#yukata pikachu
eldrige · 2 years
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Commission: Eevee & Porygon-Z Fun Pokemon commission for a private client!
I love how I was asked to add many personal features unique to the happy couple in this one - everything was especially satisfying to paint! The yukata & kimono plush Pikachus were a personal fave of mine to do. :)
Thanks again to them both!
-- eldrige.net | Commission Info Twitter | FA | DA
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mazeruffleposts · 4 months
Hashira's React! Pt. 2
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HAPPY LATE VALENTINES DAY!!! I wanted to do something for the Hashira, especially since I haven't written for them in a hot minute now. I do plan on making a Hashira's React! special for my birthday, even though it's already passed.
Content Warning: Fluff
Word Count: 2031 words
Proofread? No.
Hashira's React to Sweetheart!Reader surprising them on Valentine's Day! Reader surprises them with something nice that they have been planning for a while!
Lacuna- A blank space. Used in place of your name
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Gyomei is a simple man, he never would wish for anything fancy or over the top from you, his love. Though to be honest, the holiday still snuck up on him. He had been so busy leading up to it that it had slipped his mind.
Que to him spending most of the day traveling back home after a ridiculously long mission only to find that the house is damn near empty, save for the few attendants cleaning like all is normal. You are nowhere to be found.
He assumes that you were out doing something in the nearby town and didn't think much about it. He goes to the private bathroom you two share to freshen up.
About two hours or so later, he greets you at the door with a big ol' hug.
Insert surprise Pikachu face when you inform him you want him to follow. You lead him down the path leading to a small creek near the house.
There you set up a small picnic with his and your favorite foods. To top it all off you brought out a book that you had been interested in reading for a while, but put it off till you could spend time and read it to him. Knowing that he loves your voice.
"My dear Lacuna, you are a true blessing. There is no better gift you could have given me than your time and affection. I feel loved beyond words."
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TENGEN (+ Hina, Suma, And Makio)
Tengen is a sucker for the dramatic! He loves to see what all his partners come up with for special occasions and will go out of his way to help when he can. Though he can't help but feel a little bummed to think you and the other wives haven't planned anything special this year. He took it as his chance to swoop you all up for a surprise trip somewhere. The four of you WERE planning something, and for once you were able to keep him from finding out about it beforehand.
He had recently been so busy with a rather nasty demon's nest a few districts over and hadn't been able to come home for a while. The letters you all sent never spilled anything about the surprise you all had.
After trudging back home over a few days flowers in hand for each of you, he finally stepped through the threshold of the house and was greeted with the sight of all four of his partners dressed in extravagant kimonos, hair done up, and bright smiles.
The Halls and rooms of your home had decorations ranging from hanging lights to written letters proclaiming various reasons why you all love one another. The aroma of the good food you all had been helping to prepare took him by surprise a bit.
"I honestly shouldn't be as surprised as I am to find you all did something so wonderful. My heart is bursting at the seems with how much I love you, thank you."
Que Tengen taking a moment to greet each of you with a hug and a plethora of kisses.
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You and the lovable Flame Pillar have been together for almost a year at this point, and Kyojuro has been counting down the days to do something special for you but ended up being surprised. Coming home after a surprise rescue mission with none of the gifts he planned to shower you in, he found the hallway leading through the house covered in various flower petals.
The savory smell of your cooking, which he swears is better than anything he has had, fills his senses as he follows the path you so obviously made for him.
Doesn't know what to think when he gets to the other side of the house and sees you set up a little date spot in the garden. You in your favorite yukata, surrounded by candles with that soft smile that just melts him.
Poor man's brain shuts off at the sight of you. He was rooted to the spot in pure awe of your beauty, never noticing how your melodic voice had been calling out for him to join till you walked over to him and waved a hand in front of his face.
The blush on his face when he realized he'd been staring made you giggle. He made up for the silence and oogling by swooping you into his embrace and kissing the crown of your head.
"I must truly be a blessed man... Coming home with nothing to give but my love, yet you welcome me with open arms. My dear Lacuna, you warm my heart more than the strongest fire ever could."
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Isn't one for the dramatics or anything regarding the holiday, even after making you his. He wouldn't ever want you to do anything for him.
Similar to Sanemi, he's not fond of dramatics in relationships till he's in one with you. Now all of a sudden he finds himself panicking as he walks home late with nothing but a couple bentos with your favorite foods.
The entire walk to your shared estate consists of him kicking himself over waiting till the last minute and trying to convince himself that you won't be upset. He should have gotten you a plush bear or something.
You're waiting on the engawa before he even enters the estate grounds. You are dressed in a yukata to match his Haori, which he blushes profusely over but will never admit, and you hold what looks like a journal and a single red rose in your hands.
When he finally gets up to you, he's panicking, but nonetheless calms down when you greet him with open arms. Suddenly he's questioning why you would have been upset with him.
He does that adorable head tilt as you explain how you know he thought the holiday was stupid, but you still wanted to do something for him. Que handing him the journal and the rose, telling him that for the past few months, you've been writing letters about your daily life while he's away accompanied by small poems just for him.
Yeah, that blush has him feeling completely flustered now. You both eat the bentos on the engawa together as he reads the journal.
"My Lacuna, the love you continue to devote to me is truly special. I hope you know you are truly my everything, even when I don't say it."
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Is much like both Kyojuro and Tengen. She's been counting down the days to plan something rather extravagant for you. But sometimes, the simple things mean so much more
Everything however seemed to be going wrong in every possible way. Not only did she burn the food she was trying to make for you ahead of the date she planned, she got called out to a mission the day of.
Now she's walking home late, wrapped up with nothing but herself to give you. Not that you would complain...
When you answer the knocks at the door, you find your girlfriend on the brink of tears. She doesn't even notice you dressed up in a silk Kimono, instead, she flings herself into your arms apologizing.
After a few moments of you comforting her, she finally takes a look down the hallway and into the main room when candles are lit.
Que surprised face when you tell her you had heard about the surprise mission and wanted to give her a good meal and warm bed to come home to. Now she's crying again and spinning you around out of pure joy as she tells you she'll make breakfast for you in the morning and spoil you.
"Lacuna, my love! I can never express how much I truly adore you! But I will try my best to shower you with it~"
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Isn't one for holidays, but was planning on doing something small for you. However, she ended up too busy to go through with it and was rather bummed.
An influx of slayers needing patching up plus a whole solo mission on the edge of her district took up the majority of the day and night for her. She was practically stomping her way up the path to the separate house you two share but was shocked to find you opening the door for her with a cup of warm tea held out.
Telling her that her crow informed you of the chaos and that it was alright. After taking the tea from you, you lead her down the hallways to the large private bathroom where you set up a whole ass spa just for her. To top it off, you said you bought her a new Kimono with Sakura blossoms embroidered on it to match the one you had on. Now her cheeks feel warm
She embraces you with the first genuine smile she's had all day.
"No matter the chaos of the day, there is nothing more that I enjoy than coming home to you. Well, besides your love, my dear Lacuna~"
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Never really paid much attention to the holiday in the first place. So it ended up sneaking up on him and now he's panicking.
Spent most of the day training at his estate while you were out. Only remembered the holiday when he went to Kocho's that afternoon to do something.
However, it gave you ample time to set up your surprise for him.
Giyuu unfortunately didn't give you a whole lot of time before he came back, BUT you were able to set up the main room for a cuddle space.
Came in as you were setting up the snack stash and ended up staring at you as you rearranged the literal mountain of blankets and pillows to your liking.
Got spooked by you squealing as you turned around to him staring. Spent the next few minutes mentally banging his head on the wall because he should have said something.
Was genuinely surprised to hear that you had planned spending the night cuddling him and showering him with affection. Was also surprised when you brushed off the fact that he didn't have anything for you. He thought you'd be upset, but was shocked to hear that it wasn't required to gift you something, that all you wanted was him as himself.
"There's very little I could do to properly show how grateful I am to have you in my life, my Lacuna... Trust when I say you are a blessing to me."
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Similar to both Giyuu and Obanai, he doesn't care for the holiday until it hits him smack dab in the face and now he's panicking trying to figure out what to do for you.
You were well aware of his dislike for the holiday but still wanted to do something to show your appreciation for the man. For the month leading up to the holiday you'd been sneaking small purchases and hiding them away in your shared home.
He had a feeling you were up to something but never could find anything out of the ordinary.
After a rather disappointing meeting with a few of the Hashira to discuss recent demon activity, he came home socially exhausted.
You met him at the door with a gift basket. Its contents are hidden by colored paper with a note attached. His name is written by your hand on it surrounded by various colored hearts.
Didn't know how to react when you practically shoved it in his hands. After a few minutes of convincing, you got him to read the small letter.
Big, bad, buff Sanemi Shinazugawa was on the verge of tears as he read the heartfelt confession you made him explaining all the things you loved about it. Did in fact shed a tear when you said you couldn't put everything on it that you wanted to say.
Opening the gift he found various homemade sweets, including Ohagi.
"My dove, you continue to shower me with love even when I feel undeserving of it. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you~"
You still managed to surprise him with matching Kimono's the next morning that he begrudgingly wore just for you.
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Credits to @cafekitsune for the dividers used in this post. They are wonderful, go show them some love!!!
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nautiscarader · 2 years
Maybe Ash Ketchum getting into a breeding frenzy with his harem?
(If I knew Pokeani would air the world championship by now, I'd use it, bit instead have an alternate ending to Alola arc)
Despite the late hour, the night sky was still illuminated by occasional explosion of fireworks in celebration of the historical achievement. The sounds of the fireworks mixed with the distant echoes of the crowd cheering, as Ash Ketchum's memories mixed and conglomerated into one huge mess. His victory in the conference, earning him the title of the first Alolan champion clashed with the appearance of the Ultra Beast Guzzlord…
And now, after long, long banquet, full of food, music and laughter, he was off to the beach house, already mentally preparing to leave this beautiful country in search of new adventures.
But as he stepped inside, he found it to not be empty. His Pikachu arched his back and tail, but relaxed, as he and his pal recognised the intruders. Mallow, Lillie and Lana sat on the floor in the main room, surrounded by mountain of pillows, all cheering the moment their friend stepped inside, rushing to shower him with affection.
