#and yeah anyway the friendship group im now in IS L'S FRIENDSHIP GROUP
schizowitchic · 2 months
save me from petty friendship drama please. why must this happen to me. im about to start throwing hands
there's three ppl who we have known for a while but only recently properly joined our "group", except 2 of them are highly .... problematic, shall we say, (L & S) and pick fights with everyone. and ive never felt fully comfortable. the third (E) is ... i know she joins in with the petty stuff but a lot less and she's easier to talk to (plus i have the bias of being best friends with her from the ages of 3 to 10)
anyway on friday they deliberately picked a fight on the groupchat with one of our friends (K)(who we are a lot closer to tbh but don't see as often due to scheduling difficulties) bc they fell out with her in December. L & S pretty much only ever go on the groupchat to start shit with her, and K's gotten good at ignoring it, through the interventions of me and another friend, I (mainly I. I feel bad for her bc she's really caught in the middle and both sides message her when shit happens)..
K removed L and S from the groupchat, but E added them back, then K removed all three, which honestly took care of the problem, but then A messaged E privately (A is also hardly ever on the groupchat and she really shouldn't have gotten involved) to ask why she did that, because A doesn't seem to have picked up that E will fully and absolutely enable & join in with L and S. this prompted S to send an awful voice message to A on E's phone, saying shit like "Why are you being so immature, we weren't being hostile it was just a joke, believe what you want to believe, enjoy your little groupchat" and stuff along that vein (Me and I were hanging out at this point, A sent the voicemail to K who sent it to I)
it's just so hypocritical, because L and S especially are constantly pulling shit like this, being immature and petty (They've started the habit of making fun of me to my face because they've picked up that I struggle to interpret tone, reality, and whether they are joking or not). they're always at the centre of every drama, make it about themselves and always paint themselves as the victims, never admit that their behaviour patterns are wrong and that they harm people
(side note, but L actually makes me and I feel very uncomfortable, and neither of us realised we both were super uncomfortable with how she acts - constantly making sexual jokes about the two of us that get way too explicit (because we shared a hotel room once and winked at each other AS A JOKE), she touches us (usually just on the hand/arm but with the implications of inappropriate undertones) even when we express discomfort and ask her to stop, she still invades our boundaries. neither me or I are particularly touchy-feely, I is a lot more averse to touch than me, and we didn't realise that this actually probably constitutes harassment of some sort until friday. which is. a fun realisation)
anyway we thought we'd leave the situation be since we knew we wouldn't be seeing them over the weekend, and we have other friends who stayed out of it and don't have as much knowledge of the situation (N, M, Y, T, C)
which brings us to now. where L and S pretty clearly seem to be ignoring us in person (like we have some sort of obligation to get involved and take their side in drama they started?? they tried to get I involved when it happened but she told them she didn't want to get caught in the middle). E seem to be ignoring us, but she has actually spoken to me a bit, about general stuff
so yeah. fuck my life.
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hella1975 · 2 years
uno updates (just ignore any weird/"wrong" rules lmao)
- our cousin has won three games but i've beat my sister twice and thats what really matters
- i put down a +4 and then our cousin put her last card down and it was a +4, which meant my sister had to pick up 8
- in one round my last hand was literally just trick cards and i still managed to fucking win (mostly by continuously making my sister pick up cards which had as all in tears bc she was so mad)
- the stars aligned or some shit bc it was me vs our cousin and we were going back and forth between red and green and my last card was blue so i was like "damn im gonna have to pick up" and then she put down a yellow 1 and my card was a 1 so i could put it down and it was glorious
sdjghskjdghskjdgh im glad you had fun bestie and im obsessed with your commitment to sibling spite like it absolutely is about bullying your sister
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lucky-peoqle · 4 years
unwanted guests | d.m.
pairings: draco malfoy x hufflepuff!reader, somewhat platonic!weasley twins (fred is pretty flirty😁)x hufflepuff!reader, platonic!cedric diggory x reader, and platonic!zacharias smith x reader.
summary: y/n the hufflepuff american student promised her housemates, cedric and zacharias, that she would watch them practice for their next match, she was accompanied by the infamous gryffindors, the weasley twins. as watching her house, she starts hearing whooping and hollering, she soon gets annoyed with the group of slytherins and confronts them.
warnings: some swearing, blood, pansy bodyshames reader
a/n: hello, ive bee super busy with school !! im currently obsessed with hp again :) hope u all enjoy this,, its a bit longer than usual. this is set during goblet of fire !! :) very unedited and kinda rushed :/ sorry
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the temperature was pretty cold on this particular fall day, as the y/h/c hufflepuff sat outside, writing in a journal she kept, looking up to answer her housemate and one of her best friend, cedric diggory's questions.
"so, will you come? zacharias thought it would be a good idea," he said, motioning to the blonde hufflepuff boy who was watching from afar.
"hm? oh, uh, sure! if it makes you two happy," she looked up from her journal, smiling at the brunette, then the blonde.
"great! i'll tell him when we get to lunch."
and with that, the bell rang, making the other people outside with you get up and head inside to the great hall.
the two of you got up, and started making your way to the great hall, colored robes passing you by. "did you ever open up the golden dragon egg?" you said, looking up at him.
"yeah! that reminds me, i have to tell harry about that. thanks," he smiled.
you smiled back, "potter? you're telling him how to open it?"
"why not, y'know. it's the least i could do," he shrugged.
"that's so sweet! i'm glad you two are getting along."
by now you were in the great hall, walking past the gryffindor table to your table, making eye contact with the golden trio and weasley twins as you passed by with your best friend.
you were in the same year as the golden trio, meeting them the first day on the train, them finding you american accent amusing, but they got use to it pretty fast. then they introduced you to ron's twin brothers, fred and george, they were drawn to you instantly, poking fun of your accent from time to time.
last but not least, you met cedric. you met cedric in the common room your second day of hogwarts. you had drifted to sleep, one of you housemates cats curled on your lap, and cedric had woken you, helping you back to bed. ever since then you had been best friends ever since.
you took your sear next to cedric, zacharias smith, another close friend of yours, sat across from the two of you.
"zach! good news, y/n is coming to watch us practice tomorrow," the brunette smiled brightly.
"great! i can't wait to show off to you, maybe it'll make you fall for me instead of that weasley twin," he said jokingly.
"who? fred?" she chuckled, "zach, you're kidding right? freddies just a friend. sure we flirt, but that's what friends do, right?"
"you have a weird interpretation of friendship y/n/n," zach stifled a laugh.
you rolled your eyes, turning your head towards cedric, who was looking at the ravenclaw table, that was standing next to your table. you followed his eyesight that was met with cho chang.
"ced is making googly eyes at his girlfriend again," you laugh, making him turn his attention to you.
"so what? don't act like i didn't see you smiling at fred weasley."
"i smiled at all of them! fred and i don't have feelings for each other," she huffed.
"suree," zacharias said in a sing song voice.
you shook your head, poking your food around your plate, looking across the ravenclaw table to the slytherin table. you saw draco malfoy joking with his friends, his cold grey eyes drifting to meet your warm y/e/c ones. his eyes grew colder once they finally met yours. you softly smiled at him and his eyes grew softer, and he quickly turned his attention back to his group of friends.
'huh, weird,' you thought, turning your attention back to cedric and zacharias.
the day quickly passed, ending like it always does. going into the hufflepuff common room, it being filled with muggle and non-muggle type plants, the warm fireplace going. you made your way up to your dorm you shared with hannah abbott. changing out of your robs and falling asleep quickly.
you woke up, the warm fall sun peeking through the window of your dorm. you looked over at hannah, who had been awake but reading, it was still a bit early so breakfast wouldn't be ready yet. it was saturday after all, so no need to worry about classes.
"morning," you mumbled tiredly to hannah.
"good morning!" she put her book down, "i came back late last night from study with ernie and you were out like a light!"
"yeah, last night was kinda of tiring," you chuckled, sitting up, "why are you up so early anyway?"
"i thought we could go down to the great hall together, we've been so busy and rarely get to talk, why not catch up on our way down there yeah?"
"sure! that sounds lovely," you smile, getting up from your bed.
the two of you got ready for the day, putting on your hufflepuff robes, and made your way down to the common room. only a few people were sat in the common room, a few waving and bidding you good morning as you passed by.
you two walked out of the common room and head up to the great hall. "so how have you been?" hannah asked beside you.
"i've been well! busy with getting cedric through the tournament, y'know..."
"yeah, that must be though."
"it isn't actually! im extremely proud of him, i know he'll win this."
"i really hope he does! finally a hufflepuff getting the recognition they deserve," hannah smiled.
"newt scamander is pretty cool," you smiled, "i take great pride in being as the same house as him."
hannah shrugged, "yeah, very interesting man, he is. isn't loony lovegood related to him?"
"don't call her that, she's very nice. but, i believe so, in some way."
by now, you're in the great hall, making your to your table. you continue to chat till hannah departs from you to sit with susan bones and leanne, who were chatting amongst themselves.
you quickly find cedric, who was chatting with justin finch-fletchley. you sat next to him and started putting food on your plate. he heard you and turned your attention on you.
"good morning y/n/n," he smiled brightly.
"good morning ced, how're you?"
"great! excited for practice today."
you two chatted for the rest of breakfast, by the end of it, you were stuffed. you looked at the slytherin table, remembering the look draco malfoy gave you. you spotted him, he was talking to crabbe, goyle, and pansy, laughing, smiling, he looked happy.
draco turned his head to answer someone's question, while doing so, he caught you staring. you blushed brightly, hesitating before giving you a smile. he returned the gesture with one of his iconic smug smirks.
you looked away, turning your attention to cedric, "practice starts soon, i should get ready. see you out there?"
you nodded with a smile, and he smiled back, getting up and leaving the great hall.
you got up after a bit of thinking, and made your way to your common room to grab your journal and scarf, since it would be chilly out.
once you did so, you made your way back up the stairs, going through corridor to corridor.
you were walking in peaceful silence, until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, and lift you up, spinning you around.
you let out a laugh as the two head headed boys laughed loudly, "fred weasley! put me down!"
"what's the magic word?"
"no, but close enough," he said, dropping you, making you land on your butt.
"ouch! fred! george! what were you thinking?"
"we weren't! so what are you up to?" george chuckled.
"i'm going to watch cedric and zacharias practice," you smile, "wanna come? i wouldn't mind the company."
"sure!" the boys said together.
you're little group of three walked to the quidditch posts, your yellow and black scarf clashing with their red and yellow ones. fred had thrown an arm around you shoulder.
you sat down in the middle of the twins, fred's arm sitting around you. you were right, it was chilly, but it was nice. this was your favorite time of year.
you watched as cedric and zacharias flew around, catching the ball or passing it to another teammate. zacharias caught sight of you, and winked, motioning to the arm around your shoulder. you just stuck your tounge out in response.
the time you spent was fun, until a certain group of slytherins decided to crash the practice. you rolled your eyes as the began to yell and laugh at them, distracting the players.
"ignore them," george said, "they have no brains, nor can they play fair."
you chuckled at that, "you're right on that one."
the four slytherins were still yelling, it was very annoying. fred and george reassuring you to leave them alone and they'll get bored and leave soon.
you kept your temper, watching your house practice. it was going fine, until draco yelled something towards cedric that made your best friend look at him, the ball hitting him right in the face, knocking cedric off his broom.
you gasp as you got up quickly, looking over the railing, watching cedric get up from his spot on the ground, wiping his now bloodied nose.
you turn to malfoy, who was staring in disbelief, but always laughing. pansy parkinson was shrieking out laughter, it hurt your ears. you walk up to the four, george and fred calling out to you to stop.
the four turned towards you, laughing still.
"what do you want, l/n?" draco asked.
"you ass! cedric could have gotten hurt! he's never done anything to you! you distracted him on purpose so that you wouldn't have to face loosing to him in our next quidditch match against slytherin!"
"and so what? it's not like you can stop us from coming up here during their practice," pansy laughed. "you're just a pathetic little hufflepuff, well i wouldn't say little... your robes make you look fat."
you took a step back, you had always been insecure about your weight and body image. you began to tear up. george and fred too far away to hear what was going on. you opened your mouth to defend yourself, but nothing came out except a small squeak.
pansy, crabbe, and goyle all let out shrieks of laughter. you couldn't let them see you cry, so you ran. you heard shouting behind you. draco yelling something, and the twins shouting after you, following you.
you had lost them though, finding yourself in moaning myrtles bathroom. you said down the wall, letting out sob after sob. you sat there crying for a while, until you heard someone come in.
"leave me alone, you're unwanted here." you choke out, looking away from them.
"sorry about what pansy said back there, i told her since the start of third year, you were off limits."
you turn around, seeing the platinum blonde slytherin. "off limits?"
"from us bullying you, she's been jealous of you since."
"jealous? of me? what are you talking about?"
draco took a seat next to you, "i've fancied you for a while, just never had the courage to tell you. i thought you liked one of the weasley twins honestly."
you shook you head, "or were you just too ashamed to tell me since im a pathetic hufflepuff?" you sniffed.
"what? no, no! that's not it, i was just scared. I didn't want to be rejected, i guess."
"the thing back there with cedric, you're an ass for that."
"i know, i didn't mean for him to get knocked off his broom, i deserved to get yelled at."
you sat in comfortable silence for a while, not knowing what to say. pansy's words making their way back into your thoughts.
"pansy was right."
draco laughed, "about?"
"me being fat, my robes look horrible on me."
"don't say that! y/n, you're on of the most beautiful people i've ever seen walk this earth," draco said looking over at you.
"why the sudden urge to tell me about your feelings?"
"because it felt right... like yesterday and this morning, you smiled at me and it felt like it was time," he sighed.
you smiled over at him, and grabbed his hand. he intertwined your fingers and smiled back. he began to lean in, until his lips met yours, fireworks going off. you pulled away, your face bright read.
"who would of thought, me, draco malfoy, slytherin prince, dating a hufflepuff..."
"the world works in crazy ways," you smile, "i'm glad you came looking for me."
"so am i, y/n, so am i."
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styleshollands · 4 years
KIWI | t.h.
Summary: Tom goes to a Harry Styles concert expecting a good time but instead is met with his girlfriend, Y/N, singing a much too intimate song with the star of the show.
Warnings: angst! platonic!best friend!harry 🥺 jealous!tom with a little heartbreak but da fluff! comes through at the end :)
Pairing: singer!female!reader x Tom Holland
A/N: this is super long and all over the place but i hope you like it! my requests are open!
"Man, I'm really excited to see Harry Styles tonight! Filming in London just got so much better." Zendaya spoke with a huge smile on her face. Tom, Harrison and Jacob all agreed with her in unison, feeling quite jittery themselves. "You know, I heard he's bringing out a guest for one song, I wonder who it'll be." Harry quizzed aloud, causing the group to spring into a debate about who it'd be. Tom stayed silent, feeling a little ache in his heart. He had been apart from his girlfriend, Y/N, for only a day due to her rehearsals and his filming which he usually would be able to deal with but tonight was different. Harry Styles was Y/N's best friend. The two were always attached at the hip, enough to the point where any third person around the pair would feel like the odd one out. Harry always made Tom think of you, which he didn't mind usually but tonight he did. He wanted you to be there with him singing along, having the time of your life. Tom himself was quite close with Harry and he admired the friendship you two shared so, not having you here tonight was really getting him down. But, he put on a smile, getting ready to enjoy the night and cheer Harry on for the both of you.
"Alright London, for this last song I'm gonna bring out a very special guest." The crew's ears heightened at this, Tom feeling especially excited to see the guest. "In fact, I actually wrote this song about her. She's been my best friend for ages now and we've had a lot of adventures together." Harry spoke with a chuckle and it seemed that the fans had gotten the hint as well as all of Tom's friends but he was still dazed. It couldn't be you, you would've told him. Before his thoughts could continue, Harry spoke up again, "So, London, put your hands together for the very special and beautiful, Y/N L/N!" and out you walked in all your glory. You sported red silk trousers with a flare at the bottom, a black lace tanktop, that fit your body perfectly and a red silk blazer to go overtop. To top the look off, a big red bow made of toule was tied around your neck. When you stood next to Harry, you two looked perfectly in sync. He sported the same style but in yellow and purple. "Hi London! Just F.Y.I, I made him say all that." You said with your signature smirk adorning your face. The crowd broke into an uproar of cheers and Harry laughed in the mic and said, "'Tis true, I really don't like her that much." At which you shoved him. You two continued your banter on the stage, interacting with fans while Tom sat starstuck. "Holy Shit! It's Y/N!" Harrison said causing the group to break out in cheers. "Aye, that's our girl!" Zendaya said, sporting a proud grin. "I can't believe it's her, she didn't tell me anything about this." Tom said, feeling dejected, an unkown and uncomfortable feeling of jealousy settling over his heart as he watched Harry pull you into his side, telling jokes to the crowd to which you fondly laughed. "I think it slipped her mind, mate, relax." Harrison piped up, sensing that his best friend felt excluded and forgotten. Tom only nodded, keeping his eyes trained on you, noticing the grin on your face and the way you had your arm slung around Harry's neck, staring up at him with the personification of heart eyes.
"She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes, hard liquor mixed with a little bit of intellect." Harry began the song, looking over at you as you shouted it out at the crowd. You brought your mic up to sing the next part. When the chorus rolled around and both you and Harry's voices were mixing perfectly, the lyrics stung Tom's heart. "I'm havin' your baby, it's none of your business." The moment those words left your mouth, Harry's introduction from earlier rang loud in Tom's mind. "I wrote this song about her". Tom listened to the rest of the song, his mind playing a game of tennis between each lyric and Harry's words.
"When she's alone, she goes home to a cactus, in a black dress, such an actress." - "I wrote this song about her."
"Driving me crazy, but I'm into it." - "I wrote this song about her"
"Hard candy dripping on me 'til my feet are wet." - "I wrote this song about her."
"Shes all over me it's like I paid for it." - "I wrote this song about her."
The song finally ended, Harry and you laced hands and bowed in front of the crowd, thanking them and then walking off. "That was so sick! They killed it!" Jacob said excitedly, no one picking up on Tom's discomfort. They all walked out of the stadium, talking to fans and taking a few pictures here and there. Just as they neared their cars, someone called out, "Guys! Wait for us!" followed by two pairs of footsteps running towards them. Harry and you ran across the street with your hands linked and as soon as you neared Tom, you leaped into his arms. "Hi baby, I missed you!" you said into his ear, to which he grumbled a "yeah me too", leaving you confused but you simply brushed it off, greeting and conversing with the others.
"Tom, why are you being so weird! You were quiet while we were talking to everyone and you were quiet the whole way back! What is up wi-" he cut you off before you could finish, "Why didn't you tell me you were performing tonight?" You looked at him, entirely confused, reaching for your phone. "I did, Tom." you replied while unlocking your phone and pulling up the texts. "Look I said it ri-, oh shit!" your eyes scanned over the texts, seeing what you had told him, "hey bub, im rehearsing tonight for the concert, sorry i didn't tell u earlier, it's a bit last minute! i'll see u soon, love u" "Tom I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what I was typing, this text was meant to tell you about the concert. I'm sorry, that's on me." you said feeling guilty about not informing him, making him feel completely out of the loop, which he hated. "Yeah it's okay, I was overreacting anyway, let's just go to bed." Tom said, the lyrics of the song still ringing in his mind. Before he could walk away, you tugged on his arm, pulling you both down onto the couch. "Thomas, I know you better than this, I know somethings bothering you so please tell me what it is." He sucked in a deep breath and began, "That song you both performed together, he said he wrote it about you, the lyrics, t-they were so, so intimitate, it, uh, sounded like you guys have had more than just a platonic relationship and I-i guess that made me, uh, real uncomfortable." he finished with a blush adorning his cheeks and a few tears pooling in his eyes. "Oh, Tommy, I'm so sorry, it's not like that at all! Harry and I wrote this song together about 5 years ago and it's actually just this joke we have, even among the fans, about a night that never happened! All of the lyrics are pulled from imagination, I promise! I totally would've told you about it but to be honest, I completely forgot about it, it was so long ago and so unimportant. Still, that's no excuse and I'm so sorry it made you uncomfortable." You let out, grabbing his hand tightly, afraid to let him go. "Oh my God, that's such a relief." He sighed out, pulling you into a bone crushing hug. "Jesus, I almost died of heartbreak. I love you and thank you for clearing that up." "I'm so sorry baby, I love you so much." You pulled him into a soft kiss, caressing his arms, as if telling him how much you love him and only him.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 5
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
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January 10th 2005
Last night was the only night I'm allowing myself to cry over him and his 'return'. What good would it do me? No, I was gonna take Erik and whatever he had to throw at me by storm.
Waking up the next day, I feel refreshed. Like a brand new person with a more positive mindset. Today I had 3 classes and I'm determined to have a good Erik free day.
That whole Erik free thing went out the window as soon as I got to my first class.
Double O Computer Programming 1 was a junior class, however I'd taken it during the summer during my first year at UC Berkeley. DOCP 2 wouldn't be available until next semester but I needed to have a class since this was my first year on the actual campus. Thankfully Miss Hill really needed a T.A and the fact that I could help with an algorithm that tied into thermal nuclear astrophysics had her sold.
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Right after I finished taking attendance, she barely got a word out before the door swung open revealing Erik as our late comer. I quickly glanced at the sheet in front of me, scanning for his name. I was so use to calling him N’dajaka when we were kids, I completely skipped over ‘Erik Stevens’. I huffed rolling my eyes, arms crossed over my chest. His timbs were the only thing heard shuffling across the room making hid way toward the front of the class. Wordlessly he handed Miss Hill before his eyes were on me. They scanned me from top to bottom, before locking with me a smug grin on his lips.
"Hey Lona," my jaw dropped.
Before I could get out a word, Miss Hill opened her mouth, looking up from the paper he handed her.
"Welcome Erik, sorry for the confusion."
"It's all good," he shrugged.
"Im Miss Hill, and I see you already know my aid. As I explained to the class prior to taking attendance, If I'm unavailable feel free to email or call her during the hours listed on the sheet." She is then took a sheet from me and handed him to me. "Other than that, find a seat."
He nodded pretending look over the sheet before averting his gaze back on me.
"I'm definitely gon do that."
Fuck my life right?
Well, Erik just so happened to be in the Calculus class I skipped two days ago. I thank God my record was squeaky clean and Mr. Kennedy accepted my poor excuse before I was quickly reminded the man upstairs has a sense of humor as the only available seat was next to Erik.
"The person next to you will be your partner for the remainder of the semester so let's take the next 15 minutes getting know one another hmm?." Mr. Kennedy instructed.
I couldn't suppress the groan that slipped as Erik casually leaned back in his chair, examining me.
"You heard the man, get to know me."
"I know all I need this know about you Erik."
"Oh so I'm Erik now? Like that?" He spoke cool, calm, and collected like our exchanged was normal.
I gripped my pencils tight, my knee bouncing up and down my body tense.
"Let me set things straight now. We don't need to talk to one another. If it doesn't have anything to do with any of the classes we take together, don't want to hear it. When you see me act like you don't know me. We clear?"
The expression on his face was unreadable before his lip twitched slight him responding.
January 24th, 2005
It had been two weeks since Erik showed up here.
Ok that's a lie.
Apparently this man has been here. And to top it off, this mans name was in every bitch mouth like the second coming of Jesus Christ. From what I've observed though, he doesn't say much, or gives any of these broads much attention. He don't say much in general actually, he's really good at blending in. He got that laid back, mysterious, bad boy vibe going for him and these females out here hella into that.
But when he opens his mouth, that cocky bastard sure knows how to disrupt my entire soul at least while we're in class.
Outside of class though, he acts like I'm invisible.
It was like he never knew me. And honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I know that's what I said I wanted but it bothers me just the same.
Today in particular though, he argued me down during our Calculus class. We had one problem to figure out before we could leave class today. You and your partner were supposed agree on the answer, and heaven forbid he just agree with me so we can get out of here. Math was always my subject when we were kids, nothing has changed. I was damn near about to say fuck it when he started laughing.
What in the entire fuck it so funny?" I was fuming.
"You," he shook his head. "You really hella mad."
"Um, YES!" I damn near shouted fed up. "You literally been tryna convince me it's 5 when it's-"
"Chill. I know the answer is 3 girl. C'mon, let's go." So smoothly he closed the book, grabbed his bag and headed to the front.
I was so upset, I had to let him do all the talking when it came to explain to the teacher I'll answer and how we got there. I know I open my mouth I wasn't going to say anything nice.
"Girl what crawled up your ass and died?" Donise questioned with a stank look as we sat at one of the benches outside of the library.
"Yeah What did Erik do now," I could hear teasing in Tatiana's tone so I flipped her off.
Only giving a brief explanation, I went on a mini rant about what happened in class 20 minutes ago. Donise's thought it was funny, while Tati just shook her head.
"I still can't believe it him," Tatianna glanced as a group of guys from across the quad headed our way, Erik included.
"Yes, and I wish it wasn't."
Tatianna was the first real friend I made in a while. I was actually tutoring her online for a while before she found out I was 4 years younger than her. Our friendship started off as a trade. I was her tutor and she both convinced and enrolled in a mentor program to help me with my social skills. I didn't speak to anyone much when Erik left, but I got into a lot of fights. According to the school counselor I was taking out my anger and abandonment issues on.I have meds to tame the anger, and while I haven't had to take them in a while Eric definitely bring that anger out of me.
"Girl that's just sexual tension. You got to fuck all that out." Ashley put in her unwanted two cents.
"Trust me when I tell you on God it isn't."
"Well if you out to holla, then trust and believe I will." She tossed her hair over her shoulder
I didn't really mess with Ashley like that, but she was Tati's frat sister which made them 'friends'. That little thot pocket will screw anything with legs, D, and a pulse and I'm not bout that life. Plus she messy as fuck and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.
