#i don't even like him or listen to that music
bkd-b3ans · 1 day
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You try to repair a watch, Boothill is being annoying as usual, you end up discovering his neurolink perfectly mimics human emotions.
-> Ship: Boothill X Mechanic!Reader (or just tech savvy idk the term really)
-> Rating: Safe for All
-> TL;DR: Boothill visits you after closing hours, nearly ruins a 5 million watch repair commission, stares for a bit too long while you work and overheats for a bit, ends up learning you live above your own workshop and you learn he gets flustered easy.
-> Extra notes: No idea where I will go with these, I just love writing stuff. Next one is going to be more about touching / feeling, but until then, you too can experience casual chatter. I do not proof read, whatever is written is in accordance to Ellios script, go meow at him. Take this "2nd" part as pure world-building.
-> Word count: 2k~ ish
-> First part: here
Thank you for reading and bearing with my awful English. If you have any prompts I would be more than happy to hear them.
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"Pardner? Yoohooo~" Boothill was waving his arm like a manic from the front of the counter, trying to catch your attention, but you were too engrossed in your work, tinkering away with some expensive watch you were paid to fix, the tiny gears and springs neatly organized in your table in tiny boxes with labels, while you were hunched over the table, looking through a magnifying glass and listening to music, tongue almost sticking out like some cartoon character while you were trying to place the gear in its place carefully using some precise tweezers.
For all you cared, your shop was closed for the day, so why would anyone in their right mind, or that knows how to read a sign, would even bother you? Of course you didn't take into account a Galaxy Ranger that had a passion for annoying you at random times.
"Psst, hey, over 'ere..." he sighed, "Fudge this". Impatient as ever, Boothill just helped himself with one of the expensive motor oil cans in the counter and stepped around it, taking off his hat and placing it on your head.
The whole motion made you jump out of your skin, dropping the tweezers together with the very important, one of a kind gear, that you could barely notice while it was on your table, let alone on your floor, rolling off into the void like all of the pens you've lost throughout the years.
"WHAT THE FUCK, MY FUCKING WORK OF MY AEONS-" you took off the hat annoyed, hand still shaking from the scare and heart running laps in your chest. Shoving the hat into Boothills chest, you couldn't help but be angry at the man, sighing.
"Damn sugar-cube, didn't know ye were this jumpy. Ye should be more aware of yer surroundings you know?"
"What the hell does that mean. MY SHOP IS CLOSED BOOTHILL, CAN'T YOU READ??"
"Well, not your language no, it's all a bunch of jumbles and lines"
You looked confused for a moment before realizing that neither of you were from the same planet. You rubbed the bridge of your nose, trying to get rid of your furrow.
"Just, shut up and help me look for that gear. AND PUT THE DAMN CAN DOWN"
He raised his arms in defeat, putting down the can of motor oil and looking around your workbench while you were painfully looking for the gear with your magnifying glasses.
"Lotta' shiny pieces you have on the table. Are these really more important than your good old buddy, Boothill?"
"Unless you're willing to give me 5 million, then yes"
Boothill choked
"5 million?? For some beautiful watch?"
"What can I say, some people have more than they know what to do with. Now stop yapping and get on your knees, I can't see shit."
"Is that an invitation, darling?"
"Aye aye, don't get your feathers ruffled like this darling, just sit there and be pretty"
You couldn't help but be annoyed still, slumped in your chair, fiddling with your pen, while Boothill was looking around. How long has it been already, maybe a few minutes? Hours? Days??? Your work couldn't wait that much, and each ticking second felt agonizing. You were so close too, getting interrupted was the last thing you needed right now. You always had plans, a schedule, deadlines, you couldn't afford the unpredictability that is Boothill sometimes.
You almost got too lost in your thoughts before you heard a sudden thud, metal against wood, and a proud exclamation.
"Here it is sugar-cube, your pretty little thing... Cogwheel whatever. Now can you stop looking like someone spat in your food or do I need to repair this watch myself to make you happy?"
You could swear sometimes he was like a dog, a big doberman. For as scary as he could look sometimes, you couldn't help but be unable to push him away. All you could do was just let out an amused scoff, taking the gear piece in the palm of your hand, and gently placing it in it's box.
"No, no, you've done enough damage already. Why are you here even?"
"Just wanted to pay my best buddy a visit? What, a man can't do that no more?"
"No fixing your body? No maintenance work? Really nothing? Just a visit? Odd, thought you were a busy man"
"Oh I sure am sugar-cube, but sometimes even I need to sit down and relax."
"... In my workshop"
"In yer workshop, yes."
You sighed
"Fine, fine, stay for as long as you need, but don't touch anything that is in this-" you motion around your workbench "general area"
He tipped his hat in acknowledgment
"Aye aye, I'll stay put, fudge me, you can be very serious sometimes."
"5 million"
"Right yes, that's understandable."
You went back to work, trying to finish placing the last pieces inside that damned watch, headphones back on your ears. Boothill was simply slumped on the couch you kept around the waiting area, that barely saw any use to begin with. He was just looking around, bored out of his mind, the silence really starting to get to him. On occasion he's throw you glances, looking like a kicked puppy only to be met by your back either way. Yet he couldn't help but notice the few tics you had, tapping your foot, humming to yourself from time to time, arranging your hair by shaking your head around, and just how damn beautiful you looked in that dim warm light.
By no means we're you prettied up and groomed, after all, working with machinery all day will just lead to one always being covered by oil or sutt, clothes messy, the tools around your belt loud and heavy, but to him, it was part of the charm. The passion you had for what you did, the care you treated everything with, even his own body when it needed repairs. Sure, you two may butt heads more often than goats, but you were the reason he kept making his trips back to your workshop for any needs. He trusted you, felt comfort in your presence.
He could feel his insides start to heat up, his mind trailing off. Sure, he couldn't blush for the love of him, after all blood stopped flowing through his body long, long ago, but his body still reacted from time to time to strong emotions, and now it was no different. It felt, uncomfortable almost, a strange emptiness in his metal gut. Maybe it was the bullets he snacked in like some chips, or maybe it was more than that. He just simply pulled his hat over his eyes to focus and calm down.
Finally, after so many hours, you were finally done, the watch ticking gleefully, almost as if happy with it's new look. You sighed in relief, finally placing down your headphones and slumping in your chair, pulling your glasses up.
"Finally... I swear they are trying to drive me insane with all these new 'trinkets' that have way too many small pieces for their own good. How you holding up, Boots?"
"Fine as ever sugar, bored out of my mind, but rested"
"Yeah, I can see that, you've already made a dent in my couch"
"Hey, I helped ya find that gear for free, can't I get some more respect"
"And who's fault was it that I dropped it?" You said, raising your eyebrow.
"Aye aye, sorry 'bout that."
There was a moment of pause
"Say, partner, you've messed around inside my body for a while now. Do you know if there's any functions that might mimic proper human emotions?"
"Human emotions? Hmmm"
You thought for a moment, trying to remember if you've seen any kind of code that might do that.
"I don't think I've seen anything like that, but I've also never like, actually paid attention. There may be some functions that mimic that, after all, you might need them to think and work properly. Why?"
"Ah, nothing important, was just wondering."
"I can always check if you want. Of course, for a price"
He couldn't help but scoff, amused "You were never free eh?"
"Someone has to eat"
"Sure, sure. I mean why not, might as well get this mystery solved, since I'm here and have nothing better to do."
"Then come with me"
You both went inside your garage, Boothill already used to all the steps, laying down on the weird table chair as he put it while you connected the cables to the back of his neck, opening the hologram screens.
"Let's see..." you rubbed your chin, pacing around while moving around screens, trying to find anything remotely similar to what Boothill mentioned, but it was rather hard. Every line kept changing dictating different functions every moment.
"Anything the matter?"
"No, I just realized why I might have never seen that kind of function. Your neurolink is adapting to everything you do, so it's changing constantly. I think the only way to spot anything us to trigger whatever made you so curious about your 'emotions'"
"Trigger em? And how the fork do you plan on doing that?"
You thought for a moment, moving next to Boothill, dragging the screens along with you. You didn't really give a warning as you poked his chest with a screwdriver, noticing some changes.
"What in the beautiful sky are you doing?"
"There it is" you just pointed at the screen at the suddenly changing lines.
"Your body reacts to your mental state. Right now you are confused"
"I sure as warm lake I am, you're poking me around with a screwdriver."
"What else would have you wanted me to do? Touch you with my own hands?"
He was about to say something, but you grabbed one of the screens, squinting at it.
"Getting flustered, Boots?" You could almost feel your own smug smile forming on your face.
"Flustered? Please, you'd think I'd get 'flustered' from just a check-up?"
"Bashful... Interesting"
"Hey! Stop saying things and answer me, sweetheart"
"And annoyed. Yeah, you do seem to have those functions, and they're damn advanced to mimic human emotions. Guess you aren't just metal after all. You still have the ability to feel. It's interesting how this changes..."
You got too focused on the lines of code, not paying attention to how you started leaning against the table, your hand extremely close to Boothills, fingers almost touching. Sure, you were just staring at the lines changing, but Boothill was staring at your hand, annoyed almost that he couldn't just grab it, only to be confused over why he was annoyed. You just chuckled to yourself and pushed the screen away, unplugging the cables.
"Well, mystery solved, your neurolink functions exactly like a brain and it sends the proper signals, so your body will be affected by your emotions."
"Great-" he rolled his eyes, standing up and scratching the back of his head "You need a new table, this one is forking uncomfortable."
"I don't take feedback"
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say darling." he just hopped off the table, adjusting his hat.
"1k credits"
"Damn, let me finish at least. Fine, you know the drill"
"Nah, I'll let it slide this time. Getting to check your internals can be fun sometimes" you patted his back
"I'll go home, unless you want to guard my shop, you should leave too."
"You don't just live in your workshop??"
"You know, like, I've always only seen you here, where is your home even."
"Oh... Oh! I guess you can say that? My home is upstairs, I bought the whole building when I opened so everything on the ground floor is the shop, upstairs is my place."
"Ok that makes sense... Can I-"
"Fine fine, I'll go my merry way then. I'll see you next time partner, and thank you for the free check-up"
"Don't get too used to them"
He nodded, tipping his hat and leaving.
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totalswag · 3 days
the last anon gave me an idea, so I'm requesting you
How Drew asks actress y/n to go out on a date, without the friends, only with him this time? How the first date goes? How he/she confesses his/her feelings for each other, without kiss? I mean, we don't kiss at the first date, it's like "see you soon" right?
Also love ur writing! <3
first date gone well — DREW STARKEY
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authors note ooo i really like your thinking! definitely see drew being the type to kiss maybe on the second or third date for sure. super sorry that your request is coming out late. so close to 900 followers!!
summary actress!reader and drew go on their first date.
warnings drinking, flirting, shyness, soft!drew
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Drew and you exchanged numbers after the party. You haven't stopped texting each other since.
