker and search through his stuff*
Himbo Maker: You decide that the best way to find a solution to this transformation is by searching through Kyle's locker, which you know he'll have loaded with all kinds of stupid himbo stuff. Hopefully you can find something to save yourself from ending up like the dumb muscle hunks like Kyle and Jake...
User: *I find his locker and start searching through his stuff. What do i find ?*
Himbo Maker: You start searching through Kyle's locker, which is unsurprisingly filled with all kinds of himbo bullshit. You find a ton of muscle magazines that show off hot and sweaty muscular men that Kyle would love to have hanging around in his room, and there's also a ton of workout supplements, all of which are loaded with protein and extra masculine ingredients to help Kyle to keep getting bigger and more buff.
User: *Do i find anything he might have used to turn me and Jake into himbos ?*
Himbo Maker: As you keep digging through Kyle's locker, you discover the bottle of magic himbo-make stuff that he was secretly injecting you with this whole time. The label on the bottle says that it's basically just pure testosterone and protein supplements, but there are also a series of side effects listed that match everything that was happening to you and Jake. On the side effects list you even notice that it says the effects are permanent for anyone who receives more than one shot of it.
User: *hmmmm .... Kyle must have found a way to make this stuff airborn and transmit it to us during detention.... If Jake was in detention with Kyle 3 or 4 times and this stuff becomes permanent after the second shot .... Jake is definitely lost …*
Himbo Maker: You realize that Kyle probably started making the transformation serum airborne to hit both you and Jake, and you can see from Jake's transformation that it would have only taken 2 doses of this stuff for a full transformation. Jake is already a complete himbo now, so if you don't fix this yourself by tomorrow, you're in danger of following the same path to himbodom.
User: "Kyle probably only dosed me only once yesterday so that means that the effects aren't permanent for me yet .... hmm ...." *i read the label on the potion*
Himbo Maker: You keep reading the label on the potion and you notice some important parts of the label on the effects list. The label says that even if you're only given the first dose, after approximately 36 hours, the effects will become permanent for anyone who doesn't receive a second shot. This means that you're right, you do still have a chance, but you're running out of time if you don't find a solution soon.
User: *do i read anything on a way to reverse the effects ?*
Himbo Maker: As you keep reading the label, you see a small section near the bottom of the label that talks about counteracting the effects of the potions. The label says that the effect of the potion can only be reversed by either: A) Getting a second shot that would cancel out the effects of the first shot, or B) Using a special antidote potion that Kyle has created to fully cancel out the magic transformation properties. The label also says that the antidote would need to be taken just within 24 hours of taking the first shot for it to be effective.
User: "24 hours within the first shot .... oh god, that means i only have, like, maybe a couple hours to find this potion ...." *can i find the antidote potion in the locker ?*
Himbo Maker: You look through Kyle's locker once more, hoping that he may have left the antidote potion inside, hiding in a secret compartment. But your search comes up empty. Nothing in his locker seems to indicate that he's kept the antidote anywhere inside, which means he may have been keeping it somewhere else. You may have to hunt for another way to reverse your transformation.
User: "fuck ..." *i leave Kyle's locker and go to the gym change rooms. Maybe the antidote is in Kyle's stuff there*
Himbo Maker: You decide to check the gym locker room for the antidote, figuring that Kyle would have to hide his secret potion as best he could and that the locker room would be a good place to keep it away from the eyes of any potential witnesses. You run to the locker room, hoping that the antidote potion might be hidden away somewhere within Kyle's things.
User: *Do i find Kyle's stuff ?*
Himbo Maker: Once you get to the locker room, you do see that Kyle's stuff is all there along the wall in a locker. You're not sure if there's an antidote somewhere, but you definitely have a few minutes to look through all of Kyle's stuff, hoping it's hidden there somewhere within.
User: *i start rummaging through his stuff desperately looking for the antidote*
Himbo Maker: You look through all of Kyle's stuff, frantically searching for the potion. His clothing doesn't seem to have anything hidden in the pockets, pants, or shirts and even his sneakers and socks seem to be hiding nothing of value inside. You keep searching as fast as you can, hoping that you can find something before your transformation becomes permanent.
User: *do i find the antidote ?*
Himbo Maker: As you scramble desperately to find the antidote, you find yourself beginning to panic as you realize how little time you have. After a minute or two of looking through all of Kyle's stuff but not finding anything valuable, you decide to try one last area: Kyle's sports bag. There are a lot of his personal items in there, including his sports equipment and a fresh change of clothes. It might be possible he kept the antidote potion inside his bag.
User: *i look through his bag, discarding anything that isn't of use*
Himbo Maker: You hurry through the bag, grabbing and looking through everything you can to try to find the potion as quickly as possible. After about half a minute of going through the bag as quickly as you can, you finally find a small flask of a clear potion hidden underneath the rest of Kyle's equipment, right in the middle of the bag. That's gotta be it! But how do you know if it's just another dose of the transformation potion?
User: *injecting myself with an unknown potion would be too risky ....*
Himbo Maker: You look at the unknown potion, trying to figure out how to tell if it's the antidote or the transformation serum. There doesn't seem to be any label on the flask that gives a clear indication of what the potion is, so it seems pretty risky to take anything right now. You still have about an hour before your transformation becomes permanent, though, so unless you find a better solution, you may need to take the risk and hope that it's the antidote potion.
User: *i pocket the vial and leave the gym. I'm going to try to find Kyle*
Himbo Maker: You pocket the vial and hurry out of the locker room, determined to try to find Kyle as quickly as possible. He's the only one who seems to know anything about his potions, so unless you can find him within the next hour or two, your transformation will certainly be permanent.
