#baby danvers one shot
oneshotnewbie · 5 months
Maggie and Alex's daughter gets beaten up and injured at school because her moms are gay.
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A chilly Friday dawned on this clear day over National City as you said goodbye to both your mothers with a warm smile and a friendly demeanor and headed off to school. But within that peaceful aura of yours, there was an invisible darkness that hovered over your life five days a week, causing you to despair. Your mothers, Alex and Maggie, had been happily married for four years, loved each other deeply and had raised you with love and care. Although their love was strong and real, in this conservative teenage community, where hormones reigned supreme, their relationship was highly controversial and it was not acceptable in the narrow minds of some of your classmates.
As you walked through the school gates of National City High School and put one foot in front of the other, you immediately felt the tense atmosphere that would accompany you through everyday school life. As you entered the building, textbooks clutched tightly to your chest, the corridors and halls filled with excited students as the first school bells rang. Sneaking around people, you tried not to draw any more attention to yourself, but the other students' eyes seemed to be on you.
The whispers and giggles were like poisonous arrows piercing your soul and you tried to make your way to your first class, head bowed, when suddenly a group of classmates were throwing insults at you while they laughed behind your back. For the normal teenagers, you were special. "Look at this, people! The adopted girl brought into a lesbian family is on the move again!" one of the boys mocked, nudging his friends to make them laugh maliciously and you felt a lump forming in your throat. "That is perverted."
The words cut through your heart like a knife, seemed to echo in your ears and settle in your brain, your heart starting to increase it´s beat. You tried to hold back the tears and continued walking to his locker, where you planned to put the third through sixth period books. But as you walked towards your locker, you saw a paper hanging on your door that said "Daughter of the Lesbian Gang" written in all caps. The despair and pain overwhelmed you, but you tried to keep yourself together so as not to look like a weakling and make your situation worse.
Things were not any better in class. Some students made snide and mocking comments about your family, and others laughed at you while sticky paper balls were pushed into your hair through a straw. Your teacher either did not seem to notice anything or deliberately ignored the situation and you felt completely alone.
During the first break, the cruelty of the classmates continued. You sat on a bench in the quiet corner of the schoolyard, tears reflecting in your eyes as you looked at your lovingly prepared breakfast that Maggie had made. You felt misunderstood and hurt, your mothers having no idea what happened during school time. You had never said a word about it in their presence. Your thoughts were interrupted when you were pushed away by another student and landed unceremoniously on the floor, spilling your lunch all over the dirty floor. A hateful aura arose around you that seemed threatening to you.
"Oops, I am sorry about that, freakshow" bystanders laughed at a tall girl's words and pointed a finger at you as you tried to pick yourself up and keep your dignity. More students joined in the laughter, and soon several curious eyes found themselves on you. "I am not a freak show and it is not fair to judge my family!" you shouted, the hurt evident in your eyes as you tried to defend yourself from the harsh words.
The girl, a grade higher than you, laughed scornfully and stepped closer before grabbing you by the collar and throwing you to the ground again, straddling your thighs to keep you beneath her. A blow from the clenched fist that hit you in the eyebrow caused a deep cut into your skin through the ring on one finger, which immediately began to bleed. The other students did not dare to pull the girl away from you and help you, but joined in the mockery and cheered her with wild clapping and whistling.
You felt like you were under a magnifying glass as you tried to protect yourself from her blows, but your hands were pinned to the floor by the wrists under her knees. Your heart was pounding with fear and anger, but you did not dare defend yourself further. You tried to hold back tears as you begged for mercy, multiple insults with each blow cutting into your soul like knife stabs. "You are just embarrassing, just like your weird married mothers. No wonder no one likes you."
At the end of the school day, you did not even dare take the school bus. You would not find any peace there, as a few older students were already making fun of you and blocking your way trying to get there. Instead you walked home for three quarters of an hour in the rain. When you got home, your mothers were still at work and you were trying to hide and explain a solution to the injuries on your face. The wounds inflicted on you would heal. But the emotional scars cut deep and hurt your sense of self-worth immensely.
While you were taking care of yourself, you wondered if you should confess to your mothers so they could place you in another school. You could not continue like this in the long run, it would destroy you.
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eqt-95 · 2 years
a crisis of indulgence
also on ao3
Lena Luthor didn’t indulge in much. 
Even that was an overstatement.
Lena Luthor didn’t indulge, full stop.
So when two straight years without a holiday, weekend, or full night’s rest passed and the latest L-Corp product successfully launched without an ounce of cynical, passive aggressive doubt about its potential use for world-domination or human-destruction, Lena did something she never did:
She decided to indulge.
If it could even be called that.
It wasn’t a week long stay at some resort deep in the mountains. It wasn’t a European vacation filled with stops at her favorite French cafe and Irish pub. It wasn’t even a weekend off. It was something so trivial and simple that Jess’ stoic demeanor collapsed and sent her jaw tumbling to the floor in obvious disapproval.
“Gelato?” she asked - guffawed. “That’s what you want?”
“There’s a little place off North and 73rd."
“Gelato,” Jess repeated, unable to process anything past that simplest of fact.
Because it truly was preposterously small and hardly counted as a suitable reward for over 7300 cumulative hours worked over the last two years without so much as a thank you from the board, her peers, or the headlines.
"The owner took over for his mother who immigrated from Italy forty years ago," Lena continued explaining past the scowl of disapproval on her assistant's face.
It nearly made Jess double over with disbelief when Lena rejected the idea of having the gelato delivered.
“I’ll go myself.”
“But Ms. Luthor, it’s all the way up town and-”
“Jess, are you really trying to keep me in the office?” Lena asked, peering over her glasses toward her loyal and sharp assistant.
The accusation was enough to send Jess retreating back to her desk and putting a stop to any incoming calls for the rest of the day.
Fifteen minutes later Lena was tapping her way out of the main lobby and into the bright late afternoon sun. She inhaled deeply like a prisoner just released from years of hard time, and it felt fresh. She waved off her driver and cradled the surge of energy that came from a bright spring day in her chest and began trekking north the twenty two city blocks.
It was at the fourteenth block that she felt the first chafe against her heels. She wore three-inch heels everyday to see eye-to-eye with her board, but that hardly meant her feet were used to taking the 8,632 steps required to get her from L-Corp’s front door to a tiny gelato stand.
But she wasn't about to let a little lingering pain ruin her afternoon-turned-evening stroll. No, she was on a mission to partake in a tiny treat she hadn't satiated since she was a young child. It was half the reason she'd sought it out: eating gelato was a memory harbored as one between herself and her birth mother only.
This tiny bubble of sentimentality carried her blindly up to the eighteenth block when she felt the sting of her shoe rubbing her skin raw, and it was at the twentieth block that she realized the sun was now being swallowed by dark, ominous clouds.
Lena tried to remain optimistic. A realist at heart, she still knew how to craft a narrative worthy of keeping spirits high. She wasn’t a CEO of a multi-billion dollar international company for nothing. 
She only had two blocks of suffering left. After that even the risk of rain couldn't sour her mood: she’d simply enjoy her gelato inside at some tiny table with a diner-style booth in the peace and quiet of - 
Lena stalled to a standstill when the fine establishment she’d read rave reviews about came into view. The articles had described it as a quaint hole in the wall, but Lena had hardly believed it was a literal hole in the wall. A tiny faded sign with hand painted lettering was the only indication she was in the right place.
Instead of a door there was simply a counter and a tiny window. When she approached she was greeted by a warm smile and any nerves were relieved by the welcome and offer of free samples. For a moment she forgot about the looming clouds and the radiating heat and pain settling against the back of her ankles.
She settled on a blend of pistachio and hazelnut - flavors reminiscent of the memory she held so dear. It was when she pulled out her wallet to pay that a tiny sign caught her attention: “Closing Down!!”
“Is business suffering?” Lena asked, swapping plastic for the pint the older gentleman offered.
“No, ma’am,” he chuckled. “Just retirement.”
“Retirement?” Lena parroted, trying to imagine a world where her life didn’t revolve around work. “What will you do?”
“I’m going home,” he smiled warmly. “Florence. It was always my mother’s dream to return.”
Lena felt a pang of disappointment at losing something she’d never experienced before, but nodded and smiled as her card was returned. She turned away, clutching the pint’s cardboard walls, already condensing in the warmth.
She stepped back toward the busier street she’d turned off of three blocks earlier, planning to suffer only a few moments longer before hailing a cab and savoring her tiny treat at home.
But as fate would have it, even this small treat was too earth-shattering of an event to go smoothly. The axis of the earth may very well have tilted out of alignment at the thought of Lena Luthor indulging for even a second in a spoonful of childhood nostalgia.
Because the moment Lena was a block away from the gelato hole, the skies broke open and sent golf ball sized hail falling from the heavens and threatening Lena’s very existence. 
Lena didn’t even give herself a moment to sigh at her bad luck, because she heard then saw the chunks of hail sending webs of fractures into car windshields. If that wasn’t motivation enough to book it, she didn’t know what was. Lifting her handbag over her head, she began bolting down the street in shoes that sent her heels screaming with pain. 
And of course as luck would have it, she made it all of half a block before a snap sent her off balance and one extra stumble from falling into the road.
She recovered but just barely, and spent half a glance searching for some sort of sanctuary from the plagues being cast down on her. She didn’t bother second-guessing her decision when a dim neon sign caught her eye and a Corona beer sign flickered with age in a dusty, dark window.
Shoving her handbag and gelato in one hand, she used her free one to click the latch and, for lack of a better word, collapse into the dimly lit bar. Lena didn’t take a second look before pushing the door shut, body half supported by the old, decrepit timber.
The sound of muted hail pelting outside confirmed her next choice: there was no way she was about to go back outside. So she inhaled bravely and turned into the bar. 
Her first thought was how much more like a pub the entire place felt. She was certain she hadn’t descended any stairs, yet the walls were stone and reminded her of a cellar. Weak fixtures of different styles and design were mounted to the walls, flooding the space in a soft, warm glow. If she hadn’t just been outside, she might have assumed it was well after dark for how intimate and moody the space was. 
Her second thought was that she’d just barged into a closed establishment. There wasn’t a single lifeform around, and the complete lack of workers sent her fingers back toward the door handle. She was half a second from resigning herself to hail-filled death when a flash of blonde hair caught her eye. The woman clearly had no idea Lena was there: earbuds in, bar rag drying a glass to the tune of some unheard song.
Lena waved twice before a pair of sea blue eyes shifted from the glass to Lena’s, and a small squeak of surprise sent the glass fumbling, jostling, and, regrettably, shattering onto the floor.
“Hi,” the woman greeted, red-cheeked and overly enthusiastic for having just destroyed a highball. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”
“No, I.. I was just uhm… It’s hailing.”
“Again?” the woman asked, hands now equipped with a broom. “Twice in one week,” she whistled.
“Would it be a problem if I just uhm, waited it out?”
“Sure thing. Take a seat,” the woman nodded, gesturing toward one of the barstools. “What’ll you have?”
Guilt for imposing on an establishment sent her mouth asking for a whiskey. The least she could do was order something. The woman nodded - winked - before her hands made quick work behind the bar.