Drew asked you out on a date after a week of texting. He maintained an interest in getting to know you more, and you reciprocated. It's been a while since you've felt this way about a guy.
You were instructed to dress casually for dinner, since he is taking you to an Italian restaurant. There's a surprise at the end that he thinks you'll enjoy.
Drew knocks on the front door; you grab your belongings as you walk to unlock it. When you see each other, you both smile.
"Hey, how are you?" Drew asks, drawing you in for a tight hug; "You look really beautiful too," he says, pausing to admire you.
He smells so wonderful, holy moly!
Blushing so hard right now.
"I'm doing well, and thank you; you look handsome," you say, blushing quickly, hoping he doesn't notice how he's already influencing you, even though the date hasn't even begun.
By the time you arrived at the restaurant, Drew had parked his car and walked around to open the passenger door like a gentleman. He let you walk in front of him, placing his hand softly on your back as you entered.
Drew and you sat in a two-person booth near the bar. You both ordered a glass of champagne with a side of iced water. There were several options on the menu. 
"This place is wonderful Drew, thank you," you exclaimed, your gaze fixed on everything in the restaurant.
He smiles, "I'm happy you like it. I was browsing for places to eat and remembered you saying this type of restaurant was your favorite, so I thought this would be an ideal spot to take you."
Everything in your body slid down to your feet. Knowing that he paid attention to every detail you told him indicates his character and good intentions. You felt your cheeks turn red and butterflies in your tummy.
The two of you spoke about work. At the moment you are starting to work on a new rom come movie; you cannot wait to start filming. Drew has been working on season four of Outer Banks and leaving in two weeks to film in Marco.
After dinner, Drew and you returned to his car. He let you choose the music for the short drive you were about to take. You plugged your phone to the car, scrolled through your playlists, and chose the more relaxed option.
Lana Del Rey, West Coast.
You begin humming the melody while closing your eyes and moving your head side to side. 
Drew begins singing a few words, taking you off guard. You turn to face him, surprised that he is singing Lana Del Rey, one of your favorite artists.
"I didn't know you listen to Lana," you say out loud, pointing to the screen.
Drew grins, "Well, I have sisters who listen to her, and the more I listened, the more I liked her music," he adds as he turns the corner leading to downtown.
You feel yourself liking this man even more.
The two of you continue to discuss your favorite artists. Tonight you've learnt a lot about each other and will continue.
"Would you like to grab ice cream and take a nice walk on the beach?" Drew asks with a suggestive tone, secretly hoping you'd say yes to his question.
"That sounds like a good idea, I'd like that" you smile, "I love the beach so much, it's a safe place for me" you explain.
"The beach is somewhere to let go and relax your mind, no worries, no distractions, just peace and quiet" Drew replies.
Drew made careful to park near the ice cream business; there was a parking lot. It's going to be a busy Friday night in the summer. You both knew what you were getting into when you walked out together.
You walked close to each other, chatting rather than strolling silently. Throughout the evening, you found that you two can communicate without being awkward or bring up unexpected topics. You enjoy that about him.
A couple fans spotted you coming down the sidewalk and approached you for a photo. You politely snapped pictures and parted ways. They looked astonished to see you two out together.
"My favorite flavor is mint chip," you remark, pointing at the ice cream flavor through the glass.
"That's crazy you say that because thats my favorite flavor" Drew responds, smiling.
Drew paid for the ice cream, leaving a tip for the nice workers. You two could tell it made their day. They kindly asked for pictures too.
The sun began to set as you walked along the beach and ate your ice cream. The cool breeze, the sound of the waves, and the people looking out into the ocean; the scenery was breathtaking.
You pause to bring out your phone and take a couple photos of the scene in front of you. When you walk on the beach or visit the beach in general, you always take pictures.
When you arrived home, Drew walked you up to your front door.
"You know, I had a great night tonight, Y/N. "I'm glad you said yes to tonight and getting to know you better," Drew says, seeming anxious.
"I had a fantastic night, Drew, and you made it ten times better. You are quite something," you end your sentence in a flirtatious tone, hoping he will catch on.
Drew raises his brows in delight, smirking.
"Oh, really now?" "How about I take you out next week?" He speaks quietly, touching your free hand nearest to his.
"Yes, Drew." You are an excellent young gentleman who made me feel special today, and I would love to go out with you next week," you say, staring at his facial features and seeing how lovely he is standing in front of you on your porch.
"It was a pleasure tonight, Y/N; I'll text you when I get home." "Get some rest tonight, beautiful." He leans down and kisses your cheek before walking back to his car.
After closing and locking your door, you lean against the front door and reflect on what occurred tonight. You smile as you glide your body down onto the tile.
What an amazing night.
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@diqldrunks @chenslucy @winterrrnight @rosezza @solanathascientst @runningfrom2am
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kindaqueerngl · 2 days
pjo characters as weird and dumb things me and my friends have said
Percy: what the fuck is cockblocking like I can't block ur cock on Snapchat
Will: UUUUUUUGH MY ASS HURTS- ooh look a butterfly
Jason: I can't actually believe I just agreed with you but hey here we are
Reyna: why the fuck am I friends with any of you hoes
Piper: should I...? too late I did it
Will: the best way to rizz someone up is by rizzing them up *turns to friend, winks horribly* hey baby girl
Rachel: one sec getting my anger out *aggressively splatters paint on canvas*
Annabeth: sometimes I'm smart. When I'm smart, I'm smart. *awkward thumbs up and grimace*
Octavian: fuck the gays they should all die ... I mean I could fuck some gays
Hazel: I'll make you tea but not in a sweet way I'll make it so hot in burns your tongue and you can't speak for a week
Frank: hey guys check me out I'm a furry on drugs *WOOOF WOOF BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF*
Grover: I love plants :3 specifically magic mushrooms but like
Leo: I mean I would totally fuck you but like respect man
Will: Ugh fuck my life I hate everything *coldplay starts playing* I retract the previous statement I fucking love life
Jason: UGH UR ALL SO DUMB but I'm in
Nico: if u wanna kys clap ur hands *rapidly claps hands*
Piper: *hypnotizes u with my beautiful blue orbs* come over to my house
Hazel: respectfully hope you die <3
Frank: I'm on acid what's it called when a ton of cats jump on each other a dog pile or a cat pile
Reyna: OH THANK GOD- sike I don't believe in that motherfucker hahahha
Annabeth: I'm so smart *holds up the one good test I got in school* see the teacher even gave me an 11/10 because I wrote my name in a cool font
Leo: UUUUUGGGGGHHHH IM SO HORNY- *mom walks in* oh hi mom how are you
Will: we can just... fuck. as friends though no homo.
Octavian: you all suck and I hate you *silence* no wait come back
Someone: haha ur gay
Nico: yeah??? and ur not?? like don't knock it until you try it dick is yummy man
Hazel: someone just told me what smearing is and honestly I kinda wanna die *fix you by coldplay starts playing* LMAO WTF
Frank: you sad ass emo dog just be happy
Percy: I Am OnE wiTh ThE oCeAn AnD HopEfuLLy aLL oF ThE hOt MerPeOpLe In iT
Leo: *talking to literally nobody* hey guys!! gonna go get my top surgery! *shows up at claires*
Reyna: I only wanna die sometimes and that's normal right
Will: *playing guitar* haha look guys I'm fingering A minor *strums violently*
Jason: screw men *eyes widen* I should start taking my own advice ngl
Will: *listening to a playlist that Nico made him* ugh my emo ass boyfriend and his stupid music I hate him *proceeds to write his name over and over again in diary with hearts around it*
Nico: what if I strangle someone with a pair of earbuds
Will: please don't
Leo: *in demonic voice* LeAf *eats it*
Nico: *pulls gay flag out of pocket* omg it's u
Will: *shuffles around in pocket, finds condom* ... it's u, vanilla flavoured
Leo: my name's Leo
Percy: and I like jugs
Nico: I'm mentally ill
Leo: and I'm on drugs :D
Jason: is there anything better than pussy
Piper: I thought you where gay
Jason: my boyfriend's trans?
Will: the temptation to fuck an emo boy rn is killing me
Leo: the masculine urge to
Leo: I forgor
Will: that's good!
Nico: like me in bed
Leo: smash or pass Ryan Gosling
Will: PASS
Solangelo: *glares at each other*
Nico: omg stop with that song
Will: but
Will: but you can take me hot to go :(
Annabeth: yeah
Percy: yeah
Annabeth: *in funny voice* yeah
Percy *hentai moan* yEEEAAAaaH
Jason: never ever look up what an eyesha erotica lyric means
Reyna: oh you poor soul *pats back*
Nico: I can't breathe
Will: just
Will: breathe air
Nico: I breathe drugs
Piper: I'm gonna go play basketball
Leo: haha play with my balls
Jason: already do
Leo: *chokes on air*
well that's all sorry for the torture, thanks to @localcosplaymushroom, @crowwolf8, @justagremlinoncaffeine, and @secret-mewtwo for all of the funny convos that went into this
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makismei · 2 days
(18+ somewhere randomly near the end bc my pussy took over) it is currently 2:57am and while i was writing an upcoming fic, i suddenly thought of nanami, as your underclassman at jujutsu high... not proofread (possibly incoherent) i am sorry i finished at 5am
he's two years younger than you, but he's been enamoured by you since he spoke to you back when he was sixteen on your eighteenth birthday, hosted at gojo's condo.
almost everyone was drunk, courtesy of shoko managing to get her hands on bottles of tequila and vodka. you were barely tispy, finding a completely sober nanami stuck to a wall with his eyebrows pulled together. he doesn't like it here. he wants to go home. but this is what being a teenager is like... right?
through flashing lights and loud music, you told him that cherishing your youth goes beyond what he's seeing before his eyes.
with you being a third year, he rarely saw you at the school. up close, he realizes how beautiful you are and that your perfume suits you so well.
