#I will admit I may have taken on more than I needed to cuz I’m doing multiple doodles for each suggestion
I’m going on a week long trip first thing in the morning tomorrow, so not sure how much internet I’ll have or if I can update fics n stuff, but I’ll see if I can post a chapter of sttc tonight if I can sort the next few out, since they’re all kinda muddled together and I haven’t proofread em n stuff lol. Also I’m still working on them drawing suggestions, I’m still just in so much pain it’s hard to keep my hand steady enough to draw rip.
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Theory on World Dynamic & Blot Pt. 1 (No Beta, apologies in advance for any and all confusion you may have when reading this. Please delete this is you don't feel comfortable with this):
One of the things I didn't get at first was why the Seven were considered role-models in TWST---I couldn't pinpoint how society would openly idolize people for actions that are openly admitted as wrong in a unanimous sense yet not have someone openly question/challenge this. The Seven are historical figures. Some of the dialogue we do get hints at imperfection that are more close to D!Villains the audience is more familiar with. Assuming Earth is meant to be referring to our Earth (in which it is taken in it's entirety without altercations), I think TWST is meant to have similar core parts that reflect our real-world. History-context-wise, it would make more sense that royal/governing figures(Queen of Hearts, Scar, & Jafar) would be recorded---even considered an example to TWST's present day royalty/governing system on do's and don'ts---and respected as seen by the description on the statues (being able to govern over (what I will assume is) a massive population and having the nation surviving---even thriving---are (objectively) ideal feats to be remembered by and put as positive example in the grand scheme of things). If this is true, then it would also make sense for the Seven to coexist with their respective protagonist(s), making RSA possible but also making the dynamic not as black-and-white as simplification will allow. . .Yana didn't need to write an explanation w/worldbuilding cuz she played it smart and just used what she already had---existing reference called real life.
(Note: I know that this ask opens with “part 1”, but I never received any part 2s or other follow-ups after that DX)
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I think I get what you’re trying to communicate? (Correct me if I’m wrong!) So I believe this Anon is saying that 1) both the Disney villains and heroes exist in Twisted Wonderland as historical figures, 2) the alternate tellings of their histories can coexist, and 3) like in real life, history can be twisted depending on the narrative/teller and, in hindsight, actions that are considered dubious can be viewed by future generations as morally correct or righteous. (If that’s the case, I expressed similar thoughts in this post.)
There instances in which the original stories they come from diverge or coexist with other versions which are also treated as true. For example, Kalim tells a tale about a princess (Jasmine) who happily married a thief (Aladdin), transcending the social norms of their time. There is also another tale that the Sorcerer of the Sands (Jafar) revealed that someone (Aladdin) had deceived a princess (Jasmine) about their social status, and that he saved the kingdom by revealing the lie. Somehow, the original story became multiple stories, all of which stand on their own.
We must recall that there are often positive spins put on the tales we know of to be the truth; suddenly Jafar is no longer plotting to overthrow the Sultan, but is a loyal advisor who dutifully served his country, Ursula’s deals are justified because the fault lied with her clients for not paying up, etc. This is also true of real life, where, depending on the person you ask or the history textbook you reference, certain events and details may be glossed over or even completely rewritten. This may be due to censorship or a deliberate attempt to control the narrative and what information is taught to and carried over to students (and into the future). Lilia even makes a passing comment about this in episode 7, saying that history can be “changed” over time.
This is likely how and why the Great Seven are worshipped as they are; history has been “twisted” from the (presumably what Yuu views in their dreams), which just goes to show that good is closer to evil (and vice versa) than expected, thus blurring the lines between the two and creating a grey area. This is very much in line with TWST’s philosophy—that there is more to something than meets the eye, and that being truly “evil” or truly “good” doesn’t exist.
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junowritings · 24 days
Hey!! Hi!! Hello!! I noticed your matchups are open right now and I was wondering if I could get a BG3 matchup :]
I use any pronouns and have no gender preference!
I tend to be a bit introverted and like being alone but the second I’m around my friends I am the LIFE of the party and am usually the one to organize hangouts and parties among the group. Comedically enough though my friends typically compare me to Gale, usually calling me a recluse who “hasn’t seen the light of day in 3 years” lmao. I,,, may be autistic.
My hobbies primarily include art, whether that be digital, traditional, animation, 3D modeling or hell, playing guitar, ukulele or even the ocarina. I’ve also recently rediscovered my love for reading and learning languages (I’m currently learning Swedish lol). I also really enjoy traveling and will get out of town and occasionally out of the country whenever I get the chance. On a nice sunny day I’ve also been known to walk to the nearby park and just walk around barefoot cuz I like the feeling of Nature*tm*.
In a relationship I’m typically the person to initiate contact, usually bringing up date ideas and initiating physical affection and the like. I don’t mind PDA though I do generally prefer being affectionate in private. On that note, I am VERY AFFECTIONATE and once someone has accepted me hugging them it will be a WHILE till I let go lol. Besides the obvious physical touch I do show affection more often through sharing fun facts and the like :]
Likes: Physical affection, art, music, hanging out with my friends, chai, mochi, being in nature, anything steampunk and anything relating to pirates
Dislikes: bright lights, loud noises, extreme temperatures (though mostly hotter weather), people acting like they’re better than me
My strengths id say are primarily my creativity and initiative. Id also argue I have good planning and social skills.
My weaknesses primarily include my tendency to get overly focused on things and sometimes forget to take care of myself because of it ehe,,,
Thaaatt,,, should be all! Thanks <]
Heyya hi! :D You certainly can get a match-up! Been a hot second so I need to brush up on my BG3 knowledge, but I think I found a lovely fit for you...
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Welcome to opposites attract. On this episode-
Whilst I’ll admit that at first you and Gale seemed like a potentially good fit, Rolan inevitably won out because I believe that you two would compliment one another really well and bring out the best in each other!
You keep to yourself initially, which Rolan is unsurprisingly respectful of; if there’s anyone you have to worry about needlessly bothering you when you’re not up for the interaction, it’s definitely not him. He understands that preferring to spend some time on your own isn’t a bad thing; he’s very much the kind of person to enjoy some alone time (though the chances he gets to actually do that are few and far between even after things have settled down lmao). Sometimes enjoying one’s own company is healthy and has its merits, allowing you to recharge after a long day.
The first time he sees you break from your shell though the contrast is rather stark. Rolan had already caught a few glimpses of the life bubbling under the surface of your otherwise introverted nature the more that you warmed up to him - but when he sees you in the company of your closest friends for the first time? He’s taken aback by the way you practically lighten up in their company. He’s heard others in your circle commencing that you’re the life of the party whenever you’re around, but the tiefling definitely didn’t anticipate that to be so literal watching you immerse yourself amongst friends with a renewed vigor.
The jokes your companions crack about your comparisons to a certain wizard of Waterdeep earn an eyeroll or two from the tiefling as he listens to them ribbing you over your occasional tendencies. He’s been on enough of your planned outings to know that’s hardly the case and will tell them as such, though it’s all in good fun thankfully - besides if you prefer to hole yourself away with your creature comforts, you’re always welcome to do so at the tower. Oftentimes the wizard will chime in on the usual banter to add that it’s a good thing you made an exception to that little reclusive streak of yours for him - it would have been quite the loss otherwise.
Your instruments always have a safe place in the tower, that’s assured from the moment you make any kind of mention about the instruments that you play. He says it’s because there’s few places as well protected as his home, so why not keep them there to practice if you ever come over to visit? In reality it’s all a not so hidden excuse just to hear you play. He’ll leave his office door open or linger on the main floor of the upper levels of the tower whenever he knows you’re about to start playing, acting as though it’s not completely obvious he’s actively listening. I personally think that Rolan would be quite partial to the ukulele, if only for how fluid the notes as you pluck at the strings. If you were to take a peek at the tiefling as you’re playing, you’ll find that he often stops what he's doing to bask in the melody for a little while, the slight tilt of his head towards the direction the music is coming from a dead giveaway that you’ve got his attention hook line and sinker. Speaking of the tower though, sorcerous sundries provides a wealth of entertainment for your rediscovered passion in reading. In truth most of the stock is ancient texts and magical tomes older than both of you combined, but whatever you find that peaks your interest is yours for the reading (once he’s ensured it’s safe and not somehow curse-laden - hells knows what’s in some of those things.) It’s the first sign that he’s actively vying for your affections - Rolan hopes to earn your approval through impressing you at every turn. So the moment you express a shred of interest in the books lining the shelves all around, he’s set. And perhaps he uses some of his new connections to quietly add a couple of actual reading materials to those shelves just for you, who knows~?
After the events of the main game, Rolan is rather stubborn about staying put in the tower and the gate in general. After everything that he and the other Teiflings went through just to get here, and honestly having experienced some of the worst things the outside world has to offer he’s set on sticking to the four walls of his new home, thank you very much. It can admittedly be a point of contention given his reluctance to explain how he’s feeling sometimes; coming off as downright stubborn until you learn that he’s not exactly opposed to the idea of traveling, it will just…take some time before that avenue opens up for discussion. Trips around the gate though are fair game for the early relationship. Rolan learns quickly to spot the signs that you’re plotting another day out - hears the hum as you mull them over and the way your mouth quirks when you’ve settled on an idea. Thankfully there’s some wonderful places in the city where the bustle of crowds and incessant noise struggles to reach, offering a respite for the both of you where he can enjoy the quiet of your company and you can get your fill of being out in nature.
You and Rolan are definitely on the same page about preferring affection in private. In the early stages of your relationship you may find that it takes a little while to warm up to your affectionate nature. He certainly doesn’t mind it - quite the opposite, as the guy is so blatantly wanton of any romantic gestures that you could very well reduce him to a mess in your hands if you wanted to. In the privacy of your own home you’ll find that the man is far more open with his own affection, tail curling around you as he slips into your arms. Please card your hands through his hair - even if you accidentally knock his horns a couple of times in the process you’ll be able to watch the stress evaporate from his body with each moment, sinking deeper and deeper into your embrace. Gods forbid you cuddle him lying or sitting down because once he’s truly relaxed in one place neither of you are going anywhere.
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funeralcryptid · 9 months
Hi Funeral,
Thank you so much for offering/opening readings again. Your time, energy, and willingness mean a LOT! I offer you ☮️ and healing energy.
May I please ask you if you could please ask Jesus the following (I talk to him a lot and consider him Spiritual family): how do I get past the surface when it comes to my therapy sessions with dr.Kathleen? What do I need to do in general in order to be able to heal and move on from whatever we discuss?
For example-currently focused on maternal wounds and my stepmom and biological mom. After a year and a half, I finally finished talking about my experiences with them…and it still feels like it was only surface. Like I keep circling the center or the heart but not actually getting there and there’s no real movement. What do I need to do/say/explore - something else?
I’m confused, lost and frustrated, especially cuz I want to move on.
Thank you,
AK Gemini sun/Virgo moon
Thank you for the offering. I will admit I debated if I should do this reading or not, but I have decided to do it within my ethical limitations.
Know that this reading should be taken with a grain of salt.
I begin by focusing on the presence of Jesus. I see a dim light then it becomes big and bright. I see flashes of a deep blue sky, and see skippets of a bright green forest. Jesus is in everything you see alive, remember this.
I tell Jesus about your situation and for a moment I see a Jesus bleeding due to the crown of thorns. He is looking up to the sky, and his hands are together as if praying. I will be entirely honest, I hesitate to say this knowing that this reading could affect what you do (which is not my intent), but I hear the words "it's not there" as if suggesting that that is not the right place.
Looking at the cards, I see that Jesus is suggesting you don't see Dr. Kathleen as someone equal to you. You don't see her in the light of a friend you can confine in. In your heart there is doubt because you are aware this person has power knowing so much about you. Not only that, but you perceive her as someone far from you, someone with studies and a certain degree of knowledge, yet to you she is someone uncapable of wholeheartedly understanding the basics of you. Deep down, you might feel like she doesn't truly accept you (take this as you will, but I'm not suggesting she doesn't accept you as a patient. I mostly mean she doesn't understand you or accept the kind of person you are unconditionally). You see, you two are holding hands but there is hardly vulnerability. You two are working together, you don't need to be friends or understand each other 100%, but you do need to connect, and you can do that by showing the "ugly" side of you to her, not only the socially acceptable trauma. Show her your oozing wounds, don't just brush over them. Show her how ugly things can get inside of you, how vulnerable you can really be as a person. It will be then, that you will know if she can truly understand you.
You need to see recognize her as someone entirely different from you, but you must learn to open so you can receive the comfort that comes from being understood by someone you never consider of your kin.
Most importantly though, the cards ask you to be even more courageous and to open up about something you yourself don't know or can't explain. Starting by exploring what is your true fear.
Last, be brave and tell Dr. Kathleen about what you're feeling. Open up about your uncertainty and how you feel like you're circling the heart of the matter. Tell her what you want to achieve. Let her help you.
This got a little longer than a mini reading. Oh well, I hope it helps.
If you liked your reading consider leaving a tip.
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
Hello can I request where draco in fourth year having a crush on a hufflepuff reader but acts as arsehole cuz he doesn’t know how to show affection , leading it to her avoiding him which makes him depressed about what did he do wrong ?
Hi love. Thanks for the request.💕
I love writing Draco x hufflepuff!reader stories! I am a sucker for a slytherin x hufflepuff pairing.
I added a few extra details here and here. Hope you like it. X
Hopeful (Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Reader)
Word count: 2100 sorry got a bit carried away. 😅
Warnings: None. Soft!Draco being an absolute blubbering idiot.
Draco’s thoughts are written in green
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Spring had arrived. 
It could be felt in the cool and gentle zephyr that made the shiny new leaves on top of the once barren and dead trees rustle. 
Daisies were in full bloom and the wind had managed to carry some of the petals away—making them fall to the ground, acting like a harbinger of the fast approaching summer. 
Draco couldn’t be bothered if it was spring, or autumn or winter. 
In that particular moment, all he wanted to do was get away from the Slytherin common room and Pansy Parkinson. 
He had taken her to the Yule ball and things had sort of fizzled out afterwards. He couldn’t get himself to see her as anything other than a friend. 
Having ran all the way to a far and secluded area of the Hogwarts grounds, Draco leaned against a tree trunk and panted heavily in an attempt to catch his breath. 
“Are you—are you alright?” 
Your voice startled him and he quickly stood up straight to look around. 
You were sitting criss-crossed on the grass with your transfigurations textbook opened on your lap. Your shirt sleeves were rolled up and your yellow and black tie hugged very loosely around your neck. 
“Fine.” He muttered as he slowly sat down noticing a single daisy tucked behind your ears. 
After sitting there in complete silence for the next few minutes, he finally spoke up. 
“What are you even doing here anyway?” 
“Just wanted some peace and quiet to be honest.” You said, shrugging your shoulders. “It’s a beautiful day.” 
Draco just hummed in response and kept staring at the daisy in your hair that swayed lightly with the breeze. 
“What?” You asked when you noticed. 
“You have—you have a twig stuck in your hair.” 
“A daisy.” You corrected him as you closed your book and moved a bit closer to where he was sitting. “It’s a daisy.” 
“Yeah I know that. I’m not stupid.” He said quickly. “But why?” 
"Well, Daisies are essentially two flowers blended together in complete harmony." You said pulling the daisy out of your free falling hair before putting your hand forward to hand it to him. 
“And?” Draco reluctantly took the flower from you and blinked his eyes in confusion. 
“They are said to resemble innocence—true love even.”  You explained getting comfortable next to him.
“You believe in all that?” Draco scoffed, twirling the flower between his index finger and thumb. He couldn’t tell if the floral fragrance was coming from you or the air but it made him slightly queasy nonetheless. 
“Merlin. No.” You scrunched up your nose. “It just gives me hope I guess.” 
Draco gave you another hum in response. For someone who came up with snarky and sometimes witty comments on the spot, he found himself weirdly tongue tied. 
“I know you were hiding from Pansy by the way.” You remarked, making a small smile pull at his lips. 
“How come?”
“What do you mean how come?” You rolled your eyes. “Everyone can see that she is obsessed with you for some reason that I personally can't seem to comprehend.” 
The next day during potions class, Draco slowly opened his book and started to absently doodle on it with his quill while Snape talked about the upcoming potions essay that had to be done in pairs. 
Draco knew he should be paying attention but he just couldn’t get the interaction between you two out of his head. 
And just when he took a deep breath and decided to focus, a familiar scent started to fill his lungs up. 
Fruity, almost spicy notes of strawberry and pink grapefruit mixed with gardenias, vanilla and musk. It felt like someone had tossed a huge bouquet into the room. 
He knew it was you without even bothering to look up from my book. 
"Ah, Miss y/l/n. Late again." Snape muttered. “Five points from Hufflepuff house.” 
You quietly sat down next to your friend with your head hung low and Draco fought an unexplainable urge to give you a hug. 
"The essay must be done in pairs.." Snape said.
"Ronald Weasley and Gregory Goyle." 
This is exactly what I needed right now. Thanks Snape. 
