#I'm going back to sleep now loves you all /platonic
Ya boy woke up in the middle of the night so uhhhhhh
How's about he drops some Summer Stuff.
So what I need to preface with is!!! I write Summer in a pokemon discord server I'm in, and when replayed through GS back in/around September, I would pause at certain points to make a solo post, as my friends who hadn't played GS were excited to see me do it, even encouraging me to pick Summer as my protag in game. Below the cut are my three flashback solos. I had to stop after these because after that I couldn't really keep it objective due to ship bias and having a hard time writing without dialogue as I only had Summer and I obviously picked important story scenes so lmao on my part.
One day I may get enough courage to dump about my personal Summer. The biggest thing to note for the Solos is She's selectively mute and will only speak verbally if the situation calls for it, or she's like deadly serious. Otherwise she uses sign or a notebook and pen to communicate!
《☀ Summer: Memories, memories 1: 🎶 》
She'd been....content. The young girl pulling her along--Nema was her name, daughter to the Area Ranger, Rand-- she was energetic and had a spark in her eyes, one visible nearly immediately to Summer when she ran up to her, requesting help with getting one of the "UFOs" out of the water. That, along with her other requests, Summer took joy in doing. Playing along, she decided. She really didn't know how true the three requests thing was, but she couldn't find herself to care.
Besides, she couldn't let that fire burn out of control, nor could she allow Nema to look for her father alone. Really, she was extremely greatful she'd gone along with Nema, all things considered. The pokemon weren't dangerous, no. What she found herself most worried about looking back were the Pinchers there to block the way up to the Wireless Tower.
Now, she knows the extent of how reckless Nema could be, but also how much of a genius she is. While she couldn't doubt Nema's ability to get up to the Tower, shed be terrified to think what could have happened should things have gone awry.
However, one of the two or three the memories that sticks out the most of that day in particular was the conversation she'd had when she finally met with Rand.
The Ranger Union told him two rangers were coming. So, why was there only one? Now he wasn't harsh or angry in the slightest with his question, in fact she'd dare say he broached the topic rather gently for someone who she had just met.
However, something about the question....hit her. It hit her harder than she expected.
Probably because it just...cemented the fact Ben hadn't made it safely to land. Meaning she really had no clue what had happened to him.
In the few moments it took her to raise her hands and give her explanation, so, so many thoughts raced through her head. Had he gotten shot down to? Did they have him captive, tied up with ropes a smidgeon on the tight side? What if it had been worse?
Despite her racing thoughts, she raised her hands and took a deep breath.
I do not know. We had an encounter with the Pinchers in the sky. I had seen them trying to shoot down a pokemon, so I went to stop them. My partner came to assist me. He was going to be shot down, so I knocked him out of the way. I fell into....the ocean....
She had paused a moment, trying to recall. It had been...a blur.
The capture styler got disattached within the fall. I had to get it back. Then there was a strong current. I then awoke on D-O-L-C-E.
She took a deep breath a shook her head. From there, she recounted his she'd met Ukulele Pichu and Booker, before going to find Arley in Rasp Cavern, mentioning the monument being broken, and Raikou chasing the pinchers. Then whet she got to the point she met Nema, the young girl excitedly recounted from there.
Then, before long she had a new mission. Work with Rand, and free the Wireless Tower from the Pinchers
《☀ Summer: Memories, memories 1: END 🎶 》
《☀ Summer: Memories, memories 2: 🎶》
Raikou had been calmed down. Summer took a few deep breaths as she stared at the legendary beast, who stared back at her. After a moment, it stepped forward and roared loudly. What followed was a bright flash of light.
She heard the crackling of lightning as she stared unblinking, unable to move her hands to shield her eyes, at the light that now enveloped Raikou. She continued to hear the crackling as a shape came into view within the light. It looked…like an hourglass. Once the light subsided, her Styler beeped, which she barely managed to hear over the crackling in her ears, and slowly she lifted her arm, and barely managed to drag her gaze to her Styler.
"The Legendary Pokemon has shown you a shape. Please register the shape."
Slowly, she moved her finger over top her Styler. Start in the top right, making a backwards Z, then up in a diagonal line.
When her Styler beeped in satisfaction, her arm fell, and her gaze was drawn back to Raikou, who then left.
A hand on her shoulder brought her back to reality. The crackling died out as she heard Rand. He was trying to check on her, as she'd been staring off into space.
She blinked twice, and brought a hand to her head, before shaking it.
I am fine. Did you see it? The shape in the light?
He hadn't seen it. Had…. She seen it? Or was it really just a trick of the light? She didn't know. They made it down the Wireless Tower, where Leanne and Nema awaited their return.
A very brief conversation was interrupted when some pinchers were brought over and interrogated, at least until they pulled one over on the lot of them and made a mad dash away. At which point Summer and Rand gave chase.
Up until the Big Booker Bridge.
She heard him before she saw him.
Red Eyes.
She wasn't the only one to have that moment of recognition either. He knew who she was.
So, so many things wanted to fall out of her mouth. None of them related to the mission. Selfish as it was her only concern was if Ben was alright in this moment. Before she could raise her hands, Red Eyes expressed his shock that she had lived her fall.
And then Rand took the words from her: Where was Ben?
Summer stared at Red Eyes. A mixture of fear and worry in her eyes. She had every right to fear this man; he'd attacked and she went plummeting to protect Ben. The worry came from what he could possibly answer of what happened to Ben.
Would all her worst thoughts come to fruition? Or would he be okay…?
Then her world crashed.
He couldn't–no, wouldn't– tell her. All because she was a Ranger. Her fists clenched at her sides, and she shakily took deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm.
But, then he continued. One thing? He'd tell her one thing out of pity….? Fine. Whatever.
"He's Safe."
She nearly collapsed right then and there from the nearly overwhelming wave of relief that washed over her in that moment
She was so caught up in her own relief, she'd zone out the last bit of the conversation…mostly. She heard what was being said back and forth; the joke about the rope, that Ben put up a fight, even that he was being treated with some form of respect.
She only really came back to reality when she heard the Voltorbs dropped, and she moved back right before they exploded, leaving the bridge unpassable.
For now, with the knowledge that Ben was safe, she returned to Rand's house with him to think of a new plan to progress.
《☀ Summer: Memories, memories 2: END 🎶 》
《☀ Summer: Memories, memories 3: 🎶 》
Blue Eyes had been captured in the basement of the old mansion with the help of Pichu. Now she was aboard the Union, and Summer had to give Rand a report, and then give a written report to Murph.
Once the Report had been handed over, the next course of action was going to be decided. However, before plans could be made, Red Eyes showed up, expressing his surprise that they'd managed to capture Blue Eyes.
However, he needed her back, and so he proposed a swap.
Blue Eyes for Ben.
When she heard that sentence, she felt so many emotions. Rage that Ben was being used as a bargaining chip, but also hope. Hope and relief that she'd get to see her partner again. Relief that he'd be safe.
Would there be any repercussions for this course of action? She frankly didn't care. What she cared about was getting Ben back. She clenched her fists as she watched Red Eyes fly away, and then she made direct eye contact with Murph.
"Give me Blue Eyes."
Really, she was surprised at how easily Murph was swayed, really he didn't need to be swayed it seemed, he went to get Blue Eyes, and so Summer and Blue Eyes were off to the Daybreak Ruins.
Summer would get Ben back safely today, or she'd raise all hell until she did. Consequences be damned.
With Blue Eyes in tow, Summer made her way to the last room of the Daybreak Ruins. Along the way Summer had been stopped countless times by pinchers under Blue Eyes's command, doing all they could to get their leader back without exchanging their captive, however, Summer did push through them.
And at the end of the Ruins…. There was no Red Eyes in sight.
However, a monument was there, and when Blue Eyes went to investigate, a loud roar caused both Summer and Blue Eyes to step back and stare as Entei came down, breaking a rock on it's landing.
Quickly, Summer took to capturing it to calm it down.
Entei had stared her down then roared, and Summer could hear the roar and crackling of a blazing fire as a bright light engulfed Entei. Within that light, she saw Entei's emblem, and just like with Raikou, her Styler beeped.
"Please register the sign in your styler!"
Slowly, she brought her arm up, and over the top of her Styler, she made a straight line down, then crossed like an upside down, closed four, and continued the line over to mirror what she'd just drawn.
As the light faded, so to did the crackling and roaring of a fire. As she blinked a few times, she brought her hand to her her head and shook her head as Blue Eyes grabbed her attention and thanked her for saving her from the situation.
That's when she heard Z.Z. Flyers overhead and stepped back.
Red Eyes was here.
And she could have sworn her heart forgot how to beat for a few moments as she saw Ben. He really was okay. He was okay. She hadn't completely failed in protecting her partner.
Before she could properly respond to Ben. Red Eyes, Blue Eyes and the other pinchers were leaving.
And….of course Red Eyes left the two of them a goodbye present. Electrodes that go boom.
She pushed Ben down, and grabbed pichu and held the mouse to her chest as she threw her arm up to protect her head from the explosions.
She looked around after the ringing in her ears stopped. They were stuck. But that wasn't important.
She instead turned her attention to Ben, who thanked her for her help and mentioned how relieved he was when he'd heard she had been safe.
It was the two of them, the way it was supposed to be from the start.
Now, Summer knew she could handle whatever the future of this mission held for her, now that she had her partner back.
《☀ Summer: Memories, memories 3: 🎶 》
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ruggiezz · 8 months
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[synopsis] twisted wonderland characters that would accompany you to mcdonalds at 3 am
[characters] all (romantic) + ortho (platonic)
[disclaimer] this post talks about food a lot and mentions of unhealthy food (in vil's and riddle's part)
[extra] i'm having way too much fun writing character's reactions
── Most likely
Bold of you to assume he was sleeping in the first place. Lilia was playing the equivalent of Overwatch in Twisted Wonderland when you suddenly asked him to go to the nearest McDonald's. He agreed instantly, and now you're both on a date, with you eating fries and Lilia eating a strawberry sundae and a cheeseburger..
★﹕ORTHO SHROUD (platonic)
He agreed instantly. Can robots even feel tired in the first place? Ortho will search on the internet for coupons and promos, but first let him equip his eating gear; he wants to eat too. Everything for his best friend. By the way, he wants to buy something for Idia too.
Rook got out of bed even before you even mentioned you wanted to go out, he woke up when he felt you were awake. Rook is a light sleeper; he can even feel when you wake up to go to the bathroom. If you really want a meal at McDonald's, who is he to say no? It makes him happy to see you happy, but he will stare while drinking his strawberry shake. Not a "I'm judging you" stare, but a "I like to see you enjoy your meal" stare.
He has probably eaten McDonald's at least once because Lilia bought the whole of Diasomnia burgers. Alright, you're both going. Yes, he's still a little confused over why you would crave a really cheap burger at 3 am, but Malleus doesn't even care; the burgers are good and he enjoys indulging in human customs, plus he gets to see you smile. The only bad thing is that the employees got the fright of their lives when they saw the literal prince of Briar Valley enter the restaurant.
Still sleepy, he agreed. There are times when he randomly awakes during the night, so he might as well spend it with you, even if it was at a fast food restaurant at 3 am. He'll order an iced coffee and some fries and listen to you while you speak about whatever comes to mind. You'll both have to make it quick though, he may fall asleep there, and you both need to get back before classes start.
He didn't even understand what you were saying; his mind was still foggy from being woken up so late. He said yes, not knowing what he was agreeing with, but a few minutes later he realized what he agreed to. Deuce, not wanting to have gotten your hopes up only for him to say no, got up and accompanied you anyway. He still enjoyed himself though, as long as he is with you, he's happy.
He's tired because of how many errands Leona made him do yesterday, but you know what? He will still go. Food is food, and he could never refuse it. Leona lets him grab his credit card anyway, so order whatever you want, Leona will pay, even if he doesn't know that. It's not like he checks his credit card's expenses, so don't worry about it.
When he confessed to you a few months ago, he didn't expect that would mean signing up for you waking him up in the middle of the night, asking him to accompany you to eat fast food outside of campus. Still, he's your boyfriend, and he can't let you go alone, it's dangerous. Even if he doesn't feel like ordering anything, he will sit there with you until you finish your meal, chatting with you in the meantime.
You're lucky he loves you too much; he would have said no if you were another person. So now Ace is sitting at McDonald's, almost falling asleep while eating some nuggets. That one song they keep replaying will haunt him in his dreams; it got stuck in his head for like, a week. Riddle reprimanded him the next day for falling asleep during history class.
Out of everything he could have expected a person to say at 3 am, it certainly wasn't "I want to go to McDonald's". Cater takes a selfie with you inside and uploads it to his Magicam story, the close friends one, so Riddle doesn't realize he wasn't at the dorm. He still has no idea how you came up with this, but ok, it was for the funsies.
You're certainly unpredictable, aren't you? Jade stared at you for a good minute until he just got up, got changed, and went with you. Floyd has done weirder stuff during one of his mood swings; what harm can going to McDonald's do? He doesn't feel like cooking that late anyway. Just don't tell Azul you're both going to the competition, okay?
He had you repeat what you said twice to make sure he was hearing you correctly. You want to do what? Let him go back to sleep, please. Okay, whatever, he will accompany you, but make it quick. At least that's what he said before spending the next two hours chatting with you while eating. He sadly got caught by Vil when he came back. Rook snitched.
No, he has to make sure nobody attacks Malleus while he's sleeping. But with some reassurance from Lilia (and him asking Sebek to bring him a burger) and his love for you, he decided to accompany you. He'll ask for the biggest burger since he has a big appetite. He did enjoy it at the end; 10/10 would do it again (but he won't say that out loud).
He doesn't mind that you woke him up, and he would like to go, but there's a small problem: he isn't allowed to go anywhere without Jamil, which means he would need to wake him up. Jamil wouldn't be happy about that, and Kalim doesn't want to bother him either. So you both just order takeout and give the delivery guy a very generous tip.
Idia was awake, but he really doesn't want to go, and he's also farming for an event. Great, now he's craving McDonald's too. If you really want to go, you can have Ortho accompany you, but please bring him a chicken sandwich and some fries. You can use his debit card to pay.
... What? What did you even dream about to crave McDonalds so late at night? Trey says you both can go on the weekend if you really want to, but go back to sleep, please. There's an important exam tomorrow, and you'll both be in trouble if you suddenly fall asleep in the middle of it.
He was not in a good mood after being woken up in the middle of the night. Floyd won't let you go, squeezing you so hard that you can't even move away from the bed. You're not going anywhere the whole night, and if you still want the meal, you can order some in the Mostro Lounge tomorrow.
It's 3 am, what the heck. Leona says Ruggie can buy you some tomorrow; ask for as much as food as you want, but not at 3 am. He will fall asleep on top of you, so you can't even move, just in case you try to sneak out while he sleeps.
No, please, he's tired. He did so much work yesterday: laundry, cooking, folding clothes, tutoring Kalim, paperwork for an upcoming event, and preparing for an exam. He just wants to rest for at least a few hours. Go back to sleep, please. He promises he'll cook you a burger with some fries tomorrow. His cooking is way superior to fast food anyway.
"No, that's unhealthy", he says. Somebody buy him a happy meal or something, Riddle has probably never eaten fast food in his life. Either way, there's class tomorrow, and he would never forgive himself if he arrived late to a lesson. So no, you aren't going anywhere.
Why would you want to eat at McDonalds when he has a literal restaurant? Are you trying to buy from the competition? Now Azul is offended at 3 am, so offended that he dragged you to the kitchen to make you a meal resembling the McDonald's one just to prove Mostro Lounge's food is better.
Excuse you? Not only did you interrupt his beauty sleep, but you want to go eat McDonald's'? It's 3 am, please go back to sleep or you'll get dark circles. Lack of sleep is bad for your skin, and he won't take the risk, much less to eat unhealthy food.
