#you’re setting up poor kids to feel like shit for no fucking reason when they compare themselves to rich kids
whatbigotspost · 6 months
I wish parents who are hardcore “wHat do YOu wAnT froM SAnTa????” “be GOOD or SANTA won’t come” “the elf is watching” general Christmas surveillance parents could figure out their lies w/o impacting or involving the rest of us.
I don’t wanna be complicit in this charade 😅 Esp when kids are asking me redic questions?? Like noooooo. I’m not saying shit bc I don’t causally lie sorryyyyyyyyy.
I get they think all this is cute or whatever but I didn’t like it as a kid and I don’t like it now.
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 9 months
The Mercs take Y/N to a nearby carnival in the badlands
WARNING: Chaos ensues. Why the fuck would you take them anywhere?
- He’s fine with this. He used to love going to carnivals. It was all him and his family could afford on weekends.
- You’re somewhat bothered by the heat but he’s resilient as fuck. “You want me to grab you some water, babe?” He doesn’t even wait for an answer. Returns in fucking milliseconds with water. You don’t know how he’s so damn fast.
- Sits on the fariswheel with you, he had planned this to be super romantic but he feels awkward. He tries to lighten the mood by standing up in the car and whacking his ball into the poor crowd of people. “Watch this. This is for you, babe.” The sandman ball hits a guy in the face and probably kills him. You’re pretty convinced he’s not alive anymore. “Home run!” He calls out. “Woooo!”
- EXCITED. EXCITED. EXCITED. If he were a dog he’d be wagging his tail. For all the wrong reasons. You know full well you’re in for a ride. It’s not a thrill ride.
- He takes the shooting games way too seriously. Gets mad when he doesn’t get the plush toy prize and pulls out his actual stock rocket launcher to rely on pure splash damage. (Where the fuck did he even hide that?) They’re forced to hand him his prize in fear for their lives.
- If you lose a game, he beats the shit out of the person running the stall. He insists it’s their fault and the game was rigged. Your shot is flawless.
- You leave him alone for TWO SECONDS and he’s already harassing a random bird on the fence he believes to be a Russian drone. Children are staring at him. You can’t take this man anywhere.
- He’s not used to this. He went to the Highland games as a kid. Never really had a carnival around his village. He experiences a bit of awe and intrigue as you walk the streets with him. He’s still in his vest and the people of Tuefort are heckling him. They know he’s one of those annoying mercenaries. He thinks this is fucking hilarious.
- He hates the food though. Eugh. He discovers pretty quickly he has a dislike for fried chicken. Insults America’s tastes to hell and back. Almost fucking vomits when he tastes the mac and cheese. What the fucking hell is wrong with you people?
- “Err.. Dontae think those rides are a bit dangerous?” He asks, jutting his thumb behind him. He doesn’t notice the kiddy rollercoaster breaking into pieces behind him followed by screaming families. He’s probably too used to that sound to process it coherently.
- Suspiciously eyes the men setting up the fireworks for tonight. He glares at them while sipping the cheap alcohol he begrudgingly bought at one of the food stalls. Nitpicks them for setting them up wrong. He sets them up himself but the fireworks nearly kill everyone. Turns out he made them more efficient. By that I mean deathly. “No, sweetheart. they’re FIREWORKS. FIREWORKS.” you tell his drunken stupid ass.
- Oh fuck he’s excited. He had good memories going to carnivals as a kid. Eats like a fucking beast and doesn’t hold back. You watch this man consume more than his own body weight.
- Goes straight to the mechanical bull. Asks you to hold his cowboy hat he wore on the way here. “Sit back and let a big man like me show you how it’s done, darlin.” He doesn’t even fall off once. It looks like he’s barely even moving. He stands up on the fucking bull and flips off the last guy who ate shit on it. Embarrassing him in front of his kids.
- As you’d suspect he’s sort of insulting the lack of regular maintenance on the rides. Whilst in line for the Zipper he shakes his head like a disappointed father and scraps the rusted paint off the ride with his glove. Crushing it to dust between his fingers. Shakes his head some more and sighs.
- Congratulations. The state of these rides have broken this poor man. He can’t take it anymore. Take him to the petting zoo with the farm animals right now before he suffers a brain hemorrhage.
- “What did little baby say about carnival?”
- He’s heard of carnivals in plenty of books but his life of isolation has prevented him from ever experiencing such a thing. The concept is almost alien.
- Well, he goes with you and he hates it. He looks like an incredibly discontent kitten the entire time. As you ride with him in all the kiddy rides, he looks even more pissed as he just so happens to break one of the rides upon sitting in it. The consequences of being a giant mass of muscle are truly unfortunate on this day.
- His face brightens up a little bit as you buy him a footlong sandwich. He’s never seen a sandwich this big before. He eats the entire thing within’ minutes.
- Finally you find a place in the carnival he somewhat enjoys but pretends not to. He hits the high striker so hard the bell fucking breaks and goes flying. He complains that this game is too easy — until he’s handed a cute little toy bunny of course. “I have been gifted rabbit?”
- Everybody is now batshit afraid of him.
- YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Bouncing in the car the entire way there. Miss Pauling had to drive you two there because Pyro doesn’t own a vehicle. She sighs in exasperation and asks pyro to“please quiet down, sweetie. Pauling is thinking.”
- You have a massive dog jumping off the walls of the car right now. They can’t sit still. Pauling is miserable. In other words, water is wet.
- Once she drops you off she makes you both swear to not catch anything on fire. It’s bad for business and doesn’t give them a good look. Pyro has no intentions of listening to her and heads straight for the fire eating performance. In their point of view; these people are somehow consuming rainbows.
- They do all sorts of things with you. Allowing you to lead the way to any attraction you felt drawn to. Whether it be trying to get dolls or getting on a ride. They seemingly want to do as much as possible before the sun goes down.
- after you tell them it’s late, they groan in despair but nod obediently. Prioritizing your guys’ shitty adulthood of work was sadly something that had to be done. They held your hand on the way back. Carrying a shit load of plush dolls in the other massive glove.
- “Did you two have fun?” Miss Pauling asks, you swear she puts on a motherly voice just for pyro. He excitedly claps his hands and agrees with her. She blinks though and sees the chaos behind you. You trace her gaze with confusion, wondering what she was gawking at. For some reason the entire carnival was on fire and you didn’t even notice on your way out that it spread to pretty much every corner.
- You both look back at Pyro. They’re holding a match. Of fucking course. Miss Pauling rubs her face. “I’ll call the firemen..” She sighs in defeat.
- “Carnivals are stupid.” He says, a lit cigarette between his teeth. “Jus’ mediocre entertainment. Not even good. Believe it or not I have standards for my own personal pleasure as well. I’m not going to some stupid thick headed colonel sanders’ freakshow to eat hot grease n’ Emu legs.” You have to correct him that it’s technically turkey legs. “Whatevea mate.”
- You somehow manage to convince him anyway. But he was doing this only for you. He growls as you drag him by the hand onto the carnival grounds. Wishing he was back in bed. He glares at everybody who even dares breathe in his direction.
- He likes the farm animals well enough but quickly diverts his attention away in slight intrigue upon seeing the shooting gallery. You are thrilled and BEG him to win a prize for you. “There’s no way in hell i’m doing that, love.” You want to see this guy in action and the look of shock upon everybody’s faces as Sniper beats multiple children.
- Well.. Okay. But only because you keep inflating his ego with your compliments. He goes up, gives the person in charge his money, and brings the scope to his eye. Multiple kids are in the gallery next to him and missing every single shot on the fake cardboard animals. He mutters an insult to their ineptitude. He doesn’t even have to look to know they didn’t land a shot.
- Sniper takes down literally all the targets within’ seconds. Including the ones that the poor children were shooting at. Every. single. cardboard animal.
- The person running the stall begrudgingly gives him the biggest teddy bear they have. The Teddy bear that multiple families present were wanting to get in the first place. Kids are complaining and parents are complaining. Life’s suddenly great. Sniper looks amused at the amount of attention and cracks a smile at you. He wonders how you knew this would make him happy.
- “Ack! what complete nonsense! I am far too busy of a man for such boyish games!” He acts dramatic about it. Crossing his arms and turning up his nose.
- “Yeah but— what if somebody dies on the broken ass rides? That’s like free organs right there.” You say.
- “Hoo. Well, you do have a point. Alright! I’m convinced. But only this once.”
- Medic is actually rather terrible at the gun related games. He can’t aim precisely. At one point you found a crossbow related game and he held his hand over his mouth in embarrassment. Realizing he had managed to hit everywhere but the desired target. You joke that hey— at least a life isn’t on the line this time. He passive aggressively slaps you over the head lightly with his glove and moves to the next game.
- You go to the bathroom and come back to see him dragging a bloodied dead body into his car. “Ah, I’d explain but it’s a rather long story!” he says enthusiastically. Accidentally holding up his equally bloodied ubersaw, and then immediately hiding it behind his back.
- He won’t go on the rides. He’s bold and brash but he isn’t an idiot. He knows full well those things aren’t structurally sound. He stands up tall in his usual thinking pose. A finger to his chin as he takes in the sight of the rides. “What are you thinking?” You ask him. He grins at you. That disgusting, devilish, i’m-making-an-evil-plan grin. You are now scared.
- He steals an entire fucking carnival ride for less than moral medical purposes. The ENTIRE FUCKING THING is in the back of his car and the car is chugging along. Wheezing and trying to get this thing back to the base. He’s going to break it apart and sow the parts onto a Frankenstein-like creature.
- Mother of god, can’t you guys go on a more relaxing date? One with less screaming, noisy music, and people? What about a nice five star restaurant? Or the park?
- He refuses to eat any of the food. At all. He’d rather starve in a ditch than eat such filth. Not even bothering with the alcohol. He avoids people like the plague and you’ll turn to ask him a question and WHOOOOSH! he won’t even be there until you reach your hand out and blink his invis watch by poking him. “Stop cloaking, pussy.”
- He literally begs you to choose another place. PLEASE. End his suffering. You swear you’ll find something here he enjoys though.
- You were standing in line for a ride and once you got to the front he had stepped out of line and said “Oh! after you.” In typical gentlemen fashion. Letting you go on the entire ride by yourself. You glare at him from the ride and he’s smirking mischievously. Waving his fingers to greet you.
- For the rest of the night he takes it upon himself to mess with you. You offer him some cotton candy and he hands it to a little boy in a stroller instead while nobody was looking. You saw that in the corner of your eye. “Im not fucking blind, Spy.” You say. He puts his hands behind his back innocently. “Oh, what? I consumed the wretched morsel like you asked!” “No, you didn’t Spy.”
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scoops-aboy86 · 28 days
well in that case,,, ♠️♥️
had a lovely idea of Eddie working at a diner and sort of getting pressured into eating what the customers send back; initially started as Eddie just asking to keep the food and since the staff see how skinny he is they're like grandma's always trying to feed their grandkids. This unintentionally becomes the norm and since he's a little shy in telling the grannies no thank you, he keeps going along with it. Unfortunately for him Steve, Tommy, and the one redhead girl tend to come in and be shitheads and they somehow always find “something wrong” with their food which ends in them basically getting a free meal. His loose apron grows tighter and tighter, belly spilling out the sides throughout the months and poor boy is always a little nauseous from pounding it back in between shifts. What's worse is the fact that nearly all the weight clung to his stomach meaning it's on full display even with the apron covering him and Tommy Hagan never let's him forget just how much he’s “porked up”. 🐷
I feel like you were thinking this would be set during high school, but I started writing and that’s not what ended up coming out. (That would be so much fun too, I’m just not in the headspace for writing mean girl era Steve at the moment.)
When I put this on ao3 the title is going to be “Kitchen Pig,” in honor of Tommy being an asshat and calling Eddie a garbage disposal.
It’s a quiet day at the diner but it’s already been a long shift, and Eddie is full. Just the right combination of patrons have come through so far—grannies missing their grandkids because their children got the hell out of Hawkins at first opportunity like sensible people and little old ladies who never had kids but have all this grandmotherly energy with no other outlet, mostly. They come in for the early bird specials and stay to dote on him, ordering extras and giving it to him because “you look dead on your feet, honey” or “you’re just so skinny!”
Which was fine a few pant sizes ago, but now that he's decidedly not skinny anymore it’s become routine. Just like it’s routine for Eddie to go along with it, because the handful of times he’s tried the combination of guilt and lightheadedness as his body tried to run on sensible portions of healthy things eaten at reasonable intervals had trained him not to bother resisting. Maintaining his former beanpole appearance isn’t more important than a paycheck, or not tripping over his own feet and whacking his head on something on the way down. (Only happened once, and he’d come out of his daze already sucking down the sugary soda and plowing through pieces of buttered toast that his own boss had foisted on him. Resistance, apparently, is futile.) 
He’s gotten to where eating is the only thing that keeps his mood steady while dealing with the roller coaster that is the service industry, and his only regret when he sees the couple that just came in is that he’s too full already to scarf down the slice of cake that Ethel Butler had ordered but barely touched, too preoccupied with showing Eddie the pictures her daughter-in-law had sent of the new baby. 
With a sigh, Eddie makes the extra effort to adjust himself, tries to get his shirt tucked into his pants without unsettling the apron that passes as a uniform. Tommy fucking Hagan is always ten times more likely to give him shit if it rides up; Carol Perkins, that gum-snapping bitch, always pretends to make sex moans while eating whenever Eddie passes, regardless of how he looks. All damn summer while they’re home from college. 
See? Routine. 
What’s not routine is that Steve Harrington is with them. 
And look, Eddie gets it. He and Steve are friends, but Steve had known Tommy and Carol since kindergarten. The three had split, and rightly so, back in ‘83 because the latter two were miserable assholes. Eddie would argue that that hasn’t changed, based on all his encounters with them any time they’re around. He hasn’t made this argument to Steve only because Steve is so optimistic about his former best friends growing into better versions of themselves now that they’ve seen more of the world, maybe had some sense finally knocked into them the way he had. It’s a nice thought. Eddie would love it if that were the case, because it would make Steve happy and he… likes Steve a lot. A normal amount! Because they’re very good friends. 
People who choose Hawkins, though, all seem to have something in common, even if Tommy and Carol come by it in a much different way than the old ladies. 
“Oh waiter,” Tommy calls out a few minutes after Eddie has brought the trio their orders. Like fucking clockwork. He doesn’t even listen to what the imaginary problem is, he’s heard it all by now: found a hair, food’s undercooked, food’s overcooked, too slimy, too dry, not enough salt, tastes like licking a salt-lick. What-fucking-ever. 
“I’ll get you something else,” Eddie says blandly, not looking at Steve as he takes the plate and turns to head for the kitchen. 
“Yeah yeah, as long as I’m not charged for this shit.” Tommy waves him off with a smirk, waiting until Eddie is half turned away before he adds, “Enjoy the extra snack, lardass.”
Carol giggles. “Do you think he’ll wait until he’s in the kitchen again, or is he finally fat enough he’ll just unhinge his jaw right here?”
Eddie freezes. Waits for Steve to say… anything, really. But when he glances back, Steve’s face is bright red, his lips pressed together so tight they’ve gone pale and a pained, uncertain look on his handsome face. 
It stings. And later Eddie can blame that hurt on what he turns back and does next, because he’s a big boy in  more than one sense; he can take what they throw at him because he’s been putting up with bullies his entire life. But right now he wants to look Steve square in the eyes and say Look, this is what they do. This is what you want to reconnect with. You’re really going to stay quiet?
“Hey Frankie,” Eddie calls over his shoulder, not quite breaking eye contact with the table. “Redo the entire order for table seven, okay? I gotta take my fifteen.”
His boss, who usually only allows ten minute breaks but knows all about these assholes and wouldn’t stand between Eddie and taking them down a peg or two, hollers back an affirmative while Eddie unties his apron. 
“Ooh, whatcha gonna do, Freak?” Tommy taunts. “Challenge me to a fight in the parking lot? You’re so out of shape, I bet even Steve here could take you. Hell, even Carol, couldn’t you baby?”
“He’d probably get winded just walking there,” she scoffs, but there’s a wary look in her eye that only intensifies when Eddie steps closer to the table. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Tommy asks, at the same moment Eddie says, “Scoot over, Harrington, I’m coming in.”
“Steve, don’t—”
But Steve is already shifting, ignoring Tommy, watching Eddie with big eyes that he can practically see the reflection of his own crazy-edged grin in. It’s one the kids in Hellfire know well from the punishing twists to his campaigns, and Steve knows from hanging out together ever since Spring Break last year. The one that did a lot of the heavy lifting to earn him the name Freak in the first place, all the way back in middle school when his head was still shaved. 
“Since I’m on my break now,” Eddie says with forced brightness, grin still in place, and setting Tommy’s rejected plate down in front of himself. Glances over and steals Steve’s fork and knife right out of his hands to dig into a big plate of huevos rancheros. “Oh damn,” Eddie comments with his mouth full, “you really don’t know your food, do you? Nothing wrong with this at all. That’s because Frankie knows his shit.”
There’s a distant clang from the kitchen and a muffled, “Damn right!”
“Mm—too bad you have zero taste.” Eddie levels a look at Tommy and Carol, sitting stiffly on the other side of the booth, looking as though a deer in the headlights had suddenly taken off its hoves, wiggled its fingers, and climbed into their car to hitch a ride. To his side, he can feel Steve’s warm presence and wishes it were a reassurance, rather than a possible liability. He doesn’t think the guy will push him out on his ass, but if these are the kind of jokers Steve wants to associate with? It never hurts to be prepared. 
So, Eddie stays alert as he can while he tucks into his impromptu meal. This isn’t one of his go-to entrees but it’s good, filling his mouth with rich, heavy flavors and lighting him up with the joy of savory food after a morning of nibbling on sugar-drenched waffles and pancakes. He takes a page out of Carol’s book, moaning through a full mouthful and hopefully ruining the taunt for her. Makes direct eye contact and does it again, dropping his table knife to place a soothing hand on his tightening belly. 
And it is tight, because he’d already been full. But Eddie Munson is not a runner these days; he’ll see this challenge through to the end. The stretch kind of feels good, after all the unintentional practice, and he knows he hasn’t hit his limit yet despite the discomfort. 
So he smirks in victory at the disgusted face Carol makes and takes bigger bites. The beans and salsa and egg, the tortillas that sop up all the favors, it all goes down surprisingly easy. If some of it drips onto his shirt, so what? Apron’ll cover that up. Uncaring, he spreads his legs (bumping up as against Steve’s warm thigh on one side) to give himself more room to expand, stealing Steve’s glass and taking several big gulps of Coke to wash down the last bites of Tommy’s food. 
“Aw yeah, hit the spot,” Eddie sighs once he’s scraped the plate as clean as possible with just a fork. He pats his belly with feeling, a few audible slaps, and it wobbles where it muffins out over the top of his pants, shirt already half untucked below the table despite his efforts earlier. 
Carol’s nose is still scrunched up and he hopes it sticks that way. “Well I’ve lost my appetite,” she announces, giving her own plate a dainty little push away. “I’m surprised this place even manages to stay open with you around, eating the customers’ food like a pig.”
Sensing another challenge, Eddie leans forward as if to investigate the food she’s rejecting. He already knows it’s tomato soup and grilled cheese, still hot from the kitchen, and he can feel his mouth watering in spite of himself. 
“Only the food they don’t want,” he replies easily, reaching forward and snagging it for himself. The bowl rattles on top of the plate as he drags it closer, ignoring the spoon still untouched on Carol’s napkin to go straight for dipping the sandwich in the soup and taking a big, dripping first bite. If he lets out a little moan again, no one has to know it’s for real. “People can be fickle, y’know,” he adds through a full mouth. “One minute they want what they ordered and the next they ditch it like miserable assholes. Not like that’s my fault, right? Or the food’s.” He swallows, takes the opportunity to glare and say more clearly, “You not liking something doesn’t mean it goes in the trash and rots. Who made you judge, jury, and executioner, huh?”
Steve stiffens beside him, and Eddie feels the sudden loss of him moving his leg away. And fine, yeah, he’d made a pact with Robin not to air how much they feel Tommy and Carol both suck and definitely don’t deserve Steve’s attempt to mend old bridges. Fuck it, though. If Steve won’t defend him then he’s on his own, right? The door swings both ways. Eddie didn’t start this. 
The tableau is interrupted by Frankie bringing out the three re-made plates himself, raising an exasperated eyebrow at Eddie. Naturally, Eddie responds by shrugging and then taking a large bite of soup-dunked grilled cheese. 
“Sir,” Carol says in an overly honeyed tone, “I’d like to make a formal complaint about our waiter. He’s—” she waves a hand in Eddie’s direction “—sitting at our table and eating our food.”
“Yeah,” Frankie grunts, just as exasperated as before regardless of the target. “And you kids always pull this one way’r another any time you come in. At least someone’s eatin’ it.” 
“We’re not kids,” Tommy says impatiently. “We’re in college.” (Again, Eddie feels Steve flinch slightly at his side, because only two of the people at this table are college students.) “Is this really how you treat paying customers?”
“You ain’t paid yet,” Frankie retorts with finality. He thunks the new plates down on the table and shuffles back to behind the counter, grumbling under his breath. Hard to make out what, but Eddie can guess it’s the one about spoiled brats with nothing to do but spend mommy and daddy’s money, that’s a pretty common one.
A moment later he returns to toss some to-go containers down too, along with the check, silently dropping the gauntlet. Because sure, it’s a quiet day, but this is the only diner in Hawkins ever since Benny’s closed. Frankie isn’t hurting for customers and doesn’t give a shit about being rude to a couple college students, having even fewer customer service bones in his body than his currently off-duty employee. 
Eddie shoots Tommy a baleful grin across the table and takes another big bite of Carol’s abandoned lunch. Grilled cheese has always been a favorite of his, crunchy and gooey at the same time and perfectly accentuated by the tanginess of the tomato soup; he’s quite enjoying it, despite the tension. 
“Fuck this,” Tommy snaps, and starts to stand—when Steve finally makes a move, reaching across the table and closing one hand around Tommy’s forearm. 
