#and it took a second of just complete and utter dumbfounded realization. that what I was feeling guilty about
mrmallard · 5 months
I'm chatting to someone I met on a dating app, and Jesus Christ, the massive anxiety between messages where I think I've totally bombed is rough.
Like I'm used to developing unrequited crushes on people I already know and then like either coming to terms that it'll never happen or shooting my shot and getting rejected, not striking up a rapport with somebody new and basically establishing a friendship at the ground level with a possibility of romantic comparability if things go well. Which is the long way of saying - I am very inexperienced when it comes to dating as a concept. I'm not particularly good at the art of making friends in the first place. So the pressure here is kind of killing me.
When I'm like "OH GOD POCKETS FULL OF SPAGHETTI" I'll like mime ripping all sorts of organs out of my chest just like. FUUUUUCK I FUCKED UP IT'S OVERRRRRR I RUIN EVERYTHING. and then I'll get a message back and be like "yey :)"
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Okay,,, so Mr. Brightside is just a perfect miscommunication fic in waiting,,, right?
PERFECT INDEED. Thank you so much for sending this to me <3 Only i have no idea if your request is for Steddie or Ronance lol, so i did some 3d chess and combined them. Hope you like it anyway! If you want to, you can let me know which pairing you meant and then I'll write a proper conclusion for you :)
Her hands on his chest, their mouths hotly pressed together, his fingers eagerly zipping her dress open... It should've been perfect. It should've been years of sexual tension, years of being apart, years of yearning, finally culminating into this perfect moment. So why did it feel so wrong? Where were the sparks that should've been making the air around them static? How did it end up like this?
'Steve.' Nancy pulled back from his hungry kiss and stared at him, wide-eyed, wearing a bra that should make him lose his mind – but didn't. 'I don't think...' She took a breath. 'I don't think this is what either of us wants, anymore.'
Fuck. She looked like she was almost crying, and he had sworn to himself that he would do anything in his power to never make her cry anymore, and everything felt so wrong.
'I have to tell you something,' she interrupted him. 'I um... I started feeling some very confusing things over Spring break. But not for you. For Robin.' The name was almost a whisper on her lips. 'I kinda freaked out about it, and Robin kept telling me how I should get back with you and how perfect we'd be together, and I just... I let her get into my head. And I convinced myself that everything would be fine, that I should kiss you and then everything would make sense again... But it didn't. It doesn't.'
He let out a sharp breath, completely dumbfounded by that confession. 'Fucking hell,' he finally uttered. 'I can't believe this.'
'I'm so sorry, Steve, I never wanted to – '
'No, I didn't mean it like that,' he quickly said. 'I'm not angry. I – You're not gonna believe what I have to say. But um... Eddie, he – he has been pushing me like Robin was pushing you. He kept going on about you, about us. And meanwhile I couldn't stop staring at him. And I thought I could go back to wanting you, and you were so willing to reconnect, and I tried so hard to convince myself that that's what I wanted... But all I could think about was Eddie.'
For a few seconds, Nancy stared at him in shock. Then, a loud laugh burst out of her. Steve hadn't heard her laugh like that in years: a laugh that made her whole body shake, that brought tears to her eyes, that sounded so full of wonder and so carefree. And he couldn't help but join her, because it was such a ridiculous situation: the two of them in their underwear, all the attraction that had once been there completely gone, pushed together by exactly the two people they wanted more than each other.
It was in that moment that Steve realized he had been right about one thing: he did love Nancy. He loved her in the same way he loved Robin.
Edit: pt2 is here
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chaoffee · 2 years
Sunsets, and smiles
Characters: Aether x gn! reader
Genre: fluff
Au: Canon
Warnings: semi-proofread ; ooc perhaps
Notes: gasp, has Luc finally come out of his hiding place to write something? That's correct ✨️ while drawing, I had this cute idea of Aether caressing your cheek and calling you pretty. Got me weak, this piece has.
Aether glanced at you every few seconds only in hopes to catch how to setting sun would light on your gentle expression. You and him had been helping a few citizens of Liyue with things they needed or wanted to do the whole day. It was only now that the two of you could finally stand still and enjoy the scenery with its ever gentle breeze. Even after a day of hard work, you still seemed to have a radiance to you. With one last glance he caught you smiling so gently and genuinely.
He couldn't take his eyes off the smile you were sharing so generously with the world. It was a miracle you hadn't caught him staring with how long he stood there only staring at you. You must've been deep in thought not to notice...
He bumps his shoulder gently against yours, getting your attention. "And what might have you smiling at the world like that?" Aether asks, curiously looking at you, fingers twirling a recently plucked Glaze Lily.
You blinked in surprise, "What?"
"Just now, you were smiling," he widens his eyes seemingly having realized something and quickly adds, "Not that there's anything wrong with smiling! I'm just...curious on what could've made you smile."
You looked away from him in embarrassment. "I wasn't even aware I was smiling..." You pause, "I was only thinking about how relaxing this is after being up and about the whole day."
Aether nods, completely understanding where you're coming from. It's rare that the three of you, Paimon included, get to take in a relaxing evening just simply enjoying the moment. It's a welcoming feeling to finally bask in the moment after days or weeks of being to busy to pay anything mind.
A moment of silence fell between you two.
"I hope to see you smile like that again, you looked lovely."
You whipped your head in his direction, cheeks flaring hot in a matter of seconds. "I..." You were left speechless while staring at him.
Aether took this moment to put the glaze lily he was previously fondling with by your ear. He smiled as he placed his gloved hand on your cheek, gently caressing it. "I hope to catch every smile you give to the world," he mutters, causing you to look away from him in embarrassment. "Don't say such sappy things, it's embarrassing..." You mumble.
A light laugh bubbles out from him; he moves his hand to under your chin and gently moves your head to look at him. "I can't be bothered to hide what's only the truth." He says, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your lips. You could've sworn, if it weren't for the lingering that you might've imagined the whole kiss with how soft it was.
Once he pulls away, you couldn't help but look dumbfounded at the goofy expression he has on his face. He has a big grin that reaches his eyes that looked at you with a fondness you couldn't quite place.
Before you could even utter a sentence, the sound of being spawning out of thin air and groaning, caught your attention. "Can we speed up this sunset sight seeing? Paimon think she might just faint from how hungry she is. Paimon can barely stay in the air!"
You and Aether glance at one another before breaking out in laughter. "Paimon, you really have bad timing." Aether states after having calmed down.
"What are you talking about? Why are you laughing?" Paimon asks, her eyebrows knitting in confusion.
"On the contrary, I think Paimon has good timing." You joke, pinching the little faeries cheek, laughing a bit more when she swats your hand away.
"Did you two eat those plants you're not supposed to? Is that what's going on here?" Paimon huffs, crossing her arms as she glares at the two of you.
Aether only shakes his head in amusement, "Let's go get dinner. It's been a long day."
Like my writing? I'm taking requests to better it! Read my pinned post to know what I'm okay with.
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sanoluvs · 2 years
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CHARACTERS ! : ranpo, dazai, akutagawa
CONTENT ! : period, fluff
A/N ! : i wrote this a bunch of times cus it didnt save..it was quite a hassle to keep recreating this, especially with my low motivation and writers block. thank you, and enjoy!
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RANPO is ironically confused with your unusual attitude. He isn't an expert in girly problems, especially periods. So of course he's beyond dumbfounded once you start snapping at him more. You'd only ever get annoyed with his childish demeanor when you're hard at work, not whatever this is. At first, he simply brushes it off as something wrong on his side. Maybe you're angry because of the mess he made this morning? Or maybe you were simply in a bad mood today, and if that's the case, then he knew what he had to do. And although it felt very wrong to share his snacks, he didn't mind sharing them with you, especially when you're having a bad day. "Y/n saan!! look at what I brought!!" he gleamed, hopping up and down while shoving a handful of chips into his mouth, quickly making sure to hand you some, "here you g-" but as he was about to finish, your hand suddenly came flying at his face, forcefully knocking him over, while your other hand furtively took the chip bag out of his grip. "Mine!!" you exclaimed in victory, shuffling yourself out the door while smirking maliciously. "Oww, now what was that for?" he yelled, rubbing his head while forcing a pout on his face. He soon figured out what was happening, once he'd finally decided to ask Yosano about this, only earning a loud chuckle from her as she explained to him.
DAZAI had already figured out what was happening as soon as he laid his eyes on you holding your stomach, dragging your feet through the ground in an attempt to move, while an ugly grimace tainted your scrunched-up face. Believe it or not, Dazai had become quite interested in the female body and how it functions. After all, how was he supposed to take care of you when he doesn't even understand periods? "Alright Belladonna, on a scale 1-10 how bad is it?" He questions, a worried sigh escaping his lips. His bandaged arms wrap themselves around your trembling form, his hand slowly caressing your cheek, seeking to ease your pain. ......Pfft, did you really think he didn't plan to have this moment with you? ..No you didn't. "Tadaa!!" He unwrapped your blindfold, revealing the large chocolate bar in his hand, and watching your eyes light up just from the sight of it. Calling him provocative is a large understatement. Expect above and beyond from him, of course, but don't you think for one second that your vulnerable feelings won't be played with. "Ooo~ you like it? Ya, ya I picked it out from the shelf just for you." A cocky grin appeared on his face, staring at your elated expression, as hishe dangled the chocolate in front of your face, mocking your vulnerable expression. Only turning away to continue his babbling. "Now, now. No need to thank me, I only did what I needed t-" but soon his big-mouthed babbling end once your hand hurriedly ripped the wrapper open, quickly shoving it in your mouth. "H-hey! Easy there- What are you, an animal?!" He yelled in utter horror, only to have his screams turn into realization. "..That was the last bar..wasn't it."
AKUTAGAWA is beyond broken. He already feels so terrible about himself that this just sends him off the edge. Being a perfectionist, he always tries his hardest to impress you, to make you notice him. And you do, you always give him the attention he craves, no words needed, just his usual puppy-dog stare toward you immediately melts the mood. So imagine his surprise when you suddenly started snapping at him, scrunching your pretty face up, yelling in his face, not even sparing him a breath. He blinked, a small gasp escaping his lips before his expression suddenly emptied. Blank. His mind completely blanked, only a single thought running in his emotionless mind. "What....went wrong?.." he asked himself, not even noticing your hands soon shake in the air from pure remorse and worry, obviously regretting your earlier meltdown. "H-hey!! N-no, Aku please don't be sad- I- I promise I didn't mean it, it just came out-" you babbled, continuously face slapping yourself. You hurriedly laced your hand with his, leaning your face into his while repeated apologies spill from your mouth, such cheeky words you thought you'd never use rolled off your tongue, with the only hopes of making him feel better.
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a/n: god damn. this isn't the first drabble i've done on here but..im lowkey kinda fond of this ?? probably gonna hate it later though. *dies*
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twistedtavern · 2 years
Can you write out the interactions of another reverse!au + canon pair?
Yes I absolutely will thank u anon. The Almighty Wheel of Names has decided that the Riddles shall be Worldstarring today
CW: Violence ig
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Ah, what a lovely, peaceful morning at Night Raven College
It won't last
It all started when Cater started blowing up Yuu's phone with notifications
They picked up the phone only to be bombarded with what seemed to be neurotic pleas for help accompanied by blurry pictures
Apparently Riddle had what appeared to be some off the rails twin brother that kept escaping any attempts to catch him
Soo, as Yuu does, they had to pack up and go sort out whatever issue it was that these god damn boys were having
And as soon as they arrived, who better to immediately encounter than this strange Not-Riddle
He looked exactly the same, except for his clothes, which Yuu could only describe as some sort of hatless cosplay pirate
Yuu blinked, confused, before he spoke
" Oh. Hey, prefect." was all he said. No uptight formality or propriety in his words.
They were dumbfounded for a second before responding with " um.... Hey?"
Voices and footsteps could be heard approaching, and the two of them turned to look. A group of 5 exhausted Caters ran out onto the path to the main building, completely frazzled and out of breath. Yuu realized he definitely wasn't kidding that they had been chasing this guy all morning. Riddle himself, what appeared to be the actual Riddle, came soon after the Caters, huffing and puffing like he had just blown down some poor pig's home. His red face and clearly ragged appearance looked downright feral, and it was enough to make even a small guy like Riddle look ready to tear someone limb from limb, and Yuu did not want to find out if he could in this state.
" GRAB. HIM." Riddle seethed, and Yuu rushed to comply, quickly wrapping their hand around his wrist.
The other Riddle simply looked at their hand and shrugged, " Guess I'm caught. Why did you guys want to nab me so badly again?" he asked with complete nonchalance, a complete opposite to the utter tomato on the verge of exploding about 15 feet away from them.
" Uhhhhh, last I checked, I was Heartslabyul's dorm leader. If anything, you're the one disguised as me," he said. All the non-Riddles stared at him with eyes as wide as saucers, in utter disbelief of the gall of this impostor.
Trey quickly moved to cover Ace and Deuce's eyes and Cater readied his camera, all absolutely certain they would witness their housewarden maul a man to death. Yuu slowly let go of his wrist, backing away as if from a feral animal for a few steps before sprinting to hide behind their upperclassmen.
"... that's it." Riddle said all too quietly. It was the kind of quiet that was the eye of the storm, and Yuu was afraid that Riddle would just keel over and die like a rabbit from the sheer amount of rage in his small body. All five spectators watched them with bated breath. The other Riddle still seemed unfazed by anything happening around him, one eyebrow quirked in what seemed to be passing confusion at most.
And in that instant the bloodbath was on. With a shrill war cry, one Riddle tackled the other, becoming a blur of red. white, and black. It was a rabid, hair-pulling, ruthless, deal-as-much-damage-as-possible fistfight. One was collared, the other wasn't, and it mattered to neither of them. All exhaustion, propriety, and reason was lost when the first punch was thrown.
The fight went on for only about fourty seconds before Trey and Cater found the courage to run up and try to separate them. It took Trey, 6 Caters, Ace, Deuce, and Yuu to break up the fight, hastily bundling the kicking and screaming housewarden away into the hedges nearby.
Great Seven it was gonna be a long day.
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nochuvalencia · 3 years
𝐁 𝐁 𝐇 𝐌 𝐌 - jjk
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I was basically inspired by these ^^^ pics of jk bc wow hot hi
⚠️ ALSO QUICK DISCLAIMER :: this is my first fanfic on here so it might be terrible but enjoy anyway. ⚠️
𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 :: reader x crimeboss!jk
𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 :: bitch you better have his money.
𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 :: ABSOLUTE SMUTTY FILTH heh angst too ig
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 :: 11.9k
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 :: long haired tatted jk, that’s it, that’s the warning, uh kinda sketchy plot hsjsjsj, WOW ANGST ASF at the beginning tho, dub!con towards the middle don’t hurt me, fuck or die ig, gunplay????? yeah????? jks BLATANT OVERUSE of pet names, dacryphillia, major-ish character death, describing the injuries on a dead body, jk has a sir kink ig??? um excessive over exaggerated choking bc jks hands yum, explicit seggs, rough jk, he’s kinda mean, dom!jk, sub!reader, oral m&f receiving (facefucking on both ends), coochie sniff if you squint, coochie slaps if u squint too, spanking, OVERSTIMULATION, unprotected seggs, degradation, he calls her a bitch once idk, other bad names, praise too ig, jk gives an ultimatum, SLIGHT aftercare, he kinda like switches from flirty to murderous like a bunch of times it’s kinda weird, jk has an impossibly huge shlong obv, contemplating death, super mature themes, reader is a BIG fucking crybaby, overuse of the word fuck, corruption kink at the end if u squint super hard, also DUB!CON in case you didn’t see it, at this point I should just write what it doesn’t have
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“If you’re not out of my house in 3.4 seconds, I'm dragging you out by the testicles” you uttered, your alarmingly calm voice laced with raw brutality as hot tears cascaded down your burning cheeks, your arm outstretched and pointed toward the blinding light of the hallway that contrasted with your dark bedroom. You said nothing more, with your eyes trained angrily at one of the four blank tan walls nearby, not possibly being able to bear speaking to or sparing a glance into the eyes of a cheating whore. The woman you had just caught him with scurried past you wearily, a terrified and confused glint in her eyes as she passed your frigid frame sans underwear, with her sparkly silver pumps dangling from her fingers and a wrinkly silver dress hanging limply from the clutches of her other hand. The man in question shuffled cautiously around the bed, clutching the exposed parts of his body and approaching you with extreme hesitation and outstretched hands, as if trying to calm the already blazing flames of your fury. He laid a cold, rough hand on your shoulder squeezing softly, a motion that once brought you comfort but only added the all consuming hatred that bubbled up inside you akin to ravenous bile filling up the pit of your belly. “Did you not hear what I said? Get out.” You spat, glossy eyes still pointed toward anything but him.
“____ please” he croaked, like the slimy frog he truly was, his voice dripping in false agony which only neared you closer to the brink of undoubtedly committing an act of extreme violence against that man. “Please baby it wasn’t-'' you blanked. He was about to make an excuse. A stupid, rediculous, horrible, completely false excuse which you had absolutely no patience to hear. So you snapped, harshly shrugging your shoulder and sending his arm flying back to his side. He stepped back, ceasing his incessant chatter as he stared at you, a surprised expression painting his “pained” features. He wasn’t accustomed to you acting like this, you were never one to raise your voice or act out in any sort of way so he stood there, eyes widened in dumbfounded silence and you took this chance, bending down, scooping up as much of his discarded clothing as you possibly could and throwing it in his face, your rage bubbling over into something much more carnal as you inhaled deeply through your nose.
“Shut the fuck up and leave!” He scrambled to catch as many clothes as he could and was taken aback by your abrupt outburst. He stood silent once again though this time, he was making the face he often made when forcing himself to cry. It was the face he made around his mother to get out of family responsibilities. The face he made around his friends when guilt tripping them into buying him drinks, and now he's using it for you. To guilt you into taking pity on his pathetic actions which merely was the catalyst for your unforgiving violence. In an instant you were behind him, heaving him out of the door with your bare hands, pushing with all your might, using the immense pain coursing through your limbs as motivation to drive his beefy frame further and further out of the bedroom, down the hallway, into the living room and closer to the door yelling “I said leave! Leave! Now!” Pushing harder and harder with every word you choked out. The tears began to flow faster, clouding and distorting your vision as your face contorted into an expression of pure anguish until finally, he was forced out of the open doorway and into the main hallway of your apartment building. You promptly slammed the door in his face and the only thought traveling though your mind was ‘thank god she left that door open’ because you wouldn’t have been able to force him through it otherwise.
You stood silently for a few seconds, back to the door, face still slick with tears as the cool wood on your back shook senselessly with every beat of his fist and muffled shout of his voice crying phrases like “____ open the fuking door!” , “this is my apartment too baby come on” and other variations of the sort. Your mind was empty while you remained there, letting the harsh reality sink in like the slowest molasses. You allowed that man, that pig, to take 10 years of your life. 10 years of your prime. 10 years that you'll never get back no matter how much you beg and plead for it. Come to think of it, you had shaped your entire life around him. His influence was there no matter how much you wished it wasn’t. His residue staining your life like the blackest ink of which you would never be able to rid yourself. At the surfacing of these thoughts, you’d finally broke down and cried, like ugly cried. Broken heaves and sobs escaped your throat until you felt like you were suffocating as you slid down the door, not caring if he heard your wails and whines of torment on the other side of the polished mahogany. You actually hoped he did hear, you wanted him to hear the anguish and grief he put you through. You wanted him to hear you cry out all of your attachment and love for him until there was none left, so he knows the tears flowing from your body hold all of the affection you harbor for him. All ten years of attraction flowing out in a gigantic tsunami of grief that can only end in a new start.
Your mind played through all the memories, and the small amount of good times you had with each other while you sobbed mercilessly, also coming to the realization that he never did anything for you. Ever since you were 14 you’d been changing everything about yourself for him, while he merely lived his life, dragging you along like a supportive little puppy and rewarding you with cheap token gifts and mediocre sex once in a blue moon.
He wanted to attend university in your hometown so you abandoned your dream school, which accepted you, to attend a closer college. He made the decision to study abroad, so you had to drop everything and move to Australia for him. He wanted to wait to have kids so you froze your fucking eggs for him. He got a great new job at a large company in Asia, so you dropped everything again and moved to South Korea. You learned Korean for him. You have the same friends as him. You even cut a few family members off because he was “uncomfy” around them. He wouldn’t even go down on you because it also made him ‘uncomfy’, which should’ve been a red flag from the start. You did all of this bullshit in the haze of love. The promise that he’d reciprocate all of it in affection and adoration, which he didn’t, and now you’re sitting in your living room bawling your brains out because you were too lovestruck to see the signs.
After sobbing hysterically for what seemed like hours, you’d sat limply in front of your door, slouching back onto it as if it were a plush armchair and staring blankly into space, your mind completely empty. Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted beyond belief, you leaned forward, groaning in anguish as your tired muscles cried out in distress after being immobile for more than four hours. Crawling over to the couch, you tiredly flung your nearly paralyzed body onto the soft cushions with a sigh, not even bothering to pull the fluffy throw blanket over your body as your entire frame began to steadily shut down. Before your eyes completely shut, you caught a glimpse of the clock perched on the wooden tv stand which read 11:11 and scoffing quietly as you thought to yourself, ‘I thought that was supposed to mean good luck’ and you gave in to the delicious expanse of slumber.
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You were startled awake by the incessant pounding of your now ex-boyfriends fist on the door, again. For the past 4 days since you’d forced him out, he’d show up outside your door at the ass crack of dawn just banging on the door profusely, as if that would persuade you to open it an inch. He had a schedule, he’d come at 5am, before he went off to work, then at 12:30 on his lunch break, then again at 9:45 just to make you miserable before you went to bed. You’re actually surprised the neighbors haven’t complained to the landlords yet. You tossed the blanket off of your sticky body, kicking and thrashing wildly due to the annoyance caused by that nuisance.
You cried more times than you can count during these last 4 days, especially during the times he would attempt to win you over with sappy shit like “baby, you’re my everything, you’re all i’ve ever wanted”, the lyrics to one of your favorite songs or, “you’re my forever ____, you can’t just throw 10 years away babe” to which you cried about for 3 hours after he’d said it, after realizing that he actually wasted 10 fucking years of your life. Anger bubbled up in the pit of your stomach as you listened to the repetitive banging of his fist and at this point you had enough and came to the decision it was finally time to pack his shit. Stomping into the living room, you grabbed a necessary box of bags that sat on the coffee table in the center of the room, figuring you were ready to use it. With a final nod of your head, you marched into your shared bedroom and opened all of the cabinets and drawers that contained the plethora of his belongings and flinging them on the floor, grabbing the box of xl trash bags you’d snagged on your march in here and started tossing things in left and right, not caring about the brand name or the state of the fabric or anything for that matter. All you saw was red as your eyes welled up with tears for the first and probably not last time that day.
“I can’t do this” you sobbed out, voice hoarse as you fell to your knees, ignoring the rugburn that was soon to form on those areas as your shoulders shook with every harsh breath you took. You had been dreading this task. Dreading it only for its significance that once you packed all his things and tossed them out, your relationship would be truly over. You definitely didn’t want him back but this would be the first time you’ve been alone in 10+ years and you were not certain you were prepared for that let alone wanting it. Inhaling shakily, you sniffed, ridding your face of any moisture as you cleared your throat and walked back into the kitchen, grabbing the bottle of chardonnay from your anniversary that fell on the week prior and venturing back into the closet to resume your task. You weren’t much of a drinker but for this task, you’d need a bottle or two.
A few hours later, he’d finally went off to work and you sat in the doorway of the closet, drunkenly dressed in the wedding gown you were made to be wed in this summer still combing through all of his clothing and tossing them messily into a bag that laid open on the floor beside you. You took a swig from the bottle, hissing softly at the satisfying burn that seared it’s way down your throat and rubbing at your puffy eyes with the knuckle of your index finger. The closet was mostly bare, except for a rack with some of his clothes and one rack of semi-expensive clothing his cheap ass reluctantly purchased for you and you glanced around, catching a glimpse of some ugly floral fabric in the corner of the small space. Getting on your hands and knees you reached a limp hand out, taking hold of the horrendous fabric and dragging it out with a groan, eyes wide at the surprising heft of the object in your hand.
It was a pillowcase. A pillowcase full of something brick shaped. You raised an eyebrow quizzically before reaching into the bag and pulling out a fat stack of cash. Taking a sharp intake of breath you paused, staring blankly at the wrapped wad in your hand and cocking your head to the side. You peeked over into the bag after a few minutes, eyes popping out of your skull as they feasted on more huge stacks of money. It was Korean currency but there had to be at least 250k USD worth in the entire sack. You furrowed your brows, tossing the money back into the pillowcase forcefully as a tornado of thoughts whirled in your mind. Had he been saving behind your back? Was he planning on getting rich then eventually hanging you out to dry for some younger girl? How long has he had all of this? Where the fuck did it all come from?
