#from the very beginning dabi got something from hawks that no one else did and that vulnerability extrapolated as they met more
hella1975 · 30 days
picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor reaching for the phone cause i can’t fight it anymore and i wonder if i ever cross your mind for me it happens all the time IT’S A QUARTER AFTER ONE I’M ALL ALONE AND I NEED YOU NOW SAID I WOULDN’T COME BUT I LOST ALL CONTROL AND I NEED YOU NOW AND I DONT KNOW HOW I CAN DO WITHOUT I JUST NEED YOU NOW another shot of whiskey can’t stop looking at the door wishing you’d come sweeping in the way you did before and i wonder if i ever cross your mind FOR ME IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIMEEEEE IT’S A QUARTER AFTER ONE I’M A LITTLE DRUNK AND I NEED YOU NOW SAID I WOULDN’T COME BUT I LOST ALL CONTROL AND I NEED YOU NOW AND I DON’T KNOW HOW I CAN DO WITHOUT I JUST NEED YOU NOWWWWWWW OHHHWOAHHH guess i’d rather hurt than feel nothing at alllllllllllllll IT’S A QUARTER AFTER ONE I’M ALL ALONE AND I NEED YOU NOW AND I SAID I WOULDN’T COME BUT I’M A LITTLE DRUNK AND I NEED YOU NOW AND I DON’T KNOW HOW I CAN DO WITHOUT I JUST NEED YOU NOOOWWWWWWWWWWW I JUST NEED YOU NOWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAOOOOOOOWWWW OH BABY I NEED YOU NOOWWWWWWWWWWW
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after-witch · 2 years
Entryway [Yandere Dabi x Reader]
Title: Entryway [Yandere Dabi x Reader]
Synopsis: You’re scratching at the fabric of your worn pants when someone comes in the door. Someone who isn’t Dabi.  
Word count: 2003
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, depression
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The bottom of your favorite pair of pants is unraveling. From time, and excessive wear, and well, the fact that you can’t stop picking at the loose threads. Picking at it gives you something to do, and it’s better--isn’t it?--to have something to do while you’re stuck waiting for Dabi to get home. 
That’s what he says, anyway. And it’s why he’s given you lots of things to do while he’s away. Books to read. Notebooks to draw in. He even asked if you wanted “some crafts or whatever,” like paints or embroidery. Then he’d paused and said, “Nevermind that one.” Because of the needles, you supposed. Was he afraid you’d hurt him? Or yourself? 
It didn’t matter. Sometimes you try to read the books or scrawl a few looping lines onto blank paper. But it always felt too overwhelming. And so you typically found yourself sitting or curled up on the bed, picking up your pants. But at least you were doing something, and not just laying and staring at the wall. Dabi seemed to appreciate that. Maybe you did, too.
So here you are, once again. Waiting. Picking. Waiting. Picking. 
But then, ah. The lock on the front door rattles, and your stomach tenses ever so slightly. That’s a good sign, you think, that your stomach is tensing, because it means you’re feeling something that isn’t numbness or sadness or the great, horrible weight of reality.
But you don’t hear the telltale sign of the key sliding into the lock, or the familiar thunk as it opens. Instead, you hear more rattling… a metallic sound… and then the door opening slowly. Tentatively.
Someone who isn’t Dabi walks through the door.
Something’s wrong.
No… something’s right. Something is oh so right. 
Because the someone who walks through the door is Hawks. The Hawks.  And your mind isn’t processing things correctly, isn’t sure what it sees, not until he’s standing in the bedroom doorway and staring at you. Staring at the loose t-shirt you’re wearing, at your frayed pants, at your dull skin and tired eyes and the empty handcuffs dangling from the headboard. Dabi doesn’t use them anymore, not since you got so sad, but they’re a reminder all the same. 
“What the fuck,” he says after a moment. There’s low, whistling through his mouth. “What the fuck.” 
You stand, legs like jelly, and take a few weak steps towards him. You stop, because he doesn’t reach out. Maybe he’s afraid you’ll break, but you see the concern in his eyes. The confusion. Muted, sure, covered with something else (probably because you look so awful, lately) but it’s there. 
Emotion floods through you, sharp and hot, and you burst into relieved tears. You don't even think properly. You just begin to cry and suck in breath pathetically, almost panting like an animal. You’re okay--no, you’re not okay right now. But you’re going to be. Hawks is going to get you out of here and you can see your family and return to normal life and never ever ever see Dabi again and--
And then… and then, logical reasoning comes crawling back to you. Slow. Like it’s dragging itself with injured arms.
Why isn’t Hawks asking if you’re okay? 
And how would Hawks, or anyone, have known to check this apartment? Why wasn’t he frantically flying off with you right now? Why wasn’t he checking you for injuries? Why wasn’t he, at this very second, doing what he could to get you away from here, from Dabi, and--
Behind Hawks, Dabi’s head pops forward on the other side of the open front door.
“I told you to wait for me outside,” Dabi says. His eyes are dull but you see the annoyance in them, hear it in his voice. 
You feel numb, all of the sudden. And heavy. 
Hawks shrugs, not taking his eyes off you. 
“I heard something.”
Why was Hawks talking to Dabi like this? Why wasn’t he kicking his ass? Why wasn’t he arresting him? 
It’s a slow realization. Slow and hurtful. 
Hawks was… Hawks was…
Your legs lose their strength and you stumble backward so your ass connects with the mattress when they fail, and not the floor. When the mattress thumps softly against your backside, you feel that spark of hope begin to drain out of you. What relief you had felt earlier, what sharp and prickling emotions, runs out of you, too. Out your feet, down the length of the bed, onto the floor. Gone, gone, gone.
Hawks turns around and Dabi quietly hands him something. A package. It doesn’t matter what’s inside. 
“You know what to do with it.” 
Hawks nods. 
“Sure. See you later.”
Hawks turns his head and gives you one last look, and there’s something in his expression that you can’t read and maybe don’t want to try, before he walks past Dabi and out the front door.
He’s leaving. 
You hear him fly away, then, the great big whoosh of his wings. 
He’s gone.
And then there’s nothing at all but the stillness of the apartment and your shallow, stupid breathing.
Of course, that’s not really all., is it? There’s Dabi. And you. And sadness that returns like a wave coming back to shore. There’s something new with it, though. Something that physically hurts, crushing your chest. 
Your breath comes out short as it courses through your chest. It hurts, it really does. It’s agony. Literally and figuratively and everything in between. 
Dabi steps forward into the room. He’s quiet. It should make you worry, and maybe it might have, earlier today. But now you feel nothing but that painful fuzzy sadness, like a weight on your chest that keeps you from feeling anything else.
You suppose he might be mad that you talked to Hawks. Or that Hawks came inside. Or both. But when you finally look up, you don’t see anger in his expression. Only a touch of irritation, and--is that worry? What is he worried about?
“Did he hurt you?”
You stare ahead, feeling dazed.
“I said, did he hurt you.” Dabi replies, kneeling down in front of you and taking your arms in his hands. “Stupid. Pay attention.” You think he’s talking to you, but then-- “I’ve got to pay more attention.” 
Your arms are turned over again and again, and Dabi gently pushes you this way and that. Looking for injuries? Bruises? Signs that Hawks touched you? You don’t know. All you know is there’s a strange thrumming anxiety in Dabi’s movements, like he’s worried--about you--and mad--at himself. Or so it seems. 
You half-expect him to start clicking his tongue like a worried mother.
You shake your head, slowly. 
“He didn’t hurt me. He was just there for a minute, I guess.” 
The words come out slow. Your tongue feels stuck to the roof of your mouth again, like it was before. You hate to talk when you feel like this. It feels pointless. Everything feels pointless. 
Dabi sighs and gives his hair a relieved run-through. “Well. That’s one thing. Thought I’d have to patch you up.” A small smile tugs on his lips, bringing the staples with it. “You really are trouble, huh?”
It’s said in jest, but it pricks at you all the same.
“I wouldn’t be so much trouble if you didn’t take me.” Your voice is a whisper, but your tone is pointed. “It’d be easier for you if you let me go.” 
Your throat is so tight that it hurts to talk, so you don’t say anything else. You don’t tell him how you must be useless to keep around, anyway, because all you do is sleep and feel sad. You can barely force yourself to eat, much less read a book, much less care about anything. You don’t even try to escape anymore. Aren’t you useless? Aren’t you awful to have around? 
The thoughts press in, relentless, seeming to come in all at once. 
“Don’t say shit like that,” he snaps. 
And you shrink away then, shoulders shrugging, staring down at the floor and wishing you could just go somewhere else. Even to sleep--sleeping would be preferable to this. It doesn’t matter that you’re not tired. You bet you could make yourself sleep.
You can see the instant regret in his eyes when you shrink away. It’s understandable. This is the way you acted before things got so bad. Before you went from anxiety and fear to utter depression. It’s only in the past few weeks that you’ve started to pull yourself out, just a bit.  Pull yourself out of those weeks when you didn’t want to move, didn’t want to eat, didn’t want to look at anything but the wall.
And hadn’t you been getting a bit better? Hadn’t you been coming out, slowly but surely, dragging yourself but more importantly, letting Dabi drag you? With his gifts and softer words and his hands rubbing along your back while you cried. 
And now it’s like you’re retracting back into that shell, despite its darkness. The darkness was easier. Wasn’t it? 
“Sorry.” He sounds sincere. If not pathetic. “Sorry. I’m sorry. Ah, shit.” He pulls you close to him, and you don’t move to flinch away or embrace him back, because doing anything at all seems suddenly too taxing. His hands rub up and down your back, and the smell of smoke and musk is close and almost, if you don’t think about it, comforting.
“I can’t let you go. I just can’t. You know that?” His grip tightens, not painfully. “This is fucked up. I’m fucked up.” He chuckles, a low, bitter sound.  “I know that, but…”
You don’t say anything. Your eyes drift until you’re staring ahead at the doorway. The doorway where Hawks stood, and did nothing to save you. The doorway where he turned around and left you. Wasn’t he a hero? Wasn’t he supposed to save you? Wasn’t anyone going to save you?
It’s funny to think about. Funny in a twisted way, and you can’t help the sad, shaking little grin that crosses your lips. Not even a hero wanted to save you. Is that how sad your life has become? Or was it always like this? Always gray and overwhelming, always pressure, always too much.
Tears slip, hot and stinging, down your cheeks. Your tight throat feels tighter and you sniffle. You just want to feel better. Just a little. That can’t be bad, to want to feel better. Even like this. Even when the one who’s holding you is the reason for it all. 
You lean against Dabi’s body, sniffling, and there’s a soft, muffled noise of surprise before he wraps his arms further around you. 
“Hey,” he says, knuckles continuing to rub soothing circles on your back. “You’re okay. You’re okay.” There’s a softness to his tone, an underlying neediness, that feels like something you can grab onto. Like something that you can use to pull you up. 
It feels good to be held. It feels good that someone else is feeling something for you. That you don’t have to carry the burden of emotion, negative or otherwise, all on your own. 
And if that person was a villain? If that person was someone who kidnapped you and wouldn’t let you leave? Maybe it was supposed to be this way. Maybe you were supposed to let it happen.
So, a hero didn’t save you. And you can’t save yourself. And your life is gray and depression and you don’t know if that will ever fully change.
But… Dabi’s arms are warm, and his touch is soft, and his voice is brimming with concern. And if you can forget everything else, maybe you can pretend that this is okay. 
At least for a little while. 
At least for tonight. 
Your arms slowly reach up to wrap around Dabi’s torso. He tightens his grip against you in response.
“You’re okay,” he repeats, honey and smoke.
You’re not okay, of course, but--could you be? 
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justatalkingface · 1 year
Occasionally in these critiques you mention the butchering of Hawks' whole character in and post The War Arc so consider this an open question of thoughts on Hawks. Because all the pre-war Hawks stuff was some of my favorite bits of the manga before the shark.
Or, if you'd prefer something more directed: why were Dabi and Hawks both strongly tied to Endeavour when they don't interact with the other's arc? Why make them foils in a self-destructive pursuit of a goal if not to examine each other through their Dark Mirror? Why the BJ fakeout? Did it matter? Should we consider what Hawks was willing to do when it's allll fine actually?
Did any of Hawks' excelltent arc even really MATTER?
In short?
Like, unironically, everything before the war doesn't matter anymore because of the ending we got, they could have just introduced him during it as a generic good guy and so far everything would be the same. But as funny as it would be, a one word answer isn't all that satisfying, so let's talk about Hawks.
(I'm going to point out here that I was already planning to do this, but I figured I'd wait for the next couple of chapters since it looked like it was going to focus back on Hawks and Twice. But, since it's delayed for health issues, and there's no real guarantees we'll be back next week... screw it. I somehow doubt whatever happens will really resolve any of the problems Hori snatched screaming from what was one of the best character arcs in the story anyways, so there's really no reason not to get on with it.)
In the beginning, we get introduced to Hawks, one of the top heroes: he's young, he's cool, he's, if I dare channel Might Guy for a moment here, hip. He's got some drama queen elements to him and he's outspoken in a way that the other heroes don't seem to be; he's more real, genuine, than people like Best Jeanist or Edgeshot, who (from what we've seen) seem to have a more bland public 'face', and he's not afraid to say something that people won't agree with. In just a few scenes, he seems like more a person than a lot of the characters do with far more screen time than him.
Then we find out that, actually, he's kinda sus. And he works for sus people. And, actually, all of this is heavily related with the corrupt heroes mentioned on and off throughout the entire ass story.
And he seems genuinely impressed by Endeavour, despite his violent image, and supports his rise to Number One where everyone else seems more doubtful.
These are the big things that make him so interesting to so many people: he's a deep character, deeper than most of the cast, loaded with mysteries, secrets, and oh so juicy drama, and so different than everyone else. What's not to love?
Later, it escalates when Hawks kills a fellow hero, just for the sake of the mission and then that's when shit gets real, because it makes you wonder: how far will he go? How much can he do without being affected?
Both of them are trying to play the other, and both of them are aware of it to some extent, if not the degree to which the other is planning and willing to go to, but it's at that moment you wonder: no matter how confident Hawks is, is he too confident? Is the man who is just a bit too fast flying just a bit too close to the sun?
He was a very real Icarus metaphor, and we watched on, eagerly waiting to see if his wings would melt in the face of his own hubris.
Over time, the story fed us bits and pieces, slowly building the picture of a man being driven closer and closer to the edge... and then, the war.
So, here's the thing with the war: so much of it, so much, is terrible. The Hawks part, though? Honestly, most of it is pretty great; there's only one part I don't like, and that's Best Jeanist actually being alive the whole time.
It's weird, in a really forced kind of way, to make Hawks seem double ultra good, in the face of all his prior characterization, because of course he wouldn't kill a fellow hero! Moreover, Dabi's surprise, when he was the one prepared for his betrayal the whole time, when he his first thought on seeing the body was, 'it doesn't even matter if this is the real one or not, the fact that Hawks killed someone is stain enough', which... seems like forced stupidity on his part, not checking at all to see if, like, someone robbed a funeral home or something, but whatever.
The point is that Dabi, of all people shouldn't have been surprised by Hawks betraying him, because he was the one that was ready for it. He has a monologue about it, for fucks sake. That confusion feels like it's there just to demonstrate how sneaky and great Hawks is, that he got to have his tactical victory and his moral victory, and do it right under all the dumb old bad guys noses!
This is, in retrospect, prep for Post War Hawks.
Because while I don't like that, my big problem with Hawks isn't him in the war, my problem isn't even with him killing Twice, my problem is after the war.
After the war, you see, is where Hawks is... honestly, I can't put this any other way than replaced. Have you seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Any of the versions? You know how, when someone is replaced, they have the same knowledge, but they act different? Like the motivations that moved that person before, the emotions, the various drives that comprise a human being, are just... gone. They're hollowed out, and replaced with something that mimics the way that person used to act to blend in, and allow it to push its own agenda.
The Hawks after the war reminds me of that, like he's been replaced.
Before the war, Hawks was cheerful a lot, but it was clear that that was just his default way of acting, that a lot of the cheer, but (and this is important) not all of it, was a mask. He'd flip in an instant from silly and irrelevant to dead serious, we'd see him think dark thoughts and plan against whoever he was talking to, but we'd also see him genuinely express emotion. That cheer was a layer to him, just one over a character that was clearly far deeper than what we were seeing.
After? Until the actual fighting, and Twice 'showing up' (this is why I was thinking of waiting), he was just... cheerful. Vapidly so. No jokes, no silliness, just generically positive. He'd be cheerful and smile, or he'd turn his emotions off, and there was no... in between.
If Hawks was a character with eight, or even just five layers to him before? After the war it's just two. And for most of the characters that's a lot more that we'd usually see of them, but for Hawks, that's a lot less. Where is the darkness? Where is the doubt? Where is anything beyond what pushes the heroic agency in the most efficient way he can?
I can't possibly describe the sheer dissonance I felt in pre- and post-war Hawks, the sheer confusion I felt in how bland and empty he seemed.
So yeah, when I say, "Hawks was killed and replaced by Bodysnatcher Hawks", I'm joking, but it comes from somewhere real all the same.
Alright, now let's talk about him killing Twice.
On one level, him doing is brutal, cold logic: Twice is an enemy. Twice is the single greatest force multiplier in the setting. Killing him, now, before everything goes to shit and he can get going will save god knows how many heroic lives, and quite possibly allow them to win the day; imagine if Twice got to Tomura, or Dabi? An infinite amount of clones is bad enough, but once you give them fire power....
On the other hand, well, killing is wrong. Apparently killing is basiclly illegal for heroes... which, not going to be honest, is a bit weird to me? It feels like that got tacked on after the war as part of the way the setting is whitewashing heroism, because, well, what if they can't capture someone, but can only kill them? Should they just let them go? It's not always the right choice, or even often the right choice, but flat out not having the option is naive in a way that reminds me of a lot of the post war choices because, you know, things like that are complicated.
But like I said, I'm not down on the killing, per say, so much as the situation. The situation is actually pretty fucked up.
Because Hawks had Twice cornered. If he wanted to capture him, wanted to neutralize that greatest threat? All he'd have to do is knock him out, or tranq him, somehow, with all abundant support tech that's out there. That option was there for him, and Twice never would have seen it coming, because Twice trusted Hawks completely, and he knew it, planned on it, coldly planned to betray it. If he had wanted to actually stop him right away instead of dragging it out like that, it would have been easy.
But he didn't. Why? Well, surface level, he wanted Twice to surrender, which would allow him to be better off after he's arrested. But that's the thing with Hawks; it's generally not that simple.
Hawks is smart, you see. Hawks is a trained manipulator. Twice is as subtle as a brick to the face. Hawks had to know, in the same way we all knew, that Twice would never surrender, never abandon his friends, just to try and improve his own lot, or even to save his own life, never.
So. We ask that question again. Why'd Hawks do it that way? Why'd he drag it out so long instead of just dealing with it?
Let me put it like this: he isolated Twice, one of the greatest assets for the PLF, right at the moment he would be needed most. In that room, before Twice could start multiplying, he had total control, and he could easily slap down any attempts to escape Twice made with his feathers in that confined space.
The second anything happened, people would instantly start looking for Twice because he is, again, one of their main assets and the strongest single force multiplier in the setting.
Hawks, despite knowing all of this, started talking, going through the motions. He even attacks Twice, but only, and deliberately, injuring him but leaving him alive. All of this? All of this burns time. Hawks is delaying this, as long as he could.
Then Dabi showed up. And it could have been Dabi, or it could have been anyone else, but the moment Dabi showed, the situation slipped out his control. He could no longer easily contain Twice; he went from a helpless prisoner to an active threat instantly.
And I think that is what he was waiting for, that is what he wanted, deep down: an excuse. A justification. Because he couldn't save him even if he wanted to (and he did want to, is the thing: he moved to protect Twice from Dabi's flames, and briefly tries to plan escaping with him), and thus he had to kill him. But, he wasn't executing a someone he captured in cold blood anymore, no, he was stopping an enormous threat before it could cause enormous casualties. He had to do it, or everyone would die.
And that, I think, is the interesting thing to me, because who is he justifying this to? The other heroes? They wouldn't know any better, wouldn't even know Twice was murdered with a little work on Hawk's part. His bosses? They probably ordered this. The public? They were only a problem because Dabi broadcasted this to them, because, again, Hawks dragged it out so long.
No, Hawks was dragging it out, was trying to justify it, for himself. Because he liked Twice, but he had to, he had to kill him. He had orders.
Twice's murder is fucked up, it's heart wrenching, but characterization wise, it's incredible for Hawks, because it's showing him following him through on his dark heroic path, no matter what it takes, but it's also showing him regret it. It's showing Hawks, a hero, do a bad thing for good reasons, it's showing all that depth we love in him.
If you look for it, there's a lot of discussion, about if Twice was too dangerous to capture or not, if Hawks could have done something different or not, if the killing was the right call, and while I have stated my opinions on that.... I feel like that debate is missing the point?
Because the thing is, it's not actually about if this was bad or not. The big thing is how do people react to this?
Because Hawks kills a man. He kills his friend, deliberately, in a pretty damn premeditated way. Does he care? Body Snatcher Hawks doesn't; it was the right choice, the efficient choice, so there's no need to dwell on it, no need to regret, no matter what mouth words he says about it to appease the public.
Does anyone care? The Number Two Hero killed a man in cold blood. This was broadcasted to at least Japan. We get a press conference, Hawks says the right words for a regretful person, with absolutely no apparent emotion, and everyone just... moves on. His colleagues, far more moral than him, don't care. In what would have been a deliciously ironic twist, his morally dubious idol, who he (should have been) doubting for his dark past, but who is trying to reform himself, doesn't reject him for it. The idealistic students don't care. His seemingly amoral handlers don't cut him loose as a liability. The only ones who care are Himiko and the villains, and after the war even she only seems to mind in a distant sense, in way that says, 'They could do that to me, too?', as if she's finally learning that death is a real thing that could happen when you overthrow a government, and doesn't even hold a grudge against the man who did it.
Toga, one of the most emotional people in the setting, with a friend group she can count on her hands, who finally has a sense of belonging, of acceptance, that she's craved her entire life, has her best friend murdered, and that's all she has to say about it?
The problem with Hawks killing Twice isn't that he did it, it's that no one, including Hawks himself or Twice's best friend in the world, or the panicking masses of the sheep that is the public, or the heroes who stand for truth or justice, cared, cared that he did it, cared that he joined the villains for months, cared about anything he had done, because Hori just... didn't want to deal with it. With complex heroes, with deep plot lines, with conflicts that don't have one side as RIght and the other as Wrong. So he threw out everything that would have made that happen, the upset, the horror, and replaced Hawks with someone who didn't have the capacity to be conflicted.
Dabi and Hawks were a glorious piece of foreshadowing and drama.
They're tied together so much, in so many layers because they're literally talking, and Dabi is his handler and connection to the LOV. We don't see much of it, because they only teased at Hawks with the villains, but before he 'joined' they must have talked a lot; there had to have been a connection there.