"Blaise Zabini and Hannah Abott." 
The last thing I need is someone weighing my essay down. 
"Draco Malfoy and y/n y/l/n." 
You turned back to look at Draco and gave him  an apologetic smile and he didn't understand why you kept smiling at him. It's not like the both of you had suddenly formed an unlikely bond with each other. 
Draco scowled at you in return and quickly raised his hand. "May I work on my essay alone?" 
"No. You may not Mr. Malfoy."
You and Draco had been studying in the library for almost an hour. Because you were quietly sitting next to him, his elbows and knees slightly brushed yours every few seconds and as much as he hated to admit it, He secretly enjoyed it. 
Contrary to yesterday, Draco was trying very hard to make a conversation with you. You seemed somewhat offended that he had asked Snape to work on the essay alone. 
“I am happy to do most of the writing if you can look up all the ingredients.” You offered.
You don’t have to do all of that yourself. I am happy to help with the writing too. Is what he should have said. 
“Fine whatever.” He said instead as he reached for a copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. 
That night, Draco stayed up tossing and turning in his bed before giving up on getting any sleep for the night. 
He lethargically walked towards his dresser and put his hands in his blazer pocket pulling out the now dried and pressed daisy from the other day. 
Taking a deep breath, he put the flower in between the pages of his copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. 
You were drawing him in, undoing him, unraveling him even. 
He knew that. 
But did you?
"Draco! Open up." 
His head jolted towards the door and He quickly walked over to open it. 
You stood on the other end with books tucked in your arms, wearing your denim shorts and a plain white tank top—looking like summer personified. 
The more time he spent with you, the more he started to notice your quirks. Like that the way your skin glowed as the days got warmer. 
Compliment her. Do it. It’s not Difficult. 
“Did you do something different to your hair?” 
“Uh—no why are you asking.” 
“It just looks a bit strange.” He commented wanting to slap himself. 
"Okay, well are you going to let me in?" You questioned, wondering why he was blocking the way and asking you about your hair. 
Why did you have to wear that God damned tank top-
"Sorry?" You asked stepping inside making his cheeks burn when he realized he wasn’t meaning to say that out loud. 
"Just shut up and get back to working in the essay or whatever it is that you were doing." Draco grumbled feeling embarrassed as he grabbed some fresh parchment. 
Okay. Focus. The Strengthening solution requires...
You stretched a little and pushed your hair away from your face. 
several days to mature...
"Staring is rude Draco." You suddenly interrupted his thoughts as you set your eyes on his—peering right into his soul.
Draco felt like he was giving you some sort of power over him and the possibility of you using that power and leaving him heartbroken made him feel so very vulnerable.
He couldn't take the vulnerability a second longer.
 "I don't think we should study together anymore." He blurted quickly standing up. “It's for the best.”
"Huh?" You stood up contorting your face in total confusion—wondering just what you had done to piss him off. "What's wrong Draco? Did I do something wrong?" 
"Leave. Now." He muttered with his teeth clenched. 
Please don’t go.
"Just go—leave please."
You couldn’t help but feel a sharp sting burning your insides as you gathered all the books that were on the floor and ran made your way towards hufflepuff dormitories with tears threatening to flood your eyes. 
As soon as you ran off, he punched his wall and muttered out the plethora of angry curses when the impact bruised his knuckles.
During the following week, Draco failed to show up to any of your shared classes after you had refused to talk to him after what happened. 
Even if you did manage to see him walking down the halls or walking with Crabbe and Goyle, you noticed that he looked like he hadn’t eaten or slept in days. 
On a Tuesday, Draco looked at the Hufflepuff table during breakfast and when you caught his eye, all you did was look away. 
Everyone at school had their opinions about him—most of them weren’t good opinions. 
But when you were with him under that tree, he seemed different. His smirk was more playful than condescending. It managed to charm you in a way. 
You took a final bite of your toast and gathered all your books, walking to your Potions class. 
His seat still remained empty and you shook your head, trying to snap away from the thoughts of him as you flipped open your book. 
Only it wasn’t your book. 
You didn’t remember writing on the margins and making annotations on your book. 
Running your fingertips along the pages, you flipped to the very first page of the book. 
D. Malfoy was written in ridiculously neat handwriting and you shook your head when you realized that you had grabbed his book with you that day by mistake. 
And just when you were about to put his book away, something fell from in between the pages and fell onto your desk. 
It was the daisy you had woven into your hair the other day. Even in its dried state, the petals remained intact like her had done something to keep them that way.
When class was finally over, you made a quick beeline towards the slytherin dungeons, bumping into people along the way. 
“Some hufflepuff girl is standing outside the dungeons asking to see you.” Theo shrugged when he saw Draco at the common room sofa. “Says it's urgent.” 
He felt terrified yet so elated as he quickly stood up and made his way outside. 
“Here’s your book.” You said taking a step towards him. “You never told me what’s wrong by the way.” 
“Thank you.” Draco quickly took his book from you and stared at the ground. 
“Why did you stop talking to me y/n?”
“You told me to go away—If I remember correctly.” You said shaking your head at him. “Tell me Draco, what’s wrong?”
“Everything.” He said quietly, meeting your gaze. 
"What do you mean?" 
"You make me feel all weak.....and smiley...and I hate it." He looked at you with agitation.
"Weak?" You ran your  fingers through your hair in confusion. 
"And your ridiculous white tank top." Draco half yelled. 
"What's wrong with my top?" You asked, raising your voice slightly as if you had had enough of this. 
"Nothing is wrong except for the fact that you look stunning in it.” He blurted involuntarily. "It is absolutely distracting when one is trying to study!." 
He watched you open your mouth in shock and close it. Before he could spend another minute trying to solve the riddle that was your expression, you grabbed him by his tie and placed your lips on his. 
His brows furrowed as he kissed you back tenderly. Tasting the sweetness of your lips—pouring out every bit of suppressed passion and adoration he felt for you with his lips.
There was something so strange and euphoric about finally kissing someone he had been longing to kiss for so long. 
Something so magical about holding the person that fits perfectly into his arms. 
Freaking Finally. 
He was slightly disappointed when you slowly backed away, but the glow on your skin and the glossy ness in your eyes made him smile. 
"I guess I'll leave before I realize the consequences of what I have just done." You said softly as you held his face and placed a small peck on his lips.
The next day, you found a tiny box and an envelope on your desk when you woke up. Your roommate let you know that Draco Malfoy had stopped by late last night when you were asleep and half begged and half threatened her to leave the box on your desk. 
You slowly opened the box and found a bedazzled and whimsical looking daisy necklace, encrusted with gems.  
A Daisy for my daisy. 
You give me hope.
- D.M
Draco Taglist: @dracomalfoyisindahouse @dracomalfoys-wh0re @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @desiredmalfoy @dlmmdl @trainintersection @fa-me @dracoswhore007 @paulina1998 @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @quacksonsssandtea @letoof @rvaldez7569 @loloo22 @emma67 @berriemalfoy @thegaudess @itchywitch33 @louweasleymalfoy @lunar0se10 @savagelysarcasticslytherin @fleursbabe @teawineaddict @thebitchybeatle @malfoyxxdraco23 @fantasyfairysworld @trashyvicks @h0ggyw0ggyh0gwarts @l0vely-lupin @linasylveon @amwitherspoon @the-bisexual-bitch
Love you all sm. (if i was unable to tag you, please look into your privacy settings)
Fell free to send me reuests. My other stories can be found here.
Join my taglist here.
- violet-Anne
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cinnbar-bun · 3 years
Diluc Finding Out S/O Had Their Vision Taken
A/n: spoilers for Genshin Act 2, I just my fave cuz.,,, big love for him. Also angst. Reader is not the traveler!!
He is not one to harp on you or tell you where you need to go or what you should do. He trusts you fully. You are his lover, and as such, he puts his complete faith in you. You are strong, brave, and kind. Surely nothing too grave could happen?
As much as he tries to delude himself with detached statements of how you’ll be fine, he does worry. Sometimes he worries about what would happen if he couldn’t help you.
Work and business keeps you both preoccupied, and many times you both would be estranged for many days- perhaps even months- at a time.
But he tries to assure himself. You were his most trusted spy and intelligence agent, and you are his lover now. You are more than capable of handling anything.
You informed him you would be joining the Traveler on their journey to Inazuma. You had become attached to the poor thing after helping them a few times, and you felt it invaluable to learn about the situation in the closed off Land of Eternity.
He knew of the dangers. You knew of the risks. He wanted so bad to tell you to forget that place. To tell you it was pointless, unnecessary, absolutely worthless compared to the utter horror you would have to face.
But he held his tongue. He was a man of few words, instead pressing a kiss against your forehead and hanging his ring around your neck on a chain. You did the same back. A reminder you both were connected, no matter how far.
He expected rough travels and perhaps a few scars coming back. He expected new information, your smiling face and tired yawn over how exhausting the trip was.
What he didn’t expect was to see Paimon and the traveler return to Mondstadt with anxious expressions on their face.
“Traveler. Paimon. Is something the matter? Where is (Y/n)?” He asks. His heart beats quicker. God. Please. Don’t let his nightmares be true.
“Well… you see…” the traveler begins. They can’t face him.
“Hehe… it’s um, a super funny story. Haha, you’d never believe it. Almost as much as believing that (Y/n) got their vision stolen!” Paimon awkwardly added.
“Paimon-!” The traveler hissed, frowning at them and Paimon covered her mouth.
“I mean! Um! It’s not that bad!! At least they’re alive… right?” Paimon tried to fix her slip up but Diluc couldn’t hear a thing.
“They… what?” He can’t believe it.
“It’s best you see for yourself.” The traveler took Diluc to the bar where you were sitting, a drink in hand as Kaeya and Venti were trying to tell a terrible joke.
Your eyes were faded. Dead. You looked like a zombie, a hollow shell of the person he loved. You did not smile, you did not even look at the two trying to get any sort of emotion out of you. Just as Paimon said, your vision was gone.
“Do you mind…? Please leave me. I have a terrible headache.” You murmured.
Diluc walked towards you, and Kaeya and Venti knew better and stood aside.
“(Y/n)?” He asked, unsure if this was truly you. He swallowed his pride. “My love?”
It was the first time he had ever publicly said something like that. Your relationship was shrouded in mystery and kept quiet beyond a few people.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” You asked.
His heart shattered. He couldn’t talk, couldn’t even form a sentence to respond to what you asked. Please be a cruel, sick joke. Please tell him this was a lie and that-
“I don’t remember ever meeting you. Actually, I don’t really remember anything. This young adventurer over there and their floating partner has taken me here, saying I was from here but… truly I can’t recall a thing. It’s all a haze.”
“I’m sorry. I must have mistaken you for someone else.” Diluc said. He stared down before he quickly walked out of the tavern, slamming the door behind him.
How was he supposed to react? How was he supposed to act with you knowing you remember nothing about him? Nothing about the two of you and all you’ve done?
He cursed the gods and everything around him. If this was their idea of a joke, he did not find it funny. Time after time, everything he loved was taken from him. Was he ever allowed to be happy and love, knowing he was cursed?
“How could he say that?! What a jerk! Who does that to someone they love?” Paimon angrily huffed.
The traveler nearly followed him out the bar before Kaeya placed a hand on their shoulder.
“Be gentle with him. He’s hurting incredibly bad. I know him very well, and he may not admit it but he’s truly heartbroken. I don’t want to hurt him more so… take care of him for all of us, okay?”
They nodded before catching up with the young lord.
“Diluc! Please! Wait-!”
“Leave me alone, traveler. I have work to complete.”
“This has been a complete waste of my time. I will not ask again for you to leave me alone. I do not wish-“
“I’m sorry!” They shouted, tears streaming down their face as they sobbed loudly. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
He stopped walking. He stood still for a few moments as the traveler cried and begged for forgiveness.
“You’re sorry? Sorry for what has happened to them? Truly?”
“Huh?” The traveler looked up to see Diluc clench his fists tightly.
“You think sorry will fix this? You think sorry will give back their vision, their memories, their ambitions? You think sorry can help them remember what had happened to them?”
“You’re wasting your breath. Save it. I do not wish to hear anymore. It’s not me you should be apologizing to. You took their life. Not mine.” He glared coldly. He walked away, leaving the traveler alone as his figure slowly grew smaller.
He goes home and immediately reads the letters you sent him. Whether they were business or personal, he kept them all.
Diluc came across one letter. One that changed your relationship forever.
“I love you, Diluc. Nothing will ever stop me from coming back to you and being by your side.”
He couldn’t control himself now. His eyes watered as all his feelings burst like a dam.
God, he should be grateful you were alive. Why couldn’t he be content knowing you were back here?
The tears fell onto the letter, dampening and smudging the ink on the old paper.
Why did this hurt worse than anything ever before?
In an instant, he grabbed a match and lit it up, placing it near the letters and setting some of them aflame. Watching the letters burn sent him spiraling.
‘My lord’ ‘I love you’ ‘great news’ ‘I have been thinking of you’
The words flashed in his head before he threw them to the ground and stomped out the flame. Many were charred and burned, and he crumbled to the ground.
God. Why? Why did it have to be you? Why did it have to happen? Why did you go? Why didn’t he just say anything to keep you here?
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aetherarf · 3 years
How would Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc and Childe react to their teen daughter telling them she’s pregnant? (I don’t mean this in a weird way, teen pregnancy is a serious issue and I’m curious to how these Genshin guys would react to it)
I would have taken it the serious route since... nature of this blog. I may also lean into using some gender neutral terms for the kid cuz... nature of this blog.
I will say these are written very seriously but... healthily. Like, I can't see any of them kicking their kid out when they already fucked up. It goes without saying none of them know if they're doing the right thing but they're mostly doing what they would want done for them.
[Except Zhongli but you'll see why.]
WARNING: A few mentions of ABORTION. Nothing graphic or extreme just vague mentions or implications of it being offered as an option, but not enforced in any way. also PREGNANCY dont read if you dont wanna see pregnancy content.
Anyway, below the cut nonny.
He is... well... a little odd about the situation, with all he's seen through his very long life. Initially, when he sees his child shaking like a leaf in the wind, he assumes much, much worse. Did something happen? Did they do something vile? Oh, oh dear... He's half expecting them to admit to the most gruesome, vile things, and hearing that they're pregnant.
He breathes a sigh of relief for a moment, no fear of them taking adeptus drugs or having killed innocent souls... But then, as the gears in his head turn, he looks at them, then his gaze trails down to their stomach... Pregnant. As in, a child.
He's worried, now, and instantly begins going on some sort of ramble about medicines, the danger of having children with adeptus [whether or not the child was only half or full adeptus, there was still enough of that adeptus blood-- Prime Adeptus blood, that may cause issues.] He's immediately calling in a favor from Baizhu, medicines are in order, to fortify his child's body, because carrying an adeptus is no joke, even if the blood is diluted.
As time goes on... it sets in further. He realizes his child is having a child... who's the other parent? He has a hard time keeping himself away from his little one because... they're just a child themself... did he fail to keep them safe? Doesn't matter, he needs to protect them now, as feral as he feels about it, all he wants is for them to be safe.
If the pregnancy was a mistake, Zhongli... would consider offering medicine that would minimize the child's natural adeptus energy and it would effectively be... an abortion. Of course, it's not that simple, but it's an option. Sometimes, it's the safest, many humans had died giving birth to a partially adepti child.
If they decline, he understands, and he's going to be there for them. There's no guilt or anger, honestly, more fear than anything... Zhongli, out of the four, he's the one who doesn't seem to notice that the age itself is a large issue. The age was a concern, but in the grand span of centuries upon centuries, it wasn't everything. He was more fearful that they would die for this child, without having time to make a choice.
His heart sinks into his belly when he hears...pregnant... they're pregnant?
Instantly, he wants answers. Who was the father? Who put a baby in his baby? Did they consent? Did they plan this ahead of time? Why didn't they tell him before? Are they looking for 'Plan B'? Do they want to keep the child or to put it up for adoption?
After he has his answers, whether or not he likes them or not, there's an eerie silence.
And suddenly, he hugs them. He holds them tight.
"It's okay, little bird, it's okay... I'm right here for you."
He's not sure how to feel, honestly. A part of him just wants to lose it, to murder the bastard who got them pregnant, but he knows better. He knows that a pregnant teen with fear in their eyes and a new, terrifying life ahead of them needs comfort. And he's going to be there for them.
He will openly discuss every possible option, from the worst to the fluffiest, and when they're tired of talking, he's already changed the topic.
Were he to be completely honest, he's not happy about this. He was... well, he had learned who he was before he had a child, but they were... just that. a child. They were young and foolish, he does not think this out of anger, but... Kids are stupid! Teens are absolutely stupid! He was, too!! But... this was going to stop them from being able to fully grow up. Maybe he could take his grandchild, basically raise them alongside them, that would be the best option if he had that option, and while he would recommend/offer it, he won't make demands.
He's not happy, but... there's a lot he's not happy about in life, so, just like everything else, he can find his way to turn a bad thing into a good thing.