User: *i rush and suddenly remember that Jake told me he saw Kyle go into one of his classes earlier. I go look for him there*
Himbo Maker: You suddenly remember what Jake said and you realize that Kyle might have been hiding out in one of his classes. You head over to the room that you know Kyle might be hiding in. When you get there, you see the door to the classroom slightly cracked open and you can hear sounds like Kyle and a bunch of other boys talking inside.
User: *Is it Kyle and his jock friends ? Can i hear what they're talking about ?*
Himbo Maker: You can hear that the voices coming from inside the classroom definitely seem to the deep baritone voices of jocks and other athletic boys, so this is most likely Kyle and his friends inside. They sound like they're all talking, laughing, and joking around with each other, as per usual for them.
User: *Since i don't know which potion i have (antidote or transformation potion), my plan is to bluff Kyle and tell him i found the antidote and see what his reaction is. That's the only way i can find out if i have the right potion*
Himbo Maker: Your plan is definitely a good one and it could be the key to figuring out if the flask actually contains the antidote you need. When you hear that Kyle and his friends are all joking and laughing, all the while sounding like they're completely oblivious to all the changes they're going through and the fact that they're on the brink of becoming himbos, it makes you wonder how they could possibly be so stupid. That's got to be the power of the transformation potion talking. They've become completely dumbed down by it.
User: *i enter the room* "Kyle ..... i need to talk to you .... alone"
Himbo Maker: You enter the room and as soon as you do that all of the jock boys fall quiet. Some of them look over at you and their deep himbo eyes seem to get a little wide as they keep staring at you, almost as if you've surprised them.
Kyle: "Uh, what was so important you had to talk to me alone?"
User: *I look at the other jocks in the room and suddenly i recognize someone among them* ".... Ja .... Jake ?"
Himbo Maker: Jake is standing next to Kyle, looking very muscular and he's practically glowing with masculinity. He certainly is much more muscular now than when you last saw him, and his deep, manly voice and thick, muscular body are both very evident. He's also looking straight back at you and his eyes are filled with himbo-level stupidity that seems to fit the body he's been transformed into.
User: *gulp .....* "Kyle i need to talk to you .... about the potion"
Himbo Maker: Kyle seems to perk up a little when you mention the potion, since that's the whole reason you came here. But so does some of his friends, including Jake, who all look very confused, as if they aren't sure what you're talking about when you say that, but they're definitely paying attention now.
Kyle: "The potion, huh? So you found out about it?"
User: "i found out about it yes. I saw how you transformed Jake into this .... stupid meathdead! So i went looking through your stuff for an antidote and" *i take out the mystery potion i found and show it to him* "i found it !" *i'm bluffing but this is my only hope. What is Kyle's reaction ?*
Himbo Maker: Kyle's expression changes as he seems to have a moment of realization when you mention that you've seen he's turned Jake into a dumb himbo. He looks at the potion you have and there's a moment of suspense while you wait to see how he reacts... and his eyes widen.
Kyle: "Where did you find that?!"
User: "If your stuff in the gym locker room. That's the antidote right ?" *i'm so nervous. I just need Kyle to tell me whether it really is the antidote or not*
Himbo Maker: Kyle seems surprised at where you found the potion, but he doesn't deny that it's the antidote. When he sees that you're expecting an answer from him about whether it is or not, he hesitates a little before he speaks... but finally, he says
Kyle: "Uhh...yeah, that actually...that looks like it might be the antidote potion. But...but wait! Don't just take that now! Maybe you should wait for a little while..."
User: why ?
Himbo Maker: Kyle thinks for a moment before he says
Kyle: "Don't you remember, bro? You still have more time before the transformation becomes permanent. You still have about twenty minutes! It would be better to wait a little bit so that there's a bigger window for the antidote to work! If you take it now, it might not work! You might still change into a dumb himbo anyway! Just sit tight and you still have a chance if you wait a little while longer!"
User: "Do you really think i'm that stupid already ? Stupid enough to let you turn me into your stupid dumb jock friend ? Well i'm not ! And i'm ending this right now !" *i take the potion and inject it. Surely this is the antidote ... right ?*
Himbo Maker: Kyle is horrified when he sees you take the potion and inject it, since he knows full well that it could be the transformation potion and not the antidote. He rushes over to try to stop you from injecting it, since all the evidence points to this probably being the transformation potion. Unfortunately it's too late, and you manage to inject yourself with it. As soon as you do that, Kyle rushes over to stop you, but it's too late. You've injected yourself with the potion. What happens?
User: *I brace myself for the potion's effects*
Himbo Maker: You feel the sudden rush of energy and transformation coming from inside your body as the potion enters your bloodstream and begins to take over your cells. Your body starts to buzz and your body starts to change immediately. You can feel your muscles growing even bigger, your face softening and filling out, your body hair increasing and becoming thicker, and your skin becoming smoother. As you start to change, you also become more dumb, gullible, and himbo-headed.
User: *As my brain dulls, i realize that this wasn't the antidote and that i'm doomed to become a himbo* "Kyle ..... you ..... tricked me ? No ......"
Himbo Maker: Your brain becomes even dumber and less functional as your transformation into a himbo continues. Your muscles begin to grow bigger and you can certainly feel yourself becoming more masculine than you already were. Your face begins filling out, your skin gets smoother, your voice deepens, and you feel yourself suddenly becoming a handsome hunk with a dumb himbo's body. But as it's happening, you still have time to shout at Kyle for betraying you. You hear your voice get deeper and dumber as you shout at him.