“Tommy,” Steve says, and he sounds weary. “You should pay for your food. I’ll cover mine, but don’t dine and dash, man.”
The look on Tommy’s face is one part surprise, two parts petulant. “The fuck, Steve? We didn’t even eat anything, this garbage disposal did.” And he glares at Eddie like this is all his fault, as though he hadn’t started it. Eddie finishes the last of the first half of the sandwich in one huge bite to keep from hissing at him like a feral cat. 
“You asked for new food and they made it,” Steve replies flatly. “Come on.”
Eddie opens his mouth to say something sarcastic about leaving a tip for prompt service, but catches Steve’s warning look out of the corner of his eye and thinks better of it. 
Because Steve is a good guy, he helps box up their food. But he leaves his own two BLTs where they are and doesn’t go to follow them when they scoot out of their side of the booth, not even when they stand around awkwardly for a moment waiting for him to, what? Kick Eddie off the edge of the bench?
Instead, Steve stares Tommy down until even he gets a scowl. “You know what, Harrington? Fuck you. You think you’re so much better than us, because you stayed in this shithole and now everyone thinks you’re some sort of hero for helping rebuild it after the earthquake. Fine! It’s all yours. Hope you enjoy the smell of pig shit.” He shoots Eddie one more parting sneer. “Take that one to the county fair and you’ll probably even win a prize.”
They leave the diner, and Eddie turns to Steve to say… he’s not even sure what, some combination of good riddance and sorry for how much you got caught in the crossfire there man, probably. He’s already forgiven Steve for not speaking up, never able to hold anything against him for long. Doing so probably would have just made even more of a scene, anyway. 
But before he even can, Steve nods to the second half of the grilled cheese and says, “You should finish that.” And when Eddie just blinks at him, he points helpfully to the remaining grilled cheese and soup. “Don’t waste food, Eds.”
Which spins him a little because… is Steve mad at him? He doesn’t seem mad, but he can be good at hiding it sometimes and Eddie can’t tell. And if he’s not mad, then what is this?
“Come on, I know grilled cheese is your favorite.”
Slowly, Eddie brings the other half of the sandwich up to his mouth. He takes a big bite, out of habit. Chews and swallows. The food lands warm and heavy in his stomach, comforting even though he’s still uncertain. Steve watches the whole time, looking calm and collected and not at all like his childhood best friend just told him to go fuck himself. 
When he finishes that, Steve reaches for the plate with the extra BLT and moves it in front of Eddie. “Think you can fit a little more?”
Frankie’s BLTs aren’t what Eddie would call little. Without squishing it down, he actually might have to unhinge his jaw to get a full bite, and he’s eaten so much today already. But then Steve’s thigh bumps against his again, and Steve leans against his side just a little, and there’s a hand… Steve’s hand, slipping palm down between his belly and where it rests on his lap. 
“Um,” Eddie says stupidly. 
“I thought they would’ve grown up more,” Steve says quietly. “But then we got here, and they started saying shit to you… I'm not sorry for giving it a shot, but I’m sorry they’re such assholes. I should’ve at least made us go somewhere else so you didn’t get caught up in it. Thanks for what you said, about… about being fickle and ditching stuff. You’re a good guy, Eddie.”
“I try,” he replies, very much trying to not pop the world’s most inappropriately timed boner. Because even though his pants are cutting into his middle and his shirt has ridden a good inch or two all the way around and that means Steve is touching his bare skin right now, Eddie feels strangely comfortable. He’s off of his tired feet after a long shift, he’s so full that he aches a little, and the guy he—his best friend is close and warm, anchoring him so firmly in his body and the present moment that he feels everything. It’s overwhelming, but so good. 
“And the other reason we should’ve gone somewhere else,” Steve continues, his voice dropped to a smooth murmur now that makes Eddie shiver, “is because I didn’t realize how early you started today.”
Eddie swallows hard, barely processing the words. That tone is making his boner situation worse, and Steve, who is moving his hand in slow, aimless circles along his thigh, could notice it any minute now. He doesn’t want to have to explain it, but feels a hopeless little thrill at the prospect of trying. “My, uh. My shift’s almost over.”
“I can tell. Wanna know how?”
Does he? “Yeah…”
Three things happen in quick succession, bam bam bam. Steve’s breath hits his ear; his hand slides to where Eddie is very obviously chubbed up in his increasingly tight jeans; and Steve whispers, “You move differently when you’re full.”
“Oh fuck,” Eddie breathes, eyes fluttering shut. “Are you—Is this happening?”
An hour ago he’d been looking at baby pictures with a new grandma, and now Steve Harrington is feeling him up at work. 
Steve gives him a little squeeze that makes Eddie want to turn inside out, it feels so good. His blood is pounding in his ears and dick and stomach. “Yeah. Why, have I been running through your dreams?”
That is such a line, Eddie almost says, but apparently lines work with him when it’s Steve saying them. Instead, he nods. 
“Makes more sense than the other way around, doesn’t it?” he manages, hand patting his own belly again as though anyone looking at him could possibly miss what he means. 
“You’ve been in my dreams plenty,” Steve replies, making Eddie shiver again. “But yeah, you don’t do a lot of running in them. So… here’s an idea.” He takes a breath, the first suggestion of nerves Eddie has noticed so far. “If you still have room, I’ll take the rest of this to go and wait for you in my car. Your van’s still in the shop, right?”
Now Steve’s hand is rubbing again, a slow grinding up-down-up-down of his palm through denim that feels so exquisite it’s otherworldly. Eddie is fighting to keep his eyes from rolling back in his head. “Y-yeah…”
“Good. Call your uncle, tell him you don’t need a ride home. I’ll take all this and pull around back and wait for you… Do you have anything else set aside in the kitchen?”
For a second, part of Eddie thinks, Steve knows about that?! But that’s stupid, because he’s laughed about it with all his friends, the way the little old ladies fuss over him and insist he eat while he works—like they didn’t get the memo about the whole cultist, wanted murderer thing, or maybe don’t recognize him from the wanted posters. (He does wear less black and puts his hair up at work, after all.) Laughed about it more as he started to look plumper, went from overfed to overweight. 
What was it Steve had told him once? That… That he shouldn’t worry about it, because he wears it well. Jesus, if Eddie had known he meant it like this—
“Slice of cake,” he whispers, the only way he can stop it coming out as a moan. God, he’s so full and bloated, belly on display in a shirt that might never fit him again, but he wants that cake now. Wants to shove it in his face while Steve keeps touching him, never stop if that’s what it takes to keep his attention. “Ch-chocolate cake that Ethel didn’t eat.”
“Good. Bring that when you clock out,” Steve tells him. “And anything else you want. Maybe a few sodas? Since you sucked down half of mine like it was nothing.”
Eddie’s eyes fly to Steve’s face, but he doesn’t look annoyed. He looks kind of smug, but mostly… hungry. It sends sparks through Eddie’s entire body, that goddamn Harrington charm. 
“I want to see what you look like filled all the way up, big boy.”
The end of Eddie’s shift can’t come soon enough. He’s never moved so fast while already feeling this stuffed before, and Steve’s bright laughter follows him through snatching up all the cash on the table and booking it through the kitchen's swinging door, apron forgotten at the booth.
Permanent tag list (ask to be added): @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @tangerinesteve
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le-trash-prince · 9 months
Ray fans look away because I’ve got to vent a little.
One thing that particularly rubbed me the wrong way in regards to Ray using Sand as a surrogate caretaker was the comment about the nurse because it shows that Ray is not as helpless as he makes himself seem—he just wants to be spoiled.
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And this is coming from personal bitter experience of having wealthy friends use me for both physical and emotional labor :| I had a friend tell me that she didn’t need to bother getting therapy because I could just repeat everything my own therapist was saying (even though she would then argue with every statement because she didn’t actually want to get better lmfao). I had a friend whose parents were Multiple Houses Rich tell me that therapy was “too expensive” as an excuse for constantly trauma dumping on friends—and then later that year drop 25k in cash on a car lmfao AHDJFJD JUST TO PUT IN PERSPECTIVE THE PERSONAL SALT I HAVE. I hate seeing rich ppl take advantage of someone less wealthy just so they can get something for free.
Because Ray has the audacity here to act like he’s helpless and uncared for, even though he has the money to meet his own damn needs! And Sand is rightfully commenting on it, just as he did earlier when he told Ray to save his money for a shrink.
Because yes, therapy is expensive. Rehab is expensive. Not everyone has access to those things, but Ray does! But instead he demands that Sand be the one to put in the work to make Ray feel better about himself.
Things like that can make a person feel really devalued. You feel obligated to help a friend because you want them to feel cared for, but when they manufacture these situations in order to demand labor from you, it makes you feel like they don’t care about the reason you’re doing this. No matter how much you bend over backwards to make sure that they’re okay, that they’re healthy—they don’t respect that effort by trying to take care of themselves. All they care about is getting attention.
And when it comes from a rich person, it’s like, what the fuck man? Why do you feel so entitled? You think your life is so stressful? You’re going to say that your life is stressful when Sand is working multiple hustles in order to pay off his family debts and get through school? Sand needs a roommate in order to be able to afford his apartment, meanwhile Ray is benefitting off of his dad’s second home. Ray can afford to have a nurse take care of him, but instead he asks Sand to take time away from making money that he needs.
Ray has never had to deal with the stress of paying for rent or food or dealing with debt collectors banging on his door. The only stress in his life is that people want him to care about himself! It really bugs me when rich ppl act like their needs are the only ones that matter 😠
The only thing standing between Ray and sobriety is Ray himself. And I’m not saying this to devalue how difficult it is to climb out of that pit, because I have fought depression myself for many years. But the barrier for a poor addict to reach sobriety is so much higher and the judgment they face for not being able to afford help is so much worse.
And I can’t believe Ray had the audacity to complain about his dad wanting him to get rehab. Like, this kid would prob be set up in the nicest rehab center in the country, going on nature walks and doing pottery, but he acts like it’s a sign that his dad doesn’t give a shit.
I’m not going to pretend like his dad is a great parent, but I’ll be honest—I’ve seen worse from people with alcoholic kids. I’ve seen people refuse to visit their kids in the ER when they’re at deaths door because it would be too much of a blemish on their reputation to acknowledge they’ve got an alcoholic kid—so I was honestly surprised Ray’s dad even showed up. The way his dad acted wasn’t great, but wanting his kid to get better is above the bare minimum of wanting his kid to disappear. 🤷‍♂️
I’ll also say this, but people who love Ray wanting to see him love himself is not a bad thing. No, it’s not easy to love yourself, it takes a lot of fucking work, but that doesn’t mean you should just avoid the work and push it off onto other people. He has people in his life who see enough value in him that they want him to feel the same way. And this episode has shown that no matter how much work someone else puts into loving and supporting a broken person, it will never make a difference until that person learns to love themselves.
Anyways I’m glad that the Poor Boy shirt returned to Sand this episode because I am done with feeling sorry for the rich boy. I don’t think this show is brushing over the class difference between Ray and Sand—it’s just Ray and Sand who have been trying to ignore it.
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This is a direct follow up to #35.
“Glad to see you make it up here ok. I’m Robert, and you are?... Eddie. Good to meet you. Did you enjoy the drive? It really is nice. That’s part of the reason why I live up here. We don’t get many clients that come up here. Most order on line, but you are the first of the season. I reviewed your e-mail again and I think I have a selection of rimchairs for you. It would help me to narrow down your selections more if you answer some additional questions….
“Here, let’s go into the workshop. So, is this going to be a chair for you? Good. Are you the ass or the ass eater? Will you ever go underneath it?... No? Ok. Don’t worry, the only time I go under mine is to work on it.... Women, men, or both?... Women. Is this part of a S&M or kink situation?... That’s fine. It’s very rare for me to find someone willing to spend all this money for the sensual aspects of eating ass. Did you bring a slave woman with you? That’s fine. Most straight men don’t….
“No, I prefer fags under mine; is that going to be an issue here? I only ask because, I want to find the best rim chair for you, and I have a wealth of expertise I rely on. I don’t want to share my experiences with you and have it be awkward.
“Good! Good! Unless we need him, the faggot is up at the main house. That reminds me, will you be using the rim chair for full toilet activities? No… you would be surprised with just how many people are. Hell, every single dominatrix I have made a rim chair for is into it. And some of those women are fucking brutal to their slaves.
“So here let’s start with these three. The left two are designed primarily for rear entry and this third one is for the front. Me personally, I prefer my slave lying behind me when he’s attending to my shithole. His tongue seems to go in deeper and at a better angle. And I don’t have to spread my legs when he’s there. That’s one of the big difference between men and women is that women are narrower than men. It gets uncomfortable at times. For me it’s just easier with it behind me. Do you have a preference?... That’s fine. They will be designed for front and rear entries, but structurally it will be designed one way.
“It’s really all about comfort. Comfort was actually that reason that got me into making rimchairs. What I saw out there was horrible. They were rimseats. To me rimseats are different than what I make. Rimseats are essentially toilet seats on legs. The faggot lies underneath, and I would squat down. I’m a big guy and I can’t sit that low for a long time, before my legs start to cramp up, about fifteen to twenty minutes at most. The problem with making the legs longer is that the faggot underneath is then straining to keep his head buried in the crack of my ass. Either it is straining to keep its tongue buried deep, or its head can move all around. Either way, the faggot tires quickly and it’s a piss poor rimjob.
“That’s why I started with the idea of transforming regular chair designs into rimchairs. I have throne-like chairs, deck chairs, reclining chairs, dining chairs, and so on. Every one has support for the toilet lying underneath, so that multiple hour-long sessions are not a problem. I can customize it to a specific head size, as well as how far in you want the slave’s face when you sit down. Or, some of the chairs allow for adjustability. I personally like feeling my faggot’s face getting wedged in there, and then to have its mouth lined up to connect with my shithole. That is priceless. No other feeling of power compares with it. If you are into slaves that are reluctant, I can make the head spaces very restrictive. I can even create a box, measured exactly to your slave’s head where they can’t move an inch. My slave tells me that it gets very claustrophobic under it. I even designed is so that the slave places its head in the box and the hinged platform lowers with a piece going below the slave’s chin preventing the slave from pulling out from underneath until you get up off the chair and let it out.
“I see you like the casual desk chair. I have one just like it at my work desk. My faggot is under that one for hours. I can be doing work, surfing the internet, or jacking off to porn. I’m not even paying attention to the tongue fucking I’m getting. It’s just adding to the general euphoria of what I’m doing.
“You have a wife, girlfriend, bitch slave, or whatever?... Oh you have an out of state friend with benefits that likes to eat ass? From what I have learned through the years, it’s hard to find a woman into it. That’s fucking awesome.
“If you really love your butthole tongued for a long time, maybe you should get a fag, until you find the right bitch. Seriously. I had one client purchase a similar seat to that one, that he had installed in his playroom. It was up against a wall. He enclosed the sides of the chair. There was a hole in the wall that the ass eater would crawl through. It was an 18 year-old faggot from down the street, and that fag tongue fucked like no other I have ever tried out, and yeah I tried it out. The most interesting thing is that they had a set time each week when they did this. The kid came in through a dedicated entrance, and the client sat down, neither of them said a word to the other. Truly amazing.
“Go on, have a seat. I’ll have it customed to your ass and thighs so that when you are sitting, your cheeks are comfortably spread. You know, those Carhartt pants are restricting your ass and legs. You’re not getting the proper placement of your ass.
“Why don’t you take them off? Other than me and shithead up in the house, no one is going to see you. I get maybe, maybe one customer a week. When we go into the design room to take measurements, I will need you to have them off. Leaving your underwear on is better than this. Briefs, no briefs. We don’t care…. Commando? We don’t care about that either.
“Look, if you think this is my way of seducing you, let me say that I like faggot boys, not real men like yourself. I get turned on when I know a man—a real hard working man—is getting his dick, ass, and everything else taken care of at the expense of faggots. I’m not talking about gay boys. I mean faggots, boys who exist to serve a real man, to take care of that man’s needs including draining his balls, eating his ass, and so on. To a faggot, draining your cock and eating your shithole is the reason for its existence, even at the expense of its own needs. So no, I wouldn’t dream of sticking my cock in you. You can count on that.
“Don’t worry about my faggot; its tiny pecker is permanently locked away. It has been that way ever since he got here last fall. You remember that first snowstorm we had? Well right before the snowfall hit its car ran out of gas, and it got stuck. At least that was its story. I made it an offer, find someone else to help in the snowstorm, or submit to me. I’ve kept it naked, with its pecker painfully locked up in that device ever since. I’ve trained it to service my shithole for hours on end. It hasn’t cum in the five months it’s been serving me.
“Let me text it to come down here…. No, it’s no problem. Go ahead and get comfortable. Take the pants off, leave them on the table. It’s best to put your work boots back on.
“That’s a beautiful cock you have. I bet the women love it. Stop the modesty thing. You are a fucking hot man, you should relish in the adoration. Have a seat. Doesn’t that feel good on your ass? You can feel the spread, but it doesn’t feel like you are falling in? Now imagine a moist tongue darting in and out of your crack.
“And speaking of a moist tongue, here’s the fag…. Faggot! This is Sir Eddie. Get under the seat and get to work….
“No more protesting. I don’t care how dirty it is. I saw your skid marks in your pants, the fag will clean you up. He lives for shit like this. Its tongue feels good in there, doesn’t it? Don’t answer, I can see it on your face. Just relax.
“I will be over there in the design shop if you need me. Try out any of the other chairs. The faggot will do whatever you want or need to feel good. You can stay as long as you like. Even over night or throughout the rest of the weekend. The fag will take care of everything for you. It’ll eat your farts, drink your piss, throat your shaft, take a beating, or whatever. Just tell it what you want, and it will comply. By the end you will understand why a faggot is better than a bitch. Make me a good enough offer, and I may throw the faggot in.”
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cower-before-power · 4 years
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Summary: Gojo has sinned, and he will repent at the altar of his beloved
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
TW: swearing, implied sexual content, idolatry
Link to A03 here
A/N: First time writing for everyone’s favourite sensei, hope I did him justice. This man can step on me. Enjoy, sweet potatoes!
“You’re late.”
He laughs softly from the doorway. “I told you I would be.”
“I know,” you say, your eyes focused on the rising moon out the window. “But you’ve always said I was the exception.”
“You are,” you can hear walk over to the closet; next, the rustling of clothes as he sheds his uniform. “But Yuuji-kun is doing so well I got overexcited and just had to stay a bit longer. When I was finished with him, I was planning on rushing straight home to you, but then I ran into my other darling first years. They wanted me to watch them fight. Their training for the exchange is coming along nicely too.”
“Hmmmmm,” you hum, rocking on your heels, “good reasons to be late, I suppose.”
You can’t help but let a little irritation creep into your voice. You’re not angry with him, not truly, but you can’t help be a little annoyed. Your lives were so busy it was often hard to find time to actually act like a couple. The two of you had set aside tonight to finally go out together, a real date. You’d made reservations at a fancy restaurant and even got dressed up for once. Not that you didn’t love your late night routine of takeout, Netflix and sex, but it was nice every once and a while to get out.
To pretend everything was normal. To pretend you were normal.
So when he texted you that he was sorry but things came up, could you please cancel the reservation-you couldn’t help but feel....cast aside.
You loved Gojo’s dedication to his students and his passion for his cause. You were proud of his strength, his powers. But sometimes it felt like you were a planet orbiting around his brilliant sun, competing with all the others for his warmth and light. He was the best, and was always needed by someone somewhere. You knew it was what you were in for when you put your heart in his hands, but it was still sometimes a bitter pill to swallow.
“You’re upset with me,” he says, and you finally turn to face him. He’s out of his uniform and only in a pair of dark sweatpants; your favourite look. You have a strong urge to run to him and bury yourself in his chest. You stay put.
“No not at you, per say,” you run your hands through your hair, taking out the style you’d coaxed it into earlier. “Just at life, I guess. Things are always crazy around here, but they seem to be getting even wilder and it just makes it even harder for us to spend quality time together.”
“You’ve never complained before.”
You sigh, tugging at the straps of your dress. “I know, I know. I’m just in a mood today, I guess. I was really looking forward to going out, and when you texted me, I just felt, I don’t know, shuffled aside.”
He stays quiet, face unreadable. It’s unusual and quite frankly rather unsettling. You feel guilt suddenly bubble hotly in your stomach.
“I mean, it’s fine! What you were doing was very important! Yuuji needs all the training he can get, poor boy. Plus, Megumi and Nobara miss you, they’ve noticed you haven’t been around a lot and they probably just wanted to see you be proud of them, even if they’ll never admit it. I’m being silly, I mean, who cares if we missed the reservation, the students and their training is definitely more important than going out with me-“
Your words die on your lips as you find yourself suddenly pressed flush against the chest you were just admiring moments earlier. You blink and gasp-bright blue eyes are staring intently down into yours. It always stuns you momentarily to see them. They are like sapphires; not only beautiful in shine and hue, but rare and precious. They only show up when he’s feeling particularly loving and mushy, or the very limited occasions when he gets serious.
You have a feeling it’s the latter.
“What have I told you about being too kind, angel?” He scolds you, shaking his head as he cups your face in his large, warm hands. “Just come out and say I’m the asshole here.”
“Hush now,” his voice grows stern, the tone he uses when he’s got you at his mercy. You obey on instinct, snapping your lips shut. “I shouldn’t have stayed so long at school, and I definitely shouldn’t have assumed that cancelling would be okay without asking. I’ve never, ever wanted you to feel like you’re playing second string, and I’ve gone and done just that.”
You frown. “I don’t feel like that all the time, please don’t think I-“
“Once is one time too many,” he interrupts. His fingers smooth over your skin, stroking the frown from your face. “I clearly fucked up. I let my angel, my reason to live, my sweet darling thief who stole my heart, down.”
(You feel warm. So he is feeling mushy as well as serious.)
He replaces his fingers with his lips, featherlight brushes over your skin that make your knees begin to wobble. “It’s okay,” you breathe, eyes slipping shut so he can kiss your eyelids gently. “You didn’t mean to.”
