#i cant wait for i feel u linger in the air
seatawinan · 11 months
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ihave-atummyache · 14 days
i was never there
bang chan one shot/imagine
SFW but some allusions to NSFW activities.
toxic relationship! toxic!chan toxic!reader
summary: to everyone’s disapproval, you and chan just cant seem to leave one another alone.
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Chan knows that the two of you breaking up was for the best. Your relationship was unstable and toxic, borderline obsessive. You both had become distant from important things in your life because all you cared about was each other.
If he knows that then why is he feeling so guilty about having someone else in his bed? Why does he feel guilty that it isn’t you in some foreign country with him instead of some girl he met at a bar? Why has he only been able to write the worst heart broken lyrics that he has ever thought of?
Despite his better judgement, after his hookup leaves, he sits up and grabs his phone. He unlocks it and instantly opens social media, hoping that you had posted something, posted anything, just so he could see your face.
He feels like he’s going crazy. He checks your social media at least 10 times a day. He doesn’t care if he’s the first view, he just needs to see you. He opens your profile and sees you posted a story and of course he opens it.
13 s ago
He chews his bottom lip as he analyzes the photo you had posted. It looked like you were having brunch and mimosas but that isn’t what bothered him. What bothered him was the fact that there was somebody sitting at the seat across from you.
There was another plate and another glass but the chair was empty, something you had purposely done to try to maintain your privacy, he assumes.
Maybe it’s the drinks he had earlier in the night or the post nut high but something makes him open his texts and message you, despite every fiber in his brain telling him not to.
Who are you with?
Why would he say that? Now he probably looks insane. But your response is almost instant, not even a minute later.
it’s almost 5 am over there. why are u up?
He chuckles at his phone. You’re right, it’s 4:47am where he is but he can’t help his stomach doing a flip at the thought that you know exactly where in the world that he is. It makes him feel slightly less crazy that you seem to have been watching him just as much as he has been watching you.
Keeping tabs on me now? He types the message and sends it before he thinks too much about it. This is the first time the two of you have talked in almost a month and he feels like he’s getting an adrenaline high.
Chan stands from the bed and heads to his bathroom before turning the shower on and staring at his phone as he waits for the water to heat up.
ik YOU aren’t talking about keeping tabs on anyone. somehow you see everything i post within a minute of it being posted. care to explain? He can sense your sassy attitude through the screen and smirks down at his phone.
I can’t miss you?
Risky. Risky reply and he knows it but its all or nothing at this point.
He sends the message before he can think too hard about it. He sees you’re typing then the bubble disappears. This happens a few times before he finally decides to get into the shower.
A few countries away, you’re staring down at your phone, debating how you should reply.
“I fucked up,” you glance up at your coworker, a new friend that you had made. She had listened to you rant and rant about your ex boyfriend and it had actually brought the two of you pretty close.
“What happened?” She raises an eyebrow at you as she takes another sip of mimosa. you let out a sigh, running a hand through your hair before sliding your phone across the table to her. She reads the messages quickly before shaking her head in disbelief.
“He is fucking insane. Are you going to reply?” her words linger in the air for a minute before you grab your phone and read over the messages again.
“Should I even reply? This is so toxic. I’m feeding into him. Fuck!” You drag your hand down your face, frustrated and the waitress returns to your table at the perfect time.
“Can we get another bottle of champagne?” You ask with a polite smile and she nods before walking away.
“Y/n, it’s 11 in the morning,” your new friend eyes you from across the table and you shrug.
“I’ve officially been driven to drinking. I just need to get drunk and then I’ll go home and fall asleep then I’ll wake up and text him back,” you nod at her and she chuckles but lets you continue drinking anyways. Your phone vibrates again on the table and you flip it over, Chan had texted you again.
“What did he say?” Your friend already knows who it is without you having to say a word. You lean forward and unlock your phone and your heart drops at the message.
Baby, I need you. I miss you. Come to the show in Seoul.
You choke on air and start coughing before sliding your phone to your friend so she can read the messages. Her jaw drops and just as she hands your phone back, a notification pops up at the top of your screen; an incoming call from ‘Christopher Bahng’.
Without thinking you answer the call, excusing yourself from the table and stepping onto the patio, right next to your table so your friend can still see you.
“Chris…” you breathe his name out, it feels like a stab to your chest when you hear him let out a breath on the other side.
“I’ve missed hearing you say my name. I miss you so much, baby. Did you see my message?” His voice is slightly slurred over the phone and you recognize the influence that alcohol probably has over this entire interaction but honestly, you don’t even care.
“I saw it. Chris I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“I don’t care if it’s a good idea or not. I just need to see you. I’m going to lose my fucking mind if I don’t get to hold you soon,” his voice is desperate and you can hear how overcome with emotions he is.
“We aren’t together anymore. This is exactly why. We aren’t healthy for each other, baby. You know that,” the nickname slips from your mouth like a habit and you immediately gulp when you realize what you said.
“I don’t care. I don’t care about anything if you aren’t at my side,” his confession just further nails it into your head that the two of you aren’t good for each other. You chew on your lip, pulling your sweater tighter around yourself.
“Fine.” Before you realize it, you have agreed to see him, just one more time. This will be the final time, your final goodbye.
Or the cycle will start over and you’ll be back in the endless toxicity that you two have been in for a long time.
“God, I love you so much, y/n,” his voice is raspy and you can tell he’s getting tired.
“I know, Chris. Send me two tickets so I can bring my friend since you ruined our brunch,” you chuckle and you hear him laugh on the other end.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies and you feel your phone vibrate, probably the notification that he just sent you the tickets.
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strywoven · 1 year
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@lunaferrous has requested a story : "I was never complete until I found you." (Veraaaa~)
from a prompt i cannot find
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O’words ; o’wonderful , lovering words— !
If only they be tangible ( & verily , at times , the fondness ‘tween them could have been / would have been ) , Verona might think to reach out and snatch them from Luna’s tongue , to pry them from her mind and s e w them into the unkempt , harrowed nestles of own half-heart , rendering each one – each syllable and sentiment – an IMMORTAL MEMORY that would sustain her through all her ages.  And why must she stop herself with mere w o r d s ?  Why must she be content with the idle verses of love when the LIGHT OF IT stands before her and within her very reach ?  After all , Verona knew herself for a v o r a c i o u s sort , she would never be content with such a paltry offering resting on her altar ( & neither would her love be , that hungering , feasting , all-mouthed thing ) .
Surprise dons the gleaming countenance , at first , rousing the Titan from her reading , beckoning crowned head to comically p o p up to attention with a ripple of be-startled light and matching airs.  Steely plumes flutter ( as does her heart ) , and fair cheeks fill with a f l a t t e r e d bloom of color that tinges even the tips of pointed ears.  But , Verona wonders , canting her head slightly , notching her place in the tome with a marker ‘fore setting it aside , how altogether queer it sounds … Even after all this time together , she cannot quite shake the oddity of how it sounds ; not unfamiliar , not unwelcome , yet strange to two creatures who – for many a year – have endeavored to live a l o n e .  And hearing such a thing gnaws at a bittersweet chord , prying loose the image of a beloved someone who is far gone now but once said s i m i l a r things.
❝ Oh , really ?  Not ever ? ❞  Genuinely curious , swordsmetal hues sharp with the cut of mirth that plucks the seams of painted lips , pulling them into a charmed smile.  Can’t quite help herself for the lighthearted lilt of teasing , either.
Verona stands , crossing the room to meet the demon where she lingers in the entrance of the space , arms reaching out to gather Luna in an embrace and pull her near , gently swaying them together to an unheard tune.  ❝ Luna , you truly d o give me far TOO MUCH credit ! ❞  Laughter swells the words , head tips forward enough to rest crowns together as bodies make another turn over the floor.  It’s rather funny to see Verona try to wear modesty when she boasts of divinity so easily.  She hums thoughtfully , closing her eyes.  ❝ Well , perhaps it is not so strange to consider , is it ?  Most especially not when I feel I ought to be saying the same to y o u . ❞  Long has it been since she’s dared to make such a confession , speaking such a thing aloud somehow makes her feel … AT PEACE , as if it has been waiting to be said and everything in her sighs with r e l i e f at the prospect of at last revealing her heart to someone worthy of it.  ❝ I confess that , after all we have seen that has brought us here , I hope there shall be ever more to see and more to do , so long as it is always with y o u . ❞  Unintentionally does she make the sentiment rhyme , but it is – of course – no less earnest.
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Kinktober Day 30: Somnophilia with Vincent Sinclair
*CRASHES THROUGH THE WINDOW AND EATS SHIT BEFORE STICKING THE LANDING* How do u do fellow slasher fuckers I’m almost done with Kinktober in fucking December and if that isn’t a 2020 mood then I don’t know what is so yeah asdfghgfdfg Anywho I’m thankful to everyone that has been sticking with me so far and I hope you’ll enjoy this piece as well! I also did this one kind of more through Vinny’s perspective because I find it was too fun to write for the slashers so yeee!
Vincent Sinclair x AFAB Reader
Extra warnings: Voyeurism
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Vincent wasn't certain how an angel like you fell into his life, but you had and it made him feel more alive than he had ever had before, even a bit more than the wax figures themselves. You were so perfect, every inch of you a work of art. He could never understand how you would always roll your eyes at him and smile to yourself, as if you didn't believe him fully. But he did everything in his power to make you understand. And you often did. That made Vincent happy.
But then the urges began to bubble up within him again.
Not violent, per say. Never had he had violent thoughts towards you. The thoughts he had were unconventional, they made him feel dirty and ashamed. Here you were, an absolute beautiful being, and here he was lusting after you like some sort of beast. It made him feel sick to his stomach.
It started first with watching you. You hadn't noticed him the first few times as he lingered just out of sight as he watched you step out of the shower freshly washed. The way the beads of water trickled down your skin, your hair dripping as you patted it dry with a towel. Your nipples hardened from the cool air, his eyes lingering on the curve of your breasts. His face would heat terribly behind his mask as his eyes would lower to your belly, and lower still to the soft patch of hair between your legs, your pretty cunt just out of sight. You were so desirable to him, he wished to just look at how lovely you were when you were alone. To see how you carried yourself when he wasn't around. 
Eventually you had found him out. He was so distraught that he tried to run, but you simply pulled back on his arm gently as you gave him that sweet smile you always had on your face. You sat with him, sweetly alternating between squeezing his hand in reassurance and brushing your fingers through his long hair, assuring him that you didn't mind such a thing. That you liked that he watched you. The conversation somehow ended up with Vincent on his back, and you astride his lap as you whimpered softly as you took him completely. After that, you had become much more aware of his presence, even sometimes giving him a bit of a strip tease, your hands brushing innocently over your body as he hardened at the sight of you.
But then that wasn't enough after a while either. Dark urges mingled with the inky blackness of the room at night as he lay behind you, your sweet body pressed against his. Your soft expression of sleep made something pull in him. His hands would ghost over your body, afraid to touch and wake you up. He wanted to see what he could get away with. But he would always find himself slipping out of bed before he could act on such desires. They were wrong and he was disgusted with himself for having such thoughts of you. 
It wasn't long until you noticed something was bothering Vincent. After a few long nights of trying to assure him you would never be upset with him, he finally caved and decided to come clean. He wrote on a legal notepad, the one he used when he had more to say than just the simple words he was able to utter when it wasn't painful for him. He refused to let you look over his shoulder until he was finished. As you saw how his hand trembled when he handed you the note while refusing to look you in the eye, you wondered exactly what had bothered him so terribly. 
It felt like hours waiting for you to finish reading. But when you finally cleared your throat, the last thing he expected was the look on your face right now. You shyly smiled at him, and in a soft voice told him that you wouldn't mind letting him do that to you if it made him happy. Just that simple statement led into passionate lovemaking, the two of you unable to keep yourselves apart. How could he, when you were so trusting of him to allow him such access to your body in your most intimate moments? 
By the time the two of you had tired yourselves out thoroughly, you were curled up on your side beside him, breathing softly through your nose. But Vincent couldn't sleep. He had to have you again. You had given him the okay after all, and this urge of his wouldn't be satiated until he could fulfill it. 
So, for most of the night Vincent lay beside you, on his back and occasionally drifting in and out but never long enough to get any sort of real rest. When he was awake, he found himself pumping his cock in his hand, imagining how it would feel to be inside you. Would you dream of him as he sunk himself into your heat? When he was threatening to spill more than the precum that dribbled from the head of his cock, he would grip the base of his member, pulling himself back enough from the brink until he was safe again. He wouldn't waste a single drop until he was inside you. 
It wasn't much longer that he could stand the wait. Slowly he turned to his side and pushed himself over your prone form. You were still naked from your earlier lovemaking. Gently he tugged on your shoulder, rolling you onto your back as he took in your form. You stirred slightly, but still weren't pulled from sleep. He watched your chest rise and fall with each breath, your plump lips parted slightly as you slept. 
You were a work of art laid before him, and he could only stare for so long before he had to touch. He settled between your thighs, softly coaxing your body into the position he needed you. His member was painfully swollen from the edging, and he wasn't sure if he would simply cum as soon as he slid inside of you or not. But he didn’t care, he needed this. Needed you.
Butterflies fluttered vigorously in the pit of his stomach as he very carefully sunk inside of you. He did everything in his power to hold himself back, but it was more difficult than he imagined. Your breath hitched at him simply entering you, your walls still coated with his cum from earlier. His hands held your thighs reverently, afraid to do more than simply watch you.
But then it happened. Your voice still full of sleep, eyes not even open as you whispered, “Vinny” into the night. You were dreaming about him. 
He couldn’t hold back the harsh thrusts as he took from you what he desperately needed. Vincent was usually quiet during moments like this, but the sound of his own throaty unused voice made him shiver. Moans and grunts and growls emanated from behind his mask as he pound into you. He didn’t care that you would be awoken by him at this rate. As soon as you were keening underneath him, your hands gripping the bed sheets as you were used for Vincent’s pleasure. You couldn’t help how your cunt clenched around his member, milking him as you found yourself gushing around him. When he rested himself over top of you, he was surprised to feel your heels dig into the back of his legs as you wrapped your thighs around him.
“More, please Vinny, don’t stop,” you whined out to him, your hands tangled through his long hair as you canted your hips up to meet him. Vincent thought he wouldn’t be able to go another round with the amount of build up he had just pumped inside of you, but just those simple words began to get to him, his body preparing itself for when he would take you again that night.
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
the second part/continuation of Sunrise, Sunset!
this boutta get interesting……. it gets kinda messy but don’t worry, it isn’t over yet 🙏🙏🙏 also trevor can’t spell over text to save his life
Lamar didn’t sleep that night. He couldn’t. He just kept thinking the whole situation over, trying his hardest to connect the dots. Make some sense of it, or at least find some logical way to deny the truth. Had it always been Franklin? It’s not like Lamar ever had a long term girlfriend, or even a chick he was hung up on like his… friend. How long had he been completely naïve? He felt stupid for not noticing sooner. He didn’t even have anyone to confide in. He obviously couldn’t confide in Frank right now. Shit. How would he face him? Lamar screwed his eyes shut tight. What the fuck was he gonna do? He tried thinking about who to turn to. Michael was obviously a no-go, what with the dynamic those two had. Then he thought about Trevor. Maybe he’d help. Maybe. It wouldn’t hurt to just ask, right?
crazy guy
wut leroy. u need smthn?
uh, yeah
sort of
wut iz it?
some complicated bs again. nothin new.
cant u go 2 frank 4 whtevr prblm ur having
not exactly
can i meet u somewhere private?
wut 4
u tryna fuk me leroy?
loco. no.
jus. meet me @ vanilla unicorn asap
Lamar sighed heavily, starting to wonder if this was gonna be a bad idea to try and talk to him about this. But Trevor was kinda fruity anyway, so at least he wouldn’t judge. His phone buzzed again.
alrdy hear bro
Lamar raced over to the strip club, going through the back entrance. Trevor was sitting on his desk, already waiting for Lamar’s arrival.