You looked back at the money then back at the corner you found it in, squinting as you spotted some more ugly purple fabric. Crawling behind the clothing earnestly, you managed to fish out 4 more pillowcases full of money. You stifled a laugh, having never been in the presence of so much currency, you guessed it had to be more than 1 million dollars. You smiled for the first time in 4 days, lips curling up into a wide joy filled expression as you dumped all of the money onto the rugged floor of the closet. With all of the alcohol coursing through your veins, (almost a whole bottle) you didn’t hesitate to grab the biggest tote bag you own and stuff as much money as it could hold inside. You figured it was the least he could do after cheating on you.
He deserved to pay, and you obviously deserved a raise.
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It was a full on shopping spree. After throwing all of his shit into bags, you tossed them outside your door and left with as much money as you could carry before he could come back on his lunch break. You even came back to get some more money, just to go out and spend it again. To say you splurged would be an understatement, you spent almost half of the money on clothes, shoes, a hair and makeup appointment, a manicure, a new car, and you even paid rent for six months after taking his name off the lease.
So here you were, struggling up the stairs as quick as you could, due to the fact that it was 9:30 and you were trying to avoid seeing him at his 9:45 visit. Your feet screamed in agony in your new jimmy choo pumps, because you’d been on them all day, and you had at least six shopping bags hanging from each arm, all full with an assortment of gaudy items such as shoe boxes, makeup products, and clothing. You had finally reached the door after a while, smiling at the absence of his bags which meant he took them and swiftly unlocked the door, clamoring in and tiredly dropping the bags in your hands. With a sigh, you locked the door, running a hand through your freshly styled hair as you rid your face of the designer sunglasses that shielded it. Kicking off your shoes, you hummed gratifyingly at the pleasurable feeling of bare feet and shuffled over to your couch, plopping down on the end cushion groggily.
A soft buzz in your back pocket caught your attention as you carefully fished out the new phone you purchased and unlocked it with your perfectly manicured fingers, raising an eyebrow quizzically as the texts rolled in, ‘i thought i blocked him’ you thought, preparing to do it a second time before a few texts caught your attention and you froze on the spot, chuckling heartlessly at his words.
+82 2 2263 5950 : whose car is in our parking spot?
+82 2 2263 5950 : did you already move on?
+82 2 2263 5950 : wow whore
You rolled your eyes, wondering where he attained the gaul to accuse you of a feat such as that. Calling you a whore as if that name isn’t suitable for himself. Even more so than you. You decided to text him back, feeding off of an unknown source of confidence as your fingers furiously tapped along the screen.
me : it’s my car asshole
me : bought it with the money u left me
me :thx baby <3
+82 2 2263 5950 : what money?
me : the money in the closet you didn’t bother telling me abt u dumb fuck
+82 2 2263 5950 : don’t use that money
me : why should i listen to you?
me : you aren’t my bf
+82 2 2263 5950 : no seriously ____ don’t use that money wtf is wrong with u
me : already did bye babe
You blocked him as quickly as you could, face burning with absolute anger as you tossed your phone on the cushion beside you. Who is he to tell you what you could or couldn’t do? You had come to the decision then and there that you wouldn't let him treat you like a child. He wasn’t your dad. Thanks to him you barely speak to your dad. The only thought going through your mind at the time was ‘fuck him.’ Before you could delve into your thoughts any further, it started. His incessant pounding on the door. Again. Although, this time it was much more frantic, desperate. He was much louder with his pathetic pleas and whines, crying out “please don’t use that money!”, “Listen to me god damn it!”, “___ open the fucking door now!” But you stood your ground, ignoring him once again as you did for the past few days.
Just to escape the racket of his wails of desperation, you retreated to your room, slipping on one of his expensive balenciaga sweatshirts you kept for yourself and climbing into the cool blankets, burying yourself under the plush fabric and folding your pillow over your ears. You knew this would be the longest night of your life..
And you were correct, It was the longest night of your life. He never truly got the memo that you would not be coming out to communicate with him so he finally left at around 1:30 in the morning. You had slept horribly, tossing and turning as the aftermath of his cries and pleads left a print on your mind and tormented you at all hours of the night, you didn’t manage to get any real sleep until around eight and woke up a mere five hours later in a state of confusion. It was well past noon and yet it was silent, you had woken up of your own volition, not because of some crazy man outside of your apartment screaming like a banshee. In due time, you had come to the conclusion that he had finally given up and gone about his day without banging on his ex-girlfriend's apartment door like an idiot at all hours of the day.
This theory was almost set in your mind until you heard a knock. Groaning violently, you stared up at your ceiling, eyebrows furrowed as you erased that theory from the whiteboard in your cortex. Fully prepared to ignore the person at the door, you rolled over to your side until another knock was heard. This wasn’t him. This couldn’t be him. The knocks were way too soft, they lacked an element of urgency, desperation. They were simply just way too calm. So, you sat up, swinging your legs over and reluctantly standing up, before making your way into the living room to be greeted with another knock and a smooth male voice calling out. “Miss ___ ___?”
You glanced wearily though your peep hole to be met with a tall male, dressed in a blue and white uniform. “Looks like a cop. He called the fucking cops on me, shit.” you whispered to yourself, voice small as you held onto the door handle. Figuring it’d be worse to make him wait, you opened the door, being met with the warm, dimpled smile, of the decorated individual. “Yes, i”m ____” you respond, shoving your hands into the pockets of your sweatshirt and looking everywhere but him, which probably seems more suspicious than anything but you were too riddled with anxiety to care. The officer clutched a navy blue manilla folder in his hand and opened it promptly in order to sift through its contents.
“Hi, i’m officer Kim.” he breathed out, calmly bowing and resuming his apparent spiel, “do you know this man?” he pondered, raising an eyebrow quizzically as he pulled a photo from his folder with calloused fingers and lifted it, spinning it around to face you. Your eyes widened slightly upon being shown a picture of your ex and you nodded hesitantly.
“He’s my ex boyfriend- well ex fiance I guess.” you responded, voice barely audible as your mind raced faster than the speed of sound. You asked yourself what he could’ve done that was bad enough for the police to show up at your door. Maybe you had been too harsh on him and he had gotten into one to many bar fights, maybe he robbed a bank at gunpoint, maybe he stole some old lady’s car and filled it with off brand mayonnaise before he returned it. All your questions- all your thoughts stopped as Officer Kim responded, running a tired hand through his hair.
“He passed, earlier today.” he paused, giving you time to digest things and you froze, staring at his face blankly as your mind processed what you had just been told and you hummed questioningly, your throat becoming tight with realization. “It happened around five this morning,” he paused again as you stood in complete silence. Sure you hated him but you’d never wish death upon another person, especially him. You hate him now but you were in love with him once too. You hate him now but, he was the closest person in your life. He was all of your firsts, your fiance, your best friend. You thought you wouldn’t be able to get all of that back because of the breakup but now you truly can never get any of it back, because he’s dead. Then, you started to cry, for the hundredth time this week but this one was different. You weren’t crying because you missed him, or wanted him to come back like all the other times, as horrible as it sounds. You were crying because you felt bad. Because of his short life that was ripped from him by the unforgiving hand of death. You weren’t crying because of him, you were crying for him. A hand on your shoulder interrupted your sobs and you wiped your face, glancing up at the culprit with glassy eyes. “I’m so sorry for your loss...” he paused, giving you a few moments to breathe as he rubbed your shoulder comfortingly before speaking again, “but we have an idea of who did it, it would be helpful if you just came down to the station with me for some questioning.” he asked softly as the shaking sobs and whimpers that came from your body slowed to a halt and you nodded.
“Yeah, uh. Let me just go get dressed.” You muttered, smiling up at him softly and shuffling back to your room to prepare. The longest night of your life was about to turn into the longest day.
And you were correct again as you stood in front of your apartment door after the absolute, and I cannot stress this enough, longest day of your life. Your ex was murdered, brutally, and they made sure to go over all of the gory details with you while you were at the precinct, they even took you to see his body, which made you cry because it was mangled almost beyond recognition and you were horrified. Apparently, he had been tortured for hours, which explained all the bruises, gashes, and burn marks on his body, strangled, thus the huge ring shaped mark around his neck, and dumped into a river, which made his body all pruny and wrinkled. You had spent 10 long hours at the police precinct and it was now nearing midnight as you fished your keys from your pocket in order to unlock the door. Inserting your key, you jiggle it around in the lock for a minute before realizing it was already unlocked initially. Figuring you had left it unlocked accidentally in your depressed haze, you pushed your way into your apartment and locked it promptly, pressing your forehead into the cool wood of the door. You sighed softly, relaxing only for a minute as you absorbed your surroundings before freezing as you heard the rhythmic tapping of someone's foot.
“Long day huh?” the voice was deep, one you hadn’t heard before as you remained facing the door, your grip of the handle tightening until your knuckles turned white. He spoke again, “you must be ____.” he murmured softly, sending a terrified shudder down your spine. “I’ve been wanting to meet you but he said you were off limits. You know, he talks about you a lot-...” he stopped himself as if realizing something, “well talked, I mean.” the man mused, an ominous chuckle flowing from his mouth.
“Who are you?” you rasped, attempting to conceal any cowardice but blinking your eyes harshly as your voice broke. You vaguely hoped this was one of your ex’s friends coming to visit, at an odd hour of the night, sitting ominously in the dark of your apartment waiting for you to come home just to say hi but the chances of that actuality was very slim.
“None of your business” the man retorted, a smirk evident in his ominous tone. “Now, let’s get down to business little dove,” you furrowed your brows at the nickname. You had never been called a nickname, especially by a man who randomly just snuck into your apartment one night. Your ex only ever called you baby or babe so little dove was different for you. It seemed endearing in the worst type of way. “I want the rest of my money.” he paused, “I found half of it in a closet here, and he said you might know where the rest is.” he paused again, only this time a sound is heard, a metal rattling of some sort that ricochets off of the walls of the apartment like a stray jumping bean in a pill case. Then it hits you, he has a gun, and he just shook it as if he intends to use it. . “Don’t make me ask again sweetheart.” Your eyes widen and well up as your head falls down, knowing you're going to die today and you take a deep breath, telling yourself you’d be ready for whatever happens so you decide, if you’re gonna die, you should at least know the name of the man that’s gonna kill you so you scrape together every last drop of confidence you can muster and ask once more.
“I said, w-who are yo-” you choked out, in an attempt to hold onto the last shred of your dignity as you blinked back the tears threatening to fall from your glassy eyes. However, your small shred of confidence is promptly ripped from your grasp as the man cuts you off mid sentence, slamming his gun down onto a hard surface with a loud clatter. You jolt, crying out softly as the tears you’d been holding back with all your might fall onto the ground before you.
“I said none of your fucking business bitch where’s my fucking money.” he spat, his sinister tone draing a choked sob from your thoat as you realized, you wouldn’t be getting anything you wanted today. “Answer me” he said, alarmingly calm as the sound of him cocking his gun travels directly to your mind.
“I spent it” you muttered between your soft hiccups and stiffened slightly upon hearing a heavy footstep approach you, then another footstep, and another, and another until they cease, and you can feel the man's warm breath raising the hair on the back of your neck. All your readiness for whatever happens and willingness to die flies out of the window as you lean your head on the door once more, taking a shaky breath as you begin to plead, aware of how pathetic you sound and part of the reason why you have such a strong urge to cry harder. “Please don’t kill me” you whined desperately as you feel the cold metal of the gun barrel resting on your shoulder.
“Relax little dove” he whispered, his lips brushing the back of your ear and sending a chill rushing through the entire expanse of your body. “Just find a way to pay me back and we’re even,” he continued calmly, his raspy voice reverberating in your eardrums as you think through what he just said carefully. You gasp and sniffle, shaking your head softly and lifting it slowly from the wooden door frame.
“I-” you stopped, taking a deep breath and preparing yourself as much as you could for his response then opened your mouth to continue. “I don’t have that kind of money” you whispered hesitantly, shutting your eyes tightly, allowing nothing to escape but the numerous tears that fell to the ground in anticipation of his actions. There was an eerie silence as he contemplated your words before he abruptly turned away, lifting the gun from your shoulder and holstering it in the waistband of his jeans, causing you to let out a wavering breath you’d been holding that entire time. His hand traveled back up, taking refuge on your left shoulder as the other hand made its way up your right arm, the warmth setting your skin aflame and sending a shockwave of warmth coursing through your body.
“There is another way you could pay me back.” his velvet voice rasped, stressing the word ‘another’ in a way that you immediately understood his insinuation and you took a sharp intake of air, bracing yourself for what he was about to say next. But he didn’t say anything for a moment, letting his hands do the talking for him as he gripped your arms softly, using his hands to spin you around and face him. You whirled around, yelping in surprise but stopping when you were met with the most exquisite, carnivorous brown eyes you had ever seen in your life that were accompanied by full pink lips and a tousled bunch of fluffy black hair you just wanted to run your hands through. Even in the darkness of night, the moonlight streaming through the kitchen window illuminated the room enough for you to trail your eyes down his face and get a vivid idea of what he’d look like with illumination.
Yummy as fuck.
Your eyes began to wander down to his exposed collarbone and before they could travel any lower, his fingers roughly grabbed your chin, forcing your gaze upward until you met his borderline cannibalistic gaze, which crushed you into nothing. He cocked his head to the side, a mischievous glint in his eyes as the corner of his lips turn upward slightly. “He was always bragging about you… saying,” he speaks, his sultry tone lulling you into a state of compliance as he spoke, “you’re such a good fuck,” he continues, placing his left hand gently on your waist and stepping even closer, if that’s possible, his soft breath hitting your face with every word as he speaks. “Your sweet little cunt is so tight” he glances down at your lips, running his thumb over your bottom lip “your mouth feels like heaven” he pauses again, running his hand down to hold the side of your neck softly to which you gasp “maybe i’d like a demonstration little dove.” he smiles, a twisted horrifying smile that snaps you out of his seductive trance and back to reality as your eyes widen and you pull yourself quickly out of his hold, running over to the couch and bracing yourself on it.
“No” you cry out, out of breath for some reason as you swallow thickly and shake your head. “No, I'll find a way to pay you back, I promise.” you plead, praying he wasn’t going to kill you on the spot and that he hadn’t noticed your blatant ogling. He probably did but at this point you didn’t care, you just wanted him gone.
“Whatever you say sweetheart” he replied, emitting a dark chuckle “call me if you change your mind, my number’s in your phone” he opened the front door and you glanced back at him, noticing the way his all black attire contrasts with his tan skin, and most of all, you notice the full sleeve of tattoos that ran down his right arm. Heat crawled up to your face as you realized you were gawking again and you nodded in response, feeling unable to form the words to respond with. He only uttered the words “you have a week.” before the door slammed and you were left alone in the dark.
You ran your fingers along the side of your neck where the aftermath of his touch lingered like a searing residue. No one had ever touched you like that, especially your ex. He was the man that took your virginity and was the man there for every time after so you’d become accustomed to his textbook missionary vanilla sex that left you touch starved and unfinished every. single. time. But you’d finish yourself off each time, feeling bad because you thought he was trying his hardest and truly didn’t understand how to please women. But as time went on, you realized he didn’t care about your pleasure and too enveloped in his own release to ever worry about your needs, but were too deep in love with him to care.
Your thoughts were interrupted when your phone went off to signal a text and upon picking it up there were two text messages from an unknown number that sent a shiver down your spine which read.
+82 2 5284 8735 : don’t try to run
+82 2 5284 8735 : we’ll hunt you down little dove
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“Can’t you just take the shit back?” You questioned frantically, clutching the phone by your head until your knuckles turned white, rolling your eyes tiredly when you got no response. “They hung up, great” you deadpanned, plopping onto the couch you had been pacing in front of. It has been 6 days since the man showed up and you were running out of time and hadn’t slept in two days, your mind running frantically with the thought of him coming back to see you nearly empty handed. Well, not exactly empty handed. You had managed to get 253k of the whopping +400k dollars you had spent of his money and after not being able to return the car, manicure, hair appointment, rent, and a bunch of clothes and shoes, you were manic. Some might even say a bit crazy. Many of the stores and the dealership knew you by name because of the amount of times you called them. You dropped your phone into your lap, burying your face in your hands and wishing someone was here to console you through this but the only person you knew even remotely enough to offer any consolation was your ex. You wish he was alive so you could punch that bitch in the face and ask him what kind of shit he got himself into because the man that paid you a visit was most definitely not from corporate.
You sat for a silent minute deliberating if you should text the mystery man and take him up on his offer. You had asked yourself, is it really worth your life? Were you really going to die because you didn’t want to sleep with the hot guy you stole money from? The answer at first was yes because you still had your pride intact then but now, you had been starting to second guess your confidence in getting all the money back. After all, the deadline is tomorrow. You still had your hesitations, the only man who has ever seen you in such a lewd nature was your ex. You didn’t know if you were ready for sex with another person, even if he was the hottest man you’d ever seen. But, against your better nature, you convinced yourself that your ex was gone and this was bound to happen sooner or later, so why not sooner?
You grabbed your phone in earnest before anything inside you could convince you to stop and unlocked it, opening the messages for his number and typing out your text, hitting send before any sort of regret had the chance to sink in.
me : i’ll take your offer
me : this is ____ btw
You placed your phone down on the couch cushions beside you and chewed nervously on the not so fresh manicure that was still on your nails. To your surprise, his reply came in quickly and you frantically reached for your phone as the dings came rolling in.
+82 2 5284 8735 : i know who you are
+82 2 5284 8735 : i'll be there in 20
+82 2 5284 8735 : be ready sweetheart
Your heart thumped restlessly as you shot up from your seat shouting “twenty minutes?!” and you cried out nervously. You hadn’t even seen his face in good lighting and you didn't know his name so you’d basically be fucking a complete stranger which scared you enough as it is but the fact that that stranger held you at gunpoint merely a week prior is what scared you shitless.
In the limited time that he gave you, you decided to freshen up a bit so you hopped in the shower. Your first shower in a few days after your psychotic state worsened. Humming in bliss, you relished in the feeling of the scalding water flowing over your skin as you took your time washing , shaving, and singing, in an attempt to rid yourself of the horrendous nerves that overtook your senses. After reluctantly stepping out of the steamy oasis, you’d decided on a white lingerie set you had gotten yourself for christmas but never got to wear for anyone because your significant other was always “working” or too tired/busy to take the time of day for you. Pairing the set with a matching white silk robe and not bothering to wear any shoes because you’re in your own house, you slicked your lips in a thick coat of gloss and applied some mascara and eyeliner to your tired eyes just to spruce up a bit. You figured, if you put effort into your appearance, then maybe he’d spare your life after the sex. You stared at yourself in the mirror, tying your robe, smacking your glossed lips together and ogling your appearance before a soft knocking was heard from the living room. “He’s here” you told yourself with a deep shaky breath as you vacated the bathroom and slowly ventured toward the door.
You stood silently before the front door, contemplating whether this was a mistake or if it was too late to turn back. As much as you hated to admit, there was no logical solution to your problem that was in compliance with any standing laws. Heck, what you were doing was probably illegal in everywhere but Las Vegas so you had no other choice than to twist the handle, open the door and stare up at the most alluring man you had ever laid eyes on. You ran your eyes all over his body, studying him, his features, his gorgeous eyes, impeccable nose, plush lips, smooth hair, and strong arms that lead to a presumed strong chest hidden under his plain white tee. He noticed you blatantly checking him out to which he placed a finger on your chin, lifting your face up so your eyes met and making you watch as he rolled his bottom lip into his mouth, sucking on it for a moment. Oh how you wished that was your lip.
“You ready little dove?” he asked, his tone seductive and smooth like chocolate as he walked closer to you, closing the door behind him and backing you up until you stood patiently before the couch staring up at him, a wistful glint in your eyes as you nodded. He reached up, using a finger to push your robe off of your right shoulder and cocking his head quizzically. “All dressed up just for me?” he pondered, his eyes trained on the white lace peeking out from under the robe. You nodded, to which he gripped your chin roughly, furrowing his eyebrows at your response. “Use your words sweetheart” he warned, loosening his grip so you could speak in affirmation.
“Yes…” your voice trailed off, thinking of what to call him, as you still didn’t know his name, so you addressed him as you would any man you didn’t know, “yes, sir. I dressed up just for you” you concluded, your voice barely greater than a whisper as the corners of his lips turned up. He let out an animalistic growl at the name you gave for him, obviously satisfied and moved his hand from your chin to grip the back of your neck promptly.
“It’s Jungkook, but sir will do nicely” he basically growled before latching onto your lips with carnal aggressiveness. You whined heartily into his mouth as his tongue slipped deftly into yours and intertwined with yours, causing your mind to fall into a haze as he coiled his arm around your waist, bringing your body flush against his toned frame. You reached up with shaky hands, fumbling with his shirt, eager to get it off of him and gaze upon the expanse of his abdomen. His lips detached for a moment, giving you the chance to pull his shirt over his head, which he gladly obliged and lifted his hands over his head, swiftly resuming their positions when his shirt formed a pile on the floor beside you. You leaned back in, attempting to capture his lips in another phenomenal kiss but he pulled back, leaving you to chase him and whine when you ultimately lose, to which he laughs mischievously, taking his hands off of your body and toying with the silk tie on the front of your robe.
“How do you want it baby?” he pondered, the new nickname sending shivers down your spine as you glanced at him quizzically, as if asking what he meant. He chuckled softly, tugging at the ribbon and opening your robe as he brought his hands up, carefully sliding it down your arms and bending down so his face was level with your collarbone. He placed a gentle kiss there, leaving fire in the wake of his lips as he spoke, his breath cooling the seared flesh, “would you like me to be gentle?” he asked leaving more hot kisses along the expanse of your shoulder and neck, drawing salacious sounds from your parted lips as he brought his hand up to rest at the base of your neck. “Or…” he paused, sliding his hand up and increasing the intensity of his grip on your throat, restricting the blood flow to your brain as your mind became hazy and your eyes rolled into the back of your head. “Do you want me to be rough?” he continued, lifting his head to watch your face as he loosened his grip. “It’s your choice little dove.”
You were elated, ecstatic and a little disappointed when he loosened his grip on your neck. Your ex was always into sex that lindered toward the vanilla side, as mentioned before, so he would never think to try anything like choking, which always intrigued you just a little bit. You wished you would have experienced other styles of love before you met him but you didn't, and this was your chance to try them out now. Your fingers travelled up, lightly grazing over that hand that was tightly wrapped around your neck. Whining quietly you rolled your bottom lip between your teeth, biting it softly as your other hand came up and wrapped around Jungkook’s forearm.
“I wanna try it rough” you mumbled, eyes closing as you relished in the hazy feeling this restriction gave you which only heightened as he tightened his grip.
“Perfect.” he groaned out almost inaudibly as he pulled your face to his, colliding your lips in the roughest, most passion filled kiss you’d ever experienced. He devoured your mouth with gluttonous amusement, his grip on your airway never wavering for a moment as he tongued you down, his carnal need prevalent and present in the thick air of the room. You reached up, completing a task you’d been wanting to do for days, tangling your hand in the messy black mass that fell upon his head, and relishing in the soft feeling of his waves. Then he detached from your lips and moved away, forcing your hands to fall from his hair and onto his broad shoulders, which, while pleasurable to touch, didn’t even come close to frolicking your fingers through his locks. He moved his hand from your neck to your shoulder, to which you whined with a small pout, missing the new contact as he chuckled at your eagerness. He stared at your lips, before leaning down and capturing your bottom lip between his teeth, biting down on it voraciously before he spoke. “Do you want me to put this slutty little mouth of yours to use little dove?” he asked, pulling back as if waiting for an answer, to which you obliged.
“Yes sir” You answered quite honestly in fact, as you felt all your hesitation and weariness about this task slip away. “Please put my mouth to use.” you pleaded, staring up at him, a wanton expression on your soft features.
“You’re so good for me .” he whispered, his soft breath fanning your face as you nodded in agreement, “such an obedient little dove, hmm?” he asked, to which you nodded once again, a bit more frantically this time as you awaited his cue. He used the hand on your shoulder to abruptly push you down with a small yelp so you were seated on the black leather couch behind you, the colder leather contrasting the burning lust in your entire body as you looked up at him. “Get to work slut.” Your eyes widened at the name. Maybe it was supposed to be an insult or he just liked calling you that but you couldn’t help the gargantuan wave of slick that coated your panties at the moment.