── Least likely
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Ateez | The Type To
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toothless smiles. you'll never get enough
knows every little fact about you. it's all stored in his head
but can't always figure out your mood, where he needs your help
picks your clothes or accessories sometimes
lets you do the same
more of the dating-inside kind of guy, but makes the most of when you do go out
if he's busy, he'll acknowledge you with a smile and then go back to work and forget you're there
because he likes to focus on one thing at a time
and when he's not busy he's all yours
but when he is busy and you decide to play naughty, he will focus on the task ahead- you.
and make you regret (in the best way) interfering with his work
which has become your thing now
calls you his 'muse' and def makes you feel like one
esp with the way he kisses you and makes you feel like a puddle
he really doesn't stop his hands from going anywhere he pleases
fav place might be at your hip
or fingers in your hair- might take a liking to tug your hair back to make you look at him at times
which is when he'll give you the most sultry look and tell you exactly what the events following will ensue of
def the type to hold you against the wall and move across the room while you make out
laughs between kisses oh goodness-
teases the fck out of you and makes you a whimpering mess
spends alllll his energy on you but still takes care of you after
the type to make you watch yourself too- like if you can see him taking you in some reflective surface or a mirror, all the better
and then you won't believe the filth that'll come out of his mouth (tho you love it when he mumbles dirty little things in your ears)
also has his soft moments, which are so intimate that sometimes you feel overwhelmed with love
and he'll constantly assure you he's here, here with you, forever :')
does the most meaningful things for you- brings you your fav food, reforms your clothes or accessories for you, paints with you, lets you try doing something with his music samples, etc etc
he's your captain
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pass you subtle glances from across the room
hold your hand and lead the way whenever you're out
make you walk on the inside of the sidewalk
mother you in every way-- wiping your mouth with his sleeve, fix your hair, fix your clothes, fix you
scold you in the most loving tone possible
which makes you wonder if you're actually getting scolded because you start to get heart eyes
never make you feel insecure- it hurts him more than it hurts you
details. details in everything he says and does (flashbacks to his fav colour being 'glossy silver chrome' like who are you i don't know you-)
which means your dates are detailed asf. he'll have everything planned out and make sure you have the best time
but also love it when you take him out on impromptu dates
scans your face before he kisses you
forehead kisses. temple kisses. it's his thing
plays with you a lot (take your mind out of the gutter i'm talking about actual games like the board games or whatever)
but also plays with you a lot- *coughs*
also his fingers are kinda long so-
will pick you up in the middle of your makeout session and take you somewhere more comfortable
goes hard, but it takes him a millisecond to turn soft
and he's the best softie ever.
he's gonna take his sweet time exploring every nook and cranny of your body, learning everything about you
learning what you like
and you'll most of the times feel like it's your first time all over again- that's def how he makes it feel like
tho he certainly spices things up every time
it's just he makes you feel so safe and loved
also i feel like you both bring out the playfulness in each other, in both romantic and platonic ways
he's such a romantic.
he's also capable of driving you insane with his facial expressions alone
takes care of you when you're tired, makes sure you're good, tucks you into bed, spoons you, lulls you to sleep :')
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okay hear me out-
he is literally your best friend
and i mean in the way best friends know each other inside out
and the way they know exactly how you're feeling by just glancing at you
so with yunho, you always feel safe. his constant vocal and physical reassurances keep you grounded at all times
so you wish to do something in return for him-
but he assures you that you, just like this, are enough
he's not hard to please in that way. he's not demanding but he's not making you feel like he's not interested in you either. he's got that perfect balance
the most comfortable presence out there is what i'm saying
(maybe this^ was my delulu thoughts ok now to the real shit-)
he's always looking at you to make sure you're okay, or there,
but sometimes, something turns him on and his eyes change
and he really, really can't hide when he's turned on. he starts picking at his lips while giving you the most sultry gaze
sometimes you pretend not to notice
which is when he becomes unexpectedly playful and teasing
he knows what his hands on your body do to you (turn you into jelly is what they do btw)
so he's going to give you a backhug and while he kisses your neck or ear, he's going to let his hands travel all over your body
or when sitting on his lap, he'll let them rest on your thighs- purposefully
and we all know what purpose those long fingers could serve
he's def the type who'll cuddle into you while lovemaking- like bury his face in your neck, in the crooks. you think that's soft? he can make it a hard moment too.
groans into your ears 100 % and that sound might be one of the hottest things you've heard
and when he mumbles things in your ears? his voice goes new levels of deep you never heard before.
kisses you like you'll break
also loves pinning you to surfaces
fully capable of manhandling you (lovingly, ofc)
likes experimenting a lot with you, figuring out what you like and what you don't like together
big spoon most of the times you bet
jokes around a lot with you too- he never makes you feel overwhelmed in any situation
but he is also fully capable of driving you insane at times *coughs*
best caretaker you know it
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i'm having a vision- what starts as savage remarks thrown at each other turns into a challenge, turns into another different sort of challenge
we'll get there later
cafe dates. chocolates. you better be ready to satisfy his sweet tooth
you love complimenting him bc 9/10 times he's gonna respond with a shy smile that made you fall in love in the first place
he's usually teasing you bc that's his love language but is also the most genuine person you know
so whenever he compliments you or tells you how much he loves you, you know it's straight from the heart
holds your hand whenever he gets the chance
will kiss it too
shy kisses at first
until he gets turned on and his eyes change and the inner demon that we seen in halazia comes out oof
gentle kisses. demanding kisses. we-have-all-the-time-in-the-world kisses. i might be lacking in my vocabulary
hands cradling your face- that's what makes you weak
is pretty vocal and wants you to be vocal too when he does something new or even in routine
there's this switch in him- y'all be having a soft moment and his switch gets flipped and then he's just... banging. wild.
loves foreplay
might have a thing for placing his hand on your throat too i mean he has his moments
and he also lets you have your moments which is sth you love about him
i feel like he loves to drive you to the edge multiple times before he finally lets you have your way
which is hot asf
but is also so nervous about making sure you're okay, you're good with whatever he's doing
so he's gonna spoil you when he takes care of you, which might probably lead to a round two-
anyways time to touch some grass <3
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this mf istg- *breathes*
okay he's such an eye candy do you think you'll be interested in anything else other than just staring at him 24/7 whenever you're with him-
let's not let these intrusive thoughts win and dive deeper :D
so yeah he is a nature admirer and when he takes you out, you do admire nature but you admire him more
esp the curves and edges of his face
and when he catches you, he gets shy. like actual shy
rewards you with a sweet kiss
and a good old hug
but sometimes, things get... heated instead
so he raises his eyebrow and goes sth like 'you done staring'?
and if you toss a sarcastic remark next (9.9/10 times you do), he'll just attack you
flirts with you in public
unintentional flirt most of the time
his kisses have a wide range spectrum. from being the most slow, gentle, i-might-break-you-if-i-hold-you-wrong kisses to hot, open-mouthed, i-am-going-to-break-you kisses (i cannot englishi-)
and he's really not shy in lovemaking. he knows what he's doing. he takes advantage of it
loves driving you to the edge too. will take so long to actually get to the real deal, just playing with you first and cornering you and driving you insane ugh
the type to pull you into his lap and make you straddle and ride him
tbh i feel like it can get really filthy with him in the best way possible
but also, he's the softest when he's in the mood
and you love that he can switch
the type to shut you up with a kiss
also the type to hold you by your chin and have a staredown with you whenever you tease him
which just leads to other things-
lots and lots of hugs. hugs of every kind.
his laugh heals you :(
he'll always tell you he's there for you, he loves you, how imp you are to him :(
pocket sized hehe
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he's a princess so he deserves princess treatment. the end.
no but he's such an unfiltered personality i feel like in the sense that it just shows what he wants
you can see it in his eyes when he wants a hug, when he wants to leave some place, or when he wants to steal the last bite of your food-
also very good at reading you even if you argue that you're not that readable
to him you will be bc he pays attention to every little detail
the kind to throw his arm around you while you walk
bonus if it's winters and he wraps you in his coat
the type to tie a scarf around your neck and then pull you with it and give you a kiss
his kisses are the meaningful sort. you can tell by his kiss what mood he's in
like if he's slow and he sighs in between, he's probably feeling down. if he's gonna act naughty you'll know what he wants
which makes it easier for you to lead things
lets you lead most of the time too
unless he's feeling some type of way
and when he's feeling that type of way, you're in for a banger (pun intended maybe)
i feel like he's really good with his core strength even when dancing so uhh just go ahead and imagine
fingers. (getting shy at this point)
probably gives the best head
like can you imagine the tip of his nose brushing at the your most sensitive parts-
likes when you run your hands through his hair
likes to tug your hair even more
might have a marking kink like he'll like it when he can see what he's done to you
but he's also the most responsive and comfortable during intimacy
and can go on forever, makes you feel like you can go on forever with him
cuddles with you when you're done, cuddles long and good
will shower with you and 9 out of 10 times that means a second round-
softie. absolute softie at times ;-;
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you both love to drive each other insane. you'll fight a lot at most random things, end up laughing in the middle of an argument, tease tf out of each other
but at the end of the day there's no one you'd rather be with
he feeds you like his life depends on it
which means he'll make you food, he'll get you to try different things when you go out, and he just likes it when you're happy with food
takes care of you subconsciously- like wiping your mouth, fixing your clothes, rolling your sleeves when you're eating, etc- he doesn't do it on purpose, it's ingrained in him to take care of you
intentional flirt.
which means he makes you flushed with embarrassment in public
he knows how to rile you up, and oh, when you're riled up-
you know you'll go home all heated up which will def result in a hot makeout session
he's not shy to show you how much he likes it when you're making out so he's very vocal
and we all know about his degradation kink LMAO he loves it when you show him his place in the middle of making out
and you love it when he begs for you to do sth
but he's also very, very good at making you beg, oh, he'll push to to the edge and make you fucking cry before he gives you what you want
his hands everywhere on your body.
mumbles things in your ears, dirty things
and then bites you earlobe
you just love it when he breaks away in the middle of making out and pushes your hair back, all the while scanning your face as if making sure you're real before smiling the purest smile ever :(
and when he evil smiles? you know you're in for a ride quite literally
switches most of the time
satisfies you in ways you didn't know were possible
quite possibly plays a lot with you- might have a thing for tied wrists (his or yours, whatever you're feeling like)
keeps telling you how beautiful, how perfect you are, and when he says it? you never feel like he's lying. you start to believe it
boosts your confidence 10000x
honestly he has a contagious energy so you kinda sometimes turn into wooyoung too and he just 🧍
aftercare is a whole new level with him
hugs you to sleep <3
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he sings for you. what more do you want? :')
you'll have to hide apples from him tho LOL
being with him is very comfortable and... peaceful. like he brings out the calm in you
tho when he cracks a dad joke you start to reconsider-
but he's adorable
slaps your butt at the most random times
and then giggles before he runs away
gives you backhugs at the most random times too
likes to peck your cheeks while you're sitting in his lap watching sth with him
which sometimes makes you kiss him
usually starts slow but there's a certain sense of urgency behind that kiss sometimes
which makes it into a heated makeout session
stares into your soul when he breaks away to catch his breath
dry humping follows
likes seeing exactly what his actions make you feel like
shy at first but he's also confident asf
and he's... strong
it just drives you crazy when he pins you as he thrusts into you like there's no way you can break free from that
and why would you? ;)
has a thing for necks i've said it before i'll say it now
and he knows exactly how to please you
which means that when he's in the mood, he's gonna drive you to the edge multiple times before letting you have what you want
sometimes lets you do the same to him
he loves it when you're on top of him and ride him. perfect place for him to hold your butt and squeeze it
really good at aftercare, makes sure you're feeling good too
bear hugs after. cuddles
kisses you multiple times before settling down
sings you to sleep :( (i'll always end jongho imagines with this line)
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yurinaa-world · 6 days
hii, may i send in a request for Blade, Jing Yuan, Aventurine and Sunday with platonic headcanons of them maybe with their child who has a severe illness? Like how would they look after them/attend to them.
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Characters: Blade, Jing Yuan, Aventurine & Sunday !Platonic x Gender-neutral Reader
Synopsis: with a reader who has a severe illness + how would they look after you
Warnings: angst to sort of comfort?, spelling mistakes,
notes: I'm sooo jetlagged rn
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Death can come in seconds with a person even realizing but you do anything since it’s already too late. It’s the same in the end, you cry, give flowers since regret means more than gratitude ever could; then just leave and never look back.
Does it have to be the same? Not for you. He'll care even when no one else will, he’ll stay and listen to you cry, even if it’s a childish thing like wanting to see the world instead of being stuck in this awful room with wires attached to your body.
He visits when he can–which is when he’s not on missions–when he isn’t he stays with you most of the time, showing up with bags of gifts but what’s the use if you’re paralyzed, too tired to move yet not enough to finally sleep–at least to be free for a couple of hours of pain–So the gifts are open and sit around your room to make the room look alive.
He ends up sitting with you in silence, watching if your heart rate went up or anything that has drastically changed in your health. He holds your hand and wipes your tears since you always cry since you can barely sleep and your eyes are just so tired that you can’t anymore.
The scarce days that you can even sit up in your bed and gaze outside your window while looking at all the gift blades’ gotten you over the several months you’ve been unable to do anything. Yet now you're still weak and the quick recovery will change to worse in a couple of hours.
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
He’s sentimental with you, just watching your face contort into pain as a fit of terrible coughs leaves your throat leaving it burning more than before. It was a complete never-ending nightmare for you until you finally were to be freed when you took your final breath of air.
He tries to bring an upbeat attitude to you, listening to you with contempt about whatever you may be talking about, like your dreams, goals, and wishes; maybe a chance to see life outside of this miserable room–yet deep down no one thinks you will.
He loves to bring you sweets–you can’t eat because most of the time you're bedridden–and toys–you can't play with. It's the duty of the general to make sure every citizen is safe and you mean the same to him even if you are sick–and dying.
You’re his child that's all that matters to him. The fake people's pity along with the whispers and disgusting assumptions. He hates it, he hates what they say is the truth–Since in the end, you’re the one dying, right? So what’s wrong with saying what everyone knows is going to happen.
Everyone comes to Pencony to have fun and let their dreams become reality yet you’re the pitiful one who must be stuck in your room all day whilst Aventurine is out and about having “fun” you can't help but be a little envious of him,  yet you are love more than anything by and you’ll wait for his return as you’ve always have done.
Watching the lights from below your window along with the sounds of everyone having so much—you cut the sounds out since your body is a rotting corpse lying there.
But it’s not that bad!! Aventurine splurges on you whenever he can and wants!! Even if your room is filled with stuffed animals, util your room can’t handle all the stuffed animals, then he’ll get you a bigger room!! He just wants you to feel included in any way he can. Even playing board games with you, or even it’s patty cake.
Your dream is to be like other people. To be a “normal” kid since dreams will only ever be dreams and never be anything good for the hopeful.
You’re the child of the great oak family, a prized child even with ruined lungs, hoarse throat and weak rotting body, you’re still his child, the only reason he does the things he does is for your sake.
He always reads you bedtime stories no matter if it is the 100th time reading the same one or the first, your wish is his command. Even if it’s reading you a lullaby no matter how bashful and embarrassed he feels he’ll still do what ask just to see a bright smile on your face.
It’s okay, don’t cry, it's only just a couple of needles. The pain will go away in a second, you can handle it, right? That’s what he always tells you. Comforting you is the most important thing, you’re his everything, watching you cry or whimper at the face, needles, nightmares or anything else then he’ll do anything for you.
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
Slashers' as fathers with a child/reader. (Comfort drabbles for anyone like me who has daddy issues).
Notes: 100% NON-ROMANTIC. Platonic love only. Non-binary reader. The reader is less than ten years old (you decide the age). Freddy is alive and NOT a pedophile.
I'm a little embarrassed that I made this but I can't deny that it does comfort me and make me feel better. If it makes you happy as well, then I'm glad. Thank you for reading. I hope you have a nice day.
He was sleeping in his bed when he felt something nudge his arm, the soft callings of your voice quickly rousing him from his slumber. "Daddy? Daddy, please wake up."
Paternal instincts demanding that he instantly wake to check and see if you were okay, Freddy sat up and opened his eyes. Immediately the sight of you standing beside the bed in your pajamas with a sad, frightened look on your face greeted him, and he reached out to gently brush a hand through your messy hair.
"What's the matter, sweetie? Is everything okay?" He asked, gazing around for potential danger.
You whimpered, your little hands anxiously fiddling together as you say sadly, "I... I had a nightmare and I... I got scared."
Relaxing a bit, Freddy sat up all the way in bed and lifted his arms out towards you, "Oh sweetie, come here."
Stepping forward and lifting your arms, you whimper whenever your dad pulled you sideways onto his lap and held you close. He kissed the top of your head and gently patted your back. "Thought I told you not to be having those?" He mumbled.
"I know, but... It was so scary and I-I didn't like it," You whined, burying yourself into the divine safety of his chest, his scent familiar and comforting.
"Shh, shh," Freddy rubbed soothing circles against your back while hugging you securely against him, always prepared to fight all of your demons away- even if your demons were as simple as nightmares. "It's okay, sweetie. You're alright. Daddy's got ya. Everything's gonna be okay."
"Ok..." You whisper, still snuggled against him. He was so comforting and safe. "Daddy? I'm thirsty. Will you get me some juice, please?"
"You want juice?" Freddy tickled your nose causing you to giggle, "Hm?"
"And a story?" You smile at him hopefully.
"And a story? Well, aren't you spoiled," Freddy smiled back and leaned down to nuzzle your forehead, "Sure, sweetie, let's get you some juice."
Grinning at his compliance, you lean forward and give him a big hug. He hugs you back, and it feels so nice and comforting that you feel as if you could go to sleep right then and there.
Freddy holds your hand as he takes you to the kitchen to get you some juice. Then he grabs a book from a shelf and sits down in his arm chair with you sitting in his lap with your blanket and juice in clutch. He reads to you the short story as many times as you want until you've finished your beverage and declared that you were tired again.
"Can I sleep with you, daddy? Please," You ask, fidgeting in the hopes that you wouldn't have to sleep in the dark alone by yourself again tonight.
Freddy doesn't have the heart to tell you "no", so he nods and ruffles your hair, "As long as you promise not to have anymore nightmares. Promise?"
"I promise, daddy," You say happily, crawling into bed with him and immediately going to snuggle into his chest, "I love you."
Freddy kisses your head and tucks you both in with a blanket, one arm wrapping around you to hold you against him. Warm, safe, and comfortable. "Love you too, sweetie. Now get some sleep and, this time, have 'good' dreams."
Bo Sinclair + Uncle Vincent and Lester
"Hey Les, you seen (y/n) around?" Bo asked as he approached Lester's truck.
Lester gave him a look that he came to dread. "Yeah, they're on back with Vincent. Why?"
Relieved by your assured safety, Bo placed his hands on his hips and stared hard at the ground. Guilt chewed on him like a hungry wolf, and shame became a permanent dark cloud hanging all around him. "I-I messed up, Les," He admitted, shaking his head.
Lester raised his eyebrows in suspicion, "What'a ya mean?"
