#and I recently watched the new movie and was inspired to read the series
urjunkdrawer · 6 months
This probably means nothing to you guys but I finally have read my first full book since my junior year English class! And I did it in 4 days!
It’s a book that I had tried numerous times to read before since I bought them. But I loved it so much that I’m reading the series I totally haven’t owned the first three books for 10+ years (oops)
But yeah I’m buying the newest book that’s actually a prequel very soon
UPDATE: I’ve bought the newest book and I’m about 1/3 of the way through the second book and I’m still loving it. Why did I hate reading for the last 2 years?
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galactic-rhea · 5 months
WDYM Anakin is Luke and Leia's dad
I dunno if this post will reach the Star Wars fandom but I hope it does because I'm sure you all will get a good laugh at me.
As of recent I have developed a good hiperfixation for Star Wars, the thing is I knew nothing. NOTHING about Star Wars besides the fact it had aliens and...a war...in space? And funny swords. And main character is Luke or something, I spent over 20 years ignoring anything about Star Wars and somehow missing most references out there.
And recently, literally less than a month ago I saw a gif and said to my partner "oh this guy this guy looks cool, this gif looks nice" and he said "Oh well, he's a good character." And it all developed into me watching Clone Wars, the animated series you know and...and I was kinda blown away, on my opinion the show IS GREAT. And I love every character and their interactions, I love how much they focus on side characters, and they all seem very well written. I got hiperfixated really fast and saw Anakin and I was like "Omg, babygirl. He's a blorbo now."
And because of the show, this was super unexpected, but somehow I also got, really got, into the ship with Padmé because omg, cool woman. Literal happy squeaky noises of someone who was in a bad state and needed some good ol' distraction and comfort.
Now, like I said I knew nothing about Star Wars as a whole. And I still haven't watched the movies, besides the ocassional gif?
So imagine my shock, my surprise, my...bewilderment when I realized.
"Wait a minute, LUKE IS ANAKIN'S SON?! HOLY-"
Ladies, gentleman, and others, I think I came very late to this party and I don't even know how it took me so long.
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Not only that, but because of this sudden love for the series, I went to my friends circle like "BESTIE, GUESS WHAT, I HAVE A NEW BLROBO AND A NEW FAV SHIP AND EEEP"
And my friends are like "omg that's amazing, what is it?"
I tell them, and of course they all know these characters and they all react like they know this very bad secret fact and I got told several times already "Please, don't watch the episodes 2 and 3 alone, it will hurt."
I feel like blissfully walking among rainbows and blue skies while everyone else know that my future is doomed. Somehow.
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(Uncomfortable silence)
Not only that, but then I spent a whole deal of time thinking "Where the heck I have seen these guys" cus there was some fmailiarity I couldn't just point out and then one day I woke up, brushed my teeth and of all sudden I realized and it was such a shock.
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Do you know how SURREAL is to get very into a character, and into a ship, and then realize they're the same from that super widespread meme that has been around for who knows how much time?
I swear I thought that meme was from some old medieval fantasy movies or something.
But alas, Star Wars now is EVERYWHERE. People do references to Star Wars ALL THE TIME and it's just now I'm catching them.
I got spoilers. From a meme. In a youtube review that had nothing to do with Star Wars hah. Everything is a spoiler, the world is an apparent spoiler. Now I'm here, trying to avoid spoilers from something everyone seems to know, even my family knows. It's so surreal and I wouldn't have it any other way 😂
Anyways, if you read until here, know that a wild ride still waits me, cuz I'm only starting Season 3 of Clone Wars and I don't plan to watch the movies until I finish the series.
And yes, I made this blog just to ramble freely about SW and draw stuff because it sparked my inspiration after a long art block.
Have this doodle I drew after watching the two first episodes, my offering for you reaching this far.
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Note: Wouldn't Anakin and Padmé's ship name be Animé? Cuz that's hilarious.
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sunnylighter · 22 days
I read your ninjago series x movie fic (GiGAU) and I really love it, just recently got back to ninjago and have been searching through ao3 for good fics. Your fic was really good–no–great! I like how you wrote it.
I'm also here to inform you that you've been in a hiatus for a year.
Anyways, got any good ninjago series x movie fics you can recommend? Or any great fics in particular? (Mostly the series x movie fic) I'm pretty desperate ;u;
Yeah, and it will probably be a while yet before I get back to it. I'm burned out on Ninjago right now, but I'll get back to it eventually. It helps I haven't watched a good few of the more recent seasons, so there will be new stuff for me to sink my teeth into when I get back to it.
As for fic Recommendations:
My Dad is Bad but Still Family, by KayHau. This was written by my beta reader, and was a big chunk of what inspired me to write my fics. It's more of a merging of the movie and series, but it is very good. Kay Hau also wrote a series of gift-fics for the Grass is Greener which are canon to the AU, so check her out. Basically, in a mash-up of movie and show canon, what would happen if Lloyd had been raised by his dad, only to find he had a great destiny to fulfill.
Summoning Gone Wrong, by Doctor_Who_Fan85 is a funny take on what would have happened if in season 8 of the show, Harumi summoned Movie Garmadon instead of the undead one from the show. I beta-read this one, and it was fun to do.
That's Ninja Swag (It's Nothing New) by Fabro-de-omres (Fabro). It's a reincarnation fic. A 'What if the Movie Ninja are the reincarnations of the Show Ninja in the far future and start regaining their past memories' fic. I highly recommend it for the feels.
Of course, no series-movie crossover fic is complete without Same People, But Not Really, by @KittyDemon9000. What if Kai got sent to the Movie-verse, and how long would it take him to adopt all the Movie Ninja? It's a really great one, and I can't recommend it enough.
Enter the Ninjaverse by BionicStars. I didn't finish this one, but it's about the return of the Time Twins and Lloyd chasing them across the multi-verse to stop them.
Switched! also by Doctor_Who_Fan85. Another Show Lloyd and Movie Lloyd switcharoo. Poor boys.
Tantamount by Bamboosauce. Using the Tornado of Creation to stop the Oni sends the Show Ninja rocketing into the Movie-verse. There's not much to it, but I enjoy seeing the Movie Ninja freak out about it.
It's Me (Version 2-point-0) by lloydskywalkers. Okay, all the previous ones are on AO3, but this one is on Fanfiction.Net. It is honestly one of my favorites, and what first got me thinking about crossing over the show and the movie in any meaningful way. It's a oneshot that was written before March of the Oni came out, and has the author's imagining of how the oni could be. When one of the Oni come after Show Lloyd and drag him through the multi-verse, he ends up landing on his movie counterpart, and the two work together to avoid their murderous Oni Aunt.
That's all the ones I can find in my Bookmarks list on AO3 and FF. More may have come out since I burned out on Ninjago, so keep your eyes open. I hope you enjoy my recommendations.
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jiminiepabo · 1 year
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BTS As Your Best Friends
I was feeling inspired by my BTS As Your Boyfriend series, and I wanted to give yall a cute little friend moment! 💕
Comtains: Fluff, that's about it lmao
This is only with the maknaes, but the others will come soon!
