#a lot of this comes from my insta when i posted my drawing of each girl from the band official art and needed a song for each
ravenclod · 1 month
sayaka is definitely someone that when she puts her playlist on shuffle, it goes from a very intense classical piece to hip hop
kyoko is probably similar in the sense i would say she listens to loads of rock, but also has every single mitski song in her liked
mami - jazz type vibe, laufey maybe
madoka - j-pop and vocaloid, maybe some pop
homura - probably doesnt listen to much, maybe goth??
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
so apparently there are some rumers, that joe is dating a girl called kate and that they revealed their realiationship at bfi. I mean I dont care who he is dating, as long he is happy, so am I. But where do those rumers come from?? There is literly no information, just those people saying that they are dating and sending hate mails to kate…
okay, FINE, im going to get into this, tell you all i know, and then that can be it for the questions i keep getting about this, because it really is neverending (and insanely annoying to me) so, lets go
kate is a writer/director who works with/for 'film hub north/bfi network/rianne pictures' as stated in her instagram bio, lives up north near newcastle and is gorgeous
at the london film festival this year she has gone to see hoard
she posted a pic to her insta stories of the Q&A after hoard from her seat in the cinema (like so many other fans did too) and said some nice words about luna and she tagged some people
one of the producers reposted the story into their stories which i think is how people "found" her
kate had a pic taken on one of the bfi red carpets (by herself) AND had a pic taken in a large group, one of who was lorn (lauren quinn - no relation - this is not about her, but people draw conclusions about this too)
just a couple weeks before, joe made a playlist on his spotify account called "Kate's" with two songs in
so, some girls went 1 + 1 = this is a relationship
kate has red hair and is literally stunning, so they're saying "she's his type, must be true"
kate got messages/insta comments asking about it, she posted a story to her insta that said something along the lines of "this is silly please stop this is my professional account i should be able to post what i want without being harassed i have body dysmorphia pls leave me alone"
went private and then public again shortly after
when i say that there's been 0 actual proof that these two people even know each other, i truly mean that there's 0 proof that these two people know each other at all
if we're just looking at the facts: she's a fan
the end
every time people have been trying to link them up, joe's been pictured/filmed to be by himself
couple weeks ago, kate posted stories to her instagram of her being in malta and, presumably, people started asking questions, because she very quickly went private and deleted the insta stories
she went public again shortly after, and the day that joe was pictured doing a lil food shop in his local tesco's, kate posted a mirror selfie in a lift and behind her, there's an arm in the frame - now, imo, not even close enough to touch her bum, but people went BLACK COAT, THAT'S JOE AND HE'S TOUCHING HER ASS
big sigh
what kate is NOT doing is coming out and denying anything, which is a choice
she doesnt have to do shit, she doesnt owe anyone anything, but to hit the snooze button and ignore everything is definitely a choice
in turn, some girls are taking the no-denying as proof of it being real and have made twitter and tiktok accounts and KEEP FUCKING SENDING ME QUESTIONS THAT KEEP PUSHING THIS TO BE THE TRUTH (they are not nice about it either)
i have yet to see any truth to any of these rumours - to me it feels like a lot of stories being pulled from thin air that some girls find extremely entertaining
i do not
i have no interest in this
don't get me wrong - joe'd be lucky to date someone as pretty as kate, she seems lovely, but i am going to need some actual proof before i just go with whatever some people are trying to sell to me as the truth
please do not reach out to me on anon about this
if you have anything you want to discuss with me, please find me in the tumblr chat messages
thanks <3
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thespooksheh · 2 years
Some of my Quarry headcanons :P
She lives with her dad and younger sister, her mom died when she was young and she doesn’t remember her much
Her family doesn’t have much money but her dad really wants her to pursue her dreams of art school, but Abi’s hesitant to leave her dad and sister behind and is worried about the cost 
She’s been working part-time since she was 14 to help out even though her dad tells her she doesn’t have to, and she keeps a bit as savings just in case
She used to have really severe anxiety as a kid and had to have counselling sessions to help with it, she’s on medication now and has the right coping mechanisms but she still has moments where she can’t deal with it (whenever those moments happened at camp Emma or Dylan would take her somewhere quiet away from the kids and help her calm down, she was really grateful for their help and that’s why she’s closer to them than everyone else)
After everything with Nick she still likes him but doesn’t want to pursue a relationship, because sometimes just looking at him brings back the memory of what Not-Nick said and how he threw her across the room (Nick is very understanding about it and they remain friends, even though it does make him sad they don’t talk much)
Some lighter stuff: she was 100& a horse girl from ages 8-14 (maybe she still is, idk ask her about it)
Her first crush was Applejack in MLP but she’s super embarrassed about it and when asks just says it was her best friend in Kindergarten
She has a collection of plushies and they all have names relating to their colour/style 
Her favourite colour is yellow but she doesn't wear any clothing or own much that's yellow because she's worried she'll stop liking it and it'll ruin her life (she's secretly just as dramatic as Emma, and when Emma finds out she's delighted
Playing Stardew Valley on her switch is a part of her daily routine and she’s been working on the same save for 4 years, she’s very proud of it
Totally draws fanart for the media she likes and has a tumblr, but she refuses to reveal it to anyone (even Emma, even though she constantly begs her to tell her)
When she does eventually attend art school she and Emma end up not far from each other and Emma becomes her muse/model for lot of her work (from here they grow closer and date because I ship Blygbank)
Her parents aren’t divorced but they SHOULD BE (they’re both cheating on each other and pretend they don’t know, and neither of them know that Emma knows even though she caught them both)
She has an older sister, like 7-8 years older, and they’ve never been close because her sister always treated her like a dumb kid and a rival
Emma always envied the attention and praise her sister got from their parents and tried (and failed) to be perfect like her, that’s why she starts her youtube channel (it upsets her that her parents aren’t proud of it like they are of her sisters achievements)
After the events of the game she has to take a break from posting (even though she loves it) because she gets a flood of comments about her being a murderer despite being acquitted in the trial, and seeing them makes her question everything she did that night
Despite her exterior she’s actually really sweet (only people close to her see that, like Abi, Dylan and probably Laura too) but she’s very insecure and worried that it’ll be used against her
I mean she loves making others laugh even if she looks dumb in the process, come on!!
She never fully forgives Jacob even though she really wants to, and also feels like maybe it was her fault in a way (I don’t think that though, like at all), she acts like they’re cool when they hang out but she still carries it around with her
After school she keeps up her youtube channel and insta presence which pays pretty well, but she also works as a barista because it’s simple and she likes the structure it provides in her life
Emma is such a dog person to the degree that she hates cats (red flag in my book but I still <3 her)
She’s had a few dogs over the years, but right now she has two, a border collie named Griffin and a doberman named Fluffy (they live her parents though and it pains her to be so far away from them, and when she visits them it's’ secretly just to see her dogs)
I like to think she gets over her cat hating grudged eventually when she meets Dylan’s cat and then later she agrees to getting a cat when she lives with Abi (it’s ginger and super grumpy, and prefers Emma to Abi which pisses her off so much but Abi finds it hilarious)
Emma’s a huge swiftie and has all her albums on vinyl (Nick’s also a swifite but is very secretive about it, Emma agrees to keep his secret and go to TS concerts in secret together. Abi figures it out though and is sworn to secrecy)
She wears q specific shade of red lipstick and has been using the same on for three years even though it’s expired and almost completely used up (it’s literally a nub) because the company changed the formula
Laura: if you love the shade so much just get a new on and stop using that gross ball of death
Emma, using that said gross ball of death and rolling her eyes: you don’t understand it’s not the same
She has 4 younger brothers and all of her names also start with K (her mom has a thing for alliterations, don’t ask her about it because one time Kaitlyn did and it was a 5 hour explanation)
Her dad is her role model but they’re not as close as she wants them to be because he’s always busy with her brothers, the reason she knows so much about guns and cars is because she was desperate to do anything with him when she could
Her and Jacob became friends at age 8 when Jacob was on the swings and fell off and knocked two teeth out, Kaitlyn was laughing the whole time she helped him find help and soak up the blood (ever since they’ve been bonded for life)
Kaitlyn is the first person to forgive Jacob after the night at Hackett’s Quarry for breaking down the van and forces him to send her texts everyday to make sure he’s okay
She’s aromantic and hadn’t put much thought into relationships until others around her started getting crushes, she’s totally projecting what she thinks she’s supposed to want onto Ryan and doesn’t realizes it
After the game when she tries dating again she realizes she just can’t and eventually figures it out with some googling
She and Dylan become roommates and she refuses to let him decorate anywhere outside his bedroom because he has terrible design skills, so their apartment is very nice and has a grey and blue colour scheme except for Dylan’s room which is very ugly 
Was a total class clown in high school and always used to get in trouble, and his teachers would always be frustrated because he was so smart when he actually paid attention
Dylan is totally a Brian David Gilbert fan and no one can convince me otherwise
Giant video game nerd, has played most games to ever exist and gets Ryan into it too
He’s obsessed with science and tech but is worried if he works in that field he will destroy his love of it
Miles confirmed his cat is called Schrodinger but he’s definitely a hairless cat and Dylan knits him little sweaters to wear when it’s cold
After the game he’s super sad he can’t knit anymore because of his hand, and he starts rollerblading instead (when he explained the change in hobby to Kaitlyn she said “That is the strangest thing I’ve ever heard. You replaced knitting with rollerblading? Seriously?”)
Later, whilst working as an quantum physicists (turns out he doesn’t hate it) he starts a podcast about horror movies since he develops an obsession with them after what happened with the werewolves
The others guest star on it a lot (especially Kaitlyn and Emma, and Max sometimes too) and Ryan helps him produce it (by produce it’s mostly just moral support, Ryan doesn’t know shit about tech)
He pranks Kaitlyn all the time but it backfires because one time Kaitlyn got Emma, Jacob, Max and Nick to help to set up a prank where Dylan’s entire room was covered in wrapping paper (he still has a few things that are wrapped up because he’s lazy)
Also he’s super terrified of dogs because he was chased by one as a kid and when he met Emma’s dog he almost shit his pants
Dylan: You said his name is FLUFFY????
Emma, genuinely confused: Yeah? Isn’t he the sweetest thing you’ve ever met!
Dylan: No! He looks like he’s seconds away from ripping out my throat!!
His best friend is his sister 100% he loves her so much and would literally do anything for her
When he’s stabbed and Laura offers to bite him he accepts, not because he’s worried about living for himself (if he was only worried about himself he’d decline because the idea of losing control of himself terrifies him) but because he desperately needs to get through the night and back home to Sarah
One of the reasons he likes Dylan so much is because he thinks Dylan brings out the more carefree and fun side of himself, and he hasn’t been in touch with that part of himself since he was young having to take care of his sister and his mom
I think his grandparents are old and his mom is in and out of rehab, so he has a lot of stuff to do and camp was one of those times he got to just be a kid (and being a counsellor just made sense, since he was close with Chris)
Despite knowing it was the right thing to do he's still agonizing about killing Chris for a long time, and even though they’re not super close Laura helps him through it because she was there and really pushed him into it
He does end up studying animation but visits Sarah as much as he can, and soon as he can gets a place of his own and Sarah moves in with him (the place is a small one bedroom apartment, so he sleeps on the pull-out couch and lets Sarah have the room for herself)
He’s just a really good older brother I love him <3
He pretends he’s annoyed that Dylan invites himself over so often but secretly loves having him around, and Ryan couldn’t be happier Dylan gets on so well with his sister
They weren’t close at camp but he becomes good friends with Abi because of their shared loved of art, and they even do a few projects to together and she’s one of the few people he feels comfortable enough to rant about his love of art with
Schrodinger freaks him out but he doesn’t ever dare tell Dylan because he knows it’ll break his heart
He’s also still guilty about cutting Dylan’s hand off even though he told him to do it, but Dylan constantly reassures him it was the right choice and constantly makes hand jokes to make him smile 
He’s a clean freak and cleans his and Laura’s apartment every Friday without fail (but Laura is super messy and it stresses him out)
He has little spa days on Fridays to recover from the stress
Max, lounging on the bed with a white robe and face mask and candles lit around him, taking a cucumber from his eye: hey babe maybe you should cut back on all the energy drinks
Laura, opening her fifth an of monster today and shaking from all the caffeine, a pile of books and mess on her desk: without caffeine I will DIE I NEED to study
He loves Laura so much but when he sees how she lives without him cleaning up after her he considers his sanity
He goes on to work as a mechanic, but it’s a love-hate relationship because the mess drives him crazy (one time he slipped and got dirt all over his clothes and almost cried about it, Laura had to make him some hot chocolate to calm down)
Also he’s super clumsy, like falling up the stairs kinda clumsy
He refuses to swear because he’s got a little sister (who’s like toddler age) and always has to watch himself, and that’s how we got the masterpiece “son of a binky bonky” (gonna refuse the rest of his swearing in the game lol)
He didn’t spend much of the game with anyone but after he’s closest to Emma and Dylan (no one lets the three of them hang out alone because the last time they did they all ended up in jail and Ryan and Laura had to bail them out, when Abi found out she refused to talk to Emma for two days)
Like I mentioned she is very, very MESSY
When left alone she’ll literally forget to shower and build a nest of energy drink cans and food it’s disgusting
On Fridays when Max cleans she refuses to move whilst she studies so he has to clean around her
Max, feather duster in hand: babe I don’t think you need all 10 of these empty diet coke cans on your desk. PLEASE let me clean them up
Laura, 17 hours without sleep and an unknown amount of time without a shower: no these are my lucky cans if you take them I'll fail my exam
Laura, picking up a week old can and gulping it down: besides this one isn’t even empty!