The three must have sneaked back from the celebrations not too long ago, as they a ll wore their ceremonial yukatas, Mallow and Lana sporting more traditional, Alolan ones, while Lillie wore more Kantonian, white one.
And only as the barrage of kisses subsided slightly, Ash was given the chance to breathe and speak.
"I guess we're moving the party here, huh?"
"Well, we thought we could give you our parting gift.", Mallow spoke, her hand gently pushing down her robes, deepening her cleavage cut.
"Or rather you giving us parting gifts.", Lillie corrected her, coiling around his arm, letting him sneak his hand underneath her robes.
"Wh-what do you mean?", Ash asked, watching as the three exchanged frisky looks.
In a single motion, the girls undid their clothes and let them fall to the wooden floor, blinding Ash with the stunning beauty of their naked bodies. After a long while of staring at t hre epairs of breasts and three appetising triangles between their thighs, the young champion came to his senses and loked around, seeing only the tip of Pikachu's tail as he sneaked outside. He has been around long enough to know what was going to happen…
"As for those gifts…", Lana explained, "In the ancient times, when a man was to set off for a journey, it was customary for him to leave something behind, in case he never returned".
She stepped forward, seeing how Ash;'s eyes follow every step of her and move of her curves.
"A… mark on this world, if you will", she spoke, dragging her finger across the bulge he was trying to hide with his outfit. She placed her hand on her underbelly and watched as realisation dawns on him, especially when he noticed that Lillie and Mallow performed the same gesture.
"Y-you… you all…"
"Yes", Mallow answered, joining Lana, her bare body mere inches from Ash's still clothed one. "We want the Alolan champion to bless us withy your seed, before you set off for another journey."
"Though, of course we would preferred if you'd stay…", Lillie added at once, rushing forward, completing the circle. "Life on Alola seems perfect, isn't it?"
"Look, we're not gonna pressure you", Mallow spoke, reaching to the drawer and procuring a familiar six-pack of rubbers, all with Masterball image printed on it. "We can do it safely, and you will still remember this night for the rest of your life".
The three exchanged knowing looks.
"But after all this time, wouldn't you want to… start a life tonight?"
His own heartbeat joined the distant firework explosions as silence fell in the room, stretching into infinity as Ash pondered the offer his three girlfriends presented.
And that silence broke the moment he nodded and yelped when three pairs of hands grabbed him, yanking him towards the makeshift extension of his bed. and by the time he got onto the soft mattress, he was naked, sans his boxers, now getting almost impossibly tight thanks to the erection.
"Oh, and there is something more", Mallow added, between Ash's ravenous kisses he shared between the three. Once more she reached to the drawer and procured a small vial, filled with purple liquid.
"Salazzle's phermonones", she spoke in low, seductive voice.
"A-Aren't they supposed to be super strong?"
"They are." Mallow replied, uncorking the bottle, "And we didn't want to cloud your judgement before you-EEEK!"
Mallow didn't get to finish her sentence, as the second the potent aroma hit Ash's nostrils, he ditched any other thoughts and unceremoniously tackled his three ladies to the mountain of pillows behind them, With Mallow getting first glimpse of their shared boyfriend's vigor.
And as Mallow looked up, she saw the figure of their victorious boyfriend, towering naked and proud above her, his cock erect and ready. She let out another shriek when she felt her legs being spread and pushed up, not by him, but by her two friends.
Lana and Lillie held her legs in this wild position, allowing Ash to sink as deep inside her as it was physically possible with first thrust of his hips.
"You can't say you are dissatisfied", Lana joked, watching as her friend moans and wails with every thrust. "And you brought it onto yourself…"
She waved her hand, letting the pink pheromones cloud her senses.
"Yes, A-Ash, breed me! Breed us! We want to bear the next ge-generation of champions!", she babbled in animalistic stupor, brought by Ash's vigor. In her mind, she recalled all their adventures, as she rose from stranger, to friend and finally their boyfriend.
And now, he was working hard to earn a new title - one of the father. Lana and Lillie cheered the two, painting the picture of Ash's seed flooding her womb, while their fingers caressed her lips and clit, offering much needed and subtle pleasure in between Ash hammering his cock.
The two watched them and when they saw Mallow curl her toes, they knew they were close - and it was Lana who pushed Ash's back at the moment of their shared orgasm, making him arche hid back and fold Mallow and cum at almost 90 degree angle, ensuring the deluge of his seed flooding against her womb, as Mallow and ash wailed each other's names.
"Y-yes… " , Mallow panted, conflicted when she felt Ash sliding his cock out. On one hand, she wished he stayed and gift her more of his scorching hot cum, on the other, she marvelled at the creampie oozing from her sex, knowing that her two friends will soon share the same fate. "Now that is a seed bomb…"
"More like Hydro Cannon", Lana corrected, "Which means he will have to take a while to reco-MMPH!"
But Ash surprised Lana, grabbing her waist and slamming her onto his cock, rock hard, despite his recent climax.
His lips drained her moans, while Mallow waved the bottle of pheromones, explaining his readiness. The champion soon moved to her breasts, still slamming her petite body agaist his hips.
"Remember, Ash? When I was the most flat-chested girl on all of Alola? Now look at these…"
Lana was right, in the years of their travels, she most certainly had to upgrade her swimsuits to accomodate for her breasts Ash was now ferociously kissing.
"And I want them bigger, Ash. Swollen with milk for our children…"
"That can be done", he replied , closing his lips around her nipple, wishing he could already taste it.
And with that, he made her toss her head back as pleasure intensified with each of his thrusts, seemingly diving deeper with each one .
"I-I want twins! Or-or triplets! they ran in my family… our family, now…"
The mental image of Lana holding two or three black-haired bundles of joy made Ash lose it, opening the floodgates of his seed the second time, as his and Lana's arms coiled around each other's backs w hi el the two rocked their orgasms, Lana upping her desires with each pant, ending on septuplets.
She reluctantly had to uncross her legs and let Ash go, but seeing Lillie coil next to her madd her eager to watch that spectacle.
"A-Ash! I want… I want to do it like this…", Lillie turned around, lifting her ass high up, showing him her pussy, glistening with slick juices. "I want to do it like your Lycanrock and my Ninetales did last night!"
It took Ash a moment to understand these words.
"Wait, are you saying that he and Snowy…"
"Oh yes, they are going to be parents too", Lillie beamed, "I… I watched them for… like an hour as they mated. She's probably gonna give him a whole litter of Vulpixes.. and I want to share her fate!"
She arched her back, wiggling her ass, and before she knew it, she got her wish, as Ash unceremoniously rammed himself inside her
And even though his mating looked more like a Midnight Lycanrock's, Lillie didn't mind, letting cry after cry praising his stamina.
"Admit it, you've wanted to do that on the stadium!", Mallow suddenly spoke, lying next to her in the same position, proudly showing her creampie to Ash.
"Getting bred in front of everyone else…", Lana joined her from the other side.
"Yes!", Lillie cried into the pillows, her body already thrashing in convulsions. "Ash! Pass your best stats onto our kids!"
Her next moan was silenced by Mallow's and Lana's lips, kissing her with each thrust that filled and overfilled her, completing the triple battle.
The three powerful trainers, each loved, fucked and bred coiled around each other, kissing and sharing the heat of the moment, waiting for their spent boyfriend to join them. But when they looked at Ash, all they saw was the champion proudly looking at his three creampied ladies.
"What? He-he is still hard?" , Mallow opened her eyes, as she fully expected Ash to be drained by now, after cumming hard into their pussies.
"Is this the pheromone?", Lillie asked.
"I don't think so… I think he is just that horny for us, girls…", Lana giggled, showing the empty vial.
And a smirk on his face proved them right, as Ash looked down at his three partners, all having been marked by his seed, leaking from their used pussies. This time he chose Lana, and with his dive into the water-type trainer, he began round two, much to the enjoyment of his companions.
It was nearly dawn when Pikachu returned from his own celebrations, spent with Sophocles' Pachirisu, Togodemaru and lovely duo of Plusle and Minun. What a double team that was…
When he sneaked into his pal's bedroom, the musky, dense smell of lust was still present,together with the scent of his and his three ladies, mixed to the point where they were indistinguishable. Not wanting to interrupt the snoring love pile, he took one of the pillows and fell asleep on it, knowing that in oncoming months he will have to give his best friend a lot more private time.
Ash Ketchum's mind often went back to that fateful night. Or rather nights, as Lillie, Lana and Mallow didn't stop after just one, stretching his celebrations for almost a fortnight to ensure that their plan would work. And it did, though that became obvious a couple of months down the line, when the three powerful trainers had to expand their wardrobes to accommodate their growing bodies, brimming with new generations of Ketchums.
They knew that soon they will all have their hands full, taking care of six children (Lillie was having twins, and Lana her wished triplets), but for now, Ash had to prove himself every night loving his wives fulfilling their needs, which seemed to be growing with their pregnant bellies.
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gayspacemonk · 7 months
for some reason I dreamed that I was in traditional japanese attire (looked like an male wedding yukata) but instead of the zori and tabi I was wearing normal, rubber flipflops with pikachu socks and I everyone was giving me side eye
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proudpokemonmama · 10 months
Kelly's Alolan Pokémon
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All of Kelly's pokémon on the Alola region.
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Miwa, the shiny [sensu style] Oricorio (female♀)
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Move set: Calm Mind, Roost, Taunt, Hurricane, Revelation Dance, Substitute, Role Play, Air Slasher, Agility, Steel Wing, Double team
Ability: Dancer
Miwa was a gift from Nessa when she was doing a photo shoot for a beachwear collection in Alola, more specifically on Poni Island;
Seeing a group of Sensu-style Oricorio and somehow reminding her of the time Kelly invited her and Sonia to a Johntonian summer festival in Galar;
Kelly even made yukata for the two of them, Nessa's was inspired by a gyarados and Sonia was inspired by a shiny sylveon,
As for Kelly, her grandmother made a yukata based on an oricorio sensu style because Kelly was chosen to demonstrate some traditional dances to the surprise of the pop idol's friends;
The thematic choice was a marketing tactic and to promote Kelly's next tour which would be in Alola;
When Kelly got back from the tour obviously the Water type Gym Leader and Sonia were curious to know how it went and if she managed to catch any Pokemon;
Kelly explained that as it was for work reasons, she had a whole schedule planned and could not enjoy the charms and beauties of Alola;
When she wasn't in some commitment involving her career like fan meetings, photo shoots, concerts, TV shows, interviews, recording of product announcements, some kind of service from renowned companies or dinners with sponsors she was sleeping like a snorlax in the hotel room from exhaustion;
So she didn't get a chance to interact with any new and unique Pokemon from the Alola region and she sulked for weeks;
The Gym Leader before traveling to Alola for this photoshoot also noted how her friend looked exhausted and stressed and as someone of famous status like her could understand how exhausting an idol's routine could be;
Nessa then considered using some of her free time to cacht some pokémon exclusive to the region as a souvenir and she already had one pokémon in mind which to catch;
That said, when the appointments were over, Nessa would have a few days of rest and took the opportunity to go in search of some pokémon;
With a lot of effort she got results as a Shiny [Sensu-style] Oricorio, a Mimikyu and a Ribombee.
