#(headcanoning her as autistic was the best thing I ever did)
lanawinterscigarettes · 4 months
Headcanons for Jennifer Check with an autistic S/O?
I love this idea so much- I took inspiration from some of my own experiences so this might not apply to everyone but I certainly did my best! I really hope you like it <3
Jennifer Check with an autistic s/o
Warnings: brief mention of meltdowns/sensory overloads, references to ableism/ignorant people, very brief (somewhat) joking mention of committing murder (it's Jenny, what do you expect), very salty and blunt language that I'm honestly not even sorry for
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I honestly think Jennifer would appreciate dating an autistic person, especially if you're the type who's very straight forward or overly blunt about things
She probably thought you were a bit of a bitch at first I'm not gonna lie lol, but she makes that assumption about pretty much everyone when she first meets them
You'd seen each other around school before but your first real conversation was when you were paired up for some sort of science project. She was not looking or feeling like her typical hot and fabulous self, and while you weren't the first to notice you were the only one brave enough to point it out
"Have you been getting enough sleep recently? You have really heavy bags under your eyes"
Jennifer wanted to snap at you at first, thinking you were being sarcastic (because obviously she had bags under her eyes, she didn't need anyone pointing it out) but much to her surprise you didn't look like you were making fun of her. In fact, you seemed a little concerned
"Your hair looks pretty damaged." You continued, oblivious to the look of utter shock on her face that you would actually say something like that out loud. "If using both shampoo and conditioner is too much of a trouble I can recommend some two-in-one products. Or you can always use dry shampoo in between washes"
The woman was too stunned to speak. All she was able to do was mutter an awkward "thank you", something that you simply nodded your head at before turning the conversation back over to the project
She gained a lot of respect for you that day, as you were the only person who wasn't afraid to say what everyone was thinking (though she soon learned this was due to you not knowing what was and wasn't considered 'appropriate' to say)
Out of everyone, you're the one person Jennifer goes to (other than maybe Needy) when she needs an honest opinion on something because you won't lie to spare her feelings or try to flatter her
"Which tank top do you think I should wear to school tomorrow, the pink one or the black one?"
"Well, the pink one makes you look like slut. But the black one makes you look like both a slut and a bitch, too"
"Perfect. Black it is, then"
If you ever accidentally make a situation awkward or uncomfortable by your comments or questions you won't even have to worry about being embarrassed because she'll immediately come out with saying something so bitchy and/or vulgar that whatever you said looks innocent in comparison and is forgotten about right away
She'll get very protective if people try to purposely make you feel bad for the out of pocket things you say. After all, you're just telling people the truth, it's not their fault if they can't handle a dose of reality (her words, not mine)
Even though she loves to party she'll most likely either tone it down or just stop going altogether when she finds out you don't like them all that much because of the loud music, bright lights, small spaces crowded with lots of drunk people, etc. She'd rather be with you any way
Always lets you infodump to her about your newest interest or favorite thing, which truly shows just how much she loves you as she usually always has to be the one dominating any conversation she's a part of. Sometimes you wonder if she ever really listens until she gets you something relating to your latest hyperfixation and then you're like "ah okay so she does care :D"
Honestly she's such a trashy mcbling y2k girly (canon, she told me herself) that I feel like she's the type of person to buy you stim/fidget toys and then help you 'bling' them out by gluing on fake rhinestones and such because "you can't just walk around with boring accessories"
Is she the type of person to tease you/make a bunch of sex jokes if you have an oral fixation? Yes. Will she start carrying around lollipops, gum, chew rings, etc. in her purse to give to you when you're feeling distressed in a public place? Also yes
Totally understands if you don't like/can't eat certain foods due to pickiness, especially if this is after her demon possession. She goes out of her way to make sure the pantry is stocked with your safe foods and all your favorite snacks for whenever you come over so you won't run out of them
She may not be the best at comforting you if you're in the middle of a meltdown/sensory overload or if you start crying (especially if it's over something small) but she tries her best to be gentle, not wanting to accidentally make things worse. If you need physical comfort then she'll gladly let you wrap your arms around her and get as close as possible, but if not then she'll stay a safe distance away while trying to cheer you up with words of encouragement
Absolutely hates ableist people. Hates and will eat them /hj. She can't stand when people make you feel bad for not understanding certain phrases or not being able to pick up on social cues
If you're ever confused on something then she takes the time to explain it to you, and yes this includes her sarcasm. She can't stop being sarcastic for anyone, including you (sorry) but she can make accomadations so you don't feel stupid or left out
Jennifer finds your stimming so adorable, especially if you do it when you're excited to see her. The fact that you get so happy you have to make a physical show of it just to get the extra energy out warms her cold, otherwise unfeeling and bitchy heart
If you're a really physically affectionate person then she one hundred percent welcomes it and allows you to touch her at literally any given moment no matter where you are. If not, then that's all the more reason for her to feel special and loved if you ever do give her, say, a hug, especially if you have an aversion to touch
Speaking of which, if there are any clothes of hers that you don't like because the texture of it bothers you/makes your skin crawl then she simply won't wear them around you, and might even get rid of them so you can feel more comfortable touching her. This includes making sure her bed always has the coziest pillows and blankets and comfiest sheets for whenever you spend the night
Overall I think Jen would love you no matter what personality quirks you may have regarding being autistic, and she would never fail to tell you just how much she loves you for them
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solarianvoidthearoace · 7 months
Showstopping, immaculate, glorious
The scene on Leverage where the Team made up an entire elaborate cover story only for Eliot Spencer to step forward, straighten up, roll back his shoulders and go “I’m Eliot Spencer” gaining them immediate audience
Throwing your (team’s) cover to the wind because your real identity grants you so much more leverage (hehe), perfection
Eliot Spencer has biggest dick energy. Hardison has the most golden heart energy. Parker has unchecked chaotic energy.
Leverage did so many things with what I consider a gold standard.
One of the best depictions of Found Family there ever will be.
An awesome slow-build hetero relationship that feels organic, natural,
Never putting that romance before the familial love they have for the team
And Parker is still one of my favourite aroace autistic headcanons. She is oblivious to her own feelings for Hardison. But she is never belittled for it, she doesn’t get made fun of for not being able to name/ distinguish what she feels.
And Hardison, oh my goodness Hardison. Alec Hardison is the absolutely most loving (familially and romantically) man.
He is patient with Parker. He understands she struggles to understand how she feels.
He is encouraging and never pressures her.
And “I’m here, if you want” is still one of the most wholesome pre-relationship tropes.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Related to my prev post:
I don't give two shits if Bruce is written like a bad dad if it means we get good writing for everybody else since i think minorities are more important than a white cishet male nepotism baby unlike his butch lesbian counterpart who's judaism is an actual fundamental part of her character and since he's been written as abusive so consistently over the years it's in-character anyway
Dick can be both bi/pan and demisexual and there's more evidence for the latter than the former so making him be sexually loose is aspec erasure and mspec stereotyping and he dosen't have a thing for redheads,he has a thing for black women and to me the only guy he seems to like romantically is Roy and that adds on to his demisexuality since they're childhood best friends
'Catholic guilt Jason' is a shit headcanon that misses the major and critical part of him being Red Hood that he didn't feel the slightest bit bad about killing people and the point of his redemption was learning remorse,afrolatino Jason isn't based on stereotyping but him filling out so many black and latino cultural aspects and if any hcs for him are stereotyping it's the one that he's a slut because he's a very handsome and hot and cute goth punk man
Tim is perfect the way he is and dosen't need power ups or to get 'punished' for the oh so horrible crime of being a realistic teenage boy,he's not JUST huge a loser or a super cool dude but both at once and it's bad writing and fetishistic to ignore his wide range of relathionships that consists of mostly of women to make him a 'guys guy'
Stephanie is heavily autistic and bpd-coded so she's far from a 'normie',much less an 'it girl' but people see blonde hair and blue eyes and throw away everything else about her because that's all she's worth to them or call her an abuser and a pick me just like they do irl bpdtistic women and she's also canonically pastel/indie punk and a Team Mom but gets her presentation switched to basic and made out to be a womanchild instead
Cass had a million times more moral conflict than Jason ever did,would never in her LIFE wanna be feminine even in the chinese way and would be butch in it instead,turning her scattered speech into sign language is ableist not unlike(but not on the same level as)changing Babs' type of wheelchair disability and she'd be a better Batman than any male character in existense
Duke is only a golden child in the sense he has a yellow motif and is as disruptive and authentically quirky as his siblings,We Are Robin is a better team than the canon Outlaws,his powers are cooler than any Al-Ghul ones you could come up with,he has more femme energy than Tim does and Carrie Kelley ain't shit and only gets brought back to replace him because DC is antiblack
Damian's introduction mentality was a result of not only child abuse but also psychological grooming to get him to dehumanize himself and all his bigoted comments are explained either by him being like 12 or his writers trying to demonize brown people and anybody who thinks he's a bad person is a super-sized pissbaby with no sympathy for kids of color,shipping him with Jon is making a bisexual man into a ped0phile and Jay is good even if aging Jon up wasn't and he should be friends with Maya,Suren,Nell,Colin,Kathy,Maps,Tai and Miles,Gwen,Peni,Pavitr,Hobie and Margo from Atsv and Nico and Hazel from Pjo instead of Billy Batson or Danny Fenton or ANY Mcu characters
Talia is super hot but should be drawn in accurate arab clothes instead 'sexy assasian gear'(not that these two can't co-exist but you get what i mean),her personality is extremely rich and her stories are mega interesting,she's a good mom to Damian and literally never 'took advantage of Jason' seeing as That Scene In Lost Days was decanonized by it's writer who said it was ooc for her on his part,she should've been a mom figure to Stephanie in her Robin Days too since they would get along and she deserved her own run where she takes over Lexcorp to transform it into a force for good and become Superfam-adjacent to free herself from having only male connections
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mhsdatgo · 1 month
The Helaemonds/Helaegons need to calm down.