You looked down, a bit above eye level with his crotch as you reached up to palm him through his faded blue jeans. His scent was tantalizing, musky, and you couldn't get enough as you stared up at him through your eyelashes, your lips slightly parted as you gazed in awe. He gave you a warning glance, as if scolding you for teasing him for this long and you unzipped his pants. He held out his hand, as if to stop you before reaching behind his pants and pulling his gun from the back of his jeans. Your eyes widened, gaze now trained on the firearm in his hand, a horrified expression on your face as you ceased all actions. Which he noticed, peering down at you, a horrifying smile etched on his godlike features as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Relax darling, I won’t kill you,” he purred, reaching down and weaving the fingers of his free hand into the roots of your hair, grabbing and pulling back roughly so you have no other choice but to meet his dark eyes. “We’re only just getting started.” he lowered the gun, pressing the muzzle into the underside of your jaw, the cold metal like ice against your scalding skin. However, you felt no need to cry, felt no need to fear for your life even as this gun was pressed to your neck, aimed to kill, because you knew he wouldn’t do it. Through the dark facade and ominous gaze in his eyes there was something else that made you trust his inability to kill you. You realized you were enjoying the thrill, the excitement of putting your life in his hands. So, you did what any crazy bitch would do in this situation, you breathed out deeply, relaxing your shoulders and slouching yourself down to push your neck further onto the tip of the gun with a mischievous smile. Jungkook stared down at you in awe, running his tongue on the inside of his cheek and taking his gun off of your neck before tossing it over to the end of the couch behind you.
Resuming your actions with a shaky breath, you tugged his pants down until they fell to his ankles and placed your hands on the sides of his underwear clad hips. You might’ve been inexperienced in his style of fucking but you sure knew how to give a good blowjob, so you got to work, placing open mouthed kisses to his clothed appendage. You looked up at him once more seeing the lust clouded haze that filled his deep brown eyes. After a bit of teasing, you hooked your fingers in the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down in a seductively slow manner as you allowed his needy cock to spring free, and you stared up at it with a gasp.
It was huge.
You didn’t really know what qualifies as huge because the only dick you’ve ever had was around 6 inches on a good day but this alluring appendage swinging before your face had to be at least 9 inches long and you wondered how the fuck you were going to fit it all in your mouth let alone your pussy, which was already aching for it. Your mouth involuntarily opened wider in anticipation of his delicious dick inside and you grabbed the base, with two hands, drawing a hiss from the man that stood over you as he kicked off his shoes and the rest of the clothing that pooled around his feet. You licked teasingly up the sides of his dick, stopping at the tip to swirl your tongue around it, and catching some salty precum when you did. You glanced up at him and he looked absolutely furious in the best sort of way. Frustrated to the max as you teased him mercilessly, only spending meere fleeting moments at the spots which needed the most attention.
Then he snapped, taking you by surprise and using his hand that was still tangled in your hair to hold you still while he shoved his cock in your mouth. You tried to gasp but it merely came out as a small strangled whimper that was cut off as his length reached that back of your throat. You moved your hands to the sides of his hips once again, bracing yourself as he slowly pulled his member out of your mouth, most likely winding up for another thrust. He propelled his hips forward once again, stuffing not nearly all of his cock into your mouth, as his tip grazed the back of your throat. The feeling of him completely filling your mouth had you livid, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you moaned, the vibrations reverberating onto his appendage which drew a salacious moan from his plush parted pink lips.
“Fuck, your mouth feels like heaven.” he moaned out, then he started to fuck your face, tears pooling in your eyes while his dick basically hit the back of your throat with every harsh stroke of his hips as he gripped on your hair tighter. After one particularly hard thrust, he held his length down your throat as tears rolled down your cheeks and you gagged around him. He took his cock out of your mouth, to which you gasped, swallowing the spit that pooled in your mouth with an aroused groan.
“Tastes so good.” you mumbled, not possibly being able to get enough as he shoved his cock back into your mouth and fucked your throat relentlessly. The tension building in you was too much to bear and your need to cum only heightened as his actions resumed. You arched your back slightly, pushing your clothed clit into the black leather cushions of the couch as you gyrated into it slowly, praying he wouldn’t notice and would be too invested in fucking your throat to realize.
You were wrong. He noticed immediately.
He halted all movements, taking his cock from your throat and grabbing your neck harshly, to which you gasped, whimpering as he pulled you up to stand in front of him, cock slapping the front of your body as you stared at his face in anticipation of his actions. You could imagine what you looked like right now swollen glossy lips, and tear stains running down your face because you didn’t bother to wear your waterproof mascara. You never needed it any other time so you figured why would you need it now. Oh how wrong you were.
“Dirty little dove, trying to get off on the couch because you want me that bad?” he rasped, nearing closer to your face with each word and you nodded frantically, basically begging him to do something, anything. “Words” he barked, drawing a cry from your lips as you thought of what to say.
“I want your cock, please sir.” you begged, before he groaned hungrily and captured your lips in a ravenous kiss, taking you by surprise. No one had ever kissed you after they’d fucked your throat before so why would he do it. You didn’t dwell on that thought for too long before melting into his touch and wrapping your arms around his neck. Jungkook took his free hand, trailing it around your body to unclasp the back of your bra, your eyes going wide at the skillful ease of his fingers. He snatched the white lace clothing off of your frame, tossing it to the other side of the room and reaching back up to cup one of your soft breasts in his hand, flicking the nipple with his index finger and making you sigh satisfactorily into his mouth. He leaned forward, taking you with him as he lowered both of you back onto the couch, settling himself between your newly opened legs and never breaking the kiss. He unlatched his hand from your neck, trailing it down your body as the other hand continued to knead your breast skillfully. His burning touch slowly ventured further and further down your abdomen until he reached the band of your panties and abruptly tore the thin while lace from your body to your dismay and discarding it on the floor beside him. You whined sadly, as those had been your favorite pair of underwear but barely had any sort of time to grieve as you felt two rough fingers dip into the wetness of your slit, trailing them up and stopping right over the spot you needed him to be at, pulling a moan from your still swollen lips.
He began kissing a trail down your body, stopping for a mere moment to suck on the pert bud of your free breast before resuming his path of destruction. He moved his hands to settle on the inner sides of your thighs, spreading them apart and sighing as he got a glimpse of the treasure between them. Your eyes widened upon realizing his destination as you scooched away, holding a handful of his tousled black hair in an attempt to grab his attention.
“I-…” you paused, chewing on your bottom lip and thinking of how to word your statement. “i’ve never asked anyone to do that for me before, so y- you don’t have to do it.” you stuttered wearily as the nerves set in. No one’s face had ever been remotely close to your womanhood and the thought of it sent a chill down your spine as you released his hair from your grasp. You wondered what it would even be like. He glanced up at you, eyes dilated as he chuckled, a dark chuckle that made you shiver as he tightened his grip on your thighs, yanking you closer to his face and taking a deep drag of your scent once you were close enough.
“Oh baby I want to” he basically moaned out, licking his lips and glancing down at your glistening slit, the corners of his lips turning up in a hungry smile. You raised an eyebrow, asking yourself ‘why the fuck would he want to do that?’, and ‘isn’t this for my pleasure?’, but all your concerns were answered once he spoke again. “I can’t wait to make you writhe on my tongue little dove” he muttered, causing your cheeks to burn with the intensity of a thousand suns as he talked into your soaking entrance. “... make you beg and cry without even using my cock.” he continued, releasing your left thigh from his grip as he placed a hand on your pubic mound, lowering his thumb and slowly beginning to circle your clit eliciting a loud wail from you. “You think, if I had the power to turn you into a messy little whore all for me just by using my mouth, I wouldn’t use it at any chance I could?” He asked and you whined, nodding as your hips stuttered up in desperate need of more friction. “It’s all about power baby, and I have it all here” he groaned, watching you clench pathetic around nothing.
Then, he finally gave you what you wanted. His hand resumed its grip on your thigh, forcing it away from the other as his thumb was swiftly replaced by his warm tongue licking up and down your wet sex. You moaned, placing your shaky hands on the mounds of your chest, toying with your nipples just to add to the pleasurable sensations he was creating with his tongue. This feeling was unlike any ecstasy you had ever felt and you never wanted it to stop. His tongue slipped deftly into your soaked entrance twisting and turning skillfully as you keened loudly. His warm wet appendage swirling around your wet cavern was the best feeling in the entire world and you knew if he continued ravaging you at this pace, you’d cum in no time. But, you needed this release. You needed to let go of all this pent up sexual frustration you didn’t even know you harbored. You needed to experience your first orgasm in months, if not years, that wasn’t self inflicted and you hoped and prayed with all your heart that it would come soon.
He switched his focus,, moving his tongue up to play with your aching clit and slipping two fingers into your formerly empty hole with a deep groan that reverberated through your core like a powerful vibrator which only intensified your moans and cries of pleasure. You looked down on yourself to see the delicious sight of him devouring your cunt ruthlessly, the sight alone almost tipping you over the edge as you brought your hands up, covering your eyes while you neared completion.
“Jungkook you’re gonna make me cum.” you called out, an exasperated cry leaving your lips when your impending orgasm was painfully ripped away from you as all his motion stopped. You uncovered your eyes, about to stare down when your body jolted, a harsh sting being felt directly on your clit, sending a wave of warmth barreling through your entire body. Then you understood, he slapped you, and you peered down at him, your eyes glassy due to the orgasm that was ripped from your grasp.
“Who? said you can cum.” he deadpanned menacingly, staring up at you through hooded eyes as you leaned your head back tiredly, realizing the error in your words and prepared to beg, just like he said you would.
“Sir” you cried, holding your arms limply over your head as you continued to plead. “Sir please, please make me cum.” you begged mercilessly, a tear of relief sliding down your cheek as he resumed his assault on your core, attacking at a steady pace and retrieving the all too familiar knot that formed in the pit of your stomach. You reached up, grabbing the edge of the couch with an iron grip, your knuckles turning white as your hips began circling on his face, your clit rubbing against his tongue with every movement and venturing you closer to your sweet release.”Please don’t stop sir, oh my god” you whined loudly, fucking his face relentlessly as you chased your high, nearing it more and more with each thrust of your hips until he finally pushed you off the brink of ecstasy, a scream leaving your lips as Jungkook continued his unrelenting attack on your pained pussy.
You rode out your high, writhing and panting before him, his pace never faltering, his fingers never slowing, his tongue never relenting and it soon became too much. The euphoric delirium quickly turned into madness as you barreled down the path into overstimulation. You wailed pathetically, thrashing under his hold as the pleasurable pain consumed your body and you could barely form a coherent sentence but you persevered, scraping all the coherent thoughts you could muster and turning them into tangible words that sat on the tip of your tongue, ready to be spoken. “Sir please, it's too much!” you cried to which Jungkook finally let up, slowing his pace to a halt and sitting back.
“Oh my god that was so fucking hot” he growled before sucking on his glossy fingers and cleaning around his mouth with his skilled tongue as he gazed amusedly upon your exhausted body. But he was nowhere near done with you. This fact made apparent when he stood and wrapped an arm around your hip, lifting your limp body and turning you over with ease, positioning you so your face was pressed into the now warm couch cushion and your ass was raised high into the air before him. His eyes rolled at the view of your swollen cunt bent over for him and he gave it a light smack, eliciting a pained, but tired yelp from you as he chuckled muttering “you’re going to drive me crazy little dove.” under his breath.
He crouched down, coming face to lips with your abused cunt as he wrapped his arms around your bent bottom, lacing his fingers together as they rested at the arch of your back and dragging his nose up the tortured path of your slit, drawing whines and cries of overstimulation from your wiggling frame as you tried to get away from the punishing menace that was his face. “No, please. I can't take anymore, it's too much.” You whimpered, your voice muffled as you leaned your face into the couch tiredly to which he obliged, reluctantly, as he stood, grabbing his neglected dick in hand and pointing it toward your pink entrance.
“I can’t wait to stretch your pretty little pussy ____.” he purred and you moaned at the sound of your name slipping off of his tongue like the creamiest butter. He dragged his tip along your swollen clit, abusing it again for what seemed like the millionth time that day as he covered his girth in your slick, a guttural groan emitting from the back of his throat. Then, abruptly, he sunk into your slippery cavern, barely all the way in but you’d never felt so full in your entire life as he pushed forward slowly, filling you up and providing you with the most delicious stretch you’d ever felt. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you whined, a desperate whine that you could barely register was your own voice as he pushed his length completely inside of you, his head falling back and your name, rolling off of his tongue once again.
After barely giving you time to adjust to his alarming size, he reeled his hips back before slamming into you again, and again, and again, over and over again until he was fucking you at an unrelenting speed you barely knew was possible to achieve. Suffering from the overwhelming pleasure he forced you to endure, you shut your eyes tight, crying out in strangled indulgence as you grasped onto the fluffy throw blanket strewn lazily over the couch in front of you. You relished in the sting of his girth, staring ahead blankly with glassy eyes as he rammed into you with a punishing speed and black mascara filled tears streamed down your cheeks.
You knew you were about to cum soon, again, only due to the all too familiar feeling accumulating in the pit of your belly. Jungkook reached down, placing a hand on your shoulder blade and pressing your chest further into the couch while he drilled into you, moaning and cursing at the feeling of you flexing deliciously around his cock. He felt you were close, so he moved his hand, snaking it around your waist and trailing his other hand to assume its position around your neck, hoisting you up so your back was arched against his abdomen and you had no choice but to stare up at him as he talked down on you, never slowing the snapping of his hips for a wavering moment.
“You’ve never been fucked this good have you?” he teased through clenched teeth as he leaned down, sucking and marking all over the expanse of your neck with grunts and growls of pleasure. You were way too fucked out to even think about the words to form a coherent sentence, barely being able to form whimpered versions of ‘mhm’ after he questioned you but he was having none of that. He unraveled his hand from your waist, tightening his grip on your throat and landing a hard slap to your left asscheek, drawing a shrill shriek from the depths of your throat as he warned in your ear. “Words little dove” he slapped you again, “how many times do I have to fucking warn you.” he concluded, landing another harsh smack to your abused flesh as you whimpered.
“You’re the best I’ve ever had, I’m such a slut for you sir.” You sobbed out, “please let me cum, please fuck” you whined, drawing out your words and you reached back, tangling both hands in his unruly mop of hair as he split you open, moaning directly in your ear which in itself, was a thing that could make you cum on the spot.
“Cum then.” He said obviously, as if it was the most simple response, only it was this simple command that shoved you off the precipice of ecstasy for a second time. The feeling that bloomed deep in your stomach soon blossomed into a full blown orgasm that racked through your body quickly, leaving nothing but white hot pleasure in its wake as your legs trembled viciously, with one last loud cry of Jungkook’s name. But, he still did not falter, his pace quickening as he neared his own climax, the speed both too much and not nearly enough at the same time. You reached back, attempting to push him and escape the all consuming pleasure torturing your body like a blazing fire but your hands were caught quickly by Jungkook’s hands which crossed them tightly and held them behind your back, resuming his attack.
You shook your head, letting it hang as your tears fell freely onto the couch before you, his moans and groans of ecstasy increasing in volume and frequency as he neared his own climax, his hips faltering in their pace for the first time in a while as he worked to his own release. In what seemed like an instant, he released the most beautiful, salacious, strangled moan you had ever heard, pulling himself out of your soaked cunt, and painting the surface of your ass with his white hot ropes of cum. He finally let you go after a moment, watching as you fell limply to the couch, laying face down, panting exhaustively, your arms still crossed limply behind your back as he smirked down at your fucked out frame. He left you alone for just a bit, coming back but a few moments later before you felt the sore skin of your asscheeks being wiped off with what felt like a warm hand towel. You were relieved he had the respect to clean his mess, it made you respect him just a little bit more as a person but you were way too tired to dwell on the subject any longer.
“You did so good for me little dove” he cooed, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it as he placed a sweet chaste kiss on your lower back, caressing his hand up the side of your body. A simple touch that lacked any sort of sexual aspects, it felt comforting and you sighed, leaning further into the soft couch as you heard him begin to put his clothing on. You felt a pang of distress, seeing as you were more of a fuck and cuddle kind of girl, but you really hadn’t expected him to stay so why’d you feel the need to ask him to. Pushing the feeling deep inside your gut, you sighed deeply as he walked in front of you to bend forward and grab his gun that laid discarded on the opposite side of your couch, also grabbing the throw blanket beside it and tossing it over your naked frame before thinking about something. “So,” he started, tucking his gun in the back of his pants and humming, “I’m thinking that was worth about, hmm 50k” he started. You vaguely understood what he was saying and knew you’d flip out once you were conscious enough to truly comprehend his words. “I’ll keep in touch.” He said, pulling his shirt down and smiling deviously at you as you uttered a hoarse ‘huh?’ To which he answered simply, “if I wanna come collect some more money” and he spun on his heels, opening your door and sauntering out of the threshold.
When he got into the hallway, Jungkook burst into a wide smile, satisfied with the encounter he made today. He entered this agreement fully prepared to either fuck you once and take the money you’d earned back or just fuck you and kill you, but once he’d had a taste, he was insatiable. You were flawless, your compliance was impeccable. The way you obeyed him, begged for him, the way you tasted, the way you felt, the way you looked. There was no way he could ever get enough and is probably the reason he kept overstimulating you like a frat boy with a bruised ego. There was no way he was gonna just let go of an absolute gem like you, so he made his excuse, a plan. Everytime you fuck him, you pay back a portion of the money. He was so tempted to tell you this session was only worth $100 just as an excuse to come back over and over and over until he had his fill, but he kept his composure, giving you hope that you’d ever be free of his grasp. Jungkook for once was extremely ecstatic, elated, excited to ruin you even more than he already had and he was dead set on making you want him just as much as he craved you no matter what it took. Though he was pretty sure you already did.
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lord-explosion-baku · 3 years
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Prince!Satoru Gojo x assassin!reader
Warnings: violence, swearing, suggestive themes, dubious themes, blood
A/N: request numero dos is done! It’s kinda silly, but I think it’s pretty fun! I think it can be read as pretty lighthearted, even if it gets a little violent! it’s a little different that what was originally requested! I had the elements for a sword fight set up, but it wasn’t working out the way I wanted it to, so I took a slightly different route! theres still fighting though! I hope you like it!
It’s been a long journey to get where you are now, silently scaling the castle towers towards the prince’s bed chambers. An extra long journey, considering how many royal guards have been posted on top of kingdom rooftops. Like a shadow in the night, using nothing but the black elements to mask your presence, you’ve managed to slip by them, as well as the gatehouse soldiers, undetected, leaving only four men incapacitated, and not a vestige of your presence. All this sneaking around has been a trying job thus far, but it’s almost over now. You’re about to finish what you came to do.
Light as a feather, quiet as a dormouse, you swing your body up and over the limestone-clad palace window. The room is adorned with priceless artwork watched over by gilded ceiling paintings. Framing the biggest bed you’ve ever seen is a corona with royal blue drapery that hangs down to each corner. In the center of the bed lies the sleeping and wonderfully unaware prince.
His body is lopsided, and only partially covered by silk sheets. One of his feet hangs off the bed. Tousled white hair sticks out in every direction while still managing to frame his admittedly attractive face. Long white eyelashes. Peaceful and full lips. He’s young, you think, although you’ve been aware. But seeing him in the flesh solidifies the thought: you are about to be the end of his short life.
However, this mission comes with little remorse. There have been rumors that the Royal Gojo Family has been dabbling in alchemy for over a century now. To you, there is nothing more disgusting than the use of the unnatural sciences. It’s ungodly. And even then, this kill shouldn’t matter much since you can call it what it is: a job. This is what you do. Do as your master commands, kill without question, leave no trace, get paid, repeat. It helps that there have been rumors specifically centered around your charge; rumors that Prince Satoru is a complete and utter womanizer.
Well, not for long.
The bed doesn’t shake the least bit as you climb on top of him. The prince sleeps soundlessly and doesn’t stir when you situate your thighs over his firm hips. Normally, you’d simply slit your target’s throat, quick and easy, but since there are those rumors about the use of alchemy, you need to work a little differently tonight. To kill an alchemist user, one will have to pierce them directly in the heart with a silver blade. You don’t particularly believe that the prince is a user; his focus has primarily been on balls and parties and other social events, but you’d rather be safe than sorry. So, your primed weapon of choice, a silverlined dagger, slides up your sleeve and into the palm of your hand. You grasp its hilt, then line it parallel to his heart, pull up, and plunge it in.
Rather, you would be plunging it in, if it hadn’t been for the swift-acting hand wrapped tightly around your wrist.
“Drop it.” The low, sleep-crackled utterance sends shivers up your spine. Acting fast, you use your free hand to push on the hilt, your strength against his, but it doesn’t budge a centimeter, and instead, both of your wrists are captured by the prince. His grip tightens, squeezing you so harshly that you feel the tips of your fingers tingle, but you don’t relinquish your weapon.
Vibrant blue eyes blink up at you, narrowing into a scowl. You try pushing harder, ignoring the fact that his eyes seem to glow in the darkness, ignoring the fact that they are the prettiest eyes that have ever gazed at you, ignoring the fact that those pretty eyes are now trailing down your body. Your skin burns at the attention. You can’t let yourself believe that he’s checking you out in a life or death situation, but then you figure it’s in your head when he says, “if you wish to keep your wrists intact, you will drop. Your. Dagger.”
Surrendering is not an option. It’s either kill or be killed, because even when you choose to not kill, your termination will be absolute. You will be tried by the king with his son at his right side, then you will be hanged for your crimes. So with shaking hands, you attempt to exert more pressure, trying to keep your breath steady to not raise a commotion.
Surprisingly, the prince chuckles. “Has a little sparrow flown through my window to try to kill me?”
In one fell swoop, Satoru manages to flip you onto your back, his hands bringing your wrists down on the side of the bed, forcing you to drop the dagger to the floor. He eyes you speculatively for a moment, then his mouth turns up into a half-grin.
“A woman, no less.” He muses incredulously. Then his eyes dart back down your body, and by the way his grin widens, you’re sure he actually is checking you out. “Are you supposed to be some kind of peace offering?”
What an odd man. Although you've just made an attempt on his life, he’s smiling down at you like you’re some kind of acquaintance—no, friend.
“I mean…sending a beautiful woman to my bedchambers says a lot, wouldn’t you agree?” Prince Satoru asks after taking in your dumbfounded expression. “Not much for words?” He asks. “That’s okay, little sparrow. We don’t need to talk.”
You gasp when he begins to lean down, eyes trained on your lips. Without a second’s hesitation, your feet meet his bare chest, and with all of your might, you kick off, throwing him back a couple meters. You flip back onto the floor and attack him with throwing knives while you search for your dagger. If he is in fact an alchemist, your other weapons won’t do much damage, but could slow him down if you could manage to hit him.
“You’re strong,” Satoru gleefully appraises, dodging another one of your throwing knives, and catching the other. He throws it back at you, but you manage to duck behind the corona curtain at just the right time. “And fast.”
The dagger is under the bed. You grab it, gulp some air, then use the curtain as a distraction before charging at the prince, using the same swiping technique your master has taught you. Your blade cuts through the air with one swipe, and another. You’re barely missing him, and it’s frustrating because that goofy grin stays plastered to his dumb, pretty face!
In a moment’s notice, he grabs your outstretched arm, pushing down on a pressure point that has your limb lock up. “But you’re messy and unrefined,” he says as a hand slides up your arm. Now behind you, he places his free hand on your waist, moving you into a stance similar to what your master has shown you. “Don’t you fret, little sparrow. It’s nothing a little polishing won’t fix.”
His breath is hot and fanning your ear. Your stomach knots when he squeezes your waist, and to your utter horror, his lips graze down to your neck, tongue sliding over your skin. “Mmm…sweet.”
“What! Are you—?!” Bouncing away from him, you cover your slick neck with one hand while the other continues to point the dagger outwards. What’s even worse is that he doesn’t look the least bit jaded!
He laughs. “Even your voice is cute!” In the dim light of the room, you can see pink beginning to bloom across his cheeks. “Won’t you speak more? Say my name, pretty please.”
“Prick,” you hiss, once again charging forward.
“Do you kiss your master with that mouth?” Satoru begins using his arms to block and redirect your attacks, until he’s twirling you around as if you’re dancing and not trying to kill him! You fume, hating the fact that the prince knows you have a master to begin with. “I should hope not. The only person I’d have you kiss is me!”