There's also the fact that, narratively, Hawks and Dabi are foils: Endeavour, indirectly, took Hawks, who was no one special, out of obscurity and into herodom, while directly taking Touya, his own son and thus rich and important, into obscurity and the depths of villainy. Both of them share ties to Endeavour, they symbolize the positive and negative ends of his characterization, have connections to the heroic industry that were dark and hidden from the public.
They don't interact with each other's arcs, like you say, but... you can see they were supposed to. Dabi was Hawk's possible damnation and possible villianfication, he was the symbol of the failure of his greatest hero, he was the one who was suspicious of him since the beginning, and almost stopped his dramatic betrayal and crippling of the PLF.
Until the war ended, the two of them were orbiting around each other, each drawing the other in closer for a collision that was as inevitable as it was going to be explosive.
The confrontation between them, that we were all but promised, was going to be beautiful... until that, like everything else, was abandoned post war for the body snatcher.
At the end of the day, my answer is still the same one as it was in the beginning of this rant: no. All of it, everything he did, all of it has been invalidated by Hori's sudden tonal shift, and unless he pulls off something truly god-like in the next couple of chapters to salvage it, it'll stay that way.
Instead, probably what will happen is Hawks being proved right in his murder by Toga-Twice causing mass havok, without showing any of the depth of the situation, and him coming to some form of peace with the guilt he's totally feeling, that we've never once seen, over what he did, and once and for all leave everything we loved about Hawks behind.
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Nesting Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
He doesn’t know much about nesting, but he does know that it’s something the omegas do.
After courting you, he does as much research as he can to ensure that he’s providing for you the best that he can.
When he learns that omegas love to have fluffy things in their nests, he buys more than enough of the softest ones he could find.
Bakugo also accepts that it might take some time for you to get comfortable to begin nest in your relationship.
To his surprise however, Bakugo comes back to the apartment one day to find you nowhere in sight, but instead a pile of blankets and other things in the middle of the living room.
You peek your head out of the comfortable nest you had spent hours making to greet Bakugo.
Not wanting to get out, but wanting to spend time with him, you offer to let him into the nest.
It surprises you at how fast he made his way into it.
After that, nest time became very important and added into both of your schedules.
Kirishima knows all about nesting, and has been preparing for years as he looked for the right omega for him.
You were quite surprised when he showed you the spare closet full of blankets.
He told you that if you needed anything else for nesting to let him know.
It didn’t take long at all for you to feel comfortable enough to start nesting.
Kirishima had his suspicions when you started moving some things into an extra room in the apartment.
He waited patiently for days, hoping that you would invite him into it once your masterpiece was finished.
As soon as you added the last item, you called out to kirishima.
He respectfully knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter.
You made more than enough room for the two of you, and made it as sturdy as possible so that it would last for a while.
The two of you spend most of your free time cuddled together in the nests you make.
Hawks knew about nesting, but still did research when it came to buying things for you.
He wanted to make sure that he had everything you needed when the time came.
You let yourself slowly get comfortable in the new environment, before nesting.
Hawks came home one day to find the lights all off, and it looked like you hadn’t eaten.
Upon calling out your name, he got a response from your shared room.
There you were curled up on the bed where you had made a nest.
You didn’t even realize what time it was since you had been so focused on making it.
Hawks was pleasantly surprised to see that you had made it in the room, but worried that it meant he’d have to sleep elsewhere.
You assured that he could come into the nest, but only after the two of you had something to eat.
The bed was the only place you ever made your nest, since it was where keigo’s scent was the strongest.
Aizawa knew what nesting was, and gave you free-range to get whatever you needed for it.
He didn’t expect the amount of blankets you would get though.
He woke up one day to not find his sleeping bag, or you, anywhere.
It was a bad day for Aizawa, and he couldn’t wait to get home and spend some time with you.
There you were, snuggled in his sleeping bag inside of what he could only assume to be a nest.
You simply greeted him and asked him to join you.
Aizawa made his way into the sleeping bag with you, promptly falling asleep.
You made nests in various areas of the house with Aizawa’s sleeping bag being a major part of them.
His after school naps were spent with you inside of your nests
Dabi had no idea of what nesting was.
When he saw that you had gotten quite a few blankets and kept going in out of a spare closet, he became quite curious.
You explained to him that you were preparing to nest.
Dabi still didn’t understand, so he just watched as you did your thing to see how a nest was made.
The amount of time you spent on making the nest surprised him.
After you were finished, you gladly let him inside of it.
Dabi felt some comfort being inside of the nest, and enjoyed how it smelt so much like you.
He would join in on your nesting times whenever he felt stressed.
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Can we just stop, and appreciate the pure chaos that would happen if the reader of the platonic Todoroki clan got a boyfriend? And I’m picturing hawks comes too. And everyone is just standing there glaring at this poor kid(if Dabi didn’t already kill him) and the reader is just standing there smiling while this poor kid gets burned when shaking dabi’s hand, then frost bitten by shaking natsuo’s hand, and endeavor is the only one trying to figure out if this kid is good, while everyone else is just trying to frighten the kid off.
Rei is acting nice but it is clear that she hates this poor boy who just wanted to take the reader on a date to something like an ice rink or the movies. And hawks is hiding feathers in the readers bag and pocket.
Yandere Todoroki family reacting to reader getting a bf
"Can we just stop" I thought u were gonna ask me to stop posting Todoroki Clan content lolol
Okay, but on to the ask. I have been thinking about this scenario a lot.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Todoroki Clan:
Its a miracle how you've managed to keep your relationship a secret for so long. You're always very careful about mentioning your friends, pretending to be not close to them, not even smiling at your phone when you get a text from your boyfriend.
You know your family is...a bit odd. They're very protective of you, maybe even a little possessive? Always checking up on you, asking about where you go, who you're friends with, why do you choose your friends over them on a Friday night. You've caught your brothers, mostly Shotou and Dabi, following you around a few times. Your dad liked to pick you up from school during classes in his car, taking you on daddy-daughter dates and asking about your day and if something or someone has piqued your interest. You have caught Natsuo and Fuyumi snooping through your phone many times, and you've learned to lie on the spot everytime Rei tried to guilt you into gossiping about your life, asking if you would ever keep secrets from your self proclaimed best friend.
If anything, you'd say you were the closest to Hawks. He gives you space, doesn't pester you with questions even if you can see that he wants to, and you know for sure that of all people, he wouldn't ever be mad at you.
So when he asked about your plans for Valentines, you surprised him when you revealed how your s/o was taking you on a date. It takes everything in him to not show his dislike to your decision but he lets you go on. You explain to him about what kind of a person your s/o is and sing all his praises, but it doesn't matter because Hawks knows nobody is good enough for you. Its a fact. He was already planning on hurting your s/o but he had to postpone that when you ask him for help, to help you reveal this information to your family.
And Hawks could never say no to you.
So, during a family dinner, when everyone including Dabi and Hawks were present, you revealed your plans for Valentines. It was dead silent for a few minutes before they started throwing all sorts of questions at you. When Dabi asked about who your s/o was and where did he live because he was going to beat him up, you did your best to calm him down, asking him to at least meet him first before passing any judgements. But when your other brothers told you that they forbid you to keep in contact with s/o, you silently excused yourself from dinner, barely able to hold your tears in.
This is where Hawks comes in. He'll be the one convincing them to meet this guy, telling them not to lock you away because of it. Sure, he's equally protective of you as they are, and while he doesn't like the idea of you dating, it would be better to make you realise that your s/o is just not the one for you.
Why do they need to be the bad guys, when they can make your boyfriend out to be one?
Hawks will tell them that this is a good opportunity for family bonding. You trusted them enough to reveal your relationship, so if they react negatively, you might start hiding more things from them.
And while they all hate the idea, they can't help but agree to with Hawks. It'll be a good way to keep an eye on you. Its clear they weren't able to protect you since you're that good at keeping secrets.
And so, the family calls you back, telling you that they'd love to meet the boy. Rei apologises on everyone's behalf for rejecting the idea too quickly and when you glance at Hawks, you know that its your godfather who changed their minds.
Pressing a quick kiss to his cheek as a thanks, you're pulled out of the room by Fuyumi, Rei and Natsuo as they let you gush about your boyfriend. Once you've left, the rest of the men start talking. Planning what to do, what tracker should they put in your phone and clothes, how to break you guys up and make your s/o seem like the one who was intent on breaking your heart from the start. Not even 5 minutes later and all of them get a message from Fuyumi in the family group chat (a separate one you're not a part of).
Its an attachment of a Facebook profile of your s/o.
This gives them all an opportunity to check this guy out, his background, intentions, etc.
The day comes when the guy comes over to meet the family. Its adorable how excited you are, holding your boyfriend's hand and introducing him to everyone, sending him cute reassuring smiles, completely oblivious to the daggers your family is glaring at him. You're the only one in the room who doesn't sense the negative energy.
As soon as you leave your s/o alone with them for a while, your family puts their plan into motion. It could go many different ways. They could intimidate him, maybe bribe him to leave you alone. Dabi and Shotou aren't above using their quirks either.
The poor bastard never had a chance with you to begin with. And no one ever will as long as the Todoroki name is joined with yours.
Your boyfriend is Katsuki Bakugo.
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I love godfather Hawks sm 💖 He and Enji co parenting reader has not left my mind for days.
Anyways, what do you guys think of Bakugo as reader's bf?
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h2bakugou · 3 years
buss it challenge reactions
a/n: credit for this idea goes to the wonderful and brilliant @milkttea​​ thank you for providing an amazing idea, may these headcanons quench all of our thirst <3 
i couldn’t find any dance creds for this challenge, but if you know the person who started this trend, please let me know!!
all characters aged up 18+ au!!
headcanon: them reacting to their s/o doing the buss it challenge/trend
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, suggestive themes, fluff, no smut but 16+
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He’s already so drawn to you in the outfit your wearing. It’s skin tight, and all your curves are on display for him to see. 
Even more so, the way you’re stretching, preparing for something you wanted to show him, he’s getting a little hot and bothered.
Is it hot in here or just you?
When you select the song and get ready, Bakugou’s eyes can’t leave you. Suddenly you’re dropping to the floor, the lyrics in the song sticking inside his head like the current image of you popping your hips out to the beat.
The grip Bakugou has on the armchair he’s sitting in his most definitely visible to you like the tent in his pants.
“Fuck.” Bakugou whispers, his mouth slightly hung open as he stares at you, still squatting on the ground, dancing.
“Did you like it?” You ask innocently, slowly rising from your position on the floor as you walk over to him.
“Is that the best you got?” Bakugou teases, letting you slide into his lap.
“You tell me.” You lean in and whisper in his ear placing a delicate kiss on his ear lobe.
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Doesn’t think much of anything until he sees you stretching. You’d ask him to watch you do a dance, which he was excited for. He enjoys when you show him stuff, even more so if it’s a dance or new trend you’ve seen.
However, in your outfit that defines everything for him, leaving little to his imagination, he can’t help but feel like he’s overheating. 
He’s kicking his right side into overdrive to try and cool himself down.
He remembers seeing you in the outfit once before, right before he peeled it off of you.
But shaking that out of his mind, he watches as you turn on some music and dance.
And then you drop to the floor, popping your ass out as he stands and admires.
You’re bouncing around in a squat before you stand up and smile, asking how you did.
“It was great.” Todoroki’s cheeks are red, and he’s done forgotten about cooling himself down as he approaches you.
“I didn’t know you could move like that.” Todoroki towers over you as you lean against a wall, smiling up at him.
“I can show you some more moves if you’d like.”
“I’d like that very much, baby.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He’s excited. A new dance trend that you wanted to show him? He’s on the edge of his seat, ready to see you dance for him.
His face goes red when he sees what you’re wearing, and now he’s even more excited.
He can’t help but glue his eyes on you, your curves are on display for him to drool over.
You drop to the floor and his mouth hangs open. You waste no time bouncing and popping your ass out, smiling as you look back up at him, radiating confidence.
You looked so hot, Midoriya was practically foaming at the mouth. He was so in love with you.
“Holy shit.” He doesn’t mean to curse but it just slips out. He’s quickly searching for something to cover the evidence of his attraction to you.
“So did you like my dance?” You ask, a cute smile on your lips.
“I loved it sweetheart!” Deku beams as you walk over to him.
“I’m glad!” You kiss his cheek and sit on his lap. Deku’s green eyes are trained on you as you rest your hands on his shoulders.
“Let me show you some other stuff I learned.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He knows.
He knooooows.
The second he hears the music from you practicing, he’s excited. He’s pacing all over, waiting for you to either send you a video of you doing the trend, or having him watch you do the trend in front of him.
He’s praying for the latter.
And sure enough, you’d asked him to take a break from gaming with the boys so you could show him something. 
Turning in his gaming chair, he sets his mic on mute and watches as you enter the LED lit room wearing something sexy, something that’s making Kaminari begin to short circut.
He’s gripping the handles of his chair as the music begins to play. You drop to the floor and it’s game over. 
boner alert
He can’t help it, you look so sexy, and the confidence you’re radiating is turning him on more, god he loves you so much.
The way you move, the way your hips swing and the jiggle of your ass just sends sparks coursing through him.
He quickly hops back on the mic to tell everyone he had to go.
After, he motions for you to come over to him.
“That was amazing, baby.” Kaminari praises, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck while you sit on his lap.
“Thank you babe.” You smile, rolling your hips teasingly
“Show me some more?” Kaminari asks innocently.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He learned it from Kaminari. The two send videos back and forth to one another constantly, it’s almost like they were back at U.A.
However, he doesn’t expect the video from you. Kaminari has told him about the trend and shown Kirishima his rendition of it which the two laughed about for a couple of hours.
But when Kirishima gets a notification that you’d sent him a text, he’s blown away at the video of you in something sexy and tight, dancing to this music that he’s heard before.
Sure enough, the video cuts and you’re popping your ass, mouthing the words to the song, smirking and feeling yourself. You looked fine as hell.
Kirishima’s biting his lip unconsciously, praying he gets to see you in this outfit soon.
You’re in the living room, a couple rooms away from him. He quickly leaves to go see you, standing in shock as he looks at you, still in the outfit.
“Damn, beautiful.” Kirishima tosses his phone onto the couch as he walks over to you, climbing to hover over you on the couch.
“Did you like it?” You smile innocently.
“Let me show you just how much I enjoyed it.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
tamaki amajiki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Like Kirishima, he sees the trend going around through Mirio. And he receives a video of you doing it.
You send him the video nervous about his reaction. But have no fear, for he is absolutely stunned.
Watching you move so smoothly, and to wear something so tight and revealing, he’s salivating over you, blush on his cheeks as he watches the video over and over again.
He can’t get you out of his head as he stares at you dropping to the floor and bouncing your ass.
He hears a soft knock on the door and fumbles to pause the video on constant repeat.
“Hey bunny.” Tamaki is glad he’d only said two words because you’re still dressed as you were in the video. You must’ve just filmed it.
“Hey baby.” You saunter over to him and set yourself on his lap, running your fingers through his hair.
“Did you like my video, I tried my best for you.” You kiss his forehead and smile.
“I-I did. It was good.” Tamaki knew you could feel something poking your thigh as you sat over his legs.
“Oh yeah?” You tease, pulling his head back slowly by his hair. You plant a gentle kiss on his lips and smile.
»»————- ★ ————-««
mirio togata
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Completely aware of this trend. But he doesn’t expect you to do it. 
But he’s absolutely stunned when you sit him down after begging him to take a break from work.
You’re dressed in something new and sexy, something that hugs your figure tightly and leaves little to his imagination.
“Just watch okay?” You smile and give him a quick kiss before turning on the music, swaying your hips as you get into position.
And then he hears it, the tune he was familiar with.
His eye are glued to you as you drop to the floor, squatting and bouncing your ass, smiling as you stare at him, confidence radiating off of you as you do your best.
It’s amazing, he’s so happy he took a break. He wouldn’t want to have missed this for anything.
His pants grow tight but he ignores it, insisting to keep his focus on you until you stand back up and stride over to him.
“Whatcha’ think?” You ask, kneeling in front of him, resting your arms on his legs.
“It was amazing, sunshine.” He ruffles your hair, staring at your pretty pink lips.
“I’m glad you liked it.” You run your hands up his thighs and smirk.
»»————- ★ ————-««
hawks/keigo takami
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»»————- ★ ————-««
This fucker- i swear-  he is the epitome of the fucking smirking & winking emoji
He probably sends the challenge to you begging you to do it.
You cave and decide to spice it up a little extra just for him, wearing something sexy and flashy for his eyes only.
Even more, you do it for him in person, which was unexpected.
He’s sitting in the plush red chair that has several memories stained into. You enter the room wearing a red sheer robe revealing everything ‘hidden’ underneath.
The music begins to play and you start by innocently removing the robe and tossing it aside before dropping to the floor and committing to the trend.
Squatting and bouncing your ass, you smile seductively as you begin to feel the rhythm of the song, doing just as you’d seen in the videos you used for tips on how to do the trend.
You were a natural, and Hawks was paying very good attention to you. His amber eyes never left you until you finished, and even then the only darted to the growing tent in his pants.
“How’d I do?” You ask, prancing over to him with a big smile on your lips.
“You blew my mind, baby bird.” Hawks pats his lap for you to sit down.
You know what’s coming next and so does he.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Has zero clue what you’re about to do, and probably thinks you’re just gonna wanna watch a movie and make out or something. I mean why else is he on the couch with mood lighting on?
Doesn’t realize you’ve even entered the room until he hears music. He looks up from his phone and nearly loses his mind.
You’re wearing something sexy and revealing, the clothes hugging your figure just right, driving Dabi crazy.
He can tell you’re feeling yourself, the confidence radiating off of you is palpable as you sway your hips to the tune of the music until you drop into a squat, popping your ass out as you dance around.
“Alright, baby.” Dabi whispers, leaning back into the couch as you continue, mouthing the words and definitely looking at him.
The eye contact was feeding Dabi’s praise kink, you knew you were owning whatever it was you were showing him.
When the music fades out, Dabi’s wearing a shit eating grin as he stretches his arms out over the back of the couch.
“Didn’t know you could move like that, baby.” Dabi’s low voice send shivers down your spine as you walk over and take a seat on his lap.
“So you liked it?” You lean in and kiss the tip of his nose, smiling back at him.
“Oh I loved it, gorgeous.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
tomura shigaraki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
If you can peel him away from his video game, good job. You’ve got his attention for a few seconds before he mumbles something about needing to defeat the boss and-
He’s frozen when he sees your skin, revealed in something sexy and red that matches his ruby eyes.
It’s skin tight and showing off your beautiful figure that Tomura praises on the daily.
“What’s this about?” Shigaraki rasps, actually paying attention to you now. You just smile and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before taking a few steps back.
“Just watch and tell me what you think.” You wink, waiting for the music to start playing. And when it does, you don’t hesitate to let your body flow with the song.
You drop to the floor and Shigaraki’s jaw does too. He didn’t expect this, he also didn’t expect you to look so damn fine.
You were eating this dance up, leaving no crumbs whatsoever. Now he remembers where he’d heard this song before, you were telling him about some dance.
You pop your ass and smile, staring back at him as you run your hands down your body, showing him just how confident you were feeling.
And when it was all over, Tomura put a momentary pause on his game to show you just how good you had done.
»»————- ★ ————-««
overhaul/kai chisaki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Chisaki doesn’t keep up with trends, he’s got a gang to run.
That being said, he does enjoy when you show him things, like your favorite song or trend. So he knows what’s popular by you.
However, when you pull him into your private room and tell him to close his eyes and only open them when he hears music, he’s a bit skeptical.
Yet he follows suit and he doesn’t regret it.
Dressed in a cute nurse outfit, you’re swaying your hips to the music and he’s enjoying it. He’s eager to see more. The outfit is hugging to your skin tightly, leaving little to his imagination despite having seen you many times before.
You were just so beautiful, your were pulling him in with every little move.
And then you dropped to the floor, bouncing your ass in a squat and feeling yourself, proving that you were basking in the confidence Chisaki loved seeing you in.
He loved when you were confident, unafraid to do whatever it is you wanted, god he loved how empowered you became.
When the music was over you made your way over to him and patiently waited for him to let you sit on his lap.
“Angel that was wonderful.” Chisaki rested his hands on your thighs, squeezing them tight as you rested on his lap.
“I’m glad you liked it, sir.” You leaned in and pressed a small kiss on the tip of his mask-covered nose.
“Would you show me some more Angel?”
»»————- ★ ————-««
eraserhead/shota aizawa
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»»————- ★ ————-««
This man is either teaching or napping so good luck.
KJSFSJH kidding okay actually headcanon time
He’s got a lot of work to do, but he does take breaks for you, and he enjoys spending time with you.
That being said, he doesn’t know what you’re doing or what you’re asking of him when you pull him out of the bed he was laying in waiting for you to join him for movies and cuddles.
Also his eyes are now permanently glued on you in the outfit you’re in, skin tight and just what he loves, you look good, no great.
You sit him down on a chair in his room and turn on music, allowing him to look at you as you sway your hips until it’s time to do the dance.
“Kitten what are you-” He shuts up when you drop to the floor, showing him the new moves you’d learned.
His hand flies to his mouth as he rests his elbow on the arm of the chair, covering his mouth as he feels his pants grow tight. You looked fine as hell, he was struggling to hold back.
In a squat, you were popping your ass out, smirking as you maintained eye contact with the ravenette.
When it was over, you crawled over to him and rested between his legs.
“What’d you think?” You looked up at him with a soft smile. Shota runs his fingers through your hair and grins.
“It was sexy, kitten. Where’d you learn that from?” 
“You want me to show you?”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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A Heart Meant for Two
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A/N: A poly relationship between Hawks, Dabi, and the reader! Based on the song The Way You Say Hello by tiffi and City Girl ^^
“He said he loved her more than words, so instead of words he gave her flowers to observe”
Hawks was your first boyfriend to ever have a current boyfriend. It was an odd adjustment to get used to sharing your boyfriend with someone else, especially when you first met Dabi. But with some help, you got used to it quickly.
“Flowers?” You eye the bouquet of roses in Keigo’s hands. He had given you flowers before, but these felt like a bribe. You peer at him with suspicious eyes, snapping your book shut. “What did you do?”
“Can’t I buy my best girl some flowers?” The Winged Hero replaces your book with the flowers, flipping through the pages before tossing it to the side. As he sits down next to you, his wing instinctively wraps around you to pull you in.
You press yourself into his side and bury your nose in the flowers, breathing in their sweet scent. A small smile forms on your face. “Hmm.. You're either planning something stupid, or it's Dabi that is doing something stupid.”
“It's Dabi isn't it.”
From the flash of blue light coming from outside and the nearing of police sirens, you know the answer.
“They were also on sale.” Keigo murmurs under his breath, turning his head to hide his blush of shame as you laugh.
