#Aro and Ace rights
notbrucewayne48 · 4 months
"aphobia doesn't exist"
bitch literally not that long ago an aroace youtuber animator was insulted by almost half of its community for being it
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lgbtqtext · 18 days
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iamaqueerbitch · 1 month
One thing I don't think people fully understand the importance of, is diversity shown to children.
For example, I was shopping the other day, and there was a Muslim doll, with all the other dolls. Two boys, must have been no more than five, got really excited, they were delighted to see representation of themselves
Another example, when I was younger, I read a book that involved queer characters. I fully believe that it contributed greatly to my self acceptance, and understanding of myself.
Representation is important.
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Aspec men deserve much more respect and recognition in the aspec community than they receive. They often face a different form of aphobia specific to them ("men are naturally sexual they can't be ace" "all men are unromantic that's not unique") this rhetoric is spouted by many, even members of our own community and I hope for a day where that is no longer the case. As an ace and demiro woman (demigirl but that's beside the point) I want to encourage folks to take the time to give the aspec men in their lives support and to the aspec men reading, you are who you say you are no matter what people say and you deserve the world. I'm sorry for the ways in which toxic masculinity has harmed you. You are a valued member of the aspec community and the queer community as a whole. No ace or aro person is broken and neither are you. I'm sorry if anyone has ever told you otherwise.
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redysetdare · 1 month
All this aroace character shipcourse has proven to me that a majority of people that interact in fandom cannot actually interact with characters and media outside of shipping and genuinely I believe you need to learn how to interact with media outside of shipping.
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crystalsandbubbletea · 4 months
Aromantics are valid.
Asexuals are valid.
Aroaces are valid.
The world doesn't revolve around relationships, grow the fuck up.
If someone is happy single, then they are fucking happy. No, they aren't "wrong in the head", they are valid.
If you don't agree, stay the hell away from me.
There is a '+' in LGBTQ+ for a reason.
The 'A' is NOT for 'Ally', it is for Aromantic, Asexual, and/or AroAce.
People on the Aromantic spectrum and Asexual spectrum are LGBTQ+.
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reggieslocket · 11 months
idk if this is because i'm aroace but it baffles me that dating apps exist like who tf came up with this idea?? i mean i go out with a total stranger with the specific purpose of starting a romantic relationship with them?? what the fuck is that? where's the friendship part? where's the part where we've know eachother for most of our lives? like some people really go "oh hey nice shirt, i know nothing about you but i definitely wanna date you" nah i don't believe it
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codthefishgod · 1 month
To all the people who think aspec people aren't LGBTQIA+ because we aren't "discriminated against enough", here's a lovely list of reasons why you need to educate yourself:
- We suffer from dehumanisation, people actively devaluing or even erasing our humanity because of our identities (The voidpunk community is heavily supported by aspec people because of this)
- We suffer from self hatred due to feeling as if and being told we are broken, that no one can be happy unless they're in a romantic/sexual relationship, because of allonormativity and amatonormativity that actively damages our mental health
- Amatonormativity shapes laws that put us at an active disadvantage, such as giving married people financial and legal benefits
- Aspec people have been victims of conversion therapy, correctional rape, a lower quality of life, and other effects of being a marginalised and oppressed group
- We suffer from our identities being pathologised and deal with medical stigma because of this, causing many of us to feel unwelcome in and even avoid health care settings
- We suffer from our identities being erased, which can range from people completely denying our existence and people equating it to celibacy, to an almost complete absence of aspec representation in the media (It's been getting better lately, especially for alloaces and aroaces, but I have yet to ever see a canon aroallo character, and representation for those on the spectrum rather than in the extremes is often ignored)
- YOU are creating a hateful, exclusionary space in a community meant to be about inclusion. The same thing that happens to us happens to bisexual people, to polyamorous people, and other identities that are "disputed." In a community meant to be about rejecting the norm, YOU are shoving us out because we don't fit the norm of being LGBTQIA+. Because we're not enough like you.
These are only a few examples of aphobia that people like me deal with. Discrimination and oppression against aspec people stretches far beyond this.
But even if it didn't, it is disrespectful and harmful to everyone involved to gatekeep membership in the community based on oppression and discrimination.
We aren't LGBTQIA+ because we experience oppression. We are LGBTQIA+ because our existence alone goes against heteronormativity and other societal norms forced upon us.
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catsafarithewriter · 9 months
v tired of coming out to ppl who are familiar and accepting of the aroace term, who then still turn around and say "yeah but you might still one day meet someone, right?" like I promise you most aspec ppl are aware it's an option, but it's still rude
I get you're trying to be supportive, but it still comes off as "don't worry, perhaps you're not really aroace/broken"
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yuu-reiii-151 · 2 months
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HAPPY AROSPEC AWARENESS WEEK EVERYONE!!!! (<-barely made it in time)
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theaceofarrows · 9 months
Being aroace is so much easier when you're a kid. For one, no one bats an eye when you groan at a boring, unnecessary romantic plot in the show/movie you're watching (especially one that feels rushed) and two, no one ever judges you when you turn away when a sex scene comes on in a show/movie, in fact, you're expected to do those things. But when you get into you're teens and adult years and you do those things, people treat you like you're either the delicate, innocent little flower, or like there's something wrong with you. And frankly it is beyond annoying.
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decolonize-the-left · 29 days
That's 1 in every 5 people.
"In recent years, several laws targeting transgender adults have been proposed or enacted. These laws eliminate Medicaid coverage for transgender healthcare, permit pharmacists and hospital systems to discriminate against transgender patients, and impose restrictions on providers in various ways. Until recently, little information was available on how these new statutes affect transgender adults. While their care is often not explicitly prohibited, they may still experience disruptions due to anti-transgender laws. Now, a just released Data for Progress poll reveals that 24% of transgender adults have had their healthcare disrupted or discontinued as a result of anti-transgender legislation."
Start LOUDLY supporting your trans friends!!! Post pride flags! Remind everyone you're an ally! Make support for trans people so incredibly mainstream again that it's impossible to ignore!
It's not enough to support us silently while we're facing record amounts of legislation trying to make us illegal. You have to make sure they stop trying to hurt us.
Check the map below and please get to work on organizing to fight the bills being presented in your state!!!
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ivydbomb · 4 months
I’ve been seeing a massive influx of Aroace posts. I am Aroace and completely unaware of what’s going on. What poll? What discourse? What happened 😭 do we need to invade another country again? Isn’t it the darn year of the dragon? DO I GOTTA BURN SOMEBODY????
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somiray · 3 months
Text me if you down for naughty fun and reblog if you love Trans
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mogaimagic · 6 months
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Queer pride
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9-Stripe rainbow pride
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8-Stripe rainbow pride
part 2
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casukaga · 11 months
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realized some things about myself this year 💚💜
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