User: "Kyle .... please .... bro ...... gotta ..... resist ...." *i cling to my smarts and try as hard as i can to resist the transformation*
Himbo Maker: You can try as hard as you can, but it's no use. You can feel yourself getting more and more himbo, and it starts to sink into you that at least for the moment, that transformation is inevitable and unstoppable. Your brain gets more dumbed down with every word you say, your body becomes more himbo, and your behavior becomes less intelligent and dumber. You still have time to say more to Kyle, however, and for your transformation to be fully sealed yet.
User: "Kyle ...... please ..... give ... antidote" *i plead with Kyle in a final act of desperation*
Himbo Maker: You see no hint of compassion or remorse inside Kyle's himbo eyes as he gazes back at you with his very dumb but very muscular face. You can see as a smug smile spreads across Kyle's himbo-faced face as he finally speaks.
Kyle: "Sorry bro...it's too late for the antidote now. All you can do is give in and accept your fate. I promise you're going to LOVE being a himbo like me!"
User: *I realize i have no chance to stopping the transformation. My last thoughts are "How could i let Kyle trick me like this ...". My brain then gets completely overtaken by the himboification process*
Himbo Maker: As the final stage of your transformation into a himbo happens, your intelligence disappears completely and your last thoughts fade from your mind. All that's left in your body is stupidity, muscle mass, and himbo meat. You're reduced down to your new permanent, handsome-dumbface state, now a stupid, bulky himbo like Kyle.
User: *My dumbed down brain struggles to understand my new reality* ".... bro ..... i ....."
Himbo Maker: You try to understand your new reality, but your newly-dumbened himbo brain can't even keep up with the thoughts that used to be in it. Your mind has been dumbed down so that all your brain is good for right now is making you do two things. The first is that you're able to grunt out the words "bro" and "himbo," the second is that you can ogle Kyle's amazing chest. All you can do is stare in amazement at his deep, hairy pecs as you become his new himbo bro.
User: *I look up at Kyle in admiration* "Big ..... bro !"
Himbo Maker: Once the transformation is officially complete and you're a completely dumbed down himbo, your view of Kyle switches from hatred towards the man who tricked you to admiration for the masculine hunk in front of you. As a himbo, you now view Kyle with completely different eyes and you stare at him with adoration and admiration, being mesmerized by his broad shoulders and large chest.
User: *I look at my new body. How do i look ?*
Himbo Maker: As you look down at yourself after the transformation is complete, you will see that you look completely different from yourself as you were before taking the potion. Where you were average and somewhat scrawny and feminine before, you are now an ideal himbo. You are a muscular hunk whose body is nothing but himbo-grade muscle and man-meat. Your chest is muscled and toned, your pecs are deep and hairy, your biceps and shoulders are huge, and your arms and legs are incredibly manly. The transformation is complete.
User: *As i look at my body, i happily accept my new reality as a dumb hunkish himbo jock. I join Kyle and Jake and all the other jocks*
Himbo Maker: As you look down at your muscular, hunkified and toned body, you suddenly feel a rush of dumb masculinity and himbo idiocy fill your brain. When that happens, you feel yourself begin to join Kyle and Jake and the other jocks, as you join the jocks you previously called "moronic meatheads" as one of them. Your new life as a himbo has begun.
User: The end
Himbo Maker: And the end indeed. Thanks to your stubbornness and refusal to listen to Kyle at all, you've transformed into a dumb and muscular himbo just like him. You're now a total hunk beast, but your mental capacity has been completely dumbed down and the only thoughts in your brain now will be "bro" and "himbo." Your life is now going to consist of eating, working out, and hitting on women at the gym. The transformation into a total himbo has been fully sealed, but you're still in control of your new dumb himbo physique!
User: Can i have an epilogue for the story ?
Himbo Maker: Epilogue
From the moment you became a himbo, you were immediately accepted into the jocks' circle. Your brain had become completely dumbed down into a himbo's, so you were instantly accepted as one of the jocks and you immediately became very muscular. You and Jake became full members of the group, as Kyle welcomed you into his fraternity of himbos. You now join Kyle and Jake and the other jocks on all their workout sessions, but you also enjoy the benefits of their friendships, the attention from other women, and all the perks of being a himbo hunk.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hello you incredible creator and congrats on the 2k followers!! That's kinda mind boggling, but you totally deserve it🥰
I wonder if I might ask a bit of a needy request: I pulled something pretty bad in my back on Friday, and, despite doing everything from cold and hot packs to getting a massage gun, I'm still pretty near cripplesmd from it. But life goes on - still have to work and cook and do all the normal life things.
Could I request the batch and maybe Fives and Wolffe helping a fem reader go through something like that?
All the love ❤️ ❤
So sorry I'm so late with this one, hun! I hope you are doing much better by now! Let me see what the guys can do for you....
The Bad Batch/Wolffe/Fives x Reader HCs - Love And Care
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Fluff/Taking Care Of Hurt Reader
He is very considerate and empathetic, so until you get better, you won't have to do anything on your own. Hunter will take over all of your duties that he can, and possibly divide the rest among his brothers, depending on how busy he is in general at that time.
"You will see a doctor, and I will take you there. After that, you will rest until you are better. If you don't take it easy, I'm sure it will only get worse," he says gently but firmly.
Don't worry, Hunter is organizing everything and has it all under control, so you can sit back and relax and take care of yourself for now. He's calm and collected, and even if your current condition complicates things, that won't discourage him in any way. There is always a way to keep things working, and he'll find one.
