#get that boy some confused wandering souls to snack on please
mysoulspiralbound · 6 months
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a collection of sad michael doodles! please click for full image, tumblr formatting my beloathed
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frangipansi · 4 years
Hi! If your inbox is open, I'd like to request a scenario with all (or any) of the demon brothers, + undatables reacting to a blind MC? Like, none of them expected to have a blind human and Devildom and they have to revamp everything to make it as safe for MC as possible. Can be she/her or they/them pronouns for MC. Bonus points if MC is extremely talkative and won't shut up lmao. Thank you!
OKAY! So, finally got this one out. I’m sooo sorry for the wait, but I wanted to try and do this right, not just some Daredevil nonsense, but I didn’t want to make the mistake of a ‘helpless blind MC’ either; because they’re not helpless.
I am also lucky enough to have a regular customer at my work that happens to be blind and she has been very happy to give me a helping hand to make this ask more real. She’s such a delight and her guide dog is beautiful and I could ramble on with our interactions, like one time she scolded us for moving the fixtures because she had just memorized the layout of the store then told her guide “you’ll earn that pay check today!”
SO! With her in mind, more so from her younger days that she reminisced with me; I have decided to work this piece around this customer’s condition specifically so I’m not just pulling shit out my arse.
To give you an idea, this MC suffers from Retinitis pigmentosa; their symptoms being tunnel vision and night blindness. So while they are legally blind, they can somewhat see. They use a cane when going out, use their hands and/or cane when inside a place knew to them – that happens to be in poor light (Devildom) – until they have the layout in their mind and move more confidently.
This also took a while because I couldn’t get a fic/scenario to work cohesively and hc was just not working either! But I’ve hopefully gotten it now, and I do hope you like it. I’ve also placed this under the cut because I’ve waffled on here.
Interested. Anyone within the Devildom without eyesight, are generally the souls of the damned who aren’t permitted to move freely. Heck, he’s removed some of their eyes himself.
He wants to know instantly if there is anything he needs to change and improve to make sure MC’s stay is not only comfortable but enjoyable.
Absolutely loves how open MC is. He’s amazed at the resilience of humans; delighted to hear MC say how capable they are, though he does insist on one of the brother’s remaining her escort for the duration of their stay. Capable or not, he is well aware of how demons would use MC’s lack of sight to their advantage.
Really wants to ask how amplified their other senses are; disappointed to know most things depicted in movies are – for the most part – an over exaggeration.
Organises a tablet for them with all RAD textbooks uploaded so they have that ability to zoom in so they are able to read the text at their own comfort. Other systems such as braille, text to talk etc are also implemented if that is something MC prefers to learn by.
Considers Cerberus as a guide dog? Impossible, the human would be eaten alive. Perhaps another smaller hellhound? Goodness no, they’d still be eaten.
Asks MC about their condition –on behalf of Lord Diavolo of course – so he is aware of anything that may help their stay in the Devildom.
Very pleased to see how receptive MC is, very talkative and informative about her condition; he’s surprised to learn the varying levels of visual impairment. Consults Diavolo on brighter lighting to improve her movements around RAD and already planning on improvements within his own home.
During MC’s first few nights in Lamentation, Lucifer appears on edge; always keeping an eye when they’re moving about on their own. Enjoys watching how they learn to memorize layouts, quietly telling themselves how many steps it takes from one room to another, touching hallway objects.
Ready to run to their side that one time MC walked into the wall; turning into the kitchen a little too soon; until he hear them chuckle to themselves and ran their hand along the wall until they found the doorway and walked through it. No damage done. He’s learning to leave them be, understanding that he doesn’t need to dote on them.
MC is blind? Ooh yeah! The things that boy could swipe to make some quick Grimm, and right under their nose. It was gonna be too easy!! Completely stunned when they still catch him out. “How’d ya know it was me?!”
Watches them narrow their eyes as if trying to spot him before coming up beside him and close the drawer he was just rummaging through. The nerve this human has to threaten The Great Mammon by saying they’ll use their cane to whack him.
Surprised at MC’s explanation on how they knew it was him. They recognised his scent; not only did he have his favourite cologne – which he didn’t think he wore that much of – they noted how he had a metallic smell, like the kind you get when touching coin constantly.
Likes to watch MC move around their room; at first using their hand to remember the layout and then moving as if they saw as well as he did. Considered rearranging things to see what would happen.
Okay, so MC isn’t helpless… but, other demons don’t know that. Considers using MC as bait; distract idiots so he can rob them and sell their things for a little Grimm. “I, The Mammon, am a genius!” “No, Mammon.”
Couldn’t even imagine being in their position; all that manga he couldn’t read, anime they couldn’t watch… never knowing what Ruri-Chan looks like!!! Gasp! No way. Poor MC!
Really confused when he sees them one day, curled up on a chair in the common room, wearing a pair of glasses and a book in hand. Wanders over and looks over their shoulder before questioning what was going on; nodding when they told him that with reading glasses and preferably larger font, they could indulge in many a storybook.
As their relationship blossoms, he has a dedicated reading nook in his room for the two of them, including a lamp to brighten the area to help improve what sight they have. Likes that they’re happy to listen to him read to them his TSL series. He thinks about writing to the publishers for the next editions to have larger fonts; that way he could buy MC a set of their own.
He likes to sit and watch them bring things close to their face to inspect them better; his figurines which they – to his relief – handle with great care, or his manga comics to see which characters he’s fawning over.
He secretly loves that MC likes to chill by his fish tank wall. Why? They state that while there’s too much distortion for them to actually make anything out, they enjoy the ambient colouring and light; the two eventually just listen to music together like that as a means to relax.
Of course he is utterly curious about MC’s condition and is glad to see how open they are to talking about it. He’ll look things up himself in his own time but nothing like hearing it from someone’s own experience.
Asks if those romance and crime novels are accurate; “so, do you touch people’s faces so you know what they look like?” finds it interesting that for the most part, this doesn’t happen; but it makes sense, he wouldn’t be too thrilled by someone he barely knows putting their hands onto him.
Writes down notes that he considers most important from the board during lessons and offers them to MC should they need them for their studies.
Another one who likes watching MC learn their way around Lamentation, like how they touch cupboard handles until they find the one they need while grumbling about how crappy the lights are.
Shared appreciation for just lying on the ground whenever a cat is near them, all responsibility out the window as number one priority is giving adorable little hellcats their undivided attention. Loves that MC is willing to con Lucifer into believing a cat makes a wonderful guide animal.
Oh poor MC, unable to see just how beautiful he is… Oh, they can kinda see? If he gets real close? Oh he can definitely do that! Bummed that MC promptly puts in some boundaries but once their relationship develops they do enjoy the closeness with him.
Learns – albeit slowly – that his looks aren’t going to win MC over, and instead begins to better understand the value of personality and getting to know a person. Should MC like Asmo, it’s because of who he is and not for all the fluffing he does with his looks.
Whenever he happens to be the brother escorting MC, just know he’ll always detour to the main hub; treating the two of them to manicures and pedicures, facials, all that fun stuff.
When shopping, he loves how MC feels the fabric of things he grabs for them and has an even bigger appreciation for how things feel on him. Absolutely enjoys offering explanations whenever MC would ask about colour or cuts if they can’t make them out should the lighting be too poor for them.
Will starting looking around for ‘fashionable’ canes. Yes, he knows it’s about practicality and he’s not going to take that away from MC, but what’s wrong with wanting to match their cane with that gorgeous outfit he’s picked out from them?
Having no experience with a visually impaired human, he’ll ask MC if he should carry them places; it’s no big deal, they looked pretty light after all. Apologises if they happen to get a bit defensive so keeps close while they walk together, worried they may walk into or trip over something.
He’ll be curious about whether or not other senses are heightened due to the loss of another and is lowkey disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to hear someone in the kitchen stealing his food when they’re somewhere else in the house.
He loves cooking with them; the tastes of what he creates seem to be more balanced and they’re more than happy to sneak him a few snacks while Lucifer is occupied elsewhere. They’ll fool around, tasting things to see who can pick up more notes.
Things turn into a game between the two of them; if he spots MC in a room he’ll sneak up and try and get to them before they realise he’s there. “Too heavy on your feet,” or “you were giggling,” is something he hears a lot when trying.
Though MC can’t really see while he’s training or playing a game, he really appreciates that there still there to cheer him on; he’s taken to wearing a bright headband in hopes that they’ll be able to spot him out a bit better. They don’t half the heart to tell him they still can’t find him.
In the beginning, he’ll use MC’s lack of sight to their advantage; sly and manipulative to lure them in. Watches how they react to his voice, how their eyes or head move in the direction he’s in, learning how they work their other senses.
Tensions between the two would be tight after that moment and he’ll feel tremendous guilt for what he did to them; keeps himself at a distance, afraid they’ll recoil if they sense he’s too close and understands if they would.
Amazed that they find it in them to forgive him and help mend bonds between him and his brothers, and will spend whatever time he’s able building up trust with MC; whether that’s being their escort around Devildom or just being there for company.
He loves – when trust is established – that MC is just happy to lay with him while he star gazes and talks about what he sees, trying to paint a picture for them while they huddle up together in a fluffy blanket, sharing his cow print pillow.
They’re angels; their job is to look over and protect humans. So they are already well aware of how capable MC would be – Simeon more so than Luke since he’s younger and more interested in Michael – but they will still offer their assistance should MC need it.
They’re also the sort to take notes down during class that MC may not be able to see on the board; but they’ll ask before assuming.
Simeon has taken to writing a little bigger if it’s something he’d like MC’s opinion on his work; the two forming a bond through fiction and history. The two can be found losing track of time and just talking about any given thing.
Luke enjoys cooking with MC; asking them what they think of the taste of something he creates and asks how he can make it better. He’d love to be able to wow Michael upon his return to the Celestial Realm and MC will always critique his work rather than sugarcoat like Simeon would or just outright scare him like demons would. With a little push from MC, he takes lessons from Barbatos.
Quite unphased; he’s dealt with various impairments before seeing as he is still human despite being a very powerful sorcerer. He doesn’t offer assistance but will give it should MC ask him for help.
He has many a spell in his books that could quite possibly cure or ease symptoms of various impairments and is very tempted to bring this information to MC; but decides on holding back until he can figure out how to approach the subject. He’ll ask them how they feel about their situation and go from there.
Would also offer heightening other senses should MC want them; even temporarily if they’re just a little curious. “Let’s see what’s so crash hot about being Daredevil!” “My thoughts exactly MC.”
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Lamia Drama: Side Session (2)
Like I said, this got suuuuuper long. Also, I have no idea if I can even live up to the potential chaos I’ve set up XD
All the species belong to @vex-bittys
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           Nikolai had been rather thorough in his consideration for the troublemaker of the night. It sounded like the entire gimmick was to be around pygmy’s natural playfulness, so might as well play it up. Their games might have had some darker tones and general swearing, but they could tone it down for one night; a child would be best. But not too young. They needed to at least be old enough to comprehend that they were playing a game of make believe and hadn’t actually become a dragon or whatever silliness was going to happen.    
           So Piper was perfect. One of the older children, but still very much a child by both human and lamia standards. Really there were many candidates, Piper just caught his eye first, possibly because he was easy to pick out. He’d developed a mostly harmless condition where he had patches of scales on some of his bones, most notable on the forehead and back of his skull. It tended to itch a bit, but a little bit of extra hygiene and some topical creams fixed that right up. The little one wasn’t quite old enough to start looking for a home yet – socialization with other younglings was important for development after all – but he would be fine spending a few hours away from the others.  
           Piper was curled around Nikolai’s left forearm, little hands clinging to the fabric and tail coiled tight as he stubbornly hung upside down, giggling and chirping as the world went by. He was still small enough that falling wouldn’t actually hurt him even if he hit the floor.
           Nikolai stopped in front of the door, looking down at Piper, “Remember how the game goes?”
           Piper nodded, “I the boss!”
           Keith had decided that Piper would be a sort of Co-DM. It was going to be an interesting session…
           “Keith – the Chain – is also the boss. And remember, it’s all pretend, but pretend how you want.”
           “I knoooowwsss! Not a hatchling!” Piper huffed, pouting and glaring at Nikolai.
           Nikolai chuckled, “No, no you’re not.” He mentally added, but you’re not much older. “Tell me if it gets to be too much, okay?” He’d be keeping an eye out anyways – overstimulating a pygmy was harder than it might be with other breeds, but not impossible.
           “It won’t!” Piper chirped. “Go in now!” He was pawing at the underside of Nikolai’s arm, wiggling restlessly.        
           “Alright, alright,” Nikolai said, opening the door to the break room. Everyone else had already taken their seats, snacks and drinks at the ready. It looked like someone had already set out a cup of Chai tea for him. “Why thank you,” he said has he settled into his spot, setting Piper down to wander the table.
           Piper immediately went for Nikolai’s mug, curling around it and peaking inside. Before Nikolai could stop him, Piper stuck his tongue into it and hissed, darting away.
           “BIT ME!” Piper cried, glaring at the offending mug from behind his hiding place… which was ironically Alex’s cup of tea – green and hibiscus instead of chai.
           Nikolai sighed, reaching out to give Piper a few little pets, “It’s chai tea. I could’ve told you you might not like it. It’s spicy, bitter, and still hot.”
           “Why?” Piper said.
           “Um… because it has spices?” Nikolai said.
           “Why drink?”
           “Because I like it,” Nikolai said.
           “No,” Piper said, crossing his arms. He was now holding Alex’s drink hostage instead, but had the good sense to not dunk his tongue in immediately. “Lady’s smarter. Smells good!”
           “Aaaaw, thanks. That’d be the hibiscus. Gives it kinda a fruity flavor. Not sure if you’d want this either though. I don’t put sugar in it… And you might be a little young for caffeine at all, honestly?” Alex said. “Geez… and I though Trousle was small! You’re so little!”
           “Mm hmm. I’m cute,” Piper said, rolling over to show the softer scales of his underbelly. Alex squeaked at the cuteness, gently stroking the softer tissue as Piper purred.
           Oozy huffed and leaned over, gently headbutting Alex’s other hand. Alex chuckled and started petting him too… And then Trousle looked over, and Keith was trying to pretend he wasn’t, but Nikolai could see his tail trying to sneakily capture Alex in a snuggle.  
           “… I don’t have enough hands for all these lamia,” Alex said. “Who designed humans? I have some questions for them.”
           “Me too! You need more hands! For more cuddles! But you’re very warm, I like it!” Trousle said, slithering over to lay beside her arm.
           “You guys are so desperate,” Hux said with a deadpan expression. “It’s fu…” He looked over at Nikolai, who was giving him a death glare, hood fully spread and tail coiled, “…uuuuuuppernuttering embarrassing.”
           Piper laughed and, as children do, immediately chirped, “Fuppernutter!”
           “Fuppernutter,” Alex echoed.
           “What is a fuppernutter?” Trousle said, head tilted in honest confusion.  
Oozy said, “Is it related to peanut butter?”
           “Maybe it’s cousins with flutters or shutters,” Keith said.
           “Does it give nuts to fuppers?” Alex said.
           “I think I’m having a stroke,” Hux said, looking desperately to Nikolai.
           Nikolai smirked, leaning with his elbows against the table. “You brought this on yourself, now deal with it, you fuppernutter.”
           Hux let out a loud grown. “Whyyyyy… Ugh. Aren’t we here to, like, game? Let’s do that. Please.”
           Keith nodded, “Yeah, guess we are. Alright, let’s see the insanity! And remember, keep it clean.” He gestured to the kid. “Let’s start with… hmm… Nikolai?”
           Nikolai straightened up and pulled out the character sheet, “A level 10 sorcerer who believes magic isn’t real. I’ve named him… Steve.”
           “Steve?” Keith said, clearly trying to hold back a laugh. “Oh boy- heh… Why the heck is that funny? Oh my gosh.” He snickered into his hand as Nikolai rolled his eyes. It wasn’t that funny.
           “Alright. So we’ve got Steve. Hux?”
           “Eh… I figured I’d go rogue and go Rogue this time. Level 20 changeling thief!”
           “Branching out a little, eh? Sounds like fun!” Keith said, apparently not caring about the lack of name or any background info.
           Hux was going to steal absolutely everything from everyone, wasn’t he?
           “Alright, Trousle?”
           Trousle grinned and quickly sent something to Keith, notified by a little ring. Keith’s eyes scanned it, nodding along, then grew wider, then he started laughing, “Dude. I know it’s dungeons and dragons, but… Oh man. I love it.”
           “What?” Hux said. “C’mon, tell us!”
           Trousle had a proud grin as he typed, “I’m a level 14 half dragon, dragonborn weredragon monk taking path of the ascendant dragon.”
           “That is so much dragon,” Alex said. “I think he wins. He’s the dragon in Dungeons and Dragons. It’s him. He’s all the dragons.”
           “I don’t know if that’s legal, but I kind of hope it is,” Nikolai said.
           “The monk subclass is in playtesting still, and weredragons are from 2e. So very much no, but it’s a one shot and I do not care.” Trousle had his little arms on his hips as the voice app finished speaking for him.
           “Oh man. This is, oh boy,” Keith said.
           Piper was looking at Trousle in awe, “You’re dragon?!”
           Trousle shook his head, typing, “Not really. But my character is!”
           Piper nodded. “I pretend dragon too! RAAAAWR!!!!” He slithered over to Trousle and play-tackled him, chirping and giggling as Trousle snaked around the table in a little game of chase.
           While that was going on, Keith continued, “Alex? What about you?”
           “I’ve been meaning to try cleric, but, well… Personal issues, I guess. But hey, tricksters are awesome, so I’mma trickster cleric! Sounds like some fun little bit of chaos chaos,” she said. “Maybe I should’ve gone higher level… I’m only level 10.”
           “Nooooob,” Hux said, tail end twitching.
           “Nooooooooom!!!” Piper said. He’d managed to capture Trousle, getting a sort of impromptu piggy back ride on the other lamia. Trousle seemed more confused than distressed about this occurrence.
           “And… Oh boy. Do I even wanna know, Oozy?” Keith said.
           Oozy got a shit-eating grin as he passed a paper forward. “Memelord.”
           “A what?”
           “Found it online.”
           “… Oh thor have mercy…” Keith said.
           “Level 20.”
           “Why did I let you just make whatever.”
           “Because it’s hilarious.”
           “You’re never playing this again.”
           “That’s fine.”
           “You can pickpocket Anubis mid-combat.”
           “Yeeeep,” Oozy said. “It’s great, ain’t it?
           “You’re proficient in all the saving throws.”
           “You should know better than to tell me to go nuts.”
           “Whyyyyyy” Keith hissed, rubbing away an anatomically impossible headache.
           “Because it’s hiss-terical.” Oozy laughed out loud, and Kieth was trying to hide it, but he was joining in.
           “I’m never doing this again,” Keith said, blatantly lying as he did every single time he more or less told them to be as ridiculous as possible for a noncanon oneshot.
           “Yeah you are,” Hux said. “’cause you looooove us or something. Ya dork.”
           “Heh, could say the same about you.”
           “Nope. My soul’s just ice.”
           “Ice soul?” Piper said, looking up from the captive Trousle. “Doctor’s here! Tha’s bad! Gotta get you warmed! Get the fire!”
           “No. No fire,” Nikolai said. “He’s just being himself.”
           “Hmm… okay! We play now? I’m the highest! Level 40!” Piper chirped. “I win all the things! ‘Cause I’m the dragon! Or the dungeon!” He was lightly bouncing in place, hands outstretched.
           “Heh, there’s not really a win to this game… It’s just about having fun and playing pretend,” Keith said. “C’mon, I’ll let you on my side of the screen.” He gently scooped up Piper and draped him around his neck.
           “I have the tall!” Piper yelled. “FEAR ME!”
           “Oh nooooo!”
           “Alright here we go…”
Memelord is a joke class I found online.
I’m actually using Path of the Ascendant Dragon in a campaign! Or I’m planning to, haven’t started yet.
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kalimagik · 4 years
Trouble in Paradise 
(Pt. 3)
Tom Holland x Reader x Harrison Osterfield
Word Count: ~3,500
Warnings: some language 
A/N: Here is the last part of Trouble in Paradise for my 100 followers celebration weekend! And the last fic of the weekend! I hope y’all enjoy reading it! I did rewrite it at 1 AM this morning...oops! The other parts are linked below if you are behind at all, so it’s super easy to catch up! I plan on getting some other works out in the next week, most likely Harry Potter related, so who do you guys want to see? and are we feeling fluff, angst, pining? what are we thinking, please let me know! Happy Reading <3<3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Nearly two days passed since Jamie had exploded and left the house. That meant that it had been two days since Y/N learned that both Tom and Harrison were both in love with her. Not to mention, both boys knew that she had all the information and she still hadn’t made a choice.
The tension sat like fog and was so, so heavy, but no one dared to say a word. The three tried to act as normal as possible and pretend that no one had said anything. Nevertheless, any bystander could look at the trio and know that something was going on. Tom stood rigidly anytime Harrison’s arm brushed Y/N’s body. He could also see the blush rise in her cheeks whenever it happened. 
Y/N had never rambled so much in her life. She felt as though she had to keep saying words in order to mask the deafening silences that would fall over them. The glances that Tom and Harrison would dare to take in her direction burned into the side of her head as she refused to look at either of them for too long if she could help it. 
Harrison tried to back off as much as he could. He never went anywhere with just Y/N, as much as he really wanted too. He missed having her all to himself during those days when Jamie was around. She was being herself with him. She was relaxed and laughing, now she was anxious and Harrison could feel it.  
Two days had passed and Y/N had never missed “normalcy” so much in her entire life. She had said goodnight to the boys, letting them go into a room together while she retreated to her own sanctuary. She had every intention of going to sleep, but now she tossed and turned. 
 Harrison wound up back in Tom’s room with Jamie gone. No reason for him to share with Y/N when his old bed was available again. Unfortunately for Y/N, she had gotten used to sharing the room with Harrison. He’d slept on the floor, but having someone in there to talk to deep into the night had been a nice addition to the trip. It made Y/N feel like she was at university in England again when they were all still getting to know each other. 
 The numbers on the clock next to her bed changed from 1:29 to 1:30 and sleep didn’t feel any closer. Maybe she should just go wander the house or the beach so she didn’t wake anyone up. Deciding that the second option was the best, Y/N pushed back her covers and grabbed a sweatshirt. 
 She tiptoed to her door, trying not to make any noise as the door’s hinges opened slowly. Earlier in the week, she realized that the door squeaked when she snuck down for a midnight snack and woke Harrison up. 
 “Woah!” Y/N jumped. Speak of the devil. She came face to face the blond himself. Harrison stood outside her door with a pillow under his arm. 
 “What are you doing here?” she whispered, trying her best not to wake the entire house up. 
 “Tom.” Harrison said with almost no explanation.
 Y/N just raised her eyebrow at him, hoping that he would continue. When he didn’t, she was forced to ask. “What is he doing? Snoring or something?” 
 “Actually, he’s been on the phone with Jamie for the last hour.” 
 “Jamie?” Y/N felt her heart begin to race. No, she hadn’t told Tom that she wanted to be with him or anything, but that didn’t mean she could come back into the picture. 
 “She called him nearly two hours ago and I haven’t been able to fall asleep. I tried watching Netflix, but it didn’t drown out his groans and his eye rolls were extremely evident over the top of my screen,” Harrison chuckled. “Soooo, would you mind if I crashed on the floor?” he finally got out. 
 Y/N paused. She was going to go for a walk, but maybe having Harrison in the room would help her sleep. She’d slept like a baby before he moved back in with Tom.
 “I can go to the couch…” Haz started.
 “No!” Y/N said a little to loudly. “I mean, of course you can stay in here.” She whispered again. She opened the door wider so that he could slip inside. He started to place blankets and a pillow on the floor and laid down on top of his makeshift bed. 
 “You can have the bed if you want,” Y/N offered. The poor boy had already slept on an air mattress for most of the week. 
 “No, I’m totally fine down here!” Harrison assured her. Y/N inhaled deeply as she slid back under the covers that she had pushed back just moments ago. So much for that walk. 
 15 minutes had passed and Y/N still couldn’t fall asleep. There was a thickness in the air that she couldn’t get past. Harrison was also adjusting every other minute. Letting out a deep breath, Y/N sat up in her bed. “Haz, you should really just sleep up here. It’s fine, really.” 
 Harrison’s head popped off of his pillow. “Are you sure?” he questioned. Y/N couldn’t see his face well in the darkness, but she could feel the look he was giving her. It was so unsure, but hopeful. She knew his icy eyes were checking over and over to make sure that she was positive that she wanted him up there. 
 “Yes. I’m not going to be able to sleep if you can’t. It’s a curse.” 
 At that moment, the two heard a shout come from the direction of Tom and Harrison’s room. Y/N couldn’t keep herself from looking in that direction. “From the sounds of it, you won’t get any sleep if you go back there either. So, common.”
 Harrison silently got off the floor as Y/N slid over in the bed to make room for him. They took a moment adjusting to get ‘comfortable.’ Y/N knew she wouldn’t be able to though if they laid there trying not to remotely touch each other. There was this line in the middle of the bed that neither one could cross. Y/N could hear every one of Harrison’s shallow breaths. He had to be just as uncomfortable as she was, right? 
 Harrison on the other hand couldn’t stop glancing at the stiff figure that was lying next to him. He tried his best not to move his head, but in order to see her properly, he had too. He knew that line existed. Tom was his best friend. But, the girl next to him was something amazing. Damn the line, he had to talk to her. 
 Y/N heard him rustle and turned to meet those deep blue eyes that bore into her soul. “What are you looking at?” she managed to whisper. 
 “You can relax, you know. I’m not going to try anything. You can trust me.” 
 She felt him turn on his side, so his body was completely facing hers. The sudden closeness made her breath hitch. Y/N bit her lip, not sure what was coming next, but feeling his body next to hers felt right. It felt like home in some way. 
 “Y/N?” Harrison’s hand slid to touch her fingers. There was definitely a spark. 
 “I do love you…” His words seemed to hang in the air as she processed. “You don’t have to say anything,” he quickly added. “I know you haven’t made a decision yet, but I want you to know that I’ll be here no matter what you choose.” 
 “Thank you, Harrison,” was all she could muster-up. Her words sounded calm, but her heart was racing faster than it ever had. Between the closeness, the silence, and the confusing feelings, Y/N was at a loss for words. 
 With the knowledge that Harrison would always be there, Y/N finally let herself relax. Harrison’s hand slid up her arm and it was such a calming presence. Y/N felt herself leaning into him and finally allowed sleep to take over. 
The sun shined through the curtains, the waves crashed against the shore, and Y/N hadn’t woken up feeling so rested in such a long time. She attempted to stretch her arms out, but found herself restricted. Opening her eyes, Y/N saw the peaceful face of a sleeping Harrison. He was beautiful. She, however, was restricted because Harrison had pulled her closer to him during the night. 
Now she was in a difficult position. Does she lay there and wait for him to wake up or sneak out of the room. He’d see her downstairs right? Knowing that the second option, once again, was the easiest, Y/N slowly moved out of Harrison’s grip. When she was free, she felt cold immediately. Had he really been keeping her that warm? 
She peaked at his slumbering form in the bed once more before slipping out the door and heading downstairs. She could hear dishes clinking and soft conversations. 
“Good morning,” she rubbed her eyes as she greeted the Hollands that were in the kitchen. 
“Morning, Y/N!” Nikki smiled. “Would you like some tea?” 
“Yes, please! I can help you,” she offered. 
No need!” 
Y/N sat at the island, sipped her tea, and made casual conversation as Nikki prepared some breakfast for her. That was until her voice caught in her throat the moment Tom entered. The boy’s white t-shirt stuck to his glistening skin. He must just be getting back from a run. His abs were outlined by the fabric. Y/N would have choked on her tea if she had been drinking it at that moment. 
“Hey, Y/N/N,” the boy grinned. He had to know how he looked. “You slept in today.” 
“Yeah, took me a while to get to sleep.” she explained. Before Tom could come up with some sort of witty response, a tired looking Harrison walked into the kitchen. 
“Where did you go last night?” Tom asked immediately. Y/N felt her eyes widen uncontrollably. She loved having Harrison in the room with her last night, but she didn’t know if she wanted the whole Holland family to know that. 
“Couldn’t sleep while you were on the phone with Jamie,” Harrison spit back quickly. 
“You talked to Jamie last night?” Sam’s voice popped into the conversation, but was quickly ignored by Tom. 
“Where did you sleep though? I was up at 7 and the couch down here was empty.” 
Y/N watched the conversation unfold and saw as Harrison’s eyes shifted to her quickly and then back to Tom. What she didn’t notice was how Tom saw the look too. He knew where Harrison went and it made him jealous. He felt the envy boiling up inside of him, but he refused to let it show. But, based on the way that Y/N looked down quickly, he could tell that nothing too serious had happened between them. He still had a chance. 
“What are you all going to do in our last few days?” Dom’s voice interrupted the questioning. 
“Sam and I were going to learn how to surf,” Harry spoke up, taking the attention from what seemed to be a staring- glaring contest between Haz and Tom. 
“We wanted to see if these two divs would join us,” Sam added as he pointed to the two best friends. 
“Sure, I’ll go.” Harrison decided quickly, not breaking eye contact with Tom. 
“Tom?” Harry pushed. 
Tom was the one to look away when he shifted his attention to Y/N. “I think I’ll stay back. I want to enjoy the beach a bit.” 
“Okay, whatever,” Harry shrugged as he stood up from the table. “Haz, we’re leaving in 15 minutes, so hurry up.” 
Harrison looked between Tom and Y/N, now regretting the fact that he agreed to go to this lesson. “We’ll be here when you’re done,” Y/N smiled encouragingly at him. “You should go have some fun. This is something you said you wanted to do before we even got here.” 
