#ive been looking into getting another tablet because doing this with my phone and my finger like i usually do isn't really ideal djhdjde
dormont · 2 months
Grovyle + Dusknoir on the beach
(Maybe a sunset? I bet they'd love a sunset)
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welcome to my exercise in comic making because i have never done this before lol
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sirotras · 5 months
2023 crochet round up!
i mentioned making a post like this a few days ago, and true to my nature, i waited until the last minute to get pictures
so here we are, in no particular order, various projects i finished in 2023
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1.) this was technically crocheted last year (i think) but this year i finally assembled and lined it, making it finished! its not quite the size to be a purse, but its perfect for carrying my phone and keys while dog walking
i followed this pattern, and im really happy with the results!
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2.) some little zipper bags. like the bag above, the purple one was crocheted last year, but i finally added the lining and zipper this year (i also used the same pattern as the above bag to make the purple one)
the grey one doesnt have a lining and zipper yet, but since the crochet is finished, it still makes the list
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3.) little squares from this pattern, to have something to clip my stitch markers to, very helpful for travel
4.) a few of the chokers i made during the summer, there are a bunch more, but you get the idea, a couple were made based on this pattern
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4.) this one was hard to get a good shot of, but it's a cat blanket i made for my sister's cats
the pattern was a free one i got from michael's in store, which doesnt seem to be on their site? however its a pretty simple pattern, im pretty sure you could find something nearly identical by searching "star baby blanket" or something like that
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5.) for ages now i've been meaning to make something to keep my tablet pens in, because having them loose in my bag is begging for disaster
i actually had to make this little case twice, the first one was too long and the proportions looked weird, so it isnt pictured here
i hand finished all the seams for the lining, there was no practical need to do this
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6.) pouch to carry headphones i got for my birthday
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7.) pouch to carry Cool Rocks
the bottom of the bag comes from these doily patterns, and the ends of the ties are from this pattern
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8.) a mini dice bag, made to hold a couple sets of mini dice my sister made for me!
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9.) several cord ties made from this pattern, the flower was my own addition (only two ties are pictured because i didnt feel like tracking down the third)
10.) a flower vine to decorate my desk, no actually on my desk because i still need to sort out how i want to attach it
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11.) speaking of flowers, ive probably made dozens of these little guys, they're very quick to make, and a good way to give my hands something to do while watching something
12.) little succulents from this pattern
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13.) oops! another pouch to hold even more Cool Rocks
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14.) while technically i still need to to line these bags, i still wanted to include them, i made them from this pattern, and im very excited for when theyre actually finished so i can use them
next we're getting into some shawls i made, and unfortunately i just dont have a good set up for getting pics of them
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15.) this one was made by doing a little variation from this pattern
16.) this was made from the all shawl pattern by doris chan, its a really great pattern for beginner's, the first shawl i made was from that pattern!
17.) this was made from a variation on the same pattern i used for the cat blanket, i made a couple others from the same sort of pattern late last year, but i decided i needed one in black in october, because it looks just a bit like bat wings
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18.) i made a cowl from this pattern, and i really love the texture of it! i also made one for my mom in a different color, which is not pictured here because i took these picture last minute
other things not pictured include: a dice bag for my sister, flowers for my mom, and a sack for the cats to curl up in (since they love making nests out of my projects)
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owaowarrrrr · 3 months
todays been wack already but holy fucking shit vent ig
im actually shaking as i write this so ignore any misspellings/punctuation (i wont be proofreading or fixing shit)
the day started off fine, i sat in bed on my phone n shit, and then my cousins walked in and one of them screamed DIRECTLY INTO MY FUCKING EAR which hurt and pissed me off but oh well. Then i got bored and decided to draw, so i was drawing yk and my uncle walks in, and i assume hes gonna talk to me, so i shut my sketchbook and then he started asking what i was drawing and telling me to show him? And then another cousin threw a toy at me and when i threw it back my mom saw it and got pissed at ME. Alright, thats fine, i can handle it. Around lunch/noon i played basketball with another one of my cousins who then proceeded to bully me for the sun knows what and bodyshame me. Okay, now im getting a bit more ticked off, but at this point im still (barely) hanging in there. Nighttime rolls around and we had my cake sang happy birthday yadayadayada (we celebrated early this year since my cousins were here) and i got my drawing tablet, which is all cool. I got on my computer to hook it up and i was in vc with one of my friends cause they were helping me (you know who you are, you did great dw) and then my mom walked in on me checking my notifications and said i "wasnt doing what i was supposed to" and that "i wasnt supposed to be playing games when i had more important stuff to do"" and then accused me of not even trying to connect my tablet when i told her i was working on it (i WAS trying, it wouldnt work.) and then my dad walked in and started messing with stuff and was going through my files which was freaking me out because "hey, the fucking file you need that ive pointed at 15 fucking times is OVER THERE WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY SCREENSHOTS" and the strawberry cheesecake ice cream cake was NOT sitting well with my anxiety so i LOCKED MYSELF in my parents bathroom and had a full blown meltdown in the mirror, which helped none but oh fucking well. And so here i am, laying in my sisters bed since my aunt and uncle took my room, desperately holding onto my bodypillow and shaking and rocking myself back and forth trying not to cry infront of all these fuckin people as im typing this. Yeah, great fuckin day. The best.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Remember Us - 7
I know we are in full Rowaelin month but I thought to give you part 7 as a present...
There is a small library scene in perfect theme with Day 4. (This is not part of Rowaelin month. Just a coincidence)
The chapters are getting less angsty. As I mentioned in a post a few days ago... i Finished the story and it has 10 parts. That was the original plan and I promise a HEA
Rowan had spent the entire day going through all of their albums. Evalin had offered to look after Freyja, but instead he had kept the girl in his arms while sitting on the carpet and and album in front of him.
He had just finished the one about Thomas and now opened the one dedicated to his daughter. They were both still a working in progress as it looked like Aelin would just record the stages in their lives.
“Look, who is this one?” The little girl pointed at the picture and babbled something.
“This is you.” He told her in a loving tone “the most precious thing in our lives with your brother.”
“You did it, Fireheart.” Rowan kissed the head of an exhausted Aelin, while the doctors were busy cleaning and checking on their daughter.
The nurse walked to them with a bundle in her arms and gave it to Aelin “I think your daughter is ready to meet you.” And placed the baby on Aelin’s chest.
Rowan sat at her side, his arms around her shoulder as he drew closer his two women.
“She is like you, Ro.”
He kissed her forehead “I love you both. Madly.”
In another photo he saw Thomas in the hospital bed near her mother, kissing his sister head and the caption read Thomas is officially a big brother and he finally gets to meet his sister. 
“ ‘Mas” babbled Freyja, pointing at the photo.
“Yes, that is your brother.”
Page by page he followed his daughter life and as it happened for Thomas, some moments became familiar all of a sudden.
Looking at photos had been a great idea but with Aelin’s captions had been even better as it was as if someone was actually telling him the story.
He looked at a couple of more albums but then he felt an headache coming and his vision was getting tired as well, so he grabbed Freyja and went to lie down on the sofa, making sure that she was tucked in safely between him and the back of the sofa. Evalin was busy doing chores around the house. He pulled the little girl to his chest and he started humming a tune while his hand caressed her head.
Not long after they were both asleep.
Evalin appeared back in the living room not long after and when she saw the scene in front of her she almost cried. Then she took her phone and snapped a picture and sent it to Aelin Your husband and your daughter are having some quality time together.
“How’s the study session going?” A younger Rowan paused beside a table in a university library.
The blonde woman in front of him groaned in exasperation “med school. Of all the degrees I choose from, I went for the worst one.” Her head collapsed heavily on the books in front of her “I want to be a neurosurgeon, I don’t care about the kidneys. Why am I studying this crap?”
Rowan smiled and placed a cup of coffee on the table “you need caffeine.”
Aelin lifted her head “yes, in IV.” She extended her arm and Rowan chuckled “you are the doctor, you will have to perform that on yourself.” He laughed and patted her head “I can tell you the legal repercussions of me performing such a procedure without a licence.”
Aelin grabbed her coffee and drank avidly “smartass.”
“A smartass you love?”
“Keep dreaming, Whitethorn.”
When he woke up again he was not ready for the splitting headache. He tried to sit up but dizziness hit him hard and then a wave of nausea. He jumped off the sofa but crashed on the carpet. Rowan fought to stand up but his body refused to obey “Evalin,” he croaked, grabbing his head in his hands.
A moment later Evalin was at his side “Rowan, are you okay?”
He crashed back down on the carpet and groaned. Evalin slowly helped him to sit back up and she felt panic rise “I should call Aelin.”
“No,” said Rowan in a whisper as he stood shakily and sat at the opposite side of the sofa away from his sleeping daughter. He should not be around the kids. No one should be around him while he was in that state.
And in that instant nausea hit again and he grabbed his stick and slowly dragged himself to the bathroom, collapsed on the floor and emptied the content of his stomach in the toilet.
Aelin had just finished surgery when she noticed the worried text from her mother. Rowan was not well.
She changed from the scrubs, paged her second, told him she had a family emergency and that she had to go back home. They all knew her situation and he was understanding. She had finished her surgeries for the day so finishing early was not much of an issue.
She drove home with her heart racing with panic. She knew the complications after a brain injury and she was worried. Her mother had not specified what happened but her tone seemed frantic.
Once in front of the house she parked quickly and once in the house she found it quiet. Her mother was sitting on the sofa reading to Freyja and Thomas was on the carpet playing with his toy cars.
“Where is he?”
Evalin looked up at her “in bed. He was sick, complaining of strong headaches and he said he was tired.”
Aelin dropped her backpack and ran for the bedroom and found him asleep.
She walked to him and sat at his side at the edge on the bed and slowly caressed his head. Her strong, amazing husband looked fragile, tucked in bed and sleeping on his side. The time in the hospital had left his mark and his frame was now thinner. Her hand ran through his hair once again and then deposited a gentle kiss and in that instant his eyes popped open as she chastised herself for it.
“Hi you,”
“Hi,” his voice gruff “you are home.”
“Mum texted me that you were not well.”
He tried to sit up but Aelin kept him down “you need to rest. What are your symptoms?”
Rowan’s head collapsed back on the pillow “headache, dizziness and nausea.”
Aelin’s hand was in his hair again “it’s normal. From one to ten, how bad is the headache?”
She stood and came back a moment later with a glass of water and a tablet “Just a light dose to help you a bit.”
Rowan took the water and the medicine and once he was done Aelin lay down at his side, snuggling  close to him, her hand on his chest. Rowan’s arms as if on instinct went around her frame but did not hug her tight. He had no energy.
“I dreamt…” he closed his eyes for a second “I dreamt of us in the library. You were complaining about your degree and kidneys,” he told her softly “I brought you coffee.”
Aelin chuckled against his chest. She did remember exactly the day “that was when I started to fall for you.”
“Tell me,” he said, his lips brushing her hair.
“Somehow you had memorised my schedule,” she began her tale “so you would pop up in the library and keep me company studying. You with your laws and me with my crazy med stuff.” She looked up at him and found her husband staring at her “during my anatomy exam you offered to be my skeleton and I revised on you.” She flicked his nose and the gentle flinch of his nose reminded her so much of him, his usual reaction “At the end of a crazy exam you brought me cake and once my session of exams was over you asked me out.”
Rowan gave her a weak smile and she could see the tiredness in his face “you asked me to move in with you on my birthday and my present were the keys to your flat. I moved out of mine the next day and Aedion moved in with Lysandra and took my place.”
“Are we good friends with them?” He asked with interest. So far they had never discussed their friends and he thought it was time to try.
Aelin nodded “Aedion is my cousin. Lys and I were flatmates and she is my best friend.” Her hand brushed his hair once again, the gesture was relaxing and Rowan seemed to enjoy it too, his features much more relaxed “then we have Lorcan and Elide and the six of us kinda form a nice tight group.”
“Do they know about my condition?”
Aelin nodded “I explained to them and the only reason they haven’t visited is because I knew it was going to be too much so I told them to wait.”
“Thank you,” he said softly while his hand brushed her back “I can’t just yet.”
Aelin nodded again and his expression morphed as if he wanted to ask her something but hesitate. His hand moved “can I?” And Aelin knew what he meant. She took his hand and pushed it under her t-shirt and on her tiny baby bump “I don’t know yet if it’s a girl or a boy. I have a check up in two weeks and will see if we can find out the sex.”
His thumb moved gently as if to greet their child with his free hand he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he said a bit too quietly.
“I should let you rest,” Aelin tried to move but his hand grabbed her writs and pulled her back down against him. He had been enjoying that moment they had shared. His arms went around her frame and pulled her to him. 
“You love to cuddle.”
“Do I?” He told her rising an eyebrow.
“Sometimes when mum takes the kids we do enjoy a lot of naked, adult cuddling.”
Rowan’s heart raced in terror “I am not…” he stopped “I can’t yet.”
“Shh…” said Aelin, placing a gentle finger on his lips “We are not doing anything you do not want to do.” She told him with love.
He pulled her even closer and tucked her head under his chin, and the position felt familiar all of a sudden, her scent enveloping his nostrils. Everything about her felt familiar, the shape of her body against his, her scent, they way she fit perfectly in his arms.
They were in silence for a moment until two small cyclones joined them.
“Dad.” Shouted Thomas quite loudly and Rowan groaned, his head not appreciating the decibels coming from his son.
“Quiet, Tom, dad is not well.”
The little boy zipped his lips and climbed in bed. Freyja padded to her father’s side and extended her arms in a gesture to be picked up. Rowan turned and lifted his daughter in his arms and pushed her under the blankets with Thomas and Aelin joined them a moment later.
“We are keeping company to dad but we need to be quiet. Can we do that?”
Thomas nodded eagerly and Freyja kept sucking on her pacifier. The little girl climbed on her father chest and Rowan rolled on his back to help her curl up properly. Thomas was tucked in at his side and Aelin’s arm reached over and enveloped them.
“Sorry, they really missed you.”
Rowan shook his head “this feels really nice and normal.”
Aelin smiled and brushed Thomas’ hair “believe me on a weekend it is, and if I am not working the four of us love a long morning in bed together.”
He chuckled and loved the image “What about the names?”
Aelin grabbed Freyja’s hand in her and kissed it “Thomas was a character in a sci-fi series that we both love. He is an Admiral and quite amazing. He is actually my fictional husband. Freyja, we took it from a mythology book.”
Rowan laughed “so I have competition.”
“Can you be an admiral?”
“I order you to kiss me, soldier.” Rowan felt a smile tug at his lips and Aelin stared at him with fondness. Then leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his lips.
“Bleah,” said Thomas in protest. Aelin stamped a big kiss on his cheek “feeling better now?” And the boy grinned and climbed down from the bed “lego.” And he ran away.
Aelin sighed “he has a lot of energy.” And now that her son space had been vacated she scooted closer to Rowan and her hand was on the girl’s back on top of Rowan’s.
“I love the kids. It’s been only a few days but I love them madly already.” He whispered looking down at his sleeping daughter. Then back at Aelin and for a brief moment he saw sadness in her eyes. Loving the kids had been easy. His feelings for her were far more complicated. He felt something but could not put a name on it yet.
“With you is…” he paused, searching for the right words. He had caused enough pain already “complicated. There is something, I can feel it, but I don’t know if it’s just the memories or my actual feelings.” His hand ran through his hair “I don’t know how to explain it clearly.”
Aelin kissed his forehead tenderly. For as much as she wanted her husband back, she was not going to rush him. He would need time and she was willing to wait. She had waited at his bedside for so long to have him awake again that she was happy to take even the small acts of affection he was willing to give her.
“I want you to have your husband back, and I am trying…”
“Shhh…” she said to him, a gentle kiss on his lips “I have him back, and I can see more of him coming back everyday. You don’t realise it but he is there.” She patted his chest “My husband is right here in my arms.”
Rowan’s hand grabbed the back of her head and pulled her to him for a fierce kiss. Aelin melted at the contact. The kiss felt like coming home and for a moment it swept away all her fears.
“Does your husband kiss you like that?” The smirk on his face and his playful tone was him and she pulled back, coming up for air. 
“Seems like you remember this part very well.”
“It does help that my wife is stunning.”
Aelin smiled. He had called her his wife. Had he accepted his life? Had he accepted them?
She looked at him in his pine green eyes looking for an answer.
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
Not-So-Perfect Delivery
Pairing: Matt Casey x reader
Summary: Y/N goes into labor, and Matt isn’t responding to his phone because he’s at work trying to put out one of the biggest fires of his career
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: description of labor, swearing
Word Count: 1,256 Words
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“Take a few deep breaths,” Sylvie told me as I was having another contraction. I inhaled deeply, exhaling a few seconds later, but the contraction still hurt like hell, and they were about 10 minutes apart.
“Any word from Matt yet?” I ask softly.
Sylvie shook her head. “I’ve texted and called him dozens of times, but he hasn’t responded or picked up. Chances are they’re out on a call. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”
“He better be. I need him here,” I say.
“Why don’t we take another walk around the floor?” Sylvie suggested. 
“Okay. Just let this contraction pass,” I mumble and take another deep breath. When the contraction had passed, Sylvie helped me out of bed and led me out of the room. I held onto the IV at my side for dear life as Sylvie and I took a few laps around the floor. On our 4th lap, we ran into Dr. Halstead.
“Hey, Y/N. I heard you were in today. Should we be expecting a baby sometime soon?” Will asked me.
“Not until my husband gets here, which better be soon or else I’m going to beat his ass,” I answer as another contraction hit me. I sucked in a breath, tightening my hold on my IV. It took about a minute for the contraction to pass, but once it did, I let out the breath I was holding. “Being a women sucks.”
“I don’t know how to respond to that,” Will said. “And by the way, being a man sucks way more.”
“Are you serious right now?” I ask. “Until I see a man carry a child or give birth to a watermelon sized object through a coin sized hole, they have it easy.”
“Point taken. Well, I’ve got to get back to rounds, but if I see Matt, I’ll send him up,” Will informed me.
30 Minutes Later...
“Sylvie, call Matt again,” I say and clutch onto the bed rail as another contraction hit me. I groaned out in pain and tried to do some breathing to calm myself down, but nothing was working. The only reason I had chosen the natural birth route was because Matt was supposed to be here holding my hand and telling me that everything was going to be okay. But right now, nothing was okay.
Sylvie sighed. “He didn’t pick up.”