“Ooh, is that from Stella’s?” the woman asked, eyes lighting up in recognition of the pale blue container Lena set down onto the bar. “It’s a real shame he’s closing down, but gosh it’s so great that he gets to go back to Italy. Can you imagine?”
“No,” Lena answered honestly, her tone bordering on curt. The bartender seemed hardly offended as she put an extra splash of whiskey in the lowball. 
“Want me to put that in the freezer? Won’t be much good if you let it melt. I mean, unless you like it that way. I definitely don’t, but we all eat gelato different ways and I am completely respectful of any way someone wants to eat their-”
“Actually,” Lena interrupted, realizing the conundrum she’d created for herself. She also feared the bartender may very well have rambled on until the gelato was liquid, and then nothing would have mattered. “Actually, if you wouldn’t mind?”
The bartender smiled and slid the pint across the bar, leaving behind tiny drops of water in its wake.
“Just don’t forget it. There’s a whole lot of people who’d pay good money for that on the gelato black-market after next week,” she winked, before disappearing under the bar. She returned a moment later and slapped a rag onto the polished maple bartop.
Lena nodded, taking a cautious sip of the whiskey and letting it spread over her taste buds. It was hardly any good, but after the abominable last ten minutes of her life, it was practically a twenty year Macallan.
“Weird that it hailed, huh?” Kara asked, and Lena realized it was directed at her because there was absolutely no one else occupying the tiny bar at 4:30pm on a Tuesday. “I didn’t even know it was supposed to rain. Hey, what’s got you out and about anyway? Don’t take any offense, but you look a little too well-dressed for this side of town.”
“I… well actually, I-” but whatever Lena had planned to say next was drowned out by the familiar buzzing coming from her handbag. “Sorry, just, uh…” she said, fingers sliding off the lowball and diving into her bag. She retrieved it easily and barely acknowledged Jess’ name appearing before her thumb hit ‘answer’.
“Hello?” Lena asked, staring glumly into the caramel liquid. 
“Ms. Luthor? I’m sorry to bother you on your night off-”
“What is it Jess?” she asked, recognizing the strain in her assistant’s voice for what it was: there was an emergency.
“There’s been a break-in and-”
“Where? Which facility?” Lena asked, already standing to leave. Her free hand reached into her bag and slapped a fifty onto the counter before curling around the leather handles.
Maybe if she hadn’t been so conditioned to come calling whenever a fire broke out at L-Corp, Lena might have heard the bartender calling out to her as she hobbled to the door. Perhaps if she didn’t have blinders on when it came to any risk that threatened the precariously good will the rest of the world had finally offered Lena, she might have remembered the whole reason she was in this mess.
Be that as it was, she was and she did, so it was another three hours after she’d dealt with the police, the press, and her board that she finally returned home, broken heels clutched in one hand, that she remembered what she’d forgotten. 
She gave herself a full minute to dwell in disappointment. It involved collapsing onto her overpriced, underused couch, abandoning her ruined shoes onto the ground next to her, and dropping her head on the armrest. 
This was why she didn’t indulge, she thought glibly. Indulging always led to bad things happening. Why she thought one afternoon off wouldn’t become a series of unfortunate events was something she’d chastise herself for over the next three days.
Until two Fridays later when Lena found herself uptown for a meeting with a start-up she was looking to fund. She nearly forgotten all about the hail-induced crisis of indulgence from ten days earlier - an assassination attempt thrown into the mix usually minimized the tinier hiccups in Lena’s life.
She was leaving an incredibly productive, highly promising meeting with a trio of eager, idealistic recent grads who made her think that the world wasn’t destined to be run by old curmudgeons nickel and diming their way into billions of dollars built on the backs of the middle class. It was refreshing and enlightening, and with that injection of energy, she looked up at the street signs and realized she was one block away from the gelato stand. 
Having chosen far more sensible shoes and drunk on the possibility of a greater good, she texted Jess to cancel the rest of her meetings and found herself walking toward the hole in a wall joint.
Reality crashed down mere seconds later with the most disappointing realization: it was closed. It was closed for good. Lena had missed her chance. It was so disheartening that she let out an audible sigh of resignation.
Even her spontaneous urges to indulge weren’t meant to be. 
Shoulders soft with defeat she turned back, trudging in the most un-Luthor-like way back toward the main street. If she called Jess, she might still be able to keep her scheduled calls and meetings and-
“Hey,” came a voice from the alley.
Lena wasn’t spooked by the sound, but she sure as hell wasn’t about to acknowledge it. Hardly interested in another assassination attempt, she kept her head down, even as the voice called after her again. Footsteps followed, and Lena felt her fingers fumbling desperately inside her handbag for the tiny pepper spray she kept for just these occasions. 
She hardly gave a second thought about whether there was even any left after last week's attack when a hand caught Lena’s upper arm and she swung around wildly, wielding her weapon of choice into the face two feet away from her.
“Oh, woa,” the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, strangely familiar face said, lifting her hands in surrender. 
Lena’s forefinger pressed firmly to the top of the canister and for a moment was struck with surprise then fear then confusion that - even though this stranger seemed fleetingly recognizable - she wasn’t doubled over in pain from a toxic liquid being sprayed directly into her glasses-covered eyes. 
“I… I don’t really think that’s my shade. But gosh it looks great on you.”
“Your lipstick. At least, I assume it’s yours. It was in your handbag and now it’s in your hand, and, well if I’m not mistaken it’s also on your lips. Unless that isn’t your handbag and actually maybe you stole it. But it goes so well with your jacket that it seems impractical you’d steal something that matched so well with your jacket. Unless that’s how you get away with it, but you don’t really seem like a thief, and I usually have a pretty good intuition for that kind of thing.”
Lena blinked, her focus shifting from the woman’s rambling to the glossy black cylinder clenched between her white knuckles. The band of familiar rouge explained it all.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” Lena asked, and as she said it she felt the pull of familiarity in the warm smile that blossomed over the woman’s face.
“You’re the ice cream lady, right?”
“The ice cream…” Lena parroted slowly, brow tucked in confusion before - “you’re the bartender.”
“Kara,” she said.
“I gave you my gelato.”
“You did,” Kara said. “But then you left it, and you didn’t come back.”
There was something curious about Kara’s inflection. It wasn’t accusatory or said in jest. If Lena hadn’t known any better, she might have thought it sounded disappointed.
“Yes, well, something came up. At least someone was able to enjoy it,” Lena sulked in a very unbecoming way. She smacked her lips at the thought of her missed indulgence, glancing regretfully toward the closed window half a block beyond.
“Who?” Kara asked.
“You said someone enjoyed it, but I know for a fact that’s not true because it is definitely taking up an ‘unreasonable amount of space, Ms. Danvers’,” the woman said, her tone dropping to imitate someone Lena didn’t know and lifting her fingers to also air quote this stranger.
“Wait, you… you didn’t eat it?”
“Eat it? Me? Are you kidding? What kind of bartender would I be if I let a customer in distress down? It is the bartender’s sworn duty to protect the forgotten and abandoned until it may be rightfully returned.”
“That is the strangest code I have ever heard,” Lena said, her arched brow revealing the incredulity her voice had been trained to hide.
“Well, it’s the code. So if you still want it…” the woman said with an infectious smile that rendered Lena useless.
And just like that Lena found herself back in the dumpy bar, the familiar pale blue pint appearing from under the bar. 
“See? Told you,” Kara said proudly, setting it on the bar with such forceful declaration that the tiny crystals of ice that clung to it scattered onto the surface. “Bartender’s code.”
“I see,” Lena nodded, feeling strangely conflicted: she had what she wanted, so of course she should go. But again, for whatever absurd reason, the bar was completely empty, and Lena felt like running off was the worst way to show thanks. “But maybe I could get a drink first? Any chance you held onto the one I didn’t finish? You know, bartender’s code and all,” she quipped.
“Alcohol doesn’t count,” Kara clarified. “Can you imagine though? If I kept every unfinished drink… oh boy, J’onn would be furious. Well, first we’d be out of glassware, and then what? Would we build shelves? Or rent out a storage facility? How would I even begin tracking each glass? I guess there could be a database of-”
“A fresh whiskey is also fine,” Lena interrupted to the relief of both parties.
“So, you never answered my question,” Kara said, pulling out a fresh glass and giving it a generous pour of the same shitty whiskey. “What got a fancy business-looking woman like you this far north?”
“Lena, please. And business, actually,” Lena answered honestly before taking a sip of the familiar drink. “There’s a start-up I’m looking to invest in.”
“You? Investing? But you… well you look younger than me. Are you a genius superstar?”
"Do you have any spoons in this joint?" Lena asked in lieu of answering. "Because I'd rather not leave this go uneaten a moment longer. Who knows what catastrophe is going to send me fleeing any second."
"Oh! Definitely," Kara replied, the sound of metal clinking around behind the bar. She placed a single silver spoon next to the pint, and Lena eyed it thoughtfully.
"You're not having any?"
"Oh," Kara replied, cheeks flushing. "Can I? Could… could I?"
Lena nodded, a small smile suppressed by her controlled expression. 
“So, you said you keep things you find safe,” Lena said by way of a tangent, and was thankful when Kara seemed to understand their previous topic had ended.
“Yep,” Kara replied, pulling the pint lid off and sucking errant gelato from her thumb.
"Like what?" Lena asked, accepting the open pint and digging into the frozen treat.
This simple question became an hour-long regaling of impossibly ridiculous stories about forgotten items. They ranged from simple personal items like umbrellas and chargers to briefcases.
"Two thousand dollars?" Lena gawked at one point.
"Well, technically it was one thousand nine hundred eighty four dollars."
"Did she come back?"
"Oh, yea. Apparently she'd just moved to the city, and it was her security deposit and first month's rent in cash. Babysitting money if you'll believe it. She didn't have a bank account or anything when I told her off for walking around with a wad of cash."
"You're her hero," Lena remarked, scraping the bottom of the pint for the final drips of gelato.
Somewhere in the mix Lena had watched Kara grow from hesitant to blatantly indulgent in her participation in the gelato. Between stories Lena watched as she impressively worked a mountain of a bite around her mouth without so much as hinting as brain freeze.
“So what’s the strangest thing you’ve found?” 
“Oh, that’s easy: an engagement ring.”
“A what?” Lena asked past the spoon and final mouthful of gelato, unable to contain the bulge or her eyes. “You found an engagement ring?”
“Well, it wasn’t so much that I found it as it was left behind," Kara answered.
“Wait, what do you mean it was left behind?”
“There was this cute couple who came in, right? I’d never seen them before, but they sat together at that corner table for about two hours,” Kara said, pointing to the most intimate location in the cozy space as she circled around the bar to join Lena. “And for two hours I watched their faces go from upset to resigned to teary to angry to sad. By the end, the girlfriend had pulled the ring off and handed it back to the boyfriend. He wouldn’t take it, and the girl was so distraught that she just left. The boyfriend stayed for another round. I think he was hoping she might come back, but she never did, and when he got up to go, he placed the ring right in the middle of the table and left.”
“He left the ring?” Lena asked, completely engrossed and far too invested in this story.
“He left the ring,” Kara said.
“So then what? When did he come back?”
“He didn’t.”
“Yea. Wanna see it?”