Tight lipped, Harrison nodded curtly as he took a cup of coffee and a banana with him and left the room. The moment he was out of the room, Tom turned to Y/N. 
“What do you want to do today?” he asked politely. 
Harrison was still in the back of her mind, but she hadn’t had a chance to spend much time with just Tom at all during the trip, so a little activity couldn’t be bad, right? 
“Well, I saw somewhere that there is snorkeling in the small reef near the house. We could do that, if you want?” 
“Sounds excellent,” Tom grinned as he downed water and turned to leave so he could shower. “See you in 20 minutes?” 
Y/N nodded and made sure to finish her breakfast before going to get ready herself. 
Snorkeling was fun. Tom paid for the underwater photographs which meant that there was plenty of evidence that the two of them had actually had fun together. But, snorkeling only lasted so long. Soon enough Tom and Y/N were walking on the beach towards the house. Neither one had spoken about the whole love triangle situation, but Tom couldn’t hold his tongue much longer. He didn’t want to press, but he was curious. 
“So, how are you doing?” 
“I’m good?” Y/N elongated her words. What was he going on about? “How are you?” 
“Fine. Tired today…” 
“Oh yeah, Harrison said that you talk to Jamie-” Y/N quickly shut her mouth. When else would Harrison have told her about Tom’s phone call with Jamie. She’d only seen him for a few minutes this morning as far as everyone else knew. 
“That was nothing. She was trying to apologize. I didn’t really want to hear it though.” Tom had caught her slip up, but chose not to say anything. If he was going to make a move, Tom didn’t want Y/N to be thinking about Harrison. Little did he know, but the boy had been in the back of her mind all afternoon.
“That’s good,” Y/N replied nonchalantly. She wasn’t really wanting to hear the details of the phone call that resulted in Tom raising his voice. 
“Y/N?” Tom stopped in the middle of the sand. Their resort house was within sight, but Tom couldn’t go any further before he told her what he was thinking. Y/N took a few more steps before she even realized that Tom wasn’t next to her. 
“What’s up, Tom?” 
The words came tumbling out of Tom’s mouth. “I need to know what you’re thinking. It’s killing me not knowing.” 
Y/N’s jaw slackened. Her heart may or may not have skipped a beat, but was it because Tom still wanted her and she was happy or was it because she didn’t want to have this conversation with him because she didn’t want to make a hard decision. 
“You have to have some idea,” he pushed more. “I may have been an idiot before, but I’m not going to go down without fighting for you. Not this time.” 
The lump in Y/N’s throat seemed to grow. She couldn’t swallow it as the curly haired boy in front of her continued talking and walking towards her. “I love you, Y/N. I have for a while. I was just too stupid to see it.” Tom was towering over her now. She could feel his breath on her face and his cologne overwhelmed her senses. 
This was the boy that she had been pining over for years now. He was spilling his heart out to her. It was everything she imagined. Tom seemed to be moving closer slowly. A small part of her wanted to stay and entertain this possibility, but another part, a larger part, wanted to run far away and into the arms that held her so tightly the previous night. 
“Tom?! Y/N?!” Sam’s voice echoed over the crashing waves. 
Y/N ripped herself away from Tom and Tom could feel the anger rising. The anger at Sam for ruining this moment, for ruining his chance. 
“You guys- you guys have to come quickly.” Sam was panting as he came to a stop in front of the pair that now had a few feet between them. Y/N had jumped back that far. 
“What’s wrong?” Y/N asked, waiting for the boy to say what was going on. 
“It’s Haz…” Sam panted out. “He was surfing and hit his head.” 
Y/N whipped her head around to look at Tom. Her eyes grew as she heard the news. They also looked apologetic. Tom knew right then that she had made her decision. She loved Harrison. She wanted to go to him now and didn’t care if she was ruining the moment that Tom thought they were having. Her eyes told Tom everything he needed to know. 
“Go to him,” Tom told her confidently. As Tom watched her run after Sam, he felt disappointed that he hadn’t chosen him, but she did deserve to be with someone who chose her first every time. That someone was Harrison and deep down, Tom knew that. 
“Where is he, Sam?” Y/N asked as they approached where the boys had been surfing. 
“On the shore near the clump of trees.” Sam pointed. Y/N left him behind. He had run to find her and Tom and running all the way back had taken it out of him. 
An ambulance was pulling up as Y/N reached Harry and Harrison. The blond was laying flat on his back with Harry leaving over him. 
“Is- is he okay?” Y/N stumbled over her words. Panic was taking over as he laid there motionless in front of her. 
“I don’t know. He’s breathing and came to before going unconscious again.” Harry explained. 
The medics approached and asked Y/N and Harry to step aside so that they could attend to Harrison. While they worked, Y/N watched nervously. Her fingernails were destroyed from chewing them as she stood to the side, not being able to do anything. 
“Excuse me?” she finally spoke as a medic walked by. “Is he going to be alright?” Her breathing was uneven, but she couldn’t manage to control it. 
“His vitals are normal and there are no serious injuries. He won’t have to go to the hospital,” the medic informed her. Y/N nodded as she looked past the medic at Harrison. Blocking out all the noise, Y/N focused her attention on Harrison. The moment he moved, she ran to him, despite the medics still attending to him. 
“Haz? Haz? You awake?” she felt the tears begin to swell in her eyes. 
“Hey, love,” he smiled as he opened his eyes to see her leaning over him. 
“Oh my god, Harrison. How do you feel?” she urged. 
“A little sore,” he admitted, “but I’ll be fine.” 
Y/N gently took his face in her hands. It was as if he were a delicate flower. The worry was etched across her face. 
“It’s good to see you too,” he chuckled. 
“You scared me,” Y/N whispered, still holding him. “I thought- I thought that I might lose you.” She spoke as if they were the only two people in the world. No one could penetrate their circle. Even the medics had stepped back after determining that Haz would be fine. 
“You don’t have to worry about me, love. I always manage to bounce back.” Harrison groaned as he attempted to sit up, rubbing his forehead. 
“I’m serious, Haz.” Y/N’s eyes watched his every movement intently. “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” 
“What are you saying there, Y/N?” Harrison’s blue eyes sparkled. 
“I’m saying I love you! Now stop making a joke about this. It could have been worse!” Y/N’s eyes were darting as she studied every inch of Harrison’s face. 
“I love you too, Y/N,” Harrison smiled softly. Y/N’s eyes softened when she realized what had just happened. Deep inside, she always knew it was Harrison. He was her home when she was far away from her family. 
“It is you, Haz. It’s always been you. I’m sorry I ever made you wait and feel like you couldn’t tell me. I’m sorry-” 
Y/N’s apologies were cut short by Harrison’s lips connecting to her own. Every feeling he had ever felt for her was poured into this kiss. 
When they finally pulled apart, Harrison’s smile was so wide his cheeks would definitely hurt if he kept it up. “Remind me why it took so long for us to do that?” Y/N exhaled, breathlessly. 
“I was just wondering the same thing,” Harrison chuckled, placing one of his hands on the side of Y/N’s face. “Maybe we should do it again,” he winked. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh into the kiss as Harrison pulled her towards him once again, just the second of many kisses to follow for the happy, new couple.
A/N: I know that if someone had a head injury, they’d definitely have to go to the hospital. But for the purposes of the flow here, it just is all okay and dandy...alright?
Tag List:
@thesuitelifeofafangirl // @viwihere // @joyleenl
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ahatintimestorybook · 4 years
AHIT Twin AU- Magic Overboard
So I got this chapter done last night, but sadly my internet was out all day yesterday and just came back on today! Once I saw it was back up I quickly got out of bed and here I am posting the new chapter now!!
I also got started with the next two chapters, and both aren't angst and just sweet wholesome fluff. Not sure when I'll jump into angst again, but it may be after those two fanfics.
It’s been three days since the bullying incident and things had happened over the course of those three days. For one, Angela and Richard decided to let MJ stay home the next few days to relax as the incident left him numb to go back to school. MJ still had his black eye, but the bruises on his arms started to fade. The good news out of it was MJ was able to take care of Luka and soon his little brother started to feel better and was back to his spirited self.
It was now Saturday, and MJ and Luka we’re home alone as their parents were at work. The twins were watching TV, and the cartoons that played every Saturday morning finished. The twins decided to go on another cartoon channel and watch whatever was on, but sadly there was nothing.
Luka groaned and collapsed on MJ’s leg. “MJ, can we go to the park?” He asked. “I’m bored”
MJ looked down at his little brother and gave a soft chuckle. “Are you sure? You just got better.” MJ reminded him.
“Yeah! I want to go! I’m better now!” Luka yelled. “Please?” He begged.
MJ chuckled knowing Luka will keep begging. “Alright. Alright. We can go.” He surrendered. Luka cheered, removing the blanket from his body. He’s been at home for days and finally can head outside! “First we need to check your temperature.” MJ said, taking Luka’s hand to take him to the bathroom.
Luka frowned knowing it wasn’t going to be that easy. “Do I have too?” Luka asked.
MJ nodded. “Yep. Wouldn’t want you to get even worse.” MJ replied. Luka frowned and sighed. He hoped his temperature was a decent one, decent enough to let him go out for the day with his brother.
MJ went to the medicine cabinet and pulled out the thermometer, “open.” He commanded. Luka opened his mouth as MJ put the thermometer in. They waited for a minute and once it passed MJ removed it from his brother’s mouth.
“What does it say?” Luka asked.
“Well,” MJ started. “You're only at 98.8.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means we can go out, but just for a walk. I don’t want you to get worse if you're running around.” MJ explained.
Luka smiled. “That’s better than nothing!” Luka replied. Luka ran to his room to get dressed into some clean clothes. He then came out wearing a purple plaid button up shirt, black shorts, and purple and black sneakers.
MJ chuckled. “Wow that was fast!” MJ said amused.
“Yep!” Luka replied.
“Alright we’ll leave in a minute let me pick up the house keys and write a note in case mom and dad come back before they do.” MJ explained. Luka nodded and waited for his older brother to do what he needed to do before they left.
MJ picked up the house keys that hung by the refrigerator on a lanyard and put it around his neck. He then wrote the letter on a piece of paper and hung it on the fridge. Once that was done he grabbed his red and blue sneakers and he and Luka went out the door.
Subcon Park was a pretty big park, like most parks it had a playground, a lake  and walking trails. There were also food stands where you can get ice cream or a snack, and  it held many events such as their Summer Solstice Subcon Festival. However, Subcon Park was different from other parks; Subcon Park had a deep dark spooky forest called Subcon Forest.
Subcon Forest is a living nightmare to everyone in Subcon, but a world of discovery to MJ and Luka. It's a forest stuck in an eternal night, noises are heard, but no one goes to discover what made that noise. There are many legends of the Subcon Forest, one of them about two brothers once battled here to claim ownership of Subcon, but both died in their duel and their ghosts still haunt this place today. There was even a legend that  the ghost belonging to one of the prince’s stole young children that wandered into the forest and put their souls in dolls.
However, those were just stories to tell kids not to wander far into Subcon Forest. MJ and Luka have been in the forest over a million times and came back unharmed. The twins use this as their hiding place and it was their way to explore and have fun with their magic without getting caught. Basically they called this forest their P.E class for Magic.
MJ and Luka’s house weren’t far from the park, and soon they were there. Since it was Saturday the park was full of people going for a jog, out with their pets, bringing their kids to the playground, the usual you see at any local park. However, like MJ said Luka and him were just getting some fresh air and a walk.
Luka breathed in the fresh air and sighed in relief. “I miss the outdoor air!” He sighed.
MJ chuckled and ruffled Luka’s hair. “You were only sick for three days, not three months.” He laughed. Luka laughed and tried to push MJ’s hand away, but the older brother grabbed his little brother ruffling his hair and messing it up.
“MJ! MJ stop!” Luka laughed.
“What? You want me to stop?” MJ asked. “I thought you liked having your hair ruffled, Lulu!” MJ continued to mess Luka’s hair before both brothers lost their balance and fell on the grass laughing. Luka laughed hard and started to cough again, but tried to look like he was okay.
“I’m fine.” Luka paused to cough again. “I’m fine.” Luka gave out a few more coughs before breathing heavily. MJ frowned feeling bad knowing his brother was just healing from his sickness. The older twin went to rub Luka’s back hoping that it would relax him.
“Easy there Luka. Easy.” MJ soothed. Luka took a few deep breaths and started to feel better. “Feeling better?” Luka nodded. MJ sighed and pulled his little brother close for a hug. Once Luka felt calm, MJ took him to buy some water so he could drink something to clear his throat. The brothers then sat on the bench of Luka chugh the bottle of water down.
“Thank you.” Luka sighed.
“Anything for my little bro.” MJ replied. Luka smiled and leaned on MJ’s shoulder. MJ pulled Luka close, making his younger brother smile. Once Luka felt better he and MJ took a walk around the park and it made me the younger twin feel better.
They were about to head home and stop somewhere to pick up some lunch, but were being followed by three familiar faces. Luka turned and grabbed MJ’s hand and quickly ran. “L-Luka! What’s going on!” MJ yelled.
“Don’t look back, MJ! Just trust me!” Luka yelled. Even though he was told not too, MJ turned and gasped seeing that the Lazy Paw Trio was right on their tail. “MJ what did I say!” Luka shouted back.
“Sorry!” MJ apologized. “Hurry!” Luka picked up the pace and ran as fast as his legs could take him and his brother. Then Luka started to cough again due to all that running and fell to his knees as he coughed some more.
“M-MJ.” Luka coughed. “K-keep running!” Luka coughed.
MJ shook his head. “N-no! Not without you!” He shouted. Just as he tried to lift Luka up, Blake came by and tackled MJ to the ground.
“MJ!” Luka yelled.
MJ skidded to the ground and looked up in fear to see it was Blake holding him down. MJ struggled to get out of Blake’s grasp but the bully held him down tight. “Miss us, MJ?” Blake asked.
MJ glared. “Peck no!” He shouted. Blake then replied by giving MJ a slap on the face.
“MJ!” Luka shouted. He tried to get to his older brother, but Luka was held down by Robin. Luka struggled to release himself from the young girl’s grasp, but the girl was able to tighten her grip on the younger twin.
Scott chuckled and made his way to the twins. “Well, well, well. You thought you two thought you saw the last of us?” He asked. Luka and MJ glared at their bullies they thought they would have been grounded with what they did to MJ days ago. “Well you're wrong! We still have places around Subcon and whenever you two are alone like you are now we can strike.” He explained walking towards MJ.
MJ glared at the bully he’d attack if he could, but sadly Blake held on to his arms tight. MJ looked over to Luka and saw small embers of a purple flame coming out. MJ shook his head slowly at his little brother signaling him not too.
“So guys who should we beat up first?” Scott asked. “Shall we beat Mikey up again,” he then turned to Luka, which made MJ’s heart drop. “Or shall we go towards his little brother?” He smirked, giving an evil smile.
“You touch him your dead!” MJ snapped. Scott glanced at Blake, who then punched the young boy in the stomach making MJ whince and held it in pain.
Luka gulped and looked up at Scott and Robin who smiled evilly at the younger twin. “Looks like Mikey gave us an answer.” Scott snickered. Luka started to hyperventilate as Scott cracked his knuckles ready to punch the younger twin. “Blake keep a hold of MJ, he’d love to watch this.”
Blake lifted MJ forcefully and held his arm back. MJ looked up to see Robin did the same to Luka. The younger twin started to cry and struggled to get out of the female bully’s grasp, but she held him really tight.
“Don’t touch him!” MJ yelled, but that caused Blake to hold him tighter.
Without warning, Scott lifted up his fist and landed it in Luka’s face making the younger twin scream.
MJ’s eyes widened as his heart dropped when he saw blood drip from Scott’s hands. He looked towards Luka and saw blood dripping on his face and his head down, not looking MJ in the eye. MJ’s eyes started to swell up with tears seeing his little brother hurt. “Luka.” MJ whispered.
Scott went to punch him again, but stopped when he heard Blake in pain. Scott and Robin turned to see Blake’s pants catch fire, making him let go of MJ. The older twin was confused, but looked to see Luka’s hands black, and his eyes golden.
“Are you okay?” Scott asked.
Soon MJ ran and pushed Robin and grabbed Luka’s arm and the two ran off inside the Subcon Forest to hide. “Get them!” Scott shouted as the three went tailing after them inside the forest.
The twins ran far as their feet could take them, and once they were in the clear. MJ got a closer look at his little brother’s condition. Luka’s nose was dripping with blood like how his nose was a few days ago. MJ teared up and hugged Luka tight. “I-I’m sorry.” MJ cried. “I’m so sorry.” Luka didn’t respond, but accepted his older twin’s hug.
“I think they're here!” Robin shouted. MJ let go of Luka and turned to where the Lazy Paw Trio was heard. They were nearing the twins, and they had to dash.
“L-let’s go Luka!” MJ shouted.
“No.” Luka growled.
MJ stepped back. “W-what?” He asked.
“No.” Luka repeated and looked up to MJ, his eyes glowing a bright yellow, almost covering both of his eyes. “We’re gonna fight.” MJ flinched when he heard his little brother have an echo into his voice and saw the blue flames turn purple.
Robin groaned in disgust as she had to push the branches away to get through the woods. “Where did those twin punks go?” She asked.
“They can’t be far.” Scott replied. “No kid has made it this far into Subcon Forest.”
Blake gulped. “You think that soul snatching prince ghost got them?” He asked.
Scott chuckled. “That’s just an old folk tale to have parents keep us kids from being kids.” He replied.
“And if it is real, then we just find another group of victims to pick on.” Robin added. She then laughed till she tripped and landed face first in a mud puddle. Scott and Blake laughed as Robin lifted her head, spitting out mud from her mouth. “Real mature guys!”
“Hey, it wasn’t us!” Blake replied.
Robin turned and saw a red string had been caught on her shoe. “What the?” She asked. “Red string?” As the girl got a close look at the string she felt something grab her arms making her stand up on her own. “W-what’s going on!?” She shrieked. Soon Robin spinned around like a ballerina before she punched herself in the face repeatedly.
“The forest is haunted! We disturbed the ghost of Subcon Forest!” Blake screamed. “Don’t kill me!” He was about to run out of the forest, but the same red string grabbed his legs and lifted him upside down before throwing him on the tree like a ragdoll. This in turn caused Blake to pass out.
Scott gulped and stepped back. “I-I’m not scared of you!” He shouted with a hint of fear in his voice. “MJ, if this is you and your puny little brother, you're both gonna get it Monday!” Once he said those words he heard childish giggling coming from behind.
Scott was never this scared before. He watched horror movies and was able to withstand the bloody scenes, he knew the Subcon Forest legend was just a folktale, and everything going on is just a prank done by MJ and Luka. The giggling went on for a while, before it stopped and the forest went quiet again.
Scott sighed in relief. “I knew it was just a prank.” He said to himself. He decided to help untie his friends till he tripped and fell on the ground. “Ow! What the-'' Scott's eyes widened in fear as he saw the same red string tied around his legs. Scott tried to untie it, but his arms were tied as he was slammed from tree to tree like a pendulum.
Soon the red strings let go of the bullies before tying all of them up together. Then a trail of purple flames came by and surrounded them. The bullies woke up and screamed trying to get out of the string as the flames started to reach them.
“Okay! Okay! We’re sorry ghosts! We didn’t mean to! Please spare us!” Blake cried. Like it heard the bully’s cries the flames stopped and soon faded. This gave the group a sigh before they were lifted up and tied into a tree knocked out cold.
“Alright! We got them!” MJ cheered.
“Yeah!” Luka replied, the echo in his voice still there.
However, before any of the twins could celebrate they paused in fear at each other. Luka saw MJ’s hair glowing with a light blue aura and his eyes fully red with his left one having a diamond in them.
MJ saw Luka’s eyes were completely yellow, making his brother look ghost-like and his hair was turning purple as well as Luka’s arms being a dark purplish-black.
The twins looked at each other horrified at the other’s appearance. They then turned towards their bullies who were knocked out thanks to the impact of the tree. Soon the twins flinched as they heard footsteps coming towards them causing their magic to fade away and turning them back to normal.
“Who goes there!” A park ranger shouted. He paused seeing the bullies tied up in string slowly starting to wake up  as well as the twins frozen in fear over what just occurred.
Soon the bullies were tied up and both parties were sent to the police station as they trespassed in a forbidden area of Subcon Forest plus seeing a “fight” had happened. Once at the station the twins told their side of the story about what happened saying The Lazy Paw Trio attacked them and they pulled a “prank” to scare them off. They didn’t mean to hurt them.
Though the twins truly did, they also didn’t want to get in trouble as well as to avoid any hints they have magic powers.
The Lazy Paw Trio’s side of the story was they were attacked by the twins as revenge so the twins could get in trouble. One of the officers assumed that one of if not both of the twins had magic abilities and were ready to report it.
“I have a question for you three?” The officer in the corner asked. The trio looked up at the officer. “Did these twins have magic?” He asked.
The trio looked at each other and smirked. They knew how much magic can’t be talked about and lying to the officers would be a breeze if it's anything about magic. With a smirk they crossed their arms and said at the same time, “yes.”
After hearing both sides of the story, the police decided to call their parents which Angela and Richard didn’t take very well.
“Listen officer, my sons have been being harassed by these kids! Why did they need to be arrested! They acted in self defense!” Angela shouted. Luka and MJ flinched hearing their mother yell at the officers, and boy they wish she wouldn’t.
“Listen Mrs. Prince, your sons aren’t in trouble and so were the other kids, but they shouldn’t have trespassed into that forest in the first place!” The officer replied to her.
“And what’s this about magic! I’ll let you know my boys are perfectly normal” Richard replied. MJ and Luka looked at each other wide eyed. They didn’t tell anyone about their magic, their powers faded when the park ranger showed up, and the bullies were knocked out cold plus the twins stayed hidden so no one saw them use it.
The officer sighed. “Look we don’t know if they do! That’s what the trio of kids told me.” The officer replied.
“Well those kids are lying to you. I have proof my boys are perfectly normal!” Angela shouted.
“MJ?” Luka started. MJ turned to Luka and saw his little brother about to cry. “I-I’m sorry. I-I shouldn’t have suggested we go to the park, t-then we, then we.” Luka paused when he felt MJ put his hand on his shoulder.
“It's not your fault Luka.” MJ replied to reassure him that they didn’t predict their little walk to the park turned out horrible. Luka gave a small smile and hugged his brother tight. MJ gave a small smile and hugged his twin brother back.
The twins let go of the hug when they heard the door open. “I’m really sorry for the trouble Mr. and Mrs. Prince. W-well bring the trio back in tomorrow.” The officer said.
“Thank you, officer.” Angela replied. She then turned and faced her sons. “Michael. Luka let’s go home.” MJ and Luka looked at each other and followed their parents out of the police station and into the car to drive home.
The car ride home was silent between the Prince family, but the twins knew they weren’t going to be off the hook the second they headed home. By the time they made it home Angela finally spoke up, “Boys when we go inside you sit on the couch there’s going to be a lot of talking.” She explained.
“Yes mom.” MJ and Luka said at the same time. They both got out of the car and went inside and followed with what their mother told them to do.
“What were you two thinking?!” Angela asked. The twins went quiet not responding to their mother. “Do you know how crazy and stupid you guys were today! You were almost caught with your magic and used it to fight your bullies!”
“They punched Luka, mom!” MJ replied.
“And I wasn’t going to let them hurt MJ next!” Luka added.
“That doesn’t give you boys the right to use your magic for violence!” Richard shouted back. The twins gulped at their father’s anger. “You promised us that you wouldn’t use your magic for violence and went behind our backs and used it!”
MJ sighed. “I’m sorry mom and dad. We didn’t mean to, but we had no other choice.” MJ explained.
“I’m sorry too.” Luka spoke up. “I was the one who told MJ to use his magic. He tried to prevent me from using mine, but I just got hurt and...snapped.” He explained.
Richard and Angela softened their expressions on their sons and looked at each other. They both nodded in agreement that the boys regret their actions, but that didn’t mean they were off the hook. “We forgive you boys.” Angela said. “However, for disobeying us and using magic to fight you're both grounded for two weeks.”
The twins sighed knowing they were going to be punished for their actions, but what happened next threw them into a loop.
“There is some good news though.” Richard started. Luka and MJ looked up at their parents. “While we were out, we were trying to find a new school to transfer you boys too so those jerks won’t bother you two again.” He explained.
This lifted up the boys spirited, ignoring the fact that they were just grounded.
“And to add on to the good news, we found one and you’ll be enrolled sometime next week.” Angela added.
MJ and Luka looked at each other with a smile and hugged their parents tight. “Oh thank you! Thank you mom!” MJ cried. He was in tears of joy that soon he would no longer have to be bothered by his tormentors ever again! Angela and Richard smiled and hugged their sons tight, despite having to punish them, they were happy that this bullying will all blow over.
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bnhavibes · 5 years
Making Out pt 2!
Bakugou, Todoroki, Izuku x Fem!Reader hc
tw/ swearing!!! dirty talk, heavy groping(and booty smacking), dry humping 🥵
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Bakugou, Katsuki
Being the type of guy Bakugou is, you know he’s gonna get as much of you as he can.
Though he doesn’t really like to show PDA at school beyond holding hands or embracing one another, he occasionally will pop up while you’re about to take a “bathroom break”
(going to the bathroom and just sitting on your phone and messing with your hair/makeup because, well, you ARE the girlfriend of the rebellious ass of the school so you might as well try to be the nicer part)
But somehow, he always knows when to find you.
And pulls you into a nearby janitors closet every time.
You know it’s him just by the grip that he has on you.
how it should hurt by the way it looked, but he was so passionate as grabbed you by your hips and hiked up your skirt; lifting (yanking) your legs off the ground and around his waist
“Oh (Y/N), I’ve missed you a lot today.” He groans as you’re pushed into the door with his body. His lips and tongue meet yours as he snakes his right hand up your body to squeeze your cheeks together; forcing your mouth open as he lapped at your tongue.
Instantly, you salivated.
You loved when he was like this.
During these closet visits, it’s clear that he must have had something crazy happen in class where somebody said some “u t t e r bullSHIT” about team work or gotten pissed off at his internship the day before.
“Uhnmm, ‘Suki~,” you moan in his ear, his mouth marking your now exposed collar bone and neck. “I’ve missed you more.”
did you— did you just... ch— challenge him?
WHAP! The sound of his hand was louder than the hit, but oh did that do something to you.
“S-So lewd, S-Suki.”
“Yeah?” He says more than he asks, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as he returns his hands to your ass and rubs the hardening length under his pants against your aching core
You know you shouldn’t have challenged him. The smell of your arousal was filling the tony space, and he moaned at the familiarity.
“You think that I’m lewd, princess?” He growls, “That— That ffucking smell, that’s what’s lewd.” He groans as he continues to grind his pelvis into your hips.
His whole frame was shadowing you, and you couldn’t help but moan at the naughty idea of him taking you like this later tonight.
But right now, you knew the deal; No sex at school.
But..... you can makeout right ?
“God, I wish I could fuck you, right here, right now.”
‘Ahhh, so somebody was butthurt at training?’ You think to yourself.
That meant only complete submission would get him to actually do something.
And God, did you need him to actually do something. (and you knew just how to get what you wanted)
“But, Daddy, our ruuuuleess.”
“Motherfuck— Gah!” He growls,
There’s only one word that can kick Bakugou into ‘fuck them kids’ mode.
“(Y/N), don’t you dare—“
“What’s wrong, Daddy? Can’t handle a challenge like this at school?”
You’re such a minx.
“You’re gonna fucking regret those words, Princess.” He said through gritted teeth, that shit eating, wild, and downright sexy fucking pull of his lips ignited a fire in your stomach.
You were in for it now.
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Todoroki, Shouto.
This guy wasn’t as bad with PDA as Bakugou
He was focused on his studies, sure!
But that didn’t mean he had to protest every time you curled up into his lap in homeroom or during those gruesomely boring days where the tests were too easy for both of you.
He loved the way your hair smelled, even as your head was nuzzled into his lap.
He especially loved when just the two of you would sit under a tree on the school grounds, you straddling his lap as his back pressed into the tree
You’d sit there, reading a book to him, leaning your head on his shoulder, just at the crook of his neck.
He couldn’t resist touching the soft skin under your school uniform.
Your thighs???? His delicacy.
Your hips???? So squishy.
Your breasts??— wait
“Sh-Shouto.” You say breathlessly, his aimless wandering unintentionally causing a stir in your stomach.
His mismatched eyes snapped up to meet yours.
“Oh, I— I’m sorry, love, I guess I spaced out a bit there.”
“Mm.” You nod, waiting for him to realize where he was caressing.
He had traced circles on your lower back, but the warmth of your skin started dropping as his hands wandered up and around your body
The pregnant pause gave him anxiety, so he immediately looked for signs of what went wrong.
His face flushed immensely at the sight of your top unbuttoned enough for his hands to slip through, resting one at the back of your neck as the other was cupping your breast underneath a bralette you wore
“I— I didn’t mean to. Please forgive m—mmph.” His moan in your kiss, the way his breath hitched as your tongue met his, all factored into the heat pooling between your legs
He inhaled sharply, squeezing his eyes shut as your hands snake around his neck, deepening the kiss as you lift your hips up, only to scootch themback down(catching his hardening member between your folds on the way)
His trembling exhale only encouraged you further as you kissed his jawline
down his neck
until you found his perfect little weak spot
“(Y-Y/N).” He squeaks out, his cheeks flushed so red you’d think he would have activated his quirk.
“Hmm?” You hum, fluttering your long eyelashes up at him.
“We’re outside.” He warns, looking around at the empty yards
(it was lunch time and too windy for most students to enjoy the outdoors, but you two reveled in isolation.)
