#five dysfunctions of a team
Unpacking the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Implications for Economic Success
In the intricate dance of organizational dynamics, the effectiveness of a team is often the linchpin that determines the success or failure of a venture. Patrick Lencioni’s seminal work, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” provides a compelling framework for understanding and addressing common pitfalls that teams encounter. This article explores the profound impact that these dysfunctions can have…
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thonnywiii · 2 years
i feel bad for yanagi, i can literally see him embarrassed next to the other inmates because of his height while he has that melancholic expression on his face as he screams and cries from the pain inside 😔😔😔😔
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Speaking of these guys, imagine them at a sleepover, there would be so much destruction 💀💀💀
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mnchrmrainbow · 6 months
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storiesfromgaza · 7 months
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🔴 Extremely important statements that you must read and share!
Omar Zaqqout, the head of emergency at Al-Shifa Hospital describes the events of yesterday after the occupation forces stormed Al-Shifa hospital:
📌 The Israeli army detonated the basement of the private surgery building at Al-Shifa Hospital, arresting approximately 30 civilians and halting operations at the hospital.
📌 The occupation detained numerous displaced individuals, blindfolded and stripped of their clothes, leading them to an unknown destination.
📌 The occupation blew up most of the hospital gates, and the fragments scattered among those present.
📌 Medical teams are struggling to save the wounded, and we could not transport the bodies due to the decomposition of the corpses.
📌 We did not witness any of what the occupation claims, such as bringing milk or new incubators, and there is not a drop of water in the complex.
📌 We hear not clashes but gunfire from the direction of the occupation army only, and there are no armed individuals within the complex.
📌 The conditions within the hospital are grim, marked by a scarcity of water, food, and a dysfunctional oxygen station for six consecutive days.
📌 Gunfire, bombardments, and ongoing aggressive attacks have created a frightening atmosphere for patients, civilians, and hospital personnel.
📌 The hospital is grappling with serious challenges, including sanitation issues, with no access to basic hygiene facilities.
📌 I do not make appeals to anyone; everyone has let usdown. Our sole appeal is to God.
📌 The occupation brought terror and destruction and did not bring any new incubators as they claim.
📌 The occupation resorted to physical assault against some individuals before arresting them.
📌 We have been besieged in the hospital for five days now, and we are familiar with each other; everyone here is a civilian.
I was able to find one video that can show you the hospital's condition, but I won't be able to edit the video now and add captions. So, I will translate it for you while listening, meaning I will listen to it and write the translation as I hear it then I'll attach the translation below the video as text, not as an integrated translation (captions)
Here is the video:
The medical team is currently keeping a close eye on the situation amid heavy dust. They are currently suffocating from the gases released by the shell targeting the specialties building. So, the specialties building is directly targeted. The patients, who had previously been evacuated from the intensive care unit, are now being evacuated again to the corridors. The situation is extremely difficult and highly complex. Patients are now being evacuated from inside the department due to the presence of a lot of dust and smoke causing suffocation for the injured. -One of them is urgently calling for a person named Khaled to assist, saying, "Come, Khaled, come!"- Evacuating patients is exceptionally challenging, with a lot of dust in the area.
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causenessus · 2 months
binary stars. | oikawa t.
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binary stars are two stars that are gravitationally bound to each other and orbit around each other. she tried to distance herself from him, but she was pulled back like gravity.
oikawa x f! reader
COMPLETED haikyuu smau
taglist: closed
warnings & notes: language, mutual pining, friends to lovers, lowercase intended, i have no sense of location, do not think about locations or distances. basically all vball teams/schools are closer to each other than what is canon, timestamps never ever matter unless i say so <3
the solar system: group counseling hours | oikawa's emotional support group
table of contents (☆ for any chapters with written parts <3):
part one: love confessions (☆) part two: the worst support group part three: cats and owls part four: see you tomorrow (☆) part five: equipment room (☆) part six: dysfunctional family part seven: clown behavior part eight: home (☆)
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"Yes, it's true: I was the type of young femme who managed the girls basketball team in high school, just to be able to take in the sight of all those butches parading their muscles up and down the court. I found Girl Scout camp to be femme heaven and reveled in being able to explore my athletic self and still maintain my femmeness. And, to my horror, I have to admit pushing Tina away from my breasts in the back seat of a Buick while attending Mount Saint Mary Seminary. And then there was feminism... Although I came out as a "gay" woman before reading The Feminine Mystique, the seventies brand of white feminism had me trimming my nails and cutting off my hair. Soon I was outfitted in farmer jeans and high tops. And still I was told by my "sisters" that I didn't "look like a dyke" (read: I didn't look butch). I began to lead two lives- one as an outrageous, skirted, lipsticked femme while I worked in and traveled with carnivals, and another as an imitation butch back home in the women's community. Eventually, I pulled the pieces of my being back together and proclaimed boldly, "I am a working-class lesbian femme." So I had maybe six years reveling in unleashing my seductive femme self when, as lives go, mine changed: slowly at first and then more dramatically. Recurring back pain and limited range of mobility were finally diagnosed. Soon after came decreased mobility. No more mountain climbing. No long mall walks in search of the perfect piece of sleaze. No more standing against kitchen walls being gloriously fucked by some handsome butch. I stopped using alcohol and drugs, became ill with what is now known as CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome), and began to use a three-wheeled power chair. The more disabled I became, the more I mourned the ways my sexual femme self had manifested through the nondisabled me: cruising at the local lezzie bar, picking up a dyke whose eyes refuse to stray from mine, dancing seductively, moving all of me for all of her. Cooking: love and suggestion neatly tucked into the folds of a broccoli quiche. Serving my date in varying, sleazy clothing, removing layers as the meal and our passion progressed. And making love... feeling only pleasure as my hips rose and fell under the weight of her. Accomplishment and pride smirked across my face as her wrists finally submitted to the pressure of strong persistent hands. There are the ways I knew to be femme, to be the essence of me.
It's been five years now since I began using my wheelchair. I am just awakening to a new reclamation of femme. Yes. I still grieve the way I was, am still often unsure how this femme with disabilities will act out her seduction scenes. I still marvel when women find passion amidst the chrome and rubber that is now a part of me.
There have been numerous dates, lovers, relationships, sexual partners, and fliterations along the way. Cindy, Jenny, Ellie, Emma, Diane, Dorothy, Gail, June, Clove, Lenny, Cherry, Diana, Sarah I, and Sarah II. You have all reminded me in your own subtle or overt, quit or wild ways that I am desirable, passionate, exciting, wanted.
Yes I am an incredibly sexual being. An outrageous, loud mouthed femme who's learning to dress, dance, cook, and seduce on wheels; finding new ways to be gloriously fucked by handsome butches and aggressive femmes. I hang out with more sexual outlaws now- you know, the motorcycle lesbians who see wheels and chrome between your legs as something exciting, the leather women whose vision of passion and sexuality doesn't exclude fat, disabled me.