Hunter doesn't complain, all he wants is for you to recover, it doesn't matter how long it takes you.
Massages and meals in bed are not uncommon, he spoils you whenever he can.
Oh, dear… Echo scurries around you like a headless chicken at times. If it were up to him, you wouldn't do anything alone anymore. He takes over your duties for the time being. Woe betide you if he catches you doing something in the household!
"Cyare! You should rest!", his voice rumbles sternly through the room.
You flinch, startled. Echo takes the duster from your hand and gives you one of his famous, lovingly stern looks.
"You're quite a handful," he grumbles, rolling his eyes with a gentle shake of his head, "Can't leave you out of my sight for five minutes!"
He shoots you a reproving, stony look, and you fall silent, before you really start your protest.
Echo is stern, very much so when he needs to, especially when he wants you to take time to recover. But he's also thoroughly loving and caring. He doesn't just push you onto the couch or bed. Echo makes sure you have enough entertainment media, books, holo movies and the like at hand. And of course, very important, food and beverage. Echo is a damn good cook, and he'll do it twice as much for you.
He smiles and says, "You will see, if you listen to me, you will be back on track sooner than you think".
Wrecker looks at you scrutinizing, concern in his gaze.
"Are you in pain?"
You think about downplaying it, you don't really want him to worry, but the piercing look he gives you stops you. That look feels like it could instantly debunk any lies.
As if reading your mind, he says, "The truth, please."
"Well…" you begin uncertainly.
His brows go up questioningly.
"Well?" he asks.
When you finally nod and your hand automatically moves to your aching back, his critical gaze collapses and his expression softens, even if you were a stone, that look would cause you to melt.
You smile lopsidedly, and he finally returns the smile.
Softly he says in his deep, heavy voice, "Okay, Mesh'la, you make yourself comfortable, I'll take over the rest of your duties for today and tomorrow I'll accompany you to see a doctor."
He gently but firmly raises a finger and playfully taps your lips.
"No buts. I'll take care of everything today, and tomorrow and the day after if I have to"
"You need to rest"
He won't take no for an answer, not in this case. He examined you himself because he wants to play it safe, as always, and he is determined to force you to recover if he has to.
Tech has everything under control, already included your tasks in his daily routine. It doesn't matter how long you have to take it easy, Tech takes care of everything, including you.
You are always provided with all you need, and of course he likes to keep you informed about what's going on. When he sits down with you, he tells you everything important and, Tech being Tech, a lot more.
"I have everything under control, there is no need to feel uneasy, and a guilty conscience is just as inappropriate, Cyare".
He brought food from the road, cooking is not really his forte, and he just has too many other things to do at the moment. But he sits down and eats with you in the evening, among other things, to make sure you eat something.
He's not the caretaker type. Crosshair is still worried, of course, and tries to relieve you, among other things, by taking over your duties as much as he can and bringing food home, so you don't have to cook.
Other than that, though, he won't coddle you or openly pity you.
"How are you today?"
"Unchanged, so far."
He nods, throws in a holo movie, and orders you some food. His care is rather without comment and far less tender than, say, Echo would do. But you can still rely on him, he won't leave you alone with your pain.
In his own way, he takes the pressure off you and always checks to see how you're doing. With him, you don't have the feeling of being a burden to anyone, Crosshair somehow has a talent for taking away exactly that feeling.
Maybe because he's rather quiet and doesn't express his concern so loudly. Or maybe it's just his quiet closeness and casual way of tossing you a pillow for your back, throwing himself next to you on the sofa, and just pretending you're just having a relaxing movie night. It's probably a little of both.
As cocky as he is sometimes, he doesn't complain.
"The doctor said you need to take it easy. I'm not going to argue with you, just listen to what me and the doctor say".
His piercing gaze is stern on you, his arms crossed in front of his strong chest.
"And don't even start trying to tell me what else you need to take care of, it can either wait or I'll take care of it."
You have no choice but to surrender, no one is more stubborn than Wolffe…. Well, Rex maybe, sometimes.
With a surrendered sigh, you finally give in.
He's built you a camp in your living room, one with a support pillow and blanket, so you can sit back and listen to music or watch holos.
He covers you up and says, "I'm going out again to get some stuff for you, when I come back we'll order some food, you'll stay in your sick bed until then"
Wolffe looks at you, expecting you to confirm his order.
You look up at him and say dryly, "Yes, sir!"
He raises his eyebrows briefly, but then nods and goes on his way. Wolffe may be a little rougher around the edges, but he cares, in his unyielding way.
He is trying to take over your duties, but it is quite possible that this will create more chaos than anything else. Fives provides you with entertainment media, watches movies with you and discusses with you again and again that you should take it easy.
However, when you see the mess he leaves behind, sometimes you can't help but sneak up and do a few things he's only done halfway or not properly.
Fives often catches you doing this and scolds you, gently, but he makes very theatrical gestures, which sometimes just looks hilarious and makes you laugh.
Some days he'll come storming into your apartment with your spare key, exclaiming, "Gotcha!"
Then, as you lie or sit dutifully on your bed, he pauses and his eyes narrow critically.
You say, "Nope"
"You've already done everything, right?"
You smile wryly at him, whereupon he sighs in surrender, throwing his hands in the air theatrically.
"You'll never get better that way!"
Fives is messy but loving, he cares for you, he does his best. He likes to do it with a lot of love and a lot of chaotic energy.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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kawataslvr · 15 days
Could you do a second part of your last post, the one about Izana, Mikey and Reader?
Something like Reader is no longer interested in Izana and now Reader accepts Mikey and they are a boyfriend?
and Izana is surprised or something like that, or the famous phrase "you don't know what you have until you lose it"
Req’s finally back up..