Don't get me wrong, it's always refreshing to see some people fill in the gaps of a basically untold relationship such as the one between the green kids in general, but this goes beyond basic obsessive shippy discourse. Leave this poor girl alone. Why's there an obsession with having her be romantically paired with her brothers, one worse than the other?
I understand the show has basically shown so little of her to the point where we didn’t even have a coronation for her on screen, so therefore you can self insert through her and have fun with headcanons regarding Aegon and Aemond. Really, I'm not faulting their girlies, you can be head over heels for whatever actor in character you want (unless you put them on pedestals and start acting like they did nothing wrong and pounce on whoever contests them, THEN we have a problem) but I assure you, Helaena would barely want anything to do with either of them.
Aegon is a sex pest turned sex offender, a drunkard and a neglectful father and husband at best. Her infamous toast in ep.8 has us believing that he cannot for the life of him interact with her unless he's horny drunk or that he forces himself on her at worst.* He was ready to leave them all in ep.9 before he was caught. Even the book is subtle about their relationship: all we know of them is that they sleep in shared chambers, that she was someone important and reliable in Aegon's council before B&C, and that he named her and Alicent the true Queens of his reign.
*(⚠️TW: PERSONAL OPINION⚠️ I'm not saying this last one isn't a possibility but it's sill outrageous for the way people speak about Helaena in defence of this "claim". No, she wouldn't joke about her own r*pe in front of the whole table full of people she doesn't know and right beside her abuser, and despite the hour-long metas I've read about how she's basically "too sheltered" to know what r*pe even means, I assure you she's a high-functioning autistic, not 5 years old. She can understand it perfectly.)
Helaemond is a pure show invention, I honestly wasn't expecting this many people to go up this kind of train. They barely interact, and most of the time it's Aemond saying he'd "perform his duty" should Helaena ever be wed to him, or that stare in ep.9 when he enters her chambers toiling after Alicent. It's, as always, the Aemond girlies who think poor Helaena would live her best life with Aemond, or that they are already romantically involved behind the scenes. The amount of "if one possesses a thing, the other will take it away" edits from people that are FULLY CONVINCED "the thing" is Helaena and that "the one" and "the other" are Aemond and Aegon respectively is honestly concerning.
Fics that are all about Aegon doing the worst and unspeakable things to her so "Aemond can come and save her" are y'all okay? Out of all people, HE has to save her?
Babes, I'm sorry to break your bubble, but this isn't Aegon IV/Naerys/Aemon on steroids. Aemond didn't give two shits about Helaena. No, he wasn't jealous when Jace came to ask her to dance, he just wanted to stir some shit. If we talk about the books, he didn't fucking hesitate to leave King's Landing, his sister, his mother and whatever he was doing for the Riverlands the second he heard that Daemon was there. And he brought the only means of defence they had with him. If he knew how important Vhagar was for the city's defence, he's evil, if he didn't realize it, he's dumb as fuck. Which one is it, Aemond girlies?
People beat each other to the curb about Jaehaerys, Jaehaera and Maelor's paternity like it's the Wars of The Roses. They put Helaena and Alys against the other like they have personal beef with one of them.
Stop mentioning this sweetheart only when it's about praising or hating one of her brothers. No, it's not the only option you have because she's underdeveloped as a character. There's actually another one.
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angstintensifer · 2 months
My Ashlynn Ella headcanons
making this bc shes been my fav character in eah since like 2013 tehe
Ashlynn is autistic and one of her special interests are shoes and nature, as she has such strong feelings about caring for it and the environment in general.
I can also vouch for this as sometimes her dialogue consists of nature and her love for shoes, as an autistic person I know that we like to talk about our special interests a lot.
Ashlynn's love of shoes also comes from learning the story of Cinderella from her mother.
Ashlynn and her mother would bond over fashion and shoes when she was young, Ashlynn would also steal her mother high heels and always get them dirty by going out into the woods.
Ashlynn and her father aren't that close, he has a kingdom to run and doesn't care for animals or chores or shoes or anything Ashlynn finds interesting. He can often treat Ashlynn like a push over and tries to buy her love with money rather than spend time with her.
One of the reasons Ashlynn didn't want to marry a prince because of how they acted, entitled and royal, that is because of her father and how he treats the things Ashlynn and her mother care about. Instead Ashlynn wanted someone who shared her values and interests.
Ashlynn can communicate with animals and sometimes finds it easier to talk to them about her struggles instead of her friends, this would be more prominent in s1 when Ashlynn and Hunter's relationship was a secret. She would explain a date in detail to her pet Phoenix because she couldn’t tell anyone else.
She feels like she can be completely herself around animals, they don't hold judgement or resentment the way humans do.
Ashlynn always supported Briar's decision to not sign the storybook of legends as Ashlynn always hated the idea of losing Briar to her destiny.
Ashlynn has boundary issues and is a major push over, she has a hard time saying no to people and will put others needs before her own whether she likes it or not. This also ties into her Cinderella destiny as the step family in it constantly give Cindy orders that she complies too.
Certain people can see this clearly and will either help her through them (Briar, Apple, Crystel, Farrah, Hunter, basically anyone close to her)
or use them against her (Her future step sisters)
Ashlynn always makes sure any shoes sold at her shop are made from materials that did not come from animals. And sometimes the money she earns at the shop she gives to charity.
Her dream destiny is become an environmentalist and help the environment instead of becoming a princess, but she doesn’t like to admit it out loud because she’s afraid to pursue it as she feels she’ll be letting down everyone, her mother, Farrah and whoever her destined prince is.
She feels guilt very deeply, she felt guilty about lying to her friends about her relationship, she felt guilty for not wanting the amazing destiny she was determined to have.
Ashlynn is also a Tailer Quick fan and her favourite album is fearless.
The enchanted forest is her favourite place in ever after.
She adores ice skating and dancing with headphones because it lets her imagination run free and it exercises her energy.
She stims a lot but fidgeting with her hands, she needs something to do with her hands in order to focus. (Hunter once noticed this and asked her to make a flower crown for Pesky)
She’s terrible at making decisions under pressure and over thinks a lot. She gets her fashion design inspiration from the nature around her.
Ashlynn and Duchess aren't exactly friends but Ashlynn does feel bad for her, Duchess made her realise that she was taking her own destiny for granted when hers has a happily ever after and Duchess's story doesn't.
Ashlynn knows that if Duchess were to apologize for trying to expose her and Hunter. Ashlynn would forgive her.
Apple, Briar and her have been best friends since they were children, they are all very loyal to each other.
Ashlynn is a very private person so she doesn't like to be open about a lot of things about herself unless she's comfortable with someone. (most of the time its usually with animals)
Ashlynn is a light sleeper so when Briar snores sometimes, Ashlynn has ear plugs to help her sleep.
Ashlynn always gets early, she's a huge morning person and loves a walk in the sunrise.
Ashlynn and Raven became very good friends after legacy day, Ashlynn will never forget the hope she got after Raven didn't sign the book.
They definitely bond over being Tailer Quick fans.
Ashlynn and Cerise become friends after her and Hunters relationship is out. Ashlynn greatly respects Cerise and wanted to get to know her as she’s one of Hunters close friends.
After Cedar found out about Ashlynn and Hunter. Cedar became Ashlynn’s go to person to talk about the relationship (as we see in true hearts day)
Ashlynn dreads the day her mother will die and that she’ll only be left with her father.
While away at Ever After High, Ashlynn calls her mom very frequently, more so in legacy year because it felt all more real for Ashlynn that her mothers death was coming soon.
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0rb0t · 1 year
Don't mind me, just talking about Shadow as being on the autistic spectrum, and how his portrayal in the games and anime (before 2010s era) reflected this even if it was never outright stated.