Ableism tells us that lesbians with disability are asexual. (When was the last time you dated a dyke who uses a wheelchair?) Fat oppression insists that thin is in and round is repulsive. At times, these voices become very loud, and my femme, she hid quietly amidts the lists.
Now my femme is rising again. The time of doubt, fear, and retreat has passed. I have found my way out of the lies and oppression and have moved into a space of loving and honoring the new femme who has emerged. This lesbian femme with disabilities is wise, wild, wet, and wanting. Watch out.
-"Reclaiming femme... Yet again" Mary Francis Platt, The Persistent Desire (Edited by Joan Nestle) (1992)
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ellejos · 1 year
Previously I announced that I will begin the 75 Days Hard Challenge at the first of July. For anyone unfamiliar, the Challenge takes 75 Days and follows these daily rules:
Choose a diet and follow it (without cheat meals or alcohol)
Complete two 45-minute workouts daily (one needs to be outside no matter the weather)
Drink a gallon of water every day
Read 10 pages of nonfiction
Take progress pictures
If you skip or miss a task you must start over
Things you should know:
I decided to try this challenge because I want to improve my mental toughness and physical fitness (also I want to prove to myself that I am consistent). It's probably not for everyone, so there is also a soft version of this challenge called 75 Days Soft Challenge.
I prepared for this challenge a month in advance. I tried out what diet suits me the most without craving cheat meals, decided on what books I want to read and what kind of workouts are the best for me.
I don't want to bother you with a daily follow up of my challenge, but please consider I'll try to do an update every 1-2 weeks.
"All great things have small beginnings."
My current routine on this challenge varies from day to day because I do work shifts but there are a few things that stay consistent during this challenge:
I decided to do IF with a 16:8 ratio. I start eating at 10am and have my last meal at 6pm. Mostly low carb, high protein. No meat, no sugar, limited dairy. Please consider that every human is different and what may work for me, won't do it for you. I decided to become vegetarian a month ago and I don't regret it yet.
2. Workouts:
I am not an athlete. Therefore two heavy workouts a day would cause me injuries. I'm taking a 45 minutes outdoor walk everyday and the second workout is whatever suits my day the most. For example on Mondays I'm going to a yoga class, therefore this will be my second workout.
3. Hydration:
To be honest, I had to change this one a bit. I'm drinking one black coffee every morning and I'm also having a tea before I go to sleep. This intake plus a gallon of water would be too much for my body. I decided to drink 3 Liters of water everyday and the missing 0,7 liters will be tea and black coffee. I'm not drinking anything else for the duration of this challenge. No soft drinks, no alcohol, no milk (except for coconut milk for my overnight oats).
4. my non-fiction reading list:
Patrick Lencioni - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Yuval Harari - Homo Deus
Yuval Harari - 21 Lessons for the 21 Century
Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow
James Clear - Atomic Habits
Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene - The Art of Seduction
Erich Fromm - The Art of Loving
Oliver Burkeman - Four Thousands Weeks
James Carse - Finite and Infinite Games
Seneca - Letters from a Stoic
Plato - Allegory of the Cave
5. last but not least - the progress picture:
I hate taking pictures, so I won't really share them but I made a folder on my phone and taking the photo is the first thing I'm doing in the morning to get it off my list.
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end-otw-racism · 9 months
The OTW Board Elections are over, and with that wraps up our second End OTW Racism action! Thank you to everyone who has participated over the last few months, whether by voting, attending the July 2 OTW Board Meeting, submitting questions for the candidates, sharing our posts, writing to the OTW Board, providing us critique and feedback, and more. 
Now that we’ve completed two End OTW Racism actions, we wanted to take a breath and tell you a little about how we started. We began as a team of five people in May who felt spurred by renewed conversations we’d seen on twitter about racism within the OTW and wanted to do something about it. As we’ve shared in our FAQ, the core organizers are all fans and users of AO3, including both people of color and white folks, who have been in fandom for decades. We’ve added new core organizers since May, but also some organizers have rolled off, so we remain a small and diverse team.
Since the beginning, we’ve had four specific demands for the OTW:
Harassment policies that can be regularly updated to address both on-site harassment and off-site coordinated harassment of AO3 users, with updated protocols for the Policy & Abuse Committee to ensure consistent and informed resolutions of abuse claims
A content policy on abusive (extremely racist and extremely bigoted) content; by abusive, we are talking about fanworks that are intentionally used to spread hate and harassment, not those that accidentally invoke racist or other bigoted stereotypes
Hiring a Diversity Consultant within the next 3-6 months
Committing to a policy of transparency on this topic, with quarterly updates on the progress of these projects including challenges and their plan for overcoming those challenges. These quarterly updates should be published on OTW News page and newsletters, not solely discussed in Board meetings
This may be surprising, but we only began planning our first action in May five days before we announced it! And we’ve been working really hard since then on top of our other individual life obligations. We also rolled straight from our first action into our second because of the timing of the OTW Board Elections, which made things even busier.
We’re very proud of all we’ve accomplished and everything that has happened since then - not only the work we’ve done and the progress we’ve made on our specific goals, but also the way that a larger conversation has opened up publicly about many other forms of racism and dysfunction within the organization. These conversations have, of course, been going on for years, both inside and outside the OTW, and more recent efforts have built on the work of fans of color calling out racism in fandom for decades, particularly Black fans. The discussions that have happened since May included thousands of people in fandom and have become wide-ranging, and we’re thankful to everyone who has been part of them. Organizing and running this campaign has also been a learning process, and we've grown so much from the feedback we've received. We look forward to being even better as we continue on with our specific anti-racist lens.
We couldn’t have done any of this without all of you, the community that has fostered and spurred these conversations and put them into action. We’re also really excited to see that other campaigns are coming up to address aspects of racism in fandom that are outside our narrow scope. We hope our example of what you can do as a small team can be an inspiration to anyone else who wants to start their own parallel antiracist efforts too.
Since it’s been an exhausting (but thrilling!) few months, our core team is going to be taking a pause for a few months to reflect and regroup before planning another action focused on our specific goals. We also want to figure out how to engage more of the community in our planning for future actions, since we know there are lots of people who are excited about this work, and we weren’t able to do that in the quick turnaround between the first and second actions.
In the meantime, we’re excited to announce that two partner projects will be launching next month! These will not be led by our core organizers, but by other fans who have volunteered to take them on. 
Anti-Racist Fanlore Project: An effort to update Fanlore, the fandom history wiki run by the OTW, with articles that flesh out the history of racism and anti-racism in fandom. This will be a collaborative project run through a new Discord server, and we welcome people of all levels of experience with Fanlore editing, including people who have never done it before! We’ll need people for a wide range of tasks: project management, research, drafting, reviewing, and posting to Fanlore.
Anti-Harassment Street Team: A group aimed at supporting people who are harassed for talking about racism in fandom, including developing de-escalation practices, creating resources on curating your own space, correcting misinformation, and more. This project will also be collaborative and run through a new Discord server.