As soon as he hears... he's quiet for a moment.
He feels... sickened. Sex as a whole is an uncomfortable topic for him, and... well, pregnancy isn't exactly great either. There's horror flashing in his eyes as he's told... But he doesn't say much. In fact, he's probably the calmest out of all of them.
He grabs his child's hand, "What do you want to do about it?"
He lets them talk, maybe they just cry out I don't know!, or maybe they say they want to keep the child. He nods and listens, no smiling, but he does seem calm enough to not rouse fear.
Hell, when Diluc became a father, whether it be from adoption or a partner giving birth, he... didn't know what to do. He didn't. Even if it was planned, or if it was a complete accident, he felt lost. But... holding them was... for a little bit, nothing felt wrong.
He figured, with their even younger age than his own, they must be even more confused. They will figure out what they want, and he will offer to do anything to help them, as long as he believes it won't harm his little phoenix...
Oh boy.
He's five seconds from murder depending on how they tell him.
If they tell him it was an accident, or them didn't want it, he's about to murder some poor idiot them knocked them up.
If they tell him it was planned and he didn't want him to stop them, he's more heartbroken than anything. Did... they not trust him?
No matter what, after the initial shock or horror or rage subsides... it depends on one last thing before he reacts.
If they don't want to keep it... he tells them he'll make everything better, he'll fix it for them, and goes to find out anything he can.
If they want to keep and raise the child... he's all smiles and happiness. Sure, they're young, and honestly... they fucked up, he'd say that, too... but if they want to keep the kid, then who's he to say no? He's already calling himself a grandpa.
He's sure that they already know they fucked up, and that they really screwed themselves over. If they didn't know now, they would when it was three in the morning and the screams of an infant would wake them over and over.
While, in one way, he feels like he should punish his child... life itself was more than enough punishment. He doesn't want them to run away and deal with that punishment alone, he wants to keep them safe, even if it's from the consequences of their own actions.
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leonardhoee · 3 years
I’m so excited that you’re taking requests! May I ask for some Mitsuhide headcanons? Any are fine (although I do love an in-love!Mitsu 👀)! Thank you so much dear!! 💘💞
Omg I was so happy when I got this request cuz Mitsuhide is the LOML. (Also perfect timing cuz I just finished re-reading his route). I’m not sure what kind of headcannons you wanted but I’m just kind of rambling based on the reasons I love him.😂 (+ NSFW)
(Also I wrote these at 3am if there’s any spelling errors pls don’t kill me😭)
Hope you like it!❤️❤️
Tagging: @aurora-morning @writer-akihiko @ikemenvmpire @judgemental-seal @delicateikemenmemes
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Mitsuhide is...so incredibly soft. Sometimes when you’re sleeping next to him, he just takes in your beauty and listens to your heartbeat. Knowing you are alive and in his arms, warms his heart more than you could ever know.
He cannot believe that someone who radiates so much love and light would fall for someone like him, but he is eternally grateful that he is blessed enough to have the chance to love you with his entire being.
As much as he teases you, this man LIVES to pamper and please you. Muscle pain after sparring with Kyubei? (Or other activities with Mitsu). Mitsuhide will use his extensive knowledge of the human body to give you the most mindblowing massage you’ve ever had. (And he will equally enjoy hearing your satisfied noises at his touches.)
He is extremely perceptive, especially when it comes to you. If you are upset, or anxious, or in pain, he will know right away without needing to be told and will act accordingly. He will insist on going back to your home and giving you some time away from work so you have a chance to relax with him.
He may be a secretive person but everyone on the Oda Forces knows just how much “Mitsuhide Akechi adores his wife”. He can’t help it, it just slips out. Whether it’s through his words or his actions, everyone in Azuchi knows he only has eyes for you.
Mitsuhide has the utmost respect for you (he chugs his respect women juice daily) and will consider your opinions on his work a great help. There may be some parts of his job that he isn’t allowed to with you. However, 90% of the time he will tell you everything he’s been doing and will ask for your advice.
Sometimes he feels like you know him even better than he knows himself. And he knows that even if the whole world considers him a murderer and amonster, you will always be there to hold him and remind him that you love him and that he is a hero in your eyes.
Even for him, it’s sometimes too much to handle, and on those days he will come and lay down with you, resting his head on your chest as you stroke his hair and allow him to finally rest. He won’t admit it publicly but, being in your arms feels like the safest place in the world for him. He never thought that he would experience the luxury of having such a place to return to after his battles. A true home.
If you like to cook, you better believe Mitsuhide will eat everything you make, regardless of whether he can taste it or not. (He says he doesn’t need to taste the flavor because he can taste the love you put into it.)
He is known for neglecting his basic needs, and while he has gotten better at it ever since you came into his life, his level of self care is still unacceptable.
However, if you come in and insist he take a break because he’s overworking himself, his heart will absolutely just melt at seeing how much you care about him. (Is it the bare minimum? Yes. Has anyone ever taken care of him like that? No.) He is so starved of love and affection that even the most minor things will melt his heart.
Mitsuhide also loves to tease you, just to see your reactions. It’s incredibly entertaining when he whispers a dirty joke to you and smack his arm because “We are in public Mitsuhide.” It amuses him to no end.
He also loves teasing the others with you, and you two make the best pranking team in Azuchi.
You two have increased Hideyoshi’s migraine levels, but he lets it slide after seeing Mitsuhide look so happy for the first time in his life.
Hideyoshi has never seen Mitsuhide smile like that at anyone before, and he’s just glad Mitsu finally has someone to love and depend on. (Though sometimes he wishes that person was him. We’re not gonna unpack all that right now)
Random Headcannon: Modern AU Mitsuhide would be an amazing dancer. Like Michael Jackson type shit.
NSFW Below the Cut
Mitsuhide lives to please you and that translates to the bedroom as well. He is a switch through and through, but he could eat you out for hours. (Lying isn’t the only thing he’s good at using his tongue for).
His favorite place to be is between your thighs with your hand tugging at his hair, bringing his face even closer to your dripping core. You are his priority and he will not partake in his own pleasure until he has seen you come twice at least.
He loves to hear you beg, and will torture you for hours with phantom touches that allow you a small taste of the pleasure he can give. He will leave you desperately wanting more until you are crying his name and begging him to finally take you because you can’t handle any more of his teasing.
It’s truly a game to see how long he can keep his own composure before letting go and loosing himself in mindblowing pleasure. Oh and when he does...when he finally lets himself take you the way he’s been wanting to...you won’t be walking straight the next day.
The expression on your face, and the way you cry out his name with tears of pleasure running down your cheeks when he finally pounds you into the futon send him into ecstasy like he had never known before. He will keep going until your legs are shaking and your voice is hoarse from screaming his name so many times throughout the night.
He has a hidden chest of various toys and ropes, and secretly one of his greatest fantasies is to be tied up, completely at your mercy as you “punish” him for his teasing behavior. Nothing brings him more pleasure than feeling the rope dig into his skin, being unable to move as you teasingly suck him off, stopping right as he gets to the edge. He also loves seeing you ride him, using him as a device for your own pleasure.
Mitsuhide is normally not very loud, however, if you edge him enough, it will break all self control he has as he desperately moans your name and bucks his hips, just to try and finally feel himself buried deep inside you.
Once you free him of his bonds he will immediately flip you over, licking down your chest and throwing your legs over his shoulders as he drills you into whatever surface he decided to rail you on that day.
If you’re not too tired, he will even bathe you himself as he kisses every part of your body telling you how amazingly beautiful you are in the afterglow of your lovemaking.
Afterwards, he pulls you close to his chest and kisses your forehead, as he tells you how much he loves you and how euphoric you make him feel. Nights like these are one of the few times Mitsuhide will fall asleep right away as the languid exhaustion overtakes him.
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes part 23 (11/06/21)
Impulse is missing from this session so Astro’s wife Ursulala “Lala” filled in for him. i normally watch Impulse’s POV but for this stream, i watched Tango’s.
Endless: Alright guys, so I watched Evil kill Brody and then I started chasing Evil trying to report the body but that’s not how this game works. Evil, laughing: I can’t- I can’t even deny it!
*Astro has been caught killing with 4 people left* Lala: I don’t know who to vote for…! Etho: So… we’re gonna need you to turn on someone you care about right now. Lala: Oh, I don’t like that!
*silence as Tango does a task* Tango: This feels like a round where I’m gonna die early. Etho: *kills Tango*
Lala: The only person I saw at all in that direction was Joker so I’m voting for him, I don’t even care. Skizz: Alright! I like it! *votes* Etho: Whoa… Joker: What? Skizz: Wait… I dunno. I may have jumped the gun, there. I still got 3rd Life bloodlust on the brain.
Etho: Joker? Joker: What? Etho: Where were you? Joker: I dunno. Skizz: Joker, you are USELESS!
Etho: *reports a body* Etho: Well, well, well! Tango: Ooh…! Endless: Ooh…! *pause* Etho: ...I got nothing.
*Etho and Skizz are lovers, Etho is imposter with Tango, there are 4 people left alive* Etho: *calls emergency meeting* Etho: Okay, I think it’s pretty clear. It’s Tango. Joker: Yeah, he was the last person I heard [when Mrs Tango died]. Etho: Voting Tango. *votes* Skizz: *votes* Tango: No. Joker, listen. Joker, Joker- Joker: *votes* Tango: JOKER, you just blew it! *groans* Etho: *laughs* Tango: Joker, I’m gonna tell you the truth right now, cuz it’s all out there, okay? You just blew it, my friend. Etho: I got a pact with someone, Tango, I’m sorry. Tango: Etho and Skizz are lovers, alright? You just blew it. Skizz: We’re more than lovers, dude! Red Army forever!!! Tango: WRONG GAME, man! Wrong game, Red Army! Etho: You were- You were a Crastle people traitor. Skizz: *laughs hysterically* Tango: I shoulda killed Skizz when I had the chance, I woulda taken you both out, I would’ve won! I knew it was coming, Etho! It was just a matter of time! Etho and Skizz: *laugh* Skizz: 3rd Life lives on! Tango: I’m voting Joker cuz he smells. *votes are revealed, Tango is ejected* Skizz: Ah, Etho, you’re the best! Etho: That was beautiful. Tango: I waited too long, that was my fault. Joker: That was a no-win situation for me. Etho: You had no chance there, Joker. Joker: Yeah, I had no chance. Skizz: That was SO poetic!
Astro: Why is everybody killing Lala early? It’s very rude. Tango: Says Astro the killer. Astro: If I ever get a round of imposter, I’m gonna avenge every one of these deaths.
Tango: Joker and I were sharing sweet nothings over in nav and then in shields. Mrs Tango: Uhh… Tango: Oh yeah, you BET you wanna know ;)
Tango: Brody’s got me fooled. Brody: That’s not hard to do.
*after a stack kill* Evil: I saw Brody teleport to the body. Brody: I sure didn’t do that. Tango: Evil, are you voting for Brody? Evil: I did. Tango: Alright, I’ll do it. *votes* I’m afraid we’re gonna get jestered, but… Skizz: He voted for himself at the beginning, why would- *votes are revealed, Skizz is the only one who didn’t vote for Brody* Brody, being ejected: I’m so confused. Tango: Did he just win? Brody: I’m SO confused. Why did you guys just give me that? Evil: *bursts out laughing* Tango: Oh god… Skizz: Is this for real? Brody: Evil, why would you just give me that? You knew it was me. Tango: Evil! *Brody wins as jester* Etho: Why?! I don’t get that! Endless: What? Why would-? What?! Evil: *still laughing hysterically* Skizz: You guys are morons. Tango: EVIIIL! What’s wrong with you?! Why would you lie?! Evil, still laughing: I didn’t believe he was the jester! Skizz: HE VOTED FOR HIMSELF TWICE!
Tango: Rule number one: if you don’t understand a button, press it immediately.
Tango, running into electrical to find only Lala there: Oh hi, Lala! *silence* Tango: Lala, how you doing tonight? We haven’t had a chance to talk. *silence* Tango: Good chat, let’s do this again sometime. *silence* Tango: Thanks, Lala. That- Great stuff…
*imposter Mrs Tango accidentally killed her partner’s lover and got ejected for it* Mrs Tango: Dangit, Astro! Astro, laughing: Hey, Mrs Tango? D’you r- remember when I had a lover that round?
*after Skizz sheriffed Tango 10 seconds into the round* Tango: Let’s find Skizz and close all his doors. *ghost Tango floats over to electrical and finds Skizz’s ghost hovering next to his body* Tango: OH SKIZZ WHAT’S THE MATTER YOU’RE DEAD IN THE FACE YOU JERK BUTT! Skizz: *bursts out laughing* Tango: YOU ARE SUCH A MONKEY- *cuts himself off* MMMNNAAAA, alright?! You know that?! I did NOTHING- I did NOTHING to tip you off except mock colours! Skizz: Yes you did, dude! Tango: And you come over like *mocking Skizz* “mleh I’ve known you long enough”, you took a shot in the dark, you monke-! *again cuts himself off* Skizz: It was not a shot in the dark! Tango: Yes it was! Skizz: No it wasn’t! Tango: TOTAL shot in the dark! Skizz: NO IT WASN’T! Tango: You’re a flaming buttnugget! Skizz: *laughs again* Tango: I’m so glad you’re dead.
(the same round) Tango: I just wanna let you know right now: you’re dead to me. Skizz: *laughs* Tango: We used to be friends. I am setting your volume to zero. Goodbye, Skizz! Nice knowing you! Skizz, still laughing: You better not!
Tango, dead: Vote Skizzleman! Skizz, also dead, laughing: “Vote Skizz”. Tango: Vote Skizz. Resurrect his corpse and then throw him out into space.
Tango: How are the bubbles? Am I gonna experience this joy later or what? Mrs Tango: You can only hope. Tango: Ohoho! Can’t wait! Skiddley-doo!
Skizz: *calls a meeting* Skizz: I finally got to get there, and here’s what I’m gonna do. I will give the killer- I have risen from the dead. And I will give the killer a chance to step forward and admit to your sins and be forgiven. Brody: Did Astro save you? Cuz that sounds like something he would do. Skizz: Astro saved me, that’s correct. Lala: Awww, he’s so cute! Mrs Tango: Yay altruist!
*Etho is unanimously voted out* Brody, deadpan: It’s anonymous though, you don’t know who voted for you.
Endless: Why did you vote for me? I was literally on the other side of the ship when that happened. Brody: Because you killed me.
Skizz: Hey, Etho. Hey, buddy. You had an opportunity to confess your sins and you just weren’t having it. Etho: You know, I wasn’t really paying attention and then I realised “oh, this is actually coming back to bite me”.
*Tango reporting a swooper kill* Lala: Or Tango just killed Brody- Tango: No no no, listen. I’m the engineer, so- Lala: Uh huh- Tango: No no, I’m telling you right now, I’ll vent in front of your dumb face, let’s go. Astro: Hey now! Etho: This is getting spicy :D Lala: I don’t think I like you calling me dumb, Tango. Tango: Alright, I’ll just vent in front of your face. Etho: He didn’t call you dumb, he called your face dumb. There’s a big difference. Astro: I’m not sure that makes it better.
*in the lobby* Endless: Tango, here’s what happened. I was talking to Mrs Tango and I said “have you still not finished the swipe [card task]?” and then she said “I just did” and then I realised we didn’t HAVE the swipe [card task], so that’s why I was saying she was faking it. Tango: You know what would’ve been good? Endless: If I had said that- Tango, at the same time: If you had said that in the meeting. That would’ve been good.
Tango, as the game is starting: Everybody vote Etho off, he’s the imposter. Etho: Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Tango: Etho sus!
Lala: I gasped cuz I saw the purple body and I thought I died. Brody and Evil: *laugh* Brody: Those are two different shades of purp- How much juice have you had? Astro: Just a bottle. Lala: I don’t like your tone, sir.
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thewritingginger · 3 years
More Daddy AU please 🥺 the rest of the boys deserve it. Plus imagine telling Luke he's going to be a godparent, that'd be the cutest little moment I just can't-
Undateables React: Baby?!?
I have to say I’m so glad you mentioned something for Luke cuz idk how long it would’ve taken me, if I even did one for him, cuz he baby himself lol
So here's our other boys! I admit IDK how well or satisfying these are considering I don’t know them too too well. 
bUt I hope they are still enjoyable 😅
Fandom: Obey Me! Pairing(s): Undateables Word count: 1,070 words Warning(s): Pregnancy
Enjoy ~
But really, he just laughs triumphantly when you tell him
Is happy about having an heir but is slightly worried for you
“This wasn’t planned and I want to make sure you’re happy.”
Buys you anything and everything that you wish for or need
Late night talks about your future child
When you’d ask what he wants the baby to be he would just respond with “As long as it’s part of you, I don’t mind either way.”
But you know what he wants
And to his pleasure, You and Diavolo have a baby Boy!