"Yesterday, I... I messed up," Bo huffed, dragging a rough hand through his hair, "An' now they ain't talkin' to me, and I... I just... Uh."
"Oh, so that's why the little critter wanted to spend the night," Lester chuckled and petted his dog's head fondly, "An' here I was hopin' I was the new favorite uncle. Guess I ain't, huh?"
Bo ignored him as he thought about what happened yesterday. He had been angry for reasons unrelated to you, and when you had tried to get his attention he snapped and yelled at you. Even though "what" was all he yelled, he could still tell how much he scared you and hurt your feelings. Now you wouldn't go around him. Gosh, he didn't mean to do it, he just... He was just an idiot.
Lester frowned at him as if noticing his distress, "Well hell, if it's botherin' ya to the pits then why don't ya go talk to them? You are their daddy after all, ain't ya?"
Yes. Yes he was your dad. And no child should ever have to be afraid of their dad.
Making his ultimate decision, Bo adjusted his hat and began stomping away, "Gotta go."
He found you in the house eating snacks with Vincent. When you noticed he was there, you looked at him and then quickly bowed your head like... like you were afraid of him. And it broke Bo's heart. Good grief, what had he done?
Pulsing with regret, guilt and shame, Bo slowly approached you and knelt down beside your chair, "Hey there, little critter bug. What'cha eating?"
You were hesitant, keeping your face averted as you timidly mumble, "Grapes."
"Ooh, yummy, can I have some?" He lifted his hands out, uncertain of where and when he should start explaining himself.
Sadness and uncertainty decorated your face as you lifted out the bowl to him. Vincent seemed to understand what his brother was doing, and he stood up to leave and give you some privacy.
As he ate some grapes, Bo was surprised to hear you quietly ask, "Daddy... Are... Are you still mad at me?"
"Oh..." He straightened his posture, set the bowl aside and reached out to gently grasp your shoulder, "Oh, (y/n), I was never mad at ya, I just... I was just havin' a bad day and I..."
Bo sighed, his hand squeezing your shoulder gently in reassurance, "Look, critter bug, I didn't mean to yell at ya, and I definitely ain't mad at ya. I just... Daddy made a mistake, and I'm so, so sorry, (y/n). I promise... I'll never yell at you again. I promise."
Your eyes glistened as you looked at him as if in debate. Bo's throat was dry as he waited for your reaction, the negativity and guilt nearly driving him insane.
Instead of saying anything, you spread your arms and lift them upwards. Bo sighed quietly in relief and went to scoop you into his arms, his aching chest slowly beginning to calm down. He still felt guilty for how he made you feel, and he wasn't lying when he promised that he would never ever make you feel that way again.
Michael + Aunt Laurie
You were both trick-or-treating and having a good evening on Halloween. Michael alternated between carrying you on his back, on his hip, or simply holding your hand while walking. It warmed his heart to see how happy and excited you were, your candy-bag becoming overloaded with sweet treats.
He decided to stop at Lauries for a quick break and some refreshment. You ran back out while he was still inside. It only felt like a minute before he followed your footsteps and soon came to a scene that made his blood boil and his eyes widen.
You were laying on your back against the sidewalk, small, frightened cries spilling from your lips. In the direction you were staring, Michael caught a glimpse of a group of teenagers quickly running away. They must have done something to you. But what?
"D-daddy," You cried as he quickly walked over to you, and you skittered to get to your feet.
Michael barely got to check you over for damage before you were wrapping your arms around his waist and crying into his belly. "They pushed me and stole my candy," You whined loudly against him, "I-I just wanted to be friends, b-b-but they stole my candy. Ehh, daddy, daddy, what do I do? They stole my candy."
Anger invaded every nerve within Michael's body as he held you close protectively. How dare anyone treat you this way. How could they? You were the nicest, sweetest little angel. What was their problem? Michael's eyes burned with the memory of those teenage scum and the direction they fled.
Hearing your loud sniffles, Michael gently coaxed you back and knelt down. Slipping off his mask, he reached out, cupped your cheek and used his jumpsuit sleeve to wipe away your tears and snot. Then he used sign-language to ask if you were okay.
You nodded and cried in great sadness, "But they stole my candy. Wh-why did they do that, daddy? I-I just wanted to be friends."
Michael quickly explained to you how those teenagers were obviously bullies. This same experience happened to him too when he was your age. Everything was going to be alright. They would get you more candy. Calm down. Everything was going to be alright.
Slowly you began to calm down, your sobs and whines diminishing. Michael pulled you into his arms and hauled you against his hip so that he could take you into the house. You stayed attached to him the whole time, and he refused to let you go. Frustration still burned inside him, and he was overwhelmed with the urge to protect and comfort you/his child.
Laurie was there to save the day, thankfully, offering you all of the candy she hadn't yet given out and putting on a fun movie for you to watch.
You were snuggled up against your dad on the couch, your mood significantly eased as he rubbed your head and back and offered you pieces of candy. For the most part you forgot about the incident, but Michael certainly hadn't.
Let's just say that, by tomorrow, you would have your stolen candy back.
He had taken a leave of absence from work so that he could better take care of you while you were sick. It wasn't anything serious; just a small cold. The nurse from your school had sent you home earlier due to a sore throat and a fever. Hannibal had rushed to get you as quickly as he could.
Once he got you home, he had you take a bath and get dressed into your pajamas. You complained of throat and stomach pain, and you had irritated sinuses. He gave you some medication and told you to lie down while he made you some special soup that would soothe your tummy.
As he was cooking, he heard your tiny footsteps echoing from the hallway, and he turned to see your sleepy figure approaching, "Daddy?"
"Yes, my child, what is it?" He asked, setting his cutting knife aside.
"My tummy hurts so bad," You pouted, your voice beginning to sound scratchy, "And I don't feel good. I wanna be with you."
Hannibal grabbed a kleenex from the counter and knelt down to gently clean your messy nose, "I know. And that is precisely why you should be sleeping."
"But I can't sleep," You whimper, looking at him with sad, tired owl eyes, "I wanna be with you. Please, daddy? Let me stay with you."
Hannibal tilted his head at you, his brows lifting in debate. While he would rather you be getting some decent rest, he knew that you were young and still filled with energy even whilst you were sick. He didn't have much left to do cooking wise either, so he figured that having you stay around wouldn't harm anything.
"Alright then," Hannibal leaned forward and picked you up, swiftly positioning you on his hip and supporting you with one arm so that he could use the other to cook with.
You held onto his neck while resting your head against his shoulder, your eyes mostly shut as you listened to the sound of his heart beat. Safety and warmth enveloped you making you feel much, much better than what you had before. Your dad was always so cozy and comforting.
Hannibal was able to finish cooking dinner with you on his hip the entire time. Once it was time to eat, he set you down on a chair and made you a drink and a bowl of soup. You ate quietly which worried him a little, but he knew it was just because you weren't feeling good.
"Feeling better?" He asked when you were finished.
You smiled and nodded at him, "Mhm, it was real yummy. Thank you, daddy."
"You're welcome, my child," He reached out and gently squeezed your cheek before taking your bowl and cleaning it, "I don't suppose telling you to get back in bed will do any good, will it?"
Your pitiful whimper was enough of an answer. Hannibal chuckled, dried his hands and went to pick you up again, holding you close as he carried you to the living room. "A movie it is then."
"Can Will come over?" You asked, grinning.
Hannibal gave you a look, "I'm beginning to believe that you're not sick at all."
All good fathers' should fight their child's nightmares away, not be the reason why they have them.
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megalony · 3 months
I'm Taking You Home
This is an Evan Buckley imagine, requested by the lovely @senjoritanana I hope you like it and I'm surprised how quickly I managed to finish this for you. Feedback is always amazing.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie
911 Masterlist
Summary: While out on a call, someone tries to shoot at the 118 and the accident bursts (Y/n)'s eardrum. Evan makes sure to do all he can to look after her.
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"I'm ready for bed." (Y/n) braced her hands on her hips and tilted her head back as she clicked her spine into place. Her knee jutted forward and she took deep breaths as she waited on the pavement for Evan to catch her up.
"It's only lunchtime,"
She tilted her head to the right and raised a brow at Eddie when he playfully bumped his shoulder into hers. He looked down at his watch before he looked back over at her. It had just gone twelve, they were on time for once to go back to the station and get lunch before another call dragged them back out.
"Excuse me, we've been on a two-day bender at the station. We haven't been to bed yet."
Eddie held his hands up in defeat when Evan walked over towards them and slung an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders, reeling her into his side.
Evan, (Y/n) and Bobby had all been on shift for near enough forty-eight hours now and they'd had four hours sleep, if that. The station was short handed and with Hen, Chimney and Eddie all needing to have a break between shifts due to childcare, (Y/n) and Evan stepped up. They were alright with doing long shifts, especially when they were paired up together.
They didn't mind whereas it wasn't fair for Eddie or Hen or Chimney to do longer than a twenty four hour shift when they had families to go home to. Unless it was an emergency situation, of course.
(Y/n) leaned her head back onto Evan's shoulder and grinned up at him when he swiped her helmet from her head so he could see her properly.
She hated how much she loved it when Evan reeled her into his side like this. (Yn) hated just how much she loved to slot under his arm and how she fit perfectly into his side like two puzzle pieces slotting together. She hated the way he looked down at her and winked because it made butterflies swarm free in her stomach and fueled her with unnecessary adrenaline.
"Alright team, let's pack up."
They all made their way across the road and headed over to the truck to start packing up ready to leave.
(Y/n) refrained from sighing when she had to loosen up and slide out of Evan's hold. She let him keep her helmet that he moved to pack into the truck along with his helmet and jacket. A smile danced across her lips as she held her hand out and took the medic bag from Eddie so she could put it back in the compartment along with hers.
She was ready for home.
Once they were back at the station, (Y/n) and Evan would have three more hours to have dinner and maybe join in on one more call out before they could have the rest of the week at home.
Sometimes it felt better to keep working through the week because when she and Evan had the same time off together, (Y/n) didn't know how to act around her roommate. Not when the way she felt for him was moving away from platonic and into something more deadly. At least when they were on shift there was no risk of any feelings getting in the way, they were too busy for that.
(Y/n) brushed her hands over her knees, ridding them of dust and grime before she turned and moved towards the other side of the truck. She grabbed the hose and started to wind it up and clipped it back in place before she shut the compartment and did a quick check. Everything was packed away, they could get going now.
She could hear Hen shouting for her to get in and a smile pulled at her lips as she grabbed the handle and pulled herself up the steps to climb up.
Evan whispered a quiet 'come on' as he patted the vacant seat next to him that was waiting for her. But the radiant, cheesy grin on his features faded the moment an awful bang rung out through the air.
A scream burst past (Y/n)'s lips and her hands coiled up to her head as she dropped to her knees on instinct.
Someone was shooting at them.
They weren't on a call out for an assailant with a gun. They had sorted out a gas leak in a cafe, they weren't here for any injuries or shootings and no one had been trying to hold a hostage situation nearby. They didn't even have the ambulance with them today because the call out wasn't that serious.
Evan jerked back in his seat, hunching his shoulders and moving his hands mid-air despite not knowing what he was trying to do. He could feel his heart ramming away at his ribcage and his pulse throbbed in his neck but he couldn't catch a proper breath. He could feel Chimney rushing to unclip his belt beside him and it made Evan realise he hadn't done up his own belt yet.
With that thought in mind, Evan jumped forward and slammed down onto his knees in the footwell of the truck. His arms reached out and grabbed (Y/n), reeling her back until she stumbled into him. He could see from the way she dropped down that she hadn't been hurt and when he swept his eyes across her, he couldn't see any blood or wounds and she wasn't screaming out in pain.
"Get down! Get on the floor!" Evan jerked his right arm out and pulled on Eddie's sleeve before he moved to do the same to Hen, trying to drag them both down.
Someone was shooting at them, they needed to cower down in the footwell below the windows so they weren't easy targets. Sitting in their seats made them easy to spot and aim at. (Y/n) had been stood up when the shots started, they might have been aiming for her.
Chimney and Hen went down on their knees and leaned forward with their heads hunkered down low and their hands braced on the seats in front of them.
Eddie snapped his belt off so fast it slammed into the window while he slid off his seat and crouched down. There wasn't enough room for all five of them in the footwell but they rammed together like sardines to try and stay low. Leaning to the left, Eddie braced one arm over his head for cover before he leaned towards the door and grabbed it. He swung it until it snapped shut, caging them all inside safely out the way and hunkered down.
"Everybody hold tight!"
Bobby turned the lights on but not the sirens and leaned forward until his head was level with the steering wheel for extra coverage and protection. He didn't think twice before slamming his foot down on the gas to get them moving. Whoever was shooting was aiming for them and they needed to move.
"This is Captain Nash, shots fired! Repeat, shots are being fired we need police assistance. Is anyone hurt?" He did his best to look over his shoulder into the back but when he couldn't see any of them, he looked back at the road and swerved onto a side road to get them out the way.
There was nothing they could do. They couldn't stay and try to see if anyone was injured or hurt or stop the gunman when they seemed to be the targets.
Everyone took a quick glance down at themselves before they looked over at one another. No one seemed to have been hit and one of the windows had smashed but the glass hadn't cut any of them. They had escaped that one safe enough, but it had been close.
For a few more seconds, Evan didn't dare lift his head. He stayed down on his knees with (Y/n) curled over his thighs and his arms bound tight around her middle. He had his lips pressed against the back of her head although he didn't know why or even when he had suddenly done that. And no one else tried to move either. He could feel Chimney slouching against him, Hen had her hand on his shoulder for comfort and to steady herself. And Eddie was squashed in the corner with both his hands braced on the chair in front of him.
When Bobby turned another sharp corner, it felt safe enough for them all to push up and straighten up. But no one attempted to sit on a chair. They all remained on the floor.
"Is anyone hurt? Do I have to make a trip down to the hospital?" Bobby needed an answer. The turning for the hospital was coming up and he could either take that turn, or carry on straight and head back to the station.
Evan slowly reeled up and shuffled around until he was sat down on his bum and not his knees. He leaned his back up against the seat behind him and pulled his knees up which shifted (Y/n) so she was pinned between his knees and his chest.
"(Y/n)? Look at me, are you okay?" He kept one arm around her waist and moved his other hand to cup her jaw so he could turn her head. He tilted her head up so she was facing him.
His baby blue eyes did three turns looking her up and down but he couldn't see any injuries on her. All he could see were her hands still covering her ears and tears drenching her face. And Evan could feel her panicked breaths pushing into his chest, she was breathing like there wasn't enough air in the room and she was trying to stockpile what little oxygen she could.
Shivers bolted up and down (Y/n)'s spine when Evan started to rub his thumb across her chin and up towards her lip. And when he pulled her bottom lip down and leaned closer, she realised she wasn't talking. She wasn't saying anything and that was panicking him.
She couldn't hear him properly when he repeated the same question again, but she forced herself to nod her head. She wasn't hurt. She wasn't shot or hit with anything and she hadn't gotten any glass imbedded in her skin.
But her head was splitting.
Her right ear felt like it had been blown off. It was throbbing and pulsing and her head was starting to pound and sway back and forth like she was being used as a drum. The shot must have been close.
"We're good, Cap."
(Y/n) kept both her hands deadlocked over her ears and leaned forward to smother her face into Evan's shirt. Her breath hitched in her throat when Evan moved his hand down to cup the back of her thigh and she dared not ask what he was doing. She went limp despite her sudden panic and let Evan lift her over so she could sit down between his parted thighs.
He moved his hand to cup the back of her head and his other arm curved around her waist. He rested his chin on top of her head and held his breath for as long as he could so he wasn't panting and gasping anymore.
His eyes flitted over to look at Eddie when he rested his hand on Evan's ankle and patted his leg with a soft expression.
"He nearly shot her."
Evan's voice was so quiet that everyone almost misheard what he'd said. All eyes fell onto him except for (Y/n). And they looked at his hardened expression before their heads turned to see what he was looking at. The window opposite the door was the one that had shattered.
Whoever shot at them had aimed for (Y/n). An inch lower, an inch to the left, if she moved a second slower, there would be a bullet in her head and nothing they could do to save her.
None of them wanted to move when the truck pulled up in the station.
All of them seemed to exchange looks before Eddie sighed and took the plunge. He used the seat behind him as leverage and pushed up to his feet so he could open the door and hop down. He cracked his neck into place and stretched his arms in front of him while he waited for everyone else to follow him out.
Hen patted Evan's shoulder as she climbed over him to get out, followed by Chimney. Hen folded her arms over her chest and rubbed her hands up and down her sleeves to try and calm herself down. Any one of them could have gotten a gunshot wound today.
"We're back," Evan mumbled the words into (Y/n)'s hair before he moved his hands to cup her wrists so he could pull her hands away from her ears.
He hated to see tears streaked down her face and the way she was still struggling to take in a proper breath. Before he could stop himself, Evan leaned forward and kissed her temple.
His hands moved to hold her hips and he tried to smile when (Y/n) gripped his shoulders to try and stand up. He could feel how badly she was shaking once she was stood up and he moved to stand behind her with his hands still on her hips to try and comfort her. They climbed down and moved to stand next to everyone else.
Bobby looked furious.
His hands were on his hips, his foot was tapping against the floor and he moved one hand to drag across his chin before he scratched his nails into the back of his head.
"The police will be down here soon to take statements, and I'll need you all to complete some paperwork for the Chief, but that can wait until tomorrow. Does anyone need to see a counsellor or have a session before you carry on with your shifts?"