“Sylvie, I can’t have this baby without him. Matt needs to be here,” I admit.
“I know,” Sylvie said and took a hold of my hand. “But if it comes down to it, you’re going to have to deliver this baby without him.” Just then, Natalie walked into the room, glancing down at her tablet.
“Hey, Y/N. I just came to see how far you’re dilated,” Natalie spoke and set her tablet down, putting on some gloves. She then reached under my blanket and slipped her fingers into my cervix. Usually I would have flinched, but because my contractions were about 2 minutes apart, and I was already in constant pain, I didn’t feel a thing. “It looks like you’re 10cm dilated. The baby is ready to come out.”
“No,” I murmur and shake my head. “Matt isn’t here yet.”
“Y/N,” Nat started.
“Just give me 5 minutes, Nat. After that, we can start. Please,” I plead.
Natalie sighed. “Fine, but only 5 minutes.” For some reason, I had dilated way quicker than the average woman. Instead of being in labor for 12 hours, I was only in it for 4, but that didn’t make it any less painful.
“Thank you,” I mumble and reach for my phone. Once I had it in my hands, I dialed Matt’s number and held it up to my ear. “Come on, Matt. Pick up. Pick up.”
Matt’s POV
I stared up at the tower of flames engulfing the office building we were called to, watching as the smoke drifted into the sky. My eyes scanned the area for my men, and after only seeing Hermann and Mouch, I got slightly worried. My radio was in my hand quicker than expected, and I held it up to my lips.
“Otis, Cruz, where are you guys? This house is about to collapse. I need you to evacuate now,” I order.
“Sorry, Lieutenant. We found a woman trapped in the break room. We’re coming out now,” Cruz spoke through over the radio just as him and Otis exited the front door holding a woman in between them.
“Casey!” Chief Boden shouted and waved me over to where he was standing.
“What’s up, Chief?” I ask.
“I just got a call from Brett. Apparently Y/N has been trying to contact you for hours,” Boden informed me.
“Oh. Well my phone is in the truck. I haven’t had a chance to look at it since we’ve been trying to put this fire out for the past few hours. Did Brett say what Y/N needed?” I question.
“Yeah. Y/N’s in labor at Chicago Med,” Boden told me. “If I were you, I’d get over there. Take my car. I’ll ride over there with the rest of the firehouse once we put this fire out.”
“Thank you, Chief,” I say.
“You can do this, Y/N. Just a few more pushes,” Natalie said.
“I can’t,” I murmur.
“Yes you can. I believe in you,” Sylvie spoke and gave my hand a soft squeeze. I took a few deep breaths, and as soon as another contraction came, I brought my chin to my chest and pushed with everything I had. The pain was almost unbearable, but I kept pushing as hard as I could.
“That’s it, Y/N. The head is out. Just one more push and your baby will be here,” Natalie explained. I nodded and took another deep breath, and when the next contraction came a minute later, I gave it my all. As I pushed, it felt as if all of the pressure on my stomach had been released, and seconds later, crying pierced the air. “Congratulations. You’ve got a beautiful baby boy.”
“I knew you could do it,” Sylvie stated. I smiled as Natalie stood up and placed the baby against my chest. I could already tell that he had Matt’s nose.
“Welcome to the world buddy,” I whisper to the baby. A few minutes later, after my baby had been cleaned up, and I was situated in bed, Matt burst into the room.
“I got here as fast as I could,” Matt exclaimed.
“You’re a little late,” I tell him.
“I know. I’m sorry,” Matt confessed. That’s when he saw the baby in my arms. “Is that...?”
I nodded. “We’ve got a son.” Matt smiled and walked closer to my bed to get a better look at him. “Here. Hold him,” I say. I passed the baby over to Matt, who held him comfortably in his arms.
“I love you,” Matt breathed out.
“I love you too,” I confirm.
“So, what did you guys decide to name him?” Kelly asked as him and the rest of Firehouse 51 gathered in my hospital room.
“Everyone, meet Hayden Brett Casey,” Matt disclosed.
“Brett? As in...” Sylvie couldn’t even find the right words.
“As in you, Sylvie,” I clarify. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
Sylvie smiled and leaned over to hold Hayden’s tiny hand. “Well, Hayden, let me be the first to welcome you to the Firehouse 51 family.”
“You’re going to love it. I promise,” I whisper to Hayden and kiss the side of his head.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13
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purple-dahlias · 3 years
“What’s the point?” for recovering!au?
thank you for the request! sorry this has taken such a long time to get out,  but it’s here now! 
trigger warning for eating disorders, relapse and hospitals  
“You heading for the OR?” Connor asks, falling into step beside Ava as they exit the lifts together.
“Yep,” confirms Ava. “Got another CABG scheduled. Been almost practically back to back all afternoon. How about you?”
“Surprisingly, I’m free now. Patient cancellation.”
“Lucky you,” Ava grins as her phone pings in her pocket.
Taking it out, her eyes scan the notification, smile dying on her lips.
“Ava?” Connor asks, concern filling his voice as he eyes the expression on Ava’s face.
“It’s Sarah,” she manages, the words heavy in her mouth. “She collapsed in the ED.”
“Again?” Connor remembers the last time this happened, a little over four months ago.
Ava nods, knowing exactly what Connor is thinking. “I have to go,” she says finally. “Could you—“
Connor doesn’t let her finish her sentence.
“Go,” he says, placing a hand over her shoulder. “I’ll take your surgery.”
“Thank you,” Ava whispers, gratitude in her eyes as Connor waves her thanks away, nudging her gently back in the direction of the lifts.
“Let me know how she’s doing, yeah?” She hears him call as she steps into the lift, anxiety filling every inch of her.
The last three or so weeks had been insanely busy, for both Ava and Sarah, what with the way their shifts had worked out. It had meant in the end the two had always ended up missing each other, with one leaving as the other arrived, or one returning when the other was preparing to go. And with that, there had been little communication, other than perhaps a passing hello in the corridor, a kiss goodbye, or a hug before having to get out of bed at some ungodly hour. So having this knowledge, and with what she had just learnt, Ava knew this was a red flag. She knows almost exactly why Sarah had collapsed, and it’s hard for her not to blame herself.
Maybe, she thinks, if she had made more of an effort to ask, had paid more attention, had passed over some of her surgeries or post-ops to Connor, anything so that she could have been there more, she might have seen the signs.
She hopes, oh how she hopes she is wrong, and that this is completely unrelated, and that she is blowing this out of proportion, that there is some other, alternative reason.
But she just can’t shake the sick feeling that pools in her stomach as she exits the lifts beyond the Emergency Department.
She’s wracking her brain, trying to think of any rhyme or reason why this could have happened, if indeed it is what she thinks it is: the thought she just can’t seem to rid her mind of, the one that she keeps coming back to.
“Where is she, Maggie?” Ava asks, on seeing the charge nurse.
“Treatment four,” she hears, and doesn’t stick around for any more, heading straight there, heart beating at what she knows is well beyond the normal rate.
Ava pulls back the curtain to find April adjusting an IV line, while Natalie scrolls through what must be Sarah’s test results on her iPad, concern written across her face.
But her eyes fall on Sarah, lying there, looking so small and frail in her hospital gown.
“What happened?” Ava demands, and April leads her outside, just beyond the curtain, with Natalie following.
“Natalie called her down for a consult. Things were okay until she collapsed right there in front of the patient. Scared us all half to death,” April informs her softly.
“You might want to see these,” Natalie says, and Ava doesn’t miss the sadness in her tone as Natalie hands her the tablet.
It’s just what she had thought they would show, and Ava shakes her head, blinking back tears as she sees how much damage had been done, how much progress had been reversed in just 3 short weeks.
“According to her charts it looks like she’s missed her last two appointments with Dr Richardson. Did you know things were bad with her?” Natalie asks, a hand to Ava’s shoulder, and Ava feels like the worst person in the world.
“No,” she hears herself say, though it doesn’t sound at all like her voice.
This is all your fault. If you had paid more attention, this wouldn’t have happened.
“Ava,” she hears Natalie, noting how the doctor had switched to the voice she often heard her use with paediatric patients. “None of this is your fault.”
It’s as though she can read her mind.
“But it is. Sarah is supposed to be my responsibility,” Ava hates the way her voice sounds, broken, as she runs a hand through her hair.
“Some things you can’t control,” April says beside her. Ava knows she means well, but it’s all just wrong and backwards. Because for Sarah, this was all about control. Ironic, really.
“For now,” Natalie begins, that coaxing voice back, “you should just be with her.”
Ava just nods, letting the curtain fall behind her as April and Natalie take their leave.
She takes a shuddering breath and drags the stool to Sarah’s bedside, where she sits, taking hold of the thin, limp hand of her girlfriend.
“Ava?” Comes a voice, weak beside her, and Ava swears that if she wasn’t a cardiothoracic surgeon, she would have thought her heart had stopped.
“I’m right here, Sarah,” Ava tells her, squeezing her hand gently.
“Where am I?” Sarah asks, a little groggily.
“In the ED. April said you fainted.”
“Oh,” returns Sarah, her voice small, panic filling her face as she notices the IV line in her hand.
“Hey, hey, relax,” Ava croons, taking hold of both Sarah’s hands when she sees how distressed she is. “It’s just some fluids to help give you your strength back. You need them, okay bokkie,” Ava continues, using the pet name.
“No, I don’t! What’s the point?” Sarah cries out, every word punctuated with an agony that pierces Ava’s very soul.
“Nothing I do will work and I’m just so tired. I’m a psychiatrist. I know this is bad! I shouldn’t be having this problem. Ava you know I try, but…” Sarah trails off, and Ava can’t help but notice the way Sarah runs a finger over her clavicle, a subconscious habit she had.
“Sarah, I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this must be for you,” Ava begins after a pause. “But—“
“Then don’t,” Sarah grits out, harshly, cutting Ava off. “Please, Ava, just go,” Sarah practically begs, bunching up the thin bed sheets and turning to face away from her.
Ava sits there, a few moments longer, until it becomes clear that this won’t be going anywhere, that Sarah isn’t ready to talk.
Twisting her hands, she lets out a sigh she hopes is mostly silent.
“Okay,” she says, willing the heaviness in her voice not to be too pronounced. Ava stands and moves to adjust Sarah’s pillow just how she likes it, the only way she can think of right now to give Sarah a little more comfort. “But Sarah,” Ava gently tells her, “I’m here for you, okay. No matter what. Please know that.”
There’s no response. Not even a shift in the bedsheets. And if the machine monitoring Sarah’s vitals wasn’t still beeping quietly in the background, well, Ava doesn’t want to give much rise to that particular thought.
With a final kiss to the top of Sarah’s head, a last attempt to let her know she is here, Ava turns to leave, drawing the curtains back around Sarah.
“Well?” Natalie asks her from her position at the nursing station, breaking away from a conversation with Maggie.
Ava just shakes her head. She doesn’t know quite what to say. What does one say? Besides, Ava really doesn’t wan to have to talk right now. With anyone. All she can think about is how much she had let Sarah down. How she should have been paying attention. And now she couldn’t even get Sarah to talk, much less get to the bottom of what triggered this.
It’s windy up on the balcony, and the evening is drawing in as Ava stares out onto the city of Chicago, a hundred thousand lights twinkling below. There’s still no more word from Sarah herself. Only that Ava can gather loud and clear she wants to be left alone. Which is especially hard to know.
“Hey,” a voice says beside her, making Ava jump. The fact she didn’t even hear him coming is a telltale sign something is wrong. Ava normally never misses anything.
“Your CABG went off without a hitch,” he begins lightly, trying to gauge Ava’s mood.
“Wish I could say the same about other things,” Ava deadpans, staring off into the distance, her focus on nothing in particular.
“How’s Sarah?” Connor frowns, leaning against the railing.
“Nat messaged to say she’s being transferred up to a bed to stay overnight for observation. She still doesn’t want to see me.” It comes out a little cold, detached. And honestly, Ava’s just feeling more than a little numb right now, so that assessment it’s about right.
“She’ll come ‘round,” Connor assures, putting an arm around Ava, who leans into him.
“Ooh my ears are burning,” comes a familiar voice from behind.
“Oh, hey Nat,” Ava manages a weak, sort of washed-out smile.
“How are you holding up?”
How was she? How did one answer that? How was someone dealing with all of this supposed to be?
Connor’s phone buzzes, breaking the silence.
“It’s Latham,” he says, checking.
“You’d better go,” Ava tells him, grateful for the diversion.
“It’s gonna be okay, Aves. You’re gonna get through this. You both are.”
“Thanks,” Ava sniffs as Connor pulls her into a tight hug, wanting desperately to believe his every word.
And then he’s gone.
“How’s Sarah,” Ava asks, eyes trained on the spot Connor had just vacated. She’s almost afraid to hear the answer.
“Pretty much the same. I’ve paged Dr Charles though. I hope you don’t mind?”
Ava shakes her head sadly. “Maybe he’ll have better luck than me.”
“Oh, Ava,” Natalie hums, holding her close, up there on the balcony. She doesn’t even care that Nat is probably using some of the tactics she uses on kids down in the ED. Because all Ava wants to do is believe things will be okay.
“How about I drive you back to yours so we can grab some things for Sarah?” Natalie suggests, filling the silence, smoothing Ava’s hair.
Ava agrees with a small nod. That seems like a logical suggestion. And in any case, she’s not sure she should be driving herself anywhere right now.
“Great,” Natalie says softly, her arms still safely around Ava. “And Ava, I promise you: everything will work out. It may not seem like it right now, but it will.”
There’s a fierceness in her voice, and Ava just clings to her. She wants to believe her. Wants it to be true with her whole heart. Because it has to be.
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TA, dr and other abbreviations
Neil x Reader
summary: some time ago, Neil was a TA at your uni, now you meet up again when he needs your help with his next mission
+ song: Chase Atlantic - Friends
warnings: language, alcohol mention, things get steamy so let’s say 18+
author’s note: that request was fun! 👀 I’ve enjoyed the dynamic between those two, so I decided to try something different in terms of the writing style. 
This is also the first one-shot not related to Stuck in Reverse series, can you believe?
Let me know what you think!
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Your eyes dart towards your lab’s door, your brows raise at the sight of a familiar face. Your day just got a whole lot better.
“Good afternoon, I’m looking for doctor-...” a man at the door glances at you and he skips a beat, clearly trying to remember where does he know you from.
You don’t feel like helping him to figure it out though. To be fair, you’ve changed quite a lot over those last 10 years. You smile to yourself as you think about your younger self, always so anxious and flustered in Neil’s presence. If only she could see you now. She would appreciate the glow-up, that’s for sure.
God, you used to have the biggest crush on him. Not that he knew about it, of course. He was 8 years older than you, also he was a TA during your uni time. You talked sometimes, but that was all, you knew he was seeing someone back then; you settled down for daydreaming about his blue eyes and dying a bit inside whenever you saw him.
And now he’s here, still as hot and gorgeous as ever.
You put on your most polite expression, fighting the smug grin from appearing on your face.
“While I kinda enjoy seeing your puzzled face, I’m also quite busy, so I'm gonna give you a tip – your little TA gig a few years ago.”
Neil’s gaze flares up as he looks you up and down, still a bit confused, trying to match the image he remembers to your present look. 
He blinks twice, composes himself, and proceeds with his request for your aid.
When he leans over your desk and shows you the mission’s brief on his tablet, you notice that he wears the same cologne as he used to all those years ago. Your heart flutters in your chest, but definitely not in that old, nervous way. You chew on your bottom lip, trying to stay focused on Neil’s words. You must admit, the sudden change in dynamic is thrilling. As you help him go through some of the details regarding his next assignment, you wonder if you’re gonna see him more frequently from now on.
You certainly wouldn’t mind.
This time, the Universe smiles upon you.
Neil pops into your lab more and more often. 
At first, it’s all related to work. 
After some time, you begin to wonder if he doesn’t look for just any excuse to come over. You don’t care though, you really enjoy his company. 
And it seems like Neil’s grown quite fond of you himself. 
Now that he’s finally wrapped his mind around the new you, his blue eyes always light up in your presence. You don’t even realize the exact moment when his usual charming demeanor becomes straight up flirtatious. 
But when you notice that change, oh my, the game is on.
Well, he still keeps it all professional, of course. 
It’s the little things. That slight change of posture. The accidental brush of his fingers on your hand when he passes you things. Or that light touch on your shoulder when you both lean over the desk and go through some papers needed for his missions. 
The intense stare right into your eyes, with a corner of his lips twitched in a half-smile. 
But you can give as good as you get. 
The way you tilt your head and expose your neck when he’s standing close. Taking that little extra step in his direction when you talk, stopping at the verge of his personal space as you watch him hold his breath for a second. A bit of playful teasing, sometimes involving light tugs at his tie.
And that last thing always ends up with Neil almost forgetting the tongue in his mouth. Almost. 
...Sometimes you ask yourself if you’re not having too much fun when he’s around. You’re at work, after all.
It’s one of those evenings. You should’ve gone home a long time ago, instead, you’re hanging out with Neil, talking about everything and nothing in particular.
Your phone beeps. You read a short message and you muse over it for a moment. You know that your companion is gonna leave soon, late-night mission or whatever; the suggestion to blow off steam you’ve received sounds like just what you need. 
You meet Neil’s curious look and you realize you’ve let a sly grin appear on your face.
You shrug.
“A booty call,” you say in the most casual tone.
A hint of satisfaction flashes in your eyes when you watch Neil’s very conflicted expression. You bite your lip to stifle a giggle. He’s adorable.
He crosses his arms, the corners of his mouth curl.
“Does that happen often?”
“Oh darling, a lady never kisses and tells. Why, do you want in on the list?” you tease, narrowing your eyes.
His eyebrow quirks. “There is a list, huh?”
“Is that a yes?” you grin, mimicking his raised brow.
He walks up to your desk and slowly reaches past you for his jacket, hung on the back of your seat.
And as his face gets right next to your ear-...
When he pulls back and you see his blue eyes, how dark they are, it takes all your self-control to keep a straight face. But the question escapes your mouth anyway.
“See you later this week?” 
You mentally kick yourself for this moment of weakness.
“Hm,” he gives you a peculiar smile on his way out. 
Well, that wasn't exactly a yes.
At the door, he shoots you a quick look over his shoulder.
“Have fun.”
...does he seem a little pissed-off to you? 
And you have fun that night, all right. 
Even though all you can think about are those blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.