He dips you down low, your dagger somehow tucked between the junction of your arm, and very smoothly places his lips against yours. You’ve been kissed before, but never in such a way that made you feel like floating. Like gravity ceased to exist. Like you were falling into a black hole that you didn’t want to claw out of. Prince Satoru Gojo’s kiss is different. It’s light and it’s heavy. It’s heaven and it’s earth. It’s a blessing and a curse.
He hums into you, making the knot in your belly tighten. For a moment, you don’t struggle. Instead, your lips part, and you allow the prince to cup your face to pull you in deeper, tasting you, relishing you. You wind your fingers through the soft strands of his starry hair, and lose yourself in the moment. When he breaks the kiss, pulling away with an expression you can only call beguiled, his thumb moves along the bottom of your lip. Your mind is the fog that clouds the streets at night. It doesn’t mean anything to you when you kiss the tip of his thumb, but when that grin you hate so much comes back, your body erupts in blusterous rage.
Realizing what you just allowed to happen, you snap at his hand. He pulls it away just in time for you to reach for your weapon and slice it across his chest. You push him back, only allowing yourself a second to collect yourself before aiming the dagger at his heart. He catches your wrist before it makes contact.
“So passionate,” he says with a smile, but through gritted teeth. “I must admit, this has been the most fun I’ve had in my bedchambers in a very long time. You might even be spoiling all the fun that the future entails as well. And I don’t even know your name yet. How sad.”
Satoru throws you against the wall, pinning your dagger-wielding arm against one of his extravagant paintings. He nods towards your weapon. “Throw that away.”
“You scared, alchemist?” You bite back.
“I’m only afraid you might hurt yourself, little sparrow. Sharp objects are dangerous, you know. Wouldn't want to clip your wings.” He winks. “And you should be referring to me as your royal highness. I am a prince, afterall.”
“With the dark craft that you and the royal family use, you’re no higher than me.”
Satoru chuckles. “Won’t you please tell me your name? Or at least join me in bed before you insist that I need to be killed.”
“This is not on my insistence.” It’s a slip, but it’s a big one. You’d cover your mouth if your hands were free.
“So, who sent you?” The prince prompts. “It can’t be a scorned lover. Hmmm. The Fushiguro clan? Pshh. No. They’d do it in person.” He flashes his teeth, omniscience glowing in his beautiful blue eyes. “Master Suguru Getou?”
You suck in a breath and he reads it all too well.
“I already know,” he purrs, lips brushing against yours. “Your fighting style is very similar to his. I’m just surprised he sent somebody with so little experience. It certainly proves how much of a coward he is.”
Your blood boils. How dare he insult your master to your face! Satoru Gojo, the sleazy prince and a lowly alchemist. He is scum compared to Master Getou.
You ram your head into the prince’s. Pain shoots down your spine, but you ignore it and thrust your dagger forward. Satoru grabs your arm and pushes it down, and soon, you scream after hearing a tearing sound, and feel a very sharp stinging at your side. Sticky warm fluid seep through your fingers at your side. It’s not a deep cut, but it’s just enough to make you bleed.
“Oh no,” Prince Satoru says in earnest. “Oh, this was my mistake. Dear sparrow, that was a reflex of mine. I didn’t mean to—“
There’s a knock on the prince’s chamber doors, followed by someone’s low voice asking, ���your highness, are you well? I heard screaming.”
Shit. This is it. You’re dead. Sure, the prince wants to play with you, but anyone else will have your head in a heartbeat if they see what you’re doing. You should say your prayers now and kiss the world goodbye. You’re sending a silent apology to Master Getou when Satoru lifts you up and carries you to his bed.
“Sir Nanami?” The prince calls while he throws the sheets over both you and him. He climbs on top, pressing his chest into yours. The side that’s injured seers with pain, so you let out a little whimper the moment you hear footsteps enter the room.
“Don’t tell me you have a woman in here,” the man groans. “You know the king has forbidden any partner of yours from walking through these palace doors until further notice.”
“She flew in through my window, actually,” Satoru slyly admits. “But she’s no ordinary woman. She’s very special to me.”
Both you and the knight scoff at the same time, though you hope he doesn’t hear you. If he can believe this charade, perhaps you can get on with your night. And once you kill the prince, there will be a knight who will think that his murder is nothing but a lover’s quarrel gone wrong.
“I see.”
You’re staring at Satoru’s chest, and you realize that his wound from earlier is nearly healed. If you had any doubts about the Gojo family using alchemy, they’re out the window now. You run a fine finger across the red line that contrasts against his ivory chest, feeling the smooth bump where you’d cut him. Will it scar? you think. Disappear completely?
The prince squirms and grabs your hand. “That tickles!” He exclaims, bringing your hand up to his mouth to pepper kisses all over it. Even though the attention burns the back of your neck, you let him, since it’ll only convince the knight that the two of you are in fact being intimate.
Finally, Satoru says, “did you need something, Sir Nanami, or are you ready to confess your voyeuristic sins?”
Sir Nanami sighs, but you hear him back up a few paces. “Then, nobody’s hurt, your highness?”
“No,” Satoru says dubiously, “however, if you could fetch the healing medicines, that would be appreciated. She’s a little feisty!”
You slap his chest and he yips playfully back at you. It would be good fun if the two of you weren’t enemies.
Once the knight leaves, you’re quick to slink out of the bed, albeit wobbly. Dots of blood line his sheets, the sight making you feel a bit dizzy, but it doesn’t stop you from picking up your weapon.
“You don’t tire, do you?” Satoru asks impishly. “As admirable as that is, I simply cannot allow you to try to kill me anymore! You’ll get more hurt!”
“You’re nothing but a dirty alchemist.” You weakly thrust the dagger forward, nearing the window.
“Well, and a dashing prince, but that’s besides the point.” Satoru steps forward and you step back, your legs hitting the window’s wall. “Your master is no better.”
You bare your teeth at him. “Don’t you dare say a word to me about my master!”
“Please, little sparrow, you’re injured. Step away from the window and let’s bandage you up.” He reaches a hand out, and you swipe through the air, splicing his palm. More blood falls to the floor. Unafflicted, Satoru says, “you can’t hurt me.”
“Then let me leave, so that when I return, I can hurt you!”
There’s a purse on his lips. A pensive pause. Then the prince raises both of his hands, one of which is already healed, in defeat.
“There’s a medicine man who lives south-east from the gatehouse,” he says. “His name is Kiyotaka Ijichi. He’ll be asleep by now, but he’s a bit of a pushover and a sucker for a lady in distress. If you wail a bit outside his house, he’ll come out to offer you aid.”
“I don’t need anybody’s help,” you spit as you begin climbing out the window. You half-expect him to push you then. It’s a wonderful opportunity, one that you would seize if you were in his position. But the prince just watches you begin your descent.
“Do try to not bleed on any of the garden flowers,” he calls.
You wordlessly growl back at him.
“Oh, and little sparrow! Should you return here tomorrow evening, or perhaps the next night, or even a week or a month from now, shall I prepare red or white wine for you?” Prince Satoru offers you a charming smile. “And would you like there to be a violinist present? Anything to set the mood?”
Once you’re on your feet, you glare up at the beaming prince. He’s far too confident, but you make a mental promise to ruin that confidence someday, somehow. You don’t answer him, like you’re sure he doesn’t expect, but you allow him to watch you disappear into the black from whence you came.
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kpop-zone · 3 years
Twice reaction to slapping their s/o
Nervously, you leaned to the side to be able to look past the driver at the dashboard clock.
“Shit...Can you drive a little faster please?”
You asked the driver panicked who gave you a look of commiseration through the rearview mirror.
“I’m sorry, I’d love to but I’m already driving as fast as I can.”
He replied apologetically and you forced a smile to thank him for his effort. You were tempted to offer him some money to make him rethink his reply, but then you figured that you had already messed up enough for one night. You couldn’t afford to get in trouble with him or the police. The only thing that was left to do now was to pray. Pray that your girlfriend had already fallen asleep and hadn’t noticed that you were missing for nearly five hours without any sign of life. You had left your apartment around 6pm to “grab a quick drink” with a few friends, but then one thing had led to the other and now it was almost 3am although you had told your girlfriend that you would be home no later than 10pm. The time had just flown by without you noticing and when you figured that you could sent your girlfriend a sign of life at last, you had realized that your phone was dead. You were sure that she had probably tried to reach you a million times already to no avail and was close to calling the police right now. You just needed to get home as fast as possible.
As soon as the driver pulled up to the building, you threw some bills to the front before bolting out of the car, not caring that you had probably just given him a tip of ₩50,000. The only thought that was left in your brain was to free your girlfriend from the anxiety that she was probably feeling right now. By the time you reached the front door, your lungs were slightly burning and you were panting like you had just run a marathon, but you didn’t give yourself time to catch your breath before quietly unlocking the door, just in case your girlfriend was asleep already. As soon as the door swung open though you could see that the light was still on in the living room and you knew that she must have been waiting for you.
Your suspicion was proven to be right when you heard loud footsteps nearing the door, causing you to mentally prepare yourself for a good scolding. But nothing could have prepared you for what was about to come. As soon as your girlfriend stepped into your field of vision, you could see that she was more than just angry. Her eyes seemed to be spitting fire and you gulped intimidated. Automatically, your mouth opened in an attempt to calm her down with an apology but before you even had the chance to utter a single word, you could suddenly feel your head being whipped to the side due to a painful force. Dumbfounded, you touched your cheek and looked at your girlfriend. That had been unexpected...
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Perplexed, Nayeon stared at her own hand, not having expected herself to slap you. But she had just been so angry when she saw you standing in the door, being totally fine. How could you have consciously put her through so much agony? Torn between feeling guilty and angry, Nayeon stood in front of you, opening and closing her mouth without making a sound, not knowing whether she should apologize or scold you for your reckless behavior. When she looked into your eyes that were filled with utter disbelief though, she automatically reached out to touch your arm.
“I’m sorry.”
Nayeon mumbled ashamed, feeling how a blush rose to her cheeks.
“But do you know how worried I was?? Why didn’t you just send me a text?”
She added, not being able to fully spare you the accusations.
“I know that I’ve messed up. Time just flew by and I didn’t notice that my battery had died...”
You answered sheepishly while showing her the black screen of your phone, causing Nayeon to sigh.
“I swear to god, Y/N, if you scare me like that one more time...”
She threateningly put her hands on her hips and stared you down until you lowered your head bashfully. Her own guilt, however, forbade her to make you feel bad any longer. It seemed like both of you had simply allowed your emotions to get the better of you tonight. Hesitantly, Nayeon took a step closer to you, causing you to look at her. Carefully, she cupped your cheek and stroked it apologetically.
“Does it hurt?”
She asked with her voice dripping with regret.
“A little...”
You admitted and Nayeon immediately grabbed your hand to pull you to the kitchen. After asking you to sit down on the kitchen counter, she pulled out a bag of frozen peas from the fridge and gently pressed it against your cheek while standing between your legs. Fueled by her bad conscience, her hands didn’t stop caressing your skin; not even for a second.
Tonight, both of you had probably learned a lesson that you would never forget...
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“Do you know what cellphones are for?? I was about to call the police!”
Jeongyeon yelled at you, blinded by her rage that had replaced the immense worry that had tortured her the past five hours the moment she had seen you standing at the door completely unharmed. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, and she had to suppress the urge to rip your head off. Never had she ever been so scared before. The voices in her head had told her over and over again that you had been kidnapped or hit by a car. If you had needed one more minute to come home, she had probably completely lost it.
“I-I... lost track of time.”
You stuttered dumbfounded while rubbing your cheek. Only now Jeongyeon realized what she had done, and she exhaled shakily, feeling how her anger slowly left her body.
“So, nothing bad happened?”
Jeongyeon reassured herself and you shook your head sheepishly, causing her to feel relieved, but also disappointed by your selfishness at the same time.
Awkward silence settled between the two of you while Jeongyeon tried to get a clear head again. Slowly her heartbeat reached a normal rhythm again and the uncomfortable feeling of regret formed in her stomach. Hadn’t she overreacted a bit? Shyly, she looked at you but you barely dared to meet her eyes, causing her heart to ache. Her bad conscience had finally caught up to her, leaving her with nothing but an urge to make it up to you.
“Come here...”
Jeongyeon mumbled before nodding her head towards the kitchen. Hesitantly, you followed her and sat down at the kitchen table, waiting for her to give you an ice pack. While you cooled your cheek, Jeongyeon awkwardly stood beside you, knowing that she had to apologize to you, but also feeling too proud to do so after what you had put her through tonight. Somehow she still needed to make you feel better though...
“Are you hungry?”
Jeongyeon asked, hoping that you would understand her without words.
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Perplexed, you looked at Momo who simply stared at you without uttering a single word. Her face was almost blank, making you wonder what was happening in her head right now. You, for your part, were too speechless to apologize. Had she really slapped you? You were aware that you had upset her tonight, but you would have never thought that Momo would ever physically hurt you. Instead of giving you an answer to the thousand questions that were racing through your head though, your girlfriend suddenly turned around and walked away, leaving you behind with an open mouth. What a great way to resolve a conflict...
After squandering away at least half an hour in the living room in order to avoid another awkward encounter with your girlfriend, you eventually followed her to the bedroom. To your surprise, the lights were still on in the room and Momo was leaning against the headboard with her arms crossed while staring ahead vacantly. Unsure you lingered at the door for a bit before shuffling to your side of the bed. Several minutes passed in which neither of you spoke. Eventually, however, Momo’s voice cut through the heavy silence, causing you to flinch slightly.
“Why didn’t you answer my calls?”
She asked, the disappointment in her voice being unmistakable.
“My phone battery died...”
You mumbled sheepishly before painful silence surrounded the two of you again. You were about to flee the scene, unable to bear the tension any longer, when Momo finally decided to end your torture.
“I-I didn’t mean to slap you.”
She stuttered almost too silent to be heard and when you turned to look at her, you saw that she was hanging her head bashfully. Automatically, your hand reached over to grab hers, causing her to look at you.
“I know.”
You smiled slightly and Momo exhaled relieved.
“I’m sorry.”
Both of you said at the same time and you giggled sheepishly. There were still a few things unresolved, but at least you had finally managed to cut through the tension...
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Frozen you stared ahead while trying to find an explanation for your stinging cheek other than that your girlfriend had just slapped you. This was Sana after all...the most loving person that you had ever met. Your frozen state, however, was suddenly disrupted by the hysterical voice of the person that had left you speechless in the first place and you shook off your trance to be able to focus on her.
“Where were you?? I was so worried, I thought someone had raided you and you wandering around the city hurt...”
Sana sobbed and only now you realized the miserable condition that she was in. Her hair was completely disheveled, and her face was puffy as if she had cried for five hours straight.
“You said you wouldn’t come home late! Why didn’t you let me know where you were?”
She continued although it was hard to make out her words between her sobs. Not being able to stand seeing her this way, you quickly took a step forward and wrapped your arms around her body. Sana buried her head in the crook of your neck without hesitation and started soaking your shirt with her tears while you tried to calm her with a thousand apologies. It needed a while till Sana’s uncontrollable sobbing turned into light sniffling, but eventually she loosened her tight grip around your waist and leaned back to look at you. Her gaze immediately zeroed in on your cheek and she reached out to stroke it gently.
“I’m sorry.”
Sana mumbled bashfully after examining your cheek and wincing when she noticed a red mark.
“I’m sorry...I’m sorry...I’m sorry.”
She kept on whispering while placing a kiss on your burning skin between every apology.
How could you stay mad at that?
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“Do you know what time it is?”
Jihyo yelled at you, not caring about the neighbors that could probably hear her.
“I have no problem with you going out, but would it have been so hard to send me a text telling me that you’re late??”
She continued, needing to vent the immense anger that was seething inside of her. If she hated one thing, it was unreliability. You could pull an all-nighter for all that she cared, but she would want to know that beforehand. Because without a heads-up, she had worried the whole night and hadn’t been able to sleep a singly second although she had an exhausting schedule ahead of her.
“I didn’t think it was this late already...”
You mumbled sheepishly, causing Jihyo to scoff in disbelief. How delightful to hear that you seemed to have had fun... Without giving you the chance to justify yourself further, she simply turned on her heel and stormed to your shared bedroom. The anger inside of her was still seething, so she threw herself on the bed and buried herself under her blanket. It didn’t take long till she heard you laying down beside her and she huffed in annoyance. How could you have been so selfish? Usually you always informed her about everything. Which was probably the reason for her anxiety tonight. She had just assumed that something bad must have happened to you if you didn’t reach out to her.
The longer Jihyo thought about the events of the night, the more restless she felt. Even when she didn’t have to worry anymore now, countless other thoughts were still making her brain work at full stretch and sleep was a distant goal. Hadn’t she been too harsh with you? In hindsight, the memory of her hand colliding with your face caused her to wince and she tossed and turned for hours. If you would slap her every time that she didn’t pick up her phone, she would probably permanentely walk around with a swollen face. How could she have punished you for a misdeed that she committed almost every week? Oh how she hated when her temperament got the better of her...
She definitely needed to sort things out with you tomorrow.
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For a second, Mina’s own action caused her to be speechless. It had been a while since she had lost control like that. If she was honest, Mina couldn’t remember a time that she had ever used violence to express her emotions. But what was done, was done. It was too late to backtrack now, so she decided to stick to the route that she had chosen.
“Do you know how worried I was?”
She asked calmly while putting her hands on her hips and staring you down.
“I didn’t mean to worry you...”
You tried to justify yourself, causing Mina to chuckle coldly.
“That’s good to know, because as I see it, I worried about you all night while you didn’t even waste a single thought on me.”
She replied, not knowing whether she was trying to make you feel guilty about your behavior or to make herself feel less guilty for slapping you.
“I...It’s not like that.”
You stuttered helplessly, proving to Mina that her strategy was working. If she wouldn’t feel so bad herself right now, she would probably enjoy seeing your bad conscience nagging on you. But under these circumstances, she just wanted the night to end as quickly as possible and to just forget about it. Therefore, she simply turned on her heel and walked towards the bedroom.
“Don’t scare me like that ever again...”
Mina said over her shoulder shortly before disappearing out of the room, not being able to leave this conflict completely unresolved.
Hopefully you could leave this night behind in the morning. She didn’t know if she could even bear to look at you if you ever brought it up again...
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“Whoa, Y/N, I don’t know why I did that.”
Dahyun gasped before slamming her hand on her mouth in shock.
“D-did you just slap me?”
You replied dumfounded and Dahyun nodded hesitantly.
“I think I did. Oh my gosh...why did I do that?”
She still couldn’t believe that she had allowed her anger to get the better of her and she simply stared at you in disbelief. Eventually her shock died down, leaving behind nothing but a feeling of shame.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I was just so angry and caught up in the moment. Of course that’s not an excuse, but I guess that’s why I...slapped you.”
It was still hard for Dahyun to say out loud what she had done. Although she understood the reasoning behind her actions, she could not believe that she would ever turn to such methods.
“And I’m sorry for worrying you. I didn’t mean to vanish off the face of the earth like that.”
You replied sheepishly and Dahyun hummed understandingly.
“Yeah, I know that you probably meant no harm.”
She knew that she could not expect you to give her the benefit of the doubt while not cutting you some slack for your mistake at the same time. It was clear that both of you had done some things tonight that you would gladly make undone. Unfortunately, there was no button to rewind though and you needed to find another way to sort things out between the two of you.
“Let’s talk?”
Dahyun proposed while pointing towards the couch and you nodded in agreement.
Why couldn’t she have acted like this from the start?
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Dumbfounded, you looked at Chaeyoung, hoping that she would be able to make more sense out of this situation than you could, but for some reason, she looked even more taken by surprise than you.
“What was that?”
You asked confused and Chaeyoung shook her head.
“I have absolutely no idea.”
She replied absentmindedly, looking like she was doubting her whole existence right now. Eventually, she snapped out of her trance and scanned you worriedly.
“Are you ok?”
Chaeyoung asked and you instinctively touched your cheek again. It was still stinging a bit, but if you were honest, you were more shocked than hurt right now. You would have never expected that she would hurt you.
“Yeah, I’m fine...”
You answered brusquely, but your girlfriend immediately picked up on your upset.
“No you’re not and that’s ok. I don’t really know how to make you feel better though... I’m sorry and I promise that I will never do it again, but I know that this doesn’t really fix things.”
Chaeyoung said pensively, sounding like she was incredibly disappointed in herself.
“It’s ok. Let’s just go to bed and talk tomorrow about it when we both have a clear head again.”
You proposed, trying to find a solution to this awkward situation.
“Of course, whatever you want.”
Your girlfriend immediately agreed, but you could see that something was still bothering her.
“Do you want me to sleep on the couch?”
She added conscience-stricken and you thought about her offer for a second before shaking your head. Judging by the look on her face, she was probably already punishing herself more than enough. There was no need for you to resort to any drastic punishments as well.
“No, you need your sleep. You have to get up in a few hours.”
You replied with a slight smile playing on your lips while pointing at the clock on the wall.
For some reason you already knew though that your girlfriend would probably not be getting much sleep tonight anyways, no matter whether she would sleep on the couch or in your bed...
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If the current situation weren’t so serious, you would probably laugh at Tzuyu’s puzzled expression. She was staring at you with wide eyes and her mouth almost formed a perfect circle. Both of you seemed to be waiting for the other one to break the silence, but neither of you seemed to know what to say.
Tzuyu eventually made the first step, but her voice gave in before she could utter a complete sentence. Instead, she started to fidget with her fingers and chose to look at the floor. Therefore, you decided to try voicing your feelings.
“Why did you do that? I don’t know you like this...”
You asked and your girlfriend finally met your eyes again.
“I-I don’t know. I wasn’t really thinking clearly.”
She furrowed her brow as if your question was painfully martyring her brain. Nothing was left of the fury from before anymore and she looked like your considerate girlfriend again, making you wonder whether the slap had just been a fever dream. But the weird distance that was gaping between the two of you told a different story. The unfamiliarity of this situation was unbearable, and you hesitantly took a step forward to get closer to your usual source of comfort. But instead of closing the distance, Tzuyu walked backwards to increase the distance between the two of you again. In defeat, you sighed and decided to give your girlfriend the space that she was apparently seeking.
“Let’s go to bed?”
You asked and Tzuyu silently nodded in response.
Without wasting your time on another attempt to get close to her, you walked to your bedroom and got ready for bed. Your girlfriend, however, took her time to follow you. Only when you were already slipping under the covers, Tzuyu finally entered the room. For a moment she looked at you as if she wanted to say something but didn’t know the right words. Patiently you held her gaze, but eventually your girlfriend simply sighed and shuffled to her side of the bed. She laid down all the way at the edge and turned her back to you, making it clear to you that she wasn’t interested in talking. Therefore, you reluctantly turned off the bedside lamp and tried to curl up in a comfortable position. Yet, the unsettled conflict between the two of you didn’t let you rest peacefully. You tossed and turned for what seemed like hours until the voice of your girlfriend caused you to almost jump out of bed in surprise.
“I don’t know why I did what I did, but I will find out and make sure that it will never happen again. I promise.”
She said determined, making you realize that she had probably not been able to sleep any more than you. Somehow the determination of her words gave you the comfort that you had been seeking though and you felt how the tension of the conflict finally left your body. You knew that your girlfriend would keep her word.
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kumqu4t · 3 years
birthday with the company headcanons!
☆ a birthday gift to two wonderful people, @trxblemaker and @rowandor whose birthdays are on the 13th and 14th respectively!
☆ (platonic!company/reader)
☆ takes place after BOTFA, everybody lived!!
☆ kind of angsty at the beginning but dON’T WORRY THERE IS MUCH COMFORT AND FLUFF TO MAKE UP FOR IT!!!!
☆ target audience- teen reader
☆ (y/bday)= your birthday
☆ (y/n/a)= your new age
you were slowly but surely getting settled into erebor, your new home
shortly after the battle, you found yourself adopted by EVERY MEMBER OF THE COMPANY
you now wore braids with handmade beads in your hair, one for each family
you lived in erebor, obviously
and all the other families, lived in rooms in the same hallway
you spent most of your time exploring
and the company weren’t the only ones you spent time with
dís had taken a liking to you quite fast, proving to be a much appreciated maternal figure in your life
tauriel was like a sister to you. someone you could prank kíli with, but also go to for advice and a listening ear
so basically you never had to worry about being lonely
things had been pretty quiet and uneventful for awhile
until, on one ordinary day, you made the mistake of bringing up your birthday
you were walking aimlessly around erebor, simply exploring and enjoying the view
when kíli bounded up to you, a smile lighting up his face
“company supper coming up! you will be in attendance, right (y/n)?”