He laughs. “Sweetness, you are shit at being mad at someone. This is the part where you call me a prick and make me grovel for forgiveness.”
“You’ve never groveled in your life,” you hum. The irritation you’d been feeling earlier is melting away under his gentle ministrations. He hadn’t meant to hurt you. He sometimes forgets the two of you didn’t always operate on the same wavelength. He sometimes forgets that everyone didn’t operate on his wavelength.
“Another exception I’d make for you,” he nibbles at your bottom lip, and you can’t help but chase him, trying to catch him in a proper kiss. He just laughs and sweeps a thumb over where he’s just nipped. “I’ll even get on my knees.”
The image of the worlds most powerful shaman on his knees before you sends a shiver up your spine. And the perceptive bastard doesn’t miss it. He pulls away, peeling himself from your body with a sticky slowness that causes the air around you to heat and thicken. He sinks to his knees before you, palms upturned in perfect piety.
“Oh goddess divine, please accept my humble apologies,” the words drip from his lips like a sacred prayer. “I have displeased you, and I seek to make amends.”
“Only you could apologize and make fun of someone at the same time,” you murmer, feeling your cheeks begin to flush. “You’re an idiot.”
“An idiot who only wishes to repent for his sins,” he grins lazily up at you, and his upturned hands are suddenly on your legs, beneath your dress. His thumbs begin to rub circles on your inner thighs. Time stops; your next breath lodges in your throat.
“Tell me what I must do,” his voice is smooth like the silk of his blindfold, slipping over you. He leans in and presses a kiss just above your right knee. His mouth is hot against your skin.
“Ummmm....” you try to speak, but nothing comes out but a choked whimper.
“I’m waiting very patiently,” another kiss, this time slightly higher. Your brain begins to malfunction. You open and close your mouth, trying to get the words out, but there’s nothing. Nothing but his warm breath and deft hands. Nothing but crystalline blue darkened with hunger. Nothing but need beginning to boil in your blood.
“I’ll just have to decide the form of atonement myself,” he murmurs, skimming his nose along your inner thigh. His hands slowly slide up your legs, your dress is coming up with them....
And then you both hear it.
The loud grumbling of your very empty belly.
He pulls back and blinks up at you. You stare back, mouth open. And then you both burst into raucous laughter.
“What a mood killer,” he grins, sitting back on his heels. “I’ve never been cockblocked by your stomach before.”
“Sorry!” You rub the offending area, still giggling. “I guess in all my stewing I forgot I was hungry.”
He’s on his feet in a flash. “Well we can’t have you starve on me, can we, sweetness? I know, how about I cook for us?”
Your eyes light up. Gojo is an excellent cook, but he rarely does it due to his busy and exhausting schedule. And his bad habit of filling up on sweets. “Really?”
“Sure,” he’s already across the room, throwing on a shirt and his blindfold. “Tell you what, you go have a nice hot soak in the tub while I cook. I’ll bring you a glass of wine and something from my extra secret sweets stash to tide you over till I’m done.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Something from the secret stash? I’m honoured.”
He grins. “Another exception for my angel.” He suddenly claps his hands together. “Oh, and tomorrow we’ll play hookey! Go to Tokyo for the whole day, and I’ll spoil the absolute shit out of you. The kids can survive a day without us.”
“You already spoil me,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I’ll just be happy to spend a whole day just us.”
“No arguments!” He wags his finger. “I will drop mad cash on you and you will enjoy it.”
“Ugh you are such a dork,” you roll your eyes, but your heart fills with love for this silly man. You know he really is sorry and is trying to make it up to you. He’s an idiot on occasions, but he’s your idiot, and you wouldn’t trade him for the world.
You make to move towards the bathroom, but the lingering feel of his touch on your skin reminds you.
“Hey, what happens after the bath and food?”
Before you can blink, he’s back in front of you, gathering you against him. His smile is absolutely feral, and you can feel his smouldering gaze even through the black fabric now covering his eyes.
And his lips are descending on yours, hot and hungry. He licks into your mouth, swallowing the moan that’s threatening to escape. There’s nothing left but him. His touch, his taste, his scent. He is everywhere, in every sweep and valley of your body, in every corner of your pounding heart. He consumes you like fire consumes a forest, and you are happy to burn, burn, burn.
All too soon he pulls away, and you are left empty. Bereft. Lost. But he leans back in, his lips brushing your ear, his voice dark with reverent desire.
“I’ll worship at the altar of my divine goddess until my penance is paid a hundred fold.”
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ _____________________
ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ’s!ʙᴇsᴛ!ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ!ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs ᴀᴜ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: You and Buck have always been close growing up but you two soon learn that the line that separates friendly and flirting is a lot thinner than you think.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: fluff, slight angst bc u got a shit bf, big bro vibes from bucky, smut duh [18+ minors dni (slight praise but also slight degradation, marking, belly bulge, squirting, fem!rec oral, unprotected sex, plz be safe irl, slight choking, pet names: darling&princess, i think that’s it lmk plz)]
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: hey assholes i'm back for the time being lol. I have a few ideas and fics I'm currently writing right now so do not fret.
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You knew this was a horrible idea. 
It’s Saturday night and you and your boyfriend were back in another night club after being kicked out from one just hours before. Daniel had gotten too drunk, as he always does, causing you to kindly ask the bartender to cut him off. Daniel didn’t take that too lightly resulting in a gnarly swing at the poor guy just doing his job. 
Security threw you out and Daniel called an Uber to go where you thought was going to be your apartment but twenty minutes later you pulled up to another club practically on the other side of town. You yelled at Daniel but he pushed aside stumbling inside for yet even more drinks and mistakes waiting for him inside. 
You sat at the bar simply drinking some water and snacking on some peanuts keeping your eye on your garbage boyfriend. You're constantly checking the time on your phone, annoyed with every passing minute. It was 2 am and you just wanted to go home and sleep. You were even debating texting your brother Steve hoping you could just crash at his place not too far from where you were but it would be incredibly irresponsible to just leave Daniel in the state he’s in. 
So you waited and waited and waited. Your eyelids felt heavy and your energy was just completely drained. You were basically a zombie. It wasn’t until a guy approached your half asleep body that you felt a sense of alert. Daniel was shit-faced so you were practically defenseless. 
“Hey,” the guy shouted over the music.
“Sorry, I’m not interested. My boyfriend’s-” you quickly said, only to be cut off.
“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna hit on you. I’ve got a boyfriend of my own,” he chuckled, making you breathe out in relief. 
“Sorry,” you cringed at yourself. 
“It’s alright; but uh, I hate to be the one to tell you this. You might want to check with your boyfriend,” he said sympathetically. 
You pushed your way through the crowd scanning every face in search of Daniel. What did he do? Is he hurt? Did he get in trouble again? Is he getting arrested? Where is he-
“Daniel?” you said eyes tearing up a bit. 
His arms were wrapped around another girl’s waist as he kissed her the way he kissed you. She practically moaned as their tongues slobbered disgustingly with each other. Their hips grinding against each other proactively as if you weren’t even there. Sadness turned to anger, and anger turned to rage, gripping Daniel’s short hairs and pulling his head away from whoever this girl was. 
“What the fuck?” the girl complained, her eyes completely bloodshot. 
“Did he tell you that he was here with his girlfriend tonight?” you're sad with gritted teeth. Daniel stumbled around still unable to register what the hell was happening. 
“Oh my god, you forreal?” she said.
“Who fucking cares? She’s a prude anyway. I got more action with you than I did her in the past, what, six months?” Daniel slurred. 
“You know what, you’re a fucking prick, dude. She deserves so much better than you; I bet your dick is small anyway,” the girl said.
“Fuck you too bitch,” Daniel spit. 
“I can’t believe you,” you said. 
“Oh, whoop-dee-doo, big fucking surprise. Babe, you’re a prude. Can’t you see it? I don’t know why I’m wasting my time with you anymore,” he practically puked out the words without any second thought. 
“Fine, then I hope you enjoy the rest of your night, you fucking asshole,” you stormed away holding in the tears; he wasn’t worth it. 
Almost three am and you just dumped your cheating lowlife boyfriend on the other side of town. Steve wasn’t answering his phone and you even wanna be near the club anymore. Walking speedily staring at your screen desperate to call an Uber home, you bumped harshly into a hard chest falling to the ground on your bum. 
“Fucking hell, I’m so sorry, darling,” the man said helping you up by your elbows.
“It’s ok. I wasn’t looking- Bucky?” 
“Oh, hey kid. What are you doing? It’s like three in the morning and you don’t live anywhere near here,” Bucky said, crossing his arms. 
“Daniel got himself kicked from the one by our apartment and Ubered here instead.”
“So where’s Daniel?” Bucky scowled; he’s always hated that guy, so did Steve.
“Probably fucking some other chick in the bathroom,” your voice cracked. 
“It’s nothing; I just want to go home,” you cried.
“Hey, it’s ok; it’s ok. Do you wanna crash at me and Steve’s? He’s gone for the weekend with Peggy; you can stay in his room at least for the night,” Bucky offered; so that’s why Steve’s not answering his phone. 
“I don’t wanna intrude on your night. I can just call an Uber, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. Steve’ll kill me if he found out I left his baby sis alone in the streets of New York at three in the morning. It’s not a problem, we were just bar hopping and I stopped drinking ages ago.”
“Are you sure, Buck?”
“Of course,” he smiled warmly at you. 
“Hey, Nat!”
“What’s up?” a beautiful redhead approached you both.
“Gonna head home ; don’t do anything stupid,” he chuckled. 
“You too,” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, “Catch you Monday?” 
“You’re stupid. I’ll see ya,” Bucky laughed before grabbing your hand and headed towards his apartment. 
“Thanks again, Buck. For letting me stay here tonight,” you said once you entered his apartment. 
It had been a while since you hung out at your brother’s apartment but nothing’s changed. Typical men and their inability to change even a throw pillow. You set your small bag on the couch before Bucky led you to Steve’s room. There were pictures of you and him posing at Steve’s graduation; and later your own. Pictures of Steve and Bucky at a theme park, during a bar-be-que for Steve’s birthday. So many memories that Steve held onto in his room. 
“Time really flies doesn’t it?” Bucky said, slightly startling you.
“Sorry,” he chuckled.
“No, you’re fine. But you’re right. Feels all these pictures were taken yesterday,” you reminisced. 
“I got you some clothes if you need to change; I’ll give you privacy,” Bucky said, slipping from the room briskly. 
You sat on the bed frustrated with everything. Your body was so drained from being up so early in the night, to the fight with Daniel. The past couple months with him were so awful. He was just so mean to you all the time and you didn’t know what you did wrong. Where did it go wrong? When did things shift?
"Is everything ok, darling?" Bucky asked quietly, knocking on the door when you hadn't come out after a while.
"What did I do wrong? I thought he loved me," you choked out. 
Bucky sighed as he walked over to the bed sitting beside you before engulfing you in a warm hug. You cried into his shoulder and Bucky couldn't help the anger that bubbled inside him for your excuse of a boyfriend Daniel. He never got along with the guy and now he finally has a reason to knock his teeth in.
"You didn't do anything, I know it. That prick wouldn't know love if it hit him in the face. It's his loss. You deserve so much better than that asshole. Look at me, you're so beautiful and funny and fucking adorable; any guy who can't see how perfect you are, is a dense piece of shit." 
"James," you whispered. 
His words made your heart skip and your stomach flutter. But Bucky’s always had that effect on you. Even growing up. You weren’t going to sit there and pretend that hearing his words hadn't had a deeper effect than they would’ve coming from Daniel. Sometimes you wondered what being with Bucky would be like. You’re not the first to admit how handsome Bucky was and growing up you did have quite the crush on your brother’s best friend.  
You don't know what it was, whether it was the alcohol still swimming through your veins, or just feeling so vulnerable being in Bucky's arms but you wanted him badly. You needed him, needed to feel something again. And you knew he could give it to you. You pressed your lips to his and in an instant his hands dropped to your hips pulling you impossibly close against his body. Your hands went to the back of his head as you kissed him messily. Your noses bumped and teeth clashed but it was the best kiss you’ve ever had. 
“Fuck, your brother’s gonna kill me,” Bucky mumbled, almost to himself, as he slowly laid you down on your back.
Bucky’s hands trailed up your thighs, squeezing the soft flesh every now and then as he continued kissing you passionately. Your own hands couldn’t help but tug at his shirt desperately. When he did so, your breath was completely taken away. It had been years since you’d seen Bucky without a shirt. 
Not only had he been quite skinny just like your brother back then, but not long after leaving for college with Steve he was in a bike accident that left him with ghastly scars and burns along his left arm and shoulder. Since then, it’s fair to say Bucky never really ever took his shirt off. It had taken years just for him to remove the glove he’d always wear to cover the scars on his hand.
“You’ve gotten so strong, James,” you grinned, reaching out to brush the flexed muscles running down his front. 
He simply stared at you with an anticipating and anxious expression on his face, waiting for you to state the obvious. When you didn’t, when you pulled his head down to kiss him once again, he almost cried. Bucky hadn’t been with a woman in so long, afraid of this very moment. He knew at that moment, there was no one quite like you. 
Bucky fell in love. 
“Let me take care of you, darling. You’ve been so good to me,” Bucky whispered huskily in your ear as he trailed his hand under your own shirt brushing his fingertips along the underside of your breast.
His lips pressed softly against your hot skin along your neck before standing up between your legs at the end of the bed. He pulled your shirt off then played cheekily with the straps of your bra that you still had on. You smiled back at him with the same playful stare, reaching behind you to unclasp the material. 
You could see the way Bucky’s eyes darken and his pupils widened as he stared in awe at your naked chest. Your skin bursted into chills under his hungry gaze even though you felt like you were burning up. Bucky leaned forward kissing down the valley of your breasts, nipping once in a while playfully before laying you back down. He shimmied you out of your bottoms easily, kneeling on the ground leaving you completely bare before him. 
“You are absolutely stunning, princess,” Bucky whispered, running his hands up your thighs slowly. 
“Bucky, please. I need you,” you whimpered. 
“Don’t worry, darling. I promise I’m gonna take good care of you,” he smirked devilishly. 
He pushed your knees open, eyeing the arousal that glistened between your thighs. He brought his fingers up to you slowly rubbing your slick around before finally pushing a thick and long finger past your folds. Your body shuddered solely at the foreign but pleasurable feeling, already moaning softly. 
Bucky’s cock strained through pants upon hearing your beautiful moans; they were like music to his ears. He couldn’t help the way his hips would buck into the mattress in a desperate attempt to relieve some pain from his erection. Soon after he pulled his fingers from you slowly only to thrust them further in you, curling his fingers just right. 
He brought his mouth down to you, wrapping his lips around your clit sucking harshly. You gasped and your back arched, overwhelmed with pleasure Bucky was giving you with just his mouth and fingers. All the times that you’d given yourself to your ex, he had never made you feel this good before, feel this full; let alone with his fingers. Bucky was taking his time with you solely for your own pleasure and it made your heart swoon. 
Your legs trapped Bucky’s head between your thighs, squeezing as he continued to eat you out like a starved man. Your hands went to his hair pulling on his dark locks causing Bucky to moan deeply against you. You were so close to a release; your legs shaking violently and your stomach tightening. 
“Come on, princess. Want you to come all over my face. Can you do that for me, darling?”
“Be a good girl and make a mess,” Bucky teased.
His fingers moved faster as he swirled his tongue around and over your clit just as quickly. You were becoming overwhelmed and that coil bursted in the pit of your stomach. You pushed Bucky’s face from you, shrieking with pure pleasure; Bucky’s kept the rapid pace with fingers as you fell over the edge.
“Fucking hell, that was so hot, princess,” Bucky said standing up; his fingers, arm, his chest was covered in your arousal. 
“Did I do that?” your voice trembled. 
“Because of me,” Bucky winked playfully.
“I didn’t know I could do that,” you let your head fall back on the bed as you briefly caught your breath.
Bucky grabbed his shirt that he discarded not long ago and quickly wiped his chest and arm before discarding his pants and boxers. He nearly moaned at the feeling when he finally freed his dick from the restraining garments. His hand instantly wrapped around the base before pumping himself a few times. 
You brought yourself onto your elbows momentarily ogling at the sight of Bucky completely bare before you. Your mouth practically watered at the sight. Bucky crawled over you kissing you deeply and messily; but perfectly. He pulled away and you both had goofy smiles on your faces before bursting into a fit of giggles, Bucky’s head burying into the crook of your neck.
“You’re so goddamn adorable, princess,” Bucky’s voice was muffled. 
“Bucky,” you whined. 
You couldn’t resist squirming underneath the burly man. Although, you’ve just had what was probably the best orgasm you’ve ever had, you wanted more. You needed more; you needed Bucky. 
“I got you, darling. I got you.” 
Bucky wanted to tease you more, make you beg, but he was just as desperate to feel you as you were. He propped himself up on his elbows kissing you one last time before reaching between your bodies and lining his dick with your entrance. Both you and Bucky moaned simultaneously as he stretched you out; curses spilling from his lips as incoherent moans fell from yours. 
“So fucking tight, princess. Squeezing my cock just right, aren’t ya?” he whispered.
“Fuck, I feel so full,” you whimpered.
Bucky began to slowly move his hips in and out of you deliciously. He quickly picked up the pace, jetting his hips rapidly making your moans louder. Bucky sat up on his knees and gripped your waist surely to leave bruises in your wake. This new angle surprised you and you couldn’t help the squeals and moans that left your mouth. You chanted Bucky's name like a prayer; as if it was the only word you knew. 
Bucky watched you carefully, your face contorting with pure euphoric pleasure. He couldn’t help notice the small bump in your lower belly and without a second thought, he grabbed your hands pressing them firmly over your tummy. 
“You feel how deep I am, darling? Fucking poking through,” Bucky grunted. 
“Shit! Oh, it feels so good,” you moaned. 
“That’s right, no one’s ever gonna fuck you this good again. This pussy’s mine now,” Bucky growled. 
He took one of his hands and wrapped it around your throat squeezing the sides gently but firm at the same time. Your eyes rolled back and you moaned even louder, confident that the neighbors were sure to complain in the morning. Feeling Bucky’s hand around your neck was so exhilarating; you and Daniel had never ever experimented with anything beyond a pair of handcuffs, and that particular night went horribly. 
You like being choked by Bucky. 
“Fucking slut; you like this, don’t ya?” he came down to whisper huskily against your lips. 
“Mh-hm,” you moaned with a devilish grin, your bottom lip resting between your teeth before your eyes rolled back again. 
“Such a fucking beauty you are.”
Bucky hips snapped in and out and he knew it wouldn’t be long until he needed to release.
“God, I’m close, princess,” he growled. 
His hand moved to rest on the back of your neck to pull you up so you straddled his thighs and your chest was flushed against his. Your sensitive and hardened nipples brushed against his slightly sweaty skin causing you to shudder in pleasure. Bucky’s lips attached themselves to your skin along your collar bones sucking harshly leaving purple marks all along.
Your legs shook once again as they did before and soon enough with an arched back and shout of Bucky’s name you came all over his cock. Overwhelmed with your sex, Bucky bit harshly on your shoulder in a poor attempt to muffled the loud groans and moans he elicited. Feeling your velvety walls squeeze tightly around him pushed him over the edge, coating your walls with hot ribbons on cum. 
He fell forward almost crushing you but you were too tired to complain. Bucky continued to pepper soft kisses all over your skin whispering how good you were to him, how beautiful you looked. Just absolutely showering with compliments. You felt him slowly getting off you, probably afraid he was crushing you, but you didn’t want him to leave just yet. 
“Don’t,” you whispered, wrapping your arms tightly around his body. 
“I don’t want to crush you, darling.”
“You’re not.”
Bucky chuckled before settling completely above you, careful not to make you uncomfortable. Hardly any time went by when he felt the even and soft puffs of air hitting his skin, sure that you had fallen asleep. He picked himself up and with major guilt for his best friend, picked you up from the bed and walked you to his own room. 
After he was sure you stayed sound asleep, Bucky grabbed a clean pair of boxers and hurried himself to Steve’s room again. He collected all the discarded clothes and the dirty sheets and tossed them in the washing machine to clean right away. 
He hadn’t meant to fuck his best friend’s little sister, let alone in his own room, on his own bed, but it all happened so fast. 
He went back to his room letting the clothes do it’s thing, and quickly grabbed his phone. He messaged Steve, telling him that when he got back for his weekend with Peggy, he really needed to talk to him. 
Tonight made Bucky realize how much he loved you. Growing up, you two had always been close. But he doesn’t know when he stopped being friendly and instead began flirting. Bucky wanted to be with you; he knew it now more than ever. 
Bucky watched your gorgeous sleeping form on his bed. He smiled to himself before opening the window; the sun already rising and those beautiful golden rays seeped through the glass window, making you look angelic. He crawled into bed cuddling flushed against your naked body. He chuckled softly when you realized he’d returned, wiggling even further into his arms. 
“I love you, Bucky,” you mumbled. 
“I love you, too, darling.”
And he really, and truly did love you. As did you love him. 
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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kkusuka · 3 years
(i had to repost lol- it wasn’t showing up on my page)
this the request: part 3 of thiccy gf hcs ??? with kuroo, terushima, sakusa, and daichi and/or atsumu 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 i must be fed
i understand your need for them
and as a member of the thunder-thigh committee, i am happy to write about my fellow sexy women! (another 4:56 am ramble i refuse to delete)
part one
part 2 <3
i mixed this with this ask ;  Pt. 3 of the thicc af gf with Aone, Osamu, Kyotani, Daichi, Kuguri, and Terushima plz? 🥺
this got wayyyyyyyyy long
4, 685 words. my finger slipped?
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Kuroo tetsuro
this guy has been trying to get you since first year
he’s that dedicated
and you didn’t even notice, he was just a flirty friend who helped you with science
(even when he would practically put you in his lap while he went over things)
lo and behold, he finally got his chance during the third year culture festival
yeah as in he waited a whole three years for this
Eh, once again, had a whole pan to make you see him as your great future husband, aka the haunted house (a good excuse to have you hold onto him)
He has to give it to class 2-4, the did a damn good job, it was scary
Long story short you fell on top of him, boobs in face hands-on ass
Mans actually asked you to be his girlfriend right there, groping you and murmuring between your boobs. (he wouldn't have gotten up if the next group wasn’t approaching.)