Max, snatching the can away and pouring it out, on the verge of a breakdown: BABE THERES A WHOLE FREAKING ECO SYSTEM IN HERE YOU’RE GONNA DIE!!
She used to be very close with her dad but he died a few years ago and it really messed her up, ever since she's been a little more subdued and Max tries his best to help her
Laura’s very committed and will not stop anything she puts her mind to, even the most trivial things (like Jacob she won’t back down from a dare, one time Emma dared her to climb a lamp post and she did it, they had to call the fire department to get her down)
After the game she becomes good friends with Emma and Kaitlyn, and she constantly tells Emma that she wouldn’t be friends with her if they hadn’t both been through the same hell because Laura despises influencers (Emma takes it in stride and uses it as an excuse to bully Laura harsher)
For some reason she absolutely hates Nick and everyone's confused about it, even herself (poor Nick)
Like she can’t even explain why she just does and Nick’s really sad about it, like a kicked puppy
Laura, sending death glares to Nick whenever everyone meets up:
Nick: I don’t feel safe here….
Maybe I’ll do Jacob and Nick another time because I’m running out of steam lol
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sleekervae · 6 months
Yoü & I [2.6]
Tumblr media
A/N: The finals season is wrapping up and I'm almost finished all my projects, but I still got lots of content I'll be banging out over the holiday break. Thanks as always for sticking around!
Warnings: none
Charlotte could draw many parallels between Toronto and New York: tall-ass skyscrapers, streets shrouded with people all with more important places to be, homeless who begged for money on every block and a niche of street food and culture to indulge in. 
After the two hour flight into Canada, the bands took the day to decompress before their show the next day. The hotel they were staying at was beautiful, and a perk to staying in a gorgeous hotel in the dead of summer was the rooftop pool -- which Maria practically begged the girls to come with her for a 'pool day'. 
A pool day sounded like just the thing Charlotte was due for. Her hands were cramped from clutching pens and her fingers were blistered from working on the guitar so much -- a break was overdo. 
She stood in the illustriously well-lit bathroom, admiring her slim physique in the little black bikini she'd slipped on. It was a newer piece that Maria had picked out for her on a recent shopping trip, and while Charlotte wasn't so keen on how little it covered at first, the more she looked at it on her the more she liked it. 
Tying her hair into a half-assed bun, Charlotte exited the bathroom to find Chloe still lying on the bed, texting and smiling like a mad man. She didn't pay much attention to her bandmate, but Charlotte didn't mind. She watched the galaxy-haired drummer with a coy smile as she slipped on a yellow sundress.
The last time Chloe looked this giddy was just before the band had taken off -- about three years ago, now. She hadn't had much luck in the way of romance since her career had skyrocketed, much like the other girls, she was always busy traveling, tracking, writing. And when she did meet a potential interest, it didn't forego more than a week when Chloe would either loose interest or she would be ghosted for no apparent reason. 
"Who ya' talking to, Smiley?" Charlotte asked.
"Jeff the Killer," Chloe replied.
Charlotte nodded, "Well, maybe you can take two minutes away from Eva and go get your swim suit on? Before we get assaulted with Amber alerts?"
At the mention, Chloe set down her phone and glanced at the singer, "Do you think it's too early to be sending bathing suit pics?" she asked. 
Charlotte simpered, "Um -- it's been about a week, so I'd say so. Does she follow your insta?"
"Then just post it there," 
Chloe smiled, "Ah ha! The subtle thirst trap! You're a genius!"
I'm not so sure 'subtle' is affiliated with any social media, Charlotte thought to herself.
"Thank you," she replied. 
Chloe changed into her own electric red one-piece and shorts, and the girls quickly went to meet their friends at the pool. They caught a glimpse of the elevator just as it was beginning to close, growing cause for the girls to sprint. 
"Hold the door!" Chloe called. 
A hand extended out of the gap and held the doors open for the girls to rush in. And lo and behold, Luke and Michael were in the elevator as well. 
"Hey, fancy meeting you guys here," Luke grinned.
"Funny how we just keep running into each other," Charlotte smirked, "As it by fate,"
Chloe meanwhile glared down at Michael's swim trunks, "Nice shorts, Mikey," 
Michael glanced down at his blue swimmers, printed with little silhouettes of fish and turtles -- sure, at first glance they may have been more suited for a child rather than a twenty-year-old man. But Michael liked them, so what?
He, as well as Luke and Charlotte, waited anxiously for another snarky remark from Chloe, but she just looked straight ahead. She said nothing. 
"And?" he asked. 
"And what?" Chloe turned to him.
"No follow up?" 
Chloe smiled, "Oh, I have a follow up. I'm just in a good mood right now," 
"... If I wasn't in a good mood, I'd ask why you were skimming through the children's section at Walmart for swim trunks," Chloe went on.
Luke snapped his fingers, "There it is," 
The pool wasn't the only highlight of the hotel's rooftop. Aside from umbrella seats, a canopy bar and a hot tub, the kids had a stunning view of downtown Toronto. Not as infinite as Tokyo and not as imperialistic as Vienna, the skyline of glass buildings reflected off of one another, creating a beautiful ripple of blues and teals that crashed against the cloudless sky above. 
Maria and Kimberly were already laid out on deck chairs, soaked in sunscreen, rays and bikini clad. Across from them were Ashton and Calum, partaking in a game of ping pong. There were no other guests on the deck, meaning they had the pool to themselves for a while.
 Kimberly pried her eyes open when she felt a shadow fall over her, scrunching her eyes and blocking the sun with her hand to find Charlotte and Chloe standing over her. The material of her own navy blue two-piece glinted in the rays.
"Yes?" she raised an eyebrow at them, prompting Maria to look over.
"You guys are no fun," Chloe chided.
"No fun? We were waiting for you," Maria said, her voice a little gravelly. 
"Our bad, but somebody just couldn't stop texting another particular somebody," Charlotte winked at the girls. Kimberly awed up at Chloe.
"Aw, how's Eva?" she asked.
"Wishing she was here instead of Syracuse, I imagine," Chloe replied, taking the deck chair next to her. Charlotte took the one on the other side of Maria, both of them stripping back down to their bikinis. 
"You guys have been talking for how long, now?" Maria asked.
"Just under a week," Chloe replied.
"And it's constant," Charlotte remarked, "I think we have reasons to be optimistic," 
"We can start getting optimistic after the three week mark. If you don't scare her away, I'll be so proud of you," Kimberly told her.
Chloe simpered back, "Your confidence in me is astounding," 
At the other end of the pool, Luke was just pulling off his t-shirt and unpacking his backpack. He had his iPhone with an audiobook he thought he would try out. He could hear his mom's voice in his head, reminding him to be sure he put on lots of sunscreen. It was ironic how he came from one of the hottest continents in the world, and yet he was as pasty as a soy bean. 
When he turned back around, reaching as best he could to slather sunscreen on his back, his line of sight fell on Charlotte. Her yellow sundress had disappeared and she was clad in a black triangle bikini, contrasting against her natural olive skin that seemed to glow under the sun. Her shapely legs crossed one in front of the other as she hunched over to shake out her hair. He had to swallow the lump in his throat when she suddenly swung around in his direction, not realizing that he'd been caught staring when his eyes locked with hers. If he had a clear view of Charlotte than she had a clear view of him. 
He smiled sheepishly and waved, a tint of blush covering his face. Charlotte shook her head at him with a little smirk and put up her middle finger. Though she wasn't exactly innocent in the staring department either, and how could she not be?
"Eyes to yourself!" Chloe suddenly shouted, having caught Luke staring, too. Her outburst drew the attention of everyone else. 
Ashton giggled to himself, therefore missing Calum's backhand. The ping pong ball whizzed right by his face.
"I win!" Calum declared.
"You do not!" Ashton countered, "That went out of bounds,"
"We didn't set an out of bounds!" Calum argued. 
Ashton pointed to one of the potted plants behind him, "Yes we did. We agreed if it landed after the tree on my side, or the towel rack on your side, then it's out. Besides, Chloe distracted me,"
"Oh, boo hoo," Calum chided back, "Sore loser," 
With the others distracted, Michael took the opportunity to take a running start and do a cannon ball into the pool -- effectively splashing everybody within a metre of him. Maria and Kimberly were violently ripped from their sun bath with icy cold water droplets, while Chloe hid behind her deck chair and Charlotte covered her head. 
"Michael!" Kimberly scolded, sitting up in a huff. The guitarist remerged from the water, rubbing chlorine from his eyes and shaking out his drenched hair.
"The water's fine, guys! Come on in!" he replied.
Luke shook his head at his hyperactive friend, mouthing a 'sorry' at Charlotte before jumping in himself. Charlotte made good to stand back this time -- the other girls weren't so lucky.
"Oh, come on guys!" Maria whined, wiping cold water off her legs, "A little warning would suffice!"
Charlotte couldn't help but laugh at her friends. Sure, they were trying to have a relaxing afternoon in the sun, but hey, a pool was a pool. And since no one else was around...
Kimberly saw it coming this time, and she moved off the deck chair just in time as Charlotte jumped in after the boys. Maria grimaced when more water splattered across her face.
"Where's my --" Chloe then cannon-balled in, sending water everywhere once again, "... towel?"
There was an assortment of balls and blow up floats for the bands to fool around with -- though given the colours of the toys they were very well meant for little kids. Never the less, a game of volleyball ensued in the pool, with Charlotte and Chloe on one team and Luke and Michael on the other. Calum and Ashton's ping pong game was still in full swing, considering that Ashton demanded a rematch. Kimberly kept the score this time around and they set the boundary lines. 
Luke pitched the rubber ball to Chloe, who bunted it over to Charlotte, who spiked it back at Michael. However, Michael miscalculated where the ball would land and ended up getting knocked in the face. He fell back into the water.
"Oh, shit!" but he emerged quickly, rubbing at his nose and eyes. All attention around the pool was directed at the sudden injury. 
"You okay, mate?" Luke swam over to him. 
"Mike, I'm so sorry!" Charlotte exclaimed, thinking the worst she'd done was bruise his eye or cheek. And God knows they'd have fun explaining a heinous mark to their managers.
Michael pushed the water off his face with his hands and pushed back his sopping hair, looking dazed as he glanced around the pool, "Where am I?" he then glanced at Luke, "My God, are you gorgeous," he then broke out into a smile. Luke rolled his eyes.
"He's fine," he assured the girls, grabbing the ball and handing it to him, "Your serve,"
Meanwhile, the ping pong game was getting heated. Kimberly's head was practically moving in sync with the little white ball as it bounced between Ashton and Calum. Ashton was determined to knocked the ball past Calum but he was a swift opponent. At the next pass, Calum batted the ball just a little too hard however.
The little white ball whizzed past Ashton's head this time, only instead of hitting the ground it flew over the deck and over the railing... over downtown. The boys were stunned, Kimberly was at a loss for how to call the game. 
"So... who wins?"
They both stared down a stunned Kimberly, who only shrugged as she racked her logic, "Okay... the ball is technically... definitely out. Ashton wins by default," she decided. 
"Yes!" Ashton rejoiced, throwing his hands up. 
Calum just shook his head and threw his paddle down, going instead for the neon green floatie, "It's too hot for ping pong anyway," he slipped the floatie around his waist and took off in a little run.
"Go Calum!" Michael chanted. Calum reached the edge of the pool, but instead of a grandiose jump he simply chose to hop in. He didn't even get his head past the water thanks to the floatie. The boys broke into fits of giggles.
Maria just shook her head, "What? You afraid to get your hair wet?" she called.
Calum smirked at her, "Are you, Little Miss Sunshine?"