"being a child is just fine," you say, as if you aren't only two years older. "you have your whole life to experience partying."
you end up outside on the balcony, talking all night about anything and everything.
and nanami learns, at sixteen, what uncontrollably clammy hands feel like, stuttering over simple words and the desperation for more of your presence.
since that night, he looks for you on campus when you are between missions. in the beginning, he couldn't find the courage to start conversation, but slowly, it starts to come to him easy.
over the years, he's seen you introduce your older boyfriends to your friends. he's also seen you get your heartbroken because the men that you chose to love were straight up losers.
what is he to do? clearly, you have a type and it's not him. although, he is confident he can treat you far better.
you like dark hair and tattoos, "manly" looking men but they don't even hold the door for you. what the hell is wrong with you? nanami swears, if he was yours, you'd never look back.
nanami is freshly nineteen, listening to you talk to shoko and utahime about how relationships are no longer worth your time. something inside of him feels disgusting because you're pouring your heart out and god, he just thinks you're so beautiful.
when he confesses to you for the first time, he is twenty-one and it's winter. it's been three years since your last relationship and you haven't pursued another since. he knows it's a long shot, but he goes for it anyways.
you smile, hand on his arm, "you deserve better than me, kento. but thank you, truly. i'm flattered you think of me so highly."
nanami raises a brow, "who doesn't?"
you're halfway into your door, smiling sadly. "you'd be surprised."
six months later, you're in cahoots with a horrible man and nanami thinks he's going to go bald early. why do you do this to yourself????
since his confession, he's tried to be mindful so he doesn't make you uncomfortable. but in the most friendship way possible, he tries to show you there are men (meaning: him, he is best fit for you) that are willingly to love you the way you deserve (him).
you, on the other hand, are biting your nails as far as you can, you cannot be catching feelings for nanami kento? you've never seen him in a romantic light, even after he confessed, but recently there has to be something poisonous in the air.
you blocked that douchebag two days ago because talking to him makes you feel disgusting. but you think you might unblock him to save nanami.
nanami cannot be yours, sure he's younger than you and you swore you would never date a younger man because they're so "immature", but nanami is a good... mature person. he is honest and hardworking, growing into his features and in turn, becoming more handsome as the years go by.
you'd be lying if you weren't jealous thinking about the woman that he would call his one day.
you think it's for the better. nanami cannot get caught up with your antics. he's really only seen the good sides and the thought of him seeing your bad sides makes you nauseous. he'd hate you, for sure. then what would you do?
but it doesn't matter, you don't even like him like that! but he's such a good friend you can't fathom the thought of ruining your friendship.
but what if he gets a girlfriend? you're pacing back and forth in your living room, obviously you can't be close with him anymore because that is just so suspicious.
oh my god. you're spiralling.
what do you do? you call nanami.
you tell him everything and more, that you're sorry, that you might be confused but your gut is telling you otherwise. you cry on the phone to him because you're at a loss and you feel so guilty.
nanami does not say a word or make a sound.
until, you hear a knock on your door through the phone and in real life.
"will you let me see you?" he asks, desperate. "i need to see you."
"you had me waiting for so long." he mutters, hips swinging into yours. he has you in a mating press, forehead pressed against yours. "am i making you feel good, beautiful? tell me."
you nod, legs quivering at his sides. "you're so good—i.. i think i'm gonna cum again!"
he shushes you, kissing you so deeply your mind goes blank. he starts thrusting harder and your mind is so mushy you can't even kiss him back. nanami groans, this can't be real. you feel so good that he might get addicted.
he can't let you go now that he's had a taste. he's not letting you go.
you love him. you told him in a panic over the phone.
you love him.
he needs you wholeheartedly and even though he had to wait almost eight years, he would gladly wait another eight years because if it's not you, it's no one. over the years he's loved you one-sidedly, he did a lot of thinking.
a silly high school crush ended up swallowing him whole. he was searching for you in all the blind dates gojo made him go on because gojo was convinced he was cooked and that you would not like him back.
so to see gojo's jaw dropping when you kissed nanami on the lips in the jujutsu tech courtyard, made his heart swell.
he was always yours.
you think that maybe, you've loved nanami for longer than you've thought.
"thanks for waiting for me." you breathe, "i'll make you happy."
nanami smiles, "you will always make me happy."
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jvpiterzs · 3 days
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𐙚 DROWNING OUT THE NOISE — PERCY JACKSON .ᐟ ˚⋆. ˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ ꒰ golden retriever!percy jackson x fem!black cat!reader — a riordanverse fic ꒱
— ordered﹔yes / no - here!! — ingredients﹔fluffy whipped cream, use of y/n, purpose use of lowercase alphabet soup, probably not well proofread, lmk if i missed anything! — wc﹔1.2k+ // 9.2 min average reading time — recipe﹔read the order above :) — cassie's tea time﹔YAYYAYAY FIRST REQUEST!! <3 ik campers can't usually use their phones since it sends out signals to monsters and all but i wrote it so the hephaestus cabin made electronics that don't attract monsters and all!! i also didn't know what to put for the photos above sooooo
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﹙the cafe // dishes // menu // barista board﹚
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y/n always wore her headphones. it was like her shield, a way to drown out the noise of the world around her. social anxiety was something she'd battled for as long as she could remember, and the headphones were her safe place — a place she would retreat into whenever she could.
going to camp half-blood was supposed to be different. it was like the perfect place for misfits and somewhere she could finally feel like she belonged, according to her satyr protector long ago. but on her first day, she found herself reaching for her headphones more than ever. she kept to the edges, avoiding eye contact and hoping to blend into the background. it was ironic; she felt like a misfit in a place full of misfits.
but percy jackson had a way of noticing things. and he noticed her.
percy had always been the kind of person who made friends easily, especially being the saviour of olympus and a son of one of the big three. he had a laid-back, golden retriever kind of personality. so when he spotted the girl, always with her headphones on and keeping to herself, he was naturally intrigued.
"hey," percy said one day, walking up to her after archery practice. y/n looked up, startled, and pulled one side of her headphones off.
"hi," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
"sorry, i didn't mean to startle you. i'm percy," he said sheepishly, offering her a friendly smile. "i've seen you around."
"y/n," she introduced herself, fiddling with the cord of her headphones.
"cool headphones," percy remarked, hoping he could ease the tension. "whatcha listening to?"
y/n hesitated, not sure why the percy jackson would be talking to her. she took off her headphones, handing them to percy. percy accepted them with a smile, putting them on as the music flowed into his ear. "no way, you listen to them too?? i swear, i've never seen anyone listen to this artist. i like your taste."
she relaxed a little, a small smile appearing on her face. "i adore them, they're my favourite band ever."
percy couldn't help but grin as she smiled, happy that she relaxed even a little bit. "mine too. what's your favourite song by them?"
days turned into weeks, and percy made it his mission to break through y/n's walls. he started inviting her to join him by the lake, offering her training lessons or sometimes following her around like a lost puppy as she chuckled. slowly but surely, she began to come out of her shell.
one sunny afternoon, percy noticed y/n sitting alone under the shade of a tree by the lake. she gazed at the water as she listened to the music flowing from her headphones. percy approaches her with a wave.
"hey, y/n," percy greets.
"hey, percy." she looked up, giving him a smile and removing her headphones.
"mind if i join you?"
she shook her head, and he settled in beside her. "what're you listening to today?"
y/n handed him her headphones, and percy listened for a moment. "i love this album." he hums before handing the headphones back.
"why d'you always wear your headphones?" percy decides to ask, dipping his hands in the cool water. they always spent their free time there together, not that any of them complained. they enjoyed eachother's company. "you don't gotta answer." he added quickly, not wanting to intrude her privacy.
y/n took a deep breath. "they help me cope. with... pretty much everything. the noise, the people. it all gets too much sometimes." she admits softly, looking down at the headphones in her hands.
percy nodded understandingly. "i get it. everyone needs something to help them through tough times, y'know?"
"yeah," she said softly, meeting his gaze. "i appreciate, by the way. for being so nice to me. i know i'm not the easiest person to be friends with."
"are you kidding?" Percy snorted, shaking his head. "you're awesome. you just need someone to see it."
y/n blushed, looking away as a shy smile played on her lips.. "yeah, maybe."
from that day forward, their friendship only seemed to grow even further. percy was there for her every step of the way, helping y/n find her confidence that she never knew she had. in return, y/n's calm presence helped ground percy's impulsive nature. they balanced each other out perfectly.
y/n realised how much she'd changed. she wasn't the same girl who hid behind her headphones. she still wore them, but now they were like a part of her rather than a shield.
"thank you, percy," she said suddenly as they sat at the beach.
"for what?" he asked, glancing over at her.
"for helping me," she replied, meeting his eyes.
percy smiled, reaching out to take her hand. "always. we're in this together."
it wasn't long before percy realised his feelings for y/n. he wouldn't admit it to himself, though. all of their hangouts by the lake and beach, the times where they'd listen to their favourite artists together, or the times percy had held her hand as he taught her how to wield a sword.. no, it couldn't be.
as the sun dipped below the horizon, a golden glow casting over the camp, percy found himself standing at the edge of the lake, waiting for y/n at their spot. she arrived, headphones around her neck as usual, with a smile that warmed his heart. a smile that y/n knew percy liked, so she wore more often. they sat together, side by side, in comfortable silence.
"percy," y/n said quietly, her voice barely audible over the soft push and pull of the lake's water.
"yeah?" he replied, turning to look at her.
"why are you so nice to me?" she asked, her eyes searching his.
percy took a deep breath, his heart pounding. "because... i like you, y/n. i like spending time with you.uou make everything better. and, well, i.. i think you're pretty amazing."
y/n's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink. "you do?"
percy nodded, staring down at the lake as he blushed. "yeah, i do. and i want to be there for you, always. if you'll let me."
she reached out and squeezed his hand. "i'd like that, percy. I'd like that a lot."
percy felt a wave of relief wash over him. he had been so nervous about confessing his feelings, but y/n’s response made it all worth it.
y/n turned to percy with a thoughtful expression. "you know, i never thought i’d find someone who understands me like you do."
percy smiled, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face. "you’ve helped me too, you know."
"how?" she asked, genuinely curious.
"you’ve helped me slow down, appreciate the little things. you’ve shown me that it's okay to take a break and just be in the moment. otherwise i probably would've hurt myself." percy laughed.
y/n laughed along with him, smiling brightly "i'm glad."
percy found himself looking forward to their time together more than anything else. he appreciated every moment when he made her laugh, the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her favorite music, and the peaceful silence they shared by the lake.
as they sat by the lake, y/n turned to percy with a serious expression. "you’ve helped me so much, percy. i don’t think i can ever thank you enough."
"you don’t have to thank me," he replied, squeezing her hand gently. "i’m just glad i could be here for you."
"i want to do something for you," she insisted. "anything. name it."
percy thought for a moment, then smiled. "just stay by my side and be yourself. that’s all i need."
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— thank you for placing your order, and i hoped you enjoyed your meal! kisses from jvpiterzs <3 — cafe guest list﹔n/a
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frostyhelltime · 21 hours
Good morning/afternoon! Love your work so much! Could you write what reactions Vox, Alastror and Lucifer (my favorote trio haha) would have when they first realise they have feelings for someone? Like, they are not dating yet, they just got first "o sh*t" moment while eating breakfast or something.
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Sorry this took so long! ❤️ Alastor's got COMPLETELY away from me and did not end up being as small as Lucifer and Vox, so I'm gonna give Alastor his own post which you can find HERE.