"I don't doubt it," I smirked as Donise said exactly what I was thinking.
Donise was coo' though, I meet her when I first got here 2 months ago. Believe It or not she was apart of the welcome comity for MIT and turned out her and Tatiana were already friends. Once she figured out  who I was, I was shot to the front line during registration and everything.
"Anyways, y'all going Ant and them party tomorrow?" Ashley questioned probably tryna bum a ride.
"What party?"
"The Que's," Donise answered. "The dudes with Erik are frat."
Now this was news to me. I met most of them before but I had no idea there were in a sorority. Examining them, I guess it all made sense. Most in the clique sported some sort of purple and yellow lanyard either around their neck or on their keychain that hung from their jean pocket as if  they wanted everybody to know who they were. Which I wouldn't doubt.
"Ladies! What we chattin about?" Moses questions every bit of his thick English accent tapering off every word.
"Our plans for mañana," Tati answered l
"Word. Y'all coming to the party tomorrow?" Jay spoke playing with a few strands of Donise's curls.
"Tomorrow? It's Thursday." I said confused. "Ain't there class the next day?"
"What's the matter, you can't hang?" I glared at Jay, knowing he was only chastising me because him and Erik were close, according to Tati.
I swear to God men gossip more than women do. Rolling my eyes I spared Erik a glance and he looked like he was waiting on me to respond.
"Oh, I can definitely hang."
I couldn't hang.
Around midnight I was  in the bathroom throwing up everything, damn near hug in the toilet as my surrounding looks so blurry and I can barely function. Im not sure when I'd finally finished, but I could feel someone picks me up and out the bathroom and soon everything goes blurry and then black.
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0 @letsshamelessqueen-m @cmkcolove @readingaddict1290
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4lix · 4 years
hello, i’m so happy you’re making a comeback. since you’re in the mood to write abt chan, may i request a best friends to lovers trope?
friends to lovers ★ bang chan ↳ gender-neutral. fluff.
okay so falling in love with ur best friend is a big L but its one u are more than willing to take for christopher bang
first things first, chan loves people with his whole mf heart.
whether its family, friends, or romantic interests
so when it comes down to him falling for his best friend? idk if he’d really realize it unless someone literally spelled it out for him, he’d just mistake his affection towards you as just the same kind of best friend love he has for ˙his group members
he’d never think much about the fact that most of his song lyrics these days were getting oddly too specific in detail about a certain someone
or how whenever he felt down his gut reaction was to call you up because the sound of your voice seemed to make everything better
or how he really really likes cuddling with you after long days of practice
and when you stop by the studio when he’s stuck on a track and just pull him to the couch to lay down for a while to get a break from staring at that damned screen, he’d instantly relax in your hold, sighing in content as your fingers twirled around his curls
and yeah his stomach is filled with butterflies and his ears are all red all that corny stuff but you’re his best friend and best friends cuddle sometimes too right?
best friends also feel the urge to kiss one another on the cheeks? perhaps sometimes they fantasize about what it would be like to kiss each other on the lips?
ok maybe not.
chan knew some of his thoughts were a bit odd. but you were really pretty so it was understandable. you were his safe place and the closest thing he had to home besides his members.
unbeknownst to him, you were honestly no better, a bit more aware of the fact that you could possibly be in love with the idiot but you were still in denial nonethless
whenever felix or hyunjin would tease you about your relationship with chan you’d feign disgust like he’s my best friend that’s weird! but your cheeks are red anyways and you’re kind of stuttering and hey is it hot in here or what-
when you had tough days chan would spam you with encouraging texts, a million obnoxious emojis, memes, just anything to make you smile and it always always worked, just the sight of a notification from chan always made you light up but that’s what best friends are for right?  
friends make the world seem brighter, that’s all chan was to you, a friend.
and chan cared a lot about his friends, so it only made sense..
but unlike his other friends, you always got special treatment
he’d give you gifts for your friendship anniversary despite all the suggestive looks from his group members, kissed your forehead when bidding you goodbye and always sent you good morning and good night texts each and every single day
he’d go out of his way for you always and all of that just seemed normal, natural to him. because he loves with his whole heart and he doesn’t even realize it
he wouldn’t really come to terms with things until one of the members like screams at him to just stfu already because he won’t stop talking about you and he somehow makes everything about you and it’s driving them insane
they’d be like we get it you’re in love with y/n shut up already
and he’d just be a stuttering mess like !! no im not !! and yet his heart is racing in his chest and everyone looks at him with an unamused glare
changbin would be like “everything you’ve written these last few weeks are all about them-”
felix would chime in like “you killed your phone battery texting them all day and then used my phone to call them so you could talk for three hours straight.”
jisung is like “yeah and you bought like ten different gifts for your friendship  anniversary but you gave me a set of socks for my birthday-”
huh wait maybe he is in love with you.
“those socks were knitted and really nice.” would be his only line of defense
the rest of the afternoon the members would just tease him about all his lovesick puppy habits that he was completely unaware of
like how his face lights up the moment you walk into the room
or how he can never go shopping without picking up something for you because hey y/n would look really cute in this!
and that he even mumbles your name sometimes when he’s sleeping lord help the boy
things kind of go to hell because now he can’t look at you without blushing and stuttering
he’s panicking because how the hell could he have fallen in love with his best friend who probably only sees him as a brother? if you liked him back surely you would’ve let him know by now, i mean if he was as obvious as his members said he was with his feelings there’s no way you weren’t aware of his infatuation with you.
but you were on the same boat really, to you, it seemed as though chan was affectionate with everyone, he smooched jeongin’s cheeks every now and then, and the socks he got for jisung’s birthday were kind of nice? you weren’t that special right? there’s no way chan could fall in love with someone like you anyways... right?
you knew him better than you knew yourself so his odd behaviour definitely did not go unnoticed even tho your sheer lack of brain cells prevented you from realizing why he was acting odd in the first place
the good morning and good night texts stopped, the spams of memes stopped, it was just radio silence for a few days and it was starting to freak you out but it was close to the deadline for the new album so he could just be stressed and you could just be overreacting
you figured you’d stop by the studio at like ass o’clock like always with some takeout for chan because you knew he never ate much when he pulled all nighters, you even threw in some of his favorite snacks and energy drinks, bringing your laptop with you to get some work done of your own hopefully
you did your signature knock on the door before entering but chan still jumped at the sight of you, weirdly startled by your presence, avoiding your eyes and only managing to cough and give you a tilt of a nod in greeting before gluing his eyes back to his computer screen
your first initial reaction is did i do something wrong :( and you intend to ask chan about it but he puts his headphones in and seems rather busy, you remind yourself again that he’s just focused on the new album he’d never purposefully ignore you.
you’ll ask him later, taking a seat on the couch, scrolling through social media mindlessly as your thoughts can’t seem to drift away from the boy across from you and how fluffy and soft his hair looks today.
after a good fifteen minutes pass, chan still hasn’t touched the food you brought which leaves you no choice but to annoy him to ensure he takes proper care of himself. calling his name multiple times to no avail, you tap the space bar, pausing the track before removing his headphones.
“channie, you can ignore me if you want to but i won’t let you ignore getting your vitamins and nutrients. i know you didn’t eat dinner. so eat.” he’s still not looking at you, just nods, clearing his throat awkwardly before turning over towards the takeout you brought for him and taking a seat at the couch.
you follow behind him, sitting right beside him. just a week ago you were here with chan laying on your chest, watching tiktoks of cats but now here you were, in the same spot but this time chan was silent, closed off. the complete opposite to his usual warm and bubbly demeanor.
he didn’t even bother to deny the fact that he was ignoring you, he just ate silently and fear starts to consume you because maybe chan really was upset with you?
before you figured he was probably just stressed and overly focused on the track he was working on but now it seems obvious he’s blatantly ignoring you, not even sparing a thank you for the takeout which was really unlike him. he always thanked you for taking care of him with tight hugs and sloppy kisses on your forehead. now he didn’t even look at you.
half of you was agitated that he was giving you the silent treatment instead of just being honest with you about whatever was bothering him but the other half of you really wanted to smooch his chubby cheeks filled with rice because wow he looked really really cute.
as annoyed with him as you were, you couldn’t help but appreciate his bareface, it was you favorite look of all, when he didn’t look like a famous idol, instead just a regular boy with blemishes and unruly hair in grey sweats and a hoodie.
a grain of rice hugged the corner of his lip, you fought back the urge to kiss it away. he was so unfairly attractive it made you want to punch him
you lean forward, reaching out to him to wipe the stray food away but he evades your touch, leaving your hand raised awkwardly out in front of you in rejection. now he didn’t even want you to touch him?
“did i do something wrong?” you didn’t realize how hurt you were by his silence, by his disgust of you, how he felt like a stranger these days. you kicked yourself inwardly for sounding so broken but the tone of voice seemed to strike something in chan because he finally met eyes with you for the first time in what felt like forever.
“w-what no not at a-all what makes you think that?”
“chan you’ve ignored all my texts for the last three days. you haven’t talked to me in nearly a week and now you can’t even spare a hello when i come in? you’re even avoiding my touch like i have the plague or something.” guilt washes over him immediately and he puts down the plate of food and looks at you with those brown eyes that are all sad and regretful and you forgive him before he even opens his mouth because you’re just that helplessly in love with the idiot
“i-i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to, really, i just have a lot on my mind right now and i just...” he turns to look away again but you place your hand to his chin, turning him forward to meet eyes with you again, he doesn’t shy away from your touch this time
“chan if i said something or did something wrong that bothered you, y’know you can always talk to me right?” you said earnestly, cupping his cheek in your hand, he leaned into your touch, humming gently. relief enraptured your heart, along with warmth
“you didn’t do anything wrong, i promise.” his eyes don’t leave yours, nor does his voice waver, so you believe him
“then why are you ignoring me?”
“because...” he tries to get the words out but his brain is going a mile a minute and you’re really close to him. you’re turned to face him, sitting criss crossed, knees bumping against his, he can feel your body warmth and it’s kind of sending him into overdrive
“because?” you urge him further, unable to help your lips from curling downwards in worry. he’s silent still, biting his bottom lip anxiously and you consider giving up for a moment but then he pulls your hand away from his cheek, instead holding it tight in his.
“i realized something. the guys, they made me realize some things.” he starts, eyes flittering past each and every single one of your features, admiring them silently to himself. how did it take him so long to realize he was in love with you? you were beautiful, his best friend, his whole heart, his muse.
earlier, his eyes were glued to the screen because he was rereading the words he’s written over the last few weeks and he couldn’t quite believe he wrote lyrics that were literally entirely about you and he had no idea, just assumed he had some new rush of creativity or something.
of course he was in love with you, he always been in love with you.
“yeah?” you rub your thumb over his hand slowly in an attempt to ease some of his anxieties. whatever it was he needed to tell you, it was clearly taking a toll on him, he was fidgeting, sighing over in over again and shaking his head trying to clear his thoughts. you felt a bit bad, perhaps you were prying too much?
“look i just–– i know we’re best friends, and the last thing i want to do is jeopardize that so if what im about to say makes you uncomfortable or something j-just forget it ever happened okay?” unknowingly, you hold in you breath, fear for his next words knocking the wind out of you.
“i... i like you. like like you, and- i don’t know how to deal with it so i’ve just been avoiding you and i’m sorry- wait why are you laughing?” his eyebrows are all furrowed and his cheeks are bright red and he’s squeezing your hand in confusion and you just look at him and just die of laughter
why were you laughing? you weren’t sure. maybe it was relief? joy? just pure utter love for the idiot in front of you?
“channie-” you attempt, but your laughter still has control over your lungs so you just cling to the boy helplessly, looking up at him with so much happiness in your eyes that he can’t help but feel a bit hopeful that maybe this laughter is good laughter?
“why are you laughing! i just confessed to you, put my heart out on the line and your response is laughter?” he’s smiling despite the confused tone of his voice, nudging you playfully but you pull him into you, shoving your face in the crook of his neck trying your hardest to get out the last of your giggles. with one last deep sigh, you prepare yourself to finally give him a proper response
“i’m sorry for laughing channie i’m just really happy. and relieved.” you finally pull away from him, resting your forehead against his, cupping his face once again in your hands.
“i like you too chan, i’ve liked you for a really really long time.”
the smile that lights up his face is one you’ll never forget, his eyes practically disappear, his dimples protruding through those precious cheeks of his and you can’t help the small laugh in happiness at the sight
“thank god i was actually losing my mind you know, changbin and jisung have been making fun of me all week, clowning me for being a lovesick puppy.”
“is that why they’ve been wiggling their eyebrows whenever i walk by-”
“unfortunately yes.”
“chan you should’ve just told me!”
“yeah well! i thought you saw me as like a brother or something!”
“what- no! i’ve literally been in love with you since the moment we met you idiot-”
“yeah well i’ve been writing songs about you for the last month, songs that you helped with and you didn’t notice a thing-”
at that you just :O bc realization hits u like a train n yea wait a minute he was pretty obvious..
he just gets all red again and then you smile at him and he’s smiling back at you and with the dopiest grin on his face he’s like
“can i kiss u..” and u dont bother to reply you just grab his cheeks and connect your lips with his
the kiss is kind of a mess tho bc you’re both just so ridiculously happy that you can’t stop smiling so yea its not a proper kiss but its filled with giggles and each time you pull away chan only leans forward to peck you again and again because he cant seem to get enough really and he’s just so elated that he can finally do this as many times as he wants
in conclusion chan loml<3 
requests are open! :) ↳ notes: tysm for all the kind welcome back msgs ily all sm omg <3  i ended up combining two requests as they were a bit similar i hope thats okay hehe <3 also sry if this is sloppy this is my first post in a long time & im kind of rusty .. whew
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toplinetommy · 4 years
You Bring the Moon and Stars to Me (Part Two) - Tyson Jost
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Synopsis: A Soulmate!AU where your soulmark only appears once you fall in love with your soulmate
Words: 4.8k
Part One
September 2017 - Denver, CO 
NHLers + 1 Tucker: heard you got a job in Denver Tucker: you know who else got a job there Y/N: what are you going on about Brock: tyson jost plays for the avs Brock: you should catch a game when the szn starts Y/N: he barely knows who i am Tucker: he thinks youre cute *Brock emphasized the message* Y/N: that was months ago Brock: whats the worst that can happen Y/N: hes literally a pro athlete Tucker: im a pro athlete and I still talk to you
You set your phone back onto the patio table, changing it out for your margarita. You were sitting on your new best friend and coworker, Caitlyn’s, back deck enjoying margaritas in the early Denver fall when she said a name you hadn’t heard in months.
“So, when were you going to tell me you know Tyson Jost?” 
You nearly spit out the alcoholic beverage, choking as it goes down the wrong pipe. “Uh, because I don’t? He played hockey where I got my undergrad, not a big deal.”
“Then how come I’m scrolling on Instagram, and Tyson Jost shared to his IG story a picture that you, my friend, are in?” She pushes her phone across the table to you and you look at the picture. Sure enough, it’s a picture Brock had shared to his story, that Tyson had reshared, from the 2017 senior banquet. You’re standing between Brock and Tucker in the back of the photo, barely seen as you were tucked in a large group of hockey players. You weren’t even tagged and yet, somehow Caitlyn had been able to pinpoint you, with none other than Tyson Jost standing right in front of you.
“I’ve had maybe three conversations with him? He only played the one year there and I wasn’t tutoring him.” You shrug, not getting what the huge deal was.
“You were a tutor?”
“Yeah, for athletes, but towards the end I was mainly tutoring the hockey team. That’s why I’m in that picture, I was pretty close to a few of the guys. That was their senior banquet my senior year and I went as one guy’s date, and no, it wasn’t with Tyson or Brock. It was with a guy named Tucker, he plays for the Jets actually.”
 Caitlyn asks a few more questions about your college life before the sun starts to set, and the hockey conversation gets dropped.
“Trust me, I’m not ‘immersed’ into the NHL community or whatever. I just have a few friends in the league that I don’t even talk to that much besides sending memes in a group chat.” You say closing out the topic, choosing to move onto something else.
“Anyways, tell me more about Jack! How come I haven’t met your soulmate yet, huh?” You ask giddly. Soulmates were one of your favorite things to talk about, mainly because you were a hopeless romantic at heart; always fantasizing about the day you’d meet yours and listening to other people share their stories about it.
“Well we met in March when we were at a tech conference while he was still going to school, but I had already graduated and moved here. He still has another year before he graduates and he plans on coming out once he does, depending on if he can get a job in the area.”
“Do you think he’ll move to Denver?”
“I think so, he loved it here when he came and visited over the summer. He loved this house, and he loves the outdoors. I don’t really want to leave, either. I mean, Denver’s my home.” She says, smiling at the thought of her current surroundings.  
Hearing others talk about their soulmates kind of made you envious, but you were happy for your friend. Watching her face light up as she talked about Jack was something you only wished for and couldn’t wait to experience for yourself.
Two days later, you’re back over at her place for your weekly Taco Tuesday’s - a tradition the two of you had started not too long after you met at your job a few months back. You hop out of your SUV, noticing the moving truck next to your friend’s house, and definitely not missing the large group of burly men unpacking it.
Walking into the house you shout, making your appearance known. Entering the kitchen you set the grocery bag on the counter. “Did you see that people are moving in across the street? Looks like it’s a group of guys.”
Caitlyn shrugs before continuing, “Took ‘em long enough to sell the house. That house was up for sale when I moved here in June.” She starts walking around the island, back towards the front of the house to further inspect the new neighbors, you close behind. A few of them have their shirts off, even in the brisk fall Denver air, and even with the distance, the both of you can tell there’s some serious man-candy going on across the street.
The both of you retreat back to the kitchen, getting ready to make your weekly tacos, catching up on work, friends, drama, and what had happened on this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy. As Caitlyn was finishing up the taco meat, you went to get beers from the fridge in the garage when you heard a voice other than your friends’ in the kitchen on your way back.
Walking into the room you’re shell shocked at the group of men in front of you. No, scratch that. Shocked at one particular man in front of you. Your jaw drops as none other than Tyson Jost looks right back at you.
He marveled at the sight of you, “y/n y/l/n?”
“In the flesh” You laugh lighty.
“You live here?” He inquired, with a hint of shyness in his voice.
“No, Caitlyn lives here, but I live in the area” you respond pointing over to the blonde standing in between the two of you. You look around at the rest of the guys, remembering that it’s not just the two of you standing in your friends kitchen, having what seems like a reunion of sorts.
A deep cough comes from next to you, pulling you out of your confused, yet awe-struck state. “Hey, uh, I’m JT,” comes from the burly redhead standing a few feet away from you, “This is Alexander, Nate, and then Tyson, who I guess you already know?” He points to everyone as he says their names, a hint of question in his tone when he goes over Tyson’s name. 
At this, Tyson jumps in, “She went to North Dakota, too. She knew the hockey team.”
“Oh?” JT asks, eyebrows raising towards his hairline in question.
“Uh, yeah, I was one of the tutors.” You explain briefly.
“You still talk to any of them?” Tyson asks, centering the conversation around you rather than the relationship between the two of you.
“I talk to Brock every now and then, and I’m still pretty close with Tucker.” You answer, not wanting to give too many details about your friendships with other NHLers. Tyson nods his head at you, before JT speaks up once again, steering back to the original reason of the conversation.
The boys had stopped by because they saw the open garage and needed a pair of scissors. Something you assumed a group of guys would have when moving into a new house. As the conversation came to a halt, and the boys started to leave, wanting to let you guys get back to your dinner, Tyson stops on the front porch to continue talking to you. 
“So, you ended up in Denver, eh?” He asks, shoving his hands into his short pockets.
“I did, and I like it a lot so far. I got offered a job as a project manager for a company that has their corporate offices here. Couldn't pass up the opportunity to move to a new city.” As you finish talking, you realize you had started rambling a little bit, a slight blush rising to your cheeks.
Tyson smiles widely, noticing the joy and passion in your voice. A voice in the distance calling out for Tyson breaks the moment you two are having. “I should probably get back, but, uhm, if you ever want to catch up or anything don’t hesitate to text me or something.”
“Uh, yeah, for sure. I’ll let you get back to moving.” You exclaim with a hint of nervousness. You weren’t sure if you should hug him goodbye, but you were a big hugger, so you awkwardly go in for a hug, to which Tyson happily consumes. The two of you go your separate ways as Tyson jogs across the street back to his house. 
Walking back into Caitlyn’s kitchen, you’re snapped back to reality by the look on your friends face. Dropping your shoulders, you groan, “What?”
“I don’t know Tyson Jost, she says. We just went to college together, she says,” she mocks in a high-pitched tone. “That interaction had way too much something in it for you two to have just been acquaintances or whatever you were.”
 “I promise you I barely know him. I just always thought he was cute like everyone else did and the guys loved to make fun of me for it. He’s also four years younger than me.” You reveal embarrassingly, a small smile coming to your face thinking back on some of the memories you had. “Like, my senior year, they made me show up to a jersey party at the hockey house wearing his jersey. I think I was the only one at the whole party even wearing something NoDak related, too. It was just dumb, little stuff.” 
“Aw, that’s kind of cute.” Caitlyn gushes, taking a sip from her beer. The two of you start to make your tacos, and sit in a comfortable silence while eating.
It’s halfway through dinner you realize you don’t even have Tyson’s phone number, contemplating on whether or not you want to text him. “Should I text him?” You ask. “I barely know him and now he’s an up-and-coming professional athlete.”
“You’re both new to the city, so I don’t see the harm in it?” Your friend reasons.
You nod in agreement, trying to figure out how you’re even going to get his phone number. Picking up your phone, you go to text Tucker.
Y/N: would you happen to have tyson josts number :-) Tucker: thought you didnt want it Y/N: yeah funny story actually Y/N: i guess he lives across the street from my coworker now Tucker: ur kidding Y/N: i wish i was Tucker: i knew you two would somehow find each other Y/N: whatever
Tucker ends up texting you Tyson’s phone number a little bit later, and after a lot of typing and retyping you finally settle on a simple “hey” with a simple smiley face, letting him know it’s you.
Once you had sent the first initial text to Tyson a few days ago, it seemed like the two of you had been friends all along. Conversation flowed easily between the two of you, only texting one another when you really had the time to. 
Part of you was nervous that the two of you had really never hung out, apart from those few occasions back at school, but even then it was never just the two of you. You had contemplated asking Caitlyn to come over in case it got awkward. In the end, you didn’t let your nerves get the best of you and you went through with going over to his house to meet up with him.
Knocking on the front door, you twist your hands together in anticipation. 
The large wooden door swings open to reveal a very smiling Tyson, “Hey!” He moves to the side to let you in but as you pass him he opens his arm signaling for a hug. 
You wrap one arm around him, half leaning into his side for a side hug as you greet him in return. “How are you?”
“I’m doing great, development camp just ended. I got the letter saying I made the opening day roster, so still trying to get used to that.” He answers with a small laugh. His hands are resting in his front hoodie pocket, and you notice how nice his posture is. You look over him, also noting that his legs look much thicker than you remember and his chest is much broader, even under the expanse of his hoodie.
“That’s great” You compliment, feet planted to the ground once you slip your shoes off. The two of you are still standing in the foyer of his home. The air around the two of you almost makes it feel like one of those ‘we met online and we’re now meeting each other for the first time’ moments. 
Tyson starts walking, leading the two of you to his kitchen before asking if you want anything to drink.
“Water would be awesome.” You answer, moving to take a seat on one of the barstools at the kitchen island.
Tyson closes the fridge, handing you a water bottle. “So how long have you been in Denver?”
“Since June, so three months?” You say, counting on your fingers. “I got the job not too long after I graduated but I went on vacation with some friends before moving. What about you?” 
“I actually came down in April after the UND season ended, but only for a few games. I just got back, like, two weeks ago.” He starts, leaning his elbows down against the counter in front of you. “I was in a hotel until you saw us moving in the other day, actually.”
“Why’s that?” You ask, knitting your eyebrows in confusion.
“So like, the way it works is that you have to make the team during development camp and if you don’t you’ll go back to wherever you were playing before. I already lost my NCAA eligibility when I left, so if I didn’t make the team I would’ve gone down to San Antonio where our AHL team is.” Tyson explains, hands moving around in the air as he speaks.
You nod your head as he speaks, starting to understand the process of how one makes the NHL. “Well, I think you’ll love it here. I’ve only been here for a few months and I can’t stop thinking about how perfect this place is.” You gush.
“Yeah, I’m really excited for the season. The guys are all really nice and welcoming already.” He muses. His eyes crinkle a little bit, a sure sign of happiness as he smiles.
You smile in response, “From what I remember back at school, you were pretty good, too.” 
A small blush rises on his tan cheeks and the tips of his ears. He pushes a hand through the curls on the top of his head with a shrug. “You majored in marketing?” Tyson asks, changing the subject. He was never one to talk about himself too much, even with all of his accomplishments.
“I did!” you exclaim, surprised he even remembered that about you. “I’m a project manager, so I basically manage a few different projects at a time at a marketing firm. I like it a lot so far. That’s how I know Caitlyn, the girl across the street.” You point in her general direction, gesturing to the house across the street.
“What part of the city do you live in?” He asks curiously. He stands up straight again, leaving his hands resting on the counter. 
“Over in Westwood, in a townhouse.” You answer, once again stunned at his ability to remember small details from previous conversations. “It’s just southwest of downtown and like, 20 minutes from here.”
“I haven't really gotten the chance to really explore the area too much, so I have no idea where that is.” He laughs. 
You laugh along with him, “We can always figure it out together if you want, because I haven’t done too much either.” You freeze up slightly at your request, not really knowing where your bravery came from. 