The police would no doubt be here within the hour to take statements and talk them all through what happens next. And Bobby would need to fill out an incident report and have everyone make their statements for the paperwork. He could let that wait until tomorrow, until the shock had worn off and everyone felt better.
But they all knew that they had a right to see a councillor or therapist and if they wanted to, they could have an appointment to be cleared to come back to work. Bobby wouldn't want anyone to carry on working if they felt too shaky or unsettled and thought they should talk it through with someone first. Their health and wellbeing came first and they had almost taken a bullet today, it would be understandable if anyone wanted to go home.
Evan clasped his hands together behind his back and kept his eyes on his shoes. He didn't need to talk this through. He needed to sit down before he exploded.
Someone had almost killed his best friend. Someone had taken aim at (Y/n) and they could have seriously injured or killed her. Where would Evan be if the worst had happened? What would he do without her? How would he cope in a world without (Y/n)?
She was the only constant thing in his life. He saw her every morning without fail, she was the first person he saw when he got up and the last person he saw before he closed his eyes at night. Evan didn't want that to change, not for anything in the world and he didn't want any harm to come to her. She was his roommate, his best friend and she meant more to Evan than anyone else ever had.
He couldn't live without her.
"Are you all sure you're okay?"
A chorus of 'yes' and nodding heads filled the air and Bobby waved his hand at them. They all knew what to do. Go get changed, get themselves a drink and try to calm down while he sorted dinner before the station became flooded with police.
(Y/n) closed her eyes for a few seconds when everyone started to disappear and float around the station.
She didn't now what to do. She wanted to be sick. She wanted to collapse and pass out. Her head was spinning so violently she thought it was going to disconnect from her neck.
"I'm gonna hit the gym."
(Y/n) let her eyes drag over to Evan, wincing at how horrible his voice sounded in her right ear. It sounded like she was submerged underwater, trying to hear things above the surface. It was as if Evan was gurgling water in the back of his throat as he talked and the sounded made (Y/n) cringe. She could feel her head swimming and her ear was pounding and pulsing and throbbing all at once.
She knew what he meant by that. He meant he was going to go into the gym and break the equipment. He had ripped the last punching bag they had at the station after a bad fallout with his parents.
Eddie nodded in agreement and they both turned to start making their way towards the gym. But when Evan looked over his shoulder at (Y/n), it was as if they were having a silent conversation. (Y/n) could feel herself begging him not to leave her alone and his eyes told her he wasn't allowing her out of his sight for more than a few seconds.
That was enough for (Y/n) to follow along behind them. She didn't know what else to do with herself. She could follow the boys and watch them in the gym. It would be better than sitting in the bunker room or upstairs on her own, twiddling her thumbs and she knew if she was alone she was at risk of bursting into tears.
Her hand braced out on the truck and she dragged her fingertips along the red paint, using the truck as leverage to keep herself upright as she began to walk.
She felt dizzy.
When they got into the gym, (Y/n) heaved herself over to a bench and slumped down like all her bones had turned to jelly. She flopped forward and let her arms slump on her legs and hung her head down to see if it would relieve her headache and make her ear stop thudding and ringing like a church bell.
"Are you alright?" Evan's hand found her shoulder with a surprisingly strong grip and he gave her a squeeze to make her look up at him. She was surprised to see he had shed his shirt quickly to leave him in his grey vest and trousers.
"Just shaky,"
(Y/n) let her eyes dance over Evan's frame for a while as he began to abuse the punch bag in the corner. She couldn't hear whatever he and Eddie were talking about. Her right ear was starting to turn numb and the ringing was drowning out everything else. She could only hear through her left ear and it was a horrible feeling to feel as if she were broken and useless on one side.
She wasn't sure how long they stayed in the gym, it could have been a few minutes, it could have been half an hour. All she knew was that after a few minutes, she flopped to lay out on the bench.
Eddie and Evan kept glancing her way every now and then but she still had her eyes open and she tried to smile at them to show she wasn't suddenly going to faint or go unconscious.
"You three, come and get something to eat." Bobby's voice was quiet when he poked his head round the door and waved them over.
(Y/n) realised they must have been in there a while because Evan was drenched in sweat and Bobby had found enough time to make lunch.
Her lips curved into a small, tepid smile when Evan stood in front of her hand held his shaky, sweating palms out towards her. His chest was heaving, his hair was flopping about on his head and sweat trickled down his neck and through to his vest, but he didn't care.
She let her hands slide into his and Evan slowly pulled her up to her feet, but (Y/n)'s smile faded when her head started to swim. Her knees trembled and her head flopped forward. She felt dizzy and sick and feverish all at once. But she tried to push those feelings aside when the three of them headed out the gym and trudged towards the stairs.
None of them had much energy and they all walked at their slowest pace, feeling their motivation slipping away with each passing second. They didn't do this job to get shot at. They were firefighters, they were trying to do some good in the world and help people and look out for everyone. Why did they deserve to be shot at? What had they done to upset someone so much?
The three of them walked in a single file line when they got to the stairs and (Y/n) grabbed the rails with both hands, pushing her weight onto her arms to drag herself up.
But the dizziness was starting to get worse and she could feel her breakfast crawling back up her throat.
Halfway up the stairs was too much for (Y/n). Her head started to loll forwards and a wave of tremors rattled through her limbs while her head pounded. Her eardrum thudded, tears splashed down her face and her head started to split apart like a coconut.
"(Y/n)- hey, what's up, what're you doing?" Panic bubbled up through Evan when he watched (Y/n) suddenly lower herself down onto her knees like she was about to pray here on the stairs.
He moved to crouch down behind her, reaching out to grip her waist while he felt Eddie lean over his shoulder to see why they had all stopped.
When (Y/n) folded her arms on the step in front of her and tried to slump her head onto her arms, Evan gently reeled her back. He muttered a quiet 'come here' as he tilted (Y/n) back into his chest. He hated the way she started to tremble in his arms and the way she hid her face into her hands like she was trying to smother herself. It did nothing to stop him from hearing her begin to cry and it made his heart shatter.
But his brows furrowed and he gently pulled her hands away from her face so he could cup her chin. He tilted her head to the left so she was looking away from him and a growl built up in his chest when he noticed a small trickle of blood slithering down from her ear onto her jaw.
"Okay, up we go. I got you."
Evan held (Y/n)'s wrist and looped her arm around the back of his neck before he cupped his left arm around her waist and slid his right arm beneath her knees. He slowly stood up and waited until (Y/n) smothered her face in his chest before he began walking up the stairs again.
His jaw locked tightly and he tried his best to look ahead and ignore the worried looks he got from the rest of the team who were quietly sat around the dining table.
He moved over to the right and headed over to the sofa, crouching down so he could ease (Y/n) down onto the sofa before he sat down beside her.
(Y/n) curled her arms into her chest and slouched back into Evan when his arm draped around her shoulders. He pressed his lips into her hair and started to glide his other hand up and down her arm until Eddie came back over to them with one of their medical kits in hand.
When Eddie perched down in front of (Y/n), Evan slid his hand up from her shoulder to cup her jaw. (Y/n) opened her eyes wide and tried to control her breathing as she wondered what Evan was trying to do. But he gently used her chin to turn her head until her cheek was pressed into her chest so Eddie could see the blood trickling out of her right ear.
"Can I take a look?"
(Y/n) didn't say anything but the soft look in her eyes told Eddie he could go ahead.
He used a cotton swab to clean away the blood before he shone a light in her ear. His fingertips pressed behind her ear, down her neck and across her jaw to see when she would wince or flinch away from his touch. He then pressed a thermometer under her tongue and flashed the light across her eyes.
"I think the shot burst your eardrum… you were the closest to it. You need to get some antibiotics and go home, it's gonna take a while to heal."
Eddie winced when (Y/n) began to cry and he turned to look over his shoulder and wave Bobby across to them.
There was nothing a doctor could do for (Y/n) except make sure she didn't get it infected. It would heal up on its own within two months, hopefully. (Y/n) would need to rest, take antibiotics and make sure not to get her ear wet at all for a few weeks.
She turned her head further to the side and cried into Evan's chest, shaking harder when she felt his hand slide up from her jaw to tangle in her hair at the back of her head.
"It's okay… shh, it's alright. I'm taking you home."
A sigh bubbled past Evan's lips when he shut the front door behind him. He let his shoulders slump down and tilted his head back, closing his eyes when he heard that unmistakeable sound.
(Y/n) was throwing up. Again.
He tossed his keys on the side and headed through into the kitchen, dumping his bag down on the counter before he backtracked and headed over towards the bathroom.
He had never been more pleased that the bathroom in their apartment was downstairs. It meant while (Y/n) was laid up on the couch for the last few days, she didn't have to struggle getting up and down the stairs to rush to the bathroom when she felt sick. But he wished she wasn't throwing up so much. Evan wished she could start to feel better.
For the last four days, he had seen (Y/n) eat two meals a day and proceed to throw all of it back up again. He thought it was too good to be true that she had eaten tea last night and lunch today without being sick.
He tapped his knuckles on the door before he nudged it open and stood in the doorway with his arms folded over his chest. He leaned his back up against the door and let his head flop to the right as he looked down at (Y/n).
She was knelt on the floor, hunched over the toilet with her forehead slumped down on her arms.
"I take it you don't feel any better?" He mumbled quietly and raised his brows when (Y/n) turned away from the toilet. She could barely keep her eyes open and a subtle tremble had set in all over her body.
(Y/n) turned on her knees and shuffled over until she could use the sink as leverage to pull herself up. But the moment she was stood up, her legs started to shake and her head rattled like someone was using her head as a bowling ball. Her knees quaked and pressed up against the sink and her hands gripped the edge as she let herself slide down just a little until her head was slumped forward into the bowl.
She tried to rinse her mouth with mouthwash but the sensation made her ear feel like it was popping and drowning in water. She spat it out and cringed, bowing her head even further to stop herself from crying. She had cried enough over the last four days but she couldn't seem to stop.
Her head was pounding unless she was asleep and as much as she tried, (Y/n) couldn't sleep the days away as well as the nights. She hated listening to music or the tv when one ear was working and the other was turned down and noises came through hazy and bubbling. She had to have the tv on volume seven because any louder made her cry.
The shot had unbalanced the fluids in her ears and that was making it hard for (Y/n) to keep her balance and stay upright. She felt like she was always swaying and sliding to one side when she stood upright and every time she tried to move around, she ended up being sick.
"Alright, come here."
Evan cupped his hands over her hips and stood behind her but when he turned her around to face him, he watched her lips fall into a frown and she wouldn't meet his gaze. Her forehead tipped down into his chest and her hands gripped his arms even though she didn't want to.
"You can't carry me everywhere, Evan." (Y/n) didn't want to rely on Evan like this. She didn't want him to have to help her up and down the stairs and make dinner for her when they usually shared the cooking. She didn't like relying on him like this, it wasn't fair.
"Yes I can. You're not well, that means I gotta look after you. So let me."
(Y/n) let herself go limp so Evan could move her easily. He cupped her wrists and lifted her arms to curl them around his neck. Then his hand moved down to hold her chin and he bent his knees to lower himself down so he could rest (Y/n)'s head on his shoulder.
His hands cupped the back of her exposed thighs and he lifted her up with ease, securing her legs around his torso so she was sitting on his hips. He kept one arm around her bum, she was light and easy enough to carry with one arm so he didn't know why she objected so much to him carrying her around. It wasn't like she was forcing him to help her; he wanted to. He was desperate to help her.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and nuzzled her face into Evan's neck, smiling when she felt Evan's lips against the top of her head. Something he had been doing a lot over the last few days.
He headed into the kitchen, grabbed the bag he had come back with and then turned around to go down into the living room.
When he reached the sofa, Evan dug his hand into (Y/n)'s thigh and leaned forward so he could ease her down. He found himself smiling when he watched her curl her knees up to her stomach and saw how she burrowed into the pillows she had collected down here to be more comfortable.
"What's in the bag?" (Y/n) let her head sink into one of the pillows and she bound her arms around her chest, turning to face Evan when he sat down next to her. But he didn't sink back into the seat like he normally would, he sat on the edge of the sofa with his knees bent out to the sides and his elbows on his thighs.
"I got Eddie to grab me a few bits from the station."
(Y/n) narrowed her eyes, about to smile at him until she watched what he started to get out the bag and place down on the coffee table.
"Evan no-"
Her lips pressed together firmly and she leaned back in her seat when he turned to face her. The way he tilted his head to the side and rose a brow made her shiver, but it was his jaw that locked and ground from side to side that made the adrenaline ignite in (Y/n)'s stomach. And when he moved his hand to point a finger at her, she almost gasped.
"Now you listen to me, you're dehydrated and you're still being sick. So you either suck it up and let me help you, or I will carry you to the car and take you down to the emergency room. So which is it sweetheart?"
The pet name rolled off his tongue before he could stop himself or even realise what he had said and it made (Y/n) turn to jelly despite the pain rolling through her head. She loosened her arms from her chest and flopped her arm onto his thigh as a sign of giving in to him.
"Good girl."
Evan picked up one of the two saline bags Eddie had packed for him. He knew (Y/n) would be sick again today, he just had a gut feeling that she wouldn't be able to keep anything down and she hadn't been drinking enough either. So he rang Eddie this morning and asked him to grab a few IV bags from inventory, some stronger pain meds and some supplement sachets.
He knew (Y/n) wouldn't want to go to hospital, it would take a few hours for them to get through the emergency room onto a ward to get any help in the first place. But if he could keep (Y/n) at home with him and help her himself, the Evan would do everything he could for her.
(Y/n) dared to shuffle a bit closer so she could tilt her head forward and press her nose into his arm which made him smile.
He ripped open an antiseptic wipe and dabbed it across the back of (Y/n)'s hand that was stretched out on his thigh. He could feel (Y/n) pressing her face further into his bicep while she closed her eyes. She didn't do well with needles.
"Here we go," He whispered quietly, daring to let his eyes dart over to her for a second before he moved his attention back to her hand.
He slid the needle into the first vein he found and moved to grab the IV cap that he clipped onto the end while (Y/n) groaned and pinched her nails into his thigh. Not that Evan minded at all. Once a bit of tape was stuck over it, he grabbed a roll of bandage and started to wind it around her hand. He knew exactly what she was like. She would scratch and pull and mess with the tube until the needle came out.
Once it was in place, Evan checked the wire was straight and running free before he flipped the cap to let the fluids flush wide open. He wanted the saline in her system as fast as possible because she was dehydrated and she needed a boost.
"Eddie found some painkillers, they should take away your headaches."
"I don't think I can keep them down."
"Ah, no this is the good stuff." Evan flashed the small bottle when (Y/n) turned her head so her cheek was pressed against his shoulder. He told Eddie not to bring tablets because (Y/n) would throw them up.
Evan grabbed a new needle, filled it with the right dosage and injected it into the spare cap on the IV tube. This would go straight into (Y/n)'s system so she wouldn't throw it up and it would help her feel better. He didn't want to see her crying in pain any longer, he just wanted to make her feel better.
"Thank you." (Y/n) left her bandaged hand on Evan's lap but she moved her right hand to curl around his arm she was leaning against. Her lips pressed to his shoulder and she smiled against his skin until she looked up and realised he looked perplexed.
"You don't need to thank me."
"Evan, you've been looking after me-"
"I look after you because I want to, but I wouldn't need to if some fucker didn't try and take a shot at you. He nearly killed you and I can't… I can't lose you."
Evan slumped back against the sofa and reached his free hand to tangle through his hair. He let his body slouch down and tipped his head back on the cushion to stare up at the ceiling. He wouldn't be taking care of (Y/n) like this if he didn't want to, he would do anything for her. But he would rather be taking care of her when she was sick from a cold or an illness. Not because someone thought they had the right to try and shoot them.
If things had been different, a few seconds later, if (Y/n) didn't move at the right time or if she was a little slower. If that gun had been aimed more to the left, she would be in a coffin right now and Evan would be inconsolable.
"You won't lose me, Evan. I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here," (Y/n) dared to move her hand up from his arm to brush her thumb across his chin. She tilted his head so he was looking at her, so he could see her smile and know that she was here. She wasn't going anywhere. She had a lucky escape five days ago but nothing like that would happen again.
Her fingers tickled the side of his jaw, feathering up and down until he was shuddering beneath her gentle touch. The more her fingers grazed his skin, the less resolve Evan had until he finally broke and pushed forward.
His hand cupped her jaw and skimmed across her neck before he leaned across and kissed her.
He'd dreamed about doing this.
She was his best friend. She was his roommate. She was his partner on the job. But Evan wanted her to be so much more. Evan wanted (Y/n) to be everything in the world to him, his friend, the one he lived with, the girl he kissed and came home to every night. Because she already held his heart in her hands and he never wanted it back.
He pulled her lower lip between his teeth and drank her in, panting against her lips until he was seeing stars and the ringing in (Y/n)'s ears drowned out into nothing but background noise.
He felt her hand move around from his jaw to loop around his neck while her other hand shifted up from his thigh to rest on his chest so she could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest.
Evan slipped his hands down until his fingers could slide beneath her legs and grip the back of her bare thighs were her pyjama shorts had ridden up her legs. He lifted her thighs up and dragged her across the small distance between them that felt like an ocean was keeping them apart. He pulled until her knees were clamped down on either side of his hips and she sank back on his thighs.
And when (Y/n) pulled back to try and gasp for air, Evan cupped her wrist and moved her hand up from his chest to loop it around the back of his neck. Along with the IV tube so he didn't squeeze it and stop the fluids from getting into her system.