“Nobody’ll notice.” You say innocently, hands ready at his belt, teasingly dipping a finger in and out of his waistline
A beat passed before a playful smile grew on his face.
“I have to leave early to see my mom today.”
“I can fake a cold from the weather, and meet you at the dorms in 10.” And with a passionate peck, you were off
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Midoriya, Izuku
On the surface, your boyfriend Deku seemed like a pretty innocent enough guy
key words being: “on the surface”
deep down, he was a raging pervert
and you relished in it
Caught him (purposefully) jacking off in his dorm? You jumped him.
Walk in when he’s having a wet dream? He’d fuck your face when he’d wake up.
and gooodddd was he so needy when he was horny.
“Baby, cmon it’s just a game! I thought you’d wanna do the challenge for your american friends.”
“A pocky challenge?” You giggle as you walk away with him, his arms tightly wrapped around your hips as he pulled you into his body.
He nuzzled his face into your hair, the box of pocky digging into your hip as his arms squeezed you. “Please, (Y/N), it’ll be fun, I-I promise.”
You huff in response, stopping to remove his hands gently and face him.
“Fine. But later, kay?”
The gleam in his eye was bright, but something else was hidden behind it. You wouldn’t know until now, what exactly clouded his mind as he heard you agree to this challenge.
You were filming (on your bed) for your video to show your friends, your recorded content never to see the light of day , when Izuku had removed his shirt.
“What are you doing, weirdo?” You giggle, but you’re blushing, looking at the viewfinder in confusion and embarrassment.
“It’s hot in here,” He blatantly lies, the grin on his face anything but sweet. You were wearing a camisole style crop top, and a black pair of soffe shorts, a preferred lounging outfit you changed into after school during the warmer days.
“U-Uhh, okay. So, he-here’s the pocky. I got cookies n cream flavor! So u-uh, D-Deku?” You say, going along with his obvious plan.
He was already in your face, his body hot from the state he was in. Apparently being a teenage boy meant times where he was just so horny he had to have you as much as he could.
“Let’s get started.” He grabbed you by the face, a bit roughly, but here you were, mouth agape too far for pocky, salivating from the way he pulled your bodies together by your head.
He had already ate half the pocky by the time it hit your tongue, and he moaned once his own met your lips.
Your pursed your lips quickly, knowing he would take advantage of your well-coated tongue if you let him.
His brows furrowed at your aversion, his hands dropping to your hips, harshly pulling them into his pelvis. Your legs twitched as you felt something throbbing, and hard, grind against your clothed center.
You gasped as you chewed the sweet snack, breath hitching as his tongue retreated with a groan of determination as you opened your eyes and met Izuku’s emerald irises; glossed over with lust.
It was — enticing.
Heat creeped up your cheeks as he bore into your soul, a small smirk beginning to grow as your mouths inched closer together.
You weren’t going to chicken out, however.
Not when he would try to dominate you like this.
Your own smirk grew as you finished the last bite, quickly turning towards the camera, and pushing his body back onto the bed. You sat on your knees, leaning forward to end the recording:
“Looks like it was a draw. Neither of us pulled back before the pocky was done!” You beamed, but in the view finder you see Izuku; His pants pulled to his knees, and hand palming himself over his boxers as he stared at your ass bent over in front of him.
You bit your lip as you watched him, the silence and lack of movement alerting Izuku of your gaze, meeting it through the viewfinder as he licked his lips.
Quickly you turned around, grasping his face with one hand as you pulled him into a sloppy, yet passionate kiss
He moaned beneath you, one hand gripping your ass as he guided your pussy along the length of his boxers
“Ohh~ Doll, I-I’m... mmph—“ You kissed him again, you knew he would be quick the first time so, might as well help him out huh?
You rocked your hips against his body, sandwiching his girth between your folds.
“I know, baby,” You cooed, saliva stringing between your lips and his.
You pressed your lips against his harshly, picking up the speed of your hips, his desperate pants proving his near orgasm.
“You’re so fucking good to me, baby, h-humping my cock, I—I’m so spoiled to have such a nnn-aughty girl like you.” He moans, his jaw slacking as he bucks his hips up into you.
You moan at his dirty words, ‘There you are, Izuku.’ You think to yourself. You secretly loved his lewd and perverted side, it made you feel special to be the only person getting this rise out of him.
Midoriya’s teeth sinking into your semi-exposed chest pulled you from your thoughts as his member pulsated, the hot liquid in his boxers seeping past his layer of protection and mixing with your own arousal-leaking core.
“Uuhhmmph— Baby~” He moans on your skin as his orgasm settles.
“Don’t worry. We’re just getting started. Okay, doll?” He smiles
GOD BLESS ITS HOT IN HERE!!!! who was your fave??? lmk in the comments & dont forgot to send in your requests 🥰
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ngame989 · 5 years
“Soul” - TGG SVTFOE Fanfic Collection Ch. 9
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Writing: @ngame989​​
Art: @toxicpsychox​​
Editing: @ubercelloczar​​​, @toxicpsychox​​, @seddm​​
Alternate fic links - FFnet, AO3
Summary: It's that time of the year for another Soulrise, and Tom throws Marco the birthday bash of a lifetime to celebrate, but Marco realizes that underneath all the joy and celebration Tom has a storm of emotions brewing inside. When Star gets dragged into some mysterious mission on the surface, it's up to Marco to realize just what's been bothering his demon friend.
Comic Page
And we're back with another chapter! Things are ramping up a bit, and we have plans for probably the next dozen chapters in the works already with a few special events in the mix. Thanks for sticking around, and stay tuned for more. Hope you enjoy!
“A little to the left.” Tom hovered above the door and moved a massive cloud of dark blue balloons slightly over in the wrong direction, glancing up at her to check. “My left, honey.” He nodded and shifted them back. A little more, a little more, and… “There. Nice work, Tommypoo,” Wrathmelior affectionately growled in her native tongue while reaching down to rustle her smiling son’s hair. When Tom suggested throwing a party for a friend she hadn’t met yet, the same boy who had been the subject of quite a few mother-son heart-to-hearts in years past, some old concerns had bubbled up in the back of her mind. But she couldn’t bear saying no for long, and it wasn’t long until she was more than happy to volunteer the Lucitor lake house for the occasion.  
Tom’s enigmatic friend Janna popped her head out the front door with a sly grin that would put many of the devils Wrathmelior personally knew to shame. “Yo Tommypoo, can I get a hand at the snack table?”
All three of his eyes popped open and cast intense glares back and forth between Janna and Wrathmelior. “You even taught her that?” he groaned incredulously at the latter.
Wrathmelior smiled apologetically. “Sorry, sweetie. She’s quite persuasive.” Janna had been spending enough time in the Underworld that Wrathmelior had given her a few crash courses in conversational demonic, enough to get by on her own when she tagged along with whatever Tom was doing in the kingdom. Though she was still difficult to figure out, they got along swimmingly. So many humans seemed either too scared or concerningly excited about the lava, wings, and horns they might encounter down below, and Janna’s cool enthusiasm was refreshingly welcome.
“Guilty as charged.” Janna pointed finger guns at Tom as he walked through the door and they disappeared into the house.
Wrathmelior went into the more appropriately sized entrance into the kitchen, where by the time she arrived Tom and Janna were putting out plates and napkins. Her husband was there as well and had apparently been receiving a cooking lesson from Star for some time now, judging by the lecture she was giving him. “-can’t do this too early or the chips will get totally mushy and gross. Crunchy chips, molten cheese, crisp pico -  all required elements for any Marco-approved nachos.” Star instructed before bending down to grab a tray full of chips out of the oven, setting it down on the counter next to the other supplies. “If you pour juuuuuust right, the cheese will get all in between the chips so you get a little with every bite.” Dave solemnly followed her work as the jumbo bowl was filled with a quantity of triangle chips, yellow goop, and vegetables that gave even the full-sized demon pause. “Voilà! Star’s Super Spectacular Nachos!” Everyone grabbed a sample chip, and just as she said, a little bit of everything seemed to work its way through the dish.
“Mmmmph,” Dave grunted. “These are good. Star, can you teach the castle staff how to make this marvelous thing?”
“Honestly, I’m not that good at it, Marco and I have just been cooking a ton lately. Campus food is both really expensive and really crummy.” Star stuck her tongue out in disgust. While the others, Wrathmelior included, tried and failed to stop eating, Star wandered through the living room and looked around at all the decorations and party games that had been set up, her grin only growing wider as she did.
Tom leaned against the stairs with his hands in the pockets of his teal shorts, smirked as he coolly observed the room. “We are preeeeetty good party planners, aren’t we?”
“Aww yeah we are!” Star skipped over and bumped shoulders with Tom. “But honestly this was mostly you. Marco’s gonna love it.”
“You think?” Tom’s cocky demeanor fell away to the earnestness underneath. “Ah, it was nothing. I mean, sure, we’ve got a private beachfront property, the most state of the art ping-pong tables in the world, a live Love Sentence cover band… I mean, who wouldn’t do this for their friend’s 17th birthday?”
Janna slurped the stretchy cheese off her last chip before chiming in from the kitchen. “You’ve been spending, like, every waking moment on it, dude. Feels like we haven’t even hung out in weeks, buuuut it is pretty cool. Remind me to call you when I’m in the mood to throw a grave rave.” He flashed a casual toothy smirk, but there was an extra glint in his eyes that caught Wrathmelior’s attention. Janna sauntered into the living room to join the others. “So what’s the special occasion, Tom?”
Whatever that look had meant, it was quickly replaced with sheer confusion. “Uh, Marco’s birthday? Did you get bit by a Hippocampotamus or something? Those things are nasty.”
The Earth girl rolled her eyes. “I mean why all the fuss? This is basically the one human teenage birthday that isn’t extra special.”
“Whatever. Just wanted to throw an ultra awesome party for one of my best friends because he’s a super cool guy.” He quickly averted his gaze, eyes drifting around the room until they stopped on the elegant family grandfather clock. “Probably about that time, ready for me to send you back?” he asked, glancing sideways at Star.
“Oooooone sec.” Star ruffled her hands through her hair, brushed sand out of her light blue blouse, and stuffed her sunhat and sunglasses into her purse. “Sand would blow my cover.” Pillars of fire erupted in the wide open area of the living room as Tom’s eyes glowed, and the familiar carriage he’d built himself once upon a time quickly spawned from the ground. “See you in a few!” Star climbed into the seat; one sizzling rush of air later and she was gone. The irony of Star using the vehicle Tom had delicately crafted once upon a time in the service of wooing her to pick up her human boyfriend wasn’t lost on Wrathmelior, but there was no point to harboring any negativity if Tom was happy with it.
Out of the corner of her eye, Wrathmelior saw a smug Janna sneaking up behind Tom. He lightly shrieked when she slapped him on the back. “Good job, Lucitor. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go set up the traditional Diaz prank. I’m pulling out all the stops this year.” When she opened her jacket, his eyes widened at the various weapons, gadgets, skulls, and animals hiding within. One of them stuck its furry head out. “I became the alpha possum just a few weeks ago. Scooter here can smell red hoodies through walls, isn’t that right?” She scratched the creature’s head before closing the olive jacket back up. “So, you want in?”
“Nah,” he scoffed, waving his hands dismissively. “You go ahead, do your thing. Wouldn’t want to get in the way of the master.”
“You flatter me. Suit yourself, see ya,” Janna shrugged and slinked off elsewhere in the cabin, leaving just the Lucitor family behind. Tom milled about the cabin making minute adjustments to the decorations and furniture, seemingly to kill time more than anything. What had him so worked up? There was no time for Wrathmelior to ponder this question, though, as a loud swoosh from the outside signalled the arrival of the carriage before she could even collect her thoughts.
Tom perked up and bolted out the door while Wrathmelior took the larger exit out the side. Just as the carriage doors opened, Tom snapped his fingers and summoned a black cloth, blinding the boy within whom she presumed to be Marco. “What the heck, man?” Marco curiously started the famous sword-hand dance, but Tom floated over and past him to peek into the chassis.
“Wait, where’s Star?”
“Moon needed her for a little bit, she said she’d be ready pretty soon but said I should go ahead. Can you get this thing off me?”
“Right, right, sorry,” he stuttered while fumbling with the knot until it came undone. “Anyway, welcome to the Lucitor family lake house!”
“Surprise!” The Lucitors spoke in unison, although Wrathmelior knew she wouldn’t be understood. “Happy birthday!”
His eyes widened in wonder at the massive quantity of balloons and the big sign that greeted him. “Wooooah, you guys, you didn’t have to!”
Tom put his arm around Marco’s shoulder and began walking him towards the door. “Don’t worry about it. Oh, Marco, meet my mom and dad, Queen and King Lucitor of the Underworld.”
“My pleasure, young man,” Dave warmly stated as he stepped forward to shake Marco’s hand.
“Nice to meet you,” Wrathmelior growled out with Dave translating.
Marco waved up at her, possessing the same unflinching assuredness that she’d noticed in Janna. “Tom’s told me a lot about you, thanks for having me. Just one question. Is there-”
“Ping-pong?” They said in unison, both their faces breaking into wide smiles before they’d even finished the word.
“If the brand-new Dropshot 720 DX model with real-time trajectory tracking and RGB paddles counts, sure.”
Marco excitedly grabbed Tom by the shoulders, shaking him back and forth. “With optional holographic crowd simulator?”
“Duh. Marco, please, I’m not an amateur.”
“What are we waiting for? The ping ain’t gonna pong itself.”
“We’ve got snacks and music and all sorts of other things, too. Ha, now I feel kinda silly, putting all this together and being the only one here when you show up. I totally understand if you want to go with Star instead, I’d never try to get in the way of, you know, the whole thing you two have.”
The human boy crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow in response. “Tom, you’re one of my best friends and you’re throwing me a ping-pong birthday party. If you think I don’t want to kick your butt until we’ve broken every last ping-pong ball in the kingdom, you’ve got another thing coming, buddy.” Both glanced down when his stomach loudly rumbled. “...but maybe, um, we start with the snacks.”
Wrathmelior cooed at the exchange as Tom wrapped an arm around Marco’s shoulder and led him into the house. So much had changed in the past few years, both above and below ground. Even if her own home and kingdom had been affected to the same degree as those of the surface-dwellers though, none of it would compare in Wrathmelior’s eyes to what she’d seen out of her son. With the ample time she’d had to reflect since the state of the world settled down, she might even say that he’d been the more mature one between them. The last time she’d played doting demon mom over her son’s relationships had gone… regrettably, to say the least, and it had hurt like heaven when he broke the news of what had happened. Could anyone blame her for wanting things to work out with the girl he’d spent years chasing? Most shocking of all was that he hadn’t even talked to her about it beforehand. Before she could even realize it, he’d grown into a capable young Prince of the Underworld solving his problems all on his own.
“Surprise, Diaz!” The moment of solemn reflection was interrupted by Janna’s voice from inside the house followed by a series of crashes and girlish shrieks. “Go, Scooter, go!” As the chaos unfolded, she could hear Tom simultaneously laughing to the point of breathlessness and blasting fire to defend Marco.
While she still couldn’t help but worry that something seemed off with Tom today - a feeling compounded by how little experience she had not being the first one to know what might be going wrong in his life - it was surprisingly easy to push aside. With the friendships he had, she felt at ease knowing he could handle it.
“Lava snakes up above you, Tom!” Marco launched up into the sky with a flurry of sword strikes to stun the enemies while Tom floated over to cover. Tom’s mage dropped icicles from the ceiling to pin the first of the bosses to the ground for Marco to execute. “Thanks.”
Meanwhile, Janna’s character dropped a smokebomb and used the cover to sneak up and eliminate the ranged attackers with his shotgun. “These stupid alien crabs won’t stop spawning,” she growled.
“It’s fine, keep on them. Obsidian lizard to your right, Marco!”
One of Tom’s gifts to Marco had been Threat of Wet 2, the hit sequel to the original action game Threat of Wet. He initially hadn’t been sure if it would be his sort of game but it only took a few minutes of endless heart-pumping mob-slaughtering multiplayer action to be hooked. Even if he was having fun, he wasn’t great at it, judging by the amount of nervous sweat he had to wipe off his brow in a rare free moment between dodging deadly lasers and spikeballs. He used an uppercut to alley-oop the lizard into Tom’s laser blast before dashing and slashing through it for the kill.
“Little help?!?” Janna shouted, tossing a stun grenade at the ravenous pack of creepy jesters clawing at her and rolling under a fallen pillar to regroup with the team. The horde got distracted and chased after one of their mini fighter drones, giving the group a moment of respite.
“Last ones, I think,” Marco said with a grimace. “Not sure what the best move is here, they’ll obliterate me.”
Janna snapped a finger and pointed at Tom. “You think we can pull off Tamalebolge here?”  Marco had no clue what she was talking about, but Tom’s mouth slowly widened into an eager grin as he apparently understood what she was trying to say. They nodded with conviction and turned back to the game.
“Set the smokescreens, I’ll get in position. Marco, just follow me.” He went along with it and hunkered his swordsman down between two clouds of smoke blocking their vision while Janna laid out more in a straight line with gaps in between. Janna maneuvered her character towards the spooky clowns and shot a single pellet at them to get their attention. Once they began charging over, Tom started unloading every spell he had while moving backwards in and out of smoke patches.
The clowns kept moving forward, but seemed to be stuttering in a way that prevented them from ever successfully landing a hit. In a moment of confusion while Marco tried to process it, he got bodyslammed into the ground and instantly killed. “You’re dead… that was embarrassing,” the game’s message on his corner of the massive screen in Tom’s media room taunted. What the heck were they up to, and why was it working?
“Almost… almost… no!” Tom’s thumb slipped on the controller and Marco could literally see the fire in his eyes at the mistake. At the last second Janna rolled under the legs of their enemies and stunned them just as they were about to slam, finishing them off and displaying a message to proceed to the next level. Their characters sauntered over to the exit and halted for a moment while Tom and Janna proudly hi-fived in celebration… and in the half-second they’d looked away, a thin blip of flame from a single floating wraith pierced through both, killing them instantly. “OH, COME ON!” Yep, this game certainly was unforgiving.
Janna busted out laughing and patted Tom on the shoulder. “Dude, take it easy, that was sick. You were right, this was pretty fun.”
“Told you.”
“I’m afraid to ask, but what the heck is Tamalebolge?”
“There’s this place called Tamalebolge on the outskirts of the Underworld, we stopped there for lunch one day after Mom sent me to give a big box of eyeballs to the mayor there. Dunno why a town needed 10000 preserved eyeballs, but whatever.”
On the other side of the couch, Janna scoffed resentfully. “Lucky town.”
“Anyway, they had this tamale that was a bunch of layers that got spicier as you bit in, and it hurts because each time you hit one layer you let your guard down for the next so you get that burning feeling a bunch of times in a row. In one of our trips to the Librarinth we got cornered by some Decimatals and had the idea to put up a bunch of walls of fire, since they could-”
“Could never adapt to the fire because it wasn’t steady,” Marco finished with a hint of awe as the pieces clicked into place. “Dang, that’s really smart.”
“Thank you, thank you,” Janna exclaimed in a monotone, not even looking up from her phone. “Alright, Marco, what did Star say she was doing exactly? She hasn’t even asked for any pictures yet.”
Marco raised an eyebrow. “Well, Moon said she needed to borrow Star for a bit, but that was a few hours ago so…” Suddenly the weirdness of Janna’s last statement - well, compared to the baseline he expected from her - struck him. “Wait, pictures?”
“Yeah, dude,” she coolly responded, leaning over Tom and showing him an album with… how many pictures of him was that exactly? 500? 1000? He looked away before any more could load to just stare in complete indignant shock at his friend. “Anytime we hang out without her, Star asks me to, like, take pictures of you and send them to her. You haven’t noticed by now? Damn, I’m just that good.” She smirked and twirled her phone around, blowing on it like a smoking gun before holstering it in her pocket.
Tom folded his arms and leaned forward to stare Janna down. “Really? Star asks you to do this?”
“Yes. Well, I started it first. And sent a new shot every few minutes for weeks. And now she’s so used to it that me not doing it makes her think we all got eaten by weresharks, so whenever I stop she always asks what’s wrong. So yeah, basically she asks for them.”
From Marco’s position reclined into one end of the sofa, Tom had to twist himself around to shoot Marco an incredulous look and nudge his attention towards Janna as if to beam “Are you really gonna just let that slide?“ directly into his brain. “Whatever, I’m used to it. The most surprising thing is that you actually, y’know, send them to Star."
Janna finally devoted her undivided attention on Marco for a few seconds, assessing him with her cold and enigmatic expression before sighing. “I already had them and Star’s madly in love with you for some reason so why not? What, Diaz, I’m not allowed to do nice things for my friends now?” Leave it to Janna to make being kind of normal and thoughtful still creepy and weird.
“You know what, I’m just gonna message her,” Marco said, walking out of the room to clear his head and pulling out his phone to check in on Star. She could certainly handle herself, especially with Moon there, but he was still curious what could be making her miss a lot of the celebration that she herself had helped set up. After he’d sent the first, he hastily added on a second asking if she needed him for anything. OK, so maybe a little worried. It surprisingly only took a second before his phone dinged with a response.
“Mina’s back. Long story, not what you think, we’re fine here 👍. Kinda crazy tho. 😵 Will tell you later. 😈 acting a bit strange, stay and try to see why? 🤔 Also have fun, it’s your party!!!!🎊🥳🎉🎈 Hopefully will be done soon, would never miss 👻rise with you 💕💞💏 Love you 😘🥰😻”
Mina? Every bone in his body wanted to leap into action, but Star knew her better than probably anyone; if she said there wasn’t a problem, he’d trust that. The fact that something was up with Tom, on the other hand, demanded attention. Was there something strange going on? It hadn’t occurred to him, but now that the idea had been planted in his head, Tom wasn’t the first person he’d have expected to go through all this trouble. He was a great and thoughtful guy, sure, but weeks of detail-oriented planning seemed... a bit out of place for him. Like Star said, though, he should still just enjoy the day and there’d be plenty of time to try and sleuth out whatever Star thought was going on.
“Hey, man,” Tom said as he poked his head around the corner. “We’re going surfing, wanna come with?”
“Sure Tom, just one tiny problem: the water here is lava-”
Tom only smiled wider in response. “Come on, you’ll see.” The two headed outside where Wrathmelior and Dave were sunba- uh, stalactitebathing, he supposed? Marco wasn’t sure what the point was underground but, hey, maybe it was a demon thing. Janna, too, had already made her way outside and stripped down to an outfit more suitable for a lava beach. She appeared to be rubbing some sort of neon red goop all over herself, which stupefied him so much that he barely noticed she was wearing a pair of hot pink shorts. What kind of bizarro world had he entered?
When she finally noticed him, he quickly averted his gaze to avoid any suspicion. “Yo, Diaz, liking the view?” Too late. She put a cap on the bottle of goo and nodded in the direction of the lake. What was she up to? As Marco warily followed, he saw Tom swimming around in the lava unfettered. All of a sudden, Janna started running with intent towards the lake.
“JANNA, NO!” Marco surged forward to try and stop her but she had a headstart and was surprisingly fast on her feet. When she kicked off the sand to hurl herself into the lava, Marco’s eyes instinctively squeezed shut and let out a whimper despite knowing somewhere in the back of his mind that she had to have some sort of plan.
When Marco opened his eyes, Janna was completely unharmed and lazily treading lava. She ducked under to sneak up on the lazily backstroking Tom, rising up to grab him by the horns and dunk him. He flailed for a minute before bobbing back up and taking a big gulp of air.
“Janna, what the here?!? Not cool...” he paddled to shore and shook the excess molten rock from his ears before standing with Marco, careful to keep his distance since he still had some residual slag on him. “Can you believe that?”
There was no other way Marco saw fit to respond to that than look of pure incredulity. “Yes? Always? So, anyway, how is she not dead right now?”
“Full cocktail of fire and heat resistance. Mostly Earth sunscreen with some demon incantations courtesy of my parents. Seeps in and affects your hair and innards and even any tight clothing for perfect safety. There’s enough for you too, if you want.”
As if today couldn’t get any crazier, disbelief morphed into fight or flight instinct as he tried to keep himself calm. “...so I’m just supposed to rub something Janna is giving me all over my body… and- and then jump into lava? Are you insane? What if it makes my tongue sentient, turns my legs into pudding, o-o-or worse? Oh my gosh, i-it’s gonna kill me-” Well, so much for calm, the sole bit of his mind hanging on to rationality offered.
“Woah, man, easy. Deep breaths. Just offering.” Tom gently patted his back until his breath steadied. He sighed and looked away. “For the record, Janna is a pretty good friend, you know. I’ve actually liked doing all the princely political crap when she’s here, and- and she does help. A lot, actually. I get that she likes messing with you, and honestly dude, it is pretty funny sometimes. If you don’t want to risk it, I totally respect that, but…” Marco followed his gaze out towards the lake where Janna was trying to befriend a wandering hellbat. “She really does care, in her own way.” There was an emotional conviction there that impacted Marco on a level he wasn’t prepared for, and even after a lifetime of wariness around Janna he found himself trusting more in Tom’s vote of confidence in the here and now… plus lava surfing did sound pretty awesome. Was this what Star had meant about his behavior today? He made a mental note before turning his focus back to the present dilemma. In all his time as an interdimensional adventurer he’d piloted dragoncycles, trained in combat with the sharpest swords he’d ever seen, and flipped a horse made of pure magic while floating on the back of one of his best friends. Why not go for this?
“Alright, let’s do this,” Marco said, marching over to the towel that had been laid out on the sand and cautiously picking up the bottle at arm’s length as though it was a radiation hazard, which he couldn’t even be sure it wasn’t.
The bottle floated up out of his hands on a puff of smoke guided by Tom’s magic. “Heads up, though, the souls of the damned mixed in there can bleach pretty badly, so maybe don’t wear anything you care about. Janna ruined my perfectly good ‘cold as ice’ shirt testing it,” Tom pouted. Marco stripped off his hoodie and goblin dog t-shirt, finding them far too valuable to damage.
I didn’t care about these swim trunks that much anyway, he internally grumbled while he snatched the bottle from Tom and gingerly applied it to his skin. After giving the first gentle dab on his arm a minute to verify he didn’t turn into a pig-goat, he reluctantly spread it around the rest of his body. He was surprised to find that it soaked in even easier than regular sunscreen despite its incredibly visible color. The even more daunting step was trusting it to protect his skin from literal lava. Tom held up a small flame in his hand. Marco instinctively recoiled but allowed Tom to bring it closer as a test, and sure enough even once it came in direct contact with his skin he felt nothing beyond a weird air current and a gentle warmth with no damage left behind. The only step left was taking the plunge. Now or never, Diaz, he chanted as he walked towards the edge of the sand.
“Aww, does Marco need floaties?” Janna goaded, having moved back into wading level to witness Marco’s entry. One toe went forward, very delicately. Almost, almooooooost… and it was in! It probably took about 10 minutes for Marco to fully immerse himself in the boiling liquid, mostly by choice, although its viscosity made the prospect of freely swimming around seem tiring regardless of magical protection.
Tom’s parents had approached the shore during that time and applauded Marco’s efforts. Wrathmelior made some deep rumbling sounds that caused Tom and Janna to both snicker. Tom noticed Marco’s frown and waved reassuringly. “She just said you’re moving slower than the lava itself, but don’t worry dude, you’re only the second human who’s even tried this. You’re doing great!” Tom motioned towards his parents before taking a running leap into the lake and paddling over to Marco, patting his back and inviting Marco to hop on. “Remember that move we practiced? The Screeching Bat?”
“Think we can use it here?” he asked, pointing to the beginnings of a massive wave forming in the distance.
Despite all his reservations about every step thus far, one thing he knew he could always trust was his and Tom’s teamwork. They’d had each others’ backs even when their friendship should have been shattered to pieces by guilt and heartache, and it had only improved from there. Deep breath, Diaz. “Let’s do this,” he confidently declared, climbing onto Tom’s lower back and bracing his legs under Tom’s arms while he assumed his usual four-limbed propulsion flight position. “Wait, where’s Janna?”
As the rippling sea started to form a recognizable wave, the pair saw a creature emerge to ride the peak with Janna on its back. “I’m QUEEEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD!” she screamed as the three-headed sea-turtle-esque animal carried her along.
Wrathmelior waved her giant camera in the air and made another comment that instantly left Tom with face a few shades redder than normal as he turned away. Being new to the whole “dipping skin in lava” experience, Marco’s focus was too scattered to trust his own judgment on whether or not Tom’s reaction was just a trick of the heat. He didn’t have time to dwell on it further before Tom jostled under him. “Whatever. C’mon, Marco, let’s just do this thing. Keep steady and don’t push down too hard, the heat doesn’t bother me but it’s still not fun having my face skid on molten rock at highway speeds.” Marco nodded and Tom lifted them off of the surface before flying over to the waves, picking up speed as they went.
They lost track of time as they did loop-de-loops and pushed their moves to the limits, swimming over and under and through the most insane ocean waves Marco had ever seen. At one point, as Janna rode closer to the ground, Tom followed the curve of a wave until he was upside-down under the crest of the wave as it crashed down behind them. Marco let go of Tom’s neck and felt his heart pounding as he straightened out, letting his body dip down in their signature trick that earned this flight pattern its name. Come to think of it, this was the first time they’d even made use of any of the awesome combat patterns they’d spent weeks naming and practicing in the last year, but they’d had enough fun goofing off in the sky that it was its own reward. When the largest wave yet approached, Tom veered straight for it and carved a hole in it with a fire blast at the last second. Marco tucked himself closely onto Tom’s back as they blasted through, and he was so high on adrenaline that he couldn’t help but sit straight up and holler in victory right afterwards.