Then, Neil doesn’t show up for the next couple of days.
For a moment, you get tempted to check on him at the HQ, but you scoff at yourself. He’s a big boy, he can handle himself. 
When he finally walks into your lab, something feels different. 
You can’t put your finger on it. 
In the beginning, he’s just so official and it irks you. But you look into his eyes and… it almost seems like he’s taunting you. And it makes your heart increase its pace. 
Oh, you see how it is. 
On top of it all, he’s so annoying today.
He sits on the chair, loosening his tie, his legs spread, his gaze locked on you. 
After yet another snarky comment, you grit your teeth, trying to focus on the documents in front of you. 
“Neil, if you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.”
And he does. He does, leaning back on the chair with a smug smile. 
So... now what?
You scoff and close in on him.
“Why are you like this?” you utter, reaching for his tie.
The innocent look in his eyes.
“Like what?”
You give his tie a tug.
And then that bastard runs the tongue over his lower lip and smirks.
Next thing you know, you straddle him on the chair, burying your fingers in his hair as his mouth crushes on yours. Neil wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer. The urgency of the kiss takes your breath away. You rock your hips and you brush against the bulk in his trousers, and oh god, it feels so good. Your head arches back. Neil’s breath and his lips on your neck drive you wild. You need him, right here, right now. You cling on to him for your dear life as you move your hips again and a sharp moan escapes his mouth. 
The abrupt knock on your door makes you both jump at your feet, trying to level your breaths. 
“Mate, I’ve been looking for you everywhere! Why the fuck are you not answering your phone, eh?”
As Ives enters the room, his eyes dart between the two of you, a wicked grin plastered on his face.
“Ah shit, I hope I am not interrupting?”
You roll your eyes as Neil simply glares at him.
The moment is gone, and so are they, leaving for yet another emergency operation.
A few days later, your friends take you out for drinks, and you definitely have one too many. 
…Or a few too many. 
You end up standing at Neil’s apartment door, pressing the doorbell excessively long.
He opens up, looking you up and down with an amused smile.
You poke him in the chest.
“Consider yourself booty-called.”
You giggle as you watch his eyes widen.
Neil clenches his jaw and takes a step back.
“Jesus... Come in?”
He takes your coat and you make your way inside. 
You are way past caring about small talks and whatnot. You pull on his shirt, trying to guide him towards that rather comfy looking couch. 
One more step. 
You want to kiss him, but Neil puts a finger on your mouth and shakes his head.
“What? I thought you wanted in on the list?” you ask as you sit down on the couch, your brows furrowed.
“Not like this.”
Wow, now your pride is hurt a little.
“Fine, I’m going home then,” you pout and try to get up quickly.
You underestimate the amount of alcohol in your system though, so you yelp and fall back. 
“You’re not going anywhere in this state,” he scoffs.
Why is he the way that he is?
“I’ll get you some coffee, make yourself comfortable.”
And so you do. You toss your shoes away and rest your head on one of the pillows. 
You close your eyes just for a second.
You open them up again when Neil covers you with a blanket. 
To be honest, you’re way too tired and cozy to argue.
When you notice the soft look in his blue eyes, your heart melts in your chest.
And because all your filters are off at this point, you say, “I really like you, you know?”
He chuckles and places a small kiss on the tip of your nose.
“Tell me that when you’re sober.”
The next morning… well, let’s just say that you wish the sun was shining a bit more quietly.
Neil glances at you from the kitchen.
You don’t know what hits you first – the pounding headache or the nauseating dread at the thought of what’s happened last night.
“Fuck me,” you groan, hiding your face in your palms. 
And what do you hear in response?
“With pleasure. But how about we eat breakfast first?”
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sunmoonandeddie · 4 years
and grace, my fears relieved
pairing: steve rogers x reader
word count: 2,623
summary: You meet someone new in the most unlikely of ways during the quarantine in New York City.  A hospital isn’t the worst place to meet someone, right?
chapter warnings: swearing, both steve and the reader have covid-19, but neither die
a/n: Let me know what you think!
The virus started out inconspicuously enough, with just a few cases here and there that everyone assumed would be quarantined and taken care of, but Steve was paranoid.  How could he not be?
He’d been a sick kid.  Real sick.  And then when he was a teenager, he got some revolutionary kind of treatment for his heart and lungs and it was like his entire body had been kickstarted.  He shot up a foot taller and gained over a hundred pounds.
He had the stretch marks to prove it.
Granted, he had to work a little to gain as much as he did.  After the treatment, the weight gaining workouts and diet plans suddenly worked.  He looked… normal.  And then he buffed up.  Real big.
It came in handy pretty often with his job.  He had become a firefighter, and carrying people out of burning buildings was often part of the job.
Fires still happened in a quarantine.  If anything, they happened more frequently because people were home and the number one cause of house fires was unattended cooking.  A parent could be cooking any meal of the day and then their kid distracts them and boom.  Fire.
So he worked overtime, day in and day out.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t scared.  He was scared shitless.
It was like his ma used to say, back when she was alive, “Just because you’re scared doesn’t mean you run away.  You fight back for what’s right.”
Sarah Rogers had been a lot smarter than people assumed.  She was a former socialite, and an Irish Catholic one at that.  Her parents had an absolute conniption when she’d fallen in love with a former convict.  His dad had been in and out of jail for petty things.
It certainly hadn’t been her choice to fall in love with him.  But she had told him that if he didn’t get his act together, she wasn’t going to be with him.
He’d straightened himself up and become an outstanding citizen.
But that hadn’t stopped her family from disowning her.  Once she refused to break up with him, she was out.  Out of their house, out of their wills, everything.
She went from wearing Valentino and Chanel to items picked out at Goodwill.
But Steve’s parents had loved him more than anything.
He’d become a firefighter just like his dad.  He wanted to help people just like him, and well… That’s what he was doing now.
Or had been, until his throat had started to hurt.  And when it hadn’t let up three days later, even after a plethora of cough drops and teas, he went to the hospital.
It had only been about a month since it really started and the first dozen cases showed up in New York City.  He’d been cautious—overly cautious, some might say—but he still had to go to work.  And who knows how many people he’d come into contact with that had the virus?
It was still early days.  He was able to get the test, and for that, he was lucky.
But then he had to go home and wait.
And then he got the call.  He had to immediately go back to the hospital to be quarantined.  He’d been put in a hospital room that was usually used as a private room in the Emergency Room—a trauma room, they called it.  Trauma Room 2.
All of their other hospital rooms were taken.  It was a lot worse than anyone had let on.
He was there for about twenty minutes before you got there, clearly terrified and holding a duffel bag full of clothes so you wouldn’t just have to wear the scratchy ass hospital gowns.
He’d only thought to bring two different pairs of sweatpants and a few sweatshirts, as well as his usual pairs of jeans.
But he was quickly finding that those weren’t too comfortable to wear while being quarantined.
Maybe he’d be able to convince someone to run down to the hospital gift shop to grab him something to wear.  Some Brooklyn Hospital sweats or something.
He looked up from his tablet, looking for the source of the voice.  God, he was so tired.  And everything hurt.  There was only so much that honey could do for his voice.
“Hey!  Over here!”  The voice broke off into a coughing fit, and it sounded nasty.  Real nasty.  The kind of coughing that hacks up a lung.
He gets up out of his bed with a grunt, feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.  And not the big, strong shoulders he had no.  The weak little skinny ones he had before.  The ones where he could barely lift a gallon of milk in each hand without getting overworked.
You’re sitting on the ground, taking deep breaths as you try to catch your breath.  “Hey,” you said with a weak smile.  “You got any cough drops?  I ran out and my nurse said she was gonna try to find me more two hours ago.”
There’s no medicine available to treat the virus.  So they just treat the symptoms.
And there’s a severe shortage of cough medicine amongst the patients, but no one really mentioned that.
“Yeah,” he said as he walked over to his little bedside table.  He opened the drawer, pushing the Bible left inside to the side and grabbing the cough drops.  He grabbed four little individually wrapped pieces before dragging his feet back to the doorway.
He couldn’t lie, sitting down looked really nice right at that moment.  His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest just from walking that short distance.  So he sunk to his knees and leaned back against the doorframe, on the opposite side that you were.
Even though he’d become a firefighter like his dad, he didn’t understand how he could have such a strong faith in God when things like this happened.  Sitting across from you, seeing how tired and run down you looked, he wasn’t sure he believed at all.  How could a God that claimed to be so benevolent and loving do this?  Or at least not step in and do something to stop it?
“Did you bring the goods?” You asked with a bit of a laugh, before breaking off into a deep cough.  “Fuck…”
“Me, too,” he said softly as he grabbed one of the cough drops and tossed it in your direction.
You groaned as it landed behind you, shooting him a glare.  “Do I look like a basketball player to you?”
Steve let out a snort as he grabbed another one.  “Okay, are you ready this time?” He asked, raising a single blonde brow.
“Oh, my god, yes.  Please, just throw it,” you said, but there was a slight grin toying at the corner of your mouth.
“What’s the magic word?” He asked.  This was, quite honestly, the most fun he’d had in ages.
You gave him a look that said you’d kill him if he didn’t give you a cough drop.  “Give me a cough drop before I break down sobbing because it hurts so bad?” You deadpanned.
“Okay, okay.  No need to get dramatic,” he said before he tossed another one.  This one hit your forehead before falling into your lap.
“If you want dramatic, I can turn into a Disney princess right now,” you giggled.  Your voice was weak, but it was hard to muster up the energy to talk sometimes.  Actually, not even sometimes.  Most times.
He watched you for a minute as you worked the wrapper of the cough drop off and popped it into your mouth.  “I’m Steve.  Steve Rogers.”
“Well, hello, Steve.  Steve Rogers,” you said with a giggle, your words slightly distorted from the hard candy in your mouth.  You gave him your name as he tossed you the other two cough drops.
It was nice to have someone to talk to.  It had been four days since the two of you entered the hospital before you had called out to him.  And yeah, he still had his phone.  He texted and called Bucky everyday, but it wasn’t the same as having a face-to-face conversation.
It also kinda helped that you were really, really pretty, even when you were sick and exhausted.
In fact, he couldn’t remember anyone that he thought was as pretty as you.
“Stevie?” You said a week and a half later.  It had gotten worse.  So much worse.  You had breathing tubes in, as well as an IV.  His wasn’t as bad.  He just required the IV.
Your nurses tried to get you to stay in your beds, but they soon gave up the fight, choosing instead to help the both of you move your chairs so you could talk to each other, separated by a hallway.
“Yeah, doll face?”  Steve’s heart was hurting as he watched you with sad blue eyes. You were wrapped up in one of his hoodies, drowning in the fabric.  He’d gotten Bucky to run by his apartment and grab him some more comfortable clothes, though he’d had to leave it with a doctor and wasn’t allowed to see him.
They couldn’t risk it. “They’re talking about a second wave,” you said as you wrapped your blanket tighter around you, pulling your knees up to your chest.  “They wanna start opening things in late May…  But it’s too early…  I…”  You swallowed thickly, your heart pounding against your rib cage.  “I’m so scared, Stevie.”
“Hey…”  There was nothing he wanted more than to be able to walk across the hall and take you into his arms.  “Whatever happens, you’ve got me.  You hear me?  We’re in this together, okay?  And we’re gonna make it.  We’re gonna make it because we gotta.”
That night, he waited for the lights to go out and for the nurses to switch over to the night shift.  A lot of the nurses weren’t as vigilant about taking care of them as the day shift, and he knew he could use that to his advantage.
He knew this was risky, but he had to do it.
Steve carefully got out of bed and dragged his monitor behind him, taking slow measured steps.  He’d waited about an hour after rounds, knowing that they wouldn’t be coming for another three.  It gave him plenty of time.  He tiptoed across the hall after ensuring that the coast was clear, slipping into your room.
The room was bathed in a soft blue light coming from the open curtains, a billboard outside flashing.  You looked so peaceful, finally asleep after tossing back and forth for hours.  The blue tones glistened against your soft skin.  You were so quiet that his eyes instinctively flickered over to the heart monitor, listening to the quiet beeping that reassured him that you were alive.
He wobbled the chair over to the side of your bed, being careful not to drag it so it didn’t squeak and alert a nurse or doctor.  When it was finally in place, he sunk into it with a relieved sigh.
Your nose scrunched up at the faint noise.
“Dollface,” he whispered as he gently caressed your cheek, his heart pounding.  This was the first time he’d ever gotten to touch you.  This was the first time he’d been close enough to even attempt it.
Your eyes fluttered open, blinking sleepily at him.  “Stevie?”
“Hey…,” he said softly as he traced the patterns of her face.  “It’s me…  Don’t worry…”
“What are you doing here?” You asked, her voice a hoarse whisper.  “We’re supposed to be—”
“I know,” he said as he gently scratched your scalp.  “But I’m worried…  And you need me.”
You slowly relaxed back against your pillow as your eyes searched his face.  He liked when you were soft like this.
Well, he liked you all the time, but still.  He liked you most when you were sleepy and relaxed.
“How are you feeling?”
With a shrug, you let your eyes close again.  “I don’t know…  I’ve been better.”  A sigh escaped your lips as you opened your eyes again, trying your best to not melt too far into him.  You didn’t want to fall asleep when this was the first time you’d gotten to feel him near.  “We’re lucky… Our cases aren’t as bad as what others are going through…”
That was true.  Others were on respirators, going into comas.  You two were lucky.
And he was so grateful for that.
“I was thinking…,” he murmured.
A snort.  “That’s never good.”
He gave you a look, raising his brows.  “Apparently people aren’t… completely better even after they’re cleared of the virus…,” he said.  He was watching your face carefully for any sign of a reaction.  “And I live alone.  And you said you have roommates but two of them are considered essential workers, which means there’s a risk of you getting it again…  And I was just thinking…”
“Yeah?...” You probed, sitting up a little.
“We’re gonna need someone to help us… without risking the others that we love, and I just…”  He coughed to clear his throat, his cheeks red.  “I was thinking maybe you could move in for a little while?  Maybe until all this has passed?  And we can… we can…”
Your eyes flickered over his face.  “We can take care of each other?”
Steve nodded, swallowing around the lump that had formed in his throat.  “Yeah.  We can take care of each other…  I’ll have your back and you’ll have mine.  And maybe it’s quick, but... ”
Can’t you feel it? He wanted to ask.  Can’t you feel this thing between us?  This connection that was found and fostered in possibly the darkest time of this generation’s existence?  This love that made me think that maybe there is a Grace in the world?  Because otherwise, how the hell would I have been able to find you?
But he knew that was probably a lot, even if the feeling he had when he looked at her was a little bit more than like.
“But… you barely know me.”
“That’s not true,” he breathed out quietly, a finger running down your jaw.  “I know about your family.  I know your first pet’s name and where it’s buried.  I know that you like white Christmas lights over rainbow because you like how it can look like snow if it’s done right.”
Tears were in your eyes, your cheeks flushed as you listened to him.
A smile crept up on his lips.  “I know you like the citrus flavored cough drops, and you have to sleep with a blanket on, even if it’s eighty degrees outside.  I know how much you love cheesy rom-coms and you can only watch horror movies at night because otherwise you’ll have nightmares.”  His forehead rested against hers, your noses brushing.  “I know you.  And I wanna take care of you.  When we get out of here, I don’t want to forget you.  I want to spend my life with you.  And maybe that’s too much too soon and more than a little cheesy, but—”
“Stevie…”  You were the one who leaned in first and pressed your lips to his, the salty taste of your tears mixing in with your peppermint chapstick.  “I’m not easy to take care of.  I’m even more stubborn when I’m feeling helpless like I am now…”
“That’s okay,” he said as he pecked your lips again, letting it linger.  The two of you knew that a nurse could come down the hall any second and catch you, but it didn’t matter.  You were together and you were alive.  “I don’t need easy.  I just need you.”
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lizallanapologist · 4 years
The problematic behavior of Tomdaya stans; a thread
Some of you might not be aware of the stalkerish problematic stuff tomdaya stans have done with Tom and Zendaya’s life but it’s gotten to the point where Tom’s own brothers protect with big scrutiny every single female in Tom’s life because they fear they’re going to get bullied or harassed. This is not OK and this has to stop so we’re exposing their toxic behavior. 
This is only to bring awareness and we do not condom any hate or death threats, don’t send hate to tomdaya accounts, either block them or report them but don’t bully them. Many of them might need professional help dealing with the fact that Tom and Z are not together due to the fact that they created an illusion in their heads for a long time but that doesn’t mean some of them aren’t plenty manipulative and love to get away with bullying and harassment. 
If you don’t know, Tom was recently seen with another woman on his instagram, not going to say the name and please don’t try to find out about her, the relevant information is in this post and all of the private information regarding her is being protected for the same reasons. Many stans decided to apply the same treatment to her as they did to Olivia. If you don’t know what happened last year, all information is here. The fact that this kind of bullying and harassment got overlooked is horrifying. 
This specific behavior doesn’t apply to all of the stans but the vast majority is on the same page. 
A big thanks to all the blogs who contributed with information and their writing in this post.
1. Tomdaya stans have made an entire thread/timeline of events in Tom and Zendaya's life that they manipulated so it can be seen as proof of them dating. They stalk every single part of their lives, from paying stalkerish apps to review their instagram activities daily to having a constant GPS to know their exact locations everyday. They ask twitter accs, owners of restaurants/stores, people close to them information about their whereabouts/the things they buy or eat/who they were with, etc.
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They order their ‘’interactions’’ with specific dates and they even know information you shouldn’t know about them. 
They pay for apps that helps them stalk their every move. That’s right, they take every like as proof of them being together. 
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They hide behind the pretext that they're celebrities and this is what they've signed up for but neither Tom nor Zendaya have signed up for constant daily harassment of their partners in life. 
Tom was seen last year with a blonde girl called Olivia, everyone speculated that was his girlfriend and that was something everyone should’ve respected since it’s Tom’s life and he’s in control of it, instead, many fans including Tom H. crazy fans and tomdaya stans, decided to stalk and harass Olivia to the point she had to make her account private. They started bullying her by publicly calling her names like ‘’Olive Oil’’, ‘’Ugly old woman’’, ‘’Ugly fake bitch’’ among other names. They continuously compare her with Zendaya and write on her friends and family members’ social media and ask them to tell Olivia nasty things. You really think this is ok? 