And thank you!! You're so kind and I hope you like my writing for this as well! I had a lot of fun so feel free to send more requests! ❤️
Vox and Lucifer Realize They Have Feelings For You
Vox x GN!Reader
Lucifer x GN!Reader
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Vox genuinely confuses his feelings of love with simple lust and friendship for the longest time.
It's his possessive nature that helps him realize it's actual feelings instead of just something sexual he wants.
Plus a little ribbing from Valentino and Velvette when that possessive nature shows.
Whether you've had sex with him or not yet is irrelevant. He thinks what he feels for you is just lust, and you get along well and don't frustrate him like his cohorts often do. So obviously he enjoys having you by his side and spending time with you.
But it's Valentino's pushing and prodding that makes him realize, and as soon as he does actually realize it, he goes into planning mode.
Vox wasn't always the biggest fan of the loud club the trio found themselves at, but the music was a little quieter in this VIP section away from the crowds. Which made it a lot easier to actually relax with the drink in his hand as he listens to Valentino chatter about something he's only half listening to until he says your name.
He thinks perhaps Val hadn't noticed, but the way Vox's eyes clearly focused in on Valentino when they hadn't been before says everything, and Vox decides not to comment on the shit-eating grin the moth is wearing.
"Sorry. What did you say about them?" He asks for clarification, since all he actually zoned back in for was your name.
“They're very beautiful, no? I think I'll ask them to star in something. I already have a script that would be perfect for the-” Val is about to continue talking about it when Vox immediately snaps, posture becoming rigid as he speaks before he can even realize what he's saying.
“Fuck no Val.” His face has a look of genuine disgust and the visceral way he responded even has Velvette looking up from her phone for a moment, especially after hearing the distortion in his voice. She's eyeing him to try and figure out what the reaction was for.
Valentino only blinks a few times as if processing actually being told no, and then trying to figure out why. But as soon as it hits him the befuddled expression turns to one of delighted bemusement, snickering as he grinned saliciously at Vox.
“Oh~ I didn't realize you had a little amorcito you were hiding from us.” Valentino sounds so smug as he uses his long cigarette to tilt Vox's face up to see him better. Velvette just snorts a laugh, putting her phone down fully now. This was far more entertaining.
But Vox still didn't get the memo yet apparently.
“Amor…? What. No. We're not dating. I have no idea what you're talking about but you're not asking them to star in one of your flicks.” Vox says concretely even though he's very confused by Valentino's suggestion, pushing the cigarette away from his face in annoyance. Velvette just raises an eyebrow, locking eyes with Val as if to silently ask if their companion was truly this dumb. At least in this area. Val just shrugs and Vox watches this silent exchange, just becoming more vexed by it.
“What?! I can't say someone is off limits?!” He's quickly getting annoyed by the way they're both acting.
“Oh no no. You can ask for someone to be off limits….but no one asks for just anyone to be off limits.” Velvette explains, trying to lead this horse to water, trying to coax his line of thinking in the right direction.
“Well duh. They're great company and I don't want Val or his people ruining that.” Vox says coolly, trying to reel himself back in to maintain his composure.
“Oh, so it's just Val and his lackeys you don't want being intimate with them? Then it should be fair game for me to throw my hat in the ring, yeah?” Velvette asks, tilting her head cockily, a knowing smirk on her face. She didn't actually want to pursue you. She was just baiting him.
"We'd be the cutest couple on Sinstagram don't you-"
But Vox is immediately snapping, taking said bait without even realizing.
“*No!” *
Another, heavier voice distortion colors the word.
“So it's anyone being with them that pisses you off? That sounds like a genuine crush, not just ‘great company’, campañero~” Valentino takes another drag of his cigarette before taking another sip of his drink, adjusting the busty demon currently sitting on his lap to be his eye candy and thing to squeeze tonight.
Said demon is pointedly avoiding all of their eyes, as if to silently tell them she doesn't hear shit and she won't be repeating anything she hears herself. She values her afterlife enough to know to not mention this to anyone.
Vox’s expression goes through multiple stages, indignation, surprise, confusion, amusement, disbelief, annoyance, and eventually…
“...Holy shit.” He eventually whispers leaning back in his seat, eyes wide as Velvette claps.
“Theeeeere it is! Knew you'd get there eventually.” She snickers, as well as Val, both ignoring the pointed glare Vox was sending them now.
He's not even going to bother dignifying it with a response. He wouldn't give them the pleasure.
For now he just leans back further, grumpily folding his arms and continuing to sip his drink as he thinks.
Now that he's aware he can figure out what to do. Like there is anything to figure out anyway. He's charismatic and rich and powerful. What sinner wouldn't want to be the one to earn his affections? With that certainty in his mind at least, he loosens up a little, relaxing. Surely he can approach you tomorrow. For now he'll just relax here, and let Velvette and Valentino have their silly little laugh while they can enjoy it.
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He's the fastest to realize.
Partially because he's actually been in love before so he's familiar with the feeling.
But he's also the first to panic because of it, wondering what Charlie will think.
Their relationship was just beginning to rebuild itself and he's scared about what such a big change would do to what he's rebuilt so far.
He most likely realizes *when* he's talking to Charlie actually.
Charlie is talking about how much she loves Vaggie, how everything reminds Charlie of her, or how if she sees something wonderful her immediate thought is that she wants to bring Vaggie there.
She's just talking about how she just loves Vaggie so much she just wants to share everything with her, boring and exciting!
And that is when it clicks for him, eyes widening.
“And despite the people of Cannibal Town being…interesting…They have amazing gardens and a gazebo and I can't wait to surprise Vaggie with a date there!” Charlie is talking at the typical fast pace she does when she is immeasurably excited, Lucifer just grinning and nodding along and just enjoying her sharing news about her life with him. There was so much he felt he still didn't know about his daughter and he was very eager to make up for lost time.
“And I heard this amazing new song that made me think of her! It went something like….Oh how did it go...?” Charlie trails off before attempting to sing what words she did remember.
“Or something like that! Anyways! Ugh I even love just sitting next to her while I write out new trust exercises!” She gushes, clasping her hands together as she continues to wax poetic about Vaggie. Others in the hotel didn't really care or were just tired of hearing it, and Lucifer wanted to spend time with her regardless of what they spent the time doing. So it made sense she would gush about her wonderful girlfriend to her dad, who patiently and happily listened to almost anything she wanted to talk about.
At some point during this monologue that he nodded and made noises of acknowledgement during, he stiffened, eyes widening as he realized the parallels between Charlie and himself that he hadn't really thought about before now.
Whenever he saw a pretty part of Pentagram City, his first thought was to show you. When he tried a new restaurant, his thought afterwards was always ‘Good enough to take you there.’ or ‘Not good enough to take you there.’ He adores the time when you're just sitting next to him, reading a book, or drawing, or whatever strikes your fancy that day as he toils away at his latest invention. He just enjoys…existing with you, even if no one is talking. Even mundane things like what he did that morning are things he finds he wants to share with you…he hears songs of love and happiness and his thoughts drift to you without even realizing until the song is over. If all of those things are things Charlie feels about Vaggie…then…
When did this even happen?! At what point did you turn from just a delightful part of his day to a required part of his day? How long has he had these feelings?! Why didn't he realize he had these feelings?!
Okay! No need to panic! He's been in love before. He can handle this. Right? He's the king of hell. Surely he can handle some feelings. He had been in love before!
…Except back then it had been completely obvious the feeling was reciprocated because they literally fell to hell together.
He's still panicking a little inwardly but…perhaps Charlie could help with some suggestions? He doesn't really know if he trusts anyone else to ask them that vulnerable of a question. To expose a weak point a sinner could gleefully take advantage of, to put you in harm's way. He also trusts you of course, but for obvious reasons he can't discuss that with you.
He realizes in his panicked internal monologue he's missed a good chunk of what Charlie has just said, and she realized it too, judging by the concerned look on her face.
“Dad? You in there?” She asks, leaning over him and waving a hand in front of his face to try and grab his attention, smiling when his eyes focused back on her.
"Whew! Thought I lost you there!" She laughs, shoulders relaxing now that he seems to be okay.
“Yes! I'm right here CharChar! Uh. Actually…now that I think about it I was wondering if I could ask you about something…” He trails off, taking her arm and beginning to walk to a more secluded area of the hotel to talk.
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the bitches want me so bad but they won't get me
finn • he/him• queer • neurodivergent • minor
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this blog is mainly just reblogs, goofing off with my mutuals, shitposting, swearing, and being hella gay.
dni list: homophobes, transphobes, zionists, ableists, racists, sexists fatphobes, and anyone else who supports harmful or discriminatory prejudices.
i'm cool with adults interacting, as long as y'all keep it chill and shit.
note: i don't like to talk about politics here on tumblr. it's my chill out place, and i'd like to keep it that way.
about me
i enjoy writing, reading, drawing, and maybe the occasional singing
i listen to mostly angsty music
i write fanfic on ao3 here
i'm intp-t + gryffindor + apollo cabin
hyperfixation with crows and rome
i tend to have an existential crisis every other day
i promise you can't find anyone gayer than me
i like to make moodboards :33
i prefer emoticons over emojis but i do use both a fair amount
things you should know
i'm pretty socially awkward so this is my apology in advance to everyone i inevitably offend or annoy
speaking of which, i don't always pick up on jokes and sarcasm
i love asks but i get kinda oversimulated when my ask box gets clogged up so don't spam thanks
my notifs are always blowing up so sorry if i miss a comment or reblog
i don't always respond to things right away (even dms)
i'm kinda sensitive so sometimes i may not respond to your jokes- it's not personal, it's just me
tone indicators are appreciated, but it's not like i'll stab you if you don't use it
if you're a mutual, feel free to call me endearments like love, darling, dear, whatever (just don't be overly weird about it)
i have really dirty humor so if that makes you uncomfortable sorry
@your-honor-im-zesty <- pjo/hoo sideblog
@im-actually-a-certified-idiot <- hp/marauders sideblog
@thoushallwrite <- writing sideblog
@a-poetic-loser <- poetry sideblog
@random-polls-i-do-for-fun <- polls sideblog
harry potter/marauders
percy jackson/heroes of olympus
six of crows/shadow and bones
hunger games
anne with an e
outer banks
high class homos
@seekmemystar i finally came up with a few new tags are you happy now
CROWS/caw caw <- i'm talking about crows
finn shitposts <- i shitpost
the crow caws back <- i answer asks
the crow flies away <- i leave/log off
the crow finds a trinket <- tag games
practicing my spanish like god intended <- i attempt to speak spanish
back in my day gays didn't even know they existed <- i attempt satire homophobia (key word: satire)
the crowdom is basically just a silly little kingdom of crows i rule over. anyone's free to join, as long as we're mutuals (that way i know you). just send an ask and i'll give you a list of roles to pick.
it started out as a joke, but we do polls and discussions every once in a while. last i checked, @xeme-starx was voted to rot in prison (how's that working out for you ethan?)
every once in a while i drop crowdom lore (if someone asks) so feel free to send asks about it.
i adore each and every one of my mutuals dearly, but obviously, i can't tag everyone. sooo here's a few i talk to pretty often:
@themortalityofundyingstars <- gay dad
@garden-of-runar <- lesbian poet who's apparently my aunt
@gildy-locks <- proud anti-communist
@rheas-chaos-motivation <- FUCK THE PIGEONS RHEA
@picklerab23 <- just a silly goose fr
@tequilaqueen <- sweet person (why is she on this hellsite again?)
honorable mention: @ang3lic-t3ars <- sunflower dealer, she be dropping the crack frfr
anyway that's all. this will probably be deleted and recreated in 2 weeks- who knows? i love making new intro posts and i can't promise i won't change it.
go stay hydrated, eat, rest. whatever. don't do any stupid shit or i'll haunt your asks (looking at you, runar)
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s1llydr3amscape · 4 hours
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Looks like someone failed the captcha test to many times!