His hand moved around to hold the back of her neck while his other hand shifted up from her thigh to grab her bum. He kept her leaning down on his chest and he smiled when he looked up and saw a dazed look in her hooded eyes.
(Y/n) scratched her nails against the short hairs at the back of his neck until Evan was clenching his jaw and he pulled her back down onto him.
(Y/n) could feel herself going lightheaded again, especially when Evan seemed to draw all the air out of her lungs and gulp it down for himself. His warm lips smothered hers and bit her lower lip until he was going to leave a bruise in his wake, but (Y/n) didn't care. She didn't want him to stop. She could feel him muttering something against her mouth but he spoke far too quietly for her to hear.
"You're right. You're not going anywhere."
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yanderes-galore · 23 days
I have seen requests were open! I have one, if it's okay-
Platonic yandere catnap/Theo x little(maybe trans if your comfortable) sis reader
Who he had gotten out before the hour of Joy all those years ago, but is back now trying to find him?
(Idk, I love sibling relationships and yanderes-)
Have a good day/night!^^
I'm just going to keep it general female pronouns as it just... doesn't change the story much? Here's more CatNap, this one is closer to canon than the normal AU I do.
You aren't actually related to Theo in this to make the plot work, but he sees you as his Little Sister... if that's okay? It doesn't change much plot-wise, I promise.
Yandere! CatNap with Little Sis! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Human experimentation, Violence, Death, Drugging (Poppy Gas), Kidnapping, Stalking, First portion of this Darling is a child, Second portion you and CatNap are adults due to the time skip, Violence, Murder, Blood, Religious themes, Forced companionship.
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A long time ago, you were raised in the Playcare Orphanage alongside Theo.
However, you weren't really one of the orphans.
Your parents were either scientists or perhaps even the founder of Playtime Co.
You were merely dropped off at Playcare to be watched, unaware of all the experiments going on.
Well... how could you be aware in the first place?
You were only five....
Theo was actually a playmate of yours, but you two acted like siblings.
Theo, the troublesome kid, saw you like a little sister.
You two were often seen playing with one another.
Scientists and your own parents originally were concerned when Theo grew attached to you.
The kid was a known troublemaker, often blaming his behavior on his "imaginary friend".
Supposedly he even spoke to you about his "friend", yet at your age you didn't entirely understand him.
You also saw Theo as a friend and sibling, even expressing despair when you learned Theo had gotten himself into a bad accident.
Truthfully, you never knew the real fate of Theo.
You were still often visiting Playcare when CatNap was introduced.
You were told Theo was "adopted" and "moved away".
In reality the kid became CatNap, reborn in a new body due to the Bigger Bodies project.
CatNap retained some memories that Theo had, but was essentially a new being.
He was the new guardian of Playcare, one meant to "protect and discipline" the orphans.
CatNap scared many of the kids or just... didn't get along with most.
However, with you?
Scientists noticed that CatNap was oddly attached to you.
The large cat hovered around you, acted playful and affectionate, and seemed to dislike you playing with other children and Smiling Critters.
The going theory was CatNap remembered you from when Theo was alive.
After all, CatNap often rambled about "The Prototype", it would make sense if he remembered his playmate.
Many STAFF were reluctant to pull you away from CatNap.
The large purple cat often picked you up, curling around you and purring.
STAFF were often met with hostility when they tried to take you away.
You had grown to adore CatNap, the large lavender smelling cat often putting you to sleep and watching over you.
You played with CatNap for years, perhaps four years after he was created.
You were around nine or ten before your parents wanted to stop you from going to Playcare.
They knew you were getting too old and CatNap (who would probably be around eleven or twelve) was getting too overprotective of his playmate.
CatNap still saw you as close to him, although the lines between sibling, friend, and playmate often blurred together.
You were taken out of Playcare before the Hour of Joy.
While you were sitting at home, no doubt with either your mother or father, CatNap was panicking when he couldn't find his best friend and sibling.
Poor you had no clue about the truth of Playtime Co.
Not until ten years later, where you return to the factory to learn the truth.
By this point you're just about in your 20s, which means CatNap would be too.
It's been years since you've entered this place.
You want to know the truth about Theo... only beginning to realize your mistake once you're trapped inside.
I imagine you follow a similar journey to the player character in Poppy Playtime.
You meet Poppy, you defeat Huggy Wuggy and Mommy Longlegs...
Eventually you return to Playcare... and memories come flooding back.
You know you need to escape, but you're also scanning your surroundings for answers.
All the while CatNap is hunting you... soon realizing just who you are.
It's been years and you have matured into a young woman.
CatNap feels a pang of envy deep within him.
Perhaps deep down he wishes he could've grown up alongside you.
CatNap doesn't hunt you for food or a sacrifice to The Prototype... he hunts you because you mean a lot to him.
Memories spark within him, times where you two would play and you'd even call him "brother".
It didn't matter if you were really related or not... you were bound together.
Even as the guardian of Playcare he cared for you.
He was devastated when you were gone.
But now you're here...!
Now you can play again!
CatNap would probably make his move eventually, stalking and watching you until the time is right...
Then, without warning, he'd use his Poppy Gas to knock you out.
If you had a gas mask, he'd break it before making you hallucinate.
When you eventually fall asleep... CatNap would pick you up by the back of your clothes and carry you down into the depths of Playcare.
Mini Smiling Critters scurry around in the dark but remain obedient when CatNap growls at them.
The large cat takes you deep into his territory before placing you down.
Like he did when you two were younger, he curls around you protectively.
You wake up eventually to the smell of blood and the faintest smell of lavender.
You're wrapped tightly in the tail of CatNap as the beast purrs and growls away in his sleep.
Upon your attempts to struggle against him, the cat shoots awake and glances at you.
You freeze when you see the beady white eyes stare back at you...
Only to hear and a loud purr as the cat nuzzles into you.
Nearby is CatNap's shrine to The Prototype, the cat silently happy that his prayers have been answered!
Now you two can play together... forever.
CatNap no doubt makes you, his little sister, worship The Prototype.
Mini Smiling Critters are docile towards you, mostly because CatNap would eat them if they weren't.
Speaking of eating... You often see CatNap hunt other toys and drag them to you.
The mix of toy and flesh is... nauseating to you.
However, you can't eat anything else.
Resulting in you trying to adapt.
Escape is near impossible without a Grab-Pack.
Even if you had one, CatNap never lets you out of his sight.
Despite you being an adult, CatNap still treats you like a little kid.
He never leaves your side and is incredibly protective of you.
If you tried to leave him, he'd have you gassed to drag you back.
In his own way... CatNap loves you.
He loves his little sister and playmate...
You two can now play in Playcare just like old times... even if it kills you in the end.
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thecuriousquest · 6 months
Yan Uncle Nanami has a lot of fears. However, his biggest one is his lil niece/nephew (aka reader) ending up EXACTLY like a certain blue eyed moron their father.
And those fears came true the day you started talking for the first time💀
Yan!Uncle Nanami
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug @palesweetscherryblossom
Warnings: Platonic yandere themes
Note: Reader is five years old
Master List
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Gojo taught you the drinking game, except now you've made it your own.
Five-Year-Old Reader: *Clap, clap* "Name one thing you like about Y/N Gojo! I'll go first! EVERYTHING!"
Uncle Nanami is so tired. He watches you closely, either rubbing his temples or pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and pointer finger.
Uncle Nanami, and I stress this word with great vigor, TRIES to keep you humble, but you're literally Satoru Gojo's daughter. The word "humble" isn't even in your vocabulary.
Daddy Gojo gives you whatever you want, whenever you want it. Everything you own is luxurious, and your father builds up your confidence daily by telling you that you're the strongest and most beautiful girl in the world. This really gets to your head.
Nanami fucking reality checks the hell out of you, though. If you think he's going to spoil you, you're wrong. Your father does that enough as it is.
Uncle Nanami really thinks you could use some firm discipline, but he knows Gojo would kill him if he tried, so he settles for redirecting you when you start to make things about yourself or when you run off to exorcise a curse because you think you're strong enough to do so at five years old. I mean, you are Gojo's kid after all, so you probably can, but still that's not the point. You're five years old; you shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff.
Nanami holds you as he takes you home to tear your father a new one for letting you think that you can just do whatever you want. As you drift off to sleep on his shoulder, he hears you whisper, "I love...myself. I'm so awesome."
He just rolls his eyes and cuddles you even closer. He doesn't really want to bring you back home, but he survives because he knows he'll get to see you tomorrow.
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yours-mythically · 7 months
One Luxurious Life
➤ pairing : natasha romanoff x rich!reader (romantic), slight yelena belova x rich!reader (platonic)
➤ summary : nat has a rich girlfriend that spoils her non-stop and yelena chooses it as an opportunity to tease her sister....
➤ warnings : none
➤ a/n : I'll try to update at least once a week for u guys, but I can't promise it lol (part II)
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You weren't just Natasha's girlfriend, according to her sister Yelena. You were Natasha's rich girlfriend; something that Yelena never let her sister forget.
"Got those from your rich girlfriend?" The blonde teased, eyeing Nat's new ear piercings.
"Shut up." Natasha chuckled.
Yes, you were rich and you were also, definitely, spending more money on Natasha than the red head would've liked. But you didn't care. You love her and want to keep her as happy as possible; even if Nat claims that she would've been happy even if you didn't have a lot of money.
"You think I could get her to buy me a new vest?" Yelena asked, as she sat down on the couch in the Avengers Tower.
"You've got your own money, go spend it if you want." Natasha claimed, rolling her eyes at her sister.
"Why spend it if Y/N could get it for me," Yelena shrugged, "A few dollars won't hurt her money account."
"Yelena I won't have you asking my girlfriend if she can get you a vest," Nat said, annoyed, "Go ask Tony if you so desperately want it."
"Won't even do one nice thing for me." Yelena mumbled as she left the living room.
"I can hear you, suka." Nat yelled.
"What did she do this time?" You asked as you entered the room, giving your girlfriend a little peck on the lips.
"She's just being her." Nat muttered.
"Always the same thing, huh?" You chuckled, hugging Nat tightly, "How about we go out for dinner tonight? I found a really nice restaurant." You asked.
"Y/N/N, listen, you don't have to keep spending money for me. I'm just as happy without it." Natasha told you.
"It's fine, Nat, really. I don't mind at all." You smiled against her cheek.
"I'm not gonna be able to convince you, am I?" Nat asked, kissing your temple.
"Nope. So how about that restaurant?"
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Hours later, you two were back at the tower in your room, full from your dinner and content. The king-sized bed you two lay in was warm and comfy, making you two want to fall asleep instantly. Sadly, you wouldn't be able to...
"Sestra! I hear you went to a nice restaurant today?" Yelena accented voice rang through the hallway.
"Oh, goodness gracious, this girl won't ever stop," The red head next to you mumbled, "Get out of here! We're sleeping!"
"What's with her today?" You asked amused.
"You're not sleeping, I can hear you! I won't leave until Y/N takes me out to one of those fancy, expensive dinners as well!"
You looked at your girlfriend and raised an eyebrow, "What now?"
"Yelena, leave or I'll kick you out!" Natasha yelled and you could definitely notice that she was starting to get annoyed - yet again - with her sister's antics.
"Not before I kick you out!"
"Lena, leave us alone tonight and I'll buy you whatever you want tomorrow. We just want some time alone." You yelled through the room.
"Anything?" The said woman asked after a short pause.
"Alright, I'll leave you two alone. But if you're going to have fun, be quiet, some people want to sleep!" You two heard her leave.
"She's got some nerves." Natasha said as she held you tightly to her chest.
"I guess it runs in the family, hm?" You asked playfully, slowly getting tired.
Natasha chuckled shortly, "Shut up."
She continued holding you tightly, forgetting all about her annoying sister who - Nat sometimes got the feeling - just wanted you two to stay together for your money.
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moonsaver · 8 days
Do you have any thoughts about the opposite of the "Im afraid to confess because our friendship could get ruined"? As in, "I'm afraid to reject you because I don't want to lose this friendship so I accept your confession even though I don't feel that way for you and never will".
Like the protagonist tries to convince themselves that this is just like being friends only that we now kiss (and more). I feel like it would fit with a yandere that is a bit delusional or desperate, eveb insecure so whenever the protagonist doesnt seem as into this relationship as them, they just try to convince themselves otherwise, or love bomb the protagonist.
Idk lately Ive been into reversing the tropes and I found this one particularly interesting to me when it comes to a yandere. In HSR i was thinking of Argenti as he seems like the delusional type. Or even Aventurine who would have had to put down a lot of walls to be friends with you and then even more walls just to confess, so rejecting him doesnt seem like an option to the protag (out of pity and care).
THIS THIS THIS!!!! qnon ur brain is so wrinkly and soggy with brain juice..... this used to be my favorite trope at some point idk why i forgot about it i remember eating up any fanfics out there based on this
Tw: yandere (obv), manipulation, intimacy (mainly romantic, only hints of sexual), emotional blackmailing, whatever yadda yadda
But anyways, under the cut!
Okay, so, I imagine this is possible with literally... almost all of hsr's cast. Mainly because most of them have such tragic backstories, and most of them out of that have a really shrewd and cunning mind, so they'll exploit this to hell and back.
I also imagine this is with a people pleasing reader, so lets go with a bit of implication of that.
Anyways, since Aventurine and Argenti are the ones mentioned specifically, I'll probably dive in on them first.
Aventurine is so hard to not feel pity for. Every stolen glance at the marking on his neck makes you feel worse and worse for "rejecting him", knowing he's been throwing signs of wanting more than a friendship quite possibly everywhere and you're most likely ignoring them in hopes of keeping your friendship. It's not like he hasn't quite caught on, either. He knows people's hearts quite well. And where there's opportunity, he seizes it.
It's a bit frustrating for him – just why can't you see he wants more? Or rather, just why aren't you accepting him? You're the first thing on his mind when he wakes up, when he clutches his chip and bets on his life, the last thing on his mind when he goes to sleep. Hell, he's even tried to dream of you, forcefully. But then he realizes.. how easy you are to just push around. He goes ahead with the confession, and it's almost a sadistic kind of pleasure when he sees you even try and stutter out any kind of a rejection when he's leaning in a perfect angle that shows off his little marking (out of all the times he curses it, it seems like this time it's worked in his favor). He watches carefully as your eyes nervously flit to his neck and you shut up immediately for a second, before accepting. And when you do.. he's over the moon! Coddles you, kisses your cheeks, becomes so much more grabby, as his keen eyes watch your discomfort. Well.. you didn't reject him, so this is what you should expect.
Again, the frustration doesn't wear off easily, but just seeing you writhe and try to create distance while he suffocates you in affection far from platonic nature, is so sadistically pleasuring to him. He loves watching you in that state, bending to his will so easily, as he waits for you to snap. But he'll probably find it easier to squeeze water out of a rock than to squeeze a rejection out of you – which is precisely what he exploits. You're not going anywhere, are you? He puts on his best, pleading little eyes that he used to have to put on, shaking, trembling voice, desperate hands that cling to you; all the things he acts out like his life depends on it when he senses even a waver of your hesitation.
Oh, fine.. he hates seeing you so queasy almost all the time, so he'll give you a reprieve from time to time. Plans and schedules things you used to do "back when you were friends" (he emphasizes this – you don't think you can just ignore everything, right?), and makes sure to at least crack a few smiles and giggles from you. Of course.. his hand is still loosely hanging around your waist, pecks you on the lips from time to time, just as a small reminder of what you guys really are now.
Argenti on the other hand, has no awareness of your discomfort at all.
He's like a huge dog, the way he's so happy about you accepting his confession and doesn't even stop to think afterwards just why you were so hesitant during it.
Constantly praises you, and it's not soon before it gets to a more intimate nature. He wants to do all the romantic things – kissing under the rain, protecting you from something, twirling you in the air and then kissing you again after putting you down, telling everyone proudly that you two are a couple, buying more and more "romantic" gifts that turn more intimate sooner or later. You have no way out of this without completely ruining everything.
It's.. almost painful the way he doesn't realise. At some point your discomfort probably gets so.. obvious, but he just shrugs it off; perhaps he hasn't been paying you enough attention? Or you're just too shy to ask something of him? Oh, how sweet! How adorable! He thinks. He simply falls deeper and deeper into this delusion, stringing you along and stretching your patience thin. Unfortunately, unlike Aventurine, you can't find most, if any bits of the things you both used to do as platonic companions in the relationship you have with Argenti. He's just a full-blown romantic who wants to do only that. It makes you even more queasy when people look at you in pity, if they realize just what happened between you two.
You can't back out, even if you tried. If you somehow manage to find a way to squeeze out a rejection, or have any kind of a reservation about things getting more intimate/romantic stuff, he's so devastated. Did he do something wrong? Perhaps he's not as experienced as you wanted him to be? Or you're not satisfied with some of the things he's said? Don't fret, he's right on it! Constantly holding you so close you're afraid your bones will break, whispering incessant praises into your ear that slowly spiral into affirmations that you belong to him, spoiled rotten with everything you want; yet, even then.. you can't shake off the intention they were given in. Not when you're suffocated by it.
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
skz with a 9th member who grew up in england so sometimes they use slang they dont understand or sometimes their british accent gets really strong when theyre tired or drunk and the boys think its funny.
it's a brit thing
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: swearing, alcohol mentions
word count: 1.2k
summary: the boys find it hard to understand their british member a lot of the time...
Hi! Sorry for such a late response to your ask! Loved writing this one! Love to my fellow British Stays. Also I love a Yorkshire accent, just putting that out there haha...