“LD! What brings you to my fine establishment at this time?” He stood up, but remained leaning against the desk behind him.
“Listen man, it’s.. it’s serious.”
Trevor’s faced lifted, looking surprised. Or.. whatever concerned looked like by his terms.
“How serious we talkin’ bro?”
“Ion know, just some stupid shit I’ve been tryna wrap my head around.”
“Uhh, elaborate on that?”
“It’s gotta do with Fr-…eaky shit going on with me.”
Trevor squinted at him, like he was trying to read Lamar’s mind.
“Something to do with love, I think?”
“Oh. Well. Why’d you come to me for help?”
“Because I..” He said, the words deflating in his mouth.
“I think you’re the only person who could understand where I’m coming from?”
“…I’m not reading ya. Just say it, Lamar. Jeez.”
“I think I’m in love with someone.”
A long pause filled the air with tension.
“That it?”
“Well, not exactly.”
“Jesus bro, what is the matter with you right now? You look like you’re gonna faint.”
“It’s, it’s someone we know, alright? There.”
Trevor squinted his eyes again, but not for long. His eyebrows flew to his hairline, and he stood upright from the desk he was perched on.
“Wait a minute…”
Lamar looked down at the ground, embarrassment swirling around in his stomach. He felt like some child that had been yelled at for stealing some candy. He didn’t like it. He was a grown fuckin’ man for crying out loud.
“You don’t mean..”
He stood there, saying nothing and grabbing his arm protectively. The silence was back, lingering for too long.
“I fuckin’ knew it.” Trevor said, almost inaudible.
“Wh.. what?” Lamar spluttered out, looking up.
“I fucking knew it!”
Somehow hearing those words comforted and pissed off Lamar. Obviously Trevor wasn’t planning on judging him for it, but how did he know before him?
“What the fuck you mean you knew?!”
“Oh please, Lamar. You aren’t a very subtle person.”
“I am too!”
“No. You’re not. You’re really not.”
“Tell me. How, how am I not subtle as a motherfucker?”
“Hmm… I can think of a few instances to count, but honestly a perfect example was that conversation we had dropping those cars off for he-who-shall-not-be-named.”
Lamar cocked his head sideways, confused. Trevor shook his head before starting his sentence back up.
“Remember when you ah… inquired about Michael and I? Our past?”
“Yeah, what of it?”
“You compared us to some.. I don’t know, divorced couple or something. Figuring it was romantic?” He averted his gaze, turning pink.
“Well, I mean after the whole rundown of our partnership, I asked you about how you and our boy Frankie met.”
“And you gave me some weird, uncomfortable story about you having a threesome with him- Which he apparently wasn’t even apart of to begin with. Didn’t know why he even appeared in that memory, but I guess it sort of makes sense now. It was also the fact you.. uh, deciphered my relationship, and tried to compare it to you and Frank. That’s how I started to catch on.”
“I mean I… I was in the same boat as you, kid. You were right, y’know.”
“I was?”
“Michael and I… were never perfect. But back then I was,” His voice lowered.
“…Am.” He corrected, voice barely above a whisper. Coughing, he continued.
“In love with him. Or something.”
“Shit, for real?”
“For reals homie. I know what you’re going through. Only difference is Mikey uh.. was a little more repressed than I was. But you didn’t hear it from me.”
Lamar stood in shock, eventually flopping down on the couch.
“What the fuck am I gon’ do, Trevor?”
“Well, I know I’m friends with him but I’m not exactly as close to him as you or Mike. So I can’t exactly say whether or not he’s like Michael in that regard, you know?”
“Fuck, man…”
“Hey.. I uh, I’m sorry if I wasn’t much help. I never really knew how to deal with those feelings towards Mike. It’s like, even harder to manage when you have a bond like that.”
“No, no. I needed this I think.”
“Go home, Lamar. Try to get some rest or something.”
As he got up, he placed a hand on Trevor’s shoulder.
For the first time since they met, Trevor gave him a genuine smile. He patted his hand and scooted him out the door. Driving back, he still felt sort of restless. Even if he did sleep, it wasn’t gonna be enough. When he got back home and in his bed, he pulled out his phone.
So you’re back.
i thought about what you said
Wait - really?
yeah. i’m a fuckin idiot
Doesn’t take a psychic to know that.
that’s uncalled for lady
What is it you need? It’s very late you know - is what I said keeping you up?
bingo bitch
and uh yeah, i need to know what the fuck u said to franklin
what does he know?
All I told him was that I saw you at his house - very frequently I might add.
I might’ve mentioned you were there in his old room all the time, in his bed with someone he knew - an older woman, perhaps? He didn’t take it too well.
wait a minute
his auntie? i mean she bad and all but
i never.. like did anything with her. not like that
He thought differently. The implications might’ve been misread - why would you choose his childhood bed for something like that? Shame on you
and i might’ve picked the wrong fuckin person to speak to
lady, what the fuck? i never fucked his auntie!
i wouldn’t do that to him, even if she got a dumptruck ass
You are a strange man Lamar. All I saw was you two in his bed, very, very often.
I wouldn’t have known you felt anything for him had you not contacted me - and even now you still made a pass at her!
all we did was talk! n there’s nothing wrong wit admiring ass.
Whatever you say - oh wait…
I’m seeing something
it better be good
I’m seeing you two again - and you’re right. You’re talking… about Franklin?
why else would we be in his room. if i was gon fuck his auntie we would’ve done it in hers or sumn
or in the livin room maybe.
I’m seeing something else now - he’s taken the place of his aunt. Oh. Wow…
what? what is it?
what do u see?
I… completely misinterpreted Franklin’s reading. It seems like it was supposed to be him in her place.
I’m not sure how he read it exactly - my best guess was that it wasn’t the latter.
And seeing as he no longer lived there, the vision got mixed up some how for both of us. You did have some connection to her though - don’t lie. That was most likely the problem.
i mean yeah. i hit on her a couple times
maybe thought it about it once or twice
More than that.
whatever. still, i ain’t do shit to her, ion stoop that low lady
Then I apologize. But I cannot fix this problem for you - you’re going to have to talk things out
Because right now, he’s assuming you’re acting weird because you actually *did* something with his aunt.
Fuck me man
this sucks
ur evil lady, u know that?
Hey, I’m not the one hanging out with his aunt. Now go to bed. I’ll deal with you another time.
hey wait
come back
“God fuckin’ damn it not again!”
He chucked his phone against the wall, and began yelling into his pillow. He wasn’t gonna sleep right at all until he fixed this mess. Fucking psychic lady.
The next morning when Lamar passed by his mirror he audibly gasped. He looked like shit. He looked like he was definitely hiding something. And he knew he couldn’t see Frank today. His phone buzzed and as soon as he glanced down he felt the urge to throw it across the room. Speak of the fuckin’ devil. Franklin was fucking calling him. Taking a deep breath, he hit answer.
“Hey L. How you feelin’?”
“Better. Thanks.”
“Yeah man. You know what was up wit’ you or…”
“I.. I think it was some sort of stomach bug man. Doin’ alright now tho.”
“Glad to hear.”
“So are you callin’ me for something or-“
“Actually yeah. I wanted to talk to you.”
“Later. Sunset? That cool wit’ you?”
“Uh yeah, yeah. Heard it’s a full moon.”
“Dope. Been meaning to talk about this for a while anyway, and you always dragging me around to go see the sunrise.”
“Makes sense.” More sense than the shit he was in the middle of.
“See you then?”
“Of course dog.”
Click. Lamar dropped his shoulders, which had grown tense during the duration of the call. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to understand what he was dealing with better. He thought to himself that he couldn’t possibly be gay, because he loved himself some hoes now and then. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel the same around Franklin. Women and men… was that possible? Could you be into men AND women? He looked it up on his phone, and found a definition that fit him. Bisexual? That’s a thing? He thought it was just, gay and straight. That you couldn’t be both. But… at least that was accounted for. Putting his phone away, he moved on to the next part of the puzzle. What was he going to do when night time came? He couldn’t straight up tell Franklin. That would ruin everything. But how would he explain that he didn’t fuck his Aunt? He had to have a reason to back it up. Either way, he was screwed.
Night came too quick. Lamar kept pacing his room, not taking his eyes off his phone that rested on his bed. Any minute Frank would call him. Any fucking minute now. He still didn’t have a plan. What was he going to do? The phone lit up, buzzing loudly. Oh no. He practically dove to answer it, feigning a nonchalant tone. It wasn’t very impressive.
“Heyyy Frank. I was waiting for word from you.”
“Hey. I’m on my way, be ready.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat.
“See you in 5 L.”
Even after Frank hung up, he didn’t lower the phone from his ear. Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, ohshit. He was panicking now, phone dropping to the floor. Not noticing how long he was standing there, he heard a car pull up, then honk. Oh, shit. He raced out the door clumsily, trying to shove his phone in his pocket. Opening the car door, he was hit with the now overwhelming scent of Franklin. Something along the lines of weed and the same cologne he’d be buying for years. He remembered how Tanisha had gotten it for him back when they first started dating as a gift. The detail only made him more nauseous.
“Hey LD.”
“Get in homie, I got a good spot for us, real sick view n shit.”
“Ah.. aight.”
The car ride wasn’t entirely awful for Lamar, listening to Collard Greens play loudly through the speakers. Franklin had taken them to some secluded spot near Vespucci beach, where no one would bother them. As they got out of the car, Lamar got a clear view of the sunset. It was even better than a sunrise. They found a bench to sit on, and Lamar felt like there wasn’t enough space between them. Did it magically fucking shrink as soon as they sat down? Shit. He cleared his throat, trying to seem neutral and not like he was internally freaking the fuck out.
“So uh… what’d you need to talk to me about?”
Franklin sighed, and Lamar’s stomach was in knots.
“It’s.. just somethin’ I been thinkin’ about for a while. I really jus’ didn’t know how to bring it up or whatever. But let’s jus’ enjoy the sunset right now.”
In contrast to how every sunrise went, the sunset contained shades of pinks and purples. There were also mixed shades of green, from the combination of yellow and blue clashing together. It was a miraculous sight. Frank was right, why didn’t they see sunsets more often? He watched the light sink down past the water, replaced by moonlight not much later. The two sat in silence, as stars filled the sky. The view had grown darker, but he could see the moonbeam reflect in the calm waves. He turned to Franklin, who had a serene expression on his face. He was blue in the moonlight, and it made Lamar feel all kinds of things he never felt for anyone before. Franklin side-eyed him, sitting upright. Here goes nothing.
“Lamar… I just. I gotta ask. I uh.. heard from someone,” Fucking psychic lady.
“That you uh.. and my.. Denise. My Aunt. Were uh.. you were at my house or something with her?”
Lamar eyes were wide. Franklin looked anywhere but him, clearly uncomfortable bringing the topic up. He kept tripping over his words, not knowing how to ask.
“Are.. and I won’t be mad if you are, but are you… and my Aunt.. Are y’all foolin’ around?” He scrunched his face up getting the words out. He almost looked hurt, like he was betrayed at the thought of it all.
“Are you fuckin’ my Auntie or what man?!” He forced out.
“Franklin. What.”
He knew the psychic lady had said he got the wrong idea, but hearing it out loud from him was just mind boggling.
“Jesus Christ Franklin, no. I’m not! Why would you even think that?!”
Now he felt hurt. Did he really think Lamar would do something like that?
“You say shit about her all the fuckin’ time! I don’t even know why, because she’s fuckin’ nuts man! I have heard a million and one remarks about her from yo bitchass self!”
“Yeah but I would never-“
“And in my fuckin’ bed man?! Are you for real?!”
“I’m not fucking her! I never was!”
“That’s not what I fuckin’ heard dog! And don’t think I haven’t noticed how weird you’ve been actin’, all guilty n shit. I knew you were hidin’ shit from me, I jus’ didn’t think it’d be my absolute worst fuckin’ nightmare!”
“Franklin! For fucks sake bro that’s not why I’ve been actin’ so weird!”
“Then tell me, exactly, what the hell your problem is!”
Lamar’s mouth hung open, looking for what the fuck to say.
“Homie. It’s not like that. I’m seriously, seriously not fucking her. I’m… just-”
“What, Lamar?!”
“I think I’m in love.”
Shock covered Franklin’s face. Complete, utter shock. His face then twisted into a furious expression.
“Are you fuckin’ for real right now? You’re not fuckin’ my Aunt, you’re in love with her?! Fuck you man!”
“Wait, no that’s not what was I was implying-“
Franklin shot up from his seat, throwing his hands up.
“You’ve officially lost yo mind dog. You two enjoy each other. I’m fuckin’ out of here bro.”
“Franklin, wait-“
“No, no. I.. I need to go. I need to clear my mind or whatever the fuck, because I am just… unbelievably pissed right now.”
“But I’m not-“
“Save it, LD. I’ll… catch you later. Or something. Bye.”
Franklin walked back to his car, abandoning Lamar. Some how, this was worse than confessing to him. He felt sick to his stomach. How the hell was he gonna fix this mess? He remained seated, watching the water lap at the shore. He needed to fix this. And he knew, although he wish he didn’t have to, that’d he’d have to come clean. He didn’t want to ruin his friendship, and some how still did by just not blurting it out. Soon. Soon, after Franklin was ready to talk to him again. He prayed to a higher being, hoping desperately it’d all work out.
//end of pt 2!!!!! i’m sorry this is kinda angsty or whatever :( but i am gonna write a happy ending for this!! lamar deserves the world i love his character sm *sobs* (also sorry this part’s longer than the last one LMAO)
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jiminrings · 2 years
call me cruel but i cant wait for jk to feel hurt during the one month break and realise how oc feels, because him not telling sora about being married is lowkey on the same level as oc telling the world she’s single idc…🤷‍♀️ if jk wont tell people his relationship status proudly then how can he expect oc to do the same! cos even if its about ocs fame…its not like he had to tell sora her full name and any details? just that hes married!
also eunwoo….👀 im curious why oc is getting blamed for him and jk falling out. jk said him and sora outgrew each other, but never that that they outgrew at the same time? i lowkey think she has lingering feelings but is just too scared to make the first move since jk doesnt love her anymore, and since they are exes she probably knows him well enough to sense that.
also im wondering if eunwoo thought jk broke his cousins heart by moving onto oc, which wouldnt surprise me since jk clearly has the worst communication skills with everyone he interacts with in these chapters 💀
ur right ur right lol oc practically just reciprocated what jungkook did but kind of (read:absolutely) in a more public, career-defining way 😁😁 also the eunwoo bit.... im afraid that he’s just a naturally bitter casualty from jungkook n sora’s breakup!! he idolized jk too much as a brother figure but his actual blood relation to sora complicates it worse... so the next big thing to do for him was to pin all the blame on oc, and remove the fault from both jk and sora :// “jk clearly has the worst communication skills with everyone he interacts with in these chapters” STOPPPP U DID NOT HAVE TO AIR HIM OUT LIKE THAT I MEAN IT’S TRUE BUT U JUST MADE IT FUNNIER 😭😭
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sicjimin · 3 years
love ur fics, they’re always amazing! could you write a namkook one with 6, 9, 16, 32, with joon as the sickie and jk as the caretaker? maybe make it rly awkward bc Namjoon is the hyung and doesn’t want jk to see him but jk is the only other one home and jk doesn’t like seeing his hyungs in pain and thinks he can’t comfort. it ends up fine and jungkook wants namjoon to sleep with him (just in case) and joon secretly does too? please only do this if u have time, thank you!