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer,” He agrees. “Being around a bunch of hockey players all the time can be a little much. Besides, it’s nice to have familiar faces around, eh?” He quirks his eyebrow at you.
“For sure.” You agree, taking another sip from your water. “You have any other plans for the day?”
“Other than this, no.”
“I was thinking,” you start, “we could order food or something? I can start showing you the best food places around.” 
“Yeah, I’m actually getting kinda hungry. What’re you thinking?” He asks, making a show to rub at his belly.
“I found a really good ramen place a few weeks ago that I really liked if you’re down to try that?” You suggest, pulling your phone out planning to pull up the menu for the two of you.
“Sure, I’m down to try anything.” 
You stand up from where you were sitting to move over to him, placing your phone on the counter so both you and Tyson can look at the screen. He moves closer to you, shoulders now touching as you both look down at the phone in front of you quietly. He’s comfortable enough to scroll on the website on his own, even with the newness of your friendship. 
As you move to fully stand straight up next to him, the brush of the side of your upper arm against his sends a sort of static through your body. You shrug your arm, moving a few inches away from the man next to you.
“Do you know what you want? I can call and place the order.” You suggest, gesturing towards your phone. He pushes the phone over to you, telling you what he wants before saying he’ll venmo you for his part. 
A little while later, once you’ve driven to downtown Denver and back, you have ramen in front of you as the two of you sit out on the back deck trying to enjoy the last of the warm weather.
The two of you sit across from one another eating in the quiet when JT walks out. “You guys got food and didn’t ask me if I wanted any? I’m hurt.”
Your eyes gaze between him and to Tyson, before Tyson speaks up, “Not my problem you weren’t around when we ordered it.” 
You chuckle lightly at the interaction in front of you as JT rolls his eyes looking for a response. Instead of verbally responding, he walks over to take a seat next to his roommate, giving him a shove as he passes by him.
“So, y/n, have you found your soulmate yet?”
“Bro, what is with you and your need to ask every single person you know that?” Tyson groans, dropping his fork into his bowl.
“What, it’s fascinating!” He exclaims, leaning back into his seat.
“Yeah, because you basically already know who yours is.”
“You already have a soulmate?” You ask, swallowing the bit of noodles in your mouth.
“Technically, no,” He starts, dragging out the ‘no’. “But I’m convinced I know who it actually is.”
“He met this girl over the summer and felt some ‘connection’ to her or whatever.” Tyson says, doing finger quotations around connection. 
“Shut up,” JT groans. “I swear the world stopped when we made eye contact and then we talked and I was just blown away.”
You look at him as he talks, but you notice Tyson next to him, mouthing the words JT is speaking. You giggle a little, causing Tyson to smile.
“I think that’s great, you’ll have to keep me updated on it all.” You say with a smile on your face. Tyson and JT continue to bicker like the best friends you're starting to see they are, as you sit and continue eating your ramen. The way Tyson easily chirps him and laughs makes your stomach do tiny little flips. 
January 2018 - Pepsi Center, Denver, CO 
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best friend ever?” Caitlyn exclaims with glee.
You laugh loudly, holding open the door to the Pepsi Center for your friend to walk through. “You mean have you ever told me that you love that I’m friends with NHL players so I can get good tickets? Once or twice.”
The Winnipeg Jets were in town, meaning Tucker would be playing Tyson for the first time at the NHL level. Tucker had let you know a few weeks ago that he would be in town briefly to play the Avs, and what he didn’t know was that Tyson had also told you the other day about the game. Tucker offered to get you and a friend tickets to the game, which you happily took.
Now, the both of you are walking around on the concourse level, looking for a good place to stop and get drinks before puck drop.
Caitlyn turns to you after you both get your drinks, “Does Tucker know that you’re talking to Tyson?”
“No, I’d thought I’d let him figure it out on his own. I mean, he was one of the guys that always pushed us two to get to know each other so I don't want to make a big deal out of nothing yet.” You shrug.
“Didn’t you say we’re all getting brunch tomorrow though? Won’t he know then?”
“He knows, yeah, but he doesn’t know that I know Tyson will be there. Just a little payback for all the pranks he pulled back in college.”
You guys finally locate your seats in the lower bowl, drifting your conversation to the game itself. You knew Caitlyn was a big hockey fan, her being from Michigan and all, so you were happy you finally got to see her in her element.
The Avs scoot by with an overtime win, not seeing too much action from either Tyson or Tucker on the official score sheet. As you guys exit the arena, you shoot a text to both Tyson and Tucker individually, letting them know they played good games.
The next morning both you and Caitlyn are running a little behind getting to brunch, catching an odd amount of Denver traffic on the way to the chosen restaurant.
Walking through the glass doors of the restaurant, you wipe your snow covered feet off on the mat before looking up trying to either spot the mop of curls atop Tyson’s head or Tucker’s broad shoulders.
You catch Tyson’s eyes before Tucker spots you, giving him a small wave and smile before you and Caitlyn make your way over to their table. Tyson stands to give you a hug before Tucker can and when you pull away, you see a look of confusion on Tucker’s face. You move to give him a tight hug, letting him know how much you’ve missed having him around.
Once Caitlyn introduces herself to Tucker, the two of you take your seats across from them in the booth.
“I feel like the two of you are all grown up! My two not-so-little NHLers,” You squeal jokingly. Tyson laughs with a slight blush at this, while Tucker, who’s across from you, rolls his eyes.
“No no no, we’re not doing that.” Tucker laughs. “You can see how we’re doing with one google search. How’re you? How’s work?” 
“Very good!” You exclaim, “Caitlyn and I have this really innovative project coming up that we’re super excited for.”
“The one with Finish Line?” Tyson jumps in, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah that one!” Caitlyn answers. You can tell she’s about to explain it further with the way she leans forward over the table.
Tucker cuts her off before she can continue to explain it, “What the fuck? How did you know that?” 
“She was telling me the other day about it when I was at her place.” Tyson answers quickly.
“You were at her place?” Tucker asks, growing even more confused.
“Yeah, he was helping me with my new desk. Caitlyn was out of town so she couldn’t help.” You answer without hesitation.
“Oh! You got it set up?” Caitlyn asks the two of you. “You’ll have to send me a picture when you get home.” The way Caitlyn jumps into the conversation doesn’t help Tucker’s confusion one bit as he stares at the three of you blankly,
“So you’re telling me the two of you, like, hang out?” Tucker asks, pointing between the two of you. 
“Mhhm,” you hum with a tight-lipped smile. “Not too often, though.” Before Tucker can muster up a response the waitress appears to take your breakfast orders.
“We’ve only really hung out a few times since we reconnected a few months ago,” You continue once the waitress walks away. “Like, maybe two or three times?” You look at Tyson for confirmation to which he nods his head with a quick ‘yep’.
“So, you actually ended up texting him?” Tucker asks you.
“Uh, yeah? Why wouldn’t I have?”
“You literally avoided him all of spring semester.” Tucker states. Realization of what he’s talking about hits you and you sink back into the cushioned booth, your stomach tightening up with nerves.
Tyson, who looked like he was just checking something on his phone, whips his head up to look at his old teammate next to him.
“I did not,” You stutter, eyes shooting daggers at the Jets player across from you. “He drove me home from the bar once and then I didn’t see him again until a few months ago.”
“And you guys hooked up and then we never saw you in the same room again.” He says casually, reaching for his glass of water and bringing it to his lips. You choke on your coffee at his remark, going into a fit of coughing once you set your mug back down in front of you.
“Dude,” Tyson warns roughly and slaps at Tucker’s chest.
“What? No one knew where the two of you went and you wouldn’t really say anything about it when we all asked!”
“You told everyone we hooked up?” You ask, staring blankly at Tyson in disbelief.
“I literally told the whole team that some asshole spilled his drink on her and drove her home and then ended up going home right after instead of back to the bar.” Tyson says through gritted teeth. His stern gaze turns from Tucker towards your face, eyes turning soft when he sees your mouth slightly agape.
“I swear I never said anything happened between the two of us.” He promises to you, eyes locked on yours. Your eyes stay focused on him for a while longer. The breath you didn’t mean to hold in is let out a huff of air once you see the sincerity behind his eyes.
“Tucker, that was literally just a coincidence that we never saw each other, and besides, Tyson told me he left school to come down to Denver right after the banquet.” You say, turning your attention back to him.
“Okay, sorry about the assumption.” Tucker apologizes, moreso to you than to Tyson. A smirk plays at his lips and you know exactly where he’s taking this conversation. Before you’re able to derail him and switch the topic to anything else he opens his mouth once again. “Everyone knew you guys were attracted to one another so it wasn’t a stretch to think.”
Your previous embarrassment comes back full force with your cheeks heating up. You pick up your coffee mug once again taking a sip, this time to hopefully hide the pink tint on the apples of your cheeks. You take notice at how Tyson doesn’t move to discount Tucker’s comment this time and especially notice the tips of his ears turning pink.
It’s almost like you’re saved by the bell as the waitress walks up the table, arms full of your food. The rest of your brunch is spent catching up and telling Caitlyn all about what it was like at UND, while she shared stories about herself as well as her soulmate.
All throughout brunch, you couldn’t shake the feeling of the pull you felt towards the man that was sitting kitty-corner to you. Even as you and Caitlyn parted ways from the guys once you left, you swore you felt a part of yourself walk away with them. It may have been a feeling you couldn’t shake, but you still chose to ignore it as the two of you walked back to the parking garage Caitlyn’s car was located.
tag list: @REAVENEDGES-LIES (if you want to be added just let me know)
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wiener-soldiers · 4 years
the imperfect bubble - steve rogers
summary: y/n looks at bucky barnes like he’s the sun and the stars; bucky looks at y/n y/l/n like nothing more than his best friend. steve looks at peggy carter like she’s a divine angel; peggy looks at steve rogers like he’s nothing more than the remnants of a college romance. y/n looks at steve rogers like he’s a mirror; steve looks at y/n y/l/n like she’s the only person left that he can confide in.
words: 10.2k (you read that right)
warning: angst, unrequited love, the slowest slow burn you can possibly fathom, okay maybe not a slow burn but more like an oh shit that happened, minimal editing
a/n: im?? back?? i really enjoyed writing this one tho
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Leave your grievances at the door.
It was no longer an unspoken rule; when Steve and Bucky stepped into Y/N’s shared apartment with her college—and by association, their—friend’s Natasha and Wanda for movie night, they found the saying printed on the doormat inside their apartment.
It was a tradition that Steve, Bucky, and Y/N started their freshmen year of college. Steve and Bucky were best friends since childhood and have been through thick and thin together. So it was no surprise that despite the two attending different colleges, they still made it a habit to spend every waking moment together.
The two left their beloved Brooklyn to attend schools in Manhattan—Steve at Columbia pursuing his history degree and Bucky at NYU pursuing his engineering one. It was Steve’s turn to make the trip downtown and hang out with Bucky, but to his surprise, upon arriving at his dorm, he met eyes with a slightly wine-drunk girl hanging upside down Bucky’s bed while he tried to throw popcorn in his mouth.
It was quite the first impression, but Steve learned her name was Y/N, she went to NYU for journalism, and that she’d be sticking around a lot.
That night, instead of going out, Steve joined them in Bucky’s dorm, watching shitty Netflix reality shows, getting drunk on cheap wine, and their weekly tradition lived on ever since.
The doormat saying was one Y/N jokingly said to Bucky in their sophomore year of college. Y/N had moved into a new apartment in the East Village with Natasha and Wanda, two girls she bonded with over mutual hate for a certain TA. Despite Steve and Bucky’s place being decently big after deciding to move into a place together, the girl’s place was decidedly better decorated and more suited for movie nights.
Bucky had come in complaining about how a girl in his class flirted with him just to steal his notes and eventually best him during their midterms. Granted, it was a thrilling tale, but Y/N has jokingly told him to, “Leave you grievances at the door, Buck. This is movie night; we are going to chill and get drunk.”
The unspoken movie night rule stuck ever since.
So, when Steve and Bucky (now juniors) kicked their shoes off upon entering the girl’s apartment, the let out an audible laugh, alerting them that the muscle of the group was here.
“You like it?” Y/N calls out from the kitchen, followed by several ‘pops.’ The smell of buttery popcorn wafted through the air as the two followed the scent into the living room. Natasha was already occupying her seat on the couch. Wanda sat on the floor, in between her legs so to let Natasha braid her hair, as she scrolled through her Netflix queue for movies to watch.
“Looks great, doll,” Bucky smiled at her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Steve notices a red blush crawl up her neck and smirks, sending the girl a wink. Y/N’s blush extends even further.
“Where’d you get it?” Bucky asks, sauntering into the living room and hopping over the back of the couch to land beside Nat.
Wanda giggles, “I custom ordered it on Etsy. I thought it would be funny.”
“You’re not wrong,” Natasha replies before the three of them fall into easy conversation about their weeks.
Steve stays behind the kitchen, observing Y/N as she observes Bucky. He smiles amusedly at her before saying, “I take it he still doesn’t know.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, “He didn’t know last week. He didn’t know last year. He didn’t know since we were seventeen. You think I’m gonna tell him now?”
Steve shrugs, routinely helping Y/N gather the snacks and drinks for their movie night, “I think you’d be cute together, s’all.”
“Yeah? Tell that to the man himself,” Y/N says sarcastically.
“You could always tell him,” he counters, “Guys find it hot when girls make the first move.”
“Whatever you say, pal.”
As it turns out, Steve was right. And as much as Y/N hates to admit it, Steve was right about most things.
A few months after some mutual pining, Peggy Carter, the hot British international student that’s studying political science at Columbia grew more balls than Bucky and Steve ever could and asked the latter out on a date.
Y/N liked Peggy. She had gorgeous brown hair that was somehow always perfectly curled, warm eyes, but always wore seductively red lipstick. She looked like a drug, and if she wasn’t dating Steve, Y/N was convinced that she would ask the woman out herself.
Steve had stumbled into the girl’s apartment after their first date. Peggy had taken him dancing in a place in the East Village that played swing music and turned a blind eye when college students with sketchy looking fake IDs ordered cocktails. It’s not like they could do much harm anyway, most college kids who went there hopeless romantics who want nothing more than to dance with their dates with a little liquid courage.
As opposed to hopping on the subway slightly tipsy and potentially falling asleep before he reached in Midtown, Steve stumbled into his friend’s apartment, tipsy and high on the drug that took form in Peggy Carter.
“Hiya,” Steve said with a dopey, crooked smile. Y/N, Wanda, and Nat looked between themselves and Steve with widened eyes.
There were red lipstick stains all over his face.
Natasha smirks at him, “Looks like you had a good time with the missus.”
Steve points at Y/N, his eyes slightly lidded from drowsiness, “I told you it was hot when girls make the first move.”
Y/N lets out a snort. “It’s hot when Peggy Carter does anything, Stevie.”
His enormous grin widens. “Well, you got that fucking right.”
The three girls collective gag at the picture of Steve defiling the girl as Steve rolls his eyes at them, plopping down on the grey IKEA couch the girls were occupying. The couch was a moving in present from him and Bucky and despite how cheap it looked, they refused to allow the girls to get rid of it. If they were being honest, the girls didn’t have the heart to do so anyway.
“Do you mind if I crash here tonight?” Steve mumbles into Y/N’s lap.
“I’m staying at my brother’s tonight anyway,” Wanda says as she reaches over and runs a hand amusedly through Steve’s hair, “You can take my bed if you want, Steve.”
“No, s’okay. I’m comfy here,” he says, voice muffled by Y/N’s thighs.
“You’re a big fucking baby, you know that?” Y/N jokingly says, slapping Steve’s back. He screeches an ‘ow’ but doesn’t move an inch.
Nat smiles at them. Before she met Y/N and Steve, she would’ve been convinced they were dating. But, her heart is just as full knowing the incredibly wholesome and healthy friendship the two share. She reaches down to stroke Steve’s head before saying, “Y/N, I’m gonna go ahead and use the bathroom first—you seem occupied. Goodnight Steve.”
“Nighty night, Nat,” he murmurs. With Wanda, then Natasha stroking his head, sleep comes a lot faster than he intends.
“Steve?” Y/N asks him. It was her turn to slowly stroke his head.
“Did you let Bucky know you were staying over?” she asks, Mom-mode activating.
She feels her thighs rumble with Steve’s laughter. “He’ll live,” he tells her.
“He’s your best friend, hon. You gotta keep him updating on this kinda stuff.”
“But you’re my best friend too,” he sighs sleepily and Y/N’s heart swells with pride.
The corner of her mouth quirks into a smile, “Really?”
“Yeah, ‘course you duffus. ‘Sides, he probably thinks ‘m getting laid or somethin’.”
“You’re gross.”
“Eh, you love me.”
She did indeed. She let him fall asleep like that with a slight smile on his face, thinking about how well his date went. Y/N slowly slide out from underneath Steve, placing a blanket on top of him. She placed a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol on the coffee table for him when he woke, along with a sticky note saying:
Gonna be up early tomorrow, lover boy. Take whatever leftovers you want from the fridge. Also, invite Peggy to movie night :)
Per Y/N’s request, Steve did ask Peggy to come to movie night with him. To which, she excitedly agreed.
And against Steve’s assumptions, Y/N seemed more excited to have her over than he was.
Steve and Peggy entered the apartment hand in hand, with Steve carrying a takeout bag and Peggy nursing a bottle of white wine. Bucky trailed in behind them, carrying a pack of beers.
“They have a cute place,” Peggy comments, slipping her shoes off and following Steve into the living room.
“Don’t tell it to their face, though. One compliment and they’ll fall in love with you and you’ll never be allowed out of their sight again,” Bucky jokes from behind them, wandering into the kitchen to set the beer down.
Despite their five-person gathering being a six-person one that night, Peggy fit right in. Over cheesy horror movies, glasses of wine and swigs of beer, and copious amounts of takeout, the bombshell of a Brit felt very at home with Steve’s friends. To her surprise, none of them were jealous of her—Steve was incredibly attractive and the perfect guy, so she was sure it was impossible for him to have female friends without them throwing themselves at him.
She was wrong.
She really got a full understanding of their friendship—especially Steve’s friendship with Y/N—when she wandered down the hall to find more blankets. She heard two voices quietly discussing in someone’s room. She would’ve walked away because she didn’t want to eavesdrop until she heard her name.
“Peggy seems to be really enjoying herself.” She recognizes the voice to be Y/N’s.
“God, I hope so. Thanks again for inviting her.” Steve’s voice this time.
“You were the one who invited her, jackass,” she hears Y/N say sarcastically.
She hears Steve groan, “Don’t even start with that. What I meant was…thanks for giving her a chance.”
Softer this time, she hears Y/N say, “Steve, you’re my best friend. I didn’t like your other girlfriends because they seemed like shitty people. Peggy is…Peggy is good for you. Like, really good.”
“Okay now…” he laughs.
“No, I’m serious. If you didn’t ask her out, I was really fucking close to taking her for myself,” she finished before she hears a yelp followed by a soft thud and mattress springs squeaking. She can’t help herself and takes a peek inside the room to find Steve tickling Y/N on the bed. Peggy smiles to herself at the closeness of the friendship.
She’s about to walk away when she suddenly feels the feeling in the room shift.
“Steve, I think I’m gonna ask out Bucky.”
She hears an excited gasp, “Fucking finally! I’ve been saying you guys would be great together for years!”
She hears Y/N shush him, “He’s in the other room Steve, shut up!”
Peggy hears Steve laugh, “Sorry, sorry. Why now, though?”
“Dunno. I guess I just like seeing you happy with Peggy. And I don’t know, it makes me think that I deserve that happiness too,” Y/N says softly and Peggy’s heart melts.
“I’m proud of you, Y/N,” she hears Steve say. Despite not knowing Y/N that long, she’s proud of her too.
“Thanks, Steve.”
Y/N doesn’t get a chance to ask Bucky out.
As Y/N, Nat, and Wanda were preparing brownies for movie night when they got a text on their group chat:
Bucky: Can’t make it to movie night
Nat: got a hot date or smth?
Bucky: ;)
“Y/N…” Natasha calls out.
“Mhmm?” the girl calls out. “Gimme a second, I gotta take the brownies before they burn.”
Natasha sighs and walks into the kitchen to find Y/N gingerly setting the pan of brownies onto the counter. Wordlessly, Nat shows Y/N her phone with the group chat open.
The smile immediately falls from Y/N’s face.
“Y/N…” the red-head starts before getting vehemently cut off.
“I should be happy for him, right? My best friend just scored a date—”
“I was happy when Steve started going out with Peggy, why can’t I be happy Bucky found someone too—”
“Y/N!” Natasha says, more firmly this time.
“Why did you show me this, Nat?” she hisses, whipping her head and staring accusingly at her.
Natasha narrows her eyes at her, “You fucking know why. This was on the group chat, but I wanted to be there if you needed me when you saw it.”
Y/N’s eyes soften, “Nat, I’m sorry—”
Natasha cuts her off and immediately envelops her in a hug. “Don’t be,” she whispers, patting her head comfortingly, “You’re too good for Bucky, anyways.”
Y/N scoffs into her shoulder, “That’s my best friend, asshole. And Steve always said we’d be good together.”
“Steve has no fucking clue what he’s talking about.”
Y/N laughs a little harder, forcing the tears she was trying to keep in slowly stream down her face. Natasha immediately notices, and wipes them away with her thumbs, “Don’t cry, sweetheart. And don’t think about Bucky. ‘Sides, it’s movie night and—”
“—I need to leave my grievances at the door, yeah I know,” she finishes with a sad smile on her face. Y/N shakes her head, “That saying is kicking me in the ass, isn’t it?”
Ten minutes later, Wanda emerges from the bathroom, screeching in frustration from Bucky’s texts in the group chat. Y/N tries her best to tell Wanda that she’s over it, but Wanda is strangely good at reading people (it doesn’t help that she’s also a psychology major). The girls usually love Wanda’s weird sixth sense, but Y/N couldn’t help but find it quite inconvenient at this very moment.
Half an hour after that, Steve arrives at the girls’ apartment, this time without Peggy. The first thing he does is wrap Y/N in a bear hug, despite her protests at everyone making a big deal out of it. Steve doesn’t care, only hugs her tighter.
The four of them huddle around the TV, watching whatever movie was next on their queue and catching up on life. They tried really hard to ignore the awkward tension and the lack of the Bucky-ness the group had. It was movie night, after all. The perfect bubble that was their movie night felt a little different than it normally had.
Bucky misses movie nights for the next few weeks.
With the end of junior year approaching, the group of friends rarely had time to socialize outside their study groups except for their weekly tradition. With Bucky gone doing whatever Bucky was doing, Y/N didn’t see him for weeks on end. The only interaction they had was the occasional meme being sent to the group chat or like on Instagram.
She missed him. But deep down inside of her, she wasn’t that all surprised.
What did surprise her was Bucky’s sudden appearance at their last movie night before the end of junior year.
They were halfway through their first movie—Wanda was teaching Peggy how to braid a flower crown, Steve had agreed to let Natasha paint his nails a red and blue ombre while he played a game of Connect Four with Y/N, all while a random movie played on the screen—when they heard the front door unlock.
“Sorry I’m late!” called a voice. It was distinctly Bucky’s, but the female giggle that followed was not.
Bucky and an unnamed blonde materialize in the living room and everyone looks at the pair in shock. Y/N could feel a few of her friend’s stares be redirected to her, but she can’t seem to overt her eyes from the blonde.
Her hair seemed like it was literally golden as it flows down her light-green sundress. She was wrapped around Bucky’s arm—the arm with his tattoo sleeve on it, the arm that she loved tracing the patterns of the tattoo with during movie night.
Peggy breaks the ice first, “Hi, Bucky.”
“Oh, you have an accent!” the blonde squeals and Y/N can feel her eyes roll. Wanda scoffs beside her.
“Bucky, can I talk to you for a sec?” Y/N asks, more like demands, as she stands up abruptly and walks briskly past Bucky towards the hall, away from the view of the living room.
Once they were out of earshot from their friends, she hisses, “What are you doing here?”
Bucky laughs almost mockingly, “What do you mean, ‘what am I doing here?, It’s movie night, isn’t it?”
Y/N sighs tiredly, “Bucky, we haven’t seen you for weeks. Then, you show up with some blonde girl that we’ve never met?”
“I’ve been busy. What, am I not allowed to be busy anymore? The world doesn’t revolve around movie night,” Bucky snarls at her.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, that’s not what I meant and you fucking know it,” she growls back. “You’ve been radio silent for weeks—you pretty much ghosted all of us. Hell, if it wasn’t for Steve living with you, we would’ve thought you were fucking dead! But we gave you space because we aren’t helicopter-friends. But then, you show up after ignoring us for weeks with some chick I’ve never seen before at my fucking house on fucking movie night?! Can you see why I’m a little pissed off right now?”
“The British chick is here! Why the hell can she be here but not Dolores?” Bucky bites back, his voice rising.
“Because Peggy was invited to my house and Dolores fucking wasn’t!” Y/N says aggressively, her voice nearing a shout.
“This isn’t your tradition, Y/N. You want to control everything about this friend group and trust me, sweetheart, we’re all getting sick of it.”
“Oh, you can’t fucking do that.”
“Do what?”
“Talk like you’re still a fucking part of this friend group.”
“What, you’re gonna kick me out of your clique because I’ve been busy? Because I have a life?”
“No, because you’ve been a shitty fucking friend!” Y/N shouts, chest heaving, and face red.
Bucky’s eyes widen in shock. Sure, they’ve had points in their friendship where they haven’t communicated in a few days, but never this long. And Y/N had most certainly never been this angry with him before.
That seemed to knock some sense back into him. “Y/N—”
“Get the fuck out, Bucky.”
“I said get out,” she says, eerily quiet.