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Susana, the mimikyu (female♀)
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Move set: Swords Dance, Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Shadow Sneak, Dazzling Gleam, Destiny Bond, Safe guard, Telekinesis, Wood Hammer, Thunderbolt
Ability: Disguise
During her search for regional Pokémon in Alola, Nessa came across a scene that irritated her;
A bunch of nasty kids from a called Team Skull were picking on Mimikyu along with their Pokémon for wearing an ugly Pikachu-like rag;
A local told Nessa about the history of the Mimikyu and how they were treated by some others, being constantly shunned because of their disguise which some people find grotesque and creepy;
Truth be told, for spending so much time with pop Idol, the gym leader herself felt like dropping kicks in the face of each of the scoundrels, just like her friend Kelly does with this type of jerk;
But still she destroyed them in a pokémon battle and chased them away before giving the mimikyu her attention;
Asking and checking if it was ok, it was then that the gym leader saw that that pokémon was cute in its own way and knew that Kelly would give it all the love and affection it wanted;
It was then that she asked the pokémon if he wanted to come with her because she knew someone who would love to take care of the little pokémon;
Nessa told a little about Kelly and her unconditional love for any pokémon and this attracted the pokémon who were excited to hear about someone who would love her;
When Nessa returned from Alola, saying that Kelly loved Mimikyu was an understatement as Susana is spoiled with as much affection just like all pop idol's pokémon;
Susana among Kelly's pokémon is great friends with Dorothy the Banette and they bring torment to anyone who tries to hurt their trainer, especially her ex-family.
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Melissa, the Ribombee (female♀)
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Move set: Moonblast, Bug Buzz, U-turn, Sticky Web, Psychic, Quiver Dance, Fairy Wind, Pollen Puff, reflect, Stun spore, Tailwind
Ability: Shild Dust
When the Galar water type Gym Leader heard of how nutritious a Ribombee's Pollen Puffs are reminded her that it would be a very useful pokemon for Kelly in terms of nutrition;
She can't help but remember the time Kelly had a hypoglycemic crisis and passed out on a reality show between the gym leaders with Kelly and Leon as special guests sponsored by Chairman Rose;
Honestly the panic she felt almost gave the water type Gym Leader a heart attack and same goes with the others;
And well, once Nessa gave the pokémon she caught to her friend and the Ribombee became very attached to Kelly and helps her to ensure a healthy diet using the pollen puffs as a supplement in Kelly's diet,
Since then it has become rare for Kelly to pass out from anemia.
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Hortensy, the [alolan] ninetales (female♀)
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Diane, the shiny [midnight] Lycanroc (female♀)
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Hortensy's Move set: Aurora Veil, Freeze-Dry, Hypnosis, Hail, Dream Eater, Attract, Psycho Shock, Heal Bell, Nasty Plot, Role Play.
Ability: Snow Warning
Diane's Move set: Stone Edge, Bulk Up, Brick Break, Fire Punch, Thunder Fang, Bite, Stomping Tantrum, Counter, Toxic, Stealth Rock
Ability: No Guard
Hortensy and Diane were a gift from Principal Samson Oak when Kelly was studying for a short period at the Pokémon school in Alola;
Kelly and her classmates were responsible for taking care of two pokémon eggs and they took turns to take care of the eggs;
But because Arceus wanted the two eggs to hatch when it was Kelly's turn to take care of them, they hatched an adorable shiny rockruff and alolan vulpix who, as soon as they saw the young girl, immediately assumed that she was their mother;
The principal allowed her to keep the pokémon and as expected made pokémon puns to describe how fascinating the relationship between humans and pokémon is;
And of course, Kelly has a soft spot for baby pokémon and cute things and just couldn't deny those adorable little beans;
Once evolved, they became ferocious Pokémon in battle and great assets within the main team.
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Marisol, the primarina (female♀)
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Move set: Hydro Pump, Moonblast, Scald, Sparkling Aria, Rest, Psychic, Sleeping talk, Iron Tail, Double slap, Dazzling gleam
Ability: Torrent
Kelly on a beach on Ula'ula Island when she was on vacation with some of her pokémon after the incident between her "sister" and now her ex-boyfriend;
She took some time off from her idol career to spend some time alone after finding out about the guy's true colors that she wondered how she could fall in love with such a tramp;
Kelly was fishing near the shore of the island with her water type pokémon while riding Ryo, the gyarados and most of her other pokémon were with a pokémon day care on Melemele Island;
That's when Ken, the sharpedo returned from his patrols to check the perimeter and alerted his trainer that there was a ship that the crew looked suspicious and felt that there was something very off;
Ken then commented on some crew members saying about "making money selling rare pokémon" and in that Kelly understood that they were smugglers;
Kelly quickly wrote down a note on a piece of paper denouncing their sighting in the region where Ken said he had seen the shipl and signing a code that Ula'ula Island Police Officer Jenny knew before putting it inside a bottle and tying it to Ken's saddle;
At that moment they heard desperate screams and when they looked towards the beach they saw an extremely injured and weakened primarina being chased by an electabuzz and a Salazzle with a person who seemed to be the trainer;
Ken recognized him as one of the crew and warned Kelly, given the situation she ordered the brutal pokémon to call Officer Jenny while she went to subdue the malefactor;
Ken immediately obeyed his trainer's commands while she patted Ryo the Gyarados to swim towards the shore and the pokémon obeyed by advancing towards the shore;
She, upon reaching the shore, asked Ryo the gyarados and Elliot the Golduck to watch the surroundings in case Officer Jenny arrived with Ken or intercept the smugglers' ship if they appeared as reinforcements using ice fang and ice beam to immobilize the ship;
As soon as the two pokémon obeyed her, she promptly ran while bringing Anthony the marowak and his partner Seijo the Samurott;
Upon arriving at the place, she saw the primarina down due to Salazzle's poisoning effect;
The smuggler then boasted and celebrated the fortune he would make with a rare specimen of primarina capable of speaking human language;
Ordering electabuzz to use Thunderbolt and Salazzle to attack using Sludge Wave, Kelly quickly ordered Seiji to use aqua jet against Sallazzle and Anthony to intercept Thunderbolt with Bonemerang;
This immediately attracted the attention of the other trainer who was furious at being interrupted and immediately ordered his pokémon to attack;
The battle was one-sided in favor of Kelly, as even Seiji being a water type being at a disadvantage against an electric type was compensated by Anthony the Marowak's ground typing and his Lightning rod ability;
Before long the smuggler's two Pokémon were knocked out and he tried to flee, but not before Kelly ordered Seiji to use Ice beam freezing the miscreant up to his neck in a block of ice;
She thanked Anthony for his help and returned him back his Poké Ball while Seiji had walked over to check on the primarina;
Kelly soon joined taking a Pecha Berry from the bag and offered it to the pokémon to cure the effect of the poisoning;
The primarina hesitated and was suspicious of Kelly's intentions who didn't blame her after all she suffered because of the smugglers;
Seiji then intervened and took the Pecha Berry before using Shell Razer slicing the berry in half and eating one half to prove there was nothing in the berry;
Seiji then offered the other half to Primarina who stared at him for a few minutes before eating the other half and leaving Kelly to treat her;
The Samurott then stood guard without noticing how the primarina watched him in admiration before falling asleep from exhaustion;
Hours later, the smuggler who attacked the primarina was handed over to Officer Jenny along with the rest of the gang who had been trapped in their own ship with Elliot the Golduck's Ice Beam and the ship being pulled by the anchor by Ryo the Gyarados;
To ensure that primarina was fine, she was taken to the pokémon center where she would be under medical supervision;
In the next morning Kelly visited the primarina who was fine now, not knowing that Seiji had visited the Pokémon Soloist during the night saying that he understood the horrors she had gone through, but he shouldn't hold grudges against humans;
Saying that humans and pokémon were the same, many were good, but there was also the selfish and individualistic minority and claimed that Kelly and her family were not part of that minority and were trustworthy people;
When asked why, he only replied by swearing to the honor that as Kelly's first Pokemon she would never be like that minority;
With that he bid goodbye and went back to the hotel leaving the primarina reflective on his words;
For the rest of the night she reflected on Samurott's words and after hours when Kelly arrived to see her as the release was announced, the soloist pokémon asked to talk to her alone;
Seiji knowing what it was just withdrew waiting on the other side of the shore and Kelly was asked by the primarina why she helped her when she could have simply ignored her to be captured by the smuggler;
Kelly then thought, it wasn't the first time she witnessed something and intervened without thinking about reasons;
It was just so natural for her to want to help anyone in need;
Then she remembered her biological parents and her sister, they were just so selfish and toxic that she wondered how they were related being so different morally even that she knew the reason;
That's when she thought and started saying that maybe she didn't want to be like "them";
This left the solist pokémon confused about who "they" were and Kelly couldn't help but tell about her "family" as well as the recent happening between her "sister" and her now recently ex-boyfriend;
The primarina was horrified by the cruelty and understood that Kelly didn't want to become a selfish monster like them;
The young idol didn't even notice when tears rolled down her face because the last few days she had bottled up everything and pretended that everything was fine;
The primarina seeing her break down and the way Kelly's empathetic gifts affected her she simply couldn't ignore it and he comforted her as he enveloped her in a hug;
After a few hours the primarina decided to spend some time with Kelly and her team;
After spending time with Kelly she understood that she was a really good person and that she was fun to be with;
With that she asked if she could join Kelly who welcomed her and asked if she wanted to join the PokéBand and in that she had the soloist pokémon when she learned that her new trainer is a pop idol and famous singer;
Kelly named the primarina Marisol which the pokémon loved her name, especially for the meaning;
Even though it is a Pokémon that IS part of the band, it also participates in battles, especially in double battles and often paired with Seiji, who eventually became her significant other.