It had been a full four months since you started dating the two of them and Keigo still thought you were woefully ignorant. But you were much more observant than he thought. You knew your other boyfriend was a villain, one that still had a long way to go if he was to be pardoned of his crimes- that is, if he wanted to be pardoned. It was that bit of information that you did stay ignorant on, you didn't want to lose sleep on something like that.
You sigh happily and give your boyfriend a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you.”
Later on, Dabi would return home with another bouquet of flowers. A bit crumpled from him jumping over fences, but still intact.
Your boyfriends were weird, but you loved them.
“She drew him pictures in a card, he said it was tacky and almost broke her heart”
Dabi was not a spoonful of sugar and sometimes he could be a bit blunt. Painfully blunt. How you got used to his silver tipped tongue? You didn't know. Maybe it was a skill you should add onto your resume.
Removing your heels at the front door, you slip on a pair of slippers and sneak your way into the house. Dabi was the only one at home, the main indicator being the lack of Keigo’s jacket on the wall hook while Dabi’s boots were tucked away in the corner.
You duck low as you hear a quiet snoring from the couch in the living room. With soft steps, you creep in on a sleeping Dabi and lean over the cushions to reach him.
His arm was slung over his eyes, his mouth parted slightly as he sighs. Sleeping Dabi was the softest you've seen him. He was always smirks and sharp lines, but when he was asleep he was so.. Soft.
“What do you want?” A low grumble rises from Dabi’s throat. He moves his arm to uncover an eye. The piercing blue cuts through you and leaves you halting in your movements. That's to say, you stopped your hand from removing a card from your purse.
“I wanted to give you something.” You pull out the card and offer it to him.
He shuts his eye and- goes back to sleep?
“Dabi?” You whisper.
He opens his eye again and swipes the paper from your hand with a huff. Dabi sits up before paying your card any mind. Flipping it open, he runs his eyes over the drawings inside.
“Is that supposed to be a cat?”
“It's a human.”
“ It's a human, she says.” Dabi chuckles, laying back down and covering his face with the card, resting his arms on his chest in a mummy like fashion.
"Do you like it?"
"It's garbage, babe."
It stung until you found it tucked away in his chest pocket while doing laundry a week later.
“I know he hates the way she does her hair”
You constantly changed your hairstyle. One day it was braided and the next it was in a high ponytail, or cropped to your chin. Every style looked good on you, but the day you started dying your hair was the day Dabi grew truly frustrated. Though.. Not for long.
“Dabi!” You yell from inside the bathroom, your white towel now shades of purple. “I think I messed up!”
“You think or you know , babe?” He hisses as he nears the bathroom. The lights were far too bright after he had been napping for two hours. It was nighttime, nearly one in the morning according to the clock on the wall. And you were doing your hair? When you had work the very next morning?
As soon as he witnesses your hair, he knows that you know just how badly it went. He holds onto the doorframe and laughs heartily, bending over slightly as his lungs begin to burn.
“Come on it's not that funny!”
“Your towel has more hair dye than your hair does!”
It was true. Your hair was supposed to be a deep indigo, but all that was left after rinsing off the excess dye was a few lavender streaks in your now stained platinum hair. You had went to get it bleached a few days ago and today was the day you were going to color it. How did it go so wrong? The hair dye was rated so highly!
Your face burns with embarrassment. You move to shut the door on him. “If you wont help me I’ll just-”
He moves his hand in time to stop you from closing the door and pushes it open further to let himself through. “I never said that, did I babe?” He breathes in slowly to ease his now stinging lungs. “Sit down, I'll do it for you. I have more practice.”
“I know she hates the way that he pretends to care”
Keigo wasn't without his own flaws. Dabi was the villain, but Keigo came with his own problems. They weren't too big, luckily, but it wasn't always easy being on the receiving end of his disinterest when he was tired.  
You lay in defeat on the floor, your arms spread out with empty clothes hangers on your arms. Tonight was your high school reunion, a day you had been planning for since the email was first sent. The only thing you didn't have planned was your outfit. Which was why you wanted some input from your significant others, but unfortunately only Keigo was home.
Why was it unfortunate? He was tired. And when he was tired he never had much to say, or any energy to do anything other than breathe.
You look up at him from the floor and poke at his wing. “Keigoooo!”
Keigo was laying on his stomach, his right wing drooping downward as he attempted to sleep. “Mmnn..?”
“What do you think about this one?”
“It's beautiful.”
“You're not even looking.”
“I know she'll slightly disagree on what he wears”
You loved Dabi’s odd sense of fashion and went shopping with him for matching outfits (something he said he hated, but would never stop you on doing), but Keigo.. had a special sense of fashion that always managed to confuse you. Maybe it was best you stopped going to him for his input.
"You'd think that being in magazine shoots would help you gain a fashion sense." You say from behind a fist, your hand curled to hide your grimace.
"They dress him. What do you think he'll learn?" Dabi chimes in from behind you. He laid on the bed with pillows propping him up in order to watch the show that was Keigo dressing for date night. It was a little game Dabi always liked to observe.
It wasn't that the clothes Keigo had were terrible. If they were in the right color they would look great. But.. they weren't in the right color.
They were every goddamn color in the rainbow.
Keigo looks at the vibrant pink and yellow jacket he was sporting and at the baby blue tank top he had on underneath. Vivid orange and purple peaked out from the windbreaker he wore underneath the jacket and you didn't want to know what other layer of clothing he had on under that .
"I think I look great."
"For a bird, babe." Dabi chuckles. "For a bird, you're a hot ticket."
"But not for a human Kei." You walk behind him and tug at the jacket. “Let’s just go with the other outfit.”
As it turned out, Keigo did have more in common with birds than just his wings. Bright colors were just as alluring to him as a bowl of seeds was for a sparrow. You kept this in mind for the next time you went shopping.
“I know he chokes when she sprays too much perfume in the air”
Your boyfriends knew they were difficult and could be major pains in the ass, but for once they would appreciate it if you didn't try killing them with your perfume. They knew it wasn't intentional, but how could you not notice the whole house smelled like you?  
“Question.” Dabi rests his chin on top of your head while looking at you in the mirror. “You know what my quirk is, right?”
“I do.”
“And you know what fire does when in contact with alcohol, right?”
Now you look up at him, squinting your eyes at him as you lower your brush onto the sink counter. “Yes.. it's basic safety measures. Alcohol is extremely flammable.”
“Do you know what perfume has?” Your boyfriend smirks. He curls a lock of your hair around his finger and gives it a small tug.
You slap his hand away and turn around to look at him directly. You cross your arms and lean against the counter. He was being coy, but it was too early in the morning for this. He never stalled you from getting ready to go to work. “It has alcohol. What about it?”
He cages you in his arms, leaning in and letting a flicker of blue flame light the side of his face. But unlike usual, blue flames burst in the air for a split second, the sudden flash of heat startling you enough to bump into him as you jump away from the counter. Dabi turns off his flames and pecks you on the cheek.
“Unless you want the house to burn down, I'd stop spraying so much perfume, babe.”
After work you end up buying an alcohol-free perfume.
“But she likes the way it feels when he's right there”
After the third attempt at sleeping in the same queen sized bed at the same time, Keigo and Dabi decided to buy a new bed without you knowing. It went well until you came home early to them attempting to assemble the frame without instructions. But once it was put together and finished, you had to admit you liked the result.
“No more facefuls of feathers!” You squeal with joy as you leap onto the bed and spread your arms out, enjoying the spaciousness of it all.
Dabi sits down on your left while Keigo takes your right. He flicks your forehead to catch your attention and motions for you to tuck in your arm so he could lay down next to you. “Now you get why he doesn’t get to sleep in the middle?” He pulls you into a hug while flipping Keigo off from over your shoulder.
Keigo flops onto the bed, his wings spread out and covering the two of you like a tarp. “You're just jealous baby.”
You wriggle around and lay with your back against Dabi’s chest. Pushing his wing away, you stick your tongue out at Keigo. “Jealous of being attracted to stop signs?”
“It's a sexy red.”
“What about mirrors?”
“I’m a sexy man.”
“Birdbrain.” Keigo huffs and moves closer to the both of you, wrapping his wing to engulf the both of you. “The bed was my idea you know.”
“I know.” You admit. “Dabi doesn't care if he smooshes us to death.”
“Ouch.” Dabi murmurs from your hair.
It's not long after that you fall asleep in their arms, completely content to spend the rest of your night between the two of them. But when the winter came, you and Keigo agreed to keep Dabi in the middle to act as a heater.
“She loves him so much it's absurd”
It was winter when your boys began to grow more busy. Sometimes you would go to sleep alone, but you didn't let it get to you. You knew they visited the house when they could. What else would explain the endless supply of your favorite flowers in vases by the window or boxes of your favorite chocolates on the table when they weren't there when you left? The nights you did get to see them, you enjoyed their presence to the fullest.
Keigo squeezes his eyes shut in annoyance as he hears his phone ringing once more. It was the third time in a row, and he knew he couldn't go on ignoring it anymore. Being a hero meant sacrificing down time. It meant sacrificing time with you.
“It's okay.” You keep your eyes shut as you trace swirls along his back in the area between his wings. “I understand you need to leave.” You knew you couldn’t keep him forever. It wasn't right. People needed him. He saved people. It was like keeping a firefighter from putting out a fire right in front of him. If they were calling Keigo so adamantly then it must be important.
Keigo presses a kiss to your temple and releases his hold on you, letting you lay on your back as he tugs on his jacket and prepares to exit the room.
“I love you.” You say from under the still warm blankets.
“I love you too.” He smiles from over his shoulder, eyes pained.
What did he do to deserve you?
“He thinks it's cute that her singing is the worst he's ever heard”
After a whole month away from the two of you, Dabi had to admit that he missed Keigo’s stupid face and your singing. Was it good singing? No. But did he miss seeing you enjoy yourself? Yeah. Yeah he did.  
Dabi sat outside the house, listening to your singing from his spot under the tree. He had yet to enter the house and opted instead to stay under the shade. He would have to leave again soon, so he saw no point in raising your hopes only to let you down.
A feather jabs at him from behind.
“You should go in and see her. She misses you.” Keigo lands beside him, lifting his goggles from his face. He crouches in front of him, running his gloved fingers through Dabi’s hair. “We both miss you.”
Dabi leans into his touch. How many times did he find himself missing it? Keigo was his first love after such a long time, but now there was you too. You both made him weak.
“I’ll be home soon.”
“And the way she’ll close her eyes, when she's nervous and just about to cry”
Keigo and Dabi didn't always agree on everything. That was a given when one was a hero dating a villain. But what they constantly agreed on was making sure you were kept out of the fray.  
The shopping district was utterly decimated and all you felt was heat. A sweltering heat that couldn't be put out. Blue flames surrounded you on all sides, flames you knew instinctively were Dabi's.
"What's going on?!" You yell as debris falls around you, Dabi was just there- you could've sworn you saw him! It had to be him! Where else did the flames come from?
A hand wraps around your bicep and pulls you upward, the familiar sight of red wings takes up your vision as you look at Keigo. He was covered in ash and his goggles were cracked in half atop his head. He squinted through the smoke that was building in the air.
"The League is here. I'm getting you home."
"What about Dabi?! He's here, we need to bring him home too!" You look behind you at the structure that began to cave in on itself, all you could see was blue. "He's in there!"
"And so is Shigaraki! You can't be here kid!"
"We cant leave him! Please Keigo!" Tears blur your vision as all you can think about was how burnt Dabi's skin already was. What would being in the center of that fire do to him then? What kind of state would he return to you in?
"I'm sorry kid.. He's the one who warned me you were there.."
“He likes the way she plays songs on repeat”
Keigo  watched as you grew more and more despondent, shutting down as more time passed that Dabi was gone. Japan was in an uproar, and it kept calling him back to patch it up each time villains showed. Japan was like an open wound that wouldn't stop bleeding. However, this changes one day as he comes home to hearing the sound of music blasting on your speakers.
Lights were strung up from the front door to the living room to the bedrooms, fairy lights dotted every inch of the house. Keigo tucked his wings in taunt to his body to keep them from getting tangled in the haphazardly placed lights. While he loved bright colors, it was almost too much for his eyes. Where were you?
"Kid?" He calls out, ducking underneath bluebell lights. "Please tell me you're still alive in here?"
The song on the speaker repeated on itself, which was odd with how clunky it sounded, but he learned to like it once he found you.
If choppy music was what it took to bring a smile back on your face, it was worth it.
He found you taping up lights in the bathroom while singing under your breath, mascara smudged but a smile still on your face. You look at him with your hundred gigawatt smile. It threw him for a loop, the sudden hope in your eyes when only yesterday you were crying yourself to sleep.
"Its for when he comes back. Want to help me?"
Keigo takes the loop of lights from your hands and nods.
"Make some room kid."
“He likes the way they flow together like electricity”
Covering the house in Christmas lights was actually a fun distraction for the both of you while Dabi was gone. Keigo was in charge of the higher lights that covered the rooftop, but you had plenty of fun stringing them around the plants surrounding the house. After finishing your impromptu decorating, you both decide to spend the rest of the night in the living room.
"Just follow my steps, baby."
"If I followed you I'd end up on my face." You laugh while holding onto his shoulders as you both hovered in the air, his wings flared open to keep you both afloat. What steps was he even talking about? For the past ten minutes he just held you both up and spun in a lazy circle. His wings were doing all the work while his feet did nothing.
"I’ll make you soar kid." He winks at you. "One day you'll see. I’ll take you to dance sessions and everything."
"I'll hold you to it."
“He likes her ringtone and the way she'll say hello”
When it came to being part of the League, Dabi had to be careful on what information he let loose. They couldn't know about his relationships. If Shigaraki knew then he would most definitely use it to his advantage. Dabi had two weak points and that was you and Keigo. But when he was out with the LoV, he had his ways of being with you.  
“Hello! This is my voicemail, which means I'm probably busy right now. Leave a message and I'll get back to you ASAP! Have a good day!”
Dabi holds his phone limply in his hand, looking up at the cracking ceiling of the League's current hideout. He had to make face for now, which meant staying away from you and Keigo for a while. Still, he had his phone, one thing he was glad Giran gave him after he burnt his old one accidentally. He knew you were busy, and he had no intention of talking to you while on the job, but to hear your voice was enough for him.
Weeks later, he welcomes the sound of your voice as you greet him, receiving him back into the house with open arms.
"Whats with all lights?" He laughs in response to your face nuzzling into his chest and feathers lifting the both of you to Keigo who stood in the doorway.
"Its to a bright future."
“He likes the way her hands feel even if they're cold”
Dabi couldn't blame you for having cold hands, but he found it cute how you were so insecure about being cold all the time. He loved how you latched onto him rather than Keigo when the temperature began to drop. Maybe it was the fact that he was gone for so long that he didn't mind being clung to. But somehow he found himself in situations he wasn't sure how to handle.
“How long am I going to be in the middle for?” He mumbles under his breath as the two of you cling to him from underneath piles of blankets.
“Until winter is gone.” You state simply.
“It isn't winter yet.”
“Did she stutter?” Keigo grumbles from under the sheets.
Eventually he would grow tired of it, but for now he let the two of you do what you wanted. He was home after all.
“And when she’s away from him, she’s away from home”
After two years of dating you knew you could never return to being without your boys. They were yours.
You reach upward, feeling the familiar rough texture of Dabi's scars along his neck and under his eyes. You drag your your thumb softly under his eye, breathing in his scent. From behind you, you could feel Keigo's breath fanning across your neck.
It was a lazy day today. No one needed them, no one needed you, it was just you and them. How long would the peace last? How long until one of your boys were called away? How long until one of them lost a battle?
No, you wouldn't think of that. For now, it was just you and them.
And that was alright with you.
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keilemlucent · 4 years
long days for bad people
hawks | takami keigo x reader
word count: ~6k
Being a prized, adored possession was far better than you thought it would be.
warnings: light daddy kink (no age play, just the name in mostly jest), spit kink, crying kink, degradation, brief descriptions of blood + violence, kidnapping (consensual?? read a/n), brat taming, light sadomasochism, mind break, praise kink
here it is, mafia au, villain hawks, dom, brat tamer, soft(?!) hawks. what more could you want? 
there’s briefly described kidnapping at the beginning of the fic but it is reiterated throughout that this is consensual! no yandere/stockholm stuff in this fic. 
i’ve been working on this one for a while and i’m happy to finally share it. hope y’all enjoy!!
You shouldn’t have fucked around with the League.
God, it was common knowledge in the parts of town and circles you inhabited. Of all criminal syndicates, mobs, to fuck with, the League wasn’t one of them. They were known for their complete cruelty and violent delights. The League had such a reputation due to the fact that they openly left bodies carved up and burnt as they pleased.
But, you were a fucking idiot and got involved anyways.
It was a small loan, Giran almost seemed to scoff when he gave you the cash. You and your almost-stranger of a roommate were just very late on some bills and were going to lose a lot of material items if you didn’t scrounge up at least two paychecks in about three days. 
You swallowed your pride and took the first and easiest loan you could get. That just happened to be with gap-toothed, wide-grinning Giran of the League. He, you knew from what you’d heard, was somewhat fair in matters like yours. 
You had two weeks to pay him back.
You didn’t make it in time.
You were close to the amount, notably. You scrounged and clawed your way into getting the cash back. You weren’t much of a pickpocket, but you snagged some odd jobs around the apartment building that you and your roommate were still fortunate enough to keep a room in.
After one particular job, a nasty carpentry gig that you weren’t qualified for, you returned home tired and worn.
Sure, you were a day late on payment. But with this last gig, you were so close. The League would have to pity two, stupid, stupid young girls?
They didn’t, you realized, as you stepped into your apartment.
Your roommate's slain corpse was laying over the arm of your cheap couch, eyes vacant and mouth dripping blood onto the old beige carpet.
You dropped to your knees, horrified and completely stunned.
“You should’ve known better,” it was a hum from across the room, from a figure you didn’t even know was in the room until then. “Really, you’d expect folks to be smarter.”
Your mouth dried as the figure moved from the nighttime shadows, flashing a dazzling smile and ruffling crimson wings.
You’d heard of him, everyone had. Terrifying, fast, precise, and cutthroat. He took orders and didn’t ask questions other than snark. He talked too much, fucked too much. 
“W-wait,” You didn't know why you were pleading, but you had to try, right? “I’m so close, wait—”
Hawks sauntered up to you wielding one of his feather blades, the red of blood mixing with the filaments of his feathers.
He crouched down in front of you, tsking, “I don’t like begging, angel. I’ll make this quick for you. Your friend there?”
Hawks jerked his finger behind to your dead roommate.
“She fought, pleaded, begged, all that normal shit I don’t like hearing when shitheads like you two don’t make payday,” his voice was slow, talking about death like some casual thing. “I’ll make this nice and fast if you don’t run your mouth anymore, how about that?”
You swallowed, nodding.
The small percentage of your brain that was fully functioning figured dying quickly was a much better way to go than whatever the hell had happened to your roommate. There was far too much blood for that to be quick.
Hawks hummed, the tip of his feather blade tipping up your chin so you were forced to meet his gaze. You vaguely heard the pitter-patter of your tears hitting the carpet below. Blood rushed in your ears as you stared death in the face.
Hawks appraised you.
You watched the metaphorical cogs and wheels turning in Hawks’ skull as he looked you up and down before flashing forward, gathering you in his arms and flying from the apartment. 
Your first thought was obvious as you clung to him in the open air:
He’s going to drop you and kill you.
When you screamed, tears growing thicker, he slapped a gloved hand over your mouth, “I’m giving you an out, kid. Trust me. You’ll prefer this over death.”
 Your new existence was certainly better than death.
If you were ever caught and convicted of any of the illegal things you participated in, you’d be fucked, thrown into prison until you rotted, until you were just dust and bone.
But, until then, you worked for the League.
You had groveled at the feet of their leader, Shigaraki, hands clasped on your lap, claiming your worth, or maybe lack thereof. Not many attachments, not many people who’d miss you, a semi-useful quirk. 
With a boot shoved into your skull, he sneered that you’d be the League’s new errand dog. 
The real reason they accepted you was due to the threatening air Hawks was exuding and the fact that their old ‘errand bitch’ had died the week prior. They needed a new body to act as a civilian and do things that only an unsuspecting-looking ‘civilian’ could. You fit the bill, and Hawks had taken a liking to you.
 Oddly, working for the League was actually pretty okay.
You got your own room. It was small, but you only had to share a bathroom with the somewhat unhinged Himiko, but she was fairly nice once she warmed up to you. Everyone lived in the League’s HQ and went about their business, getting drunk at their bar front each night.
Most of the mess happened at night, but it was important to put on a nice veneer and keep spirits high. Not to mention that no one would dared to fuck with the League, anyways. The cops and federal government had long been paid off due to the resources that the League had acquired for them. 
You felt somewhat untouchable.
A lot of this confidence was due to the fact that you had become Hawks’s... Keigo’s...
As he liked to call you, anyway. 
Keigo was the general, loveable annoyance of the League, but his connections were invaluable and his skills were unmatched. Despite how he could grate on people (read: Dabi and Shigaraki), he was respected and feared just as much as everyone else was, if not more so. And being his metaphorical and literal pet had its perks.
Sure, the first time he had you come to his ‘office’ and he fucked you against the window until it was smeared with cum and blood was a bit surprising, but god, if you didn’t fucking love it. Being Keigo’s personal fucktoy came with protection, pleasure, and a surprising amount of genuine attention. The dude was lonely, and so were you. The two of you made a good ‘couple’, if you could even call yourselves that. The sadism he doled out was always counterpointed by affections that did seem genuine. 
Keigo was fond of you, and you of him. Maybe your brush with death had twisted something in your head, to even allow yourself to get close to a man like Keigo, but you couldn’t make yourself care. 
You were comfortable and content. 
[bird boss]: hey babe ;^) get to my office in the next thirty minutes 
[you]: what if i don’t
[bird boss]: do u really want to find out
[you]: ...
[you]: im just curious 
[bird boss]: don’t get cheeky songbird 
[you]: u make me wanna u know
[you]: i know it gets you riled up
[bird boss]: tread lightly kid
[you]: oooo i gave you some guff over text
[you]: what’re you gonna do about it?
[bird boss]: use your imagination
[bird boss]: 25 minutes now, songbird
[bird boss]: don’t make this worse for yourself <3
 You set your phone on your cheap duvet, quickly primped yourself to see Keigo. He wasn’t too strict about your appearance but wearing dark clothes and some of the more expensive gifts he’d gotten you over the months he’d been screwing you never hurt. Something about ownership with him always got him hot and bothered. 
You tried to remind yourself frequently that Keigo saw you as some sort of possession, but a possession with feelings.
Meandering through HQ was always a bit daunting, despite your protections. Your skimpy outfit choice and hardly-hidden lingerie made you feel a bit more like an object than you liked too. 
There were hardly hungry mouths around the League, they kept you all fed, but god, were there starving eyes. 
