#brings you dead things as a form of affection too
blood-orange-juice · 4 months
as the resident Childe-authority (in my mind), which animal do you think would represent his essence best? none of my answers seem to fit him. maybe he's a platypus because they're equally weird and impossible to pin down
Eleven cats, at least one of them orange.
It would be a mistake to think he could ever be one single animal.
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pholla-jm · 10 days
Heir (2)
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IMAGINE: HEIR~ SUKUNA X WIFE!READER GENRE: FLUFF cw: sukuna is a bit ooc. f!reader. true form sukuna. not proof read
If you haven't read the first part, here it is: Heir. ***************
As months went by, your stomach got bigger and rounder. Your back was certainly hurting, feet aching, and a constant need to go pee. 
You almost hated every second of it. 
If it wasn’t for the fact you were bringing life into the world, you would’ve hated every second of it. 
Someone that was almost more excited than you was your lover, Sukuna. He was dead set on the baby being a boy. He was so excited to raise a boy to create a future heir. 
He even already picked out a name for him. Akumu, not a common name but it was one that Sukuna liked and it was set. 
However, you had a feeling that you were having a daughter. But, Sukuna was not hearing any of that. But just in case, you picked out a name just in case it was a girl. You wanted to have a similar vibe that Sukuna wanted so you chose Yumekui. 
You were very close to your due date and you were extremely nervous. You felt like you weren’t ready. You felt the nursery wasn’t ready or that things weren’t baby proofed enough. 
That’s why you paced around the castle, trying to get things ready. You didn’t care that your feet ached and your back was crying for help. All you cared about was making sure that everything was ready and perfect for the baby.
You know who did care? Sukuna. He didn’t like how you are constantly on your feet, pacing around and just being worried in general. 
“Woman.” Sukuna calls out once he finds you wandering the halls. You turn to him, already knowing you’re about to get scolded. “You should be resting.” You pout a little, “but do you see that over there?” You say while pointing to an area where a sharp corner was protruding. 
Sukuna follows your finger, “yeah. What about it?” “What if the baby hurts themselves from that?” Sukuna rolls his eyes, “you’re being paranoid. Our son will be strong. A corner is not going to harm him.” 
There’s that word again. Son. You often thought about what his reaction would be if it was a daughter instead. Would he be mad? Would he kick the both of you out? Would he kill the child? All these negative thoughts clouded your mind daily. 
That’s why when the time came, you really didn’t want Sukuna in the room- just the midwives. However, Sukuna wanted to be in the room with you and no one was really going to defy his orders. 
Sukuna was being super supportive though during the whole process. He held your hand and let you squeeze as hard as you wanted, even though it felt like a little pinch to him. He also kept a clean towel to wipe the sweat off of you. Even the sly cursing didn’t affect him. 
The process felt like hours and you were sure you looked like a hot mess. Sukuna didn’t care though. In his eyes you were still the most beautiful woman. 
You could feel the baby coming through and it was only confirmed by the midwife when she said the head was crowning and you only needed to do a couple more pushes. 
You were happy to hear that as you started to feel more tired and weak with every second that passed by. 
Finally, you heard the sound of an infant crying. Relief washed through your body. Until you heard the words you didn’t want to hear.
“Congratulations. It’s a girl.” 
You felt Sukana’s grip on your hand loosen until he completely lets go of your hand.
You could feel your heart drop and your skin paled. You wanted to grab the baby before Sukuna did. But you were too weak to sit up correctly. 
“W-wait..” Your voice only came out as a whisper as your back hit the bed. “I want..” You couldn’t speak anymore as your head lolled to the side. You could feel a midwife trending to your side. 
The last thing you saw was the midwife holding the child and Sukuna walking up to the child. You could see the subtle frown on his face as he looked down at the small baby. After that, your vision went black as you went into a peaceful slumber. 
Everything felt sore. Extremely sore. It took you a minute to come to your senses. But when you remember your situation, you sit up. Hoping to find your daughter safe and sound. 
However, what you saw was the last thing you expected.
Your daughter was swaddled, in the crib sound asleep. 
What shocked you even more was Sukuna. The man who said who wanted a son, stood at the crib admiring his child. 
His large body was bent over so his arms were crossed and leaning against the edge. His head was tilted to the side and resting on his arms. You would have never guessed you would see a sight like this. He looked almost… soft. All though, you would never say that to him. 
Sukuna heard the rustling of the sheets causing him to sit up a little. 
“I’m glad you’re awake.” He says and you nod your head. 
“Are you mad?” You softly ask him. “Why would I be mad?” “You know… for having a daughter. Not a son, like you wanted.” 
Sukuna laughs, but not too loudly to wake the baby. 
Sure, he was a bit upset when he heard that it was a girl. But as soon as her eyes opened, the same red color as his, he swore he could feel his heart stop. The cries were weak and pathetic in his opinion. However, when the midwife handed her over to him, her cries stopped. The baby looked up at him with wonder and she showed him a gummy smile. 
Sukuna would never tell you that as soon as her cries stopped he started to love the child. 
“No. She’s so small. I decided that having a daughter isn’t too bad.” You chuckle at his answer and peer over the crib, getting a good look at your daughter. 
Even though she was a few hours old, you could tell that she was Sukuna’s daughter. You could only imagine what she would look like when she gets older.
“She looks just like you.” You mutter, a little upset that you carried her for so long and she came out looking like her father. 
“Of course she does. My genetics are strong.” “Hmm, we’ll see with the next baby.” 
Sukuna grins at your words, “the next baby? Already planning for another?” “Wait, wait,” you giggle while holding your hand up, “I don’t mean that just yet. I still have to heal.”  Sukuna hums, silently agreeing. “Next time, it’ll be a boy. I’ll make sure of it.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tagging: @lotuskassagi
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3hks · 3 months
How to Write an IMPACTFUL Backstory
Honestly, writing and reading about backstories is probably one of my favorite parts of a character's story! It's a strong foundation for a character's goals, motives, thoughts, and actions! Its most powerful effect, on the other hand, is its ability to change one's view on a character. So, then, how do we write such an impactful past?
For beginners, the more tragic the backstory, the better. While this does hold some truth, let me re-iterate that it's for beginners. The idea behind it is that a pure, devastatingly pitiful backstory is unique and pulls at your reader's heartstrings. Unfortunately, instead, we're left with an origin story that feels superficial, overly-dramatic, unnecessary, and shallow. However in this post, I will give you some tips on how to avoid creating such 2D backgrounds and actually bring your character's past to life!
First, your character's backstory can be made with whatever components you choose, but the key is that you must balance them out correctly. Additionally, the majority of the time, you do want their story to stick out, so I suggest trying to come up with something original! It's much harder than it sounds, but honestly, every other protagonist has dead parents at this point. Be creative, add details, and don't be afraid to let your character go through things if you feel that it's fitting!
Second, don't extend their past for too long. The point of introducing the backstory is to elaborate on a (few) certain event(s) that affected your character the most and forever changed their lives. Keep it centered around one, or at most, a couple events.
Next, most writers tend to use sadness and/or to fuel the character, but it should not be overbearing and excessive. Alternatively, it should feel GENUINE. Not dramatic, but genuine. Different genres do form different types of backstories, yes, but the core concept behind it should be something natural. It should be something that your readers will be able to understand; something authentic. They should feel some sense of relatability, even if it's just a little. This could be like family issues, broken friendships, betrayals, leaving someone, mental struggles, loneliness, etc. Complexity can surround these concepts, but the basic, fundamental ideas should still be present.
Furthermore, be sure that their backstory makes sense. Even if you're introducing it through quick, brief flashbacks, ultimately, you want the reader to have all the pieces to solve the puzzle.
Last but not least, make your backstory feel personal to your character! Build it in a sense that if it were to go to any other character, it wouldn't have an effect that's as severe. Make it targeted to its owner. While this is something that can be difficult to execute, it really provides insight to your character, and is an easy way to add some intricacy to a simple backstory! A good place to start is thinking about the things personal to your character. For instance, this could be their past before the event, people they care about, their morals, etc. Then, add it in said event so that it pushes and/or challenges your character in a way that makes them re-evaluate that value.
There you go! Here are my personal tips on how to upgrade your character's backstory and have it really impact your reader! Be creative, keep it centered around a couple things, make it genuine, and make it targeted to the character!
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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operator-report · 3 months
In middle school, I read a short story for English class called Flowers for Algernon. Maybe you’ve read it, too. In the story, a disabled man named Charlie is given a medicine that cures his disability. Over the course of the story, he comes to realize that his “cure” is temporary and that he will “regress” into being disabled again. The story makes it clear that this is a tragedy. As a disabled teenager when I first read it, the story affected me deeply.
I’d like to talk about David and Noelle. 
Content warnings for discussion of suicide, self-harm, ableism and eating disorders below the cut. Spoilers for Worm through arc 27. 
When I was first reading arc 18, one of the things that stuck out to me is how much time the story spends on Eidolon. For me, it was the first time I paid much attention to him - prior to that, Eidolon was just an extremely powerful background character to me. But in arc 18, we learn that (1) Eidolon is losing his powers and (2) he believes that fighting Echidna will allow him to tap into some sort of reservoir to bring them back.
We find this out, of course, through Tattletale exposing him, which is always an extremely embarrassing event for Tattletale’s target. It makes it extremely clear that what Eidolon is doing is pathetic. He is going to kill a teenage girl so he can feel something. 
Which would be messed up enough, right? We don’t need to make this even worse, right? Wrong. Because Wildblow has spent the last several thousand words building up the Case 53s as X-Men style metaphors for oppressed groups, and one of the forms of oppression that Wildblow generally writes well is ableism. I think you can consider most, if not all of the Case 53s as disabled in some way. I think the link is extremely clear with Noelle.