The moment he’s out Diavolo turns into Rafiki from the lion king
So proud of the work you had done
Praises you till you have to shut him up
After you’ve gone to bed he spends his first real night as a father holding his son, whispering praise and sentiments of love
You wake up many mornings to see your little one resting gently on his big tiddies chest
Barbatos :
Was a bit taken aback
Not that you being pregnant is bad news just unexpected
Tells Diavolo as soon as you let him
“I have to report this to Lord Diavolo, I wouldn’t want him to think I'm just being careless and negligible with my work because I’m taking care of you.”
Once he informs Diavolo of your condition, he wastes not time in developing a schedule for himself that not only allowed him to sufficiently do his duties with Diavolo but also make time for you and your care
In your later months he waits on you, hand and foot (literally! Helps you put your shoes on every morning)
Has tea with you each day (only herbal or ones w/no caffeine in them obviously) with cakes and sandwiches (or anything you’re craving)
You and Barbatos have a baby Girl!
Doesn’t show it but is SO excited
Very reserved about it but you know he adores taking his little girl into work with him when you’re too busy to watch her
You walked into the kitchen one day to pick her up and over heard him talking to your daughter as he was making up lunch
“Do you want papa to make you something special for lunch?”
He coos to your child more often than he’d admit to
Not that he doesn’t want others to think he doesn’t love his daughter, just he has a professional image to uphold that doesn’t stop Diavolo from saying anything tho lol
The Angel hugs you feeling elated but couldn't help but feel a bit guilty
Worried that you may be upset with him because this child wasn’t planned and you weren’t married (not that he’d force you but did ask if that’d make you feel more comfortable and secure)
Once you explained that although you were nervous, you were glad it was with him he relaxed a bit
“I will make you and this child the happiest people in all the 3 worlds!”
In actuality you being pregnant didn’t really change your relationship that much
Simeon was always a gentleman and very caring
Open doors, pulls out your chair, all that jazz
But you did notice a slight change in the way he looked at you
Not a loving gaze cuz he always had that it was more of a mixture of deep thought and bliss
When you’d ask him why he was looking at you he just responded with “It’s just you’re gifting me something I’ll never be able to repay you for.” He says it as if that wont melt your fucking heart
You and Simeon have a baby Girl!
Is very torn.
He thought you were the love of his life and the only girl he needs but… now there's her
Of course he still loves you but… her!
Always watches over her. While she plays. While she eats. Especially while she sleeps.
“Baby, you have to come to bed.” “I will, just 5 more minutes.”
Wonders what he did to be so blessed
GoDfaThEr?!? PrEgNanT?!? BaBy?!?
“Who? When? How?... wait don’t tell me how.”
Poor babe is very confuzzled
Regardless of the father, angel or demon, this little dog is very protective of you and your unborn child
Will bake you any treats you want
Luke is the proud godfather to a baby Girl!
Stressed even more
“GUH! I’ll make sure no one touches her!”
Mighty Chihuahua Activated! 
As she got older he would teach her about angelic work, what rules to follow and about the angel Michael while he watched her
He also made sure he did things like bake and play cuz he’s ‘fun too!’
As she got older he was still watchful but backed off when she asked him to poor guy sulked the first time it happened
You tell him when you’re on a study date
You couldn’t help it, it just came out
When you told him he seemed taken aback then started laughing, less like Diavolo, and more so like you said a joke
But realized you were being serious when you didn’t laugh along
“Wait you’re serious? I put a spawn in you?”
After talking for a bit it was fine
He actually took the news quite well, you’d think you just told him about the weather or something
“What’s there to worry about. No going back now, what's the worst that’ll happen.”
Took care of you during the pregnancy
Made you tonics for nausea or any other symptoms that are causing you discomfort  
You and Solomon have a baby Boy
You already expected this but he is sorta the “cool dad” so to speak
Super chill but don’t get it twisted he’ll still throw down for his kid
The moment you recognize signs of magic in your little boy Solomon jumps on that in a heartbeat
You had to have a very serious conversation with him about that
“If I let you teach him you better keep him safe. And NO explosive or reactatory spells.” “Don’t worry about a thing baby. I understand.” you didn’t buy he’ll follow your rules and... you’d be right smh
One day when your son was about 6 you see a cloud of smoke coming from under a door. When you opened it you saw Solomon and your son, hair sticking up, covered in soot. Yeah Solomon knew he was in for a ‘talk’ rip
Thank you again for reading and requesting :)
We stan baby daddy AUs lol
I hope to keep slowly getting my millions of wips done. I am in school and the quarter is ending in the next month so yeah 
Till next post my loves :3
💛 ~
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loveless-scribes · 3 years
Uchiha Itachi: NSFW Alphabet
So, it has come to my attention that Itachi of the Uchiha has been done a disservice in the eyes of the internet and been called terrible names. *COUGH* vanilla *COUGH* basic *HACK* I assure you, my friends, nothing could be further from the truth! And so, I present to you, my interpretation of the one and only. Enjoy.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Aftercare is not optional. It is just as much a part of the experience as foreplay and the actual sex. 
Will he clean you up? Not religiously, like it’s something he’ll do every time, but yes, he would. If you’re still feeling tired or lingering in bed by the time he’s gotten cleaned up, he wouldn’t think twice and just take care of you as well. If you mention that you think it’s sweet or you enjoy it, then… YES, he would absolutely start doing this religiously. 
Expect hairstroking and holding you to his chest, letting you listen to his heartbeat. If you want to share your 4 AM thoughts here, he’ll be down for it and let you know what he thinks about your ideas. After you’ve fallen asleep he will stay awake sorting through his thoughts, over what it means to have you by his side and the risks involved for you. This is pretty much the only time in the day that it’s safe to be vulnerable with his thoughts and so, this is where he will think about what you mean to him, and press a kiss to your forehead before finally going to sleep himself. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Eyes, definitely. The eyes are known to be the windows to the heart and his own eyes define so much of his life and his destiny, so yes, he could stare into his partner’s eyes for an almost uncomfortably long time, drinking them in. I can’t really say he’s a butt or boobs guy cuz that’s not how his mind is wired. He’s wired to be mission-oriented and there’s no room in his mind for distractions but on his S/O he would appreciate and worship every inch of her. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Um… breeding kink, anyone? Defo see him as having one. Is this an underlying psychological thing because he was deprived of having a normal family? At the same time, though, he’s in no rush to have children of his own, because he knows what a terrible place this world can be. But the desire to spill his seed deep into his S/O’s womb is deeply ingrained. Modern birth-control would really solve this problem. 
Also, swallowing. *COUGH* If someone does this for him it will go straight to his head. Prepare to be rewarded. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Hmm… I almost feel guilty about characterizing him like this, but I could see him somewhere deep down having a desire to have his partner submit to him? Not in the sense that he would ask for that, but if he had a wet dream about his S/O she would probably be on her knees, and he would feel guilty about it the next day and be a little sweeter than usual to her. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Okay! So, this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Itachi is inexperienced! Even if we take Canon!Ita (but maybe age him up a little) I feel like there could be situations, mission-related, or pursued by women he objectively finds appealing, where saying no is just more inconvenient than going along with it. Especially if it’s for the sake of a mission, he wouldn’t think twice. Or if he does it in order to not blow his cover. While he does largely turn admirers away, more for their own good and because he’s generally not interested, I do believe he could have realistically encountered situations in his travels that led to sexual encounters. He hasn’t taken a vow of chastity, so I don’t see why he should go to unreasonable lengths to say no?
So yeah, in my mind he definitely has some experience, but not a whole lot. Obviously, he takes necessary precautions to ensure those brief dalliances stay just that. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Hahahaha, so I had to do some research to find out what this position is called. The Mastery? Basically, it’s woman on top but the couple is in a seated position. Meaning, he gets to look into your eyes and just basically, the heightened intimacy and closeness of this position are what does it for him. Also, he has more control than in the normal girl-on-top position, so he can control the pace somewhat and help you out. 
But if you’re tired, he’ll pick you up and flip positions, he won’t wait for you to admit you’re tired and he won’t listen to your protests. He wants to see you out of your mind in ecstasy, not wondering whether or not you’re too tired to continue. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Alright, so it’s Itachi, right? He isn’t very jokey. That just is what it is. He might do something unintentionally that might make you giggle, or you could laugh out of nervousness and while he very much enjoys that sound he doesn’t really know how to provoke it from you. It’s just not his area of expertise. (Sorry, Ita. Couldn’t give you this one.)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Hmm… well, Itachi definitely is clean by nature, and is definitely well-groomed and particular in all aspects of his life, so… I’m going to go with trimmed. Neat and orderly. Just like everything else about him. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I lowkey just want to link my oneshots to this, cuz they say it all, but alright! He will want to be connected to his S/O. That means either being able to see her face, or if the position doesn’t allow for it to hear her voice the entire time. He’s good at that. He’s so sweet and considerate and perceptive. He knows what’s working for you and what isn’t even without you saying a word, He may not have a whole lot of experience, but he has an innate talent (because doesn’t he just… with everything?) and he’s an exceptionally quick learner. He will legit ruin you for anyone else because if you ever ARE with anyone else and they snap at you, “What do you think I am, a mind reader?” You’ll realize what Itachi was doing.
So, yeah. He wants to make sure you’re into it and you’re taken care of and you’re near delirious with pleasure before he decides to let go himself. Being self-sacrificial and caring for others is in his nature. So, yeah, you really need to man up and figure out what he needs because he isn’t going to tell you. But you’re smart. You’ll work it out. (OR JUST READ THE REST OF THIS ALPHABET.)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Sorry, no. Don’t see him doing this. You have to consider how disciplined the guy is, and how insanely busy. It really is kind of a waste of time at the end of the day and if he wants it that badly, he can just make the trip to see you. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Teasing, edging, getting you to beg. He feels bad for you, he really does. But how much more can you take? You won’t know until you know. He’ll reward you for your patience though. And let’s be honest, you’ll love it, teasing and all. Not to mention mindfucking you to oblivion.  
So, I went through an alleged “complete” list of 239 kinks to try and answer this question and most of it was just… weird. So, let’s do this differently. What follows is an incomplete list of things I could potentially see him being into or good at or have an interest in. In no particular order: mirrors, sub/dom play (with a little coaxing and admitting to himself that this is even a thing that he’s into. It would absolutely be limited to the bedroom, though), sensory deprivation, and.... bear with me here, but… I could see him having a hand for Shibari. THINK ABOUT IT. Those knots and things they learned to tie in the ninja academy? And we know Itachi is the best of the best in everything he does. So, I don’t think this is beyond the realm of possibility. 
Generally speaking, though, he just doesn’t have the time for this stuff. BUT IF HE DID…
And now, this is exclusive to AM!Ita but he most likely has a praise kink. Being hated and cursed for eons, and being disillusioned with his own role, if his S/O comes in and tells him how great he is, how handsome, how wonderful. How good he is at what he does. How wonderful he makes her feel. Mmmm. I can see that doing things to him. XD
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Ideally, in a lake or a river. Outdoor bathing spaces are generally approached with caution, so even if someone were to come by they would call out and make sure no one is there first, which means, less risk of getting caught. And I mean, this is Itachi… He’s an S-rank exiled nin. HE KNOWS HOW TO NOT GET CAUGHT. LOL. But yeah, he spends a lot of time out-of-doors. He’s more accustomed to the starry sky overhead than the roof of a house or woodland cabin. In my interpretation, he feels very much at peace when surrounded by nature and he would enjoy being intimate with you in that setting. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Confidence. Enthusiasm. Not necessarily seduction, if it’s a stranger he’s dealing with, this is more of a turn-off than anything. But if it’s his S/O and she turns up the charm and crooks a finger at him… You might even get a smile on that stoic face. I don’t see him being into the shy and stuttering type. If you blush and say, “No! St- stop!” He’ll literally stop. And probably apologize. AND NOT DO IT AGAIN.
If you try and explain to him that your no doesn’t mean no… Ah, yeah. He’s not into that. Be straightforward. Say what you mean. Don’t play games with him. He’ll see right through you. 
That being said, being a lonely fighter all his life means he’s very sensitive to your touch. Just run a hand along his shoulder in passing and he’ll grab it and press a kiss to your palm, and haul you in. I could see him being into your hands. It really isn’t hard to turn him on, it’s hard to earn his trust and a position in his life that gives you the right to touch him and be touched by him. But when you’re there, it’s the easiest thing in the world. A smile, a kiss, a brush of your fingers over his collarbones. He’s a goner. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pegging. This goes without saying. I can’t really think of much else he wouldn’t be into. I mean, stuff that’s a little more out there. Watersports. Daddy/Mommy kinks. Actual exhibitionism, (not genjutsu version) no way is he going to let anyone look in on your most intimate moments. Impact play. He knows very well what his hands are capable of, and there’s a lot of blood on them, so he really wouldn’t be into stuff that involves actually hurting you. 
If his S/O likes it VERY rough, he might resort to genjutsu so that she gets what she wants, but he doesn’t have to actually hurt her. Other than that, bruising, choking, the usual level of roughness? Bring it on. Being adept with his hands also means he knows very well where that fine line between pain and pleasure is. 
Not to mention, he’s very perceptive, so he’ll figure out what you’re into even without you saying it. He’s also very giving so he’ll focus more on your preferences than his own. But if the day ever comes where you realize what submission does to him… The man would be putty in your hands. Kukukukuku...
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving, because he has absolute control over your pleasure, and because he enjoys how easily he can drive you out of your mind. We’ve established that he’s a terrible tease, so driving you to the brink and leaving you hanging, feeling every single one of your reactions… It’s good stuff. 
Receiving takes the cake though. Being that vulnerable with someone, even having someone he can trust that much. It’s definitely something he’s very partial to, something that makes him soft towards you, and something that plays into his forbidden desire of seeing you submit, whether or not he’s aware of it. He’ll make sure to return the favor tenfold.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This is an odd question I think, because… doesn’t it depend? On how much time he has, on how the two of you are feeling, on what the mood is? 
Anyways, I’m going to go ahead and say slow and sensual because he really is a man who likes to take his time with you. He likes to feel every one of your responses, hear every little mewl and whimper and moan that crosses your lips. He definitely makes it an experience. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not his preference, but he isn’t above having a quickie if that’s all that time allows. But he would definitely follow up with a proper session at a later time, then. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Itachi is so nice. He really is. There’s nothing you could want that he wouldn’t be willing to try at least once for your sake. I mean, apart from the stuff listed under “N”. 
And would he take risks? YES, HE WOULD. Because his assessment of the risks varies greatly from yours. So, something that you would think is very risky, might seem not risky at all to him, because he knows exactly how to go unseen, unnoticed. You might think he’s being risky, but he’s well aware there was a 0% chance you were going to get caught. Because Itachi skillz.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Stamina! *insert sparkles* AM!Ita has been established in the works, so I think that needs no comment. Canon!Itachi is a freaking fighter. An S-class exiled nin. Someone who claims Itachi has no stamina wants to start something with me. DID YOU SEE HIM HAND SASUKE’S ASS TO HIM? Despite his illness? He lost because he CHOSE to lose. I don’t see the Akatsuki hauling out a wheelchair for Itachi to go on his missions, so don’t go telling me nothing about Itachi having no stamina. SHAKE MY HEAD WHILE JUDGING YOU.
Dude is strong as hell. And you can’t tell me some bedroom fun is more physically taxing than literal superhuman battles against huge ass tailed beasts! It’s just ridiculous. I’m not here to rant. Better calm down.
I’m here to tell you our man can go for at least three rounds and you will *GUARANTEED* always tire out before he does. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes. The sharingan. THE ONLY TOY YOU WILL EVER NEED. As mentioned above, he’s not above using his skills to heighten your pleasure, and mess with your mind. But actual, physical toys? Nah, the thought processes that would lead to considering, comparing, and actually purchasing those are just so foreign to his thinking. It would never even cross his mind. What can a toy even do that he can’t do better? (To his thinking anyway. Well, he’s not wrong.)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He will make you beg. Absolutely. He’s totally unfair. He will have casual conversations with you while driving you out of your wits. And then he’ll ask you why you’re not answering him. Ask you what’s wrong. Ask you what you want. LIKE HE DOESN’T KNOW. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Itachi is very restrained and disciplined so, unfortunately, this means he isn’t very vocal. I know, cry with me, it’s such a waste. *hires an orchestra of the world’s smallest violins* BUT that means when you do manage to make him groan or moan in pleasure, it’s such a huge ego boost. Apart from the sounds he makes when hitting a climax, he’s generally in control and whispering praise and teasings into your ear or over your skin.
If you want him to talk, get on your knees and give him some head. Not kidding. Mentioned it above already. He gets to let go, a lot of his secret kinks are getting fulfilled, he feels vulnerable and is cool with it. He’ll dig his hands into your hair, cup your cheek, his eyes will roll into the back of his head and he’ll tell you on a low moan what a good girl you are. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
So, let’s say you’re waiting to talk to him and he’s busy meeting with some people or whatever and you’re standing off to the side patiently. He just briefly glances at you before turning back to his comrades and BOOM. Next thing you know, he’s got you by the neck, has you pinned against his desk/table/whatever (this was originally a Hokage!Ita headcanon so do with that what you will), and is doing unspeakable things to you in front of everyone. No sooner does the encounter come to an end, than you suddenly wake up and find yourself still standing right where you were, until it happens again, and this time he takes you against the wall. It’s an illusion wrapped in an illusion wrapped in an illusion more times than you can count and when you finally do come to your senses, you can barely stand. The meeting is over. Itachi turns toward you, “You wanted to speak with me?”