Devious asf 💀💅
He actually will not shut his fucking mouth, bro will call you up at 4 in the morning to talk to you about how his day went
Lowkey invites himself to your place unapologetically
Very juvenile, in a good way. Like sleepovers with snacks and movies and pillow forts
And he will fill you in on all the bangtan tea
He's the type to make pinky promises not to tell after he talks hella shit abt someone 💀
Not that he talks hella shit that much, but the occasion that it happens, expect a lot to come out of his mouth.
Very good listener tho, if you actually have an issue, he's gonna be there for you
Definitely tells you way too much about his dating life...
He also falls asleep on you, so get used to it. he's an affectionate bitch, what can he say? And with all the sleepovers yall are having, he can't help it
Okay but tell me why I think he'd love playing hair salon with you 👀
One of his downsides as a friend is that he's a fucking celebrity and has a shit ton of other people to interact with and other places to go
So don't expect too much from the poor guy, he's got a lot on his plate.
Recently we found out that he vapes, so he for sure needs a vape buddy
He is SO GOOD at dating advice
Whoever you're into, he will be right there planning your wedding on a pinterest board.
Expect lots of singing in the car
In all, jaykay is fucking hyper but he's a great bestie to have
Tae is your deep ass convo kinda guy
Like yeah, he's fun asf, but damn he's just built to talk about deep shit with you
If any of these friendships are likely to turn into relationships, it's gonna be with Tae
He just loves love 😭
And honestly, as he should
And I'm not saying that you return the feelings, but you are the one reading a Bts imagine on tumblr... 🤷‍♀️
Besides the fact that he lowkey has a crush on you, you'll probably be at his house more than your own
I can see him just talking and talking for hours on end with his bestie while you chill on the couch with a TV show playing in the background
Probably has a cute nickname for you
Like if you're short, he calls you shorty. And if your cute, he calls you cutie.
But he'll come up with something cute
Your contact name in his phone will probably be something along the lines of "my wife" or "wifey"
Or smth stupid like that just bc he likes you 💀
And he won't tell anyone either, he just unironically talks about you all the time, nothing suspicious 👀
Expect chaos when he's drunk tho
He goes WILD
It's fun though, seeing him being smiley and not contemplating the complexities of life to you
Your man is weird asf but you gotta love him
Someone needs to calm him down and give him a massage or smth
Because when I tell you...
He doesn't even like you, it's just jimin being jimin
Very sweet tho 🥺
He seems kinda awkward about giving advice bc he doesn't know exactly what to say, but he'll listen really good
Also, no offense to jimin, but he's a mess.
He's so caring that he likes someone new every other day istg
And he'll tell you all about it and it's the cutest thing ever watching him have so much love for so many people
May or may not have mid-life crises during the night and come over to drink alcohol and pour his heart out to you
He's a people pleaser so be a good friend and encourage him or compliment him a lot
He will most likely flirt with you in return but it secretly makes him feel reassured so just take one for the team
Probably will give you fashion advice tbh
And he's an icon so you let him do his thing
I think he'd like doing things like drawing or painting or dancing as an activity with you
Like it's fun to do, but it's quiet enough for him to talk about his problems
This is so sad but I feel like he projects a very happy image but he doesn't always feel it inside
He may struggle with self image and dependence on others
So he needs you to be his anchor to hold him down and tell him he'll be alright
And he'll do the same for you, don't worry.
Hope you enjoyed! The hyung line version is coming soon! 💕
My requests are open 😘
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anomaly1003 · 15 days
Does anyone have a tendency to join in a fandom years too late?
Because I do.
I recently rewatched Captain Underpants: The first epic movie and I just got sucked back into it. But I had never given the series a try. Now that I watched it, it gave me sudden inspiration to make a OC for that world.
I’m thinking, he, will be either the school’s new Art or English teacher. A 28 year old rugged looking guy and one of the youngest and most laid back teachers and seemingly the only one that makes his class fun. (Krupp had almost fired him for bringing fun into the school but the guy is so good at keeping balance between fun and work and with all the kids protesting Krupp had no choice but to have him stay.)
He enjoys reading and supporting George and Harold’s comics and just seems to go with the flow whenever a situation with a monster happens at school.
I think I’ll name him…Rue.
As for dealing with Krupp on a daily basis. He isn’t fazed at all. Despite being polar opposites Rue insists on hanging around the walking seething egg-shaped of a principal. He feels the man just needs to relax and enjoy life.
Anyway, I might create him. I might not. Just felt like sharing this.
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kindlingkeen · 2 months
4, 11, 12, 44 for the ask game
Hi anon, thanks so much for the ask! 💙
From this list of fic writer asks
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
The shower, so consistently that I’m pretty sure it’s witchcraft.
More seriously, I’m definitely inspired by other fics I’ve read, the comics, and the movies (UtRH ofc, and the lego batfam movie in particular). I’ve been watching the original 1990s Batman the Animated Series cartoon recently and been drawing a lot of inspiration from there.
Comments on ao3 and asks here are a huge source of inspiration.
I also have a brainstorming buddy that I talk out loud with to generate ideas.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
I’ve really tried, and I just can’t do it. There’s too much good stuff out there. If you look at my blog under the tags ‘keen converses’ and ‘fic rec’ you’ll see a bunch of posts of fic recs. I’ll add two more here, inspired by my beloved mutual @bonerot19’s recent post. These are two of my favorite alt format fics:
Batstream by RandomReader13 @theawkwardvirgin, the bats livestream their patrol
IRIS Log #1548 by deadchannelradio @deadchannelradio, a transcript of the bats comm channel
12. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
I could write a whole blog post on this topic. I’m going to distill it down to a general statement and an anecdotal story.
Feedback and support create a positive feedback loop that makes me more likely to choose to write than to do something else with my precious free time. There’s a special kind of joy I get from ao3 comments and tumblr asks; they’re tangible proof other people are enjoying what I create (isn’t that what every artist wants to some degree?). When I get insightful comments or curious questions, it makes me think more deeply about the story I’m telling, and my writing gets better for it. Wanting to know what my repeat long commenters think about a chapter helps keep me on a schedule. Even just a <3 makes me smile and reopen my google doc that much faster.
My anecdotal story / PSA to leave a comment … I work a hugely stressful, emotionally demanding job. I was legit crying in the bathroom one night when I got an email notification for a comment on Asymmetrical Warfare. It was short, sweet and to the point—the equivalent of ‘this is fun, Jason is so badass,’ but it was more than enough to make me smile, square my shoulders, and get back to it.
Feedback doesn’t have to be profound or earth shattering. Just a few simple words, emojis, keyboard smashes — they matter more than you may think.
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
Way too many commas.
Thanks so much for the ask, anon!! 💙
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shiny-jr · 10 months
Hi shiny, how's my favourite author? Everything okay? I hope you're doing well, please don't overwork yourself <3
Anyway, do you have any tips on writing the introduction of a story? I have an idea of how I want it to go but introductions are the hardest part for me to write lol. No matter what I do, it just doesn't feel satisfactory.
That's all, have a great day shiny <3
Hello, anon. I'm your favorite author? Wow. Thank you?? I'm good though, don't worry. Trying to use spare time I have now to read and write, catch up on some video games, watch some new movies/series I've had on my list now. Basically everything I couldn't do when I was busying studying.