You can sign up for these projects on our Volunteer Sign-Up Form. If you already signed up for either of these projects at any time in the last few months, you will receive an email with more information when each project kicks off. 
Apart from those projects, we’ll see you again for our next action in a few months. If you need to get hold of us in the meantime, you can email us at endotwracism [at] gmail [dot] com, though we may take a little while to get back to you. Thank you again for your passion and support in fighting racism in the OTW!
- The Fandom Against Racism Team
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 8 months
Group Project has been created
Patroclus has added Achilles, Odysseus, Menelaus, and Diomedes to Group Project.
Patroclus's name has been changed to Baby
Achilles's name has been changed to I'm sexy and I know it
Odysseus 's name has been changed to SmartAss
Diomedes's nickname has been changed to Fight me
Menelaus's nickname has been changed to Himbo
Baby: I'm starting to regret it.
I'm sexy and I know it: If you want, you can change your nickname.
Baby: Nope, I'm Baby and I know it.
Himbo: Did you just…did you just mention LMFAO?
Baby: Achilles' nickname is the fucking song name. I stated a fact.
SmartAss: Guys, this is ridiculous. It should be a science project group.
I'm sexy and I know it: do you want to change and become Gayleo?
SmartAss: Gayleo never existed.
I'm sexy and I know it: Speak for yourself. He is my guide and inspiration!!!
Fight me: Are you making gay jokes without me?!
I'm sexy and I know it: Never, bro!
SmartAss: guys, we should get organized for the project! The professor gave us carte blanche!
I'm sexy and I know it: we have time!
SmartAss: Three weeks!
I'm sexy and I know it: at worst you enter the professor's house and change your grades. It would not be the first time.
SmartAss: hth yu know?
I'm sexy and I know it: Gays know everything.
Baby: we saw you come out of Professor Nestor's window. You fell and rolled a few feet. Then you got up and pretended you were there for a walk.
SmartAss: You have no proof.
Himbo: I'm starting to think that maybe it was better to be in a group with my cousin.
I'm sexy and I know it: so, I have a scientific headcanon…
SmartAss: Please say theory! You have a scientific theory!
I'm sexy and I know it: Anyway, I have a scientific headcanon. But I need Hector in a locked room and a gun.
Baby: Achilles, we will not use Russian roulette for our project.
I'm sexy and I know it: But it's for science! Probability theory! It's brainy.
Himbo: Still no. Let's use Paris.
Fight me: what if we put Paris and Hector in a room with only one gun? What would happen?
SmartAss: Bold of you assumes that Hector doesn't strangle his brother after five minutes.
Himbo: mood.
SmartAss: We need an idea!
Fight me: I think using Hector and Paris would solve our problems.
SmartAss: but it's illegal!
Fight me: and since when do you worry?
SmartAss: Since there might be evidence that can frame me, or too many witnesses. I have nothing against you guys, but I would kill you and hide your bodies so I don't end up in prison. No offense.
Himbo: We already knew that
Fight me: That's why Ajax hates you.
I'm sexy and I know it: doesn't Ajax hate him because Odysseus stole his job as captain of the rugby team?
Fight me: Also.
SmartAss: Some don't know how to lose.
Himbo: You weren't even on the team.
SmartAss: and now I'm captain. Your point?
Baby: Forget Hector and Paris. I want to study Odysseus.
I'm sexy and I know it: are you cheating on me for the dwarf?!
SmartAss: Hey!
Fight me: don't listen to him, bro. It is known that dwarves have something else that is very great.
Himbo: And how do you know?
Fight me: you'd like to know, huh?
SmartAss: studying the dysfunctional relationships of Ettore's family is not a bad idea...
Himbo: What changed your mind?
SmartAss: I went to take out the garbage…
I'm sexy and I know it: it's not nice to talk like that about Diomedes.
Fight me: Fuck you
I'm sexy and I know it: Baby already takes care of it.
Himbo: gross
I'm sexy and I know it: you're just jealous. You and Helen never like us.
Fight me:  I would kill them myself.
SmartAss: guys, focus. Social experiment. Relationships between brothers, and we use Hector and all his brothers.
Fight me: how many are there again? Twelve?
Himbo: now nineteen. Hecuba has just given birth.
Fight me: Nineteen?!
Baby: they should have stopped with the twins. It was enough. Hell, they should have stopped at Paris. They had to understand that it would only be worse later.
Himbo: but what job does Priam do? There are twenty-two people, two dogs, a cat, and Paris. How can he live in such a big house?
SmartAss: doesn't he work for the government?
Fight me: no government job pays this well!
Himbo: unless you're the president. 
I'm sexy and I know it: what if he is the head of the CIA?
Baby: Sure, and the head of the CIA came to this city to check out a high school and a very dangerous Blockbuster. Never mind that they sell DVDs of terrorists.
Fight me: But it would make sense because he has so many children. They are all future Spy Kids!
Himbo: if the fate of my country is in the hands of Paris, I will expatriate and change my name.
I'm sexy and I know it: Cassandra knows things. It's clearly spy training.
Fight me: Cassandra talks bullshit.
Himbo: You're only saying that because she told everyone that you had tea dressed as a fairytale princess with your six-year-old cousin.
Fight me: this has never happened! Cassandra is a liar!
Himbo: and where did the glitter in your hair come from?
Fight me: it wasn't glitter.
Himbo: And what was it?
Fight me: heroine
SmartAss: It was glitter.
SmartAss: Anyway, social experiment. We will observe Ettore and his family, thus describing their social dynamics.
Baby: Isn't that stalking?
SmartAss: no, it's science.
I'm sexy and I know it: Outside school Cassandra came up to me and gave me a card with her family's schedule.
I'm sexy and I know it: she told me since you want to spy on us, better know when you will find us all.
I'm sexy and I know it: then she disappeared
Fight me: every time. Wtf.
Himbo: Am I the only one wondering how she knew or…
Baby: Dude, the fewer questions you ask, the better.
Fight me: this proves nothing! she just got lucky!
SmartAss: send nudes!!!
Fight me: I would love to do it but I'm almost at school.
SmartAss: No, idiot! No nudes. Dudes
SmartAss: Come help me! Ajax is chasing me! With a car!
Himbo: What did you do to him this time?
SmartAss: nothing!
Fight me: liar.
Fight me: give me a minute and I'll be with you.
Fight me: RIP Odysseus
Fight me: he's not dead, but as soon as Ajax gets out of the hospital, he'll definitely kill him.
SmartAss: in my defense, he wanted to do me worse than send me to the hospital.
Himbo: Aren't you two supposed to be in class?
SmartAss: what part of Ajax wanted me dead wasn't clear to you?
Baby: How the hell you are alive? Ajax is twice your size.
SmartAss: If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
Baby: the alarming thing is that I never know when he's joking or serious.
Himbo: you guys scare me.