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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aka five times the real brit in y/n appeared
1) tired
You were tired, so tired. After a long flight back from LA to Seoul, all you wanted to do was get back to the dorms and go to sleep. Just simply get out of the airport, get into the cars, and listen to some music before ultimately entering a calm, unconscious state.
Yet with the experience of the paparazzi and screaming fans awaiting you, your plans were ruined. They swarmed you, and even as you formed your usual chain amongst the rest of the members and your security it didn't stop the flash of the cameras blaring in your face and fans getting too handsy.
Other times it would overwhelm you but this time it was just annoying. You would say you were just agitated, but the boys thought you were grumpy.
"Oh no, she's grumpy," Seungmin teased from beside you as you squeezed into the back between him and Changbin.
"Fucking twats the lot of them," you grunted in English, digging through your backpack for your airpods as your northern British accent came out.
"That wasn't Korean but I'm not entirely sure that was English either..." Changbin said with wide eyes, only vaguely recognising the swear word and nothing else.
"Chan can you translate?" Jeongin asked curiously, watching as you entered a calmer state when you started playing music.
"Basically she's annoyed at the paps and fans," Chan laughed after translating what you said.
"T-twateu?" Jeongin tested out, and your music just happened to go silent before changing to the next song, meaning you heard what he said.
"You what?!?"
2) vlive
It was time for your bimonthly vlive, which Stays managed to guess when you'd go live, getting used to your system of interacting with them.
"There aren't really a lot of British idols out there, are there?" you chatted with the fans, face near the screen as your eyes squinted to read the comments, forgetting to wear your glasses.
"Haha! Yes Han is our honorary British member," you laughed as you read the comments, hand going over your mouth.
"Wait doesn't Jennie from Blackpink speak with a British accent?" you double checked you theory with the fans, letting out a successful cheer when they confirmed your thoughts.
"Yes!!! Up the Brits! There are too many Aussies I swear..."
"Teach us some British phrases? Okay hmmm, what can I teach my Stays?" you wondered, tapping your chin comically.
"You can say 'I'm gutted', which means you're really upset about something, like you're so sad you feel it in your gut. Or, 'I'm knackered', which means you're tired. Or you're 'pissed off', which means you're angry," you explained to the Stays, frowning when they started saying you sweared on vlive, the staff now staring at you awkwardly.
"Ani, ani, no, no," you pointed to the camera, fake scolding the fans, "I don't think it's swearing, right?"
3) drunk
You and the boys had been out drinking, celebrating the promotions for Case 143. And let's just say, you had a few too many, at least you weren't the only one.
"I'm fucking hammered mate," you slurred, stumbling into Minho who wrinkled his nose at your alcohol breath as all 8 of you walked home from the bar.
"Hammered?" Han asked curiously, his doe eyes somehow more apparent in his intoxicated state.
"Like tkk tkk?" Hyunjin tested, pretending to hammer a nail as he recognised the tool name.
"I'm trollied, I'm so out of it, mate," you giggled, facepalming yourself, well, you thought you did and then realised you accidentally smacked Felix in the face, collapsing on the ground in a fit of giggles.
"Y/Nnie, get uppppp," Felix groaned, rubbing his face drunkenly as he tried to pull you up.
"She's speaking nonsense," Jeongin said with wide eyes.
"Not until you can understand me," you poked Felix in the chest with each word.
"Yah, you're so touchy tonight, Y/N," Changbin laughed at your slow yet somehow affectionate movements as he and Chan lifted you up, you clinging onto their arms for balance.
"That makes me sound so noncey," it was your turn to wrinkle your nose.
"No one can understand you right now, and we are fluent in English," Chan laughed as he supported most of your weight and gestured to Felix next to him.
"I'm too wankered," you groan, now feeling the headache set in and just wanting to be in bed.
"Woah, what did she say?" Seungmin pulled a confused face, his features scrunching up.
"She's uncontrollable," Minho said bemusedly.
4) school memories
In a new episode of SKZ Code, they were all back to school, dressed in different school uniforms.
"Why is Y/N's uniform so different?" Han pointed out.
"It's cute, though," Hyunjin cooed.
"This is what we'd wear," you do a cute spin in your dark green checkered dress, white socks, dolly shoes and bows in your hair. Of course, you wore a green cardigan with it, representing the colour of the uniform designated by your primary school.
Then you went onto other school experiences, and the boys were interested to hear about how yours differed.
"And then, around Easter time, we'd sing a song like this. 'One mother hen sat on four little eggs'," you began singing, doing actions alongside that you remember being taught by your teachers.
"'Keeping them warm in her little egg nest, then one day she heard a crack!'" you widened your eyes as you mimicked the egg cracking with your hands, the boys giggled at this.
"'And a little voice said as the egg was hatched... I'm a spring chicken! I'm yellow and small...'" you sang the song, the mood becoming more joyful as the boys clapped in time for you and you stood doing the actions.
"'Chicken, I'm a chicken! And I'm having a ball!'" you excitedly finished, a big grin present on your face as you flapped your 'wings'.
"Wahh, that's too cute, surely?" Changbin thought it was adorable, copying the last line.
"Maybe Y/N should replace Bbokari!" Lee Know smirked.
"No!" Felix yelled out laughing, hand over his heart.
You carried on reflecting on your experiences.
"Or at our schools we'd be sorted into different coloured houses," you informed everyone.
"Harry Potter! Harry Potter!" Seungmin cheered.
"Woah, so you went to Hogwarts?" Jeongin gasped, a playful look on his face.
"No, I was in yellow house," you I formed, folding your arms.
"Hufflepuff!" Chan pointed at you.
"Noooo," you shook your head, gosh, how did you deal with them on a daily basis?
5) accent
Y/N was on the phone, talking to her friends from back home.
"The British accent really is... woah," Felix whispered to Hyunjin who nodded.
"So pretty," he added on.
"It's kinda, sexy?" Han wiggled his eyebrows, trying to copy what you were saying.
Ah yes, the Y/N simp line, back at it again.
This was all caught on a SKZ talker, and British stays had a field day with it in the comments.
Why is it so funny that the boys think a broad Yorkshire accent is sexy
The boys think it sounds pretty? I'm flying to Seoul rn brb or maybe not
I just googled how to be Y/N
Y/N got bitches but no one here notices me and we literally sound the same lmao, tough times
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain
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kvtie444 · 4 months
✧.* HABITS .1
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Summary: Chris, your best friend's brother, is in a relationship. Despite that, the two of you began a discreet fwb relationship that initially felt enjoyable. However, as time goes on, you find yourself unable to resist developing deeper feelings for him.
I take a deep breath, casting my gaze over at the peacefully sleeping body next to me. Chris's features are like a canvas before me – his brown hair, now tousled and covering his eyes, freckles emerging as the weather warms, his pink lips slightly parted, and his chest rising rhythmically with every breath. My attention shifts to both our phones resting on the nightstand. In my effort to check the time without disturbing his slumber, I grab the first phone I can reach, unwittingly selecting Chris's
7:28 am
Missed call from Anna 🤍
Anna 🤍: Baby, I miss you.
Anna 🤍: Call me later, ily x.
I sigh and power off my phone, tracing my fingers over the edge of his phone case.
I'm know what you're thinking – I'm a horrible person. Fucking with someone in a relationship is undeniably a shitty thing to do. I don't argue with that. Chris and I started seeing eachother three months ago, while he's been dating Anna for two. It started at some after party, one thing lead to another and all I knew was that it felt good and I didn’t want to stop. But when he started getting serious with Anna, I attempted to end it with him, but when his lips find your neck, creating a symphony of kisses and heavy breaths while his fingers deliver everything you crave and more, it's impossible to say no.
The real predicament, however, is his brother, Nick. Nick is my best friend, and I love him more than myself. I wasn't particularly close to Matt, but Nick and I were platonic soulmates. He had no clue about Chris and me. In fact, he hasn't even seen us having more than three conversations together. The main source of my guilt was Nick, not Anna – who, to be honest, was kind of a bitch.
I sigh and turn my attention back to Chris, gently shaking him awake. He groans, his hand finding its way to my waist. "Chris, wake up. You need to go," I whisper softly, nudging him awake for school. He grumbles a bit more before sitting up, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Grabbing his shirt from the edge of the bed, he throws it on, standing up to put on his shoes – a routine we've established by now.
I rise from my bed, dressed in shorts and a long-sleeve top, and head to my closet to pick out an outfit for school. A presence leans down beside me, a hand on my waist, prompting me to turn around. Chris smiles down at me, his blue eyes locking onto mine. "I'll see you at school later, yeah?" he practically whispers, leaning toward me. "Mhm," I hum, nodding. He smiles, presses a soft kiss to my lips, then pulls away, leaving my room, followed by the sound of my front door shutting.
I turn to look at myself in the mirror, taking back breath, alone again.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
"They're just driving me crazy," Nick vents as we walk down the hallway. He's caught up in a massive argument with Matt and Chris, and he's been on tangent about it all morning. Leaning against the wall further down the hall, I spot Chris with his girlfriend and their friends. Our eyes lock, and as I approach down his side of the hallway, Anna grabs his face, pulling him into a kiss. I avert my gaze, walking on with Nick, attempting to push aside the twinge of jealousy.
"Y/n?" Nick interrupts my thoughts as we reach our classroom. "You okay?" he asks, holding the door open for us. "Yeah, just didn't sleep well last night," I reply, a half-truth.
"Alright, you still coming to the lacrosse game tonight?" Nick questions as we take our seats. I reach into my bag for my books. "Yeah, of course, I'll be there," I reply with a smile. Nick hated attending the games but had to as the photographer. He'd always pick me up and drop me off after the game, so it didn't bother me much. "I heard Nate's looking forward to seeing you there," Nick smirks, teasing me about Nate's crush. My cheeks tint red, but I manage a smile. Nate had had a thing for me for a while, and the idea wasn't unappealing. I wasn't blind - he was a good looking and nice guy.
I push my hair behind my ear, and my attention is drawn to the door. Chris walks in with his friends, including Nate. Speak of the devil. I lock eyes with Nate, and he smiles, taking a seat in front of me, with Chris to his right. I find myself staring at the back of Chris's head, contemplating that with school ending this year, I've got nothing left to lose.
Suddenly, Nate turns around, catching me off guard. "Do you have a spare pen?" he smiles at me. I momentarily freeze before handing him a spare pen. "Yeah," I reply. As I pass it over, our fingers brush. "Thanks. Am I gonna see you tonight at the game?" He smirks, propping his arm on the back of his chair. I smile, looking at him, when I notice Chris's eyes turning cold, glancing over at us without turning his head. I refocus on Nate, "Yeah, I'll see you there," I reply, leaning forward slightly. I hear Chris kiss his teeth, prompting both Nate and me to glance over. Nate smirks at me, his eyes flickering over my lips and back to my eyes before turning back around.
I know this will rile Chris up, tension building. It's unfair; he could be with other girls, but if I even talk to another guy, he acts possessive. I brace myself, knowing he'd run it up on me tonight; I'm in for it now.
tag list !!
@iloveneilperry @bernardenjoyer @daddyslilchickenfingers @mbbsgf @sturnvilmed @s1urnioloslvr @mattsbratt @mangoposts @christinarowie332 @recklesssturniolo @bluesturniolo333 @flowerxbunnie @kenzieiskoolaid @pepsiskiess @poopydroopt @byechristopher @solarsturniolo @m6ttsturniolo @lustfulslxt @stardustmf444 @thankyounextt @glossyfx @bellasturniolo @justurniolos @cl0esblogg @strumbolisworld @strniolosworld @chrisloyalgf @aliyahsbody @spideylovin @justangelheree @sturnioloenthusiast @nickmillersn1gf @soursturniolo@bernardenjoyer@stuniolobbg @luv4kozume@luvmxtt@urmommysbathroom@lexisecretaccx @breeloveschris
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the-broken-truth · 11 months
Leaving The Web [Part 2] - Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara x Daughter Symbiote Spider Reader
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Summary: It's been three months since you left Miguel and the Spider-Society to start a new life with Venom. So far, things have been going great. The universe seems to welcome a Spider-Woman protecting the streets of New York. However, Miguel seems to be struggling, and a strange occurrence brings him to your Earth. Will you consider giving him another chance, or has the Spiderling left the web for good?
[Earth-928 - Nueva York - Spider-Society]
"Father, check it out - I captured this Anolmany by myself!" Your smile was bright and hope radiated in our eyes, hoping for your father's praise - praise that he has denied you for the past 15 years but you remained hopeful that he would notice your effort and give you what you wanted for the longest time - his love. However, he didn't give it to you - he instead glared at you as if you were something grotesque and took the Anolmany to be placed with the others before walking away and leaving you and your shattered heart alone. He saw in the image that Peter came behind you and pulled up into a hug with Mayday.
"I should have done that for you, [Name]. I should have been the one to hug you and praise you for everything you had at such a young age, but I couldn't... No... I wouldn't. It's all my fault." Miguel said as he hung his head down, closing his eyes and telling the tears hit the table before him. "I failed you, [Name]; I'm so sorry."
"You should have said those things to her while she was still here. You don't get to pity yourself now that she is gone." Peter said behind Miguel on a lower platform while holding a sleeping Mayday in his arms.
"I know that, Peter; you're not telling me something I don't already know. I failed my daughter all because I had an issue with the woman who birthed her. It wasn't [Name's] Fault that she was born but I still took it out on her, now my daughter is gone." Miguel said as he wiped the tears from his eyes and turned to face Peter, who glared at the man he considered his friend. "Is there something you needed?"
"If you weren't such a horrible father, none of this would have happened. I mean, you left your daughter to steal the life of another you after he was killed and called your own daughter a burden."Peter said as he jumped up to Miguel's Platform, "But that's not why I'm here, you haven't been listening to Lyla's Hails; if you have, you would know that there is another Anolmany sighting on Earth-232. We need your help, Spider-Man 2099." Peter said to Miguel, who just nodded his head before materializing his mask and messing around with the Gizmo on his wrist, opening up a portal to Earth-232 and jumping inside without a second thought.
[Meanwhile - Unknown Earth]
The Black-Suited Spider-Woman zipped through the streets after the strange-looking creature that was giving the cop such a hard time to the point they needed to call you - apparently, it looked like the Vulture but the real Vulture was locked away tight and hadn't escaped prison. This was strange but then you realized that this Vulture was nothing but an Anolmany and if there was an Anolmany here...
"It will only be a matter of time before he or his goons arrive here to collect it. We need to deal with this and head away before they can see us." Venom said from the depths of [Name's] Mind.
"I know that, V. We'll have this wrapped up and back home before dinner." [Name] said to her Symbiote before arriving at the scene and getting into the fray. She shot webs at the other Vulture and started pounding on him before wrapping him up in the webs and placing him n the roof of a nearby building before turning to leave but it was too late. A portal opened up and Miguel along with a few Spider-People walked out and looked down at the trapped Vulture but Miguel was looking at you while you glared at him over your shoulder.
"There's a Spider-Woman here? I thought the computer said there was no Slpider-People in this universe." One of the Spider-People said but Miguel just walked over to you but stopped a few feet away when you lifted your hand, signaling him to do so.
"Don't come any closer, Miguel O'Hara. You have what you came for, now leave my universe and never come back." You warned him but he just looked at you and his mask disappeared and the tears in his eyes fell like rain.
"[Name], my daughter..." He started but you just shook your head at him.
"I'm not your daughter, Spider-Man 2099. I don't have a father just like I don't have a mother. They are dead to me. Take your Anolmany and leave; come before me again and there will be problems." You turned and shot a web at one of the building and was prepared to swing off when Miguel's hand wrapped around your arm, causing you to look at him with anger in your eyes. "Let me go."
"Mija, I know that you are angry with me but I can be a better father to you now; I have seen the error of my ways; please, come home with us." Miguel begged you but you just punched in the face with your feet hand, breaking his nose and making him let you go before you swung away from the scene before he could recover and follow you.
"You handled that rather well, [Name]" Venom said.
"Thanks, V. What do you want for dinner tonight It's our turn to pick. You said as you swung from building to building.
"Tater Tots and Chocolate." Venom purred, "Lots of chocolate."
"Deal, V." You said before disappearing from Migeul's View. Miguel stood there with his hand covering his bleeding nose and tears rushing down his face.
"Boss, was that your kid...the one that went missing?" One of the Spider-People asked causing Miguel to nod and close his eyes, "Man, she really hates you."
"I know...but I shall fix that soon enough. Now that I know where she is, she can no longer escape from me. Gather that Anolmany and let's get back home; I have some planning to do." Miguel said as he returned his mask and walked through the portal, 'I know where you are now, Mija; Papa will be there for you from now on.'
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hxnbi · 1 month
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synopsis: you were his beloved sibling, meant to stay far out of harms way, he would make damn sure of it
— characters: itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi — contents: fluff, angst, comfort, platonic, gn reader
gojo version | masterlist
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ITADORI YUJI ✿ child reader
With all that Yuji has been through in his life, he, of course, feels a sense of responsibility and duty for the well-being of his family, blood-related or not. 
Still at the age where letters in math could only be dreamt of in nightmares, Yuji found himself being the one to take care of you. And when his grandpa died, he was left, now alone, holding the bag.
Or so he thought. 
You held onto his hand that day when he found out, a sombre look in your eyes. 
Thats right… How could he be so selfish? He still had you. 
He's very much a family guy, and he holds his family closest to his heart. And when he was told about you—getting to keep you in his arms in the hospital—he knew what his duty was. As his baby sibling, Yuji did everything and anything to ensure that you were protected and cared for.