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kujibelievethis · 3 years
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Pokemon “Harunatsu Akifuyu” collection, released July 20201 Yukata set-- 14,300 Yen Photos and merch from the Pokemon Center
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chibirisa20 · 3 years
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It’s the New Year!!
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ashxketchum · 4 years
30 Days of Pokeshipping - Day 11
Favourtite Pokeshipping Screencap 
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As much as I am in love with the Alola interactions and scenes, I think this one is a classic and both of them genuinely look happy in each other’s company here. It’s impossible to look at this scene and not go ‘Awww’. 
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dragynkeep · 2 years
how about rwby and jnpr's sleepwear for outfit critique?
Noice, sleepwear is mostly cute for our heroes if there’s a few mishaps.
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This is cute! The white pants with pink roses has a soft motif on Ruby’s design compared to her more stark black and red that she usually wears, same with the pink on her black tank top. It looks comfortable and something for Ruby, and the heart looking like a wolf’s head is an extra adorable addition that I love!
Even with the little red on it, I think the pink being used is a good replacement. It’s soft, it’s cute, and it’s close enough to the red to not look completely out of place. Plus, her sleeping mask keeps the little red on her head with her highlights.
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Before I say anything about the actual outfit, I just noticed that Weiss had a boob job here. Her girls are trying to escape, someone corral them. 
Now the actual outfit has good potential, as much as a one-off sleepwear can. The idea of a long, old-fashioned nightgown honestly fits Weiss at this point, especially with the frills and such decorating it. The problem is that this is honestly boring to look at.
The all blue look with slightly lighter blue does little to interest the eye. The frills would’ve worked better as white with the gown being a lighter blue, add a gradient and some decals to make it look interesting, like little snowflakes at the bottom to add to her cold motif. Her emblem could be added amongst it since the rest of the girls have their emblems on their pyjamas. 
It’s also just a tad bit short for my liking. I would’ve made it longer and more flowing, really sell this rich girl wearing silk pyjamas nonsense since Weiss very much is that rich girl we all hated in school. 
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Why is Blake the only one with a turnabout model? If all of them had it, it would’ve made my job 10x easier ;-;
Now, before I even get into how the outfit looks, I will say that I will never forgive this stupid outfit for fueling those types of fans who say Blake is absolutely Asian because of this. This ain’t a yukata, it’s fetish Japanese wear for weebs. It’s also funny that Blake got “Japanese” style clothing but Yang is never shown in Chinese clothing. 
Now, besides the blatant orientalism, this outfit is just kinda plain? It’s a black garment with a black obi and some white trim. Her emblem is randomly slapped on her tiddy,and the more I look at it, the actual style doesn’t make sense?
It makes it look like she’s wearing a kimono shirt while the bottom half is a separate piece because of how it’s folded, which I don’t know how it’s not popping open to show Blake’s flange. Why is it so short? 
That said, they used a nice shade of purple for the top of her collar, and it’s minimal enough that she’s not defined by purple rather than black. 
My least favourite, right next to Pyrrha’s.
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I mean, it’s a Yang outfit. Short tank top and shorts, a simple outfit that says what it needs to say about Yang.
It’s kinda boring, the colour has stuck to orange with a darker orange emblem, and there’s nothing for you to look at. The emblem is a good choice at least, but it could’ve been the gold or something, especially since a full yellow tank top would’ve blended into her mound of yellow hair.
They could’ve done some cute hairstyles for Yang while she slept, like her ponytail or some cute buns, anything to keep that hair up and let our girl wear some of her colour. 
Nothing offensive to the eye, and works perfectly well, but just a tad plain. It could really do well with some decoration to add spice. 
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Ais thinks it’s childish, I have a Pikachu onesie.
I like onesies, I don’t care that Jaune wears one, and I think the rabbit theme is honestly pretty cute. It adds a bit of character to it where it’s his favourite cereal, and matches the pete on his jumper. The shoes have little bunny ears, cute!
The only thing I don’t like is it’s solid colour, and it’s an ugly shade of blue at that. I don’t know what could be done to make it more interesting without going overboard, but honestly a nicer shade of blue would be the first step.
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My girl had lightning shorts and I’m living for it. I wanna know where she got the boop on her shirt, though. Is there merch in world that you can order, I’d love that.
Just like Yang’s, Nora’s shirt and shorts are simple, but really work with her character. It looks like it just fits her, especially with the pink being refined mostly to the shorts and then the small decals on her shirt. Not too overwhelming, but still works with the neutral black and white. The boop and lightning marks adds some interest that Yang’s last, so this is pretty much an improved version. 
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This is fucking ugly. 
The simple pyjama set is fine, that’s just a typical set of pyjamas, but the colour they put her in is such an ugly goldish brown that it has given me cataracts. There’s not even any red details to tie into her colour, or just simple good colour choice. Whoever designed this has failed and disappointed me immeasurably.
My day is ruined. Outdoes Blake in being downright hideous.
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This is cute. Ren looks like an old man with that overcoat on him. Funky lil’ lotus man.
Really, even with the amount of green on him, the three different shades with the small amounts of pink and red do well in not having him being a green blob. The darkest green on the overcoat lets the light pink and lighter green show up brighter, while the lighter greens contrast with the red and black pants, giving a more balanced overall look to the design. 
Also, this is a good way of using the red with green. It’s concentrated to the sash around his waist, while the pink are on the flower patterns and sleeves. The flower patterns are a nice touch on how to implement his flower motif in his design rather than just slapping his emblem in a random place, and the green parts give the look of leaves. I like it.
Overall, a good design, nice colour choices and placements. He’s done well on this part.
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neeseeart · 7 years
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A super fun commission ordered by my old pal @commanderpigg ! Sorry I was a day late for Tanabata, but there’s still the rest of the summer for matsuri! 
I enjoyed drawing this one quite a bit, all the little details were fun to sneak in. Now I want magikarp taiyaki.
Patreon | RedBubble | Commissions | Facebook
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rainybubbles · 3 years
Imagine looking at the fireworks with Shinso
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• You decided to go to a festival with the 1-A, and everyone walked with a little group of 2-3 peoples.
• Denki tried like he could win the XXL Pikachu stuffed.
Kirishima tasted every takoyakis he found, to help his mentor Fatgum to find the best.
Aoyama and Mina shined in their yukatas...
• And you...you were lost.
A man bumped into you. Whence you had tried bouncing back, but a child tripped you up, and you were getting stuck in the crowd, lonely.
• Sighing, you tried like you can, search the Powerpuff Girls (alias Kirishima, Bakugo and Fumikage) but it was a failure.
Therefore, you tried screaming a "PLUS ULTRA".
• But other than the preoccupied look of the surrounding people, you didn't get any answer.
You sit on the wayside, waiting for a probably rainbow hair color to pass in front of you.
• "I imagine that for the romantic declaration below the fireworks, it's dead." you whispered.
"It depends on if the declaration was for me," a voice said.
You freed your head and saw Shinso.
• The fireworks already started.
"Here, I'm supposed to say that my dear heart exploded when I saw you?"
"If your name was Bakugo, yes."
"Shit then. What am I supposed to do ?"
"Probably begin with our first meeting, how you instantly understand your feelings and ask if I want to go out with you."
"And if I just want to kiss you so harder than we will not hear the fireworks anymore ?"
" I supposed I'm going to let you do this." he said with a smirk.
You slowly leaned towards him, his hair brushing your face, and your hands trying timidly to land on each other body.
"I'm warning you that I probably have a pulp taste. Kirishima forced me to taste the takoyakis with him."
"Don't worry, I have a spicy taste."
"Because you're hot and spicy ?" you tried with a smirk.
" No, because I have a contest with Bakugo at the spicy ramen stand."
" But I'm glad to hear I'm hot."
"Shut up." you blushed.
He laughed and kissed you.
This night, for the first time you didn't only see the fireworks, you felt them in your heart.
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daichithecaptain · 4 years
Pokeshipping Week 2020
Happy Pokeshipping week everyone! I am Shippingshoujo on fanfiction.net and this is the first time I am participating in a shipping week (It's my first time writing fanfiction too).
This collection will feature at least 7 short stories, which were inspired from the themes decided by the Pokeshipping community. 3 free days are also provided which enable the writers' to show their own creativity. Today I will be writing a story based on the first prompt : Ash was aware of his feelings during their journeys together.
Disclaimer : I do not own Pokémon. If I did, then Ash and Misty would be having kids by now.
Theme 1: Ash was aware of his feelings during their journeys together
Ash banged his head against a tree trunk for the fifth time that day. He knew that any sane person wouldn't intentionally bang their head against something without any reason. Since Ash believed himself to be a sane person, he justified his head banging to be a result of his jumbled, messy thoughts.
He face palmed himself once again when he recalled the events of this afternoon…
The trio, Ash, Misty and Brock reached Fuchsia city today morning after lots of bickering (which Misty totally started by the way), getting lost (which was also Misty's fault even though Ash held the map..), unnatural levels of sweating (he liked the summer season better when he had some ice cream to combat the heat) and Team Rocket's failed attempts to kidnap Pikachu.
They had decided to take a short break before Ash challenged the Gym leader of Fuchsia city since they felt exhausted and they also wanted to savor the things that a city would offer.
Misty suggested getting some ice cream to 'beat the heat' and the others immediately agreed. Soon, they found themselves at an ice cream parlor, ordering their favorite flavors. When the waitress served their dishes, Misty swooned at the sight of her Rocky road while Ash chuckled affectionately at the sight Misty made.
She's so cute! Wait wha-
The black haired pre-teen almost dropped his spoonful of Birthday cake ice cream at his train of thought. He quickly glanced around to check if anyone had caught his slip and after assuring himself that no one had, he started to eat his treat.