As it approached an hour since they’d set out onto the lake, they all headed back at Tom’s suggestion that the potion’s effect wouldn’t last. They were greeted with another assortment of snacks and drinks from Tom’s parents, giving their swim trunks some time to… whatever the lava equivalent of “dry” was... in the comfort of the living room. Janna grabbed a glowing green glass bottle and took a huge swig. Marco’s wary gaze on its contents must have lasted a bit long because Janna took notice. “Chill, this is just Underworld cow’s milk. Tastes the same as ours.” If anything, that freaked him out more, but he’d had enough of these moments throughout the day that he could just put up with it at this point. As Tom approached with some sort of large bug shells on a plate - thank heavens the Underworld imported Earth snacks now - Janna silently looked him up and down a few times. “So, Lucitor, I didn’t know you had those moves. If I knew you could float upside-down so easily…” she trailed off with implications Marco didn’t feel like trying to unpack. Tom could only babble incoherently in response until he sprinted off deeper into the house. “Ooooor not,” Janna grumbled before sinking into the couch and taking a swig.
“Is everything OK with Tom?” Marco hesitantly asked.
“Beats me. Lately we’re just on mission after mission with no time to stop and catch our breath or even get a bite to eat in-between. Can’t believe one lousy year has already made him such a workaholic. Even Star only got like this when she thought, like, the entire kingdom would collapse or something.” She grabbed her phone as it buzzed, frowning at the screen. Suddenly, she took a photo of Marco and tapped her screen a bunch of times, standing up as she shoved it back in the back pocket of her shorts.
“What was that?”
“That was Star, she apparently needs me to bring a few of my more… let’s just say noxious potion blends, in case of some kind of emergency. But first she wanted to make sure the lava surfing didn’t damage your abs.” She faked a gag response and rolled her eyes. “And she also said, and I quote, ‘Tell Marco he doesn’t need to come because he should reeeeeally take care of the thing, and that I’m suuuuuper sorry for skipping out on you, and that we’re aaaaaalmooooost done here, and then we can cuddle up for the Soulrise.’ Normally I’d pry about ‘the thing’ but I’m too nauseous right now. Also, an ‘I love you’ filled with hearts until the character limit, so that settles it: me reading that is the next five years of birthday presents, minimum, for both of you. You’re welcome.” She punctuated with a snap of her fingers and a rumble grew louder until a chasm opened up in the ground and Tom’s carriage rolled up the side.
“Since when could you-”
Janna winked and hopped in the carriage door as it vanished in a column of flame, leaving only Marco behind. He had hundreds of questions and concerns about Star’s situation, but between her continued insistence on staying behind and what Janna had just said, his certainty was growing that something fishy was afoot with Tom. Where might his friend go if something was troubling him? This could take an hour, no, all day to crack the case, but Marco was ready to sleuth harder than ever to solve this mystery.
One guess and thirty seconds later, Marco found Tom sitting on the couch in another one of the lounge spaces in the lake house, manipulating two paddles to play ping-pong against each other. Leaning against the wall, Marco observed as the simulated crowd went wild in stark opposition to Tom’s joyless expression that alternated between the match and his own lap, never once noticing his friend to his side. After a few more minutes of this, the announcer enthusiastically cheered for the victor of the round.
When the system rebooted, Marco made his move. “Playing without me?”
Tom glanced up from the table. “Wuh? Oh, hey.”
“Wanna play?”
“Well, obviously I would, but, um, I just… gotta…”
“What’s wrong, Tom?”
“Wrong? Me? Nothing’s wrong, Marco! Why would anything be wrong?” A puff of smoke shot out of his nostrils and clearly forced grin on the last word.
“C’mon, man. We both know something’s up. You’ve been acting all strange today.”
He threw his hands up with a defeated scowl creasing his eyes and face. “OK, fine, you got me. I stubbed my toe on the beach earlier and it really stings-”
“Tom.” Neither budged as they stared each other down. So it’s gonna be like that, huh? If he cloaked himself in bravado, then Marco just needed to find a way to open up that shell and draw the inner turmoil out. “You, me, first one to 6. If I win, you talk.”
Tom crossed his arms suspiciously. “Dude, you’ve literally never beaten me.”
“Yeah, well, then it should be easy for you. Whaddya say?”
“What do I get when I win?”
Marco gestured at the table humility. “I will officially give up any hopes of ever beating you and you’ll forever be known as King Pong.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll play. You’re going down.”
“Game on.”
"Let's see, ‘enter nickname’... Tom the Bomb? Seriously, man? I-"
Marco was interrupted by the fake stadium’s booming audio as the commentators began. "Welcome everyone to the championship bout where we will determine who is the true king of the ping."
“Hey, that’s my joke,” Marco whined pointlessly, drowned out by a second female announcing voice that continued without pause.
“On the away team, we have the human, the underdog to win it all this year, Marco Diaaaaaaaz! He’s got wicked topspin sure to send heads spinning and he’s hungry for the title. Never count out the man in red! Now on the home team, you know him, you love him, it’s the man with a plan to slice and dice you to pieces, it’s Prince of the Underworld Tom Lucitoooooooooor!”
Marco pointed incredulously at… well, everything happening around them. “Seriously, dude, are you sure this is even a computer?” Tom shrugged nonchalantly in response.
“We have a lot we could say up here about this long-awaited grudge match, isn’t that right, Janet?”
“That we could, Derek, but I’m sure all the lovely AI fans here don’t want all this AI blabber. They want some good old-fashioned ping-pong. Now let’s watch while Tom readies up the serve…” Tom deeply inhaled and exhaled a few times, then got into position on his end of the table. He crouched over slightly with the ball in one hand and paddle in the other, then tossed it up into the air and smashed it with the paddle. Marco jumped backwards to avoid the searing speed of the projectile that was aimed at him with a disdain reminiscent of the first time they’d ever played the game. If he’s gonna amp up his game with demon powers, I’ll just need to be better.
“Wow, what a scorcher right down the diagonal! I sure wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that, it’d fry my processor to a crisp!” Marco didn’t find a chance to start a volley on the second point, nor did his possession of the serve change the outcome in the slightest. When Tom got the ball back, he didn’t even use his paddle as his powers drove the ball directly sideways after the initial impact in Marco’s court. Marco called a timeout and turned away from the table in thought, stumped for solutions. This game was his idea, after all... The AI announcers irritated Marco with their constant humiliation of his skills, but one sarcastic jab struck an unexpected chord: “If he wants to beat Tom, maybe he shouldn’t be playing ping-pong.” He’d gotten nowhere trying to break through with blunt questioning and was doing a worse job trying to get past his confidence at the sport. But if there was a deep insecurity underneath that facade of confidence, maybe he needed to work on building that up instead.
Turning back to the table, he placed his paddle flat on the table for a moment. “Look, Tom, I get it. I can’t beat you at this game. I-I just didn’t want my best friend acting so bummed at a party he threw, OK? If winning here would cheer you up a bit, it’s match point. I won’t stop you. And- and maybe I’m not even the one to deal with this, since I know you usually talk to your mom about this sort of thing, but-”
“Marco, I-” He paused, started again, stopped, and stuttered his way through another half-dozen attempts at a sentence before falling silent and gazing at the floor. “Look, I’m not upset, everything’s fine,” he angrily said through gritted teeth. Tom grabbed the paddle and gracelessly swatted at the ball. Marco flinched and shut his eyes, ready to hear the announcers celebrate the clean sweep… but nothing. “Huh?” he wondered aloud before seeing a ball way off to his left. Had Tom just flubbed the serve? Tom tried once more, much less methodical in his swing. Marco swatted it back over the net and in Tom’s haste to return he spiked it directly onto his own court.
“...and in a shocking turn of events, it’s now 5-1, Lucitor! Now is Marco’s chance to turn it around!”
The three eyes in front of him glowed at the edges in anger, but the expression within wasn’t one Marco feared was directed at him. Marco centered himself and performed a straightforward serve to the edge of Tom’s court, and Tom managed to return it for the first genuine volley of the match, but a steep drop shot gave Marco his second point of the match. Tom grunted in frustration as Marco set up for the next serve, and he immediately lashed out with demon telekinesis but put too much power into it and sent the ball flying with an animalistic growl that betrayed more pain than fury, as if he was squaring off against himself and not Marco.
Tom flopped four serves in a row, leaving the game tied at 5-5. “Whatever it is, Tom, we can talk about it. You’re worrying me a bit, dude.” Tom didn’t even bother to return Marco’s next serve, putting the game at match point, win by 2.
“Just off my game. I told you, nothing’s wrong, there’s not anything I need to talk about right now,” his voice trembled. “I can do this.” Marco raised an eyebrow in a challenge to Tom, then served the ball in the exact opposite direction of the table. Bluff called. Tom hesitated a split second before sending his paddle soaring through the air around Marco’s head to make contact with the ball and fruitlessly swat it to the ground, giving Marco the point as the crowd went wild with cheers and boos at the performance. But Tom ignored all of that to toss himself onto the couch and buried his head in his hands, and Marco immediately dropped next to him.
“Dude, just talk to me,” Marco offered sympathetically.
“I don’t know how much longer I can deal with this.”
“With what?”
With his face buried in a pillow, Marco didn’t catch anything more than “a-a” in response.
“What was that?”
“Janna,” he forced out as though the word caused physical grief.
He had been a bit weird around her specifically, but somehow Marco hadn’t come into this conversation quite expecting it. “Um, OK. Well, I get that… she gets on my nerves too, and since you’re spending so much time with her I totally get- oh.”
Tom sighed.
“Ooooooooh.” It was all Marco could say as his mind raced to process the new developments.
“I didn’t think you-”
“Neither did I, but here we are.” Marco placed an arm around Tom’s shoulders to try and comfort him, and Tom merely returned a lopsided smile, opting to sit in silence while Marco wracked his brain for an idea of how best to respond. “When I…” Tom hesitantly spoke up but immediately faltered, taking a moment to regroup mentally. “My whole thing with Star went for, like, two years, and looking back I kind of feel like I was an idiot every second of it. Every time I got caught up in that dumb crush it just messed things up more. Like, remember that big monster party she threw? I was too hung up on dancing to even worry about what my friends needed.”
“Look, Tom, we all did lots of dumb stuff back then-”
The half-demon sunk into the couch, shrugging Marco’s arm off of him and staring up at the ceiling. “Yeah, sure, but at least you and Star were only completely clueless about how much you guys love each other, and even that was at least a little bit my bad too! A year after Star and I broke up the first time, she came back to Mewni as this confident and charismatic person, and I didn’t even know how to do anything besides flounder around doing nothing when she wasn’t around. Ever since I put all that stuff behind me, it’s- things have been going great!” Tom paused for a second after his voice cracked sharply. “Janna’s clever, she’s actually really thoughtful sometimes, she’s the funniest person I know, and she helped me realize I actually kind of like doing all the stuff that a prince is probably supposed to be doing. And here I am, the buffoon with a crush yet again.”
Marco had a few differences of opinion on the details, to put it lightly, but the sentiment struck a chord. “It’s- it’s never easy. I mean, there was a part of me that felt like I couldn’t even be regular friends with Star anymore for a while ‘cause it just kinda sucked to keep getting reminded of those feelings.”
“Really? Never would have thought.”
“Yeah, well, me too. But that did get better after, well, the booth…”
“So I just have to find a photo goblin and kiss her then, got it.”
“Not my point, Tom,” he retorted with a light punch in the arm, both of them smirking; it was still a sensitive topic, but this seemed to be helping Tom shake off the worst of his anxieties at the very least. “You’re being too hard on yourself, man. Literal hours after we met, you tried to kill me for dancing with a girl you weren’t even dating, then you saved me from a rampaging monster who then proceeded to get turned into a baby.”
“Has that ever stopped being kinda messed up?” Tom quickly interjected.
“Not really, no. But even if all that stuff you said is true, which it isn’t, anyone would still be lucky to have a friend like you. If you think you’re not a good enough friend for Janna or whatever, you’re wrong, and if you think you might screw something up, maybe you will but that doesn’t mean you should just give up those feelings. Take that from me.”
With a giant huff of air, Tom ran a hand through his hair, body language still displaying loads of tension even if he was being more open about his problems. “I’m not- I don’t want to just walk away entirely, but… When I went on that trip by myself right before Earth and Mewni merged, when I was just chilling on a hill in some dimension out there looking up at a thousand stars disappearing behind the horizon, I finally realized that what I wanted most was to find someone I could share that sort of moment with, even if it’s not romantic. Someone I could just sit next to without saying a word and still feel like we were doing something special.”
“Yeah…” Even though Marco had a great respect for his friend, it never ceased to amaze him how potently reflective and sensitive he could be, especially for someone who’d once been every human’s worst stereotype of a rage-filled demon monster. The words made him think of Star, who he could spend every single day with doing absolutely nothing and never get bored. Who was always there to lift him out of his lowest times, celebrate his best, and everything in between. Who would always be his very best friend, so long as they both shall live. Tom deserved every bit of happiness that Marco had discovered came with that kind of relationship, and if he could find it with Janna then Marco would be behind him all the way. “These things can take time, it did for me and Star.”
“No offense dude, but did it? You were best friends, like, seventeen hours tops after you met, and I bet even when things were at their worst you knew it, too. I like Janna, a lot, but I don’t know if that’s the sort of thing we have in the first place. And if I’m not sure of that, then I might be risking a friendship for something I’m not even sure would be good for me.” All three of Tom’s eyes sparkled their plea as he finally turned to fully face Marco, who returned the favor. “What do I do?”
“...really, Tom, I’m not sure.” Jackie, and Kelly, and the Curse… he’d had a lot of doubt in what he wanted most, for sure, but Tom was right about one thing: even if he hadn’t realized it, that unshakeable certainty in Star’s friendship somewhere in the core of his being had gotten him through whatever life threw at him. Without that, he shuddered at the thought of what might have been. “If you think saying something is a bad idea right now, then don’t. Just promise me one thing, OK?”
“If and when you do feel confident that saying something to her is what you want to do, don’t wait, OK? If she really is your best friend, don’t hide it from her. That’ll only hurt you both, and that is 100% Marco Diaz first hand advice.”
Tom pulled Marco into a tight hug, clapping him on the back a few times for emphasis. “Thanks.”
When they broke apart, Marco kept a hand extended to Tom’s shoulder. “You can always join me and Star for sunset-watching, too, if you want. They might not be the same as one thousand at once, but Earthni’s are pretty amazing.”
“Might take you up on that. Feeling a lot better already, to be honest. Don’t feel like I need to avoid being around Janna anymore.”
“I’m glad.” Marco felt his phone buzz and check
“Awwww, isn’t that heartwarming, folks? It just warms my neural net. With that healthy of an approach to love, I don’t think there’s a wrong play Tom could make here. He’s got a good spin on the ball to angle that shot exactly where he needs it to go. What do you think, Janet?”
“Right you are, Derek, this is a truly remarkable sight seeing these two guys talk about their feelings. Usually we see young players put all their focus into fast smashes without buckling down on the fundamentals and getting a good, clean drive. If he can just find someone to lob, I think he’ll be alright. What do you say, all you people watching out there?”
“JANTOM! STARCO! JANTOM! STARCO!” The crowd chanted in unison, some even holding up signs. Were those doodles of their faces?
Notice of the loud noise startled the boys. Had they been watching the whole time? “What the-” they both exclaimed in utter shock as they jumped up and struck defensive poses.
One spectator ran up to the edge of the holographic projection with a pair of fake horns. “I LOVE YOU TOM PLEASE MARRY MEeeeeeeeeeuuuuu...” Marco yelped as the control console exploded from one of Tom’s fire blasts, causing the shrieking voice to trail off into a deep robotic crackle. Both breathed heavily as their eyes, wide with fear, flickered all around the ping pong setup in search of any other hidden dangers. When his heart had stopped racing enough for him to feel any external sensations again, Marco felt a vibration in his pocket and pulled out his phone.
“Oh, hey, Star’s ready for the Soulrise, which is in… forty minutes? Holy crap.”
“Sorry you spent so much of today dealing with my stuff.”
“Hey, anytime. I’ve always got your back.”
“C’mon, at least let me feel bad about this.” The pair each put an arm around the other’s shoulders and grinned at the warmth of friendship. Well, and the warmth of the flaming wreckage in front of them.
“I’ll get the carriage for them, but first, um, can you help me with one more thing?”
“You thinking what I’m thinking?”
“That we should throw this thing into the lava ocean?”
“You read my mind.”
How long had it been since she’d last seen a Soulrise? Despite her lifespan as a demon, she had never understood the fuss. Last year Relicor had discovered that the merging of dimensions had shifted the surface geography enough to make the Soulrise visible from their lake house, and it was only the sheer convenience that kept her here. As the winged skeletons danced above the lake, Wrathmelior could certainly admit it was a charming display, but was it really that different than anything else one could find in the Underworld if they only looked around them? Still, it was nice to spend an evening on the sands of their own private beach with her husband and a pretty display of spirits. But where was Tom?
“Hey, Lady and Lord Lucitor, thanks for everything today.” She looked down at the sound of Marco’s voice and saw him escorting a half-asleep Star with mud caked onto her skirt.
“Why yes, Roy, I- zzzzzz - would like all fifty flavors of goblin dog, thankszzzzz,” Star mumbled as she drifted in and out of sleep. Her eyes slowly blinked open and stared at the boy’s face. “Oh hi, Mr. Pillowzzzzzz…” She was visibly drooling into Marco’s hoodie as she clutched his torso tightly.
Dave stood up and went around Wrathmelior’s legs to see what was going on. “What happened to her?”
“Had a really long day dealing with an old enemy, I think. Didn’t get too many details before she fell asleep on me. Can you send us home, if it’s not too much trouble?”
“No, you’re adorablezzzz… wait, home?” Blonde hair whipped around her face as she jolted awake with a mortified expression. “Ugh, Marco, nooooo, it’s your birthday and I said I’d be heeeere and I can totally stay…” She trailed off into a massive yawn and firmly pinched her cheeks. “...awake.” She hung her head shamefully, turning away from him but leaving his arm hooked around her waist that was keeping her upright.
Marco smiled and spun her around to face him. “Hey, don’t worry about it. You should rest, don’t force yourself to do this.”
“Nighty tightyzzzzzz...” Star hooked her arms around his neck and drifted off to a deeper sleep.
“I can summon the carriage, but I’m afraid I don’t know where you live,” Wrathmelior grumbled with her husband translating. Now that she had a glimpse, she could understand a bit better what Tom had meant when he said those two had something special.
“Oh, right, duh. Um, the Monster Temple then? We can stay there tonight.” He put an arm behind Star’s knees and lifted her up, using her unconscious grip on his neck for leverage.
Wrathmelior nodded and began to tap into her well of demon magic to yank Tom’s carriage from its usual den deep in their home when Dave spoke up, catching her attention. “Did you want to say goodbye to Tom, too? I don’t know where he ran off to.”
Something above her caught Marco’s eye, causing him to beam at the sight. “Nah, it’s fine, I’ll just call him tomorrow.” Wrathmelior craned her head to look behind her; Tom and Janna were sitting together on the roof, not saying a word. Even from a bit of a distance, it was plain to see that Janna was completely enraptured by the whirling vortex of shrieking ghouls while Tom was spending just as much time taking in her reaction as he was the event itself. If neither had noticed the commotion on the ground now, nothing in all the dimensions would do the trick.
“It’s just a Soulrise,” Wrath muttered, communicating through Dave.
After entering the carriage, Marco cast one long look at his friends. “Yeah, but they’ve earned this one.”
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 99) "Shows in Different Country Codes"
@creatureofthen1ght-v3 @crystalbaby12 @mgkobsessed @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @5sosfam1dlover
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Waiting for the Xanax to kick in that Luna had given him in their uber, Colson's leaned back into his seat. A thousand thoughts swirling through his head as he stares out the airplane's window.
"FUCK... I hate leaving them...." He sighs at the thought of Casie and Luna. "I wonder if she got in touch with that planner Emma gave her..." His mind drifting to their weddings. Being more nervous for EstFest, there's a lot to do just festival wise. "I'm glad no one gave me shit about adding the extra day..." He thinks of the vendors. Sighing again, his mind wanders to a place it tries to never go. "Maybe I should call my dad.... He should probably meet Luna...." His heart worries as the Xanax helps his eyes close.
Luna lands in Mexico City around 5A. She wanders around the gift shop for a moment, buying a new shirt before making her way outside. It's pouring, so she pulls her Yankees hat on backwards before she hops into a taxi.
Once checked in at The Four Seasons, Luna doesn't know what to do with herself. Ashley's sharing a room with Dom, leaving Luna alone. Lighting a joint, she tries on the shirt she bought. Heading into the bathroom, she stands on top of the toilet to Snap Colson.
Finally crawling into bed, Luna flicks on the TV as she lights another joint. Drifting off to the sounds of Parks and Rec once she's put it out.
The Bus is parked in the back of the venue, Colson's playing The Knitting Factory tonight. In the back of a cab, he catches the Snap from Luna. Laughing out loud at her once he opens it.
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"She's so fucking adorable..." His heart aches for her as he pays for and climbs out of his ride.
Opening the door to their bedroom on The Bus, Colson isn't shocked to find Baze and Sam. He's definitely not pleased though.
"Yo. Wake the fuck up and get outta my bed." He states, kicking the bottom of Baze's foot.
Both of them wake with a bit of a startle. Looking at each other, slightly embarrassed. They like to think they're on The Low but everyone knows about them. Silly Wabbits.
"FUCK man... I didn't think you'd be back till later..." Baze says groggily as he collects himself.
"Clearly, Truck." Colson rolls his eyes with a chuckle as he turns around so they can dress.
Not one to cock block but desperately wanting to lay down, he really doesn't care. He knows Luna will though. As they begin to leave his room, Colson calls out a Yo. They both turn but he talks directly to Sam.
"You know she's a cunt.... I'd get these sheets washed before she gets back." He says with a light warning.
Tired, Sam stares at Colson. She hates that he knows Luna well enough to be right.
"I got it." She responds, uncharacteristically trying to hide the annoyance in her voice.
With his door shut, Colson Snaps Luna back before throwing himself down. Hoping to find her smell, he can only find other people in their bed. Pissed, he rips the blankets, sheets and pillow cases off, throwing them out the door.
Grabbing her pillow and tucking his nose inside his hoodie, he catches her faint scent. Images of Luna dancing in his head as he falls asleep.
Luna wakes up to a hard banging on her door. It's just after 2P. Touching the empty side of her bed, Luna wishes Colson was with her.
Hating The World, she let's them bang. Finding her phone, there's a Snap from Colson.
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"He's such a dirty Motherfucker..." Luna thinks with a grin.
The door still pounding.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I'M COMING!" She shouts as she climbs out of bed.
Winging the door open, it's Ashley and Dom. Impatient fucking Assholes.
"WHY!?!" Luna demands. "Why the FUCK do you need to bang like that?" Luna complains as she let's them in.
"To wake your bitch ass up." Ashley snarks, pushing her way into the room.
"Mornen' Loons." Dom greets her to her silent nod.
"You really are a DICKFUCK sometimes...." Luna says with annoyance.
"Whatever...." Ashley brushes her off. "Got any bud?" She asks, already knowing the answer.
"Yeah.... But it was shoved up my asshole, so do you really wanna smoke it?" Luna deadpans.
"Shut the fuck up." Ashley laughs as she turns to Dom. "She didn't shove it up her ass." She reassures him.
"Oi... Bum smoke is no problem fo me!" Dom responds, making both Girls laugh.
Dom knowing Them well enough to truly understand the nature of their friendship. Rolling one up as Ashley and Luna climb onto the bed together. Luna's ring catching Ashley's eye for the first time.
"HOLY FUCK! WHAT IS THIS!!!" She exclaims as she grabs for Luna's hand.
Admiring the large, sparkling stone, she moves Luna's hand all around as it catches the light. Shining brighter with every different angle. It's definitely NOT a guitar string.
"He picked this out on his own?" She asks in amazement.
"I think Rook might've helped him a little, but yeah... I had nothing to do with it." Luna answers.
"Good job, Kells." Ashley compliments his choice.
Luna, Ashley and Dom burn and chat. Talking about Colson, the ring, what they've both been up to and the upcoming weddings. It feels like forever since The Girls last saw each other. In reality, it's only been three days since the show at The Roxy.
"Alright... We gotta motor. Go shower, we have rehearsal in less then 2hrs. Come meet us in room 202 when you're ready." Ashley directs Luna.
"Alright......" Luna yawns loudly.
She heads into the bathroom as Ashley and Dom close her door behind them. Lighting another joint, she rails three 30s as she gets ready for the shower. Forgetting to Snap Colson back due to her unexpected visitors.
"Cool..." Colson thinks when he finally opens his door. His angry linen fit is gone from the floor. "Thanks Sam...." His brain grateful even if his actions are sometimes dickish.
Walking to the front of The Bus, everyone's lounging, burning and waiting for him. Plopping down next to AJ, he asks Rook to throw him a bag of chips. Colson nonchalantly munches on them as they all talk about tonight's show. Working on the setlist, he hates when he has to cut Bad Things as he finishes his snack.
"Dawg... Raise that shit to your face!!" Slim hollers at the picture on the bag.
Looking at it, Colson asks "What like this?" Lifting it up just under his nose.
The entire Bus erupts into laughter. It fits so perfectly. Colson tosses his phone to Slim.
"Here, take a picture.... We'll see if this is wedding acceptable." He laughs.
Tossing it back after he takes one, Slim laughs out a Definitely Not as Colson shoots Luna a Snap asking the same question. Colson shrugs with amusement... You never know with Loons.
"We ready to fuck this day up?" He asks as he begins to lead the rest of them off of The Bus.
Throwing on jeans, with a band T and flannel, Luna has her hair up. Red bandana securing it. Only having one pair of contacts left, she chooses to wear her glasses. The sun being her eyeballs mortal enemy today.
In the front seat of an uber with Ashley and Dom, her phone goes off. It's another Snap from Colson.
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What the SHIT!!" Luna can't contain her thoughts or laughter. "Look at this crazy Asshole!!" She laughs.
Screenshotting the Snap before passing it to the backseat. Both of them erupt into laughter also.
"Oi. E wears it so well!!" Dom laughs.
"No... No, he doesn't. He looks like a fucking pornstar." Luna laughs as she takes back her phone.
"Pornstache!!" Ashley laughs out loudly to Luna's hysterical agreement.
Catching the older driver's amused eyes, Luna shows him. Bursting out laughing, he agrees... Yes, I'm sorry but Your Boyfriend Looks Like a PornStar. Tickling Luna's funny bone to the core.
"FUCKING JOHNNY WADS!!!!" She shouts, turning in her seat to look at Ashley before she Snaps Colson back.
She's referring to one of the pioneering PornStars of the 70s. John Holmes. Huge cock. 15 inches... If not more. A wild and extremely violent true story. The two of them watching the movie dozens of times as teenagers. Amongst many others.
Even with with one's own solid influences, false advertisements are still intriguing. Filling their young, rebellious souls. Recommending the fucked up movie to anyone who loves drugs, violence, Val Kilmer and unhappy endings.
"Oooh.. Christ!!! You better hope not, Phoebe!!" Ashley laughs.
"Fuck you... I'd be a Smelly Cat BEFORE a fucking SHARON!!!" Luna flicks her off with a laugh and a grin.
Dom chiming in to sing Smelly Cat as they step out of their cab and head into the venue to rehearse for the Awards Show. The Girls singing along with him.
"Wait... What are we doing and why are we in Mexico again?" Luna asks, slightly confused.
"It's the MTV Latin Millennial Awards." Ashley answers as if Luna's supposed to just get it.
"Annnnnd....?" She leads.
"And I'm nominated and performing. They requested Without Me and Nightmare so you HAVE to be here." She teases Luna while draping her arms around her shoulders from behind.
"But we're not Latina....?" Luna's still confused.l
"Dude... I don't know. I just played the Brazil one a few weeks ago. Without Me is a nominee for Global Hit... Maybe that's why." Ashley shrugs. "We've got more important things to worry about. I want us do some choreography with four dancers."
"You fucking what?" Luna asks in bewilderment.
Ashley has her at an Award Show in Mexico and now she wants her to dance like some fucking pop star. She's gotta be out of her God Damn mind.
"Yeah!!! It'll be fun!! Come meet the girls." Ashley says with a grin as she pulls Luna along.
"Fuck my stupid fucking life...." Is all Luna can think.
Colson is rehearsing with The Boys. Deciding to take a Burn&Board Break, they head out back. Reaching into his pocket, he finds a Snap from Luna.
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Laughing at her smart ass response and missing her voice, he calls her. It rings straight through. Colson can't resist leaving her a voicemail.
🎶Off that fat ass//Imma do a line or two//Before we//Have our own private shoot//Where I//PornStar Fuck//The shit outta you//Be ready//When you come back//Boo//Cuz it's//Only Bad Things//That we do🎶
Laughing after he finishes, he shouts "LOVE YOU, KITTEN!! CALL ME!" before hanging up.
Luna's BackStage as Ashley and Dom sit in the audience. She's trying not to freak out over the performance Ashley wants to pull off. Even with Patti making her take ballet and gymnastics, Luna is not a dancer. She's a musician, a songwriter, a photographer, a painter, a sculptor. An artist. You could even call her an activist, a feminist, a bitch and an outlaw. What you can not call her is a professional dancer.
"This is gonna be a fucking shit show...." She worries as she hears Ashley's name called. "OH FUCK!! SHE WON!!!" Luna's brain bursts. Any other thoughts disappearing with the excitement for her bestfriend.