Anyways I always wanted to doodle this specific pose from Toyless' animation why because I can :]
Extras under the cut :
This was the specific screenshot I based the pose off I love hands grabbing head!!! :
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The original video ^ (I'll be real with yall I was shocked the original song was poppy playtime because my only experience with it was that all my baby cousins loved that franchise. And they would show me vids off it at family gatherings because I was the babysitter. One of em even debated me abt fnaf like chill out bro you weren't even born when it came out!!!!!)
Glitchtrap rambling time woohoo let's go!!!!
-I redrew em again because I think I'm almost 100% happy with its design!!!! Like I don't wanna change their face so much because the way his face is shaped is my fave!!! Like they have the same style of muzzle as sonic characters!!!!!! I just made it rounder cuz its their early days before this au lore
-I just wanna achieve the unnaturalness with their design. Like they don't belong here. They want to get out. LET HIM OUT. type vibe basically like that's why it has like those kind off teeth instead off the rabbit ones. They get those later in the au.
-I fucking love Glitchtrap so much you don't understand they're so peak!!!!!! I jokingly hate him because I despise what it did to Vanny.
-I was a fan since day 1 bro is just so unique like woah a non animatronic for a change?!?!? STRAIGHT UP A FURSUIT!??!?! Color me impressed!!! I love zooming on it its model and seeing everyy little detail!!! Like omg bro is crying and drooling on the suit!!!!! There's also a patch of uneven stitching pattern on the top of their head compared to their mostly symmetrical design!!!
-I was so fixated on em like my level of obsession for him was bad bad!!!! Like yeah it was still there when Vanny came around during the curse of Dreadbear DLC but you don't understand it surpassed all my Foxy art!!! The first fnaf character I fixated on!?!?? Like what and yall can ask my IRLS bro had lots n lots of art!!!!! I have so much trad art of glitchy it's embarassing!!! Atleast I improved tbh!!
-I just really really loved the fan animations were bro got to time travel to the older fnaf animations and fuck em up!!!! Causing them all to glitch out like hello PEAK!?!?!?! No im not biased to rabbit characters with whiskers shhhhh... SHHH...
-Because I know all those animations already and it's like omg omg OMG Glitchtrap kinda expanded my music taste imma be fr... Fnaf autism is so bad I omfg I only listened to fnaf songs and the only time I listened to other franchises songs is because someone animated fnaf over it... like yeah I was an animation meme kid but even then I only remember the lyrics and titles to songs if I saw fnaf on them (cringe!!!!) So yeah thank u Glitchtrap <33333
-I think Malhare is the cooler name but the Glitchtrap name is cool too because when the names end in trap like this it makes me think they're like warrior cats adjacent. So in this one they just fluctuate between either Malhare or Glitchtrap
-Also another reason he's my super fave is because my brain predicted it's gloop form!!!!
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-Like no joke literally the same character I dreamt about during the early days before Princess Quest.
-Except mine was a shadow like the shadow animatronics. More wispy than gloopy. I think the reason I dreamt it was because Shadow Toy Chica and fan made shadow animatronics were getting popular!! But legit same character and colors!!!!!!!
-Just a big dark mass with purple eyes surrounding it like literally the same character my brain came up with and I'm just wow <3333 minus the fact my design had really big giant swirly white eyebrows
-However my Shadow Glitchtrap was kinda more wack to say the least. Like heheheh cuz Glitchtraps a fursuit there's no denying that I changed the dream design a bit. In my old Glitchtrap designs they'd have a zipper and so what would happen was they'd unzip and flip their insides into outsides to reveal the Shadow Glitchtrap thing which was hiding inside them.
-Like those plushies that you can unzip to reveal a different plushie design basically!!!!
-TBH I prefer Glooptrap because yeah!!!!! Amalgamation of hate let's go!!!!!! I think with how gloopy he is its just fun to draw I love the fact that the weird Glitchtrap blockers look like that it fits too much with my own preestablished AU lore.
-I feel like Glitchtrap turns into Glooptrap from like the seams of their suit. Like you see that each part the suit got stitched just turn black as black liquid pours out like ohhh that shit haunted!!!! Bursting outta the seams like oh this guy has no one inside they're all just black sludge!!!!
-In this AU specifically (The one with my millions of Vanny designs) is actually a spoof fnaf AU where everyone lives!!! Like I have 3 AUs technically one of them being the fnaf cast in my oc world where they become my ocs basically called Rabbit City. My other one which is my more serious canon adjacent fnaf AU where no silly stuff or shipping happens, and it's just more overall following my own formed understanding of the canonicity and the series of events with me trying to keep the animatronics more game accurate (I dont think ive posted any of that here due to me feeling like my style limits the nit and grit I wanna go with it). And this one I mainly post on here where everything is just silly and bends to my command and everyone lives because I love everyone <333333 Literally playing with my toys type AU where I do what I want which is why a million vanny designs are in this AU specifically. I usually tag it as this 🦭🩷🐇🐰🐇🐰🐇🐰🐯 because the original name of this au is self indulgent and I'm embarrassed but it's too iconic to change it.
-Glitchtrap in this AU is just much more goofy and silly infecting people like a zombie virus and possessing them for his own gain. Weird eldritch horror that came out of a fnaf fangame. Anything goes in this AU so if I wanna make Glitchtrap a mind controlling zombie warlock wizard so be it!!!! Sorry I love zombies soo much you will have to take this trope out of my cold dead hands!!!!! I love rot!!!
-That's why it's wrinkly because they too me are like a rotten banana (Even though his associated smell to me is lemongrass). Imagine squeezing a banana still with it's skin on. That's how I imagine bro turns into glooptrap if they didn't open the zipper in time. Also because I love the design trope of rotting and withering sue me. I love when the flesh sags across the body. Wrinkles are great bro theyre so real!!!!! Also because back then people kept drawing him as skinny as a twig??? Even though they have fat??? So I made them fatter mostly because like I love the gloop part of it hiding inside <3333
-They're more green pink and purple because imma be real my fave color combo ever <33333
-I wanna do an xray piece with them soon to show their insides but I'm still uncertain if I have the art prowess to concoct it exactly like how I envision it yet. Like I need to squash and scretch them more. They need to look more decrepit and horrible!!!!! something like the unknown from dbd!!!!
-They can't actually emote properly stuck in a permanent smile
-Glithctrap and Vanny’s dynamic is like Lord Hater and Commander Peepers in this one. There's more character adjacent to the dynamic between them concocted in my head but I wanna draw a comic abt it :]
-Like yeah one second they're besties and the next they're at each other's throats ready to strangle eachother. Vanny reluctantly trying to help him at first like how she was first called.
-Oh also in this specific AU Glitchtrap isn't connected to William in the slightest more just it's own thing!!!!
-He's like an AI that wants to be human. It believes it is human. They've mimicked people too much that they don't know what they are anymore. Or what it wants anymore. What do they want.
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sageistrii · 12 hours
How many people outside of the kpop sphere can tell you how seven sounds? Before i joined stan twitter I used to hear bts songs like dynamite, butter, and my universe playing without knowing those songs belonged to bts. jungkook isnt being played anywhere. These spotify streams have your minds so warped up without even realizing what they even did to pull those numbers.
ALOT I mean it really was everywhere 😭 When you have groups performing your songs in award shows- that's impact. Artists covering your music in shows that's supposed to be about showing vocal talent- that's impact. Your songs being used in survival shows- that's impact. Top names in the industry name dropping and saying your music is their current favorite- that's impact. This is what I mean when I say people underestimate his solo debut. And like I said no one outside of akgaes cares how those numbers are achieved even akgaes themselves don't care to an extent because they use it against eachother or to drag BTS as a group. And sure BP stans were not the best example but there are multis who stan other groups who were in agreement. A good amount of Ariana Grande stans also like him as well as Justin Bieber stans- jungkook has pull. And on top of that he has majority of the biggest fandom in the world on his side. He has the best chart stability and longevity, he still has multiple songs charting on global and that's not just armys work if we compare him to other members.
And Sage I really hope he won't be the one to breakout completely from BTS but to be the biggest there has to be a level of selfishness involved and I don't know if Jimin has that in him.
Just as I assumed, a jikooker. Y'all are the ones always lurking in pjm spaces.
Also I've gotten this exact ask before, someone claiming he got idols singing his songs. I would like to know the top names in the industry first of all, unless you're talking about The kpop industry because I've already talked about this.
Y'all think these people don't listen to other BTS members' solo songs or jk's songs were so good that they couldn't help mentioning them? All these things you named happened for the same reason kpop artist name drop every trendy TikTok song or join a TikTok challenge. And everything you just named is still within the kpop bubble, the k industry. You're deluding yourself if you believe jk has broken beyond that just because western Stan accounts who most likely also listen to kpop talk about him. Also let's not pretend like jk hasn't tailored his entire self around justin and everyone including Justin's stans know that, he also made Ariana his personality at one point and has a picture with her, some other BTS member could also decide to do all that too and Justin and ariana stans would like them too.
Some random person who doesn't Care about kpop at all could listen to a jk song because they came across it on one of the gazillion ppl playlist they're on, doesn't mean they care about him or his album. I assure you that these idols who name-dropped jk or performed his songs could drop their Spotify wrapped and you would not see any sign of jk, but instead other artists that they never talked about on social media.
Impact is different from some people talking about you or covering your songs because it s trendy to at that point in time. Impact is people covering and talking about those songs years later because the choreography and song is considered peak art not just because it would get you attention on social media that day or because the song is at the top of Spotify global.
Yes Jungkook had a lot of people talking about him no one's disputing that, but when Spotify wrapped dropped Jimin came up on a lot of random people's wrapped despite him not making as much noise as jk as y'all claim, because of course he wouldn't after his debut was stifled and cut short. Jk had to release 3 western collaborations, months of promotion and positive media and headlines being pushed by hybe so of course people were talking about him.