6. “Are you okay? You’ve been in there a while.”
9. “I think it was something I ate.” 
16. “I can’t throw up…”
32. “Your belly is really sick, isn’t it?”
A.N : AAHHH my first sick!namjoon !! thank u for requesting hehe i love this idea so much, its so adorable :( and i hope this does justice to your expectations? I'm sorry this took way too long T.T i hope you like this one :D
TW : emeto, graphic descriptions of vomiting
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Jungkook perked up from his phone and slightly lift his head when he heard the door opened, followed by a tall figure walk in —a little bit too sluggish, Jungkook afraid that he might trip.
"Oh, Namjoon-hyung ! You're home already? i thought you said you were gonna stay up late with Yoongi-hyung?", Jungkook greeted the older happily, finally he's not the only one at this big dorm, he started to get bored. The older just hummed as the answer while putting on his winter coat on the hanger and slowly toss his shoes, " Yeah, it went faster than I thought too so I figured to catch some rest. Do you mind if I go to my room and clean myself a bit? I will join you here later"
"Sure hyung, do you want something?", Jungkook lifted himself to walk to their fridge, rummaging for some snacks and soju. He heard a loud " No" from upstairs, but he still decided to grab two can of soju and a big bag of chips. He sets himself back to the couch, when he heard his phone ding with notifications.
Yoongi-hyung : 2 New Messages
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, all 7 of them were not too fond of texting if it's not for a really urgent matter. They preferred to talk in person or do it on the gc. That's why when someone is messaging him personally, his mind grows alerted.
Yoongi-hyung : Jungkook
Yoongi-hyung : Is Namjoon already get home?
Jungkook : Yes, he just arrived few minutes ago
Jungkook : Why hyung?
Jungkook already sees Yoongi typing, not even a minute after he pressed send. He once again feels a little bit surprised.
Yoongi-hyung : Watch him for me, he's sick. That's why he gets home earlier. I still need to finish this song, I will get home as soon as possible.
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows deeper. Hyung is .. sick? but he looks f—. Jungkook clicked his tongue, Jeon Jungkook you dumb. He steals a glance upstairs after replying to Yoongi . It's been 10 minutes and there's no sign the older gonna out soon. An ugly anxious feeling starts creeping up as his brain starts to make the worst scenario ever. What if Namjoon-hyung faints inside and he couldn't scream for help. What if hyung get dizzy and fall and—
"Earth to Jungkook, hello?"
Jungkook blinked and meet Namjoon's tired eyes waving his hand in front of him before plopped himself on the couch along with a sigh. Jungkook gulped, he's trying to act all cool and natural since he knows the older ones didn't like to be coddled too much but he just can't help to be worried. Damn, this gonna be hard for him.
They decided to watch some dramas that airing, but they know none of them paid attention to the storyline. One is too busy stealing glances to make sure the latter is fine and the other one is too busy calming down his stomach that has been rolling up and down since he stepped home. Jungkook takes notes on how Namjoon hands never leave his stomach, buried under the baggy sweater he wears— he always uses that when he's not feeling well— and how his other hands occasionally moved to stifled a quiet burp. Jungkook is itching to ask but he feels awkward too if he suddenly drops the question. He knows that the older gonna say that he's fine.
"Jungkook, I need to go to the bathroom, okay?", Namjoon says a little bit too quickly, not even waiting for Jungkook to mustered a response. Jungkook's train of thought got cut off as his eyes watches the older walk away until he hears the sound of the door closed and later, the water running. He diverts his eyes back to the TV, maybe Namjoon hyung is fine.
Jungkook has already finished his snack but Namjoon is still not back from the bathroom. It's been more than 5 minutes. The worries spiking inside him. He walks to the bathroom and knocks, "Hyung .. are you okay? You've been in there for a long time"
"Yeah Kook, I'm fine", Namjoon answered from inside. He tried to sound convincing but his throat has another decision for him as a harsh and quite loud gag escaped. He squeezed his eyes shut because of the force even though nothing come out from the gag—just like how it goes the moment he kneeled there 5 minutes ago. He coughs, his throat feels itchy and it just triggering his gag reflex more. He keeps opened his mouth wide along with his tongue arched, touching his palate, delivering another series of gag. But still, nothing comes out except a trickle of thick saliva. Namjoon wants to cry, there's nothing worse than incredibly nauseous but you just can't throw up. He leaned back from the toilet, placing his back on the wall, and buried his head on his knees. Hands still aggressively rubbing and pressing his stomach, urging the rollercoaster of food inside it to just finish their business and out of his body. Namjoon lift his head when he hears the door opened and feels a hand awkwardly rubbing his shoulder
"Kook, what are you doing there"
"Um ..." the younger trailed off, it supposed to be an adorable sight for Namjoon on how Jungkook can't meet his eyes when he's talking nervously, if his mind isn't clouded with waves of nausea that keeps going on and off in his body. "I just want to check up on you hyung", he adds shyly. Namjoon mustered a strained smile, " I'm fine Kook-ah. Just feel a little bit sick, but I will be fine. Don't worry"
"A-ah, is that so? Um .. I-", Jungkook stuttered. Damn this situation is so awkward, Jeon Jungkook man up! Namjoon hyung need you, just offer something that could make him feel better maybe—
Jungkook's train of thought got cut off once again, changed with a spike of his heartbeat as he sees Namjoon scrambled to the toilet, the older body leaned forward followed by a series of empty gag. Jungkook stunned. His body finally managed to react when Namjoon's gagging stop, leaving the older cough and let out a pained hiss, "Fuck, it hurts"
Jungkook stands up silently and brings a glass of water, seated himself beside his hyung again, "Hyung, try to drink this. Your throat might hurt and maybe this could trigger your stomach"
Namjoon was too out of his mind, taking the glass with his shaky hands and gulped it quickly. His stomach starts to make loud rumbled noises, he's sure Jungkook could hear it, "I'm sorry. This is so gross", he mumbled shyly, gaining giggles from Jungkook, breaking the awkward air between them, " Woah, your belly must be really sick hyung"
"Mhm, it is. I've been so nauseous since lunch. That's why Yoongi-hyung sending me off because i keep dry heaving in the office too. I think it must be something i eat but i don't know what. God, Jungkook, i just want to throw up and get over this", Namjoon practically rambling now but he doesn't care. He's tired of holding himself back and maintaining the hyung image, his body is aching for comfort, and he gonna get it from Jungkook.
Jungkook shifted his body, hands moving to the older backs, giving a slight massage on shoulders and nape, "I'm sorry you're so sick hyung. Do you want me to rub your stomach, it might help"
Namjoon shakes his head. "It didn't work .. i still cant throw—", his words cut off as a sudden splash of liquid hitting the back of his throat and quickly rushing out of his mouth, making some of it spilled on his sweater as he didn't prepare with the commotion. His stomach clenched again as a stream of water he just takes earlier keep spilling from his mouth with such force. As he goes and goes, the clear liquid morphs into a pale-colored and thick liquid. He could feel the sashimi he eats earlier on his tongue. He squeezed his eyes shut while his stomach and throat working on getting out everything in his body.
"That's it hyung, let it out all", Jungkook murmured beside him, hands never stop rubbing and massaging his back.
Namjoon finally managed to catch a breath when the heave tapered off. He flushed the almost full toilet and wipes his lips and nose.
"You're done hyung?"
He shakes his head, eyes trailed on the swirling of the murky liquid below him. He could see the remnants of whatever he took earlier and it's setting his stomach off again. His body bent forward as nausea dragged another stream out of his stomach. Namjoon coughs and winced few times when there's no more lingering taste of food— but a bitter one now. Oh, only bile left, he thoughts while his stomach keeps spasming.
"Hyung, you're empty", Jungkook speaks. Namjoon nods. It took him a few dry heaving and trickle of bile until he finally sagged his body back. Jungkook quickly flushes the toilet before Namjoon could open his eyes, not wanting the older to see the toilet again in case it might set the older off.
"Kook-ah, 'm exhausted", Namjoon hoarse voices trickling Jungkook's ears.
"I know hyung, let's get you to bed, okay? it's more comfortable there"
Namjoon let his body dragged by Jungkook to his room. He's practically half-conscious and moving like a robot right now as he just moves his body as Jungkook pleased. The younger managed to make Namjoon changed his wet sweater and tucked the older into bed. He's halfway to stand up and leave the room, figured that Namjoon wants to have time alone and rest, before a clammy hand grip his wrist, "Stay here"
"Huh?", Jungkook short-circuited.
"Stay .. until I fall asleep, please? I don't feel like being alone", Namjoon mumbled sleepily, but hands still tightly gripping Jungkook's wrist like he is afraid that Jungkook might suddenly disappear.
"Uhm ..", Jungkook clears his throat awkwardly. " Okay hyung .. rest well. I will stay here", he adds gaining a soft hum from Namjoon.
"Thankyou, i'm sorry you must take care of me like that", Namjoon says softly almost like whispers if Jungkook didn't manage to catch it well.
Jungkook could feel his cheeks heated before breaking into a smile, "that's my job too hyung, get well soon"
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Like Lightning After the Thunder: Chapter One: Damned Smile
Fic Summary:
His breath wavered as he stared into Katsuki’s eyes. He knew he could get out if he tried. He could knock Katsuki out, hope that no one else would find them, and run back into the shadows where he belonged. Katsuki may have had him pinned down but he was in Denki’s range now and it would take little effort to send a charge through Katsuki to paralyze him temporarily.
It would take barely any additional effort to kill Katsuki.
As the sparks began to charge, lighting up the air around him, Katsuki refused to back down.
Katsuki always knew he was destined for great things.
He didn’t think he’d have to turn his back on all he’s ever known to get there.
Rating: T
Warnings: Eventual major character death, implied/referenced child abuse, psychological trauma
Other Tags: Bakugou Katsuki/Kaminari Denki, slow burn, alternate universe - canon divergence
Read on Ao3 (links to corresponding chapter) or read below
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Even years later, that damn smile haunted his dreams.
There was absolutely no reason for him to still think about the event. Everything had been taken care of when it had happened― injuries were treated, authorities alerted, information secured, and a press conference to tie it all up in a big red bow. There were no loose ends, no surprise second coming, no physical reminders of what happened lingering in his daily life. Katsuki would have labeled it as done, dealt with, and no longer relevant, shoving it aside in his memory so he could focus on actual important shit.
Except his mind had different plans.
When he was lucky, he could completely forget about the event for months. Other times, his dreams would be filled with nothing but that damn smile, taunting him with its silence. He could usually predict when the dreams would come― the anniversary of the event for example― but other times, it seemed like anything could trigger the memory. He once saw a bright yellow balloon and for the rest of the day, every time he closed his eyes he saw that damned smile, never wavering despite the curses and insults Katsuki spewed.
He wanted to forget it. He wanted so desperately to forget it. For the image to erase itself from his mind, for it to take the feelings away with it. He could deal with the anger, he could always deal with the anger, but when his memory reminded him of the wave of hurt and betrayal that nearly blinded him…
When his alarm jolted him from his sleep and freed him from the smile, he couldn’t get out of bed fast enough. He woke up drenched in a cold sweat, sheets singed and smoking lightly as he unclenched his hands, and Katsuki was, for once, very relieved that not all of his sweat was explosive. He slapped the singes a few times to ensure that all of the embers were put out before heading for the bathroom, cursing under his breath as he flinched at his own reflection in the mirror.
There was nothing particularly wrong with his appearance, if you didn’t count the dark circles under his eyes from a fitful night’s sleep or his clammy skin, but after being plagued by the smile, Katsuki could barely look at himself. His reaction to the smile made him feel weak, like he couldn’t handle himself and that there was something wrong with him. It was just a smile after all. There was no reason for him to react to it like a nightmare, no reason for him to lose sleep over it or to feel overwhelmed by emotions at the thought of it.
Yet when he saw the smile and saw how the corners of his mouth were tugged a bit too tight, how his eyes were open a bit too wide, how the only shine in his eyes were the reflections of light on tears that refused to fall…
Katsuki cursed.
The icy cold shower did little to help distract him from the memory, nor did his morning run nor the steaming shower he took after. He wasn’t supposed to head into the agency today, so he didn’t have any planned beatdowns for today, and yes he probably shouldn’t be hoping for it, but part of him hoped for a sudden emergency villain so he could distract himself by focusing on beating some villain’s ass into next week.
A few hours later when his phone refused to stop buzzing, Katsuki wondered if throwing his phone across the room until it stopped would be close enough to beating villain ass to work. He reluctantly decided that talking to people so they’d leave him alone was probably less hassle to deal with than having to replace his phone and distribute his new number (even if it would give him an excuse to ghost some of these damn extras).
A few individual texts and a group text were the cause of the buzzing. As the group text’s new message count continued to rise, he figured it would be easier to respond to the individual texts first. Just in case he changed his mind about destroying the phone.
Four Eyes (Rocket Legs): Hello Bakugou, this is a reminder about the upcoming Class A reunion. As the head of the reunion committee, it is my duty to ensure an accurate headcount for the event, and I have yet to receive your response about your attendance. Please ensure to respond via the following link by this Friday at 11:59PM. [Class A 10 Year Reunion RSVP]
Four Eyes (Rocket Legs): In case you missed the previous messages regarding the reunion, the event is March 28th starting at 7PM at the Shinjuku Hotel in Musutafu. If you need to rent a room for the night or the weekend, please alert the Shinjuku Hotel staff that you are part of the Class A reunion party by next Wednesday for an event discount.
Katsuki frowned. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to the possibility of being surrounded by all of his former classmates and even less at the idea of being socially obligated to spend the entire evening with them. At least when he met up with his friends elsewhere, he could always claim needing to leave early so he could make the last train or that work needed him to come in early the next day.
He closed out of the conversation, figuring he still had a few more days to decide if he really wanted to deal with his classmates for an entire evening.
Midoriya: Hey Katsugou! I was wondering if you’re going to go to the reunion? Tenya said the deadline to RSVP is coming soon and we haven’t heard from you, so I just thought I’d check in!
Katsuki: The fuck is Katsugou?
Midoriya: Oh sorry!! Typo!!
Midoriya: Anyway, are you coming?
Katsuki closed out of the conversation and moved on to the next one.
Shitty Hair: Katsuki! Are you coming to the reunion or not dude????
Katsuki: Fuck off.
Shitty Hair: Aww dude that’s no way to talk to your best friend, you know you love me!!
Katsuki: I’m blocking you.
He did not, in fact, block him. But he did close out of Eijirou’s texts.
Save for the newest text sent directly from Eijirou, all that was left was the backlog of texts in the group text. It had kept going off while he was reading the other conversations, so Katsuki figured it meant that everyone was either off for the day or on their lunch break.
Raccoon Eyes: guys!!!!! the reunion is COMING UPPPPPP!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: i cant wait to s
Raccoon Eyes: ee all of u guys again!!
Tape Face: lmao you saw us last week
Raccoon Eyes: yes
Raccoon Eyes: an eteRNITY ago
Raccoon Eyes: and like
Raccoon Eyes: kats left early so we didnt have everyone
Raccoon Eyes: so it doesnt count
Shitty Hair: Yeah Katsuki don’t leave early next time!!