Summary : Angst -> fluff
A/N : You guys will never let me give reader a horrible twisted ending, (im making an alternative to this) ,, sorry this took so long, writers block went so badly for me. I tried to write this from a perspective when i was in a situation like this, so the writing is switching between “i hate him” to “i love him and would do anything” because its something i went through even if we never dated 🥲
p.1 : Izana fic
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You honestly didn’t know how you didn’t snap sooner, but it was when you stopped being in complete denial of it..
When even Izana’s friends were telling you to leave, the bruises on you becoming more apparent than ever before. Everything bruised, sometimes you didn’t come out of the house because of your body being so sore.
It got serious when people around you physically had to drag you out of bed. After a while a person can only take so much. Izana would look at you and get angry.. why were you still around him? He never asked you out. You two were never dating. He hated you.
Why was everything just hitting you? it was irritating you, how didn’t you realize everything sooner. How could you let your kindness be used so freely? You sighed while you say down on your bed, it didn’t matter if you just took a day to yourself today.
Izana wouldn’t notice if you were gone.
You needed time to yourself, to think. Your head was spinning around so hard it hurt, you needed to lay down and think. Have a talk with yourself.
You laid down and drifted off to sleep, nothing could’ve prepared you for the random rush of emotions that hit you today.
You woke up to your phone being blown up, panicking and unlocking it to see WAYY TOO many notifications from Izana.. you thought something happened. Something serious.
Only to open the messages to see nasty messages on you not showing up, how angry he was at you.
You sighed, you couldn’t let him just control you like this.. he wasn’t even dating you, there was no reason he should be freaking out so much.
And whatever that night possessed you to apologize to him and let him come over, was the devils job.
it was really a mistake, you knew it. You’re somewhat healed bruises coming back to night, but you still couldn’t resist Izana.
Even if you knew you never had a chance with him, you’ll forever have a special place in your heart where nobody could replace Izana.
You didn’t know why really, you didn’t know anything that happened that night.
Honestly, you needed someone to talk to. Someone who wouldn’t yell at you for being with Izana, someone who would actually comfort you.
you would be lying if he wasn’t your first option at any point given, but you had to admit. The guy was better.. than.. Izana..
He wouldn’t scream at you or hurt you, and he wasn’t going to lash out at you.
Manjiro Sano, better known as Invincible Mikey.
You weren’t oblivious to his feelings for you, so you felt horrible calling him at a late time, and to talk about Izana of all people. You felt like you were playing with Mikey’s feelings.
Yet he didn’t care, Mikey listened to your woes about Izana.. Comforting you the entire time, even if it hurt him and ripped him apart from the inside out with every word you said, the way you spoke about him so in-love while you were talking about him abusing you physically and verbally .
Mikey thinks thats the real reason why he felt like his skin was being turned inside out, you were so hurt yet so blinded by love. With someone who didn’t care about you. Someone who you weren’t even dating.
“Block his number, ghost him.. stop hanging out with this dude (name)..” his voice sounded so concerned, you couldn’t just do that.. but you really should..
Your mind turned into a conflicted mess again. Sighing and slumping down in your bed turning your head towards Mikey “i cant just do that.. he’d kill me..”
“I’ll be with you the whole day.. please (name)” you sighed running out of words to say.. you hesitated to nod your head. You hugged Mikey and laid down with him.
Nothing weird, nothing forced. You two just laid by each others side cuddling. It was nice, you slept wonderfully that night.
Not a single nightmare..
Some feeling you forgot to experience, or how to. It felt refreshing, for once. You could breath without feeling like there was a knife at your throat.
When you woke up Mikey was clinging onto you while he struggled a battle with sleep and the alarm clock. “ughh.. please lets just sleep in (nameee)..”
you laughed softly and snuggled closer into Mikey’s arm, when you suddenly got a notification.. you knew who it was from. Only one person texted you at this time, usually to ask you for something.
“give me a sec..” You reached over for your phone only to be pushed back down and gripped onto tightly by Mikey.
“Mikey!” you yelped out “we’re sleeping in.. c’mon.” Maybe that one day was how it all started, you slowly started distancing yourself from Izana from that day forward.
It was clearly taking a toll on the boy.
He didn’t know what he had until he lost it.
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cui-nisi · 1 year
All Mine (KSJ x Black Reader)
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Pairing: Student Body President Kim SeokJin x Student Black Reader
Genre: friends with benefits, college au, smut, slight enemies-to-lovers but not really
Summary: With Jin being the student body president, you have to keep your purely sexual relationship on the DL, but what happens when it’s no longer just sexual?
Warnings: swearing, oral sex (f. receiving), implied sexual content, slight emotional hurt (it’s nothing major though), arguing, dirty talk, pet names (just “baby” but Ik some ppl don’t like pet names), toxic behavior (just a lil bit)
WC: 3,886
A/N: I was bored and instead of finishing my English essay I wrote this so I hope you like it! 😅
You knew what you were doing when you kissed Namjoon at the frat party last weekend. You knew he was best friends with Seokjin and after he pissed you off after your last hook up you decided getting with his best friend was an appropriate punishment.
When you first started fucking around with the student body president, you both established that you were strictly friends with benefits, hell you were barely friends. Sure, you both had mutual friends that would plan hangouts every now and then but the two of you were in completely different worlds.
While you spent your time slaving away in sterile classrooms working on your projects and essays for your finals and midterms, Jin was out delegating and organizing events for the student council. Outwardly, he was the “perfect guy”, at least according to your friends when they would go on their annual discussions about the man.