Same is happening with the girl Tom was seen with. Tom’s own brothers asked several people to take down and delete the video because they were disrupting her privacy. Many stans didn’t care and started all over again harassing the girl. (I’m not posting images or the identity of this new girl in hopes that this helps maintain a little big of privacy for her.) 
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However here are some examples of them harassing Olivia:
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’’I saw a troubling post on twitter about this fan dming another fan saying that they’d kill her (Olivia). That they’d find a way. So that “the fans can have him all to ourselves” - source
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Tomdaya stans and some Tom Holland crazy stans love to harass Tom Holland to the point that they tag family members and friends only because he decided to go out in public with Olivia. They call him cheater, manipulator, a dumbass, made fun of him because Tom is dyslexic calling him an illiterate, mocked him and tried to cancel him in every opportunity given by manipulating everyone into thinking some of these ‘’facts’’ are true. 
Many fans don’t know better and go to social media to frame Tom as a scumbag because many tomdaya stans have convinced the public of this.
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This same issue occurs with Zendaya. Her known boyfriend; Jacob Elordi, is frequently called a cheater and is being investigated every five seconds on every social media, candid, interaction ever. Many fans are already calling him cheater, telling everyone Zendaya’s changed her behavior thanks to Jacob and that she needs help. 
The definition of cyberbullying according to Stopbullying.gov:
“Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior. “
Examples of cyberbullying on Tumblr from good ole Toutdesuite360:
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Making fun of Jacob Elordi’s wealth… but that isn’t that only thing that the Tomdaya stans have done.
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She basically implied that Olivia looked like an elderly lady, and she permitted her followers to humiliate her.
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Funny, that a middle aged woman who has never revealed her face on her blog is bullying a young woman.
(She may have deleted the link to save her a** on the post with the Cher pictures, but thankfully @crazypeopleonfandom​ took screenshots of this post; I got most of my photos from them)
The next aren’t pertaining to the ‘innocent’ Toutdesuite360, just some random jerks from Twitter/Instagram. If you have the time, you can read through them.
See the pictures above and below for reference.
Labelling Zendya, Jacob E., Tom, and Olivia as cheaters, when there was no confirmed relationship between Tom and Z, and Jacob broke up with Cari already is plain disrespectful. These are type of claims are considered slander, and I’m surprised that the people who own these accounts haven’t been rightfully sued.
And remember when I talked about the repetition of people tagging Tom and Z’s family for their ‘thoughts’? Why are you tagging Nikki in your post?
Calling Olivia, once again, a vulgar word that shouldn’t be used for any woman.
This person and many other tomdayas are harassing Zendaya and Tom by tagging them repeatedly. Now we know why Tom stopped using Twitter, and why he may be taking breaks from social media.
And, as pointed out in another point on the thread: Tom has dyslexia! I easily ignore the posts that tease him about his lips, but when it comes to his disability, that crosses the line. It is unacceptable to bully someone just because your fantasy relationship doesn’t seem so real now.
Before I finish this point, I just want to remind people that celebrities are humans too. Everyone has feelings, and even if they haven’t seen these posts, it is still harmful to post this kind of information on your account. Fans who are young (or naive) may see these posts, thus making them believe that Tom actually cheated on Z, and that Z is really with Jacob as ‘payback’ to Tom. Bullying is still an ongoing issue, and maybe you should stop harassing/humiliating people on your platform.
Olivia, Tom and his family, friends, Zendaya, Jacob Elordi, etc. They were sent death threats as a result of a fictional ship. This is truly upsetting and we’ve shown some proof of that above and it’s truly sickening how many of them really want to attack Olivia in public only because of a few photographs. 
While we don’t know anything for sure, we need to trust and respect what Tom and Zendaya have said several times: they were never together and they were just friends. This is a topic that makes them feel uncomfortable and tomdaya stans decide to twist their words every time they want to clarify the situation, saying they’re hiding their relationship and that they’ve been hiding it for over 3 years. 
Stop believing everything SpideyParker on YouTube says, that person desperately wants them together so they’ll do anything in their power to make it seem like that they’re ’’still together’’. All of their evidence is also nothing but scraps. I can also make a video cropping out certain individuals from the frame to make it look like Tom is with someone or I can also investigate every tiny detail to a borderline degree to make it seem like Zendaya is dating someone. It’s really easy to manipulate the truth, so don’t fall for these things so easily. Check with the real sources, Tom and Zendaya. Trust and respect what they say it’s not your job to investigate and figure their lives out.
Their evidence of the relationship is ridiculous, stuff like them wearing the same clothes,
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because obviously there’s no way this jacket is in any random store in the world...This is a unique jacket, made by Tom and Z specifically...And it’s not even the same jacket. If we’re going by their logic, then
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More, more, more and more.
Robert Downey Jr. and Tom have been in a relationship for a long time...
Angourie, Remy and Tom wearing the same jacket.
I have no idea what’s going on with the freaking necklace you swear with blood that Zendaya gave him but that’s hardly something special:
Matching necklace with Olivia.
Avengers necklace.
He likes necklaces, nothing special here.
'’Tom only goes to Zendaya’s home, and only goes out with her!’’
Tom Holland went to RDJ's house to watch Black Panther with him.
Tom and RDJ facetime daily.
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Obviously, his only friend is Zendaya...
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Look at him and Zendaya there, wow.
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‘‘Tom looks at her with heart eyes and in a very special way!’‘
Excuse me, what is he supposed to do? Ignore Zendaya and look somewhere else every time she talks?  
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He literally looks at everyone the same way.
‘‘He only does Spider-Man because he wants to be the Peter Parker to his Mary Jane, one of the most romantic comic book couples!’‘
I can’t believe I once read this as proof but I haven’t forgotten about it.
Interview with Tom and Laura:
“Is Zendaya’s character Mary Jane Watson?’’
Tom Holland: “No, no! This is one of those rumours, that like, we’ve all said it’s not true.
Laura Harrier: It’s not true!
Tom Holland: Like, we keep on… You guys keep building yourselves up for disappointment.
Laura Harrier: Unless we don’t know how this started? Because you guys are gonna see this movie and be like “…Ugh.” She’s Michelle!
Tom Holland: She’s a character called Michelle.
Laura Harrier: She’s playing Michelle.
Tom Holland: 100%. Hands down. Her character’s called Michelle. And she’s sort of this weird, quirky one in the friendship group that Peter has. She’s funny, but she’s super strange.
Laura Harrier: Yeah, super dry humour.
Tom Holland: She’s 100% not Mary Jane. It’s funny, everyone’s like “Is she Mary Jane?” and I’m like NO, I’M TELLING YOU! SHE’S NOT MARY JANE!
‘‘He did the Will Smith thing with her, he loves her!’‘
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‘’He only ever talks about her! He only praises her!’’
Angourie Rice.
Robert Downey Jr, 2, 3
Laura Harrier, 2
Elizabeth Olsen.
Jacob Batalon.
Chris Hemsworth.
Jake Gyllenhaal.
And the list goes on and on.
‘‘He always goes to her special events only! He only goes to her parties! He only goes to hospitals with her! He was on the set of Euphoria with her!’‘
How about, he goes out with her and everyone else in group and individually? He goes out with Harrison alone, with Jacob alone, with Laura alone, etc. I love how many of them love to leave out certain people to make everyone believe it’s only the two of them. And he doesn’t only goes to hospitals with her, he’s gone with many other people and he does it because he’s a good person, not because he’s on a date with Zendaya. 
Tom AND Jacob visit Zendaya on the set of the Greatest Showman.
Tom and friends celebrating Harrison’s birthday party.
Tom on a double date.
Tom going to Joe Russo’s restaurant to get an exclusive cooking lesson from Jessica Largey.
Tom on birthday parties.
Tom, Laura, Harrison and Harry out for dinner in Brazil.
Tom, Brie Larson, Tessa Thompson, and Zachary Levi in a club in Brazil.
Tom, Laura, Jacob, Harrison in a pool party.
RDJ & Tom Holland visit Jon’s restaurant and participate on his show.
Tom Holland visits Doctor Strange’s set.
Tom Holland, Ciara Bravo, Joe Russo visit haunted attraction.
He’s a good person and loves supporting his friends.
‘‘He only has chemistry with her!’‘
Tom and RDJ’s extraordinary chemistry.
Tom and Jake’s chemistry.
Tom and Jacob’s chemistry.
Tom and Laura’s chemistry.
Tom and Daisy’s chemistry.
Tom and Chris Pratt’s chemistry.
Also Will Smith, Chris Hemsworth, etc. 
Look below for Ciara and Tom’s chemistry.
Like I said before, maybe he’s a good actor and that’s it? 
‘‘Their FFH kiss was too real and magical!’‘
Spoiler alert for Cherry
Fan about witnessing Tom’s kiss with Ciara Bravo:
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His reaction about kissing Laura Harrier:
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‘‘He LOVES touching her’‘
I’m sorry, is he supposed to be scared of touching people?
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This is it. This is the big touch they always talk about and the only times they’ve ever held hands is in manips or in FFH, but that doesn’t count, those are fictional characters. Well...
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Maybe he’s a touchy person. Consider that.
’’She’s the only one that knows him well!’’
How well do Zendaya, Jacob, & Laura know Tom?
I’m sure Harrison, RDJ, his friends and others know him pretty well too. 
And only because he knows she likes ice cream doesn't mean she’s his ultimate soulmate or something blown out of proportion.
‘‘He’s only a gentleman with her!’‘
Tom saves Gina Rodriguez
Tom rescues fan
Karen Gillan
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‘‘He looked way too in love with MJ to be fake’‘
Nope 2
Nope 3
It’s called acting, pretty sure you guys know by now he’s good.
‘’They’re inseparable!’‘
Jacob, Tom and Harrison 
Also, why is it that every female in his life is his cousin, aunt, close childhood friend or ‘’he probably hates her’’ for you? 
They’ve said this multiple times but:
In an interview with Elle, Tom said he is not involved with anyone at the moment but is "definitely a relationship person." And when addressing the rumors, he says it’s uncomfortable and annoying when people ship him and Zendaya together. 
Zendaya also denied the claims, telling Variety Magazine that she and Tom were simply ‘just friends’. 
You can ship them if you want, as a bromance or cute chemistry, but not at the expense of someone else. Not when you violate their privacy, their lives and specially not when you bully, harass and stalk every detail of their lives.
Zendaya is clearly very happy with Jacob Elordi:
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Let her have that. No, she doesn’t look miserable with him, no, he didn’t change her style or her personality. No, she doesn’t dress differently because of him. She is the same as always, she looks even happier. Let her be. This is good for her. She has every right to go out in public with her boyfriend. And for the love of god, stop commenting on her instagram posts ‘’warning’’ her that Jacob is going to cheat on her. Hopefully that won’t happen ever. 
And no, they’re not going to magically ’’get back together’’ when Spider-Man 3 starts filming, stop wishing bad luck on Zendaya and Jacob’s relationship. Tom is not going to magically realize how ‘’wrong’’ he was for ‘’leaving’’ Zendaya. He never left her, he’s her friend. 
All of this have gotten to the point where Tom can’t have a friendship with a female and he has to ‘’protect’’ them every time he wants to interact with them. Do you guys seriously think this is ok? Are you really a fan of his if this is how you want him to live? Controlling him all the time? 
Do you realize how wrong and unfair it is for the other partner every time you comment in every single picture on instagram, twitter, etc about how ‘’cute’’ Tom and Zendaya are? About how ‘’ugly’’ Olivia is? How about when you compare Zendaya and Olivia, or every single female in Tom’s life? Or when you comment on Zendaya’s instagram telling her she is different now and that you don’t like her now because she’s changed for Jacob? Telling her that Jacob is going to cheat on her? Stop sending death threats to the partners, stop tagging their families in your ‘’evidence/proof’’ posts/tweets. Just because they don’t voice these things doesn’t mean they don’t read them. 
Being sincere, if you all, as a collective; really, genuinely cared about Tom, this is the last thing you would wanna pull. In your endless obsession with thinking you have a right to dictate the life of a man simply because he's famous; actually stopped once to consider how this is possibly making Tom and Zendaya feel?? You are basically sending the message that nobody is enough, that him being happy isn't enough, that he won't ever be allowed to be happy until he gets with the person YOU think is best for him. Fucking abhorrent, how they don't have a choice on who they choose to fucking love. This is how you make a celebrity jaded. THIS is how you make a celebrity hate you. And he will, unless you stop your bullshit, and treat him; and whoever he decides to be with, like human beings.
When you focus only on two people it’s easy to believe anything, try and see the bigger picture. Allow Zendaya and Tom to enjoy their lives without harassing them and their partners.
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k-llama-llama · 4 years
TXT AU: 6th member
Sara x TXT
Sara finally sees a doctor about her illness.
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“Chung Soo-ji?” 
“Here.” Sara lifted her hand to get the nurse’s attention.
“We have the results of your tests, if you’ll come this way.”
Sara stood carefully, focusing on not stumbling as she followed the nurse back into the clinic. Usually she’d account her unsteadiness to whatever was wrong with her, but right now she was pretty sure it was just nerves.
She’d been at the hospital for almost three hours. Thanks to Bighit, her blood tests and everything else had been rushed, so she didn’t need to wait as long as normal.
The doctor was sitting at his desk, staring at the screen when she walked in. He gestured to the seat across from him, where a couple of hours earlier Sara had sat and described how she was feeling.
“You got the tests back?” Sara asked nervously.
“We did, and it’s what I originally thought.” The doctor began. “Based off the symptoms you described, I was pretty sure that we were looking at a severe case of anemia.”
“Anemia? What’s that?” Sara felt her heart drop.
“It’s fairly common, though I’d say you have a severe case.” The doctor clasped his hands together as he explained. “Essentially, you don’t produce enough red blood cells, so you get very tired and fatigue easily.”
“That...makes sense.” Sara nodded. “So how do we fix it.”
The doctor offered her a sympathetic smile. “It’s a manageable condition, but not curable. We can certainly find solutions to help you deal with it.”
“But it’s keeping me from performing at my best.” Sara protested. “We need to make it stop.”
“As I said, we can help you manage it. But it won’t go away.” The doctor tried to reassure her. “It’s good that we’ve diagnosed it, Soo-ji. It means you’ll know how to manage it, and your company will know how to help you.”
Sara swallowed. He was right, at least she had a name for it now. “So how do we manage it?”
“There’s lots of different ways, and it’s just going to be a matter of figuring out what works best for you.” The doctor explained. “But, if you’re alright with it, I’d like to start today.”
“You indicated that you weren’t feeling your best earlier, so I’d like to do a vitamin IV drip just to see if that effects your energy levels at all.”
“An IV.” She really hated needles. “Um...if you think it will help.”
“It’s worth a try.” The doctor nodded.
“Can I call someone?” She asked. “To pick me up when it’s over.”
“Sure, our nurse will get you set up and then you can call whoever you need.”
“Right.” Sara nodded, before standing. She held out her hand in a handshake. “Thank you for everything.”
“I’m sure we can figure this out together, Soo-ji.”
Sara followed the nurse through the clinic into an area where lots of hospital beds were set up. They were all separated by curtains, and another nurse was already wheeling an IV pole over with a bag hanging from it.
“Lay down right here.” The nurse instructed.
Sara took her shoes off and hopped up on the bed. The nurse took her arm, exposed because of her tshirt, and wrapped something around her upper arm.
“To find a vein.” The nurse explained. “You have your phone and everything?”
“Yeah, umm....” She shifted nervously on the bed. “If I call someone can the come in?”
“Of course, we’ll bring a chair over for them. This whole thing should take a little over an hour, because they’re going to want you to wait about fifteen minutes after to make sure you feel alright.”
“Do you want a count down or for me to just do it?”
“Just do it please.”
Barely a breath passed before she felt the telltale pinch in her arm.
“All done.” The nurse said with a smile. “Hang tight, okay? We’ll be in to check on you.”
“Thank you.” Sara said weakly, trying to ignore the cold feeling seeping through her arm.
Once the nurse tugged the curtain closed, she lifted her phone up with her free arm and quickly dialled Yeonjun’s number.
“Are you finished?” He answered on the first ring.
“What’s she saying?” She heard Soobin’s voice.
“She hasn’t said anything yet. Soo-ji?”
Sara couldn’t help but smile. “They think they figured out what it is, so right now I’m doing an IV to-”
“An IV? What for?”
“Vitamins, I think.” She answered. “But can you guys come and pick me up? If you get here before I’m done they’ll let you come up.”
“Ummm...what if we’re there in ten minutes?” Yeonjun sounded nervous.
“What? It takes at least a half hour to get here.”
‘Yes...but if we’re hypothetically already in the hospital food court?”
Sara groaned. “You guys followed me?”
“We thought you might need something!” Soobin’s voice came through the phone. “We’ll be right up to see you.”
“I’m in the-”
“I know, I checked your email.” Yeonjun hung up the phone.
Sara rolled her eyes, but set her phone down by her side and tried her best to relax. She could hear the nurses walking back and forth, and hushed voices as other patients were moved in and out.
“We’re here for Soo-ji!” Soobin announced loudly.
Sara closed her eyes and sighed.
“Soo-ji!” Yeonjun exclaimed as he flung open the curtain. “Woah, what’s that?”
“Quiet down, idiot.” She hushed them. “Where’s Soobin?”
“I’ve got another chair.” Soobin carried one in. “Woah, what is that stuff?”
“Vitamins.” Sara answered. “I can’t believe you guys followed me.”
“We just wanted to be here, just in case.” Yeonjun hopped up on Sara’s bed. “So, what did they say is wrong with you.”
“The doctor said it’s something called anemia.” 
“Isn’t that like a blood thing?” Soobin asked, sitting down on his chair.
“Yeah, something with my red blood cells, or not having enough or something. But he said it’s pretty common and explains why I’m so tired and lightheaded all of the time.”
“If it’s common, that’s good right?” Yeonjun patted her leg hopefully. “It means they’ll be able to give you medicine or whatever to fix it.”
“The doctor said they can’t fix it.” Sara said quietly.
“What?” Soobin breathed. “What do you mean they can’t fix it? You’re sick all of them time? Are you just supposed to live your life feeling like crap?”
“He said that some stuff can make it better.” She explained. “Like this vitamin thing. And he was going to write the company about tablets and diet changes.”
“So you will start to feel better?” Yeonjun asked.
Sara gave a tiny shrug, fearful of moving her arm. “Hopefully.”
Soobin sighed, leaning back into his chair. “Well, at least that’s something. We can help you through this, right?”