Dabi wolf-whistled as you walked past him through a common room, shouting something about how Keigo was collecting his pound of flesh for the day. Maybe a line or two about being a whore, but that was all flavor at that point. Keigo called you far meaner, more sinful things. And hell, it wasn’t like Keigo hadn’t... shared you on more than one occasion. 
Maybe you were a little fucked up for enjoying your lifestyle to the degree you did, but why not indulge where you could? Life was far shittier scraping paint off old fences and picking up cans to just scrape by. 
Opulence was a breath of fresh air. And if you were Keigo’s fuck toy? Then, god, you were Keigo’s fuck toy.
When you arrived at Keigo’s office, you knocked gently on the door, quickly adjusting your skirt and blouse. 
The door opened, though no one was behind it. Only a single one of Keigo’s feathers allowed you entrance. 
His office seemed daunting and extravagant for a man who did most of his ‘work’ in far-shadier, far-bloodier places. The walls were covered in mirrors and old paintings, something out of vanity and pride, knowing how Keigo saw himself. There were several black leather couches scattered around against walls, some stained by your various... activities. There was a broad desk parallel to a back wall made entirely of windows. 
Night had fallen, leaving the room lit by a few lamps and warm fixtures. 
“Hey, boss,” You hummed as you stepped in, shutting the door behind you just before the lingering scarlet feather flicked the lock on the door.
And the other one.
And the deadbolt.
You swallowed thickly. 
As much as you enjoyed a lot of the perks of your... position, it was also daunting.
Keigo was daunting, all bloody colors, vanity, and hunger. 
He sat behind his desk, wings puffed up, and partially extended over the back of his chair. The desk chair was massive, specifically acquired so that you would have enough room to properly straddle his lap for hours on end if he so wished. 
Keigo idly clicked around on his desktop computer. He leaned slack and back into the chair, legs spread wide and exuding casual confidence that reeked of his own ego. 
Keigo normally wore a mix of black and red, as edgy as it was. He liked to seem clean, hide the stains of sanguine that undoubtedly lingered on him no matter how he tried to cleanse himself. His black slacks were pressed, the seams pristine. The black shirt he wore was rolled up to his elbows, the buttons of his red vest undone as well. His black tie hung half-undone and limp around his neck. His tousled gold hair was mussed as normal, ruffled by his flights. His feathers might’ve needed preening, but you doubted that that was the reason he called you to his office. 
And based on the deep set of his brow and the sickly smile on his lips, he was already on edge and in a mood. 
“Songbird, come over here, will you?” Keigo sat back from his typing, watching you from across the room. He took you in the same way a parched man sucks down red wine, greedily and soon to be fucked. “On my lap.”
You complied, despite your earlier attitude. You padded across the room, going around his desk. 
As you moved to straddle his lap, worn hands gripped your waist. His amber eyes gave you a warning, crinkling at the edges, “Not like that, sweetheart. Do daddy right.”
Oh, so it was one of those moods. 
Maybe you were Keigo’s sexual punching bag so he could exert control on something he could later kiss better and patch up. 
Sure, he was going to fucking ruin you, but part of the fun with him was that the more it hurt, the nicer he was after. And, all things considered, with some of the... other folks the League brought in to satiate its member’s desires, you fared far better. Keigo cared about you, in his own particular way. 
You tried to lean over his lap yourself, but his hands and feathers positioned you perfectly as he wanted. With the tight grip he had on your waist and shoulders, dragging you just as he liked, it was easy to see his need for control. 
Your head hung off of one of his thighs as you squirmed in his lap. His bulge already pressed into your ribs, a wonderful reminder of the reward you’d reap later on. Keigo’s hands gathered your hand to the small of your back, a feather replacing their grip a moment later.
“Sit with me while I finish this shit,” Keigo grumbled, going back to clicking the desktop. His leg bobbed absentmindedly, his free hand rubbing over the curve of your barely-covered ass. “Be a good girl, (Y/N). If you can stand that.”
He laughed under his breath. 
You let your head dangle limply downwards, blood rushing to your cheeks. 
You’d thought you’d be in for more of an ass-kicking, but it appeared Keigo was taking things unusually slow. You knew better than to complain, but kicking up a bit of metaphorical sand couldn’t be that bad, right?
“I dunno,” You hummed, kicking your legs lightly. “I don’t think you like it when I’m a ‘good girl’, daddy.”
“Watch it.” A single, sharp smack to your butt was hardly enough to shut you up, but Keigo did so all the same, rubbing over the covered flesh a moment later, “I’m not in the mood.”
“Are you sure about that?” You wriggled, intentionally pushing up against his growing erection.
His breath stuttered, a smirk pulling at the corners of your lips. The hand on your ass didn’t rear again, rather Keigo kept thumbing smooth circles as he continued to click around on the computer. He might have been actually doing work. Or, he was ignoring you, egging your sass on. 
“If you didn’t want anything, why’d you call me in here?” You asked, way too cheeky for the way Keigo’s body was practically vibrating underneath you. Pissing him off had consequences, of course, but you weren’t in the mood to play ‘good girl’ that day.
“I told you, I want you to sit with me,” Keigo pinched your ass. “But, you’re too mouthy to do just that one thing. You’re usually better than this.”
“Am I?” You played innocent, craning to give him a wide smile. “Hadn’t noticed. What I am noticing, is your already-hard cock, dear.”
“Oh, ‘dear’?!” Keigo paused on the computer. “Cheeky. Cute.” 
Keigo would just dig in more, lean in, before ‘snapping’, if you could call it that.
You gulped as his hand swatted at upper thighs, his nails almost knicking your skin.
“Up and don’t get smart about it.”
Oh, you were going to be remarkably smart about it.
You rose but hardly stayed upright for long. Sliding down to your knees, you pushed at Keigo’s legs, “Wouldn’t you prefer me down here? Just for a treat while you finish your work?”
Keigo clicked his tongue, gaze flickering down to you, “Fine. Behave yourself.”
Yeah, right. You both knew that that wasn’t going to happen. 
You were already tucked underneath his desk, undoing the fly of his pants. 
You pulled his cock from his trousers, pumping his cock to full hardness. Smearing around preek for a bit of extra flare before inching forward.
Wrapping your mouth around Keigo’s dick was somewhat of a feat— he had a decent girth to him, so you usually took the opportunity to warm him (and yourself) up with a bit of tip-kissing and kitten licks.
But, you were feeling bold.
You spit on his dick, a move that normally would have earned you plenty of verbal snark, but anything Keigo could’ve said to you was swallowed as you took his cock down to the back of your throat.
You sucked around it, massaging the vein on the bottom with the flat of your tongue. Drool began to pool at the side of your lips as you let the head bump your throat, gag reflex be damned.
All the while, Keigo had stopped moving above you. The fabric of his trouser balled up in his ringed-fingers as he gazed half-lidded down at you. 
You smiled around his dick, looking up at him innocently as you began to slowly bob your head. His wings fluttered, twitches and air stirring around you. 
Keigo stifled a laugh, a hand tangling in your hair, “All that talk earlier and now you’re treating me to a blowjob without even me having to tell you to? Dove, you’re too much.”
You pulled off of him to reply, “I can only try.”
Before he could reply, you spit on his dick again, and went back to slurping around him.
You held the base of his cock in your hands, twisting and spreading spittle. It almost felt like your actions were for show, but Keigo’s eyes were rolling back in his head all the same.
You smirked.
A drool pool from your mouth, puddling in your lap and soaking your skirt. Not like you weren’t already dripping from the sinful sounds Keigo stopped trying to hold.
“A-ah, that’s it, angel,” Keigo fucked into your mouth with his hold on your hair. “Just like that.”
Your hand rose to play with Keigo’s balls, teasing at the sack as he cried out a high moan above you. 
Considering the performance you were giving, it was unsurprising to feel him tensing above you. You’d been on your knees for him hundreds of times; you’d learned to see the little twitches and puffs of breath he’d give when he’d get close to coming. 
You pulled off his cock with a pop, detangling the hand from your hair in the motion. It was all fast enough that Keigo couldn’t have stopped you in his hazy, pleasure-filled state. 
Based on the look of rapid disbelief he was giving you, your trick had worked well. Knowing Keigo’s... tendencies made you hesitant to push him too much in the past, but for whatever reason, you were feeling stupidly bold. 
“Sorry, daddy,” You wiped at your mouth with the back of your hand. “Didn’t feel like swallowing today.”
Keigo’s disheveled appearance was more than gratifying. Knowing how easily you made him come undone by that point was one of the perks of your position.
His hair was more than ruffled, strands and tufts chaotically curled around his cheeks and ears. There was a bright blush on his face, spreading from his nose to the apples of his cheeks, down his deck. At some point, he’d popped the buttons at the top of his shirt. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, half-panting and based on the darkness in his brow and the far-too peachy smile on his face, Keigo was fucking pissed.
His wings stood on end.
You gulped from below him.
Maybe you pushed your luck too far.
“You’re playing real cute today, aren’t you songbird?” Keigo didn’t move, but his feathers twitched above him, wings flaring out even farther. “Real fucking cute.”
You were fucked.
A few feathers flew from Keigo, one snagging at your wrist, wrapping around it, and pulling you up from the desk.
You wobbled as you stood, dragged across the room as Keigo leisurely followed behind you. When you tried to set your own pace, Keigo swatted your ass with a huff, “You never learn, huh? I thought I’d trained you better than this.”
You opened your mouth to spit some dickish retort, but you were cut off as Keigo’s shoved you onto one of the leather couches.
“Don’t.” Keigo’s tone was acidic as he stood over your, wings still flared out. “I told you I wasn’t in the mood for your cute bullshit, dove, and you still decided to test your luck, huh?”
You kneeled on the cushions, sucking down air, shaking with anticipation.
“You don’t feel like swallowing today? That’s fine, I can work with that,” Keigo shrugged easily from above you.
Keigo had an... active sexual imagination, and you could tell by the crook in his lips that he had something devilish planned as retribution.
A sharp slap came down on your cheek, Keigo catching the opposite jaw and keeping you from recoiling too far. You blinked as the pain spread around your skull like licking flames against a frostbitten body. 
You wanted more.
A little grin stretched against your mouth as Keigo rubbed at your cheeks with his thumbs, “Aw, you always get so sweet like this, dove. You can be a good girl if you try, can’t you?” 
His actions carried candor and his words absolute torment. 
Despite how Keigo was trying to goad you into submission, you had a bit of spark left in you. 
Plainly, you spit on him.
The glob of saliva landed on Keigo’s cheek, under his eye.
He blinked at you. 
You continued to smile.
His own expression grew strained.
“Oh, songbird,” Keigo damn near lamented, wiping away the kind gift you’d given him. His voice was smooth without any bit of waver, all of the sexually-charged anger rolling just beneath the veneer. “You’re just being pain slut today, aren’t you?”
You were, absolutely. You could feel your arousal wetting your panties, the heat of the strike from your cheek beginning to boil something in your gut. 
“You just need a bit of special attention today, right? That’s all.” Keigo tsked, fully removing the tie from around his neck. “You just need a little reminder.”
“Reminder of what?” You asked, tilting your head quizzically. 
Keigo flipped you, feathers pushing and bracing you as needed while nimble hands tore off your clothes without reverie.
“Plenty of things, especially with this attitude you’ve got today,” Keigo’s tie looped around your wrists, binding them together at the center of your back. 
“You definitely need a reminder of who’s the boss around here,” Keigo shoved you forward, stomach flush with the back of the couch.
You reeled from the pace of it all, shifting your knees for any bit of stimulation you could get. Keigo’s feathers were slicing and pulling your clothes from your body faster than you could keep track of. It was overwhelming, making your mind swim in the best possible way. You throbbed. 
“Maybe a reminder about who fucking provides for you,” Keigo’s own clothes were shaken off, dropped to the floor and forgotten.
It was true. Keigo always made sure than you were taken care of, in more ways than one. Despite how fast-paced and laid back he could seem, he was always on top of making sure you had more than enough material and immaterial pleasure whether than be in the form of food, fucking, or otherwise.
You yelped as a smack fell across your ass. A feather caught the elastic of your panties, snapping a moment later, leaving you fully bare before him. 
Keigo’s worn hand came to press at your throat and jaw, tilting your head back as he climbed behind you, “Maybe, you need a reminder about who keeps you safe.”
This phrase was softer than the others, a sweet kiss pressing to your cheek and his voice a bit more gentle. It was jarring at the skin still stung from his earlier strike, but you cherished the heat besides. 
Once again, true. The folks in and outside of the League were greedy. There were plenty of unwanted souls that stole glances at Hawks’s prized songbird. There were starved eyes that tore into you whether you were dolled up for Keigo or not. There had been some... close calls, one could say, but Keigo always was there, in the end, unafraid to get his hands dirty. 
“You know what the most important reminder is, dove?” Keigo rolled his hips against you, cock wedging between your thighs.
“N-no,” You stuttered, brain turning gooey as Keigo’s arms snaked around your waist, sharpened nails leaving indents in your hips.
He nosed at your neck, leaving a few love bites in his wake.“‘N-no’, what?” 
“I don’t know,” You leaned back into Keigo’s chest, rubbing your thighs around his cock. 
 “Oh, songbird, you sweet thing,” He chuckled, all teasing and self-indulgent. “I’m the one who makes you feel good.” 
He was so right, wasn’t he?
With the way he’d learned your body over the last few months, he’d had some undeniable pursuit to make you feel the best. 
Keigo was inquisitive by nature. He had kept you on your back for hours while he finger-fucked you, watching every twitch and roll of your hips to figure out just the right ways to break you. He’d kissed and sucked and slapped every inch of you, sussing out the perfect ways to make you writhe and cry for him. 
Sure, you were an absolute terror to him sometimes. Not to mention that Keigo jumping you covered in the blood of that day's targets was as macabre and horrifying as it sounded. 
But, fuck, if he didn’t know how to bring you to ecstasy that fucking ruined you in the best way. 
Keigo got off on watching you shatter for him. It was the reason he’d torn you from that cheap, bloodied apartment in the first place. A kind, naive little morsel that he could play with as he wanted. You didn’t complain. Fuck, you reveled in his attention. You gave it back to him, like the fucked up, semi-divine being could be any more debauched than he already was.
Corruption spreads, but you’d never complain. If being plucked from struggling for pennies to being fucked stupid by a man who could kill you at a moments notice, a man who would kill for you, somehow poisoned you?
You’d die with a bitter taste on your tongue and a smile on your face.
 Keigo rubbed at your clit, nipping at your neck, and rolled his hips greedily. His cock was covered in a mix of your slick and his own preek, easily sliding between plushness of your thighs.
“You love pushing me, acting all tough,” Keigo chastised, clicking his tongue. “I mean it when I say it's cute.”
You don’t have any more quick retorts in you, not when his fingers are down your throat, gagging you as spittle dribbles down your chin onto the leather below. It was sure to leave a mark.
“Behind all that bark and snark, you’re just a good girl, aren’t you?” Keigo punctuated his words with a bite and nip to your neck. “Just needed a reminder, right, dove?”
You whimpered against his fingers at the praise, grinding against Keigo’s touch needily. 
His fingers pushed pinched your tongue, breath curling over the shell of your ear, “What are you?”
You mumbled against his fingers, “A g-good g-girl.”
It was humiliating in the best way. Keigo’s light laugh at your attempt. The way he nuzzled his nose into the sweat at the crook of your shoulder was just aloe on the burn.
“I misspoke, if you can believe that,” Keigo’s cock pulled out from your thighs. “Songbird, you know what I meant to call you?”
You squirmed at the loss, but he was quick to hush you. His fingers left your mouth with a thick trail of spit. 
“You’re my good girl.” 
You melted in his arms.
Falling back against Keigo’s chest, you craned your neck to lock your lips to his. 
Maybe that was it, why all the filth didn’t bother you. Because you had worth. Maybe it was insecurity, or maybe it was self-aware in the face of your lived experience. Before being taken, the life you’d lived made you just a rusty cog in a dying machine. You wouldn’t have amounted to anything, probably. 
But with the League?
You were the prized, beloved consort of an angry god. 
Keigo owned you, body, mind and soul, and you let him. That’s not even to mention how you had him wrapped around your finger. He adored you, under all of it.
Fighting with him was for sport, not blood.
Keigo licked past your lips, pressing his cock to your cunt teasingly. You whined against him, wriggling in his arms.
“What does my good girl want?” Keigo loved making you beg for him, claw for any bit of stimulation. He liked it even better when you were already soft for him.
Stray tears pricked at your eyes, “Y-your cock.”
He pinched the meat of your thigh, shaking his head, “Not good enough. Speak properly, dove. Clear and correctly.”
You swallowed, searching for the words in your own haze.
Your words were willed to be solid.
“I want your cock, daddy.” 
It was just enough.
Keigo pushed forward, the head of his cock already stretching your cunt. Consider the girth of it, the lack of preparation stung and burned more than you would’ve liked, as good as it felt to finally be filled.
Keigo cooed at your soft tears, keeping your face to his with a firm hand on your jaw. He shushed you, far too sweetly while licking the salt from your cheeks, “Relax, angel. Big breaths.”
You nodded, sputtering as he speared into you. Keigo’s free hand went back to toying with your clit, encouraging the tension to drain from your body.
As he bottomed out, you shuddered, falling back into his chest. Keigo’s wings fluttered, twitching in wait. Hot breath fanned over your face, Keigo groaning and locking his jaw. 
The stimulation was overwhelming. You had expected Keigo to be meaner, considering how mouthy you’d been. 
Yet, it made sense. Keigo had figured out one of the better ways to make you break was softness. 
(Truthfully, it made him crack in the same way, but he’d never tell.)
“Feel that?” He asked, just barely rolling his hips. 
Keigo released your jaw in favor of wrapping a hand around the front of your throat, tugging you as close he could manage.
“Uh-huh,” You panted. 
You could, the kiss of his cock head against your cervix was almost uncomfortable. The delicious pressure and sensitivity already had you reeling in his arms, unsteady and wanting.
“I fill you up so good, don’t I?” Keigo praised his own ego, his cock, but he wasn’t wrong. The curve of his cock rubbed against all the right spots. He stretched you just right, the burn ebbing away into a need for more, more—
“Please, Keigo—” You gasped. Your legs shook as Keigo slammed into you, shoving you forward and into the wall.
His pace was brutal. Hands and feathers kept your back in a harsh arch as he rearranged your insides to his liking. He was kind enough to keep stroking at your clit, bruising your hips and babbling filthy nothings. 
“I’m the one who makes you feel this good, only me, right, dove?” Keigo growled into your ear with a particularly hard thrust.
You nodded against the wall, aware of the drool slipping down your chin as your mouth lolled open. Your insides were hot like white flames, searing any ability to use coherent speech. 
Keigo snickered at your state. Slowing, he gripped your ass cheeks. You yelped, inside jumping as he pried them apart. You flinched, hole twitching as he spat down, the liquid cool against the flushed skin.
It was little moves like that, Keigo just subtly making your shudder and feel dirty that got you the most fucked up and fucked out.
You pressed back on his cock, panting against the wall and keening. You would’ve spoke, if you could, but anything that you had the ability to say would’ve been torn apart by Keigo’s sharpened, silver tongue. 
“My filthy little dove, huh?” Keigo sneered, watching you try to bounce on his cock the best you could. “Such a glutton when you get broken down like this, needy whore.”
The pleasure of Keigo’s cock tearing up your insides was all you could focus on through the fog of your mind, desperate and wanting and greedy.
“Y-your,” You corrected, the words bubbling from your lips, disjointed and messy. “Yours.”
Keigo may have been avian, but he purred like a damn cat at your admission. He held you like a possession, cock throbbing as he fucked you just right. 
“God, you’re sweet, angel,” He nipped at your jaw before wrapping his hand around your throat. “Even all fucked up, you know who you belong to so well, don’t you?”
You nodded, rolling your hips back. 
Keigo must’ve taken pity on you, squeezing at the sides of your neck. Cruel as he could be, he must’ve noticed the way your thighs and knees trembled against the leather. Keigo knew the cloud in your eyes well— how to get you hazy and how to fuck you perfectly through the fog.
He fucked back into your dripping cunt, pace harder and faster than before. You were helpless to do anything other than fall forward into the wall, cheek squished against the scarlet. 
“Who’s brat are you?” Keigo squeezed a bit harder at your neck as you swallowed against his palm.
“Y-yours—!” You squeaked out, mind going numb from the stimulation and pressure.
A wicked sneer curled against your ear as Keigo’s movements grew sloppier. His tongue lolled over your shoulder, messy kisses and slobbery bites and marks left in his wake. He was close, but you weren’t far off easier.
“Little bird,” It was sweeter, closer and hotter. “Can you come for me? Come all over my cock?”
You nodded.
“Not good enough.” Keigo bit down, nearly breaking the fragile skin of your neck. “You know I like words, angel.”
You gave him words, plenty of them. 
Nearly incoherent pleads and cries poured from your bruised lips as Keigo pounded into you. Each blabbering wail was met with Keigo groans and grunts, condescending little phrases spitting over you without release.
Your lack of leverage and use of your arms made you thumping against the couch and wall, vision darkening on the edges as the pressure in your gut and the hold on your throat remained. 
You were breaking in his arms, tears rolling down your cheeks as you held yourself from cresting. The exertion of it all was taking its toll, legs jellied and chest beading with sweat. 
Keigo sensed it, shifting his hips to hit the spongy spot in your cunt, “Come, dove.”
You let go.
A sob shattered in your throat as your climax crashed through you. Keigo released your throat, holding you by your bound arms as he bottomed out. His own harsh cry panged against yours as he stuffed you full. 
Surprisingly gently, he rocked his hips against your own, letting the ambient throb of your cunt milk him dry.
You came down, rolling and spinning as you sucked down air a bit too fast. Keigo panted behind you, though the sound seemed dull.
The pressure from your wrists released, soft thumbs rubbing at where the fabric had bitten into your forearms, “Hey, angel, you with me?”
You could only nod weakly, exhaustion and aches creeping in. 
Keigo repositioned the two of you, setting himself against the arm of the couch, wings up free to drape and splay over the floor. He dragged you with him, pulling you to lay on his chest. The stickiness of his spunk, your slick, and general sweatiness might’ve been uncomfortable, but you weren’t quite lucid enough to care.
“How are you feeling? Still feeling a little mouthy?” Keigo teased, already knowing your answer. 
You muffled a groan against his chest, shaking your head against the sweat of his chest. 
“Awww,” Keigo chuckled, fingers brushing over your cheeks, “Is my dove a little fucked out?”
“Keeeigo, b-be nice.”
Your voice broke, parched.
Keigo snorted, pressing a kiss to the side of your forehead, “I guess I can manage that. Just for you, though. Can’t let the others see me get all soft.”
You wouldn’t; seeing Keigo warm and gooey, both of you mutually fucked-out, was a pleasure only you got to indulge in. And you loved every moment of it. 
taglist: @sinclairsamess (msg me if you’d like to be on it!)
