#how can I leave them alone now... T.T
cnl0400 · 4 months
Hard Lesson 39
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Mephisto doesn't like the tree in my room... He just doesn't get It, I have It for the cottagecore vibes :((
(It doesn't really have bugs for all I know.... O don't want to find out about Devildom bugs, I would have cut that tree myself)
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suddencolds · 3 months
The Worst Timing | [3/?]
part 3 (6k words)!! you can read [part 1] here! (it gets worse before it gets better). this chapter is more character-centric (sorry again 🙇‍♀️). i wanted to post this before work eats me alive this week T.T
this is an OC fic - here is a list of everything I've written w these two!
Summary: Yves invites Vincent to a wedding, in France, where the rest of his family will be in attendance. It's a very important wedding, so he's definitely not going to let anything—much less the flu—ruin it. (ft. fake dating, an international trip, downplaying illness, sharing a hotel room)
It’s fine, until it isn’t.
Yves gets home, showers first (only after Vincent insists that he shower first), heads out into the living room, and shuts off the lights. The lights in the bedroom are still on, bleeding in from the doorframe. 
His head hurts. Every part of him feels cold. He burrows deep into the covers on the pullout bed, rearranges himself until he finds a sufficiently comfortable position, and shuts his eyes. 
Tomorrow, he’ll be away for most of the afternoon—with the wedding rehearsal, and then the rehearsal dinner with the rest of his family—and Vincent will grab dinner and drinks with some of Genevieve’s friends in the meantime. Yves will probably be home late. They won’t see each other for the entire day—at least, until he gets back from dinner some time in the late evening. 
Everything for the wedding is ready. His suit jacket is ironed, his shoes polished; his speech has been written for weeks and rehearsed first alone, and then in front of Leon and Victoire, who’d told him how to make it funnier (Leon) and more concise (Victoire). Two days from today, Aimee and Genevieve will be married.
All he has to do, now, is just see it through.
Yves wakes up coughing.
He feels distinctly wrong. His head is throbbing. His limbs feel strangely leaden, like they’re weighing him down, like it’d be a considerable inconvenience to move them—he isn’t sure if he’d be able to sit up properly.
He presses a hand to his forehead, in an attempt to gauge whether he’s running a fever. It’s no use—his hand is warm and clammy. He can’t tell.
Fuck. This is not good. 
One wrong breath leaves him coughing, harshly enough that the coughs seem to reverberate through his frame. His throat burns. He reaches blindly through the dark in an attempt to find one of the waters he’d bought yesterday night, at the convenience store. Had he left a bottle on the nightstand? Or had he gotten rid of the one he’d drunk from last night? His breath hitches, so sharply that he has practically no hope of holding back.
“Hhehh’YISHh-CHHiew! hhHEHH’iIDTSSHh-iiEW!”
The sneezes tear through him with little warning, leaving him flushed and shivering. It’s not warm enough in the living room. He doesn’t know if it’s the air conditioning in the room, or the relative thinness of the blanket he’s under, or if perhaps the window is open just a crack, or if perhaps he just hasn’t been moving enough to get warm. He’s not sure he could pinpoint the cause if he tried.
The only thing that seems evident to him, now, is that he feels immediately, uncomfortably cold. He could get out of bed and look for something to wear—he hadn’t packed any thick jackets, because Provence in March isn’t especially cold, but even one of the dress jackets would be better than nothing, so long as it’s one of the ones which can withstand getting a little wrinkled.
But when he sits up—or, rather, when he attempts to sit up—he feels the world tilt, uncomfortably. He braces himself on the frame of the couch, propping himself up with one arm up on the armrest. 
He definitely has a fever, even if there’s no way for him to verify that right now. Otherwise, it would be strange for him to feel so cold. Even now, only half-vertical, he finds himself shivering so hard he can barely move the blanket back up to sit comfortably around his shoulders.
One wrong breath sends a painful twinge down his throat, and he finds himself coughing, gripping the armrest tightly to keep himself upright. He should get out of bed. He should find water, put on a jacket, make an attempt to get back to sleep.
For now, all he can do is muffle the coughs as best he can into a cupped hand. His chest aches with every cough. Every breath he takes in feels like it only manages to irritate his lungs further.
Through the haze of his exhaustion, he thinks he hears footsteps. The knowledge that he’s keeping Vincent up is the last thing he needs, right now. 
Through the crack under the doorframe, he can see the line of light from the hallway, which is lit even at night. Maybe if he’s going to be up anyways, he should spend the night out in the hallway—at the very least, he’ll be a little quieter out there.
Someone presses a bottle of water into his hands.
“Drink,” Vincent says. “It’s uncapped.”
Yves brings the water to his lips and takes a short, tentative sip, and then another. His throat is sorer than it had been yesterday—the water burns against the back of his throat as he swallows.
Vincent steps past him, past the edge of the couch, to do—something. Yves doesn’t know what. He hears a click, and the lamp on the cabinet by the sofa flickers on, floods the living room with dim yellow light. Vincent regards him carefully, his expression unreadable.
“Sorry,” Yves says. The next breath he takes in exacerbates the tickle at the back of his throat, and he twists away, muffling cough after cough into a tightly cupped hand. “I didn’t mbean to wake you.”
Vincent’s eyebrows furrow. He looks… upset, somehow, though the light is dim enough that his expression is hard to make out. Yves tries to think of what else he should say, but his head feels heavy.
He tries to re-cap the bottle of water, though his hands are shaky enough to make it a little difficult. Vincent takes the bottle from him and screws the cap tight in one fluid motion. Yves tries and fails to think of something to joke about.
Vincent presses a hand to his forehead. His hand is comfortingly warm, and a little calloused. It’s strange, how good it feels to be touched—he knows and knows well that it means nothing, but the gentle press of Vincent’s fingers to his skin—when he’s spent the past few days trying to keep his distance from everyone—is strangely comforting. Yves leans into the contact, despite all logic.
Vincent pulls away, too soon. “You’re—”
“Warm?” Yves finishes for him.
“Feverish,” Vincent clarifies, with a frown. “Did you already know that?”
“I had a hunch,” Yves answers, honestly.
Vincent just stares at him, for a moment, frustration evident in the set of his jaw. Yves repositions the blankets over his shoulders, a little self-conscious. “It’s fide. I’ll take something for it,” Yves says. “You should go back to sleep.”
“We slept early,” Vincent says. “I’m not tired.”
“What time is it?”
Vincent glances at his watch. “5:34.”
“That’s still early enough that you should be asleep.” Yves sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. His head hurts, and there’s a prickle in his nose again. “Sorry. I can be quieter.”
His breath hitches. In a frantic attempt to keep his promise, he lifts the blanket to his face and stifles—or, rather, attempts to stifle—the sneeze into the fabric.
“hh—! hhEHH’NGKTSHCH-iiew!”
It’s still not very quiet, despite his best efforts, and the attempt to stifle leaves him coughing a little. It’s a good thing they’re not sharing a bed, he thinks. He hasn’t exactly been careful about keeping this illness to himself.
“Bless you,” Vincent says, rising to his feet. He ducks into the bedroom, only to be back a moment later with a box of tissues, which he tucks into the crook between the pullout bed and the sofa armrests, conveniently in reach. “Was it like this last night?”
“Were you unable to sleep last night?”
It’s not an accusation, but Yves freezes at the question, nonetheless. For a moment, he worries—that Vincent knows precisely how little sleep he’s gotten since they landed in France. That Vincent was awake last night—or worse, that Yves was the one who kept him up—which is why he’s asking this question now.
But if he knew, wouldn’t he have said something about it yesterday? 
“I slept fine,” Yves says. 
There’s a cold breeze coming in from somewhere—from the hallway, or from one of the air conditioning vents, he can’t say. Yves tries his best to suppress a shiver. He can tell, by the change to Vincent’s expression—the way Vincent’s eyes linger on him a little too long—that he doesn’t do it well enough.
“You should really have taken the bed,” Vincent says, with a sigh. “It’s warmer.”
“It’s warm here too,” Yves says. There probably wouldn’t even be a problem if he weren’t feverish—it’s just the relative temperature difference that’s making him shiver. “Are you goidg to stop interrogating me ndow?”
“If you stop giving me reasons to be worried,” Vincent says plainly, “Then I will.”
Yves sighs. He’s cold, and exhausted, and he wants this argument to be over. He doesn’t want to have to justify all of this to Vincent, who should be enjoying this vacation instead of worrying about Yves and whatever cold-slash-flu he’s managed to pick up this time. “This is not the first time I’ve been under the weather,” he says. “I—” he veers away to face the opposite direction from Vincent, pulls the blanket up to cover his face. “hHeh-!-hHEHh‘nGKTTSHH-iiIEw!”
“Bless you.”
“—I kdow what I’m doing, snf. I don't even feel that—hh… hHheh'iiDDZZCHH-iIIEW!” The sneeze comes on too quickly for him to stifle. “—that udwell,” he finishes, sniffling, though that’s not entirely truthful. He lifts an elbow to muffle a few coughs into it, blinking through the tears that are surfacing, irritatingly, in his vision.
“So you’ve said,” Vincent says.
“Yes,” Yves says. “You can trust me on this.”
Vincent looks at him for a moment. For a moment, Yves waits for him to refute this, waits for him to point out just how unprepared he is, just how little of a plan he has aside from sticking this out until he has the chance to crash and burn.
“What do you need?” he says, instead.
Yves blinks at him. It’s not the question he expects Vincent to ask.
“Nothidg,” he says, honestly. “Seriously. It’s just a cold. I’ll take somethidg for it when I wake up.”
“Cold medicine?” To Yves’s nod, Vincent says, “I can get it for you, if you want.”
“No need. I’ll probably just — hhEhh-! HhEHh’IITShh-iiEW! Ugh… I’ll pick somethidg up from the codvenience store on the way to breakfast.”
Vincent turns aside to muffle a yawn into a cupped hand. Yves is unpleasantly reminded that he’s probably the sole reason why Vincent is awake right now.
“You should sleep, seriously,” Yves says, insistent. “Maybe you’ll be able to squeeze in a few more hours of sleep before sunrise. I’ll be okay.”
Vincent blinks at him. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay,” Vincent says, softly. 
Then he stands, sets the bottle of water on the cabinet by the sofa, switches off the lamp, and heads back into the bedroom. Yves listens as his footsteps recede. His sinuses are starting to feel like they’re slightly waterlogged, and the pressure from behind his eyelids is back, throbbing.
The tickle in his nose heightens, momentarily, and he finds himself muffling another set of sneezes into the bedsheets. He desperately hopes it’s quiet enough to not be disruptive. It’s hard to be fully quiet when whatever he has leaves him sneezing so forcefully, but he’s determined to try. 
The coughing fit that follows leaves his throat feeling like it’s been nearly scraped raw. He clears his throat quietly, though that hurts, too. He takes another small sip of the water, though it goes down his throat with such difficulty he finds himself coughing again.
Two more days. He just has to make it through. He’ll grab a pack of cold and flu medication from the convenience store downstairs—the kind that’s supposed to smother all the symptoms—and then he’ll be good as new, he’s sure.
Yves shuts his eyes, turns to the side, and tries his best to get comfortable. He’ll be less disruptive if he’s asleep. It’s just getting there that’s the problem. He’s exhausted—that fact only seems to become more evident the longer he stays awake—but every time he finds himself drifting off, he’s jolted awake by another untimely sneeze which wrenches him back into consciousness.
In college, whenever he was up unreasonably late for some reason, Erika used to tell him to Stop worrying, Yves, I can hear you overthinking from the other side of the room. Ask anyone else and they’d say that Yves has his life reasonably put together—being the eldest of three does that to you. He’d spent his formative years growing up trying to be the sort of person Leon and Victoire could lean on—the kind of person impervious to the sorts of stressful situations he’d gotten regularly thrown into—and for the most part, it’d worked.
He’d learned, early on, that it is not really that difficult to keep things from people. He likes to think of himself as reliable, even if that means that whenever something does come up—something that feels frustrating and insurmountable—it doesn’t really hurt any less when he goes through it privately.
Erika had always been good at seeing through his bullshit. It was one of the things he liked about her—that he could lean on her if he needed to, without worrying that it’d take its toll on her. That she’d take a look at his problems, which always felt so all-consuming in the moment, and make them seem simple and solvable and almost trivial.
It’s hard not to miss her, now, when he’s alone in the dark, devoid of any and all distractions. Or maybe it wasn’t her. Maybe it was just having someone he didn’t have to hide from.
Yves wonders, faintly, what Vincent would’ve said if he were more honest with him. He and Vincent aren’t actually dating, but he thinks maybe Vincent would understand. He thinks that they’ve been getting along well, as of late—he might even consider them friends.
But then again, hasn’t Vincent agreed to do all of this—lying to Yves’s friends and family, falsifying their relationship, letting Yves drag him from one celebration to the next—because it’s easy? Because he is willing to tolerate going to a party, or a housewarming, or a wedding, where there are no strings attached, when after the night is over he can drop the act cleanly?
It’s a lie that they’re telling, but it’s a self contained one. The moment they step foot out of whatever event they’re attending, there’s nothing left to pretend. Yves can go back to living his own life, and Vincent can go back to living his. Would Vincent really have agreed to do any of this if that weren’t the case? 
It’s going to be fine, Erika would have said. Just breathe. She’s not around to tell him this, now, but he still tries.
The medicine will be enough to get him through today, and the day after. It has to be.
When Yves falls asleep, it’s the kind of restless sleep that sits somewhere in between unconsciousness and wakefulness. He dreams in fragments of scenes—him at Aimee and Genevieve’s wedding, the details hazy and illogical and unusually bright, the weddings he’d been to in the past all superimposed into one.
When he wakes up to the sound of his alarm, it’s to a pounding headache and what he’s certain must be a fever. He can’t seem to stop shivering. It’s already bright out—the curtains in the bedroom are pulled shut, but light streams in from the sliver of space between them.
He feels too cold and somehow entirely devoid of energy, though he doesn’t remember doing anything particularly tiring. Sitting up makes the throbbing pain in his head sharpen, so painfully that he has to grip the side of the couch to steady himself, blinking against the dizziness. If Aimee saw him right now, he thinks, she’d send him straight home—he’s in no state to attend a wedding, and he’s not sure if he’s in any state to pretend that’s not the case.
He breath hitches. He raises an arm to shield his face, habitually, even though there’s no one here to witness—
“hhEhh-’iZZSSHH’Iew!” The singular sneeze is, unfortunately, far from relieving. The tickle in his nose is irritatingly persistent, even when he reaches up to rub his nose, which is starting to run. “Hh-! hhEH-!! HEHh-’IDDZSCHh-yYew! hHEHH’iDDSCHh-iEWW!hhEhH-! H‘IIDzZCH-YIIIEEew! Ugh…” The sneezes scrape unpleasant against his already-sore throat, leaving him hunched over as he muffles cough after cough into his arm.
There’s a small packet of cold medicine on his bedside, along with an uncapped bottle of water, and Vincent is nowhere to be found. The medication is a relief. It’s strangely thoughtful—a part of him is a little worried that Vincent’s only gotten this for him out of a sense of obligation—but he’s grateful for it, nonetheless. 
It’s exactly what he needs. Surely if he takes something for this, his symptoms will be, at the very least, tolerable enough for him to function as usual.
He picks up the packet, squints down at the instructions. The text is inconveniently small, and he’s always been better at speaking French than he is at reading it, but he gets it eventually. It’s supposed to last six hours. If he times this right, he can take a dose that will last him until the end of the rehearsal dinner tonight, and then—if he’s not feeling better by tomorrow—take another before the wedding starts. 
It will be fine. He uncaps the bottle by the cabinet, downs two pills, squeezes his eyes shut, and sits there for a minute, forces himself to breathe, waits for the uncomfortable pressure in his temples to subside.
Then he shoots off a quick text—
Y: thanks for the cold meds :)
Y: sorry i essentially left you with some strangers (again)
Y: this seems to be a theme for me huh
Vincent texts him back just a few minutes later:
V: No problem. I hope you feel better soon
V: Leon and Victoire invited me out for lunch
Yves blinks. That’s a little surprising. But come to think about it, Vincent’s plans with Genevieve’s friends aren’t until dinner time, so it makes sense that he’s out doing something else.
His second thought is: he is definitely in for an earful from both Leon and Victoire.
Y: jealous! have fun! 
His phone buzzes not long later with Vincent’s response.
V: I considered waking you, but I figured you could use the sleep
V: Do you want me to bring anything back?
Sure enough, when he checks his unread texts, Leon has texted him, are u alive????? And then, a few minutes later, ur sick? dude worst fucking timing ever 😦, to which Yves types back, thanks for your glowing reassurance
Victoire has sent him, vincent told me you’re sick :((( and, feel better soon (preferably before 3pm tomorrow!!), to which Yves says, thanks, fwding this to my body. hope it gets the message ✌️
Then he sends back to Vincent:
Y: i’m good, but thanks for asking! enjoy lunch 
Vincent doesn’t say anything, to that, which means that he’s probably busy. Yves makes a note to thank him in person later. And again, much later—when all of this is over.
He just has to get the next day and a half to go according to plan.
The wedding rehearsal is mercifully uneventful. They walk twice through the processional, and then twice through the recessional. Yves picks a seat near one of the back rows, shivers through thirty minutes of run throughs, and tries to cough as discreetly as he can. He stifles every sneeze into a vague approximation of silence—he’s never been good at stifling—and does his best to ignore the mounting congestion in his sinuses, the persistent ache behind his temples.
It's easy enough to ignore all of those things in his excitement. He’s happy to be back—here, in France, surrounded by his whole extended family A part of this still feels unreal to him. He’s really here, in a place that feels familiar and simultaneously so novel, to watch someone who’s influenced him so fundamentally get married. 
They’re all dressed for the spring weather. For the wedding rehearsal, Yves picked out a gray blazer over a dress shirt, chinos, and dress shoes. It’s not quite as formal as what he’s planning to wear tomorrow—the shoes are the only item he’s planning to rewear—but he finds himself distinctly grateful for the blazer jacket when the wind threads through the trees, knocking his tie slightly out of alignment.
It’s not unusually cold out—this would probably be considered temperate weather here, in March—but the wind is cold enough to offset the otherwise agreeable temperature.
The cold medicine helps, too—it keeps him feeling well enough to stay upright, which is already an accomplishment. He’s congested—his sinuses hurt a little, like everything’s a little waterlogged—but at least he isn’t sneezing as much as he was last night. His head still feels heavy, but the pain is a little duller, a little more muted; he’s tired, but he thinks right now he could stay awake on pure adrenaline alone.
“Dude, you sound awful,” Leon says, after the rehearsal ends.
“Thadks,” Yves says, muffling a fit of coughs into his elbow. “You always kdow just how to flatter me.”
Leon looks him over with a frown. “Are you sure you’re good for tomorrow?”
Yves doesn’t know. “Let’s hope so,” he says. “I don’t have any contingedcy plans for if I’m not.”
“I’m sure Aimee would understand if you told her.”
“I’m sure she would.” Yves looks over to where Aimee’s standing—she’s in the middle of a conversation with Yves’s parents and some of the adults on Genevieve’s side of the family. He’s too far to make out what she’s talking about, but she looks happy—she’s gesturing animatedly, her eyes bright. Every so often, he sees her flash a smile at Genevieve, as if to make sure Genevieve is following along.
Leon seems to understand that Yves has no intention of telling either of them, because he sighs. Yves changes the subject before he can say anything. “How was ludch with Vincent?”