Noelle doesn’t get her powers from traditional Cauldron human experimentation - at least, not directly. Instead, she and Krouse are facing what is, to them, a no-win scenario. They’re quarantined with limited access to medical care. Breaching this quarantine would permanently render them criminals. If Noelle survives her surgery, which is a pretty big if, she’ll become disabled, in a way that both Krouse and Noelle agree is ugly and undesirable. She won’t be able to do “boyfriend-girlfriend stuff” because she won’t be “any good to look at, after.” 
Krouse and Noelle are terrified of death, yes, but they’re also terrified of disability. They are desperate for control over Noelle’s body, control that, as of that moment, only the state has. (Remember the quarantine?) Krouse pressures Noelle into drinking the vial. Noelle is cured. 
Noelle’s cure does not last. In attempting to assert control, her body becomes uncontrollable. Her body is her trauma and her eating disorder made literal. She still needs care.
Worm would be bad if this is why her life sucks. But Worm does something better, instead. Noelle goes through hell, not just due to the sheer difficulty of having her power, but because of the way her teammates and Coil treat her. They talk about Noelle like she’s already dead. They’re ashamed of bringing her the food she needs. When Krouse “includes” Noelle in a discussion in arc 12, it’s mostly perfunctory. They do not believe Noelle is human any longer. They lock her away.
Noelle doesn’t want to be put in a cage. Noelle doesn’t want to be dehumanized. In interlude 18, when we get insight into Noelle’s thoughts, we learn that what Noelle is angry about is the fact that Krouse locked her in a concrete bunker and placated her. When she tells people not to look at her, there’s a coda to that sentence that she doesn’t get to verbalize: don’t look at me like that. 
This is the person who Eidolon is going to kill. 
Via the Simurgh, this is a person Eidolon has unknowingly created.
A few thousand words of Worm go by. It’s Gold Morning. Eidolon is fighting Scion. Now, at the end of the book, we finally get substantial insight into David, the man behind the mask. 
David takes a Cauldron vial to cure his disability. David sees this as the only way out, after an unsuccessful application to join the military, and then, an unsuccessful suicide attempt. David is bearing an immense amount of shame and internalized ableism. David is worried that father’s friends are watching him. (Don’t look at me.) David cleaves the world into two kinds of people: those who can have jobs, who are liked and respected because they are useful; and people like him, who are useless.
It’s a terrible way to think. Without that worldview, how could a person not take the vial? David wants to be used, because David wants to be useful. He never gets the independence he craves – not when he’s in that level of debt to Cauldron – but he gets to be useful, and that’s one of the best things you can be.
Like Noelle’s, like Charlie’s in Flowers, David’s cure doesn’t work. His abilities are wearing off. He is essentially told, when Doctor Mother administers his booster shots, that his medicine is too expensive. 
Cauldron creates Noelle. David, as Cauldron’s soldier, has a role to play in her creation. David knows exactly what he is doing to Noelle. It happened to him. Worm fandom talks a lot about David being a father. He’s a father in more ways than one. (David’s father is always watching him.) (Don’t look at me.)
Cauldron never cures David’s ableism. In his world, you can be useful, or you can die. David asks Noelle if she wants to win. Noelle tells him no. You can have a job, or you can kill yourself. When David tries to kill Noelle to help himself, isn’t that a mercy?
Of course it isn’t. It goes without saying that all of this is extremely fucked up. When it comes to disability, “cure” is a complicated concept. I’m not going to get into all the ways it can be treated; this post is already a thousand words long. But I do think that Worm, through Noelle and David and the concept of the Cauldron vial, provides an extremely vivid picture of the problems with cure. 
Under ableist logic, when you have a disability, a cure is something you’re expected to want. Without it, the story goes, you can’t be useful. You can’t do boyfriend-girlfriend stuff. The expectation is social, like the act of staring. Your desire for it should drive how you organize your life – it is control, like a quarantine. David is crushed by that expectation. He throws his lot in with Cauldron, the cure-makers. The expectation is passed along to Noelle, and even though David can recognize that inheritance, he cannot imagine any other way to respond to it other than attempted murder.
At the beginning of this post, I mentioned that Flowers for Algernon is a tragedy. The reason that story has stuck with me so long is that I keep going back and forth as to why. Is it a tragedy because Charlie goes back to being disabled? There’s a good chance that’s what the author intended. I don’t know. It would be a pretty shitty story if that were the case. Is it a tragedy because people only treat Charlie well when he’s “cured,” and when that stops, he’ll go back to abuse? Seems plausible. I don’t think there’s one right answer. Regardless, when you’re disabled, there’s an immense pressure to seek out a cure, and a cognizable loss when it is withheld. The fact that Worm captures that social pressure and social loss so well is extremely compelling for me, and I’m going to be thinking about these characters for a long time.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 months
Affections + First Kiss — General! Scarecrow, Riddler, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman x gn! reader
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summery: affection and first kiss headcanons.
tw: mentions of abuse (physical and verbal), mentions of toxic dynamics
a/n: I've never wrote headcanons for multiple characters in one thing before, so enjoy! I love them all.
wc: 2k
Master List
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Scarecrow
❥Jonathan wasn’t used to a kind touch. Being bullied growing up, being beaten by the bat. No, all he knew was the harsh touch of a fist. The relentless shoves. The purpling of bruises that always showed after. The red blood that would drip from his nose. The burning hatred that steadily grew towards those who wronged him.
❥So when you came into his life, he would flinch if you raised a hand. He would unconsciously back away. The warmth in his heart that you stirred was unusual to him, a feeling he’s never felt towards anyone. He was used to the bitterness after an interaction, not longing. 
❥You eased him into it. Only when you two started dating did he ever think twice about your touch. He knew you held back your affections. He watched you lift a hand up, only to bring it back down to your side. And to Jon, that meant the world. He felt relief when you didn’t push him into uncomfortable territory, and he respected you all the more for it.
❥Although a part of him wished you would hold him. Touch him. He wondered if your skin felt as soft as it looked. Though he also feared that your touch would sting, and the comfort you brought would be no more. No, he would never reach out first.
❥Starting out slow, he let you hold his shoulder. No matter how careful you’ve been for however long, you slipped slightly. It was a gesture not many think twice about. Holding onto someone's shoulder as you look over them, holding onto them for balance. It was only when you felt him tense under you, his ramblings pausing, that you realized your mistake. Yet, Jon had only reassured you that you did nothing wrong. 
❥Having realized that Jon seemed to open your touch, you continued. Lightly brushing your hands, shoulder touches, even just sitting closer. It was like you were single handedly rewiring Jon’s brain, teaching him that not all touch hurts. That he too deserves a kind hand. The flinching had dulled, and he would even look forward to you being near him. 
❥So when you finally got to kiss him? He was a dead man. You got him hook line and sinker. I hope you weren’t expecting to leave him any time soon, because after you opened him into a world of warm affection, he doesn’t want to let go. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Riddler
❥Touch is a big no no. Similar to Jonathan, Edward had been bullied from a young age. Teased and ridiculed, shoved and hit. If not from his peers, then from his own father. His world was cruel for as long as he could remember. In fact, his brain started to warp, perceiving the hits as a form of love, no matter how hard he tried to deny it.
❥Edward Nygma is a touch starved man. He longs for the comforts others seem to get so seamlessly. Yet at the same time, he doesn’t want anyone touching him. Tap his shoulder if you dare.
❥You were no different, at first. You quickly caught on to his distaste of touch when he reprimanded someone for getting a little too friendly with him. But you managed to weasel your way into his estranged heart. With how respectful and kind you were, he quickly found himself ensnared with your affection. Even hands free you managed to boost his ego and make him feel, should he dare say, loved for. You gave him praise that he had longed for, which earned you a seat right by his side.
❥It was also partly to keep a closer eye on you. Part of him preened at your praise, and another was weary. Why were you so kind? He was a well known criminal, he knew better than to just believe you were doing it out of the kindness of your heart. Y’know the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
❥I honestly don’t know how you deal with it. He always tries to catch you off guard with a riddle or puzzle. He pushes you away by ridiculing you and belittling you. Yet you won’t stop. You keep spilling his praises, and it’s so baffling to him. Yes, he is the smartest man in the world, but you managed to become a riddle. Good luck now.
❥When you first touched him, it was an innocent hug. He had managed to pull off a heist and got away from Batman without a scratch! Of course he had no doubts about his success, you didn’t either. When he got back to the hideout, you were clapping while singing his praises. Edward felt on top of the world, adrenaline rushing through his veins. When your arms wrapped around him, your scent clouding his thoughts, your warmth leaching into him, he found himself reciprocating.
❥Now, whether your dating or you’re just friends, it matters little to the green clad man. You had given him a taste of a touch he’s always longed for. And he realized that he’s more comfortable around you than he’d like to admit. He never reaches out first, but he’ll never turn you down if you want to hold his arm. 
❥His teasing towards you turns lighter, just as his heart feels. So when you finally seal the deal with a kiss, he’ll make sure you never slip through his fingers. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Harley Quinn
❥She will smother you with affection right out the bat. Hugs, hand holding, kisses, you name it. You don’t even have to date her for her to leave a smooch on your lips. Harley Quinn easily trusts people, and you’re no exception. She finds comfort in touch, so why should she deny herself it? She also finds it expresses her genuine affection for you in ways she couldn’t verbalize. 
❥If you don’t like PDA, please tell her right away. She doesn’t understand it, I mean why wouldn’t you want to show your love to the world? But she also doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, so if you wanna keep it behind closed doors, she’ll try her best. But don’t be too surprised if she sneaks in a little smooch or hug if no one’s looking.
❥Harley Quinn is one of the most affectionate rogues out there. But it’s not always sunshine and rainbows with her. She had been in a seriously abusive relationship, and you have to help her remember that she doesn’t have to walk on eggshells around you. That no matter the argument, you won’t raise your hand to strike her. It takes her a long time to come out of that headspace, if ever. It’s a good thing you’re by her side to help coax her into healthier practices. 