Lena nodded, feeling a whole new rollercoaster of emotions at the revelation. When Kara reached into her pocket, Lena gaped. “You just walk around with it?”
“Well yea. What if I run into him one day? I wouldn’t want to make him trek all the way back here when I could just give it to him. If ice cream didn’t melt so fast, I’d have tossed that in my backpack.”
“Gelato,” Lena corrected again, squinting at the ring clutched between Kara’s thumb and forefinger. “So what happens if you never see him again?”
“Not sure,” Kara shrugged, dropping the ring into Lena’s outstretched palm. “I’d never really thought about it.”
“You walk around with a vintage wedding ring everyday and never think about the fact you may never find this guy?” Lena asked, absorbing the intricate detail of the square cut surrounded by tiny silver filigree and smaller diamonds. It was not a trivial thing to just keep in one’s pocket.
“Well what good is that? If I thought that way I might as well just toss it into the ocean.”
“You could pawn it,” Lena suggested, setting the ring down between them. It was hardly a creative idea, but she was still so gobsmacked that someone who lived off minimum wage and tips would just leave a tiny fortune stagnant in her jeans every day.
“But then it would lose its story.”
And the look of disappointment that rippled over Kara’s face was enough to make Lena wish she’d never suggested such an outrageous thing.
So of course there was only one solution: “So what did he look like?”
“Oh, well… brown hair, blue eyes. His hair wasn’t shaggy but it also wasn’t super short or anything.”
“Kara,” Lena began, letting the sound of her name roll off her lips for the first time. It felt nice. “This is a city of six million people. Brown hair and blue eyes is hardly enough detail to go off. What about distinct features? Did he have facial hair? A limp? A fake eye?”
“No, nothing. He was actually extraordinarily generic. But I’d know him if I saw him,” Kara said defensively.
“Did you catch his name? How tall was he?” Lena asked, her analytical brain firing on all cylinders. Why this captured her interest she didn’t quite know. Maybe it was because she’d spent so long alone that this strangers company was tapping into some carnal need to solve a strange ‘Where’s Waldo’ problem of someone else’s own making.
“Well he was sitting for most of it, but when he stood up to leave his head lined up with that sconce,” Kara said, pointing to the wired candelabra precariously tacked to the wall.
“That’s not a sconce,” Lena corrected before rising to walk up to it. She stood at least five inches below it which meant he was roughly six foot. Another hardly unique detail. “What else?” she asked, turning back toward Kara and her puckered expression of concentration.
“Maybe a name?”
“Mike!” Kara practically shouted. “His name was Mike.”
“You could have led with that-”
“But I only just remembered,” Kara exclaimed, victory written all over her face. “Lena, we’re such a good team. If we keep at it like this, we’ll find him in no time.”
That was certainly hyperbole if ever Lena had ever heard it, but as she took in the scene: an empty bar, an empty pint of gelato with two spoons resting on the bar, and a contagious smile coming from this random bartender she’d just spent the last two hours with, Lena couldn’t help but offer her own smile in return.
Maybe this was preposterous. Maybe this would never work. Maybe Lena would wake up tomorrow and dismiss this whole thing as an absurd waste of time - an indulgence. And maybe it was. Maybe, just maybe, this silly little ring and this random guy named Mike would never be reunited. And yet Lena couldn’t imagine telling Kara the odds were completely against her.
“So,” Lena said finally, settling back into the stool next to her. “What do you remember about the girlfriend?”
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One Shots
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First Encounters (Daddy!Natasha x Fem!Reader) 18+
My Masterpiece (Photography Professor!Fem!Reader x Subby!Student!Wanda) 18+
Submission (Photography Professor!Fem!Reader x Subby!Student!Wanda)
Oh Captain My Captain (Carol Danvers x GN!Shapeshifter!Reader) 18+ requested
My Voice of Reason (Carol Danvers x fem!Avenger!reader) requested
How You and I Became We (Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader)
Under Her Spell (Top!Mommy!Agatha Harkness x subby!bottom!fem!Reader) 18+
Tender Temptations (Experienced!Agatha Harkness x innocent!reader) 18+requested
Stress Relief (Agatha Harkness x fem!reader) 18+ requested
Please Mommy? (Sugar Mommy!Agatha Harkness x Sugar baby!fem!reader) 18+ Requested
Mommy Can We Play? (Sugar Mommy!Agatha Harkness x Wanda Maximoff x Sugar baby!fem!reader) 18+
Mommy’s Good Girl (Dark!Agatha Harkness x fem!reader) 18+ requested
The Price of Power (Dark!Agatha Harkness x fem!reader) 18+ requested
Healing Bonds (Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader(past))
The Widow's Shadow (Natasha Romanoff x enhanced!Stark!Fem!Reader) 18+
If You Love Her (Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader(Past))
To Warm you Up (Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader)
Revolving Around You (Beefy!Natasha x Fem!Reader)
Calling On You (Wanda x Natasha x fem!avenger!reader) 18+
Lost and Found (Carol Danvers x Avengers!GN!Reader)
You Were Red and You Liked Me Because I Was Blue (Mom's bsf!Wanda Maximoff x shy!innocent!Romanoff!fem!reader) 18+ Requested
You Just Want Attention. (Service top!Agatha Harkness x Power bottom!Fem!Reader) 18+ requested
Overworked (Agatha Harkness x Big Boss!Fem!Reader) 18+ Requested
My Missing Piece (616!Wanda x 199999!fem!reader) 18+
503 notes · View notes
widowbitessting · 6 months
Baby It's Hot Outside - A Sugar Mommies Drabble
Word Count: 1729
Rating: General with fluffy scenes. SFW!
Summary: The One Where MJ cares for you.
Dom!Natasha Romanoff, Dom!Wanda Maximoff, Dom!Carol Danvers x Sub!Reader
You can’t open the door to your own apartment. It’s your first sign that the headache you’ve had for the past hour might be transforming into a migraine. And it sucks. Pain resonates behind your eyeballs and you have to squint to see where the stupid moving lock is so you can get inside. 
Has it always been so low down? Surely not.
The key finally does its job and you’re allowed inside your own apartment, near collapsing on the floor as you go. 
Definitely too hot today. Seriously too hot. 
It’s your own fault really; your classmate in all her wisdom kept offering you caffeine and you, in all of your wisdom, kept accepting. 
So now you're coming down from the copious amount of caffeine, mix that with the grand total of 0 litres of water you’ve had as well as the sheer heat of the day, and it’s no wonder you feel like your head is going to explode. 
Mistakes have definitely been made. 
You somehow manage to get to your sofa, falling onto the not so soft cushions face first. The sudden dark does a lot to sooth your eyes and you don’t know how long you stay like that, only shifting slightly to breathe, until MJ nb udges your leg with her foot.
“Two people live here, y’know. Move over.”
You don’t even try to form a coherent reply, moving your heavy body like she asks, wrapping yourself up into a ball. The shiver that wrecks through your body trembles the entire sofa and MJ doesn’t seem to notice. She clicks on Netflix and settles with her hot chocolate, completely unaware of your dying state beside her. 
She glances your way when your phone rings, looking at the picture of Wanda as it flashes up on your cell. You don’t even move, eyes squinting shut against the dim light of the living room. For you, they feel like spotlights. 
You shift uncomfortably on the sofa. 
Your phone pings a minute later; a text from Wanda, asking you to call her ASAP, she’s having an icecream emergency - aka: she wants ice cream but Natasha and Carol won’t allow her. 
You know she’s messaged in your group chat because your phone begins to after every few seconds.
Why didn’t you mute your phone? Why?
It doesn’t take long for MJ to let out a frustrated sigh and kick her feet so they’re under her. Her toes tickle your right foot, making you jerk and when you still don’t make a move to check your phone, MJ does it again.
“Dude, answer them or I’m throwing your cell out of the window.”
It takes all of your energy to move, and even then, you misjudge the end of the sofa and almost faceplant the floor. 
With trembling arms, you struggle to hold your upper body weight and here is where MJ finally takes pity on you.
“This is painful, move.”
She snatches your phone for you and goes to pass it when she finally registers your appearance. 
“Woah…you’re not about to die on me are you? I’d have three pissed off women on my case if you do.” 
You shudder. MJ throws your phone aside and lifts you up by your armpits, settling you back on your original position on the sofa. 
“Y/N? What’s wrong?”
You can only shake your head. 
“I know this isn’t the time to notice this but that medicated deodorant you’re using really works, you’re bone dry!” MJ lets out a nervous chuckle. “Laugh, Y/N/N. You always laugh at my crappy jokes…even if they are pitiful…get it?” 
You don’t even smile as a response and MJ jumps to her feet.
“Oh my god, you are dying!” 
“You are sick, you feel sick or you’re going to be sick?” 
“...all of the above.” 
MJ falls over herself as she sprints into the kitchen. She returns with the anointed “puke bucket” which is a mixing bowl you had ended up using one time after too many shots. No sooner does she place it near your face, do you start to heave, body jerking gags where you think your stomach is going to come up out of your throat. 
She touches your forehead. 
“You’re burning up. Have you eaten something bad? Drank too much?” 
“...not…” You spit out a wad of saliva. “...enough.”
“You haven’t eaten enough?” Something in MJ’s brain clicks. “Please tell me you’ve been drinking water today, Y/N. Please.” 
You shake your head.
“I’d hit you if you weren’t so fragile. You’ve not drunk anything? Dude! It’s one of the hottest days of the year!” 
“I had…coffee and stuff…” 
You grimace and turn away from the bowl.
“You are actually going to die. They’re going to murder you, you know that? And then turn on me because I’m an unknowing accomplice. You’ve only had coffee all day? Y/N!” 
“Don’t tell them.”
“How can I not? They’re bound to ask where you are! And what if they make a surprise trip to see you? You’re not exactly in a fit shape to fuck right now, are you, Y/N/.”
“MJ -” 
“Fine. If they don’t ask I won’t tell them. Deal?” 
“Okay, deal.”
“Right, you - don’t move. Don’t die. I’ll get you some water and a fan. Or something.”
MJ gets your water first, filling it with ice before rethinking and dumping it down the sink; before stopping again and getting slightly less ice for your glass. 
“I have no idea what I’m doing.”
Now with a full drink, and a straw because why not, MJ places it in front of you with the strict instruction to “Sip it, don’t inhale it.” 
She takes your phone when your head is in the sick bowl and vanishes into her bedroom; unlocking it with your passcode and finding the group chat with your girlfriends. 
“Who’s the least terrifying? Natasha, no chance. Carol, maybe…Wanda…you’ll have to do.”
She picks up on the third ring. 
“Hi baby!”
“Hey to you too.” 
“Hi, the one and only.”
“Where’s Y/N? Not that I don’t appreciate talking to you but I’d much prefer to talk to my girlfriend.”
“She’s not…well. I told her I wouldn’t tell you but I’m genuinely worried about her.”
“What’s going on?” Natasha’s voice cuts through your phone speaker and MJ wants nothing more than to throw your phone away and hide under the nearest bed. 
“Michelle Jones, talk.” 
“I hate it when you do that.” MJ grumbles. “Y/N’s sick.”
“Sick, how?”