Raccoon Eyes: we just have to hold him hostage next time
Raccoon Eyes: or like
Raccoon Eyes: AMBUSH him
Tape Face: i can always tape him up
Raccoon Eyes: tape him to the wall
Raccoon Eyes: and then like
Raccoon Eyes: steal his wallet
Raccoon Eyes: cant get on transit w no moneys
Raccoon Eyes: ei and han hold him down
Raccoon Eyes: i run to hide his wallet where he cant fi
Raccoon Eyes: nd it
Raccoon Eyes: probs keeps kats tapped to the wall all night
Raccoon Eyes: free up his arms so he can have a drink????
Tape Face: explosion palms dude
Raccoon Eyes: oh u right
Raccoon Eyes: he can just have a cup w like
Raccoon Eyes: a REALLY REALLY long straw
Raccoon Eyes: make sure u tape him up w his hands behind his back
Tape Face: you got it
Shitty Hair: He’s in this chat guys he’s going to see the plan
Raccoon Eyes: whatevs we can still totally blindside him
Raccoon Eyes: ANYWAYS
Raccoon Eyes: ure all going right?????
Tape Face: ya I rsvpd a while back
Shitty Hair: Yep!! Wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Raccoon Eyes: what about u kats
Raccoon Eyes: kats???
Raccoon Eyes: k
Raccoon Eyes: a
Shitty Hair: I’ll text him separately
Raccoon Eyes: t
Tape Face: he probably has this muted lmao
Raccoon Eyes: s
Raccoon Eyes: !!!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: how dare u ignore us
Raccoon Eyes: after everything weve done for u!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: thought we were ur ride or die hoes
Raccoon Eyes: dont tell me ur not going!!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: im so offended
Raccoon Eyes: how could u do this to us kats
Shitty Hair: Maybe he’s at work today?
Raccoon Eyes: boo
Raccoon Eyes: how dare he prioritize wo
Raccoon Eyes: rk over us
Raccoon Eyes: his best friends
Raccoon Eyes: the suns of his life
Raccoon Eyes: the bit of happiness in the cold
Raccoon Eyes: cold
Raccoon Eyes: cold
Tape Face: coooooooooold
Raccoon Eyes: thing he calls a heart
Shitty Hair: Lmao
Tape Face: its got a bit of warmth
Tape Face: most of it is his temper
Raccoon Eyes: boom boom POW
Raccoon Eyes: well while we wait for kats
Raccoon Eyes: help me pick some photos for the slideshow!!
Tape Face: are you doing only UA pics or some stuff since then
Tape Face: somehow iida managed to not specify lmao
Shitty Hair: The info email was like ten pages, how did he miss it
Tape Face: idk
Raccoon Eyes: ive got plenty for both!!
Raccoon Eyes: momo said pref UA pics but some new stuff is good too
Raccoon Eyes: show how far weve come n all that
Tape Face: oh cool let me get some opinions then too
Shitty Hair: Anyone have any pics of the camping trip from second year?
Raccoon Eyes: before or after todoroki and kats’ fight turned it into a icy hot springs
Shitty Hair: Both lmao but probably before it went to hell
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: ofc ive got us chillin in the springs
Raccoon Eyes: well most of us
Raccoon Eyes: kats u never get in the water w us :C
Raccoon Eyes: lets go to the beach next time!!
Tape Face: hed prob boil the water w you in it if you dragged him in lmao
Tape Face: spicy acid time
Raccoon Eyes: id like to see him TRY
Shitty Hair: Don’t tempt him lmao
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: i got like a shit ton more
Raccoon Eyes: should i send some of THE FIGHT
Shitty Hair: Maybe not
Tape Face: yes
Tape Face: well
Tape Face: depends on how many pissed off katsuki pics youre putting in lmao
Raccoon Eyes: OH
Raccoon Eyes: OHHHH
Tape Face: ?
Raccoon Eyes: dude
Raccoon Eyes: do u have the POMERANIAN pic
Tape Face: o shit
Tape Face: image.png
Shitty Hair: I still think Katsuki should’ve taken that pup home
Shitty Hair: They’re matching!
Tape Face: image.png
Tape Face: i also have this one
Tape Face: when she tried to bite his nose off lmao
Raccoon Eyes: kats couldve named her king explosion murder
Raccoon Eyes: or just murder
Raccoon Eyes: p sure she wouldve tried to murder kats at least o
Raccoon Eyes: nce
Tape Face: lmao she basically tried when he found her
Shitty Hair: Maybe it’s for the best that he didn’t keep the pup
Tape Face: look what i found
Tape Face: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: AWWWW YES
Raccoon Eyes: LOOK AT USSSSS
Raccoon Eyes: we look FABBBB
Shitty Hair: Is that from the dance?
Tape Face: ye
Raccoon Eyes: guys what if we recreate that pic at the reunion
Raccoon Eyes: the fits?
Raccoon Eyes: immaculate
Raccoon Eyes: the pose?
Raccoon Eyes: perfection
Tape Face: hotel?
Tape Face: trivago
Shitty Hair: I’m down for recreating some pics!
Raccoon Eyes: yessssss
Raccoon Eyes: u have no choice either kats u gotta do it
Raccoon Eyes: wherever u are
Shitty Hair: Oh he replied!!
Raccoon Eyes: SWEET
Raccoon Eyes: what he say
Shitty Hair: He said fuck off
Tape Face: as expected
Shitty Hair: Lmao he threatened to block me again
Tape Face: thought he said he was blocking you last week
Shitty Hair: Yea exactly
Raccoon Eyes: HOW RUDE
Raccoon Eyes: as punishment for not paying attention to us
Raccoon Eyes: im gonna send this
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Tape Face: LMAO whend you make that
Shitty Hair: Is that Katsuki with a cat face and ears
Shitty Hair: Dude I don’t know if he’s going to kill you for that or for the pink hair first lmao
Raccoon Eyes: lmao made it just now
Raccoon Eyes: well MAYBE if he ANSWERED us
Katsuki: Delete it.
Tape Face: O SHIT
Tape Face: you summoned him
Raccoon Eyes: NO I WILL NOT
Katsuki: Delete it Raccoon Eyes or else I’m coming for you.
Tape Face: are you coming for the left shoes and shittin in them
Raccoon Eyes: NOOOOOOO not my shoes!!!!!!!!
Tape Face: its just the left shoes tho
Katsuki: What the fuck are you two going on about?
Raccoon Eyes: DONT COME FOR M
Katsuki: I’m not coming for your fucking left shoes. Or any of your shoes.
Katsuki: I will be coming for you if you don’t delete that picture, though.
Raccoon Eyes: I BEG
Raccoon Eyes: PLSSSSS
Katsuki: Delete the picture.
Raccoon Eyes: ugh fiiiiiiiiiine
Raccoon Eyes: its deleted
Raccoon Eyes: i wont send it to momo for the slide show
Katsuki: Good.
Katsuki: Fuck off.
Shitty Hair: C’mon Katsuki!! It’ll be fun!!
Tape Face: ya it wouldnt do if we didnt have our exploding star
Raccoon Eyes: ill send momo WORSE if u dont come
Raccoon Eyes: nd u wont know WHAT til AFTER
Raccoon Eyes: so PLSSSSSSSSSS
Raccoon Eyes: ill spam u a lot worse if u dont show us proof of rsvp
Raccoon Eyes: pls kaaaaaaaaats
Raccoon Eyes: kaaaaaaaaats
Raccoon Eyes: k
Raccoon Eyes: a
Katsuki: Ugh fucking fine, I’ll do the RSVP now then.
Raccoon Eyes: t
Raccoon Eyes: YAY
Four Eyes (Rocket Legs): Good afternoon, Bakugou! I just wanted to confirm with you that I have received your RSVP for the Class A reunion. As a reminder, if you need to rent a room for the night or the weekend, please alert the Shinjuku Hotel staff that you are part of the Class A reunion party by next Wednesday for an event discount.
Katsuki: image.png
Katsuki: image.png
Katsuki: Four Eyes is watching the RSVP form like a fucking hawk apparently.
Raccoon Eyes: YAAAAAY URE RSVPD!!!
Shitty Hair: You know him, always dedicated to his work
Tape Face: sweet
Raccoon Eyes: are u guys getting rooms
Tape Face: yea musutafus too far for a round trip
Tape Face: esp since itll prob end late
Shitty Hair: I got one for the weekend!
Tape Face: wbu mina
Raccoon Eyes: booked a room already!!
Raccoon Eyes: kaaaaats wbu
Raccoon Eyes: u should
Raccoon Eyes: we could have a brunch or lunch or s/t thats just us
Raccoon Eyes: plsssssss kats
Katsuki: I’ll think about it.
Tape Face: better than a no lmao
Shitty Hair: If they run out of space or if you decide last second, you can room with me dude
Raccoon Eyes: awww why not a yes
Katsuki: I haven’t asked the other Four Eyes for the time off yet.
Tape Face: is this four eyes no4 or no15
Raccoon Eyes: four eyes no69
Raccoon Eyes: no wait
Raccoon Eyes: no420
Tape Face: haha blaze it
Raccoon Eyes: BLAZE IT
Shitty Hair: It’s number 7
Katsuki: Fuck you, I don’t have that many Four Eyes saved in my phone.
Shitty Hair: I’d be surprised if you had 420 contacts period dude
Raccoon Eyes: would b hilarious tho
Katsuki: Yes, it’s Four Eyes number 7.
Shitty Hair: I was right!!
Katsuki: Why would I ask any of the other Four Eyes for time off? They’re not my fucking bosses.
Tape Face: dunno
Raccoon Eyes: idk maybe ure secretly dating one a
Raccoon Eyes: nd have to confirm that its ok
Tape Face: o shit
Tape Face: scandalous
Katsuki: Shut the fuck up, I’m not dating anyone, secret or not.
Raccoon Eyes: thats what they all say
Katsuki: Whatever. I’m not dating anyone.
Raccoon Eyes: kats n four eyes no420 sittin in a tree
Raccoon Eyes: k
Raccoon Eyes: i
Raccoon Eyes: s
Raccoon Eyes: s
Raccoon Eyes: i
Katsuki: I’ll blow up all of your left shoes when you’re not home.
Raccoon Eyes: n
Raccoon Eyes: NO
Shitty Hair: Hey what do you guys think of this photo
Shitty Hair: image.png
Tape Face: dude yes
Katsuki: Do we really need to send them pictures? It’s not like we fucking forgot this stuff already.
Tape Face: you can be a killjoy if you want lmao
Tape Face: im sure mina will send more than enough to cover for you
Raccoon Eyes: U BETCHA
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Tape Face: lmao why do you have a pic of katsuki throwing ei
Shitty Hair: I still can’t believe you did that bro
Katsuki: I gave you plenty of fucking warning.
Shitty Hair: Saying “I’m throwing you” AS YOU’RE THROWING ME is NOT PLENTY OF WARNING DUDE
Raccoon Eyes: im always ready to document golden moments
Katsuki: Shut the fuck up. We won the training exercise so what’s it fucking matter?
Shitty Hair: YOU THREW ME!!
Katsuki: Tape Face caught you before you could get hurt.
Shitty Hair: YOU /THREW/ ME!!!!!!
Tape Face: barely caught
Katsuki: Whatever.
Raccoon Eyes: im still impressed by how eASY u made that look
Katsuki: What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?
Raccoon Eyes: o look conveniently timed distraction photo spam
Katsuki sighed as he continued the conversation, commenting here and there on the photos his friends sent for judgement. In retrospect, he probably should have tried to talk to Shion first, since there was a chance she would have denied the time off for the reunion. Although, knowing her, she would have accepted just to force Katsuki into socializing. He opened up a new text message, figuring that if Shion did decide to deny the time off, he would at least have a screenshot to send to his friends explaining the sudden change in plans.
Katsuki: I need March 28th and 29th off.
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Do my eyes deceive me? The great Katsuki Bakugou, asking for time off?
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): I’m amazed! Usually I have to ask you to take the day off!
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Nay, not ask, but force!
Katsuki: Are you going to give it to me or not?
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Depends! What do you need the time off for?
Katsuki: Class reunion.
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Oh those are fun!
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Fill out the proper time off paperwork and have it on my desk by Monday. I’ll approve the time off.
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Just keep your phone on you in case we need you to come in for an emergency, but I’ll try not to ruin your reunion with work.
Katsuki: Thanks.
Well, so much for an easy way out.
Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose when he noticed that his phone had already accumulated another thirty texts in the past few minutes, no doubt primarily from Mina. He scrolled through the backlog, sending a few mostly empty threats when he saw photos he did not want projected for the entire class to see, freezing when his gaze met a pair of familiar amber eyes.
In his scramble to close out of the photo, to escape the genuine smile that somehow was more haunting than the one in his dreams, he left the group text completely. He briefly thanked his past self; he’d impulse or rage quit the group text plenty of times before that this wasn’t unusual behavior. If he was lucky, his friends wouldn’t have noticed the timing of his departure and would assume he was just fed up with the notifications or the conversation.
Shitty Hair: You okay, Katsuki?
A weak laugh escaped Katsuki’s lips as he read the newest notification. Of course Eijirou noticed.
Katsuki: I’m fine.
Shitty Hair: Okay
Shitty Hair: We don’t have to talk about it
Shitty Hair: But if you want to, I’m here dude
Shitty Hair: I’ll tell the others that you left so your phone would shut up and not to add you back yet
Katsuki: Thanks. Really.
Shitty Hair: No problem dude
Katsuki put his phone down, silently praying for the smile to leave him alone.
When he finally laid down for bed that night, he repeated the short prayer, for a peaceful night’s rest free of the smile, of the hurt, of the pain, of the guilt.
But as always, the smile came.
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Pairing: Ben Hardy x F!Reader
Summery: You run a nsfw snapchat account. Ben's horny.
Warnings: SMUT (18+), partially written as chat text, video chat sex, masturbation, fingering, sex toys, nipple play, voyeurism I guess, fuckboy ben
Words: 3774
A/N: Inspired by something El posted. I love Ben but he’s got them fuckboy/lad vibes and im positive he’d get down on some sc porn
Tumblr media
Taglist:  @laedymoon​  @dtfrogertaylor​   @ezmina98​  @vee-ndetta​ @atomic-watermelon​ @kellypenac​ @labessieisallama​ @deakyclicks​ @jennyggggrrr​ @drowseoftaylor​  @hannafuckingsucks​  @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​ @queenmylovely​
Your phone buzzed, the familiar noise distracting you from your book. Considering you’d just posted a new photo, partially hidden by emojis, to Instagram and updated your snapchat story with the uncensored version, it was hardly surprising you were getting messages.
YourNewDaddy: Mmm baby let me pound you
You clicked through to his profile. Absolutely nothing. The profile picture was some abs that could belong to anyone. No recent snaps, nothing. For a few seconds you considered replying with your payment details but decided against it. He wasn’t worth your time.  
The whole NSFW account thing had started a while ago on Tumblr and then Instagram. A way to kill time and get some attention that you weren’t receiving in the real world. But then the porn ban had happened which severely limited what you could post, so you’d mostly moved to Snapchat, using everything else to advertise. A few months after the move you started getting guys offering to pay you to do specific things. One had wanted an audio recording of you calling him Daddy and begging for his cock with a few moans thrown in. Another had wanted a video of you and a dildo, though he’d had to pay more. Since then you’d used your accounts to pick up a bit of extra cash here and there. Nowhere near enough to live off of, but it came in handy.
You clicked back out of the app, put down your phone and went back to your book, hoping someone entertaining would at least comment on the photo soon. Barely half a page later another ding pulled you away. This time Instagram.  