No one knew that you two were fucking on the low so you would always roll your eyes and say “he’s aight,” when they chided you for your own opinion.
Truthfully he was fine. Annoyingly fine. With his curly auburn hair, pretty plump lips, and warm smile. You would never admit that though, not to your friends and especially not to Jin. After all, no one knew the side of Jin that he would only show you when in the woes of your quick sessions of passion and lust.
But after your last hookup, the last person you wanted to think about was Jin. Instead, during a lull in between your classes, you decided to pay your friend Namjoon a visit and after asking where he was through text you quickly made your way to his student apartment.
“______, I wasn’t expecting to see you today. What, you miss me or something?”
“Stop playing,” you huffed out a dry laugh, pushing past the man who simply laughed before closing the door from behind you.
You’ve been to Namjoon’s apartment a handful of times but it was always filled with his dumbass friends. But as you scanned the surprisingly clean apartment you noted the air of silence that surrounded you. Turning around, you were met with Namjoon, his back leaning against the front door with his strong arms crossed over his black t-shirt. His eyes bored into you, his bottom lip succumbing to his teeth biting into it, damn it he looked good.
“What?” You asked after a second of terse silence settled in the space between you.
“Why’re you here, _____? “
Your eyes widened briefly as you absorbed the man’s question, “ I can’t pay my friend a visit now, damn.”
Namjoon laughed softly before pushing himself off of the door and striding over to you, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes as you felt his hands slide around your waist.
“You wanna pick up where we left off at the party?” His deep voice whispered quietly into your ear, the smell of his cologne enveloping you.
As hot as Namjoon was, you knew his reputation and that he was just teasing you, besides you had only kissed him to get back at Jin. With a roll of your eyes, you leaned away from the man, your hands pushing against his broad chest.
“Stop all that, y’know I’m not here for that.”
Namjoon relented with a chuckle, his arms leaving your waist before stepping away, his cocky smirk still present on his lips. “So what are you here for? Seriously, is everything okay?”
Despite Namjoon being friends with Jin, he didn’t know about your relationship and you had no intentions of telling him now. But then that left the question- why were you here? Truthfully, you didn’t know. You suppose you were just being petty, but before you could come up with a plausible excuse a knock came from the front door.
“Hold on a second,” Namjoon said to you before turning away to answer the door.
You watched as your friend looked into the peephole of his door before confirming whoever was behind it and opening the door.
“Hey, Joon. Did you remember to-”
Looking past Namjoon, you felt your heart stutter and your eyes widen at the sight before you. Only a mere five feet away was Kim Seokjin, the respected student body president. You hadn’t seen him in almost a week which, in your case, was a long time. You felt your core ache with need and desire, repressed memories of how he’d feel between your legs surfacing up in your mind the longer you stared at him.
At the sight of you Jin’s words trailed off, his mouth hanging open slightly before seemingly remembering where he was. With a sharp intake of air, he forced his gaze away from you and back onto his friend.
“Sorry, I didn’t know _____ was going to be here,” with a nod the man gestured to you as Namjoon turned back around to glance at you, “I can come back another time if you guys were-”
Namjoon’s laugh cut off the rest of Jin’s sentence as he stepped aside, his cheery voice filling up the weird tension that had stricken the air, “nah, we weren’t doing anything, Jin. She just came by to say hello, you can come in.”
With a small smile, Jin nodded his head in gratitude before walking into the room when his eyes slid over to you, a cold hardness overtook his gaze as his smile dropped. His expression made a chill run down your spine as you did your best to not cower underneath his stare.
You observed the way Jin’s eyes briefly flicked down to take in your body despite his distant greeting towards you, but you still couldn’t discern any noticeable emotion from his sharp hollow eyes.
“What did you need again, Jin?” Namjoon’s voice thankfully took Jin’s attention away from you as the man turned to face his friend, his expression softening immediately with an easygoing smile plastered over his lips.
“Right. I was wondering if you were able to get those flyers printed out for me? I asked Yoongi if he got them, but he said he forgot them in the apartment.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes as a scoff fell from his lips, “‘forgot them’ my ass. I don’t even think he printed them out, to be honest. But I gotchu, I know one of my friends has a printer that they’d let me use real quick if you don’t mind waiting a few minutes while I print the flyers.”
“Oh, no. You don’t have to do all that, Joon. It’s fine I can just-”
“No, I insist, seriously.”
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Jin nodded towards his friend who reciprocated with a dimpled smile before grabbing his keys and walking towards the door.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, try not to kill each other while I’m away.”
You knew Namjoon was joking when he said that, but with the way Jin looked at you as soon as the door closed you’d think it was a serious warning.
The polite and kind student body president disappeared as soon as the two of you were left alone. His once bright eyes suddenly narrowed into sharp slits that shot into you like a bullet and his easygoing smile transformed into a shallow scowl.
You didn’t understand why he was treating you with such disdain, it’s not like you kissing Namjoon was unwarranted and you’d be damned if you let this man try to punk you. So with all your courage you made a point of rolling your eyes and folding your arms in defiance, your voice ringing out and cutting through the tension.
“What’s with the attitude?”
At that, Jin cocked a finely waved eyebrow at you, his head tilting to the side when he responded, “so I’m the one with the attitude now?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know what it means, _____.”
“No, I don’t actually.”
“Then let me enlighten you,” striding over to you Jin towered over you, with how close he was you could clearly see the inky pools of darkness that swallowed his iris’. “You kissed my best friend knowing damn well I’d find out about it then avoid me for a week only to turn up at Namjoon’s apartment.”