So, he did. Bucky stormed out of the hallway and grabbed Dolores before marching out of the apartment. When Y/N sat back down with the rest of their friends, she could feel their stares burning into her face, but all she did was reach for the remote and continue playing the movie.
After Y/N’s argument with Bucky, he stops showing up game nights. They even make a new group chat without Bucky in it (because apparently, kicking him out of the apartment was fine but kicking him out of the group chat was too mean). Despite not really knowing what exactly was said, everyone understood what happened that night. To be frank, they were all waiting for someone to snap. A confrontation with him was long overdue.
The friend group is different without Bucky’s presence. Not better, not worse, just different.
It was clear that there would be awkward tension among the friends immediately after the argument. Wanda and Nat immediately sided with Y/N and clearly wanted nothing to do with Bucky. Steve was a trickier subject. Wanda, Nat, and Y/N all understood that they couldn’t force Steve not to be friends with him, so they all accepted him as their neutral party.
After a few months, their different was starting to feel normal.
But Y/N still missed Bucky. Despite her years of pining, Bucky was still her best friend. He was still the guy who walked her to her morning lectures after his run and got her wine drunk after a guy rejected her. Y/N missed that version of Bucky—she just wasn’t sure if he existed anymore.
Based on periodic updates that Steve gives her, Bucky is still with Dolores. “He’s happy,” Steve tells her. “Different, but happy.”
After a few months of living without Bucky in her life, she starts to blame herself. Had she been overreacting? Most probably. Did she really need to kick him out of her apartment? No.
“Was what you did justified though? Definitely,” Steve would always remind her. Some days she believes him, some days she doesn’t.
Still, her life begins to reach some semblance of normal. Movie nights are still once a week, but they’ve changed from a place where they have pseudo-therapy sessions lead by Wanda while a cheesy movie plays in the background.
It was about halfway into their senior year when Steve drops something on them during one of their movie night conversations.
“I might move to London,” Steve says out of the blue.
“What?” Y/N turns to him in shock.
Steve stares blankly at his lap, fidgeting with the nearly empty glass of red wine. “Peggy wants to move back to London after we graduate,” he says softly. “She wants me to go with her.”
It was Wanda’s turn to ask, “Well, why doesn’t she stay here with you?”
“Her family’s in London.”
“And your family is here, Steve,” Y/N replies softly, “We’re here.”
Steve sighs and runs a hand over his face before releasing a frustrated cry, “I don’t know what to do, guys.”
Natasha looks at him sympathetically before grasping his hand tightly, “Have you talked to Bucky about this?”
“Not yet…he’s got a lot on his plate right now,” Steve starts, warily looking at the girls sitting around him.
“What do you mean?” Natasha presses.
“Bucky proposed to Dolores a few days ago…” Steve sighs.
“Well…” Y/N starts, trying to find the right words, “Congrats to them.”
“Yeah,” Steve replies lamely before downing the remainder of his red wine. “I love Peggy, I really do,” Steve starts, “but I don’t know if London is right for me.”
Y/N raises an eyebrow at him, “What do you mean?”
Steve sighs again, “I don’t know how to explain it but…lately it feels like our relationship isn’t real anymore⁠—like she’s using me as a prop. It feels like she’s dragging me along because she feels like she has to. I really do love her but going to London with her just doesn’t feel right.”
“And what does feel right, Steve?” Wanda asks him gently.
Steve answer in a heartbeat, “New York. With you guys.”
Y/N offers him her kindest eyes. She murmurs softly, “Steve, I think you have your answer then.”
Steve stayed in New York.
He was a little heartbroken by Peggy’s reaction though; she simply acknowledged him and went straight back to packing, not even bothering to fight for their relationship. Maybe there wasn’t a whole lot to fight for after all.
Bucky also married Dolores.
After their graduation, Bucky and Dolores eloped. They didn’t want the pressure of an actual wedding, so they got on a flight to Vegas and got hitched in their graduation gowns. The reassured everyone (especially their parents) that they would have a real wedding for everyone else afterwards.
Y/N, Wanda, and Natasha finally got their own places. Wanda was moving in with her brother, Pietro, into an apartment in Morningside Heights. They were both starting their master’s at Columbia (Wanda in psychology and Pietro in exercise physiology), so they wanted to live closer together. Natasha was finally moving in with her boyfriend, Bruce. They were a very private couple, so they weren’t at all surprised when they told them that they were moving into their own place in Park Slope, close to Bruce’s research job and Nat’s marketing firm.
Y/N was really close to downsizing to a studio when Steve rolled his eyes and told her, “Don’t be an idiot, I’ll move in with you. That place is too nice to give up. Besides, Bucky and Dolores are looking for a place to move into.”
So, what was once Y/N, Wanda, and Nat’s apartment was now Y/N and Steve’s.
Not much changed about the apartment: Y/N kept her old room and Steve moved into Wanda’s. Natasha’s room had the most natural light, so they turned it into an office. Steve, Y/N learned, was the ideal roommate—his stuff was never messy, he helped run errands, and he was a delight to be around.
If it was possible for the two best friends to get any closer, they did.
Y/N fell into an easy routine with Steve, almost like it was second nature. After both taking the summer off, Steve started his law degree at Columbia and Y/N started her job as a Staff Writer at the New York Times. 
They woke up at around seven and Steve got started on breakfast while Y/N used the bathroom first. As soon as she got out, breakfast would be waiting for her, so she got started on making coffee for her and Steve. Steve didn’t usually take long in the bathroom, so they ate breakfast together, enjoying each other’s company before their day started. After they both got dressed, they both walked to the subway and rode the L train before they had to split ways: Steve Uptown to Columbia and Y/N to the New York Times building. Steve usually got out of classes first, so he usually ran some errands for the place or studied in a café in the Village somewhere so to let Y/N get home before he did. She loved making dinner, so Steve usually came home to her blasting music and cooking.
The funniest part about their arrangement is that it was barely an arrangement: they didn’t really agree on splitting up their day this way. It just sort of…happened. It was natural but it felt right to the both of them and that’s all they could ever ask for.
The arbitrary lines of being roommates slowly began disappearing as well. 
Four months into living together, Y/N and Steve started sharing a bed.
It wasn’t romantic, but more like a necessity. Steve had walked by Y/N’s room when he heard slight whimpering. He immediately swung open the door and found her lying on her bed, clutching her stomach in pain with tears streaming down her face.
Steve immediately lost his composure, “Y/N? Are you okay?!”
“It fucking hurts Steve,” she mumbles, “Why does bleeding out of your vagina fucking hurt so much?”
Steve’s eyes immediately soften and he lets out a low hum, “Y/N, I thought you were dying.”
“I am dying. This heat pad isn’t doing shit!”
Steve laughs and makes his way to the bed, lifting the covers and sliding beside her. Y/N immediately shifts so that Steve can be more comfortable. He wraps his arms around her, making sure to put his palm flat on her stomach. In the mess of tangled limbs, they fall asleep like that and take the most relaxing nap of their lives.
Steve shares a bed Y/N that night. And the night after that. And the night after that.
Soon, Steve barely slept in his old room anymore. It got to a point where it didn’t even make sense for him to have his own room: Y/N’s room was bigger, closer to the bathroom, had a comfier bed, and Y/N was in it.
The two spend a weekend clearing out Steve’s new room and moving all his stuff into Y/N’s. They turn they put the grey IKEA pullout couch inside along with an array of painting supplies and camera equipment, effectively turning it into a home studio. They like the apartment better this way.
A few months later, the two get a dog together. The mini Australian Shepard has a gorgeous coat, different coloured eyes, and a scar that stretches across his face, a reminder as to why they rescued him in the first place. The renamed him Mando (because his face reminded them of the Mandalorian helmet) and he was like their child. He was full of energy, so Steve loved brining him along for runs in the park. But he was also quiet, reserved, and sensitive so Y/N adored cuddling with him on the couch.
It was their own little family. Steve, Y/N, and Mando.
Movie nights were still a weekly occurrence, but it wasn’t always at their place anymore. Almost six months after Steve moved in with Y/N, they hosted movie night at their place again.
It wasn’t as if Wanda and Natasha hadn’t seen Y/N and Steve since then, but it was the first time they really felt the changes in their old place.
“You redecorated,” Nat commented with a smile. She noticed there were more pictures up: some of their entire friend group, some of just Y/N and Steve. There was also a hanging shelf above the TV (something that Y/N had always talked about installing but never did) that housed some pottery and other knick-knacks Y/N and Steve have collected over the years.
Wanda notices the dog crate and bed in the corner of the living room, along with a basket of toys for the dog. She asks, “Where’s Mando?”
“Steve took him when he went to get the takeout. He likes to cuddle if that’s what you’re asking, Wanda,” Y/N answers amusedly.
“Whathcu do with our old rooms?” Nat hums as she takes a seat on their new couch. She wondered where the grey IKEA one went; it was unlikely that Y/N had the heart to throw it away.
Y/N sits down beside her holding three wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. She pops the cork and pours them all a drink before saying, “We turned your old room into an office and Wanda’s into an art studio slash guest bedroom. That’s where the grey pullout went.” Y/N finished her sentence absentmindedly, almost like she didn’t realize the implication she made.
Wanda and Nat smirk at each other.
Nat takes a sip of her wine before nonchalantly saying, “You know, I always knew you and Steve would end up together.”
Y/N chokes on her wine, “I’m sorry…what?”
Wanda chuckles at her, “You live together, you share a bed, you got a dog.”
Y/N hums nervously, “We’re not dating.”
“Seems like you’re already married if you ask me,” Wanda counters with a smirk.
Before Y/N could get any more embarrassed, the front door opened and Mando came bolting inside, followed by Steve who laughed as the dog jumped on the couch and licked its occupants.
“Oh, Mando you’re so cute,” Wanda gushed before she immediately became occupied and played with Mando.
Natasha looked on with a knowing smirk as Y/N watched Steve approach, both wearing matching smiles, and Steve presses a kiss on her forehead.
“I got Lo Mein if that’s okay. I tried to make it to the pizza place, but I guess Mando likes the smell of Chinese,” Steve says quietly to her before setting the takeout on the coffee table beside the glasses of wine.
She smiles at him, “That’s okay, thanks for grabbing it anyways.”
“I figured you wanted time with the girls to catch up,” Steve shrugs before hopping over the back of the couch to sit next to you.
As the movie started and everyone started eating their serving of food and wine, Y/N assumed the natural position of leaning against Steve’s chest with his arm thrown around the back of the couch. The smell of his cologne is so synonymous with safety to Y/N, so she naturally leans closer to him.
Halfway through the first movie, Y/N catches Nat staring at her and Steve with a smirk. Nat sends a wink her way which sends Y/N’s face in a red flush.
She averts her eyes and looks back at the movie. We are not dating, Y/N thinks to herself, this is just natural.
It was about a year after Y/N and Steve started living together when they both got invitations to Bucky and Dolores' wedding.
Their group chat was blowing up with questions like ‘should we even go to the wedding?’ and ‘won’t it be awkward for everyone involved?’
Steve already knew that he was going. Despite everything, Bucky was still like his brother. They still saw each other almost weekly and although he wasn’t Dolores’ biggest fan just through negative association, he was happy that Bucky was immensely happy.
Y/N, on the other hand, needed more convincing.
“Jesus, I wish he never invited me to his goddamn wedding,” Y/N complained, her head buried in Steve’s shoulder as they sat on the couch, “Is this his version of a punishment? The anxiety of choosing whether or not I should come to his wedding?”
Steve rubbed her shoulder comfortingly, “Y/N, he did use to be your best friend.”
“Before I told him to get out of my life and that I never wanted to see him again,” she states bluntly. “God, I was so fucking stupid.”
“Hey,” Steve says firmly, “The both of you were acting pretty stupid, we’ve established that. But you’ve grown up. Bucky did invite you, which means he wants you to come.”
Y/N stays silent as Steve continues, “I know you miss him, Y/N. And clearly, he misses you too. Maybe this is your first step at mending your friendship.”
“If there’s anything left of it,” Y/N says pathetically.
“You won’t know if you don’t go to the wedding.”
So, she ends up going to the wedding.
The actual ceremony went by in a blur. Dolores was wearing a beautiful gown with gorgeous floral lace and Bucky in a wonderfully fitted velvet suit. Y/N thought the first time she would see Bucky in years would be filled with melancholy, but Y/N just felt better that Steve (from beside the groom) was sending her reassuring smiles the entire ceremony.
The couple was technically already married, so they didn’t have a licensed officiant. Instead, they had an array of friends, including Steve, the best man, say different parts of the pre-made script. It was fun, lighthearted, and had Bucky written all over it—something that Y/N missed about him the most.
At the reception, she took advantage of the open bar. She spent her time socializing with Natasha, Wanda, and Sam, a mutual friend who became an Air Force officer straight out of college. The night was still young, so Steve spent most of his time with the wedding party, occasionally sending Y/N texts like:
Steve: Miss you!
Steve: How many drinks have you had so far?
Steve: You made sure to lock Mando’s crate, right?
Steve: Did I tell you that you looked rlly pretty tonight?
Steve: I can’t wait until everyone gets drunk so I can hang out w you :)
“Texting at my wedding? I thought you loved parties, Y/N,” a recognizable voice says amusedly.
Y/N’s head snaps up and she’s met with a face that she hasn’t seen in years.
Bucky cuts her off, “Before you say anything, I’m sorry. You were right, I was being a really shitty friend and I didn’t have the right to ignore you, yell at you, or just bring random people into your home like I owned the place. I just…really missed you. You’re my best friend and my life hasn’t really been the same without you.”
Y/N is rendered speechless. Her mind blanks as she stares into Bucky’s watery eyes, begging for forgiveness. She says nothing and instead wraps her arms around Bucky, pulling him close. The man immediately wraps his arms around her like they’ve never left.
After the wedding, Bucky starts to show up to movie night again.
It takes a whole lot of coaxing to let Natasha and Wanda allow Bucky back into their lives, but eventually, they come around. It wasn’t like college though, but it was nice, nonetheless. One night, Bucky revealed that movie nights are when he feels the most like himself again. The rest of them smile wordlessly at him, but confusion does seep into the back of their minds.
A year since the wedding, the group finally fully accepts Bucky back into their lives as if he never left. He catches up with Natasha during impromptu lunches, takes Wanda to dinner if she’s ever in Midtown, watches the Yankees play with Steve to take his mind off of law school, and drops lunch off to Y/N at the New York Times building if he’s in the area.
Bucky truly misses his friends, but somewhere deep in his heart, he misses Y/N a little bit more.
The rest of them also notice how little Bucky talks about Dolores when they’re together.
They found it strange at first; normally, husbands loved talking about their wives. But Bucky never brought her to their outings, to movie night (despite everyone insisting that they’d be happy to have her over), and rarely brought her up in conversation unless asked.
Y/N found it especially strange. In a mature attempt to move on from her college crush on Bucky, she tried to make amends with Dolores. Turns out, the blonde was an adorable girl from Brooklyn that absolutely adores Bucky. She’s sensitive but hilarious and Y/N loves spending time with her.
She also noticed how much Dolores talked about Bucky. It was clear how much she adored him, so it was almost unfathomable to her how Bucky didn’t talk about the wonderful woman nearly as much as she talked about him.
“Don’t you find it a little weird?” Y/N asked him as he was brushing his teeth. Steve was concentrated on her face despite toothpaste foaming around his mouth. Y/N sat on the bathroom counter, feet swinging as she absentmindedly played with an elastic.
Steve spit in the sink before speaking, “I mean, you know Buck. He’s a pretty private guy.”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t shut up about crazy stories he’s had with you and Bucky loves you. I just find it a little funky that he doesn’t act the same with Dolores,” Y/N explained.
Steve sighs and gargles the rest of the toothpaste out of his mouth. “I guess I never thought about it that way… They have only been married for a little over two years though. Maybe they’re still figuring out the ropes of their marriage?”
Y/N shrugs with a sigh, hopping off the counter and stripping off her shirt and pants. Steve tries his hardest not to stare but he can’t help but stare at the curve of her body as she reaches to slip on one of his hoodies she likes to wear for bed.
Steve isn’t really sure where his relationship with Y/N stands, to be honest. It’s funny to him—they act like an actual married couple, minus the romance. Acting domesticated with her just feels so natural to Steve, but he’s scared putting a label on anything will change the dynamic, so he stays silent and cherishes the domestic moments he has with her.
“You’re right, I’m probably overthinking it,” Y/N mumbles before slipping past him, “I’m headed off to bed. Don’t take too long.”
Y/N doesn’t notice Steve’s hard blush as he scrambles to put on some pyjamas to join her in bed.
“I’m nervous.”
“Jesus, Steve. You’ll be fine! You’re the top of your class at fucking Columbia, so there’s no way you failed the bar,” Y/N cheers on excitedly from behind him. She rubs his shoulders as he stares at his inbox, too afraid to click on the email titled ‘New York State Bar Exam Results.’
Steve’s foot taps incessantly, “I’m still too scared to look.”
Y/N reaches over his shoulder and kisses his cheek. “Fine,” she says, “I’ll look for you.” She clicks on the email and scrolls down, searching for Steve’s exam number.
After a few seconds, Y/N hesitantly asks, “Steve?”
“Mhmm?” he replies, his head in his hands.
“What’s your exam number again?”
“S-24601,” he replies quickly.
Y/N squeals and hugs him from the back, pressing kisses all over his neck. “You fucking passed, Steve!” she squeals.
“I did?!”
“Of course you did, dummy!”
Steve laughs in excitement and disbelief, grabbing Y/N by the waist and spinning her off the ground. Mando barks excitedly, jumping up happily against Steve’s thighs.
“You did it!” Y/N smiles down at him, her cheeks hurting from all her laughing.
The two celebrate by hosting movie night at their place with extra food, desserts, and ridiculous amounts of alcohol. Wanda brings Vis, the high school chemistry teacher she’s been seeing, Nat brings Bruce, and Bucky finally comes around and brings Dolores along for the celebration. Even Sam, who happened to be off duty, was able to come to the celebration.
Despite it technically being movie night, most of the night was spent trading funny stories about Steve, emptying bottles and bottles of wine and beer, and finally letting loose for the first time in a long time.
Around ten in the evening, the board games came out and the group of twenty-somethings started playing games with a drinking twist. Y/N had been attached to Steve by the hip all night (largely because he always seemed to have his arms around her), but she couldn’t complain. The several glasses of wine she had did make it easier for her to ignore Wanda and Natasha’s smirks.
It also made it easier for her to be ignorant of how awkward Dolores felt at the gathering. Y/N sincerely like the girl, but she was unaware of her discomfort until around one in the morning. Most people had left, and it was just Steve, Y/N, and Bucky cleaning up.
“Y/N, I’m gonna take a quick shower,” Steve calls out to Y/N as she washes the dishes with Bucky picking up trash in the living room. “Goodnight Bucky!” Steve calls out before disappearing.
“Goodnight, Steve,” Bucky shouts back before walking into the kitchen. He leans against the counter and watches Y/N as she does the dishes. Y/N notices his presence, then notices the lack of someone else’s presence.
“Hey Buck, where’d Dolores run off to?” Y/N hums, drying the last of the dishes.
Bucky shrugs, “Took an Uber and went home early.”
Y/N turns around to face him, “Shit, Buck. You didn’t have to stay—”
“Nah, I wanted to. She’s probably fine,” he answers nonchalantly.
Bucky doesn’t respond.
Y/N takes a deep breath and fiddles with the dishtowel in her hands before saying, “Bucky, why is this the first time in three years of marriage that Dolores has come to a friend get together?”
Bucky’s jaw unhinges a little, “What do you mean?”
Y/N sighs and sets the dish towel down. She takes a deep breath before saying, “We’ve asked you to invite her to come over for years, but you always make excuses for her. You don’t nearly talk about her as much as she does about you, and I know that for a fact because I’ve hung out with Dolores on multiple occasions. Bucky…is everything alright between you and Dolores?”
Bucky stares intently at her for a few seconds before his resolve crumbles. His eyes lose its intensity and are replaced with tiredness as he drags his hand across his face. “Dot and I…” Bucky starts, “are going through a bit of a…rough patch.”
“I made a mistake marrying her,” he says bluntly.
“What?” Y/N says in shock. Every time she’s spent time with Dolores, she had been nothing but lovely. She’s perfect for Bucky—she doesn’t understand where he’s coming from.
“I love Dolores but I…”
Bucky doesn’t say anything. Instead, he crosses the kitchen floor in two long strides and grabs Y/N by the face, kissing her fiercely.
Y/N freezes and her eyes widen in shock. What the fuck was happening? was the only thing her brain could possibly register at the point.
Bucky pulls away but the grip on her face doesn’t fade, “But I’m in love with you, Y/N. And I know for a fact that you love me too.”
He leans in for another kiss, but Y/N pushes him away. “Bucky stop!” she says, harsher than she intends, but she doesn’t regret it.
Bucky stares at her, dumbfounded, but she continues, “That was a long, long time ago. And Jesus, Bucky you’re married!”
He shakes his head, “I don’t need to be forever—”
“—And you’re drunk!” she explains in exasperation.
“But I know some part of you still loves me. And God, I love you too. All those years without you and it finally got through to my thick skull,” Bucky argues.
“But what about Dolores?” she whispers.
“Fuck Dolores,” he says. Bucky reaches for her again, but Y/N steps away.
“Bucky, I can’t,” Y/N cries. “Maybe there’s some part of me that loves you, that may always love you. But there’s a bigger part of me that loves what I have right now. Bucky, I’ve never felt so safe before. So happy, so cared for, so loved. I know it’s selfish, but I can’t give away the happiness and security that I deserve to explore what my life would be like with you because I love—”
Y/N stops abruptly, her voice catching in her throat.
“Because you love who, Y/N?” Bucky asks. She notices how his eyes have become glassy and how his shoulders had slumped slightly.
Because I love Steve, Y/N thinks. But she doesn’t find the courage to say it. Bucky can see it in her eyes, though.
“It’s him, isn’t it?” Bucky doesn’t have to say his name who she’s talking about.
Y/N is silent, her heart thumping so loud her she’s afraid Bucky can hear it.
Her silence is enough for him, “Ah.”
Bucky waits a few more seconds before saying, “When did you know?”
Y/N gulps and lets out a shaky breath. When did she know? She racks her brain but can’t think of a specific time. Part of her thinks that she always knew. She was so natural around Steve. So safe and carefree. Steve was there when that perfect bubble of her friendship with Bucky popped, and he even stayed with her after. He was the one that helped her mend her heart and, in the process, built himself a spot inside without even realizing it. Her imperfect bubble, her lens of the world, may have been broken, but Steve was inside, and Y/N knew that it’s all the really mattered.
I love Steve, she confessed to herself. She felt like she was Cher in Clueless, with the fountain of her emotions erupting inside her. Bucky could clearly see it on her face as he smiled sadly.
“Did I ever have a chance?” he whispers.
“Yeah... A long time ago,” Y/N answers softly, not trusting her voice.
“Will I ever get the chance again?”
Y/N shakes her head softly, “Don’t wait for me, Bucky.”
Bucky smiles sadly at her, a tear escaping his eye. She reaches for him, but Bucky shakes his head, “See you around, Y/N.”
And just like that, he’s gone.
Y/N feels like she’s on autopilot. Adrenaline is still coursing through her system; coupled with alcohol and a whole lot of courage, her feet bring her to the bathroom before even realizing. She doesn’t realize that she’s turning the doorknob or stripping completely. She barely registers her stepping into the steamy shower before and she definitely doesn’t fully register her tapping Steve on the shoulder, reaching up, and kissing him fiercely.
He pulls away first, “Y/N?”
She kisses him in response. This time, he responds but pulls away a few seconds later, “Why are you doing this? Are you drunk?”
“Yeah, it’s not why I’m doing this though,” she says, voice raspy.
“Why then?”
“Because I love you.”
“Oh,” was Steve’s response before kissing her again. The two sloppily make out like teenagers discovering sex for the first time before Steve pulls away again.
“I also love you, you know,” he says lazily against her lips. He feels her smile.
“That’s good,” she replies before kissing him once more.
The night lasts a lot longer than both of them intend. But it wasn’t like they were complaining.
Life had a strange way of playing out sometimes.
It seemed as if Y/N and Steve blinked and the rest of their lives fell straight into their laps.
When they meet new people, they always ask them how long they've been together or when they started dating.
“A lifetime ago,” Steve would always say, his eyes lighting up and his face flushing slightly.
After the night that Steve learned he passed the bar, Y/N and Steve’s relationship didn’t change all that much, mostly because they acted like they were married in the first place. They already help hands in public, gave each other kisses on the cheek when their friends were around, and they acted more domesticated than a lot of actual married couples only months after they officially started dating.
In fact, most of their friends didn’t even realize they had started dating until almost six months later, Y/N made an off-hand comment about how Steve was secretly really kinky in bed.
The really didn’t have an engagement either.
After two years of dating, five years of living together, and nine years of knowing each other, Steve just decided to get straight to the point.
“You wanna get married, Y/N?” Steve asked her. He had just come back from his job as a corporate lawyer. He honestly hated it but needed the experience and the money to pay off his student loans. His grand plan after he was no longer drowning in debt was to become an Assistant District Attorney.
Y/N stopped cutting the vegetables and turned toward Steve who was leaning against the fridge, suit jacket slung across one shoulder and top button his dress shirt undone. She raises a brow at him, “Pardon me?”
“You wanna get married?” he repeats nonchalantly.
“Now? I’m making dinner.”
“Whenever you want, doll.”
She sets the knife down and slowly walks towards him. “This isn’t you proposing, is it?” she cackles.
Steve shakes his head and laughs, meeting her halfway. “No, I thought of this while I was riding the subway back home. I don’t even have a ring, honey,” he explains. “If I’m honest, it feels like we’ve been married for the past five years, so I kinda forgot that we aren’t.”