“God, she’s gonna kill me…erm,” MJ pinches the bridge of her nose. “She didn’t drink any water and I’m 90% sure she spent most of her day outside and it’s been super hot and she’s not well and I’m worried about her…I don’t know what to do.” 
Natasha is silent for a moment. 
“Stay with her. We’ll be there as soon as possible, understood? Let her sip, not inhale, at cool water. Not ice cold, it'll shock her system. Is she hot to the touch?” 
“She’s hot, yeah. And not in her usual way either.” 
“Get a damp cloth, that’ll help cool her off.” Natasha orders. “And MJ? Thank you for telling us.”
“Any…anytime I guess. Not that I want Y/N to get heat stroke or whatever it is again, ‘cos it’s scary and stuff but if she ever misbehaves again, you bet your ass I’ll be right on this phone to rat her out. I’ll even spank her for you if you can't get her fast enough.”
“MJ, breathe girl. Get some oxygen into those lungs. We’ll discuss this at a later date when you aren’t so frazzled. We’ll be there soon, okay? 30 minutes, max.” 
“Okay, yeah, okay. Bye.”
“Damp cloth and cool water, MJ.”
“On it.”
MJ’s hands tremble when she returns to you with the items; a regular glass of water in one hand and a semi filled bowl with a wet cloth in the other. She takes the iced water from you and replaces it; ordering you to sip it slowly while she pats your head with the washcloth. 
You do little to fight her.
“I’m not well, MJ.” 
“I know, Y/N/N, I know. But you’re gonna get better soon, yeah? Just try to relax as much as you can. Google says you should start to feel better in 30 minutes or so.”
She places the washcloth on the back of your neck.
It takes you 23 minutes to feel slightly more human.
It takes 24 minutes for the Trio! to get to your apartment. 
You can only stare as they walk inside, eyes locking onto your slouched form on the sofa with a straw between your lips.
You know you’re in for it when you’re better and you nervously swallow, offering them a sheepish smile.
Wanda stares at your fragile state, a mixture of emotions clouding her eyes, from guilt to a slight twinge of insecurity. She wants to wrap you up and promise to be a better dom; for herself but most importantly for you.
Carol makes a beeline straight for you and starts fussing over you. She caresses your cheek and feels your forehead, frowning slightly, before reaching over for the washcloth. As she dabs at your face, wiping away the tears that tumble from your eyes, Natasha, with Wanda beside her, moves closer and places a gentle kiss on your damp temple. 
“Hey there, little kotenok, how are we feeling, hmm?” 
They’re there. Your trio. There to finally care for you and you instantly feel safe. Comforted by their presence and you reach out, grabbing the nearest body to drag them down on top of you. Wanda’s scent fills your nose and you nestle into her neck. 
“Am I in trouble?” you whisper and you can feel her grinning. 
“Oh yes,” she replies, “but not right now. Tomorrow maybe. But for now, rest sweet girl. We’re here.” 
You can only nod as Carol gently moves Wanda so she can scoop you up into her arms. 
As you’re carried away to your bedroom, you can see Natasha speaking quietly to MJ; and make the mental note to ask her what was said. But for now, you allow yourself to be carried away. Not even five minutes later, nestled against Wanda, you doze off with a smile.  
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markster666 · 3 months
KINKTOBER (Except in February) - ALASTOR X READER - DAY #12 (Lingerie Kink)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Tags: Kinktober, One-Shot, 18+, Smut, NSFW, all smut no plot, pet names, Dom!Alastor, Sub!Reader, lingerie kink, seduction, making out, etc
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Word Count: 489
A/N: Enjoy! MDNI, please. Not edited, so apologies for any spelling mistakes. NSFW under the cut.
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"I bought this lingerie specifically for you, Alastor."
You were standing in front of him and he was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up and down your figure. The lingerie you were wearing was black and red, dark and seductive like the color of wine, and embellished in lace.
Alastor's eyes widened in shock, his mouth hanging open in disbelief as he struggled to find words. 
"You... bought this for me, Mon Cher?" 
He managed to choke out, his heart racing wildly in his chest.
"Yes, I bought this for you. To show you how much I want you..." 
Your voice trailed off, and suddenly, you stood up straight, towering over him in all your glory.
The lingerie accentuated every curve of your body, highlighting your plump ass and perky breasts perfectly. His hands reached out, trembling slightly as he ran his fingertips up and down your body.
You leaned over him, purposely squeezing your arms together to press your breasts together.
"Do you like my lingerie, Sir?"
Alastor's gaze was locked onto your cleavage. His mouth watered heavily, and he could feel his cock throbbing violently against his pants. 
"Yes, I love it, my Dear..."
He managed to choke out, his voice breaking with desire. His ears were pinned to the sides of his head.
Without warning, he stood up and lunged forward, his lips crashing into yours in a fierce, hungry kiss. His tongue thrust aggressively into your mouth, exploring every crevice, while his hands frantically fumbled with your bra, desperately trying to take it off.
"Please, Baby Doll, I need you..." 
He growled against your lips, his hands moving up to cup your breasts, massaging them roughly through the fabric of the bra. You could feel his erection pressing against your inner thighs, burning hotter than ever.
"Alastor, I'm yours... take me..."
You whispered back, your voice husky with desire.
With one swift motion, he yanked your bra off, freeing your breasts from their confining prison. Alastor groaned at the feel of your naked body against his, his cock twitching violently in anticipation. He ripped your remaining lingerie off, exposing your entire body to his hungry gaze. His hands trailed down your stomach, stopping at your panties, the only remaining barrier between him and his desire.
"Please, take them off..." 
He groaned, his voice hoarse with need.
"Anything for you, Alastor." 
You murmured, reaching down and hooking your thumbs into the elastic band of your panties. Slowly, teasingly, you pulled them down, revealing your pussy to his hungry eyes.
"Fuck, you're beautiful..." 
Slowly, his lips brushed against yours, tentatively at first, but growing more forceful as your kiss deepened. Your tongues intertwined, exploring each other's mouths hungrily. His hands gripped your hips tightly, pulling you closer, his erection pressing against your thighs.
He nibbled on your earlobe before whispering,
"You taste so fucking good and I can't wait to taste more of you..."
TAG LIST (Comment Below if you'd like to be added!/If I missed you I apologize):
@smallershorteranduncut @persephoneblck @freekyfangirl @danveration @daisybelldarling @your-excellenc-z21 @aestheticgals-blog @naewasnothere @bontensbabygirl @amara-ishigami @strawberrypimpsimp @mneferta @deathnoteeee @lady-valtieri @itz-yue @alastorsfawn @thatdeadstoat @harmfulb1tch @no1sillybilly @ohbother2 @vee3-vox @alexandria-fandom @loratadina-makesmewanttocry @stargirlplanet @lbcreations-blog @depresoecspreso @dndmaniac @polytheatrix @transparentwizardmentality @the-lake-is-calling @randompersonidks-blog @ellezahen (won't let me tag you) @jyoongim @laundrybear413 @nega-omega @sageminty17 @lunaramune @heartsbutterfly @kaiandersonsbitch @a-jazzy-bee @my-divine-goddess000 @chewbrry @depresoecspreso @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @go-to-nerdytrashishere @creepylilneko @a-jazzy-bee @chewbrry @dievia3 @shotthrewtheheart @sunshinelulusplatoon @alon3lylov3r (won't let me tag you for some reason), @prosciuttosblog @casuallynotthirsty (you either rip), @lemonyboy97 @your-friendly-sociopath @motheroffoxesminerals (won't let me tag you for some reason), @alastorsgoldie @lowkeyhottho @unadulteratednachowolf @jadeddangel @livelaughfrontallobe @jyoongim @yourpersonalbabygirl @imasimpforhazbinhotelmen
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arlana-likes-to-write · 5 months
I'll Be Home for Christmas
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Summary: You loved November, well to be more acurate you loved when Thanksgiving was over so you could start celebrating Christmas. Since it was your first Christmas with your girlfriend, you wanted it to be a good one but her Avengers take her away. Will she be back for the holidays?
Note: Look I know it's still November BUT Thanksgiving is techincally over for me so I say we can start posting Christmas one shots. I have more planned so hope you enjoy them!
Warning: fluff, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 2k
November was your favorite month. It was not because you liked Thanksgiving but because it was the Christmas season kick-off. The Christmas decorations came out as soon as everyone ate food and left. You were doing that while your girlfriend of 6 months was putting the rest of the food away. It was your first Christmas with Carol, and you were determined to make it good. While you were climbing down the attic stairs with the start of your decorations, your foot slipped, and you yelped as you fell off the ladder. Before you landed on the ground, Carol caught you in her arms. “Awe, how cute, you are still falling for me,” she smirked. You blushed but rolled your eyes.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Danvers,” you said, putting your feet on the ground. “But I do appreciate the save, Captain Marvel.” It was her turn to roll her eyes. You kissed her cheek before walking into the living room.
“How many more boxes do you have?” She asked; the sound of her socked-covered feet following you. You clicked your tongue on the roof of your mouth as you thought. You’ve downsized over the years. The Brooklyn brownstone was your grandmother’s that you inherited when she passed away. The woman loved Christmas more than you did. It was your priority when you moved into the place. You kept the sentimental pieces, gave some to your parents and siblings, and donated the rest. The woman had an unhealthy obsession with Christmas gnomes.
“Probably eight plus the tree,” your girlfriend made a noise in the back of her throat as you placed the tote near the couch. Spinning around, you put on your best smile and puppy dog eyes. “Can you grab the rest of them, darling?” You asked, stepping closer and placing a hand on her chest. The captain rolled her eyes.
“What’s in it for me?”
“My undying love and affection.” She scuffed and pushed you away slightly.
“I thought I already had that,” she said, walking back toward the attic.
“You do,” you called after her. “But now it’s Christmas-themed.” The sound of Carol’s laughter echoed against the wall, and it made you smile.
“Baby,” you were being gently rocked awake. “Baby, wake up.” You groaned, burying your face deeper into the pillow. The action caused your girlfriend to chuckle. “I know, but I need to see those beautiful eyes.” Mustering strength, you turned to face your girlfriend and opened your eyes. Carol wore a white muscle shirt, and her suit was loosely tied around her waist. She looked hot; any other time, you could compliment her on your looks, but your brain wasn’t at total capacity.
“You’re leaving,” you sat up, and the blanket that protected you from the coldness of the room fell. Carol nodded.
“Just got the call,” she said. “I’m needed in space.” The pout that appeared on your face wasn’t intentional. During the day, you were better at hiding your disappointment when her duties as Captain Marvel took her away from you. “I know,” She quickly placed her hand behind your head and connected her lips with yours. The kiss was slow as she savored the taste of you. No matter how often you kissed Carol, your heart seemed to drop. She pulled away a little too soon for your liking.
“How long will you be gone?” You asked.
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “But I will be home for Christmas.”
“Promise?” In the back of your mind, you knew having her make such a promise was harsh and a little unfair. The line of work was unpredictable. But she smiled, kissed you again, and without speaking a single word, she promised to be back in time for Christmas.