From then on he’d literally do anything for the ass
He’s a big simp and we all know it.
Like When you wear shorts he has to ‘pull them down’ aka feel you up while pulling the hem of your shorts down ever so slightly.
Or when he gets on a knee right behind you to ‘tie his shoe’, but the school shoes have no laces.
He could be a bit more creative and he wanted to look under your skirt.
When he wants to cut the bull shit he’ll just lift the back of your skirt and rub around for a but, to hell with all the other kids in the hallway.
(did I mention that he puts things on the highest shelves so he can walk up behind you and practically dry hump you.)
Speaking of simp nation
You can't really wear anything without setting him off
Shorts drive him absolutely nuts, it's insane. But it isn't his fault that most of your shorts are spandex that cut off right at the beginning of your thighs, it's like a homemade booty lifter. He just can’t help but wanting to cop a feel.
Or the color red in general. It is ridiculous, the guy rips everything when he tries to take it off too. So that stunning red cocktail dress with the lace-up sides was not unwearable, and you only had it on for like 2 hours. And that was only because it was a friend's 18th birthday party you were both invited to.
(thanks to kuroo not letting you out of his arms you both were late and left early.)
((in his defense you looked like a full course meal and it was giving him severe blue balls, and he’s only seen you for a few minutes))
Halloween, you know. the one night you could dress up as anything. any you decide to go as a cat-girl in a maid costume. And you expected him to just take that sitting down? Hell no. the red thigh highs AND the corset middle? You're lucky it lasted as long as it did.
That my dear was bravery. His color. A cat. And a short skirt. With thigh highs!
And so, he did what he did all those other times, dragged you to sit on his lap, and opening your thighs, and like a good girl you’ll let him
If you could already tell, he gives no shits to whos watching, let ‘em see (they really never do but you get the point)
He’s also a prime thigh groper, especially when he wants to keep your legs open, he also loves thigh hic
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Terushima Yuji
Another shower-offer
You were already he's so why can't he let everyone know?
Speaking of you being his, he doesn't tell people how you guys don’t together, with good reason considering you practically beat him up
Not really but that’s what he calls it, basically he tried to get with one of your friends at a party.
She just happens to not be interested in men and has a wonderful girlfriend, so she was uncomfortable but couldn't tell him to leave her alone
So you took fate into your own hands, literally, you stole Fate from class 3-2’s drink and poured it on him before slapping him and telling him about how he was a pig.
And he fell in love, you looked like an angel, a really hot angel, it didn't help you were in a white dress either
And from then on he literally once or twice, got on his knees for you, asking to give him a chance.
Honestly, it got annoying, so you just agreed to make it go away. It did, but you also gained a perv of a boyfriend who has an insatiable love for your lower half
He’s a simple creature, do take caution of his fragile being
So that means all those times you bend over in front of him he was slowly cracking and trying to figure out where the nearest storage closet is.
He thought he was having heart palpitations when he saw you in the damn dress again, apparently, he didn't see all of it. Specifically the v-neck top, and the fact it only went to the end of your ass. Needless to say, he made sure to walk behind you on every staircase that you went on
Another set off is yoga legging, like the lululemon ones, that people wear all the time. They fit you great, really really great. They were supposed to work out in them???? Why were they so skin-tight????? And he also figured out that you wore things because of them. Instant nut.
How you ask, simple.
One time he saw your underwear line through the pants and he pointed them out, they did make it seem like your ass was super soft so he saw his chance and took it.
So the next time you wore them and he didn't see the lines he was like ??????
And thus began the “Yuji hunt for lineless underwear” and he found the thongs
And you received the fucking of your life soon after.
Oh! And there’s any time you go to the beach. Literally every time.
No cap.
The first time was when you wore a red one-piece and he practically went feral. It wasn't really a one-piece if it was see-through and had the lowest neckline on the planet.
Everyone was looking at you.
He practically fucked you on the beach but held off until you got back to the hotel room.
He’s way more forward when he wants to fuck, if you could imagine. He’ll just walk up to you and tell you he wants to get some, like right now.
If you can even ignore him, he’ll throw an arm around your waist and grope around your legs, all the way to the apex.
It is also not below him to try and get you off while still wearing underwear that he will be taking after.
(i didn't say anything about his stash off orgasm ruined underwear? My bad.)
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
Going beyond the fact he even has a girlfriend, y’know considering, but the fact that no one knew who you were until you showed up at nationals to cheer him on
(atsumu was even starting to think that you didn't exist and that poor kiyoomi just imagined you up, so can imagine his shock when you ran up to said boy after they won)
The whole dating thing wasn't the shocking part; it was the fact that you looked like you walked off of the Milan runway.
And you were wearing leggings and sakusa's jacket, all of a sudden everyone was interested in how that happened
It was a kind of a boring story, someone had spilled coffee in a shop that you both happen to be in
And he watched you offer the man the same disinfectant wipes that he uses!
And in the most sakusa way possible he followed you out of the shop and tried to talk to you.
An exchange of numbers and many awkward conversations (and boners) later, you were a couple.
Back to that hug, like the many others, he's let you have, it’s all just to feel how soft you were
But poor touch -starved sakusa doesn't know what to do with any of these pent up feelings.
And he has a loooooooot of them.
Multiple occasions have shaped the poor germ-boy into the horny-tornado he has become
so he’s not really into what you’re wearing, it’s more about what you’re doing
like when you wore the mask he bought you to one of his games, and you wore one of his alternate uniforms, but the kicker was how you stayed away from everyone and didn’t let a single person near you (or his shirt)
or when you helped him clean his dorm when he was doing his weekly deep clean
or when the two of you washed the dishes while trying to do one of those “try not to sing” challenges
(is it normal to get a boner when your girlfriend helps you clean? no?)
but, as much as he tries to remain emotionless on the subject, there are multiple exceptions to the “it’s not what she wears” whole thing
Like that violet puffy skirt, you wore to a study fate, the one with the white sweater? That one, the same one that he could see your panties, from anywhere he sat. and Every time you got up you would have to smooth it down to make the creases go down, but it was only ever really giving him a good idea about the shape of your ass.
(if he sees you in that skirt again he’s just going to fuck you in it)
The lesser-known horny-inducer, since he made you take it off within the first five minutes, was a dress! What kind of dress? A neon yellow see-through mesh dress. The bottom wasn’t what got him though, it was the fact that your white bra was clearly seen under the mesh top. Or maybe it was the way the skirt made your waist look super small, and how your hips looked so round and squeezable.
Yeah, no one else could experience you in that.
Not to sound like this, but sakusa is still averse to touch
That goes out the window when he wants to dance the devil's tango with you.
Mr. His way or no way shows up,  he does it every so slightly different
If it’s just the two of you, he’ll put a hand on your shoulder and he’ll push you to your knees. And he’ll pet your head and tell you what’s about to happen and advise you to listen like a good girl.
But in the instance you are in the presence of others, he’ll stand behind you and bring you super close to him, ass to dick. (maybe he’ll grind into you a bit, just to convince you to follow him) and he’ll throw a few words in about how much of a bitch in heat you are for getting turned on in front of all of these people.
It’s best to just do what he wants before he makes you cum in your underwear.
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Daichi Sawamura
oh my
you guys are the power thigh couple
powerful and defined mixed with soft and pillowy
In Fact, that’s literally how the two of you met, thanks to Tanaka and Nishinoya of course.
(let’s just pretend karasuno has a cheer squad, and you just happened to be the captain of said team)
So basically you were doing a favor for the student council, and you were supposed to ask how many third years, managers included, were on each team and each club in the school
Easy! Turns out not so much. You were still in your cheer practice uniform, which was the shortest spandex ever made, and a Karasuno school t-shirt that was ever so slightly too tight.
Anyway, you make it to the gym and open the door, and the little one, Yachi, saw you and literally screamed. (she was right by the door), and that alerted everyone else in the gym, which led to the bald boy and his short companion pushing you further into the gym.
But in the better sense, it did gain the attention of the captain! Just the exact moment he was in front of you someone pushed; your back and within a second, in some miracle like way, you both ended up on the floor and he ended up planked on top of you with a leg between your spread thighs.
Almost kissing nonetheless.
Then, like the gentleman he was, he got off and asked you if you alright and kneeled down and let you use his shoulder to try and stand back up.
You did get up, for a split second, Daichi still kneeling letting you use him as a step stool when a certain red-head was flung right into you and you went toppling forward.
Onto Daichi.
Onto Daichi's face.
Your thighs around his head.
His hands-on your ass.
Hand in his hair.  
He could sit there forever, you were frozen, everyone else was frozen.
You eventually climbed off and asked how many third years there were. But he just sat there, his hands hadn’t moved either, luckily Suga answered and you were on your way.
And Daichi still didn’t move, after that incident, you had begun to see him everywhere, and eventually, he just cut the shit and asked you out.
Daddy Daichi likes seeing you in literally anything from sweatshirts to lingerie.
His favorite was the brown buttoned pencil skirt and the white blouse, that you wore to a date. You were kind of overdressed for the ramen shop and after a walk, but he didn't even care. He was so thrown off by how turned on he was he couldn't speak in full sentences.
An example:
“Yeah, the food here is- boob, I-I mean great, not boob, great, yes, great.”
The second.
Was a bathrobe.
Can you see where I'm going with that? Simply you look hot.
His favorite part of the night was ripping it off of you.
And like the first time you met, he had his head in your thighs <3
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Atsumu Miya
You met poor atsumu at a party.
He tried to shoot his shot, y’know he sees a cute lady he’s just gotta try and show you what you could be getting
he had it all planned, he was going to walk up behind you and run his hands over your delicious curves and ask you if you were in need of any help
he doesn’t take into account that a having a random guy just start groping you and pressing himself behind a girl was panic-inducing
so when he dropped your waist, you freaked out and may or may not have punched him in the dick
while he was in a. world of pain you age to figure out what the hell had just happened to you
then you noticed him on the floor, and when he noticed you looking at him he put this forced cocky smirk on and gave you a “how you doing”
You took pity on the poor creature and helped him up and got him some ice, then conversed with him for the majority of the rest of the night.
And he just hasn't left you alone since
(and, you learned this far later, that he went so far to tell Sakusa and Kageyama all about you and how amazing you are, and has even sent them- more than one- picture
But in other news, he’s very horny
So really all that means is he always has his hands on you
Like during practice breaks when you're allowed to come down and talk to him for a bit, give him some things, but it normally just consists of him sitting on the bench and you standing in front of him.
While his hands rest on your hips and his face is shoved into the valley between your breasts, and he just sits and listens to you as you brush a hand through his hair.
Or sometimes, if he had been having a rough time, he’ll just have his hands under your skirt and he’ll feel around for a bit while grumbling about how people cant hit his sets
But for being the possessive bastard he is, he sure likes letting you wear all those outfits
Like the booty shorts and tank top, you wore to bring them food during the summer training camp. That same camp that the two of you disappeared at and he came back looking like he had won the lottery.
Or the cute little red dress you wore to your anniversary date? The one that made him have a hard-on the entire time you were at dinner. He knows the waiter remembers, he also bets the waiter remembers seeing him fucking you in the car when his shift was over.
And that time you wore his jersey to bed and sent him a picture of it. It was such a good picture that he made it his lock screen for everyone to see.
He just likes looking at you tbh.
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Aone Takanobu
you guys didn’t meet in some weird perverted way, it was actually really cute!
Not to sound creepy but he knew that you were in the garden club because you sat right in front of him in class
And since he didn't talk to anyone else in that class he was just content with listening, and so there he was
Standing outside of the garden club door holding his withering basil plant. Lost.
Lucky for him you were walking down the hallway and greeted him, looking all pretty and cute
You did help him realize that he was overwatering the basil and within a few weeks, it was back to life!
From that first time on, he came to the club room with you twice a week and walked home with you, just listening to all the random plant facts that you had harbored in your mind.
Eventually, with the help of the team, he asked you out, and you hugged him and said yes, and that was the beginning of the “oh god, y/n is way softer than I thought”
So he really just tries to be near you or be touching you at all times  
(i am also a firm believer that he likes to slow dance to classical music in your living room)
Like during lunch periods when you sit next to him and the second you finish eating hell push you to lean against him
And he’ll rub small circles on your hips and give you small innocent gropes
Or how he hugs your waist when you're doing literally anything, and he puts his head on top of your head while swaying
I can also tell you that Aone is a good singer
So he hums to you (I'm uwuing over my own headcanon lol)
He also really likes just running his hands along your body, so he likes when you wear the one-piece dresses so he has smooth sailing down your body
As a man of little words, he clearly has a more physical approach to getting you on the horny train
What I am trying to get at is that more often than not he literally just picks you up and carries you away.
Of course, that leaves you to come back to whatever you were doing.
That is after the cuddles and after sex ‘conversations’ about the dumbest things
Basically, he likes to hear you talk and he really likes being near.
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Osamu Miya
He knew who you were
With a brother like atsumu, who never shuts up about you, it's hard not to
(Osamu is pretty sure atsumu had a picture of you next to his pillow. ew)
Anyway, the two of you just happened to share the same lunch block, and it also just happens to be the only period block that he was alone
No teammates and no especially close that he could hang out with
That meant he could either study or eat
Had he chose to eat, only to be met with the fact that atsumu had drained both of their lunch accounts for his flavor of the week
Poor baby stood there for a while just processing what was the worst news of his life
When you, a true angel among the evil, said that you would graciously pay for his food so that he didn't outlook so sad anymore
If he wasn’t holding an armful of onigiri he would have fallen on his knees and begged to whatever god was out there to let him keep you
But he settled for thanking you and spending the entire period with you, he even offered to share (for the first time in his life)
You complimented him on his flavor choice and he decided to keep you
He made sure to share his recipes with you and you tried to do the same
And somehow that evolved into you guys going on dates, much to atsumu’s distaste, and you guys were totally hitting it off
Osamu was your official biggest fan, he loved everything you do
But that means he wants to stay your biggest fan, and he knows that you’re pretty well known for boys thinking not so innocent things about you
Again being brothers with atsumu gave him this little sadistic streak
He lets you wear all of the revealing outfits and the bikinis, all for everyone to see
Everyone to see what belongs to him
Like at suna’s party he let you wear a black mini-skirt and a white off the shoulder long sleeved flowy shirt.
You looked good, and all the guys staring at you proved that point tenfold. Three guys had come up to you and tried to get you to go upstairs with them. And it was almost immediately shut down when they noticed the act you were sitting on your boyfriend.
Speaking of, he almost always has you in his lap.
Aww, cute! Not, he like grinding you down on him, that's also why he likes having you wear skirts, easy access to your ass, also a nice way to ensure that he could get more than a few gropes in when he wants
No, it's definitely the way he made you wear thigh highs to school one day and the shortest skirt you owned (like a school skirt) and walked behind you the entire day.
And he just reached behind you and lifted your skirt for the whole hallway to see, but mostly for him
He waists no time when he wants to fuck, he’ll just walk up to and open your legs while making out with either you or your neck.
And yes he has done that in front of atsumu
Who was warned to stay out of their room for a while.
Not to mention all those times he convince you to go to school with no underwear on just for the fun of it
(I didn't tell you this but those off the shoulder mini dresses drive him wild. On graduation day he pulled into a closet and had his way with you. I mean he did say that if you wore that dress he was going to do it, buuuuuut y’know….. yolo)
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Kyotani Kentaro
We all know he’s a fighter, which means he gets hurt a lot, which in turn makes him a frequent face in the nurse's office
And who happens to be the nurse's niece? You of course!
And right after school, when your aunt takes her break and leaves you to take care of the office alone
Right after school is also when Kyotani always comes in.
(it’s not like he knew that you would be there alone, and that meant that you had to deal with him and heal him up. And it also is not like he started the fight so he could come here and see you. No not that)
Who am I kidding it was like that.
It was totally like that.
Your hands were just so soft when they put the bandages on and you have to bend down to get the wrapping.
He had a crush, that's what iwaizumi said, and after googling what the symptoms of a crush were he was sure
So with the help of the third years, aka Oikawa just having Iwaizumi repeat what he wanted to say, they had a plan
And the next time he was in the office he asked if you wanted to see a movie with him, it was so cute and he looked so shy
It would have been perfect if after five seconds he tried to take it back, you still went on the date with him though
He was happy.
Angry boy likes hugs
And yes he does, no objections
So when he’s upset he’ll make these grabby hands at you and have you come over and stand with him
He shoves his chin on your shoulder and his hands squeezing your waist and you’ll rock back and forth until he calms down.
He’s also very aware of what you wear
Like how your skirt perfectly frames your legs. How the socks you wear make your legs look 10x longer, and make you look like you’re walking like a model.
Or the dark blue leggings you wore with his alternate jersey and you were cheering for him!
But nothing and I mean NOTHING gets him better than when you wear spandex shorts and one of his shirts. He goes feral every time.
This man is the CEO of picking you up and placing you on his lap, straddle style, and just going ham on you
Not to mention that sometimes when he’s really tired he’ll have you just sitting on his lap while he plays with your thighs
(he also likes playing with your waist and stomach, but he doesn't realize that he’s talking out loud so you can hear all of the “so soft”’s he lets out.
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You were one of Mika's close friends so you were always just kind of around
It was a little get together that Daishou threw that really made you two close
It was a weird drinking game of sorts, and it had these teams, and you were out as a pair!
Somehow throughout the game, you guys got side-tracked and just ended up talking to each other the rest of the night
Eventually, you were convinced to go on a double date and the rest was history
He didn't even pay attention to what you wore that much until he heard a few rando kids in the locker room talking about it.
And that’s when he started thinking about just who he was dating
He first realized how round your ass was. Is it normal to look that good in leggings? No one else has ever looked that good to him. With that came his obsession with just touching your butt. He just grabs it or he’ll stop you from walking and palm it. Or he’ll rub circles into it.
(it's cute how intrigued he is by your butt)
Then came his obsession with your thighs. Mostly the way that they spread out when you sit. He didn't even understand why they were just so mesmerizing. They were so squishy too. He likes how they look in his hands-
Lastly was the waist thing. You aren't even sure what it is. He just likes putting his hands on your waist. Like a prom picture. Sometimes he’ll squeeze or run his hands along your sides. But he’s mostly stationary.
He also has this habit of just opening your legs and laying on your stomach.
He is just so into how soft you are.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 325: Deku VS the Outside of U.A. ~Conclusion~
Previously on BnHA: Ochako was all “dear bloodthirsty mob, this kid you see standing before you has fought harder than anyone and put his life on the line to protect you all, so please chill the fuck out, jesus christ. like, putting aside that he’s humanity’s best hope and so it’s very much in your best interests to let him rest and recover someplace safe so that he can keep fighting for us, are y’all seriously going to turn away an injured and exhausted child in front of his sobbing mother?? seriously?? come on now.” I’m paraphrasing here but that’s basically how it went down. Anyway so then the mob was all, “...” and Deku collapsed to his knees in tears, and Gigantic Fox Lady and Kouta ran over to give him a hug but then the chapter ended.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “FINE, YOU CAN HUG HIM”, which, was that so hard?? The U.A. Clown Mob is all “come to think of it, we’ve kind of been taking the heroes for granted this entire time, maybe we should be less passive in the future. anyway so Deku if it’s not too much to ask, can you please save everyone and fix everything.” Deku is all “I sure can, and by the way I forgive you for swarming around all menacingly two minutes ago and trying to deny me basic shelter and stuff.” Ectoplasm is all, “hey Todogang get a load of this. [walks in a circle].” Hawks is all, “that’s literally the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.” Rat Principal is all, “anyway so that’s what your students did today, hope you’re enjoying your new *~*ROBOT LEG*~*, Aizawa.” Aizawa is all “[lots of exposition about Kurogiri and for some reason, Toga, while being all brooding and sexy].” All Might is all “[standing here right outside of U.A. doing absolutely nothing and being foreboding AF]” and that immediately sucked away all of the warm fuzzy feelings from the hugs, goddammit.
each new week has become a waiting game of “when will Deku finally get to take a bath so people will actually be willing to go near him and give him the hugs he deserves.” the stakes have never been so compelling. I’ve almost forgotten about AFO entirely
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me: for the love of god will someone please give Deku a hug before I die of old age
Mineta: YOU GOT IT!! --
fucking losing it at Mineta’s crying face. he really wanted to hug him. I legit feel bad but this is also the funniest thing I have seen all week, omg
somehow Kouta, who last week was only a hand’s breadth away from touching Deku’s head, is now twenty miles away from him in this new chapter
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can I make a Loki reference here. is this recap a good place to insert a joke about someone using a TVA time-rewinding device to fuck with my poor boy Kouta over here. well anyway there it is
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(ETA: since when is he “niichan” omg?? can’t handle this cuteness.)
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“when I heard that lady I knew that I had to go, but then stop again within inches of actually touching you because you smell like week-old rotten onions.” listen Kouta, I’m not saying I don’t get it, but you all can’t keep doing this to me. it’s the way you guys keep teasing it. like, if you’re gonna hug him, hug him. don’t just stand there with your arms held rigidly out in front of you like a molded action figure
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(  ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
SHE PICKED HIM UP LIKE A LITTLE BABY OMG?? she just leaned right over and lifted this child like he was a small animal. like a lil baby futon that she was about to hang up to dry. oh my god
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(: well that’s extremely fucked up. though sadly not too surprising given what we just saw these past couple chapters
incidentally, I hope that anyone who was legitimately defending the civilians’ perspective earlier takes note here of how quickly that line of thinking -- “we’re just trying to keep our families safe” and all that-- can lead to straight up bigotry. if you’re willing to deny a child shelter and protection simply because he’s not YOUR child, and because you’ve decided based on Internet rumors (no real-world parallels there, I’m sure) that he might present a threat, it’s really not that much further of a leap to discriminating against entire groups of people simply because you perceive those groups as being dangerous. I’m sure the people who turned Gigantic Fox Lady away also told themselves afterwards that they did it to protect their families. “better safe than sorry.” “she’ll be fine, someone will take her in, but as for us, we can’t afford to take that risk.” people can come up with all kinds of justifications for treating other people as less than human, and the really scary thing about it is how fucking easy it is
one last quick side note, which is that Horikoshi does a great job here of showing how scapegoating works, given that AFO is the one who’s really to blame and who presents the actual threat, and yet Deku is the one who ultimately winds up being the target of the mob’s fear and outrage despite him being as much of a victim as they are. gotta love that irony, which unfortunately plays out far too often in the real world as well.
anyway I’ll get off my soapbox now, sorry about that. let us continue
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holy shit. the real MVP right there. thanks for getting it done champ
jesus christ I have had it up to here with these people
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literally the bar is set so low at this point that I’ll go ahead and take it. helping him because it offers them a tactical advantage is at least one step up from not helping him at all
-- thank you!!