Benhardy: Just came over you
Quick and to the point. Fuckboy energy. You clicked onto his profile half expecting another faceless timewaster. No description or links to other sites but he had a profile picture. And some fifty odd photos. Not many posts considering his million followers but at least you knew he was a real person. You scrolled through his feed trying to put gather what info you could before you responded. Lots of photos of himself sometimes with friends. A few that were clearly modelling jobs or, more likely considering the movie trailers and saved story called Oscars 2019, promotional photoshoots for magazines. And he was a proud dog dad. Definitely attractive. You wondered briefly why someone so handsome was getting off to half dressed girls on Instagram but put it out of your mind as you opened his conversation up again. Who cared why as long as he was talking to you? After all, he was hot and willingly giving you attention. Plus, if he was an actor or whatever he probably wouldn’t mind paying for something special, once you’d given him a taste. The only question left was how to approach the conversation.  
You: Really? That’s so flattering!
You: Kind of wish you’d cum over me for real tho, bit bored
Benhardy: dirty girl
Benhardy: could probably think of some way to keep you busy
Benhardy: you’re fit
You: haha aww thank you! I post more often on snap if you wanna follow. don’t have to hide behind swimwear and emojis there. easier to chat too, unless you prefer kik or something
He didn’t reply. You frowned at your phone wondering if you’d shown your hand too soon. Perhaps you should have kept up the flattered damsel act a little longer, waited before mentioning Snapchat. Maybe he wasn’t looking for a chat, just genuinely wanted to compliment you, even if it was in a gross slightly derogatory way. Or maybe he just got cold feet. You sighed as you swiped back to check what other people had been sending you. A few more ignorable accounts, a couple messages you didn’t like enough to respond to straight away. And then another Snapchat notification.  
Ben Jones: had to create an account but I’m here
You: oh! you’ve changed your name
Ben Jones: Hardy’s the stage name lol
You: hmmm hardy… little bit of a pornstar name
You: or could be if you changed the ben part.
Ben Jones: that’s my backup plan in case actual acting doesn’t work out lol
Ben Jones: not too out of place right now tho
You: haha that because of me?
Ben Jones: maybe. loved the photos in your story you’ve got great tits
Ben Jones: kinda wanna see you pinch and pull on them
And so it began. You leaned forward to pull your shirt off and then settled back against the pillows, running your fingers around your nipple until it was hard. Angling the camera towards your chest you pinched your nipple between your thumb and forefinger, rolling it between them. The camera clicked as you took a photo and then clicked again as you tugged your nipple away from your body, hissing a little at the pain.
You: Like this?
Ben Jones: perfect
Ben Jones: really are lovely tits.
You: surprisingly don’t hear that much irl so ty
Ben Jones: u don’t? criminal
You: lmao yeah but that’s what I have you for
Ben Jones: happy to help
Ben Jones: What are you wearing?
You: Just a pair of knickers now
Ben Jones: sexy
Ben Jones: can I see?
You: just the knickers or the whole look?
Ben Jones: whole look first
Ben Jones: then just the knickers so I can see the wet spot you’re making
You wriggled against the pillows, shuffling further down the bed. Long ago you’d learnt which angles were the easiest to take photos in and which were the best to show off your body. A full body shot was easiest when you leaned your phone up against a stack of books or something at the foot of the bed and used the timer on the camera to get a few shots of you kneeling. It left your hands fee to squeeze your tits if that seemed appropriate or slip into your underwear, or to put behind your back in a pose that seemed innocent but actually pushed your hips and chest forward. For Ben though you felt something that appeared a little more casual would be appropriate. You lay back, head raised slightly on your pillows, feel flat against the mattress so your knees were in the air and pressed together. Carefully you positioned the camera, wrist twisted a little to get the angle just right. You brought your free hand up to your breasts, pulling your nipple again since Ben seemed to like it, and snapped a photo. The shot of your underwear was easier, legs spread, pushing your hips up slightly to get a clear shot of the wet patch that had been slowly growing since the start of the conversation, though a little added saliva to make it more obvious didn’t hurt. He wouldn’t be able to tell.  
Ben Jones: hot
Ben Jones: like got me so hard again hot
You: does that mean I get a picture in return?
Ben Jones: Only if you take your knickers off for me
Ben Jones: wouldn’t be fair otherwise since im not wearing underwear😉  
You took your time sending him a new photo and got one back almost straight away. You would have scoffed at his eagerness to show himself off but, with a body like his you couldn’t really blame him. You zoomed into the photo, trailing your eyes over every inch of it. Messy blonde hair, though whether it was intentionally messy or just like that from him grabbing it while he jerked off over your photo you weren’t sure. Gorgeous eyes, heavy lidded and a little fucked out. One arm behind his head as he lay on his bed. It looked carefree and spontaneous, like someone else had taken the photo at the very moment he looked at the camera, but it showed off the muscles in his arms too well to be coincidence. And speaking of muscles. The boy was a fucking Adonis. You were instantly struck by the desire to drag your nails down his chest and leave a trail of hickeys and bite marks all the way down to his toned stomach and tight waist. You clenched your thighs together at the thought as you slowly revealed the bottom half of the photo. He had his legs outstretched though one was more bent than the other, knee jutting out to the side. Almost too casual to be casual, especially with the way he had his hand wrapped around his cock, like the photo was taken mid stroke. You couldn’t help linger over that particular part of the photo. It was a lovely hand, big with noticeable veins, exactly the sort that could make you weak in the knees. And the same could be said for the dick it was holding. You wondered briefly where this Ben guy had come from and what you could possibly have done to catch his attention.  
Ben Jones: is that silence because you’re so impressed
The message made you roll your eyes. Hot he might be, but he was still just another desperate fuckboy looking for a naked girl to drool over and a quick orgasm.  
You: well I’m not not impressed
Ben Jones: no need to be shy. just say you’re imagining riding me and I'd understand
You: wasn’t before. Am now.
Ben Jones: what were you picturing before?
You: doggy
Ben Jones: be happy to let you try both and compare.
You: let me film it and watch the tapes back to study your game?
Ben Jones: wait this is dumb.
Your frowned at your phone. For such typical guy, the sort you’d dealt with so many times before, Ben sure was hard to pin down.  
You: what?
Ben Jones: you comfortable doing live chat?
You: umm sure thing
Ben Jones: you don’t have to
You: i know that. you couldn’t force me to even if you wanted, beauty of doing this online. i just don’t do live very often. or I charge for it.
Ben Jones: that desperate for me?
You: you caught me in a good mood
You let the call ring for a bit, wanting to make sure Ben understood how in control you were and how much more he needed it than you. But eventually you picked up, settling back against your pillows. Ben seemed to be in a similar position, leaning against his headboard, the screen showing you his face and bare shoulders. “Hi,” “Hi,” his voice was deeper than you’d expected, thrown by how soft and, dare you say, feminine his features were, and yet it suited him perfectly. You could only imagine how that voice would sound growling out sexually charged complements, the thought appealing enough to have you pressing your thighs together. There was a moment of silence as you took each other in, not quite sure how to continue now that you’d switched from text.   “So you going to show me how wet you are?” Once again his demeanour had you wanting to roll your eyes though you refrained, “No.” “No?” His confusion was entertaining to say the least. So many of the men who contacted you assumed you were going to be outright submissive and meek, taking whatever photos they demanded and doing everything they told you to with a smile and a yes sir. So proving them wrong, defying them, taking control, that was fun. Almost an aphrodisiac in its own right. Sometimes you’d eventually submit, play the brat and then let them win, and if they were paying it was a different story. But Ben struck you as the kind of guy who could use a little more pushback. Probably used to getting his way, having his pick of the litter. Lord knows had he hit on you in real life you probably would have agreed to whatever he wanted just to feel his hands on you. But here, on your profile, you had the power. Plus, in the back of your mind you suspected that being a little more assertive might just make him more interested in seeing you submit and maybe a little more willing to pay for the pleasure.   “Not yet.” “Bit of a bold move considering I could just go find someone else to look at. There’re these things called porn sites, yeah?” “But they’re so impersonal. Isn’t this more fun?” He paused, eyeing you, and then let out a breath, “You got me there.” “Figured, since the video chat was your idea and all.” “Just got sick of typing one handed.” “Mmhmm, sure.” “So are you going to show me your cunt then?” “Eventually. But what’s the rush?” you stood up, making sure to let the camera dip just a little so Ben got a quick flash of your chest. “How about I’m hard as hell and want to get off?” “You’re not the only one who wants to get off so just hold your horses for a second while I get my toys.” “There are toys now?” You could see Ben’s shoulder move as he started to stroke himself again. “Told you to hold your horses. Stop touching yourself.” Ben’s arm stopped its movement though he seemed a little taken aback by his own obedience. “Good boy,” you watched for Ben’s reaction, not disappointed as he swallowed hard, his cheeks going pinker than they already were. That was interesting. “Yes there are toys, you wanna see?” “Do I get to pick which ones you use?” “Maybe,” “Go on, show me then,” You flipped the camera around as you opened your chest of draws. There wasn’t much in there, a couple different dildos and vibrators, a set of nipple suckers, mostly things you’d bought to fulfil requests guys were paying you for. You picked up the nipple suckers and held them up to the camera. “I assume you’d like to see me in these since you liked watching me play with my nipples.” “Mmhmm, absolutely. Also want to see you with a dildo. You got one with a suction base? Might tell you to ride it the way you’d ride me,” he seemed to be doubling down on the pull for control after you’d seen his reaction to being told what to do, determined to put you in your place or whatever. “Unfortunately, no. But this one will do,” you took hold of a silicon dildo, pulling it from the draw, “Don’t think it's as big as you but it does vibrate and that’s guaranteed to work.” “I’ll allow it, though I think we both know I’d be better.” “I’m going to ignore that,” you said as you turned the camera back towards you and headed back to your bed, settling against the pillows again. You propped the camera up against a pillow so Ben could watch as you placed the suckers over your nipples, whimpering at the sudden taught feeling. You picked the phone back up, giving Ben a closer view of your boobs. “They suit you. And you can ignore it all you like but when you start doing what I say and I let you fuck yourself into your third orgasm I’ll remind you. Maybe, if you’re lucky, I’ll tell you where you can meet me in real life and show you exactly how good I am.” “You’re a cocky one, aren’t you?”   “In every sense. If I remember correctly you were speechless at the sight.” “You’ve got a bad memory, Benny boy.” Slowly you let your fingers trail down to your pussy. You didn’t believe he was as good as he thought he was – you’d dealt with too many overconfident wankers, both in real life and online, to believe another one – but the game you’d fallen into, the back and forth teasing, not entirely sure who was in control at any one time, was arousing to say the least. It was certainly one of the less predictable conversations you’d had recently.   “If not speechless then certainly wet. Show me your pussy, wanna see you touching yourself.”” “Who said I’m touching myself?” you slipped a finger into your entrance, trying to keep your breathing even.” “You’re not as good at hiding it as you think you are. So show me.” “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” Ben gave you a fleeting look, eyebrow raised, before his camera flipped and you were once again looking at his hand wrapped around his cock, red and leaking precum. You turned your camera too, making sure he had a good view. “Add a second finger for me.” You did as he asked, “You been a good boy and not touched? Or do I have to tell you off for misbehaving?” “I didn’t but it wasn’t because of anything you said. Just didn’t want things to finish before I heard you beg me to cum.” He began to stroke himself, keeping in time with the slow pace you’d set as you pumped your fingers in and out of your pussy. “Sure,” you panted, adding a third finger, “so if I told you to stop now,” His hand halted. “Well aren’t you just so obedient,” You removed your fingers from yourself, reaching to grab the dildo, “you wanna see me fuck myself properly? Watch me cum all over this toy, pretend it’s your cock making me moan?”   “God yes,” his voice cracked a little, fingers twitching against himself as he briefly let the cocky, controlling persona fall away. It didn’t last long, “Show me how deep you can take that cock. C’mon, I know what a fucking slut you are, getting off on people watching you.” You didn’t bother arguing, sliding the dildo along your dripping folds before pressing it into yourself with a whine. “Wait, hang on a sec.” The was the sound of shuffling and the screen went black as Ben moved around but, eventually, he flipped the camera again and settled back on the bed. He’d propped his phone up somewhere in front of himself, letting you see every inch of him from his face to his hard, leaking cock, “better?” “Oh much, hang on I’ll do the same," you carefully pulled the dildo from yourself and sat up, leaning your phone against a stack of books on your bedside table and then adjusting your pillows in front of it, “we good?” “Yeah, take the nipple things off though, wanna see your tits properly.” You did as he asked, letting out a soft moan at the sensation. Ben chuckled, “God I can’t wait to hear how loud you moan imaging how hard I’d fuck you.” You slid the dildo back into your entrance, slowly pumping it in and out of yourself as you brought your other hand up to squeeze your breast, “mmm, you look so pretty when you’re all needy Benny.” It wasn’t a lie, between his lust blown eyes, flushed cheeks and soft pout, Ben looked incredible and it only turned you on more, “Want to show me how needy you can get? Want me make you beg?” “Faster. Harder,” he ignored your questions in favour of giving you another order but you were sure you’d heard his voice crack just a little. You sped up, whining with each thrust, Ben’s hand matching your pace as his slid his thumb over the tip and spread the precum over his length. “Fuck your wet, I can hear it. That all because of me?” “Maybe a-a bit. Also just like, fuck, being watched,” “Turn on the vibrator and rub your clit,” Ben’s voice was husky, impossibly deep and rough, “don’t stop until I say.” You moaned as the vibrations started, angling the dildo to rub against your g-spot on every pass.   “There you go, being a good little slut. Gonna cum how I tell you to.” “On-only if you cum how I tell you to.” You almost let the dildo fall from your grasp, so shocked were you by the whine Ben let out, “Like that idea? Want me to tell you what to do? If I told you to stop and watch me would you?” “No,” he said, steadfastly sticking to the game although his hand faltered and his voice had mostly lost the controlling edge he’d had before, all desperate, whiny need. “N-not sure I beli-eve you.” “Please don’t stop. Wanna cum so bad,” “I know y-ou do Benny.” “You close?” “Yes, fuck Ben, so close.” “Cum for me, come on, be a good slut and cum,” “Not. Yet. Play with your balls Benny, wanna see you cum first.” His gasped turned into a strangled cry as he ran his fingers over his testicles before lightly squeezing them “T-turn the vibrator higher,” Neither one of you were in control anymore, too caught up in getting yourselves and each other off, though you were both determinedly looking at the screen, watching each other. Ben’s lip was caught between his teeth, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he let out some of the prettiest moans you’d ever heard. It only served to push you closer to the edge, your own moans escaping as you bucked your hips rhythmically in time with the dildo moving in and out of your cunt. Ben finished a split second before you did, your eyes glued to the white now painting his stomach as you held the dildo in place, its vibrations making your toes curl.
The was a moment of quiet as you both collected yourselves, the only sounds his panted breaths and your soft whine as you removed the dildo from yourself, and then Ben spoke.   “Fuck that was hot.” “Yup,” “I thought your tits were good enough to wank over but Christ. That’s gonna keep me going for a bit.” You laughed, relaxing as your heart gradually fell back to its normal rhythm, “Well not too long I hope. You’re fun and I’d be happy to chat again sometime.” “Did I see in your bio that you take commissions?” “Yuuup,” “Huh, well, I’ll keep that in mind then.” “I look forward to it,” “Well, I should be off then, gotta clean up,” he gestured to the mess drying on his stomach. “Yeah, me too, maybe have a nap. That really was fun though so next time you’re bored or whatever hit me up. If you’re lucky I’ll let you boss me around. If you’re luckier I’ll do the bossing,” “I’d like to see you try,” “That whine you made says you’d enjoy it quite a lot,” “My whine? What about yours? Needy little brat.” Guess you’ll have to come back and settle this then.” “Guess I will. See you later.”