Y/N purses her lips in concentration before saying, “That’s fair.”
Steve stares at her for a few more seconds, “So…?”
“Do you want to get married?” she asks him this time, stepping forward and grasping his hands.
“I mean…yeah,” Steve says with a grin, “Telling people you’re my wife is a lot cooler than telling people you’re my girlfriend. Besides, if I ever commit a crime, you have the right not to testify against me because of marital privilege—”
He’s cut off with howling laughter and Y/N burying her face into his chest as he wraps his arms around her. Steve’s tired, really tired, but coming home to her was what he reminded himself he was working for.
“Should we do the whole proposal thing, too?” Y/N asks him after her laughter dies down.
“I don’t mind proposing if it’s something you want to do,” he tells her, pressing his lips to her head.
“Meh. I don’t really care,” she says cheekily before pressing her lips to his.
After their wedding—just like Y/N and Steve predicted—their lives didn’t change all too much. The only noticeable changes were that they were being addressed as Y/L/N-Rogers in the mail, but their lives were pretty much the same.
Their friends found it fascinating: when they had gotten married, they felt that their relationship dynamic had changed a little. But then again, they supposed Steve and Y/N had been acting like they’ve been married since the ripe age of twenty. It’s almost like they skipped a few steps in their relationship and went from friends to acting like they’ve been married for forty years.
The biggest change in their relationship came three years after their wedding when their twins, Avery and Jameson Y/L/N-Rogers were born into the world.
Steve and Y/N were natural parents and they loved their kids. When the twins were three, they took them on their first road trip to the Adirondacks. They spent the weekend at a lakefront cabin, swimming, canoeing, and hiking. When asked years later, the twins would always explain that this was their first memory. At four, the twins started school, and to say Y/N and Steve were worried would be a huge lie. They knew Avery and Jameson would protect each other no matter what. At age seven, a boy on the playground called Avery an ‘ugly liar’, and Jameson threw sand in his face. Steve gave Jameson a scolding about how it was bad to throw sand at people and instead saying that if he was going to throw something, throw a punch instead.
Y/N had to step in and tell him not to do that unless it was a last resort.
At twelve, Jameson had his first real crush on a girl named Mindy. But, Avery knew that Mindy was mean and the daughter of an entitled Karen, so when Jameson asked Mindy if she wanted to dance with her at the school dance, Avery made sure to scare her straight.
“My daddy is a lawyer and sends criminals to prison and my mommy works for the New York Times. So, if you hurt James, everyone will know how mean you actually are are,” Avery threatened, which made Mindy back out of dancing with Jameson. Despite being mad when he was twelve, he was thankful years later when he saw firsthand what kind of teenager Mindy would become.
Now at sixteen, though the two twins were still thick as thieves, they matured into respectable, and frankly perfect kids.
That year, the Fourth of July (aka Steve’s birthday) fell the same night as movie night and the twins took it upon themselves to plan their dad’s party.
“Avery? James? You doin’ alright?” Y/N called from the upper floor of their brownstone in Park Slope, Brooklyn. When it was obvious that Avery and Jameson were at the age that they couldn’t share a bedroom anymore, Steve convinced Y/N to move back to Brooklyn. It wasn’t the difficult, per se, especially when Steve found a place close to where Natasha and her now-husband Bruce lived.
“Doin’ just fine, Mom!” Avery calls back. She was busy frosting the good-old Stars and Stripes cake while James finished the last-minute decorations.
Just then, Y/N heard a thud before some soft moaning. She gasped, already halfway down the stairs. “Are you okay? Do you need help? Screw your surprise, I’m com—”
“No!” James shouted, quickly sitting up, “I just fell off a stool, Mom. No big deal, you don’t need to come downstairs.”
“Are you su—”
“Yep! This is supposed to be a surprise!” James calls back.
“A surprise for your dad, not for me Jameson.”
Avery cackles from the kitchen and James rolls his eyes at her. “We’re fine, I promise,” he reassures her.
“Okay, just be done before everyone gets here. Bucky’s stalling your dad for as long as possible but I know he’ll want to come home soon.”
When Y/N is finally allowed downstairs, she’s impressed with their work. Red, white, and blue streamers are hung all across the ceiling as well as helium balloons that say ‘Happy Birthday America!’ except America is crossed out with Sharpie and ‘Steve Rogers’ is written in her kids’ handwriting instead. In the living room, several games are put out on the coffee table and a playlist full of patriotic movies is ready to be played on the TV. All her friends (minus Bucky and Steve) are in the living room, having a laugh at all the funny touches on the decorations. Their dining table was filled with food their friends brought for the potluck, and for some reason, James had blasted (and looped) a remix of the Star-Spangled Banner and Happy Birthday.
“Do you like it, Mom?” Y/N hears before turning around and facing her kids. Avery’s hand was grasped in James’ and her heart melts. How did I get so lucky? she asks herself.
She gives them a huge smile before enveloping both of them into a hug. “It’s amazing. Better than anything I could’ve done, that’s for sure.”
“Do you think, Dad’ll like it?” James mumbles into her shoulder.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” a voice suddenly shouts. The three pull apart to find Steve standing at the entrance of the living room with a huge grin on his face. Bucky stands behind him, chuckling at his reaction.
Y/N’s smile widens at the sight of her husband. “There’s your answer, James.”
The party is everything Steve could have really asked for. The food was great, his company was even better, and the thoughtfulness of his kids was enough to bring tears to his eyes.
When the night gets darker, the party of people head to the roof of the building so they can watch the fireworks. As they wait, Avery has everyone engrossed in a story of how James followed her on a date with a boy she really liked, Peter Parker. Steve stood at the edge of the crowd, smiling at how happy his kids and his wife looked. He feels a presence beside him and doesn’t need to look to know who it is.
“You did pretty great, Steve,” Bucky tells him softly.
“With Avery and James?” he asks.
“With life, buddy.”
Steve hums contently as the two of them watch Avery cause a bubble of laughter to erupt from the group. James punches her playfully on the arm, but the smile is still evident on his face.
“How’s Steph?” Steve asks him.
“She’s good. She’s with her mom for the weekend,” Bucky answers quietly.
“And how are you and Dolores?”
Bucky is silent for a few seconds. He clears his throat before saying, “Talking. We’re trying to work it out for Steph’s sake. She doesn’t deserve to have a broken family.”
Steve puts a hand on his shoulder. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Buck. You’re a good father,” he tells his best friend.
Bucky remains silent. After a few minutes of silence, Bucky’s conscious drowns him in guild and he speaks up, “I kissed Y/N when we were younger. It was the night you learned you passed the bar. I told her I thought I made a mistake marrying Dolores, and shit…I don’t even know what I was thinking because I knew she probably loved you. I’m so sorry, Steve. I never told you because you’re my best friend and—”
“Bucky,” Steve cuts him off with a small, sympathetic smile, “It’s okay. I know.”
Bucky’s brows shoot up. “You know?” he asks.
Steve nods, “Y/N told me. Y/N tells me everything.”
Bucky exhales, “Ah.”
“I’m not mad,” Steve tells him.
“You’re not?”
“I am married to her and still best friends with you, aren’t I?”
Bucky chuckles and looks down. He doesn’t deserve Steve, Bucky thinks. But he’s damn grateful a guy like him is in his life. “I’m still sorry,” he says.
“It’s okay, Bucky. I mean it,” Steve says, giving his shoulder a squeeze.
The two stand in comfortable silence when the fireworks finally start to go off. The roof glows with red light and Steve can’t help but admire how beautiful Y/N looks with the glow of light on her skin. Avery has her head on Y/N’s shoulder while Jameson has an arm wrapped around her torso. Steve notices Bucky admiring his family too.
“You know,” Steve starts, “she loved you when we were younger. I actually thought the two of you would be great together and wanted her to ask you out. She was about to.”
Bucky looks at him. “Really,” he asks suspiciously.
“Mhmm,” Steve hums, still looking at the fireworks. “And did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Love her?”
Bucky is silent. He stares at Steve’s side profile; he’s still staring up at the fireworks without a care in the world.
Bucky sighs and answers honestly, “All throughout college, even when I was with Dolores. But guessing by your reaction, I think you already knew that.”
Steve finally glances in his direction, “I’m your best friend. Of course, I knew.”
“Did I ever have a chance with her?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, finally looking at Bucky, “once you did.”
Bucky sighs, “How’d you do it? How’d you find someone you love so naturally?”
Steve shakes his head, his eyes trained on his wife and his kids. They looked so happy, living in their own little bubble. Steve smiles softly before saying, “I stuck around.”
Bucky nods wordlessly before turning his attention back to the fireworks above. Steve continues to stare at his family when Y/N turns around and catches his gaze. Despite the night sky, her eyes are bright and filled with joy and love.
Steve smiles widely at her.
And in their own imperfect, but beautiful bubble, Y/N smiles back.
steve rogers taglist: @milea​
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sevenseasofrog · 5 years
Lads ‘n Lasses Chapter 3
Pairing- highschool!ben x fem!reader
Summary- single sex schools are never boring
Word Count- 1,467
a/n- sorry this ones only short, as I’ve said though, the next chapter is a little juicier, it’ll be up later next week :) hopefully y’all like it though !!❤️❤️
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As ever, September crawled by painfully slowly, with each student rebuilding the exhausting school routine for yet another year. For most of the other girls in your school, they started their day with a steaming mug of coffee or loose leaf tea. Your day however started with a real mug, who stood outside your door at 7:15 each morning waiting for you to stumble out. For the pair of you, coffee came later on in the process.
It would be fair to say that you had never bonded with someone quite so quickly as you had with Ben. The walks to school were no longer quiet and solemn as they once had been, and the walks home from school had you reaching your house with even more energy than you had at the start of the day. The pair of you had clicked into place almost immediately after first meeting each other, and it had become an extremely rare occurrence to see one of you without the other outside of school hours. You were most gracious when your friendship group welcomed him with open arms, a little. nervous at first that they wouldn’t want the new boy to cause a commotion. Him and Lewis became equally great friends, and it was nice knowing that he had friends at school too. The pair were hilarious to watch when they were together, mainly because they were polar opposites. There was Ben, short blonde hair, piercing green eyes, perfectly symmetrical face, very athletically built and a little shorter than the rest of the boys in his year; and then there was Lewis, long and lanky, often nicknamed Stretch by others, deep brown eyes, mousey brown bowl cut and slightly wonky teeth. The two boys couldn’t have been more different if they tried, but being able to call them your friends was one of the greatest privileges.
Things had moved quickly since the start of the new term, and you were working tirelessly to complete coursework in school simply so you didn’t have to do it at home, luckily, the free periods you had after lunch were becoming increasingly useful now the workload had gotten heavier. It was equally convenient that your friends were in a similar mindset, which meant that the time you had after school wasn’t spent alone. Making the most of the autumn warmth, the five of you would often head down to the park where you would lie contently until someone’s parents rang, instructing them to come home, at which point you would all leave. Maria and Lewis would step off the tram first, then Niamh a few stops later, once again leaving you and Ben alone for the rest of the journey home.
“You coming back to mine for a bit then?” You asked, looking up from your bag, in which you were searching for the pack of chewing gum you knew was floating around in there somewhere.
“Don’t have any reason not to, Mum and Dad are away on business until Sunday night anyway.” You felt yourself frown a little, today was Thursday, and to you it seemed a little unfair for Ben’s parents to leave him alone for a good chunk of the week, especially since you had become aware that this happened more often than not.
“D’ya wanna come round to mine tomorrow though? only seems fair really, your parents will start confusing me as one of their own otherwise” Ben had a gleam in his eyes and you let out a scoff.
“Go on then, I’ll check later yeah?”
Dinner was practically on the table by the time you and Ben reached the house, and it wasn’t long before you had both finished and we’re making your way upstairs. As ever, you flopped down onto your neatly made duvet, and Ben parked himself on the spinning office chair which was by your desk.
“I’m. So. Tired.” You dragged out each syllable for emphasis.
“Nah, you’re not the one doing laps of a field each day”, Ben replied with a smirk, stretching his arms above his head.
“That’s because I love myself dipstick.” You spoke back, giggling to yourself a little.
“Don’t be a bitch! I carry the whole bloody rugby team at the moment!”
“Sure you do… What would we do without our knight in shining armour to score all the tries in a match no one realllyyy cares about”, you both rolled your eyes at each other before Ben could slide in another sarcy comment.
Believe it or not, you enjoyed moments like this, you were both being yourself and there was no one else there to tell you to pack it in. Time you spent with Ben always went a little too quickly for your liking however, since you would both spend hours talking, it was easy to lose track of how late it was.
“Shit! it’s half-nine!”
“Are you joking?” You asked, genuinely shocked
“Unfortunately not”, Ben spoke as he sprang up from next to you on the bed and began to pick up his bag and put his jumper back on for the journey back to his house. You walked down the stairs with him and to the front door where you gave a quick hug before yawning.
“See you tomorrow Jonsey”
“y/n l/n.” He paused “We both know we’ll be talking on the phone in like 20 minutes so don’t get too ahead with yourself, aight?”
“You got me there!”, You three your arms up in defeat, “Now please piss off so I can go to bed!”
Ben gave one last grin before turning and heading down the gravelled path of your otherwise green driveway, you watched him walk to the corner of the dimly-lit road before shutting the front door and trudging up the stairs back to your room for the night.
When Ben said you’d be talking again shortly, he really wasn’t lying, and it hadn’t been half an hour before your phone began to buzz uncontrollably.
The bois and the gorls: 3 New Messages
Prince Ben of the South joined the chat
Prince Ben of the South:
Gooooooooooood eveeeeninggggg everyoneeeee
Nev joined the chat
Dear Maria Count Me In joined the chat
Dear Maria Count Me In:
You joined the chat
Le Artiste:
Prince Ben of the South:
Lewissss ??
Where are you my beany friend ??
Le Artiste:
What dya want jonsey
Long Boy joined the chat
Long Boy:
At your service
Prince Ben of the South:
Not sure if you all care but basically I just got a message from the team group chat and there’s gonna be a halloween shout at some point in the holidays so do yall wanna be my plus four or na?
Nice one mateee
Le Artiste:
Long Boy:
One question my noble companion
Prince Ben of the South:
oh you know it ;)
Dear Maria Count Me In:
Omg yes
Le Artiste:
Im sold
Long Boy:
Don’t see why not ?
Prince Ben of the South:
We should SO do a group thing
Fuck off
Dear Maria Count Me In:
Oooooooo, acc that’s quite a good idea
Long Boy:
Only if y/n is in charge of what we wear
Le Artiste:
So im a fashion designer as well now ???
Prince Ben of the South changed your name to Coco Channel
Evidently, u better make me look HOT tho
Coco Channel:
of course bby ;)
Dear Maria Count Me In:
Is that that then ??
I can sleep now ??
Prince Ben of the South:
You are all free to go :)
Nev left the chat
Dear Maria Count Me In left the chat
Long Boy:
Not until i know how much of a prick ill look at this thing
What am I wearingggg
Coco Channel:
Gimmie a sec ive had like 3 seconds to think
Prince Ben of the South:
Steady on lhewees
Give the gal a chance
Long Boy:
If this isnt good then ill sue
Coco Channel:
Anything for u dear
Long Boy left the chat
Prince Ben of the South:
I have no problem believing that
Btw if u make me look silly then ill never forgive u
Coco Channel:
Im quite sure u wont tbh
Prince Ben of the South:
Cya in like 10 hours g
Coco Channel:
Bye stinky :)
Prince Ben of the South left he chat
You gave a tired sigh before placing your phone down on your bedside table and flicking off the lamp next to it, as you pulled the crisp duvet up to your ears, wondering what on earth you had just signed up for.
There was one thing you knew for certain however.
This was bound to be good.
Very good indeed.
tags(if you want tagging in future chapters lemmie know !!) - @fatbottomedbitch , @crazyweirdocalledfriday , @disaster—bisexual , @seedless-vascular , @annoyedsloth , @borhapandshawn , @prettysureimgayxo
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vicsep7250 · 5 years
Part 1 is right here in case the post got drowned in other posts .
Aight, so. Ideas involving the Thieves and Investigation Team after encountering the Dark Priest and Shadow Akechi.
During the fight, Shadow Akechi starts summoning other shadows and just starts causing them to suffer psychotic breakdowns against the Phantom Thieves while the Dark Priest fights off the Investigation Team. Unfortunately for the IT it’s been a good while since they’ve actually worked together and done anything in the TV World which is a huge difference to how the Phantom Thieves are just clearing out the groups of shadows that keep coming.
The Priest meanwhile is giving the IT a hard time, monologueing about how hypocritical they are, and just going on a tangent in just how they kept refusing to see the blatant truths right in front of the - about Akiren being the cryptid and other things that they really shouldn’t know about their personal lives.
It eventually ends when Shadow Akechi starts to rant on about how futile it is to deny their lose, and the Priest declares how they will bring them all to true justice, just as they have done for the past year.
So with the plot out of the way we can have the character interactions we want/never knew we needed. (All of which may or may not already be on @ren-amamiyaa ‘s blog) Aka the Kanji and Kanji 2.0 discussion of loving their moms and being gud bois, Ann and Rise going into topics of how they act in the work place and their social lives (remember how Rise as identity issues bc of her career ATLUS YOU NEVER RESOLVED THAT!), and the inevitable Naoto + Yu becoming incredibly destroyed at the fact that the Inaba PD screwed Akiren over and were under Shido’s thumb (I known this is really empty and sparse but just try and fill in the blanks here). Oh yeah and Teddie and Morgana being sorta-kinda-like Shadows and THAT talk happening.
So ya know how I said that the IT are a bit disfunctional now and are barely holding on together to save Nanako? Well imagine how they’re law abiding natures handle with the PT if they were “True Good” citizens, since they kinda are only law abiders (except Yosuke and Kanji but we forgive them). They might renew their bonds and friendships and form new ones with the kiddos, or they might seperate from e/o bc they realize they’re all really different people with different ideals and ways of life with the only trait they share being that they have personas and live in Inaba... and the team just gets woooooorse since now they realize they have no real reason to be “friends” and Yu is crying a storm behind his Narukami Deadpan Mask^tm.
Anyway here’s where things become Persona. The only way out is through the TV the Thieves came though bc Fallen Heaven (new name for new development and its open again hush) (also everyone ran into e/o in Magatsu Inaba ok? ok) but it has become completely different than what it once was when the kids went through it. Now the place is just filled with broken ruins, dark patchy dried grass, dried up rivers that used to flow through the place, cloudy skies and heavy rain are just pouring throughout the entire place. And amongst the ruins there these little buildings scatterd throughout the place ranging from nice looking nursery homes to rotting wooden shacks. Akechi goes silent and still every time they run into one of these places and says nothing about it to the others.
Oh did I mention that bc Nanako loves Loveline and Akechi is a Detective Prince (”You’re not the Detective Prince, Naoto is.” “That title never really held any worth to me nor did it really mattter in anyway.” “Well you’ll always be the true one and only Prince.” “They always like this?” “Honestly we have no idea with Moronji and Naoto.”) there are P U Z Z L E S and C A S E S to solve? Why? Atlus and Persona that’s why andnotbcimgraspingstrawsherre !
The Thieves + Akechi go through these places to find clues on not just this weird TV world but also about that Priest (bonus if we find anything on Akechi to help him) while the IT go off to find Nanako. Shadow Akechi keeps running into the Thieves when they find pieces to the puzzle, about the missing girl, about Akechi himself since he (begrudgingly) is starting to let them in for realzies, how Adachi killed people with help from a god (”Sounds about right” says Joker, Bowl Cut and co probably when through something along the lines of his adventure) etc etc. As they go through things, the buildings start to have mini Palace epsiodes and self destruct, Fallen Heaven looking very slightly more cleaned up each time to it looking less dark and Akechy (badum dsh) and back its ruined state.
With the Team they end up finding out Heaven is either big bc of Akechi’s influence, or it’s a lot longer than they remember. They mainly clear out shadows that end up showing up, but they’re all scared and hesitant to approach them, almost like they’re trying to run and hide to live another day. They only realize this when the run into a Shadow in a hallway instead of a closed room where it just books it. But wait that wasn’t a Treasure Hand the group realizes thanks to Yosuke’s astute observations on the Shadows and the Set. Eventually they find the glass panes of Nanako’s memories and realize they kinda ruined her a bit with keeping her in the dark. I mean what were they suppose to do, tell her about how she got kidnapped, thrown into the tv, got put into a life threatening situation with a monster formed from repressed emotions that put her in the hospital and then DIED FOR A FEW MINUTES WHILE THEY ALL ALMOST MURDERED A MAN?!!??!
While they go through the Set they start to hear voices of other people, a lot of people actually. They all sound like the people who ended up having extreme changes of character, and it sounds like they’re all pleading for... something. Truth? Justice? They can’t tell if it’s either of those things or just mmishmashed mumbles of the people. Anyways they evntually enter some sort of chapel room of the Fallen Heaven with these human Shadows of the people have extreme changes of character. They see that Nanako’s Shadow is in the center of all these people and starts to reveal all of the doubts and emotions she has been feeling over the years about the Investigation Team. It ruins the IT, especially Yu as he basically learns that his Lil’ Sis hates him and wants nothing to do with him anymore. Cue the Shadows melting (screaming and crying bc they do that apparantly) and a fight against uh-duuuuh I dunno... (*flings dart at board*) an angel. What angel? UUhhhhh... fallen... yeeee... canyoutellimrunningouttasteam
After the battle ends, the shadows all seperate and Nanako’s Shadow is nowhere to be seen amongst the ruined churchy room.
Annnnnd now Im burned out and need to think thimgs over again. Thanks to listening to my ramblings on @ren-amamiyaa‘s amazing AUs and community, and I’ll probably make the next ramble post... eventually... theoretically...
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stan-and-the-newbie · 6 years
A kpop newbie’s reaction to MAMAMOO
Alexa: bold
Alex: italic
today you’ll react to Mamamoo even though you technically already know them
i mean, i don't know all that much about them, really. so this should still be interesting
well, as before, first thing that comes to mind
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should i do the top one or
they’re in the same order. we love consistent queens.
hmm... wheein? then uhhh, s-solar..? then moonbyul and of course my queen.
did you guess them or. you got two of them right !!
i did in fact guess them. oh. fuck it, i'll take it
hwasa and solar, m-my baby. the first one is moonbyul and the third one is wheein
i figured
and apparently this is their formation in every group photo ever
oh, good to know
so, the first one is moonbyul. how old do you think she is and what’s her personality
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she's 23 or 24, and she's a lovable goofball
is she a singer or the rapper
f uc k uhhhuuhhhhh singer
smol baby child. yeah, she's born in 1992, so she's around that age in this photo i think. i’m not sure when it was released. she's the rapper in the group, so her image on stage is cool
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i knew it was either her or solar, smh.  i remember it distinctively from that height song.
but irl she's greasy and flirts with everyone, tomboy-ish and probably gay idk
alright, so she's the cool one
yeah, she's also the tallest, staying proud at 165 cm
that image was misleading smh. she looks like a silly nerd in it/ are you trying to sabotage my score, miss <-<
i mean, she Is a silly nerd. she usually makes lives with solar and flirts with her all the time and gets herself some slaps on the arm. and she gay panics on stage every time hwasa is in her close vicinity. and she's known for having heart eyes every time a girl talks and she's also the Girl Crush of the entire industry lmao
first we had heart smile now we have heart eyes soon enough you'll be describing a monster from soma. a walking blob made of exposed, beating hearts.
*then i showed him the Wonderful Confession Immortal Songs performance*
that middle aged lady fangirling after hwasa goes "look at me now" lmfao
sadfrghgfdsDFGHJK ME.
this is fokin great. i just got to the rap part. fam they're genuinely talented don't @ me
mamamoo are known for making every show their concert lmao
pff. it do be like that, and i wouldn't have it any other way. a bunch of girl dancers suddenly appeared and i thought my vision was going blurry and i was seeing double. anyway, the rap works surprisingly well, considering the general tone of the song.
moonbyul also has two tattoos. i don’t know what one of them says, i think its just her family portrait.
w h o l e s o m e
but the other one says “N'oublie pas de t'aimer”
alrighty my grill next up is your bias
give her an age
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i'll say 24. and she's a singer
she is 27 :)
oof, can you really blame me tho
i can’t. she has an actual baby face. what’s her personality?
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i imagine she's sweet and soft, but can be jokingly sassy and teases the others sometimes
oof, she wishes. she’s the oldest, and the leader, but the other members always bulli her. she’s the mom friend though, and the best at english, even tho her english isn’t all that good anyway sdfghds. and shes a complete goofball
awh ;; is she the short one, then?
nop, shes the second tallest
wait hold up how can the leader be the one who gets bullied this doesn't add up
*then i showed him this marvellous video*
2 seconds in and i've seen enough
*then i showed him the Passion Flower Immortal Songs performance*
solar doesn't have any tattoo but she's scared of bugs so there's that
wholesome. she's a quality idol i like her. this song is dope yo.
the one wearing a hat there is wheein
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the wheeout puns are overwhelming ngl
,,,,,,,,,,they fucking are. once u wheein u cant wheeout. she's the same age as hwasa, but a few months older, so hwasa is considered the actual "maknae" (which means youngest member
that much i know. mainly because i googled it a while ago
and here's wheein with short hair cuz fuck yeah
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whats her personality?
she's uhh the Short One (tm)
yes, that too. she is Evil
idk, she seems like a sassy singer, but that's just a shallow impression. does she tease the other members a lot, or..  <<
tbh, she is pretty sassy. she's also very carefree and a derp. but she does tease the other members a lot and laughs when something funny and unfortunate happens to them. she's been friends with hwasa since middle school, and they have a couple tattoo
ooh, noice
on their ankle, they both have "resonance"
i've seen a picture of that somewhere, if i recall..
she has two other tattoos. one she drew herself, and one that says "la vie est courte l'art est long"
what's with the french affiliation. should i be learning french instead of korean?