“You look hot,” you rolled your eyes at the archer as you applied your lipstick. Kate had your love for Christmas, so when she got two tickets to Radio City Christmas Spectacular, you were her first call. Kate was the reason you met the Avengers and Carol. She was a regular at a coffee shop your family-owned. Although you were a few years older than the girl, you became close friends. Wildly, when her one-eyed Golden Retriever rushed into the shop and pushed down a display of mugs, her girlfriend always wanted to remind her of the story.
So, the two of you were having a full-blown Christmas day—a trip to Bryant Park, some Christmas shopping, dinner, and now the show. “Give me your phone,” she took it before you gave her your consent. “Have to capture this so you send it to Carol,” you faced the archer so she could take a few solo pictures and then a selfie. “Ready to go?” You grabbed your bag and coat.
“I am,” While you walked out of her apartment to grab a cap, you sent a picture to Carol.
“So I’m thinking after the show, we grab drinks.” A cab pulled up, and you got in the back. Kate told the driver where to go. You chuckled.
“Do you have an off switch?” She punched you playfully on the shoulder.
“Hey, going out is better than sulking in your home because you miss your girlfriend,” you huffed and crossed your arms.
“I have not been sulking,” you defended. It has been a week since Carol left. You’ve kept busy, spending hours at the coffee shop until your parents told you to go home. But your Brooklyn brownstone was too quiet, too cold, even with all the Christmas decorations you and Carol put up. As the driver pulled up to Radio City, your phone dinged. It was Carol.
‘You look beautiful,’ Another ding. ‘I’ll be home for Christmas.’
“I don’t like grocery shopping,” you said into your headphones. Carol laughed. She had some downtime and asked if she could call. It happened while you were grocery shopping for last-minute baking essentials. You and Wanda were making Christmas cookies, probably enough to feed a small army. The witch could wave her hand, and the cookies would appear, but that would go against the Christmas spirit.
“Well, it is December and the busiest time of the year,” you rolled your eyes even though she couldn’t see you. “Don’t roll your eyes at me.” You huffed, grabbing a few bags of chocolate chips. “I am sad. I miss your baking.” You smiled, knowing that wasn’t a lie. Whenever you had to try out a new recipe for the coffee shop, Carol was there to try it out.
“If you give me an address, I’ll mail you some,” Carol laughed. The sound always made your insides go warm and gooey. “I miss you.” She sighed.
“I miss you too, baby, but have fun with Wanda and send me pictures.” You agreed, hung up, and walked over to the register.
“WANDA!” You shirked as the witch dumped flour onto you. You made one little joke about her and Vision, and she turned to her witchy powers for revenge. Her magic grabbed onto a cup of flour you were measuring and dumped it on you. The Sokovian laughed. “Oh, you are so on, Maximoff.” You grabbed onto the bag and chased the Avenger around the shared kitchen. It was only a short time before the kitchen, you, and her were covered in flour.
“Children,” you froze at the Black Widow’s voice. Natasha was smirking and holding her phone to capture the scene before her. “I thought we were making cookies, not a mess.” She put her phone down.
“We are,” you defended. “We were taking a break.” The redhead pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Just clean it up.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” Wanda giggled and summoned a broom of you to use. You took it from her.
“This is your fault,” you mumbled and began to sweep the floor. Wanda whipped down the counters. The ding of your phone interrupted the soft Christmas music playing. You placed the broom against the counter and picked it up.
‘I thought you were making cookies,’ Carol sent you the video Natasha took of you and Wanda. ‘Looks like you are having fun.’ You smiled. ‘I’ll be home for Christmas. You can count on me.’
“If you fall,” Yelena said, sitting beside you on the bench. “I will laugh and then ask if you are okay.” You laughed.
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” you put on your ice shakes and tied them tight. “I used to play hockey when I was younger.” The sport ran deep in your family. Your siblings, father, and grandparents played it. Every Christmas, your family would go out and play. But an injury to your right knee forced you to stop playing. You were devastated.
“Yes, but you are going ice skating with two Russians. You will still look like a foul.”
“Thanks, Belova,” you sighed. “What happens when your girlfriend falls?” The blonde smirked, but her green eyes showed a fondness for them.
“I will also laugh.”
“I heard that!” The archer sat on your other side to put her skates on. “You are awful.” The blonde merely shrugged her shoulders. You wanted to go ice skating, but going alone was less fun. A quick text to Kate: she got a small group to join you on your adventure. It was a beautiful day in Central Park, perfect to hit the ice.
You walked over to the ring and slid onto the ice. Ice skating was freeing—the wind through your hair and the crisp air that filled your lungs. Every worry in your mind was gone, and you felt at peace.
Your phone vibrating in your pocket caused you to move towards the edge of the ring. ‘I wish I were there,’ Carol sent you a picture she received. ‘You look so peaceful. Please have snow and mistletoe and presents by the tree.'
It was Christmas Eve. Tony always liked to throw a party, especially for the holidays. You were still recovering from the hangover you received from Halloween. So you were sipping on a mocktail that Maria made. The party was in full swing, with Avengers, politicians, and agents dancing to the music or eating the food provided. You stayed off to the side and watched the party around you. “Not having fun,” Natasha said, standing next to you.
“No, I am,” you sighed. “Just-”
“Missing your girlfriend?” She suggested. You nodded, staring into the red liquid. “She said she’ll be back, right?”
“Yeah, not going to hold my breath,” you pushed yourself off the wall and maneuvered your way through the party to a balcony. The crisp winter air caused goosebumps to cover your arms. You shouldn’t be disappointed; being with an Avenger was hard, and it was a life you signed up for. There were moments you wished Carol wasn’t part of the team because she was missing so much on Earth, not just with you but with her friends. Sighing, you rested your arms on the metal railing.
“You know,” you spun around at the sudden voice. Carol landed on the balcony, still in her uniform. “You are going to get sick standing out here.” She was here. Carol was here and in front of you. Right? Your eyes weren’t fouling you.
“Cutting it a little close,” you chuckled.
“I like to keep you on your toes,” she smiled. “Besides, isn’t it in the song?” You raised a questioning eyebrow at her. “Some Christmas fan you are,” she cleared her voice. “Christmas Eve will find me,” she sang and held out her hand. “Where the love light gleams,” you took her hand. She was always so warm. It was perfect for the colder weather. "I'll be home for Christmas."
"You are such a sap," you jumped into arms, and she held onto you right. You felt her let out a shaky breath. "I missed you so much." You whispered against her skin.
"Missed you too, baby," she kissed your head. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas."
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Navigation <3
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About me: I'm Roza! 19, south asian, my pronouns are she/they
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Who I write for: Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Maria Hill, Carol Danvers,(more to come!)
My asks are always open! I'll write your asks if they aren't like absolutely uncomfortable to write.
Series Masterlist
Mini Series'/One-shots Masterlist (few 18+ fics)
Parent Nat x Reader Masterlist (few 18+ fics)
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Marvel Quotes:
“Can babies breathe in the washing machine?”
“What is so funny?”
“Baby number 3?”
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smartycvnt · 11 months
As You Wish
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Title: As You Wish Pairing: Alex Danvers x Reader Prompt: 1. "This isn't fair, you know I can't say no to you." NR WC: 600
Alex kept her head down as Y/n checked her out in the DEO labs. Y/n was dangerously silent as she worked on patching Alex up. Alex could tell that she had messed up by going out with Kara to chase down a bad guy. There wasn't as much of an opportunity to be on the frontlines as head of the DEO in National City, and Alex missed it. Y/n knew that Alex was used to being Hank's soldier, but now Alex had the command. She could go out for big missions, but everybody preferred to have her behind the scenes calling the shots, especially Y/n. She was tired of having to act like it didn't bother her every single time she had to patch her partner up after an alien attaack.
"I was thinking that maybe tonight we could go somewhere nice for dinner?" Alex knew that it was risky breaking the silence, but she couldn't take it anymore. They were finally alone together, so if Y/n did blow up on her, nobody would be around to hear DEO Director Alex Danvers getting yelled at by her girlfriend. Alex shuddered to think of how embarrassing it had been last time Y/n had gone off on Alex for doing something stupid. They were going to have a future together. Alex had to be there for Y/n because they had too much going on for Y/n to handle on her own. "Just the two of us."
"Stay still while I do your stitches," Y/n said sternly. Alex sighed and slumped forward a little in defeat.
"Ow!" Alex jumped up in her seat as a needle poked her side. "What the hell?"
"I told you to stay still while I do your stitches Alex. That one was your fault," Y/n muttered as she straightened Alex back to how she had been before. Alex grumbled as she waited for Y/n to finish the stitches. She glanced over at the glass doors in the corner periodically, unsure of whether or not she was grateful for them having been shut nearly 20 minutes ago. "Now, what were you trying to say earlier?"
"That I want to buy you dinner as an apology for putting myself in danger today," Alex said. Y/n crossed her arms as she tilted her head and looked down at Alex. "It'll be at a nice place, and when it's over, I promise that we can watch any movie you want while I rub your shoulders."
"So close to being perfect, but I want one more thing," Y/n said. Alex nodded as she waited for Y/n to name her final term before she'd forgive Alex. "Stop going on missions that aren't greenlit from DC. Despite what you may think about DC, they don't want to replace their directors every couple of months. And as hot as Lucy Lane is, you're the only person I want to spend my time with."
"This isn't fair, you know I can't say no to you," Alex grumbled. Y/n smiled as she pressed a kiss to Alex's forehead. "Fine, I'll be careful, but it's not just for you. It's also for our baby, they deserve both mothers."
"I forgot how much of a sap you are Danvers, I love it," Y/n joked. Alex rolled her eyes, but cracked a smile when Y/n kissed her cheek. "Stay at your desk for the rest of the day, I don't want you to rip your stitches doing that dumb pacing thing on the floor."
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oneshotnewbie · 6 months
Baby danvers has an abusive boyfriend and Kara and Alex changed locks on her door ai he cant get in anymore and they stay at her apartment for a few days/weeks because they don't want her to be alone and there is a fight?
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Authors note: I wasn't sure who the argument should be with (whether it was Alex and Kara with Reader or the abusive ex-boyfriend with the Danvers Sisters), so I just went with the second option, hoping I was right.
Alex Danvers knelt on the floor of the apartment building, the door to your apartment wide open. Her facial expression looked serious as she holds the new lock in her hand, which she wanted to exchange for the old one. "I am going to change the lock on your door to make sure you are safe from him," she began to carefully and quickly remove the old lock while her eyes were focused on the new key mechanism she was installing.
You sat anxiously, irritably and slightly disoriented on the only intact piece of furniture the living room still had to offer, your apartment in shocking chaos. What was once a place of your comfort was now in a desolate and chaotic state. The living room, once inviting, resembled a battlefield. The floor was littered with broken glass pieces from coffee tables, books and documents lay in a chaotic mess on the floor, the dishes from the cupboards had been cleared out while the dining area was dominated by overturned chairs.
The entire apartment was plagued by an unbridled rage and desire for destruction, including you, who had suffered damage, your face marked by the marks of a fierce battle. "I know it hurts, but please hold still," Kara spoke compassionately and gently, dabbing a warm, wet cotton pad on your bottom lip and the slightly bleeding scratch on your cheek. She sat shaken in her seat on the couch, looking worriedly at the cuts and bruises on your face. The room was filled with a tense silence, only broken by your muffled cries of pain and the blonde's calm voice.