Maria rolled her eyes, opting to stand up and proudly show off her purple bikini set. Calum subconsciously licked his lips, which didn't go unnoticed by Luke. Maria stood at the deep end of the pool, did a little bow, and dived in gracefully. She emerged a few seconds later, shaking out her raven black hair. 
"Beat that, Marty Mc-Floatie!" she smirked at Calum. 
Ashton did some flexes and bending before he took his running start, ready to make another big splash. However, he didn't count on Michael. hucking the rubber ball at him as he jumped in. The ball nailed him square in the chest and instead of a pencil dive he just flailed in. 
"Michael!" the girls scolded. Ashton made a quick recovery, glaring over at his bandmate.
"Fuck you!" he pretended to cry, clinging to Luke in pity. Luke held him tightly.
"It's okay, honey, he didn't mean it," 
Kimberly pushed some of her dreadlocks over her shoulder, nervous to get them wet. It wasn't so much getting them wet that was the problem, but the drying process could be pretty tedious depending on the day.  
"Come on, Kim!" Chloe urged.
"Do you know how much of a bitch it is to do my hair when it gets wet?" she replied. 
In his peripherals Luke spotted another large floatie: a raft, to be specific. He had a brilliant idea, then. He swam to the other edge of the pool and retrieved it, pushing it towards Kimberly.
"Here!" he called, "Use this!" 
Kimberly smiled at him, "Thanks Luke," she quickly tied back her dreads and sat on the edge. Luke and Calum held the inflatable raft steady so she could wiggle on top, laying on her stomach and paddling over to meet her friends. Her hair was safe. 
Much of the afternoon was spent splashing about. They played a couple round of volleyball and then tried to play a game of Marco Polo. Emphasis on tried to. Poor Calum was picked to 'Marco', but the others devised to slip out of the water quietly all while shouting 'Polo'. 
"Marco!" he called tirelessly, his eyes squeezed shut as he hopped from spot to spot.
"Polo!" Chloe called back, helping Kimberly off of the raft. 
"Marco!" Calum called again.
"Polo!" Ashton quietly sat back on a deck chair and threw his hands behind his head. Calum's patience was wearing thin. He should've at least tapped someone out by now. Calum waded through the pool for a good five minutes before he realized everyone was cheating. 
"You wankers," he muttered, understandably miffed when his friends started laughing. 
At some point, Charlotte took to clambering back to the edge of the deck for a dry spell. She sat on the ledge and let her feet dangle in the water. Just as soon as she slathered on some more sunscreen, Luke had come to sit beside her. He had with him a cold bottle of water that he offered to her.
"Thanks," she smiled at him, "You want some SPF 50?" 
"I'll pass," he shook his head politely. Charlotte raised an eyebrow at him, having heard those words many a times before Luke would be complaining of sunburn hours later.
"Famous last words," she teased. Luke stuck out his tongue. 
Chloe and Ashton were still in the pool, facing off against Maria and Calum in a fierce game of chicken. Kimberly just watched from her raft, sipping a bottle of orange juice while Michael played referee. 
Luke kept his glance on Charlotte, she couldn't help but shiver as water droplets slid down her spine. She was a sight to behold under the sun, her golden skin ablaze against the sharp black fabric of her bikini, and she had some makeup that stained beneath her eyes but Luke didn't point it out. She looked really cool, actually.
"How're you doing?" he asked, not having much of a chance to talk to since they took off again. Really talk, the way they used to. 
"I'm wet," Charlotte replied, unable to keep the smug smile off her face. Luke rolled his eyes.
"No shit," he grinned, "I mean really, though. What's going on with you?" 
Charlotte shrugged, "Nothing. I'm stuck on the road with a bunch of crackheads for three whole months. Other than that... I guess I'm just -- existing,"
"Yeah. I'm here, but lately I feel that I haven't been here," she pointed to her head. 
Luke's smile fell a little, "Has Ben been bothering you again?" 
"No," she shook her head, "No, I think he finally got the hint,"
Luke sighed and looked down at his hands, his face tinting red but not from the sun, "You know..." he spoke after a small moment of silence. Charlotte glanced at him and sipped from her water. He laughed nervously, "You're gonna think I'm a cheese puff or something but -- I'm really fucking grateful for you, Char," 
Charlotte broke into a flattered smile, "I'm really grateful for you, too,"
"But seriously," Luke said, "I feel like I don't thank you enough for everything you do for me. No one else would do the things you do for me, no one else tries me happy like you do and you have no idea how much you mean to me. And I know I dicked around on ya a couple weeks ago --"
"-- Water under the bridge," Charlotte said, her heart burning in her chest. She had no idea where this was coming from. 
"But the fact is I don't know what I did to deserve you and I need you to know how fucking grateful I am for you... even when I don't deserve to have you in my life. And if you feel like you can't talk to me about shit 'cause I'll judge you, I won't. I'll always take care of you. You're my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without you," 
Charlotte bit the inside of her lip, willing away the stinging sensation in the back of her eyes, "Jesus Christ," she wrapped her arms around him. She never expected him to say anything like that to her, especially because it was the exact way she felt about him. 
"Am I corny?" he chuckled, hugging her tightly. None of them cared that they were just skin-to-skin in midday. She smelled so sweetly of grapefruit intermingled with bitter chlorine.
"No, you're perfect," Charlotte laughed, "If anything, I'm the one that's grateful for you. No one puts up with my stupidity and shit like you do. I don't know how you do it, honestly,"
Luke snickered and shook his head, pushing some of her wet hair behind her ear, "You're not stupid. You're far from it, Shorty," 
Charlotte smiled and punched his arm, "If the others heard us they'd take the piss out of us so hard right now," 
Luke rolled his eyes, "Like I told you before, they're just jealous of us, "
"Always gotta' be a fucking optimist, don't ya?" Charlotte huffed.
"Always gotta throw in a fucking curse, don't ya?" Luke shrugged. 
Charlotte glared back, and before Luke knew it he had been shoved into the pool. When he resurfaced Charlotte was in a fit of giggles while he sputtered and coughed up chlorine. 
"And here we were having a moment!" 
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autisticartbug · 2 months
Tell us about Esther! I saw her on instagram and she looks cute :3
I love seeing people make DAWM oc’s- we need more!
I really wanted to make art for this post since Esther has gone through some changes under the sun- buuttt- sadly I couldn’t think of anything 😔
Anyways, Esther Skylight is magical puppet :0 and I tried to make her design related to the night sky!! Like her front bang, looks like a moon! A little collar with a star, and I planned to give her star freckles like Archie but I forgot about them 😭😭😭 Her entire design is with blue, for a night emotional sky!
Esther is often in the clouds, that’s how she spends her days and nights- but she is pulled to the town for special events and occurrences. She has the ability to go down herself, she’s just so shy and overthinks. And so often, it’s always Mae or Bertie calling her down 😂 In that insta post, I did mention that she saw it as a curse. But Esther isn’t necessarily bound to the sky. I don’t know what I was thinking when I made her- I just put a design and slapped facts on her. Which is so sad bc my bby didn’t deserve that 😭
Esther is still confirmed a book-worm. And she often goes by Honeybell’s bookstore. But she never really greets HB- so when she comes in and goes in front of HB to ask a question, she always manages to spook her!
Esther isn’t as artistic as I made her, more of that she can at least draw… decently. But her coloring job is amazing- but she never practices other aspects 😭 Her neurodivergent brain gets too distracted easily. (Talking abt that, Esther has ADHD and is autistic. She also has OCD.)
Esther is still a big fan of Teddy, but doesn’t necessarily have a crush on him as I intended. She actually has eyes for… hmm. For her sake, I’ll just say he’s a very oblivious sweetheart. But still, Esther tries her best to attend each and every show- but doesn’t always make it. And if she’s too late, she just moves on to do something else with her time since she fears to just step in right in the middle of the show. (Also have that fear.)
Esther also has a little side-job. Just working beside Mae and Bertie! It’s her favorite thing to pass the time, and yes! She made herself a cute uniform! I’ll totally doodle it later 😭 if I remember!
Okay, I mentioned Esther was a magical puppet. And she’s a puppet from the sky. So, I’ll just spill a few powers she has.
• Telekinesis
• Clairvoyance
• Illusion
• Creation (Only lasts for minimal time and uses a lot of energy)
• Levitation
• Regeneration (Often not used)
Though for one of her magical powers, there’s a reason she wears her star collar. If activated near a spirit, Esther has the ability to see the dead! :o
Okay- erm. Now to think of plain and simple facts… Oh! Esther is panromantic, and asexual. She’s Dream-A-Long’s Sentimental Sky-Joy! And she’s at least around her mid twenties. She’s 5’6. And Esther is adopted! Her family is all made of goblins, but after she moved out to find somewhere else new- she was in the clouds. Almost like… she was meant to be there? :0
Her entire vibe should totally remind people of the song- “Lost at a Sleepover.” By OMORI. (I’ve never played or seen the game so if it’s bad or smth- IM SORRY :(((()
Esther is nocturnal- but it’s not like she sleeps at all anyway? She kind of just says she doesn’t need to. Only thing that makes her deathly tired is overusing her abilities to a far extent. Which never happens since Esther doesn’t wanna show off.
Esther’s relationship with Archie is strange. The two barely communicate, but they don’t necessarily dislike one another. It’s just their aura and presence that makes the other uneasy and uncomfortable… Wonder why?
Though, Esther enjoys the shenanigans in the town! Her friends make sure she is included! And she’s always so happy to join in!
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of-faery-descent · 2 years
Hello!! I’m very curious about what you want to rant about now :)
~ @riddlebird-brainrot
You have given me too much power and now I don’t know how to use it. Hmmmmm.
Okay, mostly Gotham related but also not, I find it in a way easier to stay really invested in ships when they don’t have a lot of content or aren’t canon. When I got big into Magnus archives, I was into overall in general, and I love each character and the good gay and ace rep we got from John and Martin, but the ship that I actually made content for was LonelyEyes. (I probably won’t post my stuff from that hear unless I make more of it, but it’s all on my insta — @of_faery_descent — and I also wrote a fanfiction that’s on ao3, Birthdays of the Beholder or something. I can’t fully remember the title now.) (I also can’t point you towards it without mentioning that I share that ao3 account with my sister, who wrote 90% of those fics.) Lonely eyes isn’t quite the same as Nygmobblepot, but they both aren’t fully canon and are Guys Who Have Issues, which I find fun to play with, cause angst. But even before that — my first major gay ship I got invested in was Johnlock, which is a Whole thing, good lord.
There’s definitely other factors as well that influence how invested I get in a piece of media. Amount of content is a big one. I loved Our Flag Means Death, but I also worked through the first season really quickly, and I’m not the type to research the actors or facts bout a show usually. Having lots of content and also a definitive end point is really helpful for me (part of why it was easier for me to get into Magnus archives then to keep up with night vale. I mean, there’s also just differences in the storytelling, but having an end goal helps me a lot). The other thing is, if a ship has a satisfactory amount of canon content, I won’t usually make more for it. Like JMart — I love them and their relationship, but I got to experience a lot of canon content for them in season five of TMA. So I didn’t feel the need to contribute more. LonelyEyes on the other hand has no canon content, just a really silly dynamic, so I took it and ran. So for some shows, the queer baiting is a big part of what gets me in for the long haul (note: I’m not calling TMA a queer baiting piece of media. It doesn’t so that. Gotham though is a different matter).
There’s this frustration that comes when I KNOW a piece of media is not going to give me the content I crave that’s kinda of hard to describe? It’s so deep seated and visceral, I just want to rip things. I hate that queer content isn’t more normalized. I hate that content creators have to bow down to producers’s or bigger companies’s wishes in regards to content. I hate that some writers just don’t view it as a possibility. Because sometimes a queer relationship is just what makes sense, and I just KNOW it won’t be developed the way I want. I will never be satisfied. But at the same time, this dissatisfaction is one of the most motivating things for me in regards to making fan content. I can channel that angst, and it often impacts how I view the relationship of the characters I’m drawing as well. Although I’m also just sometimes drawn the the characters with the big angst, cause they’re fun to work with. So as mad as I am to have finished Gotham and not have a confirmation of riddler and penguin as a couple, I also don’t know if I would be as invested emotionally as I currently am.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. I don’t really know how to tie this off, other than these feelings are big and I am small and sometimes I don’t feel like voicing this in as much detail, so I’ll just say, “I’m gay,” and hope people catch my drift.
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jamiethebee · 2 years
Typing this up at 3am (roughly) so give me a little leeway/grace here anyways thinking about making art and motivation and sharing art (specifically in within online spaces) and how many different types (medium) of art their are
Like writers or draw-ers or painters or sculpture people or printmakers ceramicists fiber artists ect
And how each medium interacts acts with and produces art different simply based on the medium
Like I draw primarily fanart. I want to share it and have people find it and enjoy it. Yes I can draw it just for myself but based on the nature of what I create I want other people to be able and find and enjoy it to. And when it doesn't it bums me out.