“it’ll be great fun,” he continued. “we’re planning to head to the library after and tell stories while enjoying a few drinks.”
“no drinks for you though, little sister,” he added as an afterthought, ruffling your hair playfully
kíli now looked at you expectantly, waiting for your response
“oh that sounds great,” you answered after a pause. “what day is it planned for?”
“(y/bday) at 6:00!” kíli answered
you responded without thinking
“oh that’s my birthday! i’ll be turning (y/n/a). huh! with the quest and the battle and everything it must have slipped my mind! anyways, of course i’ll be coming, i can’t wait!”
you looked at kíli to see him frozen in place, a pained expression on his face
you waved a hand in front of his face “earth to kíli?”
he jerked to life, flashing you a quick smile that looked more like a grimace
“terribly sorry (y/n), but i must be off! i think i heard uncle calling!”
you stared after him for a few more minutes, feeling confused
you definitely did not hear thorin calling
well that was weird
brushing it off, attributing it to kíli just being kíli, you went about the rest of your day as usual
oddly, you didn’t see much of the company that day, or in the rest of the days following
you didn’t see bilbo, dís, or tauriel either
and you usually spent time with at least one member a day
but now they were nowhere in sight
and if you did see them, they would make an excuse and quickly dash away
so by the end of the week you were feeling a little down
you didn’t know what you had done wrong
and you missed spending time with your family
you wondered if maybe dwarves didn’t celebrate birthdays? but even so, they had never avoided you like this before
some unfortunate thoughts came to you
‘maybe now that the quest is over and i can’t be of service in any way, they don’t care about me anymore? maybe i don’t fit in here in erebor?’
your sadness soon mingled with anger, and your anxiety remained
creating an uncomfortable knot in your stomach and a lump in your throat
what did you do to deserve this? they could at least tell you why
you had saved their sorry butts so many times
and when you saw them again, you planned to kick their sorry butts all the way to next tuesday for avoiding you
the day of the company supper (and your birthday) finally came
and despite your anger and confusion, you still decided to go
for multiple reasons
mostly because you wanted to confront them and ask why you had been ignored all week
and you also heard that bombur was making his famous apple tart with raspberry jam
evening came sooner than you realized
you saw that the clock read 5:45 and readied yourself as fast as possible
you quickly dressed yourself in your favorite outfit, pulled a cardigan over it, and ran a brush through your hair
you rushed down the long halls of erebor, keeping your pace quick
you finally turned the corner and came face to face with what had been dubbed as the “company room,” for all the time they spent in it
you felt your hand shake slightly as you grasped the cool metal handle
slowly, you opened the door, preparing to be met with the high, stone walls and rich velvet furniture
but you opened the door to find... nothing?
you squinted your eyes, trying to see into the pitch black room
“hello,” you called out. “thorin? fíli? kíli? is anyone here?”
all of a sudden, the candles and lanterns were lit, and people jumped out from behind furniture and under tables
“SURPRISE,” they yelled. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!”
you didn’t say anything for a few seconds
you could only stare, dumbfounded, at the people in front of you
everyone was there. the whole company, including bilbo, dís, and tauriel
“w-what?” you tentatively asked. “what is going on?”
kíli piped up, a large smile on his face
“it’s your birthday party!! don’t you like it? we’ve spent all week planning it!”
you took quite a few seconds to look around the room
it was decorated with streamers made of beautiful fabric, and banners hung from the walls
a large pile of wrapped gifts lay in the corner
and in the center of the room was a huge table with a feast fit for a king
as the clocks on the wall continued to tick, you heard dís mutter “kíli if you got the date wrong i swear to mahal...”
you spoke up, “no, no. he’s right. it is my birthday. but... i don’t understand. you guys did all of this... for me?”
bilbo stepped forward, thumbing his suspenders, “why of course! it’s your birthday! we wouldn’t miss a chance to properly celebrate our girl’s birthday.”
“so you guys weren’t avoiding me all week because you think i don’t belong in erebor?” you asked
the room exploded with yells of anger, confusion, and outrage
“why in durin’s name would you think that?” thorin asked after the chaos died down, furrowing his brows in confusion.
“well you guys were avoiding me all week. i didn’t know what to think.”
dori hurried over to you, draping a blanket around your shoulders and steering you towards the couch.
“yes dear, come this way, and we will explain everything. don’t you worry, sweetling,” he soothed.
everyone gathered to find seats around you
kíli shifted uncomfortably on his feet and bit his lip. “i’m so sorry (y/n)! when i found out your birthday was coming up, i felt terrible that we didn’t know sooner, so i hurried to collect everyone and devise a plan.”
ori interjected, a worried frown on his face, “we were all so excited to plan your party, we must have forgotten to keep you distracted.”
“we meant no harm by it,” fíli added.
“aye,” said thorin. “and about that complete and utter nonsense you were spouting earlier: you belong in erebor just as much as any dwarf here. you are our family. and we wanted to celebrate you today.”
of course, you burst into tears
*cue panicked company*
“oh mahal, what did we do now?”
“i bet thorin said something wrong” “shut up dwalin”
“oh no lass, please don’t cry!”
through your sobs, you somehow found your way over to thorin, seeking cuddles
he scooped you up and sat you gently in his lap
you buried your face in his chest, clutching at his tunic with your hands, allowing his scent of smoke and pine trees to wash over you
his large hand rubbed soothing circles on your back as he mumbled assurances
bilbo held and stroked your hand gently
and you felt others reaching out with their own soothing touches
you eventually found yourself at the center of a huge group hug, not that you minded at all
group hugs did seem to be inevitable in this family
through tears, you explained that you were relieved, and so very thankful for the party
you apologized for jumping to conclusions and overreacting, but everyone insisted you had nothing to apologize for
after you eventually calmed down enough, bofur spoke up
“well i think you’ve done enough cryin’ this evenin,’ now haven’t ye’ lass? it is your birthday after all. i say we start the party!”
everyone agreed
as you all found seats at the table, you allowed yourself a moment to admire the spread
bombur had truly outdone himself this time
the table was full of food of all sorts. salted pork, mince pies, all kinds of cheeses, potatoes, biscuits, sausages, meats, and stews.
oh and don’t forget the ale- and lots of it!
you sat and ate until your stomach could handle no more
all the while listening to and telling stories, and laughing as bilbo reprimanded the dwarves’ bad manners
then came dessert
the company insisted to do by “your people’s traditions” and sing you happy birthday.
they were completely off key and didn’t know the tune at all
but it was perfect. it was more than perfect.
you dug into a few small slices of your favorite flavor of cake
fili may or may not have smashed kili’s face into his cake, leading to a wrestling match that had to be broken up by dwalin
after cake, came presents
once you saw all of the boxes, you protested vehemently, insisting you didn’t need all of this
which led into many more speeches preaching that you deserve all of this and more
so with a light blush staining your cheeks, you opened the gifts one by one
they were perfect
- forged by thorin: a sword with various gems emblazoned on the hilt (“so you can properly threaten any suitors you find yourself approached by in the coming months”)
- from bilbo: a handmade handkerchief embroidered with your initials and your favorite flowers (“well this would have come in handy earlier, now wouldn’t it?”)
- from fíli: one of his lucky knives (“see here, you can strap it on your thigh for easy access”)
- from kíli: a poorly knitted bear with one eye sewed on haphazardly (he made it himself, and he tried his best) because you had mentioned missing your stuffed animals before
- from tauriel: miruvor that she acquired from rivendell (for emergency’s- just in case)
- from dís: a quilt with the lonely mountain embroidered on it (“to keep you warm and remind you of home”)
- from balin: a collection of classic dwarven stories in a thick, leather-bound book
- from dwalin: a fluffy fur coat and a pair of gloves (“a wee lass like you will freeze in these winters without proper protection”)
- from ori: a beautiful portrait of yourself
- from nori: hair pins that also function as lock picks (“s’no harm in being careful”)
- from dori: your favorite tea (“a warm cup of tea is both the perfect way to start the day and the perfect way to end the day”)
- from bifur: a beautiful bouquet of flowers, hand picked and arranged by him
- from bofur: an intricate wooden carving of your favorite animal
- from bombur: a bountiful basket of honey cakes, carefully wrapped for future snacking
- from oin: fancy haircare and skincare supplies
- and from gloin: a necklace with a beautiful stone pendant
it was entirely too much, but, as you have come to learn, your family doesn’t do simple
especially when it comes to you
you thanked everyone many times, not knowing how to fully express your gratitude
the night, as kili had promised, followed with many stories and much laughter
and lots of ale
you tried to sneak a sip of thorin’s
a joke that he did not find very amusing
you spent the rest of the evening listening to tales of old, your head drooping to rest on tauriel’s shoulder
you recall the night getting darker, the fire slowly burning out, and the laughter becoming quieter
the gentle pressure of a coat being placed on you
and strong arms wrapped around your small frame, pulling you to a warm chest
helping you easily drift off into a peaceful sleep
you woke up in the early morning next day, before the sun had even risen
apparently everyone had become so tired and it was so late that they decided to just sleep in the “company room” for the night
no one had any sense of personal space while they slept not that you minded
you felt arms wrapped around you and draped over your stomach, hands brushing yours, feet propped up on you, and more
all were asleep, save yourself
you sat up slowly, careful not to disturb the others, and took a look around
to soak it all in
to enjoy the moment
snoring dwarves
a hobbit, curled up in a cocoon of blankets
an elf, hugging a pillow close to her chest as she slept
and you, right in the middle of it all
you gave a small smile as you eased yourself back onto the couch
this was peace
this was contentment
this was home
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wave0fg00dvibes · 4 years
Baby - Spencer Reid x Reader
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Request: Spencer’s daughter tries to tell him that she’s “not a baby anymore.” He doesn’t take it too well.
A/N: I’M FREAKING BACK, BABY! It has been so long and I’m so very sorry. Here is some tooth-rotting fluff for y’all because I love you. I actually wrote this for the lovely @thekatherinewinchester​ as a part of @imagining-in-the-margins fic swap, and it was SO fun to write. It also really helped me to have a deadline. I think I’m going to try to do that more often!
Please leave feedback if you have any! Lots and lots and LOTS of love, as always.
Category: FLUFF
Content Warning: None
Word Count: 1.7K
The first time our daughter attempted to assert her independence, she had just turned 6 years old.
A morning routine with two young children was often chaotic, to say the least. However, the first day of school was always a special one. For some reason, something about this particular September morning made me extra grateful and reflective, even among the disarray. 
1 ½ year old Grayson sat in his highchair, babbling nonstop. Though he had only just started eating his applesauce, it completely covered his face and arms. Before I knew it, he was using his spoon to fling the food onto the floor. 
Was that an issue on the top of my priority list right now? Nope.
Ava sat at the kitchen table, swinging her legs and eating her cereal with the enthusiasm of an excited 1st grader. Her polka dot dress and matching headband were neatly and meticulously adjusted, revealing the hidden nerves within her initial excitement.
The small TV on the counter was tuned into the local news, though no one ever really listened. Even if anyone wanted to pay attention, Grayson’s babbling would probably drown it out anyway. It was mostly just background noise. But, selfishly, I liked to know the state the world was in before my husband left our home each morning to go make it better, safer. I liked to at least have some idea of what he was going to encounter, even if it meant certain days were filled with anxiety and worry. 
Dealing with the unease and stress was a small price to pay for the unceasing love and immeasurable happiness.
To be honest, I never imagined a world where I’d be simultaneously getting our children ready for the day and scrambling eggs for Spencer as he slept in after a long night of work. I never imagined his severe, draining job would let us have even a sliver of happy domesticity. But, as I scraped the last of the eggs onto his now-full plate, I reflected on how lucky the universe had deemed us. This shouldn’t be a reality, and yet, I couldn't imagine our life together any differently.
“Mama?” The voice of my sweet girl snapped me out of my reflective moment. 
“What is it, Ava?” I asked, momentarily pausing my motions. She turned around in her chair to face me, eagerness lighting up her small face.
“I’m really excited to go back to school.”
I couldn’t help but smile. She truly was her father’s daughter in every capacity.
“I’m so glad! You’re going to have an amazing day!”
Her bright, golden eyes sparkled, and she turned back to finish her cereal.
Spencer would definitely be up soon. There was no way he was going to miss the sendoff of his favorite girl on her first day of 1st grade.
There wasn’t a single doubt in my mind that Ava was going to blow all of her teachers away. I insisted on keeping her in kindergarten for her first year of school so she could make friends and get used to that type of social environment, but now that she was starting more difficult content, I knew all bets were off. She was absolutely going to skip grades, make breakthroughs, and undoubtedly change the world. 
But, thankfully, that was a conversation for another day, and one Spencer was undoubtedly going to have to help me through.
At that very moment, my sweet husband rushed into the kitchen, fastening his tie as he jogged. Even in his disheveled haste, the elation in his face and pep in his clumsy steps revealed that he was just as excited about this day as Ava, if not more.
Grayson babbled in the happiest tone he could muster at the sight of his daddy, and I couldn’t help but smile right along with him.
“Good morning, buddy!” Spencer smiled, crouching to meet Grayson’s eye level and pinch his chubby, applesauce covered cheek.
The tiny gesture took me back to a time when Spencer’s cares and worries were much different. Back then, he would never have thought to voluntarily reach for the grubby face of an infant, no matter how cute. But, six years and two kids later, this was a beautiful reminder of how much we had both changed, and how lucky we were to grow together and not apart. 
However, in true Spencer Reid fashion, as soon as he was done making silly faces at our son,  he padded over the sink to rid his hands of the sticky, grimy applesauce.
Everything may be different now, but some things never change. 
As I packed Ava’s lunch, I felt his eyes on me from behind. Before I knew it, he lightly turned me away from my task and wrapped his arms completely around me, leaning down to rest his head on my shoulder.
“Thank you.” He softly whispered.
Forgetting the rush of the morning for a moment, I let myself sink into the embrace. For though our lives plowed forward at seemingly a million miles an hour, moments like these kept me grounded, sane. 
“For what?” I asked.
“The extra sleep. The food. The babies. Everything.” 
The case they returned from last night must have been a nasty one. Spencer was a very affectionate person, but something about this profession felt heavier. 
Nevertheless, even after so many years, he still had the ability to make my heart skip a beat.
I pulled back from the hug to smile up at him, running my hands up his arms to get lost in his hair. His eyes reflected utter joy and gratitude, despite the fact that he had undoubtedly seen some horrifying things for the past few days. 
“I love you so much.” The words flew out before I could stop them. Of course, I meant them with my whole heart, the phrase just seemed so mundane compared to my ever-growing, aching love for him. 
The love in his eyes and sparkle in his smile told me he knew. He always knew.
He pressed a slow, firm kiss to my lips, hands coming to rest gently on my hips as we slowly swayed together. 
“I love you too.” He whispered, and before I could fully savor it, the restless world started turning again. 
Stealing moments with him would forever make my heart sing, but today needed to be about our sweet girl and nothing else. After all, according to her the first day of 1st grade marks the “beginning of the true educational journey.” Lord knows we couldn’t miss a second of that.
Spencer quickly walked over to the plate I had ready for him, setting it across from Ava at the table and kissing her head as he passed.
“Good morning, baby! Are you excited for your first day?”
Ava was silent. I felt the air in the room change as she put down her spoon and looked up at him, features completely serious. Somehow, I knew what was coming before she even opened her mouth, and Spencer was not going to like it.
“Daddy. I am not a baby.”
As expected, Spencer choked on the small piece of egg he had just attempted to swallow. In spite of the sad punch of the reality that my sweet girl was growing up, I nearly snorted, covering my mouth with my hand so as to not offend her.
Spencer looked absolutely dumbfounded.
“But, you are technically my baby-” He attempted to explain.
Ava was not having it. She took a deep breath, pushing her bowl of lucky charms aside so she could fold her hands in front of herself on the table. 
“The term ‘baby’ is applied to infants from birth to the age of 1, and then sometimes to toddlers from ages 1 to 4. I am 6 now, daddy, so technically I have already let you get away with it for an extra year.”
Oh, my girl. What a little firecracker she was. No one in the entire world besides her could silence Dr. Spencer Reid with one sentence.
Spencer sat there at a loss for words, fork still in hand, clearly trying to formulate a coherent sentence. 
The school bus pulled up in front of our house with impeccable timing. 
“Ava honey, the bus is here!” I gladly interrupted, shoving the lunchbox into her backpack and zipping it up.
Her poor father. I had never seen his jaw drop for so long before. 
But, as always, there was no time to unpack in the current moment. That would have to be a later conversation. 
Ava excitedly got down from the table, running to put her dishes in the sink before grabbing her backpack and putting it on with complete elation. I lifted Grayson from the highchair, quickly wiping off his applesauce-covered face with the ratty old t-shirt of Spencer’s I was wearing. By that time, Spencer had slightly snapped out of his trance in order to help Ava put on her sparkly converse shoes and matching coat. 
The four of us were greeted by the autumn breeze as we stepped out onto the front porch. Spencer and I instinctively bent down to simultaneously kiss her cheeks, and she hugged our necks with the fervor of all the love in the world. She gave Grayson a small cheek kiss as well before turning away to start her new educational adventure.
“Have the best day, sweet girl!” I yelled after her as she sprinted down the driveway to the bus. She waved in reply. Though I couldn't have been prouder of her, I couldn’t help but notice the new missing piece of my heart that seemingly got on the school bus with her. 
It was at that moment that I realized Spencer hadn’t said a single word since his baby proclaimed otherwise. He still looked like he had seen a ghost.
“You alright there, old man?” I playfully nudged him with my shoulder, bouncing Grayson on my hip. 
“But she… she is my baby…”
I smiled, knowingly, trying to hide the small pain that struck my heart at the thought of Ava growing up. There were no words I could say that would calm his racing heart in the moment. So, I held our smallest baby a little bit tighter and leaned up to lightly brush my lips against Spencer’s.
“I know. Me too.”
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Omega Heat, Part 1
A Paranormal Omegaverse Story
i’d been hoping to get His attention, but when He finally acknowledged me i was suddenly dumbstruck. Now what, dumb ass? i’d been trailing Him around the gym like a creeper with no real plan in mind other than to hope for a miracle; Men like Him just weren’t interested in effeminate guys like me.
The miracle was an almost immediate physiological reaction that started seconds after we locked eyes. His face was impossible to read, but the longer He held my gaze the more impossible it was to look away. i’d never felt such yearning in my life. i don’t know when it happened but i was suddenly aware that my ass felt wet.
What the fuck?? 
After a few seconds of utter shock, i bolted for the locker room as casually as i could, but not before i saw His nostrils flare and His ambivalence change to astonishment; suddenly i had His undivided attention. His massive body went rigid as He sat upright. But i turned and left before He got up.
i went straight for a bathroom stall and slammed the door behind me. Yanking down my shorts, i was dumbfounded to discover that my underwear was completely soaked and my rear end was wet. If i didn’t know better, i’d swear lube was coming out of my ass! i was freaking out, but then a chill went up my spine and i froze.
i could feel Him approach before i heard Him. A cold sweat covered my body as  He stopped outside the stall, His breathing labored and heavy. My heart pounded in my ears as i waited in silence. With a violent shove He easily broke the flimsy bolt lock and pushed the door in. Yelping in surprise, i nearly fell into the toilet as i frantically backed up with my underwear still bunched around my ankles. 
The look on His face was pure lust and determination as He instantly squeezed His way inside - a towering hulk of muscle that gave me no room to move. Or escape. Wedging the door shut behind Him, He grabbed me by the front of the shirt with one enormous hand and pulled me up against His hard chest. 
And then He did something very strange: He took a deep whiff of my neck and held it, as though savoring it. The stubble on His beard made me shiver as His lips brushed softly against my tingling skin.
With a slow exhale, He stared into my eyes with a ferocity that made me moan. My face flushed red in embarrassment at my inability to show any self control. i flinched when His other hand grasped my bare ass and shivered uncontrollably as a long, thick finger dipped unceremoniously into ... more wetness?? 
A deep, primal, fearsome sound reverberated in His chest as His full lips parted to show large, glistening-white teeth. i whimpered helplessly as i started to gush something over His hand as though a dam had broke inside me. 
He wasn’t surprised at all by what was happening and sank another finger into my spasming hole. i bit my lip to keep from crying out as i ground myself onto His hand, humping like a whore as i placed my trembling hands on His broad shoulders to steady myself. 
He had the same hard to read look on His face, but was clearly in control of the situation; i, on the other hand, was coming undone. 
“You’re going into heat.” He said matter-of-factly. His deep voice was surprising calming. i stared into the dark pools of His eyes looking for an explanation. “I can’t claim you here, but my knot will make you feel ... better.”
Nothing He said made any sense, but with three fingers now drilling my ass, i wasn’t exactly acting rationally, or normally, for that matter. His body radiated heat and i didn’t want to let go. 
“Your knot??” i asked, hating the sound of desperation and confusing in my voice.
“I’m going to fuck you,” He replied, as factually as though i’d asked Him for the time. “Is this the first time this has happened to you?”
“Whaaa ...?”
“The slick. Your body’s natural lubrication.”
I nodded incredulously. 
If it was possible, His urgency and tension seemed to amplify with my response. He seemed to be losing control, so He spoke faster. 
“Your body is reacting to being near me. The slick will help. But not much.” i was attracted to Him, sure. But this was just crazy. What was so special about Him that was sending me into “heat”? And did it even matter, because as scared as i should have been by the ominous warning, it had the exact opposite effect; the promise of pain caused by His dick made my eyes roll back in my head as i convulsed over His hand. 
He abruptly yanked His fingers from my ass and stilled me with a vice-like grip as i literally tried to crawl onto Him. My hole felt so empty and i wanted His cock inside me. i could barely hear His next words.
“Follow me outside to my truck and get in. I live nearby. I should be able to hold off until I get you home. Just try not to touch me. Do you understand?” His tone left no margin for disagreement. 
“Yes, Sir.” Sir?? Could this get any weirder??
i don’t remember leaving the gym or the short ride to His home. The bright sunlight and heat of summer did little to warm the chill i felt as i shivered. By the time He led me inside my shorts were soaked. 
He was on me so fast that it felt like i’d been hit by a train. When i felt His teeth biting hard at the base of my neck i groaned loudly and my vision went dark. i felt my feet being lifted off the floor as He carried me to a bed and heard cries and moans of distress that i realized were coming from me. 
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prismatales · 4 years
Part 3 of Endeavor with a quirkless child.
(Manga spoilers)
What if instead of Natsuo it's Reader who gets kidnapped and taken hostage? Is her relationship with her father getting better? only one way to find out!
Part 1 - Part 2
Warning: Tw:death, Tw:Near death experiences, Tw:physical violence, Angst.
Screams of horror came out from a hospital room, a nurse and a doctor were quick to rush inside in order to calm down the terrified woman. A young girl was sitting against the wall outside of the room, face hidden behind her knees as she hugged them closer to her shaking body, her brother and sister did the best they could in order to comfort her and calm the sadness growing inside of her, neither of them knew about the dark thoughts crossing her mind.
That same night she stood in front of the bathroom mirror looking at her reflection with a stare filled with misery and utter disgust, long silky red hair down to her waist, she couldn't look at it without thinking of the terrified look on her mother's face the moment she walked inside her hospital room. Lifeless eyes looking at her reflection as she grabbed a portion of her locks with shaky hands and a pair of scissors, slowly starting to do small nips before picking up the pace and starting to cut desperately, small sobs and whimpers resonated through the bathroom walls as she left the floor covered in a mass of red hair, the steam from the hot shower covering the mirror in a thick layer of moisture....
Your hand wiped at the steam covering the mirror in the dorm's bathroom, a look of doubt adorned your face at the sight of the reflection, it was...strange to look at it for a minute, no longer having blonde on the ends of your hair was odd, specially now with your hair once again sporting only the natural red color. Damps locks sticking to your face from the shower. It took a few months for your hair to grow just enough to get rid of the dyed parts, was it worth it? You didn't know yet.
On the way back to your room a few classmates turned their heads to stare in your direction, many of them actually complimented the new look, making you look down at the floor with a small blush.
As soon as you stepped inside the bedroom the sound of a ringtone went off, it was coming from your phone as it laid on the bedside table near the bed, picking up the device showed there was an incoming call from Fuyumi, sliding a finger into the screen and putting her on speaker before answering the call while sitting on the bed.
"Hey sis, what's up?"
Fuyumi's voice was full of excitement as she answered, she seemed happy about something.
"(Y/N)! Shoto's bringing his friends for dinner, Natsuo and Dad are going to be here as well, and I was wondering if you'd like to come too! Maybe you could ask the school to let you visit?"