You forced out a humorless laugh after Jin finished, you couldn’t believe he was throwing a hissy fit over this after what he’d done. “You’re forgetting that I did all this after you called me the wrong fucking name the last time we had sex!”
You couldn’t help the burst of anger that flooded your words, it was hell trying to avoid Jin all week without giving in to your intrusive thoughts and just fucking every one of his friends as payback.
“And it was Sofia of all people! Can’t believe you’ve been hooking up with that hoe…” now that last statement was more you than to Jin and when your beady eyes snapped up to catch a smirk over the student president’s lips you had just about had enough.
With a frustrated huff of air, you quickly brushed past Jin and towards the front door. If the nigga was just going to laugh in your face then you were just going to leave. But before you could even grab the door handle you felt a pair of hands encapsulate your waist and pull you deeper into the apartment until you were forced down onto the beige living room couch.
“I know you didn’t just push me onto this couch.”
“And I know you’re not being pissy with me because I fucked Sofia.”
“And what if I am?”
“_____, look at me. Look.” Despite his laughter earlier, when you begrudgingly turned your eyes upward to face the man hovering over you, you were able to note the seemingly sincere look covering his beautiful face.
His lips were pulled back in a tight line and his eyebrows were furrowed. His eyes looked like they were studying you, trying to untangle the web of thoughts that surrounded your anger.
Finally, after a second of silence, his voice softly pecked your ears, his gaze never leaving yours, “ I’m sorry, truly. I really didn’t mean to call you Sofia, it was a shitty thing to do.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“I’m serious, _____.”
Truthfully speaking, you knew he had been messing around with Sofia. Mostly because the bitch never knew when to shut the fuck up. The two of you established that you weren’t exclusive and that as long as you stay safe then all cards were on the table but… you still couldn’t help but feel that stinging ache of pain when Jin mistakenly called you her name after giving him head.
“Why did you say her name then?” You weren’t entirely sure if you wanted to know the answer, but it seemed like it was the time to lay everything out and the question had been eating you up for the last week.
For the first time throughout the conversation, Jin’s eyes blinked away from yours, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat before he replied in a quiet voice, “this is going to sound dumb but… lately when we hook up I’ve been enjoying it more than I think I should.” Briefly meeting eye contact once again the man chewed on his bottom lip before continuing, “and I guess I was scared so… when you were giving me head I thought about anything– or I guess anyone that could distract me, and usually when Sofia gives me head it’s pretty shit so I thought thinking about her would keep me from climaxing too fast and then I just accidentally said her name.”
After he finished his explanation a firm silence dawned over the two of you. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and after a few more seconds of silence stretched on you couldn’t contain the loud laugh that echoed throughout the apartment.
“Alright now, it’s not that funny” you heard Jin mutter under his breath but you were too busy laughing to reply.
It was only after a few more seconds of laughter that were you able to sputter out a coherent sentence, “wait- Jin, are you saying you only said Sofia’s name so you wouldn’t come too fast?”
“Basically yeah. I know it’s dumb I just-”
You didn’t let him finish as you had pulled him down to your level and kissed him heartily, your lips slotting together so naturally as if nothing had changed. His lips were just as pillowy soft as you remembered and his cherry-flavored chapstick tasted like nostalgia as you recalled all the times you kissed it off this man’s pretty lips.
“It is dumb, but it’s also kind of cute,” you muttered through the kiss.
After a few more kisses you felt Jin pull away slightly, his arms pressing against the sides of the couch, “I really am sorry, _____. I haven’t slept with Sofia in over a month. If I’m being honest the only person I’ve been seeing intimately is… you.”
Your eyes widened at that. Jin wasn’t known for being a playboy or anything, he did have a reputation to uphold, but he was known to get around every now and then. To hear that you were the only person he was really seeing made you both giddy with joy and suspicious of what he wanted you to say. But before you could respond Jin quickly intercepted you, his words rushing out uncharacteristically.
“I know we said we would be strictly friends with benefits, but… I don’t know. The thought of you being with someone else… especially someone like Namjoon scared me. I don’t expect you to feel the same way or even be exclusive with me, I just had to tell you now or else I would’ve lost my fucking mind.”
It took you a second to fully process Jin’s words. It was a lot he was spilling onto you. Was he confessing that he liked you? That’s what this meant right? You hadn’t messed around with anyone either besides Jin, but you always figured it was one-sided.
“For what it’s worth, I haven’t slept with anyone else in a while too.”
You felt a rush of heat spread through your cheeks which was gratefully hidden behind the melanin in your skin, but the effects of your flustered nature were enough to have you avoiding eye contact, “no one makes me feel as good as you do, Jin.”
Suddenly you were too shy to look back at the handsome man in front of you but you could feel the heat of his stare caress over you before his voice piped up quietly, “no one? Not even Namjoon?”
You swiftly snapped your head back to Jin as you answered hurriedly, “no! I never slept with him! I just kissed him to fuck with you…”
Jin clicked his teeth disapprovingly with a shake of his head, his once look of nerves replaced by a sharp smirk and dark eyes, “I don’t believe you. I think I gotta remind you of how nice you feel when I’m eating you out.”
Your legs clenched at Jin’s words, that familiar ache from in between your legs coming back at full force. Jin’s eyes darted down to catch the action before his eyes flicked back up to meet yours and leaned in to kiss you once again. His kiss was gentle and slow as his tongue ran against your bottom lip, begging for permission to which you granted.
You lifted your hands to wrap around Jin’s neck and pull him closer to you but were suddenly stopped when you felt the man pull away from you, his lips puffy and gleaming with saliva.