I crochet but I've only just started talking about it more online. I will post about it and talk about the pieces (once I finish projects) but likes/notes/ect don't matter to me. It's something created for the purpose of me and what I'm doing with it.
I do ceramics. Have for about as long as I've been drawing "consistently". Ceramics exists within craft art circles and fine art circles. I post to document progress and share about it, but the primarily method of sharing/interacting happens outside of online spaces. Show submissions, critiques, ect. I post online because I want to share and talk about it but engagement means nothing to me. (Full time ceramicists obv will have a different purpose for social media ok)
I cosplay. I post and create content specifically for different online spaces (for tiktok (yeah I get it shut up) and insta). I want people to see the time and energy I put into those creations and enjoy the content that comes out of it and for people to be able to react and see the interpretation of a fictional character. Much like with drawing - the engagement does matter! not for the express purpose of popularity but for the community. (I would still create cosplays as much as I do now if I wasn't posting online btw. It just happens to be a good avenue to share work outside of the handful of cons in my state which btw cost money/not cheap compared to the "free" cost of posting online.)
And that's a fraction of it. I'm just a little tired of seeing posts go "oh, you should make art just to make it and stop worrying about likes" when???? To me, as someone who exists in a lot of different spaces of the art world, it's silly (sometimes ignorant and overbearing) advice. If you only produce work because you want attention that's not healthy but if you produce work for attention that builds towards something else (community, friends, like minded people, work, ect) that's different and having people ignore your work or, on other sites, have an algorithm that actively works against you (as an artist who takes time to produce a piece of content) then yes!!!! It fucking sucks ass!!!!! It's the worst!!!! Especially for those of us who have been around long enough and been on different platforms to know that it doesn't have to be like this for artists and telling artists to suck it up anyways and not get discouraged is a tone-deaf message im really sick of hearing.
Stop lumping a diverse group of people together, boiling their motivations and purpose down to a single idea, and then tell them to get over themselves and just "have a good time". It's an infinitely more complex issue and I don't think non artists (and to some extent people who only do one type of visual art) understand.
Maybe I'm being a little pretentious here or whatever but this is coming from someone who has never seen success (in whatever way you want to define it) through drawing and posting online (over 10 years). This is someone who starting seeing success in cosplay and has seen that trickle down to the basic "we're showing it to the baseline number of people and that's it" that the algorithm allots. This is someone who hasn't had any hope in their art being shared/seen/ect by more than about 5 people FOR YEARS. And yet I create anyways and hope that one day I'll be good enough that maybe I'll get somewhere with it all. Because the problem is that if you've been around long enough to have that initial popularity and then the algorithm changed and you get no interaction you get left with a sense of "well I must not be good enough" and it gets destructive. Maybe this is different than younger people and how they view social media and their relationship with it but for me? I was lucky enough to never get attention in the first place so it doesn't have a heavy influence on my motivation. But it's still there and it's still a consideration (at least for work that I share because I want to reach people who also enjoy those things and for them to see and appreciate the hard work I dump into my projects.
TL;DR: I'm tired of people lumping all artists together and telling the community to ignore notes/likes/engagement/ect because it doesn't matter and you should create just for funsies. It's a far more nuanced issue that deals a lot with medium specifics and professional artists (those who live off their work) vs not.
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untethereddreams · 2 years
Writeblr Introduction!
Hi everybody! I’ve been lurking on Writeblr for ages but, since I just finished school, I finally have time and the spoons to make my writeblr introduction! I’ve already reblogged a lot of reference, advice, resources, and inspiration posts on this blog, both for my own use and for anyone with similar interests, but now I’m going to post my own writing as well. 
I’m a queer, poc writer and artist working out of North America. My writing style tends toward weird fiction and fantasy, which means that I read and write a lot of horror, fantasy, urban fantasy, and speculative pieces. I’m most comfortable with short fictions (the shorter the better!) but am dipping my toes into long-form fiction with several novel projects. I also recently fell in love with writing screenplays, so that may rear its head sporadically here as well. I also run a short poetry insta (@un.tethered.dreams) and have plans for several blogging projects as well (updates to come)! 
Beyond creative fiction, I am also fascinated with the craft of writing, what it takes, why some things work and some don’t, etc. I spent some years going to uni for neuroscience in a different life so science, particularly biology, is an ongoing interest. I also draw traditional art and am learning digital art, so you might see some of that on this blog as well. (Can you tell that I have a problem with overcommitment yet?)
My current projects/priorities include:
The Walls Have Ears and Thorns (Working Title)
Genre: Fantasy
Length: Novel (series?)
Stage: Worldbuilding/First Draft
Set in the world of Chinese Wuxia novels with themes and elements from both Chinese history and Western high fantasy, The Walls Have Ears and Thorns follows Yinning (隐宁), our asexual and non-binary protagonist, as they struggle to reconcile past sins, political intrigue, and the possibility that, despite everything, they are deserving of love. 
Tags: walls have ears and thorns, wip wheat
Translation/retellings of Chinese history/myth/folklore (taking suggestions for a better title)
Genre: non-fiction
Length: undetermined, one-shots
Stage: planning/testing
Translations and retellings of stories from ancient Chinese history. These will come out of both Chinese history/reference books and from my own childhood. I'm currently gauging interest in the project and planning how it will work with Patreon and/or Ko fi (because I am currently unemployed and want to build toward self-employment in the creative field). More info here. First sample retelling here. Second retelling here. More details to come.
Tags: chinese history, retellings, translation project (proper project tag to come with new title)
Herbiary Tarot
Genre: fantasy, reference
Length: Book + card deck
Stage: research
Almost done my research of tarot cards and their interpretations based on the decks I have and reference books. The vision for the final project will be a series of linked drabbles related to each card that lead the reader on an exploration of an imagined realm masquerading as the mundane, rather like how bestiaries look to us now. I’m still undecided whether the drabbles will segue into a plotted story told in snapshots. Next step is deciding whether the deck will be high fantasy or urban fantasy.
Tags: herbiary tarot wip, herbalism tarot wip, herbal tarot wip, tarot wip
Trouble (Working Title)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Length: Novel (series?)
Stage: Worldbuilding/First Draft
When her aunt Cynthia disappears, leaving only a mysterious voice-mail message, Selena must abandon her life as a university student and bookstore clerk and embrace her heritage as one of the Morriganna, ancient prophets of war and doom, in order to stay alive and save her family. Her first task: decide if she can trust the young man who walked into her bookstore, the latest heir and black sheep to a family of Morriganna hunters. 
Tags: wip trouble
Daily Flash Fiction
Genre: flash fiction, micro fiction
Length: self-contained
Starting next week, I’ll be committing to writing six pieces of flash fiction a week (one per day plus a rest day). The goal is to get into the rhythm of writing regularly. I’ll be posting these works on my blog and cross-posting here as well. For inspiration, I’ll be working my way through Wikipedia’s list of phobias.
Tags: my writing, flash fiction, short fiction
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nomadicadventures · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys bake Macarons w their gn s/o
iwaizumi, oikawa, akaashi, kuroo, 
Warnings:  fluff, if anyone comes up w something i missed please lmk
A/N: I had a bake day and my biggest flex was 2.5/3 successful batches of macarons and then this idea was born 😎
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We’re gonna say this isn’t the first time you’ve ever made these
You guys just wanted to do something fun together on a weekend you both had free and you were in the mood for a project
You make him get the kitchenaide out of the cabinet cuz its heavy af and he’s Muscle Man 
He isn’t big on baking and prefers cooking for you but when you hit him with the 🥺 he agreed to help
Helps you measure everything out and puts all the ingredients away as you go
Calls you a dumbass when you dump the powdered sugar into the food processor too fast and it poofs in ur face
Offers to separate the eggs while you sift the dry ingredients 
Wraps his arms around you from behind while you hyper focus on whipping the egg whites and adding the ingredients at the right time
You let him pick the color and he asks if you could do the Seijoh colors
Yes ofc babe ily 😌
Once all the batter is ready for piping you split it into 2 bags and see who can make theirs more uniform
You make him a special set shaped like a jersey but hide it for later
Cuddles you for the hour that they have to dry before baking
You kick him out of the kitchen for the decorating and filling process
Smiles really big when you hand him the little #4 jersey you decorated with white buttercream and icing
He takes a pic and sends it to Oikawa to flex his amazing s/o’s baking skills
He doesn’t want to eat it cuz its so cute and perfect (like you)
Lots of kisses earned for that one
Overall a success 1000/10 would bake w Iwa again 😌✨✨✨
Pronounces it with an obnoxious french accent every. single. time.
It’s macaROHN not macaROON
I h8 him but he’s right
He definitely has tried a lot of different of flavors (courtesy of the fanclub)
Chose vanilla for some reason idk
Helps collect the ingredients but other than that just watches you do your thing
Chooses the playlist and sings along with you 
You ask him if he wants a specific color or shape and he jokingly says volleyballs
Gets excited when you say “that’s so cute! I can do that!!” 
You let him help with the buttercream cuz it’s pretty hard to mess up 
He swipes some on your nose to be cute
You return the favor and he makes the pikachu meme face
Stands behind you and holds his phone so you can see a picture of a volleyball 
Purely coincidence that he’s in the pic too
He thinks its cute when your tongue sticks out while you focus on drawing the lines right with an edible marker
Makes sure you take pictures of them before he eats one 
Posts on his insta abt it
“My beloved s/o made me volleyball macarons!! 🏐”
Loves them so much and asks if you could make them for his birthday or next team party
10/10 fun quality time
Ok this man is PREPARED
He makes sure you have all right ingredients and bowls and such
Checks the recipe and buys enough for a second batch in case the first goes wrong somehow 
Probably watched a youtube video on making macarons the night before so he would know what to do and prints out a template for the cookie size
You offer to make them coffee and chocolate flavored cuz that’s his favorite and he melts a little
Breaks out the scale and helps you measure out everything in grams like a professional
Sifts the dry ingredients for you 
Calms you down when you get overwhelmed and worried you did something wrong or missed a step
“Keiji, do you think these peaks are soft enough??” “Yeah that looks like it did in the video. We add the sugar now right?” 
2 relatively anxious people in a kitchen 
His piping skills are better than yours sorry bud
blame the pretty setter hands 🙌
Puts on a movie for the waiting period and preheats the oven for you when it’s time
Smiles at your expression when they come out perfect 
Helps you fill them with the coffee buttercream 
Arranges them on a nice plate for photos and takes pictures 
Very bookstagram esque
He saves one for Bokuto 
100/10 would want to bake w Akaashi again 🥰
Baking is basically edible chemistry so when u ask him to help he jumps at the chance
You ask him chemistry questions related to meringue and the macaronage process
“Hey Tetsu, why do egg whites turn into foam when whipped a lot?”
“Why do eggs foam better when lukewarm?”
“Why do macarons taste better the next day or so?”
If he doesn’t know the answer he’ll google it and get back to you 
He reads the whole scientific explanation to you and if you get confused or he uses a word you don’t know he explains it 
Very educational process 
Cracks baking jokes 
You choose to do lemon macarons cuz why not (lemon meringues r sooo good just saying) 
He mostly reads the recipe to you a loud and hands you things 
Has an apron w a bad pun on it 😒
Keeps distracting you during the mixing process with hugs and kisses
Pretends he told you the directions in the wrong order just to see you panic for a second 
You smack him upside the head for that
Now he has powdered sugar in his hair
Challenges you to a piping contest
Forgets to apply pressure on the top of the piping bag and batter starts coming out and getting all over his hands
You won the contest obv
While the circles are drying you realize they look like yellow emojis and get an idea
You make one that looks like the 🤓 and give it to him 
“A smart cookie for my smart cookie” 
He smiles so big from the pun and how happy you are with the result of your hard work
Literally so soft for you
Puts some aside for his friends so he can share his s/o’s talent
9/10 only cuz he made a mess and kept trying to mess you up
Still love him tho
A/N: This is my first ever fic/headcanon piece and I have some for a part 2 and 3 if anyone wants that! Also each of you is amazing and should go drink water 😌✨
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go-learn-esperanto · 3 years
Survey answers until now:
This was so fun. There are a lot of answers and that's pretty pog! I'm not gonna include everyone but I assure you I've been reading all of them.
Edit: the resolution was awful. Sorry about that. Updated version now! :)
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Now the text answers my beloved <3
Here are some of my favourites!
Mumza. On accident.