As for tips for intros, well, usually I'll write whatever comes to mind. Often times I'll go back after a while and find that I don't really like the intro I wrote so I'll redo it, and when that happens, I'll look for inspiration from either my previous works, or other posts I enjoy. Don't worry though, I get it, it's hard being satisfied with an intro because you're stuck wondering "will people read this and be hooked or just drop it and look for something else?" If you get really stuck, you can always ask friends for opinions on the intro you wrote. That's what I do sometimes too.
Oh, speaking of intros, there's been like two I've been thinking of a lot recently for movies I went to go watch. Maybe it might inspire you, maybe it won't but this is just me talking so don't mind me.
The first intro I'll mention is from the new Spiderverse movie. I'm not kidding when I tell you I went to go see that movie like four or five times, one of which was in a completely different country so it was dubbed. But anyways. That intro? Damn. It quickly catches viewers up to speed on a summarized version of the previous movie, whether you watched it or not, while involving Gwen's feelings on the matter and on future matters at the same time. I loved it, it was great.
Another intro I saw just yesterday was for Oppenheimer which I went to go see in IMAX and let me tell you, that was a hell of an experience. One scene in the intro that I remember so vividly was a sea of flames from what I assume was an atomic bomb, and a quote appeared from the dark and ashes while the flames were still filling the entire screen. The quote was, "Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. For this he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity." A quote is another cool tool you can use in your intro, because for example, that quote while not directly mentioning the movie's story or its characters, it perfectly encompassed what the movie's main character experienced.
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theswordwizard · 1 month
for the 'top 5' ask post: top 5 books?
HMMM I've been reading mostly nonfiction lately so I would say:
The Internet Does Not Exist (E-flux Journal) - It's a collection of essays from different people talking about technology in ways that really opened my mind a lot to how I think about systems. They also published The Wretched of the Screen by Hito Steyerl which is a collection of her essays on 'the politics of the image,' and I always love her writings.
New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future by James Bridle, which is about how we as a collection of societies haven't prepared for the radical increases in computational power we've achieved, and how they actually make it more difficult to understand the world as we're overwhelmed with data. Incredibly informative on a lot of different interweaving topics.
This is a manga but I just finished Billy Bat by Naoki Urasawa and Takashi Nagasaki. It's almost a detective story? A Japanese-American comic artist in America learns that he might have copied a character from a manga in Japan and takes a trip to check. 100 or so chapters later astronaut speaks to the cartoon character drawn on the moon and chooses whether to end the world or not. I don't think it's officially released in English so I read a scanlation online somewhere (I don't think it's particularly hard to find though).
The Queer Art of Failure by Jack Halberstam, which was honestly a primary inspiration to actually making Butchverse as a semi-serious series of essays. It proposes alternatives to the mainstream, the heteropatriarchal, the accepted, and blending together high theory and low culture in a really comprehensible read. He also wrote Female Masculinity, which I reference a lot in Butchverse.
I recently finished Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer, and if you liked the movie you will definitely like the book. INCREDIBLY suspenseful even after watching the movie, it's pretty different. The next two books in the series aren't as heavy-hitters IMO, but I know a lot of people that really like them so I think they're worth reading.
If you want a really great narrative that's essentially a book with some images and REALLY good music, I'm still halfway through Umineko (use the original graphics!!!) and it is possibly the GOAT.
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skydalorian · 4 months
I was tagged by the ever-great @post-futurism, and am thrilled to jump back into one of these!
Last Song: Go On - The Tights. I'm listening to their discography after moving on from the near-entirety of XTC. Jury is still out, but I appreciate that they brought late-90s and Y2K moody nostalgia even before the gurnge-goth of that era was even close to being dated.
Favourite colour: Burgundy! All shades! No exceptions! I'm also fond of deep emerald greens, olive greens, navy blue, and dusty rose pinks. Historically I adored purple, but I'm less into it now, and am not into it when it veers into blue territory (though I'm definitely into indigo).
Last movie/TV show: The last film I completed was The Holdovers and I was a predictably easy target. It nigh instantaneously became a favourite. Technically, my last watched film was The Moon by Takashi Ito, but I wouldn't call that a movie, per se, as much as it's an impressionistic short and abstraction of thoughts, images, and memory.
I usually watch multiple films simultaneously, but my go-to streaming sites all lost the option for subtitles within the last 24 hours. I have never experienced anything more miserable. How else am I supposed to be able to watch these at 4x speed?!?!
Telveision-wise, I've been watching Fargo season one, Twin Peaks (1989), and keeping up with the new season of Abbott Elementary.
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Spicy and Savoury. Separate and combined, they are both dear lovers.
Relationship status: non pertinet
Last thing that I googled: Tofu marinade recipe for airfryer. Also Hal Ashby. Both in the same google session. Weird day.
Current obsession: I've returned to Garth Nix's work and am indulging my dive back into The Old Kingdom series. I'm also refreshing my grasp of criminal law, Contitutional Law, and police misconduct. I finished a read-through of the Constitution and am trying to solidify my mnemonics for the Bill of Rights! Also, most recently, hating Larian and grieving for my prior high opinion of them and my naivete.
Last book: Last completed was Lirael (Garth Nix) and I'm currently reading Piranesi (Susanna Clarke) and Orientalism (Edward Said)
Looking forward to: Getting my financial assistance for medical bills situated (again), and an upcoming chili/soup cook-off at my place of work (which I intend to sweep, with the promised assistance of my team).
I'm so glad you tagged me! Your blog has been a constant inspiration and your taste is both fire and the terrifying depths of the ocean to me, it's fantastic, your posts never fail to have a dreamlike quality!
Tagging @honeybite @phasesixer @regenerating @wizardpink @notwiselybuttoowell @lordgroose @iwilleatyourenglish @baddiez @bubble-bobble @purplefairies@wine-dark-sea@cursedamulet@scarletswalking@antidoteforreality
and any other mutual I neglected (I am so, so sorry, I have been sleepless and my memory has been fuzzier than usual)
also feel free to do this even if you're not tagged, I am not trying to be exclusive necessarily!
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evanox · 6 months
alright I’m calm now (lie)
So when you first sent this many months ago, I didn't know there was a trailer so I only found out through your ask. I was so, so incredibly excited when I watched it I didn't know how to put that excitement into words and thus couldn't get to your ask right away. Then I kept forgetting, and then forgetfulness turned into embarrassment because how could I answer this ask after leaving it for so long? In light of Rick Riordan's recent statement on the Palestinian genocide, however, I think there's no better time to get back to this ask than now. Do forgive me for using your dust-laden ask as a chance to vent out my frustration.
PJO was a huge part of my childhood; it was my introduction to fandom life as I set up my tumblr back in 2015 and followed any cool PJO blog I could find while also making my own shitposts. All of my first online friends were people I found through PJO, some of whom I'm still friends with to this day. Even as I started losing interest and distanced myself from the fandom, I still found myself seeking out PJO/PJO-inspired rp blogs to join because that's how much I loved the world of demigods.
So you can imagine how excited I was to hear that there's a more faithful adaptation of the series, one that Riordan himself approved of (unlike the-movie-that-shall-not-be-named). You can also imagine how Rick has very much fallen from my eyes, as has anyone who still puts him up on a pedestal and chooses to support him, after his statement.