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okay this one guy with the antennae hair is having himself a character development speedrun here
-- okay, but this part?? fucking this part, right here??
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can we repeat that again?? the part where this guy acknowledges that the problems of hero society were caused not just by said heroes, but also by said society?? the part where he acknowledges that they treated the heroes like celebrities who were putting on a show for them?? the part where he acknowledges that when push came to shove, the vast majority of those heroes, when faced with a situation that offered no reward, were nonetheless willing to put their lives on the line to protect the very same people who then turned around and blamed them rather than thanking them?? are the civilians of BnHA even allowed to have actual deep thoughts about this stuff. holy shit
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meanwhile, on today’s episode of “one more chapter to go till the big volume cliffhanger, how else can I drag things out let’s see”
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it’s a panel. of people’s feet. just a bunch of normal feet. with sneakers and shit
this All Might shirt guy is getting more screentime in this arc than 90% of the class 1-A kids
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I guess I’m supposed to feel sorry for this dude now that he’s all “if we let you stay here do you promise to somehow magically fix every single problem that we are now currently facing?” those are some ridiculously exacting standards my dude. come on now
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thank fuck I’m not the only one who’s thoroughly unimpressed by absolutely all of this lol. I feel better now. meanwhile Iida and Kouda and Kiri are ready to run over there and hug them all. you guys are way too forgiving. damn you and your pure hearts
anyway so Deku’s like “yeah, definitely”
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(ETA: almost forgot to comment on the “I’m no longer alone” part – he basically corrects the guy and says “sorry, but you’ll need to direct that question towards all of us, not just me, because moving forward we’re a team.” good stuff.)
you know what though, all joking aside... fuck yeah. because perfect victory, right. the strongest guys don’t settle for anything less. so I guess Deku has pretty exacting standards himself
also can you all just take a look at this fucking kid who’s got so much light in his eyes now that I’m gonna need eclipse goggles. hot damn. “you’re welcome” says All Might Shirt Guy as he is frantically interviewed by several local news networks asking him how he daringly managed to save Deku all by himself. “well I guess I’ve just never been the kind of guy who can sit back and let a bunch of rabble-rousers blame a little kid for all of humanity’s problems. someone had to step in and take action, you know?”
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don’t let the door hit you on your way out All Might Shirt Guy
but meanwhile, sudden Tododrama action??
oh shit
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there are honestly so many ways in which Ochako’s very moving speech could have wildly backfired that I genuinely have no clue where this is headed lol. how exciting!!
so now Horikoshi is once again stalling for time with random filler panels, but this one is 10x better than the shoes lol omg
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(1) was Ectoplasm’s jacket always this oversized. (2) did you guys know that if you go back to chapter 319 you can see that Horikoshi gave us a sneak peak at Enji’s Sad Detective disguise and I in fact made a joke about it in the 319 recap not realizing it was actually the stone cold truth. (3) did Shouto deliberately speed up out of impatience because Hawks was walking so fucking slow and he couldn’t take it any longer. (4) and what, I ask you, is up with these dramatic speedlines. so many mysteries here. what a masterpiece
everyone is acting all shocked about something ahh what’s going on
wait what
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what the heck. did they just loop around behind everyone. what was the point of that lol. “anyway, so this is what they look like from the back” well okay, thanks for that Ectoplasm
(ETA: so it seems like they were actually hanging out someplace else away from the crowd this whole time, I guess? here I thought they had more faith in Enji’s disguise. I guess Shouto and Hawks don’t particularly want to attract this crowd’s attention themselves right now either, though.)
I am so fucking confused lmao
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speaking of All Might WHERE THE FUCK IS HE lol. but yes, good, OFA brings everyone together, and Hawks is very deeply moved about this out of the blue all of a sudden. you know how it is
aw heck yeah now this is another filler panel I can get behind
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Mineta really wants that hug, good lord. I genuinely love this actually. Mineta if you could just stay little and cute and keep crying about how much you love your classmates in a non-gross way for the rest of the series I would be so appreciative. you’re doing great
what did I tell you. Kiri wants to get all of the mob’s autographs now. Kiri you’re a peach
Shouji having a conversation with another mutant type is a very nice touch! we really need to get to his backstory soon. I feel like that casual remark from GFL earlier was kind of hinting at more to come
is this the first time we’ve ever seen the Yaoyorictionary in action?? never forget that Viz tried to call it the “Yaoyorozu Reference Book” because they hate fun
last but not least, KAMIBAKU IS BACK ON THE MENU, FUCK YEAH. Kaminari trying to spice things up and introduce a little bit of controversy by smacking Kacchan on the back of the head for god knows what. I will be deeply disappointed after this if I can’t find at least one person unironically declaring that KamiBaku is now toxic and abusive
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oh my god. Shouto’s face. Enji’s face. the back to “oyaji” again. the blunt, not-taking-no-for-an-answer, “I don’t know how much louder the universe can scream at you that doing things alone is not it, so hopefully you got the point” directness of it. fffdlkslj I’m so ready for this Horikoshi please don’t fuck it up my expectations are so high
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lol okay moment over and now Enji’s pulling his hat down all dramatically like a world-weary Cowboy
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(ETA: not to put Iida down or anything, but it’s kind of strange that Aizawa is all “the class rep sure did great” when Ochako is the one that was giving that whole big speech for like twenty minutes just now lol.)
(ETA 2: “thank god Iida stepped in just in the nick of time to keep Mineta from hugging Deku.” sorry Mineta I really do like you lately but it’s still low-hanging fruit lol.)
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well at least he’s not M.I.A. or back with the villains again like I thought he might be. still, that’s gotta be brutal to know your friend is in there somewhere, but to not be able to reach him again no matter how hard you try. that’s the kind of angst that pays off in final battles just when you most expect it. such is my hope, at any rate
what’s this now??
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trying to decide if this is Horikoshi’s way of saying don’t worry about that, or his way of saying definitely worry about that lol
anyway so Aizawa is out here being all irresponsibly handsome once again. when is someone going to do something about him
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here for Sexy Robot Leg Eyepatch Aizawa clenching his fists and making speeches about revenge. pretty sure we’re all here for that
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ffff. bracing myself for that cliffhanger next week. you’d better not touch one hair on this man’s head Horikoshi. I’m watching you 
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dirty-brainrot · 3 years
I do not like him I do not like him I like him I do not like him I do not--
Pairing: Jotaro Kujo x Reader
There's nothing in the world that you hate more than Jotaro Kujo, the school's bad boy. Every girl (and even boys of course.) fell for the 195cm emo man and you didn't know why. He was quiet and would tell everyone who approach him to go away, not to mention, very intimidating.
All the teachers fear him and the rest of the students, who don't fall head over heels for him, are afraid to even look at him.
Then there's you.
"I fucking hate that Kujo guy."
The only person in the school with a deep loathing for Kujo Jotaro. You avoided the man as if he was a plague or like a cat with water.
You huffed as your redhead companion only laughed awkwardly. "This is the 3rd time this week, Y/N..., What did he even do to you?" Straightening your back, you turn to face Kakyoin with a deep frown. "Well for starters, your friend," making air quotes friend part, you continued. "He's just a fucking asshole and not to mention I hate his grumpy-ass attitude." You huffed and crossed your arms.
"Ah..." Kakyoin only sweat dropped while listening to you rant about Jotaro. "Honestly, I don't even know how you managed to befriend that guy..." Your voice going soft as you relaxed and looked at him. "Kakyoin, we've been best friends ever since we were kids and this guy—" You cut yourself once you saw the all-familiar edgy teen, the scowl on your face returned. Kakyoin, noticing your swift change of expression, turned around to see Jotaro.
"Ah, hello Jotaro." He gives him a small smile while you greeted him back the complete opposite with venom in your voice. "Kujo." He glances at you and looks back at Kakyoin, ignoring you.
"The old man, Avdol, and Polnareff are visiting this week." Kakyoin's smile widens. "Is Iggy with Polnareff?" You watch the two of them interact as if forgetting your existence. Getting ticked off, you stormed away while mumbling. "Fuck him and his hat."
As you storm away, Kakyoin glances at your irritated figure. "Ah... Can we invite Y/N too? I just want my friends to get along..." He frowns while Jotaro grunts. "I know you don't like them- can you two try to get along at least just once?" Jotaro thought for a moment and nodded his head. 'He probably won't stop until I say yes.' Kakyoin beamed at him. He sighs and grabs the tip of his hat and said his line.
"Yare Yare Daze..."
It was the next day. You had forgotten the whole encounter with Jotaro yesterday and to make your day better, you found a new game shop! You could certainly ask Kakyoin to hang out with you and check it out.
Walking in the student-filled corridor, you kept an eye out for a tall redhead. 'Hm... Where could he be? He could be possibly with Jotaro.' As you rounded the corner, you bumped into somebody. Gasping, you stumbled back and bowed with an apology. "Sorry-" You were cut off with a familiar chuckle. "It's okay Y/N." You smiled and looked up at Kakyoin. "I've been looking for you! I wanted to tell you that there's a new game shop and I wanna ask you if you wanted to go with me."
Saying you were excited is an understatement. You and Kakyoin have been gaming buddies ever since you were a child and now there was a new game shop which could mean new games to play and trash talk over.
You could see Kakyoin getting excited to check out the shop as well. "Yeah! I'd love to." He responded.
The bell rang before any of you could talk again. "I'll see you at the school gate later!" Already heading to your classroom, you waved your hand goodbye. Kakyoin waves back and walks in the opposite direction. Fate seems to be on your side since you haven't seen Jotaro once today and you plan on keeping it like that until math class at least.
The day went by quickly, all the lesson was messily scribbled on your notebooks and all assignment were passed. Now you just have to wait for Kakyoin at the school gate.
Once you arrived at the gate, you saw Jotaro leaning on the wall, smoking. You glare at him knowing he was probably waiting for Kakyoin too. "What are you doing here?" He glances at you and covers his face with the edge of the hat. "Why do you care?"
You roll your eyes. 'He's extra edgy today.' "Can't I just ask a question?" You could feel eyes on you. It was probably Jotaro's fan club hiding somewhere and glaring at you.
He huffs the smoke and looks away. "Yare yare... Just leave me alone brat."
"The only brat I see here is your edgy ass." You retorted.
It seems to strike a nerve. His scowl deepens and flicks his cigarette away, grabbing you by your collar. You look at him unfazed but ready to strike anytime. "If you don't sh-"
"Geez... You two fight like an old couple.." Kakyoin breaks you two up before any of you could get hurt. He shook his head, "And here I thought bringing Jotaro was a great idea." You laughed loudly making Jotaro glare at you.
Kakyoin sighs as you two have a glaring challenge. "If-" He spoke up and you both look at the redhead. "If the two of you don't fight for a week then I'll... I'll do whatever you say." You stared at him and grinned. Kakyoin nervously gulps at the expression you're giving him. "Sounds like a deal."
Now Jotaro doesn't care about that but you on the other hand have some great plans for the poor redhead.
"Let's go to the game shop then..." You both start to walk until you realize Jotaro was following too.
"... He's... He's coming with us?" You whisper to Kakyoin. "Ah!" He looks at you apologetically. "I...may have forgotten to tell you that I invited Jotaro to come with us..." You took a deep inhale and walked ahead. Not bothering to comment on what he just did. Since you made an agreement after all.
The entire walk was painfully awkward. You didn't talk and Jotaro doesn't usually talk so that left Kakyoin trying to engage you and Jotaro to talk to each other but you just nodded and hummed. 'Damn... I feel like Jotaro now." You snicker quietly.
The game shop didn't have many customers. There were probably around 3 and a single employee at the cashier.
Feeling giddy, you walked inside while dragging Kakyoin with you. "Holy shit..! They have the best RPG game!" Letting go of Kakyoin you ran towards the RPG section and looked at the huge selection of games.
"Damn... My allowance is gonna be dead by the end of this." You thought while you read the cover of a random game you grabbed.
Out of nowhere, you felt a warm breath hit your nape. Flinching at the feeling, you turned behind ready to hit the person with the game you were holding. "Oh." Looking up, it was just Jotaro looming behind you.
Wait a minute.
"What the fuck are you doing?" You furrowed your brows suspiciously at him. He looks at the game in your hand, bored. "I wanted to look for games too."
"Huh... You don't look like a person who plays games." He steps backward and shrugs then walks away leaving you confused. "I should just look for F-Mega..." Forgotten the weird interaction, you looked for the latest F-mega game they had.
After walking around and getting distracted by other games, you finally found F-Mega! Happy with your decision, you went to the cashier and paid. Then looked around to search for your cherry friend.
You have looked around the shop but you didn't find him, plus the shop was small so it was easy to find someone. Walking outside, hoping to see Kakyoin, you see Jotaro smoking. Waving the smoke away, you approached him. "Have you seen Kak?" He throws the cigarette and steps on it. "There was an emergency so he went home early."
"Oh." You look at him dumbfounded. "Kakyoin left you with Jotaro?! It's an emergency anyway..." You sighed and walked in the direction of your home. Surprisingly, Jotaro followed you. "What do you want?" You didn't mean to sound annoyed but it came out like that. "Making sure you don't get into trouble." Huffing, you started to walk faster but Jotaro was able to keep up since he has longer legs.
Too busy trying to get far from Jotaro, you failed to notice the crack on the pavement, making you trip. Thankfully, Jotaro was able to catch up with you. He grabs you by your waist, preventing you from facepalming the floor. "If I wasn't here, you would be eating dirt right now." He pulls you up. You pouted and mumbled. "You were the reason I ran and tripped." Good thing he didn't hear it or else he would've let you go. You straightened the creases on your clothes and quietly thanked him. He seemed to have heard that one and nodded.
Giving up on trying to outrun Jotaro, you both walk in silence. It was only the leaves rustling and the occasional birds chirping. It was surprisingly peaceful since you both didn't bicker.
When you both arrived at your home, the sun was setting down. You opened the door to your home but stopped and looked back.
Jotaro was already walking away, probably towards his home. "Oi Kujo!" You called out to him. He stops walking, not looking back. "I enjoyed that walk. Thank you." His hands were in his pockets as he looks back at you and nodded then continued his walk.
Maybe  Kujo Jotaro isn't that bad.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 7) - Take It Slow
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Summary: Jensen takes the reader and the kids for a day on the slopes but a minor accident has Jensen nervous about their relationship. As Jensen jumps into filming more, he brings home a little surprise for the reader and kids and decides what he really wants going forward...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 3,700ish
Warnings: language, death of a spouse, mild injury, intruding rabbits
A/N: Enjoy!
“Good morning, munchkins,” you said the next day after an unexpected morning shower with Jensen. He’d gotten dressed and had them ready to go for the day by the time you were even drying off.
“Dad says he has a surprise for us today,” said JJ, slurping up her bowl of cereal.
“Oh really?” you asked.
“Yes really,” he said, setting a bowl of cereal and cup of coffee down at your spot, kissing your cheek. “Even Y/N’s don’t get to know. Now eat up everybody. I want to get on the road by ten.”
You helped put away the dishes in the dishwasher after breakfast, crossing your arms and leaning against the counter.
“What’s the surprise, Jackles?” you asked. He grinned and bopped your nose. “Gonna need another shower later?”
“Oh you liked that?” he smirked, pressing his hands on the counter edge on both sides of you. 
“You’re cute with wet hair,” you said.
“Well, since I will need your help a bit with wrangling the three munchkins...I think you’ll just have to find out when we get there,” he chuckled. He kissed your cheek and you groaned. “I’m taking you guys snowboarding today.”
“Really?” you asked.
“Yeah. That or skiing. The kids have a little ski class and I figured maybe you and me could hit the slopes for an hour before we meet back up with them.”
“Uh, I have zero idea of how to ski. Or snowboard.”
“I know. I’m gonna teach you a few basics. Fun? Not fun?” he asked, resting his hands down on your hips.
“I will try my best...and probably end up with a sore butt,” you said.
“I got faith in you. We’ll take it real slow. You’ll get the hang of it real quick.”
“Daddy, I made a snowman,” said Zeppelin when Jensen had finished renting out skis for everyone an hour later. 
“I see honey. He looks very nice,” said Jensen. “Alright. Let’s get helmets on and get out there guys.”
Fifteen minutes later Zeppelin was holding onto your hand and leg, absolutely refusing to leave your side.
“Don’t you want to go play with your sisters?” you asked. He shook his head and Jensen sighed. “Why don’t I stay with the kids for the hour and you can get some actual going down the mountain in? I’m sure I can pick up whatever I need to learn watching them.”
“Are you sure?” asked Jensen. “I don’t mean to ditch and run.”
“I want to hang with Zepp anyways,” you said while you looked down. “What do you think? Sound good to you?”
He nodded and you glanced back at Jensen.
“You’re gonna have more fun not dragging me around anyways. We’ll see you in one hour, okay?” you asked. You kissed his cheek and smiled. “You can still teach me later, okay?”
“Alright, alright. I’ll see you guys real soon.”
“JJ you’re a natural!” beamed Jensen when you met back up with him. She was very good and the twins...well you gave up on them after a bit and simply let them run around the snow chasing one another. 
“Hey!” someone up the hill shouted. You spun around and saw some guy on a snowboard barreling straight for where the twins were sat near the edge of the slope. You jumped in front of them, the guy slamming straight into you but thankfully you were both able to go off to the right of them. You tumbled together for a minute before he slid away a few feet groaning. 
“Ow,” you said, rolling to your back and staring up at the sky. 
“You okay?” asked the guy with a grunt.
“I think so. You?” you breathed out.
“Same.” He made some kind of unclicking sound and then he crawled over, looking down at you. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t really learn the stop part yet.”
“Y/N, honey,” said Jensen, suddenly kneeling down beside you. “Are you hurt?”
“Feel like I got hit by a train,” you said, trying to sit up. You hissed and lay back down, hearing a pair of ski’s stop nearby. “My back hurts.”
“What’s your name?” asked a guy in a bright red coat with a backpack on as he stopped at you on the ground.
“Y/N,” you said. 
“Unit two, possible back injury on southwest side of hill slope. Need the backboard,” said the guy into a radio before he was talking to the other man.
“Daddy,” said Arrow, tugging on Jensen’s sleeve. She had tears in her eyes and you gave her a smile.
“I’m fine, sweetie. Just fell down too hard. Daddy’s gonna keep playing with you guys for a few more minutes,” you said.
“Y/N,” he said quietly.
“They’re scared,” you whispered. “Go. I think my back is just scraped up, I promise. Go on. Meet up with me wherever they take me in a few minutes.”
“She’ll be at the medical station,” said the paramedic. Jensen shot the guy that’d slammed into you a dirty look but he went back over to the kids and you gave them a wave. “Can you describe your back pain?”
“It’s sore. I can move. It’s more like it just hurts, kinda dull like,” you said. 
“Alright. We’ll get you taken care of.”
Thirty Minutes Later
“Hey,” said Jensen as you struggled to pull your thermal leggings back up. “Let me help.”
“Thanks,” you said, holding his shoulders as he hiked them up your legs. 
“The kids could have gotten really hurt if you hadn’t jumped in like that,” he said, pulling them up over your hips. His hand grazed over the hot pack stuck on your skin and you nodded. “You okay?”
“It’s just a few bad bruises. The other guy broke his nose.”
“I could have broke his nose,” he said, tugging your hoodie down over you. 
“It was an accident,” you said. “Kids okay?”
“They got a little upset for a second but they’re fine. They want to be with you though and I’m inclined to cut today short,” he said. 
“Counter offer,” you said, sitting down on the bed and glancing at your boots. He knelt down and tugged one up, zipping it up before doing the other. “We grab lunch and go sledding on the kiddie hill afterwards.”
“We’ll get lunch and then go home,” he said, folding up your snow pants.
“Come on. I’m-”
“You’re hurt. You got bruises all over and sledding’s just gonna hurt you.”
“Jensen,” you said, standing and picking up your coat. “Take a deep breath.”
“Jensen.” He frowned but did it, cocking his head at you. “Again.”
He did it a few times, looking down when he’d finished. You rubbed his arm and he nodded.
“I’m okay. Not going anywhere,” you said. 
“He hit you so fucking hard.”
“I know but I’m tougher than I look. Buy me some hot chocolate, make me feel better,” you said. 
“You didn’t hesitate to step in you know.”
“Well there wasn’t really time to pick them up or move them. I figured tackling the guy off to the side was the best bet.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
“I know it’s not. But it’s not a big deal and I think we should come back next weekend so you and JJ can ski and me and the twins will go sledding. Deal?”
“Maybe we can make a snowman when we get home.” You shrugged back into your jacket, Jensen fixing your hair. He zipped you up and took another deep breath, resting his hands on your shoulders. “It’s okay if you got scared. It’s nice knowing you care.”
“I don’t know if I’d survive two horrible…” he said.
“Yes you would. You have three very important reasons to.”
“You didn’t see the shit show I was before you.”
“Somehow you survived that without me. You could survive it without me again too,” you said.
“Yeah well, I don’t want to.” You smiled softly and he rested his forehead against your own.
“Well let’s plan on us having relatively boring normal lives then where we die of extremely old age in our sleep,” you said. “Sound like a plan?”