Yuji's mouth dropped. "Crap…"
"Huh? What are you yapping about now?" Megumi scowled.
"I need to pick up [Y/n] from daycare!" he panicked, pacing back and forth. But it wasn't like he could suddenly leave, not like this spiky-haired individual staring daggers into him would let him… Well, not voluntarily, that is.
Megumi sighed, and he pulled out his phone. "I'm on it."
"What… are you doing?"
"Making a call. We'll have a trusted individual pick up your sibling."
"...I-I see."
Megumi looked at Yuji, who nodded. "Don't worry. They'll be out of harm's way."
That was all Yuji ever wanted.
But when everything in his life came to a head and he became the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna, the king of curses, your safety could no longer be guaranteed… not while Sukuna was still around, or rather, inside him. 
Still, you loved being around him, and Yuji loved being around you. When everything was said and done, all of Yuji's worries about this sudden move to Tokyo went much better than expected.
As a young child, you were naive, but that may as well be thrown out the window because Yuji didn't give two shits about that. And just like Yuji, you were energetic, outgoing, and eager to see the new "world" you were in. You two were like two birds that flock together, for better or for worse. 
The Tokyo students—mainly the infamously noisy ones Nobara and Panda while Maki, Megumi, and Toge watched—would pop in from time to time in his room, only to see you sleeping on Yuji's shoulder. At the same time, Yuji had a book in hand, previously to read to you but now used to block the sun from dancing on your face.
And a mystery to nearly everyone, even Yaga, the revered and arguably intimating headmaster—with a stare enough to make any child under the age of 5 cry—couldn't resist your charm. Your influence permeated every corner of Tokyo Jujutsu High until you were affectionately dubbed the school's unofficial mascot, much to your brother's horror.
And when Yuji went on missions or on days when the students had to train and go to classes, arguably the most responsible adult, Nanami Kento, was given the babysitter title of Yuji's sibling.
The others—that being Nobara, Gojo, and Panda; Megumi, Maki, and Toge would only watch with deadpan expressions—could only speculate on the origin of Yuji's surprising skills at cooking, but after doing some stalking investigating, and seeing you and Yuji in the itches together, teaching you how to cook, their hearts couldn't take it. That day, dozens of pictures were snapped and then plastered in Yuji's room. 
Yuji would hold you in his arms, providing comfort and a safe haven. He was an older brother figure who would do anything and everything to protect his younger sibling, even if it meant hiding things from you. He carried all the weight, all the burdens, on his own in hopes of shielding you from the harsh realities of their world. One of Yuji's defining traits is his willingness to sacrifice himself for others, triggered by his grandfather's last words to him.
No way in hell could he ever let that happen again—not to you, who had such a long life ahead of you, not to anyone. Yuji would always joke around with you and have fun, protecting that youth he cherished with his soul. 
You were just a kid, after all. You were just a kid when he died.
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI ✿ older sibling reader
Unlike Yuji, Megumi would be the complete opposite.
As the oldest Fushiguro sibling, naturally, you took up the responsibility of caring for Megumi and Tsumiki. You were yet another child, the byproduct of Toji's fickle nature. You, Megumi, and Tsumiki were all from different mothers. God forbid there be another secret child you three haven't heard about yet. Still, the three of you couldn't have been more tightly knit. Megumi would beg to differ, only to have a chocolate milk carton thrown his way by Tsumiki. What a magical household of violence. 
When he was younger, Megumi struggled, or rather, embraced his unruly bursts of temper, often resulting in scuffles with middle schoolers. He would probably be considered a problem child if it weren't for his straight A's. But that didn't matter to you, and you ensured you knew that.
Your swift reprimands would quash any budding notions of so-called "gang activity," cautioning him against a future as a "mafia leader." Needless to say, he wasn't impressed.
Regardless, he listened—much to the jaw-dropping shock of anyone, especially those whom Megumi had previously beaten up. 
Your genuine concern for him—not about what he did but about him—made him angry.
He hated it, and yet he craved it. 
You'd always urge him to take a breather and relax, all the while as the pile of beaten-up "gangsters" groaned in pain and agony. But that wasn't your concern. Occasionally, during those moments with a fuming teenager at your side, you'd treat him to meals out whenever you managed to steal a moment from your busy workday. Everything you did was for his well-being, regardless of the stress you were putting on your own shoulders. Because in your mind, your little brother didn't deserve all that he went through, and as mature as he was for his age, he still deserved to be a kid.
No one should be able to take away youth from children.
As a kid, he needed that sort of stability in his life. After enduring so much, simply having someone beside him meant everything to him.
And you did so in a way where you took on a mother-like figure in his life. Everything you did and every action you took was driven by your love and care for him and Tsumiki. 
Even as a young third grader, Megumi keenly felt burdened by this fact—the weight of this responsibility, especially following his family's departure, Tsumiki's subsequent accident and being crippled and left in a coma in the hospital. Every first day of the month became a ritual for you and Megumi, visiting Tsumiki's bedside with a bouquet of flowers. 
And during the days when nightmares haunted your sleep, Megumi would be woken up to you crying. 
Neither would ever go on to utter a word about that.
Your absolute worst fear was for him to be injured or worse—to lose him to the dangerous path he might tread—and Megumi didn't have to be a genius to know what you were referring to. 
In your eyes, you wanted to take him and Tsumiki away from the messiness of Jujutsu and the Zenin clan and live a peaceful life. From all the times that Megumi would see you sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of others, he knew your heart's desire.
But when that scheming man—Gojo Satoru—presented Megumi with a deal, promising a brighter future for Tsumiki and you, Megumi knew it was his turn to repay you for all you had done for him.
He wasn't sure if you would accept it, but he had to try.
Little did he know, you had expected it.
"You don't need to say anything else. I understand."
You smiled softly, continuing to make dinner as Megumi stood there, lost in thought.
"Whatever choice you make is up to you. This is your life," you said gently, turning to face him. "And I trust you to make the best decision for yourself and Tsumiki. After all, what sibling would I be if I didn't trust my own brother?" you laughed. 
Megumi met your gaze. The stiffness in his shoulders eased as he took in your words and that smile of yours…
Your support meant the world to him.
"Thank you," he whispered, and you only smiled in response.
"Now!" you clapped. "Enough of that sappy stuff. Would you like to help me out with dinner?"
With a smile of his own, he nodded, "Of course," and made his way to the kitchen to lend a hand.
Yeah... this was what he was looking for. It was what filled the void he had been feeling.
With your acceptance, he felt more confident in accepting whatever was ahead of him. It didn't matter what happened to him. His own fate became inconsequential; his sole focus was on protecting you and his sister, Tsumiki.
You respected his choice—you always did—and that was why he cherished you so much. 
You, his older sibling.
There was always an aura of maturity around Megumi, his friends thought (and surprisingly selfless, but they would never admit that to his face). Unbeknownst to them, it was all because of how he had to take care of himself after all the adult figures in his life left him, except for one person. His older sibling of 7 years, you.
He felt a sense of responsibility. He owed it to you after all that you've done. He wanted to prove to you that all your efforts to raise him weren't for naught. 
All those nights when you thought Tsumiki and Megumi were asleep and would then cry yourself to sleep, or days when you would come back from work with a couple of injuries, or even the day when you came home with a bruise on your cheek…
He wanted to prove to you—that he could protect you, his family.
And then you could take a break and leave the rest to him.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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kkarmiic · 1 year
hey hello! i'm not sure if you have witten anything like this but could you do headcanons for the demon bros with an extremely affectionate reader? like, the reader is super touchy with everyone they're close to like they need to be touching someone at all times. it can be platonic or romantic! also, would you mind doing he/him pronouns? thanks! -⭐
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\\ synopsis: hcs of the brothers reacting to an extremely affectionate gn!reader
‘+ genre: fluff
*# warnings: lesson 16 mentions in belphies part.
// authors note: there didn’t end up being any pronoun usage at all so it ended up being GN!READER
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Since you wouldn’t be comfortable touching them (assumably) before you’re close to them, by the time your hyper affectionate naturals shows you’re pretty close.
The first time it happens, Lucifer has been working for hours without any breaks and you started to feel a little more touched deprived than usual.
You end up sneaking into his study, hands clasped at your sides.
He perks his head up, assuming you were his brother and ready to tell them to go away, until he saw it was you.
“Mc?” He asks, placing down his pen.
You asked for a hug, and ofcourse he obliged.
Oh. Oh.
His arms were so warm, his grip so tight and you couldn’t help but melt into his warm embrace.
You missed the affection, you got more in the human world and you hadn’t had a hug like this in so long.
The hug lasts longer than anticipated, both of you refusing to let go, and when you do, you swear you can see the faint tint of pink brushing over his cheeks.
Since that day, you couldn’t get enough, and in all honesty, even despite his efforts to conceal it, he couldn’t either.
Lucifer is a very touched starved man, nobody gives him affection (save for diavolo)
You’d walk downstairs, ready for breakfast and press a gentle kiss against his cheek.
Ofcourse he’s very taken aback.
He secretly loves it, will tell you so in private.
But not in-front of his brothers.
You’d drag him to bed after long study sessions, be practically glued to his side, he couldn’t shake you off even if he tried.
And he doesn’t want to.
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He’d definitely be more laid back about it, but becomes a blushing stuttering mess the moment you touch him.
“Ofcourse you’d want to touch the great mammon!”
Something along those lines.
However, his greed doesn’t just encompass money, it also extends to your affection.
You’re giving one of his brothers a hug? Why would you do that when he’s right there?!
I was going to say that would be a sin; but…
The first time you hug him, one late night out, you’re so tired, eyes heavy and just wanting to fall straight to sleep.
In your drowsy haze, you lean forward and press your head into him, mumbling something about being tired.
His heart is going crazy.
Shaky hands wrap around you, a slight grin forming on his face.
Why does his chest feel so warm? Why is there butterflies in his stomach?
I mentioned peeling you off lucifer, good luck peeling mammon off of you.
He will steal random kisses (either platonically or romantically) from you, pecks when you’re cooking, when you’re getting ready, when you’re eating when-
The brothers are sick of you two.
You’re so affectionate all the time it makes them sick (light heartedly ofcourse)
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He’s probably the most bashful about affection.
You’re binging an anime with him one day when you lay your head onto his shoulder, and you can feel his whole body become tense beneath you.
His eyes go wide and just a little bit frantic, and instead of his attention being on the screen, it’s now on you, and you laying on his shoulder
His heart is going to race out of his chest.
Can you hear it? Oh god what if you can hear his heart going crazy?
He is sweating and stressing.
He will eventually get more used to it, but he’s just as, if not more, touched starved than lucifer.
Cuddles in the bathtub?
Cuddles in the bathtub.
Begs Lucifer to let you be home educated with him.
That’s not going to happen I’m sorry.
Please tackle him as soon as you get home from school.
He can die a happy man in your arms.
He’s still a mess around you, don’t get me wrong.
But he makes sure you don’t need to go to anyone else for affection.
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I feel like he’d be one of the most cool and collected about it all (unlike the messes above)
I do however think he’d be one of the most touch starved brothers.
He doesn’t have any interest in people, and even though he doesn’t necessarily have a need for affection.
However when you begin showing him affection, he does realise how touch starved he is.
He’s reading to you one night, you’re curled up next t him when you lay your head on his chest.
A smile tugs on his lips and he wraps his arms around you, continuing to read, but this time has a hand running circles on your back.
He prefers small affection displays, like a hand around the waist (either his or yours), or kisses as a greeting.
But since you’re hyper affectionate, you probably want to be holding hands, or curled up to him at all times (or vice versa)
He definitely likes laying in between your thighs while he reads, it’s just so… warm and relaxing.
I don’t think it’d ever be too much for him.
He just enjoys the simple things in life, and even though you’re far from simple, it’s simple affection and that’s what matters.
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I’m so sorry but you’d be the annoying ‘couple’ at RAD.
You know the ones who are constantly blocking the halls because they’re holding hands or kissing?
He’s also super affectionate, and loves when you’re affectionate with him.
It’s his favourite thing.
He definitely likes linking pinkies with you.
Cuddle with him in his soft bed!
The mattress and covers are ridiculously nice.
You’re about to sleep for a whole century in that.
He also likes indirect affectionate. Like you doing his makeup, or painting his nails (or vice versa).
You’re close enough to touch, even if only slightly.
It’s oddly calming for him.
He also really likes sharing baths with you.
The really aesthetic bubble baths with roses you see on Pinterest?
He washes your back for you and your hair.
Gives you scalp massages and back rubs.
He’s really good with affection.
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This is a match made in… hell? (Positive)
You, hyper affectionate.
Belphie who sleeps all day and has been looking for a new cuddle partner.
You’re his pillow now.
You’re studying? Sorry. No, you’re coming to his bed so he can lay on you and fall asleep.
Cooking? Someone take over he wants to cuddle.
Movie nights? He’s beside you, cuddling you.
It’s also his way for making up for… everything.
It’s sad but it’s his own miniature way of dealing with it.
He doesn’t really have the energy to pepper you in kisses like the other brothers, but still.
He’s the best cuddle partner.
Belphies bed is so soft, best for sleeping. Mountains of pillows and warm fuzzy blankets.
I also headcanon he has a weighted blanket, even though he can sleep well without it it’s still nice to have.
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He likes to carry you.
No matter your weight, height etc.
He will find a way to carry you, this man is STRONG.
When you first cuddle him, you’re watching a TV show together, he’s DEVOURING a big bucket of popcorn and you just put your head into his lap.
He pauses for a moment before he starts playing with your hair.
Oh he’s a cuddle bug too.
He really loves affection as-well, he just goes with what you want, and he’s comfortable with whatever.
He will let you know if you push his boundaries, but I really doubt it.
Expect to be carried around the halls of RAD.
He also does this odd thing when you’re cuddling he will take nips (albeit affectionate) out of your hands, arms and thighs.
He really appreciates the way you show your love for people, it makes him feel valued.
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cowgurrrl · 3 months
Sleeping on the Blacktop
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author's note: guys we did it i wrote smut i actually like (ps this was edited but also not reread because I’ve been trying to write it for five hours so if you see any mistakes no you didn’t)
Summary: The Land of No Return [4.7k]
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR MEDIA CONSUMPTION, platonic expressions of love, the mortifying ordeal of being known, sexting, we finally get to know about reader's secret tattoos, smut, Joel the Menace makes his long awaited return with that dirty fucking mouth, mutual masturbation, phone sex (??(sure)), protected sex (no Miller babies for them) p in v stuff, June being indulgent with describing Joel Miller, anxiety, I think that's it??
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Music floods the kitchen as you and Andie work on making the best "last supper but with women" possible. The lamps glow orange on the walls and create funny shadows when you dance together, pulling each other in and out to old jazzy tunes. You laugh when she throws a string of spaghetti at your fridge to test if it's ready a little too hard, and it splatters water everywhere. You, honestly, might be a little delirious. You're both in your pajamas, and you've been watching movies all day. You exchange what you remember from New Year's Eve and cringe at what the other fills in. You drink cheap wine from plastic cups and snack on chips as the food cooks. 
It feels like high school again, with all the girlish giggling and inside jokes you trade back and forth, except this time, instead of her going back to her house ten minutes up the road, she's going back to her apartment half the world away. No matter how long you get with her, it's never enough. Thousands of miles and different schedules will do that. Keeping long-distance friendships as an adult is just as hard, if not harder, than making new ones. 
When dinner is ready, you fix your plates and sit next to each other at your messy dining room table— the IKEA one she helped you build when Henry walked out with the first one— and eat. Paint stains the wood of the table, and half-finished works are scattered around the dining room, but you barely notice them as you talk. She tells you about the things waiting for her in Vienna: work, her cat, Oslo, and piano lessons. You don't have to pretend to be envious because you are. You have to go back to school and the Real World once you drop her off at the airport in the morning. You wish you could go with her. 
"Alright, c'mon. Spill it. What's going on with you and Joel?" She asks in between bites of garlic bread. You laugh and shake your head.
"There's nothing to tell."
"Bullshit. Tommy told me he saw you guys."
"Speaking of Tommy," you pivot. "What's going on there? You two seemed pretty chummy." You raise your eyebrows at her, and a big smile takes over her face. She takes another bite of food to buy herself some time, but there's no way you're letting her off the hook, especially after all her teasing about Joel.
"Nothing. We were just… talking." She finally says, and you give her a look. 
"Yes. People talk. You should try it sometime."
"Was it talking like we are now or talking like Joel and I talked?" You hum, and she kicks her feet as she leans forward.
"So you and Joel did talk." 
"Well, we probably would've if somebody didn't come barging in."
"Goddammit, I told him to wait," she groans. "Sorry, girl."
"Yeah, me too," you say, and she laughs. You bump her knee and give her a look. "Alright, your turn. What's going on with Tommy?" 
"Nothing that could actually turn into anything." 
"Aw, c'mon. Don't count yourself out so early."
"It's not counting myself out. It's being realistic. I live in Vienna. He lives here. I'm not ready to come back to the States, and he seems content, so there's nothing that can happen," she shrugs. "It was a fling. A very nice fling, but a fling nevertheless." She seems a little too sad for it to have been just a fling. They exchanged numbers, and you've caught her texting him several times. She said she did kiss him on New Year's Eve (before she threw up), but they didn't go any further besides flirting the next morning. You watched them test each other at breakfast, and he seemed just as interested in her as she was in him. They'd be cute together. She sighs and pushes her pasta around in her bowl like a dejected character from a period piece.