Catching up in the dressing room they're sharing, Luna congratulates Ashley with a tight hug. Popping into the bathroom while Ashley puts on her first outfit, Luna shoots Colson a Snap. Not paying attention to her voicemail as she comes out of the bathroom. She always has an unchecked voicemail.
"Change. We're on next." Ashley instructs her, pointing to the latex and chain garments sitting on a chair.
Wiggling into the tight pieces, Luna checks herself out in the stand up mirror. Her outfit consisting of a latex crop top, VERY small booty shorts with metal chains dangling securely around the hips, fishnets and a pair of Docs. Ashley has the exact same thing on under what looks like a 1980's prom dress.
"You know I'm keeping these right?" Luna asks as she slides her hand up her smooth ass.
"Yeah, I figured..." Ashley laughs as a tiara is placed on top of her head.
"See you out there, Miss 2019." Luna smiles, referring to the sash Ashley's wearing as she makes her way out the door.
Luna double checking herself before following behind. Thinking about Snapping Colson again, she decides to wait. He loves the feel of latex and she'd rather show him in person.
Colson's phone goes off just as he's about to silence it. It's Luna.
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"Fuck, she's gorgeous...." He thinks staring at her picture. Wanting to put his hands on every inch of the bare skin she's showing. More so on the parts she's not.
"Yo!!! You gotta go!!" Ashleigh hollers at him.
Walking quickly down the hall, Colson Snaps Luna back before heading OnStage. Grabbing his guitar, he shouts to the crowd WHAT UP EST FAM!!!! making the factory explode in excitement.
Ashley presents Without Me almost as a performance piece. Standing alone OnStage in her pretty dress, sash and tiara initially until black, shadowy figures begin to push and pull at her. By the end of the song, they've ripped the gown off of her. Leaving her on the floor.
The lights go down as the opening chords to Nightmare come on. Ashley running to the MainStage to meet Luna. It's a long runway with a large circular stage at the bottom.
Luna and Ashley bounce in between the four similarly dressed dancers. Ashley kicking her leg out high as she begins.
She shouts the opening chorus as the two of them run, bounce and jump down the straight away towards the camera. Of course it's being televised. Stopping MidStage, the dancers squat down. Surrounding them as Luna hits her mark.
🎶I'm out for blood//And it won't be sweet🎶
She sings, dragging her hands around her body as the dancers and Ashley tilt their heads back and forth to the beat. On que the six of them stalk to the center of the stage, Ashley and Luna in the middle. Back to back the dancers pull at them as Luna bellows.
🎶Society has us//Pinching our skin//With our own fingers//Wishing we could//Cut our parts off//With some scissors🎶
None of their performances together are the same but they do carry similar tones. Luna and Ashley still mocking each other about Giving Each Other A Smile. Instead of jumping wildly, they move in sync with the dancers to their sides. Fire exploding as they drop out and let the audience shout that WE DON'T OWE YOU A GOD DAMN THING!
The six of them sit down on the ground, sat behind the other like a human train. Leaning forwards and backwards as Ashley sings how she's No Sweet Dream But A HELL Of Night. Standing up and collectively circling around Luna and Ashley, the dancers move behind them as Luna comes in again.
🎶No, I won't smile//But I'll show you my teeth//And I might let you breathe//If you just let Us be//We've been polite//But we're done with this trend//Of men thinking//They can tell Us//What we can do in our beds🎶
Rolling their hips and hitting different moves together on certain lyrics, the choreography isn't nearly as awful as Luna had anticipated. Fire bursting around them as they squat and move easily with the dancers. The performance rolling smoothly.
"Thank you, Mexico City!! Thank you for having us. Thank you for the honor of my award..." Ashley shouts to the crowd as the song begins to come to it's end.
Luna comes up to Ashley, putting her arm around her. Looking at each other, Luna turns back to the room.
"Yes!! Thank you!! This woman here is AMAZING!! Can you do one thing for her? On this last verse can you go WILD!?!" Luna asks to their roars. "THEN, HERE WE GO!!!!"
Ashley and Luna sing together strong and fierce. Fire and lights exploding around them. Fuck the choreography, they're fully enjoying losing their minds OnStage together. To their credit, the dancers are completely professional and stay on point. Somehow managing to avoid crashing into the Maniacal Girls
Coming together again, arms linked around each other and the dancers waists, The Girls yell in unison with a wave.
The two bestfriends laughing and holding hands as they walk OffStage. Thanking and complimenting the dancers along their way.
"THROW THOSE HORNS UP AND SIIINGIIING!" Colson shouts as he grips the mic, guitar hanging from his body.
🎶Woah, Woah//She said//You need to let me go//Woah, woah//She said I'd die for you//You're like my drug//But I can't get high off you//You're not mine anymore🎶
His Est Family erupting with him as they sing along word for word Let You Go with him. There is NOTHING like thousands of people singing your words along with you.
The Band runs through El Diablo and Rap Devil. Colson climbing onto the top of Rook's kit hitting a guitar solo during Alpha Omega. Bad Motherfucker follows with them finally ending on 27.
It's a great show. The Boys are raw and fearless. Colson jumping and climbing on everything he can find. Shouting THANK YOU, IDAHO! as they exit the stage.
Without Luna there Colson feels a bit lost. Heading straight BackStage, avoiding his dressing room. Grabbing a beer, he slams a shot with The Crew. Random Girls floating in around them. Falling all over themselves to get to Rook, Slim, AJ, Baze and Colson.
Sam is sitting on a couch between Colson and Baze talking about tonight's show, if anyone's heard from Luna and other random stuff. It's when two girls slither over, each perching themselves on the arm rest next to one of the boys. Touching them to get their attention.
Sam looks left. Then Sam looks right. Reaching in her back pocket, she pulls out her blade. Popping it, she looks back and forth between the two females again.
"I'd get the fuck up if you cunts like your tits." She states with a snarl.
The two quickly moving away as Colson laughs. Sam and Luna truly are two peas in a pod. Looking over he catches Baze kiss Sam's cheek. It makes him miss his LunaTic even more.
"Knock it off." He tells them. "If I'm not getting any, neither are you motherfuckers. Now, let's get FUCKED UP!!" Colson declares as he grabs a bottle of Jack.
Luna's doing the same. Only in Mexico with Corona and Mezcal. Sitting at an After Party with Ashley, Dom, the boys from BTS and a few other artist, they bullshit and talk about the night. Everyone stopping to congratulate Ashley on her win and compliment both Girls on their performances.
"You won't eat the worm..." Ashley dares Luna as she swigs the bottle with the little guy floating inside.
"Nothing happens if you do...." Luna blows her off.
"Yes hunh.... You start trippen'. Isn't that right, Luis?" She asks as she turns to one of the other artist.
"For dayyys, Mami..." He drawls.
Rolling her eyes, Luna takes the last of the fifth to the head. The other's watching with wide eyes as the worm slides down her throat with it.
"We'll see... But I call bullshit." Luna states.
"Aye..." Luis nudges Ashley. "She's no gallina." He says impressed to her nod.
"Nah, mucho perra." Luna counters to his surprise.
"Aye...." He grins with his own nod, amused by the tiny white girl.
The music is loud as smoke and Mezcal continue to flow. Everyone is drunk. Ashley tries to follow with Dom as Luis teaches Luna to salsa. Politely declining his advances as his hand slips from the small of her back down to her ass.
"I'll be back...." She calls over her shoulder as she goes to check her phone.
There's a Snap from Colson hours ago.
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Both sets of Luna's cheeks instantly flush when she reads his words. Missing him, she calls instantly.
"Hi, Bunny...." Her voice is low and warm when he answers.
"Oooh, Kitten. I miss you." He sighs.
"Me too... I miss your face. And your eyeballs. And your hands on my body. The way they run threw my hair when I suck your cock..."
Colson's dick had perked up at the sound of her voice but her words have him full on hard now. Wanting to fuck her, touch her.... Shit, just seeing her right now would probably make him cum.
"Where are you?" He demands
"I don't know.... Somewhere in Mexico?" She answers.
"Find somewhere alone and FaceTime me right back." He tells her firmly.
"Okay." She simply says as she hangs up.
Luna heads towards the stairwell. Popping in her air pods, she FaceTime's Colson right back.
Colson had made his way into a bathroom while they were off the phone. Answering, he can't help but break out into a smile.
"Hey, Gorgeous... You alone?" He asks after greeting her.
"Mhmm... Just me and your pussy." She coos. "She's lonely without you...."
"Show her to me." Colson taunts as he adjusts his phone on the bathroom sink and unbuckles his pants. Both of them are drunk and horny.
Luna props her phone against the wall across from her. Standing up, she slips off the black jean shorts she has on. Sitting on them, she drops her left leg on the step below and lifts her right to the one above. Spreading her legs for Colson. Only a screen and Luna's black panties separating them.
"I want you to touch her." He requests as he starts to pull on his hard cock.
Luna can see him playing with himself through the phone. Obliging him, she pulls the cotton to the side. Exposing her bare lips. Opening them for him to see her pink insides. Colson tugs harder on himself as Luna slips her fingers inside her sopping cunt. Letting out a low moan as she arches her back.
"That's right, Kitty... Play with my pussy. Rub that clit with your thumb the way I know you like." He directs her.
Following directions, Luna uses her free hand to yank the Japanese Star Wars shirt she has on up. Exposing her full breasts. With her fingers still inside of herself, she grips one tit. Playing with it's piercing between her thumb and index finger. The sight of his ring on her hand makes Colson rage even more.
"Does that feel good?" He pants as he watches her, feeling close to exploding.
"Unh hunh.... She moans with closed eyes as she bucks against her own hand. "Be better if my mouth had your cock in it." She lets out with another moan, she's close too.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard you can't fucking walk by time I'm done with you." Colson threatens to Luna's delight as he grips the sink.
With Colson's deep voice wrapping around her brain and the memory of his touch hitting all her senses Luna cries out for him as they masturbate for each other.
"AHHHH FUCK! DO IT, LOONS!!" He shouts as his dick shoots his seed everywhere, keeping his eyes glued to the screen.
Luna's spread eagle as she finger fucks herself on the steps. Bucking wildly as her hands please her body. Cumming all over herself as Colson watches in pleasure.
Out of breath, Luna opens her eyes. "Fuck, C....." Is all she can get out as her knees fall together.
"Lemme see her one more time.... Bring her close." He instructs.
Opening her legs back up, Luna pulls her phone up to her box. She can hear Colson telling her pussy that She's A DIRTY Girl. Looking down when she hears him making kissing noises, all she can see is his lips. He's kissing his phone screen.
"Are you trying to kiss my fucking vagina?" Luna asks with a drunken laugh.
"Damn right I am." He grins.
"I fucking love you." She laughs again as she shakes her head.
"Not as much as I love you. Now put your fucking pants back on before I have to kill someone." He smirks.
Doing as she's told, Luna slips her shorts back on over her soaked panties. Staring at each other, both of their heads are dancing in ecstasy.
Luna and Colson sit on the phone for another 45mins just talking. About anything and everything as usual. Luna telling him about the choreographed performance. Colson chuckling, saying He'll Be Finding It On YouTube to Luna's Fuck. Agreeing to meet in Seattle tomorrow, they exchange sweet Love and I Miss Yous before hanging up.
"Jesus fucking Christ, that girl can make me cum from ANYWHERE!" Colson thinks as he walks out of the bathroom contently.
"Holy cock on a cracker...." Luna sighs to herself. "That fucking voice gets me every time...." She thinks as her heart throbs for her Lover.
Still on the same continent, they both head back to their respected parties separately. Colson eventually moving his party to The Bus. Luna moving her's back to The Four Seasons.
He'll ride through the night while she'll fly out tomorrow. Bringing Dom and Ashley with her.
Even apart, they're still on each other's minds. Even with shows in different country codes, they still mange to fuck only each other.
Truly showcasing A Day In The Life of a LunaTic and Her Gunn.
To be continued.....
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jflashandclash · 4 years
Tales From Mount Othrys
Fidget Spinners IV
           Once they were aboard the Ferry of the Dead, riding down the River Styx with Charon in his proper creepy and grim black robe, Alabaster stopped vomiting. The ship was an old Greek vessel, something Matthias could have identified immediately. They sat as far from the stern as possible. Apparently this boat was usually brimming with ghosts, but Charon had shoved the three of them aboard in such a hurry, less ghosts had flooded the space.
         This gave them the room to sit on the edge of the boat so Pax, Lou Ellen, and Alabaster could stare off at the inky, polluted river. They wanted to be as far from the ferryman as possible. Charon was cursing under his breath, something about children being electrocuted in bathtubs and getting into car accidents.
         Maybe, in a normal tour, Pax might have been excited by the black stalactites and terrifying horror movie set. For now, all he could do was rub Alabaster’s back. Lou Ellen sat on his other side, pulling one finger off and putting it back in a different one’s place, frequently messing it up. This was her way of acting concerned.
         After he was certain Charon couldn’t overhear them, Pax whispered, “You died coming after us?!”
         Before now, he couldn’t process what was happening enough to ask. The sight of Alabaster with his intestines dragging on the floor and blood spewing out of his mouth—it was enough to make Pax tremble more. And he was already trembling pretty hard in this cold cavern.
         “Of course I died!” Alabaster’s voice rose, making Pax and Lou Ellen flinch. “How else would I be in the Underworld?!”
         Tears threatened to spill down Pax’s cheeks. He could hear Lou Ellen sniffling. Crying would really make her missing-eye illusion less believable.
         Alabaster sighed. Pax thought he was reaching for something in his pocket.
         Alabaster wasn’t. He grabbed the end of his intestines. Casually, the child of Hecate wound them up around one wrist. Once he got towards the end, he ripped off a chunk.
         Pax shrieked.
         “Be quiet,” Alabaster snarled. Softer, he grumbled, “And Mercedes thinks you can keep it cool in enemy territory.”
         Pax wanted to point out that enemies (hopefully) wouldn’t be ripping off pieces of their organs. Was that a thing they did in Camp Half-Blood? Did Percy Jackson, in fact, an organ-eating zombie?
         Before Pax could withdraw his hand, Alabaster shoved the chunk into Pax’s palm.
         Pax almost screamed again. Maybe this was an experience he should have smiled upon—after all, it isn’t every day that your crush tries to hand you an organ, granted, a heart might be better.
         “I knew you idiots wouldn’t bring enough snacks,” Alabaster hissed, shoving another chunk into Lou Ellen’s hands.
         “Oh my mother…” Lou Ellen whispered.
         Pax didn’t want to watch as she held up the chunk for investigation. Then he saw what she saw. The scent of iron vanished like it had been a whiff from a distant breeze. That chunk had some kind of label covered in blood—not blood.
         Pax sniffed.
         The scent of barbeque sauce became overwhelming.
         He rubbed his own chunk with his thumb. The sauce smeared to reveal a packaged sausage, like the kind you’d have on a cheese platter. There was even a bright label on the protective packaging.
         Pax stared at his hand. The spell had been so convincing.
         Lou Ellen made a low whistle. “You’re good,” she said, “Titans, can you teach me how to do that?”
         “When you have enough discipline to pull off your nose instead of your chin,” Alabaster scolded.
         Pax couldn’t think about the spell or the sausage.
         He threw his arms around Alabaster.
         Alabaster made a grunt of annoyance.
         Slowly and firmly, as though not to draw attention to them, Alabaster removed Pax’s arms. There was an embarrassed hue to his pale cheeks as he scowled from Pax to Lou Ellen. “You didn’t come to me to devise this plan?” he demanded.
         “We thought you’d be mad,” Lou Ellen meeped. She sheepishly poked at the fake dent in her head. By comparison to Alabaster’s effects, hers looked like something out of a D-rate horror movie.
         “Oh, I am mad. When we get back, I’m killing you, and then you’ll have to march right back in there and explain to Charon how you’ve shown up twice, then you’ll have to see what he does with you,” Alabaster said.
         Pax couldn’t help but grin. Threats aside, he couldn’t handle looking at this very-much-alive Alabaster. It was cute thinking about it: Alabaster finding their, “Went to Underworld. Will bring back souvenirs,” note and stuffing a bunch of sausage links into his shirt, cussing at the confused centaur that could swear he just took Alabaster and Lou Ellen off the ship. He really cared. At least about Lou Ellen.
         “Are you making us go back?” she whispered, shuffling away from a wandering soul and closer to her brother. Pax understood. Everything here was cold. Touching another warm person was a nice reminder of the above world.
         “How, pray tell, am I to make you go back in our current situation?” Alabaster closed his eyes and rubbed his eyelids. “Mercedes warned me you’d want to go after Axel. I didn’t think the two of you would be stupid enough to throw away your life chasing him or smart enough to get off the boat undetected.”
         Lou Ellen and Pax exchanged a glance over Alabaster’s shoulders. Neither could decide if the comment was more compliment or insult.  
         “So, we’re going after Axel?” Pax clarified.
         “We’re certainly not going back the way we came. I have no interest in angering Charon on his own boat,” Alabaster said.
         That meant that Alabaster had come down here with his own plan. Even if he didn’t have one when he left, trying to catch them before they went into DOA Recording Studios, he would have come up with one by now. Before Pax could hear any awesome details, their ship pulled up along black sand.
         Pax guessed that Hades hadn’t heard the memo—that pink was the new black. If Pax ever got scared while he was down here, he would have to remember to visualize the Underworld in various shades of Easter egg with magenta stalactites meeting a sparkling, rose floor. His stomach dropped about what shade of pink the river would be with its thick eddies. That went too Mayan in his head.
         Alabaster tossed the plastic-wrapped suit backwards into the boat, quickly shuffling the younger two off. They didn’t wait to hear what Charon thought of the contents.
         They walked towards the airport-like security with ghoulish attendants separating people into various lines. There were signs above the lines, ones that Pax couldn’t read since the letters jumbled into incomprehension.
         A low whine, like that of an injured puppy, echoed around the chamber. Yea, there were wails too, but those were human wails. Pax was way less interested in those. He couldn’t find the source of the animal noises until Lou Ellen tugged furiously on his jacket.
         Pax didn’t know how he missed the view before. Unlike Alabaster, Lou Ellen, and Axel, he struggled to see through the Mist. Even so, the Mist deserved a pay raise.
         A few yards ahead of them was a massive Rottweiler with three heads. Maybe the truck-sized dog would have normally been intimidating; Pax had heard some intimidating stories about Cerberus. Instead, the dog just looked pathetic, curled up and nursing a paw. Pax could see why.
         There was a sword imbedded between two toes.
         “He’s hurt!” Pax cried.
         “Ajax, no,” Alabaster growled.
         Lou Ellen joined in the cry, “We have to help him.”
         “What part of—”
         “Please!” Pax and Lou Ellen said together.
         “Grant me the patience of the Furies,” Alabaster said under his breath.
         One of the heads must have caught their scent. It perked up and glanced in their direction, growling.
         The other two were licking at the injured paw still. He looked cute, the way a monster truck might if painted with bambis and rabbits.
         Alabaster stopped in his tracks. He fumbled with his intestines—sausages. Pax really needed to stop thinking of sausage as intestines. “Who do you think stabbed him?” he asked in his you’re stupid if you can’t answer this question and I know you too well to let you play dumb. “See many stray demigods wandering down here with blades?”
         “It wasn’t Axel,” Pax said. Axel was obsessed with mythical creature rights and would have known Cerberus was just doing his job. One caged animal to another—Axel would have likely tried to play-wrestle with the beast. “I’ll bet it was Luke.”
         “Yea, Luke’s an asshole,” Lou Ellen said.
         The two of them vigorously nodded their heads towards Alabaster.
         “Lou Ellen,” Alabaster chided, “I expect more creative insults than vulgarity. And you aren’t going to win me over by insulting Castellan.”
         Despite him saying that, the corner of his lips twitched into a smile. Until then, Pax hadn’t realized how glad he was to have Alabaster along. The Witch Boy would know his way around the Underworld, or Pax guessed he would. Alabaster held that easy calm, even amongst the dead.
         Pax and Lou Ellen would have feigned calm confidence. But, uh, that would have only lasted so long as they got closer to the line’s attendants.
         Another of Cerberus’ heads noticed their movement. It raised and joined in the low growl.
         The noise didn’t seem to bother Alabaster. “How were you planning on getting past?” he asked, gathering the rest of the sausages from his waist—he must have wrapped them under his shirt, and withdrawing them like a towel around a hand wound.
“We brought a chew toy,” Lou Ellen said. Pax could tell that she wanted to sound proud, but had realized a flaw in their plan. There were three heads and only one chew toy.
“Seriously?” Alabaster’s growl chimed in with Cerberus’.
“I heard it worked for Annabeth,” Pax said.
         Although Pax couldn’t see it, he could feel Alabaster roll his eyes. “The amount of inconvenience that girl has caused,” he said under his breath.
         Pax hesitated. Cerberus’ growls were making his body vibrate. This dog was massive, the size of a truck. Pax didn’t even come up to Cerberus’ chest and Cerberus was half-laying down. One of his heads still licked the sword hilt imbedded in his paw. Focus on that, Pax thought, and not on how his teeth are about as long as that sword.
         “We have a treat for you!” Alabaster called. His voice was way too cold for dealing with a ball of cute fluffiness and death. Pax had a feeling that Alabaster had never been allowed pets as a child. Other than Axel and Pax. Pax was fairly certain that they were pets to Alabaster.
         Cerberus stood up. When he applied pressure to his front paw, all three heads whimpered. They pulled the paw up slightly, to alleviate the pressure.
         “Go fix his paw if you wish. I can only hold him for a few moments with this,” Alabaster said. “If you take too long or are sloppy, you’ll get yourself killed.”
         For an instant, Pax wondered if Alabaster was nervous. The Witch Boy unwrapped a link of sausage and tossed it into the air towards Cerberus.
         The two heads less affected by the wound snapped at it, nipping at each other to bite it to pieces, probably the same way they would do with Pax’s limbs if he was caught.  
         Its breath flooded over them, almost as bad as Pax’s little brother’s, Hiro’s breath.
         “You suck at this,” Lou Ellen said, pulling a link from Alabaster. “You heard him, Pax. Have fun getting that sword out. Hey puppers! Look what I got for you puppers!”
         Her voice raised in pitch and excitement. The sentiment worked. Cerberus sat upright, letting his butt drop back onto the ground. From what Pax had heard of Annabeth’s interactions with this dog, he thought their red ball plan might have worked with Lou Ellen’s charm. Uh—natural charm. No witchy charm required.
         Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them, realizing Lou Ellen had volunteered him for the harder job. His heartbeat pounded in his head. It’s just a cute, injured puppy, he told himself, It just so happens that it wouldn’t need to chew to swallow you.
         Alabaster gave Lou Ellen a look that might have been reproachful or approving. He handed her the rest of the sausage as Cerberus’ short tail thumped against the black sand, echoing around the chamber. Pax thought it was weird that interacting with this dog wasn’t a red flag for the Underworld Security. What dead person wanted to poke at the landowner’s attack dog?
         Alabaster made a few signs in the air around Pax’s head, muttering in Latin. Was he making him invisible? Or at least making him blend in with the stone? Or smell less like a delicious treat? Pax hoped all of the above. When Pax glanced down at his hands, they still looked visible and potentially delicious to a monster.
         “We don’t have enough sausages for you to hesitate,” Lou Ellen said.
         Pax swallowed. He thought about Juana, Axel’s jaguar. Their father bought it for him a few months after they were forced back “home.” Axel warned his siblings not to go near Juana without him, since she could tear them to shreds. Juana was a tenth the size of Cerberus.
         From what he knew of Juana, there was no point in trying to sneak up. He approached Cerberus’ injured paw, hands outstretched in attempt to look non-threatening. Not that a 4’7 rail of cuteness could look threatening.
The other two heads were locked on Lou Ellen, or fighting over bits of sausage she threw.
         The last head faced him. The eyes didn’t quite focus on Pax, showing Alabaster’s spell must have done something. Pax heartbeat thudded in his head as he took the last few steps to Cerberus’ foot. The dog hadn’t batted him out of existence yet.
         The head whimpered and pulled its paw closer to its body.
         “It’s okay,” Pax said, the way he did when his littlest brother had a nightmare. “I just want to help. It’ll be quick, like ripping off a Band Aid.”
         That felt like a threat to Pax. Just gonna take that sharp, pointy thing in your paw and move it around a bit.
         “Pax,” Alabaster said in warning.
         Pax didn’t look over to see why. He figured it had to do with how the middle head had turned to sniff furiously in his direction.
         Now or to Xibalba, Pax thought. He wrapped his fingers around the cold metal of the hilt and pulled up, trying not to twist the blade or yank at an angle.
         It slid out easily.
         Pax wanted to gloat about the Sword in the Paw and how he’d be king of the Cerberi.
         His mouth went dry instead.
         When he wretched the blade out, dark liquid splattered up from the paw. Something clear and goopy dropped on his head from above—saliva.
Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them, looking up. The other two heads glowered down at him. Their teeth were barred within inches of his face. Their low growl rattled his skull.
He trembled, thinking at least one good thing would come out of this: if he died in the Underworld, he didn’t need to worry about going through Charon’s Waiting Room again.  
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! And I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe!
Stay tuned next week for part X!
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lazella · 5 years
Oooooo, what about a story about the avengers telling all their wacky adventures and the go characters tell theirs or a story about everyone doing trauma competitions. (Like don't is saying how he was captured and kidnapped and Yugi is like i lost a card game and my soul was trapped in a rock. Then they just keep going trying to out bet each other.)
So it probably turned out more angsty than you hope but I had a ton of  fun writing this one out!
Trauma Conga Line
Natasha wandered through the kitchen during a late night.She had a hard time sleeping, a rarity nowadays but they still happened, so shedid a quick workout then went for a snack. She was surprised to see Tonyalready in the kitchen seemingly having a staring contest with his drink.Natasha quickly put some facts together and asked,
“So what happened to the boys?”
“What makes you think something happened?” Tony replied notbreaking eye contact with his drink.
“You are having alcohol in the middle of the night and yourdad instincts have been in full force all evening.” Natasha explained, “So whathappened.”
Tony sighed, “You know that scouting mission that we didtoday?”
“That somehow ended up with you returning with cuts onYusei’s head, burns on Yugi’s hands, a black eye on Yusaku, Yuya constantlyflipping through his four personalities, Yuma with a nearly broken arm, andJudai looking like he foresaw his death? Yes that mission that you didn’t tellus what happened and sent each kid into his room then went for the alcohol.”Natasha frowned while holding back a lot of sass. “So yes…if you couldelaborate now please.”
“There were smugglers there like the report said…but theywere smuggling Vibrainium. And they wanted to go down with a fight. Things gotugly fast. We were trying to get Yuya and Yuma to safety but then a grenadewent off…Yuma was limp on the ground…” Tony went ash white, “Then……Judai…hejust...snapped.”
“Snapped?” Natasha raised an eyebrow, “How so?”
“He was in shock…then his went eerily calm…then his eyesturn gold.” Tony downed his drink, “His eyes turned a flat gold color then hesnapped a smuggler’s neck with barely any effort. I don’t think the Power Stoneactivated at all. But then he started stabbing the already dead body. Yugi andYusei tried to pull him off but I think Judai let off this black fire to blowthem off then went after the other smugglers. He only stopped when Yusaku usedthe Mind Stone to snap him out of it.”
“And what happened after that?” Natasha asked.
“They….They laughed!” Tony started laughing himself, “Theyjust talked talking to each other then they were making jokes and laughing!Like what had just happened was an everyday thing for them!”
Natasha frowned, that did seem rather odd. They were allrather young kids so the fact that being ambushed and nearly being killeddidn’t faze them was slightly concerning. Especially to the point that theywere laughing it off.
“Think something happened to them that near-deathexperiences don’t faze them anymore?” Natasha asked.
“Well…Yugi admitted to being put in life and deathsituations frequently.” Tony started listed off, “I also have Yuya frequentlyvisiting a therapist cause I think he, or one of the kids in his head, mighthave been a child soldier. And Yusaku has PTSD. But that’s only vaguebackstories for about half of them.” He pour another drink and downed it,“They’re kids Natasha…this shouldn’t be normal for them.”
“We’re not…exactly kids…”
Both Natasha and Tony jumped at hearing Judai’s voice. Theyoung man stood at the base of the stairs looking very nervous.
“Sorry if for the…scare today Tony…” He sheepishly rubbedhis head, “I haven’t gone Haou in some time.”
“Haou?” Natasha raised her eyebrow.
“It’s a remnant of my…past life…Yeah reincarnation was afactor here…” Judai explained at seeing the confused faces, “I think Ioriginally lived sometime in the Roman Empire. I was supposed to inherit akingdom and tremendous magical power but things…didn’t go exactly as planned.Even me getting my powers back in this life really wasn’t the best way to goabout it in hindsight.” Judai sat at the table joining them and continued,“Some maniacs wanted to reawaken me and one had the bright idea of sacrificingmy friends for that…” Judai sighed, “Let’s just say…he got his wish when my‘other side’ woke up and killed him.”
Silence hung over the table.
“Seeing Yuma on the ground like that…” Judai continuedwithout any prompting, “It looked too much like that day. I’m afraid about losinganyone else…so I went Haou. Dark evil king who slaughters all his enemies.”
“Does anyone else know?” Tony asked.
“Yugi and Yusei have an idea…” Judai answered, “I gave thema brief overview of my history and abilities when we first met. That’s how theyknew how to snap me out of it.” He started tugging on his hair in a nervousfashion, “It honestly scares me…knowing that I can snap like that if someone Icare about get hurts but today….they could of died….”
Tony put a hand on Judai’s shoulder before he could startspiraling down, “I thought you guy were going to get killed too…you’re honestlytoo young.”
“There’s no point in losing sleep over that Tony…” Judaisaid, “Destiny can call you at any age. It’s all about how you respond.”
“That sounds really profound for you.” Tony smirked.