“I’d be okay with that,” he said. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you said, kissing his cheek. “Let’s go enjoy the rest of our day, okay?”
“Okay, sweetheart.”
“Ah shit,” you said that night in your bathroom as you put on your pajamas after a shower. You were covered in dark purple bruises all over your back, legs and arms. Jensen had turned around throughout the day and seemed to have forgotten about the incident on the slope. It’d set him on edge which you couldn’t blame the poor guy for but you just knew if he got one look at you he’d start to worry again.
“Y/N,” said Jensen through the door. “Got a minute?”
“Just a second.” You looked around and grabbed the robe you never used off the back of the door and tied it around your waist. You tugged up your sweatpants and hummed. “Come in.”
“Hey,” he said, giving you a smile in the mirror as you started to comb your hair. “I’m gonna have to ditch on the movie. Work just called and my night shoot for later in the week got pushed cause of the storm they’re expecting.”
“Oh. When do you go in?”
“About twenty minutes,” he said.
“Don’t you need sleep?” you asked. He shrugged and you cocked your head.
“I’ll sleep on my lunch break. You mind getting the three of them down for bed tonight?”
“Not at all. Remember to pack your long john’s. It’s not warm and neither is your suit,” you said.
“The perils of playing a superhero,” he chuckled. You smiled and combed your hair, the sleeve of your robe falling down your leg and exposing a bruised arm. “Can I see?”
“It’s one little bruise,” you said, holding your arm up to him. 
“Can I see?” he asked again. You sighed and undid your robe, sliding it off your shoulders. He frowned when he saw your chest and back but only nodded. “Take some pain medicine before bed. There’s some of those heat packs in the kitchen too if you want some.”
“I will,” you said. You put on your pajama shirt and he went to leave, leaving his hand on the doorframe. “Yeah?”
“Aspercreme helps. Worked for me after the accident,” he said.
“Thanks. Text me when you’re on your way home?” you asked.
“Can do,” he said. He tapped his fingers on the frame before swinging around it and leaving. You picked up your brush and went back to brushing, Jensen popping back around the corner. Your gaze found his in the mirror and he glanced down. “Y/N. This is gonna come across a certain way and I hope…”
“We can slow it down, Jensen. I know today brought up some stuff for you.”
“I do care about you,” he said as he walked over. You turned to face him, Jensen taking your arm and running his thumb gently over the bruised skin. “I don’t necessarily think we’re going too fast either. But today kinda fucked me up a bit and I gotta deal with that shit before I keep going with this. I’m sorry. It’s not fair to you.”
“Are we taking a break?” you asked, his head immediately shaking.
“No, no. I just...want to keep the status quo for a bit? Sleep in our own rooms, have a date night on Saturdays. Keep things...the same. Normally I know that’s the death of a relationship but-”
“Jensen you know last night when we were playing around and I told you that we could stop whenever you needed to?”
“I don’t want to stop though. I just-”
“Jensen. I’m saying don’t worry about it. This isn’t the death of our relationship. You are feeling a lot of shit right now and so am I. You’re starting to get into filming everyday and I know that’s gonna be long days and when you’re home your focus is gonna be on the kids and I’m just saying it’s okay if this steps off the gas for a second. Just come back eventually okay?”
“Why are you so understanding?”
“Why would I make this hard for you?” you asked.
“Don’t you want things out of this though?”
“Of course I want things. But hurting you in the process to get there isn’t worth it. I’m not gonna hurt you just so I can hit some stupid milestone that people say you should do by x point in time. Fuck that. When you’re ready to progress a bit again, I trust you’ll tell me. Okay?”
“Thank you,” he said quietly. He kissed you slowly and nodded. “I’ll try not to take too long. I promise.”
“I am going to ask for one thing though.”
“Call up that doctor you saw. Talk to him about how you’re feeling. Don’t go through whatever’s going on in that head of yours alone.”
“I will. I promise. I still want to be your boyfriend, Y/N.”
“I know and you can be. We’ll go slow,” you said. “Now go get ready for work and kiss the kids goodbye. We’ll see you in the morning.”
“Okay.” He slid his hand to the back of your neck and pulled you in close, planting a deep kiss on you. You stared at him as he broke away and smiled. “See you later honey.”
“Later Jensen. Call if you need anything.”
“I will. Promise.”
Two Weeks Later
“Hi,” hummed Jensen as he knocked on the edge of your doorframe late one night. You were sat on bed with your laptop typing away.
“Hello,” you said, biting your bottom lip as you backed up what you’d written.
“What ya doing?” he hummed again.
“Um, working on another Fox Foxington story,” you said. 
“Must be pretty invested considering you haven’t looked at me once,” he said, a big ass smirk in his voice. You glanced up and he was grinning hard, your jaw dropping.
“Oh my God.” You pushed the laptop aside and hopped out of bed, bouncing up and down on your toes. “You’re suit looks fucking awesome! They let you bring it home?”
“I’m on my lunch break. We’re filming ten minutes from here. I thought someone might like to see it in person.”
“This is so cool,” you said, reaching out a hand but pausing. “Can I touch it?”
“Of course,” he chuckled. You put your hand on his chest and tilted your head. “Feels weird right?”
“Yeah. I bet this thing isn’t comfortable to wear all day,” you said.
“Hardest part is the bathroom,” he said as you inspected him. “I’m not in it all day though.”
“Is that a spoiler?” you asked.
“Is it?” he teased. “Kids in bed yet?”
“Yeah but wake ‘em up. Dad looks freaking awesome right now,” you said.
“You sure?”
“Yup,” you said. You went back to your nightstand and grabbed your phone. “Come on, picture time.”
Ten minutes later and one sprinting out the front door Jensen later you had the kids back in bed and went back to work on your story. You worked for a few minutes when a flashing on the wall caught your attention. You narrowed your eyes at the box by your door, figuring the HVAC system was messing up again.
You got up and stared at it for a moment before you realized what the little flashing light was for. Your phone rang in your hand and you quickly answered.
“Y/N, I got a text saying the motion alarm got tripped,” said Jensen. “Did you-”
You heard a thud downstairs and opened the door.
“Someone’s downstairs,” you whispered.
“Turn around,” you heard Jensen say to the driver. You snuck out of the room and down the hall past the kids rooms. You peered over the balcony and laughed. “Y/N?”
“Uh, I know who our intruder is,” you laughed. “Um, you didn’t happen to leave the front door open when you came in earlier, did you?”
“Maybe,” he said as you heard a car out front. “What-”
“There’s a big ass rabbit sitting in the foyer,” you said, watching it hop over to the boot tray and start gnawing on Jensen’s sneaker. “I hope you aren’t partial to those blue sneakers.”
“What the…” he said as you watched the front door open. You hung up and Jensen stared at the rabbit, the rabbit taking a beat before it went back to chewing his shoelaces. “No! Stop! Bad bunny! This isn’t your house, go home.”
“Oh I need to film this,” you said. You started to record him as he opened the door and pointed outside.
“Go home bunny,” he said. The bunny apparently took that as an invitation to hop further into the house, Jensen groaning. You giggled and went downstairs, following them into the kitchen where the rabbit decided to hide under the counter stools. “Bunny please go home? I’m gonna be late getting back to work.”
The bunny hopped over to him before dashing away to the other side of the kitchen.
“Wait,” he said. He went to the fridge and grabbed a bag of baby carrots. He pulled one out and sat it on the ground by his feet. “Come on little guy. Come on…”
“Here we see Soldier Boy attempting to remove a little bunny rabbit from his home. Will he succeed or will he be late for work and have to explain this strange incident to his boss? Tune in to find out,” you said. Jensen stood up and shot you a bitch face. 
“You gonna narrate too?” he said.
“Maybe,” you laughed, taking the carrot off the floor. “Come on Mr. Bunny. I’ll give you the bag of ‘em if you head outside. It’s getting late. You ought to be home with your family, buddy.”
He hopped over and you knelt down, holding it out to him. He took a nibble and Jensen bent over, picking him up gently. 
“You’re cute and all but no bunnies allowed inside,” he said. He set him down outside and dumped out the bag of carrots by the front door. “Okay? Maybe you can get some more of those if you don’t break in again.”
The rabbit took a carrot in it’s mouth and ran off to the hedge before it came back and grabbed another.
“Ah Soldier Boy saves the day again,” you giggled. He made a superhero pose before laughing and you turned off the video. “Go on cutie. Don’t catch cold either. Wouldn’t want you sick for your birthday.”
“Is it...is it my birthday?” he teased. “Oh I seem to have completely have forgotten about it.”
“I wish you didn’t have work all day.”
“Eh, I’m used to it,” he said.
“Um, since you have a long day and stuff...can I take you out Thursday? I know you’re off Friday.”
“Yeah. I’d love that,” he said.
“Your birthday present is on your bed when you get home later,” you said.
“Looking forward to it. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Later Jensen.”
It was after dinner the next night, Jensen only getting home around lunch after an incredibly long day, when a pair of arms wrapped around you. You spun around and a very tired Jensen was hugging you tightly.
“Hey. I thought you were heading to bed finally,” you said.
“I was. I opened your present. Thank you.”
“S’just a present,” you said. He shook his head and you smiled. “I know. It’s your first one without her.”
“No that’s not it. Yesterday I was a little off because of it but...you got me socks. She always got me socks for my birthday. It was a joke between us but you didn’t know that and you still got me socks somehow.”
“Jensen it’s just a pair of socks.”
“I know. I’m not the kind of person that takes things as signs and stuff but maybe somehow, she was telling me something, like it’s okay to move on with you.”
“Maybe,” you said. You’d honestly only bought them because he couldn’t wear winter boots while he was filming and you knew his feet got cold. But if he wanted to take it that way you weren’t going to stop him. 
“Can we pick things up again? You’ve been taking a backseat the past few weeks and I know what I want and what I’m ready for.”
“What are you ready for?”
“You’re gonna get hurt sometimes and I can’t stop it. I can only be there after the fact and I’m okay with getting hurt in that way. It’s the price I gotta pay and I’ll pay it eventually but I’m okay with that. I want to be with my best friend again if she’ll have me back.”
“Always,” you said. “I don’t need a date every night to make me happy.”
“I know. Would you sleep in my bed tonight though?” he asked. “I missed your cuddles.”
“Sure. I’ll be up in a little while. You get some sleep. You have to be exhausted,” you said. 
“I am. But tomorrow and Thursday should be shorter days,” he said. “On a positive note, it sounds like filming is going faster than expected so there’s a possibility we can all get back home sooner than we thought.”
“Not that I mind the snow but I know the kids wouldn’t mind seeing their friends again,” you said. “Go get some sleep. We’ll talk more tomorrow when you’re more conscious, alright?”
“Yes mam,” he said. He kissed the top of your head and went upstairs, JJ wandering over from where she’d been coloring.
“JJ, why’d you tell me your dad likes getting socks on his birthday?” you asked.
“I don’t know. He just does,” she said. You ruffled her hair and smiled. “What?”
“Nothing. Let’s play a board game before bed, see if we can get the twins to pay attention this time.”
A/N: Read Part 8 here!
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We'd Better Get Cracking (Simon Kalivoda x Reader)
WC: 1322
Warnings: Language, semi-suggestive content (this warning will make more sense after reading lmao)
Summary: Night shifts at the grocery store can be so boring, but Simon always finds a way to mix things up.
A/N: Jesus Christ it's been so long since I've written anything, but the lack of writing for the Fear Street movies really pushed me back into it. I hope you guys enjoy this, I know I had fun writing it
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Why the Shadyside Mall’s opening hours stretched so late into the night had always baffled Y/N. The sheer amount of crime in Shadyside was one reason she always questioned the opening hours, but also the fact that the whole mall was dead after 5pm, despite being open until 9pm. Manning the grocery store on closing shifts was always incredibly dull given the lack of customers, save the occasional high schooler coming in to sheepishly buy condoms or some other random item. The only thing that kept her shifts interesting was Simon Kalivoda.
The two had been friends since they were kids, and they were both ecstatic when they got jobs at the same place. By the time they’d started working closing shifts together, Simon realised just how boring it could get and took it upon himself to always make them fun. This promise was the reason why Y/N was currently watching her best friend since childhood stage some very provocative scenes using the remaining fresh produce they had in the store.
“For the love of God Simon, I want to know what happened in your mind to make you think that soft-core fruit porn was the way to go today.” Y/N said, shaking her head as she watched Simon’s intense concentration break before he turned to her.
“Would you rather a repeat of last Thursday night?” Simon said, raising his eyebrows as Y/N recounted Simon’s boredom-breaker from last Thursday.
“Simon, what the fuck are you thinking?” Y/N hissed, watching as Simon dropped a watermelon in front of the bread-slicer.
“Well, I’m thinking that everything else I’ve tried has gone through pretty easily, so why not try go for the gold medal of the ‘random shit in the bread-slicer’ Olympics?” Simon said, his eyes gleaming with absolute chaos.
“If you break the slicer there’s no way we’ll have jobs tomorrow.” Y/N said, looking around to make sure no customers had walked in. Although she always condemned Simon’s crazy behaviour at work, she loved seeing all the different ideas he would come up with each closing shift.
“I’ve been employee of the month for the last six months straight, management couldn’t get rid of me even if they wanted to.” Simon said, shooting Y/N a somewhat cocky smile that the girl just scoffed off. She watched as Simon fiddled with the different buttons and switches on the bread slicer, laughing when he jumped at the noise that signalled the machine was on.
“It’s showtime.” Simon said, his poor imitation of Beetlejuice earning a groan from Y/N. The pair locked eyes, and Y/N noticed a hint of softness in his eyes that almost stopped her in her tracks. Before she could think about that look for too much longer, she was rudely brought back to Earth by the sound of Simon’s gold medal attempt.
“Jesus Simon!” Y/N exclaimed, watching as the watermelon slowly made its way through the slicer. Simon let out a manic laugh, clearly shocked his plan had worked.
“I am never letting you doubt my genius ever again, Y/L/N.” Simon said, wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shoulders. Y/N scoffed, unsure as to why her cheeks suddenly felt so hot.
“I never said I doubted you Kalivoda.” Y/N muttered, relishing in the proud look Simon gave her. Simon opened his mouth to say something, but he quickly shut it, widening his eyes when he looked at the slicer.
“I think we may have a problem, Y/N.”
“Yeah I fully thought we were gonna get fired after that so fruit erotica doesn’t seem so bad now. Please, proceed with your masterpiece, Kalivoda.” Y/N said, jumping off her seat on the check-out counter to move over towards Simon.
While Simon had his back towards her, Y/N took a moment to observe Simon at work. He always carried a crazed sense of joy with him no matter what he was doing, and Y/N had always loved that about him. He paused for a moment to survey his scene, and Y/N took note of the way he furrowed his brow and bit his lip. She suddenly felt the urge to turn away, her cheeks flushing almost immediately.
Simon quickly went back to work arranging a peach and a carrot in a manner that was certainly not safe for work. As she watched him Y/N came to a crushing realisation she had known was true but been fighting for quite a while. She had it bad for Simon Kalivoda. She cursed under her breath, realising that Kate’s incessant teasing was now annoyingly based in truth.
“Y/N, my masterpiece is ready. May I present to you, the fruit of my loins.” Simon said, his smile growing after the groan Y/N let out. He gestured towards the set up with a flourish, and Y/N instantly burst out into laughter.
“I gotta hand it to you Simon, that’s some impressive fruit porn. You take a class or something?” Y/N said through her laughter, examining Simon’s work closely. He laughed, looking over her shoulder at the assorted fruits.
“No baby, that’s all natural talent.” Simon said, and Y/N jumped at his sudden proximity. She turned around to face him, hyper aware of the limited space between them.
“Can I ask you something?” Y/N said after a stretch of silence, and Simon nodded, trying to keep his eyes from drifting any lower than her face.
“Why do you do all this?” She asked, and Simon cocked his head in confusion.
“Do what?” He said, and Y/N took in a deep breath.
“All the crazy shit every closing shift. You always have something whacky, and I certainly appreciate it but why? It’s a whole lot of effort Si.” Y/N said, and Simon’s stomach started to fill up with butterflies.
“I, uh, it’s for you.” Simon muttered, and suddenly Y/N was the confused one. Simon never mumbled, he was always open and outspoken.
“What was that?” She said, and Simon sighed, running a hand through his blond hair.
“I do it for you.” He said, and Y/N looked up at him with eyes like saucers. She didn’t say anything, so he kept talking to fill the silence.
“I remember how bored you got on that first shift, and I just hated seeing you like that so I decided that I wasn’t going to let you go a shift with me and be bored again. I’ve always liked seeing you happy Y/N/N.” Simon admitted, and although he never explicitly told her how he felt, he prayed to God she could pick up on the subtext.
Y/N gasped softly, and Simon could feel his heart thudding in his chest. “You’re such an idiot, Simon.” Y/N said, and before Simon could respond, Y/N was kissing him. His brain almost short-circuited at the feeling of her lips and hands on him. He pulled her closer to him, taking note of how perfectly she fit in his arms.
They broke apart, and Y/N rested her forehead against Simon’s, the only sound in the store their heavy breathing. “I have a terrible feeling we owe Kate some money now.” Y/N muttered, relishing in the sound of Simon’s laughter.
“I think she’ll just be glad she doesn’t have to hear me pine over you anymore. I swear she was this close to locking us in a closet together until we made out.” Simon said, and Y/N snorted at his comment.
“You realise we still have to close up shop right?” Y/N said, and Simon groaned, hugging her even tighter.
“Surely we can go home and if anything happens to the store then we can just skip town.” Simon said, placing soft kisses to Y/N’s head. She reluctantly broke away from him, pulling a face at the puppy dog eyes Simon shot her way.
“The quicker we close up, the quicker we can be making out at your place.” Y/N said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.
“Well, I guess we’d better get cracking then.”
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
HI BESTIE IMY HEBSBRBS AHH I’ve been so busy ... also recently got super sick and I’ve not been well at all ,, it’s just the flu / a stomach bug tho ! :,) hru ???
Your latest reaction was so good ,, thoughts r being thunk ?? Thinking about skz reaction to you rubbing / jerking their dicks just whenever you’re bored .. and you don’t even really notice that they’re getting off ahah IDK IT JUST SEEMS TO HOT ??
Once they cum or wtv you’re like ;) hsshbrbs
I have a dick but honestly it’s never bothered me reading ur shit directed towards a female reader ? For some reason I really like it bye 😭🤚
BABYBOOOY WHY HAVE YOU BEEN SICK?!?! :((( Hope you’re feeling better now, i should give u some of my healing medicin aka my kisses :(( <33 
Also that last bit AAh thank u T-T i try to be more inclusive but like AAAGH im always so scared that i’ll mess something up from my lack of ~ knowledge ~ BUT I REALLY TRY MY BEST >< so thank uuu for having patience for my dumb ass
warnings: skz x gn!reader. handjobs, blowjobs, cum, orgasm (m), cum eating, slight overstimulation
“w-what the fuck” 
yeah thats his only reaction when you suddenly stick your hand down his pants, wrapping your hand around his dick and slowly stroking it while big spooning him
you werent trying to get him off... more like... you wanted something to play with while watching the movie
boy would be ~ flustered ~ 
he’d find it interesting
why would you jerk him off if you didn’t want him to cum yk?
like that type of thoughs
but of course you can’t expect him to not react LMAO
you were fully immersed in the movie because it started to get interesting now and you didn’t notice how you started jerking him off faster. 
you felt something warm and wet hit your hand paired with his dick twitching
you looked at him and saw that poor boy was biting his bottom lip so hard trying to not disturb you with his moans
“did you cum?” you say, lifiting up his pants to which he yelped and put his hands over yours right at his crotch. “n-no”
be bold with this man 
pull his pants down when he’s just chilling ASHASHA oh god
he doesn’t think it fair 
eventhough he does the exact same to you
when he does it to you it more like he simply wants to feel you all over, not intending for you to get turned on
but make one moan and this mf thinks it a game
“how many times can i get y/n to moan”
it would take sum time to get him to cum
he doesnt strike me as the sensitive type and so you could jerk him for quite a while which hey more fun for you
but ooone faithful day he was more turned on than usual leading to him cumming quicker than he usually does during one of those times where you played with his dick
stroking it, running your thumb across the tip, licking it .. you name it...
you smirk when he accidentally cums on your lips and you lick it off and he just starts complaining (yk when jisung bit his fingernail in that two kids room episode, yeah that tone)
“y-you can’t just do that!!” you start chuckling “what? mad that you came like a bitch?” 
nex thing you know you’re pinned against a wall OOP sorry
he lives for this BUT only if you give him attention
which you dont because you’re simply bored and dont want to get him off, more like... liking the feeling of having him in your hand lmao
“can you at least look at me?” you shake your head, holding his semi-erect dick in your hand “shh,,, im watching something!” 
that would be the everyday conversation ahsahsha
he’d be relativly quiet as well so you wouldnt notice until he actually cums and you’re like “...wtf why is my hand sticky”
but he came anyways so..
you try to escape the situation but he’s not having it
“nah you’re not escaping now, finish what you started baby”
another boy thats lives for this 
why? because a) its a handjob b) he likes the thrill of not knowing when you’re bored c) because you forget what you’re doing and he likes seeing you surprised when he cums ASHAHS god bury me 
would purposefully make you bored 
“the wifi is down y/n,, guess we having nothing to do...w-wanna give me a handjob”
you shrug, “alright” 
you’re completely lost in though, wondering when the wifi will return or what you guys should eat for dinner
suddenly he cums,,, a lot,,,
you laugh at him and he’s kind of blushing with his hair covering parts of his face. 