When you don't know enough about something, the reasonable thing to do is A. educate yourself before speaking out on it, or B. literally just shut up. I find it very ironic how Rick made sure to establish at the very start of his statement that he's just too busy for social media, so busy he does not "read posts, reply to posts, or share [his] thoughts about world events," but I guess he still finds himself qualified to step up and preach about what's happening in Palestine. Palestinian journalists have lost their lives documenting Israel's atrocities (before and after October 7); families can no longer grieve in peace because they have to hold up their dead children before cameras in hopes that people will think we deserve basic human rights; after everything everyone has done to amplify their voices, I do not know he could come up with a take this bad. Maybe if Rick took a nice proper scroll through social media before taking on the moral high ground, he'd be singing a different tune.
He claims that fanmail was his window to both sides of the conflict but it's hard to believe he's been receiving mail from many Palestinian and Israeli children in the past 18 years when his contact information from as far back as 2011 mentions that his writing schedule had gotten too intense to keep up with fanmail, and his most recent contact information page says he's straight up not accepting fanmail anymore, physical or otherwise (I assume that was back in 2019-2020 since he mentioned remote work and safety measure related to the pandemic, but I could be wrong). Call me cynical but it's hard to take seriously his implication that children of both sides have come to him about losing family members to violence and waking up to the sound of gunshots and bombs when I've had to watch Israeli settlers take to tiktok along with their kids to make a mockery out of Palestinian suffering and flex having the basic resources Palestinians have no access to, while every video update filmed by Palestinians is backed by the sound of military surveillance drones hovering over their heads night and day. Israeli settlers get to make cutesy tiktoks about looking for gluten-free flour while Palestinian kids are digging for their toys under the rubble of their homes and gathering in hundreds and thousands to beg for a few spoonfuls of soup. The only bread they could bake is from the fire fed by debris from the wreckage of their homes. Yeah, both sides sure are suffering the same hell :((
"If there are two sides to this issue, those sides are not Palestinian/Israeli or Muslim/Jewish. The two sides are humanitarian and dehumanizing." Actually, there are two sides to this and they're "genocidal illegal ethnostate" and "native people who were minding their business in their own land, welcomed survivors of the Holocaust with open arms, only to find themselves getting pushed out of their homes for the coming century." Not choosing a side (or preaching about how you're on the side of humanitarianism) puts you on the side of oppressor, period.
"It is easy to point to atrocities committed by our enemies, while justifying or minimizing the atrocities committed by ourselves or our allies." Boy you're outta your mind if you think anything committed by Palestinian resistance is in any way, shape, or form equitable to Israel's crimes in the past 75 years. It's hilarious how he can admit that what Israel is committing is genocide but goes on to say that Israel deserves "security and support," but I guess Hamas isn't deserving of the same sentiment when it retaliates to 75 years of terrorism and ethnic cleansing. The best Palestinians deserve is "international aid," not like the very Israel you support has been blocking off any aid people have been trying to get into Palestine.
"If violence could end violence, if we could put an end to 'those other people' once and for all, human history would read very differently than it does," has the same energy as going bUt mArTiN LuThEr KiNg Jr BeLiEvEd iN nOnViOLeNcE while actively ignoring that he did end up getting assassinated at the end of the day, and also the fact that his message of nonviolence has gotten distorted over the years to villainize those who resist in a way that disturbs white peace a lil too much.
Never mind the fact that peaceful resistance has never paid off against Israel. Never mind the fact that Israel has been using "Hamas hides behind civilians!!!" excuse to blow up hospitals, schools, refugee camps, and homes when in reality they don't know jackshit about where Hamas is, and every claim at knowing the location of their bases turned out to be a ridiculously stupid lie. Never mind the fact that Israel has admitted to killing its own people because "they kinda looked like Palestinian civilians ig lol" and they're just too trigger-happy. Does that sound like a "country" that gives a horse's ass about peace to you?
And just like that, he goes back to promoting his book and talking about his trip in the same blog post, like talking about Palestine/Israel is a chore he checks off his list to make sure we all know what a good guy he is.
So yeah, I am sad that I won't be able to enjoy a show I was so looking forward to (and it does look really good), but I am a Muslim Palestinian before I am a fan, and we're all human at the end of the day. You have to be a special kind of ignorant (or racist, or straight-up heartless) to see what we've already seen and still preach about "peace (and a two-state solution teehee)<33" being the only acceptable solution.
Maybe it's because I don't have as many PJO mutuals as I did back in late 2010s, but I haven't really seen many people speak out about this on tumblr which is why I think it's still worth talking about even when this isn't the type of post I'd normally write. Please boycott the show (or like do me a favor and block me/don't put that shit on my dash if we're mutuals). I've always admired Riordan as a kid so the least he could do is pull his head out of the ground and take a proper good look at what's actually happening in the world.
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blysse-and-blunder · 8 months
in lieu of a long weekend
10pm, sunday, oct 8, 2023
it's canadian turkey-day tomorrow ~ it's windy and grey outside ~ there is pumpkin pie in the fridge and i'm wearing an extremely pleasing wooly sweater my housemate was going to give away. we've turned the heat on for the first time this season. the cozy season of the year has arrived.
reading finished victoria goddard's whiskeyjack, book 3 in the greenwing & dart series! reading this series for me is an exercise in noticing the easter eggs that tell me it was written by a medievalist, and an academic, and a medievalist academic with a degree from the program i'm currently in. there's so much in this particular volume about poetry analysis. she came so close to using the word 'semiotic' and actually did use the phrase 'exoteric.' while i might have quibbled about things like pacing and plot and how i still don't always think first-person is a good fit in the hands of most authors, these books are like tailor-made for me. i can't not enjoy them.
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and then on the other hand, i spent some extremely happy hours this past week with patrick o'brian's post captain. when i first read the aubrey books, i was probably in high school, fresh out of racing through the hornblower series. because the aubreyad is-- i'll be honest-- better writing, but also demands more of you as a reader, i fully didn't appreciate like 80% of this book. i knew the series, as much by osmosis as by actual time spent reading, and reading it now? felt like coming home. especially since i now have the attention, and the ability, to read between the lines. to pick up on the irony, the allusions, the humor, the misdirection! the women oh my god how did i not appreciate sophie, diana, or mrs. williams before now. i didn't mind before how little of the larger world and society made it into the movie, but i actually understand the griping now. but even more than that, i found the ship action and actual, like, battle extremely tense and interesting this time; i was up well into the night at one point just to see what would happen next, because i was nervous for my dear boys.
watching friday night double-feature with @hematiterings where we enjoyed the first three new episodes of Our Flag Means Death and finished with another two of netflix's Arcane: League of Legends, which we're probably going to finish fairly soon so i'll focus on that one. just quickly though, had a great time with the first new ofmd episode, just extremely good work from all involved, and then was weirdly not as into the second two-- though the end of ep 3 was back to grand. i think in general i like where the season is going, and i'm going to withhold further comment until we've seen some more.