“I like him,” Leon says, brightening at the question. “He’s surprisingly pretty funny. I hope you guys stay together.”
“Just because he’s funny?”
“That certainly doesn’t hurt,” Leon says, grinning. “But you work with him, right? If he’s a nice person while he’s looking at like, tax forms, or whatever, he’s probably a great person when he’s doing anything else.”
“Yves! Leon!” someone waves them over. When Yves turns, he sees it’s Roy, one of his younger cousins from his dad’s side of the family. “Pictures!”
“Coming,” Leon shouts back. 
Yves has no idea why there are pictures happening today when the wedding is tomorrow, but he fixes his tie hastily and heads over to join them both.
When dinner rolls around, Yves finds he has no appetite, but he eats what he can and spends the rest of the time making conversation with some of his aunts and uncles. He’s always found this kind of small talk to be more enjoyable than it is tedious. They ask about his job, about his workload, about life in the states, about his parents, about Vincent—all things that he knows intimately, and has no problem speaking on. He thinks that speaking in French makes him a little more deliberate with his answers, partially because he has to spend some time formulating the sentences when they get more complicated, and he likes that, too. It has all the camaraderie of a family gathering—warm and crowded, welcoming, a little chaotic.
He finds Genevieve after dinner, sitting out on the steps.
“Hey,” he says, in French. She looks up, and he motions to the steps beside her. “Do you want some time alone before you get swamped with codgratulations tomorrow, or can I crash your alone time early?”
She smiles up at him. “You can sit here,” she says.
He takes a seat on the steps—a few feet away from her, because he doesn’t want to risk passing whatever he has onto her. He doesn’t know Genevieve very well. He knows her best through Aimee—through the stories Aimee has told about her, through the way Aimee’s entire disposition seems to change around her—but he’s exchanged very few words with her outside of that, all over the summer during their yearly family reunions in France. His extended family is large enough and the family reunions hectic enough that he can probably count the number of conversations he’s had with her in person on one hand.
“So,” he says. “How are you feelidg before the big day?”
“Do you want the good answer, or the honest answer?”
“The honest one,” Yves says. “hit me with it.”
For a moment, Genevieve doesn’t say anything. Yves zips his jacket up a little higher, just to have something to do. Genevieve pulls her legs in towards her chest.
“I’m terrified,” she says.
“You think somethidg might go wrong?” Yves asks, surprised. “You guys have planned this all out so thoroughly.”
“It’s not that,” she says. “It’s more like—this is probably going to be one of the most important things I’ve ever done,” she says. “You know, when something is really important to you, so it’s just that much more crucial that you don’t mess it up?”
“You’re the bride,” Yves says, clearing his throat. “I don’t think you can mess up. Unless you like, hheh-! hHheh… HEH’IIDZschH-YIEEW! snf-! Unless you get cold feet and say no when you’re supposed to be saying your vows. I wod’t forgive you if you do that, by the way.”
She laughs. “God, no. I’d never do that. It’s just—there’s all this perceived… I don’t know. Like, fragility around the moment. Like you’re just waiting for the moment to crystallize, and once it sets, it will be like that forever, so you have to make sure that it crystallizes right.”
“I’m guessing you’re ndot a fan of, like, pottery,” Yves says. He tries thinking about what other kinds of art carry the same lack of tolerance for backwards revision. “Or sculpting.”
“I haven’t tried either of those things,” she says. “Though I would probably be bad at them.”
Yves looks off into the distance, towards the countryside, the rows of verdant green hills which unfurl before them, the white cobblestone paths, the houses lining the winding roads all the way to the horizon.
“I think you don’t have to be so concerned about what it’s supposed to be,” he says. “You can give yourself permission to just—live it. Enjoy it, free of expectations. Who cares what you think about it after, right,” he says. “You’ll have a ring on your left hand. That’s good enough to offset any—well, awkwardness, or clumsiness, or anything, because as the bride, you are sort of incapable of doing anything wrong, by default.”
“I guess,” Genevieve says.
“It’d be a disservice to Aimee if you spent the wedding worrying about how to get things right idstead of like, just living,” Yves says, turning to face her. “What’s the worst that could happen? Like, you spill your drink during the wedding toast, or your mascara smears a little, or you trip on your wedding gown and you have to be helped up by the woman you love most? I think that almost makes it more romantic,” he says. “Because however the moment crystallizes, it’ll be you.”
“Did you learn all of this through pottery and sculpting?” Genevieve asks, wiping at her eyes. She looks a little better than before—she’s sitting up straighter, and the tension in her shoulders is less pronounced.
Yves grins at her. “I have a younger brother and a younger sister,” he says. He clears his throat again, though it doesn’t really do a good job at making his voice sound less hoarse. “It’s exactly as bad as you think it is. I have to be the one to talk them out of their stage fright like, all the time.”
Genevieve laughs. “It must be lively,” she says. “Your whole family is very accommodating.”
“They’re certaidly a handful,” Yves says, with a laugh that tapers off into a short cough. “I love them to death. And I’ll be happy to have you as part of them.”
She smiles at him. The evening light strikes the windblown strands of her hair gold. “Thanks for this.”
“Yeah,” he says. “No problem.”
They sit for awhile in silence. Yves crosses his arms in an attempt to conserve warmth and tries his best not to shiver too visibly.
“How did you kdow it was her?” he asks—a sudden, impulsive question.
As soon as he says it, he feels the urge to take it back. Genevieve is already stressed out enough about the wedding without him asking her difficult, abstract questions the day before the ceremony. He opens his mouth to apologize.
“There was never any doubt,” she says.
When he looks over at her, her expression looks a little wistful.
“Like, one day I woke up and I realized that whatever future I imagined for myself—in Marseille, or elsewhere; as a copywriter, or a journalist, or a director, or something entirely different—she would always be there.” Yves understands that—back when he’d been dating Erika, he’d felt like that too. That she was going to be the last person he’d ever date. That there was no conceivable future for him that didn’t involve her.
“Those kinds of revelations would come at the most insignificant of times,” Genevieve says. “I’d look over her halfway through morning coffee, or I’d watch her pick groceries from the aisle, or I’d watch her fiddle with the radio as she drove, and then it would strike me.”
“That you wanted to be with her?”
“That I was happy.” Genevieve tilts her head back to face the setting sun. “I’m really happy. It sounds like such a simple thing, and it is, but even a few years ago I’m not sure if I could’ve told you that that was true. And I think that finding someone who makes you feel that way—like they’d guard your happiness under any circumstance—is really something special.”
“You were the one who proposed to her,” he says. He remembers Aimee texting him about it, the night after it’d happened, remembers how he’d excused himself from dinner somewhere or other, ducked out of the room to get on call with her. She’d sobbed recounting it, the engagement ring on her finger.
“I was,” Genevieve says. She smiles. “I knew that if I gave up this chance I’d be kicking myself for it for the rest of my life.”
When he gets back from dinner at last, it’s late.
The cold/flu medicine he took from earlier is starting to wear off. His whole body aches—spending the evening outside in the cold probably didn’t help with that—and even in the relative warmth of the hotel room, he finds that he can’t stop himself from shivering.
He takes a hot shower, which feels pleasantly indulgent in the moment, but not long after he shuts off the water, he finds himself shivering again. The absence of the hot water makes him a little dizzy—he finds himself gripping the tiled wall, pausing for a moment behind the shower curtain to catch his balance.
His head really hurts. It’s the kind of sharp, throbbing pain that makes him all too aware of his heartbeat. He gets changed, towels his hair dry, and steps out of the bathroom.
Vincent is sitting on the bed, reading something. He must’ve gotten back at some point while Yves was showering. At the sound of the door, he puts the book down and looks up.
“How was the wedding rehearsal?” he asks.
“Great,” Yves says. He clears his throat, but clearing his throat irritates his throat enough that he has to muffle a few coughs into his elbow. “How was dinner with Genevieve’s friends?”
“They were very nice,” Vincent says.
“Ndicer than my friends in New York?”
“I felt less like I was being evaluated,” Vincent says, with a smile. “But if they were to express their disapproval of me in French, I would be none the wiser.”
Yves laughs. “I’mb sure that even if you learned the ladguage in full, you wouldn’t hear any disapproval from them.” He takes a seat on the couch, if only because he can’t quite trust his legs to keep him upright for the entire course of the conversation. “What did you guys talk about?”
“Lots of things. Life in France,” he says. “Life in the states. Individual freedom and the formal institution of marriage.”
“Do you believe in mbarriage?”
Vincent looks at him. “I think I believe in it just as much as everyone else does,” he says. Then, after a moment: “It worked out for my parents.”
“The busidess competition proved to be a good edough reason?”
Vincent traces a finger down the spine of the book, over the gold lettering. His shoulders settle. “They weren’t in love when they got married,” he says. Hearing him state it so plainly comes as a surprise to Yves. “Strictly speaking, I’m not sure if they ever were in love. But I think they came to love each other eventually.”
“What about you?” Yves asks. “Do you think you’ll fall in love someday?”
“Is that really something I’d choose?” Vincent says. “It either happens or it doesn’t.”
“Sure, but there are plenty of ways you can seek out love actively.” 
“If I found something worth pursuing, I’d go after it,” Vincent says.
Yves laughs. “That’s very like you.” he wonders what kind of person Vincent might be drawn to enough to see as worth pursuing. Wonders if, after all of this is over, he’ll even be in Vincent’s life for long enough to know.
His head hurts. The slight prickle of irritation in his sinuses is already tiringly familiar.
“hHEh… HeHh’IIDZSCH-yyiEW!” The sneeze snaps him forward at the waist, messy and spraying. He reaches for the tissue box Vincent left him this morning, still nestled into the crook of the couch, and grabs a generous handful of tissues. “Hh… hehh-HEh-HhehHh’IIzSSCH-iEEw! Hh…. HEHh’DJSCCHh-IEew!”
The sneezes leave him coughing, afterwards. His throat feels raw and tender—he raises the tissues back up to his face to blow his nose.
“You sound worse than you did last night,” Vincent says, with a frown.
Yves opens his mouth to speak, but he finds himself coughing again. He can feel Vincent’s eyes on him. It’s embarrassing, he thinks, to be seen when he’s like this by someone who’s usually so well put together. “I’b a little prone to losidg my voice when I’m sick,” he admits. “It’s pretty incodvedient.”
“I’m probably not making it any better by talking to you,” Vincent says. That might be true—Yves is half sure that any time he does lose his voice, it’s because he typically makes no effort to converse any less than usual—but Yves likes talking to Vincent. Besides, they haven’t talked all day. 
He opens his mouth to say as much, but then Vincent asks: “How are you feeling?”
“Good as new,” Yves says. When Vincent raises an eyebrow, at that, he amends: “Good enough for tomorrow, at least. The ceremony doesn’t start until three, but I’ll probably be up earlier to see if there’s anything else Aimee and Genevieve ndeed help with.”
Vincent’s eyebrows furrow. “If anything comes up, I can help.”
“It’s fine,” Yves says. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“You don’t have to ask. I’m offering.”
“I can handle it on my own. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, I— hHHEh’IDJZSCHh-yyEW! snf-! I’mb really fine. I swear.”
“I’ve done this before,” he insists, which is true, too—he’s certainly been through worse. It would be wrong to put himself first, to take things easy when he might be needed still. “It doesn’t have to be your problem.”
For a moment, there’s something there, to Vincent’s expression—a flash of something that looks suspiciously close to hurt. Then it’s gone. When he blinks, Vincent’s expression is carefully neutral, as usual. He wonders if he’d imagined it.
“Okay,” he says. He sets the book gingerly on the bedside counter, and pulls the cord on the lamp. Darkness engulfs the bedroom. “You should sleep soon, if you’re able to.” A pause. The rustling of sheets. “Goodnight.” Yves wants to say something. He has a feeling that he’s messed things up, somehow, though he’s not entirely sure how. 
But what can he say? He just—he just wants, desperately, for all of this to be okay. He wants the wedding to go just as planned, wants to be as present and as reliable as Aimee deserves for him to be. All of that responsibility falls on him and him alone, doesn’t it? 
“Goodnight,” Yves says, instead.
[ Part 4 ]
108 notes · View notes
broken-freedom · 2 years
• that blind date •
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Eren X Reader 
Word count: 6.6k 
TW:  Semi-public teasing - Oral sex (f → receiving) - Fingering - Use of toys -Edging - Hints of pegging - Unprotected penetrative sex - Anal - Double penetration - Creampie and Cum play if you squint. 
A/N: I don't know how I ended up writing all this, I just wanted is to write a switch. Also, this is not proofread don't come at me T.T
With a low husky voice he asks “remember what the safe word is?” …
You stare at his full blown pupils, a faint trace of green is left in them from how much anticipation is boiling inside of him. 
“Yea … it’s red” you answer him, almost whispering and grabbing tighter at his wrist that he is using to hold your thigh close to his chest. 
He leans forward staring down at your face with a smirk blasted on his face, then moves his head to the side to whisper in your ear, hot breathing tickling your skin making you shiver at the sensation “good girl, don’t forget that, ok?”.
He gets back up getting ready to start what he plans to do with you, grabbing back the strap-on with the hand that wasn’t holding your thigh, “see, having this around is dangerous, but wanting to use it on me is even worse baby. You are about to know why in just a few moments” … 
He hugs your thigh close to his chest and moves his hand to grab the lube bottle  pouring an enough amount of the sticky liquid on the strap-on, coating it fully with. Your whole body jolts when you feel his cold finger coated with lube being pressed against your tight hole, the sensation is strange when his finger massages the area in circle motions then starts to slowly push it inside. Little by little, you are being stretched out by his digit, and when he feels no resistance he adds another, then starts to scissor his fingers fully preparing you on what he wants to do with you. You gasp at the loss of sensation when he pulls his fingers out only to replace them with the rubber head of the strap-on slowly pushing it past your walls to help you adjust to the size of the hot pink rubber cock. You feel tears filling up your eyes and you are drowning in this new sensation. Then it hits you and you realize something “W- wait Eren this is the wrong hole!”. He answers you with a smirk and pushes the strap-on further inside “oh? is that so?” Your eyes widen but you are even more excited now. This is not what you had in mind at all. You wanted to be in control, hell you had all control but when did you lose it? Yea, that’s right you lost control the moment you walked inside your apartment with Eren trailing behind you an hour ago…
“He is the sweetest guy. I’ve known him since we were literal children and he always looked after us. He is ummm passionate I will say, but so sweet. You won’t regret it I promise!” Sasha said one last time trying to convince you to go out on a so-called date. You looked at her with a raised brow “fine! But one shot is all I’m giving you and you are never to set me up with random guys ever again!” She nodded a few times more than necessary, excited that she succeeded in convincing you to go out with her friend.It has been months since your ex shocked you saying that he wanted to break things with you. You thought you two were doing well until one day he came to you saying he got an offer in another city and he didn’t want to be in a long-distance relationship. You were so confused and had no idea what made him change instantly. But it does not matter, does it? You would never beg someone to stay in your life. Instead, you chose to go with the option of focusing on yourself, your career, and your friends.
Do you want to try dating again? No. Will Sasha leave you alone tho? That would never happen as long as you are single. “You need to get laid, woman!” is what she tells you every time you talk about being frustrated. And she has a point, you can’t connect with a toy no matter how good it makes you feel or how many times it can make you reach your climax. And you are not the person who would hookup with random guys. It was when Sasha suddenly started nagging you about going out with her friend from childhood. She mentioned him briefly to you during your college years but never again, until you became single. It seems like he was away in another country seeking a degree and now he is back. No harm in trying, right? You’ll have something to do instead of watching your favorite show for the millionth time and stuffing your face with ice cream, plus you’ll get Sasha off your back.
So you found yourself getting ready on a Saturday night, and for some reason you decided to go all out. You haven’t done this in a while so you just might woo the guy right? He was taking you to a fancy restaurant so dressing up is the least you can do. Now you didn't understand why Sasha wouldn’t show you a picture of him. “It takes away the surprise element if you already know what he looks like!” what a torture! You checked your outfit one last time at the full length mirror, and sprayed Coco Chanel on you. You are dressed in an off shoulder red dress hugging your figure in all the correct places showing off an enough amount of your cleavage without being too sluty. The slit in the dress stopped at the beginning of your thigh adding a little more spice to this dress and giving you more room to walk your legs. A black pump heels adored your feet with a silver anklet matching the silver simple jewelry around your neck and wrist. Styled your hair in curls and fixed the bangs on your forehead to complete the look. You nodded in agreement on how you look and headed out of the apartment with the only cue to your date that he is going to be weaning a red necktie.
You eyed the exterior of the restaurant in awe. Why would your date, blind date, be in such an expensive place? A blind date in a place like this didn’t make sense at all? The honk behind you broke the train of thoughts that was running full speed inside your brain. “Text me if you need anything!” Sasha shouted through the rolled down window. You turned around with a worried look: “This doesn’t seem right Sasha this place is expensive!” You pleaded with your eyes. “Look, there is nothing to worry about, you are in safe hands I promise!, and if anything happens I will be close by just text me and I will come to your rescue. Now go! Don’t make him wait longer, he texted me saying that he got here a few minutes ago.”
You took a deep breath to steady your heart beats and proceeded to the restaurant's entrance. The doorman was waiting for you and held the door open so you could come inside, greeting you professionally. The moment your eyes landed on your date after you told the server your name to take you to him was the moment you realized why Sasha insisted on showing you no pictures. You did not expect him to be this handsome at all. Big eyes with long eyelashes, thick eyebrows, sharp nose and plump lips that appear to be so soft, sharp jaws that add masculinity to his beauty. His brown hair was slicked back perfectly and your wild thoughts ran a few ways that you can mess that up. He is dressed in a nice black suit with the red necktie confirming that he is your date, which he kept adjusting every two seconds. You took your time studying his movements from where he could not see you, and noticed his constant hand movements. He did play with the hem of his jacket too many times, looked at his wrist watch too many times, and rubbed at his temple too many times for the short time you were admiring his beauty from afar. “Is he nervous? Oh this is going to be fun” you thought to yourself forcing yourself to start walking towards the table that he is seated on. 
When you came closer to the table and introduced yourself, he shot up standing pumping his knee hard on the table in front of him. His eyes involuntarily went down to your chest engraving the way your dress hugged your figure in his brain before they shot back up to your face. He took your hand in his gently shaking it. “I am Eren, Sasha told me so much about you, please allow me” while he circled the table to get your seat for you, helping you sit down. When he sat back at his seat, he couldn’t contain himself bluntly blurting out “Wow, you are beautiful!” you giggled before replying to his praise “you are not so bad yourself.
Your date was going so well, Eren was easy to talk to. He is a good listener and also very attentive, noticing your every movement and the way you talk. The conversation flowed between the two of you. A few laughs here, encouraging comments there carrying the night smoothly. You don’t know if it was the glass of wine you had that made you relax or was it Eren himself that made you feel safe enough to be your true self around him.His glass of wine on the other hand did not help easing his nervousness at all. He tried his best to conceal the tension that was building up every time his eyes landed on your lips, or rather your chest that was being hugged so tightly by your dress. The hair on his nap stiffen when your hand accidentally brushed against his, and you were well aware of his reaction. His hand came to loosen the tie around his neck giving him the tiniest comfort and he shot you an awkward smile.