“Don’t you start that….” Judai pouted, “I get that enoughfrom my friends from home!”
Natasha smiled as the two began to bicker. Seems like Tonyhas gotten over the trauma for tonight, but it seemed like there was moreheading their way when Thor came in the kitchen next with one hand on Yuma’sshoulder.
Yuma had his injured arm in a sling, a pillow under his goodarm, and his eyes looked red as if he had been crying. Not a good sign.
“What’s wrong Thor?” Natasha asked.
“Something I will admit is not my forte,” Thor seemed ratherexhausted himself, “I found young Yuma wondering the halls speaking ratheremotionally with his spirit friend. Apparently, they both seemed panicked aboutan event from the past repeating.”
“What event exactly Astral?” Judai asked confusing Natashafor a bit before remembering that Judai was one of the few people who could seethe spirit.
There was silence as Natasha assumed Astral was answer thequestion before Judai and Thor looked shock while Yuma looked ready to cryagain.
“Could someone explain what was just said?” Tony askedconfused.
“Astral said that Yuma had watched almost all of his friendsdie in front of him which was only fixed because they got a lucky break totweak reality.”
“You’re thirteen!” Tony yelled, “How do you have that kindof history!”
There was more silence but by judging by the way Judai,Thor, and Yuma were looking at the same space of empty air, it seemed likeAstral was talking again and Tony was getting a bit annoyed.
“Okay I can’t keep waiting for this game of telephone toplay out…JARVIS let’s test out that program.”
Of course sir…some whirring noise kicked in and alight flickered and Natasha gasped in shocked while Tony looked pleased withhimself.
Hovering in the air was a blue humanoid figure with greenmarkings and blue gems all over his body. He looked at them in shock, “You cansee me now?”
“And we’ve got audio yes!” Tony pumped his fist, “I toldYuma I wasn’t going to let something like being chosen by magical forcesprevent me from seeing spirits. It’s not perfect considering you look and soundlike a hologram but it’s better than nothing. So what were you saying?”
Astral took a minute to get over his shock before he repeatedhimself, “I was originally created as a weapon to settle a war between twoworlds before I lost my memories and encountered Yuma. He helped me regain themand his friends got involved with what was happening. But when things hit theirclimax Yuma nearly lost everyone…” He rubbed his chest, “Myself included.”
Tony was silent for a while, “JARVIS…wake everyone up.”
“Wait what?” Everyone else said at once.
“We are having an impromptu group therapy session. Get theblankets, pillows, and all sorts of drinks because we are not dancing aroundthis issue any longer.”
Sure enough that’s what ended up happening. People weredragged out of bed, forced on the couch under blankets, injured peoplesurrounded with pillows, and hot chocolate passed all around. Yugi and Yuseiseemed to be in a good mood about it while everyone else kept freaking out overthe now visible Astral. Yusaku’s reaction was the most memorable as he tried todo a 180 and leave the room immediately the moment he spotted the spirit, allwhile keeping a flat expression. He was dragged into the pile by Judai.
“Tony you know I have a flight to catch tomorrow…” Clintmuttered trying to stay awake, “Why’d you drag us out of bed.”
“Because some people…” Tony stole a glance at the sixcolorful haired boys, “Have been hiding a lot of trauma and it needs someserious airing out.”
“I’m sure it’s not that bad Mr. Stark,” Yugi said with asmile, “That worst that’s happen to me was my soul getting yanked out once ortwice.”
Tony’s expression went flat, “You said that way to calm formy tastes. You make it sound like an everyday occurrence.”
Yugi just shrugged not losing his smile, “Got used to it.”
“I’m with Tony, you sound way to calm.” Steve said.
“At least he doesn’t have to deal with turning into a greengiant any time he gets angry,” Bruce said with much salt in his voice clearlynot happy with being woken up in the middle of the night.
“But seriously Tony why did you feel that it was necessaryto wake us up?” Steve asked.
“Because I know for at least three of these kids now…” Tonypointed to Yuma, Yuya, and Judai, “Have fought in some sort of war watchingtheir friends die.”
“Oh…” A sense of familiarity and understanding washed overSteve, “I see. And the events of the day stuck a chord?”
A round of nods.
“It is hard getting out of that way of thinking…in the warwe just called it shelled shocked. The doctors just thought the men weren’tbeing ‘man’ enough to deal with the fighting. After waking up in this century Ifound out that wasn’t the case. PTSD is not a laughing matter and it reallydoesn’t go away. You can learn how to manage it and be able to distance thosetraumatic memories, but you lose that feel of safety and security. There is nogetting it back.”
All of the Avengers nodded in agreement.
“How do you cope with it?” Yusaku’s voice was quiet as allheads turned to him, his face looking rather…hopeful.
“Word to the wise…don’t use alcohol.” Tony said.
“Except for Yusei…we’re all underage Mr. Stark.” Yugipointed out.
“Still putting it out there.”
“But Tony is right, going into self-destructing tendenciesdoes make things worse.” Steve explained, “It was tempting for myself. There’sno way to explain the shock of getting knocked unconscious and waking upseveral decade later know that everything you knew and love was gone. The barswere tempting that day…but I quickly found my new support. I got to know peoplein the century…and got a new team.” Steve gestured to the other Avengers.
“My life prior to this wasn’t that good either. Being assassinfollowing orders and constantly on the run...I got tired of it.” Natashaexplained, “I eventually let myself get caught just so it could end…but itturns out Fury had a better idea of how to put my skills to use which lead tothe founding of the Avengers.”
“What about you?” Yuya asked Clint, “Was it the same foryou?”
“Actually no…” Clint said, “I was just an agent that gotrecruited into the Avenger’s initiative. My trauma didn’t start till after thefact with several rounds of brainwashing and mind control.”
Several people winced in sympathy.
Yusaku gripped his mug tighter, “What about kidnapping?” Heshrank a bit at the bewildered looks he got, “How do you recover from that?”
“Is…that what happened to you?” Bruce hesitantly asked.
Yusaku eventually nodded. “I was six…”
Immediately Yusei put an arm around the boy, as did Natasha.Thor started muttering about getting justice and puny mortals. Both Tony andSteve faces went hard with anger.
“Yusaku…I’m sorry…I had no idea…” Yugi began.
“None of you knew…no one else knew…the whole thing wascovered up…” Yusaku gripped his mug so tight that he was threatening to breakit, “I was only found because someone blew the whistle on the whole thing…”
“Breath…” Yusei warned gripping Yusaku’s shoulder tighter,“What did you do after that?”
“I tracked down those responsible…” Yusaku explained, “Itwasn’t all that I hoped…the doctor behind it had died right before I found him.I only got the full details from his son who turned out to be one who turnedhim into the authorities.”
“You wanted revenge?” Clint asked.
“I just wanted answers…” Yusaku took a deep breath, “I gotthem but now…I’m not sure what to do.”
Silence hung over the room as everyone struggled to come upwith something to say.
Yuya was eventually was the one who made the first move. Hegot up and hugged Yusaku…tightly. Yusaku looked unsure on how to react to thehug.
“You’re not the only one…” Yuya squeezed tighter, “I feellost too…but it’s okay.”
Yusaku still looked unsure but with some prompting fromYusei, eventually returned the hug.
“Thank you.”
Tony relaxed in his seat and smiled. Seemed like theimpromptu therapy session helped out a lot though the late evening was takingit’s toll. Yuma had already passed out on Thor’s lap who looked torn betweengetting up or staying in place so that he didn’t disturbed him. Astral justreassured him that Yuma would sleep through anything, but Thor elected to stayput. Clint had already gone to sleep as well enjoying the pile of pillows. Oneby one everyone nodded up in rather cute positions and you bet Tony took plentyof photos for later. But before he took fell asleep, maybe he would make aquick pillow fort.
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spongeekat · 6 years
The 6 Times Peter Wanted To Reveal his Identity (And the 1 Time He Did) Chapter 1
Chapters: 1/7 Fandom: Spider-Man - All Media Types , Deadpool - All Media Types , Marvel Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson Characters: Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Mary Jane Watson, Eleanor Camacho Additional Tags: Spideypool Big Bang 2018 , Prompt Fill , Peter Parker Needs a Hug , Deadpool has a daughter , Hurt/Comfort , Peter has anxiety , Anxiety Attacks , Secret Identity , Identity Reveal , Peter chasing Wade Summary:
Peter is madly in love with Wade, and plans to meet him on top of his apartment building to reveal his identity. Wade thinks Peter is standing on the ledge ready to jump, and takes it upon himself to make sure he gets home safe and finds a reason to live again.
read on ao3
Masterlist Here
I’ve been sick this week and fell asleep at like 5 PM yesterday so I never got to submit my part for the Spideypool Big Bang 2018 hosted by @spideypoolfanfic​ This was my first bang and it was super well organized and super fun! 
HUGE THANK YOU to my patient ass beta @alurkerofnote​ who’s offered a LOT of help. 
This is gonna be in 7 parts, 1 chapter equaling 1 day! 
My prompts were 50 and 53; Secret Identities- Wade finds Peter on a roof and panics. It looks like that kid is about to jump.
Peter is waiting for Deadpool to confess who he is. He’s so deeply in love that it both hurts and annoys him. He wants to come clean. So why does Deadpool freak out when he sees him?
If Peter actually has the guts to reveal his identity- he isn’t sure.
After a big fight in NYC, Spider-Man swings away and hides himself in a treehouse in a small garden. Ellie finds spider-Man crying his heart and soul out in her fortress.
But seriously, he’s just one spider and has worries too!
Januarys in the Bronx were some of Peter’s least favorite parts of the year. It was common knowledge that winters weren’t completely erratic in New York, though they couldn’t be described as tame either. They resided in a gray-area between, in which snow could unpredictably monopolize city blocks on any given day, yet a few layers of clothing would typically suffice for warmth when navigating the city. Still, the chill had a vicious bite to it, and it wasn’t wise to wander the streets longer than needed.
Especially not when suspended 44 feet above the street, clad only in a hasty assemblage of light winter clothes.
Yet, that’s what Peter was currently dressed in; a beanie thrown over his curly hair that would normally be standing every which way it pleased, a light hoodie that had been crumpled underneath textbooks in his backpack for hours, and a pair of worn-out jeans that had seen better days. It was a poor excuse for an outfit considering the length of time Peter had been standing on the roof of this building, and by all means of the word he was completely frozen. Still, the nip of the night wasn’t the most pressing issue on his mind at the moment.
Peter’s eyes searched the darkened alley below his feet for any sign that he should abandon his current plans and instead send himself flying back towards his meager Queens apartment twenty minutes away. An hour of of looking for a reason to leave had proven no such luck, and the 22 year old was stuck waiting to freeze to death, or for his guest of the hour to show up. Whichever happened first. He hoped he would freeze to death sooner, to save himself the horrible embarrassment he was about to go through, but his radioactive blood and slow- but present-healing factor assured that wouldn’t be happening. Instead, he was running through dialogues and scenarios in his head, hoping one would sound the most promising and he could stick with it.
“Hey, dude, it’s me!” The corner of Peter’s lips drew up in a theatrical style, and he beamed off into the empty night as if he was conversing with someone else standing right in front of him. “I know this isn’t really what you expected, but I hope that… that you… that... stupid. This is stupid. I’m stupid.” Peter’s shoulders sagged once again, and he toed a pebble until it tumbled off the ledge he was pacing on, clattering onto the fire escape below. This is a stupid plan.
The very affordable apartment building below him was quiet, and the particular apartment he had been staking out was empty. Wade wasn’t inside, likely off on one of his ethically-questionable jobs, but he would probably be back soon. He and Peter always met up sometime between 1 and 3 AM when their schedules allowed, and it was Sunday, which meant Wade was gonna come back toting fast food for the two to munch on. He was expecting Spider-Man, which would certainly put a damper on their late-night snacking, but hopefully things would go smoother than Peter feared they would go. After all, Peter was finally going to reveal his face to Wade.
It wasn’t a hasty decision. Really, Peter had been considering taking this step for years. The two had been acquaintances for 6 years, meeting just a year after the Spider had gained his super powers and taken on his hero persona. It was a terrible first meeting, and their encounters afterwards had been even more so. Somehow, between the nights of Wade annoying Peter for hours on end, accidental team ups that led to purposeful team ups, and laughter once the mercenary had learned exactly how to prod at Peter’s similarly immature sense of humor, they had become friends, and had grown close over the last 4 years. And of that time, Peter had been completely and pathetically in love with Wade for 2 years.
Wade didn’t know, of course. The only person that did was Mary Jane, after Peter ranted about his frustration with the stagnant nature of their relationship during a drunk stupor. But she was the only person Peter had told. Confessing his feelings to Wade was out of the question.  He had grown comfortable with the weird relationship that had formed between them over the time they’d spent together. They spent nearly all of their free time together, whether it was fighting on patrol or Peter accompanying Wade on missions to hold him to the ‘no-killing’ promise the ex-mercenary had made. Once patrols were done, they typically retired to a roof top to spend the night munching on late-night fast food, or to Wade’s apartment to play games and deal with open wounds that needed stitching. Wade never pushed to see Peter’s face or know his name, even if Wade hadn’t been very secretive with his own identity. But Peter knew that, no matter how close Spider-Man and Deadpool grew as friends, their relationship would never grow intimate unless Wade got to know the man behind the mask first. .
So there Peter was, anxiety bubbling hot on the surface of his skin, as he wrung his hands and tried to plan how exactly he would come out and admit he was Spider-Man.
Maybe he could do a flip iconic to Spider-Man and let Wade make his own inferences? Wade seemed to be the type to enjoy dramatic stunts. Or maybe he could introduce himself in a method similar to Tony Stark. Peter Parker: Awkward, Intelligent, Poor College Student, and Spider-Man. No, that was lamer than any of his other plans. This would be easier if he had just worn his suit and ripped off his mask, but he knew that if he had, he would have lost his nerve upon seeing him and never gone through with the reveal. He stepped up onto the ledge of the roof and looked down into the dark with a frown. His backpack containing his suit was webbed to the wall feet under him. Maybe he could just open the bag and show Wade what was inside…?
Peter didn’t have much time to decide, as a soft rattle against the brick wall opposite of him drew his attention. Leather boots were scuffling up the rungs of the ladder leading up, and Peter had to make up his mind quick. He closed his eyes and balanced on the ledge under his feet, steadying his frayed nerves. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. Wade was understanding. Wade was kind. But maybe he didn’t want to know Peter’s identity? Maybe he never pushed so he wouldn’t be disappointed by the face under the mask? God, what if Wade turned and walked completely out of his life once he realized Spider-Man was a puny science nerd? The possibilities were firing off in his head, growing more intense every inch Wade grew closer. Maybe he should just jump down into the alley and take off running, and abandon this idea that somehow this would lead to something more between them. Peter didn’t even know if Wade returned his feelings.
“Don’t do it.”
Wade was a few feet behind Peter, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. His voice was lower than Peter remembered, and a bit more serious. It jarred Peter enough that he turned back to look at him, still perched on the raised borders of the roof. There he stood in his red-and-black glory, his body language tenser than normal. Peter’s mouth was too dry to talk now, panic radiating through his body in waves. He hadn’t come up with a proper plan for this conversation, and he suddenly didn’t know how to start it. His lips parted to say Wade’s name, confused by the aggressive demeanor, but the syllables died on his tongue.
Wade took a few steps that seemed almost hesitant towards Peter, reaching out a large gloved hand in his direction. Did he already know? He sure was acting weird, especially considering everything Wade did was weird. Instinctively Peter reeled back, one foot skidding against the concrete as he inched closer to the edge, the cold winter wind now flowing up through his hair.
“Uh…” Peter replied intelligently, eyes darting anywhere but that intimidating mask staring directly at him.
“Come down from there.” Wade’s hand was a few inches in front of Peter now, close enough he could comfortably reach out and grab it if he wished. And boy did he want to, but he was much too nervous and befuddled to take such a brash action. Peter was sure there was no way Wade didn’t know at this point. Why would he be acting so casual? “Trust me, things can’t be that bad. I’ve been through shit, too. But you don’t want to become another statistic.”
“What?” Now Peter was definitely lost.
“Come on.” Wade prompted again, sticking his hand so close it nearly bumped into Peter’s chest. “Not tonight. Just get down from the ledge.”
Confusion clearly etched across his expression, Peter stepped around Wade’s hand and made the jump to land on the roof. There was an audible breath of relief from behind Wade’s mask when his feet connected with the gravel. His body language seemed to loosen up, and he plopped down to sit on the ledge where Peter’s feet just were. “What’s your name?”
“Peter.” Wade repeated back, as if he somehow could have heard the wrong thing. “That’s kinda nerdy.”
“Nerdy?” Peter said defensively, embarrassment flushing red over his frozen cheeks, darkening them further.
“Yep. I think the last Peter I met was like 50 years old.” Wade continued on, humor splaying out in every word, though Peter wasn’t laughing. “That’s like a lock-you-in-the-gym-closet kind of a name.”
“Uh-Huh. Did you just come here to make fun of my name?” Normally, Peter wouldn’t mind the teasing that Wade often times didn’t mean. But tonight, when his anxiety was so high and he had absolutely no idea what was going on, he wasn’t in the mood to get made fun of.
“No, no, of course not.” Wade was standing, now inches taller than Peter, and he took a few calm steps in his direction. “Look, I’m just a Deadpool. I know I’m not Dr. Phil. But I couldn’t just let you make some bad decision and let the world lose one more hot piece of ass.” Wade paused, groaning as if he was being scolded by himself, before he continued. “Yeah, fuck, sorry, bad timing. Anyways, I live in the area and saw you standing on the ledge, and I thought I could maybe talk you down. Dying hurts, in case you were wondering. It’s not worth it.”
Dying...hurts? Talk him down? Bad decision?
“ Oh.”  Everything suddenly connected and the gears started turning in Peter’s brain, followed by a bubbling panic rising up from the pits of his stomach. “No, wait, I wasn’t…” He didn’t quite know how to explain he wasn’t there to do that without completely explaining why he was up there in the first place. Any resolve he may have had earlier about revealing his superpowered persona had melted away, his plans going awry within seconds.
“Hey, I’m not judging you.” Wade insisted, taking another step closer to Peter, almost testingly, to see if he would run away. He didn’t even budge. “You’re, what, 21? In college? Living in New York? This shitty city is expensive, and paying for it all can get really overwhelming. Something happen? Parents divorce? Girlfriend left you? She’s pregnant and left you for another guy? Killing yourself seems like the only option to get back at her?”
Peter gave a weak shake of his head, finding his throat suddenly desert dry. He didn’t have time to come up with an excuse. He felt like he was barely bobbing above water. “No I…” What was he doing? “I just have...a big decision to make. You know?”
Wade gave a sympathetic nod, and moved his hand to start rubbing comforting circles into Peter’s shoulder. He could feel the steady hammer of his heart against his chest, the beat picking up nervously with Wade this close to him, staring at him. Not the mask, not Spider-Man, but Peter Parker. “Can I take you to a hospital?” He asked in a softer voice, which didn’t seem entirely possible for Wade to do. “Like I said, I’m not a therapist, but they can help you way better than the voices in my head can.”
“Hospit...Oh, no no no.” Peter held up his hands in a surrender and backed away from Wade’s grasp once more, the spot on his shoulder feeling much colder without his hand there. “No, I’m feeling a lot better. I swear. I can go home alone.”
“Do you live with anyone? Parents? Roommates?” Wade continued to press the subject, and Peter took another step back with each word, feeling smothered.
“I live with my Aunt.” Peter admitted, unsure why he was having the sudden spurt of bravery to say that even if he couldn’t tell the truth about what he’d originally come here to say. “But she’s out of the country. I’ll be okay.”
“Sorry, but I think I would kick my own ass if I let you leave alone and you put a bullet in your mouth.” Wade pulled his phone out of some pocket tucked who-knows-where on his suit, starting to type away the best he could through thick leather gloves. “Plus, I’ve gotten really into that astrological sign reading shit, and my horoscope said that today I was supposed to take action when I see things going bad. So I’m gonna take that to mean I’m your guardian angel.”
“Guardian angel?” Peter quirked an eyebrow, trying to keep the conversation from delving into an uncomfortable seriousness.
“Mhm. So my first act of Guardian Angel Goodness is to make sure you get home safe.” Wade raised the cell to his ear, the sight almost comical next to his animated mask. “Luckily, I’ve got the cutest cabbie in all of New York on speed dial. You’ll love him.”
Okay, so Peter had definitely been ready to lay it all out on the line for Wade a few minutes ago, but now everything felt like it was moving too fast. He planned to show Wade where he lived in a few weeks or months, not within minutes. But somehow, he didn’t think he’d take no for an answer right now, so Peter decided he’d have to play along. Just for now, until he found a good moment to interject and tell Wade the truth. His floundering confidence was making that difficult, however.
While Peter was lost in his thoughts, Wade had finished his conversation with whoever was on the other end of the line, and had gathered himself enough that he was tugging on Peter’s arm. “Ready?”
“Uhhh….” Peter’s eyes trailed up to Wade’s mask, his nerves firing off as the skin he touched seemed hotter than normal. “I’ll meet you down there.”
“Please don’t tell me I already fucked this up and you’re ready to take a nose-dive into the alley.” Wade groaned, his hand squeezing just a little tighter on Peter’s arm, making a shiver run up his spine.
“No, I just need to think for a second.” Wade didn’t respond, and Peter could practically see him thinking the worst. “I won’t jump. I promise, dude.”
“Okaaaaay.” Wade headed towards the fire escape from where he had first come, stooping to grab the bag of food on his way. “Just know I live around this shit hole, and your body won’t get cleaned up for like a week. I don’t really wanna smell rotten flesh around here every day.”
“Has anyone ever told you how sensitive you are?” Peter murmured.
Wade’s laugh that followed made Peter’s heart leap in his chest, but he kept a cool face. “It’s a special talent of mine.” He teased, before he slid down the ladder and disappeared in the dark.
Alone, Peter slipped to his knees, palming the darkened side of the building until his fingers brushed against the canvas of his backpack. He ripped it free of the webs, double checked that his suit was still inside, and slung it over his back. Before he headed down, however, he had to focus on pacifying his erratic heartbeat.
Disappointment was evident in his mind, in both himself, and the way the situation had played out. He’d been picturing and planning for this moment- albeit not well - for close to a year. He may have lost his resolve within seconds of seeing Wade, but there was no way he was going to let himself keep this up.
Peter had very strong feelings for Wade, beyond a stupid puppy crush, and he hoped the other maybe felt the same. He knew he had to take this step, whether it went as smoothly as he dreamed out or not, and there was no use in pretending any longer if he wanted to have a chance of progressing their relationship. .
When Peter got to the bottom rung of the ladder, however, and saw Wade holding the door to the cab open for him like the most unconventional disney prince ever, he decided it would be better to do it in a more private area, so he gave the driver his address and climbed onto the torn up upholstery.
Wade, who lived in an absolute wreck of a safehouse, was unfairly unimpressed with Peter’s apartment.
It was messy, sure, but it wasn’t horrible. The dishes were only sort of piled up in the sink, and his dirty laundry was sitting in a heap in front of the TV, but with Aunt May gone Peter had had more time and freedom to be Spider-Man, and chores were the last obligation on his mind.
Not knowing this, of course, Wade made a disgusted noise as soon as they opened the door on the third story.
“What?” Peter asked self consciously, toeing off his shoes in the doorway as to not track in mud. At least he had one thing going for him. Wade didn’t seem the share the same sentiment, and he trudged right in in his dust-caked boots.
“No wonder you’re depressed. You live only slightly better than me.” Wade snorted, his mask turning every which way as he took in the plain furnishings of the living room. His thumb jut out towards the half-opened bedroom door. “This is your bedroom?”
“Yeaaah.” Peter trailed his gaze, trying to recall if he left anything incriminating on his floor. However, he definitely didn’t want images of Wade in his bedroom stuck in his head at night, so he didn’t invite him in.
Wade studied his face and walked over to Peter, gently pushing him until he fell back on his couch. “Sleeping in beds is overrated anyways. Besides, you can watch TV until I get this food reheated.” He glanced back at the screen and kicked the clothes out of the way, giving Peter a full view of it. “Blanket closet?”
“Next to the kitchen.” Peter frowned, shifting uncomfortably at the favors. “I-It’s really okay, you already helped me get home and-”
“Sssh. Just watch your show, Petey.” Wade said obnoxiously as he drug a fluffy comforter from the closet and dumped it on top of Peter’s lap. “Your microwave isn’t a disaster, too, is it?”
“Shut up. It’s fine.” Peter groaned and sunk into the comforter up to his chin. Being babied was really humiliating, but he was still working on a good time to interject his confession in a way that didn’t seem too forced.
There was a beeping indicating Wade was fiddling with his appliances in the kitchen, and Peter took the chance to close his eyes. “I’m Spider-Man.” He whispered to himself, his voice shakier and quieter with each syllable. “Surprise.”
“Hope you like Chinese.” Wade returned soon after with the bag of food, dropping the sides and silverware at Peter’s side before he handed him the foam take-out container. Peter gingerly accepted it, guilt pulling at his stomach. “I had a hot date tonight, but he didn’t show up. So you get to eat it instead.”
“I don’t wanna take y-”
“Eat it.” Wade crooned in a cartoony voice, and reached into his back pocket. He produced his phone again, tossing it at Peter, which he smoothly caught. “And give me your number.”
“Why?” Peter asked, nervous fingertips lingering over the touch screen.
“Because I’m trying to make a change in my life. I’m not the same man I was a year ago.” Wade paused, sinking down to sit on the coffee table across from Peter as it creaked under his weight. “Okay, maybe I am, but I wanna be more of a hero. And the only way I can do that is by saving people like Spider-Man would do. So I need your number, to make sure you text me at least once a day so I know you’re still alive.”
The mention of ‘Spider-Man’ had Peter’s fingers twitching again around the cracked phone case, but he couldn’t find the right way to voice his truth, so he stayed quiet instead. Hey, funny thing, that’s saving people like I would do.
“Type it.” Wade whispered in a dorky voice, pulling Peter back to the present moment. His hands moved on his own, and suddenly his actual number appeared on the phone log. There was another entry on the phone, under the name Spidey-Cakes with an eggplant emoji following. That was his burner number, luckily, with that cheap flip phone shoved somewhere in his room. Still, Wade being able to contact Peter at all hours of the day now was making him nervous. He would never catch a break.
Wade snatched the phone back with excitement after he verified Peter had, indeed, typed an actual phone number, and he plugged it into his contacts under some name Peter wasn’t aware of. He then shoved the smartphone back into his pocket, and placed one heavy hand on top of Peter’s shaking shoulder.
“I’m gonna leave because I know I’m worse company than Alec Baldwin and Adam Sandler combined, but don’t do anything drastic, okay?” Wade’s mask never changed, lifeless as always, but Peter could hear the warm smile in his voice. His heart rate picked up, the close proximity between them making his chest ache, but the fact that he hadn’t accomplished what he’d even stayed out to do was still weighing heavily in the air. He couldn’t leave off on this! He wasn’t a depressed teenager that needed babysitting. He was Spider-Man. He was Wade’s best friend. He was in love with him.
Before he knew it the mercenary was at the door, fiddling with the deadbolt to figure out how to lock it on his way out. Peter jumped, pushing the Chinese food and the blanket aside, shooting up to the flats of his feet with his eyes wide. “Deadpool.” He tried to sound firm, but his voice came out smaller than he had intended.
The mercenary looked up, finally managing to flip the deadbolt to lock so he could slam it shut behind him. “Yes, sweet pea?”
Peter’s jaw tightened, and he stood there blankly like an idiot for a solid 30 seconds. “I’m…” The words were caught in his lungs, feeling so incredibly foreign and heavy that he couldn’t get them out. He hadn’t told anyone, not even Aunt May, and Mary Jane had found out on her own. He didn’t exactly have practice with this.
Drawn back to reality as he realized he had been silent, Peter swallowed back his confession and slowly sunk back to the couch. “Thanks. For everything.” He murmured, dragging guilty eyes down to his hands.
Wade paused, then slowly crept out the door with a hop to his step. “No problem, baby boy. Stay safe. And make sure to text me tomorrow!”
The door closed hard behind Wade as he slammed it shut in an attempt to get the deadbolt to stay locked, and the silence settled over Peter like a heavy blanket. Suddenly he was alone, albeit with warm food at his side and comfortably tucked into the couch cushions. Wade was right; the idea of passing out in the living room instead of his bedroom seemed a little more enticing with every moment.
He drug the food Wade had brought him onto his lap and flipped on a cartoon. He was feeling a little tired, anyways, so patrol could wait an hour or two. The Chinese smelled amazing compared to the toaster waffles he’d been downing for days, and sleepiness hung over his eyelids.
Wade had been so incredibly sweet, Peter wasn’t sure what to do with the memory of it. Mixed emotions were plaguing his gut, but above all, it had reminded him of how intensely he had feelings for the man, and how badly he wanted to have a connection with him.
Tomorrow, he decided, he would find a way to tell him the truth.
For now, he was falling asleep to the lull of New York late night TV, the scent of Chow Mein wafting up to his nose, and the ghost of Wade’s voice calling him sweet pea playing hot in his mind.
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lavishedinjimin · 6 years
Jungkook: “Well, I remember you used to be mine.”
Prompt requested by anon: Jungkook
#5 - “Hey, don’t cry, alright? I’m here...” 
#12 - “Well...I remember you used to be mine.
> [prompt list] [masterlist] < 
Regret is such a big word when it comes to love, it really is. 
I and Jungkook have been together for about 4 years now, and it was just this one day that ruined it all. I confessed that it was hard dating an idol, and hell, I knew that from the start. Don’t get me wrong, I loved him so much; I loved his personality, his cute and bubbly personality, the way he treats others, everything. But the hate that I have been hiding in myself for the past three years was getting too much. I appreciated every single person that respected me and his’ relationship, those who fought for us and defended our love to those who despised us. 