❥If we want to get a little darker, Harley may try to treat you like the Joker treated her. It’s scary to see her go from bubbly to dark. Her features twisted into a wicked sneer as she asks that you’ll never leave her. That no matter what, you’ll always love her. During these moments, you gotta stand up for yourself. She’s trying to gain a sense of control she never felt in her previous relationship, and you have to make her snap out of it. When she comes to and realizes what she just did, the look of utter terror in her eyes is the most heart wrenching thing. She’ll sob, pleading that she didn’t mean to, that she never wanted you to go through that, that she’s terrified of becoming him.
❥Please hug her, kiss her, squeeze her gently. She loves it. All Harley wants is to be loved and to love, and getting affection shows her how genuine you are and is the biggest comfort for her. Feeling your warmth, feeling the softness of your skin, it brings her peace. 
❥The first time you made the first move to kiss Harley, she nearly did a backflip. Her little sugar plum made the first move! I hope you didn’t have anything planned, because Harley won’t let you go for the rest of the day.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Poison Ivy
❥I’m not sure how you weren’t just killed or turned into one of her goons. She’s not one for humanity. She keeps a sharp eye on those who dare tread into her territory. There’s no way to beat around it. She drugs you, finding out what your true intentions are. It has to be something she deems worthy enough to keep you around. She barely puts up with Harley as it is. 
❥Once you gain your free will again, you have to continuously prove your loyalty. Of course she can guarantee it herself if she has to, but you’ve managed to catch her eye. So prove your worth to her, prove that her interest in you isn’t just a mistake. It will take a long time. She’s been wronged one too many times, and she won’t make that mistake again.
❥Even if you manage to gain her trust, she won’t drop her walls around you. Though she’s a bit nicer. Ivy knows that a person works better with praise, but she also means it deep down. She doesn’t say what she doesn’t mean, so don’t take her words for granted. Not that you really can when her perfume scent always seems to cloud your senses. 
❥You let Ivy make the first move when it comes to touch. For a seductress, she won’t touch you if she doesn’t have to. Not to mention the toxins that fill her blood. Who knew if one tap on her shoulder meant your certain doom…but maybe that was a bit of the thrill you loved when being by her side. Though you’ve seemed to find a small soft spot in her heart, right next to Harley Quinn. She wouldn’t tell you that though, best to leave you on your toes lest you get too comfortable. 
❥After going so long without a single touch from the green goddess, when she started playing with your hair, you found yourself seizing up. Ivy brushed her fingers through it so gently, yet all you could wonder is if it was finally over. If she grew bored of you, or if she started to find you bothersome. But her gentle reassurances lulled you. Her warm voice and gentle hands relaxed you. It was then that you realized her affections for you ran deeper than she led on.
❥You’re first kiss was electrifying. That underlying thrill that your life was held in her hands. That she killed men with the very action she committed tenderly with you. Yet deep down you knew she wouldn’t hurt you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Catwoman 
❥It's not easy catching her attention. She won’t settle for less than perfection. She is catwoman after all, she has a reputation to uphold. So when she looked at you, and I mean really looked at you, she decided why not have a little fun? Whether you’re a villain, anti-hero, vigilante, or civilian, she’ll take time out of her busy schedule to drop by.
❥She likes to give mixed signals. It keeps you far enough for her to feel in control, yet it also satiates her hunger. She’ll lean in real close, only to grab something from behind you type of beat. She loves to watch you become a stuttering mess, but she doesn’t mind if you banter back. It’s all a part of the fun.
❥No matter how close you seem to get, you’re somehow still a mile away from Selina. She slips away from your affection without you even realizing it. She always turns the moment into a suggestive one. If she left it tender, then it would be too real. It takes time for her to warm up to you and really trust you.
❥If anything, the first kiss happens before anything truly tender. The kiss catches you both off guard, neither sure who started it. Selina tries to wrap it into something that doesn’t make her heart stutter. Tries to turn it suggestively like she always does, but with the way you tenderly hold her cheeks, she feels herself melt. Finally, she succumbs to these feelings you managed to stir within her, and she isn’t sure if she wants to thank you or curse you out. Maybe she’ll settle for a dinner, tab on you of course.
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smilesrobotlover · 6 months
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Chapter 1- hello again
Link had made plenty of mistakes in his life. Some of them were small, futile, and had very little consequence. Others were big, dangerous, and almost unforgivable. He couldn’t count how many times he’d almost lost his life due to his own foolishness, how many times he’d upset someone he cared about due to his temper, or how many times he was met with scorn due to his own choices. His life was riddled with mistakes, all having consequences that affected him one way or another, with some being forgotten, never to be spoken of again.
That mistake he made… he thought it wouldn’t be serious, he thought it would be one of the few that were forgotten. Sure it was a serious mistake, but it was one time. Surely the goddesses would be merciful on him just this once, right? Surely they would forgive what he did. He understood it was wrong, he’ll never do it again.
He hoped that they would forget about when he made love at twilight.
It was a moment of weakness for him. The girl who he spent his entire adventure with, who stuck at his side, who saved him, who he loved, was dead. Or so he thought. He killed the demon king with righteous anger swelling within him, grief gripping his heart so tightly it physically hurt, wanting to kill the man who killed her.
It was only after the demon king was dead when he discovered that she was alright. When he saw a familiar silhouette among the light spirits, he couldn’t help himself sprinting towards her, pumping his exhausted legs to where she was sitting to just make sure that she was real. That she was alright.
And she was. She was alive and… well… different. The light spirits removed the curse upon her that turned her into an imp, changing her into a beautiful twilight princess. He remembered when he first saw her. She was tall, with such loving eyes that stared back at him, her hair tied in the front, and her face… His brain blanked when he first saw her, and he didn’t say anything. He just stared.
“What? Say something!” She finally broke the silence, with a familiar teasing grin forming on her lips. “Am I so beautiful you have no words left?”
It was her, she was real. This was the Midna he spent so much time with, the Midna he fell in love with, the Midna he wanted so desperately to protect because of all she did for him. He smiled a relieved smile, and hugged her tightly, crying into her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him and cried as well. They were both alright.
Zelda arrived shortly after to be with her friend, talking about what happened and what should happen next. Due to Link’s injuries from Ganondorf, they decided to head to Kakariko where he could rest, and they spent a long time together.
When Midna and Link were alone, they would talk for hours, quietly so no one would know about her, and one night, they got a little carried away. They were sitting on Link’s bed at night, and they exchanged kisses, and they snuggled up next to each other, and kissed again. One thing led to another, and it turned into a huge mistake. After what had happened, Midna started avoiding him, whenever she saw him, there being a deep sorrow in her sunset eyes. Link didn’t know why she was suddenly acting like this, but he knew he was at fault. He should’ve stopped, he should’ve slowed down and got her off of him, he thought she wanted to do it, but clearly not. He was afraid he put too much pressure on her. He was just so happy that she was alive, that Ganondorf was dead, that finally he was able to have peace, and he wasn’t thinking. He tried to talk to her about it but she’d just brush it off, so he stopped bringing it up.
Finally, when Link was healed enough, Midna said that she needed to return to the Twilight Realm, so they traveled to the Gerudo desert, his heart hurting from having to say goodbye to Midna. She may not think of him that way anymore, but she was still a dear friend to him, and he still cared about her deeply. And though they could visit each other, it was always sad to see a friend go.
But sad did not describe the feeling he had when the mirror was shattered, with Midna gone forever. That feeling was sheer agony, the worst pain he’s ever had to endure in his life. It almost ended him, he almost changed into someone unrecognizable, and thoughts plagued his mind over it. Was it something he did? Was she that upset over that night? And what ate away at him the most: would she have a child because of that night? The thought of her giving birth without him being able to support her killed him on the inside. He felt like a complete failure, he hated himself, and he wished that none of it ever happened.
So he prayed to the goddesses to be merciful on him. Just this once. To not let Midna suffer because of his foolishness, to simply let that mistake be. He would never do it again. Just please… don’t let anything come of it… please…
Two years later had passed, and so did some of the pain. With help he was able to recover, his dear pa tried to reassure him that Midna didn’t leave because of him, that she still cared for him. It helped, even a little. And so he slowly began to move on from Midna, move on from that night. He never told it to anyone, hoping that it would be forgotten by him and the goddesses. No one else needed to know about the best and worst moment of his life. Though he did wonder, even though it hurt, if he had a child out there somewhere, a child that he could never give his love to.
But his question was answered one night.
It was pouring rain with distant thunder, and Link was tossing and turning for hours. He couldn’t do anything to get his mind to relax and finally sleep, so he let out a frustrated sigh and stared at the ceiling. Normally rainy nights helped him sleep, but for some reason that wasn’t the case tonight. He closed his eyes and let out another sigh. He knew it was better for him to stay laying down with his eyes closed, but being alone with his thoughts was almost maddening.
He listened to the pouring rain outside, the different sounds it made as it hit his tree house made him grateful that he had a roof over his head, and a roof over Epona’s head. Being wet was the worst feeling for him. He rolled over and tried to let the rain soothe him, and it almost worked until—
Thump thump thump.
He opened his eyes at the unnatural sound, sitting up and staring at his door, slowing his breathing so he could hear better. Did he imagine that? Who would be banging at his door in the middle of the night?
He flinched when there were three more loud thumps at his door, confirming that he did not imagine it in his half asleep state. He was wide awake now, and got up as his heart grew worried over who could be at his door. Was it Rusl? Was he alright? Was something wrong with his daughter? Or was it Illia? Was she alright? Though they rarely spoke anymore, she occasionally came by when she needed comfort. He reached for his door and let out a breath to calm himself, opening the door quickly.
But who he saw sent his heart into his throat.
It was Midna, she was standing there, a desperate look in her eyes. Her clothes were soaked as she stood in the rain, and the two were silent for a moment as they stared at each other.
Midna… after two years of accepting that he’d never see her again, here she was. She got much taller, almost double his height, her jewelry was more extravagant, but she herself, she still took his breath away.
Finally after a moment of silence, he finally found his words.