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 311: Hand Gun
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “thinkin’ about dropping in some woke analogies of the very real and very presently relevant issue of racial profiling idk what do you guys think” and then shrugged and did it without waiting for an answer, and ngl it was a bit sudden, but I’m here for it. All Might was all “DEKU YOU NEED TO EAT” and Deku was all “OKAY” and took his hero bento and went to go stand dramatically on a tower in the rain whilst having some highly anticipated Vestige flashbacks. OFA II was all, “sup, I guess I’m not Kacchan... OR AM I,” and ngl I think he is?? Alternate universes anybody?? Hello??? But anyway, so OFA the First a.k.a. Yoichi was all “remember that time you guys rescued me from my evil brother and Two took my hand and we Had A Moment?”, and Two and Three were all “ahh yeah good times”, and it was very nice and very, very gay. The chapter ended with it being very unclear if Two and Three have actually lent their power to Deku yet or not lmao. Y’all need to get your shit together dudes.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “what if I gave a random bad guy a fucking tommy gun that shoots nails” and jesus christ calm down son. The Hawksquad, a.k.a. SQUAWK as per @hotchocolatier​, are all “time to drive aimlessly around town acting like Deku has a restraining order on us because that’s literally the best plan to combat the League we could come up with,” and I have no further comment. Hawks is all “idk about you guys but I want to know more about AFO and Tomura’s whole deal” and I can’t remember the last time I identified so strongly with one of these characters. All Might is all, “[EXPLODES???]”, and the chapter ends with that mysterious hot girl from the Tartarus breakout being all “HELLO I CAN TURN INTO A GUN AND I LITERALLY DON’T GIVE A FUCK” and (1) WOW, and (2) IT’S TRUE, SHE CAN, AND SHE REALLY DOESN’T. GODDAMN.
(ETA: so this wholly escaped my notice on the first go, and also has nothing to do with the chapter itself, but I only just realized that this chapter was scanlated by a new group, TCB Scans. they actually did a very good job, and I’m curious if they’ve found a new RAW provider, because the quality this week is actually crazy good in comparison to what we’ve been dealing with for the past few months. I’m gonna have to get caught up on what exactly happened here lol.)
so what will it be this week? more Vestige antics? more of Sad Nomad Deku standing on buildings and pretending like he’s some cool aloof antihero, as if he could fool us when we all know his hero backpack is secretly stuffed full with his nerd diaries and the remnants of all the hero bentos that All Might keeps giving him?? or, just putting it out there, just a crazy thought, but you don’t suppose we might actually cut back to U.A.? mmm. side-eyes emoji
maaaaaan I’m starting to get tired of this trend of beginning chapters by dropping in on random power-tripping civilians and/or Shindou lol. just once can we get a chapter that opens with someone I actually give a fuck about
oh at least Endeavor is here
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lol somehow that’s more terrifying than bullets for me?? like I’m fully aware that bullets will fuck you up way worse and that in real life nail guns probably don’t work like this AT ALL and only have a range of like... hold up let me just google... up to 100 to 150 m/s and distances of up to 500m wait WHAT
okay wait. hold up. like I was expecting google to tell me nail guns only shoot a few feet at most, and instead the first search result is some CDC blog article that’s “dispelling” the “””myth””” -- please note my repeated sarcastic quotation marks -- that nail guns can fire 1400 feet per second, by explaining that actually they can fire anywhere from 315 ft/sec to 1,295 ft/sec, and that “it is in the pneumatic nail gun user’s best interest to handle these tools as if they were a firearm despite having a lower velocity” dlkjdslkjflkl
anyway, so. there’s apparently a reason why the Number One hero, who can burn people with the intensity of a sun going supernova, is hiding here behind this concrete support column making frowny faces. nope. nuh uh. he ain’t about that. I don’t blame you buddy
so now he’s barrel rolling out of his hiding place and setting this dude THE FUCK ON FIRE because HELL NO. BAD ENOUGH I HAD TO WATCH THAT FUCKING MUSHROOM EPISODE LAST WEEK! YOU TAKE THAT SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE
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LOL look at his face
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I know the context is actually him being all “I know I’m responsible for basically everything that happened and so that’s why I’m so grim and serious about this mission to set things right piece by piece,” but in my mind this pissed-off face is 100% all because this dude tried to shoot his eye out with a nail gun. look at that. you made him go full flame face again. beard and all. protecting his face so that it can hopefully melt any stray nails that get too close. nope nope nope
good lord. so what’s up next. let me guess the guy fighting Best Jeanist has like an atomic chainsaw or some shit
lol nope we’re just cutting back to Hawks and Jeanist chilling in the Jesla after they’ve wrapped things up
Jeanist has got some serious Groot energy you guys jesus christ he’s like 12 feet tall
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oh snap someone threw a pipe at him now
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today is just the chapter of Endeavor being assaulted by random DIY tools I guess
I mean, I get why they’re pissed at him obviously; I would be too lol. but tbh I also don’t really understand the “get out of here we don’t want your help” attitude that all of these people suddenly seem to have?? like it if were me, I would be fucking DEMANDING for him and the other heroes to be working round the clock to fix their stupid mess. I mean who else is gonna do it?? it’s their mess, I sure don’t want to be the one to clean it up instead. anyways but whatever lol
oh shit?
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so they haven’t dropped the whole “OFA secret potentially gets revealed to the world” thing yet after all. that makes sense I suppose, it did seem like that whole thing wound up playing out a bit too easily
anyway so yeah
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the locals are definitely none too happy. well at least Dabi’s got something to be cheerful about I guess
so now we’re cutting to the interior of the Jesla and they’re chitchatting about the current investigation
oh wow this actually makes a bit of sense now. so there was a reason they were keeping their distance from Deku
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please note that even in this abstract Endeavor’s-Mental-Image-Of-Him panel, Deku’s eyes still don’t have the light in them anymore :( my poor son
also ftr I still think using Deku as bait in this particular sense is the shittiest idea ever ngl. like sure, let’s let the sixteen-year-old run around battling miscellaneous escaped prison convicts while we stay several kilometers away ON PURPOSE despite the fact that you’re using him as bait to draw out the Big Bad, who just a reminder can destroy anything with a mere touch and who you were all basically helpless against. what exactly are you all planning to do if Tomura or one of the other League VIPs actually shows up to retrieve him?? are you even keeping tabs on him at all in real time?? jesus
(ETA: well that escalated quickly lol.)
Horikoshi is all of a sudden dropping whole pages of exposition here and I can’t be bothered to summarize this lol so just,
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a big fat YES to what Jeanist said, though. that’s why imo they would have been better off laying a trap at U.A. rather than just wandering around out in the open. I assume they’re trying to cut their potential losses because U.A. is full of students (and civilians), but those students also happen to be more capable than pretty much anyone else in the manga at this point. and tbh they’re already in life-threatening danger regardless of how things play out from here on, so they might as well at least try to use the few advantages they have right now. U.A. is almost certainly going to come under siege at some point anyway, so they might as well prepare for it
lol I don’t think I’m explaining this very well because I don’t have the patience right now to break it down point by point like it really ought to be, so for now I’ll just say that imo “U.A. siege” stands a good chance of being the eventual endgame even now, and so this whole “Deku runs around being bait” arc is really just killing time until then lol. like and subscribe for more rambling nonsensical takes such as this. maybe next time I’ll even put it all into one single sentence for maximum meandering senior citizen rant value
well it’s nice that they’re finally talking about all of this I guess
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we readers have known all of this for months now but this confirms the heroes are finally caught up. ALSO, Hawks is so fucking smart, as always. kinda wonder if things would have played out differently if All Might had let him in on the secret a bit earlier. probably that’s why Horikoshi made damn sure they didn’t find out until after the War arc lol
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“anyone else wondering why AFO bothered to raise Tomura as his fake heir for fifteen years when he was secretly planning on taking over his body the whole time” YES, [raises hand] lmao Hawks where the hell were you when I was debating this “AFO is the final villain and Tomura is just his pawn” thing on multiple occasions over the past several years lol
lmao seeing them debate the metaphysics of OFA and all of its mystical bullshit is seriously surreal you guys
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anyway so after all that ranting it looks like that wasn’t even what Hawks was talking about after all lol. I just went off for absolutely no reason lol oh well. instead it seems that Hawks is suggesting that Tomura’s carefully cultivated hatred might not yet have actually reached “can defeat OFA” levels even after all of that trauma. interesting!
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don’t mind me, I’m just sitting here while my brain furiously scrambles to put together all the parallels between Hawks and Tomura that it never noticed before until exactly this second. like I’m not even sure that was the intent here at all (I need to check out another translation or two lol), but regardless my mind decided that now would be the perfect time to make the connection between these two twenty-somethings who both had horrific childhoods and spent years being molded by their respective manipulative guardians, and developed eerily similar “laugh at everything because what else can you do” coping mechanisms to deal with it all hmmmmm
anyway so they were talking more about their strategy, but now all of a sudden Jeanist’s phone is beeping??
AND NOW WE’RE CUTTING AWAY TO ALL MIGHT AND HIS MIGHTMOBILE DAMMIT so that means the call to Jeanist was actually something important then!! WAS IT BAKUGOU OMG. DOES YOUR INTERN WANT A WORD FFFKLFSJK please it’s been so long I just need a little crumb or two to tide me over lmao have mercy
anyway so All Might’s following the GPS tracking device he’s apparently got planted on Deku (which in my conspiracy headcanons he’s actually had for a long time now, like since before DvK2 lol because HOW ELSE WOULD HAVE HAVE KNOWN THAT THEY WERE FIGHTING EACH OTHER IN GROUND BETA, PEOPLE) and thinking angsty thoughts about Deku’s sucky life
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lol is he under attack or is he just finally giving All Might the slip like we all know he SECRETLY PLANNED TO ALL ALONG oh my poor dumb angstmuffin
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lmao only fifteen pages this week, and STILL NO KACCHAN (THEN WHO WAS PHONE!!!), but man I don’t even care because finally we’ve got a cliffhanger that’s actually deserving of being a cliffhanger! hot dog. okay then
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gaysimpsstuff · 3 years
Hawks With a Reader Who Tics
Genre: angst, fluffy fluff, 
Reader Pronouns: none
Other: This is based off of my tics, which usually only occur when I’m super stressed, and they’re all pretty simple. Just slapping my thigh, making a clicking noise, and general neck wanting to not be on my shoulders. If you want something more generalized, or something more along the lines of Tourrete’s Syndrome I am more than happy to oblige. Also this is totally self-indulgent so if no one else relates to this that’s fine.
Warnings: mentions of past teasing, reader cries, tics, shitty parents, cursing burnt toast and burnt bacon (the food not Dabi)
Taglist:  @smolchildfangirl @yuu-anon @poke-txts @combat-wombatus  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You had been going out with the Number Two hero Hawks for about two months now, and things were going great! No weird clicking noises or head-jerking or arms wanting to smack your thigh or random shouts of the word ‘yummy.’ You were beginning to think that maybe all your weird (an)tics had disapeared.
You’d never been more wrong.
Okay maybe you’ve been more wrong at times but still you were wrong.
All it took was one shitty day. Co-workers being assholes, Karens being Karens, but worst of all was a phone call full of bullshit from your parents. That was all it took for your body to start moving on its own. And not in the good way, the way that causes you to make weird clicking noises, jerk your head around like an owl, smack your thigh and repeat the word ‘yummy.’ 
Okay, you could deal with the clicking noise and the random yummy outbursts but all the more physical things? You really didn’t have the patience to deal with it. Which resulted in you leaving work early, complaining about being sick while masking as much as you possibly could to your boss.
And finally, you were home. And free to just let your tics do whatever the fuck they wanted until they wore themselves out. You hoped this wouldn’t be the type to last over a day, because that happened sometimes, and it was so annoying.
But you forgot something, something very important. You’d planned with your boyfriend to meet up and watch movies at your place. You were just lounging around half naked when you got the text that he was on his way.
“Fuck shit!” you rushed to get decent, knowing that all you could really do was put on a shirt, pants, and half-hazardly brush your hair before you heard the doorbell ring. “Alright Y/n you can do this.” you muttered. “It’s Hawks, he’s chill, you can stay calm and click still around him. Th- this’ll be easy! Suuper click click easy! And If you do tic, no problem he won’t hate you or make fun of you or break up with you! Just gotta go out there and face him, easy peasy... orIcouldrunawayandfakemydeathandlivemycottagecoredreamwithablindcatohhhyeahthatsoundssomucheasier*.” you shook your head (bad idea, you ended up hitting your chest really hard) and forced yourself out of the bathroom and to the front door, quickly ushering your boyfriend in.
“Baby bird! I haven’t seen you in person in forever!” he exclaimed. You sighed, looking up at him and immediately relaxing. Your boyfriend was so pretty, so kind, so perfect. Nothing could get in the way of a nice relaxing night.
“You saw me three days ago.” you deadpanned, holding back a click.
“It felt like forever!” he complained, walking in and shrugging his coat off. He was still in his hero costume, so he must’ve only just gotten off work. He folded his coat and put it on the little table next to the door, alongside his goggles and headphones.
“You aren’t injured?” you asked, checking his arms and face for scratches, then glancing at his wings to check their size. How many feathers had he used today?
“Baby don’t worry, I’m okay. Today was pretty chill. I only needed to use my wings for like- three things today. What about you? How was work?” you stiffened, praying you wouldn’t betray yourself.
“Eh it was okay.” you shrugged nonchalontly or however the fuck you spell it. Hawks raised an eyebrow at you. 
“You know I can tell when you’re lying.” you gave him a forced smile, ignoring how your heart sped up. 
“W-what are you talking about?” Stuttering. Of course you were stuttering. It wouldn’t take much longer before you simply couldn’t mask anymore.
“Dove, tell me what happened, I’m your boyfriend I want to help you-” he stopped talking when he saw how your hand was bouncing against your thigh, striking it hard.
“Fine- I’m I’m I’m F-fine fine!” you exclaimed, head jerking backwards. Hawks blinked in confusion.
“What was that?” his voice rose in concern. Tears were brimming in your eyes as you flinched away from his touch. You didn’t say anything, only grabbing the back of your neck to forcibly hold your head down. Even when you ticked you could just hold yourself back.
“Baby, talk to me, you’re worrying me.” Hawks took another step forward, and you just stepped backwards again, whimpering.
“N-no! No no!” you cried. Hawks stared at you with wide eyes, fearful. Suddenly he relaxed. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” his tone was different this time, soothing, sweet, it was exactly the kind that would make you relax. “I’m here, I’m gonna help you. Can you move your hands for me, Babe?” 
Slowly, your moved your hands away from your neck, immediately your head tried to dislocate itself, and a sharp stab of pain shot up your spine. 
“OW!” Hawks opened his arms, still giving you a kind look.
“I know, I know it hurts.” he whispered. “Just come here, let me hold you.”
Hold you? When you were spazzing out like this? What if you hit him? What if you hurt him badly? What if he never wanted to see you again?” What if-
You ran into his arms, sobbing. You felt something soft tickle the back of your neck. A feather. He rubbed your back soothingly. Rocking the two of you back and forth as you cried against his chest.
“S-sorry! Sorrysorrysorry!” you yelped when your arm smacked his side. 
“Shhhh shhh baby it’s okay.” He took your hand, gently moving it towards his face. Bad idea. You jerked your hand out of his grip, sniffling. 
“Do-don’t do th-that- don’t do that. I’ll hu-hurt you. S-sorry.” he nodded.
“I understand.” he murmured, taking the two of you to the couch. He kept you close to him, feathers covering your body to try and help you relax. It was nice. He was warm and his voice was soft. You felt so... heavy. You closed your eyes, cuddling against him, close as you could possibly get before you finally fell asleep.
You slowly opened your eyes, the smell of bacon filling the air. You blinked a couple time, realizing you were in your bed. You sat up, groaning. Your neck felt so sore. 
Click click
Ah, right. The tics were back. You thought back to yesterday, eyes widening as you remembered what happened. Hawks. He had come over hoping for a movie and cuddles, hoping for a break from taking care of people, and you’d ruined that with your stupid tic attack. How long had he stayed with you? Did he stay awake to make sure you didn’t tic in your sleep?
You ran out of your room, grateful you were still in your cozy movie party clothes. In the kitchen, Hawks had two plates on the counter, both with scrambled eggs and two slices of toast. Bacon was sizzling in the pan. 
“Good morning, Dove! How are you feeling?” he asked, a soft yet tired smile on his face.
“Hawks! Hawks oh babe I am so so sorry about last night!” you exclaimed, your fingers twisted and curled around each other as you hoped to find comfort in the movement.
“Don’t be, it’s okay. I made breakfast, look! I may have burnt the toast but you’ll be fine with that, right? Baby?” he cocked his head to the side, noticing your expression.
“Y-you sure it’s okay?” you asked softly.
“Yeah! Was this the first time you had muscle spasms?” He sent a feather towards you, tickling your nose before circling around and rubbing at the back of your neck. You felt yourself on the brink of tears again at the soft gesture.
“No...” you murmured. “But I haven’t had them in a while I- I thought they were gone.” He nodded, humming.
“What triggers them?”
“Just- general anxiety and bad thoughts...” you mumbled. 
“Alright. If you ever start ticking again, just call me. I’ll swoop in and help you. I’m pretty sure it’s hard to get stuff done when your body moves without you.” he flashed you a bright smile.
“Doesn’t it... weird you out?” you asked. “I could hurt you... I could accidentally break something I- I-”
“Baby.” you looked up at him. He took a step towards you, cupping your face into his hands and pressing a kiss to your lips. “I’m here for you. I care about you so I’m going to do everything in my power to make you feel comfortable. It’s my duty as hero, but more-so as your boyfriend.” you sniffled, nodding.
“Yes, Dove?”
“You’re gonna burn the bacon.”
Translation: Or I could Just run away and fake my own death and live my cottage core dream with a blind cat ohhh yeah that sounds so much easier
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uwuwriting · 4 years
What did I miss? w/ Hawks and Dabi
Request: Okay so hear me out: Hawks’ and Dabi’s s/o (as separate headcanons, or you can just choose one) is also a pro hero/villain and the lads think she died or something and they just become enraged and they’re so distressed (and the ending is soft because she’s okay and maybe they cry) I love your writing, I hope you have a nice day! -🐍
Lol I had a similar request some time ago for our younger boys which I never got around to doing because I’m bad at fulfilling requests and following orders lol. This will be both hilarious and angsty. Well hilarious if you have my sense of humour otherwise I’ll have to add cricket sounds. Okay maybe its not that funny but oh well, it didn’t make me cry at least. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warnings: angst and fluff, mentions of injury and death, swearing. 
Hawks/ Keigo Takami 
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-Having two winged heroes on patrol always kinda led to disaster. 
-You both would race each other to your randevouz points or you would mock each other about your wing span. 
- “You know what they say about your wing span? The bigger the wings well....the bigger the assets.” 
-You had bigger wings then him just for a few centimeters but you rubbed it in his face all the time. 
- “Why am I in love with you again?” 
-It really bothers him bc you keep saying he has a smaller dick than you....and you don’t have a dick so.....yeah....anyways. 
-You were on patrol once again, goofing around on a rooftop.
 -It was late at night and you could be a little more handsy since there were’t many possibilities someone could walk in on you. 
-Keeping your relationship a secret is hard and baby can keep his hands to himself for so long until he breaks. 
-Suddenly out of nowhere you started hearing screams and cries for help. 
-Keigo didn’t even get a chance to say anything before you were flying towards the building that was on FIRE. 
-Dashing right after you he entered the building nad he was half expecting to see you there in the entrance, but he saw no one, only a large chunk of flaming wood etched into the mahogony floor. 
-His mind immediately went to the worst scenario possible; it was like he couldn’t control his own thoughts.
-But right then, when his panic was beginning to surface, he heard you calling out for him. 
-The rescue of the residents took around half an hour and it got harder and harder as time went on. 
-The fire was getting out of control and was getting harder to locate everyone.
 -One apartment was left in the end and you could here crying coming from inside. 
-The fire was basically licking at your boots at this point but you weren’t about to let someone burn. 
- “Get those last two outside and I’ll meet you at the rooftop across the street.” 
- “Y/N-”
- “Keigo GO! I promise I’ll meet you outside.” 
-And that was the last thing he heard from you that night. 
-He did as he was told, he got the last two people out of the building and soon after them a toddler was carried out of the building. 
-He waited for you to come out next but you never came. 
-The flames licked at the sky, their tips seeming to be touching the moon. 
-The roof collapsed in on itself making the rescue teams to back away as they looked in horror as the whole flat came crumbling down. 
-HE doesn’t remember much from that night. 
-He knows he went back inside or at least tried to get past the debris. 
-He remembers seeing the color of your wings, that beautiful white, peeking out from under a fallen beam. 
-He remembers the upper floor almost crashing him as he tried to get you out and then nothing. 
-He woke up in a hospital bed, dressed in one of those white robes his whole body screaming at him not to move. 
-If he was being honest he forgot for a moment the events of the previous night and he was expecting to find you sleeping on the chair next to his bed, your hand in his just like you had done so many times before. 
-But you weren’t there and then everything came pouring in. 
-Frantically he got up and he reached for the door, yanking it open and coming face to face with a doctor. 
- “Where is she?” 
- “Sir you should be in bed, you injuries-” 
- “goddammit WHERE IS SHE?”
-His outburst had attracted some of the nurses but he couldn’t care less about his image right now. 
-Where you gone? But he remembers getting you out from under those fallen stairs. Maybe you were already dead when he reached you. 
-No no no you had promised ot find him outside, you had told him so. That’s why he left, that’s why he did as you said. What was he supposed to do now? Without you here what is he supposed to do?
-Everything was muffled out, the ringing in his ears being to loud to allow him to focus on anything else. 
-His breaths came out shallow as his head swam with thoughts. 
-You couldn’t be gone you just couldn’t he had so much he wanted to do with you, so many things planned you couldn’t-
- “Keigo?”
-He turned around slowly. 
-At first he thought he was dreaming, your voice always seemed to soothe him when he was destressed. 
-But then his eyes landed on you all bandaged up and sporting crutches. 
-You were hurt but you were alive, you were here, you were alright.
- “What did I miss birdbrain?”
-He launched himself at you bringing you flush to his chest as he silently cried. 
-He let a few I love yous slip past his lips before you both entered the privacy of his hospital room. 
-Neither of you spoke for a long time. 
-You just held each other as tightly as your stitches would allow before letting all the tears fall. 
- “I’m here, we’re alright.”
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-You had been sent out on a mission on your own. 
-Dabi had tried to convince Shiggy to let him go with you but he refused. 
- “I’m not sending you on this one with her. She is the best suited for this job and I’m not letting you mess it up just for your fuck buddy.”
-Shiggy really knows how to push Dabis’ buttons and if you ask me Dabi makes it easy at times. 