You wanted to see more of these reactions that you thought were so adorable, when a menacing idea shone inside your head. Under the table concealed by the table’s covers, you took off your heel and lightly stroked his leg with your bare toes a couple times before stopping to see how he would respond. The way his eyes widened and he looked at you with a questioning look while swallowing a few times to regain his composure. You bit your lower lip amused at his reaction, eyes glowing under your eyelashes. When you saw his eyes glowing, lips parting from each other in both anticipation and excitement, you are back on your mission, slowly working your way up his ankle and finally slipping in between his knees. You suddenly got conscious and wanted to retrieve your foot when you felt him spreading his legs for you, welcoming your foot in between, and inviting you to go even further. You looked at him watching how his cheeks and the top of his ears are painted scarlet . His gaze is fixated on the plate in front of him with one of his hands covering his mouth, and the other grabbing tightly at the edge of the table. You push your foot between his legs slowly stroking the inside of his thigh. You were concentrating on your movement not to overwhelm him, but also trying to act normal for the eyes surrounding the both of you by keeping your hands busy with your food.
The more you stroked him, the redder his face got, and it was so faint but you sure did hear a desperate plea leaving his mouth. You looked up at him to see his pleading eyes, encouraging you to keep going. You let go of the fork and intertwined your fingers underneath your chain losing yourself in his forest green eyes. One miscalculated stroke and you feel it, you feel the hard bulge in his pants. Your eyebrows raise to your hairline thinking that you were just teasing and not believing how sensitive he is to be this hard just from stroking his leg. “Please” you heard his plea again before you felt his hand wrapping around the ankle that you had extended in between his legs and pressing your foot firmer on his crotch. The whimper that left his mouth struck your core. The tiny moan was music to your ears and made heat rise to your face as you felt Eren’s hand drawing shapes on the bare foot that was resting on his hard cock with his eyes squeezed shut. Your gaze met with his when he opened his eyes and as if you two communicated your thoughts without talking you retrieve your leg and slip on the pump standing up and excusing yourself to the restroom. You asked a passing waiter where the restrooms were located and they guided you to the correct way. 
You pushed past the crowd and when you got to the golden doors of the restrooms you snickered “of course it is one of those fancy restrooms that fit a whole party inside of them” thinking to yourself opening the door and slipping inside. You stood in the middle of the restroom mesmerized by the fact that there is a freaking red velvet armchair inside of the freaking restroom. Just before the door clicked close, Eren’s fingers slipped and stopped it, letting himself in after you and locking the door behind him. You were quick to move when you saw his reflection in the mirror walking towards you and you pushed at his chest until the back of his knees met with the armchair and he was forced to sit down. Both your hands came to hold his knees, spreading them apart. Your hands glided up his thighs and you whispered lowly for his ear to hear “I would like to take care of this situation we have here” fingers lightly brush against the fading print on his suit pants. “But first … I want to put that pretty mouth to good use, yea?”
You were answered back with an enthusiastic nod from Eren’s head before he circled his arms around your thighs and brought you closer to his face “use me however you see fit, princess.” his hands then dipped inside your dress through the slit and started stroking the bare skin of your lower thighs reassuring you, emerald eyes looking at you from underneath his long lashes motivating you to take the next move. His hand started pushing your dress up your thighs making room for his hot mouth to trace kisses on your soft skin. You feel more confident when you look down and see Eren looking at you. You pinched the hem of your dress in between your fingers and lifted it up to your waist revealing your lacy underwear to Eren’s hungry eyes. You felt dizzy under his gaze. The way he looked at you with glossy eyes filled with anticipation made you feel wanted. That’s it, the exact feeling you were craving and looking for all along. Being wanted and desired. But when he moved to get closer to your center after placing a few kisses on your thigh, hot and wet tongue poking out of his lips, you stopped him by placing your hands on his shoulder and pushing him back for his back to press against the chair. “I am in charge here, pretty boy. Stay back for me ok?” He nodded twice and spread his legs wider giving you room to settle between them, both of his hands rubbing against your thighs encouraging you. You stood on your knees on either side of his thighs that were resting on the armchair bringing yourself closer to his face and asking him to dart his tongue out. He came closer to your center steadying your form by holding your thigh, and started with tiny kitten licks on your skin. You sighed from the sensation of his tongue on your skin, one hand coming to lace in his hair messing up his perfect hairstyle, and the other placed on his shoulder.
When Eren’s pace started to pick up, he moved one of his hands to hook the finger on your thong and paused to look at you silently asking for permission to proceed. You gave him a tiny nod encouraging him, and he pushed the material to the side revealing your already soaked cunt to him. His eyes glowed at the sight of your witness, but you gave him no time to say anything, wrapping your fingers around his locks and shoving his face where you needed him the most. You moaned, slight lewd whimpers leaving your throat when you started to slowly grind your hips on his face. Hot mouth darting out to help you use him properly tasting the sweetness of your slick on his tongue. You were dazed, drowning in bless, hips moving in a steady pace riding his face where his tongue dragged in between your folds and his nose pumped your clit. You hear him mumbling against your cunt “tastes so sweet” and you tease by slowing your movement for a little bit. His eyes shot up looking at yours and you heard his plea asking you for more. Your witness covered his mouth and chin while he lapped at your throbbing pussy with all eagerness, but you did not miss the sensation of his finger pressing against your walls pushing you closer and closer to the edge. He pumped his finger in and out of your cunt before he added another. The way your walls clenched against his digits gave away that you were close, so close to hitting your climax, and Eren was just there to push you over the edge. “Eyes on me, please …. I want you to look at me” His voice soothingly guided you before he hiked his fingers just enough to brush against the spongy spot to intensify the pleasure and wrapped his swollen lips around your clit to suck on it. The sight of his face half buried between your legs, half-lidded eyes looking up at your flushed face. tightened the knot inside your core even tighter right before it snapped, making you spill your release on Eren’s lips, chin and overall covering his face, and your legs started shaking. He slowed down the movements of his tongue and fingers on you helping you calm down after your intense orgasm. He caught you in his arms as you tried to catch your breath, and when you looked at him, you saw him grinning at you with rosy cheeks “was that good for you princess?”. His voice dripped with sweetness as he helped you get up and captured your lips in a sweet kiss for the first time. You tasted yourself in his lips before your tongue darted out dominating the kiss and taking the lead against his “Oh it was so good, Ren. Your turn”. He waved you off telling you that he’ll calm down in a moment, and you got slightly disappointed because you were ready to see him, and hold him in your hand. The few strokes you gave him from under the table already told you that he was above average, but you wouldn’t believe it until you see it with your own eyes. He helped you clean up , placed your thong back in place, and cleaned his face before holding his hand for you to take so you could go back to your table. 
As he pulled over at the entrance of your apartment building, you asked him to go around the building where the parking lots are. His facial expressions exposed his confusion for a split second, but he obeyed nonetheless following your directions. After he turned off the engine of his car, he turned to face you. “So now what?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. You giggled as if your intention was not clear “now we go inside” you told him and you were answered with a smirk you saw his lips form for the very first time. Your brain ran laps while you led him to your apartment. You led with one single thought in your brain that made the familiar heat return to your center. You always wanted to do this, you even have the proper “tool” for it, but you never had the chance to use it. But it all changed with the tall brunette, who appeared willing to do anything you wanted to see you pleased, trailing behind you. The closer you got to the apartment, the redder your face became to the thought, and the more eager you are to follow your plan.
The shy trembling boy who had his face drenched with your slick an hour ago snaps as soon as the apartment door is closed behind him. He leans on it with a devilish smirk for a moment eyeing you up and down stripping you off your dress with his eyes. When you finally calm down your thoughts and turn to look at him, you are met with dark lustful eyes with a faint green left in them. “E- Eren? Are you ok?” you ask him in a concerned tone when you see him just standing there and staring at your form making you feel naked even though you are fully clothed. His hands shrug off his jacket and loosen the necktie, move to slowly roll up the sleeves of his button down shirt as he kicks off his shoes. You’re shocked when you hear all the shyness in his voice being replaced by a deep husky tone a little above whispering “ you had your way up until now, and it was fun, now let’s see if you can keep up with mine, pretty girl” and slowly starts walking towards you. You take a step back startled by the sudden change in his voice tone, and even the way he looks at you with hungry eyes like a wolf who has been starving for so long and finally caught his prey. 
He closes the gap between the two of you, hands cupping the dip of your waist, and dark eyes staring down at you, he leans brushing his nose on the side of your neck, breathing your scent, and when he gently bites the shell of your ear you press your legs together in response. He notices and likes the reaction he is drawing from you, it is his time to learn your reactions and what produces more of them by taking the lead.  He wraps your hands around his neck with his own around your thighs from underneath the dress. He picks you up with ease, strong muscles in his arms flexing under his shirt making his veins pop. He walks the short distance to the couch holding you in his arms and sits down with you straddling him, your dress is barely doing any good at covering your legs at this point while his hands intrinsically hold your waist. You push your chest to his and lean for a kiss, and he lets you. Hungry messy lips moving against each other swallowing every moan and whimper. Eren pushes you down, your hips meeting his so you can feel him again. He mumbles between your lips that he doesn't have a condom, "it's fine, we don't need it" you reassure him before pressing your lips agains his soft ones. This time he wants more, he needs more, but for now, he will be patient. His way requires you to be extra relaxed, and to get to that point he needs to make you reach your climax one more time.
You tremble the moment your crotch meets his, only the thin layers of your thong and his pants and boxers prevent your skin from touching but you never break the kiss as he bites down at your bottom lip making you wince. His hands move all over your body before he tugs at your dress asking to free your breasts, and finally breaking the kiss with a string of saliva connecting his tongue to yours. Green irises leaving yours to admire your exposed tits to him that he has been drooling over all night. His hands immediately move to cup both of them. Heat rises to your face “Don’t stare too much” Your voice comes breathy to him making him chuckle. “Not so bold now are you?” the teasing voice is being replaced quickly with a seductive one “You look like a fucking painting. I want to see more of you.” His eyes are back at you again, but only to watch your reaction as his tongue flips over the hardened nipple. You gasp and tug on his hair whimpering an inaudible “more".
 “You got to be louder for me. Tell me, what do you want?”  He groans when you start grinding your hips against him, fed up with all the teasing “more, I want more, please!” hands moving to untie and unbutton his clothes. After you discarded his shirt and the tie and got rid of your dress somewhere in the room, you take a moment to admire the toned chest and defined abs. Eren stands up to grab your waist again and crash your chest into his “So are we here to just stare? Or you’re going to show me where I can fuck you dumb?”
The shock that spread across your body seeing the small box on your bed with the lid open. You completely forgot to return it to its proper place, but also didn’t expect to bring back company with you. You have no time to sprint and hide it as Eren enters your bedroom behind you, and you can feel the heat radiating from his body once his upper arm brushes against your shoulder. He looks at you and sees the horror in your eyes. He follows your line of vision and settles on the red box on your bed. His eyebrow shoots up closer to his hairline when he steps closer, and you figure it’s just easier if he sees what’s there himself before you use them on him. He wouldn’t mind would he? In the end this is why you brought him here. To see how the hot pink color would suit his sun-kissed skin. But the look in his eyes tells you that what you have in mind is far from reach. “Well well, what do we have here?” His tone makes your body shivers, amusement filling the air as he talks “Open to toys as well? I like that, but the question is …” he pauses as his eyes dart back at your fully naked form other than the tiny lacy material on your hips that fail to cover anything, “how many can you take at once?” 
Eren chuckles seeing the way your jaw hangs low. This is not what you wanted. But the idea makes your body shiver. The way he’s leaning back on your bed, one hand supporting his wait and the other tapping his thigh as he orders you “Come’er sweetheart.” and you obligate, body moving without giving it a second thought, pusyy throbbing at the sight of the thick print in his pants. You need to see him, so you start walking towards the bed, hips swaying left and right making Eren stiffen and pull on his pants trying to give his cock a little bit more room. Once you reach him, you bend down for a kiss and straddle his waist. One of his hand cups the back of your neck to angle your face so he can deepen the kiss. And just as you start to get lost in the kiss you feel a cold material being pressed on your nipple. Your body jolts in response but Eren’s grip on the back of your neck is firm enough to keep you in place. He gives you a moment to process before pressing the tiny bullet vibroator on your other nipple smirking at your reaction. You don’t have time to even wonder when he went through the box because now he has his tongue twirling around your other nipple, and the feeling of both nipples being stimulated is driving you insane. Your hands grab tightly into his arms as you start grinding your hips against his again, your body aching for more friction from him as he devout both of your nipples over and over, one with his mouth licking and sucking, and the other with the viborator in his hand combined with continuous grinding on his lap “Ahhhhhh , more more please— “ You whimper, feeling your oragsm approaching.
But this is not how Eren wanted you to cum, so he quickly moves to lay you down on the bed and take your thong off your hips and down your legs “we don’t need these anymore” discarding them to the corner of the room. He rubbed two of his fingers between your folds soaking them up with the slick before pushing them into your cunt. Your walls clenched on his digits immediately making him smirk. He places the bullet viborator on your clit and steadies it with the thumb of the same hand that has both his middle and ring finger pumping in and out of your cunt and busying his mouth and the other hand with your nipples again. Your back arch, and you feel the strange sensation filling you as Eren’s fingers keep hitting your sweet spot. The pressure inside of you starts to grow as Eren skillfully hits all your sensitive spots at the same time until you feel like you are going to explode. Only when you start moaning loudly filling the room with the sinful noises coming out of your mouth you hear Eren’s voice ordering you to look at him as you cum. While your whole body shakes violently above the sheets, you feel the wetness rushing out of your cunt and hear because of Eren’s still moving fingers in and out of you. You breathe heavily and glance down to see Eren’s hand covered with your cum, and you look at him to see him smirking down at the mess you made on his hand and wrist, your cum dripping from your pussy on his hand and into the sheets underneath you. He brings his hand to his mouth and licks it and audibly moans. Heat creeps up your face when your eyes lock with his and see him climbing the bed straddling your waist with his legs face hovering over yours to whisper in your ear “now for the main course” and you expect him to kiss you but he sits on his heels making sure not to crush you under his weight and reaches out for the box of toys, and from all the dildos, viborators, plugs, he picks up the last thing you expect. His facial expression between amusement and shock as he looks at the hot pink cock attached to the straps, his eyes move to look down at you “This wasn’t in the plan, was it baby?” when you stay quiet for longer than a few seconds, he continues “don’t tell me, we will include it in the plan” and you can’t believe your ears! Is he inviting you? To use the strap-on on him? To peg him? You swallow as you feel more excited about what's coming. You will get to experience the one thing you’ve been dying to do since you saw him at the restaurant. 
Eren shuffled in the bed so he could take his pants off, your eyes are focused on his bulge, you want to see it, you need to see it at this point. So you watch him closely as he pulls his boxers down and off his legs, and sits back on his heels revealing the hard on cock to you. You stare, not even blinking, it is big, so big you are a bit intimidated by his cock as it stands with pride and leaking precum from the tip. You gulp, and move to stroke him, but he pushes you down again on the sheets “no no …  remember we do things my way this time, I will need you to pick a safe word because once I start that’s the only thing to stop me”. He lifts the strap-on in the air between the two of you telling you that he will put it into good use, but on you , not the other way around. 
You’ve already came twice tonight, your body is well prepared as Eren keeps the dildo still inside your tight hole as he sits in between your legs. He gave you a lot of pleasure throughout the night, but now, it is his time to ruin you, and that is a risk you are willing to take. He strokes his cock a few times before aligning it with your entrance. The moment his cock touches your soft skin, Eren groans and mutters a tiny curse under his breath something about “been wanting to do this all night”, he pushes his cock in a little by little watching your face and body language for any signs of discomfort. He wants to bottom out so badly, push all his cock inside of your soft cunt in one hard thrust, but he keeps himself composed to not cum already and most importantly to not hurt you. The stretch stings, he is bigger than you thought you can take, but all the preparation helped, the only new sensation to you is being stuffed full with Eren’s cock while there’s a whole 6 inch dildo still in your ass making you hazed. He pushes an inch inside of you, and stop to prevent himself from filling you up already and groan a low “Fuck, so fucking tight for me, ahhh shit ” as his cock makes his way past your walls and stretching you out.Right after his cock is fully inside of your pussy, Eren gives you a few seconds to adjust before telling you that he’ll start moving.  
You’ve already came twice tonight, your body is well prepared as Eren keeps the dildo still inside your tight hole as he sits in between your legs. He gave you a lot of pleasure throughout the night, but now, it is his time to ruin you, and that is a risk you are willing to take. He strokes his cock a few times before aligning it with your entrance. The moment his cock touches your soft skin, Eren groans and mutters a tiny curse under his breath something about “been wanting to do this all night”, he pushes his cock in a little by little watching your face and body language for any signs of discomfort. He wants to bottom out so badly, push all his cock inside of your soft cunt in one hard thrust, but he keeps himself composed to not cum already and most importantly to not hurt you. The stretch stings, he is bigger than you thought you can take, but all the preparation helped, the only new sensation to you is being stuffed full with Eren’s cock while there’s a whole 6 inch dildo still in your ass making you hazed. Right after his cock is fully inside of your pussy, Eren gives you a few seconds to adjust before telling you that he’ll start moving. He starts slow and his hand sneaks between your bodies to rub circles on your clit to help you adjust better to his length. He knows what to do, and when to do it. Both of your legs are thrown on his shoulder giving your body space to handle both his cock and the dildo. Your body jolts when Eren picks up the pace and you start losing control of your moans. You try to hold back, to dig your fingers in the sheets twisting them to gain composer, but once Eren purposely aims his thrusts, you become a babbling mess underneath him
Even though his thrusts are hard hitting all the right angles inside of you making you feel like he is angry and punishing you for some reason you don’t know, you can’t really ignore the thumb rubbing your skin comforting you. The balance between the two movements is just right to push you over the edge one last time, but this time it is not on his fingers not his tongue, this time you’re about to cum on his cock which makes you even more cautious of the sensation since there is no barrier between his skin and yours. The room is filled with your moans and whimpers, the skin clapping noise as Eren’s hips snap back thrusting into you making his balls hit the back of the dildo and pushing it deeper inside of you, and the groans he makes as you scratch his back with your nails. “Eren, I am close, so close ..” Your fourth climax approaching you fast as you feel so full. “I, ahh, I can feel it — .. ganna cum for me one last time? Hmmm?” and before you can answer him he tells you to look into his eyes as you cum all over his cock and latches his lips to yours. The intense eye contact adds to every single sensation you are feeling all over your body making you shiver and cum hard thinking that you are about to pass out from how intense your orgasm is. You shut your eyes drowning in the sensation of the aftershock when you feel Eren’s hand slips underneath your head and pulls your hair back making you open your eyes wide “Eyes on me, do not break eye contact, yea?”. You feel his thrusts getting sloppier and losing rhythm so you nod your head whispering “yes daddy” that is enough to push Eren over the edge shooting ropes of cum and painting your walls white with his cum. He slows his thrusts until he comes to a stop and falls atop of you to catch his breath, the hand that pulled your hair a minute ago stroking it gently now. He gets up placing a quick peck on your shoulder and grinning down at you "that was amazing!" he says as he pulls out and scooches down watching his cum drip from your cunt to your skin. He pulls the dildo out and throws it beside you then collects the dripping cum with his fingers to push it back inside of your hole.
Eren disappears inside the bathroom and comes back with a damp towel to help clean you up. You feel your body relaxing against the sheets, eyelids getting so heavy you’re fighting to keep them open while you watch Eren pulling up his pants and zipping it. Your mind is clouded and can’t process anything that your senses are registering, not the blurred figure of Eren getting dressed, nor his natural intoxicating smell that is stuck on your bed now. The only sensation that got your attention is his hands brushing against your shoulder when he pulled the blanket to cover you. Your eyes shut open finally realizing that he is fully dressed back in his suit and his jacket propped on his arm.“Wait! don’t leave!” You reached your hand out and grabbed his bicep.