How do you cosplay on accident? 👁️👁️
Phil and say it's Urahara
200 IQ play right here
none but i wanted to tell you its not much better. im going as a Supernatural character smh
We really are on Tumblr.com
im doing rivals duo with my friend =]
cc!Ranboo basically. now it just sounds weird. I mean who dresses up as irl celebrities and not the roles they play? man. it just sounds cringe now
I'm gonna throw on a green hoodie, say I'm dream and call it a day B)
Put a plastic plate on it too and it's complete
I have a half-made Ranboo cosplay, but I'm also too old lol
DO IT. I don't care. Even if it's just for you to wear at home. Do it. Nobody it's too old to dress as things they like!
tubbo :D (not 2 self promo but ill be posting pics @starbug.png on insta 👀)
Check them out! :)
There's a bunch of Wilbur/Ghostbur cosplayers. I love you and the Grisn cosplayer very parasocially.
Also the Mumza cosplayers
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I got my ex into mcyt a day or so before we broke up because he started to ignore me > - >
Well... That's.
Figured out one of my besties is into it bc I saw a sketch of the Llama Line by L'Targay
One of my irl friends is an OG dsmp fan, she was there the very first stream. It’s just fun to talk to her about stuff.
A group of 17 year old boys called me cringe at the publix selfcheckout bc of my quackity shirt and i laughed so hard that they got confused like. its not bullying if theyre right
This one. This one has to be my favourite. That's the spirit.
There is a girl in my class who I talked to very little. We were supposed to do an assignment based on a hobby we liked, so I chose MINECRFAT. After I presented this, she approached me after class and said she liked my presentation. She showed me some of her dsmp drawings, like the realistic ones based off photos. She fucking amazing at it and they’re incredible
i was having a rlly bad day at school and in maths class(my last hour of the day)my teacher started playing jump in the cadillac and i just started crying
I really don't want to laugh at your suffering but damn that's hilarious from the outside. I hope you're doing better now tho 💜
i showed my mom a ranboo video and accidentally reviled that i stole almost his every one of his speech patterns
In class, a guy compliments my Ranboo hoodie. I look at his hoodie and he’s wearing a Wilbur one. I compliment his as well. A girl nearby stands up and looks at us. She is wearing a Quackity hoodie. Somehow the universe has placed three Dream SMP fans together in the same class. The best part is you would never know we were fans without our merch. We could be anyone. We walk amongst the living
That makes me want to buy merch so bad
last night I wrote penis smp fanfic while sitting right next to my mom who doesn't think I swear. she could have looked at my screen at any time.
Asked “does a historical speech from a minecraft roleplay count?” For a kinetic typography assignment
Wrote a lyrical analysis on the l’manburg theme for a school project
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the reason i didn't answer "mumbo jumbo" to the philza's wife question is because mumbo jumbo is too busy being a gay whore in last life. he's gay married but also flirts with every man he comes across
True. Absolutely true.
I literally saw an anti vaxxer on tumblr talking about how it's bad that Tommy and tubbo have to get vaccinated just to see each other irl
!! i have a VERY IMPORTANT FACT: niki nihachu <3 also dsmp women in general,, hannah niki puffy tina collab when pls give it to me its all i want in life,,,,,, also unrelated but im in a musicy mood listen to romance by yoasobi and watch the video trust me its stunning :]
Watched it! Really cool visuals! The music just brings me back to my VOCALOID fandom fase (not that is possible to love the VOCALOID fandom completly though. I definitely haven't.)
I’m making a Wilbur soot animatic based on The Fall by lovejoy and I hope I can get it finished by the 16th !!
Good luck!!! That's awesome!
im in this hellhole more than 1 year how am i still alive akpqpqlajwhoq give money
I have exactly one irl friend who watches dsmp n I'm the one who got her into it >:]
Evil >:]
"Im not gay I just can't read" - Jack Manifold
i just want to know why ranboo was at the red banquet, dressed up and wearing a blindfold . w h y
i can't wait for big lore to come back djfjdkkf
Why must life give its hardest battles to its weakest warriors
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Please help okay so the problem is "Let P be the set of all people who have ever lived and define a relation R on P as follows: for every r and s that are elements or P, rRs <-> r is an ancestor of s or r =s. Is R a partial order relation? Prove or give a counter example." It's definitely reflexive ince when s=r then s=r which is true. It isn't symmetrical since that would be weird as hell, I mean a grandparent cannot be the grandchild of their own grandchild that would fuck up the family tree even more than the DSMPs but like, how do I prove that mathematically? Like, if rRs and sRr then r = s but "if person A is either a grandparent or the same person as person B and person B is either the grandparent or the same person as person A then person A is person B" just feels like a weird sentence.
Just did the Komaeda checklist for c!Wilbur...
I don't wanna know. (I kinda do actually)
Catch me dual-wielding Hermitcraft and the Dream SMP… call me Hannah Montana cause I’m the best of both worlds
Same. Same. Call me Ariana Griande because I'm a-grian with you.
i just saw a post. soon, we will have enough tommy father figures for a mamma mia! au.
Months before I got into DSMP I had an internet friend interested in it and I was like "lol, nice, but could never be me" because I had gotten out of my 2016-2018 MCYT phase not that long ago at that point and didn't think I'd go back... Well...
ldshadowlady is a goddess amongst us all and we should recognize her as such.
HMMM well i messed up my eyeliner which has made me quite sad
Mumbo Jumbo could steal anyone’s wife
I always talk about wanting to bake bread again but I keep procrastinating. Same goes for writing fanfiction and stuff too. I have countless abandoned fics across all of the platforms I'm on, plus about ten that never made it out of Google docs or pure writer. I think I have a bit of a problem lol
I can assure you're not the only one. 👁️👄👁️
We all suffer from the procrastination problem. Don't put yourself down too much ok? You're doing that for yourself and if you don't feel like doing it then you don't feel like doing it. 💜
Wilbur with wings is unappreciated especially when you consider all the cool headcanons you can have for what they'd be like after his revival like skeleton wings or phantom wings or only wings DreamXD can see. Also ghostbur w/ blue melting/ evaporating wings *longing sigh*
That's pretty cool!
I figured out I was fine with any pronouns by brainstorming self insert dream smp fanfic
I have a huge crush on quackity
This one broke me and I don't know why. Every time I look at it I start laughing my ass off.
I got into it because of Woe to the People of Order
Oh, woe to thee, ye people of order
I hope your homes continue to smolder
And that you never rise again
And woe to those that called me a friend~
That's a badass way to join a fandom
I just miss Ghostbur man
Don't we all? (っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ Have some blue
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
35! Go for it! ✨
Oh right, for this ask game! I had nearly forgotten about it XD
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want! 
If there was one fic-related thing I’d want to ramble about it’d be specifically being a comic artist, and the different things I experienced going from the Pokemon fandom to the RotTMNT fandom as a comic artist.
I spent 5 years creating a Pokemon comic called “Liberty”, based on a nuzlocke playthrough of Pokemon Soul Silver (basically pokemon on hard-mode with permadeath involved for those of you who don’t know what a nuzlocke is). Meanwhile, it’s been just over a year since my first foray into creating comics for the Rise fandom.
The Similarities
The Disparity between Fanart and Fanfiction
Being a comic artist is odd sometimes because I basically do both fanart and fanficiton at the same time. I can understand and vibe with what a lot of both fanartists and fanfiction writers go through and deal with. This is why I feel like I can answer a lot of these fanfiction questions despite a good chunk of my story-telling being visual.
I am also aware of the disparity between fanart often getting a lot more eyes and attention than fanfiction. Deciding to write a piece of fanfiction instead of draw it out in comic format is often a calculated choice on my part, because writing prose takes more energy from me and often gets less rewards via views and interaction from readers. But despite it taking more energy, it takes less overall time for me to write something out than draw the same story, so I often factor that in when deciding which medium to create a story in.
I feel bad that a lot of fanfiction writers don’t get the attention that they deserve because of this disparity, so may I remind readers to please please PLEASE support your fanfiction creators and interact with their work! It seriously means a lot to them! Even a little message or a reblog will do! The main similarity between these two fandoms is this disparity, and I think it’d be awesome if we could get the number of interactions between fanart/fancomics and fanfiction to be more equal.
The Differences
I’m more popular as a Rise artist?
So, as I said, I spent 5 years making a Pokemon comic and 1 year creating a bunch of Rise comics. And yet I think I got more (or at least the same number of) viewers on my Rise comics in that one year than on my Pokemon comics in 5 years. I certainly got a similar number of followers, despite the differences in time. One of the main reasons for this is likely due to the social media platforms I posted on. I posted “Liberty” on deviantart and on the Pokemon Nuzlocke forums, the latter being particularly niche. As for my Rise comics and artwork, I branched out to other sites including here on Tumblr, Instagram, AO3, and Twitter (though insta got fewer comics due to the image size restrictions). The number and popularity of the sites I posted Rise artwork to are more than deviantart and that is likely a big reason. The other reasons for my increase in popularity may be for some of the other differences...
There aren’t that many comic artists in the TMNT fandom
I could probably name only a handful of consistent comic creators in, not only the Rise fandom, but in the TMNT fandom. And I mean the long-running, over-arching story type of comic creators. There aren’t that many of us. There are tons of artists and fanfic writers out there, yes, but very few that combine the two.
Meanwhile the Pokemon community has TONS. Especially the nuzlocke community. Heck, the Pokemon nuzlocke community started and was named because of a popular comic detailing the events of the creator’s nuzlocke challenge playthrough of Pokemon Emerald. You get a little bit more lost in the crowd amongst so many other comic artists in the Pokemon community, but at the same time have more people to learn from and relate to in that way.
My involvement with the Fandoms has been different
There’s been a lot of collaboration and working together among creators within each respective fandom. I feel like personally, a lot of my collabs with Rise creators has been a lot more direct and more personal than the kind of things I did in the Pokemon fandom.
For example, in the Pokemon comic fandom, it was really common to cameo each others’ characters in your comic, or include each others’ comics or characters in memes. This wasn’t always a planned thing, though we would ask each other for permission. I joined a Pokemon comic discord, but most of my interactions there and on other platforms involved brainstorming help. Not only that, but sometimes the community was a bit more competitive as well. For instance the Nuzlocke Forums would hold an “extravaganza” every year where folks voted on various categories to vote for the best nuzlocke (I won “Best Pokemon” and “Most improved” in 2018 :3 ).
Meanwhile with the Rise fandom, I did more things like art trades, collaborative art pieces, and zine work. These were a lot more direct and planned out and involved a bit more trust and interaction with other artists. I also became close friends with the folks in the discords that I joined as part of a Rise server, beyond just “fellow creator”.
As a result, I found myself doing a lot more serious artwork and even created other fics for the Rise fandom beyond just my comics, while when it came to Pokemon I stuck mainly to my “Liberty” art/comics.
More eyes, less interaction and visa versa
Again, this could be mainly a differences in what social media I’m using, but a big difference I found between readers of my work is that I got A LOT more people commenting on my Pokemon comic than on my Rise comics. I may be getting more views on my TMNT comics, but boy did I get more interaction with my Pokemon comics. I would get at least 5 people leaving these in-depth analysis or guesses of what would happen on each page for my Pokemon comic, not to mention the dozens of other reactions I would get in the comments. And despite that comic being on hiatus for a year, I still get some comments on it!
So, unless I know the commenter personally, I feel a little less involved with my readership with my Rise comics than my Pokemon one. Which is a little sad. I do appreciate you all who appreciate my work, but I feel like I appreciate you from afar and can only go “awww” at the things y’all leave in the notes or on the anonymous asks I get, instead of being able to thank you more directly.
Rise readers are a bit less patient
I get lots more people asking me “when the next page is coming” on my Rise comics and fics much more often than on my Pokemon comic. This virtually never happened with my Pokemon comic. Granted, I was way more consistent with “Liberty” and it had a set schedule, whereas my Rise comics/fanfics never have. But still.
I really DO NOT like those kinds of asks/comments. Please do not ask me when the next one is coming out. It makes me feel stressed and ashamed and pressured, which can create negative feelings around my work and make me less likely to finish them. I get that you’re excited, and that’s cool. But literally no one likes those kinds of comments.
For perspective, “Liberty”, my Pokemon comic, has been on hiatus for nearly a year and I’ve gotten maybe two comments to that effect, and they were newer readers who weren’t around at the time that I announced my hiatus and the reasons thereof. My “Liberty” readers have been so patient with me (bless them), and I feel a real loyalty to that kind of readership. I don’t know when, yet, but I really want to get back to “Liberty” someday, not just for myself or that story that I lovingly crafted, but also for them.
Pokemon was a hobby, Rise is a passion
Likely due to the fact that I have made a lot of close friends within the Rise community, and the fact that it has helped me immensely through this really tough year, I feel so much closer with the Rise creator community. Pokemon was a thing that I did for fun as a side hobby. My TMNT related comics and art have pushed me so much further in my art, gotten me involved in various projects, gotten me into creating animations, holy heck was I sucked into this fandom in such a short amount of time, and I love it so much.