“i-i’m pretty sure the wifi will be down for a while” ;))
he would already just be naked infront of you at random times
like,,, whats the point in putting on clothes after the shower if he knows that you are going to sneak up on him and jerk him off yk?
but what this boy didn’t know was how you didn’t notice most of the time
your hand just having a mind of it’s own...
but you’d notice pretty quick 
since this boy LOUD YALL 
whiny mf 
“shush!” you say, scrolling on your phone with one hand and jerking him off with the other.
you didnt intend on making him cum,,, just giving him a massage ASKKASJSKSA
he’d act all like “ppfft... you can’t make me cum from just that-”
and then shuts up because “h-hey... this feels too g-good”
not thinking he’d cum this quick you started talking to him but were quickly cut off from him letting out a long moan
“f-fuck,, y/n..h-haa,,,”
after he cums you’re like “heading to bed”
but he pulls you back, grabbing your wrist and looking at you with big doe eyes
“c-could we keep going?” 
boy would be walking around, holding his crotch because he never knows when you attack
because he belong to the more... sensitive bunch of boys... HE DOESNT LIKE IT TOO MUCH
mostly because he’d cum too fast and it would leave him embarrassed (awh poor boy:(( ) 
thats legit the only reason LMAO
noo poor boy wants to appear all tough for you even though you’ve told him over 100 times that he doesn’t have to be, you love him for who he is yk? <33
BUT NOPE stubborn baby sets bets with you
“ok this time i won’t cum that quickly... last time was a practice round”
4 minutes later... YEAH YOU GUESSED IT
and you didnt even notice?!?!
you just thought that those sounds were him in like pain ASHShHAS
because you were to preoccupied thinking watching tv
needless to say,,, he was pouty,, for a while
until you attacked again LMAO
ok gimmie a second,,,, i need to think 
alright... he likes it BUT he’s shy
you need to give the puppy some time to warm up 
do it too fast and he gets scared AHSHASH
so ok lets say that the both of you are doing,, nothing
and you just slowly feel him up and it eventually leads to you jerking him off
you’re not even aware of how good he’s feeling with your hand around his cock
“y-y/n can you stop?” 
“stop what- oh”
looking down you notice that he already came, his cum coating the tip and your hand with white thick ropes
goddamn... seungmin is always so difficult to write for ONLY ME?!?!?
seungmin stans are already knocking on my door SORRY IM TRYING
“w-what are you doing y/n~?” he says while your hand travels down the side of his body while the two of you were chilling in bed. “im bored” you huff out, looking him in those big brown eyes. “we can play videogames!” he says trying to make you get your hand out of his pants but you shake your head. “i wanna play with you instead” 
boy would melt
painfully shy (and hard)
because you it all happened so fast??
the two of you were chilling, everything quiet and peaceful and before he knows it you’re jerking him off vigorously
he covers his face with his hands, occasionally sneaking a glance of your pretty face from inbetween his fingers as you give him a handjob
you’d be too focused watching his face as almost falling asleep not noticing the boy squirming around 
until you hear
thats his cumming sounds btw HAHSHAH IF I WASNT CLEAR ENOUGH
jesus i cant write reactions for shit BUT THEY SEEM TO BE REALLY APPRECIATED SO YEAH!
I have 2 more of these coming up oh and also remember that this is legit word vomit SO ITS NOT PROOF READ AND UHM... i’ll try to do the two other ones this week heheh ^^
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brain-deadx0 · 3 years
Blood in the Water
Summary: Virgil is kidnapped for ransom, but when his captors don't get what they want they decide to get rid of him.
Characters: human Virgil, mer Logan, oc villain
Warnings: Kidnapping, restraints, hostage, injury of a main character, implied torture, attempted murder, drowning mention, near drowning, noncon kissing(?)/mouth to mouth, knife, uh… let me know?
 Virgil had never given much thought to his father. Sure as a kid he thought the man was cool as hell. But he was more like that rich uncle you never see who sends you cool toys on Christmas and your birthday. 
 As he got older he came to realize this but didn't care all that much. Sure he thought he would've liked to have an actual relationship with the guy, until he got old enough to realize his mom was the only one who was actually supporting him and paying the bills. So he decided the guy wasn't worth it anyway since despite all the money he seemed to have he never tried to help out. 
 Virgil knew his father was a bastard. 
 Virgil thought he was simply a rich yet deadbeat dad up until his mom got sick. The two had never once asked him for anything, but when Virgil was a broke college student who couldn't afford the growing medical bills he reached out. Hoping that if nothing else the man would help pay for her treatment. 
 He didn't even go to the funeral. 
 So yes. Virgil knew his father was a bastard. He just didn't realize how much of one he actually was. 
 Virgil was currently tied to a chair on what he could only assume was a boat. Or at least he hoped it was a boat or else his concussion was worse than he thought. 
 He didn't bother testing the restraints. He was too tired at this point and every attempt before had ended in pain. 
 He didn't even know why these people had suddenly grabbed him off the street and shoved him into a trunk. Sure his estranged father was rich or something but it's not like either of them had been in contact for years. Virgil didn't even get gifts anymore since his mom died and he told the man to not even bother. 
 He really hoped these people didn't actually know who he was because if they tried to ransom him he was definitely going to die. 
 The sound of the door slamming open startled him from his thoughts. 
 Virgil glared despite the new ball of anxiety sitting heavy in his stomach. 
 "So," a man in a pristine white suit said as he walked through the door, "You must be Virgil." 
 "Who's asking?" Virgil growled. 
 He almost regretted it as one of the guards made a move for him, only to be stopped by the man holding up a hand. 
 "You can call me John." 
 "Because that's totally not a made up name." 
 'John' just smirked, "Remind me: what was your father's name again?" 
 Virgil cursed, "Look man, if you're looking for money you kidnapped the wrong guy. I haven't had contact with that bastard in years. He didn't even pay child support!"  
 "I asked for his name, not your life story." 
 Virgil huffed, "George Storm," he ground out, "why are you even asking me? You obviously know already." 
 "Just wondering which alias he used on you." 
 "Now Mr. Storm-" 
 "It's Sanders. I got rid of his name when I told him to fuck off." 
"Fair enough," the man said, "regardless of your name the fact remains that you're still his son and that means you're worth something." 
 Virgil couldn't help but laugh at that, "Didn't you hear me? He won't give you any money. He probably forgot I even existed by now." 
 "Then let's remind him shall we?" 
 Virgil couldn't help but flinch at the sudden sound of ducktape. 
 "- and if you don't? Well your little boy might just have a little accident." 
 Virgil's screams came out muffled as the cattleprod was once again jammed into his side. 
 Virgil shook as he tried to recatch his breath. 
 "Well Mr. Sanders, you played your roll quite well." John told him. 
 Virgil just glared back. 
 Virgil wasn't sure how long he had been in the small room. It had to have been a couple of days at least. They had taken a few more videos after his fathers response or lack thereof. Each time Virgil was beaten or tortured just shy of unconsciousness. 
 He wasn't restrained anymore at least. It's not like anyone thought he could do anything at this point. 
 He laid on the cold metal floor hoping it might somehow make his body feel less like a puddle of pain, but if it did it wasn't noticeable. 
 He flinched and curled into himself when he heard the door open. Several sets of heavy foot steps made their way towards him. He tried to curl up tighter in a meager attempt to protect himself but inevitably failed as a rough hand pulled him into a sitting position. A bright flash let him know they were taking another photo before the hand in his hair began pulling him towards the door. 
 "Hello again Mr. Sanders." John greeted pleasantly as Virgil was thrown to the deck. 
 Virgil coughed as he pushed himself to his knees, "I'm guessing he won't give you anything?" 
 "No." John hummed, "I guess you were right. He really doesn't give a shit about you." 
 "Will you let me go now?" He couldn't help but ask. 
 John smirked again in the way Virgil had unfortunately become familiar with over the last however long, "Seeing as you aren't worth any monetary value I see no reason to keep you." 
 For a brief moment there was a flicker of hope in his chest. 
 "But I've wanted to kill that father of yours for a long time now. And you do bare quite the resemblance." 
 Virgil screamed as a heavy net was suddenly thrown over him. He tried to fight off the men surrounding him as they began to wrap rope around the mess he was quickly getting tangled in. 
 "Any last words for your father?" John asked as he stood over him with a camera. 
 "I hope you both burn in hell!" Virgil hissed. 
 "I suppose we'll just have to meet you there." The man told him before nodding to one of his goons. 
 Virgil screamed out a slew of curses as he was dragged the short distance to the side of the boat. He managed to suck in a breath as he felt himself be hoisted over the side and tried not to lose it as he hit the freezing water. 
 Logan's nose twitched as the faint scent of blood traveled on the weak current around him. Normally this would be a sign of an easy meal. A struggling seal, perhaps a fish that made a narrow escape, the occasional whale injured by human vessels. 
 He knew there was a boat in this area. He had been following it of course. Humans were dangerous but they were interesting and it was rare for them to be in this area. 
 Unable to resist his curiosity he quickly followed the scent to the boat. 
 The surface churned as the boat sped away but Logan barely paid it any mind as his eyes caught on something heavily tangled in one of the cursed human nets. 
 Logan knew humans used them to catch large amounts of fish. He wasn't sure why they needed so many all at once but that was one of life's great mysteries. He also knew that other creatures often got caught in them. If they were lucky the humans would let them out. If they weren't they often drowned. 
 He swam closer to the poor creature that was still struggling in the net. Whatever it was had obviously been left for dead. 
I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die…
 Virgil struggled as the net seemed to get tighter around him and his lungs screamed for air. 
Oh god I'm gonna die!
 He had to get out he had to get out of the net. 
 Despite his mind telling him to struggle and get out so he could breathe, his limbs started to fail him as he sank deeper into the cold water. 
 He barely felt the nudge of panic that shot through him as a shadowy figure that looked too close to a shark came closer. 
'Sharks are cool…' he thought as his vision turned dark. 
 Logan wasn't sure what he expected to be in the net, but he knew 'human' wasn't on his list. 
 The human's unfocused eyes landed on him for only a moment before closing. Small bubbles of air began to escape from their face as they went limp.
 That was… not good. 
 He quickly grabbed the net and tried to pull it upwards to the surface but barely slowed the descent caused by the heavy weights. 
 Logan looked up to the sky that grew farther and farther away. He needed to cut the weights off but the human would surely die before they would make it to the surface. There was only one thing to do if he intended to save them.
 He hesitated a moment before leaning forward and pressing his lips to the humans. 
 When he pulled back the human drew in a sharp breath followed by a short coughing fit. Logan was a bit concerned they didn't wake up but at least they weren't about to drown. 
 Logan reached into his bag and pulled out his knife before moving to cut the ropes. The heavy weights quickly disappeared into the dark below and Logan began pulling the human back to the warmer water near the surface. 
 Virgil woke up cold. It took him a moment to realize he was soaking wet. Another moment passed and he realized he wasn't alone. 
 There was someone next to him, humming in an odd tone, and seeming to be messing with something covering him. 
 He managed to crack one of his eyes open just in time to see a blurry flash of what looked like a knife. He quickly closed his eyes and curled into himself causing the person above him to stop humming. 
 Logan knew he should've fled back to the water as soon as the human showed signs of waking. He was only part way through cutting the human out of the net when the human's eyes opened. Only for them to immediately close again and for the human to retreat into themself. 
 Logically this would be the next perfect opportunity to leave. 
 "It's alright," he said instead, "You're safe now." 
 The human flinched at the sound of his voice but made no move to look at him. 
 After a minute Logan realized he wasn't going to get an answer, "You're stuck in a net," he told them, "I was in the process of removing it when you woke up. May I continue to use my knife to get it off?" 
 The humans eyes remained screwed shut but after a moment they nodded. 
 "Alright, I'm going to start near your abdomen is that acceptable?" 
 Another nod and Logan began to cut through the plastic ropes once more. As he worked the human gradually began to relax slightly. By the time he finished the human was only marginally as tense as they had been when they woke up. 
 Logan stored his knife back in his bag, "You should be able to get out now." 
 Once again the human flinched at his voice but thankfully didn't seem as scared as before. After a few seconds, the human began to shift cautiously. 
 By the time the other person had spoken again Virgil was pretty sure they didn't intend to murder him. But he was still confused. The last thing he remembered was being thrown overboard and left to drown. 
 Had another boat just happened to be near enough to see it and help him? It wasn't likely but that was all he could think of. 
 Until he finally got the courage to sit up and open his eyes. 
 The human gasped as their eyes locked onto the sharkmers tail. They seemed to freeze for a moment before their eyes rolled back and Logan lunged forward to try and catch them.
 "Oh dear," Logan said as he looked down at the once again unconscious human. 
 He looked around the area, unsure of what to do next. The sky was beginning to shift to a morning grey and more humans would undoubtedly start making their way to the currently empty beach. Logically he should leave now and let the other humans deal with it. 
 Logan was feeling very illogical today. 
 He gently laid the human back down and waited. 
 It was a bit concerning how long the human remained unconscious a second time. Logan knew it was likely due to their injuries, both seen and unseen, but for some reason he couldn't help but hope they would wake up soon. 
 Logan kept a sharp eye on the beach. Just as the sound of voices started to travel down from the cliffs the human began to show signs of waking. 
 Logan hesitated longer than he probably should have before quickly making his way back to the safety of the ocean. 
 He hid some nearby rocks and watched as the small group of arriving humans seemed to notice the figure in the sand. When they got close the group picked up speed and surrounded the injured human. 
 It wasn't long before humans in matching dark clothing appeared and took the first away. 
 Logan took that as his queue to leave as well. 
...some time later…
 Virgil stared out at the ocean as the sun slowly sank below the horizon. 
 He wasn't sure why he felt compelled to come back to the beach so often. Honestly you'd think the almost drowning in it would make him more wary of the ocean. And while there were many things he'd rather forget, and a few he probably had, he couldn't help but think about the person he saw. 
 He had met the people who found him on the beach, how he got there was still a mystery, and while they were nice people, none of them were the one he'd first seen. The one who he was pretty sure saved him and cut the net. 
 So here he was, sitting on the dock, waiting for something to happen. 
 As the sun finished sinking into the ocean he almost swore he saw a large fin break the water. 
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Forgive, But First Fun - Nandor x f(vampire) reader
Summary: After getting left behind to fight off a pack of werewolves on your own, now mad at Nandor, you and Nadja have decided a little night out couldn’t hurt.
Warning: slight angst, fluff, fun times, and a tiny smut mention
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Trudging angrily through the manors wooden doors, face stern and almost scary enough to put the fear of God into anyone. Your boots stomp into the large opening and onto the wooden floor boards as Gullimero, Nandor, and the documentary crew follow you in.
Your cloak is ripped and dirty as it lays in a pathetic black heap of cloth in Gullimero’s arms, your hair not looking any better, not to mention your face and arms that have various cuts paired with grass smudge marks adoring your skin. All in all you look like a hot mess.
“What the fuck happened to you lot? You’ve been gone all night.” Questions Laszlo as he walks into view from out of one of the hallways, his eyes scanning over a perfectly clean and handsome Nandor, then over to the dirty crew and disheveled Guillermo who’s got some leaves stuck to his hair.
“I don’t know.” You snap sarcastically, “How about you ask Mr. Dodgy-shit-stick over there.” Referring to Nandor who’s looking anywhere but you, keeping as silent as ever.
Gullimero looks between you and Nandor, then back at a confused Laszlo. “Oh, um they’re not speaking to each other right now.”
“And why the fuck not?”
Guillermo sighs before leaning towards Laszlo, “Nandor wanted to graffiti where the werewolves live and Y/N said he’d get caught and then Nandor said no I won’t and then he did.”
Laszlo raises a curious brow, “That’s it?”
“Oh, um....” Guillermo awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, suddenly pulling off a green leaf, “then they chased us to the park and when the pack closed in on us Nandor turned into a bat and left us behind so Y/N had to fight one of them off so we could escape and now we’re here.”
“Well that sounds rather exciting.”
“Not at the time.” Whispers Guillermo to no one in particular as he glances over at the camera.
“Huh,” Mutters Laszlo thoughtfully, scratching his beard as he thinks of how to help this situation, “well if you two dingbats aren’t talking to one another I believe Nadja needs you Y/N. Something about....well actually I’m not entirely sure.”
Perking up ever so slightly at this positive news, you cross your arms over your chest defiantly, “Well since someone does, I’ll be going then.” You grumble with a low growl at your Nandor who’s refusing to make eye contact while he stares frustrated at the floor.
Nodding in acknowledgment, Laszlo watches you stomp angrily up the steps before turning his head over to Nandor who’s now watching you leave with big sad eyes.
“Alright why’d you do it?” Interrogates Laszlo with a raised brow.
“Do whaaat?” Replies Nandor defensively, his once high and mighty aurora reappearing in an instant.
Rolling his eyes, Laszlo sets a hand on his hip sassily, “Well I sure as hell don’t want an angry Y/N wandering around this old place for the next however the fuck it takes you both to make up....in however fashion that may be. So I ask again, why’d you puss out and flee like a mangy opossum?”
Pursing his lips together in apprehensive embarrassment, Nandor mutters to himself before finally crossing his arms over his broad chest and sighing, “Because......I....I don’t know I panicked!” Exclaims the large vampire, causing Laszlo to start laughing. “Why are you laughing?”
Wiping a fake tear from his eye, Laszlo lets out a few more chuckles before finally composing himself, “My good man that is the second saddest thing I’ve ever heard. The first being when one of my many victims offered me one of their rare and exclusive Poki-muns card which I still have no idea what the fuck they were on about. Anyways, doesn’t matter, all I’ll tell is that you better make it up to her.”
“But she’s scary when she’s angryyy.” Whines Nandor with a frown.
“That’s all women my young pup, but since your lovely lady is a vampire she’s more dangerous.” He says while giving Nandor a kind pat on the back, “So uh, stay safe out there.” Adds Laszlo before turning and walking down the hallway leaving Nandor with his thoughts, Gullimero, and the documentary’s camera crew.
“What are you all looking at!” Snaps Nandor to the rest of the room.
“Oh my goodnessess that’s awful, my poor dark angel.” Soothes Nadja as you take a moment from your long and needed rant about the adventures in the park and Nandor’s cowardly stupidity. “That big hairy rhino doesn’t deserve you Y/N.” She reasons honestly, doing her best to make you feel better, knowing all to well the level of competent decision making skills of the other two vampires in the house.
“I know.” You mutter in agreement, your body tense and agitated as you pace back and forth in front of her as she sits in a chair, “Fucking beautiful idiot prick horse-fart of a husband. Urgghhh!” You proclaim loudly while throwing your hands into the air angrily, causing the furniture in the room to screech backwards across the old flooring at your outburst of vampiric energy. Nadja’s long obsidian hair blowing backwards as you do so while she keeps seated, unflinching.
Face softening, she gives you a sympathetic smile, “Oh my lovely fierce lioness, I know exactly what will make that sad little frown turn into a happy one.” Beams Nadja with an excited clap of her hands.
Hugging your sides, you let out a frustrated huff before giving your old friend a shrug, “What do you have in mind?”
“So we’re at the carnival!” Claps Nadja in delight as she smiles at the camera, “This will hopefully relieve Y/N’s pent up angers and keep her mind off of Nandor.....for now.” She adds a bit uncertainly.
“HA HA take that fuckers!” You shout joyfully from behind her, the camera panning over to you at the ball toss where you’ve been knocking down plastic bottles with a rubber ball. The stall owner cowering in the corner as he shields himself with a stuffed zebra.
The camera focuses back on Nadja, “I think it’s going really well so far.” She confirms with a convincing grin. “Relieving all that..uh....rage.” 
After winning a stuffed snake taller then you and deciding to wear it as a strange fashionable scarf, you and Nadja are wandering the carnivals streets while people watching to pass the time.
“So that’s why I never walk on the roof after 3am when I’ve had homeless man’s blood.” Rambles Nadja as your thoughts about Nandor come trickling down into your brain and nose. Huh, strange, must be cause you’re still wearing a thin red scarf of his.
No, stop thinking about him.
“Good lesson learned then,” You add with the flash of a smile before nudging her shoulder gently, “hey you wanna watch me win you something cool?”
Perking up in an instant, Nadja smiles a devilish fangy grin as she stops to eye up the multiple game stalls, “Why I would be delighted my dear Y/N, how about....um, oooh I want that giant tropical fishy with the long whiskers over there.” Points Nadja as your eyes travel over to the game stall with the large prizes.
It’s a game that requires the individual to shoot an arrow directly on three different sized bullseye’s stationed at various heights. Smiling like an idiot, you nudge your vampiric acquaintance in agreement, the both of you quickly swaggering over to the carnival game and it’s plush flashy prizes just screaming to be won.
“Hello good sir, my skilled roommate Y/N here is going to win me that fish.” Beams Nadja proudly as the teenager jumps off his chair to greet the two of you.
He smells like weed but surprisingly looks decent all things considered, “Uh yeah alright, two bucks for three arrows, hit every target directly on the middle red mark and if you make it on the bonus poster on the far back wall then you’ll have a chance to win that fish, good luck.” Mumbles the kid unenthusiastically as you slide him the cash.
Picking up the shitty yet still functional carnival bow, you give Nadja a wink before fitting an arrow in the nock and pulling back, lining up the shot and releasing directly into the first target to the left. Smirking to yourself you quickly draw again, hitting your second mark just as intended. Pays to be a skilled archer huh.
“Damn that’s pretty good aim.” Nods the teen as he watches in awe as you fit another arrow, releasing and punching a hole in the middle of the third target.
Nadja claps in excitement from behind you, “Yes! Win me that colorful fat bitch my feisty lioness!”
Standing like a warrior ready for battle with your bow in hand and wind blowing in your face, the kid almost drops the arrow he hands you for the winning shot as he practically swoons.
“Get those scissors ready, that fish is mine.” You growl in determination while picturing Nandor’s head as the final target, drawing back, you let the arrow fly straight into the bonus target. Winning Nadja her giant fish plushy.
“Yessss!” Shouts Nadja in delight as you drop the bow onto the table like a bad bitch before eyeing up the kid with a raised brow, “We’ll be taking the fish now.”
Wide eyed he almost falls off his chair, “Wait um, that’s the last one...I didn’t think, uh, my boss doesn’t want me to give away those ones.” He stutters out.
“What!” Snaps Nadja, “Then why are they just hanging there? You lied to us you little shit!”
“I’m sorry.” He pleads apologetically, “That’s what my boss told me. And no one ever wins the big prizes anyway so I didn’t think...”