Her breath hitched, and she shifted a bit, a bundle in her arms that he finally noticed. His heart stopped when he saw a child, no older than two, crying silently in her arms. He was clearly a twili, having bright red hair, dark blue skin, and black markings. He looked like Midna, but when he opened his eyes, it was without a doubt that they matched his own. Gray-blue eyes stared back at him in fear. For Din’s sake…
“Link,” Midna breathed out, “I… desperately need your help.”
Link stared at the boy in silence for a long moment, but he finally got ahold of himself. He took a deep breath and gave room for them to head inside.
“Y’all will get pneumonia if you stay out for any longer,” he said gently, gesturing to his home.
Midna smiled and a relieved tear rolled down her cheek as she slowly moved inside. Link got dry blankets, ignoring his thumping heart. The child was cautious around Link as he tried to dry him off. He stared at Link with confusion and awe, his mouth agape as the rag Link was using to wipe him down slid off his head. Link paused when he noticed his left arm covered in bandages, and he gave Midna a look, but she did not return his gaze, she just stared at a corner in the room.
“What’s your name, little one?” Link tried to ease the pressure, being as gentle as he could with the child.
The kid looked at Midna, then back at Link. He had fear in his eyes, Link could tell.
“You’re safe here, I promise… What is your name?”
The child looked down, and it took a moment for his sweet little voice to speak up.
“Um… Kowi,” he mumbled.
“Kori?” Link repeated, just to make sure he heard him right. Kori nodded and Link smiled. “That’s a lovely name.”
Kori smiled, dimples that matched Link’s appearing on his cheeks, only making it more obvious that he was his own. “Tank you, uh,” he looked up at Midna and she gave him a reassuring look. “Whasis… youw name?”
“I’m Link.”
“Nink? Um… tat’s a— um— nowvwy name.”
Link chuckled at the little boy trying to speak. He barely understood him, but it was the cutest thing in the world. “Thank you.”
Kori nodded and rubbed his eyes. “Mommy towd me stowies ‘bout Nink.”
“Really?” Link looked over at Midna, who continued to avoid his gaze. He sighed and returned his attention to his arm. He reached for the bandage but Kori froze and pulled back. His eyes were full of fear again. “What happened there?”
No one said anything this time. He looked at Midna and stood up.
“Midna… What’s going on?”
Midna closed her eyes and finally looked at him.
“It’s… He’s…”
“My son?”
Midna looked up with shame written on her face, and Link’s anger quickly went away. She shouldn’t be ashamed…
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, returning to Kori’s injured arm, “let me clean this, ok?”
He finished drying off Kori and changed his bandages as gently as possible. Kori stopped talking, only his soft cries and the sound of the rain against the roof was heard. As Link cleaned and redressed Kori’s arm, he noticed that it was a nasty wound, a slash mark trailing up his arm, and from the looks of it, it was fairly new. Who could’ve done this to a child? Kori whimpered and pulled back as Link tried to clean it.
“Sh, it’s alright Kori. The pain is only temporary,” he said gently. He wrapped up the arm and gave it a slight pat. “See? All done! You were brave, little one, good job.”
Kori sniffed and rubbed his eyes again, and Link frowned as his tired little eyes looked back at him. He didn’t know if Twili ever slept, so it must’ve been a Hylian thing for him.
“Here, let’s get you a nice place to sleep, ok?”
Kori watched Link as he set up a comfy bed made of blankets, gesturing for Kori to sleep in it. The boy stared for a long moment until Midna got up and nudged him towards the bed. With his mother’s reassurance, Kori wobbled over to the bed and laid down. Link grabbed his goat plushie Billy and stared at it for a moment. He knelt down next to the bundled up boy and handed the plushie to him.
“This is my friend Billy,” Link bounced the plushie around with Kori watching, amused. “He always gives me comfort when I need it.”
Kori shyly grabbed Billy and snuggled up against him. He closed his eyes and smiled.
“Tank you,” was all he said before he fell asleep.
Link smiled at him, he was a sweet little boy. He stood up, and the heavy situation returned to him. He walked to where Midna sat, still and unmoving and took a deep breath
“Midna… I,” he started, trying to think of what to say to her, trying to think of something to keep the conversation going, just trying to talk to her again, but all he could muster up was, “Hello again.”
Midna stared at him for a moment before smiling.
“Hi,” she said quietly.
Link pursed his lips and decided to get everything off his chest.
“Clearly my actions have hurt you Midna, and I’m so sorry…. I’m so sorry about that night. If I could take it back I would!”
Midna’s expressionless face changed to confusion.
“That boy… he’s ours… because of what we did…. And I’m so sorry… I know I hurt you and I wasn't there for you when you had him and I’m really sorry and I should’ve stopped and–”
Midna raised a hand to stop him, standing up and stepping closer to him.
“Link, do not blame yourself for what happened that night. It… wasn’t your fault alone…”
Midna sat down, her head hung. “I didn’t do anything to stop it either… I knew that I needed to break the mirror, and I tried to keep my distance from you but… I didn’t. You didn’t know what I was going to do.”
Link stared ahead, not feeling any form of relief from that. He still felt confused, guilty, and almost sick to his stomach.
“Did that night mean anything to you?” He asked quietly.
Midna stared at him, her mouth slightly open.
“It meant everything to me.”
“Then why did you break the mirror?”
Midna looked down. “You know why. Deep down you know why. You saw what happened when Ganondorf went through the mirror, you saw what happened when Zant found him,” she sighed and sat back down. “Shadow and light cannot mix.”
Link looked over to where Kori, his son, laid asleep.
“Clearly shadow and light can mix,” he said quietly. Midna said nothing and rested her head against her hand. She looked exhausted, both physically and mentally. Link wanted to help her, but a few more things bothered him.
“How did you get here Midna?”
“I can't say. It must stay a secret.”
Link nodded, he figured that was the answer. Now for a more important question.
“What happened to his arm?”
Midna buried her face in her hands, her exhaustion more apparent. Link walked close to her and rested a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, hey, It’s ok, he’s safe now. I’m sorry for upsetting you.”
Link stayed by Midna for a while, rubbing circles on her back. After a moment, she sniffed and opened her mouth as if to say something, but she was interrupted by a sudden shiver.
“Here let’s get you into some dry clothes…” Link said, noticing how she was still sopping wet.
Link quickly dried her off and offered some of his clothes, even though most of them wouldn’t have fit. He was somehow able to find something for her to wear that would fit her large frame, and when she was dressed he sat down, waiting for her to explain herself.
“I…. I hoped that nothing would come of that night,” she finally said after some silence, “because if something happened, then leaving this world behind would’ve been nearly impossible for me to do.”
“But something did happen.”
Midna nodded, not looking at him. Link sighed, the goddesses weren’t merciful to him. His prayers were not answered. He wasn’t there for Midna, he didn’t watch his son grow up, he wasn’t there when he said his first word, when he took his first step, when his true personality began to shine through. To Kori, Link was a stranger, not a father. And Midna had to raise him all by herself. A lump in his throat formed and his stomach felt hollow.
He should’ve stopped that night.
“As princess of the twilight realm, when I’m supposed to have a child, she should be a female, so that the monarchy can continue. I’m the only woman in the Twilight Realm, I’m not sure if you knew that.”
Link tilted his head. He did not know that. It would explain why he’d only ever met male twili besides Midna, and why the only female was the ruler. It almost reminded him of the Gerudo, which was rumored to be a tribe of women except for the one male born every one-hundred years.
“When I gave birth to Kori,” Midna continued, “he was a boy, and he wasn’t fully Twili… that ended up scaring some people. They thought that he was going to bring destruction to us.”
Link’s heart sank. She didn’t have to say, he knew.
“They hurt him.”
“I’ve been trying to find a way back here so he could be safe… but as soon as I found a way… he… got hurt badly by my advisor.”
Her breath hitched at the memory, and Link grabbed her hand. She smiled at him, a small but genuine smile.
“He’s safe now. You both are,” he reassured.
Midna stared into his eyes for a long moment.
“I missed you Link.”
He sucked in a breath. He’s missed Midna more than anything. He wanted nothing more than to see her again, to talk to her again, to tell her about all of the things he’s experienced. But now that she was here, he didn’t find anything to say. He didn’t make a move to hug her, to cry, he just felt… awkward. Midna’s smile went down when he said nothing, and she gently rubbed his hand.
“I know I hurt you, and it’s not right of me to ask this of you but… I was hoping that Kori could stay here… he’ll be safer here, with you.”
“Safer here? Yeah I would never hurt him, but I can’t say the same for the rest of Ordon. How do you know that everyone here will accept him? How do you know that they won’t be scared of him too?”
Midna leaned in closer. “Because they’re your family Link, you have a better influence over them than I over my people.”
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“Just because I’m the princess doesn’t mean they listen to me all the time. It’s complicated but clearly I couldn’t do anything to protect him from my advisors. Your family loves you, they trust you, they’ll try to understand you.”
Link listened for a moment, but pulled his hand away when a heavy realization plagued his mind.
“Midna… we’re not married.”
Midna raised an eyebrow. “So?”
“I don’t know how it is in the twilight realm but having a child before marriage is a sin here. I know my pa wouldn’t hurt Kori, but…” fear gripped Link’s heart at the thought of Rusl’s reaction towards Kori. He swallowed hard and shook his head. “There’s a lot of problems here, Midna.”
Midna looked down and chewed on her lip, thinking.
“I… I know… I know there are a lot of problems but… I can’t let him stay in the twilight realm.”
Though he felt like Ordon wasn’t safe, Link understood why the twilight realm was more dangerous. As a half Hylian and half Twili, Kori really wouldn’t be safe anywhere. He’d probably be labeled as a monster all his life because of who he was, especially after the twilight invasion. Link let out a breath and stared at his sleeping son.
“I understand…”
Midna stared at him for a moment while Link stared ahead, avoiding her gaze. She scooted a bit closer to him and tapped his shoulder lightly.