He is leaning towards you while still standing next to your bed. Head hovering over yours and beautiful emerald eyes staring back at your tired features. His lips twitch up forming a tiny cocky smile “you won’t get to rest properly if I stayed.”. “I am fine with that, stay!” your own words confuse you on why you’re asking him to spend the night with you, today is still the very first time you see him, and yet you see yourself getting attached after a couple several orgasms. You can’t help but wanting more of his warm touches to engulf you in such a cold night. “I can’t” you hear him say and you frown, eyebrows knitting together with confusion. His hand moves to cup your face and the other gently pushes the bangs away from your forehead before he paints his lips in between your eyebrows to ease the frown “but I want to see you again, I will get your number from Sasha, how about that?” You nod your head and smile now you know that he is also interested in you. ”Sleep well for me, pretty girl. You need it” he continues and winks before proceeding to walk towards the bedroom door. His voice echoes in your ears as you slowly drift to sleep while Eren is leaving your bedroom and closing the door behind him after he gets out. This blind date turned out way better than you had in mind. Sasha was absolutely correct, he is such a sweetheart with a hint of craziness. 
Took me so long, but here it is. Hope you like it @princess-jaeger
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soundcrusher · 1 year
Meanwhile, in another Universe 4
I did it. I, FINALLY, managed to finish this wip! You guys don't know how long this has been sitting in my drafts. T.T
Either way, I hope everyone of you will like Part 4 of this little story set in the Sentient Lost Light Au from @cuppajj. (Should something be off, let me know cuppa. I'll fix it as soon as I can.)
Trigger Warning: mention of abuse
One week. 
Phoenix hasn’t left his hab-suite for a week and Lightlost was starting to worry about the young spark. 
And they weren’t the only one. 
Rodimus, Whirl, Tailgate and even Ultra Magnus were starting to wonder why Phoenix wasn’t leaving his room. So much so that there was always at least one of them to check up on the youngspark, but they never got an answer when they knocked on his hab-suite door. 
However, that wasn’t the most worrisome thing coming out of that sudden change in personality. No, Phoenix was known to sometimes take one or two days where he stayed away from the rest of the Lost Light. “It’s too much… The crew, the noise, not having to fear a… nevermind” At least, that’s what the young flier told Ultra Magnus, and Ultra Magnus told the rest of the crew. 
Not that Lightlost needed to know that. They were the first Phoenix to know, but they had to promise not to tell anyone from the crew, until he himself told someone. And despite it taking a while, it still filled the cartographer’s spark with pride to know that their youngest crew member felt comfortable enough to reach out to the rest and reveal some things about himself. 
And yet it appeared that Phoenix’s hard earned openness has slowly disappeared again. If Lightlost had to make a guess, they would think that it was because of what happened last week. Alone the memory of holding the youngling in their arms and being forced to look down at Phoenix, while he looked up at them with those optics that were there and yet so far away while he begged for whoever he saw to leave him alone, it reminded Lightlost too much of the time when they were cradling Phoenix’s small and broken body after Overlord got to him. 
There were many things the titan in disguise had witnessed, but even they couldn’t get used to certain things. Or maybe it’s because of the resemblance Phoenix shares with their beloved captain. They might not be alike in most aspects, but there are still some things the two share. No matter how much Phoenix protests on how he’s nothing like Rodimus. So, sometimes, when they’re reminded of the day the youngspark nearly died, they couldn’t help but imagen Rodimus in his stead. Missing limbs and broken beyond saving as he…
No, they couldn’t think like that. Not when everything was okay now. or, at least as okay as it can get with their crew. 
With that in mind, Lightlost looked down at the cube of energon to make sure they haven’t spilled anything, before knocking on Phoenix’s hab-suite door. And after making sure there weren’t any traps set up, they entered without waiting for an answer. Something they wouldn’t usually do, but considering how Phoenix hasn’t refueled much since last week, they had a good enough reason to do so. 
Although, after entering the hab-suite and hearing the door close behind them, their calm expression turned into one of concern as they saw the broken furniture and general mess Phoenix has made of his room. 
Of course, they knew that something was going on in the hab-suite, but they didn’t check in out of respect for Phoenix’s privacy. Also, the youngspark needed time for himself, and considering how he sometimes told them how he could “feel optics on him when there weren’t any”, they decided it was best to leave him be for the moment. But now, they were second guessing their decision. Especially after looking towards the berth and the something hidden in a nest of blankets and pillows. 
“Phoenix?” They asked softly and watched the nest rustle, before a small opening appeared from which one single blue optic looked outside. Looking around the room to see who else was there, and when finding no-one but Lightlost, the nest started to rustle even more, until Phoenix sat up. Still surrounded by a wall of blankets and pillows, but at least Lightlost was able to see the youngspark’s face. Which caused some relief to wash over them as they slowly moved closer to the younger mech. Holding out the cube of energon as soon as they were close enough and waiting for Phoenix to take it on his own. “It’s okay if you don’t want it. I’ll just leave it on the… table…” The table was broken.
“Is… okay…” Muttered Phoenix quietly as he held out his servos in a grabby motion, waiting for Lightlost to give him the cube, and as soon as he got it, the young spark didn’t wait another second as he wolfed it down. Nearly choking himself on the energon, but that didn’t stop him from making sure that nothing was left in the cube. Although, the second he was done, Phoenix was quick to hand the cube back, before hiding underneath his blankets again. Muttering a small “Thanks” towards Lightlost, while making sure that there was a space for Lightlost to sit in. 
And Lightlost sat down on the offered spot. Cautious to not disturb Phoenix’s nest all too much. “Sweetspark… you know why I’m here, right?” The question was met with silence from the youngling, so they decided to continue talking in hopes that Phoenix would answer. “It wasn’t just because you were already overdue for a refuel, everyone of us is worried about you. Usually you wouldn’t stay longer than two days in your room… Is it about what happened last week?” 
“It’s not just last week…” Came the weak whisper from Phoenix, as he shifted around underneath his blankets to look at Lightlost. And now that they could see his face fully, the cartographer was able to see the fresh tear stains on the youngling’s face. “I…  thought that… that I left them behind… The bad memories, but they still follow me. And then I… I called you papa and… and…” Phoenix let out a choked sob as he pressed his servos tightly against his mouth and kept them there until his body stopped shaking from his quiet sobbing. Only then did he continue. “I… am sorry for calling you papa. I know that… that you don’t see yourself as a… a… But I can’t call you mama. I CAN’T. I just…can’t… Please, don’t make me call you mama!”
Phoenix was becoming frantic, Lightlost could see it even when the young spark was trying his best to look normal. So, they stood up and did the only thing they could think to calm their youngling down. With the utmost carefulness, they grabbed Phoenix and used their natural strength as a titan to pull him out of his blanket and pillow nest, before cradling him to their chest. And after they sat down, with the youngling in their lab, Lightlost let Phoenix latch onto them. They didn’t even say anything as they could feel the youngspark’s unsheathed claws dig into their plating. No, they only cradled the crying youngling while humming a soft tune. Waiting for him to continue what he was saying, or to stop if he wasn’t ready to do so. 
But it seemed that, after calming down, Phoenix was ready to continue. Despite not feeling comfortable enough to look Lightlost in the optics. Instead, the young flier kept his optics offline, as he told his parental figure exactly why he could never call them ‘Mama’. 
“It’s not… not that I want to be disrespectful, or anything. It’s just… the association with the word, with that specific word, is just… It hurts. It makes me think of my mama, and my mama isn’t the best. I love her, I really do, but I know that she isn’t good… Not after what she did…” With each word, Phoenix grew more and more quiet, until it was only a hard to understand whisper. But Lightlost could still understand the context. Whatever Phoenix’s mother did to him, it damaged a part of their youngling that still needed healing. 
“You don’t have to tell me about her, Phoenix. If you’re not ready, then don’t push yourself to tell me something that still hurts you.” Said the cartographer softly. “I know that some things are better left unsaid, until you find the courage to face whatever it is.” 
“But I can’t… I have to tell someone…” Was all the kid could say, before he lifted his head to look at Lightlost. Optics mirroring the sadness and tiredness Phoenix felt for running from those memories for all those years. “It’s making me tired…. and I don’t think that I can run from it anymore… Not when I get confronted by her memory, whenever someone asks…” Phoenix sighed as he tried to find his courage. Pushing down the shame and fear his mother imbued within him, before closing his optics. It was easier to tell his tale, without having to look into Lightlost’s optics after all. 
“My mama… she’s scary, really scary. Sometimes she was nice, I really loved my nice mama, but more often than not, she was scary. Yelling and throwing things, before stomping through our home in search of…” Phoenix shook his head softly, before pressing himself closer to Lightlost. Searching for comfort in their embrace, as he thought about his next words. “Of me. When she was scary, she was angry. And when she was angry, she needed someone or something to make her less angry… Usually, when I was fast enough, I could hide. Then she broke something. When I wasn’t, she would pull me out of my hiding spot and… and…” He choked on sob. “Do you… Do you know how it feels to get punched? To feel something break?”
“Phoenix… I…”
“It doesn’t feel nice. Not when you’re small. And not when your mama is a tank. Even when she pulls back on her strength, it still hurts. It hurts… and… and you can’t do anything against her, because you’re small and you want to help your mama. You want her to go back to being a nice mama, so… so… you just take it.” 
“And she becomes nice for a while, until she gets angry again…” Phoenix let out a shaky laugh as he let go of Lightlost’s frame to wipe at his optics. “And then it just repeats. Like a circle. The same game, over and over, without any stop. And you… you don’t stop it, because how can you? You’re small, and… and… I love my mama. Until you, she was the only parent I had. Fools Shot is no parent, even if he feels like family. And even if she was a bad mama, I still love her. I love my mama, but I’m also scared of her.” It was hard to laugh while crying. Phoenix would have never expected that, and yet, he couldn’t stop. His laughter, broken and trembling from his tears and wails, still rang through true. Spilling out the pain he has been trying to hide underneath the guise of a trouble seeking kid. 
“It’s… I’m stupid, aren’t I? Just a stupid sparkling who knows nothing, because I still love my mama despite her love for me being wrong.” One last laugh left the kid, before he covered his mouth again. Trying his hardest to muffle his cries as he waited for an answer from Lightlost. 
But how was the cartographer supposed to answer? They were stunned, caught like a deer in the headlights, as they repeated Phoenix’s story in their mind. Clutching the young spark tightly to their body to show him that they were still there for him, as they tried to sort through their emotions. 
There was no anger, Lightlost hardly got angry, but they could still get upset. And hearing about how Phoenix’s carrier treated him, abused him, just because she seemingly wanted to, it disturbed them. How could anyone treat their sparkling like that? Weren’t creators supposed to care for their creations? Alone the thought of someone causing a youngspark pain without any other reason than they want to, it pained their spark to imagen how those young ones must feel. And then, there was their very own youngspark. 
Hearing Phoenix's story, his tears, his pained laughter, it caused Lightlost’s spark to squeeze painfully in their metaphorical chest. Just what exactly was he forced to go through by his mother? What did she do? How much did she hurt their youngspark? 
But that wasn’t important now. No. Lightlost had to push their emotions back for a moment, because Phoenix needed them now. So, they took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, before releasing it again. Putting on their most comforting smile, as they softly rubbed soothing circles into the space between Phoenix’s wings. Watching their youngling, as the tension slowly left his body. 
“You aren’t stupid Phoenix. You’re very clever, and kind, and a good kid. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.” Lightlost spoke calm and quietly, before their tone took on a very light sharp edge. “Not even from your mama. She’s wrong. She’s oh so very wrong about you, and what she’s done is terrible. No-one should be treated like that. Especially mechs as young as you or younger.”
Lightlost shook his head, before hushing the youngling with a finger to his lips while a soft smile formed on theirs. “No ‘but’ Phoenix. She is wrong. You might not see it, and that’s understandable. It must have been hard to live with her and then with your old crew. But please believe me, she is oh so very wrong about you. And what she’s done… No caring creator would willingly raise their servo against their creation…” Phoenix didn’t look convinced, and they couldn’t blame him, but still, Lightlost hoped that their words somehow reached the youngspark. 
“You…” Phoenix started, as he looked up at Lostlight with big and confused optics that somehow held a twinkle of innocence in them. “You… Are you sure? My mama has been right about most things…”
“But she’s just like every other mech and femme. And like everyone else, she can be wrong, sweetspark.” 
“I… I guess you’re right, Light…” Hearing that caused Lightlost to let out a relieved sigh that might or might not have swept through the whole ship. This was good, because realization that something is wrong, is often the first step towards healing. And for their youngspark’s sake, they hope that this was Phoenix’s first step towards moving past his mother’s shadow. 
“Now, how about we fix your room as best as we can, before looking for our captain. He, and some others are quite worried about you.”
“As if. Rodimus and you are the only ones worried about me.” Chuckled Phoenix. Although, the second he noticed Lightlost’s knowing smile, he let out a small squeak. “Th-there are more!?”
“Yes, and Ultra Magnus is one of them.” It might have been wrong to laugh at Phoenix’s shocked expression, but they couldn’t really help themself. After the seriousness of their talk, it was somewhat refreshing to see their youngling go from scared and sad, to simply silly. Maybe Lightlost should be worried about the way Phoenix sometimes was quick to change moods, but that was for another day. 
Now, it was time to clean the room. And as both of them got up and started to salvage what could be safed, Lightlost didn’t fail to hear the softly whispered “Thanks Papa” coming from Phoenix. 
Small Bonus:
Cleaning the room did take a while, but once they were done, Lightlost took Phoenix’s servo in theirs and together, they walked out of the youngling’s room and towards Swerve’s Bar. Where Phoenix was currently in a deep conversation with Swerve about some earthen TV show, while Lightlost was observing them from a booth. Simply enjoying their time, until Rodimus decided to join them. 
“Heya Lightlost, how is it going?” Asked the prime, while sipping on his drink. 
“Oh, it’s going alright. I’m simply enjoying the joys of parenthood, as humans would say.” Answered the cartographer, to which Rodimus only nodded absently, before spitting out his drink. 
“Wait, WHAT?! Since when are you a parent!?”
“Well, I have only been a parent for a week? I’m sorry captain, but I think I’m needed elsewhere. We can talk about this later.” 
“Wait! What do you mean you have been a parent for a week!? Lightlost!?”
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kitsunekisara · 1 year
Oh nose... my brain did it again... 
Tonight before going to sleep my brain was like: 
Brain: Let’s think a bit about your most recent hyperfixation...
Me: Okay, cool. Can i think about my super self-indulgent/self-insert-y Flower MC AU? I need to fix some future plot holes and add more fluff.
Brain: ...
Me: Oh, don’t you dare do it!
Brain: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Brain: Listen. What if...
And now i have brainrot from ‘What if i myself was suddenly dropped into Security Breach Universe’. It’s not like i already have 6+ Stories i want to do... So far i’ve jotted down:
- Get one of those uber fancy and soft looking staff jackets everybody and their neighbours draws their y/ns in (not going to run through that nightmare in only my PJs)
- Ignore all the stuff Gregory is prompted to do and head straight to the daycare area (like heck am i testing if game logic protects me from getting crushed in a trash compactor)
- Maybe turn on my heels and at least try to get my hands on a daycare pass because i’d feel like dirt lying to Sun about jumping the barrier
- Spontanously turn into a fish as i gape at Mr. Sunshine himself as the last time i was carried that effortlessly was like 15+ years ago and i would ask him to do it again if i wouldn’t die of embarassement right afterwards
- Still wish a hole swallows me up later on as i dig my own grave babbling something embarassing or cutesie in german and to my horror remember a bit late that Sun probably understands multiple languages
- Cue panic attack in tandem as i hide myself in the smallest corner he can’t reach and i still fit while he tries to anxiously coax me out with glitter glue and googly eyes (i’m feeling worse the more i think about how he reacts when Gregory hides behind the security desk q.q)
- ‘Of all the things i’m reminded of my own mortality by a paper cut...’
- *squints* *squints harder* For once i wish i dozed off with my glasses still on (is terribly near-sighted)
- Hugs. All the hugs! (after getting consent of course) Boi deserves it after being deprived of them for so long.
- Throw caution to the wind because ‘Why are there no cleaning supplies in the daycare?!?’ (i’m going to clean this place up even if i have to wrestle a mop from one of the S.T.A.F.F. bots!)
- ‘Maybe... just maybe... please hear me out - maybe Moon leaves me alone if i voluntarily go to sleep. I mean i would still hide in the play structures first but...’ (me at 3 - 4 AM when sleep-deprivation catches up to me)
I would write more or even add the ART i already have to this but... i have to wake up early tomorrow (6 AM) and go on a loooong car ride (8 hours T.T) so no into the night arting :(
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Hey yo, I hope work is going well, Im glad you got some rest. Sleep is so important. Ive only come to realize how important it is to ones health and mental wellbeing in recent years. T.T
The post of gyu vs tyun quote and the weekend song call out my name is too painfullll. Why whyyyy
I think that tyun would only write one letter and that it would be angry but that you could still tell his pain behind it all. I'm kind of imagining a wolf alone in the cold all sharp teeth threats and snarling but you can see the fear and pain and disorientation in it's eyes and it's shivering body. Like it will kill you if you come closer but it's also scared to death/in pain. That's just the image I have right now of Tyun after OC leaves. I also think he would write the letter in the earlier stages and if he did write a second one it would be not angry or emotional at all it would be very controlled and emotionless but a clear threat. ie come back/bring my wife back/you will be punished for your crimes of sluttery.
Will this be the rise of stannis like Tyun? I'm scared. But I also dont think he'll get over the pain so quickly/shut down completely at least not yet immediately even if outwardly he's act all cold, ruthless and dead inside. I feel like he'll be unhinged (but "reasonably" justify it). Like how he was with kai when he made him behead his best friend.
YOH imagine somehow Tyun forces OC to murder Gyu? But also wasn't there a spoiler about Tyun getting captured by Gyu or am I imagining it?
I feel like Tyun is going to launch an unhinged kidnapping attempt to get OC back and then get captured and tortured by Gyu, but Gyu will act like Tyun was trying to "assassinate the rest of the royal family".
Also, I have a third option besides Tyun not confessing even if one of them dies or confessing when she dies, or he dies in the last moment.
What if he confesses, he was falling in love with her and that he did love her but that she killed that love, and the situation would be Gyu was killed by Tyun, and she is now back with Tyun as his wife and he won't kill her "showing her mercy" like she always wanted him to be more merciful right? (Him being sarcastic basically) but actually doing it so that she can't be reunited with Gyu in the afterlife(yet). And as a team lord tyun this kills me to write I don't want my lil meow meow to turn into stannis. This doesn't really make much sense story wise but I just thought if there could be a third horrible way that he confesses his love.
I honestly dont know who she'll end up with I also dont even know who I want her to end up with. Because either way it would be horrible somehow. OC is destined not to have a happy ending.