-They were a pain in the ass. 
-I mean you are going out on a mission let a girl get prepared in peace.
-Before they could set each other on fire and then dissolve into dust you dragged Dabi away telling Shiggy that you would be going soon. 
- “Really Dabi at times I doubt if you trust me at all.” 
- “It’s not that I don’t trust you dumbass. I just dontwantyoutogethurt.”
-Legit you didn’t hear anything he said but you had an inkling.
- “Oh what was that?”
- “I’m not saying it again.”
- “Here I am going out on a dangerous mission and you won’t even grant me one wish...how cruel.”
-He ended up saying it again but really really begrudgingly. 
- “I’ll be back before you know it, okay?” 
-You kissed his nose then his lips and let out a small I love you before heading down to the bar and getting the last info from Kurogiri. 
-Now Dabi likes to see himself as a very heartless and stone cold individual. 
-But you always were the exception to his behaviors so he couldn’t help but admit that he was worried. 
-The mission was supposed to take three days plus one for you to return. 
-It was still day two and he was ready to pull his hair out. 
-But he promised you that he wouldn’t go out to search for you unless you have been gone for a week or more. 
-So he just waited in agony.
-The moment though that you weren’t back in a week as you said you would be he went into a silent panic. 
-He wanted to be nonchalant about it at first, just casually bringing up your whereabouts in convos with the league or asking Kurogiri of any mission reports from your end. 
-Always came up with nothing. 
-They had lost track of you two days ago and your last contact was yesterday. 
-Now he was sure going to come after you. 
-And no one could stop him. 
-He knew you were strong and that you could handle yourself better than anyone in the league but he couldn’t stop himself from going after you. 
-He had learned from Shiggy that the group you had targeted had a soft spot for torture if they caught someone in their territory.
-His mind of course went first to the worst case scenario, his pessimistc nature getting the better of him as flashes of you hurt on the floor of some basement ran throough his head.  
-It didn’t take him long to reach your randevouz spot, mainly bc he was driving around Tokyo like a maniac. 
-He entered the small house that was marked as you target and the first thing he was met with was blood. 
-It was on the walls and on the floor and he couldn’t tell if this was yours or it was someone elses. 
-Then he heard suffling from a closet nearby. 
-It was a low scratching noise coming from the closet in the far back. 
-He slowly approached it, his left arm letting small blue flames lick his fingertips as he opened the door. 
-And then his heart dropped. 
-Tumbling out of the closets’ interior was you, bloddied and bruised your arms barely keeping you propped up as you landed on the floor. 
-He didn’t miss a beat. 
-He scooped you up, moving stray hairs from your eyes as you barely kept them open.
-Your lip was split and you had a huge bruise right under your left eye. 
- “Hey there baby.”
- “What the fuck happened Y/N?”
-You cringed as he moved his arms under your back, the pain being too much even for you. 
- “They were waiting for me. I sent a message to Shiggy saying that I was coming back but he insisted I finish this. I managed to kill the leader but some of his rookies got to me.”
-He didn’t take you to the hideout. 
-Oh no.
-If he had done that then there would be no Shiggy to lead them and there would’ve been a large fire in that area. 
-He rented a room in a nearby motel. 
-He let you rest while he went out and got you some disinfectants and bandages. 
-Really when he was cleaning you up, if his tear ducts worked properly he would’ve cried. 
-You woke up at some point while he was finishing up and you could feel his trembling and his silent sobs. 
-You wrapped him in a hug, squeezing him as much as you could as you let your tears wet his t-shirt. 
-His hands went up and down your sides and back, pulling you into his lap as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. 
- “I’m alright, see? That’s my heart beat.” 
-You placed one of his palms over your heart in hopes that the subtle thud would calm him down. 
-He really loves you and he won’t let anything happen to you ever again. 
-Even if it kills him. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @bemorefiction​
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teashoptiramisu · 3 years
Another fic rec list
This started as a rec list for “well-written fics with feral characters”. It kinda got out of control, and I started questioning “what even counts as feral in a characterization sense”, but hopefully some of these hit the mark. They are all fics that I love a lot and recommend more generally! All of these are gen and mostly rated T, unless noted otherwise:
A Dark Night in Ba Sing Se: ATLA, 20k words, first arc complete, on hiatus. Zuko gets arrested for taking the guard’s swords when he fought Jet at the tea shop, but he will not stay arrested, and further shenanigans ensue. Sweet, funny, excellent characterization, many delightful OC’s that really fill out the world of Ba Sing Se.
Towards the Sun – ATLA, 57k words, first arc complete, on hiatus. Same author as the previous (muffinlance). Zuko becomes firelord in rather worse circumstances than canon. TBH the “feral” part doesn’t really come in until near the end, when it turns out that trying his hardest isn’t enough, so he tries something else. Same author as the above, with really excellent characterization, a humorous kind of narration that will keep you laughing through the tension and heartbreak. Beware the angst in the middle but it gets better!
There May Be Some Collateral Damage – Bleach & HP, 60k words, complete. Ichigo is sent to bodyguard Harry for the 5th year, everything is delightfully chaotic and hilarious.
“I don’t take things from people,” Ichigo corrects her indignantly. “I mean, sometimes I chop them up and set them on fire, but I don’t take them. Stealing is wrong.”
Trust Me, I’m an Alchemist – FMA & YOI, 55k words, complete. Also by metisket. What if everyone in Yuri!!! On Ice had to deal with Elrics instead of Yuri Plisetsky? The answer is mafia connections and secondhand trauma but also more friendship and general shenanigans! Incredibly crack-y premise and the beginning to set it up is a bit weird and confusing but I promise the rest of the fic is 100% worth it. So funny, so wonderful, I re-read my favorite bits of this at least once a week. Technically lots of shipping (this is YoI after all) but it’s all played for laughs/characterization, not particularly romantic. I would post a favorite quote like for the above but I couldn’t choose just one.
Play it again – Teen Wolf (but no familiarity required), 63k words, complete. Same author as the previous two (metisket). Dimension-Travel fix it, Stiles is 200% chaotic but he has a plan and it’s gonna work. The Hale family is alive and so much fun, especially Laura. Also very funny, some romance at the very end but it’s pretty low-key.
What Goes Around – Teen Wolf, 71k words, complete. Kate kills Sheriff Stilinksy as well as the Hales, so Stiles and Peter team up to take out hunters like her in revenge. Unlike most of my other recs, this one is not funny, but it is interesting, and while they’re very methodical about it I think the way it handles “serial killers hunting serial killers” definitely counts as feral. Also this one is rated M rather than T and has Stiles/Derek at some point but I forgot the details.
Subject: A Comprehensive Report – BNHA, 83k words, updates very sporadically. Izuku remains quirkless but becomes the scariest damn researcher. I would call this “feral about investigating.” I love the multi-media formatting of this work and the expansive, in-depth worldbuilding the author contributes to explain how the hero system of canon came to be.
Something Borrowed – BNHA, 130k words, abandoned (for now at least). AFO!Izuku, who personality-wise is pretty nice, but when he goes all-out with his quirk he goes all out. I REALLY love the creativity the author brings to exploring and combining quirks, and how the characters work together to figure these things out.
Mr. and Mrs. Todoroki’s Excellent Day at Hero-Con – BNHA, 5k words, complete. I love “hero cosplays at fancon, trolls fans” as a story genre, and for some reason I haven’t really seen that outside of BNHA? Anyways this is one of the most chaotic and fun versions of this. Features Izuku and Uraraka trolling the entire world and especially Todoroki with utter panache. It’s Izuku/Ochako/Shotou but the shipping is pretty low-key.
Looping Back to the Beginning – BNHA, 10k words, complete. Class 1-A is caught in a time loop so they have fun with it. Featuring pranks, taunting villains, general shenanigans. Probably more “chaotic” than “feral”, but it’s a lot of fun!
Yesterday Upon the Stairs – BNHA, 424k words, complete. Look if you read BNHA fics you don’t need me to tell you about this fic, but suffice to say I think it’s status as the most-read English language work on AO3 is entirely deserved. Izuku is particularly feral in Ch. 7-9 (USJ attack), Ch. 26-27 (final exam), Ch. 34-40 (Kamino Ward), Ch. 50-end (Nighteye internship – esp. 57-59 for the showdown with Overhaul).
Twin Swap – BNHA, 55k words, two complete arcs. Fuyumi and Touya get body-swapped, shenanigans ensue. This is funny and cracky and endearing and more towards “found family feels” than feral escalation, but I’m putting it on here b/c Fuyumi is so done with everyone’s shit, and Dabi is, well, Dabi. Background Dabi/Hawks and Fuyumi/Miruko.
Abolish Private Property - Naruto, 27k words, sporadic updates. “The raging communist SI/OC that no one asked for, or really, deserves.” It’s, uh, very cracky but pretty funny. TBH I much more enjoy the sister fic Sanitize but that is the opposite of feral. Yui suffers no fools but she’s here to bring the wonders of modern medicine (what she can of it) to a preindustrial society wracked by war.
Several Yelp! Reviews of the Bridge~Port Brew Pub – Leverage, 900 words, complete. Parker is just always feral but this is my favorite Leverage fic, it’s fun!!
…and I didn’t end up with any FMA recs on here did I? woops. Uh, I recommend going through metisket’s and silentwalrus’ author pages, they both write great ridiculous Elrics. Mind the tags.
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damn-stark · 3 years
I Was Made For Loving You
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Hawks x villain!reader
Summary- After a tragic accident in the years past you were thought to be dead, but now years later Hawks is shocked to see that it wasn’t true. However you aren’t the same hero you were before, in fact when it came down to it you had no recollection of the man you once used to call friend.
Warning- Violence, slight swearing, angst, spoilers for the latest episodes of season 5 and some slight spoilers from the manga, but only slight.
“Hey, Y/N, come down stairs I have someone I want you to meet!”
It had been so fast and so chaotic, there weren't echoing sounds of hurried footsteps, or shouting back of any kind. There was a gust wind that slightly got my guarded stance off balance and then there she was, suddenly in front of me, coming to a sloppy and skidding stop with a goofy grin spreading on her lips. Her father told her to introduce herself to me, but the first thing that came out of her mouth was a compliment that until that day I had never gotten before. “Oh wow, you’re so cool!”
She was the first person to ever see me. And not as some weapon, or some disgrace, but as something as she said that day, “cool”. She was one the first people I ever truly liked. Which is why even if I never said it, she was special.
Now she’s gone. Or so I thought.
“He wanted a show,” Dabi scoffed smugly, “give him a show.”
Your lips tug into a smirk and you look at him over your shoulder to throw him a quick comment as you kick the back doors open. “I’ll give an unforgettable one.” You then proceed to pull your mask over your face, and pull your hood over your head before looking back to the city and jumping out of the van.
The people’s eyes instantly find you and more panic increases within their already frightened states, some look at you with hope as they think you’re some new hero since they had never seen you before, but you were the opposite of that and today was going to be your grand debut.
“Someone please bring me the Hero you all call Hawks!” You exclaim cockily as you throw your arms up and calmly strut down the middle of the panicked streets. “I want to introduce myself!”
The hope you noticed slowly burned out and the people began avoiding you as they ran away from the fighting pair that roamed the skies. Instead of giving you what you requested you were left walking the streets in search of the birdman a while longer, hearing the destruction that the Nomu and the hero Endeavor made above.
“Someone please,” you boom, “bring me your mighty Hero! I don’t want to ask again!” You look around you and nothing happens, making you let out a small sigh before you speak to yourself under your breath, “but it seems that I’m going to have to stop being so nice. Tsk.”
You stop halfway down the street and clench your fists, eyeing a building next to you and smirking.
Yet before you could do anything a tall shadow cast over you and a comment is finally directed at you. “I heard you’ve been looking for me.”
You smirk, but don’t say anything, instead you swiftly spin around on your heels to face him and crouch down so your hands were touching the ground—“I have, but it seems,” you scoff as your eyes roam his red wings, “that I might have the wrong guy. Since you’re missing a couple of feathers or what not.”
He scoffs and begins to slowly approach you. “No thanks to your Nomu.”
You chuckle softly and tilt your head slightly. “You’re very smart to assume that I'm the one to blame for that thing.”
“I know.” He remarks smugly, before all too quickly dropping that smugness and glaring at you. “So I'm right then. You’re the one the blame.”
“You know,” you avoid the comment, “I’ll be honest, you’re cool. I like the wings,” you point to him, scoffing as you once again notice that his wings weren’t as big as you’ve seen from the TV. “Or well, you know what I mean.”
Hawks stops in his tracks and stays quiet for a moment, he looks around him and then at you, furrowing his thick brows and expressing more anger in his eyes. In that short silence letting you note that he was in fact very cute for a Hero, he wasn’t that tall, but what he lacked in height, he made up with his bright eyes, messy but yet….well styled hair? a nice stubble on his chin and a pretty face. In some ways, for some reason his face seemed oddly familiar, like in a personal type of way, but this was your first time ever talking to him so you didn’t know what that was about. Regardless, it was too bad you had to get off on the wrong foot.
“I would say the same,” Hawks finally spoke out to you, “but I don’t know who you are, or what you can do.”
You smile even if he couldn’t see it and clutch onto the ground, making small craters where your fingers had dug into. “Here I’ll show you.”
In an instant with your quirk you make the ground below you shake, before you make a small wave out of the earth and send it his way to hurl him back to a distant building. Finally making people pay attention to you and him as a fight finally breaks out.
Instead of going after him, you stand your ground and wait for the dust that his body made at impact to settle. However as it did he’s no longer where you sent him, nor is he coming at you, he’s gone. “Huh?” You narrow your gaze and as you’re going to turn, you see his shadow on the ground becoming bigger as he flew down towards you.
“I’m not good with power types, but I won’t give up either.” He shoots at you.
Again you turn on your heels and before his boot could hit you, you keep your hands on the ground and manipulate the air around you to hit him and throw him off course. He quickly gets to his feet and pulls out a large feather from his wings to point the tip at you. At the sight you smile wickedly under your mask and create fire from your hands and send it to him in a fury, blazing line, seeing him quickly avoid being burnt and swiftly coming at you to act as if he was going to attack, but before he could, he surprised you by having some of his feathers hit you from behind and knock you down, so your hands weren’t no longer touching the ground.
A groan escapes your lips and you roll to your stomach, feeling the same feathers pull your arms back before you felt the warmth of his hands grab them so he could pull you to your feet.
“Too easy,” he spat with a hidden hit of cockiness in his tone. “You make it too easy to tell that you have to have your hands on the ground to use your quirk.”
You chuckle softly and slide your eyes to the side to meet his and talk back to his wrong assumption. “Smart.” You pull your leg forward and in a blink of an eye kick it back to hit his knee with your foot, causing his grip around you to falter, and letting you gain the upper hand to throw your body to the side and elbow him. Finally being let go, but not able to use your quirk as he swung his feather that acted as some type of sword across your face.
Your mask breaks in half and falls off your face, finally revealing your face that you hid underneath, and making completely freeze and lose all color from his face as his eyes finally fell on your face.
You proceeded to step back, clueless to the sudden shock he was under and tried to continue with the fight with the same cockiness as before. “It was a smart assumption to say that I needed my hands on the ground to use the quirk but—”
“Y/N?” He cuts you off in an almost breathless way.
The cool expression you had on your face drops, and your eyebrows furrow as you tilt your head to the side and look at him with a hardened and perplexed gaze before you mutter out, “who the hell is that?”
He blinks and his lips part, but he remains speechless, shocked and confused, making it the perfect chance for you to manipulate the wind to hit his chest and make him fly back again. Instead of standing your ground you strut towards him, creating flames on one hand that traveled down to your arm, while with the other you manipulated the wind, shooting him a smirk as he managed to keep his feet on the ground and just slide back—“as I was saying!” You start again, “my weakness is not having my hands off the ground, but I did trick you didn’t I?”
Hawks frowns and remains silent, he digs his feet into the ground and stays his ground. You however turn your strut into a run and as you’re a few feet away you use the air to jump high, pulling your fire covered arm back and tricking him by letting him think you were going to hit him, but instead shooting the fire and wind out towards the helicopter that was flying overhead.
“Who are you going to save?” You smirk as you land on the ground before him. “Yourself or those people above?”
Hawks glares at you and just as you think he’s going to swing again, suddenly a couple of his feathers cover your eyes and pull you back to the ground, instantly stopping your attacks that you sent and throwing you hard to the floor.
“What the hell?” You hiss in a shocked tone.
“Your weakness is in your eyes.” He finally speaks, making you gasp and freeze. “You have to be able to see to manipulate the elements. Even the fire you create.”
How did he know?
“How—” You stop yourself and instead of continuing to ask for an answer, you call out to someone else. “Ujiko, now.”
With not a moment to spare you were gone from the scene.
How did he know? Only two people knew of your weakness and you always made sure not to give that fact away, you even pretended that you needed to have your hands on the ground to use your quirk, you knew for sure that people didn’t know that part about yourself. Hell until this day only the league of villains knew you.
Then again your memory was very spotty. But it didn’t even make sense then.
“Elemental it’s time to go.”
You lift your eyes and see Dabi waiting for you halfway out the warehouse, you push yourself away from the wall and step away from the shadows that hid you inside the room.
Through your confused state you had missed the conversation he was having with Hawks, but telling by the angry expression painted on his face the talk went as expected. When you passed by him his eyes didn’t leave your retreating figure, in fact he still looked at you with that same confusion until you had your back faced to him and he saw the one thing that confirmed something within him.
“Nice tattoo.” He compliments you, making you look back to see your wings tattoo neatly drawn on your back.
You lift your gaze and meet his to shoot him a sweet smile. “Thanks.” You look away and shoot him a peace sign with one last comment as Dabi threw his arm over your shoulders. “See ya, Kei.”
Why did I say that?
How is she alive?
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
I just found your page and after reading some of your mha posts had a couple things I wanted to ask if that's ok.
1. Since you feel Hawks is not justified because he could have chosen options other than killing Twice, do you think he would have been had he genuinely been made to choose between killing him and saving others? I.e. do you think it's just this killing in particular that was not justified and thus murder, or do you think heroes killing can never be justified, even if in self-defense or defense of others? If we take the "Heroes save people" maxim to its limits, it might be reasonable to argue for a deontological approach to ethics rather than a utilitarian one, so that killing one to save others is not justified because you actively break your code (as opposed to risking not being able to save others, which would be considered a lesser moral wrong under this mindset).
2. This might very well be a stupid question, but if we consider that heroes shouldn't treat others as an it and put them down for the "sake of society", do you feel this ought to extend to AFO too? I really don't mean to use this as a gotcha moment or anything like it, but I feel like if MHA is trying to move away from a punitive justice system in favour of a rehabilitative/restorative one, we ought to consider where people like AFO fall into this system as well. AFO is seemingly entirely unlike any of the other villains in the show, but if we judge that he deserves a different fate for this it also feels like playing into the "Some people just can't be saved" notion that's been perpetuated by hero society. It is of course entirely possible, if not likely, that he'll fall in battle, or that Shigaraki himself will kill him eventually, but I feel like that skirts the issue rather than answer it. As someone who does not seem to show any remorse, desire or even ability to be saved, and in fact feels rather inhuman, what should a reformed society even do with him? Even if we could convincingly argue him to be fundamentally different and thus deserving of punishment, it is much easier for us readers who have more information to make this call, rather than in-universe characters whose judgement will inevitably be based on something less than the full truth. So even if AFO's case in particular was easily answered, it would set a precedent for cases that may appear similar, but in truth be less clear cut. Basically, I believe you feel the villain league deserves another chance because they were victims of their circumstances, and thus not necessarily beyond salvation, because they never knew normality to begin with, but what about those who were not victims, those who by their nature have insurmountable trouble fitting into a peaceful society? Perhaps it's just my mistaken assumption that such people exist and I'm reading AFO wrong, or perhaps it's the opposite and I'm giving people like AFO undue consideration, or perhaps my assumption that AFO ought to be treated as a person rather than a carocature, a symbol, is flawed to begin with, but I just really don't think a manga that wants to argue that villains are people too should go "but here's THIS vile piece of shit, let's kill him!". Am I making sense here?
3. On another note, what do you think of Endeavor's recent speech and general recent development? I've seen some people who were upset by his "Would it fix everything if we showed you our tears" line, but rather than him being dismissive or callous I just see it as him awkwardly saying that he doesn't think anything other than actions can help him atone for what he did. He's still got a lot to work through, but him recognizing that he's got something to atone for and freely talking about what he did to his family is, as I find, certainly a huge step in the right direction.
WHOO hey! Sorry for taking a while to respond. You gave me some really well thought-out questions and I wanted to return the favor with well thought-out answers. Also I was heckin busy yesterday when you sent this. So, here we go:
To answer this question about Hawks, I first need to clarify what it means to be a hero in the eyes of the story that is BNHA:
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This honestly doesn’t even make a dent in the amount of panels in BNHA that reiterate time and time again that heroes SAVE people, but I don’t feel like I should have to spend too much time looking for them, these I used above should suffice. The one with baby Midoriya and baby Tenko doesn’t even have any words in the panel, and it’s still powerful enough to get the message across. And make me cry.
Almost every story has its own “heroes” in it. And every story’s definition of a hero is different. In Marvel and DC superhero comics and movies, the heroes usually end up killing the villains, yes? I can’t say I’m familiar with these stories because they aren’t interesting to me in the slightest, but from the ones I HAVE seen, the final boss at the end dies. But all of the heroes get to keep their title of “hero”. That’s not really the standard we have in BNHA.
“Do you think it's just this killing in particular that was not justified and thus murder, or do you think heroes killing can never be justified, even if in self-defense or defense of others?”
So this is a fair point and I feel that the best way to answer this is by asking what you consider self defense? Say Hawks is at home mad chillin and not prepared for a fight in the slightest, and somebody breaks into his house and starts trying to hurt/kill him. He’s unprepared and at this point just trying to keep himself alive. If he ends up killing the guy, is he wrong? In my opinion, no. In real life this happens to people, and they aren’t considered murderers, as they shouldn’t be. To me, self defense is a situation where:
It’s either you or me. It’s one or the other.
I think it’s fair to say what happened with Hawks and Twice was absolutely NOT self defense. I’m not going to go into detail about how deciding to kill Twice was absolutely 100% premeditated, because there’s a wonderful post by someone else that already explains that in great detail here. But I’ll end this thought by saying that Hawks was not committing an act of self defense.
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Nothing about this says “self-defense” to me.
“If we take the "Heroes save people" maxim to its limits, it might be reasonable to argue for a deontological approach to ethics rather than a utilitarian one, so that killing one to save others is not justified because you actively break your code (as opposed to risking not being able to save others, which would be considered a lesser moral wrong under this mindset).”
To make it simple for some people to understand these terms:
“Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on OUTCOMES.“ In a nutshell, utilitarian ethics means you make a decision based on how it will affect everything else.