“Hey, I’m not going to let you deal with this alone.”
Link looked up at Midna, a sliver of hope forming within him.
“We both made the choice that night, Link, neither one of us should deal with it alone,” she got closer and stared into his eyes while Link’s heart thumped against his chest. “We’ll raise him together.”
They stared at each other for a long moment, and the past two years separated withered away for them. When they were together now, it was almost as if they were never apart.
“I can't abandon the twilight realm, but I’ll try to visit whenever I can. I just need Kori to be safe.”
Link looked down and their clasped hands, then at the sleeping child. An overwhelming feeling of protectiveness came over him, and he nodded. “I understand Midna… I promise I’ll keep him safe.”
Midna smiled. “I knew you would. Trust me, I wouldn’t ask this of you if nothing bad happened but—“
“Don’t worry about it. I’m his father, he’s my responsibility now.”
Midna stared at him for a long moment, then she leaned in, Link’s heart nearly jumping out of his chest. He wanted so badly to show how much he missed her, he wanted to scream to the heavens on how happy he was to see her again, but… he felt too much pain for it to be perfectly fine, and he turned his head away.
“I’m sorry Midna… there’s a lot more we need to talk about.”
Midna let out a sigh and smiled.
“That’s fine, I’m staying for a while anyways. Let’s talk.”
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Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) au headcanons
Other snippets of this au found here
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When Sukuna awakened, he didn’t yearn for the scent of battle or the blood of the innocent. Before everything else, he felt your soul, and then he saw your face. Not an exact replica from the days gone by, but tiny pieces resonate here and there, beautiful in every way. 
Far from a romantic, Sukuna had little interest in the arts outside of cooking. 
Yet as he slaughtered the lowly thing that dared to lay eyes on you, the words of a dead emperor echoed in his mind:
Though a swift stream be
By a rock met and restrained
In impetuous flow,
Yet, divided, it speeds on,
And at last unites again.*
After a thousand years of fruitless searching, he has found his other half. The swift waters, long separated, have finally reunited.
“Nee-chan, do something about this guy, he keeps talking crap about me when I’m trying to sleep!” 
“You’re the King of Curses? So lame, can’t even take over a teenager? Boring. I could take you down.”
He could handle the annoying pink-haired brat’s yapping, and he will take care of the polished turd that called itself “Gojo Satoru” in due time. Sukuna’s main problem was something far more depressing.
“Darling, please feed me too,” he requested from Itadori’s cheek.
You lifted a piece of bread but instead of offering it to Sukuna, you directed it to the brat’s mouth. 
“Beloved–” he would start, but you’d turn away with a harrumph. Then the white-haired turd would burst out laughing. 
“Sweetheart, if you won’t look here, I will make sure this brat won’t get a wink of sleep.” Your only reply was a chilly snarl.
Of course, any husband would be disheartened by the sight of his wife glaring, but Sukuna was a special case. 
He loved the attention. He’d rather you slap and hit him than ignore him. He preferred your warmth more, but this poisonous disdain of yours burned him in a deliciously different way.
He yearned for your gaze, no matter the cost.
It’s easy to look at Sukuna and think that he is a mega super sadist dom. Well, you’re wrong. He is a total wife-con. His greatest earthly treasure is you, so of course he will treat you with care. You’re the only one who will ever have him on his knees. You could snap him in half and he’d lick your toes in gratitude.
As stated above, he yearns for your attention, so he will do and say anything to have that. A millennium of loneliness has twisted his desires in the most grotesque way possible. He doesn’t want you to hate him so he can’t bring himself to kill the brat you cherish, but he will maim Yuuji just to hear your voice crack from screaming. 
He really wants a physical form. One he can freely move in, so he can court you properly, like he did way back when. If words cannot convince you, then maybe he can remind your body why you loved him so much in the past.
If you were miraculously able to return his affections, he’d be waaaay easier to manage. One word from you can stop his rampage. Even if you were deceiving him to control him, he wouldn’t mind so long as you stayed by his side.
[1] A poem by Sutoku-In. Lifted from: The English translation of Ogura Hyakunin Isshu from Hyakunin-Isshu (Single Songs of a Hundred Poets) and Nori no Hatsu-Ne (The Dominant Note of the Law) by Clay MacCauley Yokohama: Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., 1917. Source: https://jti.lib.virginia.edu/japanese/hyakunin/macauley.html. 
If you have any questions regarding this Sukuna and this version of Reader, feel free to ask cause I’m running out of stuff to say unprovoked.
@shadowywizardarcade @hannya-exists @nineooooo @lilachaeyo @pumpkindudeishere @jessbeinme15 @fluffy-koalala @cringeycookies @frogzxch @isimpfordanielpark @marvelsgirl4ever @sanzusmom @sheccidoscar @marvelsgirl4ever
A/N: My unhealthy obsession with yandere fluffy husband Sukuna is the epitome of #ICanFixHim. (Disclaimer: This should go without saying but in real life, don't ever stay with a guy believing you can fix him. You’ll end up dragging each other down.)
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<<<Prev(Tattooed kisses) (Silly Jester)Next>>>
Pairing: Buggy x female mermaid!reader
Word count: 2000
Warnings: none
Content: All is fair in love and war?
I guess why Buggy has won over the women of the Internet is because he's got pretty eyes, makes you laugh and just wants to be loved. So he will be given all the love in the world 😩
The dark water concealed your form, your tail masked in a dark fabric as you swam towards the location of where the circus was docked. The information you now carried filled you with dread, because if you didn’t reach your crew on time. They will all be gone. Buggy will be taken away. Arlong wanted to deal with the circus but for what?
You dreaded his presence. He ruled the part of the seas you were familiar with. His affection for his people only extended to those who looked like him, the same prejudice the fish men received he circulated that amongst other fish people. In his mind, your kind were more human than fish because of your facial features. And in the eyes of human beings, you only belonged to the ocean. So it was quite clear that the message for you was that you belonged nowhere, now the only place that housed you was in trouble. 
But your racing heart was also because of the other rumors you had picked up. Ones you didn’t want to believe. That Buggy’s true intent was to capture the new crew, to get the map. He would have told if that was the case.
If he was going after the coveted one piece, he would have let you in on his plans. Wouldn’t he?
You pushed it aside, your loud intuition telling you that you were a fool, the last night you spent with him coming into your thoughts filling you with comforting memories. His easy jokes making you laugh, his eyes that held affection but now all that was marred by doubt.
Did he really look at you like that? Or was it something you just believed because you craved it.
What if after all this time, he had double crossed you too?
You broke to the surface, the ship with the carousel still docked by the edge, the circus tent still having its flag flutter in the wind. You heaved a sigh, he was here just like he said he would be and you were on time. But the smell of charred wood over powered your sense of smell, the heat from the earth still fresh, when the dead town loomed ahead of you, you felt like throwing up.
It can’t be. He had promised. He had promised you he would raid another town.
You walked through the town gates to see that the people were weeping, some bringing supplies for hungry kids while a few others began to rebuild what had been burnt down. Their eyes fell on you and all you received were scowls. The very same expression that you received as an abandoned child, when you became a nightmarish story the townsfolk would tell their kids so they would beware the sea. You began to run as you pulled down your hood, what had happened here in your absence?
He knew well about your past and yet he was doing the same thing your captors had done to your home. Your heart began to swirl with every emotion you had kept bottled up, the love you felt for him now had to be locked up as your trust felt sabotaged. You wanted to jump to conclusions but you had to know for certain from him, so you navigated towards the circus tents.
It was too quiet. No music was playing, no rehearsals were being conducted. No one was working on their craft, the circus looked more still than the town. You walked in, the crunchy soil beneath your feet announcing your presence when you heard a mumbling voice in the corner. The only one you wanted to know was safe above all the others. His head wrapped in that bandana of his with his back turned to you as he sat above a crate, only half of him put together.
“Buggy.”, you called for him but it was mostly worry. Your nightmares had almost come true, of him being taken away from you. You were relieved and yet cautious as your mind tried to put together the facts you had collected.
His head snapped towards you, his eyes filling up with a sense of ease as you approached him.
“You’re back early.”, he perked up, his mask falling as he looked up at you. You took in his presence, the crates around him bobbing as though it had an animal locked up. Putting it all together, it was clear someone had trapped parts of his legs in different crates.
“Where are the others?”, you questioned. You couldn’t sink into his sweet devotion till you knew what had occurred. Till you knew the truth.
“The others? Oh just dismissed for a break. They’ll be back.”, he waved his hands about but the twitch in smile was further proof he was lying.
You pursed your lips as you unsheathed your dagger, his eyes growing serious upon witnessing your action. But you turned towards the crates to prop the lid open to free his legs. Your silence and lack of a reaction was beginning to unnerve him, as he tapped his fingers nervously, his eyes darting from your face to your hands as he thought of ways to know what was on your mind.
“What news do you have about the new pirate crew?”, he chirped again and it began to frustrate you. He was still adamant with keeping up appearances.
“Recent reports stated they were kidnapped by a bunch of pirates.”, you spoke, refraining to look at him, testing to see if he was going to catch your trick.
“What did I tell you, everyone’s after them.”, he shrugged his shoulders as he dusted his pants to get up.
“Are you after them?”, you cut to the point, his eyes flashed steel blue as he gauged your expression.
“Why would I be after them?”, he asked in return. His hat now sitting perfectly over his head. Now it was his turn to try and read your mind.
You took a step away from him and he grew tense, an anxious smile spreading across his face.
“Why did you send me away on all those missions?”, you asked, folding your arms defensively.
“You know why.”, he took a step towards you and you retreated from him. Pain flashed across his face as he withdrew his outstretched arm. His gloved hand making it more symbolic for all the schemes he had kept hidden from you.
“I don’t know. Enlighten me.”, you said, furrowing your brows as reality began to set in.
He grew quiet, there was no way of escaping from this now.
“I was just another pawn in you game, wasn’t I?”, you asked, your voice breaking to even think about all of it.