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missblissy · 5 years
What if Alastor had a s/o who was deaf? 🤔
((WHEEZE. COUGHS. VIBRATES UNCONTROLLABLY. I’m living for this, okay?? This is my shit. I’m obsessed. Thank you anon. U have blessed me. THIS GOT REALLY LONG AAAAAAA. i did not mean for this to happen. There is a link down in the story that is underlined that will send you to a song you guys might want to listen to when you get to that part of the HCs. :)) Trust me... You guys are gonna want to listen to that song, I don’t want to spoil it so!! Just trust me!! You’ll like it!! If you cant find the link down there.. HERE IT IS TOO~~!!  ENJOY!!!!!!! ))
At first, he thought you were just ignoring him. You caught his eye standing pretty at the bar. A new resident? Oh, how exciting! He simply had to introduce himself to you. You were already quite attentive to him, falling into almost category of his type.
But when he approached and said, “Why, hello there!” And when you didn’t react, respond, or turn to face him, Alastor was a little shocked to be so blatantly ignored. His smile seemed more forced as another handful of seconds past by. That was until Husk chuckled from the other side of the bar, “You’re an idiot” he told the Radio Demon while cleaning a whiskey glass.
“Excuse me?” Alastor gave a wide eye blink with a never-fading smile. You had finally noticed someone standing behind you, only because you saw Husk’s lips move. You turned around and noticed the menacing presence of Alastor. It was hard to see, but you noticed the twitch of irritation at his brow. “They’re deaf, dumb ass.” Husk explained, seeing as he already knew you a little bit.
Ah. Well then. Alastor wasn’t sure how to respond so he just kept smiling while his eyes flicker between you and Husk. Lucky for you, you could read lips pretty well but for the most part, you depended on sign language as your preferred method of communication. You knew your voice sounded off, clumsy and slurred if you tried to speak, seeing as you couldn’t d hear yourself. You were very self-conscious about the way you sounded for a deaf person.
And yet this started the steady slow-building friendship between you and Alastor. He kept his distance for the longest time. You always felt his eyes on you though. He’d watch you sign to others. Husk knew a lot of sign language so you spent a large part of your time at the bar talking to him. Over time, as Alastor watched you from afar, he studied every hand motion, every sign and every little mannerism there was to know about you. You weren’t sure how to feel about him. The two of you never actually talked or communicated in any way shape or form. You couldn’t lie though, there was just something about him that you were drawn into, and it was hard to keep him out of your thoughts. 
Weeks went by where you’d pass each other in the hallway and wave, smile, and sometimes Alastor would give you a nod of his head. He stilled watch you all the time, and he never hid it. You’d look at him from across the room and meet his gaze, then turn back and focus on whatever Charlie was saying. Five minutes would pass then you’d dash your gaze back over and see Alastor’s eyes still glued to you. 
One day you were sitting by yourself at the bar. You were nose deep in a book that you couldn’t get enough off. Suddenly someone tapped on your shoulder. It took you by surprise so you let out a little and startled yelp. It was Alastor standing behind you with a smile that seemed too large for his face. His eyes had a low reddish glow to them and you could feel the static electricity wave off him in shallow pulses similar to a heartbeat. Your senses were heightened. He smelled like wild roses and what you could only assume was death. The air around him was freezing cold and extremely still.
Suddenly he gave you a formal bow. One of his hands laid across his chest while the other stretched behind him. He ducked his head down and stayed like that for a few seconds. Then he stood tall again and to your surprise, he signed “Hello,” and you watched his lips move as he said it too. Little did you know that he had kept his distance for so long because he was learning how to communicate with you. Over the weeks, he was drawn to you. The way you dressed, laughed, hummed and genuinely sought out redemption. You signed back “Hi,” while Alastor went on to say, “Our first introduction didn’t really go very well. I didn’t know you were deaf. So I’m sorry if I seemed rude,” His grin was forever wide and smeared across his face, lips moving to each word, though you couldn’t tell if he spoke them out loud or whispered them to himself. ((He was talking allowed, which caused Husk to grow irritated enough to leave the bar to restock it full of more liquor.
You signed back with a smile “I didn’t know you could use sign language,” You mouthed each word, but not a sound came from you until a soft little giggle escaped your lips. It made his dead heart twitch to life. It was almost enough to make HIM blush. The two of you instantly hit it of right there.
From that day on, Alastor was never far from you. He lingered here and near. You could always tell when he was around even if you couldn’t see him. Alastor gave off this very unique pulsing wave of electricity into the air, but not nearly enough people noticed this. When you asked Charlie if she’d ever felt it before, she had no idea what you were talking about. Angel said he felt something like that before but didn’t put it together that it may have been Alastor. 
It became commonplace for Alastor to keep you company whenever he had a moment to spar. He’d ask you a lot of questions, things about yourself, your life and afterlife. He wanted to get to know you. 
One day Alastor brought you into a large empty theater in the back of the Hotel. It was filled with rows and rows rotting tables with broken chairs. But a piano stood alone on the stage. He held his arm out and walk you between the rows of tables and chairs and down to the stage. You kept asking him what was going on or what he had planned, but he only smiled and told you to just wait and see. 
The piano was sleek and clean. Alastor closed the lid of the grand piano and freed the keyboard from its cover. He didn’t ask or wait a second to lift you up from bridal style and place you on top of the piano. He signed, “You should lay on down for this, trust me.” 
You did as told. You laid down on your back with your eyes fixed up at the rafters above the stage. While you did that, Alastor sat down in front of Piano and got ready to express himself in a way that he had not done in decades. 
Suddenly you felt the vibrations of the key strings of the piano being struck at the rate of a thousand full. You’ve never felt anything like this before. You sat up enough to spin around and face Alastor. His quick fingers paused for a second or two. He wore a smile and his eyes were closed. You stared at him when suddenly his fingers smashed the keys and a loud thunderous wave of vibrations and static washed over you. The song he played was fast and you could feel every note course through your bones. There were so many emotions in this song and even though you couldn’t hear it, you could feel it. 
You’ve never had the chance to experience music. It was something that always fell on dead ears. If you could have anything in the world, it would be the chance to just hear one song. It didn’t even have to be a good one. And somehow Alastor was making this possible in a way you never thought of. As he raced one, smashing key after key with such speed and aggression you couldn’t even focus on his hands. You could feel every high and low note, every note that was pressed with force or delicacy. Alastor finally started to slow down when his eyes flashed open but as soon as he did that he slammed down on the keys again and proved you wrong. He went faster and faster, staring at you the entire time with a glowing grin and flashing red eyes that somehow flicker their own light that matched the speed of his song.
The song had finally come to an end and you were moved in a way that made you emotional. Alastor leaned on an elbow while resting his cheek in his hand. You saw him mouth the word, “So?” He was asking what you thought about his little ‘surprise.’ It was amazing. It was something you had never experienced before, and that song... it was hypnotizing, intoxicating and a high you wanted to feel again if that was even possible. You first signed “That was amazing!” then signed “Thank you!” Over and over again. You felt little tears prick your eyes but they never fell.
You nearly fell off the piano while throwing your arms around Alastor. He stiffened the second you touch him, but relaxed and let you hug him. As you lingered there you did your best to pass air through your lungs and voice out, “Thank you, Al,” So that’s what your voice sounded like? There was no stopping it now. He simply adored it while finding himself liking you more and more. Alastor returned your hug and found himself getting lost in it, and not wanting to let go. 
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blanket-hole · 4 years
Im calling this the faberry files cos I feel like a spy when I'm really just very gay
This is just basically timestamps of every faberry moment I could find as I was rewatching season 1-3. I don't know if anyone wants to see it but I just put it here cos why not. I wasn't really planning on posting it but here we are so it features my gay ass commentary. Anyway there u go.
gay ass looks-
-1x04- so far I’ve seen a gay ass look Quinn gives Rachel at 35:36
-1x05-39:50-not that gay but a little bit, also long
-1x09-43:02 she looks so adoring
-1x10-during endless love
-1x11-9:37 voiceover is mean but just look at those eyes and tell me I’m wrong,34:00 she literally looks so adoringly I can’t
-1x12-10:41 pretends not to see her only to look straight (or not) at her
-1x15-35:02 they’re even talking about love at the time and sitting weirdly close for enemies
-1x20-43:06 I can’t really see where she’s looking under those long ass lashes but I think when Rachel does that little giggle she stares at her while smiling, might just be Faberry goggles tho
-1x22-9:05 I think thats like the cutest smile my little gay heart, 14:23 Quinn is fully checking her out rn like not even subtle they’re on stage
-2x04 16:12, 41:48 at Rachel singing
-2x07-23:19 that could in no way be regarded as a platonic look of enjoying the song, especially since its just started 
-2x09- 43:04 part of dog days but its just so cute them holding hands also weird since they are still meant to hate each other lol
-2x10-6:03 this could just be my Faberry goggles but im counting it :D, 31:20 staring at Rachel while she looks sad
-2x11-11:04 could be at puck but she was looking at Rachel before when they were further apart so imma take the w also Diana looks really cute in this bit
-2x16- 4:27 is being kinda mean but also the way she looks at her <3<3<3 :DD also 5:21 if u don’t want to wait through a bit of a scene and the look then is suuuuper gay, 43:17 she looks so proud of her girlfriend :DDDDD
-2x18-52:49 she looks like such a proud girlfriend in this bit
-2x21-1:29 its only a quick look from Quinn tho
-3x06-28:26 Quinn gives Rachel the GAYEST lingering look at the end of the song (unless my eyes deceive me but I don’t think they do cos I’ve checked like 3 times :DDD)
-3x07- 25:00 this is possible the outright gayest look from Quinn ive ever seen, its during one of the songs but I had to put it in
-3x08- 41:10 the look of joy on Quinns face when Rachel touches her shoulder is just pure gay energy
-3x14- 17:27 ‘for the rest of my life’ looks at Quinn, ffs just get married already, 24:07 she literally bites her lip like wth how is this not canon
-3x19- 39:08 kind of but Quinn looks really happy when he says Rachel Berryand its so cute
Scenes together-
-before I had this idea- the “eavesdrop much” talk, and a couple of other things e.g. the ru Paul scene and the sweetie scene. 
-1x05-41:59 during somebody to love weird foot tap thing
-1x06- 18:34 gay ass looks as well, 22:58
-1x07-21:45, 28:53 (the you obviously have a lot you need to express scene), 32:07 they just get wierdly closer for no reason
-1x09-26:09 not much but still
-1x13-3:06, 11:01
-1x15-34:18 sitting really close together next to each other when they’re meant to not like each other?
-1x20-5:42 they also sit really close and a bit of gay staring
-2x02 35:40 (on left of stage next to mike) they’re seen really close and talking, 38:55 standing unreasonably close and also in weird positions for a conversation, 31:28 Quinn looks really sad when Rachel sings to Finn (could also be a Fuinn thing tho so idk)
-2x04 28:11
-2x13- 30:51
-2x14-8:19 its shortcut the level of gay panic on Quinns face is enough for its own spot
-2x15-0:03 how closeted is it to be the only two in the celibacy club fighting over a guy that neither of them want or need lmao I just think its really funny
-2x16-9:31 the level of gay panic on racehls face when she says she’s right is just a mood, 22:27 I think this is  a scene about miscommunication and Quinn blatantly states that she thinks Rachel is much better than Finn and that she believes in her I have a lot of feelings about this scene but ill leave it at that
-2x18-2:38 not much tho, 10:53 they’re being civil and touchy feely also leads into pretty/unpretty, 21:50 when it pans to Quinn it makes it seem like it would be a Fuinn jealousy scene but she doesn’t look jealous at all just a bit sad i think she possibly is worried about Rachel and while she understands (which is why she’s helping) she wants her to feel beautiful in her own skin sorry if I read a bit too far in lol
-2x20-29:42, 33:12, 35:30 I love how finn last episode said Quinn was so closed off with her feelings and then this scene like maybe she can be herself around Rachel idk
-3x01-10:57 Skank Quinn fully checks Rachel out as she’s leaving in this scene also right after a scene where she said she’s not interested in the boys
-3x05-22:55 talking about finchel tho
-3x08-0:00, 21:54, 37:48
-3x11-14:28,20:00 is also a gay ass look but shes talking to Rachel so I put it here
-3x12-13:09 she only taps Rachel tho
-3x13-15:43 Quinn is acting like the stereotypical ‘gentleman’ and its very Faberry canon esque, to put it the best can
-3x14-34:28 this scene I just can’t the way Quinn lights up when she see her and her voice softens a bit and what she said this is the gayest scene no-one can explain it it a hetero way just ahh
-3x15-10:28 they’re holding hands :DD
-3x22-23:12 those tickets cost so much money I swear they should have been way better friends after high school pft, 40:15 Quinn looks so proud of her girlfriend
Possible scenes, could be just drama-
-1x09-29:27 could be at Rachel
-2x10-12:40 kind of about being sad about Finn but could be jealousy?
-2x16- 34:47 could be about Faberry but is framed as finchel or fuinn
-2x17- 37:28 probably just finchel drama but still Faberry jealousy
-2x18-17:16 they say how they’re ‘fighting about Rachel again’ and Im putting it in idc about finchel :DD
-2x19- 23:19 more about Fuinn like always in this category but Faberry jealousy
-2x22-2:27, 3:29, 8:25 finchel/fuinn/faberry jealousy
Sitting really close when they’re meant to not like each other-
-1x20-19:16 in the scene Quinn kinda checks her out but then they stand really close so I put it here
-2x02 23:24 sits really close to Rachel when she dresses in her Britney Spears costume and in the scene Quinn looks like she’s purposefully trying not to look at her and at 29:20 Quinn chose to sit right behind Rachel again, 39:52 seen sitting right behind her again
-2x10- 35:03 standing really close when it would make a difference if Quinn stood anywhere else (e.g. next to her friends or boyfriend) I just think its weird lol
-2x15- 6:28 (before Quinn starts plotting against Rachel, they’re in celibacy club together but all they do is argue so its still a bit weird)
-3x07- 4:54
I dont know where to put this-
-2x17- 35:10 they kinda just look a bit nervous and small interaction I just wanted to add this because I thought it was cute the way they moved around each other idk
-2x20- 14:46 Rachel knows Quinns eyes so well she knows the flower and colour of the ribbon (also gardenias are for secret love which it would surprise me if Rachel already knew)
-3x04-20:26 Rachel isn’t sitting near her boyfriend or anyone she’s even really friends with its a bit weird that shed be sitting in the corner right next to Quinn away from the other chairs
Songs- Ive probably missed a bunch of these but I tried lmao-
-somebody to love
-ride with me
-no air
-keep holding on
-bust a move
-proud Mary
-crazy in love
-imagine- there is a gay ass look
-you can’t always get what you want
-dont rain on my parade
-my life would suck without you
-gives u hell
-hello goodbye
-like a prayer
-home(kind of)
-give up the funk
-any way you want it
-dont stop delieving 
-Empire State of mind
-ice ice baby
-damn it Janet
-time warp
-sweet transvestite
-start me up/living on a prayer
-hot patootie
-forget you
-umbrella/singin in the rain
-I think I wanna marry you
-just the way you are
-ive had the time of my life
-the Dog days are over
-the most wonderful day of the year
-welcome Christmas
-heads will roll/thriller
-fat bottomed girls
-blame it on the alcohol
-tik tok
-do you wanna touch
-afternoon delight
-get it right
-loser like me
-born this way
-pure imagination
-New York New York
-Fix you
-last Friday night
-hit me with your best shot/one way or another
-I cant go for that/ you make my dreams
-I kissed a girl
-feed the world
-summer nights
-we found love
-gotta be starting something
-Im sexy and I know it
-stereo hearts (not technicaly but a lot of Faberry so I’m putting it in)
-fly/I believe I can fly
-heres to us
-its not right but its okay
-its all coming back to me now
-paradise by the dashboard light
-we are the champions
-tongue tied
-you get what you give
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fics-not-tragedies · 4 years
Reckless Serenade [2]
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The writing process of this one is quite tricky, because I’m trying to live it up to @cyberpvnkss expectations, since it was her request. I’m trying my best!