*i showed him that infamous “mamamoo sold their friendship for ice cream” video*
"hyejin-ah, you know your thighs are the size of your face, right?" i told you, wheein is evil
c r i t i c a l   h i t
hwasa :) what do you think her personality is like lmao
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she's the serious one (sarcastic humor <<3), the lead rapper but also sings (i noticed this by watching some performances)(edited)i also know that she cooks for them, so extra mom friend points there and she's very independent, but also warm 
omf u really are whipped for her
apparently she really likes beyonce, so some fans call her ahn-yance
yep, shes also a big rihanna fan, and work is her hoe anthem
that's dumb, on one hand because it kinda sounds like "annoyance", and on the other because bey-ahn-ce is a much better pun. i would perform umbrella for her like tom holland, don't @ me
oh, also, hwasa has four tattoos. the "resonance" one, one on the back of her neck, with "maria", her christian name, cuz she is Holy
oh shiet. that name fits her well actually ;;
one on her arm saying “Paradise is where you are”
if she's in your immediate vicinity, then obviously
and one right above that one, that’s a triquetra
mamamoo are well known in korea, and most of their fans are girls!! i think theyre the group that appeals the most to girls there actually
oh, that's interesting
and here are some songs
*i showed him “Words don’t come easy”*
this is what we call  s m o o t h   g u i t a r. and that sexy sax, oh boye (and here is where alex’s inner Shiverbert Creepstein came out, god bless, the only writer i stan) this one's really nice, i'd love to listen to it in a cafe. there's this really nice mental image that you'll never achieve, but it's nice to think of anyway. just sitting alone in the corner of a dimly-lit cafe, watching the performers on the stage sing as you down another shot, people taking quick glances in your direction and wondering what it is you're thinking about, when in fact you're just listening to the music mix in with the raindrops hitting against the windows. i got carried away, oof
o damn, mister shiverbert
<-< hey, nobody clapped
its a nice lil image, though
anyway, that was a great song
*and here i showed him “Decalcomanie”*
oh, this one's more i n t e n s e. the translated lyrics without any rhyme sound like some sort of strange poem
i know;;
noh-noh is apparently knock knock. the vocals are fokin great
:(((((( stop slandering them, theyre trying
i'm not roasting them, i just find it cute ;;that was a nice song. in fact- (he pinned it)
so, last thoughts on mamamoo?
god bless them best kpop idols out there hwasa please sit on my face
ayy, that was this week’s reaction!! alex was actually more excited this time because it’s his ultimate bias’ band
there are some things i (alexa, cuz alex never edits these posts) didn’t mention, im sorry if i missed anything important;; i decided to focus more on what alex thinks and says this time, rather than ramble about stuff y’all already know
i hope y’all enjoyed this reaction and if you want, you can leave suggestions!! buh-bye~ ^ω^
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Episode 12 Replies
Primarily from the Discord Group this time
@tosimornottosim​ replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Good morning, Lyr– um… is that a slice of pear pie?”...”
Lyra: I'm so happy I have you as my best friend, and I love Felicity / Percy / Lilith / Cornelia so much.
@cafesimming​​ replied to your photoset “Ginerva: “Woo hoo! Spaghetti! Finally, something with a little kick to...”
"blushes - not that you can tell" oh my GOD
let’s face it when you’ve perpetually got Simple Life Blush 2 or 6 or 8 or 9 on it’s really not easy to tell the difference between a flat expression and genuine embarrassment, especially when you have trouble telling expressions anyway
@jackssims​ replied to your photoset “Lyra: “I’m gonna… be in the hospital the next few days, starting this...”
It's okay Felicity congratulations are in order here
Felicity: y-yeah but it just sounds forced comi- coming - coming out of my mouth... you say it when you get A+ exam results, not when you d-do something that, that most trans people want to do anyway to s...survive?
tosimornottosim replied to the same:
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Like I said though, this does mean I’m gonna be outta...”
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Ginerva: “Crystal, crystal, in the ball: show me my future with Lorelei, y’all.”
c҉r̀y̸st̛a̧l̶ çry̶s̢t͜al ̶i͟n th̵e̵ b͏all̀ s͎̠̼̭̥̞̖h̯̟̱o̺w̳͘ ̖ḿ͉̤̬̯͍̣e͍͈̪̻̭ ̰̗̲̩m̛̥̟y̜̘̣͎͈͈͍ ͇̤͠f҉̜̻̗u̦̩͓̘͔ṭ̷u͇̙̝̗̗̼r̦̪̤͟e ̪̬̬̹ẉ̯̭̣̣̠i̝̣̟t̜̩̰̝̤ͅh ̩̠͝L̹̭͚̬̞̩o̭͉̜̭͉r҉̗̣̭̻̗̗̭e̠l̢̙̙e̦̲̜̪i̱̥̻̯̭̬̹͝... 
@sevenleafsimblr​ replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Nnnnn… what does it- do you think it means? Do you, do you...”
geez ginerva thats ominous
tosimornottosim replied to the same:
that's creepy as fuck
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lyra: “I’m gonna guess that’s not one of those ‘bad ways of telling...”
Vid: I didn’t know Felicity saw a Hawthorne
I think he meant was a Hawthorne but honestly that could apply either way
I should also note that cafesimming left a like spree and stopped for a few hours just at the point where Lavandar told her fortune, which made me think that it was so ominous that they had to check their house for cocoons
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lyra: “But seriously… thank you. Not just Percy - all of you.”...”
Lethe: *sees Lyra leaving* it's free real estate
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Percy: “Lyra… shit. You’ve really caught me out on this one. I’ve been...”
Amid: Rude, lass
I’m sorry, but bubblegum pop just isn’t Lyra’s kind of music! ...I don’t know what kind of music she likes, but I know bubblegum pop ain’t it
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Ginerva: “Hey, Lyra. ‘fore you go, can I ask you something? It’s about...”
tosimornottosim replied to the same: 
eyeballs emoji
Does anyone know if Rosey is still at camp, by the way? We haven’t heard from them for weeks. Or certainly I haven’t.
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Do you… have everything? I know you said you did before, but...”
im so excited for lyra but i am also Worried abt angsty possibilities here but then i always assume the worst so
As I said last time this came up, I have absolutely no intentions of ruining Lyra’s surgery or making things bad for her wrt the transition. Probably the worst that will happen is she pushes herself to recover too fast to get back as soon as possible, but I don’t know what would set that off aside from... well, we’ll see. After all, no angst about Lyra being gone doesn’t preclude the possibility of Lethe still being active, as Vid so memetically pointed out...
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lorelei: *sniffles*  Lyra: “Oh, Lorelei. C’mere.”  Lorelei: *falls...”
Lorelei and Lyra are Goals TBH, in their friendship if not so much in their mood
cafesimming replied to your photoset “*honk* *hoooonk* Lyra: “Well… that’d be my taxi. I’d better-”...”
what a sweetheart
See? Goals. They would do anything for each other, no matter what selfish dreams try to say about it
Which reminds me: you guys have already seen Lyra’s parents, so I should probably show you the Kesslers at some point too. Who would like to see that?
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Well… this is it. No turning back now, even if I wanted to. ...”
GOOD LUCK LYRA! Stay safe! Eat soup! Anesthesia is a son of a bitch to come out of for the whole next day, soup is good to eat when your stomach is in revolt. Sleep it off! Take care of yourself! We all love you!
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prettysei-remade · 6 years
Tumblr media
graphic design is my passion actually the last time i made a graphic of any kind was when i was like 10 and i have sadly Not magically improved since then rip;; also dont worry the comic sans is ironic im not that awful......or am i 
hey there angels (instead of demons bc ur not demons ur all angels get it haha), it’s me, ya maknae! this is a very looooooong post so buckle in, my pals
exactly this time last year, i was probably laughing and/or crying at the thought of ever having mutuals here, much less having too many to do a proper follow forever in a rush the day before i post it (rip) so becAUSE i ran out of time and would probably give up in the middle, i decided to just talk abt how much i love everyone in the Stream Team gc and also make a shitty graphic so i could bless ur guys’ new years with ot13 and make it seem like i know what i’m doing :) 
ok im gonna get sappy for a sec and then u can all get to the part u actually care about (the part that’s also sappy but directed at specific people) 
my friends!! my loves!!! the bestest people on the planet!!!!! i love you <3<3 you guys are the sweetest, kindest, most understanding, most hilarious group of friends in the world and i’m so fucking lucky to know all of you. you make me laugh,,you make me cry (in a good way),,,,,you make me like myself when i dont feel like it,,,,im so?? blessed??? to have people to talk to and scream abt kpop with and be myself around. i’m more comfortable with u guys than probably anyone else?? like. even irl because 1) i’ll probably never come out, 2) none of my friends know anything abt kpop, and 3) none of my friends are rlly.....aware of the things my brain tells me about myself sometimes. which brings me to the last thing before i start yelling abt u all in alphabetical order: 
thank you guys for being the Good Brains to help out when my Mean Brain gets too mean. 
laura!! idk if u think abt this as often as i do (probably not) but like,, remember before we were friends and we had that ““discussion”” for abt .2 seconds regarding toppdogg going on the unit and then i thought u hated me for a couple weeks and then we became like the most amazing friends?? well reminding you of that is basically my long roundabout way of saying that our friendship is kind of a miracle to me, and i’m so so thankful that you’ve become someone i can trust with anything and not be judged for it :’) you always know what to say and you always make me feel special when we talk and just?? wow...don’t forget me when you become the biggest bts blog in the world......i saw one of your gifsets that had like 5k+ notes and almost shed a tear i was so proud of u.. i love you and thank u for being amazing all the time!! and for introducing me to twice and gfriend aka the most amazing girls!!! and of course....#laurjoo5ever <3
yo jo (that was lame im sry you deserve better) you havent been in the chat for super long but you’re One Of Us and also 1/2 of the Official Ruby-Got-Me-Into-IZ Squad so lots of love for you!! thank you for singing all star with me in an attempt to cleanse our chat of ******** (im just (all)starring out his name so he doesnt find this post and try to eat my heart again), thank you for being so nice and thoughtful and sweet and all the other amazing things youve been already, thank you for giving iz a shot and somehow becoming a fan in like 5 minutes (???amazing) you!! are a rock star!!! wow!!!!!!
ok alex i know you’re not tec h ni c a l ly in the chat but lets be real;;you’re still my Toppklass Queen ;; ur adorable! ur so kind! u work so hard! ur such a sweetheart! forget toppklass queen, u r the queen of my heart 💖 i cant believe we’re both hojoon stans AND yoongi stans it’s like we were meant to be friends or smth idk?? and you got me into winner and sent me the bEST videos of them holy shit im still laughing abt the one where theyre dancing to ‘hello bitches’ jshdkahds and mino’s duck song,,i cri :’( you have the best taste so i’m vv grateful to know you in the first place and! talking to you is super fun even tho we dont do it often <3<3 ilu <3
jess <3 our leader,,mother,,,resident Cutie Pie <3<3 i am so fond of you?? you’re loads and loads of fun to talk with and the chat would be so different without u, i’m not even gonna imagine it!! instead im gonna remember how you always cheer me up right away and help me remember whats good about myself and tell me that i’m not alone and give me great ideas for metaphors involving brains (like mental brains not physical brains)!!! our mutualness (mutualism? mutuality?? idk) goes waaay back, like, relatively, so thank you for following me in the first place bc it means we’re friends now !! love you <3 
kaliiiiiii!! my wonderful fellow scorpio (AHEM i mean what im not a scorpio who said that i’ll fight them) ur super fun and cute and as soon as you joined u fit right in even tho we’re all kind of weird and now you are One Of Us and it’s kind of hard to believe that you havent been since the beginning?? you’re such a cutie and i love love love talking to you and stuff <3 jdkjsldf dog pics are one of the many ways to my heart and your dog is amazing!!! thank you for sharing!!! you are amazing!!! tell canyon monroe i love him (again) and tell him from me to be nice to laura too,,anyway!! love u lots <3 
melia. you. are. the. best. my text posts never go noteless bc of you :’) you’re honestly truly just the greatest?? not just bc you like my text posts tho, youre genuinely sweet and suuuuper nice like,,i cant say anything bad about any of the Stream Team tbh but MELIA!!1! you would have to murder a man for a not-justifiable reason for me to say anything bad about you :/ i think you are an Angel and you’re so cute??how are u so cute i dont get it :(( thanks for being my friend and also helping me reject that guy that one time,,without you i definitely would’ve screwed things up tbh so seriously!! thank you and i love you <3<3 
minty i think i should tell u now that whenever i type “rip” on my phone the next suggested word is always “minty” :’) we’re always screaming abt kpop groups together like!! when clap was released u screamed about seventeen with me!!! when i told u i was getting into twice u screamed about twice with me!! when nothing else is happening u scream about toppdogg with me (and the rest of us)!!!! i love that youre as excited about your fave groups as i am about my fave groups because it helps remind me that it’s NOT weird to be really super extremely dedicated to things that make u happy and i still struggle with that sometimes so.... thanks for being you i guess?? also for getting rid of ******** from our chat with the power of ot13 :’)) love you <3<3<3 
kat!! my Superhero!!! the lifegiver for minsung stans everywhere;; i am so grateful for literally everything you’ve ever done in your life but specifically 1) translating every. single. one. of minsung’s often long and very complex posts, 2) being my role model for running an update-esque blog! like!! if kat can do everything she does for her blogs and translate stuff and be so efficient at everything, i can do it for my one tiny little blog!!, 3) working so hard but always being so so sweet to everyone and being so amazingly humble all the time and being somebody i admire not only as a blogger but as a person too <3 (wow that was che e s y lol) im love you!! <3 
hi kendall! another scorpio wowie!!! of course i say “another” bc i already mentioned how kali is a scorpio,,it’s not because i’m a scorpio. because i’m not haha. anyway. im sorry i let ******** come between us, i know you didn’t mean to create a demon that would eventually possess both you and your phone and try to eat all of our hearts. i know and i’m sorry and i love you!!! i also know that you still think those asks u sent were hilarious but i forgive you bc i know you love me too <3<3 i can’t believe my Ultimate Bias and the true visual of our group loves me!! wow!!! thanks for all your amazing selfies, they always make me smile :’) you rlly know how to cheer everyone up and get us in a happy mood and just,,,thanks for always being your lovely self! love u lots <3 
bella 💕 i love you, i love you, i love you 💕 idk if you know this or not, but you were actually my first tk mutual <3 i remember when i got the notif that you followed me back and i was so excited because this person!! this person with an amazing blog and who i already thought was super cool!! wanted to follow me!!! i still think it’s amazing that you wanted to be my friend but i can’t really say that i “can’t believe it” anymore because i can;;; you’re my friend and i’m your friend and i love you!! i’ll remind you of that every day if i have to. you’re the other 1/2 of the Official Ruby-Got-Me-Into-IZ Squad (along with jovano) and it makes me so happy that you’re a fan now too!!!! you’re just awesone tbh?? you help me with my shitty stuff and i try my best to help you with your shitty stuff and!! you’re one of my best friends!! i’m so so happy and lucky and blessed and thankful to know you! never forget how much i love you forever 💕💕💕 
jacqueline;; the awesome aunt that’s super nice and who helps people when they’re sad;;(i can’t remember jess’s exact wording but it was True);;;; you’re so cool and amazing and honestly i find it incredible how you’ve been with bts from the beginning!! is that a weird thing to say as a compliment?? shdfsdhkd sorry but sticking with a group from debut is really admirable, especially because bts didnt start out super big but you stayed with em anyway :’) you’re such a star and you reblog my selfies when i ask you to (btw ur tags on my latest selfies had me cryin;;find someone who will compliment you every day like jacqueline complimented my decent-ish selfies;;) and you’re so great to talk with and yeah!! i love u!!!! 
isaiah. i hope u believe me when i say, from the very bottom of my heart: you are the Meme to my Internet Connection, the Cherry to my Bomb, the Chanyeol to my.....You. idk. you take my worst text posts that i make at like 3am and add the best things to them and make them Good and i love our convos in the replies of my posts alsjdsfjjs also can i just say?? i’m still not 100% sure what the whole thing is with like the “kin” meme (i get what it is but i dont rlly Get It u know) but literally any mention of it ever reminds me of you :’) it’s actually astounding how many memes make me think of you tbh..anyway, ur very very cute and soft and nice and youve been mutuals with me for a Long Time so thanks for thinking im cool enough to follow!!! and for still following me!!! love you <3 
wow that took a long time but it was worth it!! tho i honestly wouldn’t blame you if you just skipped everything and only read the little section abt you lmao 
well, happy new year! i hope lots of really good, and happy, and lovely, and wonderful things are waiting for you in 2018 ✨✨✨
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rurounidrift · 7 years
July 19 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Night of the Living Dead
What happened at this stream? I don’t know. It was over a week ago. I’m not gonna reread the log.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*prods livestream. you gonna work now u punk?*)) B l u r r: / yes hello , he is here. With a brand new finial and patch. Nice and ugly again/ Whirl: *oho, look at him, early for once. He's gonna savor this* Whirl: Yo, Teach. *pauses to look him over critically* You're looking significantly less beat-up that last week. B l u r r: Mm.. Ratchet fixed me up. B l u r r: /taps his finial / Made it better than before. Whirl: *interesting choice of music, Blurr* Whirl: *bobs his head and clambers up to assume his rightful place* B l u r r: / it's the best / Star: /shows up. tadah/ B l u r r: We've landed for supplies. / flexes claws / B l u r r: So try to remain on the ship. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Y'know that picture of the dog peeking around the door Whirl uses? That's Soundwave right now. He's scanning for Ratchets.* B l u r r: / There are no Ratchets here / B l u r r: / hisses at Star as he walks by to set up snacks / Whirl: *simply swivels his helm to watch Starscream* Bevel: *trundles in* Star: /is to tired to deal with anyone/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Cautious entry in, every step hesitant, like he's ready to bolt again. The twins are glued to his sides.* Bevel: [[i get so let down every time that song plays and doesn't immediately segue into my shot B l u r r: [[ LOL ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *All right. Nothing appearing out of the shadows to leap on them. He'll send them off - but in a beeline for the hammock, and nowhere else.* B l u r r: [[ same ]] B l u r r: [[ but it on shuffle ]] Wing: *he really is too tired to deal with much of anything tonight but here he be* B l u r r: [[ tonight is in honor of Romero. RAISE A GLASS. ]] Bevel: [[shuffle is a blessing and a curse, especially when you listen to musicals B l u r r: [[ Truth ]] Whirl: *takes his attention away to bob his head in greeting at Bevel* Yo, shovel. B l u r r: / waves claws at Bevel and Wing ! / Whirl: *and, of course, he will make room for the twins as well* Bevel: [[raise a glass to to freedo--zombie B l u r r: [[ freedom zombies ]] B l u r r: [[ free the zombies ]] Bevel: Hey, Whirl. Hi, Blurr. :] Drift: *vaults over the back of a couch to land by Blurr* Hey! B l u r r: / flicks finials  / Hey. Whirl: What's up, chumps? Wing: *small wave back. wall gargoyle time. he's exhausted* Bevel: *will find her usual seat* Star: /is settled in the back, get nice and comfy and dozing off already/ B l u r r: You seem excited. / to Drift / B l u r r: / glancing at his claws. Shifts a little / Drift: Just full of healing light and positive energy. Wing: *and by Star he goes. poor mech. looks how he feels* Whirl: *returns to curving his neck around like some horrid bird, staring at Starscream* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Nothin'. How's the movie last week? Fish lady get home?// Whirl: Yep. Eded up taking the octopus with her, too. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\WHAT FOR? FOOD?\\ Whirl: Companionship, presumably. Bevel: Friendship. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\PFFFT. LAME.\\ Bevel: I liked it. Whirl: *shrugs and finally returns his attentions to the twins and Bevel* Decent enough, if you like fish, I guess. B l u r r: Ah... energy. Sounds nice. Bevel: It was nice that Dory got home and stuff too. *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Eh. Fish's more the Boss' thing. Octopus 'n all that.// Bevel: Tarantulus is gonna show us some soon. Whirl: Some... fish? Star: /has his optics shut off, so he's just relaxing/ Bevel: Octopuses and squids and stuff. Ones that change colors and light up. B l u r r: Anyway, I've been busy. Er... We. We have a heading. B l u r r: Just needed to stop by and gather supplies. LORDStarscream: *guess who's just marked himself in* Whirl: Oh. Huh. You know, I believe it. If anyone could get their hands on weird exotic organics, it'd be him. B l u r r: Which is what Dart and NOS are doing. LORDStarscream: **marched Whirl: WHOAH, Teach. Teach, hold it. LORDStarscream: **dammit he blew his big entrance with a typo* Whirl: May not wanna give away your secrets with our enemies in the room with us. B l u r r: ... Hnnh? I didn't say where I was going. Whirl: Yeah, even so. Drift: ... Comm it. *wants to know where Blurr's going* B l u r r: Oh, yes, good. Wing: *soft vent8 B l u r r: Are you mechs ready? I just got this new upgrade. Whirl: Oh for the love of--ANOTHER one? Whirl: Blurr, if you drop dead, I'm going to carve "I told you so" on your damn grave. B l u r r: @D @ W @ Bevel : :: We're heading to another universe to access an ancient temple that I found on a grid map! :: Bevel: Hi, Lord Starscream *grins* B l u r r: / welcome to group calling. With secured lines / B l u r r: / And CLEAR quality calls. / Whirl: *if this was like a phone group chat wihirl would immediately spam with emojis* B l u r r: Oh, come on, Ratchet insisted. Drift: @Bl @W @Be «... Did you get a new comm?» *yeah he's messaging the whole group* LORDStarscream: "Another"? Why, do I have an alternate already here? *glances around* Whirl: *he actually seems a little surprised to be included--surprised, but not displeased* @Group: What, like, freelance archaeology or something? Whirl: Ratchet's an idiot, then. Wing: *he doesn't know this Starscream but he's sticking next to the one he knows* B l u r r: @B @ W @ Be: ::Yes, a new comm. It's very complex and connected. Ah? It's more like there's a treasure beneath it. :: Bevel: @Group - What kind of temple? Is it Cybertronian or something else? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave heard the word Ratchet. He's on high alert again, scanning the room* Whirl: @Group: So, freelance Indiana Jones style archaeology. Got it. LORDStarscream: *nvm that though, there's a Bevel here. nods in greeting* Hello, Bevel. Do you have room for a visitor to sit down? B l u r r: @Group: :: Sure, why not? It's not Cybertronian, per say, but it might be. :: Star: /greets Wing with a nod before pulling out a data pad/ Whirl: @Group: Hey check this out. 🐸 Drift: @Group: «🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸» Bevel: @Group: How did you do that? Drift: @Group «I'm just copying Whirl's.» Bevel: *makes some room, she will be Starscream's movie buddy and body guard tonight yep* B l u r r: @Group: :: You're flooding my optic with this? :: Bevel: @Group - 🐸🐸🐸 Whirl: @Group: 🐸🐸Praise Heqet🐸🐸 Whirl: @Group: Blurr, this is the cost of you doing things that I advised you against. Accept it. B l u r r: @ Group: :: I can end the call, I made it first. :: Drift: @Group «🐸 What 🐸 did 🐸 he 🐸 do?🐸» Wing: *little smile back at Star. he could just as easily be reading off that datapad, but he'll look away* B l u r r: @ Group : :: Nevermind. :: /ENDS CALL / Bevel: *giggles* B l u r r: /scratches finial and flickers optic. Flicks finial and shakes helm/ Hnnh. Whirl: *snickers* Drift: ... Ribbit. B l u r r: / shoves claw in his face/ Shush. Drift: Pbbbt. Whirl: @Blurr; Anyway, read you loud and clear. No idea if I'll have anything to do with all that, or where I'll be, but I'll keep it in mind. LORDStarscream: *good. he'll take that body guard. as supremely, unflinchingly confident as he's pretending to be, he's very nervous being outside Cybertron's anti-Unicron barrier.* B l u r r: @ W: :: Works for me. :: B l u r r: @W: :: If we need help, we'll comm you. :: B l u r r: [[ whos ready? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((me)) Drift: ((ready)) LORDStarscream: *... not that a bodyguard would do anything if unicron flew up and ate the ship, but it helps his comfort levels.* B l u r r: / flicks finial and shifts up/ ... I have visitors. Star: /doesn't have anything on the pad excpt things dinocos are begging for/ Whirl: ((me!)) Star: (ready) ItsyBitsySpyers: *If Unicron flies up to eat the ship, Soundwave is finding a way to drag Starscream, Bevel, the twins, and Whirl with him.* Bevel: *she'll die first, that's... something?* Whirl: *he simply nods in acknowledgement* Yeah. Unfortunately, you forgot to spray for Starscreams. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Like, off the ship.* B l u r r: Well, I can SEE that. Whirl: You've got an infestation. B l u r r: My poor single optic. It burns. LORDStarscream: *starscream is flattered, if confused that he made the list* B l u r r: / snickers / Bevel: *or get saved via deus ex soundwave* Whirl: *SAVE YOURSELF SOUNDWAVE HE'LL HOLD UNICRON BACK* Whirl: *he's always wanted to fight a god* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...You know what, he'd believe Whirl could. And anyway, Bevel would be sad if Starscream got eaten and he doesn't want the headache of Kaon finding a new leader.* Wing: *he'll ignore that. it's not worth it* ItsyBitsySpyers: *But none of this much matters, because he isn't thinking of Unicron. He's nervously watching the room, plating pulled in so tight he looks even thinner than usual.* LORDStarscream: *he'll count that as soundwave's vote in support of starscream's leadership* B l u r r: / stretches arms up/ This Earth is so quiet. Whirl: ((god dammit i played myself. now that song's stuck in my head)) B l u r r: [[ kay imma set up so gimme a second ]] LORDStarscream: *jolts* We're on Earth?! Bevel: Different Earth. B l u r r: For the moment. B l u r r: A pretty much dead one, at that. Bevel: *probably not a Unicron Earth... maybe. she didn't check* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh Primus. A zombie movie. He hates zombie movies.* LORDStarscream: ............ *NERVOUS LAUGH* Wing: ((***. yes.)) Bevel: *...pats Starscream's arm comfortingly?* B l u r r: I don't even think there are Autobots alive in this verse anymore. Aside from Jazz. Whirl: *black and white? You have his attention* B l u r r: Who I dropped off. B l u r r: Unharmed. Someone ought to give me a metal. Whirl: *he perks up like a ferret that just saw something it liked for a moment& LORDStarscream: @Bevel «You are aware of what's IN Earth, aren't you?» Whirl: Oh. I've not seen this one. Wing: *this is different* Star: (I'm surprised this hotel internet im using is letting me watch this) Bevel: @Starscream - Unicron, yeah. But I do not think he is in this one. Other universes are funny like that. LORDStarscream: @Bevel «Does it vary? You're certain he's not here?» B l u r r: I like this one. It's nice and old. B l u r r: / pulls out a tin of snacks. Willing to share with Drift. / B l u r r: / special snacks / Whirl: The 60s was a good time for movies. Whirl: You've gotta make it to Culture Club... sometime. If we have it. B l u r r: Ah? Maybe. Whirl: *he started that statement without thinking about how that statement had to end, good job him* Drift: ... You can still have it. Whirl: *shrugs* Depends. LORDStarscream: *glances at movie* ... I've seen this one before. Bevel: @Starscream - It does! I can double check if you want but I am pretty sure. B l u r r: You can always have it here on The Emperor. Bevel: Culture Club? Whirl: That might work. Whirl: And, a while back me and some other mecha decided to start having it. We'd pick movies. Rotate them. LORDStarscream: No... part of it. I've seen part of it. Up to where they're stuck in the house. Bevel: Aw that sounds fun. Whirl: Yeah, it was pretty cool, actually. LORDStarscream: Knock Out showed it. It was excruciatingly boring. B l u r r: Well, if you want to use the Emperor, you only need to comm me. Whirl: *bobs his head* Gotcha. B l u r r: We're gathering supplies for the night and then we're taking off in the morning. B l u r r: Humans aren't patrolling, so we're not as on edge. B l u r r: I mean, they are, but for some reason, they weren't around this area. B l u r r: Might have been an Autobot hideout or something. LORDStarscream: @Bevel «I'd appreciate if you did. For your own safety, of course.» Star: /is actually pretty in to the movie/
Missed some.