You winced and sighed loudly as you watched, shaking and with tears in your eyes, as the redhead tried her hardest. "Do not be afraid, he will not hurt you anymore. We will stay here and take care of you," she whispered with her gentle nature, and her hands moved with deliberate precision over your flushed face.
You tensed in pain, but gritted your teeth and tried to stay strong. Kara paused for a moment, looking up at you, her eyes full of sadness mixed with outrageous anger. "I am so sorry that you had to go through that and that Alex and I were not there to protect you," she gently brushed your matted hair out of your face and began to treat your wounds with an antiseptic ointment. Your features relaxed slightly as the cool balm touched your skin.
Kara spoke soft, comforting words as she cared for you, and your eyes filled with perfect tears of gratitude for your sisters, who you could always count on. After cleaning and bandaging the wounds, she carefully handed you a tissue to dry your tears before gently pulling you into her arms. In that moment she was your refuge, someone who stood by you in the darkest hours and helped you get back on your feet. You knew you could always count on your sisters, no matter what.
Days had passed since your now ex-boyfriend's violent outburst of anger at you. They had passed quietly, your sisters strictly at your side while you hardly dared to leave the apartment. You could not even make it to the mailbox on the ground floor, afraid he might already be lurking for you downstairs.
The moonlight cast pale shadows in the TV-lit living room as you sat on the couch, between your two favorite people, enjoying the new show Kara had suggested. Your heart had started to beat faster out of the blue, panic flooding your body as you jumped in fear, immediately putting your two sisters on alert. "Hey, kiddo. It is all good, you hear? It is just the neighbor."
You shook your head violently, aware of how his quick footsteps scattered on the creaking hallway floor and stopped in front of your door. "He is at the door," as soon as you said it in a whisper, he pounded on the door with an angry shout of your name, his fists crashing into the wood.
The dull echo echoed through the interior of your apartment, drowning out the silence of the night and the distant howl of the wind. Alex and Kara quickly stood up from their seats, your unsteady breathing making it difficult for you to calm down. He kept banging on the door, hoping you would open the door.
The mood in your apartment hung heavy in the air as Kara wrapped her arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. Your face was pale and you were shaking slightly, tears of fear running down your cheeks. Without further ado, Alex decided to open the door, her gun pointed strictly at him. He was initially surprised, but his face was contorted with anger, his eyes showed frustration, and his fists clenched with tension. "Alex, where is your sister? I need to talk to her," he tried to enter the apartment and push the redhead aside, barely frightened by her gun.
"Get out of here, she does not want to talk to you," Kara stood protectively in front of you, her expression determined as she shot him a warning look. He stepped energetically towards her and you ducked protectively behind her, waiting for the hand on your shoulders and the subsequent impact against a nearby wall, but that never came. Kara stood her ground against him without using her powers, Alex coming to a stop right next to her, her hand stretched out to you behind her. "I will warn you once more. Go away."
"Or what?" He asked and suddenly the argument flared up, this time in a wordless battle of looks and body language between your sisters and him, Kara's eyes starting to shine like lasers. They pushed him back, their resolve unshakable as he took short but quick steps backwards. In the midst of this tension, the man finally lost his courage, turned around without a word and left the apartment.
Alex and Kara breathed a sigh of relief when they were sure he was gone. They turned to you, who was still reeling from the incident and caught in her protective stance. They both took you tightly in their arms, completely wrapping your body in theirs, showing an expression of comfort and solidarity. In that moment you felt the warmth and love of your family, strong enough to protect you from the darkness of the world. "It is all good, sweetie. You are safe.“
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readerthatreadsss · 1 year
Last updated 07/30/23.
So...my last post has been gaining me a few followers so I thought I'd make a post detailing specific characters that I'll write for.
I'll also copy and paste my past post about what I will and won't write at the end.
Also, anything I write will be X fem! Reader.
(I will be constantly updating this post as I become more comfortable with writing for more characters)
Marvel men
-Miguel O’Hara
-Marc Spector/the rest of the Moon Knight system
-Matt Murdock
-Frank Castle
-Peter Parker (all three)
-Steve Rogers
-Bucky Barnes
Marvel women
-Natasha Romanoff
-Wanda Maximoff
-Shuri (WIFE-sorry lemme calm down)
-Carol Danvers
-Darcy Lewis
Stranger Things (it's a short list cause most of the characters in the show are literally children :)
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Hopper (yup you read that right cause I love DILFS)
-Robin Buckley
Criminal Minds
-Every single one of them. (Nah I'm just playing)
-Spencer Reid
-Emily Prentiss
-Aaron Hotchner
-Jennifer Jareau
-Derek Morgan
-Luke Alvarez
Triple Frontier
-Every character except Ben Affleck's.
TVD (The Vampire Diaries)
-Damon Salvatore
-Stefan Salvatore
-Elijah Mikaelson
-Rebekah Mikaelson
-Klaus Mikaelson
Miscellaneous (characters from random fandoms/movies)
-Javier Peña (Narcos)
-Lloyd Hansen (Gray Man)
-Joel Miller (TLOU)
-Jake 'Hangman' Sersin (Top Gun: Maverick)
-Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw (Top Gun: Maverick)
-Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
-Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
-Castiel (Supernatural)
-Soldier Boy (The Boys)
-Lip Gallagher (Shameless)
-Carmen Berzatto (The Bear)
-Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
-Siobhan Roy (Succession)
-Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson or Christian Bale)
More to be added...
(Looking over this list I have arrived at the conclusion that I am a whore-)
In terms of what exactly I’m open to writing? I can write headcanons, blurbs, and one-shots. Specifically smut, angst, and fluff. The more descriptive you are in your requests, the easier it is for me to write them. But I don't mind the challenge of having to make my own plot.
Kinks/scenarios I’ll write smut for? Almost everything EXCEPT;
-Lactation kink
-pegging (into it in real life but I have no clue how to write it properly I'm sorry)
-Wax play (note I didn't say temperature play because I will write some stuff with Ice)
-Age play (specifically where a character is purposely behaving in a childlike manner/ baby talk. Daddy and Mommy kinks are welcomed tho!)
-CNC and noncon (I’ll definitely write some VERY MILD dubcon if asked tho)
-sexual activities with m1n0rs
-Domestic Vi0lence/ SexuaI abus3 (spanking is a yes tho)
-Scat & Piss
-Race play
-SEVERE knife kink (like I'll write a small knick or slice that barely bleeds or something but anything else is a no for me sorry)
-S3lf Harm/Su1cide (this is not to say that I feel any way towards people who struggle with these issues but I don't think I'm able to effectively represent them in my writing without triggering myself (as someone who has/is struggled with depression) and the last thing I want to do is offend anyone)
Anyways, that’s it for now! Like I said, feel free to make requests or even just send me a regular question or comment to get to know me! 
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avengerscompound · 2 years
The Tower: One Shots
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Requests for Tower One Shots are Open
I am opening up to requests for stories related to the Tower.  These requests can be smutty or not.  Think things like missing scenes (eg; Bruce asking Elly to have a baby with him, Elly’s first mission), smut pairings you would like to see (eg: Bucky/Clint/Natasha/Elly, Tony/Natasha/Elly), smut stories involving specific kinks or focuses (eg: an orgy where the focus is on Wanda, Elly, Bruce and come play), or Stories that I have written from other character's points of view.
Elly needs to be involved in some way.  If she’s not there, they need to be dealing with something related to her.
No smut that doesn’t involve Elly
No D*ddy/M*mmy kink
I don’t think I should specify this but no noncon (some things that might be considered dub-con in certain situations like somnophillia or sex while drunk are okay, but the consent will be given before the event so it’s not dubious). 
No Hulk-related smut (I’m okay with the idea that the Hulk has sex, but I can’t write it sorry).
No Tower AU requests (for example; I’m not writing what if Carol Danvers or Matt Murdock were part of the group)
I might write smut involving extra people if it fits the canon of the Tower story.  (For example, I have said Elly’s first lover outside the sex-vengers was Brunnhilde, and that she sees Loki as a family member, try and think who and how others might fit based on that.)
How to make requests:
Tumblr: Sending an Ask is best because I won’t lose them.  DM is okay, as is replying to the One Shot master list as a comment.
AO3: Reply to the One-Shot fic as a comment (preferably on chapter one)
Wattpad: reply to the one-shot fic (preferably on chapter one), send a message, or ask via my profile conversations
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One Shot Masterlist
Spa Day -  Wanda, Natasha, and Elly spend the day at a spa, and come back in a very playful mood.
The Burden of Guilt -  Bucky wakes in the middle of the night from a nightmare about killing Tony’s parents.  Elise takes him to address the problem head-on.
Under the Table - It’s Elly’s birthday, and after dinner the group have their own special kind of party game, one where they find out how well they know each other, and who can keep a good poker face.
Birthday Treats -  Bucky and Tony distract Elly before her special birthday breakfast and let her call all the shots.
The Science Conference -  Tony and Bruce attend a Science Conference to support Elise.  After her lecture they have their very own private conference.
Steve’s Special Day -  Steve and Elly spend the day together and Steve comes to a realization.
The Phone Call -  When Clint continues to bug Elly at work, she takes him up to Steve’s office to play a game.
Wanda’s Test -  Wanda, Natasha, and Elise have a very special girl’s night, where Wanda is the sole focus of attention.
New Parents -  The sex-vengers have to adapt to being parents of newborns.
A Banner Baby  -  When the group agree that one more baby would be a welcome addition to their very large family, Elise finds out what it’s like to be pregnant with a Hulk.
Loss and Grief - The group loses Rhodey and has to come to terms with the fact they will outlive all their friends.
Starting Without Us -  Bruce and Elly come to bed to find the rest of the group has started something without them.
The King and I -  After a long day on the throne, Thor and Elly take time to relax with each other
Loki -  Elly reminisces about Loki’s first introductions to each of the groups children, then the god of mischief gives her some needed alone time with Thor.
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Return to Tower Series Masterlist
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mike-wachowski · 2 years
Hello Mike. Have you ever seen John Carpenter’s Starman? If yes, I’d love to hear your thoughts on whether a Supercorp Starman au would work.
anon i actually have not seen this film but i did some very light research and now im so intrigued by this au idea so i had to come up with something ? this is all based on wikipedia descriptions and youtube clips so i apologize if i get anything wrong
so in starman, an alien from another planet responds to a nasa probe inviting aliens to visit earth. when he arrives, instead of being welcomed like he expects, the starman is shot out of the sky and enlists the help a woman (Jenny) who's dead husband he takes the form of, in order to meet up at a rendevous spot in 3 days so his people can rescue him. they fall in love he gets her--
*double checks notes* yeah okay, he gets her pregnant (she's cool with it i guess) and as they escape a government scientist (Mark Shermin) double crosses the government trying to kill starman and helps them get him to the evacuation site where he is ultimately sucked up into his mother ship, leaving Jenny behind.
everyone got all that ? well, im sold. lets cast our characters.
Our leads,
Starman: is kara zor-el. this is no contest. anon i hope you also thought so or im about to DIVULGE. in the film, starman has an array of weird alien powers, kinda a combination of psychic and shapeshifting/illusion powers, maybe? also apparently his powers all come from these seven silver orbs he has with him. we are going to.... retcon, some of that. apologies.