"Tommy is very handsome." You comment, and she grabs your arm, animating all of a sudden. 
"Dude, I've been dying to talk about it. What the fuck are they putting in the water here? It's insane." 
"It's annoying, right?" 
"So annoying." She agrees. You laugh about it together and, finally, give her the details she's been waiting so patiently for. When you finish your story, her hands are over her mouth, and her eyes are wide. "Oh, my God. You have to get him back."
"I know, I know! He's driving me up a fucking wall." You say, taking a bite of food. It will get cold if you don't stop talking, but you also don't care. 
"You could surprise him with some lingerie or something." She suggests, and you groan. 
"God, I don't even remember the last time I bought lingerie."
"All the more reason to buy some." 
"I don't know. I feel like I could just show up naked, and he'd be happy with that."
"He sounds like a keeper then."
"Yeah, I don't know," you shrug. "I like him a lot. I just… don't know if it's sustainable."
"Why?" She asks. You almost want to gesture around your messy apartment and half-put together life as if it will answer her question.
"I mean, he's a good guy, and we're having fun, but for how long? His kid's gonna be in at least one of my classes until she graduates. Not to mention, he has another daughter who is in medical school. We both work full-time. And then there's the whole having to keep it a secret thing. It could get really old really fast." You sigh. 
"What if it doesn't?"
"What if it doesn't get old? What if it ends up working out?" She asks. You take a deep breath. "You didn't even think about that possibility. Did you?"
"I just don't wanna get hurt."
"That's a very real possibility. Things could go wrong. He could break your heart. You could lose your job. Society as we know it could come crashing down, and you know what? The sun's still gonna come up the next day. The birds will still sing, and I will still be here," she says, putting her hand over yours. You purse your lips as you process her words. "You deserve nice things, kid. Don't count yourself out so early." She echoes your earlier sentiment, and you smile.
She's right. Of course, she's right. You don't let yourself think good things could happen because you're so focused on all the bad. She's known you for so long she can read your thoughts and know your habits before you can. What a horrifying and beautiful thing it is to be known inside and out like that. 
"Maybe you should've been a writer instead of a musician," you say, and she laughs. You squeeze her hand and sigh as you look at her. "I'm really gonna miss you."
"I'm really gonna miss you, too."
"I wish you could stay."
"I know," she says. "But you need an excuse to come to Vienna, and I need an excuse to come to Austin, and if I stay, we lose that."
"I guess that's true."
"Besides, if I stop making trans-Atlantic calls, I think my phone company would be concerned." She points out, making you laugh. You know she's telling you what she's told herself this whole time. She loves Vienna, but you know she gets homesick. You know she's trying really hard to convince herself to get back on that plane. You don't push her about staying again. You just indulge in her presence. 
"I love you." You say softly, and she smiles.
"I love you, too." She says. 
It means so much more than just "I love you." It means, "I love you, and I want us both to eat well." It means, "I love you, and I can't imagine doing this life without you." It means, "I love you, and I know you have to go." Never any buts. Always ands, because love like this knows no bounds. Not borders, not time zones, not lifestyles. 
You finish the dinner you made and clean the kitchen side by side before climbing into bed and staying up as late as possible to try and get Andie back on Vienna time. In the morning, you drag yourselves out of bed and sing in the car on the way to get coffee, and when the time comes for you to get her suitcase out of your backseat and watch her disappear behind glass doors, you hug her tight and tell her you love her again. She repeats the sentiment with another squeeze and deep breath that tells you how close to tears she is. Then, she turns around and doesn't look back to prove she's strong enough to leave. She doesn't need to prove anything to you. You always knew she was strong enough to do this.
The car ride back is emotional and lonely and tinged with the bass line of Ribs by Lorde, but your phone buzzes as you pull back into your apartment complex with tears staining your cheeks. 
Thanks for letting us meet Andie. She's a really sweet person. I'm sorry she has to leave today.
You don't remember telling him what day she was leaving, but she might've told Tommy, and Tommy told Joel. You smile and text him back. 
Thanks for taking care of us. She only had good things to say about you and Tommy. We'll have to all hang out again the next time she's home. 
And then.
Thanks for checking on me. I really appreciate it. 
Of course. I'm always a wreck when I have to drop Sarah off at the airport. I'm around if you wanna talk. Ellie's hanging out with some friends, and Tommy's on-site today.
You stare at the messages and debate your options. He basically just told you he's home alone and has nothing to do for the rest of the day. And yes, he is probably being sweet and really offering to talk if you're feeling lonely, but you also know how talking usually goes for you two. You smirk as you type out a message.
Just talk?
It seems like he can't type fast enough.
What else would you wanna do?
I think you made some promises you need to follow through on, Miller.
I guess I did. 
Come over and I can do just that.
Actually, I have some work to get done :( maybe next time?
You lock your phone and bound up to your apartment, conscious of the sudden lengthening of time between messages. It's fun to imagine him trying to come up with a response that respects your boundaries but also lets you know how needy he is. He may have started this little game, but you're gonna be the one to perfect it. Thus begins the days upon days of not sexting, but not not sexting. 
At first, it's just messages about how you miss him and wish he was around. He tries to find an excuse to come over, but you effectively cockblock him at every turn. Your response times get a little slower the more worked up he gets, so he has to figure it out on his own. You never would've thought Joel Miller, a man with gray in his beard and wrinkles lining his face, could be such a fast texter, but you figure there's nothing more desperate than a horny man. 
Messages quickly escalate to pictures. They start off innocent enough: a picture of the painting you're working on, but your bare legs give away the fact that you're not wearing pants, a picture of him stepping out of a hot shower, his bare chest slightly red and glistening from the water, a picture of you wearing the burnt orange shirt he sent you home in New Year's Day with no bra on underneath. Then, you get a little bolder. After a quick trip to the mall, you pose in front of the mirror in a short delicate white night down with pretty lace details on the top, the hem barely hitting the tops of your thighs and showing off the large tattoos hiding there. You look hot, and imagining Joel's reaction to you makes you flush and rub your thighs together to get some relief.
It's true that Joel would've been happy if you showed up to his house wearing (or not wearing) anything, but when the photo pings to his phone, he's never been more grateful for Victoria's Secret in his life. His breath hitches in his throat, and he quickly tucks his phone into his chest like someone is gonna come up behind him and see what he's looking at. He's barely glanced at the photo and he's already straining in his jeans. 
Goddamn, he texts back. You're so fucking pretty, baby.
You like it?
It's a dumb question, but you really don't care.
It's perfect.
What do you like about it?
Besides the fact that you're the one wearing it? I like that it makes you look like more of an angel than you already are, and I like that I can finally see those tattoos you've been hiding from me. 
Bingo, you think to yourself. He was able to catch glimpses of the large pieces hiding on your back and shoulders at the art gallery, and when he picked up on New Year's Eve, you caught him staring at them each time. You thought he was following the inky lines up your body, but you couldn't be sure. Now, he's giving himself away, and you're practically buzzing with excitement.
You turn around in the mirror and arch your back, perfectly showing off your ass and the intricate tattoo lining your spine, and snap a picture. It's one of the largest ones you have, and it's also the easiest to hide. Besides, you definitely didn't get it for your own enjoyment. You live for moments like this. You send him the picture and smile as you type.
Like this one?
Your phone rings not even two minutes after he reads the message. You giggle when he groans into the receiver instead of greeting you.
"You're gonna fuckin' kill me, baby." He says, his voice so deep you can practically feel it rumble against your ear.
"I told you I'd get you back." You say it like it's obvious, but he just hums. There's shuffling on his end, and all you can do is wait for him to say something else.
"What else have you been hidin' underneath all those little dresses, hm?" He asks. "Tattoos. The most fuckin' perfect tits I've ever seen. Anythin' else I should know bout? 'S your pussy as pretty as the rest of ya?" You didn't mean for him to hear you gasp, but he seemed pleased that he could pull such a sound from you without even being in the same room. Just like that, any doubt or reservation you had left flies out the window. You finally cave and slip your hand down your panties to glide your fingers through your folds. "Am I makin' you wet, sweetheart?"
"Fuck," you mumble. It's absurd how turned on you are by this whole thing. Your fingers slowly circle your clit, and your head gets so fuzzy you almost forget to respond to him. "Yes, Joel." 
"Are you playin' with yourself?" He asks, and you nod even though he can't see you. "Poor thing. I wish I could be there to help ya. I'd have you spread open for me so I can touch you however I want. Figure out what you like and what makes you cry for me." You put him on speaker and throw your phone down so you can focus on gliding through your wetness, your middle finger pushing into you slowly.
"What... what would you do?" You ask, breathless. 
"I'd start by usin' my fingers just to feel you out, and I bet you'd feel so fuckin' good. I'd play with your clit until you're beggin' me to put a finger inside you, and I'd slip two in slowly while kissin' your inner thighs and watchin' you squeeze my fingers," you moan as you listen to his raspy voice and fuck yourself to his words. You try to imagine what his fingers would feel like inside of you. How different compared to yours, how much better they'd feel. Goddammit. "Then, I'd use my mouth on you while my fingers move in and out. I'd lick you all over and feel you soakin' me when I suck on your clit." He says, and you return to rubbing said bundle of nerves, faster this time, as you become acutely aware of his labored breathing over the phone. 
Is he touching himself? The idea of him holding the phone with one hand and fisting his cock with the other sends a wave of heat down your spine, and you keen into your own hand. A shaky breath and muttered curse leave his lips, and then you know for sure what he's doing. Your head spins, and you'd be embarrassed by how close you are just from his voice if you weren't entirely focused on the pleasure clouding your brain. 
"Fuck, Joel-"
"I know, baby, I know," he coos sympathetically. Another lewd moan leaves you as you get closer and closer to the edge, stars threatening the corners of your vision. "Are you gonna come for me like this?" He asks, and you hum in the affirmative, not trusting yourself to form words. "Come on. Let me hear you. I wanna hear what you sound like when you fall apart." His voice is coming faster and breathier, a light growl at the end of his words. How are you to deny him that? 
The speed of your fingers on your clit increases, but it's his own broken whimpers that finally do it. Your back arches as the waves wash over you, and noises you didn't even know you could make escape your lips. You can vaguely hear a broken sigh accentuated by a particularly hot whine from Joel's end. Henry was never as vocal or talkative as Joel is. None of your past partners have been. In the aftershocks of your orgasm, you have a quick passing thought that he might ruin dating for you. You might never want to see anyone else who doesn't treat you like this. You might be fucked.
"Joel," you say when you have control over your thoughts again. He takes a deep breath and clears his throat.
"Get the fuck over here now."
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Joel's house is on the other side of Austin. With traffic, getting to your apartment can take anywhere from twenty to forty-five minutes, depending on how fast you're willing to go and how many red lights you can pass under. Joel gets there in fifteen. You're still in the flouncy dress you bought specifically to torture him, but by the time you open the door for him, you're much less interested in making his life any more miserable than you already have over the past week. 
He doesn't hesitate to charge into your apartment, grab your face, and kiss you like his life depends on it. His tongue sweeps over your bottom lip, and you open to him, clinging to him as his hands move from your face to the backs of your thighs to pick you up. You squeal in surprise and lock your legs around his waist to bring him closer and keep yourself from falling. Even though he obviously came over the phone at the same time you did, he's hard again and pressing against your bare pussy. He hisses when you grind against him, and his jaw clenches as he pulls away like he's in pain.
"Where's your bedroom?" He asks, wide eyes searching the hallway behind you.
"First door on the left." You say as you duck your head to kiss his neck. He sighs and indulges in the feeling of your tongue against his skin before he finally finds his feet and stumbles into your bedroom. You're halfway through marking him before he lays you down and immediately rucks his hands up your thighs, spreading them apart and making you whine. 
"You okay?" He asks, stopping all movement to scan over your face for any signs of discomfort. You nod and reach for the buttons of his jeans.
"Yes. Just need you." You say. 
"Are you sure?" 
"Joel, I just came from the sound of your voice. Yes, I'm fucking sure." You say, a little frenzied as you pull at the hem of his shirt. He laughs as he pulls it over his head and quickly unzips his jeans. 
"Can you blame me?" You ask, and he shakes his head. He tugs his jeans and his briefs down at the same time and unveils all of him to you in one go. He's beautiful. You knew he would be, but seeing the graying chest hairs and the pretty happy trail leading down to his hard cock in between his strong, tan thighs is an entirely different thing. You reach for him, desperate to feel the weight of him in your hands, but he stops you by slipping the tiny straps of your night gown down your arms. 
He carefully pulls the fabric down your body until it's pooled next to his clothes on the floor. His eyes fall to the black lines wrapping around your shoulders, and he draws his eyes to your collarbones and sternum, his breathing stuttering at the sight of you laid out under him. 
"So much prettier than I imagined." He murmurs as he ducks his head to kiss the valley between your breasts. You smile and run your hands through his curls as he mouths at your chest, leaving red marks in his wake and making you press him closer.
"How many times have you thought about this?" You ask. Has he always wanted you in the way you've wanted him? You're almost positive he has. There's no other way to explain the reverence with which he's looking at you. He's so wrapped up in you it's almost suffocating. Every time you glance at his face, he's staring at you with soft eyes and blown pupils. 
"Lost count." There it is. The confirmation. You grab at his ribs to bring him closer, pulling him over you to kiss him slow and deep. Despite the heat of him against you and the ache between your thighs, you both take the time to savor it. That is until his overthinking takes over. "I didn't bring a condom. Fuck, I was in a rush. I didn't think." He says quickly, like he's waiting for you to back out or push him away. You bring your thumb up to the worried wrinkle between his eyebrows and smooth it away, kissing his jaw.
"You think I would get you all worked up to not be prepared? C'mon, baby," you turn the nickname around on him, and he leans into your hand like a cat. "Top drawer." You say. He scrambles to your bedside table and grabs the first one he can find as you move onto all fours while he's distracted. You listen for the foil ripping and the subtle sound of the latex fitting over him. You can't stop the smirk from forming when he looks up and sees the sight in front of him.
"Fuckin' Hell," he mutters. Your back is arched perfectly, your hair gathered over your shoulder, and the tattoo you got done so many years ago is on display for him. "You are so goddamn perfect." He says as he presses his chest into your back and kisses your shoulder. He plants a few more kisses across your neck and back, making you wait longer than you already have, and just when you think you're going crazy, he slowly pushes into you and punches all the air from your lungs. 
He's big. Bigger than anyone you've been with before, and he seems to know that. He rolls his hips, and you moan, gripping at the sheets under you for stability as you adjust. His breathing is ragged behind you, and he groans when you involuntarily clench around him. "You okay?" He asks, his voice straining. His patience and self-control should be fucking studied. 
"Yeah, I'm okay." You assure him, and he nods. He starts to move slowly at first, but when you start whining and shaking under him, he snaps. You're both impatient. Months of following the rules and caring about what other people could think or say tumble out of your heads as he sets a rough pace. You've been dreaming about this and pushing it away since he walked into your classroom that day, and now that it's happening, you can't hide how desperate you are for him. You cry his name as he fucks into you deeply, no part of your bodies not touching, but it's still not close enough.
"You're so fuckin' good for me, baby. Jesus fuck," he moans into your ear, his uneven breaths echoing into your skull. "You feel so good." 
He sits back and brings you with him, changing the angle and forcing him deeper inside of you as his hand snakes around your waist and dips to play with your clit. You curse loudly and dig your nails into his forearm as bright pleasure courses through your veins. "'M gonna come if you keep doing that," you warn, your voice high and strained as he adds a little more pressure. 
"C'mon, honey, come on my cock for me. Please, I want it." It could be the slight whine in his voice or the fact that he's begging you for it, or the fact that the tight circles he's rubbing into your clit are making you see stars, but you come hard. You rely on him to hold you upright as he fucks you through your high, the slick between your thighs growing as his own orgasm washes over him, and he moans directly in your ear, an unexpected but not unpleasant gift. You think you could get off again just to the sounds he makes when he's coming. 
You stay like that for a second, wrapped up in each other and breathing hard with him still inside you, before he finally finds the courage to slip out of you with only a tiny pained moan. He carefully guides you onto your back, your bones jelly, and kisses your cheek before he pads off to the bathroom to throw away the used condom. 
It's quiet again in the apartment, but it's not lonely anymore. He makes himself at home in your space, asking if he can get water and snacks from your kitchen and walking around naked as the day he was born. "I wanna make sure you've got enough energy for round two." He says, making you laugh.
"Are you finally gonna make good on your promise to take your time with me?" 
"Fuck yeah." He says, coming back to kiss your lips one more time before walking to the kitchen. It's like if he goes a few minutes without tasting you, he can't function, or at least, that's what he makes it seem like. You're more than receptive to the attention and can only watch as he walks around. Your trust in your legs is not strong enough to get up just yet. 
In the domestic silence, it would be easy for your mind to run rampant with rogue thoughts and anxieties, but when Joel returns to the bedroom with snacks, bottles of water, and those stupidly sweet eyes, they get pushed to the back burner. He gets under the covers and pulls you into him, his warm body grounding you to this moment and not letting your thoughts stray. He presses kisses to your hair and your face every so often as you talk about everything and nothing. 
Somehow, it feels natural, like you've been doing this the whole time or like everything was leading up to this. Maybe it was. Still, you'll need to talk about this. You know you will.
Just... not yet.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethisplz2004 @buckyispunk @d1lf-loverrr @vee-bees-blog @moel-jiller @anoverwhelmingdin @casssiopeia @maried01
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