Oh i just thought of something horrible what if oc does get pregnant with Tyuns child and then she obvi always wanted a family and such so i dont think shed want to abandon the child or yeet it because of her own trauma with being abandoned as a kid. But Gyu would obviously hate the Kid and want to kill it even worse if the kid has Tyuns eyes, like the kid looks like OC mostly but has Tyuns eyes and smile. This would kill OC and Gyu especially if Gyu killed Tyun. and also, if Tyun knew oc was pregnant (that's why he recklessly tries to kidnap her back) but Gyu kills him and then he'll be so miserable whilst dying because he'll know his kid will likely be abused or killed by Gyu. I don't know why I'm writing all these horrible and worst-case scenarios because I feel sad now lol.
Anyways dont worry about the next chapter just post it whenever you are ready and however you want to post it. We will gobble it up like the YAMQN sluts that we are.
it's super important but i get too much sleep honestly which is also bad for you lmao like i usually sleep 12 hours a day 💀 i wanna stop but idk i just feel tired otherwise :')
yes yessss i agree so much. he would write one angry or emotional message in a moment of weakness but then not send anything again other than a formal threatening message after he collected himself. and your description of tyun after oc left him? impeccable! i couldn't have written it better that's exactly him!
"you will be punished for your crimes of sluttery." pfffft that made me laugh 😂
"YOH imagine somehow Tyun forces OC to murder Gyu?" remember when oc had this thought after watching kai behead jaeyun? "Will Taehyun one day force you to kill someone you love too? Will he make you kill Beomgyu? Or will your head be on the chopping block instead?" 💀
no there wasn't a teaser about gyu capturing taehyun i think it was just some anons speculating
"What if he confesses, he was falling in love with her and that he did love her but that she killed that love, and the situation would be Gyu was killed by Tyun, and she is now back with Tyun as his wife and he won't kill her "showing her mercy" like she always wanted him to be more merciful right?" fuukkkkkkk that would be so ironic and cruel but it's also so taehyun. maybe he even has some remaining sentiment towards her and doesn't actually want to kill her but at the same time he's so fucked up from what she did that he'd never show her affection again and she'd be forced to live in a cold loveless marriage with him knowing that her soulmate died and the one man who wanted to help her now hates her 😭 honestly there are a million ways this fic can end and they're all so good that i sometimes think of changing the ending but i gotta stick to my guns even if my original ending isn't the best lol i just built up to it for so long to change my mind now
"shed want to abandon the child or yeet it" STOP 😭😭😭
"worse if the kid has Tyuns eyes, like the kid looks like OC mostly but has Tyuns eyes and smile." fuck this is sooooo gooood omg like it would look like oc so gyu wouldn't want to hurt it but it also would have tyun's grey eyes and every time it would smile, gyu would see tyun's smile 😭😭 fuck he'd be living in torment everyday and oc too especially if tyun dies she'd have a living breathing reminder of what she did to tyun
you have such good ideas i love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Midnight Motel Live Blogging
GMMTV really crammed some of my most anticipated 2022 shows to run at this time (Never Let Me Go, Midnight Motel, The Warp Effect), as well as My School President which I was keeping my eyes on. Think I’ll have to watch these the week they end or I’ll never catch up.
Ep 1: Welcome to the Business (Jan 9 11)
ooh cool start
okay actually fuck idkkk maybe i’ll start this later? bc i’m in the middle of the Trials of Apollo series and also Never Let Me Go (ep 5 tmrw), which is 2 different stories already. maybe i’ll watch this on Wednesday and finish before next Tuesday so that i’m not weaving this and NLMG and trials of apollo.
aw the fact that Mote’s always out of luck and “missed the admission quota out of a top uni even though he passed the exam” sucks so fucking bad
oh Mond’s the pimp?
oh fuck Mond’s character is so scary D: I know people said so but rip
pls Mote standing and thinking of the shit possibilities of what could happen if he barges into Mond and Jan’s characters’ rooms 
Oh yeah I forgot that Mote and Kat are love interests right
Aw Kat T.T 
Kat’s so fun and funny
Sun’s making Kat pay her debts to him 
oh, interesting in a good way about Kat mentioning working so hard
oh it’s Kat’s mom’s debt that she’s paying off 
Sun kys
Mote researching the websites where customers and sellers buy-sell sex work and identifying the pain points to make their app is wholesome
pls Kat’s funny with tryna sell her services to Mote (+ his friend) and also they’re cute
pls Doy being like whyyyy tf did you bring this app to my doorstep again after we met the police and mafia last time
the dynamic between Doy and Kat not really believing Mote vs Mote being a sweet talker and knowing how to appeal to people
ooh a design for the app first this is just like my uni class
girl not pay by crypto 
does Sun have photos?!?! 
oh videos?!?!? is Kat and the client aware that these exist?!?!?!?! gross gross gross die die die
oof Mote and Kat are so cute. him being like “hmph, your pics on the app are catfishing for sure” and then when she elbows him, he exaggeratedly falls back ah >.<
yes Kat, come to Canada and we can kiss
Linguistics: Mote and Kat use gu-meung with each other. I think Kat and Sun also used gu-meung earlier, which surprised me a bit bc I expected Kat to use Khun w Sun or something but ig the rude pronouns make sense also
Kat saying she wouldn’t do this job if she could choose. the way they’ve been talking about sex work and prostitution is interesting in a casual way where’s a job that’s hard work and like Mote, she’s doing it bc of debt and wouldn’t do it otherwise. it’s not glamorized but the existence of it or sex workers aren’t made to be evil even though the situation sucks here
hope that Mote or Doy know what to do if things go wrong whether it be the guys are dicks like when Sun had to step in or if they refuse to give money or something
oh i see we’re getting to see them handle things like the short hair and wig, and now police are coming in. also i’ve just remembered that someone maybe dies
I don’t quite get the Big Boong thing. I know Mote pretended that Big Boong’s someone else, some big shot to make the police nervous and let it but who? why’d the cops leave?
wtf was that Kat being shot in the head scene? umm I’m hoping it’s just one of Mote’s fears and not something that comes to pass
I hope they all earn the money and pay off their debts ah
Ep 2: The Investor (Jan 12)
Ep 6 came out and I saw one person write that it’s a satisfying ending, so I’m glad
ooh they’re talking about how it’d be good if they could just legalize sex work but the police are gonna lose so much money from the bribes to leave prostitution alone that they won’t let it be legal
Mote and Kat are cute, aw
oof Mote and Kat are so non-flirtily flirty ma gudness
agh Kat’s mom was dead I thought but nope, she’s just letting her daughter pay back her loans and also coming for more money
oh noooo Kat’s flashback to how her mom disappeared from their home and so the guys who were looking for her came for Kat instead T.T
oh, this was the very first time Kat saw her mom since that incident? 
hmm Sun telling Kat’s mom to never see her again. I’d assume that Sun’s romantically interested in her in any other show but he treats her like crap, so maybe he just doesn’t want them to plan and run away or smth? 
wait Pom from Gifted, what are you doing here heh. Victor’s name is Pat here 
is Pat gonna be the man she kills? 
damn he really put a collar on her oh I hate this bc he seems so earnest and this could’ve been cute if Kat didn’t fucking hate it and Sun didn’t force here T.T 
damn, not us getting the backstory on why Pat wants to have power during sex because he has no power in his personal life
oh Pat’s a billionaire, possible investor? also, that unicorn ad thing kinda maybe reminds me of whatever investing ad Mote saw in ep 1 that made him make the other app or something
oh yeah, the camera in the room that Sun has so that he can fucking watch Kat and her clients agh but now catching Kat doing work that he hasn’t assigned her
ahhh that camera was hidden by Kat? it’s for blackmailing Pat?
i love the classical music choices and also Mote thinking of possibilities and them actually showing it as if it’s happening, like Kat getting shot in the head
“I just wanna tell your you’re definitely worth more than you think?” ah so cute
Mote really is just too good with words, Kat’s right that these sorts of people just aren’t trustworthy bc they know the right things to say “How am I going to trust you, you shard-tongued jerk of a CEO?”
oh Tawi/Jay looks really different when talking with Pat’s wife than when he’s tryna get money out of Mote. Are they different people?
who’s the person that Pat’s wife talked about? Is it Mote?
okay the guy who’s terrorizing Mote isn’t actually Tawi
ah this guy is so annoying either Mote gives him money to keep the business a secret and then can’t pay back his debt in time and gets the hotel taken away OR Mote doesn’t give him money and so he tells the police about the illegal prostitution
Sun is so fucking scary, threatening June with killing her son if she doesn’t tell him what she and Kat are doing aghhh
omg so stressful. on the one hand Sun’s tryna get Doy to get him into the app by pretending he’s a client, Kat’s with Pat who’s waiting for the pitch + she saw Sun in the lobby, and Mote’s fucking phone somehow fell under the bed
ahh cliffhanger ending rip
Ep 3: Ain’t Them Bodies Cents (Jan 12)
anyway, I know Pat dies for sure because someone on a discord sent a screenshot. that’s as expected bc i’ve barely seen him in gifs or anything
oof Doy fucked up and gave Sun the invitation and whole time Mote’s like yep I trust Doy to take care of it rip
pls the chaos of Doy talking to Sun and Mote presenting to Pat while Doy and Mote are also communicating via bluetooth
pls Mond is so scary as Sun. girl “I’m the owner of their breath” kalsdj okay
Mote is much smarter than Sean is all I can say lmfao he can lie p well, even though Sun has a suspicion that Mote’s lying
is Pat drunk or what? Why is he all woozy and falling? Did he take his medication too late or something? Did his wife drug his meds because there was a point made about him taking his med case before leaving
lmfao is Mote and Kat’s kiss gonna be interrupted by Pat dying
oh kinda. i thought we’d hear a gun shot sound but what happened? did he fall and hit his head and die since Pat was so off-balance?
so did Pat succeed in giving the money or no
lol the Kat butchering the body scene
pls the way Doy had to say he’s not sitting in the back w the corpse
is Sun at Kat’s home? oh fuck he’s throwing a fit
wait omg I kinda knew that Sun knew Kat when he was a child bc I’ve seen a caption bout smth like that with a clip of Sun sitting on that bench but I didn’t know she was close friends with him :0 that sucks so bad
ah shit so Sun wasn’t the one who brought her into sex work but someone else did and he was there and he seemed young
oh Sun’s terrible idk how he transformed into this hardened pimp quickly but then he said he’d pay off Kat’s debt if she transfers to his club
ofc Pat’s car has a GPS oof and ofc Pat’s wife’s cheating on him with Jay but we could guess that from last ep
not Sun waiting in room 211 with his suitcase of weapons 
so Pat did start the transaction of 20 million?
ooh Kat’s tryna get away to diff city but also she stole Pat’s phone. wonder if there’s tracking on that too 
Ep 4: Disappear Body (Jan 13)
Joy’s tryna get Kat to fess up or something bc of her threatened child, right?
k the current things at play is that Kat wants to access Pat’s crypto and leave for Canada, Joy wants to trick Kat possibly, Sun has come to find Kat and is threatening Mote, Jay is tracking Pat’s car and has been lead to the motel, also the debt collector mans that’s been bothering Mote wants his money as well for protection of Takkrub
oh Jay’s seeing Sun being weird with Mote in the hallway on the CCTV lmfao he can just walk in there all willy nilly. is the room Mote and Sun are in also viewable with cctv
lol I wonder if Jay will view Sun as the thread instead of Mote now and have his suspicion on him as a possible reason for Pat going missing? who knows. also i wanna know if Jay knows that Pat’s dead or not? has he searched the inside of the car? seems like no
bruv, Mote really got Sun, Jay, and the debt collector guy all in the same room wanting something from him gbye and gl “shit, this is like a fan meeting. Wait no they’re all after me.”
plsss the three of them all being like eyeee should be the one talking to Mote first, yall get out
pls the way Sun smiled and gestured and moved away as soon as the knife appeared
oh Jay killed the debt collector mans lmfao Mote’s gulping and now Jay has a gun
oh debt collected mans was called Big Off
lmfao Mote being like “he’s not my friend” and Jay being like “oh? he didn’t come to save you?”
pls it’s killing me the way Jay has to explain like “this is not an empty thread na krub. If you don’t tell the truth, I’ll kill both of you. Na?”
plssssss the arguments between Sun and Mote are so funny and Jay telling them to shut up each time like now Mote realizing Sun has a camera in Kat’s usual room
wait if the footage is there, why didn’t they show Pat falling and hitting his head agh
oh damn okay so the body wasn’t in the car even though that was the original plan. did Kat do something with it?
fuckk i’m so mad I had so many thoughts for parts 3 and 4 but it refreshed and all of it got deleted kms
I thought it was fun when in part 4 Mote started acting clever and threatening again after seeming to be bumbling and foolish in the first 3 parts. 
I liked the chips and card game fantasy scene. The crew in MDL seems fairly inexperienced but they’re doing well so far
Ep 5: Blast From The Past (Jan 14)
Sun how’d you turn out like this agh
byeee they dismembered Big Off
 neo appearance !
Police officer Jay sued an elite man who attacked a bus driver but the elite man got him fired?
sdlkfhj the neolouis sex noises
oof, Kat’s found out that Sun’s getting money from Kat’s mom, which is money that Kat earned from Sun
oh my fucking god, I need to kill Sun. I hope Kat kills Sun
Sun remembering Kat saving him from those guys and so finally kinda snapping out of (sexually, physically) assaulting her
this young kids Kat and Sun backstory is making me so fucking sad because they used to be friends
noooo the promise :< “when we grow up, we won’t become the kind of adults we hate”
Sun realizing he’s become the kind of adult he hated
pls Doy and texting is just aldskfj as soon as Jay gets the orders to kill/deal with the trio, he texts Mote’s phone (which Jay has currently and also doesn’t it have a password) that he can’t find it (the body) anywhere in the hotel lmfao. prev it was the thing with Sun coming while they were tryna show Pat the pitch
Kat’s a whole lot, she really is confessing? playing with Mote? in that bathroom and kissing him instead of admitting she ran away for a brief period and also stole the phone hoping for the crypto money
I wonder if Mote believes her after seeing her pretend with Pat bc I don’t think I believe her actions in that bathroom
5-3 and 5-4
Sun really tryna just make a deal with everyone huh? giving the bullet to Jay and saying to kill only Mote (also the ice cooler thing Jay’s getting the ice from is freaking me out bc at first I don’t think I registered that they hid him in the ice cooler but now that I know... hm is he in there). Telling Mote that he wants to invest in Takkrub
What did the uncle and aunt wanna tell Mote before Jay came in? Were they the ones who his the body? Like if it isn’t any of the captured trio, Doy was a possibility but then he didn’t show up for like 2 eps in the middle so I started thinking he’s less of a possibility? Or is he more of one because why did he also disappear for a bit? And it could also be uncle and aunt who someone calmly and quietly discovered and hit the body
pls I love the fantasy situations Mote goes through so much, like the convo with dead ghost Pat
naurrr flashing back to young Kat and Sun saying they’d protect each other as adult Kat tells Sun to get out of her life
oh Pat’s in the ice cooler the way they made it seem. so the one that they hit the body in had the :) sticker and then that got carted out and had more ice put in it and put out front and the new ice cooler that’s in the place of the old ice cooler doesn’t have that sticker
So would his uncle and aunt do that? The mover also deleted the CCTV footage, would they be able to do that? Doy was the one who deleted the previous CCTV footage, so would it be him? Why?
also Mote and Sun and stuff getting ice from the cooler while underneath was Pat’s body reminds me of To Sir, With Love where the maids were all having fun collecting that mushroom, whole time there’s Don’s dead body underneath
Ep 6: All Or Nothing (Jan 14)
So I guess it really was his aunt and uncle who moved the body
they let Sun walk out of the room?
did Sun take one pill and poison the fish? or what?
or is Sun stealing the meds pill box from Kat?
Sun you backstabbing bitch, him being like “we have our bullets for that” and whole time he doesn’t even have the bullet. he has me on edge fr bc I can’t tell if he’s just double-crossing Mote and Kat or double double-crossing Jay
lol the meds box is filled with stone, flashbacks to Squid Game Ep 6
oh so Sun did give Jay a defect bullet? but Jay told June to bring another gun my dudes
everyone’s got stuff under their sleeve, like Kat with Pat’s phone and Mote with the Takkrub upload of the evidence
also i don’t think their evidence is actually enough for much (like lol they themselves could’ve filled the box with poisoned pills afterwards to frame June) but I’m ignoring that
I don’t get the [A gift from Big Off] and “say hello to my little friend
oh Jay fr shot the uncle on the shoulder 
bruv, I was thinking of Jay falling off the roof maybe but I didn’t think they’d do it like that lmfao
the villains really do wait to shoot until the uncle’s there or until Sun’s covering Kat huh lmfao
oh Sun is so psychologically fucked. he really is like if I die then Kat dies with me
oh the friendship bracelets were from the promise of not becoming like the adults they hated
okayyy Kat didn’t know that Sun was the same kid as before. At first I thought she did but then it was like hm but yeah she’s asked him “Are you Arthit?”
please Mond’s doing so good as Sun. the way he’s like sorry for breaking my promise and handing back the bracelet and telling her live and be better for him as he lays there dying. It goes with his character arc that he dies here because he’s too irredeemable to continue with the gang or to continue inflicting pain with his pimping but because of his backstory and helping the gang thus far, he’s also not someone who we see as an one-note evil man anymore. too evil to not die but the audience doesn’t wanna see him go down in a horrifying grotesque way either
plssss Kat using Pat’s corpse for the face ID of his crypto wallet (the reason she came back p much)
girl shut up who is Yudo, we have Tony for Doy. actually Doy can be polyam, I’d like that. or a cheater, I’ll forgive that in preperation for Moonlight Chicken
Very pretty wrapped bow for the ending.
The last ep was good but not great, I don’t think they were super clever with their action or wrap-up, although it was still pretty fun. Also no like great twist in the final ep, which is fine but nothing about the final ep really makes it stand out. 
The acting was great, the script was comprehensible and well-paced, the production is good, featured sex work without villainizing the workers or the work itself. I loved Mote’s little fantasies of possible scenarios or of imagining an interaction in a different way (the card game with June, convo with dead Pat). I’m impressed by the creative team behind it. 
I won’t think about this much after today I don’t think but I liked this little show.
Rating: 6.5/10
Mock Trailer
The actual show ended up being pretty much the same as that mock trailer, guess they’ve had the script done for a while. It was snappy but gave away a lot, so I’m glad I hadn’t watched most of it before watching the show (or if I had, it must’ve been like 10 months ago and I completely forgot it because only the first like 15 seconds seemed familiar and I knew the concept before going in).
Official Trailer
Once again, reveals a lot but is slightly better created than the OG, which is expected.