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    When I was in high school, I struggled a lot in social situations, I'd go completely stiff and just watch people. I had a "resting bitch face", I never really could have conversations and seemed to just fixate on things. I'd make observations that irritated people. I'd ask "why" a lot. (Asking why or even asking 'obvious' questions seemed to make people think I was questioning their judgment, or that I was challenging them. But no, I just didn't understand and wanted clarification. I still run into this a lot and I wish people would stop assuming I have ulterior motives. I just wanna understand stuff better cause it doesn't connect for me. Even if it seems obvious. I'm the genius that asked my mom why she was crying at her dad's funeral when I was 11. It's not that I didn't understand why Grandpa was gone, I knew he passed away, but it hadn't really landed for me, and my brain registered my mom's sadness before it registered the why.)
    I didn't like small talk (still don't) and would rather every interaction have a specific purpose. You'd never catch me at a party and I didn't think drinking or drugs looked fun or interesting. The act of rebelling didn't interest me either. The few interests I did have were something I'd always go back to, and I couldn't function without them. (For me, drawing has always been a huge part of my life and if I didn't have a pencil or pen and paper, then I couldn't hear. I know, very weird. If I were doodling or just even had my sketchbook open, I could study a lot easier. In High school, my teachers started telling me to put the sketchbook away, and my grades plummeted because my attention did, too. Trying to tell them just kind of led to the same old "well everyone else can't doodle so you can't either". I wasn't in any of the special ed stuff because I guess I masked too well.)
    Sonic 06 and Sonic X have the same characterization for Shadow, especially in Japanese, and I think that's honestly the best he'd ever been-- he's quiet, he's reserved, he observes and he doesn't like to "waste time". Not because he's edgy, not because he's a jerk or too serious, but because he struggles in social situations and he's more introverted. He doesn't want to be the centre of attention, he doesn't enjoy any of that. Shadow also behaves like an adult, and I'm sure a ton of us on the spectrum have heard that before, that we're very mature for our age. In reality, we can't relate with our peers and have very fixated interests that don't really expand to other things. Limited interests and we just wanna do stuff tied to that. We know so much about that one thing or those things, but those things won't get you ahead in school. Unless you're LUCKY and your fixation is math, oy vey! (My fixation was etymology. I loved learning and knowing where words came from. Useful for 2 seconds in English class, quickly loses its usefulness in a skill-oriented world.)
    I don't even think he's naturally boastful, at least he wasn't since SA2 (when he was an antagonist), but Sonic brings out a competitive side in him. Sonic brings out the childhood-self that he lost to trauma and being sealed away. Shadow never got to be a normal kid/adult. He has always had expectations placed on him. I think Sonic really brings out a side of him that even surprises himself. It's why he will even say very often "What am I doing?" or "This is such a waste of time!" but he won't STOP… Because he's having fun and doesn't know how to describe his own feelings. Shadow's the type who'll say "I'm fine" no matter what state he's in when you ask if he's okay. My spouse is like this actually-- I can often tell when he's feeling down, but he doesn't know how to describe emotions beyond functional things like "i'm healthy" or "i'm unhealthy", so he'll say he's fine even if he's having a melancholy day. I struggle with understanding my emotional responses, but not necessarily identifying them. A lot of people on the spectrum do struggle with identifying their emotions beyond empirical things. "Do I feel sick? No? then I'm fine" Shadow is exactly like this. And because his expression is so neutral, sometimes intense, he gets mistaken as being angry or too serious. In reality, he's just standing there. He's not gonna expend energy smiling when he's got nothing to smile about. Why force yourself to emote for people? Especially if it feels unnatural.
    Another thing about Shadow being autistic is if he's got nothing to say, then he won't say it. If he wants to leave, he'll leave. Good luck stopping him! But for many actual people it's not an option to leave. We can't just teleport out or skate at lightning speeds like he can, so we have to just sit there and do little coping or self soothing methods to keep ourselves in the moment and calm. We don't often see Shadow stimming in traditionally understood ways, like lip biting or rubbing his arms or fidgeting with his fingers-- but he often stands with his arms crossed. This CAN BE a stim. Feeling the weight of your arms on top of each other, it allows for you to be aware of your own body. I fold my arms a lot in public, because I'm usually playing with the hem of my sleeves, or I'm rubbing my arms or squeezing them. Shadow doesn't seem to do any of that but he's rarely seen without his arms folded.
    When his arms aren't folded, he stands so still and just stares at people. He looks completely out of his element. He doesn't seem to have a relaxed stance--until the anime, where he's shown standing with his hand on his hip. Rouge also does this, leading to the popular headcanons that Shadow is unintentionally imitating Rouge-- his masking leads him to identify the most 'normal' person in the room and copy their behavior in order to blend in better. Unfortunately it rarely, in my experience, leads to people NOT thinking I'm weird. Sometimes I'll even start imitating speech patterns or accents and BOY. I don't even realize I'm doing it until it HAPPENS. So embarrassing. But Shadow absolutely imitates everyone around him. We can see him do this even as far back as Sonic Heroes--that scene where he's nodding or shaking his head to whatever Rouge is saying. The scene where Sonic starts getting competitive and Shadow starts kind of imitating his posture and his way of speaking to become competitive with them-- I don't even think he realizes he's doing it. But it also makes sense with his NAME.
    His name is Shadow. I think of Peter Pan, where Peter's Shadow can sometimes get away from him. Usually it does everything he does, but sometimes it gets away and does its own things, and Peter has to catch it. Wendy sews the shadow back on in Hook. I think Shadow's name is referencing that as well, that just like a shadow, he mimics those around him. He's watching over them, but also copying them. Learning to blend in.
    Another moment I adore is in SA2 (and Sonic X) when Amy Rose hugs him from behind. According to the 2010s era and early IDW, you'd have expected Shadow to push her away or yell DONT TOUCH ME or whatever. But no, he actually just goes REALLY RIGID and doesn't even say anything. It isn't until Amy realizes her mistake that Shadow turns around to look at her, smiling like 'What are you doing???' But in Sonic X, they changed this scene further into autistic territory--
    Shadow doesn't even TURN to her. He goes rigid, yes, and his eyes widen and he just stands there looking towards the audience like 8| He's completely OUT OF HIS ELEMENT. He prepared for the mission, NOT to deal with random people HUGGING HIM. He's probably not been hugged since Maria over 50 years ago. We don't even know if Maria hugged him much because Shadow has always seemed pretty touch-averse. I love GIVING hugs and I love receiving hugs but only from people I'm REALLY close to. I don't even like getting hugs from extended family. My spouse? VERY touch averse. He'll get hugs from me but hugging and touch are just not his thing. Shadow is not a huggy person, but he does tend to hold hands.
    We know he grabbed and held Maria's hand, running with her-- but we never actually saw that until Sonic X (2003) he can be seen running with her away from the military, and he's holding her hand as he leads her. In Shadow the Hedgehog, Maria often grabs Shadow's hand when telling him things. This is also a grounding method to bring the person into the moment. For me, I feel like I can focus better on what my spouse is saying to me when he holds my hand and it's crowded or busy. Even in our home, if he wants to tell me something, I recommend that he hold my hand or touch my arm so I can focus on him better. This happens with Shadow.
    Sonic doesn't tend to hold peoples' hands. In Sonic X he usually just picks people up, but we do see him grab Elise's arm in 06 and run with her. But holding hands? Not really his thing! Shadow does do it more often though. In Sonic X S3, in the episode, Molly's Dream, Shadow's immediate way of leading Molly away from danger is to grab and hold her hand. He even keeps holding her hand until she lets go. It speaks to me the sort of childlike behavior he may still be exhibiting, but not that I'm trying to say that autistic people are more like children. From my experience on the spectrum, I am more childish than my peers. I still react like a kid might to things, and I don't really think like an adult is expected to. I am mentally behind my peers as well, I think my emotional maturity is lower? But it's hard to measure that without a doctor. It's not just about laughing at fart jokes or knowing to pay bills, it's like, how I problem solve is more creatively aligned with kids than it is adults. This is both great and terrible, depending on the situation. A situation that requires math and stuff cannot be solved my way. A situation that involves encouraging kids to try again or be nice to each other, well it's very useful because I can communicate with them on their level (I was a teacher in South Korea for over half a decade, my brain was great for being a teacher but not great for other things).