Ah, yes. Good old Itachi mindfuckery.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I mean, muscles, yes? Lots of them. Man’s fit as a fiddle. He’s a ninja. So, yes, the entire delicious length of him is covered in lean, firm muscle. He’s clearly well-endowed because… he just is. Maybe not the longest cucumber in the farmer’s market (which isn’t to say he isn’t long, because he is… don’t claim I called him short) but thick and veiny and above all else, attached to a man with a brain who knows how to use it efficiently. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
This is a tough one, because the constraints are not on his drive, but on his time. He’ll take whatever chances he can to be with you. AM!Ita is established to have a very high sex drive, but he also has restraint, so when you’re not into it, he’s cool with it. As if that would ever happen. So, I would have to say, the actual encounters will unfortunately be far between because of his lifestyle, but he will always make up for lost time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Kind of already mentioned this above, that those moments afterwards with you are his most vulnerable moments where he feels relatively safe and at ease, so he stays awake for a long time after, sorting through his thoughts. Also, he won’t say this to you, but it’s his job to protect you, so there is no way he’ll fall asleep before you do. Not gonna happen.
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thatfanficstuff · 3 years
Impossible - 19
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Pairing: Eric Northman x Reader
Warnings: canon typical
A/N: I'm lazy so a gif instead of a header and no editing. Course I'm lazy cuz I'm writing a bunch of stuff behind the scenes, so...
“How long has it been since you fed?” Eric asked Godric.
“I require very little blood anymore,” he responded, looking rather annoyed. “You sent a human to rescue me?”
Eric wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his side. “I had little choice. These savages mean to destroy you.”
“I know what they had planned.” Again, that little voice spoke up in the back of your brain that they couldn’t have taken Godric and held him without him allowing it.
“You should eat,” you told him and nudged Gabe’s leg with your foot.
He simply looked at you with a bored expression. “He would have raped your mate and the human,” he said without even turning to Eric.
A second later, Eric broke Gabe’s neck then proceeded to glare at the body in fury. Suddenly, an annoying alarm and a flashing blue light caused you to jump as it startled you. “Shit.”
“Get them out of here,” Godric demanded of his progeny.
“I’m not going anywhere until—”
“Now. I can take care of myself. Spill no blood on your way out.”
“Why do you always have to ruin all my fun?” you pouted. You managed to catch his smirk before Eric herded you and Sookie toward the stairs. When you reached the top, you and Eric peered around the doorframe while Sookie hung back. Several men were rushing around mostly armed with stakes. “Where the fuck did they all come from? They’re like cockroaches.”
Eric huffed a laugh. “I could have us out in seconds.”
“Not without killing someone you can’t. You heard Godric.”
He growled low in his throat. “Stay here.”
“What’s he doing?” Sookie asked as she came out to stand with you.
You shrugged. “Hell if I know.”
He slumped forward trying to make himself look more human, less intimidating. You snorted. Like that was even possible. “Um…excuse me, sirs, but uh, Steve sent me over to uh man the exit here so I’ve got it from here.”
What even was that accent? You laughed again knowing Eric would hear though the humans would not.
“By yourself? I mean, you’re big and all but there’s a vampire running around,” one of them said, looking uncertain. “Where’s your stake?”
“Oh, golly. I knew I forgot something. Could I, uh, borrow yours?” Eric asked. You prepared to sprint to his aid at the first sign of trouble.
“I don’t think so, man. Get your own.”
As Eric prepared to glamour the man into handing over his weapon, one of the others moved around him. It was obvious he didn’t trust a word coming from Eric’s mouth. “Stake!” you yelled as you moved from the doorway.
Eric turned too quick for your eye to follow and knocked away the man trying to kill him. He did the same to one of the others, while you shoved the third into the wall with a hand on his chest. His friends ran off when you did so. So brave. Eric snatched the stake from his hand and tossed it aside. He cracked open the front door to see a mass of men headed in your direction.
“Those arrows are wood, you’ll never make it through,” the man you had pinned said.
“The sanctuary,” Sookie said.
Eric glanced to you and you shrugged. You had no idea if you could get out that way or not. You were guessing not but you sure as hell weren’t getting out the front. The three of you moved into the sanctuary, your hand firmly ensnared in Eric’s. “Where’s the exit?” he asked.
“Back there,” Sookie said, hurrying a bit so she could show you the way.
Then Steve Newlin appeared with a smug smile. “There are several exits, but the easiest one takes you straight to hell.” As if he’d coordinated it, the door behind you opened at that exact moment to admit some of his ‘holy’ army.
“Fuck,” you spat.
“You’re in God’s house,” one of the men in the group behind you said.
“Whatever you got to tell yourself, buddy,” came your easy reply. God had nothing to do with what they had planned.
“Let us go,” Sookie cried. “Save yourselves.”
You glanced at her. You had a lot of faith in Eric and yourself, but you were surrounded by about thirty men at the moment. There were limits. And you had no idea if Godric would help at this point. “She’s right, you know. You really should let us go.”
“The war has begun you evil whore of Satan,” Newlin said, stretching his arms out. “And the vampires started it by killing my father.”
This guy was such an asshole. “I’m going to have to stop you right there, reverend. I’m the evil whore of Eric, not Satan. Just thought I should clarify.”
“Really?” Eric muttered beside you.
You shrugged. You might as well go out laughing.
“Well then, you won’t mind dying beside him,” Steve snapped, that creepy smile still in place. You didn’t bother to tell him you didn’t intend to go out any other way.
“The vampire you were holding got away,” Sookie said in an effort to save you. “He’ll send help.”
Steve shook his head. “I don’t care about Godric. Any vampire will do and we have one right here.”
Eric tried to release your hand, but you were stronger than you looked and kept hold of him as he stepped forward. He looked up at your captor.
“We will have a holy bonfire at dawn,” he announced.
Eric turned his attention to you as you gripped his hand harder. He reached down and pried your hand from his. “I will be fine.”
You clenched your teeth as he stepped forward, every instinct you possessed telling you not to let him go. You hated this, but the only way you could escape was to wait for the right moment and this wasn’t it. So, you let him go.
You stood your ground while he laid on the altar and allowed them to lay silver chains across him pinning him down as you kept from crying out at the echoing pain in your own body. You ignored Sookie while she yelled at you and asked why you weren’t doing anything. You swallowed your protests when Eric offered himself in exchange for you, Sookie, and Godric. And you ignored Newlin announcing you would be tied to the stake to burn with Eric because you were a traitor to the human race.
Then your salvation came in the unlikely form of Jason Stackhouse and a paintball gun. Just the distraction you needed. He shot Steve in the head, a green splatter coloring his pale skin. His ‘solidiers’ fell back, confused. They apparently couldn’t function without Newlin telling them precisely what to do. “I’m not human, asshole,” you said as you hurried past him to take the chains off Eric.
Eric grabbed Steve by the throat and slammed him into the floor. Sookie was yelling, telling him not to kill the reverend while Jason was telling him to do it. Your gaze found the male Stackhouse to find him being held by several men. What the hell was he even doing here? You really missed your gun.
Then Steve himself starting in, encouraging Eric to kill him and make him a martyr. You rolled your eyes and kicked him in the temple to knock his ass out. Eric released him and stood. Before either of you could say anything to the crowd around you, you heard the distinct sound of vampires moving. You exchanged a glance with your mate as you reached out and pulled Sookie into your side.
The sanctuary doors flung open to reveal Stan fucking Baker flanked by several vampires who quickly moved into position around the room. “Steve Newlin, you have pushed us too far,” he announced.
He was such a fucking drama king. “He can’t hear you, jackass. I knocked his ass out.”
“Be that as it may, we’re not going to sit around while he plans to kill us. We’ll kill them first. Just like we killed his father,” Stan said, shifting his weight like he was in an old Western prepping for a gunfight. He dressed like it, too. “Kill them all,” he ordered.
The vampires swarmed forward to select their victims. Just before you could take control on behalf of the Authority, a voice rang through the room. “Enough.” Everyone stopped and looked up to see Godric standing on the wall of the balcony above you. You could almost see the irritation and disappointment rolling off Stan.
Steve stirred beside you and pushed himself up on his elbows. Godric looked down at him. “Reverend Newlin, we do not have to be at odds. I will make the first move by promising there will be no violence against you and yours. Will you join me and make the same promise?”
“I will not make deals with sub-humans,” he announced as he got to his knees. He looked up at Eric. “Kill me. Do it. Jesus will protect me.”
“Shut up or I’ll kill you,” you told him. “Then you won’t be a martyr. You’ll just be an asshole that pissed off the wrong person.”
Eric chuckled then you both turned as Godric flashed between you and picked the reverend up by the back of his neck. “Good people, who of you is willing to die for this madman’s ideals?” No one stepped forward. “That’s what I thought.” He released Steve and let him fall to the floor. “There will be no bloodshed here. Go home.”
Once the humans dispersed, Godric stepped forward and glanced at the vampires. “Come.” Stan stepped forward trying to push his agenda and Godric just stared at him. “I said come.”
Jason ran over to hug Sookie while Eric turned you to look you over. “Are you okay?”
You nodded and held up your wrist. “Better than you. Drink.”
He didn’t even bother to protest and accepted your offering to heal him from the silver. The Reverend Newlin was still crumpled on the floor beside you crying for everyone to come back and not leave him. Idiot. You glanced from him to Jason. “Jason, thank you for the rescue, but the Fellowship of the Sun are not good company to keep.”
“Yeah, I know. I see that now. I promise.”
You studied him for a minute before giving him a nod. “Let’s get the hell out of here,” you said as you grabbed your mate’s hand to drag him out the door.
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mimiz12 · 3 years
HCs - In Need of Materials, Mondstadt
Prompt MC is having trouble finding rare materials. It happens that some allies are already in possession of them. How do they respond to your desperation?
includes female characters cuz i stan cute girls
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✧・゚: M A L E ✧・゚:
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►Diluc “Alright, fine. Only take what you need.” 
As a business man, he frequently collects items to use.
He’s quite stubborn about lending help to others.
However, he has good intentions deep down and wouldn’t go behind an allies back. Unlike a certain someone.
He scoffs it off. Never admitting why he changes his mind.
Diluc still can’t imagine why, as a mere traveler, can manage to coerce him into the smallest things...
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►Kaeya “Haha! I didn’t take you as one for begging.” 
Kaeya likes to tease. Seeing you in a tough situation makes it all more exciting.
He’ll edge on a bit more just to see how far you’ll go.
He wont take responsibility when you claim he’s doing it on purpose.
Weakness shows vulnerability. He wants to witness what else your hiding; he’s still curious about you.
Otherwise, It’s just in his nosy nature.
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►Bennett “H-hey! Don’t cry! Okay, I’ll give you everything I have.” 
Bennett is a dedicated individual. Despite his bad luck and clumsiness, he seems the type to never break promises.
He could never let the same bad luck befall other people. Even though it does often when in his company.
He’s also a little weak when it comes to tears…and probably doesn’t realize when someone is faking.
He just can’t stand when others are struggling because he knows how it feels.
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►Venti “You want this? How about you help me with something first.” 
Venti is a mischievous sort.
Both out of public eye and expectations.
He doesn’t like to be held down all day. Else, it’ll take up the time he could be drinking or playing songs.
He messes with you a little, since you’ve taken up his precious time.
He’ll probably send you on an errand if you’re getting anything from him.
Other times, its as simple as buying him some apple cider. Just not this time.
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►Razor “No, you take it. Because you are good friend.” 
Razor doesn’t have much use for the stuff he finds. He’s mostly a scavenger to shiny objects.
Instead, he gives them as gifts to his human friends or kin.
He likes giving gifts, even if its not a typical gift that usable.
Razor still doesn't understand a lot when it comes to socializing with humans.
Although he’s fine giving you the gift early, He’ll still want to keep some for the others.
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► Albedo “Sorry, I need these for an experiment. Unless you want to give me a hand… I could salvage something for you.” 
Truth be told, Albedo can get wrapped up in his experiments a lot.
 As someone who finds relationships difficult, its been different since the two of you became friends.
It’s frustrating why he has to question the right or wrongs he does when around you now.
The guilt eats at him so he tries to compromise.
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✧・゚: F E M A L E ✧・゚:
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► Jean “Sure, take as many as you want. I’m a little busy to use them anyhow.” 
You may need to catch her specifically if you want something.
Once you do, she is forever happy to help and always indebted to your services to Mondstadt.
It becomes satisfaction when assisting you rather than on duty as the Grand Master.
One day, she wishes to get to know you on a personal level.
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► Amber “Hmm, okay! On one condition…you have to tell me what it’s for, Hehe.” 
Amber isn’t suspicious of you, she’s just curious. 
She wont say so directly so you think that’s what it is instead.
She also doesn’t appreciate distracting herself from her job
And tries to reason with something more realistic. Though really, she’s mostly interested in what you’re doing.
Only because she looks up to you so much and can’t help but be curious at what you’re doing all the time.
Maybe its a secret to your exceptional abilities.
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► Lisa “Oh, aren’t you a cute darling! Maybe if we went on a date, I could give you something in return for being such a sweetie~” 
Lisa may be a mature woman, but that doesn’t stop her from getting weak whenever she sees you in need.
She loves it when you want her help.
And uses it as an excuse to slack off and enjoy your company.
The fact you even asked Lisa despite knowing how attached she is to you, is quite brave in itself.
Because there’s no stopping her when she wants you.
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► Mona “What? But I need these! …D-don’t look at me like that. Fine, I’ll share this time.” 
Mona always struggles acquiring things too.
And keeps it to herself so no one bothers her about it.
With you is a bit more complicated. She just doesn’t want an awkward relationship if she refuses to help.
You did do her a good service in the past, after all.
So it’s not like she’s doing it out of sheer goodwill. It’s only to pay pack little by little.
She will thoroughly dismiss your happiness about it as its not a big deal.
However, she is secretly pleased to ease your worries.
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► Noelle “Oh my goodness, why didn’t you say so? Please take whatever you need!” 
Noelle thinks of you as a good friend and admires your abilities.
She even gets a little bashful spending time with you.
Always impressed by the deed you’ve done, she hopes one day she can do the same.
No matter what you ask she’ll never refuse.
You are very dear to her.
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Heyyyy! SO as a local comteologist- okay sorry lmao 😂 I was wondering! Could you maybe write about an mc that is very affectionate? Because I am like that and I would give my ALL and just everything for someone I love. So, maybe the guys are pretending to be asleep and they hear mc admitting her undying love for them? I don't want to burden you! So, I think Will, Jean, Leo and Napoleon would be fine :D
I love you! And please take care of your self cuz corona is a hondje- sorry lmao
Have all of my uwus my lovely, I relate HIGHKEY I’m ungodly affectionate irl~
You take care of yourself too! Tyty 💖💖💖 nothing to apologize for I love a good clowning, esp if Theo gets clowned in the process 😂😂
And never apologize for using my esteemed title I will die on this Comte-thirsting hill (☆`• ω •´)b
I hope these attempts bring you joy! 
William Shookspeare:
Our v creative playwright boy was just vibin’. He had a long day at the (obnoxious thespian voice) theater and while he loves the art with all of his being, the man is t i r e d. MC was late to bed and while he prefers to wait for her to join him no he is not horny perish the thought he just started dozing off from the exhaustion. He’s not sure when the lights go out, but he feels an immeasurable warmth around him. Faintly, he can make out a voice murmured at his ear, a gentle hand running through his hair. (I s2g if this bih says “Puck?” I’m gonna smack him for MC)
“Had a long day, hm?” He’s only just coming to, and can’t muster the energy to reply or open his eyes. “I’m sure this next performance will be the best one yet! You surprise me every day, Will...”
“Try not to work yourself too hard, sweetheart. Your work may one day be the world’s greatest marvel.”
He wasn’t sure what it was about the words that made his lips tremble. Was it the praise that always seemed to flow forth at a moment’s notice, the real kind he was so unaccustomed to? Or was it that unshakeable calm; her faith in him unmoved by any fear or doubt--the kind that made him wonder briefly if she was dull all those years ago. Now he was just thankful it was still here, no matter how undeserving he may be.
“But you will always be my entire world, my greatest marvel. I love you too much to let the world have you.”
It was early one morning, frost blossoming in fractals along the transparent surface of the bedside window. An inevitable, biting chill lingers in the room while the sun is fighting to climb past the horizon, its time so limited in these winter months. She watches as the light casts a gentle gray over the bare walls--something she promised to remedy soon--so reminiscent of how he appeared to her at first. Pure and bright, but still fighting off a darkness she knew so little about.