And as much as I would hate to say this, I didn’t regret leaving. Hell, I felt happier, I felt free, I felt that I could fly, really. You might say that I’m a bad person for saying this, but it just wasn’t fair for me. He knew how to handle hatred while I didn’t. 
It has been around 7 months since we broke up, and I am on the bridge of moving on. It was hard. His members couldn’t stop messaging me, asking if I was alright, but that didn’t help. But today, Jungkook called and asked me for us to meet. 
My first instinct was, of course, to deny. Why would he? Did he want us to be back together? But I let him speak, 
“No, it's not like that. I just want us to clear everything up between us...and, you know, not being awkward around e-each other. I still want us to have a good relationship, Y/N.” 
The line became quiet between us. Deep down I wanted this, too. I want us to still be close around each other. “Okay. Where?” I spoke after some time. “The Savory Factory.” 
It just had to be one of our all-time favorites, huh? 
After I was dropped off by my uber, there I stood in front of the restaurant. It brought me so many memories, a whole wave came crashing through my brain. This was our first date, our meeting place, our number one takeout place, where we laughed too much and almost got kicked out, every best possible memory with him was at this place. The fact that we never got tired of this building was too good to be true.
I step inside, pushing the door to be greeted with not many people, actually. The place looked peaceful and happy. Familiar faces of waitresses and waiters greeted me. Every customer seemed so joyous. And I guess that’s why we fell in love in this place.
I scanned around the place looking for this brown-haired man. What am I talking about, there’s a lot of brown-haired guys in this place. But after I scanned the whole area, my eyes locked into these pairs of brown, doe eyes. I knew it was him. Those innocent looking eyes which I fell for, those eyes that I knew held so much love for us, those eyes that always held me captive for him. Those eyes that I know so well. 
I smiled politely, making my way up to his table. As I was walking, he suddenly stood up making me stop lightly between my tracks. “No, come. I’m greeting you, Y/N.” Oh. I lowered my head down and approached him furthermore. He made his way around the table and pulled back my chair for me, like the true gentleman I know he is. Reminds me so much of our first date. I thanked him shyly and sat down and he did the same thing opposite of me. 
“I’m so glad you came, Y/N.” he started off. I noticed in his voice that he was trying to hide his nervousness, but it still appeared. I didn’t judge him though, I felt the same thing. “Of course.” He smiled in return. A waiter came up to us to get our orders, a pen and paper in his hands. “Are you hungry, Y/N?” He asked. 
You know what, I was overthinking this situation in the car earlier. If we were to talk about some serious stuff, and if that leads me into a crying mess then I wouldn’t order some baby back ribs like we usually do. “I’ll just have a milkshake.” “Flavor?” He looked at me knowingly while wiggling his eyebrows, making me giggle. “Matcha.” The waiter scribbled it down his paper, noticing how he also chuckled lightly. “Do you guys still have the banana milk in stock?” You can't help yourself from laughing in your seat. Oh, those banana milk. After the waiter literally said that they have a full on stock, his eyes glistened up and became excited. “Okay, can I have one, please.” The waiter finished scribbling down those two drinks (which you can just really memorize mentally) and went away.
“I think we’re doing this pretty well.” I smiled at him. My heart fluttered when he smiled back, revealing the crinkles around the corners of his eyes. He showed his beautiful bunny-like teeth in his smile while lowering his head. “I know. It’s been a hell of a time that I’ve been here.” He spoke, eyes wandering around the area. Stunning. I missed this so much. I never knew how much I missed seeing his striking face, seeing his smile once again. “My last time that I was here was with you, you know.” He said. I nodded my head, “Mhmm.”
Then, there was this sudden stillness in the air. I couldn’t describe it; it was a mix of a reasonable emotion and uneasiness. He was just staring at me, piercing right into my eyes. I gulped down the forming ball in my throat, forcing myself to look at him once more. “Tell me I’m not the only one that keeps getting these memories thrown at me.” He softly whispered more to himself as his chocolate eyes were kept still in mine. I chuckled softly, grinning at him. “Of course not, Jungkook.”
That was it. The first time that he heard you say his name in months. He missed how your lips formed those letters so gorgeously, how sweet your voice sounds.
You both felt guilty, that’s for sure.
“I remember the time where we stayed up for so long in our seats that there were literally four customers already been sat at the table opposite us. I’m glad that no one noticed that time.” I said, trying to liven up the mood. “I know right! If it isn’t for you, dragging us both out of this place and being anxious about someone scolding us, then we would’ve stayed there a bit longer.”
“Please, you know how bothered I can be in these type of situations in public.”
“Public? The Savory Factory is basically our home!” he exclaimed, eyes shining. My heart clenched so much that it hurts. I missed him so much. I miss the boy that I fell in love with. He was always like this. Always so cheerful and passionate. He brightens up my day up to a million, and it hurts that I know that he knows that we only had each other that brightens our days. He laughed after, giggling in his seat while I just looked at him so…tenderly? It might’ve looked weird, for I noticed his eyebrows frowning just a little. But to distract my troubled thoughts, I asked him this question. “Do you have any more memories?”
Wrong move, Y/N. I mentally slapped myself.
I heard him sigh, smiling down at his lap. “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that—“
“Well…” he cut me off,
“I remember you used to be mine.”
My heart jumped. It hurt, it felt like a hundred stabs went straight through me. My breathing became uneven and my palms were sweaty. “Jungk—“
“Sir, miss, here are your drinks. Enjoy.” Enjoy. The waiter came and placed our drinks in front of us. Seeing both of our iconic orders together made me feel even weaker than I already am.
“Jungkook, w-what do you mean?” I stuttered, looking into his eyes. His hand combed his hair, sighing whilst at it. His eyes met mine once more and it felt like he was looking right through my poor soul. He smiled at me whole-heartedly. Full of love, evident in his eyes. “I remember when we first came here, how we used to always come here in the middle of the night for snacks, how we used to order the same thing over and over again, how we used to memorize the whole menu." He smiled in between his sentences.
His eyes became watery and a hint of sadness in it despite how lovingly he stared. His eyes always expressed more than words, always. My eyes can't stop watering as well, feeling my lips trembling. "I remember how we used to hold hands, how you reacted when I first called you 'baby'", he smiled even wider while his tears already are slowly dripping down his cheeks. You felt the need to wipe them away, and you did. You gently wiped away his fallen tears with your thumb, allowing him to take ahold of your quivering hand, devouring them in between his. 
"I-I remember how much you loved to play with my hands, and how much I had a weakness when you played with my hair. H-how much I truly loved cooking breakfast for you in the morning, and for how many days do you not fail to impress me. Y/N, I missed you.”
And, yes, there and then I started crying. I let out all of my tears flow down onto my cheeks, dripping down my jaw. With my other hand still in his grasp, I used my opposite to try to cover up my face. There were people looking, staring, and some even feeling pity for us. But I didn’t care at that time. Breaking up was a mistake, I realized I never actually felt happy after leaving him, but I only said that to myself to help me move on. I still, in fact, loved him. 
“Babe, c’mere,” he whispered to me after giving a soft kiss on the back of my hand. I looked up at him a bit confused. 
He stood up, pushing back his chair while he pulled my hand and making me stand up with him. I was still sniffling while he led us into the back of the restaurant which there was the little balcony that we used to go. People mostly go there to smoke, but we go there for other reasons. We spoke a lot of deep stuff in this balcony--and as cheesy at it may sound, we looked up at the stars a lot; we admired the sky that we were capsuled in.  
He opened the door and let it shut behind us, making me turn to face him. His arms were wrapped around my waist tightly, not letting go. “Jungkook, I-I’m sorry.” I mewled, lowering my head in shame, “I’m so sorry for hurting you. I know I hurt you when we broke up. I was so stupid and I didn’t think about you at all--” 
“Y/N, no, don’t blame it all to yourself. I was a dick, I know it. I let you sink into all of these hate without helping you. It was me who didn’t think about you.” he cried. I have never seen him like this, bawling his eyes out to the point that they were red. I cried harder, placing my head on his right shoulder, wrapping my arms around him. He moved one of his arms upward, stroking my hair gently, noticing how it was slightly trembling. 
“Hey, don’t cry, alright? I’m here...” He whispered gently into my ear, calmingly. He himself has hushed down his whimpers a little, now only little sniffs coming out of him. “Y/N, baby, shh, I’m here, I’m here.” 
He let myself take my time, letting the pain all out of his shoulders, staining his black shirt. After a while, I finally looked up at him, smiling. He smiled back which made my heart jump. His eyes were red and puffy, and I could say the same about mine. His hair was indeed messy and his tears stained against his cheek. “I still love you, Jungkook. You know that, right?” I softly whispered. His chest rose up and down a few times, noticing a blush in his cheeks. “I know. I love you more, Y/N.” 
And with that he pulled my body closer to him, his grip tightening on my hips, and we kissed for who knows after an eternity. 
This was requested for anon and I really hoped you liked it! gOSH i had so many feels while writing this one damn, Jungkook boutta bias wreck me lmao. Anyways if you liked this one and you want your own, you can request in my ‘request submissions’ tab. xoxo
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eddiesgazebos · 6 years
IT31 || Black Sheep
The one where strange things start happening to Mike Hanlon.
word count: 2070
Thank you @zombiewhore for being an amazing co-writer!!
Read on Wattpad 
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Mike sighed heavily as he continued pedaling along toward his farmhouse. His hands barely rested on the handlebar as he let his mind wander. Leaves were changing due to the seasons ending and beginning. The crunch of the fallen leaves under his wheels felt as pleasing as therapy. Maybe even better than therapy.
He slowed his bike to a stop at the very end of his driveway. The driveway was almost long enough to be considered a road. With the endless amount of yards for their farm, and their farmhouse being a few yards in, the driveway felt never-ending.
Mike turned his head toward the sound and inspected the area. His eyebrows lowered and his face scrunched with confusion when a single soul couldn't be found.
"Hello?" Mike muttered. "hm.." he added after a few seconds of silence. He lifted his foot from the ground and placed it on the pedal of his bike. Just as he went to kick off with his other foot, he heard it again.
Mike turned his head again but to find nothing. "Seriously, who's there?" he called out. Only silence filed the area. Mike groaned gently at his own paranoid mind and finally kicked off to ride his bike up the driveway.
Once he was finally at his house, he leaned his bike carefully up against the side and walked toward the front door. "I'm home!" he called out as he opened then shut the door once he was inside. He listened for a few minutes before coming to the conclusion his family was out to town or working on the farm. He walked to the kitchen and made himself a quick snack before he had to start his afterschool chores.
Time passed and Mike was almost done his chores. Just as he was closing up the shed that the tools were kept in, he could hear rustling in the bushes. Mike's jaw tensed and he looked out into the brush. The sun showed nothing and the shadows hid everything. He sighed heavily and turned toward the house.
He walked up onto the back porch, wiped his hands on his dirty overalls, then walked inside. The floor creaked under his feet and the door did the same as he closed it. A gentle hum erupted from Mike's throat and he nodded his head slowly to his own melody. He walked in to the living room and toward the stairs.
A creak from the ceiling caused him to stop just as his foot rested on the bottom stair. He looked up at the ceiling and listened closer. Light footsteps crossed the floor. Mike slowly walked up the stairs and leaned around each corner to get a look first.
"Granddad?" He called out. There was no response. Mike stopped at the top of the stairs and looked around. He slowly walked to each room and checked inside. After a thorough check and nothing to be found, he let his mind be at ease. "I really need a shower and some sleep" he sighed to himself.
He walked to his room and closed his bedroom door lightly. He made his way to his closet and picked out a pair of sweatpants and a baggy white t-shirt. He then walked to the bathroom and got the water ready. He set the folded towels on the counter that he'd use to dry off. He then got undressed and got in the shower.
He was quick in the shower. He grabbed his towels from the hook on the wall and dried off. He then got dressed and tossed his dirty clothes in the hamper. He walked out of the bathroom and to his bedroom. He entered it just as the phone started to ring.
He walked over to it and picked it up.
"Hello? Hanlon residence" he spoke sweetly into the phone. All he got in return was heavy breathing. He slowly raised an eyebrow. "Hello?" he repeated. But nothing. Just the heavy breathing. He rolled his eyes and hung up. "I swear if that was Richie" he mumbled to the air.
He went along with his day. He walked down to the kitchen and got out some leftovers for dinner. He put it in the microwave to warm it up. Then, once again, the phone rang. He groaned, shut the microwave door with the food inside, pushed start, then walked away to the phone that hung on the wall.
"Hello? Hanlon residence" he spoke into the phone. Silence this time. "Hello?" he repeated but again, just silence. He rolled his eyes, hung the phone back up and turned back to the kitchen. He walked over to the microwave, grabbed his food from the counter in front of it, and walked to the table to eat.
He ate slowly, grimacing at the cold parts of his food. Out of pure laziness, he suffered through instead of reheating his meal. He ate in silence, washed his dishes, then walked to the living room to watch some TV.
He found a movie to watch and curled up under a blanket on the couch. Friday The 13th. Not a great movie to be watching alone but he was a big boy and could handle it.
Even with the horror movie playing, Mike had started passing out on the couch. Just as his mind had wandered far enough for him to rest, he woke with a start. The TV had been turned up full blast and screams from the murder victims in the movie filled the room. Mike felt around for the remote but to no avail. He groaned, jumped up, walked over to the TV, and turned it down and then off.
He then walked back upstairs and got ready for bed. He brushed his teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, then walked back into his room after turning out the bathroom light. The phone began to ring. He sighed heavily, walked to it, and answered while lowering himself down on the bed.
"Hello? Hanlon residence" he muttered.
"Hey, bad time to call?" It was Stan. Mike smiled lightly and shook his head.
"Not at all, just getting ready for bed is all" he responded.
"Oh, I'll keep it short then. Just wanted to talk for a bit. Been boring here"
Stan and Mike talked for a while on the phone. What started as a short conversation actually went on for a full hour. When the conversation ended, Mike hung up and walked over to turn out the light. Once it was off, he climbed into bed, got comfortable under the sheets, and let himself drift off to sleep.
Mike woke up earlier than usual the next morning. He even tried to fight him mind to let him go back to sleep but he just couldn't. So, instead of laying around all morning, he forced himself out of bed.
The first thing he noticed was the bathroom door slightly ajar and light coming from it. He walked over to the bathroom door and slowly pushed it open. The bathroom was empty. He shrugged then walked over to the sink and brushed his teeth. He then went downstairs for breakfast.
His Grandfather was already out tending to the morning chores. Which came as no surprise. Mike made himself a quick breakfast before he went out to join him.
He tended to the sheep, the crops, and the cleanup. Everything was pretty average. That is, until he brought the tools back to the shed. He stopped and stared at the side of the shed, his eyes doubling in size.
There, on the side of the shed, were the words "Black sheep" written with red paint that was still wet and dripping down. His jaw clenched, his hands tightened on the tools, and he gulped his anger down hard. He took care of the tools in hand then walked to the hose to fill a bucket with water. He grabbed a sponge, carried the bucket to the shed, and started scrubbing the wall to get rid of the painted on words.
The water in the bucket started turning a dark red/brown color from the many dunks he gave the dirtied sponge. Over a bit of time, the words were gone and the wall was back to normal.
Just as he began to stand, he felt a hand grab the back of his head. He tried to grab the hand and turn to see who it belonged to but wasn't given much time before his face was shoved into the bucket of dirtied water. His face was held down into the water until the lack of oxygen made him pass out.
When he woke up, he was still laying by the shed but the bucket of water was gone along with the sponge. The wall was completely dry and there was no evidence of words ever being painted on it.
He slowly got up and rubbed his face which was completely dry. He looked around. The sun was still up and by the placement of the sun, Mike figured it was between noon and two o'clock. He groaned gently and to the back porch of his house. He walked inside and looked around before checking out the window toward the driveway. The truck was gone which meant he was alone.
He walked over to the phone to call Stan. As soon as his hand touched the phone, it started to ring. He took a deep breath and picked it up then held it to his ear.
"Hello?" was all he said. Silence. "This is getting ridiculous. Who's there?"
"Did you enjoy your bath?" a deep monstrous voice came from the telephone.
"Who the hell is this!?" Mike yelled into the phone but whoever was on the other end hung up. He slammed the phone back down and let out a loud angered groan. He then picked the phone back up and dialed Stan's number.
"Hello?" He heard Stan's voice. Just as he Mike was about to rant Stan's ear off, the line got cut off.
"Stan?" Mike talked into the phone and listened for any sound but heard nothing but the beeps of disconnection. Mike sighed, too tired to try again, and hung up the phone.
The TV turned on in the living room. The sound of it caused Mike to jump. Mike turned to the entrance way of the living room and slowly walked in. He looked around and didn't see anything but the remote sitting on the arm of the couch. He walked over to it, turned the TV off, and listened closely to his surroundings. Nothing.
He bit his lip nervously and ran upstairs to his bedroom where he always felt the safest. He walked in, shut and locked his door, then walked over to his bed. Just as he went to sit, he noticed something sitting on his pillow. He looked closer and noticed it was a polaroid picture. He carefully picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of him....sleeping.
He quickly dropped the picture and looked around his room. He checked under his bed, his bathroom, and his closet. He even checked behind all of his clothes in the closet and the hamper filled with dirty clothes that needed to be washed. He found no sign of anybody. He checked his window. Still locked. He sighed with relief and sat on his bed.
He reached for his phone to pick it up but decided against it. He didn't need Stan coming over and getting involved. He just laid down and tried to relax.
Relaxing led to falling asleep.
He woke to complete darkness. He reached over and turned on the light. On his chest sat another polaroid picture of him sleeping just then. He ripped the picture up and threw it then sat up and looked around.
The door and windows were still locked. How could anybody have gotten in? Mike shuddered.
Over the next week, Mike continued to find the disturbing issues. "Black Sheep" was painted in various areas daily. Even on his closet door. The TV would turn on at random times. Pictures of him started being taped up on his mirror. On his bike rides, he continued hearing the crunch of leaves or random movements that showed someone was close by.
He was scared. Too scared to tell someone.
So he chose to suffer.
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levi-inthesun · 6 years
Summer at Camp Duff
Part 3 (2 of 2)
Where Stella Opens Up
A/N: ONE WORD: THERAPY. These pure humans need THERAPY. Everyone needs therapy, but anyways. I AM SO EXCITED TO HEAR WHAT YOU GUYS THINK OF THIS CHAPTER!!!
Part 3 (1 of 2)
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Steve wanted to figure out how you were connected to the upside-down and what events lead to your hip being a Demogorgon snack. So, when the sun started going down and the kids were off playing night games, Steve found you decorating the cabins.
“Hey there Scout,” Steve said awkwardly stuffing his hands in his jean pockets.
“Hiya Steve, what is going on?” You set the staple gun down and brushed your hands off on your shorts.
“Well, I was hoping we could talk, and since the groups are off doing night games together and we have a fantastic view of this sunset,” he said motioning to the view with a nod of his head. He motioned for you to come sit down by him on a log overlooking the lake.
“Okay, Steve what did you want to talk about.” You sat down next to him and nudged him with your arm.
“Well, first of all, you cannot blow me off again like you did last night,” he said pointedly. “Second I know you were involved with the upside-down.”
You stared straight ahead trying to keep yourself rooted, ignoring the internal instinct screaming within you to run away and never look back.
“Now, what you also need to know is that I was also involved. I know earlier I told you that Dustin and I go way back and everything, but by way back I mean last year when the Demogorgon’s attacked. Dustin found a baby one and raised it and then found out it was a Demo-dog, that’s what he nicknamed them since they weren’t fully grown, and I had a bat with nails in it, which is currently in my car because ya never know! Anyways, I also know that you know about Eleven. She’s the reason they went away this last time, she closed the gate that Hawkins lab made her open. It’s crazy but it happened.” Steve sighed, looking over at you to gauge how you were reacting to all of this. All he saw was a stone-cold face you were putting on and recognized it. He’d felt empty trying to deal with everything afterward on his own.
“Stella, dealing with this stuff is insane. I tried to cope with everything on my own and I found myself spiraling and I just couldn’t handle it by myself. So, I need you to know I am here for you. When you need someone to talk to about all of it, I will be there for you. I won’t force you, but please. Let me help you.”
You felt like Steve was looking straight into your soul. You felt like he could see all of the hurt you’ve had to deal with on your own. There was a part of you that wanted to just spill everything. You didn’t have access to a support system like this. The closest thing you’d had was a shitty relationship with an abusive boyfriend, and that’s saying something. Yeah, you’d made friends with a lot of the girls you went to school with, even had a few meaningful relationships. But once everything had started last year, you pushed everyone away, trying to protect the ones you loved from the horrible demons that were your reality.
Steve realized he was overstaying his welcome and got up to leave you when you stopped him.
“Steve wait,” he turned to look back at you, worry filling his golden-brown eyes. “I uh…. I don’t have anyone. You’re right, and it’s been really crappy. I uh… I’m not in a good place right now. I’m using camp to distract myself, but I really don’t know what I’m gonna do when I leave for school... Like… It will be so so good to get out of this place. Leave my real-life nightmares, ya know?” You looked up at Steve, your dark brown eyes were filled with sorrow and fear. “I just don’t think I can talk about it yet… But…. I will, I think.” 
You stood up facing Steve, you were only inches away from him. You felt your heart start to race, but wanted to take control of whatever was going on. You leaned forward a little, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for… well… being here,” you whispered, before you walked off, lighting some of the torches you had set up for when the kids got back from playing camp-wide night games.
As it turned out, a few of your kids ran into some poison ivy and were spending the night in the nurse's cabin, leaving you with what you learned was called the ‘party’. It was you, Steve, and these brave kids who had also faced the horrible things you had faced and you realized that maybe what was needed tonight was a little vulnerability. These kids needed to heal just as much, or maybe more than you did. Steve needed to heal too. You could see it as he had pleaded with you to talk to him, to let him help you, that he needed the same. Even though you wanted to just swallow the events from the past year and pretend it never happened, it was time to open that can of worms.
You knew Max had recurring nightmares. She had woken up in a panic the night before and told you so. She was finally able to fall asleep when you agreed to sleep next to her.
El was struggling. You couldn’t place exactly how, but you could see it. You knew how much she loved Mike, but she was pushing herself away from him.
Dustin was loud, but that was so that the quiet thoughts that kept him up at night didn’t get the best of him when he was around others.
Will…. Will. You weren’t even sure where to begin. When you had met him, he was just a shadow of himself. He had lost so much weight because of the Mind Flayer taking control of him. The second time you saw him, he was even skinnier. He told you what had happened replayed in his mind. How he hurt other people because of the Mind Flayer. It was eating him alive.
Lucas was just trying to stay brave for Max. He was trying to be something solid for her to hold onto when the memories and her home life came to haunt her.
And Mike. Mike had at one point or another lost two of the most important people in his life and was doing everything in his power to protect them and make sure nothing bad ever happened to them.
These six kids were holding on by a single thread, collectively, and were slipping. They tried to have fun with the other kids, but it was hard. The things they had gone through pushed them to grow up too fast. They weren’t actually kids anymore and your heart hurt for them.
The sounds of their footsteps brought you back from your thoughts.
“Hey Scout, you okay?” Dustin asked, sitting next to you by the fire. As soon as he came over, everyone gathered around the flickering flames.
“You know Dustin, I’m not.” Steve’s head shot up to look at you, confused. “Hey, why don’t we all scoot a little closer together, you know, the trees have ears, and I don’t think the trees should hear what we are gonna talk about.”
The rest of the party, Steve included, scooted together.
You started telling your story, and once El and Max realized what was happening, they were on each of your sides holding your hands, Dustin was practically sitting on Steve, although he would never admit it. Mike was next to El, and Lucas next to Max.
“Alright, so you guys know that when I moved to town, I went to an all-girls school. It was great and I made a lot of really great friends there. One of whom got an amazing internship opportunity at Hawkins Lab, which I know you are all well acquainted with.” El squeezed your hand. You send a squeeze back and she rested her head on your shoulder. “Well, my friend found out I was interested in science and helped me apply and get the same internship. One day, when we were helping clean up after some chemical experiments, we were talking and eventually started to wander around the lab. That is when I met Eleven.” Everyone started to perk up. El didn’t like talking much about what had happened at Hawkins lab, except that Papa had done terrible things, the opening of the gate, and her sisters.
“Once I realized they were experimenting on kids, I freaked, and I helped Eleven escape.” you took a deep breath before continuing, “Nothing happened for a while and I ended up quitting. I couldn’t handle being a part of such a terrible place. I kept contact with my friend who promised to keep a lookout for other kids, but she never saw anyone after El.”
You cleared your throat, looking around to see your captive audience, eyes pleading you to continue.
“A year went by, and I continued on. School was good, I was dating a really great girl and I honestly thought it was going to last forever.” You paused for a moment. Allowing yourself to remember the last person to truly have your heart.
“You can do that?” El asked you quietly, while Mike gave El’s hand a supportive squeeze.
“Yeah El, you are allowed to date boys and girls. All of you are.” you saw Will get preoccupied with his hands and Mike blushed a little bit.
Steve smiled at you and urged you to continue.
“Anyways. That’s when I found out about Demogorgons. I had met Will and when he found out I knew about the lab and El, he mentioned something was happening and that they were back, so I went out to investigate.
I was out in the woods, by myself, I know, not the best idea. And I met a boy, my age. He was handsome and charming and decided to keep me company. I didn’t tell him what I was looking for but he didn’t really care. I think the Mind Flayer knew what I was looking for because after the boy and I parted ways, I came face to face with a Demo-dog.” You shuddered for a moment. It’s millions of tiny sharp teeth in your mind as it leaped on you and made contact with your hip.
“It attacked. I know you guys saw the scars on my hip earlier today. The boy hadn’t really left and was able to scar it off, hitting it with his car. He actually helped get me to the hospital. Anyways. After that, I started pushing the people I loved away, including my girlfriend. I couldn’t let her get hurt or be faced with the evils I was then aware of. After that, Billy and I ended up spending a lot of time together.” You gave Max a half-smile, and Steve practically choked on nothing.
“Billy. Billy helped you? And then you... You guys….” Steve trailed off, wide-eyed.
This time Max gave you a squeeze of the hand and returned your little smile sadly.
“Yeah. Billy and I ended up dating. He was the only one who knew what had happened. I knew he wouldn’t think I was crazy because he saw it. Hell, I thought I was crazy….” You paused again trying to get your composure back. Anytime Billy came up, so did a whole new can of horrible worms.
“Billy and I were together for a while. I would help clean him up when Neil took his anger out on him, and Billy would help calm me down when the nightmares started. Pretty soon, the nightmares never stopped, and I started seeing these dark, visions during the day. The Mind Flayer was always there. Always telling me to do these terrible things and controlled me. I ended up going to the new Hawkins Lab trying to find out what was happening to me.” You looked over to Will, who was staring at you wide-eyed. He hadn’t known you had gone through something like he had.
“It got worse once I was back at Hawkins Lab. One time, I found myself waking up in this dark, cold tunnel that connected to the lab. I could hear the Demo-dogs in other tunnels, so I ran. They eventually caught up to me, and one of them got a good bite out of my ribcage. Then they were called away, and I somehow made it to a hospital. I think I had called Billy.
After that night, Billy said I was just looking for all this trouble, and started saying I was insane and pretty soon, we weren’t taking care of each other anymore. He was causing twice the amount of pain, and I was left to pick up the pieces. I uh, was finally able to get out of being with him when I found him kissing someone else. But, that was just a few weeks ago, and he left me with something to remember him by.”
You held out your arm, pulling up your sleeve to show deep scratches on the inside of your arm near your bicep.
“I don’t really sleep at night. When I do, it is filled with either nightmares of the upside-down, or nightmares of Billy.”
You put your arm around Max, who had started crying. After she calmed down a little, she began telling you guys about what was happening at home.
“Neil isn’t letting him leave for another month out of punishment,” she said wiping her eyes, “ and Billy has started taking it out on me, worse than before. Um..” Max started sniffing more and let out a sob, “Billy hit me before we left to come here.”
Max broke down.
You cried with her.
Will spoke up, sniffing, “The Mind Flayer is always in my dreams. I have a notebook full of what happens in them. I keep trying to get it out of my mind, but I don’t think I will ever be able to escape.” While Max was talking, Will had moved to sit next to Mike, who was now holding both of his best friends.
Next, Mike openly wept about how hard it was losing Will and El. And that even though he and El weren’t really ‘together’ together, that they would always be best friends.
After Dustin and Lucas tried to muscle through talking about their own problems they faced because of the events that had taken place, Steve finally spoke up.
“Um… I don’t really sleep either.” He said, adjusting the arm he had around Dustin, who had finally broken down and was shaking slightly. “If I do, all I dream of is what happened at the junkyard, except, in my dreams, the Demo-dogs get you all. I can’t protect you guys. In my dreams, I’m useless, watching from the sidelines as they tear everyone apart.” Steve visibly shudders, images playing behind his eyes.
“I have a nail bat in my car, and one under my bed at all times. I never feel safe. I always feel like danger is around the corner.” He swallowed loudly, and let tears slide down his face. He closed his eyes for a minute and focused on his breathing.
“Guys, I am afraid to leave. I’m afraid that if I leave Hawkins to go to College that I won’t be able to protect you guys anymore. I know you have each other, and Joyce and Hopper, but I feel this responsibility for you guys. I just… I can’t let anything happen again.”
Once Steve finished, everyone sat, staring at the fire. Max and El were whispering to you quietly, and Mike and Will were holding each other when Will spoke up.