No one cares about how these numbers were achieved, maybe the k industry don't and all they see is headlines and they are floored, but the western industry knows and that's why no one took it seriously and most of his streams still came from armys in Asia Running x160 playlists and that is why we say there was no impact. It didn't break through into the market it was geared towards and was still reliant on weekly remixes to stay stable.
Yeah, golden was big in the kpop space but you're not going to convince me it did much outside of that. Just like every other BTS member, his success is still reliant on armys and is confined to people who listen to kpop.
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estcaligo · 1 day
Made this list while I was in the mood
Classical music pieces that I associate with twst characters
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* these pieces are available to listen to on youtube. Perhaps I will make a video with them one day. But I doubt it. * I apologize for any mistakes, it was a lot of information to digest
Malleus - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - "Summer" - 3 Allegro Non Molto (I mean of course this one. Add evil overblot laugh here too.) ok also Schubert - Erlkönig (The Elf King), D. 328
Sebek - Prokofiev - Romeo and Juliet, Suite No. 2, The Montagues and Capulets "Dance of the Knights" (it's just him. period.) or Rachmaninov - Musical Moment No.4 in E minor or Rachmaninov - Prelude in C Sharp Minor (Rachmaninov for Sebek in general lol)
Silver - Grieg - Peer Gynt, Suite no. 1 "Morning mood" or Debussy - Clair de lune (from "Suite bergamasque") (Yes, basic, but it fits so so much so)
Lilia - Chopin - Fantaisie impromptu in C-Sharp minor, Op. 66 (first notes - Lilia's evil grin, then whimsical nature and the whirl of memories of countries he has been to. When it goes hard, it's cooking, some violence, and then when it gets gentle, it's when he remembers Silver's childhood. Then he softens in general but also reminds us about his playful nature and strong character.)
Idia - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - "Winter" - 1 Allegro Non Molto (resembles how Idia speaks when he's getting confident and how his character, in general, opens up. And kinda gives me his genius vibes)
Ortho - Graun - Gigue in B-Flat minor (sounds like super-fast calculation is going on. But also, some notes sound like random signals and/or signs of creativity/sudden thoughts in AI) also Chopin - Etude Op. 10 No. 5 (Black Keys)
*Erik Satie for Octa in general. Gives me mysterious underwater vibes*
Azul - Satie - Gnossienne No. 1 and Gymnopedie no.1 also kinda Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9 No. 1 (pondering, deep in thought, underwater, calculating, but also melancholic…)
Jade - Satie - Gnossienne No.3 (such big Jade vibes)
Floyd - Liszt - Mephisto Waltz No. 1 (hehe)
Leona - Haydn - Symphony No. 49 in F minor ' La Passione ' (it's long, but it's worth listening. I just imagine Leona's character and lore in general here)
Jack - Händel - Suite no. 11 in D minor. Sarabande (not really sure about this one. But it gives me 'strength and determination and values' vibes today)
Ruggie - Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor, IV. Allegro assai (reminds me how he can adapt and be different if needed. Also, it sounds quite boisterous, like Ruggie is going fast, fast, fast and earning a lot, lot, lot!)
Kalim - Mozart - The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492: Overture (specifically wanting to throwa feast)
Jamil - Chopin - Waltz in E minor, Op. Posth. (he's so skillful and makes it look like he's not even trying, but he's super hardworking. Also, some parts sound like his occasional emotional outbursts) also - Chopin - Prelude in E Minor (I can't explain it, but it's just Jamil for me. I feel so sorry for him - he's such a cool and talented (and handsome) guy, and such destiny mgd. Or maybe I'm just in a melancholic mood today)
Vil - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - “Spring” - 1 Allegro (won't be original meh. like there're so many classical pieces that fit Vil but I don't really wanna bother here so)
Rook - Mozart - Le Nozze di Figaro: "Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso" (instrumental) (ookay it was hard with Rook because I think a lot fits him but I'll stop with this one or I'll never finish this list)
Epel - Litvinovsky - Pelléas and Mélisande: III. Galliard. Navire dans la tempête (Galliard. Ship in a storm) (unrelated but my life is divided into before seeing Epel in Book 7 dreams and after)
Riddle - Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 I. Allegro con brio (duh. basic but c'mon. it suits him)
Ace - Litvinovsky - Suite for Strings "Le Grand Cahier": IV. Nos Etudes (yes that's how I feel Ace)
Deuce - Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: March of the Toy Soldiers (Deuce the honour student edition)
Cater - Beethoven : Sonatina in F Major plus "a glimpse of a depressed real Cater" one - Chopin - Mazurka in A minor, Op.17, No.4
Trey - Beethoven - Sonata No. 8 in C Minor Pathetique, Op. 13 (Adagio cantabile) (I tried to find someting "normal" meh so went with this today)
Special mentions
Rollo - Mozart - Requiem, 3 Dies Irae Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565 Orff - Carmina Burana: Fortuna imperatrix mundi. O fortuna (super super obvious but c'mon it's basically canon)
Baul - Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries (ya Baul has big Wagner vibes for me)
Grim - Edvard Grieg – In the Hall of the Mountain King (the escalation lol)
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drawnthejayys · 2 days
Meet my BLU Team OCs !!
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Info/Bios under cut!
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Dr. Warin Kölher
• Born in Mannheim, Germany
• Team Leader, some refer to him as "Mother Hen" because of his protective motherly attitude
• Lost his medical degree early because he kept experiencing near death situations around his workplace, they thought it was becoming too dangerous even though nobody else was affected 💀
• Survived hell and back more than once (literally) before becoming a mercenary
• Happy face pin on his hat expresses his emotions somehow?¿
• Not a demon or anything, trust me!!!!!
• Likes crows, wants one as a pet
• Says he has a rare skin condition (is lying)
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Jenny Thomas
• Sees Dr. Kölher as a parental figure
• Actually born in Canada, does not know
• Sent to Michigan (in a box) as a baby and grew up there
• Collector of many things (rocks, sticks, nuts n bolts)
• Can be very trigger happy especially on the battlefield
• Dr. Kölher gives her star stickers when he's good, he sticks them in his helmet (is tryin to collect 50 of them 🇺🇲)
• Owns chewelry because she has a biting problem but easily breaks through all of them in less than a week
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• nickname: mason jar
• If Mundy listened to midwest emo (/hj)
• Look, we don't know how they escaped New Zealand when its currently at the bottom of the ocean but we don't ask
• Laid-back but lazy at times, takes a lot of naps
• Smokes more weed than Spy smoking cigarettes /hj
• Dumpster diver
• Their Jarate skills kinda go crazy
• Games with Junior, they love first-person shooters
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Spy (alias: Rune)
• Get half filipino'd loser🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
• Backup strategist for when things go to shit but also the last resort for a lot of things unfortunately
• Anxiety ridden, visits the doc often
• Good at stabbing, not much with shooting
• Acknowledges Scout as his son but is a very awkward dad. He's trying at least
• A hopeless romantic and has been looking for a partner since the divorce(tm)
• Smokes but is trying to quit, often been seen with a toothpick instead of a cigarette
• Autistic just like me fr, stims with his butterfly knife
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• Tough cowboy, doesn't play around
• "Watch your piehole son or imma SLAP YOU SILLY."
• Probably the sanest in the team
• Grumpy-pants who needs a break
• Very "tough love" kind of father figure
• Homophobic homosexual (/j)
• Despite his name, he might not even be Texan
• Tolerates Dr. Kölher the most
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Dymitry (Mitya)
• Here to do his job, nothing more
• Intimidating just like the OG Heavy
• Fond of animals and small creatures
• Actually quite calm, its hard to piss him off
• He has a soft spot for Jenny and Meeka and buys them snacks on the weekends
• Jenny calls him Mitts!
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• Transmasc bastard
• He'll beat your ass (for fun!)
• Good friends with Sniper, they listen to music and play video games together!
• Knows Spy is his dad and is very nonchalant about it, much to Spy's dismay ("I am your fathe-" "Whatever, don't care, didn't ask")
• Has braces paid for by Spy but has to leave base monthly to go to an actual dentist because Dr. Kölher didn't wanna keep seeing him cry whenever he had to get his braces tightened
•Still has buck teeth :3
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• Your honour, they're just a little guy
• Hangs around Mitya to keep him company, theyre the best of friends!
• Goes on crazy killing sprees with Jenny during matches
• Ongoing beef/goof-off with the RED Team's Pyro
• Pinkie Pie energy!!
• Dallas is their (adoptive) dad!
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• Superstitious about a lot of things but keeps it to himself
• For some reason is always very warm which is why he's shirtless 90% of the time
• Has some amazing tits ngl
• Will wear a dress to the function and be the hottest one there
• His fav food is burber 🍔
• Loves hard rum and scotch (its important to me that all my demo ocs have a fav alcoholic beverage)
That's all of them! I hope you like them :3
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koolaidoverliving · 24 hours
"The Coat Looks Better On Her"
a ficlet i posted on ao3 a while ago, but decided i might as well post it here too :)
CW: Light Angst, Ticciwork Mentioned
Nina and Toby are waiting outside of a concert venue. It's cold. And it's easy to reminisce.
"This is so unfair, Toby!" Nina whines. "It's so, so unfair! Why does the line have to be this long?"
Toby chuckles. "They really want to see Iron Maiden."
"It's stuuupid, Tobes. I bet they can't even name five songs..."
"Oh... Yeah... Stupid fake fans!" He can't name five songs either.
While he isn't a metalhead like his girlfriend, Toby listened to Iron Maiden's entire discography before the concert. He knows how much music means to Nina, and he wants to mean just as much. If Toby could, he would rent the concert venue for him and her only. But Toby can't, so he just pulls her closer, the warmth of his coat making up for what she lacks.
"Why aren't you wearing a coat, babe?" Toby asks.
"It would ruin my cute outfit," Nina replies, leaning into Toby's warm body. "Plus, I know it's gonna be, like, a total oven inside the venue."
"Wha—alright then! Just promise you won't get frost-bite?"
"Mhm, yeah. Frost-bite's got nothing on me."
"Gooood." He rests his head on-top of Nina's. Her outfit is cute, but very impractical for the winter.
Toby remembers when he still dated Natalie and how cold she'd get in the winter-time. She hated to admit she was freezing, but Toby could tell by the chatter of her teeth and the frost on her shivering hands. Natalie never did wear enough layers to survive Toronto's harsh winters. And whether she asked for it or not, Toby always gave her his coat.
While deep in thought, Toby feels a hand tug on his sleeve. "Toby! Th–The line's moving!" Nina exclaims through grinded teeth.
"It is?" Toby snaps back into focus. Slowly but surely, the line moves. "It is... That means we'll be at the concert in no time, babe!" He grins, ear to ear.