I have been a fan of Pokemon since I was a kid, and I never thought I’d find a piece of media that would capture my attention and adoration as much. I think at a point when I was shifting from the Pokemon to the Rise fandom I said something along the lines of “I feel like I’m cheating on Pokemon with Rise”/j but it’s kinda true, haha!
In the end, both fandoms and the people in them mean a lot to me, and I’ve grown a lot from them as an artist and a person. I will be forever grateful to the other creators, readers, artists, writers, friends, collaborators, etc in both.
Thank you all very much!
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jxoxsxsxi · 4 years
'Shall I do it?'
Robbe rolls his eyes. 'As if you haven't decided yet.' 
The older boy gives his boyfriend a cocky grin. 
'You are opinion is required for this mister Ijzermans. I won't do it without your permission.' 
'If you want to do it, you need to do it.' 
'You are still going to love me if it turns out terrible?'
'Yes, but I won't walk next to you in the streets. I have a reputation, baby.'
Sander rolls his eyes. 
'I am going to do it. I will call you later.'
The older boy gives him a virtual kiss.
'Wait, let me stare one more time at those beautiful fluffy locks.'
Robbe giggles when the artist pulls a silly face. 
'Such a mature adult. I want to get updates by the way!'
'I will post some stuff on Insta, but you are going to be the first one to see the end result, promise!'
'Are you ready?' 
Robbe shakes his head. 'Not really, I have never seen you without bleached hair. I can't imagine without it.'
'Well, there is no going back now.' 
Sander reveals turns his camera so that it is now focused on his face.
The younger boy's mouth falls open for a second. 
'Is that a good or bad shock?' 
Robbe is speechless. Why does his boyfriend look different yet completely the same? He looks younger but older at the same time. 
'It is weird, but not bad.' 
The artist snort 'well thanks for those kind words.'
'I have to get used to it. You look so different! You have a different kind of vibe around you now.' 
The older boy licks his lips. 'What kind of vibe?' 
'Well, first you had this artist, emo, edgy look with your leather jacket and stuff but now you kinda-' Robbe hesitates.
'I do now what?'
'You give me fuck boy vibes. The typical douchebag who thinks he can get all the girls.' 
Sander starts to laugh and turns his head in the camera, examining his new hairstyle. 
'Hmm, I can see where you are coming from.' 
'I don't hate it though. It is just going to be more difficult to find you when we are in the supermarket or something.' 
'I know the struggle.'
Robbe blinks a few time before he takes some distance from his phone. 
'Yeah, almost don't recognise you at all. You are luckily you have an extraordinary personality otherwise you would be a typical fuck boy.' 
Sander flips him off and sticks his tongue out. 
'You are still fucking hot' 
'Hmm, am I?' 
A blush appears on the younger boy's cheeks while he nods. 'I cant wait to touch it.'
'Why don't you come over? We can sit in the garden. The weather is fucking nice.' 
'I have to ask my mum but I will let you know.' 
'This is so weird.' 
Robbe is stroking the brown hair of his boyfriend. 
'It feels so short, there is nothing to touch.' 
'So that is the problem? You can't pull it anymore during sex.' 
Sander gives him a cocky grin. 
'Guess, I have to pull something else instead.'
The younger boy winks. 
He keeps stroking and softly tugging the hair. 
'It feels so different. '
Sander presses a kiss against the lips of his lover. 'No offence or anything but you have told me that a thousand time already.' 
'I just can't wrap my head around the fact that you look like this now.' 
The artist wraps his arms around his boyfriend's waist. 'Just stare a lot at me, you will get used to it.' 
'Boys, what happened to distance?'
Sander rolls his eyes when his mother shouts from the kitchen. 
'Mum, let us be for a second. We were not allowed to see each other for six weeks or something.' 
'Seven weeks.' 
'My bad.' 
Robbe giggles and gives his lover a quick kiss on his cheeks before he frees himself. 
'Well, now you have to make a drawing of you with your new hair and give it to me. That is the only way I will get used to it.'
'So demanding.' 
Sander winks and blows a kiss to his boyfriend.
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Hi~ I wanted to hop on the match-ups as well cause I've read them and they're amazing. So could I request a romantic one? 👉👈
Hi, the name's Daniela but my friends call me Dina (pls call me Dina, after the Mr Worldwide post I wanna be your friend so bad 😭), I go by She/Her and I'm bisexual with a slight inclination towards males. I think I'm quite fun to be around, the most stupid things make me laugh and I can crack a few jokes even on the worst situations but at the same time I'm kinda serious, I get moody quite easily sometimes but for the most part I'm really bubbly. I suck at social interactions but I love people, so I'm absolutely an extrovert that's really scared to make people uncomfortable.
My insecurities are very much linked to me and my personality, I mean, I'm kinda self conscious of my weight and my body, but at the same time I always try to find beauty in myself, so much that it can lead to feeding my ego a little bit too much. And personality wise I feel like I can be really annoying, I like to feel special to the people I care about, so it lead to me being a really jealous person. Also I'm super competitive and that's not good at a certain point.
I like lots of stuff, very interesting things... I never really give much thought to the things I like, dang. I really like watching Anime and horror movies, drawing, going on walks, baking, I really really love to bake and clean, it's just so relaxing, ooh~ and I like dying my hair, a real fun activity if you ask me. In my friend group I'm chaos in person and also the one who's horny 25/8 and makes it known. Also, I'm known for hyperfixiating on anime characters (mostly mad scientists and intimidating blackhaired men). My music taste is quite normal, rock, punk, pop/punk, punk/rock, alternative rock, a bit of occasional metal. Some of my favorites are My Chemical Romance, Get Scared, Avril Lavigne, All Time Low, Three Days Grace, Hollywood Undead, Set It Off and Bring me The Horizon
The weirdest thing I do is thank the universe each and every morning for my incredible and amazing boobies 🥰🙏🖤🌸✨ and also I think being into esoteric stuff, crystals, demonology and that stuff could be considered a weird thing of mine(?) not sure how weird it actually is.
Oh yes yes, I just got admitted to college and imma be a Vet, super proud of myself, so I'm an animal lover. Btw I'm also libra, an ENFP with ego issues from time to time and an amazing person to dump your problems to (I love solving everybodies issues except mine). My ig is frutill.a, in case you need a physical description (don't be intimidated by how hot I am, I know I know, I'm amazing) and my abandoned art ig is frutill.art
For the ideal date thing? Yeah, cuddles, giving and receiving them, and eating, i like to be taken care of but also taking care of the other person(?. Even tho a picnic and cuddles under the stars sounds lovely. Yeah, maybe that's my ideal date, just doing something together at night that feels special to the both of us.
And to finish this up I just want to say that I love everything you do and you 😭 you're writing is so amazing, like just beauty, and I've read the other match-ups and they're so good, you're super duper talented and amazing. Keep up the good work and don't over do yourself, take care and keep it fun, I really look forward to see what other fic ideas you have in mind and I'll be there supporting whatever you come up with cause it'll be great. Kudos 🖤🖤🖤🤠
HI Dina, I match you with…..💞JEFF💞
Alright this was a hard one, quick quick why I didn’t match you with others. Demonology and EJ don’t mix, he has trauma. Plus, you seemed to be sort of similar to Jeff in some ways (not bad at all, you’re wonderful). I’m gonna go in order of what you talked about so that I can get my thoughts organized.
Stupid things make you laugh? At the worst possible times? At least you won’t be alone with Jeffy, he is the king of doing that, but he dosen’t exactly feel bad about it. AND you get moody often, Jeff too. Still, I feel like developing the relationship would take a while. You would have to constantly sit down with him and tell him what’s bothering you, open communication. Jeff is a master at feeding his ego, but he is fragile on the inside so be careful not to insult him, and once he warms up to you he is so so possessive. Does not want anyone else flirting with you at all, just goes to prove he thinks you might leave him for someone else.
He also loves horror (as we can tell) and he’s pretty much the chaos person too, you guys will bounce the energy off of each other for sure. //Also bro… what anime characters I have a thing for the murderers-// BUT BUT, set it off you say? Maybe go read some of this😏. I’m sure if you wake up next to Jeff he’ll be thanking the universe for your boobies too. HES AN ANIMAL LOVER TOO, and you being a vet is lovely, he wants to take care of his dog ya know?
I just know this man would bring you a rock thinking it’s a crystal. BRB BAWLING MY EYES OUT OVER THIS. Jeff isn’t one to dump his trauma on you, but he will tell you his current frustrations like how much Slender is pissing him off or something. He’s not very elegant but he would lay down a blanket and cuddle you if you like, once this man is attached he is attached. He loves being the big spoon in bed, and the little spoon too but don’t tell him I told you
He acts like he doesn’t pay attention but he really does, any slight changes in your mood and he will know what’s up. Very naggy about it, will try to pry it out of you (even though he doesn’t like other doing that to him), and gets angry if you don’t tell him. Just reassure him because he wants to help, he doesn’t want you to go to others for help when he’s right there.
Hope you liked this! BTW yes we ARE friends! Plz I almost cried at the Mr.Worldwide thing. I beg of you don’t let people dump their problems on just you, you need to have a space to share your struggles too. You can always message me, tumbler is like a safe place for me rn. I’m very understanding and wouldn’t ever make fun of you, I think that’s disgusting. You must be beautiful, I don’t have insta sadly. It got a bit toxic so-. You have great music taste, and I think you are a lovely person.
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verai-marcel · 4 years
This Is Perfection (RDR2 Fanfic, Javier x F!Reader, Biker AU, 18+)
This is part of the series Ride Through My Heart. Read the other parts here.
Summary: You are an intern at a photography studio, and lately you've been crushing on the male model that works with your boss. Javier is sex on legs and your eyes are drawn to him every time he's near. On top of his looks, he's also kind and funny, which made you doubly fall for him. Little did you know, he's had his eye on you too, for he knows your secret identity: a semi-popular cosplayer on the convention circuit. 
Author’s Notes: Trying another Javier x F!Reader fic because he deserves love too. The title of this fic is yet another obscure lyric from a popular song, so try and guess! Also I’m not in the photography or modelling industry, so most of that stuff is just conjecture and internet research.
Tags: fluff, romance, gentle to passionate to rough sex, mild dirty talk, neck grabbing (but no choking), some use of a different language
AO3 Link is here, sweetheart.
Word Count: 4457
“See you next week, Javier.”
“Later Charles,” Javier threw over his shoulder as he left Charles’ cat café. He finished his latte, jaywalking across the two lane road to get to his bike. Bright red, his Ducati Streetfighter was his prized possession, his baby, his joy. When he wasn’t working, he loved to take his motorcycle to the nearby lake and ride around the backroads, enjoying the scenery.
But lately, he had no excuse to go out. He felt he had overbooked himself this month, running from one photo shoot to another. He had to sleep, had to eat properly and work out so that he looked his best, and that cut out practically all of his free time. Feeling the stress steadily creep up his spine and into his brain, his only breaks were his weekly meetings with his friends, which he could count as business since he was their marketing manager. Self-appointed, of course.
He only left Sunday for himself, which he had been using for personal and wardrobe maintenance. Javier was nothing if not meticulous about his look. He had to be, when it was the product he was selling. But lately, even his Sundays were being booked with side jobs. 
He chucked the empty latte cup into the trash and got onto his bike. It was Sunday morning and he had once again broken his rule and picked up an extra gig at the beach by the lake. He almost hadn't taken the job, except that there was a lady working today that he absolutely wanted to see. 
You were sitting inside a minivan with the sliding door open, cords coming out of your laptop and hooked up to a power strip, connected to an orange extension cord that was coming out of the visitor’s center. Your boss was testing shots by the new mural that had been painted on the retaining wall next to the beach. You had helped her set up most of the lighting gear already, so at this point, the two of you were just waiting for the model to arrive. While you had wanted to spend the weekend touching up your costumes for the convention next week, you also needed the extra money. It had nothing to do with that fact that the model for today was none other than the delightful (and very sexy) Javier Escuella.
Ever since you had started working with this modeling & photography company, you had done a lot of random work that wasn’t really related to your college degree. However, you learned a lot about the profession and discovered that the thing you really loved more than photography itself was the photo-editing.
While you were editing some of your personal photos, you heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling up. Looking over at the source of the sound, you watched as Javier pulled his helmet off his head and shook his hair out. As he took off his bandana and biker jacket, you made a mental note to remember this moment forever, his biceps revealed, his sleeveless shirt wrapped around his torso like a lover.
Then he looked at you and grinned. He had caught you staring. Again.