I'm sexy and I know it: you still have time to do the project with your cousin.
Himbo: better not
Himbo: I don't know if he would try to kill me, steal my girlfriend or sleep with my brother
Baby: i'm starting to think that it's not just Hector who has a dysfunctional family
Fight me: why don't I have sexy cousins who want to sleep with me?
I'm sexy and I know it: Thersites wants to fuck you.
Fight me: but he is not sexy!!!
Baby: If I have to go to therapy one day, I'll show these chats.
SmartAss: this should be a serious group chat...
I'm sexy and I know it: dude, did you see us?
I'm sexy and I know it: nobody here is normal. except Pat, but  he is perfect, so...
SmartAss: ...
SmartAss: we are doomed.
Fight me: prepare the copy of Nestore's house keys.
Fight me: you will need it
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juno-box · 7 months
Here's another one: Using any character from TWDG, make three teams of five for survival:
Team 1: The Best Possible Team
Team 2: The Most Incompetent Team
Team 3: The Most Dysfunctional Team
Lee, Javier, Clem, Luke, AJ
2. Gabe, Sarah, Ben, Marlon, Becca
3. Kenny, Lilly, Nick, David, Mitch
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I'ma say this, especially in lieu of season 3.
One of my favorite things about the Umbrella Academy is what a perfect example they are of a wildly dysfunctional family. Every single one of them is fucked up. They're all dumb, they're self-absorbed, they're assholes, and they still love each other.
I think that hating any one sibling is the wrong way to do it. Some of them have done terrible things that I hate or disagree with. There's no need to excuse them for their behavior, and at the same time, there's so much more to people and life/our minds are just not simple.
Was it okay for Allison to behave how she did for the majority of season 3? No. At the same time, she's grieving. She lost her daughter and her husband, two people she deeply loved and was very committed to. She had relationships with them that the other siblings didn't really get to form with other people (Viktor and Sissy had very different circumstances, Diego and Patch had different circumstances), and people talk about how no one acknowledged Klaus's struggles, or Five's sacrifices, but no one does that for Allison either.
I actually kind of liked how they portrayed her grief. It's not just crying in sweats and an oversized jumper and drinking a mug of tea. Sometimes it's angry, and making really bad decisions, and taking it out on everyone around you. Grief can do terrible things to people, it clouds our judgment more than anything, and while it doesn't make their actions okay, I think we need to give people more space when they grieve. It's a complicated situation and we can't act like it's simple or easy.
Anyway, I'm still team Allison, just like I'm team Everyone Else. I hope she is able to heal and get what she wants and needs in life, and I hope the same for the rest of them. (Ngl, at the end of season 3, I thought she died to save her siblings, and she was in her version of heaven, which ofc would've had Claire and Ray. That's why I thought she wasn't with her siblings. I don't think she was being selfish either, but again, I don't really know what happened, my working theory is still that she died.)
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stardusksx · 8 months
BECAUSE OF YOU, spencer reid x named!oc
— part one .
( summary! ) Spencer & Lydia where best friends, until they weren’t. Having to see each other at work everyday was certainly an exercise in professionalism, but when Reid is arrested in Mexico they can no longer ignore each other.
( warnings! ) Canon typical violence, discussions of drug use, best friends to lovers with a whole load of angst in the middle, dysfunctional family dynamics, talks of past neglect, future mentions of sex/smut, let me know if I missed anything! )
next part
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"HE'S WHAT?" LYDIA STOPPED IN HER TRACKS, PHONE RESTING BETWEEN HER EAR AND SHOULDER. Her arms were full of groceries, a bunch of keys dangling limply from her fingertips. She blinked at the number on her apartment door in bewilderment.
"He's been arrested," Emily answered, her voice uneasy, "They're holding him in Mexico."
"Mexico?" She echoed, "What the hell is he doing there?"
There was a pause, "They... they're holding him on drug charges."
The bag slipped from her hands, but she didn't bother picking it up, instead adjusting her grip on the phone in case she hadn't heard right. "Emily, this is Spencer Reid we're talking about, right? He wouldn't... he wouldn't go near drugs." Not after the dilaudid. But then again, she didn't really know him that well anymore. What if he'd started taking it again?
Her thought process was cut off as Emily further explained, "They're holding him on possession, with intent to distribute. They found him with cocaine and heroin."
"Cocaine and —" She brought a hand up to rub the space between her brows, "That makes no sense, why would— what's going on, Emily?"
"I have no idea, Lydia," She sighed over the line, "I know it's your day off, but we're really going to need you to come in for this one."
"No, yeah, I'll be right there." She responded, finally managing to shove her key into the door and unlock it, "See you in fifteen."
Lydia didn't bother packing away her grocery's, merely deposited the bag on the counter before she rushed to shove on a dress shirt and slacks. She was out the door with her go-bag in under five minutes, arriving at the BAU in less than fifteen. JJ was the only one in the bullpen— she was ringing her hands nervously, and when Lydia gained her attention, the relief that washed over her face was only short lived.
"They want you on the field in Mexico," She said quickly,  standing straighter, "Emily, Alvez and Rossi are already on the plane. I would go, but the boys—"
Lydia placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "You don't need to explain, I got this," She gave what she hoped was a mollifying smile, "Plus, your Spanish is terrible."
JJ let out a breath of a laugh, the anxiety still contorting her features. They parted ways, the women heading towards the round table as Lydia rushed out to the tarmac and onto the Jet. Luke moved down a seat to make room for her, Rossi and Emily sitting opposite. They all offered her brief greetings, but it was overshadowed by the tense energy they were all carrying. The take off was hasty, and they were in the air for a mere five minutes before Garcia connected them to the round table back at the BAU.
"This has got to be scratch," Tara spoke, "He was laying low, now we know why."
A sickly feeling settled into her stomach at the suggestion— Peter Lewis had been tormenting the team for years, forcing Hotch into protective custody after the stalking of his son and abducting members of Tara's family. The suggestion that he was now focusing on Reid was not an easy pill to swallow.
Luke's brows pinched, giving a slight shake of the head "Crossing the border as a fugitive is a huge risk."
"The reward is greater," Emily countered, "He's been punishing the team and now his target is Reid."
"Peter Lewis dropped off the map after attacking Tara's family, maybe he's been hiding in Mexico this whole time."
"We also have to consider this isn't related to him."
"Who else could it be?" Rossi questioned.
"Drug cartels, could have threatened Reid and used him as a mule." Luke offered.
"It's possible," Lydia supported, "But they'd usually go for more low-profile members of the public, picking out an FBI agent to do their dirty work could bring more trouble than it's worth."
"Not if they didn't know he was an FBI agent."
Lydia thought for a moment, but the more she did the more the cartel theory loss it's credibility for her. She shook her head, "No, it doesn't make sense. I mean, why would he be in Mexico for them to use him in the first place? This feels too... improbable to have just been a case of bad luck."