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i was not expecting to like arcane as much as i have been. didn't have a clue what it was when we started, but the art style has absolutely blown me away. here's a quick run-down of the animation, which is a mix of hand-painted digital, 2D, and absolutely gorgeous. it looks like a video game and a painting at the same time-- not in the same way spiderverse combines animation and illustration, but with some familiar elements. people's eyes have this amazing jewel-like depth and clarity? scenery that made us go 'oh, paris looks so nice!' and 'man i love cyberpunk' and other such witticisms. but seriously, if you like good animation and also art nouveau-inspired steam-punk aesthetics, there's a lot here. plus a good (dare I? could league of legends be good, actually?) tragic story-line, and enough twists that i haven't seen coming, to really get me curious about what comes next.
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listening a long time ago, probably back in 2021 around the time of the most recent album, i think @mankillercalledbunny was sharing playlists or links that featured The Amazing Devil, and at roughly the same time i had a spotify playlist include a track or two for me, and now here we are. had their two albums "ruin" and "the horror and the wild" on all week, which made it a bit hard to read at times because i would get caught in the lyrics. this is exactly the kind of music two people who met at the RSC would make, it is dramatic, sort of gothic, sort of folky, sort of theater. the contrary motion, the interweaving voices, esp. in the chorus of "marbles", is where i've been living recently. i like knowing this about joey batey, i like that he has this extra dimension now when i see him as jaskier! i hope he can find a way to come back to it again, whenever.
playing i finally (after how long!) got the wizard's ink well - witch's pendant - goblins (??) quest in stardew! not a hard one at all, but so satisfying to be able to use that hint that had been hovering there in the library for the past, oh, real-world year or so. i'm like 50 pieces of hardwood away from getting the ferry up and running too, and i'm excited to move off of the plateau i've been on and open up the next level of the world.
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making i mentioned the pumpkin pie up top, and it did turn out well this year despite a distracted me happening to leave out the butter when mixing the filling-- i noticed before it got into the oven, luckily, and was able to add it in! but...while it was in the pie crust, which was kind of sloppy. no nicely pinched or braided crust for me this year. and then, since the size of can of pumpkin you buy here is always a little too big for the recipe, i tried out the smitten kitchen pumpkin bread that many friends have recommended before, and that has been a delight. moist without being dense or heavy, but still very substantial? a little bit less sugar than the recipe called for, and no freshly ground nutmeg, but we did have fresh ginger and overall it is very nice. it also rose architecturally, which was maybe a function of it being on a higher rack? or of me miss-counting scoops of baking soda? anyway, hilarious.
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working on working on consistency. working on momentum. working on not getting in my own way. draft of this conference paper due 10/26, slides and notes for this guest lecture due 10/25, and the chapter abides. the conference paper serves it directly, however, which i feel good about. i keep finding new things to read about, and keep being glad i've continued researching, since i'm coming up with excellent (it feels) material to work with, but i can't let that get in the way of actually. writing.
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carriagelamp · 4 months
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I don't know what to say here this month. February, eh? Hate February, the Thursday of months, I'm just clinging to sanity while I wait for spring. Here are the books that helped me through what is basically a month of overcast skies and fucking winter rain.
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Candy Color Paradox v6
Candy Color Paradox is a series I’ve been reading for years now and I’ve really enjoyed how the relationship in this one has progressed over that time. It started somewhat similar to how you’d expect a yaoi manga to start — lots of tension, drama, smut, and some light antagonism between the two main characters who both work at the same weekly magazine. But it’s eased into something that’s really quite genuine. This most recent volume focused entirely on moving in together and all the little complications and insecurities that arise because of that.
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Circus of Fear
A 1980s D&D choose your own adventure novel so the quality is exactly what you would expect, but at the very least it was a fun little diversion. Doing a CYOA book with a friend can honestly be a blast, they just feel so silly, and the setting of a magical, vaguely sinister circus is always an enjoyable backdrop. We managed to get a good ending on the second try! So yay! I'd honestly like to read it again and try some of the other routes that also sounding intriguing.
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Dungeon Meshi // Delicious in Dungeon v1
Me and my girlfriend started watching Dungeon Meshi because we’d seen so much about it on tumblr lately and wow. Just wow. It really is doing something special and we’re completely enamoured. Since we’re waiting for new episodes, I picked up the first book so we could compare it and the show — it’s really impressive how closely they align! And the art is really lovely, it stands out and not just for it's food glamour shots.
For those who haven't been seduced into watching the anime yet: Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon is a DND-style parody in which the adventuring party needs to enter the monster-filled dungeon to save one of their companions who got eaten by a red dragon. They need to get to her and revive her before she entirely digested. However, to hasten their quest (and indulge one of their member’s strange obsessions) they begin to hunt and eat the monsters that fill the dungeon instead of trying to bring food in from the outside. This is 80% a cooking anime and 20% a comedic adventure anime. Book or show, doesn’t matter which, you should give it a try if you haven’t.
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Down Among the Sticks and Bones
I really enjoyed the first book of the series, Every Heart A Doorway, and was excited when I found out there was a prequel about Jack and Jill and the world they visited. This can either be read as a prequel or it works fairly well as a stand-alone novella; the story is about twin sisters who have always been forced to fill very precise societal roles by their parents. One afternoon, they stumble across a magical door in the bottom of a chest and venture down into the sinister world of the moors where one sister is taken in by a vampire lord and the other by a mad scientist. The story looks at how the sisters grow and change when apart from each other and their controlling parents. Excellent story, the language is just so enticing.
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Midnight Sun
My brother has been watching all the Twilight movies with a couple of his friends. Listening to him bitch about Jacob like it was 2007 reawakened something in me, so after laughing myself sick I had to go and relisten to Midnight Sun. Still genuinely and unironically love this book, it’s pure trash but by god it's my trash. I’m a simple soul.
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I’ve been hearing great things about this book, and it’s hard to go wrong with Katherine Applegate so I was excited to finally read it. This is a book written entirely in free verse poetry about an orphaned otter and her experiences being rescued by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It’s inspired by a true story (several true stories, actually!) and it's very worth picking up even if you don't usually go for poetry. It's charming and reads very easily.
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Old-Fashioned Cupcake
A middle-aged salaryman is feeling worn down by the humdrum nature of his life, which is filled mostly with work these days. This manga kicks off with his coworker suggests that if he wants to deal with the feelings of boredom and aging, then he needs to do something to shake up his life: so he suggests that they “act like a pair of teenage girls” and go to a fancy new pancake shop just because it seems fun, never mind that it’s not something grown men are supposed to do. This manga ended up being pretty darn cute -- it was slow and compassionate and loving -- and it managed to convince me to buy its sequel.
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Professor Calculus: Science’s Forgotten Genius
A ridiculous little book I bought on impulse that was nevertheless a lot of fun to read. It’s a tribute to Cuthbert Calculus, celebrating the 80th anniversary of his first appearance in Tintin. It dives into some of the inspirations that went into the character, and also lovingly and cheekily explores some "facts" we know about Calculus as a person… and wildly extrapolates more from there. It was a cute little read for anyone who’s a fan of the series and wants something a little extra.