“No.”, he said quickly. His eyes catching yours and in the fog of all the illusion, this answer somehow felt earnest. But you weren’t sure if you could believe it.
“You were never just a pawn.”, he said as he stood taller but it wasn’t going to make up for all the damage that had been done.
“You sent me away so you could go after them yourself. To get that map.”, you stated and his face broke into despair.
“It's not what you think it is.”, he held up his hands, his fingers craving to hold you.
“Don’t play me for a fool, Boss.”, you raged as you got close to him.
“Don’t call me your Boss.”, his eyes narrowed as anger simmered in his tone. He only ever wanted to hear his name on your lips, nothing else.
“Oh yeah, what else should I call a man who conveniently tasked me with work just so he can go after what he wants?”, you were close to his face, you could hear his hurried breaths and notice the way his eyes slid to your lips.
“I did it for us.”, he said quietly. His eyes coming back up to hold your gaze again.
“We find the One piece and we can forget about the sea for the rest of our lives.”, he spoke but it wasn’t going to convince you, just as it struck you.
“You want to be king of the pirates.”, the statement felt foreign to even say it but as realization dawned and it shocked you.
His eyes widened and you stayed still. He didn’t deny it because that was the truth he was hiding from you. His gloved hand caught you wrist gently as he held you next to him.
“Yes.”, he said finally and you wanted to push away from him. He too had taken advantage of you.
You held the dagger up to his neck knowing well that it wasn’t a threat to him but the tears began to blur your eyes, you fought against his hold but he wouldn’t let you go.
“You can be my Queen.”, he smiled honestly, his eyes flitting between yours, the edges glistening as you fought against him, trying hopelessly to get you to see the possibilities in the vision he had.
“I don’t want to be Queen, I don’t want to be a prop in your act.”, you said as you stood still and watched your words pierce his heart. It was only fair, if he finally spoke the truth, then you could too.
“Do you think the world will uphold you as King after you’ve burned down their homes, kidnapped a few kids and caused for people to fear you when in the end you crave their admiration and validation?”, you asked and his grip on your wrist loosened, his eyes looking away from you to the gravel beneath.
“You can’t cheat your way into love, Bug.”, you sniffled as you said finally, your heart now turning into sea foam.
You let him to be, not willing to progress this fight any longer as he stood there in the silence, in the after math of his actions as you turned to leave, to dive into the ocean because you couldn’t let go of this sadness in the form of tears. As much you tried to lie to yourself, the truth had revealed itself.
“I wanted to win you your freedom.”, he yelled after you.
“but I guess it would have just been better for the both of us if I had never found you by that cove.”, he continued and you stopped in your tracks.
“Do you really mean that?”, you asked as you faced him. Tear stains leaking through the paint on his face. His hands clenched together in pain. His pale blue eyes glimmered even from this distance. He could make up for your tears by shedding your portion of it too.
His upturned lip and nonchalant shrug was part of the act, he stood here as the Captain of this dismantled crew. He had sent you away on those trips all in the hopes that even if he was caught in the execution of his schemes, you would be safe, away from all this.
His heart was broken in two, one the belonged only to you and the other that wanted the victory of discovery that treasure. To get back at Shanks and every other being that had looked down on him. The only way to do it was by winning that crown. But he couldn’t lose you in the process. So he reworked his plans endlessly and spent his sleepless nights trying to make sure nothing could go wrong but this plan of his had too many strings that now he was caught in this net.
So maybe this was for the best, that the inevitable had occured. To cut you lose, to make you believe his words as much as it killed him to say it.
“Being with you was all the freedom I needed, Buggy.”, he heard you say and he was sure he was going break away into pieces again.
It was becoming difficult to play an maniacal clown when deep down he wanted those nights with you. Where he felt loved and seen without any additional drama and flair. He wanted to have an easy and quiet life but now his whole world was complicated. He was in middle of it all, to get the map, to truly make himself into someone worthy. Worthy of respect and your love.
“Maybe you are the mask that you wear. After all these years, you’ve become the act itself.”, you scoffed as you gripped the slash of your satchel to spit out these words. He had betrayed you, the one  person you had stuck around this crew for so long.
“And I fell for it.”, you shook your head, a mistake you could never recover from because he gave you a home. He was your home. Now you were a vagabond again.
You turned away to continue down the path to the docks, to hitch a ride to another island or figure out a way to get far from here, to put as much distance as you could between the two of you.
But in the few seconds you had turned away he yelled your name in desperation. You ignored him and his attempt at faking agony but then he called your name again and this time told you to run.
You turned back to see him when you caught sight of his body on the floor, knocked out cold as a fish man stood over him. Panic filled your system when you remembered why you had to find him, the news about Arlong coming for him. Your legs wanted to run but you couldn’t.
Not when you felt a hit on your forehead and your head hit the ground.
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artful-aries · 1 year
Genshin Headcanons: Ways They Show Affection (Dottore, Dehya)
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​​Affection is not the Doctor’s forte
​​The definition of calm, cool, and collected, he’s not going to just give you a kiss on your cheek or hold you in his arms
​​If anything, you’ll find yourself begging for him to pay some attention to you
​​The man just often gets sucked into his research, almost forgetting about your existence. You’re still special though, if anyone else interrupted his research, they would be dead by now
​​Still, for him to stop his research and actually give you attention, the stars need to align and he needs to be in a good mood
​​On these lucky days, he will gladly hold you hand as he works, or perhaps sit in his lap if it doesn’t impede his research and you promise to not squirm around too much
​​If you are really good and let him finish his research for the day, Dottore will give you the affection that you crave. Kisses, a warm embrace, the whole nine yards. He’s just….a little intense about it
​​Takes the time to tell you how wonderful he thinks your body is, but not in a sexy way
​​The way he talks, it almost sounds like he either thinks you’re the divine among mortals, or a prime candidate for organ harvesting. You still aren’t sure which he leans towards
​​Outside of physical affection, Dottore is thoughtful enough to leave you notes before he heads off to the lab to research. They are simple; telling you to take care of yourself, where you can find him, sending you his regards, nothing poetic but it shows that he does think about you.
​​He gives gifts…in the form of the results of his latest research. Sometimes it genuinely neat things, like brighter, more sustainable magical crystals. Other times, it’s strange amalgamations of things you rather remain blissfully unaware of
​​It’s almost like he’s showing off his abilities, like a cat that brings back a dead mouse for you to praise them for
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​​Her affection is rough, but it comes in abundance
​​She totally gives you noogies on top of your head, plays pranks on you to get you flustered, or straight up manhandles you and flings you into an oasis pool. Having grown up mostly around men her whole life, she doesn’t see anything wrong with this
​​If you complain she will try to be more gentle; she won’t give you noogies anymore, but she won’t stop the pranks. Sorry, she thinks your shocked face is hilarious
​​Physical affection comes naturally to Dehya, she’s always got an arm around you, planting kisses on your cheek if other mercenaries stare at you for too long, etc
​​When the two of you alone, Dehya almost gets nervous about touching you. She wants to so bad, but she psyches herself out, thinking that she might go too far and make you uncomfortable
​​Dehya is a good gift giver too, she secretly saves up money from her jobs to get you nice trinkets and things that she finds in her travels
​​Her fatal flaw is that she is bad about taking you in dates; she spends a lot of quality time with you, but rarely thinks about taking you to any place fancy
​​It’s not that she doesn’t love you enough, the concept just seems a bit weird to her. Why would she take you to a stuffy place when she can spend that time stargazing with you out in the desert?
​​If you insisted she would make a good effort, but you would be able to tell she’s a little on edge and uncomfortable the entire time
​​The best time for Dehya is sitting under the shade of a tree at an oasis, soaking her feet in the water with you as you both laugh about everything and nothing at all
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diejager · 11 days
On the other side of the coin, the higher-ups and "friends" who actually know the reality of you and Krueger's love story shakes their head when some naive, innocent Chimera members romanticize you and Krueger's relationship. Had you been unwilling, this "love story" of yours belong in those crime documentaries. It only works because both of you are insane 💀
NO LIKE, look at me in the eye and tell me that this yandere war criminal will court his darling normally. If men who flirt with you flaunt their strength and muscles like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, Krueger is extreme. His courting includes:
• Flaunting his strength by getting even more brutal towards his targets the moment you're near him.
• You know how cats bring their owner gifts in the form of dead animals? Krueger-coded. Sometimes he brings the enemies when they're still alive and let's you decide their fate (also, an excellent chance for him to see your unhinged side). You never even told him who your enemies are. Does it in public too.
• If most men bring flowers, he occasionally hands you a bloody bag filled with things you seem to take interest on. Again, he doesn't care if anyone sees. He probably likes it if people see it.
The moment you decided to show interest by gently nudging him to act out? Sir is over the moon.
in this situation, it goes both ways: Krueger is full blown yandere for you, and once you’re wholly sure of the depth of his devotion, Krueger will become your darling as much as you are his.
He will flaunt, yes. He might not be the broadest, the biggest or the tallest, but he is absolutely confident in his strength and power. Brutality is in his blood. That’s why there’s such an appeal when he brings something - someone - back, all bruised and bloody, their fate left under the sadistic gleam in your eyes. He’s usually not one to share, but he’ll make an exception for you, especially after seeing you return the favour with a few gifts here and there, all anonymous to others but extremely affectionate for him.
It could be a stranger or someone on base - I swear, he wouldn’t even care - and the higher ups don’t bat an eye, they shrug is off and turn a blind eye to it because the both of you are a strong asset. Threatening alone, but lethal together. He brings you filthy and stained gifts, he doesn’t care if people stare, he’s that shamelessly head over heels for you, and when you return his affection, he’s over the fucking moon. He doubles his acts, the price of every gift growing higher and higher, the heaviness of the bags getting more and more suspicious.
And… and the day you whisper your wish in his ears, telling him to bring nothing but himself, bloody and covered in filth to your room, he’s on his knees, worshiping and praising you as his goddess.