JJ voice sounded, explaining that she'd managed to get in touch with Diana Reid's nurse who had confirmed the woman was safe and stable. Lydia remembers meeting Spencer's mother on a case in Las Vegas— the man had been struggling with some inner demons, and watching how the mere presence of the women had helped to calm him had made her stomach twist. Spencer loved people in a consuming kind of way, and it was clear when he interacted with Diana that he'd do anything for her.
"How long did he tell the nurse he'd be gone?" Luke asked.
"Three days." JJ supplied.
Emily nodded, "Makes sense, after the Palm Springs case Reid said he had to get back to Houston to talk to his mom's doctor."
"Well, Houston is only a five hour drive from the border." Tara added, "Question is, why did he go down there?"
"And why did he have narcotics?"
"Yeah, exactly. I'm not going to spill any secrets i'm not suppose to, but those drugs where planted on him." Garcia stuttered slightly, determination in her voice. Lydia nodded mutely, feeling anxiety crawl up her from the mere memory.
"Absolutely, there's something bigger in play. That's why he kept it a secret. There's something he didn't want to share with anybody." Walker added.
"Okay, so what would make him risk everything?"
"His mom." Lydia answered, vaguely aware of JJ speaking the words simultaneously. Luke shot her a curious look, but she avoided his gaze so she wouldn't have to answer his silent question how do you know?
"But she's here, and she's safe." Garcia's confusion bled into her voice before she paused, "Wait, Cruz just sent me the arresting report," The sound of her fingers against the keys of her computer sounded, "Says here that Reid was involved in a high speed chase..."
The shock was palpable, "What? But he rarely ever drives?"
"Non of this sounds like him. It says he was wearing jeans, he was really confused, and according to the arresting officer, he was really high on something."
"No, no. He wouldn't do that. Not after what happened with Tobias Hankle." JJ sounded adamant, and she nodded in silent agreement.
"Who was Tobias Hankle?" Luke asked softly.
"He was an Unsub with DID," Lydia explained quietly, "He... kidnapped Reid. Drugged him. It was... well... it was really bad. He almost died—" she couldn't bring herself to say that, technically, he did. It was one of her worst memories. Luke stared at her, disquieted.
Someone must have explained it to Tara too, as she questioned with dismayed surprise in her voice, "When was this?"
"Ten years ago."
A tense silence followed before Rossi changed the subject, "What does the report say about the intent to distribute?"
"It says he was charged with constructive possession, and in the duffle bag there was cocaine, cash and three blocks of heroin."
She felt her trepidation like a vice on her lungs, bringing a hand up to rub over her eyes. It was easy to sense the group's collective unease.
"Okay, we'll be there in less than an hour." Emily said finally, "Dave, can you reach Jack Garret?"
Rossi shook his head slightly "He's busy on a case, but he promised to do what he can."
"Well, were gonna need all the help we can get."
After hanging up on the round table, they talked over more theories and tried to fill in the blanks with possible scenarios. There was too much information missing for anything near definite to be decided on, and within the hour they were landing in Mexico and on their way to the Jail that was holding Spencer.
It was windowless and barely illuminated by harsh lights, a seemingly constant rattle of metal in the air. An older aged man led the group, dressed in a uniform bearing the Mexican police symbol. "Thank you for calling us." Rossi said thankfully.
"It is not often we have a US FED in our custody." He responded, guiding them through a mesh door. Something about his tone was almost accusatory, but it was too faint to be a reasonable cause for worry.
"We appreciate you letting us talk to him, have you gotten his tox-screen back yet?" Emily questioned.
He shook his head, "No."
"You will need to expedite that, we have cause to believe Agent Reid was drugged."
"He was definitely high." He said, "And driving like a maniac with twenty thousand dollars worth of heroine in his possession. Both of which put my officers at risk, you're in our jurisdiction."
Lydia noticed Luke's attention on something else, and she followed his gaze to a sight that made her heart drop. Spencer sat curled in on himself, a set of bars separating him from the rest of the room. She exchanged an uneasy look with the man next to her, hanging back slightly as he approached.
"Hey, Reid," He spoke, and she watched as he turned towards Luke was blank look that vaguely showed his confusion. God, she thought, this is bad. If Reid couldn't recognise someone as familiar as Luke on an instant, then the drugs in his system were still heavily in effect. "It's good to see you brother. It's me, Luke."
It took another moment, and she wasn't entirely convinced he fully recognised him still when he got to his feet. He approach the bars meekly, shoulders hunched, "Luke. Thank you for coming."
Lydia's gaze dropped to the bandage covering his hand, evidence of a nasty injury. Her brows furrowed. Rossi approached next, followed sharply by Emily, "We're going to get you out of here, kid."
Spencer's gaze flickered between them, and she watched him try to piece things together in his head. "We need to work out some things with the locals, okay?" Emily spoke slightly slower, hoping to provide him with some clarity. He gave the smallest of nods.
"Who was your contact down here?" Luke questioned.
He looked up before speaking slowly, "Rosa... Rosa Medina. I think she's a doctor." He pulled up his sleeve, revealing some faint writing.
Luke took a photo of it, "Where did you meet her?"
He shook his head, "I don't... I don't remember."
Emily glanced back at her, features puzzled. She pulled her lip between her teeth and offered a slight shrug, gaze returning to the man that looked almost unrecognisable.
"If you saw her, would you recognise her?" Luke tried, and after a moment of hesitation Spencer nodded.
"You're missing time, aren't you?" Emily asked.
"It's coming in flashes."
"And you've been drugged?"
"Yeah, but I didn't take them myself." He whispered it, but it was the only thing he'd seemed certain of since they'd started the conversation. Emily rushed to reassure him.
"No, of course you didn't." She glanced at the men beside her, "We're thinking it might be Scratch."
The blank look shadowed his features again as he repeated the name. Luke's phone rang and he excused himself, returning a few minutes later with a photo of an older woman. Spencer stared at it for a moment before he nodded, confidently.
"Her alias is Rosa Medina, but her real name is Nadie Ramos." Luke explained, "Garcia tracked it to a motel just outside of town, does that sound familiar?"
"We'll need to take the officers with us," Emily said, seemingly determined.
"You want company here?" Rossi said gently, and Spencer seemed to need a minute to process what his words meant before responding with a no.
Still, he was hesitant as he spoke, and Lydia watched him for a moment before she said, "I'll stay."
Her non-confined co-workers gave her a questioning look— after all, she didn't tend to volunteer herself for anything where Spencer was involved, but she could tell he needed a familiar face and she'd probably be the most useless out on the field in Mexico. Emily looked slightly relieved as she nodded, though, as if leaving him on his own was not something she wanted to do.
Spencer's brows where furrowed, still struggling to sort through the fog in his brain. The three of them left with the promise of calling her if there was any updates, and for a moment she watched her old friend as he stood in one of the most broken states she'd ever seen him. 
"It must be scary for you," She spoke finally, gathering his attention, giving sufficient enough pause for him to cognitively catch up with what she was saying, "Not remembering things— it would be for anyone, but you even more so."