See, this was a HUGE problem. It wasn't huge just because the letters were capsized, rather it was huge because he had been getting thoughts like this for quite a long time (He knew from the moment he saw her in her yukata at Maiden's peak that he was enamored). And it was a problem because Misty somehow managed to make Ash stutter and blush with a few words and she managed to spread a warm, content feeling throughout him with a few kind gestures. He knew that his reactions to her actions weren't normal. He wasn't dumb! He had watched a lot of stupid soap operas with his mom and had inevitably gained some knowledge on the matters of the heart. (Gosh ,that was cheesy!) He was worried whether his feeling would sidetrack him from his aim to become the world's greatest Pokémon Master but deep down, he knew that whatever he was feeling towards Misty would serve only as a driving force to achieve his aim. His brain told him that he should be worried at least a tad bit about his and Misty's relationship but he again somehow knew that their friendship wouldn't be affected in a bad way by something like a crush..
A crush…A crush! He had a crush on tomboyish, hopeless romantic Misty!
Oh god! He certainly hoped he would come out of this alive!
Hope it was a worthy contribution to the fandom! I plan on writing the second prompt as a continuation to the first prompt so.. stay tuned!
Reviews are always very much appreciated!
This is the link to the story on fanfiction.net :https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13734763/1/Pokeshipping-Week-2020
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tsukuyomi-e · 4 years
31 days AU challenge
That may interest some people here, so I’ll copy paste my custom prompt list I did for Inktober 2019 ! :)
Hello ! I didn't know what to draw for Inktober and didn't want to do the official list... I didn't find any list I'd like to do (maybe I'll do a goretober someday), but I felt like drawing some alternate universe, so I did my own list ! So feel free to use it, just don't forget to credit me and notice me, so I can see what you drew ! Or what your wrote, you're free to do it in any media you want :D Also you're free to do it with one and only character or with 31 different characters, or more if you draw several characters a day, or less if you draw a character multiple times :) You can do it with your characters or a character from a show/anime/manga etc :) (If you want to use someone else's character, ask permission before !) And of course you can use it for any 31 days challenge, and not only for Inktober :D And if you can’t finish it or keep up the pace, it’s okay, you’ve done your best, so stop or take your time and continue later or slowlier ! :) If your character already have an official version of an AU, stick to the official version or do your own ! If your character canonically fits to one of these AUs (so it's not an AU anymore...), you have solutions : - Draw its normal version - Have a free space and choose an AU that is not on this list - Do one of the AUs on this list twice, differently if possible - Stick with the trope but do it different as the normal one - Do the opposite of the trope - Any other solution I didn't think of, this prompt list doesn't really have rules ! So here is the list ! 1 - Different hairstyle Longer, shorter, curly, straight, tied, untied, braided, shaved... You can also have fun with facial hair ! 2 - Butler/maid If it doesn't fit your character or feel too outdated, feel free to draw them as a cafe waiter or a bartender instead :) 3 - Artist Your character is now an artist, be it a musician, a painter, a photographer, an actor... Draw them in action, do they do it alone or are they famous ? 4 - Pokemon Draw them with a pokemon that would fit them, or even with a whole pokemon team ! You can draw them as a pokemon trainer if you want, or they can stay with their usual outfit. If you're really not familiar with Pokemon, you can still draw a cute scene with a Pikachu, or at least search a pokemon with a type, with a color, or based on an animal that would fit them. If you really don't know, I can help you :) 5 - Mermaid/Merman Of course you're not forced to stick to fishes, you can mix a human with any aquatic creature if you prefer. 6 - Younger or older / Future or past 7 - Japanese traditional clothing If being a ninja, a samurai, or a geisha would fit your character, it's time ! But Japan is not only those cool types of characters, you can just dress them in a simple yukata, or choose an elaborated type of kimono from a precise era ! 8 - Modern There are other modern AUs in this list, but what would they usually wear if they lived in our world ? 9 - Hot springs More a situation than an AU... But still pretty cool, and depending on the world your chracter is from, they may not have an easy access to it ;) 10 - Angel/Demon Choose one... Or do a mix ;) If your character is already one, it's time to switch ! Unless you want to keep this option for role reversal and race reversal days ^^ 11 - Role reversal/change If you draw, that may be quite difficult to show, so if possible change their looks in consequence. Try not making them too much OOC (there is an OOC AU later), though this change may affect a bit their personality. If you don't have ideas, just make them changes sides, heroes become villains. 12 - Pirate 13 - Suit Be it for an office worker, for a CEO, for an important party/dinner, for a marriage, for a crime syndicate leader... Make them wear it ! Of course for girls (or crossdressers~) it can be a women suit or a pretty dress, any way it's formal wear, choose for which occasion ! 14 - Cosplay Your character dressed as any other character, be it from its show or another ! 15 - Animal As an actual animal, as a furry if you prefer, or with animal parts only like ears, tail, wings, scales... Be careful with this last one, because there are mermaids, werewolves, angels and demons and yôkais days ! Or you can draw them with a pet if you prefer. 16 - Genderbend 17 - Chinese traditional clothing 18 - Sports Your character as an athlete ! If they already do a sport, you can make them do a different one ! 19 - Cross-over Your character is now in any other show world you know ! What would their role be, their powers, their outfits... That's different from the cosplay category, because they would have their own outfits and would have been born in this world :D 20 - Vampire 21 - Tattoo Add them a tattoo. If they already have one or some, add them more, or erase them or change their design ! 22 - Military 23 - Beach Swimsuits time ! 24 - Medieval fantasy European medieval times, but you can add magic ! Your character can be from any fantasy race or any role-playing game class you want ! 25 - Werewolf 26 -  Race reversal/change If there is only one race in their universe, draw them as any race from any fictive universe you know :) Or, because with races I mean humanoïds with different powers/abilities, if there is only one race but with different powers between individuals, you can just change their powers :) 27 - Arabian traditional clothing 28 - School Your character as a student, or as a teacher if you want ! 29 - Sci-fi That's pretty large ! But you can draw them as experiments, as zombies, as aliens, as cosmonauts, as cyborgs, as mecha pilots, or mecha itselves, in an intergalactic war, in a devastated world... You have choice ! 30 - OOC Out Of Character. You're not forced to make your character act the exact opposite he usually does, but make him act unusually ! This is the place if you want to draw you character as a tsundere, a yandere, blushing, shy, cold, crual, cute, afraid, badass, agressive... Or you can even give him another character's personality, and/or adding a body swap AU ! 31 - Yôkai Japanese monsters. You have a lot of choice but most famous ones are kitsune, tanuki, kappa, baku, bakeneko/nekomata, yûrei, oni, tengu... Don't forget, let me know if you plan to do this list !
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Fading Summer
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He held the purple controller with deadly hands, sitting shoulder to shoulder, feet from the TV with Kirishima, Denki, and Deku. The N64 you brought into the dorms has been the center of attention since you pulled it out of the dull cardboard box . Purple grape with one purple grape controller and the other jungle green. The other two controllers where black and midnight blue that you, the ash blonde, Kiri and Mina spent hours....weeks finding so more people could play either Mario kart or Smash bros together.
At first the scarlet eyed boy was aprahensive about the old gaming system. He saw how Kirishima and Pikachu would spend hours upon hours on their shared switch that could have been spent studying or training.
That was until he was challenged by you one lazy afternoon.
"Come on Katsu play one game with us!!!" Eiji begged, patting a spot between you and himself. Katasuki lounged on the couch, legs outstretched as he was planning to watch a movie before you two barged in.
Before you used your puppy dog eyes to get the remote so you two could play.
"No shark face." He sneered over the rim of his book. He locked eyes with you before a smile crept onto those soft lips.
"He's just scared he'll get his asked kicked is all Eiji." She said haunty, as she selected her character.
"Oh like hell I am." He snarls, climbing from the couch and forcing you and Kiri to scoot away from one another to make room.
He never could ignore the call of a challenge. And from then on he bested everyone, everytime in whatever game but you.
When he asked why you wouldn't want a switch instead your face lit up, as if reliving the bitter sweet nostalgia as you said.
"I've just had so many good times playing this with my friends and family. I just can't give it up."
So he had learned to love the feeling of the smooth plastic in his hands as this small thing was something that made him feel closer to you. Especially now that you two spent countless summer hours right here in front of the TV, laughing, shoulder to shoulder with a notebook keeping score of each others wins.
A notebook that lies open to the dark eyed boy, displaying the harsh tallies of class 1As winnings, everyone had at least one inky black tally before Katsuki played.
Everyone but you who had been absent since finishing dinner. His eyes wander to the stairs leading to the girls dorms before "PLAYER ONE WINNER" is bellowed from the TV.
"Come on Katsu let someone else win!" Mina whines as she pouts on the couch
"Nah you dip shits should just get better." He says dropping the controller to make his way to the couch.
"Where's Y/N?" Deku asks earning a glare from the ash blonde for asking first, "She's missing the last tournament before school starts again."
"Oh she said she wasn't feeling too well at dinner." Momo says, bringing the snacks from the kitchen. "She said she was going to bed."
You press the heels of your palms into your eyes.
"Get your shit together." You growl harshly at your reflection. Fat tears threatening to spill again, "Why are you crying over something so fucking stupid!"
Your reflection doesn't answer as you stare yourself in the eye, it only mirrors you splashing hot water onto your face as you scrub a towel over your cheeks.
When you hold eye contact again, it's as if you weren't crying.
You paced in your room, damning yourself for thinking sleep would soothe the weighted void that sits in your chest. Chiseling away at your heart until you were compelled to move.
To run, if even for a moment to have a taste of the dying summer air on your tongue one more time.
You stalk down the stairs quietly, having waited long enough for the tournament to be over. The light from the TV glows faintly in the dark hallway, you eased into the shadows on silent feet with your eyes on the prize.
"Oi, You're not as quiet as you think you are." You jump what feels like six feet in the air. Hand hovering over the cool handle of the front door.
The gruff voice comes from the direction of the living room and you do not need to turn around to know who it belongs too.
You thought for sure that whoever was in the living room was either knocked out or absorbed in the late night TV.
You feel your heart hammer in your chest, blinking furiously at the lingering tears. You're afraid your voice might give you away but your hesitation will tip him off.
"Oh Katsu, you're up so late. And on the first school night!" You tease him as you normally would, though you keep your back to him, he sucks his teeth.