You stayed silent for a few seconds, unsure of what to answer her, the idea of dinner with almost the whole family and Shoto's friends sounded like a recipe for disaster, but it would probably break Fuyumi's heart if you declined the invitation.
"(Y/N)? Are you there?" Her voice snapped you out of the trail of thoughts, nearly making you dropping the phone in surprise with a yelp escaping while you juggled with the device to avoid dropping it.
"Gah! Sorry sis! got distracted for a minute! I'll try to be there! Should I bring something?"
"Great! I'll let everyone know you're coming! and maybe you could bring out some dessert? That cake from last time was delicious! ah! gotta go! I have the stove on!"
The call ended with the sound of Fuyumi running off, making you chuckle at her enthusiasm while checking out the time, there was still plenty to get dressed and go pick something for dessert. You quickly dialed the cafe's number to order something, followed by getting changed into a white sweater, a pair of denim shorts with black leggings and brown ankle boots before picking up a purple winter coat from the closet, leaving the dorms with a relaxed rhythm on your steps.
It was a good thing the cafe wasn't that far from UA, it was right between the school and home. The little bell at the door made a noise once you came in, the owners sending a big smile and a wave from their spot, with a bright smile you waved back at them before paying for the order and running home quickly but carefully as not to ruin the dessert, utterly unaware of the people watching you from afar, one from a street alley and another one watching from the roof of a building...both of them with opposite motives altogether...
Standing outside the abode you carefully pulled out your phone to text Fuyumi and ask her to open the door, the paper box cautiously balanced in the other hand in order to avoid dropping the cake, the door slid open but instead of Fuyumi it was Natsuo who came into view.
"oh! (Y/N)! you made iiiiii..." he went silent for a minute before staring, taking in the sight of your new look which made you fidget nervously for a bit, mouth twisting into a nervous smile.
"Is everything okay? Natsuo?" He snapped out of his thoughts before smiling. "yeah! everything's fine! your hair look nice!" He stepped back to give you the chance to come in, handing him the box before taking off your coat.
"So how's everything back in college?" he just laughed dryly with a dead look on his eyes "...just let me die already" the both of you laughed before entering the kitchen where Fuyumi was already getting some last touches done for dinner, the amount of food she made was almost exaggerated, but still, with all the people coming for dinner it would probably be more than plenty for everyone.
"Hey sis~" Fuyumi quickly turned around with a bright smile on her face that quickly morphed to surprise when she took a good look at you, before she could say anything you interrupted her, pulling up the paper box in front of her. "Before you too say anything about my hair, we should put this in the fridge, and don't let Shoto see it, he might end up eating the whole thing instead of dinner" you laughed, remembering the time Shoto went to your dorm just to steal the chocolate cake you bought to celebrate the end of the costume presentation project with the whole support class, he was banned from the support dorms for three months. Both siblings laughed as the three of you talked for a bit waiting for the others to arrive.
While you and Natsuo were setting up the table a knock was heard and Fuyumi quickly went to get the door, the moment she left the kitchen Natsuo's face became sour, making you raise an eyebrow in confusion before walking out of the kitchen with a handful of plates.
"Oh, is Natsuo here too?" You heard Shoto ask, as well as his friends talking.
"we wanted to get to know you guys, we're Shoto's family after all!"
There was a bit more chatter as everyone walked in, Shoto, Midoriya and Bakugo stood there with Fuyumi as they saw you bringing everything for dinner.
"(Y/N)...?" Shoto couldn't help asking, when he saw the boots at the door he thought they were fuyumi's shoes, he was not expecting you as well.
You gave them a sheepish smile and a small wave once the last plate was on the table. "Hi guys, heard you were working hard with Father, keep up the good job! I bet it's tough to be working alongside the Number 1 hero!" Shoto stared at you for a few seconds before he realized something.
"Wait...if you're here then that means..." you recognized that look and quickly grabbed a pair of chopsticks to point them at him in a threatening manner.
"Shoto Todoroki, Don't.You.Dare."
But it was too late, he was already running off to the kitchen.
"Get back here you freaking--" your slipper caught onto something, making you fall backwards while Shoto's friends and Fuyumi screamed. You closed your eyes expecting the hard floor to collide painfully with your back...not a pair of hands grabbing you from behind before you could hit the floor.
Looking up you were greeted by your father's stare, for some reason he seemed...strange, the was doubt in his eyes, like he was thinking hard about something important.
"You need to be more careful of your surroundings, next time don't run inside the house" he pulled you up to help you stand before letting go softly.
"R-right, thanks Daaaaaaaat wassomequickactingfromyou!" you were quick to step away from him, a dark blush completely covering your whole face at the realization of what you almost called him "Natsuo!! Don't let Shoto near the fridge!" you quickly ran to the kitchen nearly slipping AGAIN and leaving everyone in the living room dumbfounded by your attitude.
"What just happened?" Midoriya was clearly confused, you've never acted like that when Shoto invited you to hang out with them. Enji however was left silent by his daughter's attitude, he was quick to realize what you almost said to him, which made his thoughts wander even more for a solution...
A few minutes later everyone was already having dinner. You sat to Natsuo's left and in front of Shoto as far away from your father as possible, there was still a small trace of pink on your face from earlier, but nobody said anything else about it.
"Don't force yourself to eat anything you don't want to, alright?" Fuyumi was so happy by the fact everyone was enjoying their food, and it was hilarious to hear Midoriya analyzing his food while Bakugo complained about it.
"Well, Of course" Natsuo's tone was cold "Ever since out housemaid threw out her back and retired, Fuyumi has been taking care of the cooking"
Midoriya just smiled sightly "I see"
"Give yourself some credit, Natsuo! we take turns, don't we?" Fuyumi was trying to lighten the mood, but you knew Natsuo better than her, after all he was the one you took after the most....after Touya of course....
"Eh?! Then I've been eating your cooking?!" Shoto's face was priceless, was it that surprising Natsuo could cook?
"ahh, I wonder about that. I MIGHT have been forced to stop" he gave you father a side glance "After my cooking failed to reach SOMEONE's standards"
from the corner of your eye you could notice they way everyone was looking at him and your father, this had definitely been a bad idea, but for Fuyumi's sake...
"Hey, be glad I'm not the one cooking" you tried to lighten the mood, for a minute it worked, their attention was turned to you instead. "I may be good creating equipment, but when it comes to cook--"
"I didn't even notice." your father interrupted "Next time..."
Natsuo just made a "Mph..." cutting him off, everyone else could only stare at the both of them and the way Natsuo's jaw clenched. Once he finished his food he just got up from his seat. "Well, I came like you asked, can I go now?"
"Natsuo!" Fuyumi tried to stop him, but nothing she said or did worked, he just walked out, sliding the door closed behind him...
Everyone was helping out cleaning once dinner was over, while Shoto and Fuyumi were talking in the living room you went looking for Natsuo who was already getting ready to leave, Frustration still clear on his face.
"You okay?" his mouth was set into a hard line before he just sighed "I just don't get it, how can Fuyumi and Mom be so willing to forgive him? after everything that happened they're still giving him a chance, how can they be so forgiving? how can YOU be so forgiving?" he turned to look at you, grey eyes burning with frustration and curiosity. "After everything he made you go through, you're still giving him a chance and even let your hair red again...why (Y/N)?" your face contorted in sadness at his words, softly running a hand through the locks before answering him.
"Honestly...I can't say that I've completely forgiven him, it's not like I don't feel the same way as you" the memory of the emancipation request came to mind "But...he's trying to make up for his mistakes...I guess I'm just waiting to see how everything turns out" you gave him a sad smile "I know you may never be able to forgive him and that-that's okay, you know" Natsuo was silent for a minute, thinking, considering those words...
The next thing you knew he was ruffling your hair affectionately "You're lucky you're my favorite sibling, just don't tell Fuyumi and Shoto, they'd never let me hear the end of it..." soft laughter came out from the both of you before both went and said goodbye to Fuyumi and the others, he was checking his phone while you stood outside with him, the material of the jacket protecting you from the cold outside.
"How's your new project coming along?" he asked after checking some texts from his classmates. The fact he remembered THAT project made your eyes go wide and heart swell in happiness.
"Oh! It's coming along nicely, and I'm pretty sure Mom is going to love it!" you answered proudly, but that feeling quickly disappeared when you saw something weird...some kind of blurr was flying in the sky, making you unable to pay attention to anything else, not even what Natsuo was saying.
"(Y/N)? are you listening?" He didn't see the way your eyes looked at the sky in fear, or the way your body tensed when the blurr became bigger, taking an horrendous shape once it got closer. You knew what that thing was, Shoto had fought one before, Endeavor had fought them before and it nearly cost his life.
It was a Nomu, and it was heading straight for Natsuo.
You acted out of reflex and pushed him out of the way causing him to drop on the floor right as the Nomu flew down, grabbing you by the side and digging its claws with a horrendously painful grip before taking off into the dark sky just as fast as it appeared.
Natsuo could only hear the screams of pain and horror as it took you away, staring in fright as that thing disappeared into the sky, with his sister trashing wildly attempting to break free.
"(Y/N)!!!" He quickly ran back home, only Fuyumi was there since their father had already left to take Shoto and his friends back to the dorms.
Meanwhile Endeavor and his Chauffer were taking his three interns back to school, he was busy giving them additional tasks and advice for their internships. And yet the hero's mind couldn't stop wandering to his dream about his family, to the son that was no longer with them, of how his acts tore his family apart. And yet, despite everything he did, most of them were actually giving him a chance.
But what could he do to make up for his past actions?
The sudden way his chauffer slammed the brake on the car nearly hurting everyone inside the vehicle had they not been wearing the seatbelt snapped him out of it.
Endeavor looked towards the empty road and at the source of the sudden halt, the sight in front of them caught his attention presenting everyone with a horrifying sight. A winged Nomu standing in the middle of the road.
And It was holding his youngest daughter by the head.
"That's (Y/N)!" Shoto exclaimed in alarm at he sight of his sister's face twisted in pain and horror due to the massive hand holding her by the back of the head, her own hands gripping hard on the enormous limb, any false movement and that thing could effortlessly crush her head on the spot.
It was in a mere instant that Endeavor literally fled out of the vehicle, heading straight towards the creature holding his daughter hostage. Shoto, Midoriya and Bakugo quickly went after him, just to be stopped mid-way as another Nomus stood before them, preventing the three from approaching the flame hero and it's foe.
"Release her!" Endeavor shouted in anger, but stopped in his tracks when another figure appeared from behind the Nomu. A man wearing nothing but black alongside a white mask covering half of his face smirked wickedly at him.
"Remember me, Endeavor?!" Said hero looked him over before remembering him and that mask.
"From ten years ago...you're that serial killer I took down! You gave yourself your own villain name and everything" he sent a vicious glare in the villains direction, the latter gave a mockingly bow before laughing.
"My my, You actually remember! I'm flattered by your words my friend, I can't believe you actually remember 'Incognito'!~"
'Incognito' just laughed madly while turning to look at you, insanity sparked through his eyes. "But I think this is not the place for a friendly chatter, don't you think so my dear?" he gestured the Nomu, who lifted itself of the ground with the aid of its wings, Incognito grabbed on one of its legs as the creature started going higher into the sky, the grip on your head didn't waver as it fleed.
"If you really want your kid back might as well follow my lead, my friend!" With those words the Nomu swiftly took off into the sky once again, Endeavor following after him with confidence that Shoto and his classmates would manage to take down their current target.
The people on the streets watched the Number 1 hero chasing after the winged monster through the city, he could try launching an attack, but at the risk of the Nomu harming you either by dropping you, or snapping your neck in a swift movement, he couldn't risk it and kept his pursuit after the two villains holding his child hostage.
Incognito signaled the Nomu to stop on top of one of the highest buildings in the city, stepping away a few feet while the monster still had a had grip on you, was it the annoyance? the adrenaline? the anger of being seen as an easy target? you were not sure but it caused you to start trashing around, nails digging into the flesh of the limbs belonging to the creature holding you like a mere rag doll, not that it mattered anyways as it didn't even flinch at the feeling of your hands clawing at him.
"Tch, feisty little thing aren't you?" Incognito stood in front of you, a hand on his chin as it examined the way you struggled with mockery in his laughter before his hand went up, slapping you hard in the face in order to subdue the squirming girl in front of him. "I hate people like you, poor pathetic weaklings that think they can make a difference"
"You won't get away with this" you seethed fiercely, eyes burning with disgust towards the man standing upon you who got close enough again "People like you are meant to be quiet and listen obediently, quirkless people like you are only worthy as mere bait, how in the world did Endeavor even let you live is a question I can't find an answer to-UGH!"
Whatever he was going to say next died in his throat when your knee quickly collided with his stomach, sending his shaking body hunching on the hard floor at the same time as he gripped his stomach in pain, the look of complete stupefaction on his face nearly caused you to laugh at him. The kickboxing lessons really paid off.
"I may be quirkless but I'm not as useless to need a Nomu to do everything for me! You haven't done anything else but blabbering nonsense at Endeavor!" You spat out at him, not even caring of the way Incognito gritted his teeth as he glowered.
"You...bitch!" before he could attempt slapping you again a booming thud distracted him, Incognito turned his back to see the cause of the commotion and on the other side of the rooftop stood Endeavor. He was glaring threateningly at the villain standing in front of you, when he saw the bruise on your face his glare became even more vicious.
"Release my daughter this instant" His already low voice dropped at such a low note that ironically made your blood turn cold in fear, even though the threat wasn't even aimed towards you.
"Why would I do that in the first place? I'm doing you a favor by getting rid of this vermin tainting the world" Incognito walked away from the spot where the Nomu still had a tight grip on you "I've been observing you ever since I managed to escape from prison and I must say...I.am.dissapointed. Where did all that rage that drove you in the past go to?" Incognito sneered in your direction "Oh yes, it's all gone isn't it? All because of this filthy vermin"
with a snap of his fingers the Nomu's grip became tighter, making you shut your eyes in reflex and groan loudly at the painful sensation as your skull was about to be shattered into pieces by the mindless monster holding you captive. Endeavor's face twisted in anger, flames becoming twice as big at the very moment that he aimed an attack straight to the Nomu.
"Oh no you won't!" Incognito's shadow moved all around the floor, covering the whole place in a black curtain, Endeavor stopped his attack and looked at the scenario under him. He remembered the first time facing this villain, his quirk allowing him to travel and observe through the shadows, and he could also hide stuff inside them. That's how he kidnapped his past victims and managed to take their corpses somewhere far away without leaving traces.
Your eyes slowly opened again despite the pain and noticed both your father and the villain were staring at each other, one in rage and the other one in pure mockery, neither of them noticed you were watching the ordeal...or that you slowly pulled back your right sleeve revealing a silver cuff bracelet with a black bead.
Something slowly started to materialize from the shadows behind Endeavor, which made you scream at him in fear.
"LOOK OUT!" Endeavor saw you looking in his direction, but not at him in particular, quickly turning back and narrowly avoiding being stabbed by another Nomu, this one being able to morph its arms into blades began slashing frenetically at everything in front of him, and right now Endeavor was the only thing on his sight.
"Meh...You really lost your touch Endeavor, I guess I'll do you a favor and get rid of the vermin, maybe that will motiv-"
The sound of electricity was loud enough for everyone in the rooftop to hear, followed by the Nomu's screeches of pain by the sudden discharge coming out of your bracelet the moment a fist landed near his neck, it dropped you instantly causing you to fall hard on your knees with a painful groan.
"What the hell did you do?!" Incognito's face became twisted in madness when he realized the 'vermin' in front of him had managed to escape from a Nomu's grip. "You know what? That's it! I've had it with you!" with another snap of his fingers the Nomu holding you hostage began advancing towards Endeavor, now he was fighting against two foes at the same time while Incognito advanced towards you in a threatening manner.
"I think it's about time you finally know your place" For each step the madman in front of you took, you crawled away from him, had it not been by the pain from the fall you would have stood up and run. But right now all you could do was try and aim the bracelet at the man standing in front of you, the idea went out the window when he landed a powerful kick on your side causing you to yelp in pain.
Endeavor turned in the direction of the scream, struggling to keep both Nomus at bay only managing to get a bit closer before both monsters got hold of him again.
Incognito's face didn't change as he took hold of the collar of your jacket and pulled you off the ground, dragging you towards the edge of the building without much of an effort. The back of your feet dangled off the edge, the severity of the situation hitting you like a ton of bricks.
"And that place...is six feet below the ground!"
"(Y/N)!!!" Your father's voice was heard clearly, both you and Incognito turned back where Endeavor had finally managed to defeat one of the Nomus, but the other one was still holding him back. The villain holding you only laughed in complete madness, nothing mattered to him anymore.
"Say goodbye to Papa you brat!"
And with those final words his hand released your jacket.
It was like a slow motion sequence, Endeavor could only watch in horror as you started falling backwards with a look of absolute terror in your eyes, making eye contact with you he could only see the way your lips moved, he only heard you whisper one thing before falling to your death....
There was screaming everywhere as people on the streets caught sight of the girl falling from the top of one of the highest buildings in the city, the wind roared harshly against your face, the pressure was making it hard to listen anything as you fell.
...They say time goes slower inside one's mind as they fall, and that one can see their life before their eyes when the time comes for them to leave this world...It made your own thoughts wander...
Is this how your life was going to end?
Being dropped from a building after being used as bait for your father?
What would happen with your family?
Your mother?
Your siblings?
Would you be able to meet Touya in the afterlife?
You didn't know the answers....and maybe you'd never find out as your eyes slowly began to close, was it because of the pressure? the fear? the resignation? you didn't know...but you drifted out of consciousness in an instant hoping that maybe, just maybe you could reunite with your brother soon...
"Touya-nii...Why does he hate me so much?" Enji was on his way to the training room when he overheard as (Y/N) cried in her brother's arms while clinging to the front of his shirt, her brother Touya was sitting on his futon hugging the little girl sitting on his lap. Their father had yelled at her when she tried to approach an injured Shoto who was resting in his room with the left side of his face covered in bandages. Fuyumi was there with him, taking care of the boy's wounded face and spirit.
"He doesn't hate you...he's just...hard to approach" Touya could only make an effort to comfort the little girl whimpering on his shirt, her tears easily soaked the fabric. "C'mon, don't cry anymore...I hate seeing my firefly cry"
Touya wasn't sure of what to say to his sister, (Y/N) was still a child after all and even if his Father treated her horribly Touya wasn't going to poison his little sister's mind with hatred, their father was already doing that with the way he kept treating her after all.
He promised he'd always look out for her as he hugged her tightly.
He would protect his firefly.
No matter what.
Incognito was an insane man who didn't care about anything but cleaning the world of the quirkless, or "filthy vermin" as he deemed them.
But in that moment he feared for his life for the very first time.
The agonizing heat coming from behind made him question his life choices fo a brief moment, turning back on his spot with a smile on his face, it was a facade for the panic he was feeling on the inside when he made eye contact with the flame hero who's face was SO void of emotions it was terrifying to look at, the Nomu he was facing laying charred on the floor.
It was in that moment he knew, he fucked up.
The jaw-shattering punch he got to the face told him everything. The only reason he was still alive was because Endeavor was a hero.
A hero who quickly jumped out of the building after the daughter he had failed to take care of in the past.
In that moment, Endeavor- no, Enji Todoroki didn't see (Y/N) as the young lady she was already turning into. But as the little girl he had failed as a father, that little girl that would cry herself to sleep every single night because of him, that little girl who's eyes lost their sparkle the day her older brother passed away...The little girl he found asleep in front of Touya's shrine on more than one occasion during her childhood.
The little girl who's family he promised to make up to for everything he had made them go through because of his ambition....
The young girl...that was once again swiped away by a Nomu and taken away from him in the blink of an eye. He barely managed to avoid colliding with the ground himself, watching as the flying abomination yet again took his daughter away...but this time...it wasn't holding her like a wild animal would to its prey, it was holding her delicately as it flew away.
Warmth, that's all you could feel in that moment. A soft, familiar warmth that was hard not to recognize as it enveloped your whole body.
"Wake up...Please wake up Firefly"
...Did you die from the fall? Did your wish come true?
Your eyes slowly started to open, despite your efforts everything was but a blurry image in your eyes no matter how much you tried to focus.
And yet, that figure watching over you was of someone you would never be able to mistake or forget.
His head turned in your direction, you could recognize those eyes anywhere, a sad smile crept upon your face, eyes glistening with unshed tears at the image of Touya's face, his lips quivering emotionally as he hugged you tightly, face burying itself into your shoulder, despite being a dream his hug felt so real, almost like he never left you in the first place...
You didn't hesitate to hug him back, wishing with all your might that it wasn't a dream.
"I missed you so much Touya-nii"
"...I missed you too Firefly"
How much time had passed you didn't know, but the harsh cold from winter made it clear that it was late, just not exactly how late.
"Go to sleep (Y/N), everything will be alright"
You didn't wanted to, afraid that if you did Touya would just disappear again, but your body had other plans as exhaustion started taking over again.
"Hey Touya?" You didn't even realize he was carrying you bridal style until the soothing sound of his heartbeat reached your ears, for a dream everything felt so real...except for a single detail.
"...When did you dye your hair?"
There was a search party looking for you along with Endeavor, Shoto and his friends, who had managed to subdue their own enemy and joined everyone with the search. Natsuo had rushed back home the moment you were taken and told Fuyumi, the both of them were quick to call the police after their father failed to answer their calls, that's when they found out he was already in the middle of rescuing their sister. It was a wonder how the accident didn't become broadcasted all over the news.
Where in they world did they take you to?
The answer came quickly through one of the policemen's radio. One of them had found you laying unconscious in the bench of a small abandoned playground nearby, when they gave out the location it was Shoto who answered the question of why did that playground sounded so familiar in the first place.
It was the place where Touya would always take you when you were younger, it was nearby to a small pond where if one was lucky enough to go at a certain time they would be able to see the whole place illuminated by small fireflies.
An ambulance was quick to arrive at the place just at the same time you woke up and quickly started treating you on the spot making sure there wasn't any fatal injuries. Everyone was quick on their feet and rushed to find you, fortunately the playground wasn't far from where the hero and his interns were looking.
Endeavor had his own share of bruises and a gash on his face when the blades Nomu nearly got him, but in that moment he didn't care about himself, all that mattered was knowing you were safe.
That's when he finally reached the location, and he saw you.
Sitting at the back ambulance with a grey blanket draped around your battered form, there was a paramedic softly patching up the wounds inflicted by the villain, there were bruises on your face, mainly the right cheek on the spot where Incognito had hit you in the face, both knees were covered in bandages, but fortunately nothing was broken despite everything that happened. There was a tired look on your face, the adrenaline from everything that happened finally wore off and only exhaustion was left.
"(Y/N)!" You could only look up tiredly at the sound of your name, being still in shock made it harder to focus, until the owner of said voice approached, the paramedic quickly stepped away at the sight of the Number One hero approaching before standing still in front of you, he was panting heavily from running to the ambulance the moment it was notified you had been found and were being taken care of.
There was only confusion on your bruised and disoriented face. It took you a few seconds to be able recognize the person standing in front of you, until the heat from his flames settled around, a heavy contrast from the sharp cold of winter.
He didn't bother to wait for a response, lunging forwards and embracing you firmly in distress at the realization he could have lost another one of his children.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)...please forgive me...!" his voice came out in a barely audible whisper as his hold became stronger and desperate, your chin rested on top of his shoulder and one of his hands caressed the back of your head, the both of you could feel way the other started shaking.
He didn't see the way your eyes became wide open by his actions, or the way your face scrunched from the aching inside your heart, the tears flooding your eyes slowly starting to run down your face one by one and your lips began trembling.
"Please...I hope some day, you will find it in your heart to forgive me...or at least...let me show you how truly sorry I am for everything I did to you...!"
He could hear your desolated whimpers clearly, feeling the small trickles of tears slowly soaking the fabric on his shoulder and the smaller pair of hands gripping tightly on his clothes.
"..Why...why did it take this long...for you to realize...?"
Enji Todoroki could only hold his daughter as she let out a heartbreaking cry, loud enough for everyone nearby to hear, everyone around could almost feel the pain inside the girl's heart. Whoever happened to watch the scene unfolding before them could only think her cries were from the fear of nearly falling to her death.
Nobody but her brother realized it was the very first time in her whole life being embraced by her father in a comforting way.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but by the time your father pulled away fatigue had once again taken over and the paramedics took you away just to make sure everything was alright.
One of the officers that apprehended Incognito, who was already awake from the hit he got from Endeavor mentioned they had interrogated the villain, asking for his ties with the league of villain, after all he had three Nomus under his control.