How many times in the past three months since he started to work with your company had he caught you staring? And how many times had he just grinned at you, knowing he had caught you? 
Too many. Didn't he think you were a creep? And yet he still smiled. 
“Hey you,” Javier said smoothly as he walked over to you, the slight sway to his hips taunting you. He was a natural-born model, his movement graceful as a cat and his charisma amplified by his seductive smile. Taking a seat next to you, the space between you two barely a hair’s breadth apart, he leaned over to look at your screen. “What are you working on?”
You quickly tried to shut the laptop, but just as quickly he stayed your hand. His hand was bigger than yours, encompassing and warm. His fingers, wrapped around yours, gently moved the laptop screen back up, and you couldn’t stop him, so enraptured by his touch.
Apprehensively you watched him as he looked at your latest shots of you in your almost completed costume. You swallowed. Maybe he wouldn’t recognize you? After all, you had your glasses on, a big beanie over your hair, and an oversized sweater. Your photo had so much more makeup on and a wig, perhaps he wouldn’t—
“Oh, I know this Insta account.”
You paled.
“I’m a big fan.”
"I'm editing for a friend–" 
"Don't lie," he said softly. "I can tell it's you. I've known since I started working with you."
You squeaked. 
He turned his blazingly glorious smile onto you, and you felt like the sun was shining straight into your eyes. While you were reeling from his admission, he continued to talk to you.  
"You're going to that big convention next weekend, right?" 
You nodded. 
"Can I come?"
Shrugging as you tried to play it cool despite the slight tremor in your voice, you replied, "I'm not sure if tickets are still available, but I wouldn't stop you."
He leaned in a little closer. "What if I told you I already had a ticket?"
You gulped. "Re-really?" 
Nodding, he stood up, giving you room to breathe. "I may not look like it, but I enjoy comics too."
Noticing that your boss was starting to head over, you quickly said, "please don't tell my boss about this. I don't want her to think I'm slacking or anything."
Javier smiled and winked at you. "Of course. Your secret is safe with me." He leaned down to look at you in the eyes, and you were mesmerized for a moment from the intensity. "Just promise me I get a photo shoot with you at the con."
You nodded, your head moving so fast that your glasses dipped down your nose. 
He laughed as he casually reached down and moved your glasses back up, his fingers brushing against your temples.
"Then it's a date," he said as he walked away to greet your boss. 
Grabbing your laptop and pulling it off the charger, you followed as they went to the shooting location, your heart pounding a million miles a second. 
After the photo shoot, Javier traded his phone number with the lovely lady who had been the subject of his heated dreams as of late. He hadn't wanted to scare her; she always seemed so jumpy when he approached. But he always noticed the way she stared at him before he caught her eyes. The look she gave him was pure woman, and he craved more. 
It wasn't just the looks that brought her to his attention. He started following her Instagram account a year ago when he was looking at last year's masquerade winners. Her smile, her energy, and her creativity drew him in. He had found himself liking all of her posts in a day, scrolling endlessly through her archive. 
So when she had shown up at one of his photo shoots three months ago, he had been delighted. But she seemed shy and even denied that she had an Instagram account when he had asked her. He was even more surprised to find that she wasn't a model, but the photographer's intern. 
At that time, he had let it go. She was clearly hiding it, clearly didn't want to draw attention to herself. But every time he got to work with her, he felt frustrated that she hid herself so carefully behind her wide rimmed glasses and oversized hoodies. Her cosplay photos were amazing, her smile brilliant, her makeup impeccable, her costumes were bold and full of color combinations that seduced his vision. 
At the same time, having her hidden away made him feel a bit better about her safety. What kind of wolves would go after her if they knew how gorgeous she was under her baggy clothes? 
As he slowly got to know her, his affection for her had only grown. With each job, he talked with her more and more, and she had opened up to him. While they hadn't traded phone numbers until now, he could say with a certain level of confidence that they were on good terms. Almost friends, really. 
He couldn't wait for next week. He had gotten his Comic-Con ticket months ago and had been preparing on his own. Javier grinned under his helmet. 
She was going to be so surprised to see him. 
"Thanks for working today. I'll see you tomorrow."
"No problem, see ya later!" 
Your boss waved as she went to her car and drove off. The two of you had dropped the company van back at the office, so now you had the rest of the day to yourself. 
Getting into your car, you started it up, put your favorite music on… 
And you promptly screamed in both excitement and anxiousness. You had a date with Javier. You. Had a date. With Javier. 
You drove home, got to your apartment, and started working feverishly on the rest of your costume. 
Next weekend had to be perfect. 
You finished your make up and looked at yourself in the mirror. You had arrived at the convention center early and started getting ready in the bathroom as other cosplayers had begun to trickle in. For everything else in your life, you were unsure of yourself, constantly second guessing your choices and worrying if you were, in fact, wrong about everything.
But in this space, you felt strong. Confident. Because, despite the occasional hater in your comments, the majority of your feedback was positive. Besides, you were someone else when you put on your outfit. You were Star.Bright.909, a cosplayer with over a thousand followers. Not as many compared to the big name cosplayers, but you were proud of yourself for getting this far.
So when you came out of the restroom looking your best, the few gasps you heard were worth it. As you walked outside towards the photography area that had been set aside for cosplayers, you already had five people asking to take photos of you.
You smiled and posed and thanked everyone who wanted to take a photo. You were gracious and patient, even though you were trying to meet up with some photographers you had spoken with online. When you reached the small plaza, you met up with them and worked for the rest of the morning, posing as the photographers asked and networking with other cosplayers in the area. 
Just as you were about to head off towards the lobby to check out the dealer's hall, a man walking through the crowd caught your attention. Dressed up in a skin tight lycra Spiderman outfit, you could tell immediately that his muscles were real. The way he moved was smooth, graceful, and awfully familiar, despite not seeing his face. 
It couldn't. 
As he came closer to you, he bowed in a gentlemanly fashion and held out his hand. 
"Hola, mi Estrella."
You squeaked. "Javier?" 
"Just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman," he said, a teasing lilt to his voice. "Perhaps we could take a photo together?" 
"Of course," you said, suddenly shy. A professional model wanted to take a photo with you. Granted, you knew Javier, but he was still a pro, while you were an amateur. 
"Do you mind if I put my arm around you?" he asked politely. 
"That’s fine," you said, your face warming. 
He nodded and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close for the photo. You grinned, channeling your happiness into your smile. Holding up the phone for a selfie, Javier took a few shots before taking a look at them to check their quality.
He still hadn't let go of you. 
"Whoops, sorry," he said, finally letting go. 
"It's okay," you quickly said. "I… I didn't mind."
He looked at you, but his mask prevented you from seeing his expression. 
"Are you free now?" he asked.
"Yes, I'm free for the rest of the day." You had worked yesterday and some of today, but you always left the last half-day of any convention for shopping or panels. 
Javier held out his hand and you gladly took it, letting him walk you back to the entrance of the convention center. 
As the two of you walked past one of the hotels that lined the plaza, you saw the laces of one of your boots hit the ground. 
"Hold on," you said as you stepped off the main path to tie it back. 
Then you felt the splash of liquid come down on your head, the smell of alcohol pungent and seeping into your wig.
For a moment you were shocked. Then the overwhelming sense of frustration hit you and all you could do was stay still and will yourself not to cry. Not in front of Javier. 
Warm hands touched your wet shoulders. 
"Sweetie. Come on, let's get you changed. Can I escort you to your hotel room?"
You looked up at him, at his compassionate eyes, and you shook your head. “I drove here this morning.” You had driven here from your apartment, an hour away.
“Oh. I see.” He took your hand and began to lead you down the road, away from the convention center. 
"Where are we going?" 
"My hotel room, if that’s alright. Or would you rather go back to the convention hall?"
“You got a room?” you said in surprise. 
He shrugged. “I have other business in the city tomorrow morning, figured it’d be easier to spend the night.”
“Oh, okay,” you said, unsure of what else to say. 
“So… are you okay coming with me? I won’t do anything, I promise.”
“Yeah, let’s go.” You put your hand on his arm. “I trust you, Javier.”
He nodded and continued to walk with you. He was taking you to his bedroom. No ulterior motives, he just wanted to help you get clean.
But part of you really wished he had some ulterior motives.
“I’ll get you some extra clothes from my backpack,” Javier called out to you as he left you to clean up in the bathroom on your own.
You stared in the mirror; your make up was ruined, your wig would need an extreme clean up when you got home, and your costume was stained and reeked of alcohol. As you took off everything and tried to rinse out what you could in the sink, you counted yourself lucky that this had happened at the end of the convention rather than the beginning. At least you had all of your shots and you could maybe sell a few prints to make some of your cash back.
You showered and dried your hair as quickly as you could, not wanting to take up more of Javier’s time. He had left a shirt and shorts in front of the bathroom door for you, and you opened the door a crack to pull them inside, throwing them on. They were a bit loose on you, but that was a welcome relief, compared to the skin tight costume you had on earlier.
“Alright, I’m good,” you said as you exited the bathroom. Javier was lying on the bed, his legs still on the floor. His costume was unzipped to expose his torso, his arms up in the air as he was typing on his phone. Turning his head to you, he gave you a lazy grin before patting the bed next to him. 
“Have a seat, I’m just finishing this post for Insta.”
You sat next to him and took in his body from up close. His abs were perfect; you wanted to run your hands down them to see how they’d feel under your fingers. He was lean, tanned, muscles, everything you lusted after.
“What do you think?”
You quickly looked up at him, as if he hadn’t just caught you staring at his body. He was holding out his phone, a picture of the two of you with your costumes. The caption said, Found my favorite cosplayer today! She graciously took a selfie with me, isn’t she wonderful?
You felt warm from his kind words. “You’re too nice to me,” you mumbled.
Javier laughed softly and sat up. “I like being nice to you.” He posted the photo and put his phone down. Turning towards you, he reached up and stroked your face with the back of his knuckles. “I just… like you.”
You swallowed. The fact that he was saying that now, with you wearing baggy clothes, your make-up gone, just being your unglamorous self, meant so much that you started to tear up.
“Did I say the wrong thing?”
“No,” you said between tears. “I like you too.”
He started to lean in for a kiss before he stopped. “May I?”
“You can do whatever you want to me,” you said without thinking.
A moment passed, his deep brown eyes searching yours. “Anything?” he finally said.
You nodded. Time to own up to your words, to your feelings that you had been denying for so long. “Yes.”
“Well, I’d rather do whatever we want with each other,” he said, smiling gently.
You leaned in and kissed him, surprising him and surprising yourself. Your hands rested on his chest and you gave in, exploring his toned body, his skin underneath your fingers, feeling warm and inviting to your touch. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you back, a passionate inhalation of your very spirit, as if he wanted to merge his soul with yours.
Soon he pressed you down against the mattress and kissed you for a few moments more before he pulled away. “Wait here for a few, I’m going to shower so I don’t smell like sweat and spandex. You deserve better than that.”
You laughed as he kissed your cheek and went to shower. 
Laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, you managed to find your brain again. You, and he, were about to…
Your brain left again and you just grew warm between your legs. You wanted him so much.
In a daze, you didn't notice the sound of the shower turning off. You didn't notice the door open and close. You only noticed when he came back to the bed, wearing just a towel around his waist, smiling down at you. The tendrils of his black hair clung to his cheeks, still damp from the shower, as drops of water slid down his neck to his chest, drawing a line you desperately wanted to trace with your tongue. As your eyes moved lower, you noticed his towel wasn’t exactly hiding his desire for you.
"I've wanted you for so long, querida," he said, his voice like fingertips gliding down your spine as he stepped to the foot of the bed. Taking off your shirt and throwing it aside, he grabbed your breasts and kissed them, laving each nipple with his tongue before pinching and teasing you with his dexterous fingers until you were a writhing mess. You could feel your panties being soaked by your desire, and you shifted your legs, wanting to remove them.
Your movement attracted his attention, and he looked down at you. Reaching down to pull at the waistband of your (his) shorts, he pulled them off, revealing your beige panties.
“Aw, I thought you would have gone commando,” he teased as he tugged your underwear down your legs, his fingers caressing you along the way.
“They weren’t soaked with alcohol,” you mumbled.
“They’re soaked now,” he said with a cocky grin, tossing them aside. Then he placed a hand at each of your knees and spread your legs open, revealing your most intimate body parts to him. Licking his lips, he knelt down and pulled your hips to the edge of the bed. 
The moment Javier’s tongue brushed against your core, you nearly came. He was hungry, so hungry, and ate you out like a man starved. With one hand he held you down, his fingers splayed out on your stomach and occasionally digging into your soft flesh while he slipped one finger inside of you, stretching you out slowly.