    I think Shadow really gets misread as a mean guy a lot, but he really isn't. I also don't really enjoy the headcanons that imagine him as very outgoing and whimsical when he was on the ARK, and I especially don't like headcanons that infantilize him-- I really don't like headcanons where people infantilize autistic people. We've seen Shadow when he loses his memories a few times. In Heroes, but also in S3 of Sonic X-- his personality is still the same. He's still reserved, he's still quiet, he still struggles in social situations and prefers getting to the point rather than dilly-dallying. I'd argue that he was exactly like that before the incident on the ARK, too. It's just that the incident caused his inner peace to be destroyed. His precious person, Maria, was no longer around and he lost everything all at once. He doubled down on the one thing that made sense: Revenge. But even after all of that was sorted out, he's not gonna just magically be a different person. He's still reserved, he's still serious, he's still "get to the point". If he played FFXIV, he'd only focus on main quests, and never do side quests. He'd never spend money on cosmetics, probably. He's likely a person who values gameplay over story. If the game is broken or the mechanics aren't utilized well, that's probably more what he'd be fixated on than whether the story was good or not. He'd skip through dialogue because he reads fast, even if the dialogue is voiced (my spouse does this and it drives me nuts. SHADOW I BEG OF YOU PLEASE DO IT FOR ME, DISABLE THE VOICE ACTING IN OPTIONS SO I STOP HEARING THE FIRST UTTERANCE OF A WORD EVERY TIME U MASH THROUGH THE DIALOGUE)
    Trauma affects people in all kinds of ways. I don't think all autistic people are like Shadow, because autism is a spectrum and no two people present exactly the same, although there will be similarities. Shadow's trauma happened at a time where he barely knew himself already, so that's why it was so easy for him to fixate on revenge, and then he'd be content with dying afterwards because he figured he had nothing left to live for. Finding out he was wrong was the best thing that could have happened to him.
    I was really saddened when SEGA decided he was an edgelord who hated everything and had no friends because that's such a horrible read of this nuanced character. In my personal headcanons for Shadow, he's actually very into plants and flowers, because Maria loved the planet so much. And eventually he learns to love the planet because of nature. Shadow's never going to be a people person, in fact he probably still doesn't care much for people as a whole, but that doesn't mean he won't step up when they need his help. Which is why his line in Sonic 06 is still so poignant. "If the world chooses to become my enemy, then I'll fight like I always have." Basically, it really doesn't matter, I've made my choice, I know who I am now and I get to make those decisions. No one else will shake the foundations of who I am.
    And because he knows who he is, he doesn't feel the need to repeat it and boast about himself. He's confident, not arrogant. He can be smug and competitive, but that's playfulness, not cruelty. He's quiet and may just straight up walk away while someone is mid-sentence, but that's not because he's evil or intentionally being a jerk-- it's just how he is. He needs to work on it if he wants to have friends, but his friends already understand him very well. They know that he's like that, and from what we saw in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, occasionally they forget it's not personal. I'm happy to see them admitting "oh no, I completely misjudged you, I'm so sorry!" because it's been way too long since we've heard the main cast apologize to Shadow for assuming he was a big jerk on purpose.
    Knowing the restrictions on how Shadow is written have been lifted, I'm really hoping we can get more of how he's meant to be, the reserved, socially awkward but well-meaning hedgehog we love. Autistic Shadow FTW!
(our experiences and headcanons
may differ, that's okay.)
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A random assortment of autistic!Yusei headcanons on this fine Friday in December.
Yusei got a weighted blanket after the whole Arc Cradle ordeal. Best sleep he's ever had. Crow tried to borrow it once; it did not end well for him, lol.
Eye contact? What's that? Yusei doesn't know her.
He's more prone to shutdowns than meltdowns but they both do happen. (He's definitely accidently hurt himself on more than one occasion but he's gotten better at redirecting those behaviors even on his own as he's gotten older and his reactions less severe.)
He's semi-verbal to begin with so periods of losing speech entirely are a fairly normal occurrence. He's usually fine, and if he still needs to say something, the boys all know sign language anyway. (It's not "real" SL but rather a dialect of Satellite the citizens created to be able to communicate without Sector Security understanding them. Yes, I stole this from @/shitpostingkats, what of it? It lives rent free in my head.) The first time it happens after moving to the City, Yusei doesn't even consider that Aki and the twins don't know their SL and so he signs. Crow laughs at everyone's dumbfounded looks before he both translates for Yusei and then explains. All three are more than eager to learn it. (Rua thinks its "the coolest thing ever" in typical Rua fashion.)
Never quite breaks out of the "subtle stims only" mindset that was forced by necessity of the environment he grew up in. He wasn't about to give Sector Security any reason to single him out, after all, and old habits die really hard. Aki noticed he tended to rub his fingers together a lot, to the point of sometimes accidently scratching himself on the sharper edges of his nails when he's not wearing his gloves and started looking for other options. She bought him a spinner ring for his birthday and while it didn't 100% fix the problem, it did help quite a bit. (Between that and a tangle, he's practically good to go. He never had anything like that growing up, and they bring him great joy to have now.)
For the same reason, he was technically never diagnosed as a kid because Martha didn't want to paint a target on his back with SS. When he moved to the City, he didn't see any point. He was self-employed so any accommodations he could possibly need he could just, ya know, give himself. The first time he ever truly considered it was after he started working for MIDS and was working on his degree. (Even then it took quite a bit of convincing because he wasn't sold on it actually being helpful.)
Feel free to add on!
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bag-chips · 2 years
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My special interest strikes again, this time with my SDR2 scringlos : ) Thank you so much for everyone’s support for the Ace-A-Pony post! I really didn’t expect it to blow up as it did!! There will definately be more Danganronpa ponies coming in the future : ) Shoutout to @thiscatdraws, @etchif and @luckpuppet for inspiration!
Just like last time, we got some headcanons in the keep reading bit - do enjoy!! (Major spoilers for the series and SDR2!)
- Hajime is, and has always been a blank flank. He’s always been self conscious about it, and he’s tried to earn it without much luck. His blank flank is a key motivator in him signing up for the Hope Cultivation plan
- Nagito broke his horn in the devasting accident that killed his parents. I headcanon that a unicorn loosing their horn is one of the most painful things they can ever experience, and that they suffer from chronic pain for the rest of their lives. Miraculously, he can still perform some magic. This spell casting either goes off without a hitch, or can be very dangerous, depending on his luck
- Due to her status as an A.I, Chiaki’s ‘true form’ is an alicorn, similiar to that of Sunny Starscout from G5. Her horn and wings are made up of pixels, and can only be seen during the breakdown of the Neo World Program
- Many presume the Ultimate Imposter to be a changeling due to their exceptional disguises. However, they are simply an earth pony who has mastered the art of disguise and misdirection. They utilise some magic to help with the disguise, but much of it is down to special effects and makeup - which only makes their feats more impressive
- Kazuichi is deceptively strong for a pegasus, having strength akin to that of an earth pony. Although he is more than capable of flying, and even fine with heights, he is petrified of fast speeds. He suffers from bad motion sickness from flying, and prefers to spend his time on the ground tinkering with machines.
- Gundham claims to be the child of a demon and an angel, sighting his differing wings as proof. It is in fact a rare birth defect. Due to his different wings, he actually struggles to fly, and can only really hover for short periods. He comes from a family of bat ponies based in a cold mountainous region, hence his woolly fur. Although his tales are exaggerated (side note - this man is so autistic fkjdfhk), he is actually a decently skilled fighter and magic user.
- Akane is a skilled parkour athlete. She can barely fly, instead using her wings to glide in order to improve her elevation in her stunts. Her and Nekomaru are the best of friends : )
- Fuyuhiko is tiny for a pegasi his age, and has smaller than average wings. He cannot fly, and relies on Peko for protection and even transport.
- Peko was abandoned as a foal and left at the Kuzuryu headquarters. The family would use her bat pony heritage against her, keeping her in the family by claiming no one would want her because of it. From this, she learnt to ignore many of her bat pony instincts.
- Hiyoko is a skilled ‘breeze dancer’, but was often bullied by other breezies for her size. As a result, she isn’t afraid to figh back against those bigger than her, and is even known to bite
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number1villainstan · 5 days
do you have any headcanons in regards to kai chisaki's bio parents? did he get thrown out or do you think they died. or both. or a secret third thing i haven't considered. /from kainagant
i ABSOLUTELY have chisaki-parent headcanons. content warnings for discussions of child abuse/neglect/abandonment under the cut because chisaki is my favorite character and therefore i can and will put him through hell :)
These headcanons are kind of crack, but I think his bio father was Yaoyorozu's grandfather, the patriarch of the Yaoyorozu clan. His bio mother was the guy's secretary who he had to fire to hide the fact that he had an affair 🫢 She managed to extort a lot of child support/hush money from him, citing the fact that she had to take care of a baby and also the fact that she had his wife's phone number.
...not that any of that money actually went to child support, mind you. She was the type of mother who treated her child as an obligation at best and a show prize at worst--she enrolled baby kai in an expensive all-girls school (he's trans and i will fight you on that) so she could brag to her friends about it, but she would also make him go to school while sick and would only rarely cook any kind of meals for him. he was usually on his own to find or cook food in the house, and when an accident inevitably happened and he broke a dish she'd scream at him like he did it on purpose.