“Of course we can.” Yeonjun insisted. “Just feed you lots and make sure you’re careful.”
Sara smiled. “I’m sure that’s all it will take.”
There was a long moment of silence.
“How long does that take, anyways?” Soobin stared at the IV bag.
“An hour, I think.” Sara answered.
“Could you drink it and make it go faster?” He asked. “They had a pasta place in the food court and I really want to-”
“Dude, she’s literally dying.” Yeonjun cut him off.
“Okay, no I’m not.” Sara kicked him off of the bed. “Keep me company, and then we can go get pasta.”
“You’ll pay?” Yeonjun asked her, standing from the ground.
“As if, you’re paying.” Sara pointed at him. “I’m sick.”
“You can’t play that card all of the time.” He protested.
“Sure I can.” Sara grinned at him. “Because you’re doing the dishes tonight too.”
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kaimelia · 4 years
“What do we have?” Teddy asked, running out into the trauma bay to meet Jo.
“Car accident.” The ambulance pulled up, stopping and opening the back doors.
“38-year-old male, hit on the driver’s side. Passed out at the scene and regained consciousness a minute ago with the loss of verbal skills. Pulse has been steady.” The paramedic lowered the stretcher down.
“Oh my god. Teddy, it’s Link.” Jo stepped away. “I shouldn’t work on him. He-he’s family to me.” The blonde nodded, grabbing the side of the stretcher and pushing it inside.
“Okay, let’s page Koracick and Bailey.” Teddy looked down into Link’s eyes, his breathing heavy. She grabbed his hand. “We’ve got you, Link. It’s going to be okay.” He nodded quickly at her, watching as the familiar surroundings of the E.R. passed by him. “I’m going to put in an IV, okay?” Tom walked through the doors to the trauma room, clearly shocked by the man on the bed in front of him.
“Has anyone told Amelia?” Teddy shook her head.
“No, we’ll tell her when we know what’s going on.” Tom nodded, moving closer to Link.
“Okay. Follow my finger, good. Can you move your hands? Feet?” He sighed in relief as the ortho surgeon wiggled his fingers and toes, nodding slowly. “Good. I need a head CT. Get it once Bailey checks him and page me.” Teddy moved towards Link again, grabbing his hand to stop it from shaking.
“Bailey will be here in a second. I know it’s scary, not being able to talk, but you’ve got the best here. You’re going to be just fine.”
“There’s no way,” Amelia sighed, crossing her arms against her chest. “There’s literally no way.” Meredith rolled her eyes at her sister.
“Then take the test!” The door to the lounge opened as Maggie entered the room.
“What’s going on in here?”
“Amelia’s pregnant. She doesn’t want to admit it though.” Maggie sat down at the table in the middle of the room.
“I’m not pregnant.”
“Amelia, your boobs are big. You were sick yesterday, and I’m sure you and Link are having plenty of sex, enough sex to get you pregnant again.” Meredith held out the box. “Just take the damn test.” The brunette groaned, taking it and walking into the bathroom attached to the lounge. Maggie turned to face Meredith.
“Why are we forcing Amelia to take a pregnancy test?”
“Oh, well she has symptoms. And Link was talking to me during surgery about how he wants another kid, and I guess that was on my mind.” Meredith shrugged. The bathroom door opened, Amelia walking out with the stick in her hand.
“Okay, let’s wait.” The brunette sat down at the table, eyeing her sisters. “Why are you so stuck on this, Mer?”
“Well my life has gotten pretty boring, so I’m living vicariously through you. Plus Scout’s like the cutest baby ever, and I think you should have another.” Meredith drank some of her coffee before setting it back onto the table. “When was the last time you had your period, Amelia.”
“I don’t know. It’s been irregular since Scout was born, I haven’t been paying attention to that.”
“I think the fact that you don’t know means you haven’t gotten it in a while, enough time for you to be pregnant again.”
“We haven’t even talked about it, I don’t know if Link wants another kid.” Amelia kicked her feet up onto the table and relaxed back into the chair.
“He does. We were talking about it yesterday in surgery.” The neurosurgeon’s eyes widened at her sister.
“Well, what did he say?” Meredith shrugged.
“I was asking if you were having another kid because the surgery was getting boring, and he said he wanted another sometime. Then we started talking about Ellis because she wants a younger sibling, but there’s no way that’s happening.” Meredith said, nonchalantly. Maggie laughed. “What about you, Maggie? Are you and Winston ever going to have kids?”
“Woah, we’re just dating. Besides, I don’t think I could handle children of my own. I wouldn’t be able to work as much.” Maggie took a sip of her coffee.
“So you’ll just continue to steal our children,” Amelia interjected, checking her phone.
“Exactly.” The timer on Amelia’s phone went off. She picked up the test on the table in front of her and stared at it.
“Holy shit.” She looked between her sisters. “I’m pregnant.”
“He’s got an epidural bleed. I need to get in there now.” Bailey nodded at her fellow surgeon, grabbing the tablet from the desk in the scan room.
“I’ll fix the splenic bleed at the same time.” She opened the tablet, inputting information into his chart. “Someone needs to tell Shepherd.”
“I’ll do it,” Teddy said, moving to walk through the door. “Do you need me in the OR after?”
“We should be fine, I’ll page you if we need you.” Teddy left, running down the hallway and searching in rooms for Amelia. She opened the door to the attendings’ lounge, spotting Amelia sitting at the table with her sisters.
“Amelia! Can we go somewhere and talk?”
“What is it?” Her voice was full of joy, something that Teddy knew would fade the second she told Amelia what was happening. She tilted her head to the side and offered a sympathetic smile.
“It’s Link. He was in an accident.” Amelia sat up, her mouth wide open.
“What? What happened?!”
“He got hit on the driver’s side. He’s got an epidural bleed and his spleen is bleeding, but Koracick and Bailey are taking him to surgery right now.”
“I need to go, I need to go see him.” Meredith placed a hand on Amelia’s arm.
“Amelia, there’s nothing you can do except wait. You won’t do any good in the gallery.” Amelia bit her lip, her chin quivering.
“Meredith, he could die. And that can’t happen, I can’t lose him. I can’t.” She took a deep breath, running her hands through her short hair. “If Link dies, I won’t be able to handle it.”
“I’m going to head up to the OR to see if they need me. I’ll keep you updated, Amelia.” The brunette nodded as Teddy left, Amelia’s hand covering her mouth as she squeezed her eyes shut. Maggie stood up and walked behind her sister, wrapping her arms around Amelia and hugging her from behind.
“It’s going to be okay, Amelia. We’ll stay here with you,” she whispered into Amelia’s ear. Meredith nodded in agreeance, holding Amelia’s hand as she began to cry.
“Can you-can you go get Scout? I need to hold him and hug him.” Meredith stood up to leave the room, whispering that she’d return soon after. “Maggie, I can’t lose him.”
“I know Amelia, I know.”
After hours of sitting in silence, Amelia cradling her son and thinking about the worst possible things that could be occurring, Teddy came into the lounge. “He’s okay. He started crashing, but we got him back. You can see him soon.” Amelia smiled widely, covering her mouth with her hand and pulling her son closer to her.
“Thank you,” she whispered, looking up at Teddy. “Thank you.” Teddy smiled at her, rubbing her shoulder before leaving. Amelia looked at her sisters. “He’s okay, he’s really okay.” They grinned at her, wrapping her and Scout in hugs.
Amelia was sat by Link’s bedside, holding his hand as if her life depended on it. Her eyes drifted between his face and the heart monitor he was attached to, as if at any moment it could just cut out and she would lose him. “Link,” she whispered, “you have to wake up. I need you. Scout needs his Dad and we’re gonna have another baby, and that baby needs their Dad. Link, I can’t live without you. You need to wake up.” She wiped a tear away from her face and placed her hand back on top of his. “Please wake up. I love you, you need to wake up. This is not how we end, we have so much more to do, together. I don’t think I can do this without you.” She felt motion under her hand, her eyes brightening as she looked up, seeing his eyes flutter and open slowly. “Oh, Link.” She stood up next to the bed, placing a hand on his cheek.
“Hey,” he whispered, his voice weak.
“Hi. How are you feeling?” He smiled slowly, wincing at the pain he was in.
“Tired. My head hurts.” Amelia sniffled, rubbing her finger up and down his cheek. “What happened?”
“You were in a car accident. Drunk driver. You had a brain bleed and a splenic bleed, but Bailey and Tom operated, and you’re okay now.” She smiled down at him.
“I’m sorry I scared you.”
“You’re alive, and that’s what matters.” She sat down on the side of the bed, hanging her legs off the side and locking her hand in his.
“Where’s Scout?”
“He’s with Maggie, he’s okay.” Link nodded. “When I found out you were in an accident, I was about to find you to tell you something.” He raised his eyebrows at her. “I found out I’m pregnant.” His eyes widened slightly, a smile slowly appearing on his face.
“Really?” She laughed at his tired excitement.
“Yeah, we’re gonna have another baby.” Link grinned toothily, holding his arms out to her.
“Come here.” She laid down slowly, carefully adjusting the wires attached to him before snuggling into his arms.
“Thank you for not dying.” He kissed the top of her head and pulled her against his body.
“I love you, Amelia.”
“I love you.” She laid there for a few minutes, listening to his breathing settle as he fell back asleep, the exhaustion in his body taking over. Amelia finally allowed herself to relax and fall asleep in his arms, content knowing that the love of her life was perfectly alive and okay.
Hi everyone! I hoped you enjoyed this :) Make sure to comment and like, and let me know if you have any requests!
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mikaa-mina · 4 years
At Garden’s Edge- ch8: A Day in the Life of a Newt(on Pulsifer)
The lights are too bright, and Newt can’t quite hear what the lady in front of him is saying over the cacophony of beeps. His head also feels quite.... strange. He’s pretty sure that it’s not supposed to feel like it’s floating half a foot above his neck while also feeling like it’s stuffed full of cotton.
Some of the beeping suddenly stops, making it so much quieter in the ER, and Newt can finally understand what the nurse is asking. He tells her he thinks he’s fine, only he managed to hit something in the middle of the road with his bike and that sent him sailing towards the curb, which his bike tire hit at the wrong angle, and that quite firmly ejected him from his seat. And actually, he’s not at all quite sure how he got here, or why he’s here.
The nurse comes closer before he realizes she’s holding a tablet to enter his information in. By the time he realizes, it’s too late.
There’s a sound much like a mosquito hitting a trap lamp with a bright Bzzt! and then tablet goes dark in her hands. Newt grimaces.
It snowballs from there.
She shushes his apologies and uses the flip hospital phone that they use now instead of chargers/beepers to call the nurse station and request a backup one. It, accordingly, powers off halfway through her phone call. She shakes it with a frown and grumbles about the board of offices being cheap with their equipment, turns a sunny smile on him, and brightly says “well, I’ll just take down the basics and get your vitals while we wait. Do you have records here?”
“Uh. Maybe?” probably, “Which hospital is this?”
“The Brugmansia Hospital.”
“Oh! Yeah. I was born here. Uh. I changed my name though. Still Pulsifer for the last name though, figure there’s probably not too many of them around,” he laughs nervously, overly conscious of how awkward he is and how unable he is to do anything about it.
She still smiles, ever professional, and jots down his information. “First name?”
“Oh! Right. Sorry. It’s Newton now. Newton Pulsifer.”
“Thank you Newton, now I’m just going to take your vitals now.”
“Oh- I, uh, don’t really think-”
It’s too late, she’s come up to take his temperature with their new wireless, laser thermometer and it promptly errors out. It continues to error out no matter how many times she restarts it. The heavy seed of dread in Newt’s stomach grows larger. This is exactly why he tries not to go to places like this.
“I’m sorry. Uh, do you happen to have something maybe not, uh, electrical?”
She gives him a funny look for that and he shrinks back.
“Well. Let me get your blood pressure and o2 readings.”
Newt looks dubiously at the machine setup she wheels over to him. Miraculously, it goes okay when she wraps the cuff around his upper arm, and even when it starts. Everything avalanches when she puts the wireless o2 reader on him. Immediately everything in his room fritzes out, the lights even flickering before coming back, but all of the machines are still down or in the emergency boot up system restart.
“Oh bugger,” he sighs under his breath, quietly enough that the nurse fretting over all the technology can’t hear how resigned and unsurprised he is.
The avalanche continues when a nearby nurse ducks in and his tablet powers itself off. The smartwatch he’s wearing starts having three different alarms go off on it, and then there’s some shouts of alarm from outside Newt’s room that he’s really not sure that he wants to know what they’re about.
There are four people in his room now, in varying states of bewilderment and frustration, trying to figure out why everything’s malfunctioning in his room while also trying to get it back up and working. No one’s listening to Newt when he tries to explain that if he could just leave, it’d get better, but then, he’s mostly used to being ignored at this point.
More and more people trickle into the room, Newt spots the tech support guy he wished to be, frowning and scratching his head as he looks at everything. And then he looks at Newt.
A quick mumble about using the loo and Newt escapes out of the room, IV still attached to the weird metal stand and his arm but at least they’re not electronically powered. Just good engineering and reliable gravity.
He figures if he can put enough distance between him, and the rest of all that technology crammed into one small spot, that everything will boot back up just fine. And if not, Newt could write out exactly how to fix it.
So he heads to the loo, because now that he’s made the excuse, he figures he might as well try and also he’s betting on there being a whole lot less fancy technology in there. If only he could actually find said loo. Or any loo, really.
He’s waylaid by a small girl about ten minutes into his wandering of the halls.
“Oh. Hullo there.”
The girl is missing three teeth, has brown hair, and is looking at Newt as if he’s the newest attraction in the city zoo. Under her stare, Newt almost feels like one.
“Wut’er you doing?”
“Er... looking for the loo.”
She looks at him, looks in the direction he was heading in, looks back at him and matter-of-fact-ly says, “you’re going the wrong way.”
He blinks at her, which she takes as permission for her to reach up and grab his hand and start pulling him in the other direction. Bewildered, he followed.
And thus began a brand new game called “Lead the Newt” which had a revolving cast of characters, all under the age of twelve, each insisting they knew where the loo was, and each hiding him from sight any time an adult employee came near.
This scavenger hunt of a game ended at, not a loo (which made Newt extremely grateful he didn’t actually need one), but at a recreational sort of room. There was an old tv in one corner, an open treasure chest filled with costumes and toys, and a few bookshelves. The floor was spongy beneath Newt’s feat and looking down left him staring at brightly colored interlocking foam mat puzzle pieces.
For some reason, all of the co-conspirators find him funny, and really the only tech he might fry in here is a rather old tv that looks like it’s been outdated so many times it can’t recall if it’s outdated or retro at this point, so all in all... This is probably the safest room for Newt to be in. And certainly more interesting than the loo.
And that’s how he finds himself, an hour later, dressed in a paper hat of some kind (its supposed to be a jester’s hat) leaning against his iv pole, making elaborate gestures with his free hand, and telling terrible terrible jokes to a kid in a paper crown and to the amusement of the other kids around him. It’s most certainly a bizarre scene, but no one has commented on it as of yet and due entirely for the fact that the secondary game they’re all playing is ‘Hide the Newt’ any time an adult wanders by. Closets, corners, and blankets have all been heavily featured by now in this game.
So Newt can hardly be blamed for jumping near out of his skin when, after telling a particularly bad punny joke, he hears an adult’s laughter. So he jumps, jerks, and tries to turn to face the voice all in one motion and ends up somehow practically hogtieing himself in his iv cord and going down.
He ended up in a heap of limbs, metal pole, and iv cord wrapped all around him, and his glasses hanging half off his face. “Oh bugger...”
There was a snickering above him from the adult voice and the children alternating between giggles at his fall and joyful cries of “Crow Crow!”, “Mister Crow!”, and “Miss Crow!”. As Newt struggled to untangle himself, with the help of a few kids who both made things worse and better in turns, the other children began pleading with the Crow? Crow?? to pleeeeease let them keep Newt.
The stranger is crouching down to the kid’s level by the time Newt gets mostly upright, and they look a lot like they’re trying very hard not to laugh. “Now. However did you magpies manage to steal a whole person?”
Laughter sounds and they’re throwing themselves at the redhead and the two bags they set down. As the majority are immediately distracted by the prospect of sweets and the passing out of them, the stranger turns to Newt and raises an eyebrow high above dark sunglasses and says, “well? How’d they manage to kidnap you?”
Before Newt can respond the kids answer with excuses that pile over one another ranging from “he just wandered in!” to the actually mostly truthful “he was lost so we were showing him around!”.
“Oh really now?” they seem to be biting back laughter as they continue, “he was lost so you decided to help him by keeping him here?”
Some of the kids looked abashed while others look outright proud of themselves and to Newt’s surprise the stranger threw back their head with a short bark of a laugh before grinning as if proud of them.
Just in case he was reading the situation wrong, he’d done that with people more than a few times, Newt tried pushing through his embarrassment and awkwardness with an “It’s, uh, alright. Really. It’s been kind of fun, actually.”
“Ah. Yeah, they really grow on you.” The Crow glanced at the kids with a mischievous look, “like a fungus.”
Groans and laughter sounded before all of a sudden a shushing and pointing as an adult was seen wandering their way. Before Newt could blink they had him hidden out of sight shoved in a closet between some coats, puppets, and something slightly sticky that he had no intention of exploring further.
He could hear the somewhat muffled conversation of the kids pleading with The Crow to keep their secret before a new adult voice joined the conversation. The voices dropped away a bit, except for the nervous kids right in front of the closet attempting to whisper between each other, before he can’t make anything out at all. He waits, nervousness beginning to creep in because just how long was he supposed to stay in the closet? Actually, about that, he’d really had enough of closets and hiding in them. Terribly stifling and awful and much better really to be out of them.
Eventually there’s the sound of foot falls coming closer and closer to the closet and for a moment Newt’s heart picks up, certain that he’s about to be found and get in trouble. Then the doors are opened and it’s the red headed stranger who jokes, “ready to come out of the closet?”
And Newt’s still full of nervousness and it expresses itself by making him immediately blurt out “already did that once really. Was sort of hoping to not have to do it again.”
There’s a pause where the red head stares at him and the realization that he’s said that out loud crashes over Newt who flushes hotly. “Oh gods, I said that out loud...” and then The Crow tilts their head back and laughs.
“Been there, done that!” They agree with a grin and reach in to pull Newt out. “C’mon, ‘parently they’ve been running a missing patient code for half an hour looking for you.”