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Return to Oz
I recently rewatched this movie and maintain that I like it more than the original film, sorry. It made me decide to grab the novelization because I’m always a sucker for a novelization <3 This one was pretty solid too, it actually included details that were left out of the film and improve the stories overall cohesion which is always the marker of a good novelization.
Return to Oz takes place several months after the original film, when Aunty Em and Uncle Henry are trying to build a new house and get the farm back in order before winter. Concerned by Dorothy’s continued belief in Oz and her increased insomnia, Aunty Em decides to take her to a doctor who offers healing through electroshock therapy. Yeah, it’s exactly as fucking creepy as it sounds… You get a scary aslyum, a sinister head nurse, being strapped to a hospital gurney, and new baddies that scared the bejeezus out of me as a kid. Anyway, before she can be electrocuted, Dorothy manages to escape back to Oz where she discovers her friends are in dire need of help. It’s like Alice: Madness Returns but from Disney. Go watch this movie.
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She Drives Me Crazy
I had very mixed feelings about this book. It’s about high school basketball player, Scottie, who has suffered a bad breakup with her girlfriend who moved schools to play on the opposing basketball team. Things go from bad to worse when she gets into a car accident with her arch-nemesis, the cheerleader Irene. One things lead to another and bada bing bada boom we have a fake dating scheme so that Scottie can get back at her ex.
This book had some genuinely fun moments (I’m always a sucker for a fake dating scheme, and the characters were reasonably fun) but it’s biggest failing is one that I’ve seen more than I like in current queer lit. It just tries so. fucking. hard. to be unproblematic. Like yeah, it’s great to see healthy relationships but it was SO explicit about it. So much therapy speak, way more than feels natural for a conversation or internal monolgue, especially when they’re in high emotions. The “banter” was very scripted. It was a book that felt like it had a laugh track. And while the ending was satisfying enough, it was also… I don’t know. Anticlimactic. We just spent so long tying everything up in a perfectly neat little bow that it really just strolled to an ending that was obvious from a mile away. 
Like look, I get it, we want this to be squeaky clean and beyond reproach, but I have NEVER entered a fake dating story hoping that everyone was going to be really sensible and respectful and level-headed. Fake dating is the slapstick of the romance world, I want some Shakespearean level bullshit, please don’t try to gussy it up for me. Gonna go and rewatch 10 Things I Hate About You or something just to feel things again. Or maybe pop over to AO3, your average fic writer at least understands that when I say fake dating I mean I want something absolutely fucking unhinged and filled to the gill with mutual pining.
So yeah, if you want a sports-based high school sapphic romance: it’s not a bad book. It went down easy, I liked listening to it in the mornings when I needed something light before work. Some bits I even quite enjoyed. But it’s not going to rock your world.
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Shuna’s Journey
Well, if nothing else you can really, definitely tell this was done by Hayoa Miyazaki. I’m honestly not really sure how I felt about it. The art was beautiful, and the story was pure undiluted Miyazaki through and through. The narrative was very nice. The story and message was poignant. It was a nice book. I can’t say it’s stuck very heavily in my mind, but I enjoyed reading it. It felt like a precursor to Princess Monoke / Nausicaa, perhaps?
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The Witches
The story of one child and his grandmother needing to contend with witches. Not fairytale witches. Real witches. And all their horrible, child-hating ways. One thing I will always love about Dahl is that when he wants to write about something Horrible, nothing will stop him. His villains are truly villainous and the witches are a prime example of that! I loved the description of the witches and their horrible, sinister deeds, especially in the first half of the book. This sure is Child Murder: The Novel! The ending was absolutely not what I was expecting, and I appreciate that. Such a bizarre book.
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dewdropreader · 8 months
❦ ➷ get to know your fellow fanfic writers better ༊ ✧.*
I was tagged by @bebx and @loki-is-my-kink-awakening for this “get to know the writer” tag! Thank you! 😊
when did you post your first ever fanfic?
I believe in 2012-2013? I was around 13-14 years old, so around then anyway (my first one doesn’t exist online anymore as far as I know so I can’t double check.) it was the usual middle school fandom girl era lol. First for my current account was February of 2022!
first character you wrote for:
It would have been Rin Matsuoka from Free! Iwatobi Swim Club! Specifically him and Nitori, they were one of my fave ships in that series!
main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
Basically anyone from the Loki series but especially Loki and Mobius and Sylvie, not necessarily in that order or all together but some combo of them 💚
character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
I haven’t written for OFMD but would really like to! I’ve had a lot of feels s2, no solid ideas yet but maybe something will spark some inspiration! Also Red White and Royal Blue! I haven’t gotten a chance to read the book yet but I watched the movie and got hooked and love those boys too 💕 so maybe one or both of them if the Loki series even temporarily gets it’s hooks out of me (with s2 though I’ve been as bad if not worse than before with my obsession so who knows lol)
And for within marvel the ship that got me into fanfic and got me to make this current ao3 account was Stucky so even though I only read for them and never wrote, they always have a place in my heart!
fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
Also just Loki atm! But who knows for the future.
platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Mobius and any of the void Lokis as the best found family ever (Mobius and kid, Mobius and classic, Mobius and all of them my beloveds)
I haven’t written it recently but also wrote B-15 and Sylvie in a non romantic context and even though I think they’re also cute romantically I love them as a platonic pair and want to do more with them too! Similarly Sylvie and C-20, I wish they could have been friends if things had gone a bit differently 🥺
romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Lokius and Sylkius! Haven’t written any pure Sylki but who knows (I just like Mobius too much to not include him atm)
your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
Hurt/comfort, fluff, and hugs 😂 sounds about right to me! I like some pain and crying and working through stuff but need the hugs and comfort alongside it/after it for sure.
your current platform where you post your works
AO3 is the same as my name here!
I try to post my fics links on tumblr too but don’t always remember so ao3 is always best bet if you want to read my stuff!! 😍
snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
Right now I’m most heavily focused on a character study type fic cataloging different moments with Sylvie adapting to her McDonald’s life but specifically looking at her relationship with Jack, I think she would have such a great big sister vibe and they could learn a lot from each other 🥹
“Good job today, Sylvie,” Jack says, his lopsided smile clear even before Sylvie glances his way. He’s always got compliments and kindness at the ready, and he’s young and gentle enough that they’re always believable.
“Thanks, Jack,” she feels a smile curl onto her face. She still, even after knowing Loki and Mobius and B-15, feels like she doesn’t know how to have friends or family or any genuine connections at all. But Jack is the first in a long time to feel so real to her, to feel like a relationship she can stick with, with these new more permanent circumstances and her distance from the trauma of the TVA. She doesn’t remember what it’s like to be a sister, her memories of Thor long gone beyond the occasional glimmers in her dreams, let alone what being the older sister would be like, but this is what she suspects it is. A fierce protectiveness and gentle care, the ignoring of any silly flaws or naïveté because you just care about the person. That’s what she has for Jack, ever since he took her under his wing as an employee, she’s done the same for him as just a person.
“Mind if I stay here for a bit? My ma is going to be a few more minutes.”
Sylvie just smiles softly and scoots over on the wide hood of her truck, gesturing to the empty spot.
Jack nods rather sagely as he awkwardly hoists himself on to the hood of the truck, pushing himself up with his arms and then practically throwing himself on to it.