The thought made her draw him to her protectively, careful not to wake him up as she tucked him close to her heart. He was so warm, even despite the frigid weather. A product of his time as a soldier? She was never sure, but she was always touched by how often he used that warmth in service to her. 
She remembered earlier the other day, when she returned home from some grocery shopping with Sebas. Concern was overflowing from his stoic face--it was there if you knew where to look for it; his eyes a little more narrow, the line of his mouth closer to a frown. All at once his hands were reaching for hers, relieving her of whatever she allowed him to carry while walking into the kitchen alongside her. When Sebas stepped out again he took her hands in his, pressing them along his face. She had cried out, knowing her hands were freezing--it had to be painful to warm them in such a way. But he only smiled that beautiful smile to quell her distress, the one that always took her breath away, and insisted he could do no less.
“The same goes for me too, though, Jeanne.” she looked at the fierce mark on his face, so unworthy of someone so gentle. She resisted every urge to soothe her fingers across it, loathe to wake him up. She didn’t notice the fingers that twitched at her hip, his signs of stirring subtle. “Whenever you need me, whenever you can’t think of a good reason to walk out of this room. All you need to do is find me, okay? I love you so, so much.”
Leonardo Da Binchi (no i will not apologize. he deserves to be clowned, glorious moron):
Once again her lover was gloriously strewn across the library floor, arms crossed and fast asleep. An exasperated smile found her face at the sight. Perhaps it would have been a surprise at first, but nowadays she would just roll her eyes and walk past. Sometimes, if she was feeling forlorn or a little reckless, she would climb into his lap just as he was. He seemed to enjoy being woken up that way though, so of course she couldn’t give him the satisfaction every time; a woman likes to change things up. And sometimes she was too busy to spare the time.
Even so, the slowly dimming shadows under his eyes were a relief to see. While the celebration of his birthday could only be a blessing, she knew what a double-edged blade it could be. It invoked so many wounds that hadn’t yet healed. While she wished he would share that burden with her--however heavy it may be--she slapped her own cheeks lightly at the impatient thought. Give him time...
“I know you think you have to carry everything alone. And in some ways, it’s something I admire so much about you--the way you always seem to know just how to move forward. Like nothing can shake you.”
She leaned down close to him, bracing herself against the bookshelf as she pressed a kiss gently against his temple. “But know that whenever you find yourself wavering, or even if you just need a place to rest, I’m right here. I’ll always be right here. I love you so much more than you think, Leonardo...”
She stopped herself before she could finish the thought, knowing it wasn’t what he wanted to hear: “more than my own life.”
Napoleon Bonaparte (oh my little lion man...):
They were spending a nice afternoon in the courtyard, as a lovey-dovey couple do, and they went under the veranda to find some relief from the midday sun. Surprising literally no one, our sweet emperor started to doze after some yummy tea time snackies--drifting asleep against MC’s shoulder. She adjusted a bit to change the angle of the lean, making sure he wasn’t putting too much pressure on his neck. Little puffs of air made her bangs flutter as he breathed low and even, and she smiled.
He’d had a guard jobs back to back recently, which meant precious little time to spend with him. Restless and quieter than usual, she had suggested a little stroll together around the courtyard; admiring the flowers and telling him about the books she’d been reading to fill the silence of those lonely nights. It wasn’t long before he started to smile more, snickering when she gave ludicrous summaries of the characters and plot. 
Early that morning she had taken the time to make perfect tea time sweets, fully anticipating--and hoping--it would encourage him to rest. So often he would be worried about her missing out on things or trying to plan more elaborate dates, but if she were honest she didn’t care much for extravagance or constant excitement. These tender moments where he could trust her (and the mansion’s perimeter) enough to fall fast asleep, no nightmares in sight, was enough to fill her heart with so much joy.
“I know you can’t help but want to do everything you can for the people around you; protecting and serving others is your life. I never want to be a reason you feel you need to stop doing that.” She murmured in the silence, playing with the buttons on his coat with a faint smile. “But even so, remember you always have a home to return to. More than that, no matter how powerful or skilled; you’re also one man. A man I love more than anything else in this world, a man I always want by my side--if he’ll have me, that is.”
She took the hand that was entwined with her own, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of his palm as his lashes trembled. “I love you, Leon. Whether I see you every moment of every day, or only in stolen moments between assignments. That will never change. There will be times where you belong to the whole world, but this” she placed a hand gently over his heart “will always belong to me. Let it lead you home to me, sweetheart.”
And because I can’t help myself, I added Comte, Mozart and Vincent:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (he’s the melody I can’t get out of my head DON’T LOOK AT ME):
Despite all of his promises to quit his bad habits, she opened the door later that evening to find him fast asleep against the covered keys of the piano. His shock of white hair was nestled comfortably against his arms, piled together as a makeshift pillow. The sight made her think of those long, long nights in college; thinking you’d close your eyes for a minute--only to be adrift in seconds. 
Smiling wryly, she reached into a nearby closet to retrieve a blanket before draping it gently across his shoulders. Torn between waking him up and guiding him to bed or leaving him be, she decided on the latter. She got the feeling that waking him up would only mean “a few more minor edits” to the composition he was working on, leaving sleep an afterthought. While she knew he often couldn’t help himself, she didn’t want him neglecting his health all the same. 
She’d be back with some hot chocolate in a few hours, just how he liked it.
As she was about to slip back out of the room, the hand at his elbow clumsily grasped for hers resting on the covered keys. Heat bloomed across her face, ears burning as he clung to her warmth. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” She sat down on the piano bench carefully, trying not to jostle him awake. “Your music will never stop being the most beautiful and soulful sound I’ve ever heard. But even a mind as impressive as yours needs plenty of rest--even more so, I’d wager. You work yourself too hard sometimes, Wolfie.” She leaned until her shoulder brushed his, “But I’ll always be here to make sure you don’t overdo it too much. Sweet dreams my only love.”
Vincent van Gogh (he’s babie your honor):
MC was on her laundry rounds, Vincent’s aprons now thoroughly washed and folded for his use once again. She knocked on the door murmuring a greeting--though fully anticipated he might not respond. While he was usually so sweet and attentive, it was almost like he became an entirely different person when painting. Utterly serious, intensely focused; any attempts at speaking to him would require many tries before he came back to himself with a beaming smile. 
She sighed dreamily, easily picturing it. His eyes would always be stunning, a cerulean to rival the calm waters of the Mediterranean Sea. But in the midst of his greatest passion? They burned bright enough to make her forget the rest of the world existed.
Trying not to embarrass herself on unsteady feet, she opened the door cautiously to find his easel abandoned. Shocked, she scanned the rest of the room until she found him strewn across the couch; a blanket haphazard in its provision of cover. With a gentle smile she stored away the fresh aprons in the dresser before she approached him, kneeling close to the couch so that she could tuck him in properly.
He let out a pleased little huff before shifting slightly in his sleep, body angled in her direction. There was a faint smile on his lips, evidence of what was likely a pleasant dream or peaceful rest. She traced the outline of his ear cuff with insatiable fingers, eyes glistening a little when he nuzzled into the faint touch--trapping her between his cheek and his arm. 
“You’re more precious to me than anything else in this world, Vince,” the murmur was barely audible, he didn’t stir. “I can’t imagine my life without you, and if I’m honest--no part of me really wants to imagine it. This warmth is the greatest gift I’ve ever known; thank you for choosing to share it with me. I love you so much, sweetheart.”
Le Comte de Saint Germain (SAN GERUMAN HAKKSHAKKU):
Every day is a long ass day when you have 10+ children (yes, Leonardo, you are in that child count I hope you’re happy >:| ). For all his half-hearted complaints about the exhaustion and noisiness though, he loves his bubs, and wouldn’t have things any other way.
Even so, it doesn’t stop the delighted giggling that shakes her shoulders when she finds him fast asleep in his favorite armchair. His tie is undone and askew, head lolling to the side--any attempt at his usual poise long forgotten. While she most often found him to be charming and delightful, she loved it even more when he felt comfortable sharing these parts of himself too. 
She set aside the tea she would always have prepared at this hour and reached for the coat he had draped across the opposite chair, settling it carefully over his form. Resisting every urge to join him--Sebas would need her help preparing dinner--she carded a hand through his hair, tucking it behind his ear so it wouldn’t tickle him while he was asleep.
He was so lovely like this, face unmarred by the weight of several lifetimes that found him when he was awake. No matter how early she rose when they were together, she rarely ever got the privilege of seeing him a little drowsy, lost to rest as he was now. She brushed light kisses to his eyelids, smiling when he half-sighed her name.
“Tuckered yourself out did you? You big worrywart.” She resisted the urge to find his hand and entwine it with hers. “I promise to watch over them, so rest easy, my dearest love.” She played with the collar, tucking him in further. “I know everyone here is precious to you. But remember that you’re the most important person in my life too,” she leaned her forehead gently against his. “While I love to see everyone get along, I love to see you happy and well-rested even more. You’ll always be the only one for me, [insert Comte’s real name].” 
Bonus continuation because I still can’t help myself apparently, somebody please take my laptop away from me:
Arms like steel bands enclosed her in his embrace, a sleepy exhale washing over her ear as she shivered a little at the sudden warmth.
“Mm, ma cherie, surely you didn’t think you’d get away with that kind of teasing...”
“But I wasn’t teasing you! I was completely serious.”
Laughter shook his chest and hers too, making her melt at the undisguised affection in the hands that settled her close to his heart.
“Then you must be punished for such foul play. To think you would ruthlessly attack me while asleep, bien-aime.”
“And how might I atone for this egregious indiscretion?”
She could feel him smile against her shoulder, the rascal. “Stay here a little while longer with me.” As if he had any intention of letting her go. Not that she minded, honestly.
“Threaten me with a good time.” she mumbled, stroking a hand soothingly along his back as they closed their eyes for a while.
A few more minutes couldn’t do any harm, could it?
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magicman111 · 3 years
A Moth to a Flame - Chapter Two
One month later
Sasha joylessly toyed with the Music Box, opening its lid like a yawning mouth.
Who’d have thunk it? She wondered to herself. This tacky little thing could cause so much calamity?
How ludicrously out of place she looked curled up on King Andrias’ enormous throne, almost like the little girl playing pretend in the driver’s seat of her parents’ car. You’d be forgiven for not knowing she’d just led the swiftest, easiest toppling of a government in this world’s history.
Big blue dummy locked up? Check. The city’s army surrendered? Check. Their toad army less than an hour away? Check. Dimension-skipping Macguffin firmly in their position? Double Check.
Not a bad day’s work for a 13-year-old.
Marcy’s oversized sparrow was tethered to the armrest by his leg. A prize she’d taken for herself so she could cruise around her new kingdom in style. She saw to it he wasn’t under any duress, and the fact he was neck deep in an industrial sized bag of bird feed told her he was plenty comfortable.
Sasha managed a tiny smile as she reached out to run her fingers through the thickness of his coat. She dunked her hand in the bag and offered him an open palm of seeds; he eyed for a moment or two before gingerly pecking at the mound.
Thank Frog no one was around to hear the ‘d’aww’ escape her lips.
Her grandmother was the one she had to thank for her secret admiration of birds. Old lady had been a birdwatcher who ‘treated’ her to regular weekend trips into the forest when she was younger. This was long before her discovery of malls and arcades. Sasha wouldn’t dare admit it to even herself back then, but the ones they spotted together on those dewy spring mornings were beautiful to behold in their natural habitat.
Herons may now be forever ruined for her, but Joe—she thought that was his name—was a mighty impressive specimen. Poor guy somehow found the strength to carry all seven of them to Newtopia, only to nosedive into the moat at the end of the flight.
Definitely had nothing to do with her asking Marcy if she could take the reins in the last stretch. She and Anne were kind enough not to draw attention to it, same as they did the day at summer camp when they discovered her crying into her pillow. They were awesome enough to go along with her story that it was only allergies. She knew she had a true pair of girlfriends that morning.
Thinking about them only soured her mood afresh. She sprinkled the rest of the feed back into the bag and slumped against the backrest, arms petulantly crossed.
Here she was in the crowning moment of her young life and she couldn’t have been more miserable.
Maybe because her friends should have been here to share in this, but no, they had to go and act all noble. What else should she have expected? She always was the only one in the group with the guts. Anne had to be dragged kicking and screaming to ditch school and join her and Marcy in celebrating her birthday. Was it any wonder she had to keep taking control of the situation?
More likely... it was because deep down she knew she didn’t really want this. She certainly believed she did after they dropped that gloryhound newt general down a waterfall and when they successfully rallied the Toad Lords after retrieving Barrel’s Warhammer. Things only started getting complicated when they needed free tickets into Newtopia in the form of her friends.
She hadn’t counted on realising just how much she missed her clumsy, klutzy Marcy. Neither how effectively she and Anne were still able to work together as a team in spite of all the unpleasantness that had transpired between them during their time here, of which there was plenty. The fact that Anne actively encouraged her in taking down that molten toad monster was the rancid cherry atop the sludge sundae. For a while back there, it looked like they might really turn a corner and start afresh. All three of them could have gone home like none of this ever happened. Except by then it was already too late.
What recourse did she have when the Plantars invited them for the world’s most awkward dinner party or when they brought the house down at the Battle of the Bands? Tell Grime and all the toads who’d invested their manpower and futures in her that sorry, she was getting cold feet? There was only one grizzly way that would end both for her and Grime and the best scenario she could imagine involved heads on pikes.
... It didn’t matter anymore. Her friends had picked their path, she’d picked hers. As her mom always said, ‘You make your bed, you lie in it’. Funny how in her short life, she’d heard that line far too many times already.
Once she figured out how the Box worked, she’d send both Anne and Marcy on their merry way and they’d never have to see each other ever again.
Everyone would get what they want.
Good thing then she’d sent her soldiers to ransack Marcy’s room for all her research about Anne’s fateful birthday gift. Girl was a pack rat. She kept notes for every exam and project they were assigned back home. The less said about her laptop jammed with files of anime fanfiction and theories the better.
Plus, it was a good way to try and distract herself.
They came back into the throne room hauling burlap sacks full of parchments and emptied their contents at Sasha’s feet.
Daaang, girl, you've been in the zone.
She scattered them over her lap and the ample free space on the seat. They actually weren’t that hard to follow; colour coordinated with plenty of cutesy kawaii diagrams. Trademark Marbles.
Apparently, it worked a lot like those puzzle boxes Marcy got as gifts from relatives in Hong Kong. All it took was knowing the right sequence of buttons and zip! You can go wherever you want in the cosmos. Just a matter of finding the code for Earth.
‘I’m done listening to you!
I’m done trusting you!’
Sasha scowled, trying to push the thoughts to the back of her mind where they belonged. She shuffled through a couple more pages until she found the one titled in glittery green and blue lettering, ‘HOME’.
‘You’re a horrible person!’
Ignore. Ignore.
Now all she had to do was jot it down on her palm and—
She stopped. Her shoulders drooped. Then she just threw the page down on the floor and sunk into her seat further than she thought physically possible.
She normally didn’t consider herself that thin skinned a person, but man, that one hurt.
Traces of bitter tears creeped into her eyes.
What am I even doing anymore?
The sound of footsteps on crumpling paper and someone clearing their throat snapped her out of her self-pitying torpor. She fluttered her eyes dry to see Grime standing there awkwardly among the discarded parchments.
The diminutive, one-eyed former Toad Lord was hiding something behind his back. He actually looked pretty embarrassed about it too, which for a battle hardened war vet like Grime was actually kinda adorable in Sasha’s eyes.
“I, uhh, got you something,” he said, whipping out a long rectangular present wrapped in green paper and topped with a luscious red bow. “Had it made especially for this day.”
Now if there was one thing Sasha Waybright couldn’t say no to, it was a gift, especially from a trusted friend. They were the ultimate distraction from the blues and she couldn’t have been sitting upright and tearing into this one any quicker.
“Whaaat? Grimesy, you didn’t!” What she had pulled from the ravaged packaging wielded aloft her head made her gasp. “How’d you know I wanted to duel wield?!”
It was a brand new heron sword. An exquisite green second shortsword that would compliment Ol’ Pink perfectly.
She stared proudly into the smooth steel surface, admiring the craftsmanship. When she noticed the girl staring right back at her, however, her smirk vanished in an instant. The captain of the cheerleaders, the scarred swordswoman, the conqueror of Newtopia, whatever angle she looked at it, she didn’t like what she saw. Unbelievable as it may sound, even the joy of an awesome gift like this was not enough to make everything better.
“What’s the matter? You don’t like it? Oh dang it!” Grime slammed his forehead. “I didn’t get a gift receipt!”
“No no, it’s just...” Sasha weighed the blade against her ungloved palm. Talking about these kinds of things was never easy for her. “What if Anne’s right? What if I am a horrible person?”
Grime popped up like a whack-a-mole behind the armrest. “Who cares what she thinks?” he scoffed. “You and I are in charge now, and we get to do whatever we want!”
“That’s the thing... I’m not sure what I want anymore,” she admitted wearily.