(In all honesty, I think she was the egotistical mean girl type who no one would want to hang out with if she didn't have power over them of some kind. In a modern AU Chisaki would 100% hang out on/gain a lot of comfort from r/raisedbynarcissists, as ableist as that sub can be.)
There are some points in the abuse cycle where she tries to reconcile with him, but of course solely on her terms. Usually she'd try to win him over by spending money on a bunch of new toys, almost always dolls or other "girl toys", instead of doing things like apologizing for screaming, asking him how his day went, or even asking him what toys he'd actually want and buying those. (Sound familiar?)
Of course, it only gets worse when baby Kai starts showing signs of being autistic. She absolutely takes him not looking her in the eye as a personal slight, along with playing with his toys "wrong", not liking certain foods or textures, stimming too loudly, or generally being 'strange'. Because of course she does. And of course, Overhaul isn't very easy to control at such a young age, and she takes *that* personally too--she's absolutely called him cursed and monster because of his Quirk.
But moving on to how he ended up on the street. When Kai's eight, she decides that she's done with her "creepy weirdo daughter" and dumps him at an orphanage. For the next couple years he's going to be running away from orphanages, living on the streets, getting dragged back to orphanages, and so on. There may also be shitty foster homes involved, if the Japanese welfare system is like that at all. He'll realize early on the weirdness of gender (he cuts his hair super short a few weeks after the abandonment, gets asked if he's a boy in a dress or a girl with short hair, and realizes that he could be whatever he wanted) and bounce between presentations during this time, and just so happened to be in boymode when the oyaji found him, which is how he got stuck in boymode for basically ever. But that's a story for another time, and not what you asked about.
Anyways, so, to recap: bio dad is the Yaoyorozu patriarch and Momo's grandad, bio mom is the secretary he had an affair with and also a shitbag (which left Chisaki with massive emotional scars), and I think he got abandoned/kicked out as a little girl.
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necrophilemagpie · 6 months
Alucard characterization headcanons and Why exactly making Seras a vampire was something he felt the need to do. And why she felt the need to resist it so much.
So, here's the big one that p much drives my personal characterization of him
He's not some sort of just-because devil figure that 'corrupts people for the fun of it i guess.' No, his reasons for doing what he does are deeply painfully personal and informed shamelessly by his own trauma and things He wanted back before he lacked power.
Oh and wanting to justify himself and that pesky thing called being afraid to be alone.
"I wish everyone that's hurt me ever died a painful gory death" is something a lot of people feel, but he makes the assumption that it's something people also want to Act on. He did.
How Exactly he became Dracula is not known, but it is strongly implied something happened and he Gave Himself that kind of power through the rage he felt.
And then the dynamic flipped. He became a powerful feared warlord, he was in a position where, if he so wished anyone that as much as looked at him wrong could be easily be rid of forever in a matter of minutes or seconds.
He also got to know all too well when he was defeated just exactly how painful it was to be powerless again, though not entirely this time, by comparison it must've Felt exactly like coming back to being a scared kid.
Especially having been betrayed further, and, as far as he knew, being tossed to that basement to the end of time, unable to even move, until Integra found him.
And in his mind, not only did she Save him, she saved him By Giving Him Power again.
And he wants to replicate that feeling, that exhilaration of being granted power to... honestly just reach the absolute safety of being the scariest thing around really.
He saw Seras and realized, maybe, just maybe thats someone thats kind of like him, maybe that's someone that Could Be Like him, maybe if he gives her what he previously mustered for himself, and what Integra gave him
finally, finally somebody will understand him. Finally he can justify who he is by saying 'look! here's someone, here's someone who thought the same!' that he's not a monster, or at least not that much of a monster, or at least that being a monster is a normal, reasonable thing to be.
Trouble is, Seras, no doubt growing up with no real support as an extremely traumatized, and, honestly, likely autistic child knows something about the human world he might've forgotten about.
And that something is, that outliers are not Welcome in the world, that the world is Always bigger, that being visibly hurt is Dangerous and that lashing out will get you in deep shit and it's best to not give anyone reasons to notice.
She's not just a bubbly girl simply to be cute I guess, the girl is masking.
Oh but she no longer lives in the human world. And to him it's weakness, to him it's bullshit. To him it's Seras digging her own grave.
He doesn't quite get at first that she doesn't just cling to humanity because change is scary, but because her humanity has been The One Thing she's had to protect herself with. And Acting Like A Normal Human was her one defense against being neglected and othered more than she already was.
It did literally take the human world visibly crumbling around her for Seras to realize, wait, that's not, that's not as real or as powerful a structure as she thought and it wont even apply to her anymore once its back.
And likely shocked as he was, that Seras turned out a very different kind of monster from him, Alucard, nonetheless, got something much better than he bargained for. Not a copy or a follower. An equal.
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wetratheadcanons · 1 year
some battinson headcanons cause i still think about him almost a year later but 60% is actually just me projecting onto him
is autistic (obviously), but also has adhd
he also deals with intrusive thoughts, it's why his no-kill-policy is so important to him
loves video games, obscure internet lore and horror - especially analog horror and found footage
his favourite games are project deepweb, he solved it in just a little under 2 hours, and vampyr, he always plays the pacifist run despite it being harder
has a whole wall dedicated to the five nights at freddy's lore, scott cawthorne might be his biggest enemy
absolute animal magnet despite being kinda terrified of all of them
can't go anywhere that has animals because they're immediately flocking to him
the whole "introvert at a party finds the dog" - situation but instead the dog finds bruce and refuses to leave
ace was the first animal bruce wasn't ever really scared of, alfred thinks he may have been trained to be a psychiatric service dog prior to his adoption
wherever bruce is in the tower, ace isn't far away, his presence calms bruce
prefers loud music, he doesn't like being alone in his head too much and the noise helps him
apart from nirvana and my chemical romance, his favourite bands are ghost and ice nine kills because he likes their consistent themes
selina gifted him a pair of pink cat-ear headphones once and they're the only pair he ever wears at home
he claims it's just because they're comfortable but everyone knows it's because he loves them
eats when he's hungry but rarely at specific times, it doesn't make sense to him
he can't really eat after waking up
doesn't eat meat, he feels like it lies too heavy in his stomach
he also doesn't like the smell of cooked meats or fish
he loves sour fruits and has a mild sweet tooth
has a caffeine addiction but he doesn't like the taste of coffee, prefers black and green tea (to alfred's delight) and energy drinks (to alfred's horror)
he's trans ftm who is either gay or bi with a preference for men (he doesn't know and doesn't care to find out)
selina and him never went further than their kiss, bruce will always put gotham before anything else (until dick comes along) and selina needs a freedom that he can't give her
they also both realised it was a spur of the moment thing since they barely knew each other at that time and found they're better off friends
they're co-parenting a kitten though it's adorable really
bruce found her half dead on patrol one night and called selina in a panic about what to do, they named her chewy
ace loves chewy, she sleeps on his head, bruce has an entire folder on his phone dedicated to pictures of them
had a robin hood phase when he was 6, tried to steal from his parents to give to people in need
alfred continually reminds him of this after he takes in dick
his favourite rogue is ivy, they have important conversations (as in ivy talks and bruce hngs) about climate change while bruce tries to stop her from murder
he implements policies build after her ideals into wayne enterprise
his respect for her rises after she gets together with harley
for all that he fights it, he can't sleep without the sound of gotham - which includes gotham typical crime
he thrives when he's alone, it's how he does his best work, be it batman or wayne enterprise
has trouble admitting defeat, dick joining him as robin helped him in that department a great deal
is pierced. he did almost all of them himself, alfred has a heart attack everytime he spots a new one
the public has a weird badboy image of him, bruce has no idea where it came from
doesn't bruise easily but is still constantly in pain
has an absolute shit posture, social anxiety and crime fighting don't help
sleeps in the worst positions humanly possible
has a weird thing about mirrors, avoids them as much as he can
doesn't give interviews ever, it's part being a social recluse, part everything the press did to his parents, part hating to be perceived
has troubles with empathy, but his compassion makes up for it in great detail
dick uses him as a jungle gym, he pretends to be annoyed but secretly loves it
when bruce is working on cases in the cave, dick hangs head down off of bruce's back with his legs over bruce's shoulders
dick claims it helps him think, bruce knows it's because he doesn't want to be alone
bruce loves the relationship dick and selina have, might be a little jealous that cat got through to the boy much faster than him though
after taking in dick, bruce makes sure to show alfred that he actually does see him as a father figure - regrets all the times he told him that alfred's not his father
that's all i have for now
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maochira · 6 months
I've posted about this months ago, but I feel like it's time for me to open up a bit again.