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
on a note:
Creator said, in passing, "dragons are pretty great" (context unknown) and everyone is like "welp, it's bring your dragon to work day" venti brings dvalin, and zhongli, in a succesful attempt to one-up him, just turns into one.
He's refusing to turn back although navigating doors and corners just became infinitely harder.
Creator is having the time of their life.
Awww, I have a solution, tiny dragon Zhongli, it's foolproof
I feel like in that case Venti might just turn himself into a dragon form too, especially if you're being super doting over cute dragon Zhongli, or maybe just his wisp form with like tiny horns and a tail, I'd melt
Like everything, it becomes a competition, and now every being that can shape shift is going to for at least a day to get in on that affection
I imagine after they realize they can't stay that way forever, some would take on more dragon like features, aka Zhongli with sharper teeth, claws and horns, maybe even some scales, yes pls
But this just sounds like everytime the creator gives even a passive like everyone is gonna jump on it, dragon based merchandise sells out immediately, there's suddenly a demand for anything with dragon in the name, offerings at your alter are completely dragon themed for a while, (Liyue thinks you like their nation the best cause their archon is a dragon and all), people are braving the harsh climate of dragonspine to get whatever remnants of the actual dead dragon are still there to offer (while also doing their best to hide all the information surrounding Durin cause they couldn't stand to break your heart like that), childrens stories with dragons are all the craze— and it's just like that every time
Then there's probably all this theorizing that the whole Seven Sovereigns that supposedly ruled over the old world before the Primordial One was actually of your doing and oh no— the dragons you created are dead— you're not... mad about that... right?
But fr though Zhongli would absolutely steal you away to the dense mountains of Liyue to show you his giant powerful dragon form without anyone else around so he can show off fully, and Venti would absolutely pout about it after, saying the two of you could totally go ride on Dvalin together if you wanted
Too bad dragons aren't as big a thing in Inazuma and Ei is once again left out for not being able to shape shift...
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loaksky · 1 year
— 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴
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the lowdown —the one where you can’t help but want lo’ak even though he’s in love with someone else.
the who — lo’ak x fem omatikaya!reader
the word count — 735
the tags & warnings — unrequited love (oh boy we’re doing this) ,, one-sided pining ,, lo’ak is oblivious & reader is a slave to her feelings for him :(
the notes — based on this request ! strayed a little from the prompt, but i think some of the lyrics still apply ! 
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For some time, you’d always thought that your feelings for Lo’ak had to be the most diminutive seedling planted in the drought of your adolescence, but it grew, bloomed, and flourished. And under even the most stressful of circumstances, the only thing you could ever be certain of was that every pump of your heart was for him. 
You tried to prune the ebbing fondness at the start, didn’t want a single soul to know that the troubled son of the clan’s leader had staked a claim on your affections, but like growing pains, you evolved with the feelings.
As you grew into yourself, grew from being fond to being in love, you started to read between every line, began to analyze every lingering gaze, every friendly smile. You white-knuckled hope so tightly, at times you felt you couldn’t breathe. Not when the idea of you and Lo’ak was fragile and a single gust could shatter what you spent years shielding. 
And for a while you thought that the feelings could be mutual, thought that the fine line you two danced over was just the start of something more, but you couldn’t bring yourself to bite the bullet. You’d just always assumed that neither could he. 
Lo’ak was carrying a burden on his shoulders, one that was meticulously crafted over years of being compared to the eldest Sully. It was only natural that you’d assume the role of softening him, words gentle, heart on your sleeve as you’d whisper your sound declarations laced as sweet affirmations. 
You smoothed over every bruise inflicted on both skin and soul, built him up in times when his foundation was crumbling. And god, did you wish he’d see you. Wish he’d see that you were trying, hoped so hard that he’d kiss your wounds away, too. But you’re too used to giving and he’s too used to taking. 
But truthfully, you’d take Lo’ak any way you could have him, no matter how much you pined, no matter how much you wanted, needed him to be yours, you mustered the courage and the contentment to accept as much of him as he’d be willing to give you. 
However this? This was the final straw. The one that fractures your already delicate heart. 
Lo’ak’s preoccupied, the same girl who’d begun to show interest all those weeks ago tasting his lips the same way you’d yearned to for years. And you don’t mean to stare, dread pooling and coiling in your gut, but he’s touching her like you’d always wished he’d touch you and it makes you sick. 
And you figure this is what breaking feels like, when you hear those three burning words whispered in the dead of the glowing forest, not swallowed fast enough as Lo’ak leans in to kiss her again. 
“I love you.” 
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Lo’ak is in love.
It’s the kind of love that’s consuming. The kind that cripples in the silence of night, makes him absolutely flushed with the desire to spend every waking moment intertwined. It’s the kind that teeters over a very dangerous line, one that can send Lo’ak into the throes of the most passionate and fulfilling love, or send him barreling headfirst into the thorns. 
It’s the latter, he realizes, after weeks of the honeymoon phase, of talking about the future, of parading around the village boasting such a shiny lover. 
“My parents have arranged a marriage.” 
Lo’ak’s smile drops, eyes unblinking as he stares at the girl before him in utter disbelief. 
His thoughts come out in a disarray, unable to formulate a solid sentence to convey the way fissures are forming in his chest. 
“We can’t continue this,” she tells him tearfully. “I’m sorry.” 
It’s the first time he begs, clinging to her tightly, like pleading will rewrite their stars. 
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You find him in the same spot after eclipse, eyes glued to the twinkling skies through the opening in the canopy of trees. 
The severance of his union is a hushed hum among the villagers and you are a creature of ruinous habits, always set to self-destruct. 
You swallow as you approach him, fingertips brushing his shoulders as a silent announcement that you’re there. 
He can’t help the shiver that runs down his spine, something like distant comfort niggling in his stomach. Because if there’s one thing he can count on, it’s you picking up his broken pieces. 
And you do. You always do. 
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neng © 2023
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taglist; @nao-cchi , @jkiminpark , @philiasoul @amart-e , @s-u-t , @netesbby , @tayswiftlovebot , @dumb-fawkin-bitch , @fanboyluvr , @neteyamoa , @itssiaaax , @girlpostingsposts , @athenachu , @neteyamo
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suneeater · 1 year
solomon + general romantic hcs
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✎a/n: im actually so obsessed w solomon i had to cut myself off writing these bc they became noticeably longer than the ones ive done for everyone else so far
✰warnings: slightly suggestive themes, minors DNI!
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Solomon is the world’s biggest tease. He’s also incredibly observant and too smart for his own good, which means he knows your every weakness and loves to use them against you. It’s just so fun for him to see you get so pouty and beg him to quit, and he can’t help but make up arbitrary rules for his own satisfaction, such as swearing up and down the only way he will stop is with a kiss
He never gives you what you want right away; he’s always drawing things out for longer than they need to be, withholding touch or affection and offering only tiny little slivers in the meanwhile only to bask in how much you beg for him, upset he won’t give himself to you. He’s such a sadist, honestly
Teasing aside, Solomon is one hell of a reliable man. He has his mysterious ways which, as close as you become with him will always remain, and somehow always knows when you need him the most. He’s always managing to turn up at the second that he’s needed most knowing just what to do, thanks to his quick thinking. Even if he has prior commitments or has his hands full, you can always expect him to take some weight off your shoulders
As your only other fellow human in the devildom, Solomon worries about you a lot. You’re a quick learner and have more than enough pacts with some powerful demons to keep you safe, but he can’t help but think about your safety every moment he isn’t with you. Expect lots of gifts from him in the form of protective charms and items
Solomon is slightly similar to Lucifer in the role that he takes in your relationship; while he’ll always bend over backwards for you, he leans toward the assertive side. The way he sees it, it’s his job to keep you safe, and being around as long as he has he’s much more experienced than you, not to mention a powerful sorcerer. He’ll tell you what to do, but in the form of advice and genuine worry, while leading you by a firm but loving hold on your waist
Dates back in the human world are a must; catching Solomon up on current events and the past few decades is something the two of you enjoy thoroughly. There’s always something new to share, but it’s familiar enough that you still bond over your shared human experience. Back in the human world, you run about excitedly, pointing out all of your favorite things and rambling on about all that he’s missed, and while he doesn’t exactly retain every detail he’ll always the way you smiled so happily
When Solomon kisses you he takes his time. He’s a bit of a romantic, his surprisingly soft hand supporting your chin with tender care, keeping you close to him and guiding you just where he needs you, his other secured around your neck. There’s hardly any distance between you, and you have even less time to breathe before diving back in. Kissing Solomon is overwhelming in every sense of the word, all of your senses tingling with excitement and the desire for more. You can never be close enough to him to be fully satisfied and it’s frustrating, but it brings a spark to your relationship
He probably has really cold hands. Like, REALLY cold hands. He’s always using them to spook or startle you, sneaking up from behind and clasping his ice cold palms against your cheeks and watching you squeal. He has cold feet, too, and you have to beg him to wear socks after he touches you with them in the dead of night and it stirs you awake
If anyone wants you to wear their clothes, it’s Solomon. I mean, out of everyone he probably has the most normal wardrobe anyways! He’ll even buy some more average human clothes just to see you wear them, never deliberately asking but always trying to tempt you by dousing them in his scent and leaving them out in the open. He feels almost prideful when you’re lounging about in his t-shirts, eager for people to see you clad in his attire and know you’re his
You’re probably the only person that can convince him he is not the gourmet chef that he thinks he is, and that’s simply because he feels so warm and fuzzy inside when you spend late nights in the kitchen together, teaching him to cook your favorite dishes
Often, these late night cooking lessons end up being dance lessons. He takes his hands in yours and smiles softly for you, asking you without words for a dance to the distant song from your playlist. Solomon has two left feet though, and is constantly stepping on your toes and losing his balance. It’s one of the only times that you see the experienced sorcerer lose his composure, and surely a core memory of your relationship
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find the same scenario for:
beelzebub | lucifer | mammon | simeon 
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mishy-mashy · 3 months
All For One is obsessed with Abilities and taking them. Like a toddler, he's interested in things that are straight-forward, without much effort on his part. We see this when he spares Best Jeanist and his Quirk.