He swallowed, blinking, then nodded. His eyes were scanning over her— she could tell he knew who she was, just not exactly why she was standing there, "Lydia?"
"It's me," She assured, "Emily, Rossi and Luke just left. I'm going to stay with you till they're back, okay?"
"Yeah," He responded, and his voice was so small, "I-I don't know why..."
"That's okay," She said, "It's just the drugs in your system, I'm sure it'll come back to you with time. Do you want to sit down?"
He nodded, and she expected him to go back to the bench, but instead he took up the floor right by the bars. So she followed, sitting so that she was facing him. It was quiet for a while, maybe half an hour, then he began whispering, "I can't remember, I can't remember, I can't remember."
He repeated it over and over, and she could see the anxiety starting to take hold of him, breaths coming in faster and shorter. She knew she could try to distract him, but his brain had always worked a million times faster and strayed in ten different directions even if he hyper focused on one thing. Still, with the drugs in his system, it was worth a shot. "Spencer, talk me through what you do remember."
He looked confused, "I can't remember anything—"
"Not just about what happened in the last few days," She explained, "Like, for example, you remembered Emily, Rossi, Luke and me."
He nodded, brows still furrowed. "What do you remember about them? Start with Emily."
He thought for a moment, "Emily is the BAU unit chief," he started, "I met her when she joined the team... ten years ago... she specialises in child advocacy, terrorism and... linguistics... she watches... we watch Russian movies together at least once a month."
He looked to her as if wanting confirmation he was corrected, and she nodded reassuringly, "Good. What about Rossi?"
Spencer listed off what he could recall about the older man, then followed it with Luke. After each one, Lydia gave her assurance, and with each nod of her head he seemed to relax slightly. She had not entirely thought through her plan when the realisation dawned on her that he'd have to talk about her next. Still, this wasn't the time to focus on the weight such a topic would normally bring. This wasn't about her, or them. It was about him.
"Okay," She said, pushing aside the knots in her stomach, "What about me?"
She almost didn't want to know what he was going to say, but there was also a part of her, an overwhelming part, that was curious. He seemed to take longer to answer this time, "You're a special agent for the BAU. You started... a year after I did..." He paused to think, and she expected him to list off a couple of her credentials and maybe a vague shared memory with the team, but he surprised her, "On your first case, I took my FBI vest off and you threatened to kick my ass if I did it again."
Her eyebrows shot up, "I-I did." She offered her confirmation again, but he wasn't finished like she thought he was. He continued, "I liked that you never used to cut me off when I went on a tangent. You didn't make fun of me for not understanding a joke. Morgan called us the babies of the BAU, and when Emily was gone you volunteered to watch Russian movies with me even though you didn't speak the language." He looked at her— really looked at her, like for a moment even the drugs couldn't distort his certainty, "We were bestfriends."
Were. Were. Were. She swallowed, nodded, "See," She said finally, "There are things you remember, it'll just take time for the newer ones to come back to you."
He murmured quietly, "Thank you."
Lydia's phone rang before she could speak again, Emily's name flashing on the screen. She got to her feet and took a couple paces before answering, "Hello?"
Emily merely offered her a greeting before she got to the point, "We found Nadie's body at the motel, she was murdered."
"Shit," She muttered, trying to keep her voice down, "Shit. Emily, how bad is this?"
"Honestly?" She responded, "It's not good. This is... it's going to take a lot to clear him of this."
There was a sinking feeling in her stomach— prison was a rough place for anyone to be, but Spencer needed mental stimulation in abundances that just wouldn't be available to him in there. It could quite literally drive him insane— time would stand still for him, and he'd be left alone with nothing but his brain working overtime. "What do we do now?"
Emily exhaled, "We're coming back to you guys soon, I'm hoping he's lucid enough for a cognitive. How's he doing?"
She glanced back to see his head against the wall, eyes closed, but he wasn't breathing heavily enough to be asleep. He must be exhausted, though, and hoped he'd managed to get a-few minutes in before they started questioning him again. "He's doing okay, considering. A little panicked earlier, but he could talk me through some older memories that aren't related to the last few days. I didn't want to overwhelm him by trying to ask about all of this until he's come down a little more." 
"Okay, that's good," She could hear the slight relief in her voice, "We won't be long, should be back in about an hour. There's just a few things to sort through here."
"Alright, thanks Emily. See you soon." Lydia hung up, pocketing her phone and glancing back to where Spencer sat. He was staring into space, but he didn't seem as anxious as before, so she made the decision to wait till the others got back to break the news. She had always been more optimistic in nature, but it was a struggle to see any way out of this. Not wanting to disturb him just yet, she took her phone back out and dialled JJ's number.
"Angel, please tell me sweet boy wonder is okay." Garcia's voice came over the line, and she could vaguely hear JJ making a comment about her taking the phone.
"I'm with him now, he's–" she could hear someone in the background say put her on speaker, "--doing okay. I think he's starting to come down from the drugs, but still a little spaced out. Has Emily called you?"
"About Ramos? Yeah, she told us." JJ spoke, "It's..."
"Bad." Lydia supplied with a sigh, "But we all know whatever is going on, someone else is responsible. There will be a way to prove that."
"Exactly," She recognized Tara's voice, "We'll clear him, don't worry."
Lydia had a feeling her words were more aimed for Garcia, who she was sure was the epitome of worry.
"I should get back to him, I just wanted to make sure Emily updated you."
"Hey, wait!" JJ said, then her voice sounded closer as if she'd taken the phone off of the speaker. There was a brief pause and the sound of a door closing before she spoke again, "How do you really think he's doing? I know it's been a while since you... well, I just... You knew him better than any of us. Do you really think he's okay?"
Lydia tried to push aside the personal issues that attempted to taunt her— she hadn't had to confront anything surrounding her opinions of Spencer in a long time and she hadn't anticipated doing it under these circumstances. The worry for him, though, was no stranger to her. It had been a quiet, lingering ghost that had haunted her on every case she watched him go out onto the field since they stopped being friends. How she'd have to bite her tongue from saying "be careful."
"It's hard to say," She answered, "I've never seen him like this before, JJ. Even with Tobias, he still had his clarity. I think things are starting to come back to him, but I don't know how he's going to be with the knowledge that he lost time like this."
"God," JJ murmured, "This is all so screwed up."
"I know." She emphasised, "But he's more resilient than we credit him for, and he's got all of us to help him if he struggles."
"I'm glad you're there with him." She said after a pause, "It'll bring him more comfort than you know."
She didn't know how to respond to that. Didn't know what to do with how that made her feel. "Thanks, JJ. I should go."
"Lydia?" JJ sensed her attempt at dismissal.
She resisted the urge to pretend she didn't hear and hang up. "Yeah?"
"I mean it," She said certainly, "He misses you."
Lydia hoped she didn't hear her sharp intake of breath, "I'll call if there is an update."