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kpophubb · 3 years
Enhypen x reader ♡
Hyung line reacting to their s/o accidentally getting pregnant:~
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Genre: fluff, crack, established relationship <3
Scenario: a lil timeskip to 4/5 years later when hyung line members are in their early 20s bc now they ARE babies haha :p
Lee Heeseung:
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H e e f u s e d at first when you give him the news that you’ve gotten accidentally pregnant
You were crying when the results came positive because you were scared he wouldn’t want the baby as he is not ready yet and has a career to handle
Looking at his blank confused expression, you were panicking even more, your fears getting the better of you
You weren’t expecting how HAPPILY HE WOULD GIGGLE, with hands on his mouth, unable to swallow this joyous news 🥺💓
“Omg baby how long has it been?” “Is it a boy or a girl?” “I want a boy we will play together!!” “Okay NOO a princess like you omggg y/niee “😭😭- boy just won’t shut up and flood you with questions until you kiss him to shut him up. He only calms down after that ;)
Can’t control his excitement and immediately calls up his family and all the members to give them the happy news. Aww he legit looks like a over excited kid when he gets a new toy! “You won’t believe it IM GONNA BE A FATHER!😳”
Suddenly becomes the responsible type and prepares himself mentally to become a good father and look after you both carefully. He’s very serious when it comes to you two🥺
searches online about parenting and about the pros and cons of pregnancy so he can take care of your cravings and uneasiness at all times carefully
texts you from time to time to check if you’re okay or need sth. If you even reply late, he’s gonna leave everything and immediately come with ice cream to check up on you because he’s SO WORRIED about his two princesses.
will stay up all night to take care of you if you have even the slightest inconvenience and will cook you ramen and massage your back with his gentle hands
Hee will fill you with words of encouragement 24/7 and remind you you’re doing a great job! “Fighting baby😤!!” “I’m always here with you🥺”
Is confident he’s gonna be a good father because he’s good at handling people and is gonna be calm and sincere when it comes to taking care of a pregnant you
Will gently pat your baby bump every night and talk to your baby about all sorts of things “be a good girl and love mommy a lot.” “I hope you grow up to be selfless and sensible “ “daddy loves you the most” and all the cute stuffs
Heeseung will always sing you lullaby as he pats your head and puts you to sleep in this comforting way. Imagine being cooed up in his arms while listening to a sweet song by his angelic voice! T.T
He’s gonna have the brightest smile painted on his face 24/7 even when you’re not infront of him because he’s ecstatic about starting a family with you. He’s TOO OVERWHELMED
Might cry legit happy tears when he’s holding your new born baby bean, it’s the most incredible and heart wavering memory for him. <3
Park jay :
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Freezes in position when you first tell him about the news because he didn’t see it coming. But afterwards you will see him looking at you with the most beautiful smile (like in the gif) and ask you so politely “like for real?😳”
He’s so overjoyed at the news but at the same time, very nervous on the inside because he doesn’t have much preparation or knowledge about parenting. Don’t worry, he won’t let it show on the outside and act all cool as he doesn’t want you to panic or fret over it 🥺
Will carefully plan a food diet and daily routine for you including all the things that you might need to do in order to remain healthy and give birth to a healthy child. S U P E R thoughtful and caring!
He will look up online about pregnancy so he can cater to your needs BEFORE YOU ASK FOR IT. Wants to be there for you and make you feel like you’re not alone!!
Gives a lot of effort and always overthinks if he’s being a good dad. Even at work or when he’s in the studio, he will think about you, what you’re doing and if you’re okay. Will smile at the end of the day thinking about how cute you are 🥺
GOES BABY CLOTHES SHOPPING!! (This is a M U S T ) picks up so many baby clothes, bc being a fashionista he wants his baby to be very f a s h i o n a b l e ✨ (rock chic part 2)
Thinks you are extra adorable with your baby bump 🥺 will admire you endlessly when he’s watching you from the corner of the room
Will always watch over you and scold you if you’re not properly following the pregnancy guidelines your dr gave you and jay prepared with his own hands for double safety
He Will check your position when you’re sleeping and wake up from sleep PANICKING whether you’re sleeping with your tummy downwards (scared baby will be injured )
Cooks for you. Your favourite meals 🥺 will also low-key spoil you <3
Will make you do light exercises to help the baby and your pregnancy pain
Filling the baby with random knowledge about various subjects bc he’s a walking encyclopaedia and wants baby to be smart✌🏻
Will also talk to the baby every day🥺 (talkative cute jay being himself) however, this time HIS EYES WILL BE LEGIT SPARKLING with happiness
Buys picture books and reads them out to a pregnant you every night to help you and baby sleep 😚
Jay will kiss your hands and offer you reassurance as he intertwines your fingers together, giving you moral support and mental comfort <3
Very emotional🥺 he will have an emotional breakdown when the baby’s born and get all sentimental thinking about having a future with you!
Jay will definitely be the COOLEST father on earth 😎
Sim Jaeyun:
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It’s like you tell him first in a nonchalant way that your period has stopped for the last 2 months and brush it away by thinking it was due to stress and poor diet. But this boy is SOO EXCITED and expecting pregnancy that he BUGS you to take a test. You can low-key see the stars in his eyes from happiness.
So when your test says positive and you recheck your condition with a doctor, Jake literally falls to the ground from extreme happiness!! “Oh my gawwssh it’s true😭😱🥺 *him being his dramatic usual self * (hehe we all love him for being so extra)
The MOST excited one among all the members to actually become a father. It was just not the excitement from having a baby, but also the magical feeling of starting a family, a brand new chapter with the girl he loves the most♡︎
Jake is a VERY clingy person that goes without saying so you can expect him to cling to your tummy whenever he gets a chance to (without hurting you). He’s gonna shower your belly with endless kisses 🥺
You will find this angel frequently praying to god for blessing him with first you and then his baby angel. He’s just too pure and thankful.
I get this feeling he’s also gonna tell layla about your pregnancy from overwhelming excitement🤪 like squish layla and be like “laylaa I’m gonna be a dad 😭✌🏻” until he realizes poor girl is suffocating!! 😆
He will talk to the baby about his daily life, what he did in his day and go on hours and hours talking about how much he loves him/her and you.
Jake is gonna feel the urge to work harder for your sake and be a good dad. He wants to make the baby proud to have a dad like him. :’)
Takes videos and photos of you every month to document the memory. “Omg your baby bump got bigger, my baby is growing.” “Do u feel the kicking yet??”
Becomes clumsier than usual while trying to do things for you and taking care of you. You can expect to hear a lot of noises from him dropping utensils in the kitchen when doing the dishes hehe
He’s not even a human, he’s an angel. You can expect to wake up and see Jake falling asleep in the chair next to you while holding your hands. He came home from work late and watched over you the whole night before finally falling asleep at dawn.
Will always feed you your meals with his own hands
He’s gonna teach your baby a lot of different things. I low-key get the feeling the first thing he will teach is English grammar (we’re all accustomed to grammar police jake XD)
Gets impatient for the baby to be born :( he’s gonna be so excited and go nuts to hold the baby already!!
Decides on baby names the moment he hears about pregnancy!
Panics and stresses a lot on the inside. He wants to be the best father in the whole world and make sure you have a safe baby delivery
Kisses your forehead, pats your head and kisses the top of your head to thank you for making him the father of such a beautiful angel. Reminds you you’re doing so great and is the best momma on earth!😚
Puts Too much effort before/ after baby is born. He wants to protect you two at all costs.
When your baby girl/boy is born, he will be in paralysis because it feels too good to be true to him. Jake will stand there for 10 minutes to process what he just witnessed before coming in to give you two the WARMEST HUG <3
His phone will be spammed with baby’s pictures. Gonna STORE all and every one of her/his memory.
Doting father 110/100 🥰
(Dear god, I wish for husband jake please😭😳)
Park sunghoon:
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When you give him the news, his body will go all stiff and he will make a “😶” expression. It’s not that he won’t be happy, he will be so DELLIGHTED on the inside to be a father to your child 🥺 he’s just the most clueless about fatherhood.
First thing he’d do is brag about how HANDSOME baby is gonna be. “Damn, baby’s gonna be so handsome like daddy 😩🤩” “park sunghoon part 2 😏” and so on.
You might find him sulking in the corner sometimes and the reason? (Too cute) “please love me more than our baby😢” “I’m your more loved human”!! He really wants your love and is a lil upset that you’re not gonna give him enough attention when baby is born. He wants you to love BOTH OF THEM <3
Will try to be extroverted and express his feelings more for you. Even if it’s going against sunghoon’s natural character, he will try his best to always tell you that he loves you and show you how much he cares for you and how overjoyed he is to be able to start a family with you. Mind you, you’re gonna get very RANDOM confessions, but words that will melt your heart for sure <3
Plays with teddy bear (like in the gif) with a pregnant you because he thinks your baby is gonna enjoy it! “Whaaat, stop laughing at me!! I’m just trying to be friendly with baby *pouts*” (park sunghoon doing dumb things in love as usual awweh)
Cracks lame jokes to make you and baby laugh because he wants you both to be happy and smiling all the time :’) you both are like the two chambers of his damn heart
Secretly can’t wait to see the baby! Checks his calendar every day and hopes the day arrives soon when the lil bean is infront of him T.T. He will try not to be evident infront of you, but he won’t be able to hide his excitement that’s for sure
Heart attacks every now and then whenever you say your stomach hurts. He panics a lot and doesn’t know what to do, though he manages to handle the situation somehow and make you feel comforted
Will take care of u always! Sunghoon is gonna kiss you so much in your sleep and also your tummy. He feels flustered to do it when you’re awake but just pretend to be asleep and you will hear a shy sunghoon patting your tummy and saying “I can’t wait till you’re born. I love you so much already” in tiny
Thinks you’re extra cute when you’re pregnant! “Aaaah my fatty girl!!” “Look at the ballooooooooon stuck to your tummy” and laugh at you to make fun of you. Expect smooth pecks on your lips from him if you ever get pissed of because of his teasing! ;)
Caters to your needs 24/7 and asks the members esp Jake for support! He asks for advices on how he can be more loving and be a good dad and partner.
Will ask himself repeatedly if he’s being a good father or not, self doubts and more efforts will be invested to be worthy of you both! (He’s already worthy of you two but he loves you so much so sometimes he’s insecure)
Will cry when the baby will be born (part 2) sunghoon doesn’t normally cry but he can’t hold his happiness in, I swear. The moment’s too magical for him and too much to bear.
Will always make time to play with the baby when he/ she is born! Sunghoon will leave work early to come home with donuts and desserts in his hands to play with your child 🥰
Over protective loving dad! Goes without saying!the biggest fan of you both! Proud life partner and daddy! ♡︎
The End
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yandere-daze · 2 years
congrats on 1.4k! 🥺💜 could I request for yandere epel from twst with the prompts (the emperor, the empress and the chariot?)
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Thank you so much! Man we´ve really come a long way, haven´t we? We´ve already surpassed 1.7k followers a few days ago and it really feels unreal how fast that happened!
Also yes, Epel is one of my favorite twst boys so I´m very happy to deliver!
His new card is so cute and I´m so so mad that I had no pulls when he had his banner T.T I guess it´s something to save for on en servers!
tw yandere, possessiveness, mention of having children ( biological or adopted), jealousy, manipulation
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The Emperor - How much of their darling’s life does this yandere dictate/want to dictate?
Epel actually doesn´t want to dictate your life at all as he knows how pressuring it can be from his own experiences in Pomefiore. Vil and Rook always tell him what to do and force him to attend events he doesn´t want to.
How could he ever justify doing the same to his darling? He wants them to be happy when they are with him, not dread his presence. Just what kind of relationship would that be?
But sadly, his twisted feelings just keep growing and so he can´t really help himself when he despairs over the thought that you might abandon him one day. He´s such a frail looking boy so how could he ever hope to worm his way into your heart?
Maybe he will have to subtly lead you onto the right path. You won´t even notice how the others start avoiding you because he had beat them up in an impulsive rage.
He will generally try to refrain from telling you you can´t do certain things and instead tries to force situations where you will have no choice but to follow his advice. He´s not controlling you if you do it out of your own free will, right?
That´s what Epel tries to convince himself of at least
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The Empress - Would this yandere want to have children with their darling in the future?
I believe Epel would enjoy raising a child with you! Whether it´s your own biological one or an adopted child, he really wouldn´t care. He kind of sees it as his duty to protect both you and the child from any danger now and uses it as an opportunity to show his strength to you. Isn´t he just so reliable? Look how he can take care of two people now!
I think he´s quite the family person due to growing up in a very small and close-knitted community himself and thus would love to go back to his hometown with you and your child after you´ve both graduated from NRC. He constantly assures you that everyone there would be delighted to see you, especially his grandma.
Everyone there is so proud to see Epel have grown so much and even started a family of his own! You wouldn´t want to dissapoint them by trying to leave, right?
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The Chariot - What freedoms would this yandere allow, and take away?
Well despite how mature Epel wants to act, he´s actually a very easily jealous person due to his own insecurities. He desperately wants to get stronger to impress his darling so it really hurts him to see them talk so much to other people.
Why do you prefer them over him? Is he not enough? Has he not proven himself enough? It must be because they look so tough and strong but Epel will show you that he can be strong too!
So what I´m trying to say here is that Epel would try to keep you away from other people as much as possible, no matter what it takes. You´re his and so you should only look at him! How hard is that to understand?
He´s not controlling on purpose but say bye-bye to your alone time! He´ll allow you to continue with your hobbies as long as they don´t include other people but expect him to always be there, not letting you leave his sight for even a second.
He´s not enforcing any kind of rules on you but can you truly say you´re free when Epel is with you wherever you go?
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strawbearisamu · 3 years
cooking disasters 
❀ timeskip! miya osamu, suna rintarō, kita shinsuke, x gn! reader
Hi babes! Can I request one where Osamu, Suna and Kita have a s/o who loves, loves eating but can't cook to save her life? Can't wait for your magnificent hands (mind?) to 'cook' (hehe) smth up <33333
note: requested by @notsochillnerd — here! this was a little rushed but i hope you like it!! <3
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miya osamu
samu remembers it all, the smoke, the fire, you. his precious kitchen set ablaze. atsumu was convinced for a while that you were sent by some menace of an organisation to deprive him of onigiri and jeopardise the mbsy black jackals. of course he was only met with samu’s eye roll.
“samu, please,” you begged, voice slightly muffled, arms wrapped around your boyfriend’s waist, face smushed into his chest.
“babe... we’ve been through this, can’t have ya tryna to commit arson at onigiri miya again alright?” grey eyes meeting yours as he reached down, cupping your face.
“you’re so dramatic, i was only trying to reheat them for you, i didn’t know the microwave was capable of that...” you grumbled, pouting. “please?” and since his resolve was practically non-existent when it came to you, he only sighed and nodded.
cooking with you was an….experience. you always seemed to know how to induce the greatest amount of stress and panic in the shortest amount of time, leaving you alone for two seconds meant taking 10 years off of his life. and every time samu looked back to check up on you, he would count one less onigiri.
“samu, why does yours look so different? they were made using the same ingredients….” you whined, “teach me again?” you asked a little too eagerly. “here,” he chuckled, caging you against the counter, arms on either side, his breath tickling your hair a little, his calloused palms on your hands contrasted with his gentle touch as he guided your hands in his, molding the onigiri.
samu only stares at you with a knowing smirk as you scarf down the food-he- you guys made, the purest look of joy on your face as you devoured each bite.
“that good huh?” he asked and you nodded furiously in response. he chuckles squishing your cheeks in his palms, “hold still,” he said, kissing the stray piece of rice off your nose as your eyes widened a little before pouting, your index gesturing at your lips as though saying “here too.” and he happily obliges, smiling as he reaches in for a soft kiss.
suna rintarō
suna had actually been duped by you because you told him you loved food and you had a huge "passion" for cooking, so naturally he assumed you would be good at cooking. the first time he tried your food, bless him, he almost broke up with you because he literally thought you were trying to poison him.
he comes home to hear the clanging of pans and pots in the kitchen and almost instantly whips out his phone to order takeout. just in case you don’t make enough of course <3.
although a few hours later it’s you who’s devouring all of the takeout. shrinking a little under his gaze,, timidly reaching over for more.
“just take it all,” he sighed, pushing the takeout box towards you. “really?” your eyes lighting up as he nodded in response.
his green eyes are trained on you as practically inhale everything, he doesn’t even notice himself smiling along with you as you beamed in utter delight. finally letting a satisfied burp, “oh i’m stuffed,” you huffed only now noticing his green eyes that continued boring into yours, you let out an innocent, “what?”
“you’re so spoiled,” he said, pinching your cheek, “stop grinning like that, it's not a compliment, yn,” he frowned.
“close your eyes,” he ordered. “why?” “just do it,” and suna gets real close, his face inches away from yours, as you kept your eyes shut, swallowing in anticipation., “what are you doing babe? it’s done,” he says smirking at you as he wiped away the little spots of sauce that landed on your eyelids
“you’re so mean rin,” you said glaring at him. “i don’t know what you mean,” he shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye as he pulled you towards him, stealing a few kisses, “happy now?”
kita shinsuke
this man is so patient. he smiles through it all. somehow convincing himself your food is not all inedible, giving you weak nods as you look at him with expectant eyes.
kita loves you more than anything in the world, but you have to understand, a part of him dies when he sees the unspeakable things you do to the precious rice he so painstakingly cultivated, grown and harvested.
and that’s why kita elected to spend one of the very few rest days he got teaching you how to prepare rice and rice dishes.
“shin, does this go here?” you asked as he placed a calloused palm on your forearm, his warmth guiding you towards the pot. your cooking session goes surprisingly smooth with you only burning one dish.
when it’s time to eat he gives you all the bigger pieces, eating alongside you, watching intently as the look of pure joy on your face blossoms with every bite. mr. rice even carries you back to bed after you get knocked out from your food coma.
sol’s comments ❀ — omg kita’s is so short sry cuties, it was getting repetitive T.T also sorry for the long break, i just couldn't write anything good :(( used to cry about it but now i just take a break so at least there’s progress hehe. im a big girl now HAGHS 🥴 <33
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m.list ·˚ ༘ ꒱ | reblops are appreciated ☻ (free hugs ?! :O)
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animatedarchives · 3 years
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author’s note: hello! welcome back to the call out series :) this one includes bokuto, akaashi, konoha, sakusa and terushima (in that order)! i’m sorry this one is short but it’s bc i’ve got finals T.T i’ll post the other school soon, i promise :) enjoy!!
other schools: the call out series masterlist
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you crave attention. you were deprived of it growing up, so now you cling onto every small bit you can get. you’re probably incredibly touch-starved, and you yearn for physical affection because there’s something about it that makes you feel wanted. you’re afraid of abandonment, and you don’t want people to ignore you or to forget about you, which is why you’re so clingy all the time. you don’t want to be annoying but you want to make sure that they still care about you. you need constant reassurance because you’re afraid people are going to leave you alone. you’re just scared of being unloved and unwanted.
you are a massive overthinker. you’re sensitive to every little detail and you overanalyse every single thing. it always starts off as a small thought, and then suddenly, you’re in way too deep and it feels like you’re drowning. you often wonder if people hate you, or if everyone just thinks you’re annoying. you probably apologise a lot, hoping it’ll make people hate you less when they probably don’t even hate you at all. the stupid thing is that you know you’re being completely irrational, but you just can’t help it. you are a slave to your thoughts and it’s eating you alive. you’re imprisoned in your own mind.
you’re a jack of all trades, master of none. people praise you for your many talents, but you think it’s undeserved because you know you aren’t as good as they think you are. others can do the same thing as you, but they do it so much better. you wish you were as good as them, but you’re just average at everything. you’ll never be the star; you’re not good enough to be. you’re not a master, you’re not excellent. you’re just good. just good. being called a jack of all trades isn’t praise. it always reminds you of just how much you are actually lacking.
you’re lonely. you may be a little introverted or even have social anxiety, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t desire closeness. you see people in their tight-knit groups of friends and you want that. you see cute couples laughing and holding each other and you want that. you want to be close to people, but nobody wants to be close to you. you aren’t anybody’s first choice. your own best friend doesn’t even think of you as their best friend. you feel dejected, isolated, unwanted, and alone. you wish someone would want you as much as you want them.
you feel like no one cares to know the real you. you’re probably popular, attractive, smart, and talented. people admire you, but everything is all on the surface. no one really cares about who you are or what you want to be, what you like, what you dislike, or even your favourite childhood memory. they only look at your externals, which upsets you because that’s not all that you are. but no one tries to get to know you. no one cares, no one bothers. you’re a garden full of wonders and secrets that no one wants to discover.