Nina makes an attempt to grin back at him. Her face is so clearly reddened and wet from condensation. For a split second, Toby sees a different person.
"Awh, you're cold," Toby says.
"I'm not cold," Nina retaliates. "I c–can totally last until we make it inside!"
"Oh, come on, silly." Toby starts unzipping his coat. "Let me give you my coat, okay? You can take it off when we get inside. You'll still have your cute outfit, you'll just be a 'lil warmer."
"Hmmm..." Nina presses her lips into a small, coy smile. "Okaaay! Fine, I'll take your coat."
Toby puts his coat over Nina. It's big on her and makes her look smaller than she is.
"Warmer now?" Toby asks.
Nina nods. "So much warmer." She puts her arms into the sleeves.
Toby admires his girlfriend, enjoying the way the pale fur makes her dark hair stand out. He loves her with all his heart, and he'll never be afraid to admit that. He loves her smile, her quirky humor, the sound of her voice, her green eyes...
"It looks good on you, Natalie," he says softly.
. . .
The line moves. But the two of them are still.
"I didn't mean—"
"Did you just..."
"I'm so sorry—"
"It's whatever, Toby! Don't ruin my concert night!" Nina retorts. "I don't want to do this right now." Nina turns around and moves with the line, her hands in the coat pockets.
"Wait, babe—Nina!" He follows her. "It was a mistake."
"I told you I don't care! We can talk about it later!" She continues to walk away, ignoring the fact she's now moving faster than the line is.
Toby doesn't say anything else, but his hands twitch, and he swears he can feel his stomach twisting. He follows her in silence. He painted himself as an idiot, but it's fine. Nina said they'll talk about it later—later.
So it's fine.
He'll listen to the concert with her and everything will be fine.
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jacketpotatoo · 1 day
I watched Hadestown live on the West End and I just wanted to ramble because it changed my life.
Melanie La Barrie is an absolutely electric Hermes. she's charismatic and fun and toes the line between a god enjoying the beauty of the present and a god, tired and resigned, that knows how the story ends. she is an interlocutor that invites the audience into this tale whilst being fully There with the characters. a moment that broke me was Road to Hell (Reprise) where she says the 'alright' twice to Orpheus in a way meant to comfort him rather than in a detached manner to the audience. It was like a grandmother calming down her grandson and it was devastating. I love how she stands in the shadows in scenes where she isn't involved and checks her pocketwatch often - it's a reminder of her omniscience and meta-theatrically, how she's an occupant of present stage-time as well as story time. A story time that spans thousands of years, from oral Greek myth, to Ovid, to this present retelling set in Depression Era America.
I love the jazz. the fact that the unbroken song is reflected in music genre and the presence of the band onstage with the rest of the cast. there were just little moments (like at the very beginning, Hermes goes to Eurydice and asks her if she's ready and they smile at each other before the former makes her way frontstage) where the Stage of it all is made clear. it's a story about telling stories and the cast is as important as the dramatis personae in its retelling. like the blurring of character and actor - when Our Lady Of The Underground takes time to give the band their flowers. it's so important in a story focusing on the average person and survival and creation of art. And it's just so genius to juxtapose those on stage that have access to the audience (Hermes and the band) and those that do not (the chorus and mortals). also the juxtaposition of Hades and Persephone (gods whose lives persevere in the changing of seasons and the cycle of death) and Orpheus and Eurydice (whose lives end but stories continue in this loop that inadvertently perpetuates hope by retelling in a different kind of immortality). Don't even get me started on flower symbolism. also also the band gave an encore performance and i love them sm like trombone guy?? mvp.
Some small things about the rest of the cast too: Hades was an absolute standout. he wasn't my favourite listening to the soundtrack a million times but he's a scene stealer and i loved every bit of him. just the way the actor carried himself - his walk, the set of his shoulders - was fucking perfect. tortured villain and sleazy capitalist at once. when he danced with Persephone he ended up doing this silly little jig that she followed along with after giggling a little and like. AAAAA?? And his 'I don't know' to Orpheus was so genuine. When he let Orpheus go his handshake was stretched long and he clutched him just that little bit longer because he knew that they wouldn't make it and. ugh. i'm so emotional. Persephone? transcendent. her voice. her moves! again, tortured and so, so fun. when she started dancing with Hades she couldn't look at him for awhile and her face was this beautiful mesh of emotions that transitions to pure joy. oh she was perfect.
I didn't get Irish Orpheus but Swing Orpheus was wonderful as well. He has the same puppy dog energy as Reeve!Orpheus but he was less dreamy/head-in-the-cloudsy. Wait For Me (alongside fucking gorgeous lighting and staging) and If It's True?? URGH. Actually lifechanging live experience. I'm not the same person I once was. also Eurydice was fantastic. she was British and while the cadence/accent took me a few songs to get used to, she brings a very different hard-tortured energy to Eurydice - it was an interesting and fitting interpretation of the character. this was reflected in her vocal texture as well with a much more desperate and belt-y sound than Noblezada!Eurydice. I love them both though, she was wonderful. ALSO she and Orpheus kept having these sweet little eye-contact interactions onstage when other things were going on and argh i love these goobers. a sad tale and a tragedy :,)
i have so much more to say and this is getting too long but i also wanted to mention that the theatre was full of audible gasps when Orpheus turned around. just. what an incredible, immersive, emotional experience. i'd one thousand recommend seeing it if you have the opportunity.
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xxfromthestartxx · 1 day
Todo x fem!reader who has Inumaki's cursed technique pleasee
Beneath Your Silence (Todo Aoi x Reader)
pairings: Todo Aoi x Fem!reader
summary: Todo x reader where the reader is a descendant of the Inumaki clan
warnings: This doesn't follow the JJK plotline, Violence, Language
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The sun was shining brightly, the light blue sky fill of clouds. It was not your ideal weather, you would rather be inside, doing nothing and listening to pitter patter of rain on the windows - but no, you were wearing your training gear, stretching your limbs while watching your schoolmates stretch too.
You were an exchange student, well, not exactly exchange because you were just moved to the Kyoto branch this year, your last year. It was inefficient, for both you and your colleagues- because you can't and don't want to talk to them.
Just like your cousin, you've obtained the snake and fangs seal. Though unlike him, you are able to talk freely because you are in control of your cursed technique. That is not where it ends, you are also a descendant of the L/n clan meaning, you have inherited your mother's cursed technique, the ability to use music as your weapon.
Being a combination of these clans makes you a special grade sorcerer, not that you have a choice. Still, you want to make your parents proud- you didn't want to be a disappointment. You are your family's pride and joy, the only child and a candidate of being a clan head.
You took a deep breath, coming back to reality. You finally had took a good look around you, noticing your now classmate, Todo Aoi, staring at you. "Hey, you." You narrowed your brows at him, not interested in talking.
You ignored his call and continued stretching, tilting your head to the side until you heard a satisfying crack. You watched as he approached you, a wild smirk on his face. He stopped in front of you, crossing his arms.
He saw your eyes wander on his form, though your eyes were dull- it was the same look you always gave people around you. "You like what you see?" He teased, flexing his biceps a bit.
You scoff at his words, taking another good look at him. He was only wearing jogging pants, his pecs and abs on view, it didn't help that he was built like a greek god. You scrunched your nose, looking at his eyes, which you need to look up because even if you have an average height, he was a giant.
You chose to not talk, rolling your eyes instead. "Hm, I take you can't talk?" He then placed his hand under his chin, thinking. You pointed at the sigil on your cheeks, then shrugged, not interested on making friends.
"That's okay, I can be your spokesperson. You're our new classmate anyway." You scrunched your nose, displeased by the idea. You shook your head and avoided his gaze, seeing another third year who seems to be talking to Mai.
You recognize her, her blonde ponytail giving it away who she is. You quietly walked over to the two girls to avoid Todo, a great excuse if you were really being honest. Mai was the first one to notice, gently nudging Momo who immediately turned to you.
"L/n." You heard Mai coo, smiling widely. "So, how's the experience so far?" She asked, her brows quickly furrowing when she noticed Todo coming up to them. "What do you want?" She scoffed, crossing her arms at him.
"Easy, she's my classmate, not yours." Todo replied, smirking when you met his eyes once again. "She's my classmate as well." Momo quirked her right eyebrow, glaring at the buff man in front of them.
You watched as the three of them bickered, quite amused that the girls were acting as your spokesperson, stopping Todo from whisking you away from them. At one point, Mai was already annoyed and grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you closer to her.
"Come on, she doesn't want to be close with you. Don't you, L/n?" She asked, you just shrugged, staring at the man towering the three of you. The man just stared back, annoyed at Mai's intervention.
"Yeah, whatever. You're lucky today- I'll be leaving now, I still need to prepare for Takada-chan's meet and greet." Todo huffed, glaring at Mai and Momo, before turning to you.
"Welcome or whatever. Just know that if you crossed me, there will be consequences." You stared blankly at him before nodding. "Good." He huffed then tirned around, giving you quite the view. You caught yourself staring at his toned back, blushing slightly, you avoided your gaze.
That encounter was 2 weeks ago- it was strange to have a conversation with Todo- well, a one-sided one. He talks a lot, and half of the time, you don't follow or understand what he was talking about.
You sighed, adjusting your collar shirt which is another version of your uniform. This one specifically when you need to go on missions. You were waiting for Todo on the car, quite annoyed that you need to wait for the muscular man.
In your opinion, you could've handled the reported curse alone, but since you were a tranferee, your teacher, Ms. Utahime recommended to bring Todo with you. Not that she doesn't trust you- she said it will be a good bonding and learning experience for the both of you.
She say and you quote, "So the two of you could get to know eachother." You just knew that Todo pulled strings so he could come with you. Speaking of the devil, you could see his figure starting to form from afar.
He was running, plastic bags on hand. "Wait up!!" Under a minute, he was already in front of the door, opening it. "Sorry for the wait. Got you some food for the trip." He showed you the plastic bags, inside was a bunch of sweets, snacks, and drinks.
You quirked an eyebrow before taking them and putting it beside you, he smiled in return. "Hope I got something you like in there." He said, getting inside the car with a smile.
You watched as he locked the door, the car dipping slightly to his side. You rummaged to the plastic, trying to find something to eat. "Slow down, no one's gonna take 'em away from ya." He teased, taking out a drink from the other plastic.
You kept silent, a bit embarrassed at his words. You then returned to finding something to eat, this time a lot slower. "Everyone's here?" The driver asked, you gave him a nod while Todo answered for the both of you. "Yeah."
The car ride starts, it was quite peaceful, which is rare because with Todo by yourside, it was quite impossible. You finally got something out of the bag, which was your favorite snack. You took a glance at Todo, who was eating quietly with his eyes outside.