“In moral philosophy, deontological ethics or deontology is the normative ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the consequences of the action.” In a nutshell, deontological ethics means you make a decision based on whether it follows rules or not.
So this is a complicated question, and my answer to this is....both? Throughout BNHA we’ve had this dilemma over and over again:
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Break the rules and save the day? Or follow the rules and possibly suffer the consequences? Well, BNHA just says “Yes” lol. Do both. Break the rules and save the day. Make a decision based on the consequences of said decision, but also try to follow the rules as best as you can. Even in reality, people do this to get through life. You really can’t live life under a strict utilitarian approach or a strict deontological approach. If Midoriya hadn’t persisted against his classmates and the law to go save Bakugo, he WOULD have gotten kidnapped AGAIN. They were actively trying to take him with them. If Midoriya didn’t break the rules to save Kota, Kota would have straight up DIED. Muscular was actively trying to kill Kota, not to mention Kota had zero ways of defending himself. But here’s where I don’t think this is a fair comparison:
Hawks claims his killing of Twice was to save others. I don’t completely disagree with this logic, if the situation was more dire and dangerous for Hawks. The league was taking peoples’ lives. Somebody had to do something. The problem is that Twice was RUNNING AWAY when Hawks killed him. Twice wasn’t fighting Hawks back, he wasn’t endangering Hawks himself. Hawks stabbed him in the back. AND Hawks had Dabi to worry about, who was actively trying to attack Hawks. But Hawks chose to murder Twice instead of fending off Dabi. And if you refer back to the post I linked above about how it was a premeditated decision to kill Twice, you’ll see that Hawks had the capability of knocking Twice unconscious. He should have done this from the get go. And honestly? There are other heroes who could have captured Twice. There SHOULD have been other heroes to capture Twice. If Hawks was the only hope for the heroes in that war then jeez, the heroes suck at their jobs.
So TLDR for this question: Hawks’s circumstances were not drastic enough for him to be justified in killing Twice. As I said above, self-defense is one thing, where yes I could understand how if a life is lost while defending oneself is probably inevitable in some cases. But this wasn’t self defense. Twice was running away. Hawks should also be able to rely on his hero comrades to help him out.
Instead Hawks chose to be law-enforcement, judge, and executioner all in one moment.
I hope this answers your question? I tried my best. If I misunderstood or missed a talking point, feel free to shoot me a message or another ask.
Next question:
Believe me. I have thought about this! What about AFO? He’s human too isn’t he? You have a point. Should the restorative justice system extend to AFO? I would say yes. If I’m going to stick to my guns that the villains deserve restorative justice and not punitive justice, I should be fair and say it should extend to all villains.
The problem is not in the idea of exploring saving AFO, it’s just that there simply isn’t enough time to explore this in the story. If Horikoshi had said “I’m not going anywhere guys! We’re in this for the long haul!” I’d say it’s possible to explore that route. We don’t know anything about AFO except from what we’ve seen on screen, and what we’ve been told by All Might and the other OFA holders. Which still isn’t much to go on. You’re not giving AFO undue consideration. It’s definitely a deserved consideration. There are people in the story (and the real world) who may not be victimized in any way and end up being villains. Do they deserve a chance? I’d say yes. It’s in my nature as a social worker irl to give people the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance to learn. You’re right that in the end, the league being saved and the characters not considering what could have led AFO to villainy is just “skirting around the problem.” And honestly, that’s probably what we’re going to get. I wouldn’t be surprised for the thought to pass in Midoriya’s head. After saving somebody like Shigaraki, who everybody in the story (and many readers) considered to be “too far gone”, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Midoriya entertained the thought for a brief moment. “What could have saved AFO from himself?” So honestly I don’t have an answer to this question that qualifies both sides. I can’t say that AFO is “too far gone” without undermining that fact that I never believed Shigaraki was “too far gone”, simply because we don’t get to decide what “too far gone” is.  All I can say is that in the eyes of the story, there are far too many differences between AFO’s circumstances and Shigaraki’s circumstances to compare the two, and say they deserve the same type of sympathy from us readers.
Truly I have no sympathy for AFO, because the story doesn’t ask for it. The story wants sympathy for Shigaraki, Toga, Touya, Spinner, and even a tiiiiiny bit for Overhaul. It asks for NONE for AFO.
Another post I’ll link here that isn’t by me but by another awesome meta blogger (@hamliet​) is this.
In a nutshell it says:
It’s not that AFO can’t be saved, it’s that he won’t. That’s the best answer I can give to that question honestly.
As for the third question:
That press conference was just...eh. I mean yeah, Endeavor not denying the allegations was good. Not that he really could anyway. It sucks for the rest of his family though. But at the same time Touya deserved his revenge, even though it was at the expense of his siblings and mother. It sucks, it’s a double edged sword because somebody is hurting no matter what was gonna happen. Endeavor was an asshole to that lady but I don’t really care too much. I’m really torn on what I think is going on inside Enji’s head because the Todofam is either extremely dense, or Horikoshi is writing their dialogue extremely vague on purpose to keep reader’s on the edge of their seats regarding what they want to do about Touya. I really don’t know. I’m not thrilled with the way the Todofam plot is being written right now, even though I’m 100% sure Touya is going to get his happy ending. But right now anything to do with the Todofam that isn’t Shoto and Touya just bothers me. I don’t think Enji really understands yet what he has to do for Touya. Yes he recognizes that he has to atone, but he’s not recognizing HOW he has to atone. Right now he’s still stuck in that “I have to be a hero to absolve my crimes against my family” headspace and I don’t think he’s going to get out of that headspace until he comes face to face with his son and realizes that he can’t just fight villains and go home to a happy family that he terrorized for 20 years. He’s going to have to let his family go, let them decide when to let him back in, if they ever do (I think they will just because of the way the story is being written.) As a reader, Enji is just a character that I cannot vibe with, no matter what happens. I definitely appreciate his role in the story. His role is vital to Touya’s saving and redemption. Touya is in my top 3 favorite characters from this series and I’m emotionally invested. So while I appreciated Enji’s role in the story, I don’t like his character or anything to do with him, at least until it comes time to help save his son. Also the trio of Hawks, Best Jeanist, and Enji just gives me major back the blue vibes and I just can’t read their chapters and be in a good mood lol.
Thank you for the ask! I hope I answered everything! This was fun to answer!
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
Hawks and S/O Play Among Us
Hawks x Reader
Just a small headcanon I made since me, my mom, my brother, my step-sister, and some of my friends play all the time! If you wanna play together or just chat with me lemme know and I’ll make a private group for you all to join and chat with me! ;)
Warnings: strong language, excess use of profanity, so if you don’t like very strong language please leave! A slight little bit of suggestive sexiness from Hawks, but it’s very very brief! That’s it!
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* Cheats all the time. So make sure you both are in separate rooms. If you’re beside him playing on your phones, he will for sure peek over and see if you’re an imposter or not.
* If you’re both Crewmate he’ll stay glued to your side. He’ll do all tasks with you, make sure he follows you if something got sabotaged, even though this may cause you to lose. “Hawks go to the other one! We only have 15 seconds!” “But what if you die? I’ll be all alone, and everyone will sus me because I stayed with you all the time!” “That’s why you don’t follow me and act sus!” Needless to say it’s difficult getting him to leave your side. If you do die, he’ll start blaming your killer even though he has no proof at all. Then he gets voted out and you do tasks together as ghosts. He’s one of those people to randomly start accusing people, and will use you as an alibi. “I was with my girlfriend and brown was following us. He’s pretty sus.” Then you get spams in the chat saying “wtf.”
* if you’re both imposters, he’ll make sure to sit by you and run around freely by himself knowing you’re safe. Even in a fictional game he makes sure you’re safe... most of the time. “FUCK! FUCK!! BROWN SAW ME!!! WHAT DO I DO?!?!” “LIE!” “THEY ALL WANNA VOTE ME OUT WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” Voting occurs, and you vote him out. “YOU BETRAYED ME?!?!” “WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?! IT WOULD BE SUS IF I DIDNT!!!” He’ll start pouring and follow you around in his little ghost form, assisting in sabotage and warning you if there’s anyone around so you can kill people. If you were away from each other, he would venture on his own and sometimes follow you to see if you can double kill. “Yes! Good job, dovie, you make a great sidekick!” If you are being accused, he’ll defend you immediately, which makes it all the more suspicious. Then you both end up getting voted out.
* You’re the imposter and he’s the crewmate. You kill Hawks first. Always. You have to or else he’ll rat you out immediately. He’s very competitive if you are on opposite teams. If you do get voted out he’ll rub it in your face and laugh. “You’re so predictable, dovie. It’s not even funny!” Well, apparently he thinks it’s funny. He also thinks it’s funny seeing the pouty expression on your face. If your teammate kills him, you start laughing at him. “Hah! Yellow got revenge! Thank you yellow! Carry us to victory!” He scowls. “At least I made it farther.” If you successfully kill him, he’ll stalk you through his little ghost and scrutinize your methods. “You killed him in the open, If it were real you’d be locked away by now.” “It’s a game babe. Let me play how I wanna play. You’re acting childish cause I killed you.” “I hope they vote you out. Liar. Murderer. Imposter!” When you end up winning he’ll pout. “I’ll get you next time, baby bird.”
* He’s the imposter and you’re the crewmate. He’s very good at it. He likes to wait and kill you last since he loves to taunt you. Then he’ll lie to the entire chat and act all innocent. However, if you’re playing with friends, this plan always backfires. You don’t even suspect him because he’s so good at playing the role of an imposter, it’s almost scary. If he’s the imposter, he always wins. If he’s acting sus, you call an emergency meeting and immediately convince everyone to vote him out. It’s a desperate last effort tactic to try and win against him. Of course, he smooth talks his way out of things and you’re the one that gets booted. There will be a small little thing at the end where you are playing with friends :)
* Characters, of course yours is whatever you want, but Hawks... he loves to do stupid ass nicknames that you and all your friends and his make fun of. It’s consisted of “Sexy Bird” “No. 2 Bitches” “(Y/N)’s dick giver” “chickenman” “nugget king” “Endeavor my daddy” “Endeavorsimp” “Hawks” The last one is to try and make his fans day if he has any that play when you both just play online together. His character is almost always yellow with little goggles on top, a white suit, and a mini crewmate as his pet. Many don’t believe that it’s actually Hawks, not until he posts pictures on his social media of you and him playing together.
* Playing with Friends: You, Hawks, Endeavor, Mirko, Dabi, Tokoyami, Shoto, Twice, Shigaraki, and Aizawa (you convinced him to play) All of you are on call. Hawks invited Endeavor, Mirko, and Tokoyami. You invited everyone else. (Lets all pretend that you all are normal and there’s no heroes or villains, just all adults with jobs playing kid games. (U/N) is username by the way since you all get to choose ^^
Below is a short story I wrote for this!
Small Key!
-(U/N) = You (Orange, Pink, Light Green)
-Sexy Bird = Hawks (Yellow)
-Dabeebee = Dabi (Purple)
-Zzzawa = Aizawa (Dark Green)
-QueenRab = Mirko (White)
-MyDadSucks = Shoto (Cyan)
-DarkBoy = Tokoyami (Black)
-Crustball = Shigaraki (Dark Blue)
-2wice = Twice (Brown)
-Endeavor = Endeavor (Red)
“Hey everyone!” -(U/N)
“Stop being so happy (Y/N).” -Zzzawa
“Hey Doll.” -Dabeebee
“Dabi~! Your user name is your name in my phone!!! How sweet!” -(U/N)
“Hey, I’m right here. Don’t make me come up there and teach you who you belong to again pretty birdie.” -Sexy Bird
“TMI!! I don’t wanna hear about you’re pathetic sex like Keigo. Baby dick.” -QueenRab
“Language Mirko. Please. Who else is joining (Y/N)-“ -Endeavor
“Can we just start?” -Crustball
“Please.” -Zzzawa
“I agree.” -MyDadSucks
“Shoto change your name.” -Endeavor
“Fuck off old man.” -MyDadSucks
“I am ready to begin this journey of darkness and deceit.” -DarkBoy
“Me too! Oh hell no, I’m not doin’ this.” -2wice
“Guys! Shut up! I’m about to start the game so we all have to go on mute okay?” -(U/N)
“(Y/NNNNN)! You didn’t tell Mirko about our fucking amazing se-“ -Sexy Bird
You pressed start before your lover could even finish whatever he was saying and rolled your eyes shouting from the guest bedroom. “KEIGO YOU BASTARD IM REALLY GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU SAY ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT OUT SEX LIFE!!!!” He shouted back almost immediately. “SHE CALLED OUR SEX PATHETIC!!!!” You called back. “ITS NOT BABE ITS FUCKING AMAZING NOW SHUT UP AND PLAY!!!!” The little ‘Shhhh’ appeared and it turned out you and Dabi were the imposters. You grinned widely and went towards the right of “The Skeld” map. You ran up towards weapons to pretend to do the task. You took the time to attempt to sabotage the lights like you always did, but it sadly was still loading. Then a purple little astronaut came beside you with little wolf ears. And the name labeled above was red with the word “Dabeebee.”
‘Alright Dabi... lets kick some ass.’ You thought to yourself with a grin as you finally got your kill cool down relinquished. The first thing you sabotaged was lights, and then you began your search for your lover. You went down and turned left, checking to see if anyone was in communications. No one. You then went through lower storage and up Into electrical. You were met with a dark blue color. Poor Shigaraki, your first victim. Keigo could probably wait. Dabi would back you up. You clicked the kill button on your phone and immediately jumped into a vent. You popped out of MedBay and pretended to do the sample task. Then your screen flashed.
*DISCUSS/ Dabeebee reported a body*
*Crustball has died*
“Well, there goes the crusty bastard. He sucked anyways.” -Dabeebee
“Where was the body?” -(U/N)
“It’s (Y/N). I know it is.” -Sexy Bird
“What the hell kinda evidence for you have that it was (Y/N)? I’ll kick your ass if you do it again. You weren’t near her you were with Endeavor and I.” -QueenRab
“Those are some pretty bold accusations against me my love.” -(U/N)
“(Y/N) was with me the whole time. The body was in electrical. We were together going down there and she kept going while I went to go do a task.” -Dabeebee
“It was Dabi! No it wasn’t, he’s a good guy! No! He’s evil!” -2wice
“It was Endeavor.” -MyDadSucks
“It’s (Y/N) and Dabi. You guys have to believe me! I know my birdie and she is an imposter right now. Don’t trust her.” -Sexy Bird
“Shut the fuck up.” -QueenRab
“Kei baby you soundin’ kinda sus, quickly blaming me and Dabi.” -(U/N)
“It’s Dabi and I. And no, I didn’t-“ -Endeavor
“I’m a school teacher, (Y/N). Don’t forget I tutored you our freshmen year.” -Zzzawa
“That makes me sound old Shōta.” -(U/N)
“Discussion time just ended. What’re we doing?” -MyDadSucks
“I’m still voting (Y/N).” -Sexy Bird
“Oh yes, I love you too Kei’. So much.” -(U/N)
“It was dark. I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t know where I was.” -DarkBoy
“I’m votin’ Keigo cause he’s bein’ a petty little dickless bitch.” QueenRab
“RUDE.” -Sexy Bird
“I’m skipping.” -Dabeebee
“Me too.” -(U/N), DarkBoy, 2wice, Endeavor, and Zzzawa
7 skips: (Y/N), Dabeebee, DarkBoy, 2wice, Endeavor, and Zzzawa
1 vote for Endeavor: MyDadSucks
1 vote for Sexy Bird: QueenRab
1 vote for (U/N): Sexy Bird
‘That’s good no one believe Keigo. If they did me and Dabi would be- Dabi and I would be dead.’ Next turn you went left, heading down to MedBay to “finish” the samples. While you waited you checked to see if you could sabotage. A couple seconds later the oxygen depletion was activated. ‘Nice Dabi!’ You cracked a smile and left MedBay, running into a red character, Endeavor. Poor Endeavor. You successfully reached lower engine before killing the old player. You quickly passed Mirko and your face paled once you realized she would find the body and report it, seeing you leaving. You only continued in, receiving nothing from the others about a dead body. You weren’t gonna ask questions. Suddenly...
*DISCUSS/ MyDadSucks reported a body*
*Endeavor and QueenRab have died*
“Well, it wasn’t my old man.” -MyDadSucks
“I already voted.” -Zzzawa
“That fast? Who’d you vote for?” -(U/N)
“Hawks.” -Zzzawa
“WHAT?!?!” -Sexy Bird
“I agree! No wait! He’s telling the truth! No way! He’s totally an imposter!” -2wice
“You are being very loud and suspicious. You’re also only blaming (Y/N) and Dabi for no reason. You didn’t even ask where the body was. You passed me coming up from reactor. And the body was in lower engine. You were the only one I sa-“ -MyDadSucks
“I’m voting Kei’ too.” -(U/N)
“Me too.” -Dabeebee
“I will not eject my mentor. He’s taught me a lot. He’s intelligent. I believe him.” -DarkBoy
“What smarts? You’re a total birdbrain.” -(U/N)
5 votes for Sexy Bird: MyDadSucks, Zzzawa, Dabeebee, 2wice, and (U/N).
2 votes for (U/N): DarkBoy and Sexy Bird
(Dead Chat)
“I was the first one to die. It’s been boring. I haven’t been doing anything.” -Crustball
“They’re already going to win.” -Endeavor
“SHUT UP!!!” -QueenRab
“I KNEW IT!!!!” -Sexy Bird
You covered your mouth in shock that you actually got everyone to vote out Hawks. Aizawa was annoyed, Shoto was getting suspicious of how loud and pushy he was being to vote you out without any evidence, Dabi was your teammate so of course he’d vote with you, and then Twice just went with everyone else. You ran down first, running to admin with Tokoyami following right behind you. All the sudden your lover burst into the guest bedroom and stomped over towards your bed, spreading his wings and plopping beside you. “I knew it was you and Dabi. But nobody fuckin’ believed me.” You rolled your eyes and pretended to do the key scan while you sabotaged reactor. “Keigo, you were acting wayyyyy too sus. This is why you always lose when we play with friends. You’re too loud. You gotta be calm and persuasive. How on earth did you become an undercover agent for the FBI.”
“Shut the fuck up. I just wanna win that’s all. I also wanna be right, and I was, and now everyone’s comin’ and tellin’ me I’m right.” He smirked smugly and wrapped one of his wings around you, pulling you close to his chest while he watched you play. You went with Tokoyami and when you finally got him alone in navigation you killed him. Your thumb jerked upwards to go to the vent, but as soon as you did a Dark Green astronaut cane into view. Seeing you vent and leave the dead body. “Fuck!” You cursed and banged your head lightly in your head as the screen lit up. Your lover laughed. “Hey~ there’s still a chance we could win.” You sent him a glare. “Dabi will let us win. He’s a pro! C’mon Dabi! Help me out bro!”
*DISCUSS/ Zzzawa reported a body*
*DarkBoy has died*
“(Y/N) vented.” -Zzzawa
“What? Aizawa I literally just fucking saw you leave the body—SHES LYING!!!!” -(U/N)
“Is that Hawks?” -MyDadSucks
“Can you guys fuck some other time? Are you sure you saw (Y/N) vent Mr. Caterpillar man. Do you have your contracts in?” -Dabeebee
“I don’t need input from a unemployed burnt looking drug dealer. It was (Y/N).” -Zzzawa
“A bit harsh coming from a raggedy looking old man.” -Dabeebee
“Can I just point out Twice has been awfully quiet? He bein’ pretty sus right now.” -(U/N)
“I’m the imposter! No I’m not! I’m a crewmate believe me!” -2wice
“He’s too stupid to be an imposter. I’ve been with him he was in MedBay.” -Dabeebee
“Yeah I was! But Hawks is already dead and ratted (Y/N) out! So it’s gotta he her!” -2wice
“Voting ends soon. I’m voting (Y/N). My apologies.” -MyDadSucks
“Agreed.” -Zzzawa
“Awe Shoto it’s okay, I love you so much. This is why you aren’t dead yet because you’re a pure angel! -I’m sittin’ right here pretty bird- no you aren’t an angel, you’re a devilish asshole.” -(U/N)
“I love you too, (Y/N).” -MyDadSucks
“Sorry doll, votes are stacked against you. Good game though.” -Dabeebee
“Yeah, fuck you Dabi.” -(U/N)
“Anytime baby, I’m open.” -Dabeebee
4 votes for (U/N): MyDadSucks, Zzzawa, Dabeebee, and 2wice
1 vote for Zzzawa: (U/N)
(Dead chat)
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the imposter who killed me.” -Crustball
“(Y/N) I TRUSTED YOU!!!!” -QueenRab
“Guys it’s just a game, don’t take it so-“ -(U/N)
“Mirko please calm down. You’re being loud and obnoxious.” -Endeavor
“(Y/N) is right, even though she killed me. I applaud her devotion to the role. She outsmarted us well.” -DarkBoy
You muted yourself and stopped listening to the chat of everyone arguing, mainly Mirko to everyone about doing tasks. You wondered around and looked for Dabi, following him around and assisting in Sabotage. Warm hands roamed over your waist, and a soft kiss was placed on your temple, soft red feathers brushing over your shoulders and lightly dusting over your leg. “Someone’s getting cuddly.” You announced quizzically, watching Dabi lure Twice into comms before killing him and running out. Your lovers scruffy chin rested against your shoulder, his head leaning against yours as he watched your screen. “Even though I’m still annoyed that you killed me, I’m proud of you baby bird. It’s difficult for people to out talk me. Especially you.”
“Was that an insult or a compliment?” You asked not really sure how to feel about his comment. He laughed lowly, the rumbled of his chest vibrating your back. “Hmm... let’s say both. Win win, yeah?” He began to kiss up your neck, the soft smacking of his wet lips against your skin echoing in your ears and making you shiver. “Keigo... what are you doing?” He hummed in dismissal of your words, rubbing your sides gently before slipping down to your hip. “What? I can’t love on you? I show my pretty bird some affection~?” Your lips set into a firm line and you gave him a look. “...you’re still sleeping on the couch.” He pouted. “So... no sex?”
*DISCUSS/Zzzawa reported a body*
*2wice has died*
“It was in communications.” -Zzzawa
“Dabi was with me the whole time. I met up with him after he finished a task in weapons. We fixed oxygen and met back up in the cafeteria and moved to reactor.” -MyDadSucks
“You’re the only one down there, and imposters can self report. You put yourself in a bit of a bind there. Mr. Caterpillar man. Guess the teacher ain’t that smart.” -Dabeebee
“I agree. My apologies Mr. Aizawa. No offense or hard feelings.” -MyDadSucks
“None taken Shoto. The evidence is stacked against me. Good game Dabi.” -Zzzawa
“Nice knowin’ ya both.” -Dabeebee
“Wait what-“ -MyDadSucks
Victory flashed in your screen and you fist pumped the air cheering in victory. Hawks frowned beside you, pulling his hands away and tucking his wings between you, cocooning himself away from you to sulk that he had lost in a game he was supposed to be really good at. “Baby come here.” You called out to him, gently stroking his wings. He grunted and moved a wing down to glare. “...we can have sex later?” He moved his wings to wrap around you again and his arms were around you tightly, hot breath fanning slightly over your ear. “Thank you love bird~ and congrats on winnin’ the game. But...” You swallowed thickly. “B-But what...?”