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© written and published by animatedarchives 2020. please do not steal or repost. thank you.
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milkybonya · 3 years
order 003 for anon: a large banana milk tea with strawberry popping boba for treasure’s Yedam
Warnings: angst, crying, explicit language, threats, violence
Summary: where Yedam is the badboy! at school and he has a soft spot for you ^-^ you somehow end up as his tutor and.. yeah :")
[a/n]: idk why it's so hard for me to imagine Yedam as a bad boy??? i hope i wrote this well T.T i love the badboy! concept tho hehe so i loved this,, aLSO I'M SORRY FOR SACRIFICING JEONGWOO LIKE THIS JEONGWOO ILY <3 i feel like i kind of unconsciously wrote Yedam as resembling Han Seo Jun from True Beauty hmmmm also i’ve been listening to a lot of Kang Daniel lately and am falling hard for that man so if you see this pls send Kang Daniel pics thx ily
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"Everyone move the fuck aside and let me through," Yedam growls, speaking to the crowd that's blocking the classroom door. No one listens so he barges through, pushing people down to the ground if he has to just to get to class.
He doesn't care about why they've all gathered, or the poor student that has fainted at the door. He simply sits at his desk, props his feet up and closes his eyes to take a nap as all the students wonder what they should do.
"Yedam, what the hell?! Now is not the time for sleeping. A student has fainted and all you do is push people aside so you can nap at your desk?"
Yedam opens his eyes and pushes up the shades he's wearing. No one has ever spoken to him like this before, and even the students tending to the fainted person are shocked overhearing this. A relatively quiet student yelling at Yedam?
Who's this? Yedam wonders to himself, staring you up and down. He catches a glimpse of your name tag: [y/n]. I've never met this person- ... oh.
The one memory with you that he remembers: him falling off the top of the soccer goal post in an empty field just last year after class had already ended; you leaving the library and finding him there. Despite being scared of him and wanting to just leave, you approached him and gave him a piggy back all the way to the nearest hospital. He remembers the searing pain in his leg and how fast you tried to run, the wind blowing your hair in all directions as you shouted words of comfort into the wind: "It's gonna be okay! We'll get to the hospital soon, I promise."
When he later told his friend, Haruto about it, Haruto said, "I would've left you there and never looked back."
Even though Yedam knew he was joking, he can't forget how kind your actions were that day.
Is this why he isn't getting mad at you even though you're yelling in his face?
"Just let me take a nap," is all he says to you, sliding his sunglasses back down on his face. You shake your head at him before leaving the classroom, rushing to tell the teacher about the fainted student.
From that day, Yedam decides he won't leave you alone. For what reason? No one knows, not even him.
"Yes, Yedam, what is your question?" the teacher asks, turning around from the blackboard to face the class.
"Can I change my seat?" Yedam asks.
The class laughs until Yedam shoots a glare in everyone’s direction.
"We're in the middle of a mathematics lesson, Yedam. Talk to me about it later."
"It's an emergency!"
"What's the emergency?"
"I need to sit here," Yedam says, getting up from his spot and walking to the seat on your right, tapping his fingers on the desk.
"And why's that?" the teacher asks, crossing his arms.
"Because... it's closer to the blackboard?"
Your heart is nervously racing throughout this interaction. Never in a million years would you want Yedam, the school's most renowned bad boy to sit beside you. Never.
"You've been sitting in the back for years. What's the problem?" the teacher asks.
"There's a problem. Very big one."
Yedam sits on the desk of that innocent student, sitting on their notes and crossing his arms.
"Yedam, can we talk about this later-"
"Nope. Hey... Junkyu? Can you move to my spot?" Yedam asks the student. One fierce glare from him is enough to get the student to pack up and clear the desk out.
"See? problem sorted," Yedam tells the teacher, sitting at his new spot beside you.
The teacher worriedly looks at you, noticing your discomfort.
"Well, we need to hurry on with the lesson so we'll talk about this later, okay?" the teacher explains, looking at both you and Yedam.
For the rest of the lesson, Yedam does nothing but stare at you. You don't look at him, not even once, but you can feel his eyes on you. It makes you lose focus, even though you're trying your best to take notes.
He's memorizing all of your features. the curve of your nose and lips, the colour of your eyes and how they look in the sunlight. He doesn't know why, but he just wants to look at you.
Finally, when the lesson ends and the teacher asks both of you to follow him to his office, you slam your arms down on your desk and glare at Yedam.
"Can you stop staring at me? I haven't been able to focus and you're making me uncomfortable!" you yell, silencing the chatter of the classroom.
Yedam gulps.
"I can't focus either, cause of you," Yedam says with a wink, resting his head on his palm.
You cough, shocked at his words.
"What are you saying?" you choke out.
"Let's go to the teacher's office. Whatever he says, tell him you're helping me with my studies so I need to sit beside you."
"And if I don't?" you challenge Yedam.
Yedam simply glares at you with his sharp eyes and you decide to comply.
As he lopes out of the class in a relaxed manner, you rush along behind him. In the teacher's office, you sit beside one another and across from your teacher, who sighs before he speaks.
"Yedam, I can tell [y/n] is uncomfortable with your actions. They don't want to be sitting beside you so please go back to your usual spot for the next class, okay?"
The teacher only speaks to Yedam, not even looking in your direction or asking for your opinion. You understand his intentions, but it still upsets you a little...
Yedam looks at you instead, an expectant expression on his face. Although you find him extremely annoying, his look is enough encouragement to get you to speak, even though you're about to say a bunch of lies.
"But sir, I've actually been helping Yedam with his studies these days," you croak out, gaining more confidence with each word you speak.
"Have you?" the teacher asks, raising his brow.
"They have, and you'll be seeing my improved grades soon," Yedam says, nudging you with a smirk.
"Well... if that's true, then alright. I'd better see those improved grades," the teacher says.
Yedam bites his lip while grinning, clearly glad that he'll be allowed to sit with you. On the other hand, you sigh. Who knows what kind of trouble this will bring for you...
After that meeting, the two of you sit beside one another in your next class. You feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest as Yedam stares at you from your right. The rest of the class has their eyes on you, too, wondering why Yedam is still sitting beside you.
"Can you please... stop staring at me," you whisper under your breath.
"I don't want to," Yedam says with a smile, continuing to look at you while his head is being held up by his palm, elbow propped up on his desk.
"I bet that [y/n] somehow seduced Yedam. They may look quiet, but they might be the slyest person on this planet," a classmate suggests from behind you.
Yedam's chair screeches backwards from beside you and he stands up, his arms swinging slightly at his sides.
"What the fuck did you just say?" Yedam asks, turning around to the classmate who was speaking nonsense. His face looks extremely angry - you've never seen him like this before.
The classmate puffs up their chest, trying to look stronger than they really are.
"I said [y/n] seduced you! And what?"
"You idiot," Yedam hisses, taking a few strides forward and smacking them in the face.
Instead of fighting back, the classmate doesn't budge. They have their head down, slowly reaching their hand up to their injured cheek.
Yedam crouches down to the seated student to meet their eyes.
"[y/n] never seduced me and never will. We've all been classmates for so long, you still can't recognize one another? Stop the bullshit. If I hear this again, it'll be more than your face that'll be harmed, you hear me?"
"Yedam, that's enough," you say, tugging at the back of his uniform blazer.
He finally turns around after a while, greeting you with such a bright smile that you wonder if he's forgotten everything that just happened.
"So, [y/n], are you gonna help me study or what?" Yedam asks you, returning to his seat."
"What do you mean?" you ask, confused.
"The teacher is expecting improved grades, so of course we should show him that, shouldn't we?"
The way Yedam tilts his head to one side while smiling at you makes your breath falter for a second.
"I-I guess we should," you stutter. Why are you suddenly getting so nervous around a jerk like Yedam? No but firstly, why is he being so nice to you?
"Okay, everyone! Class is starting, get to your- what happened to Jeongwoo?" the teacher asks, pointing to the classmate who Yedam smacked.
Jeongwoo's cheek is red and he has some ice pressed up against it.
"Got hit by a baseball. He's never paying attention to the right things," Yedam says, shaking his head.
The teacher thankfully shrugs things off. If not, Yedam would have been in deep trouble. 
You release the breath you didn’t realize you’ve been holding and Yedam pokes you with the eraser end of his pencil.
“Library after school today, okay?” he whispers. You nod.
Yedam watches you neatly pack up your things with his arms crossed, unconsciously smiling at the way you make sure everything is in the right part of your bag before you sling it over your shoulders and declare that you’re ready to go.
“You don’t mind taking a motorbike ride real quick, do you?” Yedam asks, glancing at you as the two of you walk down the hallway.
Shit. You’d forgotten that Yedam has a motorbike and takes the thing everywhere with him. Even though you’re a little scared to ride it with him, if that’s what he’s suggesting, you’re more scared to say ‘no’ to Yedam, so you simply nod.
Yedam is quick to notice the way you gulp, though, and how you nervously fidget with your hands as you walk, taking shaky steps.
They’re nervous... he tells himself. I’d better treat them well.
Yedam hands you his spare helmet. When you hesitate to take it from him, he places it over your head himself, knocking on it to show how protective it is. 
“In case anything happens, I promise I won’t let you get hurt, okay?” he tells you, holding out his pinkie finger. 
You let out a scoff at his unexpected childishness, but still loop your pinkie around his.
“I’m not scared, you know,” you exert, swinging your right leg around the motorbike as you take a seat behind Yedam.
Before you can even blink, Yedam starts the motorbike and whizzes off. You’re forced to wrap your arms tightly around him out of fear, and he smiles under your warm embrace.
“You can just grab onto my blazer instead, you know,” he yells into the wind. You hear him, but pretend you didn’t. You’re too scared to move your hands right now.
After getting over some of the fear, you raise your head and admire the moving blue sky above you, the way the trees stand at the edge of the skyline and how the wind seems to surge through your veins as well as directly through you.
You don’t even realize you’ve arrived until Yedam tells you, helping you get off the bike. Regaining your senses, you stare at the glass building in front of you.
“Yedam... why are we here?” you ask him in shock. This mans really brought you to the library that’s on the other side of the city.
“I just wanted to enjoy a fun bike ride with you,” he mumbles, walking up the steps to the library.
Once the two of you find a spot, you don’t waste any time in getting right to work.
“So... what subject do you struggle with the most?”
“[y/n],” he mumbles.
“Uh... math.”
“Okay... let’s get started with that, then.”
As you talk, Yedam loses focus, getting lost in the sweet tone of your voice, the way your hands move as you talk, and your precious lips.
“Yedam? What’s the answer to this question?” you ask, pointing to the equation you’ve written on the paper before you.
“Uh... I don’t know,” he admits. 
You sigh.
“I just explained to you how you should solve this! Did you not understand or were you not listening?”
“Um... I kind of just want to kiss you right now,” Yedam mumbles under his breath, smiling up at you with a slightly reddened face.
“What? Yedam, you’ve been mumbling all day today and it’s been scaring me.”
“Scaring you? No no, I don’t mean to scare you-”
Both of your phones vibrate on the desk and you glance at one another. You check yours and find out it’s a message from the class groupchat.
Jeongwoo: guys guys! [y/n] and Yedam are at the library across town studying together! i’m telling you, something is up...
Junkyu: says who?
Jeongwoo: sent a photo.
When you look at the photo, it’s of you and Yedam at the very desk you’re sitting at right now. Suddenly, you feel anxious. Has someone been following you? For how long?
Yedam: whichever one of you hoes is following us better fucking stop before i show up at your house and set it on fire. istg please leave us the FUCK ALONE!
Jeongwoo: shit i didn’t mean to send this to the class groupchat...
Yedam slams his phone down and looks carefully around the library.
“I found him,” he whispers before getting up and running across the library. You try to follow his trail and find someone wearing your school uniform running away with Yedam chasing closely behind.
If a fight breaks out because of you, you won’t be able to forgive yourself... you rush after them and follow them to the parking lot, which is luckily quite busy. You know Yedam won’t start a fight in such a busy place...
“You asshole, did Jeongwoo set you up to this?” Yedam grunts, grabbing your classmate by his collar.
“Don’t lie to me,” Yedam growls.
“Guys, please stop! This parking lot is full of people-”
“Leave me alone!” the boy yells at the top of his lungs. People start to stare and Yedam lets go of his collar, dusting himself off. The veins on his neck are visible, showing his anger.
“If you do anything like this again, you’ll be in for it,” Yedam says to the boy before he runs away.
“[y/n], I’m so sorry-”
“Yedam, if this is what it’s gonna be like for me to help you study then I don’t want to do it!”
“I know, but-”
“Yedam, I’m scared,” you admit, starting to tear up slightly.
Yedam doesn’t know what to do, so he just sadly watches you as you cover your face and try not to cry. Then, you feel his arms around you as he presses his body against yours.
“I’m sorry, [y/n], I just... I’m sorry for putting you in this situation but I just... wanted to spend some time with you and-”
“You call this spending time with me?!” you sob into his chest.
“I’ll make them pay...”
“No, Yedam. I’ve had enough of your revenge and violence and... I just want to go back to my quiet life. Even a day spent like this has been too much for me.”
Yedam pulls away and steps back.
“I’ll pack up my stuff from the library. Please don’t talk to me ever again.”
As you walk away, Yedam silently watches you, hating himself for the fact that his heart is breaking. Why is his heart breaking?
The next day, Yedam is in his usual spot somewhere behind you in class, trying to sleep with his head on the desk but being unable to because you still haven’t shown up and he’s worried.
The same thing happens the next day.
And the next.
And the next.
At this point, you haven’t shown up for a week and Yedam is incredibly worried. He’s tried texting and calling you, but you haven’t replied. So he storms into the teachers’ office, demanding for your home address so he can visit you.
The teachers refuse for privacy reasons, but Yedam says he won’t leave the office until they give it to him, so they reluctantly do.
“You better not be going to bother [y/n] in any way, but to truly just visit them.”
“Do I look like I would bother [y/n]?”
Yedam scoffs, leaving the office with your address in his hands. He leaves the school right then and there too, not caring about the rest of his classes for that day.
After an hour of getting lost on his motorbike searching for your home, he finally finds it. Slightly sweaty and incredibly tired, he knocks on your door, praying that you’ll open it.
“Who is it?” you sleepily ask, opening the door. Your first reaction is to slam the door shut as soon as you see Yedam, but he stops you.
“Please, [y/n],” he begs. “I’ve been searching for your house for an hour and I’m so tired... just let me in.”
Your pure and wholesome soul can’t say no to this, so you invite him in, quickly bringing him a glass of water.
“Why haven’t you been at school?”
“I think you know why,” you say, sitting on the couch next to Yedam’s.
“Because of me?”
You nod.
Yedam sighs.
“[y/n], you shouldn’t stop coming to school because-”
“The kids have stopped talking about us now, right? So I’ll come back, don’t worry.”
“Ah... right,” Yedam says with a sigh, running his hand through his hair.
“Why are you even... here?” you ask him.
“To check on you?” he says in a sarcastic tone, as if it should be obvious.
“Because I-” like you. He almost says it but stops himself, knowing that now is not the right time but also because what the heck?! He likes you?! Since when?! These feelings have been growing so fast on their own that Yedam can’t even keep up with them.
“Because?” you urge him.
“I was worried. Am I not allowed to be here?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t get why you would be worried.”
The truth is, you’re suspecting Yedam has developed feelings for you. You’re hoping it isn’t true, but you need to know. So you’re trying to get him to confess.
“I like you, [y/n], okay?! I know now isn’t the time but you keep putting so much pressure on me and I just...”
Your heart works harder than normal in your chest to keep blood flowing, and you wonder why. It’s not like you like Yedam or anything... right?
“I’m sorry, [y/n]. I’ll leave now,” he says, standing up and grabbing his helmet from where he left it at his feet.
Your heart races as you wonder if you should decide to do that thing you’re thinking about... should you... kiss him?
Ah, you don’t even like this jerk! Why would you do that?!
Exactly, why would you...? Why are you even considering this-
Before you know it, your body is moving on its own as you pull Yedam towards you and connect your lips to his. The sound of his helmet hitting the floor doesn’t hinder you from deepening the kiss as you realize that heck... maybe you really do like Yedam. Why else would you have butterflies?! You wouldn’t get butterflies from kissing someone you hate! Like you wouldn’t get butterflies from kissing trump-
okay sorry, i’ve lost myself here but i’m trying to say
the way Yedam is giving you butterflies is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before, and the way he wraps his arm around your lower back, holding you close makes you...
Yedam pulls away, panting slightly.
“[y/n], what the fuck?”
“Yedam... I think I like you, too.”
“You think?” Yedam teases you, grinning.
“What was that for, then?” he asks, pointing to his lips.
“Shut up,” you say, walking past him and purposely bumping into his shoulder. 
He grabs your arm and whirls you back around to face him.
“Just how the heck did we end up liking each other?” he asks you. But after looking at you for even a second, he knows. You’re beautiful, and he realized this the day you helped him when he was injured in that empty school field.
I guess for you, somehow this idiot made his way into your life, and his repeated efforts to win your love somehow rubbed off on you. But still, no one can make your heart race like Yedam does.
“[y/n] is back!”
“Yedam is sitting next to [y/n] again?”
“Are they holding hands?!”
You and Yedam sit side by side in class, discreetly holding hands under the desk while sharing earbuds. Sure, the whole class will probably talk and spread rumours about you dating Yedam, but who cares? You’ve found someone you love now, and that’s all that matters.
“Okay, class, let’s start the lesson,” the teacher says, only stopping to show a thumbs up and a wink in your and Yedam’s direction.
“What was that?” you ask Yedam, who smiles.
“I guess he’s showing his support for our newfound relationship?”
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sneales · 3 years
can we get +geto for reacting s/o's death too 👉👈 in hs if you will bc extra angst hehe
Characters: Geto, gender neutral reader Genre: angst Warnings: grammar mistakes, mention of death, slight spoilers for anime onlys Notes: Hi anon^^ I think Geto’s story is all about how he reacts to the deaths of his fellow sorcerers, so I couldn’t write anything different from what happens in the manga T.T Thanks for the request!
→Requests are open!
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It’s not really a surprise for him. That was his worst fear and he had thought about it a lot.
It’s not a surprise that sorcerers die in their missions, not a surprise that higher-ups don’t care about their safety.
It’s not a surprise, but it hurts so much and the little faith he had in the world he lives in disappears with his s/o.
He can’t help thinking that he should’ve protected his s/o, that he failed them and left them alone just like the higher-ups.
He hates that everything around him is going on as if nothing happened, nobody seems to care enough, nobody seems to realize their crimes and their mistakes.
He doesn’t think he deserves time to mourn, he wants to take this as the opportunity to decide whether he still wants to work as a sorcerer or if he needs to fight to build a better world, to avoid that other sorcerers die too under the pretext of protecting the weak.
He chooses to leave the jujutsu world, to become the bad guy. If he had done it sooner, he thinks, maybe things would be different right now.
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
It's 🌸 anon~
Waaaaaaaaah you almost killed me with that Dia angst!!!! Please please pleeeeeaaaasssseeee could you do some Dia × MC fluff so my poor heart can recover T.T maybe something to do with tea?