To the heroe's surprise, Incognito had gloated about managing to steal them from under the league's nose without them even realizing, he was a man that preferred working alone. Everyone was so distracted with the news they didn't become aware of the person watching them, hearing every single detail, including the route they would be taking in order to take Incognito to a high-security prison, as far away as possible.
Two days later Incognito was being escorted to prison. He could only laugh bitterly at the measures taken to prevent him from using his quirk to escape again, he was surrounded by light from every corner of the vehicle, not a single trace of darkness was visible, making his quirk completely useless.
A sudden rattle snapped him out of his own thoughts of revenge, something heavy landed on top on the transport, everyone looked towards the source, nobody was ready for the Chainsaw cutting through the steel without much of an effort, or the limbs that shot towards Incognito, grabbing him by the head and pulled him out of the vehicle, his screams of surprise echoed through the metallic walls as he Nomu hurled his restrained body into the ground, he groaned painfully by the force from the impact stunning him.
If the fall wasn't painful enough, the sudden kick aimed at his face definitely was, a loud crack from his nose breaking left him paralyzed from the pain of both that and his jaw suffering fractures.
"What the hell...?" His eyes went up to the person responsible of his latest injury. And the utter panic he felt in that moment was even worse than when Endeavor broke his jaw.
The burning hatred aimed at him through Dabi's eyes was a thousand times worse than the flame hero's glare. If that didn't terrify him, the sadistic grin on the villain's scarred face was enough to give him nightmares for life.
"So, not only did you have the balls to steal from us...But you also attacked her"
"W-wait! you have it all wrong! I did it for a good cause!"
Another kick landed on his bleeding face, at his point Incognito was drowning in a pool of his own blood wheezing from the pain of his nose shattering into minuscule fragments from the second impact.
"The only good cause I can think of getting rid of scum like you" Dabi's whole body became engulfed in blue flames, the smile on his face replaced by a cold hard glare.
"W-why do you care about that vermin so much?!" Incognito questioned with panic, trying desperately to crawl away from the cremation villain no no such luck with the restrains on his body preventing him from doing so.
"Because..." The agonizing cries from Incognito could be heard from miles away as his body started burning away, the guards looking from afar could only watch the gruesome sight of the villain being consumed by a wave of blue fire, the smell of his burning flesh strong enough to make anyone nearby nauseous.
"Nobody...hurts my Firefly"
I hope you guys enjoy this part!
@t-amajiki @undead0relived @shoobirino @bnha-ra @godtieruwu @mysticalite @daughter-of-stark @ggukstummy
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Will you marry me?
I have talked about how pregnancy and infertility are two subjects that hit very close to home here a while ago. Sensitive topics for me, and I found out that writing about it whenever it pops into my mind sometimes helps. This is a very small, very simple thing that just appeared in my head yesterday while I played Mahjong at three in the morning. I hope you guys find it is as beautiful to read it as it was calming for me to write it. 
Warnings: Infertility
“Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, will you give me the honor to be your husband?”
For a second too long, Rowan didn’t register the word. In his mind, there was no reality in which Aelin wouldn’t accept his proposal. He had planned everything— taken her to their favorite restaurant, then to the spot on the park where they first met four years ago, made a beautiful speech, and, when he got on one knee, Rowan was sure Aelin was beaming.
But now, his girlfriend was just looking down at the ring with a sad smile.
Rowan didn’t know what to say, how to act. He was sure Aelin didn’t want to end things, so maybe she just wasn’t ready for marriage? That was such a foreign thought to Rowan, specially after the fact that they had talked about marriage for the past five months. Aelin was ready, she had said as much so many times, and yet her answer had been no.
“No?” Rowan asked, dumbfounded. He didn’t want to pressure her into accepting, he just didn’t know how to recompose himself quickly enough so she wouldn’t realize how his heart was shattering inside his chest. “Why?”
The word was barely louder than a whisper, but Aelin heard it anyways. Rowan knew because her sad smile just deepened, and when she grabbed his hand, she squeezed it tightly. “Come here.”
Still in some state of shock, Rowan let her pull him towards a bench nearby, the moon and some far away street lampposts their only company. The glow they casted had made Rowan thought that the park looked like a dream before he proposed to Aelin.
Now it was more of a sweet nightmare.
Aelin sat down, still holding Rowan’s hands. She stared at their laced fingers for so long that, after a few minutes, Rowan thought she wasn’t going to say anything, get up, and walk away.
“I had lunch with Lysandra three days ago.” She said, her tone barely above a whisper and yet her words sounded so loud as they ricocheted through the empty park. Rowan couldn’t understand how having lunch with Lysandra had to do with her refusal, and yet he found himself hanging on every word that escaped her lips as if they were food to a starved man.
“I know.” He said when she fell silent again.
“We had lunch at the hospital, I was doing my yearly check up.” She continued, still staring at their hands as if she couldn’t bear looking at his face. At the mention of the doctor, accompanied by the seriousness of her voice, Rowan’s shock was immediately substituted with terror. “Everything was normal, I did some exams and went home.”
He didn’t say anything, too scared to say a word, to ask a question.
“Some results came back yesterday.” Aelin took a deep breath, finally raising her head to look at Rowan’s face. Her turquoise and gold eyes were shining with unshed tears, and she gave him a smile that would have destroyed his heart if it wasn’t already shattered. “You want to be a dad, Ro.”
Rowan’s brows furrowed, his mind trying to catch up with what she was saying. “Yes?”
Aelin shrugged, raising her eyes to look at the moon rather than looking at him. “And I can’t be a mom.”
His mind was still trying to catch up to her words, to wrap every single inch of attention he had in his body around the meaning of what she was saying, of what she was implying. A lonely tear slid down Aelin’s cheek, and if she wasn’t gripping his hands so fiercely, Rowan would have wiped it away.
He didn’t say anything— didn’t know what to say, didn’t know if she even wanted him to say anything. Some things were inconsolable, and the only thing anyone could do to the person was just sit there in silence and let them get it all out.
Aelin’s beautiful and sad face slid back to him, small and sad smile still gracing her lips. She looked so heartbroken, so lost that Rowan wanted to destroy the thing causing her pain.
But this time there was nothing he could do.
“I am infertile.” She said out loud, more to herself than to him, he realized. By the look on her face, by her posture and the way she spoke, Rowan guessed that was the first time she was saying it out loud. She straightened her spine, staring deep into his eyes. “I am infertile. I can’t have children of my own.”
Rowan silently nodded, not uttering a word as he realized she wasn’t done talking.
“Completely infertile. No treatment, no chance of a miracle, no nothing. I will never get pregnant, Rowan.” Her face was a mixture of anguish, confusion, and, deep down, a small parcel of acceptance. “I won’t get the big belly, the pregnancy cramps. I don’t get my ultrasounds, belly kicks, and first cry. I don’t get the excitement of using a pharmacy pregnancy test, or the thrill of looking at a screen while a nurse rubs that thing against my belly to know the baby’s sex. I don’t get any of that.”
“And I wanted all that.” She said, determined even as Rowan heard her throat closing up against the words. “Always have.”
Rowan nodded, squeezing her hands. “I know.”
And he did. Every time they talked about the future, Aelin included kids. Always said she wished to be a mom, wished to have a large family. She herself hadn’t had that when she was younger. Her parents died before she could form any memories with them, and Aelin jumped from house to house until she was adopted when she was twelve. For the longest time after that, it had been only Aelin and Darrow. During her first year of college he helped her learn more about her family— which led to her discovering the existence of Aedion and Gavriel.
She let go of Rowan’s hands, cleaning her face from her tears before looking at him.
“And it is something that hurts— knowing I won’t have it. But it is also something that I need to learn how to live with, because it won’t go away.” She looked so determined, so resolute that Rowan allowed himself a small spark of pride amongst the grief raging inside his chest for his girlfriend. “And it hurts like a bitch now, and it will probably never be something I am happy or even comfortable with, but I will learn how to deal with it. How to wake up everyday and learn more and more until it’s a sad reminder that sometimes pops into my mind, not a soul crushing fact.”
“Aelin—“ Rowan started even though he didn’t really know what to say.
“And I did not accept your proposal because you deserved to know this fact before tying your life to mine.” Her eyes still held some tears, but none of them fell. “I need you to propose to the whole me.”
“And I do.” Rowan said the second she finished speaking. He cradled her face in between his hand, thumb brushing over her lips. “Ace, I would propose to you no matter what.”
Her face was serious, and she blinked a few times before saying. “So you don’t care the slightest about the infertility? It’s not something that makes you think a second longer about the proposal?”
He nodded. “I don’t. It’s not.”
She took his hands off her face, putting them on his lap. “Then my answer is no.”
She shook her head, strawberry golden hair falling from her loose braids. “This is something that should make you think longer, Rowan. This should be something that makes you stop for a second and think about what the future is going to be like. You talked about me getting pregnant before, and so don’t insult me by saying that you absolutely don’t care. You do. Just like me, you care so fucking much. But the difference between me and you is that you have a choice. You’re not infertile, I am. You can go out there and get someone pregnant, that’s not an option for me.”
“Aelin, I—“
“No. I won’t have you like this. I love you, Ro. I love you so fucking much, and I love how you feel you can love me no matter what. But I don’t need rushed and desperate demonstrations of love, not about this. I need a resonate, well thought response to something that is a big fucking deal. I need for you to understand that there will be no miracle here. I need for you to understand that you will see your friends getting pregnant, your friends’ wives getting pregnant. I need for you to understand that I will never carry your children. I love you, Rowan, but I will not be having you resent your abrupt choice to stay with me. I won’t be having you looking at me with any ounce of regret. If you want to marry me, then you will marry all of me.”
“You want me to think.” Rowan said slowly, his mind replaying what Aelin had just said over and over again.
She nodded firmly. “Not for five minutes, not for an hour. I want you to go home and think about it. To look at it and understand it.”
“And then you’ll answer my proposal.” It wasn’t a question.
“If the offer still stands.” She answered anyways.
Aelin wanted a kid.
She always had. She was good with kids, had loved babysitting during her adolescence. When she graduated from college and opened her own gallery, she made sure to have a fully white room, full of paints, just so kids could come in just to ruin the pristine walls. She loved a baby’s laugh, a baby’s smell, and smile. She loved everything about motherhood.
She would have loved being a mother.
She would love being a mother, Aelin forced her brain to correct itself.
Infertility had been a blow to every single part of her body, and the moment she read the results was like her body was trying to suffocate itself. She hadn’t been immediately overcome with grief, or sadness, or despair. For the following hour after reading the diagnosis, Aelin just sat on the kitchen floor, staring at a cabinet long enough that she almost opened a hole in it.
It hurt. It hurt like a bitch, and a part of her simply knew it would always hurt like a bitch. She knew it wasn’t the end of the world, knew there were so many more options, so many new treatments being created, and yet she simply could not bring herself to shove all those feelings away. Couldn’t force herself to pretend as if it didn’t impact her at all.
She could still be a mom— she would be a mom. Adoption had always been a part of her plans. Yes, it was something she had considered doing after getting pregnant, but adoption had been something Aelin was adamant on since she was younger. To be honest, whenever Aelin thought about the future, pregnancy was a one-time thing while she wanted to adopt at least three kids.
Maybe more.
And she would love her kids so intensely, so profoundly, that nothing but absolute love would fill her body. Just like she had been loved after her parents passed and she was adopted by Darrow.
For the first time in five days— since she read the diagnosis— Aelin genuinely smiled.
Life had been hard during the first twelve years of her life. Parents died in a fire when she was eight months, ended in the system, and just jumped around for years. People have a preference for babies, and so as she grew older and remained unadopted, Aelin’s chances of getting her own little family were thinning at the same rate her desperation was growing larger.
And then Darrow appeared.
Darrow, at first glance, reminded Aelin of a superhero movie villain. Always wearing black, a scowl on his face, and rich enough to wipe his own ass with hundred dollar bills. Whenever in public, the businessman was cold and detached, a mentor rather than father. At home, however, he was always simply Da. They never established if that was short for Darrow or for dad, but neither of them cared. Darrow had been her last hope, and he provided her enough to live a happy and comfortable life during her adolescence and young adult years. She would still call him every day, tell him how things were going with Rowan and the gallery.
Darrow had been her only family for so long, and although she loved him unconditionally, she wanted a bigger family.
“Hey, Da.” Aelin said against the phone, leaning on the balcony. “How’s everything?”
“Everything is great, m’eudail. The company is doing better than ever, and I’ve been thinking about getting a dog.” Aelin could hear him moving around, picking up papers as he probably looked for something. “But how are you? You sound different. Did something happen? Rowan?”
Aelin sighed, staring off the balcony. The day was coming to an end, the sunset painting the sky all shades of red, pink, and gold. “No. Yes. Kinda? I don’t know.”
Darrow laughed, a throaty sound Aelin doubted many people ever heard. “Why don’t you explain to me then? I’m smart, but even I can’t be that good of a guesser.”
“I’m infertile, Da.” Aelin whispered against the phone.
“Oh, m’eudail…” Aelin heard her Da’s voice full of pain for her, even when he was miles away. “I am so sorry.”
She shrugged even though he couldn’t see. “Me too. Cried like a baby for the past days, but you’ll be proud to know that I have reached a resigned form of acceptance. I always wanted to get pregnant and adopt, well, a small change in plans, but not the end of the world.”
“You’re allowed to be sad.”
“I know. I am.”
“But I am proud nonetheless.” Darrow said, and Aelin could hear a small smile in his voice. “You’ll be a great mom.”
Aelin smiled. “I know. I will.”
“And Rowan…”
“He proposed.” Aelin sighed, remembering the absolute ecstasy and euphoria that overtook her whole body when Rowan got down on one knee. She wanted to jump on him, laugh, and kiss him until they were both breathless. “Before he knew about the infertility. So I said no.”
All the moving around stopped on Darrow’s end of the call. “You said no?”
“He should know about it before marrying me. Rowan wants to be a dad.”
“He still can.” Da said. “I was.”
“Maybe he wants his wife to carry his biological children.” Aelin shrugged again, heart breaking a little. “Maybe it’s not something he can give up and not look back at it in the future.”
“I have the feeling that boy would give up just about anything for you and never look back, Aelin.” Her Da said, letting out a sigh.
“Did he tell you to tell me that?”
Darrow laughed. “Yes. Me and your boyfriend have these weekly heartfelt calls where we talk about our feelings.”
Aelin tried to contain a smile. “It would be fitting. You two have the same emotional availability.”
“We do, and you were the only one ever I ever let this close in my life, my darling daughter. No surprise you’re the only one for him, too.” He sounded as if he was sitting down, and Aelin could almost picture him on his office’s chair, rubbing his temples like he used to whenever she’d get in trouble in school and had to tell him. “Rowan’s a smart boy. Practical. I suppose you gave him time to think?”
“Yeah. A few days now.”
“I already know his answer.”
“So you do have heartfelt calls with my boyfriend.” Aelin tried to suffocate some of her nervousness. Her dad was so sure, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to be so confident. And losing Rowan would be such a painful, heart-shredding blow.
Just the thought was a painful, heart-shredding blow.
Darrow laughed, but some concern was present in his voice. “Ae—“
“I gotta go, Da.” Aelin said abruptly, interrupting him. “I love you.”
“Love you too, m’eudail.” Darrow managed to say before Aelin ended the call.
Everything was happening both too fast and too slow, and she just needed a fucking moment. She needed a fucking moment to sit down and think about nothing— no worries, no doubts. Nothing. She just wanted to have one single simple day where nothing bothered her.
She stared off the balcony until the sun had fully set, until the moon appeared and the stars started shinning. She stared off the balcony until the evening rush of hundreds of cars was substituted by hundreds of people walking around, going and coming back from places. High heels and sneakers sounded against the cobblestones, loud music from nearby bars sounded louder and louder every minute. The world was buzzing with life.
“Any particular reason why we are staring off the balcony so intently?” A low voice she’d recognize anywhere sounded from the open door separating the balcony and the living room.
Aelin didn’t turn around, and Rowan didn’t take a step forward. They just remained in silence, both looking at what felt like the whole world.
“Have been considering throwing Aedion off here. Asshole ate my box of chocolates.” Aelin murmured, and Rowan huffed a laugh in response, finally taking a step towards her.
Aelin turned around, feeling all the air leave her lungs when she looked at his face. Rowan was so painfully beautiful that Aelin couldn’t help but smile when her eyes fell on his face. He seemed so determined and so hopeful at the same time that Aelin heard her own heartbeats sounding louder than any of the sounds coming from below. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He mimicked her small smile, crossing his arms to stop himself from coming closer. He wanted, but was probably scared that one single abrupt movement would have Aelin bolting away from him. “How are you?”
“Good. Better. I talked to my Da.”
“What did he say?”
“The expected.” She shrugged, not knowing what to say.
“I thought about it.” Rowan said, a small nod of his head. “For the past days, I thought about it and then I thought about what I would tell you.”
Her breath caught in her throat, and Aelin simply assented, not trusting herself with words.
“I want kids. Always have. Different reasons than you, though.” Rowan started, looking directly into her face, eyes never wavering anywhere else. “You wanted a big family because for so long it was just you, and then just you and Darrow. I wanted a big family because I grew up surrounded by so many cousins, so many aunts and uncles, that a small family sounds strange.”
Aelin nodded automatically. She knew that, knew that Rowan’s reasons to want a bigger family and her own reasons were the complete opposite. He had a big family and wanted to remain as such, Aelin had a small one and wanted to change that.
“I might not be the warmest, but I want to be a dad. I’m not giving that up.”
“I know.” Aelin whispered.
Rowan’s eyes deepened, and his brows furrowed slightly. “But I never cared about biological children, Aelin. If— When. When I marry you, I want to adopt. More than one, more than two. I don’t care about you getting pregnant, Ace. It was never about that. I want to marry you, and I want to be the father of your kids. And that’s all. If adoption is our only choice, then I’m gonna make sure it’s our best choice. We’ll build a life great enough that no other possible reality will ever compare to. I’m gonna love you and those kids more than I could ever love anyone else.”
Rowan ended the distance between them, taking Aelin’s face gently and tilting it up. He pressed his lips softly against hers— one time, two times, three times. He kissed her lovingly and so slowly, as if they had all the time in the world.
“The only regret I could ever have about you, Fireheart, is the one I would feel every single fucking second if I let you go.” He kissed her again, wiping away tears from her pretty face. “You will be an amazing mother, Ace, and I will try every day to be a good dad. And I will love you so goddamn much every single day that you will never feel like a burden to me, because you are not one. You’ll never be a burden to me, Aelin.”
Aelin passed her arms around Rowan’s neck, chest bursting with so many emotions she could barely breathe. She let out a laugh against Rowan’s lips, damp cheeks touching his. His hands dug into her hair, pulling her face up so he could kiss her properly. It was so sweet and so loving, that if Aelin didn’t fully belong to that man already, that man would have ensured that. His warm lips against hers felt like the answers to so many questions, some that she hadn’t even asked, all ensuring her that they would be fine.
They would be great.
Rowan would always be the one for her, and Aelin would always be the one for him.
“Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, you will give me the honor to be your husband.” It wasn’t a question.
“Yes.” She answered anyways.
A/N: Ok, so this was something. Again, hit very close to home. Different people will react differently to the same situation. The way I write is based on what I have seen, but just know that every reaction is valid. Whether it crushes your soul, or maybe doesn’t impact you at all, know that it is valid. it will always be valid. And that you deserve someone who will never make you feel bad about something you cannot control. You deserve greatness, how you achieve it or what obstacles are in your way don’t matter. You deserve it.
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @lexflame @sleeping-and-books @annejulianneh111 @perseusannabeth @linshryver @mu-si-ca-l @camilamartinezdunne @dank-queen7 @minaidss @starborn-faerie-queen @booksofthemoon @loveofbooksandwine @jesstargaryenqueen @bluejaberry @multifandommessblog @yesdreamblog @superspiritfestival @ireallyshouldsleeprn @woollycat22 @julemmaes @claralady @abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass @heirofthenightcourt @booksbqueen @heirofthrnightcourt004
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hanibalistic · 3 years
#00873E | HAN JISUNG.
genre | fluff 
word count | 1362
warning | none
note | just in time before christmas ends!
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jisung never liked the taste of ginger, not even when they were made into other food, like ginger soup or gingerbread cookies. he just never seemed to bring himself to like the way it tastes—it bit acidic, a little sour, like the taste was chasing after him instead of him chasing after it.
"not fond of the gingerbread cookies?"
he looked up from the gingerbread cookie with a bit of head, the jagged crumbs falling off his hand when he moved his head to find you standing next to him with a faint smile. the frown on his face disappeared in a blink of an eye, replaced with a stuttering blush instead as he forced himself to stay on his spot. he watched you grab a piece of gingerbread cookie for yourself, examining it before taking a small bite, looking into his eyes for a response.
"not really, it tastes a little weird," he said, grimacing as he took another bite of the cookie just to show his distaste to it. "it's a bit dry, and not crunchy enough–you know how i like it when cookies are more solid? like with a crack?"
"no, i don't, actually," you said, shaking your head.
jisung shut his mouth, gulping down nervously with his eyes blinking wider and wider by second. of course! it wasn't like you two were such close friends that he would randomly talk to you about his cookie preferences. that was hardly an impressive conversation to have with someone he has such a massive crush on, he was sane enough to know that! that was weird, it was weird that he thought you would know.
"uh... well, i..." he rolled his eyes up, his lower lip quivering nervously, then he fixated on giving up instead so he just laughed. "i don't like it. i don't like the gingerbread cookie."
you gave him a nod then, your eyes sparkling in playful acknowledgment as you took another bite of the cookie before gesturing toward all the other food on the party table. "you've got to plenty of other options. your company went all out for this year's christmas party!"
"they always go all out for these holiday parties," he pointed out.
"yeah, they do." you nodded in agreement.
jisung hummed out a slow, shivering breath. you didn't seem to be trying to hold the conversation at all, but then again, you always talked like this so he was probably just looking wrongly into things. or maybe you were just not interested in him at all so this was like any other conversation with any other boy to you, a boring conversation he didn't know how to spice up.
"ah! found you, [name]!"
jisung breathed out a sigh of relief when felix came treading into the conversation. he reached between you both to pick off a gingerbread cookie before he jumped back to a standing position.
smiling at you, felix spoke with a mouthful of cookie, "i was going to ask you if you can give me the recipe for the cookie so i can try baking some at home!"
"oh, you like them?" you asked, laughing.
"i do! it's pretty good! thank you for taking the time to bake them!" felix nodded, humming in content as he took another bite of the cookie. "i thought you wouldn't make it since you were there backstage when we were rehearsing this morning!"
you scrunched your nose up mischievously, trying really hard not to look at jisung's miserable attempt at suppressing his shock and panic. instead, you kept your eyes on felix and you nodded.
"i pulled through. we all need cookies at a christmas party," you said, reaching out to pat his shoulder, "i'll send you the recipe, just remind me later."
felix gave you a thumbs up, completely oblivious to the glare that jisung was flashing his smiley self until you left their side and he turned to find jisung frowning at him. his expression dimmed slightly with confusion, and when he finally pieced one and one together—cookie, you made the cookies, jisung doesn't like gingerbread cookies, jisung and you talking...
"oh no, you told [name] you don't like their cookies," he said, sounding devastated in the most insincere way. he was teasing, he was totally teasing. "how could you do that, jisung? that's so cruel!"
"you know i also hate your brownies? i absolutely despise them."
"[name] has to disagree."
jisung groaned after a roll of his eyes. he could still hear felix's laughter when he turned away from the table and moved aimlessly to stand somewhere else. putting his hands on his hips and reliving the embarrassing moment of him telling you he hated those gingerbread cookies, all he could do was wallow in his misery that he has left yet another uncool impression in your head, and it would make it even harder to like him now.
in the midst of drowning in his self-pity, a loud cheering noise burst in the middle of the room and another loud voice screaming to catch everyone's attention. when jisung turned over, he found felix standing next to a grinning jeongin and a clapping hyunjin, both looking in his direction.
before he could think that felix has gone ahead and told everyone what happened, hyunjin pointed his finger up and he said, "there are two people under the mistletoe!"
jisung looked up with furrowed brows, relaxing when he saw that he was indeed standing under a mistletoe. laughing to himself, wondering if he was about to make another boy feel uncomfortable by puckering his lip toward their face, he looked ahead of him and his heart dropped.
oh, no, he was going to be the uncomfortable one here. not the bad kind, thought—well, yes, maybe the bad kind. the nervous kind, the scared kind, the repeating-oh-my-god-millions-of-times kind.
standing right across from him, looking back into his two red cheeks, was you.
he was about to burst, he was going to explode. whatever does this mean? what is a mistletoe—you fight under it right? wait no, you kiss under it... you kiss the person, right, haha, you kiss—oh hell, were you walking toward him? jisung was panicking, you were walking toward him.
oh lord, this must look very weird to all the outsiders. the only person in the room wearing the uglies christmas sweater and another person wearing a body of stage costume with glitter in his hair being next to each other? strange, peculiar, must be some kind of prank.