Newt relaxed fractionally, “you figured all that out from the nurse in five minutes?”
“Nah. Heard about it when I snuck in through one of the back windows. ‘s right beside one of the break rooms.”
“Oh, okay, that makes- wait. Did you say window?”
But they were already talking to the kids, “Alright you mischievous little magpies, you had your fun but we need to get him back now.” A chorus of “awwwws” and “but!!but!!”s sounded off but The Crow continued on, “if he’s here, he probably needs some help to get better, and I’m sure once he’s feeling better he’ll come say hi again.” Here they glanced over at at Newt expectantly, so Newt nodded since it seemed expected, and then they continued, “alright, so say bye to...”
The Crow stilled, tilted their head to the side and asked disbelievingly, “really?” as if they didn’t also have the name of an animal.
“Alright magpies, tell Newt bye.”
There’s goodbyes and promises to come back and right as they’re leaving the first girl that had caught Newt comes up to The Crow and, in a whisper so very loud she might as well be talking, says “you hafta be nice to him!”
“Oh do I now?”
She nodded furiously, “he doesn’t ree-lize his jokes are reeeeally bad!”
The Crow seemed to choke on something before spluttering into a laughter the kid shushed them for.
“Sorry, sorry,” they managed, fighting back their grin and not looking sorry in the least as they chanced a quick glance at Newt.
The girl frowned, “you’re not sorry at all!”
“I am, I am!”
She looked unimpressed but when bribed with an extra pastry she let it, and them, go.
They’re on their way back to the nurse’s station (Newt didn’t even know what room they put him in) when he breaks the silence to ask, “is your name really Crow?”
“To the kids, yes. You can call me Crowley.”
“Oh. Nice to meet you Crowley. Did you really come in through a window?”
Crowley grinned at him, “trade secret.”
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calumance · 4 years
LA Devotee - Part IX
Warnings: this part is mostly fluff, a couple cuss words
Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: Emily and Calum and finally distinguished their relationship, everything is going great, right?
A/N: I rewrote this part like four times, so hopefully you all like this part, I started to lose a bit of confidence on the fourth try. 😂 Happy reading my little berries!!! Feed back and requests are always welcomed!! (Want to me notified when I post more writing? Let me know, and I’ll tag you!)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
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         After everything had calmed down, Calum and I returned to our respective chairs and stayed outside for a while. My legs were pulled up to my chest and I felt the night breeze on my face. Sometimes the weather would feel like this at home, but only during the summer. Not having lived here long enough, I was ready to see how warm it stays in the winter. My eyes were focused on a tree swaying in the breeze when Calum cleared his throat, “What’s your family like?” He asked, pulling me out of my trance. A look on his face telling me he was hesitant to ask the question.
         My lips turned up into a smile, and my eyes focused back on the same tree. With the crushing weight no longer sitting on my chest, I was willing to talk about anything. “My mom is a lovely lady, my friends in high school always called her ‘mom’ as well. I have an older brother, we don’t talk very much because he moved and got married and has kids, a live very different from my own. Even though we don’t talk very much, he’s still one of my favorite people.” Calum soaked up every word I said to him. His eyes never leaving my face, and a smile never fading as I spoke. With each passing story I told, or person I spoke about, I could tell by the way his eyes lit up that he genuinely cared. He licked his lips and smiled, telling me that he would love to meet my family, causing me to chuckle and run a hand through my hair.
         Once it started to get dark, and we both had finished our drinks hours ago, we headed inside. As we made our way inside, Calum grabbed both of our empty bottles and tossed them in the trash. Duke ran under our legs as we passed through the door way. As I turned to Calum, he placed his hand on his stomach and twisted his face, “Are you hungry?”
           “Uh, yeah, I could go for some food.” I said in return, not realizing just how hungry I actually was. My hand reaching for my own stomach and rubbing in a circle.
           Calum smiled, “Want to go grab some food?” He asked while straightening up, “Or we could order something for delivery?” He stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his feet, waiting for my response.
           I put my hands behind my back and took a step toward Calum, “We could go grab something. Where do you want to go?” My bottom lip pressed between my teeth as I slowly took another step forward. My eyes slowly looking him up and down, then focusing on his plump lips.
           Calum returned the step and placed his hands on my waist, pulling me against him, eliminating any space that was between us. “I don’t care.” His lips twitched into a smile, his eyes blown with lust. His hands trailed down my side, gently resting on my hips as his head leaned closer to mine, our breaths hot against each other.
           Our lips brushed against each other and just as his lips were about to crash onto mine, I stood straight up and changed the mood with a snap of a finger, “Great! I know just the place!” I exclaimed as I pushed away from Calum, flashing him a coy smirk knowing exactly what I just robbed him of. He sighed and rolled his eyes before placing his hands in his pockets and following me out the front door.
           After Calum drops himself into the passenger seat of my car, I drive us to probably the worst place I could take someone: Olive Garden. Calum raises one eyebrow as we pull into the parking lot and I laugh. He looks my way after hearing my laugh, keeping one eyebrow raised. “I’m sorry it’s not a fancy restaurant or anything, but I like it, and it sounds good.” I tell him as I pull into a parking spot.
           Calum looks around, seeing the amount of people flowing in and out of the restaurant. “Emily,” he turns to me again, a concerned look in his eye causing me to stop like a record scratch. I look at him and wait for him to continue. “If anyone stops me, you keep walking. I’m not sure I want us to be public after only one day, it doesn’t give us any time to really enjoy being us. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings.” He said dropping his eyes to his hands.
           I pushed the ignition button, turning the car off and shook my head. “Doesn’t hurt my feelings at all. If you can deal with my past, then I can deal with you wanting to keep us a secret.” Calum looked at me, his eyes lighting up. I winked at him before stepping out of the car. Once I heard Calum shut the door, I locked the car and walked towards the restaurant. Calum trailed behind me, and it didn’t take very long for someone to stop him. I did as he told me and just kept walking. Just as I got to the door, I glanced back, catching sight of Calum chatting with a group of girls I assumed were fans. He was smiling and talking and nodding to something one of them was saying. I smiled and threw the door open, sauntering my way up to the hostess stand. “How long is the wait for two? Preferably in a more private area?”
           The hostess looked at her tablet and scrolled twice, “There’s about a twenty minute wait for the table we have in the back room. Is that okay?” She looked at me, the light from the tablet shining on her face.
           I turned to look at Calum who was now standing just outside the front doors, surrounded by a different set of people, “Yeah, that’ll work.” I told the hostess after turning back to her.
           “Great,” she said with a smile, “Can I have a name to put down?”
           “Emily.” After she typed on the tablet, she handed me a pager and I sat on the cushioned bench and pulled my phone out of my pocket. As I waited for the pager to go off, I absent mindedly scrolled through some social media, glancing at Calum every once in a while, a different group of people standing around him each time. The last time I checked on him, he was taking a picture with a girl and I laughed at the thought of the caption “I met Calum Hood outside Olive Garden, not sure what he was doing there, but he was really nice!”Or something along those lines.
Before I knew it, the pager buzzed, and I looked out the door at Calum who was still in deep conversation with some fans. I handed the hostess the buzzer and she grabbed two menus. “Could you do me a favor?” I asked the hostess, obviously catching her off guard with my question, causing her to take a step back, “After you take me to the table, will you come grab the gentleman that’s standing out there? The one with blonde curly hair, lots of girls around him? His name is Calum.” She smiled and nodded before taking me into the back room. As the hostess left, I opened the menu and started reading through the options.
           Calum thanked the hostess, causing me to look up from my menu. He sat in the chair across and smiled at me, “Thanks for sending her for me,” He whispered as he pulled the chair in closer to the table. I smiled in response and continued to read over the menu.
           By the time we finished our dinner, almost the entire restaurant had cleared out, allowing us to leave the restaurant together, without Calum being stopped. As I drove back to Calum’s house, he was quiet, but his eyes were focused on his hands. It was probably weird to him that I was the one driving. As I got closer to his house, I finally found a chance to gaze over at him; he was looking at his phone and typing a message, his brows pulled together in concentration. He looked up from his phone just as I pulled into his driveway and put my car in park, “Listen, I haven’t been sleeping super well this past week, so I think I’m going to head home and try to get some sleep.”
         Calum stopped in his tracks, leaving the door to swing open and stop. He looked towards his house and then back at me, “Why don’t you stay here tonight?” His expression not changing, telling me he was dead serious about the offer.
         My eyes followed suit by looking towards his house as I thought about the last time I slept here, and how sleeping on the couch was not the most amazing sleep I’d ever gotten. “I appreciate your offer, but I really just want to sleep in my bed.” My eyes flashed back to Calum who was trying to pull his keys out of his pockets. I shook my head, refraining from rubbing my eyes being that there was still some make up on my eyes.
         He chuckled, my eyebrows pulled together, “I get that, but if it help to persuade you, I meant stay here and sleep in my bed, you know, with me. I can give you some more of my clothes to sleep in, and you can use my shower if you want.” He put his hands in his lap after successfully retrieving his keys, “Then tomorrow we can do something fun.”
         My eyes widened in surprise, “Are you sure? I mean, I’ll stay, but I don’t want anything to be awkward between us. Don’t you think it’s too soon?” I was rambling, so I pulled my lips into my mouth to stop myself.
         Calum shook his head, “It’s not awkward unless you make it awkward. I mean, you’re my girlfriend, right?” He smirked, proving that he liked saying that out loud. I nodded, “Well, see, not awkward then. Let’s get you to bed.” He pushed himself out of the car and closed the door before I got a chance to shut the car off. By the time I had gotten out of the car, he was already through his front door. Once I passed through the doorway, he shut the door and held out his hand with a smile. I set my bag on the table by the door and took his hand, then he began pulling me down the hallway towards his bedroom.
         When we got to his bedroom, Duke was already laying on his bed, his head popping up and his tail wagging when we walked in. Calum opened a drawer and pulled out a plain white t-shirt, and a pair of basketball shorts. “Will these work for tonight?” I took them and nodded, hugging them to my chest, letting the scent of his lingering cologne fill my nose. “My bathroom is right through there,” He pointed to the door at the opposite end of his room. “I can go grab some of the body wash my sister left here if you want?” My head nodded again, “Okay, give me just a minute.” He left the room and I looked at Duke whose tail wagged just slightly. I leaned towards him and scratched the top of his head, making his tail wag a little faster. Duke reminded me of the dog I had before I got divorced, but he was taken from me too.
          Calum came back into his bedroom holding two different bottles. “I wasn’t sure which one you’d want, so I grabbed both of them. There are towels on a rack in the bathroom, feel free to use however many that you need. I’ll take Duke to go outside and then we’ll come back and check in on you.” He called for Duke who went bounding off the bed and Calum shut the door. I entered his bathroom and almost fainted, an audible “fuck”falling off my lips. His bathroom was almost the size of my bedroom. As my heart raced, I remembered that the goal I set for myself was to save up some money and move into a new apartment, but everything in Los Angeles is so expensive. I shook my head and turned the shower on, stripping out of my clothes and placing the clothes he gave me on the towel rack.
          The shower felt better than any shower that I’ve taken at my own apartment. I felt completely refreshed, almost like I could take on the world, if it weren’t for the utter exhaustion lingering behind my eyes. I wrapped a towel around my head and pulled on the clothes Calum had given me, folding the clothes I had been wearing. As I came out of the bathroom, I heard Calum knock. “You can come in.” The door opened and the first one to come through the door was Duke, then Calum followed behind him, a smile almost as big as Duke’s pressed to his lips.
         He took a few steps closer to me and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I have to do some work for a little while, but make yourself comfortable. The remote for the TV is on the nightstand, you can turn on whatever.” He moved the blankets so that I could crawl into his bed. As much as I wanted to feel uncomfortable, the feeling of getting to a bed after barely getting any sleep was absolutely glorious. Calum pulled his comforter over me and kissed my forehead, “I’ll be in my music room, at the end of the hallway, if you need me. I should be done in an hour or two. Get some sleep, sunshine.” I smiled at his term of endearment and cuddled further down into the bed. Calum walked out the door, leaving it cracked enough that a stream of light from the hallway shone across the bed. I thought about turning on the TV, but before I could act on it, I was fast asleep.
        The movement of the bed woke me up, which didn’t surprise me. It woke me up every time my ex would get into bed too. I lifted my hand to my eye and rubbed the sleep out of it so I could look at Calum, “I’m sorry, love, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He placed a hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead, “Go back to sleep.” As I laid my head back onto the pillow, I could feel him run his fingers through my hair, then he pulled the comforter over himself. With Duke still in between our legs, I moved the upper half of my body so that I was cuddled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in even closer, and kissed the top of my head. Within just a few minutes I was fast asleep again.
         When I woke up, the sun was shining through his windows. As I opened my eyes, I could see the whole city, and it seemed to be an absolutely beautiful day outside. When I turned to lay on my side, I noticed Calum wasn’t there. I sat up and listened to some clatter sounds coming from down the hall. I threw the blanket off me and went into the bathroom, conforming to the habit my bladder has of needing to be emptied every morning. As I was washing my hands, I looked in the mirror and noticed how horrible my hair looked. I hated going through drawers in other people’s houses, but I had to find something to tie my hair up before I faced my newly found boyfriend. After I didn’t find one, I went to the guest bathroom and started going through those drawers. With no luck, I turned the sink on and splashed my hair with water to make it presentable.
         I made my way down the hallway, finding Calum in the kitchen, cooking. When he caught sight of me, he smiled the bright smile that could reduce me to a puddle. “Good morning, sunshine. Would you like some coffee?” I nodded and sat on a bar stool as he handed me a mug of coffee, flavored creamer and some sugar. “I’d make it, but I don’t know how you like it.”
         I smiled, carefully taking the warm cup in my hands, “I’ll show you.” I opened the creamer and poured, “I pour until it’s a certain color. Not too dark, but not too light either, like a golden brown.” As I set the creamer down and picked up the sugar and spooned one spoonful of sugar in. “If it wasn’t flavored creamer, I’d put more sugar in, but since it’s flavored, I don’t need that much.” The spoon made a clinking sound as I stirred the coffee. The mug was hot, so I carefully took my first sip. It was perfect. “My coffee is never the same day to day, but it’s usually close.” I shrugged and Calum let out a breathy laugh as he took a sip from his own coffee mug.
         After Calum set his mug down, he continued to cook up some breakfast, then sat next to me with two plates. He took a bite and nudged me with his elbow, “What do you want to do today?” He looked at me while chewing, a smug little smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
         My fork poked a little at the food Calum had made as I thought about all the things we could do. I shrugged, “Maybe we could just hang out here? I can run home real fast and grab a few things, then I can come back and just hang out.” Of course we could go out and wander the streets, go shopping, but we just established our relationship, so all I really wanted to do was enjoy his company, see what a normal Saturday at home looks like with him.
         Calum nodded, “That sounds nice, do you want me to go with you? Maybe we can stop at Starbucks on the way back?” Although it was a bit silly for him to go with me, just to come back here, I never turn down Starbucks, even after drinking a cup of coffee. We finished our food and Calum grabbed his keys. After Calum locked the front door, we both walked to his car together. Our laughter filled the car as he drove us to my apartment. He gripped my hand tightly as we walked to the door of the complex. The elevator dinged when it reached my floor, continuing to hold hands until the elevator doors opened.
         My face was all smiles until I turned the corner and laid eyes on a familiar looking man. He was leaning against my door, a toothpick hanging out of his mouth, and his finger scrolling through his phone. I stopped dead in my tracks as the rage boiled in the pit of my stomach. Calum’s hand pressed on my lower back as every muscle in my body tensed, and my hands balled into fists at my sides. The man snapped his head up, hearing the elevator ding to make its way to another floor, and before he could say anything, I spat out, “What in the fuck are you doing here, Nathan?”
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Throwing out something a little positive before the season finale breaks our hearts...
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Michael/OC (aka “Dr. McHottie”) w/ a little Bathena Rating: T Word Count: 2981
Summary:  None of that included coming face to face with the guy that’s been wondering in and out of his thoughts for the last few days.
Can also be read here -----
Dr. Derek Hale walked slowly as he exited the elevator. Each step was paired with a sip of the black, way too strong, coffee that he’d gotten from the lobby. The acrid taste was awful, but was doing a manageable job of keeping him awake right now. He hated when he wasn’t prepared for a shift, felt he was not only doing a disservice to himself, but the patients as well not being a hundred percent. Though, he didn’t feel right calling out or asking a colleague to work in his place, it was his own fault he was so tired. Well, the fault of a certain guy he’d met in an elevator who’d been heavily on his mind for the last three days, but that was beside the point.
As he approached the nurse’s station, he shook all thoughts of “Elevator Guy” from his mind, knowing they’d stray to point of distraction if he continued this line of thinking. Putting his things down and brushing off all comments about how tired he looked, he poured through the charts and notes on the patients he was responsible for on the trauma ward. He steeled his focus and was able to get caught up on everything in about 30 minutes and prepared to start making his rounds. He grabbed his tablet, stethoscope, pocketed an otoscope, and walked towards the first room on his list to check in on the patient.
Athena wasn’t sleeping but resting comfortably, well, as comfortably as she could. The warm body snuggled against her was doing wanders for her. She was spooned against Bobby, face in his neck inhaling the scent she’d been missing for the last three days. Bobby had his hands wrapped around her careful to avoid any of her injuries. Parts of her body still ached, but this having him next her again, it was making it so much better. It took a bit of convincing to do this, but not as much as she thought it would.
“I know both of you know better,” Derek said in amusement as he opened the door to the room.
Athena groaned inwardly pulling herself out of the moment she was in. “Is it shift change time already?” Athena asked innocently, “I thought we had a little more time.”
“It’s okay, I guess I’ll let it slide,” Derek paused as he looked between Bobby and Athena, “this time.” Dereks voice still held it’s amused tone. This was was far from the first time that he found patients in bed with loved ones. He’d worked in trauma long enough to know how much physical contact could help in the healing process mental and emotionally, as well as physically. “I’m glad you have a support system with you.”
“So am I.” Athena placed her hand over Bobby’s near by one, rubbing her thumb along the the back.
Derek smiled as used his foot to lift the bed so he can examine her better. “I’m Dr. Derek Hale, by the way.”
“Athena Nash.”
Following the introductions, he went through the motions of examining of her. He took note of her vitals making sure everything was within normal ranges. “Scale of 1 to 10, how bad’s the pain today?”