Words: 1781; Warnings: more drinking, don’t drown your sorrows in liquor folks; Summary: On another night you go back to Santino’s club hoping you’d see him again.
Readers tag list:
@spookier-than-u; @oreofenyloetyloamina; @derangedcupcake; @geostarr; @catsmieow; @wickedlangdon; @bodhi-black; @bugalouie; @onebatch--twobatch; @fandom-lover-4; @mikaneonox; @drunkonyellow; @spadesandaces2342; @harrisongslimited; @hhighkey; @lunilate; @i-cant-remember-my-old-login; @sgt-morgan; @coloursunlimited; @childrenofthegun; @weminiaturestrawberry; @silverlambcaptain; @scarletmoon83; @howtoruin-someones-perfect-day; @krazycags01; @charlottebonnie; @moonlit-raven-haven; @girl-at-the-verge; @boopdedoop; @jardani-jovonovich-bitch; @ladyreapermc; @wifeofdarklordsworld; @mysticfluffyness; @zombiepandajfish; @kollover24; @greenmanalishi; @persephonehemingway; @lovelycarose; @jinchanyeolstolemysoul; @penwieldingdreamer; @iworshipkeanureeves; @lovelycarose; @rdjloverxxx; @allanawinchester; @marytvirgin​;
“Hey, there…” you heard someone say but you would have known someone was there simply from the feeling you’d gotten, the one that came when someone was far too close to you and you could just sense them invading your personal bubble.
You opened your eyes again and looked up at a tall guy with broad shoulders, short blonde hair and a grin on his face that gave away that he’d selected you to come over to because you’d been stumbling through the pub. You were drunk, but not drunk enough to not see right through the motives of a random guy on a Saturday night.
“B-Bye there…” you mumbled, clearing your throat when you realized it was sore from your whisky. You downed the remaining contents of the glass before attempting to get back to the bar. That moment, a hand closed around your wrist.
“Wait, don’t you wanna chat?”
“Mmm, no, I should actually get going…” you drawled, “Sorry.”
“Bullshit, come on. You’re all alone here. Don’t you want company? Come sit with me…” he said, pulling you into the direction of the table he’d probably come from, sitting down and attempting to pull you into his lap.
“No, fucking let me go!” You tore your arm from his grip, stepping back, just about to properly cuss him out as he stood back up to come towards you, when someone stepped between you.
“Did you not hear the lady speaking? Leave her alone.”
Your eyes widened and you bit your lip. It was the owner of this place. Coming to your rescue.
“And who are you then, playing knight in shining armor?” The other guy called.
Knight in shining armor, yes. Figuratively speaking, at least. He was playing that role very damn well. But he was wearing a black evening suit, with a black silk vest peeking out from under the opened jacket, along with a black shirt and a black tie, so he looked more like a dark knight actually. Which admittedly was also pretty cool.
“I’m just delicately suggesting that you should leave this place” he said, turning around to you.
“And who you are to tell me what should I do?” The other guy raised his voice and Santino looked back at him.
“The one you shouldn’t talk to in that tone of yours…” he looked up at the man, his eyes scanning his face. Santino’s both eyebrows were raised in question, like he waited for the man to form a decent answer. He moved closer to him and somehow you became terrified that this situation will result in serious fight or even worse - in a shootout.
“Santino, please…” you gasped, rolling your eyes at him, “he’s not worth it.”
“He won’t be harassing women in my club.”
“This is your club?” The man cackled. When his fingers slid down the lapels of the man’s jacket you looked at Santino, your face full of confusion as he pushed the man against the wall.
“Yes, this is my club… pompinaro and you’re messing with the boss” Santino gestured with his head and two broad henchmen clad in all black suits appeared next to the man, their hands on his shoulders, “Get him the fuck out of here, e fate in fretta.”
You looked at him, speechless, rubbing your arm that was stinging a little as his henchmen dragged the man out of the club, the dancers and drinkers not paying attention to what was happening around them like it was the most usual thing to happen in here.
“Va bene, amore?” He asked, gesturing to your arm.
You swallowed. How did talking work again? “U-Um … va bene, yes…” you mumbled, mentally slapping yourself. Yeah, you had an accent but it wasn’t the same he had so what the hell were you doing?
He chuckled, leading you back into the direction of the bar, “I didn’t know creeps like him come here that often. I’m so sorry you encountered that… man” Santino said the last word with so much disgust that you somehow felt it too, “Let me make it up to you…” his hand caressed yours when you two sat by the bar, “The drinks are on the house tonight.”
You nodded, swallowing again, “T-Thank you…” you said, running your fingers through your hair nervously, “You saved me.” Before you could even begin to think of some way to attempt to flirt with him, you realized that you were probably not looking your best for that, “But … um … I could’ve … done it myself.”
Santino chuckled, “Yourself? Well I wanted to talk to you anyway, I just needed the right moment to do it, bella.”
“And that was the right moment in your opinion?” You were offered a glass of whisky and you took it from his hand, immediately taking a large gulp from it, “I haven’t seen you around and I thought that you didn’t come. Yet you decided to save me from another creep…”
“I had business meetings for half of the evening, bella…”
“Oh yes, I forgot you’re a businessman.”
“Yes, I am a man of many businesses…” he breathed out and you rolled your eyes at him as you moved up onto the bar stool.
The scent of his perfume, as well as a hint of smoke lingered in the air and you felt dizzy; he was too close, too much and it seemed like he wasn’t aware of the impact he had on you.
He’s quite a feast for the eyes tonight. His black suit draped smoothly around his tall frame. You met his eyes and felt something electric in the look that passed between you two.
“Bellissima, your gaze is so thick, it could cut a hole through the wall” he rasped, his words gently wrapped into the lace of his Italian accent that only made your knees even weaker. Those cherubic brown curls that kept falling into his forehead looked so soft, you just wanted to run your fingers through them, “The way you were looking at me bella, I’ve never seen anything more sinful in my entire life” he breathed, moving closer to you, standing between your legs.
“I’m far from sinful” you mumbled, feeling his fingers graze your bare knee, “May I get another?” Wiggling the glass in front of his face finally made him divert the attention from you to your finished drink, “Since you said they’re on the house…”
“Drinking to forget someone or something?” Santino asked, before waving over to the bartender that quickly moved closer and placed a whole bottle of whisky on the counter.
“Drinking to dull the pain” you said, before grabbing the bottle and pouring yourself a refill.
“What pain do a woman like you have to dull?” He gave you a surprised glance from the glass he’s holding in his hand, “You’re not trying to hide it at all” his eyebrow twitched and silently you took another sip from your drink.
“Too busy drowning my sorrows in liquor, I guess.”
“You come here often?” You heard the question coming from behind you. Being here all by yourself made you an easy target for annoying men trying to seduce you with their generic pick up lines into going home with them. Lonely bird is the easiest one to pick up. At least they thought that, but the truth was that you really felt lonely. You just simply don’t wanted another asshole you met at the pub.
Turning around you sent him an angry look, but it didn’t help. The guy that tried to hook up with you was tall and muscular, but the way he looked at you haven’t seemed intelligent at all. His eyes were empty and you should have been stupid not to see that he only wants to shag you.
“Yes I do come here often. And after I answered your question can you kindly fuck off now? Thank you!” You said sipping your drink, the surprised look appearing on his face not knowing that you’d fought back.
“A girl like you shouldn’t be sitting alone” he added, before leaning closer to you. With a gasp you moved with your stool backwards almost falling onto Santino.
“Do I look like I’m sitting alone?” You asked the man pointing to the Italian behind you.
“Pompinaro…” he mumbled and you felt his breath on your exposed neck, “You better get lost” Santino’s head peaked out from behind you and the man that was hitting on you inhaled the air sharply, before grabbing his drink and disappearing in the crowd.
“Looks like everyone fear you” spinning on the stool you moved to face him.
“Yet somehow you don’t, bella…” he brushed the stray lock of your hair behind your ear and you gasped, “And why’s that, hmm?”
“Because you remind me of my father” you blurted out, taking another sip from your glass.
“Oh…” Santino let out a little surprised gasp.
“Perhaps I have daddy issues” you shrugged refilling your half empty glass. Few tears slid down your cheeks without your knowledge.
“You shouldn’t be crying, bella” touching your face he wiped off what’s left of your tears.
“I just miss him, that’s all… at least you know why you see me here so often.”
“If there’s anything I could to do help you” he breathed out leaning closer to you, his delicate hand now on your neck.
“I could figure out few things…” you raised your eyebrow at him and the corners of his mouth curled upwards in a little smirk.
“Just name them, bella…” Santino was still staring, licking his lips from time to time. No matter that he was twice your age, no matter that he probably would treat you as an another one night adventure. You just didn’t fucking care. Maybe it was the alcohol you drank, making you do the bad thing, but the things your felt when he was so close to you were all that mattered now.
He discarded his jacket somewhere sitting in nothing more than his black suit pants and a black dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up and that damned tie neatly tied around his neck. You put your hand on his arm. Santino smiled widely at the feeling of your hand touching his body. The thought of his hands sliding onto your body was dancing around your mind. You wanted this and you wanted it very badly.
“Thinking about them?” He asked you, his fingers toying with the loose strand of your hair that just couldn’t stay tucked behind your ear.
“Thinking about things, but not actually doing them…” you breathed out.
“Possiamo cambiare le cose.”
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flokive · 4 years
lie to me III - Moving Along
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description: part three of my internet bff au featuring ashton irwin // it’s been a week since james left the apartment, liz can’t really take the radio silence and decides to distract herself, but that doesn’t really go according to plan… 
writers note: not much to say, again, i just really hope y’all like this chapter :)  wordcount: 1234 (i’m not kidding haha)
Thinking 'bout you lots lately Have you been eating breakfast alone like me? Scared of moving on, but you're already gone So if you're moving on, won't you just tell me?
Still no text, no sign of life. It’s been a week since their fight and she still doesn’t know if she and James are still together. They’ve had some fights before with him leaving but he would always return home. He always came back the next day. Or he would at least text where he was and when he would come back. But not this time. The complete radio silence drives Liz insane, not knowing what to do with herself and her thoughts, she decides to let loose.
The music flows through her entire body, her bangs stick to her sweaty face and the alcohol in her hand dances dangerously close to the rim of the glass. Liz’s hips sway to the music, her eyes are closed. Lights flash before her eyes, and when she opens them again she looks into the eyes of some dark-haired stranger. Like I Love You comes to an end and the stranger moves closer, his lips grazing her jaw. 
“You know, I used to dream about this when I was a little boy. I never thought it would end up this way,” he whispers with a low voice as his rough hands creep up on her hips. The song transitions to a new one and Liz feels his mouth sucking on her earlobe. The feeling makes her lightheaded and a soft moan escapes her lips. She feels the stranger laugh against her head and his fingers stroke her back, the touch hot against her bare skin. 
Everything moves too fast, too quick. The stranger has moved his hand to her ass and is now kissing her neck. Liz’s eyes open wide when his teeth graze against her skin, his lips leaving sloppy marks up and down her neck. The movements make her feel like she can’t breathe. She tries to push the stranger away, trying to get some more air and to really understand what’s happening right now.
Maybe coming to a club and drinking her feelings away wasn’t the best plan. Maybe getting involved with some random stranger wasn’t the best plan.
The stranger looks at her and a smirk appears on his lips. He leans in to kiss her and Liz turns her head so his lips miss and end up on her temple. Liz smiles coyly and mouths that she needs a drink. The stranger shrugs and turns around, giving her space to hurry to the bar. After her tongue meets the familiar flavor of the drink, the alcohol leaving a slight burn in her throat, she finally lets out a breath she was holding in. With her fresh drink in hand, she scans the room. Trying to find the stranger to know what area of the bar she has to stay away from.
Suddenly, her eyes notice... him. His hair is the first thing that Liz notices and his face makes her breath hitch. The black shirt makes his shoulders look broad and he’s wearing those black jeans that fit his tights heavenly. His eyes don’t meet hers, thankfully, but he looks down at a drunk blonde. Her arms are all over his, caressing his shoulders and tugging at his hair while he leans in to kiss her. Liz her drink almost slips out of her hand when she sees her ex? boyfriend kiss some random stranger, like it’s something normal. She gulps her drink down, places the glass on the bar, and moves as quickly as she can outside. The nausea almost taking control of her body. Liz plumps down on the first chair she finds and holds her head in her arms, tears silently flowing down her cheeks as she thinks about all the events that occurred this night. She tries to swallow down the vile rising up in her throat and wipes away her tears when she sits back up.
“You okay girl?” A warm voice next to her asks and she looks at the woman sitting next to her, smoking a cigarette. “Not really.” Liz sighs and a small, fake, smile appears on her face. “You want one?” the woman asks, holding out a packet of cigarettes. Liz shrugs, takes one, lights it, and inhales, the familiar taste lingers in her mouth. “Thanks.” She exhales, watching the smoke get carried away by a soft, summer breeze. 
“You want to talk about it?” The woman asks and Liz shakes her head. “Just some stupid boyfriend problems I can’t seem to escape.” She mumbles, taking another puff of the cigarette. “I just wish I’ve never met him, it would’ve made my life so much easier.” White puffs of smoke leave her mouth when she talks. “I think I just need to leave this place, or whatever.” 
“Go.” The woman replies. “Just… Go. Not to be blunt or anything but, just leave. What’s holding you back?” Liz sighs and closes her eyes. “You’re right.” She mumbles and takes one last drag of the cigarette before flicking it away. “Of course I’m right.” The woman laughs and offers another cigarette. Liz politely declines and closes her eyes, trying to drown away the thoughts and images flashing through her brain.
Liz pays the taxi before stepping out of the vehicle, and hurries to her front door. The cool summer air tickles her bare legs, giving her goosebumps and making her shiver while she looks for her keys. Since the talk with the woman at the bar, Liz sobered up enough and decided it would’ve been a smart plan to just go home, instead of going back in and drinking away the thoughts that came popping up in her head after seeing James kissing another girl. 
She throws her keys on the kitchen table and grabs her phone from her purse, walking to the bedroom to charge the damn thing. Whilst waiting for it to go on again, she washes her face, removes the make-up stains and sweat, and changes into her pajamas before returning back to bed. Her phone greets her with several new messages.
hi girl,  just checking in on you, haven’t heard from you the last couple of days and i’m worried please just let me know how you are holding up with this break up? i miss u x
Liz sighs and feels the guilt slowly washing over her. Her fingers fly over the touchscreen, trying to write a decent message to send to Fletcher.
hi fletch,  i’m sorry i’ve been ignoring you these past couple of days… no.. i’m not quite holding up with everything that has happened, i went out to distract myself and saw james hooking up with some rando. cant seem to shake that image from my head i solemnly wish i’ve never fucking met that guy, all he does is ruin me. will this feeling ever stop fletch? will i ever stop feeling like this?