"And where are you going at 10:30 at night?" You don't have to see him to know he is crossing his arms with distaste.
"Im just stepping out to the convenience store." You huff, not sure how much longer you can use your voice evenly.
The sun had already set so early tonight compared to the rest of summer. The sun no longer wanting to kiss the earth, to kiss you for over eight hours a day.
No it was dwindling and dwindling fast.
And that *scared* you.
"This late? By yourself? I don't think so." He says darkly. Hiding the concern in his voice the only way he knows how, with malice.
"Oh Katsuki-kun. I'm a strong independent young hero. I can handle myself for a ten minute walk." Except it won't be a ten minute walk, your feet will urge you further. You pull the handle and with it the door just for it to be slammed shut by a hot palm. He looms over you now, so close you can feel his breath on your ear when he speaks.
"Not by yourself. It can wait til morning. If its medicine I'll get it." You feel his eyes on you as they survey, you bite your lip debating on tricking him.
On sending him on a wild goose chase just so you could sneak out on that ten minute walk.
But you think better of it, he would be honest with you if the shoe was on the other foot and I'm sure he'd want you to be honest now.
Whether you wanted to admit it or not you knew in the back of your head that Bakugou Katsuki could read you like a book and vice versa.
It was only natural with how much time the two of you spent together this summer.
This now decaying summer that you could smell in the air after the rain, the slight smell of decomposing leaves that is so faint you almost think it false until Mina made that damn comment this afternoon. Wrapped in her hot pink towel, yellow eyes glued on Kiri who wrestles with Katsu in the pool.
*"Its gonna be winter before we know it." *
And those words hadn't left you since.
Not even now under the heated gaze of your crush.
The one who kinda reminded you of summer itself.
Hot, explosive like a storm and almost unpredictable.
"I'm going Katsuki." You say darkly, most you faulter but he is not like most, "So you can either let me go alone or you come with me."
He scarlet eyes rover over you, unsure of what you're feeling in the low cast of the moonlight from outside but your tone tells him something is wrong whatever it is.
Something tells him you aren't going to the corner store either.
"Fine." He bites out, resisting the urge to push you against the door to tell you that you are not going, instead he pushes away, "Just let me grab my fucking phone."
He walks backwards to the living room sending you a glare before turning on his heel.
A glare in warning not to leave without him. So you don't.
He huffs as the two of you walk in silence, eyes watching the corner store fade behind the both of you.
"So where are we really headed?" He sighs in mock agony.
"You'll see!!" Your mood has improved some, at least since you pulled in a giant breathe of air when the two of you stepped outside.
The crickets still singing in the warm night, calling to you in their song.
Your eyes look to the sky to see the full moon, your whole body relishing the warmth of the night time air. Smile so wide on your face that it hurts.
A smile that Katsuki finds contagious as his lips turn upwards, eyes glued to you.
You hear a clock chime signaling the time and you gasp, grabbing onto Katsuki's rough hand, dragging him as you break into a full spring.
"We're gonna miss the train!" You yell to him which encourages him to keep pace.
Once the doors close behind you, you both grip your knees gasping for air.
The only other person on the late night train smiles, eyes twinkling with sudden memories of their own late nights.
"Where the fuck are we going?" Katsuki asks with little bite in his voice as you settle in front of the window.
"Its a secret!!!" You sing song as the train rushes by scenery that he watches you drink up as if this is the last time you'll see it.
It isn't until the train crosses the bridge does he realize you two are headed to the last stop.
Which come faster than he'd like, only now is he realizing he could watch you stare out at the stars all night, the train chimes overhead and you stand pulling him once more.
You find yourselves in a huge crowd and you smile pulling him further through the throngs of people. You stop when you see little stands set up every where filled to the brim even so late at night. You stop suddenly to ask a woman in a beautiful yukata that shimmers in pinks and golds like the setting sun.
"Excuse me what is this?" You ask politely, your curiosity earning a huge smile.
"Ah this is the End of the Summer Festival!" When she says the word end you squeeze Katsuki's hand tighter, "All things summer is here for you to enjoy!"
He watches your face almost become crest fallen.
"Why so late in the day," His tone comes out harsh and the woman glances between the two of you giving a small blush.
"Ah it's an all day event so everyone can enjoy it! Some people work so late they were missing it and others just couldnt say good bye to summer before sunset. Please enjoy the festival!"
You blink hard and try to take in your surroundings. You spy many little market stands filled with food, games and hell even an arcade.
Katsuki does not pull away from your soft grip on his hand, in fact his interlocks your fingers so you can pull him better. You don't look back when he does it and you don't look back as you pull him through the stands.
You start by buying you both Yakitori, followed by mouthwatering Ayu, some Takoyaki and all sumed up by sweet Taiyaki.
That is until you spot the famous colored cotton candy shaped like a fat unicorn horn.
Katsuki does not complain while he waits in line with you, your eyes finding your next adventure. He does not complain when you ask him to take a picture of you underneath the paper lanterns, that hit you in such a way that he cannot take his eyes off of you, or your smiling face as you stare at him.
You do not realize he sends the picture to himself as you slide your hand back into his offering him some of the sugary string to which he takes a large bite.
Letting the sugar dissolve agaisnt his tongue he wonders if your lips will be as sweet if not sweeter. He blushes but you do not notice as you drag him to a game.
"Step right up! Only 500 yen!" The man calls, "Break the record of seven watermelons with one punch and win the grand prize!"
Your eyes widen with glee as you see the oversized cat plush holding your favorite dessert, a taiyaki bun, in its obnoxiously cute black paws. The thing is so cute and sweet just looking at it makes Katsuki a little nauseous but when he sees the want glinting in your eyes he reluctantly releases your hand with out your asking to crack his neck.
"Alright line up as many as you've got." His eyes gleam with competative arrogance, forearm dancing with small explosions.
"Alright. If you can do 10 then I will throw in 10,000 yen." The elderly man says smugly lining up over 25 watermelons.
"Heh. Get ready to pay up gramps. Oh and of course I want that cat too."
"Sure thing kid. But you gotta get seven if you wanna win that for your pretty girlfriend over there." He laughs and Katsuki's cheeks burn with rage and blush.
He winds up and packs it with punch as he slams his fist into the first watermelon obliterating it and the shock from the blast causes the other 25 watermelons to explode as well. You squeal with delight.
"KATSUKI-KUN YOU WON!" Practically jumping with joy over his triumph confirming that he would do it all over again just to see you that happy.
Even if it took him braking 25,000 watermelons he would fucking do it for just a glimpse of the smile you've been hiding the past few days.
Katsuki smirks with manic malice as he jumps up to grab the oversized cat before holding out his hand.
The elderly man stands in uter shock as he stares down the red mess before him hesitant as he digs around for his little silver box of cash. He counts out the 10k yen sending you two on your way.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You say as you squeeze the hell out of the cat, still jumping. Katsu sucks his teeth unable to keep the genuine smile off of his own face.
"It was nothing." He says as you slip your ever soft palm to his. His skin buzzes everytime yours touches his and he gladly let's you take the lead.
"Ah I'm thirsty after all that excitement." You beam, Bakugou spies a soda stand, fingering the easily got yen in his pocket.
"I'll get us a cherry soda, stay put." He says as he stands you off to the side since the line is hatefully long. He stares down at his phone at the picture of you he just took, smiling like a mad man as he waits.
You will always be worth the wait.
"This is your final warning." You growl darkly, causing Bakguou to look up with sharp eyes. He sees you placing the stuffed animal on the bench as this guy harasses you.
"Come on sugar tits." Katsuki practically blows up in line then and there as he stalks towards your back. He slips his right arm around your front pressing into your left hip bone pushing you into his body. He tilts his head as he left hand ignites inches from the guys face.
"Did you just fucking call *my* girl sugar tits?" His voice is so dark near your ear that you blush, letting your quirk fade from your palms.
And did he just say my girl?
Your gut clenches as he pulls you impossibly closer. Hand still letting off pops.
"I think you owe her a fucking apology before I make you sorry you ever thought you could disrespect a woman like that you stupid fuck."
"I..I'm sorry." The guy stammers with his now burnt off eyebrows as he bows deeply.
"Grab Neko-chan, Y/N." Katsuki purrs in your ear barely letting you go to do so. You hold onto the cat with all your might, heart banging against your rib cage as you overthink the encounter.
He was just doing it to be nice right?
You hesitantly reach for his hand before changing your mind. He glances at you with searing red eyes offering you his open palm.
"Where to next?" He asks, you stare at the invitation, frozen for a moment before you grab onto him with a strong hold.
"This way!" You smile taking him and Neko-chan in tow. You lead him to the small arcade challanging him to see who can win the most in street fighter.
He somehow kicks your ass by one match and you smile at this genuine excitement for victory. He catches you staring as you blush, nuzzling half of your face into Neko-chan's fur, making your eyes seem larger and doe like.
Katsuki swallows, more blush dusting his cheeks as he asks is a gruff tone.
"Whatchya starin at?" You giggle in response.
"Nothing!" You fight another giggle, arms tightening around black fur, "I just like your real smile is all."
He sucks his teeth and looks away not trusting himself to ignore the urge to shove that damn plush out of the way to see the smile you're hiding behind it, or to keep himself from kissing those lips that are curled up.
"I'll be right back." He leans in close to you with nothing separating you two but Neko-chan, "Try not to let anyone else hit on ya kay?"
"K...kay." He's pretty sure that's the first time you've stumbled over your words, positive that's the first time he's seen your cheeks so red.
On the way back from the bathroom he spies two little necklaces in the display case of prizes. One is a purple N64 console and the other is the matching controller. He likes the idea of them around your neck thanks to him and taps the counter with his freshly won 10,000 yen tapping at the set.
He produces the two small chains and watches as your eyes light up.
"Aaahhh!" You say separating the two as you slide the N64 console around your neck, holding out the controller to him. He frowns as he glares at it.
"You're supposed to wear both." He growls, though his grimace fades with every second you stare at him.
"No silly they are best friend necklaces!!!" You half sequal as you shove it over his neck. You tuck it beneath his black skull shirt, "See now it's our secret."
You smile a devilish smirk before you glance at the time on the analog clock behind him. You grab onto his hand with a death grip.
"Katsuki come on we are gonna miss it!" You whine as you drag him back into the busy street further and further through the festival until the people are so few and far between he wonders where you're taking him.