"h–hey," he uttered dryly when you stopped in front of him with a smile.
you returned the greeting with a raise of your brows, then you bent down to the floor just to pick up a small, fluffy, white marshmallow puppy off the ground. you peeped your face out from behind its small frame and smiled at jisung, handing the puppy toward his face.
"come on, don't hurt the puppy's feelings and kiss him already," you said. "you two are under the mistletoe together."
he stood there dumbfounded for a moment, then he laughed. "oh, yeah, yeah... um... thanks."
he took the puppy from your hands gently, his fingers brushing past your skin in a soft whim. he looked down at the little puppy, and then back at you, and he smiled.
you only stared at him. the way his eyes dimmed when he realized he would be kissing a puppy instead of you was not lost on you, but you planned to mess around with him for a little before giving in and letting him catch your fall.
"maybe next time," you mouthed to him then, as if answering his unasked question of when he would have the chance of kissing you.
jisung gulped again, his eyes wavering as you pulled out a gingerbread cookie in a wrapped napkin and took a small bite out of it. your youthful smile when you walked away shook his head, making his heart tumble, and he could do nothing but sigh.
he has to find a way to bring himself back up again.
maybe he could start with some gingerbread cookie.
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beyscape · 4 years
Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Summary: “Ransom Drysdale is the father of a child but he doesn’t know it” requested by @evansrogersmarvelcomic​
Word Count: 2010
Warnings: a swear word or two
A/N: No spoilers from the movie! The daughter’s name is Mary, just a lil’ reference to Gifted :’) Also, this has been one of my favourite prompts for a veeery long time, so thanks a lot for the request!
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3
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  Ransom Drysdale was a selfish asshole. Everyone who had spent as little as five minutes around him could easily see this. His history with women, the way he felt a trail made of broken hearts and tears wherever he passed through and how he only cared about his own interests were all facts well known to you. Yet still, he wasn’t all bad, you had told your friends when they tried to stop you from a mistake. A mistake, they had called it, going out with Ransom never ended well. You assured them you would be fine, just having some fun with a hot, charismatic guy.
  It was strange, how the conversation with your friends when you told them you were dating Ransom kept playing in your head as you sat on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor. The handle of the cabinet dug into your back uncomfortably, but you barely noticed the pain.
Deep down, you had always known that it wouldn’t last. So, the year and a half you spent with Ransom was a surprise to you, as well as those around you. It was an endless repeat of a cycle, dating Ransom. It would start exhilarating, from the breathtaking dates and the way he made you feel, like the only woman on earth. Next phase would be you inevitably being mad him, the fights were passionate and tiring. He was unable to admit that he was wrong, that he was being a complete jerk and paired with your stubborn nature it would take days to end the screaming match. Then would come the angry make up sex, whatever you were fighting about melting away. This cycle repeated for a little less than a year and a half, until you couldn’t take it anymore and broke things up for good.
 That was a month ago.
 Even though it was your decision to end things and knew that it was the best thing to do for the long run, you couldn’t help but feel a little heartbroken over the whole thing. Yes, you had known who Ransom was, but that didn’t change the fact that you still secretly hoped things would work out. That he would change. Just as a month passed and you started to feel better, to see clearly why you had to make that decision, it all came crashing down.
  You stared at the small stick between your shaking, cold hands. It was only supposed to soothe your worries as there was no way you were pregnant, just being paranoid, you had comforted yourself at the pharmacy. You were, however, very wrong, you realized with a startling halt as you turned over the three other sticks. All showed the result you dreaded.
  You dropped the stick next to the other ones on the floor, pulling your knees up to rest your head on them. You weren’t ready for this, a child was a huge responsibility, and the father wasn’t even in the picture- you cursed. Not only were you pregnant, you were pregnant with the baby of the one person who was absolutely not supposed to be more than some causal fun. After some hours of sitting in the same position, thinking through every possible outcome, you rose on your feet with determination.
  Many seasons passed since then, and in a blur you were the proud mother of a baby girl who now sat in front of you, playing with blocks of Lego. You watched as the five-year-old grabbed piece after piece to build a rocket, her mop of blonde hair too familiar. One last cruel joke from the man you tried so hard to forget, his daughter looked like a carbon copy of his, so you had to see the little face every day that reminded you of him. Never allowing you to completely forget the time you had spent together all those years ago now.
 You had moved out of the small apartment to a slightly bigger one, needing more space for all the things a baby brings into one’s life. You were still in the same area though, and a part of you was surprised at how well you kept your little secret. Some of your friends expressed their worries about your location, but after some thought you decided it would be too expensive to move over states. And after all, best hiding spots were always in plain sight anyways.
Those close to you knew who your daughter’s father was, but all of them made sure to never utter a word about it. Ransom Drysdale wasn’t really cut out for being a dad, it was just a simple fact. You knew too, and that was exactly why you had decided to keep him in the dark. Nonetheless, there was a part of you who wished one day, long into the future, he would get to meet his daughter.
You didn’t know how soon your wish would come true.
 It was a warm Sunday morning when you noticed you were out of milk and a trip to the grocery store was much needed. Your daughter, Mary, was thrilled at the idea and spent extra time making sure her dress had just the right amount of sparkles on it.
Maybe you had gotten too comfortable over the years, but you no longer felt the fear of running into Ransom every single time you left your house. But, you didn’t exactly hang out in the same circles even before you started dating him and become a mom. And there was also the fact that he most likely would be too busy to visit your local grocery store, instead he would be sleeping in after a night of drinking and maybe even bringing someone back to the whatever hotel he favoured at the moment. You pressed your lips together at that last thought. You had heard of him dating casually, seen pictures of him with different girls at different clubs, it was hard not to hear of Ransom Drysdale even when you did your best to avoid him. You shushed the part of you that was bothered with how fast he had gotten over you.
 “Don’t wander off.” You warned your excited daughter as you rolled the cart around. She gave you a smile, not straying from your side, watching you make progress with the list in your hands. As expected from a five-year-old though, she soon got bored.
 “Mommy,” Mary whined, tugging your hand, “Can I go and get cookies?” you noted the empty isle and the general quietness of the store before giving her a nod. You watched for another second as your daughter moved to the aisle across from you, skipping with the thought of cookies. You returned back to the long list.
  Ransom Drysdale took off his sunglasses as he entered the small store, wanting to grab something to snack on before he continued the drive for his grandfather’s house. He grimaced, not looking forward to seeing his family of hot messes, the hangover headache he was nursing not helping the matter at all. He sighed softly, making his way to find some cookies or something, to give him the energy he would need very much so in the coming hours.
  There he noticed a small blonde girl, trying to climb on the lower shelves with one hand reaching up, her tongue was out as she concentrated on her prize. Ransom snorted slightly before grabbing two packages of the chocolate chip cookies the small girl was so focused on getting. She looked up at him, Ransom stopped for a second as two very familiar eyes stared at him. He shook his head, many people had blue eyes.
“You’re gonna fall if you climb shelves.” He stretched out one of the packages. The girl just looked up at him, clearly hesitant. “Take it.” Ransom nodded.
“My mommy says not to talk to strangers, or get candy from them.” She retorted, still eyeing the cookies.
 “Your mommy sounds smart. So, should I put these back, or?” His lips curled a little at the corners as the girl grabbed them out of his hand. She muttered a thank you before running off. Ransom watched as she ran to the woman at the end of the other aisle, he had just turned around to leave when his head snapped back in recognition.
You were just about to cross of the last item when Mary came running with her favourite cookies clutched safely in her arms.
 “Mommy, I couldn’t reach so the nice man helped me.” She said, pointing before placing her precious cookies carefully in the cart. You raised your stare from your daughter’s figure to the man to thank him, and your eyes met with the one person you had been avoiding for the last six years. The can you were just about to place in the cart fell out of your hand, rolling away, sending Mary to catch it.
“What are you doing here?” you blurted out, your heart thumping in your chest loudly. Your eyes drifted to Mary who was so unaware of her mother’s panic, and then back to Ransom, standing only a few feet away. He eyed Mary too, the initial surprise in his eyes leaving its place for a stormy look.
 “So how old is she?” He asked, finally looking at you with squinted eyes as he put two and two together.
 “Ransom.” You breathed out and took a step towards him.
 “Answer me, Y/N.”
 “She’ll be six in a couple of months.” You gripped the metal cart, steadying yourself as you didn’t trust your feet.
  “Why the-” he exhaled sharply, his eyes drifting between you and Mary who know looked at him with big eyes that were too damn familiar, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
  “Mommy?” Mary turned to you; her little face twisted with confusion.
“Ransom, please, not now. I,” you sighed, knowing there was no getting out of this one, “I promise I’ll tell you everything. But not now. Give me your phone, I’ll text you.” You babbled, words slipping out of your mouth as your hands shook ever so slightly, you held one out towards him.
“I have your number, if you didn’t change it.” He mumbled, crouching, his eyes never left Mary. You stared at him for a second, dumbfounded, you would think a man like Ransom would delete your number the second you slammed the door as you left, never to return again.
“What’s your name?” Mary’s eyes turned to you, searching your face. Upon seeing your small nod, she took a step towards the man.
 “Nice to meet you, Mary.”
 You watched the whole thing unfold in front of you, your mouth slightly open. You had imagined this moment for so many times, over and over, yet the gentle expression on Ransom’s face was so… Foreign. Unexpected.
 “Come on, honey.” You scooped Mary up in your arms, unable to watch any more. Your gaze turned to Ransom. “I’ll text you.” You turned, feeling all sorts of emotions dance in your chest as you pushed the cart away with Mary, who turned her head back to where the man was still standing.
 Ransom stood there, watching the woman he had once loved, walk away with his daughter. His daughter. Family dinner would have to wait, as Ransom found it hard to walk away. He was still standing there, watching you place Mary into her car seat, when he felt something new in his heart. He gulped.
 Ransom Drysdale was a selfish asshole, but in that moment, he knew there was nothing he wouldn’t do for his daughter.
My GOD I suck at titles. Might write a part 2 if anyone’s interested! Also, my inbox is open for requests!
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tk-writer · 4 years
Jealous. [Haikyuu!! - Tsukkiyama]
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Tsukishima fights an intense ler mood at practice one day when he sees Yamaguchi and Nishinoya messing around.
Word count: 2693
hi there! i stole this idea from That One Scene in the baseball anime Ookiku Furikabutte (Big Windup!) i’d link it here but of course i can’t find the post with the video kajsfhajks. anyway, here’s tsukishima with a Phat(™) ass ler mood & cute boi Yamaguchi as tribute. enjoy!
Tsukishima could barely focus during practice that day, and it was all Yamaguchi’s fault.
The blonde barely uttered a word that afternoon, even when his fellow teammates addressed him directly. They figured he was finally taking the game seriously for once, not wanting to get left behind as the rest of them soared to greater heights. But in truth, volleyball was the furthest thing from his mind.
His thoughts - and his heart - were set on his childhood best friend, whose antics that day made it impossible to focus on read blocking, on spiking, on anything. All because of that stupidly infectious laugh of his.
While Tsukishima was taking a quick break, his steely eyes fixated on his freckled friend as he got ready for another round of serving practice. Lately he'd been flopping most of his jump floats, so today he had dedicated almost all of his time to perfecting them. He was working harder than almost anyone else, which earned him Tsukishima’s respect even though he never said it aloud.
However, instead of heading to the court to take his place, Tsukishima saw him walk towards Nishinoya with cheeks ablaze. His ears perked up as he caught the tail end of their conversation, finding it difficult to pull his attention elsewhere.
“Hey, uh… Nishinoya?”
“What's up?”
“Can you… umm… do ‘it’ again?”
Nishinoya tilted his head in confusion, but beamed with joy when he realized what Yamaguchi was asking.
“Ohh, you want me to do ‘it’ to help you relax?”
“Uhm, y... yes, please!”
“Alrighty! Lift up your arms! Hehehe…”
Tsukishima had a gut feeling about what was coming next and turned away before anyone could notice the blush creeping across his own cheeks. 
A couple seconds passed before an all-too familiar laugh rang out through the gymnasium, capturing the attention of all but one blonde haired blocker who refused to look. An unfamiliar emotion swirled in the pit of his stomach, one he couldn't put a name to until much later when the two of them were alone.
“-Aheeheehaha! Gaaaaah!”
“Stop moving around so much! You’re making it difficult!”
“I cahahahahan’t!!”
Their fun was soon interrupted by the team captain, who was less than pleased to see his juniors messing around once again. As soon as the two underclassmen heard Daichi’s stern voice yelling at them from the court, they froze up and stood at attention.
“Stop fooling around you two! Yamaguchi, get out here and serve already!”
“Right! Sorry!!”
The pinch server regained what composure he could before racing out to the court while Nishinoya zoomed over to the other side. Tsukishima watched in disbelief as his friend took a deep breath, got a running start, and then successfully completed a perfect jump float, one that even Nishinoya couldn’t receive. 
So that ‘it’ thing really worked, huh? He tried his best to fight the smile creeping across his face, kicking himself mentally for being so soft. Seeing that unfold before him was so lame, so ridiculous, so undeniably and indisputably...
Nishinoya ran up and gave his teammate a double high five, then poked him in the ribs to throw him off. Yamaguchi doubled over, clutching his sides while his high pitched laughter floated through the air. 
Tsukishima pretended not to notice.
He saw it happen again later, while Yamaguchi was sitting next to Suga on the bench during break. The third year was much more subtle about it, doing sneaky things like poking his side repeatedly and whispering mean teases in his ear. Tsukishima could make out a few words here and there scattered in between Yamaguchi’s tittered giggles. The first year was doing his best to stay quiet, clamping a hand over his mouth while he squirmed in place, probably to save himself the embarrassment. 
Tsukishima glanced over his shoulder, trying not to make it too obvious he was watching.
“...does it tickle here?”
“Pfffft, bahahaha!”
“...here… or what about here…?”
“Eheheheehee! Sugaaaa!”
He couldn’t tell which was worse. Suga’s soft, yet sadistic teasing, or Yamaguchi’s breathless begging. Watching his nose scrunch up, bunching the scattered freckles across his face together while he threw back his head and finally erupted into full blown belly laughs. It was all too much for the middle blocker. In his head, a single sentence repeated itself over and over again like a mantra for the rest of his time at practice, one he couldn’t ignore no matter how much he tried to repress it:
I should be the one getting him.
When the sun began to dip under the horizon, the two of them left the gymnasium together and walked side by side as they headed home, like they always did after practice. Tsukishima was as quiet as ever, still mulling to himself while Yamaguchi tried making small talk. He didn’t really register what he was saying, as his mind was still replaying the scenes from earlier. He was so deep in thought that he barely heard his friend calling his name.
“...Tsukki? Earth to Tsukki! Helloooooo?”
The blonde perked up, finally coming back to reality. Yamaguchi was staring at him with his big, brown eyes, like a puppy dog seeking attention from its master. He thought about the way he squeezed them shut when Nishinoya tickled his sides, and then how sweet his giggles sounded when Suga was poking him. He thought about how much he wanted to hear him laugh like that again, right here, right now.
He couldn’t deny it any longer. He really, really wanted to tickle Yamaguchi.
Without saying a word, Tsukishima slapped the back of his neck and began to give him gentle squeezes. 
“Aaaaaah! Tsukkiiiii!”
Yamaguchi’s reaction was as predictable as always. He raised his arms to try and grab Tsukki’s hands, leaving his midsection wide open for an attack. The middle blocker jabbed into his sides, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly in amusement while Yamaguchi tried to fight the tickles from both ends. It was funny how much those subtle touches affected him. No wonder everyone else on the team enjoyed teasing him so much.
“Are you still spending the night tonight?” He asked, keeping a straight face as he feigned ignorance to Yamaguchi’s suffering.
“Ahahaha! I already said yeahahahaha!”
He gave him a few more rapid squeezes before letting him go. Yamaguchi let out a few more breathy laughs, then immediately started to whine, but it went unnoticed by a brooding Tsukki. He was still unsatisfied, but this little taste was enough to blow him over until they reached his house. Maybe then he’d feel a bit more bold.
As soon as they got back to Tsukishima’s place, they kicked off their shoes and went straight for the couch to watch some stupid TV shows. It was a Friday night, and they basically had the place to themselves since the rest of his family was out of town. Yamaguchi sat on one end of the couch, shoving fistfuls of cheese-itz into his mouth while Tsukishima sat on the other end, looking bored as ever as some dumb cartoon episode played on the screen. In reality, he was using all of his willpower to fight back his embarrassing little urge. His fingers twitched in place, tapping against the arm of the couch incessantly as if relieving pent up energy.
“Hey,” he said after an hour or so of silence.
“Yeah?” Yamaguchi mumbled with a mouthful of cheese.
“What was up with that whole ‘it’ thing earlier,” he asked casually, hoping his curiosity wouldn’t betray him.
“Huh?” Yamaguchi gulped down his cheesy snack. “Oh! You mean…”
He trailed off, the end of his sentence barely audible. Tsukishima noticed a pinkish hue forming on his cheeks as his gaze fell to the floor. It complimented his freckles quite nicely. God, why did he have to be so cute?
“Uh, well… Nishinoya suggested it ‘cause I kept getting nervous, and he said it could help me relax…”
“Uh huh. Did it work?”
“Actually, yeah! I felt like it helped loosen me up.”
“Uh huh.”
There was a brief moment of awkward silence that fell between them before Yamaguchi spoke up again.
“Uh, why do you ask?”
“You know,” Tsukishima said, leaning over his friend who was sprawled out across the cushions. “You can ask me. If you ever want ‘it’.”
“Wha, what?!”
Tsukki grabbed both of his wrists and held them down firmly, with little resistance from the pinch server who stared at him with a dumbfounded look, as if he hadn’t expected this to happen at all. He donned his most convincing poker face, hoping it was enough to mask his nervousness. His heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was climbing up his throat. There was no going back now.
“Tsukki…? What, what are you doing?!”
“Do you like it?”
“...Huh? Like what?”
Tsukki flashed a knowing smirk before he asked his next question.
“Do you like being tickled?”
There it was. He managed to spit it out, after all, as much as he hated saying that word. It looked like it bothered Yamaguchi just as much, who was already writhing beneath him.
“Whahahat?! Me? Wh, why do you ask?!”
He was giving  himself away with his nervous laughter and skittish babbling. Tsukishima hadn’t touched him at all, and he was already so worked up. His smirk turned into a grin as he shuffled the trapped wrists into one hand and hovered the other over his head. 
He was really going to enjoy this.
“You didn’t answer the question.”
Yamaguchi pulled weakly at his trapped arms, not really trying to get away but not surrendering either. He wiggled with what little room he had, and the sight made Tsukishima even more eager to get started. He noticed that the hem of his shirt had ridden up, exposing a bit of his belly button, and snuck his hand underneath so that it rested against his bare skin. It felt warm in his palms, and it twitched a lot just from the slight movement of his hand.
“Ehehehe, Tsukki!! Wait!!”
“Not gonna answer? Mmmk.”
Unable to hold out any longer, Tsukishima wisped the tips of his fingers against Yamaguchi’s stomach. His skin was soft to touch and quivered like jello. The freckly-faced boy squealed loudly, arching his back and pushing himself further into Tsukishima’s hand. The blonde couldn’t help but smile; only he knew how weak his friend was to light tickles, and he was going to exploit that fact for as long as he could.
“Tsukeeheeheehee!! Wahahahahit!!”
“It's really obvious that you like it,” Tsukishima stated matter-of-factly, continuing to spider in a circular motion around his navel. “You were so shy about asking, and you never said stop.” He moved towards his side, raking the entire length of his waist as Yamaguchi shrieked, squirmed, and protested. His torso bounced up and down like he was on a trampoline, contorting himself as much as he could with what little room he had to move. He accidentally brushed against his hip and remembered how bad it was there once Yamaguchi shrieked in ticklish agony.
“Ahahahaha, nghhhh, noHOHOHO NOT THEHEHERE!!”
“Not where? Here? You mean your hips? You’re really weak there, aren’t you?”
Tsukishima proved himself by tickling that hyper-sensitive area, putting his thumb in the crease of his thigh while his other four fingers dug into the side of his hip. Yamaguchi bucked his hips in response, involuntarily trying to shake him off but instead pushing himself further into the blonde’s grip once again. His laughter was bubbly and wild, jumping through multiple octaves until he lost his energy and fell into silent laughter. That’s when Tsukishima knew he was getting to him. He eased up, still stroking the waist of his shorts but at a much slower pace so he could catch his breath.
“Such a big reaction from a little touch,” he whispered, ghosting his fingers up his chest until they reached his collarbones. He fluttered against them with a feather-light touch, relishing Yamaguchi’s small squeaks and flinches. He climbed further, skittering the backs of his nails against his neck while the pinch server shook his head from side to side. He tried fighting back his giggles, but they burst through despite his best efforts.
“NgghhaahAHAHAHAHA! Pleeeeease! Tsukeeheehee!”
Tsukishima moved up to his ears, jumping from one to the other as he nearly tickled his friend to hysterics. Every time he turned his head, he’d just go to the other, making it impossible to shake him off. Yamaguchi was unable to form words, once again succumbing to silent laughter. 
“What’s wrong? Can’t talk? Maybe this will help,” Tsuki poked one of his underarms and nearly got bucked off the couch from how violently Yamaguchi thrashed. After grounding himself a bit more steadily, he focused his efforts on this new spot, poking the center of his pit again and again while his friend convulsed beneath him. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he tried hiding his face in one arm, perhaps from shyness or embarrassment. That just made Tsukki poke his other armpit, which elicited another goofy cackle from the trapped server.
He kept it up for several more minutes until Yamaguchi’s face was bright red and his giggles turned into wheezes. Tsukki gave him a few seconds of respite, allowing him to catch his breath before things got too intense. He put his hand on his stomach again and lazily traced random patterns into his trembling skin.
“I don't think it's lame, by the way,” he said, tracing a line from one side to the other while the brunette snickered from the light touch. “You can ask me whenever.”
“Aheeheehee… aha! ...I… I cahahan?”
“Yeah. Just don't be weird about it,” Tsukishima released him at long last, taking a moment to enjoy the blushing, disheveled sight that was Yamaguchi. The guy had curled himself into a ball in case Tsukishima decided to attack again and was still giggling, even now when Tsukki was at least a foot away.
“So… you don’t think I’m lame?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned about what his friend thought of him. The blonde shrugged his shoulders, acting nonchalant while his insides fluttered like butterflies.
“Nah. You’re a pretty cool guy. I guess.”
Yamaguchi sounded a bit hoarse, so Tsukki went to the kitchen to fetch him a glass of water. He chugged it down so fast he started coughing, and Tsukki rubbed circles in his back until he was breathing normally again. 
“Wait… why were you watching me so much at practice?” the brunette suddenly asked while staring at his friend, who looked quite taken aback from the unexpected question.
“I wasn’t. I just…”
“Hold on! You were jealous, weren’t you? Did you wanna do ‘it’ to me at practice? Did ya? Did ya?” Yamaguchi poked at his friend’s ribs, moreso to annoy him than get a reaction, and luckily the blonde was able to stifle his own vocalization. He slapped away his hand and furrowed his brows in a fake display of annoyance.
“Stop. And how bold of you to assume I was focusing all my attention on you, dummy.”
Seeing him don a shit-eating grin only spurred Tsukki’s irritation on. He felt his own cheeks burn with humiliation now that he’d been discovered. It wasn’t often that Yamaguchi got the best of him, and when he did, he made sure to rub it in as much as he could. 
“Awww, Tsukki!! If you wanna tickle me that bad, you can just ask too!”
“Shut up. And don’t say that. It’s embarrassing. For you, I mean.”
“Hehe, what's the matter Tsukki? Can't say it? You can't say t-EHEHEHEHEE NOOOOOO! Please no I'm sohahahahree!!!”
Yamaguchi spluttered out pleas for mercy through more wild laughter as Tsukki latched onto his sides, tickling with much more ferocity than before. They stayed there for a while longer, just enjoying their closeness now that both of their little secrets were out in the open. Yamaguchi’s laugh rang out like musical notes, filling the house with a wonderful, heartwarming sound.
And for once, Tsukki actually laughed along with him.
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