It takes Fletcher less than 5 seconds to reply.
hi babe, ’s alright i just miss you, i’m so sorry about all this  you’ll be apples hun, might take a while but all will be alright in the end
A smile forms on Liz’s lips. Even though she’s been the worst best friend the past couple of days, Fletcher never seems to hold a grudge.
She lays her phone on her bedside table and sinks back into the bed, her eyes heavy with sleep and all kinds of emotions.
taglist: @allthestarsandthemoon - @another-lonely-heart​ - @ashtonsos​ - @calmlftv​ - @cthofficial​ - @easierlftv​ - @haikucal​ - @kingcals​ - @lonely-hearts​ - @spicycal​
send me a message if you wanna be added to my taglist!
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xiaoluvrr · 4 years
Might seduce your dad type
Hi hello just had this rly crazy idea, hear me out:
Fem!todobaku au inspired by Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy”, more exactly the line “might seduce your dad type”, so imagine:
Endeavour thinking Shouko isn’t doing well enough in college (which is absolute bullshit, she’s top 3 in her class) so he hires her a tutor aka Kasumi who’s supposed to help Shouko study but they end up in some uhhh questionable situations (aka Shouko being extremely sexually frustrated and making moves on Kasumi every chance she gets).
One evening they have the whole house for themselves so they’re in the living room doing homework when Shouko finally has had enough, saying “that’s it, I cant do it anymore”, immediately getting an horrible idea and walking out of the living room, going somewhere else in the house. By the time Shouko is back Kasumi has put away her homework, she’s now sitting on the couch, phone in hand scrolling through social media looking incredibly bored.
Shouko walks in with a bottle in her hand and two glasses, Kasumi raises one of her eyebrows, asks “You really think it’s a good idea raiding your dad’s alcohol lair Halfie?”. Shouko ignores her, opening the bottle and pouring until the glasses almost spill over.
“You think I care about what Endeavour thinks?” Shouko says, taking a big mouthful of the drink. “It’s so fucking weird you call your dad by a nickname his enemies gave him” Kasumi comments, taking a sip of whatever is in the glass.
“Kasumi do you date a lot?” Shouko asks, surprising the both of them with the question. “Eh, dated some guys, some gals. Why, you interested Halfie?” Kasumi smirks, expecting Shouko to be flustered yet the girl seems unaffected by the direct question. Shouko tucks a few stray strands of red hair behind her ear before turning to Kasumi, scanning her face, lingering at her lips before meeting her eyes. “Didn’t expect you to be the type to date a lot”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean Halfie?” Kasumi half-yells back, slightly offended that Shouko dares to judge her. Before Shouko can say anything back Kasumi has cornered her on the couch, their faces so close Shouko can feel Kasumi’s breath on her lips when she mumbles out “You don’t know what type I am, who knows, might be the kind of type trynna seduce your dad”.
Kasumi’s stare is so intense that Shouko forgets to breathe. She’s so focused on Kasumi that by the time she retreats Shouko feels dizzy from not only the alcohol but also the fact that she had held her breath for too long, lost in Kasumi’s eyes. 
“You have the hots for my dad?” Shouko asks, her brain not being able to filter out her thoughts from what she’s supposed to say and what she isn't supposed to say. “The “hots for”? who the fuck speaks like that?” Kasumi spits out while making air quotes. Shouko shrugs before Kasumi continues, “So what if I do, it's not like he’s ugly or something” theres a short pause “and he’s rich”, she puts weight on “rich” while leaning backwards so she’s more comfortable on the couch.
Shouko’s body moves before her brain can react, straddling Kasumi’s lap, asking if Kasumi has “the hots” for Endeavour’s youngest daughter, Shouko staring at her lips so intensely that she almost forgets herself.
“Tch, don’t be ridiculous” Kasumi beings but her voice turns quiet when her eyes scan Shouko’s face, stoping at Shouko’s lips before quickly turning her face away from the girl in her lap.
“Can I kiss you?” Shouko’s quiet voice cuts the tension. Kasumi's eyes widen as she turns her head to look at Shouko again, thinking she's joking (surely she must be), but one look at her face and Kasumi knows she isn't. She blinks a few times, carefully asks "is it okay to do that?", her heart beating faster and faster in her chest. "If you let me" Shouko answers back, not a beat later.
"Then what are you waiting for Halfie?" Kasumi says before she feels a pair of soft lips on hers, soon enough tasting strawberries.
Didn’t expect for this to turn out this long but oh well. Sorry if some of the parts r a bit wonky, am not used to writing this much dialog n this much in general so idk if I did a good job on not being too repetitive.
If you haven’t listened to the song like me (before writing this), u can check it out here (with lyrics). Also if u had a hard time imagining how fem todobaku look here's what I had in mind (minus the uniforms bc this isn't canon compliant)
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heartanalytics · 4 years
@applesmiled​ i think i’ll try defying gravity 🎵 (except u cant)
   The saying ‘walking on air’ is a metaphor. Something which refers to contentment, joy so powerful it feels as though it lightens the soul; Athena does not expect to enter Fibonacci and experience it literally, to drift above the roads she often walks. 
   In a way, it’s... not the worst thing. There are storms ravaging her current home ward and quakes shaking her first. If she ignores that this is done in malice, it’s even fun -- a small, old, childish part of her demands to hover as an astronaut does and feels nothing but fulfillment. She stays by the ground for the first few seconds -- then soars further up.
   She’s not the only one floating. The frustration is visible on those who have risen from exposed holes and reach, determined, to lower back down and to the task at hand -- one of them lingers closer to the edge
   Wait. Wait --
   “Flora -- “ No, she barely finds the time to speak her name, let alone anything else; one moment she is light, the other made of lead and a scream rips from her throat, overlapping with (a lot more subdued, in comparison) panic of others with a similar lack of caution as gravity betrays them and she drops, pavement digging into her skin.
Tumblr media
   Nngh. She’ll have bruises in places she never even knew exist. This was a bad idea. 
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iamsonyeondone · 5 years
red string of fate // lee taeyong
college and soulmate au! taeyong
there’s no angst in this just fluff ^^
everyone had their own red string of fate
one end tied to your pinky while the other end belonged to your soulmate
everything had been decided by that famous red string, each individual being presented with it when they reached of legal age
but no one knows where all this originated from or whoever made it up
all they knew was that the red string tied securely on their pinky will never untie, break or disappear 
unless either partners went through certain circumstances
of course everyone fawned over this magical occurrence, it being the first topic that any human would speak of
it was always ‘red string’ this or ‘fate’ that
and it made you grow tired of it by the time you graduated from high school
and that annoyance that lingered whenever someone would mention it slowly turned into anger, fueled by the incessant questions that flood your thoughts and ears every day
‘you havent had a red string yet?” or the ‘arent you scared of being alone?’
the first time you heard those questions made you fidget with worry in the beginning
and you subconsciously comforted yourself with the idea that your fate would come to you when the time was right
no one can rush something such as being destined-to-be-soulmates
but the questions doubled over and you learnt how to selectively mute their words
but that was all in the pass
the moment you saw the red string appear on your pinky you went speechless for the entire day
you had no idea how to feel or how to react because after all these years, the pesky red string finally appeared before your eyes
you even tried cutting it with a pair of kitchen scissors
let’s just say you almost lost your life from flying kitchen equipment and that the red string remained unscathed
Once you got over the phenomenon, you called up your best friend to break the news to
but you were only met with the sound of the familiar beeping
yep he hung up the moment you told him the news
because in the next five minutes, you find yuta and johnny huffing and puffing on your doormat, sweat trickling down their skin
“its,,,time,,t,to,,celebrate” yuta managed a little smile before crawling into your apartment, welcoming the cool air of the ac
for the next few hours, the three of you ramble on about the new found miracle while they explained their own experience when they found out about their own path to their destined lover
“i really thought you would end up as a cat or dog lady,” johnny said in between bites, all of you deciding to have a pizza party as a celebration
“hEY, being a crazy cat lady aint that bad,,,wait now that you said about being a dog lady,,,”
“istg y/n you take care of yourself first before actually getting one. i mean look at you, you’re still wearing the same outfit from yesterday”
the next few weeks, you struggle trying to focus in your lectures, your gaze always focusing the vibrant red on your smallest finger
and you cant help but try to see if you could find ‘the one’ by looking for the owner of the other end of the string
you were intensely watching the crowd from inside the campus’s cafe, sipping on your drink while you looked for someone
but it was funny; you had no idea how this person looked or how they acted but somehow your heart is pounding in your ears just by the thought
but you were brought back to the present by the waiter, he looked pretty familiar
was he in one of your lectures?
maybe you bumped into each other at a party
“you’re y/n right? that guy in the corner bought you a muffin,” he smiled sweetly
you glanced back up at his name tag. ‘kun’? oH you saw him at the bar performing magic tricks when his group of friends joined yours
“oh y-yeah,, thanks kun,” you reciprocated his smile before turning your attention back on the man in question
you’ve never seen him before but you were sure to steer clear from the guy
he had this smug smirk plastered on his face, shooting a wink your way as you awkwardly glanced away
even after an hour or so, you could feel his eyes staring right through your skull
that was until johnny slides down on the seat opposite yours, breaking his stares 
“that test nearly annihilated all my braincells,” he sighed and just as he was about to rant about the way the test was squeezing out all his brain juices, he takes a glimpse of you and his big brother ways rise up
“what’s up? something happened?” he asked in a reassuring but soft tone and the pressure on your shoulders lessen
“its nothing,,,” you trailed off, but his eyes nudged you to go on “there’s this sleazy creep trying to hit on me but you better not beat his ass. can we just,, can we just leave? i know a better spot anyway,” you mumbled everything in one breath
and johnny respected your decision albeit the strong urge to use his new found knowledge of muay thai on someone else
the both of you hurry out, johnny watching your back for you while the doorbell rang 
“damn i didnt know sleazy douchebags go to cafes too,” johnny joked to lighten the mood while the both of you walked through campus, students littering the school with tired and panicked expressions
somehow the heavy feeling in your chest seemed to find comfort in the bottom of your heart
and the thumping of your loud heart blocked out whatever johnny was talking about
maybe something about his muay thai class with haechan? he did mention how much he enjoyed it. or was it about his project for the photography club?
you were so stuck in your thoughts that johnny had already stopped in his tracks while you continued walking through the groups of students
and suddenly the loud beating of your heart escalated to your fidgety fingers and your almost sure your cheeks are softly stained red
that is until you bump your head onto something
or someone
and when you try to profusely apologize for being unaware of the person’s presence
your jaw drops at the sight of someone so beautiful you thought he was fiction
did you get a concussion and now you were hallucinating things???
noPE because the next thing that happens is the slight tugging sensation on your finger and you look down to it in confusion
you wonder when the string became so short or how it no longer dragged on concrete pavements,,
or how you could see someone else being connected on the other end
and you traced the other finger to see the gorgeous man right in front of you
you were definitely dreaming because is it even possible to be paired with someone who’s so out of your league?
apparently your soulmate agrees
because he’s flabbergasted himself, mouth gaping and struggling to come up with words to greet himself
because the both of you were too preoccupied with each other, johnny had to intercept
wingman johnathan to the rescue
“hey whats up taeyong? havent seen you around school lately,” he chuckled, breaking you out of your thoughts
“wait,,, you know him? u-h i mean-”
“yeah he came to the photography club from time to time to help ten annnnd speaking of ten, he called me like a minute ago asking for some help. maybe you can replace me for today’s study date, taeyong,”
you managed to get a glance of johnny’s sly smile before he jogged off to one of the school buildings
which was definitely not the direction of the photography club
but you were stopped from staring into his soul by the sound of taeyong clearing his throat
“you dont mind if i uhm tag along right?” and you swoon at the sound of his voice
somehow your blush had already reached the tips of your ears and you nervously nodded your head in reply
“theres this place where me and my friends go to to study and its not that far. you dont mind the outdoors right?” you mumbled the question
taeyong managed a small smile which elicits a smile from yourself as well
the next few hours of studying in the school’s garden goes by in a flash
the both of you get immersed in each other’s thoughts and opinions and even though your personalities and your likes or dislikes clash with each other
it just seemed so perfect
maybe this string of fate was making you wear a pair of rose-tinted glasses
because you barely know this guy 
and yet it felt like you’ve known him for years
days past and one study session turned into four and somehow your friend group extended as well
doyoung would drop by every once in a while and if it werent for taeyong’s presence, you would have definitely only see him as someone cold and overwhelming
or the fact that taeyong drops by the neighboring high school to see his ‘younger brothers’ because he had extra leftover from his cooking class 
cue heart pounding, happy crying, loud screaming moment because he’s so husband material
sometimes they like to tease him because what??? we have 2 parents now??
and you can see him get so flustered over the statement because getting married to you sounds like a dream
and when taeyong officially asks you out and you very calmly say yes, it becomes the most talked about relationship on campus
he had already been the top three talked about topic in school but when someone spots him with you, holding hands through the hallway, the news spread like wildfire
and for a whole week, you get bombarded with questions from random strangers about how its like to date taeyong
and you cant really give an answer because you start blushing furiously at the question and you start stammering 
and by the time you get a few words out, five minutes already passed the person who had asked you about it had already disappeared somewhere else
because what is it like to date lee taeyong?
aside from the fact that your boyfriend was sculpted carefully by the gods,,
he is one of the softest person you know
he feeds the cats and dogs on the street when you go out on dates because he has actual kibble for them in his bagpack because human food arent good for them he says
and the way he cuddles up to you when he sleeps over because the two of you cant seem to say farewell after a whole day out
taeyong is really sensitive to the cold so when autumn starts creeping up, he gets as close to you as possible which meant cuddling hours all day round
except in front of people because he’s too shy for pda
because one time he planted a soft kiss on your cheek at your apartment door and the old lady that lived a few doors down had seen the both of you and she talked about how she missed those days of being young in love
and he started malfunctioning because he became so embarrassed by it even though the old lady meant no harm at all
can we also talk about how much he spoils you? even the boys agree that he spoils you the most
chenle aka his biggest fan is jealous that you get to hear him hum you to sleep
“i know we adopted you as our parental figure but please stop stealing him from us, we’re starting to starve,” haechan complained 
“oh really?? what about,, this” and you present the lunchboxes you and taeyong made because you decided to join him 
like you’re really motivated to cook for him because he’s done so much for you??
now the boys just love you even more
because they know you’re not just after his looks especially since taeyong is really too kind for his own good
and what’s taeyong’s feelings for you?
he cant describe how much his feelings for you have escalated 
because one moment he feels so comfortable with you, sleeping with his head on your lap while you attempt to read through your notes
and another moment his heart is beating so fast from being so close to you because the lift is crowded with people and he tries to shield you away from the others
and most of the time when you’re in full focused mode, he chuckles and his heart feels like there’s flowers blooming in his chest from the way your antics naturally show up
or the way he tries to wake up a few minutes earlier so he can bask in the moment with you in his arms while he brushes the stray strands of hair on your face
and its just,,, the purest form of love
“you dont look so good, have you been overworking yourself again?” you huff worriedly, pressing the back of your hand gently on his face while yours was just inches away from his
and he takes a moment to stare back into your eyes, a small smile growing on his lips
“am i sick? maybe that’s because all i think about is you,”
a/n: oh what im updating??? okay im just gonna say this first that this will not be happening regularly due to my schedule and i only try to write when im really inspired and motivated which is like every 6 months im so sorry but i hope you guys like this one and i’ll try my best in the future ❤
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