(If you want of course!!! If you're not interested/not up for it no worries at all :) )
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(I didn't expect to get these y'all lol;; and that's cause I suck at angst xD but I can definitely do some fluff to make up for it!! *gives all of you a giant hug*)
He genuinely couldn't tell when exactly it happened. His plan was to set up the exchange program, have humans and angels join the demons in harmony, or at least an attempt at it, here in the Devildom. He wanted them to see how well demons could get along with other beings, and see how well the humans and angels would do along side them. Peace between the three realms was his ultimate goal; though he never foresaw how hard he would fall.
MC was a unique human in their own right. He found them incredibly charming and for some reason, he couldn't help finding himself constantly trying to be at their side, helping them study by any means or listening to them talk about their life in the Human Realm. He used excuse after excuse to get them to come over to his castle, until they finally told him that they would love to just be around him if he sought their company. They were friends after all, right?
Hmm. 'Friends'. Something about that word felt bitter on his tongue; but he accepted it with a smile and would have them over for tea and to chat, walk around the castle's garden and pick flowers for them, or even wander around the Devildom together, getting wrapped up in the shenanigans of the brothers that would leave the Demon Prince howling with laughter at their antics.
He loved every minute he got to spend with MC, and seeing them enjoy their time with him just as much made his chest swell with happiness and pride. Though, that feeling ebbed away with each passing day as he knew the school year was coming to end soon.
He would have to say goodbye to MC. He couldn't bring himself to do it; and he finally accepted why.
He was madly in love with this precious human.
A week before he knew it was going to be time for them to leave, he asked them over once more for tea. He asked Barbatos to fix their favorite, both tea and sweets that he knew they enjoyed. He had gotten a bouquet of their favorite flowers, and a document he was silently wishing they would agree to sign for him.
When they arrived, he was practically vibrating with excitement and nerves, dressed casually enough that MC giggled and teased him for not looking so princely. He simply smirked at them and shrugged, "I am allowed to be a normal demon from time to time, don't you think?"
"I suppose, though I'm surprised Barbatos let you get away with it, Dia," they teased in return, using the nickname that always made his heart flutter. They only ever used it when they were alone with him, and that made it all the more meaningful to him; made him feel as if there was a special place in their heart for him.
He lead them to his office where their usual tea time would be held, and he pulled out their chair for them, before sitting in his own. He poured their cup first, earning another surprised look from MC. "I gave Barbatos the day off. So...we could spend some time alone, if that's alright with you."
Their smile seemed to beam and they nodded. "Glad he gets some time off," they remarked with the glint of a tease, and Diavolo gave a rueful smile in return. "I know I ask a lot of him, but he is my most loyal subject. He helps me keep the Devildom from falling apart."
"I know, I meant no harm, just teasing," they assured him, patting his hand with their own. He subconsciously turned his hand to grab hold of theirs, freezing when he noticed the motion; but they didn't pull away. Instead they laced their fingers with his and he felt a warm crawling up his neck all the way to his ears.
They sat like that for a while, drinking tea and talking about how things were going in RAD and in the Devildom. It was peaceful and serene, a moment Diavolo wished would go on for eternity. But of course, the subject came up of MC having to leave...
A deep frown came over their features and they sighed, running their finger around the rim of their cup. "To be honest with you, Dia...I really don't want to go home..."
He perked up at this. They continued. "I genuinely love it here. I enjoy my time with the demon brothers, there is always something outrageous going on with the lot of them," they added on a laugh. "I feel...so much more welcomed here than I do at home. The Devildom feels more like my home now."
Diavolo felt as if his heart was going to burst. He pulled his hand away from theirs for a moment to pick up the papers he had placed at his side. MC looked at them quizzically, before furrowing their brows as they looked him in his golden eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat before handing them over to MC.
"I know I have asked a lot of you this year, forcing you here to begin with; but I have one more thing to ask of you. This is an agreement I would like you to sign..."
They stared at him for a few moments before looking over the papers, brows slowly beginning to rise as they finished reading it over. "An ambassador? For the Human Realm?"
He nodded, smiling hopefully. "You would be allowed to live in the Devildom as a human ambassador, and would visit the Human Realm along side me when we need to attend meetings. It would give you a reason to...permanently stay here. That is, if you would agree to it."
Their mouth was slacked open a bit as they looked between him and the document. He felt the twinge of fear in the pit of his stomach, worried they were going to decline, until he was tackled by MC, wrapping their arms tightly around his neck in a gripping hug.
"Yes! I would love more than anything to do this! Dia, this makes me so happy!" They just as quickly pulled away from the hug, dashing over to his desk to grab up his quill, and sign the document immediately.
He couldn't help the deep laugh that escaped him, as he stood next to them, taking the document from them once signed and placing it on his desk. "Thank you for agreeing to this, MC. It makes me incredibly happy that I can count on you to help me further things here in the Devildom."
He stepped up to them once more, taking their hands in his. His face became rather serious as he let out another sigh. "But, I have to admit I lied to you." They startled, concern all over their features. He continued, "I actually have one more thing to ask of you."
He pulled them closer, a hand coming up to cup their cheek and his thumb brushed across their bottom lip. He watched the flush form in their cheeks, and he felt his lips curl into a soft smile. "I would give anything to have you by my side, MC. But as my partner, my love, not just the ambassador to the Human Realm. I am in love with you, MC."
Their eyes widened once more, darting all over his features as if searching for a hint of this being another tease. But when they sensed only the seriousness of his words, their features softened and they returned his smile. "I love you too, Diavolo. I have...for a very long time it seems."
He whispered their name softly before leaning forward and pressing his lips to theirs. One hand continued to cup their cheek as the other splayed against their lower back, pulling them close to his chest. They pulled away from each other, both breathing heavily as their noses touched. MC gave an airy laugh as their hand came up to brush his dark red bangs from his eyes.
"I never though the Demon Prince, future Ruler of the Devildom, would be interested in a mere human."
He chuckled, brushing his lips against theirs once more, as he wrapped his arms tightly and possessively around their waist.
"Well the Three Realms are full of absolute surprises, wouldn't you agree?"
First Date with Diavolo
He would be nervous like a teenager going out for the first time, worried and wanting to make sure everything was perfect for you
He will take you to all his favorite spots in the Devildom, telling you all the stories he has about each one specifically, and hoping to make a few more with you there
There is a large garden towards the outskirts of the Devildom, and he takes you there to see the are flowers that only grow there, sharing his knowledge about them all with you
Will take you shopping as well and buy you a brand new outfit plus some new jewelry if you are into it; he will not take no for an answer lol
Will take you the carnival towards the center of the Devildom, and play as many games as he can to win you all the plushies and gifts he can get for you
Loves the alone time with you on the Ferris wheel and pulls you close when you are both at the very top, overlooking how beautiful his kingdom looks from way up high
If you allow him to, he will kiss you there, holding you close and tight
When the outing for the date is coming to an end, he will actually escort you back to the castle, where Barbatos has fixed dinner for you both; dishes from the Human Realm that he knew you would enjoy
Expect to be taken to his balcony where he will have a record player set up to have romantic music playing for the two of you, as he asks you to dance right there on the balcony
He'll pull you close and shower you with compliments, and even kisses especially
Once he knows you must head home, he will transform into his demon form and fly you to the House of Lamentation, letting you cuddle against his chest as he carries you, hoping you enjoy the view of the Devildom from his arms
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tare-anime · 3 years
SxF Chapter 49
(Beware spoilers)
We're almost 50 chapters!! Wohoooo 🥰
Still.... after the ending of chp 48, I have no clues at all of how the story in this chapter will go.
Thus, I am not prepared at all, when Endo slapped me with this much angst 🥲
I mean, I love hurt/comfort. But this chapter is all about hurt without comfort (yet)... I'm....🥲
Ahem. Okay, let's see the lighter part of this chapter first.
Anya being worried for her mom's safety is sooo cute!! She really tried her best, but after playing all day, she got sleepy.
And day by day, she started to took her parent's trait, I found that cute 🥰
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Like mother, like daughter.... LOL
On Loid's side.... a bit of TwiYor content here. Loid really misses his wife. Especially, since he had to watch over Anya all day long, and he got really tired from doing so.
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Now you understand how Yor feels when you went all around town for your mission, eh???
I can't wait to see his expression when he reunited with Yor 🥰
(The rest will go under the cut, because this is a loooooonnngggg post.)
Now unto the villains...
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It looks like Steve Jobs is a sniffing freak! That's one scary ability there..... yet, that ability could become a weakness too. But by the his inner monologue... apparently this man was one of those who responsible in eliminating the Gretchers. Which means, he's one formidable enemy. The "boss enemy" of this arc.
I am both excited and terrified in anticipating the match between him and Yor 🥶
But, I say, the most terrifying enemy is the "evil Frankie". Informants always works in the shadow. Made them those with higher chance of survivals, and yet they held the important things/cards in their hands. With enough strategy, they will able to use it to evil deeds. Scary. And just look at this. He already prepared to save himself, should things went south.
Now, on the lighter note...
Soft boy detected!
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Furseal, whose real name turn out to be Zab, already admired Olka for a long time!! Awww... and he even noticed how distressed Olka (and the baby) are, and thus take action to be the goofy one, so that they could relax a bit.
Olka knows this, which made her commented that he’s a nice guy. 
Awww.... I just hope.... really hope.... Zeb didn't die protecting Olka. After what had happened to Olka, I want her to at least has someone she could rely on, someone that will not betrayed her under any circumstances. That person being Zab here. (Please Endo....hear my praaayy....)
From his backstory, however.... now we get a timeline. We are currently around 10 years after the war.
And that apparently the Gretchers were not at the same side with the current government, despite their enormous power. Which might be one of the reasons why they're eliminated. The government needs their resource for weaponry, but they refused to cooperate. Thus they're eliminated.
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This made me think.....
The Gretchers are friends with Garden. Garden was said to serve the shadow government. And in that term, Garden might also be at the side who don't want any war....
Which means.... Garden and WISE might be at the same side!!
I really hope so.
That means we have a possibility of Loid and Yor doing join mission, buuuuttt then we might have a Yor vs Yuri??? (Okay, I'll stop here)
Continue to Garden member. I am awed by McMahon.
He is one awesome character!! By the way he act here, we can conclude that he is one with enough experiences. Good one and bad ones. He might had seen so many things in this world, thus he understand the nature of human beings. Him being the soldier who would do things necessary for his country? Ugh... total badass!! And unlike Yor, he knows how to use different type of weapons. Fire weapon, close range weapon, throwing weapons.... wow!! wow!!
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And once again, I got the feeling that he’s Yor’s mentor. He knows when to scold her (forgeting the knocking code?? Yor!! Don’t be too nervous!), but he also acknowledge her as one of the strongest assassins in Garden.
Btw, somehow I got the feeling that McMahon is there to watch over Yor too. He seems like the loyal butler of Shopkeeper. And Yor is the princess (Shopkeeper’s daughter). And thus Mc Mahon is responsible of her safety too. I mean, look at him. Cleaning after the mess, preparing them food, smoothing their cover story, and for the night, he asked “the three of them” (Yor included) to ‘rest’ while he ‘cleaned’ the enemies. 
He really got the ‘loyal butler’ and ‘mentor’ vibes here.
Now aside from Furseal, I am also afraid that he might die in doing what he has to do (protecting Yor). 
Uuuhh but please Endooo!! If you want to kill someone, let it be Steve Jobs!! pleaseeee!!! 
(btw, could we have McMahon at the cover of the 8th volume?? but we haven’t even got Handler yet!!)
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Leave it to Endo, to make this supposedly warm panels, hurts so so so sosooooooo muccch T.T
Now, the last but not least, the source of this chapter’s angst...
Yor... oh my dear Yor...
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She’s so afraid of getting hurt because she thought it might hindered her to return to the Forgers. She was reminded that the Forgers are just ‘fake’ family. 
Yor is a simple person. All this time, she do whatever she has to do, doing all the dirty jobs, all for one purpose: Raising Yuri.
Now that Yuri had able to stand on his own two feet, suddenly Yor felt lost. And for the first time, she also has wants. Yor wants something, that is to be loved by a family. Yet she felt that she isn’t allowed to have what she wants. Ugh!! 
Not having a goal in her live, currently doing an unusual job, and now she also wants to be with the Forgers but she felt she wasn’t appropriate in doing so....  And by sitting alone in the dark quiet room, her mind wanders: She felt lost and she is depressed T.T  (and my heart breaks!!)
But by the next chapters, I hope she realized, that the Forgers are not ‘fake’. At least, Anya really see her as the mother. Anya needs her. And that getting hurt to protect her family is worth it. (I have a feelings that Yor might get hurt in protecting Anya, who in her own way tries to help, but the kid didn’t realized that these assassins are dangerous.)
So, all in all, this chapter really make me feels.... (still a wonderful chapter though!)
In next chapter I think we’re finally entering the climax of this arc (the countdown begin!).... I can’t wait! 
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friendofhayley · 3 years
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Monthly shout-out to every fanfic creator for all fandoms! Thank you for posting your talent for free and making our fandoms a more creative place. <3 This fic rec includes 12 fics from One Direction, Harry Potter, and Teen Wolf fandoms.
Larry (One Direction)
1. Praise the Mutilated World by @eeveelou, @creamcoffeelou | dystopian AU - A/B/O - on par with Hunger Games for dystopian world/plot - maybe its the feminism but I saw some parallels between governing of vagina-welders and omegas - 106k
It was August when everything changed.
By October, the leaves changed, and so did Louis’ heart.
2. i'll be someone who won't be forgotten by @socialiststyles | oof oof oof this hit close to home (for Sagittariuses) - love confessions - friends to strangers to lovers - angst with a happy ending - 27k
"I’m just—" (Harry hiccups) "there’s a lot here."
And – yeah. There are oceans between them and mountain ranges surrounding them and Louis can feel tectonic plates shifting beneath his unsteady feet, pulling them further and further apart by the heartbeat. There are countries of distance, but there are pages and maps and textbooks of shared histories, moments documented and carefully filed away and Louis can’t remember thinking complete thoughts before he thought of Harry.
3. Send Me Your Pillow (The One That You Dream On) by @lesbianiconharrystyles | this was so soft and lovely - gAyBO - omega/omega - fluff and anxiety - 1k
Harry is embarrassed to realize he's nesting but can't stop stealing Louis' things for his nest.
4. falling, catching by tsuneni | light academia - first time - strangers to lovers - creatives in love - 23k
Harry’s jotting down some more notes when he feels a thud on his right shoulder. He doesn’t flinch, thank God, because when he turns his head to the right his suspicions are confirmed. The boy has fallen asleep on Harry’s shoulder.
When Harry lets out the breath he had been holding, the sleeping boy pushes his nose further into the burgundy fabric of Harry’s sweater, and wraps his arm around Harry’s waist.
This boy is going to be the death of him.
Wolfstar (Harry Potter)
5. I Tried Writing Your Name In The Rain, But It Never Came, So I Used The Sun Instead by @lenscribbles | I loved that Remus was a POC and his Syrian mother is amazing - friends to lovers - mutual pining - and nothing bad happens to them ever in the future :) - 12k
Don’t get Remus wrong. He loves his friends, he does! Loves them to the moon and back in fact. They’re his people, his favorite part of everyday, his found family. He’d do anything for them. But the thing is that doesn’t take away from the very simple fact that his friends are fucking ridiculous. Remus knows this, has known it for five years now. But it doesn’t stop him from startling awake on the morning of his sixteenth birthday surprised by the sound of fireworks exploding in their dormitory and a raucous chorus of “Happy birthday Moony!” being shouted into his ear with jaunty gusto.
“You are wicked, wicked wizards,” Remus moans from where he refuses to get up on his bed, covering his face with his hands, a good call on his end considering that the very next moment he feels a cascade of confetti pouring all over him. “The worst of the worst! You deserve to rot in Azkaban!”
“Oh how you flatter us Moonykins,” Sirius croons, pulling him up while James and Peter begin a frankly awful rendition of For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow.
6. Our Destiny in the Stars by orphan_account | non-magical AU - body insecurity issues - trans Sirius - amputee Remus - 11k
Having no luck in the dating field, and insecure about his body, Remus checks out a dating website which offers the users the opportunity to get to know a person before seeing what they look like. It's during this time he meets Sirius, an enthusiastic teacher--and they immediately click. When they agree to meet, Remus sees a photo of Sirius and immediately panics. He's too good looking to ever be interested in someone like Remus. What the tawny-haired man doesn't know, is Sirius has already checked him out online and has fallen head over heels for the adorable editor.
Drarry (Harry Potter)
7. Old Magic (series) by @mystickitten42 | Drarry runs away together pree-HBP - very realistic getting-together - Narcissa is the GOAT - poor Sirius stuck in the middle - 2+ parts
Harry is undeniably numb. Still reeling from the sudden death of his godfather, he’s back at the Dursleys and everything seems hopeless. One day bleeds into the next. But, as they say, nature abhors a vacuum…
Draco is unimpressed. The Dark Lord and his infernal giant snake have taken over Malfoy Manor and he’s confined to his rooms. He feels like a prisoner and it’s just not right. He’s a Malfoy. Itching for confrontation he decides to go visit Harry Potter.
Things don’t go according to plan.
8. The Importance of Being Draco Malfoy (series) by @upon-poppyhills | this is just great, I love that without memories Draco is without prejudice - Harry goes from suspicious to denial to crushing - brief but wonderful Draco/Justin Finch-Fletchley - I can't wait for everyone to find out about Draco's head - 3+ parts
The answer to the age-old question, "What if instead of a scratch on the arm, Buckbeak had stomped on Draco's head instead and caused tragic memory loss?"
It was a truth universally acknowledged that the path to reforming a Slytherin prince never did run smooth.
9. Dear Cousin, Love Regulus by @xx-thedarklord-xx, @llap115 | I confused this with another fic so I never read it until now and it's THE BEST - Drarry talk like dark academia boys sometimes - I'm so glad Draco had Regulus T.T - when he meets the Regulus portrait!! *screams* - 86k
As the sole Malfoy heir, Draco understood that his path was set long before his birth; who to be, how to act and what his choices should be. What he had not counted on was the power of outside influences. Letters from his deceased cousin caused him to realize that he did have choices, starting with the choice to be someone else, to be who he wanted to be. The road to self-discovery was difficult and navigating that path in the shadow of Harry Potter was its own challenge but maybe, just maybe, his friends would help him along the way. And he would owe it all to Regulus Black.
10. bury the dead where they're found by @rocketdocket | THIS FIC is the ultimate found family fic - sometimes people prefer the closet and that's awesome! - PTSD and suicidal thoughts - queer people are just better than the straights, sorry not sorry - 52k
The war is over. Or at least, that's how it feels for everyone else. But not for Harry. He can't escape the memories and the nightmares of the war, or his guilt about those who died for him. While all he wants is to be alone, finding a family in the most unlikely of places may be just what he needs.
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
11. A Californian Werewolf in New York by @dancinbutterfly, knight_changes | I love that Oz from Buffy is just there - friends to lovers - bottom Derek - misunderstandings - 16k
When Derek finally realizes that there's nothing left for him in Beacon Hills, he goes back to New York, gets a life, falls in love and finds his home.
12. (they say) this should feel something like fire by dallisons | mental and physical trauma - Boyd & Stiles friendship - dream!Erica - rebuilding - 11k
"Turn it off." The pack looked up, stunned into silence by the first words they'd heard from him in weeks.
Stiles stood, trembling - his knees weak. He tried to run and collapsed, his bad leg failing him once again. Derek caught him. "Turn it off," he said, his voice unmistakably a growl.
The water continued leaking from the loose faucet, and all Stiles heard was Erica's blood against the concrete. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. Drip.
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