He pants softly as he adjusts to lay on his back a foot or two away from Sylvie, giving her another boyish grin. “Hey.”
“Very smooth, Jack,” Sylvie snorts.
“Your truck is huge! I’ve ridden in trucks before but yours is massive! I’m not sure how you even get up here, you’re shorter than me!” He laughs.
“My little secret, I guess,” Sylvie shrugs with a slight smile, returning her gaze to the inky sky, dotted with a trillion stars.
I’m excited to keep writing this, I’ve got some Lokius ideas in the works too but this one has been my focus for a few days!!
I’d love to see anyone do this that is interested but I’ll tag my usual group!!
@insert-witty-user-name-here @starport-seven-five @lgwilt @mirilyawrites @cha-melodius @chaos-monkeyy @waterhorseyblues-ao3 @blackbirdofasgard @dreamycloud @queen-of-meows
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redhairedgirl95 · 4 months
Tag game: Tag nine (9) people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @imhereformr (thank youuuuuu)
Three Ships:
Stella/Brandon (Winx Club): They've been my OTP since I first saw them on TV in 2004. I've been unable to "not" think about them since then, and then I turned to Tumblr Winx and to Ao3 Winx ... and that got me into writing multi-chaptered Brella centric fics, so ... yeah, I love them.
Stella is all the things I've always wanted to be as a little girl: charming, exceptionally beautiful inside and out, loyal to the core ...
Brandon is just the best guy. THE BEST.
And I love them. Forever
Rogue/Gambit (XMen): The untouchable woman and the sluttiest (affectionate) man to ever walk the Earth? How could one not love them!!! Though their interactions are almost always tainted by miscommunication and consequent angst (which I love, yet seeing them just being happy would be better), they are meant for each other. Also, they've been living in my mind rent-free for a long time. And should live in yours too!
Angel Dust/Husk (Hazbin Hotel): This is a new one, but it's meant to stay. I've only recently hopped on the train of Hazbin Hotel and I've fallen in love with those two poor non-owner of their souls. They make me suffer, laugh, and cry. I LOVE THEM AND WILL PROTECT THEM AT ALL COSTS.
First Ship:
Hermione/Ron (Harry Potter): I don't know if it's the first, but it's definitely the first I've written about! They complete one another <3
Last Song:
Addict from Hazbin Hotel (from before Hazbin Hotel)
I can't stop listening to Hazbin songs (and I don't want to) and this is so ICONIC.
This is the mantra, this is my life you're playing with now till the end of the night
Surrounded by fire, the passion ignites, a hit of that heaven and hell, a helluva high
Last Movie:
I'm not much for movies, series are more my jam, but, when I watch a movie, I prefer doing so at the cinema. The last on eI watched was Poor Creatures and ... sorry, I didn't like it :(
Currently Reading:
many things. the last one I started was Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson on Audible. I've only listened for half an hour. We'll see how it goes.
Currently Watching:
many thingsssssssssss. I'm trying to finish Echo, The Crown and Community. But I guess I'll rewatch Hazbin Hotel.
Currently Drinking:
Peach juice.
Currently Craving:
Inspiration for my fics <3
Tagging: nine people are too manyyyyyyyyy @stellasolaris @justlikemagix @brellasblog @prostoartist @crazy-queen-winx @moonstream-05 @dragonfly0808 @shiningclown69 @charmixpower
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hear me now (Jotun Loki x Female Reader AU) (18+)
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1
Summary : In 1983, Life seemed like a meaningless endless journey, your job as a cleaning lady wasn't exactly adventurous but what will happen when you come across a being who finally speaks to your soul even when he doesn't say a word.
Warning : HIV is mentioned, mentions of torture. Reader is 28
Note : This fic is heavily inspired by The shape of water. If you haven't seen the movie read the fic, if you have then you have to read this fic.
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"Hurry up, how can you get late every damn day?" Natasha was holding the spot for you so you could clock in or they will cut your pay for late attendance.
"I'm so sorry Phil got sick" you took a deep breath as you both clocked in and made your way towards the low level employee staff room. You and Natasha worked as a cleaner for Stark research facility. Before joining the corporation you both had to sign a NDA, it was a top secret government facility and you weren't supposed to talk about it, like ever or with anyone. If asked, all you had to say was that you were employed at Stark Industries as janitors. Natasha got you the job, you have known her for five years now.
"Why is he always sick, he should see a doctor" Natasha huffed, she always seemed pissy but she had a good heart, she was just trying to get by, her husband was a drunken fool who recently lost his job.
"Come on give him a break, he's getting old nat" 
"He's like fourty?" 
"Phil is at least fifty and he have HIV, his immune system is extremely fragile" you squeezed your eyes as you spilled that information. It was personal.
"And you have never told me that because? Are you being careful, don't you watch the news? It's highly contagious" She glared at you and you looked away. People alienated those who caught the virus but you couldn't do that to Phil. He took care of you like a father when your own life was in shambles.
"I'm being very careful, he's all alone and he needs someone" 
She sighed and you both went on about your day. Your life wasn't that interesting to be honest, you had the same routine everyday, you woke up, got ready, got here, spent eight hours cleaning the whole facility and then you went home to eat, sleep and repeat the same thing every morning. The only time off you got was on Sunday. But you spent it sleeping ofcourse, life was as boring as it could get for you. Last time a man was interested in you was like four years ago, yes you have been lonely and touch starved for that long and you didn't think you'd get out of rut anytime soon. 
Even when you had a man in your life you never felt how you are supposed to feel with a romantic partner. You didn't want to sing love songs for them, you couldn't imagine your future together. They all got to have your body but could never touch your soul, you never felt at peace, and your soul? It always screamed at you, it was always restless.
You have never felt calm in your life and it was starting to get exhausting, when would it end? Natasha always told you that a perfect man didn't exist and your standards were too high for a cleaning lady, but you weren't looking for a perfect man, you were just looking for someone to calm you down. That's it and you didn't think you'd find someone like that ever. At age 28 life just didn't get to seem better, it only got monotonous more and more. You had no friends apart from Natasha, and ofcourse your landlord Phil. 
Next day you were going about your day when you and Natasha were asked to clean the restricted area. As soon as you entered via the metal heavy door, you noticed how weird it seemed in there. You knew they tested and researched on animals in this facility which broke your heart but it looked like something straight out of a horror movie. There was a small pool-like section filled with freezing water, a tank that was full of ice, it looked like it was designed to torture someone. 
"Ladies please get it all cleaned before Colonel Rogers gets here with the new subject" you heard the man in the lab coat. He was a doctor here, Bruce Banner you have seen him before. 
You and Natasha looked at each other and she gave you a look to warn you to just do your jobs and get out of there 
All of a sudden several men entered the chamber with a big metal box and you could hear the growling noise coming out of it. 
"Get the hell out of here" Colonel Rogers told you and Natasha
"Nowwwww I said" he screamed as you didn't listen and you both picked up your cleaning supplies to get out of there as hurriedly as you could 
When you passed by the box, you noticed that it had a glass covering, so you peeked inside as curiosity got the best of you, you wanted to see what animal they brought in there and why.
You gasped as the thing inside the box stomped on the glass suddenly and your eyes met with his. 