Whirl: She's pretty useless, isn't she? Bevel: *thinking about how she's going to make sure Unicron isn't the center of this planet* B l u r r: well, I bite the hardest Whirl: I believe it. I've seen you have a snack attack. Obviously, MY biting days are over. B l u r r: I'll bite double just for you LORDStarscream: *ah—there he is. a bright smile and a wave to catch the other Starscream's attention.* Alternate. Star: /pretty smart zombies/ Sides: [ skates in on his wheelie feet and skids into the doorway ] The frag- I thought this ship was empty. Star: /notices the other Starscream and give him a small wave and smile/ B l u r r: / nudges Drift / Hey, what do you call three Starscreams in a room? LORDStarscream: Always a pleasure to meet another of myself. LORDStarscream: Particularly such a... sturdy looking one. Drift: *mutters* Grounds for cancelling an event. B l u r r: / huge, sharp tooth grin / NNo no. Whirl: *chimes in* A plague? B l u r r: /grabs Drift's arm/ A herd of Screamers. They're like geese. Drift: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner? B l u r r: They just make annoying honking noises. Whirl: PFFT. B l u r r: / Makes a disgusted face/ No, I don't eat junk food. Star: Its quite interesting to see an alternate of myself as well. Star: /smiles/ Ah, sturdy I am. B l u r r: But how interesting! /twists around/ I didn't think the infamous anger bomb of the autobots was still alive! B l u r r: / rubs claws together / Now /Sideswipe/ there is a decent meal. LORDStarscream: I wouldn't have expected to see one at an Autobot's event. Not /friends,/ are you? Sides: ... I'm disgusted on so many levels. Whirl: *calls over* He's DEFINITELY no friend of ours. Whirl: He's an enemy. Actively. I have no idea why Blurr's letting him squat here. B l u r r: Not a friend of mine either Sunstreaker: /skates in right after Sides and just tackles him/ SIDES!! I can't believe you're here! Who's- Oh, Blurr... B l u r r: He's not squatting here. Squatting means he's living here- B l u r r: ... /OH GRINS WIDER / Bevel: He can be my friend. *so defensive of all this Starscream hate* B l u r r: A double meal?! /stars getting up / If it isn't the TWINS in one precious spot! Wing: *eying Blurr* LORDStarscream: *well, the mystery intensifies. why IS his alternate here, then?* Whirl: Bevel, if you ally with that Starscream--*gestures to the SGScream* The one who's threatening Blurr, then you can count yourself an enemy, as well. LORDStarscream: *a pleased smirk for Bevel.* Making you one of the few here with good taste. Sunstreaker: /sqints at Blurr/ What are you doing back on Earth? Whirl: I don't got a beef with YOUR Starscream. Aside from the baseline levels, y'know. Sides: [ tenses upand almost punches Sunstreaker ] ... Sunny? I thought you died. Sides: Huh... the more you know. LORDStarscream: ... Threate—? You're— *points at his alternate* —threatening him? *points at the purple Blurr* B l u r r: /I'm/ here getting supplies. with your precious Prime gone, there's no guardian of the planet. B l u r r: And as for Starscream, Starscream, he's just as obnoxious, if not as full of himself as Starscream. Sunstreaker: /scoffs/ Yeah well, we're still here. You lookin' for a fight now? Star: Of course I am /sarcasm/ B l u r r: Not right now, Sunflower. Maybe later. Wing: I thought we weren't fighting. B l u r r: / circling him / I sure missed you two. How cute... still together. Whirl: Do you see me, sitting here? Being calm and cool as a cucumber? This is my not fighting. LORDStarscream: Well, if there's another side to the story, alternate, I would far prefer to hear YOURS over THEIRS. Whirl: O'm not shooting, or stting anything on fire, or ripping off body parts with my claws, or ANYTHING fun. I'm being GOOD. Wing: I didn't mean that for you. B l u r r: K-KYAHAHAHA!! Of course you'll side with Starscream. B l u r r: Everyone wants to hear the /innocent/ party's story. Don't they? Whirl: Well, even so, let the record show I'm being good. Sunstreaker: /lightly pushes at Sideswipe, just keeping an eye on Blurr/ Yeah well, we all got split up... B l u r r: I know. I've had Jazz for a while Wing: I'm proud of you for that. *he means it. and he's still eying Blurr* Star: I'd rather not talk about it now. Or else everyone will get more hostile then they are now. And I'd rather not. Sunstreaker: Wait, why do you have Jazz? LORDStarscream: *this might be the first time starscream's ever heard the "Starscream" and "innocent party" used to refer to the same person.* B l u r r: Babysitting. B l u r r: Baiting Prime. B l u r r: /flops down next to Drift again / Butterbuns changed their nickname to King Starscream. Sides: [ shoves Sunny aside a bit . Grumbles. ] Sunstreaker: ... I don't think he's coming back, your bait isn't gonna work. Whirl: She is so incredibly irritating. LORDStarscream: *turns back to the movie long enough to sneer at it. why do humans have to sound so annoying.* B l u r r: Oh? Then I guess the All spark is mine. B l u r r: /leans against Drift and snickers/ King Starscream: (( 8O is this night of the living dead?)) Wing: ((the good one)) Whirl: ((IT IS!)) Star: (LMAO) King Starscream: ((eeey! I've seen this once before! 8D Sunstreaker: He's still Jazz. You should give him back to us. Whirl: She's just dragging him down. Star: (im sorry im laughing that he hit her back...) LORDStarscream: Hmm. It would be far easier to take your side if I knew what it was, alternate. But, I suppose I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Wing: ((hey man, if you start ***...)) Wing: ((she was going a little cray anyway)) B l u r r: Back to you? B l u r r: You, the twins who fight over who is better? B l u r r: [[ zombie screaming. The best caption ]] Star: /looks/ As nice as support is, I rather not get you inovled unnecessarily. Star: (lol) Whirl: I wonder why they're scared of fire? LORDStarscream: I don't need to get involved to offer support. Sunstreaker: Better than your 'Autobots,' killing each other for fun. B l u r r: We don't do that anymore Whirl: It's much more fun to kill Decepticons, anyway. Star: Its quite alright. Sides: [ tugs Sunny's arm to go sit by... that lanky soundwave. He sems safer. Just gonna. Sit on a couch over in this area ] LORDStarscream: *... killing each other for f...? squints at blurr. then at his own alternate. hmmm.* B l u r r: ... /smirks/ Need something? LORDStarscream: Not a thing. B l u r r: I should hope not. Sunstreaker: ... Either way, Jazz isn't your toy. We'll come get him with the others. /follows Sideswipe for now/ Sunstreaker: Sides, you okay? LORDStarscream: @Bevel «Is this one of those... ember universes?» B l u r r: / flexes claws/ Oh go ahead and come get me, you shiny metal twit. King Starscream: *BOOM BABY it's another starscream* King Starscream: *Blurr should fumigate* B l u r r: / SNARLS / Wing: *Primus help him* B l u r r: How irritating... B l u r r: The urge to commit murder is so high... /bouncing a leg. Fidget. / Wing: You can still tell them to leave. Bevel: @Starscream - It is, yeah. Whirl: It's your ship, Teach. All you gotta do is give the word, and it's open season. Sides: ... I'm good. [ looking over Sunny ] Where were you? Who'd you run with? Whirl: *click-clicks his claws* Why not treat yourself? B l u r r: Oooh, I don't think treating myself now is a good idea. /bounce bounce bounce leg / King Starscream: I just thought I'd see what choice entertainment was available for tonight. LORDStarscream: @Bevel «Hm. Explains a lot.» Whirl: I think it sounds like a GREAT idea. Whirl: *HE;S TRYING HIS DAMNEDEST TO ENABLE YOU* B l u r r: / sir u r enabling / Star: /is too into the movie. its rather interesting/ Wing: *Primus help the lot of you if you make him draw swords* LORDStarscream: Alternate! Emperor Perpetua, wasn't it? Bevel: *giggles* Wing: Here I was proud of you a moment ago. Sunstreaker: /shrugs/ I ran with Blaster and some others. No idea where they are now, we got attaked. Whirl: Me? Wing: You. I take it you were ignoring me. Whirl: I thought you were talking to someone else. Sides: Same with us... [shrugs a shoulder ] Star: /Wants to know how that fire is dying down so quickly/ Whirl: But, I mean, it's all the same, what the hell do I care what some NAIL thinks of me? *manages a haighty look, even with his lack of face* Sunstreaker: /looks at Sides and frowns/ Who were you with? B l u r r: I told you to call people by their names... Wing: I never said you cared. I just assumed you were ignoring me. Whirl: I was referring to your so-called pride. Sides: [ huffs] 'Raj. We cloaked for a while with Ratchet, but we lost him. Sides: By the time we found out where he went, it was... you know. too late. King Starscream: Indeed, and it is good to see you again. Wing: It was honest, if short lived. LORDStarscream: A pleasure. Whirl: ((he's fantastic)) B l u r r: If they were a three course meal, which one would be the appetizer... King Starscream: *gonna sit near the other Starscreams* LORDStarscream: *the starscreams are separate. but THIS starscream is cooler.* Sunstreaker: Yeah, we heard about Ratchet... What about Mirage? Is he around? Sides: [ makes a face. Rattles plating a little too loud. ] King Starscream: *the COOL starscream, then* Sides: [ shakes helm ] Gone, too. Bevel: *feeling a litle too purple of this Starscream party over here* Sunstreaker: ... I'm sorry. /reaches over and pats Sides' shoulder/ Sorry I wasn't there to help. Star: /is the smartest Starscream/ LORDStarscream: *excuse u* Sides: [ HUFFS. Just settles in the couch ] I don't think we woulda won. They outnumbered us. Sides: Ran solo for a while. Ran into some other mechs. You know. Same old. Drift: I hope he gets eaten. B l u r r: SAme. Whirl: Same. B l u r r: / smirks/ B l u r r: /chomps down a snack/ Whirl: They should work together--keep the kid down there. The cellar could be a useful fallback of last resort. Drift: Yeah, that's what the people upstairs were suggesting. Whirl: *nods* B l u r r: I mean, places that have only one entrance are usually safer. Drift: The kid's going to wake up dead and start eating people. B l u r r: No one can sneak up on you. Sunstreaker: At least things seem alright in here. For now. /shoots Blurr a look/ King Starscream: The cellar is a pit. It's the most defensible location but the hardest to escape. Sides: ... For now. [huffs and slouches ] LORDStarscream: I'd prefer a dozen escape routes to a defensible death trap, myself. Star: /pokes Wing/ Whirl: Useful if you're a coward. Whirl: I'd rather fight than retreat. Wing: *okay you have his attention* Hm? King Starscream: Well Whirl, we all know that with our luck you'd be the sole survivor. B l u r r: Right, and none of you would make it. Whirl: Hey, what can I say? I'm hard to kill. B l u r r: All the Starscreams would be trying to use the other as a shield. K-Kyeheheheheh. Star: /Doesn't really have much to say he really just wanted to poke Wing../ B l u r r: / snickering and pops another snack in his mouth / Whirl: *SNRK* Star: /frowns at Blurr/ ... Wing: *fair enough. little smile* King Starscream: Oh please. Less useful mechs are the natural choices if we're talking shields. LORDStarscream: Naturally. B l u r r: But each of you thinks everyone not you is less. Star: /is tapping his finger on his seat in irritation/ King Starscream: Bingo. B l u r r: Why do humans continue to reproduce? the kids are always an issue. Sides: [ hold up. Gonna get up, go get snacks and come back. He's starving] King Starscream: Reincarnation. They posses the bodies of the young to continue living. B l u r r: I'm... pretty sure that'snot what reincarnation is. LORDStarscream: *snorts* King Starscream: Well do you have a better theory? B l u r r: For children? B l u r r: Yes. It's called stupidity and improper planning. Whirl: Well, Teach, I imagine they wanna reproduce for the same reason we do. Bevel: *laughs* Wing: It ensures the survival of their species... Something we can't do. B l u r r: Hnh. King Starscream: Wow. King Starscream: Amazing job. Whirl: PFFT. Star: /is shaking his head at the movie/ Whirl: Damn. If he makes it out of there--not bad. Not bad. B l u r r: Right? Drift: About time! B l u r r: Finally. Whirl: Hey, they got barbeque. B l u r r: Mmm. B l u r r: / squirms/  Makes me hungry. Drift: *... same tbh* Whirl: Yech. I'll pass. B l u r r: / hold out tin of snacks to Drift / Star: (So i sorta missed it. How did truck on fire?) B l u r r: / They're cannibal snack packs / Sunstreaker: ... This is disgustin' Whirl: Not big on solid food, myself. Wing: ((the younger guy was an idiot and dropped the torch)) Star: (Ahh, ty) King Starscream: ((he dropped the tourch and then spilled gas all over it from the pump and neatly set the truck on fire Whirl: *streeetches out and sprawls all over the hammock* B l u r r: Honestly, I just want that guy to live. The smart one. Whirl: Blurr, don't you dare do tis to me when I die. B l u r r: Turn you into a zombie or harvest your internals? Whirl: Ravage has dibs. Star: /shudders/ Ugh... Whirl: Eat me. Sides: ... It's kinda cool. Sort of. [eating snacks ] B l u r r: I won't eat you. B l u r r: Besides, Piston really wants to keep you Whirl: Honestly, you can just throw me in the garbage. ...just make sure Piston doesn't get my remains. Whirl: NO B l u r r: Kyeheheheh. Whirl: I will come back to life and pop your head off like a cork. And his. Drift: Radiation. Huh. B l u r r: K-Kyehheheh. Drift: A lot more simple than the usual plots. B l u r r: Radiation? B l u r r: It B l u r r: seems less complicated than describing a false disease. Whirl: ((beat em off eh) Drift: ((*eyebrow waggle*)) Whirl: I like his strategy. Whirl: If we can find 'em, we can kill 'em. Elegant. Simple. B l u r r: secure. Drift: ((isn't it 3 a.m.? that was clearly daytime in the background.)) King Starscream: ((very bright lights Wing: ((this movie was made in like the 60's or sommat)) B l u r r: ... Wow. B l u r r: Definitely should have klled that guy a while ago. Whirl: Yeah. Drift: Mhmm. B l u r r: There you go! Whirl: He's more dangerous than the damn zombies. B l u r r: Most living people are Whirl: ...but now he's gonna re-animate, ain't he? Sides: [ optics glued to screen. He's so invested ] B l u r r: Shoulda double tapped. Wing: *something about that makes him snrt* Drift: Is he going to eat his child. B l u r r: Is she going to eat him? B l u r r: K-KYAHAHA!! Wing: ((the sound effects during this scene I *** LOVE IT)) B l u r r: These zombies are so smart... they use weapons. B l u r r: Eugh, our zombies use weapons, too. Whirl: ((ME 2)) B l u r r: It's obnoxious. B l u r r: [[ omg SAME ]] Wing: ((I want this as a ringtone can you *** imagine)) Whirl: ((man trying to imagine how shocking this movie must've been, ICONIC)) Drift: ((way better than more Hysterical Female Shrieks would've been)) B l u r r: people were so terrified man ]] Wing: ((dude they were. people were throwing up and running from the theater the first time they showed Alien)) Star: Well then... Whirl: ((horror is so damn neat. Fear is so fascinating!!)) B l u r r: [[ it is! ]] Whirl: Uh oh. Bevel: [[there's a quote on wikipedia about how ppl were shocked into silence and small children were just sobbing quietly mid-movie Whirl: She's about to pull a Blurr. Whirl: Snack attack! B l u r r: Kyeheheheh. B l u r r: I'm so honored. Drift: ((why would u bring a small child to a movie called "night of the LIVING DEAD")) Whirl: ((IKR??)) B l u r r: [[ CAUSE PARENT ARE DUMB ]] B l u r r: [[ I've seen people take their kids to see the Purge. ]] B l u r r: Dude, you're wasting ammo. Wing: ((they also took kids to Deadpool when it first came out because HEY IT WAS ADVERTISED AS A ROMANCE NEVER MIND THE RATING)) Star: /And he went to the basement anyway/ B l u r r: [[ UGH YEAH ]] Drift: Save a bullet for the other one. Bevel: [[there wasn't really a rating system at the time so kids could just buy their own tickets as well and ppl were expecting it to not be this gorey and dark Whirl: Yeah. You're gonna need at least two. Whirl: (*(man i love this sound too)) Whirl: ((something about those weird 60s/70s noises, they're so oddly chilling))
Missed some.