“I’ll be winnin’ in the bedroom.”
“Did you forget we weren’t on mute anymore? Horny idiots.” -Zzzawa
“Hawks!” -Endeavor
“I think I should get reward for winning, doll. Wanna come to my place? Forget about that birdbrained idiot. Cum for me~” -Dabeebee
“DABI THE FUCK?! Stop being sexual. It’s disgusting.” -Crustball
“I don’t understand why you’re all like this. Was there a class I missed about being weird?” -MyDadSucks
“No. They’re just weird.” -DarkBoy
“Wait we lost.” -2wice 
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five-rivers · 3 years
Long Night in the Valley chapter 14
“It’s Bakugo.”
“Old Bakugo,” said Todoroki.
“I don’t know,” said Uraraka. “He hasn’t sworn at us yet.”
“Wish fulfillment old Bakugo,” corrected Todoroki.
First contact, said two voices. Aizawa could recognize one as belonging to Two.
“Stop comparing me to the exploding brat,” snapped Two. He returned his attention to Midoriya. “I don’t agree with your philosophy,” he said. “But this isn’t the time or the place.”
Midoriya nodded even as he swayed in place, the edges of his body fuzzy.
“Your idea will work. Eight can take him.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Aizawa.
“Nine here just ran into that fire user.”
“Dabi,” supplied Midoriya, voice thin. “Thank you for letting me use your quirk, sensei.”
“Anytime,” said Aizawa.
“Is there anything we can do?” asked Uraraka.
“Stay back and don’t distract him,” said Two. “I’d send you on ahead to One, but I need to give him my power if he wants his ridiculous escape plan to work.” He crossed his arms. “Focus, Nine.”
The thing was, Dabi relied on his quirk to the exclusion of everything else. Which was fine. It was a powerful quirk, and his body really wasn’t up to quirkless fighting, seeing as it was literally stapled together.
But there was a reason he had not faced Aizawa himself in the training camp, but instead had delegated that task to one of Twice’s duplicates. No matter how much his quirk hurt him, no matter how much it reminded him of that man and that time, he did not fare well in fights without it.
Toshinori and Izuku had picked up on this, and, thanks to the joys of partial telepathy and haunted quirks, had managed to come up with a plan.
It was, if Izuku was being honest, a sort of terrible plan, but Izuku and Toshinori were both injured and exhausted, and it was the best they could come up with.
Izuku would hang back and cancel Dabi’s quirk, while Toshinori beat him to a pulp.
This division of labor was decided upon through the observation that Toshinori had much greater experience in beating people to pulp and that Izuku probably wouldn’t be able to focus on using Aizawa’s quirk and fighting at the same time. But Izuku worried. Toshinori had been under so much strain today. His body was in just as bad a shape as Dabi’s. If Izuku blinked.
So don’t blink.
What a comforting consensus from the peanut gallery in the back of his head.
Nana chuckled, but she sounded strained. Not much else we can do for you right now, kid.
Toshinori was prepared to fight dirty.
As a hero and Symbol of Peace, he was often faced with the expectation that his fights be clean, straightforward affairs. Usually, he complied with the expectation. Few people could match his strength. Few enemies stood up again or kept fighting after he knocked them back, once. For those enemies who could match him, relatively clean fights were often still the best option to defeat them.
But there had always been exceptions, All for One being chief among them.
Toshinori could fight dirty. It was a skill he knew better than to let lapse.
He knew how much old injuries could hurt, and he had no scruple against going after them. Any weak point was fair game.
(This wasn’t even beginning to mention the others, still whispering in the back of his mind, who had maintained the thin line between the light of hope and the darkness of despair for so many years.)
His fist impacted the line of Dabi’s medical staples. Toshinori felt them bite into his knuckles, felt Dabi’s skin tear around them.
The man – the boy, really, he couldn’t be more than a handful of years older than Izuku – reeled back, shaking his hands as if he couldn’t quite believe his quirk was gone. Then he looked up, at Izuku, and Toshinori could give him this, at least: He caught on fast.
He snapped an arm out, clotheslining Dabi before he could pass him and attack Izuku. Dabi hit the ground, and Toshinori tried to follow up his advantage with a sharp kick to the head.
But, even with as much experience as Toshinori had, Dabi was younger and sprier. He recovered quickly, retaliating with comparatively clumsy but strong fists.
Toshinori was very aware of the time limit he was on. How long had Izuku kept his eyes open already? Aizawa could only keep his version of the quirk going for a few minutes.
He knew when Izuku started to waver, the concern of the past users going clear and sharp in the back of his head.
Dabi’s hands burst into flame.
“Touya!”shouted Izuku.
The man whipped his head around, apparently forgetting that Toshinori was even there.
“We saw your hair dye, you drama queen!”
Toshinori grabbed the sides of Dabi’s head, and tried to slam it into his knee, but Dabi pulled free. They were both breathing heavily, now, but Izuku had his eyes back open and fixed on Dabi.
Toshinori doubted they’d be so lucky to distract Dabi again. The others slid into place in his mind, their experience neatly complimenting his own. They needed to finish it before Izuku had to blink again.
They raised their fists.
“Visit your mom, you loser!”
They closed in.
“At least tell the police what happened to you, so they can get your siblings out!”
So, it turned out Izuku did have something else to contribute to the fight.
“Please repeat what you told me earlier,” ordered the HPSC president.
The hapless liaison with the DNA testing center flinched, then hid the flinch behind a cough. “Well,” he said, “our technicians ran Midoriya’s DNA through a number of databases, and Midoriya is related to the Scourge of Kamino, but, uh, I think it best if I let her explain the rest.” He stepped out of view of the camera, the coward.
The technician waved at the camera. “Hi, uh. So, I guess the first weird thing about the sample you gave me was how contaminated it was. There were, like, almost a dozen different people’s worth of DNA in the sample you gave me, which… usually Hawks is better than that? But then I remembered the nomu DNA, and the Scourge’s DNA, so in retrospect… Anyway, I sort of ran them all through our databases—”
“Which databases?” interrupted Mr. Brave. “The commission ones, the police ones, the public ancestry ones?”
“All of them,” said the technician. “I ran them through the old ones, too, because the Scourge of Kamino is supposed to be over a hundred years old, isn’t he? I’m kind of surprised he wasn’t run through the old databases himself earlier. You could have closed dozens of cases.”
“Get on with it,” hissed the offscreen commission liaison.
“But I ran them through, and, uh, one was All Might.”
A whisper ran through the room. “He stole All Might’s quirk?” asked one hero, traumatized.
“I don’t know,” said the technician, nervously. “I mean, All Might was there, so it could have just been contaminated in the normal way, but… No, I’ll come back to All Might’s DNA in a bit. Then there were three other heroes’ DNA, Skyrunner, Fidelity, and Lariat.”
“We’ll have to assume he has their quirks, too,” said the commission president grimly, for the benefit of the assembled heroes. “Continue.”
“Another matched to the vigilante Forewarning. Then one matched to what was labeled as a 99% surety DNA sequence from Tempest.”
“My god,” said Mr. Brave.
“Then there were some sequences that matched to samples taken from the scenes of various crimes and terrorist actions but are otherwise unknown. That left two DNA samples that could be Midoriya’s assuming he isn’t over a hundred years old. They both matched as relatives to the Scourge of Kamino.”
“What kind of relatives?”
“Uh, one was rather distant, and was actually had the least DNA present out of all the other strands… The closest possible relation would be half-brother, although cousins might be possible… The other was a parent-child relationship, and the most present DNA sequence, so I would assume that one belonged to Midoriya. The thing is…” She trailed off.
“We don’t have all day.”
“The thing is, all of the different people I’ve mentioned also are related to the Scourge of Kamino.”
“Excuse me,” said Mt. Lady, raising a hand. “Did you say all of them? Like, including—”
“Including All Might, yes, though he’s probably more like a great-grandson or something along those lines,” said the technician. “Once you get more than a generation or two, it’s hard to tell, because the ratios of what you get from grandparents aren’t even…”
“Do you have anything more to add?”
“Yeah. After running them through the databases… Well, there are dozens of active heroes that are at least loosely related to either them or the Scourge of Kamino, not to mention villains, common criminals, and civilians who had to register their DNA for one reason or another. And the ShiHi cell line? The one that replaced the HeLa line in almost every drug trial after the quirked population got majority status? That’s a perfect match.” She laughed, clearly on the edge of hysteria. “I mean, I don’t know what we expected. He’s over a century old, of course he’s going to have kids and family members. And he’s – And he’s clearly into shady medical research. Wouldn’t put it past him to have donated to sperm banks, the sick—”
The commission president muted the technician. “You see,” he told the heroes, “why we must act to contain and neutralize Midoriya Izuku as a threat as soon as possible. So many heroes being related to an archvillain like the Scourge of Kamino would damage confidence in the hero system, perhaps irreparably.”
“Are any of us-?”
“I don’t think that’s relevant right now, do you?” asked the commission president, smoothly. “What is relevant is ensuring that Midoriya’s DNA family tree never gets into public hands.” He fell quiet, scanning the heroes with dark eyes. “Regardless of whether or not any of you could find yourselves in it, the fact of the matter is that the ensuing investigations would lay bare other things you may not wish to come to light.” He cleared his throat. “Now, Hawks is putting together a team to track down the League of Villains. In light of recent revelations, we believe they have been working closely with Midoriya…”
“Maybe you can use my quirk,” said Shouto. “If you’re fighting Dabi, ice would be the perfect counter.”
Midoriya shook his head. “You’re not related. Can’t.”
Two sighed. “The trick he did with your teacher’s quirk only works on people related to him.”
Shouto blinked, then turned to look at Aizawa. “Sensei—”
“Absolutely not,” said Iida, loudly.
“You don’t know what I was going to say,” protested Shouto.
“You can’t ask people if they have secret love children! It’s improper! Let us simply wait quietly like, ah, I’m not sure we caught your name earlier, sir.”
“No, you didn’t,” said Two.
“In any case, let us wait quietly,” said Iida, not one to be easily put out.
“I’m related to Midoriya?” asked Aizawa in tones approaching despair.
“You are,” said Two. “I think you’re related to one of my younger siblings, like Six is. Possibly to the Shimuras, as well, given the secondary portion of your quirk.”
“So,” said Shouto, the gears in his brain turning, “Midoriya is related to all of you?”
“Some more distantly than others, but, yes.”
“So, he based you off relatives and people he knew in real life.”
Two sighed heavily. “Look. That was obviously a lie. Six only bothered with it because of that government bastard that’s crawling around.”
Midoriya had been right. Shouto’s conspiracy theories could be used as an interrogation technique.
“Then what’s the truth?” asked Shouto. “Or are you just embarrassed, like Midoriya is about how All Might is clearly his father?”
Midoriya made a very distressed sound, and Shouto realized that maybe this wasn’t the time.
“You have no room to talk when the pyromaniac currently trying to roast Eight is your older brother, you peppermint styled weirdo.”
“You really are like Bakugo.”
“Do you have some sort of death wish?”
“C-can you guys not? This is hard…” said Midoriya. Then, he gasped and fell to his knees. “He got him. Oh, gosh.” He took a deep breath. “My eyes.”
“Luckily, you won’t need them for this,” said Two, kneeling in front of Midoriya. “In the movement, I was called Shadow Dragon. One came up with the name. He named my quirk, too. Perception Filter. Wanted to name it Chameleon Circuit for a while, but that made no sense. He was such a nerd. He’s still a nerd.”
“Yeah?” panted Midoriya. “Guess that… isn’t a surprise. He used old manga to support his arguments with—No, it doesn’t make it better that you only used that argument once. I mean, sure, I’d probably have made the same—”
“Focus, Nine,” said Two, snapping his fingers in front of Midoriya’s face.
Shouto stepped forward.
“It’s okay, Todoroki,” said Midoriya. “I’m just… How did it work? The Perception Filter?”
“No idea. We didn’t have fancy tests and doctors on hand to figure out the mechanics. But I can tell you what it did. When it first came in—” Midoriya nodded at this, as if he heard something in the sentence that Shouto was missing, “—I could disappear from the senses of one targeted person, along with anything I was carrying. Sight, hearing, smell – that last will be the important one for you.”
“Gigantomachia,” said Midoriya, nodding again.
“Exactly. Later, I was able to affect more people at a time, and my range grew. The fewer people I was hiding from, the farther I could reach, up to about a mile. Sometimes, I could draw attention towards myself, too, although I could never keep it up for long.”
“Activation?” asked Midoriya.
“Don’t think too hard about being hidden. You’re blending in. Part of the scenery. No ripples on the surface of the pond. A shadow inside a shadow.”
“Okay,” said Midoriya. “I think I’ve got it. Were you… were you ever able to hide other people with you? Otherwise…”
“Sometimes I thought I did. When Three and I worked together, we were always way luckier than we should have been, and there were some incidents with cars… But it never happened in a way I could test. Your best bet is just carrying Eight.”
“R-right. Okay. I’ll try that.”
“Izuku, you can barely open your eyes. Or stand up. You aren’t going to carry me.”
“But Two said—”
Toshinori frowned deeply and hoped Two got the message. “Just focus on yourself, right now, alright? Gigantomachia will be looking for you, first, not me.”
We’ve always been thankful Gigantomachia isn’t the brightest of All for One’s minions.
Even if he is one of the most annoying.
I don’t know if annoying is the word I’d use…
Toshinori blinked and shook his head. “You’re shaking,” he said.
“I’m okay,” said Izuku, trying to get up. “T’many quirks at once.”
Toshinori put his hands on Izuku’s shoulders, silently telling him to stay down. What a time to forget where he had packed the blankets… Although…
He looked back at where he’d propped Dabi, unconscious, up against a tree.
Dabi seemed to have a cold resistance vestigial mutation… although how Toshinori knew that was a mystery for another day (one probably connected with how One for All manifested in Izuku) and he was a fire quirk user. He didn’t really need that jacket. Besides, Toshinori was a villain now. Sort of. As he and Izuku had discussed earlier, villains were veritable bastions of pettiness.
He stole Dabi’s coat and wrapped it around Izuku’s shoulders.
Miles away, trying to coordinate heroes over a video call, Hawks lost contact with one of his feathers. Specifically, the one he’d hidden in Dabi’s coat. He did not frown, twitch, stutter, or otherwise falter. He did, however, curse internally, using words he suspected the hero commission would have like him to never have learned.
Dabi must have found the feather and destroyed it. Hawks had thought he’d hidden it better than that.
This was going to be a pain to explain.
Giagantomachia paused for a second, then, with a howl, redoubled his attacks.
“Can anyone tell what he’s screaming about?” demanded Tomura.
“No idea!” said Toga, her cheerfulness more than a little ragged.
“Hey, boss!” said Twice. “If I made a double of this guy, do you think they’d fight each other, or – Dear god, who in their right mind would want two of these things running around?”
“LITTLE LORD,” wailed Machia, “WHERE DID YOU GO?”
“Say, Shigaraki,” said Mr. Compress, narrowly dodging a boulder, “you don’t – ha – think he’s referring to the little green haired – er, white haired – oh, you know what I mean.”
Yeah, Tomura did, actually, which meant the brat (who might be Sensei’s brat – don’t think about it) was around here somewhere, and they’d missed him.
(Like everything else about this situation, Tomura had mixed feelings about this.)
“So, maybe, if the boy and the giant are acquainted, the mother—”
“Do all of you idiots have a death wish? You don’t fight two bosses at once unless you want to be pancaked.”
“I was thinking she could perhaps calm the giant—”
“Yeah, right before they team up to kill us. What part of this are you not getti-?”
Mr. Compress didn’t quite make the dodge and was catapulted into one of the few nearby trees that were still standing. As he lost consciousness, all of the various marbles in his pockets ballooned and broke, disgorging their contents. This meant that Tomura had to rescue Midoriya Inko from being crushed between an entire bus stop shelter (why, Compress, why?) and several logs, because if there was even a chance that she was Sensei’s wife, Tomura didn’t fancy his chances at staying alive if she was unalived in his general vicinity.
As Tomura was in no way a goody-two-shoes hero student, had never trained himself to safely save people, and had a quirk that literally destroyed everything his touched, this went far from perfectly.
At least Midoriya seemed unharmed.
“Ah,” she said. “My shirt.” She shifted slightly. “And my bra…”
There was a shout of utter rage from Gigantomachia, and Tomura contemplated just letting Machia kill him. Surely, being stomped flat by a man taller than most five story buildings would be less painful than whatever Sensei would come up with.
“Oh, my, Machia, is that you?” asked Midoriya Inko, quite calmly, as if she weren’t standing half naked in the middle of a battlefield in winter. “It’s been forever.”
“MRS. LORD!” shouted Machia, his eyes tearing up. “I AM SO SORRY! I LOST LITTLE LORD!”
“Oh, really? He was here, then?” Her eyes were glittering. “I’m sure he couldn’t have gone too far. If we walk around a bit, I’m sure he’ll hear us calling. In the meantime… perhaps you can explain to me what, exactly, you do for my husband? Your role in his business seems to have been downplayed.”
“Is that better?” asked Toshinori.
Izuku nodded tiredly. Despite Two’s instructions, he couldn’t keep up Perception Filter and, well, do anything else, really. Toshinori wasn’t much better. Izuku could tell, through One for All, that he was also on his last legs.
“Alright. Let’s keep going the way we were before,” said Toshinori, pulling Izuku up. “Got to get out of Gigantomachia’s range, so you can sleep.”
He did not say that reaching the Wild Wild Pussycats’ camp was now out of the question, with how beaten up they were. They’d be sleeping outside tonight. Hopefully they had enough clothes and blankets…
Izuku shuddered as the pounding sensation in his head increased.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” said Toshinori, guiding Izuku with a hand on his back. “Good, you have the briefcase, good.” Toshinori kept muttering encouragement. Izuku really wasn’t paying attention, which made him feel terrible, but he had to keep Perception Filter going. He had to keep going. Just a little bit more… Aizawa-sensei and his friends were almost to One. One would get them out before he broke through.
He just had to hold on until then.
Midoriya’s form flickered and then faded. Two sighed.
“Is he alright?” asked Aizawa. “Is he safe?”
“As safe as he and Eight can be, wandering through a forest filled with All for One’s minions while the government tries to track him down in the middle of winter,” replied Two. “Which isn’t very safe, speaking from experience. Come on, let’s go.” Two walked out the hole in the wall, not waiting to see if Aizawa or any of the kids followed.
“You’re calling Yagi Eight, now?” asked Aizawa.
“That’s his number, yeah. Hurry up.”
“Yagi, not Yagi’s… impression, his copy in Midoriya’s mind.” Two didn’t answer. “You aren’t impressions or copies at all, are you? You’re real people, somewhere, that Midoriya is connected to. Why pretend otherwise?”
“Some of the others thought Nine could fix things with the government, if they didn’t know what was really going on. Thought it would be ‘worth it.’ So stupid, after everything…” They walked through the compound gate and into a living room.
“It seems awfully contrived, though. Why try to be dead heroes? Why pick people like Skyrunner and Fidelity to impersonate?”
Two snorted. “They weren’t impersonating anyone. They really are Skyrunner and Fidelity. Except for Eight and Nine, we’re all dead, otherwise we would have finished this by now. Eight almost did, all on his own.”
They turned a corner. Two young children played in a bedroom while a teen watched on. One child was obviously a younger version of Two. That hair was distinctive. The other child had a short curtain of white hair. They had action figures they were playing with, although Aizawa didn’t recognize who they were of.
First contact, said a single, young voice.
The face of the teen leaning against the wall was scribbled out, as if with a marker.
“Don’t look too closely at that one,” said Two.
“Who is that?” asked Uraraka.
“All for One. I suppose you’d call him the Scourge of Kamino.”
“He’s your older brother?” asked Todoroki, his eyebrows raised into his hairline.
“Don’t be disgusting. Biologically speaking, he was my cousin.”
Oh, no, thought Aizawa, don’t tell me... “Is he the one you have locked away? The one you don’t count as being ‘among your number?’”
Two sighed again.
“Are you doing that instead of swearing?” asked Todoroki. “The sighing, I mean.”
“I told you to stop comparing me to the explosion brat! I—” Two tsked, then frowned. “Something’s not right.”
“What is it?”
“This isn’t a safe memory, just a quick one. One should have been here to pick you up by now.”
“What do you mean, it isn’t safe?” asked Iida, before Aizawa could. “No matter how immersed we are here, it is only a memory, isn’t it?”
“You did hear the part where he’s breaking in, didn’t you? And the part where we’re all real people? Are those glasses just for show?”
“The real All for One is trying to break into Midoriya’s mind,” said Aizawa.
“W-wait,” said Uraraka, “but… Izuku… That wouldn’t mean that the commission was right…”
“Of course not. Nine would probably cut off all his limbs before betraying his friends. Even if I don’t agree with him, and think he shouldn’t… I can still see that. But where is One?”
“Why are you telling us this?” asked Aizawa. “You’ve told us why the others didn’t. But you have no reason to say anything, yourself, do you?”
Two turned slightly, to gaze at Aizawa out of the corner of his eye.
“As long as we’re waiting, I might as well collect as much information as possible, right?”
“It’s insurance,” said Two, finally. “It’s hard to see how this will turn out. Eight wants to take Nine out of the country, but even if that works, All for One will still be here. Someone else needs at least part of the story.” He turned more fully to face Aizawa, lips pressed tight against his teeth. “You have to understand. I want Nine to… do well. I don’t want this on him. He’s a kid. So are you.” He looked at the students, then back at Aizawa. “You’re all kids. If I can get someone else to take care of this for him, while he and Eight are somewhere safe…”
“All for One is in Tartarus,” said Aizawa.
“You think something like that’s going to stop him? I’m not entirely sure death would stop him. It didn’t stop us, and he’s at least as stubborn.”
Well, wasn’t this an impossibly heavy weight to set on Aizawa’s shoulders.
“I have no sympathy, you lazy caterpillar lookalike. You’re an adult, aren’t you? Get help if you can’t do it yourself. If I find out you pushed it onto children, I’ll kill you.”
“Wow, he’s secretly soft, too, just like Bakugo,” said Todoroki. “Are you sure you’re not related.”
“There is legitimately something wrong with you. Do you—”
The hinges of the vault snapped, and the door crumpled outward. Another well-placed kick sent the door tumbling outward with a crash.
Shaking his hand, All for One stepped into the mindscape and smiled.
“Well,” he said, dragging his gaze over the assembled One for All users, his sworn enemies and the closest thing he had to family, “isn’t this a lovely little reunion?”
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