“About a 4,” she answered honestly. He looked at her, seeing if there were any sign of lying, she appeared to be telling the truth.
“The pain meds been treating you okay?”
“Other than making me a little sleepy, I feel fine.”
He hummed in acknowledgment as he took note of her answer. He pulled out the otoscope, looking at her eyes, checking their reaction to light, “no headaches, blurred vision, nausea, trouble breathing?”
“There is a dull ache in my head, but the meds help with that. No blurred vision, nausea, nothing like that. My chest hurts a bit when I inhale, but it’s nothing I can’t handle” He turned off the scope and put it back in his pocket, taking note that everything was normal.
He took note of her facial wounds, which appeared to be healing normally, no signs of infection. Nothing that time wouldn’t be able to take care of.
“You seem to be doing very well Athena. No adverse reactions to treatment. Healing nicely.”
“Great. When can I go home?” She asked eagerly.
“Athena.” Her partner said pointedly, which she responded to by shooting him a look.
Derek chuckled, “it’s fine. It’s a fair question,” he sat at the end of Athena’s bed, “honestly speaking, I see no reason why we can’t have you out of here by the end of the day.”
“Oh thank god,” Athena breathed a sigh of relief while her partner still looked wary.
“You’re healing is going to take time, but, at this point, it nothing that can’t be done at home. I think we’ve bandaged you up as much as we can. I see no reason why we can’t have you out of here by the end of the day,” he rose to his feet, “so you guys can cuddle up together in your own bed. As long as it’s just cuddling, no strenuous activities right now and you still need to get plenty of rest.”
“Of course, I understand.”
“Do you have any other questions for me?” She shook her head. “Well, I’m going to go update your chart and get the discharge process started. It was good meeting you, Athena.”
He reached over and held out his hand towards her partner. “Bobby,” he told him. Derek faltered a bit, having remembered hearing the name, but recovered quickly before it was, hopefully, noticed. Bobby didn’t give him any indicate that he noticed when he let go of his hand.
“Alright, I’ll be back to check on you later.” He said to Athena before turning to leave. As he did, the door opened, putting him face to face with none other than “Elevator Guy” holding a bouquet of flowers and a bag of food.
When Michael woke up this morning his plans included: making sure his kids were okay, calling his mom, going to visit Athena, and bringing her and Bobby some lunch from Athena’s favorite place. None of that included coming face to face with the guy that’s been wondering in and out of his thoughts for the last few days. Though, he couldn’t say he was mad at the strange turn of events.
Michael knew he was staring way past the point of what was considered appropriate, but he couldn’t help himself. He knew the man looked good, but the low lighting of the elevator didn’t do him nearly enough justice. In the fluorescent lighting of the hospital room he could clearly see his piercing dark brown eyes, smooth deep brown skin, and powerful jawline. The man was beautiful. As he watched “Hot Doctor’s” features shift from surprise to almost smiling, he could see the recognition. It was comforting to know that he hadn’t forgotten him.
It took a nurse clearing her throat from behind him for him to realize how caught up they had gotten in the moment. “Oh, sorry,” Michael chuckled nervously and stepped out of the nurse’s way for her to enter the room.
The doctor took the opportunity to make his leave as well. “I need to continue making my rounds,” he said quickly before exiting the room just as quickly. Michael was so flustered he wasn’t able to get another word in before he left.
Michael was mentally kicking himself as he stood out of the way, while the nurse tended to Athena’s IVs. He still hadn’t gotten his name. He just stood there staring like an idiot. It was just as well, he had every opportunity to do so when he was trapped with him three nights ago for well over an hour. He sighed, damn if he didn’t know how to waste an opportunity. He didn’t miss the look the look that the nurse shot him as she walked out of the room after finishing. The universe’s way of telling him it agreed with him.
When the door clicked closed, he was left with Bobby and Athena’s amused looks. He made his way over to them, placing the flowers and food on the bedside table. “So, how are you feeling today?” He asked Athena as he distracted himself with taking the food out of the bag. He was met with silent, eyebrow raises as he handed each container to both of them and pulled the rolling table in front of Athena, “I’m not getting away with that, am I?”
“Not a chance,” Bobby said, taking the top of of his and Athena’s containers.
“Micheal, what was that? Do you know him?”
“Yes- well, no- umm, kinda, I guess,” he stumbled over his words, trying to find the right words to say, “I met him in an elevator,” he settled on.
“You met him in an elevator?” Athena asked slowly.
“The night of your- what happened, after my MRI, I was leaving the hospital, and found myself stuck in elevator with him. We were trapped for about an hour or so before we were finally rescued. When we were I had every intention of asking for his name and, possibly, his phone number when I got the call from Bobby about what happened. All of that flew out the window. After the dust settled and I knew you were okay, I had time to think about it. I kinda just chalked it up as a missed opportunity. Didn’t think I would see him again.”
“Wait, so you were trapped with him, for over an hour, and you didn’t get his name?” Bobby asked.
“Don’t remind me. I guess we just got to talking and it didn’t come up.” Michael fondly remembered how the conversation between them just flowed, it’d been a while since he’d felt that spark with someone.
“So what ya gonna do about it?” Athena asked casually, as she ate one of her fries.
“What do you mean?” Michael asked, feigning ignorance.
“I’m gonna ignore that because you know exactly what I mean.” Athena eyed him carefully, “it’s not like you to waste an opportunity.”
She was right, it wasn’t, but this was different, felt different. It had been a while,since he’d felt this level of attraction to someone, since he’d purposefully put himself out there. If the connection was anything to go off of, he could chance saying that “Hot Doctor” was attracted to him too. Maybe, at some level. This was all still so new to him, he didn’t want to be wrong or risk misreading what he believed could be signals. “You’re right, I just don’t wanna be wrong. I wanna be sure I’m not wrong here and he likes me too.”
“He likes you,” Athena and Bobby told him simultaneously.
“This entire hospital felt the chemistry between you two just now.” Athena joked.
“Ha ha,” Michael snarked, “can we drop this and focus on you?” Michael asked, more than ready to stop talking about this.
Athena eyed him, “fine, as long as you remember that you deserve to be happy.” He laid a hand on her shoulder and placed a kiss on her forehead in response.
“Now, how are you feeling?” With that question he, Bobby, and Athena feel into a comfortable conversation that wasn’t about him anymore.
Before he knew it, a couple of hours had gone by. May was texting him, asking him if it was okay if he and Harry went to the hospital. He let her know that her mom was being released from the hospital today and they should see her by tonight. Bobby had left to go home to shower, change, and bring some comfy clothes for Athena to go home in. He told him he’d stay with her until he came back.
Glancing over at Athena to find her still sleeping, Michael decided to use the opportunity to get some himself something to drink and some air. Rising from his seat, he left, closing the door softly behind him. He looked left and right in the hallway, seeing if he’d spot him waking the halls. No such luck. He walked towards the elevators and luckily didn’t have to wait long before they opened. He walked in and headed straight for the back wall, placing one hand on the bridge of his nose squeezing his eyes shut tightly and the other on the rail behind him.
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this.” The smooth, deep voice startled him a bit. Michael opened his eyes to find himself face to face with “Hot Doctor” as the elevator doors closed.
Michael sighed and slowly met his eyes before saying, “we do.”
He stepped closer to him and Michael put his other hand on the rail he was leaning against, trying desperately to hide his nervousness. He was probably failing, “you know, I’ve been kicking myself for a couple of days now.” He said to him.
“Oh, why?” Michael licked his lips and gripped the rail a little tighter.
“Well, you see, I met this guy, had this connection with him, well, at least, I thought so.”
“So, what happened?”
“Wouldn’t you know it, I didn’t get his name, and I didn’t even give him mine.”
Michael tried hard to hide his smile, “well, if the connection was there, you know, like you said it was, he just might be kicking himself for the same reasons. Maybe even wanting to apologize for running off without warning before you could get it.” Michael put his hands up, “that’s just me assuming that happened.”
He chuckled lowly, “well wouldn’t you know, that’s exactly what happened. I don’t blame him for it though, it happens. Seems like whatever it was seemed super important.”
“It was, otherwise it wouldn’t have happened. Hypothetically speaking of course. You don’t seem like the type of guy someone would just leave hanging like that, you know, unless absolutely necessary.”
“Do I now?” He asked cheekily.
“Yeah, you do.” What was it about this guy that made all of this so easy for him?
“It’s just as well, he probably has someone special at home.”
“No, I don’t think he does.” His smile widened, brightening his entire face.
He held out his hand, “Derek Hale.”
Taking his hand in his, “Michael Grant.” There it was again, that spark. That small shockwave that reverberated throughout his body. Whatever this was, was strong, and Michael liked it.
“It nice to meet you, Michael Grant.”
“You as well, Derek Hale.” Dropping his hand and the facade, he asked, “So, what gave you the impression that I had someone special?”
“I don’t know, guys like you always do. Plus, I saw the look on your face when you answered Bobby’s call, before the bad news part, and-”
“Woah, woah, wait. You thought Bobby was,” Michael couldn’t help but laugh at the thought.
“Love how you find that so funny,” Derek said as he looked away shyly.
“No, no, no, sorry about that,” he recovered, wiping his eyes, “it’s just funny because Bobby is my ex-wife’s husband. The woman I was visiting, the mother of my kids, your patient, the guy that was in there with her.”
He watched Derek eyes widen in recognition, “so that was... oh! I thought Bobby was- so he isn’t your- woo, that’s a relief. And he I was thinking that the guy I couldn’t stop thinking about was in a relationship.”
“The guy you couldn’t stop thinking about?” Michael asked slowly, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Fuck, I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
Before Michael could say anything further., the elevator started to move. Both looked at the other, knowing neither of them had pressed any buttons, and started to laugh. They both decided to shelve the conversation and fell into a comfortable silence as the elevator reached it destination: the first floor lobby.
When the elevator came to a halt, and the door opened, Michael and Derek exited quickly, allowing the other people waiting to get on. As they walked through the lobby, Derek bumped his shoulder and nodded his head to the left, “come with me.”
Michael, unquestioningly, followed him and was lead to a door that only read, “Private”. He watched as Derek pulled his badge from his pocket and swiped it against the adjacent pad. He opened the door into a nice looking lounge area.
Michael whistled, “this is nice.” He looked around, “am I even supposed to be in here?”
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” he winked before getting himself something out of the fridge. He threw one to Michael as well.
“Why’d you bring me here?”
“I knew no one else would be in here around this time and it was the most private place I could think of to continue our conversation.”
“So our conversation requires privacy, huh?”
“Well, didn’t really want to the risk having an audience when I asked you out.” Clear. Direct. Straight to the point.
“Wow, you waste no time.” Michael could feel the pull in the muscles in his cheeks from smiling so much.
“I’ve wasted three days, I think that’s more than enough time.”
“So, you’re saying that you would have asked me out that night, if we weren’t interrupted.”
“Absolutely.” Michael couldn’t help but appreciate the conviction in Derek’s tone.
“Well, Derek, I’d love to go out with you.” Michael fished his phone out of his back pocket, handing it to Derek. Derek, catching on, put his number in the phone and called himself so he’d have Michael’s number as well.
“So what are plans looking like next Friday night?” He asked as he handed Micheal back his phone.
“Can’t say that I have anything going on.”
“How about dinner? Around 7? The really good Italian place on 5th?” Derek asked tentatively.
“It’s a date.” -----
#GiveMichaelABoyfriend2k20 😌
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thewritenerd · 4 years
Victor and Adam: NaNoWriMo Day 25
After updating Igor and Justine on the situation Victor made his way up to Adam’s room. Emptying out his school bag onto his bed he looked around for things he might need. The doctor said they would want to keep him in for a couple of days just to keep an eye on things. He’d need things to do. Books, that seemed a good place to start. Making his way over to the bookshelf he picked out a couple of things and put them in the bag. What else? His phone, but where was the charger? He eventually found it in the drawer of Adam’s bedside cabinet. Thinking what else to put in Victor spotted something out of the corner of his eye. Something light blue poking out from under the bedsheets. Reaching for it Victor grabbed hold of the material and pulled it out. It was a shirt, or what was left of one. One sleeve had been torn of and most of the buttons were missing. There were also several rips and tears. ‘What the? He thought. Then he remembered. That night he’d brought Adam to life as the boy had ran away he’d taken one of his shirts. And he kept it? Victor thought. Not just kept it, it seemed he was using it like some sort of comforter. Without a second thought he shoved the shirt into the bag and continued packing. He put in Adam’s notebook and a couple of pens, a puzzle toy which he could technically be done one handed, his headphones and his pills. Victor also decided to he’d let Adam borrow his tablet for a couple of days, as long as he was careful with it. He didn’t use it that often anyway. Making his way back down he saw Igor dusting the banister. ‘Ah Igor I didn’t want to say anything in front of Justine but I need to talk to you about this intruder of ours.’ Igor nodded.
‘Yes I’ve been thinking about that. Do you think they know about the tunnel?’ ‘They certainly know about the trapdoor.’ Victor said looking thoughtful. ‘Though there’s no way they can open it from the outside. Not unless they’re really strong. And if they were I don’t doubt they would have opened it by now.’ In fact the trapdoor could only really opened by a hidden mechanism that was operated by a remote Victor kept on him at all times. There was another way to the tunnels but the intruder would have to break in to the castle to find it. ‘Igor I want you to update security in here. I don’t care too much about this person skulking around outside. They’re not going to get anywhere anyway. But I can’t risk them breaking in.’ Igor nodded. ‘Good idea sir. I won’t be able to do anything today as you have the car. But tomorrow I can go into town and buy some security cameras.’ ‘Good. Now I’d better get going. I promised Adam I’d be back before he woke up.’ ***
When he first got back to the hospital Victor was informed Adam would be in surgery for a little longer. Sitting down he prepared himself for a long wait. Time crawled by but Victor stayed put in the waiting room, only leaving to grab something to eat from the hospital café. At one point a guy sat next to him. ‘Been here long?’ he asked. ‘Since six. More or less.’ Victor replied. ‘Ouch. So who you waiting on?’ Victor thought for a moment wondering how to answer. ‘My son.’ He replied. ‘Broken arm.’ ‘Must be a bad break if you’re here. Still kids are tough.’ He gave Victor a reassuring smile which he didn’t quite return. The man didn’t seem to upset though. ‘Can’t blame you for worrying though.’ Victor looked down at his hands. Truth was he was less worried about Adam’s physical wounds and more worried about him psychologically. His injury was very similar to William’s and though it didn’t seem he’d made the connection that very easily could have been down to shock. ‘So how old’s your son?’ ‘What? Oh he’s sixteen.’ ‘Any others?’ ‘No. It’s just him.’ ‘Got two myself. Ten and fourteen. Wanted to come with me to see their grandma but I said they couldn’t go skipping school.’ School? ‘Shit.’ Victor hissed. The man frowned at him. ‘Sorry. I forgot to call the school. Um excuse me.’ He stood up and headed outside. Once he was done explaining what had happened to the school receptionist, who seemed very understanding about the delay, he headed back in doors. ‘Ah Mr Frankenstein.’ The doctor who’d been treating Adam said as he approached him. ‘Your son’s out of surgery now. It all went well. He’ll probably be out until later this afternoon but you can see him now if you want.’ Victor simply nodded and after learning the room Adam had been moved to he headed there. He stopped in the doorway. Adam was in a bed much too short for him so they’d had to lay him on the bed sort of half sitting up. His head had fallen to one side so he was facing the door. In the bright hospital light Victor noticed the skin of his jaw didn’t quite match the skin on the rest of his head. Though the difference was subtle. Taking a deep breath Victor made his way over and sat down in the chair next to the bed. Almost without thinking he reached out and pushed a strand of Adam’s dark hair out of his eye. Adam didn’t stir, of course not he was drugged not just sleeping. As he watched him Victor couldn’t help but to think how much like a child he looked. Though Victor had set out to create a teenager and had used as many parts from people of the right age range, though that hadn’t been easy, but it was hard to see someone who towered over everyone as being so young. But now looking at him there was no doubt this was just a kid Victor was looking at. A kid you pushed away, he scolded himself. Because you couldn’t take responsibility. You were the only one to have had any say in his existence, yet you were the first to turn your back on him. ‘Great.’ He muttered. ‘My conscious is turning into Igor.’ He’d been hoping he’d have at least until the old man croaked before he started haunting him. No such luck it seemed. Turning his attention back to Adam he noticed a small birthmark on his earlobe he’d never noticed before.
When Adam finally woke up Victor was reading a paper he’d bought earlier that day. He didn’t notice he’d woken up at first. When he did look up he say Adam looking at him through half open eyes. ‘How are you?’ he asked folding up the paper. ‘Dunno. Can’t feel anything.’ Victor nodded. ‘Yes that’ll be the pian killers.’ Adam’s looked thoughtful. ‘How long have you been here?’ he asked. ‘Since you got out of surgery. Been a few hours.’ ‘You eaten?’ Victor laughed at this and shook his head. ‘Listen to you. Just out of surgery and you’re worrying about me.’ ‘Well if something happens to you I’m in trouble.’ Adam joked. For a moment the two just stayed looking at each other not speaking. ‘Oh I brought your stuff.’ Victor placed the bag on the bed. It should be enough to tide you over until you can come home. Adam nodded and began to pull on the zip with his good arm. He pulled out the tablet first. ‘You can borrow it. Just don’t go spending any money okay.’ Adam gave a small smile. ‘Yeah thanks.’ He then pulled out one of his books before putting it back. Then he frowned and reached in and pulled out the shirt. ‘I figured that was in your bed for a reason,’ Victor explained. Adam nodded. ‘I would have given it back. But I didn’t think anyone could repair it.’ Victor shook his head. ‘No it’s in a pretty bad state. But never mind, I have plenty of others.’ Adam let out a sigh of relief reached into the bag again the shirt still on his lap. Once he’d done checking the contents and confirming there was nothing else he wanted or needed he sat back again clutching the shirt in his good hand. ‘Ah I see we’re awake.’ Said a nurse as she stepped inside. ‘What’s this?’ she asked when she spotted the shirt. ‘I can’t sleep without it.’ Adam admitted his face turning red. ‘Oh don’t worry sweetie. You can keep your blanky.’ She turned to Victor. ‘So how is he?’ she asked. Victor frowned not sure why she was asking him. ‘Well the pain killers seem to be working.’ He said. The nurse nodded and made a note. ‘And do you have any questions.’ ‘Yeah how long do you think I’ll be in here?’ the nurse gave him a smile that people usually reserved for small children who wouldn’t shut up. ‘Oh sweetie you can’t go home just yet. You need to rest.’ ‘So how long will it be?’ Victor asked quickly noticing the growing anger in Adam’s eyes. ‘Oh a couple of days at least. Just to be sure. But we rarely keep anyone in longer. Not for a broken bone.’ She quickly checked the iv drip before leaving. ‘I don’t like her.’ Adam grumbled. ‘She doesn’t seem very professional.’ Victor agreed. ‘Do you want me to have a word with someone about that?’ Adam shook his head. ‘No I don’t want a fuss. I mean it’s just one nurse.’ Victor nodded. After sitting in silence for a moment Adam spoke again. ‘I’m really tired so if you want to go home and get something to eat I don’t mind.’ ‘Are you sure?’ Adam nodded his eyes closed. ‘Okay. I’ll be back to check up on you tomorrow. As soon as I can.’ He waited for Adam to respond but he was already asleep. Standing up he made his way out of the hospital to the car and drove back to the castle. It was well past dinner by the time he got home. Igor had something waiting for him in the oven. ‘I assumed you wouldn’t have eaten today.’ He said as he set the plate down. He went to pour the wine but Victor held out a hand to stop him. ‘Not tonight Igor.’ He tucked into the meal a little more eagerly than he usually would have, he really was starving, and finished without leaving a crumb. ‘So how is Adam?’ Igor asked as he took the plate. ‘Fine. The surgery went well. He was getting tired so I left him to get some reast.’ Igor nodded. ‘Anything for desert sir?’ Victor shook his head. ‘No I’m actually quite tired myself.’ He stood up. ‘I’ll be heading off to bed now.’ Igor nodded. ‘Well I’ll see you tomorrow sir. Sleep well.’ Victor nodded and headed out the door.