“Well your boss he can eat a big horse turd cause I’m taking that fish.” You growl before jumping up and unhooking the fish from its perch above your heads, handing it to a practically glowing with joy Nadja who immediately hugs the thing.
Sticking your tongue out at the teen, you and Nadja turn to leave before a boney hand is suddenly on your shoulder, twisting around in an agitated instant, your face is mere inches from the wide eyed boy as he attempts to look even a tad bit threatening.
“No.” Is the only thing that slips from your tongue before your hand shoves him back, his whole body going air bound into the back of the carnival tent while the kid lets out a panicked scream.
“Ooooh Y/N that was very sexy of you.” Smirks Nadja while wiggling her dark brows, “Too bad a certain cowardly lion wasn’t here to see it.”
Petting the stuffed toy snake around your neck absentmindedly, you smile back a fangy grin, “Yes. Too bad.”
Continuing on your late night stroll through the carnival you both pass by random strangers, families, elders, children, and lovers all minding their sweet business completely unawares to the dark supernatural world walking right past them.
Although you’re quite enjoying this time spent with your best friend in the whole wide world, a low dull feeling of emptiness can’t help but creep into your undead being the more you catch sight of new and old couples walking together.
Sensing your growing sadness, Nadja nudges your shoulder playfully to gain your distracted attention, “Hello in there my black rose, what is on your mind?”
Holding the snake close to your body, a small smile creeps its way onto your face knowing she’s looking out for you, though it’s gone soon enough, “Oh you know....uh....blood.” You mutter unenthusiastically, trying to keep your thoughts away from Nandor and how much you miss him right now.
“Blood is it? But we just fed before attending the carnival.” Inquires Nadja in confusion as she keeps a normal pace at your side while the two of you follow the sidewalk past various shops and restaurants. “What is actually plaguing your mind my dear one?” She wonders with a frown, not keen on seeing you upset and in a grey mood.
Biting your lip anxiously, though not hard enough to draw blood, you walk past a couple more people before your eyes catch the sight of a small black bat disappearing behind a corner building just up ahead.
Squinting your eyes, your nose suddenly catches the scent of someone very familiar, “Nandor?”
Turning her head to face you, Nadja’s brows furrow in puzzlement, “What? No my sweet hurricane, forget that mangy old bear he’s not important right now.” Urges Nadja as she looks forward, suddenly surprised to catch a glimpse of someone who looks a lot like Guillermo racing behind the same corner you saw the bat fly behind. “Okay um what the fuck? Did you see that too?”
Glancing at Nadja you nod before quickening your steps as she does the same, her skirts flowing as she tries to catch up with you, though you’re much faster and with lack of annoying dress material, “Wait! You’re too fast.” Yelps Nadja.
Ignoring her protests you book it down the sidewalk like a maniac, almost running into a jogger before skidding round the corner of the brick building and coming face to face with a wide eyed Guillermo who gasps in surprise. Nudging him to the side, your eyes immediately fall upon the nervous fangy grin of your Nandor.
He gives you a shy little wave before shuffling awkwardly in place, awaiting your rampage of verbal and possibly physical assault that he’s certain is in the near future.
Taking a deep breath, you cross your arms over your chest defensively, “Were you following me?”
“Um, well.....I might have been....but only to make sure you were okay.” Mutters Nandor honestly, eyes shifting from you to the ground nervously as he awaits your wrath.
Pursing your lips together in thought, you shake your head before taking off the stuffed toy snake and holding it firmly in your hands. With a low growl do you grasp the snake in your right hand and hold it back like you might swing at any moment.
“You’re a fucking nincompoop you know that right?” Slips from your mouth without an once of anger lacing your words, instead do you hand the snake to Gullimero as Nandor watches in puzzled fear.
Taking a swift step forward, you point a finger into his strong chest while looking sternly up at him, “Racing off and leaving me too fight that angry bitch all by myself, and now following me when I needed a break from you! Nandor....... you’re something else.” You add with a shake of your head.
“Yes I know, and I’m sorry my love.” Smiles Nandor with saddened eyes, “I promise to keep you save from now on and fight off any werewolf who tries to hurt you....even if I am scared.”
Taking a step back, you can’t help the smirk that forms onto your face at his sweet words of forgiveness and sincerity. You know how much he fears werewolves and that he fled the scene thinking you were planning on following too, not realizing that you might actually give a shit about Gullimero’s and the crew’s lives.
“Oh my dear puff dragon,” You declare softly with a small smile, reaching both hands out to grasp his own, “I forgive you.”
Nandor’s face breaks out into the biggest and happiest grin you’ve seen since his last birthday when he walked into your shared crypt only to find you naked and holding a bushel of red roses while seated seductively on his coffin.
“Oh that’s fantastic because I was really missing you.” Reveals Nandor with a gentle squeeze of your hands. “Laszlo and Guillermo can’t make me laugh nearly as much as you can, they’re honestly rather boring.” He says before leaning in closer to whisper, “and not very attractive to look at either.” Causing you to crack another grin and your undead heart to fill with butterflies. 
Chuckling you reach up with one hand to pull his collar closer to you and a second later do your lips clash sweetly against one another in a heated moment of passion. He smiles into the kiss before moving to pull you in closer with both of his hands, one slipping low to cheekily pinch your round bottom.
Feeling him against you once again has to be the best sensation in the whole entirety of the world even if you’ve only been separated for a couple of hours. You absolutely love the way his fingers dig into your back and bum with an animalistic eagerness that’s slowly starting to drive you insane. Oh, the things he does to you.
Especially how his tongue slips into your mouth with ease while you tug at his hair long dark locks. “Y/N!” Suddenly shouts Nadja.
Begrudgingly pulling away, you turn around to face the confused lady vampire while Nandor hugs you from behind, happily smirking at her, knowing she can’t do anything to hurt him now. “Yes Nadja.” You answer.
With the fish plushy hung over her shoulder, her brows furrow in confusion, “What the fuck are you doing? I thought you were mad at him?”
“Yeah well, I was starting to really miss him and also I’m kind of horny now so.” You reply with a shrug as Nandor hugs you tighter, resting his bearded chin against your head while Nadja huffs in defeat.
“Alright. See you at home then.” Adds Nadja before turning towards Guillermo and shoving the giant carnival fish into his arms, “Hold this Gizmo I’m going home.” Then just like that she’s gone in a black wispy poof, flying away in bat form towards the vampire resistance on Staten Island.
“Okay then.” Mutters Gullimero as he looks up at the dark sky.
Feeling a wet kiss on the side of your face and neck you smile before turning around to face your dear husband, “Shall we take flight to seek out our bed chambers?” You speak slyly in a soft yet seductive voice.
“Yes.” Grins Nandor with a flash of lust and excitement before turning his attention over to Guillermo, “Hey Guillermo I’m leaving to make passionate love to my wife so don’t bother us or I will have a rat shit in your pillowcase. Okay?”
You giggle to yourself as Gullimero’s cheeks redden while he side eyes the camera, “Understood master. Have fun.” Squeaks out the loyal familiar as he stands there awkwardly with his hands full of two carnival prizes.
Nandor sneakily squeezes your bottom once more as he gives Gullimero a knowing smirk, “Oh, we will.” Then a second later you two are flying high above the city in bat form, ready to make love to your sweet Nandor for probably the twentieth time that week.
Down below the camera pans over to Gullimero as he blinks, “Well uh, I have these things now..” He says, holding up the fish, “and I am so not looking forward to cleaning up their mess.......again.”
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter One}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara's blogs! >> @tacmc.
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby's Masterlist
Tara's Masterlist
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5 years later….
Nyx looked at his birthday cake and the lone candle that was lit atop the icing before looking up at Feyre with a confused expression on his beautiful, little face.
His mother laughed, quietly, before leaning forward and taking out the candle. She had just blown out the flame when Rhys barely pushed the cake closer to Nyx, who put his chubby, little hands smack-dab in the middle of the icing and dug in.
Everyone had come to celebrate, and even Nesta couldn’t stop her smile from showing. At least, she let it show when she was on the opposite end of the house from the one and only, and massively self-centered, Cassian Nazari.
Of course, he would be at Nyx’s first birthday party. He was Nyx’s uncle - maybe not by blood, not that blood mattered when it came to Cassian, Rhysand, and their other lifelong friend, Azriel.
He, too, stood across the kitchen, watching as Elain snapped picture after picture of the jubilant baby, the mess atop his high chair the largest Nesta had ever seen. She knew Elain was taking notes for their own daughter’s birthday party, though she was barely three months old.
Rhysand’s smile was as big as Feyre’s as they watched their son, listening as his giggles filled the kitchen. Nyx realized quickly that the cake was for him alone and after smashing it for a few moments, he lifted a large handful to his chubby face and took a bite. His eyes lit up and that started the giggling anew.
Nesta loved her nephew and niece, had loved him since the day they were born, but she didn’t envy her sisters and their happy families. Unlike them, she had remained perfectly content on her own, especially after the endless string of disaster dates she had been forced to sit through throughout the years.
And children? It wasn’t that Nesta disliked kids. Not all kids, at least. She loved her nephew and niece, anyway. Having one of her own, though? Having to be around one every day? Every night? Having to constantly try and make a tiny person content?
No, thank you. That was a challenge she had little interest in.
A deep rumbling laugh came from across the house and Nesta looked up to find Cassian entering the kitchen, still chuckling at something Mor had said.
As hard as she tried, she couldn’t keep her lip from curling slightly as she looked at him. It only infuriated her more when he caught sight of her as he raised his beer to his lips and winked.
He was absolutely insufferable.
After their catastrophe of a date years ago, which Nesta had made Feyre promise was a stunt she’d never pull again, she had only been forced to be around Cassian Nazari a handful of times.
One of which was during Feyre and Rhysand’s wedding, only months after their date.
“You only have to walk with him for thirty seconds,” Feyre had sighed, while Mor continued to pin and curl her hair into place. “You don’t have to be happy about it.”
“Good,” Nesta said, draining the glass of champagne in her hand. “Because I’m not.”
As Feyre’s maid-of-honor, it was customary that she was supposed to walk out of the wedding arm in arm with Rhysand’s best man. She wished that he’d picked Azriel, but since it seemed the Cauldron hated her, it had to be Cassian.
Elain, who was harboring the world’s most obvious crush on Azriel at the time, was thrilled with how they’d be exiting the wedding. Nevertheless, she said to Nesta, “I think you two got off on the wrong foot. He’s a really good guy, Nes.”
Nesta shot her youngest sister a look of pure annoyance through the mirror’s reflection. “Have any of you ever been on a date with the guy? And not only a date, but the worst date of your life?”
Feyre snorted, fully aware of where this conversation was headed. “No.”
“Then you have no room to talk,” Nesta snapped, admiring herself in the mirror. “Mother’s tits, Feyre, he wore jeans to the nicest restaurant in Velaris!”
“At least he didn’t wear his boots,” Mor muttered, then she caught Nesta’s glare in the mirror. “Really? He wore his boots?”
“He was dressed for an all-night, summer bonfire,” Nesta said, shaking her head. “And he’s completely full of himself. And, he forgot his wallet!”
“Not like you can’t afford dinner,” Feyre said, and Nesta’s lips snapped shut. She was fully aware that the conversation had somehow become a let’s-pick-on-Nesta session.
Feyre added, “You have to walk back down the aisle with him, share an entire table during dinner, and that’s it. No one is asking you to dance with him, but be nice.” Nesta met Feyre’s eyes, her jaw set. Feyre sighed, “Fine, be civil.”
She scoffed, but nodded. “Fine.”
The ceremony itself went off without a hitch. It was beautiful and elegant and the perfect wedding Rhys and Feyre had always wanted.
She ignored Cassian’s unending looks the whole night, managed to give her maid-of-honor speech without snarling at him, and after that, took advantage of the open bar her sister and new brother had so kindly provided.
She was coming out of the bathroom, a glass of wine still clutched in her hand, doing her best not to trip over her own feet when she walked into a wall.
A wall of solid muscle that turned out to be Cassian’s back.
When he turned around and she looked up at him, his eyes were nearly as glazed as hers.
“Hello, Nes,” he said, smirking down at her.
She bit out, “Don’t call me that.”
“That was a pretty, little speech you gave,” he said, leaning against the wall. “I know true love exists cause I’ve seen it first hand. Poetic.”
Nesta scoffed, brushing off the skirt of her dress as if he had tainted it. “Don’t flatter yourself. I wasn’t referring to you. I was talking about Feyre and Rhys, in case you thought otherwise.”
“Oh, I didn’t,” he promised. “Honestly, I didn’t think you were talking about anyone. Just some fluffy shit that sounded sweet. Unless it’s that guy that showed up at the restaurant and ruined our date. Oh, wait,” he began, tapping his chin as if in deep thought, “You dumped him though, right? Poor bastard.”
“You’re a prick,” Nesta bit out. She refrained from saying that Tomas hadn’t ruined their date. It was sad that seeing her ex was one the bright points of her night, rather than seeing the Greek god standing before her. The pretentious, cocky asshole of a Greek god.
He only grinned. “But am I a liar?”
Nesta’s jaw locked. She eyed his tux. “I’m just glad you decided to clean up for your own brother’s wedding. No jeans?”
He scoffed. “Is that the worst you’ve got?”
“Do you prefer me to give you my worst?” she asked, brows furrowing. “If so, you may want to be careful what you wish for.”
Cassian said nothing, just lifted the beer she hadn’t noticed in his hands to his lips.
Nesta rolled her eyes, brushing past him, and made a move to head back into the reception.
His voice called out behind her, “You don’t have to be such a miserable bitch, you know?”
She froze, looking back at him. He was no longer smirking at her. Instead, his eyes were intense. “Excuse you?”
“You’re so miserable that you won’t allow anyone else to have any fun, won’t allow yourself to either,” he said, still leaning against that damn wall. He crossed his arms over his muscular chest, his dress shirt tight and loose in all the right places. “You want everyone else to suffer, just because you’re forcing yourself to, for whatever reason.”
“You don’t know a damn thing about me,” she bit out, stalking back over to him. She was so close she had to look up into his face.
“I don’t,” he said, words clipped. “I tried, but you didn’t seem very inclined to let me get to know you during our date. You were more concerned with my attire and your ex than you were with me. You thought all I wanted to do was fuck you.” His eyes, still glassy and glazed, dragged down her body and back up again. “Besides, you’ve got that damn stick shoved so far up your ass, there wouldn’t have been room for my cock even if I’d really even tried.”
A blink was Nesta’s only reaction. Then her hand was moving of its own accord, splashing her full glass of wine directly in his face and all over that pretty, white shirt.
“Go fuck yourself,” was all she’d said before she walked back into the ceremony, leaving him there to drip on the venue’s fancy carpet.
She blinked, Feyre’s voice drawing Nesta out of her memories, looking over at her sister. She stood next to Rhys and Elain, who had her camera in her hands, and Cassian stood behind Nyx’s high chair.
“I want a picture of him with his godparents, come here,” she beamed and Nesta tried not to cringe.
She had been so proud, her heart feeling like it would burst when Feyre and Rhys had asked her to be Nyx’s godmother. There was no hesitation when she said yes, tears lining her eyes as she’d hugged both her sister and brother-in-law.
She tried not to think about the fact that when they’d told her Cassian was his godfather, she nearly asked them to give the distinction to Elain.
But she hadn’t, wouldn’t. Despite what others, especially Cassian, thought of her… Nesta loved her nephew.
She loved her family.
With a sigh, Nesta meandered over to Nyx’s high chair. “Alright.”
“Closer,” Feyre ordered, gesturing Nesta to move in closer beside Cassian behind the high chair.
Nesta’s lips pursed but she took another step toward the boys for her sister’s sake.
“I’m not poisonous, Nesta,” Cassian muttered, smiling at the camera as he spoke. “You won’t burst into flames if we brush arms.”
“You’d be so lucky to brush arms with me,” she muttered back, hoping the smile she was giving her sister was convincing - and knowing full well that it wasn’t.
Without another word, Cassian tossed his arm around Nesta and said, “Cheeeeese!”
Nyx was giggling, looking up at his godparents behind him. There was so much joy and adoration in those big, beautiful eyes that Nesta didn’t have the heart to storm off, leaving Cassian in her dust, no matter how much she wanted to.
The camera’s flash went off and Nesta pushed Cassian’s arm off her shoulder.
The rest of the party was perfect. Feyre took Nyx up to the bathroom to clean him off, while Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian hauled his many gifts out into the living room. Feyre opened them one by one, despite everyone knowing Nyx had no clue what was going on, though he did clap his chubby little hands and giggle at a few particular items. Nesta stood off to the side with Elain, holding a milk-drunk, sleepy Seph in her arms.
Azriel and Elain’s little girl had been a surprise, neither of them planning on Elain getting pregnant so soon after they got married. They both fell into the role of parents so seamlessly though, that Nesta knew another baby would be in their near future. They adored the baby girl, and she was the most perfect baby Nesta had ever seen.
Persephone hardly cried, only doing so when she was hungry or needed to be changed, and once whatever wrong was taken care of, she became a happy, smiley baby again.
Nyx, on the other hand, had been a hellion as a baby.
Which was to be expected, considering who his father was. Although responsible when necessary, Rhysand was just as much of a madman as Cassian...especially when infused with alcohol.
“You look good with a baby,” Elain crooned from beside her sister.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “You can keep trying to push me down the marriage-baby road, but I just won’t take it. Wasting your time.”
Elain sighed, dramatically, with that little grin remaining on her soft pink lips. “As long as you stay such a good auntie, I suppose I can’t complain.”
Nesta looked down at the sweet, sleeping infant in her arms. She didn’t mind those little snuggles.
She did mind the diaper blowouts, constant spit-ups, and loud crying, though. That’s usually when she gave Seph back to her parents and blissfully enjoyed her independent life.
Feyre gasped and Nesta looked up. She was holding a little guitar that had Nyx’s name and the night sky engraved into the dark-stained wood.
Nesta’s eyes snapped to Cassian.
Cassian smiled, fondly, at Feyre. “I know he won’t be able to start messing with it for another few years, but I couldn't help myself.”
“He made that himself, you know.” Nesta’s eyes shot to Elain, who was watching the scene before them. She whispered again, “He doesn’t do it for a living, of course, but it’s a hobby of his, making guitars. He’s really good.”
She blinked, the information catching her off guard for whatever reason. But all she said was, “That’s nice.”
She spent the rest of the afternoon, ignoring the man as much as she could, as she always did. But as the guests began to dwindle, as Nyx and Seph went down for their naps, the three sisters gathered in the living room, while Rhys, Azriel, and Cassian went out back to inspect the small jungle gym Rhys was building for Nyx. Again, he was too young to use most of it, but the tiny swing and slide would be hours of fun for the little man.
Feyre brought two cups of coffee out to her sisters before collapsing next to Elain on the couch. “That could not have gone better if we tried.”
Nesta leveled her a look and raised an eyebrow.. “If we tried? You had a minute-by-minute itinerary for a one-year-old’s birthday.”
“Everything was perfect,” Elain smiled, cutting off Nesta, blowing on her coffee gently. “Nyx had a good time, neither he nor Seph had a blow-up, Cassian and Nesta managed to be in the same room without stabbing each other. All in all, a good day.”
Nesta rolled her eyes before throwing a vulgar gesture towards her sisters, who were both laughing.
“Fine, new subject,” Feyre grinned. “Oh! Before I forget, Rhys and I are going out of town for our anniversary in a few weeks. I was hoping you could watch Nyx for a few days.”
It took Nesta a moment to realize that Feyre was talking to her. She froze, having been blowing on her own hot coffee. “I’m sorry, what?”
Feyre laughed, quietly. “I was hoping that you could watch Nyx while Rhys and I go away for a long weekend. We’re going to the mountains for our anniversary. To his family’s cabin.”
“Oh, that sounds nice,” Elain said, looking at Nesta.
Who blinked, having only unfrozen to set her coffee down on the table between them. “You want me…to watch Nyx…for the weekend? Alone? By myself? Just me and him?”
“That’s what I was hoping for, yeah,” Feyre said, nodding as she sipped from her cup. “You can come here, where all of his stuff is in one place, and make yourself at home.” She shrugged. “I’ll leave money for takeout and the key to the wine cabinet.”
Nesta hesitated. “I’ve only babysat Nyx a couple of times…all for, like, an hour each.”
“It will be fine,” she said, a genuine smile on her face. “It will only be three nights, really. We’ll leave after work on Thursday and be home Sunday evening.”
Nesta stammered and shook her head. “I have to work on Friday, the restaurant-.”
“I’ll keep him during the day on Friday,” Elain offered. “I don’t have any shoots that day, so he can spend the day with me and Seph.”
“You could keep him the whole weekend,” Nesta tried, looking at her younger sister hopefully.
“Seph is enough of a handful,” she chuckled, glancing at Feyre, who was nodding as well. “I don’t think I can handle two at once for an entire weekend.”
“Please, Nes,” Feyre said, drawing her eldest sister’s eyes to her. “I know you can do it and it would be nice for you to spend some time together, just you two.”
“And you can call me, if you need anything,” Elain added.
Nesta looked from Feyre to Elain. “You two already planned this.” They at least had the wherewithal to look guilty. She sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head. “Fine. But I’ll probably end up calling both of you every thirty seconds.”
“I can work with that,” Feyre said, just as Elain said, “Then it’s settled!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Nesta snorted, shaking her head. “But, I hope you know that I wouldn’t do this for anybody else.”
“Oh, I know,” Feyre grinned, “which is what makes you such a wonderful, wonderful big sister.”
“I am pretty damn wonderful,” Nesta agreed, grinning as she sipped from her mug.
As she drank, she peeked out the window, where the boys were putting together the playset. Once she did, only one thing caught her eye.
Cassian was already watching her.
And when he caught her gaze, that stupid little, cocky-ass grin appeared.
She hated that grin, hated it with every ounce of her being.
And she wouldn’t feel bad for it, no matter how much her sisters adored the guy.
She hated him, hated Cassian Nazari.
And she always would.
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