Jenny: is Lena! Our lonely widow Lena. In this au, Lena is still a scientist, living in National city. Jenny/Lena enters the film as down a husband (or in the case of this au, a wife), which means now its time to cast--
Scott Hayden, AKA Jenny's spouse: is... okay, bear with me for a minute. In the movie, Scott Hayden isnt really a character. Hes just a guy who the starman impersonates to get Jenny to trust him. in our au, starman Kara zor El breaks into Lena's (jenny's) house and finds photos of...
Linda Lee !! Thats right, our good friend Russian Kara makes a reappearance only to be killed off, just like in the show ! (rip. red daughter) Kara, who at the beginning of this au is kinda just like... a ball of light, i guess, finds a piece of blonde hair and creates a clone body from it (i swear im taking this straight from the movie canon) and takes the form of Linda Lee, Lena's deceased wife.
speaking of what pieces of movie canon im choosing to use and choosing to ignore, yes kara is kryptonian in this au. yes im saying all kryptonians are balls of light with the ability to clone bodies for themselves. yes im rejecting the seven magic spheres canon from the movie. yes kara has all her show powers. i contain multitudes.
okay, everyone keeping up ? lets move on !!
Kara zor El and Lena have to get to Arizona in 3 days or Kara will die !! (why will kara die? unsure, the wikipedia wasnt super clear about this. we'll say something about the yellow sun in our au is whats causing it)
Kara and Lena go on a fun romp across the states in an action packed roadtrip montage. this would stay pretty faithful to the original film, i think. not much to change here. as far as Kara getting Lena pregnant goes... uh, i dont write smut, and tbh im not 100% sold on this plot point, so ill just do an **alien sex magic powers** handwave and push that to the side.
as Lena and Kara get closer to Arizona, the government agency hunting them down closes in. which reminds me-- government agency, hunting aliens, trying to dissect them and kill them? uhhhhh, were villainizing the DEO, baby.
there are a couple of reasons for this. yes, CADMUS might work better, but remember, in the 3rd act of this movie/fic one of the scientists needs to go rogue and help Kara and Lena, and having the DEO be the evil government organization hunting down Kara means we get...
we get some cool Alex/kara bonding, some last minute confessions from Lena, and as Kara is walking back towards her family's ship come to rescue her, Lena begs Kara to take her with them. Kara tells Lena she would die on Krypton, but tells her not to give up hope. As one final goodbye, Kara gives Lena her mothers necklace, telling her she'll know what to do with it when the time comes.
(many years later, Lena, because she's a brilliant scientist and inventor, of course, creates a device that would allow Kara to live on earth without feeling the effects of the sun. Activating the necklace, Lena summons Kara back to earth, and the two spend the rest of their days together in love.)
so yeah, i think it would work !! hope this satisfied what you were looking for, anon !! thanks for stopping by :D
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markster666 · 2 months
KINKTOBER (Except in February) - ALASTOR X READER - DAY #19 (Morning Sex)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Tags: Kinktober, One-Shot, 18+, Smut, NSFW, smut with little plot, pet names, Dom!Alastor, Sub!Reader, Passionate, morning sex, riding, romantic, etc
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Word Count: 463
A/N: Enjoy! MDNI, please. Also, huge apologies for not posting Kinktober yesterday, I was so focused on schoolwork that I forgot. Not edited, so apologies for any spelling mistakes. NSFW under the cut.
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You woke up and stirred, realizing Alastor wasn't in the bed next to you. You quickly realized, by the smell of food, that he was making breakfast in the other room. You laid back down and rested your eyes for a bit before you felt the bed sink next to you, the smell of Alastor pungent in your nose.
"Morning, Baby Doll," he said, his voice filled with a sense of satisfaction.
His hand reached out to brush the hair away from your face, his fingers lingering on your cheek gently. He was sitting up next to you.
You leaned towards him, placing a wet kiss on his cheek before met his lips.
Alastor froze for a moment, surprised by your sudden move. But as your tongue darted into his mouth, his resistance melted away. He wrapped his arms around you, his hands rubbing your back, pulling you closer. His tongue danced with yours, tasting the remnants of last night's passion, leaving him hard in an instant.
You both had fucked like rabid animals last night, but this morning you just wanted to show him how much you love him.
Alastor groaned and he laid bac down on the bed, his eyes filled with a mix of lust and amusement. He sensed where this inevitably going and broke the kiss for an instant.
"We'd better be quick, my Dear, or else breakfast will burn."
You straddled him, your eyes filled with determination. His cock was already hard, twitching against your entrance, begging for release. With a moan, you impaled yourself on him, your pussy taking him in completely.
His hands gripped your hips, his nails digging into your flesh, leaving faint red marks. He thrust upwards, his cock hitting your G-spot with every stroke, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Your bodies moved in perfect unison, Your passion fueling each other's desire. The smell of pancakes and bacon filled the air, the sound of sizzling filling the room with a sense of reality. Their moans merged, creating a symphony of passion and lust.
Finally you both came in unison, your walls clenching around his cock as if to milk him dry.
Alastor groaned, his arms tightening around you. He continued to thrust, milking every last drop of pleasure from your body. Finally, he collapsed on the bed, his cock still buried inside you. His heart pounded against your chest, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.
You held him close, your eyes filled with satisfaction.
"I think I like this morning routine," you whispered, your voice filled with a sense of contentment.
"Where's the breakfast?"
Alastor chuckled, his eyes filled with amusement.
"It's probably burnt by now," he said, his voice filled with a sense of regret.
"But we can always order takeout."
TAG LIST (Comment Below if you'd like to be added!/If I missed you I apologize):
@smallershorteranduncut @persephoneblck @freekyfangirl @danveration @daisybelldarling @your-excellenc-z21 @aestheticgals-blog @naewasnothere @bontensbabygirl @amara-ishigami @strawberrypimpsimp @mneferta @deathnoteeee @lady-valtieri @itz-yue @alastorsfawn @thatdeadstoat @harmfulb1tch @no1sillybilly @ohbother2 @vee3-vox @alexandria-fandom @loratadina-makesmewanttocry @stargirlplanet @lbcreations-blog @depresoecspreso @dndmaniac @polytheatrix @transparentwizardmentality @the-lake-is-calling @randompersonidks-blog @ellezahen (won't let me tag you) @jyoongim @laundrybear413 @nega-omega @sageminty17 @lunaramune @heartsbutterfly @kaiandersonsbitch @a-jazzy-bee @my-divine-goddess000 @chewbrry @depresoecspreso @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @go-to-nerdytrashishere @creepylilneko @a-jazzy-bee @chewbrry @dievia3 @shotthrewtheheart @sunshinelulusplatoon @alon3lylov3r (won't let me tag you for some reason), @prosciuttosblog @casuallynotthirsty (you either rip), @lemonyboy97 @your-friendly-sociopath @motheroffoxesminerals (won't let me tag you for some reason), @alastorsgoldie @lowkeyhottho @unadulteratednachowolf @jadeddangel @livelaughfrontallobe @jyoongim @yourpersonalbabygirl @imasimpforhazbinhotelmen @dennsfz (won't let me tag) :( @dickmastersworld
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
What is it about Reckless Girls?
by VioletTheLostOne
Lena Luthor, Asami Sato, Caitlyn Kiramman and the recently engaged Maura Isles help a young purple-haired witch deal with her feelings for a certain human girl. Sequel to the one-shot “What is it about Rich Girls?”
Words: 2312, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Reckless and Rich Girls
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Avatar: Legend of Korra, Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021), Rizzoli & Isles, The Owl House (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Lena Luthor, Caitlyn (League of Legends), Maura Isles, Asami Sato, Amity Blight, Kara Danvers (mentioned), Vi (League of Legends) (mentioned), Jane Rizzoli (Cameo), Korra (Avatar) (mentioned), Luz Noceda (mentioned)
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends), Maura Isles/Jane Rizzoli, Korra/Asami Sato, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda
Additional Tags: Girlfriend comparisons, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Just a silly two-shot, Romantic Confusion, Useless Lesbian Amity Blight, Established SuperCorp, Established Rizzles, Established Korrasami, Established Piltover's Finest, Baby Gay Amity Blight, Big Gay sisters help Baby Gay, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/QGO8YF0 via IFTTT https://ift.tt/QGO8YF0
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justjams2003 · 2 years
Request and Plans
Hello everyone. I’ve written a lot of Spiderhead fanfic so far. However I am planning on writing many more things. Which is what this post is. I just want people to know that I am working on many things behind the scenes.
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Henry Cavill: One-shots:
Collage meet-cute
Heatlh Scares
Talk shows
Gaming Cockwarming
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Thor Odinson:Full story:
You’ve known Thor since you were children. Both Royals and desitined to rule your own kingdoms. However your parents plan on marrying you to the dark elfs in order to settle for peace and things go sideways. When Thor finds out, he saves you and quickly marries you before the dark elf king can. You both go on adventures with the Avengers. Yet all love does die at the end, or does it?
Still working on the slight details, tell me what you all think.
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The Mandalorian: One-shots
Bounty hunting meet-cute
Training you
Age regression-Baby sitting, getting you ready, wanting cover your face like your daddy does
Baby sitting Grogu
Piloting away from the new republic while cockwarming
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The Joker: Full story:
You’ve known him since you were little. You’ve always protected him, you feel responsible. You have the power to see someone’s whole past, present and future. Yet you can drive anyone you touch crazy enough to kill. And when you nurse him back to health after his accident, he vows his life to you. Now as the King of Gotham, you help chose his clientele. To help with the stress you use age regression to de-stress. Will at some point follow Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey.
I know it sounds a bit jumbled but I promise it will make more sense written out in quite a few chapter (40+)
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Request are open for the following characters:
Steve Abnesti
Thor Odinson
Din Djarin
The Joker
Henry Cavill
Geralt of Rivia
Phantom of the Opera
Christian Grey
Khal Drogo
Jack Sparrow
Matt Murdock
Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Sherlock Holmes (Henry Cavill)
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Yelena Bolova
Wanda Maximoff
Ana Grey
Kate Bishop
Daenerys Targaryen
Florance Pugh
Elizabeth Olsen
Kara Danvers
Dani (Midsommar)
I am open to pretty much anything no matter the kink play. Except Spit kink, Piss Kink, bestiality (Including furries) and incest. And most of my stories are 95% likely to contain Polyamory. 
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Earth-21818 Anthology
Intro:A Sight For Sore Eyes
(Timeline:2008, right after the very last scene of What if...? S1E2)
The Lost Prince of Wakanda has found his way home, and King T'Chaka throws a feast to welcome his son. However, things quickly get complicated when an unwanted guest shows up, and with things threatening to come apart at the seams, can our legendary outlaw-prince make it out alive? Sibling bonding and diplomatic talks ahoy.
Installment #1:The Ravagers Of Penzance
(Timeline:2008, after What If...? S1E9)
It's been two weeks since the defeat of Ego, and the Ravagers are living their best life, stealing from the rich to give to the poor.