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Home is You
This is for @alexmanesairstream! Thank you for the prompts, I sort of muddled them both together and then it got a little away from me!  Hope you enjoy it!
Michael was fraught with tension and he scowled at his beer bottle, knowing from the mental buzz that sparked like static electrify across his brain that Isobel was fast losing her patience.
“Look, Michael if it’s making you this worked up just go see him.”
“He clearly doesn’t want to see me.  Do you think it’s payback?”  Michael asked and ran his hands through his hair, trying not to think of all the worst case scenarios and failing.
“What I think clearly doesn’t matter,” Isobel said.  “Seeing as I keep on telling you to just go over to his place and talk to him in person.”
“We’ve been talking.  Talking is all we’ve been doing for a couple months now.  This was supposed to be the first step.  Sort of like a date.”  It felt odd to admit, but it was something that had been building for months.  A relationship built on trust and respect and not just desire.  It was supposed to be the beginning of a relationship that Michael had been craving for over a decade.  It was just like life to give him a taste of what he could have, then rip it away.
If this was Alex once again walking away from him, Michael was going to break and it was going to be explosive.  
“Sort of like a date?”  Isobel asked with little sympathy and then she scoffed, “if it’s only sort of a date then what does it even matter?”
If Michael had just a little less control, then the glass in the room would have shattered.  As it was, her wine glass gave a delicate little hum of warning and Isobel winced before setting the glass down.  “Sorry.  Look, Michael you have to figure this out.  Don’t let this be another misunderstanding or accident.  I realize you’re scared,” he shot her a glare that didn’t even phase her.  “But you both being scared is part of what made this take so long to get here.  Granted you both had different reasons for dragging your feet, but at some point you both need to stop making the same mistakes.”  
“If you’re wrong,” Michael warned, unable to finish voicing what he feared the most.
Isobel rolled her eyes and gave him a tiny mental push, “go Michael.  You don’t want to know what I’m planning if you two don’t manage to work this out by Monday.”  
Michael conceded defeat gracefully -with a grumble and the overexaggerated drag of his boots against Isobel’s floor.
Michael hadn’t been to Alex’s cabin very often.  The times he had been there, Valenti or someone else had also been present.  It was both exhilarating and neausiating to be approaching what he knew was Alex’s home and sanctuary by himself.  He wanted this to work.  More than anything, he wanted their relationship to be feasible and healthy and something that wouldn’t shatter as easily as bone.  Max may have been able to heal physical wounds and Isobel could root out mental and emotional ones, but not one out of their motley family could heal him if tonight went wrong.
Of course, it went wrong.
The first thing Michael noticed was that the cabin was lit and smoke was coming from the chimney.  It had been cooling down at night, but Alex would never have a fire going if he’d actually planned on meeting Michael for dinner like he’d promised.  Turning to corner to park and seeing Valenti’s car only made caused his mood to darken and agitation to churn in his stomach.  
From an intellectual point of view, Michael understood that what Alex and Valenti were working on was important, he also knew that a part -though not all- of Alex’s dedication to what was a rather thankless task, was because of him.  From an emotional standpoint, Michael wasn’t so understanding.  Especially if Alex’s reason for standing him up was because he was working with Valenti.  That shit wasn’t acceptable.  
It was with wild energy coursing through him that he unlocked Alex’s door with his powers, barely noticing that the door made a solid thunk as it opened.  The inside of the cabin was surprisingly dark, the only light besides the fireplace was a flickering lamp in the kitchen.
What did surprise him was a loud curse and then the sound of something being knocked over and then a quieter curse.  Valenti stumbled out from Alex’s bedroom looking like he hadn’t slept in days and his shirt soaked, an empty glass in one hand.
“Geurin?”  Valenti asked with what was clearly genuine surprise, “shit sorry.  I must have fallen asleep.  What are you doing here?”
“Trying to figure out where my errant date was,” Michael drawled, “just what kind of shit did you two find this time?”
Valenti blinked twice and then held up a hand, “give me a second before the interrogation, Guerin.  Actually, let me ask a couple questions first.  What time is it?”
“Past ten,” Michael said and watched as Valenti made his way with ease to the kitchen, grabbing a pot of what was clearly cold coffee and filling the glass in his hand.  The doctor didn’t even hesitate to down it before he rinsed it out and filled it with water that he slipped much more slowly.  
“Right, so I’ve been here... shit.  I got here yesterday, to go over something with Alex.  You said you had a date tonight?”  
“He didn’t mention it?”
“He’s ah...” Valenti sighed, “look I need you to trust me as a doctor okay?”  Michael crossed his arms in front of his chest and shifted his weight.  “Right.  Don’t even know why I thought that might work.  I got here yesterday and Alex was a little under the weather.  I convinced him to rest a little bit and he felt bad enough to agree, only when he woke up again his fever was pretty bad.  He’s not holding down medicine or fluids and his fever is high enough that he’s not making any sense.  He mentioned sending you a message and I gave him his phone, but it’s possible he forgot to send it.”  Valenti paused and took another sip of water, “or even type it out.  Like I said, he’s pretty out of it.”
“He’s sick?  Do we need to get him to a hospital?”  Michael asked, immediately alert despite the fact that he hated hospitals.  He hadn’t been around a human he cared about long enough to be there when they were sick.  He would have been, if it were for Alex, but they’d never had that opportunity.  
“I’d really rather not move him.  I gave him an IV earlier to get some fluids in him and he’s been doing better since then.  Honestly, he just needs rest and someone to look after him and help him out.”  Valenti said and he fixed Michael with a very serious look, “I have to get back to my apartment to rest at some point though.  If he’s not doing better I’ll probably have to take him with me and then to the hospital anyway, I can’t leave him here alone like this.”
“I can stay with him.”  The words were out of his mouth before Michael’s brain had finished registering Valenti’s words but he meant them.
“Guerin,” there was a pause, “you and Max and Isobel don’t get sick.  Alex is, he’s going to need a lot of looking after and a lot of help.”  
Valenti gave him and look that Michael didn’t even try to discern, he just shook his head stubbornly, “I can take care of him.”  
The list of things to track about Alex’s condition was long but not overly complicated.  The most important thing was to monitor his temperature and keep track of his fluid intake.  Valenti had been very clear that if anything got worse that Michael was to call him immediately, for once Michael didn’t argue.
Alex’s body was flush with heat, his face too pallid and hair soaked with sweat.  His eyes were glazed over with fever and when he met Michael’s gaze there was little recognition for a few minutes.  Then he seemed to collect himself enough to offer a small smile before he buried himself back into his pillow.
Taking care of Alex seemed to mostly be entertaining himself while Alex slept.  Michael hadn’t been sure what to do with himself at first; heating broth that Alex couldn’t quite hold down and texting both Valenti and Isobel updates on how Alex was doing.  She’d offered to come over but he’d been firm in telling her that wasn’t necessary.  Now he found himself pressed against Alex’s side, using his tablet for research and waking Alex up when he felt the other man needed it.  They hadn’t talked much, Alex being either too exhausted or too sick to have a serious conversation.
It took a week for Alex to get back on some semblance of a meal plan.  His body rejected most solid foods and Michael knew it was driving him crazy.  It should have been driving them both crazy but Michael, Michael found a strange sense of peace in looking after Alex.  In the fact that Alex was letting him instead of fighting to do everything himself.  
Michael had only left the cabin twice and that was to grab some of his things and make sure the bunker was sealed tight.
Taking care of Alex while he was sick was one of the most intimate things Michael had ever experienced.  Alex was stubborn and proud but even he knew when to lean on someone else and the fact that he hadn’t insisted Michael leave, hadn’t asked for someone else to see him like this.  It made something in Michael hum and settle happily in his chest, his entropy evening out as though Alex’s breathing and heartbeat were a song that soothed his mind.
It was like they were in their own little world.  Valenti had been called to a nearby hospital for an emergency and since Michael wasn’t sure exactly how Alex felt about anyone else at the moment, he didn’t bother letting anyone besides Isobel knowing what was going on.  
“So all it took for you to get along with Kyle was me getting sick?”  Alex teased him, cheeks finally showing some color that wasn’t from a fever and Michael rolled his eyes while using his powers to tuck the blanket around Alex.  
“I can tolerate Valenti when he’s useful, if I have to.”  Michael admitted sourly, “this isn’t going to become a common thing, Alex.  I wasn’t going to risk you dying or something and he’s the expert on human illnesses.”
“So what you’re saying,” Alex drawled with a glint of mischief in his eyes that made Michael wary, “is that Kyle has a better understanding of my anatomy than you?”  
“Alex,” Michael said warningly and was greeted with a smirk, “sometimes I wonder if you want me to break his face.”
“Sorry.”  He didn’t sound sorry at all, “but you kind of set yourself up for that one.”  When all Michael did was glower at him, Alex chuckled and reached out a hand to him.  “Thank you for trying to work with him.”
Taking care of Alex when he was incoherent and mumbling unintelligible things and barely able to hold a cup without spilling on himself was the easy part.  Taking care of a bed-ridden but coherent Alec was a trial in patience and a test in cunning.
“Guerin, no.”  
“What happened to Michael?”
“Michael is reserved for when you’re not holding a very sharp razor.”  Alex replied and gave the blade a very wary look.  “I’m fine waiting to shave.”
“You’ve been complaining about how being sweaty and not being able to shave is making you feel gross.  I can help with that.”  Michael sat down next to Alex and put the razor back on the tray of grooming supplies he’d gathered.
“I haven’t seen you clean shaven since we were kids.”  Alex raised a brow and looked at him challengingly, “you sure you know what you’re doing?”
“You’ll find I’ve only perfected my technique over the years.”  Michael said and grinned smugly before letting his mouth soften into a much gentler smile.  He raised his hand slowly and cupped Alex’s jaw, “I can tell it’s bothering you sweetheart, if you can, trust me with this.  Okay?”  He made sure his voice and his grip were tender, no demands.  If Alex decided he didn’t want this, Michael would respect that.  Alex watched him, brown eyes dark and gorgeous, brow furrowed in a way that made Michael want to soothe away all of his exhaustion.  
“Alright,” Alex said, pressing his cheek into Michael’s palm.  “I’d appreciate it then.  And Michael,” Alex paused, “I do trust you.  
Michael’s breath caught in his chest and he bit back the biting humor that defensively came to mind.  Even after all this time spent with Alex, there was a lingering fear that nipped at his heels and hid in the shadows of his brain.  
“Let’s put it to the test then, Private.”
Alex held himself still.  The moment, the act of Michael shaving him felt fragile.  It was his skin that a blade was pressed against, but he felt as though he were a sniper with Michael in his sights.  
Michael’s hands were calloused and warm, gentle but firm on his face, moving Alex where he needed to go.  The blade a steady and soft pressure.  Each slide of it against his face came with a strange pressure before it disappeared.  Soon enough he realized that Michael was using his powers to delicately maneuver the razor so that Alex was completely safe from even the tiniest and most accidental of cuts.  That devoted attention -on top of Michael’s dedication while he was sick- nearly broke Alex’s already cracked heart.
“I’m sorry.  I don’t think I’ve said that yet.”  He finally murmured, trying not to startle Michael.
“Alex, not right now.”  Michael said and gave him a stern look, “let me finish this.  I’m almost done.”  
Alex waited until he’d lifted the razor away to wipe it clean and then reached up, tangled his fingers with the hand Michael still had on his jaw.  Tilting his head he pressed a kiss to the now unscarred skin of Michael’s left hand, “you just keep on taking care of me.  I didn’t get to tell you how much I was looking forward to dinner.  To a real date, with you.”  
Michael gave a slow shuddering breath and clenched his eyes shut for a long moment, fingers tightening on Alex’s.  “Alex, why do you... you.  Fuck, you have the absolute worst timing for everything don’t you?”  Michael opened his eyes and Alex swallowed, already having forgotten what he meant to say in reply.  Michael’s eyes were fierce and burning and Alex felt consumed by the intensity.  
“Every time I try to wait for the right time, I hurt us both.  I don’t want to, I can’t keep doing that.  Eventually, I’ll be too late again.  Waiting for you was , Michael.  I don’t want to push you away again, just because I can’t figure out when or how to tell you what I feel or what I want.”  Alex kept his gaze locked on Michael’s.  “So, because I think I need to make it clear.  I wanted that date with you.  I knew what I was going to wear.  I wanted that night to end with a decision.”  
“And what decision would that be?”  Michael asked, voice hoarse but gaze no less relentless.  
“That no matter what, I’ll be there for you.  You’re my family, Michael.”  Michael’s gaze dimmed a little and Alex quickly continued, “but that’s not all I want you to be.  I wanted to tell you at dinner that I wanted more. That I want a relationship with you.  That I still love you.  I’ve never stopped loving you.”
Michael didn’t let him add anything else, just half lunged forward and Alex was dimly aware of the tray hitting the wall.  Pushed out of the way by Michael’s powers and then he was lost.  Pulled away from reality until his world began and ended with the press of Michael’s lips on his own.  Fingers sliding through his hair and tangling with the messy strands and hushed words of “I want that.  I want you,” pressed between gasps of air against his lips.  
He didn’t know how much time had passed before they parted.  Michael pressing one last kiss against his lips before pressing tiny, softer kisses against his cheeks and neck.
It took a long moment for Alex to come down from that euphoria, he was dizzy from the exertion of their kiss and he could do little more than rest a hand on Michael’s head.  By the time Michael stopped lavishing him with affection, Alex was waning and his eyes fluttering in a desperate attempt to stay awake.  
“If that’s all it took to wear you out, then we’re going to need to work on your stamina darling.”  Michael’s teasing was gentle and Alex gave a tired scoff in response.  Whatever energy he’d gained that day was gone and he just wanted to fall asleep with Michael’s comforting heat and weight against him.  “Alex, Alex stay awake just a little longer.”  Alex struggled to open his eyes and was rewarded with a soft, “there we go.  I meant it when I said you have the worst timing, let me just finish this and you can sleep.”  
Michael’s voice, his hands, the words he was speaking and even the scrape of metal from the razor all seemed twined together in something deeply comforting.  
Michael stretched out, tearing off his shirt as he headed to the Airstreams shower.  It had been a long but successful day and he was pleased with the amount of work he’d gotten done.  It had been a few months since Alex had missed their date and somehow, during the two weeks that he’d taken off, everyone had decided to have problems that had to be fixed.  While he couldn’t complain about the steady work, it did bite into his time spent both with Alex and in his bunker.  Of the two, Alex was his priority, but he did miss time spent discovering and learning more about who he was and where he was from.  The piece of his ship that Jim Valenti had left Alex, stayed in the bunker under the cabin, a place that Alex and he had been converting to both a lab and a more functional safehouse.  
Done with his shower, Michael went to grab new clothes and then cursed.  He’d been doing laundry at the cabin and apparently, he’d been forgetting to bring it back with him.  Deciding that if anyone pulled him over they could just deal with it, he put on his dusty and grease smeared jeans and forewent a shirt.  It wasn’t until he went to grab the rest of his dirty laundry that he really looked around the Airstream and he paused, taking in something that should have been obvious.
The Airstream was practically empty.
Oh it still held pieces of him.  It was still very clearly somewhere he had lived, but the longer he looked around the more he realized he didn’t live there anymore.  Somehow, in the days, weeks and now months of being with Alex, he’d only slept at the Airstream when he was too tired to drive home.  Or on the rare occasions when they were in town and he convinced Alex that it was faster to just stop at the Airstream instead of driving to the cabin.  
Michael drove on the side of too fast as he headed back to the cabin.  Alex was in the backyard, his laughter ringing through the air like a siren call when he arrived and Michael followed it.  The beagle pup they’d rescued was darting around, valiantly attempting to chase a soccer ball that outsized her.  Alex turned and smiled at him, looking healthier and happier than ever and Michael understood now what Alex had meant about feeling seventeen again.  Except they weren’t, they were better now.  Stronger, able to take care of each other and he knew that neither of them would ever look away again.  
“Too hot to put a shirt on, Cowboy?”  Alex asked as he met him for a kiss.
“More like I forgot that all my clothes were here,” Michael said evenly and he could feel Alex tensing under his hands, “I’ll have to remember to take some spares over tomorrow.”  
“Just some spares?”  Alex asked, voice tinged with hopefulness that let Michael know they were both on the same page.
“My home’s here,” Michael said and he put his left hand on Alex’s chest, right over his heart.  Alex was the music he needed to survive this planet, to survive the universe.  Whether that was here, in a little cabin in Roswell or on a ship set to explore the universe.  So long as he had Alex, his mind was quiet and life was worth it.  
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