That is until his smells the tang of salted air brought in by what is normally a refreshing breeze that feels chilled from the changing seasons.
You rush him to the sand, breathing in the heavily summer scent, kicking off your shoes to feel the once warmed sand.
"Come on Katsuki-kun come on!" You urge as he fights with his own shoes willing to follow you to the ends of the Earth and it feels that way where you're taking him. Past a small bonfire to a secluded part of the beach where the moon hangs high over the ocean.
One can see all of the stars in the universe there in that little spot, his eyes look up drinking it all in before looking at an even more beautiful sight.
His heart skips a beat as your eyes dance in the starlight, cheeks now moon kissed and hair ruffled from the wind off the ocean, you close your eyes for just a moment to breath it all in.
The last bit of summer that you can smell before it all begins to disappear into sharper, more crisp smells.
He's close enough to you that he can smell the salt and sugar clinging to your skin, to your lips. He sighs, content for once in his life. Then the stars begin to fall in the deep reflection of your eyes.
"Katsu look!" You whisper shout and he follows your gaze to watch the sky fall.
"Make a wish make a wish!" You urge again and he silently prays that this moment will never end.
But sadly it does, as quickly as it came it went and your crest fallen face has his heart jumping into his throat. He attempts to swallow it down.
"Something wrong?" He asks so softly you wonder if it is still Bakugou sitting next to you and that one little question causes the tears to spill.
Yes something was wrong, terribly wrong.
"Oi..." He pulls you to him shielding your tears from the world as his hand subconsciously trailed up and down your spine, "Why are you crying? Are you not enjoying the last bit of summer?"
"That's it Katsu that's the problem. S..sum..." You choke on your tears before continuing, "Summer is ending and before you know it, it will be winter again. And then a new year and then summer will have flown by faster and faster until the next thing you know my whole life has slipped through my fingers. And I will be left feeling as if I missed all of it. Just like I am now, like I always do."
You fist his shirt as you cry, let it all out all the horrible thoughts of your life going by in the blink of an eye, as every new winter brings you more and more unhappiness and you are unsure why.
You only find solace in summer as things seem to slow down. When the days are stretched deep into the evening and each hour is blessed with such happy memories. Times of you with your N64, of you spending many hours outside baking in the heat of the sun, of miserable days when even the icecream is happy to melt. And especially this summer, *this* night that you've spent with Katsuki.
Memories you can never replace and pray
Hope and plead to any Kamisama who is listening that they will never allow you to forget.
"Hey it's all right." He soothes, "We can come back to this festival every year to help say good bye."
You hiccup, your tears slowing.
"And if that doesn't work I'll lasso the fucking sun for you. I'll be your summer incarnate. I'll do anything, *anything* to keep my girl smiling. To keep you smiling. All you have to do is fucking name it."
You blink away the tears as you stare up into his face and you can tell he's serious that he means it. Red fireworks erupt over head, lighting his eyes with an undying fire and you kiss him. Kiss him how you wanted to all summer. Slow burn that quickly ignites as your hands grab onto one another. Each fire work encouraging deeper and deeper kisses until you pull away. Almost gasping for breath. Your skin feeling heated as it does when you lie out in the sun too long. You hold his gaze, heart fluttering, eyes pricking with tears once more.
"Then lasso me the fucking sun, Katsuki."
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lightningenergy · 5 years
Pokeshipping Week 2019 - Day 7: Engagement/Wedding
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art & half the writing by @zdbztumble​
"...You're sure this is enough food?" May asked, for the twelfth time that morning.
"Are you asking for the groom, or for you?" Mallow asked, rather sharply.
"... It could be both," May shrugged. “You don’t need to get so snippy about it.” Sure, she may have asked after the food twelve times now, but planning a wedding – especially Ash and Misty’s -- was a huge responsibility.
"Well, I'm sure.” Mallow sighed, a hand to her brow. “I've done the math, like, fifty-seven times. Which was annoying."
"Hmm... still, maybe we should've hired Brock and Cilan too..."
"May, there's enough!" Mallow finally snapped. "I've been working on it since that rehearsal dinner!"
"OK, OK, yeesh! So, food's ready... now what about..." May gazed around the open grounds of the Pallet Town shrine. The shrine was the largest one near Pallet Town (which wasn't saying much) with a small temple at the front. The shrine itself rested atop a cliff overlooking Pallet Beach, and a wide, open, grassy area spread out behind it. A few dozen empty chairs waited quietly. "Hey Dawn!” she called. “All the flowers are in place, right?"
"Just so!" Dawn hollered back, having set the last few in place. "Now relax! This isn't your wedding!"
"I just don't want Misty yelling at me!" May responded.
"We planned it together - she'll yell at me too!"
"We don't want her yelling at all!"
"And everything's perfect, so she won't!"
"How do you know she won't?"
"Because you two are eating up all the yells allowed at a single wedding," Drew deadpanned as he passed behind May, arms laden with laundry bags.
"Just like I'll be eating up all the food once I'm allowed to!" May shouted at him. "Geez, you try to be helpful and look where it gets ya..."
"I'm standing right here," Drew noted, dryly and quietly.
"I know!" May screamed, beaming. "Ooh, are those all the kimonos for the bridesmaids?"
"You know they are," Drew sighed. "You called me twice on the road after you sent me for them."
Screeching tires caught their attention, and they all turned to witness a car drift around the corner and come to a sudden, violent stop in a parking space.
"Tell me Daisy's not driving the car," Dawn groaned.
"Never again!" they heard Misty gasp. "I don't care how bad the traffic is in Cerulean City, you are never getting behind the wheel of a car with me in it!"
"Chill out, sis!" Daisy said with a wave of her hand. "We're all here, right?"
"And our make-up's totally ruined from sweating out your driving!" Lily snapped. She, Violet, Iris, Lana, Lillie, and Misty all filed out of the car in various states of distress; Daisy alone looked calm. The passengers were laden with laundry bags too, and Misty had a disheveled towel wrapped around her hair.
"Morning, sunshine," said May as she caught the bag Misty so unceremoniously tossed to her. "Let's say we get you all fixed up, huh?"
"That'd be nice," Misty grunted. "I don't want to be a bad mood once Ash gets here."
"So, like, Misty," Daisy began. "About your hair..."
"You three staying out of the way will help me not be in a bad mood," she growled, before softening slightly. "Please, Daisy. May and Dawn know what I want to do, and Iris and the other girls were the ones who prepped everything last night. I'm glad you're enthusiastic, but could you just help greet guests and look out for Ash?"
That didn’t leave the Waterflowers with much to do, though May suspected Misty wanted it that way. Besides the wedding party, the only people about were Drew, completing the last of the chores assigned him, the Waterflowers, and a very haggard and bleary-eyed Gary Oak leaning against a nearby pillar.
"Like, what happened to you?" Daisy asked derisively.
"Bachelor party. Hungover," he grunted. Even his own voice caused him to wince and put a hand to his temple.
Dawn, giggling, hurried over to her boyfriend and put her mouth very close to his ear. "SO IT HELPS IF YOU TALK IN A LOUD VOICE--"
"For the love of Arceus, babe!"
"Killer couple," Daisy muttered to May, who could only shrug.
A large truck came up the road, at a much slower, careful pace than Daisy’s car. ("At least, like, one person in this relationship knows how to drive," Violet sneered.) Tracey stepped out and hurried to help Professor Oak and Delia do the same.
"Hello, everyone!" Professor Oak greeted. He, and everyone in his party, were already dressed for the wedding. Oak and Tracey were in simple kimonos, red and teal respectively, while Delia was in a pink yukata with white trim. May approved of all their choices. "I hope everything's going swimmingly. We have a beautiful day for this - er, is everything alright, Gary?"
"HE'S HUNGOVER," answered Dawn. Gary doubled-over and shoved past his companion, head in his hands.
"Well, I hope no one else is in such a state at this wedding," Delia said sharply. "I've been waiting too long for this day!"
"I know, right?" Daisy squealed.
"Er – haven't Ash and Misty been waiting, too?" Tracey asked quietly.
Tracey shook his head and pulled a large container off the back of the truck. May watched with interest as he lugged it over to the designated spot to the left of the shrine, set aside for all of Ash and Misty’s Pokemon. With a few quick flicks of the locks and a release switch, Tracey had them all out on the field, though it was a rather tight fit.
("Screw this,") Charizard grunted. He yawned and flexed his wings in the afternoon sun. ("I'm watching from the skies.")
("I hear that.") Pidgeot, Noivern, and the other Flying-types followed him into the air, while Gyarados lead a few of the Water-types over the cliff and into the sea off Pallet Beach, where they still had a decent view of the hill.
"How many weddings do you think have this kind of attendance?" chuckled Iris.
"Tease later," Misty said. “Prepare now.” She took Iris by the shoulder, then Lana, Lillie, Dawn, and finally May, and started herding them to the women’s changing rooms.
"Make sure the groom gets cleaned up!" May hollered over her shoulder. “Misty’ll kill ‘im if he’s not!”
“Not funny, May!” Misty snapped.
“No sense of humor on the wedding day, I see,” May muttered to Dawn as they were hurried along.
"Iris, this headdress is amazing!" Dawn gushed.
Iris beamed at the compliment. "I know my way around hair."
"And this shade of polish is perfect, Lana! Put that together with the flowers we picked out and the dress we made, and we - Misty? Are you OK? You look a little pale..."
"Just still shaken from my stupid sister's driving skills. I'll be okay, promise," Misty said. She cinched her bathrobe a little tighter around her and started pacing the room again. Noting everyone’s concerned looks, she added, "I want this, believe me."
"Oh, we might've figured that out ourselves," Lana giggled. She and the other girls were already dressed, in kimono-converted dresses of the same cut: May in red; Dawn in pink; Iris cream; Lillie white; and Lana blue. Misty's was the only one with a pattern: white with red trim with bubbles and flowers at the sleeves and hem. It sat atop a chair as its intended wearer paced and wrung her hands.
"It's finally happening," she said softly, to herself more than anyone else. "It's really, really happening!"
Dawn's Poke Gear started ringing: she quickly answered it. "Hello? ... Okay, thanks! Ash and everyone else got here!"
"Surprisingly? The least of my worries."