This blog mainly consists of dad and big brother fics and headcanons, thanks to my massive father and big brother complexes. Writing these fics and headcanons has helped my mental health A LOT because they brought (and still bring) me a lot of comfort and I put my own life experiences in some fics. They gave me a chance to at least imagine experiencing a normal childhood.
There's people who read what I write who told me they don't have a good relationship with their family members, and that my writings bring them a lot of comfort. I'm so happy I can help some people, because I've been through so much myself.
Writing these family fics was like taking back control. Writing my own scenarios and having control over them. Especially whenever I write dad!Ego because he's not really the type of character most people would expect to be a good father. And writing him as a good father helped me a lot.
TW: talks about emotional and physical abuse, child neglect and trauma
I grew up in an abusive household. I mainly went through emotional abuse, but also physical. I was manipulated, controlled and neglected. I escaped that household when I was kicked out of it when I was 13, and even after that my abusers still found ways to damage me.
One abuser was my ex-stepfather, who is completely out of my life now. He abused me the most and even though he was supposed to be a second father figure, he made me go through hell. My mother divorced him shortly before I turned 16 and her new boyfriend is SO MUCH better
But oh well, my mother was my other abuser. But I was more neglected than abused by her because she was at work so much I saw her 1 or 2 days a week despite living at her place. I always visited my father on weekends and during holidays but not being allowed to visit him was used as a threat to make me "behave correctly."
By now my mother has acknowledged her mistakes and apologized. Doesn't make what she did okay but she doesn't behave like she did anymore. My mother and I have a better relationship nowadays.
I've been living with my father since I got kicked out of my previous home at 13. But I still had to go through awful stuff even after escaping my abusers. (My dad is great btw he never did anything to hurt me, he always wanted the best for me and tried to help)
When I was 14 I spent 3 months in a mental hospital. I was diagnosed with multiple things, PTSD was one of them. That therapist assigned the wrong event to my PTSD, though. That mental hospital wasn't the best experience in general.
I tried looking for help ever since I was 11. Teachers, a social worker, CPS and a psychologist literally watched me being in misery and I never got proper help until late 2019 when I was 15 and finally got a good therapist.
On top of that comes the fact that I've shown signs of being autistic, or at least neurodivergent in general, ever since I was a kid so I barely understood the way the world is anyways. (I have no autism diagnosis but an okay from a therapist to say I'm autistic. I usually call myself neurodivergent because having PTSD makes me neurodivergent anyways. I still want to dig deeper and talk to my dad about how exactly I was as a child especially before the abuse happened.)
Trauma rewires your brain. The brain can't develop properly if it's constantly in survival mode.
But I survived. I have the damage, but I survived.
And I'm in control over myself now.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I hate........how sexualizing teenage superheroes is the norm in the superheroes fandom at large.Forgive me for traumadumping ig but i have really strong feelings on this as an autistic adult with a special interest in superheroes at large themselves and itself as a genre
My first hero spin was Big Hero 6.By the time it came out,i was 13 so i was allowed internet access no problem and naturally i went looking all over for content of literally everything about it but my favorite character was Hiro so he was what i searched for the most and he was LUDICRIOUSLY objectified and fetishized for his wasian heritage and when the series came out,he got an official love interest named Karmi who's 16 to his 14 and she got tons of hate from Hiro x Gogo and Hiro x Honey shippers despite them not only being college aged to his again,FOURTEEN years but we got explicit ages for them in season 2 when the Nerd Gang minus him gratuated from SFIT so they're canonically TWENTY ONE(i feel it's an important sidenote that Karmi's brownskin with a hooked nose and her VA is indonesian/chinese mixed so her heritage is obvious and as to how it contributed to her reception vs easian Gogo and blonde light-eyed Honey)
My second one was Bnha and there's been tons of discussion about the base's problem with the UA students and Himiko and i thank everyone who's posted about it deeply but my specific one is that my otp of the series was and will always be Shouto and Momo aka Todomomo even if i'm not nearly as into Bnha as i used to be because they were the first ship i actively made content for and it lasted years and that combined with me headcanoning them as bi4bi,t4t and autistic4autistic helped my egg crack and realize my own autism big time so their relathionship eternally has a big place in my heart
This means i've witnessed grown ass people saying Shouto almost touched Momo's boobs in that cap where he stopped her during their Aizawa fight(and his hand didn't even land on her chest)as a running thing and same for him acting as a macho man who rules over her body so she can't wear what she wants or exist near other men,including BAKUGOU who Momo HATES IN-TEXT,or have conflict with him because he'll just 'put her in her place as his woman' and Momo who's thee 'silk hiding steel' character and has adultification trauma that triggers her anxiety as the plot of the Todomomo starter 'Yaoyorozu Rising' with Shouto helping her with words of affirmation,healthy communication and good boundries on both sides that became the foundation of their dynamic throught the whole franchise,manga and extras,is reduced down the 'the class mom to Iida's class dad' as if she's ever even looked in his general direction and when she's rightfully earned her place as Shouto's best friend alongside Izuku himself and that is INSANELY imppressive taking into account her limited screentime.All i wanted was them being goth bf x pastel gf and getting to heal their inner child together and what i got was a nsfw Todomomo week on twitter and a certain artist drawing Momo/Dabi as an 'April Fool's' joke MULTIPLE YEARS in a row because he's also a Todoroki so it's also Todomomo lololol and i also did her with Natsuo and Fuyumi,i'm so funny!The only good thing to come out of that i started spite headcanoning Momo and Dabi as found siblings and platonic soulmates and realized i was actually on point
Then i watched Batman:Under The Red Hood when i was 19 and Jason became a character i selfship with romantically so i did the logical thing and started reading comics,starting with his.Did you know it's canon that while he dosen't exactly hunt them down specifically,he hates pedophiles and incesters so he once targeted a teacher because he was csa'ing one of his student's and expressed disgust at the thought of kissing any of his brothers based off them being brothers?You wouldn't know either of these things off fanon alone,you'd think he was creepy older guy who seeks out younger people on purpose when he dosen't seek anybody out period and that's his canon relathionships coping mechanism and it's also canon he couldn't talk to girls and pushed a guy off a roof for running a sex ring as Robin.As ROBIN,a fucking 11-15 year old Jason had that much of a moral backbone and willingness to take action in it yet everyone thinks he'd date a CHILD,even HIS OWN UNDERAGED SIBLINGS,with taking advantage of them as the appeal
I absolutely loved Into The Spiderverse as an afrolatino like Miles who was a troubled kid like he is too and i thought Gwen was super good too and Peter B's another character i selfship with romantically so naturally i was hyped for Across and the first thing the fandom did when the trailer dropped?Make a hyperpopular meme where that sweet,soft,wholesome scene where Gwen gets cheeky and looks through Miles' sketchbook and sees he's so in love with her he dedicated it's entierty to her just existing as herself into him seeing her as nothing but a sexual object with degrading features she does not have and it was a sick joke on Gwen because the boy she loves just wants her for sex and not even for what she actually looks and that just makes it even worse!!!Then there's the equally pure implied thing they did of her either stealing Hobie's sweaters because he makes her feel safe after her abusive dad kicked her out for being trans or him giving them to her to borrow as affection that ALSO got twisted into Gwen being nothing but a sex object,by people who see Hobie's age interpretation not even as a minor but in his 20s unlike how actual Ghostpunks do!!!!!!!,and don't think i haven't seen the Margo shit calling her 'thicc' and turning the girls into Miles' 'harem'
And the thing that made realize this is that it's always been like this is when i went looking for Teen Titans screenshots,first Starfire and Blackfire for me and my little sister and then ones of the animated Titans in general for my little brother because he did an edit-redraw of our DC self-inserts together using one so i got excited at how good it was and decided to ask for a few more since we have friends who have DC ocs too and we're all doing a canon rewrite fixit with them but the first results were fucking incest softcore porn and TOO DAMN MUCH horny Bbrae fanart.One of the friend's in question is like another brother to me and he's 17 and he thought there was nothing wrong with Jason/The Fenton Siblings because when i said find it triggering just in general,he tried to explain that i was 'making the wrong assumption' because a lot of people age up Danny and Jazz and he'd learned that from older DPDC fans.They literally groomed him and i'm so glad i met him and helped him unlearn that shit before he could get hurt
That's not normal.NONE of that is normal to involve children even if fictional because they're meant to be exactly like REAL kids mentally and physically and you get upset at the real ones for being upset by you doing this to them and even harrass them for it and i've had to directly defend another one of my little sibling's from harrasment from 'fandom elders' because he dared to have an opinion that 'dosen't follow the rules'.I'm sick of this,i can't stand this,this needs to DIE.There's no exaggaration over ten times the adult superheroes than they're are kid ones and you fucking ship them with eachother instead just sticking to the adults for smut.Batman and Robin were seen as a couple in ye olden times by a group of gay people not because Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson harbord secret romantic feelings for eachother since conception or intended to later on but because that specific gay people were irl pedophiles who used being gay as a defense
I don't care if i sound childish or if nobody who this is aimed at cares,i hate all of you for this.I hate you for tarnishing my special interest,i hate you for violating the history of superheroes and the creation of sidekicks and kid heroes as role models and escapism fantasies for real kids,i hate you for beyond disrespecting that superheroes as a WHOLE were created by jewish folks and that Clark Kent,the FIRST superhero,is the protector of all innocents with a deep love for children and gets especially angry when they're hurt and is a fundemental trait he has to have or he's NOT Superman or Clark Kent Kal-El or Superdad,i hate that the sexualization of underaged supers and them being abused as 'romance' by their fucking pseudo-parents is a long running punchline.I hate you with my entire heart and soul and actual comics reading knowledge
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bloodywonder1846 · 8 months
Alrighty screw it, here’s some neurodivergent & lgbtq+ headcanons of musical characters, as someone who’s both of those things
Disclaimer 1: Bigotry and dumbassery will not be tolerated.