It wasn't an animal, but it wasn't human either. Your eyes teared up as you looked at him before Colonel Rogers grabbed your arm and shoved you away from the tank
"Is she deaf or what?" Natasha Apologized on your behalf and grabbed your arm to take you out of that room. You seemed shaken and you were sweating, you couldn't stop thinking about what you just saw 
"Did you see it nat?" 
"No and you need to mind your own business, are you trying to get fired, you need this job you know that right?" 
She asked you and you nodded.
That day when you went home, all you could think about was that thing in the box. He looked humanoid but he was blue and had several marks on his skin, he had long black hair, you remembered a pair of red glowing eyes looking back at you, his hands looked humanly when he banged on the glass, he was terrified of his surroundings, you knew that look on someone, and you knew he was scared out of his mind. 
It wasn't an animal, and you had to find out more about him, If that's what he was, he did look manly. Where the hell did he come from? How did he get caught? What were they planning to do to him? The thought of them experimenting on him, torturing him pained you and you didn't understand why, maybe it was because of the way he looked at you as if he expected you to rescue him. 
You couldn't sleep that night, it was impossible, everytime you closed your eyes you saw him.
And after 28 years of your meaningless existence on this earth, after floating with no purpose in life, your soul finally stopped screaming as you thought about him before you fell asleep. 
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muqingapologist · 5 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
this is such a hard question because i’ve gone through so many phases of obsessing over pieces of media in my life, and sometimes it’s really hard for me to parse which characters are lasting favorites and which are just part of that phase. but i’ll try! keep in mind, lots of sentimentality ahead…
and this is in no particular order.
1. wei wuxian (the untamed)
ok so this kind of goes along with a previous post i made discussing my feelings of the mdzs book vs. the untamed. when i first watched the untamed at the recommendation of a friend, it was so unlike anything i’d ever seen before. and wei wuxian was so unlike any protagonist i’d ever encountered before. his determination to do what’s right no matter what others do, but also not being above experiencing doubt and uncertainty about his decisions, really touched me. also of course his carefree attitude toward life is something i repeatedly try and fail to achieve myself. it might also have to do with xiao zhan’s acting choices, but he really touched me as a character. it’s hard for me to say if the wwx of the book did the same organically because i read it over a long period of time after watching the show, so im just going to count the untamed version.
2. shizuku tsukishima (whisper of the heart)
this one is probably pretty niche but allow me to give my most heartfelt recommendation of whisper of the heart, my favorite ghibli movie and one of my favorite films of all time. shizuku is the protagonist of the film. she’s a young girl, probably about 14, and so far, her life has been defined by satisfying her imagination by always reading fiction, immersing herself in stories. inspired by the love interest of the film seiji, she decides she wants to try to be a writer. the film is kind of like a slice of life over a few months of this time, and we see shizuku struggle with perfectionism and wanting to follow her dreams and inability to take criticism, etc. i rarely cry over movies but i cried at this one because i had just never felt so seen by a character. everyone please watch whisper of the heart!🙏
3. prince zuko (avatar: the last airbender)
i think 50% of the reason he’s on here is sentimentality since avatar was a show i watched so much throughout my childhood and of course again more recently with its resurgence in popularity, but also what can i say? his character arc is unmatched. i won’t rehash the details. i will say uncle iroh would probably be here instead if we knew any more about his past because he’s off-screen journey is just so fascinating to me.
4. percy jackson (percy jackson & the 12 olympians)
PURE sentimentality but ya know….also im only considering this character how he exists in the original series. he kind of lost me in heroes of olympus. but yeah percy jackson was the first character that really impacted me back when i was 9, and i think i still carry that impact to this day. i also think the original series still holds up reading it as an adult.
5. kim wexler (better call saul)
kim nation!!! reveal yourselves!! i watched better call saul a little over a year ago and damn, it’s so rare to find such interesting, well-developed, flawed within reason female characters in a tv drama like this. her intelligence and her tendency to get carried away with jimmy don’t contradict each other but work together. her emotional journey….UGH!! kim x post-prison jimmy, who else hopes?
6. xie lian (tgcf/heaven official’s blessing)
so this one is new and i’m not completely sure the deep impression will last yet, but i’ll explain. when i first read tgcf about two years ago, i kind of skimmed because it was so long, and the feelings i had toward xie lian were…not super favorable. i was kind of bored by him and….i saw him as a lesser wei wuxian. AND I WAS WRONG!!! because i reread tgcf finally a couple of months ago, no skimming, really thinking about what i was reading and now i love him. his journey from optimistic prince who had never before suffered to carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders to nearly collapsing under that weight but despite all odds, pulling through and once again finding that optimism, or at least hope. it touched me so much this time around!!! also i don’t know why i thought he was boring first time around. this guy is funny as hell! anyway, lots of lessons to apply to my own life and whatnot.
7. ninth doctor (doctor who)
guys….hear me out. notice im not saying “the doctor” because i think most of doctor who is just nonsense. but that one season with the ninth doctor (and okay i like the tenth doctor’s seasons well enough, or i did really love them. less so these days…). so much potential. so when i say he’s one of my favorite characters ever, i accept that it’s mostly the version of the doctor that lives in my head and isn’t subject to the bad writing decisions made later in the show. it’s a lot of sentimentality, but i am really fascinated by this traumatized alien guy who just lost his entire people, finding himself devolving into more violent, unforgiving tendencies, but meeting rose, jack, whoever else along the way is able to remind him of not who he was but who he could be. of course doctor who is forever ongoing though so character development can only go too far lol.
8. nozue (old-fashioned cupcake)
this is also brand new so not sure if lasting because i only just read and watched ofc, but man. this guy’s journey from being defeatist about getting older and turning 40, being afraid of trying anything new, to allowing himself to experience new things, one of those things being falling in love! his whole concept of using regret as fuel for happiness, transmitting that idea to togawa who transmits it back to nozue later!! ahhh!! so like my love for this character might actually just be love for the entire story but i can’t not mention it every five seconds rn so….
9. isabel archer (portrait of a lady)
so this is the protagonist of henry james’s portrait of a lady, which i finally finished reading last month. and gosh! well the book itself was amazing, but i was especially touched by isabel’s character, mainly because she just felt so realistic. her motivations, her goals, her shift, her sorrows, they all feel earned, creating an incredibly vivid character that i think most people can find something in there to relate to, especially other women who have always been told they are clever and imaginative and yet find themselves struggling internally to live up to those expectations.
10. natasha rostova (war and peace)
it’s been years since i read war and peace in my university freshman seminar, so it’s hard for me to speak on the details of why exactly this character is here. but also it’s no surprise because this is a character that continues to be the star of russian literature. what i can say, she’s another bright, carefree character (clearly symbolizing aspects of russian culture but even beyond that) who it’s impossible not to feel deeply connected to. she goes through some pretty life-altering stuff in war and peace (everyone listen to the musical called natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812 for those details!!) and as the reader, you just really feel for her. idk man she still stands out in my mind, but also this is also much thanks to the musical i just mentioned above.
i kind of came up with these on the spot so like…who knows how accurate this is, but i like to talk about the things i like so sue me. thank you for the question though!!
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