yeesiine · 10 months
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goalsdigger · 5 months
Z rana podskoczyłam do lekarza po skierowanie na tarczycę (3 miechy temu miałam złe wyniki) i zarejestrowałam się do ginekologa. Wysprzątałam fiata i chciałam mu kupić zimówki, ale ojciec mówi, „nie kupuj, najwyżej dacię Ci pożyczę” to nie kupuję i najwyżej dacię sobie pożyczę. A mój plan by przerzucić się na rower i pkp też odpada, meh. Pieniądze na paliwo idą, ale chociaż na opony zostają w kieszeni. Potem umówiłam się na brwi (wołają o pomstę do nieba, bo zapuszczam by je wyrównać), do fryzjera (powtarzam ostatnią koloryzację) i na laminację rzęs. Idealnie przed Sylwestrem, bo idziemy na bal! Następnie zarezerwowałam sobie jazdy i zapisałam się na wewnętrzny egzamin teoretyczny. Chuja umiem :D Potem aplikowałam do roboty jako hostessa i czekam na odpowiedź żeby wiedzieć czy przekładać laser. Obdzwoniłam też inne oferty, ale albo nieaktualne albo potrzebują kogoś z kutasem blablabla. Poszukałam info na spotted, bo zgubiłam dowód, ale zero odzewu. Popołudniu posprzątałam chatę i zainspirowana @lekkotakworld upiekłam brzydkie cynamonki xD (zawsze wszystko pięknie wychodzi, ale jak mam robić zdjęcia to wypieki nagle wyglądają jak gówno). Następnie pojechałam morsować, bo pogoda do tego idealna, a po tym drążki, bieganie, pływanie i chusty. Biorę się do nauki i za rysowanko. To był zajebisty dzień!!
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Kcal: 1520 (B: 83 W: 183 T: 48)
Aktywność fizyczna:
-Drążki nachwyt 3x4, pompki odwrotne 3x8
-Bieganie 20 minut
-Pływanie 20 minut
-Aerial yoga 1 h
+ćwiczenia od fizjoterapeuty
Wytuptane: 12 tyś. kroków
Wypite: 2 l wody +4 kawy, w tym mocha, 3 sezonowe herbaty
Pospane: 6 h (1-7)
Nawyki: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ / ✓ ✓ 
Wyzwanie rysunkowe: 19 - a mushroom, 20 - a place you would like to visit
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honeycombhank · 1 year
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Jumped rope for 51 minutes tonight
Felt incredible
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penahana · 11 months
Kunci Jadi Ahli
Kita memerlukan sebuah latihan selama 21 hari untuk bisa memiliki kebiasaan/habbits baik. Kita perlu waktu 90 hari untuk merubahnya menjadi gaya hidup. Dan butuh waktu 10.000 jam terbang, agar kamu bisa ahli/expert dalam satu bidang. Rubahlah mindsetmu. Kelak, kamu akan merasakan manisnya perjuangan setelah menghabiskan waktu 10.000 jam terbang. Sekarang berjuanglah, tetap konsisten terhadap apa yang jadi bidang kita!
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stareastsea · 1 year
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Yizhan sharing their habbits 💚❤
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lebaised · 4 months
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csmsdust · 1 year
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I have a small jar on my desk where I just add new ideas, things I want to do more research on, books to read... So whenever I am bored and don't know what to do I can look for something in there.
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zenwords · 2 years
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I’ve consumed most self-healing books, but my body and heart is still in pain. Why? Healing is about feeling, not about thinking. Reading uses your ability to understand things at the intellectual level, but most healing happens at the level of experience. It is important to realize that the way you have reacted to what you have felt in the past gets imprinted into your subconscious, these imprints get hardened into habit patterns that impact your thoughts and behaviors. What you find in the long-term is that you end up reacting in similar ways that you have in the past. Undoing these reactions and learning how to live in a new way is truly a long journey that starts when you enhance your ability to feel and let go. Reading can help illuminate what is happening within you but healing requires presence between you and yourself. Bringing your attention inward and letting yourself feel your reality is the basis of a lot of healing modalities. Reading should be a source of information and inspiration, but it should move you into bringing a healing practice into your daily life. What made a drastic difference for me was serious meditation – going to retreats and then bringing meditation into my daily life. Meditating helped me break old habit patterns and helped me build new habits that are more aligned with presence and peace. There are a lot of different techniques that can help you heal, you have to find what works for you. — Yung Pueblo #healing #thinking #habbits #patterns #thoughts #behaviors #lettingGo #yungPueblo https://www.instagram.com/p/ChxEDKmOrVU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fur-paradises · 7 months
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babytomatosworld · 1 year
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xxrabidbonesxx · 10 months
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Healthier habits consist of:
eating healthier. I don’t eat the best and half the time I under or over eat, I want to not only choose healthier things to consume like more veggies and fruits but also be on a normal diet instead of limiting myself on my intake.