Disclaimer 2: These are just my opinions, headcanons I made for fun. You don’t have to agree with them, and you’re free to have your own interpretations. Just be respectful.
• Enjolras is ace and on the aro spectrum. He’s never felt sexual attraction towards anyone, and he’s only ever been romantically attracted to Grantaire. (And France./j)
• Grantaire is gay, and very in love with Enjolras. I don’t think I need to explain any more than this, lol.
• Cosette is bi. She discovered this after realizing she had a small crush on Eponine as well as Marius.
• Marius is also bi.
• Eponine is ace demiromantic, and also nonbinary. (Specifically using she/they pronouns.) She could never understand how the people around them could fall in love so fast, and with people they hardly knew. She didn’t fall for Marius until they formed a close connection with him. Regarding gender, they’ve never felt like she wasn’t a girl, but they didn’t feel fully like one. She felt sort of like a girl, but also like something else. It took them a while to figure out what exactly it was because she never felt like a boy, they just only partially felt like a girl.
• Orpheus is autistic. His special interest is music, and he loves talking about it to anyone who will listen. (Usually it’s Eurydice or Hermes.) He fidgets and stims a lot, and is also very awkward and doesn’t quite understand social cues. He tries his best, but always finds himself accidentally making things weird. Sometimes he worries that Eurydice will stop loving him because of his autistic traits, but she assures him that she loves him for who he is. Also, he’s somewhere on the ace spectrum, though he doesn’t use any specific labels.
• Persephone is also autistic, though she is much better at masking it than Orpheus. She also has ADHD.
• I’m chill with many different interpretations of Sweeney, but I think it’s quite interesting to hc him as trans or nonbinary. (I mean, what cis person names themself Sweeney?/j) He was in the closet when he first started dating Lucy. He was terrified of coming out to her, but eventually did, and she was quite accepting. She was relieved that maybe this meant they didn’t have to keep their relationship secret, and this was also how she realized she was bi. He also came out to Mrs. Lovett at some point before being sent away, and she was also very accepting, and has proven more than once that she’s really good at using people’s chosen names, as it was really easy for her to start calling him Mr. Todd when he returned from Australia. (Also, Mr. T could be a very punny nickname in this case.)
• Sweeney is also autistic. He’s gotten decent at masking in public, but whenever he’s at home, he makes no effort to hide his autistic traits. He stims quite frequently, usually by aggressively shaking his hands, punching his arm, fidgeting, or pacing. (Is pacing considered a stim? I feel like I do that a lot as a stim, but idk.) He also has an incredibly strong sense of justice. This is most notable when it comes to himself and how he’s been wronged, but he also feels that way on a societal level too. He rants a lot about people who get mistreated and people who abuse their power. (Mrs. Lovett can attest to this, as she’s usually the one he rants to.) Prior to being sent away, he felt like Lucy was the only person he could truly be himself around. Post-incarceration, Mrs. Lovett ends up being the one to fill that role. At first he’s quite nervous, but he ends up opening up more, and realizes that she’s a safe person to be himself around. In fact, she’s the easiest person for him to be himself around, because she’s also neurodivergent.
• Speaking of which, I headcanon Mrs. Lovett as being autistic and having ADHD. She’s always got several different trains of thought, is all over the place, and though she’s chatty, she’s a bit awkward, and feels that Sweeney is the only one who truly understands her. She’s also had many special interests and hyperfixations throughout her life, and is known to infodump a lot. She stims by flapping her arms and doing little dances. She also has some vocal stims, like humming or singing random notes to herself.
• Mrs. Lovett is ace. For a long time, she never told anyone because she was terrified of being judged for it. She was also scared that no one would ever love her because of it, and though there was no way Benjamin could’ve known, she sometimes felt like maybe her asexuality was part of why he chose Lucy over her. In attempts to impress him years down the line, she’d sometimes act in ways that felt strange and uncomfortable to her. In order to make herself feel better about it, she’d tell herself that it was like a comedy act, and that it was more about being funny. (She’s also the type to be really good at making sex jokes because sex is a joke to her, although she doesn’t joke like that often. Her preferred sense of humor is puns.) After a while, feeling like she can no longer hide it, she finally comes out to Sweeney, and nearly breaks down crying while doing so, fearing that she’d ruined her chance at him ever loving her. To her surprise, he accepts her, and he comforts her until she calms down, letting her know that she never has to make herself uncomfortable for his sake.
• Toby is the kind of person whom people can’t tell if he’s gay or aroace. He can’t tell which one it is either.
• Tbh, every version of Wednesday Addams feels autistic coded to me, so I’m including musical Wednesday as well.
• Morticia Addams has bi wife energy. Gomez is her number one ally.
• Lydia Deetz is hella sapphic. The Maitlands are the first people she comes out to, and they’re extremely accepting. After a while of being nervous, she finally comes out to her father and Delia, and they also accept her. Delia isn’t super educated on everything, though she’s well-meaning, and she even buys a sapphic flag colored crystal for Lydia. Beetlejuice takes her to her first pride event. It’s chaotic for everybody there due to Beej’s presence, but it’s definitely a fun time for Lydia.
• I also headcanon Lydia as autistic. Her special interests are ghosts, horror, and photography, and she loves infodumping about them.
• Beetlejuice is pansexual. I suppose that one’s not really a headcanon and is actually a thing in the musical, but I still wanted to list it.
• Martha from The Secret Garden is ace and autistic. I mostly say this because I’ve played her once, lol. Idk, I just like the idea.
• Veronica Sawyer is the biggest disaster bi.
• Jo March is ace and on the aro spectrum. She doesn’t really care all that much about sex or romance, though she has occasionally felt romantic attraction. She doesn’t really care about gender when it comes to the people she likes, but she does also identify as sapphic because she really likes girls. (I mostly like the idea of her being sapphic because people suspect that Louisa May Alcott was, and she based Jo off of herself.)
• Christine Daaé doesn’t really use any labels, but she did once find herself crushing on both Raoul and Meg.
• Meg Giry is sapphic, which she realized after having a crush on Christine.
• Because of that one line in Driving Through the Moonlight, I have decided that Prince Topher is ace now.
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cactikiki · 8 months
oooooooh you wanna talk about ur headcanons sooo bad
(srsly tho i'd love to see :3)
rubs my evil little hands together
Thank you kindly for the ask. I finally have an excuse to infodump about headcanons hehehehehe
You didn't specify who for, soooo I'm gonna go for 3 star fam + Cassie for this
Gregory Bowman
14 (at the time of RUIN, 12 during GGY)
The most GNC kid you've ever seen, but people confuse him for a girl sometimes. He isn't super happy about that (he's ftm). Also, he's bi
He gets overwhelmed with crowds, bright lights and strong smells (especially as patient 46. The Mimic made his autism stronger /hj)
He also gets migraines when the Mimic/Dr. Rabbit is messing with his mind.
He has a special interest in coding! He wanted to make video games when he was a little younger
Doesn't like to let his emotions get to him. He tries to push forward through them no matter what.
He tries to act tough to spite his small stature, and got into fights in school often because of it
Vanessa does his hair now. He likes it the way it is, so doesn't ask her to change it. He has let Cassie style it for fun before
His hair was hacked at with a pocket knife to keep it short while he was Dr. Rabbit. It looked far worse in GGY era than SB era.
Since hanging out with Cassie, he's been putting makeup on regularly. It's only black eyeliner and nail polish, though
He's always drawing or doodling. He finds it relieves stress if he doesn't overthink it (which, like all artists, he sometimes does)
Gets a lot of graphic nightmares about what the Mimic did while in his mind. Before recovering his memory, he thought they were just that– nightmares. 