She didn't wait for an answer before she hung up, giving herself a moment before she returned to where Spencer was sitting. He opened his eyes when she approached, and she gave him a small smile which he tiredly returned. It was silent until the rest returned.
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hijinxinprogress · 9 months
Young Justice watches one piece together
They argue constantly over which pirate crew they are and none of them can agree
They’ve all made up power moves based on one piece
Every one piece backstory has Cissie, Kon, and Greta sobbing and dry heaving while an amused Cassie tries to console them
Whenever Robin says something morbid offhandedly they all turn and look at Tim who’s immediate response is ‘it’s not like she’s wrong-‘ while Anita agrees with him
During Momonosuke’s backstory, they all just stare at Bart bc he goes ‘hey it’s me’ while giggling which ended with Greta sobbing
Cassie compared Mr. Sarcastic to Sniper King & Tim made a powerpoint with over 300 slides explaining why they’re wrong
Cissie and Anita will explain in detail why they’d never lose to a devilfruit user (all of their plans involve drowning) while Greta points out the weak points in their plans
The entire team will wordlessly gesture to Tim whenever Nami or Usopp are lying, undercover, or just straight up doing shady shit
“My name’s Kon and I ate the tact-tact fruit now I have tactile telekinesis which means-” “stfu I don’t mention my powers that much” “yes tf you do” “wE dOn’T hAvE tO WoRrY mY tTk will-” “now it’s a crime to share things about myself with my friends??” “if I have to hear about your ttk again I don’t want to be friends”
Whenever it’s mentioned that characters parents are dead/abusive/estranged they all make fun of each other for being orphans or belonging to otherwise dysfunctional families
Bart was compared to the tontatta tribe for the entirety of Dressrosa and still gets shit for it
whenever a character explains their devil fruit it doesn’t matter if it’s once or every time their on screen, they look at Kon who’s very adamant that he does not sound like that
Cissie has threatened physical violence in response to being compared to both Uta and Yamato
Brook hadn’t even been on screen for five minutes before they had to pause bc Tim ordered Greta a piano while entire team compared Greta and Brook for over an hour
They referred to Tim as yj’s chief of staff for months, they had Bart change his position on young justice to chief of staff in his fucking file
Anita once told Cissie that her insults took little imagination much like the nickname’s Luffy gives people he doesn’t like
Then they teamed up to fight Tim who mentioned that their arguments were reminiscent of Zoro and Sanji’s
They compare each other to one piece characters all the time and it’s not in a friendly “haha hey you and this character like the same food” but evil ass shit that you’d have to fight someone for saying
“Another orphan!” “mf your parents are dead too!” “I don’t know why you’re giggling, yours aren’t even dead and they don’t want you”
“Big Mom and Pudding’s relationship is sorta like you and Superman” cue Kon pointedly sideyeing Bart and Bart jumping up to point at Tim with both hands who doesn’t even look away from the screen to point at Cissie 
“You see Luffy rn? That’s what Tim was like when Kon and Bart died, that’s what you left me to deal with” “You were like that too!”
“Oh, wow Brook also joined a cult after being separated from his friends” “separated?! mf I died” “tim YOU JOINED THE LEAGUE” “we’re all technically-” “no ra’s al ghul’s league” “TIM…tim what the hell”
“Do you think you and Sanji flirt with everyone in your immediate vicinity bc you need someone to validate your existence and you know your father never will?”
“You and Sanji have the same dumbass taste in code names” “wdym??” “red robin….soba mask” “soba mask is objectively worse??” “is it really though”
“Anita, wasn’t your grandfather also complicit in your parents death??” “more like directly responsible but fuck you”
“Anyone else seeing the similarities between Sterry and Sabo with Tim and Damian??”
“You and Bepo both apologize for existing, do you think he does it bc his mom doesn’t love him or is that just you?”
“A stoic badass with a sword-” “it’s not a fucking sword-” “-did I say I was done? that never had any semblance of a normal childhood so their trust issues and short temper are 74% of their personality” “I just want you to know I have your address” “proving my point rn”
“Has anyone else noticed that Greta and Baby5 will fall in love with any moron that gives them the slightest bit of positive attention?” Tim and Greta making offended noises but not disagreeing 
“Dead parents, fanboy, hates life, idiot friends, 37 complicated ass convoluted fucking plans with a million steps for a simple ass mission, and gets a little too aggressive when their plans aren’t being followed, am I talking about Law or Tim?” “you’re my idiot friends, you fuCKING-” “see!?”
“Kon, you fly and some psycho created then abandoned you along with ruining your self-esteem” “the fucking CLOUD??? why wouldn’t it fly you goddamn asshole” “that’s your issue?!” “well maybe you shouldn’t say dumb shit to me”
“Hey, Zoro also has dead childhood friends-” “why don’t you go-”
“Look, an impulsive moron doing reckless shit in a whole ass suit with absent/abusive parents from a wealthy background, does this sad adrenaline junkie remind you of anyone?” “yeah you you fucking moron-” “what fucking money do I have-” “he means lex” “well, I also said suit you ever see me in a fucking suit, genius?” “You didn’t specify what kind of suit, genius”
“Do you think you and zoro are so mistrusting of others bc you had to take care of yourselves from a young age??” 
“You ever think about the fact that every adult in you and robins life disappointed you when you needed them?” “which robin?” “either tbh” “okay, fuck all of you”
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moosemonstrous · 6 months
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - the inherent injustice of being the youngest person in any group
The Wall is nearly ready.
Amadeus likes a good wall, especially if he gets his hands on a printer and some red string. It’s good to be able to put all information in view at once – helps him organise his thoughts, or at least present them in a way that appears organised to a random observer.
“Oh, so we’re in crazy town already?” Tony sighs. “Cho, it’s not been a week.”
The Wall is nearly ready, save for a giant empty space he’d mentally labelled as OTHER PILOT. Now, Amadeus would be the first to admit he can get excited a smidge too quickly, so when he talks Tony through his and Montesi’s findings, he needs to make sure to include absolutely everything. He starts with two near-identical sets-of-four scans of the Maximoffs’ brains.
“No, no, let him talk,” Montesi pushes him into a chair. She’s got her hair up in the messiest bun Amadeus has ever seen on her, and he’s fairly sure she hasn’t meditated once since the first MEG scan came back making zero sense. He’s a great influence on everyone around him. “I triple-checked every conclusion. If this is real…”
“These were taken still in drivesuits, straight out of the Conn-Pod,” he says, tapping the highlighted area in the centre of the sagittal view. “Increased blood flow and activity in hippocampus for up to forty-five minutes after disconnecting from the hardware.”