One day, they are summoned by the Soopreme Leader of the Talokanil Federation Of Worlds, who displays a sudden interest in them and keeps on insisting that he is NOT evil, but everyone can't help but be suspicious of him. Thankfully, T'Challa, the one and only Star-Lord, is able to reach out to him and something beautiful forms between them, but will it last?
Meanwhile, the Sovereign, jealous of the ever-thriving Federation and determined to topple it, decide that they will do anything to do so, even resort to devious methods...
Expect wacky humor, thrilling action(not really, I suck at fight scenes), nail-biting suspense and an overabundance of singing, including that of Meat Loaf.
Pairings:T'Challa/Namor, Kraglin/Prince Yan, friendships abound
Installment #2:May The Odds Be In Our Favor
(Timeline:2008, concurrent with The Ravagers Of Penzance)
After a long time spent captive by the Collector, Thor Odinson is finally freed, but now he must fulfill a certain requirement to wield Mjolnir again, and he finds himself exiled on Earth, stripped of his powers.
Met with an elderly scientist, a happy-go-lucky young woman and a multitasking genius with a mind-blowing secret, Thor goes on a life-changing journey to retrieve his hammer and regain his worthiness, mending a lot of broken bonds in the process.
Pairings:Thor/Jane, Loki/Sigyn
Installment #3:Trial By Jury
(Timeline:2009, one year after TROP)
After the short-lived war between the Federation and the Sovereign, T'Challa and his Ravager family sets sail again, this time to rescue Mantis's brother Peter Quill from Korath's former boss, Ronan The Accuser. (ignoring how the entire incident was Korath's own fault)
Accompanied by Carol Danvers, a warrior who burns as bright as Earth's sun, they infiltrate Ronan's attack base on a remote planet but are things really as bad as they seem? We'll just have to read and find out.
Pairings:Nebula/Mantis, Quill/Ronan, Taserface/OC, background T'Challa/Namor
Installment #4:Fire Flower
(Timeline:2010, two years after MTOBIOF)
Erica Flora Grey (played by Keke Palmer) is the current host of the Phoenix Force and the defender of Earth, in these trying times. When the heroes that had been captured by the Collector return to Earth safe and sound, Nick Fury, her foster father, sees the perfect opportunity to have her join a team, especially since a splinter cell of the intergalactic terrorist organization known as the Black & White is seeking to conquer Earth.
With the Avengers Initiative in motion, Erica learns to work together with her new teammates, and finds love in the process.
Pairings:Carol Danvers/OC, Steve/Tony, Thor/Jane
Interlude #1:Invincible
(Timeline:2013, roughly during the events of Iron Man 3)
A long time ago, Tony Stark and Valentina Allegra De Fontaine had a love affair, and from that union was born a son, Stellar Stark. But not too long after, Valentina left, marrying Everett Ross instead, and dumped baby Stellar on his father's doorstep.
Now eleven, Stellar learns to navigate the world around him, as well as deal with suddenly having a buncha superpowered uncles and aunts...and powers of his own. A one-shot about the origins of the Stellar Stark character from Fire Flower.
Pairings:Carol/OC, Steve/Tony, Thor/Jane, Clint/Laura, Loki/Sigyn
Installment #5:An Avenger Patchwork
(Timeline:2014, one year after Invincible)
In one universe, the Maximoff twins and the Avengers started out on hostile terms.
This is not that universe.
One day, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff gather up enough courage to escape their captors all on their own and stow away on a boat to America, hoping that they'll start a new life there. Not too long after arriving on the so-called "land of dreams", the super-twins catch the attention of the Avengers, the resident superheroes, and become faced with a two-way path:Will the twins become part of the team, or possibly become their greatest enemies?
Pairings:Steve/Tony, Carol/OC, Thor/Jane, Clint/Laura, Loki/Sigyn
Installment #6:Speedball
(Timeline:2014, one month after AAP)
The multiverse can be a strange thing. Here, instead of following in her father's footsteps as a scholar of Egyptology, Layla El-Faouly is labeled a pariah, and ostracized by her family because of her belief in extraterrestrial life. Years later, the Black & White invasion of New York vindicates her beliefs, and she is called in.
Four years later, while continuing her study of the suit worn by Jered, the strike force leader that attacked New York, Layla comes into contact with the same source that gave him powers, and gains control over kinetic energy, which brings her into contact with the Avengers...and awakens something in her. Could this be fate?
Pairings:Pietro/Layla, Steve/Tony, Thor/Jane, Carol/OC, Loki/Sigyn
Installment #7:Destroy All Weenies
(Timeline:2015, one year after AAP)
After having a nightmare of the Avengers facing the Black & White main branch and getting defeated once and for all, Tony Stark decides to build a suit of armor around the world using Jered's scepter, despite everyone's assurances that he doesn't need to. But, hey, what could possibly go wrong?
When Tony's peacekeeping program goes rogue and forms an unlikely alliance with the cult leader the Avengers had been keeping an eye on, the team might find on their hands a greater threat than ever before...if only said alliance doesn't break apart due to infighting first. On top of that, Stellar believes that his AI "brother" still has some good inside him. Could he be right, or is it just the naivete of a child?
Pairings:Steve/Tony, Carol/OC, Thor/Jane, Loki/Sigyn, Pietro/Layla, Wanda/Vision, Clint/Laura
Installment #8:Live To Rise
(Timeline:2015, two weeks after DAW)
After unsuccessfully attempting to conquer the omniverse, Earth-21818's Kang has found himself back in his own universe, in the year 2015, and finds himself a pawn in a conspiracy much lesser than he.
Swept up in the power struggle between a young scientist, his mentor, and an ex-thief, and with a super-persistent personal enemy out to get him, Kang sets out to show the world that he's not down for the count. Not yet.
Pairings:Kang/Scott, Luis/OC
Installment #9:The Panther
(Timeline:2016, seven years after TBJ)
Crown Princess Shuri is the Black Panther, the legendary protector of Wakanda and the avatar of the goddess Bast. She's also the model of a warring warrior scientist, with a license to kill and the voice of an angel. While tracking stolen vibranium, she gets lost and receives help from a mystery woman in a sparkling gown.
As the two of them travel further down the lane, they become entangled in a bigger conspiracy than either of them expected. Now Shuri must stay alive, complete the mission, and prove to her enemies that the deadliest weapon of all is a little song and dance.
Pairings:Shuri/Monica Lynne, Nakia/OC, Ayo/Aneka
(Oh, and in case you don't know, Shuri is 24 here.) (Also Bast-21818 is an African cat lady version of Cynthia Houston from the Tin Can Brothers musical Spies Are Forever.)
Installment #10:Avenger Family Matters
(Timeline:2016, one year after DAW)
With a super-family that loves him, a colorful and bright school and a stable future as young hero-in-training Starbrand, fourteen-year-old Stellar Stark can't ask for anything more.
However, the launch of the Siwa Accords, a set of legal documents designed to regulate the activities of enhanced individuals, threatens to take everything away and what's worse, his own father supports them. Things get more complicated when three new adults and another teenager enter the picture...
Pairings:Steve/Tony, Carol/OC, Thor/Jane, Loki/Sigyn, Clint/Laura, Wanda/Vision, Pietro/Layla, Stephen/Christine, Shuri/Monica Lynne, friendships abound
Interlude #2:Stellar Homecoming
(Timeline:2016, three months after AFM)
With his dads away in India for their long overdue honeymoon, Stellar is once again left alone. To make matters worse, he gets a crush on a girl in his grade, his best friend Peni Parker has requested his help in taking down a supervillain called Vulture, and homecoming is just around the corner. Can he survive school life and hero work at the same time?
Pairings:Doreen Green/OC, Peni/Michelle Jones, Ned/Betty
Installment #11:Double Trouble
(Timeline:2017, one year after AFM)
Professor Charles Xavier wishes to meet Erica's new avenging pals, and invites them over to Krakoa for a feast, but the fun time of both teams come to a screeching halt when Magneto and his daughter Lorna discover there's an evil power to overthrow, and decide to contact Xavier about it.
Now the Avengers and the X-Men have to work together for the first time, and shenanigans ensue as the two teams attempt to harmonize. Also, who are those "Masters Of Evil", really?
Pairings:Carol/OC, Steve/Tony, Wolverine/Cyclops, Thor/Jane, Loki/Sigyn, Wanda/Vision, Pietro/Layla, Storm/Forge, background Cherik
Installment #12:Hell's Comin' With Me
(Timeline:2017, undefined)
The year is 2017. The United States have fallen into the clutches of AIM, led by Ezekiel Stane, and the Avengers are barely holding on. All this happened because, in his quest of atonement, Kang The Conqueror inadvertently provided the 21st Century generation with the means to time travel, and while plotting to undo the damage he did, he once again crosses paths with his former lover, Scott Lang AKA Ant-Man.
Soon enough, Kang finds the new world is worse off than he imagined, and with the help of Scott and old and new friends, he soon plans to show AIM that he has returned, and all hell followed with him.
Pairings:Kang/Scott, Luis/OC, Yelena/Ava
Installment #13:Calling Dr. Foster
(Timeline:2018, one year after DT)
After a long period of waiting, Thor finally decides to introduce the woman he loves to his extended family on Asgard. Jane hopes things do not end in disaster, as she believes herself unworthy of a god's love, not to mention that she's pretty formidable with electricity but her power pales in comparison to Thor's.
To cheer up her future daughter-in-law, Frigga decides to grant Jane godhood and commissions a special weapon from Nidavellir for her. But some divinities aren't happy with that decision, especially some of Omnipotence City's authorities. Can Jane survive the trials and tribulations of being a goddess, and get her happy ending?
Pairings:Thor/Jane, Loki/Sigyn, Bruce/Valkyrie
Installment #14:On His Excellency's Secret Service
(Timeline:2018, concurrent with CDF)
It's T'Challa's 14th time visiting the Talokanil Federation Of Worlds, and it would turn out just like other times...if not for the fact that Yutel, the most technologically advanced planet in the Federation, has been attacked by Black & White emissaries Blastaar and Una-Rogg, the latter being a Kree warrior...which spells trouble for the Federation AND the Kree Empire.
With the Federation, the Kree and the Black & White locked in a three-way war over the Aether, a substance of unlimited power, T'Challa struggles to keep his cool and tries to solve the problem on his own rather than enlist help from his loved ones. Can the legendary Star-Lord fix everything once again, or will he fail...for the first time in his life?
Pairings:T'Challa/Namor, Quill/Ronan, Mantis/Nebula, Kraglin/Prince Yan, Taserface/OC
Finale:...And Justice For All
(Timeline:2018, three days after OHESS)
Four remarkable people. Three stories to tell. Two warring factions. One last ride. Revengeance hits home.
It was a day, a day unlike any other when it happened. Earth, Asgard, Talokan and numerous other worlds unite for one final charge against the Black & White, to save the universe once and for all.
But as things unravel, the Avengers and their allies discover that the enemy leader is not what she seems to be, and that she started an interplanetary conflict all because of...Thanos?! What the hell is going on here? Get ready for the thrilling conclusion of the Earth-21818 saga!
Pairings:T'Challa/Namor, Carol/OC, Kang/Scott, Shuri/Monica Lynne, background pairings and friendships abound
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