When he finds Quirks he's interested in, he wants them. Like when he "couldn't help" taking Ragdoll's Search. Below are just some examples of AFO wanting Quirks, and being fascinated by them
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All for One has this interest in Quirks and taking them because that's the nature of his Quirk. You know who else was like this?
Himiko Toga.
All For One, like Himiko Toga, is driven by desires caused by the nature of his Quirk. They:
● are consumed and driven by desires and interests caused by their Quirks (stealing quirks VS blood)
● have yandere tendencies (AFO is possessive, Toga stabs for blood, yet sees blood as a form of love)
● both want something vital to a person (Quirks VS blood)
All For One's Quirk both gives and takes. But he's more focused on the taking part of it. He wants Quirks for himself. The nature of his Quirk naturally makes him want to possess things, and he literally names it "All For One". All For One person, instead of One For All.
If he focused on giving, history would've been different. But he was born with his Quirk, and as a baby, he's going to be self-centered and only seek for himself, his own convenience, and the world only exists exactly as he views it. That's just how babies are.
That self-centeredness would've combined with his Quirk's desires, evolving the "take" portion of his Quirk to something that drives him.
Himiko Toga, like other kids, likely awakened her Quirk when she was five. That would be why her parents only expressed shock in her like for blood when it showed with the bird; she was a kid at the time, and it was likely their first glimpse of the nature and effect of her Quirk.
All For One had his Quirk at birth. Toga got hers later, and thus would've had time to learn about the world first. Toga didn't completely fuse her Quirk with a baby's natural "I want and need", but there's enough self-centered awareness as a child to still want first.
I want to bring attention to these panels because they're definitely related. Look at the parallels of All For One and Toga.
Toga, after a talk about why and how she loves, because blood is so fascinating,
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And Yoichi talking about his brother's way of using his power,
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All For One could take, but he could also give. And yet, right before Yoichi narrates this, rather than something like Toga realizes,
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All For One's first thought was he had to steal Yoichi back.
Like Toga before having a girls' talk with Ochako, both were only interested in taking for themselves. Giving never crossed their minds.
All For One only gave Quirks to make sure people stayed on his side. So he had pawns.
All For One's obsession with Quirks, and having possessions, only makes Yoichi [One For All] even more attractive: he's both a Quirk, and All For One's "first possession in this world".
All For One is basically like Himiko Toga pre-Ochako-talk, but never learned. He died because he got too greedy to win against Bakugo, but Toga died because she decided to give her everything to save the object of her affection.
(Idk if Toga actually is dead, but that's the current assumption after she says she'll give Ochako all her blood to save her)
All For One and Toga are foils to each other. Goodnight.
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sinorim-pisani · 9 months
tl;dr Linguistic anthropology except it's about Danny Phantom???
Wake up, new danny phantom obsession just dropped ya'll:
It's time to talk about GHOST LANGUAGE!!
But not the canonical Esperanto, which is a cool and interesting decision on the show's part.
I mean the idea that the ghosts have an entirely new form of communicating that sounds like static and space and ice and fire and everything a creature can feel, all condensed into what is essentially a massive creole language!
I'm a huge fan of authors who, when describing non-esperanto based "ghost speak", choose to take a more eldritch noise approach. Danny, for instance, when using the language of the ghosts, is often said to sound like all the noise of a wintery atmosphere; words like frost, ice, static, tingle, sharp, quiet and cold are employed to connect Danny's speech with his ghost core qualities. It is a fantastic way to bring an eerie and disquieting sense to Danny, and to indicate to us readers that ghosts have a unique and deeply ingrained method of communication beyond the use of human tongues.
To read way too much into something so little, I think that this could indicate that ghosts communicate with their cores! (I know, you're like Sinorim are we back to the ghost cores??) YES, we are back to how interesting ghost cores are!!
Big Question #1: If every creature-turned-ghost that spoke some form of human tongue throughout ANY period in human history, ended up in the Infinite Realms, how would they best be able to communicate?
In Danny Phantom, what makes a ghost a ghost (beyond the whole being dead thing) is their core, and their Obsession, which can be said to be an emotionally charged motivation that stems from strong emotional stimuli during life. Ghosts are creatures of feeling, of sentiment and emotion and memory, and all of those both factor into and stem out of a ghostly core. So to make a couple leaps: if a ghost could not communicate with a human tongue to its neighbor (who would be unable to understand the words), but they both have that commonality of a core and therefore a heightened sense of emotional minutiae, I would say logically the ghosts would then begin to develop a "language" based on feeling and sense. Multiply that effect by.....infinity, tack on a couple millennia, and you end up with a ghostly wordless creole language.
Big Question #2: Since a ghost's core, and subsequently their emotional cognizance and memory, is pretty much like a human fingerprint (individual and quite distinct), how would their language output be affected, and how would others actually be able to comprehend it?
This one is as easy as the difference between po-tay-to and po-tah-to, to-may-to and to-mah-to! What?? But that's just a joke, you say?? While it is a silly set of phrases, it also really concisely demonstrates the vast diversity of pronunciation, and is basically the reason why an international phonetic alphabet exists. Between pronunciation, accents, and the development of linguistic dialects, I think I can say that, at least on the comprehension side, a universal understanding of the Big Emotional Sentiments would have developed over time.
The interesting part lies in the idiosyncrasies of memory. A little side discussion - Danny has an ice core. Why? No idea! but I'm hazarding a guess that it may have something to do with his MEMORY and the emotions he felt when he died. Perhaps he felt the cold metal of the portal walls against him, perhaps the shock itself reminded him of the numbness associated with freezing temperatures or frostbite, maybe he felt a wintery sort of loneliness (it makes sense I swear), and all of that contributed to his development of an ice core. I can use Vlad as an example too, but I'll save that for another time.
So when Danny uses the Language of the Ghosts, he is understood by other ghosts because of a collective awareness of emotional sentiments. However, because of his ice core, which was determined by his individual emotional cognizance and henceforth informs his development, his form of ghost language will always be touched by his memory of the cold. When other ghosts hear Danny in their language, they'll not only understand what he is communicating, but they'll also be able to understand who Danny is, from the little touches of his cold memory that are infused in his communicating, once again thanks to his ice-based ghostly core.
And when humans hear it, they get super bad vibes because they can't understand the sounds and memories and feelings that the ghosts trying to broadcast to them!
I'm imagining poor Danny first learning he could speak the language, and then trying to show it off with his friends and being sad that it freaks them out when all he was trying to say was "You guys are the best" T.T
Good god this turned into an entire essay.
Does any of this even make sense?
Ultimately I just think that it's super cool that authors make Danny sound like the wintery freaky eldritch creature that he could be when he's speaking to ghosts XD
To be continued!
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venomous-ragno · 1 year
I've posted these before but Tumblr's tag system is buggy so it's not showing up for ppl, which is a shame cause if this dynamic rots my brain y'all have to suffer with me
Ghost x reader x Soap headcannons
I take requests btw;)
Tags: Ghost x reader x Soap, sfw, gn!reader, fluff
Warnings: None
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Gif by @collinnmckinley
• Brothers in arms, these two have developed a bond that goes deeper than that of just any comrades. They work like a machine, gears oiled and intertwined, always moving forward and further into unknown territory.
• Ghost and Soap aren't romantically involved, but they don't mind it if it's the other. Both know and respect the other's boundaries; Gaz once called them psychics for understanding each other without so much as words exchanged.
• Their lives are anything but conventional so why shouldn't their relationship be too? It's a strange idea, sure. Much to your surprise though neither seemed taken aback or even shocked at the suggestion - not in the slightest, for they agree on more things than they disagree on.
• If you ever go on a mission with them and the team gets split up, both Ghost and Soap would find solace in knowing you're with the other, that you're well protected even in the face of death.
• Ghost and Soap are two different types of love; Ghost is more of a calm, quiet lover. No big words or pda but rather small acts of service and quality time. Ghost remembers all your quirks, all your likes and dislikes by heart. He prides himself in knowing you better than anyone else, reads you like an open book, and slowly... Opens up in and about himself, too.
• Soap is loud, if not a bit boastful. He doesn't mind calling you sweet nicknames, throwing a flirty line or two over comms. His love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch, and he isn't shy about giving nor receiving. He's quite sensitive to personal space and highly receptive of your emotional state.
• You know that Ghost has a hard time conveying his thoughts and feelings. Hell, he can't even decipher them himself most of he time. Comes with the life he agreed on living, doesn't make it any more frustrating when he refuses to elaborate on decisions he's made.
• Soap understands you both. He's had his fair share of troubles with the stoic Lt, and thus acts as a mediator. He jokingly calls himself the "peacekeeper of the 141", taking the deadly stares from both of you with stride.
• Ghost and Soap often share late night talks. It's an intimate moment between these two on an emotional level: Let the stars be witness to their hopes and dreams, their frustrations and fears, let their heart get lighter until the sun shines on them and reminds them of the hardships daylight brings.
• It's nights like those where Soap nudges Ghost in the right direction when it comes to you. Gentle but stern pushes towards an apology, in whichever form it may come in, Ghost's words carry nothing but candour. Be patient and he'll do his best to learn.
• "Live as if you're dead", they say, but how can one not feel alive when you love pulses hot through their veins? They should know better. They should know better than to let themselves fall for you like so and yet they're utterly powerless, for no knife may cut that damned red string.
Price raises a brow at whatever you three got going on, but chooses to remain ignorant as long as it doesn't affect work. If anything, he finds amusement in it; how the three of you bicker back and forth, how your dynamic confuses everyone not sharp enough to catch on. Besides, he's won quite a few bucks over drunken bets with Gaz - and he gets to see Simon more often too, rather than Ghost. A bonus if anything.
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