For all his years of training at the finest academies, his brutal combat in the colosseum and tactical expertise earned through a lifetime of military service as his forebears before him, this one had Grime stumped. Needless to say, talking about one’s emotions wasn't exactly encouraged during their upbringing in toad culture, so naturally it wasn’t one of his strong suits. Just one of the many things he and Sasha had in common.
Still, he was a pretty fast thinker and came up with a fairly good idea on the spot.
“Why don’t you help me redecorate this place?” he suggested, resting his hand on her shoulder. “Take your mind off it. Cuz this right here...” He gestured to the cluttered mess in which she’d surrounded herself. “This is definitely not—I’m sorry, can I help you?!”
Both of them turned their heads when it became impossible to ignore Joe’s cone-shaped beak lightly nipping at Grime’s cheek.
“He probably thinks your warts are seeds.”
“For the love of—I knew he was eyeing me up on the ride here! There! Get lost!” Grime scooped up a fistful of feed and flung it over the marble floor, but the winged beast persisted with pecking his face. “Stop it! MY HEAD IS NOT A FEEDER!!”
It took an exceptional effort of willpower for Sasha not to laugh at the sight of her old man being preyed upon by the family pet.
Wow, she thought. Her old man? Was that how she saw Grimesy now? Seriously?
Perhaps up to a point. Okay, considering the options she had for parental figures back home, it wasn’t exactly the highest bar to pass, but it still meant something. Anything.
Who would have guessed this would be how they’d end up, especially given how they started off with her as his prisoner? Sure, it may have taken her helping him and the whole tower not getting turned into heron feed for her to be upgraded to his lieutenant, but they really had come a long way since then. There was a lot more honor and heart to the cranky old toad than she first thought, back when she wrote him off just as another blowhard with power. Now he genuinely considered her his equal both as a friend and comrade in arms. For Sasha, the feeling was mutual. A first for her.
When all was said and done, who else did she have left besides him and vice versa?
What the heck? Let’s tear this place up.
Untethering Joe, she whistled a tweet-tweet and gave the rope a gentle tug to encourage him to follow on their ‘indoor walkies’.
A cursory surveillance of the throne room told her there was a lot of work to be done. If this toad regime was to last a thousand years, the correct decor was an important first step. Thankfully for them, she knew a thing or two about fashion. For starters, there were way too many soft blues and purples. Rust red from top to bottom! She preferred keeping the stained glass windows, but they’d need entirely new designs. Hers truly would naturally feature in most of them, one showcasing her and Grime caving that narwhal worm’s head in with the Warhammer being an absolute must. The snakes coiling the stone pillars weren’t a bad touch, if just a bit too elegant for the whole ‘proud warrior race’ vibe they were going for, but she could still work with them. Now as for the throne, they were gonna have to replace it with something much more imposing. There was that super violent dragon show she and her parents used to watch that had the huge throne made out of swords. She was sure she had a picture somewhere on her phone to use as a reference.
“I’m sorry, what the heck is this?!”
Sasha could only denounce what they were gawking at as the single biggest affrontement to tasteful decorating known to man or amphibian. Yes, worse than inflatable furniture, carpeted bathrooms, beaded curtains, glass block bathroom windows, ‘live, laugh, love’ quotes on walls, rustic hearts, mason jars and nautical accessories all combined under the same inland roof.
Tapestries had their rightful place in a palace’s interior design, but the one sweeping across a section of wall depicting a gentle hearted Andrias sitting down by a lake, surrounded by flowers and lilypads was nothing short of vomit-inducing. Gathered at his feet and scooped up in his protective arms were his wide-eyed, childlike subjects. Even the fish and a lobster were surfacing to bask in their king’s magnanimity. Here the oversized salamander was truly the loving patriarch of everything the light touched. The mawkish display could only be topped off with a rainbow streaking across the sky.
Grime felt his stomach roile. If he ever needed an example to demonstrate the difference between kitschy and downright tacky, this was it.
“Y-y-y-yikes!” he gagged. “This thing’s gotta go!”
Sasha didn’t need a second invite. Besides, what else was Joe going to use to line his nest?
A joint effort tore the offensive piece from its place and it tumbled to the floor in a heap.
Dead silence fell over the room.
Hidden beneath the tapestry was... a mural. Including such a decoration in a throne room was hardly surprising, yet it was what it contained that shocked both the human and toad, so much so that they had to take a moment to recover.
“Woah,” they gasped at once, before starting to analyse what they saw.
The mural was a chaotic collection of nightmarish images painted on a night blue wall. Wild red flames spewing out hordes of beasts and the wreckage of buildings. Mountains of skulls and bones belonging to frogs, toads and newts alike. A flying... spaceship? A castle? Whatever it was meant to be, it firied a white beam up at what was unmistakably the Music Box. Pink, green and blue lightning bolts crackled out of the Box. Mesmerising orange gemstones or, more terrifyingly, eyes leaped off the wall and burned themselves into their minds. The frightening focal point of this one-way ticket to the school therapist’s office? Rising out of the middle of the inferno was the silhouette of a red-eyed, goliath-sized beast, its claws reaching up covetously towards the Box that hung right above its crowned head.
It may as well have been lifted straight from the tattered dream journal of a madfrog.
Any ideas of redecorating the throne room were long gone. Even the revolution they were spearheading suddenly seemed millions of miles away in the face of what they’d just stumbled upon.
Peering her eyes slightly, Sasha was the first to put a face to the shadowy leviathan, and when she did, she had to swallow her heart back down into her chest.
“Is that the king?” she asked, mystified. “With the music box?”
Sweat ran down the side of Grime’s nonplussed face. “If it is… it’s a really good thing we stopped him.”
Neither of them said it aloud, but both understood the situation at once. All this time they thought they’d been playing flipwart while the king played bog jump. Oh, how wrong they’d been. It was beyond anything that even the Toad Lords discussed. They knew that they had to reconvene with them as soon as the armies had reached the gate.
She took a couple steps closer to reexamine the mural more thoroughly, missed details emerging now that the initial shock began to wear off. Circuit board markings—the same inside her dad’s outdated computer when she foolishly dared Marcy if she could take it apart—worked their way around the images, serving as some type of frame. Odd choice for a world that didn’t even have steam engines yet. She also picked up the three small geometric figures standing atop the Box’s lid. An artist she was not, but they looked pretty human-like in design.
But humans did not exist in Amphibia. The three of them were the first of their kind to ever set foot in this dimension.
Weren’t they?
Alarm bells were ringing louder than ever before. This Andrias guy had been playing Anne and Marcy for his own ends this whole time, all to get his mitts on the Music Box! What did he plan to do with it? Right now, she still couldn’t say, but it was all bad. Outside of a kickin’ rock band, fire and skulls together were never a good thing!
Even Joe’s feathers were puffing up anxiously against her back. Not turning away from the mural, she raised her hand and patted his risen crest.
“I know, big guy. I don’t like it either.”
Grime’s voice rang urgently in her ears, “Lieutenant! Get over here, quick!!”
Sasha had spun on her heels and sprinted down the room to find Grime standing the wreckage of what used to be a display of armour. He’d evidently acted on a hunch while she’d been preoccupied. Judging by his thunderstruck expression, he’d just discovered something far worse.
“What is iooooh boy!”
This new second mural reminded Sasha a lot of Egyptian hieroglyphs. If there was any room for doubt about the technicolor stick guys, there was none here. Standing tall against an indigo backdrop in a neat row were the outlines of human beings; long gangly appendages, stumpy noses and everything. Some were wearing hooded capes, others were decked out in suits of armour. The couple in the middle looked particularly regal. No prizes for guessing the little wooden box they were holding in their hands, cementing their authority as if it were the globus cruciger.
Faded inscriptions were engraved along the bottom. They were written in a more archaic amphibian dialect, but being a toad of higher education, Grime was able to give translating them a decent shot.
These great beings of magic and might
Travelled from beyond to serve the night
Bow before these children of man
Or know the wrath of the—
“... Wu Clan?” He cocked his one good eye up at her. “Iiiii’m not getting it.”
There it was. Floodlights flashed in Sasha’s head. All colour drained from her face. A million and one thoughts were now firing across her brain at once, threatening to send her into cerebral shutdown.
It was at that moment she knew she’d been played. They all had. She didn’t know whether to be absolutely furious, betrayed or impressed.
Why that conniving, devious little—
That's when they heard the BOOM outside the window.
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apexqueenie · 3 years
The Blood King (Bakugou x Reader, Medieval AU) Ch 3
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Synopsis: In fairytales, princesses like you got to marry handsome princes like your best friend Shoto, but you’re not living a fairytale. You find the harsh realities a punch to the face as you and Sho run away outside palace grounds and into the real world. But the harsh brings out the beautiful, and in your case, it took the form of the scarlet covered barbarian king, whose territory you disturbed.
A/N: AAAAAAAHHHHH, I'm so sorry this took so long! It may have a few mistakes cuz I added on to this after I finished homework sooooooooooo I'm usually half asleep by then. This one is sorta long, so yah, enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, blood, violence
“SHO!!!” You scream, snapping your torso up from the bed you lay on.
Wait...A bed..?
Your brain just tripped over itself as the memories came flooding back to you. The forest, the attackers, the beast, and then...that man.
You clutched your forehead in pain. Where the hell were you?
You place a hand on the furry and weighted blanket that covers you. It was nice. Quite a bit warmer than the blankets you had at home-
You shook your head. If this is how distracted you get now, you must’ve hit it at some point. You look around the room you were in. It was nice and dimly lit due to closed curtains, but plain. All that filled the space were you, the bed, and a small wooden dresser to your left with a tall cup of water on top.
Water. Sweet, sweet water. You chugged it down, throat parched from the previous events. The cool refreshing liquid woke up some of your senses. Slowly, your grogginess was replaced with the soreness of your muscles. You started to regret sitting up so suddenly. The side you were kicked on started to throb more and more.
You look down at the side in pain, seeing that your blazer and dress were replaced with a simple white wrap skirt secured with a knot around your chest. You felt almost naked, cold too. Never have your arms, chest, and legs been as exposed as they are now. Even your long nightdress had sleeves.
But that wasn’t important. You were in this strange place, Sho is nowhere to be found, and your things are gone. You needed to know more. Now, you may have been overreacting a bit, but what’s the harm in coming prepared? You break the glass you drank from earlier, grabbing the biggest piece and tearing some of the fabric you were wearing to wrap around the shard for a handle. You didn’t know what to expect, but at least you had something to defend yourself with.
You held it in the front as you slowly pushed the creaky door open. You thought you were ready for anything, but you weren’t expecting to be atop a balcony overseeing a complex combination of treehouses, bridges, and grounded buildings all surrounded by stone walls, complete with archers in loose armor patrolling the top. It wasn’t like any of the armor your guards wore though. It consisted of metal, like the knights in your father’s army, but they also wore feathers, leather straps, and colorful face paint. If you had to guess, you were nowhere near your own kingdom. They kept watch of the forest while the rest of the citizens of this odd town bustle happily below. Adults traded and conversed with one another while the children played with balls or kites below. All of them wear similar outfits to yours, comfortable and with a closer connection to nature. Some women wore clay beads around their heads like crowns paired with bright, multi-layered dresses made of choppy fabric. Most men wore loose shirts, some went bare chested, all wore slightly baggy pants, usually with multiple belts. A stark contrast to the puffy floor length dresses and tight pants of your people.
So where exactly were you?
“Do you like the view?” a voice said behind you.
It made you jump, and instinctively, you turn to hold out the makeshift knife you temporarily forgot about. The man you pointed the sharp edge at yelped and held both hands up as he rounded the corner.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have sneaked up on ya.” he smiles sheepishly.
He was a red-headed man with spiky hair, a short vest, bandana, and baggy pants. Similar to the people below. From what you could see, no weapons. Still, you keep the blade pointed at his exposed torso. You’ve never killed anyone before, and the thought scares you, the overwhelming fear of being here in strange clothes scared you even more.
You take a step back, trying to distance yourself from the newcomer. “Who are you?”.
“Eijiro Kirishima, right hand man of King Bakugou. I’m glad to see you awake and well.” he says, not moving from his spot. “We’ve met before, your highness.”
“Huh?” You say, dumbfounded. You’ve never seen this man in your life. You would’ve known if you did, his face is...very memorable.
He pointed to the decently sized scar on his face. It traveled from his right corner of his lip and up to the bridge of his nose. It wasn’t bright red, but it still looked like it had only recently healed. A cut like that would’ve taken at least a week for it to stop being inflamed; you wondered how he’d gotten it or why he was pointing to it.
You shook your head, not understanding.
Kirishima chuckles nervously, “Well uh, it might be hard to explain, but uh first things first, I came here to check on you. How’s that rib feeling?”
“My rib? It...hurts a lot” you admit, lowering the glass shard. ‘Hurt’ was an understatement though, it felt like it was on fire. Your side throbbing painfully with each breath you took. Adrenaline could only mask it for so long.
He nods and slowly approaches you again, hands out where you could see them. “Let’s get you back in bed” he says, gently scooping the glass out of your hand and placing it in his back pocket.
Hesitantly, you complied, weary of the shard being in his possession. At least, he seemed like he didn’t want to kill you. You leaned back into bed, muscles screaming from the short encounter. It’s only now you truly realize the extent of your injuries. You hissed as Kirishima readjusted your pillow as best he could, shaking the bed a bit.
“Now that you’re awake, I’ll let Deku take a look at you. He’s our medicine man, or doctor if you like.” And with that, he walks out, closing the door behind him.
But you couldn’t stay still. Even though your ribs hurt, you couldn’t sit back and wait. If you’re being nursed here, Shoto must be nearby. And besides, they don’t want to hurt you, right? After all, as you hauled yourself up and headed to the door once more, you found it still unlocked. You weren’t their prisoner.
You took a peek around the corner that you saw Kirishima come around last time. It led to a free hanging wooden bridge to another tree. The other side of your cabin led to some steps that took a wide curve around a wooden pillar of some sort, but taking a look upwards only showed you that it wasn’t a pillar at all: It was an absolute unit of a tree. Incredibly thick, and at least 500 feet tall, the tree had stairs carved from all over its sides and bridges split off to smaller trees holding up houses. An even more intricate pattern of pathways sat above your head than what you saw the first time when you looked on the balcony.
You clutched the railings, making your way up the stairs and onto the first platform branching off into other paths. Your “room” was just a simple block, fitted halfway into the trunk of the big tree. Woven branches and leaves make a simple flat roof; not much different from any other building here. Guess you’re just gonna have to find someone who knows this place. Preferably not Kirishima. You had a feeling he’d just bring you back to your room.
You hauled yourself up more stairs, opting to take the paths closer to the tree. Traversing mazes was never your strong suit, and this place could get you lost in a few seconds.
The further you went along the stairs, the harder it was for you to breathe. Your injury was draining your energy fast, making your body feel like a thousand pounds. Maybe going back to bed wasn’t a bad idea at all.
Just as you were about to give up and sit down, you came across a wider bridge, one that was definitely a lot more extravagantly built than the last. Thicker, and with decorative railings. It was built between the tree itself and a large mountaintop so tall, you couldn’t see the top. The bridge extended in a T shape, the horizontal bit from the tree built to the length of one wall of the kingdom to another with stairs down to where the guards patrolled. At the smaller section of the T sat a huge double doorway, carved from the wood of the tree you’ve been climbing around for the past 10 minutes. It depicted battles, warriors wielding swords and fighting alongside winged beasts of enormous size...Dragons. Then it clicked. Kinda. You swung at that large beast before, at its snout right when it was right behind you. And Kirishima had a scar along his mouth and nose...
Kirishima = Dragon?
You shook your head, unable to fully convince yourself. It must be your pain fogging your mind a bit. You guess it was the same reason you were walking through those double doors. Big doors were the norm for you, being a princess after all. In your state of confusion, it’s better to go with more familiarity. You pulled it open with a bit of difficulty and slipped in as the doors slowly closed behind you without a sound. Just as you suspected, it was a grand hall for royalty that was almost as big as your father’s. The room was curved, thanks to the tree’s natural design. Flowered vines decorated the plain walls. An empty throne of wood and bones sat in front of what you thought must be the opening to the other side of the tree. You could see the sunshine bathe the throne in its gentle light.
You straightened your composure subconsciously, as you’ve been taught to in throne rooms like these, and walked to the throne. Bones and wood, delicately intertwined with one another to form a beautiful crest along the top of the backrest and pair of armrests. You dragged your fingers along the sanded wood gingerly, admiring the craftsmanship. Swords were stabbed in between, like trophies. Some chipped, others completely broken in half. All went through obvious signs of battle. Losing battles, that is. This was a throne for a King that should be feared. Unlike your father and birth giver’s thrones, which symbolized elegance and formality, this one was fierce, powerful, and dangerous. For some reason, your mind was reminded of the man with the Vermillion eyes. How he strode proudly with bold movements, the same way you’ve seen your father or King Enji act when confronted. Was he the one who owned this throne?