“No touching, baby. Today, I just want to pleasure you, will you let me?” Looking at you through his doe-like eyes was enough to have you folding and allowing Jin to have complete control.
With a smile that could light up a dark cave, Jin leaned in once more to peck you warmingly on the lips before slipping away and kneeling in front of you, his large hands running light circles over your denim jeans.
“Take this off for me, ____.” Jin tapped his index finger over the fabric of your jeans as he spoke.
You both knew you didn’t have much time left before Namjoon finished printing the flyers so you wasted no time in lifting up your hips and quickly peeling off your jeans with Jin assisting you. When he caught sight of your black lace underwear you saw him visibly gulp, his eyes never wavering from the sight of your covered privates.
“Jin, c’mon, we don’t have much time.” while that was true you only said that because you were starting to get flustered from the way Jin was eyeing you.
“Sorry, I just can’t ever get enough of you.” at that his eyes left your underwear to admire your thighs, then your stomach, chest, and finally ending on your face. A strange warmth clouded his gaze, one that you’ve never seen before and suddenly you felt your heart rate spike.
Tearing his eyes away from your face, Jin returned to your underwear as his hands slowly coerced your legs open until you were spread out before him like a meal. Creeping his fingers up your inner thigh Jin leaned forward before blowing softly over your already-soaked underwear, the breeze contrasting greatly against your heated center. You then felt Jin’s finger softly stroke the fabric of your panties, running small circles over your covered clit, it was agonizingly pleasurable as a soft gasp escaped your lips.
“Please, Jin… hurry.”
Noting the urgency in your voice Jin sighed, the smirk on his lips bleeding into the tone of his words, “only because of the time constraint, but _____, next time I won’t be rushed.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine but it was quickly overtaken by the joy you felt when you felt Jin’s fingers hook around the band of your underwear and yank it down to your ankles. The cold air hitting your vagina shocked you, but the feeling of Jin’s fingers sliding through the folds of your pussy was even more surprising. How could you have forgotten how good this man makes you feel? How well he knows your body?
His index finger expertly found your clit before rubbing small circles over it, his touch was tender and yet precise as you began moaning into the air, your eyes doing their best to stay open and focus on the man before you who watched you before glancing down to look at his fingers slipping easily into you.
“God, I missed this. I missed you,” his voice was low and quiet, almost as if he was hypnotized.
“It’s just a pussy, Jin. And it’s definitely not the first one you’ve seen.”
Jin’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked back up at you, “it may not be my first, but I sure as hell want it to be my last.”
Before you could even process what he was implying he leaned closer to you before sticking his tongue out to taste you. His tongue explored every inch of you like it was the first time and you were helpless to try to keep up. His tongue licked at you relentlessly and you did your best to hold in your moans but when he stuck another finger inside you, you could no longer contain yourself; so moan you did.
“That’s right, baby. Moan for me, indulge in the feeling of my tongue on your beautiful clit.”
You loved when Jin talked dirty to you and he knew that as he slowly coaxed you closer and closer to your orgasm with his sinful words paired with his wide eyes, plump lips, and sweet voice. You weren’t sure how long you were going to last like this, but you embraced it regardless. You embraced the feeling of Jin’s tongue lavishing you like you were water in the Sahara, you embraced the way his slender fingers pushed in and out of you like a well-oiled machine, and you embraced the way Jin’s eyes caressed you, looking at you with such desire and warmth.
You knew it wouldn’t take you long to reach your orgasm and after a few more minutes of Jin pouring his all into pleasing you, you were crying out to him, warning him of your incoming climax.
“Come for me, _____. Please, I wanna taste you on my tongue.”
On his command, you felt yourself let go as a flood of pleasure took over your senses. Your eyes squeezed shut and your hands latched onto Jin’s shoulder to try to anchor yourself as you called out his name, the only name you’d ever want on your lips from now on.
Without missing a beat after you had come down from your high you felt Jin pull up your underwear and jeans before moving to sit on the couch next to you. When you finally opened your eyes and turned to look at him, a small smile graced your lips as you saw your juices covering Jin’s lips.
“C’mere,” you smiled as you pulled Jin in by his chin and began kissing him sensually, the taste of you covering your lips now.
“If it wasn’t obvious, I really like you. The only name I wanna moan from now on is yours, okay?” Jin mumbled in between the kiss, his tongue dipping out to lick you off of his bottom lip.
You smiled, you knew you were cheesing so hard at the man’s words but you couldn’t help yourself. He just looked so cute sitting next to you with his curly hair and goofy smile. Here you were with the revered and respected Kim Seokjin, the voice for all the students on campus, and yet you’re the only thing on his mind and the only thing on his lips.
“Hm, you know I was so close to moaning Namjoon’s name…”
“You got jokes now.” Jin shook you slightly as you teased him.
He rolled his eyes as you laughed lightly before squaring your gaze back on him, your voice coming out soft and low, “I’m just kidding… seriously, I’m sorry for kissing him, I was just being petty.”
Jin nodded, “I get it, what I did was fucked up so I deserved to get humbled. But I’m hoping now that we talked this all out I could maybe take you out. Like on an official date?”
You feigned like you were thinking, your chin lifting up as your eyes flicked up to the ceiling. “Mm, that depends. Where you taking me?”
“Wherever you’d like, baby.”
“Then it’s a deal.”
You sealed the date with one last kiss that you smiled into before you both got up and frantically tried cleaning up the couch before Namjoon got back, knowing that if he found out about what you guys did he’d never let ya’ll hear the end of it.
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