Star: ... B l u r r: That's more than I can say for most horror films these days King Starscream: The undead aren't speaking. How hard was it to yell 'hey!'. Whirl: Not bad. It was clumsy in a lot of ways, but this is clearly older. Bevel: Bad. Wing: ((the end credits used to freak me out)) Whirl: *spins his rotors, imitating the prompts on screen* Whirl: *really just succeeds in sort of pushing his hamock back. Time to rock* B l u r r: [[ the end credits scared a lot of people when it came out, i think. ]] B l u r r: se they look so realistic ]] B l u r r: *cause ]] Wing: ((nah, it was the music for me)) Whirl: Not bad, Teach. Whirl: We should spend more time with the classics. B l u r r: We should. Bevel: Bad ending. B l u r r: I don't know it's better than most. B l u r r: /looks at Drift/ Whatcha think? King Starscream: Well the rest of the humans lived, so they seem pretty satisfied. Bevel: *likes her scary movies with happy endings* Whirl: *swivels his helm towards Bevel* @B: Hey. Bevel: @W - Yeah? Drift: ... Still getting tired of horror movies that end with a last-minute twist that screws over the main characters. Whirl: @B: I'm assuming you were being defensive of the Starscream next to you. And not the one at the back who's trying to get Blurr killed. Am I right? B l u r r: Well, this was a little better than the last one. Right? Drift: *glares around the room like he's daring somebody to start slag with him about it this week.* Whirl: Yeah. I mean, it's realistic--life'll screw you over every damn chance it gets--but it's not interesting. Or creative. Drift: Yeah. At least it wasn't global extinction. B l u r r: /pokes Drift's cheek/ Drift: *pokes back!* B l u r r: Look for that positive, you walking motivational poster. B l u r r: /smirks and pokes again/ King Starscream: ...are there horror movies that DONT end with the main characters getting screwed over? Drift: Pff—! B l u r r: The Babadook! King Starscream: I thought it was part of the genre. B l u r r: / immediate excitement / B l u r r: They even learn to live with themonster! Bevel: @W - Of course! Lord Starscream is my friend. He helped beat Megatron and end the war. B l u r r: / bright optic. So excited / LORDStarscream: They usually end with the last surviving stragglers stumbling into a secure military base. Whirl: *bobs his head* @B: All right. Good. Hey, anyone who beats up Megatron can't be so bad. ........don't you dare tell him I said that. Bevel: *he can also fly and do cool tricks but she thinks Whirl might not find this very impressive* LORDStarscream: ... Based on the ones Knock Out shows, at least. Bevel: @W - Promise. Whirl: *Whirl is satisfied; he actually kind of likes Bevel. He'd hate to have had to re-catergorize her as "foe"* Whirl: *it's very difficult to impress Whirl in the air, but Starscream is welcome to try* Bevel: *she likes not being a foe yeah* Wing: ((oh my god it actually is Derezzed)) King Starscream: ((eeeeey! Whirl: *he bobs his helm again, cordially; all is once again well* Star: (I love this song) Whirl: I liked that one with the guy in the wall. Whirl: That ended on a happy note. He got to stay in the wall, and they killed the psychiatrist. LORDStarscream: At least this movie explains where Knock Out got the ridiculous idea that the reanimated dead can be taken out with head shots. Star: That movie was rather interesting B l u r r: Oh, yes. Starscream knows /ALL/ about that. B l u r r: don't you, Starscream? /sneers over the back of the couch / King Starscream: ...So how DO you kill the reanimated dead? Bevel: [[oh geez the first slam in this song scared me Wing: *carefully stretches his wings to full and back again* Whirl: Tear them into little pieces. Bevel: Fire. Whirl: Or--burn 'em up. Melt em. Star: /theres like three of them here/ B l u r r: / starscream knows who he's talking to B( / LORDStarscream: Take out the spark. Sides: [ snort ] Sides: Cut 'em up LORDStarscream: Or—ember, I suppose it would be here. LORDStarscream: Although the pieces have an annoying habit of becoming /independently/ animated. LORDStarscream: Smelting is a good idea, so long as your smelter isn't connected to anything that might become infected and animated itself. B l u r r: Smelting pits are such a blessing. Sides: Never had a problem with enemies resurrecting. When I start scrap, I finish it. Whirl: All right. *streeetches again* I gotta get back to packin'. Whirl: Catch ya next week, Teach, if all goes well. B l u r r: / waves claw at Whirl / King Starscream: Independantly animated. B l u r r: I'll comm you if I need your help. King Starscream: *note to self: prevents undead outbreak* Whirl: *hops out of his hammock and bobs his head goodbye to Bevel* Bevel: Hot water stops space barnacles but the bots they infect are not dead so I do not think they count as zombies. Bevel: *waves to Whirl* Whirl: Yeah. You ever called about the other thing. I figured you must have handled it. Whirl: *FREEZES mid-stride* Wait, what about space barnacles? LORDStarscream: Independently animated, yes. As in I have seen an arm fall off an undead mech and start running around and attacking people on its own. B l u r r: ... Oh, no, I didn't B l u r r: Woops. B l u r r: I'll comm you. Bevel: Space barnacles do not like heat. Hot water works really well on them. King Starscream: ..I feel like I should be asking why you are all experts on this. B l u r r: Well, in my universe, we have zombies. King Starscream: *tilts head at Bevel* We haven't been introduced, have we. Whirl: *shrugs at Blurr* LORDStarscream: Have you not had the misfortune of encountering dark energon? Sides: KSI bots are pretty much zombies. Whirl: Why are we talking about hem like they're zombies? Is that a thing? Whirl: Mine's always been pretty well-behaved. Except for when it tries to eat me. B l u r r: ... /perks up / Oooh, what's /dark/ energon? What's that do? B l u r r: / twitches claw / I bet it's valuable. Whirl: Bad shi t, Teach. Whirl: Turns you into an Empty. King Starscream: No. Only a Dark Universe, and /that/ was more than enough. King Starscream: *he'd rather forget all of that* Bevel: It is in some universes, yeah. They take over a bot and make them all shambly and evil. B l u r r: Oh, well, we have those naturally. Whirl: Don't. If you start dealin' in that, you'll never see MY sorry hide again. LORDStarscream: The blood of Unicron. /Literal/, believe it or not. Whirl: Really? Huh. Bevel: *oh hey other Starscream* I do not think we have. My name is Bevel. B l u r r: Oh, the unicorn thing again... / rolls optic / B l u r r: We don't have that thing here. Whirl: Killer's never done that. B l u r r: well, not HERe, but in my verse. Sunstreaker: /snorts/ I saw a KSI with Brawl's face, they really are like zombies Whirl: But it did dismember someone, once. It was hilarious. LORDStarscream: Stab it into a corpse and it behaves much as the dead humans in this movie. They rise from the dead, blindly attack anyone they see, and spread the infection to their victims—bots and machinery alike. Sides: They are. All they do is wander. B l u r r: .....They do? B l u r r: / leans forward with a grin/ The mech has to be dead, though, right? B l u r r: / twitches claws/ Sounds interesting... Sunstreaker: Yeah, I don't think they even have sparks King Starscream: *he met one (1) new person today!* Sides: They have a power core. Sunstreaker: ((lol if my Sideways was here he'd be so offended by this)) Sides: Ripped it out once. Star: (cya later. too sleepy to do much) Sides: ( gnight! ) Wing: ((niight)) LORDStarscream: Stab a LIVE mech and they are briefly blessed with enhanced strength and a limited ability to control the undead beasts—but in exchange, that person can be controlled and possessed by Unicron himself. Bevel: *she met another Starscream today ey* Whirl: *shoots Blurr one last, exasperated look, but just shakes his head and turns to go* B l u r r: / waves at Whirl! / B l u r r: sounds boring. I'd rather stab it into something dead. B l u r r: / smirks/ Something very big. And dead. Wing: *this whole conversation is darkening his optics* Whirl: *from the doorway* Not kidding, Teach. LORDStarscream: Do so and IT'S set up to be Unicron's tool as well. Whirl: Do it, and it's curtains. B l u r r: Okay, Whirl! I got it. I'm just hypothetically speaking. B l u r r: Ratchet would never let me. LORDStarscream: These things have no intelligence and no loyalty. They can and WILL turn against their creators in spectacular fashion. Whirl: Yeah, well, I don't exactly trust you to make good decisions. Considering. B l u r r: / shrugs/ Sounds like home to me. B l u r r: / snorts at Whirl/ Fair enough. But, I yield. I won't. B l u r r: You're more valuable than that. King Starscream: ..I should call you later for more details on this. Sides: This sounds like a royal mess. [leans back to watch ] LORDStarscream: PLUS using it leads to damnation to everlasting torment after death, if the short-term consequences aren't bad enough. Sides: Much better than what I've been doing. Whirl: *regards Blurr with a half-lidded optic* Flattery won't get you anywhere. But hat's good enough. B l u r r: / smirks at whirl / B l u r r: / thumbs up / King Starscream: For now I must be going. The company was better than the movie. Whirl: *bobs his head one last time and goes* King Starscream: *nods to Starscream and Bevel* Until next time. B l u r r: I wouldn't be interested in anything unless it makes me faster. Bevel: Night, Starscream. LORDStarscream: Until next time, alternate. B l u r r: / shrugs and leans back/ Sounds like that weird energon won't helpwith that. Wing: *just quiet in thought* Bevel: There are better weird energons anyway. B l u r r: Yeah? Like what? LORDStarscream: *... faster, huh. blurr has starscream's attention.* Sides: I can't believe Jazz lives on this scrap wagon... B l u r r: This thing I stole from Thundertron increases my speed twice over. LORDStarscream: And what would be willing to trade for something that could make you faster? B l u r r: But I can always go faster- hn? Bevel: The bad synth-en does not make you a zombie or a slave to Unicron. B l u r r: Trade? Hnnh. Depends. I'm not a fan of being ripped off. Bevel: *it does make you a drugged fueled rage roider but details* LORDStarscream: A fuel that makes you so fast, it appears that time has ground to a stop around you. Sunstreaker: /shrugs at Sides/ Pretty sure he's just buying time until Prime gets back. IF he comes back B l u r r: ... Ah... /twitches entire frame. Flex claws/ B l u r r: Depends on what you'd want. We pirates can get anything. LORDStarscream: My Decepticons have a healthy cache of such a substance... although we don't just hand it out for free. Sides: ... What if he doesn't come back? [looks at Sunny ] Who's leading ? B l u r r: Depends on what you'd want. Sunstreaker: Nobody I guess... Sides: ... Huh. [frowns ] Sides: Guess there's no one to lead anyway. No wonder he took off. Sides: Surprised he ditched Jazz, though. LORDStarscream: Oh, the usual—weapons, armor, rare artifacts of great power... B l u r r: ... I have an All Spark. B l u r r: / smirks/ Oh, but he's not for sale. Wing: *that gets his attention* B l u r r: I'm sure I could find /something/ in the various verses. B l u r r: There's always someone to steal from. LORDStarscream: Then don't waste my time with things that aren't for sale. B l u r r: I have plenty of weapons and armor, but it's not something that I would hand over to you. You're liable to back stab me. B l u r r: And my back has enough scars. Sunstreaker: Maybe he didn't know? He took off pretty fast LORDStarscream: Pf! Please. What would I stand to gain? Sides: I don't know. Jazz never tried to contact any of us. And if he's here, he's not even comin for us. He probably ditched, too. LORDStarscream: My focus is on Cybertron and its restoration. Not screwing over petty pirate crews. B l u r r: We're not /petty/ Sunstreaker: Jazz wouldn't do that, he would have said something. ... Right? LORDStarscream: The security on this ship is so lax, a mech who's trying to kill you was able to walk in and take a seat. LORDStarscream: It's not exactly the most tightly-run ship, is it? Sides: Would he? [scoffs and just crosses arms. ] He's just like everyone else. Hiding for himself. B l u r r: / twitches claws/ It IS tightly run. B l u r r: Starscream can TRY to kill me all he wants, but he'll never succeed. B l u r r: He's not a threat to me. LORDStarscream: Mhmm. Sunstreaker: I dunno... Maybe. Remember his history. B l u r r: Oh, but you'll fan your precious alternate. Someone has to. Sides: Well, I hope he doesn't come back. Sides: He's no help. LORDStarscream: Funny. That's what most of my kills thought too. B l u r r: I'm not that easy to kill. Or intimidate. Sunstreaker: I guess. /huffs/ Should we stay here? I don't like the looks of most of these mechs... Especially the obvious one. Sides: [ scowls and just shrugs ] I don't care. LORDStarscream: The ability to feel intimidated is the ability to recognize a naked threat. I'm not impressed by its deficit. Sides: It doesn't matter where we stay. Someone's always trying to kill us. LORDStarscream: *stands* But fine. Let me know if you find something useful. Perhaps a trade can be arranged. B l u r r: Regardless of the little brain game you want to play. B l u r r: It's about a trade, not an alliance. LORDStarscream: *disgusted look* Who said anything about an ALLIANCE? Eugh. B l u r r: I'll let you know what I can steal. I travel plenty of verses. I'm sure there's something you don't have. B l u r r: Like tact. Sunstreaker: Guess that's true. LORDStarscream: *snorts* I save that for people who have impressed me. Bevel: *well that could have gone better* B l u r r: I don't need to impress you. /crosses arms/ B l u r r: Like I said, if I find something, I'll offer the trade. B l u r r: I'm always willing to go faster than everyone else. Sides: [glances at Sunny ] If you wanna stay on Earth, the stay there. Sides: You'reprobably gonna look for Blaster anyway, right? LORDStarscream: Then you don't need my tact. LORDStarscream: Fine. *ping.* You have my comm. B l u r r: Are we striking a deal or not? The next thing I find is yours. B l u r r: But I want double the amount. Sunstreaker: ... I do yeah, but I don't want us to get separated again. LORDStarscream: I don't want the next thing you find. I want the first thing you find that I consider interesting. LORDStarscream: Find something interesting, tell me what it is, I'll tell you if I want it, then we can haggle over the price. B l u r r: / snerk/ Fine. Sides: [ huffs] I guess. Wing: *watching Sides and Sunstreaker* If I may? Sides: [ rolls shoulder and cracks neck armor ]  Huh? Sunstreaker: Hm? B l u r r: If I find it interesting enough, I'm willing to pay routinely for it. Wing: I apologize for eavesdropping, but if you need a place to stay safely, I can offer one. All I ask is peace while you are there. LORDStarscream: Then I'll await your comm. B l u r r: Oh, don't worry. It won't take me long. B l u r r: I'm pretty swift. Sunstreaker: /squints at Wing/ ... Full offense, we've got no idea who you are. Sides: ... I probably shouldn't be near people at all. Wing: *he nods* I understand. I don't know you either. I don't expect you to accept. My name is Wing. Sides: Sideswipe. [ motions to Sunny ] My brother. B l u r r: Honestly... / vents and flops back on the couch/ I'm sure I can find something... /tapping chinplate / B l u r r: Bit dangerous, but that makes it more valuable. Sunstreaker: /small hand wave at Wing/ Wing: *he nods to them* If you should change your mind, please let me know. Again, all I ask is peace while you stay. LORDStarscream: Hm. We'll see. Sunstreaker: Heh, can't make a promise on that. Thaks for the offer. B l u r r: Yes, we will. When it comes to speed, I am incredibly serious LORDStarscream: I meant about the /value/ of what you find. B l u r r: That' what I'm saying.  What I give you won't be a waste of your time. LORDStarscream: Now, if we're quite done exchanging clever quips, my army needs me. B l u r r: ... / he misses that. Ah well. Shrugs / You have my comm. /pings/ I have yours. I'll contact you. Sides: We'll keep it in mind... [ nods] LORDStarscream: *nods to Bevel.* A pleasure, as always. Wing: *he waves at that* No need. It's about time anyway. Bevel: Good night, Lord Starscream. B l u r r: / flicks claws / LORDStarscream: Good night. *heads for the door.* B l u r r: / the idea of something making him faster is so tempting / Bevel: *should go herself, it's getting late and others have been filtering out for a while now* B l u r r: / bounce bounce leg / LORDStarscream: ... *stops at the doorway. turns.* Blurr. B l u r r: Hnnh? Sunstreaker: /nudges Sides/ We should go, there's a place nearby we can hideout. LORDStarscream: Keep Bevel safe. B l u r r: ... My crew will always be safe. So long as I'm here. LORDStarscream: Good. Sides: ... [ rubs helm ] I don't know, Sunny. Bevel: *grins* Sides: I /really/ shouldn't be around people. Sunstreaker: It's alright, I'm kinda the only one there... LORDStarscream: *doesn't have anything else to add to that, he supposes. turns again and leaves.* B l u r r: / looks at Bevel / I will. B l u r r: You guys are safe with me. Bevel: And I will keep you safe too. Bevel: *nods* Drift: ((and i forgot what i was doing with drift, if anything, so. *skedaddles*)) Bevel: [[night B l u r r: ... I haven't heard that one in a while. Sides: Yeah, but- I mean, yeah. Bevel: Really? Wing: *why is he still here he needs to go he's too tired* B l u r r: Eh, Drift says it sometimes and so do a few rare others, but. No one has said that to me in a while. B l u r r: My Prime... he used to tell me that a lot. We had this thing. I kept him safe, he kept me safe. Sunstreaker: Come on Sides, /stands up and nudges his shoulder/ It'll be fine where I'm at. There's nobody around. Sides: [ frowns more ] I don't sleep really anymore. Bevel: Then I am extra glad I said it. *stands up* I am gonna go now. Sides: I'll just... keep watch. B l u r r: ... Yeah. Yeah, sure. B l u r r: / lifts claw to wave at Wing and Bevel / Wing: Thank you for the stream. *again. wave. he needs gone* Sunstreaker: That's fine, come on. I don't want to be around Blurr right now anyway Sides: [ sighs ] ... [ just stands up and presses doors in close to his back] Bevel: *she's bad at moments but she'll take a second longer than usual to put her left hand to her chest and give Blurr and slight bow before leaving* B l u r r: / w-wweh ;-; a proper salute / Bevel: *a slight bow even, moment ruined by spelling error whee* Bevel: [[night everybody Sides: [[ ni ni ]]
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Better Than Medicine // Na Jaemin
the prompt: Could I request something super fluffy and full of cuddles with NCT Dream Jaemin? Thank you!
words: 1097
category: fluff + kind of a best friend scenario?
author note: i have had this plot for jaemin in my head for months and now is the perfect time to bring it out. also i miss him so but he’s my lil honey bun and i hope he’s okay and healthy and living a unstressed life rn. ANYWAY hope this was up what you wanted! please enjoy!
- destinee
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You took your books out of your locker and prepared to go home. Your day was pretty laggy, especially since your best friend and partner-in-crime, Na Jaemin, wasn’t present at school. You had collected his homework from the teachers and decided to give it to Jeno or Mark, who would without a doubt be going over to his house.
On your way out the building, you saw Jaemin’s regular crew and ran to them. You addressed Jeno first, “Why wasn’t Jaemin in school?”
Jeno frowned, “He’s at his house, sick in bed. His parents are on a business trip so Taeyong has been staying with him.”
“Really? He didn’t text me.” You pulled out your phone, only to see it on silent with fifteen missed texts from Jaemin.
Nana: Y/n~
Nana: I’m sick with a cold
Nana: Hyung said I had to stay home
Nana: pls bring me my homewook
Nana: homework*
Nana: and food pls
Nana: if i have to eat one more bowl of soup im going to cry
Nana: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nana: Y/n!!!!!!
Nana: pls answer me :(((
Nana: u always have ur phone on
Nana: r u ignoring me?
Nana: hyung is making me stop texting to get some sleep
Nana: pls come see me soon
Nana: i miss your face you dork
You smiled at the messages and tucked your phone away. “At least I already collected his homework. I’ll go see him myself then.”
You walked to Jaemin’s house, lugging your backpack behind you.
Taeyong met you at the door. Being Jaemin’s best friend, you knew every one of his other friends and vice versa. Taeyong was one of the mothers in the group, so you weren’t surprised to see the stress in his face.
Taeyong had figured you would come eventually. He sighed in relief, “Thank goodness you’re here.”
“Why?” You kicked off your shoes and shed your coat.
“He won’t take any of the medicine I’ve tried feeding to him and he won’t take a nap. Also, he’s all grumpy because you won’t text him back.” Taeyong rolled his eyes.
“Yeah…my phone was on silent,” you said apologetically.
“Well, get up there and try to get him to take his medicine. The boy hasn’t been able to sleep no matter how much I make him rest and the medicine might stop his cough enough to let him get a good nap in.”
“Alright,” you said as Taeyong practically pushed you down the hallway. “I’m going.”
When you entered Jaemin’s bedroom, you could see that he was bundled up under all of the covers, trying to sleep under a mountain of blankets.
“Hyung,” His voice sounded pitiful and tired, “I promise I’m trying to sleep but I can’t.”
“It’s not Taeyong,” you said as cheerily as you could, wishing to lift his spirits a bit.
Jaemin peeked out from behind his blankets, his hair messy and falling into his eyes. “Well look who finally decided to show u–” he choked on his words, coughing loudly.
You laughed and walked over to him, slapping his back to try and help him get rid of his cough. The two of you had been friends for a long time, so something like a fever and cough didn’t deter you from contact.
He glared at you as you slapped his back a little harder than necessary.
“Why didn’t you answer any of my texts?” He whined, flopping down onto his pillow and looking at you with sad eyes. “I was so bored.”
“My phone was on silent,” you said, averting your eyes so as not to see his pout. “Please forgive me.”
Jaemin pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, “You’re forgiven, I suppose.”
“Thanks,” you rolled your eyes. “Now are you going to take your medicine since I’m here?”
“Then, are you going to go to sleep since I’m here?”
You placed your hands on your hips. “Don’t be stubborn, Na Jaemin.”
“Don’t tell me what to do, L/n Y/n.”
You pointed to your backpack. “Fine. If you don’t need me, I’ll just leave your homework here and see you later.”
Of course your trick would work, since Jaemin always liked being at your side. Even sick, he wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to be with you, and you knew it.
“No!” Jaemin protested. You stopped and smirked at him, since you had already predicted his answer.
“You want me to stay,” you teased in a song-song voice.
“Of course I do, you idiot. I just don’t want to take my medicine or sleep.” Jaemin retorted sassily.
“Well, you need to rest,” you argued. “So what do I have to do to make you sleep?”
Jaemin rose his eyebrow. “You could always cuddle with me.”
You looked at Jaemin. “Why would I cuddle with you?”
He sighed. “I just want to hold someone and you seem like a good candidate.”
As if that was a good reason, he pushed his covers to the side and patted the empty space beside him. “Please?”
“I can’t believe we’re best friends,” you said grumpily as you crawled in beside him.
“See, Y/n?” Jaemin gave you a genuine smile and immediately latched on to you. “This is nice.”
“Ah, yes.” You said, your arms restricted to your sides by Jaemin’s own lanky arm. “There is no nicer position than that of being held down against your will.”
At this, Jaemin released his hold, “Such a drama queen, Y/n.”
You turned onto your side and used Jaemin’s chest as a pillow, “Now this is much better.”
“I can’t disagree,” Jaemin said, wrapping his arm around your waist and pressing you even closer to him. “Why do you always get your way in this friendship?”
“Because my way is better,” You answered matter-of-factly. “So, you can sleep now?” You asked him, turning serious again.
You felt Jaemin’s heartbeat slowing down.
He yawned into your hair, “I think so.”
“Ew, get your germs away from me,” you said jokingly, feeling his breath on your forehead.
“Make me,” he mumbled sleepily. You could already feel him falling asleep, his grip loosening.
Eventually, he was quietly snoring into your hair, able to fall asleep with you by his side. His heartbeat slowly lulled you to sleep as well, so you didn’t notice when Taeyong peaked in to check on you two.
His face turned from worry to relief as he saw Jaemin finally sleeping soundly.
Then he saw the unopened medicine bottle on the nightstand and scowled. Those kids.
~the end~
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onghwangs · 7 years
now i'm curious! who's your personal top 11 vs what you want the top 11 to be?
Wow okay…my personal top 11 is comprised of ppl I foundenjoyable to watch and have fun cheering for, I’m a sucker for dumb fools and hiddenstorylines so yeah. 
But, man if they put this group together I would screambecause noooomg it would mostly be a comedy troupe than an idol group. theymight as well be called 10gagmen1straightman (10G1S)
(edited for guys in the top 59, in no particular order) 
yoon jisung- I likedhim ever since ep 1. I think that most, if not all of the trainees were chatteringaway during the auditions but I find that he seems to not really censor hismouth. I think a lot of the trainees are very and tense image conscious (theyshould be due to mnet) and Jisung (and the other MMO guys) were more relaxed. He’s funny but not offensive funny…Iremember like when Daehwi was explaining his avengers team, Jisung was likeyeah, go ahead and eat up all the popular members, Dahewi and JKKSJDKSJKJKSTHAT MAN. He seems like a genuinely fun and nice person to be a round, judgingby how he seems close to both his label-mates and his 10/10 group-mates….anyways📢📢📢I LVOETHIS MAN AND THAT ANTI WHO DM’D HIM TO GET HIM IN TROUBLE CAN SRSLY FCUK OFF!!!📢📢📢
kim taemin -  he was so cute in his intro vid but he was sonervous his voice was shaking so much lmao poor thing…. But im fucking….ifthere’s really a meme in this show, it’s taemin…everything they show of him, he’smaking a damn fool of himself. Him screaming in the hiddenbox thing, himfailing to do headstands, him dancing to nayana…yeah I lof the fool!! What reallymade me like him was him acting so surprised and happy when someone called hisname wayyyy back during the first nayana perf. Like….he seemed so amazed to have fans lmao what a gem. He’salso quite photogenic too.
Ong seongwu – THEBEST ALL ROUNDER IMO???????????? He’s a good singer ( hE WAS ONE OF THE 6TRAINEES THAT SANG PICK ME! WITHOUT HIM THERE WOULD BE NO NAYA NA), a great dancer, already has charisma and is hotwhile being complete dork? Amazing. I really adore him and his three moles and I’msuper worried for when the 1-pick voting comes because he doesn’t seem to havea lot of individual fans (someone prove me wrong pls)
Park Jihoon –yeah that wink got me shook. But yeah, srsly speaking, his wink did catch myeye but I thought he was going to be wayyyyyy to cute-ish for my tastes. I wassurprised by the way he carried himself (cute, but not too much, he seems to bevery calm too).  I think he’s skilled butcan improve much more (esp his singing) so I look forward to his improvement!! @mnetI’m still waiting for his angry clip L I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I WOULD BUY ALL THELIPBALM HE NEEDS, JUST TELL ME WHAT BRAND U WANT BOY, I”LL GET U A SUPPLY SOBIG THEY’LL OFFER U AN ENDORSEMENT DEAL
Kim Yehyeon – He seemslike a really sweet guy and this story is what basically made me stan him (andgave him that 39+ rank rise) my boy is a fuckin saint he went to the emergencyroom because he was too overworked and he had to perform Be Mine will injured..T_T He did not almost die for no screentime and continuous repeats and zoom-insof ppl gulping….anyways he’s also dumb, you should support 
Lee Junwoo – an actualbaby!!!!!!!! He caught my eye in episode 0 but I totally forgot who he wasuntil I saw his famous TATATA dance. What I liked about him was that he didn’t completelygive up after messing up and he kept on going hard @ the dance (he even made itto a C despite those mistakes!) he’s an awesome dancer and has good expressions!I really look forward to seeing his Shape of You stage (I think) I heard it wassupposed to be real good. I’m also screaming because he looks like a baby is ashuge as an elephant IRL 184CM HOOOLLLLLY
kim yongguk – I gotto know him because of that pann post and I support and adore him so much butnot as much as kim sihyun does!!!!! He’s a pretty nice vocalist and pretty goodsinger..but I think because baekho stole the entire stage, it’s hard to judgehis stage presence,  I really do lookforward to seeing his stage and seeing him be more of a savage!
Ahn hyungseop – Ilove him, he’s such a textbook slyth, he even expressed disappointment ingetting a lower rank than before. I can see why ppl don’t like him (similar todaehwi) but I really do adore him and his quirky ways. While I think he’s agood performer, I do think he would be more a B-rank rather than A. I’m stillnot quite convinced of his singing just yet….
Joo Haknyeon – tbh,I feel like he was born to be an idol with a face like that, I think it has amore idol-ish feel than Jihoon’s. I find that he’s a really decent dancer too!I do wish he had a better audition song…like why’d u choose that song and b-boyto it omf. He seems to be a total sweetheart as well! Hanywayz…..i wanna seemore of his friendship with ong, they seem to be good friends as well Y_Y @mnetGIV EHIM MORE SCREENTIME.
Yoo Seonho – it’sa surprised to me how much I like him?? He’s so cute and harmless lmao. I can totallysee why he was casted, along with guanlin, and sent out despite being only trainees for 6 months. they will super popular in thefuture (if cube doesn’t fuck up). I’m not really expecting much from him, beinga 6 month trainee, but he did surprisingly ok in sorry sorry compared to hisexperience, I’m looking forward to seeing his next stage. He also seems to be agreat guy, judging by his fanaccs and activities.
Yeo Hwanung – he’sa great dancer and stable vocalist, why is he being slepton?????????????????????? He seems super sweet and patient with Justin too likegoing through the notes together…
Notable mentions: everyone else, I fucking love and support all of them!!!!!! I just find these 11 really interesting at the moment.
 hennyways……here’s my top final 11 AKA B.O.I. …sorta. I thinkit’ll probably change after the next eps as people come to prove themselvesmore!! But this group, I’ll be pretty comfortable with them debuting and confident that they will be able to handle different concepts, all can carry their weight, etc. (in noparticular order)
Kang Daniel – He’s another well rounder. So he seems like areal sweet person but he ( along with Ong ) don’t really seem to take shit fromppl and I like that they speak there mind, though I want him to be careful ofhis actions as well LMAO. He’s also a fuckn miracle worker, my friend went fromdisliking him in ep2 to being a full stan by ep5 so I think he seems to be aperson that would keep fans engaged for a long time.
 Park Jihoon – Yeah, I’m kinda being biased, but he’d doreal well as a stan attractor! He dancing is good and I feel like he’ll improveon his singing soon….okay enough…
Kim Jaehwan – holyyy shit his voice is sooo good. All theguys in sorry sorry team 2 were good, but the dude carried the vocals for histeam, lbr. Im sincerely hoping he pulls up into the final 11, the vocals would get a huge upgrade holy shit son.
 Im Youngmin – alpacaaaaa aaaaaa!! He’s growing on me somuch and seems to be a very kind person, teaching the be mine moves foreveryone. I love that group so much, they seem genuinely close to each other !!  His rapping is good and he seems to be quitecharismatic on stage
Kim Taedong – His jump from F to A holyyyy shit whattaman!!!  His moves are sharp and he’s astable singer, I’m really liking what I’m seeing from him so far. I think he’s real idol material and he seems likea complete dork too, I loff!!!!!!
Yoon Heeseok, lmaoooo he’s also another living meme. He’san excellent singer, I really want him to work on his dancing a bit though but heseems to be improving quite nicely, from F-B. his shoulders are also killer.
Lee Daehwi – Another all-rounder. He doesn’t deserve thehate he gets, I honestly hope he makes it, he has the skills and personality tomake it into the idol world. He’s a sweet boy.
-(wildcards) x 3
 lmao okay I cheated, it’s because I haven’t fully decidedyet….i still wanna see more perfs Lbut here are a list of guys I would love to see in the final line up as well.
from my personal top 11: jisung, yongguk, hyungseob, hwanung,anyone that shows they’ve got what it takes/improves immensely
vocals: sewoon, hoeseung, woodam, gwanghyun(???), donghyun,dongsu, kiwon, keonhee, seonglee. youjin
rap: woo jinyoung, namhyung, big woojin
dance: hyunmin, eunki, kenta, samuel, kim donghan
nu’est, hotshot members: I’m reallllllllly conflicted inthis. In a perfect world, they don’t make it in the top 11 but their companiesgive them comebacks they need and the make it big and win awards and it’s the perfectcomeback story lmao…but I’ll still be happy with any of them in the line up aswell
wow i’m sorry i wrote too long jdksajd
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