A few feet behind it were steps leading up to a large balcony, open to give an extraordinary view of the kingdom you saw before. You walked up the steps slowly, entranced by the calm sight of the sky and trees. A warm breeze lifted the stray hairs from your face, and you felt calm, your injuries temporarily forgotten. You thought you saw everything from the height you were at when you first woke up, well, you were a couple hundred feet higher now and so much more had been revealed. You could see the exact boundary of walls that protected the civilians, previously hidden by other trees. A huge, open gate on the other side of the kingdom guarded by tiny soldiers both on ground and up on the wall. The complex bridges you saw earlier seemed to build around this area so as to not obstruct the view. You dared not to go straight to the railings though, it felt out of place for you to be watching over someone else’s civilians. So just at the top of the stairs you stayed.
Along the sides of the extended walls where the stairs were built, hung swords of all shapes and sizes, snugly staggered amongst each other like decorations. Each one told a story, from the blade type down to the hilt decorations. You wonder who wielded each magnificent weapon. The man you fought had a sword worn down from no doubt years of battle, more so than any of these blades on the wall.
“I wonder where he is.” you spoke out loud.
“Where who is?” a gruff voice responded.
You froze in place.
Speak of the devil. There he was. He appeared around the left side of the throne, nonchalantly leaning an elbow above his head on it. He wore the same attire as before, cutlass hanging at his side- only this time, tribal beads and threaded teeth hung around his neck. The sunlight coming from the open spaces behind you revealed his hair to be golden, as well as uncovered the many battle scars that previously blended with his skin underneath the pale moonlight. He made your shrink a bit in his presence.
He cocked his head to one side, lifting an eyebrow at your staring. “Well?”
Snapping out of your thoughts, you forced yourself to say something. “Sorry, You, you’re..and then...Uh…” you managed to spit out, ears burning. You couldn’t look at him straight. He only narrowed his eyebrows in response. ‘Great job (y/n), he thinks you’re a moron now.’ you scold yourself.
“Maybe that shitty Deku got it wrong, and you’re the one with the concussion.” he scoffed.
“I have no such thing!” you blurted out. You tried to look him in the eyes again, but the dominance they radiated made you feel like a pup caught disobeying her master. But why? You’re royalty, a future Queen! You shouldn’t let the likes of him intimidate you like this!
So you stood up straight again, taking a deep breath and raising your chin to address the man in front of you properly. Your insides felt like they were being stabbed with a flaming rod, but you refused to succumb to it now. “I lost myself a bit there. I’ve come here for answers.” you say, clasping both hands together. “Where is the leader of this Kingdom?”
Unfazed by your new composure, he stared right back. “You’re lookin at him.”
“And your name?”
“Why does that matter?”
“It matters because I’d like to know to whom I’m speaking with.” you grit your teeth.
“Oh, and what gives you the right, little thief?” he says, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m not a thief,” you growl, “I’m princess (y/n) of the Northern Kingdom, first and rightful heir to the throne. As a fellow royal, I deserve the right to know who you are.”
At your words, his body went rigid. “You deserve it, huh?” He moved from his spot at the throne, up the stairs towards you and towering over your figure. You shuffled backwards in alarm. “You, a Northern pansy with your tea parties, lazing around in your kingdom, not giving a damn about the ecosystem around you. You call that royalty?” He spat, raising his voice. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, physical heat, fueled by his anger. “Destroying more of my home to make room for your stupid roads. Killing my people’s food for sport and leaving the skinless carcass to rot so you could have your stupid exotic rugs- I’ve seen how much you people take for granted. If it weren’t for the size of your army, I would’ve conquered you assholes by now. Why did I even listen to that damn Kirishima, I should’ve left you and your boyfriend in the forest. At least you’d be useful for once-”
“Wait, I think you’re overreacting here, and he’s not-” you tried to reason, stumbling over your feet. You completely lost your composure now, your heart practically beating out of its chest.
“Or your brother, I don’t give a damn who he is, my people are running out of food because of yours- but I don’t think you ever knew, huh? Probably worried over some bullshit like what you’re gonna wear, or if some other pretty boy prince out there thought you were cute.” He continued. You back found the edge of the railing and you latched your hands onto it. Taking a quick glance backwards, you found the height a little terrifying now.
“Well, I’m over here hunting day and night to find meals and what do I get? Two more mouths to feed. Useless, pathetic weights on my back. If you wanna talk about being my fellow royal-”
“Bakugou, stop!” you hear Kirishima’s voice echo.
Kirishima. Oh thank god Kirishima is here.
The newly identified “Bakugou” snaps his head to the side at the voice. You look around Bakugou’s figure to see the redhead entering through the doorway, a stranger with green hair trailing behind him.
“You need to eat, Kachaan.” the stranger says. “We’re not starving, Denki found a whole new area with more game- but you can’t hunt it if you’re the one hungry.”
“Stop telling me what to do, I’ll eat when the provisions are restocked.” he turned to the side to face the pair and glared.
Kirishima in the meantime had already ran across the hall, climbing the stairs up to you two. “It’s been three days, brother, you’re getting aggressive.”
Bakugou took another glance at your shocked figure, and for a moment, you could see a pang of guilt hit him. But it was fleeting. His face returned to and scowl and he scoffed, fully turning around and heading down the steps past his comrade. “Aggression is what’s kept this kingdom prosperous.”
“Well, yelling at her highness isn’t very prosperous.” he shot back, tracking the blonde with his eyes.
The stranger made his way next to you, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. Kirishima acknowledged him and rushed off towards the doors with his leader.
“Well they’re always talking about equality for some goddamn reason, why can’t I yell at them like men?” Bakugou threw his hands up in the air.
“That’s not what they’re talking about…” the other man responded.
Their voices grew distant as they left the hall, leaving you and the kind stranger. With Bakugou gone, you released the breath you didn’t realize you were holding and fell to your knees, groaning.
So, that was Bakugou. You didn’t wanna think about what could’ve happened if Kirishima hadn’t stopped him.
“Woah, hey, uh, we should get you back to your room.” he says, cradling your shoulders. “I’m Izuku Midoriya by the way, but you can call me Deku.”
“(Y/n)” you strained. “Nice to... nice to meet you Deku, but I can’t go back yet. I have to make sure Sho is ok…”
Deku brought you back up to your feet, sliding an arm around your waist and a head under your arm. “Sho? Is that your friend?”
“yeah,” you nodded as the two of you began heading to the door yourselves, “my childhood friend. We were...we got lost...”
“Lost? We could send a messenger out to your kingdom and let them know you’re here-” He says.
“No!” You yelled. Deku looked taken aback and gave you a concerned look. A little embarrassed, you cleared your throat. “No. It’s ok, I uh, I’d prefer we don’t make a huge deal about this.”
Deku chuckled, “Oh, of course my lady, but, are you sure you’re ok to go visit him?”
“Please, I was the one who caught him in all of this mess.”
He smiled as he pushed one of the doors open with his foot, and headed down the steps almost as far as where your own room was, only before the last flight of stairs he took a bridge across to another tree where a small cluster of buildings sat. He gently slid out from besides you to open the front door. Sho laid flat on the bed in front, quietly sleeping. He looked much better now. The lump on his face had almost disappeared, wrapped heavily in clean bandages. He was shirtless as well, only more bandages covering his chest and parts of his arm. He had bruises everywhere, but otherwise, he looked taken care of. In addition to the bedside dresser, there was a small wooden table to his right with tools, bandages, and washcloths. He must’ve needed stitches. You teared up at the sight, feeling guilty again for all the trouble you caused.
Deku gently placed a hand on your shoulder again, leading you to a couch on the side of the room. “He’s got a concussion as well as deep cuts here and there, but he’ll make a full recovery in about three weeks. I’m going to have him stay in bed for a week and a half and then go from there.”
“It’s all my fault,” you whispered, voice cracking. At this point, you couldn’t hold back the tears anymore.
“What? No, it’s those people in the forest. Wild people. They like to mess with anyone caught out at night. Except for kach- erm, The King. They’re terrified of him.”
You sniffed, “Bakugou, right?”
“Y-yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “we grew up together, so I’m used to calling him Kacchan. It was just a name and uh, oh, and, I’m sorry for the way he acted, he’s been out scouting food for a while, not eating at all. He thinks the forest is slowly going dry. He’s a good person, I promise, he just has a mean face. He must’ve scared you.”
“It’s ok,” you shook your head. “He was...he was right. About my people.” You wiped the tears from your eyes, staring at the wall in front of you. “My father, he likes money and power. He likes seeing happy and rich citizens. I used to think it was because he cared about them when really, it’s so he could show off to other kingdoms. I could hear them sometimes, talking about expanding towards the forest, cutting down more trees for a new library or something. He liked the pelts too, making me little stuffed rabbits when I was younger. I always thought it was ok though, I never knew people lived here. Now I feel awful.”
Deku gave you a kind smile. “Hey, but it wasn’t you, right? That was your dad. Don’t beat yourself up over his decisions.”
“Yeah” you sighed, “I guess.”
Deku’s smile grew bigger, and he pushed himself off the couch. You watched him walk over to the dresser and opened up one of the drawers to pull out a small blanket.
“Here” he said, unfolding the blanket and handing it to you. “I’m gonna go grab the medicinal tea I brought to your room, it’ll help with the pain. Uh, I’m not quite sure, but I think you may have slightly fractured a rib, so the best thing we could do is let it heal itself for a week. Who knows, it might just be bruised.”
“Thanks.” you say, laying yourself down on the couch in the meantime. After Deku came back with that tea, you passed out fast.
You had a dream. Your father was right in front of you, raising his sword above his head. He was scared of something, but you couldn’t tell what. The background was fuzzy, but you could see it was destroyed. You were raising your arms, protecting someone. Everything was in slow motion, fading slowly to white.
You spasmed awake, inhaling sharply. The image faded fast out of your mind. Shoto was snoring lightly on the bed, arm lazily resting atop his stomach. Good. Sighing, you set aside the blanket and walked out the door for some fresh air. The tea helped you a lot, even now. You didn’t even feel any pain. The moon shone brightly again as the breeze cooled your skin, giving you deja vu of the whole fiasco from before. Except this time, this was peaceful. You weren’t lost. No one was chasing you. And most importantly, you and Shoto were safe. Everything was good for now.
A large shadow fluttered in the corner of your eye, causing you to jump a bit. A red dragon with magnificent wings landed in the clearing by the kingdom gates, which were now closed shut. Its rider, the buttholeish King, yelled at the guards. They notched their arrows, shooting into the forest with expertise. A roar of some sort of animal retreated, rustling trees in its wake. Bakugou slid down from its neck to untie the fresh animal carcasses secured on the dragon’s back. Other soldiers came from the buildings to help carry them. Then, as Bakugou hopped to the ground, the dragon began to shrink back into itself. Wings folded into his backside, neck shortening, and body losing its color to turn into...Kirishima. It blew your mind. So you really did hit him hard back there. You had to apologize.
You rushed down the steps to find them, not really thinking about the fact that you had absolutely no idea where you were going. Nor did you really think about your stamina. Five sets of stairs and you were already panting.
As you leaned against the tree, trying to be careful with your breaths. It still didn’t hurt, but damn did you get tired quick. Just as you were turning to tackle another flight, a head of blonde hair appeared from below, scowling.
“Again? What is it with you and not sitting still?” he grumbled. You could hear the fatigue in the way his voice cracked.
You sat up from the tree, surprised that he climbed so fast. “I, er, wanted to apologize to Kirishima for the wound is all.” you rubbed your arm nervously as he stopped in front of you.
He eyes you with skepticism, probably wondering if you were telling the truth or not. “He’s gonna be taking care of the fresh meat for a while, and probably sleep till late afternoon knowing the lazy idiot.” he grumbles.
“Oh.” you say, still kind of embarrassed.
“And besides, he’s fine. He heals like it’s nothing.”
“Because he’s a dragon…?”
“Heh, something like that.”
You two sit in silence for a moment after that. The awkwardness was almost unbearable.
“This reminds me, Shitty Hair wanted me to do something. Can you walk up the stairs?” he finally asks.
You shrug, “I’ll get up there eventually.” you respond.
“Well, I don’t have time to wait for ‘eventually’” he says, and lifts you up off the ground with both arms. He hugs you close to his bare chest and climbs the stairs with no problem, not even a slight change in breathing.
You help a bit, holding on to his neck for support. “Where-“
“I have to give you your shit back.” He grunts. “You lived so I don’t get to keep your sword.”
“What an awful mouth you have for a king.” You frown.
He smirks in response, “you haven’t seen the half of it, princess.”
Princess. The way he says “princess” sends shivers down your spine. You don’t know why, but you found yourself staring at his features again. Hair shining almost white again, gently waving in the wind. Piercing eyes, sharp jawline, defined collarbones…
“Oi, quit starin.” He interrupts your thoughts.
“Huh? Why...uh, why would I stare at you?” you say, your voice an octave higher.
He chuckles lightly while you try to look everywhere but him. He passes Shoto’s room and instead keeps heading upwards. Past the throne room too, taking a staircase to a room above it. He pushes it open to a gorgeous bedroom. The amount of oil lamps lining the walls could barely light up the entirety of the room. Giant bed with plush pillows along one wall, a balcony on the other side of the room, a door leading to what you think is a bathroom, and lots and lots of “trophies” hanging up on the wall. Helmets, swords, capes, horns, claws- must be from what he killed. One horn spread the length across the wall from his bed, being almost 10 feet long. You’d be terrified to know what creature that belonged to...or, had belonged to. Still, they were oddly beautiful. Clearly, they were a struggle to take down, judging by the damaged sword Bakugou wielded and the slight deformities in the trophies themselves. A crack down the middle of a knight’s helmet. Multiple tears in a blue and white feathered cape. It was almost surreal to you, that a man that could win all these vicious battles can gently place you on the soft cushions of one of the few couches that occupied his room.
Walking to his bed, he picked up an object propped up against the bed frame. He trunks to you, holding it flat against both hands. Your sword!
He unsheathed it, examining the blade in the dim lamplights with approval. “This is made of Awherian metal, better not lose it.” he says, sheathing it and handing it back to you. You take it gingerly, propping it by your feet.
“Awherian?” You repeated.
“Awherians used to be a tribe up in the North before going extinct a long time ago. Legends say they used to battle giants, cuz they ate their dragons...or some bullshit my old hag likes to talk about.” he crosses his arms.
He took notice of you lowering your head, and sighed, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“I uh,” he cleared his throat, “I shouldn’t have said all that. Earlier, I mean. Kirishima was right about being hungry, I don’t usually yell at women. Unless they’re trying to kill me, you know.”
“It’s ok,” you lean back into the couch, “you weren’t wrong. I said this to Deku earlier already: I thought my father was doing the right thing because he, well, he’s my father. If I had known there was a whole civilization here...I just...I hope I can help.”
He looked at you for a few seconds, calculating. Were you genuinely being honest? Maybe, he thought. He has his doubts still.
Bakugou was always weary about newcomers, and didn’t take too kindly to them. The only reason these two were brought in was because Kirishima urged him to. The king refused at first, reasoning that this could’ve been a set-up, that the cult that pranced the outskirts of their territory had a plan to send in spies this way. Of course, Kirishima says that there’s no way they would possibly injure their own like this, leaving them one step away from death, but Bakugou has seen their ways. They would eat each other if they wanted to. Eventually, he gave in on the reasoning that they weren’t the smartest of people. You seemed different. He ordered his closest men, including that shitty Deku to keep an eye on you both.
“Maybe you could. Who fuckin knows” He says, “but not when you can’t even climb fucking stairs without wheezing like a granny.” He says, earning a slightly offended whine from you. He smiles lightly, then points to his bed with a thumb. “Go.”
You look at him, perplexed. “In your bed?”
“No shit, it’s the middle of the night.” He narrows his eyes.
“I’m, b-but we’re not married-“ you stuttered.
Bakugou rolls his eyes, “relax princess, you have it to yourself. I just don’t feel like taking you back down to your room, or to that half n half bastard.”
With a grunt, he picks you up off the couch and onto the bed. The plush blankets swallowing you almost immediately.
“Do you like insulting people?” you ask as he throws the blanket over you.
“I dunno, do you like breathing, or is it just something you do?”
“You’re impossible.” You rolled your eyes. “Where are you going to sleep?”
“The couch.” He replies, undoing the buckles on his cape. “Sleep, we’ll have you properly taken care of tomorrow, starting with a bath.” He wrinkled his nose.
“Hey!” you pouted. A bath sounds wonderful though.
“You were supposed to be in bed all day today, but whatever.” he sighs. He folded his cape neatly and placed it on his bedside dresser, then flopped onto a couch on the far side of the room, facing away from you. Eventually, his muscles relaxed and you could hear soft puffs of breaths as he slept.
It was calming in a way. Every night, even as a small child afraid of the dark spaces in your room, you slept alone. You had to overcome that fear alone, your mother definitely didn’t want you bothering her, and your father was far too tired from dealing with the kingdom all day. But knowing someone else was in the room felt, in an odd way, nice. You drifted off again, but this time, without dreams.
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