Exercise daily. Work on my whole body workout and stay consistent with it along with getting more cardio into my every day.
High genetic consistency. I don’t wash my face every day and sometimes I skip out on showers but I want to change that. Doing these things everyday is key to having a better healthier life and body.
Tattoos and a new hair cut: I have 6 tattoos already and they are not small but I want to be blasted from head to toe with tattoos and I just want to keep working on it.
Side note: I also want to finish up my ear piercing and maybe get two more face piercings I already have 11 piercings but I do want more. I did finish stretching my ears not to long ago to 20mm
New wardrobe:
I want a cleaner style, I want cloths that fit me and not cloths that are 3+ sizes to big for me I also want to cut down on wearing band tee’s because that’s my whole wardrobe at this point
Top surgery & weight loss/ muscle gain
I already started the process of top surgery, hopefully I’ll be getting it in the next 6-10 months. I have my consultation coming up next month so wish me luck!
Weight loss/ muscle gain
Weight loss I’ve always struggled with. At one point I was underweight and then extremely over weight. Now I’m at a healthy weight for my hight (6’1) but I would like to loose another 15/20 lbs and gain some muscle to help me be more comfortable and confident in my own skin.
✨now that I’m moved out, this is my glow up era✨
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
So I haven’t talked very much about being autistic on here. I’m technically not officially diagnosed, but 3 of my therapists have suspected it, it’s just takes time and money to get the official paperwork and such.
But from my last two posts, you guys can probably tell I happy stim a lot. I used to hide it more cause I thought it was embarrassing. But my boss lets me stim at work which is helpful. I sometimes hide it at home or with new people cause I don’t want to weird them out. But I’m gonna try to verbally describe some of my most common stims.
So first, and most commonly seen in autistic people is the “flappy Hands” I do that with either open palms to closed fits. Next one I call the “rocking chair” I either rock front to back, or side to side. Sometimes I combine flappy hands and rocking chair.
The next two I call my bunny stims. The first is I bounce up and down on my tippy toes. The second is I scrunch my nose up like bunnies do. I do that one when I find something too cute to express in words.
Right now because I have a shaved head, I like to pet my head because it feels like a hedgehog and it’s very calming and soft. But when my hair grows out I like to play with my curls since they’re really soft and bouncy.
The next one I do is shaking my head back and forth. I call it my “dizzy” stim cause it makes the room all blurry like when you go super fast on a roller coaster. This is usually also combined with my nose scrunching stim.
Because of my septum piercing, I do my “duck lips” stim, where I purse my lips and play with the jewellery by wiggling it front to back. This is the most addicting one, I’m pretty sure if someone watched they could catch me doing it in my sleep.
The next one I call “the fly” cause sometimes flies rub their little hands together like Disney villains do, but I do that with my feet. Kinda like how crickets rub their body parts together to make noise. I also do little finger taps.
This one’s really weird and it freaks people out when they see it. And it’s really hard to describe, but I can kinda do the worm with my second toe. My toes are hypermobile so I basically push down on my toe until it dislocates then pops back into place. And it looks like it’s making a wave motion. It’s not the best stim cause it’s probably not good for me, but it feels funny and I do it subconsciously.
Another stim I for sure have to stop, but I’ve been doing it since I was little, so it really hard to. When I get super excited, I bit things. Normally I try to bite the collar or hem of my shit. But if I go for my sleeve, often times I miss and just end up biting myself. And I bite my thumbs and for fingers a lot. Never hard enough to hurt too bad, but I have drawn blood in the past.
But I think that’s all of them. That I’m aware of at least. There’s probably a bunch of shit I do that I’m not conscious of.
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An: I got deja vu writing this, and that’s a feeling I hate more than anything in the world. It’s awful and it makes me feel icky and paranoid
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dinukarandul · 1 year
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle long-term is a commitment that requires dedication, perseverance, and consistency. While it may seem daunting at first, living a healthy lifestyle can become a natural and enjoyable part of your everyday routine with the right mindset and approach. In this post, we will discuss some strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle long-term.
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tibic-contant · 1 year
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thinkingwithviolet · 1 year
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People don't understand how difficult is for some people to create new routines. We are so used to our old ways, that we are always failing to keeping up with new changes. That's why I've given up so many times I can never keep up with new changes, something always happen to make me give up.
So let's start a new routine and stick with it for the future me, because it will bring joy and purpose to my life.
Cheers to new beginnings people!!!
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vagzagdigitals · 1 year
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Intermittent Fasting.!
Eat for a certain period every day, see great results in the long run!
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