Maybe he's not in the mood to yap your ear off today, you thought. You shrugged and opened the bag full of snacks, catching Todo's interest. "Ya like that?" He asked, taking a sip of his energy drink.
You nodded and offered the bag, he's eyes widened in shock, not because of the sweets but the action. You were not one to share or to give someone food- but he disregarded it quickly, remembering it was him who bought the food.
He smiled, taking a piece and popping it on his mouth. "Mhm, ya got really good taste." He complimented, taking another piece. You smirked, popping a piece into your mouth. "Ya know, I'm getting tired of our one-sided conversations."
You quirked an eyebrow, staring at him. "I mean, ya sure, I like yapping but it feels like you have no choice but to listen to me. At least that's what they told me." He shrugged, grabbing a bag of chips and opening it easily.
You thought for a moment, processing what he said. Now that you think about it, there were times the others drag you away from the man beside you- but you find his presence quite endearing sometimes, well, when he's not yapping about Takada-chan.
You hesitated to answer- but it felt right to at least assure him that it was okay to talk. You reached for his forearm, taking a look at him directly. You rubbed your thumb over his forearm, hoping it was enough to tell him it was alright.
He chuckled a bit, taking your hand in his. "I guess one-sided conversations with you isn't that bad." He joked, placing your hand on his lap. You laughed dryly, nodding and taking another piece, popping inside your mouth.
The area you were supposed to be exorcising with Todo was an abandoned school- yes it was cliché but you have no say in the areas where cursed spirits houses.
It was a blur to you, you were not supposed to use any of your cursed technique, but it was a life or death situation. Your eyes shrunk, hesitating when an unregistered curse showed up behind Todo.
Your mouth went dry- eyes and hands panicking from what to do. "Explode!" Your eyes dialated, the enhanced command surprising you as well. Just in time, the curse burst into fits of blood- exploding from your command.
Your heart was racing, thumping hard agaisnt your ribcage- the blood of the curse staining your face and Todo's back. You gripped your cursed weapon tightly, knuckles turning white from the pressure you are putting in.
On the other hand- Todo couldn't believe his ears. The sound of someone's voice was enough to pull him out of a trance and to turn to look at you. "Huh." He stared at your shaken form- having mixed emotions about the situation.
You took him by his wrist and dragging him down- another curse emerging behind him. "Die!" You closed your eyes at the impact of your command. Just then, the curse behind him fell with a thud.
"Come on." You urged, dragging him away from the area- it was full of unregistered cursed spirits. He followed with no questions, but his minds were foggy from the sight of you being able to speak.
You halted, dropping his hands before pulling down the zipper of your shirt a bit. You pull out a harmonica and blew the highest note- immediately executing most cursed spirits. "So that's why you're a special grade." You turned to see Todo smirking at you.
"You don't need to worry about me," he started, inclining his neck to the side with a crack. "I can handle myself." He continued with a smirk, stretching his arms a bit. You let out a scoff, zipping up the zipper of your shirt and letting the harmonica disperse into thin air.
The moment was interupted when an octopus emerged underneath the floor- unfortunately covering your mouth. You muffled a scream, watching the floor colapse along with Todo. Your eyes widened, trying to reach for the zipper of your shirt when a sound of clap reached your ears.
In less than a second you were free from the slimy texture of tentacles- your eyes widened, processing what happened when you saw Todo fighting the octopus. "Freeze." You shouted, giving Todo the advantage to easily exorcise the cursed spirit.
You felt your throat itch, scratching it a bit before grabbing a shot glass like - throat syrup from your pocket. "Let's go." You heard him say, hjs voice stern. "There's still a lot of-" you were cut off when he grabbed you by your shoulders.
"Your throat is damaged from commanding curses to die twice, and you made a big ass octopus curse freeze- as in freeze. Now drink that cough syrup or whatever and let's go." You scoffed at him, swatting his hands away.
"'M fine." You scrunched your nose, opening the lid before downing the syrup. It burned your throat a bit, forcing you to let out a rough cough. "Know your limits." He huffed, glaring at you.
"Fuck." You rasped, massaging your throat a bit. "Let's get out of here. Most of the curses were exorcised anyway." He grabbed his jacket from somewhere, placing it on his shoulders.
After the mission, you were surprised he didn't said a word to the others. You were skeptical. He didn't brag about seeing you in action, neither the fact that he heard your voice. Since then, you tried to talk to him when no one's around, trying to befriend him.
It was like a secret, a secret that the two of you share. You started going to places where he often hangs around, and he returned the favor, often going to the pond near the dormitory to talk to you. No one really goes there except for you, so it was the perfect place to have Todo with.
It was a clear day, the sky was blue, the clouds are scattered, and the sun is shining. The sakura tree shielding you and Todo from it's burning shine. "Why don't ya speak?" He asked, picking on a leaf that had fell. It was a sudden question, and you don't know if you are ready to say your reasons. "Will you believe me if I said I just don't want to?" You retorted sassily, watching as the air blew the falling flowers away.
"I guess so, but what is the real reason?" He stopped fidgetting with the leaf and turned to you, staring straight in your eyes. His eyes were stern, but still soft at the same time- it makes you cave in but at the same time, it makes you nervous. "I..." you started, taking in a huge breath. "I don't want to get attached."
"Huh, never expected that reason." He averted his gaze, now understanding your actions and behavior towards the other sorcerers. "I guess I don't want my friends from Tokyo to think I forgot about them." You picked a leaf from the ground and started peeling it.
"I don't want them to think it's their fault I'm here." You lowered your head, "Well, are you attached? To us, I mean." He watched as you stopped your picking, hesistating for a moment before you continued. You didn't know what to say- are you attached? Have you let yourself be attached?
Once the leaf was nothing but a small chunk, you lifted your head and looked straight at Todo. "The others? Maybe. Maybe not." You answered, "But you..." you stopped, taking a deep breath before continuing, "I wouldn't call it a day without hearing your voice."
Todo raised an eyebrow, his eyes widening once he realized what it meant. "Are you saying what you think you are saying, N/n-chan?" He smirked teasingly, adjusting his position to face you completely. You could only huff at his teasing, rolling your eyes in annoyance.
"Think whatever you like to think of it." You scoffed, crossing your arms. Your face was getting hotter, embarrassed about how he reacted to your words. "Well then, Inumaki-chan." He started, his words serious.
"Can I court you?"
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ckret2 · 20 hours
what sort of piano pieces do you think bill would enjoy playing? any pieces that would be his favorite?
I'm not gonna go as far down as favorite specific songs, we're gonna talk about genres.
I think what he's willing to play is pretty broad. But he's been picking up songs for however long he's been playing piano—I assume several centuries—meaning that most of the songs he knows are, by our current standards, various forms of classical music.
He'd usually drift toward popular music, and the easier end of popular music at that. Things that are popular to sing & play at parties (as appropriate to whatever era we happen to be talking about).
(Note that "popular" music doesn't necessarily mean POP music—most modern pop music isn't written to be played on piano, and as a consequence is pretty boring to play if you make a piano cover of it. 9 times out of 10 songs originally written for piano sound more interesting and are more fun to play than piano covers of pop/rock/whatever songs. I think he's learned some pop/rock too, but it's not his preference.)
So, even within classical music, he'd be going for what was broadly popular at the time. Music hall & vaudeville, dance music, drinking songs... Probably has a soft spot for waltzes. Y'know. Triple time. I don't think he's as interested in (or as good at) highly technical songs written to be played for an audience to quietly sit and watch.
Probably a lotta jazz, because that's where most piano music you can dance to has come from in the 20th century. (We know at least one song in that category that made it into his repertoire, don't we.) As jazz got more experimental I think it lost his interest—again, if it's something extremely technical and meant for you to sit and listen to, it's not his kind of music. (And, again, he doesn't have the skill for it.) Gets along decently well with swing, blues, and ragtime.
He'll gravitate toward anything that's impressive to listen to but easy to play.
Singer-songwriters tend to have more songs written for the piano, so he's absorbed a lot of that. Expect Billy Joel and Carole King and the like.
Minimalist musical, contemporary classical, film scores, new age—bores him to tears. He won't touch it. (There's a slim chance you could get him to play some film scores if he had an audience that'd recognize the songs and be excited to listen to him play—which isn't the case in the Nightmare Realm, so it's never come up.)
A final note: there are some people that can learn songs just by hearing them and then figuring out how to play them. Bill isn't one of them. He's gotta read the sheet music. In order to play without sheet music he's just gotta practice it enough time that he memorizes it.
Of course the All-Seeing Eye sight reads.
Compare/contrast my songs Bill would listen to post. I think what he listens to and what he plays are two different lists.
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microwavedzebras · 21 hours
Hi as both a fan of emo/alt music and Fantasy High I'd like to talk about My Clerical Gnomance. First off I think fh for the most part is really good about differences between different alt subcultures, like Fig is strictly Punk, not emo or goth or anything else, she adheres pretty strictly to punk music and values. And then Zelda and Gorgug are closer to like. Metalhead but also seem to venture into some emo/screamo music.
My Clerical Gnomance is clearly supposed to be a play on the name My Chemical Romance, but their music is not really the alt rock style of MCR, and is closer to those stereotypical 2000s emo / pop punk bands that all make the same kind of whiny, pick
-me-boy "my girlfriend left me because I'm a terrible person" kind of songs. And Ruben definitely embodies that kind of guy. And I love how Gorgug admits like yeah he kinda likes emo music, but as soon as he hears My Clerical Gnomance he's like oh no I don't like That type of music.
But literally the best part to me is Fabian saying he loves My Clerical Gnomance. This random preppy richkid jock, who, other than being a pirate which honestly feels like some kind of an alternative subculture in its own right, has never shown any interest in any kind of music at all or alternative subcultures, loves My Clerical Gnomance. Amazing bit tbh. And specifically bc of the certain type of emo music that My Clerical Gnomance is, I feel like that makes sense for Fabian bc part of his character is being kinda self centered and maybe even a little whiny. And even though it's not in the same Way that Ruben is self centered, he can relate to the music through that. I also think that music to a certain degree reflects Fabian's attitude towards romance, because he also seems to view relationships partially as a status symbol and as a way to have someone care about and pay attention to Him rather than because he actually has feelings for the person (he's kinda getting over that view a bit this season with Mazey though, I do think he actually has a crush on her).
Anyway I just think that's neat. Also I'm not fully finished with the season yet so if anything is inaccurate or other stuff happens that I didn't talk about it's bc of that.
And I know I just talked about how My Clerical Gnomance is Not like My Chemical Romance, but if Fabian did listen to our world's MCR I have no doubt in my mind that his favorite album would be Danger Days. And I think he'd also fuck with the songs Welcome to the Black Parade (obviously), I'm Not Okay, and FTWWW. I can probably elaborate/ talk about more of my options on this later if anyone wants
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