Next: the original MRI Carter’s team took after the techs fished Reyes out of The Charger. Then, the results of the whole set of tests they took on his first day as their, ah, research participant. Montesi had the misfortune of taking the Hippocratic oath and doesn’t like the kind of language Amadeus got used to in private labs. “Six hours,” he says, pointing at the MRI, “three days,” pointing at the day-one MEG, then: “and yesterday.” He got a little carried away time-wise and didn’t image the scan onto a more user-friendly brain model, so it’s just rows and rows of electromagnetic waves in a table, with the relevant anomalies highlighted in neon green. Tony is a smart cookie; he’ll figure it out.
Smart as he is, he doesn’t really deal in meat brains. “Kid, help me out. What am I looking at? These are all pretty much the same.”
Amadeus just about manages not to clap like a proud parent. “They pretty much are!” He stretches himself across The Wall to point out the similarities in the detected anomalies: “See that? Minimal, but present activity in the frontal cortex, and constant stimulation to the hippocampus.” (Please please please don’t find something obvious I missed this is too interesting to be just. Nothing.) “Six! Days! No aneurysm! No seizures! Not even beginning stages of neuron malfunction!”
Tony pinches the bridge of his nose. “Is this another Spector?”
Amadeus is ready for that. “Nope. His history is muddled at best – we really need to get into that, by the way – but there is no prefrontal cortex dysfunction, and no damage to the anterior cingulate gyrus.” Tony sends him a truly murderous glare over his fingers. “If it was DID, or schizophrenia, or anything, we would’ve seen signs of it by now. We mapped out his brain millimetre by millimetre, alright? There isn’t another explanation, it must be–”
“Don’t say it,“ Tony warns, but Amadeus can’t help himself:
“–ghost drifting! Come on, Doc, back me up.”
Montesi clears her throat. “He’s right.” Before Amadeus can whoop in victory, she adds: “Don’t put that in writing, I have a reputation to uphold.” She straightens the lapels of her lab coat. “Reyes needs thorough monitoring. There might well be nothing on the other end of that drift.”
“No,” she says, already aggravated by their many, many previous discussions on the topic.
“No,” she repeats. “Yes, something weird is going on with his brain. Yes, I think we should investigate. But we have no evidence it’s connected to that dreadful jaeger.”
“Yet!” Amadeus is distantly aware that the noise he makes resembles a dying goose. “Tony, just hear me out.”
“Give me a damn minute.”
Both Amadeus and Montesi back away from the Wall to let him inspect the scans at his leisure. Amadeus hates being evaluated in real time; what he wants is to provide supplementary information to every piece of paper Tony looks at, what he has to do is wait for him to draw his own conclusions. Even though his understanding of neurophysiology is at best intermediate, and even though it’s Amadeus who’s supposed to be the biology side of their partnership—
“Take it down a notch,” Tony tells him seriously. “You’re about to vibrate through the floor. Go grab a drink or something, I need a word with Vicky first.”
“It’s my office,” Amadeus grumbles, shoving his hands in his coat pockets.
“It’s my base,” Tony raises an eyebrow, but Amadeus knows better than to challenge him on that. “Run along, come back in fifteen. I’ll need you to walk me through the spongy bits again.”
Robbie thinks his spine might have turned to jelly. The wooden bench in the locker room didn’t look comfortable at first, but now he reckons he could stay on it for the rest of the shift. Or maybe the rest of his life.
It’s not the most tired he’s ever been. But it’s somewhere in the top five, for sure.
“Hey, man, that wasn’t too bad,” someone punches his shoulder. Robbie is too numb to figure out whether it was hard enough to hurt or not hard enough to register. “Have some water before you pass out.”
He accepts the plastic bottle. Briefly wishes death and suffering upon everyone who laughs when he can’t operate the screw top with his shaking hands. Finally, shoulder-puncher takes mercy on him and takes it away, then hands it back, open.
“Thanks,” he manages to mumble between sips. His bad eye is all screwy and he can still feel adrenaline pulsing in his temples like a hammer. Is he really supposed to do this every day? He doesn't know if he can find his legs before it's time to pick up Gabe.
“First day always sucks,” says the shoulder-puncher. “Brooks doesn’t normally stay on one person the whole time.”
Oh. Good. Someone else says: “I thought newbies were all air support.”
“No way, he’s too short for air support.”
“I could do air support,” Robbie frowns. He’s... not entirely sure what air support is in this context. He’s only partially convinced he’s actually forming words. Shoulder-puncher grabs the water bottle back before it slips from his fingers. “’m not. But I could.”
“Sure you could, pip-squeak,” Shoulder-puncher laughs. His accent is... familiar. Robbie tries to focus enough faculties to actually look at the guy. On his way to buff, blond, freckled like someone who hasn’t given up on a tan despite all signs indicating it isn’t meant to be. Maybe a couple of years older than Robbie. “You sound Californian.”
“East L.A.,” Robbie confirms. Shoulder-puncher points at one of his mates with a satisfied smirk and collects a bundle of Hong Kong dollars among a mix of cheering and booing.
“Grew up there before my old man got drafted,” he tells Robbie, tapping the side of his nose. “Name’s Guerro.”
The three other guys in the locker room also have names, and Robbie will be very embarrassed he can't remember them in the near future. They're training to be on the ground cover, but just as anyone else in the academy, plan to become rangers as soon as the new jaeger finally gets built.
"Brooks said--" Was that meeting classified? Robbie is too wiped out to care. "Vibranium problems. There's a delay."
"Aw, fuck that noise," probably-Kim drops down on the bench to his right. He makes an exaggerated double-take when he notices Robbie’s bad eye. "Dang, did Brooks get you in the face?"
"Accident," he shrugs.
"Make sure you see Nurse Carter, get some drops for that shit," Guerro cranes his neck to take a better look. "It's too fucking damp here, everything takes forever to heal up."
It's... nice. It's nice to have people talk to him rather than at and over him, and use a language he can mostly understand - there's some Cantonese inserts he's still getting his head around. Guerro and his friends tease him for being too-brain dead to remember the way to the barracks and express jealousy that he gets to bunk with the civilians. There's the tiny, irritating sliver wedged between his ribs that bristles at being the new kid again - always - but Robbie is truly too exhausted to pay it any mind.
Besides, comes a thought, if anyone around here is going to make ranger, it's you.
(Thanking @cicada-candy and @rokhal for the Spector idea. Also @wazzappp for help with the science magic bc let's be real in my hands that's the best we can hope for 😌😅)
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hububli · 11 months
getting invested in straight romance books after aftg is ridiculously hard like
you just read a trilogy with the main character essentially toying with his life because he can't resist his stickball addiction anymore
there's a wide range of characters traumatized to various degrees, forming a dysfunctional team dynamic that the mc has to manoeuvre like a freaking pilot a dripstone cave
that's all not even mentioning the slow burn romance between him and the most intriguing, sarcastic and complex little man that ever walked the earth (with his five foot nothing-ness. lol)
the entire trilogy kicks off with with the mc giving up being a runaway. a runaway from his murderous, psychopathic father and the japanese mafia
where is the flavour? what are the stakes? (what about the useless gay pining?)
i'm never leaving the foxhole, am i
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