He's seriously scared of the dark, to the point he hallucinates things moving in it
Used to own every piece of Freddy merch there was, until he ran away from home
He came from a fairly rich family. Not super rich, but rich enough to own a big house. It was mainly his relatives and his dad that had the money, while his mom was simply an indie writer
His parents threw money at him sometimes, and once he'd met Tony it'd gone straight to him a number of times
Was homeless for a few months, living on the streets and spending many nights at Cassie's. Eventually he started staying at the Pizzaplex. His memories of where and when are muddled.
Sees Vanessa as an older sister figure, Cassie a younger sister, and Freddy as parental (but don't tell any of them that) 
One of his front teeth is missing because it was knocked it out while someone fought him back as Dr. Rabbit. 
He's part of the 1% that actually likes sodaroni.
Vanessa A. 
Loved cooking, reading and gaming before the Glitchtrap stuff happened. She's slowly gotten back into it after taking Gregory in, but doesn't play games very often anymore unless it's with him. 
She's really awkward with people she doesn't know very well. And, despite trying her best, she often ends up freaking people out with some insanely obscure dark fact she knows, usually about Fazbear Entertainment's past.
Remembers everything from when she was Vanny, but it is slightly fuzzy
She pushed away all her friends and family when she was Vanny, and has yet to reconnect out of worry of something going wrong and them ending up hurt. She has considered sending Gregory to be with them in the past. 
Her grandmother passed not long before she was Vanny, and the two were particularly close. She'd taken the house and had not been able to live in it until she was freed. 
She used to be louder, but now she tends to be quiet and reserved. Some of her old personality shines through when she's with Gregory, when she teases him like an older sibling would
She's paranoid and overthinks things. She's scared Fazbear Entertainment will come knocking for Freddy, or that the Mimic will find out where they are through the internet, or a variety of irrational fears
Has a large scar on her waist from stray machinery in the sinkhole
Hasn't told Gregory about what the Mimic truly is, nor what it did to him, hoping to protect him.
Since Gregory can't remember much of his life from before, Vanessa promises she'll help him remember-- but she's grateful for some of the things he doesn't.
Freddy Fazbear
He charges overnight in the basement with a contraption Gregory came up with using an old car battery. The battery lasts 12 hours before needing a recharge. 
He has been accidentally left in a room alone by Gregory and Vanessa before, who forget sometimes that he's just a head now
On occasion the trio go on picnics to quiet places where they can be alone, and on these occasions Freddy gets to see the world– he's very excited about seeing new things outside of the plex! 
He can now connect to the internet, and was able to download all of the Pizzaplex's blueprints this way. He can also now be used as a projector. 
Since his Faz-wrench port was on his body, Gregory fitted a USB port to Freddy's head; it's janky, but it works long enough to transfer a few files. 
Gregory has asked about Bonnie, although Freddy doesn't talk about him much. He mostly fondly recalls memories before getting upset and not wanting to speak more. 
He's often the one to stop the sibling-ish arguments between Vanessa and Gregory 
He doesn't know it, but Gregory's been researching how to build small animatronics for a few months so he can build Freddy a new body as a surprise. He… Hasn't gotten very far, yet
He still sings on occasion, but finds it brings him memories of his friends, which (similarly to Bonnie) he doesn't like to think about too much. 
He feels incredibly guilty for what happened to all of his friends. He doesn't blame Gregory in the slightest, but does wish he'd taken a different approach. 
Cassie Reyes
14 (at the time of RUIN, her birthday was that very day) 
Trans + bi, like Gregory! But is mtf
Loves video games and would play them with Gregory all the time. She tended to prefer cosier games, while he liked RPGs– they played Minecraft together often, which kept them both satisfied. 
Super emotional, considers herself a crybaby. She tries to hide it behind a sassy, sometimes bossy exterior 
She imagines alternate situations a lot and pretends things are different than they really are. She can't cope with change or loss very easily. 
When she wants to do something, she will do anything to achieve her goal + won't rest until she does. She overworks herself and thinks too much about things she shouldn't 
Her mom died when she was 6. It's been just her and her dad since then
Her dad recently (as of RUIN) left for some reason, he didn't say– only leaving money and a note. She might drive herself crazy looking for him in future. 
She's the weird kid in class. She doesn't have any real friends and gets bullied for being into 'childish things'.
The wolf kid. The very reason she prefers Roxy over the others.
Her second favorite character is Chica! Although she likes all the characters a lot. She also remembers liking Bonnie before he disappeared-- even her dad couldn't tell her what happened.
She watches cartoons and writes essays or fics about them in her spare time 
While Gregory was homeless and visiting her, on the colder days, she'd let him in for movies and hot cocoa and they'd make a blanket fort. Sometimes Gregory would spend these nights falling asleep on Cassie, watching her play animal crossing or stardew valley
She won both the Roxy and Freddy talky for her and Gregory at the Pizzaplex during her birthday. Gregory would sometimes come within range while she was at home just to walkie something incredibly stupid or annoying, before getting out of range too fast for Cassie's complaints to be heard 
She hates sodaroni and feels nauseous every time Gregory drinks it right in front of her like it's nothing. 
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hello Bee! I hope you don't mind but, may i ask N25 headcanons with an autistic gn reader?
Also, i really love your writings they are amazing<33
Heya! I don't know about autism but I still hope I did it somehow right... anyway I just hope you enjoy and that I didn't hurt anyone feelings <3
Kanade, Mafuyu, Ena, Mizuki with autistic!reader
TagList: @no1mizukifan - come get your cute animator~
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⊱ Kanade didn't noticed it as well so the only way for her to know that is by you telling her that
⊱ sure, she might've noticed your behavior that was a little different to her but she never got too into it since she didn't minded it
⊱ she definitely makes a little research about it to know more about this topic since she's not very familiar with it
⊱ when she discovers that you might be sensitive to sunlight, she completely understands you and suggests you won't go out and always have inside date
⊱ although others are quick to remind that humans need sunlight from time to time Honami is like your mom, prove me wrong
"Is it true you're sensitive to sunlight? If so, I'd be glad to just stick with inside dates. I mean... it's not like I enjoy being outside either..."
⊱ if you also have real problems with understanding others emotions then she'll be quick to explain it to you whenever she can
⊱ she honestly doesn't treat you any different unless you asked her for help or if she feels like you may use some little help in daily life
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⊱ Mafuyu knows very well what autism goes with since she probably have been attending our still attends to some psychology classes
⊱ so even if you told her yourself, she probably already figures it all long ago and just didn't mentioned it
⊱ she finds it quite interesting that she can't find her true feelings and you have problem with reading them off people
⊱ if she's still in her 'good girl' mode, she'll treat you more kindly than she does others and of course will help whenever you ask her
⊱ if she's get usual self tho, she doesn't really care, although she still will help you if you ask her! Just not as smiley and kindly...
⊱ but that doesn't mean she's a total malicious to you, she's just not as 'eager' to help
"You need help with that? When do you want me to help? Because now, I would say I'm busy. So you can do it on your own, can't you?"
⊱ basically she makes even better research and maybe asks her mom to join psychology classes which of course she agrees since Mafuyu put effort in making good arguments
⊱ the only thing that might change in the way she's treating you is that she puts helping you higher then most things
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⊱ Ena definitely was annoyed by some of your actions but didn't realize ti was because if autism
⊱ even if you tell her about yourself, she still will dhow hiw annoyed she is by some of your actions but she's never too mean about it
⊱ if someone else makes fun of you tho then oh boy, she'll protect you as if her own life and career would depend on it
⊱ then she realizes that you're not good with recognizing emotions and she feels a little guilty since you might haven't even notice when she was annoyed and thought that her 'it's nothing's were honest
⊱ so now you have her by your side whenever you need and she'll do everything in her power to help you best as she can
"Hey, if anyone ever says one mean word to you then you better tell ma that, okey? I have my way of dealing with people like that!"
⊱ if you're sensitive to sunlight, she'll probably bring sunscreen for you but later goes with Mizukis advice and gets you umbrella for sun protection
⊱ in the end, she treats you differently than others because you're her partner and not because of autism
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⊱ Mizuki probably heard about autism here and there, and they even noticed some sygnale of it in you but decided to ignore it since they considered it a little mean
⊱ when you tell them the truth, they'll totally appreciate your honesty and will also be proud a little of themselves for actually thinking so before knowing it
⊱ if it happens that you took a like that's considered weird by society, they most likely would be interested in knowing more about it and maybe will take a like of it themselves
"That's not weird. Society thinks it's weird! And why should we care about it?! C'mon, tell me more about it! Because I'm reeaaaly interested now."
⊱ if you're also sensitive to sunlight, they'll buy you cute umbrellas that's purpose is to cover you from the sun
⊱ later, they probably buy one for themselves as well since they just found it so cute and decided that matching umbrellas would look amazing together
⊱ they don't treat you any different at all to be honest, they treat you just like they would treat their lover
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