“Let me hear what I’m doing to you, baby,” he said before diving back in.
“Y-you’re, making me, feel really, good,” you managed to say between sharp intakes of breath.
“Bien, bien,” he praised, petting your belly. “Come on my tongue, querida, I want to taste your happiness.”
With that command, he slipped another finger inside of you and sucked hard on your center, his eyes on you as he drove your body into a heated frenzy, barely able to hold you down as you keened. Your hips undulated out of your control as the spiral unraveled and you let go, euphoria zipping up and down your body. You cried out wordlessly as you peaked and then fell, landing in a fluffy cloud of afterglow.
“Oh my god, Javier,” you breathed. “That was amazing.”
“Who said we were done?”
You lifted your head up just in time to see his teasing grin as he stood up.
And he dropped his towel.
Your lust went through the roof; you were so ready for round two.
His hands on your knees, he pushed them up to your shoulders.
“Hold your legs open for me.”
You willingly obeyed.
Javier cupped your cheek and leaned down to kiss you, the taste of your release still lingering on his lips. You felt him nudge you open, his length sliding inside of you as the two of you shared a moan, swallowed up by each other’s kiss.
He continued to kiss you as he slowly pressed forward until his hips were flush with yours.
“You feel like heaven,” he said as he leaned back so that he was standing over you, his cock deep inside of you, your hips barely on the edge of the bed. He gripped your waist, his hands warm in contrast to the cool hotel air. Slowly sliding out of you until only the tip of him remained, the only warning you got was the feel of his fingers digging into you before he slammed back into you.
“Oh my god!” you yelped.
“Too much?” he asked, looking a little worried.
“Keep going, please,” you begged. “I want it hard!”
“Oh yes,” he moaned before going all out, letting loose all of his lust for you as he fucked you in a frenzy. He fell upon you, crushing you into the mattress as he wrapped a hand around your neck. “Like this, baby?”
“Yes!” you breathed out, your voice cracking. “More, more!”
Javier’s eyes lit up as he pulled out of you and picked you up effortlessly, tossing you into the center of the bed and rolling you onto your stomach before climbing up onto the bed. You felt his length sliding along the curve of your ass before he lifted your hips up slightly and mounted you from behind, moaning softly.
“You’re perfecto,” he whispered into your ear when he covered you with his body and began to fuck you from behind, his hand wrapping around your neck again. You could feel the brush of his hair along your skin as he rutted into you, his deep sounds of pleasure echoing in your ears.
His long fingers found their way to your clit. One stroke and you flinched, still sensitive from your last climax. He didn’t show you any mercy; the hand around your neck tightened, his legs trapped yours in place, and his fingers found your core once again, stroking you oh so perfectly. The pressure from his touch was just right, the feel of his breath against your ear as he slipped into another language to tell you how much he coveted you.
Javier’s head pressed against your temple. “Give me everything, baby. I want you so much.”
His words, his touch, his absolute possession of your body made your release so much stronger this time around. You cried out his name as pure pleasure rocketed through your bloodstream, a high better than any drug. His hips kept pumping as you spasmed beneath him, wringing out every last gasp and moan from you until you were shaking with the aftershocks.
“Let me make a mess of you,” he growled.
“Yes, please,” you said mindlessly, willing to do whatever he asked. 
He pulled out of you and rolled you onto your back. Straddling your waist, he took your hand and wrapped it around his cock. You stroked him rapidly, watching his eyes burn with ecstasy, his breathing grow heavier as he reached his peak. Reaching for his balls with his other hand, you fondled him gently, looking up at him with a smile.
That flipped a switch, as he reached for your neck again, his other hand wrapping around yours to apply more pressure to his cock as he came, spilling himself all over your breasts. He moaned your name as he finished, looking at you in complete awe.
“Fuck,” he breathed, letting go of your neck and hand as he fell to one side and rolled to face you. “I haven’t come like that in forever.”
Looking at his satisfied face, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was just a one time deal or if this was the start of something, you weren’t sure what.
You must have looked concerned, because he frowned, his brow wrinkled with concern. “What’s on your mind?���
“Um, I… never mind,” you quickly said, deciding not to voice your thoughts.
He leaned in, placed both his hands on your cheeks, and squished your face a little. “Please tell me.”
With his gaze so intensely close to you, you spoke without filtering. “Is this a one time deal? Or can we be… something more?”
He stopped squishing your cheeks, but he kept his hands on your face. Kissing your forehead, then your nose, then your lips, he smiled at you. “I want something more. Do you?”
You nodded enthusiastically.
“So let’s try."
You couldn't help the grin that broke out on your face. 
"That's the smile I fell for," he said, smiling back. As he tried to pull you close, you pushed on his chest. 
"I'm sticky."
Javier just laughed. "Let's take a shower then." He cupped your cheek and kissed you again, his lips lingering on yours before he pulled back to gaze into your eyes. The way he looked at you pulled at your heart, while his next words made you happier than you had ever been. 
"You're the brightest star in my life."
End Notes: A bit on the nose, but the lyric is from Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira. Hope you enjoyed this story! One more left in this series. I’m going to wrap it up with the last Arthur x F!Reader!
Also happy birthday to @eddescuella!!! I waited so I could post on your special day! 💖💖💖
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facelessxchurch · 3 years
I'm still in awe that Nefarian won that battle tournament thing they played on the SP reddit. Imagine a group of people lackadaisical enough to read this garbage coming to the right conclusion out of nowhere
UGH yeah! That was so frustrating! I mean, I’m happy that Nef got some positive attention for a change, but the write-up of the battles were so unimaginative!
It always was: he wins bc red hand OP. If you’re clever enough you can beat him despite his red hand. It’s powerful, but it still has restrictions in place. Like there can be no barrier between the hand and his victim. Dive behind a wall and the pain cuts off. The red beams seem to be insta-kills, but you can dodge them and stuff like that.
What makes him far more dangerous is how intelligent, unpredictable and versatile he is! I don’t remember that well anymore, but there is an excellent chance I probably compiled this list of Nef’s canon magic bc this pissed me off so much.
For the White Clever VS Nef fight I wrote out all the things he could do to win even if his red hand doesn’t work. What do they do? “haha red hand goes brrr”
Like, why do this tournament/write-up in the first place if you’re going to be lazy about it?
Also, this is probably where this BS opinion comes from, that Nef has to be nerfed bc his hand makes him to OP. Bc they completely overestimate how powerful it is and underestimate pretty much everything else that makes Nef dangerous. Also, looking at all the OP characters SP has, what makes them think Nef is the one that has to be nerfed when fucks like Skulduggery, Valkyrie/Darquesse and Abyssinia are walking around??
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Such a fucking mood!
I think it bothers you bc absolutely everyone always drew Mev dark haired (even before I started drawing him, since I used the others art as reference along with the ‘fake-canon’ pic that used to be posted on the wiki (it was a saturated version of this pic btw) that shows up a lot when you google ‘Mevolent’).
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That’s not  chivalrous, that’s just really fucking weird tbh. I hate how Landy writes phase 2 Mevolent and I especially hated the entire part in Tahil Na Kurge with Val going full on Mary-Sue. 
Mev did have a few good scenes like how he easily he was fighting the assassins even without his magic and how it confirmed my headcanon about him being an agile fighter instead of a tank, since him wearing leather armour instead of metal had already been implying that. But with Mev it always feels a lot like Landy doesn’t know what route to take with him, leading to a very weird and inconsistent characterization. Honestly? I like how the people in the fandom write Mev a lot more (this excludes those that write him as a r*pist btw).
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Be better than Mev and destroy the brain/go sure your overpowered opponent is truly dead. 
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Tbf Darquesse had maincharacter plot armour protecting her, otherwise Mev would have accidentally solved the Prime Dimensions main issue for them.
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Tbf Mev was probably lying through his teeth about wanting peace, just like I’m pretty sure that Mev was lying in KotW when he said he wanted a Truce with the Resistance. One of the few good things to come out of SoW was that it showed what a tricky and cunning bastard Mev is.
He probably prefers to take those in his way out in ways that cannot be traced back to him and replace them with his own people. Or he just wanted the peace so he can more easily get what he needs to bring his Gods back and let them do the killing instead of having his men die. In book 1 Nef mentioned they want to return their Gods so they can ‘cleanse’ the world and rebuild it in their image or something like that.
(I answer on my Mev blog even slower than I answer here, so if you want a quick answer I wouldn’t recommend it.)
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LMAO fat chance. I mean, I’d love to see it, but we both know it’s not gonna happen. We’ll be lucky if Nef doesn’t get ruined further and that’s the best we can hope for tbh.
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You most likely will, yes.
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I can’t believe it took Landy 14 years to come up with a reason why Nef and Skul hate each other and the reason pretty much just boils down to “they just don’t like each other and it got out of hand bc war”.
I’m extra pissed bc that was the exact question I asked him when I stood before him during the 2016 YALC for which my sorry ass flew to England and he couldn’t give me an answer back then. Instead he then told me that he was planning on releasing a secret on his blog each year on the release date of the last SP book and that that would be one of them. Well, that was a fucking lie.
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mareliini · 3 years
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(I post most of my art in insta nowadays. No link, but it's mareliiini, with three "i"s.)
Time to say final goodbyes to this hell year, as well for a full decade of art..
Year summary: like previous year, finding stuff to fill up some months was hard. I've had some big art bursts in early jan-feb, summer, and during autumn, when i produced several pieces in one sitting before fading into obscurity of life and knitting for months. My artistic balance has relied on to comic making schedule, honestly since 2011, so without that constant flow of crunching up pages weekly I was left wandering amiss and motivationless. I've always made a rule for myself with these yearly summaries, that I wont use comic pages unless there's nothing else that month to fill it up, and this year I couldn't even rely on that.
Decade summary: Started filling up the latter monstrosity of a dA meme back in 2014 and filling it up has been a yearly tradition ever since. It is so wild looking back. 2011 I had been in Uni for a year and haven't really drawn "seriously" ever, outside of private diary doodles and plastering my room with fish art (do not ask me about my finding nemo phase please) and surrealist charcoal renderings. Reliable access to internet and fandoms, and the whole culture of creating in those spaces is really what made me draw more reliably in the first place.
Home was always filled with art supplies (comes with dad being professional oil painter with a severe case of procrastination syndrome), so in a sense I've been priviledged for early and easy access to those... many gouaches and dip pen nibs I use still, are stolen from home drawers, not that I'd had had money to buy completely new art tech supplies on the fly. Only in recent years I've been comfortable enough with my income, that I could purchase better quality watercolor papers and ink sets, and not feel bad for using them regularily. For comic pages I still use cheaper paper, though that has been upgraded several times since the cheapest sketchbook paper I started with. You don't need Big Quality to make Good Art, but it makes the experience of making it a bit more fun.
Looking back, 2014 and 2015 seems to be most important turnaround time. I was breaking away from the mold I'd created my art identity around of, and growing tired of having story ideas but no original characters. I've had some in the early teen years, but I'd been comfortable for years with using pre-set characters from whatever fandom I was into at the time. And there's nothing wrong with that, I say as an avid fanfic reader, but at some point with making Hey it's summer! the frustration between story I wanted to tell and feel proud of, and the set of characters I had decided to work with, to the point of them being almost oc's in the au world, it just put everything in halt. I'm never going to finish HiS! because I cannot finish it with those characters, and cannot remove the story entirely from it's fandom roots even by made-up ocs. 2014 was largely spent on focusing oc's... I created a bunch of grandma characters for a story I'll never be clever enough to write, and then accidentally stumbled upon Jooel in a dream I wrote up and continued later (yeah they're there in 2014 row). I think most of Bus cast was created in that year, but I didn't have clear enough plan for it (and never had even during writing) untill some years and one cloud comic later.
2015 was Big Year for original writing, as well for everything else. Which is why I have to bring it up. As short detour as the tau fandom was, it granted me the first real friend group online, one which is still together now, give or take a few changes and dramas. It wasn't the main reason, but one of the big ones for me to get proper smart phone to keep connected to them outside evenings (biggest reason was neko atsume..... i wanted to feed my cats....). Cloud story was a wild experience I can never replicate, but also a memory I will always remember fondly. 2015 also was the year I started my three years government supported therapy, which I believe affected Bus a lot. I was really tired and couldn't bother to spent time to look for the perfect fit, so I ended up with a therapist who uh, I guess helped? some? Would not recommend my tactic but it was best I could do at the time. Before that bus had never been more than wild ride of found family tropes frollocing around finnish highways, it was a roadtrip story at heart with supposed collection of small moments of each character, of local problems and stories and people they meet with 4 equally written main characters. Therapy thethered it to one character and one town with whisps of its origin, but it provided a big supplement for the somewhat-working therapy sessions.
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