“Hey guys, I uh, I actually feel a lot better, having talked about this..”
“I do too,” Dustin said, and the others nodded in agreement.
“Okay then Y'all, I suggest a pact.” You said turning to look at everyone, “That if we ever need to talk to someone, we can 100% go to each other. Are we all in agreement?” you asked.
Once everyone agreed, you pulled those around you closer and motioned for the others to come too.
“We are going to hug this out now, no objections” and without a signal word of dissent, everyone came in close, hugging each other tightly.
After that Steve was able to find lighter things to talk about before everyone went to bed.
“Hey actually, you guys, I don’t know about you, but these stars are amazing. I think we should all sleep outside tonight.” He looked at you, a soft smile on his lips, and wisdom in his eyes. He sure knew these kids and knew they would all need to be close to each other.
They were all so excited that they ran to get into their pj’s and grab their sleeping bags. There was a little field right next to your area that you all set up in. After whispering together for a few minutes, the kids declared that they wanted to be in a little circle with their sleeping bags. They all set theirs out quickly, leaving only two spots open next to each other for you and Steve.
Once everyone was in their bags, you went around to each of them giving them a big hug, and telling each one how proud you were of them for being brave enough to share what was going on with them. You finished with the kids and suddenly realized it was just Steve left, who was wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You smiled and embraced him in a warm hug, which lasted much longer than any of the other hugs, except for maybe Max and El, who kept you there much longer than any of the boys had.
You could feel yourself relaxing as Steve held you, and you felt a rogue tear slip out. You shifted slightly so that your face was in the crook of Steve’s neck, instead of being buried in his chest.
“Hey Steve?” you said quietly.
“Hmm” he breathed out, pulling you closer to him.
“Thank you.” You tighten your grip on him, “None of this would have happened if it weren’t for you talking to me earlier.”
Steve pulled away slightly so he could look at you.
“Well, that and some kids falling into poison ivy,” he said smiling, “It seems everything has worked out as it ought to.”
You nodded, tearing your eyes away from Steve’s to look over at the now sleeping kids. “Steve, their so young. Why did this have to happen to them?”
“I don’t know, Stella. I honestly don’t. But, I doubt any other group of kids would have been able to handle it like they have. Also…” Steve turned back to look at you, grabbing your hands. He closed his eyes for a moment as he continued, “I can’t believe what Billy did to you, and to Max. It just… It makes me so mad!” His voice started to rise in volume as he began to feel a whole new anger towards the town’s resident bad boy.
“Shhh, it’s okay... I mean, it’s not, but it’s already happened. What we need to do is make sure Billy never touches Max again. She doesn’t deserve this.” you shook your head slightly, wanting to protect the girl from what happened to you.
“Um… Stella, can I see…” he nodded to where the scratch marks are on your arm. You gave him a slight nod and held your arm out. Steve carefully shifted your sleeve up. He delicately touched the four, still angry and red marks. You closed your eyes at his touch.
Ever since Billy had gotten his hands on you, you forget what it was like to be touched softly, to be truly cared for.
You and Steve stayed up talking a while longer in your respective sleeping bags, eventually drifting off mid-conversation.
Steve was awake a little longer and watched as you peacefully surrendered to sleep. Amazed at the selflessness you possessed. He knew you weren’t ready to talk, and yet, for the sake of those amazing kids, you opened up all the wounds you had been trying to hide, including ones that you didn’t necessarily have too, but did for the sake of Max.
When Steve finally fell asleep, it was with a smile on his face.
The Demo-dogs didn’t attack in his dreams that night.
Part 4
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zephfair · 6 years
Day 15 Grimmichi ficlet
Due to RL issues I didn’t get this posted Sunday, and unfortunately I haven’t been able to finish 16 or 17 to my satisfaction. Technically, most of them aren’t to my satisfaction but these are particularly bad.
Day 15 Detective AU only this isn’t
I wanted to write some great mystery-detective tale but I ran out of time. So have this fluff.
Ichigo knew he got a lot of flak about being oblivious to certain things that weren’t directly under his nose, mostly from Rukia, but what did she know. Still, he privately considered himself a pretty smart guy who was good at picking up clues from those closest to him.
Like right after the war when he realized that Orihime was starting to develop a little crush on him. He didn’t want to say anything to embarrass her, so he treated her the same as always, just a little more carefully to take her feelings into consideration.
He prided himself on noticing it so soon because it wasn’t a week later that she asked him to take a walk alone. Ichigo suggested they walk in the direction of Urahara’s shop because he’d gotten the message that Grimmjow had a made a trip to the world of the living for one of their regular fights. Ichigo never missed an opportunity to spar with the mouthy jackass anymore.
Orihime got a funny look on her face but let him lead the way. Then she confessed her feelings for him, or rather, blurted out that she thought about him all the time and wanted to be more than friends.
Ichigo tried to let her down easily and haltingly explained that he cared about her so much but as a friend and she would always be a valued member of his friends. And she deserved someone better than him because he didn’t know if he could have feelings like that for anybody.
Then Grimmjow bellowed, “Kurosaki, get your ass in here!” from the door and Ichigo turned to Orihime. She smiled, dimmed a little by her eyes full of tears, but then she nodded and said, “I understand.”
When she threw her arms around him, he held her waist gently and let her tuck her face against his neck for a moment. “You’ll find someone who cares about you the same way,” he whispered. “Someone better for you.”
“I’m glad you have,” she dared to brush a wet kiss against his cheek and then pulled back, still smiling bravely.
Ichigo didn’t understand what she was glad he had, but he didn’t want to push her to finish her statement. He only smiled back and watched her leave.
An annoyed snort right behind him finally made him turn. Grimmjow was standing at his shoulder, arms crossed, annoyance radiating off him in waves. “What the hell was that about? You finally give in?”
“What?” Ichigo asked, thoroughly confused. “Give in to what?”
Grimmjow stared at him. “Are you serious? Your hormones? Her wiles?”
Ichigo shook his head. “You’re crazy. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“So you and little miss healer aren’t hooking up?”
“No! We’re just friends! And where the hell are you learning all these expressions?!”
Grimmjow jerked his head toward the shop. “I have nothing to do but sit and watch shit TV until you get your sorry ass down here.”
“Well, stop watching whatever it is and learn something better.”
“Stop running around with every woman you meet and making me wait and I won’t have to.”
“My life doesn’t revolve around you, you know.”
“Yeah. I know.”
Grimmjow turned on his heel and headed back inside. Ichigo wondered why he suddenly seemed pissed but decided it didn’t matter. Sparring was always better when Grimmjow had a hissy fit anyway.
After graduation, Ichigo took a part-time job at a coffee shop and it was there he met Himari. She was pretty and bubbly and way more outgoing than most of the girls Ichigo knew. She was friendly and often brought him snacks or shared when she brought extra lunch and talked about things she liked to do after work.
Then she surprised him with tickets to a concert for a band he’d mentioned he liked. Ichigo talked about it to Grimmjow the next time they met to spar.
“The concert’s next week. I think maybe she’s starting to like me.”
Grimmjow ran his hand over his face. “You really think,” he said flatly.
“I’m not usually wrong about these things,” Ichigo admitted.
Grimmjow looked like he was about to choke but he asked, “Are you going with her?”
“She’s fun and she’s nice, but...” Ichigo had thought about it. He couldn’t imagine what she would think about his double life as a substitute Shinigami. She’d probably think he was certifiable if he ever spoke about everything he’d gone through in Soul Society. No, he just couldn’t go out with someone if he had to hide so much about himself. “She’s not what I’d look for if I wanted to date.”
Grimmjow scuffed a rock with the toe of his boot and kicked it out of sight. “What’s wrong with her? She ugly?”
“No! Not at all actually,” Ichigo shrugged. “And it’s really flattering that she remembers stuff I like and all but I’m just not interested.”
“You’re a fucking weirdo,” Grimmjow informed him but Ichigo just bumped his shoulder.
“Takes one to know one.”
The bump turned into a shove from Grimmjow and then a push from Ichigo then a struggle until Grimmjow secured him in a headlock. “You calling me a fucking weirdo, Kurosaki?”
“At least we’re fucking weird together,” he choked out.
Grimmjow let him go so suddenly he stumbled. “Yeah. That,” Grimmjow mumbled and wandered off toward the ladder out of Urahara’s training ground.
Ichigo tried to politely put off Himari without actually coming out and saying it. But he did tell her that he’d be busy the night of the concert so she should find someone else to go with. She looked very disappointed but didn’t push things.
The day of the concert Ichigo looked up in shock at the last customer in his line. Grimmjow stood there, somehow looking even more punk in a gigai and all his sullen glory. His hair was slicked perfectly, his jeans were tight and his shirt was unbuttoned far too low. The girls were already whispering among themselves and taking turns staring.
“Can I help you?” Ichigo was forced to ask since everyone was watching and listening. “Sir?” he coughed out.
Grimmjow’s rakish grin was slow and very wide. Ichigo heard one of the girls let out a little squeal. But Grimmjow only had eyes for him.
He leaned over to rest his arms on the counter. “Looking pretty good, Kurosaki,” he all but purred. “Nice hat. And little dress thing.”
Ichigo felt his cheeks begin to burn. “It’s an apron, Grimmjow. It keeps my clothes clean.”
“Are you saying you get all dirty?”
“Coffee stains everything it touches,” Ichigo informed him. “Now, what do you want?”
Grimmjow shrugged and then looked behind him at the rest of the employees who were still gathered by the sink, watching. Then he smirked directly at Ichigo again. “I want you,” he said, and Ichigo looked down when Grimmjow reached out to poke his chest.
“I don’t get off for another two hours.”
“I could help you get off.” Ichigo stepped out of reach when Grimmjow’s next poke became two fingers running down his chest.
“I’m not leaving work early just to...” Ichigo didn’t want to say “fight” or “kick your ass” where his co-workers could hear so he finished weakly “do you.”
“Won’t you?” Grimmjow’s grin could only be described as shit-eating now. “I don’t know if I can wait ‘til later for you to … do me.”
Yeah, that really didn’t sound good, Ichigo winced. He risked a glance at the girls who were staring openly now and silent.
“Can I get you a drink?” he asked, trying to get the situation back on track.
“Nah, I think I got everything I need here.” Grimmjow straightened up but crooked a finger at Ichigo in a “come here” gesture.
Ichigo swallowed hard but found himself stepping up until he was pressed against the counter. Grimmjow leaned over until his mouth was right at Ichigo’s ear, and Ichigo shivered when he said lowly, “Come by Urahara’s as soon as you’re done. I got a surprise for you.”
Figured Grimmjow wouldn’t want anyone else to overhear him talk about Urahara, but Ichigo took a step back before he replied, “Sure, I’ll be over as soon as I get off work.”
“Looking forward to it.” Grimmjow gave him another smirk and a little salute and sauntered to the door.
Ichigo felt like he was sweating and his heart was racing, but he hadn’t even drunk any coffee that day.
Himari walked up and stood beside him, watching as Grimmjow left and headed down the street. “Wow,” she said in a quiet voice of awe. “Yeah, I can’t compete with that.”
“Have a good time tonight, Ichigo. You deserve it.”
Himari patted his shoulder and went back to work. Ichigo was relieved that she was so cool and not upset about him turning her down.
Then he remembered that Grimmjow had said he had a “surprise” for him, and Ichigo broke out in a sweat again.
The thoughts of what Grimmjow might consider an appropriate “surprise” haunted him. It could be anything from the a new fighting move to the spleen of one of his enemies. Ichigo really hoped it wasn’t an internal organ.
He was late getting out of work since they got slammed right before his shift ended and he couldn’t in good conscience leave them short-handed. Ichigo hurried out the door only to find Grimmjow pacing the sidewalk in front of the shop.
“What are you doing here?”
“We’re going to be late,” Grimmjow said and grabbed his elbow to propel him down the street away from the direction of Urahara’s shop.
“Hey, where are we going?”
“I told you. It’s a surprise.”
“Oh boy.” Grimmjow let go of his arm once Ichigo matched his fast walking pace. “You’re not going to give me a hint?”
“Don’t you like surprises?”
“Depends. You’re not taking me to Hueco Mundo are you?”
Grimmjow snorted. “Please. Would I do that in a gigai?”
“Good point.” Ichigo followed him in silence for a few more blocks. “Give me a hint.”
“We’ll be there soon enough, if you hurry your ass up.”
So Ichigo kept pace as they wound their way toward one of the old temple sites. Grimmjow climbed the steps easily two at a time, and Ichigo, still mystified, kept up.
There was a neighborhood festival going on, and it brought back happy memories from his childhood and summer festivals. Ichigo smiled at the kids running around shrieking their delight. Grimmjow was standing beside a booth watching him.
“Is this it?” Ichigo asked, and Grimmjow’s face fell.
“Is this it?” he repeated.
“I mean, this looks like fun. Is this your surprise?”
Grimmjow nodded a little stiffly. “You said once that you had fun at festivals when you were a brat.”
“I wasn’t a brat,” Ichigo argued automatically. “But yeah, I did.”
“And there are fireworks later. You said you liked fireworks,” Grimmjow said defensively.
“Cool,” Ichigo said and felt himself smiling. Grimmjow rolled his eyes.
“What do you even do here? It looks like it’s just kids screaming and eating disgusting foods.”
“Well, you’re not wrong. Come on, I’ll show you.”
Ichigo enjoyed himself that night showing Grimmjow around the traditional games and foods of the festival and laughing at his poor attempts to fit in as a human. There were the promised fireworks, too, which were a small display but colorful. Ichigo noticed Grimmjow watching him out of the corner of his eye so he bumped him and smiled.
“Thanks. This was fun.”
Grimmjow humphed at him and bumped him back.
They left after the fireworks and walked aimlessly in the general direction of Ichigo’s home and the shop. After such a peaceful and relaxing evening, of course it was his shitty luck that they would run into two Hollows that were also apparently out for fun that night chasing the ghost of a teenage girl through a park.
Grimmjow cracked his knuckles with glee. “You take the one on the right? I got the left.”
It was over all too quickly. Garden-variety Hollows held no challenge at all for either of them, even with Grimmjow in his gigai. Ichigo slapped his badge to his chest and stepped out in Shinigami form so he could finish the Hollows with his zanpakuto.
One solid swipe took down his opponent then he turned to watch Grimmjow. He was bouncing and bobbing like he always did when he was enjoying a hand-to-hand fight, and Ichigo was going to yell at him when he went in for a killing blow.
Only Grimmjow pulled it just enough at the last second and it knocked the Hollow down. Then Grimmjow grabbed it under the appendages that could have been shoulders and dragged it toward Ichigo. “Here,” he said, throwing it down at Ichigo’s feet.
“Gee, thanks,” Ichigo said.
“I can still kill it,” he warned and Ichigo got the message, ending it with his zanpakuto. Then he turned to where the ghost of the girl had been but she was gone, probably still running in fear, he thought. He’d have to remember to come back and talk with her.
“Well that was fun,” Grimmjow dusted off his hands.
“Yeah. We should do this again sometime.”
“If you want.” Grimmjow was looking at him closely. “Or were you talking about Hollow hunting?”
“Both,” Ichigo said and Grimmjow grinned broadly.
Ichigo started to put the pieces together after that. The new thoughts haunted him all night. He wasn’t sure exactly what to do about it, but figured that maybe his friends could help.
It didn’t take away from his enjoyment of his and Grimmjow fighting the next day. While they lay panting on the ground of Urahara’s bunker, Ichigo asked, “Got any plans for tonight?”
Grimmjow lifted his head. “Nah, I was going to head back to Hueco Mundo after this. Why?”
“I just wondered if you wanted to hang out tonight.”
“Really?” Grimmjow’s face did something that Ichigo’d never seen before, but he said, “Yeah. Why not.”
“Great, we’re getting together at Orihime’s. Meet me at my place at seven.”
“Oh. Who’s gonna be there?”
“Everyone, even Rukia. She got a couple days away from Soul Society.”
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?”
“Why not?”
Grimmjow indicated himself with a little wave, but Ichigo said, “Nah, no one will mind.”
Grimmjow settled back down and stared up at the dome above. He didn’t say anything else so Ichigo left when he’d got his breath back.
Although Grimmjow showed up early, it certainly seemed like he was in a mood. He practically snarled when Ichigo appeared and his shoulders went higher and tighter the closer they went to Orihime’s.
Ichigo finally stopped outside her building asked, “What the hell crawled up your ass and died?”
“Nothing. We doing this or not?” Grimmjow stuck out his jaw like he was expecting to get hit.
“Come on,” Ichigo was completely exasperated but he led the way up to Orihime’s door. Chad and Uryu were already there, and although they looked surprised, neither said anything about Grimmjow.
Then Orihime popped her head out of the kitchen. “Hello! It’s nice to see you again, Grimmjow!”
He grunted in reply and threw himself down on a chair. Ichigo wasn’t sure how to cover up his rudeness but tried. “You’re not trying to cook for all of us, are you?”
“No, no,” Orihime assured, and behind him, Uryu and Chad let out relieved sighs. “Our special guests want pizza so we’re ordering in. I’m just putting together a special surprise for dessert!”
“Oh. Great,” Ichigo said weakly. “Wait, did you say special guests? Who’s coming?”
She smiled brightly at something behind him, and he whirled to find “Rukia! Hey, Renji! Wasn’t expecting to see you!”
“Good to see you, Ichigo,” Renji slapped his shoulder. “It was a wonder Rukia and I could both talk our way into getting a couple days off at the same time.”
“Glad you did!” Ichigo smiled at him and so he saw when Renji noticed Grimmjow.
“What the hell—”
“Be cool,” Ichigo hissed. “He’s here with me.”
“Oh. That’s—really? Damn, I owe Rukia money.”
Ichigo was lost. “What? Why?”
“Come on guys, we’re trying to decide what we want on our pizzas,” Orihime called to them to join the others.
The evening was not a great success, Ichigo thought. The others basically ignored Grimmjow except for Orihime who tried to go out of her way to include him to no avail. Grimmjow didn’t make it easy on them. He sprawled, he snarked, he picked his teeth, he was just generally obnoxious.
When the others voted to watch a movie, Grimmjow said he’d had enough and was leaving. Ichigo was torn for a second but decided to stay with the group.
After he left, Ichigo said, “I think I know what’s going on.”
They all turned slowly and stared at him.  Ichigo pressed on, “I think he’s missing his Fraccion. Maybe he’s decided to recruit more. But don’t worry I’m not going to fall for it.”
There was a long, long silence. Uryu and Orihime looked at each other. Renji opened his mouth and shut it. Chad reached out and put a hand on Ichigo’s shoulder. Rukia said gently, “Ichigo, you poor dumb bastard, how have you survived this long?”
“What? What!”
“Go talk to him,” she commanded. Ichigo started to interrupt but she kept on. “If one of you doesn’t man up and confess soon, there will be hell to pay.”
“I don’t understand,” Ichigo said.
“Obviously,” she gave an unladylike snort. “Now go find him and tell him what you just said. And listen, really listen to what he says back.”
Ichigo looked around the room but there was no moral support forthcoming. “You should go,” Orihime agreed.
“Fine, but we’re only going to end up fighting,” Ichigo huffed and left for Urahara’s.
He let himself in, wondering if Grimmjow was even still there. But he was, leaning against the door frame of the room he used, but Ichigo could tell his lounging calm was forced.
“What are you doing here? Why aren’t you with your friends?”
“I think we need to talk. Well, I don’t but there was a general consensus that I needed to come talk to you.”
“About what?”
“I’m not exactly sure.”
Grimmjow stepped back and let Ichigo into the room, shutting the door behind. Ichigo looked around but there was no place to sit except the bed, so he sat there. Grimmjow remained standing while Ichigo tried to explain what he’d told the others and why he’d begun to think about the way Grimmjow was treating him.
“You really are a dumbass,” Grimmjow told him when he was done.
“But true.” Grimmjow peeled himself off the door frame and swaggered across to him. “It’s a good thing you never tried to be a detective because you’re shit at solving mysteries.”
“What are you talking about?”
“First, the healer, she’s been in love with you since way before she was in Hueco Mundo.”
Grimmjow ignored him. “Second, that other girl, the one you work with, she liked you from the first day she met you.”
“You’re crazy, you don’t know—”
“Yes, I do know because you can’t manage to tell when someone likes you, even when they’re standing right in front of you!”
They were both breathing hard now, winding up toward a usual fight, Ichigo thought, until Grimmjow suddenly deflated. And Ichigo’s mind whirled.
“Wait a second,” he said slowly. “Do you mean...”
“I’m standing right in front of you,” Grimmjow ground out.
“You are,” Ichigo said. “But how… why...”
“I don’t even know why,” Grimmjow said sarcastically. “It sure as hell isn’t because you’re Sherlock Fucking Holmes.”
“How do you even know this stuff?” Ichigo said idly but he was staring up him. “You really like me?”
“I took you to see fireworks,” Grimmjow said. “I shoved myself into this meat suit to go to your work place so they’d know that you were off limits.”
“Wow,” Ichigo said. “You’re kind of bad at this too.” Then at Grimmjow’s snarl, he said hurriedly, “I didn’t mean last night. That was actually a lot of fun and I enjoyed it. Being out with you. And the fireworks. I meant you coming into work and acting like— Oh. Were you trying to make them jealous?”
Grimmjow turned his face away so Ichigo went on, his heart doing a weird jump when he began to realize. “I think they were more jealous about you. Two of them kept asking me about your hair and if your body was as good as it looked in those jeans.”
“What’d you tell them?”
“I told them it was even better. And oh.” Now Ichigo was putting the pieces together faster. “You really do like me.”
Grimmjow rolled his eyes. “I even willingly sat through a dinner with humans, a Quincy and not one but two Shinigami.”
“But you were such a dick, even for you.”
“The Shinigami were all over you. The big red one’s lucky he still has both hands.”
“Holy shit, you really do like me!”
Just like that the penny dropped and the scales fell from his eyes. It was like replaying all his interactions with Grimmjow through a different filter, one that let him see that although Grimmjow was always acting like a dick still somehow it was his way of showing interest in Ichigo.
In a weak voice, Ichigo admitted, “I thought all this time you just wanted to fight someone strong.”
“I do,” Grimmjow swaggered closer. Ichigo looked up at him. “It doesn’t hurt that I also wanna fuck him.”
Grimmjow settled right on his lap which was weird given the size difference but Ichigo wasn’t about the complain when he got his arms around Grimmjow and his mouth on his. Grimmjow held his head in his big hands and ground his hips a little closer as he straddled Ichigo. Ichigo forgot how to breathe for a while.
When Grimmjow started kissing down his neck, Ichigo gasped, “How long?”
“How long is what?” Grimmjow’s voice in his ear made him shiver uncontrollably.
“How long have you liked me?”
“I’m not answering that. But definitely longer than you’re thinking. Dumbass.”
As Grimmjow claimed his mouth again, Ichigo had to admit that yeah, he kinda was. But now that he was all caught up, he was going to enjoy it.
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feimaginethat · 7 years
Black -- female Robin and Gaius, please.
“Andthat concludes our meeting for today.”
Robintucked her papers away as everyone exited the small room, tucked uphigh in the castle. “Robin.” She turned to see Chrom holding oneof her heavy tactics books. “You left this in my room last night.Robin took it from him, smiling gratefully. “Thank you, Chrom.”He smiled back and patted her head, “Mm, no problem, don’t belate for dinner.” Chrom waved goodbye before exiting.
Robinbegan erasing the chalkboard,letting her thoughts wander. And when she turned around to clap outthe eraser, she was face to face with a man a full head taller thanhim. He pushed her roughly against the wall. “Sorry sweetheart,nothin’ personal.” Robin gathered up all of her strength andshoved him away, ducking before a razor sharp knife just barelymissed from slicing her neck apart. Robin dashed over to the ovaltable and snatched one of her tomes from a pile of papers and books.“Don’t move! I’ll hurt you!” She flipped it open, feeling themagic aura radiate of of its pages. “What’cha gonna go,sugarplum? Throw it at me?” a cocky smirk appeared on his handsomeface. He hadn’t even taken a full step forward when Robin hit himwith a small, weak strike of magic that burned off half of hisshoulder armor. “Take another step and I’ll be burning much morethan simple armor.” The man dropped his smirk, making Robin feel afleck of pride. He held his hands above his head, “Just execute menow, please.” Robin inched over to the door, before shoving itopen. “Guards, come quick! An assassin!” Sheyelled down the hall.
Aguard pulled Robin out the room, before dashing into the room toassist his partner. “Nice meetin’ ya, sugar.” the man winked asthe guards dragged him down the hall. She breathed a sigh of relief,slumping down on the ground. “I’ll have to make a note…”Robin wobbled into the room, grabbing a piece of paper. “Bar allwindows”
“We’vebeen at this for hours, we should allow him a break.”
“Whyshould we allow him a break when he just tried to execute mytactician?”
Chromglared into the eyes of the man across from him. Gaius, he said hisname was. “Well boys, don’t talk about me like I’m not here.”a light grin was pasted on his face. “You’re in no place tosmile, assassin.” Fredrick said icily. Chrom pounded his fist onthe table, “Tell us who you work for!” His tone held a dangeroustone, like he was just barely resisting the urge to murder Gaius onthe spot. “I’ve told you, I’ll only speak with the tactician.”Gaius leaned back in his chair, resting his chained hands on thewooden table. “M’lord, perhapswe should allow him to-” Chrom shot him a harsh look. “Absolutelynot. Robin’s been through enough.” Chrom’s face filled withpure anger as he remembered how bitterly Robin cried into his arms, arare sight for the usually pragmatic girl. Chrom stood up, “You’relucky it’s us who’s in this room. There are some who would killyou on the spot.” He pulled open the heavy prison door, walkingaway with Fredrick in tow.
  Gaiuswas lightly dozing, when a zap of electricity woke him up. He openedhis eyes to see a certain white-haired tactician. “I heard youwished to speak with me.” Her eyes bored into Gaius’ soul, makinga chill run through his body. “Correct. I’m sure I’ll beexecuted, so I’ll answer anything you ask. Considerit compensation for your troubles.”He leaned back in his chair, trying to appear nonchalant. Robinsmiled, but it wasn’t a kind smile, it was a smile of purebemusement. Like he was a toy.
“Whodo you work for?”
“Noone, but I was hired by the Plegian Royal Army to assassinate you,sugarplum.”
“Doyou have anything personally against me?”
Gaius’face soured. “Ah, looks like you do.” She locked gazes with him,her eyes glinting with curiosity. “Stop look at me as if I’msomething you wish to snack on.” He avoided her eyes. “What doyou have against me?” She repeated, leaning closer. Gaius alsoleaned closer, trying to intimidate. It didn’t work. “You’verazed whole villages to the ground, you’ve killed so many peoplelike me, you.. you killed a dear friend of mine.”He spat, tears threatening tospill from his eyes.
“Where’dyou get that information? From a Plegian general?”
“Yeah,not sure why that matters.”
Robinnodded, “Thank you, forsomeone who tried to murder me, you don’t seem half bad.”
Shestood up, walking to the door. “And now,I have to attend a meeting deciding what to do with you”Robin smirked and left, leaving Gauis with his thoughts.
“Ibrought you something.”
Robin’svoice roused Gaius from his sleep again. Sunlight was flitteringthrough the small, rectangular window far above him head. “Oh yeah?Let’s see it then.” Robin dropped a book onto the table. “Thoughtyou might get bored, enjoy yourself.” She said, leaning against thedoor. Gaius started to laugh, “This is a joke right?” He slidthe book back towards her. Robin looked at him in confusion. “I’ma peasant, peasants don’t read.” Gaius yawned, “Or, morespecifically, peasants can’tread.” Robin’s face reddened in embarrassment. “Of course… mymistake.” She grit her teeth. Robin tapped her fingers lightlyagainst the table. “Then I’ll teach you, until the councildecided whether to execute you or not.” Gaius’ eyes widened inconfusion. “What’s your game here, tactician?” Robin’s smirkreturned, “You may call me Robin,” she pulled out a loose pieceof paper from her satchel, “Perhaps I’m just toying with you, butto be honest, I’m not quite sure.” She pulled out a pencil. “Ifeel drawn to you, odd as it might sound.”
“Thef-f-ox jumps over the lazy do-g” Gaius read aloud. Robin clapped,“Impressive.” After a couple weeks of teaching and a ruling oflife in prison, Gaius had began to read full sentences. Gaiusblushed softly, “Guess I’m just a genius.”
Gaiuscoughed, “You know, even if I’m locked in here till I rot, I’mglad to have this time with you.” Gaius avoided Robin’s eyes. “Ifeel the same…” She took a deep breath. “But you won’t be inhere much longer.”  Hiseyes shot up. “What?”
“Italked to Chrom, he’ll allow you to join our army.”
Gaiussneered, “As fond as I’ve grown of you, I’m still not keen onthe fact that you go around murdering my friends.” his palms curledinto fists. “Ah, about that..” Robin placed a couple sheets ofpaper in front of him. “This is a log, full of everything our armyhas destroyed. Signed by the new Plegian king and Exalt Chrom.”Gaius snatched the papers, reading through them, “There’s onlytwo things on here, gangs of criminals and a Plegian statue.” Gaiuscommented, realizing that hehad made a mistake. “I guess you aren’t so bad, Robin.” He slidthe papers back over. “Alright then, I’ll join your army.”Robin smiled, this time being a smile of happiness. “Wonderful,I’ll tell Chrom immediately.” Gaius leaned closer to Robin. “Whatare you doing, Gaius?” She frowned, but didn’t move away.“Consider it a gift.” he pressed a kiss to Robin’s forehead.Her face turned bright red. “So that’s how it is.” She planteda light kiss on his lips, barely touching them. “I guess I wascorrect.” She grinned. “There wasa reason I felt drawn to you.”
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