"It was at the top of our worries," May whispered.
"We'd better start getting you dressed," said Lillie. "We only have so much time before - "
"Before I'm MARRIED!" Misty jumped for joy and threw herself down on an empty chair. "Get to work, ladies!"
“Do we really need all this, Mom?”
“Ash Ketchum, this is your wedding! Of course we need all this! And don't think I'd let you go out and get married without me helping you get ready!"
"Mooom..." Ash protested, but he still wasn’t let up from the chair in his changing room. He hadn’t even been allowed to greet the few people at the shrine when he arrived; his mom, Brock, and Cilan shooed him inside right away. The two men were sitting in the corner: Brock in the ceremonial dress needed to conduct the ceremony; Cilan in a forest green kimono.
"This is the most important day of your life, young man," Delia insisted. "I want you to have a perfect time of it! Now let's see.. .your montsuki is clean... your hair needs a little bit of work... do you have on some clean -"
("He does,") chirped Pikachu helpfully.
"Oh, Pikachu! Don't you look handsome in your own little kimono!"
As embarrassing as his mother's attention was, Ash couldn't help but feel a little insulted that his Pokemon was upstaging him.
("I got it made special,") said Pikachu, turning and posing. ("And Lopunny, er - she has a matching one...)
"Yeah, Dawn insisted that she get to do it," Ash muttered. "Everyone's got something they want out of this."
"Oh, sweetie." Delia pulled Ash in close and wrapped her arms around his head and shoulders. "What we want most of all is to see you and Misty happy, of course. You know that, don't you?"
"Yeah, though you all have a funny way of showing it..."
Delia smiled and kissed his forehead. "Alright... ceremony's due in a few hours, so let's get started."
It was amazing how long "a little bit of work" on his hair could take. Of course, forced rehearsal of his wedding vows, tearful anecdotes about Delia's own wedding, and relating stories to Cilan and the other groomsmen as they arrived (Clemont, Kiawe, and Sophocles, in sky blue, scarlet, and yellow kimonos, respectively) helped eat up the time. Then there was the shared attention of his future sisters-in-law...
"Daisy, if you don't let go, I'm gonna need my hair fixed again!" Ash protested. No matter how he squirmed, he couldn't get free of her grip.
"Aww...but then I could, like, do it right!" Daisy teased. "A bit more mussed up in the front, we can finally frost the tips..."
"NO! No, no, no! That's a veto, Daisy! This isn't the 90s anymore!"
"Y'know, that's what Tracy always says..."
Ash stood up and picked up his kimono. "Okay, I'm getting changed, so anyone not named Pikachu needs to leave."
("Why do I have to stay?!") the Pokemon protested.
"You're the Best Man."
("... Right.")
"He's so touchy sometimes," Daisy complained as they all filed out.
"Now, now," Delia chided gently. "He needs his space before the ceremony..."
Got that right, Ash thought as he shut the door behind them. He felt as fired up as he did before any Pokemon Battle - more fired up - but his mouth still felt awfully dry, and his head rather light. "You ready, Pikachu?"
Pikachu answered by leaping onto his shoulder and nuzzling his cheek. ("Of course. I'm ready to zap either of you at a moment's notice!")
"Comforting... alright, let's get myself into this thing..."
And a few minutes later, he found himself standing under the shrine, looking out at the crowd of people assembled for his wedding. Geez, I knew we invited a lot of people, but...
A good number of them were the extended relations of his friends and traveling companions: Dawn's mother, Cilan's brothers, representatives from Iris's village, and so on. There were Gym Leaders, Frontier Brains, and professors as well. Ash smiled and waved at Riley as he came in, dressed in the same blue suit as always.
There were a lot of Misty's friends - Casey, Marina, Sakura - and an assortment of Trainers they'd both known over the years. The front rows were reserved for close friends and family. Mallow was already seated, along with Drew, Gary, Miette, the Waterflowers, Professor Oak and Tracey, Professors Kukui and Burnett, Max and Mahri, Ritchie and Serena, and his mother.
Brock stood at the center of the shrine, with the groomsmen aligned behind him. Pikachu stood on Clemont's shoulder, beaming. Ash looked over at the bridesmaids: Lana, May, Dawn, and Iris all smiled and waved. He grinned back but quickly straightened up: the music was starting, which meant...
Bonnie scurried down the aisle in a fit of giggles. Azumarill and Rowlet, with matching floral crowns, came along either side of her as she slowly walked back up, tossing pink cherry blossom petals about. Ash was only vaguely aware of this, and cared even less. All his attention was on the fiery-haired woman in the white-and-red dress slowly following them, her hair wrapped up in a white gold headdress, a bouquet of roses in her hand, and a nervous smile playing at her lips.
Nothing else mattered. He only had eyes for Misty, watching as she slowly made her way up the aisle. Her eyes shone once she stopped next to him, and Ash was only vaguely aware of his own reddened face and Brock's light sobbing.
"Hey," he whispered.
"Hey yourself."
"Arceus I love you."
She winked. "I know. And you clean up nicely."
“My mom and your sisters had something to do with that,” Ash admitted, chuckling softly as he rubbed the back of his head.
“You still went through it for me.” She tugged lightly on the front of his montsuki before they both turned to face Brock and the shrine.
"D-d-dearly beloved," Brock choked out. Tears dripped down the sides of his face. "We are gathered here t-today to witness the joining of... of these two in h-h-holy m-matri - sniff - mony. If anyone has any reason these two should - should not be wed... please leave immediately."
Laughter rippled through-out the audience, and Brock seemed to relax a little. "Ahem... I've known these two for a long time, and I am very glad to be here for this special day... now, um... I guess we should start with the vows..."
At Cilan’s insistence, Ash had spent all of yesterday writing out vows, with the groomsmen insisting on proofreading. He wondered what they thought as his hands, instead of producing that worn piece of paper, fell gently on top of Misty’s around her bouquet.
"Misty... I had some stuff written, and I got a lot of input on it, and it was good and all... but it wasn't me. It wasn't us."
He was forced to pause briefly as another wave of laughter passed.
"You know all the best and worst stuff about me, and I know the best and worst stuff about you. We've dealt with it ever since we were kids, we managed to be friends - best friends - after meeting in such a crazy way. I mean, you caught me with a fishing rod."
More laughter.
"And you caught me with your heart a few years down the line. I know it took me a while, but...well, now that I'm here, I'm not leaving. Ever."
Misty closed her eyes and inhaled, then smiled. "Ash Ketchum... you are, without a doubt, the most stubborn, arrogant, foolhardy man I have ever known. You stole my bike, wrecked it, and argued with me over more idiotic things than I can count. And yet... there is no one on this earth I would rather have as my prince, my best friend... my soulmate. You want to be a Pokemon Champion, but never forget that you are my Champion. From then, now, and always... I am forever yours."
Several people, including Brock, could be heard blowing their noses.
"Th-the bride and groom will now exchange rings..." Brock sobbed.
One of the snifflers in the crowd, Pikachu had to wipe away his tears before he produced the wedding ring from his kimono's sleeves. True to form, Psyduck only made it out of his Poke Ball right at that moment, bawling uncontrollably as he handed Misty her ring.
Brock coughed and stomped his foot and even slapped himself to get under control. "Do you, Ash Ketchum, take Misty Waterflower to be your lawfully wedded -"
"Brock, didn't we kinda already do this part?" Ash asked quietly. He could hear Cilan and Kiawe's affronted gasps and see May and Dawn's furious looks, but Misty just giggled.
"Yes," Brock said rather firmly. "Do you, Ash Ketchum, take this woman--"
"... Okay." Brock turned to Misty. "Should I even ask?"
"You already know."
Brock sighed, but he was smiling. "Alright... by the power vested in me by the Region of Kanto... and the Internet guys... I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. Now..." he started sobbing again. "You may... y-you may..."
Everyone else in the procession screamed with smiles and laughter, startling the couple: "JUST KISS ALREADY!!"
It was hard to tell which of them moved first. They both leapt at the other's lips as if it were the first time they'd ever kissed. For good measure, Ash wrapped his arms around Misty's waist, lifted her off her feet, and spun her around for the whole duration. It was too much. She started laughing and crying at once, and never stopped kissing him.
Everyone was applauding. Pikachu leapt onto Ash's head, laughing and cheering; May and Dawn collapsed into each other's arms, sobbing wildly; some people in the audience were cat-calling, though in a joyous manner.
Ash smiled up at his wife, eyes gleaming. "We did it."
"We did it," Misty whispered, and kissed him again. "We did it, we did it, we did it!!"
Out of one eye, Ash dared to look around at the crowd. Misty’s sisters were in hysterics; Serena and Ritchie were glancing from the shrine to each other with sheepish, blushing smiles; Bonnie was biting down on her hand in a failed effort to keep the waterworks at bay; Miette had a small and oddly sad smile; and Mom, Oak, Kukui, and Burnett were all beaming.
"OK, everyone!" Dawn disentangled herself from May and wiped most of the tears off her face. "That's the wedding - who's ready for the biggest and best reception ever?"
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isaaccecilbryant · 4 years
things a new rp partner should know about me !
fun new meme here ! write 3-5 things a new rp partner (or those who want to be) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests. (also don’t write you are a dork/gremlin/etc. this is tumblr, of course you are)
1. I have a MASSIVE tea hoard that had overflown the little cabinet I was given in the kitchen to filling a whole cupboard downstairs and then some. No regrets.
2. I have bought two anime wall scroll posters without knowing what the character on them was. First one ended up being Shiki from Garden of Sinners. She’s got on her yukata with the blue sash and I just called her ‘Haru’ (Spring) for the longest time. I still have not seen Garden of Sinners. Second was Toshizo Hijikata form the Hakuouki visual novel series. I have gotten to play some of the series (they mainly just tweak the same game and re-release it ever few years on new platforms) and I am so glad he’s my husbando now <3
3. I typically speak at a loud volume, especially when I get excited or worked up. I don’t realize I’m practically shouting until someone points it out to me >_<
4. As much as I love cute Pokemon like Skitty, Pikachu, Eevee and Noibat, my #1 fav will always be Mewtwo because he has such a sad story behind him, which got expanded on with a movie that so few people saw TT^TT
Stolen from: @convxction (this was ages ago, I’m sorry)
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